Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending
Thank You Just a note of appreciation for all our amazing volunteers. Whether you volunteered your services, provided food for an event, joined a small group, attended services, etc., we want to thank our congregation for their time, talents, treasures, and efforts. Your participation is what shapes our culture and makes CLC truly special. Thank you all and Happy New Year!
Hello & Happy New Year from the preschool
We hope everyone had a blessed holiday season! This January we be hosting our annual Western Day in honor of the Stock show. This has always been a blast with our entertainer, dancing and cooking up some hot dogs like the cow folk used to do on the trail. It is also open enrollment time for Fall, 2016! We encourage anyone, who would like to tour the school or knows of a neighbor or family member who would like visit, to pass the news along about our wonderful program. Please have them call Deb or Blair at 303-471-9290 for a personal tour or check us out on our website at www.myclcpreschool.org. Please let friends know we serve children ages 2 ½ through 6 years old and offer 16 different classroom options including before and after kids klub. We continue to learn more about Jesus and keep him close in our hearts every day helping us to grow in his love. We wish the same for you in keeping him close and a very blessed 2016!
Thank you so much for your continued support of the preschool – we count our blessings everyday! In God’s Love, Deb and Blair
STAFF: Rev. Steve Berke, Interim Pastor pastorsteve@clchr.org Rev. DJ Dent, Associate Pastor pastordent@clchr.org Pastor Don Marxhausen, Visitation Pastor visitation@clchr.org Pastor Zundel Adult University Dianne Yoss Outreach Coordinator outreach@clchr.org Debbie Freeman Volunteer Coordinator dfreeman@clchr.org Gary Knutson Director of Youth & Family gknutson@clchr.org Deb Morgans Director of Preschool dmorgans@clchr.org Mary Behnke Administrative Manager mbehnke@clchr.org Sallie Burns Financial Secretary sburns@clchr.org Linda Holcombe Director of Music lindaholcombe64@gmail.com Nicholas Koltay Administrative Assistant nkoltay@clchr.org Carrie Mallery Principal Pianist Larry Scalfari Pianist Barbara Pierson Director Nursery Ministry Barbara.Pierson@comcast.net Meliha & Predrag Vajzovic Custodians CHURCH COUNCIL: Erika Alpern eajteach@yahoo.com Jeff Bergstrom j-bergstrom@comcast.net Lesley Cantrell we4cantrells@mac.com Sheri Halverson sherilhalverson@gmail.com Pete Koury pmkoury@q.com Beth Ott hunterchief95@comcast.net John Ringkob jer@dascoinc.com Karen Rucker kkosty@excite.com Steve Schaeberle Schaeberle1@comcast.net Bret Sumner bretsumner@hotmail.com Bob Weber B14169k@comcast.net All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to mbehnke@clchr.org. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.
Pastor Steve’s Message Dear Friends: Even though the week before Christmas was a busy one, the leadership of Christ Lutheran Church managed to keep the transition process moving forward. Such was an impressive accomplishment! During that time the church council approved a final draft of the Ministry Site Profile ([MSP] a dossier from the congregation, which will be given to prospective pastoral candidates). The completed MSP was forwarded to the Office of the Bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod ELCA on Wednesday, December 23. In five to six weeks from that date, it is anticipated that the names of three to five pastors will be given to the call committee to begin the interview process for Lead Pastor. In the meanwhile, the Call Committee has already met twice. On Sunday afternoon, December 13, they had a joint meeting with Pr. Sarah Moening of the Office of the Bishop, the Transition Team, and the church council. This was the “hand-off” meeting, in which all the involved parties sought to “be on the same page” in relation to the church’s self-study and sense of mission for the future. Then, on Tuesday evening, December 22, the ten members of the call committee met for their first time alone. That meeting was a time to begin to get better acquainted, to pray and reflect, to answer questions, and also to choose a chair. Stephanie Foster was elected as the chairperson. Who are the folks on the call committee? The church council elected a diverse group: Claire Cantrell Kristen DeBeer Carl Douhan Stephanie Foster Steve Hoemann
Greg Kleen Brian Martin Steve Schaeberle Margie Versen Mike Williams
Please feel free to contact any of these people with your questions, concerns, and ideas. It is also important to remember that they will be operating with a high level of confidentiality: they will not share names of pastoral candidates or impressions about interviewing or other information that could compromise the process for Christ Lutheran Church or for prospective candidates. The call committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 11, 7:00 p.m. They plan to talk over their approach to interviewing and to continue to prepare to receive names. Please pray for their work as the church seeks a Lead Pastor and (shortly thereafter) an Operations Pastor to help lead Christ Lutheran in the coming years. In Christ, Steve Berke, Intentional Interim Pastor
Pastor DJ’s Message
This Month’s Question: Why Do We Come to Worship? I thought it timely to respond to this question that came in several months ago for two reasons: one, we have an adult education class on Sunday mornings at 9:30 dealing with the very same topic; and two, we have articles in the bulletins now dealing with similar ideas. We are just one year away from the celebration of 500 years of the reformation and this has caused not just our church but several area churches to really evaluate what we do, why we do it, and how it fits into the rest of our lives. First, I will tell you why I come to worship. My dad’s family did not attend church regularly. My mother’s parents did attend, but on Wednesday evening. My great-grandparents, however, were in their pew at Epiphany Lutheran Church in Toledo, Ohio every single Sunday. Whether out of obligation to them or not, my parents made sure I was in worship nearly every week, which was my original reason for coming to worship. That only lasts as long as your parents force you, though, and soon I was attending worship because I liked a girl named Tami. Since middle school relationships are short lived I began attending worship because I had friends there, whereas I was an outcast in school. When high school ended I attended worship because it was something that felt like home. Toward the end of college (and nearing the time when I began discerning the call to ministry) I was attending because I needed a place to ask the big questions of life, and to hear some answers. In seminary, I attended worship because I wanted to hear what other preachers thought of scripture. As a pastor, oddly enough, yes there is a sense of obligation to attend worship (or find a new calling I suppose), but I come to worship for the Eucharist. All the symbolism contained therein of Jesus’ sacrifice, of being reunited as a family, of offering forgiveness on behalf of God to those who come forward, and many other mysteries and blessings draw me in to not just attend a gathering, but to worship God. What that exercise did for me is remind me that the reason for merely attending worship changes just as much as our ideas and theology changes. Rather than take my answer, I would encourage you to find your own. Read and wrestle with the questions we are asking now and come up with your answer why you come to worship. Do you come do give thanks? Do you come to beg for help? Do you come because you need forgiveness? Do you come because being caught up in the music with others moves you? Do you come to be Christ to those around you? Do you come to connect to something larger than yourself? Do you come to not be alone? Do you come because you love the old old story? Do you come because you are confused (and do you leave more confused)? Do you come because you don’t know where else to turn? All of these I have heard from people in the last year, and I can imagine an entire world of other answers – so why do you come to worship? Peace, Pastor DJ
BONFILS BLOOD DRIVE Thank you all who came out on the 10th to donate blood. We had a successful blood drive that was much needed and appreciated. CLC Rocks!
Thank you to Boy Scout Troop 645, Gerry Rasel, Jodi Childs, and the Men’s Breakfast Group for purchasing leaves on our Tree of Life. As always, it’s a wonderful way to honor a loved one while helping CLC! Thanks again for your generosity and thoughtfulness.
Applying Bible Principles “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31). When he was president of Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, Gordon MacDonald said, “One of the greatest teachings missing in the American church today is the reminder to men and women that nothing we have belongs to us.” We own nothing. We have been given material means to use, but not to own. All that we have belongs to God. He is our Source according to Psalm 62:5. We are only managers and stewards of what He has entrusted to us. Because all that we have belongs to God, and because He gives us the ability to obtain wealth, every spending decision is in reality a spiritual decision. According to 1 Corinthians 10:31, our constant goal must be to glorify God in all of life, including how we use His resources. Stephen Olford wrote this: “ . . . man’s chief end is ‘to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.’ We are to glorify God by our worshipful praise (Psalm 50:23). We are to glorify Him by our consistent fruit-bearing (John 15:8). We are to glorify Him by our spiritual unity (Rom. 15:6). We are to glorify Him by our entire dedication (1 Cor. 6:20). And we are to glorify Him by our good works (Matt. 5:16). In this last category is included the matter of giving. Only in this way can we provide for ‘honest things in the sight of the Lord.’ The glory of God should motivate us to give and to give our best.” If our goals and ambitions are truly set on spiritual things, if our emphasis in life is to glorify God, we will use the funds He has “loaned” to us on a temporary basis to glorify Him. We will put His money and possessions to good use by giving to His work and by storing up “treasures in heaven” (Matt. 6:19-21). There are two key questions to be asked concerning money and possessions: First, are you glorifying God in how you are using the money and possessions He has entrusted to you? And second, are you viewing these things as yours or as His?
Happy Birthday Jeremia Fellows 1-Jan Monica Martin 1-Jan Karisa McCulloch 1-Jan Alan Wilson 1-Jan Ryan Abraham 2-Jan Carson Bergman 3-Jan Kirsten Lee 3-Jan Mike Rucker 3-Jan Michelle Stein 3-Jan Melissa Kimble 4-Jan W.K 'Kirk' Kirk 5-Jan Shane Pickrell 5-Jan Tyler Pinon 5-Jan Jeremy Radtke 5-Jan Kip Schauer 5-Jan Sheri Halverson 6-Jan Karen Patz 6-Jan Keith LaShier 7-Jan Ryan Fix 8-Jan Adam Smith 8-Jan Andrea Tonelli 8-Jan
Diana Kirk 9-Jan Tyler Macko 9-Jan Nick Rockwell 9-Jan Dwight Buderus 10-Jan Pete Koury 10-Jan Steve Talus 10-Jan Sam Thompson 10-Jan Carmen Abraham 11-Jan Lana Morris 11-Jan Adam Schultz 11-Jan Addison Fisher 12-Jan Huruy Kahsay 12-Jan Thomas Pontius 12-Jan Maria Farrier 13-Jan Sena Porter 13-Jan Matt Schulte 13-Jan Bob Bremer 14-Jan Jacob Ringkob 14-Jan Susan Schleuder 14-Jan Zachariah Waggoner 14-Jan Hannah Anderson 16-Jan
Josh Childs 16-Jan Craig Johnson 16-Jan Kristie Nedved 16-Jan Wayne Stevens 16-Jan Brian Swenson 16-Jan James Etten 17-Jan John Flynn 18-Jan Andrea Hardegree 18-Jan Conner Kramer 18-Jan Cassandra Chavez 19-Jan Nathan Henkes 19-Jan Christopher Hinz 19-Jan Mackenzie Mavis 19-Jan John Tiedgen 19-Jan Jason Curry 20-Jan August Graham 20-Jan Martha Hanson 20-Jan Glenda Kravitz 20-Jan Elley Wilson 20-Jan Jason Fleming 21-Jan Erik Halverson 21-Jan
Larry Tew 21-Jan Kaitlyn Arellano 22-Jan Jake Doernbrack 22-Jan Scott Lasater 22-Jan Kylie McKissack 22-Jan Beth Ott 22-Jan Nicholas Purchase 22-Jan Steve Burns 23-Jan Adam Gray 23-Jan Casey McNitt 23-Jan Suzanne Wischer 23-Jan Heidi Erickson 24-Jan Jessie Gutsch 24-Jan Mikaela Mitchell 24-Jan Megan Rucker 24-Jan Katherine Witkind 24-Jan Chris Porter 25-Jan Tim Cook 26-Jan Kenna Macky 26-Jan Dan McCullor 26-Jan Kingston Aaberg 27-Jan
Ryan Butler 27-Jan Courtney Folkerts 27-Jan Breana Kaiser 27-Jan Janet Bielefeldt 28-Jan Amy DeBoer 28-Jan Chris Harant 28-Jan Jack Adams 29-Jan Dorothy Logan 29-Jan Sharon Perko 29-Jan Matt Schulte 29-Jan Zach Peterson 30-Jan Millie Baker 31-Jan Keith Burt 31-Jan Kelly Ingebritson 31-Jan Carl Larsen 31-Jan Tony Meyer 31-Jan Samantha Oberg 31-Jan Annette Pickrell 31-Jan
2016 Urban Peak We are still in need of volunteers to provide a meal to Urban Peak for the summer and fall months. Please check the response sheet for the months that are still available. CLC provides meals to the shelter on the fourth Friday of every month all year long. This is a wonderful opportunity, and we greatly encourage your participation. The youth at Urban Peak really appreciate a good meal. Please indicate your interest on the response sheet, or contact Dianne Yoss with any questions.
NEW YEAR'S DAY 1 9a MOPS Mobile Blood Drive OFFICE CLOSED 8a Preschool Christmas Break 5p Worship/CC
FOOD DRIVE BEGINS 8a Worship/CC 9:30a 9:30 Worship/SS 11a Worship/CC 7p AA Meeting
3 6:30a Men's Breakfast
4 8a Preschool
5 8a Preschool
6 8a Preschool
8a Bonfils Blood Drive 8a Worship/CC 9:30a 9:30 Worship/SS 11a BAPTISM - Colson 11a Worship/CC 12:15p CLC KidsRock! Handbell Rehearsal 7p AA Meeting
10 6:30a Men's Breakfast
11 8a Preschool
12 8a Preschool
13 8a Preschool
Group 8a Preschool 7p Boy Scouts 7p Personnel Mtg.
11a Preschool Chapel 11:15a Staff Mtg. 2p Preschool Chapel 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High
Group 8a Preschool 9:30a Mission Quilters 10a MOPS Mtg 6p Boy Scouts Venture Crew 7p Boy Scouts
Mission Moments 17 MLK Jr. Day 18 RMS MS Youth Gathering OFFICE CLOSED 8a Worship/CC 6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 9:30a 9:30 Worship/SS 8a Preschool Holiday No 11a Worship/CC School 12:15p CLC KidsRock! 7p Boy Scouts Handbell Rehearsal 7p Legacy & Endowment Mtg. 7p AA Meeting
8a Worship/CC 9:30a 9:30 Worship/SS 11a Worship/CC 12:15p CLC KidsRock! Handbell Rehearsal 7p AA Meeting
24 6:30a Men's Breakfast
8a Worship/CC 9:30a 9:30 Worship/SS 11a Worship/CC 12:15p CLC KidsRock! Handbell Rehearsal 7p AA Meeting
11:15a Staff Mtg. 1:30p Staff Planning Mtg 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High 7p Council Mtg.
8a Preschool 19 11a Preschool Chapel 11:15a Staff Mtg. 11:30a Visiting Nurse Assoc. 2p Preschool Chapel 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High
25 8a Preschool
Group 8a Preschool 9:30a Beth Moore Bible Study 9:30a Mission Quilters 10a MOPS Mtg 6p Boy Scouts Venture Crew 7p Boy Scouts
9a Mops Mtg. 11a Preschool Chapel 2p Preschool Chapel 6:30p Youth Worship Weekend Band 7p Confirmation Learning Event
11:15a Staff Mtg. 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High
9a Adult University 7p Celebration Choir
7 8a Preschool
12p OWLS Luncheon
9a Adult University 7p Beth Moore Bible Study 7p Celebration Choir 7p Cub Scout Leader Mtg.
8a Preschool 20 9a Mops Mtg. 11a Preschool Chapel 2p Preschool Chapel 5:30p Carillon Ringers 6:30p Youth Worship Weekend Band 7p Confirmation Learning Event
8a Preschool 21 8a Preschool 9a Adult University 7p Eagle Court of Honor 10:15a New Mother Ministry Meeting 7p Celebration Choir
27 8a Preschool
9a Preschool Western Lunch 5:30p Carillon Ringers 6p Confirmation Guide Huddle 6:30p Youth Worship Weekend Band 7p Confirmation Learning Event
9a Adult University 9a Preschool Western Luncheon 7p Beth Moore Bible Study 7p Celebration Choir
9a Preschool Supermom Saturday 10a Genealogy 1p Fjelldalen Mtg. 5p Preschool Parent's Night Out 5p Worship/CC
14 RMS MS Youth Gathering 15 Mission Moment
10a Mops Steering Mtg. 5:30p Carillon Ringers 7p Confirmation Small Group
26 8a Preschool
8 9a Chicks w/Sticks
8a Preschool 5:30p Preschool Parent's Night Out 6:30p CLC Bridge Group
28 8a Preschool
RMS MS Youth Gathering 5p Worship/CC
22 7a General Maintenance 23 5p Worship/CC
29 5p Worship/CC
Followers of Jesus Christ
8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested
There’s a place for you! Outreach Ministries
Harrington Elementary School in Denver – various projects Outreach Uganda Urban Peak Teen Shelter Alcoholics Anonymous Bonfils Blood Drive Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp Lutheran Family Services projects Grant Avenue Street Reach Pueblo De Dios (in CA) Projects ELCA World Hunger Military Ministry Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters
CLC Kids Rock! Youth Worship Weekend Band Celebration Carillon Ringers Crossroads Douglas County Singers Praise Team Carillon Ringers
Church Community Ministries Altar Guild New Mothers Ministry Worship Teams First Impressions Team Ushers and Greeters Bulletin “Folders” Readers Decorating Team Assisting Ministers Mowing & Snow Removal Kitchen Team Recycling Team Maintenance Team Sweet Bread Ministry Sign Team Chefs for Christ Sanctuary Care Card Ministry Prayer Tree
Fun and Fellowship
OWLS – Senior group meets monthly for fellowship Shepherds Dinner Group Men’s Book Club Women’s Book Club Advance! Men’s Group Women’s Bunko
Youth & Family Ministries
Baptism Classes First Bible Classes First Communion Classes Summer Vacation Bible School Confirmation Classes (7th & 8th graders) Sunday School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th & 6th graders) BLAZE (Senior High School Youth Group) Mission Trips Family Nights
Education and Fellowship
Adult Education Classes (held during 9:30 service and Thursdays at 9:00am) Men’s Breakfast Group – bible study group meets every Monday morning Women of Joy – a Christian book club that meets twice monthly for fellowship and service Rejoice Circle – women’s bible study, meets twice monthly