Emerald Necklace - March 2012

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Emerald Necklace

March ‘12 Vol. 61 # 3


Featuring Cleveland Metroparks program guide and events

Return of the Buzzards

Maple Sugaring

Also: Institute of the Great Outdoors Catalog

Contents Special Events 3 Buzzards, Buzzards, Buzzards!

Features 22 Coyote, Cousin of the Wolf

Columns 4 Notes from the Field 5 Naturalist’s Almanac 14 Zoo News

In Addition 2 Trails For The Next Generation 6 Inside the Emerald Necklace 11 Cleveland Metroparks Golf Season Tees Off 12 Get on the Fast Track with These Golf Courses 17 Institute of the Great Outdoors 23 Events by Location 24 Events Calendar 32 Directory

All photos by Casey Batule or Cleveland Metroparks photo archive unless otherwise noted.

Emerald Necklace Published monthly by:

Cleveland Metroparks 216-635-3200 TTY 216-351-0808 clevelandmetroparks.com Paulette Welch Editor

Erie Reproduction Graphic Design

RR Donnelley Printing

Board of Park Commissioners Bruce G. Rinker Dan T. Moore President


Debra K. Berry Vice-President

Brian M. Zimmerman

Executive Director-Secretary

For editorial questions or comments, contact Paulette Welch at 216-635-3205. Cleveland Metroparks does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age or disability in employment, services or access to programs or activities. Special assistance for Cleveland Metroparks programs or facilities is available by calling 216-635-3264 in advance.



Emerald Necklace, March 2012

Trails For The Next Generation Where do Cleveland Metroparks trails take you? To a quiet place in the woods to relax and rejuvenate? Or on an invigorating bike ride? Or on a long distance run leading to your next marathon? Cleveland Metroparks trail system was part of the Park District’s original plan, and remains one of the region’s greatest assets. More than 270 miles of trails exist throughout the Park District’s over 21,000 acres. Approximately 70% of park visitors have indicated that trails are the primary reason they visit one of Cleveland Metroparks reservations. During the past year, Cleveland Metroparks began analyzing its trail system to determine the best way to minimize natural resource impact and maintenance while maximizing user enjoyment. As a result, Cleveland Metroparks has begun rehabilitating the trails surrounding the Royalview Picnic Area in Mill Stream Run Reservation through funding from its Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund and will subsequently expand its trail renovation efforts throughout the Park District in the coming years. To further its upcoming trail rehabilitation, Cleveland Metroparks established a new Trails Fund through leadership gifts from the Cleveland West Road Runner Club, Cleveland Area Mountain Bike Association, Ray’s Indoor Mountain Bike Park, and Spin Bike Shop. Contributions to the Trails Fund will support all aspects of trail rehabilitation. Donations may be made by visiting clevelandmetroparks.com and clicking donate, or through a check payable to Cleveland Metroparks sent to: Gift and Donor Development, Cleveland Metroparks, 4101 Fulton Parkway, Cleveland, Ohio 44144. Please specify Trails Fund. Donations to the Trails Fund are also a meaningful way to honor a special runner, hiker or biker while helping to conserve and enhance Cleveland Metroparks. For more information about including Cleveland Metroparks Trails Fund in your estate plans, or to discuss other kinds of giving, contact Karen Kannenberg, CFRE, manager of gift and donor development, at 216-635-3217 or kjk@clevelandmetroparks.com.

Buzzards, Buzzards, Buzzards! Annual Return of the Buzzards Thursday, March 15 • 7 a.m. - ??? Buzzard Roost, Hinckley Reservation, Hinckley We’re all buzzard spotters! The buzzards are bringing spring back north to Cleveland Metroparks Hinckley Reservation. Join Official Buzzard Spotter Dr. Bob Hinkle to welcome back the world-famous buzzards to Cleveland Metroparks on March 15. The buzzard watch begins at 7 a.m. and continues until the first buzzard is spotted and everyone cheers their return (last year the first buzzard was spotted at 8:28 a.m.) Be sure to bring cameras and a sense of humor. And remember, “No one spots a buzzard until the Official Buzzard Spotter spots one first!”

Buzzard Sunday! Sunday, March 18 • 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Buzzard Roost, Hinckley Reservation, Hinckley Celebrate the first unofficial sign of spring at Buzzard Sunday! Turkey vulture fans from far and wide gather at Buzzard Roost to cheer on the buzzards return and welcome spring back to Northern Ohio.

Buzzard Sunday! activities include: Hikes and Tours Hikes - 9:15 a.m., 10:45 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. Bus Tours of Hinckley Reservation - 10:15 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 12:15 p.m. & 1:15 p.m. Platform Presentations Live Birds of Prey Programs - 10 a.m., 11:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. Tent Activities Buzzard Bingo - 9 a.m., 10 a.m., 11 a.m., noon, 1 p.m. & 2 p.m. Live Music with Cleveland Metroparks Foster Brown 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. Buzzard Puppet Show - 10:30 a.m., noon, & 1:30 p.m.

Exhibits & Other Activities Wingspan Display Buzzard Mural Photo Opportunity Buzzard Scoreboard Institute of the Great Outdoors Voyageur Encampment Buzzard Net - Bean Bag Toss EarthWords Nature Shop selling unique buzzard merchandise! Refreshments available for a fee.

Hinkle Retires Public Invited to Wish Him Well on Buzzard Sunday! Dr. Bob Hinkle, the Official Buzzard Spotter, recently retired after 30 years as Cleveland Metroparks Chief Naturalist. The public is invited to come out to Buzzard Sunday! to stop by and wish Dr. Bob well on his new adventures!

FREE shuttle bus service from the Bath House parking lot and Whipp’s Ledges parking lot to Buzzard Roost. For more information, call 440-526-1012. Buzzard Roost is located at the corner of State Road and West Drive in Hinckley Reservation, in Hinckley Township - south of Route 303. 3

Notes from the Field

Woodchucks, Woodcocks and Wood Frogs March breezes whisper hints of change through the valleys and fields of Cleveland Metroparks. March is a month of new beginnings, as skies turn blue and winds grow warmer by the day. It will rain this month, of course, but it is said that the rains of March awaken all of nature. Though February 2 was officially Groundhog Day, in March every day is groundhog day. Last month the sleepy males awakened to begin their search for prospective mates. Tracks in the snow lead through the forest and out to forest edges as groggy groundhogs sniff each potential burrow and note the locations of the objects of their desire. After a few days, most of the mollified male chucks will return to their winter burrows for a few more days’ sleep, awaiting the return of warmer days and the emergence of lady woodchucks in mid-March. In the world of woodchucks, then, the month of March is like Friday night in the Flats in days gone by. Amorous male chucks return, sniffing, to females’ burrows identified earlier to see if their potential lady loves might be interested in continuing the species. Eventually most are, and by early May, little woodchucks can be seen feeding close behind their mothers along Cleveland Metroparks roadsides, parkways and picnic areas. By luck, Cleveland Metroparks straddles the dividing line between the eastern and central races of woodchucks, with those in northern and eastern reservations showing mostly rusty-red belly fur and those in the south and west reservations largely showing silver belly fur. In March, after the snow is largely gone, I return to places like Jackson Field or Shadow Lake in South Chagrin Reservation, the Overlook in Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation, or Royalview Picnic Area in Mill Stream Run Reservation to listen for the first returning American woodcock. A professor once told me that woodcocks were made from leftover parts of other shorebirds. Their bodies are round and well-camouflaged, the legs are not so long as those of most other 4


Emerald Necklace, March 2012

shorebirds, and their long, narrow beak is almost as long as the bird itself. And then there’s the part about woodcocks being a shorebird, but living nowhere near the shore. Woodcocks are not easy to find. Small, shy and secretive, they live most of their lives amidst heavy cover in wet, muddy places with dense shrubbery. In March, however, as the first wave of woodcocks returns to Cleveland Metroparks, they announce their presence each evening at dusk. When the sun sets, and twilight falls, a time is reached when just enough light is left for the sky dance, the spring mating display of the woodcock. Males will fly in to open fields, usually with scattered shrubs nearby, and alight on the ground to begin. Shuffling in a small circle, they take a deep breath and call a loud long “…. PEENT….PEENT….PEENT…,” each call given in a different direction. If the little male is fortunate, a lady woodcock will fly in to greet him, and the peenting stops. Usually, though, she does not, and after a short while he decides to take to the air, all the better to spread the sound of his presence far and wide. He jumps into the air and begins flight in a series of spirals upward, each higher than the other, this time emitting a high-pitched twittering sound made by his wing feathers. As he climbs higher and higher into the evening sky, he becomes just a speck of dark against the darkening sky, and his twitters grow ever higher in pitch, until at the top of his spiraling flight his twitters change to a rich, melodious, warbling sound, and, as if shot, he falls towards the ground. If we are careful, we will see his fall, and delight that just before he crashes to earth, he pops out his little wings like a parachute, steers to the exact spot he left, and begins to call “….PEENT….PEENT…PEENT.” After only a few flights, darkness overtakes him, and he stops for the night, returning to heavy cover to rest. Once the little guy returns, he repeats this performance each evening, and again each morning, in the dusky twilight until finally either darkness or dawn overtakes him, from March through most of April. The American woodcocks bring spring back to Cleveland Metroparks. They are the second symbol of March.

Naturalist’s Almanac


Also in March, sometimes even before all the ice has completely left small ponds in the forest, the wood frogs commence to sing. Spring peepers can be heard nearly every month of the year, but March is the month of wood frogs, and standing on the bank of a spring vernal pond amidst a full chorus of these blaring amphibians makes an evening long-remembered. Smaller than my thumb and distinctive by a dark triangle behind each eye, they are easily recognized by their simple call. They quack like ducks. Not just one or two ducks, like you hear at Sunset Pond in North Chagrin Reservation, but hundreds and thousands of ducks, all quacking at once, continually, from daytime till well past dark, for several weeks in a row each March. These normally secretive little frogs somehow determine that it is time to find a vernal pool in the forest and call for mates. This is not an easy job for a frog that, standing fully erect, might be a half-inch tall. Do they smell the water in the pond? Do they wander aimlessly until one finds a pond and begins to sing, then all head for the singer? How do they know which ponds are likely to hold water long enough to allow their tadpoles to develop? Another mystery of March to ponder. This month the last of the snow will melt, and spring will come charging up from the southland before you know it. Remember these little stories, and venture out with a naturalist or with friends and discover the joys of nature in March in your Cleveland Metroparks. Robert D. Hinkle, PhD Dr. Bob Hinkle recently retired after 30 years as Cleveland Metroparks Chief Naturalist. However, Dr. Bob will continue to be a contributor to the Emerald Necklace.

The winds of March bring changes to the natural world of Cleveland Metroparks reservations, but unlike the cold winds of December, these winds begin to blow friendly and warm. March is a month of blue skies and gray; of wind, rain and snow and of the first appearances of wildflowers and migrating birds. March exists as a promise to all creatures of longer days filled with warmth and abundant food and shelter. By month’s end pussy willows begin to bloom in low wet places throughout Cleveland Metroparks. Days grow longer. Spring is here. Celebrate the arrival of the new season in Cleveland Metroparks with wood frogs, woodcocks and woodchucks.

First Week

Third Week



Bluebirds may have returned to Hinckley Reservation by now if the winter has not been too harsh and cold. Early migrating robins feed among the holly berries and crab apples throughout Cleveland Metroparks.

The first of the migrating woodcocks may begin their spring mating flights in certain secret places this week. The buzzards are back! On March 15, legend has it that the buzzards (turkey vultures) return to Hinckley. Visit the famous “buzzard roost” on the first Sunday after March 15 and watch for the newly arrived migrants.

Mammals Where have all the bucks gone? By early March, all but a few of the bucks in Cleveland Metroparks have lost their antlers. It becomes hard to tell male from female deer until the bucks begin to regrow their antlers in early May. Wildflowers Pungent skunk cabbage begins to bloom in low wet places in Cleveland Metroparks valleys. The hooded flower pokes its head up through ice to attract early spring insects.

Second Week Birds Great blue herons reappear as soon as open water makes fish available for them to eat. They first reappear along Cleveland Metroparks rivers, but quickly move to lakes and ponds as soon as the shore ice melts. The song sparrow, one of the first and most vocal of the spring sparrows, should have arrived by now. The male’s calls begin with three sharp notes, then blur into a melodious trill. Wildflowers Colorful wildflowers at last! The dandelion‑like blossoms of the coltsfoot may even poke their determined heads through the snow to bloom. They prefer recently disturbed soils as blooming places. Watch for them along road cuts and construction sites.

Mammals Female woodchucks have awakened to greet the males who awakened in February. Spring comes quickly and summer is only a few weeks away! The rapid changes of April give way to a slower and more stately procession of nature as May begins.

Fourth Week Birds The phoebe’s raspy “fee‑bree” call reassures forest hikers that spring is truly here. Male goldfinches grow progressively more brilliant yellow each week. Set out fresh thistle seed for them. Golden‑crowned kinglets return to Cleveland Metroparks on their way northward to Canada. Only half the size of chickadees, they flit continuously from branch to branch in search of food. Amphibians Spring peepers “peep” and wood frogs “quack” as their spring mating cycle begins. Shallow temporary ponds in Big Creek, Brecksville, Mill Stream Run and North Chagrin reservations are home to these small frogs for only a few days each spring as mates are found and eggs are laid.


History of Maple Sugaring

Inside the Emerald Necklace

March 3 - 4, 10 - 11 • 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Maple Grove Picnic Area Rocky River Reservation Winter’s end arrives in northern Ohio at a snail’s pace, indicated by “drip-drip-drip” as snow and ice melt signals that sap is beginning to flow in the trees and we must rush to collect it before the leaves bud out. Despite winter’s lingering reminders, it’s the leading edge of spring and maple sugaring time again! The 2012 season brings another year of gathering sap, making syrup, and leading hikes through the maple-heavy woods of the sugarbush at Maple Grove Picnic Area. On weekends through March 11, walk through time along the Sugarbush Trail to see the sap-collecting methods and syrup-making processes used by Native Americans, pioneers and modern sugar farmers. You’ll end at the sugarhouse to watch sap boiled into delicious maple syrup. Guided hikes leave the sugarhouse every 20 minutes (the last hike leaves at 4 p.m.). Groups may be accommodated on weekdays by appointment only. This program is completely outdoors - dress for the weather. For more information call 440-734-6660.


Before spring begins, make sure you take one more plunge down the twin, refrigerated ice chutes - Northeast Ohio’s ultimate winter thrill ride at the Chalet Toboggan Chutes - the only public ice chutes in Ohio! (open through midMarch, weather permitting.) Public tobogganing hours and promotions in March: Fridays

6 - 10:30 p.m.

Saturdays noon - 10:30 p.m. Sundays

noon - 5 p.m.

Friday, March 2 Race Day - Fastest Toboggan Riders Receive 2012 - 13 Season Passes (Day of Registration) Saturday, March 3 FREE Winter Hat for Your Noggin Sunday, March 4 & Sunday, March 11 Family Four-Pack - $30 for 4 Toboggan Passes, 4 Hot Dogs & 4 Sodas Friday, March 9 Dollar Day - $1 Hot Dogs & $1 Sodas Saturday, March 10 Chalet Appreciation Day Tobogganing costs $8 for adults and $6 for children, ages 11 and under. One-time ride tickets are available for $3. All riders must wear gloves or mittens. Children, ages 11 and under, must be at least 42-inches tall to ride, and must be accompanied by an adult. With spring around the corner, be sure to enjoy the icy fun at the toboggan chutes at the Chalet Recreation Area in Cleveland Metroparks - the only public ice chutes in Ohio! For details, call 440-572-9990.

Maple Grove Picnic Area is located off Valley Parkway in Rocky River Reservation, between Cedar Point Road and Spafford Road in Brook Park. (1/3 mile south of Rocky River Nature Center - follow signs)


Before the Buzzards and Spring Return, There’s Still Time to Enjoy the Chalet Toboggan Chutes!

Emerald Necklace, March 2012

The Chalet Toboggan Chutes are located at 16200 Valley Parkway in Mill Stream Run Reservation, between Routes 42 and 82 in Strongsville.

“Toad-ally” Awesome Amphibians! Saturday, March 31 • 2 - 7 p.m. • Free! North Chagrin Nature Center North Chagrin Reservation • Mayfield Village Cleveland Metroparks “Toadally” Awesome Amphibians! is ribbitting! They’re everywhere! The amphibians are taking over North Chagrin Nature Center. Discover how unique amphibians are as they survive on land and water at this free “Toad-ally” Awesome Amphibians! event. Featuring: • • • • •

Amphibian crafts and activities: 2 - 5 p.m. Live amphibians from around the world: 2 - 5:30 p.m. Amphibian puppet show: 5:15 p.m. Tadpole Trivia: 5:45 p.m. Movie - Land Invaders - Amphibians: 6:15 - 7 p.m

And join us after the event for these walks:

• Salamander Migration Walk will focus on the annual salamander migration from the forest to vernal pools. 7:15 - 9:15 p.m. - Meet bus at NCNC, 1 mile (Free, but space is limited. Tickets available at NCNC during “Toad-ally” Awesome Amphibians!)

• Family Frog Walk will focus on our smallest frog, the spring peeper. They may be small but their voices are LOUD! 7:15 - 8:15 p.m. - Meet at NCNC, 0.5 mile • General Amphibian Walk will be a hike into the forest to search in vernal pools, under logs or in the leaf litter for toads, newts, frogs and salamanders. 7:15 - 8:45 p.m. - Meet at NCNC, 2 miles • Wood Frog Walk is a walk not to be missed. 7:15 - 8:45 p.m. - Meet at Strawberry Picnic Area parking lot, 2 miles

For more information, call 440-473-3370. North Chagrin Nature Center is located off Buttermilk Falls Parkway, off the Sunset Lane entrance of North Chagrin Reservation, off SOM Center Road/Route 91 in Mayfield Village south of the I-90/Rte. 91 exit.

Shamrocks & Clovers s r d Faith and begorrah! With St. Patrick’s March 17, even those who are not Ki rneIrishDaymayonhave thoughts of leprechauns and o their pots o’gold, four-leaf clovers, shamrocks C and anything green that one can imagine. But

since leprechauns and their gold may not exist (okay, maybe just on St. Patrick’s Day!), let’s learn more about shamrocks, which can be found easily, and four-leaf clovers, which take a little luck to find! The Shamrock • A shamrock is a common name for any one of four plants that are in the pea family: lesser yellow trefoil or hop clover, white clover, black medick and red clover. • There is no official “shamrock” plant, nor a consensus among the Irish themselves. • St. Patrick used the three leaves of the shamrock to explain the Trinity when he was converting the people of Ireland to Christianity. • The shamrock is Ireland’s most recognized national symbol and has been registered as a trademark by the Government of Ireland. • The tradition of wearing shamrocks on St. Patrick’s Day can be traced back to the early 1700s.

The Four-Leaf Clover • Is a mutation of the shamrock, so would be found in the plants listed as “shamrocks.” • The four leaves are said to represent faith, hope, love and luck. • The fourth leaf is usually smaller than the other three leaves. • It occurs in approximately one out of every 10,000 three-leaf clovers (shamrocks). • For good luck, it’s usually included in the bouquet of an Irish bride and also in the boutonniere of the groom. • Clovers can actually have even more than four leaflets: the most ever recorded is 21! However, Irish folklore says that the extra leaves do not bring extra luck!

Can You Find the Four-Leaf Clover? Good Luck!

Join us on

And, if you would like to receive the special events monthly E-Newsletter, subscribe now and start receiving monthly updates on special events and featured programming from Cleveland Metroparks. Register via email to: pr@clevelandmetroparks.com. 7

Personalities of the Past Saturdays, March 3, 10, 24 & 31 • 2 - 3:30 p.m. Garfield Park Nature Center Garfield Park Reservation • Garfield Heights Northeast Ohio is steeped in wonderful history that often gets overlooked. Historical Interpreter Foster Brown will be unveiling local history through his alter-egos throughout the month of March. Garfield Park Nature Center will be hosting four Saturday afternoon family presentations filled with discovery, laughter and learning. Each week, historic characters like Serge the Voyageur, Digger Gallagher the Canaler, the Quarryman, and Steely Stan the Iron Man will depict a fascinating era of Ohio history. There will be music, stories and lots of audience participation.

Living History Programs March 3 - Serge the Voyageur will vividly bring to the present the life of these paddle men of the North Country who canoed, sang and carried trade goods and fur throughout the Great Lakes region. Join us on this journey through mosquito infested trails with heavy packs of fur on our backs. Singing and fiddle music await you! March 10 - Digger Gallagher the Canaler will explain the life of the canal worker who dug the Ohio & Erie Canal and saw the canal era thrive and bring great prosperity to the state of Ohio. Be ready to sing and join in the educational fun. March 24 - The Quarryman will reveal stories of the immigrants who moved to Ohio to work in the sandstone quarries throughout Greater Cleveland. You will learn about the life of the men who labored in these dangerous quarries and find out where the sandstone went. Bring your strong arms and your best singing voice. March 31 - Making steel requires natural resources from all across the nation. Steely Stan will explain the process of making steel and share the journey the raw ingredients of iron ore, coal, and limestone take to make steel. Steely Stan the Iron Man will sing and involve the audience in explaining this amazing industry. To register for each program, call Garfield Park Nature Center at 216-341-3152 8


Emerald Necklace, March 2012

A Look Ahead Student Art Show It’s time for all art students to think “spring”! Get your art supplies and paper ready for the park-wide Student Art Show at Look About Lodge on May 5 and 6. Students in grades 1 - 12 are invited to submit their best piece of art for a show themed, Spring is Hopping and Popping in Nature. Entries will be accepted from now until April 5. For more information, contact Stefanie Verish at lookabout@clevelandmetroparks.com or call 440-247-7075.

Love is in the Air! Dinner Mystery Saturday, April 21 • 6 - 9:30 p.m. Chalet Recreation Area Mill Stream Run Reservation • Strongsville Love is in the air at the wedding reception for Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. Meet the newlyweds and learn about their family history during the toasts at the reception. The Dinner Mystery includes the Mystery Players presentation and a dinner of salad, chicken, potato and vegetable with dessert (vegetarian option available.) Assorted beverages and coffee are included. Guests can bring their own beer or wine. Tickets are $40 per person. Advance ticket sales only. Space is limited. For more information and reservations, call 440-572-9990.

Healthy Planet, Healthy People Fair & 5K Run/Walk Saturday, June 9 • 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Big Cedar Point Picnic Area Rocky River Reservation • North Olmsted This 5K is Cleveland Metroparks first segue into the world of fitness programming. It is primarily a trail run/ walk that incorporates the famous 135 stairs to Fort Hill. After the run/walk we will attempt to break the Guinness Book of World Records for the most people doing jumping jacks for one minute. We need at least 1200 people to break the current record, so bring your friends and family to the park for a big adventure. Also enjoy booths on healthy food, green gardening, rain barrels, composting, backyards for birds, mind/body connection, and outdoor fitness options, as well as activities for kids and more. Pre-registration fee for 5K Run/Walk is $20. Day-of registration fee is $25. For more information, call 440-734-6660.

Ignite your Passion for Adventure, Action and Travel when the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour comes to Cleveland! Journey to exotic locations, paddle the wildest waters and climb the highest peaks! The Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour will exhilarate you with amazing big-screen stories when it comes to the Ohio Theatre at Playhouse Square for an exclusive Northern From the film On Assignment: Jimmy Chin© Ohio showing on Friday, April 13 and Saturday, April 14. The 2011/2012 Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour brings films from the 36th annual BMFF in Canada to over 285 communities and 30 countries around the world. The BMFF is the largest and one of the most prestigious mountain film festivals in the world. Different award-winning films are shown each night and receptions precede the films. The BMFF World Tour in downtown Cleveland debuts with Friday’s Opening Night Reception. The reception, held in the lobby, features light appetizers and dessert, from 6 - 7:30 p.m. Saturday’s reception, from 7 - 8 p.m., features dessert. Both receptions include complimentary Caribou Coffee, a cash bar, exhibits of interest to outdoor enthusiasts, samples and prize sign-ups. The films start at 7:30 p.m. on Friday and 8 p.m. on Saturday. Purchase tickets online at www.theedgefilms.com, at Geiger’s in Chagrin Falls or Lakewood, Century Cycles in Rocky River, Peninsula or Medina or at Playhouse Square. Advance sale ticket prices are $27 for Friday and $22 for Saturday (receptions included each night). Ticket prices increase $5 each on April 6. On the Edge Films brings the Banff Mountain Film Festival to Cleveland with the support of Cleveland Metroparks, Geiger’s, Century Cycles, Cleveland Cupcake Company, Paladar Latin Kitchen, Caribou Coffee, Main Street Cupcakes, Earth Fare and the University of Akron. For more information, e-mail info@theedgefilms.com or “like” On the Edge Films on Facebook to receive updates and film news.

Happy Birthday Emerald Necklace! With this March 2012 Emerald Necklace issue, the publication has been in print for 60 years!. The first Emerald Necklace, a one-sided, 8 1/2” x 14” copied sheet was produced in March 1952 and says in the prologue, “This is Number One, of Volume One, of the Emerald Necklace, a little news sheet concerning facts and information which we hope will be of value to friends of the Cleveland Metropolitan Parks.” The format of the publication has undergone many changes over the years, especially in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s with the advent of desktop publishing, from that little one-page black & white copy to the 32-page, two-color piece it is today. However, its purpose is still the same as it was 60 years ago - to provide facts and information to be of value to the public. Happy Birthday Emerald Necklace!

American Red Cross Lifeguarding Course Sundays, March 4, 11, 18, 25 • 2 - 6 p.m. Lakewood High School Pool Tuesdays, March 6, 13, 20, 27 • 5 - 9 p.m. Cleveland Metroparks Park Operations Administration Learn skills to prevent and respond quickly and effectively to emergencies and prevent drowning and injuries in a pool and at a waterfront. There are specific swimming requirements to pass this class - please call for details. For individuals 16 years and older. Fee is $190 and includes all materials. Deadline to register is February 29. For more information and to register, call 440-331-8111.

Calling for Neckties Cleveland Metroparks Look About Lodge needs your old and ugly neckties! We are planning to use them for a craft project at this year’s Knee High Naturalists event in June. Please drop off any neckties you are ready to recycle to one of our nature centers anytime this month or next. BONUS: If the necktie you are donating is especially ugly, tape or safety pin your name and phone number to it and we’ll consider it for our Ugliest Tie Contest. The winner will be announced the first week of April. Call Look About Lodge at 440-247-7075 for more information. 9

The Buzzards are coming! The Buzzards are coming!


And so is the new Hinckley Lake Boathouse and Store! The Hinckley Lake Boathouse and Store in Hinckley Reservation will reopen on Sunday, March 18. New and exciting products will be sold at the Boathouse, as well as some of the other great merchandise that you have come to expect at all of our EarthWords Shops. North Chagrin Nature Center Mayfield Village 440-449-0511 Rocky River Nature Center North Olmsted 440-734-7576 CanalWay Center Cuyahoga Heights 216-206-1003 Wednesday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.

Also, the buzzards and EarthWords Nature Shop will both be arriving at the Buzzard Roost on March 15 for the Annual Return of the Buzzards, and on Sunday, March 18 for the Buzzard Sunday! celebration. Please come and see what all the excitement is about. You’ll be surprised to see all the new and unique buzzard-y treasures, plus many old favorites. Buzzard Party Hat - One size fits all. $12

Sunday Noon - 4:45 p.m. Hinckley Lake Boathouse and Store 1 West Drive Hinckley Township Open daily 10 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. The EarthWords CanalWay shop has been down-sized and will now only feature snacks, beverages and Cleveland Metroparks logo items. .

Buzzard 12” Plush - This is the cutest buzzard you will ever see. $12

“Toad-ally” Awesome Amphibians Uncover the secrets of the amazing frog at North Chagrin Nature Center on Saturday, March 31 during the “Toad-ally” Awesome Amphibians event. And don’t forget EarthWords while you are there. Whether you want a toy frog or a book about salamanders, you’ll find your toad-ally awesome treasure at EarthWords.

Subscribe to our free email newsletter to see new products and specials! Send an email to lpb@clevelandmetroparks.com, and type “subscribe” in the subject.

Cleveland Metroparks Kids Club Beginning in April, kids 12 and under can sign up for the new Cleveland Metroparks Kids Club. Kids will enjoy educational activities, exploration and fun experiences yearround in and about Cleveland Metroparks and Cleveland Metroparks Zoo! Cleveland Metroparks Kids Club will bring kids closer to nature by introducing them to the importance of conservation, outdoor education and recreation. In the future, kids can apply what they learn to help preserve Cleveland Metroparks and the environment. Kids Club members will receive a passport, and throughout the year Cleveland Metroparks and the Zoo will offer special events, programming and other activities for kids to earn stamps in their passports. If a member receives 12 stamps, they can attend the end-of-the-year party at the Zoo! Kids will be able to enjoy nature hikes throughout Cleveland Metroparks 21,000 acres, participate in hands-on activities at the nature centers, feel like a VIP at an early morning breakfast at the Zoo, special events, behind the scenes tours, and much more. Plus, once a month during school, a member wins a chance to have an Outdoor Education staff person put on a program for their classmates. For more information, a schedule of events to receive stamps and to register, call 216-635-3200 or visit clevelandmetroparks.com 10


Emerald Necklace, March 2012

Cleveland Metroparks Golf Season Tees Off March 14 Dust off those clubs because Cleveland Metroparks golf season officially starts March 14 weather permitting. The eight golf courses will be open daily from dawn to dusk through December. Located throughout Cuyahoga County, Cleveland Metroparks offers golfers of all ages and skills 144 holes of recreational and educational opportunities. Sleepy Hollow and Manakiki are considered by many to be the ultimate in public golfing in Greater Cleveland. Experienced golfers will enjoy the challenging layouts, plus clubhouses, pro shops, catering, and PGA pro golf lessons. Golfers also can enjoy Cleveland Metroparks other five quality courses - Shawnee Hills, Big Met, Seneca, Little Met, Mastick Woods and Washington - which have many of the same accommodations, including: • Snack bars or vending, cart and club rentals are available at all eight courses. • Pro shops with a guarantee to meet or beat any locally advertised price on golf merchandise. • Driving ranges at Sleepy Hollow, Shawnee Hills and Washington.

Sleepy Hollow Golf Course 18 holes, par 71 & Driving Range Brecksville Reservation 9445 Brecksville Road, Brecksville 440-526-4285 Manakiki Golf Course 18 holes, par 72 North Chagrin Reservation 35501 Eddy Road, Willoughby Hills 440-942-2500 Shawnee Hills Golf Course 18 holes, par 71, 9-hole par 3 course & Driving Range Bedford Reservation 18753 Egbert Road, Bedford 440-232-7184 Big Met Golf Course 18 holes, par 72 Rocky River Reservation 4811 Valley Parkway, Fairview Park 440-331-1070 Seneca Golf Course 18 holes, par 72 18 holes, par 71 Brecksville Reservation 975 Valley Parkway, Broadview Heights 440-526-0043 Little Met Golf Course 9 holes, par 34 Rocky River Reservation 18599 Old Lorain Road, Cleveland 216-941-9672 Mastick Woods Golf Course 9 holes, par 31 Rocky River Reservation 19900 Puritas Road, Cleveland 216-267-5626 Washington Golf Course 9 holes, par 29 & Driving Range Washington Reservation 3841 Washington Park Boulevard Newburgh Heights 216-641-1864 11

GET ON THE FAST TRACK TO BETTER GOLF WITH THESE “GOLF COURSES” If you have ever thought about playing golf, then Cleveland Metroparks Academy of Golf is for you. Whether you are a beginner at golf or returning to the game, the Academy of Golf offers golf learning opportunities on everything you’ll need to know to step onto a golf course and play with confidence. Look for these upcoming classes:

Indoor Spring Training Get an early jump on the season ahead. This two-hour session is designed to help you take advantage of practice time before the weather breaks in the spring. You’ll have a game plan in place covering areas of your swing that need work for a better golf experience. A maximum of 10 participants. Call 440-942-2500 for more information. Fee is $25. Sat. March 24

10 a.m.



Golf Fitness - Introduction - 500 Series Learn how to improve your swing, help avoid injury and hit the ball farther through improved fitness in this threesession class. Golf specific stretching and strengthening exercises will be taught along with the connection between swing faults and fitness deficiencies. Wear comfortable clothing! Call 440-526-4285 for more information. Fee is $60. Tues. March 27

6 - 7:30 p.m.

Sleepy Hollow


Beginners - An Introduction to Golf A hands-on series covers the basics of the full swing, chipping and putting. Basic golf terms, rules and etiquette are covered. Loaner equipment available. All participants completing the course will be given a pass to a Cleveland Metroparks short course. A maximum of seven students will be accepted in each class. Students in this class should be beginners to 25 handicap. Date Time

Number of Sessions




Thu. April 5

6 - 7:30 p.m.





Sat. April 7

2 - 3:30 p.m.





Tue. April 10

6:30 - 8 p.m.





Mon. April 16

6:30 - 8 p.m.





Thu. April 19

6:30 - 8 p.m.





Mon. April 23

10 - 11:30 a.m.





Tue. April 24

6 - 7:30 p.m.





Tue. April 24

6 - 7:30 p.m.





Wed. April 25

6 - 7:30 p.m.





Wed. April 25

6 - 7:30 p.m.





Sat. April 28

9 - 10:30 a.m.







Emerald Necklace, March 2012

Novice Golf Learn-n-League - 200 - 300 Series This 6-week adult program combines instruction and practice (about an hour) followed by playing 9 holes (usually) in a supervised league setting. Each week a different part of the game will be featured. Program is meant for newer players, but not raw beginners. Fee includes green fees, instruction, range balls and hand carts. Call 216-641-1864 for more information. Fee is $150. Wed. April 18

9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.



Mon. April 23

8:30 a.m. - noon

Shawnee Par 3


The Golf Swing - The Fundamentals - 500 Series This hands-on clinic covers aspects of a solid, fundamental golf swing, including grip, set-up and swing. The class will provide general, fundamental and basic instruction useful for players of every skill level, gender and age. A maximum of seven participants. Fee is $35. Wed. April 18

6:30 - 8 p.m.



Parent/Junior Learn-n-League - 200 Series This six-week program is designed for a parent/junior (junior’s age guidelines 10 - 14) to spend time together with instruction and practice (about an hour) followed by playing 9 holes. Each week a different part of the game will be featured. Program is not meant for raw beginners. Fee includes green fees and hand carts. Call 216-641-1864 for more information. Fee is $199/pair. Sat. April 21

1 - 4:30 p.m.

Shawnee Par 3


Sun. April 22

9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.



The Short Game - Putting and Chipping - 500 Series This session reviews basics of successful around the green shots and provides general, fundamental and basic instruction that is useful for players of every skill level, gender and age. A maximum of seven students per class. Fee is $35. Wed. April 25

6:30 - 8 p.m.



Junior Programs

Homeschoolers Golf Phys Ed This 6-week program is designed for home schooled juniors in the age range of 10 to 15 years of age. The skill level best suited for this class would be in the beginner to intermediate range. The first 2 to 3 weeks will be practice and skill building on all parts of the game. The last 3 to 4 weeks will be playing golf in a supervised setting. The fee includes instruction, range balls, green fees, use of pull carts, and loaner equipment as needed. Fee is $100. Tues. April 24

1 - 3 p.m.



Junior “Fun”damental Series Designed like our Adult Beginners classes, juniors will get a chance to learn the basics, but have fun too in this fourweek program. Full swing, putting and chipping will be covered by our best junior instructors. A maximum of six participants per class. Call 216-641-1864 for more information. Ages 12 - 17. $85 Mon. April 23 - May 14

4 - 5:30 p.m.



Classes fill up early. Visit clevelandmetroparks.com for class schedules and to register. For more information, call 440-232-7247


Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Announces Two New Ways to Get Closer to Animals Cleveland Metroparks Zoo connects visitors with wildlife, and this year, the Conservation Education Division is launching two new interactive programs for families that will help them do just that.

Zoo News

The programs revolve around the popular live animal show in the Zoo’s Savanna Theater. Starting in April, kids ages 12 and older can become an animal keeper for a day, and in June they can become part of Professor Wylde’s Live Animal Show with a walkon cameo role and backstage tour! Registration for the Keeper for a Day program is open now for dates beginning in April. Kids will report to the Zoo for a five-hour session with the keepers who care for the animals in the Zoo’s live animal shows. They will prepare meals for the animals, clean enclosures, help with animal training, write animal records and might assist with Get Close animal programs at the Ballarat Theatre in Australian Adventure. Then, depending on the season, they might watch a performance of Professor Wylde’s show from backstage at the Savanna Theater. Keeper for a Day is for children ages 12 and older and runs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. beginning in April. To register, visit the Zoo online at clemetzoo.com or call 216-635-3391. The Show Cameo with Professor Wylde is also for kids ages 12 and older, but includes a backstage tour for the whole family. One person joins the animals and staff backstage before the show and gets a walk-on, speaking role during the performance. After the show, the participant’s family will go backstage to meet the animal stars and see where they live. Registration for the Show Cameo begins April 15 for dates in June through Labor Day, and weekend dates in September. Register online at clemetzoo.com or call 216-635-3391. Joe Yachanin Marketing & Public Relations Specialist

all photos courtesy of Cleveland Metroparks Zoo



Emerald Necklace, March 2012

St. Patrick’s Day at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Saturday, March 17 Green can represent more this year than just St. Patrick’s Day, it can also be a commitment to be more eco-friendly!

Summer Day Camp The weather may make you want to hibernate a little longer, but it’s not too soon to start thinking about the summer days ahead and that means Summer Day Camp at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. Kids ages 5 - 14 can spend their summer days at the Zoo participating in fun and educational activities with experienced camp counselors. Campers are grouped according to age to provide a safe and nurturing learning environment.

You can wear green and be green by helping the Zoo recycle on St. Patrick’s Day. Bring an old cell phone to the Box Office on Saturday, March 17 and receive one free admission to the Zoo and RainForest (offer valid that day only). And in keeping with the green theme of the day, anyone wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day will receive $2 off admission to the Zoo, making tickets just $6 per person, $3 for children ages 2 - 11 and free for children younger than 2 and Zoo members. All you have to do is wear at least one piece of visible clothing that’s green. Phones donated during the Zoo’s St. Patrick’s Day event will either be refurbished and reused or recycled by an EPA approved recycler. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Zoo’s conservation and recycling programs.

“Counselor-in-Training” leadership camp for kids ages 13 - 14 allows participants to develop their leadership skills by working alongside day camp staff, partnering with the teen “Zoo Crew” volunteers and participating in team building and challenge activities. Three different camp sessions are offered for each age group, so kids can sign up for one or all of the week-long sessions. Each camp session is filled with opportunities to see Zoo animals and exhibits up close. Summer Day Camp runs June 18 through August 17 and registration is right around the corner! Zoo members can sign up early, beginning March 1. General registration begins March 15. Space is limited, so check with the Zoo’s Conservation Education Department at clemetzoo.com or call 216-635-3391. Summer Day Camp is presented by Cleveland Clinic Children’s Hospital.

Did You Know? You can bring recyclable materials to the Zoo every day of the week! At the Recycling Center inside the Zoo’s Exhibit Hall, visitors can drop off CFL lightbulbs, cell phones and accessories and inkjet printer cartridges. The Zoo also accepts newspapers, magazines, junk mail and bagged shredded paper in the yellow and green recycling bins in the Hippo Lot behind the RainForest. Recycling protects wildlife habitats by reducing the need for new raw materials, reduces pollution and saves energy.

For the most up-to-date Zoo information: clemetzoo.com / 216-661-6500 15

Lake Erie Nature & Science Center Spring Has Sprung and a New Session of Classes and Programs for All Ages Has Begun! Join us for a variety of spring programs that cater to all ages. From preschool classes (1 - 5 years), Junior Naturalist programs for middleschoolers, to the Second Nature series for adults, we’ve got something for every member of the family! Call 440-871-2900 or log onto www.lensc.org for full program details and registration information.

Log Cabin Sampler: Discover Rainbows


Monday, March 12 • 9 - 11 a.m. OR 1 - 3 p.m. Fee: $20/child; members $15/child Get a taste of our year-long Explorers Club program with this one-day sampler set in our kid-sized Log Cabin classroom. Your child (aged 4 – 6) will become a nature detective as they explore the hiking trails and gardens, encounter an animal, conduct a science investigation and maybe listen to a story. Pre-registration required.

Family Night at the Center! Wednesday, March 14 • 6 - 8 p.m. Fee: $7/person; $35/family of 5 or more The Center exhibits will be lit and ready for a fun-filled evening for families of all ages! See what the animals do after the Center is closed to the public! Encounter mesmerizing live animals up close and personal and enjoy “natural” family activities. Pre-registration required.

Second Nature: A Series for Lifelong Learners Coyotes: Your Newest Neighbors Thursday, March 8 • 7 - 8:30 p.m. Fee: $7/adult (advance); $10/adult (day of program) You may not have seen the moving trucks arrive on your street, but your newest neighbors have taken up residence. Scott Peters, wildlife management supervisor for the Ohio Division of Wildlife, presents a how-to guide on co-existing with the latest arrival in the neighborhood. Where did they come from? Why are they here? Do they pose a threat to humans and pets? Your questions will be answered as Scott introduces you to the new kids on the block.

Huntington Hikers Club Saturday, March 31 • 1 - 3 p.m. Fee: $20/child; members $15/child Third and Fourth Graders, put on your hiking boots and get ready to spend some time outdoors! Adventure off-trail to areas most visitors don’t travel, find out where animals have been spotted and revisit some of your favorite trails with a new twist. Come dressed in tall socks and long pants, we will go out rain or shine so be ready for the weather. Pre-registration required.

Walter R. Schuele Planetarium Family Programs * Twinkle Tots

Thursdays & Saturdays • 11 a.m. Fee: $1/person (including infants) This is a program designed to introduce the youngest astronomer in your family to the planetarium. Watch lights dance across the sky, see some magic and learn what’s new in space. Like the nighttime sky, our program changes with the seasons! Children should be able to sit for about 15 minutes.

Stellar Stars

Wednesdays • 11 a.m. & Saturdays • noon Fee: $2/child

Monthly SkyQuest: The Star of Our Show Saturdays, March 3, 10, 17 & 31 • 1:30 p.m. Saturdays, March 3 & 17 • 7 p.m. Fee: $3/person

The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. It is one of 400 billion stars in our Milky Way Galaxy. And our galaxy is one of hundreds of billions of galaxies in our universe with each containing hundreds of billion stars. So this month, as we celebrate the vernal equinox, let’s take a closer look at the Sun. Not directly - that would damage our eyes. Instead we’ll use the safety and comfort of our planetarium. We’ll see what makes our star work and how it compares to other stars. Recommended for ages 7 and up.

Telescope Viewing

Grab your passport, blast off and travel through space to explore a new destination in our solar system. Learn about a different picture in the stars each week. Watch lights moving to music, and take home a coloring page. Complete your passport and receive a special treat! Great for ages 3 - 5.

Saturdays, March 3 & 17 Free Join us in the field outside the Center as we explore the night sky! Telescope viewing takes place following the evening Monthly SkyQuest program on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of every month, weather permitting.

*Planetarium seating is first-come, first-served. Door closes promptly and no one will be admitted after posted program start time.

Lake Erie Nature & Science Center Located at 28728 Wolf Road in Bay Village • 440-871-2900 • www.lensc.org Lake Erie Nature & Science Center is an independent nonprofit affiliate of Cleveland Metroparks 16


Emerald Necklace, March 2012

Programs are inclusive for all abilities

Institute of the Great Outdoors

Cleveland Metroparks Institute of the Great Outdoors 11350 Broadway Avenue Garfield Heights, Ohio 44125 216-341-1704 / 216-341-8528 fax igo@clevelandmetroparks.com www.clevelandmetroparks.com

The IGO Mission To provide nature based outdoor recreational experiences and classes that enable participants of all abilities to connect with nature.

Inclusive Outdoor Recreation Opportunities All IGO programs have been evaluated regarding accessibility and activity level. With our professionally trained staff and ability to make equipment adaptations, most programs are accessible to anyone who would like to participate. For further information regarding program accessibility, or to schedule an accessible custom program, please contact IGO at 216-341-1704.

Program Registration Programs are filled on a first come, first served basis, so register early to get a spot. By Phone: Call 216-341-1704 Monday - Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Have your MasterCard, Visa or DiscoverCard number ready. In-person: Stop by the Garfield Park Nature Center located in Garfield Heights; Monday Friday between 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. A 25% non-refundable deposit is required at time of registration for all Escape to Nature programs. Balance is due no less than 2 months before the pre-trip meeting. For all other programs, fees must be paid in full upon registration. Your payment confirms that you are registered for the program. Program fees recover the direct program costs. Late Registration/Registration Changes All programs require a minimum number of participants and program deadlines are assigned to limit cancellations. Anyone registering after program deadlines will be assessed a $5 per person per program charge. Anyone making class changes will be assessed a $10 change fee. Please note that IGO reserves the right to deny registrations after program deadlines due to limited space, planning, etc. Confirmation/Cancellation To minimize costs and paper waste, IGO does not mail program confirmations. Maps for program locations can be found on Cleveland Metroparks website www.clevelandmetroparks.com on the IGO page. Registrants will be notified if programs are cancelled due to low enrollment or weather. Program fees and deposits are not refundable unless Cleveland Metroparks finds it necessary to cancel a program. Participants assume risk of all changes in personal health and affairs. Returned Checks A $20 cash fee will be charged for all checks returned for insufficient funds. General Information By registering, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the refund policy. A liability waiver and medical emergency form will be emailed to participants and must be completed and signed prior to participation in all programs. IGO programs are listed bi-monthly in the Emerald Necklace. For more information call 216-341-1704 or visit www.clevelandmetroparks.com.

To register for an IGO program, call 216-341-1704.


Programs are inclusive for all abilities

Institute of the Great Outdoors Escapes to Nature

Conneaut Raptor Day

Magee Marsh Birding Adventure

Trip 1 - tour of North Chagrin Reservation

Unless you visit key sites along Lake Erie in April, you would not know that hundreds to thousands of raptors use the shoreline as funneling and kettling points on their journey northward. The sight of dozens to hundreds of vultures and red-tailed, broad-winged and sharpshinned hawks (plus eagles, falcons and osprey) overhead is truly awe-inspiring, and is one of the region’s best kept secrets. Jen Brumfield takes you on this journey to witness migration in its splendor, and to learn the ins and outs of the identification of hawks in flight. Late fee applies after April 6.

March 31 • 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Activity Level: easy

Trip A: May 3 • 6 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Meet at Rocky River Nature Center

Ages: adults

Trip B: May 8 • 6 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Trip 2 - tour of Rocky River Reservation

Date/Time: April 20 6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Trip C: May 15 • 6 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Spring Photography Trips Spend the day exploring two of Cleveland Metroparks scenic reservations in search of the perfect photo. Both digital SLR and “point & shoot” photographers can join us for a bus trip to the best spots in the reservation. You’ll even gain tips to improve your photography techniques. Late fee applies after March 16 & 30, respectively.

April 14 • 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Meet at North Chagrin Nature Center Fee: $55 (includes transportation and lunch)

March to Waterfowl & Raptors

As winter subsides, the marshes, lakes and reservoirs awaken with the wing beats of migrant waterfowl, raptors, and wetland birds. Join Jen Brumfield to travel from Lake Erie’s shore to riversides, reservoirs, fields and marshes of Cuyahoga and Lorain Counties, and if the weather is right, we’ll conduct a hawk watch hoping to spy osprey, eagles, vultures, and several species of hawks and falcons. Be a part of this big day of serious birding (and serious fun.) Late fee applies after March 9. Activity Level: moderate

Garfield Park Nature Center Fee: $55 (includes transportation and lunch)

Eagle Creek Escape

Experience the wonders of spring as we journey to Eagle Creek State Nature Preserve. Before the trees sprout their leaves and shadow the forest floor, wildflowers burst forth to gather the sun’s energy. We will explore these delicate blooms as we walk woodland trails and visit wetlands brimming with wildlife such as frogs and salamanders. Our journey will take us to other neighboring parks to complete our spring adventure. Late fee applies after April 13. Activity Level: moderate Ages: adults

Ages: adults

Date/Time: April 27 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Date/Time: March 23 • 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Brecksville Nature Center

Garfield Park Nature Center

Fee: $55 (includes transportation & lunch)

Fee: $55 (includes transportation and lunch)

Join us to visit one of the hottest spots in the country to watch warblers as they migrate through North America. Whether you are just learning about birds or are a seasoned birder, this day of winged wonders is sure to delight. Bring your binoculars and birding spirit and we will take care of the transportation and lunch. Registration begins March 1 at 9 a.m. Late fee applies after April 19. Activity level: easy Ages: adults

Fee: $55 (Includes transportation, lunch and snacks) ** All trips leave from Garfield Park Nature Center. However, transportation also available at Columbia Road RTA park and ride, located off of U.S. Interstate 90 at 6:15 a.m.

Cape May Hawk Watch

Join Bob Hinkle and Sharon Hosko for the annual fall spectacle of hawk migration in Cape May, New Jersey. Thousands of hawks, eagles and falcons fly past the famous “hawk watch platform” and out across the Delaware Bay toward wintering grounds in the tropics. We’ll travel by motor coach to Cape May, New Jersey and participate in morning hawk watches and visit the Jersey shore looking for seabirds and migrating warblers. Late fee applies after September 5. Activity Level: easy Ages: adults Pre-trip: September 19 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Garfield Park Nature Center Trip Dates: October 14 - 18 Fee: $625 (includes transportation, shuttle service, lodging and breakfast)



Emerald Necklace, March 2012

Programs are inclusive for all abilities

Institute of the Great Outdoors KAYAKING & BOATING

All boating programs are funded in part through a grant from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Watercraft.

American Canoe Association Level I: Introduction to Canoe & Kayak Instructor Certification Workshop This workshop follows standards established by the ACA and is designed for individuals and programmers interested in offering certified canoe and kayak classes. The first day is designed as an Introduction to Canoeing or Kayaking class and will focus on practicing paddling strokes, braces and rescues. On day two, participants will start off in the classroom reviewing instructor teaching topics and will then split into kayak and canoe instructor groups to spend the afternoon outside. On day three, experienced trainers will evaluate each candidate’s paddling skills, knowledge and teaching abilities. Candidates will teach a minimum of two subjects both in the classroom as well as on the water and will receive a critique of their onand off-water teaching and paddling skills. Upon successful completion of the workshop, participants can receive instructor certification through the American Canoe Association. Please specify either the canoe or kayak instructor workshop when registering. Late fee applies after May 31. Pre-requisite: previous paddling experience is required. Completion of ACA Introduction to Canoe/Kayak course preferred. For certification, all participants must be members of the ACA & SEIC prior to the program. To become a member, visit www.americancanoe.org

Kayaking I: Introduction to Kayaking

Feeling “cooped up” due to the weather? Learn to kayak in the comfort of a pool. We combine classroom and on-the-water practice to introduce you to equipment, basic paddling strokes and more. Participants should be prepared to get wet during the pool session. Late fee applies after March 2 & 5, respectively. Activity Level: easy Ages: 14 years & up (with participating adult) Dates/Times: March 10 9 a.m. - noon Baldwin-Wallace College March 18 • 9 a.m. - noon Lakewood High School Fee: $35 (includes boats & equipment)

Kayak Rescues

It’s a great time of year to hone your kayak rescue and re-entry skills. Join trained kayak instructors for an in-depth pool session of kayak safety including solo and tandem rescue techniques. Practice strokes you learned previously while improving your advanced skills. Late fee applies after March 9. Activity level: moderate Ages: 16 years & up (with participating adult) Dates/Times: March 24 9 a.m. - noon Baldwin-Wallace College Fee: $30 (includes boats & equipment)

On Land Kayaking Basics

Interested in kayaking, but nervous about getting in the water for the first time? Learn the basics to having a safe and enjoyable kayak experience without investing in expensive gear. During this classroom session we’ll discuss types of kayaks, gear, safety and trip planning. Test your balance and have fun in our kayak “on-the-water” simulator. Late fee applies after March 8 & April 19, respectively. Ages: 14 years & up (with participating adult) Dates/Times: March 22 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. North Chagrin Nature Center May 3 • 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Rocky River Nature Center Fee: $10

Ohio Boaters Education Class

Before boating season starts, learn tools to becoming a safe boater. This 3 part class teaches topics including: fundamentals of safe boating, state boating laws and more. The last session includes a test for certification of completion and the course meets the mandatory education requirement for those persons born on or after January 1, 1982 who plan to operate a watercraft of ten horsepower or greater. Your certification may also save you money on boat insurance. Late fee applies after March 22. Ages: 16 years & up (with participating adult)

Activity Level: moderate

Dates/Times: April 5, 12 & 19 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Ages: adults

Garfield Park Nature Center

Dates/Time: June 14 - 16 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Fee: $15

Hinckley Reservation Fee: $225 per person (includes instructor manuals, training tools, paddling equipment and lunch first two days)

To register for an IGO program, call 216-341-1704.


Programs are inclusive for all abilities

Institute of the Great Outdoors Explore Ohio Kayak Tours: Chagrin River Part I

Join us to tour various national and state designated scenic rivers, state water trails and more. We’ll start off by paddling a section of the Chagrin River. After a short introduction to kayak basics we’ll be ready to explore the waterway, including sections designated as a State Scenic River. Varying river levels and conditions will determine the section we paddle. Previous kayak paddling experience is required as well as appropriate cold water paddling clothing. This trip is dependent on sufficient rainfall during the spring months. Late fee applies after March 27. Activity level: moderate Ages: adults Pre trip date/time: April 10 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Grand River

Let the Grand River carry you away from the weekday world. After short instruction in kayak basics we will paddle our way from the scenic covered bridge in Harpersfield to Hidden Valley Park. Travel along this National Wild and Scenic River known for its corridor of high shale cliffs, tiny waterfalls rich flora and fauna. Late fee applies after April 18. Activity Level: easy to moderate Ages: adults Pre-trip date/time: May 2 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Garfield Park Nature Center Trip date/time: May 13 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

OUTDOOR RECREATION SKILLS How to Survive Just About Anything

Natural disasters have been on the minds of many of us lately. With proper planning and the right kit, you stand a greater chance of surviving winter storms, tornadoes, floods and other disasters. You’ll get resources to begin making your own disaster kits for home and on the road and discover how to reuse your old camping gear. Late fee applies after March 5 & 28, respectively. Ages: 16 years & up (with participating adult) Dates/Times: March 10 • 1 - 4 p.m.

Hidden Valley Park, Lake County

Rocky River Nature Center

Fee: $35 (includes equipment)

April 11 • 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Garfield Park Nature Center

Garfield Park Nature Center

Fee: $15

Trip date/time: April 21 10 - 4 p.m.

Digital Camera Basics

Fee: $35 (includes equipment)

Cuyahoga River

Our second tour in the series will take us along a State Scenic River, the Upper Cuyahoga. Enjoy a relaxing 3 miles looking for beaver, river otters and listening to the sounds of spring. No previous paddling experience required but cold weather gear may be needed. Late fee applies after April 23. Activity Level: easy Ages: 16 years & up (with participating adult) Date/Time: May 6 • 1 - 4 p.m. Upper Cuyahoga River Eldon Russell Park Fee: $30

Bring your digital SLR or “point & shoot” camera to learn the basics of how they work. This class will focus on styles of photography, technical aspects of shooting and lenses as well as their uses and more. We will look at the parts of the camera and lenses and discuss the different adjustments and how they affect your photos as you progress to manual shooting. Gain an artistic eye as you begin to think beyond “pointing and clicking.” Spend some time practicing with us and experimenting with your new skills. Late fee applies after March 1. Activity Level: easy Ages: 14 years & up (with participating adult) Date/Time: March 15 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Garfield Park Nature Center Fee: $10

Rentals/Group Offerings

IGO will be renting fishing gear at Wallace Lake the weekends of May 5 & 6, 11 & 12, and 26 & 27 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fishing poles, bait and basic tackle will be available. Staff will be on hand to give basic instruction during the day. May 5 and 6 are Free Fishing Days so no fishing license is required. Check state regulations for requirements other weekends. Rental prices: 2 hr. rental - $6 (tax included) / 4 hr. rental - $11 (tax included) Bait will also be available at minimal cost IGO also offers Team Building, Private Lessons and Group classes. Contact us at 216-341-1704 weekdays from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. to find out more.



Emerald Necklace, March 2012

Programs are inclusive for all abilities

Institute of the Great Outdoors Backpacking Basics for Women

Ladies, have you ever wanted to explore the sport of backpacking but have shied away because you’re uncomfortable learning with a bunch of guys? Join female staff as we discuss the basics to having a safe and enjoyable backcountry experience including female specific gear options. Other important topics include tents, backpacks, and other gear; water treatment; and outdoor ethics. Late fee applies after March 14 & April 5 respectively. Ages: 14 years & up (with participating adult) Dates/Times: March 28 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Rocky River Nature Center April 19 • 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. North Chagrin Nature Center Fee: $10

First Aid/CPR/AED Class

This class combines the updated curriculum established by the American Red Cross and teaches you skills to become better equipped to respond to first aid emergencies. Lessons include: standard first aid; CPR for infants; CPR/AED for adult and child. Upon completion of this course participants will be qualified to receive an American Red Cross certification good for two years. Late fee applies after April 6. Activity Level: easy (must meet ARC requirements) Ages: 16 years & up (with participating adult) Date/Time: April 22 • noon - 6 p.m.

Backpacking Basics

Whether you’re a “gearhead” or just want to see what’s new for 2012, this class is for you. Enjoy learning the basics to having a safe and enjoyable backcountry experience before investing in expensive gear. Our knowledgeable staff will cover important topics such as tents, backpacks, and other gear; water treatment; and outdoor ethics during this relaxing classroom session. Late fee applies after April 11. Ages: 14 years & up (with participating adult) Date/Time: April 25 • 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Rocky River Nature Center Fee: $10

Wilderness First Aid

This workshop stresses preparedness for first aid emergencies when help is an hour or more away. Classroom lectures and discussions will be combined with hands-on experiences in the field. The curriculum includes assessment and treatment of specific injuries, long term patient care and more. Mock rescues will be practiced in the field allowing participants to practice skills learned in class. Scout leaders are encouraged to attend as this course meets the Boy Scouts of America requirements for backcountry training. Late fee applies after April 19.

Safety in Bear Country Of all the animals in the North American wilderness, few command as much respect, fear, or interest as bears. Spend an evening getting a behindthe-scenes tour of the bear area at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo and enjoy a presentation on how to stay safe when visiting “bear country.” Participate in a live video session with a leading expert on bear ecology and behavior. We’ll dispel some common bear myths and learn how to safely enjoy outdoor activities in bear country. No registration after April 30. Activity Level: easy Ages: 13 years & up (with participating adult) Date/Time: May 8 • 6:30 - 9 p.m. Reinberger Education Center Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Fee: $25 (included snacks & beverages)

Activity Level: moderate Ages: 14 years & up (with participating adult) Date/Time: May 5 - 6 • 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Intergrove Lodge North Chagrin Reservation Fee: $195 (includes lunch, instruction text and first aid supplies)

Look About Lodge Fee: $110 (includes certification card and skill card)

To register for an IGO program, call 216-341-1704.


Coyote, Cousin of the Wolf Once there was a large predator in Ohio, the gray wolf. Eradicated from the state in the 1800s, it has now been replaced by another member of the dog family, its smaller cousin, the coyote. First seen in 1919, the coyote is now found in every county of the state. Archaeologists have found fossil remains of coyotes in the Americas that predate those of the wolf. Coyotes take their name from the Aztec hunting god, Coyotlinauatl. Trade routes expanded northward around A.D. 1050 and Coyotl became part of Native American lore. “Coyote the Trickster� had multiple personalities, serving as a role model for desirable behavior but was also sly, humorous and even greedy. Coyotes are devoted family members. Once paired, they remain together as long as both survive. Breeding season is February and March with pups born in April or May. This is the only time of year that coyotes will use a den. They are very defensive of the den site and will move the young to alternative sites if any disturbance threatens their security. The pups are ready to venture from the den on short trips after three weeks. Soon the parents are teaching the pups how to hunt and care for themselves. The young leap into the air and pounce, with increasing success, on unwary rodents and other prey. By fall the young males will drift away but females may stay with the parents and help raise the next generation.

Today, we know that the coyote has an important role in an ecosystem as a predator. While 80% of their diet consists of small mammals such as voles, mice, and rabbits, they will eat almost anything. This may help explain their success in adapting to almost any habitat including major cities. There are a few rules for living with your coyote neighbor. Small pets may be at risk of being perceived as prey, so they should be supervised while outside, especially after dark. Don’t put food outside for pets or wild animals as this will attract coyotes to your yard. Finally, when walking your dog in April and May, if you see coyotes repeatedly in the same area, assume there is a den nearby and avoid the area for a week. Coyotes perceive your dog as a threat to their young, but will be less territorial once the pups leave the den. Coyotes have a long history of living alongside mankind. The many personalities attributed to this animal, both positive and negative, are simply individual human perceptions. Having expanded into northeast Ohio in the last few decades, coyotes add to the species diversity of this area and are simply one more species of animal earning a living and raising a family in your neighborhood. Deb Marcinski, naturalist North Chagrin Nature Center dlm@clevelandmetroparks.com

photo by Paul Bolstad, University of Minnesota, Bugwood.org



Emerald Necklace, March 2012


March Events by Location

Monthly Morning with the Birds

Cleveland Metroparks is celebrating the “Year of the Pollinator.” Look for this symbol next to Cleveland Metroparks special “Year of Pollinator” related programs and events.

Off-site programs

9 • Urban Explorations: Idea Center 14 • Urban Explorations: Burke Lakefront Airport

(HiR) Hinckley Reservation 31 • Making Tracks - Dog Walk

(HuR) Huntington Reservation

17 • St Patrick’s Day Hike 20 • Lake to Lake Hike 29 • The Sky Dance of the Woodcock

(LENSC) Lake Erie Nature & Science Center Open daily 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. (closed January 1) 28728 Wolf Road, Huntington Reservation, Bay Village, 440-871-2900 3 • Meet the Turkey Vulture 17 • Meet the Opossum 23 • Adults-Only Spring Fling! 25 • Daddy & Me Day

(BWR) Bradley Woods Reservation

(MSRR) Mill Stream Run Reservation

(BeR) Bedford Reservation

3 • Hike to Viaduct Park 24 • Woodlands of Bedford: Early Spring Hike 25 • Ridge Walk

(BCR) Big Creek Reservation

26 • Signs of Spring at Bradley Woods

(BrR) Brecksville Reservation 23 • Dawn to Dusk Hike

(BNC) Brecksville Nature Center

Open daily 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Rt. 82 entrance, Brecksville 440-526-1012 1 • Amphibians on the Move 8 • 9 • 10 • For Adults Only: Mammals 11 • Spring Ahead Hike 14 • 21 • Animal Crackers 17 • Green Scavenger Hunt

(CWC) CanalWay Center

Open daily 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Off E. 49th St., Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation, Cuyahoga Hts. 216-206-1000 EarthWords Nature Shop Open Wed. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 4:45 p.m., Sun. noon - 4:45 p.m. 216-206-1003 1 - 31 • Hunt of the Month 1 - 4/30 • Tim Haviland Art Show 10 • Bird Banding 11 • Getting Ready to Garden! 15 • Youth Outdoors Volunteer Orientation 16 • Preschoolers: Animal Tracks 16 • CanalWay CoffeeHouse 17 • Acoustic Players Circle 21 • Lithuanian Egg Decorating 24 • 25 • Let’s Get Ready to Ride! - CanalWay Center’s Bicycle Weekend 28 • Hidden Valley Homeschoolers: The Western Reserve 28 • Woodcock Watch 31 • Backyard Birds Cleveland Astronomical Society 1 • Monthly Meeting

(ECR) Euclid Creek Reservation 17 • St. Patrick’s Day Hike

(GPNC) Garfield Park Nature Center

Open daily 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Broadway Ave. or Turney Rd. entrance, Garfield Heights 216-341-3152 1 - 31 • Spring Wildflowers - Handmade Field Guides 3 • 10 • 24 • 31 • Personalities of the Past 8 • Meet Your Nature Neighbors - Snakes 11 • Last Week of Winter Hike 17 • Silly Shamrocks 18 • Opossums, Raccoons & Skunks-Oh, My! 21 • Secret Salamanders 24 • Bird Banding 31 • Soup Hike

6 • Hiking for the Young at Heart 23 • Progression of Spring

(NCR) North Chagrin Reservation

4 • Hike For Your Health 10 • Farewell Winter Hike 11 • Birds and Coffee 11 • Spring Ahead Hike 21 • Trail Trackers: Look for Green 23 • Outdoor Education for Homeschoolers: Weather 24 • Boy Scout Saturday: Environmental Science Merit Badge

(NCNC) North Chagrin Nature Center

Open daily 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., Mayfield Village 440-473-3370 EarthWords Nature Shop Open Wed. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 4:45 p.m., Sun. noon - 4:45 p.m. 440-449-0511 3 • The Adaptable Coyote 4 • Sunday Bird Walk 8 • Full Worm Moon Hike 14 • Mid-Week After Work Hike 16 • Friday Movie Night 18 • Chickadees: Hardy Winter Residents 20 • Stroller Science - Signs of Spring 25 • Welcoming Winged Migration 25 • Dog Hike 30 • For Women Only 30 • Family Friday Night: Amphibian Habitats 31 • “Toad-ally” Awesome Amphibians! Cleveland Metroparks Photography Club East 5 • Monthly Meeting

(OECR) Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation 12 • Winter Walk

(RRR) Rocky River Reservation

3 • American Red Cross Pet First Aid 3 • 4 • 10 • 11 • History of Maple Sugaring 9 • Homeschool Happenings 17 • Monthly Morning with the Birds

Group Programming – For information on group programs, call any Cleveland Metroparks nature or visitor center. Outdoor Adventures With IGO The Institute of the Great Outdoors (IGO) offers year-round courses in canoeing, backpacking and more, plus Escapes to Nature throughout the U.S. and Canada. For details, visit www.clevelandmetroparks.com.

(RRNC) Rocky River Nature Center

Open daily 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., 24000 Valley Parkway, North Olmsted 44070 440-734-6660 EarthWords Nature Shop Open Wed. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 4:45 p.m., Sun. noon - 4:45 p.m 440-734-7576 2 • For Women Only 4 • Bird Banding at Rocky River Nature Center 5 • 6 • Little Explorers - Maple Sugaring 8 • The Moon in March 8 • Inviting the Planet to Dinner: Milk 16 • Progression of Spring 17 - 31 • Gallery Wall 17 • In Search of Green 18 • Bird Banding at Rocky River Nature Center 18 • Skunk Cabbage Patrol 20 • Rain Barrel Workshop 21 • Hiking for your Health 24 • Natural Crafts: Part 3 24 • Signs of Spring 24 • Cinema Saturday Night 25 • Spring Book Review 25 • School of the Wilds - Frogs and Salamanders 28 • Focus on the Planet Film Series: Climate Refugees 31 • Frog Walk Cleveland Metroparks S.W. Camera Club 5 • 19 • Bi-monthly meeting Trout Unlimited 6 • Monthly Meeting Western Cuyahoga Audubon Society 6 • Monthly Meeting Cuyahoga Astronomical Association 12 • Monthly Meeting Greater Cleveland Beekeepers Association 14 • Monthly Meeting

(SCR) South Chagrin Reservation

ook About Lodge L Open for scheduled programs. Miles Rd., east of Rt. 91, Bentleyville 440-247-7075 3 • Extreme Hike 4 • Lodge is Open 4 • Naturepiece Theatre: Good Morning, Robin 4 • Daring and Dangerous 9 • Eye on the Environment Film Series: Play Again 10 • 17 • 24 • Art Workshop: The Elements of Nature 10 • Nature Journaling Through the Seasons 15 • Winter Bird Hike 15 • Green Time 16 • Eye on the Environment Film Series: Tapped 17 • Pysanka Egg Workshop 17 • Naturalist at Dragonfly Pond 18 • Easter Baskets 18 • One Trail, Twelve Times 25 • Plant a Pollinator Garden Cleveland Natural Science Club 17 • Monthly Meeting

(WCR) West Creek Reservation 13 • Talking Tracks



Events Calendar 1 • Thursday Hunt of the Month

As the ice on the wetlands melts we will see turtles coming up to bask in the early spring sunshine. Stop in CanalWay Center and find the 20 hidden turtles. Then head down to the wetlands and see if you can spot any turtles basking. Through March 31. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. CWC

Cleveland Metroparks Maps Visit clevelandmetroparks.com for maps of Cleveland Metroparks 16 reservations. Or, call 216-635-3200 and request a Pathfinder Map & Guide.

Cleveland Astronomical Society

Guest speaker Chuck Bueter will give a presentation on the Transit of Venus. This celestial phenomenon, occurring on June 5, 2012, happens when the planet Venus passes directly between the Sun and Earth, obscuring a small portion of the solar disk. 8 p.m. CWC

2 • Friday

Tim Haviland Art Show

For Women Only

Come see the nature-inspired metal sculptures of local artist Tim Haviland of Bird’s Head Forge. From hand-hammered leaves to twisting and turning garden art, you will be amazed at the shapes that steel can be transformed in to. Through April 30. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. CWC

Join other women for exercise and camaraderie as we recharge after a busy week. Along the way we’ll stop by Maple Grove to sample fresh maple syrup at the sugar house. 10 a.m. - noon RRNC Ages: adult women Terrain: steps, 2.5 - 3 miles 440-526-1012

Spring Wildflowers Handmade Field Guides

Drop by the nature center and put your coloring skills to work! Throughout March you can create your own spring wildflower field guide as you look through the nature center for examples of our most common wildflowers. Through March 31 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. GPNC Amphibians on the Move

Each spring thousands of amphibians venture from within the forest to vernal or temporary pools to breed. Join Naturalist Kelly McGinnis and National Park Service Ranger Paul Metts for a two-part program on migrating amphibians. Part I will introduce the amphibians. Part II is an evening hike when migrating conditions are right. 7 - 8:30 p.m. BNC Register beginning February 14 440-526-1012



Emerald Necklace, March 2012

3 • Saturday Extreme Hike

The woods are slowly waking up from their long winter nap and spring is on the horizon. Join Naturalist Pam Taylor as we hit the trails of South Chagrin Reservation this month. Plan for spring saturated ground along the way. 9 a.m. - noon SCR Look About Lodge Terrain: hills, 7 - 8 miles 440-526-1012 Hike to Viaduct Park

Join Naturalist Natalie Moore to explore the history of Viaduct Park and enjoy views of the Great Falls of Tinker’s Creek. Enjoy a cup of coffee or cocoa upon returning to the Willis Picnic Area. 10 - 11 a.m. BeR Willis Picnic Area Terrain: level, paved, 1 mile

The Adaptable Coyote

Coyotes are often misunderstood and feared. We will separate fact from fiction and find out how to live with these fascinating adaptable predators. A short hike will follow the indoor program. 1 - 2:15 p.m. NCNC Terrain: easy, 0.5 mile American Red Cross Pet First Aid

Pet First Aid teaches emergency care procedures for cats and dogs and provides tips for keeping your pets happy and healthy too. Training will be conducted on canine and feline manikins to give participants a more realistic experience in providing care. 1 - 4 p.m. RRR Park Operations Administration Fee: $45 (includes Dog or Cat First Aid Book/DVD) or $60 (includes Dog and Cat First Aid Books/DVDs) Register by February 29 440-331-8111

Meet an Animal: The Turkey Vulture

Naturepiece Theatre: Good Morning, Robin

Cleveland Metroparks S.W. Camera Club

Western Cuyahoga Audubon Society

With the help of our live turkey vulture, we’ll explore the misconceptions and fascinating truths about this commonly misunderstood animal. We’ll also discuss vomiting, bed-wetting, even nose-picking! Not for the weak of stomach but everyone welcome! 3 p.m. LENSC Fee: $2/person 440-871-2900

Join Naturalist Mindy Murdock and the Naturepiece Theatre puppets as they welcome back spring to Northeast Ohio. Today the puppets discover why birds sing. We’ll explore bird eggs, nests, and make a craft to take home. 1 - 2 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Ages: 6 years & under with adult Register beginning March 1 440-247-7075 or LALreg@ clevelandmetroparks.com

Color Spaces, Calibration and Printing - Tonight’s presentation by Robert Hoy will help you become more proficient and precise as you create color prints. 7:30 - 9 p.m. RRNC

Birdsong Ear Training Techniques - Sorting out singers in the chorus can feel overwhelming, especially during spring migration. Techniques used in ear training and music appreciation provide tools for identifying avian musicians. Lisa Rainsong, music theory teacher at Cleveland Institute of Music, provides an approach to identifying the varied bird sounds. 7:30 - 9 p.m. RRNC

History of Maple Sugaring (see page 6 for details) Personalities of the Past (see page 8 for details)

4 • Sunday Sunday Bird Walk

Song sparrows singing, cardinals a calling and buzzards returning can only mean one thing…spring is on its way! Join us as we enjoy the beginnings of migration and celebrate those already setting up territories. Some binoculars will be available to borrow. 9 - 11 a.m. NCNC Ages: adults & families Terrain: easy, 2 miles Bird Banding at Rocky River Nature Center

Better than binoculars, you will see intricate details of birds as we capture and band birds from the feeder. Learn about bird banding, an essential tool for learning about our feathered friends. Program will be cancelled during rain. Drop in any time between the hours below. 9:30 a.m. - noon RRNC Lodge is Open

Beautiful Look About Lodge is open today for you to stop by and enjoy the early spring scenery. Noon - 3 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge

Hike For Your Health

We will hike down Foster’s Run to see if winter’s grip is loosening and if the wetlands are defrosting. This area is known to resound with the sound of spring peepers, our early frogs. 1:30 - 3 p.m. NCR A. B. Williams Memorial Woods parking lot Terrain: muddy, gradual hill, 2.5 miles Daring and Dangerous

This year-long series will follow the example of the books, The Daring Book for Girls and The Dangerous Book for Boys. This month you’ll need to bring your own pocket knife as we learn knife safety and basic whittling. 3 - 5:30 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Ages: 7 - 12 years with adult Fee: $5 per child Registration required 440-247-7075

Cleveland Metroparks Photography Club East

Petals in the Breeze - Bruce Mack will discuss the art and his techniques for photographing spring wildflowers. 8 - 10 p.m. NCNC

6 • Tuesday Hiking for the Young at Heart

Join Naturalist John Miller to discover signs of early spring. 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. MSRR South Quarry Picnic Area Terrain: moderate, 3.5 miles 440-526-1012 Trout Unlimited

Fly fisherman Charles Ritz said a fly angler’s rod is “a receiving post, with supersensitive antenna capable of registering immediately the slightest reaction of the fish to a fly.” Tonight’s session on mastering one’s stock of flies, gear, and strategies, helps you tune your antennae. 6:30 - 9 p.m. RRNC

Little Explorers (see 3/5 for details)

8 • Thursday Meet Your Nature Neighbors - Snakes

Get to know better some of our local snake species. We will learn about their habits and their habitats, as well as get an opportunity to get up close and personal with some of the nature center’s resident snakes. 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. GPNC The Moon in March

Winter’s loosening grip means that life is reawakening in the forest. Search for signs of nocturnal wildlife by light of the full moon with Naturalist Bethany Majeski, and learn some breeding calls of the local frogs. Dress for the weather. 6 - 7:30 p.m. RRNC Terrain: flat, stairs, mud, 1.5 miles

History of Maple Sugaring (see page 6 for details)

5 • Monday Little Explorers Maple Sugaring

Early in the spring, we tap maple trees. Discover how and why we collect sap; find out what we turn the sap into in this hands-on program just for pre-schoolers. 10 - 11 a.m. or 1 - 2 p.m. RRNC Ages: 3 - 5 years with adult Registration required 440-734-6660


Inviting the Planet to Dinner: Milk

Humans are the only mammals to drink milk as adults. We also make wonderful things out of it like ice cream, cheese and yogurt. The Hartzlers of Wayne County have been in the dairy business for generations - and they do it naturally. Learn about natural dairy farming and how to make a simple cheese at home. 7 - 8:30 p.m. RRNC Fee: $10 (includes tastings) Registration required 440-734-6660 For Adults Only: Mammals

Let’s take a closer look at ourselves and our relatives in the animal kingdom: the mammals. Arguably the most successful group inhabiting Earth, mammals share many features that have helped us to occupy the skies, seas and ground, yet our diversity is astounding. This three-part program (March 9 & 10 also) will include multi-media programming, hands-on exploration, a take-home field guide, and a special field trip. 7 - 9 p.m. BNC Ages: adults, 16 years & up Fee: $10 Register beginning March 1 440-526-1012

It is “a center of the arts, technology, education, ideas”. 10 a.m. - noon Ages: 12 years & up with adult Register beginning March 1 216-206-1000 Homeschool Happenings

Come to the Maple Grove Sugarbush to learn how Americans throughout the ages have turned sap into sugar. Dress for muddy trails and the weather for this all outdoors program. 2 - 3 p.m. RRR Maple Grove Picnic Area Terrain: flat, mud, 0.5 mile Registration required 440-734-6660 Eye on the Environment Film Series: Play Again

Third in a series of eye-opening films centered on earth issues. Play Again looks at the disconnect between children today and nature. See what happens when six teenagers are unplugged and taken on their first wilderness adventure. 7 - 9 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Ages: 14 years - adult

Full Worm Moon Hike

Join Naturalist Traci Williams for a night time trek on the Castle Valley and Hickory Fox trails. We’ll be hiking under the Worm Moon - the last full moon heralding the official end of winter! Will we see worms coming out of their burrows? What other nocturnal residents will be up and about? Come and find out! 7:30 - 9 p.m. NCNC Ages: adults & older children Terrain: dirt trails, stairs, may be muddy, 1.75 miles

9 • Friday Urban Explorations: Idea Center

Join Doug Kusak for a peek inside Idea Center, which houses Ideastream®: the studios for television’s WVIZ/ PBS and radio’s 90.3/WCPN.



Emerald Necklace, March 2012

For Adults Only: Mammals (see 3/8 for details)

10 • Saturday Art Workshop: The Elements of Nature, Part 1

Take a closer look at trees, clouds, streams, and all the other pieces of the natural environment. We will learn different techniques for rendering these elements in a variety of artistic media. Participants strongly encouraged to attend all three parts (March 17 and 24 also.) 9 a.m. - noon SCR Look About Lodge Ages: 14 years - adult Fee: $20 (supplies for all three parts) Register by March 7 440-247-7075 or LALreg@ clevelandmetroparks.com Bird Banding

Learn about bird banding, an essential tool for learning about our feathered friends. You can see the intricate details of the birds that we capture, band, and release at the feeders. Drop in anytime between the hours below; however the program will be cancelled if raining. 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. CWC

Farewell Winter Hike

Winter has loosened its grasp to give way to spring. On this naturalist-led hike you’ll help search for early signs of spring as we take in the last few days of winter. 1 - 3 p.m. NCR Strawberry Picnic area parking lot Terrain: muddy, hills, 2 - 2.5 miles Nature Journaling Through the Seasons

We will take note of the subtle and not-so-subtle changes as the seasons take their turn and reflect on our observations in a nature journal of our own creation. You may want to bring your camera and a pair of binoculars. 1 - 3 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Ages: 12 years - adult Terrain: some hills, 0.5 - 1 mile Fee: $20 for first-time participants Register by March 7 440-247-7075 or LALreg@ clevelandmetroparks.com

For Adults Only: Mammals (see 3/8 for details) History of Maple Sugaring (see page 6 for details) Personalities of the Past (see page 8 for details)

11 • Sunday Birds and Coffee

Join us as we enjoy the birds visiting the feeders as we sip on hot coffee. We will discuss how to attract birds to your own backyard and behaviors of the birds that are being observed. This is a great opportunity to have your bird questions answered. Space is limited. 9 - 10 a.m. NCR Nature Education Building Ages: adults & families Register beginning March 1 440-473-3370 Getting Ready to Garden!

Join an Ohio State University Extension educator for the first in a series of gardening workshops. It’s still cold outside, but not too early to think about seed starting, early outdoor plants, and garden design. Plant seeds to grow at home. 1 - 2:30 p.m. CWC Register beginning March 1 216-206-1000 Spring Ahead Hike

Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead so you won’t miss this hike. We’ll explore the forests and wetlands along Foster’s Run to look for the first signs of our early wildflowers and hope for a glimpse of salamanders. 1 - 3 p.m. NCR Wilson Mills Road parking lot Terrain: muddy, hill, 3 miles Last Week of Winter Hike

Spring arrives next week. Join us for a brisk forest walk to warm up our bodies and usher out the winter weather. We’ll go through the woods and pass by the meadow to watch the wild come back to life. 2 - 3 p.m. GPNC Terrain: some hills, stairs, 1.5 miles

Spring Ahead Hike

Don’t forget to change your clocks and join us for a hike on the Deer Lick Cave Trail. We’ll search for signs of spring…it is just around the corner. 2 - 4 p.m. BNC Terrain: hills, slippery, 4 miles History of Maple Sugaring (see page 6 for details)

12 • Monday Winter Walk

We are starting at the towpath’s most northern point, Harvard Road. We will walk south along the towpath and look for signs of spring along the trail. We will also hike up to the overlook to get a better view of the Cuyahoga River. 1 - 2 p.m. OECR Harvard Road parking lot Terrain: all purpose trail, hills, 2 miles 216-206-1000 Cuyahoga Astronomical Association

The Journey to Palomar (Part II). Mike Williams shares his experience at Palomar Mountain and the Palomar Observatory - the 200-inch telescope. He will also touch on problems with light pollution from Los Angeles. 7:30 - 9 p.m. RRNC

13 • Tuesday Talking Tracks

Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield on an animal tracking expedition through the fields and woods of West Creek. Although tough to find, we may discover mink and coyote tracks among other special animal signs in Parma’s “big backyard.” 10 - 11:30 a.m. WCR Center Park on Park Drive Ages: adults, families Terrain: moderate, mostly flat, 1.25 miles 216-341-9225

14 • Wednesday Animal Crackers

Bring your preschooler to celebrate salamanders with Miss Jenny. 10 - 11:15 a.m. BNC Ages: 3 - 5 years with adult, no siblings Register beginning March 1 440-526-1012 Urban Explorations: Burke Lakefront Airport

Join Historical Interpreter Doug Kusak to learn about the history and workings of Burke Lakefront Airport. We’ll also tour the International Women’s Air & Space Museum in the airport. 10 a.m. - noon Ages: adults Register beginning March 1 216-206-1000 Mid-Week After Work Hike

Feel up to a hike to unwind after a long work day? Join Naturalist Traci Williams for an invigorating hike along the Buckeye trail passing through Foster’s Run and A.B. Williams Memorial Woods. We’ll take opportunities to look for signs of spring along the way. 5:30 - 7 p.m. NCNC Ages: adults Terrain: paved & dirt trails, hills, may be muddy, 2 miles Greater Cleveland Beekeepers Association

Bee Biology - Beekeeper Denzil St. Clair helps you understand the life of a honeybee. Follow their story from egg to nectar scout. Bees are fascinating animals, the only insects to manufacture a food eaten by humans. 7 - 9 p.m. RRNC

15 • Thursday Winter Bird Hike

Come to the Lodge for a winter bird walk. We’ll check out the feeders at the beginning and end of the hike then come in to the Lodge to sit by the fire and share what we saw over coffee, cocoa and bagels. 8:30 - 10 a.m. SCR Look About Lodge Terrain: hills, slow paced, 1 mile

Green Time

Preschoolers can come to the Lodge this month and learn about mud. This two-part program will meet again on March 22. 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. or 1 - 2 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Ages: 3 years - pre-K with adult Registration required Email LALreg@ clevelandmetroparks.com Youth Outdoors Volunteer Orientation

Want to share your interest in the outdoors with urban youth from Cleveland? We are looking for adults to assist our staff in providing handson outdoor recreation experiences such as hiking, fishing, kayaking, rock climbing, biking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and nature exploration. This orientation provides information and insights about our program for potential volunteers. 7 - 9 p.m. CWC Ages: adults Register by March 12 216-206-1010

16 • Friday Preschoolers: Animal Tracks

Every animal has their own track. Bring your preschooler to CanalWay where we will discover the tracks of some of our local animals. We will go on a hike so dress for the weather. 10 - 11 a.m. CWC Ages: 2 - 5 years with adult Register beginning March 1 216-206-1000 Progression of Spring

Get out and welcome spring with Naturalist Min Keung. We will look for skunk cabbage and other signs of spring. 6 - 7:30 p.m. RRNC Terrain: may be muddy, some stairs, 1 mile


St. Patrick’s Day Hike

Spring is only days away; we’ll look for early signs of sprouting “green” plants. Next month, the hillsides will be covered with squirrel corn and other spring wildflowers. 1 - 2:30 p.m. ECR Welsh Woods parking lot Terrain: muddy, 2.5 miles Acoustic Players Circle

Join this well-established player’s circle to swap songs, chords and styles of playing. Professional abilities not needed, just a desire to have fun and learn from fellow musicians. Listeners are always welcome. Theme for this month: I Protest. 1 - 3 p.m. CWC Naturalist at Dragonfly Pond

Eye on the Environment Film Series: Tapped

Last in a series of eye-opening films centered on earth issues. Tapped asks the question: Is clean drinking water a human right or commodity to be bought and sold? Take a close look at how the bottled water industry affects people and the planet. 7 - 9 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Ages: 14 years - adult Friday Movie Night

Tonight’s feature is from the BBC Earth series Life focusing on reptiles and amphibians. Come witness how they survive, thrive, and adapt in widely varied habitats from around the world. Doors open at 7:15 p.m. Popcorn will be served. 7:30 - 9 p.m. NCNC Ages: adults, families with older children

CanalWay CoffeeHouse

In the spirit of Saint Patrick, CanalWay Center will be filled with Irish flute, fiddle, Uilleann pipes and bodhran by the band Turn the Corner. This Irish Traditional music will surely lift your winter doldrums and set it a-dancing. 7:30 - 9 p.m. CWC Fee: $5/person 216-206-1000

17 • Saturday Monthly Morning with the Birds

As spring approaches, search for early migrants and our winter resident birds with a naturalist. We will be looking for early birds like pine warblers and Eastern phoebes. 9 - 11 a.m. RRR Nature Center Parking Lot Terrain: level; 1.5 miles Gallery Wall

Enjoy a look at space in an astronomy art show. The astro-photographers have captured fascinating images of galaxies, stars, nebula, and 28


Emerald Necklace, March 2012

Stop by Dragonfly Pond anytime during the program and meet the naturalist who will help you find spring’s early risers. Park at the sledding hill and follow the signs. Weather permitting. 1 - 3 p.m. SCR Dragonfly Pond Terrain: paved, 0.25 mile other heavenly objects that will be on display. Through March 31. 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. RRNC In Search of Green

It is St. Patrick’s Day and just days before the first day of spring. It only makes sense to search for green. During this hike, we will search for the various plants that live in the Rocky River valley. 10 - 11 a.m. RRNC Terrain: some stairs, may be muddy, 1 mile Silly Shamrocks

Enjoy a story all about shamrocks, become a leprechaunin-training, search for shamrocks, and sing some silly shamrock songs while enjoying a morning at Garfield Park Nature Center. 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. GPNC Ages: 3 - 6 years with adult Register beginning March 1 216-341-3152

Pysanka Egg Workshop

Spring is full of symbols of life. Try your hand at designing your own Pysanka egg to celebrate the season. Pysanky are Ukrainian Easter eggs decorated with traditional folk designs using a wax resist process. This program will cover basic, beginner techniques. 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Ages: adults Fee: $20 for supplies Register by March 13 440-247-7075 Green Scavenger Hunt

Bring the family to celebrate everything that’s green with a special self-guided scavenger hunt. If you find a leprechaun along the way, you will be rewarded with “gold.” 2 - 3:30 p.m. BNC Terrain: steps, up to 1 mile Ages: families Registration begins March 1 440-526-1012

St Patrick’s Day Hike

Is it really spring? Wear some green as we head out on the trail to search for signs of spring on the Lake Isaac trail. 2 - 3:30 p.m. BCR Lake Isaac parking lot Terrain: hills, mud, 1.2 miles 440-734-6660 Meet an Animal: The Opossum

Come and visit with one of these ubiquitous, trash-eating suburban animals Although poorly understood by most, after listening, seeing and touching, you will leave with a newfound appreciation for these unique animals. 3 p.m. LENSC Fee: $2/person 440-871-2900 Cleveland Natural Science Club

Stanley Stein from the Cleveland Museum of Natural History will present A Naturalist’s Life. 7:30 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Art Workshop: The Elements of Nature, Part 2 (see 3/10 for details)

18 • Sunday Bird Banding at Rocky River Nature Center

Better than binoculars, see intricate details of birds as we capture and band birds from the feeder. Learn about bird banding, an essential tool for learning about our feathered friends. Program will be cancelled during rain. Drop in any time between the hours below. 9:30 a.m. - noon RRNC Easter Baskets

Come weave your own Easter basket (skill level: intermediate). The finished basket will measure approximately 6”h x 7”w x 14”l, not including the handle. Light snacks provided. Noon - 6 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Ages: 12 years - adult Fee: $40 Register by March 9 440-247-7075

Chickadees: Hardy Winter Residents

Small birds lose large amounts of body heat in the cold. How do they manage to survive our winters? Hike to the Overlook for a closer look at these familiar birds and learn more about their winter survival. 1:30 - 3 p.m. NCNC Terrain: 2 miles One Trail, Twelve Times

Seasons come and go but do we really pay attention to nature’s changing landscape? Walk with Naturalist Barb Holtz to discover how the plant and animal life on one trail transforms over the course of a year. 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. SCR Quarry Rock Picnic Area Terrain: hilly, 2 miles Opossums, Raccoons & Skunks - Oh, My!

Raccoons, skunks, and opossums will re-enter our lives this spring. Come explore the life cycle and habits of these amazing mammals: when do the young arrive, what do they eat, and how do you encourage them to stay in the wild? 2 - 3:30 p.m. GPNC Skunk Cabbage Patrol

The first plant to flower in the spring is skunk cabbage. We will head to “Skunk Cabbage Hollow” to search for the flowers and leaves of this smelly plant. 2 - 3:30 p.m. RRNC Terrain: flat, muddy, wet, 1.5 miles

19 • Monday Cleveland Metroparks S.W. Camera Club

Digital Competition - Pictoral and Four-Legged Animals are the topics for tonight’s digital competition. Find inspiration for your own photography as you see members’ best efforts presented for judging. 7:30 - 9 p.m. RRNC

20 • Tuesday Lake to Lake Hike

Trail Trackers: Look for Green

From kettle lakes to onion fields, the Lake to Lake Trail has a diverse history. Hike with Naturalist Sharon Hosko and learn all the stories that can be told. 9:30 a.m. - noon BCR Lake Isaac parking lot Terrain: paved, boardwalk, 5 miles 440-526-1012

March is the month for green! Spring’s arrival is just around the corner even through the weather may be wintry. Join us to search for nature’s new beginnings. Program includes a hike and craft. 10 - 11 a.m. or 1 - 2 p.m. NCR Nature Education Building Ages: 3 years - K with adult Register beginning March 1 440-473-3370

Stroller Science Signs of Spring

Secret Salamanders

How do we know that spring has arrived? Nature has left us clues and it’s up to us to find them. Bring your precious little one out to discover signs of spring in our pond, marsh, and surrounding woods. We’ll begin indoors with a story before going outside. 10:15 - 11:15 a.m. NCNC Ages: 2 years & under with adult Terrain: paved trails, easy. 0.75 - 1 mile

Young children will love learning more about the shy, secretive salamander. We will hear a story, make a fun craft, and take a short hike to our favorite salamander spot to look for some of these slippery creatures! 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. GPNC Ages: 3 - 5 years with adult Terrain: may be muddy, small hills, 0.5 mile Register beginning March 1 216–341-3152

Rain Barrel Workshop

Hiking for your Health

Make your own rain barrel to collect and store rainwater that would otherwise be lost to runoff or diverted to a storm drain. Use collected water to water lawns and gardens. Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District’s Jared Bartley guides you. 6:30 - 8 p.m. RRNC Fee: $60 (includes instruction and all supplies) Register by March 13 440-734-6660

As the seasons change from winter to spring, enjoy a brisk walk with a naturalist. We will search for early migratory birds and spring wildflowers. 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. RRNC Terrain: 1 hill, 2.5 miles

21 • Wednesday Animal Crackers

Bring your preschooler to celebrate salamanders with Miss Jenny. 10 - 11:15 a.m. or 1 - 2:15 p.m. BNC Ages: 3 - 5 years with adult, no siblings Register beginning March 1 440-526-1012

Lithuanian Egg Decorating

Join local artisan Ann Greczanik to learn beeswax egg decorating in the traditional Lithuanian style. Come and try an “old world” skill that has been passed down for generations. All materials provided. Space is limited. 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. CWC Ages: 13 years - adult Fee: $15 Register beginning March 1 216-206-1000


23 • Friday Outdoor Education for Homeschoolers: Weather

What do you get when you combine the sun, air and water? Weather! Today we will learn what makes weather wet and wild through cool activities and crafts. Join us for a weatherful day! 10 a.m. - noon NCR Nature Education Building Ages: 6 - 12 years Register beginning March 1 440-437-3370 Progression of Spring

Get out and welcome spring with Naturalist Min Keung at the Strongsville Wildlife area. You will get a chance to see the bat condo and the chimney swift tower. 6 - 7 p.m. MSRR Terrain: flat, muddy or icy, 0.5 mile 440-734-6660 Dusk to Dark Hike

Celebrate longer days by watching the sun set on a naturalist-guided hike. Early evening hours are very active for wildlife. The meeting location will be determined by the weather. 7 - 8:30 p.m. BrR Terrain: steep hill, 2 miles Registration begins March 1 440-526-1012 Adults-Only Spring Fling!

Wine, cheese, friends … a night out without the kids! Join us for a relaxing adultsonly evening at the Center where you can enjoy a night “under the stars,” sitting by the fire and enjoying conversation with other parents. 7 - 9 p.m. LENSC Fee: $40/couple Registration required 440-871-2900

24 • Saturday Bird Banding

Drop in anytime between the hours below to learn about this essential tool for learning about our feathered friends. See intricate details of the birds as we capture, band, and release at the feeders. Cancelled if raining. 9:30 a.m. - noon GPNC 30


Boy Scout Saturday: Environmental Science Merit Badge

Naturalist and Merit Badge Counselor Mindy Murdock will guide you to complete most of your requirements for the Environmental Science Merit Badge. Participants should come prepared with their blue card. 10 a.m. - noon NCR Nature Education Building Register beginning March 1 440-473-3370 Woodlands of Bedford: Early Spring Hike

Volunteer Naturalist Fred Losi will lead an exploration of the area to the south of the overlook including several sandstone quarries and great towering trees. Included will be the former sites of a Cleveland family homestead and Burnt Ridge Cabin. 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. BeR Tinker’s Creek Gorge Scenic Overlook Terrain: some off trail, hills 216-341-3152 Let’s Get Ready to Ride! CanalWay Center’s Bicycle Weekend

Warmer weather is fast approaching and when it arrives we want to be ready to ride. We’ll provide free workshops throughout the day today and tomorrow to help you build your confidence in selecting, maintaining, and fixing your bicycle. Noon - 4 p.m. CWC 216-206-1000 Natural Crafts: Part 3

Create something beautiful from natural woodland materials by making a basket from various plants. Materials are provided. 1 - 3 p.m. RRNC Ages: adults Registration required 440-734-6660 Signs of Spring

The seasons have changed and it is now officially spring. Join us to search for those first signs of active mammals, migratory birds, insects, and wildflowers. 2 - 3:30 p.m. RRNC Terrain: stairs, muddy, 1 - 2 miles

Emerald Necklace, March 2012

Cinema Saturday Night Mysteries of the Great Lakes

Plant a Pollinator Garden

This film showcases the amazing geography, ecology, science and history of one of the largest fresh water resources in the world. Learn more about the importance of this tremendous source of fresh water. 7:30 - 9 p.m. RRNC

Many native pollinators face threats to their health and habitat. You can help in your own backyard! Plant a garden plot to attract insects that help feed you and the world. 1 - 2:30 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge

Art Workshop: The Elements of Nature, Part 3 (see 3/10 for details)

Bring your best furry friend to the park for some exercise and socialization. We will hike the wooded trails of North Chagrin Reservation. Dogs must be leashed. 2 - 3:30 p.m. NCNC Terrain: moderate, may be muddy, 1.5 - 2 miles

Personalities of the Past (see page 8 for details)

25 • Sunday Welcoming Winged Migration

Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield on a bird walk around the wetlands and through the deep woods of North Chagrin Reservation. Spring has just begun, and the first migrants are trickling back north. We’ll study each bird in detail, discussing the finer points of bird identification and behavior. Noon - 1:30 p.m. NCNC Ages: adults, families Terrain: moderate, mostly flat, 2 miles Daddy & Me Day

Join us for a special afternoon devoted to dads and their children! Discover the universe with a planetarium show, meet some of our resident animals and enjoy engaging hands-on activities. 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. LENSC Fee: $5/person (Center members free) Registration required 440-871-2900 Ridge Walk

Meet us in Bedford during this first full week of spring! We’ll hike along the ridge above Tinker’s Creek Valley and look for signs of spring’s awakening. 1 - 2 p.m. BeR Egbert Picnic Area Terrain: gravel, some hills, 1.1 miles

Dog Hike

Spring Book Review

Join Naturalist Joni Norris and the Rocky River Readers to review Swarm Tree: Honeybees, Honeymoons and the Tree of Life by Doug Elliott. Begin the first month of spring with a book full of fun, surprises, and natural history delights. Listeners welcome. 2 - 4 p.m. RRNC Ages: adults School of the Wilds Frogs and Salamanders

Naturalist Gretchen Motts has been doing amphibian surveys in Cleveland Metroparks for 10 years. Come and learn what frogs and salamanders are found in our reservations and then venture out to the wilds to see if we can find some of these fascinating frogs. 2 - 5 p.m. RRNC Terrain: flat, 1 mile Let’s Get Ready to Ride! CanalWay Center’s Bicycle Weekend (see 3/24 for details)

Soup Hike

Take a hike through Garfield Park in search of wildflowers and then return to the Nature Center to enjoy a warm cup of soup with good company. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. GPNC Terrain: some small hills, 1.7 miles Fee: $7 (without mug), $10 (with mug) Register beginning March 1 216-341-3152 Frog Walk

26 • Monday Signs of Spring at Bradley Woods

This unique wetland habitat comes alive in early spring with early wildflowers and amorous amphibians. Join Naturalist Bethany Majeski to explore the season’s premiere awakeners. Tall rubber boots are strongly recommended for hiking in these flooded areas. 10 a.m. - noon BWR Bunns Lake Trailhead Terrain: mud, standing water, 1.5 miles 440-734-6660

28 • Wednesday Hidden Valley Homeschoolers: The Western Reserve

Most of us have heard of the “Western Reserve,” but few know exactly what it means. Find out all about this unique part of Ohio where we live and have some fun while you learn! 1 - 2 p.m. CWC Register beginning March 1 216-206-1000 Focus on the Planet Film Series: Climate Refugees

A climate refugee is a person displaced by climatically induced environmental disasters. Such disasters result from incremental and rapid ecological change resulting in mass global migration and border conflicts. For the first time, the Pentagon considers climate change a national security risk. 7 - 9 p.m. RRNC 440-734-6660

Woodcock Watch

Each spring the male woodcock returns to Northern Ohio and begins a nightly performance of calls and aerial dances to attract a mate. Join us as we search for this common, but elusive bird and watch his “skydance.” Wear hiking footwear and dress for the weather. 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. CWC

29 • Thursday The Sky Dance of the Woodcock

Some people call it the bogsucker or the timberdoodle but you might know it as the woodcock. This intriguing bird makes its annual mating flight at this time of year. This is one for the bucket list, a must see! Dress for the weather. 7:45 - 8:45 p.m. BCR Main Street Ballfield 440-734-6660

30 • Friday For Women Only

Join other women for exercise and camaraderie as recharge after a busy week. We will explore the trails of North Chagrin Reservation in search of early wildflowers. 10 a.m. - noon NCNC Ages: adult women Terrain: hills, mud, 2.5 - 3 miles 440-526-1012

Family Friday Night: Amphibian Habitats

Leap into an evening of fun with us. We’ll discover where amphibians live and visit some of their homes in hopes to find them. After our visit, you will create a toad abode to take home. 6:30 - 8 p.m. NCNC Ages: families Fee: $5 per toad abode, free if you do not want to make an abode Register beginning March 1 440-473-3370

Join Naturalist Gretchen Motts to learn about the frogs in our area. Then set out to hear their love calls and look for them in and around our wetlands. 7:30 - 9 p.m. RRNC Ages: 6 years & up Terrain: flat, wet, muddy Register beginning March 18 440-734-6660 “Toad-ally” Awesome Amphibians (see page 7 for details) Personalities of the Past (see page 8 for details)

31 • Saturday Making Tracks - Dog Walk

Mud abounds during spring! Join Naturalist Pam Taylor as we head up to Worden’s Ledges. Be sure your four legged friend doesn’t mind muddy paws along the way. 9:30 - 11 a.m. HiR Hinckley Lake Boathouse parking lot Terrain: hills, 3.5 miles Registration begins March 1 440-526-1012

Cleveland Metroparks is proud to serve the following products.

Backyard Birds

This Saturday we will be taking a closer look at sparrows. Most people call them ‘little brown birds.’ But did you know that there are multiple species of sparrows that visit your feeders? Stop in any time between the hours below to learn about these birds. 9:30 a.m. - noon CWC


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Cleveland Metroparks Directory Administrative Offices

216-635-3200/general Cleveland Metroparks information - 24-hours a day. TTY 216-351-0808 4101 Fulton Parkway Cleveland, OH 44144 clevelandmetroparks.com 24-hour Job Hotline 216-635-3211 Office of the Executive Director 216-635-3214 Office of the Treasurer 216-635-3231 Human Resources 216-635-3228 Marketing 216-635-3268 Planning/Engineering 216-635-3237 Brochures/Maps/Emerald Necklace 216-635-3200 Permits/Picnic Area Reservations 216-635-3200 Volunteer Services 216-635-3258

Ranger Headquarters Ranger Chief 4600 Valley Parkway Fairview Park 440-331-5530 Accidents or Emergencies 440-333-4911 Parkway Alert Line (PAL) 440-331-5963

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo & The RainForest 216-661-6500/24-hour information. TTY 216-661-1090 3900 Wildlife Way Cleveland, OH 44109 clemetzoo.com Office of the Zoo Director 216-635-3330 Education Programs/Volunteers 216-635-3391 Travel Programs 216-635-3331 Marketing & Public Relations 216-635-3338 School Group Reservations 216-635-3308 Groups/Parties/Private Events/ Facility Rentals 216-635-3389 Cleveland Zoological Society 216-661-6500, ext. 4421

Winter Recreation 216-635-3200

Chalet/Tobogganing Mill Stream Run Reservation Strongsville 440-572-9990


Golf Tee Reservations (24 hours) and directions, hours, fees etc. 216-635-3673 clevelandmetroparks.com Golf Services – for general course info and inquires 440-232-7247 Big Met Golf Course 4811 Valley Parkway Rocky River Reservation Fairview Park 440-331-1070 Food Service/Catering: Big Met Grille 440-333-5575 Little Met Golf Course 18599 Old Lorain Road Rocky River Reservation Cleveland 216-941-9672 Manakiki Golf Course 35501 Eddy Road North Chagrin Reservation Willoughby Hills 440-942-2500 Food Service/Catering: Sammy’s of Manakiki 440-946-1140 Mastick Woods Golf Course 19900 Puritas Road Rocky River Reservation Cleveland 216-267-5626 Food Service/Catering: Eagle’s Nest Cafe 216-267-5626 Seneca Golf Course 975 Valley Parkway Brecksville Reservation Broadview Heights 440-526-0043 Food Service/Catering: Back 9 Grill 440-546-7797 Shawnee Hills Golf Course 18753 Egbert Road Bedford Reservation Bedford 440-232-7184 Food Service/Catering: Double Bogey Grille 440-786-7587 Sleepy Hollow Golf Course 9445 Brecksville Road Brecksville Reservation Brecksville 440-526-4285 Food Service/Catering: Theo’s of Sleepy Hollow 440-546-1555 Washington Golf Course 3841 Washington Park Blvd. Washington Reservation 216-641-1864 The First Tee of Cleveland 216-641-7799

Outdoor Education

Outdoor Education Administration 216-341-9225 Institute of the Great Outdoors 216-341-1704 Historical Interpretation 440-786-8530 Voyageur Canoe Paddle Wallace/Hinckley Lakes 440-786-8530 West Creek Reservation 216-341-9225 Youth Outdoors 216-206-1010

Outdoor Education Facilities CanalWay Center E. 49th Street entrance Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation Cuyahoga Heights 216-206-1000 Brecksville Nature Center Rt. 82 entrance Brecksville Reservation Brecksville 440-526-1012 Garfield Park Nature Center 11350 Broadway Avenue Garfield Park Reservation Garfield Heights 216-341-3152 North Chagrin Nature Center Sunset Lane Entrance North Chagrin Reservation Mayfield Village 440-473-3370 John J. Donnelly Rocky River Nature Center 24000 Valley Parkway Rocky River Reservation North Olmsted 440-734-6660 Look About Lodge 37374 Miles Rd., east of Rt. 91 South Chagrin Reservation 440-247-7075 EarthWords Nature Shops CanalWay Center Cuyahoga Heights 216-206-1003 North Chagrin Nature Center Mayfield Village 440-449-0511 Rocky River Nature Center North Olmsted 440-734-7576 NatureTracks Education Unit/ EcoExplorers 216-341-1707 Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Lake Erie Nature & Science Center Bay Village 440-871-WILD

Boating Emerald Necklace Marina 1500 Scenic Park Drive Rocky River Reservation Lakewood 216-226-3030 Food Service/Catering: Sweetwater Landing 216-228-2233 Kayak Rentals 41° North Coastal Kayak Adventures Rocky River Reservation 1-866-529-2541 Hinckley Boathouse West Drive, Hinckley Lake Hinckley Reservation Hinckley Township 330-278-3132 Wallace Lake Off Valley Parkway, south of Bagley Road Mill Stream Run Reservation, Berea Quarry Rock Café Affiliates are supported, but not operationally-funded, by Cleveland Metroparks. These outstanding non-profit organizations depend on class fees, special events, benefactor initiatives, and your financial support to operate. Your contributions and volunteer service are encouraged.


440-331-8111 Hotline 216-635-3383 Hinckley Lake Hinckley Reservation Hinckley Township Huntington Beach Huntington Reservation Bay Village Ledge Pool & Recreation Area Hinckley Reservation Hinckley Township Ledge Rock Café Wallace Lake Mill Stream Run Reservation Berea Quarry Rock Café

Cleveland Metroparks Affiliates and Clubs Achievement Centers for Children Camp Cheerful 440-238-6200 Mill Stream Run Reservation BAYarts Huntington Reservation 440-871-6543 www.bayarts.net Vento 440-835-4530 Brecksville Historical Society Brecksville Reservation 440-526-7165 Brecksville Stables Brecksville Reservation 440-526-6767 www.brecksvillestables.com Brilla House Slavic Village Development Mill Creek Falls Garfield Park Reservation 216-429-1182, ext. 116 Brooklyn Exchange Cabin Hinckley Reservation 330-577-8882 exchangecabin@gmail.com Chagrin Valley Trails and Riding Club South Chagrin Reservation 216-635-3200 Cleveland Archery Club 216-635-3200 Cleveland Natural Science Club 440-247-4005 or 440-247-0151 Hinckley Historical Society Hinckley Reservation 330-278-3159 Huntington Playhouse Huntington Reservation 440-871-8333 www.huntingtonplayhouse.com Girl Scouts of North East Ohio Intergrove Lodge 1-800-852-4474 www.gsneo.org Lake Erie Nature & Science Center Huntington Reservation 440-871-2900 www.lensc.org Olmsted Historical Society Rocky River Reservation 440-779-0280 www.olmstedhistoricalsociety.org Rocky River Stables Rocky River Reservation 216-267-2525 (lessons & boarding – no trail rides)

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