July 2015 CLC CrossWord

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JULY 2015

Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending

Thrivent Action Teams

It's a new benefit that started over two years ago for members who want to support an organization they care about. You can lead a team of local volunteers to strengthen your community by helping others be wise with money and inspiring generosity. You can coordinate an educational event, conduct a service activity or organize a fundraiser - it's very easy to get started. Thrivent grants $250 in seed money to qualified teams to help you and what's important to you in your community. Not a Thrivent member? Become an Associate Member for $19.95 per year and you can become qualified for an Action Team Grant in addition to other benefits.

Love your community? Want to make it better? A Thrivent Action Team may be just what you're looking for.

Become a Thrivent Associate member here: www.thrivent.com/about-us/membership-and-benefits/#associate, or call 800-847-4836. Learn more about and apply for an Action Team Grant here: www.thrivent.com/actionteam, or call 800-847-4836. For more information about Action Teams you can also contact Alison Jones at 303-910-8083 and Steve Strom at sstrom58@gmail.com.

Holy Hammers

GOLF TOURNAMENT Holy Hammers is a faith coalition comprised of 18 Lutheran Churches in the Denver Metro area that work alongside Habitat for Humanity. There is a golf tournament to raise money for this worthwhile organization on Monday, August 10 at Meadow Hills Golf Course in Aurora. The registration deadline is July 26, 2015. The format is a four-person scramble. If interested, please contact Jim Peterson at petersonkj@comcast.net.

Harrington Back to School Drive Yes, it’s that time already. We are collecting backpacks, school supplies, and tennis shoes for the children of Harrington Elementary School. Please bring donated items to CLC and place them in the marked bins in the narthex. All donations should be received no later than August 9th.


SCRIP SUMMER UPDATE The weather is beginning to warm up and it is time for those summer vacation plans! CLC Scrip has gift cards available for vacation necessities - we have gas cards, hotel cards, and even cards for Disney! Or, if you plan a "staycation", remember that CLC Scrip has movie and restaurant gift cards,along with all kinds of home improvement store cards. Thanks for your support of CLC Scrip!

STAFF: Rev. Steve Berke, Interim Pastor pastorsteve@clchr.org Rev. DJ Dent, Associate Pastor pastordent@clchr.org Pastor Don Marxhausen, Visitation Pastor visitation@clchr.org Dianne Yoss Outreach Coordinator outreach@clchr.org Debbie Freeman Volunteer Coordinator dfreeman@clchr.org Gary Knutson Director of Youth & Family gknutson@clchr.org Deb Morgans Director of Preschool dmorgans@clchr.org Mary Behnke Administrative Manager mbehnke@clchr.org Sallie Burns Financial Secretary sburns@clchr.org Linda Holcombe Director of Music lindaholcombe64@gmail.com Nicholas Koltay Administrative Assistant nkoltay@clchr.org Carrie Mallery Principal Pianist Larry Scalfari Pianist Barbara Pierson Director Nursery Ministry Barbara.Pierson@comcast.net Meliha & Predrag Vajzovic Custodians CHURCH COUNCIL: Adrian Hafner backyardkids@hotmail.com Bret Sumner bretsumner@hotmail.com John Ringkob jer@dascoinc.com John Riley johnriley05@comcast.net Lesley Cantrell we4cantrells@mac.com Erika Alpern eajteach@yahoo.com Karen Rucker kkosty@excite.com Steve Schaeberle Schaeberle1@comcast.net Bob Weber B14169k@comcast.net All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to mbehnke@clchr.org. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.

Pastor Steve’s Message Dear Friends: About a month ago, after we passed the weekend of Memorial Day, the change in worship attendance was immediately evident. After an exceptionally wet May, apparently “everyone” was ready to “get out of Dodge.” I encourage you, as we are now entering July, to continue to pray, support, and attend Christ Lutheran Church as you are able. We need each other... even over the summer! Please remember that our weekend worship schedule will be reduced by one service, only during the month of July. There will be no 11:00 am service on July 5, 12, 19, and 26. (The normal schedule will resume on August 2.) July will be a busy month of learning for youth and children. The youth service trip to California will occupy much of the first couple of weeks, and then Vacation Bible School will be held during the last week of July. Another busy group has been the Christ Lutheran Transition Team. These folks were just installed in June, and already they have met twice to get oriented and to begin leading the congregation in a process of reflection and assessment over the coming months. The Transition Team will seek your participation in providing feedback and direction in anticipation of the call process, and, in so doing, will eventually largely complete the Mission Site Profile (the standard form by which ELCA congregations are introduced to pastoral candidates). At the June 22 meeting of the Transition Team, Nancy Sullivan was elected Facilitator and Heidi Jason the Recording Secretary. Three sub-teams have been formed: 1) Self-Study: Jeff Bergstrom; Chris DeBeer; Martha Miller; Nancy Sullivan 2) Mission and Vision: Carl Douhan; Bill Doyle; David Ornes; Steve Schaeberle 3) Staffing: Elizabeth Jones; Chris Porter; Jennifer Sievers These sub-teams are aiming to meet before the next full Transition Team meeting on Monday, July 20, 7:00 pm. We ask your prayers for the Transition Team, the staff, congregational leadership, and all of the people as we work together to learn and plan for the future. Thank you! God’s peace, Interim Pastor Steve Berke

30th Anniversary T-shirt Update More t-shirts should be any minute now and can be purchased by coming into the office. Just ask for Linda, Debbie or Dianne. They will not be sold in the Narthex for the month of July. Also, don’t forget to take photos and post them on the CLC 30th Anniversary facebook group.


Pastor DJ’s Message

from the

Preschool Hello CLC Families! The preschool is very busy with summer camp. This summer we are hosting a nine week camp experience from 9 am-4 pm Monday through Thursday. There are fun themes like beach/ocean, art, sports, outdoors and zoo animals. If you have a child between the ages of 3 and 7 and are looking for a few days we still have some openings in July and first week of August. We will not be meeting the week of July 27th for VBS. If interested, please call Deb or Blair at 303-471-9290. We hope that everyone is having a wonderful summer and enjoying the best of Colorado. Blessings, Deb and Blair

SAVE THE DATE! Evangelical

Lutheran Church in America

God’s work. Our hands.

ELCA Day of Service is Saturday, September 12th at 8:30am. We are partnering with Joy Lutheran Church and Well of Hope Lutheran Church to clean up parks and trails in the Douglas County area. When the morning work is done, there will be a barbeque at park (to be determined). More information to follow but for now just save the date to participate!

Why Don’t We Say Table Grace at Breakfast? My first response is, “You don’t?” No, that’s not a guilt trip. I cannot think of the last time I prayed at breakfast either. A few years back I remember reading an article about how someone who grew up in a European country thought it was strange that Americans gathered as a family for breakfast time. My family certainly doesn’t as it’s a scrambled chaos that gets us all out the door at different times and in different stages of readiness. Truth be told, I don’t even pray at every lunch or dinner gathering. Devotees to Martin Luther’s Morning Prayer will note that it is focused on safety being provided during the night rather than thanking God for Cheerios. There was a real threat at the time of Luther of imminent death which we don’t spend much time thinking about anymore. Hence, it’s not usually a morning practice of ours to pray when we wake. Perhaps a different route to answer the question would be to ask why we pray at meals at all. In this we have many scriptural stories that talk of prayer and giving thanks at meals (think Lord’s Supper, feeding of the 5000, Jesus on the road to Emmaus, etc.). It is a moment to pause and give thanks for something that came to us largely without our effort. Many of us did not plant the seed, churn the soil, harvest the grain, or any other activity related to the production of our meals. Prayer is a good way then of acknowledging these things that are out of our hands. It also causes us to once again be in relationship with God amidst a busy or full schedule. There is nothing, then, preventing us from praying every time we gather. It seems we need good interruptions for regular prayer practices and this seems as good a reason as any for maintaining our prayers at mealtime and bedtime. Many of these practices become a function of tradition rather than opening a conversation with God. I have been a part of prayers that we just did because someone thought we had to. Maybe in the repetition we do feel that moment of connection, and that indeed is the true purpose. It would probably suit us well then not just to add prayer time, but to transform prayer time. When breakfast is served next time, take a moment and think about all that went into the meal and hopefully, you will find a moment worth giving thanks for. Thanks, Pastor DJ

Pastor Marxhausen’s Message

Are you ready for 2017? Just around the corner is the 500th celebration of the Reformation. The exact date will honor October 31, 1517 when Dr. Martin Luther nailed 95 statements in Latin on the Castle church door for purposes of debating mostly the issue of indulgences. Since Wittenberg was located in East Germany for over four decades following WW II, the town has been working extremely hard to fix its infrastructure and add motels and restaurants. The two main churches in town, the Staat Kirche (City church where Luther often preached and yours truly, once) and the Schloss Kirche (Castle church where Luther and Melanchthon are buried) have been kept up along with their magnificent pipe organs. The Staat Kirche is closed during the winter for lack of heat and running water. I think by now one would have to find sleeping arrangements in nearby towns because 2017 is going to be a big celebration. Some years ago TIME magazine suggested that the three main personalities that affected western civilization were Jesus, Karl Marx and Martin Luther. This fall at Christ Lutheran we will be starting a course on Martin Luther on Thursday mornings at 9:00 A.M. The starting date is September 17th. There will be a video lecture for a half an hour by a Luther scholar and there will be a half hour of discussion or reaction to the lecture. Over the summer I hope to brush up on my Reformation theology and supplement the presentation. I have read five or six biographies of Luther, some short and some very long, and I still think the very best and easiest one to read is “Here I Stand” by Roland Bainton. I would especially recommend chapter 21, “The Struggle for Faith” for getting at the understanding of Luther’s personal spiritual struggle (Anfechtung). A paperback version from Amazon would only be a few dollars. The rumor is that Professor Baintain started out not a fan of Luther, but in doing his research became one. As to some embarrassing stories about Professor Bainton, I will keep those for class. Many of us old folks were raised with strong denominational identity. Sometimes, this identity was formed by what we were not rather than what we were. Younger generations prefer non-denominational churches or community churches where they don’t have to know or learn tradition. The truth is that for the most part in Protestantism, one either comes down thinking like Martin Luther or thinking like John Calvin of Switzerland. The Anabaptist movement also has to be considered. So, think about getting ready for 2017 and the big celebration and maybe learning or relearning the background of the word Lutheran. Perhaps some Saturday evening in 2017 the church can hold a movie night showing one of the Martin Luther films. Pastor Don Marxhausen

An Invitation Recently, my wife (Judy) and I

joined Christ Lutheran Church and also recently I was introduced to the church as a “Visitation Pastor.” The idea was to take some of the burden off of the existing two pastors and their many tasks and obligations by going to hospitals, nursing homes, etc., as well as home visits. And... one can schedule a visit at church... day or evening... especially on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays. My background consists of six years of social work including mental health work with addiction and forty two years as a pastor. I did some post graduate work in family systems in the early 1980’s. I have some understanding and familiarity with various forms of grief (Death, divorce, and loss in general). Pastoral Care is different than therapy in that it more readily asks of listens for one’s relationship with meaning and with God. While there is much affection and connection with CLC’s pastors and staff, I hope to be of some help to them as well as to our fellow members of CLC. So, please feel free to call either the church 303-791-0803 or my home 720-344-8951 or e-mail for an appointment. Visitation@clcchr.org or corev007@comcast.net Pastor Don Marxhausen

Happy Birthday Haley Fisher - July 1 Christian Meyer - July 1 Steve Tolle - July 1 Chad Vorthmann - July 1 Cassandra Buffington - July 2 Jessica Danyo - July 2 Larry Nelms - July 2 Christine Flores - July 3 Mike Kenevan - July 3 Cooper Lytle - July 3 Natalee Moses - July 3 Meg Rand - July 3 Emily Rowe - July 3 Kim Smith - July 3 Tyler Beukelman - July 4 Alejandro Mena Casa - July 4 Phill Peterson - July 4 Ron Skelton - July 4 Darlene Danyo - July 5 Liam Elkins - July 5 Rich Novotne - July 5 Claire Cantrell - July 6 Ivory Cartwright - July 6 Heidi Elkins - July 6 Camden Long - July 6 Rodger Ott - July 6 Lillian Peterson - July 6 Lucy Sumner - July 6 Avery Dethlefs - July 7 AJ Evens - July 7 Garrett Rasel - July 7

Mitch Van Dewerker - July 7 Sara Zellner - July 7 Bev Brady - July 8 Katie Chavez - July 8 Jamie Gordon - July 8 Sherry Koepke - July 8 Cole Parsa - July 8 Sloane Strom - July 8 Judy Marxhausen - July 9 Tyler Beffel - July 10 Jennette Bergstrom - July 10 Nicole Garcia - July 10 Dylan Sain - July 10 Shirley Warren - July 10 Morgan Bergstrom - July 11 Lynn Brown - July 11 Julie Paul - July 11 Kelsey Puckett - July 11 Meghan Tesch - July 11 Dylan Tesch - July 11 Jenny Bachelder - July 12 Nicole Long - July 12 Jan McKissack - July 12 Layton Moore - July 12 Keller Regan - July 12 Meghan Symes - July 12 Anya Thompson - July 12 Kristen Douhan - July 13 Marti Haller - July 13 Krischan Kramer - July 13 Joseph Ort - July 13

Jonathan Ort - July 13 Sarah Vasilauskas - July 13 Carol Davis - July 14 Jim Davis - July 14 Sharon Dull - July 14 Angie Lynne - July 14 Tanner Perry - July 14 Karen Saur - July 14 Linda Walden - July 14 Jacob Yoss - July 14 Nicholas Castor - July 15 Katherine Lasater - July 15 Taylor Meyer - July 15 Tim Schaedig - July 15 Julia Symes - July 15 Gary Wilson - July 15 Alice Gette - July 16 Alexander Holder - July 16 Mike Kravitz - July 16 Jenny White - July 16 Kaelan Boyer - July 17 Michael Connolly - July 17 Lisa McGavern - July 17 Jeremy Belin - July 18 Lynne Hansen - July 18 Eric Johnson - July 18 Tina Kaiser - July 18 Abel Ramon - July 18 Michael Rocha - July 18 Katie Versen - July 18 Emlyn Vorthmann - July 18

Henry Waldenmyer - July 18 Madison Weitzel - July 18 Dylan Wilson - July 18 Mark Yoss - July 18 Dan Anna - July 19 Bob Harhigh - July 19 Anthony Moore - July 19 Kyle Riley - July 19 John Riley - July 19 Merridy Jensen - July 20 John Mavis - July 20 Paul Meyer - July 20 Dan Scheuerman - July 20 Kym Thompson - July 20 Olivia Thompson - July 20 Ken Todd - July 20 Tyler Lee - July 21 Alexandra Marxhausen - July 21 Tami Poore - July 21 Cindy Russell - July 21 Nancy Walker - July 21 Tyler Bachelder - July 22 Cathy Kotta - July 22 Megan Ott - July 22 Olivia Pollock - July 22 Caitlin Almer - July 23 Rob Foster - July 23 Jared Russell - July 23 John Bellipanni - July 24 Belle Geiger - July 24 Pete Klein - July 24

Chris Wilson - July 24 Randi Wolf - July 24 Mathew Wolken - July 24 Emilie Ziesman - July 24 Ty Boggs - July 25 Lori Hafner - July 25 Shawn Pinon - July 25 Amber Poltl - July 25 Gail White - July 25 Debbie Coates - July 26 Teya Moore - July 26 Al Trautmann - July 26 Tammy Green - July 27 Joshua Seeger - July 27 Michael Van Dewerker - July 27 Abigail Anderson - July 28 Alan Buckel - July 28 Paul Libner - July 28 Erik Saur - July 28 Paige Cartwright - July 29 Eden Cingrani - July 29 Patrick Curry - July 29 Audrey McCrosky - July 29 Peter Ringkob - July 29 Scott Tiedgen - July 29 Melissa White - July 29 Luke Meyer - July 30 Ashley Romney - July 30 Andi Kleinert Topp - July 30 Kayla Vanderhill - July 30 Emma Wolken - July 30




WEDNESDAY 8:30a Preschool Summer Camp

Sr. High Mission Trip 6 5 Sr. High Mission Trip 8a BAPTISM - Beauchamp 6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 8a Worship/CC 8:30a Preschool Summer 9:30a Worship/SS Camp 9:30a BAPTISM - Johnson 7p Boy Scouts 7p AA Meeting 7p Personnel Mtg.

Sr. High Mission Trip 8:30a Preschool Summer Camp 11:15a Staff Mtg. 5p Crossroads Band 7p Blaze-Sr. High

7 Sr. High Mission Trip

8:30a Preschool Summer Camp 5:30p Carillon Ringers

THURSDAY 1 Sr. High Mission Trip


8 Sr. High Mission Trip

9 Sr. High Mission Trip

8:30a Preschool Summer Camp

8:30a Preschool Summer Camp 7p Celebration Choir 7p Cub Scout Leader Mtg.

Sr. High Mission Trip 9a Rejoice Circle

12p OWLS Luncheon

SATURDAY 3 FOURTH OF JULY Sr. High Mission Trip 9a Chicks w/Sticks 5p Worship/CC

10 New Member's Rec'd Sr. High Mission Trip 5p Worship/CC



New Member's Rec'd Sr. High Mission Trip 8a Worship/CC 9:30a Worship/SS 7p AA Meeting

12 Harrington Backpacks start 13 8:30a Preschool Summer 14 8:30a Preschool Summer 15 8:30a Preschool Summer 16 9a Douglas County Singers 17 5p Worship/CC

8a Worship/CC 9:30a Worship/SS 11a VBS Training 7p AA Meeting

19 6:30a Men's Breakfast

20 8:30a Preschool Summer 21 8:30a Preschool Summer 22 8:30a Preschool Summer 23 6p Relay for life

24 7a General Maintenance 25

8a Worship/CC 9:30a Worship/SS 11a VBS Training 7p AA Meeting


27 9a VBS


6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 8:30a Preschool Summer Camp 9a Douglas County Singers Summer Music Camp 9:30a Mission Quilters 6p Boy Scouts Venture Crew 7p Boy Scouts 7p Legacy & Endowment Mtg. Group 8:30a Preschool Summer Camp 7p Boy Scouts 7p Transition Team Mtg.

Camp 9a Douglas County Singers Summer Music Camp 11:15a Staff Mtg. 5p Crossroads Band 7p Blaze-Sr. High 7p Council Mtg.

Camp 11:15a Staff Mtg. 1p Visiting Nurse Assoc. 5p Crossroads Band 7p Blaze-Sr. High

6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 9a VBS 9:30a Mission Quilters 6p Boy Scouts Venture Crew 7p Boy Scouts

11:15a Staff Mtg. 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High

Camp 9a Douglas County Singers Summer Music Camp 5:30p Carillon Ringers

Camp 5:30p Carillon Ringers

28 9a VBS

Camp 9a Douglas County Singers Summer Music Camp 6:30p VBS Training 7p Celebration Choir

Camp 6p 30th Anniversary Talent Show Rehearsal 6:30p VBS Training

29 9a VBS

7p Celebration Choir

Summer Music Camp 9a Rejoice Circle 6p DC Singers Summer Music Camp Concert 6:30p CLC Bridge Group

7p 30th Anniversary Talent Show

30 9a VBS

5p Worship/CC


Followers of Jesus Christ

8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested

There’s a place for you! Outreach Ministries

Harrington Elementary School in Denver – various projects Outreach Uganda Urban Peak Teen Shelter Alcoholics Anonymous Bonfils Blood Drive Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp Lutheran Family Services projects Grant Avenue Street Reach Pueblo De Dios (in CA) Projects ELCA World Hunger Military Ministry Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters


CLC Kids Rock! Youth Worship Weekend Band Celebration Carillon Ringers Crossroads Douglas County Singers Praise Team Carillon Ringers


Church Community Ministries Altar Guild New Mothers Ministry Worship Teams First Impressions Team Ushers and Greeters Bulletin “Folders” Readers Decorating Team Assisting Ministers Mowing & Snow Removal Kitchen Team Recycling Team Maintenance Team Sweet Bread Ministry Sign Team Chefs for Christ Sanctuary Care Card Ministry Prayer Tree

Fun and Fellowship

OWLS – Senior group meets monthly for fellowship Shepherds Dinner Group Men’s Book Club Women’s Book Club Advance! Men’s Group Women’s Bunko

Youth & Family Ministries

Baptism Classes First Bible Classes First Communion Classes Summer Vacation Bible School Confirmation Classes (7th & 8th graders) Sunday School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th & 6th graders) BLAZE (Senior High School Youth Group) Mission Trips Family Nights

Education and Fellowship

Adult Education Classes (held during 9:30 service and Thursdays at 9:00am) Men’s Breakfast Group – bible study group meets every Monday morning Women of Joy – a Christian book club that meets twice monthly for fellowship and service Rejoice Circle – women’s bible study, meets twice monthly

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