Emerald Necklace - July 2013

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Emerald Necklace

July ‘13 Vol. 62 #7

Inside: Outdoor Recreation Catalog

Featuring Cleveland Metroparks program guide and events

Contents Features 3 Poisonous Plants of Summer

Columns 4 Notes from the Field 5 Naturalist’s Almanac

In Addition 2 Nature at Night 6 Inside the Emerald Necklace 10 Academy of Golf 12 Swing into Summer Golf 14 Zoo News

Nature at Night Saturday, July 13 • 5 – 11 p.m. North Chagrin Nature Center North Chagrin Reservation • Mayfield Village Find out what is out and about after dark at Cleveland Metroparks Nature at Night event with a focus on our local mammals. Enjoy a variety of free activities related to the night, including live nocturnal animal programs, astronomy and stargazing through telescopes, children’s crafts, and night hikes. Live Nocturnal Animal Presentations • 5 – 9 p.m. Crafts • 5 – 9 p.m.

16 Outdoor Recreation

Shadow Puppets and Crafts • 5 – 9 p.m.

22 Events by Location

Starlab • 5:30 – 10 p.m.

23 Events Calendar

Mammal Night Hikes • 9 – 11 p.m.

32 Directory

Astronomy and Moon Gazing • 9 – 11 p.m. (weather permitting) Also, bring a lawn chair or blanket and watch the movie Over The Hedge on the lawn at 9 p.m. For more information, call 440-473-3370.

All photos by Cleveland Metroparks photo archive unless otherwise noted.

Emerald Necklace Published monthly by:

Cleveland Metroparks 216-635-3200 clevelandmetroparks.com Marjorie Thomas Editor

Erie Reproduction Graphic Design

RR Donnelley Printing

Emerald Necklace is also available online at clevelandmetroparks.com.

Board of Park Commissioners Debra K. Berry Bruce G. Rinker President Vice-President

Dan T. Moore Vice-President

Brian M. Zimmerman

Chief Executive Officer

Cleveland Metroparks does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age or disability in employment, services or access to programs or activities. Special assistance for Cleveland Metroparks programs or facilities is available by calling 216-635-3264 in advance.



Emerald Necklace, July 2013

North Chagrin Nature Center is located off Buttermilk Falls Parkway, off the Sunset Lane entrance of North Chagrin Reservation, off SOM Center Road/Route 91 in Mayfield Village.

Poisonous Plants of Summer While a college student one summer, I wondered why my legs felt as though they were on fire after walking through an unfamiliar field. I soon discovered that I had encountered stinging nettle, one of the poisonous plants of summer. Covered with prickly-looking hairs, a stinging nettle stem seems to scream, “Don’t touch!” A magnified view reveals that each needle-like stinging hair is filled with fluid. When broken, the hair injects a liquid containing formic acid, histamine and other chemicals into the skin, causing a burning sensation. The Latin name of the plant, Urtica diocia, describes this accurately, as Urtica comes from the Latin “uro” which means “I burn.” After walking through the nettles I felt like I had been stung by numerous bees. Fortunately, the discomfort disappeared in ten minutes, but it can last much longer. Although the stinging hairs are unpleasant, the plant is remarkably useful in other ways. Strip away the nasty hairs, and the plant fibers make strong cordage. The dried leaves make wonderful tea, and the cooked young leaves and shoots are deliciously edible. The most widely known and disliked poisonous plant of summer is probably poison ivy. “Leaves of three” on a climbing vine helps to identify it, although at times the vine can be so huge that it looks like a tree limb. The plant juices contain urushiol, an oily substance that causes the itchy rash we are so familiar with. Fortunately, another summer plant called jewelweed may dissolve this oil if crushed leaves are rubbed on the skin immediately. Pokeweed, with its dark purple berries, attracts attention at this time of year. Although the berries make a wonderful purple dye, they are poisonous to eat, as are the seeds, the mature stems, and especially the roots. Surprisingly, the young shoots and leaves, when boiled properly, have long been known as a delicious spring edible and are popular in the south.

stinging nettle Illustration by Don Altemus

Seemingly everywhere in late summer is white snakeroot. This plant with its tiny white flowers killed thousands of people in the early 1800s, and most likely caused the death of Abraham Lincoln’s mother in 1818. The plant toxins, poisonous to cows, were passed on to humans when they drank cow’s milk. The cause of “milk sickness” was finally identified in 1928, and it is rare today because cows do not graze as they did in the past. Fortunately, most of the poisonous plants of summer are merely annoying. To learn more and to positively identify them, join the hike at Rocky River Nature Center on Saturday, August 4 at 2 p.m. Kathleen Schmidt, Naturalist Rocky River Nature Center


Notes from the Field

Fairydiddle Forest Deep in the forests of Cleveland Metroparks in mid-July, just at dusk each night, the Fairydiddles come out to play. Step into the cool darkness of your favorite reservation’s woods just after sunset, while the soft light gradually fades, and find a quiet place to sit. Patience is necessary, and stillness, and quiet as well, as Fairydiddles are quite shy and retiring, and will not come to play and sing if they see or hear you waiting. No flashlights allowed either. Fairydiddles only sing and play in the dark. You’ll have to look overhead. Perhaps a blanket and pillow will help, as your neck may not bend so far for long. The Fairydiddles play among trunks and limbs of the maples, oaks and beeches nearby. Moonlit nights are best, of course, since the cool white light filtering down through the forest canopy might help us see them. Good ears are important too. Their songs are high pitched, almost too high for our poor oh-so-limited ears. Are they keeping secrets among each other in frequencies beyond our range? Perhaps, for if you can hear them, you’ll discover that they have much to say! All night they run and play and glide among the trees of the forest, searching for tasty treats. Fairydiddle children are old enough to join the older ones now, and the nighttime forest comes alive with their antics above.

be, you ask, since I’ve never seen one? They are nocturnal, sleeping the daylight hours away only to awaken at sunset each day to come out into the darkness to find food and water. They are small squirrels, perhaps twice as large as an average mouse, but have a marvelous adaptation – a flap of skin, called a patagium, which connects the front and hind legs and creates a gliding surface, much like a wing, when the little squirrel leaps from a tree into the air. While they cannot fly like bats do, their gliding ability is quite amazing, with some estimates up to a 9:1 glide ratio, that is, for every foot in elevation when they leap, they can glide for up to nine feet away. They can maneuver with great skill once airborne, easily capable of making 90 degree turns around obstacles encountered in their glide. At the end of flight, they raise their flattened furry tails and point their legs forward, which creates a parachute-like effect with the patagium, quickly slowing their glide to a relatively gentle landing on the side of the target tree. Then, in another surprising behavior, they quickly dart to the other side of the tree, perhaps to foil any owl predator that might be in silent pursuit behind them.

If you’ve not guessed by now, it is Southern Flying Squirrels, once called Fairydiddles among country folk, of which we speak. These little aerial acrobats are the most common squirrel in Cleveland Metroparks, and are the most common squirrel throughout most of their range, which includes most of the nation east of the Mississippi River and extends down into parts of Central America. How can that Southern flying squirrel by Rebekah D. Wallace, University of Georgia, Bugwood.org



Emerald Necklace, July 2013

The deciduous forests of Cleveland Metroparks are a flyer’s delight, with bountiful acorns, nuts, fruits and vegetation to sustain them. They are larder-hoarders, and stash much food away under tree bark and in tree cavities for a long winter ahead, relying mostly on memory to find their stored treats. When winter comes, they often lose their territorial behaviors and gather together in groups of ten or more to share body heat in a secure, snug tree cavity they’ve found. Cleveland suburbs with large, old nut-bearing trees like Rocky River, Shaker Heights, University Heights and others are also home to flying squirrels, who sometimes appropriate bird nesting boxes for their summer homes. I’ve talked to people from those communities who have summer flying squirrel parties on their patios with neighbors, as the flyers in their yard come down to raid sunflower seeds from hanging feeders. Fun! Fairydiddles, Southern Flying Squirrels, are all around us. Come quietly into the forests of Cleveland Metroparks at dusk, or listen in your own neighborhood. Their calls have been described as “tseep,” very high-pitched, rather bird-like, but birds seldom call after dark when the flyers are active. When alarmed, a high-pitched “chattering” or “chuckling” can be heard. There are also an assortment of squeaks, often given singly, and a variety of ultrasonic calls above the range of our hearing.

Naturalist’s Almanac


The hot summer days of July have arrived and the forests that were once filled with birds’ song now give way to insect serenades. During the day, cicadas start to sing as soon as the temperature reaches 70 degrees and the meadows are filled with the raspy cals of crickets and grasshoppers. After the sun sets, the chorus grows as katydids join the other insects singing from high in the trees. The abundance of these insects provide a bounty for other animals as birds, fox, rodents and other insects use them as protein filled meals. Birds


While most resident breeding birds have already fledged young, the brilliant black-and-gold American goldfinches and ornately colored cedar waxwings only now begin to gather nesting material. Birdsongs still dominate the sounds of early morning in the deep woodlands, but as the month’s end draws near, warblers, tanagers, thrushes and other resident species go quiet as the nesting season winds down. Young red-shouldered and broad-winged hawks are now patrolling the woodland edges. The very first of the year’s migrant shorebirds are heading southward, and blackbirds again begin to build in flocks.

The stunning colors of large rose mallow and pickerelweed flowers adorn the edges of wetlands and ponds. Milkweed – the host plant of the monarch butterfly – begins to explode its crown of pink flowers. Large fields hold tall stands of purple ironweed and its look-alike Joe-pye weed, purple coneflower and Queen Anne’s lace, all important plants for nectaring insects. Jewelweed is flourishing in vast clumps in sunlit patches of woodlands and woodland edges. By the end of July, early goldenrod, first of many goldenrods to bloom, becomes a harbinger of autumn as it adds touches of bright yellow to shady open places along parkways.

Insects July is high time to find a virtual cornucopia of butterflies, dragonflies and damselflies. Flashy swallowtails, sulphurs, azures, and fritillaries adorn the heads of grassland wildflowers. The airspace above wetlands, ponds and lakes is a flurry of wings with skimmers, dashers, darners, forktails, and pondhawk dragonflies and damselflies mating and catching small insect prey. By the end of July, warm evenings bring on the trilling and buzzing serenades of katydids and grasshoppers.

Mammals Male white-tailed deer antlers finish their rapid growth this month, but remain covered in soft velvet, while the fawn’s spots begin to fade as summer passes.

Mysteries surround us, and in July, in the trees overhead each night, we are reminded that we still know so little about the world around us. Robert D. Hinkle Chief Naturalist Emeritus rdh@clevelandmetroparks.com



Inside the Emerald Necklace

Just The Beats - NEW Summer Concert Series Garfield Park Nature Center Wednesdays • 6:30 – 8 p.m. Garfield Park Nature Center Garfield Reservation • Garfield Heights July 10 • Victor Samalot – Latin/Jazz Acoustic Guitar July 17 • The Western Reserve Community Band Instrumental/ variety July 24 • The Raybans – Steel Drums August 14 • Olu Manns of HeartBEAT Afrika – African Drum Circle Stop by for these FREE concerts and enjoy the sound of music in the park. What a wonderful way to relax in the middle of your week! Bring a chair and a friend! For more information, call 216-341-3152. Garfield Park Nature Center is located off the Broadway Avenue entrance of Garfield Park Reservation in Garfield Heights – north of the I-480/Broadway Avenue exit.

BrookStock Saturday, July 20 • 4 – 8 p.m. Brookside Valley Event Site Brookside Reservation • Cleveland BrookStock is a special event you won’t want to miss. Join us for some fantastic summer open-air music. This year we are featuring music and dancers from Latin cultures. There will also be several vendors, food and a beer tent. Stop by to enjoy the music, food and fun.

4 – 5 p.m. • Julia De Burgos Dancers

5 – 6 p.m. • Grupo Knon

6:30 – 8 p.m. • Son Gitano

For more information, call 216-206-1000. Brookside Valley Event Site is located off John Nagy Blvd., off the Ridge Road entrance of Brookside Reservation in Cleveland – north of the I–480/Ridge Road exit. The concerts and event are sponsored in part by



Emerald Necklace, July 2013

Stinchcomb Memorial Concert Series Thursdays July 11, 18 and 25 • 6 – 8 p.m. Stinchcomb–Groth Memorial Rocky River Reservation • Cleveland Cleveland Metroparks has grown tremendously over the past 96 years! Starting with 3.4 acres in Rocky River Reservation, the park is now over 22,000 acres! Join us at Stinchcomb-Groth Memorial with friends, family and great music to celebrate founder William Stinchcomb’s vision. Concerts will be cancelled due to rain. For more information, call 440-734-6660. Stinchcomb-Groth Memorial Scenic Overlook is located off Hogsback Lane in Rocky River Reservation, between Valley Parkway and Riverside Drive in Cleveland.

Look About Lodge Summer Concert Series Sundays • 6 – 8 p.m. Look About Lodge South Chagrin Reservation • Bentleyville Celebrate the 75th anniversary of Look About Lodge at a special summer concert series. Bring a blanket or chair and a picnic to spread out on the lawn, and enjoy music through the generations. July 14 • Back 9-Par 4 – Pop music of today July 21 • Nightbreeze – 70s music July 28 • GeezeCats – 50s music August 4 • Dan Zola Orchestra – 30s/40s music Come at 5 p.m. for a swing lesson! Bring a light-colored t-shirt for silk screening with our 75th anniversary logo. Accessible parking is available at Look About Lodge. All other parking is at The Shelterhouse Picnic Area off Hawthorn Parkway with shuttle service to the Lodge. Tents will be provided in case of inclement weather. FREE! Donation of $1 per person is appreciated. For more information, call 440-247-7075. Look About Lodge is located at 37374 Miles Rd. in South Chagrin Reservation in Bentleyville.

July is the Perfect Month to Enjoy Cleveland Metroparks Water Recreation Cleveland Metroparks is a great place to enjoy a Staycation! Enjoy a wide variety of water recreation, including swimming, boating, fishing and more. Swimming – The beach swimming areas are open through August 11 – Huntington Beach will also be open weekends only from August 11 to Labor Day, September 2. Ledge Pool is open through August 18. • Huntington Beach, Huntington Reservation, Bay Village – 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. • Hinckley Lake, Hinckley Reservation, Hinckley Township – 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. (rowboat, canoe, kayak, electric motor boat, stand up paddleboard and paddleboat rental available) • Wallace Lake, Mill Stream Run Reservation, Berea – 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. (paddleboat & kayak rental available) • Ledge Pool & Recreation Area, Hinckley Reservation, Hinckley Township (daily pool admission fee or season pass access) – 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Also features reservable picnic shelters, fishing along Ledge Lake shore (fishing license required), volleyball and basketball courts, and swimming lessons. New this year are paddleboat rentals at Ledge Lake during pool hours.

Dive – In Movie I: Dolphin Tale Friday, July 19 • 8 p.m. Ledge Pool & Recreation Area • Hinckley Reservation • Hinckley Twp. Join us for a “tale” about a dolphin named Winter and the boy who befriends her. Visitors can bring something to sit on and enjoy the movie from a spot on the lawn, or view the movie while relaxing in a rented inner tube in the heated luxury of Ledge Pool. Inner tubes are available by reservation only starting July 5 and are $5 for single tubes and $7 for double tubes. Doors open at 8 p.m. with the movie starting at approximately 8:45 p.m. depending on sunset. All ages are welcome but visitors 8 years and under must be accompanied by an adult in the pool. No outside floatation devices permitted in the swimming area. Space in the pool is limited.

Lifeguards are on-duty during posted hours at all four swimming areas.

For more information and to reserve an inner tube, call 330-239-2911.

Recreational fishing may be enjoyed throughout the Park District. An Ohio fishing license is required for anglers 16 and older.

Refreshments available at Ledge Rock Café.

Rivergate Café Rivergate Café is nestled along the Cuyahoga River, near the east bank of the Flats, offering a unique gathering area for parties and special events. Rivergate Café features a main room and patio with views of the river, the Cleveland skyline, unique bridges and infrastructure. Opportunities are available for small intimate gatherings or large special events. Seating capacity in the main room is 50, with standing room of up to 85. The patio offers additional seating for up to 40 with picnic tables with umbrellas. Food, beer and wine service is available for all rentals and special events. Additional amenities include a big screen TV with HDMI hook-up, charcoal grills and cornhole boards. For reservations 440-572-9990 or facility 216-664-5696. Email rivergate@clevelandmetroparks. com, or visit clevelandmetroparks.com/rivergate

Ledge Pool & Recreation Area is located at 1151 Ledge Road, between State and Kellogg roads in Hinckley Reservation in Hinckley Township.

Sweet Summer Fun in Cleveland Metroparks Ledge Rock Café • 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. Ledge Pool & Recreation Area Hinckley Reservation, Hinckley Twp. Quarry Rock Café • 1 – 7 p.m. Wallace Lake Mill Stream Run Reservation, Berea Stay cool at Cleveland Metroparks swimming areas, and enjoy a snack after your swim. Visitors can also rent a paddleboat or kayak at Wallace Lake. 7

Have Your Next Meeting at the Chalet Recreation Area! Cleveland Metroparks Chalet Recreation Area in Strongsville is a great reservable area to have recreational, social and business meeting opportunities in the natural beauty of the “Emerald Necklace.” The Chalet Recreation Area can be rented for family outings, group functions, and company meetings/ picnics during the spring, summer and fall seasons. The area can accommodate up to 85 people in the main lounge and an additional 75 in the second floor loft. The back patio area can seat 100 under a tent, with additional tents and seating available with prior arrangement and features charcoal grills, picnic tables, sand volleyball court, horseshoe pits, and swings. There are also tables and grills scattered throughout the picnic grove. A small kitchen area with commercial freezer and refrigerator, coffee maker, sinks and counter space is also available. The Chalet also features a large screen TV with cd/dvd/vcr/tape player, indoor and outdoor stone fireplaces, and indoor restrooms. Staff is always on-site throughout the private events. For more information, call 440-572-9990 (Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.) clevelandmetroparks.com/chalet

CanalWay Center Cycles Rent a bicycle at CanalWay Center. Rentals are available from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Rental includes a helmet so riders can make their way up or down the Towpath Trail safely, and a lock, in case riders want to stop along the way to explore. A toddler trailer and mountain bikes are also available. For more information, call 216-206-1003. 8


Emerald Necklace, July 2013

Get With the Program – the Walking Works Program Explore this year’s Walking Works trails. Now through October, hike at least eight of 13 designated Walking Works trails on your own – any time – it’s fun and easy. This year take an easy hike in Bedford, Garfield Park, Huntington, Rocky River, Ohio & Erie Canal and South Chagrin reservations. Moderate walkers can hit the trails in Big Creek, Brecksville, Brookside, Hinckley, North Chagrin and Rocky River reservations. Those looking for a difficult hike will appreciate the challenging hike in Mill Stream Run Reservation. After completing each walk, sign and date your Walking Works form. Complete eight walks and return your form to Cleveland Metroparks to receive this year’s Walking Works shield. Want to walk with others while learning about the natural features of the trails? Naturalist-led hikes along the designated trails will be available June through October. Look for naturalist-led Walking Works walks starting on page 23. For a list of the designated hikes and directions, and to download the Walking Works form visit clevelandmetroparks.com. Walking Works forms are also available at Cleveland Metroparks nature centers.

A Gift That Keeps Growing! A gift to Cleveland Metroparks Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund is truly a gift that keeps on growing – in more ways than one! All donations to the Emerald Necklace Endowment remain in the fund which subsequently grows in size. As the fund increases, it generates income to support all aspects of Cleveland Metroparks. Examples of the way the Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund helps Cleveland Metroparks grow may be seen throughout the Park District: • transportation for classroom field trips not only educates students, but plants a seed for lifelong commitment to preserving natural resources of the region • designing new trails and rehabilitating existing trails provides opportunities for enjoyment and recreation today, and helps to sustain surrounding plant and animal populations • expanding picnic facilities to experience nature in the company of family and friends reconnects individuals with one another and provides renewal with the natural world Giving to Cleveland Metroparks Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund is easy. To learn more about the best way for you to make your “gift to nature,” please contact Karen Kannenberg, manager of gift and donor development at 216-635-3217 or kjk@clevelandmetroparks. com. Or visit clevelandmetroparks.com and select donate for more information.

A Look Ahead Summer Beach Party with Movie on the Beach Top Gun

Saturday, August 3 • 5 – 10:30 p.m. Huntington Beach Huntington Reservation • Bay Village Come on down to Huntington Beach in Bay Village for a summer bash including games, food, demonstrations and live entertainment by the Calypso Gypsies Steel Drum Trio. Bring the whole family and stick around for a movie on the beach, Top Gun.

Dive-in Movie II Bedtime Stories

Friday, August 9 • 8 p.m. Ledge Pool & Recreation Area Hinckley Reservation • Hinckley Twp. Join us as we listen to Skeeter and his magical bedtime stories at Ledge Pool! Visitors can bring something to sit on and enjoy the movie from a spot on the lawn, or view the movie while relaxing in a rented inner tube in the heated luxury of Ledge Pool. Inner tubes are available by reservation only, and are $5 for single tubes and $7 for double tubes. For more information, call 330-239-2911.

Bug City Saturday, August 10 • 11 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Garfield Park Nature Center Garfield Park Reservation • Garfield Heights Join us for our 23rd year of Bug City where Mayor Mantis welcomes you to the land where people and bugs live and work in harmony. Where else but at Bug City can you race mealworms, be a detective at Bumper Bugs, watch our Bug City Chef cook up delicious “buggy” food, see honey bees, butterflies, millipedes, and spiders up-close, and so much more?! “Bee” a part of this year’s Bug City. For more information, call 216-341-3152.

Snakes, Turtles & Fun! Sunday, August 24 • 4 – 8 p.m. The Shelterhouse Picnic Area South Chagrin Reservation Let’s celebrate all things reptilian! Meet live reptiles that live in Ohio and around the world. Play reptile games, express your reptilian creativity, learn something new about turtles and discover that snakes are more fascinating than you knew! The evening will be fun for the whole family. For more information, call 440-247-7075.

Dog Paddle & Pet–a–Palooza Sunday, August 25 • 1 – 5 p.m. Ledge Pool & Recreation Area Hinckley Reservation • Hinckley Twp. Bring your non-aggressive dog to swim at Ledge Pool for a small donation that benefits the Medina County SPCA. A Dog Fair will be held on the grounds with exhibitors and vendors with items for all the pampered pooches. Leash up your dog and take them on a naturalist-led dog hike, enjoy animal safety demonstrations with Cleveland Metroparks K-9 unit and B.A.R.K, and be sure to view the dogs available to adopt.

Applications Available for Reflections of Nature Quilt Show Saturday & Sunday, November 9 & 10 Rocky River Nature Center Rocky River Reservation • Fairview Park One of the warmest and coziest Cleveland Metroparks events is the annual Reflections of Nature Quilt Show. Enter your nature-themed quilts and wall hangings in the juried show. Applications available at any nature center or download at clevelandmetroparks.com.

Look About Lodge Art Exhibit: A Sense of Place: Naturally

November 22 – 24 Look about Lodge • South Chagrin Reservation If you’re an artist and you visit Cleveland Metroparks, we’re looking for you. Show off your talents by submitting your work to the 2013 Look About Lodge Art Exhibit: A Sense of Place: Naturally. Drop off artwork at Look About Lodge on November 15, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. For more information, call 440-247-7075. 9


If you have ever thought about playing golf, then Cleveland Metroparks Academy of Golf is for you. Whether you are a beginner or returning to the game, the Academy of Golf offers golf learning opportunities on everything you’ll need to know to step onto a golf course and play with confidence. Look for these upcoming classes:

Beginners – An Introduction to Golf – A hands-on series covers the basics of the full swing, chipping and putting. Basic golf terms, rules and etiquette are covered. Loaner equipment available. All participants completing the course will be given a pass to a Cleveland Metroparks short course. Students in this class should be beginners to 25 handicap. Sat. July 6 Thurs. August 15 Mon. August 19

9 – 10:30 a.m. 6 – 7:30 p.m. 6:30 – 8 p.m.

Manakiki Washington Washington

6-week session $170 4-week session $120 5-week session $145

Beginners II – These 4-week classes are suggested for graduates of the Beginners Series, although that is not mandatory. It will reinforce the fundamentals and try to advance the skill levels needed to be more successful and confident on the golf course. Graduates of this course receive a 9-hole golf pass. $140 Fridays, July 12 Tuesdays, August 6

6:30 – 8 p.m. 6 – 7:30 p.m.

Washington Sleepy Hollow

Intermediate Series – The Next Step

– This 4-week class is suggested for graduates of Beginners and Beginners II, although that is not mandatory. It will refine previously learned skills and help convert these to use on the golf course. There will be less emphasis on fundamentals and more time spent on game management, specialty shots, and situational golf. A brief video analysis for each student will be included. Graduates of this course receive a 9-hole golf pass. $140 Mondays, July 8

6:30 – 8 p.m.


The Golf Swing – The Fundamentals – This hands-on clinic covers aspects of a solid, fundamental golf swing, including grip, set-up and swing. The class will provide general, fundamental and basic instruction useful for players of every skill level and gender. $35 Thurs. July 11

6 – 7:30 p.m.

Shawnee Hills

The Short Game – Putting and Chipping – This session reviews basics of successful around the green shots and provides general, fundamental and basic instruction that is useful for players of every skill level and gender. $35 Thurs. July 18

6 – 7:30 p.m.


The Golf Swing – Hitting Woods Complete – This two-week session will cover all aspects of hitting woods from off the tee, in the fairway and rough. The first session will cover hitting your driver off the tee. The following session will cover how to hit fairway woods. Also covered will be the effectiveness of hybrids versus fairway woods. $70 Thursdays, July 18

6 – 7:30 p.m.

Sleepy Hollow

Golf Outing Prep – Have you been invited to golf in a company or social outing, but have almost no experience? Then this is the class for you. This class will introduce you to the fundamentals of playing golf and proper golf etiquette. You will also learn how different formats are played such as scrambles and better balls and how to strategize with your teammates. $50 Sat. August 3



11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Emerald Necklace, July 2013


The Golf Swing – Cure Your Slice – Learn how to lessen or eliminate your slice. This class will address set-up, aim/alignment and squaring the clubface at impact. $35 Wed. August 21

6:30 – 8 p.m.


Ladies Play Golf Activities (LPGA) Women’s Clubfitting/Rules Seminar – For women of any playing level looking to purchase a set of clubs at affordable prices, and has no idea what to look for. There will also be an opportunity to learn basic rules and etiquette from a PGA Master Professional. Included with registration, you will receive a USGA Rules book and light hors d’oeuvres will be served. Call 440-526-0043 for more information. $10 Saturday, July 13

10 a.m. – noon

Sleepy Hollow

Beginners – An Introduction to Golf (Women Only) – A hands-on series covering the basics of the full swing, chipping and putting. Basic golf terms, rules and etiquette are reviewed. Loaner equipment available. All participants completing the course receive a pass to a Cleveland Metroparks short course. Students should be 25 handicap and above plus beginners. Call 440-526-0043 for more information. $145 Tuesdays, July 2

6:30 – 8 p.m.


Junior Programs Junior “Fun”damental Series – Designed like our Adult Beginners classes, juniors will get a chance to learn the basics, but have fun too. Full swing, putting and chipping will be covered by our best junior instructors in this 4-session class. Ages 12 – 17. $85 Tuesdays, July 9 Wednesdays, July 17

4 – 5 p.m. 4 – 5 p.m.

Shawnee Hills Sleepy Hollow

Little Birdie Class – This 5-week class is designed for parents seeking to get their toddlers, ages 3 to 5, in the game of golf. This introductory class will give parent and child the basics in putting, chipping, pitching, and the full swing. Equipment and experience is not necessary. For more information call, 440-526-0043. $105 1 child/1adult Tuesdays, July 2

4:30 – 5:30 p.m.


High School Prep – A 4–week class for the experienced teen golfer who is looking to make the high school team. This class will cover course management and assess the player’s strengths and weaknesses. Golf professionals with experience in high school and collegiate golf will be instructing. Experience and equipment are necessary. $135 Thursdays, July 11

3 – 5 p.m.


Classes fill up early. Visit clevelandmetroparks.com for class schedules and to register. For more information, call 440-232-7247

Pro Shop Specials Great Values Monterey Club Men’s Golf Shirts Regular Retail $54 • Now only $19.95 Powerbilt Drivers $39.95, Wedges $19.95 11

Swing Into Summer Golf Father/Son Tournaments

Course Championships

Two-player team event for fathers and sons

All course championships are 36-hole events. Top finishers qualify for the 54-hole Greater Cleveland Amateur Championship to be played at Sleepy Hollow Golf Course, August 9 – 11.

Saturday, July 13 • Fathers & pee wees, ages 6 –9 Mastick Woods Golf Course • Rocky River Reservation 9-hole play (modified alternate shot) $35 per team Sunday, July 14 • Fathers and cadets, ages 10 – 13 Little Met Golf Course • Rocky River Reservation 9-hole play (modified scramble) $35 per team Saturday, July 13 • Fathers & juniors, ages 10 –13 Big Met Golf Course • Rocky River Reservation 18-hole play (front 9 – scramble, back 9 – better ball) $60 per team Sunday, July 14 • two adult players, 18 & over Manakiki Golf Course • North Chagrin Reservation 8 a.m. shotgun start – 18-hole play (front 9 – scramble, back 9 – better ball) $140 per team (includes golf cart, hamburger/hot dog roast) Registration is required at least six days prior to a tournament. Space is limited – see directory on page 32 for individual golf course numbers or go to clevelandmetroparks.com.

Senior Greater Cleveland Amateur Championship Wednesday and Thursday, July 17 & 18 Big Met Golf Course • Rocky River Reservation $75 per player This 36-hole contest for those 50 and older allows senior duffers to compete for bragging rights to the title of best golfer in the area. For more information, call 440-331-1070.

Saturday and Sunday, July 20 & 21 Big Met Golf Course – $95 per player Sleepy Hollow Golf Course – $105 per player Saturday and Sunday, July 27 & 28 Shawnee Hills Golf Course – $95 per player Manakiki Golf Course – $105 per player

Women’s Greater Cleveland Amateur Championship Saturday and Sunday, August 3 & 4 Shawnee Hills Golf Course • Bedford Reservation $75 per player Women can test their skills against other female golfers in this 36-hole event. Open to women of any age with new Senior Division, ages 50+. Participants should have a handicap index of 18.4 or less. New Senior Division, ages 50+. For more information, call 440-232-7184

Moonlight Golf Friday, July 19 • Shawnee Hills par 3 • 9:30 p.m. Friday, July 26 • Mastick Woods • 9:15 p.m. Golfers challenge their night vision and play nine holes with a Nitelite golf ball – it glows in the dark! The shotgun start takes players into a night world of golf with glowing golf balls, tees and greens. Registration is required and space is limited. Players should arrive 30 minutes before start time. $25 per player.

Moonlight Golf continues on: August 23 • Mastick Woods • 9 p.m. September 20 • Little Met • 7:30 p.m. Sleepy Hollow Golf Course 18 holes, par 71 and driving range Brecksville Reservation 9445 Brecksville Road, Brecksville 440-526-4285 Manakiki Golf Course 18 holes, par 72 North Chagrin Reservation 35501 Eddy Road, Willoughby Hills 440-942-2500



Big Met Golf Course 18 holes, par 72 Rocky River Reservation 4811 Valley Parkway, Fairview Park 440-331-1070 Shawnee Hills Golf Course 18 holes, par 71, 9-hole par 3 course and driving range Bedford Reservation 18753 Egbert Road, Bedford 440-232-7184

Emerald Necklace, July 2013

Seneca Golf Course 18 holes, par 72 18 holes, par 71 Brecksville Reservation 975 Valley Parkway, Broadview Heights 440-526-0043 Little Met Golf Course 9 holes, par 34 Rocky River Reservation 18599 Old Lorain Road, Cleveland 216-941-9672

Mastick Woods Golf Course 9 holes, par 31 Rocky River Reservation 19900 Puritas Road, Cleveland 216-267-5626 Washington Golf Course 9 holes, par 29 and driving range Washington Reservation 3841 Washington Park Blvd, Village of Newburgh Heights 216-641-1864

Winter in July Start thinking cold…and keeping yourself toasty warm in Cleveland Metroparks winter apparel Start thinking snow…and keeping yourself safe with our Stabilicers traction footwear Start thinking holidays…and getting a head start on your decorating needs Start thinking gifts under the tree…and finding that perfect treasure Start thinking sales…and come to North Chagrin and Rocky River Nature Shops to start saving Even though winter and the holidays are still months away, we are here to help you kick start the season. Our Winter in July Sale features special discounts on everything you will need to prepare for a safe, warm winter and a relaxed holiday season. We’re dressing up our shops and marking down items to set a festive mood for you. Your favorite winter apparel, holiday items and selected items that are perfect for gift-giving will all be on sale. You will also have the opportunity to pick an ornament off a tree that will give you even extra savings. Shop with us in July and avoid the holiday rush. July may be hot outside, but it will definitely be cool in our shops!

LOCATIONS/HOURS CanalWay Center Cuyahoga Heights 216-206-1003

Open daily: 10 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.

Hinckley Lake Boathouse & Store 1 West Drive Hinckley Township 330-278-2160

Open daily: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.

North Chagrin Nature Center Mayfield Village 440-449-0511

Monday – Saturday: 10 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. Sunday: Noon – 4:45 p.m.

Visit Cleveland Metroparks Nature Shops at these July Events July 15 – Nature at Night at North Chagrin Nature Center – Using stencils of our favorite night creatures, bats, coyotes and owls, adults and kids alike can create a specialized t-shirt, ready to go home with you. $5 each

July 20 – BrookStock – celebrating Latin music and heritage at Brookside Reservation – Stop in our tent and find unique merchandise that celebrates the Puerto Rican culture.

Rocky River Nature Center North Olmsted 440-734-7576 Monday – Saturday:

10 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. Sunday: Noon – 4:45 p.m.

Watershed Stewardship Center Parma 440-253-2170 Tuesday – Saturday: 10 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.


This Summer, Dinosaurs! Rule the Zoo Have you experienced the earth-shaking roar of Dinosaurs! at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo yet this summer? Twenty-one animatronic dinosaur displays are at the Zoo’s Waterfowl Lake for you to discover. The prehistoric path through the exhibit features the giant Tyrannosaurus rex, the fearsome Acrocanthosaurus and bird-like dinos such as the Citipati and Ornithomimus.

Zoo News

Dinosaurs! runs daily through September 15. Admission to the special exhibit is just $3.50 per person with regular Zoo admission or $2 per person for Zoo members. Admission is free for children younger than 2. Dollar Bank presents Dinosaurs! with support from Discount Drug Mart, Cleveland Clinic Children’s and the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District.

Summer Hot Spots at the Zoo No summer trip to the Zoo would be complete without checking out some of the seasonal ‘Hot Spots.’ This summer, guests can see the new Professor Wylde’s Live Animal Show, Lost in Africa, in the Savanna Theater, performed three times daily, or take a break in Australian Adventure and see animals from the Land Down Under in the Ballarat Theatre show. Summer at the Zoo also means the return of giraffe feedings on the deck above their African Savanna yard. From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily through September 2, guests can get up-close and feed the Zoo’s herd of Masai giraffes. Guests can also see shark feeding demonstrations, seal and sea lion training demonstrations and elephant crossings at African Elephant Crossing, listen to the animal keepers during Meet the Keeper sessions, feed a lorikeet in the Australian Adventure aviary or take a ride on the Boomerang Railway!



Emerald Necklace, July 2013

all photos courtesy of Cleveland Metroparks Zoo

Red, White and Zoo Thursday, July 4, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. Everyone is invited to celebrate Independence Day at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. The animal keepers will prepare red, white and blue treats for some of the Zoo’s animals, including primates and bears. Guests can also enjoy a self-guided tour to visit the Zoo’s red, white and blue animals such as the red pandas, red kangaroos, white storks and blue poison dart frogs.

EdZooCation Calendar Education Programs at the Zoo Overnights at the Zoo – All programs run 7 p.m. – 10 a.m. the following morning. Would you like to sleep over at the Zoo, hike the park at night, get close to the animals and take a behind the scenes tour? Then round up your pack, troop, horde, pride, colony or herd and plan an event they’ll never forget! Sleep out in the Rising Waters Safari Camp in the Zoo’s African Savanna – Friday and Saturday nights. Family nights are scheduled for July 19 and August 9.

Adult Overnights at the Zoo – Program runs 7 p.m. – 10 a.m. the following morning. Rising Waters Adult Overnight is the perfect setting for a one-of-a-kind corporate retreat, reunion, birthday party or bachelor/bachelorette party. Your Zoo night includes dinner, a cash bar, animal encounters, a hike and a behind-the-scenes tour. Adult Overnights are scheduled for July 13, August 10 and August 24.

Keeper for a Day – Runs daily from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Join the keepers who care for the animals in the Conservation Education division and become part of the team for the day. This is a five hour, hands-on experience you won’t forget.

Family Discoveries – All programs run 9 – 10:30 a.m. Bring the entire family for a special Zoo experience featuring hands-on activities and guided tours (topics vary by date). This month discover Dynamic Dinosaurs on July 14, 17, 23 and 25.

Professor Wylde Show Cameo and Backstage Tour – Runs daily from 1 – 2 p.m. Join the cast of Professor Wylde’s Animal Show with your very own on-stage role. Program participants will assist backstage with the show production and get a walk-on speaking role in the show. After the show, the guest and up to eight of their family members get a behind-the-scenes tour.

Career Day – All programs run from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Explore the professional fields of animal care, veterinary medicine, education and more. Get close to small animals, meet with Zoo staff, take a behind-the-scenes tour and get a closer look at the real work involved with a career at the Zoo. Career Days are scheduled for July 17 and 31.

Emerald Necklace Camp – Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. This camp for young people ages 11 – 14 takes a tour of the Cleveland Metroparks. Campers will visit Look About Lodge, Garfield Park Nature Center, Seneca Golf Course, Hinckley Reservation and the Zoo! Week-long camp sessions start July 8 and July 29.

To register, call 216-635-3391 or visit clemetzoo.com/learn.asp. For the most up-to-date Zoo information: clemetzoo.com / 216-661-6500 15

Programs are inclusive for all abilities

Outdoor Recreation 11350 Broadway Avenue Garfield Heights, Ohio 44125 216-341-1704 or@clevelandmetroparks.com clevelandmetroparks.com/or

Recreation Mission To provide recreation that connects people to nature and promotes community health and well-being consistent with the goals of conservation and education.

Inclusive Outdoor Recreation Opportunities Our professionally trained staff has the ability to make equipment adaptations. Most programs are accessible to anyone who would like to participate. For further information regarding program accessibility, or to schedule an accessible custom program, please call 216-341-1704.

Program Registration Programs are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, so register early to get a spot. Online: Program reservations can be made on Cleveland Metroparks website: clevelandmetroparks.com/or. By Phone: Call 216-341-1704 Monday – Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Have your MasterCard, Visa or DiscoverCard number ready. In-person: Stop by Garfield Park Nature Center located in Garfield Heights; Monday – Friday between 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Fees must be paid in full upon registration. Your payment confirms that you are registered for the program. Program fees recover the direct program costs. Late Registration/Registration Changes Program deadlines are assigned to limit cancellations. Anyone registering after program deadlines will be assessed a $5 per person per program charge. Please note that Cleveland Metroparks reserves the right to deny registrations after program deadlines due to limited space, planning, etc. Confirmation/Cancellation Maps for program locations can be found on Cleveland Metroparks website: clevelandmetroparks.com. Registrants will be notified if programs are cancelled. Program fees are not refundable unless Cleveland Metroparks finds it necessary to cancel a program. Check Cleveland Metroparks website for policy details. Participants assume risk of all changes in personal health and affairs. Returned Checks A $20 cash fee will be charged for all checks returned for insufficient funds. General Information By registering, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to the refund policy. A liability waiver and medical emergency form must be completed and signed prior to participation in all programs. Forms can be downloaded from clevelandmetroparks.com/or. Outdoor Recreation programs are listed bi-monthly in the Emerald Necklace. For more information call 216-341-1704 or visit clevelandmetroparks.com/or.



Emerald Necklace, July 2013

Programs are inclusive for all abilities

Outdoor Recreation

Escape to Nature Birds on Lake Erie – By Boat

This fall, jump aboard the Linda Mae with Jen Brumfield for two exciting opportunities to discover offshore water birds during peak rarity season as they migrate along the Lake Erie coastline. Each adventure we’ll get out to at least 4 miles offshore to search for migrant gulls, jaegers, and other highlysought water birds.We’ll set our sights on seeking the striking Sabine’s gull and parasitic jaegers. Late fee applies after August 23 and 30 respectively.


All boating programs are funded in part through a grant from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Watercraft.

Stand Up Paddleboarding (SUP)

Ages: 14 years & over (with participating adult)

Water + surfboard + paddle = fun. Stand Up Paddleboarding (SUP) is a great way to have fun and get a little daily workout. Lessons will teach you how easy it is to balance and maneuver on a board that looks like a surfboard. Anticipate spending time in the water, so you must be comfortable treading water in a lifejacket. Late fee applies one week before class date.

Activity Level: easy

Ages: 10 years & over (with participating adult)

Dates/Times: Tour A: August 30, 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Activity Level: easy

Tour B: September 6, 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Dates/Times: July 7, 10 a.m. – noon or 1 – 3 p.m. July 19, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. August 3, 1 – 3 p.m. Huntington Reservation

Wildwood Park Marina Fee: $65 (includes fishing gear, bait and snacks)

Plovers, Pipers & Peeps: Shorebirds of the North Coast Join avid birder and naturalist Jen Brumfield for a daylong adventure designed with shorebirds in mind. During late July through August, Ohio’s wetlands, beaches, reservoirs, and mudflats provide vital habitat for migrating sandpipers. More than fifteen species are possible and the chance for rarities is high. Destinations may change due to habitat conditions, or rare bird sightings. Late fee applies after July 19 and August 20 respectively. Ages: 14 years & over (with participating adult) Activity Level: easy Dates/Times: Tour A: July 26, 6:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Tour B: August 27, 6:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Garfield Park Nature Center Fee: $59 (includes transportation, lunch, and snacks)

Migrant Hotspots

July 24, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. July 25, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. August 15, 6 – 8 p.m. Wendy Park July 13, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. August 10, 10 a.m. – noon & 1 – 3 p.m. Hinckley Reservation Fee: $30 adult, $15 youth (ages 10-15)

SUP Yoga - Beginners

Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP) Yoga is a fun and enlightening experience. Spend the first 30 minutes learning basic SUP techniques, then practice SUP yoga with Maria Latona on the water. Amaze yourself as you develop strength, balance and flexibility. Anticipate spending some time in the water, so you must be a good swimmer. Late fee applies after July 4. Ages: adult Activity Level: moderate Dates/Times: July 11, 6:30 – 8 p.m.

Jen Brumfield takes us for a daylong adventure designed with migrants in mind. September is a birder’s dream, as it’s the key month for fall migration. From 20 species of warblers to vireos, thrushes, cuckoos, kinglets, and much more, we’ll look to visit many locations and compile quite a day list! We may even witness a fallout of migrating monarch butterflies - a truly spectacular sight. Late fee applies after September 6.

July 13, 9 – 10:30 a.m.

Ages: 14 years & over (with participating adult)

Garfield Park Nature Center

This entry level course combines classroom and on-the-water practice to introduce you to equipment, basic paddling strokes and more. Be prepared to get wet as you will be practicing a wet exit as part of the class. Late fee applies after July 5 & 26 respectively.

Fee: $59 (includes transportation, lunch, and snacks)

Ages: 14 years & over (with participating adult)

Activity Level: easy Date/Time: September 13, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Hinckley Reservation Fee: $40

Kayaking I: Introduction to Kayaking

Activity Level: easy Dates/Times: July 12, 6 – 9 p.m. August 1, 6 – 9 p.m. Hinckley Lake Boathouse Fee: $40 (includes boats & equipment)

To register for an Outdoor Recreation program, call 216-341-1704.


Programs are inclusive for all abilities

Outdoor Recreation

Kayaking 1.5: Supplemental Skills

Canoeing I: Canoeing Basics

Ages: 14 & over (with participating adult)

Ages: 14 & over (with participating adult)

Activity Level: easy

Activity Level: easy

Dates/Times: July 18, 6 – 9 p.m.

Date/Time: August 20, 6 – 9 p.m.

August 14, 6 – 9 p.m.

Hinckley Reservation

Hinckley Reservation

Fee: $40 (includes boats & equipment)

This class is designed as a continuing education branch to our Kayaking I course. Learn more advanced paddling strokes, wet exits, rescue techniques and practice previously taught skills. Late fees apply after July 11 & August 6 respectively.

Fee: $35 (includes boats & equipment)

Kayaking II: Flat-water Fundamentals

Combine Kayaking I and 1.5 in one day. See individual class descriptions for details. Late fee applies after July 23. Ages: 14 & over (with participating adult) Activity Level: easy Date/Time: August 2, noon – 6 p.m. Hinckley Reservation Fee: $60 (includes boats & equipment)

Family Fishing on Lake Erie

This two-part adventure allows everyone a chance to catch some perch during the August Perch Run. First, bring the family to a lesson and gain new fishing tips while fishing from a small pond. Then join us on the Linda Mae to travel from Wildwood Marina to the fishing grounds of Lake Erie. Fishing licenses are required for ages 16 and over and one day licenses are available for purchase the day of the trip. Late fee applies after August 7. Ages: 10 & over (with participating adult) Dates/Times: August 14, 6 – 8 p.m. Rockefeller Lagoon Trip Date: August 25, 2 – 6 p.m. (please arrive at the pier at 1 p.m.) Wildwood Marina Fee: $35 adults, $25 child (ages 10-16) Includes bait and fishing gear.

Open Paddle Day

Participants completing the SUP Introduction course can join us to practice your skills and get more technique advice from staff. This is also a chance for those of you who haven’t yet taken a course to see free SUP demonstrations. If you’re lucky, you might be able to join an impromptu class, so be prepared to get wet. No reservation required.

This class covers canoeing basics, boating safety and proper boat control. Participants may be required to complete a capsize drill so come prepared to get wet. Late fee applies after August 13.

Canoeing 1.5: Supplemental to Canoeing

This class is designed as a continuing education branch to our Canoeing I course. Learn more advanced paddling strokes, capsize drills, rescue techniques and to practice previously taught skills. Late fee applies after August 21. Ages: 14 & over (with participating adult) Activity Level: easy Date/Time: August 28, 6 – 9 p.m. Hinckley Reservation Fee: $35 (includes boats & equipment)

THEMED KAYAK TOURS Fireflies of the Cuyahoga River

See a spectacular show of fireflies as you kayak along the calm water of the Upper Cuyahoga River. This scenic section of river offers beauty and relaxation. We’ll look for beaver and catch the firefly show after sunset. No previous paddling experience required. Late fee applies after July 12. Activity Level: easy Ages: 14 years & over (with participating adult) Upper Cuyahoga River, Eldon Russell Park Date/Time: July 20, 8 – 11 p.m. Fee: $40 (includes boats & equipment)

Rubber Ducky Kayak Tour

Exploring Cleveland from the Cuyahoga River this summer has a new twist. Each kayaker will choose a themed rubber ducky to attach to their kayak and help reveal fun, historical stories as we paddle. Previous paddling experience is suggested. Late fee applies one week before tour date. Ages: adult Activity Level: moderate Dates/Times: July 27, 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. or 4 – 6 p.m.

Ages: 10 & over (with participating adult)

August 4, 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. or 4 – 6 p.m.

Date/Time: August 31, 10 am – 3 p.m.

August 30, 4 – 6 p.m.

Hinckley Reservation


Fee: $10/hour

Fee: $35 (includes boats & equipment)



Emerald Necklace, July 2013

Programs are inclusive for all abilities

Outdoor Recreation



Beach Bumming It

Family Campout at Squires Castle

Don’t miss the chance to sign your child up for our exciting camps. Register now at clevelandmetroparks.com/or.

Swim, build a boat, play beach volleyball, and more. Prerequisite: Must be able to tread water in a lifejacket comfortably for four minutes. Ages: 10 – 15 years Date/Time: July 12, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Huntington Reservation Fee: $50

Watersports Camp

Learn to kayak, stand up paddleboard, dragon boat, and build your own boat in this 4-day camp. Late fee applies after July 1 & July 8 respectively. Prerequisites: Must be able to tread water in a lifejacket comfortably for four minutes.

Bring your entire clan to this overnight extravaganza at Squires Castle. Play games, sing songs and laugh around the campfire. We’ll have a night hike around the castle and surrounding woods to explore the past and present. Families are encouraged to make and bring a flag or banner with your family crest to mark your plot of land in our overnight village. Bring dinner or cook at the pavilion, breakfast is provided Saturday morning. Bring your own tent or rent one from us. Tent rentals are limited, but available by calling 216-341-1704. Late fee applies August 9. Ages: All Dates/Times: August 16, 4 p.m. – August 17, 11 a.m.

Ages: 12 – 15 years

Squire’s Castle

Dates/Times: July 15 – 18, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Fee: $20 per space

Ages: 10 – 12 years July 22 – 25, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Wendy Park and Rivergate Fee: $195 (equipment included)

Rockin’ Ledges

Catch the bus at Garfield Park Nature Center and travel to an indoor rock climbing gym before going for a hike to visit natural rock ledges. Late fee applies after July 5. Ages: 10 – 15 years

Yoga for Runners

This class is designed to help your performance as a runner. Join certified instructor, Kim Scott Sowinski, to practice yoga postures that focus on hips and flexibility for backs, legs and shoulders. Hikers and walkers are also welcome. Bring your own mat or use one of ours. Late fee applies one week before each class. Ages: adults Activity Level: moderate

Date/Time: July 19, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Dates/Times: July 9, 14, August 4, 13, 18 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.

Garfield Park Nature Center

Acacia Reservation

Fee: $50 (equipment & transportation included)

Fee: $40 per class

Captain’s Camp

Yoga and Hike

Get your Ohio Boaters Certification card, drive a pontoon, kayak and stand up paddleboard. Late fee applies after July 16. Prerequisite: Must be able to tread water in a lifejacket comfortably for four minutes. Ages: 10 – 15 years Dates/Times: July 30, August 6 AND 13, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Hinckley Lake Boathouse Fee: $145 (equipment included)

Splash - Stand Up Paddleboarding Style

Stand up paddleboard, build a boat and end the day with a boat building competition. Late fee applies after July 24. Prerequisite: Must be able to tread water in a lifejacket comfortably for four minutes.

Hike and pause at scenic locations for yoga to lengthen and strengthen your entire body with mindfulness and gratitude. This unique technique allows you to reduce chances for injury and strengthen muscles. Dress for the weather. Mats provided. Late fee applies July 16 and 30 respectively. Ages: adults Activity Level: moderate Dates/Times: July 23 or August 6, 9:30 – 11 a.m. Harriet Keeler Memorial Picnic Area, Brecksville Reservation Fee: $40

Ages: 10 – 15 years Dates/Times: August 7, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. August 8, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Wendy Park Fee: $50 (equipment included)

To register for an Outdoor Recreation program, call 216-341-1704.


Programs are inclusive for all abilities

Outdoor Recreation

Ohiopyle Adventure Weekend

Experience the thrill of whitewater rafting and caving in one weekend. Begin your adventure on the Lower Yough’s class III rapids in Ohiopyle State Park. The fun continues as you explore Laurel Caverns, the largest cave in Pennsylvania. Be prepared to get dirty exploring over two miles of caves 45 stories below the ground with most passages between 10-50 feet high. Each evening we’ll hike, eat and relax by the campfire. Late fee applies after July 24. Ages: adults Activity Level: moderate – strenuous Pre-Trip: August 1, 6 – 8 p.m. Trip: August 8 – August 11 Garfield Park Nature Center Fee: $375 (includes transportation, equipment and other fees)

Grand Tour de Necklace

Mountain Bike Lessons: Beginner

Build basic skills to enjoy negotiating beginner level mountain bike trails with confidence. Discover how to prepare for a ride, avoid beginner pitfalls and find your limitations while having fun on the trail. Body position, shifting, braking, trail etiquette and “hills and holes” are just a few topics that will be covered. All participants must bring their own mountain bike and ensure that they are in good/safe working condition prior to the class. Helmets required and must be worn. Late fee applies one week before each class. Ages: 14 & older (with participating adult) Activity Level: easy Dates/Times: July 7, 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. July 24, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. August 7, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. August 21, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Royalview Picnic Area, Mill Stream Run Reservation Fee: $15

Mountain Bike Lessons: Women Only

Ladies, this class is designed just for you. See Mountain Bike Lessons – Beginner for program details. Late fee applies after July 10 and 22 respectively. Ages: 14 & older (with participating adult) Activity Level: easy

Join us for a grand group cycling adventure. Starting from the Chalet, choose a 20, 30 or 50 mile cycling ride to discover the beauty of Cleveland Metroparks from Brecksville to Big Creek reservations. Participants will share the roadway and sections of all purpose trails. Routes vary in difficulty and can be found online along with registration at clevelandmetroparks.com/or. Helmets required. Ages: 14 years & older (with participating adult) Activity Level: intermediate Date/Time: August 24, 8:15 a.m. – 4 p.m. Chalet, Mill Stream Run Reservation Fee: registration before August 9: $25 adults, $18 children (ages 14 – 17) includes lunch and t-shirt After August 9: $35 adults, $25 children

RACES Ledges to Lake Adventure Race

Combine the thrills of Hinckley Reservation in this fun but challenging race. Start with a 3-mile run on the bridle trail then hop into your kayak and paddle 1.5 miles around Hinckley Lake. After the lake portion, racers will bike 9 miles to the finish line. The course is perfect for both beginners and advanced racers. Visit clevelandmetroparks.com/or for more information. Register online at ncnracing.com/racing. Presented by Kaiser Permanente. Ages: 10 years & older (with participating adult) Activity Level: moderate Date/Time: September 21 Hinckley Reservation

Save the dates:

Dates/Times: July 17, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

October 19 – Vampires and Werewolves Family Run, North Chagrin Nature Center

July 28, 8:30 – 10:30 a.m.

October 26 – Run from the Zombies

Royalview Picnic Area, Mill Stream Run Reservation

November 30 – Acacia 5K

Fee: $15

Team building, private lessons and group classes are also available. For more information, call 216-341-1704 weekdays from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.



Emerald Necklace, July 2013

Lake Erie Nature & Science Center NEW! Rockets Nights for Adults and Groups

ART & NATURE – Inspired Programs

Adults viewing the rocket launches of their children in our Beginner and Advanced Rocket Camps asked for their own night – and we’ve scheduled two!

Mini Arts & Nature Academy

Sign up for a slot on Wednesday, July 3 or Friday, July 5 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. It’s an aerodynamically amazing experience for individuals, families or groups. (Maybe a team-building exercise for a work team?) After launch, you can stay as we bring out the telescopes and observe the night sky (weather permitting). Registration is required for Rocket Camps/Nights. Children attending Rocket Nights as part of a family or group must have one adult present for each child 14 and under. Fee: $30/per rocket; $20/each if families/groups want additional rockets. Groups are limited to 6 people per rocket.

It’s 9 to 5 (the Musical) for Women’s Board Join the Women’s Board of Lake Erie Nature & Science Center for a matinee performance of the hilarious musical 9 to 5 at Huntington Playhouse, Sunday, July 28 at 2 p.m. A reception will follow the show. Tickets are $25 each and are available at the Center’s Information Desk, or by calling Karen at 440-670-6760. An annual performance at Huntington Playhouse is one of the many ways the Women’s Board supports the nonprofit organization’s mission to educate and inspire each of us to understand, appreciate and take responsibility for our natural universe.

Registration for the new nature- and art-inspired preschool partnership between Lake Erie Nature & Science Center and BAYarts will remain open throughout the summer. Individual preschool class registration begins August 19 for members and opens to the public on August 26. Secure a spot for your tot before they’re gone!

Wet, Wild & Creative The streams and waterways that connect us to our Huntington Reservation neighbor BAYarts inspired A River Runs Through Us, a creek-visiting, creative week for children who’ve completed grades 1 – 8. Drop your camper off at our Center at 9 a.m. and pick them up at BAYarts at 4 p.m. August 12 – 15, 9 a.m to 4 p.m. Registration for this camp takes place at Lake Erie Nature & Science Center ONLY.

Scouting Corner Watch www.lensc.org for Fall 2013 Girl Scout and Cub Scout Program Guides.

Walter R. Schuele Planetarium Family Programs Monthly SkyQuest: The Rising Sun

Saturdays, July 6, 13, 20 and 27 • 3 p.m. Saturdays, July 6 and 20 • 8 p.m. Fee: $4/person; Preteens, teens and adults Join us to learn the story of how an ordinary cloud of gas and dust hit the big time and became our Sun, the planets and everything else in this marvelous place we call the Solar System. Learn why scientists believe that a nearby exploding star may have brought about the Sun’s rise to stardom. Discover the reason the planets near the Sun are rocky while the more distant planets are gaseous. We will also take a peek into the future to see where our corner of space might be headed. Free Telescope Viewing follows the evening star shows, weather permitting. Sky watching at 9 p.m. is free and open to all ages. Call 440-871-2900 or log onto lensc.org/planetarium for additional information.

save the date! Perseid Meteor Shower Night

Monday August 12 • 8 p.m. (Planetarium presentation at 8 p.m., field viewing at 9 p.m.) Fee: $3/person Bring the whole family to the planetarium for a quick presentation on meteors, including a chance to hold an actual meteorite! Then, head to the field, spread out your blanket and enjoy the show in the sky! Please note: Planetarium space is limited. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. For those wishing to confirm seating in advance, we will accept egistration for this special planetarium program only.

*Planetarium seating is first-come, first-served. Star show tickets are available at the Welcome Desk 30 minutes before the posted start time of each program. Doors close promptly and no one will be admitted after posted program start time.

Lake Erie Nature & Science Center Located at 28728 Wolf Road in Bay Village • 440-871-2900 • www.lensc.org Lake Erie Nature & Science Center is an independent nonprofit affiliate of Cleveland Metroparks and receives public support with local tax dollars from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture, to preserve and enrich our region’s cultural heritage. 21

July Events by Location Off-site programs

23 • Books Alive Part 2 25 • Urban Explorations: Gordon Square to Westerly

(AR) Acacia Reservation

25 • Play Outside at Acacia Reservation

(BeR) Bedford Reservation

7 • Creek Walk 20 • Woodlands of Bedford: Deerlick Creek Adventure 27 • Night Hike 30 • Beat the Heat Hike

(HuR) Huntington Reservation 20 • Volunteer to Adopt-A-Beach

(LR) Lakefront Reservation 25 • Summer Serendipity

(MSRR) Mill Stream Run Reservation 13 • 14 Voyageur Canoe Paddle 24 • Salamander Hunt 27 • Tour de Emerald Necklace

(NCR) North Chagrin Reservation

13 • Lake Abram Stroll

6 • In-Seine for Fish 19 • Campout in the Park 20 • Morning Blooms 20 • Thunder Moon Hike 23 • Concert in the Park

(BrR) Brecksville Reservation

(NCNC) North Chagrin Nature Center

(BCR) Big Creek Reservation

9 • Hiking for the Young at Heart 21 • Mini Raft Race

(BNC) Brecksville Nature Center

Open daily 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Rt. 82 entrance, Brecksville 440-526-1012 5 • Tree Folklore and Hike 6 • Hidden Story Hike

(BR) Brookside Reservation 20 • Brookstock

(CWC) CanalWay Center

Open daily 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Off E. 49th St., Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation, Cuyahoga Hts. 216-206-1000 1 – 31 • Hunt of the Month 1 – 8/31 • Stuart Pearl Photography 5 • 13 • 26 • CanalWay Cart Tours Northern Route 6 • 12 • CanalWay Cart Tours Southern Route 7 • Lightning In a Bottle 13 • Bike to Harshaw and the Steel Heritage Center 18 • Stroller School: Moon Day 20 • Acoustic Players Circle 21 • Women Only Ride with Coffee 27 • Pop Up Program: Insects 29 • Animals of the Canal Hike

(ECR) Euclid Creek

6 • Cool Off in Euclid Creek

Open daily 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Mayfield Village 440-473-3370 5 • Family Friday Night – Wild and Wonderful Wetlands 7 • Coaster Hike 12 • Naturepiece Theatre: Buzzing Bees 16 • Stroller Science 26 • Family Friday Night: Insect Songsters 27 • Dog Hike 28 • Old Time Natives Cleveland Metroparks Photography Club – East 1 • Animal, Vegetable, Mineral…”S” is For… 15 • Life at the Water’s Edge…Naturally

(OECR) Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation

6 • 13 • 20 • MAPS Bird Banding 18 • Bike Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation 27 • Make, Take, and Play: Old Fashioned Toys

(RRR) Rocky River Reservation

11 • Stinchcomb Memorial Concert Series: Joe Bell and The Swing Lizards 12 • 26 • Cedar Valley Square Dance 13 • Monthly Morning with the Birds 14 • Summer Night Flashers 18 • Stinchcomb Memorial Concert Series: Hillbilly IDOL Trio 25 • Stinchcomb Memorial Concert Series: Brigid’s Cross 27 • Summer Exploration 30 • A “Grand” Picnic

(GPNC) Garfield Park Nature Center

Open Sunday 1 – 5 p.m. Monday – Saturday 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Broadway Ave. or Turney Rd. entrance, Garfield Heights 216-341-3152 1 • 8 • 15 • 22 • 29 • Wellness Walk 10 • Summer Concert: Victor Samalot 13 • Dragonflies, Damselflies, Butterflies, and Birds 17 • Summer Concert: The Western Reserve Community Band 18 • Summer Morning Stroll 24 • Summer Concert: The Raybans 26 • Grasshopper Safari



Emerald Necklace, July 2013

Open daily 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 24000 Valley Parkway, North Olmsted 44070 440-734-6660 1 – 31 • Gallery Wall: Frank Sliwa 1 • 2 • Little Explorers: Bees 4 • Red, White, and Blue Hike 6 • Nature in the Summer 7 • Teacher Workshop: Pets in the Classroom 8 • 9 • Junior Explorers: Birds, Birds, Birds 14 • Natural Crafts: Nature Book 14 • Boy Scout Merit Badge Class 14 • Summer Book Review 21 • River Poets 21 • 28 • Nature a la Carte: Butterflies 22 • Books Alive! Part 1 22 • Full Moon Hike 27 • Insects Around Us 27 • Cinema Saturday Night 28 • Summer Morning Stroll 28 • Pollination Nation 28 • Live Hive and Beekeeping 28 • School of the Wilds: Ohio Butterflies Cuyahoga Astronomical Association 8 • Travel to the Stars—Fact and Fiction

(SCR) South Chagrin Reservation

3 • 10 • 17 • 24 • 31 • Storytime at the Arboretum 7 • Big Year: Reptiles & Fish 13 • Nature Journaling 20 • Artists of the Emerald Necklace 27 • Scales on the Trails: Butterfly and Moth Hike (LAL) Look About Lodge Open Sundays noon – 4 p.m., otherwise open for scheduled programs, 37374 Miles Rd. Bentleyville 44022 South Chagrin Reservation 13 • Summer Photo Hike 13 • Adirondack Picnic Basket Workshop 13 • Second Saturday Storytelling 14 • Look About Lodge Summer Concert: Back 9-Par 4 19 • Squaw Rock Hike & Picnic 20 • Nature Writing: Pollen Party 20 • Nature-ology: Butterflies and Moths 21 • Look About Lodge Summer Concert: Nightbreeze 26 • Nature Journaling at Night 26 • Moths Under Moonlight 28 • Look About Lodge Summer Concert: GeezeCats Cleveland Natural Science Club 20 • Feather, Furs and Scales

(WSC) Watershed Stewardship Center Open daily 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 2277 West Ridgewood Drive, Parma 44134 440-887-1968 12 • Friday Film

(WCR) West Creek Reservation

(HiR) Hinckley Reservation

5 • 27 For Women Only 20 • Extreme Hiking 22 • American Red Cross Junior Lifeguarding 26 • Evening Voyageur Canoe Paddle 28 • Voyageur Canoe Paddle

(RRNC) Rocky River Nature Center

Group Programming For information on group programs, call any Cleveland Metroparks nature or visitor center.

Outdoor Adventures Outdoor Recreation is year-round. For details about trips, skill classes or other recreational activities. visit clevelandmetroparks.com.

4 • Interdependence Day Hike 6 • Dragons, Damsels, and Butterflies 12 • Pond Exploration 13 • Chubs, Shiners and Dace 18 • Birds, Bugs, Bats & Weather 21 • Monthly Bird Survey 24 • Moth Night 27 • Meadow Sparklers


Events Calendar 1 • Monday Wellness Walk

Get your exercise in early! Meet fellow walkers for a naturalist-led wellness hike for your health. We’ll engage in a brisk walk while enjoying the changing scenery of Garfield Park Reservation’s urban forest habitat. 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. GPNC Terrain: moderate, some hills and stairs, 2 – 2.5 miles Hunt of the Month: Sun

Summer is here and so is the sunshine! We have hidden 20 suns throughout the center. Stop inside CanalWay Center to cool off and look for the suns. Through July 31. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. CWC Stuart Pearl Photography

These photos capture amazing glimpses of downtown and highlight the beauty of our city. Bridges, buildings and sculptures all come together to form our remarkable city, but rarely do we stop to really look at them. Through August 31. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. CWC

Cleveland Metroparks Maps Visit clevelandmetroparks.com for maps of Cleveland Metroparks 17 reservations. Or, call 216-635-3200 and request a Pathfinder Map and Guide.

Cleveland Metroparks Photography Club East Animal, Vegetable, Mineral….”S” is For…

From songbirds to salamanders, sandstone to spider… you get the picture. Now show us three of your nature related best. 8 – 10 p.m. NCNC

2 • Tuesday Little Explorers: Busy Bees (see 7/1 for details)

3 • Wednesday Storytime at the Arboretum

Bring the kids out to South Chagrin Arboretum for a story and some nature-play each Wednesday this month! Come early or stay late to

enjoy fun in the great outdoors. Weather permitting. 10:30 a.m. SCR The Arboretum 440-247-7075

4 • Thursday Red, White, and Blue Hike

Before you head off to your picnics, join us at the nature center for a fun hike in search of wildlife that is red, white, or blue.Earn credit for a Walking Works walk, 10 – 11:15 a.m. RRNC Terrain: mostly flat, some stairs, 1.5 miles Interdependence Day Hike

Everyday, in so many ways, we depend on nature. This hike along streamsides, meadow and woods will focus on the amazing interdependencies that are part of our natu-

ral environment. This experience is guaranteed to make you take fewer things for granted! 10 – 11:30 a.m. WCR Watershed Stewardship Center parking lot Terrain: on-trail, 2 miles

5 • Friday For Women Only

Come join other women for exercise and camaraderie as we recharge after a busy week. This strenuous hike will take us along Hinckley Lake then up through magnificent Whipp’s Ledges and back. Bring a water bottle and a friend. 10 a.m. – noon HiR Hinckley Lake Boathouse Ages: adult women Terrain: difficult, rocky, 3.5 miles 440-526-1012

Gallery Wall: Frank Sliwa

Stop in and see local artist Frank Sliwa capture scenes of summer fun in the park through watercolor expression. Through July 31. 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. RRNC Little Explorers Busy Bees

Have a humming good time discovering how bees live and why they are very important to many plants in this handson program. 10 – 11:15 a.m. or 1 – 2 p.m. RRNC Ages: 3 – 5 with adult Terrain: some steps, 0.5 mile Register June 21 – 28 440-734-6660 or clevelandmetroparks.com


CanalWay Cart Tours Northern Route

Family Friday Night – Wild and Wonderful Wetlands

Have you wanted to walk to the end of our trail, but the distance was too far? Or wondered about the history of the area? Join us for one of these tours focusing on the natural and cultural history of our reservation. Each tour accommodates seven passengers. 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. or noon – 1 p.m. CWC Fee: $5 Register beginning June 25 216-206-1000 or clevelandmetroparks.com

Wetlands are habitats that are important for flood control and a variety of animals use them to find food and raise their young. Explore a wetland with dip nets and see for yourself what lives in these interesting places. Wettable shoes and clothing recommended. 7 – 8 p.m. NCNC Terrain: easy, wet

Tree Folklore and Hike

Visit a bird banding research station in action for an upclose encounter with some of your favorite birds, some of which travel up to 3,000 miles to nest here. Follow the sign by the Lower 40 Loop Trail. Cancelled if raining. 7 – 11 a.m. OECR 216-206-1000

Join Naturalist Foster Brown on a hike through Brecksville Reservation, enjoying the cool shade provided by deciduous giants. This hike will be full of fun folklore facts and fascination about these broad-leaf beauties. 1 – 2:30 p.m. BNC Ages: adults, families Terrain: slow-paced, hills, 1 – 1.5 miles

6 • Saturday MAPS Bird Banding

Hidden Story Hike

Join Naturalist John Miller for a hike through the Tall Grass Prairie to enjoy the great diversity and beauty of the flowers, insects and birds.

Boating on Hinckley Lake



Emerald Necklace, July 2013

We will then retreat to cooler habitats to explore the diversity of the forest and a small stream. 9 – 10:30 a.m. BNC Terrain: moderate, some steps, 1.5 miles CanalWay Cart Tours Southern Route

Have you wanted to walk to the end of our trail, but the distance was too far? Or wondered about the history of the area? Join us for one of these tours focusing on the natural and cultural history of our reservation. Each tour accommodates seven passengers. 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. or noon – 1 p.m. CWC Fee: $5 Register beginning June 25 216-206-1000 or clevelandmetroparks.com Dragons, Damsels, and Butterflies

Amberwings, jewelwings, skippers and more! Your backyard reservation is loaded with colorful insects that you may have never noticed before. Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield on a net-swinging

journey through fields, pond edges, and open forests to get up close with winged creatures on this summer bug fest. 10:30 a.m. – noon WSC Terrain: paved and off-trail, 1.5 miles In-Seine for Fish

Find out what lives below the surface of the water as we catch fish in the Chagrin River using seine nets. We’ll look for northern hog suckers, greenside darters and other interesting native species. Wear wettable shoes and clothing and be prepared to have fun. If you are a Kids Club member bring along your passport. 1 – 2:30 p.m. NCR Rogers Road parking lot Terrain: wet, slippery, 0.5 mile Nature in the Summer

Join Naturalist Erika Smeader for nature fun in the summer. We will look for summer wildflowers and critters around West Channel pond. 2 – 3 p.m. RRNC Terrain: may be muddy, 1 mile

Cool Off in Euclid Creek

Beat the summer heat by cooling off in Euclid Creek. Get your feet wet while searching for creek critters. We’ll use dip nets and other equipment to capture and observe these critters up close. Wear enclosed wettable shoes. 2 – 3:30 p.m. ECR Highland Picnic Area parking lot Ages: 6 years & over with adult Terrain: wet, slippery, 0.5 – 1 mile 440-473-3370

7 • Sunday Teacher Workshop: Pets in the Classroom

Earn contact hours while discovering how a classroom pet can help enhance your curriculum. Lesson topics, animal care, and tips for keeping costs down will all be covered. After a lecture, we’ll get hands-on and learn how to set up an animal habitat from scratch. Noon – 3 p.m. RRNC Fee: $3 Register by July 3 440-734-6660 or clevelandmetroparks.com Creek Walk

Enjoy the cool water as we hike a section of Tinker’s Creek. Wear shoes and clothes to get wet as we will be in the water exploring the banks and turning rocks in search of salamanders. 1:30 – 3 p.m. BeR Bridal Veil Falls parking lot Terrain: moderate, wet rocks 216-341-3152 Coaster Hike

Prepare yourself for an invigorating hike that will get your blood pumping. We’ll trek the hilliest trails of North Chagrin Reservation going up and down and around the bends while taking in scenic vistas of the forest. Bring along a water bottle and your sense of adventure. 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. NCNC Ages: adults Terrain: hills, dirt trails, 4 miles

Hiking in Mill Stream Run Reservation

Big Year: Reptiles & Fish

When Look About Lodge opened in 1938, a popular activity was keeping lists of what was seen when hiking. Join us in creating a nature list for our 75th anniversary during this year-long series. This month will highlight the reptiles and fish of South Chagrin Reservation. Please wear clothes and shoes that can get wet. 4:30 – 6 p.m. SCR Jackson Field parking lot Terrain: slow-paced, 1.5 miles Lightning In a Bottle

Come to Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation to learn about our firefly friends. We will catch some fireflies for a closer look and then release the lightning bugs when we are done. Bring a clear plastic bottle. No glass please. 7 – 8 p.m. CWC Terrain: paved, 1.5 miles

8 • Monday Junior Explorers: Birds, Birds, Birds

Why are birds interesting, beautiful and exciting. Find out in this 2-day program for Explorers who are 8 or 9 years old. Must attend both days. 10 a.m. – noon RRNC Ages: 8 – 9 years Register June 26 – July 5 440-734-6660 or clevelandmetroparks.com

Cuyahoga Astronomical Association Travel to the Stars - Fact and Fiction

Enjoy a fun and fact-filled exploration of interstellar travel through books and film with Tim Campbell. Review how writers of fiction imagine that humans could reach the stars, and the actual problems and possibilities that would face a real Captain Kirk. 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. RRNC Wellness Walk (see 7/1 for details)

9 • Tuesday Hiking for the Young at Heart

Join Naturalist Kelly McGinnis for a hike through the woods of Brecksville Reservation. 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. BrR Oak Grove Picnic Area Ages: adults Terrain: hills, 3 – 3.5 miles Junior Explorers: Birds, Birds, Birds (see 7/8 for details)

10 • Wednesday

Storytime at the Arboretum (see 7/3 for details)

11 • Thursday Stinchcomb Concert Series: Joe Bell and The Swing Lizards

Bring your friends and family to hear the award winning swing, jump blues, soul and funk of Joe Bell and The Swing Lizards. You’ll need a blanket or lawn chairs. Parking is limited on-site. Ride your bike or our shuttle from Scenic Park Marina or Memorial Field. 6 – 8 p.m. RRR Stinchcomb Memorial 440-734-6660

12 • Friday Pond Exploration

Put on your boots, some pants that can be muddy, and let’s get dipping. Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield as we scour the wetlands and West Creek itself for frogs, toads, salamanders, dragonflies, fishes and more! 10:30 a.m. – noon WSC Ages: adults, families Terrain: paved and off-trail, 1.5 miles

Summer Concert: Victor Samalot

6:30 – 8 p.m. GPNC

(see page 6 for details)


Naturepiece Theatre: Buzzing Bees

Join the Naturepiece Theatre puppets as they swarm into the life of bees. Explore the life of a honeybee with indoor activities and crafts. Then buzz outside to discover other bees and wasps. 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. NCNC Ages: 6 years & under with adult Terrain: some off trail, 0.25 mile Registration required 440-473-3370 or clevelandmetroparks.com Cedar Valley Square Dance

Square, Round and Line dances provide fun and exercise for all ages. Frank Koenig teaches the steps before each dance. Bring your family and friends and be ready to make rhythmic tracks on the lawn at Frostville. We’ll move inside if it rains. 7:30 – 9 p.m. RRR Frostville Museum 440-734-6660 Friday Film

This double-feature begins with From Trash to Treasure:

West Creek Urban Wetlands Project. Following this fascinating look at West Creek’s history, we’ll be showing the documentary, Tapped, taking us inside the bottled water industry. 7:30 – 9 p.m. WSC CanalWay Cart Tours Southern Route (see 7/6 for details)

13 • Saturday Lake Abram Stroll

Did you know that Middleburg was once the onion capital of the United States? Enjoy a leisurely stroll with Naturalist Sharon Hosko to learn all the interesting history and stories of the Lake Abram area. 8 – 10 a.m. BCR Eastland Road Trailhead Terrain: flat, paved, 2 miles 440-526-1012 Monthly Morning with the Birds

Meet Naturalist Ken Gober for our monthly hike to survey bird activity near Rocky River Nature Center. We’ll be looking for this year’s young

along with the adults. Bring binoculars and a bird guide. 8 – 11 a.m. RRR Rocky River Nature Center parking lot Terrain: some stairs, 1.75 miles 440-734-6660 Summer Photo Hike

Hike the hills, shady forests, and stream edges on a summer morning. Bring your camera to capture the seasonal sights. 9 – 11 a.m. SCR Look About Lodge Terrain: slow-paced, hills, 1 mile Adirondack Picnic Basket Workshop

Get ready for the picnic season by weaving your own picnic basket. The basket measures 10.5” x 14” x 8” with a hinged wooden lid. Bring a lunch. 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Fee: $65 Register by July 3 440-247-7075 or clevelandmetroparks.com

Dragonflies, Damselflies, Butterflies, and Birds

Join Naturalist Beth Whiteley as we travel to the beautiful grounds of Calvary Cemetery. We will be looking for a variety of dragonfly, damselfly, butterfly, and bird species that use this 400-acre oasis as their summer breeding and feeding grounds. Carpooling required. 10 – 11:30 a.m. GPNC 216-341-3152 Chubs, Shiners and Dace

Put on your boots, some pants that can be muddy and wet, and let’s go “fishing”! Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield as we scour West Creek for small fishes, crayfish, cool insects, and everything that calls West Creek home. Small nets provided. 10:30 a.m. – noon WSC Ages: adults, families Terrain: paved and off-trail, 1.5 miles Voyageur Canoe Paddle

Here is your chance to paddle a 34-foot canoe with Cleveland Metroparks historical interpreters. This historic adventure is full of song, story, and lessons of the Great Lakes Fur Trade. Eighteen passengers can join our crew on this hour-long paddle. 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 2 p.m., and 3:30 p.m. MSRR Wallace Lake Ages: individuals, families, groups Fee: $5 Registration required 440-786-8530 Bike to the Harshaw and the Steel Heritage Center

Doug Kusak leads a bicycle adventure covering canal history, Harshaw Chemical and an overview of the steel making process at Steel Heritage Center. Helmet required. Noon – 3 p.m. CWC Ages: adults, 10 years & over with adult Terrain: paved, 8 miles of bicycling at moderate pace Register beginning July 1 216-206-1000 or clevelandmetroparks.com

Painted lady



Emerald Necklace, July 2013

Nature Journaling

Summer Book Review

Take a deep breath of nature, and appreciate the signs of the season as we venture out on the trail. We will reflect on what we have seen through art and writing in a journal of our creation. You may want to bring your camera. 1 – 3 p.m. SCR Jackson Field parking lot Ages: 12 years – adult Fee: $15 first time only Terrain: slow-paced, 1 mile Register by July 10 440-247-7075 or clevelandmetroparks.com

Join Naturalist Joni Norris and the Rocky River Readers for a review of Wesley the Owl by Stacey O’Brien. Stacey writes comically and poetically about her barn owl, Wesley. Listeners are always welcome. 2 – 4 p.m. RRNC Ages: adults

Second Saturday Storytelling

Join us for a variety of story types and storytelling styles. From historical to personal true stories, from literary fiction to folk tales, tonight’s variety will have something for every listener. 7:30 - 9 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge 440-734-6660 MAPS Bird Banding (see 7/6 for details) CanalWay Cart Tours Northern Route (see 7/5 for details)

14 • Sunday Natural Crafts: Nature Book

Make a beautiful book using the Coptic binding method to use as a nature journal. Artist Amy Fishbach will instruct. All materials are supplied. 1 – 3 p.m. RRNC Ages: adults Fee: $10 Register by July 12 440-734-6660 or clevelandmetroparks.com Boy Scout Merit Badge Class: Reptiles and Amphibians

Start working on earning a new badge with a naturalist and merit badge counselor. We will complete many, but not all, components for this badge. Must be a Boy Scout to participate. 1 – 3 p.m. RRNC Register by July 10 440-734-6660 or clevelandmetroparks.com

Summer Night Flashers

Lightning bugs, aka fireflies, are one of summer’s wonders. Join Naturalist Gretchen Motts to discover what makes them so interesting. Bring a plastic jar to catch several fireflies. We’ll have a ceremony when we release ones we captured. 8:15 – 9:15 p.m. RRR Lagoon Picnic Area Ages: children 3 & over with adult Terrain: flat, 0.5 mile Register July 8 – 12 440-734-6660 or clevelandmetroparks.com Voyageur Canoe Paddle (see 7/13 for details) Look About Lodge Summer Concert: Back9Par4 (see page 6 for details)

15 • Monday Cleveland Metroparks Photography Club East Life at the Water’s Edge… Naturally

Flora or fauna, but it has to be living and it has to be nature. Showing the water is optional and showing three photos is just peachy. 8 – 10 p.m. NCNC Wellness Walk (see 7/1 for details)

16 • Tuesday Stroller Science

Today the little ones will get to peek at a pond and marsh to see who’s hiding under the duckweed and floating logs. Will we see a beaver or a turtle? Join us and find out. Wear wettable shoes just in case. 10:15 – 11:15 a.m. NCNC Ages: 2 years & under with adult Terrain: paved trail, pond and marsh edges, 0.5 mile

Bridal Veil Falls in Bedford Reservation

17 • Wednesday Summer Concert: The Western Reserve Community Band (see page 6 for details) Storytime at the Arboretum (see 7/3 for details)

18 • Thursday Stroller School: Moon Day

Did you know that on July 20, 1969, American astronauts landed on the moon? Moon Day is just a couple of days away so let’s celebrate with a walk, story, and activities all about the moon. All children must be in a stroller. 10 – 11 a.m. CWC Ages: 2 and under with adult Register beginning July 1 216-206-1000 or clevelandmetroparks.com

Summer Morning Stroll

Come take a short hike through beautiful Garfield Park Reservation with Naturalist Beth Whiteley. We will enjoy the sights and sounds of this urban forest as we try to beat the heat of the day. 10 – 11 a.m. GPNC Bike Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation

Doug Kusak and Jill Hauger discuss the local nature and history as we bike along Ohio & Erie Canal. Meet us at Harvard Rd, bike to Rockside and back. Limited rentals available. Call for details. Bring money for ice cream. Helmet required 5:30 – 9 p.m. OECR Harvard Rd. parking lot Terrain: all purpose trail, 12 miles Register beginning July 1 216-206-1000 or clevelandmetroparks.com 27

Stinchcomb Concert Series: Hillbilly IDOL Trio

Bring your friends and family to hear the Town and Country music of the Hillbilly IDOL Trio. You’ll need a blanket or lawn chairs to sit on the lawn. Parking is limited on-site. Ride your bike or our shuttle from Scenic Park Marina or Memorial Field. Free. 6 – 8 p.m. RRR Stinchcomb Memorial 440-734-6660 Birds, Bugs, Bats & Weather

Get ready for fall bird migration by learning how weather plays a role in animal migration, and how birds are seen on night-time radar. Learn the secrets of predicting a good day of birding by watching the weather. Jen Brumfield will share her experience of birding Ohio’s northeast coast in fall. 7 – 8:30 p.m. WSC Ages: adults, families

19 • Friday Squaw Rock Hike & Picnic

Relive the history of Squaw Rock on this hike and picnic. We will start at Look About Lodge and hike to Squaw Rock and see what the season has to offer. Once there we will sit down by the river for a picnic before returning to Look About Lodge. Pack your own meal and blanket. 5:30 – 8 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Terrain: hills, mixed surfaces, 3 miles Register by July 17 440-247-7075 or clevelandmetroparks.com Campout in the Park

Have you ever dreamed of camping in North Chagrin Reservation? Now is your chance to make this dream come true. Join us Friday evening to set up tents and participate in some outdoor activities. Saturday morning we’ll enjoy a continental breakfast before packing up to go home. If you are a Kids



Club member, bring along your passport. More information will be given upon registration. 7 p.m. – 8 a.m. NCR Ages: 6 years & over with an adult Fee: $5 per person Registration required 440-473-3370 or clevelandmetroparks.com

20 • Saturday Extreme Hiking

Let’s go for an adventure together! Join Naturalist Pam Taylor as we hit the trails of Hinckley Reservation. Be prepared for water as we may head right downstream. 8 – 11:30 a.m. HiR Hinckley Lake Boathouse parking lot Terrain: hills and creek crossings, 6 – 7 miles 440-526-1012 Morning Blooms

Before the heat of the day takes over enjoy a relaxing stroll along the all purpose trail. We’ll spend time around several meadows searching for native summer wildflowers and insects that pollinate, hunt and hide near their blooms. 9 – 10:30 a.m. NCR Strawberry Picnic Area parking lot Terrain: paved trail, some off trail, 2 miles Artists of the Emerald Necklace

Are you an artist inspired by nature? Come to draw and paint with us in the park on a summer morning. Bring your favorite art supplies and a snack. Good company provided. Weather permitting. 9 – 11 a.m. SCR Sulphur Springs Picnic Area Ages: adults Nature Writing: Pollen Party

In meadows, flowers unveil their brilliant colors, attracting bees and butterflies to their nectar and pollen. Discover how insects, birds, wind, and gravity are all important guests at the summer pollen party. Writers

Emerald Necklace, July 2013

Jenny Clark and Linda Tuthill will lead us through writing prompts. 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Ages: 16 years – adult Fee: $25 Terrain: easy, 0.5 mile Register by July 17 440-247-7075 or clevelandmetroparks.com Woodlands of Bedford: Deerlick Creek Adventure

Volunteer Naturalist Fred Losi will guide an in-stream exploration of Deerlick Creek. Three beautiful waterfalls will be encountered: Fishbowl, Bridal Veil and Quarry Falls. Wettable footwear is a must as we slowly explore this isolated tributary of Tinker’s Creek. Please carry a camera to capture the many views of remote Bedford Reservation. Noon – 4 p.m. BeR Lost Meadows Upper parking area Terrain: water, rugged, hills, strenuous 216-341-3152 Nature-ology: Butterflies and Moths

Come and learn about scalywinged insects. We will begin inside and carpool to a field to look for lepidopterans. 1 – 3 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Ages: 12 years – adult Register by July 17 440-247-7075 or clevelandmetroparks.com Acoustic Players Circle

Join this well established player’s circle to swap songs, chords and styles of playing. Professional abilities not needed, just a desire to have fun and learn from fellow musicians. Listeners are always welcome. Theme for the month: Silly Songs. 1 – 3 p.m. CWC Volunteer to Adopt-A-Beach

A great hands-on way for businesses, schools, community groups, families and individuals to care for our Great Lake! Adopters remove litter

and conduct science-based beach health assessments. Data collected is used to evaluate existing conditions and make a change for the better. 1 – 3 p.m. HuR Huntington Beach Water Tower Terrain: stairs, sand, 0.25 mile 440-331-8111 Feathers, Furs, and Scales

What animals are covered with feathers? What animals are born with fur or scales? Meet several Lake Farmpark Wildlife Center residents and learn many facts about the lives of Ohio’s animals. Join us after for our summer picnic. Food provided by Cleveland Natural Science Club. 4:30 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Thunder Moon Hike

Tonight we’ll greet the Thunder Moon while we surround ourselves with the sights and sounds of nature at night. Your senses will become heightened as we explore North Chagrin Reservation at night. No flashlights please. Earn credit for a Walking Works walk, 7:30 – 9 p.m. NCR Strawberry Picnic Area parking lot Terrain: hill, dirt trails, stairs, 2 miles BrookStock (see page 6 for details) MAPS Bird Banding (see 7/6 for details)

21 • Sunday Monthly Bird Survey

Join us for a monthly bird survey of West Creek Reservation. This survey will track progress of restoration efforts utilizing birds as one measure. We will stop at designated sites to look, listen and record all bird species. This will provide training for anyone interested in assisting in future breeding bird surveys. 8 – 10 a.m. WSC Ages: adults, teens Terrain: easy, 1.5 – 2 miles

Women Only Ride with Coffee

Ladies, take a leisurely morning bike ride from CanalWay Center to Rockside Road and back. Enjoy a cup of coffee and pastry upon your return. Limited bikes are available for rent. Inquire when registering. Helmet required. 9 – 11 a.m. CWC Ages: 12 and older (under 16 with an adult) Fee: $4 Terrain: all purpose trail, one hill, 8 miles Register beginning July 1 216-206-1000 or clevelandmetroparks.com River Poets

Join Naturalist Joni Norris as we read outstanding nature poets. If you are inclined, please bring a sample of your own poetry to share with others. Several examples of nature poems will be provided. Noon – 1 p.m. RRNC Ages: adults Mini Raft Race

Spend some quality time with the kids. You will make a miniature raft from natural materials found in the woods. Then we will head down to Chippewa Creek to race our rafts. Be prepared to get wet! 1 – 2:30 p.m. BrR Plateau Picnic Area Ages: families Terrain: slippery, 0.5 mile Nature a la Carte: Butterflies

Looking for an activity to do with your children today? Meet near Rocky River Nature Center’s fireplace for butterfly activities. 2 – 4 p.m. RRNC Look About Lodge Summer Concert: NightBreeze (see page 6 for details)

22 • Monday American Red Cross Junior Lifeguarding

This 5-day program gives young adults a jumpstart into a lifeguarding job. It provides a foundation in aquatic knowledge, leadership, attitudes and a variety of lifesav-

Sleepy Hollow Golf Course

ing skills. Call for prerequisites in order to qualify for this workshop. 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. HiR Ledge Pool & Recreation Area Ages: 11 – 15 years Fee: $58 ($38 Ledge Pool Season Pass Holder) Register by July 19 440-331-8111 Books Alive! The Beaded Moccasins Part 1

The capture of 12-year-old Mary Campbell by Delaware Indians is a remarkable true story by Lynda Durrant. Mary’s experiences during her stay along the Cuyahoga River will be brought to life in this program with Naturalist Kathy Schmidt. Participation in Part 2 is required (see July 23). 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. RRNC Ages: 8 – 12 years Terrain: flat, 0.5 mile Register by July 19 440-734-6660 or clevelandmetroparks.com Full Moon Hike

Tonight is a great night to chase after some nocturnal wildlife. Let’s see if we can catch the beaver swimming in the pond, or find some katydids calling from the tall grass. The summer evenings

come alive as the sun goes down! 8 – 9:30 p.m. RRNC Terrain: mostly flat, some stairs, 1.5 miles Register by July 20 440-734-6660 or clevelandmetroparks.com Wellness Walk (see 7/1 for details)

23 • Tuesday Books Alive! The Beaded Moccasins Part 2

We will meet at Mary Campbell Cave in Gorge Metro Park, Summit County Parks, to see where Mary Campbell lived. Participation in Part 1 is required. 9:30 – 11 a.m. Ages: 8 – 12 years Terrain: hilly, 1.5 miles Register by July 19 440-734-6660 or clevelandmetroparks.com Concert in the Park

Relax and listen to this free outdoor concert performed by the Hillcrest Concert Band and the Bedford Community Band. For your comfort, bring along a lawn chair, insect repellent and a cool beverage. Accessible to all. 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. NCR Forest Picnic Area parking lot

24 • Wednesday Salamander Hunt

Join Naturalist Valerie Fetzer on an adventure through Mill Stream Run Reservation. We’ll search under every nook and cranny in search of stream-dwelling salamanders. If we’re lucky, we will find other amphibians as well. Wear shoes and clothes that can get wet and muddy. 2:30 – 4 p.m. MSRR Royalview Trailhead Ages: 7 – 10 years with adult Register by July 22 440-734-6660 or clevelandmetroparks.com Moth Night!

Your backyard reservation is loaded with colorful and phenomenal insects that you may have never noticed before. Join naturalist Jen Brumfield on a nocturnal adventure to get up close with moths - the butterflies of the night. Come celebrate National Moth Week! Participants must have a flashlight. 8:45 - 10 p.m. WSC Terrain: some paved trails, some off trail, 1.5 miles Summer Concert: The Raybans (see page 6 for details) Storytime at the Arboretum (see 7/3 for details)


25 • Thursday Urban Explorations: Gordon Square to Westerly

Hike with Doug Kusak through Gordon Square Arts District to our 2-hour tour of the Westerly Wastewater Treatment Plant. It’s a walk flush with history en route to learning the history of your flush. 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Ages: adult with photo ID Fee: $5 Terrain: pavement, gravel hill and NEORSD plant, 3 miles Register beginning July 1 216-206-1000 or clevelandmetroparks.com Summer Serendipity

Join a naturalist for a hike around Cleveland Lakefront Nature Preserve. This 88-acre wild space near the city is in full summer growth. Come and see great views of the city, some nesting birds, and a few summer wildflowers. 10 – 11:30 a.m. LR Gordon Park Cleveland Lakefront Management Office Register beginning July 1 216-341-9228 or clevelandmetroparks.com

Play Outside at Acacia Reservation

Bring the kids and join a naturalist at Acacia Reservation to enjoy some exploring and summer playtime outdoors! Weather permitting. 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. AR 440-247-7075 Stinchcomb Concert Series: Brigid’s Cross

Bring your friends and family to hear the fun Irish, blues, rock and roll of Brigid’s Cross. You’ll need a blanket or lawn chairs to sit on the lawn. Parking is limited onsite. Ride your bike or our shuttle from Scenic Marina or Memorial Field. 6 – 8 p.m. RRR Stinchcomb Memorial 440-734-6660

26 • Friday Grasshopper Safari

Bring your favorite grown-up and help us hunt through the meadow for grasshoppers! We will use sweep nets to catch, study and release these fascinating creatures. Back at the nature center we will do grasshopper-themed activities

and make a fun grasshopper craft! 1 – 2:30 p.m. GPNC Ages: 4 – 7 with adult Registration required 216-341-3152 or clevelandmetroparks.com

National Moth Week. We will be indoors and outdoors. 9 – 11 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Register by July 24 440-247-7075 or clevelandmetroparks.com

Evening Voyageur Canoe Paddle

CanalWay Cart Tours Northern Route (see 7/5 for details)

Here is your chance to paddle a 34-foot canoe with Cleveland Metroparks historical interpreters. This evening’s historic adventure is full of song, story, and lessons of the Great Lakes Fur Trade. Eighteen passengers can join our crew on this hour-long paddle. 6 p.m., 7:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. HiR Hinckley Lake Ages: individuals, families, groups Fee: $5 Registration required 440-786-8530 Nature Journaling at Night

Bring your journal to this special night-journaling program. We will look and listen for nocturnal animals and explore nature after dark. We will be indoors and outdoors. 7 – 9 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Ages: 12 years – adult Register by July 24 440-247-7075 or clevelandmetroparks.com Family Friday Night: Insect Songsters

Midsummer is the time when insect songs become noticeable even in your own neighborhoods. You’ll have an opportunity to catch and then release these small songsters allowing for a closer look. 7:30 - 9 p.m. NCNC Terrain: uneven, field, 1 mile Moths Under Moonlight

As the sky darkens, moths emerge to feed and breed. Learn about the nocturnal insects we seldom see as we continue our celebration of

Whitetail deer in Brecksville Reservation



Emerald Necklace, July 2013

Cedar Valley Square Dance (see 7/12 for details)

27 • Saturday Tour de Emerald Necklace

Join our second pedal as we make our way around the Emerald Necklace. Promoting health and wellness in body and mind, we will stop at points of interest to discuss cultural and natural history. Mill Stream Run Reservation will be our highlighted area. 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. MSRR Wallace Lake parking lot Terrain: gentle hills, Valley Parkway Drive, 30 miles Registration required 440-786-8530 Dog Hike

Bring your best friend to the park for some exercise and socialization. We’ll hike the wooded trails of North Chagrin Reservation. Dogs must be leashed. 10 – 11:30 a.m. NCNC Terrain: moderate, hills, 2 – 3 miles Meadow Sparklers

Take a warm weather walk to see which plants are sparkling on West Creek Reservation’s reclaimed landfill and in the Watershed Stewardship Center’s landscaping. You’ll learn about the benefits of native plants, and how to use them in your home landscape. 10 – 11:45 a.m. WSC Ages: adults, families Terrain: mostly on-trail, 1.5 miles

Summer Exploration

Join a naturalist to explore the summer woods south of Mastick Picnic area. Meet at the small shelter by the river. 10 a.m. – noon RRR South Mastick Picnic Area Terrain: level, some off-trail 440-734-6660 Scales on the Trails: Butterfly and Moth Hike

Hiding amidst the flowers and leaves are creatures with long tongues, four wings, and flashy scales. Discover the habits and habitats of our butterflies and day-flying moths. 10 a.m. – noon SCR Old Field parking lot Terrain: flat, brushy, 2 miles Insects Around Us

Butterflies, dragonflies and grasshoppers are a few of the fun insects we may find on our walk today. Join Naturalist Erika Smeader to learn about some of these fascinating insects. 1 – 2 p.m. RRNC Terrain: may be muddy, 1 mile Make, Take, and Play: Old Fashioned Toys

Meet Cultural History Interpreter Karen Lakus at the playground near Settlers Landing Picnic Area. Decorate a fun old-fashioned toy to take home. Stay and play with a variety of toys from the past while you enjoy the summer afternoon. 1 – 2 p.m. OECR Settlers Landing Picnic Area Pop-Up Program: Insects

Stop at CanalWay Center to find where in the reservation Jill (our naturalist) will PopUp. Today we will be investigating insects. Meet me along the trail to see what insects are found here. 3 – 4 p.m. CWC Cinema Saturday Night – Alaska Double Feature

Wild Alaska evokes images of incredible wildlife, majestic mountains and untamed lands. Enjoy an introduction to Alaska’s 16 national wildlife refuges, followed

by a close-up exploration of the isolated and vast Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. Doors open at 7 p.m. 7:30 – 9 p.m. RRNC Ages: families with older children, adults Night Hike

Experience the beauty of Bedford Reservation as the sun sets and darkness descends upon the forest. This will be a night for all ages to enjoy! 8:30 – 10 p.m. BeR Terrain: some slopes, 1 – 1.5 miles Bridal Veil Falls parking lot Register beginning July 1 216-341-3152 or clevelandmetroparks.com For Women Only (see 7/5 for details)

28 • Sunday Summer Morning Stroll

Beat the heat and get out early this morning. We’ll start at the nature center and wind our way up, down, and around the hills hugging the Rocky River on this quickpaced hike. 7 – 9 a.m. RRNC Terrain: steep hills, wet areas, 4 miles Pollination Nation

Join Naturalist Erika Smeader to learn about pollinators and the flowers that they pollinate. 11 a.m. – noon RRNC Terrain: may be muddy, 1 mile Voyageur Canoe Paddle

Here is your chance to paddle a 34-foot canoe with Cleveland Metroparks historical interpreters. This historic adventure is full of song, story, and lessons of the Great Lakes Fur Trade. Eighteen passengers can join our crew on this hour-long paddle. 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 2 p.m., and 3:30 p.m. HiR Hinckley Lake Ages: individuals, families, groups Fee: $5 Registration required 440-786-8530

Old Time Natives

This hike will take us to areas where you can see Ohio’s two native evergreen trees; the eastern hemlock and white pine. You’ll learn about their history and uses. 1 – 3 p.m. NCNC Terrain: slight hill, 3 miles Live Hive and Beekeeping

30 • Tuesday Beat the Heat Hike

Enjoy the shade of the forest and the sound of tumbling water on this morning hike through Bedford Reservation. We’ll walk the ridge overlooking Tinker’s Creek before heading down hill to take a closer look.

Learn about beekeeping and the nutritional benefits of a hive with beekeeper Kristopher. Related products available for purchase. 1 – 2 p.m. RRNC

7:30 – 8:30 a.m. BeR Egbert Picnic Area Terrain: moderate, steep hill, 1.5 miles 216-341-3152

School of the Wilds: Ohio Butterflies

Grandparents are invited to bring a grandchild (or two) to a special picnic at the Lagoon Shelter in Rocky River Reservation. There will be games, special activities and a short hike, before we enjoy burgers and dogs provided by Rocky River Nature Center’s Trailside Volunteers. 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. RRR Lagoon Picnic Area Ages: 4 – 8 with grandparent(s) Terrain: mostly flat, 0.5 mile Register July 22 – 28 440-734-6660

Ohio Lepidopterist Susan Gallagher has been monitoring butterfly populations in Northeast Ohio for many years. During that time she has noticed some species thriving and some merely surviving. After her talk, we will take the nets to Lewis Meadow for hands-on learning. 2 – 5 p.m. RRNC Look About Lodge Summer Concert: GeezeCats (see page 6 for details)

29 • Monday Animals of the Canal Hike

Bring your family and friends to Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation for an afternoon hike. We will meet at CanalWay Center and take a short hike along the canal to learn about some of the animals that live there. 3 – 4 p.m. CWC

A “Grand” Picnic

31 • Wednesday Storytime at the Arboretum (see 7/ 3 for details)

Cleveland Metroparks is proud to serve the following products.

Wellness Walk (see 7/1 for details) Nature a la Carte: Butterflies

1 – 3 p.m. RRNC (see 7/21 for details)


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Cleveland Metroparks Directory Administrative Offices

216-635-3200/general Cleveland Metroparks information - 24-hours a day. 4101 Fulton Parkway Cleveland, OH 44144 clevelandmetroparks.com 24-hour Job Hotline 216-635-3211 Brochures/Maps/Emerald Necklace 216-635-3200 Permits/Picnic Area Reservations 216-635-3200 Volunteer Services 216-635-3258

Ranger Headquarters

4600 Valley Parkway Fairview Park 440-331-5530

Accidents or Emergencies 440-333-4911 Parkway Alert Line (PAL) 440-331-5963

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo & The RainForest 216-661-6500/24-hour information. 3900 Wildlife Way Cleveland, OH 44109 clemetzoo.com

Office of the Zoo Executive Director 216-635-3331 Education Programs/Volunteers 216-635-3391 Travel Programs 216-661-6500 ext 4356 Marketing & Public Relations 216-635-3338 School Group Reservations 216-635-3391 Groups/Parties/Private Events/ Facility Rentals 216-635-3389 Cleveland Zoological Society 216-661-6500, ext. 4421

Outdoor Recreation 216-341-1704 Acacia Facility Acacia Reservation 26899 Cedar Road Lyndhurst Food Service/Catering: Dino’s 440-943-1010

Chalet/Tobogganing Mill Stream Run Reservation Strongsville 440-572-9990 Cross Country Ski Rental 440-331-1070 Rivergate Facility 1785 Merwin Ave Cleveland 216-341-1704 Food Service/Catering: Rivergate Café 216-664-5696


Golf Tee Reservations (24 hours) and directions, hours, fees etc. 216-635-3673 clevelandmetroparks.com Golf Services – for general course info and inquires 440-232-7247 Big Met Golf Course Rocky River Reservation 4811 Valley Parkway Fairview Park 440-331-1070 Food Service/Catering: Big Met Grille 440-333-5575 Little Met Golf Course Rocky River Reservation 18599 Old Lorain Road Cleveland 216-941-9672 Manakiki Golf Course North Chagrin Reservation 35501 Eddy Road Willoughby Hills 440-942-2500 Food Service/Catering: Sammy’s of Manakiki 800-837-5899 Mastick Woods Golf Course Rocky River Reservation 19900 Puritas Road Cleveland 216-267-5626 Food Service/Catering: Double Eagle Cafe 216-267-5626 Seneca Golf Course Brecksville Reservation 975 Valley Parkway Broadview Heights 440-526-0043 Food Service/Catering: Back 9 Grille 440-546-1555 Shawnee Hills Golf Course Bedford Reservation 18753 Egbert Road Bedford 440-232-7184 Food Service/Catering: Shawnee Hills Grille 440-786-7587 Sleepy Hollow Golf Course Brecksville Reservation 9445 Brecksville Road Brecksville 440-526-4285 Food Service/Catering: Theo’s of Sleepy Hollow 440-546-1555 Washington Golf Course Washington Reservation 3841 Washington Park Blvd. Newburgh Heights 216-641-1864 The First Tee of Cleveland 216-641-7799

Outdoor Education

Outdoor Education Administration 216-341-9225 Historical Interpretation 440-786-8530 Voyageur Canoe Paddle Wallace/Hinckley Lakes 440-786-8530 NatureTracks Education Unit/ EcoExplorers 216-341-1707 Youth Outdoors 216-206-1010

Outdoor Education Facilities CanalWay Center Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation E. 49th Street entrance Cuyahoga Heights 216-206-1000 Brecksville Nature Center Brecksville Reservation 9000 Chippewa Creek Drive Brecksville 440-526-1012 Garfield Park Nature Center Garfield Park Reservation 11350 Broadway Avenue Garfield Heights 216-341-3152 North Chagrin Nature Center North Chagrin Reservation Sunset Lane Entrance Mayfield Village 440-473-3370 Rocky River Nature Center Rocky River Reservation 24000 Valley Parkway North Olmsted 440-734-6660 Look About Lodge South Chagrin Reservation 37374 Miles Rd., east of Rt. 91 440-247-7075 Watershed Stewardship Center at West Creek West Creek Reservation 2277 W. Ridgewood Dr. Parma 440-887-1968 Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Lake Erie Nature & Science Center Bay Village 440-471-8357 Nature Shops Hinckley Lake Boathouse & Store Hinckley 330-278-2160 North Chagrin Nature Center Mayfield Village 440-449-0511 Rocky River Nature Center North Olmsted 440-734-7576 CanalWay Center Newburgh Heights 216-206-1003 Watershed Stewardship Center Parma 440-253-2170

Boating Emerald Necklace Marina Rocky River Reservation 1500 Scenic Park Drive Lakewood 216-226-3030 Food Service/Catering: Emerald Necklace Marina Grille 216-228-2233 Kayak Rentals 41° North Coastal Kayak Adventures Rocky River Reservation 1-866-529-2541 Hinckley Lake Boathouse & Store Hinckley Reservation West Drive, Hinckley Lake Hinckley Township 330-278-2160 Wallace Lake Mill Stream Run Reservation Valley Parkway, south of Bagley Road, Berea Quarry Rock Café


440-331-8111 Hotline 216-635-3383 Hinckley Lake Hinckley Reservation Hinckley Township Huntington Beach Huntington Reservation Bay Village Ledge Pool & Recreation Area Hinckley Reservation Hinckley Township Ledge Rock Café Wallace Lake Mill Stream Run Reservation Berea Quarry Rock Café

Cleveland Metroparks Affiliates and Clubs Achievement Centers for Children Camp Cheerful 440-238-6200 Mill Stream Run Reservation BAYarts Huntington Reservation 440-871-6543 www.bayarts.net Vento 440-835-4530 Brecksville Historical Society Brecksville Reservation 440-526-7165 Brecksville Stables Brecksville Reservation 440-526-6767 www.brecksvillestables.com Brooklyn Exchange Cabin Hinckley Reservation 330-577-8882 exchangecabin@gmail.com Chagrin Valley Trails and Riding Club South Chagrin Reservation 216-635-3200 Cleveland Archery Club 216-635-3200 Cleveland Natural Science Club 440-247-4005 or 440-247-0151 Hinckley Historical Society Hinckley Reservation 330-278-3159 Huntington Playhouse Huntington Reservation 440-871-8333 www.huntingtonplayhouse.com Girl Scouts of North East Ohio Intergrove Lodge 1-800-852-4474 www.gsneo.org Lake Erie Nature & Science Center Huntington Reservation 440-871-2900 www.lensc.org Olmsted Historical Society Rocky River Reservation 216-501-3345 www.olmstedhistoricalsociety.org Rocky River Stables Rocky River Reservation 216-267-2525 (lessons & boarding – no trail rides) www.valleyriding.org

Affiliates are supported, but not operationally-funded, by Cleveland Metroparks. These outstanding non-profit organizations depend on class fees, special events, benefactor initiatives, and your financial support to operate. Your contributions and volunteer service are encouraged.

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