Middle Structure Applica/on
Important Date 6/1
Release Middle Structure Applica6on
Middle Structure Applica6on Deadline
Middle Structure Training Camp
Applica/on Flow Applica6on Booklet
Go through this applica=on booklet, it would bring you redefine your AIESEC journey and allow you to step a level higher.
Consult VPs
This is a required step. You should consult VPs to understand middle role and func=ons thoroughly.
Please finish the online ques=onnaire with the required aQachments uploaded: Submit MS Applica6on 1. Func(onal Ques(ons (1st Preference) 2. Func(onal Ques(ons (2nd Preference)
ASer your MS applica=on being accepted, we’ ll arrange an interview with you.
Words from Local Commi7ee President Mei-Hsuan Wu Dear the one who is looking for the mountains in your life, It is always good to be a MS, a role that are always challenging our limits and at the same 6me to see what we can achieve. It's 6me for start your journey, looking for what you pursue in your life; It's 6me for you to take an adventure. I can promise you it will not be easy, or even be exhaus6ng and desperate to find who you are, and where to go. But it will be worth it if you finally find the mountain that you always want to conquer in your deepest mind. So, good luck, and remember you are not alone. We are all on our way, and we will always beside you pulling you up when you fall down. Love, Mei-Hsuan
Incoming Exchange Func/ons
Global Volunteer
Words from Vice President of iGV Kevin Hsu Dear warriors, First of all, I would really like to appreciate your interest in this func8on and your determina8on to take the challenge. As what I said during the info session in the beginning of the semester, it’s a func8on to shape you a be?er man through interac8on with our local partners and exchange par8cipants. In the following semester, all of you will experience the complete flow of the func8on, knowing the value of the existence of iGV, and truly making our homeland a be?er place. There might be some challenges; however, keep in mind that once you step out of your comfort zone, you are indeed growing up. Good luck and welcome to iGV.
Yours, Kevin
iGV Structure VP
Dream Beyond Language (EDU) TL
Embrace Taiwan (NGO) TL-1
Embrace Taiwan (NGO) TL-2
Job DescripBon of Dream Beyond Language
 (EDU) TL You will be in charge of school projects, execu6ng the process of Raise-Match-Realize. The percentage of the work load is: 50% Raise school projects 30% CEM for TN and EP 20% Match and promote the projects For more details: 1. Research the market and propose the products to customers 2. Interact regularly with current customers to improve the experience and rela6onship 3. Prepare project promo6on material and match EP 4. Execute buddy program and work as EP buddy 5. Organize IPS and other spaces related to LEAD for EP 6. Join NFM with VP at least once 7. Par6cipate in na6onal IPS and work as facilitator or OC 8. Teach our members necessary skill and design their learning paths 9. Acend the mee6ng of educa6on bureau in the beginning of semester
â–ś Responsible KPI: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
# of NewRaise>8 ReRaise Rate 100% CC to Mee6ng conversion rate >0.05 # of Approve >3 EP Finish to Complete 100% EP NPS > 30
You will be in charge of NGO projects, execu6ng the process of Raise-Match-Realize. The percentage of the work load is: 40% Match 40% CEM for TN and EP 20% Raise NGO Projects For more details: 1. Promote the projects in various plagorms and establish IR 2. Match EP in peak season 3. Manage the experience of current NGO TN 4. Execute buddy program and work as EP buddy 5. Organize IPS and other spaces related to LEAD for EP 6. Do basic MR and propose the projects to customers. 7. Join NFM with VP at least once 8. Par6cipate in na6onal IPS and work as facilitator or OC 9. Teach our members necessary skill and design their learning paths
â–ś Responsible KPI: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
# of Approve > 10 # of New Raise>2 ReRaise Rate 100% Physical MR to Mee6ng conversion rate >0.5 CC to Mee6ng conversion rate >0.05 EP Finish to Complete 100% EP NPS > 30
Job DescripBon of Embrace Taiwan 
 (NGO) TL-1
You will be in charge of NGO projects, execu6ng the process of Raise-Match-Realize. The percentage of the work load is: 60% Raise 20% Match 20% CEM for TN and EP For more details: 1. Research the market physically and digitally 2. Propose the projects to poten6al customers 3. Produce promo6on materials for newly-raised projects 4. Firmly maintain the rela6onship with current and new customers 5. Execute buddy program and work as EP buddy 6. Organize IPS and other spaces related to LEAD for EP 7. Join NFM with VP at least once 8. Par6cipate in na6onal IPS and work as facilitator or OC 9. Teach our members necessary skill and design their learning paths
â–ś Responsible KPI: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
# of New Raise>10 Physical MR to Mee6ng conversion rate >0.5 CC to Mee6ng conversion rate >0.05 # of Approve >2 EP Finish to Complete 100% EP NPS > 30
Job DescripBon of Embrace Taiwan 
 (NGO) TL-2
iGV FuncBonal QuesBons 1. What is the quote of iGV of the year? What’s the connec6on of the quote and you? Please write down a story and share with me. (Please consult VP for the quote, do not imagine on your own. You are not wri6ng an ar6cle on Dcard) (at least 250 words) 2. List down 3 of your strengths and weaknesses, and how would each of them affects your work during your MS term in iGV. (at least 250 words) 3. Who are the two sorts of customers of iGV ? What is the Customer Flow of iGV? Please explain the above, and tell me as well, what we can do for our customers in each step. (at least 300 words) 4.Explain clearly the Leadership Development Model and its importance to iGV. (at least 300 words ) 5.What’s the sustainability of a project? What is SDG? Why are they important to us? (at least 250 words)
Incoming Exchange Func/ons
Global Talent
Words from 
 Vice President of iGT Gladys Yen Dear all, Time passes and the memory of my years in IGT keeps reminding me something. That is, "with pains, I actually grew; with gains, I already made my mark." Days back to the 8me when I was an IGT MS, I was so proud of what I was delivering to the world, what worlds I spoke with my ac8on and it turned out to be solid force. With entrepreneurship, ambi8ous, and innova8on, we did bring more into Taiwan and bring out signiďŹ cant outcomes. Keeping moving forward, this year, Iet's realize our pledge to our genera8onwe are the generator, and we're building up the bridge, which connects dream and reality. All the best, Gladys VP IGT
iGT Structure VP
A?rac8on TL
Customer Experience Management TL
Job DescripBon of ASrac/on TL 1. IGT product selling (50%) 2. Market Research- Taiwanese Industry (30%) 3. MB Educa6on (10%) 4. Performance Tracking (5%) 5. Hold EP Gathering (5%)
â–¶ Responsible KPI:
1. # of CC (200), Conversion Rate 1/15 2. # of Taiwanese industry researched (5) 3. # of Team Mee6ng (7), NPS 30, Reten6on Rate 67% 4. Team Execu6on Rate (80%) 5. # of EP Gathering (3), NPS 50
Job DescripBon of Customer Experience Management TL 1. Conduct Considera6on-phase opera6on: Matching, EXPA & SF system management (20%) 2. Conduct Value-deliver-phase opera6on: 16 standards fulfillment, EP Buddy alloca6on and management (30%) 3. Conduct Brand-advocacy-phase opera6on: Evalua6on forms revision and filled, IGT product improvement (10%) 4. IGT product Selling (20%) 5. MB Educa6on (20%) ▶ Responsible KPI:
1. # of CC (80), Conversion Rate 1/15 2. # of approved form (4) 3. # of Team Mee6ng (7), NPS 30, Reten6on Rate 67% 4. Team Execu6on Rate (80%) 5. # of FM (1), NPS 30
iGT FuncBonal QuesBons
1. Please interpret YOUR Why-How-What concept of AIESEC IGT product. 2. What are the 3 characteris6cs that you own? And what is your working style? 3. What is your mo6va6on of being a Middle Structure in IGT? And what is your expecta6on of this experience? 4. What is the 4 phase of IGT Customer Flow? And what are the things that have to be done in each Phase? 5. Please list down the daily opera6ons of Acrac6on as detailed as you can and diversity is also preferred.
Outgoing Exchange Func/ons
Global Volunteer
Words from Vice President of oGV Jacob Chen Dear all, In this semester, we've gone through many obstacles, and in the following semester, we will grow disrup8vely. When you open this applica8on, it means you are ready for the following journey. It definitely won't be easy, but I can guarantee you, it would be worth it. I've stay in oGV since I was a newbie 8ll now, I was frustrated and thought myself was8ng my 8me in AIESEC 8ll I saw my EP changed and grew. The impact we create is unmeasurable and the faith we believe is unbreakable. We are the dream pushers who create infinity impacts. AIESECly, VP oGV Jacob Chen
oGV Structure VP
Interna8onal Rela8onship TL
Customer Experience Management TL
Job DescripBon of Interna/onal Rela/onship TL 1. Lead an oGV member team, make educa6on plan, project plan and execute 2. Synergy with MKT (stall, info session) 3. The responsible person of contact of AIESEC NCCU OGV 4. Build & maintain qualified iGV Interna6onal Rela6on partnerships 5. Get project details and booklet from iGV and package project 6. Par6cipate in all oGV ac6vi6es 7. Must apply Faci or HGF for both RS & OPS 8. Work as EP buddy ▶ Responsible KPI:
1. # of Follow up call (50), Conversion Rate 1/10 2. # of Team Mee6ng (7), NPS 30, Reten6on Rate 50% 3. Team Execu6on Rate 80% 4. # of IR Country (3), # of Project Package (20) 5. Apply Faci or HGF for both RS & OPS
Job DescripBon of Customer Experience Management TL 1. Lead an oGV member team, make educa6on plan, project plan and execute 2. Synergy with MKT (stall, info session) 3. Understand and improve New Customer Flow 4. Design ques6onnaires for EP and returnee, survey them about the survice we provided 5. Analyze returnee's experience and support MKT with returnee resource 6. Par6cipate in all oGV ac6vi6es 7. Must apply Faci or HGF for both RS & OPS 8. Work as EP buddy ▶ Responsible KPI:
1. # of Follow up call (50), Conversion Rate 1/10 2. # of Team Mee6ng (7), NPS 30, Reten6on Rate 50% 3. Team Execu6on Rate 80% 4. # of EP CEM (10), NPS 50 5. Apply Faci or HGF for both RS & OPS
oGV FuncBonal QuesBons 1. Why do you want to apply for oGV MS? What is your mo6va6on and expecta6on? Please list down and be specific. 2. Tell me your 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses, and how would they effect you during your MS term? 3. What is the value of oGV for Taiwanese youth? Please explain it by four Leadership Development Quali6es. 4. What is CEM and why do we need "CEM" this posi6on in our func6on? What makes CEM unique? Please write down your opinion. 5. What boclenecks do you see in the current oGV match process(IR supply, match channel, EP management, EP buddy training, etc.)? And provide your solu6on to solve the boclenecks.
Outgoing Exchange Func/ons
Global Talent
Words from 
 Vice President of oGT Henry Liang Dear applicants, It is always said that the environment of Taiwan is terrible. When we talk about the economics, employment or poli8cs and other issues that we even don't men8on that o`er, it feels so hopeless actually. Have you wonder what can be the solu8on of Taiwan? I've once heard that is vision. That's what oGT actually provides to our customers that is much more than an one year working experiences in CV. As one of oGT func8on, please don't beli?le yourself cause you're the one who is trying to make the society a be?er place. Also, be humble to learn more knowledges and opinions as these are the nutrient that can make us strong. In the coming semester, hope to see your proac8ve, ambi8ous, hardworking and enthusiasm in learning cause we're the talent who create the most wanted talent. In the second half of 2018, oGT is now ready to achieve a higher level. Sincerely, Henry
oGT Structure VP
Job DescripBon of TL-1 1. Create IR partner and aarrange IR mee6ng densely for project and company understanding 2. Arrange unique selling point for each project and create synergy on both oGT and MKT 3. EP matching and leading for leadership development 4. CEM improvment mee6ng for EP bachground customizing personal career plan 5. Implement returnee survey 6. Arrange and Par6cipate in all the promo6on events 7. Team leading for both hard and sot skill training 8. Industry anailyzing for focusing country â–ś Responsible KPI:
1. # of team match 2 2. Finish industry analyzing of all target country 3. Finish career plan database of college of communica6on, college of commerce and college of social science 4. # of IR partner 15, collect more than 20 focusing OP and arrange mee6ng
Job DescripBon of TL-2 1. Create IR partner and arrange IR mee6ng densely for project and company understanding 2. Arrange unique selling point for each project and create synergy on both oGT and MKT 3. EP matching and leading for leadership development 4. CEM improvement mee6ng for EP background customizing personal career plan 5. Implement returnee survey 6. Arrange and Par6cipate in all the promo6on events 7. Team leading for both hard and sot skill training 8. Industry analyzing for focusing country â–ś Responsible KPI:
1. # of team match 2 2. Finish industry analyzing of all target country 3. Finish career plan database of college of communica6on, college of commerce and college of social science 4. # of IR partner 15, collect more than 20 focusing OP and arrange mee6ng
oGT FuncBonal QuesBons
1. Please tell me why you want to apply for this posi6on and why you are suitable for it, list down three reasons. 2. Please design the learning schedule/path of skills and knowledges that MBs in your team should equipped and explain why you design it this way. 3. What's the alignment between AIESEC value & products of oGT? How does these products contribute to Taiwanese youth? 4. Analyze the pros and cons between global internship and local internship, please explain the result and provide the resources that can support your inference. 5. Explain the logic of current customer ow and tell me the bocle neck and how to solve it.
Back Office
Words from Vice President of MarCom Jasmine Hung Dear applicants, I believe that you're ambi8ous, proac8ve, and looking forward to be influen8al. Yes, you are going to create something really unique and precious; you are going to grow disrup8vely, from the moment that you decided to devote yourself to AIESEC in NCCU. I would said that my MS term is one of the milestone in my life. Coopera8ng with all the stakeholders, there were achievements so as conflicts. I started to reposi8on myself and asked, what kinds of person am I going to be? I kept on trying something fresh new to exceed my limita8on. Step by step, I want to show that I am not only ambi8ous but could turn vision into reality. I wasn't a great leader, even not a nice person, before being MS. Because I only cared about personal growth, my own opinions, and the efficient way to work. I wouldn't change without those conflicts and failure in my AIESEC journey, though it's painful. Hence, I'd said, only people who try to face their weakness and conquer their obstacle deserve life changing experiences. Don't be nervous, there are various of opportuni8es for you to take, to grow, to fail, and to revive. Seize the moments that you can prove yourself and never afraid of failure. Marcom are welcome to all the applicants who eager to make thoroughly fresh achievement in your life. So, my dear applicants, are you ready to ac8vate your poten8al and create the maximum impact with me? All the best, Jasmine
Marke/ng Structure VP
oGV & ME Mgr.
oGT & BD Mgr.
Recruitment & Branding Mgr.
Job DescripBon of oGV & ME Mgr. 1. In charge with recruitment. 2. oGV physical promo6on. 3. Responsible of oGV campaign, including promo6on, organizing, CEM, logis6c. 4. Responsible person of SHU promo6on.
â–¶ Responsible KPI:
1. # of oGV leads 2. # of info DG 3. Conversion rate of info leads to apf 4. # of leads in ME 5. # of OC ac6vi6es/mee6ng
Job DescripBon of oGT & BD Mgr. 1. 2. 3. 4.
In charge with recruitment. oGT physical promo6on. Responsible of oGT campaign, including promo6on, organizing, CEM, logis6c. Resiponsible person of promo6on-channel development.
â–ś Responsible KPI:
1. # of oGT leads 2. # of info DG 3. Conversion rate of info leads to apf 4. # of developed channel 5. # of partnership or amount of sponsor 6. # of OC ac6vi6es/mee6ng
Job DescripBon of Recruitment & Branding Mgr. 1. Responsible for physical promo6on of recruitment. 2. Co-design recruitment, oGX, PR campaign poster, banner, other material. 3. In charge of PR campaign, including promo6on, organizing, CEM, logis6c.
â–ś Responsible KPI:
1. # of recruitment leads 2. # of info DG 3. Conversion rate of info leads to apf 4. # of PR DG 5. OC team: NPS
MarCom FuncBonal QuesBons 1. Why do you want to apply for Marcom MS? Tell me your 3 strength and 3 weakness, and how would they effect on your MS term. 2. What kind of brand image do you think AIESEC should shape? And how do general NCCU students regard AIESEC? Why? 3. Describe what AIESEC is doing, for the purpose of showing NCCU/SHU campus need AIESEC. (roughly 150 words.) 4. List down three unique selling points of oGT product and oGV product separately, and explain why should AIESEC have them both. 5. Choose one of the leaders in the world that you think he/she could represent AIESEC value, and explain your criteria.
Finance Back OďŹƒce
& Legality
Words from 
 Vice President of F&L Candice Tsai Dear all, As I was a member, I was facing the same ques8on with you.Stay or leave? To be honest, at that 8me, I was also knowing li?le about this place and feeling so lost. Finally, I decided to give myself another chance and stay, wanted to see the what impact I could sparkle here. The experience of MS and MB is totally dierent, at this posi8on, you need to have more macroscopic thinking of whole organiza8on. Being a communica8on bridge between VP and MB, and ac8ng like a leader to members; if doing so, I can ensure you can have a worthwhile semester with a new perspec8ve of this place. Remember, stay foolish and be a pro-ac8ve person, you will deserve this experience. Good luck, Candice
F&L Structure VP
Accoun8ng Mgr.
Job DescripBon of Accoun/ng Mgr. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Organize workshop/OC of Finance and Legality Assist VP about financial sheet each month Deal with reimbursement process. Book keeping for every month Manage LC property.
▶ Responsible KPI:
1. #Reach people Of finance educa6on 2. Workshop: NPS, #of acendance 3. #Comple6on rate of Bookkeeping
F&L FuncBonal QuesBons 1. Why do you want to apply for F&L MS? What is your mo6va6on and expecta6on from this posi6on? Please list down and be specific. 2. In your opinion, why this func6on is important for our LC? 3. As a financial person, what kind of characteris6c should you possess or how should you act? 4. Please plan your agenda on your first OCm and tell me why for each stage. 5. How will you simplify reimbursement process and enhance LC financial sense.
Back OďŹƒce
Talent Management
Words from 
 Vice President of TM Claire Ren Dear you, If you' re now reading this message, I would said you might have experienced some good parts of AIESEC which highly related to "people", and that' s what TM cares the most but NOT the all! We, as a TMer, are not only the experience-protecter, but the problem-solver as well. By inpujng organiza8onal development and human resource sight, Talent Management is an unique func8on which would broaden your horizons and expand your macroscopic thinking. You won' t be the one who meets with EPs and TNs, but you will be the back-scene hero/ heroine who build-up those direct impact. That' s why we describe ourselves: "We create those who create impact." Talent is a mul8plier. The more energy and a?en8on you invest in it, the greater the yield. The 8me you spend with your 8me best in TM is, quite simply, your most produc8ve 8me. Don' t hesitate to start your journey in AIESEC, in Talent Management. Love, Claire Ren
TM Structure VP
Job DescripBon of Mgr.-1 1. Par6cipate & Responsible of fall recruitment and responsible of selec6on camp (selec6on camp agenda manager) 2. Responsible person to co-design LC Tour 3. Support LC talents according to talent flow 4. Co-design talent development content and channel (ex. LCM & Middle mee6ng) 5. Cooperate with another TM mgr. 6. Responsible of LC Summit (Agenda Manager.) ▶ Responsible KPI:
1. LC Tour: NPS, # of Acendance 2. Talent development channel design: NPS, # of Acendance 3. LC Summit: NPS, # of Acendance 4. Recruitment: NPS of selec6on camp 5. Overall: MB to MS reten6on rate, leadership pipeline, IXP
Job DescripBon of Mgr.-2 1. 2. 3. 4.
Par6cipate & Responsible of fall recruitment Responsible person to co-design LC Tour Support LC talents according to talent flow Co-design talent development content and channel (ex. LCM & Middle mee6ng) 5. Cooperate with another TM mgr. 6. Responsible of GAA OCP ▶ Responsible KPI:
1. LC Tour: NPS, # of Acendance 2. Talent development channel design: NPS, # of Acendance 3. LC Summit: NPS, # of Acendance 4. Recruitment: NPS of selec6on camp 5. Overall: MB to MS reten6on rate, leadership pipeline, IXP
TM FuncBonal QuesBons 1. Why do you want to apply TM mgr.? How could you influence AIESEC NCCU at this posi6on? 2. According to talent flow or TM KPI, please list down what does TM do in detail and why we do it. 3. What is your understanding of TMP & TLP? Why we need it and how could TMP & TLP influence youth in AIESEC and the society? 4. Please list down all talent development channel and their posi6oning. Also, please bring out at least one improvement respec6vely (Content and form are not limited. It could be an idea or a project to enhance the channel’ s quality) 5. What criteria do you think 2018 & 2019 AIESEC NCCU member should required?
Back Office
Alumni Coordina=on
Words from Vice President of AC Candice Tsai Dear all, When you see this applica8ons, means you are considering about AC or think this as a mysterious space. Actually it's true, most of you don’t really know what AC is doing, the impact we want to create, and the value we want to delivery. This is sure some bo?lenecks we’re facing and I am looking for someone holding same value to join me. While contac8ng with alumni, you can’t help yourself to learn more from them. I am always inspired when they share their experience and give us advices sincerely just because they regard us as their family. Days we spend in AIESEC will actually affect WHO WE ARE, our AIESEC journey won't just stop at the 8me we are leaving. This experience wll shine on you, ever and ever. Feel free to consult me, you are on your way! Best Regards, Candice Tsai
AC Structure VP
Customer Experience Mgr.
Event Mgr.
Job DescripBon of Customer Experience Mgr. 1. Organize World Cafe OC team 2. Manage alumni interview for certain 6mes 3. Synergy with Event mgr. to improve alumni interview 4. Update and op6mize alumni database 5. Post interview outline on Facebook
â–ś Responsible KPI: 1. World cafe : NPS, # of Acendance 2. Alumni Interview : NPS, # of people of engage 3. #Reach people of post on club
Job DescripBon of Event Mgr. 1. Organize Alumni Reunion in Q4 (OCT) 2. Assist CEM mgr. improving alumni interview 3. Synergy with other func6on for training ac6vity 4. Co-manage alumni social media 5) Update and op6mize alumni database
▶ Responsible KPI: 1. Alumni Reunion:NPS, # of Acendance of alumni,# of Acendance of LC 2. Synergy training ac6vity: NPS, # of Acendance.#of 6mes 3. #Reach alumni of post on club
AC FuncBonal QuesBons
1. Why do you want to apply for AC MS? What is your mo6va6on and expecta6on? Please list down and be speciďŹ c. 2. List down 3 of your strengths and weaknesses for each, and tell me how you will manage these in your MS term. 3. What kind of boclenecks are AC facing? What are the value we are delivering and things we want to create? 4. What do you know about AC? What are the value we are delivering and things we want to create? 5. As a manager in AC, what do you think you can do more? (be speciďŹ c and clear)