January 2017

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JANUARY Program Guide 2017

Cleveland Metroparks Centennial Year Winter Recreation Cross-country Ski and Snowshoe Rentals

Winter Fun at The Chalet Recreation Area

Tobogganing, Winteriffic, and more!

A LETTER FROM BRIAN ZIMMERMAN 100 Years in the Making As Cleveland Metroparks Chief Executive Officer, I am excited to embark on our centennial year with all of you. Cleveland Metroparks truly has a remarkable history that all began with our first Park Director, William A. Stinchcomb’s, vision. Without his original vision of an interconnected boulevard of parks, we would not have Cleveland’s “Emerald Necklace” of green space today. Standing strong in our 100th year, Cleveland Metroparks is building on the great work of William A. Stinchcomb by continuing progress on our strategic plan and expanding connections in the Greater Cleveland Area. Recently, we have advanced progress on urban trail connections and planned connections to Lake Erie. Our growth brings Cleveland Metroparks closer to fully executing its vision of completing the Emerald Necklace and connecting the Park District to the City of Cleveland and its inner suburbs.

CONTENTS 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 20 21

Celebrating the First 100 Years Naturalist's Almanac Winter Hotspots in Cleveland Metroparks Gift of Nature Zoo News Winter Recreation Winter Fun at The Chalet Programs by Location Programs by Date Look Ahead Cleveland Metroparks The First Three Decades

It’s truly special to be able to help lead Cleveland Metroparks centennial year, and I am honored to celebrate with all of you. As you will see throughout the year at programs, events, nature centers, golf courses and at the Zoo, our staff has been working tirelessly on special ways to commemorate our history and celebrate our future. Thank YOU for being a part of Cleveland Metroparks, we look forward to sharing our next century of stewardship with each and every one of you. Brian M. Zimmerman Cleveland Metroparks CEO

1967: The Chalet Recreation Area at Mill Stream Run Reservation, formerly known as Winter Funland

1 Emerald Necklace January 2017 | Vol. 66 #1


1918: Early park planners in Brecksville

1920s: William A. Stinchcomb at his desk

1920s: Swimming at Edgewater Beach

1930: North Chagrin Reservation Trail

1961: Tinker’s Creek Gorge Scenic Overlook

1976: Mobile Classroom

It’s finally here! 2017: The year of Cleveland Metroparks 100th Anniversary! The Cleveland Metropolitan Park District has been a part of our lives for 100 years providing a refuge of natural beauty surrounding the City of Cleveland. The celebration of the first 100 years will take place throughout 2017, while we also launch into the second century of conservation, education and recreation. We trust you will be pleased and we are so excited to have you join us as we celebrate throughout the year. Keep an eye on the Emerald Necklace program guides and visit clevelandmetroparks.com for various programs each month highlighting aspects of the Park District’s history. Stop by the nature centers, golf course clubhouses, The Chalet and the Zoo’s Exhibit Hall for a historical exhibit highlighting features of each location. Overall, there are 12 exhibit locations where you can immerse yourself in the history of Cleveland Metroparks. We will be presenting various programs and events throughout the year, too. Some of these include Centennial Conversations: A History Series, Reader’s Theater, 100 Miles of Walking, 100 Miles of Cycling, 100 Things To

Do in Cleveland Metroparks, the Centennial Concert Series, the Centennial Web Page, the Fall 2017 School Curriculum and special events planned for the days surrounding Cleveland Metroparks official anniversary date of July 23. Certain areas of significance are getting a facelift this year as well. Some of these locations include The Stinchcomb-Groth Memorial, honoring our first two Park Directors and overlooking our first parcel of land; the A.B. Williams Memorial Woods, honoring our first naturalist and the former site of one of the first trailside museums in the country; the Harriet Keeler Memorial Picnic Area, the oldest picnic shelter in the Park District; and the Brecksville Nature Center which is listed on the National

Register of Historic Places. Each site will be refreshed and highlighted at various times throughout 2017. An exciting project on the store shelves now is Cleveland Metroparks Centennial book, The 100 Year Trail: A Centennial Celebration of Cleveland Metroparks. This book, chock-full of historical information, photos, a timeline and more gives readers a comprehensive overview of the first 100 years of Cleveland Metroparks. The most special part of this keepsake book is that it was researched, written and designed by Cleveland Metroparks employees. It was also printed locally here in Cleveland. Copies of the book and Centennial merchandise are now available at our Nature Shops and at clevelandmetroparks.com. The yearlong celebration kicks off during Noon Year’s Eve on December 31, 2016 at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo! We hope you will join us at this event and throughout the year as we launch into celebrating our first 100 years of the Greater Cleveland Area’s gem, Cleveland Metroparks. Carl Casavecchia - Special Project Manager Cleveland Metroparks Centennial 2


Winter January


Hemlocks, pines and spruces provide food and shelter for purple and house finches that may be joined by rare crossbills. Flocks of American robins and cedar waxwings brighten gray skies as they descend upon fruiting trees and shrubs, gobbling up calories for long, cold nights. Great horned owls are very active in January, searching for a mate, building a nest or incubating eggs. Listen for their deep, booming calls at night.

The deep silence of winter is broken by the mournful call of mourning doves as the first spring birdsongs now fill the air. Maple sugaring season begins when temperatures warm above freezing during the day, yet remain below freezing at night. This alternating rising and falling temperature keeps the sweet sap flowing until buds on the trees begin to open.

With snow packed under our feet, January is best taken on the trail with a good pair of boots, snowshoes or a set of cross-country skis. Winter’s quiet is good for both health and spirit. Animals have now endured the longest nights of the year as the sun is now beginning its annual transect north. Crisp cold is no match for wintering finches, owls, waterfowl and songbirds. American goldfinches and pine siskins may be joined by the rare common redpoll at thistle feeders.

February is the midpoint of winter where daylight lingers noticeably longer, and the first hints that spring isn’t far away are seen. The year’s animal activity starts slowly; each week more and more players are on nature’s stage. Skunk cabbage can be found in many wetlands throughout Cleveland Metroparks, and when bruised or broken the distinct odor of a skunk can be smelled. Remarkably, the plant can create its own heat from rapid respiration in their starchy root; often melting a thin layer of snow or ice around the plant.

February is the traditional end of hibernation for mammals. The groundhog is expected to emerge from its winter burrow and proclaim the end of winter…. or not.

Tree sparrow

3 Emerald Necklace January 2017


Still within winter’s last grip, March heralds the beginning of spring with increasingly warmer days, signaling birds to stir and become more active. Strong southerly winds bring waterfowl and raptors back to our shores, wetlands and skies. From the high bluffs and shores of Huntington and Lakefront Reservation parks, one can witness fantastic numbers and diversity of diving ducks, grebes and loons as they prepare to push north towards nesting grounds. Late in the month, the first spring migrants, including hardy eastern phoebes, fox sparrows and yellowbellied sapsuckers, begin to appear in greater numbers. Male red-winged blackbirds (the ultimate harbinger of spring) have returned to their territories along roadsides, marshes and wetlands proclaiming their arrival with puffed wings and a loud rattling “Coco-REEE.” Maple sugaring continues as the sweet sap flows early in the month and eventually opening buds will turn the sweet sap bitter. March brings one of the most awe-inspiring events in the forests of Cleveland Metroparks. Countless wood frogs, spotted and Jefferson salamanders and spring peepers are on the move migrating to vernal pools. Males are first to arrive staking territories and advertising for the soon-arriving females. The chorus peaks with thousands of males singing as competition is fierce for the opportunity to breed. Within a few short days this annual event is over and the adults migrate back to the forest leaving their eggs to develop into another generation of amphibians all before the heart of summer will dry out these temporary pools.


Winter Hotspots

Sulphur Springs - South Chagrin Reservation

Bridal Veil Falls - Bedford Reservation

As we ring in the New Year, our temperate climate is proving less than aptly named. Perhaps there are parts unknown throughout the more than 23,000 acres of your Cleveland Metroparks that beckon you - a corner, tree, valley or vista. When your eyes gaze on a space, it’s you alone at that very moment digesting the good nature of the wild.

As humans, are we incompatible with the outdoor conditions of winter? Proper gear, a curious mindset and an enigmatic destination will guide you right. Pack on your wicking, warmth and weather layers and head to a place that summons you.

Where are the hidden treasures of the winter woodlands? What if you can head to a spot in Cleveland Metroparks and expect an astonishing caliber of beauty, almost predictably? Well, you can. Winter is a city, a book and even a movie. It’s a song and an album, but it was a season first. Along with every season, winter has well-defined meteorological, astronomical and ecological parameters, all because Earth’s axis sits at an odd kilter of 23 degrees. The special effects we feel during winter can be almost, at times, antagonistic.

Sulphur Springs Picnic Area in South Chagrin Reservation is a prime example of such a destination. This journey offers hiking and bridle trails into the highs and lows of the Chagrin River valley. Heading northwest from the main parking lot ensures a path that will dip you into the ridge-hugging hemlocks, accessible by connecting the Sulphur Springs Loop, bridle and Persing trails. Eastern hemlocks (Tsuga canadensis) grow naturally in Ohio, but are relics of a colder age. These hemlocks can tolerate the seemingly inhospitable nature of northern Canada. As such, and like other conifers, hemlock trees retain their needles throughout Northeast Ohio’s winter. The green effect is so welcoming and needed during a thinner and tanner time of the woodlands.

Big Met Golf Course - Rocky River Reservation

Where is your valley? Where is your vista? The acreage of the Park District is finite, but the space provided is immeasurable. When snow conditions are favorable, snowshoes and cross-country skis can take you further. Both can be rented at Big Met Golf Course, and snowshoes are available at North Chagrin Nature Center and the Hinckley Lake Boathouse and Store. If the snow is too cavernous to traverse, visit Bridal Veil Falls in Bedford Reservation. A tenth-mile jaunt from the parking lot, the overlook provides safe yet striking beauty. Another option is to visit Huntington, Lakefront or Euclid Creek Reservations. Lake Erie, under siege by Cleveland’s wicked winter, is quite the sight at the shoreline; the ice formations are extraordinary! We live in a special place and time in the world and Cleveland Metroparks provides a door worth stepping through.


Cleveland Metroparks is pleased to welcome Natalie A. Ronayne as its new Chief Development Officer. In her new role, Ronayne will lead all of the organization’s charitable fundraising activities building around the centennial celebration.

Cleveland Metroparks has preserved the natural landscape of Greater Cleveland for 100 years and continues to be one of the region’s greatest assets. The Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund was established within The Cleveland Foundation for people who are passionate about ensuring the future of the Park District for generations to come. Gifts to the Legacy Fund and other special programs help to create a welcome and healthy environment for wildlife and further the mission of Cleveland Metroparks. Cleveland Metroparks gratefully acknowledges the following members of the Emerald Necklace Fellowship who have included Cleveland Metroparks in their estate plans: Anonymous (17 donors) Suzanne E. Aldrich Ruth Arendt Peter and Barbara Avrea Fund in memory of Walter C. and Shirley M. Avrea Jay Beswick* Nancy and Joseph Bozicevich* Sheila Brown Kara Browning Warwick A. Buer* - in memory of my beloved wife, Marguerite A. Buer Helen E. and Robert L. Burns* Michael and Susan Clark Mina Davis* Michael and Marcia Dolyk Jeanette Eustache Carol Glotzbecker Marlene L. Goldheimer Hajewsky Family Memorial Dorothea Jean Hassler* Bernice C. Haytas* Barbara A. Hershkowitz Constance M. Howell* William D. Howerton Paula T. Hurwitz* Alyce M. Jarr* Don and Susan Johnson Marion E. Johnson* Fred R. Jones* Constance M. Junge* Mort* and Emilie Kadish Karen J. Kannenberg and Dennis* A. Seifert Julia Kunes* Michael B. and Judy Malasky Christopher Malek and Friends Terence J. and Nancy S. McCann Lin Miller Jean C. Murphy* Celia and Edward Nedved* George and Cynthia Oprita Jo Ann B. Pfleger Ian Roy Phillips Elizabeth H. Ragg* Margaret Rawsthorne Carmen R. Reeths Kathleen Schlemmer Dorothy D. Schmidt* Lynn A. Schreiber* *Deceased

5 Emerald Necklace January 2017

Mary Sedlack* In Memory of Elizabeth Shainker Chuck Smith Kathryn S. Spilar* Coletta L. Stopp* Angela M. Thiery - in celebration of the lives of Daniel and Victoria Thiery Mildred Turza* Robert and Marti Vagi Roy Warren and Janet M. Warren Constance S. White, MD Shaun P. White* Dorotha L. Whitney* Brian M. Zimmerman Cleveland Metroparks gratefully acknowledges the following gifts contributed between September 1 and October 31, 2016 to the Emerald Necklace Endowment: Anonymous Lucille P. Gruber - in memory of Zerda Malkin Todd Halpern and Edythe C. Halpern in memory of Zerda Malkin Mark M. Jablonski Anne Lockard - in memory of Thomas Winzenburger Ken Silliman - in memory of James R. Russell Cleveland Metroparks gratefully acknowledges the following gifts to the Legacy Fund between September 1 and October 31, 2016: Nicholas Durkalski - in honor of Katie Durkalski Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association - in honor of David E. Nash Judi Feniger - in honor of Tom Nobbe and David Ward Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Harpster Dean Norman and Maureen Farrell Daila Rence Brenda Schuster Ms. Eileen Shepard The Wochna Family Virginia M. Yurko - in honor of Virginia and Joe Yurko

Cleveland Metroparks gratefully acknowledges the following memorial gifts to the Legacy Fund between September 1 and October 31, 2016: In memory of Dusty Arlia Andrew Hansen In memory of Richard Stephen Cielec Fern Cielec In memory of Steve Davis Doernbecher Pediatric Rehab Team In memory of Carol E. Gartman Allison L. Ball Marilyn Bradley Paula Foutz Ronald and Marion Gartman Donald and Loretta Gartman Margaret Guerra (Nonna) Pam L. Kaufman Dale and Deborah Miller Mary H. Tilden In memory of Mark Lopatka Lopatka-Gibbons Family In memory of Hans Mader Michelle Mader In memory of Zerda Malkin Holly Bednar Ted Cohen and family Greg Deegan and Arin Miller-Tait Engineering World Health Robert and Dove Kessler Mohammad and Sossan Kiani Ken and Sheila Primer John and Lynne Stager University School Rona Weiss In memory of Andy Michael Britton Gallagher In memory of Eleanore Moyers Mike and Bob Adams In memory of Matt Norris Ron Abate John and Lois Binder Robert and Christa Blum Mark Breudigam Robert and Jennifer Budzilek Bob Buebler and Jeff Segal Rita Candito Chip Cooper Gregory and Nancy Danisek Virginia Day Kathleen Dugan and John Delzani Jeffrey and Wendy Eldridge Robert and Joan Ellis Jim and Pat Habenicht

Hermes Sports and Events Frank Hamman Reed and Sharyn Hinman Debra Horn Tom and Anne Jenkins Jack Kluznik Dennis and Cheryl Lekan Leo Lightner James and Lois Mackert Armand Masse Johanna Moore Arthur and Edina Moore Robert and Gretchen Myers Marilyn Olsen and Tom Skulina Peter and Margaret Pachlhofer Bob and Christine Pavlas Thomas and Melissa Pillari Joyce Prohaska Donald and Juanita Robeson John and Helen Roos James and JoAnne Rowland Eleanor Royco Paul and Nancy Schlosser Dale and Carol Sherry Jeanne Sikorski Sportech/Log Billy and Karen Stross Al and Ann Troietto Gary and Cindy Wildman Marlene Zepkin In memory of Marc R. Noss Robert and Kimberly Young In memory of Dale Prost Rosemarie Poliafico Weinsheimer Family In memory of James R. Russell Robert Benetz Miles and Jane Stites

Cleveland Metroparks gratefully acknowledges the following gifts received between September 1 and October 31, 2016 in support of the programs and facilities listed below: CanalWay Center Brooklyn Historical Society Museum Brecksville Nature Center Paula Kramer - in memory of Walter Robb Fishing Fund American Greetings - in memory of Wayne Diehl Paul Froehlich Spencer Diehl - in memory of Wayne Diehl Gill Podiatry Supply - in memory of Wayne Diehl Great Outdoors Radio Show Ohio Central Basin Steelheaders Kelly Ricker - in memory of Wayne Diehl Renee M. Sittley Alan Skowronsky - in memory of Wayne Diehl Diane Staba - in memory of Wayne Diehl Fort Hill Stairs Fund Michael D. Oakley North Chagrin Nature Center Anonymous Cleveland Natural Science Club Julia Flanagan Don and Susan Johnson Anita Lechner - in memory of Zerda Malkin Wendy Rabinovitz - in memory of Zerda Malkin Dale Rabinovitz - in memory of Zerda Malkin Ken and Bev Resnick - in memory of Zerda Malkin Barbara A. Sciulli - in memory of Zerda Malkin Don and Elaine Sherman - in memory of Zerda Malkin South Euclid Garden Club Sandra and Sig Stechler - in memory of Ethel Cydulka Sandra and Sig Stechler - in memory of Ginny Suazo - our Girlfriend Jean and Vicky Weaver - in memory of Maria S. Elo Outdoor Education Fund Bob and Sandy Bendis - in memory of Zerda Malkin Shelly Bloom - in memory of Zerda Malkin Jonathan Flescher and Susan Eder in memory of Zerda Malkin Friends of Southeast Library Anna M. Page Bill Webb - in honor of Jerry Petek

Ranger Department K-9 Unit Fund George and Janet Evangelista - in memory of Carol E. Gartman Gayle L. Jonas - in memory of Carol E. Gartman Lorraine and Leona Lane - in memory of Carol E. Gartman Carol’s UPS Family - in memory of Carol E. Gartman Dave and Bev Mularchik - in memory of Carol E. Gartman Ranger Department Mounted Unit Fund INSYTE Consulting Group LLC - in honor of Melissa Warner Ohio Horseman’s Council, Cuyahoga County Chapter Rocky River Nature Center Baldwin Wallace Institute for Learning in Retirement Child Care Resource Center Myrna Fritz - in memory of Carolyn Gouwens Jones Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kelley - in memory of Jeff Normile Trail Ambassador Fund Margo and Tom Bertin Trails Fund Ian Andrews - in memory of David and Jean Andrews William E. Carlson Pellegrino Ciccarello and Christine Vrooman - in memory of Matt Norris Gail and Olney Dekker - in memory of Mary Ann Daley Nancy Desmond Megan M. Dooley - in honor of Doreen Merritt and Rick Sockel Fat Head’s Brewing Paula B. Harvey - in memory of Mary Ann Daley Christopher Heltzel - in memory of Zerda Malkin Christina Irving - in memory of Carol E. Gartman Eva and Dave Krause Scott and Nancy Miller - in memory of Zerda Malkin Judy Neuger - in memory of Mary Ann Daley Ken and Lynn Salzbrenner - in memory of Zerda Malkin Second Sole Running Store Robert Shelton Spin Bike Shop Squire Patton Boggs - in memory of Mark Kuharcik Karen Stuffelbeam - in memory of Carol E. Gartman Village Bicycle Cooperative Watershed Stewardship Center Ridgewood Garden Club of Parma

Youth Outdoors Doan Brook Watershed Partnership Kiwanis Foundation of Cleveland, Inc. In honor of Ava Ratner’s Bat Mitzvah Jake Abrams Ben Adams and Carmela Guerrero Andrew Altman and Amy Lipson Jane Altshuler and Bruce Gendler Anonymous Angela Ardila and Christopher Coutts Anthony Asimou and Stacy George Mitchell S. Balk Morris and Marilyn Berger Laurel A. Brien Sarah K. Casey Mary Beth Cooper and Scott Chaikin Zach and Sydney Charna The DiNovi-McDonald Family John and Mary Evans Michael, Stacy, Anna, Kate and Matthew Goldberg Billy and Siva Grossman and Family Ron and Lydia Harrington Stephen and Amy Hoffman Bethamie Horowitz and Barry Holtz Daurielle, David, Jessica, Itai, Roi, Joshua and Kiri David Hutt and Diane Burgin Eric and Perach Kodish Seymour Kopelowitz The Kraus Family Harley and Marcia Kravitz Rob Krulak The Landever Family Ira and Karen Levinsky M & J Shafran Foundation Rabbi Sharon and John Marcus Michael and Hedy Milgrom The Miller Family Ben Miller J. Gregg Miller Stefania Mlocki Charles and Karen Morris Jason Novak Brad Ortman and Melissa Myers Zack and Debby Paris Cantor Misha Pisman Lee and Monica Ponsky Michael Ratner and Karen Ranucci Audrey and Albert Ratner Brian and Patricia Ratner Charles and Ilana Horowitz Ratner James and Susan Ratner Mark and Nancy Ratner Michael Ratner and Karen Ranucci Ron and Deborah Ratner Michael and Deborah Salzberg Dr. Gary Schnur and Nancy S. Gluck Marcia and Betsy Schumann Todd Schumann M & J Shafran Foundation Neal and Cheri Shapero Marc Alan Silverstein and Lisa Meek Jonathan Stamler Rosalyn Sukenik Memorial Donor Advised Fund Eric and Alison Tannenbaum Reto Thuring and Franziska Widmer Fred and Sally Weinberg Gina M. Villa Timothy and Julie Wike Nancy G. Wolf Sherri H. Wolf The Young Family M.C. Zucker Mildred Zucker

Your Gift to Nature Giving to Cleveland Metroparks is easy! Please visit clevelandmetroparks.com and click on ‘donate’ at the bottom of the page to make your gift online. You may also contact Karen Kannenberg, CFRE, Manager of Gift and Donor Development, at 216-635-3217 or kjk@clevelandmetroparks. com to discuss ways that you can help preserve and protect Cleveland Metroparks now and in the future.



Cold weather at the Zoo

We may be saying goodbye to the warmer weather, but that doesn’t mean we say goodbye to fun at the Zoo! With the exception of Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, the Zoo is open and waiting to be explored everyday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with many exciting and educational events for the entire family. The peace and quiet of the winter months makes visiting the Zoo without the summer crowds a relaxing and unique experience. Come visit Dasha and Klechka in their new home at Rosebrough Tiger Passage. Rosebrough Tiger Passage is the first new exhibit at the Zoo since the opening of African Elephant Crossing and can be explored all-year-round. The Zoo’s two Amur

Tigers, Dasha and Klechka, are accustomed to the four seasons and are most active in cooler temperatures. Take a break from the cold weather and enter The RainForest, a tropical 80-degree habitat year-round with over 10,000 plants and 600 animals from the jungles of Africa, Asia and the Americas. Have you ever wanted to experience a day in the life of a zookeeper? Stop by the Sarah Allison Steffee Center for Zoological Medicine where you can learn about animal care and may even experience a live veterinary procedure. The Zoo’s complimentary heated shuttle makes sure you stay warm and dry while never missing your favorite exhibit. Enjoy the ride to the African Elephant

AIP Master’s Advanced Inquiry Program Cleveland Metroparks Zoo is proud to work with Miami University and Project Dragonfly to offer the Advanced Inquiry Program (AIP) master’s degree. The AIP combines graduate courses at the Zoo with web-based learning communities that connect students to a broad network of educators and community leaders. AIP master’s students use inquiry learning while pursuing either a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) in biological sciences or a Master of Arts (MA) in biology. The program is designed to be completed part-time while students work. Enrollment is open to applicants with a bachelor’s degree, regardless of academic major. Applications are currently being accepted for courses beginning June 2017. To learn more, visit clevelandmetroparks.com/AIP for more information. 7 Emerald Necklace January 2017

Crossing, the Primate, Cat & Aquatics Building and Wilderness Trek where you can view cold-climate animals such as reindeer, sea lions and the grizzly bear brothers, Cody and Cooper. The Zoo’s shuttle runs every 20 minutes on a continuous loop. During your winter expedition, don’t forget to stop by GumLeaf Hideout in Australian Adventure where the koalas can be found in their indoor exhibit. And, close out your visit with a peaceful and scenic view of Waterfowl Lake. So, put on your hat and gloves and make sure to visit the Zoo this season - we’ll see you there!


Cross-country Skiing, Snowshoeing & Sledding

Embrace the cold while having fun in Cleveland Metroparks! Whether it's cross-country skiing, snowshoeing or sledding with the family, there are dozens of ways to get out, get some exercise and beat that cabin fever. When there are at least four inches of compacted snow on the ground, North Chagrin Nature Center and the Hinckley Lake Boathouse and Store offer snowshoe rentals, and Big Met Golf Course offers both cross-country skiing and snowshoe rentals for both adults and juniors.*

When conditions are favorable, cross-country ski trails are groomed at Big Met and Seneca Golf Courses. Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing are permitted on hiking, biking, bridle and all-purpose trails throughout the Park District, as well as the fairways and rough areas at Big Met, Little Met, Shawnee Hills, Seneca, Mastick Woods and Sleepy Hollow Golf Courses.

Cleveland Metroparks Outdoor Recreation offers the opportunity to sign up for cross-country and snowshoe programs when conditions are favorable. By registering, you will be notified by email of any impromptu snowshoe or cross-country ski programs that may be scheduled. Take advantage of Northeast Ohio’s unpredictable weather!

There's no need to hibernate. Hit the snowy trails this winter season! There are countless ways to stay active in Cleveland Metroparks.

Make sure you are prepared for your cold weather outing with the right clothing. Dress in layers of non-cotton clothing and remember the three W's: wicking, warmth and weather. Start with a wicking layer, add a warmth layer and protect yourself from the elements with the final waterproof weather layer. Always have a pair of gloves or mittens, a hat to cover your ears and waterproof boots. Finally, make sure to bring your sunglasses to protect your eyes from the bright winter sun. Winter apparel now available at Cleveland Metroparks Nature Shops.

* Rental rates vary by location. Please visit clevelandmetroparks.com for more information.


at The Chalet Recreation Area Tobogganing at The Chalet

Toboggan hours:

January is no longer the month to stay indoors, get outside and stay active by tobogganing down the only public ice chutes in Ohio!

Thursdays: 6 - 10 p.m. (January 5 - March 2) Fridays: 6 - 10:30 p.m. Saturdays: Noon - 10:30 p.m. Sundays: Noon - 5 p.m.

If you have never been to the toboggan chutes, what are you waiting for? Experience winter’s icy thrill at the tallest, fastest ice chutes in Ohio! Feel the rush of adrenaline as you plunge down the 70-foot vertical drop of the 700-foot twin, refrigerated ice chutes that reach speeds of up to 50 mph. The Chalet toboggan chutes are located at Cleveland Metroparks Chalet Recreation Area, 16200 Valley Parkway, in Mill Stream Run Reservation, between routes 42 and 82 in Strongsville.

Upcoming events and holiday hours:

Last Day of Winter Break Sunday, January 1 Noon - 10:30 p.m. Student ID Nights Powered by Thursdays January 5 through March 2 All Students with a valid ID pay $9

9 Emerald Necklace January 2017

Winteriffic Sunday, January 8

Noon - 5 p.m. Enjoy ice carvings, hikes, dog sled demonstrations, horse-drawn wagon rides, crafts and more!

All riders must wear gloves or mittens. All riders must be at least 42� tall to ride; children 14 years & younger must be accompanied by an adult. For more information on rates, hours and rentals, visit clevelandmetroparks.com/tchutes.


19 • Kayaking 1: Introduction to Kayaking 22 • Kayaking 1: Introduction to Kayaking 26 • Kayaking 2: Supplemental Skills 28 • For Adults Only: Meteorology Part 3 31 • Pre Trip: Ice Climbing Adventure

(CWC) CanalWay Center

(AR) Acacia Reservation

8 • Birds of Acacia 9 • Acacia for the Young at Heart 27 • Owls of Acacia

(BeR) Bedford Reservation

8 • Sunday Morning Dog Walk 14 • Woodlands of Bedford: Dusk to Darkness Hike 14 • Extreme Hiking 17 • Cross-Country Skiing 1: Introduction 18 • Wednesday Winter Walk 22 • Cross-Country Skiing 1: Introduction 22 • Cross-Country Skiing 2: Supplemental Skills 28 • Snow Hike 28 • Snowshoe Night Hike 28 • 2nd Annual Fat Bike Race & Celebration

(BCR) Big Creek

6 • National Bird Day 15 • Monthly Meandering: Beyer’s Pond 22 • Sunday Star Gazing

(BWR) Bradley woods Reservation

2 - 31 • Hunt of the Month: Birds 5 • Twelfth Night Hike 5 • Cleveland Astronomical Society 7 • CanalWay Quick-Step 7 • Winter is Wonderful: Making a Snowman 7 • Afternoon Outside: Tracks 8 • Putting It All Together: The Growth of Cleveland 11 • Stroller School 13 • Family Movie Night 1 4 • Great Lakes Exposition 1936 - 1937 14 • Camp In 15 • Snowflake Fun 17 • CanalWay Storytime 18 • Young Explorers 18 • Youth Outdoors Volunteer Orientation 20 • Hidden Valley Homeschool: The Ohio and Erie Canal 21 • CanalWay Quick-Step 21 • Acoustic Players Circle 22 • Sunday Morning Dog Walk 22 • Make & Take: Old Fashioned Games and Toys 24 • Towpath Trail Update 26 • PreSchool: Snowflakes 28 • Irishtown Bend 28 • Groundhog Day 29 • Snow Day

(LR) Lakefront Reservation

(SCR) South Chagrin Reservation

(BrR) Brecksville Reservation

(GPR) Garfield Park Reservation

(BNC) Brecksville Nature Center

(HuR) Huntington Reservation

(CMZ) Cleveland Metroparks Zoo

5 • Preschool Safari - Colors of the Zoo 10 • Homeschool: Zoo Careers 11 • Preschool Safari - Who’s Been Here 13 • Tiger Tracks Overnight 14 • Tiger Tracks Overnight 16 • Zoo Career Day 19 • Preschool Safari - Just the Right Size 20 • Tiger Tracks Overnight 21 • Tiger Tracks Overnight 24 • Preschool Safari - Animal Care 27 • Tiger Tracks Overnight 28 • Cub Scout Adventures Overnight

(RRNC) Rocky River Nature Center

19 • Winter Birding Blitz

(ECR) Euclid Creek Reservation 12 • Euclid Creaks 15 • Waterbirds at Wildwood

7 • Hand Feed a Chickadee 7 • Drop-In Discovery: Snowflakes 7 • Chilly Dog Hike 8 • Hand Feed a Chickadee 8 • Drop-In Discovery: Gray Ratsnake 8 • 19th Century Living for Kids: Dairy Making 10 • Hiking for the Young at Heart 12 • Nurture with Nature 13 • Full Wolf Moon Hike 14 • Saturday Storytime 14 • Hand Feed a Chickadee 15 • Hand Feed a Chickadee 15 • Drop-In Discovery: Eastern Box Turtle 16 • Afternoon of Fun 1 9 • Animal Crackers 20 • Coffee with the Birds 20 • Underground Railroad History & Hike 21 • Hand Feed a Chickadee 21 • Drop-In Discovery: Conifers 22 • Hand Feed a Chickadee 22 • Drop-In Discovery: Pine Cone Birdfeeders 25 • Animal Crackers 27 • Family Astronomy Night 28 • Hand Feed a Chickadee 28 • Drop-In Discovery 29 • Drop-In Discovery: Owls 29 • Hand Feed a Chickadee

7 • Olmsted Historical Society: Winter Farmers Market 10 • Cross-Country Skiing 1: Introduction 21 • Olmsted Historical Society: Winter Farmers Market

2 • Gallery Wall: History of Rocky River Reservation 2 • Southwest Camera Club 3 • Western Cuyahoga Audubon Society 6 • Friday Nights with Nature 7 • Nature News Today 9 • Cleveland Astronomical Association 11 • Northern Ohio Association of Herpetologists 11 • Greater Cleveland Beekeepers Association 12 • Full Moon Hike 12 • Little Explorers: Cold Play 13 • Friday Nights with Nature 14 • Hand Feed a Chickadee Hike 14 • Wealth in West Park 15 • Bird Banding 15 • Grow Sprouts 16 • Extreme Fossil Road Show 17 • Small Wonders Nature Preschool Program 17 • Gems & Jewels of the World 18 • Discovering Nature: Who is Sleeping? 19 • Homeschool Happenings: Woodpeckers in Winter 20 • Friday Nights with Nature 21 • Nature Art Series: Recycled Snowflakes 21 • Make and Take Flower Weaving 22 • Chickadee Feeding Hike 22 • Owl Quest 25 • Nature Baby 27 • Friday Nights with Nature 28 • Winter Tree I.D. Hike 28 • Biotalk: The American Chestnut 29 • Coffee with the Birds 29 • Chickadee Feeding Hike

29 • Winter Wonderland Hike

19 • Adventure University Winter Series

(RRR) Rocky River Reservation

2 • New Year’s Hike

15 • Gull and Waterfowl Quest 21 • River Birding 26 • Urban Birding Blitz

(MSRR) Mill Stream Run

8 • Winteriffic 8 • Winteriffic Ice Fishing at Wallace Lake 8 • “Try It” Activities: Snowshoeing

(NCR) North Chagrin Reservation

6 • Cookies & Cocoa Snowshoe Hike 7 • Emerald Necklace Art Club: Monthly Meeting 7 • Winter Woodland Hike 8 • Birds at the Overlook 13 • Family Friday Night: Spooky Owl Hike 14 • Sunrise Hike 15 • Snowshoe at the Castle 19 • Moses Cleaveland Tree Hike 22 • Trailside Explorers

(NCNC) North Chagrin Nature Center

2 • North Chagrin Nature Photography Club 7 • Saturday Night Special 14 • Birds and Coffee 14 • Dog Hike 14 • Second Saturday Nature Craft 14 • Saturday Night Special 19 • Your Parks, Their Stories 21 • Owl HOOT-enanny 21 • Saturday Night Special 23 • Polliwog Preschool 25 • Sprouts: Growing Kids and Wonder, Naturally 28 • Winter Watercolor Workshop 28 • Live Animal Lessons 28 • Owl Sketching 28 • Mammal Drop-in 28 • Saturday Night Special 29 • Owl Box Workshop 29 • Needle-Felting: The Cutest Owl

3 • Winter Hike Series 4 • Winter Walk 7 • CNSC: Celebration Year of Green Spaces 10 • Winter Hike Series 12 • Kids Explore Deer 14 • Cocoa, Cookies & a Canvas 14 • Nature Journaling 15 • Winter Overnight 17 • Winter Hike Series 20 • Winter Night along the Chagrin 20 • Fireside Concert Series 23 • Look About Littles 24 • Winter Hike Series 24 • Cookies & Cocoa Snowshoe Hike 27 • Fireside Concert Series 31 • Winter Hike Series

(WCR) West Creek Reservation 12 • Full Moon Hike 20 • Tracks on Trails 22 • Snoga 28 • Drop-by: Snow Snake

(WSC) Watershed Stewardship Center

3 • New Year’s Watershed Resolutions 4 • Nature Trivia Contest 6 • Friday Film: Double Feature 8 • Sunday Drop-by: Who’s Your Favorite Frost? 14 • Sands of Time 15 • Mouse House 20 • Centennial Conversations: Outdoor Education 21 • Squirrel Appreciation Day 23 • Monday MeetUp: What’s Up with West Creek 26 • For Adults Only: Meteorology Part 1 27 • For Adults Only: Meteorology Part 2 28 • For Adults Only: Meteorology Part 3 29 • Sunday Drop-by: National ‘Crazy Holiday’ Day 29 • Behind the Scenes: Animal Care


JANUARY PROGRAMS BY DATE 2 MONDAY Hunt of the Month: Birds Winter is a great time to watch the birds at the feeders. The color of the birds shines bright against a snowy background. See if you can find the birds hidden around the center. Through January 31. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon - Sat Noon - 5 p.m. Sun CWC Gallery Wall: History of Rocky River Reservation Enjoy historical photos and drawings depicting the history of Cleveland Metroparks and Rocky River Reservation to help kick off the Centennial Celebration. Program through January 31 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. RRNC New Year’s Hike Start the year off on the right foot. Come to Garfield Park to enjoy a brisk winter hike. We’ll keep moving and enjoy the beautiful sights of the winter woods. 1 - 2 p.m. GPR Garfield Park Center parking lot Terrain: moderate, stairs, 2 miles 216-206-1000 Southwest Camera Club Club member Bernie Smith will give a “Tech Talk” discussing how to photograph waterfalls. 7:30 - 8:15 p.m. RRNC North Chagrin Nature Photography Club It’s time to celebrate your best work in 2016. Bring in your top five photos, and share why they are your best. Please feel free to share your insight and techniques. 8 - 9:30 p.m. NCNC

3 TUESDAY Winter Hike Series Challenge yourself to a hike every Tuesday in January. We’ll take a brisk walk on the trails of South Chagrin and learn that winter is not as quiet as it seems. 9:30 - 11 a.m. SCR Look About Lodge Terrain: hilly trails, 3 miles 440-473-3370 New Year’s Watershed Resolutions Learn simple ways to improve the health of your watershed, your health and your community. 2 - 3:30 p.m. WSC

11 Emerald Necklace January 2017

Outdoor Recreation Program

Western Cuyahoga Audubon Society: Recent Advances in Ornithology Dr. Andy Jones, Department of Ornithology at The Cleveland Museum of Natural History, will present, “Recent Advances in Ornithology,” highlighting the taxonomic changes, as well as other discoveries that will make you a more observant and informed birder. 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. RRNC

4 WEDNESDAY Nature Trivia Contest Do you or your team know all about nature? Take on other individuals and teams in a nature trivia contest. Small prize to the winning team of up to 5 people. 1 - 2 p.m. WSC Winter Walk What do moths, midges and mantids have to do with winter? They are easily found in the meadow when the fall’s leaves have gone. Join Naturalist Natalie Schroder through the field to discover what is hiding beneath the winter weeds. 3 - 4:30 p.m. SCR Jackson Field Terrain: natural surface, may be icy, up to 2 miles. 440-473-3370

5 THURSDAY Preschool Safari - Colors of the Zoo Play hide and seek with some of your favorite Zoo animals and learn about ways their colors and patterns help to camouflage and keep them safe in their environment. 10 - 11:30 a.m. CMZ The RainForest Ages: 3 - 5 years with adult Fee: $10 member/$15 nonmember Register online Cleveland Astronomical Society Professor Earl Luck, Case Western Reserve University, will give an overview of the components of the Via Lactea - the Milky Way. New results from the GAIA Mission and recent research gives a glimpse into the evolution of our host galaxy. 6:30 - 7 p.m. Meeting CWC 7 - 8:30 p.m. Speaker CWC

Centennial Program

Twelfth Night Hike This holiday marks the end of the 12-day winter solstice celebration in the Celtic tradition. We’ll hike the trails on this cold, winter evening and return to warm our bodies with the traditional drink (wassail). 6:30 - 8 p.m. CWC Terrain: moderate, one hill, 2 miles Register by phone or online beginning December 20 216-206-1000

6 FRIDAY National Bird Day Explore the trails around Lake Isaac to search for our feathery friends. Bring binoculars if you have them. The early bird gets the worm! 8 - 9:30 a.m. BCR Lake Isaac Waterfowl Sanctuary Terrain: unpaved, 2 miles 440-887-1968 Friday Film: Double Feature Kick off Cleveland Metroparks Centennial Year with two films. From Trash to Treasure documents a successful restoration project at West Creek, and The Resilient Ones features high school students taking on today’s biggest challenge. 7 - 9 p.m. WSC Friday Nights With Nature January 6 - January 27 Join Cleveland Metroparks to discover nature around the globe through armchair adventures at the free “Friday Nights With Nature” presentations offered January February at Rocky River Nature Center in North Olmsted. Seating is limited for each night’s presentation. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. Program begins at 7:30 p.m. RRNC January 6 - Glimpses of America January 13 - Patagonia’s Nature January 20 - Yellowstone January 27 - Rio Grande Valley, South Texas Friday Nights with Nature: Glimpses of America Brad Imhoff delights with stunning images from adventures around the U.S. From searching for great gray owls in Minnesota to hours poured into looking for wild horses in the deserts of Utah, this presentation will be packed with natural beauties. 7:30 - 9 p.m. RRNC

Cookies & Cocoa Snowshoe Hike Embrace winter by learning various snowshoe techniques as you raise your heartbeat during an invigorating snowshoe hike. Enjoy cookies & cocoa afterwards. No special boots are required, but waterproof footwear that goes above your ankles and layering of non-cotton clothing is suggested. 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. NCR Rivergrove-Chestnut Shelter Ages: 10 years & older with participating adult Fee: $15 (includes equipment) Register online

7 SATURDAY Emerald Necklace Art Club: Monthly Meeting Draw and paint with us! Members of the Emerald Necklace Art Club are invited to bring their favorite medium as we appreciate the signs of the season. Not a member? Sign up at clevelandmetroparks.com/ enartclub 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. NCR Age: adult. 440-473-3370 CanalWay Quick-Step Historical Interpreter Doug Kusak leads a short hike from CanalWay Center, down to the Lower 40 Loop Trail and back into the warm welcome of CanalWay Center. 10 - 11 a.m. CWC Terrain: paved, one large hill, 1.5 miles Winter is Wonderful: Making a Snowman The cold can’t keep us inside! In this program we will continue to explore the joys of a short winter walk and a snowman craft. 10 - 11 a.m. CWC Ages: 4 - 8 years with adult Terrain: easy, 0.25 miles Register by phone or online beginning January 2 216-206-1000 Nature News Today Each month, join Naturalist Marty Calabrese on an all-ages hike with eyes fixed on the ephemeral. Get the latest scoop on the wildlife we see today. Bonus: an unforgettable hand-feeding chickadee experience is included. 10 - 11 a.m. RRNC Terrain: some stairs, 1 mile Drop-In Discovery: Snowflakes Discover the great variety and beauty of snowflakes and then create your own snowflake craft to take with you. 10 a.m. - noon BNC

JANUARY PROGRAMS BY DATE Olmsted Historical Society Winter Farmers Market Featuring local farmers, producers, artisans, and vendors who grow and/or produce their own goods. For more information contact us at www.olmstedhistoricalsociety.org. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. RRR Frostville Museum Winter Woodland Hike Immerse yourself in the quiet of the forest in the winter. We’ll follow the boardwalk to admire the evergreen boughs of the historic white pines as they remain steadfast amidst the snow. 1:30 - 3 p.m. NCR Strawberry Picnic Area trailhead Terrain: mostly flat, 1 mile 440-473-3370 Chilly Dog Hike Bring your friendly canine companion for a fast-paced hike designed to get you out to enjoy the winter woods and work off some calories at the same time. 2 - 3:30 p.m. BNC Terrain: steps, hills, 4 miles Afternoon Outside: Tracks Learn about our local animals and the evidence they leave behind. We’ll go on a hike looking for tracks and scats of our furry friends. Then we’ll head back inside for a craft and some hot chocolate to warm up. 2 - 3:30 p.m. CWC Terrain: snow covered, 0.5 miles Register by phone or online beginning December 20 216-206-1000 Saturday Night Specials January 7 - 28 Travel around the world with a mug of hot chocolate! We’ll journey to South America, Southeast Asia, Europe and around the United States as we learn about wildlife, water and mountain men. 7:30 - 9 p.m. NCNC January 7 - Dr. Ami Horowitz Patagonia and its Nature January 14 - Mark Warman Vietnam- People and Water January 21 - Chuck Slusarczyk, Jr. Birding Ohio’s Lakeshore January 28 - Tad Schoffner Scotland: From the Lowlands to the Highlands February 4 - Gale Franko and Alan Studt Alaska: Homer to Denali and Places in Between February 11 - Karen Beck John Coulter’s Yellowstone For more information, call 440-473-3370.

Cleveland Natural Science Club Celebration Year of Green Spaces Cathi Lehn with the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability will talk about Sustainable Cleveland 2019 and the Celebration Year of Green Spaces to be held in conjunction with Cleveland Metroparks Centennial celebration in 2017. Learn how you can get involved. 7:30 pm. SCR Look About Lodge Saturday Night Special: Patagonia and its Nature Speaker: Dr. Ami Horowitz From snow-capped mountains to deserted shorelines, Patagonia supports incredible life forms such as the Cavy, the soaring Andean Condor and penguins. Come learn about the southern tip of the American continent. 7:30 - 9 p.m. NCNC

8 SUNDAY Birds of Acacia Join Naturalist Jake Kudrna as we search for birds throughout Acacia Reservation’s ever-changing landscape. Bring binoculars, some available to borrow. 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. AR Cedar Road parking lot Terrain: paved trails, potential for ice, 1-2 miles 440-473-3370 Sunday Morning Dog Walk Bring your pup for a brisk walk in the park. We’ll venture over a variety of terrains and explore as the weather permits. Dogs must be leashed. 10 - 11 a.m. BeR Parking lot on the northeast corner of Dunham and Alexander Roads Terrain: paved, dirt, hills, uneven terrain, 2 miles 216-206-1000 Drop-in Discovery: Gray Ratsnake Stop by to meet our Eastern rat snake and learn about the life history of these large snakes. Kids can make a craft to take home. 10 a.m. - noon BNC Sunday Drop-by: Who’s Your Favorite Frost? Is it Robert? Or perhaps Jack? We’ll share poems from some of the WSC staff’s favorite writers, all with a wintry theme, as you enjoy hot cocoa by the fire. 1 - 2:30 p.m. WSC

Winteriffic Come outside and sample a few winter activities. There is plenty to see and do, including ice fishing demonstrations, snowshoe, winter hikes, horse-drawn wagon rides, dog sled demonstrations, ice carving, crafts and more. Ice fishing at Wallace Lake at 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. and 3 - 4 p.m. Noon - 5 p.m. MSRR Chalet Recreation Area Fee: FREE, additional activities available for nominal fee 440-734-6660 “Try-It” Activities: Snowshoeing at Winteriffic Discover how fun yet challenging snowshoeing can be during 1-hour “Try-It” sessions at the Winteriffic event at The Chalet. First come, first served. 12 - 4 p.m. MSRR Ages: 10 years & older with participating adult Fee: $5 (includes equipment) 19th Century Living for Kids: Dairy Making Dairy farming was one of Ohio’s biggest industries in the early to mid-1800s. Your child will learn what life would be like on an 1800s dairy farm, then we will make some butter for you to take home. 1 - 2 p.m. BNC Ages: 5 years & over with adult Register by phone beginning December 20 440-526-1012 Putting It All Together: The Growth of Cleveland Join Historical Interpreter Karen Lakus for an overview of how our city was surveyed, settled and developed in the 19th century. Learn how Cleveland went from a tiny village to the fifth largest city in the U.S. in over a century. 1 - 2 p.m. CWC Winteriffic Ice Fishing Aquatic Biologist Mike Durkalec shares the ABCs of ice fishing. Learn proper technique, safety considerations, equipment, and more. Limited seats available on a shuttle from The Chalet, or drive yourself. Program cancelled if inadequate ice cover; call ahead to confirm. 1:30 - 2:30 or 3 - 4 p.m. MSRR Wallace Lake Picnic Area 440-734-6660

Birds at the Overlook Join Naturalist Natalie Schroder on an adventure through the woods to our legendary overlook where we have been hand feeding for almost 90 years. Try your hand at feeding chickadees, nuthatches and titmice. 2 - 4 p.m. NCR A.B. Williams Memorial Woods trailhead Terrain: natural surface, may be icy, up to 2 miles 440-473-3370

9 MONDAY Acacia for the Young at Heart Slow down and enjoy a leisurely walk with Naturalist Natalie Schroder as we explore all that Acacia Reservation holds during this first month of the year. 10 - 11 a.m. AR Meet at the kiosk Terrain: paved, some hills, may be icy, up to 2 miles. 440-473-3370 Cleveland Astronomical Association Nuclear Engines for Human Space Missions Dr. Stanley K. Borowski will discuss propulsion research at Cleveland’s NASA Glenn Research Center, and how the development and use of nuclear rocket engines may change the future of manned space exploration to the moon and Mars. 7:30 - 9 p.m. RRNC

10 TUESDAY Cross-Country Skiing 1: Introduction This introductory class will teach cross-county skiing basics including basic terminology, strides, turning, and going up and down small hills. Dressing in non-cotton layers is suggested. Late fee after January 2 6 - 8:30 p.m. Big Met Golf Course Ages: 10 years & older with participating adult Fee: $30 (includes equipment) Register online Hiking for the Young at Heart Enjoy a brisk hike through the winter woods on the Deer Lick Cave trail. We’ll look for signs of animals that are out braving these cold days. Trails may be slippery. 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. BNC Ages: adult Terrain: stairs, slippery, 4 miles


JANUARY PROGRAMS BY DATE Homeschool: Zoo Careers Join us to find out about the various jobs at the Zoo. You might just find one perfect for you! 10 - 11:30 a.m. for grades K-3, noon - 1:30 p.m. for grades 4-8 CMZ The RainForest Fee: $8 member/$10 nonmember Register online Winter Hike Series Challenge yourself to a hike every Tuesday in January. We’ll take a brisk walk on the trails of South Chagrin and learn that winter is not as quiet as it seems. 9:30 - 11 a.m. SCR Sulphur Springs Picnic Area Terrain: hilly trails, 3 miles 440-473-3370

11 WEDNESDAY Stroller School Bring your babies and toddlers out to learn about the mysteries of snow. Dress for the weather and join us for a winter walk too. 10 - 11 a.m. CWC Ages: under 3 years with adult Terrain: possibly icy depending on weather, 0.25 miles Register by phone or online beginning January 2 216-206-1000 Preschool Safari - Who’s Been Here You don’t need to see an animal to know it’s been there. Discover the clues animals leave behind for us to find. Put on your best tracking shoes and let’s explore the animals of Wilderness Trek. 10 - 11:30 a.m. CMZ Ages: 3 - 5 years with adult Fee: $10 member/$15 nonmember Register online Northern Ohio Association of Herpetologists: Herps of Illinois Although we usually think of herps living in the southern United States, the northern part of the country has areas of great diversity. Join us as Tim Spuckler shares his pictures of reptiles and amphibians from Snake Road in Illinois. 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. RRNC Greater Cleveland Beekeepers Association: How to Collect and Process Wax Join us as we explain how to collect and process the wax from your hive(s). We will also provide an introduction to candle making and dipping - specifically, what supplies you’ll need to do this project. 7 - 9 p.m. RRNC 13 Emerald Necklace January 2017

Outdoor Recreation Program

12 THURSDAY Little Explorers: Cold Play Bring your little explorer to learn all about ice and snow. We’ll have stories, science experiments, songs, and games for you and your little one. Program includes a short hike near the Rocky River Nature Center. 10 - 11 a.m. or 1 - 2 p.m. RRNC Ages: 3 - 5 years with adult Terrain: mostly flat, 0.5 mile Register online December 30 - January 10 Euclid Creaks Join Naturalist Jake Kudrna through the floodplains of Euclid Creek. We will take the time to admire the sights and sounds of the creaking forest and meandering stream. 10 - 11:30 a.m. ECR Highland Road Picnic Area Terrain: paved and natural surfaces, 2-3 miles 440-473-3370 Nurture with Nature Bring your family for a monthly program that explores nature through books, games, hikes and other activities. This month we’ll learn about the moon. 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. BNC Ages: 3 years & over with adult Terrain: flat, 0.5 mile Register by phone beginning December 27 440-526-1012 Full Moon Hike Celebrate the first full moon of the year on a quiet walk through the nighttime forest. We’ll keep an ear out for calling owls. 6 - 7:30 p.m. RRNC Terrain: mostly flat, some stairs, 1.5 miles Full Moon Hike Join Naturalist Patti Donnellan on a leisurely evening stroll to view this month’s full Wolf Moon, as well as our sister planet, Venus. Bring binoculars, some available for loan. 7 - 8:30 p.m. WCR Bluebird Point parking lot Terrain: paved, 1 mile Kids Explore Deer Join Naturalist Carly Martin and explore hilly terrain at a curious child’s pace. 10 a.m. - noon SCR Arboretum Cedar Road trailhead Ages: 4 - 9 years with adult Terrain: rolling hills, 1 mile 440-473-3370

Centennial Program

Kids Explore Deer Join Naturalist Carly Martin and explore hilly terrain at a curious child’s pace. 10 a.m. - noon SCR Arboretum Cedar Road trailhead Ages: 4 - 9 years with adult Terrain: rolling hills, 1 mile 440-473-3370

13 FRIDAY Full Wolf Moon Night Hike The moon was at its fullest last night, but there should still be plenty of moonlight to enjoy the beauty of a winter night under the rising Wolf Moon. Warm up with hot chocolate at hike’s end. 7 - 8 p.m. BNC Terrain: flat, 0.5 mile Family Friday Night: Spooky Owl Hike Take a walk through the dark woods in search of owls! These awesome and mysterious raptors will often call to one another on cold winter nights. 7 - 8 p.m. NCR A.B. Williams Woods parking lot Terrain: moderate, may be icy, 1-2 miles 440-473-3370 Family Movie Night This evening we’ll watch Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. In this sequel our Ice Age friends discover Dinosaurs! Snacks will be available for purchase or bring your own. 7 - 8:30 p.m. CWC Register by phone or online beginning January 2 216-206-1000 Friday Nights with Nature Patagonia From snow-capped mountains, glaciers and windy steppe to deserted shorelines, Patagonia supports unique and varied life. Come explore the flora and habitats of the southern tip of the south American continent. 7:30 - 9 p.m. RRNC Tiger Tracks Overnight Over the course of the evening, campers will track an Amur tiger through the taiga, look for clues that they have been in the habitat and explore the many ways tigers survive in the Russian Far East. 7 p.m. - 10 a.m. CMZ Ages: 6 years & older with adult Fee: $41 Register online

14 SATURDAY Sunrise Hike with Snowshoes Join us on our first 2017 monthly hike through A.B. Williams Woods to the historic and picturesque Overlook Shelter as we watch the sunrise. Snowshoe rental is optional. In the event of no snow, hike will still be offered. 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. NCR Forest Picnic Area parking lot Fee: $7 for snowshoe rental Terrain: gravel, dirt, steps, 1.5 miles Register online by January 13 for snowshoes only Cocoa, Cookies & a Canvas Enjoy the atmosphere of Look About Lodge as we paint a nature scene on canvas. Naturalist Stefanie Verish will lead you through the painting process; no artistic experience is necessary. Cocoa, cookies, and art supplies provided. Please “dress for mess.” 9 a.m. - noon SCR Look About Lodge Ages: 12 years & older with adult Fee: $15, ENAC: $12.75 Register online by January 9 440-473-3370 Extreme Hiking Get out of the house and into the woods. Join Naturalist Pam Taylor as we explore the trails of Bedford Reservation. Final distance will depend upon weather and trail conditions. 9 a.m. - noon BeR Egbert Picnic Area parking lot Terrain: hills, 6 - 7 miles 440-526-1012 Saturday Storytime Join Miss Jenny around the fire for story time before heading out to hand feed the birds. 9:30 - 10 a.m. BNC Ages: families with children 6 years & under Hand Feed a Chickadee Hike Black-capped chickadee, tufted titmouse, white-breasted nuthatch and other wintering birds are surprisingly bold. Join Naturalist Beth Whiteley for an attempt to get up close to these remarkable creatures by offering seed by hand. Black oil sunflower seeds supplied. 10 - 11 a.m. RRNC Terrain: mostly flat, 1 mile

JANUARY PROGRAMS BY DATE Birds and Coffee Brush up on your bird identification skills as you enjoy a hot cup of coffee. We will get a front row seat and close up views of a variety of winter birds through one way glass windows. 10 - 11:30 a.m. NCNC Nature Education Building 440-473-3370 Great Lakes Exposition 1936 - 1937 The biggest party Cleveland’s ever seen was held on a lakefront garbage dump! Historical Interpreter Doug Kusak takes an irreverent look at how trashy things got above ground, and how great it was for the city of Cleveland. History and gossip abound. This is an indoor presentation. 10 a.m. - Noon CWC Register by phone or online beginning January 2 216-206-1000 Wealth in West Park In 1921, land from the Tyler estate was donated to Cleveland Metropolitan Park District. This presentation will cover the life of entrepreneur Washington S. Tyler, from his business to his working farm. Program indoors. 1 - 2 p.m. RRNC Sands of Time Landforms can take thousands of years to form, but today we can illustrate the changes in moments. Naturalist Debra Shankland will guide you through the sands of time to a better understanding of watersheds. 1 - 2 p.m. WSC Nature Journaling Experience nature through the seasons. We will record our observations in a journal of our own creation. You may want to bring a camera. 1 - 3 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Ages: adult Annual fee: $20 for supplies Register online by January 4 440-473-3370 Dog Hike Bring your best furry friend to the park for some exercise and socialization. We will hike the wooded trails of North Chagrin Reservation. All dogs must be leashed. 2 - 3:30 p.m. NCNC Terrain: moderate, some hills, 3 - 3.5 miles

Second Saturday Nature Craft Do you and your kids have cabin fever? We have the perfect solution. Join us for a free creative nature craft. We will be making cute mice out of natural materials. All ages are welcome. 2:30 - 4 p.m. NCNC Woodlands of Bedford: Dusk to Darkness Hike Enjoy an evening hike with Fred Losi that transitions into the quiet serenity of nighttime. If the sky is clear, Venus and the stars are sure to please. Bring a flashlight just in case. Dress for the expected frigid conditions. 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. BeR Circle Emerald Field, upper Button Rd. off Turney & Grace Rds. Terrain: moderate, slow, dirt trail, grass, 3 miles 216-206-1000 Camp In Join us for a winter camp in. We’ll have both indoor and outdoor fun at CanalWay Center. We’ll meet the nature center animals, go for hikes, play games and enjoy the park throughout the night and into the morning. 7 p.m. - 11 a.m. CWC Fee: $25 per family (2 - 5 people) Ages: 6 years & older with adult Register online beginning January 2 Tiger Tracks Overnight Over the course of the evening, campers will track an Amur tiger through the taiga, look for clues that they have been in the habitat and explore the many ways tigers survive in the Russian Far East. 7 p.m. - 10 a.m. CMZ Ages: 6 years & older with adult Fee: $41 Register online Saturday Night Special: The People and Water of Vietnam Speaker: Mark Warman, Cleveland Metroparks As Vietnam's population and economy grow, so do demands on freshwater resources. Urbanized rivers, flooding and wastewater make headlines in Ho Chi Minh City and Ohio. Join us for a discussion about how humans and water coexist in southern Vietnam. 7:30 - 9 p.m. NCNC

15 SUNDAY Waterbirds at Wildwood Join Naturalist Natalie Schroder on a survey for gulls and other waterbirds. Meet in the parking lot closest to the walking bridge. After Wildwood, we may move east to another location. 9:30 - 11 a.m. ECR Wildwood parking lot Terrain: paved, 0.5 mile 440-473-3370 Gull and Waterfowl Quest Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield for a primer on gull and waterfowl identification. Lake Erie’s waters and shores host thousands of wintering water birds. Learn tips on identifying common species as we search for rarities. 9:30 - 11 a.m. LR Edgewater Park Pier Terrain: mostly flat, icy conditions, 0.5 mile 440-734-6660 Bird Banding Better than binoculars, see intricate details of birds as we capture and band birds. Learn about bird banding, an essential tool for learning about our feathered friends. Program will be cancelled during rain. Drop in anytime. 9:30 a.m. - noon RRNC Drop-In Discovery: Eastern Box Turtle Stop by to meet our resident box turtle, discover how turtles survive in the wild, and make a craft. 10 a.m. - noon BNC Grow Sprouts Grow fresh greens for salads, smoothies, and more on your kitchen counter. Sprouts are an easy and healthy way to get veggies into your diet during the winter. 1 - 2 p.m. RRNC Fee: $6 Register online January 1 - 21

Snowshoe at the Castle In the 1800s, Feargus Squire began construction of Squire’s Castle. Join a naturalist for the opportunity to explore the valley he once called home, along with a tour and history. In the event of no snow, hike will occur. 2 - 3:30 p.m. NCR Squire's Castle parking lot Terrain: natural surfaces, some hills, potential ice, 2-3 miles Fee: $7 for snowshoe rental Register online by January 12 440-473-3370 Mouse House How do Ohio animals stay warm in the winter? What materials make the best dens? Discover these answers and more as we construct a “mouse house” to demonstrate winter animal survival. 2 - 3:30 p.m. WSC Ages: 8 years & older with adult Monthly Meandering: Beyer’s Pond Join Naturalist Patti Donnellan for a brisk winter walk. Views of Baldwin Creek this time of year are sure to impress. 3 - 4:30 p.m. BCR Beyer’s Pond parking lot Terrain: unpaved, 0.7 mile 440-887-1968 Winter Overnight Enjoy an evening for children and adult to celebrate the beauty of a night in a log cabin. Head outside for a night hike and then sleep on the floor of Look About Lodge. In the morning, we’ll enjoy a hearty breakfast. 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 a.m. SCR Look About Lodge Ages: 7 - 11 years with adult Fee: $20 per person Register online by January 12 440-473-3370

Snowflake Fun We’ll be exploring the interesting world of snowflakes, from how they’re formed to what they look like up close. We’ll also be making a snowflake craft to take home. 2 - 3 p.m. CWC Ages: 7 - 9 years Terrain: easy, 0.5 mile Register by phone or online beginning January 2 216-206-1000


JANUARY PROGRAMS BY DATE 16 MONDAY Career Day at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Explore the professional fields of animal care, veterinary medicine, education and more. Get close with small animals, meet with Zoo staff, take a behind-the-scenes tour and get a closer look at the real work involved with these exciting careers. 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. CMZ Ages: students grades 9-12 Fee: $45 member/$50 nonmember Register online Extreme Fossil Road Show North Coast Fossil Club members help identify fossil finds from your collection. Bring as much information as possible about where your fossil were found. Enjoy displays by club members from throughout North America. Learn more at www.ncfclub.org or call 440-777-4820. 1 - 3 p.m. RRNC Afternoon of Fun Hey kids, have the day off school? Spend the afternoon exploring nature through games, a hike and other activities. Dress for the weather. 1 - 3 p.m. BNC Ages: 9 - 11 years Terrain: stairs, 0.5 mile Register by phone beginning January 3 440-526-1012

17 TUESDAY Winter Hike Series Challenge yourself to a hike every Tuesday in January. We’ll take a brisk walk on the trails of South Chagrin and learn that winter is not as quiet as it seems. 9:30 - 11 a.m. SCR Shelterhouse Picnic Area Terrain: hilly trails, 3 miles 440-473-3370

Outdoor Recreation Program

January 17 - February 21 Small Wonders Nature Preschool Program Preschoolers ages 4 - 6 are invited to join Naturalist Bev Walborn to discover the wonders of nature in this drop off program. We’ll use hands-on, nature-based activities to explore literature, art, music and movement to further develop preschool skills. Tuesdays 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. or 1 - 3 p.m. RRNC Ages: 4 - 6 years (must be 4 and potty trained at the start of class) Fee: $60 for 6 week session Register online beginning January 2 CanalWay Storytime Let your imagination run wild with some good books. Today we’ll read stories about snow to remind us how beautiful the winter season can be. 11 - 11:45 a.m. and 6 - 6:45 p.m. CWC Ages: 6 years & under with adult Register by phone or online beginning January 2 216-206-1000 Gems & Jewels of the World Parma Lapidary Club members demonstrate faceting, cabbing, wire wrapping, silversmithing and other skills that turn the earth's rocks, minerals and metals from drab to delightful. View mineral collections, listen to unique presentations about mineralogy and watch artisans at work. 1 - 4:30 p.m. RRNC Cross-Country Skiing 1: Introduction This introductory class will teach cross-county skiing basics including basic terminology, strides, turning, and going up and down small hills. Dressing in non-cotton layers is suggested. Late fee after January 8 6 - 8:30 p.m. BeR Ages: 10 years & older with participating adult Fee: $30 (includes equipment) Register online

18 WEDNESDAY Discovering Nature: Who is Sleeping? Join Naturalist Bev Walborn on an outdoor adventure just for preschoolers. We will explore the trails looking for signs of animals hibernating. 10 - 10:30 a.m. RRNC Ages: 2 - 6 years with adult Terrain: flat, wet or snowy, 0.5 mile 15 Emerald Necklace January 2017

Centennial Program

Young Explorers With the cold months of winter upon us, we can help our feathered friends by putting up a bird feeder for them. We’ll be making our own bird feeders to take home, and will be learning about some birds we may see at our feeder. Please bring a clean soda bottle with a cap. 10 - 11 a.m. or 1 - 2 p.m. CWC Ages: 3 - 5 years with adult Terrain: easy, 0.5 - 1 mile Register by phone or online beginning January 2 216-206-1000 Wednesday Winter Walk We’ll warm up with a walk through the winter woods. At the end we’ll stop by Bridal Veil Falls to see if it is frozen. 2 - 4 p.m. BeR Bridal Veil Falls parking lot Terrain: hills, could be icy, stairs, about 2 miles 216-206-1000 Youth Outdoors Volunteer Orientation Learn about sharing your interest in outdoor recreation with urban youth by assisting with hands-on experiences such as hiking, fishing, kayaking, biking, cross-country skiing and nature exploration. 7 - 9 p.m. CWC Ages: Adults Call to register by January 13 216-206-1010

19 THURSDAY Winter Birding Blitz Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield on a search for wintering birds along Lake Erie’s shore. Learn tips on identifying common species as we search for specialty visitors. Meet on north side of Lake Road in parking lot by water tower. 9:30 - 11 a.m. HuR Terrain: mostly flat, 0.5 mile 440-734-6660 Preschool Safari - Just the Right Size Did you know Zoo animals come in all shapes and sizes? They can be tall or small or heavy or light. Get ready to go on a hunt around the Zoo to find where different animals fit in. 10 - 11:30 a.m. CMZ Reinberger Education Center Ages: 3 - 5 years with adult Fee: $10 member/$15 nonmember Register online

Animal Crackers Join Miss Jenny as we explore the world of the wise old owl. We’ll have fun learning about how owls survive through activities and a craft. 10 - 11:15 a.m. or 1 - 2:15 p.m. BNC Ages: 3 - 5 years with an adult, no siblings Terrain: flat, 0.5 mile Register by phone beginning January 2. 440-526-1012 Moses Cleaveland Tree Hike General Moses Cleaveland hit the mouth of the Cuyahoga River July 22, 1796, but he wasn’t the first one here! Join Naturalist Jake Kudrna on a hike through historic A.B. Williams Woods in search of the trees that took root well before our city’s famed founder. 1 - 2:30 p.m. NCR A.B. Williams Memorial Woods parking lot Terrain: natural surfaces, small hills, potential for ice, 1-2 miles 440-473-3370 Homeschool Happenings: Woodpeckers in Winter Many birds look for warmer weather during Ohio’s wicked winter, but our hearty woodpeckers hang tough through the unpredictable months. Discover what makes these resident birds so adaptable to the many changes that our climate brings. 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. RRNC Ages: 1 - 3 grade, 4 - 6 grade, 7 - 9 grade Cuyahoga County residents register by phone January 2 - 7, out of county register January 3 - 7 440-734-6660 Adventure University Winter Series Adventure U Series is a place for outdoor adventurers to meet, socialize, share and learn about the outdoor pursuits they love on the third Thursday of the month through April. Visit clevelandmetroparks.com/or for highlights for each month. 6 - 9 p.m. BrR Sleepy Hollow Golf Course Ages: All ages with participating adult. Fee: $5 (includes light snack) Register online

JANUARY PROGRAMS BY DATE Kayaking 1: Introduction to Kayaking Combines classroom and on the water practice to introduce you to basic paddling strokes and equipment. Be prepared to get wet. Late fee after January 11 Ages: 14 years & older with participating adult 6 - 9 p.m. Baldwin Wallace, Lou Higgins Center Fee: $45 (includes boat & equipment) Register online Your Parks, Their Stories Come hear the stories of some of our iconic characters that helped make Cleveland Metroparks what it is today. This month, Naturalist Foster Brown will shed light on A.B. Williams, Cleveland Metroparks first contracted naturalist. His impact on nature education in Northeast Ohio is amazing. 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. NCNC

20 FRIDAY Coffee with the Birds Would you like to learn more about the birds coming to the nature center’s feeders? Enjoy a cup of coffee while watching our feathered friends. Coffee and binoculars will be provided. 8 - 9 a.m. BNC Ages: adult Register by phone beginning January 9 440-526-1012 Tracks on Trails Hit the trails with Naturalist Joe Higgins as we look for animal tracks and signs. Might we be lucky enough to find mink tracks? 10 - 11:30 a.m. WCR Monarch Bluff Picnic Area Terrain: varied, 1.5 miles Hidden Valley Homeschool: The Ohio and Erie Canal Learn about life on the Ohio and Erie Canal in the 1800s. Find out about transportation 200 years ago and why the canal era didn’t last. After an indoor program, we will walk outside to the canal. Dress for the weather. 1 - 2 p.m. CWC Ages: 8 - 12 years Terrain: paved, 1 hill, 1 mile Register by phone beginning January 2 216-206-1000

Centennial Conversations: Outdoor Education Naturalist Arthur B. Williams had a passion for nature and desire to "teach nature painlessly." See how his vision has grown from a 1929 "one-man" operation to a dynamic program that continues to connect people to the world around us. 7 - 8:30 p.m. WSC Underground Railroad History & Hike Join Historical Interpreter Beth Robb and take a trip back in time. You will learn about local Underground Railroad history and take a lantern hike through the woods. Make sure you dress for the weather. Lanterns will be provided. 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. BNC Ages: adult Terrain: small hills, 1 mile Register online beginning January 6 Fireside Concerts Fireside Concerts are back at Look About Lodge in 2017. Mark Dvorak is a remarkable musician and entertainer who takes traditional folk music to a new level of energy and skillfulness. He is known as “Chicago’s Troubadour.” See for yourself! 7 - 8:15 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Fee: $5 Register online by January 18 440-473-3370 Friday Nights with Nature: Yellowstone Karen Beck presents an educational and historical look at the first true mountain man, John Colter, and his epic journey through the Northern Rockies into the Valley of the Yellowstone. Retrace his 1808 route and explore Yellowstone’s thermal features. 7:30 - 9 p.m. RRNC Winter Night along the Chagrin Join Naturalist Carly Martin for a walk along the Chagrin River under the cover of dark and winter. 8:15 - 10 p.m. SCR Jackson Field Terrain: 1.5 miles, mostly flat 440-473-3370

2017 Look About Lodge Fireside Concert Series January 20 & 27 This music venue is a local favorite, set in a cozy, historic American chestnut lodge in South Chagrin Reservation. Cleveland Metroparks Look About Lodge annual Fireside Concert Series is back with a stellar line-up. 7 - 8:15 p.m. Fee: $5 per person January 20 - Mark Dvorak (Sing along Folk Music - Chicago’s official troubadour) January 27 - SpYder Stomp & Sugar Pie (Acoustic Country Blues) Online registration required Call 440-473-3370 for more information. Tiger Tracks Overnight Over the course of the evening, campers will track an Amur tiger through the taiga, look for clues that they have been in the habitat and explore the many ways tigers survive in the Russian Far East. 7 p.m. - 10 a.m. CMZ Ages: 6 years & older with adult Fee: $41 Register online

21 SATURDAY River Birding The pockets of Cuyahoga River create unexpected sanctuary for migratory birds. Join Naturalist Marty Calabrese for bird watching along the riverside Towpath Trail. 9 - 10:30 a.m. LR Scranton Flats pier Terrain: flat, gravel, 0.5 mile 440-734-6660 CanalWay Quick-Step Historical Interpreter Doug Kusak leads a short hike from CanalWay Center, down to the Lower 40 Loop Trail and back into the warm welcome of CanalWay Center. 10 - 11 a.m. CWC Terrain: paved, one large hill, 1.5 miles Drop-In Discovery: Conifers Our evergreen pines and spruces cheer up a sometimes gray winter landscape. Find out more about these lovely trees and the cones they produce. 10 a.m. - noon BNC

Nature Art Series: Recycled Snowflakes Join Naturalist Beth Whiteley to learn how to turn an old book into a beautiful winter snowflake decoration. Bring an old unillustrated book, if it has gold edges even better! We will supply materials needed for its whimsical transformation. 10 a.m. - noon RRNC Ages: 14 & older with adult Fee: $5 Register online January 1 - 18 Olmsted Historical Society Winter Farmers Market Featuring local farmers, producers, artisans, and vendors who grow and/or produce their own goods. For more information contact us at www.olmstedhistoricalsociety.org. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. RRR Frostville Museum Make and Take Flower Weaving Spinning and weaving yarn was a matter of survival to pioneers on the Ohio Frontier. Learn about how yarn and garments were made in the early 1800s, and then try your hand at making a beautiful woven craft. 1 - 2 p.m. RRNC Ages: 8 years & older with adult Fee: $6 Register online January 4 - 17 Acoustic Players Circle Players, singers and listeners will enjoy acoustic music of varied styles in a relaxed, family-friendly setting. Come lead, play along, sing along or just enjoy songs based on a changing each month. This month’s theme: Weather (Or Not!) 1 - 3 p.m. CWC Squirrel Appreciation Day Learn about our nut-burying, furry-tailed neighbors and why they’re an important part of our ecosystem. 1 - 3 p.m. WSC Terrain: few steps, small hills, 2 miles Tiger Tracks Overnight Over the course of the evening, campers will track an Amur tiger through the taiga, look for clues that they have been in the habitat and explore the many ways tigers survive in the Russian Far East. 7 p.m. - 10 a.m. CMZ Ages: 6 years & older with adult Fee: $41 Register online


JANUARY PROGRAMS BY DATE Saturday Night Special: Birding Ohio's Lakeshore Speaker: Chuck Slusarczyk, Jr. A very birdy seasonal romp highlighting the diversity of bird life that can be found on the lakeshore of our great state of Ohio. Chuck's enthusiasm will make you want to pull out your binoculars and head for the lake! 7:30 - 9 p.m. NCNC

22 SUNDAY Cross-Country Skiing 1: Introduction This introductory class will teach cross-county skiing basics including basic terminology, strides, turning, and going up and down small hills. Dressing in non-cotton layers is suggested. Late fee after January 16 9 - 11:30 a.m. BeR Ages: 10 years & older with participating adult. Fee: $30 (includes equipment) Register online Kayaking 1: Introduction to Kayaking Combines classroom and on the water practice to introduce you to basic paddling strokes and equipment. Be prepared to get wet. Ages: 14 years & older with participating adult 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Seven Hills Community Recreation Center Fee: $45 (includes boat & equipment) Register online Sunday Morning Dog Walk Bring your best friend for a winter walk in the park. We’ll explore the Lower 40 Loop Trail and talk about history and nature along the way. Dogs must be leashed. 10 - 11 a.m. CWC Terrain: paved, one hill, 1.5 miles Chickadee Feeding Hike Wild black-capped chickadees can be remarkably friendly. Join Naturalist Ashley Hall for an attempt to lure this gentle creature to your hand. We’ll supply the black oil sunflower seed. 10 - 11 a.m. RRNC Terrain: mostly flat, 1 mile Drop-In Discovery: Pine Cone Birdfeeders After hand feeding the chickadees, stop in the nature center to warm up and make a pine cone birdfeeder to take home with you. 10 a.m. - noon BNC

17 Emerald Necklace January 2017

Outdoor Recreation Program

Cross-Country Skiing 2: Supplemental Skills Learn downhill techniques such as wedge turns, step turns, and practice linking turns together. Dressing in non-cotton layers is suggested. Prerequisite: CrossCountry Skiing 1: Introduction and/or ability to maintain balance on skis while gliding on flat terrain. Late fee after January 16 12:30 - 3 p.m. BeR Ages: 10 years & older with participating adult Fee: $30 (includes equipment) Register online Make and Take: Old Fashioned Games and Toys Children have always played with toys and games, but what did they do before plastic and electronics? Come find out and try some toys and games from the past. Decorate a wooden toy of your own to take home. 1 - 2 p.m. CWC Ages: 4 years & older (under 16 with adult) Fee: $3 Register by phone or online beginning January 2 216-206-1000 Snoga What do you get when you combine snow and yoga? Snoga! Hike on snow-covered trails as you pause at scenic locations with certified yoga instructor, Kim Scott Sowinski. Dress for the weather. If there is enough snow, snowshoes will be provided. Late fee after January 8. 1 - 2:30 p.m. WCR Watershed Stewardship Center Ages: 14 years & older with participating adult Fee: $15 Register online Trailside Explorers Would you like to get outside more with your family in 2017? Join Naturalist Selby Majewski for a guided wander. This month we’ll visit chickadees at the Overlook, bring your curiosity. Younger siblings welcome, but trail is not stroller-friendly. 1:30 - 3 p.m. NCR A.B. Williams Memorial Woods parking lot Ages: families, 5 years & older with adult Terrain: natural surface trail, hilly, 2 miles. 440-473-3370

Centennial Program

Owl Quest Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield on a quest to see or hear barred owls on their day-time roosts. Rocky River Reservation’s mixed beech, maple, white pine and oak forest hosts these remarkable residents year-round. 2 - 3:30 p.m. RRNC Terrain: mostly flat, 1 mile Sunday Star Gazing Winter sunsets make for dark night skies before bedtime. Join Naturalist Joe Higgins on an early evening stargazing hike. 6 - 7 p.m. BCR Beyer’s Pond parking lot Terrain: unpaved, 0.7 mile 440-887-1968

23 MONDAY Polliwog Preschool Mondays, January 23 - March 6 (No class on February 20) Join Natalie the Naturalist to discover nature in this drop-off program. Winter may be the time that many plants and animals are hibernating, but we will still be fluttering, romping and traipsing. Through the use of hands-on, nature-based activities structured around art, literature, music and movement, we will further develop your polliwog’s preschool skills. 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. or 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. NCNC Ages: 4 - 6 years (must be potty trained) Fee: $60 for 6 week session Register online by January 20 440-473-3370 Look About Littles Young children will love this six week nature and outdoor class. We’ll explore the magic of winter through outdoor exploration and learning together. Class meets Mondays, January 23 - March 6 (excluding February 20). Children should dress for both indoor and outdoor activities. 10 -11:30 a.m. and 1 - 2:30 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Ages: 3 ½ - 5 years with adult Fee: $55 Terrain: woodland trail, 0.25 miles Register online by January 22 440-473-3370 Monday MeetUp: What’s Up with West Creek Learn more about West Creek Conservancy’s role in conservation and urban land reclamation in Greater Cleveland. And learn about opportunities to get involved. Light refreshments provided. 6 - 7:30 p.m. WSC

24 TUESDAY Winter Hike Series Challenge yourself to a hike every Tuesday in January. We’ll take a brisk walk on the trails of South Chagrin and learn that winter is not as quiet as it seems. 9:30 - 11 a.m. SCR Henry Church Rock Terrain: hilly trails, 3 miles 440-473-3370 Preschool Safari - Animal Care Do you know a little zoo enthusiast that loves to take care of animals? Learn what it takes to care for zoo animals through hands-on activities and tools-of-the-trade while having some fun caring for their favorite animal. 10 - 11:30 a.m. CMZ Reinberger Education Center Ages: 3 - 5 with adult Fee: $10 member/$15 nonmember Register online Cookies & Cocoa Snowshoe Hike Embrace winter by learning various snowshoe techniques as you raise your heartbeat during an invigorating snowshoe hike. Enjoy cookies & cocoa afterwards. No special boots are required, but waterproof footwear that goes above your ankles and layering of non-cotton clothing is suggested. Late fee after January 16 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge, Ages: 10 years & older with participating adult Fee: $15 (includes equipment) Towpath Trail Update The Towpath Trail will eventually extend approximately 110 miles south from Cleveland. Join Historical Interpreter Doug Kusak for an update on the trail. 7 - 8 p.m. CWC Register by phone or online beginning January 2 216-206-1000

25 WEDNESDAY Nature Baby The forest is awaiting you, so let’s get baby out to explore nature. Grab a baby backpack or just carry your child for a walk in the woods. We will read a story and head outside for a hike. 10 - 11 a.m. RRNC Ages: 0 - 3 years with adult Terrain: mostly flat, 0.5 mile Register online January 2 - 20

JANUARY PROGRAMS BY DATE Animal Crackers Join Miss Jenny as we explore the world of the wise old owl. We’ll have fun learning about how owls survive through activities and a craft. 10 - 11:15 a.m. or 1 - 2:15 p.m. BNC Ages: 3 - 5 years with an adult, no siblings Terrain: flat, 0.5 mile Register by phone beginning January 2 440-526-1012 Sprouts: Growing Kids and Wonder, Naturally Join Natalie the Naturalist to discover all things snow and ice. We will have discovery time with experiments, a craft and go on a short hike if the temperature allows. 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. or 1 - 2:15 p.m. NCNC Nature Education Building Ages: 3 - 5 years with adult Terrain: paved, may be icy or muddy, 0.75 mile Register by phone by January 9 440-473-3370

26 THURSDAY Urban Birding Blitz Wendy Park, on the west shores of downtown Cleveland, is one of the most remarkable birding sites in Ohio. It may be cold, but we’ll search for winter specialty birds with an outside chance at spotting a rare snowy owl. 9:30 - 11 a.m. LR Wendy Park Terrain: mostly flat, 0.5 mile 440-734-6660 Preschool: Snowflakes To the snow we go. We’ll use a short hike, craft and story to explore snowflakes. 10 - 11 a.m. CWC Ages: 3 - 5 years with adult Terrain: possibly icy depending on weather, 0.25 mile Register online beginning January 2 Kayaking 2: Supplemental Skills Learn deep-water re-entry rescue techniques and advanced paddling strokes. Prerequisite: Kayaking 1. Late fee after January 18. 6 - 9 p.m. Baldwin Wallace, Lou Higgins Center Ages: 14 years & older with participating adult Fee: $45 (includes boat & equipment) Register online

For Adults Only: Meteorology Part 1 Learn about clouds and weather basics through field guides and multimedia presentations Participants will receive their own book and must some to all three parts. The first two parts (1/26 & 1/27) will be followed by a field trip to WKYC Channel 3 on January 28. Space is limited. 7 - 9 p.m. WSC Ages: Adults Fee: $15 singles/$25 couples Register by phone or online by January 24

27 FRIDAY Owls of Acacia Acacia Reservation is a prime urban oasis for a variety of birds, including owls. Join Naturalist Natalie Schroder to hear what nighttime flyers call Acacia home. 6 - 7:30 p.m. AR Meet at the kiosk Terrain: paved, some hills, up to 2 miles 440-473-3370 Family Astronomy Night Want to know more about those twinkling stars in the night sky? You will learn to identify at least five constellations. This is a beginners’ program for families with children. If the sky is clear, we will go outside for a short time. 7 - 8 p.m. BNC Terrain: flat, 0.5 mile Tiger Tracks Overnight Over the course of the evening, campers will track an Amur tiger through the taiga, look for clues that they have been in the habitat and explore the many ways tigers survive in the Russian Far East. 7 p.m. - 10 a.m. CMZ Ages: 6 & older with adult Fee: $41 Register online Fireside Concerts Look About Lodge will host local band, SpYder Stomp & Sugar Pie. Kevin Richards from Roots of American Music with friends Jack DiAlesandro , Ray DeForest and Sheela Das will skillfully entertain us with country blues and traditional American folk music selections. 7 - 8:15 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge. Fee: $5 Register online by January 25

For Adults Only: Meteorology Part 2 Tonight we'll focus on air masses, frontal weather patterns and try our hand at forecasting with small group activities. Meteoroloy Part 1 (January 26) is a prerequisite. 7 - 9 p.m. WSC Ages: Adults Fee: $15 singles/$25 couples Register by phone or online by January 24 Friday Nights with Nature: Rio Grande Valley Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield for a look into one of the top birding paradises. From gulf shores to locust and manzanita forests, to the banks of the Rio Grande itself, a stunning array of colorful birds and other wildlife await. 7:30 - 9 p.m. RRNC

28 SATURDAY Winter Watercolor Workshop Naturalist Stefanie Verish will guide you through a basic watercolor landscape. We will focus on composition and mixing colors to create a unique painting. Supplies and light refreshments provided. 9:30 a.m. - noon NCNC Nature Education Building Ages: adult Fee: $15; ENAC: $12.75 Register online by January 20 440-473-3370 Drop In Discovery Drop by and discover a little bit more about one of our resident animals during this up-close encounter. A craft will be available. 10 a.m. - noon BNC Live Animal Lessons Come each month as Naturalist Foster Brown carefully and respectfully shares the natural history of a different live animal. Building respect and knowledge of awesome native animals are the goals of these presentations. This month: screech owls. 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. NCNC

Winter Tree ID Hike Ever been hiking in the woods in the winter and spy an eyecatching tree and wonder, “What kind of tree is that?” Join Naturalist Beth Whiteley to learn tips on how to identify trees during their dormant, leafless state. 1 - 2 p.m. RRNC Terrain: mostly flat, 1.5 miles Drop by: Snow Snake Learn and play this traditional Seneca snow snake game. Each person gets a chance to slide the gawasa (snow snake). Who can slide it the farthest? Challenge your friends and family. 1 - 2 p.m. WCR Monarch Bluff Picnic Area Groundhog Day Prepare for Groundhog Day by investigating groundhog behavior and habitat. We’ll enjoy a story and make a craft to celebrate this “shadowy” occasion. 2 - 3 p.m. CWC Ages: 4 - 8 years with adult Register by phone or online beginning January 2 216-206-1000 Owl Sketching Have you ever tried to draw an owl in the forest at night? There is a better way! Visit our live owls, and learn how to draw these amazing animals. We will have lights, supplies and instruction, and you will take home your finished masterpiece. 1:30 - 3 p.m. NCNC Nature Education Building Ages: 10 years & older Biotalk: The American Chestnut Once a towering giant of the eastern forest, the American chestnut tree was virtually eliminated by a microscopic fungus. Enjoy a presentation by Naturalist Marty Calabrese chronicling the rise, fall and modern-day comeback of this American icon. Indoor Program. 2 - 3 p.m. RRNC

Irishtown Bend In Cleveland our river is crooked, and tales of the Bend you’ve mis-took-ed, we’ll show you what’s true, give Irish their due, Doug hopes by the end you’ll be hooked. Historical Interpreter Doug Kusak explains the past and planned for Irishtown Bend. Noon - 1 p.m. CWC Register by phone or online beginning January 2 18

JANUARY PROGRAMS BY DATE Snow Hike Celebrate the snow with a different kind of activity. Join us in trying to hike through nature on the snow with snowshoes. Space is limited for this introduction to snowshoes and several inches of snow required. If there is no snow we will take a hike anyway. 2 - 3:30 p.m. BeR Lost Meadows Picnic Area Ages: 6 & older with adult Fee: $7 for snowshoe rental Register by phone beginning January 2 216-206-1000 Mammal Drop-in See and touch a wide variety of native Ohio mammal pelts, skulls and taxidermy mounts. Naturalist Jeff Riebe will answer your questions about these fascinating creatures. 2 - 3:30 p.m. NCNC For Adults Only: Meteorology Part 3 Discover the tools of a professional meteoroligist and witness the magic of a live wather forecast inside the WKYC Channel 3 news studio. 5 - 7 p.m. WSC Ages: Adults Fee: $15 singles/$25 couples Register by phone or online by January 24 Snowshoe Night Hike Join us for an evening hike in nature on the snow with snowshoes. Space is limited for this introduction to snowshoe and several inches of snow required. If there is no snow we will take a hike anyway. 7 - 8:30 p.m. BeR Lost Meadows Picnic Area Ages: adult Fee: $7 Register phone beginning January 2 216-206-1000 Cub Scout Adventures Overnight Spend a night exploring the Zoo completing some of the requirements for both the Wolf and the Bear Adventure. The adventure also includes a compass learning activity and get close animal opportunities. 7 p.m. - 10 a.m. CMZ Ages: 6 years & older with adult Fee: $41 Register online

19 Emerald Necklace January 2017

Outdoor Recreation Program

Saturday Night Special: Scotland, from the Lowlands to the Highlands Speaker: Tad Schoffner, Curator of Animals, Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Animal curator Tad Schoffner spends much of his free time visiting and learning about western Europe Take a tour of Scotland through his fantastic pictures of cultural and historic sites. 7:30 - 9 p.m. NCNC

29 SUNDAY Drop-In Discovery: Owls Stop by to learn about our local owls. Kids can make a craft to take home. 10 a.m. - noon BNC Ages: families Coffee with the Birds Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield for a relaxed morning of watching local birds at the nature center’s feeders. Join us to discuss bird identification, behavior and catch up on some of the latest sightings news of the week. Indoor program. 9:30 - 11 a.m. RRNC Chickadee Feeding Hike Wild black-capped chickadees can be remarkably friendly. Join Naturalist Ashley Hall for an attempt to lure this gentle creature to your hand. We’ll supply the black oil sunflower seed. 10 - 11 a.m. RRNC Terrain: mostly flat, 1 mile Owl Box Workshop Are you looking to add an owl nest box to your property? Now is your chance! In this workshop we will do our best to attract Eastern screech owls by building them a cozy place to call home. 12:30 - 2 p.m. NCNC Fee: $30 Register online by January 24

Centennial Program

Sunday Drop-by: National ‘Crazy Holiday’ Day Did you know that today is both National Corn Chip Day AND National Puzzle Day? Let’s combine the two for an afternoon of snacks and watershed-themed games by the fireplace. 1 - 3 p.m. WSC Snow Day Come to CanalWay Center to brave the cold and enjoy a day in the snow. We’ll make snow people, animals or whatever else you may like. Afterwards we’ll enjoy hot cocoa at the center. Bring your own snowman making supplies. 2 - 3:30 p.m. CWC Ages: families Terrain: easy, one hill, 1 mile Register by phone or online beginning January 2 216-206-1000 Behind the Scenes: Animal Care Have you ever wanted to feed a snake, or watch a toad gulp down a cricket? Join a naturalist behind the scenes to see what it takes to keep our critters healthy. 2 - 3:30 p.m. WSC Needle-Felting: The Cutest Owl Try your hand at needle-felting your very own adorable owl amongst our live owls. Local felter, Erin Carlson, will lead you through this dry felting process, while Naturalist Carly Martin is on-hand as you discover our live owls. 2 - 4 p.m. NCNC Nature Education Building Ages: adults, 12-15 years with adult Fee: $35 Register online by January 24 440-473-3370


Winter Hike Series Challenge yourself to a hike every Tuesday in January. We’ll take a brisk walk on the trails of South Chagrin and learn that winter is not as quiet as it seems. 9:30 - 11 a.m. SCR Look About Lodge Terrain: hilly trails, 3 miles 440-473-3370 Pre Trip: Ice Climbing Adventure It’s time for an ice climbing adventure in Fenton, Michigan! We’ll climb a 45’ and 72’ ice tower during our trip on February 4. To prepare for the trip, you’ll learn climbing and belaying techniques indoors at Kendall Cliffs climbing gym. No experience necessary. Late fee after January 23 5:15 - 7:45 p.m. or 7:30 - 9:45 p.m. Kendall Cliffs, Peninsula, Ohio Ages: 16 years & over with participating adult Fee: $120 (Includes gear, instruction, transportation to Michigan & lunch) After January 22: $135 Register online

Winter Wonderland Hike Get your heart pumping on this fast-paced trek through the quiet winter forest of Bradley Woods. We will pause occasionally to look at the identifying features visible on trees in the winter. 1 - 2 p.m. BWR Codrington Shelterhouse Terrain: mostly flat, icy, 2 miles 440-734-6660 Cleveland Metroparks is committed to providing quality recreational opportunities to the people of Greater Cleveland. If you need special assistance to attend a program or visit a facility, please call ahead to the number listed for the event or see the directory provided on the back cover. You may also visit clevelandmetroparks.com.

Saturdays & Sundays Hand Feed a Chickadee 10 a.m. - noon

Brecksville Nature Center Looking for something to do with your family and friends over the holidays? Stop by to hand feed the chickadees. We’ll supply the black oil sunflower seeds and instructions that help make this experience one to remember. Please see listings for other Chickadee feedings at North Chagrin and Rocky River Nature Centers.

January 21 Owl HOOT-enanny 10 a.m. - noon

North Chagrin Nature Center Whooooo do you hear calling in the night? Join us to discover the common and not so common owls found in Northeast Ohio. Enjoy an afternoon of live animal talks, owling hikes and owl themed crafts and activities. Make your own owl box to take home (while supplies last). Fee: $30 per box. Call 440-473-3370 for more information. Owl Hikes 12:15 p.m. & 2:15 p.m. Live Owl Talks 1:15 p.m. Cleveland Museum of Natural History staff 3:15 p.m. Lake Metroparks staff

LOOK AHEAD TO FEBRUARY Fight the Frost Festival

February 11 Noon - 4 p.m. CanalWay Center Winter doesn’t scare me, I live in Ohio! No matter what the groundhog says, we will fight the frost! Join the CanalWay Center staff at the Fight the Frost Festival on February 11th. Cure your cabin fever with both inside and outside activities for all ages. We will also have hot chocolate and snow cones for you to enjoy while you play.

Birds of Prey Weekend

February 11 & 12 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Rocky River Nature Center Enjoy a weekend celebrating the remarkable lives of hawks, eagles, owls and falcons, hikes, crafts and presentations with live birds of prey!

Up With Upcycling Fair

February 18 Noon - 4 p.m. North Chagrin Nature Center Do you have unwanted items at home, but you can’t justify throwing them away? This fair is just for you! Come to North Chagrin Nature Center and learn how you can convert your “junk” into something useful. This fair is for families and anyone creative and concerned about our environment. The fair will feature exhibits, demonstrations and items to make and/or purchase.

January 28

2nd Annual Fat Bike Race & Celebration Bedford Reservation Race as an individual or as a two-person relay on this fun, short course of double track and single track at Shawnee Hills Golf Course. The celebration continues after the race with food, refreshments and fat bike demos. 8:15 a.m. registration, 9:00 a.m. race start Shawnee Hills Golf Course Ages: 14 years & over with participating adult Fee: Individuals: $25 2-person Relay: $40 (includes lunch while supplies last) After January 8: Individuals: $30 2-person Relay: $45 *Rain date: February 11 Visit clevelandmetroparks.com/or for complete rental and registration details. 20


William A. Stinchcomb, first Executive Director 1921-1957

Circa 1921, Metropolitan Park District Police Department

At the dawn of the 20th century, Cleveland was well on its way to becoming the sixth largest city in the nation. This prosperity came with a cost to the environment, as waste products polluted the air and waterways. Wealthy industrialists began buying up farmland around the city to create country estates allowing them to escape the dirt and noise of the city; however, there were few green spaces for rest and recreation near working-class neighborhoods.

With the hiring of William A. Stinchcomb as Executive Director in 1921, the Cleveland Metropolitan Park District was on its way to becoming a reality! During the 1920s, the Board concentrated on acquiring land, much of which was ill-suited for farming or industry, but was perfect for recreation and nature preservation. In 1921, a Metropolitan Park District Police Department was created,

In 1905 City Parks engineer, William A. Stinchcomb, wrote in his annual report that the city was expanding so rapidly it was time to expand the park system as well. He called for the establishment of “an outer system of parks and boulevards.” His prophetic words struck a chord with like-minded civic and business leaders, creating what would grow to become today’s Cleveland Metroparks. Stinchcomb and other park supporters lobbied in Columbus for the establishment of metropolitan park districts. The result was House Bill 183, which provided for “the conservation of natural resources by the creation, development and improvement of park districts.” The first Board of Commissioners of the Cleveland Metropolitan Park District was appointed on July 23, 1917. In 1919 the Board made its first land purchase along the Rocky River.

21 Emerald Necklace January 2017

Arthur B. Williams - First park naturalist

eventually becoming what we know today as Park Rangers. By 1929, the park system owned over 9,000 acres of land across nine reservations and included three golf courses. These first nine reservations were Bedford, Big Creek, Brecksville, Euclid Creek, Huntington, Hinckley, North Chagrin, Rocky River and South Chagrin. Throughout the Depression, Stinchcomb and the Park Board chose to limit land purchases and concentrate on much needed infrastructure. He was quick to take advantage of President Roosevelt’s federal work programs such as the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), the Works Progress Administration (WPA) and the National Youth Administration (NYA). They built roads, bridges, picnic shelters and bicycle trails. In 1930 the Cleveland Metropolitan Park District partnered with the Cleveland Museum of Natural History to create an outdoor education program. A.B. Williams was contracted to work as the first park naturalist, making the Park District one of the early leaders in outdoor education. The parks remained a popular place during the 1930s, providing free recreational and educational outlets for a Depression weary public.

Legal notice of application for the creation of the Cleveland Metropolitan Park District that appeared in local newspapers.

Excerpted from The 100 Year Trail: A Centennial Celebration of Cleveland Metroparks. Now available for purchase at Cleveland Metroparks Nature Shops and online at clevelandmetroparks.com.

2017 Winter Promotion Centennial Celebration Package Bundle Up and Save Big!

Purchase our limited edition Centennial Book for $49.95 and receive a FREE poster. Special bonus, you get to choose the poster you want from our four unique options. These stunning 36 x 24 posters feature scenic photos from different reservations throughout the Park District. Add an additional poster to your purchase for only $5! Poster is valued at $10 and is yours for FREE with any Centennial Book purchase. Offer valid 1/1/17-3/31/17 while supplies last. Cannot be combined with any other offer, discount or promotion.

Locations/Hours Hinckley Lake Boathouse & Store 1 West Drive Hinckley Township 330-278-2160 Daily: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. North Chagrin Nature Center Mayfield Village 440-449-0511 Monday - Saturday: 10 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. Sunday: Noon - 4:45 p.m. Rocky River Nature Center North Olmsted 440-734-7576 Monday - Saturday: 10 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. Tuesday: 11 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Sunday: Noon - 4:45 p.m.

Centennial Apparel

Watershed Stewardship Center Parma 440-253-2170 Tuesday - Saturday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday: Noon - 4 p.m.

Join Cleveland Metroparks in celebrating the centennial year with custom apparel, available at clevelandmetroparks.com and Cleveland Metroparks Nature Shops!


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Emerald Necklace


Published monthly by: Cleveland Metroparks 216-635-3200 clevelandmetroparks.com

Cleveland Metroparks Administration Offices 216-635-3200/24-hour info 4101 Fulton Parkway Cleveland, OH 44144 clevelandmetroparks.com

Education Centers: Brecksville Nature Center 9000 Chippewa Creek Drive Brecksville, OH 44141 Brecksville Reservation 440-526-1012

Rental Facilities 216-635-3304

CanalWay Center 4524 E. 49th Street Cuyahoga Heights, OH 44125 Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation 216-206-1000

Cleveland Metroparks Rangers Accidents or Emergencies 440-333-4911


Cleveland Metroparks app available for download for iPhone and Android.

Cleveland Metroparks does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age or disability in employment, services or access to programs or activities. Emerald Necklace is also available online at clevelandmetroparks.com

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo & The RainForest 216-661-6500/24-hour info 3900 Wildlife Way Cleveland, OH 44109 clevelandmetroparks.com/zoo

Look About Lodge 37374 Miles Road Bentleyville, OH 44022 South Chagrin Reservation 440-473-3370

Cleveland Metroparks Golf Golf Services/440-232-7247 (general course info & inquiries) clevelandmetroparks.com/golf

North Chagrin Nature Center 3037 SOM Center Road Off Buttermilk Falls Parkway Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 North Chagrin Reservation 440-473-3370

Chalet Recreation Area 16200 Valley Parkway Strongsville, OH 44136 Mill Stream Run Reservation 440-572-9990

Rocky River Nature Center 24000 Valley Parkway North Olmsted, OH 44070 Rocky River Reservation 440-734-6660

Outdoor Recreation 216-341-1704 clevelandmetroparks.com/or

Watershed Stewardship Center 2277 W. Ridgewood Drive Parma, OH 44134 West Creek Reservation 440-887-1968

Outdoor Experiences Administration 216-881-8141 ext. 3005

Cover photo: Bedford Reservation Additional photos courtesy of Cleveland Metroparks photo archive, unless otherwise noted.

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