May 2014
The CityU evolution 城大的成長
Core values in a changing world 變革中堅守核心理念
Pioneering research for society 創新研究 造福社會
From the Editor
The evolution of CityU from a relatively small polytechnic established in the 1980s into a world-class university thirty years later is the main theme for this special anniversary issue of CityU Today. In our 30th anniversary year, we are celebrating our achievements in professional education and research, our unique milestones, the transformation of our campus and lots, lots more. Of course, it is impossible to capture all the highlights from the last few decades but what we can focus on in this issue is the incredible advancement of our University by reflecting on how our academic programmes have been nurtured, how our students, alumni and research achievements have impacted society, and how we have, literally, built on our success by turning our campus into a state-of-theart environment for learning and research. Our 30th anniversary celebrations will continue for the rest of 2014, and this is CityU Today’s contribution. Best wishes and happy reading! 城大創校於1980年代,短短30年間,從一所規模不大的理工學院, 已發展成為世界一流學府。值此三十周年校慶之際,《今日城大》推 出以校慶為主題的特刊,慶祝我校在專業教育及研究領域取得的成 果、獨特的里程碑、煥然一新的校園,還有種種其他成就。 城大過去的30年精彩紛呈,薄薄一本刊物,自然難以一一詳述。本期 《今日城大》主要敘述城大的非凡發展歷程,包括逐步完善各個課程 的過程;城大學生、校友及研究成果對社會的影響;以及如何營造 先進的教學科研環境,以助城大獲得成功。 三十周年校慶活動將會持續全年,這份特刊是我們小小的一份獻禮。 祝各位安好、開卷快樂!
12 Cover Story 封面專題
Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on 李國安教授 Editor-in-Chief 總編輯 Editor-in-Chief : Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on / 總編輯:李國安教授 • Managing Editor : Longgen Chen / 行政編輯:陳龍根 • Executive Editor : Mirror Fung / 執行編輯:馮美玲 • Editor : Michael Gibb / 編輯:鄭智友 • Chinese Editor : Allen Zhuang / 中文編輯:莊開仁 • Design and Production : Communications & Public Relations Office and Pixels Graphics Limited / 設計及製作:傳訊及公關處及 點子設計有限公司 Phone / 電話:(852) 3442 9317 • Fax / 傳真:(852) 2628 2812 Website / 網址: • E-mail / 電郵 • Mail : CityU Today Editors, Communications & Public Relations Office, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 通訊:香港九龍達之路香港城市大學傳訊及公關處《今日城大》編輯部收
The CityU evolution
Reflections on the past, present and future
May 2014
Features 專題
An academic vision for the 21st century
Core values in a changing world 變革中堅守核心理念
Discovery and 48 Excellence in campus innovation at the heart governance of CityU 校務管治 力求卓越 探索創新 城大核心
Pioneering research for society
創新研究 造福社會
Development and external relations 廣結良緣,促進大學發展
Columns 專欄 2 News & Notable 城大動態
52 Through the Lens
56 Face to Face
CityU kicks off 30th anniversary celebrations 城大啓動三十周年 校慶活動
A voyage of discovery 探索之旅
From 1984 to 2014 從1984到2014
54 In the Know
60 Books
A growing body of alumni support 校友強大的支持
today is published three times a year by City University of Hong Kong. The mission of the magazine is to inform our stakeholders around the world about CityU issues, people, activities and achievements. 《今日城大》每年三期,旨在報道香港城市大學在教學、研究及外務發展上的最新動向。
May 2014
News & Notable
CityU kicks off 30th anniversary celebrations 城大啓動三十周年校慶活動
A special ceremony held on 22 January began the year-round celebrations marking CityU’s 30th
Committee of CityU; Mr Herman Hu Shao-ming,
anniversary. The 30th Anniversary Kick-off Ceremony opened with a dance performance by students
Council Chairman of CityU; and Professor Way
and was followed by speeches delivered by the officiating guests: Sir Gordon Wu Ying-sheung,
Kuo, CityU President. More than 500 guests of
Chairman of Hopewell Holdings Ltd., Honorary Graduate and former Council Chairman of CityU;
honour, CityU supporters, students, alumni, staff
Dr Norman Leung Nai-pang, Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of the 30th Anniversary Organising
and faculty members attended the ceremony at the new academic building, AC3. 城大1月22日舉行三十周年校慶活動啓動典 禮,為紀念校慶的全年慶祝活動揭開序幕。 啓動典禮的開場節目是城大學生表演的舞蹈, 隨後眾位主禮嘉賓先後致辭。他們是:合和實 業有限公司主席、城大前校董會主席及榮譽博 士胡應湘爵士、城大副監督兼三十周年校慶籌 備委員會主席梁乃鵬博士、城大校董會主席 胡曉明先生、城大校長郭位教授。啓動典禮在 新建的學術樓(三)舉行,逾500位嘉賓、各界 支持者、城大師生員工、校友出席了活動。
Honorary fellowships awarded to four distinguished persons 城大將頒授榮譽院士銜予四位傑出人士 The title of Honorary Fellow will be conferred on four distinguished persons in recognition of their significant contributions to the development of, and service to, the University. Mr Simon Hui Hing-tak (1), Dr Joseph Lee Chungtak (2), GBS, SBS, BBS, JP, Mr Armstrong Lee Hon-cheung (3), and Mr Yeung
Ka-sing (4), GBS, MBE, JP will receive their fellowships in September 2014. 城大將頒授榮譽院士銜予四位傑出人士,以表彰他們為城大服務並促進 其發展的傑出貢獻。他們是:許慶得先生(1)、李宗德博士(2), GBS,
SBS, BBS, JP、李漢祥先生(3)、楊家聲先生(4), GBS, MBE, JP。榮 譽院士頒授典禮訂於9月舉行。 3
New member joins CityU Council 城大校董會增添新成員 A member of the professional community was appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR Government to the Council of CityU, with effect from 6 April 2014 to 31 December 2016. Mr Kennedy Liu Tat-yin, a partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers, leads the firm’s Capital Market Services in China (including Hong Kong and mainland China). He holds an MBA degree from the University of Warwick, UK and is a Certified Public Accountant in Hong Kong. 專業界人士廖達賢先生獲香港特區政府行政長官委任為城大校董會成員,任期由2014年4月6日至2016年12月31日。廖先 生是羅兵咸永道會計師事務所合夥人,負責督導該事務所的中國(包括香港及內地)資本市場服務。廖先生持有英國華威 大學工商管理碩士學位,並且是香港註冊會計師。
Sweet melodies by joint concert accompany CityU’s 30th anniversary 城大聯合音樂會 悠揚樂韻慶三十周年 More than 1,100 students, staff, alumni, donors and friends enjoyed sweet melodies in the “Embrace Our Dreams” joint concert at Hong Kong City Hall on 6 April in celebration of the University’s 30th anniversary. Performing well-known music and songs at the more than two-hour concert were more than 200 students and alumni from the CityU Philharmonic Orchestra, CityU Chinese Orchestra and CityU Choir. 城大4月6日在香港大會堂舉辦「讓夢想飛翔」聯合音樂會,學生、教職員、 校友、捐贈者、大學好友共1,100多人聚首一堂,在悠揚樂曲中慶祝城大成立 三十周年。音樂會由城大管弦樂團、中樂團、合唱團逾200名學生及校友演 出,歷時兩個多小時,演繹多首名曲。
CB ranked 46th worldwide, 2nd in Asia-Pacific 商學院全球排名第46 亞太區位居第二 The College of Business (CB) at CityU is now 46th in the world and 2nd in the Asia-Pacific region, according to the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) Top 100 Business School Rankings. The survey analyses publications in two dozen leading academic journals in business. These journals are highly correlated with the top 45 premier business journals used by the Financial Times and the 20 best journals used by Businessweek in their research of the top business schools worldwide.
美國德克薩斯州大學達拉斯管理學院公佈全球100所最佳商學院排行 榜,顯示城大商學院在全球排名第46,在亞太區位居第二。此項調查分 析了20多種著名商業學術期刊,從而得出排名;這些期刊多數也獲選列 入英國《金融時報》的最佳45種商業期刊和美國《商業周刊》的最佳20 種商業期刊,這兩份國際性報章各自分析其所選期刊,以研究世界各地 的最佳商學院。
May 2014
News & Notable Calligraphy exhibition marks CityU 30th anniversary 城大舉辦院士學者書法展暨院士焦點論壇 The opening ceremony for the Science and Art: Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition by Renowned Academicians and Scholars cum Academicians Forum in March helped to celebrate CityU’s 30th anniversary. More than 100 Chinese calligraphy artworks from academicians and scholars from Taiwan, Hong Kong and mainland China were shown in the Singing Waves Gallery and the Run Run Shaw Library through 11 May. 為慶祝三十周年校慶,城大3月25日舉辦了 「科學與藝術‧唐詩、宋詞、元曲 — 兩岸三地 知名院士學者書法展」暨院士焦點論壇「書法 與科學:從技能到藝術」開幕典禮。書法展展 示了逾百幅書法作品,參展者均是兩岸三地知 名院士、學者。書法展的展期從2014年3月25 日至5月11日,展出地點為城大濤聲藝廊及邵 逸夫圖書館。
Festival promotes discovery and innovation 探索創新節展示城大卓越教學 The annual Discovery Festival showcased the University’s strengths in discovery and innovation, and in promoting teaching excellence. The three-week-long festival, held from 24 February to 14 March, displayed some
Agreement with French conglomerate Alstom to establish strategic alliance 城大與法國巨企阿爾斯通簽約結為長期協作夥伴 CityU signed a Framework Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Alstom, a global leader in the world of power generation, power transmission and rail infrastructure. The MOU establishes a long-term strategic alliance for Advanced Open Systems for Smart Cities, covering areas in energy and transport research, education and training, and innovation. The MOU was signed by Professor Way Kuo, President of CityU, and Dr Ronan Stéphan, Chief Innovation Officer at Alstom, during the ceremony at CityU. The agreement reflects CityU’s global vision and long-term strategy in partnering with international players in industry. 城大與國際著名的發電、輸電、交通基建企業阿爾斯通控股公司 (阿爾斯通)簽訂合作框架備忘錄,雙方結為長期協作夥伴,共 同研發智能城市的先進開放系統,合作範圍包括能源及交通研 究、教育與培訓、科技創新等領域。簽約儀式在城大舉行,城大 校長郭位教授與阿爾斯通首席創新主任羅南‧史提芬博士代表締約 雙方在協議書上簽字。這項協議反映城大放眼全球以推行與國際 著名企業結盟的長遠規劃 。
of the most exciting teaching and learning outcomes originating from our unique Discovery-enriched Curriculum (DEC), allowing teachers and students to share their experience and discoveries. 城大2月24日至3月14日舉行「2014城大探索 創新節」,展示城大推行探索與創新的實力, 以此促進專業教學質素的提升。「2014城大探 索創新節」為期三周,展示城大獨特的「重探 索求創新課程」的卓越教學成果,並邀請師生 為來賓講述自己的經驗體會和新發現。
Faculty honoured for excellence in teaching
Two distinguished CityU alumni honoured 城大兩位優秀校友獲頒傑出校友獎
三位教師獲頒傑出教學獎 Two distinguished alumni were honoured at the 3rd Distinguished Alumni Award Presentation Three faculty members were honoured in the 2013–14 Teaching Excellence Awards in recognition of their innovative and influential teaching. The winners were Dr Elaine Au Liu Sukching, Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Social Studies and Assistant Head; Mr Scott Hessels, Associate Professor in the School of Creative Media (SCM); and Dr Samson Young
Ceremony cum Alumni Story Book Launch in April. They were Mr Francis Ngai Wah-sing, a prominent and dedicated social entrepreneur, and Dr Peter Ho Ka-nam, a renowned and outstanding industrialist. A new book titled 30th Anniversary Alumni Story Book featuring the success stories of 30 CityU alumni was launched at the same event. 城大於4月舉行第三屆傑出校友獎頒獎典禮,頒發傑出校友獎予知名的熱心社會企業家魏華星先 生及著名的傑出工業家何稼楠博士。城大同時為校友專訪集《三十而立》舉行新書發佈會,該書 概述30位城大校友的成功之路,以慶祝城大建校三十周年。
Kar-fai, Assistant Professor in SCM. 三位教師獲頒2013-14年度的城大傑出教學 獎,以表揚他們推行創新教學模式、發揮良好 影響。三位獲獎者是:應用社會科學系副教授 及助理系主任區廖淑貞博士、創意媒體學院副 教授Scott Hessels先生、創意媒體學院助理教 授楊嘉輝博士。
“Memory ink” promises new hope for Alzheimer’s disease 城大科學家最新發現 「記憶開關」有助研製促進記憶的藥物 Professor He Jufang of the Department of Biomedical Sciences and his team have identified the neuromodulator which plays a crucial role in memory formation. The neuromodulator, called cholecystokinin (CCK), enables memory writing in the neocortex with very high efficiency. The findings may help develop drugs that can alleviate or even reverse the memory loss process caused by ageing or forms of dementia such as Alzheimer’s disease. 城大生物醫學系賀菊芳教授及其研究小組找出記憶形成過程中起關鍵作用的神經調節物質— 「膽囊收縮素」 (CCK),該物質能夠把記憶迅速地「寫」入大腦皮層裏。這一發現有助研製新藥 物,使衰老過程或阿茲海默症等腦退化疾病引起的記憶衰退得到減輕,甚至可改善記憶。
May 2014
News & Notable Intelligent clothing tracks abnormal heart conditions 城大學者研發智能緊身衣監測病人心肌活動 Dr Raymond Lam Hiu-wai, Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, has developed a new type of intelligent electrode in the form of tight-fitting clothing that remotely monitors and records the heart conditions of patients. The new technology has been achieved by enhancing the electrodes on the electrocardiogram. It is particularly useful for elderly people suffering from coronary heart disease who are living alone. 城大機械及生物醫學工程學系助理教授林曉維博士改良心電圖機的電極 貼,研發出能長期監測並記錄病人心臟狀況的智能心電緊身衣,可使醫 護人員遙距追踪患者的病況,對抗心臟病。這種緊身衣尤其適用於患有 冠心病的獨居長者。
Global warming: natural or human-induced? 全球氣候變暖:自然現象抑或人類之過? Global warming is enhanced by human activities and we must do everything we can to slow it down. That was the stark conclusion presented in a timely lecture by Professor Johnny Chan Chungleung, Dean of School of Energy and Environment, which took place in March under the auspices of the President’s Lecture Series: Excellence in Academia. Professor Chan’s talk was titled “Global Warming: Natural or Human-induced?”. 能源及環境學院院長陳仲良教授3月為「校長講座系列:學術薈萃」發表演講,得出一個嚴酷的 結論:人類活動加劇了全球氣候變暖的進程,我們必須盡力設法減緩這一趨勢。 陳教授的演講 題為「全球氣候變暖:自然現象抑或人類之過?」。
CityU, Ocean Park Conservation Foundation jointly study stranded whale 城大與海洋公園保育基金合作處理鬚鯨擱淺個案 The body of a whale grounded earlier in Hong Kong was handled jointly by CityU and Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Hong Kong. CityU’s cross-disciplinary research team explored the possibility of making a specimen of the whale for scientific studies and teaching. 城大與香港海洋公園保育基金合作處理鯨屍擱淺個案,而城大跨學科團隊會視乎 鯨屍情況,製成標本作科學研究及教學用途。
Veterinarians join CityU’s programme for fracture management in horses 城大舉辦馬科動物骨折臨床治療培訓課程
Ancient wisdom for modern times 千年智慧 古為今用
Nearly 40 veterinarians took part in a four-day clinical programme at CityU in March to study the latest medical treatments for trauma and fractures in horses and other large animals. Co-organised by CityU, The Hong Kong Jockey Club and AOVET, the programme featured lectures and clinical tests. Using a problem-oriented teaching approach, the programme helped participants better understand the diagnosis and treatment of fractures as well as the use of surgical tools such as splints. Sharing sessions were also arranged for participants to exchange ideas on real and complex cases they have encountered.
The Confucian tradition teaches us important lessons about the music in and of our lives, argued Professor Philip J Ivanhoe in his talk at the President’s Lecture Series: Excellence in Academia in January. The title of the talk was “The Contemporary Significance of Confucian Views about the Ethical Values of Music”, and in it, Professor
Ivanhoe, Chair Professor of East Asian and
Comparative Philosophy and Religion in the
Department of Public Policy, and Director of
the Centre for East Asian and Comparative
Philosophy, argued that ideas regarding
music found in the ancient Chinese tradition
still had “legs”, i.e. are relevant to the
challenges and features of contemporary
公共政策學系講座教授艾文賀教授1月為 「校長講座系列:學術薈萃」作演講時指
Unity amid sea of cherry blossom
Surrounded by a spectacular array of spring colours, over 100 students, staff and alumni demonstrated sportsmanship and unity at the Gyeongju Cherry Marathon 2014 in South Korea on 5 April. One hundred and two students, staff and alumni ran the full marathon, half marathon, and the 10-kilometre or 5-kilometre races. The team was led by Professor Way Kuo, University President, and supported by the Eminence Society.
文賀教授的演講題為「儒家樂教思想在當 代的重要意義」。他認為,中國古代傳統文 化中關於音樂的理念一直「延續」至今;換 言之,對今天社會的特徵及其面臨的挑戰 依然有密切的關聯。艾文賀教授現任公共 政策學系東亞哲學宗教及比較哲學宗教講
城大100多名學生、教職員及校友在一 片粉紅色花海中完成4月5日在韓國舉行
座教授,兼任東亞哲學及比較哲學研究中 心主任。
的「2014年慶州櫻花馬拉松賽」。這次 活動體現了城大師生的體育精神,也彰 顯城大社群團結一心。 校長郭位教授 親自率領由學生、教職員及校友共102 人組成的城大馬拉松隊,分別參加全 馬、半馬、十公里及五公里賽。這次活 動獲得城大資深校友組織「城賢匯」的 慷慨贊助。
May 2014
News & Notable How higher education spurs innovation and globalisation 高等教育推動科技創新與全球化進程 Higher education institutions are vital to promoting entrepreneurship, enhancing innovative ways of thinking and championing internationalisation, according to one of the most influential voices working in education in the US today. Professor Arden L. Bement was making his claims in a talk titled “The Roles of Higher Education in Innovation and Globalization” on 24 April based on his decadeslong career as a scientist and engineer in academia and as part of the US government’s direct responses to the need for innovation and the phenomenon of globalisation in his capacity as Director of both the National Science Foundation and National Institute of Standards and Technology. 當代美國高等教育界傑出學者Arden L. Bement教授4月24日在城大演講,題為「創新及國際化中的高等教育之職能」,指出高等教育機構在促進創業、 培育創新思維、推動國際化的進程之中,發揮至關重要的功能。Bement教授的上述看法,源於他數十年的職業生涯。他是蜚聲學術界的著名科學家及工 程師,亦曾任職於美國政府因應創新之需和全球化形勢而設立的機構,例如擔任美國國家科學基金會主任與國家標準與技術研究院院長。
New technology increases antibacterial effect of human implants
Parenting style affects kids’ anxiety levels 父母管教方法對幼兒焦慮程度有重大影響
提升人體植入物抗菌功效的新技術 Around 16% of the children in Hong Kong have anxiety levels above the Implanting artificial bones
normal cut-off, and slightly higher than the percentage reported in studies
or teeth in human bodies
in other countries, according to a recent study at CityU. The study also
may cause infection after
found that parenting styles affect children’s anxiety levels, suggesting that
surgery, which affects
parents should nurture children’s character strengths in order to decrease
medical results. This
their chances of developing anxiety symptoms in the future. The results
problem is now being
come from the Happy Seeds Nurturance Project organised by Dr Sylvia
addressed with a new
Kwok Lai Yuk-ching, Associate Professor in the Department of Applied
technology developed by a
Social Studies at CityU, and co-organised by the Chinese Rhenish Church
scientist at CityU. Injecting
Hong Kong Synod with sponsorship from the Quality Education Fund, from
antibacterial silver ions into
February 2013 to January 2014.
the artificial parts for implantation with the plasma technology developed by Professor Paul Chu Kim-ho, Chair Professor in the Department of
Physics and Materials Science, has been proven effective in laboratory
tests. The silver ions kill Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus
(S. aureus), as well as two types of bacteria that cause periodontal disease.
In addition, the release of silver ions can be controlled to prevent health
problems for patients.
於2013年2月至2014 年1月進行「快樂幼
Virtuous rule in the twenty-first century 二十一世紀的王道 Rule-by-virtue (Wang Dao) was an essential component for advancing international relations for the twenty-first century, argued the former premier of Taiwan in a City University Distinguished Lecture in March. In his talk titled “The Rule-by-Virtue Century : The missing element for sustainable development”, Dr Liu Chao Shiuan put forward a case for considering Wang Dao to be the missing element for sustainable development. 台灣行政院前院長劉兆玄博士3月為城大傑出講座系列發表演講,指出「王道」是促進二十一 世紀國際關係發展的重要因素。劉博士的演講題為「王道的世紀 ─ 永續發展 只欠東風」。他 列舉事實說明,「王道」文化正是永續發展所欠缺的東風。
President invited to universities, research institutes in Singapore 城大校長應邀訪問新加坡的大學及研究院 Professor Way Kuo, President of CityU, delivered a distinguished lecture on importance measures in February at the invitation of Singapore University of Technology and Design, which was established in collaboration with MIT. In his talk, which was based on his book Importance Measures in Reliability, Risk, and Optimization: Principles and Applications published by NY: Wiley in 2012, Professor Kuo
CityU–DBS Bank announce alliance to accelerate innovation 城大與星展銀行宣佈結盟 促進創新事業 The Apps Lab at CityU and DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (DBS Bank) announced the formation of a new strategic alliance in February to accelerate research and innovation in the banking sector among CityU students. The
explored how importance measures needed to be further investigated in order to achieve the optimal design for complex and complicated systems, such as the design of nuclear power plants, software and nano systems. He also led a CityU delegation to two other universities during his two-day visit: Singapore Management University and Nanyang Technological University. 城大校長郭位教授應新加坡科技設計大學之邀於2月在該校作有關「重要度」的傑出演講。新科 大由新加坡政府與麻省理工學院合作建立。郭教授在演講中提到,有必要進一步研究重要度, 以便核電廠、軟體及納米等複雜的綜合性系統的設計達到最優化。演講內容以他的一部專著為 基礎,題為《可靠性、風險及最優化研究中的重要度:原則及應用》。該書由NY: Wiley出版社 於2012年出版。郭教授在為期兩天的訪問中還帶領城大代表團訪問另外兩所大學:新加坡管 理大學和南洋理工大學。
alliance will also provide students with a unique opportunity to engage in projects with professionals from DBS Bank across Asia. 城大應用程式實驗室與星展銀行(香港)有限 公司(星展銀行)於2月宣佈結為重要合作夥 伴,以促進城大學生在銀行業資訊科技方面的 研究和創新。雙方的結盟亦將使城大學生享有 極難得的機會,與星展銀行在亞洲各地的專業 人員一起參與專項業務工作。
May 2014
News & Notable Will natural gas solve China’s energy needs? 天然氣可解決中國的能源需求問題嗎? One of mainland China’s leading petroleum and natural gas experts offered historical and practical perspectives on the development and prospects of these energy-related industries during his talk at a City University Distinguished Lecture in March. Professor Liang Di-gang is the current Deputy Director of the Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, the R&D wing of the China National Petroleum Corporation and PetroChina Company Limited, which focuses on strategic development for global upstream business, fundamental applied theories and techniques, and technical support for the company’s oil and gas projects around the world. 中國內地著名石油天然氣專家梁狄剛教授3月為城大傑出講座系列主持一場演講,從歷史和現實的 角度論述石油與天然氣這兩個能源產業的近況與前景。梁教授現為中國石油天然氣股份有限公司轄下的中國石油勘探開發研究院專家室副主任,重點 工作是規劃該集團的全球油氣上游業務的長遠發展、研究關鍵應用理論與基本技術,並為該公司在全球各地的石油及天然氣工程提供技術支援。
Female artists focus of mass Wiki edit 「維基百科編輯馬拉松」突顯香港女藝術家地位 A unique attempt to encourage more women to become regular contributors to Wikipedia, the world’s largest encyclopedia, took place on International Women’s Day on 8 March at the School of Creative Media. The Wikipedia Edit-a-thon, which was most likely the first of its kind in Asia with such a strong feminist perspective, also set out to have the nearly two dozen participants research and write Wikipedia entries on Hong Kong’s women artists. 為鼓勵更多女性定期參與編輯《維基百科》這部全球最大的百科全書,城大創意媒體學院在3月8日 國際婦女節,舉行一項獨特的活動,名為「維基百科編輯馬拉松」,堪稱亞洲地區此類活動中首次 強調女權主義視角的活動,20多名參與者著手研究資料並撰寫有關香港女藝術家的百科條目。
Project Flame develops Social Enterprise Endorsement System 城大火焰計劃研發社企認證 A ceremony to launch the “Social Enterprise Endorsement System” was held at CityU in March, officiated by Ms Florence Hui Hiu-fai, Under Secretary of Home Affairs, HKSAR Government. The system aims to promote the sustainable development of social enterprises and enhance public trust. Last year, CityU’s Project Flame was entrusted by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Social Enterprises to develop the system. The study is sponsored by the Standard Chartered Hong Kong 150th Anniversary Community Foundation. 社會企業認證系統啓動禮3月於城大舉行,由香港特區政府民政事務局副局長許曉暉女士擔任主 禮嘉賓。這個系統可望推動本港社會企業持續發展,並有助加深市民對社會企業的認識和信賴。香港社會企業總會去年獲渣打香港150週年慈善基 金贊助,委托城大火焰計劃進行「社企認證」系統的研究。
CityU sports teams make history, winning eight Grand Slams in intervarsity competitions 城大運動隊再創佳績 八度贏得大滿貫 CityU sports teams won the men’s and women’s overall championship titles for a record-breaking eighth time (Grand Slam) in their divisions in the 2013–2014 annual sports competitions among the 11 local tertiary institutions. The competitions were organised by The University Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China (USFHK). One of the CityU athletes was named the USFHK Sportswoman of the Year. 城大運動隊在香港大專體育協會的賽事中再次獲得驕人成績,第八度榮膺男女子 團體總冠軍,而且有運動員獲選為「大專全年最佳女子運動員」。本港11所大專 院校均參與今年香港大專體育協會的賽事。
CMC ranks as “spectacular” in world survey 創意媒體中心獲選為世界十大最奪目大學建築之一 The Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre (CMC) has been selected as one of the 10 most spectacular university buildings in the world. The survey was conducted by Emporis, a Hamburg-based architectural data company which manages a worldwide database on construction data and commercial real
Students rewarded for business plan on dental health 城大學生在ACCA商業策劃大賽上 奪魁凱旋
estate information. Designed and built by the world famous architect Mr Daniel Libeskind, the CMC is
A team of CityU business students won the
a unique building in which the unexpected is created by bold simple and spatial forms.
championship in the degree category in the ACCA Hong Kong Business Competition 2013
with a business plan titled “Crescent Moon:
Mobile Dental Clinic Services for Elderly”. They
數據庫。邵逸夫創意媒體中心由著名建築師Daniel Libeskind先生設計並建造,造型別具匠心,
also earned the Best Proposal award and the
honour of My Favourite Team. The team leader, Anika Cheng Tsz-kwan, was chosen as the Best Presenter. 城大商學院學生參加第七屆「ACCA商業策劃 大比拼」,以「流動牙科診所計劃」勇奪大學 生組別冠軍、最佳商業計劃、最具人氣獎, 城大代表隊隊長鄭芷君且獲得最佳表現獎。
May 2014
Cover Story
The CityU evolution 城大的成長 By Michael Gibb
From its relatively humble origins in an office block in the teeming shopping district of Mongkok, City University of Hong Kong (CityU) has evolved into a dynamic institution of higher education. The professional education and the problem-based research that characterises CityU’s academic profile can now compete with the top-
香港城市大學(城大)創辦之初,只是擁擠的旺角購物區內一 棟辦公大樓中一所規模不大的學校,如今已成為一所朝氣蓬勃 的高等教育學府。
ranked universities in the region. Our faculty members are drawn from academic environments all over the world and our networks of partner
universities and alumni extend throughout mainland China, Europe and
North America as well as the Asia-Pacific region.
界英才,與城大結盟的高等院校,以及城大的校友,如今已遍佈中國大 陸、歐美多國、亞太區各地。
We are immensely proud of all that we have achieved in such a relatively
short period of time. The fact that, according to Quacquarelli Symonds
根據國際高等教育資訊機構Quacquarelli Symonds (QS)公佈的2014年排
(QS) World University Rankings, we were ranked 4th in the world in 2014
among the 50 universities under 50 years of age, i.e. founded post-1964,
exemplifies our youth, progressive nature and determination to fulfill our
aspirations to be counted among the world’s best.
As a university of professional schools and colleges, we are dedicated to
preparing our students for the global marketplace for employment.
Here is just a snapshot of some of the highlights from CityU’s recent history.
January 1984 City Polytechnic of Hong Kong is established in Mongkok. 1984年1月
June 1987
Foundation stone for the new campus is laid.
New knowledge for new era Our unique Discovery-enriched Curriculum (DEC) makes the process of discovery and innovation an integral part of the entire university undergraduate experience. Launched in 2012–2013, the DEC encourages students to create, cultivate, curate and communicate new knowledge, learning for themselves what it means to create and develop their own ideas. No other university that we know of has positioned the twin curricular drivers of discovery and innovation so prominently at the heart of their curriculum. (See page 20.)
新時代新知識 城大在2012-2013學年推出獨特的「重探索求創新課程」,自此探索與創新成為全校本科生教育的重要一環。新課程鼓勵 學生創造、改進、展示並交流新知識,親自體驗創造和拓展個人創意的真義。據我們所知,除了城大之外,目前尚無第二 家大學把探索與創新兩者同時列為課程的重心。(參看第20頁。)
October 1990 Faculties of Business, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Science and Technology are created. 1990年10月
January 1990 Permanent campus in Kowloon Tong is opened. 1990年1月
設立商學院、人文及社會科學學院、 科學及技術學院。
March 1993
Faculty of Law is established.
設立法律學院。 May 2014
Cover Story
Past comes ALiVE at CityU The groundbreaking media work created by Professor Jeffrey Shaw, Dean of the School of Creative Media and Director of the Applied Laboratory for Interactive Visualization and Embodiment (ALiVE), and Dr Sarah Kenderdine, Research Director of ALiVE, titled “Pure Land: Inside the Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang”, was selected as the centerpiece exhibit for the 25th anniversary celebrations of the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, the pre-eminent museum for Asian art at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC, in December 2012. (See page 30.)
敦煌傑作再現 在2012年12月,美國首都華盛頓史密森尼博物院的賽克勒美術館為慶祝創館二十五周年,特別 挑選了城大創意媒體學院院長、互動視覺及體現應用研究室(ALiVE)總監邵志飛教授和ALiVE研 究總監Sarah Kenderdine博士共同創作的開創性創意媒體作品《人間淨土 — 走進敦煌莫高窟》 作為重點展覽品。(參看第30頁。)
November 1994
Institution is renamed as City University of Hong Kong. The School of Graduate Studies is established, and the Centre of Continuing Education is retitled as the School of Continuing and Professional Education.
正名為「香港城市大學」。成立研究生院;持續教 育中心改名為專業進修學院。
May 1995 City University of Hong Kong is inaugurated. 1995年5月
Building for the future Over the past 30 years CityU’s physical structure has undergone a dramatic transformation with the addition of new buildings for learning and research, for administration and for relaxation and accommodation. The revamped campus and our curriculum have also helped drive forward a number of policies that have modernised the overall operation of the University. (See page 48.)
創建未來 建校30年來,城大的校園面貌發生巨變。幾棟新建的大樓可供教學研究、行政管理之用,亦可讓教職員及學生在此休息 或者接待來賓。煥然一新的校園,不斷創新的課程,有助城大施行多項新政策,城大的整體運作因而更加現代化。 (參看第48頁。)
March 1999 1999年3月
July 1998 1998年7月
School of Creative Media is established. Chinese Civilisation Centre is established. 設立創意媒體學院。 設立中國文化中心。
University motto Officium et Civitas is adopted. 選定「敬業樂群」為大學校訓。
October 2005
Ground-breaking ceremony for the City University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) Research Institute Building (CityU SRIB) is held.
2005年10月 舉行香港城市大學深圳產學研大樓 (產學研大樓)奠基典禮。
May 2014
Face to Face
Reflections on the past, present and future 撫今追昔,服務城大三十年 Dr Norman Leung Nai-pang, Pro-Chancellor, has had a frontrow seat watching CityU develop into a major global university in Asia.
By Michael Gibb
What has it meant to you personally to be involved with CityU? I have benefited enormously. Serving on various committees in addition to sitting on
He sat on the Council for nearly twenty years, seven of which as Chairman,
the Council and its executive committee taught
from 1 January 1997 to 31 December 2003, with his first appointment
me a great deal about many, many things. I can
dating back to 1 January 1985.
honestly say that my work for CityU helped me to better understand financial planning issues,
In addition to his public service, he carved out a highly successful legal
especially during the tendering processes for
career and is the current Executive Chairman of Television Broadcasts
works involved in setting up the new campus in
Ltd (TVB). Yet this is a man who didn’t study Form 3 until he was twenty
Kowloon Tong. This experience certainly boosted
years old, who started work aged 12 as a page boy in a hotel, but who
my own career, and I am very grateful to CityU
nevertheless went on to study Economics and Political Science at the
for all these opportunities.
University of Hong Kong and then law at the College of Law in Guildford, England. His biography is as compelling as CityU’s.
What have been your best experiences working for CityU?
How did you become involved with CityU?
I am extremely proud of the School of Law. Back
I was appointed in 1985 and quickly took up a number of roles with the
in the mid-1980s there was only one place to
Council, chairing various committees for operations such as recruiting
study law locally and that was at the University
and the promotion of department heads and above. This is how I got to
of Hong Kong, but I felt that demand was strong
know so many people at CityU, such as the former Dean of the School of
enough to warrant another law school.
Law whom I remember when he was promoted from Principal Lecturer to Reader.
June 2008
The State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves is established.
2008年6月 成立毫米波國家重點實驗室。
July 2009
The School of Energy and Environment is established.
April 2010
The State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution is established.
Of course, setting up CityU’s law school was a very challenging enterprise for all of us involved but we succeeded, and we now have one of the region’s finest centres for legal education. Especially I would like to mention our unique training courses for judges from mainland China. The participants on these courses are senior members of the judiciary on the mainland, and they take back the skills and know-how they have acquired at CityU to their own jurisdictions, and thus help to enhance the law there. I have also been delighted to hear how well our law students are doing in international mooting competitions. Our teams have beaten some of the top-ranked law schools in the world, which is an incredible achievement. The setting up of the School of Creative Media has also been a highlight for me. Back in the late 1990s, creative media was not so well known and it took real vision on the part of the University and particularly former CityU president, Professor H K Chang, to establish a school that was so ground-breaking and so cutting-edge. And the subsequent construction of the Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre has been a fitting tribute to the strengths of the University in this field.
January 2011
The City University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) Research Institute Building (CityU SRIB) is officially opened.
October 2011
The opening ceremony of the Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre (CMC) is held.
香港城市大學深圳產學研大樓 (產學研大樓)正式啓用。
邵逸夫創意媒體中心(創意媒體中心) 舉行開幕慶典。
February 2011 The opening ceremony of the CityU’s Shanghai Liaison Office. 2011年2月
香港城市大學上海聯絡處舉行開幕慶典。 May 2014
Face to Face
” I think it is wonderful what we have achieved in such a short time.” This iconic building was designed by one of the world’s foremost architects,
Teaching Excellence Awards, whom I have a great
Daniel Libeskind, which is a great honour for us, and it is equally prestigious
deal of admiration for, and we have many great
for us to have Sir Run Run’s name attached to the Centre. He was a titan in
scholars, members of various academies and
the film and entertainment industry, and it is wonderful for CityU to have
international bodies, reflecting the depth of our
such a personal attachment.
What has CityU contributed most significantly to Hong Kong over the last
We will also see CityU become more
30 years? How have we distinguished ourselves?
international, increasing the number of local
I remember finding out when I was Council Chairman just how many of our
students going to the mainland and overseas
students came from difficult financial backgrounds with many coming from
for language training and cultural immersion,
families living in public housing. It was not uncommon for our students to
and seeing more non-local students on campus.
be the first members of their families to enter higher education. So what
Globalisation continues and we will make sure
I feel we have done at CityU is really to add great value to Hong Kong by
we are part of this on-going trend.
offering world-class professional education for everyone, not for the rich or the elite, but for the ordinary people of Hong Kong. That, in my opinion, is
Essentially, when I look back of the past 30 years,
our greatest achievement: helping people to upgrade their skills and their
I consider myself very fortunate to have been
knowledge, moving up in society and contributing to the development of
there “at the beginning”, and to have had this
Hong Kong and beyond.
wonderful opportunity to serve CityU, and I think it is wonderful what we have achieved in such a
How do you think CityU will develop its role in Hong Kong and in higher
short time.
education in the future? We will continue to do what we do best, which is offering a world-class education to our students. We have great teachers, as we see in the annual
February 2012 The opening ceremony of Academic 2 (AC2) is held. 2012年2月
May 2013
The opening ceremony of Academic 3 (AC3) is held.
CityU ranks 104th in the 2013 World University Ranking published by the QS rating agency. CityU also ranks 1st in the Greater China area and 25th worldwide in the Broad Subject Field of Engineering/Technology and Computer Sciences according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities.
2013年 在QS2013年全球大學排名榜上,城大排名 第104位;在「世界大學學術排名」中,城大 在工程/技術與計算機科學領域排名全球第25 位、兩岸四地排名第一位。
城大如今已發展成為亞洲區一所重要的 國際級大學。副監督梁乃鵬博士親身參 與其中,目睹了城大的發展歷程。
城大學生很可能是家中第一位大學生。因此我 覺得,城大所做的,是為所有人提供世界級的
學院」剛開學僅數月,梁博士就成為校董會成 員,前後服務城大校董會近20年,並於1997年
作用? 城大會一如過往,發揮自己所長,為學生提供
工作,在一家酒店當門僮,20歲才入讀中三, 後來進入香港大學修讀經濟及政治學,其後到
您是怎樣參與城大事務的? 我在1985年獲委任為校董,不久在校董會擔任
意媒體中心,與城大在這個領域的雄厚實力可 對您個人來說,服務城大有何意義?
回顧過去30年,能夠在「創校之初」就參與其 中,有這樣難得的機會服務城大,我覺得很幸
我獲益良多。除了擔任校董會及其執行委員會 成員,我亦曾經在多個委員會任職,學會很多
這座地標由國際知名建築師Daniel Libeskind
CityU ranks 4th in the 2014 QS survey of the world’s top 50 universities under 50 years of age.
2014年 在QS2014年公佈的建校未滿50年全球 最佳大學排名榜上,城大排名第4位。
March 2014
The School of Veterinary Medicine is established.
May 2014
The opening ceremony of CityU’s Beijing Liaison Office.
香港城市大學北京聯絡處舉行開幕 慶典。
May 2014
Professional Education and Research
An academic vision for the 21st century By Michael Gibb
The ability to look into the future and project what skills and knowledge young people will need for their careers and their overall personal development is greatly prized in the education sector. There are no easy answers, especially given the speedy rate at which today’s world is being transformed by advances in technology. It takes vision, courage of one’s convictions, teamwork, dedication and experience to create an academic landscape that aligns with societal, regional and global requirements.
direction of the University in all its activities, he added, and have made possible a second milestone—the Discovery-enriched Curriculum (DEC)— which was fully implemented in 2012. The DEC is unique in that, to the best of our knowledge, no other university has positioned the twin curricular drivers of discovery and innovation at the forefront of its academic platform. Designed and timed to align with the introduction of the new 4-year undergraduate system, a government-
CityU’s transformation into a leading global university in Asia is striking not
led overhaul of the entire Hong Kong higher education system, the DEC is
only because of the rapidity of the development but principally because it
the academic blueprint for CityU’s development.
has closely tracked these societal transformations, explained Professor Way Kuo, President and University Distinguished Professor.
“Essentially the DEC is designed to give all our students the opportunity to make an original discovery while at CityU,” said Professor Arthur Ellis,
“Our most significant achievement over the last 30 years has been making
Provost. “We appreciate that our students will be entering a professional
sure that the programmes we offer and the research we pursue will benefit
world of work in which the ability to be creative and innovative will be a
society,” he said.
much treasured asset.”
A sharper vision
School/College transformations
Two particular milestones stand out. Firstly, the Strategic Plan 2010–2015
Innovation is a key word in CityU’s overall development. At the School/
was a forward-looking, action-oriented plan which positioned CityU as a
College level, our record shows that we have been at the forefront of new
leading global university in the Asia-Pacific region with a special focus on
thinking over the last 30 years. For example, in 1998, when few people in
professional education and outstanding scholarship in problem-focused
Hong Kong and beyond fully appreciated the impact that this particular
field would have on society, we launched the School of Creative Media. No other local institution at the time was offering anything with the range and
“The Strategic Plan has defined a sharper vision for CityU’s future, identified
depth of the School’s programmes, all of which were responding to the
a new mission and mapped out a clear set of goals and action plans for
technological, social and environmental challenges of the digital era.
taking us to new heights,” Professor Kuo said. Likewise, the launch of the School of Energy and Environment in 2009 was The core values outlined in the plan—Excellence, Honesty, Freedom of
another first in Hong Kong, dedicated to cutting-edge and internationally
Enquiry, Accountability, and Civility and Collegiality—nourish the overall
competitive research, and the training of high-calibre research students
”The Strategic Plan has defined a sharper vision for CityU’s future”.
and a new breed of professionals specifically for energy- and environment-
2013 ranked CityU 32nd in Mathematics and 44th in Electrical & Electronic
related activities.
At the departmental level, we have also seen a great deal of evolution,
International recognition has also been bestowed upon the College of
as certain fields have merged and diversified. In the social sciences,
Business. Accredited by both AACSB International and EQUIS, the College
the relatively new Department of Asian and International Studies gives
is currently ranked 46th among the top 100 business schools worldwide
students the chance to explore social and political trends, and the
and 2nd within the Asia Pacific Region, according to the lastest UT Dallas
impacts of various types of economic development within a regional and
international context. The birth of the Department of Public Policy reflects the increasing need to train young people for a range of organisational
Professional training
contexts in public, private and non-governmental sectors.
Essentially, CityU has positioned itself as a university of professional schools and colleges dedicated to training future leaders for the world’s job market.
The School of Law typifies CityU’s evolution, too. It was established in
As part of our continuing evolution, we have identified several niche areas
1987 as the Department of Law. The inauguration of the Department of
in which we can play a major role in producing relevant personnel and
Professional Legal Education in 1992 and the Faculty of Law in March 1993
marked a continued commitment to legal education. Following the merger of the two units into a single administrative body, the Faculty was renamed
For instance, we have established recently a School of Veterinary Medicine
School of Law in July 1998.
in order to fill a gap in the market for training high-quality veterinarians and producing high-impact research that will benefit public health in
The College of Science and Engineering (CSE), meanwhile, has had a highly
our region. In addition we have launched new programmes, such as the
significant impact in a diverse range of fields according to numerous
Bachelor of Engineering in Nuclear and Risk Engineering, which trains
international ranking organisations. The CSE was ranked 1st in Hong Kong
people specifically for the nuclear power-related industries.
in the performance ranking of scientific papers for world universities by National Taiwan University and 27th in the world. The Academic Ranking
Digital learning
of World Universities by Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2013 placed CityU
CityU has won many accolades for its digital and online foresight and
at 25th in the field of Engineering/Technology and Computer Sciences,
presence over the years. We are a leading institution in Hong Kong in
while Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings by subjects in
advancing the role of technology in higher education.
May 2014
Professional Education and Research
For starters, in 2000, we established the position of Chief Information Officer and its associated office. In 2005, CityU adopted course management tools as a central unified e-learning platform to further strengthen the University’s efforts in providing state-of-the-art tools to support a variety of teaching approaches and learning needs. In 2010, the University made available a suite of cloud-based services to staff and
從事教育工作者,既須具備遠見卓識,又須預測青年學子今後 的事業和個人綜合發展中需要什麽樣的技能及知識,這種才幹 深受推崇。今日世界,技術日新月異,變化一日千里,要做到 這一點,絕非易事。要開創一片學術新天地,以切合社會、地 區及全球發展的需求,必須有遠大的目光、堅定的信念、同心 協力、全心奉獻,還須兼備豐富的經驗。
students, thus encouraging a new age of collaboration and knowledge sharing on the cloud.
城大校長及大學傑出教授郭位教授認為,城大如今已發展成為亞洲區的 國際一流學府,其成長歷程令人矚目。究其原因,不僅在於大學發展迅
A promising future
As mentioned, foresight is a treasured commodity, one that depends on experience and knowledge, rather than luck. “It is vital that we plant the
‘seeds of change’ carefully, in good time and spend time nurturing and
facilitating growth,” said Professor Kuo. 高瞻遠矚 “CityU has undergone a huge amount of change over the last few years.
Everyone in Hong Kong has been a witness to the transformation that has
been taking place, while increasingly the rest of the world is hearing much
more about our students and faculty as they continue to break new ground
in their studies and research,” he added. 「策略性發展計劃為城大的未來勾勒了更清晰的願景,確定了新使命, One sure marker that CityU is on the right track is evidenced in the
performance of the students.
Professor Kuo noted that “All of our accomplishments have been very
fulfilling, and it is almost impossible to pick one of them as my most
fulfilling. But what I can say is that every time I see students winning
awards, designing new products, testing out original ideas, and whenever
I meet alumni returning to CityU to give talks, advise students and receive awards, I feel that we are doing something right!”
統整體變革,引入本科四年新學制,而城大的「重探索求創新課程」正 是因應新學制而設計、推行的,是城大未來學術發展的藍圖。
商學院亦獲得廣泛的國際認可。除了同時擁有國際管理教育協會及歐洲 品質改善系統的優質課程認證,根據美國UTD全球100所最佳商學院最
有機會作原創性質的探索體驗,」學務副校長李博亞教授說。「我們很清 楚,將來城大的學生進入專業就業市場之後,創造與創新能力將是很重
城大將自己清晰定位為一所由專業學院組成的大學,致力於為全球就業 市場培育未來的領袖。我們特別選定了幾個學術領域,重點培育相關人
「創新」是城大整體發展的關鍵要素。從學院層面而言,過往的記錄表 明,城大30年來一直屹立於新思維的最前沿。例如1998年,城大創辦
論。 電子化學習 到了2009年,城大再次率先在本港成立能源及環境學院,致力於具有國
專才。 首先,城大在2000年設立了資訊總監的職位及相關辦公室;在2005年, 在學系層面,城大亦取得了長足的進步,融合了一些學術領域,同時使
系則因應日益增長的需求,培育青年服務於公共、私立及非政府部門等 各類機構。
前程遠大 如前所述,卓有遠見是珍貴的財產,靠的是經驗和知識,而非運氣。
(Faculty of Law),體現了城大專注法律教育的不懈努力。到了1998 年7月,法律學院的英文名稱改為School of Law(中文名仍然是法律學
轉型;在世界各地,人們對城大師生在學問和研究領域中不斷勇創新天 地,也時有所聞,」他補充道。
此外,根據國內外多家國際高等教育排名機構的評比,科學及工程學院 在很多領域具有深遠的影響力。在國立台灣大學公佈的世界大學科研論
據國際高等教育資訊機構Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)公佈的2013年世
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Professional Education and Research
Core values in a changing world
變革中堅守核心理念 I started work as University President in 2008, and so I have already witnessed one major birthday at CityU, our 25th anniversary in 2009. A great deal has been achieved over the past five years, as documented in this publication, although it would be an impossible task to highlight all those achievements!
By Professor Way Kuo
from research, there was insufficient interaction between students and teachers. The lack of good models limited the development of the students’ talent. Subsequently, universities in Hong Kong are still behind their world-class counterparts in spite of their accomplishments. To rectify the situation, I have put forward the notion of integrating teaching with research as the modern principle of university governance, as an
What I would like to emphasise is that many
endeavour to return to the basics of academia.
people have contributed to our successes, from previous management teams, our esteemed
One example of the increased focus on the
faculty, and hardworking staff to our students,
integration of teaching and research was the
many of whom are very active in our alumni
recent study tour to Antarctica where students
organisations all over the world. I am aware that
designed projects that would create new
we are all standing on the shoulders of giants,
media artworks based on environmental data
as the saying goes, and that most triumphs
they collected during the 21-day tour. This was
are more often than not an accumulation of
a unique trip for Hong Kong since no other
goodwill and good sense as well as hard work
institute has conducted a comparable tour.
and loyalty. Another area of development worthy of note is Models for education
the continued success of the President’s Lecture
One area of development since 2008 that I am
Series: Excellence in Academia, which I initiated
particularly proud of has been the increased
as a means whereby students and faculty from
attention to the integration of teaching and
across the disciplines have the opportunity to
research across campus. Limited by an old
learn about research conducted by our foremost
governance model that separated teaching
scholars. To date, as we enjoy our 30th birthday
”Our cultural roots are important, as are ties to our families, and it is important to maintain one’s identity.” 24
May 2014
Professional Education and Research
celebrations, we have had the pleasure of
In my opinion, going overseas is not just a matter of learning languages;
listening to nearly two dozen lectures, many of
it means truly experiencing another way of life and drawing on that well
which were focused on areas of enquiry that
of experience to broaden one’s mind and improve our students’ career
many of us had been unfamiliar with prior to the
talks. From my point of view, developed after growing up in Taiwan, living and Interconnected values
working in the US for more than 30 years and based in Hong Kong since
That we are part of a globalised, interconnected
2008, internationalisation essentially means acquiring the ability to adapt to
and networked world is not saying anything new.
new circumstances, overcome resistance to change, implement new ideas
How we engage with this situation is the more
and, on the whole, gain a firmer and more confident understanding of the
pressing, and interesting, issue. I am very pleased
world and one’s own role within it.
that CityU has responded pro-actively in making campus a more international environment.
Enriching campus
We need our campus to reflect the world’s
We still have a long way to go, but clearly we are seeing more non-local
rich diversity, which is why we are delighted
students on campus, and hearing more stories from local students upon
that more and more students from the region,
their return from overseas. It seems that hardly a week goes by when there
especially from countries such as India and
is not an exhibition of some kind on campus discussing the experiences of
South Korea, are enrolling on our undergraduate
various student groups in other countries!
programmes and why it is important that we are raising more funding to help CityU students go
It is no secret that I urge all students to embrace change, not to be afraid
overseas for exchanges, cultural immersion and
of the unfamiliar and to occasionally take themselves out of their comfort
zone. That said, our cultural roots are important, as are ties to our families, and it is important to maintain one’s identity. We go through many challenges in life but I am certain that people with a clear idea of who they are and where they come from are better able to confront problems and hardships. This is why the core values of our Strategic Plan—Excellence, Honesty, Freedom of Enquiry, Accountability, and Civility and Collegiality—are so important. They are common principles that should unite us as students, teachers, researchers, staff, alumni, stakeholders and as members of a society. I congratulate everyone at CityU on achieving our 30th birthday and look forward to our continuing evolution as a world-class university.
我從2008年起服務城大,因此已參與過 城大的一次生日慶典,即2009年的二十 五周年校慶。如今五年過去了,我校又 取得更多成就,正如本期《今日城大》 所刊載的,但要逐一列舉這些成就,確 非易事。 我要強調的是,城大取得的這些成績歸功於許 多人的貢獻,例如前幾任管理層、聲譽卓著 的城大學者、辛勤工作的職員,還有我們的學 生,他們之中,許多人現已成為熱心校友,加 入遍佈世界各地的校友組織。我深知,正如有 些人所說,我們都是站在巨人的肩膀上;絕大 多數功績,除了需要凝聚善意和良好的判斷 力,往往還要付出努力與忠誠。 校慶之際,我們已有幸聆聽了20幾場講座,其
迎來送往 連接世界
城大策略性計劃的核心理念之所以重要,原因 就在於此。這些核心理念是:追求卓越、堅守
是讓不同學科的城大師生有機會了解本校最傑 出的學者所從事的研究工作。到如今三十周年
「這些核心理念是:追求卓越、 堅守誠信、自由探討、各盡職 守、以禮相待、同心協力。」
友、持份者及社會各界人士。 我自己在台灣成長,去美國工作生活了30多 年,2008年來到香港。依我個人的經歷,國際
就是增進對世界的了解和自信,明白身處其中 的自己應該發揮什麽作用。
May 2014
Professional Education and Research
Discovery and innovation at the heart of CityU
By Professor Arthur Ellis
The past few years have seen a series of innovative teaching and learning projects implemented at CityU. The umbrella for the collective efforts of faculty, staff and students has been the launch of the Discovery-enriched Curriculum (DEC).
We firmly believe that our approach to teaching
interdisciplinary signature CityU Gateway
and learning will ignite a passion for knowledge
Education (GE) courses that emphasise discovery
and discovery in our students, prepare them to
and innovation.
practise professionally at and beyond the level of international standards, and foster a culture of
Our efforts in developing GE courses are
knowledge and innovation that spurs local and
particularly noteworthy. The suite of GE courses
global advancements in professional practice.
complements the specialised training students receive in their majors by broadening their
The goal of the DEC is for all CityU students to
To support the DEC, we have launched several
knowledge at the cutting edge of multiple
have the chance to make an original discovery.
key initiatives aimed at supporting discovery,
scholarly fields.
By learning to create new knowledge and then
innovation and interdisciplinarity. These include
to communicate, curate, and cultivate it to
the Idea Incubator Scheme that provides
Other initiatives include the introduction of the
benefit society, students learn how to explore
resources for implementing innovative ideas
Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) – English
the unknown and take measured risks under the
put forward by CityU staff and students and
and Internationalisation Enhancement Scheme,
expert and nurturing guidance of our staff.
supports knowledge transfer activities; and
which has brought dozens of graduate students
the Interdisciplinary Professional Development
and postdoctoral scholars from overseas to
The DEC, operating under the slogan
Awards that provides an “in-house sabbatical”
campus. The GTAs participate in collaborative
Discover&Innovate@CityU, is the embodiment
that allows teams of full-time staff to have
research projects and help CityU students
of our mission, vision and academic aspirations.
the time, space, and resources to develop
boost their English language skills. A revamped Teaching and Learning Questionnaire and the Teaching Excellence Awards (TEA) scheme have reinforced CityU’s commitment to excellence in teaching and learning. Additionally it is highly gratifying that CityU has received two of the new teaching awards established by the University Grants Committee in the first three years of the new scheme. With these levels of achievement and the increasing momentum provided by the DEC, I am confident that CityU will continue to provide leadership in tertiary education in teaching, learning and research in the years ahead.
探索創新 城大核心 過去幾年,城大連續施行多項創新教學計劃,其中之一是 推出「重探索求創新課程」,集中展示城大師生員工的共同 努力。 該課程的宗旨是令所有學生在求學期間有機會體驗原創性質的探索,學 習如何創造新知識,如何交流、展示新知識,然後加以改進,造福社 會。學生在教職員的專業培育指導下,學習如何探索未知世界,勇於適 度冒險。 「重探索求創新課程」以「勇於探索、志在創新」為口號,體現了我校 的使命、願景與學術志向。我們堅信,城大的教學方法將激發學生的求 知熱忱,鼓勵他們探索;同時可以培養學生的創新能力,達到甚至高於 國際標準;並在校園內形成求知創新的風氣,推動本地及國際專業行事 規範的進步。 為了配合「重探索求創新課程」,城大推出多項重要舉措,促進探索創 新及跨學科研究,其中包括設立「創意孕育器計劃」,提供資源,以便 城大師生提出的創新意念付諸實行,促進知識轉移;以及設立「跨學科 專業發展獎勵計劃」,為各院系全職教研人員提供校內進修長假,使他 們有時間、場所、資源擬訂新的跨學科研究計劃,設計注重探索創新的 城大「精進教育」課程。 城大為發展「精進教育」課程作出的努力,尤其值得注意。一系列精進 教育課程,與學生在各個學術領域主修課程中受到的專業訓練相輔相 成,拓寬了他們的尖端專業知識疆域。 城大還推出「研究生教學助理 ─ 提升英語及國際化計劃」,聘請多名海 外研究生及博士後研究生來校擔任「研究生教學助理」。這些教學助理 參與合作研究計劃,幫助學生提升英語運用能力。與此同時,我們修訂 了「教學問卷調查」和「傑出教學獎計劃」,加強了城大教學並重兼優的 承諾。在推行新的「傑出教學獎計劃」後頭三年裏,城大教師就兩次榮 獲大學教育資助委員會頒予的傑出教學獎,成果令人鼓舞。 回顧上述各項成就,再加上「重探索求創新課程」的蓬勃活力,我相 信,城大今後一定能在高等教育界的教學研究領域中繼續領先。
May 2014
Professional Education and Research
Pioneering research for society 創新研究 造福社會
By Michael Gibb
The research focus at CityU has remained constant ever since we gained university status in the early 1990s: Our efforts have been targeted specifically at interdisciplinary projects that benefit society. Spearheading our research initiatives are the two State Key labs. The State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology in March 2008, is the first laboratory of its kind in the engineering discipline in Hong Kong, with activities focusing on applications of millimeter wave and terahertz technologies. The State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution, approved in November 2009 by the mainland government, collaborates with sister institutions in Hong Kong to protect marine ecosystems by identifying the environmental threats caused by toxic contaminants, hypoxia, biotoxins and pathological bacteria and their corresponding mitigation. Altogether, we run 20 research centres, and four applied strategic development centres. The four university research centres are the Center of Super-Diamond and Advanced Films, Liu Bie Ju Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Multimedia-software Engineering Research Centre, and the Centre for Judicial Education and Research, all of which have had a huge impact locally and beyond over the last few years. In the following section, the deans of CityU’s Schools and Colleges will offer a personal view of the many achievements of their respective academic units.
城大自1990年代初升格為大學以來,一直注重研究,從不動 搖,尤其致力於跨學科研究以造福社會。 城大擁有兩所國家重點實驗室,體現我校科研的領先地位。城大於2008 年3月獲國家科學技術部批准,成立毫米波國家重點實驗室,這是香港 第一所工程學領域的國家重點實驗室,著重拓展毫米波及太赫茲技術的 應用。2009年11月,城大獲內地中央政府批准,聯同其他本港的院校 成立海洋污染國家重點實驗室,合作探究有毒化學品污染、環境缺氧、 生物毒素、致病細菌等環境威脅和相應的解決方法,以求保護海洋生態 系統。 城大目前有20所研究中心、四所應用策略發展中心,另有四所大學級 別的研究中心:超金剛石及先進薄膜研究中心、劉璧如數學科學研究中 心、多媒體軟件工程研究中心、司法教育與研究中心。近年來,上述研 究中心在本港內外的影響力日益擴大。 在下文中,城大各學院的院長將講述其學院取得的多項成就。
May 2014
Professional Education and Research
Growth in business education By Allen Zhuang
Professor Yan Houmin, Dean of the College of Business (CB), reflects on the development of business studies at CityU.
What are the strengths of CB students? We are committed to providing quality education that prepares students for employment with good career prospects, keeping them abreast of
What are the special features of the College of Business?
the latest advances in their respective fields through internships and
The College of Business aims to become a key business education hub
communications with successful businessmen and entrepreneurs. Great
in China for the world. With faculty members recruited globally, the six
efforts have been made in conventional classroom teaching and outside-
academic departments in CB conduct high-quality research in a diverse
class projects to show students how to put their learning into practice
range of interdisciplinary areas. Our interdisciplinary approach is flexible
and to grow up in a holistic way. Most of our students have opportunities
and dynamic. The Centre for Transport, Trade and Financial Studies and
to join local and overseas exchange programmes, which will help them
the Centre for Social Media Marketing and Business Intelligence boost
become future business leaders with a global view in addition to a broad
pioneering research and teaching in response to the needs of society and
understanding of the China market.
community. What have been the highlights at CB over the past 12 months? Can you cite a few milestones?
In the past we have done very well in getting international accreditations.
We were established as the Faculty of Business in October 1990, and
But this is what I call “Entry level.” It’s like obtaining a licence for running
later renamed as the College of Business. In January 2005, we obtained
a shop. Yet, the real challenge for a business school is running an
accreditation from AACSB International, which marked the world’s
internationally competitive MBA programme, and getting our MBA
recognition of our excellence in teaching. Then in March 2009, for the first
programme restructured has been quite an achievement. This includes
time ever, we ranked 90th in the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) Top 100
enhancing the quality of our students, moving our MBA programme from
Worldwide Business School Rankings based on research contributions.
Shenzhen back to Academic 3 on the main Kowloon Tong campus, and offering new specialised streams.
According to the latest UTD Rankings, we are ranked 46th worldwide and 2nd in the Asia-Pacific region.
What is being done in other programmes? We’ve been very busy with our BBA programme, too. We did some curriculum benchmarking against other local and international competitor universities, and found where we could make useful changes. So our BBA programme has been restructured to include two new economics courses: micro- and macro-economics, two accountancy courses, and one statistics course. Over the past 30 years information technology has transformed all disciplines, and so we’ve added a programming course, and we also reckon that BBA students need exposure to law for matters such as contracting, so we have added an elective course in law in cooperation with the School of Law. English and critical analytical ability is essential, and so we have developed case-based business communication courses. Given these curriculum changes, our BBA programme is comparable with top business schools worldwide. It has taken lots of hard work and dedicated effort to achieve our goals, but we are well on the way to future successes.
商學教育重鎮 穩步成長,晉身前列 文:莊開仁
商學院院長嚴厚民教授談城大商學教育 及研究的發展。
所以學院開設了一門基於實例的商業英語 課。經過變動後,學院的BBA課程足以媲美
心,以支持開創性研究及教學。 關於其他課程,學院有什麽舉措?
商學院(Faculty of Business)創立於1990年10
月,英文名後改為College of Business。2005
年1月,商學院因傑出的教學表現獲得國際 認可:榮獲國際管理教育協會的優質課程認 證。2009年3月,商學院因研究成就突出,首 次進入美國德州大學達拉斯管理學院公佈的全 球100所最佳商學院排行榜,排名第90位。目 前,商學院在上述全球100所最佳商學院排行 榜中居全球第46位、亞太區第二位。 商學院的學生有哪些長處? 我們致力提供優質教育,幫助學生獲得事業前 景良好的就業機會。除了課堂教育,我們也注 重實際歷練,鼓勵學生透過實習及與商界成功 人士與企業家接觸,了解各自專業領域的最新 發展。無論是課堂教學或課外活動,學院都盡 心盡力培養學生學以致用、解決實際問題的能 力,促進全面發展。大部分商學院學生都有機 會參加國際與區內的交流活動。這些交流有助 他們成為具有國際視野,同時對中國市場有廣 泛了解的未來商業領袖。
May 2014
Professional Education and Research
By Yvonne Lee
Leading education in arts and social sciences
Professor Zang Xiaowei, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS), reviews CityU’s achievements in the humanities and contributions to societal development.
Can you cite any significant milestones in CLASS’s history? In 2005, the first batch of our students went to Guangzhou for internships. The number of internship opportunities as well as other internationalisation activities in the College has been increasing with such
What are the most significant research projects developed in CLASS over
collaborations, expanding to partners around the world, covering Oceania,
the last few years?
Europe, the Americas and Asia.
The Academy of Korean Studies awarded a US$1.3million grant to Professor
Philip J Ivanhoe and Dr Kim Sung-moon of the Department of Public
In addition, in 2013, four subjects in CLASS—Linguistics, Communication
Policy for an unprecedented five-year study entitled “Korean Philosophy
and Media Studies, English Language and Literature, and Politics and
in Comparative Perspectives” which explores sophisticated theories about
International Studies—ranked in the top 50 in QS World University
ethics, moral psychology, the self, and political philosophy.
Rankings. We were also very proud that Dr Alice Chong Ming-lin, Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Social Studies and former Associate Dean of the College, was given the Award for Teaching Excellence by the University Grants Committee in 2013. What are the current areas of focus for research in CLASS? Our Global China initiative studies China’s connectivity with the outside world. Several departments are participating from their perspectives. We envision that CLASS will be a centre of global China studies in the future. How have CLASS students developed over the years? What are their strengths? The College places strong emphasis on developing students through a
Korea Week 韓國週
well-rounded and broad-based professional education. CLASS students are prepared for successful careers and fulfilling lives by cultivating a thirst for
Another notable is Project Flame, started in July 2012, which enables the
knowledge and life-long learning skills. They are also encouraged to get
University to contribute positively to the social development of Hong Kong
exposure to the world of work, their community and other cultures with a
and the region while maximising the learning and service commitment of
sense of cultural understanding and social responsibility.
CityU students. When was the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences founded? Additionally, in the 4th round of a research scheme launched by the
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, founded in October 1990,
Research Grants Council in Hong Kong and the Economic and Social
was renamed the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHASS)
Research Council in the UK, Dr Ho Wing-chung, Associate Professor in the
pursuant to the University’s decision to change all “Faculties” to “Colleges”
Department of Applied Social Studies, was awarded HK$420,000 for a study
in January 2009. The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS) was
on migration, while Dr Paul Higgins, Associate Professor in the Department
retitled from CHASS in January 2011.
of Public Policy, was awarded HK$385,000 for the study of the professional standing of human resource management in Hong Kong and the UK.
人文社會科學教育 學以致用,造福社群 文:李妙恩
人文社會科學院院長臧小偉教授綜述城 大人文科學成就及其對社會的貢獻。
社會科學學院(Faculty of Humanities and
Social Sciences),後來在2009年1月,
改為Colleges的決定,更名為College of
和政治哲學等各方面的精妙理論。 過往幾年來,學院培育出怎麽樣的學生?他們
Humanities and Social Sciences。到了
2011年1月,學院的名稱再次改為College of
Liberal Arts and Social Sciences,中文名則
此外,應用社會科學系副教授何榮宗博士獲香 港研究資助局與英國經濟及社會研究理事會推 出的一項研究計劃的第四輪撥款42萬港元,以 研究城市移民問題;公共政策學系副教授 保羅‧希金斯博士則獲該研究計劃撥款38.5萬 港元,以研究人力資源管理在香港及英國的專 業地位。 可否談談學院發展過程中的一些重要里程碑? 在2005年,學院派出第一批學生赴廣州參加實 習。學院提供的實習機會以及其他國際化活動 自此不斷增加,這類合作的夥伴正擴展到世界 各地,包括大洋洲、歐洲、美洲和亞洲。 此外,根據國際高等教育資訊機構QS公佈的 2013年世界大學各學科排名榜,人文社會科學 院有四個學科 — 語言學、傳意及傳媒研究、英 語及文學、政治及國際研究 — 已晉身50強。
May 2014
Professional Education and Research
Integrating science and engineering By Mavis Wong
Professor Yan Hong, Acting Dean of the College of Science and Engineering (CSE), shares secrets to research excellence.
What are the current areas of focus for research in CSE? We are very much focused on interdisciplinary research. The College of Science and Engineering comprises nine departments and one division,
Can you cite any significant milestones in CSE’s history?
representing a wide spectrum of expertise. We explore global issues
There have been numerous important events! If I had to choose, I would
which cannot be dealt with under a single discipline, such as, among
name the establishment of the State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution
others, nano-technology, bio-medical and nuclear energy. We have
and the State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, which show how CityU’s
proven expertise in neuroscience, enhancing knowledge about the brain,
research excellence is highly recognised by the government of mainland
and regenerative medicine. In addition, we launched the Department of
Biomedical Sciences recently, with an aim to advance investigations into various human diseases such as cancer.
We have also been lucky to employ renowned faculty such as Professor Stephen Smale, who won the 2007 Wolf Prize, and scholars such as
How have CSE students developed over the years? What are their
Professor Philippe G. Ciarlet, Professor CT Liu and Professor Jean Salençon.
strengths? CSE students are generally hardworking. We ensure that they acquire a
In addition, I should mention how we develop cutting-edge new
global vision and valuable mainland experience during their studies, and
programmes to meet social demand. We have recently initiated degrees in
we offer them significant collaboration opportunities with the University of
Nuclear and Risk Engineering, the proposal for which was submitted to the
Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, Columbia University, University of Toronto,
University Grants Committee right before the Fukushima nuclear accident;
among others.
in Bioengineering; and in Architectural Studies. CSE helped pioneer sending students to mainland China to gain hands on experience, and our Co-operative Education Scheme has enabled students to undertake industry-based projects at host companies, giving them highly relevant industrial experience through day-to-day work. Subsequently our graduates are well-disciplined and possess a wide knowledge base with highly professional presentation skills. Can you give us some background on CSE? We were established in 1990, starting with five departments, and named the Faculty of Science and Technology. Our unique point is that we have positioned science and engineering under one umbrella, and we are very proud that we nurtured the first-ever PhD student at CityU to become a faculty member. Dr Po Lai-man, Associate Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering, earned his PhD degree from CityU in 1991!
科學與工程學 求知力行,相輔相成 文:黃錦佳
科學及工程學院署理院長嚴洪教授談研 究卓越的秘訣。
學院的學生都很努力。我們務求使他們在學院求學期間,能夠獲得國際 視野和到內地實習的寶貴經驗。學院亦提供與多家大學合作的大型項
我會說是兩個國家重點實驗室的成立,也就是 海洋污染國家重點實驗室和毫米波國家重點實
日常工作中積累密切相關的行業經驗。這樣,我們的畢業生就能得到良 好的訓練,擁有廣博的知識基礎,具備高度專業的表達能力。
學院亦有幸聘請了幾位著名學者來任教,例 如,2007年沃爾夫數學獎得主史梅爾教授,
有五個學系。我們的一大特色是將科學與工程學兩個領域合於一體。城 大的首位博士研究生就是由我院培養,並且留校當了教員,他就是現任
先開辦了核子及風險工程學學位課程。當初向 大學教育資助委員會遞交計劃書時,恰恰是在 日本福島發生核事故的前夕。我們近期還開辦 了生物工程學與建築學的學位課程。 學院目前有哪些重點研究領域? 我們非常注重跨學科研究。學院共設有九個學 系和一個學部,反映出專業領域之廣。我們從 事的多個全球性質的研究課題,都不是只靠單 一學科就能做好的,例如納米技術、生物醫學 及核能等領域。另外,學院在神經科學領域的 科研實力獲得學術界公認,提升了關於大腦、 再生醫學的了解;學院近期成立了生物醫學 系,旨在促進癌症等人類疾病的研究。
May 2014
Professional Education and Research
Transmedia expression in art and science
By Pui Chan
Professor Jeffrey Shaw, Dean of the School of Creative Media (SCM), spearheads an interdisciplinary approach to the production and critique of creative media.
Can you cite any significant milestones? SCM was established as a pioneering school with a curriculum that combines art and science with the rapidly evolving digital technologies to promote research and artistic production. Its pedagogy puts equal
What are the most significant research projects that SCM has developed
emphasis on theory and interdisciplinary practice; so that its students are
since it was founded in 1998?
fully equipped to creatively address the emerging challenges of the future.
There are three projects I would like to highlight. One is “Pure Land: Inside the Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang in 3D” and “Pure Land Augmented
In addition, under the current leadership, SCM’s international reputation
Reality Version”, which have been exhibited locally and internationally. Pure
and stature has attracted top talent from worldwide. Since 2009, the
Land 3D is a fully immersive exhibit based on UNESCO’s World Heritage
School’s full-time multi-national faculty has increased three-fold,
Site comprising the Mogao grottoes’ 492 caves. The research, led by myself
representing a diverse range of contemporary disciplines and transforming
and my team, responds to the intensification of demand for immersive
SCM into a pre-eminent Asian institution with a dynamic culture of
experiences to interpret tangible and intangible heritage worldwide by
innovation in teaching and research.
developing new approaches to coupling new technologies to cultural and natural heritage.
SCM moved into the purpose-built Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre in July 2011, an iconic building designed by the eminent architect Daniel Libeskind. SCM’s facilities and equipment are all state-of-the-art and support students’ learning needs, practical expertise and skills that facilitate exploration, discovery and innovation. What are the current areas of focus for research? We intend to continue our interdisciplinary, collaborative approach to the production and critique of creative media of all kinds while extending our methodologies and collaborative partnerships. Likewise, our faculty expansion has attracted experts in rapid prototyping, documentary and online filmmaking, social scientists researching virtual collaboration and the cultures of online communities, and theorists from photography and
A second especially important project has been “Tunnels around the World”
created by Professor Maurice Benayoun (aka MoBen), a pioneering new media artist and theorist. This telematic art installation has been exhibited
How have SCM students developed over the years? What are their
on multiple sites, each of which was top ranked, such as the International
Biennale of Media Art in Seoul, ZERO1 Biennial San Jose in California, and
In-keeping with SCM’s vision, SCM students and graduates are highly
SAT in Montreal (Société des arts et technologies de Montréal).
qualified transmedia practitioners, commanding a broad range of skills, knowledge and techniques in the creative use of new media for artistic
A third project is the themed exhibition “Revisit” for the Shanghai Biennale
and commercial applications. Each year our students prove themselves by
2012 created by Dr Linda Lai Chiu-han, Associate Professor. The work
winning international awards in, for example, multimedia installation, film
explores the use of traditional material to re-create the presence of the
and video, animation and games.
Cultural Revolution from Hong Kong and feminist perspectives.
巧用多媒體 盡顯藝術、科學之美 文:陳沛芬
創意媒體學院院長邵志飛教授引領多媒 體跨學科創作手法與評論。
原型製作、紀錄片及網絡電影製作,還有研 究虛擬合作及網絡社區文化的社會科學家,
及世界各地展出的創意媒體作品「人間淨土— 走進敦煌莫高窟」與「人間淨土—擴增實境
們有什麽長處? 學院的在讀學生及畢業生心懷學院的願景,
無形的全球文化遺產的需求日增。我和研究小 組主持的這個研究項目就是因應這種需求,開
Daniel Libeskind先生設計。學院擁有尖端的設
地的展覽,如韓國首爾國際媒體藝術雙年展、 美國加州聖荷西ZERO1雙年展、加拿大蒙特利 爾藝術與科技學會展,每到一處均廣獲讚譽。 第三個是副教授黎肖嫻博士的混合媒體裝 置。該裝置參加了2012上海雙年展,名為 「1906-1989-2012:廣州-香港-上海- 安吉」,從香港的角度和女性的視野出發,探 索使用傳統材料再現中國大陸「文化革命」期 間香港和廣州之間的物質聯繫。
May 2014
Professional Education and Research
Seeking solutions to global crisis By Mirror Fung
i.e. the integration of different energy sources such as traditional and renewable energy, as well as smart grids that manage electricity demand in a sustainable, reliable and economic manner. Another area we will explore is marine energy since both tidal and wave energy could play some role in the energy mix for Hong Kong. What have been the most significant research projects over the last few years? Many of our research projects have had a significant impact, but the following are comparatively well known because they relate to issues of concern. The conversion of food waste into bio-gas, useful materials and biodiesel has gained a great deal of attention, as has our work on fuel cells that purify wastewater and at the same time generate power. Work on air pollution that targets different pollutant species and their health effects on different sectors of our population have also been significant. Our research
Professor Johnny Chan Chung-leung, Dean of the School of Energy and Environment (SEE), says a holistic approach is needed for addressing global “green” issues.
on climate change impacts has also been used by local and regional governments in their climate change adaptation strategies. Can you cite any significant milestones?
When was the School of Energy and Environment founded?
On the education side, the launching of the Master of Science in Energy and
We were set up in July 2009 with the mission to perform pioneering
Environment in 2010 and the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Energy
research and provide professional education in energy- and environment-
Science and Engineering in 2012 were both very significant steps forward.
related issues. We are the first and only such School in Hong Kong and one
Thanks to the generous support of a local industrialist, we also established
of the few in the Asia-Pacific region.
the Ability R&D Energy Research Centre in 2011.
What are the current areas of focus for research?
How have SEE students developed over the years? What are their
We perform fundamental research in energy and environment that could
have applications for society. Our work is internationally competitive with a
SEE aims to create a new generation of intellects/graduates capable of
focus on the Asia-Pacific region. Currently, our research covers the areas of
discovering and providing innovative solutions to the intricate issues of
energy generation, conversion and storage, bioscience and its applications,
the energy crisis, renewable energy, global warming, climate change and
energy efficiency and conservation technologies, atmospheric and climate
pollution. A holistic education like this, one that breaks down barriers
science, and energy and environmental policy.
associated with traditional schools of knowledge, is required if we are to address our future energy security and its associated environmental issues,
What are the future areas of research? We will continue to enhance our research in these current areas. In addition, we plan to expand our research scope to include energy system designs,
both locally and globally.
解決全球危機 排污節能,探尋妙方 文:馮美玲
能源及環境學院院長陳仲良教授認為應 對全球「環保」問題需有整體方案。
也很重要,針對不同種類的空氣污染物及其對人口中不同群體的健康影 響。另外,本港及亞太區多個國家或地區的政府在制定氣候變化應對策 略時,亦採用了我們在氣候變化影響方面的研究成果。
能源及環境學院成立於何時? 能源及環境學院成立於2009年7月,我們的使
氣及氣候科學、能源和環境政策。 學院未來會開闢哪些研究領域? 我們將繼續提升上述現有各個領域的研究。另 外,我們計劃拓展學院的研究範疇,加入能源 系統設計,這類設計將傳統能源及可再生能源 等不同能源整合,以及用可持續、可靠而省錢 的方式管理電力需求的智能電網。學院要研發 的另一個領域是海洋能源,因為潮汐能和海浪 能都可以在香港的能源組成中佔一席位。 過往幾年來,學院最重要的研究項目是什麽? 學院的很多研究項目都有重大影響。不過較廣 為人知的是下述這些項目,因為它們與社會關 注的問題有聯繫。比如,將廚餘轉化為沼氣、 有用材料及生物柴油就贏得了極大的關注,還 有我們研發的燃料電池,既能淨化污水又能同 時發電,亦引人注目。學院對空氣污染的研究
May 2014
Professional Education and Research
World-class training for legal sector By Christina Wu
Professor Lin Feng, Acting Dean of the School of Law (SLW), showcases our achievements in law education.
In 1998, the Faculty of Law was renamed as the School of Law. In 2004 we became the first law school in Hong Kong to offer a Juris Doctor programme. In addition to Chinese and Comparative Law, the LLM
What are the most significant research projects developed in the School
developed various streams, such as International Economic Law, Common
of Law over the last few years, and what are the current areas of focus?
Law, Maritime and Transportation Law and Intellectual Property and
Our research strengths lie in the areas of Chinese and comparative law;
Technology Law.
Chinese courts, e.g., research on the Court Adjudication Committee; house demolition and mitigation; gender equality; medical mediation; property
Since 2007, our students have been very successful in international
ownership; cross-border air pollution; and the Chief Executive election.
mooting competitions, and from 2008 we began offering full-time mode LLM for Chinese judges, which was followed up in 2011 by the Doctor of
Can you cite any significant milestones in SLW’s history?
Judicial Science Programme for senior Chinese judges. Both programmes
The Department of Law was established in 1987 and in 1992 the
have contributed enormously to the development of the mainland judicial
Department of Professional Legal Education was created and started
offering the Postgraduate Certificate in Laws. Two years later, the Department of Law and the Department of Professional Legal Education
How have SLW students developed over the years? What are their
were placed under the newly founded Faculty of Law.
strengths? We have emphasised the importance of internationalisation in the
In 1995, we became the first law school in Hong Kong to offer a part-
professional education of our law students. Through the Global Legal
time mode Master of Laws (LLM) in Chinese and Comparative law. Over
Education and Awareness Project, a total of 90 students study at Columbia
400 people applied for 30 places and 80 were admitted. The programme
University, Monash University, and University College, Oxford every
targeted lawyers in Hong Kong and was taught in Putonghua.
summer. We have also paid a great deal of attention to arranging internships at local and international law firms and chambers. In addition, we send 20 to 30 students to courts in mainland China, e.g., in Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou every year. Our law students generally have one to two internship opportunities. In the spirit of Discovery and Innovation at CityU, SLW strongly encourages students to conduct independent research during their studies under the supervision of our world-class faculty, which has resulted in some research papers produced by our students getting published in law journals.
培育法律專才 教學訓練,世界一流 文:胡幗欣
法律學院署理院長林峰教授細說城大法 律教育的成就。
榮。從2008年開始,我們為中國法官提供全日制法學碩士課程,隨後在 2011年,開始為中國高級法官提供法律科學博士課程。兩門課程對中國
課題?目前有哪些重點研究領域? 我們的研究實力在於以下領域:中國法與比較
行政長官選舉。 學院亦非常重視安排學生在本地或國際的事務律師及訴訟律師事務所實 可否談談學院發展過程中的一些重要里程碑?
律系建立,並開始提供法律學深造證書課程。 兩年後,法律學系與專業法律系併入新成立的
級教員的輔導下深造時進行獨立的研究,也正由於這樣,本院學生撰寫 的一些研究論文得以發表於多種法律刊物上。
1995年,法律學院在本港率先開設中國法與比 較法兼讀制法學碩士課程,主要是面向本港律 師,用普通話授課。逾400人申請30個名額, 最終錄取了80名。 在1998年,法律學院的英文名稱由Faculty of Law改為School of Law。2004年,法律學院 推出法律博士課程,在香港屬於首創。另外, 除了中國法與比較法法學碩士課程,學院發展 出多項法學碩士課程,例如國際經濟法、普通 法、海事法與運輸法、知識產權與科技法。
May 2014
Professional Education and Research
Pioneering vet school By Mavis Wong
Professor Lu Jian, Acting Dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM), explains why protecting public health is vital for the future.
candidate by the end of this year. The School is now in full swing, preparing a doctoral programme to be launched in September this year. This programme will focus on four areas: integrated biomedicine, immunology and infectious diseases, molecular and systematic neurosciences, and
When was the School of Veterinary Medicine established?
public health pathology. Professors from both CityU and Cornell University
We were established in March 2014 after approval by the Council and
will co-supervise the PhD students.
Senate of CityU. Through collaboration with Cornell University, the topranked veterinary school in the US, we have created the first internationally
What is the SVM currently concentrating on?
recognised School of Veterinary Medicine in Hong Kong. In addition, we
Teaching and research are of course the major focus of the School. At
aim to develop this School into a world-class education hub for veterinary
the moment we are combining the advantages of various university
medicine, so as to benefit Hong Kong, mainland China as well as the Asia-
disciplines, including biomedical sciences, biology, engineering, among
Pacific region.
others, and we plan to promote a series of cutting-edge research and higher educational programmes in the future. In addition, the School is currently preparing for the establishment of research centres such as the Centre of Aquaculture and Centre for Animal Welfare, along with the Animal Hospital, which will provide professional services to society and provide practical opportunities for students, in order to drive forward research that is closely related to society. The School actively develops ties with society, too. For example, in cooperation with Ocean Park and various governmental departments, the School used specimens of the bones of a whale that had been stranded in Hong Kong in April 2014 for scientific research and teaching purposes.
Why do we want to establish the SVM?
The School also provides continuing training for working veterinarians.
Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region are very densely populated.
For example, nearly 40 veterinarians from countries and regions such
As such, any diseases, including zoonotic diseases, i.e. those that can be
as mainland China, Japan and Indonesia studied the latest medical
transmitted from animals to people, can pose a significant threat to the
treatments for fractures and other trauma in large animals such as equines
public. Human society cannot withstand another blow such as the one
at a clinical programme that CityU co-organised with the Hong Kong
brought about by the SARS epidemic; therefore a school for veterinary
Jockey Club and AVOET for the management of equine fractures.
medicine must be established to combine expertise in human and animal medicine, life sciences and other cross-disciplinary subjects. It must
What are the future plans for the SVM?
invest time and resources in research studies that scientifically analyse
The School will work hard to strengthen the collaboration between CityU
information to prevent and control diseases.
and Cornell University. We hope that through our success, society will see the importance of veterinary studies, which will help to facilitate
What is the preparatory work for establishing the SVM?
the establishment of relevant policies from appropriate governmental
CityU is actively recruiting a Founding Dean in order to lay down a solid
departments and agencies, thereby raising standards in the veterinary
foundation for the development of the School. We are hoping to hire the
industry, veterinary medicine, and public hygiene.
創辦動物醫學院 中外合作,本港領先 文:黃錦佳
動物醫學院署理院長呂堅教授談防治動 物疾病以保障公眾健康。
動物醫院,全面提供與動物醫學相關的專業服務,也為學生提供實踐的 機會,以此推動與社會息息相關的研究。學院積極開拓社會聯繫,例
過後於2014年3月成立。透過與美國動物醫學 院排名第一的康奈爾大學合作,城大希望在香
益。 動物醫學院未來有什麽計劃? 為何要成立動物醫學院?
會再經不起像沙士(非典型肺炎)般的打擊, 因此我們必須成立動物醫學院,結合人類及動 物醫學、生命科學等跨學科專業知識,投入時 間及資源,進行一系列研究,以科學方法分析 資料、數據,協助社會對疾病防治、控制作更 妥善的準備。 城大為建立動物醫學院做了哪些籌備工作? 城大正積極延攬創院院長,為學院發展奠下良 好及穩固的基礎,希望在今年年底確定人選。 學院正密鑼緊鼓準備於今年九月推出博士課 程,主要集中四大範疇:整合生物醫學、免疫 學及傳染病、分子及系統神經科學、公共健康 病理學。城大及康奈爾大學的教授將合作指導 博士生。 動物醫學院目前有哪些重點工作? 教學及研究固然是學院主要的工作,現階段會 結合大學不同學科的優勢,包括生物醫學、生 物學、工程學等,計劃未來推動一系列前沿研 究及高等教育課程。
May 2014
Professional Education and Research
From lab to market By Cathy Lau
Mr Wong Hon-yee, Advisor to Vice-President (Research and Technology), and former Associate Vice-President of the Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO), highlights CityU’s successes linking research with societal needs. What have been the most significant knowledge transfer projects over the last few years? One of the highlights is certainly the wireless charging technologies, developed by a previous faculty member in the Department of Electronic Engineering, which have been adopted by the Wireless Power Consortium to draw up universal industrial standards for wireless charging. The technologies have become the cornerstone to the development of a new generation of wireless charging platforms on which different electronic
Marine medaka fish 鯖 魚
devices can be charged simultaneously, regardless of their positions or orientations. KTO also promotes the University’s research output and know-how I would also like to mention the transgenic fish technology developed by
through seminars, forums, exhibitions, publications and the KTO website.
Professor Cheng Shuk Han of the Department of Biomedical Sciences and
It operates the CityU Business and Industrial Club, which organises a series
her student Dr Chen Xueping that has been licensed to a start-up company
of technology forums and gatherings that enable CityU staff members and
founded by CityU alumnus Mr Eric Chen. The research team constructed
industrialists to mix and mingle.
an oestrogen-sensitive gene capable of producing fluorescent proteins and transferred the gene to the genome of medaka fish (see photo).
How has KTO developed over the years?
The patented technology facilitates the rapid monitoring of estrogenic
The antecedent organisation was the Industrial and Business Development
endocrine disruptors that occur in food, commercial products, and the
Office (IBDO), established in 1993. In December 2002, the University
natural environment.
transformed IBDO into the Technology Transfer Office (TTO), with a focus on technology licensing. A decade ago technology licensing was unknown
And something that we are all very proud of is the single licensing deal
at local universities, and very few patents were filed. But a new era began
signed in the fourth quarter of 2011 that brought in a gross licensing
for CityU with the creation of TTO, and the adoption of the best practices
income of HK$11.7 million, the biggest revenue yet for a single licensing
of universities engaged in technology licensing, learning from their
deal in the history of CityU.
experience and successes.
What are the current areas of focus for KTO?
Eventually TTO became known at KTO, in 2009, expanding the scope of
Technology licensing, for example, gives our industrial partners the rights
knowledge transfer to include soft technologies, know-how and policy
to use and commercialise technologies developed by CityU, while patent
research outputs. The number of patent applications and licensing income
application and administration covers the management of invention
has grown steadily: the average number of patent applications over the
disclosures, invention assessment, and patent prosecution, and provides
past three years now stands at 68, and the yearly licensing income is
support to the Knowledge Transfer Committee for the formulation and
around $10 million, a highly impressive achievement given our relatively
implementation of CityU’s intellectual property policy.
short history!
走出實驗室,投入大市場 文:劉靜萍
副校長室(研究及科技)特別顧問、前協 理副校長(知識轉移處)黃漢儀先生概述 城大切合社會所需的研究成果。
立,標誌著城大進入一個新時代。我們採納 高等院校從事技術轉移的實務範例,借鑑他
與授權的收入持續增長,過去三年來,專利 申請的數量維持在平均每年68宗,授權收
成員機構遵行。 請談談過去幾年知識轉移處的發展情況。
電,而不論其所處的位置、方向如何。 同樣必須一提的,就是生物醫學系鄭淑嫻教授 及其學生陳雪平博士研發的一項轉基因魚技 術,現已授權予城大校友陳子翔先生創辦的一 家公司使用。研究小組構建出一個能感知雌激 素、然後產生螢光蛋白的人造基因,並將此基 因植入鯖 魚(左圖)的基因組合中。這項技 術已取得專利。該技術有助快速檢測出食物、 商品及自然環境中出現的雌激素類內分泌干擾 素。 另外,有一件事情令我們這個部門特別自豪。 在2011年第四季度,僅一個單項技術的授權費 收入就達到了1,170萬元,是城大有史以來獲 得的最大一筆單項授權費。 知識轉移處目前有哪些工作重點? 我們的重點涵蓋很多領域。技術的授權許可, 使我們的產業界夥伴得以應用城大研發的技 術,並將之轉化為商品或服務。專利的申請及
May 2014
Campus governance
Excellence in campus governance 校務管治 力求卓越
By Michael Gibb
With rising status comes greater responsibility, to the CityU community, to Hong Kong and beyond. The University has worked hard over the past 30 years to keep abreast of developments in governance issues in order to ensure more effective, open and streamlined administrative and technical operations. This evolution is, by its very nature, ongoing.
commercial and industrial waste, smart power,
activities, as well as space for relaxation and
green building designs, recycling, and a suite of
refreshments, all of which combine to enhance
other certificates and commendations.
the overall ambience on campus.
A stand-out illustration was the Green Building
In addition to the physical transformation of
Award in 2012 for Academic 3 when it was
campus, we have initiated many operational
still under construction, recognition for the
changes, too, with the aim of modernising the
numerous ”green” features incorporated into the
overall running of campus in accordance with
design and construction of the new building.
international standards. The senior management
Among these features is the University’s first
team has introduced several operational features,
rainwater harvesting system, which can collect
such as procedures and protocols for handling
around 51,000 litres of rainwater. This collected
sensitive issues such as sexual harassment,
rainwater, together with treated wastewater from
making complaints and crisis management.
Some of the most significant breakthroughs
sinks and cooling systems, is used for irrigation in
in modernising campus have involved making
an entirely automated process.
our overall operations more sustainable in line
Accountability is the byword, and over the years we have tried to ensure that, as a publicly
with the world-wide movement to aim for the
The creation of new buildings such as Academic
funded organisation, our operations are fair
betterment of the environment. In 2011 the
3 and, of course, Academic 2, the Run Run Shaw
and open. Indeed, the Performance-based Pay
Council of CityU passed the University Charter
Creative Media Centre, as well as the student
Review scheme has been a major step towards
of Social Responsibility, establishing guidelines
hostel facilities, serve as iconic symbols of
enhancing levels of accountability. By linking pay
that ensure that our impact on society and the
CityU’s on-going development. Altogether these
to performance, the University aims to reward
environment will be taken into account during
constructions have added 60% more usable
the hard work that faculty and staff invest in
our development.
space for teaching, research and administrative
CityU every year. The scheme, which was first
For example, the Campus Development and Facilities Office has achieved a great deal on behalf of the University in recent years. It has earned awards that range from, among many others, commendations for the quality of the water on campus, source separation of
“The Campus Development and Facilities Office has achieved a great deal on behalf of the University in recent years.”
approved by the CityU Council in 2009, has been modified in line with feedback from internal and
城大的地位日漸上升,對全校師生、 香港乃至其他地區的責任亦越來越重 大。城大創立至今30年來,校務管治一 直與時並進,力求使行政管理及其技術 日益精簡、高效而又開放。在這方面, 城大仍在繼續進步。
我們不但令城大校園煥然一新,而且推出了多 項改進措施,促使大學的整體運作依照國際標 準走向現代化。例如,城大管理層制定了關於 性騷擾、申訴不滿、危機管理等事項的程序與 政策,以處理此類敏感問題。
external stakeholders, to make sure that it is fair and appropriately administered.
城大校園現代化進程中最突出的一些措施,在 於使大學的整體運作更貼近可持續的理念,與
Perhaps the most striking advances for campus
governance over the past 30 years are the
technological breakthroughs that have put so
much of our operations online. It probably seems
工薪資與各人的工作績效掛鉤,旨在令盡忠職 守而辛勤工作的教職員得到應有的酬勞。「績
inconceivable to the younger generation that any organisation could have run prior to the
silicon chip revolution, the birth of the internet,
and the use of formats such as email.
能、環保建築設計、物資循環再用,還獲得其 Recent achievements in information
從1984年至今,校務管治最令人矚目的進展, 或許當屬藉助新科技成就將如此多方面的事務
technology include the 2014 CSO40 Award for groundbreaking business value through
the innovative application of risk and
security concepts and technologies; the 2013
FutureGov Award for public sector innovation,
in particular for excellence in the planning,
execution and positive environmental impact
of digital sustainability programmes and overall
excellence in tertiary education administration;
業價值,獲頒「CSO40獎」;2013年,因為在 規劃及執行數碼化的可持續發展計劃中成效卓
and the 2013 CIO 100 Award for the highest level of operational and strategic excellence in
information technology.
May 2014
Campus governance
Development and external relations Two factors are decisive for raising funds: the connection and idea, according to Professor Roderick Wong Sue-cheun, Vice-President (Development and External Relations).
By Pui Chan
the Liu Bie Ju Centre for Mathematical Sciences
developed a culture of asking and giving, and
at CityU. In the last two rounds, the candidates
has expanded and diversified our fundraising
for the Prize were of very high calibre. In each
activities. The early stage of development
round there were at least four to five candidates
was not well structured but very soon the
who were members of more than two national
University saw the need for a more structured
academies, for example the US National Academy
and systematic framework for the function. For
“Connection and idea are intertwined,” he
of Sciences, US National Academy of Engineering,
example, in 1997, the post of Vice-President
explained. “Connection is important, but
and the Royal Society of London.
(Institutional Advancement) was created specifically to help connect the University
we should also have the idea to show our appreciation by offering the donor something
“It was a win-win situation as the prize is now
with the community under which a university
meaningful, which at the same time matches
highly regarded internationally, giving prestige
development team was set up to look after
institutional needs.”
to both CityU and the sponsor Mr William Benter
fundraising. The team became part of the Alumni
to whom I had proposed the idea of supporting
Affairs and Development Office created in 1998
The establishment of an international math
a new award,” he said. “It matches the donor’s
which was later renamed the Development and
award—the William Benter Prize in Applied
wish to the University’s goal in enhancing the
Alumni Relations Office.
Mathematics—in 2008 was an illustrative
University’s reputation in mathematics.” The launch of the First Government Matching
example, said Professor Wong, concurrently Chair Professor of Mathematics and the Director of
Over the past 30 years, CityU has gradually
Grant Scheme in 2003 marked a significant milestone in the development of a fundraising culture at CityU. The year 2009 saw a further key development in fundraising with the creation of the position of Vice-President (Development and External Relations) and the split of the Development and Alumni Relations Office into two offices: the Development Office and the Alumni Relations Office. The evolution reflects CityU’s determined efforts to foster a strong relationship with, and to engage members of the wider community in support of, the development of the University. Professor Wong took up the position to lead the fundraising endeavours of the University and to oversee the University’s mainland and external affairs as well as alumni relations.
Over the years, CityU has attracted a lot of support from entrepreneurs, industrialists and alumni, with several major donation milestones. The first major donation milestone, the naming
廣結良緣,促進大學發展 文:陳沛芬
of the Run Run Shaw Library, came when the
副校長(發展及對外關係)王世全教授 認為,籌款能否成功,繫乎兩項關鍵因 素:關係與籌款構思。
the naming of the Chow Yei Ching School of
Graduate Studies took place in 2006, and the Run
Run Shaw Creative Media Centre in 2011.
development and external relations include the
「我們在2008年設立的William Benter應用數
introduction of an annual Thanksgiving Dinner,
first held in 2005, as a way of acknowledging
donors and friends for their longstanding
support. The BRIDGE to Success Programme,
introduced in the same year, provides a platform
for successful leaders in society to take part in
the University’s education process by sharing
supporting diverse learning projects through
「我最初向William Benter先生建議設立這個
institution moved to its permanent campus in 1990. In the following year, the Cheng Yick-chi Building was named after a donor. It was the first building named on campus. In recent years,
副校長(發展及對外關係)一職,並將發展及 校友聯絡處一分為二,變成發展處以及校友 聯絡處兩個部門。有關規劃反映大學加強與
Other events proven to be effective in enhancing
their successful experiences with students and
In addition, the CityU Eminence Society
established in 2010 by a group of enthusiastic
生講述成功心得,並通過捐款支持各種學習 計劃,參與大學的教育實踐。
alumni has quickly become an important body of support. “Alumni activities not only bring
alumni closer to CityU, they provide positive
value, too,” said Professor Wong.
Through years of effort, the University’s
institutional framework mobilises and cherishes
community support. Professor Wong said
successful fundraising relied on the congregated
efforts of all members of the University. He said
會的支持表示感謝。王教授表示,成功籌款 須靠大學所有同事的共同努力,教研人員應
academics should not hesitate to seek funding to support research and teaching. He hopes
that everyone can play a role in supporting the
further development of the University.
May 2014
Through the Lens
A voyage of discovery A CityU team climbs carefully through soft snow to the vantage point of a 300-metre glacial peak that towers over the scientific research base, Brown Station, at Paradise Harbour in Antarctica. The aim of the CityU Antarctica expedition, the first of its kind launched by a university in Hong Kong, was to alert more people to the dangers facing the fragile Antarctic eco-system. In this windswept region, 23 interdisciplinary student participants collected scientific and environmental data, which they later transformed into creative media works of art. An exhibition in May 2014 showcased the outcomes of this pioneering 21-day study tour, which took place between December and January of 2013–2014.
探索之旅 城大南極探險隊踏過柔軟的雪地,小心翼翼登上300米高的冰峰,此處 可俯瞰位於南極天堂灣的布朗科研基地。 城大的南極探索之旅,是首次由本地大學主辦的極地探索活動,目的是 提醒公眾正視南極生態環境面臨的污染危險。 來自各院系的23名學生參加了這次探索之旅,在那強風勁吹的南極大 地,他們採集科學及環境的數據和資料,歸來後製成創意盎然的藝術作 品,初次呈現在2014年5月的一場展覽中。這次首開先例的探索之旅始 於2013年12月,到2014年1月結束,歷時21天。
Photo: Gary Stokes
攝影:Gary Stokes
May 2014
In the Know
A growing body of alumni support 校友強大的支持 Our 140,000-strong alumni community has been indispensable over the past thirty years.
By Kathy Chan Yin-ling, Associate Vice-President (Alumni Relations)
Our job at the Alumni Relations Office (ARO) is to mobilise alumni support for the University and our students. We identify the kinds of shared needs and concerns that can bring alumni together. CityU is a relatively new
This band of former CityU students includes enthusiastic donors who
university and our alumni are relatively young—around 70% of them
contribute generously in terms of both time and money, while others serve
are under 40, and 93% under 50. One of the shared needs among young
as inspirational mentors who motivate our students with tales drawn from
graduates is their concern about career development. So we invite speakers
their professional and personal experiences. Others host recruitment talks,
to host talks about competing in the job market and starting up businesses,
provide internship and job opportunities, or serve as guest lecturers. And
for example. These activities provide opportunities for young graduates to
non-local graduates often become our ambassadors, promoting CityU,
get together and strengthen their sense of belonging to their alma mater.
helping to recruit top students from their home country, and mentoring exchange students and freshmen.
We also offer services or privileges to our alumni that enhance their linkage with us, for example, producing the Congregation video for fresh
I have come across many loyal alumni whose pledges of support are
graduates. Also by using an exclusive fee-waived credit card, alumni can
very touching. Some are committed to making regular donations to the
use the University’s facilities at a discounted rate while at the same time
University while some stay up overnight doing voluntary work for alumni
contributing a regular donation.
associations. Some brainstorming meetings that I had the honour to attend were truly memorable.
Over the years, many enthusiastic alumni have volunteered to strengthen the network. The formation of the Convocation in 2007, a statutory alumni body established under the University Ordinance, reflects the growing maturity of our alumni networks and a readiness to take a more active role in our development. Since many of our senior alumni, many of whom lead successful careers, would like to contribute to CityU and society, ARO helped a group of senior alumni in 2010 to set up the CityU Eminence Society. The aim of the Society is to bring together senior alumni who wish to share their resources, expertise and social networks for the benefit of the University and the advancement of society. Some senior alumni are members of the CityU think-tank, and often make valuable suggestions and solicit the support of different sectors for the University’s development.
生提供共聚的機會,並加強他們對母校的歸 屬感。 我們還為校友提供服務或優惠,加強他們與大 學的聯繫,例如為新畢業生製作畢業典禮錄 影,為校友提供專設的免年費信用卡,使用城 大設施時可享受折扣優惠,同時又可以定期向 城大捐款。 多年來,許多熱心的校友為加強這個網絡自願 出力。城大的大學評議會反映出我們的校友 網絡愈趨成熟,且已準備好在大學發展中擔當 Ms Kathy Chan 陳燕玲女士
The development of our alumni network dates back to 1996, the year I joined CityU as an
更積極的角色。評議會在2007年成立,是按照 《大學條例》成立的法定校友組織。
過去30年來,城大多達14萬人的校友群 體已成為城大不可少的一部分。
Alumni Relations Officer. I started out by setting
許多資深校友事業有成,希望貢獻城大和社 會,校友聯絡處為此在2010年協助一批資深 校友成立了「城賢匯」。「城賢匯」旨在凝聚資 深校友的力量。這些校友願意運用他們的資
up an alumni database and recruiting alumni
volunteers to help organise activities. Two years
later, the Alumni Affairs and Development Office
was established. In 2009, the Office split into two
units – ARO and the Development Office – with
ARO focusing on cultivating alumni relations.
ARO will move to Academic 3 in the middle of this anniversary year. A multi-purpose room will
be set up for alumni activities while a common
room will serve as a meeting and office area for
alumni associations.
我曾有幸參與他們的一些討論會,十分難忘。 Uniting alumni to support the University’s
development is the mission, as well as the
challenge, for ARO. We will continue to heed
the opinions of our alumni, and introduce new
initiatives that strengthen the bond between the
University and alumni.
May 2014
Face to Face
From By Yvonne Lee, Mirror Fung
CityU Today met with Ms Rita Fung Hay-mond, Human Resources Manager, and Mr Wong Yiu-sang, Assistant Facilities Manager of the Campus Development and Facilities Offices, both of whom joined CityU 30 years ago.
Ms Rita Fung Hay-mond 馮稀文女士
What are the biggest differences between City Polytechnic in 1984, and
accommodation for overseas employees, like
today’s CityU?
taking them to viewings and renting apartments.
In 1984, City Polytechnic was situated in Mongkok’s Argyle Centre Tower
In the 90s, we migrated from a team system to
II. There were only two floors for a few hundred full-time students. Then
a matrix system, which means we went from
in 1990, the new campus in Kowloon Tong opened, and since then, new
a division of labour system to a generalist
buildings have been built one after another. Now CityU has developed into
system. The employees of one department,
a university that consists of over 2,000 full-time staff members, and nearly
from recruitment to resignation, would be
20,000 students.
taken care of by one team of people. In other words, we needed to understand all the tasks
What changes have there been in your job in the last 30 years?
required from the beginning till the end. Now,
When I first joined the Human Resources Office, there were only about
my work also involves staff training, and making
a dozen people divided into several teams. Every team was responsible
recommendations and improvement proposals
for different jobs, such as benefits, recruitment, etc. The team I belonged
about information technology issues of the
to was responsible for employee benefits, which included arranging
Human Resources Office.
《今日城大》訪問了兩位城大的職員,一位是人力資源處經理馮稀文女士,另一位 是校園發展及設施管理處的助理物業及設施經理黃耀生先生,兩位皆已在城大工作 了30年。 What have been the most memorable changes?
In the 80s we went from having several people
sharing one telephone to having a computer
電話演變到每人一台電腦, 所有同事都必須
for every one of us, and all my colleagues had to
learn new job skills.
The second was when the Polytechnic was
教師都必須開始做研究,城大為部分教師提供 了所需的資助和假期,攻讀博士學位,所以所
upgraded to University level, and all the teachers
had to start doing research. CityU provided the
required funding as well as leave from work
for some teachers to do PhDs, and as a result
everyone was very busy.
Looking back on the last 30 years, what
feelings do you have?
I am very happy to be working here. Universities
always spearhead change and invest heavily
in the technical training of their staff, such as
improving our working knowledge of new
Whenever the University introduces new measures and changes, I receive many opposing opinions, because most people do not want to change. But when we see the final results, we are always proud. During a great era, everyone has
“Don’t be scared of failure, for failing is also a kind of learning. Be brave and face up to it.”
to change. Don’t be scared of failure, for failing is also a kind of learning. Be brave and face up to it.
May 2014
Face to Face
“My motto is to consider others more, complain less, work with willingnes.”
What has changed in your job in the past 30 years?
What are the differences between now and
I first joined what used to be called the Utilities Section in the Estates Office
of City Polytechnic, located at that time in the Argyle Centre in Mongkok.
Of course we did not have advanced computers
I was responsible for quarters management, moving, cleaning and
and mobile phones when I first started work here
transportation arrangement, and managing the shopping centre. There
in the mid-1980s. The main ways to communicate
were no self-owned staff quarters at the time, and so local teaching staff
with colleagues were through forms, fax, memos
and those from overseas had to live in different locations. Then, in 1990, I
and the telephone. Today, computers and
was promoted to Senior Technician. In addition to the duties above, I have
mobile phones make communication with our
taken up the supervision for the receiving and despatching mail team and
colleagues much easier. When they need our
the landscape services team.
help, they just need to login to our website.
Later, the Estates Office was split into Campus Services and the Estate
How do you like your job?
Management Office. A few years later they merged again and were
My motto is to consider others more, complain
renamed as the Facilities Management Office. In 2009, the Facilities
less, work with willingness. Some people
Management Office and Campus Planning Office merged to become the
think that relocating is boring work, but I have
Campus Development and Facilities Office.
different views. How to move well and safely is absolutely an intricate subject. That is joy at
Which changes have been the most memorable?
work. When there are new challenges, I make
Without a doubt, it was the completion and opening of the Kowloon Tong
every affort to solve them. It is important to keep
campus. I was in charge of relocating the temporary campus in Argyle
Centre to the current campus here in Kowloon Tong. I had meetings one after the other with the contractor and colleagues from different departments. In the last few years, with the openings of the Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, Academic 2, and Academic 3, colleagues who worked in off-campus offices have gradually moved back to campus.
Mr Wong Yiu-sang 黃耀生先生
心,我主要負責宿舍交收、搬運、清潔和運輸 服務,並管理商場。當年校內沒有自建的職員
溝通方便多了,校內同事需要我們的服務,只 要登入我們的網頁便可。
物業處曾一度分拆為校園服務部和校產管理 處,數年後再度合併,改稱為「物業及設施管
意做」。有些人認為搬運是很枯燥的工作,我 有不同看法。如何搬得妥當、搬得安全,絕
Long-serving staff recognised Last year a total of 262 members of staff were awarded long-service awards at a ceremony in October. Altogether 73 staff members have worked continuously at the University for 25 years, while 132, 38 and 19 for 20, 15, and 10 years, respectively.
長期服務教職員獲表彰 去年10月,城大舉行長期服務頒獎禮,表彰 262名教職員的貢獻。服務滿25年的教職員 共有73名,而滿20年、15年、10年的教職員 則分別有132名、38名及19名。
在指定日期搬來現址。我須跟承辦商和校內各 部門的同事開一連串的會,討論搬遷事宜。近
May 2014
Manifold Mirrors: The Crossing Paths of the Arts and Mathematics Written by Professor Felipe Cucker, Department of Mathematics Cambridge University Press, 2013 Most works of art, whether illustrative, musical or literary, are
Investing in Asian Offshore Currency Markets: The Shift from Dollars to Renminbi Edited by Dr Michael Wong Chak-sham and Dr Wilson Chan Fungcheung, Department of Economics and Finance Palgrave Macmillan, 2013
created subject to a set of constraints. In many (but not all) cases, these constraints have a mathematical nature, for example, the
This book provides comprehensive coverage of the development
geometric transformations governing the canons of J. S. Bach, the
of offshore currency trading in Asia, and in particular, the issues and
various projection systems used in classical painting, the catalogue
challenges of developing the renminbi as an international currency.
of symmetries found in Islamic art, or the rules concerning poetic
It features contributions from leading bankers, analysts, bank
supervisors, economists and academics, providing timely coverage of: market microstructures; legal requirements; risk management
This fascinating book describes geometric frameworks underlying this
issues; and challenges regarding emerging renminbi market outside
constraint-based creation. The author provides both a development in
mainland China.
geometry and a description of how these frameworks fit the creative process within several art practices. He furthermore discusses the
The contributions in
perceptual effects derived from the presence of particular geometric
this book provide insight
and detailed discussion on how an emerging market
currency goes through the
作者:數學系Felipe Cucker教授
process of internationalisation.
The renminbi offshore market starts from Hong Kong and extends to
Taiwan, Singapore and London but its
development faces significant challenges.
These challenges are addressed in this book.
(但並非全部)情況下這些約 束都有數學性質。例如,德國
經濟及金融學系王澤森博士、陳鳳翔博士編著 Palgrave Macmillan, 2013
創作的卡農曲,古典繪畫運用的 多種投影方法,伊斯蘭藝術中呈 現的一系列對稱圖樣,甚至詩詞格
顧了幾何學的發展,也描述這些幾何結構在若干藝術類別的實踐中 如何與創作過程相契合,進而探討某些特定的幾何特徵出現時對人 的感官有何影響。
析師、銀行主管、經濟學家、學者,而且書中論題切合時下所需, 市場興起相關的難題。 人民幣這一新興市場貨幣日趨國際化,書中各篇專文對此有深入詳 盡的討論。人民幣的離岸市場始見於香港,繼而擴展至台灣、新加 坡、倫敦,但其發展面臨重大難題,本書嘗試探尋其解決之道。
“Freeze Frame� showcases innovative creative media artwork developed by CityU students using scientific and environmental data collected during their recent expedition to Antarctica. The exhibition will run from 24 May to 14 June, 2014, Mondays to Saturdays, 11am to 7pm. Admission is free and all are welcome. Where: Levels 1, 3, 8 and 9 Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre 18 Tat Hong Avenue Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
30th anniversary events 三十周年校慶活動
CityU has scheduled many celebratory events throughout 2014 to mark its 30th anniversary. Some of the major events include: 城大於2014年將舉辦多項三十周年校慶活動,下列為部分重點活動: • Exhibition: Freeze Frame 凝靜之景:南極之旅的科學藝術作品展覽
• Sustainability Summit: Pathways to a Sustainable Hong Kong
可持續發展高峰會「香港邁向可持續發展的路徑」 • 30th Anniversary Banquet 三十周年校慶晚宴
• Homecoming Gala 2014 cum 30th Anniversary Closing Ceremony 2014樂聚城大校友日暨三十周年校慶閉幕禮
City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 香港特別行政區九龍達之路
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