May 2015 CLC CrossWord

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MAY 2015

Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending


Carnival Saturday, May 2 • 11am-1pm

Harrington is an inner-city Denver school that Christ Lutheran has adopted. Each year, CLC hosts a carnival at the school (located at 36th and York) to celebrate the end of a successful school year. The carnival features games and a bounce castle. The carnival is free to all students and their families. There is also a food booth serving brats and hot dogs, soda, chips, candy and pickles that is free to everyone in the school. Donations of these food items are welcome as well as donations for booth prizes. If you are interested in giving a cash donation to off-set the $2000 we spend on the event, it would be greatly appreciated. Volunteers to help run the carnival may sign-up on the response sheet. Working this event makes a great service project for individuals, families, small groups, and confi-rmation groups. If you are going to work please arrive no later than 10:00 am. Look for our “clip boards” to sign up for food donations and volunteer times beginning April 11. Please join the fun and THANK YOU!

Thank you Thrivent! Thanks to the Thrivent Action Team program to donating $250 towards Harrington Elementary Carnival. And thanks to all our Thrivent Members who designated their choice dollars to CLC. This money helps us with many of our ministries and is greatly appreciated!

Sloppy Saturday We will be having a “Sloppy Saturday” at CLC on Saturday, May 9th from 9:00-11:30am. We will be tending to the unadopted landscaping, washing windows, and cleaning the SonRise room. We need all the help we can get, so if you are interested, please sign the Response Sheet. Please contact Debbie at, if you have any questions.

Thank you for your support of the Preschool this year! May will feel more like the Spring we have been waiting for. Our ladybugs are growing and our caterpillars are in their chyrsalis form waiting to become butterflies. Just like all of our children in the school! We are entering our last month at the preschool and have to say that the year went very fast. We will be busy making Mother’s Day gifts and practicing for our end of the year programs and graduation. We also have our class picnics on the last day of school. It has been a blessed year for the preschool thanks to our families and friends. Remember, if you know of any 2 ½ - 6 year olds in need of a preschool home, consider sending them our way. We will also host nine weeks of camp sessions this summer. We all get a little sad to see our butterflies fly away, but we know we helped them learn and grow and they will come back to visit. And, we look forward to a new bunch of caterpillars. Many blessings to everyone! Deb and Blair

CLC TREE OF LIFE HONORS MOMS, DADS AND GRADUATES Looking for a special gift for Mom, Dad or your Graduate? Consider honoring them with a Tree of Life donation. You can customize your message on a Tree of Life leaf starting with a tax deductive donation of $250 for a bronze leaf. This permanent display of affection will also help reduce the mortgage debt for our Church. Payment plans are available. Please contact Dianne or Sallie in the office if you have questions.

Small Denomination Scrip Cards Available Small denomination Scrip cards are now available. The list includes Amazon ($10), AMC ($10), Applebees ($10), Panera ($5), Target ($10), and Starbucks Teacher card ($5). These cards make great teacher or graduation gifts. They are available for a limited time only, so place your orders soon! You can write the name and quantity of cards you need on our order forms in the narthex.

STAFF: Rev. Steve Berke, Interim Senior Pastor

Pastor Steve’s Message

Rev. DJ Dent, Associate Pastor

The Great 50 Days

Dianne Yoss Interim Director Outreach & Equipping Debbie Freeman Interim Office Staff for Outreach & Equipping Gary Knutson Director of Youth & Family Deb Morgans Director of Preschool Mary Behnke Administrative Manager Sallie Burns Financial Secretary Linda Holcombe Director of Music Nicholas Koltay Administrative Assistant Carrie Mallery Principal Pianist Larry Scalfari Pianist Barbara Pierson Director Nursery Ministry Meliha & Predrag Vajzovic Custodians

CHURCH COUNCIL: Adrian Hafner Bret Sumner John Ringkob John Riley Lesley Cantrell Erika Alpern Karen Rucker Steve Schaeberle Bob Weber

All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.

“Practicing” Resurrection

Just over a month is the time that will have passed between Easter Sunday (April 5) and Christ Lutheran Church’s semi-annual meeting on Saturday, May 9 (6:15 p.m.). During these weeks we have proclaimed Jesus as the Resurrection and the Life, the Good Shepherd, and the Vine. That is what the Christian church does during the great 50 days! But, it occurs to me this spring that my experience during these days of Easter has not at all been confined to telling the story of Christ’s resurrection; there is also a real sense in which we are “practicing” resurrection, too. One of my professors used to say that Baptism is our “dress rehearsal” for the resurrection. For the first four Sundays of Easter it has been a joy to participate in baptisms each week. Three of those baptisms were celebrated here at Christ Lutheran, and the fourth baptism was in Washington, DC. What a special milestone in life it was to travel to Washington for the baptism of Emile Alexander Sigrist, our first grandchild. Family members came from as far away as Colorado, Minneapolis, Vancouver, and Columbus, Ohio. The pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in the city very graciously let me be the one to pour the water over Emile’s head, do the laying on of hands, and mark the seal of the cross of Christ on his forehead. I guess I’ve been practicing for that role for almost four decades... and it was very meaningful to be a part of the drama of the grace of Christ! “Resurrection practice” is also an important dynamic in the life of a congregation. Key people come and go, life takes unexpected turns, and the culture around us is constantly changing. We are in a particular time of transition here at Christ Lutheran. At its April meeting the church council authorized me to put together an Advisory Board to help sift through the applications for the Transition Team, who will lead our congregational self-study over the coming months. The Advisory Board met at the end of April, and we hope to soon move ahead and have the council appoint the Transition Team. This team will guide us in tasks such as reflecting about the past and present, exploring our vision and mission, and looking at staffing. All of this will be reported to the council, congregation, and Call Committee before the latter group begins its work. I want to urge you to come to the semi-annual meeting, Saturday, May 9, 6:15 p.m. (it’s a potluck). At this meeting we will have a transition update and we will also invite your input about the key tasks of this interim time. We want to hear from you, and this is one of our first opportunities to begin to listen to the needs and concerns and hopes of the congregation. Christ is risen! And we get to “practice” resurrections large and small in our life together. In Christ, Steve Berke, Pastor

Semi Annual Meeting & Potluck

Pastor DJ’s Message

Bring a dish to share for our semi-annual meeting and potluck following the 5:00 Saturday night service on May 9. Scholarship winners will be announced as well as information on Transition Team, Council Roles and Change, and much more!


Let’s kick off our 30th Anniversary!! Please join us for a special reception on Sunday, May 10 at 8:45am-9:45am recognizing and honoring our Charter Members and those members who are celebrating 25 or more years being at CLC. Ron and Wendie Moses (charter) Steve and Donnis Tolle (charter) Brad and Pam Allen Kelly and Mark Almer Steve and Sallie Burns Martin and Nancy Brown Dennis and Vicki Gereaux Alice Gette Joan Henkes Michelle Hinz Matt and Paula Hurlbert Wendy and Craig Johnson Al and Glenda Kravitz Bev and Jim Lundeen Larry and Ruth Nelms Shawn & JoEllen Pinon Judy and Lee Sagrillo Cass and Tim Schaedig Barry and Judy Siel Valerie Smith Scott and Beth Sorenson Barbara and David Stevenson Al and Esther Trautmann Robert and Heidi VanOrder Charles and Shirley Warren Darrell Woody Joyce Woody


Our Volunteers!

We were thrilled to see so many at the Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast April 19. There aren’t enough words to describe how important and appreciated you are to CLC. If you couldn’t make the breakfast, please see Dianne or Debbie to pick up a “We Our Volunteers” magnet – a token of our appreciation.

A Brief History of Angels While not nearly as comprehensive as a study or formal writing should be, I nonetheless came across several pieces which told of a history of angels both in human and in Christian thought which I will share. First, it should be stated that many cultures have referenced servants or messengers of gods. In Greek mythology, for example, was Hermes – who, being himself divine, was also the messenger to the gods. You will hopefully recall from earlier articles that base definition of angels as messengers. There nonetheless are several messengers throughout ancient religions which sometimes bridged the gap between the mortal and immortal worlds, but also those that carried messages among the gods themselves. As we enter into the Hebrew scriptures, we see writings which reference the angels (malak) as either divine or human messengers. It is also said that angels are the physical manifestation of God since God cannot be seen by mortals. An example of this would be Gideon’s conversation in Judges 6. He sees the angel and fears because upon seeing God’s angel he has seen God face to face. In later writings (like Daniel) angels are distinct beings from God, and do not necessarily share in God’s being. Later still, you would see this tradition with Mary who would have a conversation with an angel – distinct from God, which you can also find elsewhere in the New Testament. As far as scripture’s understanding of the creation of angelic beings, it is simply affirmed (in Job 38) that before the foundations of the world were formed, the angels were shouting in joy. Little development has happened on that front, especially as St. Augustine tied the angelic light to the light seen in Genesis 1. Unfortunately, I was unable to find the development of the common idea of referring to those who had died as angels, or that when someone dies they become an angel. It is my idea, though, that this belief is closely tied to the Roman Catholic usage of the word “saint” which is slightly distinct from the Lutheran usage of the word. Saints, to the Roman Catholics are all the believers in Christ but that certain saints are worthy of greater honor. This idea of saints being somehow more holy or closer to God and thus calling someone a “saint” (meaning some type of good person) probably mirrors the history of calling someone an angel – although, as I already wrote, I couldn’t find hard evidence in my limited research. That’s all until next time, angels and saints. Peace, Pastor DJ

CLC 30th Anniversary Talent Show! Friday, July 24th @ 7pm CLC Sanctuary For CLC Adults and Kids/Youth Ages 5-18

REQUIRED DRESS REHEARSAL Thursday, July 23rd @ 6-8pm CLC Sanctuary TALENT SHOW TRYOUTS IN THE CLC SANCTUARY **Required for all acts involving kids & youth ages 5-18** Thursday, May 28 @ 4:30-6:30pm Sunday, May 31 @ 12:30-2:30pm • All CLC kids and youth ages 5-18 are welcome to try out • Any act that is legitimate talent is encouraged, including dancing, singing, playing instruments, tasteful comedy, juggling, magic, gymnastics, ballet, karate, meaningful or funny skits, etc; as long as it is true talent, family friendly, appropriate, safe, and will be enjoyed by an audience, it’s fine! • No skateboarding or biking permitted. No live animals permitted. No food permitted in acts. No inappropriate language permitted. • Musical Acts do NOT have to be sacred in nature • Time Limits for Acts: Ages 5-12, 2 minute max; Ages 13-18, 3.5 minute max • Acts will not be permitted to run over the max time limits; your act will be cut off if it runs too long. Acts can be shorter than the max time limit. • Kids/Youth ages 5-18 may participate in a maximum of two acts, but only one may be a solo act. Each act must have a separate tryout. • Choose ONE day from the two above to try out on • Plan to stay the entire time on the day of your tryout, as all people trying out that day will watch each other perform. If you need to try out and leave, please make those arrangements in advance with Linda Holcombe • You do not need to have your costume ready for your tryout, but be prepared to describe your costume on the Entry Form • Parents and family are permitted to watch Talent Show tryouts, but other than that, nobody from the general public is invited for tryouts ADULT ACTS DO NOT REQUIRE A TRYOUT… ...But DO require a performance of their act in front of CLC’s Music Director, Linda Holcombe, so she can see best where to program the act. • All CLC adults are welcome to make an appointment with Linda Holcombe to perform their act (no try out required for adults) • Time Limit for Adult Acts: 4 min max • Adults may participate in a maximum of two acts, but only one may be a solo act. The two act limit does not include performing in one of CLC’s regular ensembles including Celebration Choir, Crossroads, Carillon Ringers, or Praise Team

Please read the following detailed info which explains exactly what you need to do to get yourself signed up for the CLC 30th Anniversary Talent Show! HOW TO GET INVOLVED IN THE CLC TALENT SHOW 1. Choose the type of talent you would like to share and decide who is going to be in your act: There can be from 1 to 6 people in all acts ages 5-18; no limit for adult acts. Non-CLC members can participate in the CLC 30th Anniversary Talent Show as part of an act as long as it is with a CLC member, and pre-approved by Linda Holcombe. Families can perform an act together. 2. Practice and Prepare; Remember Your Time Limit 3. All Kids/Youth Acts that try out will be given a score from 0-100. Your act must score between an 85 and 100 to be in the CLC 30th Anniversary Talent Show. The following is a list of the categories in which you are scored, and how many points they are worth: Preparation 15; Organization 15; Creativity 20; Quality of Performance 20; Stage Presence 15; Audience Appeal/ Entertainment Value 15. 4. Entry Form for Kids/Youth Acts Ages 5-18: Give Linda Holcombe your KIDS/YOUTH ENTRY FORM FOR CLC TALENT SHOW by no later than Wednesday, May 27th. Please turn in ONE ENTRY FORM PER ACT, NOT PER PERSON. 5. Entry Form for Adult Acts: Give Linda Holcombe your ADULT ENTRY FORM FOR CLC TALENT SHOW by no later than Sunday, June 28th. Please turn in ONE ENTRY FORM PER ACT, NOT PER PERSON. 6. Song Lyrics Requirements for Kids/Youth Acts: If your group is doing an act involving lyrics (as a main feature OR as background music), please provide a copy of the lyrics along with the Kids/Youth Entry Form so that lyrics can be verified as appropriate. INAPPROPRIATE LYRICS OR SONG CONTENT/ MEANING WILL NOT BE PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. 7. For acts requiring recorded music: You must provide the exact title, album, and band/singer name on your Entry Form. Thank You, Good Luck, and Have Fun! Linda Holcombe, Director of Music, CLC

Happy Birthday Erika Alpern - May 1 Bill Doyle - May 1 Michelle Torrez - May 1 Garrett Walker - May 1 Caleb Dent - May 2 Peggy Fenton - May 2 Shantell Hafner - May 2 Alisha Schnoor - May 2 Jacob Holder - May 3 Steve Justice - May 3 Jay Melcher - May 3 Caitlin Scheuerman - May 3 Brooklyn Stevens - May 3 Calli Benson - May 4 Liz Lambert - May 4 David Romney - May 4 Katherine Wilson - May 4 Samuel Alpern - May 5 Taylor Arellano - May 5 Stella Flores - May 5 Bernie Radochonski - May 5 Margie Versen - May 5 River Lyneis - May 6 Harry Pedersen - May 6 Daniel Topp - May 6 Emma Alpern - May 7

Paula Hurlbert - May 7 Erich Porterfield - May 7 Kylie Devin - May 8 Wendy Johnson - May 8 Evan Kleen - May 8 Jennifer Sievers - May 8 Aidan Stolzenbach - May 8 Kristy Arellano - May 9 Ernie Benson - May 9 Michael Montini - May 9 John Pellett - May 9 Samantha Smith - May 9 Sarah Smith - May 9 Avery Symes - May 9 Marty Lepper - May 10 Joyce Lombard - May 10 Amy Stevenson - May 10 Danielle Brown - May 11 Connor Schultz - May 11 Stephen Silkworth - May 11 Ryan Silkworth - May 11 Kyle Ashley - May 12 Jennifer Ozenbaugh - May 12 David Roth - May 12 Kelly Sain - May 12 Ken Arellano - May 13

Janet Bergstrom - May 13 Chris Cingrani - May 13 Jane Davis - May 13 Hadley Jason - May 13 Ben Ramon - May 13 Denise Silkworth - May 13 Trevor Benson - May 14 Gracie Davis - May 14 Dianne Forge - May 14 Jacob Lasater - May 14 Sue Mavis - May 14 Bronwen Cartwright - May 15 Christian Liley - May 15 Max Palazzo - May 15 Emily Stevens - May 15 Jan Madouros - May 16 Robert Montini - May 16 Ryan Ramon - May 16 Brett Symes - May 16 Mimi Zuchowski - May 16 Christina Best - May 17 Christine Gregorek - May 17 Bob Long - May 17 John Ringkob - May 17 Katie Rocha - May 17 Hannah Bauer - May 18

Sheri Dethlefs - May 19 Lexi Hanson - May 19 Kristofer Leech - May 19 Taylor Lytle - May 19 Phoebe Wischer - May 19 Sylvia McCrosky - May 20 Masa Vajzovic - May 20 Joanna Waldenmyer - May 20 Matthew Weitzel - May 20 Simon Gunther - May 21 Gregory Malburg - May 22 Madalyn McGraw - May 22 Kami Wilson - May 22 Kaitlyn Fisher - May 23 Karl Johnson - May 23 Gabrielle Lyneis - May 23 Owen McGavern - May 23 Hunter Pinon - May 23 David VanOrder - May 23 Courtney Brand - May 24 Jimmy Freeman - May 24 Dale Morgans - May 24 Avery Ornes - May 24 Alan Stein - May 24 Claire Tronrud - May 24 Kelly Almer - May 25

Brittany Bone-Roth - May 25 Cameron Brown - May 25 Chris Burton - May 25 Don Folkerts - May 25 Jeff Behnke - May 26 Matt Behnke - May 26 Jen Dent - May 26 Bearett Long - May 26 Olivia Smith - May 26 Vicki Gereaux - May 27 Jackson Parks - May 27 Len Lukasik - May 28 Kim Nickel - May 28 Abigail Walker - May 28 Melanie Brown - May 29 Shareen Cartwright - May 29 Ky Holter - May 29 Madelyn McCrosky - May 29 Lorna Morton - May 29 Mark Almer - May 30 Grant Saur - May 30 Mishel Best - May 31 Kyle Vogler - May 31








8:15a Preschool 1 HARRINGTON CARNIVAL 2 9a Chicks w/Sticks 9a Rejoice Circle 4:30p Boy Scout Social/Potluck 5p Preschool Parent's Night Out 5p Worship/CC

8a Worship/CC 9:30a Worship/SS 11a Worship/CC 12:15p CLC KidsRock! 7p AA Meeting

8a BAPTISM - Morton 8a Worship/CC 8:45a Charter Member Reception 9:30a Worship/SS 11a Worship/CC 7p AA Meeting

3 6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 4 8:15a Preschool 8:15a Preschool 12p Preschool Sports 4p Conf. Pastoral Interviews 7p Boy Scouts 7p Personnel Mtg.

10 6:30a Men's Breakfast

8a Worship/CC 17 9:30a Worship/SS 9:30a BAPTISM - Beukelman 11a Worship/Affirmation of Baptism 3p Pierce event 7p AA Meeting

8a Worship/CC 9:30a Worship/SS 11a Worship/CC 7p AA Meeting

11 8:15a Preschool

5 8:15a Preschool

6 8:15a Preschool

7 8:15a Preschool 12p OWLS Luncheon 9a Adult University 12:15p Preschool PAT Meeting 5:30p Preschool Parent's Night Out 4p Conf. Pastoral Interviews 7p Beth Moore Study 7p Celebration Choir

12 8:15a Preschool

13 8:15a Preschool

9a MOPS Mtg 11a Preschool Chapel 2p Preschool Chapel 4p Conf.Pastoral Interviews 5:30p Carillon Ringers

9a MOPS Steering 9:30a Preschool Music time with Linda 2p Preschool Music Time with Linda 6p Brownie Troop Mtg.

Group 8:15a Preschool 9:30a Mission Quilters 12p Preschool Sports 6p Boy Scouts Venture Crew 7p Boy Scouts 7p Legacy & Endowment Mtg.

9:30a Preschool music time with Linda 11:15a Staff Mtg. 12p Preschool Sports 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High 7p Council Mtg.

6:30a Men's Breakfast 18 Group 8:15a Preschool 8:30a Preschool Graduation 7p Boy Scouts

8:15a Preschool 19 8:15a Preschool 20 9a MOPS Mtg 8:30a Preschool Graduation/ 6p Sunday School Thank you Slide Shows 11:15a Staff Mtg. 1p Visiting Nurse Assoc. 3p Staff Planning Mtg 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High 8p mops set-up


Harvest Farm 31 8a Worship/CC 9:30a Worship/SS 11a Worship/CC 12:30p Talent Show Try-Outs 7p AA Meeting

11a Preschool Chapel 11:15a Staff Mtg. 12p Preschool Sports 4p Conf.Pastoral Interviews 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High 8p mops set-up

25 11:15a Staff Mtg.

OFFICE CLOSED 6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 9:30a Mission Quilters 6p Boy Scouts Venture Crew 7p Boy Scouts

5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High

26 6p Confirmation Guide Huddle Celebration

8 5p Worship/CC


14 8:15a Preschool

15 5p Worship/CC


21 8:15a Preschool

22 7a General Maintenance 23

28 6p Snauwaert recital

29 5p Worship/CC

9a Adult University 7p Celebration Choir 7p Cub Scout Leader Mtg.

8:15a Preschool 9a Adult University 7p Beth Moore Study 7p Celebration Choir

27 9a Adult University

9a Rejoice Circle

4:30p Talent Show Try-Outs 7p Celebration Choir

6:15p Semi-Annual Mtg.

6:15p Confirmation Banquet 8p Confirmation Practice

5p Worship/CC


Followers of Jesus Christ

8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested

There’s a place for you! Outreach Ministries

Harrington Elementary School in Denver – various projects Outreach Uganda Urban Peak Teen Shelter Alcoholics Anonymous Bonfils Blood Drive Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp Lutheran Family Services projects Grant Avenue Street Reach Pueblo De Dios (in CA) Projects ELCA World Hunger Military Ministry Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters


CLC Kids Rock! Youth Worship Weekend Band Celebration Carillon Ringers Crossroads Douglas County Singers Praise Team Carillon Ringers


Church Community Ministries Altar Guild New Mothers Ministry Worship Teams First Impressions Team Ushers and Greeters Bulletin “Folders” Readers Decorating Team Assisting Ministers Mowing & Snow Removal Kitchen Team Recycling Team Maintenance Team Sweet Bread Ministry Sign Team Chefs for Christ Sanctuary Care Card Ministry Prayer Tree

Fun and Fellowship

OWLS – Senior group meets monthly for fellowship Shepherds Dinner Group Men’s Book Club Women’s Book Club Advance! Men’s Group Women’s Bunko

Youth & Family Ministries

Baptism Classes First Bible Classes First Communion Classes Summer Vacation Bible School Confirmation Classes (7th & 8th graders) Sunday School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th & 6th graders) BLAZE (Senior High School Youth Group) Mission Trips Family Nights

Education and Fellowship

Adult Education Classes (held during 9:30 service and Thursdays at 9:00am) Men’s Breakfast Group – bible study group meets every Monday morning Women of Joy – a Christian book club that meets twice monthly for fellowship and service Rejoice Circle – women’s bible study, meets twice monthly

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