4 minute read


Macedo Cham Consultores



Karla Fernanda Macedo Cham Coordination and design of the Entrepreneurial Handbook

Lizeth Castillo Navarrete, Karla Fernanda Macedo Cham Co-authors

Priscila Gerardo Peralta Research and Interviews Coordination

Alma Guadalupe Cham Kimsam


Pablo Seol García

Roadmaps Infographics Design

Marisa López Paredes

Handbook's Translation

Nancy Luna/Smart Translation

Annexes and Roadmaps Translation

Pablo Seol García

Infographics Design

• Background

• Introduction

What Are the Contents of this Manual?

Who Can Benefit from This Manual?

How to Use this Manual

Am I an Entrepreneurial Entrepreneur?

• How Do I Venture in CCIs?

The Entrepreneur’s Guide: ROADMAP

The Success Triad

Zooming into the Roadmap

Roadmap: 10 steps to become an entrepreneur

Steps and Considerations to Achieve Scalability

The Scalability Model of Audiovisual Media

Examples and Success Stories for Scalability

Examples and Success Stories for Scalability

• References

• Special Collaborations

• Acknowledgments

• Glossary

• Credits

• Annexes

1. Success Triad Checklist .(QR1)

2. What Do I Need to Know about CCIs and The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Tijuana? (QR2)

3. Step by Step Business Model (QR3)

4. Basic Guide to Manage Copyrights and Intellectual Property Rightsl (QR4).

5. From One Creative Mind to Another: Earthly Steps to Show Sublime Creativity (QR5).

6. Roadmap para emprender. 10 pasos .(QR6)

7. Roadmap to Scale. 10 steps .(QR7)

8. Scalability Model (QR8).

• Autoría

• QRs


Tuana Innovadora (TI) (QR9) has been an economic development promoter in the city of Tuana through the continuous work of professional collaborators committed to the cause. Since 2010, these collaborators have synergized to coordinate activities that will promote and trigger the strengths of the city. Nowadays, TI is managing actions to positively and purposely impact the educational, cultural, social, entrepreneurial, and sustainable sectors.

Together with the Center for International Private, known as, México: Fostering a Democratic Culture by Addressing Citizen Insecurity and Encouraging Youth

Entrepreneurship and Civic Participation, Tuana Innovadora has developed a project called ¨Roadmap Design for the Scalability of Economic Activities (Audiovisual Media) of Cultural and Creative Industries.

To execute the Roadmap Design project, during the month of June of 2022, Tuana Innovadora conducted a bid for consulting services, where Macedo Cham Consultores was evaluated and selected by the Consultive Collective:, Arte, Cultura e Industrias Creativas (Art, Culture, and Creative Industries) of Tuana Innovadora

The aforementioned deliverable Roadmap project serves the following purposes:

1.That the roadmap will be a guide that will provide actions and resources for young entrepreneurs, professional agents, and decision makers that wish to participate and improve the results of the creative industry.

That the roadmap will be an input so that the members of the ecosystem 2. will make better decisions to benefit the economic growth of the creative industry.

That the roadmap is a guide for high potential entrepreneurs who wish 3. to “scale” their business models.

The consulting team, through interviews with key role players in the research ecosystem (entrepreneurs, business people, directors of educational institutions, public servants, and consultants) and by consulting a series of references relevant to the CCIs and success stories, as well as through the more than 30 year experience in the entrepreneurial world and more than 10 years in the business ecosystem, has developed the present Entrepreneur's Manual called ¨ Roadmap to Set Up a Business in the Cultural and Creative Industries¨.

This manual was delivered to Tuana Innovadora during the first week of the month of August of the year 2022, with the purpose of it being shared with the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem of the CCIs and with that potentialize the success of the entrepreneurial projects of the CCIs.



This manual is intended to be a guide and a tool box so that you as an entrepreneur who has an idea for a business in the CCIs are able to increase up to 70% the chances for success (that you are able to survive the first year of operations, year in which 90% of all businesses subside) and also that you as an entrepreneur are able to increase the potential for success of the first 4 years of life of the company (that you are able to survive the death valley* where approximately in the third or fourth year another 40% of companies die in Mexico).

The team of authors will share in this manual the answers to three questions that more likely you have asked yourself: Am I an entrepreneur? What do I need to know when starting up a business? How can I set up a business in the CCIs?

You will find specific answers to these questions in this manual, as well as references if you wish to explore and get more information regarding the context of the CCIs and of the business and entrepreneurial worlds.

If this is your first attempt to set up your business, this manual contains a ROADMAP to set up a business with a high probability of success. Do not start up on your own. This ROADMAP will tell you how to create a more convenient environment for you, and it will also tell you the available resources for you in the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Tuana

If you already have entrepreneurial experience, we will be sharing a model, along with some good practices to achieve scalability Become more acquainted with the references of business models with a high scalability factor. You will find in this manual some success stories and references, as well as the description and components of a scalable business model.


This manual has been written thinking about you, the CCI entrepreneur and/or professional, so that in a summarized way you will have access to valuable information to create a favorable ecosystem to set up a business, and to be able to take the necessary steps to become an entrepreneur.

It is important to mention that, in general, this manual contains a ROADMAP that can be applied by any entrepreneur or business owner of any industry. Also, it will present valuable information for all the key role players in the ICC entrepreneurial ecosystem, who are interested in articulating to potentialize the VALUE of the industry in Tuana.

Likewise, this manual is for all those who have 6-7 years of entrepreneurial experience, some failures, and at least one success in the market; and whose heads have not stopped thinking about the formula to ¨scale¨.

Call to action:

9 out of 10 business ventures in Mexico subside within their first year of starting operations. If you don't wish to become part of these figures, put the ROADMAP in practice and follow the path of other high potential entrepreneurs. Become that 1 out of every 10 who succeeds in their first year of operations.

Let's change those figures!

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