November 2018 CrossWord

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Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending

Consecration, Stewardship, and You:

BETTER TOGETHER! From Pastor Allert

Dear family of Christ, Thank you for your faithfulness to your Lord Jesus in worship, Holy Communion, living your faith in Christ each day, sharing His compassion with family, friends the needy, lost, hungry, your serving in Christ’s ministries and mission, and the offerings you graciously give to the glory and purpose of God! On Consecration Saturday & Sunday, November 10th and 11th, at all four services members of our faith community will place on the altar our pledged commitment cards for our ministries, missions and mortgage for 2019. In this monthly newsletter, you’ll see included a template of this pledge card that you can prayerfully complete and bring to worship on the 10th or 11th. Additional cards will be available at the end of each worship service the weekend before. As a congregation, we have prayerfully: invited God’s vision for His beloved church; followed the Holy Spirit by investing time, talents and teamwork to achieve His vision; and have been blessed by God with the results of our partnered works in ministry together. As we look with great hope and excitement for the future of 2019 and beyond, we need to also be faithfully certain in caring for the regular stewardship needs and commitments we still have as a congregation for 2018. Sadly, this is an area that we have (currently) fallen behind. If you have gotten behind in your commitment of giving and can possibly catch up, that would be a huge help for our church’s year end expenses. This Fall, the leadership of the congregation have been prayerfully encouraging all of us to respond generously to our projected 2018 budget short fall. Though we have welcomed 173 new members since this time two years ago, our offerings for 2018 were down from 2017. Our offerings in October were a wonderful beginning to eliminate our 2018 deficit challenge – a deficit challenge that we do not want to take into 2019. Please continue that same generous response for November and December! Please consider how your faithful offerings can be cared for on those weekends ahead when challenging weather may keep you from attending a worship service. Our Bookkeeper in the office, Brittany Marshall, can help answer additional questions you may have about this. She can be reached at 303-791-0803 x106, or at God is revealing the dawning of great dreams coming real in our midst. And He has invited you to share in that glory! Awake with Christ Lutheran to a sight never seen before, experiencing for yourself the truth that with Christ, we are Better Together!

STAFF: Pastor Eric Allert, Lead Pastor Ext 107 Pastor Gail Mundt, Executive Pastor Ext 108 Gary Knutson, Director of Youth & Family Ext 105 Samantha Sweitzer, Office Coordinator Ext 100 Deb Morgans, Director of Preschool Ext 300 Brittany Marshall, Bookkeeper Ext 106 Karen Patz, Volunteer & Care Coordinator Ext 110 Ally Williams, Connections Coordinator Ext 101 Allyson Evans, Christian Education Coordinator Ext 103 Peyton Strouth Director of Worship & Music Ministry Ext 109

CHURCH COUNCIL: Brian Martin, Council President Nancy Sullivan, Council Vice President (Liaison to Personnel Committee) Liesl Farrier, Council Secretary Jeff Bergstrom, Church Treasurer (Liaison to Legacy & Endowment Committee) Tom Coates (Liaison to Safety & Security Ministry, Stewardship Team) Bill Doyle (Liaison to Adult Education Ministry) Jennifer Gunther (Liaison to Equipping & Outreach Ministry) Steve Hoemann (Liaison to Worship & Music Ministry) Christine Kleen (Liaison to Youth & Family Ministry) Pete Koury (Liaison to Property & Maintenance Committee) Deb Tronrud (Liaison to Hospitality & Fellowship Ministry) All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.

Why I Give to the Church by Pastor Gail Mundt Every Sunday morning, I recall my mother or father giving me a nickel to put in the Sunday school offering. We placed our offering in a little, white plastic church much like the ones CLC uses. During the worship service, I was given another coin to place in the “big offering plate” when it made the rounds! I remember being proud when I had some money of my own to put in the offering plate! When I began babysitting and raking lawns to make extra money, my parents and youth director taught me about tithing. I learned that the first 10% of what I earned should be returned to God as thanksgiving for all what God has given to me – including salvation. 10% of babysitting money was not so difficult as it didn’t amount to a large amount. But once I started working for minimum wage, my checks increased, as did the amount I should be giving back to God and the church. Even though I was making more money, curiously I was conflicted to give more money to the church. Perhaps you have felt this way also? When Randy and I got married, we discussed tithing and what that meant to each of us. Of course, those first few years, when we were in seminary, we didn’t have much income from which to tithe! And, then later, when we had children to feed and shelter, the pinch of tithing was felt. However, I have always felt a tremendous gratitude to God for all of the many blessings I have received. These blessings include the various church communities that I have loved and who have loved and supported me and mine. I am thankful that I was taught early on to give back to God that first 10% because certainly if I waited for all of the bills to be paid before I gave my offering to the church, there would never be enough for God. And I am thankful that I have experienced the joy of giving and the honor of sharing the love of Christ with others. Proverbs 11:25 reads, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” I have found this to be true. Feel free to share with me your thoughts about tithing and giving back to God “what God first gave to us”. I hope and pray that you, too, experience this profound joy! As I look around my office, being surrounded by all of the lovely donations, I feel grateful. I’m surrounded by love and excitement for our church, community and all of the wonderful ministries that we have here at CLC. These donations are SOFIA (Stories Of Faith In Action) supporting Field Elementary students’ feel a part of their community! All of these raffle baskets for Oktoberfest will support further outreach opportunities. I’m so proud to say that I work at Christ Lutheran Church because of the amazing things that happen here. I can put out a call for almost anything and have an outpouring of love for it. A ministry that I want to highlight this month is our Assisting Ministers. We have faithful volunteers every service sharing their love for God with all of us. Every weekend these people put on a robe, turn their iPads on, put their mics on and pray. They pray for our congregation, in order to support us in the best ways known and unknown. Thank you for your faithful service to our congregation and community. If you are feeling called to this ministry please let Karen Patz or the pastors know! With love, Ally


News from the Volunteer Coordinator As we head into the busy holiday season, opportunities abound for you to be touched by the Holy Spirit and/or get involved at CLC. Here are just a few: The semi-annual Congregational meeting will be held on Saturday, November 3 right after the 5:00 service. While there will still be a potluck dinner to accompany the meeting, with the theme of “Thanksgiving and Gratitude”, we request that you bring Thanksgiving-type side dishes or dessert. We will provide the turkeys. On Friday, November 16 from 1-3 pm, we would love to have some folks join us as we assemble brownie and cookie mixes in mason jars for the Fair Trade event being held November 24 & 25 and December 1 & 2. We will sell the mix jars at the event to benefit the L & E scholarship fund. Please plan to join us for a couple of hours of measuring and mixing fun! The Hanging of the Greens will happen on Sunday, November 25 from 12-4 pm. Please bring your creative talents to assist with the annual Advent decorating. Lunch will be served so PLEASE RSVP to Karen ( so I can plan accordingly. Enjoy the magical transformation of the entire church as we decorate every space we can find! Beginning November 17 & 18, look for an insert in your bulletin for ordering poinsettias. This year we will have two sizes of poinsettia from which to choose, as well as a few small Norfolk pines. There will be a variety of choices with a variety of prices to fit your needs and your budget. Once the poinsettias are delivered in mid-December, more of your artistic skills would be welcome as we decorate the altar and sanctuary. Look for more details with specific dates and times in a bulletin in November or December. Advent begins this year on December 2. Last year we held Wednesday mid-week services. Those beautiful Holden Evening Prayer services will happen again this year on December 5, 12 and 19. Additionally, there will be dinners served on those Wednesdays at 5:30 in the Fellowship Hall. Along with the dinners and services, there will be an Advent activity each week. All are welcome to be involved! Details about the services and the dinners will be coming- check your bulletin and eNews in November. If you currently serve CLC by volunteering in the sound and projection booth or as an assisting minister or lector/scripture reader OR if you’d like to join one of those ministries, but have not yet joined because you don’t know what’s involved, we have good news for you. In mid-November, Peyton and Karen will hold a (re)training opportunity for everyone involved (or wanting to become involved) in any of those ministries. Because those four positions are so closely tied together during worship services, we plan to train all positions in tandem. Look for emails and bulletin announcements about those training opportunities coming soon! CHRISTMAS! Are you ready for the holidays? I know, a silly question to ask in mid-October, right? I ask because I’d like to request that we all plan ahead a bit with regard to the need for MANY volunteers during this holiday season. Advent IV services take place on December 22 and 23, followed by our five Christmas Eve services the next day. If you have worshipped at an Advent or Christmas Eve service at CLC, you know it takes a veritable army of volunteers to accommodate all our families and guests as they come to enjoy those services. Please prayerfully consider being involved in some way at one or more of those services- Assisting Ministers, Worship Teams, Altar Guild, scripture readers, sound/projection booth, chair movers, etc. Training will be provided on Sunday, December 16 at 9:45 in the Youth Room.

We welcome your help and will be most grateful for assistance at any and all of those late-December services.

the heart, and there may be some truth to that, happiness protects your heart health. Specifically, by lowering blood pressure and heart rate. Overall, meaning studies show happiness is healthy!


This month I thought I would approach health in a different way. This month I hope you hear these words often “Happy Thanksgiving.” The phrase "Happy Thanksgiving" as three distinct parts to it, when you break it down to the three words it represents. The phrase represents being happy, being thankful, and being a giving person. So how does each of these actions affect our health? Happy: Research tells us that being happy has major health benefits. For starters being happy promotes a health lifestyle, when you are happy its easier to eat healthy, take that walk or get some exercise. Plus laughter is a great medicine; nothing works faster or better to getting your mind and body rebalanced as laughter does. Stress triggers negative health affects and happiness helps reduce or fight off stress. Research showed that happiness decreases cortisol (stress hormone) by 23%. Do you know someone who is grumpy a lot and gets sick a lot? That might be related. Research shows that happiness boosts your immune system, literally working at the cellular level. Who knew our cells can be happy too! Love and happiness are often referred to as the feelings of

Join Pastor Gail for a time of prayer! Mondays in November 12:15-12:45 In the Sanctuary There are all kinds of ways to effect change in our world. There are many ways for spreading the gospel, feeding the hungry, sharing the name of Christ and working with the marginalized. But all of these efforts come back to one crucial activity – prayer. God longs to hear us pray and delights in answering prayers. So join Pastor Gail and pray together for whatever is placed in our minds and hearts!

Thanks: Being thankful can have both mental and physical benefits to your health. Thankfulness can improve relationships including feeling more connected and overall satisfaction with the relationship. Thankfulness can improve your own self care, giving thanks helps people with self care increasing exercise, eating healthy, sleeping better, easing depression symptoms, improving happiness (see above), and going to the doctor seeking health promotion. Overall giving thanks helps people take better care of themselves. Giving: The idea of giving and health improvement is sometimes called the “giver’s high” that has long-term physical and psychological benefits. Research has been done extensively including MRI changes and overall life satisfaction with being a giving person. The benefits included greater self-esteem, a sense of purpose, lower risk of depression, better physical health (lower blood pressure), lower stress levels, greater happiness, and a longer life. Of course it is also possible to over give. The goal is balance and priorities. The best affects of giving happen when we seek out what is most important and meaningful to us. We all have something to give; it’s a matter of finding where our gifts and talents can be best served. So be giving and balance that with self-care. ‘ So in the season of hearing “Happy Thanksgiving” I hope you can hear the message of wishing you good health.


The Legacy & Endowment Team is looking for a few new members. The primary mission of CLC’s Legacy & Endowment Team is to receive and manage three separate savings & investment funds: (a) the Legacy Fund, (b) the General Endowment Fund, and (c) the Debt Reduction Endowment Fund, aka the Tree of Life. Currently, the members of the team are: Barry Reeves, Margie Versen, Mat Groh, and Jeff Bergstrom. CLC’s Constitution and Bylaws require that the team has at least 4 members, but there is room for a few more. The Legacy & Endowment Team meets just once each month (the third Monday of the month at 7 pm) and the meetings are generally about an hour. If you have been looking for an opportunity to ease into direct service to CLC, please consider joining the Legacy & Endowment Team. If you are interested, contact any of the existing members, Pastor Gail or Pastor Eric.

CLC November Worship & Music Notes 4The days are surely coming, says the LORD, when I will fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. 15In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David; and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land. - Jeremiah 33:14-15 The season of Advent is all about waiting. The first reading for the first Sunday in advent from the prophet Jeremiah sets the tone of expectation with the words “The days are surely coming…” Waiting for what, though? Is it a day off, a holiday? Time with friends and family? That newest and greatest gadget your expecting as a present? The Birth of the Messiah . . .? Taking our que from the lectionary readings with their expectant tone: we will journey through the scriptures together. Each week the music and sermons will expand upon the theme of “The World Awaits.” It will be a time of exploration as we prepare ourselves to welcome the birth of Christ our world once again. Our worship will be full of special music and dynamic sermons from Pastors Gail and Eric. Here are a few of the extra things that will take place during the season: This year we are introducing weekly (or re-introducing for some) midweek Advent meals and worship services. These short family friendly services will use the evening prayer service that many are familiar with, Holden Evening Prayer. This simple service is beautiful in its simplicity and a favorite with most anyone who experiences it. The scriptures and homilies will also reflect the theme of waiting. The children and youth of CLC will present “A Shepherd’s Story” during the sermon on the weekend of Dec 8/9 at both the 5pm and the 9:30 services. This short musical play

tells the story of Malawk, a young shepherd, who witnesses the birth of Jesus and can’t wait to share the news with everyone. The Festival Choir (open to anyone in the Church who sings) will present Holy Light, a service of Carols and Readings on Christmas Eve Morning at 11am. This service will be a festive one with many familiar carols led by choir, handbells, orchestra, and soloists. If you are interested in singing with the festival choir, Thursday night rehearsals have just started and it’s not too late to join. The weekend before Christmas, Dec. 22 and 23, we will change our normal schedule a bit and have our final Advent worship services: Saturday at 5pm and Sunday at 9:30am. We will also have a brief service of Morning Prayer at 8am on the 23rd for those wishing to come at that time.

Our Christmas Eve Worship Services will all have communion: 11am – Traditional Worship with Choir, Carols, Christmas Homily and Candles. 1 & 3pm – Family Worship with special music and an active, engaging, child friendly environment. 5 & 7pm – Contemporary Worship with Band, Singing, Christmas Homily and Candles. Please mark your calendars and plan to come and bring your friends and family with you for Advent and Christmas seasons.

Shoeboxes for Compton! It is time to start packing shoeboxes for our friends at Pueblo De Dios in Compton, California. They take these boxes and pass them out to the children of the community of Compton. Shoeboxes should be filled with fun items for kids. You can select YOUNG GIRLS (preschoolearly elementary), YOUNG BOYS (preschool-early elementary), OLDER GIRLS (mid-upper elementary), OLDER BOYS (mid-upper elementary). Please fill shoeboxes full of fun items for whichever age group you select. Wrap the box in Christmas wrapping paper and label the outside with one of the categories listed above. Please do not use post it notes, they fall off. You can use a Christmas gift label sticker or write on the wrapping with a marker. These boxes can be filled with things like: crayons, bubbles, stuffed animals, cars, play makeup, play-dough, sidewalk chalk, fun socks, small activity books, etc. Please make sure items are new and unused. Also, please do not include food items. These boxes are an important part of Pueblo De Dios’ ministry to their community and for some children, this will be all the receive for Christmas. Our goal is 300 boxes! We’ve exceeded our goal the last two years and I know we can do it again! We will collect filled and wrapped shoeboxes from November 4-December 2. I have a limited number of shoeboxes available for you to pick up in the fellowship hall. If you have any questions, please contact Allyson Evans ( or Gary Knutson (

Focusing on the Vision As introduced a few months ago, this regularly running article in the church’s monthly newsletter is brought to you by the Executive Team of the congregation. The Executive Team consists of the council’s President Brian Martin, Vice President Nancy Sullivan, Secretary Liesl Farrier, Treasurer Jeff Bergstrom, and the called pastoral staff of the congregation, Rev. Eric J. Allert and Rev. Gail Mundt. The primary purpose of this section is to communicate updates to you about how the Holy Spirit is guiding the church’s leaders toward the vision of God before CLC. This month, we report the faithful work of Pastor Eric’s annual Visioning Summit with the church Council that was held September 28th & 29th. We began by celebrating the work done this past year to implement a complete staff team that is not only passionate in creative service, but also remarkable in faithfulness to the LORD and His church. We spent some prayerful time reviewing the past year’s “Catching the Spirit” campaign for ministry. This included looking: specifically to events that have been formative in influencing the direction of the congregation; seeking ways to further bless and grow the “foundation” of the congregation; discussing the health of our 2018 financial status, and continued needs that remain pending for the congregation moving forward. After recessing for the night, we came back together Saturday morning and started with an exciting conversation that set out the start of a 3-year Capital Campaign here at Christ Lutheran Church. We discussed the advantages and needs of this campaign, and established a project team to begin the first steps necessary to introduce this God-led event to the congregation. This Capital Campaign is a planned church-wide journey of discipleship in stewarding God’s gift of the church for the future, and will nourish the uniting of the congregation in purpose, vision-casting, and celebrate the blessing of achieving excellence in ministry with Christ to the glory of God. Finally, a significant amount of the weekend’s summit consisted of establishing several measurable goals for the years ahead. Specific goals for next year include: beginning a 3-year Capital Campaign; improving our member’s use of the CCB database to better resource our congregation’s needs with the many great gifts and culture of volunteerism within the church; completion of an (long over-due) audit of the congregation’s financial history; provide easier access to and streamline means that members and visitors alike can use to further enrich the financial health of the congregation; enhance the church’s efforts toward communication, promoting, and messaging of the church’s purpose for specific missions and ministries; increased support toward hospitality and fellowship efforts that seek to inter-connect relationships within Christ through both small and large group ministry settings; further bless the congregation with inter-themed studies and small groups that are connected to intentional messages in worship that seek to grow disciples for Christ; establish a new website platform and introduce a new logo for the church; and further develop ways to improve relationships with partnering ministries in the community. This annual summit is a tremendously important event in the life of Christ Lutheran Church. Please keep your Council members, and the work before us, in your prayers. And then, reach out to both your Council and Church Staff to discover together how YOU are specifically being led by God to achieve the vision being made real before our very eyes. After all, “CLC & Me: Better Together” wouldn’t be the same without you!

Pastor Eric’s Seasonal Reading List The Master’s Plan for Making Disciples: How every Christian can be an effective witness through an enabling church, by Win Arn and Charles Arn Giving to God: The Bible’s good news about living a generous life, by Mark Allan Powell The Book of Acts: Witnesses to the World, by Steven Ger 12 Rules For Life: An antidote to chaos, by Jordan B. Peterson

SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday school for our 3 year olds though 6th graders is in full swing! We will spend the month of November and the first week of December learning about Advent and the birth of Jesus. It will be a lot of fun and everyone is welcome! It is never too late to join us! We have classes during the 9:30am worship service. Please see Allyson Evans on Sunday mornings at the Sunday school table or email her if you have questions at We will NOT be having Sunday school on November 25.

We are still in need of Sunday school teachers for this year We have had some very active teachers move and we need new teachers to take their place. The more people that volunteer to teach, the more we can spread out the fun! The lessons are easy to teach and the kids are awesome. If you are interested please talk to Allyson Evans or Gary Knutson.

First Communion Class (2-part class)

If your child has asked about when they can take communion, and you feel they are ready, sign them up for this class. This 2-part class is for parents AND their children to take together. Class will meet on November 4 and 18 at 12:15pm. Contact Gary Knutson at to sign-up for this class.

First Bible Class We had a great First Bible class during October! Those children that participated will receive their Bibles at the 9:30am service on November 18. They are welcome to start bringing those Bibles to Sunday school with them, if they would like.

Baptism Class Baptism Class This class is required for anyone who would like to have their child baptized here at CLC. Contact Gary Knutson at to sign-up for one of these class dates. Upcoming classes are: November 25 from 12:15–3pm or December 9 from 12:15–3pm.

This is our group for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders that meets the second Sunday of every month from 5:00-7:00pm. We had a great turn out for our October gathering! Our November gathering is November 11 and we are looking forward to even more 4th, 5th, and 6th graders joining us! Parents, we are looking for people to help coordinate our Pancake Breakfast Fund Raiser at Applebee’s and someone to set up and coordinate a service project for the Dynamite group. Please see Gary Knutson or Allyson Evans if you have questions.

Blaze High School Youth Group meets on Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm at church. All high schoolers are welcome to join us! Our Pie Auction is coming up on November 20, after our Thanksgiving Service. Please make a pie and get ready for some auction fun! All proceeds from the Pie Auction go to Pueblo De Dios Food Distribution Program.

7th and 8th Grade Confirmation We will have learning events on November 7 and 28 from 7:00-8:30pm. Our small group event will be November 14, please check with your small group guide for more information. We will NOT have Confirmation on November 21. 8th graders, don’t forget your retreat will be November 9-11 at Sky Ranch. This is a required event for all 8th graders. Please see Gary Knutson if you have questions.

Pie Social

Our Annual Pie Social is November 20 at 6:30 in the Fellowship Hall! Do you make a “world famous” pie that everyone loves? Do you want to try out a new pie recipe? This is your chance! Are you in charge of dessert for Thanksgiving but don’t really want to bake? This is your event! Please join the high school youth group as they auction pies! All proceeds go to Pueblo De Dios Food Distribution Program in Compton, California. This is a fun event that should not be missed! If you have questions please contact Gary Knutson at

Catechism & Discipleship: A CONFIRMATION CLASS FOR ADULTS The ministries here at Christ Lutheran Church are a partnership between the families of all types and varieties, volunteers and staff, teachers and students, pastors and lay leaders, and God. This partnership further blesses the relationships that we all share with one another in Christian discipleship. The more we seek to invest into that relationship, the more God blesses it with His abundant grace and love. Two of my primary goals as your pastor are to both create and model Christian Community, and to provide a Biblical foundation for faith formation and development. That formation and development begins with regular attendance in worship, but it by no means is completed there. Fellowship events, service projects/trips, retreats and camps... and of course, study! With that exciting premise before us, Pastor Eric is currently teaching a Confirmation for Adults course here at CLC on Wednesday nights. When meeting, this class will take place at the same time our youth are engaging in their own Confirmation experiences, beginning at 7pm and ending by 8:30pm. This class discusses Martin Luther’s Small Catechism of course, but also included is a cast of deeper conversations in every-day application about sin, forgiveness, the importance of families of all kinds grounded in faith together, what life and ministry is like as a disciple in the 21st century, and more! So if you have youth participating in this year’s Confirmation program, don’t just drop them off and then pick them up 90 minutes later – come and take part in this very exciting class. And if you don’t have kids enrolled in confirmation, you may come and join us too! Whether you have been confirmed already, or never had the experience but wanted to – this class is for disciples of all ages, backgrounds, experiences, and faith journeys… This class is for YOU! Join in, you’ll be glad you did!

Happy Birthday Brentley Anderson Geoff Anderson Tony Archuleta Rhiannah Baca Kayla Bailey Kathy Bates James Beffel Hunter Beukelman Susan Boggs Andrew Brown Michele Butler Mike Cartwright Christopher Castor Kyle Castor Jodi Childs Taylor Christensen Linda Coe Katie D'Agostino Kristen DeBeer Jack DeBeer Grace Dent Reese DeVisscher Brooke DeVisscher Justin Dilges Bruce Dorr Sophia Dorr Mike Edmunds Nick Elhard Deanna Evens Zachary Fellows Kate Fix Claudia Fix

Nov 24 Nov 11 Nov 30 Nov 19 Nov 23 Nov 24 Nov 8 Nov 4 Nov 2 Nov 14 Nov 4 Nov 3 Nov 27 Nov 4 Nov 25 Nov 21 Nov 18 Nov 7 Nov 5 Nov 18 Nov 29 Nov 27 Nov 22 Nov 15 Nov 22 Nov 11 Nov 16 Nov 27 Nov 7 Nov 25 Nov 14 Nov 22

Delores Forge Russell Friedenthal Sydney Friend Jonie Friend Scott Gereaux Nathan Grant Dennis Gray Greg Gunther Ronald Hanson Carrie Hanson Chris Hegele Michelle Hegre Janet Herman Diana Heutmaker Steve Hoemann Joanne Holter Mona Housman Evan Hunchar Irma Johnson Christi Johnson Alison Jones Andrew Kirk Christine Kleen Haley Kolseth Lucette Kottcamp Maria Lauer Amy Lee Becca Lembke Kiera Lembke Wayne Lesser Pamela Liley Addison Martin

Nov 16 Nov 30 Nov 29 Nov 21 Nov 12 Nov 14 Nov 21 Nov 16 Nov 21 Nov 15 Nov 1 Nov 16 Nov 26 Nov 19 Nov 17 Nov 9 Nov 1 Nov 21 Nov 30 Nov 30 Nov 17 Nov 30 Nov 23 Nov 5 Nov 29 Nov 5 Nov 11 Nov 24 Nov 3 Nov 4 Nov 14 Nov 17

Jessa Martin Maria Martinez Jeff Martinez Peter Marxhausen Michelle McClurg Brendan McCulloch Marissa McCullor Karen Meyer Lucas Minutillo Luke Moore Geoffrey Moore Deb Morgans Lindsay Morgans Samantha Morgans Kaylee Morris Scott Morton Troy Nedved Shannon Nichols Michael Ordonez Kyle Orlowski Landon Patz Jim Peterson Eric Pollock Tyler Pontius Madeline Pontius Philipp Radtke Jeani Ringkob Mark Rocha Rebecca Rockwell Julie Romney Chris Schaeberle Paul E. Schauer

Nov 16 Nov 23 Nov 16 Nov 27 Nov 24 Nov 5 Nov 25 Nov 20 Nov 1 Nov 26 Nov 30 Nov 28 Nov 14 Nov 20 Nov 29 Nov 16 Nov 7 Nov 19 Nov 19 Nov 13 Nov 4 Nov 15 Nov 10 Nov 11 Nov 5 Nov 7 Nov 25 Nov 14 Nov 3 Nov 19 Nov 14 Nov 11

Linda Schneider Jeff Seefeldt Marie Serold Julie Seter Katie Stanek Bart Stevens Mandy Strom Mike Sullivan Wyatt Sumner Elizabeth Sweitzer Lillian Swenson Ryan Tesch Camille Thoennes Cheryl Tiedgen Tony Torrez Emily Triebel Natalie Triebel Barbara Triebel Debbie Tronrud Meliha Vajzovic Caeley Valenti Jr. Dodie Van Dewerker Laura Van Steyn Skylar Vernell Aaron Waggoner Greg Whitney Margaret Williams Evan Wilson Blaire Wilson Barb Wisler Pamela Wolken Dianne Yoss

Nov 23 Nov 18 Nov 27 Nov 11 Nov 1 Nov 5 Nov 16 Nov 20 Nov 8 Nov 16 Nov 9 Nov 7 Nov 24 Nov 13 Nov 18 Nov 8 Nov 13 Nov 4 Nov 5 Nov 3 Nov 13 Nov 5 Nov 13 Nov 2 Nov 17 Nov 21 Nov 23 Nov 12 Nov 14 Nov 14 Nov 2 Nov 7

Christ Lutheran Church Preschool News Hello from the preschool and happy Fall! Our children are busy learning, playing and having fun at school. We are so blessed to have such nurturing teachers who love unconditionally and supportive parents who have wonderful ideas to share. We are thankful for our school and church family! If anyone has ordered Butterbraids, they will be delivered on Wednesday, October 31st for church members. We will put them in the kitchen freezer and label the order with your name. Please pick them up sometime during the week or by the next Sunday. Thank you for your support! Our goal is to supplement our scholarship fund for community outreach. Family Chapel will meet on November 5th and 6th at 9 a.m. We meet in our Music room and all are invited. Our children will be learning about, “Jesus Feeds the 5000” and “Daniel in the Lions Den”, Spanish with Ms. Sofia and also sharing a Thanksgiving feast with friends and family here at the school. The school went through a credentialing process for a qualistar rating in October. This took many months of preparation and we look forward to seeing the results of our hard work. Please keep us in your prayers as we anticipate a great outcome. We are excited to see how we can better serve our community but also celebrate the many gifts we share! If you would like to give some of your time to the preschool, please give us a call at 303-471-9290 or email Deb at We would love to share your talents and gifts with the children. We leave you with a favorite bible verse: Matthew 18:4-5 “Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.” “And, whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.” Blessings to you and your family, Ms. Deb and Ms. Blair





THURSDAY 8a Preschool 6p Hand Bells Practice 7p Celebration Choir

SATURDAY 2 All Saints Weekend

8 8th Grade Retreat

9 8th Grade Retreat

All Saints Weekend 4 Daylight Savings Ends 8a Worship 9:15a Adult Educations 9:30a Sunday School - 3 years to 6th grade 9:30a Worship 11a Worship 12:15p First Communion Class (1 of 2) 7p Boy Scouts 645

6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 5 8a Preschool 6 12p Preschool Jump Bunch 8a Preschool 5:30p Crossroads Band 9a Counters 7p BLAZE 9:30a Monday Morning Bible 7p Praise Team Study 7p Boy Scouts 645 7p Women’s Book Club (off-site) 7p Personnel Meeting

8th Grade Retreat 11 Stewardship Weekend 8a Worship 9:15a Adult Education 9:30a Sunday School - 3 years to 6th grade 9:30a Worship 11a Worship 5p Dynamite 7p AA Meeting

6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 8a Preschool 9a Counters 9a Mission Quilters 9:30a Monday Morning Bible Study 1:15p PAT Meeting 7p Boy Scouts 645

8a Worship 18 9:15a Adult Education 9:30a First Bibles Presentation 9:30a Sunday School - 3 years to 6th grade 9:30a Worship 11a Worship 12:15p First Communion Class (2 of 2) 7p AA Meeting

6:30a Men's Breakfast 19 Group 8a Preschool 9a Counters 7p Boy Scouts 645 7p Legacy & Endowment Mtg.

8a Preschool 20 8a Preschool Break 21 12p Preschool Jump Bunch No Preschool 12p VNA Foot Clinic 7p Catechism & Discipleship: 5:30p Crossroads Band Adult Confirmation Class 6:30p Thanksgiving Service 7p CANCELLED - Confirmation 6:45 Women of Joy Learning Eevnt 7p BLAZE 7p Praise Team 7p Worship - Thanksgiving Service 7:15p Pie Auction/Social

OFFICE CLOSED 22 OFFICE CLOSED 8a Preschool Break 8a Preschool Break No Preschool No Preschool 9a First Responders Meal 6p Hand Bells Practice 7p Celebration Choir

Fair Trade Sale 25 NO SUNDAY SCHOOL 8a Worship 9:15a Adult Education 9:30a Sunday School - 3 years to 6th grade 9:30a Worship 11a Worship 12:15p Advent Decorating 12:15p Baptism Class 7p AA Meeting

6:30a Men's Breakfast 26 Group 8a Preschool 9a Counters 9a Mission Quilters 6p Soul Sisters Outing (off-site) 7p Boy Scouts 645

8a Preschool 27 12p Preschool Jump Bunch 12p VNA Foot Clinic 4:30p Caregivers 5:30p Crossroads Band 7p BLAZE 7p Praise Team

8a Preschool 9:30a Interfaith Meeting 11a Preschool Chapel 6p Hand Bells Practice 7p Celebration Choir

12 8a Preschool

12p Preschool Jump Bunch 4:30p Caregivers 5:30p Crossroads Band 7p BLAZE 7p Council Meeting 7p Praise Team

8a Preschool 7 9:30a MOPS 11a Preschool Chapel 12p Preschool Jump Bunch 2p Preschool Chapel 7p Catechism & Discipleship: Adult Confirmation Class 7p Confirmation Learning Event

FRIDAY 1 8a Preschool

13 8a Preschool

8a Preschool 11a Preschool Chapel 6p Hand Bells Practice 6p Military Ministry 7p Celebration Choir

14 8a Preschool

8a Preschool Feast Set up 10:45 Preschool Feast Day 12p Preschool Jump Bunch 7p Catechism & Discipleship: Adult Confirmation Class

8a Preschool 28 10a Visitation Team Meeting 11a Preschool Chapel 12p Preschool Jump Bunch 7p Catechism & Discipleship: Adult Confirmation Class 7p Confirmation Learning Eevnt

8a Preschool Feast Set up 10:45 Preschool Feast 6p Hand Bells Practice 7p Celebration Choir

8a Preschool 12p OWLS Luncheon

9a Chicks w/Sticks 10a Genealogy Group 1p Fjelldalen Lodge 5p Worship 6:15p Fall Congregational Dinner/Meeting

16 8a Maintencnce Team 1p Gift Jar Assembing Work Day 5p Preschool Parents Night Out 5p Worship

7p MOMSnext


Stewardship Weekend 3p Set Up for Veteran’s Dinner 5p Preschool Parents Night Out 5p Worship 6p Veterans Appreciation Dinner 7:30p Veterans Appreciation Concert

15 8a Preschool

29 8a Preschool


23 Fair Trade Sale 5p Worship




Followers of Jesus Christ

8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested

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