Summer 2017 Issue

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CIRCLE CIRE K K BEAVERS City College of New York | Circle K International

Issue #4 S e r v i c e .

Summer 2017 L e a d e r s h i p .

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ABOUT CIRCLE K INTERNATIONAL Circle K International is the largest student-led service organization around the world. We focus on serving our communities while also fostering leaders and lasting friendships. What truly sets CKI apart from other service organizations is its openness to focus on any cause, event, and any fundraiser that a member is interested in. Additionally, the club does not stop at serving communities: the club focuses on fellowship between club members and connecting them to members in colleges all over New York and around the globe. Joining Circle K is more than just dedicating yourself to service. It’s joining an international network of like-minded students and becoming a part of the Kiwanis family. Kiwanis International is the adult version of Circle K and helps to advise and sponsor Circle K charters, as well as the other younger branches such as the high school version, Key Club. The three tenants of Circle K are: service, fellowship, and leadership. CCNY Circle K is an undergraduate club that was founded in 2011. It is a part of the Liberty Division of the New York District of Circle K International (NYCKI). We often work and socialize with our neighboring colleges in Manhattan and the Bronx. These Include, New York University, Hunter College, Fordham University, Baruch College, and more. Each year there are three opportunities to attend conferences with the rest of the NY District: District Large Scale Service Project (DLSSP), New York Speaking, and District Convention. 2

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I hope summer has treated you all well and you’re now hot and ready for this upcoming service year! Get ready to fall in love with this club and the people who keep it impactful. It’s an honor to be serving as this club’s 2017-2018 editor and I am so excited to be working with such a wonderful e-board and even more wonderful members. That includes the new faces I look forward to meeting and watching grow as Circle K’ers. I have been part of the K Family since high school when I was in key club and there have been countless experiences and opportunities that always remind me why I am so happy to be part of this club. Through this newsletter, I hope to allow you to both inspire and be inspired. Be sure to consider attending our District Large Scale Service Project (DLSSP). It’s going to be a lot of fun and I hope you’re just as excited for this service year as I am. Feel free to contact me if you’re interested in writing an article for our next issue. Thank you for reading and please enjoy! Yours in Service, Leadership, and Fellowship, Christine Budhi


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MEET THE EXECUTIVE BOARD Co-President Odalis Gutierrez YEAR: Senior (yay!) YEAR: I am a Senior (yay!) MAJOR: I am a Psychology major and I am doing an MAJOR: I am a Psychology major and I am doing English minor. an English minor. CHEWY OR ORIGINAL CHIPS AHOY COOKIES: I've CHEWY OR ORIGINAL CHIPS AHOY COOKIES: I've always preferred the chewy kind. always preferred the chewy kind. WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE GROWNING UP: Growing WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE GROWNING UP: up I always changed what I wanted to be. I went from Growing up I always changed what I wanted to be. artist, to teacher, to veterinarian, to doctor. Now I I went from artist, to teacher, to veterinarian, to want to become a Clinical Psychologist. doctor. Now I want to become a Clinical FOR WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL: I am most grateful for Psychologist. the sacrifices that my parents made for my family. FOR WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL: I am most grateful They've tried their best to make sure my brothers and I for the sacrifices that my parents made for my had everything we needed. family. They've tried their best to make sure my brothers and I had everything we needed.

Co-President Grace Rosado YEAR: Junior YEAR: Junior MAJOR: Political Science MAJOR: Political Science CHEWY OR ORIGINAL CHIPS AHOY COOKIES: CHEWY OR ORIGINAL CHIPS AHOY COOKIES: Chewy! Chewy! WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE GROWNING UP: I WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE GROWING UP: I wanted to be everything: a veterinarian, an wanted to be everything: a veterinarian, an astronaut, an actress, a singer, the president, a astronaut, an actress, a singer, the president, a writer, etc. writer, etc. FOR WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL: I am grateful for the FOR WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL: I am grateful for people around me, my friends and family. They the people around me, my friends and family. have loved me and supported me throughout my They have loved me and supported me life and I do not know where I would be without throughout my life and I do not know where I them would be without them


MEET THE EXECUTIVE BOARD Vice President Viktoriya Borisova YEAR: Sophomore MAJOR: Psychology CHEWY OR ORIGINAL CHIPS AHOY COOKIES: Chewy WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE GROWNING UP: An elementary school teacher FOR WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL: I am grateful for every second of my life b/c it has led me to the person I am today

Secretary Ashley Kate Preza YEAR: Sophomore MAJOR: Media and Communications CHEWY OR ORIGINAL CHIPS AHOY COOKIES: Why not both WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE GROWNING UP: Whatever Anne Hathaway was in The Devil Wears Prada, pretty sure she was a secretary FOR WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL: Dogs

Treasurer Ayesha Alam YEAR: I'm a sophomore. MAJOR: Speech Pathology CHEWY OR ORIGINAL CHIPS AHOY COOKIES: Original chips ahoy with milk!! WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE GROWNING UP: I wanted to be a pilot. FOR WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL: I'm grateful for my amazing family and friends


MEET THE EXECUTIVE BOARD Webmaster Karen Li YEAR: Sophomore MAJOR: Chemical engineering CHEWY OR ORIGINAL CHIPS AHOY COOKIES: original WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE GROWNING UP: vet FOR WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL: family, friends, food, little things in life

Editor Christine Budhi YEAR: Sophomore MAJOR: Electronic Design and Multimedia CHEWY OR ORIGINAL CHIPS AHOY COOKIES: Chewy WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE GROWNING UP: A singer FOR WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL: I am grateful for my family, my cats, and people who inspire me creatively and in general.



YEAR: Senior MAJOR: Mechanical Engineering CHEWY OR ORIGINAL CHIPS AHOY COOKIES: Chewy WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE GROWNING UP: Growing up I wanted to be an architect, then later a historian FOR WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL: I'm grateful for the great people who love and support me, especially family and friends WHAT MADE YOU RUN FOR LTG: I ran for LTG because I felt I was the most qualified person in the division to take the job. I enjoy meeting new people and visiting other clubs. What I most want to do as LTG is to grow our division's clubs.




Circle K’s New York District Convention will not fail to remind you how much we’ve achieved as individual clubs, as a district, and as an international organization. Each day of that weekend we attended workshops that allowed us to interact with members from other clubs from around the state. The last set of workshops were leadership based workshops and I was encouraged to go to the Editor/Webmaster workshop. We also dedicated time to caucus sessions in which we heard from the candidates for the district board. As we welcome in a new board, we also say goodbye to another and although DCON is an event of goodbyes -to LTG’s, the district board, a service year- the inspiration and motivation it gives is never ending.


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The 2017 Circle K International Convention, held in San Antonio from July to 9th, may have been one of the greatest experiences of my life. For four days, we Circle K’ers from around the world gathered to celebrate the three tenets of service, fellowship, and leadership. We were challenged to have the heart to serve, to have the courage to engage, and to answer the call to lead. I gained valuable knowledge on club building and strengthening, engaged in a heated and lengthy House of Delegates, volunteered for the improvement of a community food garden, listened to guest speakers with remarkable life stories, bonded with the wonderful members of New York who attended, and made friends from across the country. Most importantly, I gained genuine confidence in myself and increased my enthusiasm for service. I have been reminded of the importance of putting others before oneself. Not only was I inspired, but I have an incredible amount of fun doing it. If at all possible, you should make it to Chicago for CKIx 2018! 9 5th

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Hemophilia is a rare disorder in which the blood does not clot normally. Since fewer than 200,000 people are diagnosed every year in the United States, most people have not heard of it. However, I was passionate to volunteer at the Circle K Hemophilia Spring Event because my baby cousin was born with hemophilia. Unfortunately, he passed away a few days after birth and I wanted to ensure that other children who were born with this rare disorder could have a fun filled day at the Bronx Zoo. This event was specifically for children with hemophilia and we played games, ate delicious lunches, and have a few influential speeches. It was an enjoyable event to show these children that they can do what other children can do. I loved volunteering there because not only did I see how happy these kids looked, but I also got to witness how happy their parents were. It was a family event and my favorite part was a little game we played where we had to match our index cards with other people in the same category. We ran around looking for people with similar cards and it was hilarious. I also enjoyed reading the responses of people of what their favorite “walk” memories were. We left paper and markers on the table where adults and children could write or draw their memories from the hemophilia walks. Lastly, just enjoying the music and having a good time with these groups of people made the whole experience worthwhile. I’m looking forward to another event because I will definitely try to volunteer! 10

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Japan day is an annual festival held in Central park to celebrate Japanese culture. There was free popular Japanese food including okiomiaki and onigiris at the food tents. There were also many activity tents where people could try fun Japanese activities including calligraphy, trying on a yukata, origami, games, and more. All the while, live performances of various Japanese groups were playing at the Naumburg Bandshell. Volunteers are placed along a path from The Mall to East Drive, where they gave directions and information pamphlets to people going to the festival. The best part of the festival was of course the free food, and watching the live performances.


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The Hemophilia Walk of June 4th was dedicated to spreading knowledge while fundraising for Hemophilia. A hemophiliac is an individual who is born with a disorder that doesn't allow for blood to clot normally. During the Hemophilia walk volunteers were assigned to hand out t-shirts, help groups check in, and cheer on the walkers. Throughout the event the volunteers were treated with a free breakfast that included rainbow bagels and pizza at the end. I mostly enjoyed cheering on the enthusiastic walkers. One of my favorite group shirts stated in the back "In a world full of cheerios, be a fruit loop."


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The K Family New Year event brought the clubs of the Liberty Division such as NYU, Baruch, Hunter, and Fordham together at CCNY to celebrate the end of the service year and the beginning of a new one. We celebrated with pasta, tacos, and homemade ice cream. It’s always exciting seeing members from the other clubs the division especially because we often serve with each other. We also made sure to celebrate Hemophilia awareness month by wearing matching red ties!


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At the very end of May, our club had one last gathering at Ryan Coffey’s house with Circle K’ers from both our division and district. We welcomed summer with open Sara poses and ate together in the backyard. After trying to figure out how to be good at frisbee and eventually giving up, we came inside and played a long game of Mafia. I enjoyed being around everyone because I knew it would be a while until that would happen again. The best part of the party, however, was Ryan’s dog.


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During the summer, our club held a Potluck Picnic at Central Park to promote fellowship within our club as well as with other clubs and Kiwanians. It was a beautiful day in the city, so it wasn't hard to enjoy each other's company. We spent the day eating food, playing card games, throwing a frisbee, and just talking. I really enjoyed seeing a lot of us together and having fun, because I know that it's a lot harder to get together in the summer. One of my favorite parts of the picnic was getting the frisbee stuck in a tree. It was really funny witnessing everyone attempt to get it down by throwing shoes and water bottles. Eventually, we did get the frisbee down, but we still continued to have lots of fun!


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The Thirst Project Concert was our first major event of the service year. Guests were able to come to CCNY to learn about the organization, donate to the cause, and enjoy amazing live performances. All proceeds from the event were donated to the Thirst Project, which is the world’s leading youth organization dedicated to water activism. 663 million people lack access to clean water needed for necessities such as drinking, bathing, and making food. The Thirst Project works to educate students across the country about the water crisis while also working to provide clean water to countries in need. The donations from this event went towards building freshwater wells in developing nations. At the event, we had a photo booth, and a water walk in which people carried jerry cans filled with water, similar to those in developing countries who need to walk miles just to get access to water that isn’t even clean. There were also exciting musical performances. Different members oversaw different things, such as serving food or taking pictures. I was in charge of welcoming our guests and checking them in. It was cool to meet all the different CCNY students, Key Clubbers, Kiwanians, family members, and friends who came to support the cause. My favorite part of the event was definitely the live music. All the performers were incredibly talented and I loved the atmosphere that their music provided. It was amazing to have a bunch of people gathered for such an amazing cause, listening to good music together. I really enjoyed witnessing people utilize their talents to promote awareness for the global water crisis.


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HONORARY MEMBER Ryan Coffey JUNIOR Electrical Engineering Fun Fact: My middle name, Martin, is also my father’s middle name and my great grandfather’s first name. Why did you join CKI? Helping others gives me more joy than anything else in the world. Also the amazing people and organizations that I am connected with because of my organization is so important to me. I am so fortunate to be a part of such an amazing organization.

Congratulations to Ryan Coffey! I’m happy to announce Ryan, a former Key Club Lieutenant Governor, as our honorary member of the month due to his countless contributions, never ending dedication, and overall enthusiasm for Circle K. He joined CCNY’s Circle K in the Fall of 2015 and later served as the club’s 2016-2017 copresident. In addition, he also served as the New York District’s ConCon Chair for this past service year. He’s also consistently been one of the members who has served the highest number of hours as he’s served club hours and individual hours. We are very appreciative of Ryan because he played a significant role in organizing our Thirst Project Concert as well as being our presenter of the organization.

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What has been your favorite event so far? Our first convention of the year, District Large Scale Service Project (DLSSP) is probably my favorite event. It is so amazing to do service with members from across the district, and there really is nothing else like it. Anything else you may want to add about yourself: Live to Serve, Love to Serve!

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New York CKI District Convention

K Family New Year

End of the Year Party The Thirst Project Concert

Potluck Picnic

The Thirst Project Concert Photo Booth

Bubble Tea Social


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CONTACT US Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Check out our website: Co-President: Odalis Gutierrez Co-President: Grace Rosado Vice President: Viktoriya Borisova Secretary: Ashley Kate Preza Treasurer: Ayesha Alam Webmaster: Karen Li Editor: Christine Budhi Liberty Division LTG: Kristian Mosquito

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