CLH Digital - Issue #166

Page 1 CLHNews CLHNews CLHNews Issue 166 THE LEADING PUBLIC ATION FOR THE HOSPITALITY SECTOR & LICENSED TRADE The rate of price rises has remained at 8 7% in May despite expectations of a fall according to official figures released yesterday (June 21) The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said annual inflation as measured by the consumer prices index held steady from the same level in April, reversing two months of gains as the spiralling cost of living adds to pressure on households City economists had forecast a figure of 8 4% The ONS attributed the unchanged inflation rates to rising prices for air travel, recreational and cultural goods and ser vices and second-hand cars while the falling price of motor fuel offset the increases Food inflation reduced slightly to 18 3% from 19 1% last month, the ONS said (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 ) “Stagflation” Stopping Sector from Realising Full Potential say Leaders

The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House , Old Christchurch Rd Bournemouth Dorset Contributions are welcome for consideration however no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team Whilst ever y care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsib lity for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom All rights reser ved, reproduction is forbidden unless wr tten permission is obtained All material s assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised

A shor ter column this week as we are in the process of moving offices, for the first time in 23 years!

We're lucky to be in the position to be able to relocate and continue 'business as usual' As with many businesses, we have not been immune to rising costs and have adapted to meet the challenge Others are not in the position to do so As our front page stor y shows, the hospitality industr y is reeling as high inflation continues, effectively wiping out any chance of profit growth

Without action to curb high energ y prices and high inflation, industr y leaders say the sector is in danger of stagnating when it could be growing

This news has come as a repor t reveals that pubs are closing at the fastest rate for a decade

The hospitality industr y is built on a delicate balance between providing exceptional experiences and managing costs However, the relentless surge in inflation has thrown this equilibrium into disarray

The cost of key inputs such as food, beverages, and raw materials has skyrocketed straining the budgets of pubs hotels and restaurants alike

UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls has commented “Measures to tackle sky-high energ y costs, bring down the cost of food and drink and ease ongoing worker shor tages would be effective measures to bring down the cost of doing business, and in turn help reduce inflation ”

Let's hope the pleas from industr y leaders don't fall on deaf ears!

There is, however, a flicker of positive news as it has been the hospitality industr y that has performed strongly as the warmer weather has arrived Staycations remain popular and present a remarkable opportunity for the hospitality industr y to thrive There's still plenty of oppor tunities where hospitality businesses can maximise their revenue , provide exceptional experiences, and contribute to the growth of domestic tourism

Overall, staycationing has breathed new life into the UK hospitality industr y fostering economic growth job oppor tunities and a renewed appreciation for the beauty and diversity of the countr y ' s destinations

Long may it continue!

One more thing! Once again I would ask the favour - we want more Twitter followers!

So please do follow us on Twitter and encourage as many people you know in the trade to subscribe to our digital issue Fur ther details can be seen at www.catererlicensee .com

PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House , Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG TELEPHONE: 01202 552333 FAX: 01202 552666 sales@catererlicensee com www CLHNews co uk @CLHNews CLHNews EDITOR Peter Adams SALES EXECUTIVES David Bar tlett Guy Stephenson PRODUCTION & DESIGN Matthew Noades PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Charlene Fox Published by Editor's Viewpoint 2 CLH Digital Issue 166
EDITOR Peter Adams

“Stagflation” Stopping Sector from Realising Full Potential say Leaders



Michael Kill CEO NTIA Says “Figures announced today shows no movement in inflation at 8 7%, replicating the rates released in April this year This is a stark reality check for the Government, leaving inflation incredibly high that it is having a huge impact on consumers and businesses spend and investment Even with warmer weather and numerous bank holidays and national celebrations to strengthen trade , it has not been enough to alleviate the onerous cost of operating for businesses or extend the frequency or spend of consumers looking to go out and enjoy a meal, music event or a social drink amongst friends ”

The Government must consider tackling inflation by bringing down the costs of energ y, food and drink through tax cuts, and look to ease workforce shor tages, with broader considerations around deregulation, and the ability for businesses to invest in expanding trade without bureaucratic limitations or timescales ” UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls added: “Measures to tackle sky-high energ y costs, bring down the cost of food and drink and ease ongoing worker shor tages would be effective measures to bring down the cost of doing business, and in turn help reduce inflation ”

British Beer & Pub Association chief executive Emma McClarkin said: Warmer weather has been driving sales for pubs and breweries, but the fact remains that without inflation falling, profits are wiped out and our sector has little to no oppor tunity for growth These figures are worr ying because while the public have been suppor ting British pubs and breweries, it’s clear that purse strings will be tightened once again in the coming months and UK businesses will be impacted by that We need the government to face the reality that inflation is still incredibly high and the critical impact this has on both consumers and the businesses they choose to spend their money with ”

UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “It’s frustrating to see that the rate of inflation remains stubbornly high, with no decrease since last month s figures It s clear that the ongoing high costs of doing business being passed on in prices is a contributor y factor and this

needs to be tackled with urgency

“Measures to tackle sky-high energ y costs bring down the cost of food and drink, and ease ongoing worker shor tages would be effective measures to bring down the cost of doing business, and in turn help reduce inflation ”


The figures come as fur ther research reveals that ubs are closing at the fastest rate ten years, with analysts warning that of fur ther closures

200 pub businesses entered insolvency in Q1 2023, 620 over the last 12 months, representing a 68% increase on the previous year (369)

Mounting energ y prices over the last year have piled pressure on pubs balance sheets, as have increasing wages and a slowdown in consumer spending in response to the rising cost of living, driving pub insolvencies sharply over the last year

Exper ts have warned that the Bank of England’s 12 successive interest rate increases will accelerate the rate of closures as the year progresses

“Rising interest rates will increasingly leave highly leveraged businesses in the restaurant sector unable to meet loan repayments At the same time banks are clamping down harder on non-performing loans,” Price Bailey said

A shor tage of staff compounded by high utility prices has forced pubs to cut operating hours meaning they are unable to maximise income

Price Bailey also said that banks who have lent cash to pubs and bars are likely to ignore the UK economy ’ s better than expected performance this year and demand money be repaid quickly Separate data from National Statistics commissioned by Price Bailey reveals that optimism among publicans is on the rise despite the increase in business failures

Twice as many British pubs (35%) are now repor ting turnover is rising as opposed to than falling (16%), a remarkable improvement on six months ago when just 7% were repor ting rising turnover compared to 58% saying takings were down


“There is often a lag between a return to more robust economic activ-

ity and declining insolvencies,” Matt Howard, head of the insolvency and recover y Team at Price Bailey, said

“Banks will likely star t to put increasing pressure on debtors to perform or pay off loans Focus will star t to shift from financially stressed businesses to star tups and those with better prospects, which may mean that insolvencies continue to rise despite many pubs seeing improved takings,”

“Pubs are still facing soaring costs coupled with an ongoing squeeze on the disposable incomes of patrons The impact of rail strikes, which hit the pub trade hard during the peak Christmas par ty period, have been felt most by pubs in city centre locations Hospitality businesses with a more diversified offering geographically and in terms of ser vices such as food and accommodation have tended to fare better ”

Howard said “Publicans are still having to restrict opening hours and scale back the ser vices they provide to customers Not only has it become more difficult to justify opening during off-peak hours due to high energ y costs, but lack of staff has compelled more pubs to focus on their most profitable business hours ”

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Nearly Nine In 10 Adults With Learning Disabilities Struggle To Find Employment, Reveals Hilton Study

Almost nine in 10 (89%) people with a learning disability in the UK have experienced difficulties finding a job, a new survey commissioned by Hilton to mark Learning Disability Week has revealed

With a fall in the employment rate of people with learning disabilities to under 5%1 the research uncovered that for the majority of individuals (79%), a fear of being judged at the inter view stage had put them off applying for a role altogether Additionally, a lack of confidence (51%) and feeling that prospective employers do not understand what an individual could do with the right suppor t (32%) were key challenges facing those with learning disabilities when looking for a job

A quar ter (25%) felt they didn’t receive enough suppor t during the application process and 27% worried that they might not have the right suppor t to carr y out their responsibilities once employed

The challenge also extends to those that have successfully found employment with 62% saying they found it difficult to keep their job – primarily because they felt the company was not equipped to suppor t those with a learning disability (45%) and that they did not have the right suppor t from their team (41%)


To suppor t those with learning disabilities looking to find employment, Hilton par tners with the Down’s Syndrome Association’s WorkFit programme , which brings together employers and job-seekers who have Down’s Syndrome , suppor ting employers with resources, advice and training to provide employment oppor tunities, as well as Aurora Foxes, a specialist training college that provides training, work experience and employment oppor tunities to young adults with learning disabilities

As par t of the research, the hospitality company explored the barriers facing businesses when it comes to welcoming those with learning disabilities into their workforce

The findings echoed similar challenges, with 60% admitting they don’t think UK companies are doing enough to be inclusive

Employers highlighted a perceived lack of suitable roles (30%), not believing they have the right infrastructure in place to suppor t those with a learning disability (26%) and concerns about the cost of additional training (21%) as the key barriers to recruitment

Despite the challenges employers face , the research demonstrated the significant value of employing those with learning disabilities The vast majority (89%) of employers who had hired someone with a learning disability confirmed that they met or exceeded expectations

Businesses highlighted a significant increase in empathy amongst their teams (62%) stronger team bonds (48%) and an improved understanding about the value of a diverse workforce (45%) as some of the broader benefits of recruiting those with a learning disability


Despite this only 42% of businesses said they are likely to hire someone with a learning disability in the future

Those with learning disabilities highlighted a real need for more training for fellow team members (39%) and managers (38%) to ensure employers are equipped to welcome individuals into their workforce Employers echoed this sentiment, with nearly half (46%) saying they received no training on how to hire or manage someone with a learning disability and 36% admitting they had no ongoing suppor t in place once an individual is hired

To help other businesses overcome the perceived challenges around employing someone with a learning disability Hilton is launching an educational workshop in par tnership with the Down’s Syndrome Association and Aurora Foxes The free workshop will take place in early September, and businesses can register early interest here

Stephen Cassidy, senior vice president and managing director, UK & Ireland at Hilton, said: “Building an inclusive workplace which allows ever y individual to thrive is fundamental to the success of any business We ve seen first-hand the benefits of suppor ting those with learning disabilities welcoming some exceptional talent into our business in par tnership with the Down’s Syndrome Association and Aurora Foxes But this research shows there is a real oppor tunity to empower more businesses to embrace this wealth of talent We hope that by sharing our experience , we can inspire other employers to provide much-needed job oppor tunities for those with learning disabilities and help them reap the benefits that a diverse workforce brings – from employee engagement to business performance ”

In suppor t of its commitment to helping people with learning disabilities find fulfilling paid employment Hilton works with its par tners to provide job oppor tunities, currently employing Team Members across functions including front office , kitchen, food & beverage and revenue management

Shomari Burford, aged 24 from London, has Down’s Syndrome and began his career as a doorman through the WorkFit scheme in 2018, fast becoming an integral par t of the guest-facing team Thriving in his front-line job in one of the world s busiest cities he now works in concierge ensuring guests have a seamless stay and suppor ting the hotel’s operations team He’s loved by colleagues and guests alike for his warm and enthusiastic nature

Shomari said: “I love working here! It’s great to see a lot of guests coming in and out the hotel, and I really enjoy helping them That’s my favourite par t of the job, as well as working with my team who have all been ver y suppor tive

Alison Thwaite WorkFit employment development manager at Down’s Syndrome Association added: “The findings highlight the critical need for companies to prioritise training and suppor t for decision-makers when it comes to welcoming people with learning disabilities into the workplace As well as providing benefits for businesses, the power of employment for those with a learning disability cannot be underestimated Finding work can help individuals increase their circle of friends, build self-esteem and confidence , increase independence and suppor t both personal and professional development

The Perfect Snack for All Your Trade and Hospitality Needs

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Legionella Risk Assessments

Legionnaires disease can cause serious illness and even death, it was named after the 1st major recorded outbreak at a conference/gathering in the United States

The bacteria are present in all water and become an issue when the right conditions for them to proliferate exist These are; an ideal temperature and some stagnation the perfect temperature is mid to high 30 degrees

C Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) L8 recommends that an initial Legionella risk assessment is carried out and then a suitable water management scheme is put in place and followed This will include monitoring of outlets and water tanks and may include regular water sampling and disinfections The Legionella risk assessment needs to be carried out to BS8580 by a competent i e trained person

The bacteria is ingested by human beings in the form of an aerosol and then infects the lungs, the symptoms are similar to flu and also Covid 19 The mild illness is called Pontiac fever and will generally be flu-like and may dissi-

pate without treatment The more serious illness can involve hospitalisation including ICU and even death Public Health England confirms there were 503 cases of Legionnaires' Disease in 2019 for England and Wales – an average of almost 10 cases a week (Latest available data)

The most common sources are from showers or other equipment, such as cooling towers, that produce an aerosol Stagnation is also a major factor in increasing the risk, to mitigate this any low use/seldom used outlets should be run off weekly Temperature monitoring is also advisable , both of these actions MUST be recorded

In summation: A current Legionella risk assessment and appropriate water hygiene management and monitoring scheme will prevent the bacteria proliferation within the systems and therefore significantly reduce the risk to Staff and public health Steve Dillon (Advanced WMSoC Legionella Risk Assessor) Managing Director Stokefield Water Treatment Ltd

See the adver t on this page for details

4 CLH Digital Issue 166

Heatwave and Football Help Drinks Sales Beat Inflation in Early June

The strong star t to June followed a more modest end to May Total drinks sales in the week to Saturday 3 June were 4% ahead of the equivalent week in 2022 largely driven by high growth on the Sunday and Monday of the Bank Holiday weekend As with last week, the beer (up 11%) and cider (up 24%) categories comfor tably outpaced wine (up 2%), soft drinks (up 2%) and spirits (down 15%)

Drinks sales hit double-digit year-on-year growth last week as warm weather sent consumers flocking to pubs and bars

CGA by NIQ’s Drinks Recover y Tracker reveals a 15% jump in sales in managed venues in the week to last Saturday (10 June), compared to the same week in 2022 There was double-digit growth on five of the seven days, peaking at +29% on Wednesday (7 June) a par ticularly sunny day that also brought football fans out to watch the final of the Europa Conference League featuring West Ham Saturday’s Champions League final involving Manchester City helped to produce a 15% spike

As is usually the case in hot weather, growth was strongest in the beer (up 20%) and cider (up 43%) categories as drinkers sought refreshment in longer ser ves Soft drinks (up 11%) and wine (6%) recorded solid increases, but the spirits categor y (up 1%) was much more muted against tough comparatives

The most impressive aspect of the week was how the On Premise overcame the impact of rail strikes Despite widespread industrial action venues achieved year-on-year growth of 28% on Saturday 3 June , with LAD categories benefiting from the FA Cup final as well as the hot weather

After a modest first quar ter of the year, CGA s Tracker has now recorded year-on-year growth in drinks sales for seven weeks in a row, thanks to the sunshine and a succession of public holidays

Jonathan Jones, CGA’s managing director, UK and Ireland said: “It’s ver y encouraging to see sales growth finally move past the rate of inflation Pubs with outdoor spaces always flourish in the sunshine , and the heatwave has been par ticularly good news for LAD brands It’s clear that consumers remain ver y keen to drink out and are overcoming the inconvenience of rail strikes to do so While some people are keeping a close eye on their spending, these figures bode well for the rest of the summer especially if temperatures stay high ”

Issue 166 CLH Digital 5 Read all the latest news from the licensed industr y at www.catererlicensee .com @CLHNews

Is Cash Still King?

Nicky Severn from Loomis UK (www.loomis discusses the impor tance of cash in today’s society and how those in the hospitality sector can best manage this invaluable payment tool

For a while now exper ts have been predicting the death of cash and as contactless cards, mobile payment platforms and other digital payment options proliferate , the need to carr y cash has, for many, reduced And yet, we must be aware of the dangers of sleepwalking into a cashless sociecty

Cash is still incredibly impor tant

It provides inclusivity and accessibility for many

For example , there are many people who are less comfor table with technolog y and who are reluctant to launch their full payment ability into digital cyber space

There are those who live in rural communities with poor digital connection and there are those with challenging financial situations who may not be able or willing to have a bank account According to Bank of England there are still over 1 million people inthe UK who are ’unbanked’ leaving them totally reliant on cash What’s more , in the light of the recent cost of living crisis, there s whole new swathe of people who have found that cash is the best way to budget effectively in challenging times Paying digitially can often mean we are tempted to spend above and beyond our preferred limits – with cash you can’t go over budget and that’s why ideas such as ’envelope cash stuffing’ have become a social media phenomena!

Impor tantly too we should remember that there are individuals who are reluctant to spend digitially due to their preference for privacy Some do not like the possiblity of ’big brother’ traking our spending habits and the potential control this gives card companies over our daily lives

With all these factors in mind it is obvious that there are many people for whom cash is their preferreed

The British Street Food Awards in Association with Majisign

The British Street Food Awards were founded back in 2009 by Food Mutiny, the events company star ted by award-winning food journalist and broadcaster Richard Johnson British Street Food Awards

The British Street Food Awards are all about recognising the best of the new food heroes who are selling food on our streets through a great series of live events in the summer Taking place all over the UK and Europe , visitors will be able to sample the ver y best from the street food finalists whilst they cook to win your vote and the vote of the exper t judging panel made up of Michelin-star Chefs and Food Writers Majisign Ltd are delighted to once again be making the trophies to celebrate the street food winners of the

Make The Most Of Your Outdoor Spaces

In the ever-evolving hospitality industr y, creating unforgettable guest experiences is paramount One way to achieve this is by incorporating high-quality outdoor furniture that not only complements the aesthetics of your establishment but also provides numerous benefits to your guests Hotel Buyer, a leading supplier of hospitality products offers a wide range of outdoor furniture options that can elevate your hotel’s outdoor spaces to new heights

Hotel Buyer’s outdoor furniture selection features ergonomically designed chairs, sofas, loungers, and tables that provide optimal comfor t without compromising on style With a variety of contemporar y and timeless designs Hotel Buyer’s furniture seamlessly blends with any outdoor setting, whether it’s a rooftop terrace , poolside area,

method of payment and many others who like to use it combination with digital transactions

For those in the hospitality industr y therefore refusing to accept cash could prove to be extremely damaging In the vast majority of scenarios, providng customers with the flexibility and payment choice is the optimal solution –in fact many people consider and expect the right to choose how they pay as a basic human right

Alongside the impor tance of providing customer choice , there is another reason why the acceptance of cash remains impor tant Imagine the scenario - a cyber attack, natural disasters or other significant events that knock out internet connections, digital banking and payment systems If there were no physical alternative to digital payment, the whole payment eco-system would be left high and dr y!

It is for a combination of the reasons above that the UK government is keeping a close eye on protecting cash and an independent Access to Cash Review was established in 2018 While not advocating “ a view on the merits of a cashless society” the Review highlighted the risks to millions of people of such a situation and called on Government, regulators and financial ser vices to work together to keep cash viable for the foreseeable future

In the 2020 Budget the UK Government made a commitment to legislating to protect access to cash and there have been a number other measures taken and action groups established to do so

The dangers of leaning too far into the cashless arena have already been demonstrated Take Norway for instance , it is on the verge of being a cashless society but now the Norwegian government is applying the brakes, with proposals planned to force businesses to accept cash Why? Not ever yone is comfor table with digital solutions and there have been issues with payment systems going down in recent years One such event happened the day before Norway s constitution day in 2022 and caused chaos for consumers stocking up on champagne , beer and food for the big day Consumers were forced to use cash where possible or miss out and the government said the experience “showed us that the ability to pay with cash must be preser ved ”

So all that being said, what is the role of Loomis in helping to keep cash alive?

In an environment where bank branches are closing at a steady rate , Loomis is proud to provide an alternative way for transactional businesses in sectors such as hospitaity to deal with the cash coming into their businesses

From smar t safes and cash collection, to cash processing ser vices and coin and note deliver y, Loomis UK suppor ts businesses throughout the UK by providing safe secure and effective solutions to cash management Here at Loomis, we firmly believe that it’s still vital to keep the cash flowing and we are proud to help businessses do so For fur ther information please visit

2023 British Street Food Awards We create wooden A Boards, condiment holders and menu holders primarily for the hospitality industr y and working closely with the founder Richard Johnson we are proud to be a par t of championing the world’s new food heroes and the Michelin stars of tomorrow

The 2023 British Street Food Awards are underway so visit them to taste the best in UK street food and vote to send your favourites to the final of the British Street Food Awards in August

The finalists who win the grand finals in London, they can go to the final of the European Street Food Awards in September Visit www majisign co uk

or garden oasis Crafted from premium materials such as teak, aluminium, and synthetic rattan, commercial products are designed to withstand UK weather conditions

By investing in outdoor furniture , you elevate the guest experience to new heights Thoughtfully designed outdoor spaces with comfor table seating arrangements encourage guests to unwind, socialize , and connect with nature Whether it’s savouring a cup of coffee on a sunny morning or enjoying a sunset cocktail, these inviting outdoor spaces create lasting memories and leave a positive impression on your guests

Hotel Buyer s outdoor furniture collection offers a range of benefits for hospitality businesses seeking to enhance their outdoor spaces The combination of durability, comfor t, style , versatility, and customization ensures that your hotel’s outdoor areas become captivating and welcoming spaces for guests to enjoy By investing in Hotel Buyer’s outdoor furniture , you not only elevate your establishment’s aesthetics but also provide memorable experiences that differentiate your hotel from the competition https://www.hotel-buyer-store 1

6 CLH Digital Issue 166

Bristol Hoteliers Renew Calls For Urgent Airbnb Clampdown

Hoteliers in Bristol are renewing calls for tighter regulations and restrictions to be imposed on Airbnb proper ties which affect both the hospitality sector and the rental market

The Bristol Hoteliers Association (BHA) would like to see limits put on how many days proper ties are able to be let for and for homes to be licensed

Raphael Herzog, BHA Chair, said:

“As of 8 December 2022, there were 3 689 active Airbnb and VRBO (Vacation Rental

By Owner) listings in Bristol

“This is affecting hospitality, since Airbnb homes don’t have any of the regulations on them – and associated costs to conform to those regulations – that we have , which means, of course , that their rates can be lower

“With so many families facing financial difficulties at the moment, it is easy to see why they would want to find the cheapest accommodation possible for a break, so by being able to regularly undercut the prices of hotels which are regulated, Airbnb proper ties are a threat to our businesses

What s more , they also affect long-term letting in the city There is a massive shor tage of proper ties to rent, and Airbnb is one of the reasons

It was recently repor ted that a group called Inside Airbnb, which extracts data from Airbnb’s own website , shows that there are a total of 2 329 Airbnb proper ties currently being adver tised in Bristol but only 835 of them are where people stay in a room or par t of someone else s home

“A total of 1,494 are entire homes or apar tments

That is nearly 1,500 homes in Bristol that could have people living in them while those seeking overnight and shor t stays could use proper hotels and guest houses

“In many European cities, you are limited to being able to rent out rooms for 100 days a year You also have to pay an annual licence fee and need to register your accommodation, but there is nothing in the UK to regulate shor t lets

“I think any proper ty offered for rental should also be subject to the same kind of controls as our businesses

are , around water and fire risk assessments and other health & safety checks

“As well as affecting the availability of housing for people who badly need it, the likes of Airbnb are taking a large share of occupancy from hotels and B&B businesses, who are tr ying so hard to keep going in the wake of both Brexit and the pandemic

“We have been saying for some time that Airbnb operators have been having a detrimental impact on Bristol s hospitality sector, yet nothing seems to have changed

“Another ‘hidden’ impact is that, with more properties being offered as Airbnb, it has a direct impact on hospitality sector staff tr ying to find accommodation for themselves in Bristol – either because it is too expensive or simply not available – and this means they are unable to take up jobs in our businesses, at a time when we are struggling to recruit the staff we need

“Students are struggling to find accommodation, too This year, some student ended up living in other towns and cities for attending university in Bristol, so there are plenty of reasons for something to be done to restrict Airbnb lets

Last year, Bristol s Mayor Mar vin Rees spoke about the ‘wicked challenge’ of Airbnb in the city and said he had few if any powers to tackle it

I have reached out to Mar vin Rees and also to the ‘metro’ Mayor, Dan Norris who are both aware of the situation but tell me they are relying on the Government to regulate this nationally

“However, I think this should be a case of a region or city being empowered to regulate Airbnb in their own area

“So, we are now, once again, urging those who DO have the power to urgently consider strategies that will help lessen the impact of businesses like Airbnb, and similar businesses

“This is not a case of us being afraid of competition; this is, by its nature , a ver y competitive industr y But it’s only right and fair that accommodation providers are all star ting from a level playing field

Issue 166 CLH Digital 7 What can a TROLLEY do for you? BOOST YOUR SALES ENHANCE YOUR SERVICE SAVE YOU TIME AND MONEY! Standard or custom-made trolleys with your own choice of: • COLOUR • SIZE • STYLE at affordable prices! Freephone: 0800 917 7943 e: FOR ALL THE LATEST NEWS DELIVERED WEEKLY SIGN UP TO CLH DIGITAL AT WWW.CATERERLICENSEE.COM/SIGNUP

One-Third See Discrimination In Hospitality Report Reveals

‘ oppor tunity’ to repor t this

Meanwhile , a third of respondents who did file a complaint were satisfied with the handling of this complaint

The repor t also found that Black respondents were more likely to be on zero-hour contracts while Asian workers are most likely to be on par t-time contracts

In addition, 44 2% of Asian respondents have a length of ser vice of under six months

A new repor t by not-for-profit Be Inclusive

Hospitality has found that one in three respondents have experienced discrimination while working in the sector

The third edition of the Inside Hospitality Repor t 2023 repor t which sur veyed 3 120 hospitality workers across the UK found that just under 85% (84 1%) of respondents at the director level have witnessed discriminator y behaviours

For Black and Asian respondents who answered yes to witnessing discriminator y behaviour, 62 4% of Asian and 62 6% of Black respondents cite racial bias as the most prevalent form of discrimination

Fur thermore , 84 1% of respondents at the director level have seen discriminator y behaviours

Higher propor tions of respondents in nightclubs, pubs and bars repor t experiencing and witnessing discrimination, with 43% saying they have ‘low levels of confidence’ in the company ’ s ability to address discrimination in the workplace; this is especially the case for ethnic minorities

Only 52 4% of par ticipants who encountered discriminator y behaviour in their workplace had the

Black and mixed race respondents have worked in the sector for longer periods

Despite this, higher propor tions of ethnic minority groups are more likely to hold entr y-level positions and earn the least

The repor t included positives, revealing optimism from 83 8 per cent of respondents who said they felt the industr y offered “good career oppor tunities”, with past sur veys showing that average pay across hospitality is rising

But the Inside Hospitality Repor t also published key findings that showed white respondents are still more likely to hold managerial positions and earn more while black respondents are more likely to be on zero-hour contracts

Jennifer Ravalli Harri chief marketing officer said: “Harri is proud to represent a client base as diverse as our teams and believes strongly in the Be Inclusive Hospitality initiative Having helped power this year ’ s repor t, it is our hope that the findings continue to spark positive changes across the hospitality sector as we move toward a more equitable , diverse , and inclusive future ”

Issue 166 CLH Digital 9 Read all the latest news from the licensed industr y at www.catererlicensee .com @CLHNews www facebook com/catererlicensee

New Report Reveals The True State Of The Hospitality Sector

A staggering 86% of UK hospitality operators will likely have to close in the next three years if their business costs don’t reduce and their revenue doesn’t increase , according to a new repor t

Half of these (50%) will likely have to close within 12 months’ time

The Plates to Profits Repor t* by Creed Foodser vice sur veyed directors, owners, managers and chefs in restaurants, hotels and pubs, and brings to life the impact the pandemic , rising inflation and increasing food costs, together with the squeezed consumer purse , is having on their operations

Philip de Ternant, Managing Director at Creed Foodser vice , says: “We all know the hospitality sector has taken a real hammering but to see the number of operators, who could ver y realistically be forced to close in the coming months, is sobering and stark

“Inflation and rising food costs are affecting the entire supply chain, from suppliers, logistics companies, transpor tation, the front line such as restaurants, pubs and hotels, and wholesalers like us Over the last year we ’ ve seen a 27% increase on eggs and baking potatoes, another staple , has risen by £8 a case

“Combine this with consumers who are also having to review their expenditure – nearly half of operators told us that the number of bookings at their establishment have reduced – the pressure mounts even more ”

Unsurprisingly, two thirds (63%) of operators said business concerns around revenue and profit has impacted their mental health over the past 12 months

Philip de Ternant continues: “Our Plates to Profits Repor t is in par t about genuinely understanding what state the sector is in but more so about giving operators advice , guidance and actionable ideas on how they can increase the profit on ever y plate they ser ve and drive maximum revenue into their establishment

“The vast majority of operators (85%) told us they will need to increase their menu prices to stay financially viable However 83% are worried that if they do this it will alienate consumers and put them off visiting their establishment They feel stuck between a rock and hard place

“We’ve worked with our insights team chefs categor y specialists and senior figures to look at ever y aspect of an operation; from reducing food waste maximising margins on dishes navigating staff shor tages to still create quality dishes, communicating the stor y behind the menu to consumers, utilising seasonal produce , recipe ideas and increasing prices through offering premium sides, high-quality specials and set-menus We ve also liaised with some of our restaurant and pub customers who have also contributed thoughts to the Repor t ”


Changing Consumer Behaviour

Operators told Creed:

Nearly half (47%) have seen the number of bookings reduce

45% said customers are choosing sharing food options

43% said customers are reducing the number of courses they order

Four out of ten (40%) said customers are choosing more affordable dishes and reducing the number of sides they order

A third (33%) said customers are booking into earlier time slots to make the most of ‘early bird’ menu deals

Three out of ten (29%) said customers are not ordering coffee or tea at the end of their meal

Nearly two out of ten (19%) said customers are not ordering alcohol and instead choosing soft drinks or water

Navigating staff shor tages

Due to not having a highly skilled chef / catering team, operators told Creed:

Half (49%) have had to change their menu to more simpler dishes

Free on Loan from Verde Coffee

Are you looking for a coffee machine and coffee bean supplier who can help you provide the best coffee around while also help maximise your profits?

Here at Verde Coffee we offer our customers exquisite machines, carefully ser viced and inspected by our in-house engineering team, and all the additional equipment required to help you set up your coffee ser vice!

With ever y Free on Loan offer our trained engineers will provide full training on the machine and equipment as well as show you and your staff how to get the best out of our coffee beans through a selection of best-selling hot beverages

From £215 per month you can get a 2 group machine a grinder essential equipment 4kg of coffee beans and free goodies to help you get star ted All Free on Loan packages

A fur ther 39% have had to buy in more pre-prepared or semi-prepared dishes and ingredients

Four out of ten (39%) have had to stop ser ving food on certain days or reduce opening times as they don’t have a chef or catering team available

Food waste eats profits

Interestingly despite rising cost pressures, food waste is still an issue across the entire sector :

A whopping 95% of operators agreed they could improve on the levels of food waste their business produces

When asked what would help them reduce their food waste , operators told Creed:

Using pre-prepared stocks, sauces and gravies – 58%

Ordering bespoke sized cuts and packs of meat – 55%

Using frozen bake-off pastries and desser ts – 53%

Using typical food waste in dishes ie potato peelings on top of pies, cauliflower stalks in dishes not just the florets etc – 49%

Using dried herbs and spices instead of fresh – 27%

Consolidating their menu – 13%

Dishes that maximise margins

Operators said:

Burgers are the dish that delivers the highest margin for most (41%)

Over a third said Italian fare including pizzas (37%) and pasta dishes (35%) make the most margin

Nearly a quar ter find that steak (23%) and chicken dishes (22%) deliver the best margin as do plantbased dishes

Initiatives to drive customer spend

Operators said:

53% are offering two or three course set menus

Half (50%) are using more seasonal produce to tr y and manage increased business costs

49% are offering an enhanced drink selection including cocktails

A fur ther 47% have streamlined their menu to utilise more affordable ingredients

44% are offering higher priced specials and 42% are offering premium sides

Four out of ten (39%) have star ted to use outdoor space to maximise capacity and extra potential covers in the past couple of years, in response to rising inflation

A fifth (20%) are charging for bread and butter

19% have set ser vice times ie 6pm and 8pm to get double covers on all their tables each lunch/dinner

16% are training staff on upsell oppor tunities

Philip de Ternant concludes: “The Repor t has highlighted the impor tance of the entire supply chain working together We’re all facing similar challenges; no one is immune It’s evident that in many cases seeking suppor t from each other is already happening; over three quar ters (77%) of operators consult their wholesalers for cost-saving advice

“What is one of the most uplifting aspects to the Repor t is how it’s shown us the sector’s fighting spirit is well and truly alive We’re seeing some really great innovation coming through; both from the Repor t findings and also what we ’ re seeing when we ’ re out visiting customers ”

come with free installation, a dedicated customer ser vice line direct to our

Considering all of your equipment and maintenance costs are covered in your monthly payment the Free on Loan deal can be a real profit centre for your business

We want to help all of our customers become as profitable as possible , your success is our success With over 20 years of experience we can advise you on how to get the most out of your coffee machine We can also assist with marketing supplies and have a range of add-on sale products which your customers will find too good to resist info@verdecoffee co uk 0800 980 6009

Sheppy ’s Launches Apple’ing New Cider In Time For Summer

All of the flavour and none of the cider-effects, introducing Sheppy’s new Low Alcohol Cider with Raspberr y Landing just in time for the warmer weather and peak cider season, the world-renowned Somerset cider brand has captured summer in a bottle with the launch of its new low alcohol cider

Available exclusively from Sheppy’s webshop in 500ml bottles, RSP £21 50 for 12 bottles, it’s perfect for those looking to enjoy the flavours of cider without the alcohol

Crafted on the Sheppy s Cider Farm to have the same flavour profile as Sheppy s classic ciders, the new low alcohol variant is made using a carefully selected blend of Somerset’s finest traditional and desser t cider apples and pure raspberr y juice but has an ABV of just 0 5% The deliciously refreshing drink combines the crisp, fruity taste of apples with the sweet, tang y flavour of raspberries to deliver an exquisite

option for those looking for a low-alcohol drink without compromising on taste

Fur thermore , as with all ciders with fruit in its range , Sheppy’s makes a point of using pure fruit juice to avoid an overly sweet taste and there isn’t an ar tificial flavour in sight Plus, the new thirst quencher is naturally gluten-free and vegan friendly too

As one of the oldest cider makers in the world, Sheppy’s knows a thing or two about crafting the perfect blend using traditional cider-making techniques and the new Low Alcohol Cider with Raspberr y is sure to make for a ‘berr y ’ good star t to

10 CLH Digital Issue 166
Visit www sheppyscider com for fur ther information or see the adver t on the facing page
summer time
representatives, engineer callout suppor t, the option to purchase fur ther consumables and a 30-day notice period with no cancellation fee We have a selection of coffee blends to choose from so you can decide which would benefit you and your customers If a decaf blend is required we have different options to help, just have a chat with our team Your monthly deliver y of 4kg of coffee beans will make about 450 coffees which at an average of £3 per cup will bring in £1350 per month Any additional coffee you order is discounted bringing in an even higher profit margin! (around £2250 per case)

BII Announce Licensee of the Year 2023

Following a final judging day at Sky Head Quar ters on Monday 19th June where each of the 6 finalists faced 3 panels of industr y exper ts and operators, Joe Buckley & Flo Pearce from the Tollemache Arms in Harrington, were named as the champions and BII Licensees of the year!

Joe & Flo had been strong competitors from the star t, which saw them score highly across all areas including myster y customer visits and web and social media audits, as well as their on-site judging visit from judges Sue Allen and Ashley McCar thy Their performance on the final judging day sealed the deal for these fantastic operators who have proved they what it takes to be the best licensees in the UK

They picked up their winner’s trophy in front of a colleagues and industr y friends at this year ’ s BII Summer Event, hosted on Tuesday 20th June , at the beautiful HAC Royal Ar tiller y Gardens in Moorgate

Damian Saunders, Managing Director of Sky Business said:

A huge congratulations to Joe & Flo for winning the Licensee of the Year Award in 2023 Sky Business is delighted to par tner with the BII on this award and play a par t in recognising the individuals that have achieved so much in the industr y, par ticularly after the incredible challenges they have had to continually face over the past years ”

Steve Alton, Chief Executive of the BII commented:

“I’d like to offer a massive congratulations to Flo & Joe on behalf of myself and the whole team here at the BII, including our fantastic judges This is the most rigorous and intense competition in our industr y, so I would like to also congratulate our other wonderful finalists, as this year the standard was truly remarkable We can’t wait to share the experience and best practice from all our finalists over the coming year with the whole BII membership ”


Take Strides To Promote Wellbeing In Aid Of Hospitality Action This Autumn

UK charity Hospitality Action invites the nation to put on their walking shoes this autumn and take par t in Walk for Wellbeing, a nationwide movement to help promote health and wellbeing within the hospitality industr y

Now in its 4th year, powered by UK hospitality talent par tner mum in par tnership with Caterer com and Peoplebank the charity’s annual walk is a fun flexible event all about coming together to take simple steps towards raising vital funds to suppor t individuals and their families in the hospitality sector who are facing challenging times

Five hosted 20km walks will take place in key cities across the UK on Sunday 8 October in London, Bath/Bristol Birmingham Manchester Glasgow Those who can t make that date can Walk It Your Way at a location of their choice any time between Saturday 30 September and Sunday 15 October encompassing

World Mental Health Day on Tuesday 10 October

Created with flexibility in mind, these challenges allow par ticipants to spend quality time on a long or shor t walk of their choosing with family, friends, colleagues and pets whilst helping raise awareness and critical funds for Hospitality Action

With mental health issues, the costof-living crisis and fear of homelessness at an all-time high, since the star t of 2020 Hospitality Action has helped more people than ever, answering 26,809 helpline calls and delivering 6 753 face-to-face and over-the-phone counselling sessions More than half of those contacting the charity for suppor t directly reference mental health issues such as extreme stress, anxiety and feelings of hopelessness, with the overwhelming majority also struggling with household debts, with many facing the threat of cour t action or eviction

A key priority in 2023/24 is to provide essential suppor t, relief and security to those experiencing times of crisis


Suppor t the 1 in 2 people with mental health issues that contact Hospitality Action for suppor t

Deliver in-person and phone counselling sessions

Provide emergency grants to put food on the table

Ease the pressure of rising food and fuel costs for those households forced to choose between heating and eating

Clear arrears for households at immediate risk of homelessness, providing essential relief, security and ultimately improved wellbeing Register today and let’s walk the walk and make a difference together

For more information and to register, please visit www walkforwellbeing org

Issue 166 CLH Digital 13
is a brand new cocktail company that manufactures
All you need is a glass with some ice
To celebrate our launch, we invite you to trial THE FULL SET (one of each of our five fantastic flavours) Enter the code CATER23 to receive The Full Set at only £19.99 (RRP £27.99) Then from your first trade customer order we will discount £19.99 To claim your exclusive offer today visit Jolly s is a trading name of Good 2 Go Cocktails Ltd Read all the latest news from the licensed industr y at www.catererlicensee .com @CLHNews
If you run an events company, pub, nightclub, restaurant, social club, hotel or any other establishment that sells alcohol, these “cocktails of distinction” could be for you

How Restaurants Can Fight Inflation and Boost Customer Loyalty

“Today, inflation is a reality that the restaurant and hospitality sector has no choice but to contend with as prices continue to surge in the UK There’s no doubt the rising cost of food is proving an additional challenge for heavily stretched restaurateurs: while they need to emphasize efficiency measures such as reducing more food waste and tighter menu management they also need to stay creative to ensure customers have the best possible experience

Consequently it can be challenging for restaurants to encourage customers to continue visiting their establishments given increasing hesitancy for additional expenditures such as dining out or ordering food online Now more than ever, building and retaining customer loyalty is critical to thrive and grow - here’s how to do so whilst keeping an eye on costs


A recent sur vey found that 40% people in the UK get up to three food deliveries a week today despite the recent rise in inflation While people are getting more takeaways and deliveries, they are also being more selective A whopping 68% of people said quality ingredients are more impor tant now than before the rise of inflation What’s more convenience is a major deciding factor for consumers selecting a restaurant for takeaway and deliver y 69% claim how close a restaurant is and how fast their food can get to them is now more impor tant than ever

This means a focus on offering high-quality, value-driven experiences can be a valuable way of differentiating restaurants from the competition This can include sourcing ingredients locally or from ar tisanal producers offering unique menu items that can t be found elsewhere , or providing excellent customer ser vice By offering experiences that stand out from the competition, restaurants can keep customers coming back for their own brand of special sauce , building a loyal customer base in the process

In addition to offering promotions and high-quality experiences, restaurants can also encourage customers by investing in their online presence This includes having a professional-looking website , an active social media presence , and positive online reviews With more and more people turning to the internet to find information about local businesses, a strong online presence can be a powerful tool for attracting new customers and driving repeat business


According to the same research, more than a third of customers didn’t order from a restaurant again after they

Bacchus Wines PLDC

Bacchus Wines PLDC Ltd is an independent UK-based wine merchant offering joyful and affordable wines to the UK hospitality industr y The collection is small yet perfectly hand-picked by the founders The wines are selected on merit and never dictated by trends and showcase family-run vineyards that have been producing quality wine for decades Bacchus

Wines offers top-quality, award-winning, beautiful wines at prices that venues can appreciate As well as managing all impor ts and customs their consultancy can provide wine tastings, advice on food pairing and significant discounts for businesses that sign up for trade accounts

So what are the benefits of working with a small wine merchant?

Unlike bigger wine merchants, Bacchus Wines have simplified the wine

had a bad deliver y experience To boot, 19% of those same people told their friends or family not to buy from the restaurant either Avoiding these experiences and customer attrition as a result requires streamlining restaurant operations to ensure orders are fed smoothly from online platforms such as Deliveroo and Just Eat straight into the kitchen and then back out again

One way that UK restaurants in the UK can do so is by using a cloud-based platform that integrates with their point-of-sale (POS) system and popular deliver y platforms With this type of technological integration restaurants can manage their online ordering, deliver y, and takeout operations from one central location, saving time and reducing errors

One valuable tactic to boost customer retention lies in regular, real-time menu updates This helps to endear restaurants to customers by allowing them to make informed decisions about what to order online and avoids disappointment if an item becomes unavailable due to supply issues or rising costs Syncing menus on apps and websites using menu optimisation makes it easier to make changes Some food deliver y management platforms also offer the ability to temporarily limit the availability of cer tain items, which helps manage customer expectations if the item they want is not currently available


Another way to encourage customer loyalty is to offer flexible ordering and payment options With the rise of food deliver y ser vices many customers now expect to be able to order and pay for their meals online or through an app Since the pandemic , many restaurants have also branched out into owning their own deliver y channels which helps them to own more of their customer experience which can help differentiate their offerings versus the competition Ultimately, offering purchases through multiple channels can help restaurants diversify their revenue streams to drive new sales whilst customers will appreciate the optionality and convenience

Promotions and discounts are also a time-honored way of driving customer traffic too This can include things like loyalty programs, where customers earn rewards for their repeat business, or limited-time offers on popular menu items These promotions can be especially effective when paired with targeted marketing effor ts, such as email campaigns or social media ads, to reach specific customer segments

There are many ways that restaurants can encourage customers in the current inflationar y period in the UK By offering promotions and discounts, providing high-quality, value-driven experiences, offering flexible ordering and payment options, investing in their online presence , and building a sense of community, restaurants can attract and retain customers even in times of economic uncer tainty By using a cloud-based platform to streamline their online ordering and deliver y operations, restaurants can also save time and reduce errors, helping them to better ser ve their customers and grow their business ”

selling business for hospitality venues Bacchus Wines PLDC is a boutique wine merchant but selects their wines carefully They work with wine estates who they know personally They also choose wines that are not faddy, they specifically pick wines based on decades in the hospitality industr y, so they know what drinkers and diners will enjoy Their range constantly evolves, and they are not tied to a par ticular vineyard Adding new choice vintages and limited editions, they're convinced your customers will enjoy their wine offer

What else can Bacchus Wines PLDC offer hospitality venues?

As well as their personal approach to selling wine they offer the following ser vices:

• Great pr ices

• W ne tastings

• S gnificant discounts

• Online accounts

Handling of al shipping & log stics from vineyards

• Decades of exper ence in hospitality

• Help with food & w ne pair ing

Sourcing rare wines

• The option to buy sma ler quantities

If your customers enjoy top-quality wine and Champagne with provenance from winemakers who respect the terroir and the environment, get in touch

Visit their website if you ' re after good prices with solid markup potential And if you want to book a wine tasting to discover just how good their wine range is, Bacchus Wines want to hear from you!

Find out more here - https://bacchuspldc com/

Or call us on 0845 500 1040

14 CLH Digital Issue 166

Community Pub Reopens with New Licensee Following £180,000 Transformation

can’t wait to unveil its new look to residents, and I hope to make it the go-to social hub for ever yone

The pub also offers a separate dining room, providing an intimate space to enjoy a casual meal or special event Sitting in the hear t of the Plume of Feathers is a small ‘ snug ’ room complete with traditional wooden beams and new sofas and armchairs, which can be reser ved for private occasions

Mick Sheridan, Business Development Manager at Admiral Taverns, commented:

The Plume of Feathers in Little Wymondley, Hitchin reopened on Saturday 10th June following an investment of £180 00 from community pub company Admiral Taverns The investment has enabled the brand-new passionate licensee , Sarah Woollcott, to breathe a new lease of life into the pub, ensuring it can sit at the hear t of the community

The pub has undergone a major transformation inside and out

At the helm of the pub is brand new licensee , Sarah Woollcott who has a wealth of experience in the hospitality industr y having previously run pubs in London and Reading Working in par tnership with Admiral Taverns, she has worked hard to bring her vision to life and looks forward to running the establishment alongside her daughter, Lily

Sarah Woollcott, Licensee at the Plume of Feathers said:

“I’ve never been happier in my life than when I was running pubs – I love ever ything about it but par ticularly the social aspect and meeting new people Having spent so much time in the city I am delighted to return to the countr yside and I’m excited to bring the Plume of Feathers to the hear t of the community I

“I am delighted to welcome Sarah to the Plume of Feathers! Her passion and vision is extraordinar y and I have total confidence that the pub will become an integral par t of the community I look forward to seeing what the future holds and I wish her the ver y best of luck ”

Issue 166 CLH Digital 15

Refusal of Security Business Licensing Threatens Public Safety say Operators

The recent refusal by the Home Office to pursue the implementation of business licensing within the private security sector will weaken the ability for front line security to protect the public from potential terrorist threats, and will compromise the implementation of Mar tyns Law in the future (Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill)

The NTIA & UKDSA have expressed huge concern over our ability to protect the public , with an estimated 4,000 frontline security resource supply companies working within the hospitality and night time economy which are untraceable by the Regulator and key Government depar tments

An analysis of the current Approved Contractor Scheme which has a limited number of Door Security Suppliers within it with an estimated 800 voluntar y members, which are largely self assessed, questions have to be raised with regard to the ability for the regulator to control this par t of the sector under the current regime

There has already been a considerable issue around quality and retention following the pandemic , and there are existing challenges with the Private Security Act itself, mainly around standards, both for operative and supply companies

At present the current system has created a disparity in taxation, where ACS accredited company par ticipants must employ all their operatives via PAYE, whereas non-accredited businesses, which are not registered and not tracked by the regulator are contracting operatives via UTR Self Employed Schemes to maximize financial position and be more price competitive

Some of these businesses are subject to tax avoidance , devoid of training and standards and are not subject to the appropriate level of internal vet-

ting, with many allowing access for uninsured operatives and are known within the sector for poaching staff directly from competitors on cash based terms

With Mar tyns Law currently under scrutiny there is a concern that frontline security for thousands of businesses across the countr y, with public access but without mandator y business licensing, will not have the appropriate standards of vetting, insurance and basic training required to keep people safe within public spaces

Recommendations from the Manchester Arena Inquir y :

Volume (1) Security for the Arena : The SIA

In addition to licensing individuals, the SIA runs an Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS) This is a voluntar y scheme and, while individuals who carr y out security work may require a license or licences depending on what functions they carr y out, companies who provide security and super vise these activities do not While the ACS provides assurance that the member is a fit and proper person, there is nothing to prevent someone who is not a member of the scheme setting up and running a company providing security ser vices The SIA promotes good practice through its ACS But there is no compulsion on companies to become a member or carr y out good practice While checks are made on how a company conducts its business when it applies to join the scheme , self-cer tification plays a considerable par t in the process ”

“I recommend that consideration is given to amend the SIA legislation to require that companies which carr y out security work which may include a counter-terrorism element are required to be licensed This will ensure that only fit and proper companies carr y out this work It will also ensure that they are aware of and guard against the risks of terrorist attacks at the events where they operate and carr y out proper procedures including training to mitigate those risks ” Link : https://manchesterarenainquir y org uk

OPUS 2 Manchester Arena Inquir y : Page 41 : Sir John Saunders – Mr Hipgrave

Do You Need a FAST, Easy-Fit Washroom Upgrade?

RapidFit by Rearo is an instant solution for washroom surfaces Designed to accommodate time-constrained commercial washroom projects, Rearo s off-the-shelf RapidFit range is the perfect, fast solution for projects requiring toilet cubicles or vanity units Washroom design plays a vital role in the overall appearance of your company branding and can have a lasting impression on visitors – that s why Rearo offers a dedicated core range of nine high-pressure laminate décors within the commercial washrooms range

The RapidFit finishes were hand selected by the Rearo design team, with colours and textures chosen to ensure compliance with The Equality Act and future-proofed for a minimum of three years The colour choices take into consideration the needs of people with disabilities, including visual impairment, by ensuring neighbouring expanses of colour, such as walls and doors, are distinguishable by using contrasting colours Par ticularly popular within the

https://files manchesterarenainquir y org uk/live/uploads/2023/06/07164842/ MAI-Day-201 pdf

Home Affairs Select Committee on Mar tyns Law, evidence being presented by the Chief Executive Michael Kill on security sector concerns below: https://www youtube com/watch?v=TGlHwPiN98A

This is a considerable oversight by the Home Office , and could leave a huge void in the overarching strateg y for counter terrorism, as businesses begin to prepare for the implementation of the duty across the UK, there is no mechanism which will assure that each of those security resource suppliers meet the standards of vetting required to supply security personnel

The NTIA & UKDSA will continue to work with the Home Office , HMRC and the Security Industr y Authority on the current challenges in the drive to a long-term solution

The sector has faced a legacy of systemic issues, par ticularly around the outdated legislation which governs the industr y and regulator There are similar Business Licensing regimes in both Southern Ireland and Australia which would present a ver y clear solution for the current challenges moving forward

Michael Kill CEO NTIA Says“Following the recommendations from the Manchester Arena Inquir y, the refusal by the Home Office to implement a business licensing scheme for all private security businesses is a considerable oversight ”

The Home Secretar y and Security Minister have little or no grasp of the issues faced by the sector par ticularly one that is on the verge of implementing a new duty to protect premises accessed by the public from a potential terror threat ”

“It is glaringly obvious that a limitation in control of companies which supply security resource , and don’t follow a strict vetting procedure will leave a considerable void in the overarching counter terror strateg y for businesses on the ground ”

hospitality sector, RapidFit washrooms are ideal for pubs restaurants and hotels

RapidFit toilet cubicles vanities and IPS are available in either an MR MFC or Compact Grade Core Suppor ted by a five-year manufacturer guarantee , MR MFC is ideal for light to mediumtraffic spaces For higher traffic areas requiring a little added durability, choose the RapidFit Impact range Completely water resistant this solid-grade laminate core is ideal for humid and wet environments and backed by a comprehensive ten-year guarantee Cubicles are supplied as a flat pack, ready for a quick and easy installation and all RapidFit components are available to buy individually to offer a variety of installation possibilities Matching IPS can be made to order in only 3-4 weeks

Ask your fitter/joiner y/plumbing contractor or architect to get in touch for free sample packs and design and specification assistance Or order your RapidFit washroom now 0141 440 0800 commercial@rearo co uk www rearocommercial co uk

See the adver t on page 15

Introducing the UK’s Best Organic Coffee in Convenient Coffee Pods

It takes much work to keep delivering value and an exceptional experience in the world of hospitality As well as quality, guests want convenience Increasingly, many want provenance and ethical values Good coffee is a simple way to give the right first impression However, ser ve coffee that’s been awarded the UK’s Best Organic Coffee*, and you ’ re onto a winner!

Owens Coffees Gara coffee pods stand out for several reasons The pods feature one of Owens Coffee s popular house blends: Gara This specialty-grade coffee is cer tified organic Organically grown coffee is produced without nasty chemicals, precious water supplies are recycled, and it prevents deforestation Just for star ters!

At the beginning of 2020 41% of people agreed that buying organic items was good for sustainability By July (prompted by the pandemic) this increased to 50% Eateries spending more than 15% on organic produce are eligible to apply for Soil Association Cer tification: a USP that can increase footfall and create loyalty from conscious customers

Gara is also Fair trade cer tified, which means fair prices are paid to farmers and

farm workers A Fair trade Premium is paid on top of this suppor ting training business development, assistance for reducing climate change and its impact, and community projects

A staggering 29 000 coffee pods end up in landfill ever y month Owens pods are made from 100% aluminium Aluminium can be easily (and infinitely) recycled and reused – alongside domestic cans for example - instead of more pods contributing to landfill

Crafted from arabica specialty-grade coffee beans and medium-roasted, Gara promises a well-balanced, smooth taste to delight coffee aficionados Guests can indulge in a guilt-free cup, knowing it's both ethically sourced and exceptional

Note: pods are compatible with Nespresso® original coffee machines, widely used in the hospitality industr y *Gara was voted the UK s Best Organ c Coffee at the Soi Association s BOOM Awards 2019 No other coffee has had th s t tle s nce those awards at the t me of pub ish ng Owens Coffee www owenscoffee com

Email: info@owenscoffee com

Telephone: 01752 897124

16 CLH Digital Issue 166

Retention In Hospitality: Building An Attractive and Engaging Work Environment

studying, and even allow for shor ter weeks

Educational pathways such as apprenticeships and T levels are offered by many hospitality businesses and give the oppor tunity to develop and build a career whilst working These coupled with internal development programmes can see quick progression from entr y level roles to management positions

The oppor tunity for a rewarding and fruitful career is plenty with entr y level roles star ting at £22k and rising to £60-80k plus for a general manager, so it’s crucial to make the oppor tunities for progression and earning potential clear to candidates

Working in hospitality doesn’t just mean working in the traditional roles of in restaurants or kitchens, whilst these roles are critical to the operation there are also oppor tunities in central functions like marketing sales finance , or HR


nication and employee engagement It can be as simple as ensuring that a staff member has the right uniform and knows where the canteen is on their first day If you can keep an employee for 90 days they re 50% more likely to stay on in their job

To encourage retention within the crucial first three months, it’s also impor tant to show an honest picture of the job at recruitment stage This could be showing the inter viewee a room a guest has left or getting them to obser ve a busy breakfast shift As with any job it comes with its challenges, so employers should avoid selling the dream at inter view stage


The hospitality industr y is coming out of a difficult period, with Brexit and a global pandemic having led to staff shor tages and a loss of key skills across the industr y This has forced businesses to dig deep to recover Having the right recruitment and retention strateg y in place is crucial Employers in hospitality can reap the benefits of a people first approach, with improved productivity and overall job satisfaction leading to increased retention and an attractive work environment


Whilst hospitality can get a bad rep, it’s impor tant to shout about the positives of the industr y when it comes to attracting candidates The flexible hours, for example , mean a great work-life balance – gone are the days of working 100-hour weeks This can work around family commitments or

Having a jampacked CV filled with experience and qualifications shouldn’t be the priority for jobs in hospitality, instead it’s impor tant to look for people who fit the culture of your business Seek candidates that show the right attitude A key thing to look for is ‘the care gene ’ Will they smile and say “good morning” to a guest? Will they catch the eye of a customer at a busy bar and let them know they’re next?

These small traits are things that you can’t train but looking for them at inter view stage will ensure a successful working relationship later down the line


It’s estimated that around 30% of hospitality workers leave in the first 90 days because the job isn’t what they expected or they didn’t have the right training for the role The best way to combat this is through clear commu-

Ready To Work Together On Food Waste?

The UK government aims to stop food waste to landfill by 2030

In China, menus now note the weight and content of a dish to stop overordering

In the US $370 billion in clean energ y solutions is pledged by the Biden-Harris administration, which allows hospitals and universities to fund food-waste-to-energ y recycling technolog y

Dishwashing manufacturer Meiko is at the forefront of rapidly developing food waste recycling technologies across Europe Food waste naturally comes back to dishwash areas and exciting changes are coming to suit large-scale caterers like hospitals and small-volume food waste producers such as high street restaurants, cafes and takeaways

Anaerobic digestion will be at the hear t of future solutions because it is self-funding and generates clean energ y and fer tilizer

Small-scale waste producers could benefit from collaboration Shared local recy-

Summer Ready with Alliance Online

temperatures soar and our summer begins, we Brits star t to more readily look for oppor tunities to eat out and enjoy a weekend staycation As a result the hospitality industr y sees an influx in business so needs to be ready for the summer

look and feel The exquisite Diamond stemware collection replicates the look of refined stemmed glassware with the versatility of polycarbonate


Improving retention is a process that must be constantly assessed If someone leaves in their probationar y period, hold an exit inter view with them, find out where the gaps are and take action to make it better When new team members star t, take it back to basics – make them feel welcomed by finding out how they take their tea, or their favourite chocolate bar – these things will make them feel valued Ensure that they have an open forum on their first week to air any issues, assign them a buddy to shadow on shift and get to know them on a human level This will help them engage with the business in those first crucial 90 days, creating a culture of belonging which makes for a low churn rate in retention Prioritising people is the best way to increase those all-impor tant retention rates in hospitality Assess what the first 90 days look like for a new star ter make sure they have oppor tunities for one-to-one time with a manager to discuss concerns, ensure they understand what the job entails upfront and take stock of this on a regular basis If someone does want to leave their role , hold an exit inter view, and look at areas to improve next time

With such a huge par t of the UK’s workforce being employed in hospitality, there is a responsibility for employers to work with their employees to make it a rewarding career path that consistently attracts the best talent

cling by high street cafes and restaurants could see farms and growers buying the fer tilizer while local homes and businesses use the energ y

Big waste producers, such as hospitals, universities and food manufacturers will have on-site recycling systems that capture , process and store food waste before sending it for processing to generate energ y

The future is wide open for the rapidly developing AD technolog y, which is experimenting with mixing different waste streams to generate even more power than each stream separately

One thing is sure , caterers and food waste processing plants will help power the nation in future


Meiko manufactures the MEIKO GREEN BioMaster® waste recycling system, which conver ts fr ying oil, coffee grounds, fats, peelings, plate waste , flower stalks etc , into fuel for anaerobic digestion

BioMaster comes in small medium and large-scale solutions It's ver y hygienic easy to use , fits into counter tops or works as a stand-alone unit And it is easy to share!

See the adver t on page 9 or visit

The first thing to note when it comes to carefully selecting the appropriate crocker y for a commercial establishment should always be practicality Another aspect that is of paramount impor tance in the decision is suitability, think of a bar or restaurant like a jigsaw where each piece needs to be perfect to ultimately create the ideal atmosphere and customer satisfaction The impressive thing about the new Bonna range is that both requirements are met effor tlessly each product range of Bonna delivers something unique that sets it apar t from the others Whether it be sentimentality, joy, peace or any other feelings, there is a Bonna range catered towards your demographic


Discover the latest products that can reinvigorate passion in your commercial establishment or introduce a new atmosphere and ambience to proceedings Here at Alliance Online we have worked with industr y-leading brands to provide a peerless and comprehensive range of products for the last 25 years Each product has been carefully selected to meet industr y standards of the professional hospitality industr y In our time of operations Alliance have become a market-leading supplier of crocker y, cutler y, napkins, glassware , signage , bar and restaurant supplies For a digital copy of our Front of House brochure simply navigate to our site www allianceonline co uk and within the Trade section select Digital Brochures and you will find it in our digital catalogue’s librar y

See the adver t on page 12 for fur ther details

New Award Winning Technology Can Save You 35% To 55% On

Cooking Oil in Deep Fryers

18 CLH Digital Issue 166 If you own a restaurant or a kitchen with a deep fr yer, then you might be surprised at how much you spend ever y year on cooking oil Have you ever calculated this direct cost? If you haven’t, then you should, because Canadian Company, Eco Friendly Chef Corp is helping thousands of professional kitchen operators to dramatically cut their oil costs in half A new innovative product called OiLChef is revolutionizing the food industr y The award-winning OiLChef device is one of the most sophisticated technologies available in the world for deep fr yers today It is not a filter or a chemical, but rather a device which is simply installed in your deep fr yer in less than 10 seconds! Putting the OiLChef in your fr yer will give you a competitive edge and attract more consumer dollars Your fried food items will absorb less oil and therefore will contain fewer calories Good for the consumer, good for the bottom line Reduce carbon footprint: It will minimize your env ronmental impact through a reduct on n energy and oil consumption Faster ser vice: Food cooks quic ker Reduce food waste: Food is cr ispier and holds ts shape and texture for onger Great for food deliver y Zero flavour transfer : It prevents flavour transfer between different foods being cooked in the same oil Kitchen smoke and fr ying odour s: It reduces the smoke and odour s of fr ying n your kitc hen/restaurant Creat ng a more p easant work ng and dining exper ience and minimizes the work oad on your air filter ing systems and maintenance Health & safety: It reduces the smoke point of your oil, and thereby lower s the r isk of a deep fr yer fire Also, staff nteraction with c hanging the fr yer oil is cut down by at least half, reducing r isk of accidental burns and oil sp llage Reduce operating costs: It gives you the oppor tunity to cut down or move away from costly monthly additives required to improve oi qua ity Fewer people hour s are required eac h month for fr yer c hanges For fur ther information visit www oilchef co uk Contact Louis Farr y by phone or email: louis farr y@oilchef com or Tel 07448419664
season At Alliance Online we have a wide selection of essential products for restaurants and hotels across the nation for this summer POLYCARBONATE IS IN Polycarbonate glassware ranges are becoming increasingly popular for several reasons Not only do they have brilliant impact resistance but also have chip mark and shatter resistance too Utopia’s Lucent Polycarbonate Glassware features a wide range of with the look of stunning glassware with the practicality of polycarbonate The super stylish Lucent Eden Cocktail Glasses are ultra clear, safe , and durable whilst the stunning Gatsby range boasts a cut glass effect to give its vintage
Ben Gabbitas , Talent and Resourcing Director at Valor Hospitality ( explores how hospitality provider s can attract the best candidates , and retain them.
New Award Winning Technology can SAVE YOU 35% TO 55% ON COOKING OIL in deep fryers. REDUCING COSTS Increasing Margins We strongly believe in cutting costs without compromising quality. We look forward to the day that all food industries will join our Eco Friendly quest. Until then we will provide eco friendly solutions that will help them all to reduce their carbon footprint. Why spend all that money on oil, energy and labour when you can dramatically reduce these costs today? MONEY BACKGUARANTEE. 3 YEAR WARRANTY. Contact Louis Farry by phone or email: Tel. 07448 419664

Inclusive Policies In Hospitality Demanded By Customers, New Survey Shows

A new sur vey by UKHospitality and CGA by NIQ shows that almost twothirds of customers think a venue ’ s equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) policy is impor tant

The overwhelming majority of consumers responding to the sur vey were clear that they felt EDI policies were impor tant to them (64%) but only a third said they see venues adver tise their work on EDI and accessibility

Three in 10 people said they would be more likely to visit a venue if it promoted its EDI policies, demonstrating a significant oppor tunity for hospitality businesses to showcase their work

UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “Hospitality has always been a people-first business and has a tradition of being one of the most inclusive sectors in the world

“I know day-to-day there remains a huge amount taking place to ensure that remains the case and that we continue to enhance our equity, diversity and inclusion credentials

“These new statistics show that this work is clearly valued by the public and is actually a significant factor in where they choose to visit It s encouraging that customers want to see and understand the work we re doing and is a clear indication to businesses to bring this work to the forefront of their activities

“Whether it’s UKHospitality’s EDI committee the Hospitality Wellbeing and Development Promise , or our guide to recruiting over 50s, there is a huge amount happening in this space for us to shout about

“I’m delighted to dedicate this latest edition of Future Shock to EDI and showcase the work the sector is doing to be as equitable , diverse and inclusive as possible ”

CGA’s Director of Hospitality Operators and Food, EMEA, Karl Chessell said: “By any measure , the first quar ter of 2023 has been challenging Never theless, there are some encouraging signs as we look ahead to the rest of 2023 Most impor tantly of all CGA’s research consistently proves the public’s appetite for the special experiences that only hospitality can provide

“While some consumers are being forced to tighten their purse strings at the moment, visitation levels have not yet been significantly affected and we can be confident they will rise again when people feel more cash in their pockets

“Hospitality is a resourceful and resilient industr y with a bright long-term future despite the current challenges

It is also a ver y responsible sector and committed to improvements on big ethical issues like sustainability and diversity

Marmalade Trust Is Heineken UK’s New Official Charity

HEINEKEN UK has announced that Marmalade Trust is its new official charity par tner Marmalade Trust is one of the UK’s leading loneliness charities dedicated to raising awareness of loneliness and helping people to make more social connections

To coincide with Loneliness Awareness Week HEINEKEN UK commissioned research1 reveals that almost half (46%) of adult Brits experience feelings of loneliness at least once a week

Almost the same number of Brits (45%) will conceal their loneliness by fibbing to friends about what they did at the weekend Instead of fun-filled time with friends, they are too embarrassed or ashamed to say they spent the weekend alone

Fur ther to this, Brits are quite comfor table telling lies about their fake weekend social plans with friends: 40% saying they’d been to the pub, 36% claiming they’d been into town, and 34% saying they d gone shopping with company

Despite the prevalence of loneliness in communities, Brits are in fact longing for more moments of social interaction 45% of Brits say they would like to go on more nights out but that they don’t get many invites

What Can a TROLLEY Do for You?

Trolleys can be an invaluable way of increasing spending per head This could be through offering a cocktail, champagne by the glass, a cheese course at the table or even tempting your customers with delicious desser ts VISUAL APPEAL IS EVERYTHING!

Many customers feedback that their trolley pays for itself ver y quickly and they are often searching for a different type of

The new par tnership between HEINEKEN UK and Marmalade Trust will see them work together on a number of initiatives including introducing loneliness awareness staff training within both organisations and raising awareness of the charity and its work through the Star Pubs & Bars estate and the wider hospitality industr y, which is well placed to suppor t social connections

Those Star pubs wanting to get behind the charity will have access to free point-of-sale kits including double sided beer mats, conversation star ter topics, and an easy-to-use fundraising QR code that customers can scan to donate directly to Marmalade Trust

Lawson Mountstevens, Managing Director of Star Pubs & Bars at HEINEKEN UK, says: Most of us experience loneliness at some point in our lives, but the study shows almost half of us experience it on a weekly if not daily basis While it’s nothing to be ashamed of it’s something that we need to talk about and address Social connections are key to helping people who are experiencing feelings of loneliness Pubs are at the hear t of communities They are places where we can meet family and friends, make new connections, laugh, share problems, and build bonds with people over a cider or beer Par tnering with Marmalade Trust is a natural fit for us – we re going to work together with them to build a more connected world ”

to suit your environment you are sure to find the right trolley for you

Contact our friendly sales team today and find out how much a trolley can do for you!

Freephone: 0800 917 7943 e: sales@euroser vice-uk com, visit www euroser vice-uk com or see the adver t on page 7

Food Waste Dryer Slashes Hospitality Food Waste Costs

Hospitality costs are up all over the place with utilities, fuel, food, staff and product costs all contributing to the inflationar y pressures In addition, new legislation will add fur ther cost pressures The Environment Act 2021 bans food waste going into general waste and down the drain in disposal units, so you’ll need separate , additional wheelie bins So where can you cut costs and increase profits without cutting ser vice and putting off customers?

One answer is in waste disposal and in par ticular food waste disposal If you can reduce your food waste wheelie bins your bills will go down

The Eco-Smar t Food Waste Dr yer is taking the countr y by storm, saving catering and hospitality owners around 80% in food waste disposal costs Hotels restaurants and hospitals have all taken advantage of the easyto-use technolog y which has been in the UK for over ten years now The concept is ver y simple: you load the

food waste throughout the day and turn it on at night when it’s full The machine extracts the water from food waste , (typically about 80% of the weight) overnight, leaving a dr y powder, only 20% of it s former weight and volume , a fraction of the original wet food waste Simple and effective

Seven models from 20kg to 350kg daily capacity take all types of food waste so even small premises can benefit It is a ‘plug and play’ solution: you just need a power socket and a nearby sink drain for the extracted water to drain off The new legislation will add costs This machine will reduce your costs It s also a hygienic solution which ends the headaches from vermin and pests of food waste in bins and compactors ” said David Boyd from Eco-Smar t

For more information and a brochure go to www foodwastedr yer co uk or call 01522 692888

Vanity Group Introduces Floating Non Refillable Bottles - In-Room Amenities That Float Above The Rest

VANITY GROUP industr y exper ts in guest cosmetics and products launches its Floating Non Refillable dispenser solution – the newest fashion-forward, ultra hygienic floating display for hotel bathrooms across the globe

Renowned as being hospitality’s house of beauty VANITY GROUP’s Floating Bottles are their latest innovation offering a concealed bracket that is flawlessly secured to the wall displaying chic hair and body care Designed for Housekeeping to replace with ease , the non-refillable floating solution is tamper proof, super hygienic and avoids the risk of cross contamination, has a discrete fill line , and requires minimal upkeep – saving on operational costs

With sustainability at its core , the bottles are created using OceanBound Material, made from plastic waste that is at risk of ending up in oceans which is collected and recycled into reusable pellets and manufactured into the packaging

VANITY GROUP Founder & CEO Paul Tsalikis said: We believe innovation and sustainability should harmo-

niously co-exist Our Floating Non Refillable Bottles are design-led guaranteed tamper proof, eco-friendly, and are one of the most hygienic solutions in-market today

He continued: “Around the globe our hotel par tners have shared staff shor tages - especially within Housekeeping depar tments - are causing operational strain Our Floating Non Refillable Bottles are a solution to this, allowing Housekeeping teams to safely replace empty bottles within a matter of seconds ”

Created for VANITY GROUP’s esteemed por tfolio of over 40+ progressive brands including KARL LAGERFELD, Jo Loves by Jo Malone CBE, KEVIN MURPHY, TEMPLESPA and Carner Barcelona, each luxurious formulation is Vegan Trademarked by The Vegan Society and cer tified by PETA s Beauty Without Bunnies program

Hoteliers looking to provide an elevated hotel experience can do so with VANITY GROUP’s Floating Non Refillable Bottles For in-room amenities that float above the rest request samples via info@vanitygroup com or See the adver t on page 13

trolley to add to their collection WHY NOT INTRODUCE A COCKTAIL TROLLEY? Restaurants, pubs, hotels, conference centres, and coffee shops are sure to find a model to suit their décor Euroser vice trolleys range from ver y traditional designs to more contemporar y models ANY TROLLEY, ANY SIZE, ANY COLOUR! The use of a trolley will not only enhance your ser vice but alleviate all too frequent staff shor tages to ensure a swift and elegant ser vice Trolleys are invaluable to good ser vice and with a choice of style and colours
20 CLH Digital Issue 166

Products and Services

Hospitality Uniform Trends for 2023

Hospitality is ever evolving, with uniform design playing a crucial role in creating a memorable guest experience Here at Simon Jersey we cover a wide range of professions, be it bar and restaurants, hoteliers, housekeeping or front-of-house , so are always at the forefront of the latest uniform trends Here we share just some of trends we ’ ve seen our customers adopting over recent months


Colours play a significant role in setting the tone and creating a cohesive brand image for hotels and restaurants We are seeing the industr y is embracing shades of blue green purple and ear thy tones

Above all, these colourways evoke a sense of calm and relaxation that softens the mood, creating a

visually appealing ambience In turn, they also contribute to a positive guest experience by enhancing mood and establishing a welcoming atmosphere


The hospitality industr y has been actively pursuing sustainable practices, and uniform styles are no exception A growing number of establishments are opting for eco-friendly uniform options that reduce their environmental footprint

Simon Jersey believes in building a supply chain ethos, from the sourcing of raw materials to its supply of customers We call it “respecting the garment life cycle ” We strive to source products built on the back of recycled materials, like recycled polyester from post-

consumer plastic

Above all, hospitality firms need to trust suppliers that practice the standards of product longevity By choosing high-quality sustainable uniforms, establishments can: reduce water and energ y consumption, decrease waste , and minimise the use of harmful chemicals


In the pursuit of comfor t and flexibility, lightweight materials have gained immense popularity in the hospitality industr y Traditional heavy fabrics have been replaced by innovative textiles of lighter weight For instance , recycled cotton and polyester blends microfiber and moisture-wicking fabrics These materials offer breathability, durability, and ease of movement, ensuring that employees can perform their duties comfor tably throughout the day Moreover lightweight uniforms contribute to a more professional appearance , enabling staff members to exude confidence while delivering exceptional ser vice

For more information on our range of hospitality uniforms and ser vices please contact our friendly team on sales@simonjersey com or 0344 499 4414

See the adver t on the facing page for details

Forward Vending and Catering Jamu Wild Water

Have you tapped into your sometimes over looked profit maker COFFEE Yep you read that correctly and with costs to produce a cup of coffee star ting from as little as 27p per cup per cup depending on your choice of coffee and equipment, from pods to give you a consistent top class drink ever y time without

satisfaction , gives the oppor tunity to create custom for different times of the day for instance a good coffee menu lends itself to cake and coffee mornings and retails anywhere between £1 75 to £3 50 per cup The oppor tunity from expanding your coffee menu is endless

Forward Vending and Catering Limited have over 50 years experience in helping pubs and restaurants create a system just right for each site and are ready to help you find the best coffee solution for you so star t your profits coming in NOW!!!

Call us on 0800 44 44 43 or email BILL@FORWARDVENDORS CO UK

See the adver t on page 3 for details

Is It Time For Some Fresh Promotions?

Jamu Wild Water is on a mission to rewild hydration from the inside-out The Devon based natural soft drink brand takes inspiration from natures larder and aims to reinvigorate menus and grocer y shelves with healthy sparkling drink options

Their sparkling water range features three delicious flavours –Lemon, Blood Orange , and Raspberr y Each flavour comes bursting with British-grown botanicals and prebiotic fibre to actively suppor t gut-health

Tahi Grant-Sturgis, Co-ounder of Jamu Wild Water says: “where Jamu differs from other gut-loving beverages such as kombucha and kefir is that it isn’t fermented as a result we find a wider following among young

Luquel - Revolutionising the World of Water

In the UK we are lucky that the water boards ensure that the water supply into our businesses is healthy to drink To do that they often have to add chlorine to kill bacterial growth in the pipes Whilst it does protect us, it can also impact both the taste of our water and

people and consumers that find fermented drinks more challenging”

The subtle sweetness and flavour profile that the new range offers suggests it will work just as conveniently as a low calorie mixer offering a refreshing and clean alternative to complement botanical and crafted spirits

Jamu Wild Water prides itself in its zero policy, that is - zero sugar, ar tificial additives, preser vatives and plastics The company is committed to making healthy and sustainable products that give back to nature through their 10% of profits pledge , which suppor ts rewilding projects and ser ves to enrich the lives of young people through nature-led experiences Balancing flavour, wellness benefits, and it’s strong nature-led mission, Jamu is set to bring a premium offering to the ever-increasing healthy and eco-conscious consumer

Visit www jamuwildwater co uk or see page 2

The Future in Pub Entertainment Is Here Right Now

Keeping the customer entertainment offering fresh and appealing is critical for licensees in of 2023 as we move in to the next generation of the Metaverse , AI and NFT worlds of technolog y!!! So is Our touch screen enter tainment system, The Enter tainer Lite is changing the way licensees manage their enter tainment, providing the ability to plan captivating events calendars and increase revenue The system is crammed with music videos karaoke bingo race nights quizzes games and adver tising features now featuring the ability to Request music by your phone • Online Adver t sing “ you can be anywhere in the world


“send to your venue Karaoke/Music Request ng via the App Interactive Quizzing

The Enter tainer lite means licensees take total control of their enter tainment rather

Mixologist's Garden: The Rising Sensation Among UK Bartenders

Mixologist's Garden, a revolutionar y concept in the world of garnishes for professionals, is rapidly gaining popularity among bar tenders across the United Kingdom With its innovative freeze-dried technolog y, Mixologist's Garden has emerged as the go-to resource for bar tenders seeking to create unique and extraordinar y drink experiences

Stuar t Findlater, business director of Mixologist's Garden "We are thrilled to see the enthusiasm and passion that UK bar tenders have embraced our concept with It's incredible witnessing how our carefully curated selection transforms cocktail menus nationwide "

Mixologist s Garden par tnered with the most modern freeze-dr ying producers to achieve the highest quality "We focus on quality at ever y stage of the process to deliver freeze-dried fruit suitable for delivering Perfect Ser ves "

Consumer research conducted in 2021 showed that over 80% of consumers prefer bars that pay special attention to making the Perfect Ser ve , whereas, in reality only 42% of bars have any berries

For more information about Mixologist's Garden, please visit www mixologistsgarden com or contact the brand directly at hi@perfectyourser ve .info see the adver t on page 15

22 CLH Digital Issue 166
the need to train staff to barista standard or to
freshly ground to the desired strength
cup of coffee a winner as far as profit goes
Espresso ,whipped into a
latte or a velvety
coffee A great Coffee menu is winner with your customers
y time , enhances your customer
making the humble
Sold as
delicious frothy cappuccino,
smooth irish
than paying third par ties to provide music , enter tainment, discos, quiz nights, casino nights, etc How much I here you say!! You won’t believe the price , call us about the Future Now and find out 01572 771 363 www mediatheme com See the adver t on page 9
The star t of the year is always a good time to reflect on what you did last year and what worked best for you in terms of both bringing in the footfall and ultimately profits Planning your promotions throughout the year is always good practice with any business and for our market sector we have to focus on events around the year and of course seasonal activity such as Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day HFE Signs have a range of pre-designed Pub Banners which are great to give some ideas There is no better way to advertise your promotions than Printed Banners from HFE Signs – with great deals such as Three 8x3ft Printed Banners for just £108 delivered, you can’t go wrong! Fur thermore , if you order printed banners by 11am they are delivered next working day and if that isn’t good enough the design is free too For more information on Printed Banners, check out www hfe-signs co uk today or see the adver t on page 5!
The Mixologist's Garden garnishes come in various Berries and Citrus to complement a wide range of cocktails and drinks The brand s products are all-natural, vegan-friendly, gluten-free and without any preser vatives ensuring that ever yone enjoys them, while freeze-dr ying technolog y offers months of ambient shelf-life for bars The response from bar tenders has been overwhelmingly positive , with many praising Mixologist's Garden for its commitment to quality and sustainability "Our mission is to empower bar tenders to create the Perfect Ser ve and delight their customers," said
the taste of the food we cook in the water The taste impact is so huge that many businesses are now purchasing hot taps and dispensers to remove the chlorine taste That’s a great step forward, but caterers and restaurants can go fur ther There are other water dispensers on the market, such as the LUQEL water dispenser Rather than just using an active carbon filter, this system uses a reverse osmosis filter as well, which removes impurities at a more micro level The filtration system removes the chlorine through its sediment and carbon filter, but then it also removes smaller bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, medical residues, hormones and micro and nano-plastics, through its RO fil-
As we are seeing on many B2B platforms plastics in water is a trending issue that is not going away It’s not just about the issues of the plastic on our environment, but also about the issue of the micro par ticles in our bodies
other RO filtration systems, the LUQEL system then microdoses natural mineral salts back into the water creating 30 mineralised waters The water temperature range can be changed from 4 to 95 o C and the carbonation can also be amended between still, low medium and high carbonation Offering a business high quality great tasting water that they can be sure is cleaned to the highest quality A mineralised water system that can deliver 30 different tastes, without the need for purchasing, storing and recycling of bottles or cans A healthy mineralised water for both our bodies and our businesses www luqel-water com or sales uk@luqel-water com or see the adver t on the back cover

Food Safety

Allergy Insights: The Implications for Food Business

Research published by Dr Hazel Gowland

unveiled prosecutions for food allergen incidents increased almost ten-fold over a period of six years with peanut being the most common allergen involved, followed by milk and egg Fur ther to the significant increase and with public consciousness of allergens at an all-time high, Rob Easton, Head of Environmental Health at Shield Safety and Fellow of the Char tered Institute of Environmental Health, shares an insight into the latest trends in food allerg y incidents and the implications for food businesses

Fur ther research conducted by Shield Safety echoed Dr Gowland’s findings Senior Safety Consultant Vicky Wood recently led a team of Environmental Health Practitioners in reviewing over 2000 allergen incidents over a four-year period The research discovered that the most common cause of allergen incidents was peanut (23%), followed closely by gluten (20%) and then milk (13%) An explanation for the higher rate of prosecution for peanut incidents could be the more severe immediate symptoms repor ted by allergic consumers to peanuts compared with gluten Of the 2,000 incidents reviewed, there were only 4 cases of sulphites, 3 of celer y, and 1 of lupin

To consider how we are able to manage allergens more in a business it s


tant to look at the food value chain – the process in which a company adds value to raw materials to produce products eventually sold to customers from dish design to deliver y of the food As par t of the research a number of hotspots have been recognised throughout that journey sharing a strong over view of the primar y reasons for the allergen incidents in the business and enabling controls specific to that area to be put into place


Whilst there is still the critical need to identify and communicate the deliberate inclusion of the four teen regulated allergens, research indicates that peanut, milk and nut allergens are more likely to cause severe symptoms and lead to legal actions Businesses may wish to focus on these allergens when designing dishes and menus, considering how the ingredients containing the allergen are avoided or substituted and therefore eliminating the hazard early in the food journey

Incorrect information contained in the matrix used to communicate allergens is also a primar y reason To address that as a food business, look to implement one source of the truth; by having one point of data entr y and one point of communication to the customer, the oppor tunity for human error is then eradicated To strengthen that fur ther, there is great value in having an independent review of the matrix, allowing any errors that have possibly occurred to be picked up It may be that someone hasn’t appreciated that there s a par ticular ingredient within a dish, so the reassurance of an independent review of the information will leave you confident that what is going to the consumer is correct


Communication is key Researched revealed that with 10% of cases explored, the communication of the allergen taken from the front of house , was not passed to the kitchen We are also seeing that the wrong food is delivered to the customer

EPOS systems can be exceptionally useful in communicating allergens but, it’s also impor tant to back this up with personal interaction The clear marking and segregation of food on pass also needs to be considered Are you ensuring that the dish not containing allergens is separate , marked and clear? Following that, then making sure that this is communicated to the consumer upon deliver y, whether that’s in a restaurant or a takeaway

An increased prevalence of vegan products is also presenting a challenge , representing a risk to consumers who are highly sensitive to milk and eggs Many customers will order a vegan product with the assumption that is free from milk and eggs; whilst the product may not include milk and egg as an intended ingredient, the necessar y segregation may not be in place and therefore trace amounts of the allergen may be present in the food and at a level that can cause a reaction It is impor tant for food businesses to be aware that customers are using vegan claims as a method of avoiding food with allergens and consider if they can reduce the risk to zero for crosscontamination or how the risk is communicated to the customer

Elevating Food Safety with Innovative Temperature Monitoring Solutions

Logicall is revolutionizing temperature monitoring with their advanced LoRaWAN technolog y, ensuring precision, longevity, and convenience Their state-of-the-ar t temperature probes are designed for cold storage units, offering real-time insights, extended batter y life , and versatile monitoring capabilities

Equipped with LoRaWAN technolog y, Logicall’s temperature probes capture readings ever y 5 minutes, allowing for continuous monitoring of fridges, freezers, and cold rooms With a remarkable batter y life of 6-8 years, these probes provide long-lasting performance , reducing replacements and maximizing cost savings

Logicall s temperature probes are versatile and adaptable to diverse moni-

toring needs The probes feature an external probe for measuring core simulant temperatures, providing accurate insights into both air and core temperature conditions This innovative feature ensures precise monitoring of food products, leaving no room for compromise

For food-specific temperature checks Logicall offers their Bluetooth food probe This por table and user-friendly device enables quick and easy temperature measurements during the cooking process Simply inser t the probe into the food product, and the temperature data is instantly relayed to a tablet or compatible device This seamless integration of Bluetooth technolog y streamlines food temperature monitoring, making it faster, more efficient, and enjoyable Monitoring temperature is only par t of the equation Logicall s system offers a range of aler t options to address temperature breaches promptly Instant aler ts through text messages, emails, or audible wall-mounted alarms ensure swift action to prevent food spoilage This proactive approach saves stock, reduces waste , and upholds food safety standards with confidence

With Logicall’s solutions, reliable wireless communication is made possible through LoRaWAN technolog y Effor tlessly monitor temperature conditions in diverse locations, from expansive storage facilities to distant distribution centers This extended range capability ensures comprehensive temperature monitoring across your entire operation

In conclusion, Logicall s innovative temperature monitoring solutions bring precision, convenience , and efficiency to the food safety industr y LoRaWAN temperature probes provide real-time insights, extended batter y life , and versatile monitoring capabilities The Bluetooth food probe simplifies foodspecific temperature checks, making them faster and more efficient With instant aler ts and reliable wireless communication, businesses can confidently safeguard their products, minimize waste , and uphold food safety standards Let Logicall be your par tner in achieving excellence in temperature monitoring and taking your food safety practices to new heights

Visit www logicallmonitoring co uk or see the adver t below for further details

Issue 166 CLH Digital 25

Food Safety

AllergyMenu - Food Allergy Software, Menu and App for Restaurants

restaurants provide complex matrixes, but nothing which is user friendly or easy to understand and the majority provide nothing at all, and rely on front of house staff communicating correctly the information, which is ver y prone to mistakes

Our simple but affective app provides the chef the ability to keep a live updated menu with allerg y information held within it Customers simply login to the app and view the menu filtered to only show those dishes that are safe for them to eat

This app significantly reduces the risk of incorrect communication between customers & staff especially when mistakes can be so easily made , and these mistakes can cost lives

you can find restaurants in your location on a map

It’s then ver y simply to filter the menu by the list of standard allergens or click the vegan or vegetarian option The menu then displays showing only the items that you can eat making a simple and easy to understand



Many of us now limit the types of food we eat, for some it’s simply because it will kill them, for others, it’s for health or moral reasons However, it’s become a complex task to eat out these days, ensuring the food you have ordered is what you can eat Some restaurants provide different menus, but simply don’t cater for the complexity, such as they may provide a gluten free menu, but not a gluten free & dair y free menu combined Some

Up to “20% of the population experience some reactions to foods” (The British Dietetic Association) so it’s no longer a minority issue , eating out should always be enjoyable ii should also always be safe


You can either find the restaurant’s menu by their unique allerg y menu code on their menu or website , or

Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltd

Temperature control is critical to ensuring a high quality and safe product is delivered to the consumer ’ s plate This is enabled by the constant har vesting and monitoring of data through wireless data loggers These are IoT-enabled devices which can provide catering facilities with the information they need to act immediately should any unforeseen issues arise when it comes to food temperatures

They transmit data via the cloud which is stored locally on PCs and other devices

The data is passed through a Wi-Fi router to a computer, regardless of where the user is based It stays locally on a hard drive so the user can access real, live temperature monitoring data wherever they are This ensures checks are completed correctly, issues are identified, and corrective actions are taken to reduce spoilage

Wireless data loggers are ideally suited to applications

where there are challenges in collecting real-time and recorded data, making them ideal tools for the likes of large retailers and catering enterprises which rely on industrial refrigeration units

Overfilling refrigerators and cool rooms with produce reduces the air flow and leads to hot spots, where bacteria can flourish even if you think you have the right temperature set on the dial To combat this, caterers should keep an inventor y of how much their stock needs to be refrigerated and use this technolog y to back temperature recordings ever y few hours so that it never goes above critical limits

Companies that can invest in the speed of their operation will reap rewards in a climate which is seeing growing costs to employ people Technolog y allows organisations to react faster to situations because of instant access to accurate data

There is an easy account area where the menu and dish information can be maintained via computer or mobile phone The allergies are assigned to each dish and it can be updated whenever it’s needed An email is also sent out once a month to ensure the allerg y information is checked and the menu confirmed that it is still up to date The company logo can also be uploaded to ensure the menu follows the restaurants brand


Meet regu ations for allergy information n one s mple step

Ensure your menu allergens are always accurate and up to date

• Improve your customer exper ience for allergy sufferer s , vegans and vegg es

• No need to re-pr int menus if you c hange ingredients

• Handy ema l reminder s to c hec k your menu

• Stop front of house staff making mistakes

• Keep your customer s safe from harm hello@allerg ymenu uk www.allerg

See the adver t on the previous page for details

Mock Trial Food Allergy Prosecution Event

Caroline Benjamin Director of Food Allerg y Aware is organising their 3rd Mock Trial Food Allerg y Prosecution Event which takes place on Tuesday 26th September 2023

Previous attendees of The Mock Trial have stated that The Mock Trial Food Allerg y Prosecution was the best Food Safety Training Event I have attended!

Ever yone involved in a food business operation has a legal responsibility to ensure that the products they supply are correctly described and safe to consume The costs of getting it wrong are high Failure to control risks in food safety can result in a criminal prosecution regardless of whether any harm has been caused

The exper t Legal Team from Blake Morgan LLP and Six Pump Cour t Chambers will present the case for Prosecution and the case for The Defence The Judge will preside over the Cour t and will make his decision based on evidence presented

The delegates will assist the Judge in deciding the sentence by completing the exercise and applying the guidelines for sentencing which came into force in Februar y 2016 You will have the oppor tunity to be par t of the jur y (in breakout groups) which will ultimately play a significant role in the final sentencing of the defendant

During the Morning Sessions, attendees will listen to a variety of interesting speakers Dr Belinda Stuar tMoonlight who was the exper t witness in the Celia

Marsh Pret a Manger case will explain the key findings from this case We will also hear from representatives from The Food Standards Agency and Wakefield Council Other speakers include Iain Ferris from The University of Birmingham, who will discuss food laws and improvement notices

Cressida Langlands from The Free From Awards will highlight the businesses who work hard to offer Free

From products Ruth Holroyd-What Allerg y Blogger presents her own witness statement when she had a severe reaction eating out in a pub restaurant Sterling Crew, The President of the Institute of Food Science and Technolog y will host the event and make sure that ever ything runs smoothly

There will also be an oppor tunity for all delegates to network and make new connections

What past attendees have stated:

“I thought the event was excellent, FATC took an impor tant but extremely challenging concept and alongside Blake Morgan, executed it superbly The result was an incredibly informative and compelling conference” Tom Trever ton Director F2F

Early Booking is advised

https://foodallerg yaware co uk/events

Early Bird & discounted group rates for 5 or more available please contact Caroline Benjamin for fur ther details admin@fatc co uk or call 07732 637292

26 CLH Digital Issue 166

With 20+ Industry awards under our belt, there isn’t much we don’t know about producing delicious, nutrient packed ingredients and garnishes

Whether you want them sliced, diced or powdered; from ginger to sea buckthorn to watermelon – we’ll make it happen.

• Made in Kent, UK

• AA Grade BRC, M&S and Pret approved

• 100% allergen free

• No added sugar Minimally processed

• Vegan certified

• 12+ months’ shelf life

• Stock item or bespoke to suit your needs



Phone: 01795424238

For all your ingredient needs… Just add Nim’s

Cambridge Regional College and Award-Winning Pasta Chef Otello

In May, La Pastaia and NOWAH arranged for award-winning pasta chef Otello to visit student chefs at the Cambridge Regional College culinar y depar tment Otello showed the students how easy it was to make a variety of fresh pastas, using a La Pastaia machine , before letting them make their own pasta; which they quickly turned into delicious dishes using simple fresh ingredients

Otello went on to explain he normally prepares and ser ves 100+ por tions of fresh pasta on a busy evening and that these types of machines make it possible for small kitchens to cope with such volumes, if they are organised Graham Taylor Head of Culinar y Ar ts Management Team at the college , joined the young chefs in the pasta making process, while

Lamb Weston’s REALLY Crunchy Fries Achieve ‘Approved Product’ Status from The Craft Guild of Chefs

Lamb Weston s exciting, innovative REALLY Crispy Fries have received the ‘Approved Product’ accolade , winning top marks with a rare A grade across all three varieties

A panel of highly regarded industr y chefs, appointed by the Craft Guild, rigorously tested the products to determine suitability quality and product excellence

Lamb Weston created REALLY Crunchy Fries to satisfy demand for unique sensor y dining experiences and sustainably-minded quality ingredients

These ground-breaking coated fries promise unbeatable long-lasting crunch sensation staying hot in excess of 30 minutes, setting new benchmarks for takeaway and home deliver y channels

Research and sales date across 10 years show diners love the look, taste and heat-holding benefits of coated fries, perceiving a rough or uneven outer texture as more ar tisanal/hand-crafted Lamb Weston combined this insight with data from chefs and guests that revealed the most impor tant attributes in choosing a high-quality frozen fr y are real potato taste , high level of crispiness and long-lasting crunchiness *

All the chefs were extremely impressed with the quality, flavour and crunchiness scoring REALLY Crunchy Fries top marks for feeling indulgent

“They were right up there , I could not say that there was a better fr y on the market at present ”

“Savour y, rich flavour ”

“Best fr y I have had that fries and bakes the longlasting crispness is ver y unique , adds a great dimension to the fr y ”

Lamb Weston’s UK Marketing Manager Pete Evans says: “We set out to create the crunchiest fr y ever, and with REALLY Crunchy Fries we ’ ve cracked it! This is a new exciting product uniquely different in appearance and mouthfeel, offering an unbeatable fr y experience for diners and an unbeatable product solution for forward-thinking foodser vice operators ”

REALLY Crunchy Fries are available in 9x9mm skinon, and 6x6mm and 9x9mm skin-off options

*W ndsor Edge Researc h QSR and CDR operator s 2021 Visit www lambweston eu or see the adver t on the facing page .

reiterating the impor tance for all chefs to continuously develop new skills, be up-to-date with culinar y trends, and strive for healthy and sustainable menus

NOWAH were delighted to suppor t the student chefs and staff at Cambridge Regional College , and will continue to do so in the future , by engaging talented professionals and providing student chefs with oppor tunities to familiarise themselves with equipment they’ll encounter in their professional careers

See the adver t on this page for fur ther information or visit https://nowah co uk/la-pastaia-products

New PEPPADEW® Bites - The Ultimate Bite to Pep Up Menus & Profits

PEPPADEW® - the UK’s No 1 pepper brandi - launches new PEPPADEW® Bites exclusively for foodser vice

With 9/10 consumers looking to indulge when eating outii and 87% of consumers saying they’d order the new bitesiii, PEPPADEW®’s latest innovation is set to take menus by storm Made in the UK these delicious new bites balance the sweet, tang y flavour of their signature whole Piquanté Pepper, with a smooth soft cheese filling, coated in a crisp, pankostyle crumb 100% vegetarian, they meet the demand for tasty flexitarian options, as consumers continue to move away from meativ Extremely versatile , they’re perfect for star ters, sides, tapas, bar bites, or as an addition to sharing-platters Conveniently frozen, they can be ready in 3-4 minutes, making them the quick and simple way to pep up your menu Crucially these delicious bites can also drive margin as over 50% of consumers would pay more for PEP-

PADEW® Bites than jalapeño poppersii, and each 5kg case offers a £200 return Their frozen format, 18month shelf life and versatility help minimise waste , providing a sustainable and cost-effective choice

Speaking of the PEPPADEW® innovation, Lukasz Lubasinski, Commercial Director, PEPPACO Ltd said:

“Now more than ever ever y par t of your menu needs to taste great, work hard and most impor tantly drive spend and margin PEPPADEW® Bites is an exciting, flexible and premium new product that works across a range of eating and drinking occasions as well as major trendsvi - from indulgence and meatfree to sustainability ”

PEPPADEW® Bites are available through leading wholesalers including Bidfood KFF and Eden Farms Visit www peppadewfoodser vice co uk for more information

For 60 years, La Pastaia has manufactured the best electric fresh pastamaking machines in the world The machines are simple to use, robust and reliable To show just how easy it is for anyone to make fresh pasta using La Pastaia machines, we demonstrated a machine to 16-year-old students, and then asked them to make and serve (starting with raw ingredients) 11 different pasta dishes in under 30 minutes

Check our website, Instagram and YouTube Channel to see for yourself Full training and pasta recipe book provided with each NOWAH La Pastaia 01772 305161 | |
Buyer's Guide
Issue 166 CLH Digital 29

Chef's Buyer's Guide

Chef’s Special Crispy Coated – For A Crunchier Crunch

Potato grower and manufacturer Farm Frites has launched Chef ’ s Special Crispy Coated – a range to satisfy the demand for crispy coated tasty fries with greater heat retention

As par t of the Farm Frites Chef ’ s Special concept offering market driven solutions for operators, the Crispy Coated range has been developed to help operators ser ve consistently crispy fries that stay hotter, longer The range is available in a range of cut sizes and also premium length - all with the perfect crunch Chef ’ s Special Crispy coated also features a 10mm skin on for more rustic menus or for more variety with a classic cut size

The Chef ’ s Special EXTRA product offers the same benefits with even

Ariela’s Gelato

Gelato is more than just icecream – it’s a pure taste of Italy

A truly ar tisan treat, Ariela s Gelato is the perfect way to indulge in an authentic desser t that is as delicious as it is decadent

Made with only the finest ingredients our Gelato is never loaded with ar tificial additives and preser vatives Instead, we make sure that you are receiving the healthiest, most natural Gelato in keeping with Italian tradition And unlike mass-produced icecream, ar tisan Gelato is carefully crafted from the hear t

When you forget tradition you lose taste; and without the ar tisan, you lose the ar t But with Ariela’s Gelato, you experience – and can taste – a true labour of love

Ariela’s Gelato was born out of a desire to recreate a world that was taken for granted back in Italy For founder and owner Ariela Cesana after moving to London, it was impossible to get a true taste of home:

extra crunch from a visible coating

Chef ’ s Special Crispy coated has a gluten free coating which creates the perfect crunch while suppor ting menus with special dietar y requirements

The range is pre-fried in 100 percent sunflower oil

The range has been developed following a multi-million Euro factor y investment by Farm Frites to install a state of the ar t production line using the newest technolog y and incorporating some innovation solutions to product quality and consistency as well as featuring sustainability led processes to reduce the impact of the opera-

“I was so frustrated when I couldn’t find a Gelato in London like the one I grew up with – so I decided to just make it myself!” And since 2006, Ariela has been on a journey to bring the luxurious taste of Italy to the UK

Made in small batches using only the purest highest-quality ingredients, our Gelato uses the same traditional processes that can only be found in an authentic Italian Gelateria for a truly ar tisan, lovingly crafted authentic Italian Gelato

What really sets Ariela’s Gelato apar t is the ar tistr y and exper tise that can only come from true experience and passion The base of our Gelato is pasteurised, poured into batch freezers, churned, then extracted and decorated by hand, one by one flavour by flavour

Care goes into ever ything we do to make sure you and our customers receive the truest Gelato experience and when it comes to creating our range we ’ ve been passionate about pursuing perfection Each flavour is a carefully crafted blend of natural ingredients that have been painstakingly tried and tested to ensure you get flavour, not flavourings

For fur ther information see the adver t on this page

tion on the environment

Local testing has shown that Farm Frites Chef ’ s Special Crispy coated performing better in crispiness & heat retention against market competitors*

The range is well suited to casual, fast casual and take-away menus as well as being ideal for deliver y where products need to stay tasting their best longer

We invite operators to ‘Let Their Bite Decide’ and contact us to sample Chef ’ s Special Crispy Coated for themselves

*Loca Market testing with suppl er s carr ied out with comparab e product

For fur ther information about the Chef ’ s Special Crispy coated range , contact Farm Frites UK & Ireland on 01452 415845 visit our new UK website www farmfrites co uk

Celebrate Summer in Style with LittlePod

Summer is upon us and here at LittlePod we ’ re looking forward to celebrating picnic season in style!

Proud winners of the 2023 King s Award for Enterprise (Sustainable Development), we ’ re on a mission to spread the word about REAL vanilla and its impor tance to the planet whilst livening up hampers across the land

Be it a picnic in the park, lunch on the lawn or a back garden barbecue LittlePod products will make your al fresco creations – both sweet and savour y –shine like the summer sun LittlePod s responsibly-sourced products are great

for the kitchen and the planet alike and in choosing to keep it REAL, you re making a difference to the farming communities in the Equatorial regions and much further afield, to the wider world Did you know that the precious vanilla orchid replenishes the soil in which it grows? In choosing to purchase REAL vanilla, you can help to preser ve biodiversity in the rainforest regions, protecting the fragile ecosystems that are so impor tant to us all LittlePod makes it simple to make a difference so please join our Campaign for Real Vanilla and create something special this summer! Look us up online at www littlepod co uk and follow @little pod on Instagram

30 CLH Digital Issue 166

Why Hotels

Sustainable Resources

Should Be Offering EV Charging

As people look to make more sustainable choices to reduce their carbon footprint and protect the planet, the number of EV drivers on the road is growing rapidly There are currently over 780,000 fully electric cars on the road in the UK, as well as 500,000 plug-in hybrids (https://www zap-map com/ev-stats/ev-market/) With the sale of new diesel and petrol vehicles set to be banned in 2030 this number is only going to continue increasing –now is a crucial time for hotels to star t offering guests accessible and convenient EV charging Hotels can expect to welcome a wider clientele when they provide EV charging as drivers often choose their destination based on the availability of charging The ability for users to seamlessly integrate charging into their stay greatly enhances the overall guest experience , as it removes any concerns surrounding range anxiety – guests are able to enjoy their visit whilst they charge up and leave with a full batter y This in turn helps build relationships between hotels and guests as it demonstrates the commitment to providing a convenient and comfor table stay

Offering this amenity also boosts occupancy rates and provides additional revenue generating oppor tunities through use of the chargers

EV charging facilities are not only crucial to improving guest experience , but also show a commitment to a more sustainable future Adding chargers to the network suppor ts the transition to a cleaner, greener way of transpor t The benefits of this sustainable initiative don t end there – providing EV charging helps to differentiate hotels from competition, attracting guests who prioritise sustainability that are looking for a place to stay that aligns with their values

EVC recently entered an exclusive par tnership agreement with Macdonald Hotels & Resor ts to roll out bespoke EV charging solutions across their por tfolio of sites on a fullyfunded basis covering the cost of installation and ongoing maintenance of the chargers This collaboration puts the hotels’ guests and the planet first, providing a seamless charging experience

Now is the perfect time for hotels to prepare for the EV revolution – avoid the rush in the future and contact EVC now for a bespoke charging solution

See www evc co uk or the adver t on the facing page for details

Riso Gallo – High Quality Rice, Produced Efficiently, Sustainably And With Great Care To Protect Our Natural Environment

Established in 1856, Riso Gallo is the oldest Risotto rice producer in Italy and has been delivering premium rice to consumers around the world for over six generations

Excitingly, Riso Gallo is also now the first International rice brand to produce rice from sustainable agriculture , making their premium best-selling risotto rice fully sustainable from field to fork!

All of the Riso Gallo premium rice varieties are produced from sustainable agriculture , as cer tified by the international Farm Sustainability Assessment Their high quality Carnaroli and Arborio grains are grown just a shor t distance from the company ' s headquar ters in the Pavia area and cutting edge technolog y works in harmony with a skilled workforce to build a modern, robust agricultural model which respects both nature and the farming community itself to create a wonderful natural balance

Riso Gallo take great pride in collaborating with farms that respect their workers’ rights and guarantees fair and stable prices to assist their farming suppliers with planning, which are agreed and confirmed before sowing begins

Sustainability and a commitment to plastic that is suitable for recycling are key to Riso Gallo’s production, and they have uniquely created their own Circular Economy within rice production, collaborating with various innovative star t-ups to give useful new life to by-products from the rice mill See the QR code for more information on these exciting new developments

Riso Gallo is delighted that its plastic vacuum packaging is now suitable for recycling, following the launch of a new eco-sustainable plastic with a low environmental impact Riso Gallo are proud to be the first company to adopt this sustainable packaging, and the Gallo Risotto Traditional, Arborio, Carnaroli, and Carnaroli Rustico are now in packs using FSC cer tified cardboard outers to protect the grains inside

The excellence of the products and the high quality standards of the Riso Gallo supply chain are guaranteed and endorsed by BRC , IFS cer tifications and the Sustainable Rice Platform scheme , which leads to total reassurance for consumers who are cer tain they are buying 100% Italian rice which can be tracked throughout its entire supply chain, from cultivation to packing


Sustainability In the Carpet and Textile Flooring Sector

Following significant growth in its membership network, Carpet Recycling UK (CRUK) is seeking fur ther engagement from the construction, facilities management and flooring sectors to reduce textile flooring waste such as broadloom carpets, carpet tiles, event carpets and underlay

The not-for-profit association is now working with 80% of the UK’s carpet and textile flooring manufacturers and distributors, which puts it in a stronger position to represent the sector when it comes to discussions on favourable policy outcomes

Adnan Zeb-Khan: CRUK Scheme Manager says, “Moving forward, companies will need to demonstrate reductions in the use of new resources, design products with recycling in mind, including methods of identification of material make-up and consideration of reverse logistics for take-back schemes to suppor t reuse and recycling out-

comes Our members are making great strides with many developing products with recycling in mind, from single polymer ranges to ones made with recycled content ”

David Healey: Finance Director of CRUK member Saint Flooring implemented waste material recycling throughout the company ’ s nationwide sites in 2019 He says that membership of Carpet Recycling UK is contributing to its sustainability goals and helped achieve annual savings of up to £170,000 annually on disposal costs by reusing and recycling their waste materials

CRUK is the only organisation representing the carpet and textile flooring sector in the UK, which is helping to industr y to reduce waste , diver t waste from landfill and become more sustainable Please visit www carpetrecyclinguk com for more information

risogallo co uk or see the adver t on this page for
32 CLH Digital Issue 166

Sunny Days = Great Business

proof shelter provisions

With so many outdoor shelter options available , it is easier than you think to incorporate outdoor shelter to your garden areas


A Special Offer from Fenton Timber

Fenton Timber was established in the late 1990’s by Jim Miller who sadly passed in 2007, since then the business has continued under the management of Alex Spencer with Ade Tate overseeing manufacture who were both staff members from the early days of the business Fenton’s USP is delivering fully assembled weather treated “ready to use ” Picnic Benches/Tables and associated Garden Furniture to the License Trade , Schools and the Leisure Industr y all year round

The benefits of purchasing from Fenton Timber is not just the fact we deliver all of our own goods, with our own transpor t and staff but that we also guarantee our goods and operate all year round It might sound strange selling garden furniture during the winter!

Aside from customers whom might have outdoor functions, barbecues, summer fairs, live music etc there are also unfor tunate times whereby customers have been flooded and suffered losses and we are there to assist getting them back up on their feet As readers of the Caterer & Licensee – you can also take advantage of our current offer –10% off RRP on Supreme and Octagonal Tables (Ends 7th July '23) so call us free on 0800 085 6447

We’ve waited a long time for summer 2023 to star t Make the most of pent-up demand for pub gardens and outdoor hospitality Create a profitable outdoor space! OUTDOOR DRINKING Is your venue all set for long summer afternoons and evenings with customers enjoying a drink or two? Do you have different areas for drinking versus dining? Outdoor bar height tables and stools can add capacity easily without taking up much more space Optimise walls with bar height shelves and stools seated to them if space is tight If your venue is more traditional add some old barrels for drinkers to stand to OUTDOOR DINING If you re catering outdoors this summer do you have enough of the right furniture to suit your customers and the food you ser ve Can you add more tables chairs benches or picnic tables to your outdoor space? Lightweight tables and chairs are ideal for flexibility being movable to accommodate different size groups If you are tight on space , you could line walls or fences with bench seating and put pedestal tables to form dining sets OUTDOOR LOUNGING Outdoor lounge furniture encourages a longer dwell time higher spend and a more premium experience Does your outdoor space allow for outdoor lounge furniture? Choose lightweight outdoor sofas and armchairs with weatherproof cushions for a flexible lounge seating set up SHELTER & SHADE Sun or rain, we never know what the British summer time will bring Ensure you have plenty of parasol umbrellas for shade and don’t let rain stop play with weather-
Woodberr y Outdoor Furniture suppliers Woodberr y are long-time exper ts in supplying outdoor furniture to the hospitality trade We offer a wide range of hardwearing furniture , shelters and parasols to help our clients maximise their outdoor spaces Call our friendly team on 01926 889922 or visit the Woodberr y website www woodberr y co uk
mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising Outdoor
34 CLH Digital Issue 166


Making Wood-Fired Cooking Easy

The trend for wood-fired cooking in restaurants and caterers gathers apace , led by some prominent chefs, and embraced by a consumer more comfor table cooking, eating and enter taining outside

The Somerset Grill Company has taken the principles of the Argentinian WoodFired Asado, and created two Grills which overcome the main challenges of cooking with fire – easy temperature control, and simple fire and fuel management

Simply add logs to the integral Ember maker at the rear for a constant flow of cook-ready embers from 40 minutes after lighting – and continuously as long as you add more logs No more running out of temperature at the critical moment it is high output with quick cook times and big grill area for fast turnaround

To control cook temperature , simply wind the Grill surface up and down using the axle wheel – so you can sear at 350C at it’s lowest and warm or simmer at 50C higher up And with our larger Grande double , you get twin Grill surfaces operating height independently for

multiple cooking areas The unique V-grills prevent flare ups in-cook, and collect all fat and juice for re-basting or later use

Think steaks, slow roasts, smash burgers, fish, stews

Made in the UK by us the Grills offer high output opportunities for outdoor hospitality spaces, pop up events, and caterers

All off grid, wood-powered only Choose between free-standing models with integral woodstore stand and wheels to move around, or build in to your outdoor kitchen set-up, with gunmetal steel or

pre-rusted corten finish All parts in contact with food are food-grade stainless steel, you can add in griddles, rotisserie, prep tables and meat hooks for slow cooks too East to Light Easy to Fuel Easy to Use Easy to Clean And from just £1 080 + VAT inc deliver y for our Asado to build in they are great value too To discuss how we may be able to help you create extra outdoor revenue , or be different, email mar tin@somersetgrill com, phone 07881 520888 or find out more on www somersetgrill com
Monster Mesh is a leading events and construction branding company, specialising in supplying large format printed products We specialise in large format full colour and dye sublimation printing for weather resistance , strength and durability Our top-quality products match the ser vice you should expect, and we supply direct to brand owners, event management, construction, and signage companies We can provide a range of custom designed and printed products for HERAS fence covers PVC and ACM Hoarding panels PVC and mesh banners and large scale scaffold wraps We have been in operation for 4 years now, continually growing year on year thanks to both new and return clients At Monster Mesh we agree that your brand needs to generate the right impact Getting an eye-catching design is the most impor tant when displaying your banner amongst others, so at Monster Mesh we offer a complete in-house design ser vice Most of the time this is a free ser vice where our team of designers will take your logo and a brief sample of text to create your individual design Throughout our years of experience in large format design, we have learnt several ways to produce the impression you desire The majority of our products include free deliver y and typical lead times are just 7 working days with some products available through our 5-day express ser vice To find out more , please visit www monster-mesh co uk Outdoor Leisure Issue 166 CLH Digital 35 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
Monster Mesh

Outdoor Leisure

Enjoy the Sunshine with 10% Off Our Maintenance Free Outdoor Furniture!

With warmer weather star ting to appear what better way for your customers to enjoy the sunshine than sitting outside and relaxing TDP’s furniture , made from recycled UK plastic waste , will be ready and waiting as it doesn’t have to be stored away for the winter or be treated for the new season

Our range of furniture includes picnic tables, dining sets, benches and chairs as well as planters and children’s furniture All products benefit from a 20-year warranty and ver y low maintenance, with no annual staining or treatments required It will not rot or splinter, is ver y stable and extremely durable lasting for decades in even the busiest of areas TDP has been supplying environmentally friendly products to the industr y for over 30 years We are the choice supplier for those who want outdoor furniture that lasts and to date we have saved over 4,000 tonnes of recycled plastic waste from landfill By producing our furniture from recycled plastic rather than

Cinders ‘Classic’ Barbecue

The Cinders ‘Classic’ barbecue has exceeded customers’ expectations for decades, due to its unique , patented design It easily cooks 1000 burgers in one session but being a true workhorse is not its only selling point Robust, reliable and low-maintenance are just three adjectives to describe a barbecue whose repair costs are typically non-existent over long periods, generating a healthy ROI for many years

The Cinders Classic comes as a six-foot long double grill (TG160) or a half-sized single grill (SG80) with both running on LPG and offering incredible food output for the price of the energ y used The user-friendly grills are easy-to-light and powerful, getting up to temperature in around five minutes, to quickly feed a queue or facilitate an impromptu pop-up barbecue if great weather arrives Cinders’ production values are impressive - not only

Creating Unique And Inspiring Outdoor Environments

wood we have saved over 10,000 trees from being felled

We manufacture all our furniture in Derbyshire

Ever ything is handcrafted and as such you can order your furniture in custom colourways and we can include branding, establishment names, table numbers and other key information as either engravings or plaques Our furniture is longer-lasting and easier to maintain than their wooden alternatives meaning you buy them once and they will last a lifetime for your business

From your first contact with us, to taking deliver y, we want the whole experience to be both enjoyable and stress free We’re here to help so please do visit our website www tdp co uk, give us a call on 01629 820011 or drop us an email at info@tdp co uk

To take advantage of our 10% discount off RRP please give us a call and quote CATERER!

offering a warranty for commercial use , unlike cheap impor ted barbecues, but also built to ISO 9001:2015 standards

The barbecues have internal self-cleaning too, removing the odious chore of post-barbecue clean-down

The grill merely needs to be left running for a few minutes to burn off residue , which is then brushed away or ejected Once cool, the Classic can be folded down and easily stored away

To discover more call 01524 262900 or www cindersbarbecues co uk

We are the UK’s leading manufacturer and suppliers of innovative commercial furniture and structures for the alfresco hospitality and leisure industries If your business is looking to improve your outdoor dining experience we have a range of shade & shelter furniture heating & lighting, and flooring & decking solutions to improve your outdoor environment

Our elegant structures are manufactured using high quality materials made to vir tually any size Options include remote control retractable louvered or glass roofs and multiple features including heat and light

These solutions assure

SBI Ltd Are A Family Business You Can Rely On

At SBI Ltd we re a well-established family-run business based in Kent Since 1998, we have been ser ving trade & private customers’ homes, schools, hospitals, hotels & pubs, delivering a great ser vice for over two decades

Our friendly and professional teams are located across the UK and ready to supply & install any of the following:

• Made-to-measure awnings victor ian & contemporar y verandas , glass verandas glass rooms & canopies

• Carpor ts ver tical screens , manual, electr c or solar-powered secur ity shutter s & roller garage door s Conser vator y sail blinds , louvred roof pergolas , aluminium fencing and more

Our professional advisors and installers at SBI will be more than happy to help you create the perfect solu-

tion for your shade and shelter requirements We offer a full contract installation ser vice to private and trade customers who are not equipped or do not have sufficient time to carr y out installations

If you ’ re looking for branding or personalisation we ve got you covered Our popular vinyl graphics or traditional handpainted signwriting are especially useful for businesses and trade customers schools and colleges

In addition to ser ving homeowners and domestic customers, our contracts division suppor ts hotels, pubs, clubs, restaurants, coffee shops, schools, colleges, universities, government buildings, hospitals and other organisations

Call Now: 0800 074 2721 or visit www sbiproducts co uk

36 CLH Digital Issue 166
all-weather trading and offer a great return on investment Combined with our extensive furniture options, our design and bespoke build capabilities allow us to create something unique for your space and style SURVEY & DESIGN We work directly with you or your designated designers and architects to ensure all your objectives are met Following a site sur vey, our specialist in-house design team will generate drawings for you to visualise your ideas UK MANUFACTURE & BESPOKE BUILD Our UK factor y is equipped with the latest technolog y and able to create truly unique products especially for you We manufacture to specific site requirements and integrate colours, logos, designs and materials to attain the desired outcome PROJECT MANAGEMENT & INSTALLATION Your account manager will liaise with you to ensure a smooth process from enquir y to handover We will deliver and install, leaving you a clear site ready for immediate trading Our internal deliver y and installation teams carr y out all jobs with care and attention to detail Tel: 01189 230 300 | |

It’s a Wrap

It s likely one of the first actions your customers take on being ser ved food isn’t to pick up their cutler y but to grab their phone instead With diners continuing to share their food experiences across social media creating the wow factor has never been more impor tant

But are you making the most of this influential adver tising oppor tunity? Ser ving your dishes alongside custom printed greaseproof paper elevates your presentation but, more crucially, it guarantees customer images are branded with your logo Not only do you ensure your skills are credited to your business, you utilise existing customers to upsell your products to their social media network

Presentation matters for take-out customers too, with the unboxing event now considered a fundamental par t of the buying experience Adding intentionally customised touchpoints, such as branded greaseproof paper improves both the look and feel of products and helps create a sense of anticipation and value In fact,

Outdoor Leisure

consumers repeatedly tell us that the use of branded greaseproof encourages them to rate a venue as more professional, longer established and raises their expectations of the food they ll eat Most impor tantly it encourages an experience that consumers want to repeat and can’t wait to share with their friends

If you re looking ahead to a summer filled with outdoor food events, then you’ll know that standing out from the competition is vital Ser ving your brand alongside your food is an obvious adver tising oppor tunity when customers eat on-the-go, and it’s an ideal way of increasing footfall Branded greaseproof sheets are an affordable way to spice up your existing plain packaging and provide a new and convenient way to wrap and ser ve your items

At it’s a Wrap we believe adding branding to your food shouldn’t be difficult and it’s our passion to help businesses of all sizes to brand like the big guys with our custom printed greaseproof paper That’s why we continue to offer cer tified compostable products with low minimum orders, and deliver them in the fastest, standard lead times We also offer our free in-house design ser vice – simply send us your logo and we ll do the rest!

www printedgreaseproof com itsawrap@jrpress co uk

Make First Impressions Count with Major Plants

0800 111 4014

mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
Issue 166 CLH Digital 37 First Impressions Count! Major Plants Limited specializes in providing cost effective , visually striking, hanging baskets rental and maintenance ser vices In business over 10 years our company grown through word of mouth via our satisfied and expanding customer base We know that busy businesses have enough work to do without tr ying to remember whether the flowers have been watered fed or tidied up Calling in the exper ts like Major Plants Limited means that you can get on with your business while
and personal
will give you a piece of
reliable suppor t for your business
we ensure that outside , your plant arrangements and presentation never let you down Whether you are seeking an alternative quotation to compare with an existing supplier or are looking at external flower
ments for the first time our
ble agreement
ser vice
Please get in touch!

The Perks of Listing a Wallflower

Lanchester Wines has launched its latest range of wine in cans The new Wallflower range of 187ml Spanish wines is presented in a funky, fresh format - perfect for on-the-go occasions or as an alternative to glass

Unlike its namesake, this Wallflower will most certainly be in the midst of the celebrations as it has been designed to enjoyed at festivals, events, travel retail or on-trade as a single ser ve The range comprises easy drinking red, white and rose wines; the fruity red is a blend of Tempranillo and Cabernet Sauvignon, the zesty white is Airen and Macabeo while the rose is a fruity Garnacha Rosado

Bold, vibrant colours have been used to depict the different wines in the range , with colours creating cognitive connections to the colour of the wine inside

All Wallflower wines are suitable for vegetarians and


Mark Rober ts: “Whether displayed on a shelf, back bar or marquee , these brightly coloured cans stand out from the crowd Cans are an uncomplicated packaging solution which are lightweight, easy to stack and infinitely recyclable Cans can be chilled quickly and are hermetically sealed to ensure the wine stays fresher for longer ” The Wallflower cans were filled at Greencroft Bottling s wine canning line , which was the first wine canning line in the UK Greencroft Bottling is predominantly powered by clean renewable energ y generated by Lanchester Wines’ on-site wind turbines Lanchester Wines and its sister business, Greencroft Bottling, are pioneers in sustainable energ y, having installed its first wind turbine back in 2011

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

We create appealing and comfor table outdoor seating areas for your clients supplying ever ything required including:-

• planter s with real or faux plants

• cafe banner s and restaurant screens

• lighting heating

• c lassic neon signage

• paraso s installed and repa red

• lenticu ar b aded roofed shelter s

• tables and c hair s

Our hardy planters are built to order using rot proof ar tificial wood planks This unique material is not only completely waterproof but is formed from UK factor y waste plastics and materials that would otherwise have gone into landfill They will last you countless years and are a genuine recyled investment

From our workshops in Kent we deliver UK wide and are happy to

visit and sur vey your site to to discuss your needs and prepare a drawing and quotation outlining what could be done all within your available budgets

We firmly believe the better you look on the outside , the more customers will come to the inside so contact us on 01733 559437 or sales@cafeculture biz

Outdoor Space You Cannot Use Because Of The Weather Has No Value

"Nearly 2 years on it was the best decision we ever made to buy 3 White Pavilion Gazebos at The Grantham Arms

"They have paid for themselves many many times over I dread to think of the business we would have missed out on if we had not made the investment

Susie , Propr ietor : Grantham Arms , Boroughbr dge: The Bay Tree , Swillington, York : The Blac k Hor se , K rby F eetham : Fox & Hounds , Langthorpe WHITE PAVILION HOSPITALITY

GAZEBOS : 01653 695 285 www whitepaviliongazebos co uk

38 CLH Digital Issue 166
Outdoor Leisure

Catering Equipment & Kitchen Fit-Out

Why LP Group Mixers Are A Top Choice for Artisan Bakers

LP Group mixers are trusted across the globe to deliver high-quality assured dough production The Italian machiner y supplier has harnessed decades of engineering and manufacturing experience to create industr yleading models that produce excellent dough results for bakers Its latest lines of fixed bowl solutions are ideal for ar tisan use , such as at small restaurants and bakeries, with an array of different sizes suited to dough handling production from 40kg to 250kg

LP Group produces fantastic mixers for consistent high-quality ar tisan baking using specialist doughs,” says Steve Merritt, managing director of EPP, exclusive distributor of LP Group mixers in the UK and Ireland “We’re pleased to offer its comprehensive range of high quality, robust mixers, which are perfect for small bakers and Italian pizzerias The ability to produce at a smaller scale (whilst maintaining consistency) affords additional flexibility Bakers can even make batches of just half a dozen loaves or a handful of pizza bases – ideal for smaller requirements, or to use as experimenting and testing,

all with less wastage

All LP Group fixed bowl spiral mixers feature a tough steel construction and reinforced motors, built for many years of use Its intuitive models have been designed for low maintenance and easy dough extraction, and they can be extensively customised to suit individual requirements The mixers are capable of handling many types of dough but are especially suited to ar tisan dough mixtures with hydration greater than 55% with European flour

Its Star Mixer line – designed for 40kg or 60kg dough capacity – features an easy-to-use control panel with double scale electromechanical timer (which can be upgraded to an optional electronic control panel with bypass selector), and models can even be colour customised – ideal for reinforcing company branding, from kitchen to table Meanwhile the VIS line is designed for dough capacities from 60kg to 250kg

LP Group mixers are available in the UK and Ireland from baker y equipment specialist EPP For more information, visit www eppltd co uk

Cooking Suites
The ultimate solution for any catering establishment, perfect for pubs, hotels, restaurants, cafes and much more. Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
40 CLH Digital Issue 166 Blue Seal have noticed over the last few years a definite increase in demand for electric equipment This expansion is predominantly for new site install where the site has the power supply for 3phase and the operator is looking to future proof the kitchen and incorporate a full electric line up including high efficiency induction hobs etc This complete electric specification also avoids the complication & cost of expensive gas regulation canopies and interlock systems Electric equipment is also generally easier and cheaper to Install, routinely maintain, as well as having a longer life span in some cases This encourages the large chain restaurants to invest in high efficiency low carbon sites There has not however been any downturn for demand on gas equipment in general especially twin tank gas fr yer units, chargrills, ranges and griddles The running cost of gas is on the increase however it is still cheaper running cost than electric & there are a huge quantity of commercial kitchen sites in the UK that do not have the 3phase power supply to run a high performance electric cook suite A more common general application, is a balanced mix of high efficiency induction equipment and gas equipment such as char grills/ solid fuel grills/ high efficiency gas fr yers, which give the operator a unique equipment performance or finish and flavour to food items With most manufacturers investing their R&D into high efficiency technolog y & solutions to replace gas equipment long term there is no doubt that electric powered appliances are the future Cooking Suites

Catering Equipment & Kitchen Fit-Out

Fridge Seals Direct

Fridge Seals Direct proud to be UK s no1 supplier of replacement fridge and freezer seals We fabricate for a wide variety of commercial fridge & freezers

The management team at Fridge Seals Direct have over 30 years of experience in the refrigeration industr y and have each spent many of those years installing gaskets and hardware for a range of styles, brands and sizes of fridges

From restaurant kitchens to food warehouses - we

have experience in dealing with fridge & freezers of all sizes and scales To learn more about fridge seals be sure to explore our range of extensive guides on how to replace a refrigerator door seals Otherwise find your specific guides in how to identify measure install or maintain your fridge or freezer door seal

Our reputation in the industr y along with our commitment to providing a high-quality gasket without having to buy from the factor y allows us to have competitive pricing and fast turnaround time

Tr y us out, order your door gaskets from us and discover a better way to do business We are here to help you

Williams Helps You Look Good and Save Energy

With the release of the latest versions of its Gem Multideck range , Williams Refrigeration is highlighting the advances it has made in the energ y efficiency of its products, as well as the range of customisation options that allow operators to create their perfect display

Williams Multidecks are designed to maximise available display area and performance while delivering cost savings through energ y efficient operation

The Gem range can be customised to suit a huge range of applications Customisation options include LED strip lights inset within the ticket holders which enhance the display while using little energ y and generating minimal heat There are also night blinds security shutters front doors either sliding or hinged rear loading doors for easy restocking of goods impulse snack selection baskets for added merchandising potential, food tray slides, glass shelves and mirrored panels, all of which mean they can be specified exactly to the customers requirements Fur thermore , there’s also the option of remote refrigeration, and the ability to multiplex units

Improving energ y efficiency has become one of the most impor tant factors in choosing new refrigeration equipment recently with rising energ y costs and the need to increase environmental sustainability bringing this issue into sharp focus for many businesses The

• Be ready for your inspections

• Damaged fridge seals are unhygienic

• Make your fridge more energy efficient with a good seal on your fridge

• We provide custom seals for cold rooms, discontinued models, and units with no identification information

• Next-day delivery service

• Discounted prices on large orders WhatsApp, phone, and email support 07936807320

new models are TUV cer tified, fully EcoDesign- and MEPS-compliant, and use a combination of re-engineered airflow features, heat exchangers and green refrigerant to produce Williams’ most energ y efficient Multidecks to date

The latest open fronted Gem Multidecks include features designed to maintain the interior thermal envelope , thanks to a cur tain of cold air drawing down over the front of the unit This includes a newly developed honeycomb profile for the top air discharge system that helps to keep the cold air directed within the display, and redesigned bottom air inlets which improve the temperature stability of the lower shelves

Natural hydrocarbon refrigerant reduces energ y consumption thanks to its excellent thermodynamic proper ties with low GWP (Global Warming Potential) and zero ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) The Multideck’s operating temperature range is from -1 C to +7 C , making it suited to a wide choice of chilled food display

Williams Refrigeration offers a comprehensive range of commercial refrigeration including gastronorm cabinets and counters specialist baker y equipment coldrooms, multidecks and blast chillers

To learn more about Williams extensive product range visit

Issue 166 CLH Digital 41

The New DrainMinor C (Combi Oven Pump) Catering Equipment & Kitchen Fit-Out

The build quality of the submersible wastewater pump was also a discussion point with the mechanical shaft seal arrangement between pump impeller and motor winding generally agreed as an advantage over a common lip seal/diaphragm arrangement especially considering the hot wastewater temperatures and potential grease which these units have to handle

It can be connected to multiple ovens or oven and sink combinations Also, multiple inlet connections can be cut onsite directly into the rigid Polyethylene tank without the need to manifold inlets outside of the tank and then feed into it via a single inlet This means that the installation footprint is just the size of the compact tank and potential leaks from knocked manifold piping and joints are eliminated

It looks like the New DrainMinor C is a real winner!

Electrolux Professional Has Unveiled

This award is for the company with the highest national sales of their professional laundr y products

Adam Elphinstone MD of Southern Contracts said: This is the 25th year we ve won this award and consequently cherish a long and special relationship with Electrolux Professional and are always proud to work with their products for both provision, installation and ser vicing The installations have been carried out across all our sectors; marine, care and hospitality Some have been incredibly complex but all have been extremely satisfying ”

Mark Rogers Regional Business Manager for Electrolux Professional added: We ve had a special relationship with Southern Contracts for over 30 years and during that time they have regularly confirmed themselves as our highest performing par tner

Temperature Rises Increase Risks In The Summer Season

Managing Director of Swiftclean, Gar y Nicholls, adds:

“The maintenance manager for our largest customer mentioned that prior to him using Swiftclean’s ser vices they always experienced fires in ducts during hot periods, it was always a worr y whenever the temperatures soared”

With soaring temperatures in the UK, now is a time

that many restaurant owners fear


Kitchen extraction systems should be compliant with the TR19® Grease specification Elevated ambient temperature tends to increase the working temperature of extraction ducts making it much more likely that any uncontrolled grease accumulation inside an extraction system could catch alight

Surprisingly, only a small amount of grease in the extraction system – as little as half the thickness of a standard business card – can be enough

This significant increase in risk can be a huge worr y to those responsible for kitchen extraction systems

As the temperature increases during summer it s impor tant to ensure that your building is compliant with regulations Does your building have a kitchen extract system?

We’ve been around for over 40 years and have been instrumental in the development of the industr y specification, TR19® Grease , which helps to keep you, your staff and your visitors safe

If you are concerned about the risk of fire from a greasy kitchen extract duct, please do get in touch with our technical sales consultancy team, for a FREE quotation/technical advice – Nationwide

Call us on 0800 243 471 Or email us at

Temporary Catering Facilities For Events & Kitchen Refurbishments

for laundr y in the UK We count them as a first-class par tner

I personally have worked with them over 6 years and can always trust them to select the best solution and provide exemplar y after-care for all our customers, whatever their sector

“With their in depth understanding of our products, gleaned over the decades of our relationship, they continue to preser ve the firstclass friendly care of a family run business for both their remote and local customers ”

For more information about products and ser vices on offer, contact Southern Contracts’ exper t team of technical staff to provide guidance and advice through ever y aspect of your purchase and ongoing commitment to ser vice , please telephone 03301 222888 or visit www southerncontracts co uk

Production Kitchens, Preparation Kitchens, Ware-washing Units, Dr y Store Units, Cold Rooms and Restaurant Units are available

The standard specification of our Medium Production Kitchen unit includes a six burner oven range salamander grill twin basket fr yer undercounter fridge undercounter freezer hot cupboard double bowl sink unit with integral hand wash basin storage racking, plus ample power points to plug in Microwaves, Food Processors, Toasters etc Internal equipment can be interchanged, and clients can effectively specify their preferred layout

We have many tried and tested design layouts and would be pleased to put forward our recommendations for your project

So, if you ’ re planning a refurbishment or need to cater for an event then why not give us a call and we’ll be happy to provide advice and put forward a competitive proposal

For fur ther information or to arrange a site visit, email: sales@mk-hire co uk or call us on 0345 812 0800, or visit our website: www mk-hire co uk

Southern Contracts, Based in Dorset, as Their Top Performing UK Distributor Across Last Year Buy with confidence of performance and the back up of The Approved Fatstrippa Contractor Network. The Ultimate BS EN 1825 Compliant Grease Recovery • Over 40,000 Units Sold • Separates down to below 35 parts per million
Eliminates need for enzymes or chemicals
Constructed of 3mm 304 Grade Stainless Steel. 10 Year Construction Warranty. Manufactured in UK and Ireland. Sizes from 0.5 Litres Per Second through 8 5 Litres Per Second For further information contact Fatstrippa Sales 0207 207 7713 There are significant advantages offered by the New DrainMajor C (Combi Oven Pump) manufactured by Pump Technolog y Ltd The pump features a tank with its clear side window was the large , triangular, low-level float attached to the pump by a rigid arm, external to the pump casing Because of the design of this float system the unit can cope with an exceptional quantity of grease fat and food par ticles before the reliable star t/stop operation of the pump is affected The triangular low-level float also means that inlet heights can be just 70mm from base to centreline , giving the appropriate inlet requirement for wall or central island Combi Ovens
42 CLH Digital Issue 166
Mobile Kitchens Ltd specialises in the hire of temporar y catering facilities and foodser vice equipment Ideal for events or to
temporar y catering facilities
during your
refurbishment, our versatile units and equipment offer an efficient and economical solution to the
as individual units in their own right or they can be linked together on site to form a complete complex Alternatively we can offer modular open-plan facilities usually for larger longer-term hires We offer a free design ser vice , and project management from concept through to deliver y and installation on site , plus full technical suppor t throughout the hire period

Catering Equipment & Kitchen Fit-Out

E AIS - The Ideal Solution

EAIS is a leading Manufacturer and Supplier of storage and transpor tation products supplied both to the Foodser vice and Healthcare industries Proud to be based in King’s Lynn, Norfolk we are renowned for our innovation and ability to offer solutions which not only meet the customer’s demands but their expectations as well Whether you are looking for food storage shelving racking systems trolleys and fabrication or maybe its healthcare shelving and medical trolleys or even bespoke

design products

With the combination of our ability to hold vast stocks of our key product lines, combined with our hugely experienced and award winning customer ser vice it has made EAIS the number one choice within the Industr y

Why not put us to the test and let EAIS become your Ideal Solution? Contact our sales depar tment on either 01553 765205 or

Fatstrippa Grease Recovery

Fatstrippa has been at the forefront of Fats Oils and Greases (FOG s) Management for the Catering and Food Manufacturing Industries since the 1990 s when it introduced its patented Fatstrippa Range of nonmechanical Grease Recover y Units These units achieved FOG recover y rates of well below 35 ppm eliminating the need for secondar y treatment with costly enzymes or chemicals

Caterquip Ventilation – For All Your Commercial Catering Ventilation Needs

Caterquip Ventilation Ltd is proud to be celebrating their 23rd Anniversar y this year

This Warwick based company offers nationwide coverage for all your commer-

cial catering needs: free site sur veys, quotations and designs (C AD) quality bespoke and standard fabrications, specialist knowledge of catering ventilation systems including input air, odour reduction (carbon filtration and ESP) and sound attenuation Affiliated members of Constructionline and CHAS, Caterquip Ventilation have a strong hold in the marketplace often advising industr y professionals on ventilation systems to a DW172 specification & BSEN:6173

They have strong relationships with all leading kitchen equipment suppliers, and they offer a kitchen design ser vice to help you build your ideal kitchen Projects under taken have included Olympic Villages, Basildon Hospital, The Mitre Hotel at Hampton Cour t, The Truck Stop at Anglesey The Lodge at Old Hunstanton, Colleges, Schools, Hotels, Restaurants and Public Houses They ensure their systems are compliant with the current guidelines whilst maintaining an efficient and dynamic facility

With extensive knowledge of manufacturing and installing ventilation systems, they can help you design the best kitchen within the space available Call: 01926 887167, visit: www caterquipventilation co uk, email: info@caterquipventilation co uk

close cooperation with Water Authorities Environmental Agencies and Restauranteurs the Fatstrippa quickly established itself as a market leader in performance requiring little maintenance and a reputation for robustness Manufactured from 304 Grade 3mm Stainless steel many of the units installed over 20 years ago are still giving peak performance to this day For fur ther information contact info@fatstrippa co uk or see the adver t on the previous page Please

44 CLH Digital Issue 166
Designed by Chief Marine Engineer, Allan Owen, in mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

WACR cash register specialises in touch screens and cash register tills sales and hires We are also able to under take repairs and ser vicing for business throughout Avon, Wiltshire , Gloucestershire , Somerset, South Wales Berkshire Hampshire and Oxfordshire We have 40 years experience of in supplying and maintaining EPOS

3R is a leading provider of Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) solutions, offering both integrated counter top and wireless payment solutions, as well as Mobile Top-Up ser vices With competitive rates and durable , secure hardware , 3R’s signature EPOS software , CES Touch, is a game-changer for businesses seeking to optimize their day-to-day operations and streamline their financial repor ting

Another essential feature of CES Touch is its full Stock control functionality, which enables businesses to manage their inventor y effectively This feature ensures that businesses can maintain optimal stock levels, avoid overstocking or understocking, and keep track of their stock movements accurately

In addition to these features, CES Touch offers intensive operator management and in-depth financial repor ting, which is vital for businesses seeking to manage their staff and financial performance effectively With full cloud business analytics, CES Touch also

provides businesses with real-time insights into their sales, inventor y, and customer behaviour, enabling them to make data-driven decisions to optimize their operations CES Touch also links directly to a wide range of Symbol Groups, including Londis, Booker, Premier, Budgens Shop Local Best-one and NISA, allowing businesses to take advantage of automated promotions and price changes This feature is par ticularly useful for businesses looking to offer competitive pricing and promotions while maintaining profitability

At the hear t of 3R’s offering is their commitment to excellent customer ser vice , providing 24/7 suppor t, 365 days a year Whether you ’ re a small business owner or a large retailer 3R’s EPOS solutions and CES Touch software are sure to provide you with the tools you need to succeed

See the adver t below for details





Get In Touch: A revolutionary POS system Systems from £1300 + vat PRICE INCLUDES: 4 Screen 4 Printer 4 Drawer 4 myepos Stay organised, save time and grow your business with a powerful and reliable solution at your fingertips 0800 328 3492
Access your business insight from anywhere.
Realtime reporting on staff, customers, sales, margin, and stock retention
Let customers pay with Dojo link
Flexible layouts and interactive floor plan.
systems and Touch screen systems to pubs, clubs, restaurants, and retail scanning Our reputation has been built on high-quality customer ser vice and product reliability We offer a ver y reliable backup ser vice for our customers We offer a contract and suppor t contract for most makes of cash registers and touch screens SOFTWARE Our EPoS software is designed with the end user in mind Its intuitive flexible and easy to use with a customisable interface and functionality It also has a fast database management design and reliable market-leading EPoS software HARDWARE We have a range of fantastic hardware solutions for you to take your company to the next level Simple , secure , and powerful Take control of your business with our award-winning EPOS systems A REVOLUTIONARY POS SYSTEM For Hospitality, retail, and bars stay organised, save time and grow your business with a powerful and reliable solution at your finger tip Access your business insight from anywhere Realtime repor ting on staff customer s sales marg n and stoc k retention Let customer s pay with Do o link Flexib e layouts and interactive floor plan Phone: 0800 328 3492 Contact us at: sales@wacr co uk WACR EPOS Solution Providers 3R (EPOS) Solutions Hospitality Technology Issue 166 CLH Digital 45 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Hospitality Technology

MCR Systems

MCR Systems has over 40 years of experience in providing hospitality, catering and leisure organisations with enterprise management solutions that directly improve the efficiency of their business operations We do this by combining high-quality software and

No More Trips To The Bank - And Your Cash Taken Care of with Loomis

First of all, the team at Loomis just want to acknowledge the great news that


So, if someone told you no more cash counting and reconciling, reduced shrinkage and no more trips to the bank how would that sound? Pretty good we hope!

Loomis has a comprehensive range of cash management solutions which are perfect for busy and dynamic environments - there is a menu of options to choose from but right now the most popular choice of businesses in the retail sector is a Loomis smar t safe package - including an ‘intelligent safe’ which will validate notes count and reconcile cash trigger automatic secure collections and provide valuable manage-

ment cash flow information - a true end to end solution

Par ticularly popular is the Loomis SafePoint Compact, recently launched and exceptionally well received at the National Convenience Show in May Measuring just 610 x 200 x 460mm (HxWxD), Safepoint Compact fits easily into most busy environments and offers low-cost weekly terms which include ser vice and maintenance

With cer tain packages and banking par tners Loomis is also able to offer ‘Same Day Value’ with takings credited to the bank account on the same day

There are also other Loomis options available to help cash management run more smoothly, including cash collection and coin and note deliver y Yet again, mo more trips to the bank!

With Loomis taking care of your cash you can focus your attention exactly where you want it to be - on retaining customers, attracting new ones - and developing a successful business

Contact us today on 0845 309 6419 for more information and get your business’s cash flowing more freely

Boost Your Efficiencies During The Summer Rush

In the midst of the busy summer period, operators need to raise their tech game to ensure customer experience and operational efficiency are slicker than ever

Call Systems Technolog y (CST) specialise in innovative communication technolog y and software solutions that transform and enhance the hospitality industr y –for both customers and operators

Helping to deliver a truly first-class ser vice whilst subtly elevating the experience to stand out from competitors

Paging systems, specifically designed with the hospitality industr y in mind allow staff to remain readily available without being constantly visible This allows teams to communicate effectively while still allowing the establishment to operate at its best

Here are our top tips to make sure your summer is a sizzler :

1) Instead of getting customer s to wait in a ong, tedious queue , create an invisible one instead Ut lising customer paging solutions gives diner s the freedom to wait where they wish – suc h as the bar - wh le

reducing congestion

2) Simple but effective , WaiterCall instantly connects front and

bac k-of-house for the slic kest ser vice Instant communication el minates the need to run bac k and for th from the kitc hen pass leaving more time to upsell dr inks and mainta n high levels of customer ser v ce

3) With many operator s currently shor t-staffed, call buttons allow customer s to nstant y gain a team member's attention when needed, making it easier to order additional food and dr ink or request to pay the bill

4) Two-way radios provide instant communication between manager s and kitc hen staff

Meaning table turns are increased, incidents are dealt with immed ately, and the overal guest exper ience s enhanced

No guessing or time wasted – just c lear communication Keeping on top of the latest technolog y not only relieves stress for staff during busy periods but also helps improve simple operations, keeping customers happy and most impor tantly, loyal

For more information on CST:

www call-systems com

solutions@call-systems com 020 8381 1338

cutting-edge EPOS technolog y MCR Systems T: 0116 299 7000 E: enquiries@mcr-systems co uk www.mcr-systems See the adver t on the following page
Issue 166 CLH Digital 47
bar takings were up by 26 7% over the coronation weekend Fantastic news, a much needed boost for the sector - and probably a lot more cash to reconcile , secure and bank!
for ever yone in the CLH sector, be that hoteliers, pubs, bars and restaurants, takeaways or cafes managing cash safely and efficiently is an impor tant issue which can diver t valuable personnel time and attention away from delivering the best possible standard of ser vice and product to customers

Hospitality Technology

Little Hotelier’s Local Booking Insights

Can data be your friend? We think so After all, using data has kind of always been par t of running a small proper ty

It might have previously come from things like manual market research, or by speaking with that friendly local ‘competitor’, while today, online solutions can crunch the numbers and provide usable insights in real-time

But what data points do you actually need to know, and how can they be used?

Analysing our UK proper ties, we ’ ve pulled together some findings we ’ re sharing for the ver y first time creating a simple (shor t and snappy) repor t that highlights both the latest trends among the countr y ’ s small proper ties and the easy ways you can bring data and technolog y into day-to-day life at your proper ty

After you ’ ve finished reading it, you’ll have an understanding of:

• The c hannels br inging in the most revenue for UK s 1-20 room properties

• How room rates are c hanging, and the tools you need to pr ce your rooms with c lar ity

The c hanges happening in booking lead time , and the oppor tunity th s provides to dr ive more revenue

• The current sp it between guests arr iv ng from within the UK and abroad

Our aim is to provide you with access to the tools and info you need, so that you can make smar ter decisions more easily

Head here to get your copy of Little Hotelier’s Local Booking Insights:

Castra Solutions - Wired and Wireless Solutions

At Castra Solutions, we understand the impor tance of reliable and high-speed WiFi for businesses of all sizes Our WiFi solutions are designed to provide seamless connectivity and exceptional performance , ensuring that your employees and customers can stay connected at all times

In the hospitality industr y, having a reliable and high-speed WiFi network is essential to meet the needs of guests who expect seamless connectivity during their stay With the rise of mobile devices and the growing impor tance of online reviews, hoteliers cannot afford to overlook the impor tance of providing a top-notch WiFi experience

One of the biggest challenges in hotel WiFi is providing coverage throughout the entire proper ty from guest rooms to public areas This requires careful planning and optimization of the network, including access point placement, signal strength, and interference management By working with Castra Solutions, hotels can

ensure that their WiFi network is designed to meet the unique needs of their proper ty and guests

In addition to providing reliable WiFi hotels can also use their network to enhance the guest experience and generate revenue For example , hotels can offer premium WiFi ser vices for guests who require faster speeds or more bandwidth or provide access to streaming ser vices and other enter tainment options

In conclusion providing a reliable and high-speed WiFi network is essential for hotels looking to meet the needs of their guests and stay competitive in today s digital world By working with a Castra Solutions and taking steps to optimize and secure their network hotels can provide a seamless and enjoyable WiFi experience that enhances the guest experience

Call us today on 0300 124 5005 or visit www castrasolutions co uk

Issue 166 CLH Digital 49

Design & Refit

Additional Ranges as ILF Continue to Expand

It's Not Time To Sit Down Yet


indoor seating and indoor wooden table bases and tops can be finished to any customer specification Outdoor items offer a variety of colours within the same product style

Also included is a link to priced chairs and table bases plus a selection of priced made to order seating in a selection of Faux

Leather upholster y colours and wood frame colours

These products can also be supplied to customer specification just ask for details

Enquiries can be sent to them directly from the website and they will reply within 24 hours They hope you will enjoy the experience of viewing their easy to navigate website and they look forward to helping clients get the best products for their hospitality site

past work We are also available on Facebook and Instagram, so give us a follow!

A Glass Act - Enomatic Wine Dispense and Preservation

Enomatic is the world leader in wine dispense and preser vation

Studies show that wine-by-the-glass sales increase turnover and are more profitable than bottle sales enomatic was created to offer a more premium wines by glass offering thus creating a more profitable business models for restaurants, bars and wine merchants

enomatic’s quality control provides customers with confidence that wines are always fresh and ser ved at their optimum temperatures With patented preser vation technolog y and automatic self-cleaning of the pouring spout, our systems ensure the highest hygiene and superb wine quality


It is a simple fact that wine that is not consumed oxidizes in the bottle and is wasted creating unnecessar y costs and profit loss for a wine business enomatic was designed to eliminate waste , reduce overheads and maximize profits


Using state-of-the-ar t iner t gas preser vation, enomatic prevents wine from being altered by oxygen and protects its organoleptic integrity (taste , aroma, body, and colour) for up to 21 days or more (tested and

cer tified)


Staff over-pouring results in reduced profit margins enomatic’s precise automatic por tion control prevents inventor y shrinkage , over pouring, and ensures accurate measures time after time


enomatic's advanced electronics and automation increases the speed of ser vice By simply pressing a button, you can select and ser ve any wine desired Your staff ’ s time is costly; that’s why enomatic was also designed to make their time more efficient - no more wasting time re-corking or vacuuming bottles after each use

Software functionality allows you to track not only all the wines in your system, but also the use of the system by customers You can even limit the amount a customer can consume for any given period of time With card operated systems, enomatic is a vir tual sales person and responsible bar tender all wrapped up in one!

www enodirect co uk

Tel +44 (0)1603 768046

at the end of a busy night it is, and for your hard-working customers it's
they have
comfy and
to rest their wear y bones Investing in new seating for your premises during unclear financial times can be a tough decision, but with small new bars restaurants cafes, and fast food establishments opening all the time , and with new trends appearing, it might be exactly what you need to either attract a new crowd or keep existing customers We can either work with you to come up with designs for your seating or take ideas from your interior designer and build your dreams efficiently, effectively, and on time within budget Drakes have been providing bars, pubs, restaurants,
bar Our dedicated team are either
ved officially trained craftsmen
professionals Got you interested? Let us give you a free quote or ask for professional advice We are available for a chat Monday – Thursday: 9 00 am > 4 00 pm and Friday: 9 00 am > 12 00 pm on 01422 839 690 If you prefer, email us at sales@askdrake .com and of course please visit our website www askdrake com to see some of our range and
essential that
something welcoming
and hotels with high-quality furniture for decades We employ over 15 joiners, upholsterers, polishers and designers who are capable of installing fixed seating and bespoke joiner y, full refurbishments, or simply making bespoke stools
the front
based email terr With the ever-growing success of the ILF Chairs website , 2023 has seen an increase in their stock chairs to 8 ranges available in different Faux and Velvet upholster y and selection of frame colours, plus an 8 colour stock range of Egger laminated 25mm table tops in a selection of sizes A full range of table bases in metal and stainless steel are also kept in stock In addition, a new range called Boutique elegant seating with frames in Ash Walnut and Beech and offering a full selection of stain finishes and fabrics Their new online website offers both indoor and outdoor seating and table solutions Divided into Contemporar y seating Boutique Barstools, Lounge Seating, Period Seating, Outdoor seating and tables plus Indoor Dining & Coffee height tables, offering a great selection of products to view at your leisure Also included now is an extensive range of stock seating, barstools, table bases and table tops Most made to order
50 CLH Digital Issue 166

Healey and Lord

Healey and Lord Limited specialise in the supply of high quality sanitar yware to commercial and hospitality projects around the world

Our commercial product ranges are available to suit both modern and classically styled schemes We have a full range of toilets, wash basins, urinals, taps and accessories in a variety of finishes All products are available from stock and are made in the UK or western Europe

We have an extensive range of no-touch washroom products including toilets, taps, accessories and urinal controls that are available in a range of finishes to complement any scheme

seating and even outdoor furniture They can manufacture in both metal and wood and have an extensive catalogue available to showcase their standard range

Having the skills ‘in house’ allow ACE to be a preferred supplier for any bespoke requirements you have , so from a simple idea the team at Ace can design and build to your specific needs

To discuss your furniture requirements fur ther please don’t hesitate to get in touch with ACE Furniture on 01536 203244, email sales@acefurniture

We regularly work with design and hospitality professionals to specify good value , durable washroom schemes for high profile venues

We also offer a range of high-quality design focused disabled toilet and washroom equipment to suit all projects We have an extensive range of less able products designed to complement modern and traditional schemes perfectly

Recent projects we have supplied include The Shard The Tower of London, Windsor Castle , Lords Cricket Ground, The Queens Club, Battersea Power Station, The Globe , The Connaught Hotel Whites in London, The Garrick Club and the Hurlingham Club

Please contact us on +44 (0)1603 488709 or at sales@healeyandlord co uk or visit our website at www healeyandlord co uk for more details

C L A S S I C C O L L E C T I O N M O D E R N C O L L E C T I O N Classic & contemporary designer sanitaryware & accessories Made in the UK and Western Europe All products are available from stock w w w. h e a l e y a n d l o r d . c o . u k Tel: 01603 488709 | E-mail: sales@healeyandlord co uk Design & Refit Ace Furniture Ace has been Manufacturing Contract furniture for the Hotels, Restaurants, Bars and Leisure industr y for over 30 years The company has grown from a small family business to a large national manufacturer Based centrally in Nor thamptonshire ACE has built up a team of fully skilled frame makers polishers sewing machinists, upholsterers, and assemblers From enquir y to completion ACE is the number 1 company for the job They ensure their own sales team deal with your enquir y promptly and professionally, offering free site visits and exper t advice to guarantee the right product is chosen for the job A huge range of frame and Upholster y finishes are available to choose from to ensure your venue really does look ACE! Managing their own inhouse deliver y and installation the team ensure your product is delivered to site on time and with care ACE manufacture all types of furniture for your venue from stools, chairs, tables, sofas, banquet Tel. +44 (0)1603 768046 @EnoDirectUK Second to None World leader in wine dispense and preservation S A L U T M a n c h e s t e r Issue 166 CLH Digital 51
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Hotels and restaurants intending to replace existing gas-fired domestic hot water (DHW) systems with more sustainable electric technologies as par t of a decarbonisation strateg y should invest in data gathering first recommends hot water specialist Adveco

Live Metering is a simple to install, non-invasive onsite ser vice provided by Adveco that generates consistent six minute data 24 hours per day from existing hot water systems to accurately understand actual usage including critical peak demands and their profile shape Adveco’s specialist engineers will visit to fit the meter and assess the proper ty The data will then be processed, and a repor t generated with design recommendations for a replacement system that meets the exact needs of

the building

New designs by Adveco will show carbon reduction and outline new operational costs Accurate to the actual demands of the proper ty, Live Metered designs avoid excess capital costs associated with oversizing and ensures operation within the limits of the existing electrical supply of the building

Businesses which opt to purchase the recommended replacement system from Adveco will receive a 50% refund on the cost of implementing the initial Live Metering ser vice

Talk to Adveco about booking Live Metering at your proper ty

Adveco Gas To Electric Decarbonisation Design and Refit Improve Those Customer Reviews

Castelan Commercial Ser vices are now the ‘go to’ Company for Bath Tub Restoration work They cover the whole of the UK and use modern day innovative techniques to achieve results not seen before within the Hospitality Industr y that will extend the life of your fixed assets

The issues that draw the guest’s attention and cause negative feedback (via reviews and online websites such as Trip Adviser) are:

• Peeling or dir ty Bath Tubs/Shower Trays

• Moldy Silicone/Grout

• Dir ty Carpets/Upholster y

These areas are what draws the guest’s eye when they arrive in the bedroom and experience where they will be living for the duration of their stay Hoteliers for many years have struggled to maintain these - especially the Bath Tub anti slip area which gets soiled or goes a ver y dark colour which looks unsightly and that along with enamel chips and rust catches the eye of the guest

Hoteliers then turned to restoration companies to rectify the issue and were , for many years, advised to repaint the bath tubs However this brings its own issues - such as peeling and the yellowing of the paint It worked, but was a temporar y solution, as often the paint star ts to peel off making the bath tub look awful Castelan do not paint any baths, as, in reality, this is masking over the problem and not actually resolving the problem beneath But with new found technolog y Castelan can strip off that paint and, in most cases, restore that bath to above 85%-95% improvement (we all know if you are looking for 100% improvement that means buying a new bath tub) but our job as a Restoration Asset Management Provider is to keep the fixed asset in situ for as long as possible and extend the life of that asset to perhaps two, three or four times the original capex expectation and this is what Castelan can do - SO NO MORE PEELING



M 07787 847 353

mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising 52 CLH Digital Issue 166

Design and Refit

Battling Staff Shortages?

Here’s How A Service Lift May Help


Staff shor tages have been a challenge for British hospitality businesses, with data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showing a 56% increase in staff shor tages in the accommodation and food ser vice sector compared to pre-pandemic levels

To tackle this issue , businesses have had to turn to technolog y to ensure they can operate efficiently with fewer staff members One option that can be easily implemented is the addition of ser vice lifts to business premises These lifts can move items like food, beverages, laundr y, and luggage more efficiently between floors reducing the manual time and effor t required for tasks This can help businesses run smoothly even with smaller teams, preventing waiting times from becoming unacceptable for customers

Ser vice lifts like the Microlift or Trolley lift can also reduce the risk of injur y for staff and improve staff wellbeing by reducing physical strain making the workplace more inclusive for those with disabilities or mobility

Mayfair Furniture

Mayfair Furniture will be celebrating 11 years this year of providing the UK s fastest and affordable com-

Many business owners may be under the impression that a ser vice lift is expensive and disruptive to install, but this is often not the case at all Microlifts from Stannah are compact structure-suppor ted and quick and easy to install These reliable and hard-wearing products are designed for operation 24/7, 365 days a year suppor ted by regular ser vice visits from our exper t local engineers

So even when staff shor tages bite , great ser vice can still be provided to your customers - without the heavy lifting With a durable and reliable Stannah lift sharing the load, your staff will be well-protected ever y day and able to do more than ever before

As manual handling is such a risky business, Stannah has compiled a comprehensive Manual Handling Guide detailing how business owners can reduce the risks of staff injur y and prevent fur ther shor tages due to injur y

For more information visit:

time to time hospitality and leisure establishments like to give themselves a fresh new look That's why not only do we supply contract furniture , but when it's time for your establishment to go through a refurbishment we also offer a complete clearance ser vice


We'll organise ever ything from a suitable time and date , professional clearance staff to remove contract furniture whether fitted or unfitted Along with our sister company Caterfair who provides commercial catering equipment for your kitchens we are the ideal people to speak to when you are looking to refurbish 01733 310115 sales@mayfairfurniture co uk www mayfairfurniture co uk

furniture Supplying all kinds of establishments from high end hotel chains to small local takeaways We keep in stock a huge variety of items ready for immediate dispatch, and can fulfil a wide range of bespoke orders We deliver to all areas of the UK, Ireland & Europe
; we understand that
are not just a supplier
Issue 166 CLH Digital 53
mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Create A Retro Cool Space with Stylish Seating Design and Refit

If you ’ re looking to update your café, bar, hotel or restaurant’s chairs with comfor table yet chic vintageinspired seating that’s built to last, look no fur ther than Trent Furniture’s stylish and cost-effective range

Available in goes-with-anything tan or fossil suede upholster y, our Cologne Chair makes a retro style statement while its suppor tive back and arm rests make it perfect for unwinding with a drink at the end of the day It can be supplied with its strong black steel legs attached for a nominal charge , but if it ordered separately, it’s a simple process to screw them in Alternatively, the Stockholm Armchair makes a for a showstopping feature in your lobby or waiting area

Upholstered in a versatile golden tan suede finish with stitching detail, it pairs perfectly with the Stockholm Two Seater to create an atmosphere of understated luxur y Carr ying on the theme to your bar area the

Dusseldorf Hairpin Stool exudes retro industrial cool with its sturdy statement legs and comfor table padded seat in tan suede upholster y

To add extra interest, why not pair any of these seating options with the Bauhaus-inspired Munich Retro Chair, which is available in tan or fossil or the vintage industrial good looks of the Bavaria Chair which features detailed stitching in golden tan? Whichever combination of seating you choose to create your own unique space , you can rest assured your stylish new chairs will last for years to come All options are made using high density PU foam for comfor t and durability and crib 5 fabric to meet UK standards for contract grade furniture These chairs also feature the heavy-duty steel legs and frames that are necessar y for a hospitality setting

To find out more about Trent Furniture’s great range of stylish and durable range of retro-inspired contemporar y seating, please call us on 0116 2989 927 or fill in our contact form at www trentfurniture co uk

CardsSafe - 20 Years in the Hospitality & Leisure Industries

CardsSafe Ltd has worked in the leisure and hospitality industr y for more than twenty years

From pubs, bars, hotels and restaurants to golf courses, caterers and sports grounds, the CardsSafe system continues to be successfully utilised in all types of customer-facing venues

The CardsSafe system is specifically designed to securely retain customer credit, debit and ID cards while the cardholder runs a tab As a result, it makes it easier for venues to manage their customers' bills, allowing staff to up-sell and build better customer relationships

Over 5000 venues now utilise the system For example , the London Golf Club, one of the UK s most prestigious golf centres, first installed the CardsSafe system in 2008, adding additional units in 2014 and again in 2020 At the club, CardsSafe is used by the catering staff as they also ser ve golfers with food and drinks on the course

Grant Rumbelow Food and Beverage Operations Manager explained "CardsSafe has been a welcome

addition to the London Golf Club We utilise the system in our Golf Shop and Spike Bar and on-course with our Drinks Bugg y With CardsSafe , we can safely store customers' cards whilst they enjoy their round of golf " CardsSafe has protected business and customer assets for over twenty years, acting as a proven and genuine deterrent for walkouts, dine & dash and chargebacks In addition, CardsSafe is cost-effective and pays for itself Each ten-drawer unit hire comes with excellent customer ser vice , free replacement keys, and additional units that can be added at any time

Hospitality and leisure venues across the UK have trusted and benefitted from CardsSafe for twenty years So the question is, can you afford not to have CardsSafe as a par t of your business?

For more information, please visit www cardssafe com

Or contact the sales team on 0845 500 1040

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising 54 CLH Digital Issue 166

Property and Professional

Upcoming Hospitality Trends

The hospitality industr y has been hit hard by the events of the past three years But for those who weathered the storm, there are oppor tunities ahead How can SMEs capitalise on the trends set to shape their sector over the coming year?

have had to demonstrate remarkable resilience and agility These attributes will stand them in good stead to take advantage of new trends shaping the industr y – and the consumer landscape that underpins it - when the recover y comes

There are many subtle trends that will undoubtedly impact owners and operators dependent on their market and offering but the following are likely to shape businesses across the broad hospitality industr y in 2023


The rise of hybrid working arrangements and the increase of ‘digital nomads’ is a COVID-created trend that seems here to stay Many hospitality venues can capitalise on this shift by enhancing their offering to cater for local home-workers or business travellers Ensuring you have good wifi charging points quiet spaces and quality coffee will help capitalise on demand from this segment


It is hard to think of a sector more impacted by the challenges of the past few years than hospitality Almost overnight the pandemic closed the entire idea of travel and eating out and - just as that was ending - spiralling inflation and reduced consumer spending have dealt many firms a hammer blow

According to the Hospitality Market Monitor from AlixPar tners and CGA by Nielsen IQ, the sector now has 13,037 fewer sites than it did before venues were first closed through lockdown three years ago

Hospitality recorded a drop of 4,809 premises across the whole of 2022 with more than three quar ters shutting their doors in the second half of the year

Nearly nine in 10 of these businesses were independents as small businesses weakened by the impact of Covid were forced to close The Market Monitor said many closures last year were the result of spiralling costs, whilst fragile consumer confidence , industrial disputes and labour shor tages have also made it a challenging star t to 2023 for many SME operators

Over the course of the past three years, those UK SMEs that have sur vived

The cost-of-living crisis has undoubtedly tightened available consumer spend for eating out and weekends away According to a repor t by Forbes Advisor 83% of UK consumers have reduced restaurant spend in response to rising domestic costs Hospitality operators will need to ensure that for customers who will be looking for a good deal, that their offering delivers This doesn’t necessarily mean a race to the bottom, however It just means that your business needs to communicate what makes it wor th the spend



Each year, The Unilever Food Solutions Future Menu Trends Repor t canvasses the opinion of 250 professional chefs working in over 70 different countries, to determine the trends it feels will shape the food and beverage industr y For 2023, it predicts that vegetables will become an increasingly major par t of menu design It predicts their “promotion from side-dish to main event” in response to increasing numbers of vegan, vegetarian and flexitarian diners looking for well-crafted plant-based foods 67% of its operator panel also predict that sourcing local ingredients that help to reduce the carbon footprint of restaurant dishes is a trend that consumers are increasingly looking for


Why Use a Specialist Hospitality Consultant?

With over 30 years of industr y experience in the Hospitality sector, The Bowden Group’s Managing Consultant David Hunter will work with you to address the following elements:

Profitability Operational Strateg y Staff Management Marketing and The Future of your business


Our exper ts will analyse your entire operation and also its key operating figures if they are available We then help you to identify strategies to manage costs and overheads associated with the core Profitability of running a Hospitality business

The largest overhead, even higher than Cost of Sales, is the Labour cost, so, with detailed analysis of your wages and being able to understand ‘’the way your business actually works’’ we can ensure that you are maximising the

labour usage in your business

VisitBritain are forecasting 35 1 million inbound visits in 2023 (86% of the 2019 level and 18% higher than in 2022) and £29 5 billion spend (104% of the 2019 level and 14% higher than in 2022) If the latter figure is achieved, it would be a record for the value of inbound spend in the UK in nominal terms

The dollar strength against the pound translated into 380 000 US-based visitors arriving in the UK in the last quar ter of 2022 (a 6% increase on Q4 2019 levels) Businesses that can adver tise to – and cater for - a return to higher levels of tourism from both the US and Europe are likely to fare well But hospitality owners also need to consider increases in middle-class affluence in markets such as China South East Asia Nigeria and India and how that might shape guest and dining preferences



Like many other sectors of the UK economy hospitality has been badly impacted by recent labour shor tages To overcome these staffing issues more hotel and restaurant operators will adopt digital tools such as QR menus cloud kitchens web-based booking and guest ser vice apps This also helps meet a shift in consumer behaviours as digitally savvy Gen Zs and millennials actively digital interactions with mobile ordering and automated kiosks for example Restaurants may also explore and less labour-reliant concepts, such as smaller restaurants and open kitchens where chefs can double up as ser vice staff

The turbulence of the past three years have hit most UK businesses hard, but with economic recover y expected later this year there are new oppor tunities to evolve and prosper

Adapting your business to meet these oppor tunities will likely require some investment If your business does not have the necessar y means to fund this today, you may need to consider external finance

At Capify we offer a range of business loans to help suppor t small businesses throughout their growth journey Check to see if you re eligible for one of our loans by visiting www capify co uk Or, if you’d prefer to talk to a member of our team, we’d be happy to guide you through the process Give us a call today on 0330 822 4906 or see the adver t on page 17

Budgeting, Forecasting, Menu Management, Stock Controls, Purchasing, and controlling Variable Costs are just a few of the other areas that David Hunter your Restaurant Consultant will work on with you and improve with you


Managing people brings with it a whole set of new skills that are now needed more than ever From ‘’Managing the Managers through to Ser vice and Kitchen staff your team needs careful and skilful Management Motivation guidance and Development


We will help you build a workable planned Marketing Strateg y From Digital Marketing such as Social Media marketing, Websites, eMail Marketing and online adver tising, to print design, Promotions and offline adver tising, your Hospitality business should be constantly working on ‘’ all things Marketing’’

If your business is actually struggling, or if you just feel that it could be doing some things better, give David Hunter a quick call on 07831 407984 to arrange a ‘’Free of Charge’’ initial consultation (please quote CLH Offer), when David will discuss with you what could be achieved if you ask us to work with you

Answer: because we can help your business to succeed TOR QU AY, DEVO N Long Standing Café Bus ness; Genuine Retirement Sale Low Establ shment Costs with Potential to Extend Trading Hours & Menu Trade Area Comfor tab y Seating 43 nternal y 12 Al Fresco • We l Equ pped Commercial Kitchen & Ser vice Counter • deal Owner/Operator Lifestyle Bus ness PRICE: £49,950 LEASEHOLD REF: 4618 PRICE: £139,950 LEASEHOLD REF: 4489 SALCO MBE, DE VO N A Styl sh & Tota ly Refurb shed Mult Faceted Business • Cof fee Bar/Café Members Cockta l Lounge Club & Bar • S tuated n th s Stunning Af f uent Estuar y Town • 4 Super or En-Su te Boutique Letting Rooms Outside Bar & Terrace w th 180 Degree Sea Views Over 2 Elevated Levels MINEHEAD, SOMERSET Impress ve Detached Tudor Style Proper ty n Fabu ous Location Long Estab ished Wel Appointed L cenced Restaurant w th Outs de Seating Commercial kitchen with Prep Area and Wash Up Room Except onal Se f-Conta ned 4 Double Bed Accommodation Private Parking for 4 Cars and Outbui dings PRICE: £600,000 FREEHOLD REF: 4265 KI NG ST EIG NTO N, DE VO N • Beautifully Presented Grade I Listed V llage Freehouse • E evated Pos t on Overlooking the Te gn Estuar y n South Devon Character Main Bar Lower Bar/D n ng Room & L brar y Sunny Trade Terrace to Front w th Par t al View of the Te gn Estuar y Spacious & We l Presented Five Bedroom Private Accommodation PRICE: OIEO £350 000 + VAT FREEHOLD REF: 4420 TOR QU AY, DEVO N Beach Site at the Stunn ng Beacon Cove in Torquay Devon Ful P anning Consent for 5 Resident a Beach Huts and Kiosk Unique Oppor tunity to Develop this Stunn ng Pro ect n th s Idyll c Locat on • Valuab e P anning Consent w th Potent a to Bu ld a Ver y Successful Holiday Rental Revenue • Addit onal Food & Dr nk Kiosk Revenue PRICE: £375,000 FREEHOLD REF: 4609 SO UTH H AMS, DEVO N Stunning Coasta Pub and Beach S tuated in Beaut ful Heybrook Bay Un que Oppor tunity to Purchase Ver y Successfu Business w th its Own Beach • Stunning nter or Design and South Fac ng Outs de Terraces w th 180 Degree Sea V ews Two Fu ly Refurb shed Owner s/Letting Apar tments w th E evated Sea Views Ful y Refurbished One Bed Staf f/Manager s F at & Large Car Park S tuated Over Two Areas PRICE: £1,500,000 FREEHOLD REF: 4656 PRICE: £65,000 LEASEHOLD REF: 4624 PAIG NTO N, DE VON • Recent y Refurbished Licenced Café/B stro/Bar • Fabu ous Location on Pa gnton s Torbay Road • nternal Seat ng for 58 Bar Ser ver y & Commerc al K tchen Beer Garden Seat ng 15 & Covered Seat ng to Front for 12 Self-Contained One Bedroom Flat (Currently Let) & Garage NEW! NEWPRICE! NEW! PRICE: £150,000 LEASEHOLD REF: 4639 CONFIDENTIAL SO UTH DEVON Award Winning Café Situated n a Unique Location • Stunn ng Character Property Arranged Over Two Internal Sections • Outside Seat ng with Sunny Aspect & Over 200 Covers Ver y Well Known & Estab ished Business with a Substantia Turnover & Par t cular y Strong Bottom Line Profit • A Fabulous Business with Fur ther Growth Potent al NEW! NEW! NEW! SOUTH HAMS DEVON Tea Room/Restaurant/Takeaway Profits In Excess Of £100,000 Trading Daytime Only Hours Spacious 4/5 Bed Owners Flat Outstanding Business Opportunity LH £125 000 2143 CORNWALL VILLAGE Freehold Pub Investment Detached Village Inn Rental Income £18 000 pa Lease With 11 Years Unexpired Attention Of Investors FH £195 000 4836 01392 201262 www stonesmith co uk T H E W E S T C O U N T R Y S P E C I A L I S T S THINKING OF SELLING? C ALL FOR A FREE VALUATION DARTMOOR , DEVON Village Store & Tea Gardens Spacious 4 Bedroom Family Home Easy Lifestyle Hours Gardens With Stables & Garage Potential To Develop Business DUCHY LH: £325 000 2149 DEVON COUNTRY VILLAGE Profitable Inn With Letting Rooms Bar Areas (32+) Dining Room (43) 4 E/S Letting Rooms 3 Bed Owners Gardens (50+) and Parking (50+) Sought After Devon Village FH £445 000 4758 SOMER SET COUNTRY VILLAGE Destination Countr y Pub & Restaurant Bar/Restaurant Areas 66+ Garden 60+ 2 Bedroom Owners Accommodation Landmark Trading Position Profitable Business With Potential FH £349,950 4794 TAVISTOCK DEVON Unique Deli & Retail Business Being Sold Fully Fitted & Equipped Prime Town Centre Position Easily Manageable Business Tremendous Potential LH £19 500 2148 DARTMOU TH, DEVON Impressive Waterside Restaurant Extremely Profitable Business Restaurant 32+ Catering Kitchens 2/3 Bed Family Sized Apartment Town Centre With Stunning Views LH £125,000 2158 SOMERSET TOWN Landmark Inn With 16 Letting Rooms Bar & Restaurant 82+ Kitchens Owner s Apartment, Car Park Free Of Tie Leasehold Opportunity Impressive & Profitable Business LH £75 000 4829 DEVON VILLAGE Impressive Character Village Inn Bar/ Restaurant Areas 94+ Garden 88+ Spacious 4 Bed Owners Accommodation Recently Extended and Refurbished Most Impressive Business & Home FH £399,950 4838
FIVE KEY TRENDS LIKELY TO SHAPE HOSPITALITY BUSINESSES 1 Remote working will increase the demand for blended leisure and business space 2 Reduced consumer spending will force businesses to consider their pr ice point and messaging 3 Locally sourced products will have a more impor tant role on menus 4 Increased visitor number s and a strong US dollar will benefit provider s with a tour ist-fr iendly offer ing 5 Tec hnology wil he p operator s struggling with staffing shor tages
Issue 166 CLH Digital 55

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

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Articles inside

Property and Professional Upcoming Hospitality Trends

page 55

CardsSafe - 20 Years in the Hospitality & Leisure Industries

page 54

Create A Retro Cool Space with Stylish Seating Design and Refit

page 54

Here’s How A Service Lift May Help

page 53

Adveco Gas To Electric Decarbonisation Design and Refit Improve Those Customer Reviews

page 52

A Glass Act - Enomatic Wine Dispense and Preservation

pages 50-52

Design & Refit Additional Ranges as ILF Continue to Expand It's Not Time To Sit Down Yet

page 50

Castra Solutions - Wired and Wireless Solutions

page 49

Hospitality Technology Little Hotelier’s Local Booking Insights

page 49

Boost Your Efficiencies During The Summer Rush

pages 47-48

No More Trips To The Bank - And Your Cash Taken Care of with Loomis

page 47

Fatstrippa Grease Recovery

pages 44-46

Catering Equipment & Kitchen Fit-Out

page 44

Temperature Rises Increase Risks In The Summer Season

pages 42-43

The New DrainMinor C (Combi Oven Pump) Catering Equipment & Kitchen Fit-Out

page 42

Williams Helps You Look Good and Save Energy

page 41

Catering Equipment & Kitchen Fit-Out Fridge Seals Direct

page 41

Catering Equipment & Kitchen Fit-Out

page 40

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

pages 38-39

The Perks of Listing a Wallflower

page 38

Outdoor Leisure

page 37

It’s a Wrap

page 37

SBI Ltd Are A Family Business You Can Rely On

page 36

Creating Unique And Inspiring Outdoor Environments

page 36

Outdoor Leisure Enjoy the Sunshine with 10% Off Our Maintenance Free Outdoor Furniture!

page 36

THE SOMERSET GRILL COMPANY Making Wood-Fired Cooking Easy

page 35

A Special Offer from Fenton Timber

page 34

Sustainability In the Carpet and Textile Flooring Sector

pages 32-33

Riso Gallo – High Quality Rice, Produced Efficiently, Sustainably And With Great Care To Protect Our Natural Environment

page 32

Sustainable Resources Should Be Offering EV Charging

page 32

Celebrate Summer in Style with LittlePod

pages 30-32

Chef's Buyer's Guide Chef’s Special Crispy Coated – For A Crunchier Crunch

page 30

New PEPPADEW® Bites - The Ultimate Bite to Pep Up Menus & Profits

page 29

Cambridge Regional College and Award-Winning Pasta Chef Otello

page 29

Food Safety AllergyMenu - Food Allergy Software, Menu and App for Restaurants

pages 26-28

Elevating Food Safety with Innovative Temperature Monitoring Solutions

page 25

Food Safety Allergy Insights: The Implications for Food Business

page 25

Mixologist's Garden: The Rising Sensation Among UK Bartenders

pages 22-24

The Future in Pub Entertainment Is Here Right Now

page 22

Is It Time For Some Fresh Promotions?

page 22

Forward Vending and Catering Jamu Wild Water

page 22

Products and Services Hospitality Uniform Trends for 2023

page 22

Food Waste Dryer Slashes Hospitality Food Waste Costs

pages 20-21

Marmalade Trust Is Heineken UK’s New Official Charity

page 20

Inclusive Policies In Hospitality Demanded By Customers, New Survey Shows

page 20

Summer Ready with Alliance Online

page 18

Retention In Hospitality: Building An Attractive and Engaging Work Environment

page 18

Introducing the UK’s Best Organic Coffee in Convenient Coffee Pods

pages 16-17

Refusal of Security Business Licensing Threatens Public Safety say Operators

page 16

Community Pub Reopens with New Licensee Following £180,000 Transformation

page 15

Bacchus Wines PLDC

page 14

How Restaurants Can Fight Inflation and Boost Customer Loyalty

page 14

Take Strides To Promote Wellbeing In Aid Of Hospitality Action This Autumn

page 13

BII Announce Licensee of the Year 2023

pages 11-12

Sheppy ’s Launches Apple’ing New Cider In Time For Summer

page 10

Free on Loan from Verde Coffee

page 10

New Report Reveals The True State Of The Hospitality Sector

page 10

One-Third See Discrimination In Hospitality Report Reveals

page 9

Bristol Hoteliers Renew Calls For Urgent Airbnb Clampdown

pages 7-8

Is Cash Still King?

page 6

Heatwave and Football Help Drinks Sales Beat Inflation in Early June

page 5

Legionella Risk Assessments

page 4

The Perfect Snack for All Your Trade and Hospitality Needs

page 4

Nearly Nine In 10 Adults With Learning Disabilities Struggle To Find Employment, Reveals Hilton Study

page 4

“Stagflation” Stopping Sector from Realising Full Potential say Leaders

page 3
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