May 2014 CLC CrossWord

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MAY 2014

Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending

Scrip Update Do you have a graduation celebration coming up? Or maybe a spring home improvement project? CLC Scrip gift cards help CLC while helping you shop! Small denomination cards will be available for a limited time through May 23. The list includes AMC Theaters ($10), Barnes & Noble ($5), Panera Bread ($5), Regal Entertainment ($10), Target ($10) and Starbucks ($5 Teacher Card). These cards make great teacher or graduation gifts. You can write the name and quantity of cards you need on our order forms in the narthex. Happy shopping!

CLC Tree of Life Honors Moms, Dads and Graduates Looking for a special gift for Mom, Dad or your Graduate? Consider honoring them with a Tree of Life donation! Mother's Day is May 11, Father's Day is June 15, and May is Graduation month! You can custom build a special message for Mom, Dad, or the Graduate on a Tree of Life "leaf" starting with a tax deductible donation of $250 for a bronze leaf. While honoring your loved one, you will also be helping Christ Lutheran Church retire it's mortgage debt for our expansion in 2004. Details on the Tree of Life Program are available in a brochure adjacent to the Tree of Life wall in the narthex or contact 303-791-0803 if questions.

Role of the CLC Council

The 2014 Annual Spring Congregational Meeting is scheduled for June 7th, and a major agenda item is election of five (5) new members to the Church Council. Current Council Members are: Ken Kroneberger, Nancy Bauer, Rick Boyer, Norm Beulke, Julie Waggoner, Bret Sumner, John Ringkob, Lee Bergstrom, John Riley, Adrian Hafner, and Treasurer Jeff Bergstrom. Please feel free to contact any of them to address questions and concerns about the Christ Lutheran Congregation.

The first five members – Kroneberger, Bauer, Boyer, Beulke, and Waggoner are completing their terms and will be replaced by five newly elected members. This is the perfect time to review the role of the Church Council, whether you chose to run as a Council candidate, or participate as a voting member in the election of the new Council members. According to our CLC constitution, the Congregational Council is the decision making body for policy and oversight and it has general oversight of the life and activities of this congregation. Following are some of the specific duties of the Council: 1. Lead the congregation in stating its mission, to do long range planning and set goals and priorities, and evaluate its activities in light of its mission and goals 2. Maintain supportive relationships with the pastor(s) and

by Norm Beulke staff and help them annually to evaluate the fulfillment of their calling or employment 3. Promote a congregational climate of peace and good will, and, as differences and conflicts arise, to endeavor to foster mutual understanding 4. Be responsible for the financial and property matters of the congregation a. Prepare an annual budget for adoption by the congregation and supervise the expenditure of funds according to that budget b. May enter into contracts of up to 10% of the approved annual budget total for items not on the budget c. Ensure prompt payment of all obligations and to the regular forwarding of benevolence monies to the synodical treasurer d. Be responsible for the congregation’s investments and total insurance program e. Provide for annual audits of all accounts 5. See that the provisions of the constitution and its bylaws and continuing resolutions are carried out 6. Provide for an annual review of the membership roster 7. Be responsible for employment and supervision of the congregation’s salaried lay workers 8. Submit a comprehensive report to the congregation at the annual meeting.

STAFF: Rev. Tom Shelly, Sr. Pastor

Pastor Tom’s Message

Low Sunday – High!

Rev. DJ Dent, Associate Pastor Debby Kinsella Director Outreach/Equipping Gary Knutson Director of Youth & Family Deb Morgans Director of Preschool Mary Behnke Administrative Manager Sallie Burns Financial Secretary Linda Holcombe Director of Music Nicholas Koltay Administrative Assistant Carrie Mallery Principal Pianist Larry Scalfari Pianist Barbara Pierson Director Nursery Ministry Meliha & Predrag Vajzovic Custodians CHURCH COUNCIL: Ken Kroneberger Lee Bergstrom Nancy Bauer Rick Boyer Julie Waggoner Norm Beulke Adrian Hafner Bret Sumner John Ringkob John Riley All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.

Anyone who has been in the church or worked on the church staff, paid or as a volunteer, has heard the phrase “Low Sunday.” Low Sunday is the first Sunday after Easter or Christmas. It is usually marked by low attendance and low offerings. In the past CLC has experienced just that until last year and this year! At least in attendance we seem to have broken the “Low” aspects of “Low Sunday.” For the past two years we have designated the first Sunday after Easter as “Preschool Appreciation Sunday.” We had 43 preschoolers and their families in attendance at the 9:30 a.m. Worship Service and our overall Sunday worship on “Low Sunday” was 577 this year (514 last year). Attendance compared to years before when we did not have this emphasis in 2012 was 401 and in 2011 438, well over a 25% increase!! However (and there always seems to be a however!), our offering on the Sunday after Easter this year may have hit an all-time low of $4300 plate and $2400 electronic giving! This is coupled with a lower than average Easter offering from previous years. However, other signs of life and vitality are that there were 5 couples in our past Sunday’s Baptismal Class; 200 + at the Preschool Art Auction Spaghetti Dinner; A Boy Scout Eagle Ceremony; twenty six 4th, 5th, & 6th graders participated in a Bible Bowl (congratulations to Megan Rucker!) and twenty seven at the 8th Grade Lock-In. So, and with thanksgiving, we want to thank everyone who participated and supports these and other activities and ministries! However, all these and other activities need financial support too, so the “Low” aspects of the giving from this Sunday need to be addressed in the future. We have a strong sense of “doing” and need to have a strong sense of providing the resources for that “doing.” I have one final one for here: Legacy and Endowment is looking for Scholarship Donations. Last year L&E gave out over $4000 in scholarships. The scholarship portion of L&E has been financed by individual special gifts. This year L&E is looking at only having around $1000 in scholarships to give out unless there are more contributions. All contributions are welcome and more information may be gotten by contacting Debby Kinsella. May is a busy month, the month of graduations among other things. May you find and keep your balance in the busyness of life with attending to your spiritual and communal needs of being a part of Christ Lutheran Church and something greater than ourselves! Together we can “do” more! See YOU in Worship + Many Blessings + Pastor Tom +

JOIN A SHEPHERDS' DINNER GROUP Shepherds' groups are dinner groups of eight people who meet four times in each other's homes between May and September. Each time the group meets, the host provides the main dish, and the others in the group bring an appetizer, salad, or dessert. This is a great way to get to know other people, both members and visitors of CLC, on a more intimate basis. Adult only and family groups are available. Deadline to sign up is April 30th so please sign the response sheet.

Harrington Elementary

CARNIVAL Saturday May 10th, 2014 11am-1pm

Harrington is an inner-city Denver school that Christ Lutheran has adopted. Each year, CLC hosts a carnival at the school (located at 36th and York), typically on the first or second Saturday in May. The carnival features games and a bounce castle. The carnival is free to all students and their families. There is also a food booth serving brats and hot dogs, soda, chips, candy and pickles that is free to everyone in the school. Donations of hot dogs, brats, soda, small bags of chips, pickles and candy bars are being accepted for the food booth. Donations of booth prizes are also being collect-ed. If you are interested in giving a cash donations to offset the $2000 we spend on games and prices that would be greatly appreciated. Volunteers to help run the carnival may sign-up on the response sheet. Working this event makes a great service project for individuals, families, small groups, and confirmation groups. If you are going to work please arrive no later than 10:00 am.

Pastor DJ’s Message

“It’s nothing,” or maybe you prefer my favorite: “No problem.” It’s the prescribed response when someone says thanks when you’ve helped them out. Even if we applied tremendous effort, we have always been taught that this is the way humble people are supposed to accept thanks and praise. We are recommended to brush off the things that we do as inconsequential. I believe there is a different way that is certainly counteractive to my habits, but that I believe is more in line with scripture. First, Paul teaches us that we are correct and that we should not boast in our works (1 Corinthians 1:29). So we have learned our lesson about not sounding the trumpet when we do something great. But there is a second step we neglect with our quick words. 1 Corintians 1:31 says “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.” Elsewhere in scripture the same thing is repeated. These two things go hand in hand, so that our dismissive words when we help people ought to be accompanied by a pointing to the work of God through us. It’s very simple, all that needs to be said is, “Just trying to share God’s love.” With those simple words all things become accomplished, espe-cially filling out our Christian calling as witnesses. We have a number of things occurring this time of year, from the Harrington Carnival to Con-firmation. With all these things we could talk about how great we are because we are doing the right and appropriate thing, but that would be false. Indeed, God is great because he picked such a weak thing to show God’s own greatness and love. As Jesus taught it is when we tend to the needy that we encounter him in the world, I entreat you to try out this new phrase the next time you help someone in need. I think you may be surprised at what it does to your own soul. God’s peace, messengers of Christ, Pastor DJ Dent

GREETINGS FROM SKY RANCH LUTHERAN CAMP Summer is fast approaching and with it thousands of campers and adults that will delight in Christ at Sky Ranch. Before they arrive, however, there is much work to be done around the property to make sure we are ready to welcome them. To make sure Sky Ranch is a safe and comfortable place for our guests, we need your help! This is an overview of the many opportunities for your generous support of time and talent as we seek to be good stewards of the physical spaces of camp. Opportunities include spring work weekends, Memorial Day Work Weekend, and summer long projects. Additionally, there are ways to get involved in this summer's Sky Ranch Flood Relief efforts. If you are interested in helping with any of these, please contact Andy Sprain, Associate Director at or call our office at 970-492-5258. Please also help spread the Sky Ranch story in your congregations and communities! Thank you for your commitment to the Sky Ranch ministry! Andy Sprain Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp

SPRING WORK WEEKENDS Help us prepare for the summer and get camp ready to greet kids in June! We will be hosting two work weekends in the spring along with our annual Memorial Day Work Weekend.

MAJOR PROPERTY PROJECTS FOR THE UPCOMING SEASON Bonhoeffer Bedroom Expansion Sauna Completion Remodel of the Backpack Center Porch

The dates for those weekends are:

Construction of Woodshed for 12' Saw Mill

May 2-4:

Nurse's Cabin Completion Including new roof, pergo flooring, new plumbing, and new deck/entryway

May 9-11:

Disc Golf Course Expansion

Saw Mill Training; Showerhouse Storm Repair; Nurse's Cabin Plumbing Replacement Low Ropes Expansion (including Bouldering Wall); Staff Apartment Loft; Nurse's Cabin Pergo Flooring Installation

Loft in Christ Lodge Staff Apartment

MEMORIAL DAY (May 23 26):

Expansion of Low Ropes Course (Bouldering Wall)

Water to Hospitality Table in Christ Lodge

Disc Golf Course Installation; Backpack Center Porch Rennovation; Greenhouse Completion; Carpet in Christ Lodge Office

New Benches for worship and programming areas

If you are interested in helping to get camp up and running contact Andy Sprain at or call our office (970) 493-5258

Staining Decks

Exterior Painting (BPC, Nurse's, Nature Center)

UPCOMING PROPERTY EVENTS To register for the Memorial Work Weekend contact Ally Plucheck at or call our office (970) 493-5258

May 2-4: Spring Work Weekend, Saw Mill Training May 9-11: Spring Work Weekend May 23-26: Memorial Day Work Weekend May 30-June 1: Bethany, Cherry Hills Village-Be the Blessing June 1: Flood Relief Tool Drive July 6-11: Grace, Grafton, WI, Leave a Trace Project

FLOOD RELIEF SKILLED VOLUNTEERS Do you have construction skills that can be shared with others? This summer we are taking on a new program doing flood relief with close to 750 volunteers from all over the country. We will be working primarily in Boulder County, most likely in Longmont, Lyons and Jamestown. The volunteers we have coming are primarily high school youth and, though they have energy and desire to serve, their construction skills are lacking! If you feel you would be able to support, we are looking for local volunteers to serve as teachers and work project leaders. There will be many Sky Ranch staff there to support as well as adult sponsors, we just need help with the project side of it! Our summer programs will run the third week of June through July. Don't feel like you'd have to volunteer the whole summer either, we'd love you for a day, a week or longer! Please contact our Flood Relief Coordinator, Lisa Dunworth at if this is something you'd be interested in learning more about.


THRIVENT ACTION TEAMS We are excited to share a new way for Thrivent members to share their generosity by making an impact at Sky Ranch: Thrivent Action Teams! Action teams are a way for you to identify a need in your community - like Sky Ranch! - and to act to meet that need. Thrivent has made the process of proposing an action team easy. Simply go to and click ACT NOW. After signing in, fill out the brief form, including a description of the project and completion date - make sure to tell your Sky Ranch story and how you hope to impact our ministry! After the project has been approved, you will receive a $250 debit card and an action kit to help complete your project. You can also contact your local financial representative to sign up for an action team. Each Thrivent member is eligible for up to two Thrivent Action Team projects each year. For ideas on how your Thrivent Action Team could impact Sky Ranch, feel free to call our office (970-493-5258) and brainstorm ideas. One suggestion is to adopt a project during one of our work weekends... but really the options are limitless! Thank you to Thrivent Financial and its members for the continued support of Sky Ranch.

SKY RANCH WISH LIST In addition to lining up work for our Flood Relief Groups, we also need to coordinate materials and all necessary tools. And we need your help! We are looking for equipment to prepare us for four primary project types: Hiking Trail, Park, and River Bed Clean Up; Residential Debris Removal; Dry walling; and Painting. We also need some supplies to support housing and feeding working groups. We welcome any new or used (but in good working order!) tools that could help these projects. We hope to have all tools donated by June 1 so we can prepare for volunteers the next week. For recommended tools and drop off locations, go to or call Lisa, our flood relief coordinator, at 970-493-5258. Thanks for your great support!

• 15 Passenger Van • Food Processor • Soil for Greenhouse and Garden Boxes • Battery Powered Portable PA system • 20 Twin Mattresses for Christ Lodge • Oven Mitts • Postage Stamps • iMac for Camp Media • 10" Chef Knives • 10' Utility Trailer • Adirondack or Rocking Chairs • Tools for Flood Relief

NEWS FROM THE PRESCHOOL Thank you for all of your support of the Preschool this year! May will feel more like the Spring we have been waiting for. Our ladybugs are growing and our caterpillars are in their chyrsalis form waiting to become butterflies. Just like all of our children in the school! We are entering our last month at the preschool and have to say that the year went very fast. We will be busy making Mother’s Day gifts and practicing for our end of the year programs and graduation. We also have our class picnics on the last day of school. It has been a blessed year for the preschool thanks to our families and friends. Remember, if you know of any 2 ½ - 6 year old in need of a preschool home, consider sending them our way. We will also host 4 camp sessions this summer. We all get a little sad to see our butterflies fly away, but we know we helped them learn and grow and they will come back to visit. And, we look forward to a new bunch of caterpillars.


Many blessings to everyone! Deb and Blair

FIRST IMPRESSIONS It's that time of year again to start thinking about CLC's beautiful landscaping. There is a diagram with all the plots you can adopt. Some of them have been adopted already so please check the sign-up sheet in Debby's office for availability. The duties include weeding, pruning, planting and dead-heading. This is a wonderful way to keep our church looking great!!!

May is a fun and exciting time at Sunday School! We will be learning about how Jesus gives us and hope and that there are many ways we can praise him. One of our key verses will be "Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies' " (John 11:25). We are in need of teachers and helpers in May! Come and join our team! We give you all tools needed to teach or help. The last day of Sunday School is May 18th then we take our summer break. Have a Great Summer and see you in service!

Happy Birthday Erika Alpern - May 1 Bill Doyle - May 1 Garrett Walker - May 1 Caleb Dent - May 2 Peggy Fenton - May 2 Shantell Hafner - May 2 Alisha Schnoor - May 2 Michael Voelker - May 2 Jacob Holder - May 3 Steve Justice - May 3 Ellen MacDonald - May 3 Lauren MacDonald - May 3 Jay Melcher - May 3 Damon Rohr - May 3 Caitlin Scheuerman - May 3 Brooklyn Stevens - May 3 Calli Benson - May 4 Liz Lambert - May 4 Vanessa Reiter - May 4 David Romney - May 4 Katherine Wilson - May 4 Samuel Alpern - May 5 Taylor Arellano - May 5 Stella Flores - May 5 Benjamin Morton - May 5 Bernie Radochonski - May 5 Krystal Reese - May 5 Amanda Sinclair - May 5

Margie Versen - May 5 River Lyneis - May 6 Harry Pedersen - May 6 Sonia Rocha - May 6 Daniel Topp - May 6 Emma Alpern - May 7 Paula Hurlbert - May 7 Erich Porterfield - May 7 Kylie Devin - May 8 Wendy Johnson - May 8 Evan Kleen - May 8 Aidan Stolzenbach - May 8 Kristy Arellano - May 9 Ernie Benson - May 9 Michael Montini - May 9 Avery Symes - May 9 Marty Lepper - May 10 Amy Stevenson - May 10 Danielle Brown - May 11 Brayden Menck - May 11 Connor Schultz - May 11 Stephen Silkworth - May 11 Ryan Silkworth - May 11 Kyle Ashley - May 12 Melinda Heiner - May 12 Jennifer Ozenbaugh - May 12 Kelly Sain - May 12 Ken Arellano - May 13

Chris Cingrani - May 13 Jane Davis - May 13 Hadley Jason - May 13 Ben Ramon - May 13 Denise Silkworth - May 13 Trevor Benson - May 14 Gracie Davis - May 14 Dianne Forge - May 14 Jacob Lasater - May 14 Sue Mavis - May 14 Bronwen Cartwright - May 15 Christian Liley - May 15 Max Palazzo - May 15 Coen Castro - May 16 Sue Cross - May 16 Jan Madouros - May 16 Robert Montini - May 16 Sara Morton - May 16 Ryan Ramon - May 16 Brett Symes - May 16 Mimi Zuchowski - May 16 Christina Best - May 17 Christine Gregorek - May 17 Bob Long - May 17 John Ringkob - May 17 Katie Rocha - May 17 Hannah Bauer - May 18 Danielle Black - May 18

Ethan Sorenson - May 18 Sheri Dethlefs - May 19 Jessica Stark - May 19 Phoebe Wischer - May 19 Sylvia McCrosky - May 20 Masa Vajzovic - May 20 Matthew Weitzel - May 20 Simon Gunther - May 21 Gregory Malburg - May 22 Madalyn McGraw - May 22 Kami Wilson - May 22 Kaitlyn Fisher - May 23 Karl Johnson - May 23 Gabrielle Lyneis - May 23 Owen McGavern - May 23 Hunter Pinon - May 23 David VanOrder - May 23 Courtney Brand - May 24 Jimmy Freeman - May 24 Dale Morgans - May 24 Avery Ornes - May 24 Cliff Stark - May 24 Alan Stein - May 24 Claire Tronrud - May 24 Kelly Almer - May 25 Cameron Brown - May 25 Chris Burton - May 25 Don Folkerts - May 25

Nichole Green - May 25 Jeff Behnke - May 26 Matt Behnke - May 26 Jen Dent - May 26 Bearett Long - May 26 Dusty D'Agostino - May 27 Vicki Gereaux - May 27 Jackson Parks - May 27 Len Lukasik - May 28 Kim Nickel - May 28 Melanie Brown - May 29 Shareen Cartwright - May 29 Ky Holter - May 29 Madelyn McCrosky - May 29 Lorna Morton - May 29 Rick Sinclair - May 29 Mark Almer - May 30 Keith Cembalisty - May 30 Rachel Newman - May 30 Grant Saur - May 30 Landon Switzer - May 30 Mishel Best - May 31 Kyle Vogler - May 31 Jeanne Wallrath - May 31


Our Pastors are holding a new member class series on Sunday June 1st at noon, Tuesday June 3rd at 6:00 pm and Sunday June 8th at noon. A meal will be served at every class and childcare will be provided. Please sign the response sheet if you are interested.

CLC Kids Summer Musical “What’s Up, Zak?” June 17-29, 2014 Make plans today to be a part of CLC’s Summer Musical, “What’s Up, Zak?”! This hilarious musical comedy is open to kids ages 4 years through youth that have just completed 8th grade. All kids are invited to participate, including CLC members and members of the community. The show has many parts, large and small, and also has lots of exciting songs and a great story about Zacchaeus the Tax Collector and Bartimaeus the Beggar. All parts can be played by boys or girls; the two main roles of Zacchaeus and Bartimaeus have vocal solos.

Scripts and CD’s for “What’s Up, Zak?” If you’d like to read through the script, see the printed music, and listen to the songs on CD, scripts and CD’s will be available from Linda Holcombe, CLC’s Director of Music, any time after May 15th. Audition Schedule for “What’s Up, Zak?” Sunday, June 1: 12:15-1:30pm Auditions for Main Roles Main Roles: Zacchaeus, Bartimaeus, Mayor, Yes Men, Merry, Joy, Tax Men, Jesus Tuesday, June 3: All Roles/Character Assignments Announced via Email Rehearsal and Performance Schedule for “What’s Up, Zak?” Tuesday, June 17-20: Rehearsal 9-11am Tuesday, June 24-27: Rehearsal 9-11am Saturday, June 28: Final Dress Rehearsal 9am-Noon Sunday, June 29: Performances @ 9:30 and 11am Worship






8:00 AM Worship/CC 9:30 AM Worship/SS 11:00 AM Worship/CC 12:15 PM Jubilation Choir 3:00 PM Pierce concert 7:00 PM AA Meeting

4 6:30 AM Men's Breakfast

5 8:30 AM Preschool

6 8:30 AM Preschool

7 8:30 AM Preschool

8:00 AM Worship/CC 9:30 AM Worship/SS 11:00 AM Worship/CC 5:00 PM Dynamite Youth 7:00 PM AA Meeting

11 6:30 AM Men's Breakfast

12 8:30 AM Preschool

13 8:30 AM Preschool

14 8:30 AM Preschool

Group 8:30 AM Preschool 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM Personnel Mtg. 7:00 PM Stewardship Mtg.

8:00 AM Worship/CC 18 9:30 AM Worship/SS 11:00 AM Worship/Affirmation of Baptism 12:15 PM Jubilation Choir 2:00 PM AA Workshop 7:00 PM AA Meeting

8:00 AM Worship/CC 9:30 AM Worship/SS 11:00 AM Worship/CC 7:00 PM AA Meeting

11:00 AM Chapel 11:15 AM Staff Mtg. 2:00 PM Chapel 4:00 PM Confirm. Pastoral Interviews 5:00 PM Crossroads Band 6:15 PM Praise Team 7:00 PM BLAZE 8:00 PM mops set-up

11:15 AM Staff Mtg. 5:00 PM Crossroads Band 6:15 PM Praise Team 7:00 PM BLAZE 7:00 PM Council Mtg.

6:30 AM Men's Breakfast 19 Group 8:30 AM Preschool 9:30 AM Preschool Graduation 4:30 PM Brownie Troop 7:00 PM Boy Scouts

8:30 AM Preschool 20 4:30 PM Joy Choir 9:00 AM Preschool Graduation 5:30 PM Carillon Ringers 11:15 AM Staff Mtg. 6:30 PM Sunday School 1:00 PM Visiting Nurse Assoc. Thank you 5:00 PM Crossroads Band 6:15 PM Praise Team 7:00 PM BLAZE


26 11:15 AM Staff Mtg.

OFFICE CLOSED 6:30 AM Men's Breakfast Group 9:30 AM Mission Quilters 6:00 PM Boy Scouts Venture

5:00 PM Crossroads Band 6:15 PM Praise Team 6:30 PM Sons of Norway Directors Mtg. -tentative 7:00 PM BLAZE

1:00 PM PAT Meeting 4:00 PM Confirm. Pastoral Interviews 4:30 PM Douglas County Singers

9:00 AM MOPS Mtg. 11:00 AM Chapel 2:00 PM Chapel 4:00 PM Confirm. Pastoral Interviews 4:30 PM Joy Choir 5:00 PM Carillon Ringers

Group 8:30 AM Preschool 9:30 AM Mission Quilters 10:00 AM Preschool grad practice 6:00 PM Boy Scouts Venture 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM Legacy & Endowment Mtg.

10:00 AM MOPS Steering 10:00 AM Preschool grad practice 4:30 PM Joy Choir 5:00 PM Carillon Ringers

27 4:30 PM Joy Choir



8:00 AM mops consignment 1 7:00 AM mops consignment 2 8:00 AM mops consignment 3 8:30 AM Preschool 9:00 AM Chicks w/Sticks 8:30 AM Preschool 9:00 AM Rejoice Circle 5:00 PM Worship/CC 4:00 PM Confirm. Pastoral 5:30 PM Parent's Night Out 7:00 PM Eagle Court of Honor Interviews

8 8:30 AM Preschool

12:00 PM OWLS Luncheon

9 HARRINGTON CARNIVAL 10 5:00 PM Worship/CC 5:00 PM Parent's Night Out

15 8:30 AM Preschool 16 5:00 PM Worship/CC 17 6:15 PM Confirmation Banquet 9:00 AM Rejoice Circle 9:00 AM Slide Shows 8:00 PM Confirmation Practice 10:00 AM CLC Military Ministry 9:00 AM Slide Shows 6:00 PM Snauwaert recital 4:30 PM Douglas County Singers

21 9:00 AM Yoga


23 7:00 AM




30 5:00 PM Worship/CC


11:30 AM End of Year Teacher's Luncheon 4:30 PM Douglas County Singers 6:00 PM Douglas County Singers Concert

5:30 PM Carillon Ringers 6:30 PM Confirmation Guide Celebration

General Maintenance 5:00 PM Worship/CC

Followers of Jesus Christ

8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested

There’s a place for you! Outreach Ministries

Fair Trade Coffee Project ELCA World Hunger The Gathering Place Grant Avenue Street Reach Habitat for Humanity Harrington Elementary Lutheran Family Services Adult Mission Trips Outreach Uganda Urban Peak (MOPS) Mothers of Preschoolers


Celebration Choir Crossroads Worship Band Confirmation Choir Jubilation Choir Joy Choir Carillon Ringers


Caring Connection

Individual Care Team Confidential Prayer Tree Card Ministry New-Mother Ministry Prayer Shawl Knitters Chefs for Christ Pastoral Care and Counseling Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters

Youth & Family Ministries

Sunday School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th, 6th graders) Blaze (High School Youth) Sr. High Mission Trip Confirmation (7th & 8th graders) First Communion classes First Bible classes Baptism classes Family Nights

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