Execu&ve Board Applica&on
Change is a Challenge Every
to become
WHO We Really Are.
Words From 2019 LCPe
2019 Local Committee President Elected Dear Candidate, 殹⡹䩧鸍⦐ applica'on 儗铜僇✪⡹涸Ⰹ䗰㖈䢅ꅾ罋䣁衼鸍⟝ ✲կ ♶濼麣⡹㖈捀✪➊랁垺涸㔭ꨇ럊䙼罋衼鬣鬝衼染韞♶ャ 䧴罏〪僽䧮亊䗰✪⡹鶕♶⿹䖉缺ⵋ♴♧갤㨣㔐瘶㉏겗9% 䧮䟝僽㔓捀䧮⦛鿪庭ⴖ涸䟝銲隵㥨ゅկ Leadership 㖈 AIESEC 僽呌䗰礵牞⡎嫥⦐➂涸鑡ꅻ鿪♶♧垺䧮䟝 䧮涸僽隵㥨涸䣤劄կ A5er18 ⛒䖓涸䧮⦛剣✪➂欰⚥䎗⛖䨽剣涸寸㹀奘荈姼⟃䖓銲捀 荈䊹頾顑䨽⟃♶倫䵁㼥堣剙♶倫銲実荈䊹䟝雉荈䊹隵䖤刿⸇⮚ 猕刿⸇鞮㺡䧮䟝鸍僽♧㨣鹌⢵涸⾱㔓⛲僽㣐㢳侶➂涸ゅկ
2019 Local Committee President Elected 㖈鸍酬♧䎃㢳劍䧮䖰♧⦐♶剙ず椚ծ♶㋐姷䙼罋ծ♶㋐姷隟俑畍input㼨ⴽ➂銲実⼧ⴓ㓂呓涸➂隵䧭✪剙麣姉ծ剙䱸 「➭➂䠐鋅ծ㋐姷䙼罋⾱㔓ծ㋐姷欽湈Ⰻ⸂㤕駵涸➂鸍哫騟♳չ㼨荈䊹պ僽䧮剑ꨇ涸ꡟ⽒㼨荈䊹涸鮾䓲ծ䙲㣟侁ծ 䙲鄃鎢⿇ծ㣕痜瘝瘝⽽⛲㔓姼刿钠陎✪荈䊹կ鿪铜չ濼䊹濼䕹涰䨞涰պ荈姼㼨荈䊹䧮刿剣⹃孳ぢ嫰植㻛橆㞮鼧 䓼㣐侶⼧⦓涸䮋䨞㊮鑧չ⹃侒պ僽䧮㖈MFBEFSTIJQ剑溪㻛饔醖涸넑뀾կ ⹃侒聁饯⢵䖍⫑ծ䖍尝舠⡎剣〣鑧铜 “Leadership shows up when the crisis comes.” ⡹䖰⢵♶剙㖈竣娛鸍❈㔭ꨇ濼麣荈 䊹剙㥴⡦贔椚濼麣鸍⟝✲㨣穄鿪剙穠勲〪僽⡹腉䙥垺刿㥨㖑䧭捀齡⦐MFBEFSկ㖈溏⡂搀岀何隵涸植屣㢳㼰如䧮溏 衼荈䊹涸 leader 欽厫鮾涸㪦䡾䱸秛✪GFFECBDLㄤ䗰Ⰹ鮾䓲涸荈䊹溏鋅➭⦛㔓姼雉荈䊹刿㥨雉䎿♴涸➂㼨㼭儗⦪涸 䧮溏ⵋ腉㣀䨞植㻛涸垷垺涭⯔涭攦ծ⫷ꚼ瀖♧垺涸荈䊹ㄤ穈籼涸⸂ꆀկ 剣⹃孳㖈植㻛橆㞮鼅乴㼨㣐嚊僽ꫬ䎃㈓♧涸奘ⵃ✪ゅⴓ剙⛒䨽⟃〬⨞ Local commi;ee僽㔓捀♧晙晙㼭㼭涸㖑倯䭨 㕬㼝䭨䧭鸍晙欰균䧮⦛涸㕼㖑雉鸍酬隵㥨僽ꫬ䎃涸⢪ㄏծ⹃侒ㄤ⸂ꆀ罜隵㥨涸㖑倯䗳갭剣⡹կ 2019 涸⚅➿⫄ 䪫䗳갭僽⡹կ
䧮銲㨣✪⡹격䠐⸇Ⰵ㌨ From LCPe Sincerely, 磥翘
Words From Your EB
Words from your EB, The ones who shoulder the LC this year.
Words to those who are going to carry the LC.
Local Committee President Dear all applicants, You cannot change the world by being an EB member, but you can change people. You won't grow because of being an EB member, but you will grow for the things you want to achieve and protect. I was reading my EB APF 2 years ago, at that Cme I was sure that it brings challenges in a following year, but I didn't know that it becomes my second life-changing experience. To found what kind of Mei Wu I will grow to be like, I started my ďŹ rst step. And aKer 2 years, I sCll thank myself and also invite you to ďŹ nd how you can become the best version of you. "It's Cred to be a person with leadership mindset, but it is on the top of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, it's a way for selfactualizaCon. " Mei Wu
Vice President of Finance & Legality "You see, you come, you conquer. " Finance should be the toughest person, but also the most exible one in the whole LC. It's not an easy journey Cll you know where you`re supposed to be. Goal and reality are always not the same, just like you and your perfect one. Don't put limits on yourself, this posiCon will somehow give you chances to redeďŹ ne yourself. Embrace yourself and make here a beWer place. Want big impact? learn more then earn more. Best, Candice
Vice President of Talent Management Dear you, Being a leader is never easy. Not because of the Ctle, the ownership, the challenges that make this leadership journey hard, but the luckiness. If you’ re now reading these words, you are really lucky too, for we could access the most precious opportunity which can realize dream and create impact all at the same Cme. You would definitely see the posiCve impact through “people”, making you become so close to leadership and so deep into yourself. We might need 3-5 years(or even more) to approach a leader posiCon in our future career; however, as an EB in AIESEC, you are enable to grasp knowledge of management and gain wiser perspecCve of leading. That’ s why EB term worth 1/4 year of your university life. Talent Management is such an magical funcCon. I would highly suggest you to follow your moCvaCon and become the one who create impact. Best, Claire
Dear warriors,
Vice President of Marketing
I believe that you are ambiCous, eager to prove yourself and a bit nervous because you know what significant missions you are going to face with. It will never be easy to prepare yourself as a 100% qualify leader, but once you started to fight for it, you are creaCng a beWer version of yourself and establishing your milestones to redefine who you are. We are in a generaCon that surrounding by challenges and obstacles. On the path to reach our vision, though it may make us painful, de-moCvated, or stressful, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." I couldn’t ensure that how great achievement will you have through your journey, but you would definitely become stronger as well as wiser. EB term is the period of Cme that I feel “I am really running AIESEC”, which is such irreplaceable, leading to rapidly personal development, and doubtlessly worth taking. But only who tries to face their weakness and to undergo the painfulness of challenges deserve a life changing process. Dear, don't be nervous, there are various opportuniCes for you to take, to grow, to fail, and to revive. Seize the moments that you can prove yourself and never afraid of failure. Cheers, may you possess all the blessings. All the best, Jasmine.H
Vice President of Alumni Coordination As the vision of AIESEC, we create impact, and then? Life long impact is also the inner value of our goal which make impacts last longer. This posiCon won't make you 100% leader, but can contribue you to be a beWer person. Having been developed and changed in this place, you believe that youth in this place should deserve more. It's never an easy way for you to ďŹ ght for this posiCon, which contains ups and downs all the Cme. But it's you who complete this way. AIESECer are always here, anywhere, anyCme. Put leadership in your mind, spread the impact from your own. Love, Candice
Vice President of Incoming Global Volunteer Dear warriors, It has never been easy to walk through this path, full of brambles. I sCll remember it was almost a year ago, that I started to plant this liWle flame in my heart; that I dared to step out, just to see the best of me. Now, a year passed, and I’m proud to say it’s all worthwhile. I do appreciate your courage, your ambiCon and your perseverance as well. In these three months, you’ll see how fragile you are, but you’ll also see how courage you will be. Don’t hesitate, don’t panic. Enlarge your comfort zone right now, and you’ll realize the world is actually quite big. All the best, Kevin
Vice President of Incoming Global Talent Dear you guys, "When I'm cold, there's a light that you give me when I'm in shadow.” — Everglow by Coldplay" This is never the most prosperous generaCon that we are facing, but we are always granted an opportunity to create a good fortunate to the world. What is the dream you desire to fulfill? What are the opportuniCes you see in this role? Do you believe in yourself that you can build something crucial to the surrounding environment? A simple thought and a single act can cause a great different. Here's the BuWerfly Effect. We see Mark Zuckerberg. Will you be the next one who give hope to others while composing an impressive story for yourself? I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Best, Gladys
Vice President of Outgoing Global Volunteer Dear applicants, It's never an easy decision to fight for VP, the journey is tough. We cry, we collapse, we lost our faith during the journey, we are forced to face those ugly imperfecCon of us. But also, we are climbing the mountains to conquer our own fear and weakness, and to achieve, to create as much impacts as we could. Even though the journey is tough, but I guarantee you, it’s definitely worth taking. OGV is an amazing funcCon where you can witness impacts happen. There are many inspire stories waiCng for you to discover. So don't be afraid, your EB teammates, your naConal teammates, your predecessor even your 2017 VP OGV are always here for you. Sincerely, Your VP OGV Jacob Chen
Vice President of Outgoing Global Entrepreneur & Talent Dear Applicant, It’s really glad to have you here pushing this funcCon moving forward. In my past experience, oGET is absolutely the funcCon that can bring you lots of growth in skill, knowledge and even personal inner growth. However, this is a place that brings people challenging. It is really hard to achieve your goal and expectaCon but once you went through these difficulCes, I do believe this funcCon can make you a totally different person. It is all because oGET is so challenging so that can make you more out-standing. Dare to dream, warrior to achieve. This is the spirit that you should keep in mind and this is also what can make your 2019 worth it. AIESEC in NCCU and I are pleasure to have you here. Enjoy your journey, as your predecessor I’ll always be supporCve for you. Best, Henry Liang
Applica&on Info
2019 EB Team Structure LCP
Elec&on Timeline During Elec9on
10/15 Applica'on Release -11/18 Candidate Consult and Prepara'on for applica'on 12/15 23:59 Applica'on Deadline -12/26 SubCommi;ee Board Interview 12/27 VP Elec'on Day and ConďŹ dence Vo'ng 12/28 Full Team Announcement
A;er Elected (All VP elected need to a?end) 12/15.16 Na'onal TKO 12/29. 30 LC TKO 1/21.22 Na'onal Planning Mee'ng 1/23-1.27 2019 wNCF (1/22 need to pre-stay) 2019 VP term will start from 2019 February 1st un9l 2020 January 31st
Selec&on Process Step 1.- EB Applica9on Submission All of the applica'on documents should be finished in English. Please transfer all the document into PDF and archive them into rar./zip. Please mail to the VP TM, LCPelected and LCP. Name of applica'on package and the mail 'tle should be 2018_AIESEC_NCCU_LCEB_ApplicaMon_(Your Name) Applica'on with mistakes will NOT be accepted under any situa'on. Applica'on form will be pre-screened, and only qualified applicant will enter the interview. No framework or restric'on of applica'on. Please use your own way to present.
Selec&on Process Step 1.-Applica9on Submission You have to finish all following documents before DDL: A. General QuesMons B. Self-introducMon/Show interest Post + Show Interest Video - Applicant should post self-introduc'on post and show interest video on two FB groups-AIESEC NCCU 2018 Everglow and AIESEC Taiwan 硰 य़獤䨝 - The post and video should be put into your applica'on. Please uploaded your show interest video to YouTube and provide the link in your applica'on package. - Show interest video should be more than 1min and less than 4 min. C. Endorsement LeWer - One from AIESEC in Taiwan NCCU EBt (Current or Alumni) , One from Your Teammate (Current or Past), One from non-AIESECer
Selec&on Process Step 2.-SubCommi?ee Board Interview Will be physically interviewed. Please bring 3 of your latest manifestoes and VP applicaMon to the interview. Applicant should dress formally. The interview 'me will be held a5er your applica'on been approved. Further details will be announced in following announcement. Manifesto - Includes 2018 SWOT analysis, bo;leneck, vision, focus area, strategies, goal & KPI/MoS, HR structure. - Should not exceed 15 pages Step 4.-LC VP Elec9on LC VP Elec'on will be held on LCM in December, including confidence vo'ng and manifesto presenta'on. Applicant should dress formally on elec'on day. Candidates need to mail the final version manifesto to the func'on VP you applied, VP TM and LCP before 12/27 23:59.
Selec&on Process Step 4.-LC VP Elec9on Further details will be announced in following announcement. Passing the confidence vo'ng doesn’t mean that you become 2019 VP. It only means that you enter the final decision process and need to wait for elec'on result decided by 2019 LCP elected. Step 5.-Elec9on Result and Full Team 2019 LCP elected has the right to make the final decision of 2019 EB team.
Carol Chu Mei-Hsuan, Wu Claire Ren Jacob Chen Kevin Hsu Henry Liang Gladys Yen Jasmine Hung Candice Tsai Candice Tsai
carol.chu@aiesec.net wu.mei-hsuan@aiesec.net claire.ren@aiesec.net jacob.chen2@aiesec.net kevin.hsu@aiesec.net henry.liang2@aiesec.net gladys.yen@aiesec.net jasmine.hung2@aiesec.net candice.tsai2@aiesec.net
* Please approach 2018 EBt for func'onal-related ques'ons. * Please approach 2018 LCP or VP TM if you have any ques'on about elec'on process.
General Ques&ons
General Ques&ons ● Mo9va9on 1. What kind of value do you see in AIESEC? What’s the connec'on between the value you see in AIESEC and your personal value? How is EB experience related to our life goal and purpose? 2. Why do you want to apply AIESEC NCCU 2019 EB? ● Role Understanding 1. What quali'es or traits do you think that an EB member should have? Why? 2. Please share your idea about the ideal role, key works and behaviors of an EB. How will yourself be aligned to this expecta'on? ● Self Awareness 1. Please state 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses of you, and discuss A. What kind of posi've and nega've impact may influence on your role? B. How will you u'lize your strengths and overcome your weaknesses?