Emerald Necklace - January 2015

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January ‘15 Vol. 64 #1

Emerald Necklace

Featuring Cleveland Metroparks program guide and events

2015: The Year of Clean Water

Tobogganing 6

Ice Fishing 6

Acacia Watershed Restoration Project 2 • Outdoor Recreation 12 • Family Fun Day 32

Contents Features 3 2015: The Year of Clean Water 5 Dropping Down Around Town Columns 2 Inside the Emerald Necklace 4 Naturalist’s Almanac In Addition

6 8 10 12 15 17

18 30 31 32

Come Out and Play Cleveland Metroparks Golf Zoo News Outdoor Recreation Volunteer Programs by Date Programs by Location A Look Ahead Directory Cleveland Foundation Day of Family Fun

Cover photo: View from Edgewater in Lakefront Rservation (inset) Chalet Recreation Area tobaggan chutes (inset) ice fishing at Wallace Lake

All photos by Cleveland Metroparks photo archive unless otherwise noted.

Emerald Necklace Published monthly by:

Cleveland Metroparks 216-635-3200 clevelandmetroparks.com Marjorie Thomas Editor

Eriepro ltd.

Graphic Design

Penton Marketing Services Printing

Emerald Necklace is also available online at clevelandmetroparks.com.

Board of Park Commissioners Bruce G. Rinker Debra K. Berry

Note from the Editor: It is amazing that when Cleveland and waterways appear in the same sentence, someone still inevitably says, “Isn’t that where the river caught on fire?” Ok, yes it was, but that was 1969 and a lot has changed since then. In this issue you’ll discover that in Cleveland, and specifically Cleveland Metroparks, clean water has taken center stage. From stormwater and watersheds, to rivers and Lake Erie, there are plans in place to preserve and conserve this precious resource. To see how our water resources have an impact on our daily lives, visit clevelandmetroparks.com/waterweekends.

Inside the

Emerald Necklace

Acacia Watershed Restoration Project

January marks the beginning of another exciting year for Acacia Reservation and the transformation of this former golf course. Successful restoration projects start with many behind-the-scenes efforts that require an appreciation of historic land-use and knowledge of existing conditions. Since acquiring Acacia in October 2012 , the last two years have been marked with great success as we have 1) engaged the community in public meetings, 2) identified all forms of wildlife through BioBlitzes, 3) performed soil and plant surveys, 4) established permanent photo plots to track change, and 5) determined the quality and condition of the Euclid Creek and its tributaries on-site. These efforts contributed to the development of an Ecological Restoration Master Plan for Acacia that was completed in June 2014 by Biohabitats, Inc., an ecological design firm. Success was again realized in October 2014 when Cleveland Metroparks received a Water Resource Restoration Sponsor Program (WRRSP) grant from Ohio EPA for $1.9 million. This multiyear grant will support the design and implementation of various restoration projects at Acacia that will lead to a healthier, more resilient watershed. Restoration activities planned on-site include: 1) the restoration of 1,300 linear feet of the main stem of Euclid Creek through in-stream habitat restoration and bank stabilization, 2) the restoration of 5 acres of adjacent floodplain areas to increase infiltration capacity and decrease sediment and pollutant loads into Euclid Creek, and 3) the restoration of natural hydrology and soil structure to create 16.5 acres of wetland swales along existing drainage corridors to increase infiltration capacity and provide additional native habitat in the watershed. In its entirety, the restoration of Acacia Reservation is expected to improve stream habitat and water quality on-site and will be one of the largest single urban watershed restoration projects undertaken in Cuyahoga County to date. Constance E. Hausman, Ph.D. Cleveland Metroparks Plant and Restoration Ecologist

Dan T. Moore

Brian M. Zimmerman

Chief Executive Officer

Cleveland Metroparks does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age or disability in employment, services or access to programs or activities. Special assistance for Cleveland Metroparks programs or facilities is available by calling 216-635-3264 in advance.

2 Emerald Necklace, January 2015

Acacia Reservation


2015: The Year of Clean Water

Rocky River • Rocky River Reservation photo by Stephanie Wollmann


n working toward a “Green City on a Blue Lake,” Sustainable Cleveland 2019 encourages us to celebrate a Year of Clean Water in 2015. This means increasing awareness of our abundant water resources and taking action to ensure their viability for future generations. It is too easy to take our Great Lake for granted. Each time we turn on the faucet, as much clean, clear, drinkable water as we want comes out. The cost? Probably less than your monthly cable bill. Unfortunately, this is not the case for most people! We in Northeast Ohio must take an active role to defend the cleanliness and accessibility of our fresh water. Many of you reading this can recall a time when Lake Erie was declared “Dead” by the media. It was through limits set by the Clean Water Act of 1972 and the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement with Canada that Lake Erie could begin to recover from industrial dumping and municipal wastewater discharges. I would guess that all of you recall last summer,

when Toledo area residents were not able to drink their tap water due to toxins from algae. It is clear that the health of our waters can improve with political will and conscientious action by people, but can also rapidly turn for the worse. Perhaps our most urgent challenge in Lake Erie today is Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) – explosive overpopulations of certain blue-green algae that produce toxic substances and reduce oxygen for fish and other organisms. This is what occurred in the western basin last summer. HABs are exacerbated by two additional problems: global warming and decreasing lake levels. While we can and must act on climate change, the fact that our storms are already more frequent and more severe is fixed. Decreasing lake levels are also related to global warming. Again, our options for reversing this trend are limited. This leaves us with the task of reducing nutrients like nitrogen and especially

phosphorus, and really, any pollutant from entering our waters. Fortunately, there are many ways, large and small, to do this. An easy way to get started is to peruse the Celebration Topics tab at sustainablecleveland.org. You can choose actions in the Clean Water heading or other headings, as all things are connected, particularly where water is concerned. The Year of Clean Water kicks off at the Cleveland City Hall Rotunda on Friday, January 23 from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Come celebrate World Water Day at the Watershed Stewardship Center at West Creek Reservation on Sunday, March 22, noon – 4:30 p.m. More Year of Water activities and exhibitors will be featured at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Party for the Planet on Saturday, April 25. There are many opportunities to celebrate clean water and ways to protect it. Choose yours! Debra K Shankland, Naturalist 1 Watershed Stewardship Center at West Creek 3


January Animals have now endured the longest nights of the year as the sun is now beginning its annual transect north. Even with a few additional minutes of sunlight, January is on average the coldest month of the year. Snow is welcomed by many animals as it acts as an insulator for scurrying underneath, while hidden from hunters above. Snow reveals daily activity of mammals and birds as their tracks are more obvious. The search for food, a successful hunt, a resting place to weather the harshest storm can now be seen. In the night sky, ancient stories are replayed by the stars each and every night. Orion the Hunter continues his quest to reach the queen, and the three hunters chase down the great bear with their canine companions. With snow squeaking under our feet, January is best taken on the trail with a good pair of boots, snowshoes, or a set of cross-country skis and is good for both health and spirit. Birds You may not think of January as a great time for seeking birds, but deep snow, ice, and crisp cold is no match for wintering finches, owls, waterfowl, and songbirds. Nature centers’ bird feeding stations are alive with chickadees, cardinals, sparrows, titmice, nuthatches and the infamous “Snowbird” - the dark-eyed junco. American goldfinches and pine siskins may be joined by the rare common redpoll at thistle feeders. Hemlocks, pines and spruces - provide food and shelter for purple and house finches that may be joined by very rare evening grosbeaks or red crossbills. Roving flocks of American robins and cedar waxwings brighten gray skies as they descend upon fruiting trees and shrubs, gobbling up calories for long, cold nights. Red-tailed and red-shouldered hawks hunt fields and forest edges and sleek Cooper’s hawks are energetically on the hunt for songbirds. Great horned owls are very active in January, search-

White breasted nuthatch 4 Emerald Necklace January 2015

ing for a mate, building a nest, or incubating eggs. Listen for their deep, booming “HOO HOO-HOO HOO HOO” calls at night. Mammals Deer begin to “yard” forming social groups as most of the breeding is complete. These groups paw through the snow looking for acorns allowing other seeds and nuts to be available for other animals. This month bucks may begin to shed their antlers, with others keeping them until March. Fox and coyotes spend a great deal of time hunting small mammals in the meadows where their characteristic straight line tracks are a giveaway that they have passed by. Around open waters of streams, ponds and marshes, mink continue to be active searching for fish, frogs and tadpoles. Their classic energetic hoping and jumping produce distinctive tracks revealing their nightly presence and can easily be overlooked.

A New Year’s Resolution That Keeps on Giving! Is a financial plan part of your New Year’s Resolution? Or creating a will or updating your current estate plans? If so, you can also make sure that your 2015 resolution creates a lasting gift to Cleveland Metroparks Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund. Whether it is through a will bequest, creating a charitable trust or designating the Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund as a beneficiary of an insurance policy or IRA, your gift will provide ongoing support to preserve and protect Cleveland Metroparks now and in the future. Gifts may be designated for specific programs or locations to support the activities and places that are most important to you. For more information about including Cleveland Metroparks in your estate plan, or to discuss other types of giving, contact Karen Kannenberg, CFRE, manager of gift and donor development at 216-635-3217 or kjk@clevelandmetroparks.com to confidentially discuss the best way for you to make your gift to nature. Additional information and the opportunity to make your gift today are available by visiting clevelandmetroparks.com by selecting ‘donate.’


Dropping Down Around Town C

an you recall sitting in the car on a rainy day and watching a water drop hit the glass, joining other water drops on its way down to create larger and larger droplets? Ever wonder what happened to those droplets after they leave your sight? In Northeast Ohio the fate of that droplet could go several directions, and pick up many hitchhikers along the way. At this time of year a water drop falling on the road is most likely to encounter the road salt hitchhiker. And that hitchhiker is hard to shake. Although road salt’s effectiveness as a safety measure lasts only hours, its impact on the environment – namely impairing the lives of fish and insects living in our streams – endures well into early summer. Perhaps the droplet fell on a neighborhood sidewalk or in the yard nearby. The nasty hitchhiker met here comes in the form of pet waste. Ounce for ounce, dog feces carries twice the amount of fecal coliform bacteria as human waste. That’s the ew in doo doo. Human waste goes to a treatment plant while dog waste often sits out melting away, adding doo doo to our waterways.

By the time this urban water drop has made its trip from upland neighborhood to a local stream to the great Lake Erie it has picked up more hitchhikers like car oil, lawn fertilizers and pesticides in addition to road salt and dog doo. And unfortunately this water drop, pollutants and all, is VERY likely to make its trip all the way to the Lake. In this urban region, the water drop is not likely to get soaked up by plants, slowed down by floodplains or absorbed by wetlands. It’s smooth sailing along hard surfaces like roads, parking lots and roofs, and smoother sailing down the storm drain and into culverts, picking up speed and energy along the way. When the water drop and all its cousins shoot out into the stream its speed and energy cause stream bank erosion and flooding. It’s not called stormwater RUN-off for nothing! While eroding and overtopping streambanks, this water also washes away aquatic life and breaks down all of the benefits that a healthy, functioning stream system provides. Is the urban water drop indefinitely doomed to such a fate? Thankfully, no. Easy solutions start with you. Pick up dog

Watershed Stewardship Center

doo. Prevent automotive leaks. Only rain down the drain. And understand that you’re not alone. Northeast Ohio is rich in water resources and even richer in individuals and organizations passionate about eliminating those water polluting hitchhikers and improving our natural resource defenses. The Watershed Stewardship Center at West Creek Reservation, a partnership of Cleveland Metroparks, Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District and West Creek Conservancy, can help you learn exactly how to contribute to a cleaner water future. In order to achieve its mission of enhancing and protecting our urban watersheds and to support City of Cleveland’s Year of Clean Water, the Center offers DIY classes, middle and high school programming, professional training, the Watershed Volunteer Program and even family friendly events like World Water Day. Get involved in the Year of Clean Water to improve your streams, your community and your life. Jenn Grieser, Senior Area Manager Urban Watersheds Watershed Stewardship Center at West Creek 5


Ice Fishing


Sport fishing is one of the most popular outdoor recreational activities in Cleveland Metroparks. In fact, Greater Clevelanders make nearly 350,000 trips to fish in the waters of Cleveland Metroparks each year. Ice fishing gives you an opportunity to keep your fishing passion alive through the cold winter months. Many species of fish are very active and several Cleveland Metroparks lakes are stocked with rainbow trout during the winter months.

January is no longer the month to stay indoors – get outside and stay active by tobogganing down the only public ice chutes in Ohio!

Beyer’s Pond • Big Creek Reservation Hinckley Lake, Judge’s Lake, Ledge Lake Hinckley Reservation Ranger Lake, Wallace Lake • Mill Stream Run Reservation (night lighting)

Come on out for a visit, and burn off a few of those holiday calories. Enjoy the outdoors and the heart racing fun of plunging down the 70-foot vertical drop of the 700-foot twin, refrigerated ice chutes at speeds up to 50 mph. Let our toboggan lift carry your toboggan to the top of the chutes. Take the plunge on Nature’s Wild Ride. The toboggan chutes operate with or without snow! Impress friends and family in town for the holidays by bringing them to the Chalet Toboggan Chutes and enjoy extended holiday hours.

Shadow Lake • South Chagrin Reservation

Group rates for 20 or more people available. Must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance (not valid for season pass holders).

Don’t forget your Ohio fishing license if you are 16 years old and older.

Individual rates: $12 adults, $10 children (11 and under), $6 one-time ride

Rocky River Lagoon • Rocky River Reservation

Season Passes: $60 for adults. $50 for children, 11 and under. Family pass (for up to four) $150. All riders must wear gloves or mittens. Children, ages 11 and under must be at least 42” tall to ride and must be accompanied by an adult. The Chalet offers free Wi-Fi to visitors.

6 Emerald Necklace January 2015


Enjoy the winter season in Cleveland Metroparks with cold weather fun. Rocky River • Rocky River Reservation

Snowshoeing Regular Tobogganing Hours: Thursdays • 6 – 10 p.m. (January – March 2015) Fridays • 6 – 10:30 p.m. Saturdays • Noon – 10:30 p.m. Sundays • Noon – 5 p.m. All Thursdays, January 8 – March 5 • Student I.D. Night all students with a valid I.D. pay $9 January Holiday Hours Thursday, January 1 – Noon to 10:30 p.m. Friday, January 2 – Noon to 10:30 p.m. Monday, January 19 – Noon to 5 p.m. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Visit clevelandmetroparks.com for holiday hours and promotional schedule. 440-572-9990

Snowshoeing is permitted on hiking, bridle and all purpose trails (that have not been plowed), as well as the fairways and rough areas of Sleepy Hollow, Big Met, Little Met, Shawnee Hills, Seneca and Mastick Woods golf courses with a four-inch base. Snowshoe rental Big Met Golf Course • Rocky River Reservation • 440-331-1070 ($8/first hour, $3/extra hour) (Junior 12 & under $5/first hour, $2/extra hour) Strawberry Picnic Area • North Chagrin Reservation 216-341-1704 Saturday, January 3, 17, 31 and Saturday, February 7, 21 12:30 – 3 p.m. • $15 Hinckley Lake Boathouse & Store 330-278-2160

Book your own Private Toboggan Party: The Chalet, including the ice toboggan chutes, can be rented for exclusive private use during non-public hours. Small Group Party Rental: Thursday nights only – January 8 through March 5 During public hours, bring a group of 30 to 50 riders, and receive a discounted rate including 3 reserved tables. Food must be purchased from concession. No student ID or specials. MUST BE BOOKED AT LEAST TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE. Call the Chalet at 440-572-9990 for more information and to make reservations. 7


Swap Your Clubs for Skis Cross-country skiers are permitted on the fairways and rough areas at Little Met, Mastick Woods, Shawnee Hills and Sleepy Hollow golf courses when there is a four-inch base of snow. Big Met and Seneca golf courses have groomed trails and Big Met has ski rental. Cross-country skiers can also use the hiking, bridle and unplowed all purpose trails. Skiers should use caution and must yield to hikers and horses. Call 216-635-3270 for conditions. Skis

$10/first hour $5/extra hour

Junior Skis $7/first hour (12 and under) $3/extra hour

Want free golf? Cleveland Metroparks Bonus Rounds Program rewards golfers just for playing! Extended by popular demand, join the Bonus Rounds Program for only $20 by January 31 (regularly $25), and receive a free 9-hole round of golf at any Cleveland Metroparks course. Receive a $5 coupon good for a purchase of in-stock merchandise at any Cleveland Metroparks Pro Shop. The more you play the more you save – for every $100 spent on golf greens fees you earn $20 in Bonus Dollars for future visits. There are no restrictions on when you can use your Bonus Dollars. They do not expire and are transferable. Sign up at any Cleveland Metroparks golf course or online at clevelandmetroparks.com

Sleepy Hollow Golf Course 18 holes, par 71 and driving range Brecksville Reservation 9445 Brecksville Road, Brecksville 440-526-4285 Manakiki Golf Course 18 holes, par 72 North Chagrin Reservation 35501 Eddy Road, Willoughby Hills 440-942-2500 Big Met Golf Course 18 holes, par 72 Rocky River Reservation 4811 Valley Parkway, Fairview Park 440-331-1070

8 Emerald Necklace January 2015

Shawnee Hills Golf Course 18 holes, par 71, 9 holes par 3 course and driving range Bedford Reservation 18753 Egbert Road, Bedford 440-232-7184 Seneca Golf Course 18 holes, par 72 18 holes, par 71 Brecksville Reservation 975 Valley Parkway, Broadview Heights 440-526-0043

Academy of Golf Beginners – An Introduction to Golf Four week session • $100 10 a.m. – February 7, 14, 21 & 28 To register and for more information: clevelandmetroparks.com/golf or call 440-232-7247

Little Met Golf Course 9 holes, par 34 Rocky River Reservation 18599 Old Lorain Road, Cleveland 216-941-9672 Mastick Woods Golf Course 9 holes, par 31 Rocky River Reservation 19900 Puritas Road, Cleveland 216-267-5626 Washington Golf Course 9 holes, par 29 and driving range Washington Reservation 3841 Washington Park Boulevard, Village of Newburgh Heights 216-641-1864

I heart. You heart. We all heart Cleveland Metroparks! Your favorite “I heart Cleveland Metroparks tee” is now available in a hoodie! This soft and cozy sweatshirt will keep you nice and warm during these chilly winter months. Come into the shops and show us some love, by wearing your “I heart tee” and you’ll receive 15% off the purchase of your new I heart hoodie. Shirt needs to be worn and present at time of purchase. No returns or exchanges. Offer valid 1/1/14 – 1/31/14.

Item of the month This month we are celebrating water by featuring a 25 oz. single wall Eastman Tritan bottle with threaded snap-fit lid and carrying strap for an introductory price of only $10. Swing by your local Nature Shop to take advantage of this awesome deal.

LOCATIONS/HOURS Hinckley Lake Boathouse & Store 1 West Drive Hinckley Township 330-278-2160

Daily: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

North Chagrin Nature Center Mayfield Village 440-449-0511

Tuesday – Saturday: 10 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. Sunday: Noon – 4:45 p.m.

Rocky River Nature Center North Olmsted 440-734-7576 Monday – Saturday:

10 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. Sunday: Noon – 4:45 p.m.

Watershed Stewardship Center Parma 440-253-2170 Tuesday – Saturday: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Sunday: Noon – 4 p.m.


ZOO NEWS all photos courtesy of Cleveland Metroparks Zoo

Improving the Health of Big Creek, One Rainfall at a Time

The new Circle of Wildlife Carousel and Nature Discovery Ridge play area at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo have delighted thousands of riders and guests since they opened in May of last year. The beautiful, handcarved animal figurines and the innovative nature play area may be the most attention getting features, but there’s lots more going on behind-the-scenes! Just out of sight behind the carousel pavilion, tucked into the hillside, is the Zoo’s latest water conservation initiative, aimed at reducing the amount of stormwater runoff that enters Big Creek. As part of the Circle of Wildlife project, a 10,000 gallon storage tank was built into the hill to collect the rain and stormwater runoff from all of the downspouts, catch basins and even the drain from the water play area in the Nature Discovery Ridge before it reaches the creek. 10 Emerald Necklace January 2015

The Zoo’s horticulturists use the water collected by the tank for irrigation at the Circle of Wildlife and can even use it to fill the tanks on the watering trucks they use to water other plants and trees around the Zoo. In the event of extremely heavy rainfall, the collection system has an overflow feature that diverts the rainwater to a bioswale area, which holds the water and filters it naturally before it reaches the creek. This new conservation effort, coupled with the existing rainwater collection tank next to the Palava Hut Pavilion and the large bioswale area that filters runoff from the parking lot behind The RainForest, are big steps in the right direction for improving the health of Big Creek and ultimately the Cuyahoga River and Lake Erie.


Celebrate the New Year at a Family Friendly Time Wednesday, December 31 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Free with Zoo admission The ball drops at noon over the Welcome Plaza during the ninth annual Noon Year’s Eve celebration. Let your party animals party with our animals during this popular family-friendly event. Special Noon Year’s activities include a countdown to noon, music and dancing with Popfusion and ice sculpting demonstrations. For more information, call 216-661-6500.

Coming Soon! Cleveland Metroparks Zoo will celebrate the Year of Water in 2015 with a special traveling exhibit! Follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook to see the exciting announcement in a few short weeks!

Noon Year’s Eve is presented by Dollar Bank with support from UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital.

Zooperstars! The Zoo thanks its many corporate and nonprofit community partners for their generous support in 2014: Alcoa Foundation AMCLO b.a. Sweetie Candy Company Ben & Jerry’s Cleveland Clinic Children’s Cleveland Hopkins International Airport Cleveland Public Library Cleveland Public Power Coca-Cola Discount Drug Mart Dollar Bank Giant Eagle Greyhound Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores

Earning a Master’s Degree at the Zoo The Advanced Inquiry Program (AIP) master’s degree combines graduate courses at the Zoo with web-based learning communities. AIP students use inquiry learning while pursuing either a master of arts in teaching (MAT) in biological sciences or a master of arts (MA) in zoology. Enrollment is open to applicants with any bachelor’s degree. Courses begin June 2015. To learn more, register for the FREE AIP Informational Night on Wednesday, January 7 from 5:30 – 7 p.m. in the Zoo’s Reinberger Education Building. Call 216-661-6500, ext. 4470 or e-mail krc@clevelandmetroparks.com. AIP program applications are available online at clevelandmetroparks.com/zoo and additional information can be found at aip.projectdragonfly.org.

Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt of Northeast Ohio Metro PCS Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District Omnia, a Telos Company Outback Steakhouse ShurTech Brands UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital Universal Windows Direct

For the most up-to-date Zoo information: clemetzoo.com / 216-661-6500 11

OUTDOOR RECREATION Outdoor Recreation 216-341-1704 or@clevelandmetroparks.com clevelandmetroparks.com/or

Inclusive Outdoor Recreation Opportunities

Our professionally trained staff has the ability to make equipment adaptations. Most programs are accessible to anyone who would like to participate. For further information regarding program accessibility or to schedule an accessible custom program, call 216-341-1704.

The holidays are over, and you are looking out the window seeing piles of snow and ice. Then you realize, OMG, there are three more months of winter! You stand up and SCREAM, “Winter’s horrible!!” Well, over six years ago I was in that very position when I came across a copy of the Emerald Necklace. As I was looking through it, I found Outdoor Recreation was offering a kayaking class. I always wanted to try kayaking, so I said to myself, “Embrace the horrible! Get out of this winter funk, and go learn how to kayak.” I enjoyed the class so much I took it a couple of more times. Then, I became a volunteer and started helping with other kayaking classes. Becoming a volunteer opened up a lot of opportunities. Through Outdoor Recreation, I became a kayak instructor, learned how to backpack and took the Essentials to Close Quarter Boat Control Course allowing me to operate the safety boat on kayak tours on the lower Cuyahoga River. Throughout the last six years I have volunteered in all types of classes from GPS/Geocaching, Backpacking, and Snowshoeing to assisting with Wilderness First Aid and SUP classes.. Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean you have to stay in your house and hibernate until spring. Come out and try something new like snowshoeing, going on a GPS/Geocaching hike, or even learning how to backpack this winter. If you want to stay a little warmer, then take a kayaking class. Yes, Outdoor Recreation runs kayaking classes year-round at local recreation center swimming pools. (FYI, it’s really warm in the pool areas!) Don’t let winter get you down. Now is the time to get ready for your spring / summer adventures!!! I have two mottos, “life is too short, eat dessert first” and “just have FUN!” So, COME OUT AND PLAY and have some FUN with Cleveland Metroparks Outdoor Recreation! Joe Vanecek Volunteer

To register and for more information, visit clevelandmetroparks.com/or 12 Emerald Necklace January 2015



Snowshoe Demos at the Chalet

All boating programs are funded in part through a grant from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Watercraft.

Try snowshoeing and discover what outdoor recreation classes await you this winter. Snowshoe demos available when snow is 4” or deeper.

On Land Kayaking Basics During this classroom session we’ll discuss types of kayaks, gear, safety, local places to paddle, and trip planning. Test your balance and have fun in our “on-the-water” kayak simulator. 14 years & over with participating adult January 8 • 6 – 9 p.m. Garfield Park Center $12.50

Kayaking 1: Introduction to Kayaking Combines classroom and on-the-water practice to introduce you to basic paddling strokes and equipment. Be prepared to get wet. Late fee applies after January 10, 14, 24 & February 11 respectively. 14 years & over with participating adult January 18 • 9 a.m. – noon February 1 • 9 a.m. – noon Seven Hills Community Recreation Center (7777 Summitview Drive) January 22 • 6 - 9 p.m. February 19 • 6 – 9 p.m. Baldwin Wallace, Lou Higgins (136 E. Bagley Rd.) $45 (includes boat & equipment)

Kayaking 2: Supplemental Skills Learn deep water re-entry rescue techniques and advanced paddling strokes. Prerequisite: Kayaking 1. Late fee after January 21 and February 18 respectively. 14 years & over with participating adult January 29 • 6 - 9 p.m. February 26 • 6 – 9 p.m. Baldwin Wallace, Lou Higgins (136 E. Bagley Rd.) $40 (includes boat & equipment)

SNOWSPORTS Snowshoe Rentals

8 years & over with participating adult December 30 Chalet Recreation Area • Mill Stream Run Reservation $5

Snowshoe Hike Embrace winter by raising your heartbeat with an invigorating snowshoe hike. Snowshoes and hot cocoa provided. No special boots required, but waterproof footwear and layering of noncotton clothing suggested. Late fee applies after January 9, 23, 30, and February 13 respectively. 14 years & over with participating adult January 3, 17, 31 or February 7, 21 • 9:30 a.m. – noon Strawberry Picnic Area, North Chagrin Reservation $15

Date Night - Snowshoe Night Hike Surprise your sweetie with a star-filled night sky snowshoe hike. Snowshoes, headlamps and a light meal included. No special boots are required, but waterproof footwear is suggested. Late fee applies after January 15 & 29 respectively. Adults January 9, 23, or February 6 • 6 – 8:30 p.m. Big Met Golf Course • Rocky River Reservation $25

Snowshoe Program Interest When the snow is good and staff is available, impromptu snowshoe programs/rentals will be added. Register under the February 28 program to receive e-mails about impromptu snowshoe programs for 2015.

Cross-Country Skiing 1: Introduction Learn the basics of cross-country skiing including basic terminology, strides, turning, and going up and down small hills. Cross-country skis, boots, poles, and hot cocoa provided. Dressing in non-cotton layers is suggested. Late fee applies after January 5, 19, and February 2, 16 respectively.

Embrace the snow this winter by trying snowshoeing! No special boots are required, but waterproof footwear and layering of noncotton clothing suggested. Staff will be on-location when snow is 4” or deeper. No registration required. Last rental at 2 p.m. Cash only.

14 years & over with participating adult January 13, 27, or February 10, 24 • 6 - 8:30 p.m. Big Met Golf Course, Rocky River Reservation $20

8 years & over with participating adult January 3, 17, 31, or February 7, 21 • 12:30 – 3 p.m. Strawberry Picnic Area, North Chagrin Reservation $15

For the Love of the Outdoors Winter Rendezvous See page 30 for details 13


Wilderness First Responder This course provides a high level of medical training so you are able to deal with emergencies when help is more than an hour away. By combining classroom lectures, role playing, outdoor scenarios, and lots of hands-on practice, the WFR takes a more comprehensive and in-depth look at topics discussed in the Wilderness First Aid Course. Late fee applies after March 6. Adults March 20 – 27 • see clevelandmetroparks.com/or for times North Chagrin Nature Center, North Chagrin Reservation $650 (includes instruction, text, first aid supplies and lunch the last day)

Land Navigation 1 Learn a new skill with an old tool as you learn the basics of map and compass. Part of the program is outside. Dress appropriately for cold weather. Late fee applies after January 4.

Ice Climbing Adventure An ice axe, harness, helmet, and crampons could only mean one thing. It’s time for an ice climbing adventure in Fenton, Michigan to climb a 45’ and 72’ ice tower. To prepare, you’ll learn climbing and belaying techniques indoors at Kendall Cliffs climbing gym. No experience necessary. Registration deadline: February 13. 16 years & over with participating adult Pre-Trip: February 24 • 5:15 – 7:45 p.m. OR February 24 • 7:30 – 9:45 p.m. Kendall Cliffs, Peninsula, OH (60 Kendall Park Road) AND Trip: February 28 • 7 a.m. – 9 p.m. Meet at Garfield Park Center $120 (Includes gear, instruction, transportation to Michigan, and lunch)

SKILLS & ADVENTURE Wilderness First Aid Join us for a two-day workshop to learn wilderness first aid skills when help is an hour or more away. Classroom lectures and discussions combined with hands-on experiences in the field. Late fee applies after March 13. Adults March 28 – 29 • 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. North Chagrin Nature Center, North Chagrin Reservation $200 (includes lunch, instruction, text and first aid supplies)

14 years & over with participating adult January 11 • 1 – 3 p.m. River Grove-Buckeye Shelter, North Chagrin Reservation $15

Land Navigation 2 Brush off your winter blues and brush up on your map and compass skills. This intermediate course will delve more deeply into compass skills and use topographical maps for navigation. This course will take place outside; please dress appropriately for cold weather. Late fee applies after February 15. 14 years & over with participating adult February 22 • 1 – 3 p.m. Strawberry Picnic Area, North Chagrin Reservation $15

Backcountry & Camping Backpacking Basics Learn the basics to having a safe and enjoyable backcountry experience as we discuss tents, backpacks, water treatment, and outdoor ethics. Late fee applies after February 11. 14 years & over with participating adult February 19 • 6 – 9 p.m. Merwin’s Wharf • Rivergate Park $12.50

Custom programs for your group are available. Contact us weekdays from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. to find out more: 216-341-1704. 14 Emerald Necklace January 2015


Consider Being a Trail Ambassador Volunteer! Since 2005, Cleveland Metroparks and its visitors have benefited from the Trail Ambassador (formerly known as Trail Monitor) volunteers. These volunteers monitor Park District trails, including some of the new Lakefront properties, to interact with visitors, alert management crews to any hazardous situation and be first responders in emergencies on the trails. Trail Ambassadors are pairs of volunteers who are First Aid/CPR certified and hike or bike throughout the Park District year round. They are expected to donate a minimum of 40 hours during the regular season of May through December. Optional winter monitoring is available after completion of the first regular season. Convenient online scheduling allows volunteers to choose their date, time and monitor location. Trail Ambassador volunteers, age 30 and older, are invited to participate in this fun and rewarding volunteer activity. Applications will be accepted through February 13, 2015 with training and certification classes held in April.

Golf Volunteers Needed Volunteers play a significant role in many golf activities at most of Cleveland Metroparks eight golf courses! Additional volunteers (18 years and older, unless otherwise noted) are needed for the 2015 season to assist with the following activities: Golf Day Camp – assist staff with daily camp activities with youth 8 – 17 years Golf Ranger – patrol golf course to monitor play and provide customer service (2 shifts per week) Junior Golf – assist with coordination of pre-season, in-season and postseason junior golf league Golf Pro Shop – assist with inventory and upkeep of the shop Golf Course Maintenance (age requirement varies with activity; at least 12 years and older) – assist with various outdoor projects such as weeding, filling divots and maintaining tee stations Golf volunteer shifts vary depending on the activity and typically run March through November. Most of these activities do require screening which ranges from the volunteer intake process to fingerprinting and drug screening. Regularly scheduled (2 shifts per week) golf ranger volunteers have the added benefit of free golf during their time as an active volunteer.

For an application or additional information, contact Cleveland Metroparks Volunteer Services at 440-253-2145 or volinfo@clevelandmetroparks.com. 15

Lake Erie Nature & Science Center Tour of the Universe

Wednesday, January 14 • 7 – 8:30 p.m. Join us for a tour across the entire universe. It’s quite a journey but you’ll be back right on schedule. For adults. Fee: $15

Outdoor Explorers: Wildlife Shadowing Experience

Saturday, January 17 • 9 a.m. – noon Go behind-the-scenes and shadow the dedicated people who care for the Center’s amazing creatures. For children grades 5 – 8. Fee: $40 (members receive 10% discount)

Owl Prowl

Saturday, January 24 • 7 – 8:30 p.m. We’ll have a hoot learning about owls and seeing them up-close. For all ages. Fee: $7 ages 2+

Walter R. Schuele Planetarium Family Programs Schedule is subject to some variability. Call 440-871-2900 to confirm programming. Monday, Thursday and Friday 11 a.m. Twinkle Tots 11:30 a.m. Stellar Stars 2 p.m. You-niverse 4 p.m. Legends of Perseus & Andromeda

Tuesday and Wednesday 11:30 a.m. Legends of Perseus & Andromeda 2 p.m. You-niverse 4 p.m. Back to the Moon for Good

Twinkle Tots

Your toddler will love hearing some fun music and learning what we can see in the sky. Children should be able to sit for 15 minutes. Recommended for children ages 0 – 3. Fee: $2 (including infants)

Stellar Stars

Blast off and travel through space to get up close and personal with a new destination in our Solar System and constellation in the night sky. Children should be able to sit for 20 – 30 minutes. Recommended for ages 3 – 7. Fee: $3

The You-niverse

Find out what’s up in tonight’s sky and have fun under the stars with the whole family! Children should be able to sit for approximately 20 minutes. Fee: $3

Saturday and Sunday 11 a.m. Twinkle Tots 11:30 a.m. Stellar Stars 12:30 p.m. Legends of Perseus & Andromeda 1:30 p.m. You-niverse 2:30 p.m. You-niverse 3:30 p.m. Back to the Moon for Good

Full Dome Children’s Feature Show: Legends of Perseus and Andromeda

This full dome “movie” is 25 minutes long. Recommended for children ages 3 – 12. Fee: $5

Full Dome Feature Show: Back to the Moon for Good

This full dome “movie” is 28 minutes long. Recommended for pre-teens through adults. Fee: $5

SkyQuest: Our Little Piece of “Laniakea”

Program is approximately 45 minutes. Recommended for pre-teens through adults. January 3, 8, 15, 17, 22 and 29 at 7:30 p.m. Fee: $5

Tickets for all planetarium shows available at the Information Desk 30 minutes before the program begins. Tickets are first-come, first-served and must be purchased more than 5 minutes prior to show time. For safety reasons, late admittance to planetarium programs is not permitted. No food or drink is permitted in the renovated Schuele Planetarium.

Visit www.lensc.org for complete information

Lake Erie Nature & Science Center

Wildlife Rehabilitation • Nature & Science Education • Planetarium 28728 Wolf Road, Bay Village, OH 44140 • 440-871-2900 • www.lensc.org Lake Erie Nature & Science Center is an independent nonprofit affiliate of Cleveland Metroparks and receives public support with local tax dollars from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture, to preserve and enrich our region’s cultural heritage. 16 Emerald Necklace January 2015


January 11 • Sunday

January 23 • Friday




• Largest Lakefront Snowman and Winter Maze • Gallery Wall: Don Altemus

January 2 • Friday BNC CWC CWC GPC LAL WCR

• • • • • •

Hand Feed a Chickadee Hunt of the Month Scott Boulton Art “Snow”lympics Winter Break Mini-Camp Nature Detectives: Where Did Everyone Go?


• • • • • • • • • •

Winter Wander Hand Feed a Chickadee Silent Euclid Beach Cleveland Natural Science Club Bird Walk Chickadee Trail Saturday Night Special Emerald Necklace Art Club: Monthly Meeting Resolution Walk Mammals of West Creek Drop-by

January 4 • Sunday AR BNC MSRR MSRR NCR ZOO

• Birds of Acacia • Hand Feed a Chickadee • Your Parks, Your Stories • Ice Fishing • Chickadees at the Overlook • Family Discoveries Animal Enrichment

January 5 • Monday CWC NCNC RRNC

• Twelfth Night Hike • North Chagrin Nature Photography Club • Southwest Camera Club: Australia and New Zealand

January 6 • Tuesday AR CWC RRNC RRNC RRNC ZOO

• • • • • •

Friends of Euclid Creek CanalWay Storytime Small Wonders Western Cuyahoga Audubon Society Trout Unlimited Preschool Safari Ready For Reptiles

January 7 • Wednesday CWC ZOO

• CanalWay Storytime at Night • Family Discoveries Wonderful World of Wolves

January 8 • Thursday CWC GPC HuR NCNC

• • • •

Cleveland Astronomical Society Homeschool Homesteaders: Fibers & Sewing Waterbird Survey Little Explorers Story and Stroll

January 9 • Friday CWC NCNC RRNC WSC ZOO

• • • • •

Family Movie Night Family Friday Night: Marvelous Mammals! Friday Nights with Nature Friday Film: Chasing Ice Career Day


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Woodlands of Bedford: Landscape of Ice Snowy Weather Dog Walk Resolution Solution Hand Feed a Chickadee Your Parks, Your Stories Drop-In Discovery: Snowflakes Frosty Paws Dog Walk Snow Date Nature Journaling Second Saturday Storytelling Chickadee Trail Saturday Night Special Winter Farmers Market Cabin Fever Hike Winter Bird Identification Good Ol’Fashion Nature Hike Moon Glow Night Hike


• • • • • •

Hand Feed a Chickadee Drop-In Discovery: Owls One Trail, Twelve Times in Pictures Bird Banding Winter Walk-A-Round School of the Wilds West: Demystifying Bird Migration • Towpath Dog Walk

January 12 • Monday LAL RRNC RRNC RRNC

• • • •

Look About Littles Little Explorers: Woodpeckers Chair Caning Class Cuyahoga Astronomical Association

January 13 • Tuesday ZOO

• Homeschool Program – Rainforests

January 14 • Wednesday AR CWC RRNC RRNC WSC ZOO

• • • • • •

Evening at Acacia Youth Outdoors Volunteer Orientation Greater Cleveland Beekeepers Association Northern Ohio Association of Herpetologists Exploring Macroinvertebrates Preschool Safari Ready For Reptiles

January 15 • Thursday Off Site • Urban Explorations: Old Stone Church WSC • For Adults Only: Meteorology I

January 16 • Friday CWC LAL RRNC WSC

• • • •

American Girl Overnight Fireside Concert Series: No Strangers Here Friday Nights with Nature For Adults Only: Meteorology II


• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Hand Feed a Chickadee Your Parks, Your Stories Acoustic Players Circle Grow Sprouts! Food Film Matinee: Dirt! Emerald Necklace Hikers Saturday Night Special Chickadee Trail Dog Hike Junior Naturalists Extreme Fossil Road Show For Adults Only: Meteorology III Do You Want to Build A Snowman? Boy Scout Vet Badge Overnight at the Zoo

January 18 • Sunday BNC CWC LR LAL NCR RRNC

• • • • • •

Hand Feed a Chickadee Canalway Family Matinee: Frozen Waterbird Workshop: Gulls & Ducks Winter Overnight at the Lodge Chickadees at the Overlook Gems and Jewels of the World

January 19 • Monday BNC CWC GPC NCNC RRNC RRNC

• • • • • •

A Day of Fun, Naturally Winter Weather Play Day Fun with Food! North Chagrin Nature Photography Club Evergreen Extravaganza Southwest Camera Club

January 20 • Tuesday BNC BNC

• Hiking for the Young at Heart • Homeschooling in Nature

January 21 • Wednesday BCR BNC CWC NCR

• • • •

Morning Hike: Lake Isaac Animal Crackers Young Explorers Little Explorers Story and Stroll

January 22 • Thursday Off Site • Urban Explorations: Trinity Cathedral CWC • Nature Academy Session 1 – Ohio & Erie Canal Then & Now

• • • • •

Preschool: White-tailed Deer Fireside Concert Series: Brittany Reilly Band Friday Movie Night Friday Nights with Nature Cub Scout Wildlife Conservation Badge Overnight at the Zoo

January 24 • Saturday BrR BNC BNC CWC GPC LAL

• • • • • •


• • • • • • •

Extreme Hiking Hand Feed a Chickadee Your Parks, Your Stories Camp In Homemade Lavender Balm Art in Nature Exhibit: Environment, Art, and Engaged Practice Tracking 101 Birds and Coffee Chickadee Trail Saturday Night Special Winters Farmer Market Cabin Fever Hike Meet the Flockers Drop-by


• Hand Feed a Chickadee • Growing Food Indoors • Art in Nature Exhibit: Environment, Art, and Engaged Practice • Winter Tree Identification • River Poets • Cabin Fever Busters • River Readers

January 27 • Tuesday OECR ZOO

• Get Outside & Go • Preschool Safari Amazing Amphibians

January 28 • Wednesday BCR RRNC WCR

• Morning Hike: Beyer’s Pond • Discovering Nature: Snow • Nature Detective: Who’s Been Here?

January 29 • Thursday BNC

• Animal Crackers

January 30 • Friday LAL RRNC

• Fireside Concert Series: Mike & Priscilla • Friday Nights with Nature

January 31 • Saturday BNC ECR GPC GPC LR NCNC WCR ZOO

• • • • • • • •

Hand Feed a Chickadee Dog Hike Fabric Painting with Natural Dyes Food Film Matinee: A Place at the Table Winter Walk Saturday Night Special What’s Under the Ice? Girl Scout Bugs and Habitats Badge Overnight at the Zoo

(AR) Acacia Reservation (BeR) Bedford Reservation (BCR) Big Creek Reservation (BWR) Bradley Woods Reservation (BrR) Brecksville Reservation (BNC) Brecksville Nature Center (BR) Brookside Reservation (CWC) CanalWay Center (ECR) Euclid Creek Reservation (GPC) Garfield Park Center (GPR) Garfield Park Reservation (HiR) Hinckley Reservation (HuR) Huntington Reservation (LR) Lakefront Reservation (LAL) Look About Lodge (MSRR) Mill Stream Run Reservation (NCR) North Chagrin Reservation (NCNC) North Chagrin Nature Center (OECR) Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation (RRR) Rocky River Reservation (RRNC) Rocky River Nature Center (SCR) South Chagrin Reservation (WR) Washington Reservation (WSC) Watershed Stewardship Center (WCR) West Creek Reservation


JANUARY PROGRAMS BY LOCATION Cleveland Metroparks Maps Visit clevelandmetroparks.com for maps of Cleveland Metroparks 18 reservations.

Off Site Programs 15 • Thursday Urban Explorations: Old Stone Church

Historical Interpreter Doug Kusak and church docents lead you in an exploration of Old Stone Church, the venerable Public Square landmark. Take a peek at what’s inside. Meeting details given after registration. 10 a.m. – noon Register at 216-206-1000 or online beginning January 2

22 • Thursday Urban Explorations: Trinity Cathedral

Historical Interpreter Doug Kusak and church docents guide you on an exploration of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral and invite you to wander the eco-friendly Trinity Commons. Meeting location given after registration. 10 a.m. – noon Register at 216-206-1000 or online beginning January 2

Wastewater Treatment Plant, will discuss the City of Euclid’s plans to mitigate sanitary sewer overflow activations, plans for green infrastructure, and what is currently being done at the treatment plant. 7 – 8:30 p.m. Clubhouse 216-780-1094

14 • Wednesday Evening at Acacia

Join us after work (or after school) for a brisk walk through the trails. Enjoy the quiet stillness of dusk in the winter and look for the animals that come out at dark. 6 – 7 p.m. Cedar Road parking lot Terrain: paved, 1.5 miles 440-473-3370

Bedford Reservation

10 • Saturday Woodlands of Bedford: Landscape of Ice

3 • Saturday Winter Wander

Get your heart pumping and enjoy winter’s crisp chill as we climb the bridle trail to get a great view of Tinker’s Creek. Hiking poles recommended – dress for the weather. 9:30 a.m. – noon Meet at Hemlock Creek Picnic Area Terrain: hills, ice, 4 miles 216-341-3152

After hiking down a hill, we’ll examine the floodplain of Tinker’s Creek which includes the stone dam of Powers Mill, a site active over 150 years ago. Spectacular ice formations may be in the creek itself, surrounded by a beautiful winter backdrop. 9:30 a.m. – noon Meet at Egbert Picnic Area Terrain: hilly, difficult 216-341-3152

Cleveland Metroparks Reservations

Acacia Reservation 4 • Sunday Birds of Acacia

The weather outside could be frightful, but those birds are still delightful! Let’s see who is still here, keeping a close eye out for woodpeckers. Binoculars will be available to borrow. 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Cedar Road parking lot Terrain: Slight hills, may be slippery, up to 2 miles 440-473-3370

6 • Tuesday Friends of Euclid Creek Combined Sewer Overflow Impact of Euclid Creek

Jeremiah Swetel, Compliance Manager for the City of Euclid 18 Emerald Necklace January 2015

Group Programming For information on group programs, call any Cleveland Metroparks nature or visitor center.

Outdoor Adventures Outdoor Recreation is yearround. For details about trips, skill classes or other recreational activities, visit clevelandmetroparks.com/or.


West Creek Reservation

Big Creek Reservation

21 • Wednesday Morning Hike: Lake Isaac

10 • Saturday Snowy Weather Dog Walk

Snow or no, let’s go! Let’s gather to enjoy snowy outdoor scenery, some refreshing exercise, and real social contact. Bring your leashed dog with you to the Eastland Road Trailhead on the Lake to Lake Trail. 2 – 4 p.m. Ages: adults must accompany children Terrain: paved, easy, 5 miles 440-887-1968

Weave through the wooded paths and explore winter from the edges of Lake Isaac. A naturalist will be your guide on this early morning hike. Meet at the Lake Isaac parking lot off Big Creek Parkway. 9 – 10 a.m. Terrain: varied, 1.5 miles 440-887-1968

28 • Wednesday

Morning Hike: Beyer’s Pond

Take a quiet hike through broad trails during the still morning at Beyer’s Pond. A naturalist will be

To register, visit clevelandmetroparks.com

your guide on this early morning hike. Meet at the Beyer’s Pond parking lot off Main Street in Middleburg Heights. 9 – 10 a.m. Terrain: level, unpaved, 1 mile 440-887-1968

Bradley Woods Reservation 10 • Saturday Resolution Solution

Join Naturalist Marty Calabrese for a fast-paced hike along Quarry Loop. This trail traverses through forest, field and an old sandstone quarry, and then returns along White Oak Lane to the parking lot.

10 – 11:30 a.m. Codrington Picnic Area Terrain: moderate, on-trail, 2 miles 440-734-6660

Brecksville Reservation 24 • Saturday Extreme Hiking

Let’s go for an adventure together! Join Naturalist Pam Taylor as we hit the trails. Trails could be icy or snow covered so our final distance will be determined by weather. 9 a.m. – noon Oak Grove Picnic Area Terrain: hills, 5 – 8 miles 440-526-1012



Brecksville Nature Center Open daily 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 9000 Chippewa Creek Drive Brecksville 440-526-1012

2 • Friday Hand Feed a Chickadee

Generations of visitors have experienced the thrill of feeding a free-flying wild bird that lands in your hand. Now it’s your turn! We’ll supply a handful of black oil sunflower seeds and instructions. 10 a.m. – noon

3 • Saturday Hand Feed a Chickadee (see 1/2 for details)

4 • Sunday Hand Feed a Chickadee (see 1/2 for details)

10 • Saturday Drop-In Discovery: Snowflakes

Drop in and observe snowflakes with Naturalist John Miller. Snow or snowless, we’ll learn how to capture flakes, make fossil impressions and observe snowflakes with microscopes and hand lenses. 10 a.m. – noon Your Parks, Your Stories

Share your heartwarming, funny, embarrassing, and/or silly stories that took place in Cleveland Metroparks over the past 100 years. Photos would put icing on the cake! Set up an interview today. 10 a.m. – noon 440-786-8530 fcb@clevelandmetroparks.com Frosty Paws Dog Walk

Grab your canine companion, and a leash, as we head out to frolic in the snow! Trails could be fairly snowy so make sure you and your pooch are prepared. 2 – 4 p.m. Terrain: hills, 4 miles

Hand Feed a Chickadee (see 1/2 for details)

11 • Sunday Drop in Discovery: Owls

Stop by to discover more about the fascinating lives of owls. These secretive animals have many unique adaptations that allow them to survive as nocturnal predators. 10 a.m. – noon Hand Feed a Chickadee (see 1/2 for details)

17 • Saturday Hand Feed a Chickadee (see 1/2 for details) Your Parks, Your Stories (see 1/10 for details)

18 • Sunday Hand Feed a Chickadee (see 1/2 for details)

19 • Monday A Day of Fun, Naturally

Hey kids, have the day off school? Join us for a day of fun, exploring and playing in nature. We will hike, play games and make a craft. Bring a lunch and dress for the weather (we’ll be outside for long periods of time). 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Ages: 6 – 8 years Terrain: stairs, 1 mile Register online beginning January 5

20 • Tuesday Hiking for the Young at Heart

Join Naturalist Kelly McGinnis for a hike through the hills and valleys. We’ll hike along sections of the Hemlock and bridle trails. Be prepared for icy conditions and creek crossings. 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Terrain: hills, stairs, creek crossing, 3 miles

Homeschooling in Nature

Calling all homeschoolers for this new monthly program designed for you! Each month we’ll explore a different topic through indoor and outdoor discovery and hands-on activities. This month we’ll discover how our winter resident birds survive harsh conditions and get a chance to hand feed birds. 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Ages: grades K – 2 and 3 – 6 Register by phone beginning January 2

21 • Wednesday Animal Crackers

Join Miss Jenny for a great time discovering the wonders of snow with both indoor and outdoor activities. 10 – 11:15 a.m. or 1 – 2:15 p.m. Ages: 3 – 5 with adult, no siblings Register by phone beginning January 2

24 • Saturday Hand Feed a Chickadee (see 1/2 for details) Your Parks, Your Stories (see 1/10 for details)

CanalWay Center Open Mon. – Sat. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sunday Noon – 5 p.m. 4524 E. 49th St. Cuyahoga Hts. 216-206-1000 Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation

2 • Friday Hunt of the Month

Trees in the winter have no leaves but we found a way to still enjoy them. Stop by CanalWay to find 20 hidden trees that have no leaves. Then go for a hike to see the leafless trees outside.Through January 31.
 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday – Saturday Noon – 5 p.m. Sunday Scott Boulton Art

Scott Boulton has captured the Pop Culture art market by storm by creating a style of painting that’s emotionally and vividly realistic. See some of his favorite Cleveland pop culture moments. Through January 31. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday – Saturday Noon – 5 p.m. Sunday

5 • Monday

25 • Sunday Hand Feed a Chickadee (see 1/2 for details)

29 • Thursday Animal Crackers (see 1/21 for details)

10 – 11:15 a.m.

31 • Saturday Hand Feed a Chickadee (see 1/2 for details)

Twelfth Night Hike

This holiday marks the end of the 12 day winter solstice celebration in the Celtic tradition. We’ll hike the trails on this cold, winter day and return to warm our bodies with the traditional drink (wassail). 6:30 – 8 p.m. Terrain: moderate, 1 hill, 2 – 3 miles

6 • Tuesday CanalWay Storytime

It’s cold outside, so thaw out with some good books. Today we’ll unleash the wonders of winter through stories, poems and more. 10:30 – 11:15 a.m. Ages: 6 years & under with adult

To register, visit clevelandmetroparks.com 20 Emerald Necklace January 2015


7 • Wednesday

16 • Friday

CanalWay Storytime at Night

Family Movie Night

American Girl Overnight

It’s cold outside, so thaw out with some good books. Tonight we’ll unleash the wonders of winter through stories, poems and more. 6:30 – 7:15 p.m. Ages: 6 years & under with adult

Bring your friends and family to watch Night at the Museum. We’ll see how Larry reacts as the museum comes to life. Snacks available for purchase or you may bring your own. 7 – 8:30 p.m. Registration by phone or online beginning December 20

Bring your sleeping bag and favorite doll and spend the night having fun and making new friends. We’ll watch movies, play games and make crafts before we sleep inside CanalWay Center. Snacks and light breakfast provided. 7 p.m. Friday – 10 a.m. Saturday Ages: 8 – 12 years Fee: $20 Register online beginning December 20

8 • Thursday Cleveland Astronomical Society Cassini at Saturn

Mike Blair, former presenter at NASA Glenn Visitor Center will offer geological insight and some of the most breathtaking views of Saturn and it’s moons. Some images will be in 3D and some less than ten days old. 6:30 – 7 p.m. Meeting 7 – 8:30 p.m. Speaker

14 • Wednesday Youth Outdoors Volunteer Orientation

Share your interest in outdoor recreation with urban youth from Cleveland! We are looking for adults to assist with hands-on experiences such as hiking, fishing, kayaking, biking, cross-country skiing, and nature exploration. Get information about volunteering with Youth Outdoors. 7 – 9 p.m. CWC Ages: adults Register by January 12

17 • Saturday

CanalWay Center Thursdays • 1 – 3 p.m. Grades K – 2 and 3 – 5 $20 per session

This is not your typical nature homeschool program. Nature Academy offers four sessions with four classes each. Each session will cover a new topic that builds upon itself and meets Ohio’s Science Academic Standards. Programs are both indoors and outdoors, so dress appropriately. Session 1 Ohio & Erie Canal Then & Now January 22, 29 and February 5, 12 Session 2 Wetlands March 19, 26 and April 2, 9 Session 3 Forest Life September 17, 24 and October 1, 8 Session 4 Adaptations November 19, 26 and December 3, 10 Register online

23 • Friday Preschool: White-tailed Deer

We’ll learn about what whitetailed deer look like, what they eat, and how they survive Ohio’s cold winters. We’ll go on a short walk to look for tracks. 10 – 11 a.m. Ages: 2 – 5 years with adult Register online beginning January 2

Acoustic Players Circle

This players circle is a jam session for players, singers and listeners. Enjoy acoustic music of varied styles in a relaxed, informal, family-friendly setting. Come lead, play along, sing along, or just enjoy songs based on a theme that changes every month. This month’s theme: Time. 1 – 3 p.m.

18 • Sunday

New Nature Academy

will unveil the wonders of ice. 10 – 11 a.m. or 1 – 2 p.m. Ages: 3 – 5 years with adult Terrain: easy, 0.5 mile Registration required by phone or online beginning December 20

CanalWay Family Matinee: Frozen

Come in and watch Frozen on a big screen on this cold, winter day. Seating is provided or bring blankets and pillows for the floor. Snacks available for purchase or bring your own. 1 – 3 p.m. Registration required

19 • Monday Winter Weather Play Day

Stop in the center anytime on this day off school. Work with your family, friends or on your own to complete the stations and earn your prize. 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Fee: $2 Register by phone or online

21 • Wednesday Young Explorers

Northeast Ohio is frozen this season. What better time to let your little one examine ice with us! Through a variety of activities we

24 • Saturday Camp In

Join us for a winter camp-in, we’ll have both indoor and outdoor fun. We’ll meet the nature center animals, go for hikes, play games, and enjoy the park throughout the night and into the morning. 7 p.m. Saturday – 11 a.m. Sunday Ages: 6 years & over with adult Fee: $25/family (2 – 4 people) Register online beginning December 20

Euclid Creek Reservation 3 • Saturday Silent Euclid Beach

Winter is a quiet time at the lakefront if the lake has frozen and waves no longer reach the shore. Hike from Wildwood to Euclid Beach. 1 – 2:30 p.m. Wildwood Marina parking lot Terrain: slight hill, sandy, 2 miles 440-473-3370

31 • Saturday Dog Hike

Bring your best furry friend to the park for some exercise and socialization. All dogs must be leashed. 2 – 3:30 p.m. Highland Picnic Area parking lot Terrain: moderate, some paved, 2.5 – 3 miles 440-473-3370 21


Ice fishing at Wallace Lake, Mill Stream Run Reservation

Garfield Park Center for Urban Agriculture Open for scheduled programs Open Saturday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 11350 Broadway Ave. Garfield Heights 216-341-3152

2 • Friday “Snow”lympics

Outdoor exercise is important for a child’s healthy development. Participate in some fun and active winter games, then warm up by the fire with a healthy snack. Dress for the weather. Program cancelled if there is no snow. 1 – 2:30 p.m. Ages: 5 – 10 years with adult

8 • Thursday Homeschool Homesteaders: Fibers & Sewing

Integrated disciplines and project-based learning combine to teach classic skills in modern ways. This month, we’ll learn about how natural fibers are turned into yarn and fabrics, then 22 Emerald Necklace January 2015

sew our own craft to take home. 1 – 3 p.m. Ages: grades K – 6 Fee: $5 Register online beginning January 1

17 • Saturday Grow Sprouts!

It’s easy to grow your own fresh greens in the middle of winter! Learn the basics of sprouting and take home your own jar and seeds to start with. 10 – 11 a.m. Fee: $5 Register online beginning January 1 Food Film Matinee: Dirt!

This film proves that a movie about dirt can be warm, fun, and entertaining. Learn about connections between food, humans, and soils that make the case for why we should care about what’s under our feet. Rated PG. Snacks provided. 2 – 4 p.m.

19 • Monday

25 • Sunday

Fun with Food!

Growing Food Indoors

Every youngster will serve as the “Prep Chef” for their own portion of a simple meal. During preparation we learn a little about the food that comes from the dusty earth. 1 – 2:30 p.m. Ages: 6 – 13 years Register by phone or online by January 16

Why wait for spring when you can grow food indoors this winter! We’ll let you know what species may grow well, how to get started and what it takes to be successful. 2 – 3 p.m. Register by phone or online by January 20

24 • Saturday

31 • Saturday

Homemade Lavender Balm

Fabric Painting with Natural Dyes

Learn how to make a fragrant balm to help relieve those chapped lips and dry winter skin. This balm will be made from all natural materials, some that you may even have in your own garden! 10:30 a.m. – noon Fee: $5 Register beginning January 1 216-341-3152

Come to the center and learn how fabric dyes can be made from the food that we eat! Learn how simple it is to make non-toxic colorful dyes and create your own colorful tote bag. 10 – 11:30 a.m. Ages: 8 years & over with adult Fee: $5 Register by phone or online by January 1

To register, visit clevelandmetroparks.com

JANUARY PROGRAMS BY LOCATION Food Film Matinee: A Place at the Table

Why does obesity correlate with hunger? Why does a nation that grows so much food lack access to good nutrition? Join us for A Place at the Table and learn the answers. Rated PG. Snacks provided. 2 – 4 p.m.

Huntington Reservation 8 • Thursday Waterbird Survey

Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield on a stationary survey for waterfowl and gulls. Meet in the parking lot on the north side of Lake Road. After Huntington, we may move east to another location. 9:30 – 11 a.m. Terrain: flat, 0.5 mile 440-734-6660

18 • Sunday Waterbird Workshop: Gulls & Ducks

Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield at one of Cleveland’s best hotspots for observing an excellent diversity of waterfowl and gulls. Gull identification is complex, but sorting through these beautiful birds offers the chance for a rarity. 9:30 – 11 a.m. Edgewater by the fishing pier Terrain: flat, 0.5 mile 440-734-6660

31 • Saturday Winter Walk

Join us as we walk out to the overlook at Lakefront Nature Preserve formerly Dike 14 where we’ll see the frozen coastline of Lake Erie. We’ll look for evidence of animals that stay active during our winter months. 2 – 3 p.m. Lakefront Administration Offices Terrain: snow covered trail, 1 mile 216-881-8141 ext. 3005

eler and photographer. We’ll see that we truly live in a beautiful state. 2 – 3 p.m.

10 • Saturday Nature Journaling

Experience nature in a new way as we explore sights and sounds of the seasons. We’ll record our observations in a journal of our own creation. You may want to bring a camera. 1 – 3 p.m. Age: adults Fee: $15 Register by January 8 Second Saturday Storytelling

Start the year with traditional tales – some with a modern twist. Remember when people talked face-to-face without a digital device or video screen? Experience face-to-face storytelling entertainment again. You may share a tale of your own following refreshments. 7:30 – 9 p.m. Ages: adults, older students

11 • Sunday One Trail, Twelve Times in Pictures

In 2014, a group hiked the same trail once a month for a year, recording seasonal change. Experience the life of Sulphur Springs trail over a 12 month span via these photos. This indoor program will illustrate nature’s seasons and surprises. 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.

12 • Monday Look About Littles

Each week we’ll explore the magic of winter through outdoor exploration, working on a project and learning together. Meets Mondays January 12 – February 23 (excluding Jan. 19). Children should dress for both indoor and outdoor activities. 10 – 11:30 a.m. or 1 – 2:30 p.m. Ages: 3 ½ – 5 years with adult Fee: $50 for 6 weeks Terrain: easy, 0.25 mile Register online by January 8

Lakefront Reservation Look About Lodge 1 • Thursday Largest Lakefront Snowman and Winter Maze

Don’t miss the largest lakefront snowman and ONLY Winter Maze in Northeast Ohio. Test your knowledge of Lake Erie to navigate through the maze. Answering various trivia questions correctly, will lead you in the right direction. Come out and play this winter at Edgewater. Through January 31. 6 a.m. – 11 p.m. Edgewater 216-635-3200

10 • Saturday Snow Date

Bring your family and friends to play in the snow at Edgewater. We’ll have building tools to help you make snow sculptures and people. We’ll have hot chocolate to warm us up. 2 – 4 p.m. Upper Edgewater Pavilion 216-206-1000

Open for scheduled programs 37374 Miles Rd. Bentleyville 440-247-7075 South Chagrin Reservation

2 • Friday Winter Break Mini-Camp

Get the kids out of the house today and let them spend a whole day at South Chagrin Reservation. We’ll go for a hike, play games, make crafts, and play outside as much as possible. It will be a wintry blast! 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Ages: 6 – 8 years Fee: $20 Register online by December 29 440-473-3370

Look About Lodge Fireside Concert Series 7 – 8 p.m • $5 Come out of the cold to cozy Look About Lodge for our annual Fireside Concert Series. January 16 No Strangers Here (Irish) January 23 Brittany Reilly Band (bluegrass, American roots) January 30 Mike & Priscilla (oldies, current) February 6 Desmond & Molly (journey through the 60s) February 13 Red Brick Rhoades (Americana) Register by phone or online

3 • Saturday Cleveland Natural Science Club Beautiful Ohio

What better way to start off the new year than with pictures and commentary by D.J. Reiser, trav-



Look About Lodge continued

18 • Sunday Winter Overnight at the Lodge

Spend a beautiful winter night camping out in a log cabin. Designed for an adult and child together. We’ll enjoy activities, go on a snowy night hike and spend the night on the floor of Look About Lodge. More information sent when you register. 6:45 p.m. – 9 a.m. Ages: 7 years & over with adult Fee: $16 Terrain: rolling hills, 1.5 miles Register online by January 15

24 • Saturday Art in Nature Exhibit: Environment, Art, and Engaged Practice

View artwork created by the Cleveland Institute of Art students from their Environment, Art, and Engaged Practice class. Meet the instructor and students as they interpret their art-nature experience. Noon – 4 p.m.

25 • Sunday Art in Nature Exhibit: Environment, Art, and Engaged Practice (see 1/24 for details)

Mill Stream Run Reservation 4 • Sunday Your Parks, Your Stories

Share your heartwarming, funny, embarrassing, and/or silly stories that took place in Cleveland Metroparks over the past 100 years. Photos would put icing on the cake! Set up an interview today. Noon – 5 p.m. Chalet Recreation Area 440-786-8530 fcb@clevelandmetroparks.com Ice Fishing

Aquatic Biologist Mike Durkalec shares the ABCs of ice fishing. 24 Emerald Necklace January 2015

Learn proper technique, safety considerations, equipment, and more. Limited seats available first-come, first-serve. Program cancelled if inadequate ice-cover; call ahead to confirm. 1:30 – 3 p.m. Wallace Lake Picnic Area 440-734-6660

18 • Sunday

24 • Saturday

Is there a stranger in the woods? Find out how forest animals welcome a snowy friend. Listen to a story, then we’ll decorate the forest edge with animal treats. 1 – 2 p.m. Squire’s Castle parking lot Ages: 2 – 5 years with adult Terrain: forest edge, 0.25 mile 440-473-3370

Tracking 101

Can you identify a white-tailed deer track from a dog’s paw print? Join Naturalist Marty Calabrese for a beginner’s introduction to tracking using environmental clues left behind by the quiet critters of winter. 10 – 11 a.m. South Quarry Picnic Area Terrain: moderate, on-trail, 0.5 mile 440-734-6660

North Chagrin Reservation 4 • Sunday Chickadees at the Overlook

One of the joys of winter is discovering nature up-close and personal in the palm of your hand. Adults and children alike will delight in having these small songbirds land in their hands. After the hike and hand feeding, head over to the nature center for hot chocolate. 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. A.B. Williams Memorial Woods parking lot Ages: adults, families Terrain: may be icy, 1.25 miles 440-473-3370

17 • Saturday Emerald Necklace Hikers

Don’t feel comfortable navigating the trails on your own? Join us for this monthly hike to explore the Emerald Necklace, get some exercise and enjoy each other’s company. We’ll enjoy the beauty of the winter woods. 10 a.m. – noon Squire’s Castle Picnic Area Ages: adults Terrain: hills, moderate 440-526-1012

Chickadees at the Overlook (see 11/4 for details)

21 • Wednesday Little Explorers Story and Stroll

24 • Saturday Birds and Coffee

Brush up on your bird identification skills while enjoying a hot cup of coffee. Woodpeckers, chickadees and cardinals are expected visitors to our feeders. We’ll get a front row seat and close-up views through one-way glass windows. 9 – 10:30 a.m. Nature Education Building 440-473-3370

North Chagrin Nature Center Open daily 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 3037 SOM Center Rd. Willoughby Hills 440-473-3370

3 • Saturday Bird Walk

Explore wetlands, meadows and forest for raptors and other birds. Binoculars recommended, limited numbers available to loan. 9 – 10:30 a.m. Terrain: moderate, 1.5 – 2 miles

dee. Find food, avoid predators, and brave winter winds as you fly safely home. At the end of your journey, there’ll be hot chocolate waiting for you. Come out and play! Noon – 4 p.m. Ages: families Terrain: flat, some stairs, up to 2 miles

5 • Monday North Chagrin Nature Photography Club The Best of ‘14

It’s the best work you did all year. Now bring in 5 of them and tell us why you think so. And share your techniques. 8 – 9:30 p.m.

8 • Thursday Little Explorers Story and Stroll

Let’s hop, run and walk in snow and see what kind of tracks we make. Other animals leave their footprints in winter too. Join us for a story and some snowy outdoor fun. 10 – 11 a.m. Ages: 2 – 5 years with adult Terrain: flat, 0.25 mile

9 • Friday Family Friday Night: Marvelous Mammals!

Come see what kinds of mammals can be found in our neighborhoods and parks. In January, some mammals are active and some are sleeping, waiting for the warming days of spring. See and touch native mammal pelts and skulls, and get an up-close look at a live big brown bat! 7 – 8 p.m.

10 • Saturday Chickadee Trail (see 1/3 for details)

Chickadee Trail

Drop in for a “Choose Your Own Adventure” trail as you take on the role of a black-capped chicka-

To register, visit clevelandmetroparks.com


Saturday Night Specials 2015 North Chagrin Nature Center 7:30 – 9 p.m. Doors open at 7:15 p.m. Explore nature close to home and around the world by going on a photographic journey.

January 3 Five Million Steps: Thru-Hiking the Appalachian Trail Experience the challenging adventure of author Robert (Buckeye Flash) Grau’s 2,181 mile thru-hike from Georgia to Maine. Hear his life-changing story and see photos of his 14 state trek. Signed copies of Bob’s book available for purchase.

January 10 Sea Slugs of the Red Sea Sea slugs come in a dazzling array of shapes, sizes, colors and patterns – they are definitely not slimy. Join Muhammed Hassanali and discover the sea slug’s habitat, their evolutionary advantages, and a glimpse of the new maps for drugs that they offer scientists.

January 17 East Caribbean Islands of St. Kitts and Nevis View beautiful and amazing photos of St. Kitts intoxicating beauty and the natural beauty of the unspoiled sister Island, Nevis, shared by Alan Studt and Gale Franko.

January 24 High Plains Drifting Photographer Gary Meszaros takes you on a journey of the Nebraska Sandhills and Pawnee National Grasslands in Colorado. Enjoy stunning scenery and explore natural wonders of this western habitat.

January 31 Ecuadors Five Frog Creek Join Tim Krynak to explore Ecquador’s Five Frog Creek, a headwater stream of the Rio Santa Rosa and home to some of the rarest and most critically endangered frogs in the world. Learn about conservation efforts and new discoveries along the way.

17 • Saturday Junior Naturalist

Join us the third Saturday of every month in 2015 for this free kids program. In January, we’ll explore the characteristics of our common winter birds and discover how they stay warm all year long. 10 – 11 a.m. Ages: 6 – 10 years with adult Register online by January 14 Dog Hike

Bring your best furry friend to the park for some exercise and socialization. All dogs must be leashed. 2 – 3:30 p.m. Terrain: moderate, some steep hills, 2.5 – 3 miles Chickadee Trail (see 11/3 for details)

19 • Monday North Chagrin Nature Photography Club Westwood Ho!

Join Dick Gold for a ramble through the Rockies, including a trip to Yellowstone. A real Rocky Mountain High! 8 – 9:30 p.m.

23 • Friday

Friday Movie Night

Tonight’s movie: The Wolf: Legendary Outlaw. Popcorn will be served. Doors open at 7:15 p.m. 7:30 – 8:45 p.m. Ages: adults, families with older children

24 • Saturday Chickadee Trail (see 11/3 for details)

Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation 27 • Tuesday Get Outside & Go

Get yourself out of the house on what will certainly be a lovely winter day. Do not forget to dress in layers so that you can maintain a comfortable temperature as we work up a sweat. 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Bacci parking lot Terrain: snow covered trail, 4 – 5 miles 216-206-1000

Rocky River Reservation 3 • Saturday Emerald Necklace Art Club: Monthly Meeting

Draw and paint with us! Members of the Emerald Necklace Art Club are invited to bring their favorite medium as we appreciate the signs of the season. Not a member? Sign up at clevelandmetroparks.com/enartclub 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Ages: adult 440-734-6660

10 • Saturday Olmsted Historical Society Winter Farmers Market

In the event barn, we will feature local farmers, producers, artisans and vendors who grow and/or produce their own goods. Each growing season represented by different farmers. 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Frostville Museum 330-592-6518 or olmstedhistoricalsociety.org

24 • Saturday Winter Farmers Market (see 1/10 for details)



Rocky River Nature Center Open daily 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 24000 Valley Parkway North Olmsted 440-734-6660

1 • Thursday Gallery Wall: Don Altemus

Cleveland Metroparks retired Naturalist Don Altemus showcases some of his amazing paintings of local wildlife created years ago. Rediscover Don’s beautiful images of the nature of Cleveland Metroparks. Through January 31. 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

5 • Monday Southwest Camera Club Australia and New Zealand

Club member, John Holian, takes us on a detailed excursion “down under.” Join us for an exciting trip through his eyes to these exotic lands. 7:30 – 9 p.m.

6 • Tuesday Small Wonders

The Small Wonders drop-off preschool program is back in session – winter style. We’ll explore all that winter shares with us through hands-on discovery, literature, music, crafts and outdoor exploration. We’ll discover snowflakes, birds and more. Tuesdays Jan. 6 – Feb. 24 9:30 – 11:30 or 1 – 3 p.m. Ages: 4 – 6 years Registration begins December 26 Fee: $80 Register by phone or online Trout Unlimited Steelheading our Local Waters

Join us for an evening with expert Jeff Liskay, who has spent many years exploring the waters of the Great Lakes and is also a Patagonia Fishing Ambassador. He is actively involved in angler access issues in northern Ohio. 7 – 9 p.m.

Western Cuyahoga Audubon Society The Return of the Great Blue

For over fifteen years, citizen scientists, Peg Bobel and Andrea Irland, have monitored the great blue heron nesting colony in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. They will explain their monitoring methodology and results and share what they’ve learned about these magnificent birds. 7:30 p.m.

10 • Saturday Winter Bird Identification

Join Naturalist Min Keung in this indoor program about how to identify winter birds. We will gain skills in how to identify common winter birds and sounds. Afterwards, spend some time looking at our bird feeding area through our observation window. 1 – 2 p.m. Cabin Fever Hike

Tired of being cooped up? Get outdoors for brisk exercise and fresh air while enjoying the beauty of winter on a hike with Naturalist Kathy Schmidt. Hikers may call the nature center beforehand to check on trail conditions. 2 – 3:30 p.m. Terrain: hill, stairs, 2 miles

Rocky River Nature Center 7:30 – 9 p.m. (doors open 6:45 p.m.) This January and February, spend your Friday nights with nature! Take an armchair journey to a variety of world locations and explore the delicate yet sometimes harsh beauty of nature, or discover the culture and heritage of our cousins around the globe. January 9

Karen Beck – Maine’s Inextinguishable Lights

January 16

Ed Kowalski – Climbing Mt. Robinson

January 23

Chris Kuhar – The Once and Future Zoo

January 30

Dave Dvorek – Santa Fe Trail

February 6

Pat Coy and Karin Tanquist – A Year in Botswana

February 13 Muhammed Hassanali – Sea Slugs of the Red Sea February 20 John Holian – The Land Down Under: Australia and New Zealand February 27 Travis White – Travis White Secrets of Sarguaro National Park Don’t miss the adventures!

11 • Sunday Bird Banding at Rocky River Nature Center

Better than binoculars, see intricate details of birds as we capture and band birds from the feeder. Learn about bird banding, an essential tool for learning about our feathered friends. Program cancelled during rain. Drop in any time between: 9:30 a.m. – noon Winter Walk-A-Round

What’s happening around Rocky River Nature Center? Join Naturalist Min Keung for a winter walk-a-round to find out. May be ice and snow covered. 1 – 2 p.m. Terrain: some stairs, 1 mile

To register, visit clevelandmetroparks.com 26 Emerald Necklace January 2015

Friday Nights With Nature

School of the Wilds West: Demystifying Bird Migration

Join Cleveland Metroparks Naturalist Jen Brumfield for a full overview of the spectacle of bird migration, including current tracking methods with transmitters and radar. Learn about Project SnowStorm (Snowy Owl migration) and how to predict migration movements by increasing your knowledge of weather patterns. 2 – 4 p.m.

12 • Monday Little Explorers: Woodpeckers

Big and little explorers are invited to learn about our woodpeckers who visit our feeders looking for

food. Join us for music, stories, crafts and outdoor exploration. 10 – 11:15 a.m. or 1 – 2:15 p.m. Ages: 3 – 5 years with adult Terrain: mostly flat, 0.5 mile Register by phone or online January 1 – 9 Chair Caning Class

Are you a “do-it-yourselfer” who’d like to try re-caning an old chair? Students bring their own structurally sound chairs to re-cane. Louise Grant guides you through the seven-step caning method during this three night class. Some homework. Classes are January 12, 26 and February, 2 7 – 9 p.m. Fee: $75 Registration begins December 26

JANUARY PROGRAMS BY LOCATION Cuyahoga Astronomical Association Shooting the Stars

Greater Cleveland Beekeepers Association Varroa Mites

Matt Franduto will discuss photo techniques and equipment he used to create his annual astrophotography calendar for 2015. The calendar contains photos of various stellar objects. 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.

Nobody wants to see Varroa Mites in their hive. Lorain County Bee Inspector Tim Moore will discuss these mites and what you can do to avoid them. 7 – 9 p.m.

14 • Wednesday

19 • Monday

Northern Ohio Association of Herpetologists Blanding’s Turtles

Blanding’s Turtles are known for their vibrant color and perpetual smile, but this charismatic turtle faces an uncertain future. Join us as Owen Lockhart from Cleveland Metroparks Natural Resources tells us about local efforts to study and save this state threatened species. 7 – 9 p.m.

Evergreen Extravaganza

Enjoy a day off school exploring the winter woods searching for the many evergreens showcasing their beautiful green needles. We will learn ID techniques, play some games and discover what is happening in the winter woods. 10 – 11:30 a.m. Ages 6 – 9 years Fee: $5 Register by phone or online January 1 – 15

Southwest Camera Club Digital and Slide Competition

The category is nature and the subcategories are animals and birds. Bring your prints to the meeting to be entered into the competition. 7:30 – 9 p.m.

24 • Saturday Cabin Fever Hike (see 1/10 for details)

25 • Sunday Winter Tree Identification

Join Naturalist Min Keung to gain skills in basic winter tree identification. We will have a short indoor session, and then go outside for a short walk to learn trees. May be ice and snow covered. 10 – 11 a.m. Terrain: paved, 0.5 mile

schoolers. We discover the winter snow and ice through experiments, music and fun activities. 11 – 11:30 a.m. Ages: 2 – 6 years with adult Terrain: flat, 0.5 mile

South Chagrin Reservation 10 • Saturday Good Ol’ Fashion Nature Hike

Join Naturalist Stefanie Verish for a traditional nature hike in the winter woods. As we walk the trails, we will search for signs of the season. 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. The Arboretum Terrain: moderate, some hills, 1.5 miles 440-247-7075

River Poets

Geology Weekend Rocky River Nature Center ROCKS with ROCKS Extreme Fossil Road Show Saturday, January 17 • 1 – 3 p.m. North Coast Fossil Club members help identify your fossil finds. Bring as much information as possible about where your fossils were found. Enjoy displays by club members of their 2014 collections from throughout North America. Learn more at www.ncfclub.org or call 440-777-4820.

Gems and Jewels of the World Sunday, January 18 • 1 - 4:30 p.m. Oooh and ahhh over beautiful gems. Parma Lapidary Club members demonstrate faceting, cabbing, wire wrapping, silversmithing, and other skills that turn the earth’s rocks, minerals and metals from drab to delightful. View mineral collections, listen to unique presentations about mineralogy, and watch artisans at work. Cleveland ROCKS, and so does Cleveland Metroparks!

Join the River Poets as we gather to read outstanding nature poetry. Share a sample from your favorite poet or read one of your own creations. This is not mandatory; listeners are encouraged to join us. Noon – 1 p.m. Ages: adults Cabin Fever Busters

Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield and bring the family out for a refreshing walk through the wintry woods along the great Rocky River, seeking remarkable wildlife that use extraordinary methods to survive our winters. 1 – 2 p.m. Terrain: relatively flat, 1 mile

Washington Reservation 3 • Saturday Resolution Walk

Is your resolution to improve your physical well-being? If, so let us help start your year on the right path. Come take a walk to get you moving and on your way to a healthy you! 2 – 3 p.m. Arborview Picnic Shelter parking lot Terrain: paved, slippery, moderate, 1 mile 216-206-1000

11 • Sunday

River Readers

Join the River Readers as they review Brotherhood by the Chopra brothers; two physicians with two different life journeys of healing. Listeners always welcome. 2 – 4 p.m. Ages: adults

28 • Wednesday Discovering Nature: Snow

Join Naturalist Bev Walborn on an outdoor adventure just for pre-

Towpath Dog Walk

We will venture off the towpath and walk through Washington Reservation on the All Purpose Trail and enjoy a brisk winter stroll with your furry friend. Dress for the weather. 10 – 11 a.m. Arborview Picnic Shelter Terrain: paved, slippery, moderate, 1 mile 216-206-1000



3 • Saturday

may bring through field guides, multimedia, lecture and hands-on activity. Participants will receive their own book, and must come to all three sessions. The first two sessions (1/15 & 1/16) will be followed by a field trip to WKYC Channel 3. Space is limited. 7 – 9 p.m. Ages: 16 years & over Fee: $15 singles/$25 couples Register by phone or online by January 13

Mammals of West Creek Drop-by

16 • Friday

Watershed Stewardship Center Sunday Noon – 4:30 p.m. Tuesday– Saturday 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 2277 W. Ridgewood Dr., Parma 440-887-1968 West Creek Reservation

Learn about local wildlife through touch and sight as a naturalist displays and explains a large variety of mammal specimens and bio-facts in this kid-friendly dropby. Make a take-home craft. 1 – 3:30 p.m.

9 • Friday

Friday Film: Chasing Ice

Our Friday Film series kicks off with the stunningly beautiful Chasing Ice, which earned a cinematography award at the Sundance Film Festival and was nominated for an Academy Award. Taking years to complete, this documentary captures undeniable evidence of our rapidly changing climate. 7 – 8:30 p.m.

14 • Wednesday

Exploring Macroinvertebrates

Take a close look at the critters in streams. Learn about macroinvertebrates and their adaptations for survival from Claire Weldon, Cleveland Metroparks Aquatic Research Coordinator. 6 – 7:30 p.m. Ages: adults, teens accompanied by adults Registration encouraged by phone or online

15 • Thursday

For Adults Only: Meteorology I

From the foundation of the hydrologic cycle all the way to forecasting, this three-part program will take the mystery out of meteorology. We will learn about cloud classification, air pressure, and what our changing climate

For Adults Only: Meteorology II (see 1/15 for details)

17 • Saturday For Adults Only: Meteorology III (see 1/15 for details)

24 • Saturday Meet the Flockers Drop-by

Drop by the Watershed Stewardship Center – warm up by the fire and watch winter birds flock to our feeders and wetlands. A naturalist will be on hand to help you with identification and Project FeederWatch tips. Enjoy crafting a pinecone bird feeder to create a better backyard. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

West Creek Reservation 2 • Friday Nature Detectives: Where Did Everyone Go?

It’s cold and snowy out, and our animal friends seem to have disappeared! Let’s take a hike and discuss which animals are still around, which are hiding, and which have left. So grab your hat and your best friend and let’s solve the mystery! 2 – 4 p.m. Monarch Bluff Picnic Area Terrain: moderate, 3.5 miles 440-887-1968

10 • Saturday

Moon Glow Hike

Enjoy a mystical evening walking through the sparkling snow-covered park, in the glowing light of the moon. Perhaps we’ll encounter some night-time creatures that will accompany us along the way. 7 – 8:30 p.m. Monarch Bluff Picnic Area Terrain: varied, moderate, 3 miles 440-887-1968

for the weather. Warm drinks provided afterward. 1 – 3 p.m. Monarch Bluff Picnic Area Terrain: level, 1.5 miles 440-887-1968

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Daily Keeper for a Day

17 • Saturday Do You Want To Build A Snowman?

It doesn’t have to be a snowman. You can create whatever snow creation you’d like! A snow fox, snow bear, snow snake, snow fish! Don’t let the winter blues get you down. Let it go and come have some fun in the snow! Cancelled if no snow. 1 – 3 p.m. Monarch Bluff Picnic Area Terrain: easy 440-887-1968

28 • Wednesday Nature Detective: Who’s Been Here?

Winter is an excellent time to find traces of animal presence; from footprints to droppings. Let’s learn to identify the signs of our woodland neighbors as we track down their tracks, to solve who’s been here! Wear boots. 2 – 4 p.m. Monarch Bluff Picnic Area Terrain: moderate, on- and offtrail, 3.5 miles 440-887-1968

31 • Saturday

What’s Under the Ice?

Get a snapshot of the health of West Creek with Naturalist Mark Warman. Lower a bucket into the creek to take water quality samples. Learn about citizen science through water monitoring. Dress

Become a part of the specialized care that Zoo animals receive for a hands-on experience you won’t forget. 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Fee: $200 Registration required clevelandmetroparks.com/zoo/ learn1.aspx

Tuesday - Sunday Inside Tracks

Learn fun-filled facts on animal care, behavior, conservation and explore five animal areas on a golf cart. May include training sessions and get-close opportunities with animals, and behindthe-scenes tours. 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Fee: $50 Registration required clevelandmetroparks.com/zoo/ learn1.aspx

4 • Sunday Family Discoveries Animal Enrichment

Bring the entire family for a special Zoo experience featuring hands-on activities and guided tours. 9 – 10:30 a.m. Ages: families Fee: $15/$10 zoo member Registration required clevelandmetroparks.com/zoo/ learn1.aspx 216-635-3391

To register, visit clevelandmetroparks.com 28 Emerald Necklace January 2015

JANUARY PROGRAMS BY LOCATION 6 • Tuesday Preschool Safari Ready for Reptiles

Special hands-on activities and a Get Close animal encounter geared just for kids. 10 – 11:30 a.m. Ages: families, 5 years & under Fee: $15/$10 zoo member Registration required clevelandmetroparks.com/zoo/ learn1.aspx 216-635-3391

7 • Wednesday Family Discoveries The Wonderful World of Wolves

Bring the entire family for a special Zoo experience featuring hands-on activities and guided tours. 9 – 10:30 a.m. Ages: families Fee: $15/$10 zoo member Registration required clevelandmetroparks.com/zoo/ learn1.aspx 216-635-3391

9 • Friday Career Day

Have a wild experience exploring the professional fields of animal care, veterinary medicine and conservation education. Get close to small animals, meet with Zoo staff, take a behind-thescenes tour and get an up-close look at the real work involved with an exciting Zoo career. 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Ages: grades 5 – 8 Fee: $50/$45 zoo members Registration required clevelandmetroparks.com/zoo/ learn1.aspx 216-635-3391

13 • Tuesday Homeschool Program Rainforests

These fun and interactive programs complement science curriculums for homeschooled students. 10 – 11:30 a.m. grades K – 3 Noon – 1:30 p.m. grades 4 – 8

Fee: $$10/$8 zoo member Registration required clevelandmetroparks.com/zoo/ learn1.aspx 216-635-3391

14 • Wednesday Preschool Safari Ready for Reptiles (see 1/6 for details)

17 • Saturday Boy Scout Vet Badge Overnight at the Zoo

Would you like to sleep over at the Zoo, hike the park at night, get close to the animals and take a behind-the-scenes tour? Then round up your pack, troop, horde, pride, colony or herd and plan an event they’ll never forget! 7 p.m. – 10 a.m. Fee: $38 Registration required clevelandmetroparks.com/zoo/ learn1.aspx 216-635-3391

23 • Friday Cub Scout Wildlife Conservation Badge Overnight at the Zoo

(see 1/17 for details) 7 p.m. – 10 a.m. Fee: $38 Registration required clevelandmetroparks.com/zoo/ learn1.aspx 216-635-3391

27 • Tuesday Preschool Safari Amazing Amphibians

Special hands-on activities and a Get Close animal encounter geared just for kids. 10 – 11:30 a.m. Ages: families, 5 years & under Fee: $15/$10 zoo member Registration required clevelandmetroparks.com/zoo/ learn1.aspx 216-635-3391

31 • Saturday Girl Scout Bugs and Habitats Badge Overnight at the Zoo

(see 1/17 for details) 7 p.m. – 10 a.m. Fee: $38 Registration required clevelandmetroparks.com/zoo/ learn1.aspx 216-635-3391

Cleveland Metroparks is proud to serve the following products.

Winter fun – Mill Stream Run Reservation 29


A Look Ahead

Birds of Prey Weekend Birds of Prey Weekend Saturday and Sunday, February 7 & 8 Rocky River Nature Center Rocky River Reservation Enjoy a close-up view of a live bird of prey! Join us to learn about these flying hunters during two days focused on hawks, owls and eagles. Activities include an ice carving demonstration, a visit with falconers practicing the ancient art of falconry, a hike to look for Rocky River’s eagles, and a visit with live hawks, owls and falcons. 440-734-6660

30 Emerald Necklace January 2015

For the Love of the Outdoors Winter Rendezvous February 14 • 9:30 a.m. start Big Met Golf Course, Rocky River Reservation Grab your sweetheart, a friend, or family member for an unordinary race this Valentine’s Day. With at least 4” of snow, racers will snowshoe, cross-country ski, and run on a set, untimed course. Not enough snow? All racers will run or walk. Hot cocoa, soup, and a Valentine’s Day token for each participant while supplies last. Reserve cross-country skis and snowshoes for $10 at 216-341-1704. 10 years & over with participating adult Individual $20 Group of 2: $30 Group of 3 – 4: $45


The Burning River 100 Race to Benefit Cleveland Metroparks Trails! Saturday, July 25 Run on the beautiful trails in Cleveland Metroparks, Cuyahoga Valley National Park and Summit Metroparks. Race on behalf of Cleveland Metroparks Trails Fund. By committing to raise funds for Cleveland Metroparks Trails Fund, you can help to support trail rehabilitation throughout the Park District’s nearly 23,000 miles and you are no longer responsible for paying the race fee! http://www.westernreserveracing.com/events/burning-river-100/

Cleveland Metroparks Directory Administrative Offices

216-635-3200/general Cleveland Metroparks information - 24-hours a day. 4101 Fulton Parkway Cleveland, OH 44144 clevelandmetroparks.com 24-hour Job Hotline 216-635-3211 Brochures/Maps/Emerald Necklace 216-635-3200 Permits/Picnic Area Reservations 216-635-3304 Volunteer Services 440-253-2142

Ranger Headquarters

4600 Valley Parkway Fairview Park 440-331-5530

Accidents or Emergencies 440-333-4911 Parkway Alert Line (PAL) 440-331-5963

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo & The RainForest 216-661-6500/24-hour information. 3900 Wildlife Way Cleveland, OH 44109 clemetzoo.com

Office of the Zoo Executive Director 216-635-3331 Education Programs/Volunteers 216-635-3391 Travel Programs 216-661-6500 ext 4356 Marketing & Public Relations 216-635-3229 School Group Reservations 216-635-3391 Groups/Parties/Private Events/ Facility Rentals 216-635-3304 Cleveland Zoological Society 216-661-6500, ext. 4421

Outdoor Recreation Acacia Facility Acacia Reservation 26899 Cedar Road Lyndhurst Food Service/Catering: Dino’s 216-342-4767

Chalet/Tobogganing Mill Stream Run Reservation Strongsville 440-572-9990 Cross Country Ski Rental 440-331-1070 Rivergate Facility 1785 Merwin Ave Cleveland 216-341-1704 Food Service/Catering: Merwin’s Wharf 216-664-5696


Golf Tee Reservations (24 hours) and directions, hours, fees etc. 216-635-3673 clevelandmetroparks.com Golf Services – general course info 440-232-7247 Big Met Golf Course Rocky River Reservation 4811 Valley Parkway Fairview Park 440-331-1070 Food Service/Catering: Big Met Grille 440-333-5575 Little Met Golf Course Rocky River Reservation 18599 Old Lorain Road Cleveland 216-941-9672 Manakiki Golf Course North Chagrin Reservation 35501 Eddy Road Willoughby Hills 440-942-2500 Food Service/Catering: Dino’s 216-342-4767 Mastick Woods Golf Course Rocky River Reservation 19900 Puritas Road Cleveland 216-267-5626 Food Service/Catering: Double Eagle Cafe 216-267-5626 Seneca Golf Course Brecksville Reservation 975 Valley Parkway Broadview Heights 440-526-0043 Food Service/Catering: Back 9 Grille 440-546-1555 Shawnee Hills Golf Course Bedford Reservation 18753 Egbert Road Bedford 440-232-7184 Food Service/Catering: Shawnee Hills Grille 440-786-7587 Sleepy Hollow Golf Course Brecksville Reservation 9445 Brecksville Road Brecksville 440-526-4285 Food Service/Catering: Theo’s of Sleepy Hollow 440-546-1555 Washington Golf Course Washington Reservation 3841 Washington Park Blvd. Newburgh Heights 216-641-1864 The First Tee of Cleveland 216-641-7799

Outdoor Experiences

Outdoor Experiences Administration 216-881-8141 ext. 3005 Outdoor Recreation 216-341-1704 Historical Interpretation 440-786-8530 Voyageur Canoe Paddle Wallace/Hinckley Lakes 440-786-8530 NatureTracks Education Unit/EcoExplorers 440-331-8111 Youth Outdoors 216-206-1010

Education Centers CanalWay Center Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation 4524 E. 49th Street Cuyahoga Heights 216-206-1000 Brecksville Nature Center Brecksville Reservation 9000 Chippewa Creek Drive Brecksville 440-526-1012 Garfield Park Center Garfield Park Reservation 11350 Broadway Avenue Garfield Heights 216-341-3152 North Chagrin Nature Center North Chagrin Reservation 3037 SOM Center Road Willloughby Hills 440-473-3370 Rocky River Nature Center Rocky River Reservation 24000 Valley Parkway North Olmsted 440-734-6660 Look About Lodge South Chagrin Reservation 37374 Miles Rd. Bentleyville 440-247-7075 Watershed Stewardship Center at West Creek West Creek Reservation 2277 W. Ridgewood Dr. Parma 440-887-1968

Retail Nature Shops Hinckley Lake Boathouse & Store Hinckley 330-278-2160 North Chagrin Nature Center Mayfield Village 440-449-0511 Rocky River Nature Center North Olmsted 440-734-7576 Watershed Stewardship Center Parma 440-253-2170

Boating Emerald Necklace Marina Rocky River Reservation 1500 Scenic Park Drive Lakewood 216-226-3030 Food Service/Catering: Emerald Necklace Marina Grille 216-228-2233 Kayak Rentals 41° North Coastal Kayak Adventures Rocky River Reservation 1-866-529-2541 Hinckley Lake Boathouse & Store Hinckley Reservation West Drive, Hinckley Lake Hinckley Township 330-278-2160 Wallace Lake Mill Stream Run Reservation Valley Parkway, south of Bagley Road, Berea Quarry Rock Café 440-826-1682


440-331-8111 Hotline 216-635-3383 Edgewater Park Lakefront Reservation Cleveland eats & treats Hinckley Lake Hinckley Reservation Hinckley Township Huntington Beach Huntington Reservation Bay Village The Hut Ledge Pool & Recreation Area Hinckley Reservation Hinckley Township Ledge Rock Café Wallace Lake Mill Stream Run Reservation Berea Quarry Rock Café

Cleveland Metroparks Affiliates, Clubs and Concessionaires Achievement Centers for Children Camp Cheerful 440-238-6200 Mill Stream Run Reservation BAYarts Huntington Reservation 440-871-6543 bayarts.net Vento 440-835-4530 Brecksville Historical Society Brecksville Reservation 440-526-7165 Brecksville Stables Brecksville Reservation 440-526-6767 brecksvillestables.com Brooklyn Exchange Cabin Hinckley Reservation 330-577-8882 exchangecabin@gmail.com Chagrin Valley Trails and Riding Club South Chagrin Reservation 216-635-3200 Cleveland Archery Club 216-635-3200 Cleveland Natural Science Club 440-247-4005 or 440-247-0151 Huntington Playhouse Huntington Reservation 440-871-8333 huntingtonplayhouse.com Lake Erie Nature & Science Center Huntington Reservation 440-871-2900 lensc.org Olmsted Historical Society Rocky River Reservation 216-501-3345 olmstedhistoricalsociety.org Rocky River Stables Rocky River Reservation 216-267-2525 valleyriding.org Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Lake Erie Nature & Science Center Bay Village 440-471-8357

Affiliates are supported, but not operationally-funded, by Cleveland Metroparks. These outstanding non-profit organizations depend on class fees, special events, benefactor initiatives, and your financial support to operate. Your contributions and volunteer service are encouraged.


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Cleveland Foundation Day of Family Fun Chalet Recreation Area Tuesday, December 30

The Cleveland Foundation’s final centennial gift to the community is a Day of Family Fun, providing free healthy activities throughout Northeast Ohio.


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Free tobogganing at the Chalet Special tours and activities at Cuyahoga Valley National Park Free ice-skating at The Rink at Wade Oval in University Circle Free ice-skating at the City of Cleveland’s Halloran Park, free roller skating at Zelma George Recreation Center and extended hours at all 20 city recreation centers Free admission and special programming at all 12 YMCA of Greater Cleveland branches.

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After tobogganing, there’s plenty to see and do at the Chalet - ice fishing, ice carving and dog sled demonstrations, a snow sculpture and crafts. Come out and enjoy winter. ​ 440-734-6660


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