What is Psychology?

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What is Psychology?

By Claudia Amenรกbar

What is psychology? Is a discipline that involves the scientific study of mental functions and behaviors.

Psychology look for understand and explain how we think, act and feel, it explore concepts such as perception, cognition, attention, emotion, phenomenology, motivation, brain functioning, personality, behavior, and interpersonal relationships, including psychological resilience, family resilience, etc. Psychology can be applied to a variety of issues that impact health and daily life including self-help, motivation, productivity, and more.

Specialization areas of psychology Clinical Psychology: Clinical psychologists assess and treat people with psychological problems. They may act as therapists for people experiencing normal psychological crises or for individuals suffering from chronic psychiatric disorders. The majority of clinical psychologists work with a wide variety of populations, they may be found working in academic settings, hospitals, community health centers, or private practice.

Counseling Psychology: focus more on persons with adjustment problems rather than on persons suffering from severe psychological disorders. They may be treated in Psychology Departments or in Schools of Education. It employed in academic settings, community mental health centers, and private practice.

Developmental Psychology: study how we develop intellectually, socially, and emotionally over the lifespan. Developmental psychologists usually do research and teach in academic settings, but many act as consultants to day care centers, schools, or social service agencies.

Educational Psychology: concerned with the study of human learning. They try to understand the basic aspects of learning and then develop materials and strategies for improve the learning process.

Experimental Psychology: includes a diverse group of psychologists who do research in the most basic areas of psychology like in learning, memory, cognition, perception, motivation, and language. Their research may be conducted with animals instead of humans.

Forensic Psychology: Forensic psychologists are involved in analyzing crime evidence and help law enforcement agencies in criminal investigations.

Health Psychology: Health psychologists are concerned with psychology's contributions to the promotion and maintenance of good health and the prevention and treatment of illness. They may design and conduct programs to help individuals stop smoking, lose weight, manage stress, and stay physically fit. They are employed in hospitals, medical schools, rehabilitation centers, public health agencies, academic settings, and private practice.

Human Factors Psychology: Human Factors researchers study the human/machine interface. They may help make appliances such as cameras userfriendly, airplane controls and instrument designs, or they may do basic research on human perceptual and motor abilities as they relate to the operation of machines, computers, and other mechanical devices.

Industrial/Organizational Psychology: Industrial/organizational psychologists refer primarily to the relationships between people and their work environments. They may develop new ways to increase productivity or be involved in personnel selection. They are employed in business, government agencies, and academic settings.

Physiological Psychology: Physiological psychologists study the physiological correlates of behavior. They study both very basic processes (how brain cells function) and more readily observable

phenomena, and they are employed in academic settings.

School Psychology: School psychologists are involved in improvement of the development of children in educational settings. They evaluate children's psychoeducational abilities and recommend actions to facilitate student learning. They often act as consultants to parents, teachers, and administrators to optimize the learning environments of specific students.

Social Psychology: Social psychologists study how our beliefs, feelings, and behaviors are affected by other persons. Some topics of interest to social psychologists are attitude formation and change, aggression, prejudice, and interpersonal attraction.

What does Psychology do in Guatemala? Psychology in Guatemala makes psychologists help us in learning to deal effectively with the problems of life and mental health. The psychology uses a variety of treatments to help us improve our lives. Generally in a therapy, which is given in a conversation. Although there are different styles of therapy, the psychologist will choose the type most effectively resolve the problem of the patient, and better correspond to their characteristics and preferences.

What is Psychobiology? Is the study of the brain, human or animal behavior, and the relationship between the two. Those who study this subject seek to find out which types of behavior are caused by biological process.

CNS, how does it work on our body? Is the part of the nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord. It integrates information it receives from, and coordinates and influences the activity of, all parts of the bodies.

Cells, neurons: The most important cells in the central neurons system are the neurons and the glial cells. Neurons do the job of thinking, computing, remembering, organising, sensing and activating. Glial cells nurture and protect the neurons.

Brain: The brain makes up the largest portion of the central nervous system, and is often the main structure referred to when speaking of the nervous system. The brain is the major functional unit of the central nervous system. Is responsible for integrating most sensory information and coordinating body function, both consciously and unconsciously. Complex functions such as thinking and feeling as well as regulation of homeostasis are attributable to different parts of the brain

Reflection  Psychology is a very important discipline because without it we wouldn’t know all the things that we know about humans.  Psychobiology is indispensable because whit it we know more the human and their behavior, with the animals too.  The central neurons system is very important of our bodies, because it coordinate all the movements, memory, and a lot of essential things for us.

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