Emerald Necklace - May 2015

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May ‘15 Vol. 64 #5

Emerald Necklace

Featuring Cleveland Metroparks program guide and events

May Belongs to the Birds

Birding By Ear 3 • Outdoor Recreation 10 • Spring Bird Walks 32

Contents Features 3 Birding By Ear 5 Bird Banding in the Valley Columns 2 Inside the Emerald Necklace 4 Naturalist’s Almanac In Addition

6 9 10 14 16 17

Come Out and Play Cleveland Metroparks Golf Outdoor Recreation Zoo News Programs by Date Programs by Location

30 A Look Ahead 31 Directory 32 Spring Bird Walks Cover photo: Bird Watching in Rocky River Reservation

All photos by Cleveland Metroparks photo archive unless otherwise noted.

Emerald Necklace Published monthly by:

Cleveland Metroparks 216-635-3200 clevelandmetroparks.com Marjorie Thomas Editor

Eriepro ltd.

Graphic Design

Penton Marketing Services Printing

Emerald Necklace is also available online at clevelandmetroparks.com.

Board of Park Commissioners Dan T. Moore Debra K. Berry President

Bruce G. Rinker Vice President

Vice President

Brian M. Zimmerman Chief Executive Officer

Cleveland Metroparks does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age or disability in employment, services or access to programs or activities. Special assistance for Cleveland Metroparks programs or facilities is available by calling 216-635-3264 in advance.

2 Emerald Necklace, April 2015

Note from the Editor: May belongs to the birds. Overhead new songs announce the arrival of yet another feathered visitor from the South. Some birds will stay and raise their families here, while others push on into the Canadian boreal forests to breed. May affirms the promise of spring with the greening of forest canopies, the array of wildflowers and the arrival of migrating birds. Be a part of the awaking of nature, join a naturalist-led group or discover May on your own on the trails of Cleveland Metroparks.

Inside the

Emerald Necklace

Project FeederWatch

Project FeederWatch invites volunteers, school children, bird enthusiasts and novice birders throughout North America to take part in an international effort to collect data related to the general movement and long-term trends of our winter backyard bird populations. Operated by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Bird Studies Canada, Project FeederWatch has few requirements for birders of every level to participate: 1. Provide food and/or water for birds 2. Select two consecutive days to count 3. Report your count The participation fee, of less than twenty dollars annually, helps support this important project and provides participants with a Research Kit. A few of the items included in the research kit are a handbook, a poster to identify the most prevalent feeder species and a data collection sheet. Once collected, citizen scientists submit their data online where they can review the movement of birds around the country and contribute photos of birds at their location. For more than 20 years, data collected from this ongoing citizen science project has been used to track changes across the continent. The effects of climate change, deteriorating habitat and alterations to migratory patterns have been observed and analyzed American goldfinch using the invaluable FeederWatch counts. The fees citizens pay to participate are used to fund this important research that graces the pages of newspapers, magazine articles and scientific journals. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology also sends a newsletter as well as a year-end report summarizing the success of another year at Project FeederWatch. LaDonna Sifford Naturalist


Birding By Ear Blue-gray gnatcatcher photo by Bob Boddy


am a frustrated birder. I work alongside some of the best birders in Ohio. Though I love birds, I am painfully aware that my fellow birders are on a different stratosphere. A typical birding trip would run like this: The birder would patiently point out a bird, several hundred feet away. They speak to me as if the bird was plain as day: “It’s at 2 o’clock on the tree about one hundred feet in the back. Do you see it yet? It’s on the sycamore.” I don’t see it. I nod and wave that it is okay. One half hour later, I still don’t see it. Why are we still standing in the same spot anyway? When I finally focus my binoculars on the bird, it tauntingly flies away. I muse that there has to be a better way. This past summer, I found my solution: birding by ear. For most of my life, I’ve relied mostly on my sense of sight. Sound was something that faded in

the background for me. I hear sounds of traffic, which become white noise. Oftentimes, I would hear a bird, which would warm my soul. Learning bird sounds quickly moved up my bucket list, as the sounds of airplanes fade into the background, and the brilliant songs moved into the foreground. Focusing on sound opened an entire world for me. No longer did I have to strain and squint my eyes, I could stand in one place and hear a bird to know that it was there. I quickly realized that using sound made me a better birder. Sometimes, I may not see the bird at all, but at least I know it is there. Somehow just knowing it is somewhere out there is enough for me. If this sounds like a familiar journey to you, let me recommend some tools for your Birding By Ear toolkit. Number one:

Get a bird CD or a bird app with sounds. Some bird apps have spectrograms on them, which is helpful if you are a visual person. Spectrograms show you how sound is related to pitch in graph form. Number two: Mnemonics help. A tufted titmouse sounds like it is saying “Peter Peter Peter” or a black-capped chickadee can sound like it is saying its own name “Chickadee dee dee”. Number three: Join naturalists for bird walks. I tend to learn better when I am in a group of people, so if this is the case, look up some of the free bird walks that Cleveland Metroparks offers. We have some of the best birders in Ohio – take advantage of it. Min Keung Naturalist Annual Spring bird walks will be taking place most Sundays in May throughout Cleveland Metroparks, see page 32. Enjoy your journey of birding by ear. 3


May May is best enjoyed on the trails as the flora and fauna can change daily. Before long, spring will quickly give way to summer. Leaves are rapidly growing and bringing a fresh green color to the woodlands. Migrant bird songs are heard from treetops as they acrobatically search for small insects to fuel their incredible journey. On the forest floor spring wildflowers are in full bloom and are being visited by beetles, flies, bees and even ants as sweet nectar is the reward for their pollination service. The first babies of spring arrive as Mother’s Day is a good time to see goslings, ducklings and even fawns. Birds Songbird migration peaks the first two weeks of May as wave after wave of birds arrive in Cleveland Metroparks. Some like the blackburnian warbler began their journey in South America only stopping briefly to refuel, then continuing to boreal forests farther north. Others, like the wood thrush arrive from the forests of Panama to stake out a territory in local forests filling the morning and evening with their flute-like song. Migrating at night, nocturnal flights of these and other bird migrants can be so impressive that they can be seen on weather radar. While birds continue to arrive this month others like bluebirds have already fledged their first brood. Wildflowers A walk along a river in a floodplain forest one can be rewarded with blankets of Virginia bluebells and wild hyacinth intermixed with yellows of golden alexanders and golden ragwort. These botanical gems come and go quickly and can easily be missed.

Blackburnian warbler 4 Emerald Necklace May 2015

These perennials grow and quickly die back storing energy underground in roots and tubers waiting for the following spring to begin the cycle again. Seeds of these spring wildflowers are dispersed in many ways, but the association of many with ants carrying them underground is truly awesome! Trees A typical spring brings total leaf out by mid-May. Oaks, which are one of the last trees to sprout new leaves, are now are in full bloom. Their drooping catkins are not showy, but produce a great deal of pollen that is dispersed on the wind. Numerous insects are attracted to graze on this pollen and can be a great location to look for songbirds feasting on pollen covered insects. Insects On warm sunny afternoons common green darners begin to appear in wetlands throughout Cleveland Metroparks. Early in the month they are likely migrants from the south spreading northward on southerly breezes. This well documented behavior is often overlooked. Later in the month the first local dragonfly nymphs begin crawling out of the water to begin their “second” life as aerial hunters of unsuspected insect prey.

Blazing Trails Now and in the Future! The Burning River 100 is a unique 100-mile run on July 25 and 26 that begins at Squire’s Castle in North Chagrin Reservation and follows the scenic Cuyahoga River valley corridor through Cleveland Metroparks, the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Summit County Metro Parks and concludes in downtown Cuyahoga Falls. It is open to solo runners and relay teams of two, four and eight people. All runners participating in the Burning River 100 have the option to commit to raise funds for Cleveland Metroparks Trails Fund instead of paying a fee to participate in the race. Cleveland Metroparks is pleased to share that its first relay team is now registered for the Burning River 100 in support of the Trails Fund – the Trailblazers! The team is comprised of Cleveland Metroparks volunteers, friends and employees including: Kara Browning, Zen Canaday, Cathy Horton, Karen McKeehan, Karen Lakus, Robin Murray, Mike Selig and Lei Yang. Participant donation commitments range from a minimum of $200 – $750 per person. Once you register for the race at westernreserveracing.com, you’ll have the option of creating a personal fundraising webpage to share with friends and family to begin raising funds for trail improvements throughout Cleveland Metroparks as well as your own Burning River 100 experience. Or, you can make a donation to support the Trailblazers! Cleveland Metroparks Trails Fund supports rehabilitation of the Park District’s extensive trail system to minimize natural resource impact while maximizing user enjoyment. During the past year the Trails Fund has supported new trails and improvements in Bedford, Brecksville, Hinckley, Mill Stream Run, North Chagrin, Rocky River and South Chagrin reservations. To learn more about the Trails Fund or other types of giving, please contact Karen Kannenberg, manager of gift and donor development at 216-635-3217 or visit clevelandmetroparks.com and select ‘donate.’



id you ever wonder if birds really return to the same place year after year? Have you ever thought, how much does a chickadee really weigh? Have you ever wanted to see a bird up close? If your answers to these questions were yes, then you need to visit one of our bird banding programs. Several of our reservations offer bird banding programs throughout the year. Here in the Cuyahoga Valley, we trust Master Bander, Gary Fowler and his team of official bird banders to run the bird banding programs. The team arrives at Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation early in the morning to set up mist nets. These are special nets that allow the birds to fall into a netted pocket, so banders can safely collect them. Once the birds are collected, they examine each one individually. Birds are weighed, wingspans measured, feathers fluffed, beak and feet checked over. Lastly, the birds get new jewelry, which means a bird band ID bracelet that fits around their ankle. There are a variety of ID bracelet sizes to fit different birds. These sizes vary. There are bands big enough for a great horned owl, and small enough for a ruby throated hummingbird. After they get their bracelet, the birds are released and fly back to their habitat.

Bird Banding in the Valley

Bird banding is an essential way to monitor bird populations, and learn which birds travel to what habitats and when. In 1998, a Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) Program was started in Cuyahoga Valley and continued for the next five summers. MAPS is a continent-wide research project conducted by The Institute for Bird Populations, in Point Reyes Station, California. Each year, approximately 500 banding stations in North America operate a MAPS banding station. The main goal is to understand the decline of neotropical migratory birds (birds that nest in North America and winter in Central and South America). But we learn so much more about birds’ adventures, too. In 2012, the MAPS program started collecting data again in Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation, and will continue through 2016. In the nine years that the MAPS program has been operating in Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation, 2,141 birds, from 52 species have been banded. Throughout these years we have had many exciting discoveries. For instance, in 2012 a male northern cardinal was recaptured. He was previously banded as an adult in July 2003, making him at least 10 years old. He was captured with a juvenile, so we can assume he has a breeding territory here, and is busy raising his young. In 2000, another great discovery happened, when a worm-eating warbler was banded. The bird was the only summer/ breeding season record of this species for Cuyahoga County in at least 20 years. In addition, last summer we banded an eastern screech owl during a MAPS program. If all this sounds exciting to you too, consider stopping by one of our bird banding programs this summer. You never know who might be visiting Cleveland Metroparks that day. Jill Hauger, Naturalist CanalWay Center

American tree sparrow 5


Sign Your Kids Up For Adventure Club Today! Trade in their video games for a real life adventure. Enroll your kids in the only club where they can feed a giraffe, hike, kayak, fish, play footgolf, hand feed a chickadee, go on a hayride, meet rangers and visit a rainforest. Engage your kids all year round with Adventure Club, the Cleveland Metroparks club for kids 12 years and younger. Get your child outdoors and active as they navigate nature with Cleveland Metroparks naturalists. Nature discovery programs are available throughout the park district and Zoo, so you can pick and choose which adventures to attend! Choose from up to 25 programs a month to fill your child’s Adventure Club passport. Sign up at clevelandmetroparks.com/adventureclub.

Children’s Fishing Derbies Saturday May 16 • Wallace Lake, Mill Stream Run Reservation, Berea Sunday May 17 • Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation Cuyahoga Heights Fishing sessions: Ages 4 to 8 • 9 a.m. to noon Ages 9 to 15 • 1 to 4 p.m. Hungry rainbow trout, catfish and a variety of other fish are ready for young anglers to try their luck on while competing for prizes. Children can also learn how to cast or test their skills at the casting challenge. Guidance available from experienced anglers for those new to fishing. Bring a rod, tackle and a cooler with ice to store the “catch of the day.” Bait is provided and while supplies last, loaner rods are available for children. Each location is stocked with rainbow trout and channel catfish. The event is rain or shine and registration is not required. Golf Cart shuttles available for seniors and persons with disabilities. For more information, visit clevelandmetroparks.com or call 216-206-1010 Ohio & Erie Canal Fishing Area Park at the CanalWay Center parking lot, located off the E. 49th Street entrance to Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation in Cuyahoga Hts. Walk the paved trail to the canal. Wallace Lake Follow the signs on Valley Parkway in Mill Stream Run Reservation, south of Bagley Road in Berea.

6 Emerald Necklace May 2015


Ledge Pool, Hinckley Reservation

Splash Into Summer Cleveland Metroparks offers a wide variety of swimming opportunities throughout the Park District. Guarded swimming hours and dates: • Huntington Beach, Huntington Reservation, Bay Village 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. (first Saturday in June through second Sunday in August; following second Sunday in August, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekends only through Labor Day) • Hinckley Lake, Hinckley Reservation, Hinckley Township 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. (first Saturday in June through second Sunday in August) • Wallace Lake, Mill Stream Run Reservation, Berea 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. (first Saturday in June through second Sunday in August) • Ledge Pool & Recreation Area, Hinckley Reservation, Hinckley Township (daily pool admission fee $6: adult, $5: children 6 –11, free: seniors 65 & over and children 5 & under or season pass access) – 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. (May 23 – Aug. 16) • Edgewater Beach, Lakefront Reservation, Cleveland 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. (Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through second Sunday in August; following second Sunday in August, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekends only through Labor Day)

Lifeguards are on-duty during posted dates and times at these guarded swimming areas.

Ledge Pool & Recreation Area Swimming Season May 23 – Aug. 16 American Red Cross learn-to-swim program registration is online only starting May 1 until one week prior to start of class. Then registrations will be in-person at Ledge Pool during regular pool hours. Need to know what level to register your child? Level descriptions can be found online (clevelandmetroparks.com/ Main/Recreation/Swimming-18.aspx). Waivers and medical forms available online. Print and bring completed forms to first day of class (only one medical form per child per season, waivers must be completed for each child each session). Pool Party Packages Have a cool Pool Party at the Ledge Pool & Recreation Area. Celebrate that special occasion in a reserved area with picnic tables for up to 3 hours. Parties must have at least 10 people and group use policies apply. To schedule a pool party and request pricing on food packages, call 330-239-2911. Advanced Sale Program for Organized Groups Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are available for groups. Discounted group swim tickets ($4.50) must be purchased at least two weeks prior to the event by calling 440-331-8111. Call 440-331-8111 before Memorial Day or 330-239-2911 after Memorial Day, or visit clevelandmetroparks.com/recreation. Ledge Pool & Recreation Area is located at 1151 Ledge Road in Hinckley Reservation, between State (Rt. 44) and Kellogg Roads in Hinckley Township. To reserve picnic shelters, call 216-635-3200. 7

Morning With Mom Sunday, May 10 • 10 a.m. – noon Rocky River Nature Center Treat your mom (or that special woman in your life) to a peaceful escape. Enjoy a bagel bar, fruit and beverages while surrounded by nature and soothing music. Everyone receives a 15% discount on Mother’s Day. The special lady-of-the-day receives a coupon for 25% off one item at a future visit. We’ll also take a photo of your family for mom and have it ready to take home as a sweet memory of Mother’s Day. Reservations for each half-hour and a $3 fee are required by May 8. Call 440-734-7576 for more information and to make reservations.

Item of the month This month we are featuring our ladies fern tee. This brushed cotton tee in a brilliant sapphire blue features brightly colored fern leaves. Regularly $24. Sale price for the entire month only $18! Offer valid 5/1/15 – 5/31/15 at all Nature Shops while supplies last.

LOCATIONS/HOURS Hinckley Lake Boathouse & Store 1 West Drive Hinckley Township 330-278-2160

Daily: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

North Chagrin Nature Center Mayfield Village 440-449-0511

Tuesday – Saturday: 10 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. Sunday: Noon – 4:45 p.m.

Rocky River Nature Center North Olmsted 440-734-7576 Monday – Saturday:

10 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. Sunday: Noon – 4:45 p.m.


8 Emerald Necklace May 2015

Watershed Stewardship Center Parma 440-253-2170 Tuesday – Saturday: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Sunday: Noon – 4 p.m.


Pro Tip of the Month Backswing Extension One of the main keys to increasing your clubhead speed at impact is to end the backswing with your left arm extended. Think of ending the backswing with your hands as far away from your right shoulder as you can, but not to the point that it pulls you out of your body posture. If your left arm is bending more than what’s pictured here there is the potential for issues with making solid contact with the ball. Depending on your flexibility you want to end the backswing when you can no longer keep your left arm extended and stay in your posture. John Fiander, PGA Professional, Sleepy Hollow Golf Course

Sleepy Hollow Golf Course 18 holes, par 71 and driving range Brecksville Reservation 9445 Brecksville Road, Brecksville 440-526-4285 Manakiki Golf Course 18 holes, par 72 North Chagrin Reservation 35501 Eddy Road, Willoughby Hills 440-942-2500 Big Met Golf Course 18 holes, par 72 Rocky River Reservation 4811 Valley Parkway, Fairview Park 440-331-1070

Shawnee Hills Golf Course 18 holes, par 71, 9 holes par 3 course and driving range Bedford Reservation 18753 Egbert Road, Bedford 440-232-7184 Seneca Golf Course 18 holes, par 72 18 holes, par 71 Brecksville Reservation 975 Valley Parkway, Broadview Heights 440-526-0043

A Course For Every Golfer

Earn free golf Join Golf Bonus Rounds and receive a free 9-hole round of golf good at any Cleveland Metroparks course (up to $25 value), a $5 coupon off any purchase and a 10% discount on all in-stock merchandise at any Cleveland Metroparks pro shop. For every $100 you spend on green fees at Cleveland Metroparks golf courses, you earn $20 to be used on green fees for a future visit. The more you play, the more you save!

Give Mom a Gift she’s sure to love! Visit any of the Cleveland Metroparks Pro Shops for the Mother’s Day Sale, May 2 – 10. Save 20% on all women’s apparel and shoes.

Give the gift of golf Use Cleveland Metroparks gift cards like cash at all Cleveland Metroparks golf courses for green fees, carts and merchandise. Available in any dollar amount. There is no expiration date and they are transferable.

Little Met Golf Course 9 holes, par 34 Rocky River Reservation 18599 Old Lorain Road, Cleveland 216-941-9672 Mastick Woods Golf Course 9 holes, par 31 Rocky River Reservation 19900 Puritas Road, Cleveland 216-267-5626 Washington Golf Course 9 holes, par 29 and driving range Washington Reservation 3841 Washington Park Boulevard, Village of Newburgh Heights 216-641-1864 9


Outdoor Recreation 216-341-1704 or@clevelandmetroparks.com clevelandmetroparks.com/or

Inclusive Outdoor Recreation Opportunities

Cleveland Metroparks professionally trained staff has the ability to make equipment adaptations. Most programs are accessible to anyone who would like to participate. For further information regarding program accessibility or to schedule an accessible custom program, call 216-341-1704.

I’ve been an outdoor person all my life. I love to bike, hike, ski – both downhill and cross-country, and water ski. I also love to canoe, taking camping trips as often as I could. In 2008, I thought I would try kayaking, so I took a kayak course and was hooked immediately. In 2009 I bought my first kayak and continued to take courses to advance my knowledge of kayaking. In 2011, I became a certified Level I Kayak Instructor. In 2012 a friend asked me if I would be interested in going on a kayak weekend trip with Cleveland Metroparks. I thought it would be fun, so we went and had a wonderful time. I noticed there were volunteer assistants, and I asked how I could become involved to help on future trips. I was told I could volunteer if I went through the application process. How excited I was – I couldn’t wait to get started. I went through the orientation and application process and have been involved in the kayaking portion of Outdoor Recreation ever since. I am a safety boater for the Ledges to Lake Adventure Race and have been since the first one was held. I help teach kayaking classes at Baldwin Wallace and can’t wait to get more involved in other outdoor activities. The parks offer a great place to get outdoors and play, so get out there! Karen Farago Volunteer

PADDLESPORTS & BOATING All boating programs are funded in part through a grant from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Watercraft.

Cuyahoga River Tour-Kayak The Upper Cuyahoga River offers 3 miles of beauty and relaxation as we look for beaver and river otters. No paddling experience required. Late fee after May 1. 14 years & over with participating adult May 9, 9 a.m. – noon OR 1 – 4 p.m. Upper Cuyahoga River, Eldon Russell Park $40 (includes boats & equipment)

Cuyahoga River Tour-Canoe Experience 3 miles of beauty and relaxation as we look for beaver and river otters and the prothonotary warbler. No paddling experience required. Late fee after May 11. 14 years & over with participating adult May 19, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. Upper Cuyahoga River, Eldon Russell Park $40 (includes boats & equipment)

To register and for more information, visit clevelandmetroparks.com/or 10 Emerald Necklace May 2015


LaDue Kayak Tour

Strengthen your core and your senses on a relaxing kayak tour. No paddling experience required. Late fee after May 18. 14 years & over with participating adult May 26, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. LaDue Reservoir $40 (includes boats & equipment)

Rivergate Kayak Tours

Discover downtown from a new perspective and gain an appreciation of Cleveland’s past during this mini workout. Previous paddling experience recommended. Late fee after May 26, June 12 & 30 respectively. 14 years & over with participating adult June 3, 6 – 8 p.m. June 20, 10 a.m. – noon OR 1 – 3 p.m. July 1, 6 – 8 p.m. Rivergate Park $35 (includes boats & equipment)

American Canoe Association (ACA) Level 1: Introduction to Kayaking Instructor Certification Workshop Instructor candidates receive kayak instructor certification through the ACA after completing assigned teaching topics in the classroom and on the water. Register by May 31. Adults June 12 – 14, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Hinckley Lake Boathouse, Hinckley Reservation $295 (includes instructor manual, training tools, kayak, and equipment)

Stand Up Paddleboarding 1: Intro to SUP Focuses on equipment, basic paddling strokes, and standing on the board. Late fee after June 10, 20, 22 & 24 respectively. 10 years & over with participating adult June 18, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. June 28, 10:30 – 12:30 p.m. OR 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. June 30, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. July 2, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Hinckley Lake Boathouse, Hinckley Reservation $35 adult, $15 youth (ages 10-15) (includes board & equipment)

Kayaking 1 & 2: Flat-water Fundamentals Classroom and on-the-water practice introduces basic paddling strokes, equipment, advanced paddling techniques, and self rescue skills. Late fee after June 19. 14 years & over with participating adult June 27, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Hinckley Lake Boathouse, Hinckley Reservation $75 (includes boats & equipment)

Try-It Activities: Kayaking/SUPing/ Slacklining

Discover kayaking, stand up paddleboarding, and slacklining during these 1-hour Try-It sessions. 10 years & over with participating adult June 23, 4 – 8 p.m. Hinckley Lake Boathouse, Hinckley Reservation $3 adults, $2 youth (10 – 17 years) (includes boats & equipment)

Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga – Beginners

Learn basic SUP techniques, then practice SUP yoga on the water with certified yoga instructor, Ann Taddeo. Develop strength, balance and flexibility. Late fee after June 20 & July 7 respectively. Adult June 28, 8 – 9:45 a.m. July 15, 6:30 – 8:15 p.m. Hinckley Lake Boathouse, Hinckley Reservation $35 (includes board & equipment)

Hocking Hills and Lake Hope Adventure Weekend

Enjoy a weekend of hiking, kayaking, and camping. Day excursions include kayaking on Lake Hope, exploring Hocking Hills, night hikes, and evening campfires. Late fee after June 21. Adults Pre-trip: June 29, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. CanalWay Center, Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation Trip: July 10 – 12 (all day) $150 (includes camping and park fees, kayaking gear, camping equipment, and transportation)

Kayaking 1: Introduction to Kayaking

Classroom and on-the-water practice introduces basic paddling strokes and equipment. Late fee after July 1. 14 years & over with participating adult July 9, 6 – 9 p.m. Hinckley Lake Boathouse, Hinckley Reservation $45 (includes boats & equipment)

2nd Annual Whiskey Island SUP Race & Festival

Course includes a 2-mile, 6-mile, and kids’ short course. Perfect for beginners and advanced racers. Call 216-341-1704 or 216-272-1504 to reserve boards for $10. A SUP Festival follows the race with demos, fun races, music and door prizes. 10 years and older with participating adult August 22, Registration: 7:30 – 8:15 a.m. • Races Start: 8:30 a.m. Registration by August 1: $40 Adults, $15 Youth (ages 10 – 14) (includes lunch and t-shirt while supplies last) After August 1: $50 Adults, $25 Youth Online registration closes 4 p.m. on August 12. Day of registration available, but doesn’t guarantee a shirt or lunch. Wendy Park 11


BACKCOUNTRY & CAMPING Buckeye Trail Section Hike

Explore sections of the Buckeye Trail the first Tuesday of the month through September with a free fast-paced hike covering 3 – 5 miles and a backpacking skill demonstration. 14 years & over with participating adult May 5, 6 – 8:30 p.m. Squaw Rock Picnic Area, South Chagrin Reservation Backpacking Skill: Packing a Backpack

Beginner Backpacking Trip

Experience and learn backpacking essentials including backcountry hygiene, cooking, and safety. A port-a-john is available. Late fee after April 22. 14 years & over with participating adult Pre-trip meeting: April 30, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. CanalWay Center, Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation Trip dates: May 8, 1 p.m. – May 9, noon Hinckley Reservation $65 (equipment available)

Family Campout at Squires Castle

Try disc golf or slacklining, go for a night hike, or relax around the bonfire. Light breakfast provided. Registration ends June 23. All ages with participating adult June 26, 6 p.m. – June 27, 11 a.m. Squires Castle, North Chagrin Reservation Individual: $15, Family of 2: $25, Family of 3 – 4: $40 Tent rentals (while supplies last) call, 216-341-1704 Tent Rental: 2 person: $10, 4 person: $15, 6 person: $20

CYCLING Bicycle Maintenance 2

This mostly hands-on class covers more brake and derailleur adjustments, changing a brake cable and wheel trueing. Prerequisite: Bicycle Maintenance 1. Late fee after April 29. 14 years & over with participating adult May 7, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Rivergate Park, Lakefront Reservation $15 (includes use of tools)

Handcycling Clinic Upright and recumbent handcycles available. Caregivers are encouraged to walk or bike alongside riders, but must provide their own bike. Helmets required. Late fee after May 12 and June 22 respectively. 14 years & over with participating adult May 20, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Bonnie Park Picnic Area, Mill Stream Run Reservation June 30, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Acacia Reservation $20 (includes equipment) 12 Emerald Necklace May 2015

Ride the Emerald Rim Discover the beauty of Cleveland Metroparks with a 20, 30 or 50 mile ride. Enjoy a healthy lunch, slacklining and disc golf. Register online by 4 p.m. on May 7. Day of registration available. 14 years & over with participating adult May 16, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Chalet, Mill Stream Run Reservation Registration by April 30: $20 Adults, $15 Children (ages 14 – 17) (includes lunch and t-shirt while supplies last) After April 30: $25 adults, $20 children

Mountain Bike Time Trials Youth, men, women, beginners, and advanced categories. Register for one or all three dates to improve your time. Event is weather permitting. Late fee after June 4, 11, and 18 respectively. Helmet required. 14 years & over with participating adult June 11, June 18, June 25, 6 – 9 p.m. Day-of registration 6 – 6:20 p.m.; Time trials start at 6:30 p.m. Royalview Shelter, Mill Stream Run Reservation $15 per race

CLIMBING Rockin’ Ledges Youth Day Travel to an indoor rock climbing gym before going for a hike to visit natural rock ledges. Late fee after June 16. 10 – 15 years June 24, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Garfield Park Center $50 (equipment & transportation included)

Climb the Ledge Youth Day Experience the thrill of climbing on natural rock at Hinckley Reservation. Learn proper climbing techniques and knots while learning to talk the climbing lingo. Try slacklining and enjoy a hike through Whipp’s Ledges. Late fee after July 8. 10 – 15 years July 16, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Top O’ Ledges Picnic Area, Hinckley Reservation $50 (equipment included) Custom programs for your group are available. Call weekdays from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. to find out more: 216-341-1704.

Lake Erie Nature & Science Center Family Fishing Day

Sunday, May 17 9 a.m. – noon Fee: $7 Learn how to cast, where to fish and what kind of fish you’ll catch - then head to Lake Erie to throw your line in the water. All equipment provided. Adults and teens (ages 16+) who wish to fish must possess a valid fishing license. One adult must accompany every 2 children registered. For families with children ages 5+. Register in advance.

Lake Erie Day

Saturday, May 23 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Fee: $4 ages 4+ Celebrate Lake Erie. Lake-related activities, planetarium presentations about our Great Lakes and Sea Grant experts on-hand provide updates and answer questions. For adults and families with children ages 4+.

Walter R. Schuele Planetarium Family Programs Schedule is subject to some variability. Call 440-871-2900 to confirm programming. Monday, Thursday and Friday 11:30 a.m. Twinkle Tots Noon Stellar Stars 2 p.m. You-niverse 4 p.m. Rusty Rocket’s Last Blast

Tuesday and Wednesday 11:30 a.m. Rusty Rocket’s Last Blast 2 p.m. You-niverse 4 p.m. Space Aliens

Twinkle Tots

Saturday and Sunday 11 a.m. Twinkle Tots 11:30 a.m. Stellar Stars 12:30 p.m. Rusty Rocket’s Last Blast 1:30 p.m. You-niverse 2:30 p.m. You-niverse 3:30 p.m. Space Aliens

Full Dome Feature Show: Space Aliens: Looking for Life in the Universe

Recommended for children ages 0 – 3. Fee: $2 (including infants)

Join our alien “experts”, Hopeful and Skeptical, as they try to convince each other whether or not life exists beyond the Earth. This full dome “movie” is 30 minutes long. Recommended for preteens through adults. Fee: $5

Stellar Stars

Recommended for ages 3 – 7. Fee: $3

The You-niverse

SkyQuest: The “Dawn” of New Discoveries

For families with children of all ages. Fee: $3

Full Dome Children’s Feature Show: Rusty Rocket’s Last Blast Travel through the Solar System with Rusty Rocket and his friends as they learn everything they need to know to become space rockets. This full dome “movie” is 32 minutes long. Recommended for children ages 4 – 12. Fee: $5

May 2, 7, 14, 16, 21 and 28 at 7:30 p.m. Ceres was originally discovered in 1801 but we’re only just now getting our first close look at the Solar System’s largest asteroid. Join us to see what we’re learning from the Dawn mission. Program is approximately 45 minutes. Recommended for pre-teens through adults. Fee: $5

Tickets for all planetarium shows available at the Information Desk 30 minutes before program begins. Tickets are on a first-come, first-served basis and must be purchased more than 5 minutes prior to show time. For safety reasons, late admittance to planetarium programs is not permitted. No food or drink is permitted.

Visit www.lensc.org for complete information

Lake Erie Nature & Science Center

Wildlife Rehabilitation • Nature & Science Education • Planetarium 28728 Wolf Road, Bay Village, OH 44140 • 440-871-2900 • www.lensc.org Lake Erie Nature & Science Center is an independent nonprofit affiliate of Cleveland Metroparks and receives public support with local tax dollars from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture, to preserve and enrich our region’s cultural heritage. 13

ZOO NEWS all photos courtesy of Cleveland Metroparks Zoo

Discover Penguins and Other Feathered Friends This Summer

African penguins

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo is home to more than 300 birds. They range from giant flightless birds such as the ostrich and the emu to birds of prey like vultures and eagles, and new for this season, six African penguins have taken up residence in Penguin Shores presented by Cleveland Clinic Children’s. The special seasonal penguin exhibit runs through midSeptember and is free with regular Zoo admission. It features naturalistic rock work with nest boxes, ledges and irregular surfaces, and a pool for swimming. Guests learn about penguins in the wild and conservation efforts under way to help them. Life-size cutouts of different penguin species placed throughout the Zoo guide guests to the Penguin Shores area in Northern Trek. Once they arrive, guests experience a totally re-themed exhibit area around the former Grin ‘n’ Bear Eats concession stand. A colorful South African seaport now stands in its place, preparing to transport guests to the rocky coastlines and beaches where the penguins live. A new live animal show with charismatic critters from the Zoo’s Conservation Education department is performed several times daily at the seaport and cutouts of the African penguins make great photo opportunities for kids and families. After visiting the penguins, head to the other side of Northern 14 Emerald Necklace May 2015

Lady Amherst’s pheasant

Trek to the Wolf Wilderness cabin and see the Zoo’s newest permanent bird resident, a Lady Amherst’s pheasant. The new male pheasant can be found in the aviary near the bald eagle. This beautiful multi-colored species is native to the highland forests of south central China. The wild population is thought to be in decline due to ongoing habitat destruction and unsustainable levels of hunting for food and feathers. There are many other opportunities to discover birds while visiting the Zoo – amazing birds can be found in five out of the six major thematic areas of the Zoo, with the Primate, Cat & Aquatics Building being the exception. Bird lovers will not want to miss the chance to feed the lorikeets at the aviary in Australian Adventure. In this free-flight area guests may purchase a cup of nectar and offer it to the lorikeets, a species of parrot native to Australia and New Guinea. Another can’t-miss bird feature at the Zoo is Professor Wylde’s Live Animal Show in the Savanna Theater. Performed three times daily May 23 through Labor Day, Professor Wylde’s show includes dramatic in-flight performances and on-stage appearances by an all-star cast of avians. For more information, visit clevelandmetroparks.com/zoo.


Mom’s Get In Free on Mother’s Day

Celebrate KidsDays

Sunday, May 10 • 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Get ready for a world of kid-friendly fun in one destination as Cleveland Metroparks Zoo kicks off the inaugural KidsDays!

What do moms really want for Mother’s Day? Here’s a hint, it’s not fancy perfume, or flowers, it’s the chance to make memories with their families! So bring the moms in your life to the Zoo for FREE admission on Mother’s Day, and visit with some of our animal kingdom moms like orangutan Kera Wak or Grace the giraffe.

Saturday & Sunday, May 23 – 24 • 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Families can meet animal keepers, see special animal enrichment demonstrations, make crafts, dance, visit all of their favorite animals and exhibits, and on Saturday, meet several costumed characters from popular WVIZ shows!

Professor Wylde’s Live Animal Show New season begins May 23 The Savanna Theater is the place to be starting May 23 when the Zoo kicks off the newest season of Professor Wylde’s Live Animal Show. Professor Wylde’s show blends humor, fast-paced facts and an all-star animal cast to engage audiences of all ages. The show is performed three times daily through September 7 and is free with regular Zoo admission.

For the most up-to-date Zoo information: Clevelandmetroparks.com/zoo 216-661-6500 15


May 11 • Monday

May 23 • Saturday




• • • • • •

Hunt of the Month: Fish Watercolors of Cleveland Metroparks Emerald Necklace Hikers Family Friday Night: Spring’s Show Gallery Wall: Chuck Slusarczyk, Jr. American Wetlands Month: Sunset Hike


• Plein Air Painting at Acacia • Woodlands of Bedford: Nighttime Experiences • Super Heart Hike • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Patch Event • Emerald Necklace Art Club: Monthly Meeting • Wildflower Walk • Emerald Necklace Hikers • Cleveland Natural Science Club • Hikathon • Wildflower Walk • Nuthatch Avoiders


• Birds of Acacia • Gardening in Small Spaces • Afternoon Adventure • Under the Big Moon • Welcoming Migration: Warblers and More • Dog Hike • North Chagrin Nature Photography Club • Towpath Dog Walk • River Readers • School of the Wilds West: Spring Birding Prep • Drop-by: Connect With a Plant

May 4 • Monday NCNC RRNC

• North Chagrin Nature Photography Club • Southwest Camera Club

May 5 • Tuesday AR BNC CWC HuR RRNC ZOO

• Friends of Euclid Creek • Hiking for the Young at Heart • CanalWay Storytime • Morning Magic Hike • Western Cuyahoga Audubon Society • Preschool Safari: African Animals


• Evening Cart Tour • American Red Cross Pool/Waterfront Lifeguard Course • Cuyahoga Astronomical Association

May 12 • Tuesday BNC RRNC WCR ZOO

• Homeschooling in Nature • Your Piece of the Planet: Rain Barrel Workshop • Evening Blooms • Homeschoolers

May 13 • Wednesday RRNC ZOO

• Greater Cleveland Beekeepers Association • Preschool Safari: Australian Animals

May 14 • Thursday Off Site GPC HiR ZOO

• • • •

Urban Explorations: Flats Bridges Beneficial Bees Wildflower Walk Career Day

May 15 • Friday MSRR NCNC WSC

• American Red Cross Waterfront Lifeguarding Skills Module • Friday Movie Night: The Big Year • For Adults Only: Grasses I


• Sagamore Creek Hike • Extreme Hiking • Bike the Canal • Acoustic Players Circle • Composting 101 • Hike to Whipp’s Ledges • Children’s Fishing Derby • Wildflower Walk • Hikathon • Nuthatch Avoiders • Good Ol’ Fashioned Nature Hike • Nature Journaling • “Remember the Maine” Walk • Lessons from a Stream Hike • For Adults Only: Grasses II

May 6 • Wednesday

May 17 • Sunday



• • • •

CanalWay Storytime at Night Youth Outdoors Volunteer Orientation Wednesday Walk Ohio Wetlands Trifecta Bus Tour

May 7 • Thursday Off Site • Urban Explorations: Tremont Off Site • American Red Cross Lifeguarding Instructor Course AR • Amble at Acacia CWC • Cleveland Astronomical Society HiR • Wildflower Walk RRNC • Wildflower Walk

May 8 • Friday CWC SCR WCR

• Night Light Trapping • Spring Evening Along the River • Campfire with Stories and S’mores

May 9 • Saturday Off Site Off Site BNC CWC ECR GPC GPC NCR NCR SCR ZOO

• Treadway Trail Wildflower Hike • Waterfall Bus Tour • Almost Mother’s Day Hike • Second Saturday Storytelling • Wilds of Wildwood • Companion Planting Primer • Veggie of the Month: Rhubarb • Junior Naturalist: Trees that Tell Stories • Wildflower Walk • Nuthatch Avoiders • Career Day


• Get Out… • Birding at the Lakefront • Afternoon Adventure • Beginning Bird Songs • Urban Birding Challenge: Wendy Park • Wildflower Walk • Mother’s Day with Mother Nature

16 Emerald Necklace May 2015

• • • • • • •

Field Ecology: Forested Floodplains Bike About Children’s Fishing Derby River Poets A Changing Seasons Hike Reptile and Amphibian Survey Dog Hike

May 18 • Monday HiR NCNC RRNC RRNC

• American Red Cross Pool/Waterfront Lifeguard Course • North Chagrin Nature Photography Club • Little Explorers: Fantastic Frogs • Southwest Camera Club

May 19 • Tuesday CWC HIR HiR

• Stroller School: Flowers • Garlic Mustard Pull • After Work Exploration

May 20 • Wednesday CWC NCR WCR

• Young Explorers • Little Explorers Story and Stroll • In Pursuit of Gray Tree Frogs

May 21 • Thursday BNC GPC ZOO

• Animal Crackers • Small Livestock at Home • Preschool Safari: Nature Explorers

May 22 • Friday NCNC

• Family Friday Night: Hike and Campfire

• • • • • • • • •

Gorges and Ridges Mountain Bike Trail Hike How to Grow Tomatoes Birding by Pontoon Float The Lorenzo Carter Cabin is Open! Mason Bee House Workshop For Adults Only: Grasses III Your Piece of the Planet: Butterfly Gardens Fish Diversity in West Creek


• • • • • • •

Military Memorabilia Afternoon Adventure Birding the Beach Family Fun Hike Native Plant Sale Wildflower Walk Migration Sensation

May 25 • Monday CWC NCR RRNC SCR

• Military Memorabilia • Naturalist at Squire’s Castle Drop-by • Bioblitz! * Naturalist at the Pond Drop-by

May 26 • Tuesday OECR RRNC

• Paddle for the Planet • Nature Baby

May 27 • Wednesday AR BNC RRNC

• Kites and Kids • Animal Crackers • Knitting in Nature

May 28 • Thursday CWC GPC NCNC RRNC

• • • •

Preschool: Reptiles The Art of Gardening – Attracting Pollinators Little Explorers Story and Stroll Discovering Nature: Chickadees


• • • • • •

Rain Barrel Workshop Big Creek Bioblitz Worms at Work Vermicomposting 101 Hikathon American Red Cross Waterfront Lifeguarding Skills Module • Aquatic Sciences Teacher Workshop: Part III


• Afternoon Adventure • American Red Cross Waterfront Lifeguarding Skills Module • Pond Dipping • MAPS Bird Banding • Cruise In Car & Antique Engine Show • Wildflower Walk • Ravine Climb and Hike (AR) Acacia Reservation (BeR) Bedford Reservation (BCR) Big Creek Reservation (BWR) Bradley Woods Reservation (BrR) Brecksville Reservation (BNC) Brecksville Nature Center (BR) Brookside Reservation (CWC) CanalWay Center (ECR) Euclid Creek Reservation (GPC) Garfield Park Center (GPR) Garfield Park Reservation (HiR) Hinckley Reservation (HuR) Huntington Reservation (LR) Lakefront Reservation (LAL) Look About Lodge (MSRR) Mill Stream Run Reservation (NCR) North Chagrin Reservation (NCNC) North Chagrin Nature Center (OECR) Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation (RRR) Rocky River Reservation (RRNC) Rocky River Nature Center (SCR) South Chagrin Reservation (WR) Washington Reservation (WSC) Watershed Stewardship Center (WCR) West Creek Reservation

MAY PROGRAMS BY LOCATION Cleveland Metroparks Maps Visit clevelandmetroparks.com for maps of Cleveland Metroparks 18 reservations.

Off Site Programs 7 • Thursday

Registration by phone or online required by May 5 440-887-1968 Treadway Trail Wildflower Hike

American Red Cross Lifeguard Instructor Course

Learn to teach aquatics courses including, basic-level Lifeguarding, Waterfront Lifeguarding, Waterpark Lifeguarding, Shallow Water Attendant, and Lifeguard Management. Must possess a current American Red Cross Lifeguarding/First Aid certificate, and successfully pass a precourse written examination and evaluation of skills. 4 – 7:30 p.m. May 7 – May 19 Tuesdays at Lakewood High School Pool, Thursdays at Park Operations Administration Ages: 17 years & over Fee: $210 Registration ends May 3 440-331-8111 Urban Explorations: Tremont

Explore historic Tremont with Historical Interpreter Doug Kusak and Volunteer Mollie Alstott. Meeting place and details sent after registration. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Ages: adults, 8 years & over with adult Fee: $5 Terrain: city streets, 1 mile Register by phone or online beginning May 1 216-206-1000

Hike on a City of Cleveland connector trail with beautiful wildflowers along its hillside. We’ll meet at Harmody Park. Call for directions. 10 – 11 a.m. Terrain: paved, hill, 1 mile 216-206-1000

14 • Thursday Urban Explorations: Flats Bridges

Spend an enjoyable morning hiking in the Flats with Historical Interpreter Doug Kusak. We’ll bridge the gap between local history and nature making a comeback. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Ages: adults, 8 years & over with adult Fee: $5 Terrain: city streets, 2 miles Register by phone or online beginning May 1 216-206-1000

Acacia Reservation 2 • Saturday Plein Air Painting at Acacia

Whether you’re artistic or want to try a new way to enjoy the outdoors, join us for an artistic experience “en plein air”--out in the open air. Bring your favorite drawing or painting supplies and snack, and stretch your artistic wings. 2 – 4 p.m. Ages: adults, 12 years & over with adult 440-473-3370

3 • Sunday

available for loan. 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Cedar Road parking lot Terrain: hills, up to 2 miles 440-473-3370

5 • Tuesday Friends of Euclid Creek Evening Stroll

Enjoy the beauty of the watershed and headwaters of Euclid Creek as we look for birds and enjoy the sounds of twilight. If bad weather, an indoor program will be offered. 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. Cedar Road parking lot 216-780-1094

Birds of Acacia

Bird migration is about to begin in earnest. How many migrants will we see? Will we spot the “get” bird, the red-headed woodpecker? Bring your binoculars. Some

Cleveland Metroparks Reservations

9 • Saturday Waterfall Bus Tour

Join Naturalist Debra Shankland on a tour of Cleveland Metroparks waterfalls as spring showers bring peak flows to these scenic and celebrated cataracts. Their histories are as fascinating as their views. This tour will be punctuated with short walks. 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Garfield Park Center parking lot Ages: adults Fee: $55 includes transportation, lunch

To register, visit clevelandmetroparks.com

Group Programming For information on group programs, call any Cleveland Metroparks nature or visitor center.

Outdoor Adventures Outdoor Recreation is yearround. For details about trips, skill classes or other recreational activities, visit clevelandmetroparks.com/or. 17


Acacia Reservation continued

7 • Thursday Amble at Acacia

Join us for a leisurely walk to enjoy the season. All abilities are welcome. 10 – 11 a.m. Cedar Road parking lot Terrain: paved, 1.5 miles 440-473-3370

27 • Wednesday Kites and Kids

Let’s go fly a kite! Join a naturalist to run and play as we take to the sky with colorful kites. No wind necessary. Our kites are kid powered – you provide the kids, we provide the kites. 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Cedar Road parking lot 440-473-3370

the night sky is clear, we’ll examine visible stars and planets. 8 – 10 p.m. Circle Emerald Field Registration beginning April 15 216-341-3152

16 • Saturday Sagamore Creek Hike

We’ll keep an eye out for spring wildflowers and migrating birds on this fast-paced hike. Weather conditions determine if we hike in and out, or complete the trail loop. Hiking poles and wettable shoes recommended. 2:30 – 5 p.m. Alexander Bike Lot & Trailhead Terrain: mud, hills, creek crossings, 3.5 miles 216-341-3152

Big Creek Reservation 2 • Saturday Super Heart Hike

30 • Saturday Rain Barrel Workshop

A rain barrel collects and stores rainwater that would be lost to runoff that can be used to water lawns and gardens. Join Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation District and Cleveland Metroparks to make your own rain barrel. 9:30 – 11 a.m. Cedar Road parking lot Fee: $60 (barrel, diverter, all materials) Registration by phone or online required by May 25 216-524-6580 Ext 16 or cposius@cuyahogaswcd.org

Bedford Reservation 2 • Saturday Woodlands of Bedford: Nighttime Experiences

Bring your lawn chair and join Naturalist Fred Losi as we focus our senses to detect American woodcocks, owls, and coyote. If

Put on a comfortable pair of shoes and join Naturalist Mark Warman for a brisk out-and-back hike that will get your heart pumping. 9 – 10 a.m. Snow Road Picnic Shelter Terrain: flat, even, 4 miles 440-887-1968

17 • Sunday Field Ecology: Forested Floodplains

Engage in a hands-on field ecology experience discussing and exploring the physical and biological components of a floodplain ecosystem and their interrelated components. 2 – 5 p.m. Beyers Pond parking lot Ages: 15 years & over Fee: $12 (includes a field notebook and field guide to common floodplain species) Terrain: moderate Registration required by May 11 440-887-1968

30 • Saturday Big Creek Bioblitz

Join Naturalist Mark Warman on a one hour race to see if we can find 150 species of living things. We’ll start in the field near the picnic shelter then work our way to the forest and creek. 1 – 2 p.m. Snow Road Picnic Shelter Terrain: easy, 0.5 mile 440-887-1968

Brecksville Nature Center Open daily 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 9000 Chippewa Creek Drive Brecksville 440-526-1012

5 • Tuesday Hiking for the Young at Heart

Join Naturalist Emily Grover for a hike along the Hemlock and bridle trails. Be prepared for muddy trails and creek crossings. 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Ages: adults Terrain: moderate, hills, 3 miles

9 • Saturday Almost Mother’s Day Hike

Mother’s Day is almost here and in the forests and fields there are many new and soon-to-be-new mothers! Enjoy a spring walk through the woods and prairie as we look for signs of growing animal families. 1 – 2:30 p.m. Ages: adults, families Terrain: steps, 1 mile

10 • Sunday Get Out…

…and get active. Join Naturalist Kelly McGinnis for a trail hike. Over the next several months, we’ll add more distance to this hiking series. 2 – 4 p.m. Ages: adults Terrain: moderate, hills, 3.5 miles

12 • Tuesday Homeschooling in Nature

To register, visit clevelandmetroparks.com 18 Emerald Necklace May 2015

This month we’ll explore ecosystems through indoor and outdoor discovery. 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.

Ages: grades K – 2 and 3 – 6 Register by phone beginning May 1

16 • Saturday Extreme Hiking

Where will the trail lead us today? If trail conditions are good we’ll explore some lesser traveled trails. Plan for muddy conditions and possible creek crossings. 1 – 4:30 p.m. Terrain: hills, 7 – 9 miles

21 • Thursday Animal Crackers

Join Miss Jenny and a special guest to celebrate the end of the Animal Crackers school year with activities, a hike and a snack. 10 – 11:15 a.m. Ages: 3 – 5 years with adult, no siblings Register by phone beginning May 1

23 • Saturday Gorges and Ridges

Explore the beauty of the plants and trees in the Chippewa Creek Gorge and up along the ridge tops. 1 – 3 p.m. Ages: adults Terrain: steep hills, 2.5 miles

27 • Wednesday Animal Crackers (see 5/21 for details)

10 – 11:15 a.m. or 1 – 2:15 p.m.

CanalWay Center Open Mon. – Sat. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sunday Noon – 5 p.m. 4524 E. 49th St. Cuyahoga Hts. 216-206-1000 Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation

1 • Friday Hunt of the Month: Fish

We have lots of fish in the canal, river and lake. This month stop by the center and find 20 hidden fish. Then join some of our fishing programs throughout the warmer months. Through May 31. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Mon. – Sat. Noon – 5 p.m. Sun


Nature hike in Chippewa Creek in Brecksville Reservation Watercolors of Cleveland Metroparks

Nancy Notarianni and her adult watercolor class will display their watercolors celebrating Cleveland and the parks. Through June 30. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Mon. – Sat. Noon – 5 p.m. Sun

2 • Saturday Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Patch Event

Join Cuyahoga County Master Recyclers to earn a Cuyahoga Recycles patch. You must visit the themed areas, receive a stamp, AND bring in either 1 usable item for donation, 5 beauty/personal care products or 10 cereal bags for recycling. One hour to complete. 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Ages: scouts, youth groups, families Register by phone or online beginning April 20

3 • Sunday Gardening in Small Spaces

Gardening is not just for those with big yards. Learn tips and techniques for small area and container gardening from an OSU Extension educator. 1 – 2:30 p.m. Register by phone or online beginning April 20

5 • Tuesday CanalWay Storytime

Join us for a pre-Mother’s Day celebration with some loving books. Listen to stories celebrating the love for our mothers and their love for us while learning valuable life lessons. 10:30 – 11:15 a.m. Ages: 6 years & under with adult

6 • Wednesday Youth Outdoors Volunteer Orientation

Share your interest in outdoor recreation with youth from the City of Cleveland! We’re looking for adults to assist with hands-on experiences such as hiking, fishing, kayaking, biking, cross-country skiing, and nature exploration. 7 – 9 p.m. Ages: adults Register by phone by May 3 216-206-1010 CanalWay Storytime at Night (see 5/5 for details)

6:30 – 7:15 p.m. Ages: families

7 • Thursday Cleveland Astronomical Society A Visit to a New World Called Ceres

Jay Reynolds of Cleveland State University will discuss NASA’s DaWN Mission, which arrived at CERES, a Texas-sized asteroid, in March. Come discover a new world tonight. 6:30 – 7 p.m. Meeting 7 – 8:30 p.m. Speaker

8 • Friday Night Light Trapping

Nature continues to thrive after the sun goes down. Join Naturalist Sarah Dudziak at dark to see what creatures we can attract to the night light trap. 6:30 – 8 p.m. Terrain: paved, 0.5 mile



CanalWay Center continued

9 • Saturday Second Saturday Storytelling

Talk theater, narrative voice performance, whatever it is called these days, stories told by experienced storytellers provide an entertaining evening. After refreshments, share a tale of your own. 7:30 – 9 p.m. Ages: adults, older children

11 • Monday Evening Cart Tour

Enjoy an evening cart tour along Ohio & Erie Canal. We’ll look for signs of wildlife that roam in the evening hours. We’ll also discuss the animals both past and present that call the canal home. 6:30 – 8 p.m. Fee: $5 Register online beginning May 1

16 • Saturday Acoustic Players Circle

Players, singers and listeners will enjoy acoustic music of varied styles in a relaxed, informal, family-friendly setting. Come lead, play, sing along, or just enjoy songs based on a theme that changes every month. This month’s theme: Singing the Blues. 1 – 3 p.m. Bike the Canal

Load up your family, friends, bicycles, and head out for a casual bike ride along the Towpath. We’ll stop to discuss some of the wildlife that call the Cuyahoga Valley home. 1 – 4 p.m. Terrain: 1 hill, 6 – 8 miles Register by phone or online beginning May 1

17 • Sunday Bike About

Historical Interpreter Doug Kusak leads a bicycle adventure along the Towpath Trail from CanalWay Center to visit the Canal Exploration Center in Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Exercise,

excitement and exhibits! Helmet and bike lock required. 1 – 3 p.m. Ages: adults, 10 years & over with adult Terrain: paved, crushed stone, 12 miles Register by phone or online beginning May 1

19 • Tuesday

28 • Thursday Preschool: Reptiles

Discover what the characteristics of reptiles are and have a chance to meet a few of our resident turtles and snakes. 10 – 11 a.m. Ages: 2 – 5 years with adult Register online beginning May 1

Stroller School: Flowers

Flowers are ready to bloom. Bring your little ones to learn about all things floral then take a stroller hike to see which spring beauties we discover. 10 – 11 a.m. Ages: under 3 years with adult Terrain: paved, one hill, 1 mile

20 • Wednesday Young Explorers

We’ll use tasty vegetables to learn about the different parts of plants and their functions. Samples of stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and roots available to try. 10 – 11 a.m. or 1 – 2 p.m. Ages: 3 – 5 years with adult Terrain: easy, 0.5 – 1 mile Register by phone or online beginning May 1

23 • Saturday Mountain Bike Trail Hike

Hike the mountain bike trail for the first or five hundredth time. Join Naturalist Sarah Dudziak to hike through forest, field and gravel lot to search for early spring wildflowers just off the beaten path. 10 a.m. – noon Terrain: moderate, hills, 2 – 2.5 miles

24 • Sunday Military Memorabilia

View WWI, CCC camps, WWII, Korea and Vietnam military items from Building Host Joseph Woyma’s family collection. Plus, original local newspapers from 20th century military events. Noon – 5 p.m.

25 • Monday Military Memorabilia (see 5/24 for details)

9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Euclid Creek Reservation 2 • Saturday Emerald Necklace Art Club: Monthly Meeting

Draw and paint with us! Members of the Emerald Necklace Art Club are invited to bring their favorite medium as we appreciate the signs of the season. Not a member? Sign up at clevelandmetroparks.com/ enartclub 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Ages: adults

9 • Saturday Wilds of Wildwood

Join Naturalist Wendy Weirich for a natural look at wild habitats on the shores of Lake Erie. 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. Wildwood Terrain: flat, 1.5 miles 216-881-8141 Ext 3005

10 • Sunday Birding at the Lakefront

Explore the Lake Erie shoreline for waterfowl and migrant birds. Binoculars are recommended, limited numbers are available to loan. 2 – 3:15 p.m. Wildwood Marina parking lot Terrain: mostly level, 1 – 1.5 miles 440-473-3370

Garfield Park Center for Urban Agriculture Thursday – Saturday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sunday Noon – 5 p.m. 11350 Broadway Ave. Garfield Heights 216-341-3152

2 • Saturday Wildflower Walk

Let’s ramble through Garfield Park Reservation and look at some of Ohio’s beautiful ephemeral wildflowers. We’ll discuss where they grow best and how you can obtain these plants from local growers to add to your garden and help support native wildlife. 10 – 11:30 a.m.

3 • Sunday Afternoon Adventure

Our weekly outings will take us from exploring the garden and insect investigations to soil safaris and nature-related crafts! 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

9 • Saturday Companion Planting Primer

Companion plants are different species that help one another when planted together. Give your garden an extra advantage this year by learning how to integrate your plants for maximum benefit. 10 – 11 a.m. Veggie of the Month: Rhubarb

Learn the where, when, and howto’s of rhubarb. Taste this delicious garden treat and go home with some wonderful ways to plant, prepare and care for this hardy garden staple. 1 – 2 p.m. Fee: $2 Register beginning May 1

10 • Sunday Beginning Bird Songs

Learn the tricks of the trade when identifying common bird songs and calls. Join this mostly indoor program, with a short optional walk outside. 1 – 2 p.m. Afternoon Adventure (see 5/3 for details)

20 Emerald Necklace May 2015


Bird watching

14 • Thursday Beneficial Bees

You know honeybees are important to the growth of your garden, but you don’t want to manage a hive. Learn how to add beauty and reap the rewards of beneficial bees in your garden. 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

16 • Saturday Composting 101

Composting is a cheap and easy way to create a rich, natural fertilizer while minimizing your landfill input. Learn the basics of home composting with a demonstration on starting a bin from scratch. 10 – 11:30 a.m.

21 • Thursday Small Livestock at Home

Bees, poultry, rabbits and even goats can be raised on surprisingly small plots of land. Learn

about different livestock animals, and weigh the pros and cons of keeping different species. Basic housing and husbandry requirements will be covered. 6:30 – 8 p.m.

23 • Saturday How to Grow Tomatoes

It’s finally warm enough to plant everyone’s favorite homegrown veggie out in the garden. Learn how to best fertilize, prune and prevent pests and disease in order to grow your best tomatoes ever. 2 – 3 p.m.

24 • Sunday Afternoon Adventure (see 5/3 for details)

28 • Thursday The Art of Gardening – Attracting Pollinators

Discover how to plant an attractive and effective pollinator garden. Learn plant placement, what plants work well together, what types of plants attract which species of pollinators and other important components required to meet the needs of Ohio’s important pollinators. 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

30 • Saturday Worms at Work

Bring an empty two-liter bottle and learn a simple way to make a counter-top composter. Find out how fun it is when red worms turn our food waste into natural organic compost. Adults may enjoy Vermicomposting 101

while kids participate in this program. 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Ages: 4 – 8 years with adult Fee: $2 Register beginning May 1 Vermicomposting 101

Learn the ins and outs of how to successfully compost with worms at home. Help us build a “worm bin” from scratch and get upclose and personal with worms and their castings. Kids may enjoy Worms at Work while adults participate in this program 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Ages: adults

31 • Sunday Afternoon Adventure (see 5/3 for details)

To register, visit clevelandmetroparks.com 21


Hinckley Reservation 1 • Friday Emerald Necklace Hikers

Don’t feel comfortable navigating the trails on your own? Join us for this monthly hike to explore the Emerald Necklace, get some exercise and enjoy each other’s company. We’ll cross ravines and a creek on this rugged trail. 10 a.m. – noon Hinckley Hills Trailhead Ages: adults Terrain: hills, 3.5 miles 440-526-1012

Lifeguarding/First Aid and CPR/ AED for the Professional Rescuer certifications. Prerequisites include a swimming skills test. May 11 – 23 4 – 8 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Saturdays Ledge Pool and Recreation Area Ages: 16 years & older Fee: $210 Registration ends May 6 440-331-8111

14 • Thursday Wildflower Walk (see 5/7 for details)

16 • Saturday

2 • Saturday Emerald Necklace Hikers (see 5/1 for details)

3 • Sunday Under the Big Moon

Enjoy the brilliant spring Flower Full Moon in a 34-foot canoe. We’ll paddle and share lore, legends and facts about the moon, and discuss what May brings to northeast Ohio in the natural world around us. 9 p.m. and 10 p.m. Hinckley Lake Boathouse Ages: 5 years & over Fee: $5 Register online beginning April 15

7 • Thursday Wildflower Walk

Our spring ephemerals come and go very quickly so come out and enjoy a weekly walk to witness these beauties, they may not be here next week. A naturalist will lead the way and identify this week’s “best in bloom.” Bring your favorite wildflower identification guide to help you along the trail. 3 – 4:30 p.m. Johnson’s Picnic Area parking lot Terrain: possible hill, 1 – 2 miles 440-526-1012

11 • Monday American Red Cross Pool/ Waterfront Lifeguard Course

Learn to recognize and respond to aquatic emergencies, preventing drowning and injuries. Receive American Red Cross

Hike to Whipp’s Ledges

Jump-start your Saturday with a strenuous hike to these spectacular sandstone ledges. We’ll take in history, some nature and get lots of exercise. 9 – 11 a.m. Whipp’s Ledges Picnic Area Ages: adults, families with older children Terrain: steep hills, 1.25 miles 440-526-1012

18 • Monday American Red Cross Pool/ Waterfront Lifeguard Course (see 5/11 for details)

May 18 – May 22 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Registration ends May 14

19 • Tuesday Garlic Mustard Pull

Help pull garlic mustard weed, an invasive species. 6 – 8 p.m. Hinckley Hills parking lot/ Trailhead. Terrain: off-trail, 1 – 2 miles Registration by phone or online encouraged 440-887-1968 After Work Exploration

Unwind after work with a hike along bridle trails to the Worden’s Ledges carvings. 6:30 – 8 p.m. Hinckley Lake Boathouse & Store Terrain: hills, 3 miles 440-526-1012

To register, visit clevelandmetroparks.com 22 Emerald Necklace May 2015

23 • Saturday Birding by Pontoon Float

Hop aboard the Floating Water Lab for an early morning bird float. Binoculars supplied if you don’t have your own. 7 – 8:30 a.m. Hinckley Lake Boathouse & Store Ages: 12 years & over Fee: $5 Register online beginning May 1 440-526-1012

10 • Sunday Urban Birding Challenge: Wendy Park

Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield for a morning bird survey at Wendy Park. We’ll seek newly-arrived migrant warblers, vireos and flycatchers. 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. Wendy Park Terrain: mostly flat, 0.5 mile 440-734-6660

23 • Saturday

Huntington Reservation 3 • Sunday Welcoming Migration: Warblers and More

Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield for a bird survey along the lakefront. We’ll seek newly-arrived migrant warblers, vireos, tanagers and orioles. 9:30 – 11 a.m. Parking lot on north side of Lake Road Terrain: mostly flat, one small hill, 0.5 mile 440-734-6660

5 • Tuesday Morning Magic Hike

Welcome the morning sun and greet the new day with Naturalist Bev Walborn. Enjoy the awakening of the earth as we explore the flowers opening, the birds singing and sunlight illuminating our day. 6:15 – 7:15 a.m. Lake Picnic Shelter Terrain: mostly flat, one small hill 1 mile 440-734-6660

Lakefront Reservation 6 • Wednesday Wednesday Walk

Join this mid-week walk along the lake through upper Edgewater Park and back along the water. 6 – 7:30 p.m. Perkins Beach parking lot Terrain: one hill, 2 miles 216-206-1000

The Lorenzo Carter Cabin is Open!

Drop-in to learn about Cleveland’s first settlers and explore the replica log cabin. Find out what life was like for pioneers in the Western Reserve 200 years ago. 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Lorenzo Carter Cabin 216-206-1000

24 • Sunday Birding the Beach

Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield for a birding and nature walk along the beach and through the woodland. This is the peak of the last big wave of migrant songbirds. 9:30 – 11 a.m. Edgewater Pier Terrain: stairs and small hill, 0.75 mile 440-734-6660

Look About Lodge Open for scheduled programs 37374 Miles Rd. Bentleyville 440-247-7075 South Chagrin Reservation

2 • Saturday Cleveland Natural Science Club What’s New in Cleveland Metroparks?

Join Chief Operating Officer, Joseph Roszak, to hear about the many exciting changes that have taken place in Cleveland Metroparks and touch on what’s in store as the Park District heads toward its 100th anniversary. 2 – 3 p.m.


Manakiki Golf Course

Mill Stream Run Reservation 15 • Friday American Red Cross Waterfront Lifeguarding Skills Module

For individuals currently possessing an American Red Cross Lifeguarding/First Aid certification and need to update their skills to become certified to work at a waterfront location. Will be certified in Waterfront Lifeguarding, First Aid and CPR/ AED for the Professional Rescuer. 3 – 7 p.m. Wallace Lake Fee: $80 Registration ends May 12 440-331-8111

16 • Saturday Children’s Fishing Derby (see page 6 for details)

30 • Saturday American Red Cross Waterfront Lifeguarding Skills Module (see 5/15 for details)

Noon – 6 p.m.

31 • Sunday American Red Cross Waterfront Lifeguarding Skills Module (see 5/15 for details)

Noon – 6 p.m. Pond Dipping

Looking for something fun to do with the family? Stop by anytime to learn about animals that live in ponds and their unique adapta-

tions. We’ll use nets to catch and release these animals. 2 – 4 p.m. Bonnie Park Picnic Area Ages: families 440-526-1012

North Chagrin Reservation 3 • Sunday Dog Hike

Enjoy a spring walk with your best furry friend. People and dogs will benefit from some exercise and socialization. All dogs must be leashed. 2 – 3:30 p.m. Strawberry Picnic Area parking lot Terrain: uneven, hills, 3.5 – 4 miles 440-473-3370

9 • Saturday Junior Naturalist: Trees that Tell Stories

This month, we’ll delve into the complex lives of trees. Did you know trees have flowers? What happens after a tree falls? Bring your curiosity and we’ll explore together. 10 – 11:15 a.m. A.B. Williams Memorial Woods Ages: 6 – 10 years with adult Terrain: moderate trails, 1 mile 440-473-3370 Wildflower Walk

Find ephemeral spring treasures as we hike the beautiful Scenic Loop Trail and check off what we find. All levels of knowledge welcome. 2 – 3:30 p.m. Strawberry Picnic Area parking lot Terrain; steep hills, may be muddy, 2 miles 440-473-3370 23


North Chagrin Reservation continued

20 • Wednesday Little Explorers Story and Stroll

Baby animals have some very silly names. Learn the names of common baby animals through a story and see if we can find any on a short exploration hike. 1 – 2 p.m. Wilson Mills Road parking lot Ages: 2 – 5 years with adult Terrain: natural surface trail, 0.5 mile 440-473-3370

24 • Sunday Family Fun Hike

Memorial Day weekend is a great time to go for a walk together! Let’s enjoy the wildflowers, birds, mud and sun that come with late spring as we hike the Hickory Fox Loop Trail. All ages welcome. 1 – 2:30 p.m. Buttermilk Falls parking lot Terrain: moderate trails, may be muddy, 2 miles 440-473-3370

25 • Monday Naturalist at Squire’s Castle Drop-by

Bring a picnic and explore Squire’s Castle! A naturalist will be onhand this afternoon with things to touch, answers to your questions and a scavenger hunt for you to complete with your family. 1 – 2:30 p.m. 440-473-3370

North Chagrin Nature Center Open daily 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 3037 SOM Center Rd. Willoughby Hills 440-473-3370

1 • Friday Family Friday Night: Spring’s Show

Spend some time on the deck over the marsh listening to frogs, looking for beavers and watching the moon rise. Spring is in full swing and we should spend some time outside watching the show. Weather permitting. 7 – 8:15 p.m. Terrain: on-trail, 0.25 mile 24 Emerald Necklace May 2015

3 • Sunday

15 • Friday

North Chagrin Nature Photography Club Nature in May Print Show Reception

Meet the members of the club for a social hour of photographic talk and technique. Members onhand to discuss their passion and their prints. Refreshments served. 2 – 4 p.m.

4 • Monday North Chagrin Nature Photography Club Leading Lines

Oh, what lines can do to focus your attention on the subject! So, give it a try and show us 5 of your best examples. Nature subjects, of course. 8 – 9:30 p.m.

Friday Movie Night: The Big Year

What is The Big Year and why is it such a big deal to birders? This comedy to “crow” about starring Steve Martin, Jeff Black, and Owen Wilson will give you some insight. Rated PG. Doors open at 7:15 p.m. Popcorn will be served. 7:30 – 9:15 p.m.

18 • Monday North Chagrin Nature Photography Club Flora or Fauna…Summer is for…

What does summer mean to you? Bring in 5 of your favorite summer nature shots to share. 8 – 9:30 p.m.

Mad Photo Dash for Dragons Challenge! May 1 – October 23 Do dragonflies and damselflies fascinate you? Do you find them dazzling to behold? Have we got a challenge for you! Grab your digital camera, and come out and play to see how many of these beautiful “mosquitohawks” you can get in your viewfinder. All you have to do is snap a photo of a dragonfly that is on the list and email it to get it verified. The challenge? There are twenty on the checklist and they occur seasonally. Travel around Cleveland Metroparks Emerald Necklace to find them all and turn in your checklist at North Chagrin Nature Center for your very own Mad Dash for Dragons T-shirt and a chance to celebrate your accomplishment! Register online to receive your checklist and contest rules. Call 440-473-3370 or email northchagrinnc@clevelandmetroparks.com with any questions or photos.

22 • Friday Family Friday Night: Hike and Campfire

Enjoy a hike around the marsh looking for amphibians and other wildlife. A campfire will follow, complete with S’mores. 7 – 8:30 p.m. Nature Education Building Ages: 4 years & older with adult Fee: $2, pay at the program

23 • Saturday Mason Bee House Workshop

Help pollinate your plants with native bees! Learn about these beneficial, harmless native bees and make a bee house to take home. 2 – 3:30 p.m. Nature Education Building Ages: adults, 10 years & over with adult Fee: $10 per kit Register online by May 20

24 • Sunday Native Plant Sale

Native plants provide food and habitat for wildlife, help move rain into the soil and brighten gardens with beautiful color and character. and require little to no watering, no fertilizer and no pesticides. Naturalists will be onhand to answer questions. Pick up a few new additions for your yard – the butterflies and bees will thank you. 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

28 • Thursday Little Explorers Story and Stroll (see 5/20 for details)

10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Terrain: paved trail, 0.5 mile


Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation 3 • Sunday Towpath Dog Walk

Bring your pooch for a relaxing springtime stroll on the Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath. Dogs must be leashed and picked up after. 10 – 11:15 a.m. Harvard Road Trailhead Terrain: paved, one hill, 3 miles 216-206-1000

17 • Sunday Children’s Fishing Derby (see page 6 for details)

26 • Tuesday Paddle for the Planet

Join us as we clean the canal by kayak. Bring your own kayak or borrow one of ours, limited equipment available. Previous kayaking experience required. 6 – 8:30 p.m. Ages: adults Fee: $5 (registration), $15 (registration & equipment) Terrain: one hill, less than a mile Register by phone or online beginning May 1 216-206-1000

31 • Sunday MAPS Bird Banding

Visit a bird banding research station in action for an up-close encounter with some of your favorite birds, some of which travel up to 3,000 miles to nest here. 7 – 11 a.m. Follow sign at Lower 40 Loop Trail 216-206-1000

Rocky River Reservation 23 • Saturday For Adults Only: Grasses III (see page 28 WSC 5/15 for details)

2 – 4 p.m.

31 • Sunday Olmsted Historical Society Antique Engine Show & Classic Car Cruise In

Lagrange Engine Club displays a collection of big and small antique farm engines and classic cars. Museum houses open. Food and beverages available. 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Frostville Museum olmstedhistoricalsociety.org. 216-789-5298.

Rocky River Nature Center Open daily 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 24000 Valley Parkway North Olmsted 440-734-6660

1 • Friday Gallery Wall – Chuck Slusarczyk, Jr. Birding Lake Erie’s Shoreline

See naturalist and photographer Chuck Slusarczyk Jr.’s images of birding along the Lake Erie shoreline from Magee Marsh to Conneaut. Be prepared for gulls, jaegers and spring migrants. A famous brown pelican may even make an appearance! Through May 31. 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

2 • Saturday Wildflower Walk

Hikathon May – July 440-734-6660

Join Naturalist Marty Calabrese on this biweekly wellness hike series. We’ll discuss wildlife topics while breaking a sweat. Hikers will gain wildlife identification skills and burn calories along 26.2 miles of hiking. Newcomers welcome.

May 2 • 10 – 11 a.m. Rocky River Nature Center • Rocky River Reservation May 16 • 10 - 11 a.m. Rocky River Nature Center • Rocky River Reservation 2 miles May 30 • 10 – 11:30 a.m. Royalview Picnic Area • Mill Stream Run Reservation 3 miles June 13 • 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Codrington Picnic Area • Bradley Woods Reservation 4 miles June 27: 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Rocky River Nature Center • Rocky River Reservation 5 miles July 11: 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Emerald Necklace Marina • Rocky River Reservation 6 miles July 25: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Rocky River Stables • Rocky River Reservation 7 miles

With longer days and shorter nights, wildflowers are emerging and adding their spectacular color to the forest floor. Join a naturalist for a walk in search of these beauties. Don’t miss out, the sights will change weekly. 1 – 2 p.m. Terrain: few stairs, 1 mile

3 • Sunday School of the Wilds West: Spring Birding Prep

Maximize your spring birding experience this year by digging into warbler, thrush, flycatcher and vireo details. Naturalist Jen Brumfield presents a photo-filled presentation that demystifies some of the trickiest songbird identifications. 2 – 3:30 p.m.

To register, visit clevelandmetroparks.com 25


Rocky River Nature Center continued

River Readers

Join Naturalist Joni Norris and the River Readers to review, Do You Believe in Magic by Paul A. Offit, M.D. exploring the sense and nonsense of alternative medicine. Reading the selection is recommended, however listeners are welcome. 2 – 4 p.m. Ages: adults

5 • Tuesday

Greater Cleveland Beekeepers Association Apitherapy

Judy Semroc, Conservation Specialist with the Natural Areas Division of The Cleveland Museum of Natural History shares information about pollinators and pollination. Learn how to attract beneficial pollinators to your home landscape using macro photography. 7:30 – 9 p.m.

Guest speaker, Donald Downs, will discuss the fascinating use of bee products to treat health disorders. 7:30 – 9 p.m.

7 • Thursday

17 • Sunday

Wildflower Walk (see 5/2 for details)

4 • Monday Southwest Camera Club Photography 101

Learn tips and tricks to help you learn how to establish a strong foundation for producing good photography. This program is helpful for someone starting out or looking for different techniques. 7:30 – 9 p.m.

10 • Sunday Wildflower Walk (see 5/2 for details)

11 • Monday Cuyahoga Astronomical Association

Astrophotography: Beginner and Intermediate Club member shares his secrets and shows how to use telescopes to photograph the night sky. 7:30 – 9 p.m.

Your Piece of the Planet Rocky River Nature Center Join us for an exciting series focusing on different ways to utilize the space in your own backyard and turn it into a functioning ecosystem that is beautiful and provides local wildlife with habitat. Some programs include a hike. Rain Barrel Workshop – 6:30 – 8 p.m., $60 Butterfly Gardens – Learn the logistics behind a flutterby-recruiting garden, 2 – 4 p.m. June 7: Wildlife Issues in Your Backyard June 21: Vermiculture and Composting 101 August 4: Putting your Garden to Bed – Creating a Lasagna Garden August 11: Rain Barrel Workshop May 12: May 23:

Register by phone, 440-734-6660.

26 Emerald Necklace May 2015

13 • Wednesday

Western Cuyahoga Audubon Society Pollination: A Photographic Primer

16 • Saturday Wildflower Walk (see 5/2 for details)

River Poets

Join Naturalist Joni Norris and the River Poets to share outstanding nature poetry. Read a sample of your own poetry or simply come, listen, and be inspired. Noon – 1 p.m. Ages: adults A Changing Season Hike

Join us to investigate the changing of the seasons. Buds to blooms and green to white, what will change as you walk the same trails starting in March through December? Bring a notebook to write down interesting tidbits. 1 – 2:15 p.m. Terrain: mostly flat, 0.5 mile

Reptile and Amphibian Survey

Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield for a survey of turtles, snakes, frogs and salamanders in Rocky River Valley. We’ll see some great spring wildflowers along the way. 3 – 4 p.m.

18 • Monday Little Explorers: Fantastic Frogs

The weather is warming and that means the frogs will be coming out to say hello. Your little explorer will love to learn all about this webbed footed friend. Hop on over for music, stories, crafts and outdoor exploration. 10 – 11:15 a.m. or 1 – 2:15 p.m. Ages: 3 – 5 years with adult Terrain: mostly flat, 0.5 mile Register April 1 – 10 by phone or online Southwest Camera Club Sailing the Coastline of Maine

Club members Paul and Audrey Goebl share photos of their trip sailing on the schooner American Eagle and the lighthouses they encountered along the way. 7:30 – 9 p.m.


Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation

24 • Sunday

26 • Tuesday

Wildflower Walk (see 5/2 for details)

25 • Monday Bioblitz!

Bring the family out for a fun nature hike with Naturalist Jen Brumfield. From birds to butterflies, plants, frogs and turtles, the race is on. We’ll have exactly one hour to find as many species as possible. 10 – 11 a.m. Terrain: mostly flat, 0.75 mile

Nature Baby

The weather is warming and it’s time to explore nature. Grab a baby backpack or just carry your child for a walk in the woods. We’ll read a story then head outside to see what types of animals are out and about. Older siblings welcome. 10:30 – 11:15 a.m. Ages: 0 – 3 years Terrain: mostly flat, 0.5 mile

27 • Wednesday Knitting in Nature

Bring your camping chair and knitting bag. We’ll hike to a location and discuss the current envi-

To register, visit clevelandmetroparks.com

ronmental factors affecting Rocky River Reservation. This is not an instructional class, so come with some knitting knowledge. Program cancelled in case of rain. 10 – 11:15 a.m. Ages: 12 years & over Terrain: flat, unpaved, 0.25 mile

28 • Thursday Discovering Nature: Chickadees

Join Naturalist Bev Walborn on an outdoor adventure just for preschoolers. Discover the blackcapped chickadee and its fun chickadee-dee-dee song. We’ll flit like a bird, hike to a favorite chickadee spot and, of course, have fun. 3 – 3:30 p.m. Ages: 2 – 6 years with adult Terrain: some stairs, 0.75 mile

31 • Sunday Wildflower Walk (See 5/2 for details)

South Chagrin Reservation 2 • Saturday Nuthatch Avoiders

Want to start bird watching but don’t know exactly where or how to start? Join us for a series of walks through meadow and forest, and along the Chagrin River to discover the joy of birds and bird watching. Bring binoculars, some available for loan. 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. Jackson Field Terrain: dirt and grass trails, may be muddy, up to 1.5 miles 440-473-3370 27


South Chagrin Reservation continued

8 • Friday Spring Evening Along the River

Join a naturalist for this walk along the Chagrin River to explore the symphony of spring. 7 – 9 p.m. Jackson Field Terrain: muddy, 2 miles 440-473-3370

9 • Saturday Nuthatch Avoiders (see 5/2 for details)

Watershed Stewardship Center

Tubing the Chagrin See how life thrives along the Chagrin River as you travel the river via inner tube. Tubes and PFDs provided. If you’re interested in enjoying this experience, register now. When river conditions are favorable, we’ll send a notification that registration is open for a quickly approaching program date and time. Most tubing programs will be on Friday evening or Saturday day and take approximately 2.5 hours. Ages: adults and children 12 – 17 years with adult Terrain: deep, fast flowing river, slippery uneven walking, must carry tube 0.25 mile. Register by phone 440-473-3370

16 • Saturday Good Ol’ Fashioned Nature Hike

Come along for a traditional hike along the trail. We’ll enjoy the height of spring and all its wonders as we explore the peaks, valleys, and creeks of Sulphur Springs. 9 – 11 a.m. Sulphur Springs Picnic Area Terrain: stream crossings, hills, 2 miles 440-473-3370 Nature Journaling

Experience nature in a new way as we explore the sights and sounds of the seasons. We’ll record our observations in a journal of our own creation. You may want to bring a camera. 1 – 3 p.m. Sulphur Springs Picnic Area Ages: adults Fee: $15 Registration required by May 13 440-473-3370 Nuthatch Avoiders (see 5/2 for details)

17 • Sunday

24 • Sunday Migration Sensation

May is a month to welcome back migrants such as gray catbirds, chipping sparrows, Baltimore orioles, and others as they make their presence known with colorful plumage and song. Grab your field guides and binoculars, some available for loan. 9:30 a.m. – noon Jackson Field Terrain: dirt and grass trails, may be muddy, up to 2.5 miles 440-473-3370

25 • Monday Naturalist at the Pond Drop-by

Take a break from your Memorial Day picnic to discover life in Dragonfly Pond. Dip nets and collection aquaria will be on-hand to get a closer look at our finds. Everything returns to nature at the end of our time together. 10:30 a.m. – noon Chagrin River Rd. sledding hill 440-473-3370

31 • Sunday

Dog Hike

Ravine Climb and Hike

Enjoy a spring walk with your best furry friend. People and dogs will benefit from some exercise and socialization. All dogs must be leashed. 2 – 3:30 p.m. Squaw Rock parking lot Terrain: rugged, 3 – 3.5 miles 440-473-3370

Turn over rocks, skirt a creek’s edge and take in a different view of the forest as you move from

river bottom to flat land. Wear sturdy shoes. 1 – 3 p.m. Squaw Rock Picnic Area parking lot Ages: adults, 13 years & over with adult Terrain: difficult, off-trail, stream crossings, 2 miles 440-473-3370

Washington Reservation 16 • Saturday “Remember the Maine” Walk

Observe Armed Forces Day by taking a walk with Historical Interpreter Karen Lakus to the USS Maine Memorial. Hear the story of the ill-fated ship and why parts of it are scattered all over the country including Washington Reservation. 11 a.m. – noon Arborview Picnic Shelter parking lot Terrain: paved, 1 mile 216-206-1000

Sunday Noon – 4:30 p.m. Tuesday– Saturday 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 2277 W. Ridgewood Dr., Parma 440-887-1968 West Creek Reservation

3 • Sunday Drop-by: Connect With a Plant

Connect with a native plant. Drop by any time to select some seeds and pot them up. We’ll nurture them under grow lights, so on May 31 you take home a plant and leave one to grow at West Creek. Noon – 3 p.m.

6 • Wednesday Ohio Wetlands Trifecta Bus Tour

Join Naturalist Mark Warman to explore three living postcards from the Ice Age. Triangle Lake Bog, Kent Bog, and Herrick Fen are humming with springtime activity. Birds, wetland plants, and early-emergent insects are on the agenda. 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Watershed Stewardship Center parking lot Ages: adults ​Fee: $60, includes transportation, lunch Terrain: flat, 3 miles Registration by phone or online required by May 4

15 • Friday For Adults Only: Grasses I

Arguably the most important plant group, grasses are worth knowing. In addition to their interesting ecology, you’ll discover tools needed to identify them, and practice your ID skills in two different field sessions (May 16 and 23). Participants must attend all three parts. 7 – 9 p.m. Ages: adults Fee: $30 individuals, $50 couples (1 book) Registration by phone or online required by May 12

To register, visit clevelandmetroparks.com 28 Emerald Necklace May 2015

MAY PROGRAMS BY LOCATION 16 • Saturday Lessons from a Stream Hike

Celebrate the 25th Annual RiverDay by taking a tip or two from a stream. First we’ll look at some sedimentary action on our stream table, indoors. Then take a hike along West Creek to experience some of the lessons we learned in action. 10 a.m. – noon Ages: adults, families Terrain: on- and off-trail, 1 mile

23 • Saturday Fish Diversity in West Creek

Join Aquatic Biologist Mike Durkalec and Naturalist Joe Higgins streamside as we explore West Creek’s fish diversity using electrofishing techniques. Wear rubber boots or waders for this extremely informative and unique field experience. Some boots available to borrow. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Terrain: in-stream, uneven, muddy

30 • Saturday Aquatic Sciences Teacher Workshop: Part III

Learn about watersheds using hands-on teaching strategies for water education. Use techniques in field exploration, environmental sampling, and data analysis to better understand our region’s freshwater resources. CEUs available for middle and high school teachers. Sponsored by the Martha Jennings Holding Foundation. 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Ages: adult educators Free to middle and high school teachers, CEUs available Register at Case Western Reserve University by phone at 216-3685057 or email kmk@case.edu

West Creek Reservation 1 • Friday American Wetlands Month: Sunset Hike

Explore the signs of spring during a sunset hike with Naturalist Matt Knittel. We’ll keep an eye and an ear out for wetland-dependent creatures waking up from the long, harsh winter-spring peepers, red bats, and more. 7:30 – 9 p.m. Ages: grades 5 – 8 Monarch Bluff Picnic Area Terrain: easy, 3 miles

8 • Friday Campfire with Stories and S’mores

Relax with Naturalist Matt Knittel on a short walk to see and hear our crepuscular creatures stirring, then relax by the campfire with stories, songs, s’mores, and hot chocolate. Bring a chair, and a story or song to share. 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Monarch Bluff Picnic Area Ages: families Fee: $2, 5 years & under free Registration by phone or online required 440-887-1968

10 • Sunday Mother’s Day with Mother Nature

Skip buying expensive flowers this year and see nature in spring bloom. Share the afternoon with your mom on a nice, easy hike. 1 – 2:30 p.m. Monarch Bluff Picnic Area Terrain: easy, 2 miles

12 • Tuesday Evening Blooms

Smell the romance by walking out into the evening to see the locust bloom. Learn the biology behind these trees and track their blooms through Project Budburst. 6 – 7:30 p.m. Terrain: steep trail, 1 mile

20 • Wednesday

9 • Saturday

In Pursuit of Gray Tree Frogs

Career Day

Naturalist Mark Warman leads an expedition to the winding West Creek in search of gray tree frogs. We’ll search territory along ponds and forested pools as we listen for these vegetation-dwelling amphibians. 7 – 8:30 p.m. Monarch Bluff Picnic Area Terrain: on and off trail, 1 – 2 miles

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo

Have a wild experience exploring the professional fields of animal care, veterinary medicine and conservation education. Get close to small animals, meet with Zoo staff, take a behind-thescenes tour and get an up-close look at the real work involved with an exciting Zoo career. 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Ages: grades 5 – 8 Fee: $50/$45 zoo members Registration required clevelandmetroparks.com/zoo/ learn1.aspx 216-635-3391


12 • Tuesday Keeper for a Day

Become a part of the specialized care that Zoo animals receive for a hands-on experience you won’t forget. 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Fee: $200 Registration required clevelandmetroparks.com/zoo/ learn1.aspx

Tuesday – Sunday Inside Tracks

Learn fun-filled facts on animal care, behavior, conservation and explore five animal areas on a golf cart. May include training sessions and get-close opportunities with animals, and behindthe-scenes tours. 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Fee: $50 Registration required clevelandmetroparks.com/zoo/ learn1.aspx

5 • Tuesday Preschool Safari

Special hands-on activities and a get-close animal encounter geared just for kids – African Animals. 10 – 11:30 a.m. Ages: families, 5 years & under Fee: $15/$10 zoo member Registration required clevelandmetroparks.com/zoo/ learn1.aspx 216-635-3391

Homeschool Program – The Importance of Animal Behavior

This fun and interactive program complements science curriculums for homeschooled students. 10 – 11:30 a.m. grades K – 3 Noon – 1:30 p.m. grades 4 – 8 Fee: $10/$8 zoo member Registration required clevelandmetroparks.com/zoo/ learn1.aspx 216-635-3391

13 • Wednesday Preschool Safari Australian Animals (see 5/5 for details)

14 • Thursday Career Day

Ages: grades 9 – 12

(see 5/9 for details)

21 • Thursday Preschool Safari Nature Explorers (see 5/5 for details)

Cleveland Metroparks is proud to serve the following products.

16 • Saturday For Adults Only: Grasses II

2 – 4:30 p.m.

(see WSC 5/15 for details)



A Look Ahead Are You Ready For Summer?

Edgewater LIVE

Euclid Beach LIVE

Thursdays, June 11 – August 13 • 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Fridays, June 12 – August 14 • 6 – 8 p.m.

Lower Edgewater Park • Lakefront Reservation

Euclid Beach Park • Euclid Creek Reservation

A new view on happy hour. Lower Edgewater Place is the place to be this summer. Each Thursday, bring a blanket or chair and let the music move you while you enjoy a spectaular sunset over the Cleveland skyline. Local food trucks will be there for your dining pleasure. Take part in the hands-on nature activities.

Each Friday this summer come out for a picnic in the park with live entertainment, food trucks and Cleveland Metroparks!

216-635-3200 30 Emerald Necklace May 2015



Citizens Cinema at Sunset

Knee High Naturalists

June 14, July 12 and August 9 • 6 p.m. Lower Edgewater Park • Lakefront Reservation Bring your blankets and chairs for some family movie fun under the stars. Pre-movie festivities include food trucks and activities. Citizens Bank is proud to be the title sponsor.

June 21 • 1 – 5 p.m. The Arboretum • South Chagrin Reservation Celebrate a love of nature with young children and their families. Enjoy hands-on activities that will ignite curiosity and entertain young children. Listen to stories and music, hold a live crayfish, fly a kite, go on a hike or dig a hole as deep as you can! Don’t miss this fun day!



Cleveland Metroparks Directory Administrative Offices

216-635-3200/general Cleveland Metroparks information - 24-hours a day. 4101 Fulton Parkway Cleveland, OH 44144 clevelandmetroparks.com 24-hour Job Hotline 216-635-3211 Brochures/Maps/Emerald Necklace 216-635-3200 Permits/Picnic Area Reservations 216-635-3304 Volunteer Services 440-253-2142

Ranger Headquarters

4600 Valley Parkway Fairview Park 440-331-5530

Accidents or Emergencies 440-333-4911 Parkway Alert Line (PAL) 440-331-5963

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo & The RainForest 216-661-6500/24-hour information. 3900 Wildlife Way Cleveland, OH 44109 clemetzoo.com

Office of the Zoo Executive Director 216-635-3331 Education Programs/Volunteers 216-635-3391 Travel Programs 216-661-6500 ext 4356 Marketing & Public Relations 216-635-3229 School Group Reservations 216-635-3391 Groups/Parties/Private Events/ Facility Rentals 216-635-3304 Cleveland Zoological Society 216-661-6500, ext. 4421

Outdoor Recreation Acacia Facility Acacia Reservation 26899 Cedar Road Lyndhurst Food Service/Catering: Dino’s 216-342-4767

Chalet/Tobogganing Mill Stream Run Reservation Strongsville 440-572-9990 Cross Country Ski Rental 440-331-1070 Rivergate Facility 1785 Merwin Ave Cleveland 216-341-1704 Food Service/Catering: Merwin’s Wharf 216-664-5696


Golf Tee Reservations (24 hours) and directions, hours, fees etc. 216-635-3673 clevelandmetroparks.com Golf Services – general course info 440-232-7247 Big Met Golf Course Rocky River Reservation 4811 Valley Parkway Fairview Park 440-331-1070 Food Service/Catering: Big Met Grille 440-333-5575 Little Met Golf Course Rocky River Reservation 18599 Old Lorain Road Cleveland 216-941-9672 Manakiki Golf Course North Chagrin Reservation 35501 Eddy Road Willoughby Hills 440-942-2500 Food Service/Catering: Dino’s 216-342-4767 Mastick Woods Golf Course Rocky River Reservation 19900 Puritas Road Cleveland 216-267-5626 Food Service/Catering: Double Eagle Cafe 216-267-5626 Seneca Golf Course Brecksville Reservation 975 Valley Parkway Broadview Heights 440-526-0043 Food Service/Catering: Back 9 Grille 440-546-1555 Shawnee Hills Golf Course Bedford Reservation 18753 Egbert Road Bedford 440-232-7184 Food Service/Catering: Shawnee Hills Grille 440-786-7587 Sleepy Hollow Golf Course Brecksville Reservation 9445 Brecksville Road Brecksville 440-526-4285 Food Service/Catering: Theo’s of Sleepy Hollow 440-546-1555 Washington Golf Course Washington Reservation 3841 Washington Park Blvd. Newburgh Heights 216-641-1864 The First Tee of Cleveland 216-641-7799

Outdoor Experiences

Outdoor Experiences Administration 216-881-8141 ext. 3005 Outdoor Recreation 216-341-1704 Historical Interpretation 440-786-8530 Voyageur Canoe Paddle Wallace/Hinckley Lakes 440-786-8530 NatureTracks Education Unit/EcoExplorers 216-341-1707 Youth Outdoors 216-206-1010

Education Centers CanalWay Center Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation 4524 E. 49th Street Cuyahoga Heights 216-206-1000 Brecksville Nature Center Brecksville Reservation 9000 Chippewa Creek Drive Brecksville 440-526-1012 Garfield Park Center Garfield Park Reservation 11350 Broadway Avenue Garfield Heights 216-341-3152 North Chagrin Nature Center North Chagrin Reservation 3037 SOM Center Road Willloughby Hills 440-473-3370 Rocky River Nature Center Rocky River Reservation 24000 Valley Parkway North Olmsted 440-734-6660 Look About Lodge South Chagrin Reservation 37374 Miles Rd. Bentleyville 440-247-7075 Watershed Stewardship Center at West Creek West Creek Reservation 2277 W. Ridgewood Dr. Parma 440-887-1968

Retail Nature Shops Hinckley Lake Boathouse & Store Hinckley 330-278-2160 North Chagrin Nature Center Mayfield Village 440-449-0511 Rocky River Nature Center North Olmsted 440-734-7576 Watershed Stewardship Center Parma 440-253-2170

Boating Emerald Necklace Marina Rocky River Reservation 1500 Scenic Park Drive Lakewood 216-226-3030 Food Service/Catering: Emerald Necklace Marina Grille 216-228-2233 Kayak Rentals 41° North Coastal Kayak Adventures Rocky River Reservation 1-866-529-2541 Hinckley Lake Boathouse & Store Hinckley Reservation West Drive, Hinckley Lake Hinckley Township 330-278-2160 Wallace Lake Mill Stream Run Reservation Valley Parkway, south of Bagley Road, Berea Quarry Rock Café 440-826-1682


440-331-8111 Hotline 216-635-3383 Edgewater Park Lakefront Reservation Cleveland eats & treats Hinckley Lake Hinckley Reservation Hinckley Township Huntington Beach Huntington Reservation Bay Village The Hut Ledge Pool & Recreation Area Hinckley Reservation Hinckley Township Ledge Rock Café Wallace Lake Mill Stream Run Reservation Berea Quarry Rock Café

Cleveland Metroparks Affiliates, Clubs and Concessionaires Achievement Centers for Children Camp Cheerful 440-238-6200 Mill Stream Run Reservation BAYarts Huntington Reservation 440-871-6543 bayarts.net Vento 440-835-4530 Brecksville Historical Society Brecksville Reservation 440-526-7165 Brecksville Stables Brecksville Reservation 440-526-6767 brecksvillestables.com Brooklyn Exchange Cabin Hinckley Reservation 330-577-8882 exchangecabin@gmail.com Chagrin Valley Trails and Riding Club South Chagrin Reservation 216-635-3200 Cleveland Archery Club 216-635-3200 Cleveland Natural Science Club 440-247-4005 or 440-247-0151 Huntington Playhouse Huntington Reservation 440-871-8333 huntingtonplayhouse.com Lake Erie Nature & Science Center Huntington Reservation 440-871-2900 lensc.org Olmsted Historical Society Rocky River Reservation 216-501-3345 olmstedhistoricalsociety.org Rocky River Stables Rocky River Reservation 216-267-2525 valleyriding.org Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Lake Erie Nature & Science Center Bay Village 440-471-8357

Affiliates are supported, but not operationally-funded, by Cleveland Metroparks. These outstanding non-profit organizations depend on class fees, special events, benefactor initiatives, and your financial support to operate. Your contributions and volunteer service are encouraged.


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Spring Bird Walks Watch the spring migrants return or travel through to their summer breeding grounds during the 82nd Annual Series of Spring Bird Walks. Co-sponsored by Cleveland Metroparks, The Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History, and other local park districts. Walks are led by experienced birders and held on Sundays through May 17 at 7:30 a.m. at the following locations:

Huntington Reservation – Lake Erie Nature & Science Center, 28727 Wolf Rd., Bay Village 440-471-8357

Aurora Sanctuary – Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland Sanctuary, parking lot east of Page Rd. on E. Pioneer Trail, east of routes 306 and 43, Aurora 440-543-6399

North Chagrin Reservation – Sunset Pond, off Buttermilk Falls Parkway, Mayfield Village 440-473-3370

Big Creek Reservation – Lake Isaac, Big Creek Parkway, Middleburg Heights 440-891-1710

Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation – Visitor Center parking lot – Whittlesey Way off E. 49th St. south of Grant Ave, Cuyahoga Hts. 216-206-1000

Lake Metroparks – Lake Erie Bluffs, 2901 Clark Rd., Perry Township 440-256-1404 ext. 2112 Mentor Marsh – parking area on Headlands Rd., Mentor 440-257-0777

Novak Sanctuary – Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland Bedford Reservation – Hemlock Creek Picnic Area parking lot, off Sanctuary, parking lot north of Rt. 82 on Aurora Town Line Rd., Aurora 440-543-6399 Button Rd., Bedford 330-715-6300

Brecksville Reservation – Parking area at Station Rd. Bridge Trailhead, off Riverview Rd. south of route 82, Brecksville 330-4673664 Gates Mills – 440-338-4923 Geauga Park District – Various locations, Geauga County 440286-9516

Rocky River Reservation – Rocky River Nature Center parking lot, 24000 Valley Parkway, ¼ mile north of Cedar Point Rd. in North Olmsted 440-924-0188 Shaker Lakes – The Nature Center at Shaker Lakes 2600 South Park Blvd., Shaker Hts. 216-321-5935

Hinckley Reservation – Bridge at the south end of Hinckley Lake, off State Rd., Hinckley 330-625-5503

South Chagrin Reservation – Jackson Road parking lot, off Chagrin River Road (between Miles Rd. and Chagrin Blvd.), Moreland Hills 440-473-3370

Hiram – James H. Barrow Field Station (Hiram College) on Wheeler Road 330-527-2141

Don’t miss the migration!

Holden Arboretum – main parking lot off Sperry Rd., Kirtland 440-946-4400


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