January 2013 二O一三年一月
Open art for the digital age 數碼時代的開放藝術
From observing stars to detecting cancer 由觀星到檢測癌症
Teaching with a heart 教學有心人
From the Editor
Creativity rarely comes to us in a flash of inspiration. It is usually the result of hard work, endless curiosity, complete dedication, collaboration with others, the sharing of ideas, and even sometimes a little luck! In this issue of CityU Today, we chat with one of the world’s pre-eminent creative media artists who is based in the School of Creative Media about creativity, its role in learning and in his work, and we look at three specific courses at CityU that maintain a strong focus on the creative impulse. We also analyse how creative and critical thinking is used to prepare our award-winning law students for international mooting competitions, and find out about innovative research projects involving historical battles and cancer treatment. And there is much, much more in the issue. Happy reading!
所謂靈機一動創意來,只能是罕見的情形;創意往往來自努力探 索、求知不息、全情投入、同心協作、交流分享,有時甚至要靠一 點運氣! 在本期的《今日城大》,我們採訪了一位任教於創意媒體學院的世 界級傑出創意媒體藝術家,與他談論創新以及創新在學習中、在他 工作中的作用。本期亦特別介紹了校內三門着意強調創新的課程。 我們也分析了出國參賽的法律學院學生怎樣運用創意思維與獨立思 考,為國際模擬法庭辯論賽而精心準備,結果屢獲佳績。我們還為 讀者介紹有關重現歷史上戰爭情境和癌症治療的創新研究計劃。此 外,還有很多其他精彩的故事。
Cover Story 封面專題
Open art for the digital age
Professor Maurice Benayoun of the School of Creative Media takes readers on a tantalising trip through his art work, and proves that even ideas that get “dumped” are worthy of
Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on 李國安教授
further inspection.
Editor-in-Chief 總編輯 Editor-in-Chief : Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on / 總編輯:李國安教授 • Managing Editor : Longgen Chen / 行政編輯:陳龍根 • Executive Editor : Mirror Fung / 執行編輯:馮美玲 • Editor : Michael Gibb / 編輯:鄭智友 • Design and Production : Communications & Public Relations Office and Pixels Graphics Limited / 設計及製作:傳訊及公關處及點子設計有限公司 Phone / 電話:(852) 3442 9317 • Fax / 傳真:(852) 2628 2812 Website / 網址:http://www.cityu.edu.hk/newscentre • E-mail / 電郵:cpro@cityu.edu.hk • Mail : CityU Today Editors, Communications & Public Relations Office, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 通訊:香港九龍達之路香港城市大學傳訊及公關處《今日城大》編輯部收
創意媒體學院的莫奔教授用他的作品帶領 讀者踏上引人入勝的藝術之旅,並證明 即使曾遭人「丟棄」的意念,亦值得細 察深究。
January 2013
Features 專題
12 Lessons in creativity 課程創新
New forms of heritage interpretation
From observing stars to detecting cancer
Creative thinking in global moots
創意思維 模擬法庭辯論賽 取勝之道
26 Behind the Index 指數背後
32 Teaching with a heart 教學有心人
Columns 專欄 2 News & Notable
24 Through The Lens
34 Gown To Town
Honorary doctorates on three outstanding persons 城大頒授榮譽博士學位予 三位傑出人士
Professional business education
From scientific research to business
36 Books
today is published three times a year by City University of Hong Kong. The mission of the magazine is to inform our stakeholders around the world about CityU issues, people, activities and achievements. 《今日城大》每年三期,旨在報導香港城市大學在教學、研究及外務發展上的最新動向。
January 2013
News & Notable
News & Notable
Honorary doctorates on three outstanding persons 城大頒授榮譽博士學位予三位傑出人士
Honorary doctorates were conferred upon Professor Bai Chunli (1), President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Mr Hu Fa-kuang (2), Honorary Chairman of Ryoden Development Limited, and Dr Allan Zeman (3), Chairman of the Ocean Park Corporation and Chairman of Lan Kwai Fong Holdings Limited in November 2012 in recognition of their significant achievements and contributions to the well-being of society. The Hon Leung Chun-ying, University Chancellor, presided over the ceremony. 城大於2012年11月舉行榮譽博士學位頒授典禮,由大學監督梁振英先生頒授榮譽博士學位予三位傑出人士,以表彰他們的出色成就及對社會福 祉的貢獻。三位榮譽博士分別是中國科學院院長白春禮教授(1)、菱電發展有限公司名譽主席胡法光先生(2)、香港海洋公園主席及蘭桂坊控股 有限公司主席盛智文博士(3)。
Research success at mainland technology fair 城大研究成果享譽內地科技展 Five research projects developed by faculty at CityU won Excellent Product Awards at the 14th China Hi-Tech Fair. In addition, CityU was awarded the Excellent Pavillion Award and the Excellent Organiser Award. The projects that won Excellent Product Awards ranged from the removal efficiency and biodegradation pathway of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mangroves to LED replacement lamp drivers with universal compatibility. 城大科研人員參加第十四屆中國國際高新技術成果交易會,五項研究 成果獲頒優秀產品獎,城大同時獲頒優秀展示獎及優秀組織獎。獲獎 研究成果的範圍從紅樹林對多環芳烴(PAHs)的去除效率和降解途徑 到普適兼容的發光二極管(LED)替換燈驅動器。
Turning food waste into bioenergy source 廚餘製成生物能源 Dr Patrick Lee Kwan-hon (left), Assistant Professor in the School of Energy and Environment, has successfully transformed food waste into bioenergy that can be used to generate heat and electricity, and at the same time reduce the volume of food waste destined for landfills by at least 50%. The innovative process uses a mixture of bacteria to create the bioenergy from food waste, heralding the possibility for the development of a viable source of renewable energy for Hong Kong. Hong Kong generates over 1.3 million tonnes of food waste every year, which accounts for one third of municipal solid waste.
Renowned mainland scientist discusses relationship between art and science 中國工程院潘雲鶴院士論科學與藝術 的關係 Academician Pan Yunhe, Executive Vice-President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), offered his views on the relationship between art and science in his lecture titled “Science and Art – Integration of Scientific Reasoning and Artistic Minds” at CityU in September 2012. The lecture was held in conjunction with the exhibition “Art Exhibition in Hong Kong by the Painting and Calligraphy Society of the Chinese Academy of Engineering” jointly organised by CAE, CityU and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 中國工程院常務副院長潘雲鶴院士2012年9月在城大做演講,以「科學理性與藝術心靈」為題, 討論科學與藝術的關係。城大與中國工程院及香港中文大學共同舉辦「中國工程院院士書畫社香 港展覽」,這場專題講座是展覽的相關活動之一。
CityU, Fudan DBA promises innovative teaching, learning
Information Day promotes new curriculum
城大復旦合辦第三期工商管理學博士 課程
課程介紹日推廣新課程 Information Day attracted more than 35,000
The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
prospective students and their parents in
programme jointly offered by CityU and the
October last year. The activities were organised
School of Management at Fudan University
under the theme Discover & Innovate@CityU.
welcomed in its third batch of students at a
Visitors got the chance to tour campus and
ceremony cum workshop in September last year.
residence halls, meet faculty and staff, learn
The DBA nurtures an innovative management
about CityU’s academic programmes, and find
mindset among high-calibre senior executives
out about student life on campus. Throughout
through the rigorous application of research to
the day, guests were offered a wide choice of
practical problems, boosting the students’ ability
information sessions about programmes that
to lead their corporations in a highly competitive
they were interested in applying for in the
global market.
colleges and schools.
城大能源及環境學院助理教授李鈞瀚博士 (左)發明了一種新方法,可將廚餘轉化為
January 2013
News & Notable Honorary Fellowships for three distinguished persons 城大頒授榮譽院士銜予三位傑出人士 Three distinguished persons were conferred the title of Honorary Fellow in recognition of their distinctive contributions to the development of, or service to, the University and the community. The recipients were Dr The Hon Chiang Lai-wan (third from right), Chairman of C & L Holdings Ltd; Mr Kenneth Koo (second from left), Group Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of TCC Group; and Mr Lau Ming-wai (second from right), Vice-Chairman of Chinese Estates Holdings Ltd. 城大頒授榮譽院士名銜予三位傑出人士,以表彰他們對城大及香港社會 發展所作的貢獻。他們是:仲良集團董事長蔣麗芸博士(右三);泰昌 祥輪船集團主席兼總裁顧建綱先生(左二);華人置業集團副主席劉鳴煒 先生(右二)。
CityU creative media installation takes centre stage at Washington gallery 城大創意媒體裝置成為華盛頓美術館重點展覽 The groundbreaking creative media work of Professor Jeffrey Shaw, Dean
of the School of Creative Media and Director of the Applied Laboratory
研究總監Sarah Kenderdine博士共同創作的《人間淨土─走進敦煌
for Interactive Visualization and Embodiment (ALiVE), and Dr Sarah
Kenderdine, Research Director of ALiVE, titled “Pure Land: Inside the Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang”, was selected as the centrepiece exhibit for the 25th anniversary celebrations of the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, the pre-eminent museum for Asian art at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. 美國首都華盛頓史密森尼博物院的賽克勒美術館,以展覽亞洲藝術文 化聞名於世。為慶祝創館25周年,該館特別挑選了城大創意媒體學院
Nobel laureate in economics discusses global fiscal crisis 諾貝爾經濟學獎得主評述環球財務危機 Professor Thomas Sargent, Professor of Economics at New York University, spoke about fiscal crisis in Europe and how the early history of the United States could offer some useful analogues at a City University Distinguished Lecture at the end of September last year. Professor Sargent was the joint winner of the 2011 Nobel Prize in economics. 紐約大學經濟學教授Thomas Sargent教授去年9月底在香港城市大學傑出講座上評述歐洲的財務 危機,指出美國早年的經歷與此類似,也許可供參考。Sargent教授與另一位學者同獲2011年諾 貝爾經濟學獎。
CAS president reflects on nano developments 中科院院長暢談納米研究新發展 Global and regional developments in the world of nanotechnology were the focus of a distinguished lecture delivered by Professor Bai Chunli, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), in November 2012. It was his first lecture in Hong Kong since he was elected as the President of CAS in 2011. The lecture, titled “Progress in and Prospectives for Nanotechnology: From Fundamental Research to Application”, emphasised how governments and scientists needed to work together to identify key issues related to the nanotechnology industry to ensure that new ideas were properly funded and would be of benefit to society. 中國科學院(中科院)院長白春禮教授2012年11月主持城大傑出講座,重點講述納米科技在全球及亞太區的發展。這是白教授2011年獲委任為中 科院院長以來首次在香港發表演講。白教授的演講題為「納米技術的發展與未來:從基礎研究到應用」。他強調,政府與科學家必須攜手合作,找 出納米科技行業的重要問題,確保創新意念能獲得合適的資助,以期將來造福社會。
Family reunion at City Banquet 城家盛宴,共聚同歡 Over 2,000 Council members, staff, alumni and students participated in this year’s joyous City Banquet on 2 November 2012 under the theme “Family Reunion”. Officiating guests included Mr Herman Hu Shaoming, the newly appointed Council Chairman, Professor Way Kuo, University President, and Ms Karmen Chan Ka-man, Chairman of the Convocation. Highlights of the delightful evening included the magical appearance of Professor Kuo from a big box during a performance by the Magic Society, followed by his amusing rendition of the Gangnam Style dance routine, earning him a big round of applause. 城大2012年11月2日舉辦以「城家 • 盛宴」為主題的年度夜宴,有校董會成員、師生員工、校友等 二千餘人出席同樂。主禮嘉賓包括剛履新的校董會主席胡曉明先生、校長郭位教授以及評議會主席 陳嘉雯女士。夜宴伴有娛樂節目,城大魔術學會獻藝助興,施展法術把郭教授從一個大盒中「變」 了出來,而郭教授隨後即興表演活潑逗趣的韓國「江南風格」騎馬舞,贏得全場熱烈掌聲。
Campus exhibition explores graffiti art 城大藝術展覽探討街頭塗鴉 A unique street art exhibition in November 2012 showcased more than 30 photos of amazing graffiti captured at hidden spots around Hong Kong by Professor Chang Tsan-kuo of the Department of Media and Communication. The images were taken as part of a three-year-long research project to record and study local graffiti culture. Visitors could flip through Professor Chang’s new book on graffiti and test their creativity by producing their own graffiti at the exhibition. 藏身於香港各個角落的30多幅塗鴉佳作,由媒體與傳播系張讚國教授拍成照片,呈現在城大 2012年11月舉行的獨特街頭藝術展覽中。張教授採集本港塗鴉作品並探討其文化意義,這批照片 是他在歷時三年的研究工作中拍攝的。現場同時展出張博士研究香港塗鴉藝術的新著,供參觀者 翻閱,並提供紙筆顏料等物,供人當場塗抹寫畫,測試自己的創意。
January 2013
News & Notable CityU students, staff and alumni compete in Taipei international marathon 城大學生、教職員與校友參加台北國際馬拉松賽 CityU organised a delegation to compete in the 2012 Fubon Taipei Marathon on 16 December 2012, the first among Hong Kong universities to do so, and its first alumni cultural exchange activity in Taiwan. These “ice-breaking” outreach activities were supported by the Eminence Society, a distinguished alumni group, and led by Mr Herman Hu Shao-ming, Council Chairman. The CityU team was composed of 82 students, staff and alumni, who either ran the full marathon (42 km), half marathon (21 km), or the 9-km race. Professor Way Kuo, University President, ran the 9-km race. The runners had been selected by CityU’s Taipei Marathon Organisation Committee, comprising representatives of the Student Development Services, the Alumni Relations Office, the Campus Development and Facilities Office, and the Department of Management. 在城大資深校友組織「城賢匯」的支持下,「城大馬拉松團隊」於2012年12月16日參加「2012富邦台北馬拉松」比賽,開創本港大學組團參加台 北馬拉松賽之先河。城大還在台灣舉辦了首次校友文化交流活動。這次台灣「破冰」之旅由校董會主席胡曉明先生親自帶隊。城大馬拉松團隊由學 生、教職員和校友組成,共82人,分別參加全馬(42公里)、半馬(21公里)和9公里賽。校長郭位教授參加了9公里賽。參賽的學生、教職員和校 友均經過台北馬拉松活動籌委會嚴格篩選。籌委會由學生發展處、校友聯絡處、校園發展及設施管理處和管理學系四個部門組成。
Tackling “big data” volumes with compressive sensing
Lecture discusses fundamental issues in geometry and elasticity
Professor H. T. Kung, William H.
Professor Philippe G. Ciarlet,
Gates Professor of Computer
University Distinguished Professor
Science and Electrical Engineering
of the College of Science and
at Harvard University, spoke at a
Engineering, delivered the 12th
lecture in December last year at
lecture, titled “Geometry and
CityU. In the lecture, titled “Big
Elasticity”, in the President’s Lecture
Data and Compressive Sensing”
Series: Excellence in Academia
and delivered as the latest in the
in December last year. In his talk,
City University Distinguished Lecture Series, Professor Kung focused on
Professor Ciarlet reviewed several advances accomplished during the last
“compressive sensing”, a new tool to address the issue of enormous data
decades in the theory of elasticity, with special emphasis on available
volumes, in addition to reviewing the background of big data and their
existence theorems, as well as the geometrical notions that naturally
applications and describing some general frameworks for analysing big
appear in the modeling and in the mathematical analysis of the various
models encountered.
哈佛大學威廉 • H • 蓋茨電腦科學及電機工程學講座教授孔祥重教授去
科學及工程學院大學傑出教授菲立普 • 希阿雷教授去年12月為城大的
CityU joins InnoCarnival 2012 城大參加創新科技嘉年華2012 CityU participated in InnoCarnival 2012 organised by the Innovation and Technology Commission which allowed the public to gain hands-on experience of the convenience and fun brought by innovation and technology to daily life. Five research projects covering robot, horseshoe crab, creative media and wireless communication were featured at the nine-day carnival held between 3 and 11 November 2012 at Hong Kong Science Park. The event was opened by senior government officials including the Hon John Tsang Chun-wah, Financial Secretary, the Hon Gregory So Kam-leung, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, and Miss Janet Wong Wing-chen, Commissioner for Innovation and Technology. 城大參加了創新科技署主辦的創新科技嘉年華2012。這次活動於 2012年11月3日至11日在 香港科學園舉行,為期 九天,讓市民有機會親 身體驗創新科技給生活 帶來的方便與樂趣。城 大共展出了五個研究項 目,包括機械人、馬蹄 蟹保育、創意媒體、無 線通訊。多位政府高級 官員出席了開幕典禮, 包括財政司司長曾俊華 先生、商務及經濟發展 局局長蘇錦樑先生、創 新科技署署長王榮珍 女士。
Leadership project eases freshmen into university life 學生領袖計劃助新生融入大學生活 Thirty-four Year 2 students from the Department of Applied Social Studies (SS) were named as Student Leaders under the Project for Learning Excellence (Project X) at the X-Gala in October last year. Project X, a non-credit bearing cocurricular programme established since 2008, helps Year 1 students in SS adjust to university life, prepare for life-long learning, learn how to be strong candidates for the job market, and contribute to the community. The project’s nominated Student Leaders will support freshmen through various Project X activities, such as learning communities, training camps, Community Awareness Projects and workshops. 應用社會科學系去年10月舉行典禮,34位該系 二年級學生獲選為X計劃的學生領袖。X計劃由 應用社會科學系在2008年推出,這個為期一年 的非學分課程,旨在協助一年級新生適應大學 生活,養成終身求學的習慣,並學習增強職場競 爭力及回饋社會的精神。這批學生領袖將通過 X計劃內的一系列活動,如學習小組、訓練營、 講習班、社區體察計劃等,協助並指導新生。
In search of a Land of Happiness 追尋樂土 The eleventh in a series of specially commissioned lectures celebrating academic excellence reviewed a universal human desire, namely the pursuit of happiness. Entitled “In Search of a Land of Happiness: Utopia and Its Discontents”, the lecture delivered on 9 October 2012 by Professor Zhang Longxi, Chair Professor of Comparative Literature and Translation in the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, guided an interdisciplinary audience of academics and students through a gallery of writings and discussions of utopia or utopias over the centuries, in the West and in China. 城大於2012年10月9日舉辦第11場「校長講座系列:學術薈萃」,中文、翻譯及語言學系比較 文學及翻譯講座教授張隆溪教授發表演講,論述中西文學如何表達人類追尋樂土這一普世心 願。 張教授的演講題為「追尋樂土:烏托邦及其缺陷」 ,向聽眾講述數百年來有關烏托邦的各 類中西著述及文學作品,出席的聽眾包括多個領域的學者和城大各學系及專業的師生。
January 2013
Cover Story
Open art for the digital age 數碼時代的開放藝術
By Michael Gibb
The images draw you inexorably into the tunnel, a historical stream of paintings, sketches, sculptures, photographs and other artistic artifacts, some familiar, some unknown, taking you on a cultural journey across the world. At the end of the tunnel, what do you find? Dig far enough and you will meet someone in Paris, in Seoul, in San Jose, someone on the other side of the planet who has burrowed through a similar cultural tunnel to discover you.
“Tunnels Around the World”, a creation of media
In fact, he is asking so many questions and
of fiction and reality to make sense of the new
artist and theorist Professor Maurice Benayoun
creating so many ideas that he called his blog
world around us. If you want to change the
of the School of Creative Media (SCM), is an
“The Dump” because he knew he would never
world, perhaps you can introduce more fiction
intriguing means of experiencing cultural
have the time or resources to develop them
to reality, but do it in a way to make reality more
material in a space that compresses time and
all. Any conceptual artist was free to sample
physical distance into a multisensory spectacle.
the ideas in the blog and develop them by
Using state-of-the-art computer processing
themselves, all with Professor Benayoun’s
An exemplar of his work and this theory, part
technology, video projection, powered speakers,
blessing. This they did, and an art exhibition was
of his on-going Mechanics of Emotions series
a kinesthetic tracking system, webcam, mic,
held in Poland where fellow artists shared their
that started in 2005, is the intriguing Emotion
and a graphic carpet that facilitates the
realisations, or inspirations, based on the blog
Forecast project in which Professor Benayoun
interpersonal and cross-cultural interaction
sets about mapping the emotional state of the
between the cultural explorers in cities around
world’s biggest cities in much the same way a
the world, Professor Benayoun is continuing
The theory grounding Professor Benayoun’s work
meteorologist might predict the weather.
his explorations of human emotions within and
revolves around his take on the nature of reality
Earlier last year Professor Benayoun adapted
without the new cyber environments and virtual
and the new fictions and hyperrealities created
the idea for what became known as the
reality of the Digital Age.
by new forms of multimedia digital networks.
“Occupy Wall Screens” exhibition held at the Big Screen Plaza in New York City and via Streaming
It would take a book-length text to appreciate
“More and more we are living in a world
Museum, an international public art and online
the exuberant body of work that Professor
where the boundaries between actuality and
museum (www.streamingmuseum.org).
Benayoun has created over the last thirty years.
fictional narratives are blurred,” said Professor
Described as probably “France’s most cutting-
Benayoun, who was born in Algeria in 1957
At the core of the exhibition was an ingenious
edge artist” by US critic Michael Kurcfeld, the
and taught and researched at Paris 1 University,
idea of using web-based analytical tools to
newly appointed SCM professor looks for ways
Pantheon-Sorbonne, where he was co-founder
collect data, primarily from online news reports,
of connecting today’s vibrant visual technologies
and art director of CITU (Création Interactive
about cities active in the Occupy Wall Street
with human emotions, culture and behaviour in
Transdisciplinaire Universitaire) Lab. “I call this
movement and using the information to create
an attempt to generate questions about today’s
critical fusion, i.e. bringing together theories
emotional stocks. Thus, Seoul, for example, could
world, the way we live, and the way we will live. As Kurcfeld says, Professor Benayoun is “a thinker first, and technology is just a means to a dialectic end that asks more questions than it answers”.
“An artist is a permanent researcher, trained to track the changes taking place in the world.”
January 2013
Cover Story
be Angry +1.5% one day while London could
Although not overtly political in his work,
be Happy -6%. These forecasts were projected
Professor Benayoun is keenly anti-consumerist,
alongside real-time stock figures from Wall Street
bemused by the way technology is used to
from a giant screen overlooking New York’s
encourage people to buy products that they
financial district.
probably don’t really need, for instance, the latest version of the latest tech toy that is billed as a
“The idea is based on the thought that, ‘What
must-have. His Emotion Vending Machine, which
if the economy and trade were based on the
dispenses “musical cocktails” based on how the
emotional state of the planet?’” Professor
buyer is feeling, is a satirical take on today’s
Benayoun explained, rather than on non-human
consumer-led society.
related abstracts on the markets. In a sense, he
一幅幅圖像以無可掙脫的魔力吸引你走 進隧道,你熟知或未知的繪畫、雕塑、 照片等不同年代的藝術作品組成一條溪 流,引領你踏上一次環球文化之旅。到 了隧道盡頭,你會見到什麼?繼續向前 深挖,你就會遇到法國巴黎、韓國首 爾、美國聖荷西等地的人,他們來自地 球的另一面,也在類似的文化隧道內挖 掘前行以求發現你。 這條虛擬隧道名為《世界各地的隧道》,是媒
is trying to reclaim humanity from the clothes of
Now based in Hong Kong at the SCM, Professor
體藝術家兼理論家莫奔(Maurice Benayoun)
economics and traders.
Benayoun plans to carry on inventing and
creating in what calls R&V, i.e. bridging the real
“The emotional factor is not likely to be accurate,
and virtual, a play on R&D. “Hong Kong is a
and it is meant to be symbolic,” he said. “It is
great place to continue my research. An artist
not looking at real emotions but the emotions
is a permanent researcher, trained to track the
filtered by the internet, and only a certain part
changes taking place in the world. It is important
of the world.” Nevertheless, the effect is startling
to have an open vision about what can be done
when seeing the emotional forecast for different
in the world,” he said.
parts of the world juxtaposed against the hard
numbers coming off Wall Street, with the latter
Back at the tunnel in the SCM connecting cities
losing meaning in significance against the
around the world to Hong Kong in a high-
broader brush of human experience, i.e. one’s
tech cultural space, that vision is growing ever
emotional readings.
broader, deeper and intriguing.
Still moving – Mechanics of Emotions series Still moving – 情感力學系列
Still moving – Mechanics of Emotions series Still moving – 情感力學系列
Michael Kurcfeld 認為,莫奔教授很可能是
意媒體學院教授渴望尋找各種方法,令當今蓬 勃發展的視像科技與人類的情感、文化、行為相
系列。這個系列始於2005年,至今仍未完 成。在這個饒有趣味的系列裏,莫奔教授着
幕廣場舉辦的「佔領華爾幕」展覽上展出, 同時亦上載到國際公共藝術及在線博物館
Steaming Museum(www.streamingmuseum.
網誌取名「The Dump」 (意思是「 垃圾場 」),
Emotion Forecast – Mechanics of Emotions series 情感預報 – 情感力學系列
因為他自知永遠沒有時間或財力物力去發展這 些新意念。任何一位觀念藝術家都可隨意抽取
股票。例如,某一天韓國首爾的憤怒指數是 +1.5%,而倫敦的快樂指數是-6%。這些預測
見解,其作品的理論基礎即以他對上述兩者的 領會為中心。
Occupy Wall Screens – Mechanics of Emotions series 佔領華爾幕 – 情感力學系列
『如果經濟與貿易並非以不涉人性的抽象市場 他說:「在我們的世界中,現實與虛構敘事之間
院。他計劃繼續在「虛與實」 (英文為R&V,
「藝術家永遠都是研究者,他 們受過訓練,能跟蹤世界上發 生的種種變化。」
January 2013
Professional Education & Research
Lessons in creativity 課程創新
Creativity can be defined in many (creative) ways. It would surely be counter-productive to impose a stringent interpretation, after all. At CityU, creativity is embedded in the DNA of the curriculum thanks to the cumulative impact of the new 4-year Discovery-enriched Curriculum, which was rolled out in full in 2012 –13. In addition, several of the University’s revamped courses include the term creativity prominently in the title, helping to advance the campus-wide drive to make learning at CityU more exciting, relevant and rewarding, and allowing for rich and varied understandings of what it means to be creative. A typical way of conceiving creativity conjures up images of art work and critical thinking, both of which appear in the Gateway Education (GE) course taught by Dr Dennitza Gabrakova (below), Assistant Professor in the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics. The course,
By Michael Gibb
titled “Ideology and Creativity: Unwrapping ‘Japanese Culture’”, introduces students to important perspectives on race, gender and generation through icons within Japanese culture, referencing Madame Butterfly, the Geisha, the Samurai, the “salary man”, otaku (people with obsessive interest in anime, video games and manga), and, of course, the kids’ perennial favourite, Hello Kitty. “This course challenges students to think critically about issues of tradition, nation, and ideology by reconsidering the image of Japanese culture within a globalised and multicultural world,” said Dr Gabrakova, who researches Japanese studies and postcolonial theory. She is particularly interested in gender issues related to identity, performance and society, illuminating themes in Japanese contemporary literature
Industry, Society, and Creativity” which sees
In the course, creativity is not romanticised as
within the context of world literature and other
Dr Damien Charrieras (above), Assistant Professor
a flighty artistic process, nor put in equation in
creative expressions.
in the School of Creative Media, introduce
scientific or psychological terms, but framed
students to the critical, cultural, industrial and
as a complex cultural process involving
Thus it is no surprise that Asian-American
creative perspectives of the video gaming
authorship, ownership, copyright as well as in
David Henry Hwang’s 1988 award-winning play
world, urging participants to see creativity
the conception and production of ideas. On a
M. Butterfly is a notable focus of attention, a piece
as a vital element within industry. One of the
more practical level, the participants also have to
of dramatic theatre that explores edifying issues
underlying ideas in the course is that video
write a proposal of a game that challenges our
of orientalism, gender, identify and race.
games are worthy of study not simply because,
common conceptions of video games.
on a basic level, they are hugely popular, with “We also look at other creative industries such as
a market value running into billions of US
“The students will eventually create a paper
fashion, performance and art,” said Dr Gabrakova,
dollars, comparable to in market size the global
prototype of their own design which is playable
who holds a PhD in interdisciplinary cultural
movie and music entertainment markets, but
for other students to determine how interesting
studies from the University of Tokyo.
also because they raise interesting questions
and innovative their design is, how their design
such as how the video games challenge our
pushes further the possibilities offered by video
Adding a more tactile level of creativity, the
understanding of the cultural effects of new
game as a medium,” said Dr Charrieras, who has
course has students undertake paper collage, i.e.
media. Students are asked to criticise the
a PhD in film studies from Sorbonne Nouvelle
assembling different forms to create new wholes,
common conceptions we have about video
University in Paris and a PhD in communication
a theme that references to the complex issues of
games. Video games are not only products of
studies from the University of Montreal.
identity elaborated in works such as M. Butterfly.
mass entertainment, but relate to new media art practices pertaining to contemporary debates
Student input is of course integral in CityU’s
Complexity is very much the flavour of the main
around the notions of immersion, interactivity,
professional education curriculum, a point
subject in the GE course “Video Game: History,
augmented reality, embodiment.
exemplified in a major core course taken by
January 2013
Professional Education & Research
“Creativity can be highly subjective, and occasionally a frustrating process, because ideas are often rejected or have to be reworked before they are acceptable.”
「創新」的意思可以用許多(創新的) 說法來解釋,但若要強加一個定義,卻 肯定只會適得其反。在城大,創新已深 深融入各類課程的精髓,因為全校從 2012 - 13學年起全面推行新的四年制 「重探索求創新」課程,如今已日見成 效。此外,在原有的科目中,有幾門經 過更新,在課程名稱中突出「創新」一 詞,以配合全校為改進教學而作出的努 力,使學生的求學歷程更富有興味、切 合實際、收穫更豐,同時也讓人對「創 新」有更豐富而多樣的理解。 說到如何理解「創新」,往往令人聯想起藝術 作品,以及謹慎深入的思考。中文、翻譯及語 言學系助理教授Dennitza Gabrakova博士(第 12頁圖)講授的一門精進教育課程,正是兩者 兼備。
all marketing major students titled “Creativity
“We show students that the path to
in Marketing” offered by the Department of
creativity can be taught and learned but it
Marketing. The course helps students develop
is never guaranteed,” said Dr Fok, also the
the creative thinking and creative problem-
programme leader for the Bachelor of Business
solving skills required in a competitive business
Administration in Marketing. “Students soon
realise that creativity can be highly subjective,
and occasionally a frustrating process, because
“We use various approaches to generate ideas
ideas are often rejected or have to be reworked
子念念不忘的至愛Hello Kitty(凱蒂貓)。
that we can use to solve problems and make
before they are acceptable.” 「這門課程促使學生重新審視全球化多元文
decisions in a marketing context,” said Dr Vincent Fok Shun-cheong (opposite page), Teaching
Nevertheless, the path to creativity is the one
Fellow in the Department of Marketing, and a
that CityU students are taking, regardless of the
veteran teacher of the course.
tricky steps along the way, creating a journey
that will benefit the students in terms of both
Brainstorming is one method for idea creation, a
their careers and the expectant local and
process that students are often already familiar
international job market that needs more than
with, and so this approach is augmented with
ever before graduates trained to muster and
sessions on intuitive thinking, the works of
deploy their creative skills.
Edward de Bono which is a leading authority on
thinking, and neuro-linguistic programming.
君》成為關注的焦點。這部情節劇在1988年獲 獎,探討東方文化、社會性別、身份、種族等 富有啓迪意義的問題。「我們亦留意時裝、表 演、藝術等創意產業,」Gabrakova博士說。 為了令學生更直觀地把握創新這一概念,該課 程還要求學生動手製作碎紙拼貼畫,將種種圖
學的術語,而是被視為一個複雜的文化過程, 涉及原創作者、所有權、版權,也包含意念的
學院的助理教授Damien Charrieras博士(第13
「創新是很主觀的,有時候 尋求創新的過程令人沮喪, 因為意念常常會被人拒絕, 或不得不重新構思,然後人 家才會接受。」
遊戲這種媒介的發展潛力,」 Charrieras博士
的著名權威、法國心理學家愛德華 • 德 • 波諾
(Edward de Bono)的著作,並結合神經語言
爭激烈的商業環境所必需的。 「我們向學生表明,創新的方法可以教、可以 學,但不能保證必定奏效,」霍博士說;他是 工商管理榮譽學士(市場營銷學)課程的負責 人。「學生很快就認識到,創新是很主觀的, 有時候尋求創新的過程令人沮喪,因為意念常 常會被人拒絕,或不得不重新構思,然後人家 才會接受。」 然而不管沿途有多少艱難險阻,城大學生正在 創新之路上前進,這段旅程不僅有助於發展他 們的職業生涯,而且有利於本港與國際的職 場,因為這些市場空前渴求訓練有素的畢業 生,能夠發揮所學,善用創新技能。
January 2013
Professional Education & Research
Creative thinking in global moots 創意思維 模擬法庭辯論賽 取勝之道
By Michael Gibb
The mooters have been preparing for weeks, staying up all night to research the legal background to the case set for the competition, sacrificing birthday and family celebrations for extra prep time with their teammates, and endlessly reworking relevant counter-arguments and strategies. But on the day of the moot, all that hard work is rendered meaningless unless the student mooters have the capacity to think creatively on their feet. “As a forum for creative thinking, mooting is in a class of its own,” said Mr Rajesh Sharma (opposite page, right row, centre), the Director of Mooting at CityU’s School of Law and an assistant professor. In the past few months, teams from the School of Law have won the Willem C. Vis (East) International Commercial Arbitration Moot and the International Criminal Court Trial Competition in The Hague in The Netherlands (the first law school in Asia to win this competition), and earned the runner-up title in the Asia-Pacific Regional Round of the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition in Hyderabad, India.
The CityU teams’ success is due to their “total” preparation, according to
“If the process is right, we will do well. We will not always win, but we
Mr Sharma, an expert in finance law and arbitration who has run CityU’s
will do well,” Mr Sharma said.
mooting teams for the past four years. The aim is always to be the best prepared team in every competition that they enter, and the aim is always
The process for preparation focuses very much on creative and critical
to win.
thinking. In a moot, each team has to present arguments as both the plaintiff and the defendant. This means that the students have to see
“Our teams are highly creative in the way they deploy all the facts of the
both sides of the issue and construct highly compelling and equally
problem central to the competition and in the way they build their case.
persuasive arguments accordingly. To test the arguments, Mr Sharma
Of course we can anticipate what arguments that the other teams might
and other members of the School of Law’s faculty will bombard the
present, but it is essential to be able to think quickly and imaginatively
mooters with aggressive questions as part of the training.
during the judges’ questioning. We coach our teams to move their lips in time with their thinking minds!” he said.
“We form an intimidating bench and we do not hold back in the training. We aim to irritate the students as much as possible and upset
Mr Sharma likens the students’ creativity to football. A coach has to create
their timing, which is what the judges in the moots will do,” Mr Sharma
an environment for the player to excel, by offering world-class training and
said. As a result, the students are perfectly poised and prepared for
total dedication, and once the match is underway, all that creativity and
whatever the moot throws at them.
originality can come to life.
January 2013
Professional Education & Research
“As a forum for creative thinking, mooting is in a class of its own.” “This is exactly what our mooting teams do, all over the world, proving that CityU students are capable of competing with the best law students in the world,” Mr Sharma said. Generally Mr Sharma and the rest of the faculty team from the School of Law recruit a team over the summer in time for the release of the Moot’s problem, which could be a 60-page brief, in about September, for a competition that will take place the following spring. “To succeed, students need to be thorough in their preparations and “Sometimes I meet our graduates who had been on our mooting teams
totally dedicated to the team’s campaign, but above all they have to be
and who are now working as legal professionals. They say that the mooting
able to think on their feet. It is no use knowing the law and the case under
has been excellent preparation for their jobs. No one can intimidate them
discussion in great detail unless you have the ability to apply the law and
because of the training they got as mooters at CityU!” Mr Sharma said.
deploy the facts of the case in response to questions raised by the judges,” he said.
The achievements of the law students in these international mooting competitions align well with the aims of CityU’s new 4-year Discovery-
Mooting is one of the greatest challenges a law student can face, but with
enriched Curriculum, which stresses the importance of creating and
world-class training and preparation, CityU is producing law graduates who
communicating new knowledge, and making original discoveries.
can think creatively and win over even the toughest of judges.
Recent successes include n winning the 2nd International ADR Mooting Competition, jointly organised by the School of Law at CityU, the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, and Columbia University; n taking home the championship in the Ninth Annual Willem C. Vis (East) International Commercial Arbitration Moot organised by the Vis East Moot Foundation Limited; n securing the championship in the International Criminal Court Trial Competition organised by the International Criminal Law Network; n being named the 1st Runner up in the Asia-Pacific Regional Round of the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition organised by International Institute of Space Law; n and coming third in the Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Moot organised by the Center for International Legal Studies.
參加模擬法庭比賽的選手們已經準備了 好幾個星期,夜以繼日地研究比賽的辯 題案件涉及的法律,甚至放棄了生日及 其他家庭節慶活動,以爭取時間與隊友 多加演練,並一再修訂正反兩個角度的 論點和論辯策略。
員訓練時毫不留情。我們特意儘量激怒受訓 的學生,打亂他們的時間安排,這正是評委
方參賽隊可能提出的論點,我們當然能事先預 然而到了比賽那一天,除非參賽學生有能力獨
的專業人士。他們說,參加辯論賽,是他們 入職前的上佳預備。在城大受過這樣的訓練
他是城大法律學院的助理教授兼模擬法庭比 賽主任。
為之營造超越對手的環境;比賽一開始,球員 的所有創意和獨創精神隨即啓動而得以發揮。
「國際刑事法庭模擬審訊競賽」並奪得冠軍, 令城大成為第一所獲此榮譽的亞洲學府;接着
又在印度海得拉巴舉辦的「曼弗雷德 • 拉克斯
城大新推行的「重探索求創新」四年制課 程,強調創造新知、交流新知、參與創新探 索,而法律學院的學生參加國際模擬法庭辯
備參加次年春天舉行的辯論賽。 「學生要想參賽獲勝,就必須充分準備,
近 期 的 參賽 優 勝 紀 錄 包括: n 第二屆「國際替代性爭議解決機制模擬法庭比賽」決賽冠軍(城大法律學院、中國國際 經濟貿易仲裁委員會、美國哥倫比亞大學聯合舉辦); n 第九屆「維斯(東方)國際商事仲裁模擬法庭辯論賽」總冠軍(韋思東方基金會有限公司
全心投入參賽隊的備戰活動,不過最重要 的是獨立思考能力。如果不能運用法律知識 並陳述事實以回應評委提出的質問,就算懂 得法律、對辯論題目瞭如指掌,也是沒有用 的,」他說。
舉辦); n 「國際刑事法庭模擬審訊競賽」冠軍(國際刑法網組織主辦); n 「曼弗雷德 • 拉克斯空間法模擬法庭競賽」亞太區亞軍(國際空間法學會主辦); n 「外國直接投資國際仲裁(FDI)模擬法庭比賽」季軍(國際法學研究中心舉辦)。
對於修讀法律的學生,模擬法庭辯論賽是自 己可能面對的一個艱鉅考驗,但城大給予學 生世界一流的訓練與準備,培育出來的畢業 生能發揮創意思維,即便是最嚴苛的評委亦 會為之折服。
January 2013
Professional Education & Research
New forms of heritage interpretation 文化遺產新面貌
By Mirror Fung
The audience stands immersed in a custom-designed 3D projection environment and experiences war in a completely unique and interactive way. Around you is a dynamic amalgamation of personal stories, associated image clouds and soundscapes drawn from World War I (1914 – 1918). You navigate through an unfolding history using a programmed tablet computer, rediscovering history in an interactive way. By courtesy of Bijzondere Collecties – Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam
“ECloud” is an initiative of Dr Sarah Kenderdine, Director of Research for
of the European Commission, ministers of culture from twelve European
CityU’s Applied Laboratory for Interactive Visualization and Embodiment
Union countries, European Commissioners and key figures in the creative
(ALiVE) and Professor Jeffrey Shaw, Director of ALiVE, Dean of School
industries attended. After the premiere, “ECloud” was showcased at the
of Creative Media and Chair Professor of Media Art. It transforms linear
Europeana Plenary Conference in June in Leuven, Belgium.
browsing of 2D information into an embodied experience on a nine-metrewide and three-metre-high screen using datasets provided by crowd-
“ECloud” is a prototype designed to demonstrate for museums and
sourced World War I archives from Europeana 1914 - 1918 (see box).
cultural organisations a powerful situated exhibition for engaging and inspiring visitors with a vast wealth of data. This cutting-edge technology
“‘ECloud’ emphasises the re-use of online archives in situated settings,”
demonstrates a future for visitor experience in GLAMs (galleries, libraries,
said Dr Kenderdine, who is also an associate professor in the Department
archives and museums) where internet archives and collection databases
of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics and Director of the new Research
are redefined for interaction with the public.
Centre for Innovation in Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (iGLAM) at CityU. “This means harnessing the internet and exposing its latent potential for the big screen.”
Europeana 1914 - 1918
Dr Kenderdine and Professor Shaw were invited to take up the “ECloud”
The year 2014 will see the 100th anniversary of the
project because the research undertaken at ALiVE concerns reformulating
start of World War I. In 2010, a project called Europeana
relationships to data in embodied, kinaesthetic ways.
1914 - 1918, co-funded by the European Union, began collecting letters, postcards, photographs and stories
“This sculpting of digital cultural materials reveals new insights, providing
from Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Slovenia
us with unexpected associations and, most importantly, offering new
and the UK. Curators at Europeana selected key
paradigms of experience, challenging the ways we see and thus the ways
contributions to create stories of relationships and social
we create meaning,” Dr Kenderdine explained.
meanings. The Europeana 1914 - 1918 database now includes more than 10,000 stories and keepsakes.
The purpose of the project is to provide both audiences and participating cultural organisations with a renewed appreciation of the wealth of the Europeana datasets online. “3D allows us to re-define 2D data into a dynamic visualisation, increasing both the appeal of the data and the cognitive impact of the large format images distributed in 3D space. Such visualisation strategies continue to hint at the endless permutations available to the user in a way that 2D designs cannot,” she added. “ECloud” uses the geo-location of the Europeana dataset to position each of the key stories on maps of Europe showing opposing points of view across Europe during the war and providing a highly emotive context. The exhibit premiered in May 2012 at a Europeana Awareness event called “Culture for Digital Innovation” in Brussels. Ms Neelie Kroes, Vice-President
January 2013
Professional Education & Research
“This sculpting of digital cultural materials reveals new insights, providing us with unexpected associations and, most importantly, offering new paradigms of experience.”
觀眾站在專門設計的「ECloud」三維投影裝置前面,以全然 獨特的沉浸互動方式去體驗戰爭。一個動態的個人經歷展覽 環繞着你,一組組相關圖像在你眼前呈現,背景聲音在耳畔 響起,這些都是取自第一次世界大戰(1914 - 1918) 。觀眾 使用一台已輸入控制程式的平板電腦,即可以互動方式重新 發掘歷史。 負責研發「ECloud」裝置的是城大「互動視覺及體現應用研究室」 (ALiVE)研究總監兼中文、翻譯及語言學系副教授Sarah Kenderdine 博士,以及ALiVE總監、創意媒體學院院長兼媒體藝術講座教授邵志飛 教授。「ECloud」是一個高三米、寬九米的三維投影裝置,它能夠將 二維文獻資料的單向瀏覽轉化為一種如臨其境的立體體驗。裝置所用的 基本資料源於「Europeana 1914 - 1918」豐富的一戰網上資料庫。 「ECloud着重在特定的設置中重新使用在線文獻檔案,」Kenderdine 博士說, 她也是新成立的Research Centre for Innovation in Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums(iGLAM)的總監。「這就意味着要善 用互聯網,並用大屏幕把它的內在潛力顯示出來。」
“The rematerialisation of museums in virtual domains has been coupled with the rapid growth in participant culture. The advanced display systems at ALiVE offer strategies for multisensory engagement and give us powerful ways to reformulate narrative in a digital context. They emphasise human to human as well as human-machine interactions,” she said. To stretch the boundaries of museology and curatorship, a seminal international symposium (NODEM 2012 Hong Kong) intended for museum practitioners throughout Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan was held in December 2012 at CityU. NODEM 2012 Hong Kong highlighted cutting-edge research and practice from around the world with a focus on tangible and intangible heritage in Asian contexts. More than 360 participants from 29 countries attended NODEM. Dr
Dr Kenderdine (right) and Mr Harry Verwayen, Business Development Director of Europeana. Kenderdine博士(右)與Europeana業務發展總監Harry Verwayen先生。
Kenderdine was one of the initiators and co-organisers of this event. Europeana 1914 - 1918 簡介 “Today our work is still largely constrained to 2D, and so the possibility
of an expressive potential for interactivity and alternative modalities
for manipulating and representing data remains underexplored,”
Dr Kenderdine said.
國收集有關的信件、明信片、照片、故事。 Europeana的資料庫工作人員精選了重要的捐贈 品,創作成關於人類各種關係、具有社會意義 的故事。Europeana 1914 - 1918資料庫現有逾 10,000個故事與紀念品。
Kenderdine博士與邵志飛教授獲邀負責開發ECloud項目,因為ALiVE 從事的研究正是以具體化、動覺感應的方法重新塑造人與資料的關係。 「將數碼文化材料形象化可帶來新的啓發,讓我們產生意想不到的聯 想。最重要的是,給予我們全新的體驗模式,挑戰我們的觀看方式,因 此也挑戰我們創造意義的方式,」她解釋說。 ECloud項目的目的是為觀眾及參與項目的文化機構提供一個嶄新的視
NODEM 2012 Hong Kong
角,欣賞Europeana(歐洲數碼圖書館)的在線資料寶庫。 NODEM 2012 Hong Kong held from 2 to 5 December 2012 at CityU was 「三維技術有助於把二維資料轉換成動態呈現方式,這樣既增加了資料
hosted by the Hong Kong Advanced Institute for Cross-Disciplinary
的吸引力,又能增大分佈於三維空間的大幅圖像的認知影響力。對於使 用者來說,這種呈現策略持續暗示着可以有無窮無盡的排列方式,而二
Studies in collaboration with the School of Creative Media and ALiVE, and supported by College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences.
維設計是無法做到這點的,」Kenderdine博士續說。 The symposium brought together leading theorists, practitioners and ECloud使用Europeana網上資料庫的地理定位,把每個主要故事定
artists to discuss the future of digital heritage, creative practices, design and
emerging technologies. Pioneers from cross-disciplinary fields shared views
on a range of issues covering new forms of heritage interpretation and the
future of new media at the forefront of museum design. “ECloud” and other
歐盟執行委員會副主席尼莉 • 克羅斯女士及歐盟12個成員國的文化部
innovation projects like the Pure Land Augmented Reality Edition were
showcased, too.
後,ECloud在6月於比利時魯汶市的「Europeana全會」上再次展出。 NODEM (Nordic Digital Excellence in Museums) was established in 2003 ECloud是一個典範,它的設計向博物館與文化機構展現出一個效果強 大的特定展覽,可用極其豐富的資料去吸引觀眾、啓迪觀眾。這種先進
by the research studio Vision for Museums at the Interactive Institute from
time this symposium was held in Asia.
Sweden and supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers. It was the first
上述機構的網上檔案、藏品資料庫與公眾之間的互動亦將重整。 「博物館的藏品在虛擬世界中重新變為實物,這跟參與者文化的快速發 展有關。ALiVE的高新展示系統為多元感覺交集提供了不同策略,讓我 們有多種很有效的途徑在數碼化環境中重塑敘事方式 — 既強調人與人 之間的互動,亦強調人與機器之間的互動,」她說。 為了拓展博物館學領域與相關工作人員的眼界,NODEM 2012 Hong Kong國際研討會2012年12月在城大召開,逾360名來自29個國家和地 區的代表出席了研討會,包括中國內地、香港、台灣的博物館專業人 員。研討會着重討論世界各地博物館的先進研究及實踐,其中又以亞洲 環境下的有形及無形文化遺產為焦點。Kenderdine博士是這個研討會 的發起人與協辦者之一。 「現時我們的工作大半依然局限於二維,對於互動性及以非傳統形式運 用及呈現資料,其表現潛力的發展前景依然有待探索,」Kenderdine 博士說。
NODEM 2012 Hong Kong 簡介 NODEM 2012 Hong Kong於2012年12月2日至5日在城大舉行,由城大 香港跨學科高等研究院主辦,並由城大創意媒體學院及ALiVE協辦,同 時獲得城大人文社會科學院全力支持。 本次研討會匯聚了重要的理論家、專業人士、藝術家,議題是討論數碼 遺產的前景、創意實踐、設計、新興技術。研討會上,世界各地跨學科 領域的先驅就一系列課題各抒高見,分享心得,包括如何以新形式闡釋 文化遺產、博物館設計前沿的新媒體有何前景。ECloud與《人間淨土 — 擴增實境版》等其他創新項目亦同時展出。 NODEM (Nordic Digital Excellence in Museums)由瑞典互動研究院的 「博物館願景」研究室於2003年成立,獲得北歐部長理事會支持。該研 討會首次在亞洲舉行。
January 2013
Through the Lens
Professional business education The College of Business is one of the largest business schools in Hong Kong, offering a broad range of professional business education at the undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels. Its mission is to be a globally oriented business school at the forefront of business ideas and knowledge, and a key business education hub for China and the rest of the world.
專業商業教育 城大商學院的規模在香港數一數二,提供的商科專業教育課程涵蓋寬 廣,從本科程度到研究生,並包括博士生。城大商學院的使命,是力求 成為一所面向全球的商學院,位於商業理念與營商知識的前沿,成為 中國與世界各地的商學教育樞紐。
Photo: Sunny Wong
January 2013
Professional Education & Research
Behind the Index 指數背後 “The data in these two indices reveal the current status of society,” said Dr Geoffrey Tso Kwok-fai, Associate Head and Associate Professor in the Department of Management Sciences.
By Mirror Fung
confidence. It presents consumers’ perception about current economic situation and their subjective perceptions about future economic development, income level and income anticipation. “The two indices complement each other and provide data and indications
He was referring to the CityU-Hong Kong Consumer Satisfaction Index and
that enable the government, industries and citizens to set their own
the Chinese Consumer Confidence Index that he started to compile in 1997
priorities and make corresponding adjustments,” Dr Tso said.
and 2008 respectively. The two indices are designed to provide objective data that reflects Hong Kong people’s level of satisfaction towards
The quarterly confidence index compiled by five universities in four places
consumer products and services and their confidence on different areas of
encompasses the Greater China Region, which includes Hong Kong,
economic performance.
Macau, Taiwan and the mainland. Since the third quarter of 2008, CityU
“The consumer satisfaction index is a lagging indicator for economic development. It goes up when the economy blossoms, and goes down when it withers. This is understandable. Citizens care more about their money and have a higher demand for products and services during economically hard times. For instance, the dramatic drop in satisfaction in 2002 revealed the anxiety felt by Hong Kong people,” Dr Tso explained. Using the model of the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) as a base, the researchers put 28 standardised questions about issues related to expectations, quality, values, satisfaction, complaints and loyalty to more than 13,000 consumers in telephone interviews. When asked why he launched the index 15 years ago, Dr Tso answered: “All countries in Europe and the US have one. Hong Kong, as a service centre, should use the same gauging model to provide data for us to know which areas need to be improved.” The annual index reveals trends in consumer perception in addition to revealing economic cycles, the popularity of products and changes within the service industry. In contrast, the confidence index offers forward-looking data that can project consumer behaviour, spending and investment based on consumer
has been conducting computer-assisted telephone interviews each quarter with about 1,000 citizens over 18 years old who domicile in Hong Kong. The
「從這兩個指數可以解讀整個社會的面貌,」管理科學系 副系主任兼副教授曹國輝博士表示。
index gauges the spending intentions and confidence levels of Hong Kong consumers during the period by asking them questions that cover six areas:
economic development, employment, consumer prices, living standards,
housing sales and stock investment.
觀數據,反映香港人對消費品和服務的滿意度以及對不同範疇的經濟 的信心。
“The mainland has always taken the top position in consumer confidence,” Dr Tso said. “Hong Kong and Macau kept the second and third places
respectively while Taiwan was at the bottom. However, recent surveys
have indicated that although the mainland still has the highest level of
confidence, it is on the decline. Hong Kong and Macau have exchanged positions, with the latter surpassing the former from 2010 onwards. Taiwan
still has the lowest score, but it has improved by almost 100%, getting very
close to Hong Kong.”
He added: “CityU has established a reputation in index surveys over the
years. However, it is not easy to sustain funding to carry out index projects
in the universities. To contribute more to society, I wish to participate in
more seminars to facilitate knowledge exchange between academics and
industry representatives.”
種種趨勢。 另一方面,信心指數則是前瞻指數,因為信心會影響消費和投資行為。 這項指數綜合反映消費者對當前經濟形勢的評價和對經濟前景、收入 水平、收入預期等的主觀感受。「兩種指數均是經濟指標,其數據和 指標有助政府、業界和市民定出優先次序,作出相應調整,」他說。 消費信心指數由兩岸四地的五所大學調查編製,涵蓋香港、澳門、台 灣、內地。城大由2008年第三季度開始,每一季度通過「電腦輔助 電話訪問」系統,訪問約1,000名年滿18歲常住香港的居民,藉此量 度香港消費者在該段時期內的消費意欲及程度,問題涵蓋六大範疇: 經濟發展、就業、物價、生活消費、購買房屋、投資股票。 曹博士指出:「一直以來,內地信心指數最高,香港第二,澳門第 三,台灣最低。不過近期的調查顯示,內地信心指數雖然仍是四地中 最高,但正在下跌;而香港則由第二跌至第三,澳門由2010年開始 越過香港成為第二位。台灣依舊最低,可是由非常低上升至與香港相 近,升幅幾近一倍。」 他補充說:「城大過去多年在調查指數上已確立了一定的知名度,不 過要持續獲得經費進行指數調查並不容易。我期望參與更多的研討 會,加強學者和業界代表的知識交流,為社會作出更多貢獻。」
January 2013
Professional Education & Research
From observing stars to detecting cancer 由觀星到檢測癌症 The sooner, the better. This rule applies to most things in life, especially the detection of diseases. But health checks such as cancer screening are a complex business. Current approaches are often not sensitive enough to identify conclusively the few cancerous cells that might exist in the samples of blood drawn for analysis. Potentially dangerous cells might be mixed with millions of normal, healthy cells, problematising the screening process. By Christina Wu
But a new approach adopted by Professor Li Wen
cells and leaving all the other cells alone. The
Jung from the Department of Mechanical and
cancerous cells are thus easier to spot,” he said.
Biomedical Engineering for his scientific research into a novel technology for the early detection of
His inspiration for using an ODEP force to
cancerous cells is a promising step forward in the
differentiate cancerous from healthy cells derived
fight against cancer.
from observing the stars. “My background in astronautics made me aware of how planetary
Professor Li’s project is called “Bio-manipulation
motion depends on the mass of the interacting
and Bio-marking by Optically-induced
bodies and the gravitational force field between
Electrokinetics” and it is a collaboration with
them,” he said.
the Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The potential is
His basic assumption was that cancerous cells
considered so great that it has been awarded
had a different mass to that of healthy cells, and
HK$1 million from the CAS-Croucher Funding
he was curious what motion he could generate
Scheme for Joint Laboratories. It is one of only
on different cells if they were under a certain
three new projects to receive funding from the
force field.
scheme last year. In fact, the scheme has funded only 20 projects since 2004.
“Of course, generating and studying a gravitational force field around cells is out of the
The technology developed by Professor Li is
question. But I knew that electromagnetism was
based on an optically induced dielectrophoresis
one of four fundamental interactions in nature,
(ODEP) platform that causes the cancerous cells
the other three being gravitation, nuclear strong
in the blood to rotate and move towards an
force and weak force. So, I decided to study the
area where a light pattern is projected. “It is like
motions of cells under an electric field about two
a special magnet pulling only on the cancerous
years ago,” he said.
January 2013
Professional Education & Research
detect skin cancer cells. “The pigmented skin cells exhibit a cell-specific rotation phenomenon under a sufficient ODEP force. This phenomenon could be a very efficient bio-marker to separate pigmented and non-pigmented cells nonintrusively,” he said. Professor Li’s research team recently built the first integrated ODEP platform in Hong Kong and China. He and his medical collaborator plan to apply the technology to differentiate other types of cancers in clinical tests in Hong Kong hospitals in two to three years’ time. The hope is that medical professionals will be able to collect cancerous cells for analysis by drawing blood from the illuminated area of the patient’s
Under the funding scheme, CityU and the
body and that eventually the ODEP platform will be able to pin-point the
Shenyang Institute of Automation will
exact source of these cancerous cells and guide the appropriate therapy.
establish the Joint Laboratory for Bio and Nano Electrokinetics, the first laboratory in the world
Professor Li’s new approach is at least 10 times cheaper and at most 100
dedicated to the new and exciting field of
times faster than using laser-based optoelectronic tweezers, another
electrokinetics-based nano/bio manipulation,
leading-edge cell manipulation method. ODEP uses less optical power and
separation and assembly. In addition, The
allows for the manipulation of hundreds of cells in real time, said Professor Li,
Chinese University of Hong Kong and the
adding that it is more effective than existing nanotechnology-based cancer
Affiliated Hospital of Academy of Military
detection methods that involve complex cell preparation steps.
Medical Sciences, Beijing, will act as medical science collaborators.
Professor Li’s team and their medical collaborator from The Chinese University of Hong Kong have achieved promising results using ODEP to
“It is like a special magnet pulling only on the cancerous cells and leaving all the other cells alone. The cancerous cells are thus easier to spot.” The 3D simulation of the rotation of cells towards the light spot image under the electric field. 細胞在電場下向光點自轉的三維圖。
生活中大部分事情都是愈早辦愈好,尤其是疾病的檢測。不 過,癌症篩檢等健康檢查十分複雜,現有技術的敏感度不足, 難以辨識血液樣本中可能存在的少數癌細胞。有潛在危險的細 胞可能混雜在數百萬個正常、健康的細胞中,令篩檢困難重 重。
可能的,但電磁力是自然中四大基本相互作用力之一(另外三種是引 力、強核力、弱核力),我兩年前決定研究細胞在電場下的運動。」 醫務人員可望從病人身上受光照投射的部位抽血,採集癌細胞以供分 析。研究者希望這一新技術最終將能辨明癌細胞的確實來源,以助醫 生施加適當的治療。
不過,機械及生物醫學工程學系李文榮教授用新方法研究早期發現癌細 胞的新技術,向成功之路踏出大有希望的重要一步。
與另一項先進的細胞操控技術「激光主導光電鑷夾」相比,李教授的 新技術最少可令成本下降至十分之一,而檢測速度可提高100倍。李教
年僅有三項研究獲得該計劃資助。事實上,該資助計劃自2004年以來, 僅資助了20項研究。
李教授的研究團隊與攜手合作的香港中文大學科研人員,一直研究以 「光導介電電泳主導」技術檢測皮膚癌細胞,結果令人鼓舞。「帶色
動力學聯合實驗室」,這將是全球第一所研究基於電動力學原理的納 米及生物操控、分離、組合技術的實驗室。香港中文大學及北京軍事
The left photo shows the white blood cells lie in the dark-field region when applying a negative DEP force; the right photo shows the white blood cells move to the light spots under a positive DEP force. 左圖顯示運用負介電泳力操控白血球細胞,細胞只停留在黑暗的區域;右圖 顯示運用正介電泳力操控白血球細胞,細胞移至光照範圍。
Melan-a cells and lymphocytes rotate near the light spot. 黑色素細胞及淋巴細胞自轉至光點附近。
January 2013
Professional Education & Research
Teaching with a heart 教學有心人 By Christina Wu
Students enthusiastically ask questions, clap in response to the teacher’s inspiring ideas and are unwilling to leave the classroom even when the lecture ends. This is a typical scene at a lecture conducted by Dr Sun Hongyi, Associate Professor of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management. Born in Harbin, Dr Sun received his education in the mainland and pursued his doctoral degree in Denmark before engaging in a teaching and research career. Having experienced different cultures and education systems in the East and the West, he helps students unleash their creativity by blending the strengths of both worlds at CityU. In one recent class, he took out an egg whisk and a spatula from a suitcase and explained, “Westerners invent all sorts of different cooking tools, while Chinese perform the same task with only one Chinese chopper and a pair of chopsticks. With creativity, Chinese can use simple tools for various tasks.
“Young people have creative ideas but can seldom commercialise them. The PIPE model perfectly fills this gap.”
It’s a pity that a lack of actual practice curbs the potential flourishing of creativity in China.” To inspire students’ creative thinking and encourage their
學生上課時踴躍發問,聽老師講到精闢的見解,不禁拍掌 叫好,下了課仍意猶未盡,不願離去——如此情景,不時 出現在系統工程及工程管理學系副教授孫洪義博士的課堂 上。
entrepreneurship, Dr Sun created a unique PIPE model – Problem discovery, Idea generation, Product development, and Enterprise establishment. He
encourages students to discover problems in daily life, explore creative
solutions, transform ideas into products and launch them on the market.
“Young people have creative ideas but can seldom commercialise them.
They do not know how to and lack experience. The PIPE model perfectly
fills this gap,” Dr Sun said.
國人卻只需要一把菜刀、一雙筷子。中國人有創意,工具雖簡單, 用法卻變化多端。可惜創意在中國並未開花結果,因為欠缺實踐的
Under his guidance, his students learn how to solve dozens of problems by
proposing workable engineering designs, exploring a range of solutions, submitting simple business plans and even taking part in business
「PIPE」教學模式—發掘問題(Problem discovery)、產生意念 (Idea generation)、研發產品(Product development)、創業
To stimulate his students’ creativity, Dr Sun carefully selects interesting
(Enterprise establishment),鼓勵學生從日常生活中發掘問題,
and practical topics for teaching and develops lively learning activities.
Two minor details may show how Dr Sun takes teaching very seriously. He gets psychologically prepared for lessons by not seeing anybody one hour
before the class starts. Also, to build intimacy with students and for better
interactions during class, he doesn’t wear a suit or tie.
經驗。PIPE 教學模式正好彌補這個缺陷,」孫博士說。
Dr Sun is often invited by mainland institutions to speak about the PIPE
model and creative education. To promote creative education in Hong
Kong and the mainland, he plans to compile his teaching materials and publish a handbook.
孫博士精選有趣而實用的課題,並設計生動的教學活動,以激勵學 生發揮創意。孫博士是教學有心人,可從兩件小事看出來:課前一 小時即在辦公室閉門謝客,獨自靜心準備;上課特意不穿西裝不結 領帶,以消除師生隔閡,便於教學雙方互動。 孫博士經常應邀到內地講解PIPE教學法及創意教育。他計劃編寫推 行創意教育的教材和手冊,幫助推動香港和內地的創新教育。
• Problem discovery • Idea generation • Product development • Enterprise establishment
January 2013
Gown to Town
From scientific research to business From the moment Dr Ricky Fu King-yu stepped into CityU, his life has been intricately tied to the University.
By Mirror Fung
about plasma techniques during my research time in CityU,” Dr Fu said. He published over 120 international scientific articles when he was a research student in CityU and was honoured with an Excellent Young Scientist Paper
Initially Dr Fu’s plan was to follow in his father’s footstep, with his eyes set
Award at the 2004 Chinese Materials Research Conference.
on the business world. However, the intense competition for admission to business schools made him change his mind. Instead, he chose to study
“In 2007, I helped out with the procurement and design of the new
physics and materials science, the second choice on his list. What no one
hardware required for the Plasma Laboratory after its relocation. I was also
could foresee was that a twist of fate would transport him from scientific
involved in the planning and organisation of an international conference
research to the business world.
on Nanoelectronics soon after,” Dr Fu said. Then in 2010, Professor Paul Chu Kim-ho, Chair Professor of Materials Engineering in the Department
“In Year 3, I selected plasma technology as my research topic. It was
of Physics and Materials Science, invited Dr Fu to join his company, Plasma
followed by an offer to join CityU’s Plasma Laboratory as a researcher
Technology Limited (PTL).
upon graduation. I was grateful that I learnt a lot of useful knowledge
從科研到營商 Originally co-run by CityU and the Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department, PTL was founded in 1998 by Professor Chu. The company
從踏入城大讀書的那一刻開始,傅勁裕博士就與城大結下不 解之緣。
specialises in designing and manufacturing plasma-based equipment for research and industrial applications. After the company became
independent in 2006, Dr Fu acquired some of the shares from CityU and is
now one of the directors.
It is relatively easy to manipulate plasma—roughly speaking an ionised
gas—because it carries the same number of positive and negative ions,
which react to electric and magnetic fields. Plasma treatment is therefore an
effective way to improve the surface properties of materials in applications
such as manufacturing, environmental conservation, medicine, aerospace, energy supplies and so on. For example, plasma technology can be
used to modify the surface of titanium alloys to make artificial hip joint
replacements. The process facilitates the growth of bone cells in patients thereby shortening the recovery time following surgical processes.
2010年,物理及材料科學系材料工程講座教授朱劍豪教授邀請傅博士 加入進科研發有限公司(進科)。這家公司由朱教授於1998年成立,當
“It is a niche industry and there are only a handful of players in the market.
Our specialised expertise was built on the rock solid knowledge gained
from years of studies at CityU and extensive practical research experience. It
has equipped us to understand and meet the needs of our clients, enabling us to offer highly customised products to suit their unique environments,”
he said.
子會對電場和磁場作出反應,容易操控,可用來改良許多材料的表面 性質,用途廣泛,包括製造業、環保、醫學、航天、能源等。例如,
PTL has earned the Hong Kong Awards for Industries—Technological
Achievement Certificate of Merit on two occasions and is enjoying steady
growth. Together with their subsidiary company, the number of staff members now stands at over 60 and the company’s annual revenue exceeds HK$30 million.
「這是一個『冷門』行業,同類型的公司寥寥可數。我們的專業技能建 基於在城大念書時獲得的紥實知識,以及研究期間的大量實際經驗,使 我們能了解並滿足客戶的需要,為他們度身設計及製造合適的產品。」
In his transition from the research laboratory to the business world, Dr Fu acknowledges that he has to jump over many hurdles in his day-to-day
work. “On one occasion, we were invited by an overseas university to help
design their laboratory. We had been in talks for well over a year. Even though some of the information in their tender documents was provided
by us, they awarded the contract to a local company due to political
considerations,” he related.
甚至用上了我們提供的資料,但最後該大學因為政治原因而聘用了本 國一家公司。」
In spite of the daily challenges at work, he said quitting was never an option. “As with research, one needs to be willing to try new things with an
open mind,” he said.
January 2013
Thirty Pieces: A Collection Professor Zhang Longxi, Chair Professor of Comparative Literature and Translation, Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics; Fudan University Press, 2011 This book chronicles the development of Professor Zhang’s work over the past 30 years while indicates the direction of his future endeavours. It also presents a cross-section of the huge changes that have taken place in the sphere of culture and ideas in mainland China since the open-door policy was implemented three decades ago. The title of the book originates from Lao Tzu’s saying, “Thirty spokes share one nave, and the chariot can be of use all because of the nothingness of the
Graffiti Hong Kong: Public space, politics and globalisation Professor Chang Tsan-kuo, Department of Media and Communication, and Ms Kao Chung-Linn ; City University of Hong Kong Press, 2012 If we can see a world in a grain of sand, we should be able to see different aspects of Hong Kong in its graffiti. Graffiti should not be regarded as simply chaotic wall paintings or sketches, the authors of this fascinating new book
centre hole” (Chapter 11, Tao Te Ching).
argue. Instead, it should be viewed
This book comprises 30 articles, of which the first was written in 1980
dimensions of a city. In the contest for
on the critical theory of the renowned Canadian critic Northrop Frye, and the last piece, written in 2010, discusses concepts proposed by the eminent English critic Frank Kermode. Despite the 30 years that separate the publication of the two articles, both relate to literary criticism and comparative studies between the East and the West, Professor Zhang’s main area of academic studies throughout his career. 《一轂集》 中文、翻譯及語言學系比較文學及翻譯講座教授張隆溪教授 復旦大學出版社,2011年
as a representation of the multicultural public space, graffiti reflects collective memories, the dominance of populism, a confrontation between individuals and government authorities, collective thoughts on the media, an integration of local and global elements, low-cost artwork, and the missions of street artists. The authors explore the cultural meanings of graffiti by recording, photographing and videoing thousands of examples from all over Hong Kong, including from the more remote districts and on all the major outlying islands, and interviewing several local graffiti artists along the way.
此書記錄了作者30年來 學術發展的路徑,也預
同時從側面顯示中國改革開 放30年在思想文化領域產生
媒體的集體思維、本土和全球的融合、低成本美術作品及街頭藝術 家的使命。
《一轂集》共收論文30篇,最早一篇 寫於1980年,討論加拿大著名批評家弗萊的批評理論,最後一篇則 寫於2010年,討論英國著名批評家弗蘭克 • 凱慕德的思想觀念,兩 篇文章剛好時隔30年,而在內容方面,則都與文學批評理論和中西 比較研究相關,而這正是作者30年來學術研究的主要領域。
作者走遍了香港,包括偏遠地區和所有主要的離島,為數千幅塗鴉 作品拍照與錄影,記錄了大量塗鴉文字、圖案和貼紙作品,並訪問 了幾位香港塗鴉客,從不同的理論視角,分析塗鴉現象及探討其文化 意義。
A space for learning 良好學習環境
CityU provides a congenial and inspiring space for student learning and nurtures tomorrow’s professional leaders. 城大為學生提供激發靈感的良好學習環境,培育明天的專業 領袖。
City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 香港特別行政區九龍達之路 www.cityu.edu.hk