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From its humble beginnings as a forge in 1861 GRIMME is now a world leader in the potato, beet and vegetable sectors. That’s one of many facts shared by Paul Rechtien (Grimme Area Sales Manager - Overseas) during his recent New Zealand visit. While catching up with the Vegetable Centre and Landpower teams, Paul added:
GRIMME is very much a family business with the Grimme family actively involved day to day.
Grimme Group has 2,850 employees in 30 countries in 18 different professions including 130 apprentices/ student learners.
GRIMME and subsidiary ASA-LIFT have over 150 machinery types to suit local crop and harvesting needs worldwide.
Innovations in the pipeline include the hot topic of selfpropelled technology.
Paul was hosted by Roger Nehoff (GRIMME Operations Manager - New Zealand) and Nigel Prattley (Product Manager – GRIMME) and visited a number of Canterbury growers to gain a better understanding of the New Zealand market.
First of four self-propelled harvesters delivered Roger says the VA270TT has been ordered to the customer’s specification with extra cleaning ability to handle the toughest conditions harvesting juicing carrots throughout the winter months.

It is equipped with the latest designed GRIMME/ ASA- LIFT carrot topper with four hydraulic cylinders on each wheel ensuring precise ground following. With the track design and cleaning ability, after heavy rain the VARITRON was the only machine that could harvest and supply the factory with carrots. (All other harvesters were parked up waiting for better weather!).