CityU Today No. 42

Page 1

May 2013 二O一三年五月



Cutting-edge food science 食物科學最新成果

An international dimension to campus teaching 校園教與學 增添國際化

Project Flame sparks social innovation 創新火焰 照亮校園

From the Editor

They say “the proof of the pudding is in the eating”, and this could not be more relevant to new research at CityU into food science. It is only natural for us to worry about the quality of the food we eat. We should know exactly what we are buying when we visit the markets. Recent breakthroughs by CityU scientists have put forward new approaches and technologies that we can use to establish the freshness of food quickly, efficiently and cheaply (p. 8) and an identification kit that lets users know exactly what meat is in a dish (p. 13). Related to these food science breakthroughs, we are also seeing more and more fascinating work in how we can transform food waste into fuel and plastics (p. 16), a story that shows what is possible in the bid to make our lives greener and more sustainable. Also in this edition of CityU Today we hear from some of our Graduate Teaching Assistants (p. 22) who are complementing teaching and research activities on campus and from the people behind a social enterprise initiative at CityU (p. 30). And to brighten things up, we will hear why humour and happiness are so important in learning (p. 26). So, if the proof is in the eating, bon appetit! 「布丁好不好,吃了才知道。」這句英語俗諺,用來點明城大食物科 學最新研究的意義,真是再切題不過了。吃下肚的食物,我們自然 會關注其品質好壞;走進市場,我們總該知道所買的究竟是什麼。 城大的科學家最近取得多項突破成果,既研究出快速簡便而又成本 低廉的新方法和新技術,用來檢測食物是否新鮮(第8頁),又發明一 套鑑定工具,有助識別肉類成分(第13頁)。與食物科學的突破相關 的技術還包括將廚餘製成燃料和塑膠(第16頁),同樣令人稱奇。這 篇報道表明,有哪些方法可使我們的生活更有利於環保及永續發展。 本期《今日城大》還報道幾位「研究生教學助理」如何出力協助校園 內的教學與科研(第22頁),並介紹幾位在城大推行提倡社會企業活 動的人(第30頁)。此外,有一篇文章介紹幽默與幸福這兩個新的精 進教育科目(第26頁),當可為讀者增添趣味。

Cover Story 封面專題


Cutting-edge food science


CityU researchers are uncovering innovative

食然後知味,祝君胃口大開! techniques for detecting the freshness of food, identifying meats, and turning waste into fuel and plastics.

Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on 李國安教授 Editor-in-Chief 總編輯 Editor-in-Chief : Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on / 總編輯:李國安教授 • Managing Editor : Longgen Chen / 行政編輯:陳龍根 • Executive Editor : Mirror Fung / 執行編輯:馮美玲 • Editor : Michael Gibb / 編輯:鄭智友 • Design and Production : Communications & Public Relations Office and Pixels Graphics Limited / 設計及製作:傳訊及公關處及點子設計有限公司 Phone / 電話:(852) 3442 9317 • Fax / 傳真:(852) 2628 2812 Website / 網址: • E-mail / 電郵 • Mail : CityU Today Editors, Communications & Public Relations Office, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 通訊:香港九龍達之路香港城市大學傳訊及公關處《今日城大》編輯部收

城大研究人員研發出多項創新技術,能夠檢 測食物新鮮度,識別肉類成分,將廚餘轉化 為燃料和塑膠。

May 2013




Features 專題

An international dimension to campus teaching




Project Flame sparks social innovation

創新火焰 照亮校園


校園教與學 增添國際化

Happiness and humour 34 My gateway to in the classroom and teaching GE beyond 我的通識教育之路




Columns 專欄 2 News & Notable

20 Through The Lens

38 Student Voices


A brush with cultural exchange 漢字傳文化 翰墨促交流


AC3 opens 學術樓(三)正式啟用

學生心聲 Internship in Israel 我的以色列實習之旅

40 Books


today is published three times a year by City University of Hong Kong. The mission of the magazine is to inform our stakeholders around the world about CityU issues, people, activities and achievements. 《今日城大》每年三期,旨在報道香港城市大學在教學、研究及外務發展上的最新動向。

May 2013


News & Notable

AC3 opens 學術樓(三)正式啟用

The grand opening of Academic 3 (AC3) marked a significant milestone

research, administration and social interaction to our vibrant campus.

in the development of the University, providing the extra space needed

It houses a state-of-the-art 600-seat theatre, the State Key Laboratory

to take the University to another level.

of Millimeter Waves, an alumni lounge, a sky garden, restaurants, classrooms and learning commons, multi-function rooms and

Officiating guests at the opening ceremony were The Hon Leung Chun-

administration offices.

ying, Chancellor of CityU, Dr Norman Leung Nai-pang, Pro-Chancellor of CityU, Mr Herman Hu Shao-ming, Council Chairman of CityU, and

More than 300 guests attended the ceremony on 6 May and enjoyed a

Professor Way Kuo, President of CityU.

guided tour after the ceremony.

AC3 comprises a 20-storey upper block and a 5-storey lower block,


adding an additional 20,500 square metres of net area for learning,

新大樓擴大了校園內的教學、科研場所,有助城大的發展更上層樓。 出席啟用典禮的主禮嘉賓是:城大監督梁振英先生、城大副監督梁乃 鵬博士、校董會主席胡曉明先生、校長郭位教授。 學術樓(三)包含彼此連接的高、低兩座建築物,高座為20層,低座 為5層,為活力充沛的校園總共增添20,500平方米的實用樓面,供大 家在此求學、研究、管理行政,彼此溝通交流。大樓包含可容600人 的現代化演講廳、毫米波國家重點實驗室、校友休息室、空中花園、 餐廳,還有課室、學習共享區、多用途室,以及行政部門的辦公室。 逾300位嘉賓應邀出席5月6日舉行的典禮。隨後,校方安排人員引導 嘉賓參觀學術樓(三)。

National science awards for CityU researchers 三位城大學者獲頒國家自然科學獎及科技進步獎 Three scientists took second-class honours in the 2012 State Natural Science Awards (SNSA) and the 2012 State Scientific and Technological Progress Awards (SSTPA) in recognition of their outstanding achievements in research. Professor Yang Tong (centre), Head and Chair Professor of the Department of Mathematics, and Professor Ron Chen Guanrong (right), Chair Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering, received the SNSA second-class award. Dr Wu Yufei (left), Associate Professor of the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, won the SSTPA second-class award. 三位城大學者憑着卓越的研究成就獲獎。數學系系主任楊彤講座教授(中)、電子工程學系 陳關榮講座教授(右),榮獲2012年度「國家自然科學獎」二等獎。土木及建築工程系副教授 吳宇飛博士(左)榮獲2012年度「國家科學技術進步獎」二等獎。




New Council appointees 新成員加入城大校董會

RMB 31.64 million for mainland research projects

Four outstanding members of the business and professional communities have been appointed

城大獲內地撥款人民幣3,164萬元資 助研究

by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR to serve as members of the Council. They are Mr Andrew Fan Ka-fai (1), President of Greater China Region, Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc.; Ms Dilys Chau Suet-fung (2), Certified Public Accountant and a partner at Ernst & Young; Ms Connie Lau Yin-hing (3), Chairperson of the International Advisory Group of Experts on Consumer Protection within the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development; and Mr Herbert Tsoi Hak-kong (4), a partner in the legal firm Herbert Tsoi & Partners.

Research teams at the City University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research Institute (CityUSRI) were awarded in total RMB 31.64 million in funding for 59 research projects on the mainland in 2012, representing an increase of

四位社會領袖獲香港特區行政長官委任為城大校董會成員。他們是如新集團大中華區總裁范家輝 先生(1),安永會計師事務所合夥人及註冊會計師周雪鳳女士(2),聯合國貿易及發展會議消費 者保障國際專家顧問小組主席劉燕卿女士(3),蔡克剛律師事務所合夥人蔡克剛先生(4)。

177% in actual funding and a 168% increase in the number of projects granted compared to figures from the previous year. These substantial increases reflect the high level of confidence that funding bodies have in CityU and CityUSRI. 城大深圳研究院的研究團隊2012年共獲得內 地撥款人民幣3,164萬元,資助59項研究計 劃。資助金額和研究計劃數量分別較上一年 大幅上升177% 和168%。上述數字反映內地 撥款機構對城大和城大深圳研究院的信心。





Teaching Excellence Awardees share experience 傑出教學獎得主分享教學經驗 The six winners of the 2012–13 Teaching Excellence Awards introduced their unique pedagogies and teaching experience at a sharing session on 6 March as part of the 2013 CityU Discovery Festival. They were: (from left) Dr Alice Chong Ming-lin, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Social Studies, Dr Chow Chi-yin, Assistant Professor of the Department of Computer Science, Dr Ron Kwok Chi-wai, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems, Dr Tom Vinaimont, Assistant Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance, Ms Wisteria Cheung Yuen-yi, Teaching Fellow of the Department of Marketing, and Dr Christoph Hafner, Assistant Professor of the Department of English. 城大六位獲得2012-13年度傑出教學獎的優秀教師,於3月6日的分享會 上,簡介各具特色的教學理念及分享教學經驗。分享會是「2013城大探 索創新節」的活動之一。本屆獲獎教師有:(左起)應用社會科學系副教授莊明蓮博士、電腦科學系助理教授周志賢博士、資訊系統學系副教授郭致 偉博士、經濟及金融系助理教授Tom Vinaimont博士、市場營銷學系特任講師張婉儀女士、英文系助理教授Christoph Hafner博士。

May 2013


News & Notable New honour for distinguished scientist 傑出科學家獲選為美國材料研究學會院士 Professor Paul Chu Kim-ho, Chair Professor of Materials Engineering, has been elected as a Fellow of the Materials Research Society (MRS) based in the US, an international recognition for his outstanding contributions to the development of plasma immersion ion implantation for modifying material surfaces. His research has extensive industrial and biomedical applications. The title of MRS Fellow has been given annually since 2008 for accomplishments in materials science research. The Fellows are internationally renowned scientists who are widely recognised by their peers. 城大物理及材料科學系朱劍豪講座教授獲美國材料研究學會選為院士,以表揚他研發等離子注入技術以改良材料的表面特性,使材料可更廣泛應用 於工業和生物醫學等多個領域。美國材料研究學會自2008年以來每年頒發院士榮銜,以表彰致力研究材料科學而取得傑出成就的人士,獲此殊榮者 均為國際知名的科學家,其貢獻廣受同儕稱許。

Discovery festival showcases CityU’s strengths 城大探索創新節展示卓越教學特色 The 2013 CityU Discovery Festival in March gave visitors and participants a chance to learn about the unique features of CityU and to experience a taste of the vibrant University life through a variety of activities. Highlights included a lecture on discovery and innovation by Dr Allan Zeman, Chairman of the Ocean Park Corporation and an honorary doctor of CityU; displays of students’ achievements along with mini-fairs on teaching and learning; a fair introducing majors, minors and Gateway Education courses on offer to students; a walk through various landmark buildings at CityU; and talks, performances and much more. 「2013城大探索創新節」在3月舉辦,向參觀者展示城大的獨有特色,參觀者也可藉着一系列活動,體驗城大充滿活力的校園學習環境。主要活 動有:香港海洋公園主席及城大榮譽博士盛智文博士以探索與創新為題的演講、展示城大學生成就的展覽、展示城大教學成果的小型匯展、為學 生介紹城大主修和副修課程及精進教育科目的展覽、其他多場講座和表演,以及參觀城大造型獨特的各幢建築物等。

Genes identified that accelerate peripheral nerve regeneration 研究基因療法 促進受損神經再生 Humans could recover faster from injuries thanks to researchers at the Department of Biology and Chemistry led by Dr Eddie Ma Chi-him, Assistant Professor, who have developed an innovative form of gene therapy that accelerates the regeneration of injured peripheral nerves. Peripheral nerves transmit sensory information collected from around our body to the brain. If damaged, the muscle that it controls weakens, losing mass and motor functions. Dr Ma’s research can help alleviate the damage by enhancing the healing process. 城大生物及化學系助理教授馬智謙博士及他的團隊利用基因療法加速周圍神經再生,從而使受傷 的人體可以加速復原。周圍神經將人體各處接收的感覺傳送至大腦。周圍神經若受損傷,受其支 配的肌肉會變得無力,甚至會萎縮而喪失活動功能。馬博士的研究有助加速復原,減輕損傷。




CityU offers programmes on nuclear and risk engineering

Barrier-free webpages win two gold awards 城大無障礙網頁獲兩項金獎

城大開辦核子及風險工程課程 Two Gold Awards were awarded to CityU at the first Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme Awards Presentation Ceremony on 15 April in recognition of our efforts to use information

A new undergraduate programme in Nuclear and

technology to make websites more accessible and friendly for all users. The Web Accessibility

Risk Engineering and a postgraduate programme

Recognition Scheme was jointly organised by the Office of the Government Chief Information

in Advanced Technology and Management

Officer of the HKSAR government and the Equal Opportunities Commission, aiming to

(Nuclear and Risk Engineering stream) are a

appreciate different organisations’ initiatives in building barrier-free webpages with outstanding

response to the growing concern about nuclear

designs. The websites of the University and CityU’s Office of the Chief Information Officer

safety in society and will provide a platform for

received the Gold Awards. CityU was the only local university to earn two Gold Awards among

bringing together experts to exchange views on

some 100 entries.

nuclear safety. The new programmes will cover areas such as the management of nuclear safety, 城大致力建立無障礙網

maintenance engineering for large corporations,


research and development of nuclear radiation


products and equipment, nuclear and radiation


safety, nuclear structure materials, risk and


reliability engineering, and waste management.

劃」頒獎典禮上獲頒兩 項金獎。「無障礙網頁




政府資訊科技總監辦公 室及平等機會委員會合

及管理學理學碩士(核子及風險工程)課程, 並會邀請相關專家舉辦工作坊,就核安全議題









Creative media graduates shine at ifva 創意媒體畢業生本地比賽中大放異彩 ​ Five graduates of the School of Creative Media (SCM) garnered two Gold Awards, two Silver Awards and one Special Mention Award at the 18th Hong Kong Independent Short Film and Video Awards (ifva). The immersive virtual reality installation Bad Trip created by Mr Alan Kwan Tsz-wai, a 2012 graduate, and the film 6th March produced by Mr Wong Chun, a 2010 graduate, won the Gold Awards in the Interactive Media Category and the Open Category respectively. In addition, Atypical Installation by Mr Jason Lam Chi-fai, a 2008 graduate, and Waiting to Drown by Mr Nick Cheuk Yick-him, a 2012 graduate, won the Silver Awards in the Interactive Media Category and the Open Category respectively. Fishing with Popo by Ms Lilian Fu Wing-yan, a 2008 graduate, received the Special Mention Award in the Animation Category. 城大創意媒體學院五名畢業生參加第18屆香港獨立短片及影像媒體比賽,贏得兩項金獎、兩項銀獎、一項特別表揚獎。2012年畢業生關子維先 生的沉浸式虛擬互動裝置《Bad Trip》及2010年畢業生黃進先生拍攝的短片《三月六日》,分別贏得互動媒體組和公開組的金獎。2008年畢業生 林志輝先生的《非典型裝置》及2012年畢業生卓亦謙先生的《至少在夢裏》分別獲得互動媒體組和公開組的銀獎;2008年畢業生傅詠欣女士的 《想像•外婆》則獲得動畫組的特別表揚獎。

May 2013


News & Notable Commercial potential for new fuel cell technology 創新燃料電池向商業化邁進一大步 Dr Michael Leung Kwok-hi, Associate Professor and Associate Dean of the School of Energy and Environment, and his research team have developed a novel fuel cell that requires not only much lower production costs; it also purifies wastewater during the operation and uses wastewater to generate power. The cell reduces production costs by 50%, making it more feasible to turn fuel cells into commercial applications. 城大能源及環境學院副教授兼副院長梁國熙博士及其研究團隊研發出新型無膜光催化燃料電池, 不但令製造成本降低,更可利用污水發電並同時淨化污水。無膜燃料電池的製造成本可降低達 五成,向商業化應用邁進一大步 。

Digitising one million pages of e-material boosts scholarly exchange 百萬頁圖書數碼化項目促進學術交流 The Hong Kong Cooperation Centre of China Academic Digital Associative Library (CADAL) was launched at CityU in March. Through CADAL, CityU will coordinate with local academic and research institutes to introduce a six-month pilot scheme to convert one million pages of materials, including books, periodicals, magazines, newspapers, dissertations, photos and covenants, into digitised format. The objective of the project is to enhance academic exchange between Hong Kong and the mainland and to promote the dissemination of knowledge through the sharing of resources. 「大學數字圖書館國際合作計劃」3月在城大開展。城大會統籌本港的學術、研究機構,展開試辦計劃,在六個月內完成一百萬頁圖書、期刊、雜 誌、報紙、論文、照片、契約等資料的數碼化工作,藉以促進香港與內地學者的學術交流,並通過資源共享加速知識傳播。

CityU spearheads anti-sexual harassment campaign 城大開展反性騷擾運動 ​ A lively programme of events kicked-off the Anti-Sexual Harassment Campaign in April with a dramatic rendering of a true story about sexual violence, a multimedia art exhibition, a four-legged race to highlight gender equality, and a slogan competition. Dr York Chow Yat-ngok, the recently appointed Chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission, acted as one of the officiating guests at the kick-off ceremony. The events were co-organised by the Committee Against Sexual Harassment and Anti-480 as a means of promoting greater awareness of sexual harassment among staff and students. The slogans “One More Silence? One More Victim!” and “We Need Your Commitment! Say No To Sexual Harassment!” won the slogan competition. 城大4月開展反性騷擾運動,舉辦一系列精彩的活動,如反映真實性暴力事件的短劇、多媒體藝 術展覽、宣揚性別平等的二人三足競步、標語創作比賽等。啟動儀式的主禮嘉賓之一是新任平等 機會委員會主席周一嶽醫生。標語創作比賽有兩件作品獲獎,分別是“One More Silence? One More Victim!”以及“We Need Your Commitment! Say No To Sexual Harassment!”。活動由城 大防止性騷擾委員會及Anti-480反性暴力資源中心合辦,旨在對師生傳播制止性騷擾的信息。




President’s talk on innovation 校長論述創新的關鍵

Best Paper Award for new image search method

In his talk at the Hong Kong Youth Science &

​​​ 城大學生創網絡圖片搜尋新法奪 最佳論文獎

Technology Innovation Competition 2012–13 Award Ceremony in April, Professor Way Kuo,

A computer science PhD student has proposed

President of CityU, stressed the need to free one’s

a new data processing method that allows

imagination and dare to think radically in order to achieve innovation, and argued that innovative ideas, solutions and new knowledge would be found as long as the explorers are patient and never give up. 城大校長郭位教授4月在「2012-13年香港青少年科技創新大賽」頒獎典禮上致辭時表示,創新 的關鍵是不要束縛自己的想像力、敢於大膽思考,並指出只要有耐心和不放棄,就會找到新 想法、新方案、新知識。

a user to search through billions of pictures, photos and images on the web at a faster rate. This innovative technique won Tao Liang the Best Paper Award at the 2012 Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, beating more than 80 other research papers presented at the event. He combines “image hashing” and “Cauchy Graph” methods for a new data

International ICT Expo

processing technique that enhances large-


scale data analysis and results in a higher speed of image retrieval. CityU featured 13 research projects at the International ICT Expo on 13–16 April at the


Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.


These projects showcased outstanding CityU


information and communications technology


research with high application value.

2012年環太平洋地區多媒體學術會議,在80 多篇研究論文中脫穎而出,贏得最佳論文獎。

城大在「國際資訊科技博覽會」展出13 項






4月13 至16日,地點在香港會議展覽中心。


Unique Japanese tea room opens at CityU 日本茶室落戶城大 A new tea room on campus, the first of its kind to be located at a university in Hong Kong, will serve as a centre for promoting chado (the way of tea) and as a hub for promoting intercultural friendship and understanding between Hong Kong and Japan. The tea room is a collaboration between CityU and Chado Urasenke Tankokai Hong Kong Association, and will play an important role in promoting our Gateway Education programme and East Asian cultural exchange activities. 城大與茶道裏千家淡交會香港協會合作,設立本港第一個設於大學校園的日本茶室。茶室取名 「友香庵」,旨在推廣茶道,促進香港與日本的文化交流,增進兩地的互相了解,有助推廣我 們的精進教育課程以及東亞文化交流活動。

May 2013


Cover Story




Detect the rot: sensors for food safety By Mirror Fung


Have you ever opened your refrigerator, taken out a pack of fish fillet or mince beef and wondered whether you should put the food in the frying pan or the rubbish bin? Millions of people around the world face hunger issues every day so you certainly do not want to waste the food. But you do not want to take a health risk, either. “If there was only a way to know,” you murmur. In answer to your prayers, CityU scientist

is exposed to elevated temperatures over an

Dr Michael Lam Hon-wah (opposite), Associate

extended period, microorganisms will start to

Professor of the Department of Biology and

grow and produce enzymes that can change

Chemistry, and his research team have found

proteins and amino acids within the food into

a promising solution to detect the freshness of

these biogenic amines. For example, histamine

food in the form of chemodosimeters, molecular

(a biogenic amine), the causative agent of

devices that interact with a specific group of

scombroid food poisoning, i.e. a contamination

compounds, known as biogenic amines, which

linked to fish such as mackerel, bonito, and tuna,

are generated during the microbial degradation

increases as the seafood begins to spoil.

of food. “The technology is based on molecular “Essentially, the chemodosimeters that we are

ensemble theory and the chemodosimeter

developing are capable of recognising gaseous

is designed to detect specific odours. If the

biogenic amines and communicating the results

amount of biogenic amine exceeds safety levels,

visually,” Dr Lam said. Biogenic amines are used

a warning signal is triggered,” Dr Lam added.

as biomarkers for spoiled foods. When food

May 2013


Cover Story

Reliable results The beauty of chemodosimeters is that they respond specifically to their targeted chemicals in a cumulative manner, and yield physically measurable signals that cannot be undone once they have been triggered. In other words, if a chemodosimeter suggests food might be contaminated in some way, the visual marker

”This kind of quick, simple and low-cost method for monitoring the freshness of food has the potential of reducing food poisoning world-wide.”

will remain clear, and will not fade over time. This is in contrary to ordinary chemosensors

Furthermore, the chemodosimetric technology

For a healthier life

which respond to real-time concentrations of

developed by the CityU team can be tuned

Besides enhancing food safety, this

chemicals. When those chemicals signaling food

to produce specific sensing responses to

chemodosimetric approach can also be

spoilage have, for any reason, dissipated, the

other types of analytes, such as pesticides,

applied to the early detection of illnesses,

warning responses of ordinary chemosensors

contaminants, and toxics in as little as one

too. Chemodosimeters can provide rapid

will die down. On the other hand, with the use of


assessment of levels of selected biomolecules,

chemodosimeters, the results of the food safety

such as glutathione (GSH), cysteine (Cys) and

test cannot be compromised at a later date. This

The manufacture of table-top or hand-held

homocysteine (Hcys), that play crucial roles in

property is especially suitable for food safety

devices for food testing based on the CityU

metabolism and homeostasis in our body.

monitoring as food can become contaminated at

team’s research offers convenient means of

any stage during the production, transportation

checking for food quality and contamination.

GSH, Cys and Hcys are involved in many vital

or storage processes.

These devices work by indicating the luminosity

biological functions such as the detoxification of

of the molecular chemodosimeters by figures

free radicals, the regulation of cell growth and

Fighting food-poisoning

or other formats after sampling the “smell”

the maintenance of immune functions. More

Dr Lam’s work is significant because this

produced by the food items under investigation.

specifically, the loss of GSH and Cys in the human

kind of quick, simple and low-cost method

The brighter the luminescence, the greater the

body is associated with AIDS, diabetes, and

for monitoring the freshness of food has the

amount of biogenic amines present.

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, whereas

potential of reducing food poisoning world-wide.

the elevation of plasma levels of the amino acid “We can also develop biogenic amine sensing

Hcys has been linked to cardiovascular diseases,

tags that change colour when detecting selective

strokes and cancer.

biogenic amine molecules,” Dr Lam said. “These tags do not need to come into contact with

“In the future, we may be able to develop

food items, so they won’t constitute any food

versatile molecular probes that can selectively

contamination issue themselves.” These tags will

recognise and detect a whole suite of molecular

be very useful for pre-packed food stuffs.

markers and risk factors of various diseases in a quick and easy way, taking major steps forward in clinical diagnostics,” Dr Lam said.




你曾否打開冰箱取出一包魚排或者碎牛 肉,卻不知道應該把它放入煎鍋,還是 扔進垃圾桶?世界上每天忍飢挨餓的人 數以百萬計,你當然不願浪費食物,可 是你也不想冒險自損健康。你對自己 說:「要是有辦法知道,那該多好。」

結果可靠 分子傳感檢測器的妙處在於它能以累計方式, 對特定的目標化學物質作出反應,並發出可量 度的、不可消除的訊號。換言之,檢測器若測 出食物可能受到某種污染,發出的視覺標誌會 一直保持清晰,不因時間消逝而黯淡。普通的 化學傳感器則不同,只能對化學物質的實時濃



教授林漢華博士(第10頁)及其研究小組研發出 一種檢測食物新鮮度的新方法,運用稱為分子

消散,警告訊號亦隨之消失。與此相反,若使 用分子傳感檢測器,食物安全檢測的結果在日

傳感檢測器的小分子去偵測生物胺—即食物受 微生物分解時產生的一類特殊化合物,從而鑑

後無法更改。這一特性尤其適用於監督食物安 全,因為食物在生產、運輸、儲存過程中的任







增進健康,改善生活 除了提高食物安全,分子傳感檢測技術還可

果。」食物長時間置於溫度較高的環境,微生 物就開始生長並產生酶,酶把食物裏的蛋白質




半胱氨酸、高半胱氨酸等特定的生物分子的 水平,這些生物分子對人類的新陳代謝及體

物變質的生物標誌。例如,組織胺(一種生物 胺)就是「鯖亞目魚類食物中毒」的致病物,







毒、細胞生長的調節、免疫功能的維持, 都涉及穀胱甘肽、半胱氨酸、高半胱氨酸。

和氨基酸轉化成生物胺,因此生物胺被用作食 技術還可用於檢測農藥、污染物、毒素等其他

織胺就會增加。 「這項技術以分子系綜理論為依據,設計出


可以偵知特定氣味的分子傳感檢測器。一旦測 出生物胺的數量超過安全水平,便會發出警告


具體而言,人體內的穀胱甘肽和半胱氨酸減 少,與愛滋病、糖尿病、阿爾茲海默氏症










測生物胺的標籤,一測出特定的生物胺分子就 會變色。標籤無須與食物接觸,因此不會污染

測器,以便用快速簡易的方法,識別和偵 測多種疾病的全部分子標誌物和致病風險因



「我們研製的分子傳感檢測器 能夠識別多種氣態的生物胺, 並以視覺形式顯示結果。」

May 2013


Cover Story

Smart tags for food safety

安全與否 請看標籤

Meanwhile, another CityU team of food-safety experts is spearheading research into a highly sensitive technique.

與此同時,城大另一組專家正在研究一項非常 靈敏的技術,同樣有助提升食物安全。

Dr A L Roy Vellaisamy, Associate Professor from the Department of Physics and Materials Science, and his team have developed sensors based on thin film transistors (TFTs) that act as smart tags for food safety. These sensors are made of thin films of semiconducting polymer, or a mixture of materials, to form composites. When gas molecules attach to the surface of the polymer, an electrical signal is sent out since these polymers are the active materials for the electronic device. “TFT﹣based sensors have great potential for a variety of applications, especially for gas sensors. The presence of certain types of amine molecules are detected by the signal from the electronic device,” said Dr Vellaisamy, explaining that these kinds of sensors are becoming more popular because of their high levels of sensitivity and selectivity. “Our team has developed new materials and simple fabrication techniques for building sensitive TFT﹣based sensors. Our composites are easy to synthesise and inexpensive, and will be of great use for the quality control of food products,” he added.



物理及材料科學系副教授A L Roy Vellaisamy 博士及其團隊以薄膜晶體管為材料,研製成一 種感測器,可用作智能標籤以確保食物安全。 這種感測器的材料是半導體聚合物(多種材料 混合而成的複合材料)薄膜。因為這些聚合物 本是用於電子裝置的活性材料,一旦有氣體分 子附着其表面,聚合物就會發出電訊號。 Vellaisamy 博士說:「薄膜晶體管製成的感測 器用途很廣,尤其適用於感測氣體。若有特定 的胺分子出現,感測器就可察覺,並發出訊 號。」他還解釋說,這類感測器日益流行,因 為靈敏度很高,選擇性很強。 「我們的小組已研發出新的材料和簡易的製造 技術,可用於製造高靈敏度的薄膜晶體管感 測器。我們的複合材料易於合成,成本低廉, 將來對食品製造中的品質控管很有用,」他補 充說。


Know what you eat By Joan Yip


Do you really know what you are eating? A new set of tools developed by CityU gives you a clearer idea of what is on your plate, and in addition ensures that the food we eat is safe.

May 2013


Cover Story

Not only can the new technology identify

require the usual complicated DNA sequencing

multiple species, such as meat from pigs, cows,

or data analysis, it significantly reduces testing

sheep, horses, dogs, cats and mice, it can identify

time compared to the DNA sequencing method.

these seven meat species in a single experiment. Conventional methods for identification using

Professor Cheng’s research team has verified

DNA sequencing target just one species at a time

the ingredients against the labels for packaged

and require extra experimental procedures for

mixed pork and beef balls, minced pork

identifying multiple species.

burger, shepherd’s pie made with mutton, and pork sausage sold in markets. For the sake of

The technology can be developed further

comparison, the team also tested a package

to identify as many as 30 meat species at a

of “veggie meat balls” and confirmed no meat

time, according to Professor Cheng, including

ingredients were present.

meats popular in Hong Kong. “In principle, this technology can identify any species as long as it

The new technology will have a positive impact

A research team led by Professor Cheng

has DNA. In the future, it will be possible to test

on public health because of the potential

Shuk Han (above) of the Department of

meat from chicken, duck and goose as well as

application in the area of monitoring the

Biology and Chemistry has spent the last

seafood like scallop, maw, abalone and shark’s

ingredients in pre-packaged foods and animal

two years developing technology that can

fin,” Professor Cheng said.

feed, Professor Cheng said.

The first step in the verification process is to

“Hong Kong imports a lot of food each year.

extract a small amount of DNA from the food

This rapid identification technology can help

These tools, which can reduce the

sample, multiply it by molecular biotechnology

manufacturers and retailers verify the source of

identification processing time by more

and inject it on the white test paper, Professor

the food. It can also provide better protection

than 80%, come in the form of a specially

Cheng explained. Tiny artificial structures called

for general consumers and people who have

made “testing paper” that uses molecular

“probes” developed to identify each different

food allergies or have special dietary needs for

biotechnology to check the food. While

meat species are placed on the surface of the test

religious reasons,” she added.

it takes 48 hours for conventional DNA

paper. When the probe detects the DNA of the

sequencing technology to do the same job,

target meat species, the test paper turns purple.

“In fact, China and many countries in North

Professor Cheng’s new process takes just

Because the innovative technology does not

America and Europe have stepped up control

rapidly identify different meat species in food products consisting of mixed meats.

on animal feed by banning the addition of


mammalian animal contents in order to prevent “We can authenticate the meat ingredients

the transmission of mad cow disease and

against what the labels say on the packaging,

other infectious diseases. Our technology can

even for packaged sausages and meat balls

help identify whether there are any unlawful

which can be made with mixed meats,”

ingredients in the animal feed,” she said.

Professor Cheng said. “Our technology is also applicable to meat processed by different methods, either raw or frozen meats.”




你真的知道自己吃的是什麼東西嗎?城 大研發出一套新工具,讓你清楚知道自 己吃的是什麼,還可確保食物安全。 城大生物及化學系鄭淑嫻教授(第14頁)及其團 隊潛心研究兩年,運用分子生物技術研發出一 種快速鑑定方法,可同時鑑定多種肉類混合製 成的食品成分。 這種嶄新的肉類成分快速鑑定技術,所需時間 比現有鑑定法縮短超過八成,僅須使用特製的 檢測試紙,即可在短短8小時內完成鑑定,而 現時常用的基因排序鑑定方法須耗費48小時。

「不論甚麼生物物種,只要細 胞中含有去氧核糖核酸,原則 上就可以使用這項技術。」

鄭教授說:「即便是多種肉類混合製成的香 腸、肉丸等包裝食品,我們也可以鑑定其成分 是否確實如包裝上的標籤所述。我們的技術適 用於各種方法處理過的肉類,不管是生肉、雪 藏肉,成份都可鑑定出來。」 這項技術再加改進後,可以一次過鑑定多達30 種肉類的成分,將來更可以擴大至其他常見食


牛、羊、馬、狗、貓、鼠等動物。食品樣本中 若混有多種肉類,新技術也可同時分別鑑定出


「素肉丸」,試紙沒有變色,即確定該食品名 副其實,果真不含肉類成分。

來。相對於每次只可檢測一種肉類的基因排序 鑑定方法,新技術可同時檢測上述七種肉類混

用這項技術。新技術的用途,將來可以擴大至 雞、鴨、鵝等禽肉,以及元貝、花膠、鮑魚、








成分。 鄭教授解釋說,鑑定過程的第一步,是從食物 樣本中提取少量去氧核糖核酸,經分子生物技


術複製倍增後,再用特製的試紙測試。試紙能 夠偵測出肉類成分,全因植入了鄭教授研製的

定工具有助食品製造商或零售商核實原材料成 分。不論是一般消費者,或是對某類食物過敏



授及其團隊研製出特定的「探針」,一旦「探 針」偵測到其目標肉類的去氧核糖核酸,試紙







嚴防瘋牛症等傳染病的傳播。我們的快速鑑定 技術有助鑑定飼料,防止其中違規摻雜了不應




May 2013


Cover Story




Food waste converted into green products 廚餘出產品 環保獻新猷

By Karen Cheng


To combat this growing problem, environmental

us solve many energy and environmental

scientists Dr Patrick Lee Kwan-hon and Dr Carol

problems,” Dr Lee said, highlighting the

Lin Sze-ki, both assistant professors in the School

beautiful and intricate properties that microbes

of Energy and Environment at CityU, believe that

often possess.

since it is organic by nature, leftovers have the potential to address problems related to climate

His research shows that the microbial process

change and contribute to a more sustainable

produces methane that generates heat and

environment. Their research has led them to

electricity, thus reducing our dependence on

create novel ways of turning food waste into

fossil fuels. According to the team’s research

biofuel and biodegradable plastics.

data, the amount of electricity generated through this process could potentially cover

With close to HK$1 million in funding from the

1 to 2% of local consumption if all the 1.3

Research Grants Council, Dr Lee has embarked on

million tonnes of food waste were converted.

a study that uses a mixture of bacteria to create

Hong Kong generates over 1.3 million tonnes of food waste every year, which accounts for a third of municipal solid waste, the majority of which ends up in landfills. The problem is we are running out of space.

bioenergy from food waste. The energy can be

The process has the benefit of significantly

used to generate heat and electricity, and at

reducing the amount of food waste and our

the same time reduce the volume of food waste

overall carbon footprint, Dr Lee said, adding

destined for landfills by at least 50%.

that at least 50% of the volume of our food waste would be reduced during the conversion

Using advanced DNA sequencing technology,

to methane, a process which would lessen the

Dr Lee and his research team have investigated

pressure on landfills. The remaining residue,

the unique biological features of individual

still rich in nutrients such as nitrogen and

bacteria, looking at how they work together as

phosphorous, could be turned into fertilisers

a group in an anaerobic environment (without

through composting, further decreasing this

oxygen) to produce methane, a commonly

volume by 75%.

available fuel on earth and the main component of natural gas. A combination of a few hundred

From a carbon footprint perspective, this

types of bacteria was identified in the study.

transformation process could reduce 400 kilogrammes of carbon dioxide emissions for

“Even though there are ‘evil’ bacteria that make

every one tonne of food waste treated,

us sick, I believe the ‘good’ bacteria can help

mainly as a result of the consumption

May 2013


Cover Story

”The process has the benefit of significantly reducing the amount of food waste and our overall carbon footprint.” During the process, food waste is first blended

According to Dr Lin, there is a high demand

Dr Patrick Lee Kwan-hon 李鈞瀚博士

with certain enzyme-secreting fungi to break

worldwide for succinic acid given its wide usage,

down the carbohydrates into simple sugars,

but its current production from petroleum

of the methane produced. The carbon that is

and proteins into nitrogen compounds. Bacteria

consumes a lot of energy and is not sustainable.

stored in the residue cannot be further degraded

are then added to the sugars to undergo

Using food waste is a viable and cost-effective

and released to the atmosphere.

fermentation which in turn produces succinic

solution with many benefits.

acid. The acid can then be used to make products In another pioneering piece of research, Dr Lin

ranging from food packaging to fabrics, paints,

“This novel strategy reduces the environmental

has developed a biorefinery process that utilises

car seats, and even medicine.

burden of food waste, provides a partial solution to biochemical production requirements, and

enzymes and bacteria to convert food waste into succinic acid, a chemical widely used in the

Dr Lin and her research team have applied the

produces a potential income from a waste

production of platform chemicals (chemicals that

process to bakery products and found the results

resource,” Dr Lin said.

form the basis of compounds found at home and

very promising. For every 1,000 kilogrammes

in industry) and bioplastics.

of bakery products (cakes, pastry, bread slices)

She added this technology can be adopted

processed, between 100 kilogrammes and 240

by any food chain anywhere in the world, and

The biorefinery process provides an alternative

kilogrammes of succinic acid are produced. The

believed it would be profitable, although it

to incinerating dumped food, a process that

team also tested the technology on mixed food

depends on the scale.

releases a lot of pollutants into the atmosphere,

waste obtained from restaurants and found it to

said Dr Lin, effectively turning something

be equally effective.

“I hope the Hong Kong government can start to utilise food waste for the manufacture of

supposedly useless into something useful.

value-added products as part of its strategy of tackling the food waste problem, and for the environmentally friendly production of Anaerobic biological process 微生物處理法

alternative platform chemicals in the near future,” Dr Lin said. Echoing Dr Lin, Dr Lee said he also hoped that he can tap into the unexplored microbial world Methane 甲烷

Energy 能源

using advanced technology and techniques to find solutions to some of our energy and environmental problems.

Food waste 廚餘

With the technologies ready, both scientists Biosolids polishing 剩餘生物固體



Soil amendments 肥料

now hope to move beyond the stage of proof of concept in the laboratory and put them into practical use.


香港每年產生約130萬噸廚餘,佔本港 都市固體廢物的三分之一,大部分最終 須埋入垃圾堆填區,但可用之地日少。 環境科學家李鈞瀚博士與連思琪博士認為,廚 餘原是有機物,可以利用來應對氣候變化帶來 的一些問題,營造一個較可持續的環境。城大 能源及環境學院的這兩位助理教授發明了新方

Food waste 廚餘



Fungus 真菌

Simple sugars and a nitrogen compound 單糖及含氮化合物

法,可將廚餘轉化為生物燃料,也可製成生物 降解塑膠。

Succinic acid 丁二酸

Bacteria 細菌 Bioplastics 生物塑膠

李博士得到研究資助局近100萬港元撥款,已 着手研究如何利用多種細菌的組合將廚餘轉化 為生物能源,用以發熱發電,同時將原本須埋





品,結果令人鼓舞,每1,000公斤糕點麵包 的碎屑可製成100到240公斤丁二酸。研究團




























李博士和研究團隊發明的微生物處理法能夠製 造甲烷用於發熱發電,從而減輕人類對化石燃




在另一項開創性研究中,連思琪博士發明了一 種生物煉製方法,使用酶和細菌把廚餘轉化為












化廢為寶。 李博士與連博士有同感,他說自己也希望運 生物煉製法首先把某些分泌酶的真菌混入廚




解成含氮化合物,然後在單糖中加入細菌,經 Dr Carol Lin Sze-ki 連思琪博士







May 2013


Through the Lens




A brush with cultural exchange Non-local students coming to CityU on exchanges or as full-time students can immerse themselves in the rich history of Chinese culture, especially learning the subtle art of calligraphy and how to read Chinese characters, both of which are time-honoured practices that connect students today with classical art and philosophy of the past.

漢字傳文化 翰墨促交流 入讀城大的非本地學生,無論是短期交換生還是修讀全日制課程的學 生,都有機會深入體驗歷史悠久的中華文化,尤其是學習書法的藝術、 解讀中文的奧秘;二者都源遠流長,學生藉此可領略往古的經典藝術和 哲理。

Photo: Sunny Wong


May 2013


Professional Education & Research

An international dimension to campus teaching 校園教與學 增添國際化

By Michael Gibb


They come from all over the world, from different academic and professional backgrounds, and they are bringing their life experience and rich scholarship and knowledge of the workplace to motivate and guide young people at CityU. The Graduate Teaching Assistants, or GTAs as they are known, are a strategic

“I spend time working with them on their

feature of the University’s International Transition Team set up to boost our

reports, directing them to useful self-access

international profile by adding a fresh dimension to campus.

resources and encouraging them to improve their written English,” said Dr Tibboel, who

“The GTA scheme is strengthening our teaching and research activities

taught maths and English in Chongqing before

as well as creating a cadre of ambassadors for CityU and for Hong Kong,”

joining CityU.

said Professor Arthur Ellis, Provost of CityU. “The GTAs are all skilled communicators in English and can provide intensive support to help CityU

His training in science is particularly welcomed

students enhance their English proficiency through face-to-face contact,

by CityU science majors who can learn from

mentoring and tutoring.”

Dr Tibboel’s expertise in high level mathematic concepts. With a background in orthogonal



The scheme includes postdoctoral scholars and individuals who have

polynomials and Riemann-Hilbert problems, he

completed a first degree from an overseas academic institution. They are

is also collaborating with Dr Dan Dai of CityU’s

assigned duties in the English Language Centre (ELC), Department of

Department of Mathematics in addition to his

English (EN), or other hosting academic units.

teaching duties.

Dr Pieter Tibboel (opposite, right) is one such postdoc, originally from

Mr Julian Chase (opposite, left) also brings with

the Netherlands, and now helping CityU students with one-on-one

him a wealth of teaching expertise gleaned

consultations in the ELC.

from a number of different settings as well as


May 2013


Professional Education & Research Altogether there are about 60 GTAs currently working at CityU under three different arrangements (see box below), spread across campus in different academic units. “The GTA scheme is an important part of our new 4-year Discoveryenriched Curriculum,” said Professor Ellis, “especially as students have to complete six credit units of Gateway Education in English.” Gateway Education, or GE, complements the specialised training students receive in their majors, offering them breadth of knowledge and exposure to multiple disciplines. But the GTA scheme offers more than just support in technical aspects of the students’ written and spoken English. For example, the ELC’s Practical Language Activities are a great opportunity for students to interact with professional experience in the business world. In

the GTAs on a more personal level. For instance, Ms Melanie Zee (previous

addition to secondary school teaching in Austria

page, centre), who has experience in hotel management training, helps

and the former Czechoslovakia, Mr Chase spent

to run a series of clubs throughout the day in the ELC on areas such as

more than a decade in the world of professional

conversational English and pronunciation workshops.

publishing, primarily in sales and marketing. “We build up a very strong bond with the students, and it is a great chance “I can see that the ELC runs very well-structured

for them to ask us about our background,” said Ms Zee, who was born

courses that greatly support the needs of the

in Hong Kong and moved to Toronto when she was four years old. “We

students,” said Mr Chase. “The Language Clinic is

become very good friends so I think we help the students a lot, not just

brilliant! It is a great opportunity for them to get

in terms of language development but also by sharing our culture and

one-to-one advice on their written English, and

opinions. We become like family.”

for language instructors to go over the nuts and bolts of the students’ work.”

GTA categories Category A Visiting research students who are registered in postgraduate programmes overseas and wish to do collaborative research with CityU staff. They are full-time GTAs and may be enrolled as part-time Visiting Research Students of CityU. They are affiliated with the academic unit in which they are doing postgraduate work and receive mentoring from that unit. Category B Postdoctoral Fellows who hold a PhD degree. They can collaborate on research projects with CityU scholars and undertake some language support duties in the ELC or EN, or in their home academic unit in consultation with the ELC/EN. Category C Graduates with a bachelor’s or master’s degree from local and/or overseas universities. They work as full-time staff members in the ELC or in EN.




他們來自世界各地,學術與專業的背景 各有不同;他們帶來生活經驗、豐富的 學識、職場的知識,在城大激勵和指引 青年學子。






組成部分。修讀新課程的學生,要修讀精進教 育課程中的英文科目,取得六個學分,因此這


個計劃很重要。」精進教育課程讓學生, 接觸












另一位教學助理Julian Chase先生(第23頁,









豐富的徐文淇女士(第23頁,中)就是一個好 例子,她全天幫忙管理英語中心的多個學習小






不過,這項計劃並非止於提升學生的英語寫作 和口語技能。例如,英語中心的實用英語活動


英語的能力。 」 Chase先生說:「我覺得英語中心的課程結構非

多。她指出:「我們與學生建立了非常緊密的 聯繫,他們有很好的機會詢問了解我們的背


常完善,能充分滿足學生的需求。精『英』互 動廊十分出色,學生到這裏,英語寫作就能得








Pieter Tibboel博士(第23頁,右)就是這樣一 位博士後研究人員。他來自荷蘭,目前在英語 中心以一對一的輔導方式幫助城大學生。他


城大目前約有60名研究生教學助理,分為三個 類別(參看下表),分屬全校多個學術部門。


研究生教學助理類別 甲類

正就讀海外研究生課程,希望與城大教學、研究人員合作研究的訪問研究生。他們是全職的研 究生教學助理,亦可註冊成為城大的兼職訪問研究生。他們屬於相關學術部門,在該部門繼續 其研究生學業並接受指導。 乙類

已獲得博士學位的博士後研究員。他們可與城大學者合作研究,同時在城大英語中心或英文系 提供語言支援,亦可與英語中心或英文系磋商後在他們所屬的學術部門提供語言服務。 丙類


May 2013


Professional Education & Research

Happiness and humour in the classroom and beyond 課堂內外的幸福與幽默



By Allen Zhuang



What makes us happy? Why do we laugh? What factors contribute to forming positive emotions in our lives? CityU students can find answers to these questions in two new Gateway Education (GE) courses that will be launched in the first semester of the academic year of 2013–14: “Understanding and Managing Your Happiness” and “Humour and Everyday Life”.

”The aim of this second course is to analyse the importance of a sense of humour, in particular why humour is usually seen as a desirable aspect in a young person’s character.”

The first of these two courses helps students

Dr Yue, a psychologist specialising in humour

understand happiness and handle it for their

therapy and creativity who trained at Harvard

own good, in line with CityU’s emphasis on

University. He is also the course coordinator for

whole-person education. The content has

the second of the happiness/humour courses run

been developed by Dr Yue Xiaodong, Associate

as part of the suite of GE courses.

Professor in the Department of Applied Social Studies, and Dr Reuben Mondejar, Associate

The aim of this second course, developed by

Professor in the Department of Management.

Dr Qian Jun, Associate Professor in the Department of Chinese, Translation and

The students study the topic from philosophical,

Linguistics, and Dr Louisa Wei Shiyu, Associate

psychological, sociological, biological and even

Professor in the School of Creative Media, is to

religious perspectives, discovering for themselves

analyse the importance of a sense of humour,

how happiness is perceived and how the very

in particular why humour is usually seen as a

concept of “happiness” is formed.

desirable aspect in a young person’s character, as well as a factor contributing to one’s general

They will also have a chance to debate, question


and analyse the multitude of factors that create feelings of happiness, such as a sense of well-

Both courses embody the interdisciplinary drive

being, humour, gratitude and faith.

that CityU is promoting through its new 4-year Discovery-enriched Curriculum. For example,

“They also learn to form positive emotions that

the happiness course encourages students to

make for a better mind and heart, both for the

approach the topic as a subject in the social

benefit of themselves and that of society,” said

sciences, and at the same time it inspires them

May 2013


Professional Education & Research

to “manage” their own happiness. The course on humour is no less interdisciplinary, exposing students to comparative literature, creative

Dr Louisa Wei Shiyu 魏時煜博士

media and psychology. The interdisciplinarity is seen clearly in the backgrounds of the academics who developed

Dr Qian Jun 錢俊博士

the courses. Dr Qian, understandably, brings to the course a literary perspective. His PhD is in comparative literature from the University of

From a management perspective, Dr Mondejar

California, Berkeley.

relates happiness to Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs, arguing that students are likely

“According to the late Lin Yutang, a well-known

to benefit from viewing happiness as a factor

writer and literary critic in China, a sense of

that requires organisation and supervision. In

humour is latent in the Chinese, and they express

other words, happiness is not something that

it in a more subtle way perhaps than people do

will necessarily take care of itself.

in other cultures,” he said. One of the aims of the course, he added, is to discover “hidden” humour

Dr Yue agreed: “One of the reasons I wanted to

and express it more explicitly.

start this course is that I took a course at Harvard on ‘positive psychology’ which I thought was

His collaborator, Dr Wei, a researcher, film

very beneficial for me and the others on the

director, screen writer and producer, also brings


a highly creative angle to the course, facilitating humorous video clips that the students shoot for

The effect of the positive energy created in these

their presentations.

courses, and the humour generated, will surely be felt throughout campus.

There is a strong emphasis on society in the course, too. The students will conduct surveys to find out about elements of humour in their everyday lives and in the communities around them. They will receive training in multi-media techniques for their group projects and carry out creative tasks involving IT-based design and production. Dr Yue Xiaodong 岳曉東博士




Dr Reuben Mondejar 文德彬博士










是什麼令我們幸福?我們為什麼笑?  我們生活中的積極情緒從何而來?


這門課亦十分注重社會實踐。學生要從事調 查,找出自己日常生活中、周圍人群中的幽







大特色。例如,「幸福人生課」鼓勵學生將幸 福當作一個社會科學的課題去探討,同時啓發



課」、「幽默與日常生活」。 「幸福人生課」秉承城大強調的全人教育理


合作講授「幸福人生課」的文德彬博士從管 理學着眼,將「幸福」與美國心理學家亞伯




科目的設計者,是應用社會科學系的副教授岳 曉東博士和管理學系的副教授文德彬博士。 學生修讀這門課,須從哲學、心理學、社會 學、生物學乃至宗教等多個學科視角去理解, 親自考察「幸福」如何為人所感受,並探究


「他們還將學會如何培養有益 身心的樂觀積極情緒,既對自 己有益,也對社會有利。」


個因素,學這門課才能從中受益。換言之, 幸福不會無故自來。 岳博士說:「我立意開設這門課有一個原 因:我在哈佛時曾修讀一門『積極心理 學』,覺得它對我自己和修課的同學都非常





















May 2013


Professional Education & Research



sparks social innovation 創新火焰 照亮校園 By Eliza Lee





Over the past few years there has been a significant rise in the number of entrepreneurs trying to find new ways to help people solve social problems by themselves. An example of this kind of “social enterprise” is the Grameen Bank founded by the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr Muhammad Yunus, a Bangladeshi economist who has helped millions of impoverished families in his native country.

Department of Public and Social Administration, who is also the director of the project. Many people are under the misapprehension that social enterprises help only the unemployed or the underprivileged, according to Professor Wong, with few people understanding that the mission of social enterprises is to fulfill the real needs of society. That is why Project Flame aims to help the public better understand the true meaning of setting up a social enterprise and the importance of social innovation.

Social enterprises have also made tremendous

“CityU is the first local university to set up a social

headway in Hong Kong in recent years. According

innovation education project in Hong Kong. The

to the 2012 Social Enterprise Directory compiled by

project nurtures students’ social innovation ideas

the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, nearly

through interdisciplinary education, encouraging

400 local social enterprises are currently engaged

the ability to perceive, explore and innovate so

in different types of businesses. To further promote

that they can integrate knowledge gained from

the concept of social innovation and social

different disciplines to solve social problems and

entrepreneurship, CityU launched the campus-wide

facilitate the sustainable development of society,”

Project Flame in 2012–13. Around 30 staff members

she said.

from 17 academic and administrative departments are involved. “To meet different social needs such as in the environment, education and public health, we need to combine innovative ideas and policies, and use new technologies to make positive societal changes. This is what we call ‘Social Innovation’,” said Professor Linda Wong Lai Yeuk-lin from the

”The project nurtures students’ social innovation ideas through interdisciplinary education, encouraging the ability to perceive, explore and innovate.”

May 2013


Professional Education & Research

In line with the professional education

and CEO of Education for Good, and Ms Ada Wong

easily or make unnecessary purchases. Rather, they

embedded within CityU’s Discovery-enriched

Ying-kay, Convener of Make a Difference and

may donate unwanted items such as books and

Curriculum, the project enhances students’

The Good Lab, to share their ideas about social

small electrical appliances, or put them on sale as

personal growth and boosts competitiveness,

innovation with teachers, students and alumni.

consignments. An administrative fee of HK$10 will

preparing the way for participants to become

Through the events of the Social Enterprise New

be charged for consignments, and items overdue

future leaders ready to act for, and initiate

Year Festival @CityU 2013 and “Photo with a

for collection will be given to the needy for free.

changes within, society, she added.

Message” Photo Contest @CityU 2013, the project

“The daily operation of Hand2Spot is managed

encouraged CityU teachers and students to

by CityU students so that they can learn about

The project provides a platform for exchange

care about society and reflect on ways to solve

the principle and administration of the social

and collaboration between the researchers at

social problems. The two Gateway Education

enterprise – fostering the residual value of usable

CityU engaged in research or teaching related to

courses introduced by the project in the second

items and promoting their re-use,” said Mr Timothy

social enterprises. It consists of four components:

semester of 2012–13 have been very well received

Ma Kam-wah, Executive Director of the project.

academic and professional education, research

across campus by students who participated in

and knowledge transfer, social innovation

interdisciplinary discussions in class and worked

Mr Ma added that each year student residence halls

incubation, and student service leadership.

together to develop new ideas of social innovation.

receive a lot of unwanted items such as electric kettles and duvets. Hand2Spot is just the right place

Many activities have been organised since the

The flame of the project has burned even hotter

to find new owners for these usable items. “Like

launch of the project. The Social Entrepreneurs

recently. The Hand2Spot for trading second-hand

any other social enterprises, Hand2Spot will operate

in Residence at CityU invited Professor Andreas

items has been established on campus, the first

on a self-financing basis that fulfills the needs of

Heinecke, founder of the renowned social

of its kind in local universities. Aiming to promote

society,” Mr Ma said.

enterprise “Dialogue in the Dark”, Dr Tse Ka-kui,

the re-use of products, Hand2Spot encourages

founder of the Social Entrepreneurship Forum

teachers and students not to dispose of items too

Please visit the Hand2Spot website for detail




近年來湧現不少熱心社會公益的創業 者,他們善用創新方法助人自助,解  決種種社會問題。經濟學家穆罕默德 • 尤努斯博士就是一例,他創立的「鄉村 銀行」幫助孟加拉國內數以百萬計的家 庭擺脫了貧窮,因此獲得2006年諾貝  爾和平獎。




會企業家駐城大」,也即邀請國際著名社 會企業「黑暗中對話」的創辦人Andreas


Heinecke 教授、香港社會創業論壇主席












香港社會服務聯會《社企指南2012》的資料, 本港已有近400家社企,經營多種類型的業

『火焰計劃』配合城大『重探索求創新課程』 中各專業科目的教學,促使學生全面成長,增







院、各學系的學生得以共聚一堂討論跨學 科的議題,一同構思社會創新的途徑。

率先在校園內提倡社會創新及社會企業家 精神。


城大已有不少教職員從事與社企有關的研究或 教學,如今「火焰計劃」更可促進他們彼此交

這個計劃的火焰越來越熾熱。不久前, 「火焰計劃」設立全港第一家在大學環境













『社會創新』。」黃教授還說,當前許多人認 為這類企業的目的只是扶助失業人士等弱勢社 群,卻很少有人明白社企的理念在於滿足社會

「『火焰計劃』旨在幫助大家 認識社企理念的真諦,並看到 社會創新的重要意義。」

如書籍、小電器等,以供有需要的師生選 購。「手易點」收取港幣10元的手續費作 為行政開支;逾期未取的物品則捐贈給社 會上有需要的人。 「火焰計劃」行政總監馬錦華先生說: 「『手易點』的日常營運由城大學生負責, 他們藉此實踐社企的理念,學會愛惜物 資、循環再用。」馬先生又說,每個學年 結束時,學生宿舍就收集到不少仍可用的 棄置物品,如電熱水壺、羽絨被等,「手易 點」正好為這些物品尋找新主人。「和其他 社企一樣,『手易點』自負盈虧,同時為社 會服務,」馬先生說。 欲知「手易點」的運作詳情,請瀏覽網 頁: hand2spot/。

May 2013


In the Know

My gateway to teaching GE 我的通識教育之路 By Mr Raymond Wong Wai-man Lecturer, Division of Building Science and Technology

文:王煒文先生 建築科技學部講師




One’s personality and interests are both important factors in determining one’s career and personal development. I stumbled onto my future path over 40 years ago. While studying at a junior high school, I found after-school reading an enlightening hobby. The popular science series entitled Hundred Thousands Whys gave a lot of tips on astronomy, geography and other natural science subjects. I am one of the many who benefitted from this excellent primer on general education. After I started senior high school, I extended the range of my after-school reading. I broadened my horizons through reading in literature, history, politics, popular philosophy and even war memoirs. During my three years at college, I spent a lot of

Hong Kong. It included building the terminals,

time in the library after finishing my homework.

the Tsing Ma Bridge, the airport railway and

My list of after-school reading included a rich

the West Kowloon Land Reclamation. My

variety of books I was interested in, such as

involvement was accidental, but I quickly

popular books on literature, history, philosophy,

became interested in this grand construction

fine art, design and art-related books. At the

project, and visiting the construction sites

beginning of my second year, I formally enrolled

gradually became an important part of my

on a two-year night course in design. When I

teaching and research work. Over the last 20

graduated at the end of the third year, I had

years I have visited many construction sites,

obtained two diplomas.

taken a lot of pictures, extending from an individual project to the whole railway system

I started my career in the field of construction

and the building of new towns, from the study

management. As was the normal practice, I

of the infrastructure to that of the whole city,

secured a license and became a professional. Ten

from Hong Kong to the mainland, the Asia-

years later I was employed as a teacher, giving

Pacific region and European and American

courses in the management of construction


technology. A teacher’s work was flexible without too much involvement in administrative

I expanded the focus of my investigation from

chores. I employed my leisure by organising

construction development to the cultural

many extra-curricular activities, interest groups

phenomena of the whole city and society.

and lectures for my students. I even volunteered

To my great surprise, after a dozen years of

to serve as a student adviser. What’s more, I

persistent work, I have become an “expert”

spent time writing essays and prose and took an

in construction science and technology. The

interest in writing. These were non-paying jobs,

investigation and study of projects and urban

but I took a delight in my voluntary work. Those

construction have become my great passion.

six years are sweet memories. People feel satisfied when their knowledge I started to work at CityU in 1992 just as Hong

and experience are brought into full play. At

Kong was starting to build a new airport at Chek

the beginning, I summed up my experience

Lap Kok. This was an unprecedented project for

and wrote articles on the chance that they

May 2013


In the Know

“In order to acquire interdisciplinary knowledge, students should not stick to one pattern and should avoid rigid or pedantic thinking. ”

might get published. Later I made full use of my

teachers to offer new Gateway Education (GE)

limited research funds to establish a homepage

courses. Drawing on my own experience, I fully

as a platform to store my working materials and

supported this concept. I worked out four GE

achievements internally and compare notes

courses and submitted two to the management

and communicate with peers externally. This

team. Both were approved, and I began to offer

multiple work of mine, though disorderly in

these two courses last year.

appearance, was consolidated over time. With the wider circle of like-minded people, my work

GE can be understood as educating students

and contributions became more substantial

with extensive general knowledge. The courses

and acquired a far-reaching significance. My

encourage the students to become far-sighted

homepage, which was casually established over

and perceptive. With the cultivation of an

ten years ago, has become a “world-renowned”

acute mind and through shrewd observation,

webpage in the circles of construction and

they are able to establish ties between related


matters, feelings and reasoning, thus giving rise to new ideas, associations and creative ideas;

After the Sichuan earthquake in 2008, I

i.e. learning by analogy. This is the purpose,

volunteered for some rebuilding projects. I was

value and significance of GE. In order to acquire

mainly in charge of the supervision of school

interdisciplinary knowledge, students should

rebuilding. As a result, I established a working

not stick to one pattern and should avoid rigid

relationship within local educational circles

or pedantic thinking. Otherwise, they will fail to

there. Later I was invited to give lectures at

understand the true essence of the matter.

various schools and educational institutions. I named my lecture series as “Talks on Academic

I, as well as modern society as a whole, have

Topics from the Angle of General Education”.

embarked on a path of developing GE. Please

The topics ranged from urban construction,

allow me to quote a sentence from Qu Yuan’s

the relationship between the mainland and

The Lament: “The way ahead is long; I see no

Hong Kong, national development, social and

ending, yet high and low I’ll search with my will

economic phenomena to cultural conservation.

unbending.” This is no doubt the best footnote to my 20-year life experience. It’s true to everybody

Two years ago, in preparation for the curriculum reform in Hong Kong, the University asked



that there is no end to the pursuit of learning.


性格與興趣是決定個人事業與發展的重要因素。我與通識教育 (城大現稱之為精進教育)的關係始於40多年前。當時我就 讀初中,覺得課外閱讀是益智的消閒活動。科普讀物《十萬個 為什麼》含有天文學、地理學以及其他自然科學學科的小常 識,是通識教育的絕佳教材,而我是其中一個受惠者。進了高 中,課外閱讀的範圍更廣,我開始閱讀文學、歷史、政治、通 俗哲學,甚至戰爭回憶錄等讀物,視野隨之拓展開來。










上述經驗分段整理出來,寫成文章,尋找機會出版或發表。隨後我利 用有限的研究經費開設了一個網頁,建立一個對內儲存工作資料和成 果、對外分享與交流的平台。這項看似凌亂的多元工作,久而久之, 充實了內涵,並建構起一定人脈,使我的工作、甚至貢獻,變得更充 實和意義深遠。原先無心插柳般建立起來的網頁,十多年後,竟在建 築與工程界打出一點名堂,成為「世界知名」的網頁。

等議題。 踏上事業大道後,我先是進入建築管理行業,循例考取專業資格,成為 較自由,行政工作亦少,我利用空餘時間辦了很多課外活動、興趣小

兩年多前,城大針對學制改革,要求教師開發通識課程。我依據本身 的性格、識見與人生歷程,全力支持學校的理念,先後構思了四個課




寫作的興趣。這些工作沒有任何「獎賞」,但我樂此不疲,樂在其中。 這六年給我留下甜美的回憶。

通識教育,大致可演繹為以通達廣濶的知識教育學生。通達是貫通、 目光遠達,以便做到舉一反三,並訓練敏銳的觸覺和悟性,將相關的







漸漸成為我教學與研究的主要部分。我走遍大大小小的工地,拍了許多 設;由基礎建設拓展至對整個城市的探討;再由香港走出去,到內地、

我,以至整個現代社會,已踏上一條通識教育發展道路。寫到此,容 我引用屈原《離騷》裏的一句話:「路漫漫其修遠兮,吾將上下而求







May 2013


Student Voices

Internship in Israel By Isabel Meng Qianyu BA (Hons) in Culture and Heritage Management Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics

Last summer I had a wonderful experience working as an intern at the New Media Department of the Israel Museum for six weeks through an internship programme organised by the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics.

Working at the Israel Museum, I was deeply impressed by its volunteer culture. Many of the workers, from the receptionists on the front desk to the tour guides, were volunteers, and some of them were even hoary-headed senior citizens. They were attentive and enthusiastic when helping visitors, enjoying the chance to interact when providing information, offering their own

The Israel Museum is the largest cultural

comments and opinions and making every visit a

institution in the country with extensive

valuable learning experience for all.

collections such as the Dead Sea Scrolls. These ancient manuscripts attract thousands of visitors

Besides doing the translation for the Chinese

from all over the world each year. I was lucky

website, I took part in public relations activities

to be assigned to help in the Dead Sea Scrolls

for the launch of the website. I was interviewed

Digital Project, translating the English text into

by a reporter from the English Channel of CCTV

Chinese and constructing a Chinese website.

in Israel. Also, I learned from my supervisor,

Following the diligent efforts of four CityU

Dr Susan Hazan, about access to and evaluation

interns over two consecutive years, the Chinese

of the information on the website.

version of the project has now been launched, making this world-class invaluable heritage

Participating on the Dead Sea Scrolls Digital

accessible to all readers of Chinese.

Project was a highly valuable experience. We were able to help store, protect, study and display cultural objects using digital technology in much the same way as the better known Google Art Project, an endeavour between the



rden hai Ga a B a if Ha 花園




我的以色列實習之旅 文:孟倩宇 中文、翻譯及語言學系(文化產業管理專業)

internet giant and renowned museums around the world. Dr Hazan, an expert in the use of digital

去年暑期,我參加了中文、翻譯及語言 學系的實習計劃,在以色列博物館新媒 體部門實習了六個星期,度過了難忘的 時光。

technology in cultural and museum studies,

除了為網站做翻譯之外,我也參與了網站發 佈的公關宣傳,接受了CCTV英文頻道駐以 色列記者的採訪,並從我的實習上司Susan Hazan博士處了解到網站推出後的資料獲取 和評估過程。

helped me to learn more about technological


developments in this area, sparking my interest



to delve deeper.

古卷」,每年吸引成千上萬來自世界各國的遊 客。我有幸被分派協助死海古卷數碼版的英文

使用數碼技術儲存、保護、研究和展示文 物,做法就如谷歌(Google)與全球知名博

During my days off, my colleagues and I visited



many places in Israel. We went to Jerusalem,


where three great religions were formed; the



Bahai Gardens in Haifa, a UNESCO world heritage



site; and the Dead Sea where swimming is more like floating due to the density of the water.

了更多的了解,並產生深入探究的興趣。 以色列博物館令我印象最深的是它的志願者文 化。從博物館大廳前台的接待員到眾多的導賞


This is indeed a beautiful country with a



fascinating history and religious culture. The



internship not only allowed me to gain work



experience, it enriched my life.


面上的死海。 這個美麗而充滿歷史與宗教氣息的古老國 度,令我為之着迷。這次實習不僅讓我積累 工作經驗,更是豐富人生的心靈之旅。

May 2013



John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2011

The Dilemma between Money and Life: A message from the Dao De Jing Professor Zhou Nan, Department of Marketing Peking University Press, 2012

Interest in transcript-based research has grown significantly in recent

Based on the enlightenment by the Dao De Jing (a classic of Chinese

years. Alongside this growth has been an increase in awareness of the

philosophy, literally meaning “The Classic of the Way and Virtue”), the

empirical utility of naturalistic research on language use in interaction.

author shares his views on his philosophy of life, cultural differences,

However, a quick scan of the literature reveals that very few

sales and marketing, and brand name management. In addition, the

transcription books have been published in the past three decades.

book discusses how Laozi’s Way of Nature can be employed to help

This is an astonishing fact given that there are perhaps hundreds of

people strike a good balance between materialism and spiritualism.

Transcribing Talk and Interaction Dr Christopher J Jenks, Associate Professor, Department of English

books published on spoken discourse analysis. This book consists of 60 essays, grouped into six sections: The dao of This book aims to narrow this gap by providing an introduction to

life—The self vs the world; Cultural differences—The Chinese way vs

the theories and practices related to transcribing communication

the American way; The dao of branding—yin (tangible) vs yang

data. The book is intended for students with little to no knowledge

(intangible); The dao of inaction—advance vs retreat; The dao of

of transcription work and/or instructors responsible for teaching

fame—jun zi (a virtuous person) vs xiao ren (a mean person); and My

introductory courses on transcript-based research. Readers who are

journey as a marketing scholar—knowledge vs dao.

learning or teaching discourse/conversation analysis or similar analytic methods of investigation will find this book particularly helpful.





英文系副教授Christopher J Jenks博士 John Benjamins Publishing Company,2011

《道德經》是中國 哲學經典,作者希










異、企業營銷和品牌管 理之道,亦探討了如何以 本書旨在介紹通訊數據轉錄的理論 與實踐,希望藉此能縮小上述差 距。此書是專為對轉錄應用了解

老子「道法自然」的思想 來達到「物質與精神」平衡 的雙贏之道。

不深或一無所知的學生而撰寫, 亦可供講授有關轉錄研究入門 課程的教師使用。正在學習或 講授語篇/會話分析的讀者, 以及正在學習或講授類似調 查分析方法的讀者,當會 發現此書大有助益。



本書收錄了60 篇隨筆,分為 六部分:為人處世之道—自我與世界;文化差異—中美文化; 品牌經營之道—陰與陽(有形與無形);無為之道—進與退; 名人之道—君子與小人;求學心得—學問與道。

New building for a new generation 校園新大樓 培育新一代 Academic 3 – a bold new space for discovery and innovation in professional education and research. 學術樓(三)造型奇偉,為探索和創新開闢新天地,推動 專業教育與研究。

City University of Hong Kong  香港城市大學   Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR  香港特別行政區九龍達之路

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