1 minute read
When Group Parts Manager Peter Jones first joined us in 1988, Herby and Pam Whyte had only started Landpower (then Farmrite) 18 years earlier. We asked Peter to take us for a wander down his 35-year memory lane.
How did you get started here?
I grew up in a rural Manawatu town (central North Island) with family involved in farming. My wife’s family are dairy farmers.
I started working with CLAAS machinery in 1982 with the then New Zealand CLAAS importer, AM Bisley & Co. Bisleys changed hands a couple of times before Herby took over CLAAS in 1987.
What has been your 35-year career path?
I stayed on and worked for Herby mainly in parts, but also service, sales, and managed a branch for 18 months.
In 1997 I transferred to Melbourne (with wife Helen, and two children) to help set up and manage the parts operation as National Parts Manager.
On 1 January 1998, Landpower started with CLAAS in Australia looking after hay machinery products, JAGUAR and existing combine owners. Around 2016, I became Group Parts Manager with a Trans-Tasman parts responsibility.