According to historical sources, the Prefecture of Kastoria formed the largest part of Ancient Orestis, the area that was defined by the mountains Grammos, Vitsi and Voion. Its inhabitants were called Orestes, a "Macedonian nation" as it is testified by the historian Herodotus. According to mythology, the area took its name from Orestes, son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, who founded a colony of Aeolia in Macedonia. Ancient historical sources mention the installation of Pelasgian Orestes from the north, and from the countries of Pelagonia and Lygkestis respectively, in the area of Orestis after the end of the Trojan War.
These Macedonians lived in the wider region of present-day Macedonia and were organized into tribes with autonomous kings. These tribes were the Orestes, the Elimiotes and the Lygkestes. After the defeat of the Persians, Alexander Amyntou (498-454 BC) annexed to their state the aforementioned areas under the name "Upper Macedonia". Therefore, at the time of Philip II and Alexander, Orestis was an integral part of the Macedonian state. Later on, and by the time of the Roman conquest, the Orestes seem to have received the most favorable treatment of the Romans, as they were declared autonomous in 197 B.C. This state, according to the historian Titus Livius, consisted of the following cities "civitates": Argos Orestikon, Keletron (Kastoria), Diocletianoupolis, Vattyna and Lyke. Vatyna is even attested in the inscribed stele of the Decree of the Vattyneans that was found in 1880 in the area of Kranohori. Diocletianoupolis is located near Argos Orestiko and is a Late Roman city, the wall of which extended to 3 km. This city seems to have been of great importance for the area, a fact that is also confirmed by the findings brought to light by the archaeological research
Petrified Forest of Nostimo
The settlement of Nostimo is located in the southern part of the prefecture of Kastoria, in a distance of 27 kilometers from the city, at an altitude that reaches 900 meters.
In the area of Asprokklisia, the petrified forest was discovered by chance in the 1930s. This special geomorphological terrain preserved trunks dating back to the Miocene era (23-5 million years ago). The forest is estimated to have a life of 23 million years and was located in an environment with special climatic and morphological conditions.
Lake Settlement of Dispilio
At a distance of 4 km from the city of Kastoria is Dispilio. In the site called "Nesi" (Island) there is a settlement that dates back to the Neolithic period, the so-called Lake Settlement of Dispilio. Its discovery is due to the archaeologist A. Keramopoullos, who in 1932 noticed the first findings. In 1992 began the systematic excavation of the settlement by G.H. Hourmouziadis archaeologist and professor of Prehistoric Archaeology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, which continued until 2013.
This prehistoric settlement was inhabited for over 2,500 years. Among the movable findings are stone tools, fishing hooks, bone flutes, and clay objects such as vases and statuettes, as well as a wooden tablet of the 6th millennium BC on which were preserved some engravings of the Neolithic inhabitants.
The Neolithic lake settlement can be visited today and has the form of a representation as an open-air museum near shore of the lake. Visitors can walk around the eight "huts" of the inhabitants, where there are effigies of people and objects of everyday life. In addition, nearby there is a museum which houses the authentic findings of material culture and the "Archaeological Collection of Dispilio". Nowadays the excavations continue in the settlement by the professor of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki K. Kotsakis, while there are also research programs for students of archaeology and anyone interested.
Representation of
Orestes of ancient Orestis
The Orestes were the inhabitants of Ancient Orestis, the area which in antiquity included the basin of river Aliakmonas, the lakes of Prespa, as well as parts of Devolis and Sarantaporos. According to the myth, the Orestes descended from the mythical Orestes, son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. After the murder of his mother, it is said that Orestes came to Upper Macedonia with the aim of seeking a refuge, as he was being chased by the Erinyes.
The kingdom of Orestis included 5 main cities: Kastoria (also known as Keletron), Argos Orestikon, Diocletianoupolis, Vattyna and Lyke. The last two cities are known thanks to epigraphic evidence.
DArgos Orestikon
The name of Argos Orestikon has ancient origins and, as mentioned above, derives from the mythical hero Orestes. From an archaeological perspective, the area of Argos Orestikon preserves several sites where people used to live during the historical period. A characteristic example is the site of Paravela.
Diocletianoupolis is an ancient city located northwest of Argos Orestikon, in the wider area of Armenochori. Its foundation dates back to the time of Emperor Diocletian (244-311), to whom it owes its name. During the 4th century the city was raided by the Goths and in the next century by the Ostrogoths. After surviving the enemy attacks, its inhabitants gradually began to abandon it. According to written sources, they seem to have moved to a neighboring city, on the peninsula of Kastoria.
Pentavrysos (formerly Zelegosdoe) is a village of the Regional Unit of Kastoria which is located 16 km from the city. In the past twenty years the archaeological research has brought to light traces of human civilization dating from the Classical to the Hellenistic periods. The cemeteries proved to be very important for the illustration of the archaeological image of the area. Thus, the cemetery of Pentavrysos preserved offerings that include pottery objects, weapons, jewelry and rings with relief representations. The most important findings were found outside the tombs; the word is about the so-called tombstones. These are marble stelae that served as marks on the tombs and usually had engraved the name of the deceased. Many of these stelae are exhibited today in the Archaeological Museum of Argos Orestikon and have contributed significantly to the study of ancient names..
Head of a
Archaeological Museum of Argos Orestiko
Historical Context
The Byzantine period begins around 324 with the unification of the Roman Empire and ends in 1453 with the fall of Constantinople by the Ottomans. It is divided into three sub-periods, the Early (324-641), the Middle (641-1204) and the Late οne (12041453). This separation is conventional and has resulted from the differentiation of the characteristics of each historical period.
Byzantine Churches & Monasteries
Kastoria is undoubtedly a city with a rich Byzantine past, testified by the existence of Byzantine churches. Located in various parts of the city, the Byzantine churches of Kastoria are a trademark and contribute – among other things – to the preservation of the historical and religious character of the place. There are three types of churches, the three-aisled basilicas, the single-aisled and one cruciform with three recesses. They are mainly made of stone and wood, while the wooden roofs follow the example of the Greek basilicas. Mainly their shape is small and the masonry is equal or irregular. Τheir external decoration is characteristic, with ceramoplastic designs and letters, while occasionally frescoes are preserved.
/ Panagia Mavriotissa
One of the most important churches and the sign of the Municipality of Kastoria is Panagia Koumbelidiki or Kastriotissa or Skoutariotissa. It is located on the acropolis of the Byzantine castle within a walking distance from the city walls. Its name derives from the Turkish word "koumbes" which denotes the dome. This term was used, as the dome was built during the Turkish occupation, and it is worth noting that it is the only church with a dome in the city.
It is a cruciform church with three recesses and a narthex. The interior of the church is rich in frescoes in the outer narthex, the inner narthex and the main temple. The arch of the inner narthex is decorated with a unique religious fresco with the depiction of the Holy Trinity. More specifically, there is a representation of the “Ancient of Days” type, Christ, and Holy Spirit. Ancient of Days has younger Christ in His arms while the second one holds a glory with a dove, representing the Holy Spirit.
/ Dome of the Monastery Panagia Koubelidiki
depiction of the anthropomorphic Holy Trinity with the Ancient of Days, Christ Almighty and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove in glory. Dome esonarthex
/ Fresco of the Nativity
in a position of Orison in a medal with Christ in a medal. On either side Archangels in medals
(1496) / The Dance of Salome (1496)
The oldest Byzantine church in Kastoria is Agios Stefanos, a three-aisled vaulted church with a narthex and a women's loft with a chapel. It is located between the traditional districts of Doltso and Apozari in Kastoria. Its construction and decoration date back to the middle of the 9th century, while the later frescoes are emplaced chronologically in the 12th and 14th centuries.
1, 2, 3, 4.
Mural paintings from inside the Monastery
Interior of the Monastery of Agios Stefanos
The church of Agioi Anargyroi is situated on the north side of Lake Orestiada, in the traditional neighborhood of Apozari. It was built between the second half of the10th and the first half of the 11th century. It is a three-aisled basilica with a narthex and three arches.
Its exterior is adorned with ceramoplastic letters and motifs that symbolize suns, rhombus, and florals. In the interior there are two layers of frescoes dating back to the 11th and 12th centuries respectively.
Near the village of Omorfokklesia there is the church of Agios Georgios. It belongs to the type of cruciform with a dome and the original building is dated to the 12th century. The church is known for the miraculous wood-carved "xoanon". It reaches almost 3 meters in height, and it is speculated that its construction technique originates to Constantinople.
/ Agios Georgios Omorfokklisias
/ Wood-carved "xoano" of Agios Georgios
The single-aisled crossing-square cruciform with a dome church of the Assumption is located outside the village of Zevgostasi. It was built in the 15th century, while its interior is decorated with frescoes that, according to the inscriptions, date back to two phases: 1432 and 1749 respectively.
/ Dormition of Theotokos in Zevgostasi
The Monastery of the Assumption of Theotokos Mavriotissa (formerly "Mesonisiotissa") is located in an idyllic location, next to Lake Orestiada, on the east side of the city's mountain. It took its current name from the village Mavrovo, which is located on the opposite shore of the lake, as its inhabitants were the ones who took care of the monastery during the 17th century. It is a single-aisled church of small size.
A characteristic feature of Mavriotissa is the frescoes on its exterior. The first frescoes date back to the 11th century. The interior of the monastery preserves fragments of religious frescoes, while only the western wall retains its entire decoration. A characteristic example is the fresco with the Virgin Mary fainting in the episode of the Crucifixion of Christ and the performance of the Second Coming.
Next to the monastery there is the chapel of St. Ioannis Theologos, which also bears frescoes on the exterior. During the Turkish occupation, the eyes of the painted holy figures were destroyed by the Turks, a practice that was applied in a variety of sacred places.
Monastery of Panagia Mavriotissa
/ Mural painting from inside the Monastery
(1552) / Depiction of anchorite Sisois above the open tomb of Alexander the Great. Depiction of three skeletons inside the tomb, accompanied by an inscription (1552)
/ Mural painting from the interior of the Monastery
Interior of the Monastery
The Monastery of Pammegiston Taxiarches Tsoukas is situated on the edge of a barathron, above Stenopotamos, at a distance of 8 km from Nestorio. It was built in the 13th century and during the Ottoman period it was an important spiritual center. In 1943 the monastery was burned by Austrian troops of the Edelweiss Division.
The three-aisled domed basilica church with narthex "Taxiarchis Mitropoleos" is located on the south side of the city of Kastoria. Τhe construction of the church dates back to the 10th century, while a second phase is placed in the period 1359-1360, as a relevant inscription informs us. The exterior surface is decorated with murals, dated in the 15th c.
What is more, the remains of Pavlos Melas and his wife Natalia are preserved in the inner narthex.
/ Agios Nikolaos Kasnitsi
/ Agioi Apostoloi Eleousis
/ Agios Nikolaos Magaliou
/ Agios Andreas 3.
Byzantine Walls
The city of Kastoria is built on the peninsula that extends into lake Orestiada. This particular geomorphology offers the city a kind of protection. This natural protection was strengthened during the reign of Emperor Justinian by a strong wall that was maintained until the Turkish occupation. The wall started from the north side of the city and extended to the southern shore of the lake. Its reconstruction took place gradually, the partition was built in the 6th century, while the inner wall of the peninsula is dated few years later. Apart from the Byzantine one, the inner wall of the city of Kastoria covered the area of the Turkish medreses, Panagia Koumbelidiki and Agioi Anargyroi, extending on Agios Athanasiou Street until the isthmus.
Parts of the wall are preserved until today and are evident in various parts of the modern city. More specifically, there are parts of it on the Acropolis, on the south side at the height of the Periphery building, on the north side at the height of the current Town Hall and the partition. Parts of the inner wall are preserved in the area of Koumbelidiki, the precinct of the Gymnasium and on Papareska Street as well.
Historical Context
The Ottoman period is defined as the period during which Greece was under Ottoman rule. It relates chronologically to the Post-Byzantine period (1453-1821), but the word "Ottoman" is mainly used to describe the persons, events, monuments related to the Ottoman Turks. Also often and mainly in Greek sources the term "Turkish occupation" is mentioned. For the region of Kastoria, which was later liberated from most Greek regions, this period is longer.
The Struggle of 1821
During the liberation struggle of 1821, Kastoria and its inhabitants played an important role. The contributions of the brothers Emmanuel and G. Theocharis were among the greatest ones. These were comrades of Rigas Velestinlis or Ferraios, whom they helped significantly in the organization of military operations. The Emmanuel brothers lived in Vienna and were in the close entourage of Rigas. They took care of the spread of the ideas for revolution in their hometown, contributing to the uprising of the Greeks. However, they paid the price of their involvement in the Struggle with tortures and execution in Austria. Even in their last moments they stayed at the side of Rigas. As far as G. Theocharis, a furrier who also lived in Vienna, is concerned, we know that him as well possessed the Austrian citizenship, a fact that did not allow the authorities to treat him like the rest of his comrades. Nevertheless, he was punished with exile in Leipzig. Since he stayed alive, he continued his work and because of his great fortune, he managed to fi-
nancially support the Struggle. His "price" was to take the office of consul and work in the then newly established Greek state (1830).
The majority of the citizens of Kastoria continued to contribute to the Struggle for Freedom. According to tradition, some of them participated in the organization of the local community after the founding of the Filiki Eteria in 1814. Names that stood out were I. Farmakis, M. Dragoumis, I. Papareskas, as well as people from the church, such as the priests Grigorios and Papatheophilos. Unsurprisingly, many had a tragic end. Today they are honored and have stayed in the remembrance of the place as heroes. Kastoria, however, like Macedonia, was not liberated in this context and continued to be part of the Ottoman Empire.
The Macedonian Struggle
A few years after the revolution of 1821 another war was about to break out. The word is about the Macedonian Struggle of 1904-1908 in which Greeks and Bulgarians participated as rival camps. Macedonia was affected by efforts for pan-Slavism, a Russian practice aimed at a coalition of Slavophones (Slav speaking people). Bulgaria was trying to integrate Macedonia into its state in order to grow territorially and demographically. It was then that the Schismatic Bulgarian "Exarchate" (1871) and the Bulgarian Hegemony (1878) were created. Some areas of Macedonia had come under the jurisdiction of the Exarchate, while in several villages there were Slavophones populations. The Patriarchate, trying to stop the Bulgarians, sent bishops to the dioceses of Macedonia, who were to organize and lead the Macedonian Struggle. This role in Kastoria was assumed by Germanos Karavangelis, to whom is honorably named the 3rd Junior High School of Kastoria. The local populations were organized into rebel forces and their actions were particularly militant. Meanwhile, the newly established Greek state was trying to organize the liberation of the enslaved areas of the North, whose local revolutions were constantly affected by the Turkish forces as targets of predatory raids. It was then that Pavlos Melas appeared in the foreground. Melas kept helping Macedonia in secret, under various pseudonyms. He managed to raise the morale of the locals and organize them even more, which began to operate negatively in the Bulgarian forces. After the death of Pavlos Melas, that probably occurred on the battlefield, the Greek corps of Macedonia increased under the leadership of local or Greek officers who arrived in the affected areas under pseudonyms, following the example of Melas. Some of them were Picheon, Tsontos (Vardas), Katehakis (Rouvas), Vlakis (Litsas) and countless others, who have been honored by the local community with the use of their name in streets and villages, as well as statues. The action of these men managed to remove from Macedonia both the Bulgarians and the Turks, and remained religiously in the ecumenical Patriarchate. Later, and after the end of the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913, Kastoria was eventually liberated, among other regions of Macedonia and Epirus, and finally joined the Greek State.
Ottoman Buildings
The only Mosque that survives today in the city of Kastoria is the so-called Kursum or Kursumli Mosque, which was a Muslim cathedral. Its name derives from the Turkish word "kursum" which denotes its peculiar leaden roof. It is located on Kapetan Kotta Street, in Megalou Alexandrou Square. According to the prevailing theory, the Mosque was built in the late 15th - early 16th century, above the former Byzantine metropolis of Kastoria.
In 1924 it was declared by the Greek state as a preserved monument and temporarily functioned as a library and warehouse of antiquities. Recently, its restoration it was decided with funding from the Ministry of Culture. It is worth noting that the city of Kastoria had a total of 7 mosques, which, apart from the Koursoum one, were completely razed to the ground.
On Dioikitiriou Street can be found the historic building of Mendreses or Medreses, the Muslim seminary that operated in the city during the Turkish occupation. It was also called the Seminary School, as it had a strong religious character. It belongs to the type of mendreses with an internal, peristyle courtyard. It was built in the shape of a Π and the inner courtyard was surrounded by vaulted arcades and columns, while it was constructed with materials in a second use "spolia", largely predominated from the city walls. The interior of the mendreses included 14 rooms with vaulted ceilings, which served as teaching and prayer areas, libraries, personal teacher spaces and baths. The rest of the areas must have been rooms – cells of the students, the number of which is estimated to exceed 70. Ottoman sources testify that it was built in the early 18th century by Ahmet Pasha and that all the graduates were expected to form the future political and religious administration of the place. In 1924 Mendreses was characterized as a preserved monument.
Holy Monastery of Agioi Anargyroi
The Holy Monastery of Agioi Anargyroi is the largest and richest Monastery in the Prefecture of Kastoria. It is located near the village of Melissotopos, in a distance of 24 km. from Kastoria. It was founded in 1080, during the Comnenian dynasty, in the place where the miraculous Holy Water of the Virgin Mary existed. The monastery is rich in murals, stone and marble reliefs.
Monastery of Agia Paraskevi
The Monastery of Agia Paraskevi in Vasiliada is a monastic complex, built at the northwestern foothills of Mount Mouriki. It is placed chronologically in the 19th century and was a dependency of the Monastery of Agioi Anargyroi. Until the liberation of Macedonia, the spaces of the monastery were used as a tsifliki of the Turkish bey.
Today, it dominates in the form of a three-aisled basilica with a dome and a lead-covered roof. The exterior surface consists of stones, while the interior is decorated with murals.
Monastery of Theotokos in Kleisoura
The Holy Monastery of Kleisoura is dedicated to the Birth of the Virgin Mary. It is built in a fertile valley near the village of Kleisoura, in a distance of 35 km. east of Kastoria. It was founded in the 19th century by the monk Isaiah Pista on the remains of an old monastery of the 14th century.
The katholikon of the monastery is adorned with a gilded woodcarved altarpiece of remarkable frescoes of the "hionaditiki" style. The monastery was used as a bolt hole during the Revolution of 1821 and the Macedonian Struggle. What is more, an anchorite called Sophia, lived in the monastery and became a saint, whose memory is honored on May 6th.
1, 2, 3.
Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin of Kleisoura 2. 3.
TMonastery of Agios Nikolaos in Tsirilovo
The Holy Monastery of Agios Nikolaos in Tsirilovo is located just above Korissos, in a distance of 19 km from Kastoria. It dates from the 15th to the 17th century.
In 1905 the monastery was looted and destroyed by the Bulgarian committee. The monastery was rebuilt with the assistance of the Greek State and reopened in 1963. Finally, thanks to the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, ‘Agios Nikolaos’ became a female monastery.
/ Agia Kiriaki
/ Agios Nikolaos Kremastos 3.
The city of Kastoria is famous for its preserved mansions - archontika. These types of buildings are located in various parts of the city, while a large number of them are concentrated in the traditional districts of Doltso and Apozari, as reminders of another era. They were built in the 17th and 18th centuries, a time when the inhabitants of the city flourished financially thanks to their involvement with the fur industry. The mansions are divided into houses and popular traditional houses.
A characteristic feature of the houses is their imposing appearance. They generally have two or more floors and have an internal courtyard. The inner courtyard is surrounded by high walls and the entrance to it is through a large wooden two-leaf door. The base is built with stones, while the second floor is made of lighter materials, protrudes from the ground floor, is covered with lime and supported with wooden piles. The roof is wooden or has "kotzes" reeds and is covered with tiles. Both the ground floor and the upper floors have wooden windows, with colorful decorative glasses. Inside the mansions there is a hall surrounded by various rooms. The walls were decorated with frescoes. The main themes were castles, houses, churches and monasteries, while there was also floral decoration with trees, flowers, seascapes and animals. In the majority of the houses existed a bakery, i.e. an internal oven where the food was prepared. The humblest houses had a food preparation area with a wooden hearth.
The three-storey mansion that can be found in Apozari, on the northern coast of the lake, is called the Tsiatsiapas mansion. Its interior walls are adorned with rich frescoes and woodcarving works. Today, the mansion has been preserved and can be visited. Usually, events and cultural activities take place in its area.
The Nerantzi Aivazi Mansion is located in Doltso, on Kapetan Lazou Street. It was built in the early 18th century. It is a two-storey building that does not include the typical wooden sachnisia. It belonged to the family of Aivazis until 1960 when it was sold to the Municipality of Kastoria. It stands out for its painted decoration in the interior and the fresco that represents Constantinople. Since 1975 the Folklore Museum of the city functions on the interior.
The Mansion of the Emmanuel Brothers, comrades of Rigas Velestinlis as we mentioned earlier, dominates in the district of Doltso. It was built in 1750 and has 3 floors. Today, the Traditional Costume Museum of the city is housed on its interior.
This is the mansion of the Macedonian fighter Anastasios Picheon and dates back to the 18th century. It is located in the traditional district of Doltso, on Picheon Street. On the interior is housed the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, that was created with the initiative of the Association of Friends of the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle and funded from the Prefectural Administration of the city. In its inner courtyard there usually take place cultural activities and local events.
It is one of the largest mansions in the city. The Papaterpou Mansion is located on Megalou Alexandrou Street, on the southern coast of the lake. In this mansion used to live the Turkish mullah Ibrahim. After the liberation of the city it was bought by the Papaterpou family. Eventually, it was named after them. Its characteristic feature is the formation of the windows, which are located between the sachnisia.
Built on the south beach, on Orestiados Street, the Skoutaris Mansion was constructed in 1770. It has three floors and stands out for the large size of the rooftop windows. On the contrary, the ground floor windows are comparatively smaller than the rest and have arched endings. The mansion is organized in a U-shaped format and has two underground spaces. It originally belonged to the Skoutaris family, but in 1977 it came under the jurisdiction of the EOT (National Organization of Tourism).
Other important mansions of the city are those of the I.S. Aivazi, Vergoula, Mitousi, Basakyrou, Sapountzi, Christopoulou, Orologopoulos and Zachos in Argos Orestikon. Unfortunately, quite a few of them are in a poor preserving condition and others are in danger of collapse, but it is worth mentioning that the mansions are reused to house museums, guesthouses, restaurants, etc. Therefore, the monuments themselves and the traditional character of the city is preserved.
/ Zachos Mansion
at Doltso
Balkan, World & Civil Wars: THE “WOUNDS” OF KASTORIA
Kastoria joined the Greek state after the end of the First Balkan War, on the 11th of November, 1912. As that day was the feast of St. Minas, he became the patron saint of the city. Just 28 years later, the city came under the first war fire of the Second World War. On October 28th 1940, Kastoria was bombed by Italian planes. Human lives were lost and buildings - monuments were damaged. Kastoria was invaded by Italians and Germans, as it is in a particularly strategic position of the Greek-Albanian borders. In the second year of the war, the city experiences the Italian occupation. This tragic event had, however, a rather "more favorable" side when it comes to the treatment of the local population.
The city's Jewish community consisted of about 1000 people who formed a 10% of the city's population. However, in 1943 the area was conquered by the Germans and the situation changed rapidly. The following year, the Germans gathered all the Jews of the city on St. Athanasius Street. From that place, they were led to Thessaloniki and then to the Auschwitz Birgenau camp. In their honor, at the point where they gathered, the Monument of the Jewish Holocaust of Kastoria was erected. After the end of the Second World War, the Civil War came to the fore. The mountains of Kastoria were the site of battles with significant losses. It is now a place with a long and martyric history, a history worth remembering.
Park of National Reconciliation
It is 25 km from Nestorio, after the village of Pefko. As Filippos Petsalnikos, former President of the Hellenic Parliament and inspirer of the Park, notes: «Greece bled here, and the wounds of that time remained open and tormented for decades the entire Greek people. We wanted to turn this very place of painful historical memory into a symbol of reconciliation and national unity».
Monument of the Jewish Holocaust
The Jewish Holocaust monument is located on the 15th Merarchias Street in the city of Kastoria. It is an inscribed marble stele, on which the following text is inscribed: "IN THIS POSITION ON MARCH 24, 1944, THE NAZIS GATHERED THE 1000 JEWS OF KASTORIA. THEY WERE TRANSFERRED TO THE DEATH CAMPS OF AUSCHWITZ. ONLY 35 SURVIVORS RETURNED." The inscription informs the visitor about the exact course of the events of March 24th.
Monument of the Aviator (Aeroporos) of Vasileiada
In the square of the village of Vasileiada is erected the bust of Evangelos Giannaris, who is the first Greek pilot and lieutenant of the air force. He lost his life in the battlefield in November of 1940, in the context of the Greco-Italian War. The bust stands on a high inscribed marble base.
Adobe (Plithina) Korestia
On the noωrthwest of Kastoria is located Korestia or otherwise called "the adobe brick villages". These are mountainous settlements that were built on the foothills of Vitsi mountain. They stand out for the peculiar architecture of their houses, which are brick-built with red soil, which gives them the reddish color. They date back chronologically to the early 20th century and were inhabited mainly by poor people.
(Plithina) Korestia
The traditional district of Doltso is located in the town of Kastoria within walking distance of the lake. Around the neighborhood’s square lie paved alleys dominated by traditional mansions and churches. The name Doltso derives from the word dolce which means sweet and refers to the "sweet" climate that prevails on this south side of the city.
The village of Polykerasos is located on mount Vitsi, at an altitude of 1,220 meters. In 2006 it was characterized as a historical preservable place due to its historical importance. It was inhabited more systematically since the beginning of the 20th century. The houses of the village are brick-built and are painted from the middle and downwards in white color.
Eptahori (formerly Vourvoutsiko) is located in the municipality of Nestorio in the prefecture of Kastoria. It resulted from the unification of smaller villages in the early 16th century and has been inhabited ever since. The Byzantine churches of the village stand out for their religious frescoes that are dated from the 13th century, while the houses are traditional and brick-built.
PPalaio Kostarazi
In the municipal unit of Ion Dragoumis there is the Palaio Kostarazi. It is an important settlement that was a field of warfare in the Macedonian struggle. In 1944 the village was destroyed by the German conquerors and deserted, however the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary has survived. In a marble inscription, the following text of the inhabitants who were forced to abandon it is preserved:
about the mentioned-above events.
The Settlement of Nestorio is located in the Regional Unit of Kastoria, at a distance of 25 km from the city. The picturesque settlement that attracts many visitors thanks to the river Aliakmonas, which crosses it. The area that surrounds the river has been properly configured to host events and concerts, such as the RiverParty music and camping festival.
In the close-by area exists the Monastery of Taxiarches –Tsoukas, the construction of which dates back to 1254.
1, 2, 3.
/ Watermill at Nestorio
One of the most famous Vlach villages in Greece is Kleisoura (alternatively called Vlachokleisoura). Built on the slopes of Mount Mouriki and in a distance of 34 km from the city of Kastoria, Kleisoura stands out for its traditional architecture with its numerous mansions and churches. The settlement was created after the unification of five smaller settlements around the 15th century. It was inhabited mainly by farmers and merchants. Unfortunately, the settlement was destroyed extensively during the Ottoman occupation and the 2nd World War by the Germans, when numerous women, children and elderly people were killed, in retribution of the execution of German soldiers by the National Resistance Movement. A few remarkable buildings of the settlements are the “Greek-museum of Kleisoura”, the "Keimeliarxheion" and the library.
/ Relics exhibition at Kleisoura
Bridges (Gefyria)
A remarkable example of the architecture of Kastoria are the stone bridges, located in several areas of its prefecture.
The bridge of Ladopotamos is located at a distance of one kilometer from the village of Koromilia. It is a single-arched bridge with an arch opening of 16 meters. It has a height of 7 meters and was constructed in 1865.
The single-arched stone bridge of Zouzouli is located in the homonymous village. connecting the mountains Voion and Smolikas. Its height reaches 7 meters, while its length reaches 25 meters. Its construction dates back to 1880, in a period that served as a passage of the merchants of the time. It was constructed by craftsmen of Kastaniani, in Konitsa.
The bridge was built at the request of a local lord, after he was informed on the tragic drowning of a girl in the river.
The stone bridge of Kousioumbli is located near the national road Eptachori in Ioannina. It used to connect the settlement of Zouzouli with Eptachori. It is dated in the 19th century and has an arch of 14 meters. Its length is 33 meters, while its width 2,4. In 1988, the bridge was characterized as a work of art and a preserved monument.
In the village of Eptachori is the bridge of Papalias. It separates the settlement of the village Anilio from the mahalas Papalias. It is a single-arched stone bridge, made of hewn stones, with an arc span of 10 meters.
Museum of Paleobotany and Paleontology of Nostimo
The museum "Paleobotany and Paleontology of Nostimo" is located in Nostimo and hosts important findings from the petrified forest of the area. Petrified tree trunks, fossilized algae, palm trees, as well as a plethora of other plants and fossilized skeletal remains of animals.
Among the most characteristic findings are the shark teeth and several shells, that indicate the existence of a sea environment in the area.
Another remarkable exhibit is the fossil of a turtle "Nostimochelona", a name that has been attributed by researchers.
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The sphinx: Part of a grave-relief preserving the body of a Sphinx. Pentavrysos, Prefecture of Kastoria. 6th-5th c. BC.
Archaeological Museum of Argos Orestikon
The Archaeological Museum of Kastoria is located in the town of Argos Orestiko. It is housed in a hall of the cultural center of Argos Orestiko. It hosts findings from Ancient Orestis that chronologically cover a wide range from the time of Homer to the Roman emperor Diocletian.
Exhibit from Archaeological Museum
/ The Symposiast: Bronze statuette of a male figurine participating in a symposium, sitting οn a day bed. It was found in Alevitsa, Dipotamia, Prefecture of Kastoria. 540-520 BC. 3.
μ.Χ. / The “Koinon of Oresti”: Part of an inscribed stone base describing that the “koinon” erects a votive (possibly a statue) to the Roman emperor Claudius and organizes games in his honor. Armenohori, Argos Orestiko. Approximately 41-54 AD.
Byzantine Museum
The Byzantine Museum of Kastoria is located in the center of the city, in Dexameni Square. It was founded in 1989 and includes an exhibition area and workshops.
The museum hosts works of Byzantine art, but only religious images are exhibited. The purpose of this choice is to promote the city as an important center of byzantine painting. Important painters who lived and worked in the area were Permeniotis and Onoufrios, whose works can be admired by visitors.
1, 2.
Images from Byzantine museum 2.
1. Ωραία Πύλη,
2, 3.
μουσείο / Bema door, Byzantine museum
/ Exhibits, Byzantine museum
Museum of the Macedonian Struggle
The Museum of the Macedonian Struggle of Kastoria is situated in Doltso and is housed in the mansion of Picheon. After the restoration of the mansion in 2005, the Association "Friends of the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle", which was founded in 1993, contributed significantly to the construction of the Museum. It hosts macedonian relics, such as weapons, traditional costumes and objects of everyday use. In addition, a rich photographic and cartographic material is exhibited, while there is also a library with a reading area.
1, 2, 3. Εκθέματα,
/ Exhibits, museum of the Macedonian Struggle
Folklore Museum
The Folklore Museum is housed in the Mansion Nerantzi Aivazi. It is located on Captain Lazou Street in Doltso and was founded in 1975. On the ground floor of the museum, visitors can walk around the cellar of food and wines, the kneadari where traditional cooking equipment is exhibited, the katoi, where the residents used to store all sorts of combustible material and the loft. The first floor of the exhibition represents the summer daily room, a fur workshop. The rest of the rooms are the kiosk and the doxato, the living room, the couple's bedroom, the loom room and the “reception” room – the “formal” room, where people used to welcome the visitors.
In all areas there are traditional objects that we must imagine that existed in every mansion house.
Exhibits, Folklore museum
1. Κρεβατοκάμαρα ζευγαριού, Λαογραφικό μουσείο / Couple's bedroom, Folklore museum
2. ∆ωμάτιο από το Λαογραφικό Μουσείο / Room from Folklore museum
3. Αργαλειός, Λαογραφικό μουσείο / Loom, Folklore museum
Traditional Costume Museum
The Traditional Costume Museum of Kastoria is housed in the Mansion of the Emmanuel Brothers in Doltso, on Byzantium Street. It hosts traditional local costumes of men and women.
Exhibits, Traditional Costume museum
MPavlos Melas Museum
In the settlement of Melas in the prefecture of Kastoria can be found the Pavlos Melas Museum. It is housed in the so-called Kantzakis house, where the fighter of the Macedonian Struggle was killed, as testified by the inscription located on the exterior of "THIS IS THE HOUSE WHERE PAVLOS MELAS WAS KILLED".
/ Room from Pavlos Melas museum
/ Exhibit, Pavlos Melas museum
/ Room from Pavlos Melas museum
SDragon's Cave (spilia tou Drakou)
The fact that the city of Kastoria extends on the peninsula that enters Lake Orestiada renders it a magnificent landscape. The proximity of the rocky areas to the water element was a decisive factor for the creation of caves and underground lakes!
One of the explored and most visited caves of the city is the "Dragon's Cave". It is located on the lakeside road that leads to the Holy Monastery of Panagia Mavriotissa. It can be accessed through a pedestrian street that starts from the city's hospital and extends along the lake.
It is a cave that extends to a route of 300 visited meters. This route in many places meets underground lakes, 7 in number, while throughout its duration visitors walk among stalactites and stalagmites. The temperature inside the cave ranges between 16-18°C throughout the year.
From an archaeological point of view, no human remains were found in the cave, only the bones of a cave bear whose age is now estimated at 10,000 years. At the end of the visiting part of the cave, an exhibition area has been constructed where visitors can observe photographs of the explorations and read further information.
cave of Drakos
/ The cave of Drakos 3.
/ Bones of a cave bear
Lake Orestiada
The lake of Kastoria has the name Orestiada, which derives from the mythical origin of the inhabitants of ancient Orestis from the hero Orestes. It extends over an area of 28 square kilometers, at an altitude of 630 meters. It is protected by the Natura 2000 Network as it hosts rich species of flora and fauna.
Mount Psalida is located on the west side of the city and its summit "Alexander the Great" reaches the height of 1,100 meters. It offers stunning views and supervision of the entire area.
The ascent to Psalida can be done through paths that bear three degrees of difficulty marked with colors. The mountain is also of archaeological interest as on its top were found parts of votive sculptures dedicated to the god Zeus, the goddess Hera and the god Hermes. Ψαλίδα
The mountain Vitsi or Verno is located on the border of the prefecture of Kastoria at a height of 2,128 meters. Apart from its historical importance as a point of conducting military operations, Vitsi offers enchanting landscapes with forests and alpine meadows, while it is a habitat of the brown bear.
During the winter there is a ski resort and restaurant that provides different kings of services for everyone. The mountain is often chosen by lovers of the mushroom collection.
resort, Vitsi
1, 2, 3.
/ Ski resort, Vitsi
The mountain Grammos dominates between the prefectures of Kastoria, Ioannina and the country of Albania. It is the fourth highest mountain in Greece with a height of up to 2,520 meters. It is ideal for mountaineering and touring both in its rocky part, as well as in the lakes Arrenes and Gistova that have been formed between the slopes. In the waters of the lakes live rare species of amphibians, such as the alpine, the common and the crested triton.
The waterfall of Agia Anna is the biggest one of Kastoria and reaches the height of 15–20 m. It is located on the southern part of the village of Agia Anna close to the monastery of Taxiarches Tsoukas (13th century), in the gorge of Stenopotamos. It springs from the mountain of Alevitsa and pours its waters into Aliakmonas, right after the village.
An equally important element in the surrounding area is the presence of paleontological material consisting mainly of fossilized trunks and sea shells of millions of years.
Paths at waterfall of Agia
1, 2, 3.
1, 2, 3.
/ Waterfall of Agia Anna
Shell fossil, waterfall of Agia Anna
Forest (Dasaki) of Mesopotamia
The town of Mesopotamia is located at a distance of 12 km from the city of Kastoria. Two kilometers from the center of the settlement lies a small area, surrounded by trees, which is called by the locals "Dasaki". A visit to Dasaki is ideal for nature lovers.