01 | Introduction
02 | Suggestions
03 | Elements
04 | Concept
05 | Metaproject
01 | Introduction
O b j e c t | the ideation of a meditative space
What does minimum space mean? M i n i m u m | dimension and functions S p a c e | feelings, sensations, movement, relations
S u g g e s t i o n s | an insteresting travel in Istanbul, in particular a visit to the Topkapi Palace, made me feel wishful to analyse their architecture. From the re-elaboration of some of the Harem building elements I realized a space that should be located in Istanbul.
0 2 | S u g g e s t i o n s | I s t a n b u l , To p k a p i P a l a c e
“ Life can’t be all that bad,
I’d think from time to time. Whatever happens, i can always take a long walk
along the Bosphorus Life can’t be all that bad, I’d think from time to
time. Whatever happens, Orhan i Pamuk can always take a long walk along the Bosphorus
Orhan Pamuk
Topkapi Palace
0 2 | S u g g e s t i o n s | I s t a n b u l , To p k a p i P a l a c e
0 2 | S u g g e s t i o n s | I s t a n b u l , To p k a p i P a l a c e
0 2 | S u g g e s t i o n s | I s t a n b u l , To p k a p i P a l a c e
03 | Elements A | Inviolability
مرح - ḥaram | forbidden place, sacrosanct, sanctum
ميرح- ḥarīm | a sacred inviolable place, a non-gendered space referring to those quarters forbidded to all except the rightful owner
A layout plan of the principal courtyards of the Topkapi Palace as surveyed by Cornelius Gurlitt (1910) is notable for the blank, uncharted section of the Harem. It written “zugänglicher teil des serai”, the inaccessible part of the sultan.
B | Strategic thresholds
Bab-us Saadet - Gate of Felicity The celebrated porta regia and its magnificence served to deceive. Its rare staged openings served only to reveal, in a moment of high drama, the enthroned figure of the sultan within a private audience hall that was purposefully positioned to obstruct any meaningful views into the harem. This threshold helped preserve the harem as a forbidden inner sanctuary, witheld from the public gaze.
Arabalar Kapisi - The Carriage Gate The true entrance to the harem remains largely inconspicous. In a shaded corner of the second courtyard, two unassuming iron gates escaped attention. This threshold silently announce itself through gilt inscriptions as the true entrance into the harem, or more precisely as “harim-i cennet-i ‘alide bab-i sultani,” that is, the “Sultanic Gate in the Harem of the Sublime Paradise”.
C | Sequence of spaces
Layered sequence of spaces and thresholds
Key courtyards
D | Skyspace
Concubines courtyards
Eunuchs courtyards
04 | Concept
A | Closing towards the city
A | Breaking - Threshold
The relations with the caos of the city is interrupted by this pure volume that works as a holy fence.
04 | Concept
terno, distacco, salita e
C | Relations with outside
cleo interno
D | Inner core
The visitor can have a visual connection with the rest of the city from the top of this landmark.
Inside there is a circular space that is the core of the building, the space for the meditation.
04 | Concept
F | Relations with the inner
E | Outside/inside
When the visitor enter from the first door he can see that there is an internal place but he can’t reach it, he has to walk on a ramp that goes around the core.
There is a strong difference between the appearence of the building from the outside and the real composition of the spaces inside. Linear geometry of the exterior walls and the curved shape of the interior walls.
04 | Concept
1 | Light The inner core is the only
source of light in the spa-
2 | Materials The inner core is made of gravel and the rest is made of concrete.
3 | Sound There are different sounds
thanks to the materials.
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ht changes light changes during the during the
eye to theeye sky. to the sky.
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04 | Concept
Concept model | Material and light
04 | Concept
Concept model | Material and light
05 | Metaproject