October 2012 二O一二年十月
Global Engagement 環球協作 走向國際化
The future of air cleaning 空氣淨化的未來
Protection against cybercrime 自我保護,謹防網絡罪案
From the Editor
This issue of CityU Today tells how faculty, staff and students at CityU are working hard to forge sustained and enriching linkages with stakeholders in mainland China and with higher education institutions and industry around the world in a bid to internationalise. We are meeting with great success at securing funding from agencies in the mainland and we are seeing more and more students from the region opting to join our 4-year degree programmes. And we are sending greater numbers of our own students all over the planet on internships and study tours, a great way to upgrade resumes for when entering the job market. Also in this issue, read about how to fight cybercrime, developments in air-cleaning products and smart meters, and the trials and tribulations of writing wuxia fiction! Happy reading! 本期《今日城大》講述城大教職員及學生如何同心協力,與內地相 關機構及全球各地高等院校和產業界保持聯繫、加強合作,以推進 本校的國際化。 城大爭取內地機構資助而大獲成功,前來城大修讀四年制學位課程 的亞太區學生也日益增多。 同時,城大增派本校學生前往世界各地參加實習或遊學,幫助學生 豐富自身的歷練,以利他日進入職場。
Cover Story 封面專題 本期的內容還包括:防範網絡犯罪須知、空氣淨化器和智能電錶的 研發成果,還有武俠小說寫作的苦與樂! 祝各位開卷快樂!
Global engagement 環球協作 走向國際化 CityU’s approach to global engagement includes developing linkages with research agencies in the mainland (p. 8–11), attracting non-local students to our 4-year degree programmes (p. 12–15), and helping local students get the international experience that will boost their careers
Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on 李國安教授 Editor-in-Chief 總編輯
and whole-person development (p. 16–17). 城大多管齊下以增進國際交流:加強與內地研究機構的聯繫(第8至
Editor-in-Chief : Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on / 總編輯:李國安教授 • Managing Editor : Michelle Leung / 行政編輯:梁子儀 • Executive Editor : Mirror Fung / 執行編輯:馮美玲 • Editor : Michael Gibb / 編輯:鄭智友 • Design and Production : Communications & Public Relations Office and Pixels Graphics Limited / 設計及製作:傳訊及公關處及點子設計有限公司 Phone / 電話:(852) 3442 9317 • Fax / 傳真:(852) 2628 2812 Website / 網址:http://www.cityu.edu.hk/newscentre • E-mail / 電郵:cpro@cityu.edu.hk • Mail : CityU Today Editors, Communications & Public Relations Office, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 通訊:香港九龍達之路香港城市大學傳訊及公關處《今日城大》編輯部收
11頁) ,吸引外國學生前來修讀四年制學位課程(第12至15頁) ,協助 本地學生出國經受歷練,以期拓寬未來的職業生涯,並促進個人的全 面成長(第16至17頁)。
October 2012 二O一二年十月
Features 專題
The future of air cleaning
24 3D surround sound 三維音效軟件增強立體聲效果
Smart grid initiatives for world cities
Bringing up a new generation of creative media artists
Protection against cybercrime
28 24 20 Columns 專欄 2 News & Notable
18 Through The Lens
34 Student Voices
Global ranking achievements 城大排名再創佳績
Leaping to success 邁向成功
My life in the hothouse 學生大使 充實的一年
32 Gown To Town
The making of a bestselling author 走上成功作家路
36 Books
today is published three times a year by City University of Hong Kong. The mission of the magazine is to inform our stakeholders around the world about CityU issues, people, activities and achievements. 《今日城大》每年三期,旨在報導香港城市大學在教學、研究及外務發展上的最新動向。
October 2012
News & Notable
News & Notable
Global ranking achievements 城大排名再創佳績
CityU has performed very well in the latest Quacquarelli Symonds (QS)
Other significant gains, according to QS, were seen in English Language
World University Rankings. We have risen 15 places to 95th. We are also
and Literature, rising from 51-100 last year to 35th this year, and from 47th
ranked 12th in the QS 2012 Asian university rankings, rising three places
last year to 40th this year in Linguistics. QS included Communications
on last year, and 9th among the world’s top 50 young universities that are
and Media Studies in its survey for the first time, and CityU was evaluated
less than 50 years old. In addition, CityU was placed 18th in the inaugural
positively in this category, placing in the top 100. QS also ranked Modern
Times Higher Education 100 Under 50 ranking exercise of the world’s best
Languages and Psychology at CityU in the top 100 for the first time.
young universities. 城大在國際大學排名榜的名次不斷攀升,在國際高等教育資訊機構 CityU rose from 42nd place last year to reach 32nd in the world in 2012
Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)最新公佈的全球最佳大學排名榜上,城大
in the broad subject area of Engineering/Technology and Computer
升至第95位。在QS 2012年亞洲大學排名榜中,城大名列第12位,較
Sciences, according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities; and
we rose from the rank of 51-100 last year to 19th this year in Mathematics,
according to QS.
設一項建校未滿50年的全球100家最佳年輕大學排名榜中,城大名列 第18位。 根據2012年「世界大學學術排名」,城大在工程 /技術與電腦科學領 域的全球排名從去年的第42位上升至第32位;數學科在QS的排名榜 中,亦由去年的51至100位大幅上升至今年的第19位。 城大其他學科在QS的排名榜上亦不斷上升。英語及文學科由去年的51 至100位登上今年的第35位,而語言學則由第47位升至第40位。今年 QS排名榜新增傳播及媒體學排名,城大即躋身百強。此外,城大亦首 次打入QS排名榜上的現代語文及心理學前一百名。
New Council Chairman 新任校董會主席 Mr Herman Hu Shao-ming, BBS, JP, Chairman of Ryoden Development Ltd, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR Government as the new Council Chairman. His term of office will run from 1 October 2012 until 31 December 2014. Mr Hu is a very successful entrepreneur and highly regarded in the Hong Kong community. He has contributed extensively to public services, serving as the Vice-Patron of The Community Chest of Hong Kong, a member of the Hong Kong Sports Commission and working with many other prestigious community organisations. 香港菱電發展有限公司主席胡曉明先生獲香港特別行政區行政長官委任為城大校董會新主席, 任期自2012年10月1日起至2014年12月31日。胡先生是事業有成的企業家,備受香港各界敬重。 他熱心社會事務,貢獻良多,現任香港公益金名譽副會長、香港體育委員會成員,並積極參與眾 多著名社區組織的事務。胡先生曾獲香港特區政府頒授銅紫荊星章,並獲委任為太平紳士。
Distinguished leaders to receive honorary CityU doctorates
Record licensing income received 特許授權費收入破歷年紀錄
城大將頒授榮譽博士學位予三位傑出領袖 The University made some HK$19m for the academic year 2011–12, a threefold increase on 2010–11 and the highest ever income amount it has ever made from licensing, according to data released in June. The largest deal licensed around 30 inventions exclusively to an intellectual property management company. These patents cover technologies ranging from electronics, coating, nano technology and antenna, to optical fibre and more. The other major deals licensed CityU’s radio frequency identification library system and pattern recognition technology to a technology Honorary doctoral degrees will be awarded to (from left) Professor Bai
company and a jewelry equipment company, respectively.
Chunli, Mr Hu Fa-kuang and Dr Allan Zeman in November 2012 during the University’s Congregation in recognition of their significant contributions
to education and the well-being of society.
元,金額為2010 –11學年的三倍。 最大宗的特許授權是向一家知識產權 管理公司授予約30項發明的專用權。這些專利權涵蓋電子產品、塗層、
Plasma expert scoops First Class Award 等離子體專家獲上海市科學技術一等獎 Professor Paul Chu Kim-ho, Chair Professor in the Department of Physics and Materials Science, won the First Class Award in the Shanghai Science and Technology Awards 2011. The award was presented by the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government. Professor Chu was commended for his achievements in using plasma technology for the surface modification of titanium alloy for making artificial pelvises, facilitating the growth of patients’ bone cells, and reducing their recovery time. 城大物理及材料科學系朱劍豪講座教授獲上海市政府頒予2011年度上海市科學技術一等獎,以 表彰他用等離子體技術改變鈦合金人造骨盆的表面特性,令患者的骨細胞容易在人造骨盆表面 上生長,康復得更快。
CAE holds its first art exhibition in Hong Kong 中國工程院院士首次在港舉辦書畫展 The Painting and Calligraphy Society of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) held its first ever art exhibition in Hong Kong, showcasing 120 artworks by 14 of its academicians. This large-scale exhibition is held as part of the celebrations for the 15th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to China. The exhibition was held at three different venues including the Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre and the Run Run Shaw Library at CityU. 中國工程院院士書畫社首次在香港舉行大型展覽,為公眾呈獻14位院士的120幅作品,藉以慶祝香港主權回歸15週年。這次展覽在三個場地舉行, 其中包括城大的邵逸夫創意媒體中心和圖書館。
October 2012
News & Notable 2012 Honours List 城大多人獲政府授勳 Several members of the CityU community were accorded awards in the 2012 Honours List in recognition of their significant contributions to Hong Kong or for their dedicated public and community service. Dr Peter Woo Kwong-ching (1), a recipient of an Honorary Doctor of Business Administration from CityU in 2004, was awarded the Grand Bauhinia Medal
Professor Ciarlet receives top French honour
for his long and distinguished public service, particularly his significant
Star for his distinguished public and community service, particularly his
contributions to trade promotion and the medical and health services. Council member Mr Yeung Ka-sing (2) was awarded the Gold Bauhinia contributions in helping the Hong Kong Housing Society provide quality
Friends and colleagues gathered at the
and affordable housing to meet the needs of the changing community.
official residence of the Consul General
Professor Nora Tam Fung-yee (3), Chair Professor of the Department of
of France to witness the official elevation
Biology and Chemistry, was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star for her
of Professor Philippe Ciarlet to the rank
valuable contributions to promoting scientific research and education, as
of Officier in the Order of the Legion
well as environmental conservation. Council member Ms Maggie Chan
d’Honneur, in June. The award was
Man-ki (4) was awarded the Medal of Honour for her outstanding and
bestowed upon Professor Ciarlet, University
dedicated community service in the Wong Tai Sin district.
Distinguished Professor in the College of Science and Engineering, by Mr Arnaud
Barthélémy, Consul General of France in
Hong Kong and Macau.
長期參與公共事務,表現卓越,尤其在貿易推廣及醫療衛生事務方面, 城大科學及工程學院大學傑出教授菲立
普 • 希阿雷教授榮獲法國總統授予升格的 法國國家榮譽軍團勳章(升至軍官勳位)。
CityU launches dual degree programme with Columbia University 城大與哥倫比亞大學聯合推出雙學士學位課程 The College of Science and Engineering is launching Hong Kong’s first
ever dual undergraduate degree programme, with Columbia University.
The students who join the programme will spend two years at CityU
and two years at the School of General Studies at Columbia University,
earning a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in a selected major from both institutions.
Leading math scholar wins William Benter Prize 數學建模先驅榮獲城大應用數學獎 Professor James Murray, a world pioneer in applying mathematical modeling in biological and medical sciences to enhance people’s well-being, and more recently, in addressing matrimonial problems, was awarded the second William Benter Prize in Applied Mathematics by CityU. 享譽國際的數學建模先驅麥萊雅各教授獲城大授予第二屆William Benter應用數學獎,以表揚他應 用數學模型以增進人類福祉,包括應用於生物學和醫藥科學,及最近應用於解決婚姻問題所取得 的卓越成就。
Innovative educator honoured with UGC teaching award 城大教師憑創新教學法獲頒教資會傑出教學獎 Professor Liu Zhi-Qiang from the School of Creative Media was presented with the University Grants Committee (UGC) Award for Teaching Excellence in recognition of his outstanding teaching performance at a ceremony held on 6 September. This is the second year the UGC has presented the Teaching Award, which was set up to honour teachers who have made a real and sustained impact in promoting teaching excellence among the higher institutions. Professor Liu motivates student learning through his pioneering Special Interest Groups (SIGs) advocating playful learning for practice. 創意媒體學院劉志強教授9月6日獲大學教育資助委員會(教資會)頒發傑出教學獎,以表彰其優 秀的教學表現。今年是教資會第二年舉辦傑出教學獎,設立該獎項的目的是要表揚在高等教育院 校努力優化教學水平、實質持久地推動傑出教學的教師。劉教授創立「特別興趣小組」,提倡通 過快樂學習實踐所學,以鼓勵學生學習。
President discusses reliability, energy issues at major talks 校長論述可靠度與未來能源 Professor Way Kuo, University President, delivered a talk titled “Reliability and Survivability: Nuclear Energy and the Future of Energy” at the 11th General Assembly of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) on 12 June. The General Assembly is the most important biennial event for the science and engineering sectors in mainland China. The opening ceremony on 11 June at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing this year was attended by President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao and other senior Chinese officials. Professor Kuo also delivered the closing speech at the Sixth International Workshop on Applied Probability in Jerusalem on 14 June with a talk titled “Reliability Importance Measures”, and he gave the opening address on “Importance Measures in Reliability” at the 2nd International Conference on the Interface between Statistics and Engineering at National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan on 23 June. 城大校長郭位教授6月12日以外籍院士身分應邀出席中國工程院第十一次院士大會並發表演說,題為「可靠度與存活性:核能及未來能源」。兩年 一度的中國工程院院士大會是中國科學和工程技術界的最高學術會議。本屆大會於6月11日在北京人民大會堂隆重開幕,國家主席胡錦濤與總理溫 家寶等領導人出席大會。郭教授6月14日也在耶路撒冷舉行的第六屆應用概率國際研討會發表閉幕演講,題為「可靠性重要度的量度」。此外,郭 教授6月23日在台灣國立成功大學舉行的第二屆統計與工程聯結國際研討會致開幕辭,論述「可靠性中的重要度之量度」。
October 2012
News & Notable Law students bag first ICC Trial Competition 法律學院首獲國際刑事法庭模擬審訊賽冠軍 The School of Law became the first law school in Asia to win the International Criminal Court Trial Competition. The CityU team triumphed over several top ranking law schools at Pace University, Warwick University, Miami University, Bond University, La Trobe University and the University of Hong Kong at the event which was held in May in The Hague, the Netherlands. 城大法律學院學生5月遠赴荷蘭海牙參加「國際刑事法庭模擬審訊競 賽」而贏得冠軍,令城大成為該項競賽舉辦五年來第一所獲此榮譽的亞 洲學府。在奪冠之前的多場比賽中,城大先後擊敗的數支參賽隊伍大多 來自國際名校,例如美國佩斯大學、英國華威大學、美國邁阿密大學、 澳洲邦德大學、澳洲拉籌伯大學,以及本港的香港大學。
Strong showing in RGC funding schemes 研資局資助計劃撥款結果,城大表現優秀 CityU performed well in the latest funding exercise conducted by the Research Grants Council (RGC) with grants totaling $71.9 million for 119 research projects. In this year’s round, CityU ranked 1st in terms of the number of projects awarded under the Early Career Scheme (ECS), an inaugural initiative that supports research and teaching projects designed by junior faculty; and was also ranked 1st in terms of the number of projects awarded and the level of funding for ECS in the Engineering Panel. Under the ECS, CityU secured a total of $17.3 million for 26 funded projects, with an overall success rate of 41.3%. Another 93 projects were funded to the tune of $54.6 million under the General Research Fund (GRF), a major component of the Earmarked Research Grant administered by the RGC. 研究資助局(研資局)公佈各項資助計劃的撥款結果,城大表現優 秀,共有119項研究計劃獲得資助,總金額達7,190萬港元。研資局 本年度新設「傑出青年學者計劃」 ,以支持青年學者的教研工作,城 大在此計劃下獲得撥款的研究項目最多。在這計劃下的工程學資助類 別,城大獲資助的研究項目最多,所獲資助款項總額亦排名第一。 城大有26項計劃獲傑出青年學者計劃資助,總金額1,730萬元,申請 成功率為41.3%。另有93項計劃獲「優配研究金」撥款共5,460萬元。 研資局批出的研究用途補助金,大部分是循優配研究金途徑發放的。
Mainland officials impressed by Creative Media Centre 內地官員讚賞創意媒體中心 A high-level delegation led by Mr Zhao Qizheng (2nd from left), ViceChairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, toured the Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre (CMC) in August. The delegates were familiarised with the academic programmes based in the CMC by Professor Jeffrey Shaw (1st from right), Dean of the School of Creative Media, and Dr He Zhou, Acting Head of the Department of Media and Communication. 由全國政協外事委員會主任趙啓正先生(左二)率領的訪問團於8月到訪 城大,參觀了邵逸夫創意媒體中心,以了解創意媒體學院及媒體與傳播 系的情況。創意媒體學院院長邵志飛教授(右一)及媒體與傳播系署理 系主任何舟博士分別向訪問團簡介了其課程設置。
Prestigious awards recognise IT achievements
CityU scientist receives HK$1m to advance early cancer detection technology
CityU received global recognition for making
Professor Li Wen Jung from the Department of
its online presence more accessible to
Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering received
greater numbers of people. The University
HK$1 million from the Chinese Academy of
was named a 2012 Computerworld Honors
Sciences (CAS) and the Croucher Foundation to
Laureate for its barrier-free website and its
advance his research into a novel technology
contributions to reducing the digital divide.
for the early detection of cancerous cells.
The University is the only organisation from
The project titled “Bio-manipulation and Bio-
Hong Kong to receive a Laureate this year.
marking by Optically-induced electrokinetics” is
In addition, Dr Andy Chun Hon-wai (right),
a collaboration with the Shenyang Institute of
CityU’s Chief Information Officer, received the
Automation, CAS.
Computerworld Honors Laureate medallion at the historic Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium
on 4 June in Washington D.C. on behalf of
CityU, and he also received the Hong Kong
CIO Award at the Hong Kong Convention and
Exhibition Centre on 20 June.
Graduates market food testing technology 城大畢業生推廣食物檢測技術 Three graduates from the College of Business outperformed more than 400 teams to win the Investors Choice in the 80s Dream Competition organised by Commercial Radio in Hong Kong with a business plan that uses a unique technology developed and patented by Dr Michael Lam Hon-wah (2nd from left), Associate Professor in the Department of Biology and Chemistry, and CityU alumnus Dr Chow Cheuk-fai (1st from left). The award-winning business plan focuses on rapid testing for food freshness and quality. 城大生物及化學系副教 授林漢華博士(左二)
界榮譽獎」 。城大是今年本港唯一獲得此國
博士本人亦榮獲「香港傑出CIO獎」 ,於6月
而出,奪得「投資者之 選」的最高榮譽。
October 2012
Cover Story
Mainland connections for research opportunities 增強內地合作 開拓研究機會 By Michael Gibb
It seems that almost every campus in the region is striving to enhance its global outlook and attract the eyes of the world to its achievements. CityU is no different. In an interconnected world where students and faculty, the general public and governments, and funding agencies and industry can follow your every step thanks to the proliferation of social media and the rise in significance of academic ranking exercises, no higher education institution can restrict itself to parochial activities. The need to think globally is paramount. Given the scope of the challenge, every school will interpret what internationalisation means in the context of its own student and faculty body, and learning environment and circumstances. For CityU, the key issue is engagement—with people, partners and problems around the planet. The story so far is one of growth and sustained success, especially in our outreach to mainland China. An important indicator to consider is our rate of success in applying to the National Natural Science Fund (NSF) offered by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). Since becoming eligible for the NSF in 2009, our success rate has outstripped the national average.
“China offers great scope for growth and development, and greater physical and virtual space for research.” The diversity of the research areas funded is also telling. The departments
“The role of our office is to take advantage of the growth of China and to coordinate the strategic planning, development and management of all aspects of CityU’s China initiatives,” Professor Xue said. “China offers great scope for growth and development, and greater physical and virtual space for research.”
of Biology and Chemistry, Civil and Architectural Engineering, Computer Science, Electronic Engineering, Information Systems, Management
One of the focal points of CityU’s presence in mainland China is
Sciences, Marketing, Physics and Materials Science, the Division of Building
the CityU Shenzhen Research Institute Building (CityUSRIB), which
Science and Technology, and the School of Energy and Environment have
opened in January 2011. CityU has invested over HK$100 million in the
successfully applied for NSF funds over the past three years.
building, which is our permanent base for applied research, incubation and professional education on the mainland. Although there are
The future looks rosy, too, because, as Professor Xue Quan (previous page),
no limits as to what research to pursue, CityUSRIB’s current focus is
Associate Vice-President (Innovation Advancement and China Office),
biotechnology, human health, environmental protection, information
points out, the number of applications from CityU faculty for NSF funds
and communication, internet, new materials, transportation information
increased by 79% in 2012 compared to 2011, revealing not only ambition
systems, prognostics and system health management.
and drive among faculty but also a clear alignment of research goals between CityU and mainland funding agencies.
“But we are not restricted to just Shenzhen,” pointed out Professor Xue, who is, in addition to his role as Associate Vice-President, a Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering; Director, Information and
October 2012
Cover Story
亞太區內的高等院校都在努力拓寬國際視野,各以其成就吸引 世人的目光,城大也不例外。當今全球相聯一體,高等院校學 術聲譽排名的意義,更因社會上傳媒發達、資訊廣佈而益顯重 要,使得大學的一舉一動都備受各地師生、公眾、政府、資助 機構、各行業界的關注。任何高等教育機構都不能故步自封株 守一隅,敞開思想作全球考慮,是至關重要的。 面對的挑戰既是來自全球,每所院校都根據自身的師生情況、學習環境 等條件,對國際化的涵義作具體闡釋。對城大而言,國際化的關鍵是 交流合作 — 與世界各地的公眾、合作夥伴交流,探討涉及全球的問 題。而城大迄今持續發展、不斷獲得成功,其中與內地合作的成績尤為 Communication Technology Centre; Director, Applied Electromagnetics
Laboratory; and Deputy Director, State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves. 有一個重要指標值得注意:申請國家自然科學基金委員會的國家自然科 For example, his office has helped to establish a joint laboratory with the
Key Laboratory of Optical Fiber Sensing and Communications (Ministry of
Education) of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China at CityUSRIB; worked with CityU’s School of Graduate Studies, the Xi’an
Jiaotong University, and Nanjing University of Science and Technology
to launch new joint PhD programmes; and published a Faculty Research
Expertise Directory that connects CityU faculty members to the relevant
industries on the mainland, which will increase the opportunity for attracting resources for consultancy work and contract research projects.
未來的發展令人鼓舞,正如協理副校長(創新發展及內地事務)薛泉教授 (第8頁)所介紹的,城大教研人員在2012年申請國家自然科學基金的個
“A physical presence in the mainland, a network of contacts and regular
face-to-face meetings with key personnel help to promote CityU’s research
and faculty expertise, but, just as important, we can learn what industry and what people in local, provincial and the national government are
interested in,” Professor Xue explained.
方面措施的長遠規劃,並協調具體項目的進展和運作管理,」薛教授 說。「內地給我們很大的成長與發展機會,給我們更大的研究場所、更
To this end, his office held a seminar about NSF application guidelines and
procedures and invited Mr Zou Dating, Director of the National Office for Science and Technology Awards, to host a seminar in June 2012 about the
categories and application criteria of the State Science and Technology
Awards. These awards are initiated by the State Council of mainland China
to reward researchers who have made significant contributions in scientific
and technological areas.
境保護、資訊及通信、網絡科技、新材料、交通信息系統、故障預測與 系統健康管理。
“With our network of contacts and greater awareness of what funding agencies are looking for in terms of future research, CityU is well-placed to expand its engagement activities across mainland China,” Professor Xue said.
「內地給我們很大的成長與發展機會,給我們更 大的研究場所、更寬的研究前景。」
室主任、毫米波國家重點實驗室常務副主任。 為此,薛教授負責的部門在2012年6月合辦了「國家科學技術獎香港座 例如,他負責的部門協助中國電子科技大學的光纖傳感與通信(教育
刊行科學研究及技術開發教授名錄,令城大教研人員與內地相關產業彼 此聯繫,這將可創造機會吸引資源,以便提供諮詢服務及承攬合約研究
「在內地設立實體機構,建立聯繫網絡,定期與重要人員會面,這些都 有利於宣揚城大的研究成果與教研人員的專業實力;同樣重要的是,
CityU Research Centres in Shenzhen
Established before the inauguration of the CityUSRIB (i.e. 20 January 2011)
在城大深圳產學研大樓啓用之前成立的各個研究中心 (2011年1月20日)
1. Biotechnology & Health Centre (also known as the Shenzhen Key
1. 生物醫藥科技中心
Laboratory of Biochip Technology for Drug Research)
2. Centre for Prognostics and System Health Management
2. 故障預測與系統健康管理研究中心
3. Futian-CityU Mangrove Research & Development Centre
3. 福田-城大紅樹林研發中心
4. Future Networking Centre
4. 未來網絡科技中心
5. Information and Communication Technology Centre (also known as
5. 信息與通信科技中心
Millimeter Wave and Wireless Broadband Communication (Shenzhen)
Key Laboratory)
Established after the inauguration of CityUSRIB
6. Advanced Transportation Information Systems Research Center
6. 先進交通信息系統研究中心
7. Centre for Advanced Structure Materials
7. 先進結構材料研究中心
8. Centre for System Informatics Engineering
8. 系統信息學工程研究中心
9. CityUHK-UESTC Joint Research Center on Optical Fiber Sensing and
9. 電子科技大學-香港城市大學光纖傳感與通信聯合研究中心
Communications 10. Research Centre for Oceans and Human Health
10. 海洋與人類健康研究中心 11. 商務創新與計算實驗室
11. Lab on Enterprise Process Innovation and Computing
October 2012
Cover Story
Engaging bright minds 放眼世界 廣納英才 By Michael Gibb
Billy Kwan’s story is not typical for a CityU student, but it is one that is heard with increasing frequency as CityU continues to impress overseas students looking for a world-class full-time undergraduate education.
Born and raised in Malaysia, Billy (left) came
with people from different cultures, and getting
to study on the Bachelor of Science in
international exposure through exchanges and
Environmental Science and Management in the
internships,” said Billy, now studying for a PhD at
Department of Biology and Chemistry.
CityU in environmental conservation.
“I knew about CityU’s success in the world
Bryce Hartley (centre), a Year 2 scholarship
ranking exercises and I knew that there were
student in the Department of Chinese,
lots of opportunities here for research, mixing
Translation and Linguistics, finds Hong Kong the
”We need our students to be prepared for a globalised world and for a globalised workforce.” perfect environment to work on his language
Korea, 48%, and Taiwan, 83%,” said Dr Cheng,
skills. He is already proficient in Cantonese,
who joined CityU two years ago from Columbia
Mandarin and Shanghainese, and he is taking
University in New York. “And the number of offers
a minor in Korean Studies in addition to his
made has increased from 46% to 59%, from 196
major in linguistics and language technology.
in 2011–12 to 327 in 2012–13, while the number
He will go on an exchange trip to Seoul National
of acceptances, as of 1 June 2012, stood at 156.”
University early next year. (He has learned Japanese in the past, too!)
關傑耀的經歷在城大學生中並非典型, 但如今追求世界級全日制本科教育的海 外學生對城大日益感興趣,有類似背景 的學生將會越來越多。 關傑耀(左圖,左)生長於馬來西亞,來到城 大生物及化學系修讀環境科學與管理理學士課
Bringing non-local students to CityU has a
number of benefits, Dr Cheng explained. “I’m very grateful for this opportunity to study in
“Internationalisation means creating a more
Hong Kong,” said Bryce, who previously studied
diverse campus. It is important to have such an
「我知道城大在世界大學排名榜步步上升,也 知道這裏有很多研究機會,可以結識各種文化
at Fudan University.
environment because we need our students
to be prepared for a globalised world and for a
Students like Farhan Rashed Mohammed
globalised workforce,” he said.
(right, previous page), a Year 3 student in the
韓彬銳(Bryce Hartley)(左圖,中)是二年
Department of Electronic Engineering, offer
In fact, foreseeing this need, the Hong Kong
perspectives on learning and teaching that
government raised the quota of non-local
will help CityU grow into a more international
students who can study in Hong Kong as full-
institution. Granted a top CityU scholarship, and
time undergraduates to 20% in 2007–08. CityU
a departmental one, too, Farhan was educated in
allocates half its quota to students from the
Bangladesh, Scotland and Hong Kong, gained A
mainland, and half to students from the rest of
grades in all his secondary school exams and is
the world.
fluent in English, Arabic, Bengali, Urdu and Hindi,
「我很慶幸有機會在香港求學,」韓彬銳說; 此前他在復旦大學就讀,而明年初將前往韓國
and is fast-making progress in Cantonese and
CityU’s rise in the world rankings is helping to
promote CityU’s name abroad, and thus attract
more students from different parts of the world.
電子工程學系三年級的Farhan Rashed
The number of students like Billy, Bryce and
“Sometimes our ranking is all that a non-local
Farhan has increased by 29% in the past
student might know about us,” Dr Cheng said.
Mohammed(左圖,右) 以及其他類似的外 地學生,則可讓人從多種視角審視這裏的教與
year, from 424 in 2011–12 to 548 in 2012–13,
That information alone is often enough to bring
according to Dr David Cheng Xing, Associate
a non-local student to CityU.
Vice-President for Mainland and External Affairs.
曾先後在孟加拉、蘇格蘭、香港求學,在中學 考試中各科全都取得A等成績,還能講流利的
“The growth in the number of applicants is
especially significant from India, 223%, South
October 2012
Cover Story
協理副校長(內地及對外事務)程星博士說, 在去年,像關傑耀、韓彬銳、Farhan這樣的學 生人數增加了29%,從2011-12年的424人增至 2012-13年的548人。 Global engagement is not restricted to
「印度學生申請入讀城大的人數增幅最大,今 年的增幅達223%,韓國申請者增加48%,台 灣申請者增加83%,」程博士說。「符合錄取 資格的人數,從2011-12學年的196人增加至 2012-13學年的327人,增幅從46%升至59%。 截至2012年6月1日,正式錄取的人數達到156 人。」程博士早先任職於美國紐約的哥倫比亞 大學,兩年前加入城大。
Global ment engage
attracting non-local students to campus to study on our 4-year undergraduate degree programmes. The Mainland and External Affairs Office (MEAO) is also responsible for establishing exchange partnerships
with top universities around the world. Between 1 January 2010 and 30 June 2012, CityU concluded 172 agreements/Memorandum of Understanding—150 of which were newly established—with 129
「我們必須讓學生做好準備,踏入一個全 球化的世界,進入全球化的工作環境。」
institutions from 27 countries/regions for academic and student exchange, and dual/joint degree programmes. “These partnerships are a great way for us to increase the number of our
own students going overseas for exchanges, and bring overseas students to
CityU,” Dr Cheng of MEAO said.
園,這樣的環境是很重要的,因為我們必須讓 學生做好準備,踏入一個全球化的世界,進入 全球化的工作環境,」他說。 事實上香港政府已預見到這個需求,早在200708學年就將可在香港求學的非本地全日制本科 生的人數配額提高至學生總數中的兩成。城大 將此配額撥出一半給內地學生,另一半分給來 自世界各地的學生。 城大在世界大學排名榜步步上升,對本校在海 外的聲譽大有裨益,從世界各地慕名而來的學 生增多了。「有時候,一個外地學生對城大的 了解,也許僅限於它在排名榜上的位置,」程 博士說。這通常已足以吸引外地學生到城大求 學。
作 國際交流合作,並不只是吸引外地生來城大修讀四年制本科學位課程。
According to MEAO, the number of outbound exchange students has
increased by 10.7%, from 680 in 2010–11 to 753 in 2011–12 as of 7 June
2012; and the number of inbound exchange students has increased by
13.4%, from 611 students in 2010–11 to 693 in 2011–12 as of 7 June 2012.
“A lot of the work we do at MEAO is about image-building,” Dr Cheng said.
“Partnering up with different universities is a complicated matter. We have
to size up issues related to language, culture, status and aspirations. This is why world rankings are so useful, often the first port of call when someone
wants to know more about your institution.”
680名增加至2011-12學年(截至2012年6月7日)的753名,增幅為10.7%; 而前來城大的外地交換學生從2010-11學年的611名增加至2011-12學年
Part of this image-building work is seen in the kinds of events that MEAO
organises. The pioneering information day in February 2012 held with the help of CityU’s Shanghai Liaison Office was the first large-scale enrollment
campaign CityU had ever conducted independently in the mainland.
「與各地的大學合作是複雜的事情,並非每一所學校都適合交流。我們 要估量語言、文化、校譽地位、辦學宗旨等因素。世界大學排名榜之所
“It really was an unparalleled success, with lots of interest shown in our
programmes,” Dr Cheng said.
But internationalisation is not just about getting non-local students to
CityU, and sending local students abroad. “We are internationalising our
campus through our curriculum, too,” Dr Cheng said. “Non-local students
are attracted by our Gateway Education courses and our new Discoveryenriched Curriculum and because we are an English-medium institution
with an international faculty.” 推行國際化,並不止於招收外地學生來城大就讀、派送本地學生赴海外交 All these efforts combined are changing people’s perceptions of CityU, and
CityU’s perceptions of the world.
目、新開設的『重探索求創新課程』,再加上城大用英語授課,教職員來自 世界各地,這些都吸引了外來學生,」程博士說。 這些做法正逐步改變外人對城大的看法,也改變城大對世界的看法。
October 2012
Cover Story
Value-added work experience
By Michael Gibb
The impact on the students’ levels of motivation, their communication skills, their global outlook and their self-confidence is immediately obvious, explained Mr Samuel Wu Wei-chiang, the go-to person in the Department of English for matters connected to international student co-curricular programmes. public relations, marketing, events, theatre, publishing, and so forth,” he said. In fact, of the entire graduating cohort of 55 BAEPC students in 2012, more than 50% completed an international internship while the rest did a local internship programme. One former student, who graduated this year, secured a job as a brand executive at the US advertising company Leo Burnett in Hong Kong largely on the basis of her international experience on an internship that sent her to Singapore as a marketing intern at Sony Pictures Entertainment. “We give the students a chance to gain real working experiences with top companies in the field directly related to their studies and interests, which gives the students greater currency in the job market,” Mr Wu said. “Our Department of English students return from their overseas internships
Most students are keen to spend 10 weeks overseas or on local internships
as more independent individuals,” said Mr Wu (3rd from left), who has
because the Department of English, through Mr Wu, goes to great lengths
worked at CityU for the past eight years and was recently made the
to match students’ expectations, interests and skills with host employers. “I
department’s overall manager for internships, cultural immersion and study
would never send a student on a placement simply to fulfill our internship
tour schemes for students on the undergraduate programme in English for
partners’ quotas,” Mr Wu said.
Professional Communication (BAEPC) (renamed the Bachelor of Arts with Honours in English Studies (BAES) starting from the 2012 cohort).
These international trips are not just activities to improve work and communication skills, either. They are excellent opportunities to expose
“With our wide range of internationalisation opportunities, just about every
students to the history, politics, and culture of other countries. For example,
one of our students has taken at least one overseas trip during their studies.
a two-week cultural immersion programme with Hertford College,
Every year, 30 to 40 students participate in our annual study tours to myriad
University of Oxford, allowed students to take lessons on British history,
countries like Australia, England, Sweden, The Netherlands, Singapore,
literature, culture and the arts.
among others. We send between 30 to 35 students a year to Singapore and the US for authentic work experience with top multinational companies
Discovering and gaining respect for different cultures and histories around
such as Sony Pictures Entertainment, NBC Universal, AXA, Yahoo!, Pearson
the world is a vital aspect of internationalisation, one that continues to
Education, the Economist, in all areas of work, such as television, radio,
grow under Mr Wu’s stewardship in the Department of English.
海外實習 學業增值 對於增強學生的主動精神、溝通技能、國際視野、自信心,海 外實習具有立竿見影之效 — 英文系的學生海外聯課活動負責 人吳偉強先生解釋說。
是因為她有了國際工作經驗:她曾參加英文系的實習,受派赴新加坡為 索尼影視娛樂公司擔任市場營銷實習生。 「我們使學生有機會進入與自己學業及興趣相關領域的一流企業,獲得
三)說。過去八年來他一直在城大工作,最近受任管理該系的專業英語 傳意文學士(已改名為英語語言榮譽文學士)課程的實習、文化沉浸、
生的聯絡,儘可能找到與學生相稱的實習機構,使他們的期望、興趣、 技能都適得其所。
「我們有各種各樣的國際交流機會,英文系學生幾乎每人在求學期間至 少赴海外一次。每年有30到40名學生參加我們的年度遊學,可去的國家
美國派出30到35名學生,他們進入當地的著名跨國公司,例如索尼影視 娛樂公司、NBC環球、安盛保險、雅虎公司、培生教育出版集團、《經
合辦一個兩星期的文化沉浸課程,學生可由此修讀有關英國歷史、文 學、文化、藝術的課程。
在今年專業英語傳意文學士課程畢業班的55名學生,就有逾半數完成了 海外實習,其餘的學生在本地實習。一名學生2012年畢業後,在美國李
的一環,而在吳先生管理的英文系海外實習活動中,這種了解和尊重正 在加深。
Competitive edge
Professor Tam Chi-ming, Director of the Co-operative Education Centre in
the College of Science and Engineering, is also confident that an overseas
internship or an exchange will give students a competitive edge when they enter the job market after graduation.
「我們鼓勵學生要把握機會赴海外學習,因為這番經歷今後可能給他 們帶來薪酬較高的工作,」譚教授說。他負責督導科學及工程學院的
“We encourage students to take these opportunities to go overseas
because it is possible that their experience will lead to better paid jobs in the future,” said Professor Tam, who oversees the exchanges and internships
for students in the College of Science and Engineering.
The kinds of internships on offer include working for major companies such as Siemens, Rider Levett Bucknall or as researchers in overseas universities. Students can spend the summer or a semester at the host institution.
October 2012
Through the Lens
Leaping to success
The CityU sports teams are the best in the local higher education sector. We are the only university to be named Double Champions a recordbreaking six times in the Men’s and Women’s Overall Championship in the USFHK Sports Competition, in 1996–97, 2000–01, 2007–08, 2008–09, 2009–10, and 2010–11. We have over 400 athletes in 16 sports events, and one of them is fencing. What is special about fencing is that Leung Ka-ming, a Year 2 applied social studies student, competed in the men’s individual épée competition at the London Olympics 2012. He is the first épée fencer to ever represent Hong Kong in the Olympics. Combining sports practice and course work is no easy task but CityU’s Student Development Services has a top-notch team of coaches, managers and support staff dedicated to helping students be the best in sport and their studies.
邁向成功 城大體育代表隊以赫赫戰功享譽香港,曾先後六度(1996-97年、200001年、 2007-08年、2008-09年、2009-10年、2010-11年)囊括香港大 專體育協會大賽男、女子組總冠軍,本港大專界獲如此佳績者,唯有城 大。城大共有400多名運動員參加16個項目的比賽,其中重劍一項尤為 引人矚目。應用社會科學系二年級學生梁嘉明參加了2012年倫敦奧運會 的男子個人重劍比賽,成為第一個出戰奧運男子重劍比賽的香港選手。 既要為備賽而訓練,又要兼顧學業,實非易事。城大學生發展處有一群 出類拔萃的教練、管理人員、後勤人員盡心竭力幫助學生運動員,確保 他們在比賽中和學業上均能盡展所長。
Photo: Sunny Wong
October 2012
Professional Education & Research
The future of air cleaning 空氣淨化的未來 Small is beautiful for CityU scientist Dr Oscar Hui Kwan-san, even though his work is in the exceptionally broad discipline of environmental engineering.
By Joan Yip
Dr Hui, Lecturer in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management. Perhaps most importantly of all, Dr Hui’s OCO
The synthetic materials Dr Hui constructs—measured in nano scale—are
technology makes it possible for the chemical
the key to a novel energy-efficient technology that can be used in air filters
process to take place at room temperature,
to remove VOCs (volatile organic compounds), an undesirable air-borne
whereas normally VOCs can decompose only at
temperatures of 400 to 500 degrees Celsius.
The VOCs are transformed into water and carbon dioxide after they flow
The technology offers potential for the
through the filter and react with the catalysts and ozone, a process that Dr
development of a more efficient generation of
Hui calls ozone catalytic oxidation (OCO). Copper oxide and cobalt oxide
home-use air cleaners. At present, home-use air
are two of the catalysts used in the process.
cleaners adsorb VOCs through a filter, but cannot break down VOCs into earth-friendly carbon
“The new nano materials make it easier for VOCs to decompose. This greatly
dioxide and water.
increases removal efficiency, and also cuts down energy consumption,” said “Decomposition is preferred to adsorption because the adsorbents in the filter have limited capacities and need to be frequently replaced.
What are VOCs? VOCs can be commonly found in modern offices or homes with poor ventilation. They are released from furniture, cleaning products, and solvents in paint and construction materials. VOCs can cause adverse health effects such as allergic reactions, tiredness, and even cancer.
什麼是「揮發性有機化合物」? 揮發性有機化合物常見於通風不暢的現代辦公 室或住宅。傢具、清潔劑、油漆中的溶劑、建 築材料等物質,均會釋放出這種化合物。 揮發性有機化合物對人體健康有不良影響,可 引起過敏反應,令人疲倦,甚至會致癌。
對城大科學家許冠山博士來說,「小即 是美」,儘管他的研究領域是異常廣闊 的環境工程學科。
Dr Hui’s research team recently received a
government grant worth HK$999,994 and
If not properly maintained, the adsorbent may even release VOCs back into the environment,” explained Dr Hui, adding that future air cleaners
利用濾芯吸附揮發性有機化合物,不能把此類 物質分解為無害於地球環境的二氧化碳和水。
using OCO technology would reduce the frequency of replacing filters.
another HK$200,000 grant from two private firms
to develop a decomposition-based air cleaner
The challenge now is to make highly efficient
nano materials loaded with active and stable
catalysts and look for a combination that results in the fastest reaction.
的原型。 「這些新型納米材料用作催化劑,使得揮發性 有機化合物較容易分解,大大提升了清除的效
He added that the next new material in line
for testing is graphene, which physicists and
The next step is set to develop nano-sized,
graphene-based functional materials to resolve
chemists favour because of its unusual physical and chemical properties.
the problem of indoor air pollution.
下一步就是用石墨烯研製出納米尺度的功能材 藉著這項技術,有可能研製出新一代的高效率
One of the nano catalysts grown on 3D porous support successfully developed by Dr Hui 許博士研製的納米催化劑塗在三維多孔載體上
View under a scanning electron microscope (X100 magnification) 在掃描電子顯微鏡下放大100倍
View under a scanning electron microscope (X5000 magnification) 在掃描電子顯微鏡下放大5000倍
The morphology of the catalysts (under a transmission electron microscope) 在穿透式電子顯微鏡下催化劑的形態
October 2012
Professional Education & Research
Smart grid initiatives for world cities 智能電網,為全球城市節能 By Christina Wu
A great deal of energy gets wasted today because power companies have to maintain huge electricity supplies to cater to needs. “These companies generate electricity in excess of the projected demand to ensure a stable supply,” said Dr Tsang Kim-fung, Associate Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering. “But the gap between the estimated and the actual power consumption is wasted.” Dr Tsang’s solution to this wastage problem in Hong Kong could save enough energy annually to power around 80,000 households, and reduce around 2.35 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions every year. He has designed a new piece of technology called the High-Traffic Advanced Metering Infrastructure (HTAMI). It measures, collects and analyses energy usage and communicates that data with smart meters, updating power companies and users every 15–30 minutes about electricity consumption. “The meters allow companies to estimate consumption needs more accurately during peak periods and encourage people to use off-peak excess electricity,” said Dr Tsang. The technology also encourages users to save energy, as it can identify a room or specific power plug in a flat that uses the most electricity. Smart meter deployment is a global trend for promoting energy efficiency,
”Smart meter deployment is a global trend for promoting energy efficiency, and promises to help world cities save on energy costs.”
and promises to help world cities save on energy costs. The US government announced in 2009 that it would deploy 40 million smart meters and 3,000 miles of transmission lines; in the same year, China began a massive smart grid project.
Another strategy to increase energy efficiency is the installation of a Zigbee-based home area network (HAN), a wireless sensor network for communication between digital devices deployed at home via a management system based on the internationally recognised standard, Zigbee. The Zigbee Energy Management system developed by Dr Tsang (right) transmits information about a home’s condition, allowing users to turn on and turn off smart appliances at home from a remote location. “You can even set the network to different modes, such as turning off lights automatically whenever you switch off the computer,” he said. The system is also suitable for commercial use. “Appliances in hotel rooms like refrigerators and air conditioners can be adjusted once the network senses that the room is vacated,” he said. The Zigbee-based HAN was adopted by a hotel in Hong Kong in 2008, and HTAMI has been installed in five new residential buildings as a cooperation project between an affiliated company of CityU and a power company.
在現代社會,電力公司為應付所需,必 須不停地大量供電,許多電能因而白白 浪費了。
錶、架設長達3,000英里的輸電線路,中國 大陸也在同年啓動一項規模巨大的智能電網
內的各種數碼裝置互相交換信息。 曾博士針對上述問題提出了一個解決方案,節 省下來的電能足以供約八萬個家庭使用一年,
術亦便於用戶節約用電,因為它能識別哪個房 間、甚至哪個電源插座的耗電量最大。
Zigbee家居智能網在2008年獲得香港一間酒 店採用;另外,根據城大一所附屬公司與一
October 2012
Professional Education & Research
3D surround sound 三維音效軟件增強立體聲效果 By Shirley Cheng
Consumers looking for a sophisticated audio and visual experience at a reasonable cost might be tempted by the 3D sound effect and 3D image display software created by Dr Peter Tsang Wai-ming, an associate professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering.
His 3D sound invention widens the spatial effect of a stereo audio system. “Traditional ways of enhancing the stereo effect may seem mechanical in comparison, and are often affected by external factors such as the auditory characteristics of the listeners. However, our method conceals these adverse effects by integrating, on top of spatial enhancement, sound effects that we may receive in a real-world environment,” Dr Tsang (opposite page, right) explained. His new method lets listeners perceive a wider sound field, together with subtle senses of regularity and fuzziness that impart a strong 3D sensation. The invention provides enhancement particularly for closely spaced loudspeakers, which are usually less expensive. Potential
applications include audio systems for notebook computers, iPhone and iPod dockings, televisions and monitors, vehicles, kiosks and exhibitions. In the past 10 years, Dr Tsang has conducted more than a dozen consultancy projects in audio-visual applications, video compression and scrambling, security systems, software development, engineering testing and electronic circuit design. He has also invented a tool for people to display an image, for example a photo taken by an ordinary digital camera, in 3D or creating 3D images or paintings on a digital canvas using a pointing device. This same tool also generates depth in the painting. The painting and the depth map can be juxtaposed to form an integrated image and displayed as a 3D image on a 3D autostereoscopic monitor.
電子工程學系副教授曾偉明博士創作的 三維音效與三維圖像顯示軟件,當能深 深吸引住那些尋求以相宜價錢享受到優 質視聽的消費者。
曾博士還發明了一種工具,可用定位裝置將 非三維圖像展示成三維圖像,例如把普通數 碼相機拍攝的照片變為三維圖像,或者在數 碼畫布上創作三維圖像或圖畫。使用這種工 具可產生圖畫的深度圖。圖畫與其深度圖並
According to Dr Tsang, applications of this 3D
invention are numerous and include digital
painting, education and entertainment.
而言,傳統增強立體聲效果的方法是機械的, 可能會比較生硬,常受到聽者的聽覺特性之類
He has also created a display system called the
Multiple Views Holographic Projection (MVHP)
that enables either a static or animated 3D scene
to be presented to viewers in the form of a 3D
floating image. The MVHP technique won the
Excellent Product Award in the 12th China Hi-
Tech Fair.
感覺。這一發明特別為擺放在狹窄空間內、通 “In an existing aerial projection system, although
floating images are displayed, they are planar
in appearance. The MVHP technique projects
floating images with depth sensation.” The
system is economical and could be easily utilised
by movie producers, graphic designers and
content providers, he added.
October 2012
Professional Education & Research
Bringing up a new generation of creative media artists By Mirror Fung
The year 1998 saw the establishment of the School of Creative Media (SCM) at City University of Hong Kong. It was also the year Dr Linda Lai Chiu-han, Associate Professor of SCM, joined the University. “At that time there was an emerging genre of new media coming onto the scene. It wasn’t exactly film, or photography, or animation, or any specialised field already established within the media industry. Nothing seemed to describe it very aptly, so it was called Creative Media,” Dr Lai (right) recalled. For people in Hong Kong, their first encounter with new media art was probably the decoration and display technology used in commercial activities, for example the interactive installations in shopping centres during festive seasons. These creative works combine art and digital media technologies. However, people still confuse the SCM with other institutions that train and equip students in the production of film, television, and animation. “In order for new students to have a better idea of what creative media is about, we have revised our course titles to reflect their trans-media and interdisciplinary nature,” Dr Lai explained. For example, new Bachelor of Arts in Creative Media students are now required to take mandatory subjects such as Interdisciplinary Practices in Art, Science and the Humanities, Contemporary & New Media Art, and Creative Media Studio, rather than previous core subjects like Introduction
培育新媒體藝術專才 城大創意媒體學院成立於1998年,該學院副教授黎肖嫻 博士就是在那一年加入城大的。「當時有一個新類型的 媒體作品出現,既不是電影,也不是攝影、動畫,或媒 體界內任何其他已經確立的媒體,無以名之,便稱為創 意媒體。」 to Photography and Video Workshop that used
the media in the name of the courses.
科技,例如在節日期間商場的互動裝置。這些創新作品結合了電 子數碼媒體與藝術。
“Redefining the programme is redefining the vision and mindset of the students. On top of
acquiring technical proficiency, students must
develop an understanding of and their insight
into culture. It is our wish to nurture a new
generation of creative individuals who have the
foresight to create new media art for the public,” she added.
譬如說,從前入讀創意媒體文學士課程,必須修讀攝影入門和錄 影製作等科目,但從今年開始,新生必修的核心科目是藝術、科
Changes are taking place all the time, according
to Dr Lai. Soon, every piece of traditional work
ever produced will have a digital version. To merge into this environment, students must
have breadth and depth of knowledge, and be
nimble and creative enough to combine new
technology and art in their work. 她指出,改變每時每刻都在發生,每一件傳統作品很快都將有 “Take for example the Creative Media Studio.
There, we cover creativity, colour theory,
composition theory, acoustics, and so on, in
the course subject,” Dr Lai said. “We hope that graduates from the School will treat technology
as an artistic medium and successfully express
their personal vision through various digital
media formats.”
October 2012
In the Know
Protection against cybercrime 自我保護,謹防網絡罪案
Dr Daniel Tse Woon-kwan Instructor Department of Information Systems
文:謝煥坤博士 資訊系統學系導師
How good is your online security? Hong Kong netizens seem too lax about protecting themselves in cyberspace, a view that government statistics appear to support. The number of reported technology crimes in Hong Kong in 2009 was 1,506, but that number had risen to 2,206 by 2011. According to the Hong Kong Police Force, financial losses due to such cases are estimated in the region of HK$148.52 million*. Clearly, many aspects of our lives have been made more convenient by the rapid advances in information technology and the development of the internet in the past few years. However, by the same token, criminals have more opportunities to steal vital personal information by hacking into users’ accounts. Cyberspace has become so interconnected and open that the impact of technology has become widespread. On a personal level, a breach of your online, or mobile, security can lead to loss of crucial personal data and information, and time wasted re-securing yourself. From a company’s point of view, the loss of customer trust due to breaches and any subsequent financial losses are too high a price to pay for lax online security.
“Avoid storing important information on your mobile phone, such as passwords and bank account information.”
* Source: http://www.infosec.gov.hk/english/crime/crime.html
October 2012
In the Know
One of the major reasons why people are exposed to threats online is that
Some hacking attacks are very difficult to prevent. Prepare for the
they are reluctant to change their passwords regularly. This is because
worst: counteract the risks by limiting the credit on cards that you use
people think it is hard to remember a sophisticated password, one that is
harder to hack. Additionally, people become too complacent and leave important information, like passwords, on their mobile phones, making it
Similarly, avoid storing important information on your mobile phone,
easier for criminals to access your financial records if you lose, or they steal,
such as passwords and bank account information, and try to keep abreast
your mobile device.
of tech news through forums where discussions focus on cyber security issues, especially for mobile devices, which are proliferating in Hong Kong
So here are five easy tips to keep you safer from hackers:
and around the region.
Never use public terminals/computers to access online accounts, e.g. email or e-banking, because malicious software like keylogger might
But we must be aware that there is no ultimate panacea for cybercrime
have been installed and can “listen” to what you have input, including
and IT security. Criminals and hackers will not be deterred, and with every
your password.
increase in the sophistication, innovation and development of mobile and online technology, we will see more attempts to breach people’s security.
Change your online account passwords periodically.
Never use the same password for all, or most, of your online accounts
In other words, the problem is not going to go away. It is a state of war, between criminals and tech users, and it is a question of staying ahead of the enemy!
because of the possibility of “single point of failure”, i.e. the part of a system that will cause maximum disruption if it fails.
What we need to see, though, is greater promotion of online security issues throughout society. Just as we educate youngsters about road
If you use other private terminals/computers to perform online
safety, we have to let our children know that even though the cyberworld
activities, re-boot (or even cold boot) the computer after use to reduce
is a thrilling environment, there are risks.
the chance of leaving an “image” inside the RAM or hard disk of your transaction.
By managing those risks, being sensible and making sure that we are upto-date on issues related to IT security, we will decrease the chances that we become yet another statistic in the cybercrime wars!
你的網上保安做得如何?香港網民在虛 擬空間似乎疏於自我保護,而政府的統 計數字看來也證實了這一點。
科技新知,並留意有關網絡保安問題的議 論,尤其是流動裝置的保安問題,因為此類
在2009年,已報案的資訊科技犯罪有1,506 宗,這個數字在2011年升至2,206宗。根據香 港警務處的統計,本地此類罪案導致的錢財損 失在2011年估計達1億4,852萬港元 。 *
因此有更多機會入侵網民的賬戶,竊取重要的 個人資料。虛擬空間的聯絡暢通與開放,令資 訊科技的影響無遠弗屆。
就個人而言,如果網絡或流動裝置的保安遭破 壞,會使重要的個人資料及信息丟失,自己
樣,也要讓孩子知道:網絡世界固然很精 彩,但也有風險。
若使用他人的終端機或電腦上網,用完後須 重新啓動(甚至須切斷電源後再啓動),儘
很多人的網上賬戶易遭受入侵,一大原因是不 願意定期更換密碼,因為覺得很難記住一個 複雜的密碼,但密碼正須如此才較難破解。此
打算:例如限定信用卡網上支付的額度,以 降低風險。
數據來源網址: http://www.infosec.gov.hk/english/crime/crime.html
October 2012
Gown to Town
The making of a bestselling author By Shirley Cheng
Aficionados of new generation wuxia (i.e. martial arts and chivalry) fiction, are probably already loyal fans of Jozev Lau Wai-ming, who graduated in 1992 from the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics (CTL).
“Dr Lai liked the way I applied narrative
“The key is knowing one’s strengths. One
techniques to the writing assignments, and
needs to believe in oneself. It’s also important
she encouraged me to take writing further. It
to persevere and keep working towards one’s
was then that I started to look into it seriously,
goals,” Jozev said.
delving into the nooks and crannies of writing.” What makes his writing stand out is the way he It is important to Jozev that a university should
intertwines neo-wuxia stylistics with chivalric
The writer now has 30 publications under his
provide opportunities for students to nurture
elements from the traditional martial arts world.
belt, including his ever-popular Blood and Steel
their potential by exploring genuine areas of
series, now into its 11th installment, which
interest. He believes his alma mater gave him
“When I first started out, I used kung fu to glorify
consistently makes the bestsellers’ list, and has
that freedom.
the beauty of martial arts. Later on, I tried to cultivate a sense of heroism and chivalry in the
been selected as one of the best reads in Hong From the translation courses he took at CityU,
wuxia world. I wished to make a difference in
he gained a better understanding of syntax and
society and make an impact on people’s lives,” he
Applying techniques he acquired penning
sentence structure, and on campus he said the
fiction, Jozev has even extended his creative
tranquillity of the Library gave him the perfect
talent to writing lyrics, too. He won the Best
environment to draft his first 90,000-word novel.
Kong by local secondary school students.
In his blog, Jozev describes himself as someone who has consumed a lot of paper in the
Lyrics Award from the Hong Kong Composers and Authors Society in 2000 for the song Deep
However, life as a professional writer has not
preparation of manuscripts. It is his hope that
been a bed of roses. But over the past 20 years,
he will be able to turn those trees that were cut
whether it has been the sweet smell of success
down into something meaningful.
“When I was a child I wanted to be a policeman.
or the bitter taste of failure, Jozev has regarded
Being a professional writer did not really cross
each experience as an opportunity for learning,
As for his future plans, Jozev will continue to
my mind. It was in my second year in CityU that
and he has met the challenges head on,
write and will also be involved in the creation of
I started to have thoughts about a career in
embracing change and seeking ways to breathe
comics, animations and movies.
writing,” he said. Dr Serina Lai Lan-heung of CTL,
new life into his craft. His success in his wuxia
his Chinese language teacher at the time, was
novels is also due to his solid understanding of
instrumental in his change of heart.
martial arts, which he took up as a boy.
走上成功作家路 1992年城大中文、 翻譯及語言學系畢 業的喬靖夫(原名 劉偉明),至今已是 30本小說的作者。
俠小說,卻又回歸到傳統武俠世界。他說: 「在我的武俠小說裏,最初描寫功夫,只是
出版了第11卷 — 更屢登暢銷書榜,曾成為香港
分析文字結構,吸收不同的知識,城大圖書館 又提供安靜的環境,讓他在那裏寫好第一本九
他的武俠小說系列《武道狂之詩》— 不久前
October 2012
Student Voices
My life in the hothouse
學生大使 充實的一年 By Macy Kwok Ho-lam Department of Marketing
文:郭皓琳 市場營銷學系學生
all I could give you was some hazy answer. The Student Ambassadors Programme has indeed brought the concept of whole-person development to life. In the past year we have undergone a great variety of training, for example, courses in business etiquette, toastmaster, social skills, team building, and current affairs discussion. For instance, in addition to representing the University when receiving VIP guests from overseas, we had the opportunity to join in the local as well as overseas publicity activities for CityU. We were very honoured to be able to meet Professor John Nash, Nobel laureate in Economics, and Dr Lien Chan, former Vice- President of Taiwan. Most importantly, through the Programme I have come to know students from other departments,
My path to CityU’s Department of Marketing was not an easy journey. I had my fair share of setbacks and disappointments along the way. So I decided that I would make the most out of my university life at CityU. When I first saw the vast array of extra-curricular activities offered at the University, it was mind-dazzling and I wanted to get my hands on as much as possible. In the end I decided to go for the ever-popular Student Ambassadors Programme. After two vigorous rounds of selection, I was elated to be given the title of student ambassador from more than 200 candidates. The idea of whole-person development is nothing new but if you asked me before I became a CityU student ambassador what it actually entailed,
local and mainland students who are active and forward looking. In our time together we never run out of inspiring and interesting conversation. In May, we went to South Korea for an exciting 11-day trip as exchange students. Over there we visited key organisations and saw for ourselves developments in the country. During the first year of university, I felt lost and confused about life. But before long I was able to find my way back again. Thanks to the Student Ambassadors Programme my first year was a fulfilling and invaluable experience.
經歷不少艱難挫折,終於入讀城大的市 場營銷學系。機會如此難得,我決意要 讓大學生活過得充實而有意義。
曾參與接待諾貝爾經濟學獎得主約翰 • 納殊教
October 2012
Importance Measures in Reliability, Risk, and Optimization: Principles and Applications Professor Way Kuo, President, City University of Hong Kong, and Dr Zhu Xiaoyan, Assistant Professor, University of Tennesse
Understanding Digital Literacies Dr Rodney Jones, Associate Professor, and Dr Christoph Hafner, Assistant Professor, Department of English, City University of Hong Kong; Routledge, 2012
Wiley, 2012 Understanding Digital Published by Wiley in June 2012, Importance Measures in Reliability,
Literacies provides an
Risk, and Optimization: Principles and Applications is the only book
accessible and timely
on the market that systematically addresses importance measures
introduction to new media
for reliability design, maintenance, fault diagnosis, risk analysis,
literacies. It supplies readers
uncertainty analysis, and local and global sensitivity analysis.
with the theoretical and analytical tools with which to
The concept of importance measures finds broad implications in
explore the linguistic and social
the publication. The book covers not only the work in importance
impact of a host of new digital
measures carried out since the 1960s but also research up until 2012,
literacy practices. Each chapter
presenting a wide spectrum of importance measures in reliability and
covers a different topic, presenting
combining importance measures with other design tools to solve
an overview of the major concepts, issues, problems and debates
many real-world, large-scale decision-making problems.
surrounding the topic, while also encouraging students to reflect on and critically evaluate their own language and communication
practices. The authors include an extensive range of examples and
case studies to illustrate each topic, such as how blogs have affected
our thinking about communication, how the creation and sharing of
《可靠性的重要度之量度、風險、優化:原理及應用》於2012年6 月由紐約約翰威立出版公司出版,是坊間唯一有系統地研究重要度 之量度的開山之作,內容豐富,涵括了下列領域:可靠性設計、可 靠性維護、故障診斷、風險分析、不確定性分析、局部及全局靈敏 度分析。 本書作者對重要度之量度的概念作了廣泛探討,總括了1960年代以 來重要度量度的工作,以及截至2012年的相關研究,展示了重要 度量度在可靠性領域的廣泛應用,將重要度量度與其他設計工具結 合,解決多個現實中的大型決策問題。
digital images and video can bring about shifts in social roles, and how the design of multiplayer online games for children can promote different ideologies. 《數碼媒體之讀寫入門》 香港城市大學英文系副教授Rodney Jones博士、助理教授 Christoph Hafner博士合著;Routledge,2012年 《數碼媒體之讀寫入門》介紹了多種數碼科技新媒體所涉及的讀寫 知識,既簡明易懂,又切合時宜。本書為讀者講解了若干理論及分 析方法,藉此可深入探討一系列數碼新媒體語境下的讀寫實踐對語 言及社會有何影響。各章分別討論不同議題,綜述與之相關的重要 概念、論點、問題、討論,同時亦鼓勵學生去深思並檢討自己的讀 寫實踐及語文溝通。作者為了闡明每一個議題,在書中廣收各類實 例,並作個案研究,例如討論博客網誌怎樣影響了我們關於溝通的 觀念,數碼圖像及錄像(視頻)的創建與交流怎樣引起社會角色的轉 移,多人在線同玩的兒童網絡遊戲如何宣揚不同的意識形態。
Buildings for the future 教研新樓 開拓未來
New buildings on campus are creating the extra space needed for teaching, learning and research that will help sustain CityU’s overall development. 新大樓落成,為校園增添教學及研究的場所,亦為城大的整體持續發展 增添助力。
City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 香港特別行政區九龍達之路 www.cityu.edu.hk