HR in 2017

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A future HR- Essay

M.N.A. van den Broek Pattonstraat 6 5103 SP DONGEN

Before I take you along to my time I should first like to pause upon the development organizations had to undergo. Organization & Social development in a nutshell 2002 – 2010

Welcome to my world of 2017 1. Organization & social development 2. The system 3. The role of HR versus organizations versus people 4. Instruments: existing versus new versus adjusted

Overstressed organizations must switch from rules to values. Business becomes busyness. Pressures of work have increased to such an extent that people have stopped performing optimally and in some cases have stopped to perform altogether, let alone work. Being busy was synonymous with having success. People didn’t take the time to look back and/or forward, because this would most certainly hamper efficiency. People became slaves and working became a prison.

2011 – 2016 People who are eager to change do not wait until traditional organizations change, but create new approaches themselves. Enthusiastic and dedicated people become creative and show initiatives, so that flexibility becomes meaningful (the hype everyone was talking about in the year 2000) and decisiveness becomes important. Large organizations cannot transform themselves as quickly as small companies can create themselves. As a metaphor take the pupa or cocoon. The caterpillar, consuming leaf after leaf with an unsatiable appetite, stops consuming one leaf after another and cocoons itself in order to transform its own elements into a totally different being. By only looking at the new technologies and the dotcoms we miss the extent and the impact of the transformation. For the effect is far more profound and extensive.

Our mutual experience increases with the spread of all information channels, such as Internet. Decision-making is going beyond its classical boundaries, between worlds and countries as well as between public and private sector. The time has come for transformation management. 2017 (the present) Welcome to my world of 2017 1. Organization & social development 2. The system 3. The role of HR versus organizations versus people 4. Instruments: existing versus new versus adjusted

The system: Transformation Management Within the system of transformation management it is all about organizing people as employees. Colleagues sometimes replace the word management by the word Development, because it is inherent to the essence. Where we used to know different languages such as the familiar Dutch or English, French, German and such we now know but one language i.e. the Global language. A language which makes it possible to work virtually. Distances are no longer applicable and time has been replaced by speed. Where organizations used to have employees, employees now have organizations. People are therefore active and fully customer-oriented. It has all arisen from the saturated market of organizations. Where people used to work five days a week or shifts for some target groups, we now speak about weekend work. Even holidays ‘in-between’ are arranged around the work. The home base has become the work place. Appointments and action meetings are dealt with via Home-meetings. The E- home technology is a good instrument for this. People school themselves with this instrument via the proven E-learning method. An accomplishment acquired in 2003. Besides the usual video and other images it is now possible to simulate everything in the self-made simulation programmes. We therefore speak about a fully virtual work place.

In order to obtain a better impression of the people I shall give a number of profiles below: • Passionate • Energetic • Active • Entrepreneurial • Independent of place • Freedom Welcome to my world of 2017

People charge themselves (we used to speak about development by taking on other tasks besides Elearning within different organizations. In this way competencies are maintained at a high level.

1. Organization & social development 2. The system 3. The role of HR versus organizations versus people 4. Instruments: existing versus new versus adjusted

As I indicated before, though your eyes we live in an upside-down world. People choose the projects, tasks, activities that appeal to them, of which they can learn and which give them energy. People will be responsible themselves for keeping up their competencies, skills, abilities and experiences. Organizations make their projects, tasks and activities known with the speed and energy required. In order to energize people organizations will annually make money available. This money will provide for new E-learning platforms and new educational programmes to be written.


Depth with experience by different companies

Competencies Skills Experiences


Competencies Skills Experiences


Competencies Skills Experiences

Duration in time

Perhaps you are wondering how the payment issue has been arranged. Now in particular as for a proportion of the people the feelings of ‘security’ or ‘freedom’ have come to an end (which was not under discussion from 2002 up to 2010) they will have to be expressed in the sphere of payment. We now also know basic pay for all educated people. On top of this basis we know a variable. It is dependent on the quantity of projects, tasks, activities in different organizations.

Pay structure 100

Welcome to my world of 2017 1. Organization & social development 2. The system 3. The role of HR versus organizations versus people 4. Instruments: existing versus new versus adjusted

80 €






20 0 30




age balance



The basic energizing of people (formerly education) has been set in such a way that at the age of thirty people are energizing (developing) fulltime. Within the energizing system the POP methodology is still used. This way people themselves specify which the desired energizing focus is according to them. (POP is one of the successful remnants of the year 2003.)

When reaching the age of thirty people become active in accepting assignments from different companies. On the basis of the present standard people are linked to assignments they have acquired the speed for and from which they obtain energy. The amount of learned knowledge is also taken into account in the assessment. Up to the age of 45 people actively act within this system. People can have developed to the highest level that can be achieved. For those who switch over to passive activities (activities within the organization(s)) the variable part of the payment is replaced by an organic payment. As you can see in the diagram growth within the organic accelerates. The perimeter for offering these activities lies approximately at the age of 55. Here you can see people becoming active voluntarily in passing on knowledge within the basic energizing of people. In this manner the competencies, skills, abilities, techniques and experiences remain guaranteed.

The role of HR versus organizations versus people. Within the existing process of the transformation era we chiefly know three players i.e. Organizations, People and Human Resources. All three play an important role herein.

Welcome to my world of 2017 1. Organization & social development 2. The system 3. The role of HR versus organizations versus people 4. Instruments: existing versus new versus adjusted

Human resources



When we look at the roles separately we can distinguish the following focus areas: • HR: Attention and Security • Organizations: Current and future tasks • People: Energizing themselves for current and future tasks Where the roles overlap synergy and co-operation will automatically take place. All roles have been transformed to such an extent that people can anticipate in a flexible way. All needs are provided for and with it arises a clear win-win approach. Transformation is therefore not only applicable to people; it is a complete revolution, an Espace Transformation.

Besides passing on the current tasks, the role of the organization is also to create a clear picture of the tasks in the near future. This enables people to take their responsibility by adjusting their POP prematurely and start to energise. Also systems such as E-learning can thus be upgraded timely. The role of HR has also been described with the words: marketing and PR, lawyer, pivot, market salesman. As HR manager you must be familiar with all processes and master a speed of insight comparable to that of an employee on the MONDIAL stock-exchange (the former Wall Street).

The tasks of Human Resources are particularly directed at: • Managing relations • Creating small scales • Entering into meaningful relations • Exercising recommendation management • Competition management • Attention management Welcome to my world of 2017 1. Organization & social development 2. The system 3. The role of HR versus organizations versus people 4. Instruments: existing versus new versus adjusted

We have not yet spoken about my personal role. Perhaps this will give you a more complete picture. You may have noticed I am speaking about ‘my world of 2017’. This is also how I see myself in it and experience it all. Like a fish in the water I enjoy the autonomy (all of us) we have all acquired. Something you had in 2002 when you were at the head of a group, department and/or organization. In the past I was already passionate about development in the broadest sense, in which creativity and inspiration played an important role. I wanted to contribute in giving people and organizations more insight into their qualities and relations with others, so that they could learn to be aware of and deal with opportunities and threats. I was always looking for something new and approached each challenge pragmatically. Supported by my wide experience in human resources and my vision I worked at results and made sure that issues were rounded off, so that organizations and people would function better. All this has taken me to this world, in which the qualities I acquired are still of daily use. I am now energising myself to perform an important task, i.e. ‘to help others learn to energise themselves’. At the moment I am working at a task for several organizations to develop an instrument, which makes it easy to do the T-planning. As it happens organizations find it difficult to systematically express their actual tasks in energy and speed (you used to see the same happen with non-final projects, such as the setting up of job descriptions and assessments. These projects often overran themselves to such an extent that the jobs described had to be described all over again). In addition organizations find it difficult to concretize their future tasks, projects and/or activities and to link them to a reality factor.

Instruments: existing versus new versus adjusted I was speaking about T-planning, a current HR instrument that was not yet known in 2002. Through the years many great instruments have perished. New ones have been added and many have been adjusted in time. Take T-planning for example: until 2012 it was still called Personnel planning. The focus now lies on Transformation as before it was on personnel (people). Thus you can see that recruitment & selection has changed to announcing, bundling energy through a notice board and selection is now simply making a match. Welcome to my world of 2017 1. Organization & social development 2. The system 3. The role of HR versus organizations versus people 4. Instruments: existing versus new versus adjusted

Zoekt nieuwe oplossingen voor bereiken van strategie

Small scale creation

Seeks new solutions in order to achieve strategy Managing of relations

Betrekt mensen en organisaties -bij HRInvolves people and organizations in HR matters aangelegenheden Enter into meaningful relations Supplies relations to people and organizations Levert relaties aan mensen en organisaties Recommendation management Keeps people on their toes Houdtthe de organization organisatie and en mensen scherp Attention Management

Reageert op alle signalen vanuit mensen en de organisatie Reacts to any signals from people and the organization Announce & Match

Enter & Leave

Knowledge increase & Feedback


Charge POP

Competition & Security

Task & Payment Administration

The waterfall shows the meaning of the HR tasks and the different instruments that can be discharged onto them.

Where before we used to describe whole function buildings we now work with job briefing, project and task descriptions focussing on speed and the required competencies. Assessment systems have become obsolete. We now only know feedback of the task, which has been, completed either satisfactorily or not. People and organizations do make use of the wellknown 360° feedback system on a voluntary basis. It is also linked to the E-learning platform. It is amusing to see that employability has become reality because of the ‘wireless way of working’. People therefore rather speak of enjoyability. So employability really was a future prediction in those days. Welcome to my world of 2017 1. Organization & social development 2. The system 3. The role of HR versus organizations versus people 4. Instruments: existing versus new versus adjusted

When I look back at the past 15 years I can conclude that it all happened quickly. For some people and organizations it possibly went too quickly. Before we had an autonomous spaceless society there was the fear of the unknown. Once that fear was overcome an insight arose. This gave space. Space necessary to be able to grow again. An irreversible process: the espace transformation. In my present role as OT&R manager (Organizational Tasks & Resources Manager) I can manage quite well. I serve people and the organization best by correctly bringing into action the network relations that I have acquired by having the courage to enter into relations, by giving the appropriate attention and by making good recommendations. All this is necessary to withstand the competition and to re-energise myself time and again for the new tasks to come. For the race is not always won by the fastest runner, but by the one who keeps running. I look forward to our meeting in person, Mark van den Broek.

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