Fall 16 Newsletter

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CIRCLE CIRE K K BEAVERS City College of New York | Circle K International

Issue #2 S e r v i c e .

October 2016 L e a d e r s h i p .

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CONTENTS club Letter from the Club Editor #3

The E-Board #4

district District Events#17

events spotlights

Service Events#7

Honorary Member #22

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CONTENTS contact club photos

Social Media & Emails#26


circle k More About Circle K #25

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get involved Interested in writing an article in our next issue of Circle K Beavers? Email Editor, Grace Rosado at grosado000@gmail.com for more information!

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LETTER FROM THE EDITOR HELLO THERE FELLOW CIRLCE K’ERS Happy Halloween & welcome to the second issue of our club’s newsletter. If this is your first time reading our newsletter, WELCOME! I hope you can get to know us a little bit better through this newsletter through all that we have done since the beginning of September. If not, welcome back! I still cannot believe it’s already the end of October. It has been an amazing couple of months here at City College’s Circle K chapter. Not only has there been an influx of service events and fellowships but our amazing, passionate, and dedicated members continue to inspire me. We also have the fortune of welcoming new members who share the same qualities, attributes, and passion for serving. Newsletters are a great way of highlighting how extraordinary our club is; a newsletter can only be as good as its club. There’s so much to highlight and show off about our club that putting this issue together was fun and made me smile, as I hope you will too.I am so proud of our members as well as our hard-working e-board. I’m extremely excited for what’s to come next and am looking forward to New York Speaking this weekend. Enjoy the newsletter! Yours in Service, Leadership and Fellowship, Grace Rosado grosado000@gmail.com


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We started this new service year knowing we had to fundraise. As treasurer, I can say our bake sales have been quite successful. We had bake sales in October almost every Thursday. Our members donated baked goods to sell. It was especially astonishing to know that many of our members are generous enough to bring in things to sell. I could tell that our members worked hard baking and we felt very grateful. It is through their hard work that we are able to fundraise for our club. On October 19 we had our Baking Social where we got together as a club, bought ingredients, and went to the dorms to cook food and bake for next day’s sale. It was a great opportunity to get to know the new members and socialize. There was music and plenty of laughs. Unfortunately, I had to leave early, but the idea was to also eat dinner with the food that was made. The next day, we sold brownies, cookies, macaroni and cheese, and rice. In addition, one of our members was also kind enough to bring in more cupcakes and cookies, which were delicious. She had contributed so much to the bake sales we felt she would be the perfect Bake Sale Chair. The Bake Sale Chairhas been awarded to ViktoriyaBorisova. I am excited to see what ideas she can bring to make our bake sales even more successful. I believe she will do an amazing job!


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On Wednesday October 19th, we hosted our first Baking Social of the 2016-2017 school year. The day consisted of shopping for groceries that we needed in order to make the baked goods and food, members contributing supplies and helping to bake, cook, and clean, and most importantly sharing a lot of laughs all while helping to raise money for our club. Since the baking social was held fairly early in the school year, it was a great opportunity for new members to mingle and hangout with preexisting members, which helps to keep our club a close knit family. Furthermore, the pillars of leadership and fellowship really overlapped at this event, because it required all of the members to act as leaders in whatever they were doing, whether it was boiling pasta, mixing brownie batter, or making sure the cookies didn't burn. In the end, it was a great success and a lot of fun!


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Harlemween 2016 BY: GRACE ROSADO

This past Friday October 28th, 2016, City College’s Undergraduate Student Government (USG) hosted its annual Harlemween event. More than ten years ago, Harlemween began as an event to unite and connect student government with the local community. “Each year, USG invites the students of the local community to visit our campus and play the fun activities that we host. It is an annual tradition, and one of our most popular cultural traditions as well”. Harlemween is a free event held in the NAC Ballroom from 4PM-8PM. The event is intended to cater to the children in Harlem and features dancing, games, and a haunted hall. Our club participates in the annual event each year. The day before the event, our members met during club hours in order to prepare candy bags for the children. Over thirty bags of candies were made. On the day of the event, a handful of our members came in at 9AM to help set up for the event. During the event, we got to interact with the children by playing games with them, scaring them in the haunted hall, making arts and crafts, and dancing! It was a successful event with many clubs from CCNY coming together to have fun and interact with the children from the Harlem community.

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BBBS provides all children in NYC, who face adversity, an opportunity to experience a strong one-to-one mentoring relationship with adults that will help change their lives for the better.

The 12th Annual Big Brother Big Sisters (BBBS) of NYC Race for the Kids, part of Nickelodeon’s Worldwide Day of Play, took place on Saturday September 17th at Prospect Park. The event is an opportunity for BBBS to raise awareness for their mission, to generate funds, to support their programs and recruit more volunteer mentors. It’s a fun-filled day that celebrates the power of mentoring and emphasizes the importance of health and exercise. The 5K family-friendly run/walk attracts more than 4,000 participants. After the race, everyone is invited to bring their families to enjoy the family friendly festivities of Nickelodeon’s Worldwide Day of Play. BBBS NYC provides all children, who face adversity, an opportunity to experience a strong one-to-one mentoring relationship with adults that will help change their lives for the better. The event was a fantastic opportunity for volunteers to learn more about this amazing organization. Volunteers are provided with breakfast early in the morning and a free T-shirt. Volunteer areas included: registration, water & food stations, informational and directions guides, race route Marshalls, and the finish line.

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Bowery Mission


On Sunday September 18 we worked with our Sponsoring Kiwanis Club, Young Professionals of NYC, and other Kiwanians to volunteer at the Bowery Mission Soup Kitchen. It was an extremely rewarding experience. Although I had worked with this organization in the past, this time was especially important. We were directly asked to work there due to the serious lack of volunteers. As students go back to school, and before the holiday rush of volunteers, they count on people like us that can give back. Since we were there in the past, and they knew us to be friendly and professional volunteers, they were excited to have us back. The Bowery Mission Soup Kitchen is one of the oldest and most iconic soup kitchens in America. Opening in 1879, it was the third soup kitchen to open in the country. But as much of a historic symbol it is, it serves more importantly as a place where anyone and everyone who is in need or hungry can get a hot fresh meal served to them. So many people still go without the most basic needs in our city. Volunteering is a great opportunity to give directly back to the people in need. What I really love about working there is being able to directly see the impact and effect that you are making in people lives. Often times we don’t see the direct person that we are helping with our community service, but the bowery mission is up close and personal, so you can really connect with the people.

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Sometimes we feel small and as if our efforts aren’t significant, but when you look around and see a sea of lanterns… you realize that is never the case Volunteering at the Light the Night walk became a tradition for me in high school while I was still a member of key club. I’d look forward to being surrounded by supportive people whether they’d be fellow volunteers or participants of the walk. This past Light the Night event was my first in Manhattan and my first event as a Circle K member. Although I was in a new setting with people I had just started to become friends with, it was not hard at all to realize that I was a part of two important things: an event supporting research for blood based cancers and Circle K. We spent the night directing people into the event, checking them in, and cheering each other on. One thing I think we forget or don’t realize is how big of an impact we make together. Sometimes we feel small and as though our efforts aren’t that significant, but when you look around and see a sea of lanterns and more importantly a sea of people with good intentions and good hearts, you realize that is never the case.

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HappyFest occurred on Saturday, October 15th and took place at the Long Island Sports Park in Calverton, NY. HappyFest is a festival and obstacle course for people of all abilities. The obstacle course was a one-mile course with every obstacle every 1/10 mile plus fun activities in between stations. Some of the obstacles included rope climbs and rope swings, walls and hurdles. Each obstacle station had inclusive options for participants who needed to opt out of certain obstacles could have the opportunity to face a different challenge. HappyFest is a very new event. The one which our members attended this year was their second time holding the event. They also had live music! Sara Louie, the Lieutenant Governor (LTG) of the Liberty Division in New York’s CKI, told her division about the event. Three volunteers from her division attended the event (one from NYU, and two from CCNY). We also had one person from Queens College volunteer alongside the Liberty Division. The job given to the volunteers was handling registration for the people that came to the event. We had to sign-in the people who registered for the event and make sure they signed their waivers.

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On Sunday October 16, five of our members volunteered at the CaringKind Alzheimer’s Walk in Riverside Park. The walk raised awareness and critical funds to support the 265,000 New Yorkers living with Alzheimer’s. Friends, family, caregivers, sponsors, volunteers and community leaders were all gathered together. As volunteers, our members arrived early to help the organization prepare breakfast and registration for the walkers. For the morning shift, one of our members, Sandrine, was assigned a separate task from the group. The other four members – Ryan, Justin, Viktoriya, and I – worked together at the breakfast tables. Before the walkers arrived, we cut crumb cakes into small pieces and set out muffins and bagels on trays. As staff and walkers began to arrive, we served them the crumb cake, muffins, and bagels. By far the most memorable part was trying to figure out the flavors of each muffin. We misnamed three types of muffins to completely different flavors. At one point, one of the other volunteers began making up flavors just to see people’s reactions. After volunteering at breakfast, the five of us joined the other volunteers as part as the cheering squad. We rang bells and waved ribbons to cheer the cheer the walkers who had finished the race. Overall, the event was enjoyable but what really made the day special was the memories made by my fellow club members.

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Suicide Prevention Walk BY: VIKTORIYA BORISOVA

Walk Out of Darkness is a gathering of individuals whose aim is to stop suicide and provide support for those who have lost a loved one to suicide. The event took place at a beautiful park in the west side of downtown Manhattan. There Circle K volunteered alongside a beautiful view of the statue of liberty. Within the event, volunteers were given the opportunity to lighten the spirit of out walkers throughout various positions. Our 2016 City College Circle K club assisted by distributing Walk Out of Darkness t-shirts, beads who colors were symbolic of their relationship to the person lost, “I am walking for� tags, and by cheering for the enthusiastic walkers. It was inspiring to hear how many of the participants were able to cope with their loss by becoming passionate for Walk out Darkness. At the end of the day, this event awakened by eyes to the issue at hand and made me appreciate everyone in my life.

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Kiwanis One Day/ NY Cares Day BY: RIDMILA SHANNON

For Kiwanis One Day, CCNY Circle K celebrated by volunteering at PS 359 for New York Cares Day. We were able to meet with other representative of out Kiwanis Family and volunteer together. Fellow key clubbers and members from other Circle K branches like NYU joined us for our day of service. We were able to transform the school by completing tasks that kept learning spaces more organized and impactful for the students. Some of us were filing in the offices, some were painting murals, and others were packing and preparing folders for the students. I knew these tasks would improve the learning environment and help the school run more efficiently. It was awesome to be in an environment where I could volunteer to help the school community while interacting with so many of our Kiwanians! Also, it was my first New York Cares Day volunteer event so I was able to see that the organization is all about! I really felt like I made a difference by doing service work for this school. It was both rewarding and fun. There is no place I’d rather spend Kiwanis One Day than volunteering with my own CK Fam!

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Rock N Roll Half Marathon BY: MAFTUNA SAIDOVA

The Rock and Roll Marathon was certainly a volunteering experience I will not forget. When I first got to Prospect Park, where the event was held, I was a bit lost as it was still dark. I was still however able to find the rest of the members of CCNY Circle K. Although everyone has to wake up before the crack of dawn and walk through the “dangers� of Prospect Park, at the end of the day, everyone seemed satisfied. While chatting and drinking coffee, we were also able to see the rise of the sun.

We began by getting together and unpacking the medals, which were going to be given to the runners after they crossed the finish line. The part I enjoyed the most was when the runners started crossing the finish line. I will not forget the look on the faces of those who were able to cross the line first. I realized that in order to be able to finish first they must have had to practice a lot. They had to sacrifice their time, put in a lot of energy, and never give up. The fact that I witnessed their accomplishment also gave me a sense of determination.

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Later on we were in charge of handing out water to the rest of the 18,000 runners. This experience made me realize why I enjoy volunteering and simply helping others. In wanting to be a part of someone else’s journey and helping them, it allowed me to realize things I would not have otherwise. The Rock and Roll Marathon definitely showed us Circle K’ers that, like the runners, we can overcome obstacles to accomplish a goal.

Volunteer’s got free food, a coupon from Chipotle for a free meal, and a MetroCard

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Service is the common bond between all Circle K members. It’s what connects us and brings us together. This year in late September, CCNY Circle K joined over 150 over members from across the district to clean up and repair Kamp Kiwanis, a camp for underprivileged and disabled students that would otherwise never be able to go away for summer. We spent a whole weekend from Friday night to Sunday morning up at the camp, sleeping in the cabins as if we were one of the kids! There was a lot of preparation in the weeks before winter that needed to be done. Through the hard work of our members and others across the district, we were able to complete all of our tasks. It was very rewarding leaving the camp on Sunday morning knowing all that we accomplished.

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In addition to making a difference and giving back to those less fortunate, we were also able to bond and make friendships with other students from all-around NY and the world! There were fellowship activities and camp fires, which brought us all together. The great thing about Circle K, is the work you can accomplish while meeting other amazing people. Having the chance to talk and work with other inspirational young students is truly a pleasure. I look forward to going back to DLSSP next year, and our other two conventions: New York Speaking and District Convention.


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Liberty Divisional BY: JUSTIN BENNETT

On October 21st, the Liberty District’s Lieutenant Governor, Sara Louie, along with Jack Curzon, our District’s Secretary, organized the Liberty Divisional. It was a fellowship event for the entire Liberty Division of New York’s CK. The event took place at New York University’s Kimmel Center. To kick off the event, Fordham University’s Circle K chapter brought materials for everyone at the event in order to do a small service project. We made paper hands in order to raise money for poverty driven kids in other countries. After, we did an icebreaker with balloons. The goal of the icebreaker was to try and keep all the balloons in the air and we had to work in a team to do so. Over thirty members from various colleges all over the Liberty Division were able to attend the event, along with fellow Key Clubbers and Kiwanians. A big plus was the freshly made waffles with all sorts of toppings: Nutella, strawberries, whipped cream, sprinkles, syrup, and so much more! It was a great opportunity to meet and work with the other members in our division as well as learn more about what each club was doing.


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HONORARY MEMBER Christine Budhi FRESHMAN Undecided, leaning towards Art (Electronic Design & Multimedia Fun Fact:Avocados being 2 for $5 makes me very frustrated Why did you join CK?Key Club was a big part of my high school experience and it was comforting and exciting knowing I could continue the club in college. Especially since entering college comes with big changes. It was nice knowing something was staying constant in some way.

Congratulations to Christine Budi!

What has been your favorite event so far?My favorite event so far has been volunteering at an elementary school in the Bronx for New York Cares Day (a.k.a Kiwanis One Day)

Due to her outstanding dedication, she has earned the title of Honorary Member. Christine, a former Key Clubber, joined CK’s chapter at City College in the Fall of 2016. She has attended Kiwanis One Day, Light-the-Night, Liberty Division, and more! During her free-time she likes to sing, read, paint, nap long enough to regret napping, and cook too many eggs.

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PB & J Sandwiches at Hunter College Kiwanis One Day

Making Hands at Liberty Divisional

Icebreaker at Liberty Divisional

Making Hands at Liberty Divisional

Waffles at Liberty Divisional

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Light-the-Night Walk

Light-the-Night: Live Music

Rock N Roll Marathon Packing Medals: Rock N Roll Marathon

HappyFest Selfie at DLSSP

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About Circle K International Circle K International is the largest student-led service organization around the world. We focus on serving our communities while also fostering leaders and lasting friendships. What truly sets CKI apart from other service organizations is its openness to focus on any cause, any event, and any fundraiser that a member is interest in. Additionally, the club does not stop at serving communities, the club focuses on fellowship between club members and connecting them to members in colleges all over New York and around the globe. Joining Circle K is more than just dedicating yourself to service, it’s joining an international network of like-minded students and becoming a part of the Kiwanis family. Kiwanis International is the adult version of Circle K and helps to advise and sponsor Circle K charters, as well as the other younger branches such as the high school version, Key Club. The three tenants of Circle K are: service, fellowship, and leadership. CCNY Circle K is an undergraduate club that was founded in 2011. It is a part of the Liberty Division of the New York District of Circle K International (NYCKI). We often work and socialize with our neighboring colleges in Manhattan and the Bronx. These Include, New York University, Hunter College, Fordham University, Baruch College, and more. Each year there are three opportunities to attend conferences with the rest of the NY District: District Large Scale Service Project (DLSSP), New York Speaking, and District Convention.


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CONTACT US  Like us on Facebook:www.facebook.com/ccnycirclek  Follow us on Instagram:www.instagram.com/ccnycirclek  Check out our website:www.ccnycirclek.wordpress.com Co-President: Kristian Mosquito kristian.mosquito@gmail.com Co-President: Ryan Coffey ryan.coffey5897@gmail.com Vice President: Justin Bennett netlog37@gmail.com Secretary: Cecilia Fernandez cecfernandez25@gmail.com Treasurer: Odalis Gutierrez odalisgutierrez01@gmail.com Webmaster: Dylan Forgione forgione_dylan@yahoo.com Editor: Grace Rosado grosado000@gmail.com

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