CityU Today No. 47

Page 1

Jan 2015




Apps culture for mobile generation 應用程式 流動世代新風氣 The game changer 新遊戲 新市場

New discovery for water repellent material 科研新發現:疏水性能最佳材料

From the Editor

Apps have transformed the way we communicate and access information, making it easier to navigate through the wealth of information in cyberspace. They also present faculty and students with a range of teaching, learning and research possibilities. Our state-ofthe-art facilities on campus provide the space and technical support for the CityU community to test out their ideas for new apps within our Discovery-enriched Curriculum. Read about some of the achievements in this field in this issue of our magazine. Building on the technology theme, we also take a peek at some incredible game innovations underway at the University and some exciting areas of research that touch on, for instance, new water repellent materials. We will follow up on the highly successful Sustainability Summit that we discussed in the last issue of CityU Today as well. Happy reading!

種種應用程式徹底改變了我們彼此溝通及獲取知識的方式,使我 們能夠在網絡世界浩瀚的資訊海洋裏隨興游弋,也為城大師生的 教學和科研開闢了新天地。校內各種先進設施為師生員工提供場 地和技術支援,使他們得以在「重探索求創新課程」中嘗試自己的 意念,開發新的應用程式。本期《今日城大》以此為主題,介紹 城大在該領域取得的成就,追踪略述我校在應用程式領域開發的 新奇創意遊戲,以及其他一些令人振奮的研究成果,例如疏水性 能極佳的新材料。上期介紹過的「可持續發展高峰會」大獲成功, 本期亦有進一步的報道。

10 Cover Story 封面專題



Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on 李國安教授 Editor-in-Chief 總編輯 Editor-in-Chief : Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on / 總編輯:李國安教授 • Executive Editor : Mirror Fung / 執行編輯:馮美玲 • Editor : Michael Gibb / 編輯:鄭智友 • Chinese Editor : Allen Zhuang / 中文編輯: 莊開仁 • Design and Production : Communications & Public Relations Office and Pixels Graphics Limited / 設計及製作:傳訊及公關處及點子設計有限公司 Phone / 電話:(852) 3442 9317 • Fax / 傳真:(852) 2628 2812 Website / 網址: • E-mail / 電郵 • Mail : CityU Today Editors, Communications & Public Relations Office, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 通訊:香港九龍達之路香港城市大學傳訊及公關處《今日城大》編輯部收

CityU promotes coding culture in Hong Kong 城大在香港推廣學編碼風氣

Apps Lab promotes coding culture to spur

innovation in the fast-moving world of mobile


應用程式實驗室推廣學習編碼風氣,在日新 月異的流動科技領域促進創新。

Jan 2015




Features 專題


The game changer


Somatosensory games and environmental conservation

新遊戲 新市場



a one-stop self-service platform for foodies and restaurants 20 Stimulating the 快點食:一站式自助服務平台 sustainability debate 啟人深思 探討可持續發展

體感遊戲 推動環境保育



New discovery for water repellent material 科研新發現:疏水性能最佳材料

30 Innovation Commons – a hub for students’ innovation and discovery 創意工作坊–學生的創新探索 服務中心



Columns 專欄 2 News & Notable 城大動態

32 In the Know

CityU confers honorary awards on three outstanding persons 城大頒授榮譽博士學位予 三位傑出人士

24 Through the Lens


The runway to sustainable living 時裝表演 倡導可持續消費


A journey into the unknown 探索未知事物之旅

34 Student Voices


Experiencing Hong Kong as a new international student 外國新生在香港

38 Gown to Town


Pioneer your own path 剛柔相濟 獨闢蹊徑

41 Books


today is published three times a year by City University of Hong Kong. The mission of the magazine is to inform our stakeholders around the world about CityU issues, people, activities and achievements. 《今日城大》每年三期,旨在報道香港城市大學在教學、研究及外務發展上的最新動向。

Jan 2015


News & Notable

CityU confers honorary awards on three outstanding persons 城大頒授榮譽博士學位予三位傑出人士

CityU conferred honorary doctoral degrees on Professor David D. Ho (centre), Mr Raymond Or Ching-fai (left), SBS, JP, and Mr Yu Kwok-chun (right), GBS, SBS, JP, in recognition of their significant contributions to education and the well-being of society. The award ceremony was held on 11 November during the University’s Congregation. Dr Norman Leung Nai-pang, University Pro-Chancellor, presided over the ceremony.

城大副監督梁乃鵬博士11月11日頒授榮 譽博士學位予何大一教授(中)、柯清輝 先生(左),SBS,JP、余國春先生(右), GBS,SBS,JP,以表彰他們對教育及社 會福祉的重大貢獻。頒授儀式在城大的學 位頒授典禮上同時舉行。

Festive banquet celebrates CityU’s 30th anniversary 城大舉行晚宴 歡慶建校30周年 A festive banquet that brought together more than 800 supporters, alumni, students, faculty and staff at CityU to celebrate the 30th anniversary was held on 1 November at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre. The highlight of the evening was the launch of the City University of Hong Kong Foundation, a landmark initiative for strengthening ties with our benefactors, bolstering the University’s fundraising capabilities, and ensuring financial sustainability in the pursuit of academic and research excellence.

城大11月1日假座香港會議展覽中心舉行三十周年校慶晚宴,城大 支持者、校友等嘉賓以及師生職員共計800多人歡聚慶賀。晚宴活 動中的一大重點,是宣佈成立「香港城市大學基金」,這是一項意 義重大的舉措,以期更緊密聯絡各界贊助人,並提升大學的籌款能 力,確保大學財源持續穩定,以利在教學及科研中取得卓越成就。




Collaboration with Longgang District boosts technology development 城大與龍崗區政府簽署備忘錄 合作促進科研發展 A memorandum of understanding signed between CityU and Longgang District Government of Shenzhen in November will strengthen collaboration in higher education, innovative technology and financial projects, veterinary medicine, new technology development, international technology transfer and other areas.

城大11月與深圳巿龍崗區政府簽訂合作備忘錄,雙方將在原有基礎 上,加強在高等教育、科技金融創新、動物醫學、新型科研建設、 國際技術轉移等方面的合作。

CityU President receives prestigious local award 城大校長獲頒傑出成就獎 Professor Way Kuo, University President, was awarded the 2014 Outstanding Achievement Award from the Professional Validation Council of Hong Kong Industries. The award was presented by Mr Gregory So Kam-leung (left), Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, the officiating guest at the award presentation held on 8 December.

Naming of Mr & Mrs Chan Hon Pun Lecture Theatre 城大命名「陳漢斌伉儷演講廳」

城大校長郭位教授獲香港工業專業評審局頒予「2014傑出成就獎」。 頒獎典禮在12月8日舉行,由擔任主禮嘉賓的商務及經濟發展局局 長蘇錦樑先生(左)頒發獎座。

Lecture Theatre 18 in Academic 1 at CityU has been named the “Mr & Mrs Chan Hon Pun Lecture Theatre” in appreciation of the support and generous donations to the University made by Mr Chan Hon-pun (1st from right) and his wife Mrs Chan Hon Yuk-yee (2nd from right). The naming ceremony on 20 December was officiated by Mr and Mrs Chan, Professor Way Kuo (2nd from left), CityU President, and Professor Roderick Wong Sue-cheun (1st from left), the former Vice-President (Development and External Relations).

城大將學術樓(一)18號演講廳正式命名為「陳漢斌伉儷演講廳」,以 表彰陳漢斌先生(右一)與夫人陳韓玉儀女士(右二)對城大的支持和 慷慨捐助。命名典禮於12月20日舉行,主禮嘉賓為陳氏伉儷、城大 校長郭位教授(左二)及前副校長(發展及對外關係)王世全教授(左 一)。

Jan 2015


News & Notable Three CityU joint research projects awarded $3m in grants 城大與內地三項聯合研究課題獲資助近300萬元 Dr Yang Yong (1), Associate Professor from the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering (MBE), Professor Zhou Dingxuan (2), Chair Professor from the Department of Mathematics, and Professor Li Wen-jung (3), Chair Professor from MBE, have secured close to HK$3 million in grants under the National Natural Science Foundation of China/Research Grants Council Joint Research Scheme for joint research projects with research teams from the mainland in, broadly speaking, metallic glass, mathematical modelling and analysis, and nano materials, respectively.

Employability survey reflects CityU graduate quality 調查顯示:城大畢業生就業能力強 ​ CityU is ranked 146th in the Global Employability University Survey and Ranking, an annual survey conducted by the French consulting group

城大三位學者與內地學者進行聯合研究,這三項研究課題獲得「國 家自然科學基金委員會及香港研究資助局聯合科研資助基金」的資 助,總金額達港幣近300萬元,三位學者是機械及生物醫學工程學 系副教授楊勇博士(1)、數學系周定軒講座教授(2)和機械及生物 醫學工程學系的李文榮講座教授(3) ,他們的研究課題分別是有關 金屬玻璃、數學模型與分析和納米材料。

Emerging and the German research institute Trendence. The survey ranks the world’s top 150 universities in terms of producing the most employable graduates. CityU is one of four universities in Hong Kong listed in this international ranking.

城大在「2014年全球大學就業能力調查」中名列第146位;該調查 是法國人力資源顧問公司Emerging與德國研究機構Trendence合 作完成的。該項調查以各校培養的畢業生之就業能力排序,在全 球選出150所表現最佳的大學。香港有四所大學上榜,城大是其中 之一。




Healthcare Management proposal secures large RGC grant 城大主導醫療系統研究 獲研資局大額撥款 A research project proposal led by CityU has been awarded funding approval from the Research Grants Council with a grant worth HK$20.45 million in the fourth round exercise of the Theme-based Research Scheme. The project “Delivering 21st Century Healthcare in Hong Kong – Building a Qualityand-Efficiency Driven System” aims to provide a better local healthcare management system at an affordable cost. The investigation will focus on two areas: hospital resource planning and healthcare data analytics.

城大為解決香港醫療系統的難題而主導進行的一項研究計劃,經研究資助局第四輪對主題研究計劃的審核之後,獲得了全額資助撥款, 金額達港幣2,045萬元。該研究計劃名為:「為香港提供21世紀的醫療服務—構造一個品質與效率驅動的服務體系」,研究工作將涵蓋 醫院資源的規劃、醫療服務數據的分析兩大範疇,旨在為香港構建一個品質較佳且負擔得起的醫療管理系統。




CityU head joins Presidents’ Forum at APAC 城大校長參加亞太創新峰會校長論壇 Professor Way Kuo, University President, made several key points about the state of knowledge transfer and the promotion of innovation in Hong Kong with comparative references to the US, Taiwan and Japan during the presidents’ forum which kicked off the APAC Innovation Summit 2014 in December. He was joined by local and international university heads in discussions on how to leverage knowledge transfer for institutional advancement.

城大校長郭位教授12月出席2014亞太創新峰會的校長論壇,與本港及海外多所大學的校 長聚首一堂,探討如何推行知識轉移,以促進大學的發展。郭教授以美國、台灣、日本的 情況與香港作比較,對香港的知識轉移及創新推廣的現狀提出了幾點重要意見。

‘Bionic eyes’ enhanced through groundbreaking technology 城大改進「電子眼」電力傳輸效能 New technology developed by researchers in the Department of Electronic Engineering at CityU can enhance the effectiveness of “bionic eyes”, creating more stable images for people suffering from visual impairments. Professor Henry Chung Shu-hung, Dr Leanne Chan Laihang, Assistant Professor, and their team have found a way to improve the power transfer

Court members briefed on latest developments at CityU 顧問委員會聽取城大發展近況簡報

efficiency of “bionic eyes”, which also reduces the users’ exposure to radiation, and extends the life of the portable battery.

​ The Court was briefed on the latest developments and key initiatives of the University at its 8th meeting in December. Dr Norman Leung Nai-pang, Pro-Chancellor, chaired the meeting. He touched on topics such as international recognition, innovative interdisciplinary projects and faculty accolades. Mr Herman Hu Shao-ming, Council Chairman, and Professor Way Kuo, University President, updated the Court members on issues such as newly approved initiatives and the progress of establishing a new five-year strategic plan.

香港城市大學顧問委員會12月舉行第八次會議,聽取有關大學發展近況及重要舉措的簡 報。大學副監督梁乃鵬博士主持會議。在會上,梁博士談及的議題包括城大贏得的國際讚 譽、創新的跨學科計劃,以及教研人員獲得的多項榮譽。校董會主席胡曉明先生和校長郭 位教授也向顧問委員會作簡報,議題包括新通過的舉措、新的五年策略性發展計劃之制訂 進程。

人工視網膜遙測 系統(又稱「電子 眼」)令失明人士重 見光明,城大電子 工程學系的鍾樹鴻 教授、助理教授陳 儷行博士及研究團 隊改進了「電子眼」 的電力傳輸效能, 令視障人士接收到更穩定的影像,並減少 對人體之輻射,以及延長隨身電池的使用 時間。

Jan 2015


News & Notable New frontiers in bioengineering 生物工程新領域 Professor Sun Dong, Head and Chair Professor of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering at CityU, introduced the audience in October in the “President’s Lecture Series: Excellence in Academia” to new frontiers in bioengineering with a thorough exploration of single cell manipulation using robotics.

城大機械及生物醫學工程學系講座教授兼系主任孫東教授10月為 「校長講座系列:學術薈萃」主持演講,為聽眾講述生物工程的前 沿領域,包括關於運用機械人學進行單細胞操作的深入探索。

Fifty years of challenges for Taipei’s National Palace Museum 台北故宮院長細說半世紀挑戰 The Director of the National Palace Museum (NPM) in Taipei discussed how the NPM had developed in response to social changes over the past 50 years at a CityU Distinguished Lecture in November. Ms Fung Ming-chu’s lecture was titled “Challenges and Changes—Development of National Palace Museum over the last 50 Years”.

城大11月舉辦「城大傑出講座系列」,台北國立故宮博物院院長 馮明珠女士應邀演講,題為「挑戰與應變—談國立故宮博物院近 五十年來的變化」,詳述台北故宮近半個世紀來因應社會變遷而 發展。

Algorithm master awarded William Benter Prize 2014 算法大師榮獲2014城大William Benter應用數學獎 Professor Vladimir Rokhlin (pictured right, centre), Professor of Mathematics and the Arthur K. Watson Professor of Computer Science at Yale University, was awarded the William Benter Prize in Applied Mathematics 2014 by CityU. He has earned world-wide acclaim for his contributions in numerical analysis and applied mathematics, in particular in his invention of the Fast Multipole Method. The biennial William Benter Prize, which carries a cash prize of US$100,000, was set up by the Liu Bie Ju Centre for Mathematical Sciences at CityU in 2010.

算法大師 Vladimir Rokhlin 教授(右圖中)獲城大授予2014年度「 William Benter 應用數 學獎」。Rokhlin教授是耶魯大學的數學教授兼Arthur K. Watson電腦科學教授。他在數 值分析、應用數學方面的成就非凡,最受人稱道的是,他發明了快速多級算法。William Benter應用數學獎由城大劉璧如數學科學研究中心於2010年設立,獎金為10萬美元,每 兩年頒授一次。




Students’ novel genetic solution for obesity wins gold award in US 城大學生發明減輕癡肥問題的基因改造方案赴美參賽獲金獎 A novel solution utilising genetically modified Escherichia coli (E. coli) to tackle obesity has won a CityU student team the gold medal at the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Giant Jamboree Competition 2014 in Boston, US. The team of 12 CityU students competed with over 2,500 participants from 245 universities across 32 countries to win the top award. It was also CityU’s first ever participation in this competition.

城大12名學生組隊參加在美國波士頓舉行的2014年國際遺傳工程 機器設計競賽(iGEM),以利用轉基因大腸桿菌減輕癡肥問題的新 穎方案贏得金獎。今年iGEM的參賽者有2,500餘名,分別來自32 國的245所大學,城大學生脫穎而出。這是城大首次參與此項國際 比賽。

Exhibition showcases 30th anniversary student programmes 回顧三十周年校慶學生活動的美好點滴 ​ Community-oriented projects and short videos about university life devised by CityU students received awards at a ceremony that kicked off the 30th Anniversary Student Programmes Exhibition in November. The student projects were part of two major initiatives aimed at celebrating CityU’s anniversary year: the Community Services and Engagement Projects and the “Life at CityU in 30 Seconds” Video Competition. The winning projects, as well as other student programmes, were on show at the 30th Anniversary Student Programmes exhibition on campus in November.

城大11月舉行頒獎禮,頒發 獎項予社會服務計劃及短片 比賽的得獎者,同時為「三十 周年校慶學生活動」展覽揭開 序幕。該項社會服務計劃及短 片比賽分別名為「義工活動: 服務社群,鼓勵參與」計劃及 「城大校園生活30秒」錄像比 賽,是城大慶祝成立三十周年 當中兩項重點的學生活動。優 勝項目和作品以及其他學生活 動花絮,於11月在城大舉行的 「三十周年校慶學生活動」展 覽展出。

Jan 2015


News & Notable Excellence in research



兩位教授獲頒傑出研究獎 This year’s awardees of the CityU Outstanding Research Award were Professor Felipe Cucker (1) of the Department of Mathematics and Professor Sun Dong (2) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering. The two scholars were unanimously chosen by a selection panel following a rigorous selection exercise. The Awards were presented to the winners at the University Congregation in November 2014.

兩位優秀學者榮獲本年度「城大傑出研究獎」,他們是數學系的Felipe Cucker教授(1)、機械及生物醫學工程學系的孫東教授(2)。評選 小組經過嚴格遴選之後,一致同意推選上述兩位學者獲獎。頒獎儀式在2014年11月的學位頒授典禮上同時舉行。

CityU projects earn awards at China Hi-Tech Fair 城大三項研究獲高交會優秀產品獎 Three research projects developed by CityU faculty won Excellent Product Awards at the 16th China Hi-Tech Fair. In addition, CityU was awarded the Excellent Pavilion Award and the Excellent Organiser Award. CityU’s Knowledge Transfer Office and the CityU Shenzhen Research Institute collaborated to showcase 12 CityU research projects, providing ample exposure for CityU’s innovative research strengths. The Fair was held at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Centre in

Students organise annual banquet at CityU 城大學生籌辦年度夜宴 More than 2,000 participants and Council members attended this year’s annual CityU Banquet held in October. This student-led event brought together staff, students and alumni to meet and chat as well as enjoy different cuisines and performances as a family in a relaxing atmosphere. Guests included Dr Norman Leung Nai-pang, CityU Pro-Chancellor, Professor Way Kuo, CityU President, Professor Horace Ip Ho-shing, VicePresident (Student Affairs), Mr Sunny Lee Wai-kwong, Vice-President (Administration), and Mr Clovis Lau Koong-yep, Chairman of the Convocation.

一年一度的城大夜宴在10月舉行,參與者有多位校董、師生員 工、校友等共計2,000多人。這個由學生籌辦的夜宴,讓城大的師 生、員工、校友等緊密相聯,大家不分你我,在輕鬆的氣氛中同歡 共慶,享用美食、觀賞表演,親如一家人。出席夜宴的嘉賓包括: 城大副監督梁乃鵬博士、校長郭位教授、副校長(學生事務)葉豪 盛教授、副校長(行政)李惠光先生、評議會主席劉冠業先生。



November, attracting around 3,000 exhibitors from all over the world.

城大參加第十六屆中國國際高新技術成果交易會,展出十多項高 新技術研究成果,當中有三項研究獲得「優秀產品獎」;同時, 城大亦獲大會頒發「優秀組織獎」及「優秀展示獎」。高交會11月 在深圳會展中心舉行,吸引世界各地約3,000家展商參展。城大 知識轉移處和城大深圳研究院藉此機會聯合籌備參展,展出12個 高新技術研究項目,以突顯城大的科研實力。


Sports teams showcase team spirit in new members welcoming party 運動隊迎新會 展現團隊精神 ​ Over 350 student athletes from 32 sports teams attended the Annual CityU Sports Team Welcoming Party in October. This annual activity also marked the commencement of the new inter-varsity sports competition season. CityU Sports Teams demonstrated their creativity, teamwork and artistic flair in the “Sports Team Displayed Board” and “Team Performance” contests under the theme “U Raise Me Up, to More Than I Can Be”.

About 3,000 alumni, staff and students enjoy fun-filled activities 三千名校友、師生員工參加「樂聚城大校友日」

城大運動隊在10月舉行週年迎新會,為新一季的大專校際運動競 賽作準備,全校32支專項運動隊共350多名學生運動員出席。聚會 以「U Raise Me Up, to More Than I Can Be」為主題,並舉行「展 板比賽」和「隊際表演比賽」,讓各運動隊大展創意及藝術天分,並 彰顯城大的團隊精神。

Alumni, students, faculty and staff at CityU and their families enjoyed a variety of fun-filled activities at the “CityU Homecoming Gala 2014 cum 30th Anniversary Closing Ceremony” at the end of November. Under the theme “Beautiful Life”, the Gala was a fitting finale to the celebratory events for the 30th anniversary.

城大校友、學生、教職員及其家人參與11月底舉行的「2014樂 聚城大校友日暨三十周年校慶閉幕禮」。「樂聚城大校友日」以 「美麗人生」為主題,節目多姿多彩,為城大三十周年校慶作圓 滿閉幕。

Library exhibits donated Japanese artworks 圖書館展出日本書法及浮世繪作品 Three examples of calligraphy by the Japanese calligrapher Ms Kouno and three pieces of new ukiyo-e by the Japanese illustrator Ms Sing donated to CityU were showcased at an exhibition at the Run Run Shaw Library. Ukiyo-e, which refers to a genre of woodblock prints and paintings, was popular in Japan from the 17th to the 19th centuries. The two artists believe that Japonism, a source of inspiration to European impressionists and the Art Nouveau and Cubism movements, actually derives from Chinese culture.

日本書法家香之女士及插圖畫家性女士分別向城大捐贈了三幅書法作品及三幅新浮世繪作 品,在邵逸夫圖書館展出。浮世繪是17至19世紀風行於日本的一種繪畫藝術,多見於彩色 印刷的木版畫,也有手繪作品,是所謂「日本風」的一大特色。兩位藝術家認為,「日本風」 後來啟發了歐洲的印象派、新藝術運動、立體派等藝術潮流,但其源頭乃出自中國文化。

Jan 2015


Cover Story

CityU promotes coding culture in Hong Kong By Christina Wu

Since the US non-profit organisation launched the “Hour of Code” in December 2013, 76 million people worldwide have used the organisation’s online teaching resources to learn how to code. The trend is spreading to CityU, too. CityU Apps Lab, established in the summer of 2013, launched the Hong

“Coding languages have become an international language, and will

Kong version of “Hour of Code” last December, and recruited teachers

bring immense impact to the world both at present and in the future.

from secondary and primary schools to participate in coding workshops.

Education in coding is currently being heavily promoted overseas. Hong

The teachers were trained to become coding ambassadors and teach

Kong has to be able to integrate with them and not become outdated,”

students from their respective schools knowledge about coding; the goal

said Dr Ray Cheung Chak-chung, Director of the Lab and Assistant

is to have 100,000 people in Hong Kong learn this “language”.

Professor at the Department of Electronic Engineering.




According to Mr Van Ting Chi-wang, Associate Director of the Lab and

“Coding is something that is easy to learn but difficult to master,” Dr

Instructor in the Department of Electronic Engineering, there was a

Cheung added. “Our goal is not to turn everyone into a coding expert;

high demand for coding talent in the US, but its primary and secondary

instead we hope that they can have a basic coding knowledge and

schools have failed to meet the trend.

integrate it into their daily lives, thus creating a coding culture in Hong Kong.”

“In recent years the US has strongly promoted basic education in coding, in order to make up for lost time. Hong Kong faces a similar chasm. If

Over 200 CityU students have received training and grasped coding

Hong Kong students can master these skills, their personal development,

techniques through the Lab, and in turn they have disseminated their

as well as the development of society, will be enhanced,” he said.

knowledge via workshops for fellow students from the University, as well as for youths, senior citizens, primary and secondary school

Twenty years ago the late founder of Apple Steve Jobs said everyone

teachers, and doctors from outside the University.

should learn a computer language because it taught you how to think. At the moment the teaching materials are mainly in English but the Lab “Coding languages emphasise logical thinking and analysis. If our

has plans to compile a set of Chinese teaching materials, and promote

students learn it from a young age, not only would they know how to

coding education in mainland China.

programme, their studies in mathematics and science would also be helped,” Dr Cheung said.

“China has 1.3 billion people. How wonderful it would be if half of them knew how to programme!” Dr Cheung said.

Furthermore, programmers can solve problems often encountered in daily life. For instance, passengers can use programmes to find out the

To further support app technology on campus, the Mobile Technology

arrival time of the next bus; or, if a patient cancels an appointment, the

Festival organised by the CityU Apps Lab in January 2015 showcased

doctor can use a programme to notify other patients to come earlier.

students’ innovative apps and included seminars on e-health, e-learning and user experience.

Jan 2015


Cover Story

城大在香港推廣學編碼風氣 美國非牟利組織 在2013年 12月推出「一小時學編碼」活動,至今 全球已有7,600萬人使用該組織的網上 教材學習編碼。如今,學習編碼的潮流 已在城大蔚然成風。

實驗室總監兼電子工程學系助理教授張澤松 博士說:「編碼語言已成為一種國際語言, 將對現今和未來的世界產生極大影響。外國 正在大力推廣編碼教育,香港必須能夠與之 接軌,不能落伍。」

城大應用程式實驗室成立於2013年夏天, 去年12月推出香港版的「一小時學編碼」活 動,招募中小學教師參加編碼講習班,培 訓他們成為編碼的推廣者,在各自任教的 學校向學生傳授編碼知識,目標是令全港 有10萬人學會這種「語言」。

兼任實驗室副總監的電子工程學系導師丁志 宏先生指出,美國對編碼人才有很大需求, 但美國的中小學未能配合這個趨勢。他說: 「近年來美國急起直追,大力推廣編碼的基 礎教育。香港也有類似的斷層,香港學生若 能掌握這種技能,將有利於個人成長,也有 助社會的發展。」


蘋果電腦已故創辦人喬布斯20年前說過, 每個人都應該學習一種電腦語言,因為它 能教會你如何思考。張博士說:「編碼語言 強調邏輯思考與分析,如果我們的學生從 小學會編碼,那麽就不但懂得編寫程式, 也有助於學習數理科目。」 編寫程式者更能解決日常生活中的難題, 例如乘客可以藉助應用程式,知道下一班 巴士何時到站;若有某個病人取消看病預 約,醫生可藉助應用程式通知其他病人提 前就診。 張博士還說:「編碼易學而難精,我們的目 標不在於使人人成為編碼專家,而是希望 他們能有基本的編碼知識,將它融入日常 生活,從而在香港形成編碼的風氣。」 已有200多名城大學生在該實驗室接受培 訓,掌握了編碼技巧,他們為校內的同 學,以及校外的青少年、長者、中小學教 師、醫生舉辦講習班,將所學的知識傳播 出去。 現時的編碼教材以英文為主,該實驗室 已計劃編寫一套中文教材,在內地推廣編 碼教育。張博士說:「中國有13億人口, 若有一半人懂得編寫程式,那就太了不起 了!」 城大應用程式實驗室在2015年1月舉辦「流 動科技節」,展示學生編寫的創新應用程 式,並舉行有關電子健康、電子學習、使 用者體驗的研討會,以促進校園內學習編 寫應用程式的風氣。

Dr Ray Cheung Chak-chung 張澤松博士




Collaborating with chiropractors


CityU Apps Lab has developed in collaboration

城大應用程式實驗室與香港執業脊醫協會 合作,研發出可供使用者自我檢查脊柱狀 況及體位姿勢的手機應用程式。2014年 10月已經推出,供人免費下載,數秒鐘 內即可得知檢查結果。

with the Chiropractic Doctors’ Association of Hong Kong a mobile app that allows people to check the condition of their spines and their posture. This app, launched in October 2014, can be downloaded for free and the results are available within seconds. “Posture Check”, which was designed by Rayne Kwok Tsz-wing, a Lab member and an undergraduate student in the Department of

這個程式名叫「好知勢」,由上述實驗室 成員、電子工程學系學生郭梓榮設計,簡 便易用:使用者可用它檢測自己有否頸椎 前傾、肩偏側、腰椎彎曲、弓形腿等與脊 柱有關的常見病變。

Electronic Engineering, is very easy to use: users can check for common problems related to the spine, such as a forward neck cervix position, shoulder laterality, curvature of the lumbar spine, and bow-leggedness. The user enters personal information such as sex, age, height and weight, and takes photos of

使用者輸入性別、年齡、身高、體重等個 人資料,拍攝本人的正面全身照及側面全 身照,然後將「好知勢」程式預設的定位 點移往照片上的肩、腰、腳踝等部位,程 式就能依據這些資訊推算出脊柱有否異 常。若有異常,程式還能幫助使用者尋找 就近的脊醫就診。

their full-body shot from the front view, as well as one from the side view. They can then move


the preset position points in the programme to

長者也可以成為編碼專家!城大應用程式 實驗室去年底邀請了60多名60歲以上的 長者參加編碼基礎班,並協助他們設計簡 單的手機彈球遊戲,其中一半人更參加了 進階編碼課程。實驗室還計劃與長者安居 協會合作,開辦更多的編碼講習班。

the locations of body parts on the photos, such as the shoulders, waist and ankles; from this information the programme can then estimate if there are abnormalities in the spine. If there are, the programme helps the user to find the nearest chiropractor.

Training seniors Senior citizens can also become coding gurus! Towards the end of last year, CityU Apps Lab invited more than 60 over-60 seniors to classes on basic coding, and assisted them in designing an easy-to-play pinball game for mobile phones. Half of them participated in an advanced coding course, too. The Lab also plans to collaborate with the Senior Citizen Home Safety Association, and offer more coding workshops.

Jan 2015


Professional Education & Research

The game changer The mobile and tablet games market has been growing exponentially with more and more young people entering the production industry.

By: Cathy Lau


toy with a mobile phone app, and it won the

Fellow in the School of Creative Media, and a

bronze award in the “Best Digital Entertainment

video games designer before joining CityU,

(interactive design)” category of the 2014 Hong

coached the two alumni.

Kong ICT Awards. He thinks that the mobile games market will

Last year, Mr David Chung Wai-lung (above

The design also won a certificate of merit in the

continue to grow, and that it is now easier to

photo, left) and Ms Carmen Lam Hiu-kwan

advertising and marketing category of the “Asia

start a career in games designing.

(above photo, right), two CityU graduates from

Smartphone Apps Contest 2014”. In the past, games designers had to negotiate

the School of Creative Media, worked with local creative brand Husky x3 using the “Pressure-

The “Pressure-sensitive Interactive Device” has

with distributors before their game could be

sensitive Interactive Device” that they had

even received multiple patents locally and

sold to different parts of the world. Nowadays

developed while at CityU.


designers can put their games on the internet, App Store, and Google Play for people to

The game “Huskyland” that they have

During the development process, Mr Yim Chun-

developed at Husky x3 combines a physical

pang (above photo, centre), Senior Teaching





新遊戲 新市場 However, competition today is fiercer. Whether a game can stand out in the market depends on the marketing strategy and advantages it offers

手機遊戲及平板電腦遊戲的市場迅速 擴大,踏入遊戲製造業的青年人越來越 多。

to players or users. That is why mobile games tend to encourage people to exercise or have educational purposes. “Traditional video games have better graphics, quality, and are in general more entertaining

去年,城大創意媒體學院兩位畢業生 鍾慧龍先生(左圖左)和林曉筠小姐(左 圖右),利用在校期間開發出的「壓敏式互 動裝置」,與本地創作品牌Husky x3合作 製造遊戲。

than mobile games, but mobile games are easier to play and can be played at any time, which open up another market and allow a new breed of game designers to make a living,” Mr Yim said. “Mobile games can even be used as marketing tools for companies; many companies are willing to spend money to design games to attract customers.” Mr Yim is also the middleman between students and the business world. Apart from his game designing background, he has experience setting up a company, which means he knows a lot of people in the business. Additionally, if his friends need someone to design or market

他們把實體玩具與手機應用程式相結合, 研發出一款名為「哈士奇樂園」的遊戲。 這項設計贏得「2014香港資訊及通訊科技 獎」最佳數碼娛樂(互動設計)銅獎,又贏 得「亞洲智能手機應用程式大賽2014」廣 告及行銷類優異獎。「壓敏式互動裝置」更 在本地及海外取得多項專利。 這兩名城大校友在研發過程中,得到創意 媒體學院高級特任講師嚴振鵬先生(左圖 中)的指導。嚴先生入職城大執教之前是電 子遊戲設計師,他認為,手機遊戲市場將 持續擴大,如今以設計遊戲創業比過去容 易多了。

在App Store及Google Play 網絡商店供 人下載。 不過,如今的競爭也比先前激烈,一款遊 戲能否在市場上脫穎而出,須取決於採用 何種行銷策略,也取決於遊戲本身對玩家 或用戶有何益處。正因如此,手機遊戲往 往鼓勵人做運動,或具有教育功用。 嚴先生說:「傳統電子遊戲的圖像質素勝 過手機遊戲,而且一般說來也更有趣,但 手機遊戲較簡便易玩,而且隨時可以玩, 因而開拓出另一個市場,使新一類的遊戲 設計者可賴以為生。手機遊戲甚至可以用 作商家的行銷工具,很多公司願意花錢設 計手機遊戲,以吸引顧客。」 嚴先生也為學生與商界搭橋牽線,他不但 熟知如何設計遊戲,也有創辦公司的經 驗,因此認識很多商界人士。不僅如此, 若有朋友需要找人設計或行銷自己的產 品,他就會安排學生中有相應才能者為他 們解決困難,使學生在求學期間即可獲得 實際工作經驗。

their products, he asks his students to help solve their problems, based on different students’ strengths. This allows students to gain practical work experience while at school. “CityU students are creative and talented,” Mr Yim said. He played match-maker between

從前,遊戲設計師必須與經銷商洽談,才 能把設計出的遊戲銷售到世界各地,如今 卻可以自行將遊戲經由互聯網上載,或放

嚴先生說:「城大學生有創意有才華。」 他曾為許多公司和學生「做媒」,「哈士 奇樂園」就是撮合成功的一例:在他的 幫助下,鍾慧龍先生和林曉筠小姐有機 會與Husky x3合作,將他們的遊戲推向 市場。

many companies and students, and “Huskyland” is one of them. With his help, Mr Chung and Ms Lam had the chance to work with Husky x3 and promote their game.

Jan 2015


Professional Education & Research


a one-stop self-service platform for foodies and restaurants

By Yvonne Lee


Hong Kong is a food paradise. We have everything from Michelin-starred restaurants to hole-in-the-wall eateries, and so it is not difficult for foodies to satisfy their taste buds. However, we often face problems searching for suitable restaurants, such as having to wait a long time to be served and having difficulty getting through the line for food delivery during rush hour. What’s more, restaurants may lose their reputation for poor service if there are too many customers.

Under the supervision of Dr Ted Chow Chi-

order, download e-coupons provided by nearby

yin, Assistant Professor in the Department

restaurants, and rate the restaurants. The app

of Computer Science, Chris Chan Chung-

can also record the user’s dining history and

ngok, a student in the same department, has

ratings, and so recommend similar kinds of

developed a one-stop self-service platform to

restaurants for future meals.

help to solve these problems. Restaurant owners may upload their menus This newly developed platform, called

to the website through the browser without

“FoodServe: A Self-service Platform for

installing any extra software. They can

Restaurants”, is a comprehensive yet

customise the menu such as offering options

user-friendly system for both foodies and

of “less sugar”, “less ice”, “add ice-cream”, set the

restaurants. It operates in two interfaces: an

workflow such as whether settling payment

application in smartphones or tablets targeting

should be before or after meals, designate

foodies and a website targeting restaurants.

delivery areas, and promote their restaurants online by offering e-coupons. They can also

Foodies simply open this application in their

generate reports based on customers’ dining

smartphones or tablets. The app enables them

experience and ordering history.

to search for nearby restaurants, browse the menu, order food by scanning the QR code

“FoodServe was developed with a new

placed at the restaurant’s table, settle payment

technology known as Cross-platform. With this

online, order delivery or take-away, track their

technology, FoodServe can function across platforms like iPhones, Android and Windows without having to create other versions specifically for these platforms,” said Chris.




快點食:一站式自助服務平台 Dr Chow said, “The concept of FoodServe may bring about a revolution in lifestyle. It makes life more convenient for both customers and restaurant owners. Customers may do their searching, ordering and settling payment by themselves without hassle. Restaurants may provide better service to customers as the platform handles the ordering and payment settling tasks and can understand their customers better through reports. In addition, the platform can help generate big data for further analysis on consumption in different

香港是美食天堂,餐飲場所一應俱全, 既有榮獲米芝蓮星級評鑒的餐廳,也有 不起眼的偏街僻巷小食店,食客要大快 朵頤並非難事,卻往往不容易找到合適 的餐廳。比如說,遇到繁忙時段,要等 候好久才有人接待,或者要花很長時間 排隊等外賣。有些餐廳甚或因為顧客太 多服務怠慢,影響了聲譽。 為了幫助解決上述問題,電腦科學系學生 陳宗岳在本系助理教授周志賢博士指導下, 開發出一個一站式自助服務平台。

regions, which is useful for market research.” FoodServe is part of Dr Chow’s overall research work titled “iServe: An Open and Extensible App-building Platform for Customer Selfservice”, which received funding from CityU’s Idea Incubator Scheme. “FoodServe is just a start,” Dr Chow said. “I would like to further develop the existing infrastructure and extend to other services in the future, such as making spa or doctor appointments, reserving hotel rooms, among others.”

這個新研發的平台名為「快點食:餐廳自助 服務平台」,功能齊全,操作方便,食客與 餐廳均可使用。該系統分為兩個操作界面: 一個是應用程式,安裝於智能手機或平板電 腦上,供食客使用;一個是網站,供餐廳 使用。 顧客只須在智能電話或平板電腦上開啓該應 用程式,即可搜索到附近的餐廳,瀏覽菜 單,掃描餐桌上的QR碼點菜,網上付款, 訂購自取或速遞的外賣,跟蹤訂單,下載附 近餐廳的電子優惠券,給餐廳評分等。該程 式亦可根據用戶過往的進餐記錄及評分,推 薦類似的餐廳以備將來用餐。

餐廳老闆可用瀏覽器把菜單上載於網站,無 須安裝其他軟件;亦可以根據食客要求制定 菜單,例如提供「少糖」、「少冰」、「加冰淇 淋」等選擇;確定工作流程, 例如供選擇 餐前付款或餐後付款;指定送外賣的地區範 圍;提供電子優惠券以助在網上為餐廳做推 廣宣傳。他們還可以將顧客的用餐感受及點 菜記錄製成報告。 陳宗岳說:「我們開發的『快點食』使用了 『跨平台』新技術。有了這項技術,無論是 蘋果手機、安卓(Android)、微軟視窗等 平台都可以操作『快點食』,不須逐一開發 專用的軟件。」 周博士說:「應用『快點食』的概念,可能 使生活方式發生極大變化,給食客與餐廳老 闆都帶來便利。顧客能夠自己搜索、點菜、 結賬,省卻了許多麻煩;餐廳則可為顧客提 供更好的服務,因為平台會處理點菜及收款 等事宜,而且可以藉助報告更多了解顧客 的喜好。此外,平台還有助於產生大數據, 以供分析不同區域的消費情況,對市場研 究很有用。」 周博士主持的研究名為「iServe:一個開放 的可擴展應用程式構建平台」,獲得城大 「創意搖籃計劃」的資助,「快點食」是其 中一個項目。 周博士說:「『快點食』只是一個開端,將 來還會拓寬現有的基礎架構,延伸到其他 服務行業,例如預約美容水療或者預約看醫 生,預訂酒店房間等等。

Jan 2015


Professional Education & Research

By: Chan Pui Fun


Somatosensory games and environmental conservation

Somatosensory games are a new trend in video games development; an example would be the hugely popular Microsoft Xbox Kinect game series, which utilises this newfangled motion-sensing technology. The research of Dr Howard Leung Wing-ho,

was for teaching. “The development of this game is to showcase the

Assistant Professor in the Department of

various techniques used in computer science, such as motion-sensing,

Computer Science at CityU, is focused on 3D

human-computer interaction, as well as games and animation design; as

motion capture technology. He made use of

such the students find it interesting and fun, and experience a mouse-

the data provided by Kinect to software developers, and designed

less and keyboard-less natural user interface. This directly stimulates

a Kinect somatosensory game himself called “Paper Saver”. The

them to understand the theory and technology behind the game.”

theme of the game is environmental conservation, and apart from stimulating students’ interests in learning, it also passes on a green

Dr Leung is the supervisor of the 3D Motion Capture Laboratory at CityU.

message during gaming, thus killing two birds with one stone.

The research topics of the laboratory include Multimedia Information Retrieval, Graphics Processing and Pattern Recognition, Multimedia and

3D motion capture is an in-depth study of the human body motion

Image Processing, and 3D Human Motion Analysis and Retrieval.

and movement patterns, followed by simulation on a computer. Kinect uses the light source emitted by the device and the images

His students were already using Kinect to write a photo album

captured through the lenses to perform image analyses of the

programme a few years ago; he also helped a student from the School of

body movements. Dr Leung pointed out that Kinect already has

Creative Media to utilise the Kinect technology to create an arts project,

a lot of data stored; as a result, when he was designing the game,

where eight kinds of movements represent eight kinds of emotions,

he only needed to analyse different movements and define those


movements, which should then be matched and as a result induce the computer to give a command accordingly. He said, “Some special

At the moment, the Kinect technology mainly works on following the

commands were assigned to specific movements. With respect to this

actions of one person, whereas Dr Leung’s latest research is to modify the

game, there are some special commands such as if the player uses

data, so that the 3D dynamics of two different people could be captured

both hands to make a pumping motion, the character in the game

simultaneously. “Interactions between two people create new motions,

will pump water for the trees, thereby increasing the number of trees.

as such the effects and the data analyses are both distinctive from single-

The player receives high scores for that.”

person action. My research enriches the current database, and benefits the development of similar programmes, as there is no need to re-acquire

Dr Leung said that the major purpose in designing this game



the data,” he said.


體感遊戲 推動環境保育 體感遊戲是電子遊戲發展的新趨勢,大 受歡迎的微軟Xbox遊戲系列正正利用 了Kinect新開發的這套動作感應技術。 本身專注研究三維動態擷取技術的城大電 腦科學系助理教授梁永豪博士,運用Kinect 軟件為開發人員提供的數據,親身設計 「齊來節省紙張」Kinect體感遊戲,以保育 環境為遊戲主題,刺激學生的學習興趣之 餘,還讓學生在遊戲中獲得環保訊息,可 說是一舉兩得。 三維動態擷取研究人體的動作、移動模 式,再在電腦上模擬出來。Kinect利用裝置 上發出的光線及鏡頭攝取的影像,分析人 體動作。梁博士指出,Kinect已具備很多數

據,設計遊戲時,只須分析不同動作,並界 定哪些動作能配合驅使電腦發出相應指令。 他表示:「有些特別指令需要特定動作來配 合。就這個遊戲來說,有些特別指令,如雙 手作出泵水動作,主角便會泵水種樹,增加 樹木數量,獲取高分。」 梁博士說,編寫這個遊戲的主要目的是教 學。「研發這個遊戲,旨在展示電腦科學中 的動作感應、人機互動,以及遊戲及動畫設 計等技術,讓學生覺得有趣、好玩,親身感 受無滑鼠、無鍵盤的自然用户界面(natural user interface),直接刺激他們理解遊戲背 後的理論和技術。」 梁博士是城大三維動態擷取實驗室的主任,

該實驗室研究多媒體資料檢索、影像處理 及模式識別、多媒體及圖像處理、三維人 體運動分析及檢索等課題。 數年前,他的學生已運用Kinect編寫相簿 程式。他亦指導過創意媒體學院的一個學 生,利用Kinect技術創作藝術項目,用八個 動作分別代表八種情感。 現時的Kinect技術主要擷取一個人的動作, 梁博士最新的研究則是修改數據,使之可 以同時擷取兩個人的三維動態。他說:「兩 人之間有互動,有新動作,效果及數據處 理均與單人動作不一樣。我的研究可豐富 現存的數據庫,而且開發相關程式時不用 重新擷取數據。」

「我的研究可豐富現存的數據 庫,而且開發相關程式時不用 重新擷取數據。」 In the “Paper Saver” game, the players must pull out all the stops to prevent the computer character in the game from printing documents and using paper, all the while pumping water to plant more trees and increase their energy levels, as well as play their ace tricks at critical moments. The game uses motion-sensing technology, an innovative technique that is becoming popular in recent years in the computer industry. This technique enhances the interaction capabilities of the system, and produces a more realistic and natural user interface.

在「齊來節省紙張」遊戲中,玩家須使出渾身解數阻止遊戲 中的電腦角色打印文件、消耗紙張,同時泵水種樹增加自身 能量,危急關頭還須使出絕招。 Dr Howard Leung Wing-ho 梁永豪博士

遊戲中運用的動作感應技術是近年來電腦界流行的創新科 技,能增強系統的互動性能,令用戶界面更逼真自然。

Jan 2015


Professional Education & Research

Stimulating the sustainability debate 啟人深思

By Michael Gibb



It takes courage to ask questions about global issues affecting the entire planet, but you have to be particularly brave to stand up and ask your question in front of a panel of experts.

The BQC was a unique online platform for students that aimed to enhance students’ awareness about sustainability challenges and stimulated their interest in related issues. The participation rate was impressive. Altogether 809 participants from 15 schools and CityU submitted 919 questions.

But that was exactly what the winners of the Big Question Challenge (BQC) did during the highly successful Sustainability Summit at CityU at

There were several winners in the CityU/school category, including Grand

the end of October 2014.

Awards (see Figure 1) and Merit Awards (see Figure 2) plus awards for the Highest Participation Award (see Figure 3) and e-certificates for all

“The BQC winners from CityU and local secondary schools had the


opportunity to engage with some of the world’s leading thinkers on issues related to the environment and sustainability,” said Dr Lam Yun-

Of the three Grand Award Winners from CityU, Hui Raphael Yulhay of the

wah, Associate Professor in the Department of Biology and Chemistry,

School of Law was selected to ask his question, “How can entrepreneurs

who helped to organise the BQC.

be encouraged to maintain CSR practices in their businesses?” Of the three Grand Award Winners from the School category, Cheung Yan Ting

It was a rare opportunity indeed. The model for education, particularly

of Christian Alliance S C Chan Memorial College was chosen to ask her

in secondary schools in Hong Kong, is for teachers to ask questions and

question, “How can usable land be increased without damaging the eco-

students to answer.

environment?” CityU is following up on the success of the BQC by visiting those schools that had the highest participation rate.

“But the BQC gave young people a chance to ask whatever they wanted to ask, no matter how off-beat that question might be, in a formal

“We have found that the quiz aligned well with the general ethos of

academic environment, and seek answers from experts whom they would

the new Liberal Studies courses taught at local secondary schools,” Dr

not normally have a chance to interact with,” Dr Lam added.

Lam said. “The students’ feedback reveals that they fully appreciated the chance to have a dialogue with experts participating at the Summit.”




The BQC added a thought-provoking dimension to a Summit that had

right not to collaborate. In other words, notions of free will and

already positioned itself as an intellectually rich event for a diverse range

individuality are considerations, too,” she added.

of academics, experts and students to share ideas and to undertake what Professor Linda Li Che-lan described as “soul-searching”.

The Thought Pieces that defined the intellectual foundation of the Summit included a short essay on Arts and Humanities, a broad

“The Summit did not focus primarily on issues that people usually would

subject category that often gets overlooked in sustainability

expect at a summit about sustainability,” explained Professor Li, Associate

discussions, overshadowed by Business and Social Sciences, and

Provost (Strategic Planning) in the Office of the Provost, and concurrently

Science and Engineering issues.

Professor of Political Science in the Department of Public Policy. By way of further development following the Summit, CityU has “We decided to approach the theme by looking not just at the science,

become the first university in Hong Kong to join Connect4Climate

for example, by looking at topics such as carbon recapture and biofuels.

(C4C), an international coalition on climate change that aims to share

We wanted to stimulate ideas about the human side of sustainability

knowledge, raise awareness and encourage action against climate

and help individuals and societies to define their core values and ethical


principles and understand how those values and principles relate to sustainable practices and policies,” said Professor Li, who has special

Launched by the World Bank, the Italian Ministry of Environment, and

responsibility for sustainability at CityU.

the Global Environment Facility in collaboration with over 140 global partners in 2011, C4C is a global partnership programme dedicated to

“We wanted to encourage people to reflect that while it is essential for us

climate change communications.

to collaborate on sustainability issues, we also have to consider people’s

Figure 1 圖一

Jan 2015


Professional Education & Research

提問影響整個地球的全球性問題,固然需要勇氣;而要面對 一群專家挺身直問,更須格外大膽。 城大2014年10月底舉辦的「可持續發展高峰會」大獲成功。會議期 間,參加「大問題擂台賽」而勝出的學生,正是敢於提問的勇士。 生物及化學系副教授林潤華博士參與組織了這場擂台賽,他說: 「擂台賽中的城大及本地中學優勝者,有機會與全球知名的學者 交流,討論環境變化及可持續發展等問題。」 這種機會確實難得,因為學校教育的模式通常是老師問、學生答, 在香港的中學尤其如此。 林博士說:「年輕人參加擂台賽,就有機會在一個莊重的學術環境 中提出他們想問的問題,無論問題多麼不同尋常,都可請專家解 答,而這些專家他們平常無緣見面交談。」

「大問題擂台賽」是一個別具特色的網上競賽,旨在促使學生加深 認識可持續發展所面臨的困難,同時激發他們對相關問題的興趣。 參賽者十分踴躍:城大及15所中學共有809名學生提交了919條問 題。 城大/中學組別共頒發十多個獎項,包括大獎(圖一)、優異獎 (圖二),還有「最踴躍參與獎」 (圖三);所有參賽者均獲頒電子 證書。 城大有三位學生獲得大獎,其中法律學院的Hui Raphael Yulhay 獲選向專家提問:「如何鼓勵企業家在營商時保持『承擔企業社會 責任』的做法?」;在中學組別的三名大獎獲得者之中,宣道會陳 瑞芝紀念中學的張恩婷獲選向專家提問:「怎樣能增加香港可用的 土地面積而同時不破壞生態環境?」為了擴大成效,城大在擂台賽 後造訪了學生參賽最踴躍的幾所中學。

Figure 2 圖二




林博士說:「我們發現,這次擂台賽與本地中學開設新通識教育科 目的精神十分契合。學生的反饋意見表明,他們十分珍惜與高峰會 專家對話的機會。」

她還說:「我們希望鼓勵大家反省:在可持續發展問題上眾人齊心 協力固然大有必要,但也須考慮他人有不願合作的權利。換言之, 自由意志、個人利益的觀念,也應予考慮。」

「大問題擂台賽」為可持續發展高峰會增添了啟人深思的一面。高 峰會的定位是一場思想的盛會,各種範疇的學者、專家、學生得以 聚首一堂互相切磋,進行李芝蘭教授所形容的「反省」。

界定本次峰會知識基礎的背景資料當中,包括一篇關於藝術與人文 的短論。此類學科的範圍廣闊,但在有關可持續發展的討論中往往 遭到忽視,與商業與社會科學、自然科學與工程學相比,往往相形 失色。

她解釋說:「本次高峰會的討論重點,與大眾通常預期一場此類議 題的高峰會要討論的不盡相同。」李教授現任城大協理學務副校長 (策略規劃),並兼任公共政策學系政治學教授。 李教授專責督導城大的可持續發展事宜。她說:「我們決定,在探 討本次會議的主題時應不局限於科學,例如不僅僅討論碳排放回 收、生物燃料等議題。我們希望藉此激發大家思考可持續發展議題 的人類因素,思考如何幫助個人與社會確立自己的核心觀念和倫 理原則,並認識這些觀念、原則與可持續發展的實踐及政策有何關 聯。」

高峰會之後,城大再接再厲,成為本港率先加入國際氣候變化計劃 「氣候合作」 (Connect4Climate)的大學。該組織旨在提高大眾對 氣候變化的認識,鼓勵各方採取行動保護環境。 「氣候合作」的發起者是世界銀行、意大利環境部、全球環境基 金,該聯盟成立於2011年,現在全球各地有140多個合作夥伴。這 個全球合作組織致力促進有關氣候變化的溝通交流。

Figure 3 圖三

Jan 2015


Through the Lens




The runway to sustainable living A unique fashion show aimed at promoting sustainable consumption with regard to fashion and style featured CityU models showcasing second-hand clothing at one of the highlight events of the Sustainability Summit in late October 2014.

時裝表演 倡導可持續消費 城大舉辦了一場獨特的時裝表演,學生模特兒登台亮相,展 示二手服裝,以傳播可持續消費理念。這是2014年10月底 「可持續發展高峰會」期間的一項活動。

Photo: Sunny Wong


Jan 2015


Professional Education & Research

New discovery for water repellent material By: Mirror Fung


Through a microscope, a droplet of liquid leaps back like a plastic ball after it hits a surface. However, there is a theoretical limit to how long it takes for the droplet to bounce back after impact.

bounce from the surface in a pancake shape directly at the end of the spreading stage without going through the receding process. “As a result, the droplet can be shed away much faster,” said Dr Wang Zuankai, Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and

But a team of engineers and scientists at CityU has created a new

Biomedical Engineering, who directs the Bio-Inspired Engineering

surface material structure that significantly reduces this time frame,


pointing towards the development of materials that dry faster than any other materials engineered thus far in the field.

In other words, the new surface dries much faster due to its innovative surface. The magic really lies in the novel surface texture used in the

Until now it has been generally believed that liquid drops separate

project. Conventional wisdom has focused on the use of nanoscale posts

into two phases after impact: they spread and then retract. In the

with small inter-post spacings. This is because the smaller the inter-

spreading phase, the drop extends into a pancake shape; in the

post spacings, the higher the impacting velocity that the surface can

retraction phase, the surface energy is minimised and the drop pulls


back in. By contrast, the innovative surface created by Dr Wang and his team has


But a CityU team has shown for the first time that a particular

widely spaced tapered sub-millimeter post arrays that allow a drop to run

surface structure can shape a drop in a particular way so that it will

off faster than from any previously engineered materials.



“This is really counter-intuitive,” said Liu Yahua, a PhD student supervised

The novel surface structure that Dr Wang has helped create can shed

by Dr Wang and the first author of a paper titled “Pancake bouncing on

the impacting droplet under a range of different velocities, too, without

superhydrophobic surfaces” published in July 2014 in Nature Physics, a

affecting the superhydrophobic properties of the material. The contact

prestigious journal published by the Nature Publishing Group. The work

time between the drop and the surface is efficiently reduced, and the

was also featured in the News & Views section in Nature Physics.

surface behaves like an elastic spring.

“What we have done is to intentionally design a surface with larger

“Not only scientifically original, the surface also has lots of potential in

features, i.e. more widely spread posts, to enable an adequate liquid

anti-icing, self-cleaning, anti-bacterial, and anti-corrosion applications,

penetration so that the stored surface energy can be efficiently

among others,” Dr Wang said.

transformed back into kinetic energy for fast droplet detachment.”

“Not only scientifically original, the surface also has lots of potential in anti-icing, self-cleaning, anti-bacterial, and anti-corrosion applications, among others.”

Jan 2015


Professional Education & Research

科研新發現: 疏水性能最佳材料 The build-up of ice hinders the operation of aircraft, offshore oil platforms, air-conditioning systems, wind turbines, power lines, and telecommunications equipment, among others. As Jerome F.

在顯微鏡下可以見到,小小一滴液體撞擊固體表面之後,會像 塑膠球一樣反彈起來,但液滴撞擊表面之後多久才會彈起,理 論上有一定的限度。

Lederer, founder of the Flight Safety Foundation, said, “Strange as it may seem, a very light coating of snow or ice, light enough to be hardly visible, will have a tremendous effect on reducing the performance of a modern aeroplane.” A disaster occurred in 2009 when Air France Flight 447 flying from Rio de Janeiro to Paris crashed into the Atlantic because of fatal icing problems. At super-cooled temperatures, the longer a droplet

城大一組工程師和科學家設計出一種新型材料表面結構,能夠大幅 縮短液滴反彈所需的時間,據此可望研製出一種沾水後急速乾燥的 材料,遠勝過這一領域中迄今造出的各種材料。 此前科技界普遍認為,液滴撞擊固體表面後要經歷兩個階段:鋪展 和收縮。在鋪展階段,液滴攤開呈薄餅狀;而在收縮階段,液滴的 表面能量減至最小,液滴收縮。

stays in contact with a surface before bouncing off, the greater its chances of freezing. Dr Wang’s novel surface can find promising applications in air-

但是城大的研究團隊首次證明,使用某一種表面結構,能夠使液滴 呈某一特定形狀,在鋪展而呈薄餅狀階段之末即直接從表面彈起, 無須經歷收縮階段。

conditioning systems, too. “The buildup of frost or ice layers on evaporator surfaces in air-conditioning systems creates a large thermal resistance as well as a higher pressure drop across the

「因此,液滴從表面流走的速度會大大加快,」機械及生物醫學工 程學系副教授兼仿生工程實驗室主任王鑽開博士說。

heat exchanger, degrading the overall performances of the airconditioning systems and leading to substantial undesired energy consumption,” said Liu Yahua. The co-authors of the paper include Professor Julia Yeomans from

換言之,有了這種創新表面,疏水過程大為加快,其中的奧秘在於 該項研究得出的新型表面結構。通常的研究思路,著眼於用間隙極 小的納米尺度微柱陣列構成一個表面,因為微柱之間的空隙越是細 小,表面可承受的液滴撞擊速度就越高。

the University of Oxford, Lisa Moevius from The Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, UK, and Professor Qian Tiezheng and Dr Xu Xinpeng from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. The work is supported by the Hong Kong

王博士及其團隊研製出的新型表面卻與此不同。他們設計的表面由 亞毫米尺度的微柱陣列構成,柱間的空隙較大,令液滴得以快速流 走,勝過此前製成的任何材料。

General Research Fund and National Natural Science Foundation of China.

「這與通常的直覺認識正好相反,」劉亞華說。他是王博士指導的 博士研究生,以第一作者身份參與撰寫上述研究成果的論文。 論文題為「超疏水表面液滴的薄餅狀彈跳」,2014年7月發表於國際 知名的《自然:物理》期刊。該刊的News & Views欄目亦對這項研




「這種材料表面不但是科學上 的一項創新,在應用上還有 多項潛能,例如防積冰、自潔 淨、抗菌、防腐蝕等。」

Lin Yahua 劉亞華

究作了專題報道。《自然:物理》在學術界享有盛譽,由自然出版 集團發行。 「我們特意設計的表面,其微柱間的空隙較大,可容許液體充分滲 透,使得儲存下來的表面能量快速再度轉化成動能,令液滴迅速脫 離表面。」 王博士參與研製的這種新型表面結構,還能使以多種不同速度撞擊 的液滴從表面流走,而材料的超強疏水性能卻不會受影響。液滴與 表面接觸的時間大幅縮短,表面就像是靈活有力的彈簧一樣。 王博士說:「這種材料表面不但是科學上的一項創新,在應用上還 有多項潛能,例如防積冰、自潔淨、抗菌、防腐蝕等。」

2009年曾經發生一場空難,從里約熱內盧飛往巴黎的法國航空公 司447號航班飛機失事墜入大西洋,原因就是致命的積冰問題。在 極低溫度下,液滴在彈起前與表面接觸的時間越長,就越有可能凝 結成冰。 王博士等人研製的新型材料表面,應用在空調系統上亦有很好的前 景。劉亞華說:「空調系統的蒸發器表面結霜或結冰之後,會形成 大量熱阻,並增大整個熱交換器的壓降,削弱空調系統的整體效 能,造成大量不應有的能源損耗。」 上述論文的合作撰寫人是:英國牛津大學的Julia Yeomans教授、 英國The Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics 的 Lisa Moevius女士、香港科技大學的錢鐵錚教授及徐新鵬博士。這項 研究獲得香港研究資助局優配研究金、國家自然科學基金的資助。

積冰會妨礙機械的運轉,受影響的包括飛機、海上採油平台、空調 系統、風力發電機組、輸電線路、電信設備等。正如飛行安全基金 會創始人Jerome F. Lederer所說:「雖然聽上去不可思議,一層薄 薄的冰雪,縱使肉眼難以覺察,也會使一架現代飛機的性能大為降 低。」

Jan 2015


Professional Education & Research

Innovation Commons – a hub for students’ innovation and discovery By: Mavis Wong


Under the full support of the Office of the

“A successful business plan must bring together

Provost, the Office of Education Development

talented personnel from many areas; for

and Gateway Education (EDGE), the Library,

example, engineering students are good at

School of Law, and the Knowledge Transfer

researching and developing new products,

Office joined hands to establish an exchange

whereas business school or law school students

and sharing platform.

specialise in writing business plans or contracts. Students from different subjects and disciplines

“The Commons allows students to have

can play to their own strengths, and put what

quick and easy access to information about

they have learnt into practice,” she said.

entrepreneurship or innovation,” said Dr Eric Chan Po-kwok, Education Development Officer

Dr Chan pointed out that the creative

at EDGE.

innovations of CityU students were definitely not just abstract ideas. Many ideas were

CityU is implementing the Discoveryenriched Curriculum in order to stimulate the creativity of students. In that spirit, the Innovation Commons was established in September last year, bringing together interdepartmental expertise to serve as a “one-stop resource centre” for students, with the goal of commercialising and applying the students’ innovative ideas.

“For example, we have competitions for

developed from situations connected to real

business plans and government-funded

life. For example, both the intelligent navigation

venture programmes. In addition, we organise

glasses and intelligent walking sticks designed

activities related to innovation, intellectual

for helping the visually impaired have a certain

property, and the entrepreneurial spirit, and

amount of potential for development. The only

invite faculty and heavyweights from related

thing that is slightly lacking is a comprehensive

industries to share their experience so that

understanding of market information, as well as

students can acquire more entrepreneurial

practical experience.

skills. We also provide professional advice depending on the different ideas or plans put

“The Innovation Commons provides

forward by the students.”

comprehensive information, advice and consultancy services, in the hope of helping

In addition, Innovation Commons helps

students better understand the local innovative

students form cross-disciplinary teams for

ecosystem. It will also help them turn

competitions. Ms Candy Lau Po-chun, Senior

innovative ideas into real products, services or

Research Assistant at EDGE, highlighted the

business plans to advance social and economic

fact that CityU provided an extensive range of

development,” Dr Chan said.

subjects for students.




創意工作坊- 學生的創新探索服務中心 城大推動「重探索求創新課程」,以期 激發學生的創造力。為此,城大在  2014年9月開設了「創意工作坊」。該  工作坊是一個「一站式資源中心」,綜 合了各院系的知識技能,以期使學生的 創新意念能夠變成商品,並付諸應用。 創意工作坊得到學務副校長辦公室的全力支 持,教育發展及精進教育處、圖書館、法律 學院、知識轉移處等部門攜手同心,建成一 個交流及共享平台。 教育發展及精進教育處的教育發展主任陳保 國博士說:「工作坊便於學生快速獲得有關 創業及創新的資訊,例如我們有商業計劃比 賽、政府創業資助計劃等。此外,我們還舉

辦各項關於創新、知識產權、創業家精神 的活動,邀請本校教研人員和在相關行業 有影響力的人士來傳授經驗,讓學生掌握 更多創業技能。同學提出的各種意念或計 劃,我們也會為之提供專業意見。」 另外,創意工作坊協助學生組成跨學科團 隊,參加多種比賽。教育發展及精進教育 處高級研究助理劉寶真女士特別強調,城 大開設的學科範圍十分廣泛。 她說:「要提出一個成功的企業計劃,必 須有許多領域的人才合作。修讀工程學 的學生擅長研發新產品,而商學院或法律 學院的學生則精通撰寫商業計劃或擬訂合 約;不同學科和專業的學生各自發揮所 長,將所學知識付諸實踐。」

陳博士指出,城大學生的創意革新絕 不僅是抽象的概念,許多意念都來自 現實生活中的相關情境。例如,為協 助視障人士而設計的智能導航眼鏡、 智能手杖,二者都有一定的發展潛 力。他們稍為缺少的,只是對巿場 資訊的通盤把握,以及得自實踐的 經驗。 他說:「這個工作坊提供多方面的資 訊、建議,以及顧問服務,希望幫助 學生加深認識本地的創意產業環境, 並幫助他們將創新意念轉化成真正的 產品及服務,或提出商業計劃,以期 促進社會和經濟發展。」

Jan 2015


In the Know

A journey into the unknown Dr Denvid Lau Tak-bun, Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering

劉特斌博士 建築學及土木工程學系助理教授

Research is fascinating because it is a journey into the unknown – you don’t set out with an answer. One of my research projects, which was published in the US science journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, looks into the debonding mechanism of organicinorganic interfaces. This joint research project with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) identifies why adhesives holding certain materials together fracture and fail, and what might be done to strengthen these bonds. The research is a continuation of my PhD, going back to 2006. I went to MIT to study my PhD with certain infant research ideas in

tunnel’s suspended concrete ceiling detached

construction industry: electronic chips, aircraft

mind. I intended to investigate a new type

from the roof and fell onto a moving vehicle,

construction and biomedical treatments,

of reinforced concrete that adopts advanced

killing a passenger. That was precisely when I

particularly in the field of dentistry, among

composite materials as reinforcement bars.

started to look into the long-term behaviour


However, my first few years at MIT instilled in

of bonding materials under the influence

me a strong research aptitude which showed

of environment, including humidity and

Currently I have several research projects

me how to see problems across the macro- and


working in parallel. As a civil engineering

micro-perspectives. Looking back, I am glad I

researcher who has a fondness for nature, I

steered my research towards a broader vision,

In order to investigate the debonding

am now studying wood and plywood from

enabling me to connect different, yet inter-

mechanism at the smallest possible scale, I

a fundamental and mechanical perspective.

related dots.

took nearly six months off in 2009 to familiarise

Wood is one of the most naturally abundant

myself with the modeling of nanoscale

materials on Earth, and I look forward to

In the year I arrived in the US, a serious accident

engineering. As the project developed, it

carrying out experiments on living trees

happened on the Interstate Highway 90

gathered momentum towards extensive

with tree experts. Another research area at

connector tunnel in Boston. A section of the

potential applications well beyond the

the moment is to study a non-destructive




探索未知事物之旅 technique for interface inspection in civil infrastructures. The research support at CityU is generous. Plenty of internal and external grants are available such as new start-up grants for faculty, Seed Grants, the Early Career Scheme, among others. In addition to my passion for research, I must say I enjoy the substantial research room

從事研究的最迷人之處,在於它是探索 未知事物之旅,而啟程時全無答案。 我參與的一項研究,探索有機物與無機物 黏合界面的脫黏機理,其成果後來發表於 科學期刊《美國國家科學院院刊》。這是與 美國麻省理工學院合作的一項聯合研究, 它探明了某些物料的黏合為何會脫落,以 及有何方法可為之加固。

I have here. From my experience, I realise a good academic atmosphere matters a lot to young researchers. Successful researchers must be passionate about their own projects; and therefore they should discover their most favourable supervisors and directions, instead of being assigned them. Furthermore, research students should publish their findings. Without publishing, even an important

這一課題是我博士學業的後續研究,最初 開始於2006年,那時我帶著一些未成形 的研究構思前往麻省理工學院攻讀博士學 位,想要研究一種採用先進複合材料作為 加固條的新型鋼筋混凝土。然而,麻省理 工最初幾年的培育,為我增強了科研的能 力,教會我以既見樹又見林的角度去看待 問題。回想起來,我慶幸自己因拓寬視野 而調整了研究方向,得以把雖然不同卻互 有關聯的東西聯為一體。

scientific/technology breakthrough is hard to make known to other researchers, let alone contribute to society. As a faculty member, I believe one of my key responsibilities is to assist my graduate students in discovering important research findings, formulating well-defined research problems, and writing academic

我初到美國的那一年,90號州際公路上的 波士頓連接隧道發生了嚴重事故:隧道中 某段的頂棚有混凝土天花板片脫落,擊中 一輛行駛的汽車,一名乘客因此身亡。正 是從那時起,我開始研究黏合材料在濕度 及溫度等環境因素影響下的長期變化。

publications. I sincerely look forward to seeing more and more CityU graduates becoming outstanding researchers in the future. Finally, I would like to encourage students who are pursuing an academic career. What matters most is not your calibre, which is important but can be trained. What makes you stand out in the long run is the

為了儘可能從最小尺度的層面去探明脫黏 機理,我在2009年下決心花近六個月時 間學一些我從未接觸過的東西,力求熟悉 納米工程中的建模技術。研究進行之時, 進展加快,顯示其成果將遠超出建築業之 外,而獲得更廣泛的應用,包括電子晶 片、飛機製造、生物醫學治療–尤其是牙 科治療等。

right attitude and a passion and curiosity for knowledge.

目前我正在同時進行數項研究計劃。身為 一個熱愛大自然的土木工程研究者,我正

在從一個基本的結構力學角度去研究木材 及膠合板。木材是地球上最豐富的天然物 料,我期待能與樹木專家合作,用生長中 的樹木做試驗。我的另一個研究領域,是 探索對於民用基礎設施中黏合界面的無損 檢測技術。 我的研究在城大得到了大力支持,在這裏 可獲得很多校內校外的資助,例如為教師 而新設立的發展啟動基金、種子基金資 助、傑出青年學者計劃等。除了自己熱愛 研究之外,應該說,城大放手讓我自行從 事研究,亦令我樂在其中,十分愜意。

「最終令你在一眾研究者之中 脫穎而出的,是正確的態度, 對知識的熱忱與好奇心。」 我從自身經歷中認識到,良好的學術氣氛 對青年研究人員有重大意義。研究人員要 取得成功,就必須對自己的研究項目懷有 熱忱,因此應當找出對自己最合適的導師、 最有利的研究方向,而不是任由分派。不 僅如此,研究生應當發表研究成果;若不 發表,縱有重大科研突破,也難以為其他 研究者所知,遑論對社會有貢獻了。身為大 學教師,我認為自己的一大重任便是幫助 研究生發現重大研究成果,訂立明確的研 究課題,撰寫學術文章以供發表。 我希望將來能見到更多城大研究生成為出 色的研究人員。最後,我想勉勵正投身學 術研究的各位同學:最重要的不是你的才 能,因為才能雖然重要,但仍可由訓練而 得;最終令你在一眾研究者之中脫穎而出 的,是正確的態度,對知識的熱忱與好 奇心。

Jan 2015


Student Voices

Experiencing Hong Kong as a new international student:

The experience of an Afrikaner in Hong Kong By: Jacobus du Plessis School of Law

Where am I from, and what’s my story, you ask? Well, simply my name is Jacobus du Plessis, an Afrikaner from South Africa. This year I started my LLB (law) degree here at CityU as a full-time student. I was drawn to Hong Kong as a place of opportunity and I had heard many good things about the quality of education here. Studying law in Hong Kong offers many unique opportunities for me, ranging purely from future jobprospects, to merely the chance to get to interact with a diaspora of different peoples and cultures. So, in case you were wondering, choosing to come study in Hong Kong was an easy choice to make. How different is Hong Kong from my home town? I grew up in a relatively small town in South Africa with a population of about 4,000 people. So as you can imagine, moving from that small town to this SuperCity was a massive adjustment for me. The differences between Hong Kong and my hometown are endless: the most obvious difference though is the hectic pace of life in Hong Kong and the never ending




running around which everyone seems to be

Have you ever heard of the five-stage culture

At this stage I began to realise that

doing. Another thing which took a long time to

shock model? It describes the different stages

everything that I was so used to getting

get used to was the different diet here in Hong

of adjustment a person goes through when

done really easily and quickly back at home

Kong. I have to confess I still get a little hungry

s/he arrives in a new country/city. Well it goes

became really difficult because I didn’t

for South African food every now and again, but

a little like this: first, you have the Honeymoon

know where to look for the things I needed,

I’ve learnt to love the variety Chinese cuisine

Stage where you find everything in the new

some of the people I needed to speak to


country exciting and intriguing. Second, you

couldn’t understand me and some things

have the Distress Stage where everything

were just simply done differently in Hong

But, enough with all the questions, I think the

which you found so exciting in the first week

Kong than I was used to. I got frustrated

best way for us to get to know one another is if

starts to make life a little difficult for you. Third,

at all these things and started getting just

I tell you a little about my experience as a new

you have the Re-Integration Stage where you

a little grumpy. I started wondering why I

student in Hong Kong trying to integrate into

start to question why you moved in the first

decided to leave my own home country as

my new environment.

place as you start to idealise “back home”.

everything back there just seemed easier. For

Fourth, you have the Autonomy Stage where

example I got really frustrated when people

you finally start to feel that you’re beginning

couldn’t understand English. However, this

to fit in again and that you can live in this

was short-lived and soon I started to find my

community. Fifth, and finally, you have the

feet and embraced the diversity which Hong

Independence Stage where you can fully

Kong offered.

embrace the new culture and be yourself again. All of a sudden the little things that I think in order to tell you what it’s like to be a

frustrated me before became special again.

foreign student in Hong Kong I will reveal all I

Instead of struggling on with English, I

went through so that you can appreciate the

started learning some Cantonese so that

good parts and the bad parts of what it’s like

I could get small things done without any

to be “new” in Hong Kong. I hope that through

problem. Instead of getting frustrated with

this little experiment we can make it easier for

some of the cultural differences between

new foreigners to integrate here at CityU.

my own country and Hong Kong I started to embrace them and began to live like a

My first few weeks in Hong Kong were an

Hongkonger myself. These small changes

absolute blast! I explored every little corner of

both in skill and attitude made me re-

Hong Kong that I could find and I marvelled

appreciate my decision to move to Hong

at all the little differences between myself and

Kong. Hong Kong, in my eyes, once again

the people of Hong Kong. I did all things which

became that great city which I knew it was

tourists have to do in Hong Kong, and I enjoyed

all along.

every second of it. But, as I soon realised, to really find out how different a country is from

None of these readjustments would have

your own, you need to do the little everyday

been possible had it not been for the

things, like buying groceries, opening a cell

hard work and assistance from the people

phone contract or just buying dinner.

working in City’s Mainland and External Affairs Office. My Cantonese would never

Jan 2015


Student Voices

外國新生在香港: 一位南非白人學生在香港的經歷 文:Jacobus du Plessis 法律學院

have improved if not for my friends who patiently listened to me butchering the Cantonese language and tried not to laugh too hard at my mistakes. And I think most importantly, I am grateful to the people of Hong Kong, who, even though they lead such hectic lives, still manage to find the time to be kind to strangers. I think by walking with me through my process of adjustment you can empathise to some extent with what it is like for someone to move from their home country to a metropolis as different, diverse and exciting as Hong Kong is. I look forward to spending four more years (and possibly much longer) in this beautiful city.



你想問,我從哪裏來,有什麼經歷?簡單說吧,我叫Jacobus du Plessis,是來 自南非的白人學生。我今年入讀城大,是修讀法律學榮譽學士課程的全日制學生。 香港是一個充滿機會的地方,這吸引了我,況且我對香港的優質教育聞名已久。來 香港修讀法律,使我有很多特別的機會,這可以是將來的就業前景,也可以是有 機會與一大群各種民族和文化的人交往。所以,你想知道我是否難以決定來香港讀 書,我可以告訴你,一點也不難。


香港跟我的故鄉差別有多大呢?我生長於南 非一個小鎮,鎮上大概只有4,000人。可想 而知,從那個小鎮來到香港這個超級大都 市,我要適應的事情太多了。香港與我家 鄉小鎮的差別真是說不完。最明顯的差別就 是,香港的生活節奏緊湊,似乎人人都是四 處跑個不停。還有一件事,我好久才適應過 來,就是香港的飲食大不相同。坦白說,我 仍然不時想念南非家鄉菜,但已逐漸喜歡上 品類豐富的中國菜了。

好吧,你們問夠了。我想,大家要互相認 識,最好的辦法就是聽我談談自己的經歷, 看我這個初來香港的學生如何努力融入新 的環境。 你聽說過「文化衝擊的五階段模式」吧?這 說的是一個人初到一個國家或城市之後經 歷的幾個適應階段,大體上是這樣的:第 一階段是蜜月期,你發現在這個新的地方樣 樣事情都很迷人,令人振奮;第二階段是苦 惱期,你會發現,第一個星期中令人興奮的 事情,現在開始使生活有點難過了。第三階 段是再融入期,你開始覺得還是「老家」最 好,自問為何當初要來這裏。第四階段是自 治期,你終於感到開始能適應,能夠在這個 社會生活了。第五階段,你終於來到獨立 期,能夠接受新的文化,再次感覺自如了。 我想,為了讓你明白一個外國學生在香港的 感受,我要把自己的經歷一一說出來,你才 會了解在香港做一個「新來人」的好與壞。 我希望,經由這個小小的實驗,能夠幫助新 來的外國學生較容易融入城大。 我在香港的最初幾個星期,感覺簡直是 「勁爆」!香港各處的小角落,能去的我都 去了;自己與香港人的每一處微小差別都令 我驚訝。凡是遊客到了香港必遊必試的, 我件件不漏,每一刻都開心。不過我很快 覺察到,要真正了解一個地方跟自己的家 鄉有何不同,就必須去做一些日常瑣事, 例如買日用品,簽一份手機合約,或者僅 僅是買晚餐。

談時,有些人聽不懂我說的話;有些事情 在香港的做法,跟我所習慣的很不一樣。 這些事都使我灰心喪氣,脾氣也變得有點 暴躁了。我開始自問當初為什麼決定離開 南非家鄉,在那兒似乎事事都輕鬆易做。 舉個例子,遇到聽不懂英語的人,我會覺 得實在沮喪。不過,這個階段為時甚短, 我不久就習慣了新環境,高高興興欣賞香 港的多樣化。 原先令我難受的那些小事,忽然之間變得 特別有意思了。我不再強求他人懂英語, 倒是自己開始學一點粵語,以便順利辦成 一些小事。我不再為南非和香港的某些文 化差異而煩惱,開始欣然接受差異,學香 港人那樣生活。這些技能與態度方面的小 小改變,讓我重新認識到自己來香港求學 的決定是對的。在我的眼裏,香港又是我 先前所知的那個偉大城市了。 要不是城大內地及對外事務處的人員盡力 協助,我就不可能那樣再度適應;要不是 朋友們耐心聽我亂七八糟講粵語,還強忍 得住不放聲大笑,我的粵語就不會進步。 我想,最重要的是,我要多謝香港人,他 們自己生活得匆匆忙忙,還好心擠出時間 來幫助異鄉來客。 我想,聽我這樣回顧自己在香港的適應 過程,對於一個人離開祖國來到香港這樣 多彩多姿、令人興奮的異鄉的感受,你多 少能夠體會了吧。我期待在這個美麗的都 市再待四年,甚至更久。

在這個階段,我開始感到,從前在家鄉又快 又容易辦成的事,在香港變得實在難:需 要的東西,我不知哪裏去找;需要與人交

Jan 2015


Gown to Town

Pioneer your own path

剛柔相濟 獨闢蹊徑

Martial arts and yoga: the former is rumbustious and the latter pliable. How can one blend the two together? CityU alumna Ms Sally Chung Sau-yee did just that, creatively integrating yoga with martial arts.

By Cathy Lau


“When I was young I was always bullied. When I was studying A-levels, I chose to learn Mi Zong Luo Han because it is more focused on body stretching and basic skills than other schools of martial arts. I hoped I would be able to protect myself with kung fu,” said Ms Chung who has a BSc (Hons) in Applied Physics, a postgraduate certificate in Hong Kong Law, and an MPhil in Applied Physics from CityU. Her school of martial arts, known as Mi Zong Luo Han (Lost Track Arhat), emphasises foot and legwork, and requires practitioners to maintain great resolve and perseverance during training.




“After graduating with a master’s degree,

different positions relatively quickly, motivating

listening to other people’s problems and

like most people I wanted to work in a large

her to train to become an instructor. Soon she

encouraging them to brave the storm.

company and have more opportunities to

was teaching yoga. “Ever since childhood my life has been

play to my strengths,” said Ms Chung, who worked for a few years in administration and

Practicing both ancient art forms was a

difficult. I had to rely on myself and work

information technology.

revelation. She found that she could exercise

part-time to afford university education,

part of her body she could not stretch during

and as a result I find it particularly easy to

“However, later I found that I would just face the

her martial arts training. Especially she found

understand the feelings of others,” she said.

computer every day and rarely communicate

that the yoga enhanced her flexibility and the

with other people; in addition, prolonged

kung fu improved muscle and tendon strength.

As it turns out, studying applied physics

periods of sitting caused other issues such as

To her utmost delight, yoga also cured an

at CityU also helped her deal with things.

back pain and sciatica.” As a result, she decided

old injury, and vastly improved her kung fu

“My scientific training allowed me to have

to switch professions, and wanted to do


an open mind – everything is possible before being proved otherwise,” she

something related to people and mental health. Finally, she started teaching what she is good

The next step has been to integrate yoga and

said. Additionally, watching her students

at: kung fu.

kung fu. “It is easy to injure yourself while

practicing yoga is almost like seeing the

practicing martial arts, whereas yoga can be

whole skeleton in motion. She can find the

But she found that enrolment was not so great

healing,” she said. “Martial arts can make you

fulcrum and force points and identify and try

at first, perhaps because her school of kung

strong, whereas yoga increases flexibility;

to remedy issues related to posture.

fu is so demanding. She also found that she

martial arts give you a strong body, whereas

had reached a plateau in her own progress

yoga gives you an inner spiritual stability.”

“I adjust the yoga positions in response to different physical problems and needs,” she

after practicing kung fu for so many years, and that her body had accumulated a number of

Both yoga and kung fu have impacted her


whole life. Ms Chung said that she has had


difficulties in her family and love life, but

She also encourages younger CityU students

About this time she started taking yoga

she has never let them bring her down. She

not to follow the crowd. “The most important

classes, and quickly realised the benefits for

has stayed strong and found a way out. She

part of life is to contemplate what is most

relaxing both body and mind. Her martial arts

has even made time for volunteer work

important for you, and find your goals.”

background also meant she was able to master

and answered calls on counselling hotlines,

“Martial arts can make you strong, whereas yoga increases flexibility; martial arts give you a strong body, whereas yoga gives you an inner spiritual stability.” Jan 2015


Gown to Town

武術、瑜伽,一剛一柔,怎能融合在一 起?城大校友鍾秀儀小姐恰能做到,她 獨創一格,將瑜伽和武術融為一體。 她說:「我小時候常被人欺負,到了念預科 那年,我比較各門武術後,選擇學『迷踪羅 漢』,因這門功夫對肢體伸展等基本功的要 求比其他門派嚴格,我希望學會了可以自 衛。」 「迷踪羅漢」注重步法和腿法,練功需 要高度堅忍和毅力。 鍾小姐在城大求學,先後獲得應用物理學榮 譽理學士學位、香港法律深造證書、哲學碩 士學位(應用物理),畢業後從事過幾年的 行政和資訊科技工作。 她說:「碩士畢業後,我一度像大多數人那 樣想在大公司工作,希望有更多機會發揮所 長。後來我發覺,每天對著電腦,很少與人 溝通,而且長時間坐著,引致腰背痛、坐骨 神經痛等毛病。」於是,她決定轉行,想做 與人溝通的、或是與心理健康有關的工作。 幾經轉折,她開始教授自己擅長的功夫。

練習兩門古老的技藝,給她帶來了驚喜。 她發覺,練武時未能伸展的肢體能得到鍛 煉,特別是瑜伽增強了身體的柔韌度,功 夫則增進了肌肉、筋腱的力量,而最令她 欣喜的是,瑜伽還治好了她的一處舊患, 令她的功夫技巧大有進步。 下一步,她便將瑜伽融入功夫當中。她說: 「習武容易受傷,瑜伽能療傷;武術令人 剛強,瑜伽提高柔韌度;武術給人強健的 體魄,瑜伽給人內心的安定。」 瑜伽與武術融為一體,也改善了她的生 活。她說,自己在家庭和感情生活上遇到 過困難,但從未被困難壓倒,甚至仍能抽 時間做義工,在輔導熱線接聽電話,聆聽 他人的疑難,鼓勵人勇敢面對難關。她說: 「從小我的生活就很艱苦,靠自己做兼職

但是,可能因為這門功夫的要求甚高,她發 現起初收生情況不如預期。此外,習武多年 後,她感到自己停滯不前,身體上也積累了 一些傷患。這時候,她開始學習瑜伽,發覺 瑜伽對放鬆身心都有好處。她有武術根底, 因此迅速掌握了很多瑜伽動作,感覺很受鼓 舞。她受訓成為瑜伽導師,不久就開始教授 學生了。

「武術令人剛強,瑜伽提高柔韌度;武術給人 強健的體魄,瑜伽給人內心的安定。」



掙錢才讀完大學,所以我特別能體會他人 的感受。」 原來,在城大修讀的應用物理學知識,也 有助於她處事。她說:「科學的訓練使我有 開放的思維,知道任何事物除非經證明為 不可能,就都是可能的。」 此外,她指導學生做瑜伽時,簡直如同見 到整副骨架在運動,能看出受力的支點、 力點,能為學生指出並糾正不適當的姿 勢。她說:「我會因應不同的身體毛病或其 他需要,調整瑜伽動作。」 她勉勵城大的師弟師妹不要隨波逐流,她 說:「生活中最重要的是:想清楚什麼對你 最重要,並找到自己的目標。」


Contextualizing Modernity: Hong Kong Architecture 1946-2011 Dr Charlie Xue Qiuli, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Zhang Longxi’s Collected Works Professor Zhang Longxi, Chair Professor of Comparative Literature and Translation, Department of Chinese and History

Commercial Press, Hong Kong, 2014

Showwe, 2013

Contextualizing Modernity: Hong Kong Architecture 1946-2011 focuses

Professor Zhang Longxi

on the transformation from colonial to global—the formation,

specialises in the research

mechanism, events, works and people related to urban architecture.

of various subjects such as

The book reveals hardships the city encountered in the 1950s

literary theory, philosophy

and the glamour enjoyed in the 1980s. It depicts the public and

of culture, and comparative

private developments, and especially the public housing which has

literature. Currently, in

sheltered millions of residents.

international academia, he is representative of experts in the

The author identifies the architects practising in the formative

humanities who are of Chinese

years and the representatives of a rising generation after the

ethnicity, and who have garnered

1980s. Suffering from land shortage and a dense environment, the

a reputation for being “the ferryman

urban development of Hong Kong has in the past 65 years met the

between Eastern and Western cultures”.

changing demands of fluctuating economic activities and a rising population.

This anthology is divided into four volumes, and includes important Chinese publications from Professor Zhang, from the 1980s until now.

《城境–香港建築 1946-2011》 建築學及土木工程學系副教授薛求理博士 香港商務印書館,2014年

It comprehensively showcases his perspectives in academic research, and is the brainchild of his 30-odd years of hard work in academia. The anthology contains seven monographs published by Professor Zhang. With these four volumes, the readers may have an overview of

《城境–香港建築 1946-2011》集中論述香港的城市建築從 殖民地時期起直到進入全球化時代的變遷,包括城市建築的 形成及其制度,以及相關的事件、工程、人物。該書展示了香 港1950年代的艱難,也回顧其1980年代的輝煌;它描述了公 營及私營房屋的發展,尤其細述如今容納數百萬居民的公共 房屋。

his academic ideology, and follow its development over the decades

作者介紹了香港城市建設 初期的執業建築師,以及 1980年代以來興起的新一代 本港建築界代表人物。儘管 受制於地狹人稠,香港的城市 建築仍滿足了迄今65年來因經 濟盛衰、人口增加而不時變動的 需求。

張隆溪教授精研文學理論、文化哲學、比較文學等學科,是目 前國際學術界有代表性的華裔人文學科專家,有「中西方文化 擺渡者」之譽。 這部文集分為四卷,收入張教授自1980年代初迄今發表的重要 中文著述,全面呈現了張教授的學術研究觀點,是他在學界辛 勤耕耘30餘年的心血結晶。文集包含張教授的七部專著。讀者 有此四卷在手,可大致了解張教授的學術思想,並追溯其數十 年來的發展歷程。


《張隆溪文集》 中文及歷史學系比較文學及翻譯講座教授張隆溪教授 秀威資訊科技,2013

Jan 2015


Graduates with a bright professional future 城大畢業生就業前景光明 CityU students are among the most ready for work upon graduation, according to an annual survey conducted by European consultants analysing global employability. 根據歐洲顧問公司的調查結果,以就業能力排序,城大 位列全球最佳大學排行榜,學生畢業時已準備就緒可 開始工作。

City University of Hong Kong  香港城市大學   Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR  香港特別行政區九龍達之路

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