Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending
Mission Quilters Have Successful 2014!
Enjoy the Convenience of Electronic Giving
Mission Quilters, a small but "mighty" group had a great year! We made 63 large quilts (60"x80"), 9 Child Size Quilts (40"x60"), 20 Ground Quilts (32"x60") as well as 23 Sun Dresses, 49 "Shirts" and 24 Receiving Blankets sent with Carol Davis to Uganda. Our large and small quilts go to Lutheran World Relief and our Ground Quilts will be distributed to orphans in Swaziland so they don't have to sleep on the dirt floor!
Christ Lutheran Church wants to remind you that we offer electronic giving as a way to automate your regular weekly offering. Electronic giving offers convenience for individual congregation members and provides much-needed donation consistency for our congregation.
Can you sew? Can you tie a knot? Can you use a pair of scissors? Do you have a sense of design? Do you like to "stitch in the ditch"? If you answer "yes" to any of these questions we would LOVE to have you join us! We meet the second and fourth Monday of each month from 9-12 (or so...)
Online Giving lets you go to http://clchr.org/OnlineGivingHelp at any time to set up an automatic donation plan, change your donation plan, make a one-time donation or view your online donation history.
If you would like to join us or help us make quilts in 2015 please contact Joanne Holter (jeholter@msn.com) or Darlene Danyo (dedanyo@aol.com). We would love to hear from you!
Direct Debit Giving is used to automatically transfer funds from your checking or savings account to the church's bank account. Credit & Debit Card Giving lets you make offerings automatically on a pre-determined schedule using a credit or debit card.
As you contemplate future contributions, please consider electronic giving. Authorization forms and additional information are available from Sallie Burns in the church office.
News From the Preschool Hello from the Preschool! Our school year is flying on by. In February, we will be having some fun western days. A performer will come in and entertain our children with stories, songs and activities. The kids will also enjoy hot dogs on a tin just like out on the range! We will have our Valentine’s parties with a pizza lunch and we also get to enjoy our music time with Ms. Linda! We are very excited to be hosting our annual Scholastic Book Fair on Friday, February 20th, Saturday, February 21st and Sunday, February 22nd. We will be open all day on Friday for shoppers during preschool hours and sharing time with our families in the evening with a pajama party and a visit from Clifford. This event will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and refreshments will be served. On Saturday morning from 9-11 a.m., we will be open for a Grandparent’s breakfast and we will
also be open to the church congregation on Saturday and Sunday during services. There will be a variety of books for all ages and we encourage everyone to stop by and take a look around. This is a community service and fundraiser for the preschool and we know everyone enjoys reading. Thanks for the support and feel free to come at any of the times we are open. Hope to see everyone there! Registration is going well and we are happy that the community feels our Preschool is a warm, inviting and loving environment. Thank you for the support you give us in telling others about our program. We deeply appreciate that connection with the church! Have a great month. Deb and Blair
STAFF: Rev. DJ Dent, Associate Pastor pastordent@clchr.org Dianne Yoss Interim Director Outreach & Equipping outreach@clchr.org Debbie Freeman Interim Office Staff for Outreach & Equipping dfreeman@clchr.org Gary Knutson Director of Youth & Family gknutson@clchr.org Deb Morgans Director of Preschool dmorgans@clchr.org Mary Behnke Administrative Manager mbehnke@clchr.org Sallie Burns Financial Secretary sburns@clchr.org Linda Holcombe Director of Music lindaholcombe64@gmail.com Nicholas Koltay Administrative Assistant nkoltay@clchr.org Carrie Mallery Principal Pianist Larry Scalfari Pianist Barbara Pierson Director Nursery Ministry Barbara.Pierson@comcast.net Meliha & Predrag Vajzovic Custodians
CHURCH COUNCIL: Adrian Hafner backyardkids@hotmail.com Bret Sumner bretsumner@hotmail.com John Ringkob jer@dascoinc.com John Riley johnriley05@comcast.net Lesley Cantrell we4cantrells@mac.com Erika Alpern eajteach@yahoo.com Karen Rucker kkosty@excite.com Steve Schaeberle Schaeberle1@comcast.net Bob Weber B14169k@comcast.net
All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to mbehnke@clchr.org. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.
Pastor DJ’s Message
Lutherans and the Angels Last month, I wrote about what angels were. This month, I’m going to spend some time visiting Lutheran beliefs regarding angels. It may be helpful (especially if you’re new to the newsletter) to revisit last month’s issue for an understanding of how I will approach the existence of angels. This month’s newsletter comes from a question asking, “Do Lutherans believe in angels?” It is a simple question, and could be given a simple answer: yes. However, pastors have a minimum word requirement for newsletter articles and so I feel compelled to ask, “What do Lutherans believe about angels?” There is a woman in Ohio I would visit who had angels of all kinds spread about her house. Her husband (upon my first visit to their home) said that he did not particularly like the angels all over and said “but she grew up Presbyterian” as an excuse; as if a good Lutheran home would not have such adornments. This puzzled me, but I believe I understand the sentiment. In most Lutheran churches, you won’t hear much about angels. It’s not that Lutherans don’t believe in angels, but it says more about what we believe worship is. There are many places you can go that go on and on about God’s messengers (especially the spiritual kind) and who tie in extra-biblical ideas like everyone having a guardian angel, spiritual angels having human form, and people becoming angels when they get to heaven. We are not asked to worship angels, so the subject just does not come up frequently. First, as we have said before, it’s not as though Lutherans are of one accord on the subject. You can ask any two Lutherans and get three answers. Lutherans are allowed freedom of belief about angels because there is still a ton of uncertainty about them, even as we stand by the biblical witness. Second, the reason why all of this is not settled and why you likely won’t find official Lutheran doctrine regarding angels is because they fall in the category of adiaphora. That’s one of my favorite words which just means “things that aren’t necessary.” In worship, we gather to serve, praise, give thanks to, and meet the triune God. While there’s room for angels in that concept and in the broader church, they aren’t central to our beliefs. You may hear them in our prayers or readings from time to time or you may hear me refer to one of you as one of God’s angels, but you will probably not hear an emphasis on angels anytime soon. Regardless, know that Lutherans have to at least believe in some form of angels because we are each angels in our calling to tell the world of Jesus. Being messengers is incredibly important and a beautiful task (Isaiah 52:7). Keep running upon the mountains with the good news, angels of God, Pastor DJ Dent
Bonfils Blood Drive Thank you to all who donated blood this past weekend. It was a huge success!
Faith mentoring is part of the confirmation ministry at Christ Lutheran Church. It pairs individual youth with individual adults of the congregation and community in order to discuss faith and life issues and to experience the Lenten journey together. Young people are free to select an adult, with their consent, to be their Faith Mentor. Faith Mentors do not take the place of parents, pastors, teachers or peers, but provide an additional connecting point to other Christian adults and the congregation. If you are an adult that would love to start an "Incarnational Relationship" and go on a magnificent Lenten journey with one of our Confirmation youth, please sign up on the board in the Narthex.
HOW DOES THE LENTEN FAITH MENTORING MINISTRY WORK On Tuesday, February 17th, the Faith Mentors, young people and their parents will meet for an orientation. During Lent, each student will meet with their Faith Mentor for five 30-45 minute sessions (generally, but not necessarily, after or before the Wednesday Lenten services) to discuss the week’s theme and a certain aspect of faith and life issues. Discussion guides are provided to help facilitate this time together.
WHAT CHARACTERISTICS SHOULD A MENTOR HAVE? Faith Mentors play an important role in the growth of a young person’s faith. Characteristics that are important for Faith Mentors to have include: • Love God and kids • Able to accept youth where they are and let them progress at their own speed • Accessible, open and willing to take the time to listen • A caring, non-judgmental supportive attitude • Mature and trustworthy • Faithful in their own Christian life Faith Mentors are special people in the lives of our young people. Theirs is the gift of trust and respect by a young person. They will receive as much as they give – it is an honor to participate in another person’s growth in faith.
WHAT TRAINING DOES A MENTOR NEED? No special background or training is required for someone to be a Faith Mentor.
WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF LENTEN FAITH MENTORING? The purpose of Lenten faith mentoring is to: 1. Expand each young person’s circle of trusted adults in the congregation. In a Search Institute report, only 29% of youth felt that adults in the church cared for them. 2. Enable each young person to see and learn how another adult (besides their parents) lives out their Christian faith.
3. Offer each young person a personalized learning opportunity to make sense of their own Christian Faith. In the same Search Institute report, more than 60% of the youth surveyed said they wanted to know how to learn to love life more, recognize right from wrong, and gain a sense of life’s purpose. 4. Gain broader adult participation in the young person’s learning process.
RESPONSIBILITIES AND ROLE OF FAITH MENTORS 1. Attend the Faith Mentor Orientation on Tuesday, Feb.17th at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. Your mentee and parent(s) will also be at this orientation. 2. Meet the parents of your mentor at least once. (This may be done at the mentor orientation.) 3. Meet with your mentee five times during Lent for 30-45 minutes to discuss the week’s theme and related faith issues from the provided discussion guides. Both student and mentor have mutual responsibility of attending these sessions and making up any missed sessions. Preferably, worship with your mentee and meet after or before the Wednesday evening Lent worship services. 4. Complete an evaluation form at the end of Lenten Faith Mentoring. 5. Pray regularly for your young person during the mentoring process. 6. Respect and uphold the confidentiality of your discussions with your young person.
RESPONSIBILITIES AND ROLE OF MENTEES 1. Ask an adult to partner with you for Lenten Faith Mentoring. Report your mentor’s name, address and phone number by January 15th, 2015. 2. Attend the Faith Mentor Orientation on Tuesday, Feb.17th at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. Your mentor and parent(s) will also be at this orientation. 3. Meet with your mentor five times during Lent for 30-45 minutes to discuss the week’s theme and related faith issues from the provided discussion guides. Both student and mentor have mutual responsibility of attending these (continued on other side)
WHAT IS LENTEN FAITH MENTORING MINISTRY? (continued from other side)
sessions and making up any missed sessions. Preferably, worship with your mentor and meet after or before the Wednesday evening Lent worship services. 4. Pray regularly for your mentor. 5. Participate to the best of your abilities. 6. Respect, learn from and maintain confidentiality of your discussions with your mentor.
WHO CAN BE A MENTOR? Each confirmand is free to choose any adult to be their faith mentor who is: 1. an active member of Christ Lutheran or other Christian congregation; 2. at least 18 years of age; or 16 and older whom have been trained 3. not their parent or relative; 4. someone they see as a good example of a Christian life style; 5. someone with whom they feel comfortable having “guided discussions” with; and 6. someone who consents to be their faith mentor. 7. someone who your youth can get to know that is a positive Christian role model
Do you want to be a Mentor at CLC? Our church is in its eleventh year of our Mentoring ministry. Our mentors pray, speak and listen to our youth in Confirmation. This year the dates will be Feb. 25th, March 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th. If you are interested, please sign the response sheet, or the sign-up sheet in the Narthex!
Thank you from CLC Scrip! Thank you to all who participated in the CLC Scrip gift card program during 2014! We earned almost $4000 from King Soopers shoppers, plus another $1000 from gift card sales. These funds have been used for CLC expenses which otherwise would have had to come from the budget.
Thanks for thinking of CLC Scrip when you shop!
Lenten Activities The Lenten theme this year is “Conversations in the Garden”. Shrove Tuesday Feb 17th. Come support our Sr. High youth in their mission trip to Compton, Ca this summer July 2-12. The pancake supper starts at 5:15 p.m. and goes until 7 p.m. We will be serving different types of pancakes with sausage and OJ, milk, chocolate milk, and coffee. A free will donation will be accepted at the door of the Fellowship hall.
Lenten Dinner Schedule February 25th, 5-7p.m. - Italian night March 4th, 5-7p.m. - Mexican Fiesta March 11th, 5-7p.m. - Ballpark night March 18th, 5-7p.m. - Annual Chili cook off March 25th, 5-7p.m. - Brisket night- cook off We ask the congregation to bring desserts. These meals also support our Sr. high youth mission trip. Lenten Mentoring kick-off is at 7 p.m., Feb. 17th. All Mentors and Mentees gather in the Sanctuary for a short service and briefing. 1st Communion classes are March 8th and 22nd, with the celebration being April 2nd at the Maundy Thursday service at 7 p.m. Classes start at 12:15 p.m. and end around 3 p.m. Lunch will be served. Both classes must be attended and a parent must accompany their child.
OUTREACH UGANDA Thank you CLC for your participation in Outreach Uganda! OU welcomed 17 new child sponsorships this past weekend as well as renewals from prior years. A true blessing. If you have not signed up for a sponsorship and would like to, or have yet to renew a prior sponsorship, it’s not too late! See Jim Davis at the OU table in the narthex.
February 8 from 12:15 - 3:15 Lunch and daycare provided. Contact Dianne at outreach@clchr.org if you would like to participate.
1 FOOD DRIVE ENDS YOUTH WORSHIP WEEKEND 8a Worship/CC 9:30a Worship/SS 11a Worship/CC 7p AA Meeting
2 6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 8:15a Preschool 9:15a Beth Moore Study 11:45a Preschool Sports Club 7p Boy Scouts 7p Personnel Mtg.
8a Worship/CC 8 6:30a Men's Breakfast 9 9:30a 9:30 Worship/SS Group 11a Worship/CC 8:15a Preschool 12:15p New Member Class 9:15a Beth Moore Study 3:30p Dynamite youth group 9:30a Mission Quilters 7p AA Meeting 12p Preschool Sports Club 6p Boy Scouts Venture Crew 6p Preschool Training 7p Boy Scouts 7p Legacy & Endowment Mtg. New Members Rec'd 8a Worship/CC 9:30a 9:30 Worship/SS 11a Worship/CC 7p AA Meeting
15 6:30a Men's Breakfast
Group 8:15a No School Preschool 7p Boy Scouts
3 8:15a Preschool 11a Chapel 11:15a Staff Mtg. 11:45a Preschool Sports Club 1p Staff Planning Mtg 1:15p Preschool Meeting 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High 8p mops set-up
THURSDAY 4 8:15a Preschool
FRIDAY 5 8:15a Preschool
9a Adult University 9a Rejoice Circle 1:15p PAT Meeting Preschool 4:30p Douglas County Singers 6:30p Cub Scout Den Mtg. 7p Celebration Choir
8:15a Preschool 10 8:15a Preschool 11 10a MOPS Steering 11a Preschool Storyteller 11a Preschool Storyteller 11:15a Staff Mtg. 2p Preschool Storyteller 12p Preschool Sports Club 5:30p Carillon RIngers 5p Crossroads Band 6p Brownie Troop Mtg. 6:30p Praise Team 7p Confirmation Small Group 7p Blaze-Sr. High 7p Council Mtg.
7:30a Preschool Bookfair 22 6:30a Men's Breakfast 23 8a Worship/CC Group 9:30a 9:30 Worship/SS 8:15a Preschool 11a Worship/CC 9:15a Beth Moore Study 7p AA Meeting 9:30a MOPS Mtg 9:30a Mission Quilters 12p Preschool Sports Club 6p Boy Scouts Venture Crew 7p Boy Scouts
WEDNESDAY 8:15a Preschool 9a MOPS Mtg 11a Preschool Chapel 2p Preschool Chapel 5:30p Carillon RIngers 7p Confirmation Learning Event
SATURDAY 6 9a Chicks w/Sticks 5p BAPTISM - Horn 5p Preschool Parent's Night Out 5p Worship/CC
8:15a Preschool 12 8:15a Preschool 13 12p OWLS Luncheon 9a Adult University 4:30p Douglas County Singers 5:30p Preschool Parent's Night Out 7p Beth Moore Study 7p Celebration Choir 7p Cub Scout Leader Mtg.
18 8:15a Preschool
19 8a Carpet Install
8:15a Preschool 11a Preschool Chapel 11:15a Staff Mtg. 11:45a Preschool Sports Club 1p Visiting Nurse Assoc. 5p Crossroads Band 5:15p Pancake Supper 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High 7p Lenten Mentoring Kick-off 8p mops set-up
8a Preschool 8:15a Preschool 11a Preschool Chapel 12p Ash Wednesday Noon Service 2p Preschool Chapel 5:30p Carillon RIngers 7p Ash Wednesday Evening Service
9a Adult University 10a Preschool Bookfair Set up 4:30p Douglas County Singers 6p Cub Scout Mtg. 7p Celebration Choirr
8:15a Preschool 9a Rejoice Circle 10a Preschool Bookfair 5:30p Preschool Bookfair Family Event
8:15a Preschool 24 9:15a Music Time with Linda 11:15a Staff Mtg. 11:45a Preschools Sports Club 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High
8:15a Preschool 25 9a MOPS Mtg 9:15a Music Time with Linda 1:45p Music Time with Linda 5:15p Lenten Dinner/Italian 5:30p Carillon RIngers 7p Lenten Service/Faith Mentoring
8:15a Preschool 26 8:15a Preschool 9a Adult University 4:30p Douglas County Singers 7p Beth Moore Study 7p Celebration Choir
New Members Rec'd 5p Worship/CC
20 8a Preschool
Grandparents Morning bookfair 9a Carpet Install 5p Worship/CC 5:15p Preschool Bookfair
Bob Fenton 7-Feb Lindsay Libner 7-Feb Jeff Ceci 8-Feb Jayne Veeder 8-Feb Ava Zorgdrager 8-Feb Darwin Subart 9-Feb Harper Boggs 10-Feb Mykala Coe 10-Feb Haley Colson 10-Feb Jason DeBolt 10-Feb Madison Foster 10-Feb Jessica Friedenthal 10-Feb Barb Hoemann 10-Feb Angela McGraw 10-Feb Joe Radochonski 10-Feb Rachelle Collins 11-Feb Tristan Ashley 12-Feb Trevor Ashley 12-Feb Bailey Horn 12-Feb Shannon Kenevan 12-Feb Edie Ophaug 12-Feb Makayla Quist 12-Feb Steve Sain 12-Feb Bob Weber 12-Feb Luke Young 12-Feb Haley Archuleta 13-Feb Andrew Freeman 13-Feb Kelsey Nylander 13-Feb James Arnold 14-Feb Kaitlin Castro 14-Feb Vaughn Fennel 14-Feb Roger May 14-Feb
Krista McKissack 14-Feb Erin Radtke 14-Feb Kristin Castro 15-Feb James Evens 15-Feb Maya Fellows 15-Feb Andreas Lauer 15-Feb Robert Schauer 15-Feb Mark Silkworth 15-Feb Natalia Smith 15-Feb Frank Zorn 15-Feb Aimee Burton 16-Feb Grace Ault 17-Feb Aiden Cartwright 17-Feb Nate Richards 17-Feb Garrett Allen 18-Feb Keri Betthauser 18-Feb Lisa Christensen 18-Feb Maria Lau 18-Feb Lindsey Schneider 18-Feb Jordan Green 19-Feb Craig Horn 19-Feb Debbie Dougherty 20-Feb Randy Patz 20-Feb Sydney Silverman 20-Feb Ted Smith 20-Feb Matt Smith 20-Feb Karen Stoneburner 20-Feb Karissa Castro 21-Feb Cameron Beal 22-Feb Shelby Hafner 22-Feb Duke Holter 22-Feb Nicholas Ruggeri 22-Feb
27 7a General Maintenance 28 5p Worship/CC
Happy Birthday Aidan Carroll 1-Feb Nick Leech 1-Feb Paula Malburg 1-Feb Krista Ruggeri 1-Feb Christa Shimonkevitz 1-Feb Angie Burt 2-Feb Shantine DeMasse 2-Feb Robert Norfleet 2-Feb Royce Raddatz 2-Feb Sean Schopfer 2-Feb Teresa Walker 2-Feb Michelle Young 2-Feb Ann Adams 3-Feb Logan Beal 3-Feb Jack Emsley 3-Feb John Knauff 3-Feb Molly Mitchell 3-Feb Gary Morgan 3-Feb Jenn Regan 3-Feb Hannah Abraham 4-Feb Carey Devin 4-Feb Jacob Kolseth 4-Feb Molly Rowell 4-Feb Brianna Schaeberle 4-Feb Andrew Schauer 4-Feb Mark Ingebritson 5-Feb Pamela McAnally 5-Feb Lizza Aalto 6-Feb Darlene Cary 6-Feb Liesl Farrier 6-Feb Justin Goettsch 6-Feb Steven Rowell 6-Feb
Sarah Anderson 23-Feb Austin Butler 23-Feb Becky Harhigh 23-Feb Alexander Kleen 23-Feb Jill Staub 23-Feb Dianna Steinsvaag 23-Feb Nathan Cartwright 24-Feb Lisa Schrader 24-Feb Nancy Brown 25-Feb Sammie Forge 25-Feb Debbie Freeman 25-Feb Julie Ort 25-Feb Chase Rambow 25-Feb Deborah Harant 26-Feb George Hollowell 26-Feb Dale Holter 26-Feb Kimberly Moore 26-Feb Kristen Radochonski 26-Feb Corey Smith 26-Feb Quinn Anna 27-Feb Justine Gullia 27-Feb Adrienne Gullia 27-Feb Sarah Mahalik 27-Feb Bev Ornes 27-Feb Jacob Perry 27-Feb Chris Thoennes 27-Feb Craig Triebel 27-Feb Ashley Vogler 27-Feb Terry Hurlbert 28-Feb Fred Radtke 28-Feb Natalie Wilson 28-Feb Austin Forge Feb-29
Followers of Jesus Christ
8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested
There’s a place for you! Outreach Ministries
Harrington Elementary School in Denver – various projects Outreach Uganda Urban Peak Teen Shelter Alcoholics Anonymous Bonfils Blood Drive Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp Lutheran Family Services projects Grant Avenue Street Reach Pueblo De Dios (in CA) Projects ELCA World Hunger Military Ministry Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters
CLC Kids Rock! Youth Worship Weekend Band Celebration Carillon Ringers Crossroads Douglas County Singers Praise Team Carillon Ringers
Church Community Ministries Altar Guild New Mothers Ministry Worship Teams First Impressions Team Ushers and Greeters Bulletin “Folders” Readers Decorating Team Assisting Ministers Mowing & Snow Removal Kitchen Team Recycling Team Maintenance Team Sweet Bread Ministry Sign Team Chefs for Christ Sanctuary Care Card Ministry Prayer Tree
Fun and Fellowship
OWLS – Senior group meets monthly for fellowship Shepherds Dinner Group Men’s Book Club Women’s Book Club Advance! Men’s Group Women’s Bunko
Youth & Family Ministries
Baptism Classes First Bible Classes First Communion Classes Summer Vacation Bible School Confirmation Classes (7th & 8th graders) Sunday School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th & 6th graders) BLAZE (Senior High School Youth Group) Mission Trips Family Nights
Education and Fellowship
Adult Education Classes (held during 9:30 service and Thursdays at 9:00am) Men’s Breakfast Group – bible study group meets every Monday morning Women of Joy – a Christian book club that meets twice monthly for fellowship and service Rejoice Circle – women’s bible study, meets twice monthly