CityU Today No. 43

Page 1

October 2013




The science of omics: big data for public health 組學科學: 善用大數據 改善公共健康

Gene therapy to accelerate nerve regeneration 基因療法促進神經再生

To excel in an ageing society 迎接老齡化社會的挑戰與機會

From the Editor

In this issue of our flagship publication CityU Today we provide an in-depth look at the work of CityU researchers working in the field of public health, starting with an overview of omics, or big science, particularly in the areas of genomics. This relatively new area of enquiry is rapidly becoming an integral part of public health, and we look at the varied ways CityU is contributing knowledge and understanding of this exciting discipline. Continuing the health theme, we learn about a project aimed at helping people who have had strokes; we speak to one of CityU’s leading academics about her work with the elderly; and we learn about nerve regeneration to help people recover faster from physical injuries that affect motor control. Happy reading! 在本期的《今日城大》,我們刊載了一篇深度報道,介紹城大學者在 公共健康領域的研究工作,首先是對組學(大科學)的概述,特別是 其中的基因組學。基因組學是較新的研究領域,很快已成為公共健 康不可或缺的一環。城大在這個前景廣闊的學科作了很多探索,拓 展新知,加深了解。圍繞健康這個主題,我們還報道了一個幫助中 風患者的項目,以及一位研究社會老年學的城大傑出學者的教研工 作;此外,我們還介紹了利用基因療法加速周圍神經再生,幫助肌 肉受傷而活動功能受影響的人士加快康復。 祝各位開卷快樂!

Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on 李國安教授 Editor-in-Chief 總編輯

Cover Story 封面專題


The science of omics: big data for public health

組學科學:善用大數據 改善公共健康

The future of public health might well reside in how we use our understanding of human genes to anticipate and hopefully prevent human diseases.

Editor-in-Chief : Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on / 總編輯:李國安教授 • Managing Editor : Longgen Chen / 行政編輯:陳龍根 • Executive Editor : Mirror Fung / 執行編輯:馮美玲 • Editor : Michael Gibb / 編輯:鄭智友 • Chinese Editor : Allen Zhuang / 中文編輯:莊開仁 • Design and Production : Communications & Public Relations Office and Pixels Graphics Limited / 設計及製作:傳訊及公關處及 點子設計有限公司 Phone / 電話:(852) 3442 9317 • Fax / 傳真:(852) 2628 2812 Website / 網址: • E-mail / 電郵 • Mail : CityU Today Editors, Communications & Public Relations Office, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 通訊:香港九龍達之路香港城市大學傳訊及公關處《今日城大》編輯部收

公共健康的未來,或許就在於怎樣運用對人 類基因的認識去預測疾病和預防疾病。

Oct 2013




Features 專題

Narrative therapy: Psychotherapy for stroke survivors


「敘事治療」─ 抗「風」心藥

Gene therapy to accelerate nerve regeneration


To excel in an ageing society







Columns 專欄 2 News & Notable 城大動態

20 Through The Lens

37 Gown to Town


Honorary Fellowships for five Spotlight on creativity distinguished persons 聚焦創意 統攝聲光 頒授榮譽院士銜予五位 傑出人士 34 Student Voices

Cool running – ice marathon for green dream 冰原馬拉松 綠色環保夢



Take responsibility for my own life 為自己的人生負責任

40 Books


today is published three times a year by City University of Hong Kong. The mission of the magazine is to inform our stakeholders around the world about CityU issues, people, activities and achievements. 《今日城大》每年三期,旨在報道香港城市大學在教學、研究及外務發展上的最新動向。

October 2013


News & Notable

Honorary Fellowships for five distinguished persons 頒授榮譽院士銜予五位傑出人士

Five distinguished persons were conferred the title of Honorary Fellow in recognition of their distinctive contributions to the development of, and service to, the University and the community. • Mr Rex Auyeung Pak-kuen, President – Asia and Senior Vice-President of the Principal Financial Group (centre) • Ms Maggie Chan Man-ki, Senior Partner of CMK Lawyers (2nd from left) • Mr David Fong Man-hung, Managing Director of Hip Shing Hong Group (1st from right) • Mr Francis Ngai Wah-sing, Founder and CEO of Social Ventures Hong Kong (1st from left) • Mr Wong Kai-man, Director of the Victor and William Fung Foundation Limited and the Fung (1906) Foundation Limited (2nd from right) 五位傑出人士獲頒榮譽院士名銜,以表彰他們促進城大發展和為社會 服務的傑出貢獻。 • 美國信安金融集團高級副總裁及亞洲區總裁歐陽伯權先生(中) • 陳曼琪律師行首席合夥人陳曼琪女士(左二) • 香港協成行集團董事總經理方文雄先生(右一) • 香港社會創投基金創辦人兼行政總裁魏華星先生(左一) • 經綸慈善基金有限公司、馮氏(1906)慈善基金有限公司董事黃啟民先生(右二)

Strong showing in QS subject rankings 城大居QS多個學科排名榜前列 We performed well in the QS World University Rankings by Subject for 2013. The University featured in the world’s elite Top 200 institutions in 18 of the 30 subjects covered by this year’s survey, which took into account subjects taught at 2,858 universities worldwide. CityU enjoyed either an improved ranking compared to the ranking exercise last year or appeared for the first time in the top 200 in Linguistics, Engineering-Electrical, Engineering-Mechanical, Communication & Media Studies, Law, Politics & International Studies and Statistics & Operational Research. 國際高等教育資訊機構QS公佈2013年世界大學各學科排名榜,城大表現優秀。今年的排名榜 包含全球各地接受調查的2,858所大學的30個學科,而城大在18個學科的排名榜上位居全球 200強之列,並在語言學、電機工程、機械工程、傳意及傳媒研究、法律、政治及國際研究,以及 統計與運籌學研究等學科的排名上升,或首次進入排名榜。




CityU ranked 5th in top 50 under 50 「建校未滿50年全球最佳學府」榜上,城大排名第五 The emphasis on the integration of teaching and research that is so highly prized at CityU translated into international recognition in two recent surveys conducted by QS, the leading global education specialist. CityU was ranked 5th in a QS survey of the world’s top 50 universities under 50 years of age, i.e. universities founded in 1963 or after, and we were ranked 12th in Asia, and 4th in Hong Kong, in the latest QS University Rankings: Asia. The results of the QS rankings for Asia were notable because although standards in higher education throughout Asia were rising rapidly, CityU had maintained its 2012 position as the 12th best university in Asia, while its score had increased from 92.31 to 94.7 in 2013. 城大致力推動教研合一,成果充分反映在國際高等教育資訊機構QS最 新公佈的兩項排名榜上。在建校未滿50年(即1963年或以後創校)的全 球50所最佳大學排名榜中,城大位列第五;在亞洲大學排名榜中,城大 名列第12位;在香港則排行第四。城大在QS的亞洲大學排名榜上成績 突出,雖然全亞洲高等教育院校的整體水準不斷提升,但城大不但保持 去年的亞洲最佳大學排名第12位,總分更由去年的92.31上升至今年的 94.7。

A better world is just a click away 點擊一下 實現造福社會的心願 A new online donation scheme called “Invest in CityU Students and Projects” (iCUSP) that students and staff are developing at CityU contains the details of a dozen high-value interdisciplinary teaching, learning and research initiatives. Visitors to iCUSP are invited to click on hyperlinks to a selection of projects from different fields. Each project page includes a one-minute video introduction of the project by the staff project leader, an outline of the aims of the project, its funding goals, contact details, and a timeline. Donations that visitors make represent an investment in the projects and the students who are conducting them. The theme is “CityU Wants a Better World”. 城大新推出一項名為「Invest in CityU Students and Projects」 (簡稱iCUSP)的網站捐助計劃。 在「城大創‧新未來」的主題下,該網站列出12 個教學與研究項目的資料,均為價值極高的跨學 科研究項目,各界人士在iCUSP網站內點擊不同 領域的項目,即可觀看介紹項目主要內容的一分 鐘短片,由該項目負責教員說明研究目的、捐助 目標、聯繫詳情,以及項目進程表。捐款將用於 資助研究項目及參與該項研究的學生。

October 2013


News & Notable Researchers secure record funding from NSFC 研究計劃獲國家自然科學基金資助 The University secured grants for 30 projects totaling RMB15.58 million (about HK$19.75 million) from the National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC), an increase of 30% and 14.3% in terms of the number of projects and funding amount compared with those last year, respectively. This year the CityU Shenzhen Research Institute (CityUSRI) achieved a success rate of 34% out of its 88 applications, higher than the national average of 22.5%. Approved research projects cover electronic engineering, energy management and sustainability, advanced materials, life sciences, business systems, among others. 城大有30項研究計劃獲得國家自然科學基金撥款,總額達人民幣1,558萬 元(約港幣1,975萬元);與去年相比,獲資助的計劃數目增加30%,所 獲撥款額增長14.3%。 城大深圳研究院今年呈交88項研究計劃以競逐撥款,成功率為34%,高 於22.5%的全國平均成功率。獲資助項目包括電子工程、能源管理和持 續發展、先進物料、生命科學,以及商業系統等。

Significant increase in RGC research funding 城大獲研資局撥款大增 We have performed outstandingly in securing a total of 154 grants with funding worth HK$87.7 million from the Research Grants Council (RGC), an increase of 29% and 22% respectively compared to last year’s figures. In addition, we were ranked 1st for the second year running in terms of the number of grants and the volume of funding received under the Early Career Scheme (ECS), an initiative that supports research and teaching projects designed by young faculty. A total of 37 grants amounting to $21.4 million was secured, and the success rate was 45.1%, which was 3.6% above the sector-wide ECS success rate of 41.5%. 城大在研究資助局(研資局)資助計劃中取得優秀成績,共有154項研 究計劃獲得資助,撥款總額達8,770萬港元。與去年比較,獲資助的項 目大增29%,撥款總額上升22%。此外,在研資局的「傑出青年學者計 劃」中,城大獲資助的研究項目和撥款金額連續第二年名列榜首。今年 城大共有37項研究計劃獲得資助,撥款總額2,140萬港元,申請成功率 達45.1%,比全港各大專院校的平均成功率41.5%高出3.6%。研資局設 立「傑出青年學者計劃」,旨在支持青年學者的教研工作。




CityU gerontologist receives UGC teaching award 城大老年學專家獲教資會頒予傑出教學獎 Dr Alice Chong Ming-lin, Associate Professor from the Department of Applied Social Studies, was presented with the Award for Teaching Excellence by the University Grants Committee in September. The award was set up to honour teachers who significantly improve, and excel in, teaching in the higher education sector. This is the second year running a CityU teacher has won this award. Last year Professor Liu Zhi-Qiang from the School of Creative Media won. 應用社會科學系副教授莊明蓮博士於9月獲大學教育資助委員會頒予傑出教學獎。此獎項旨在表 彰努力改進教學、教學表現卓越的高等院校教師。城大已是連續第二年有教師獲得這項榮譽,去 年得到傑出教學獎的是創意媒體學院的劉志強教授。

Council members tour CityU 校董會成員參觀城大 Three Council members familiarised themselves with CityU during a campus tour accompanied by senior management. The Council members were Mrs Rebecca Lai Ko Wing-yee, Director of Theological Education by Extension at the China Graduate School of Theology; Ms Connie Lau Yin-hing, Chairperson of the International Advisory Group of Experts on Consumer Protection, The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development; and Mr Herbert Tsoi Hak-kong, Partner at Herbert Tsoi and Partners. 三位城大校董會成員在大學管理層陪同下,參觀了校園和教研設施,以 加深對城大的了解。他們是中國神學研究院延伸課程主任黎高穎怡女 士、聯合國貿易及發展會議消費者保障國際專家顧問小組主席劉燕卿女 士,以及蔡克剛律師事務所合夥人蔡克剛先生。

Cornell University and CityU deepen academic alliance 康奈爾大學與城大加強合作 The Provost of Cornell University, Professor Kent Fuchs, and the Dean of its College of Veterinary Medicine, Dr Michael Kotlikoff, helped to further advance the implementation of an extended, long-term strategic agreement between Cornell University and CityU, and to meet with an international expert panel established by the Hong Kong government to review the two universities’ plans to establish a world-class School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM). The visit marked a significant step forward in the construction of a long-term alliance for CityU with the Ivy League university to build a world-class SVM in Asia, providing a centre of excellence for animal health and expanding educational opportunities for Hong Kong students. 康奈爾大學學務副校 長Kent Fuchs教授 和動物醫學院院長 Michael Kotlikoff博士到訪城大,加強城大與這所美國長春藤大學建 立的長遠學術聯盟,攜手共建亞洲首屈一指的動物醫學院。動物醫 學院將成為卓越中心,為香港學生提供更廣闊的教育及專業發展機 會。他們同時會見了由香港政府成立、專責檢討兩校計劃建立的世 界級動物醫學院的國際專家小組。

October 2013


News & Notable Campus exhibition showcases discovery and innovation 「城大創新研究」展覽 ​ The latest achievements in applied research, advanced technology and product development were showcased at an exhibition titled “Expanding Sphere of Innovation@CityU”. The University’s 32 research centres, the CityU Shenzhen Research Institute, and the CityU Knowledge Transfer Office displayed their research at the exhibition, which is the largest CityU has organised specifically for showcasing research. Among the attractions, visitors could discover for themselves the most exciting

research currently underway at CityU. Walking


into the novel hemispherical projection system,


iDome, we could appreciate the 3D visual effects


created by images reflected via spherical mirrors,


and watch closely how robots developed by the Centre for Robotics and Automation simulate human actions and work in environments hazardous to people. 今年舉行的「城大創新研究」展覽,呈現城大 應用研究及先進產品與技術開發的最新成果。 這是城大在校園舉辦的最大型科研成果展覽, 由城大所轄的32個科研中心、城大深圳研究 院、城大知識轉移處一同參展。參觀者可親睹 多項科研成果,了解城大最新科研動態。走進

CityU scholar wins major Royal Meteorological Society award 城大學者榮獲英國皇家氣象學會獎項 ​ Professor Johnny Chan Chung-leung, Chair Professor of Atmospheric Science and Dean of the School of Energy and Environment, became the first Chinese scholar to earn the prestigious International Journal of Climatology Award for 2012 from the Royal Meteorological Society. The award is recognition of Professor Chan’s substantive contributions to the understanding of the climatology of tropical cyclones in the northwest Pacific, especially the mechanisms underlying the variability and trends in the frequency and intensity at a range of time scales, and characteristics of the East Asian monsoon. 大氣科學講座教授兼能源及環境學院院長陳仲良教授獲英國皇家氣象學會頒予2012年度《國際 氣候學報》大獎,是第一位獲此殊榮的華人學者。該獎項表彰陳教授對西北太平洋熱帶氣旋研究 的貢獻,其重大成果在於探明熱帶氣旋在不同長短的多種時段內的頻率和強度之變異、其趨勢 的內在成因,以及東亞地區季候風的特性。

Naming ceremony expresses deep family affection

textile industry, is the founder of Yangtzekiang Garment Ltd. He has made


in Hong Kong and the mainland, benefiting many students over the years.

significant contributions to the development of the industry and education

Multi-function Hall A of the Student Residence has been named Moon


Chun Multi-function Hall in memory of Ms Lam Moon-chun, the late wife of


Dr Chan Sui-kau, at a ceremony. The naming ceremony also recognised Dr


Chan’s longstanding support for the University and contributions to society over the years.

陳博士為香港紡織製衣界翹楚,也是著名的實業家和慈善家,多年來不 單致力推動工業發展,而且大力支持本港與內地的教育事業,受益學子

Dr Chan, a much-respected business leader and philanthropist in the local





International symposium assesses revolutionary ways of healthcare 國際會議探討醫藥保健革新之路 An international symposium brought together experts in the fields of imaging, proteomics, metabolic phenotyping and healthcare to discuss how advances in these scientific disciplines can be translated into improvements in patient treatment and population health management. The pioneering International Symposium on Translating Omics Science to Clinical Applications (TOSCA 2013), held in August, underlines CityU’s commitment to advancing research into public health. It was organised by CityU’s Department of Biology and Chemistry (see page 10). 城大8月舉行「2013年組合科學的臨床應用國際研討會」 (TOSCA 2013),來自成像技術、蛋白質組學、代謝表現型、醫藥保健等領域的多國專家聚 集一堂,探討如何把這些學科的最新進展結合起來,用以改善對病人的治療和公眾健康管理。這項首創的學術活動,突顯城大致力以科研促進公共 健康的辦學宗旨,研討會由城大的生物及化學系主辦(參見第10頁)。

RMB7.2 million contract to monitor structural safety of Ping An Financial Centre

CityU scientist contributes to research breakthrough in nano-biology



CityU has been awarded a contract valued at RMB7.2 million (approximately

Dr Peggy Lo Pik-kwan, Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology

HK$9 million) to monitor the construction safety and structural health

and Chemistry, has contributed to the development of a novel nano-

condition of the Ping An Finance Centre, the tallest building in the greater

thermometer for probing the health status of living cells, leading to the

China region. Professor Li Qiusheng from CityU’s Department of Civil and

publication of a co-authored article in the highly prestigious international

Architectural Engineering will use his innovative monitoring system to

journal Nature in collaboration with researchers from Harvard University.

check the structural performance during its construction and monitor its

Dr Lo carried out some of the research reported in the August issue of

structural safety after completion.

Nature at CityU. The new approach reported in the journal holds great promise for medical diagnostics and public health, especially in the broad


area of monitoring cell development in people with diseases such as cancer.

萬元)的合約,以創新的監測系統監控大中華地區最高建築物「深圳平安 金融中心」的結構施工,並在竣工後監測其結構安全。

生物及化學系助理教 授羅璧君博士與哈 佛大學的研究人員合 作,研究以新型納米 溫度計探測活細胞的 健康狀況,並且取得 成果,合撰的論文發 表於國際著名的《自 然》期刊。論文見於 今年八月號的《自然》 期刊,羅博士在城大完成了文中所述的部分研究工作。論文中提出的新方 法將為醫療診斷和改進公共衞生,尤其是在監測癌症等疾病患者細胞的 演變狀況這一廣闊領域中,帶來新的希望。

October 2013


News & Notable Department of Public Policy inaugurated 公共政策學系舉行易名儀式 A ceremony in August marked the inauguration of the retitled Department of Public Policy. The new title for what was the Department of Public and Social Administration provides the department with a more distinct profile which will aid student recruitment at all levels and enhance research links with similarly oriented departments in other parts of the world. Officiating at the ceremony were Ms Audrey Eu Yuet-mee, SC, Professor Way Kuo, University President, Professor Arthur Ellis, Provost, and Professor Ray Forrest, Head of the Department of Public Policy.

New CityU Apps Lab fosters innovative thinking 城大應用程式實驗室鼓勵創意思考

公共及社會行政學系於8月舉行儀式,易名為公 共政策學系。新名稱更清楚地反映學系的專業 學術領域,有助加強招生工作,並提升該學系與 世界各地大學相關學系的合作研究機會。易名 儀式主禮嘉賓包括資深大律師余若薇女士、校

A new laboratory creates a stimulating


environment in which students can develop

政策學系系主任Ray Forrest教授。

apps for smart communication devices and produce a series of mobile phone apps, including one that calls on the public to support organ donations. The aim of the laboratory is to

Top scholars conferred CityU Research Excellence Awards 學者榮獲傑出研究獎

nurture more professionals for the information technology sector and encourage students

Professor Xue Quan, Chair Professor of Microwave Engineering in the Department of Electronic

from different majors to develop apps, thereby

Engineering, and Professor Leung Kwok-wa of the same department received the 2013 CityU Research

enhancing their interdisciplinary knowledge

Excellence Awards for their contributions to the local and international scholarly arenas. Professor

and skills. As part of the launch in August,

Yang Zhilin of the Department of Marketing earned a Certificate of Merit. Professor Xue has researched

representatives from Apple, BlackBerry, Google,

microwave circuits and antennas for many years, and most of his more than 300 journal papers were

Microsoft, Nokia, Samsung, Aceona, Apptask,

published in top-tier journals in the field. Professor Leung is a leading scholar in antenna theory and an

Cherrypicks, Deloitte, Gravitas, GreenTomato,

active researcher in the application of dielectric materials. Professor Yang is well-known internationally

Innopage, Nuthon, UDomain and Vcast delivered

for his research in establishing an institutional-based, legitimacy-embedded efficiency model for

talks and hosted seminars for CityU students.

business marketing as well as developing a reliable instrument for measuring online service quality.


























New labs to boost innovation and creativity 新實驗室推動探索創新 New learning spaces in support of the Discovery-enriched Curriculum (DEC) were set up to give students the chance to create, test and communicate ideas for more creative and interactive learning. The HK$4-million GE (Gateway Educaton) Lab supports around 200 GE courses that are designed to support interactive teaching and learning activities and the three DEC Labs under the Department of Computer Science have transformed traditional lecture halls into highly re-configurable learning spaces to facilitate more interactive blended-learning and “flip classroom” teaching. 城大新增實驗室,推行「重探索求創新課程」,使學生有機會發揮想像、







CityU Xi’an alumni reunion 城大校友西安聚首一堂

President discusses internationalisation at GIS Taiwan 郭位教授出席「全球集思論壇2013」

Around 50 guests enjoyed the “CityU Alumni Reunion@Xi’an” event held by the Alumni Relations Office in Xi’an. The gathering aimed to strengthen

Professor Way Kuo, President, outlined his thoughts on

connections among alumni. In attendance were Professor Way Kuo,

internationalisation in his keynote speech “What Kind of Higher

University President; senior CityU management; alumni living in Xi’an

Education Can Enhance a Society’s Competitiveness” in July at the

or neighbouring cities and ex-students of the School of Law who had

Global Initiative Symposium (GIS) Taiwan 2013. In a globalised

completed the Advanced Programme for Chinese Senior Judges; and Mr

competitive environment, internationalised education is the only

Clovis Lau Koong-yep, Vice-Chairman of the Convocation of CityU. The

way forward, Professor Kuo said, adding that when people talk about

Convocation was the event partner for this event. Members of the CityU

internationalisation, they place great emphasis on speaking good

Eminence Society participating in the Xi’an cultural tour organised by the

English, forgetting that internationalisation is more about adopting

Society also joined the event, including Mr Simon Hui Hing-tak, Chairman

international standards and modern practice, conducting problem-

of the CityU Eminence Society; Dr John Chan Chun-tung, Honorary Fellow,

driven research and providing quality education with new academic

Distinguished Alumni and Court member; and Mr Andrew Fan Ka-fai,


Honorary Fellow, Distinguished Alumni and Council member. 城大校友聯絡處於西安舉辦「城大校友西安薈聚」活動,藉此加強與內地 校友的聯繫,約有50名來賓出席盛會,場面熱鬧。出席者包括:城大校 長郭位教授、城大管理層成員、居於西安及鄰近地區的校友、部分曾修 讀城大法律學院中國高級法官研修班的學員,以及這次活動合作夥伴、 城大評議會的副主席劉冠業先生。而參與「城賢匯西安文化之旅」的城 賢匯成員也有出席,包括城賢匯主席許慶得先生;城大榮譽院士、傑出 校友及顧問委員會成員陳振東博士;以及城大榮譽院士、傑出校友及校 董會成員范家輝先生等。

城大校長郭位教授7月在台灣出席「全球集思論壇2013」,以「高等 教育如何提升社會的競爭力」為演講主 題,勾勒出他對大學國際化的看法。他 指出,教育面對全球化的競爭,國際化 是唯一出路。不過一提到國際化,許多 人總是強調要英語講得流利,卻忘記了 國際化的精髓更在於採納國際標準和現 代處事方式、從事問題導向研究,並推 行新式課程以提供優質教育。

October 2013


Cover Story




The science of omics: big data for public health 組學科學: 善用大數據 改善公共健康 By Michael Gibb

文: 鄭智友

Advances in technology are allowing scientists at CityU to participate in innovative new developments in biomedical sciences and biomedical engineering. Recent research activities in the College of Science and Engineering emphasise the depth and breadth of our contributions. They range from plasma immersion ion implantation in the biomedical field, testing kits for the early detection of cervical cancer, the exploration of nano-medicines and submicron sensors to the development of new analytical methods for quality control of pharmaceutical companies, drug screening and environmental toxicity testing and drug discovery, development and delivery, among many others. But it is not just the scientists who are delving into this field: CityU’s social scientists are also exploring fascinating new avenues using genetic research.

Omics and the genomic complexity One relatively new area of inquiry for CityU, and one of the most exciting, is the expansion into the broad field of omics science, i.e. areas of biology ending in -omics, such as genomics (the study of the DNA sequence of organisms and genetic mapping), proteomics (the branch of biochemistry that studies the full set of proteins encoded by a genome) and metabolomics (the study of the chemical fingerprints seen in cellular processes). Dr Lam Yun-wah, Associate Professor in CityU’s Department of Biology and Chemistry, singles out genomics for particular attention, arguing that the future of preventative medicine lies in understanding the complex interactions, mutations of a person’s DNA, chromosomes, RNA and genes.

October 2013


Cover Story

現代科技的進步,正促使城大各專業的學者攜手參與生物醫 學及生物醫學工程學的創新發展;而科學及工程學院近來開 展的多項研究,突顯了城大在此方面所作的貢獻的深度與廣 度。這些研究涵蓋眾多領域,例如生物醫學方面的等離子體 沉浸離子注入法、用於發現早期子宮頸癌的檢測工具、納米 藥物及亞微米傳感器的探索、醫藥公司品質控管新分析法的 設計、藥物篩選及環境毒性測試的技術,以及尋找新藥、改 進新藥並使之直達患病部位的技術等等。深入從事這一廣泛 領域的研究的城大學者,不只限於自然科學的學者,社會科 學的學者也在利用基因研究的成果去探索令人神往的新途徑。 Dr Lam Yun-wah 林潤華博士


“We believe that genomics will have an enormously powerful predictive


power for maintaining and improving human health in the future,” said

分科,例如「基因組學」 (研究有機體的脫氧核糖核酸序列及基因圖譜)、

Dr Lam.

「蛋白質組學」 (生物化學的一個分支,研究一個基因組內部編碼所屬的


一整套蛋白質)、「代謝組學」 (研究細胞生理過程所呈現的化學指紋圖 The Environmental Proteomics and Metabolomics Laboratory that


Dr Lam helped set up in 2008 is one of the key players in allowing CityU scholars to expand their research in this area.

城大生物及化學系副教授林潤華博士認為,上述學科之中,基因組學特 別值得關注,因為預防醫學的發展前景,就取決於能否探明一個人的基

“We are working on the identification, characterisation and


quantification of specific proteins and chemical and biochemical


metabolites, i.e. substances produced by chemical reactions in the body, induced in targeted organisms after exposure to specific environmental


stresses,” he said.


In layman terms, the information that proteomics and metabolomics


provide allows scientists to decipher the mechanisms underpinning


the various responses organisms exhibit when they encounter environmental stresses. For instance, by studying the impact of


contaminants on marine animals, it is possible to gather specific and


urgent data on potential environmental damage.

力下,體內受誘發而生的化學反應的產物。」 說得通俗些,研究蛋白質組學及代謝組學所得的資料,使科學家得以破 譯生物體在環境壓力下發生各種反應的機理。例如,研究污染物對海洋 動物的影響,就可收集到預示環境或將遭損害所特有的危急警訊。

「我們認為,基因組學具有極其強大的預測功 能,未來可用於維護和增進人類健康。」




Fishing for results An exemplary illustration of this kind of projects was detailed in a paper delivered by Professor Michael Lam Hon-wah in CityU’s Department of Biology and Chemistry at a major gathering at CityU over the summer of some of the world’s foremost medical scientists. The International Symposium on Translating Omics Science to Clinical Applications (TOSCA) was so significant that the Hungarian inventor of iKnife, Dr Zoltan Takats, working now at Imperial College London, was scheduled to give one of the two plenary speeches, and if it had not been for a fierce seasonal typhoon which prevented him from reaching Hong Kong, the CityU community would have learned a great deal about his


revolutionary work in the identification of malignant cells during surgery.

這類研究的一個範例是生物及化學系林漢華教授的研究成果,詳情 見於今年夏天他在城大舉辦的「2013年組學科學的臨床應用國際研

In his talk, Professor Lam explained that exposure to certain

討會」 (TOSCA)上宣讀的一篇論文。這場大型國際研討會的意義

environmental pollutants induced an abnormal expression of


neurotransmitters in the central nervous system of marine medaka. While

匈牙利裔Zoltan Takats博士是「智能手術刀」的發明人,原定的兩場

non-specialists might ponder why the activity in a fish’s nervous system


is relevant to contemporary biological research, Professor Lam explained


that such findings provide a more holistic picture of the overall effects


of selected diseases and environmental stresses on a whole organism. In other words, it is all about prevention and anticipation.



樞神經系統的神經傳遞介質因受影響而出現異常表現。並非專家的 “Think of it like this,” said Dr Lam Yun-wah, a member of the


local organising committee for TOSCA. “If all the fish in a river die


from pollution, it is too late. But by studying the proteomics and


metabolomics of organisms in the river, we can get advance warning of


threats that could dramatically impact human health.” 林潤華博士則說:「不妨這樣設想:等到發現一條河裏的魚全部死於 污染,已經為時太晚了,但只要研究河水中各種生物體的蛋白質組 學和代謝組學,就可提前收到警訊,得知人類健康可能面臨的重大 威脅。」林博士是TOSCA研討會的香港籌委會成員。

「只要研究河水中各種生物體的蛋白質組學 和代謝組學,就可提前收到警訊,得知人類 健康可能面臨的重大威脅。」

Professor Michael Lam Hon-wah 林漢華教授

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Professor Cheng Shuk Han 鄭淑嫻教授

Mending broken hearts


Professor Michael Lam was one of several CityU scientists who


showcased their discoveries in the field of omics science work at the


TOSCA symposium. The overall aim of the conference, according to


Professor Istvân Horváth, Head and Chair Professor of the Department


of Biology and Chemistry, and chairperson of the local organising


committee for TOSCA, was to explore how advances in genomics, proteomics and metabolomics can translate into genuine improvement


in personal and public health.

前文所述的Zoltan Takats博士2002年在匈牙利布達佩斯的羅蘭大學獲得 博士學位時,賀宏教授是學位評審委員會主席。

“Nothing is more important than prevention of diseases in the realm of public health,” said Professor Horváth, who was the Chairman of Dr Takats’


PhD devaluation committee at Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary in


2002. “This is the future.”

斑馬魚心臟再生的一些發現:要使哺乳動物的心臟在受損傷後再生,最 難做到的是釋放心臟的重建功能。鄭教授及其研究團隊使用細胞療法,

One example that plainly illustrates the vast potential for his area of


enquiry was presented in a talk by Professor Cheng Shuk Han of CityU’s Department of Biology and Chemistry at TOSCA in which she outlined


her findings in the study of heart regeneration in zebrafish. The Holy


Grail of heart regeneration is to unlock the reformative capacity of a


mammalian heart. Using cell therapy, she and her team have been able to construct a model based on the identification of genes that might delay heart regeneration. While we are not even close to inducing a mammalian heart to regenerate, her model offers insight into the complexity of the scarring of the tissue in the heart following myocardial infarction and a better understanding of how the scarring obstructs the possibility of new growth, Professor Cheng said.



「鄭教授及其研究團隊使用細胞療法,現已識 別出可能推遲心臟再生的基因,並據此構建了 一個模型。」


Big data, big science


The breadth of the work in omics science at CityU is rich in its plurality of


applications and insight into our understanding of life, ranging from the


early detection of health problems, new drug discoveries, and the design


of new devices to improve our quality of life. However, there is one strong


common linkage between these fields: the size of the data involved in


the studies. Omics science is synonymous with big data, and this factor


has resulted in the burgeoning growth of the interdisciplinary area of bioinformatics, an area in which CityU is developing palpable expertise.

例如,電腦科學系副教授黃厚生博士的學術生涯始於電子及資訊工 程,但其研究課題已進而包含生物資訊學,亦即對生物學數據的儲

For example, Dr Raymond Wong Hau-san, Associate Professor in the


Department of Computer Science, began his professional life in electrical and information engineering, and has since broadened his portfolio of


research interests to encompass bioinformatics, i.e. storing, retrieving,


organising and analysing biological data.

技能去審視原始數據,尋找不同類型細胞之間的異常畸變,例如比 對癌細胞與非癌細胞的差異。

“For computer scientists like myself,” he said, “developing algorithms to identify patterns at the molecular level is an exciting new prospect.”


He uses his background to scan through raw data looking for anomalies


between different kinds of cells, for example cancerous versus non-


cancerous cells.

”Developing algorithms to identify patterns at the molecular level is an exciting new prospect.”

Dr Raymond Wong Hau-san 黃厚生博士

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“We train machines using our algorithms to look at gene expression, that is, how active a gene is, and then pass on the information to the biologists and chemists,” he said.

「科學家與創意媒體合作,可以探索各種各樣 的途徑,處理研究組學科學所得的數據。」

The vastness of the data involved – remember that the human genome contains approximately 3 billion base pairs in 23 pairs of chromosomes within the nucleus of all our cells – creates huge challenges for


presentation and navigation. Fortunately for CityU, one of the world’s


pioneering innovators in embodying big data is on the faculty. Professor


Jeffrey Shaw, Dean of the School of Creative Media, not a biomedical


scientist or biomedical engineer by training, used his plenary at TOSCA to


discuss the visualisation of super-large quantities of bio-data.

教授在主持TOSCA研討會的一場主題報告時,論述如何將超巨量的生物 數據轉化為視覺圖像。

“Two challenges face us in the age of digitisation,” he said, “and they are the techniques and technologies of representing in a coherent manner


the growing density of information that scientists have at their disposal;


and how to search through and exploit the data in a practical way.”

出來;另一個是如何使用實際可行的方法搜尋檢索這些信息,並加以利 用。」

His talk provided an excellent example of how scholars from diverse fields can contribute to each other’s fields in interdisciplinary ways.


“Through collaborations with creative media, scientists can explore


diverse ways of handling data from the omics sciences,” he said.


Professor Jeffrey Shaw 邵志飛教授




Battling bugs with antibiotics The capacity for visualising data of this physical magnitude is highly relevant to the research pursuits of biochemist Dr Terrence Lau Chi-kong,

Dr Terrence Lau Chi-kong 劉智剛博士

Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology and Chemistry, who is interested in the structure and function relationship of the RNA/protein complex and their functional roles in the cell. That is, he studies RNA, i.e. the molecules in the body that help to regulate gene expression,


to find out how the genes residing in bacteria in an organism react


to antibiotics. RNA is very efficient and adaptive, capable of sensing


when a potentially dangerous bug enters a specific area of a body. His


work is aimed at understanding how pathogens resist antibiotics, a


phenomenon which is increasing the number of multiple-drug resistance



酸的反應快速而靈敏,一旦有可能造成危害的細菌進入身體某一特定 部位,即可察覺。劉博士的研究旨在探明病原體如何抵禦抗生素,這

“We now have a genome sequencer on campus,” he said, and


bioinformatics is essential for sifting through the data. 他說:「城大如今已配備了基因組定序儀。」數據的篩選離不開生物 The sequencer, while a welcome addition research facility in the College


of Science and Engineering, should not be seen only through the eyes of a biologist or chemist. Sequencing is not just a science issue: it raises


legal, ethical and sociological issues, Dr Lau said. For example, he raised


the legal-ethical question of whether an insurance firm might try to


argue that a condition was pre-existing after, for example, a woman


discovers from a direct-to-consumer commercial genetic testing


company that she has a high probability of developing breast cancer due


to hereditary genes.


“Genetics and omics science raises many interesting issues,” he said.


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Understanding genomic data The proliferation of big data, and how people use, view, comprehend, communicate and share their own genetic information, provides the stimulus for an interdisciplinary bio-applied linguistic investigation run by Dr Rodney Jones, Associate Professor and Acting Head of the Department of English, who is working with Dr Richard Kong Yuen-chong, Associate Professor and Associate Head of the Department of Biology and Chemistry. Their project seeks to understand how users of direct-to-consumer genetic testing services use online forums and social networking tools to share information and advice, engage in joint problem solving, and collaboratively construct knowledge about genetics. Such a project neatly aligns with CityU’s stated drive to enhance interdisciplinarity in terms of research outputs and classroom teaching. “The project combines the expertise of a discourse analyst with that of a geneticist in order to determine the relationship between the ways participants in online discussions about genetics discursively construct ‘facts’ and negotiate claims of knowledge and expertise and the quality and accuracy of the information and advice that they exchange,” explained Dr Jones. Dr Jones studies how users of direct-to-consumer genetic testing services share the results of their tests, which might reveal an elevated risk of colorectal cancer, for instance, with other users, and how they discuss, seek to understand, and add to others’ knowledge about the disease. “The key question is, how do laypeople develop useful knowledge and expertise in genetics related to their health with one another,” he said. It is now possible, he added, that people can approach their doctors with sets of large genetic data about the statistical probability that they might develop certain hereditary cancers and ask for advice. “We are seeing a change in the traditional role of medical practitioners as people gather more and more information about their own DNA,” he said.




基因組數據的意義 大數據的擴散,以及公眾怎樣使用、看待、理解、交流、披露自己的基 因資訊,促使兩位城大學者開展一項生物學及應用語言學的跨學科調 查,他們就是英文系副教授兼署理系主任Rodney Jones博士和生物及化 學系副教授兼副系主任江潤章博士。他們的研究試圖了解:直銷式基因 檢測服務的客戶如何利用網絡論壇及社交網絡工具,彼此交流資訊與意 見、協同解決問題,從而聯手構建關於遺傳學的知識。 這樣的研究課題正符合城大宣示的努力方向:鼓勵跨學科的研究成果、 推行跨學科的課堂教學。 Jones博士解釋說:「這項計劃結合了話語分析學者與遺傳學學者的專長。 Dr Rodney Jones Rodney Jones博士

在網絡上討論遺傳學的人在漫談中構建出所謂『真相』,各自聲稱擁有相 關知識及專長而彼此商討,因此該項研究試圖確定參與者使用的各種方 式之間有何關係,彼此交流的資訊與意見的質素如何、是否準確。」

The project has direct applications to understanding and improving health communication related to genetic testing, as well as broader implications


for the study of how laypeople understand and make use of scientific



上升,以及他們如何討論這類癌症以求加深了解,並補充彼此的知識 缺漏。

Clearly, then, omics science signifies big science for scientists and for social scientists as well since it covers such a range of fields, some of which this


report has touched upon at CityU.

識。」他還提到,如今有些人去看醫生時,可能會向醫生提供幾套龐大 的基因數據,內容是他們可能罹患某幾種遺傳性癌症的統計概率,然後

As Dr Lam Yun-wah says with reference to CityU’s work on using genetics,


“We want to do something great for Hong Kong and this area of the world. We have a number of world-class researchers on campus working on some


fascinating topics and questions in the areas of public health, and we want


to see our University prosper as a major hub for omics science over the next few years.”

這項研究有其直接用途,它有助了解和改進關於基因測試的健康資訊的 傳播;但還有更廣泛的意義,就是可用於研究普通人如何理解並使用科 學知識。

“The key question is, how do laypeople develop useful knowledge and expertise in genetics related to their health with one another.”

如此看來,組學科學顯然是「大科學」,不僅對自然科學的學者如此, 對社會科學的學者也是如此,因為它涵蓋的領域是如此廣闊,本文所述 的,只是城大的研究涉及的部分課題。 城大研究遺傳學的應用有何意義?林潤華博士概括說:「我們希望能在 這一領域為香港及亞太地區作出貢獻。城大校園裏有一批世界一流的學 者,他們正在研究公眾健康領域中的一些重大課題。我們希望看到,今 後幾年內城大發展壯大,成為組學科學的研究重鎮。」

October 2013


Through the Lens

Spotlight on creativity Creative media students at CityU devise, script and shoot their own film and video productions under the supervision of leading filmmakers from the local and international industry, gaining valuable hands-on experience that will strengthen their portfolios after graduation should they opt to enter the burgeoning creative media industries.

聚焦創意 統攝聲光 在本港及國際電影界的著名製作人指導下,城大創意媒體學院的學 生自己構想意念、創作劇本,並親手拍攝電影與錄影作品,獲得了 寶貴的實踐經驗。若他們畢業後選擇加入新興的創意媒體行業,這 些經驗將會成為他們的一大優勢。

Photo: Sunny Wong





October 2013


Professional Education & Research

Narrative therapy: Psychotherapy for stroke survivors 「敘事治療」─ 抗「風」心藥 By Yvonne Lee


Strokes can rob us of our ability to work and disrupt our physical and mental health, making it impossible for us to look after ourselves. The experience can be like falling into a dark abyss, and consequently we might feel deeply depressed and doubt the value of our existence.

in the Department of Applied Social Studies. That’s why Dr Chow launched the 3.5-year CADENZA project in late 2009, namely “All starts from a stroke: Rekindling the light of life” with sponsorship from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. Dr Chow’s project, the first of its kind in collaboration with local hospitals and social



Although advanced medical treatment can

welfare services, offers narrative therapy to

relieve the pain that stroke survivors encounter,

stroke survivors and their family members at

the need to cure emotional suffering is

15 local community-based health and welfare

sometimes ignored, and there is a need to

organisations. This kind of therapy helps

develop a practice model for treating the

survivors regain their confidence and rediscover

psychosocial and spiritual recovery as well as

a more positive attitude to life by encouraging

mental health of the survivors, according to

them to share their life experiences, abilities and

Dr Esther Chow Oi-wah, Associate Professor



October 2013


Professional Education & Research

that they had a more positive attitude towards life and a stronger hope about living. About 60% said that they had a better self-esteem and could take better care of themselves. About 50% had a greater sense of satisfaction about life and had fewer symptoms of depression. The project also took care of the emotional needs of the families of stroke survivors. “Local medical professionals presume family members can take care of stroke survivors 24 hours a day. However, the carers could be chronic survivors themselves, suffering from stress without anybody caring about their health needs,” Dr Chow said. Before the end of the project, Dr Chow organised “Stroke survivors often have emotional problems

an interactive narra-drama at CityU. Fourteen

such as damaged self-esteem, frustration and

elderly survivors and their family members who

depression if they don’t recover their motor

had participated in the project told the audience

functions after the stroke. Some may even

that the meaning of life after their stroke had

develop social phobia and lose interest in life.

entered their lives. At the end of the activity,

Narrative therapy activates their internal power

colourful lights were turned on to symbolise the

and rekindles the light of their life,” Dr Chow said.

rekindling of the light of life through the mutual support of survivors and their families.

Narrative therapy is a form of psychotherapy using narrative in which therapists engage

Deeply touched by the drama, Dr Chow said

survivors to discuss their stories through

local older adults were facing an increasingly

conversation so as to help them examine their

high risk of strokes because they were living

own life stories from multiple perspectives.

longer. She said she hoped that the government would allocate more resources to address the



After attending narrative therapy sessions for

psychosocial spiritual treatment for people who

two months, about 70% of survivors indicated

had had strokes.


中風就像生命中的惡賊,一剎那便搶走人的自理能力、工作 能力和身心健康,把他們推進黑暗的深淵,使人意志消沉, 甚至感到失去存在的價值。










變得較為積極樂觀,並對生活充滿希望;約六成表示增強了個人生活的 控制能力、自尊感;約五成改善了生活滿意度和減少了抑鬱症狀。

始:重燃生命的光彩」計劃。 這項計劃完結前,周博士在城大組織上演了一場「敘事互動劇」。十四名 此計劃深入本港15所護理及社福機構,為中風康復者及其家人施行「敘














「敘事治療」是一種心理治療,透過對話、敘事,引導接受治療的人士 從多角度看待他們自身的故事。

October 2013


Professional Education & Research

Gene therapy to accelerate nerve regeneration 基因療法促進神經再生 The growth of injured nerve fibres is so slow that in the worst case scenario patients may lose their motor functions forever.

By Christina Wu


nerves in our shoulders that conducts signals from the spinal cord to the arm and hand, we might regain only partial arm movement even after a year spent recovering.

But Dr Eddie Ma Chi-him, Assistant Professor in the

Dr Ma and his research

Department of Biology and

team, though, have

Chemistry, and his team have

identified a growth-

developed an innovative

associated gene, namely “heat shock protein 27”

form of gene therapy that

(Hsp27), which enhances

accelerates the regeneration of

the regeneration of peripheral

injured peripheral nerves, helping patients to recover motor functions during the “critical period”, i.e. the time after

nerves. Their experiments reveal that the Hsp27 expression in mice is

the initial injury during which recovery has to

normally very low. When they cut the peripheral

take place.

nerves of the mice and then joined them again through surgery, the mice experienced only a

Peripheral nerves transmit sensory information

partial recovery of their paws after eight weeks.

collected from around our body to the brain,

In addition, muscle atrophy was evident.

which in turn issues instructions via the peripheral nerves to our muscles. If a peripheral

However, the research team found that mice

nerve is damaged, the muscle that it controls

with the same kind of injury who had an

weakens, losing mass and motor functions.

increased Hsp27 expression through genetic engineering gradually recovered the use of their

The peripheral nerves can regenerate but they

paws (regaining about 50–60% of their motor

grow at only 1mm each day. Thus, if we damage,

function before the injury) and experienced less

for instance, the brachial plexus, a network of

muscle atrophy.




October 2013


Professional Education & Research

”New research efforts can extend, and possibly overcome, the critical period to regain 100% motor function. ”

Peripheral nervous system regeneration 周圍神經再生

Better plantar placement in Hsp27 Tg mice 小熱休克蛋白27基因轉殖小鼠 1 week after sciatic nerve injury Proximal


In addition, the team found that accelerated axons (nerve fibres) in mice

with Cubital Tunnel Syndrome under observation and receiving surgery

must reach the muscles within a critical 35-day period; otherwise, it will not

had a much higher degree of restored motor function within 10 months of

be possible to recover motor function, even if the nerves regenerate and

having the symptoms than those having surgery 10 months later.

reach the contact point of the foot muscle. Dr Ma, who has received HK$1million in sponsorship from the Early Career This major finding has initiated new research efforts into understanding

Scheme of the Research Grant Council, is currently trying to determine the

how to extend, and possibly overcome, the critical period in order to regain

key molecules that support the growth of regenerating axons during the

100% motor function.

critical period and also the inhibitory molecules that prevent the joining of peripheral nerves and muscle after the critical period.

To further understand the critical period, Dr Ma and his research team observed over 100 patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (commonly

Through genetic engineering or small molecular screening, Dr Ma plans

known as Mouse Hand, which causes the hands to become numb and lose

to use animal models to test how these molecules affect the regeneration

motor function) and 20 patients with Cubital Tunnel Syndrome (muscle

of peripheral nerves during the critical period, how they enhance growth

atrophy and numbness in the fingers) who had received surgery.

and how they prevent a full recovery of motor function. He hopes that his research can lead to the development of medicine that accelerates the

They discovered that the nerves of the humans and mice are similar in terms of the specific period of time needed for the best recovery. Patients



regeneration of nerves.








以經手術重新連接,但要到八星期後其腳爪才 能恢復少許活動功能,肌肉明顯萎縮。

他們發現,人體神經可能與小鼠神經相 似,有一段特定的最佳康復時期。在接受









也較輕微。 馬博士獲研究資助局傑出年青學者計劃撥

神經受損傷後的再生很緩慢,甚至可能 慢到令患者受傷部位的肌肉永久喪失活 動能力。 生物及化學系助理教授馬智謙博士和他的團隊 利用基因療法加速周圍神經的再生,可幫助肌 肉的運動功能在不可錯過的「關鍵時期」 (受傷 後必須康復的時間)之內恢復。



「關鍵時期」— 如果無法在35天之內再生而連





「關鍵時期」過後阻止周圍神經與肌肉彼 此聯繫起來的抑制分子。

這一重大發現,將有助開拓新的研究方向和領 域,以便深入了解如何延長神經再生的「關鍵





之內周圍神經的再生有何影響,究竟是如 何促使或如何阻止運動功能的完全恢復,





人體各處從外部接收感覺,而周圍神經把感覺 傳送至大腦,同時也將大腦的指令傳送給肌 肉。周圍神經若受損傷,由它們支配的肌肉會 變得無力,甚至會萎縮而喪失活動功能。 周圍神經受損傷後雖然會重新生長,但每天只 能長一毫米,例如肩膊的臂叢神經(將信息從 脊髓傳送至臂部及手部的神經網絡)受傷後, 手部或需要一年時間才能恢復若干的活動功 能。 馬博士及其團隊在研究後確認:有一個與神經 元的內生增長相關的基因,稱為「小熱休克蛋

「這一重大發現,將有助開 拓新的研究方向和領域,以 便深入了解如何延長神經再 生的「關鍵時期」、如何克服 錯過「關鍵時期」的後果, 從而促使受損神經恢復百分 之百的運動功能。」

October 2013


In the Know

To excel in an ageing society 迎接老齡化社會的 挑戰與機會 Dr Alice Chong Ming-lin Associate Professor, Department of Applied Social Studies

文:莊明蓮博士 應用社會科學系副教授

My life mission is to prepare young people to excel in an ageing society in Hong Kong or elsewhere. I enjoy teaching very much and have been teaching various courses in social work and counselling. But if you ask me what my favourite courses are, I will tell you without hesitation that they are courses related to ageing, such as GE2226 Ageing Society: Hong Kong and Beyond, and SS5832 Counselling Older People. Actually, I feel it my life mission to help young people to become well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities arising from rapid population ageing both locally and globally. I derive a great sense of satisfaction in equipping my students with relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes for them to excel in societies which are ageing.




Why this life mission?


surprising that many of our students hesitate

counselling approaches, end-of-life issues,

to communicate with older people or to serve

positive ageing, and various psycho-social

older customers. This is why students need

issues facing the older generation such as

The first: I see this as a way to serve my beloved

to adopt reflective learning to reduce the

suicide and sleep disorder. My prolonged

father who died early in an accident 30 years

possible stereotypes about ageing, acquire the

involvement in and deep commitment to

ago. I miss him a lot and agree deeply with the

competence to interact with older people, and

ageing issues may be the reasons why I am

Chinese saying:“樹欲靜而風不息,子欲養而親

excel in ageing societies such as Hong Kong.

invited to sit on the Elderly Commission,

There are three reasons.


不在” , translated into English as “The trees want

which gives advice to the Hong Kong SAR

to stay still but the wind won’t stop; children

The third is: teaching a course on ageing

government on ageing policies and services;

would like to be filial but their parents have

provides an excellent opportunity for me

and to sit on various advisory committees in

gone.” I want to do something for him; I want to

to integrate my teaching, research and

elder care.

do something for older people!

professional expertise. I have been involved


with ageing issues for more than 20 years,

How to carry out this life mission?

The second: there is an urgent need for our

firstly as a social worker and manager of an

I am very glad that I can in some way actualise

students to understand ageing and the ageing

NGO, then as a researcher and an educator

my life mission through the design and

society. Hong Kong is one of the fastest ageing

in CityU. As a mid-level manager of the Hong

teaching of courses such as GE2226 Ageing

societies in the world. By 2031, one in every

Kong Society for the Aged for nearly eight

Societies: Hong Kong and Beyond, and

four people is expected to be aged 65 years or

years, I have had the privilege to contribute

SS5832 Counselling Older People.

over (Census and Statistics Department, Hong

in various welfare services for the elderly,

Kong, 2010). Unlike their counter-part in the

including in-home care, community services,

Integrating teaching with direct social work

past, young people nowadays do not have many

outreaching services to elders at-risk, as well as

practice and research: I inform the content

opportunities to interact with older people

residential services to elders requiring assistance

and design of various learning activities

since very few live with their grandparents

in their daily living. When I joined CityU in

in these courses with my personal social

under the same roof. They meet with their older

1991, social gerontology naturally became my

work practice experiences, my professional

relatives only a few times every year and they

research focus. I have conducted more than 20

connection with service providers in welfare

seldom have direct personal communication

quantitative and qualitative studies on various

field and my research findings. For example,

with the older generation. It is therefore not

ageing issues, including long-term care, gero-

I provide different end-of-life scenarios

”Students need to adopt reflective learning to reduce the possible stereotypes about ageing, acquire the competence to interact with older people, and excel in ageing societies.”

October 2013


In the Know

recruited through the Elder Academy of CityU and other NGOs. They serve as role models of

我的人生使命是:培養年輕人,使他們 能在香港或其他老齡化社會大有作為。

resilience and positive strengths to students.

researched in my studies to stimulate discussion on ethical issues surrounding various euthanasia requests. I learn from students that some of them would like to help their frail grandparents or relatives. I therefore include relevant topics in the course such as physiological ageing, long-term care services for frail older people. Experts in the Silver Market are invited to identify possible career and job opportunities. In response to the World Health Organization’s advocacy, I have chosen “age-friendly society”

To enhance students’ motivation to engage


meaningfully with their Life Mentors, they are


required, as an assessment task, to design a


life story book to record their Life Mentor’s


significant life events. The reflection journals of


the students revealed very favourable feedback


and positive learning despite the heavy


workload involved. Students were impressed


by their Life Mentors’ rich life experiences, their


eagerness to share and to show concern, as well


as their positive attitudes in face of challenges and crisis. Moreover, students become less


distressed about the seeming difficulties they


are facing now because they recognise that


these are not really that serious when compared


with what their Life Mentors faced in the past.


有一句古語真說到我心裏:「樹欲靜而風不息, My excitement continues to grow throughout


designing and teaching these courses. I feel


I have so much to share with my students! I believe my enthusiasm and passion have also


students to the international agenda on ageing.

created a positive ripple effect in arousing


students’ interest in ageing issues. At the same


Designing learning activities which are student-

time, I am heartened by the genuine personal


reflections of some students in their interaction


with older people. I also discover new learning


in the process, such as the students’ innovative


ideas to meet the needs of older people and


about the touching life events of the Life


Mentors. All these are very rewarding indeed!


as an overarching theme in GE2226 to expose

centred and experiential to motivate students: I motivate student learning through experiential learning activities that try to change behaviour and attitudes. One such example, the Life Mentor Scheme, is built around the partnering of young people with elders on a 2:1 basis. This scheme also fulfills the elders’ psychosocial task of generativity, namely to benefit the next generation. Elders leading an active life are




思式學習法,減少對老齡化可能持有的成見, 培養與長者交往的能力,力求在香港這類老齡 化社會中做出成績。


第三:講授有關老齡化的課程,使我得到很好 的機會,可把自己的教學、研究、專業技能結

合起來。我投身老齡化相關工作已逾20年,開 始時是做社工,在非政府組織擔任管理人員,


「香港及全球的人口都在迅速老化,幫助年輕人 做好準備以迎接由此而來的挑戰與機會,就是我 視為人生使命的工作。」

後來加入城大任教並從事研究。我在香港耆康 老人福利會任職中層管理人員近八年,有機會


















































上就像是實現了自己的人生使命,對此我深感 欣慰。 我在這些課程的內容及設計之中加入多種學習 活動,融合了我的社工實踐經驗,我與安老服 務機構的專業聯繫,還有自己的研究成果,把 教學與社工實踐、社工研究相結合。例如,我 在研究中提供了多種臨終關懷的可能情境,以 激發學生探討因要求安樂死而引起的多種倫理 問題。有學生告訴我,他們想幫助年老體弱的 祖父母或其他親人。因此我在課程中加入了相 關的議題,例如生理老化、體弱長者的長期照 顧服務。邀請「銀髮市場」的專家幫助學生了 解有什麼相關的職業和工作機會。為了回應國

October 2013


Student Voices

Take responsibility for my own By Ng Hung-ping Department of Applied Social Studies

I have a belief: One needs to take responsibility for one’s own life.

at Wei Hing Theatre. During my second year of university, in collaboration with fellow students studying psychology, we organised

It is not an easy task for one to be able to study at a university. Apart from

a photography exhibition titled “Gender roles”

the vast amount of resources society invests in university students, the

which was exhibited on the CityU campus.

students themselves also have to invest more than HK$100,000 as well as devote years of their lives towards their studies. For me in particular, the

In the first Community Awareness Project, I

investment is even higher: I had to resign from a job that pays, give up

came into contact with a lot of different social

my role as the breadwinner for my family, and so on, in order to become

communities, and acquired deeper knowledge

a full-time student. As such, my determination to seize different learning

towards the working model and requirements

opportunities is strengthened, so that I will never regret my decision to

of many social welfare organisations. This

further my education.

experience hugely contributed towards my career development. In the second Community

As a result, I participated in Project X, organised by the Department

Awareness Project, I realised that students from

of Applied Social Studies and designed to help with student

different disciplines could have very different

development. The Project enhanced my expertise in social

views and perspectives towards the same subject

work and increased my employability. At the same time, I was

matter. This not only broadened my horizons,

transformed at a personal level: I have become more mature and

but also allowed me to practice multiple-

enjoy a vibrant university life.

perspective thinking, which has improved my way of thinking. In addition, I experienced

The Project contains a diverse range of activities, and the most

how to apply knowledge learnt from books to

influential ones to me are the Community Awareness Project and SS

real-life situations, and further understood how

Peer Network Scheme.

environmental factors would affect our daily lives.

The two Community Awareness Projects that I participated in had very



different natures. The first was a big function to raise general public

I think that the biggest difference between

awareness about people who were recovering from mental illnesses.

the Community Awareness Project and normal

We had to produce a short film about the daily lives, thoughts and

volunteering work is that the former is focused

inner dialogues of former patients, and perform in a drama with them

more on training and developing the students’


abilities to act independently. This is because

I started to realise that it is vital to seek out

most activities for the project were organised

learning opportunities, therefore during the

and participated in by students spontaneously.

rest of my university life I actively participated

Thus students have great freedom to plan and

in many meaningful activities. At the same time,

organise the activities. In a setting like this,

it made me deeply appreciate what is “Learning

we can fully apply what we have learnt in the

for Excellence”, and I came to understand how to

classroom towards society without worrying

realise my career goals.

whether we have answered a question correctly or not, or whether what we are doing complies

The SS Peer Network Scheme allowed us to

with the teacher’s requirements, allowing us a

develop a closely knitted social support network,

more in-depth experience.

and united a group of university students with the same goals, values and beliefs. Apart from

Another project that made a lasting impression

educational interactions, we also built a positive

in my personal development and university life

learning culture together. More importantly,

has been the SS Peer Network Scheme. I joined

our relationships were not based on utilitarian

the scheme in my first year of university, and

conditions (such as fortune or titles), but based on

become a student leader. During the process,

our sincere aspiration to develop better academic interactions, improve the university culture, and build a positive attitude towards learning at university level: to willingly share our knowledge and experience, and strive to enrich our university life. All in all, Project X allowed me to realise my beliefs, and provided me with many different types of opportunities to accelerate personal growth. Moreover, it enriched my university life, and I have no regrets about becoming a student in Social Studies at CityU.

October 2013


Student Voices

為自己的人生負責任 文:吳洪萍 應用社會科學系

我有一個信念: 人需要為自己的人生負責任。






言,需要投放的成本就更多了,因為我要捨棄有收入的工作、放棄「供 養家庭」的角色⋯⋯成為全職學生,因此我更加相信,必須爭取不同的





同的看法和角度,擴闊眼界之餘,亦真切 的思考模式。此外,我能夠體驗到如何將書本上的知識應用在生活中,

為此,我參加了由應用社會科學系舉辦的學生發展計劃(Project X)。這


個計劃增強了我的社會工作專業知識和就業能力,同時,我在個人層面 上也有了很大的轉變,心智更加成熟,大學的生活多姿多彩。

我認為社區探索計劃與一般義工服務最大的分別,就是前者非常著重培 養學生獨立自主的能力,因為當中大部分活動都是由學生自發參與和籌




堂上學到的知識應用在社會上,不需要顧慮有沒有答錯問題,或者是否 合乎老師的要求,因而擁有一個深層次的體驗。

我參加了兩個性質不同的社區探索計劃,第一個是提升社會大眾對精神 病康復者的關注之大型活動,我們需要拍攝一段有關精神病康復者日常







項有意義的活動;同時深深體會到什麼是「卓越學習」,了解應怎樣實現 自己的事業目標。 朋輩網絡計劃讓我們建立了一個緊密的社交支援網絡,凝聚了一班擁有 共同目標、價值觀、信念的大學生。我們除了學習上的交流,還會共同 建立正面的學習文化;更重要的是,我們的關係不是建基於功利條件 (如金錢或名銜),而是衷心希望建立更好的學術交流,更理想的大學 文化,正面的大學學習態度:願意與人分享自己的知識和經驗,努力充 實自己的大學生活。 總括而言,Project X 讓我實踐信念,並提供了不同類型的機會,促進個 人成長,更使我的大學生活過得非常豐盛,令我無悔成為城大社會科學 系的學生。




COOL RUNNING – ice marathon for GREEN DREAM

By Mirror Fung

It was below -30 degrees Celsius when the runners gathered at Barneo ice camp for the UVU North Pole Marathon on 9 April, 2013. Two of the 40 odd athletes were CityU alumni, but they didn’t know about their university connection until one of them pulled out a CityU flag at the end of the race! Mr Francis Ngai Wah-sing (1st from left), a graduate of the Quantitative Analysis for Business programme in 1994, and Mr Kason Fok Ka-shing (2nd from right), a graduate of the Public Administration and Management programme in 2003, had met during the promotional activities for the social action group “Green Monday”. They decided to take part in the North Pole Marathon together. Green Monday aims to promote a green lifestyle, especially a green diet by advocating and enabling people to take “Baby Steps to Go Green”. The project encourages healthy, environmentally friendly living in Hong Kong. In the vast whiteness of the Arctic Circle, the two runners braved biting wind and cold on a race across the ice floe, running around a 4.6-kilometre circular “track”, driven by their mission to raise people’s awareness about environmental protection. Mr Ngai finished in 7 hours and 2 minutes, and Mr Fok in 8 hours and 5 minutes.

October 2013


Gown to Town

It was one of the toughest challenges of their lives. “I am actually very

After graduation, Mr Ngai worked in various commercial organisations.

intolerant of the cold,” said Mr Ngai. “I had put pocket warmers on every

However, he began to sense the social injustice around him, and he

body part where you can put one, but it didn’t work!” However, he never

decided to swap his high-flying job for social enterprising work. This idea

thought of giving up. He wanted to remind the people of Hong Kong that

took root after his son was born. “When teaching children, we often say

environmental protection is not just something done by foreigners or

everyone should have a dream. I asked myself, what is my dream? So

environmental groups, but is in fact closely related to everyone.

I attempted to use commercial models to establish sustainable social enterprises for those in need.”

He was promoting the “Green Monday” movement because he wants to encourage the reduction of global carbon emissions. “If all 7 million

The other alumnus, Mr Fok, is the Associate Director of Convoy Financial

people in Hong Kong become vegetarian for one day a week, it would be

Services Limited, and regularly runs marathons and other competitions

like reducing 86,000 cars from the streets for the day, which equates to a

with his colleagues.

decrease of 1.5 million tons of carbon emissions.” When he first set foot on the North Pole, Mr Fok said he felt “shocked”. “We Protecting the environment can be very simple, he explained, just like

were standing on an ice floe, beneath which is the sea, and that ice floe

running a marathon in the Arctic. “It sounds crazy, but as long as you run it

may disappear after a decade. The Earth is our home, and if we do not

step by step, you will eventually reach the finish line.”

protect it, we do not know what will happen in the future, ” he said.

Mr Ngai is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Social Ventures Hong

Mr Fok has also participated in a marathon held in the Sahara Desert, but

Kong (SVHK), the first non-profit charitable venture capital fund in Hong

the race at the North Pole was especially challenging.

Kong. It provides funding, expertise knowledge and network resources for social enterprises in Hong Kong. Here, more than 400 young professionals

“At the start of the run I was very excited, but soon this excitement

develop social enterprises and social innovations.

disappeared, because once the sweat formed, it became ice. Breathing was difficult, the sweat on my stomach froze, and the muscles became so

SVHK has helped to set up “Diamond cab”, a service offering point-to-point

cold they changed colour! Every step plunged me into the snow and it was

transportation for wheelchair users, “Dialogue in the dark”, a campaign that

difficult to make progress. My mind started to question what I was doing

increases public understanding of the visually impaired, and “Light home”, a

there. But I got to the finishing line because I really wanted to bring home

scheme that encourages investors to reduce the rent of their properties to

the message of environmental protection to the people of Hong Kong,

an affordable level for single-parent families in urgent need of housing.

especially about the melting glaciers in the North Pole.” Regardless of whether you work as a director of a social enterprise or as a financial adviser, you face significant pressures every day. Both Mr Ngai and Mr Fok said that a marathon was a very good way to train your mental capacity. Through it, you can learn how to conquer negative thoughts. This determination can be used in many aspects of work and life.




冰原馬拉松 綠色環保夢 文:馮美玲

2013年4月9日,北極圈的巴尼歐冰島氣溫在攝氏零下30 度以下,40餘位長跑者集合在這裏,參加北極馬拉松, 其中有兩名是城大校友。不過要到兩人完成賽事之 後,其中一位拿出城大的校旗來拍照時,兩人才知道 對方原來是校友! 這兩位校友—1994年工商數量分析課程畢業生魏華星先生(第37頁




頁圖,右二),當初是在「綠色星期一」的推廣活動中認識的,後來決 定一同參加北極馬拉松。

魏先生畢業後曾在若干個不同的商業機構工作,不過,他開始感受到 社會上的不公義,決定放棄高薪厚職,投身社企工作。這個念頭是在












他說:「我們的踏足處是浮冰,下面是海洋,那塊浮冰可能在10年後 消失。地球是我們的家,如果我們不保護它,將來它便不知道會變成



就將暖包放在所有可以放暖包的身體部位,但沒有用。」可是他從 沒有想過放棄,因為他想提醒香港人,環保並非只是外國人或環保團體的



事更為艱辛。他說:「剛開始跑的時候我很興奮,但很 快興奮便消失了,因為一流汗就成冰,呼吸困難,腹








把環保信息帶給香港人,特別是北極冰 川融化的情況。」

魏先生是「香港社會創投基金」的創辦人及行政總裁。這是香港首家非牟 利的慈善創投基金,為香港的社會企業提供資金、專業知識及網絡資源等





說馬拉松是很好的心智鍛鍊,可以讓人 學會如何戰勝消極的想法。這種毅力能




October 2013



Regulating Corporate Human Rights Violations: Humanizing Business Dr Surya Deva, Associate Professor, School of Law Routledge, 2012

Rural Tax Reform in China: Policy Processes and Institutional Change Professor Linda Li Che-lan, Department of Public Policy Routledge, 2012

Despite the continuous addition of regulatory initiatives concerning

This book examines

corporate human rights responsibilities, what we witness more often

questions of change

than not is a situation of corporate impunity for human rights abuses.

and inertia in the context

The Bhopal gas leak – examined as a site of human rights violations

of the longstanding

rather than as a mass tort or an environmental tragedy – illustrates that

grievances over excessive

the regulatory challenges that the victims experienced in 1984 have

taxation in rural China.

not yet been overcome.

How can some changes be sustained, whilst others

This book grapples with and offers solutions to three major regulatory

cannot? How can a longstanding

challenges to obligating companies to comply with human rights

administrative practice be changed

norms whilst doing business, and asks why companies should adhere

or even terminated, especially when

to human rights, what these responsibilities are, and how to ensure

previous attempts at change have failed?

that companies comply with their responsibilities.

Using extensive interview data with local and central bureaucrats,


the author’s findings highlight the role of parallel developments and

法律學院副教授Surya Deva博士

agency in the change process, as well as the prevalence of contingency


and uncertainty. It also elegantly blends the narrative of the rural tax and administrative reforms with theoretical discussions to deepen


our understanding of policy process and institutional change in 21st


century China.

事件為例,將之作為侵犯人權的事發現場予以檢驗,而非僅視作單 一的大規模侵權或環境悲劇,則這一事件表明:事件受害人於1984



公共政策學系李芝蘭教授 Routledge,2012

本書針對三大監管難題,提出了解決方法,促使企業在從事商業活 動時遵守人權規範,同







止 — 特別是在此前求變的若干嘗試已告失敗?

企業履行責任。 作者在書中引用了採訪中央及地方官員所得到的大量數據,重點研 究了並行發展的功能、推動變遷過程的內力,以及偶發事件與不確 定性的普遍性。本書亦將農村稅費及行政改革的敘述與理論討論巧 妙地融為一體,幫助讀者加深理解21世紀中國的政策發展過程及制 度變遷。



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