CLC January 2019 CrossWord

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Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending

Thank You!

From the Volunteer and Care Coordinator: As the year draws to a close, I am reminded of how truly blessed I am to hold this position at Christ Lutheran Church. I have gotten to know and work alongside so many amazing people in a variety of ways and I never fail to be impressed by people’s dedication, commitment and love for the church that shines through as folks take part in all we have going on here. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of this faith journey that we all embark upon at CLC. Blessings to you for the holidays! Karen

Thank you to our Sports Teams, Bible Study groups, Personnel & Church Council, and those who helped with mid-week Advent Suppers & Worship. It was such a warm experience! Thank you to our worship teams, musicians, vocalists, and volunteers who worked so hard to make Christmas Eve services memorable. Welcoming people while welcoming the Christ child is all the more special because of your dedication and support.

Hello from the Preschool Hello and Happy New Year from the preschool! We hope everyone had a blessed holiday season! This January we will be hosting our annual Western Day in honor of the Stock show. This day has always been a blast with our entertainer, dancing, and cooking up some hot dogs like the cow folk used to do on the trail. It is also open enrollment time for Fall, 2019! We encourage anyone who would like to tour the school or knows of a neighbor or family member who would like visit to pass the news along about our wonderful program. Please have them call Deb or Blair at 303-471-9290 for a personal tour or check us out on our website at Please let friends know we serve children ages 2 ½ through 6 years old and offer 16 different classroom options including before and after school Kids Klub. We continue to learn more about Jesus and keep him close in our hearts every day helping us to grow in his love. We wish the same for you in keeping him close and a very blessed 2019! Thank you so much for your continued support of the preschool – we count our blessings every day! In God’s Love, Deb and Blair.

STAFF: Pastor Eric Allert, Lead Pastor Ext 107 Pastor Gail Mundt, Executive Pastor Ext 108 Peyton Strouth Director of Worship & Music Ministry Ext 109 Gary Knutson, Director of Youth & Family Ext 105 Samantha Sweitzer, Office Coordinator Ext 100 Deb Morgans, Director of Preschool Ext 300 Brittany Marshall, Bookkeeper Ext 106 Karen Patz, Volunteer & Care Coordinator Ext 110 Ally Williams, Connections Coordinator Ext 101 Allyson Evans, Christian Education Coordinator Ext 103

CHURCH COUNCIL: Brian Martin, Council President Nancy Sullivan, Council Vice President (Liaison to Personnel Committee) Liesl Farrier, Council Secretary Jeff Bergstrom, Church Treasurer (Liaison to Legacy & Endowment Committee) Tom Coates (Liaison to Safety & Security Ministry, Stewardship Team) Bill Doyle (Liaison to Adult Education Ministry) Jennifer Gunther (Liaison to Equipping & Outreach Ministry) Steve Hoemann (Liaison to Worship & Music Ministry) Christine Kleen (Liaison to Youth & Family Ministry) Pete Koury (Liaison to Property & Maintenance Committee) Deb Tronrud (Liaison to Hospitality & Fellowship Ministry) All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.

By Jenny Allert, MSN Ed., RNC-OB

HAPPY NEW YEAR! The New Year is a time of promise. We like to make our resolutions, vow to something better and different. This year what are you looking to accomplish? In the health world, January is National Blood Donor month. The gift of blood is just like the new year, a gift of a new start, a gift to help safe a life. Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person. A decision to donate your blood can save a life, or even several if your blood is separated into its components, which can be used individually for patients with specific conditions. Every two seconds someone in the U.S. is in need of blood. Less than 10% of available donors actually give blood each year. O negative blood type specifically is in high demand and is often in short supply. If you are already a regular blood donor, thank you for giving the gift of life. If you have not given blood please consider adding that to your bucket list this New Year. If giving blood is not something you can do – maybe consider other ways to gift others this year. Lets make it a year of love for our neighbors! In addition this year we will be working on new first aid kits, stop the bleed kits, and emergency response procedures for the church – if you are interested in helping with the health aspect of this project, please let Jenny Allert know. Thanks!

MINISTRIES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH WORSHIP: Please contact Volunteer & Care Coordinator 303-791-0803 X 110 for any of the following: Altar Guild – Service in the Altar Guild ministry is a joyful and respectful way to show your love and honor of the One who loves. The duties (tasks) of the Altar Guild include: Communion Preparation and Clean-up and Bread Baking for Communion. Greeters – This team of volunteers greets and assists each member or visitor as they arrive for services. Readers and Assisting Ministers – Lectors read the lesson(s) at the service of their choice, while the Assisting Minister leads prayers and assists the Pastors during each service. Worship Teams – Serve as part of a team every third or fourth week during worship with ushering, collecting the offering and assisting in Communion. Children’s Activity Bags – This team purchases supplies and fills the activity bags available for children at all services.

COUNCIL AND STEWARDSHIP: Council – This group of volunteers are elected to support all at CLC. They promise to demonstrate leadership and commitment by example, to support staff so their efforts are more productive, and to discover what is best for the Church as a whole, not what is best for a small group. Endowment and Legacy Team – The Endowment and Legacy team was formed as part of the Stewardship arm of the church to recognize and utilize special giving. The team supports the church mission beyond capabilities of the annual operating budget. The team manages two funds: (1) the Legacy Fund to honor a special person or event or a specific purchase helpingwith items needed for many areas of the ministry; and (2) the Endowment Fund to enhance the mission of CLC over a longer period of time and offer the ability to give gifts in perpetuity.

Stewardship Team – The Stewardship Team encourages members of the congregation to be faithful stewards and joyful givers of what God has first given us: Time, Talents and Treasures.

ADULT EDUCATION: Men’s Breakfast – A group of men that meet every Monday morning at 6:30am for fellowship and food. Women’s Bible Study – Join other women at CLC in the spring and fall on Monday mornings for bible study. Studies by Beth Moore, Priscilla Shier and more are discussed. Pastor Led Adult Education Classes – Join CLC members in a bible study: • Sunday mornings, 9:30am with Don Alpern • Wednesday nights at 7pm with Pastor Allert

CHRIST LUTHERAN PRESCHOOL: Our LARGEST Ministry. Please contact Preschool Director, Deb Morgans at for more information about having your child attend CLC preschool.

Youth Ministries Outside CLC: Boy Scouts – Pack 645 is one of the youth ministries chartered by Christ Lutheran Church and is a program for boys. While the boys are having fun and doing things they like to do, they also learn new things, discover and master new skills, gain self-confidence, and develop strong friendships. Contact James Barry at for more information.

CLC MUSIC ENSEMBLES: Please contact Peyton Strouth at or 303-791-0803. CLC Kids Rock! - For Kids in Kindergarten through Grade six and Assistant Directors in Grades 7 & 8. Rehearsals: Specifically scheduled Sundays from 12:15-1:00 pm in the Sanctuary. What We Do: Kids in CLC Kids Rock! will…Perform for Youth Worship weekend, sing, play hand chimes, hand bells, drums & other percussion instruments, perform for Palm Sunday, and perform two musicals per year (one at Christmas and one other during the year). Youth Worship Weekend Band - For Singers & Instrumentalists in Confirmation (Grades 7-8). Rehearsals: See Below What We Do: Lead Music for Youth Worship Weekends Celebration Choir - For High School Students & Adults. Rehearsals: Thursdays from 7:00-8:30 pm in the Sanctuary What We Do: Lead music for Worship, and for Holidays and Special Services Hand-Bell Choir - for High School Students & Adults. Rehearsals: Thursday from 6:00-7:00pm in the Sanctuary. What We Do: Play regularly in worship and for Holidays & Special Services. Crossroads Band - For High School Students & Adults (Auditions Required). Rehearsals: Tuesdays from 6:00-7:00 pm in the Sanctuary. What We Do: Lead music at 9:30 am Worship Praise Team - For High School Students & Adults with Some Musical Experience Rehearsals: Tuesdays from 7:00-8:00 pm in the Sanctuary What We Do: Lead music at 11:00 am Worship Sound and Projection Team – Every service requires two people to sit in the sound booth to work the sound board and projection screens. No experience necessary – we will train you!

CLC OUTREACH MINISTRIES: For more information on how you can become involved in any of the following Outreach opportunities or to suggest additional Outreach opportunities, please contact Ally Williams at or 303-791-0803. Military Ministries – Support our Military! The primary focus of this ministry is to provide goodie bags for military families attending retreats at Project Sanctuary (four times a year). This ministry also provides education on how to help our Service men and women, as well as recognize our own servicemen and women here at CLC. Mission Quilters – This is a small group of women, who meet the second and fourth Monday mornings of each month in the Fellowship Hall. They create and sew simple quilts for those in need, globally and locally, for the Lutheran World Relief, as well as make beautiful homemade baby quilts for the new mothers in our congregation. All are welcome to come and help us. No sewing experience is necessary. Chicks with Sticks – This small group of people knit a variety of items that benefit Women for Women Knitting for Peace. They also have a sale in the Narthex around the holidays where they sell blankets, scarves, mittens, hats, shawls, etc. that are homemade during the year. They meet the first Saturday of every month.

OUTREACH CHARITY PARTNERS: Outreach Uganda – Help send children to school! Our primary goal is to find sponsorships for children through Outreach Uganda’s sponsorship program. We also participate in fundraising efforts to support the women of Uganda. If interested, please contact Carol Davis at Other Outreach Opportunities – The Outreach Ministry is an active ministry that transforms lives while reaching out to others in the community, both locally

and globally. We are always open to new Outreach opportunities, so let us know if you feel called to start a new ministry. Here is a list of some of the other Outreach ministries available at CLC: • ELCA World Hunger’s Global Barnyard Project: donations towards the purchase of a farm animal to provide families with a livelihood and vehicle to climb out of poverty. • Bonfils Blood Bank – blood drives three times a year. • Integrated Family Community Services – participate in clothing and food drives • Sky Ranch Mission Trip - This is an adult mission trip where care and maintenance of the facilities is completed to prepare the camp for the summer season. • Christmas Shoe Boxes for children at Pueblo De Dios Church in Compton, CA • Meals for Urban Peak (Runaway Teen Shelter) – teams prepare and serve meals for about 40 teens the last Friday of every month. • Field Elementary – Help this low income school by feeding the students, donating school supplies and other items AA - Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and woman who are recovering from addiction. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and available. AA meets here at CLC every Sunday night. A.A.’s Twelve Steps are a group of principles, spiritual in their nature, which, if practiced as a way of life, can expel the obsession to drink and enable the sufferer to become happily and usefully whole.

CARING CONNECTION: Pastoral Care - Both CLC Pastors support and nourish the spiritual well-being of persons within our community on a one-on-one basis. The length of the care these ministers provide can be short term or may last as long as a year or more. Pastors may visit at home, the hospital, at a coffee shop, ‘do lunch’ or even arrange for meals, or for administration of the sacraments.

Confidential Prayer Log - Congregational members or church staff may share a prayer request with the members of the Confidential Prayer Tree. These lay ministers are updated at least once a week with prayer concerns of the congregation and the community. They sit with these confidential issues in prayer on a daily basis with the belief that those whom they pray for are held before God on a continual basis. Card Ministry - Several volunteers within the congregation holds and uplifts others through a ministry of greeting cards. These volunteers create a variety of cards that are then sent out by staff on behalf of the congregation. Chefs for Christ - This is a large group of volunteers who make meals for others in the congregation after surgeries, long term illnesses, and during bereavement. These chefs also provide food for church events and funerals. Anyone who is need of help with meals is welcome to use this wonderful ministry! Caring for the Caregiver – This small group is made of those who are caring for another family member. This group exchanges ideas, shares resources and offers general support. Visitation Team – Trained volunteers who are visitors for Jesus’ sake! They offer a listening ear, home communion and prayers.

PROPERTY CARE: Please contact Volunteer Coordinator for any of the following at 303-791-0803. First Impressions – Volunteers are needed to maintain the landscaping around our facility. The church landscape is divided into separate plots and is then adopted by dedicated members with a green thumb. Kitchen Care – Besides the sanctuary, the kitchen is one of the most visible places within the church. Many people walk through and use the kitchen space; a clean and well-kept kitchen says a lot about how we, as members feel about our worship home. Committee members rotate cleaning duties every week and can arrange their cleaning around their personal schedule. New members are always welcome.

Maintenance Team – The group meets once a month on Saturday morning beginning at 8:00 a.m. We work around the church fixing and maintaining as necessary. Sanctuary Care – This is a behind-the-scenes ministry, great for families as there is something for everyone to do. This group of Members tidy up our worship space quarterly which includes dusting, cleaning chairs, making sure the pew racks have pencils, offering envelopes and scrap paper. Sign Team – This involves changing the sign out in front of the church on a weekly basis, usually on Tuesdays. The staff may have items or events to be posted on the sign and there is also a booklet with sayings and quotes to use. Lawn Mowing and Snow Removal – Very much appreciated volunteers rotate weekends for lawn maintenance and snow removal. Office Volunteers – There are several volunteers who work in the church office and help in a variety of ways including: counting money, data entry, special projects, etc.

SMALL GROUPS: Please contact Karen Patz at or 303-790-0803 to get connected with a small group ministry. OWLS (Outstanding Wiser Lutherans) – Owls are a group of seniors providing support and fellowship to each other. Monthly meetings and/or outings include dinner parties, theater visits, game day etc. The OWLS serve dinner to Urban Peak youth and also donate funds to the Barnyard Project. Shepherds Dinner Groups – Dinner groups typically made up of eight people that meet once a month at one another’s homes for fellowship, friendship and great food. The host provides the entrée and group members bring an appetizer, salad or dessert. This is a great way to get to know other members of CLC. Men’s Book Club – A group of men that meet monthly for devotions and to discuss current books. Advance! - Join other men from the congregation for fellowship and fun. This group meets once a month at various locations and times.

Women’s Book Club – A group of women that read interesting fiction and non-fiction books and then meet to discuss the plot, characters, theme, etc. This group meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm at each other’s homes. Soul Sisters – This social group is for women 21+ years of age. They meet the last Monday of the month at various restaurants for fun, food, and fellowship. Couples Night Out – This social group is for couples of all ages. They meet once a month for food and fellowship. MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) – A women’s group about… • Celebrating motherhood • Meeting the needs of women in the words of MOPS International’s Mission Statement “MOPS International exists to encourage, equip and develop every mother of preschoolers to realize her potential as a woman, mother and teacher in the name of Jesus Christ.” • Making connections with other women • Supporting Christ Lutheran Church and the Highlands Ranch community • Experiencing God’s love…through relationships and resources CLC MOPS – MOPS meets every first and third Wednesday of the month. We currently have forty moms registered and are excited about our tenth year. Mom’s Next – Think MOPS the sequel. This group is for women of primary school aged children. They meet once a month for support, learning, and fellowship.

CHURCH EVENTS: Though not technically a “ministry,” there are other ways to serve by helping in any of our church events such as: • Ladies Spring Tea • CLC Day of Service and Worship in the Park • Oktoberfest Annual Fundraiser • Women’s Christmas Party • Semi-Annual Meetings

Connect through church events

SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday school is for all children three years through 6th grade. We meet during the 9:30am service each Sunday morning. Join us for Bible stories, games, friends and laughter. We will start classes back up on January 6 and will finish our fall units during the month of January before moving on to our spring units in February. Each week is a different lesson so new children are always welcome! Please contact Allyson Evans at for more information or if you have questions.

Our high school youth group, BLAZE, meets on Tuesday evenings from 7:00-8:30. We are currently gearing up for our summer mission trip to Panama City, Florida! We are looking forward to helping with the clean up and rebuilding from Hurricane Michael. Which impacted the area in October 2018. Our adventures will be June 27-July 9, 2019. For more information on our trip and our fundraising events prior to that, please contact Gary Knutson at Dynamite is our youth group for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders that meets the second Sunday of every month. Our next gathering is January 13 from 5:00-7:00pm. We start with dinner and continue with games, crafts, devotions and Bible Blitz. For more information please contact Gary Knutson ( or Allyson Evans (

Dynamite Pancake Fundraiser! Christmas celebrations are over and the family has all gone home. Come celebrate a holiday well done and relax & enjoy a great pancake breakfast served by your favorite 4th, 5th, and 6th graders! January 12th from 8:00-10:00am at Applebee's on University. Tickets will be on sale in the Fellowship Hall January 5 and 6 between services. Tickets are $10 for unlimited pancakes, juice and coffee. See you there!

7th and 8th Grade Confirmation Confirmation for our 7th and 8th graders resumes in January. It is held Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30pm. Our first night back is a small group event on January 9. Your small group guide will be in touch with the plan for the night! We are looking forward to finishing out the school year strong! Be on the lookout for information for summer camp at Sky Ranch! Questions? Contact Gary Knutson at

THANK YOU Thank you to everyone that donated Christmas Boxes for our friends at Pueblo De Dios Lutheran Church in Compton, California! We were able to provid 200 boxes to the children of Compton this year! Imagine all the joy in Pueblo De Dios as the children received their boxes full of fun!

Vacation Bible School Vacation Bible School will be here before you know it! 2019 VBS will be held July 22-26 from 9:30-noon each day. All children aged 3 years to 5th grade are welcome to participate! Everyone, 6th grade to 101 years young, is welcome to volunteer! Be on the lookout for registration information on our church website ( this spring! ROAR! Life is WILD! God is GOOD! Contact Allyson Evans for more information at

BIRTHDAY PARTY IN A BAG Can you believe that we have provided approximately 40 Birthday Party in a Bag to the children at Field Elementary. Many of those children are not able to celebrate their birthday due to their family's financial needs. How great is that we can provide them with a birthday cake, frosting, candles, plates, napkins, party favors, a pan and $25 gift card to buy a gift? Joy in a bag for some very deserving kids! Please be on the lookout for a list of what our needs are for the bags sometime after the new year. If you have any questions please contact Allyson Evans at

Catechism & Discipleship: ADULT CONFIRMATION CLASS Pastor Eric’s class about Martin Luther’s Small Catechism will resume on Wednesday, January 9 at 7:00pm. This class includes deeper conversations in every-day application about sin, forgiveness, the importance of families grounded in faith together, what life and ministry is like as a disciple in the 21st century, and more! Whether you have been confirmed already, or never had the experience but wanted to – this class is for disciples of all ages, backgrounds, experiences, and faith journeys... This class is for YOU! Sign up now, you’ll be glad you did! Sign up with Pastor Eric at

Pastor Eric’s Seasonal Reading List Unconditional Responsibility by Fred Kofman, by Fred Kofman Giving to God: The Bible’s good news about living a generous life, by Mark Allan Powell 12 Rules For Life: An antidote to chaos, by Jordan B. Peterson From Heaven Above: An Advent devotional, by Michael Hoy

Happy Birthday Kingston Aaberg Ryan Abraham Carmen Abraham Jack Adams Jonathan Allert Hannah Anderson Kaitlyn Arellano James Barry Carson Bergman Janet Bielefeldt Steve Burns Ryan Butler Olivia Carson Josh Childs Tim Cook Jason Curry Amy DeBoer Heidi Erickson James Etten Brooke Exley Maria Farrier Jeremiah Fellows Addison Fisher Ryan Fix Jason Fleming

Jan 27 Jan 2 Jan 11 Jan 29 Jan 10 Jan 16 Jan 22 Jan 10 Jan 3 Jan 28 Jan 23 Jan 27 Jan 20 Jan 16 Jan 26 Jan 20 Jan 28 Jan 24 Jan 17 Jan 20 Jan 13 Jan 1 Jan 12 Jan 8 Jan 21

John Flynn August Graham Adam Gray Jackson Grimpo Jessie Gutsch Erik Halverson Sheri Halverson Martha Hanson Nathan Henkes Christopher Hinz Kelly Ingebritson Craig Johnson Scott Jorgenson Breana Kaiser Melissa Kimble James Rodney King W.K 'Kirk' Kirk Diana Kirk Emilia Knight Pete Koury Conner Kramer Glenda Kravitz Brian LaComb Carl Larsen Keith LaShier

Jan 18 Jan 20 Jan 23 Jan 7 Jan 24 Jan 21 Jan 6 Jan 20 Jan 19 Jan 19 Jan 31 Jan 16 Jan 11 Jan 27 Jan 4 Jan 19 Jan 5 Jan 9 Jan 14 Jan 10 Jan 18 Jan 20 Jan 12 Jan 31 Jan 7

Kirsten Lee Tyler Macko Kenna Macky Monica Martin Mackenzie Mavis Karisa McCulloch Dan McCullor Casey McNitt Jordan Miller William Miller Mikaela Mitchell Lana Morris Kristie Nedved Amber Ordonez Grayson Ordonez Beth Ott Karen Patz Sharon Perko Zach Peterson Annette Pickrell Shane Pickrell Tyler Pinon Thomas Pontius Sena Porter Chris Porter

Jan 3 Jan 9 Jan 26 Jan 1 Jan 19 Jan 1 Jan 26 Jan 23 Jan 9 Jan 6 Jan 24 Jan 11 Jan 16 Jan 28 Jan 11 Jan 22 Jan 6 Jan 29 Jan 30 Jan 31 Jan 5 Jan 5 Jan 12 Jan 13 Jan 25

Jeremy Radtke Nick Rockwell Mike Rucker Megan Rucker Susan Schleuder Alexis Schubert Matt Schulte Matt Schulte AC Serold Adam Smith Sharon Stevens Brian Swenson Steve Talus Sam Thompson John Tiedgen Andrea Tonelli Emma Townsend Jen Tremblay Zachariah Waggoner Erik Wilkinson Jayde Wilson Alan Wilson Elley Wilson Suzanne Wischer Katherine Witkind

Jan 5 Jan 9 Jan 3 Jan 24 Jan 14 Jan 13 Jan 29 Jan 13 Jan 29 Jan 8 Jan 8 Jan 16 Jan 10 Jan 10 Jan 19 Jan 8 Jan 13 Jan 25 Jan 14 Jan 9 Jan 13 Jan 1 Jan 20 Jan 23 Jan 24

A note from Dennis Gereaux:

A big thank you to everyone that supported our first ever Fair Trade event. It was a rousing success with $7000 in sales that

benefited several outreach ministries. Thank you to all the volunteers and vendors. It was such a success that we are planning a Spring Fair Trade/ Artisan Craft Fair for some time in May. We are looking for any crafters and artists that would like to participate as well as any volunteers that would like to help. Within the next few weeks the Fair Trade committee will post more information. One shopper was heard to say, “I got almost all my Christmas shopping done and it benefits others.” Advent decorating: Many thanks to the wonderful folks who pitched in on November 25 to decorate our church building for the holidays. Thanks to the Tesch family, Steve & Marcia Strom, the Alpern family, Bill Doyle, Roger Green, the Miller family, Karen & Madelyn Fang, Pat Douhan, the Kroneberger family, and the Schulte family, as well as anyone I may have forgotten to mention, along with staff members who added touches of cheer to the sanctuary, Narthex, and many other places throughout the building. Your help and creativity are truly appreciated! Thank you!





Douglas County School 1 District Winter Break OFFICE CLOSED 8a Preschool Christmas Break

7 8a Preschool


8a Worship 6 9:15a Adult Education 9:30a Sunday School - 3 years to 6th grade 9:30a Worship 11a Worship 7p AA Meeting

6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 8a Preschool 9a Counters 7p Boy Scouts 645 7p Personnel Meeting

8a Mission Moment 13 8a Worship 9:15a Adult Education 9:30a Sunday School - 3 years to 6th grade 9:30a Worship 11a Worship 5p Dynamite 7p AA Meeting

6:30a Men's Breakfast 14 8a Preschool 12p VNA Foot Clinic Group 5:30p Crossroads Band 8a Preschool 6:45p Women of Joy 9a Counters 7p BLAZE 5:30p ADVANCE! (off-site) 7p Praise Team 7p Boy Scouts 645

8a Worship 20 9:15a Adult Education 9:30a Sunday School - 3 years to 6th grade 9:30a Worship 11a Worship 12:15a New Members Class 7p AA Meeting

6:30a Men's Breakfast 21 Group 8a Preschool No School Holiday 9a Counters 7p Boy Scouts 645 7p Legacy & Endowment Mtg.

8a Preschool 22 8a Preschool 23 11a Preschool Chapel 12p VNA Foot Clinic 12p Preschool Jump Bunch 4:30p Caregivers Meeting 2p Preschool Chapel 5:30p Crossroads Band 7p Catechism & Discipleship: 7p BLAZE Adult Confirmation Class 7p Praise Team 7p Confirmation Learning Event

8a Worship 27 9:15a Adult Education 9:30a Sunday School - 3 years to 6th grade 9:30a Worship 11a Worship 12p Thrivent Hospitality Luncheon 7p AA Meeting

6:30a Men's Breakfast 28 Group 8a Preschool 9a Counters 9a Mission Quilters 6p Soul Sisters Outing (off-site) 7p Boy Scouts 645

8a Preschool 5:30p Crossroads Band 7p BLAZE 7p Praise Team

4:30p Caregivers 5:30p Crossroads Band 7p BLAZE 7p Council Meeting 7p Praise Team



Douglas County School 2 Douglas County School 3 Douglas County School 4 District Winter Break District Winter Break District Winter Break 8a Preschool Christmas Break 8a Preschool Christmas Break 8a Preschool Christmas Break 7p Catechism & Discipleship: Adult Confirmation Class

8 8a Preschool

9 8a Preschool

9:30a MOPs NTY Sale Meeting 11a Preschool Chapel 12p Preschool Jump Bunch 2p Preschool Chapel 7p Catechism & Discipleship: Adult Confirmation Class 7p Confirmation Small Group Meetings

11a Preschool Chapel 6p Hand Bells Practice 6p Military Ministry 7p Celebration Choir

10 8a Preschool

12p OWLS Luncheon

9a Chicks w/Sticks 10a Genealogy Group 1p Fjelldalen Lodge 5p Worship


11 9a Preschool Super Mom 12 Saturday 5p Mission Moment 5p Preschool Parents Night Out 5p Worship

15 8a Preschool

16 8a Preschool 17 Youth Retreat @ Estes Park 18 Youth Retreat @ Estes Park 19 8a Maintenance Team 10a 1st Aid and CPR Training - 8a Preschool 9:30a MOPS Work Day CLC Staff 5p Preschool Parents 12p Preschool Jump Bunch 5p Worship 6p Hand Bells Practice Night Out 7p Catechism & Discipleship: 7p Celebration Choir Adult Confirmation Class 7p Confirmation Learning Event

29 8a Preschool

8a Preschool 11a Preschool Chapel 6p Hand Bells Practice 7p Celebration Choir

30 8a Preschool

9a Preschool Western Day 9:30a MOPs NYY Sale Meeting 10a Visitation Team Meeting 12p Preschool Jump Bunch 7p Catechism & Discipleship: Adult Confirmation Class

24 8a Preschool

7p MOMSnext


9a Preschool Western Day 6p Hand Bells Practice 6:30p Sky Ranch Board Mtg. 7p Celebration Choir

25 8a Stamp Camp 5p Worship


Followers of Jesus Christ

8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested

There’s a place for you! Church Community Ministries Outreach Ministries Altar Guild Worship Teams First Impressions Team Ushers and Greeters Bulletin “Folders” Readers Decorating Team Assisting Ministers Mowing & Snow Removal Kitchen Team Recycling Team Maintenance Team Sign Team Chefs for Christ Sanctuary Care Card Ministry Prayer Tree Care for the Caregiver Grief Group MOPS MomsNext


Parent’s Night Out Sponsor a Child from Uganda

Outreach Uganda Urban Peak Teen Shelter Alcoholics Anonymous Bonfils Blood Drive Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp Lutheran Family Services projects Pueblo De Dios (in CA) Projects ELCA World Hunger Military Ministry Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters Thrivent Builds

Youth & Family Ministries

Baptism Classes First Bible Classes First Communion Classes Summer Vacation Bible School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th & 6th graders) Confirmation Classes (7th & 8th graders) BLAZE (Senior High School Youth Group) Sunday School Mission Trips

Education and Fellowship

Adult Education Classes held during 9:30 Sunday services and Wednesday nights at 7pm Men’s Breakfast Group – Bible study group meets every Monday morning Women of Joy – a Christian Bible study that meets twice monthly for fellowship and service Women’s Bible Studies - (Monday mornings 9:30am – spring and fall sessions)

Fun and Fellowship

OWLS – Senior group meets monthly for fellowship Shepherds Dinner Group Men’s Book Club Women’s Book Club Advance! Men’s Group Soul Sisters Women’s Group Bridge Group Co-ed and Men’s Softball


CLC Kids Rock! Youth Worship Weekend Band Celebration Choir Carillon Ringers Crossroads Band Praise Team

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