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Nation al Simultaneous Storytime 2024!

This year’s book Bowerbird Blues is written and illustrated by Aura Parker, and published by Scholastic Australia. National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is taking place on Wednesday the 22nd of May 2024 at 12:00pm (AEST)!

Submit an Enquiry: www.cleverpatch.com.au/contact

Phone: 1300 836 522

Fax: 1300 244 139

The Patch: 9 Balbu Close, Beresfield, NSW 2322 Australia

Mail: PO Box 7, Hunter Region Mail Centre, NSW 2310 Australia

Monochrome Artwork


• Stretched Canvas Frames – Large Rectangle – Pack of 3 – 13444

• CleverPatch™ Acrylic Paint Tube Light Blue – 75ml – 16881

• CleverPatch™ Acrylic Paint Tube White – 75ml – 16886

• CleverPatch™ Acrylic Paint Tube – Dark Blue – 75ml – 16912

1. Print out the template on page 9. Shade the back of the template with a pencil. Use a small amount of pressure to ensure the graphite will transfer to your canvas.

2. Choose a few designs from the template and cut around them. Arrange them onto your canvas however you like.

5. Think about contrasting light and dark shades of blue and plan to group them near each other. Starting with dark blue first, paint sections of each design and background shapes on the canvas. Allow to dry.

• CleverPatch™ Triangular Maxi Permanent Markers – Black Pack of 12 – 16531

• Other materials required: Pencil, scissors, paint brushes, paint palette and template (page 9).

You could also choose your favourite colour to create your Monochrome Artwork!

3. Trace over the lines on a design with a pencil. You can carefully lift the paper to check the design has transferred onto the canvas. Continue tracing over the lines until all designs have been transferred. Remove the template pieces.

6. Continue painting different sections of the designs and background shapes using different shades of blue paint. Mix white with blue to create lighter shades of paint. Ensure you paint contrasting shades next to each other. Allow to dry.

4. Draw long lines across the canvas in varying directions making sure the lines go through some of your designs. The lines that intersect the designs will create new shapes within them.

7. Use a black marker to outline the designs and background shapes of your artwork. Your Monochrome Artwork is now ready to display!

Mod-Rock Bowerbird


• CleverPatch™ Mod-Rock Rolls – Approximately 1kg Pack – 10914

• Tissue Paper – Dark Blue – Pack of 5 – 11913

• Tissue Paper – Light Blue – Pack of 5 – 17592

• CleverPatch™ Gloss Finish – 240ml – 18797

• Balloons – Coloured – Pack of Approximately 100 – 10003

1. Blow up two balloons: one 15cm in diameter and the other 7cm in diameter. Tape the small balloon onto the large balloon as shown.

4. Continue this process to completely cover the surface of the balloons.

CleverTip: This is a messy process, so we recommend using paper towel to keep your area tidy or to dry your hands when needed.

• CleverPatch™ Permanent Markers – Coloured Pack of 10 – 20276

• Masking Tape – 18mm x 50m – 11774

• Other materials required: Scissors, pencil, glue brush, scrap paper, craft bowl, warm water, craft tray and paper towel.

2. Cut 30-40 strips of Mod-Rock 3cm wide and place them aside. You may need more strips depending on how many layers you cover your bird with. Use a tray as you cut the strips to catch the loose plaster.

3. Place a strip of Mod-Rock into a bowl of warm water. Remove the strip and squeeze out the excess water between your fingers. Lay the wet strip over your balloons and smooth using your finger.

5. Create a ring around the bottom of the larger balloon so the sculpture can stand. Pinch strips of Mod-Rock to make a circle then blend and smooth the plaster onto the rest of the surface to ensure the stand is secure. Bunch a few strips of Mod-Rock together and form a beak on the side of the small balloon. Blend it onto the surface to attach. Allow the Mod-Rock to dry completely.


Satin bowerbirds live in rainforests and on the edges of drier forests, along the coast and adjacent ranges of eastern Australia. They are found from Cooktown in Queensland down to Melbourne in Victoria.

6. Scrunch a few sheets of scrap paper and place on the back to create the tail. Tape the paper in place as shown.

9. Tear small pieces of light blue tissue paper. Cover the surface of your bird using the tissue paper pieces and gloss finish. Overlap the tissue paper pieces to create a decoupage effect.

M a le satin bowerbirds start their life with olive green and brown plumage, just like the females. It’s not until they are seven years old that they moult into shiny blue-black birds!

7. Cover the tail section with Mod-Rock in the same way as the rest of the body. Allow to dry completely.

10. Tear small pieces of dark blue tissue paper and cover the beak in the same way. Apply dark blue pieces over some of the patterns you have drawn. Allow to dry.

8. Sketch patterns onto your bird. You might like to add details such as eyes on the face and feathers on the wings and tail.

11. Use markers to trace around the patterns and add any extra details you would like on your bird. Your Mod-Rock Bowerbird is now ready to display!

Blue Bower Birdhouse


• 3D Wooden Birdhouses – Pack of 10 – 14418

• Turkey Feathers – Blue – Pack of 150 – 11113

• Craft Buttons – 454g Pack – 10833

• Wooden Pegs – Natural – Pack of 48 – 18698

• Pom Poms – Assorted – Pack of 150 – 16600

• Metal Bottle Tops – Pack of 250 – 16556

• CleverPatch™ Acrylic Paint Tube – White – 75ml – 16886

• CleverPatch™ Acrylic Paint Tube – Dark Blue – 75ml – 16912

• CleverPatch™ Acrylic Paint Tube – Light Blue – 75ml – 16881

• CleverPatch™ Tacky Glue – 250ml – 16494

• EverZart Permanent Pens – Black – Pack of 20 – 19810

• Other materials required: Paint brushes and palette.


Male satin bowerbirds create detailed displays called bowers, usually decorated with blue objects!

1. Construct your wooden birdhouse. Allow to dry.

CleverTip: Click here to watch our helpful assembly video.

4. Paint your pegs and metal bottle tops using different shades of blue. You can mix white with the blue paint to create lighter shades. Allow to dry.

2. Think about how you would like to decorate your birdhouse. We have chosen to paint ours white. You might like to create a pattern or paint your birdhouse using different shades of blue. Allow to dry.

5. Attach your blue objects in position using tacky glue. Allow to dry.

3. Gather all of your decorating objects. You might like to place the items on the birdhouse to see how they look together.

6. You might like to add a phrase from the book to the birdhouse with a permanent pen. We have chosen to add ‘I am a collector.’ above the opening. Your Blue Bower Birdhouse is now ready to display!

Blue Woven Basket


• Cardboard Weaving Baskets – White – Pack of 20 – 17771

• Bumper Bead Pack – 450g Pack – 10832

• Paper Raffia – Blue – 50 Metres – 12384

• Natural Raffia – Blue – 25g Pack – 18206

• Soft Yarn – Blue – 100g – 17136

• Craft Buttons – 454g Pack – 10833

• CleverPatch™ Acrylic Paint Tube – Burnt Sienna – 75ml – 16884

• Other materials required: Scissors and a paint brush.

1. Paint messy lines on your cardboard basket base using burnt sienna. Allow to dry. Flip the cardboard over and repeat for the other side. Allow to dry.

4. Fold the arms of the cardboard basket up. Tie the knotted end of the yarn and raffia to one of the arms.

7. Continue weaving and threading on your beads and buttons. Pull slightly on the lengths while weaving to ensure the arms come up to create the walls of the basket.

2. Gather all of the items you would like to add to your basket. We have grouped our blue buttons and beads together. Cut 3m of each of the blue raffias and yarn. You may need to tie pieces of the natural blue raffia together to create a longer length.

5. Weave the lengths under and over the arms until you have completed two rows around the basket.

3. Gather the ends of the yarn and raffia lengths. Tie the ends together in a knot.

6. Select a bead or button and thread it onto the raffia or yarn. You can create a pattern or place the objects on randomly.

8. Once you reach the top of the basket, weave your lengths through the holes in the arms until you reach the starting position. Tie a knot to secure the lengths to the basket. Trim the excess.

9. Your Blue Woven Basket is now ready to collect your favourite things!

Button Bird Artwork


• Canvas Panel Art Board – Small Rectangle – 11739

• Craft Buttons – 454g Pack – 10833

• CleverPatch™ Tacky Glue – 250ml – 16494

• CleverPatch™ Acrylic Paint Tube White – 75ml – 16886

• CleverPatch™ Acrylic Paint Tube Dark Blue – 75ml – 16912

• CleverPatch™ Acrylic Paint Tube Light Blue – 75ml – 16881

• Other materials required: Scissors, a pencil, paint brushes and template (page 10).

You can choose your favourite colour or create a rainbow button bird!

2. Apply light blue and white paint in the same way as step 1. Overlap the colours as you apply them.

5. Use dark blue paint and a small brush to trace over the pencil bird. Allow to dry.

3. Use a wet brush and a small amount of white paint to lightly cross-hatch over the canvas to blend the colours together. Allow to dry.

6. Gather buttons of all different sizes. You might like to use your favourite colour/s. We have chosen to use blue like a bowerbird, with a black button for the eye. Arrange your buttons within the bird shape until the shape is filled in.

1. Use a flat brush to apply dark blue paint using a cross-hatching technique. Paint in a cross motion with short strokes. Space out the hatching in a few sections of the canvas.

4. Print out the template on page 10. Cut out the bird shape and place it onto the centre of your canvas. Trace around the template with a pencil. Remove the template.

7. Once you’re happy with your button design, glue the buttons in place with tacky glue and allow to dry. Your Button Bird Artwork is now ready to display!

Use these templates to help you complete the activity on page 3.

Use this template to help you complete the activity on page 8.

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