March 2017 Newsletter

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MARCH 2017

Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending

Holy Week & Easter at Christ Lutheran Church

Palm Sunday Weekend Worship Saturday, April 8 @5pm Sunday, April 9 @ 8am-9:30am-11am

Maundy Thursday Worship

Thursday, April 13 @ 7pm Featuring the Hand-Washing Ceremony & First Communion

Good Friday Stations of the Cross Friday, April 14 @ 10-11:30am and 1:15-4:15pm Self-Guided in the Sanctuary

Good Friday Worship Friday, April 14 @ Noon

Good Friday Cantata “A Journey To Hope”

Friday, April 14 @ 7pm Featuring Celebration Choir & Orchestra

Easter Worship Saturday, April 15 Traditional Worship @ 5pm Featuring the Carillon Ringers

Easter Worship Sunday, April 16 Traditional Worship @ 7:30am Featuring the Celebration Choir Traditional Worship @ 8:30am Featuring the Celebration Choir Contemporary Worship @ 10am Featuring Crossroads Band Contemporary Worship @ 11:30am Featuring Crossroads Band

Howdy y’all!

We are fixin’ to throw the best darn Goin’ Away party for Pastor DJ and his family on Sunday, March 19th at 6:00pm at the church, and we need all y’all to help. Food will be potluck-style. Beverages will be BYO (except for beer, coffee, and lemonade, which will be provided). Volunteers are needed for décor and set up. Please contact Dianne at to help.

Tree of Life Fundraiser for Pastor D.J. Dent Dear CLC members, We want to commemorate the wonderful service and contributions of Pastor D.J. Dent here at Christ Lutheran Church by dedicating a Foot stone on the Tree of Life to him. A Foot stone costs $3,000.00 and we hope your generosity will once again be displayed by helping us raise this amount for Pastor DJ's dedication. Please put your check or contribution in a offering envelope and label the envelope "Pastor DJ Foot stone" and leave it in the offering plate or drop it by the Church Office. THANKS in advance for your generosity in helping CLC to honor Pastor DJ's many contributions to our congregation!

LENTEN MEALS #1- March 8th - Italian #2 - Mar 15th - Mexican #3 - Mar 22nd - Ball park #4 - March 29th - Chili cookoff #5 - April 5 - Brisket night We ask the congregation to bring desserts. These meals also support our Sr. high youth mission trip.

STAFF: Pastor Eric Allert, Lead Pastor Rev. DJ Dent, Associate Pastor Pastor Don Marxhausen, Visitation Pastor Dianne Yoss Outreach Coordinator Debbie Freeman Volunteer Coordinator Gary Knutson Director of Youth & Family Deb Morgans Director of Preschool Allyson Evans Christian Youth Educator Anne Buderus Financial Administrator Linda Holcombe Director of Music Shalean Rowe Office Coordinator Carrie Mallery Principal Pianist Larry Scalfari Pianist Barbara Pierson Director Nursery Ministry Meliha & Predrag Vajzovic Custodians CHURCH COUNCIL: Joanne Edmunds Jeff Bergstrom Liesl Farrier Jennifer Gunther Pete Koury Beth Ott John Ringkob Rich Novotne Steve Schaeberle Bret Sumner Jennifer Smith All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.

Pastor DJ’s Message One Last Question:

How Does a Congregation Know if it is Thriving? I never did make my way through the entire list of congregational questions that came in, but this was one I received that I was waiting for the right time to answer. It would seem that this is the perfect time, and thus I’ll write to it for my very last newsletter article at CLC. It is probably not well known to most of you that every year we prepare an annual report for the congregation. Within this report are included several metrics to measure size and health of a congregation including numerical attendance, giving statistics, financial disbursements and their general category, participation in education ministries, baptisms, funerals, and a pile of other categories. It seems a bit strange to attempt to file a report to this effect, but nonetheless we endeavor to try our best to put a year of events and occurrences onto paper. Some see these as signs of congregational wellness and even (depending on the direction) congregational vitality. If I may propose a different measure for evaluating the thriving congregation which is difficult, if not impossible to put on paper; it’s the concept of growth from a discipleship perspective. Several things are needed for a congregation to thrive in this evaluation, and I’ll try to use CLC as an example to spell them out a bit. First, to make disciples, you need leaders. Disciples, simply stated, are those who adopt the discipline that the leaders set. For a congregation to be thriving, it needs healthy, grounded, and visionary leaders. Here at CLC each staff member is invited in their areas of ministry to be a leader in this regard – to train all those who wish to participate in the ministries and challenge them to learn and grow. Pastor Eric, since his call started, has endeavored to challenge the staff and congregation in new ways – to not just be comfortable and coast through, but to really grow in faith and stewardship. CLC has excellent leaders in place to continue on its path of making disciples. Second, you need willing students. If someone is going to be the leader, someone has to be the follower. It’s not enough that thoughtful and challenging sermons are given, but that those who come would be eager to hear and be challenged so that they can grow in new ways. If we were all completed projects, where would the growth come from? Instead, each of us must recognize the grace in the gifts we have each been given so that we may seek new light to guide our paths. This, I have loved about CLC from the moment I arrived – a willing and eager congregation dedicated to a voice of welcome and acceptance, and looking always for new ways to expand. Third (and not in order of importance), you need God’s Spirit. As we heard from St. Paul recently in worship from the third chapter of 1 Corinthians, even though Paul planted and Apollos watered, it was God that gave the growth. Here, we always have confidence that whenever we gather in God’s name, God promises to be present. CLC in its namesake has that reminder of being Christ for the sake of the world. As we grow in God’s name we bear the name of Christ as our identity. Fourth, you need a purpose which can challenge. We find this in CLC’s mission statement – Gathering, Gifting, and Sending followers of Jesus Christ. It has been my privilege over the last four and a half years to participate in this mission. The stories that I will tell the most as I move along my journey are the ones where disciples stepped up in service to the church and the community. This, while not comprehensive, is one way to evaluate whether or not a church is thriving. There are countless other methods, but by using this metric I believe it’s obvious that CLC is thriving. On a personal note, walking away from a thriving congregation is not easy nor was it premeditated. In a flurry of events over two months’ time (which covered Christmas), a phone call was received from unknown sources, the internet convened hours of communication, many miles were covered, and intense wrestling with the Spirit happened. Despite years of discernment (some might say discernment is always happening with pastors), and every offer given to stay here at CLC, with a quick rush of the breath of God the call led me elsewhere. Many of you have probably heard me say that I have never been bored as a pastor – even for a single day. Indeed, God still surprises and gives growth. Keep on thriving, CLC. Your servant, Pastor DJ Dent

Pastor Allert’s Message Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, When I first met Pastor DJ in the summer of 2016, I knew immediately that (using the language of our beloved holy scripture) the Spirit of the Lord was upon him. In his heart, there existed then – and still does to this day – a deep love for this congregation. But I knew then that there was also a wrestling of the spirit within to discern not just where God was calling him to serve, but also what kind of servant for Word and Sacrament the Lord was leading him to emerge in to. Over the past 7 months, Pastor DJ has openly shared with me his prayers and struggles, as well as his hopes and blessings for Christ Lutheran. Without any reservation, I am proud to call him a brother in the ordained ministry and a good friend in the faith. His support, encouragement, and prayers for me have truly been invaluable. Knowing the plans ahead for him and having now received his official letter of resignation, my own heart is filled with many different emotions – some cause encouraging smiles and laughter, others creating quiet moments of pause and tender reflection. As I look upon our dear brother DJ, I see two pastors: the one he is now, and the one God is calling him to become. And though, as much as the Council and I would wish these two identities could remain and grow into one here at Christ Lutheran, God’s plan and will for Pastor DJ is not for that to be. In as much as Pastor DJ has prayerfully discerned this with loving family, devoted friends, trusted colleagues, the leaders of this congregation, and most importantly; God’s own Holy Spirit – so too must we now accept this divine will, trusting in the providence of our Lord. In the weeks ahead, Pastor DJ will continue to be diligent in his pastoral service for the congregation. He is working to orient, prepare, and equip both staff and volunteers to the work that will need tending to during the transition. Following more than four years of faithful service as our Executive Pastor (in a myriad of different roles), there will certainly be a lot of opportunity for the church to unite together in caring for these needs. Though there is no replacing of Pastor DJ, the Council and I are now working with Office of the Bishop to begin the call process, but I do not plan to bring an Interim Executive Pastor on to staff. Christ Lutheran has committed to the vision given us by God to identify a Lead Pastor & Executive Pastor team ministry approach to caring for this congregation. The Spirit-led previous work accomplished by the 2015 Transition Team, 2016 Call Committee, and Councils of 2015-2017 will remain in effect for identifying our next Executive Pastor. The 2017 Nominating Committee and I were already scheduled to meet February 27th to nominate candidates to the 2017-2018 Council, as well as candidates to serve as delegates at the 2017 Synod Assembly. In the weeks following the 27th, the Nominating Committee will also begin the process of identifying and gathering candidates interested in serving on our Call Committee to find the next Executive Pastor God is currently preparing for us. These candidates for serving on the Call Committee will then be presented to Council for approval. I will charge each of the lay leaders in this process with the same charge I keep for myself – to strive toward excellence in holy work for the sake of Christ’s Church. I promise to each member of the congregation that we will renew our efforts to make sure that you remain appropriately informed during this Call Process, and that the Council and I are eagerly available to listen to you. We ask for your continued support, prayers, and willingness to both lovingly care for the work ahead and those God has led to faithfully serve in the transition. Last summer, you and I began a relationship together blessed by God and filled with His abundant goodness and grace. The Lord Almighty has indeed showered down upon Christ Lutheran His mercy and joy with great love. It has truly been my genuine delight and privilege to share with you in His portion. It will continue to be His vision that we seek to follow as His church. We celebrate together that God is always, ALWAYS, good. And God always, ALWAYS, provides for the needs of His children. One need that we have, is the need to gather around Pastor DJ, Jennifer, Grace and Caleb and give them our own love and blessing. I urge you to take full advantage of any opportunity given you to share with them your hopes and feelings. I was previously committed to being away out-of-state this next weekend of February 18/19 for a wedding and continuing education. This will be a great opportunity for you to fully embrace Pastor DJ and family. In addition, we of course will be scheduling a farewell and Godspeed party for them on Sunday March 19th. There will be more information about this to come as details become clearer. If you would like to find out how you can be involved in a specific role for this event, please contact the office. The words of Deuteronomy 7:9 are a source of comfort - especially during a time of transition. I commend them to you as I of course draw strength from God’s word to me through them. Remember, God continues to be at work in our midst, both now and always. Along with Pastor DJ, in looking forward, I too “see great things for Christ Lutheran Church.” God will continue to be faithful in His love and merciful will for this congregation. So then, let us commend this pray together... Faithful Lord, as You have so blessed each of Your servants that You have called throughout the ages, I give You thanks and praise for the many blessings you have bestowed upon Pastor DJ. We love him as our brother, we thank him for his service as our pastor, and we commend him to our extended family eagerly awaiting him in Houston. Guide his steps in ministry and empower his life as a steward of Your joy and love for the world. Continue to strengthen Your church with Your promised Spirit. May we continue always to see You as living God, and follow You in our mission to serve the Gospel of Christ Jesus. Cast upon Your leaders Your wisdom; emboldening our own trust and hope in Your peace. For this - and for that which You also see that is needed - I ask in the name of Jesus, our risen Savior and Lord. Amen. Yours in Christ, Pastor Eric J. Allert

Worship Teams for Easter Do you like to Usher or serve Communion, but not all the time? We could really use your assistance at the Saturday, April 15th 5:00 PM service and any of the four Easter morning services 7:30, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30 AM. Please sign the Response Sheet, if you can serve at this very busy time in the church. If you are already on a Worship Team and are available to help, please let Debbie Freeman know what service works best for you.

Team Leader Worship Team Training We will have a Easter Worship Team training session for Assigned Team Leaders only on Sunday, April 9th (Palm Sunday) at 9:15 AM in the Youth Room.

Decorating the Church and Organizing Easter Flowers We will be decorating the church for Easter on Wednesday, April 12th at 10 AM. We will be taking the flowers out of boxes and watering them before they are placed in the sanctuary after the service on Good Friday. We will also be setting up for Maundy Thursday hand-washing. Please sign the Response Sheet, if you can help.

Nursery Volunteers for Easter We are in need of people to help in the nursery during the 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30am services on Easter Sunday. If you can help please sign the response sheet.

Easter Egg Hunt CLC Mops and CLC Staff will be hosting an Easter Egg Hunt at CLC for Youth on Saturday, April 8th at 9:30 AM. There will be more details to follow!

Refreshments in the Fellowship Hall on Easter Sunday Please join us in the Fellowship hall for wonderful fresh baked goods after services on Easter Morning. If you can help supply the baked goods, please sign the Response Sheet.

Stations of the Cross in the Sanctuary on Good Friday We will be projecting the Stations of the Cross from 10:00-11:30 AM and 1:15-4:15 PM on Good Friday, April 14th. Please feel free to go into the Sanctuary at any time during those hours.

Placing the Flowers on Good Friday We will be placing the flowers around the Altar after the Good Friday Service. Please sign the Response Sheet If you are able to stay an extra twenty minutes to help.

Easter Lilies and Plants

Easter lilies and flowers may be purchased in memory or honor of someone meaningful in your life. The plants will be $16 each and will decorate our Sanctuary on Easter. We have Easter Flower envelopes located in the Narthex to place your check in. Please fill out the information needed on the front and back of the envelope and place it in the offering plate. You may also indicate on your check the name of the person and in memory or honor of that individual and place your check in the offering plate or sign up on the Response Sheet.

Easter Shuttle Please don’t forget to ride the shuttle for Easter Sunday. This will insure that our guests will have a place to park, at a time when we have over 2,000 people at Worship for the weekend. The shuttle will run back and forth from the southeast corner of the AMC parking lot across from Outback from 7:00 to 11:30 AM on Easter Sunday, April 16th . This can be a great opportunity for you and your family to meet others on your way to Worship.

Volunteers to Clean up the Church after Easter We will be cleaning up the church after Easter weekend on Wednesday, April 19th at 10:00 AM. If you can help us put back chairs, move plants and just do minor clean-up, please mark the Response Sheet.

News from the Preschool

Save the Dates! March 1


March 4

Couples’ Night Out

March 12

ELCA Global Barnyard Weekend

The school continues to register for fall classes and we cannot believe how fast time is moving. We will talk about the Washing of the Feet and the Lost Sheep for Chapel this month. We will also have music time with Ms. Linda and our Silver Speakers will be in to read. We love watching the children grow in Jesus. They are so much fun every day!

March 19

Dent Family Farewell Party

April 8

Easter Egg Hunt

April 9


April 13


We will also host our yearly Art Show/Spaghetti Dinner and Auction at the end of the month. We wish everyone a healthy Spring as we prepare for the arrival of Easter.

April 14


April 16


April 22

Harrington Carnival

April 23

Ladies Spring Afternoon Tea

April 30

Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast

Thank you for helping us in reaching our goal at the book fair!!! We are using our funds toward our end of the year picnic for our families and a few classroom supplies.

Many blessings, Deb and Blair

Lent 2017: Our Journey To Who We Are The Unending Reformation of the Church Sundays In Lent

Wednesdays In Lent

Sunday March 5: Lent 1 – Seed Joshua 3: 14-17; 4: 5-7; Ma�hew 1: 1-17 -Before Christ; Jewish Community; Promise of God holds the community together; Consistency Sunday March 12: Lent 2 – Root Acts 2:37-47; Ma�hew 13: 1-17 -Pentecost to Pre-Constantine; The Unorganized Church; Jesus provides worth; Acceptance-Inclusion-Jesus loves YOU Sunday March 19: Lent 3 – Trunk Philippians 1: 25-28; Gospel: John 15: 1-13 -The Organized Church; Orthodoxy; Assembly of Boundaries & Scripture Sunday March 26: Lent 4 – Branch 1 Timothy 1:3-11; Luke 12: 49-53 -Denominationalism; Protestantism; Sectarianism Sunday April 2: Lent 5 – Leaf Gala�ans 5:19-25; John 17: 20-24 -Congregation; CLC Discipleship

Wednesday March 1: Ash Wednesday Isaiah 58: 1-12; Psalm 51: 1-17; 2 Corinthians 5:20b6:10; Ma�hew 6:1–6, 16–21 The Journey Begins Wednesday March 8: Lent Worship 1-Promises Reading: Ma�hew 1: 18-25 (Birth of Jesus) -Fulfillment of Promise; Promise Keeping Wednesday March 15: Lent Worship 2-Rules Reading: Romans 2: 17-29 - What do we believe? What are the Rules? Wednesday March 22: Lent Worship 3-Change Reading: Romans 7: 6-10 - The Reforma�on; Why is this a Rule? Wednesday March 29: Lent Worship 4-Unity Reading: Philippians 2: 1-11 - Gathering; Coming back together Wednesday April 5: Lent Worship 5-Home Reading: 1 Corinthians 12: 12-27 - You have a place here; One body, different parts

Seasonal Reading Recommendations from Pastor Eric Inside the Large Congregation, by Susan Beaumont The Habits of Highly Effective Churches, by George Barna Evil: The Shadow Side of Reality, by John A. Sanford Praying the Psalms: Engaging Scripture and the Life of the Spirit, by Walter Brueggemann Practicing Our Faith: A Way of Life for a Searching People, by Dorothy C. Bass




WEDNESDAY 8a Preschool 9:30a MOPS Discussion

New Members Received 5 6:30a Men's Breakfast 8a Worship Group 9:30a Lonni Stedry Baptism 8a Preschool 9:30a Worship 9:30a Priscilla Shirer Bible 11a Jack Tremblay Baptism Study 11a Worship/CC 7p Boy Scouts 12:15p First Communion 7p Personnel Mtg. Class (1 of 2) 2p Bergstrom Recital 7p AA Meeting Daylight Saving Time Starts ELCA Barnyard 8a Worship 9:30a Worship 11a Worship/CC 5p Dynamite 7p AA Meeting

12 6:30a Men's Breakfast

Group 8a Preschool 9a Mission Quilters 9:30a Priscilla Shirer Bible Study

26 6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 8a Preschool 9a Mission Quilters

FRIDAY 2 8a Preschool

9a Adult University 6p Ron Van Steyn Funeral 6:30p Grief Support Group

SATURDAY 3 New Members Received

9a Bergstrom Recital Rehearsals 9a Chicks w/Sticks 10a Genealogy Group 12p Fjelldalen Lodge Soup Potluck 5pWorship/CC 5:30p Couples' Night Out

7 8a Preschool

8 8a Preschool

9 8a Preschool

13 8a Preschool

14 8a Preschool

15 8a Preschool

16 8a Preschool

17 5p Worship/CC


24 7a General Maintenance 25

30 8a Preschool


11:15a Staff Mtg. 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High 7p Caregiver Mtg

11:15a Staff Mtg. 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High 7p Council Mtg. 7p Military Ministry Mtg.

5:15p Lenten Dinner/Italian

5:15p Lenten Dinner/Mexican

9a Adult University 7p Celebration Choir 7p Council Review Meeting 7p Troop 645 Eagle Bd of Review

11:15a Staff Mtg. 21 9a MOPS - Mom's Day Out 22 9a Adult University 12p Visiting Nurse Assoc. 5:15p Lenten Dinner/Chili 5p Crossroads Band Cookoff 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High 7p Caregiver Mtg

27 8a Preschool

11:15a Staff Mtg. 12p Visiting Nurse Assoc 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High

28 8a Preschool

12p OWLS Luncheon

9a Adult University 7p Cub Scout Leader Mtg.

29 8a Preschool

5:15p Lenten Dinner/Ballpark

9a Adult University

10 9a SSMTA Music Festival 11 4p BSA Gold & Blue Banquet 5p Worship/CC

9a MOPS Photography Fundraiser 5p Worship/CC

Happy Birthday Gigi Dieffenbaugher Janice Korte Sara Oscai Sonja Beauchamp Adam Rachubinski Eric Terrell Grant Wischer Dana Elkins Erik Hanson Lance Malburg Lucille Roinestad Chad Aaberg Peyton Freitag Rylie Wieseler Rick Boyer Samantha Gordon Turner Lineberry Luke Marxhausen David Pierce Evan Schaeberle Pastor DJ Dent Jordan Hegre Cynthia Marxhausen Valerie Smith Lauren Ashley George Maldenado Dayna Chafe Brittny Dilges Kennedy Green Crystal Jones Griffin Lau

Mar 1 Mar 1 Mar 1 Mar 2 Mar 2 Mar 2 Mar 2 Mar 3 Mar 3 Mar 3 Mar 3 Mar 4 Mar 4 Mar 4 Mar 5 Mar 5 Mar 5 Mar 5 Mar 5 Mar 5 Mar 6 Mar 6 Mar 6 Mar 6 Mar 7 Mar 7 Mar 8 Mar 8 Mar 8 Mar 8 Mar 9


6 8a Preschool

8a Worship 19 6:30a Men's Breakfast 20 9:30a Worship Group 11a Worship/CC 7p Legacy & Endowment Mtg 6p Dents’ Family Send Off 7p AA Meeting (moved to St. Luke's)

8a Worship 9:30a Worship 11a Worship/CC 12p MOPS Photography Fundraiser 7p AA Meeting

THURSDAY 1 8a Preschool

Steve Schrader Mar 9 Morgan Sullivan Mar 9 Ronny Van Steyn Mar 9 Tiffany Beffel Mar 10 Bob Belin Mar 10 Marion Hillgren Mar 10 Jean Mai Mar 10 Daley Ornes Mar 10 Cooper Paul Mar 10 Kirsten White Mar 10 Robbie Grant Mar 11 Brian Kolseth Mar 11 Zachary Moisey Mar 11 Kim Pietropola Mar 11 John Riley Mar 11 Barry Siel Mar 11 Kay Stolzenbach Mar 11 Mark Tronrud Mar 11 Amelia Hansen Mar 12 Renee Burton Mar 13 Bill Carroll Mar 13 Aaron Henkes Mar 13 Linda Klein Mar 13 Matthew Mitchum Mar 13 Mary Campbell Mar 14 Meghan Fleming Mar 14 Jeff Prescott Mar 14 Amy Fenton Mar 15 Catherine DoernbrackMar 16 Jed Fisbeck Mar 16 Nathan Gray Mar 16

Audrey Kleen Don Zundel Nolan Fleming Landon Fleming Crista Larsen Sonja Murphy Ruth Nelms Adelyn Oscai Trudy Hunchar John Mitchell Drew Paine Brendan Parsa Kalina Perry Jessica Pollock Emma tanek Gracie Childs Sue Justice Madylin Walker Jenny Allert Addison Bergstrom Austin Cummings Kristin DeVisscher Barbara Doyle Mason Topp James Danyo Tracy Fellows Keaton Foy Kjerstin Halverson Fay Lukasik Sara Ziesman Sarah Davis

Mar 16 Mar 16 Mar 17 Mar 17 Mar 17 Mar 17 Mar 17 Mar 17 Mar 18 Mar 18 Mar 18 Mar 18 Mar 18 Mar 18 Mar 18 Mar 19 Mar 19 Mar 19 Mar 20 Mar 20 Mar 20 Mar 20 Mar 20 Mar 20 Mar 21 Mar 21 Mar 21 Mar 21 Mar 21 Mar 21 Mar 22

Caroline Flynn Sarah Flynn Kyle Russell Ally Williams Cheryl Burton Ella McNitt Jon Rakes Bobby Reed Andrew Beffel Quinn Connolly Bryan Lichty Ben Tronrud Martin Brown Amy Edstrom Ruth Jewell Helen Knutson David Kaiser Tami Kreimeyer Donna Polodna Jeramy Staub Dan Grant Devon Hanson Martha Miller Eric Young Colin Brand Angela Tonelli Randi Valenti Jr. Lindsey Anderson Nanako Keney Aiden Macko Madelyn Orlowski

Mar 22 Mar 22 Mar 22 Mar 22 Mar 23 Mar 23 Mar 23 Mar 23 Mar 24 Mar 24 Mar 24 Mar 25 Mar 26 Mar 26 Mar 26 Mar 26 Mar 27 Mar 27 Mar 27 Mar 27 Mar 28 Mar 28 Mar 29 Mar 29 Mar 30 Mar 30 Mar 30 Mar 31 Mar 31 Mar 31 Mar 31


From the President of the Congregation Dear Christ Lutheran Church, First, I would like to thank Pastor DJ and his family for over four years of dedicated and spiritual leadership with Christ Lutheran Church. Our church is in a better place because of Pastor DJ’s inspiration and guidance than we could have ever expected back when he was called to serve with us in Highlands Ranch and South Metro communities. Your Church Council and Pastor Eric are in contact with Bishop Gonya and Pastor Sara Moening of the Rocky Mountain Synod and will be working closely with the Synod as we begin the call for our new Executive Pastor. While Pastor DJ cannot be replaced, we believe the call process to fill the position previously held by Pastor DJ can be completed in a 3-9 month timeframe. This shortened timeframe is because of the extensive work completed by your previous Transition Team during the call process for our Lead Pastor. In short, we need a few slight modifications to the existing Market Site Profile (MSP) along with a few tweaks to the Executive Pastor Job description to post the position within the ELCA pool of Pastors looking for opportunities here in Highlands Ranch. The Nominating Committee voted on during the Fall Congregational Meeting will be working closely with exiting members of your church Council, Bret Sumner and John Ringkob, to develop a list of congregational members to propose to Council to serve as the new Call Committee. Pastor Eric will be on the Call Committee and will be integral through the selection and interview process. Please feel free to reach out to them or myself if you have an interest in serving on this new Call Committee. As we have a large number of faithful and dedicated members of Christ Lutheran Church, I again expect more volunteers than can be incorporated into this process. Your Council will support Dianne Yoss and other volunteer members of CLC to put on a farewell sendoff for Pastor DJ and his family on the evening of Sunday, March 19th. They will be missed! We wish them our prayers and safe travels as they continue their ministry in Houston. Please feel free to contact me, any member of your Church Council, Pastor Eric, or the office with any questions throughout this process. We will continue to provide updates as we progress through the call process in the bulletin, newsletters, call updates, and any other method we can use to keep everyone informed. Always remember God is in control! We must remain faithful and prayerfully ask for his guidance through this process. Yours in Christ, Pete M Koury Council President

FIRST COMMUNION CLASSES March 5th and April 2nd

Kids receive their 1st Communion on Maundy Thursday at 7 pm service on April 13th. Classes start at 12:15 pm and end around 3 pm. Lunch will be served. Both classes must be attended and a parent must accompany their child.

Food Drive for IFCS Success! The food drive for Integrated Family Community services was held on Feb. 11 from 8-11am. We had several volunteers stand outside both King Soopers in Westridge and Safeway passing out flyers and collecting items. In that 3 hour time frame, we were able to collect over 30 boxes of food and $350 cash. Amazing! Even more amazing was the generosity of some of the shoppers. One Highlands Ranch resident came up to the CLC volunteers (Karen and Landon Patz, Hannah Abraham and myself) at Safeway with a loaded cart. (We did not notice that his items weren’t in bags to take home.) He asked if we were doing a competition with the volunteers at the other door (Nancy Hubbard, Ruth Jewel, Janet Bergstrom and Melissa Kimble). We explained no, we were working together but that a competition might be a good idea for a bit of fun. He then pushed his cart toward us and said “here, you just won.” We laughed because we didn’t process what he was doing – we thought he was kidding. Then he started to leave and we called after him. “Wait! You’re serious? This whole cart is for us?” He replied as he kept walking toward his car, “Yes, I’ve been there.” Our jaws fell open. We of course said thank you and we offered hugs but he just smiled, waved and continued off not knowing what a huge impact he had just made on all of us. But wait – there’s more. Kara and Paul Pontius set up at the King Sooper location with their son Tommy, Kaelan Boyer, and Zach Waggoner when a woman came up to Kara and explained she didn’t have time to shop and then proceeded to hand Kara a $100 bill. Then again, later in the morning with Ken and Kathy Risden, a shopper came up and said she didn’t have time to shop and handed over another $100 bill. I also had an opportunity to briefly speak with a woman who commented on the hunger problem right here in Douglas County. Everyone would be surprised to discover what’s happening in our own backyard. It validated why we were there that morning and it made me feel good to know we were helping an organization that serves Douglas County. Our hearts were so full, it was definitely a great way to spend a couple hours, imagine if we did a whole day! Thank you CLC for your support in our outreach efforts, your loving hearts, and commitment to our community. - Dianne Yoss, Outreach Coordinator

WEDNESDAY NIGHT ADULT STUDY SERIES Pastor Eric's weekly adult study series entitled “Unpacking Creation” that

normally meets at 7pm on Wednesdays in the Sonrise Room is suspended for Lent. Watch for it to resume in April.

Followers of Jesus Christ

8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested

There’s a place for you! Church Community Ministries Outreach Ministries Altar Guild Harrington Elementary School in New Mothers Ministry Worship Teams First Impressions Team Ushers and Greeters Bulletin “Folders” Readers Decorating Team Assisting Ministers Mowing & Snow Removal Kitchen Team Recycling Team Maintenance Team Sweet Bread Ministry Sign Team Chefs for Christ Sanctuary Care Card Ministry Prayer Tree Care for the Caregiver Grief Group MOPS


Denver – various projects Outreach Uganda Urban Peak Teen Shelter Alcoholics Anonymous Bonfils Blood Drive Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp Lutheran Family Services projects Grant Avenue Street Reach Pueblo De Dios (in CA) Projects ELCA World Hunger Military Ministry Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters Integrated Family Community Services

Youth & Family Ministries Baptism Classes

First Bible Classes First Communion Classes Summer Vacation Bible School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th & 6th graders) Confirmation Classes (7th & 8th graders) BLAZE (Senior High School Youth Group) Sunday School Mission Trips Family Nights

Education and Fellowship Adult Education Classes (Pastor led classes

held during 9:30 Sunday services, Wednesday nights at 7pm and Thursday mornings at 9am) Men’s Breakfast Group – Bible study group meets every Monday morning Women of Joy – a Christian Bible study that meets twice monthly for fellowship and service Women’s Bible Studies - (Monday mornings 9:30am – spring and fall sessions)

Fun and Fellowship OWLS – Senior group meets monthly for fellowship Shepherds Dinner Group Men’s Book Club Women’s Book Club Advance! Men’s Group Women’s Bunko Soul Sisters Women’s Group Bridge Group

Music CLC Kids Rock!

Youth Worship Weekend Band Celebration Carillon Ringers Crossroads Douglas County Singers Praise Team Carillon Ringers

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