Be smart nr 27

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TÂRGUL JUDEŢEAN AL FIRMELOR DE EXERCIŢIU Neagu Denisa, XIB , prof. Ilie Cătălina În săptămâna ,,Şcoala alfel”, în data de 27.03.2017, la Coleglui Economic Buzău a avut loc Târgul judeţean al firmelor de exerciţiu. Plini de emoţie si entuziasm, am păşit cu încredere în sala cu pricina, unde toate clasele erau nerăbdătoare să îşi aranjeze standurile şi să pună totul la punct. Făcând parte din clasa a Xl-a B, m-am aşezat lângă colegii mei dornici


muncă. Încercam să ne stăpânim emoţiile, iar munca în echipă a dat roade: standul a fost o reuşită, sarcinile au fost împărţite astfel încât fiecare membru a muncit, iar directorii Andrei Mocanu (director general), Cristina Balaban (director economic) şi Robert Goidescu (director commercial) ne-au coordonat foarte bine, în functie de compartimentul din care făceam parte. În câteva zeci de minute ,,amplasarea” FE Casa Buzoiana SRL a fost gata. După lungi evaluări, în care simţeam fiecare îndoială a juriului, aşteptarea a luat sfârşit. Drept urmare, firma noastră a fost un succes şi am obţinut următoarele premii: Premiul III la SecŢiunea materiale promoţionale, Mentiunea I la Secţiunea stand şi tot Mentiunea I la Sectiunea catalog. Am fost mândri de noi şi plăcut surprinşi de rezultatele obţinute. Le suntem recunoscători doamnelor profesoare îndrumatoare Cătălina Postovei si Magdalena Ardeleanu, care ne-au creat şi ne-au dezvoltat abilităţile antreprenoriale şi manageriale. Acest Târg a avut în vedere dezvoltarea iniţiativei şi a spiritului antreprenorial în rândul tinerilor, efectele de lungă durată fiind responsabilizarea şi evoluţia lor ca agenţi economici de succes, pe o piaţă economică în continuă schimbare. În plus faţă de rolul său educativ, Târgul Firmelor de Exerciţiu îi va inspira pe tineri să aprecieze rolul afacerilor, al economiei şi al companiilor private pentru îmbunătăţirea calităţii propriilor vieţi. În firma de exerciţiu noi am învăţat să iniţiem o afacere, să facem tranzacţii, să negociem, să realizam materiale publicitare şi oferte, să ţinem evidenţa contabilă a activităţii. Am simulat activităţile unei firme reale, dobândind competenţe în toate activităţile şi departamentele unei firme. 3

TÂRGUL FIRMELOR DE EXERCIŢIU, FOCŞANI Pruteanu Răzvan, XIB, prof. Ilie Cătălina Colegiul Economic "Mihail Kogălniceanu" din Focşani a găzduit, în data de 31 Martie 2017, editia a VIII-a Târgului Regional al Firmelor de Exerciţiu. Şi-au făcut apariția nu mai puțin de 48 de Firme de Exercițiu din diferite judeţe ale ţării, care au concurat la secțiunile stand profesional, prezentare, catalog, spot, materiale promoţionale şi site, "ELEVUL de azi, ANTREPRENORUL de mâine". Conform tradiţiei, printre participanţi s-au numarat şi patru Firme de Exerciţiu din cadrul Colegiului Economic Buzău, acestea obţinând menţiuni şi premii. Managerii Firmelor de Exerciţiu au participat şi la competiţia Virtual Business Challenge, care are ca obiectiv creşterea preocupării acestora pentru gestionarea corectă a afacerii. "Casa Buzoiană" se numără printre firmele participante de la Colegiul Economic Buzău, aceasta fiind reprezentată de către elevii clasei XI B. Staff-ul firmei a fost compus dintr-un număr de cinci elevi, Zahanagiu Constantin, Bostan Cristina, Vlad Nicoleta, Denisa Neagu şi Pruteanu Răzvan, aceştia împărţindu-şi atribuţiile si încercând să aducă o contribuţie cât mai mare la succesul firmei. La final, efortul acestora a fost răsplatit, reuşind să obţină Premiul I pentru "Cel mai bun negociator în limba engleză", acordat elevei Cristina Bostan, Premiul de excelenţă pentru staff profesionist si Menţiune pentru logo.


Goidescu Robert, XI B, prof. Ilie Cătălina Una din experienţele trăite de mine şi câţiva colegi în perioada programului “Şcoala altfel” a avut loc în data de 30.03.2017, când am avut ocazia să vizităm Sucursala CEC BANK, aflată în judetul Buzău, Strada Unirii, nr.14 şi 15. Aici am fost conduşi până în biroul domnului director care ne-a invitat într-o sală de conferinţe unde 4

am purtat o discuţie de aproximativ o oră. Domnul director a apreciat intenţia noastră de a afla cât mai multe despre banca condusă de el şi operaţiunile ce au loc acolo. Primul subiect abordat a fost acela al istoricului bancii CEC (Casa de Economii și Consemnațiuni). Acesta ne-a spus că CEC BANK

este o instituție bancară din

România, deținută de stat, înființată în 1864 printr-o lege înaintată de Alexandru Ioan Cuza. Între anii 1897 și 1900 s-a ridicat sediul actual, Palatul CEC, urmând ca în anul 2008 banca CEC să işi lanseze o nouă identitate şi denumire, CEC Bank. Domnul director a ţinut să ne spună că în anul 2013, CEC Bank avea cele mai multe sucursale dintre toate băncile din România. Ajungând la finalul discursului, ne-a prezentat un proiect interesant ce s-a înfiintat în anul 2015, în urma unui parteneriat cu ANAF, când CEC Bank a introdus în oferta sa creditele rapide, oferite pe baza buletinului şi fără necesitatea prezentării adeverințelor de venit. Alte subiecte interesante au fost cele legate de misiunea firmei , care este una bine pusă la punct, din punctul meu de vedere. Ea sună aşa: CEC Bank trebuie să fie o bancă comercială universală, competitivă, care să ofere clienţilor produse şi servicii diverse şi de calitate, urmărind cu precădere finanţarea

IMM-urilor, agriculturii,

administraţiilor publice locale, precum şi a acelor proiecte bancare care, prin natura lor, contribuie la dezvoltarea economică, crearea şi menţinerea locurilor de muncă. O atenţie deosebită va fi acordată în continuare relaţiei cu populaţia României. Această misiune poate fi văzută la fiecare etaj al cladirii , aceasta fiind înrămată si agăţată pe perete unde este vizibilă cu uşurinţă. Domnul director ne-a vorbit şi despre cum se completează diverse instrumente ce circulă în sistemul băncii şi atenţia pe care trebuie să o acordăm în momentul în care le completăm. Având o experientă de peste 20 de ani în domeniul bancar, acesta ne-a vorbit şi despre părerea sa în legatură cu sistematizarea operaţiilor bancare. Învăţat fiind cu procedeele bancare executate cu pixul pe foaie, acesta spune că în cazul în care sistemul ar pica, lucrurile vor merge foarte greu, angajaţii nemaiavând abilitaţile practice pe care le aveau în perioada “nemodernizată”. Acest lucru are şi aspecte negative asupra personalului spune domnul director, aceştia fiind în scădere 5

datorită apariţiei de noii tehnologii. Am mai aflat că judeţul Buzău dispune de mai multe sedii secundare ale bancii CEC Bank atât în zona urbană cât şi în cea rurală. Un aspect interesant al vizitei a fost acela că domnul director nu s-a ferit să ne vorbească de serviciile oferite de către alte bănci şi chiar nu a fost critic fată de concurenţă. Dumnealui a dorit să plecăm cu un plus de cunoştinţe, iar noi am apreciat acest lucru. La final am fost conduşi într-un tur al Sucursalei CEC Bank, unde am văzut şi birourile din spatele casieriei. Acolo am fost întâmpinaţi de către angajaţii aflaţi pe diverse posturi ce ne-au transmis că aşteaptă să le luăm locul. Consider că a fost o experienţă ce ne va ajuta în alegerea carierei şi, dacă aş mai avea ocazia de a repeta experienţa, aş spune da.

MYSTERY IN UKRAINE Borcilă Cristian Eduard, clasa a XII-a I Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena Chernobyl is a small town situated at about 150 km from the capital city of Ukraine, Kiev, and 50 km from the border with Belarus. In 1964, the town became the place of the first nuclear power station on Ukrainean soil. After two years, in 1966, not far from Chernobyl, Prypyat was built. It was a town made only for the workers and families of the Chernobyl power plant. It did had a school, some parks and other places where Prypyat population could relax. Enough with the description and all the beautiful things about Chernobyl. The power plant itself was ready in 1983 and worked since 1983 until 1986, when a big disaster happened. During a test on the 26 th of April 1986, reactor number 4 exploded. Our heroes are two Italian brothers called Vittorio and Alessandro, who decided to go there for an exploration and take some shots for a movie they wanted to produce. They decided to go by car from Rome to Kiev, the only way of transport that would have allowed them to carry all of the filming and exploring equipment, even if the trip was going to take about two days. Everything was perfect until they got there. They 6

had heard about the dangers of the place, genetically transformed animals, the existence of wraiths and ghosts and even the danger of getting irradiated pretty badly. Everything was fine on the first day, and they checked in at a hotel in Kiev. The adventures started when they crossed the gate to Chernobyl where they were welcomed by animals whith more legs than usual, and the stories about ghosts and haunted buildings turned out to be true. The brothers were not scared of the first sight, so they started filming. The guardians told them to leave the place until 6:00 p.m., but they wanted to film some night material as well, so at night they remained inside the power plant. When they entered an apartment building, something wasn’t right, apart from the uranium smell. Their equipment suddenly stopped working, including the cameras and the filming lights, and some voices started screaming and shouting in an unknown language. They immediately ran from a level to another one, but they couldn’t see a thing because of the night. The fear was around our heroes, and the sounds started to become louder and scarier until they stopped completely. Vittorio started calling his brother, but he got no response. He ran out of the building to their car scared, crying and aware that he wasn’t going to see his brother again…

MISS ELENA CÂRSTEA, MY FAVOURITE TEACHER IN SECONDARY SCHOOL Bucur Alexandru, clasa a XII-a K Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena My favourite teacher in secondary school was Miss Elena Cârstea, my maths teacher. She was a very beautiful teacher and a very young one too. She was my teacher in class six in the village of Brădeanu, Buzău county, and that was the only year when she taught in our school. When she left, I was very unhapp. Miss Elena Cârstea was a kind and a good teacher, as she made us understand mathematics in a way that I could learn it. She was a woman that imposed respect


when she entered the class, and we all greeted her. She used to wear red skirts and white shirts, like in the moment I first saw her. In just one year she made us get a lot of grades of ten, and I loved to go to the blackboard and make the best impression. I will always remember this teacher, as she remained in my heart forever. I hope I will meet her soon again to thank her for all she did for me.

GHOSTS IN THE COUNTRYSIDE Călin Cristian Ionuț, clasa a XII-a K Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena It was a day very awesome for me because I was going to my grandparents. I loved my grandparents because they loved me and they met all my wishes. There was a boy I was friend with. He had a hobby, but that hobby was really frightening, because he believed in ghosts. I can say that he had documented himself well about ghosts and when I arrived there he was very scared for me, because he did say that in my grandparents’ house there was a little boy’s ghost. First when I heard this I thought that he was crazy, and I didn’t talk with him for a while. After two or three days some things started to look badly, like I saw a shadow in the mirror and when I turned back it was gone. When I saw the shadow, I started to believe Billy (my friend from my grandparents’ place). The second thing that happened was that books from the shelves were flying out. I didn’t tell it to my grandparents, but I went quickly to Billy and I told him I was sorry, and asked him if he could help me with the ghost. When my grandparents went out we went to my home and Billy sprinkled the walls with saint water, but that thing made the ghost angry and it started to break all the windows, and the light was turned off. We went very fast outside, and the ghost remained inside. My grandparents and I went to my parents’ house and later my grandparents’ house was sold. Billy continued to try to tell people about ghosts, but they still wouldn’t believe him. 8

MY GUARDIAN ANGEL Călin Cristian Ionuț, clasa a XII-a K Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena My mother is my guardian angel, because she loves me more than everyone in this world. My mom deserves all the best, that’s why if I can do smoething that makes her happy, I immediately do it, and because she gave me life, I would give my life for her. My mom, I can say, is a perfect mom, at least for me, because she was always near to me to tell me what is right and what is wrong and to teach me how to prepare for life, because “life is hard”, like she always says. She is a beautiful woman, a very good mother, and she does everything for me and my sister just to make us happy. But my mistake was that when I was just a child I didn’t realize what she did for me and I wasn’t thankful, and I regret that I didn’t show her how much I loved her. But now I’m more careful and thankful for what she does for me. I know that my mom always forgives me, but this can’t let me do everything I want. My mom is all I need and all I love in my life, she grew me up and taught me how to behave with girls and be polite, and I will be thankful to her for the rest of my life, because she really deserves all the best from me.

SPRING AND EASTER Călin Cristian Ionuț, clasa a XII-a K Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena There are four seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn, but spring is definetly the best season ever. Probably spring seems to be the best season because it is the next season after winter, a season that is very cold, you can not have a nice walk in the nature and you stay a big part of your time at home.


Spring is a season where the central element is happines. The weather is warm, helping the snow disappears and after the snow disappears, you can have nice walks in the nature, you can play football, things that will fill your soul with joy. I am a boy, I am not a big fan of flowers, but in spring when almost all the flowers bloom, that avalanche of colours really impresses me. Let us not forget that there is an important holiday named Easter or The Ressurection of Jesus Christ, a holiday that is the most important moment of the spring, when almost all people go for a picnic in a forest or somewhere in a park or in a place with fresh green grass, to celebrate the ressurection of our Lord. So we can really say that spring is the best season with the best opportunities to have fun.

DIFFERENCES Grigore Diana Georgiana, clasa a XII-a K Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena Even though we are all humans, we’re different because it’s in our choice to choose the path that we want in life and to do everything that’s humanly possible to make our dreams come true, everything that a normal healthy person would do. The human race is divided in two parts. The first part, where you can find the healthy human beings that live a normal life and sometimes think their whole world will come crushing down just because of a stupid thing or a minuscule problem; and there’s the second part, where you can find human beings with diseases, who are wasting a lot of time in hospitals, and guess what? They’re not complaining of how sad their life is! And I think this is what makes us different: the way we perceive life and the way we’re living it. Because that person that has a disease enjoys life much more than us, the healthy human beings, and that person is not worrying as much as we do. You know what? I think they’re not worrying at all because they don’t have time for that; they’re too busy going to hospitals to find a cure or medication that will make them live longer 10

or maybe they have a list of things to do before death and they’re actually doing things from the list, because probably they think they’re not gonna live much and they’re scared of the thought of death, but they’re not showing the fear that they have. And a healthy person does not even think that their lives could end in the next second, they don’t make that list of things to do before death because they think their lives are long enough to do those things. And that’s the problem with us, the healthy human beings: we don’t apreciate the moment, we don’t do things we want at the moment because we think we have enough time. But when will we realize that the clock is ticking and the time is running out? I think we should apreciate life just the way it is and we should try to find happiness in the little things, because life is easy and wonderful, we’re just making it complicated and then we’re complaining that life’s hard.

HEROES OF NIGHT Grigore Diana Georgiana, clasa a XII-a K Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena One night Sarah was woken up by the noise made by her neighbours. So she went out in the middle of the street where all of her neighbours were and saw, on the other side of the river, the church and five houses on fire. Feeling sad for the people whose houses were on fire, she and other ten neighbours made a plan to help the poor people. So they took eleven boats and went on the other side of the river where families with kids and old people were asking for someone to help them. So they helped the people to take what they could save, and then let them stay in their houses for the night. While they were helping the poop people, other neighbours called the firefighters. In the morning they found out from the firefighters, that the fire was caused by a candle that fell down in the church. On the same day, Sarah and her neighbours were on the front page of all the magazines with the title “Heroes at Night”.


MR. GHEORGHE ALEXE, MY PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHER Grigore Diana Georgiana, clasa a XII-a K Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena The primary school teacher I’m going to talk about is Mr. Gheorghe Alexe. On the first day of school, when I met him for the first time, he saw that I was shy and barely talking, and he told me to go and talk and play with the other kids, but before this he told me to take a sit in the first desk. He taught me a lot of things in primary school. He was a calm, patient teacher and I think this is what made him special. Because he was very patient even with those students that were kinda slow in accumulating the information from the lessons. He knew how to keep us interested during the lessons and when to make a joke or two, just to make a pleasant atmosphere. Mr. Alexe was a middle aged man, with grey hair, brown eyes and who was always wearing a button-up shirt. If I think about it, button-up shirts were the kind of clothes he was wearing all the time. He had a lot of button-up shirts with different models. When I finished primary school I was sad, because I knew he wouldn’t be my teacher anymore, but during secondary school I still met him on the school corridors, so in the end I wasn’t that sad anymore.

THE FROZEN TIME OF THE YEAR Grigore Diana Georgiana, clasa a XII-a K Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena Winter is the coldest season of the year, as this season comes with freezing cold temperatures and a lot of snow, sometimes too much, so people need to shovel their drive ways or paths even three times a day. But they don’t not complain, ’cause after all, it’s a beautiful and an amazing season which “leads” you to Dreamland, because


what else can you do when you look out of the window and see the breathtaking landscape? If adults are out in the snow busy with work, children wait impatiently for the old man, and we all know who's that... it’s Father Christmas, the old man with grey hair and long white beard that leaves gifts for children all around the world, under the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve night. Besides Father Christmas, children and teenagers wait for the winter holidays: a period when you can spend time with your family, you can wake up at what time you want and also, you don’t have any homework to do. Now I’m really waiting for this winter holidays because I’m looking forward to spend a lot of time with my family, but especially with my little brother, and I’m also waiting for the first snow of the year and for that Christmas atmosphere that brings a lot of joy and happiness to my soul. And last but not least, for me winter is the season that allows me to spend lots of time reading a good book while drinking a cup of hot chocolate. EASTER BRINGS PEACE IN PEOPLE’S SOULS Hanga Mădălin Gabriel, clasa a XII-a K Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena Easter is one of the most important celebrations in the Christian calendar, bringing peace in people’s souls. Before this important celebration all Christians celebrate Palm Sunday, which is a very important event because on this day our Lord Jesus Christ entered the holy city of Jerusalem, riding a donkey and being acclaimed by all the Jews, who were throwing flowers on the road. The week between these two important celebrations is called The Passion Week of Christ. In this week a lot of important events happened. First of all it should be remembered The Lord’s supper, when Jesus washed the legs of his apostles and offered them his “blood and body”. After the Lord’s supper, which was on Maundy Thursday, Jesus Christ was betrayed by his apostle, Judah, and then arrested 13

by the Roman authorities. On the Holy Friday, Jesus should have suffered an unimaginable pain, being whipped by Romans and then forced to carry his cross to the Golgotha Hill. At the end of that day Jesus was crucified and He died for us saying, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”. Three days later Jesus Christ revived exactly on Sunday, being expected by his apostles and giving to them the mission to spread the Christian faith in the entire Roman Empire. In Romania there are many traditions for this celebration and the best known are: dyeing Easter eggs into red symbolizing the blood of the Saviour; during the church ceremony there is the tradition of passing under the table in honour of the sacrifice of Jesus, but the most important one is the receiving the Holy Fire when Christ’s Resurrection is celebrated. Easter in Romania is very important because it brings us peace to all Christians, uniting them in their honouring of the Saviour.

MISTAKES ARE EVERYWHERE Hanga Mădălin Gabriel, clasa a XII-a K Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren’t so busy denying them. The quote speas about the people who always try to make things in the best way they can do. People who make mistakes and learn something from them next time when they do that thing again, they will do it without any mistakes, that’s why mistakes exist, for us to learn to do things better. Personally I do not take care too much about avoiding every possible mistake in the things I do every day, because I know that if I do something wrong I will learn something good from it. I see around me a lot of people who have been learned from their mistakes and part of them are my friends who try to explain to me what they learned and warn me to be careful in the future. I have played a lot of computer games for many years and I’ve made a lot of mistakes and after that I tried to change something and make the thing I did wrong in a 14

better way, and even the best way I could do. This is how I am getting skilled in a game and not only. In my opinion mistakes are not always a bad thing, with the exception of circumstances when you have to do something in the best way or even perfect, but let us not forget that we can always learn something good when we make a mistake.

THE LITTLE BOY AND THE MAGIC DOG Hanga Mădălin Gabriel, clasa a XII-a K Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena This story is about a little boy who wanted to visit his grandparents. This little boy was coming from a poor family that was living in a little village to the montain. The village had few residents that were all poor. One day the little boy wanted to go on holiday to his grandparents, who were living in a nearby village. He did not have enough money to go to them, but he had a big dog which was a magic one, as the little guy was to discover on the way to his grandparents. After a few attempts, he got enough food and water to go to his grandparents with his big dog. He left the house with the dog, but he took the wrong path through a dark forest. They stepped deep into the forest and after a while they did not know the way back home anymore. The boy got scared. He looked around and saw a lot of dark faces on the trees. The branches broke all around and made a scary sound for the boy. He hugged the dog and felt its warmth. The dog seemed to become bigger and started to talk like a human. The boy had never seen that part of the dog before. He got new feelings for his dog and felt stronger. The scary trees were not scary anymore, as they kept walking forward to a little hut in the middle of the forest. They saw a light in the hut and they approached slowly to the door. The dog put his paw on the door and pushed the door to look inside. The door started creaking and the floor also, frightening the little boy. 15

They stepped inside and saw nothing in the house. They looked around, looking for a light switcher. When they turned on the light, they saw in front of them some stairs going up to the second floor. Near the stairs there was a chair with someone on it. They walked slowly to it and the dog put a paw on the old woman on the chair. In that moment the chair moved a little bit and the old woman jumped from the chair, trying to grab the little boy, but the dog was faster and caught her and saved the boy. The dog fought with the bad witch and killed her before she could make more harm around. After the fight they went out of the witch’s house and ran on a little path, following a light coming from the edge of the forest. The footpath was protected by tree guardians, which did not allow them to get out of the forest. The dog caught a big rock, a branch and a liana and put them all together making a handmade axe, using it to fight with the tree guardians. It worked perfect. The dog got stronger and bigger, pushed the boy back a little bit and started to fight with the guardians. The boy hid behind a tree and looked at the fight astonished, but also frightened. He thought they would die there in the forest, but the dog won the fight. After the fight the dog took the boy, put him on its back, ran on the path with him and got out of the forest very fast, as the dog had speed power too. They went from the forest to a big valley, with hills all around the footpath. They followed that path and went to the grandparents’house. There the dog transformed itself back into a normal dog and did not let the grandparents see its real self. The boy made a pact between him and the dog that none of them would tell about this story or about the dog’s magic power. And they lived happily ever after…

THE METEORITE AND THE CITY Hanga Mădălin Gabriel, clasa a XII-a K Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena No one knew what was going to happen. All people in the city were calm and they thought nothing could disturb their mood. But after years without any big surprise from God, like wars and disasters, something was going to change this fast. 16

A big meteor shower hit the crust of the earth, making big holes no one could get into without dying because those holes were so deep. Everyone got out of the houses, got into the cars and started to drive fast on the roads. The meteorite exploded when it entered the atmosphere of the earth. Pieces of the meteorite started to hit the places where the people were running for their lives. The entire city was destroyed and everybody was scared. No one could help them in those moments. Some of them went to a hide bunker found in a lost plase of the desert near the city, but most people died because of the meterorite. The green part of the city started to ignite and the fire started to expend in the forrest that surrounded the city. The city looked so bad. Nobody believed that someone could save them. A big light started to cover the city and to fix the damaged parts of the city. The people looked amazed to the sky and couldn’t understand what was happening. The legend says that not even now it is known what fixed the entire city after the disastrous meteor shower.

A STRANGE BEGINNING Iacob Nicolae Cătălin, clasa a XII-a B Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena High school – the place where people change or the place where your life actually starts. I don’t understand why people get so excited about high school. It may be my personality, but who cares? At the moment my only goal is to finish high school. I hope this year I have good and caring colleagues. In middle school I had a lot of bullies and most of the time I was watching out for them. While I entered the classroom I looked at my new classmates. Most of the students looked OK, so I felt a bit relieved. Immediately after my check up the homeroom teacher entered too. He introduced himself and then he asked us to introduce ourselves. The introduction went rather quickly, so the teacher decided to tell us about our classes. I started drifting away from class and I began to look out of the window. “Mr. Nicholas, am I too boring for you?” my teacher asked me. 17

“Oh, no, I am sorry. I just got sidetracked.” “I understand you are excited of high school, but please pay attention.” After that incident the class went smooth. When the bell rang I went to the bathroom. The water was cold, but at least it woke me up a bit. While looking in the mirror I saw something shiny behind the bathroom stall. Well, curiosity never killed anyone. “When are you going to give my money back?” “I will, just wait a bit more. I’m having a hard time at the moment.” “I am bored of this excuse…” Looked like a fight. I guessed they didn’t see me. Well, whatever, I just wanted to leave. Looking for a bit, I saw one of the students holding a gun, ready to shoot. I had to do something, but what? As I was reaching my hand to stop him and I was screaming out of my lungs, “Don’t shoot!”, he already fired his gun. I couldn’t believe it. Why couldn’t life be calmer? My head was filling with thoughts as I was closing my eyes slowly. This world was a harsh place. “Mr. Nicholas, am I too boring for you?” Wait, what? Why was I in the classroom again? What happened? Did I rewind time? Was it because I was reaching my hand out? Was it like this? “Hello, students, I am your homeroom teacher…” It worked. Now let us wait for the class to end and figure out how to stop that incident. Entering the bathroom, my only option would be the fire alarm. Time to hide. “When are you going to give my money back?” “RING RING RING” “Looks like luck is on your side. We’ll talk after this.” When they left, I followed them out in front of the school. I guess I have some cool superpowers. This kind of thing doesn’t fit a lazy person, but… time to be a hero!


EASTER AND US Iacob Nicolae Cătălin, clasa a XII-a B Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena Easter is that special holiday when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. On this holiday we meet with our family and our loved ones to commemorate the Passion of the Christ, his death and his resurrection. He was hung on a cross in Jerusalem a long time ago only to be crucified and then buried in a cave. Three days later, our Lord resurrected. Now Easter is a Christian holiday when people go and pray at the church and paint eggs. The painted eggs can be any colour, but there must be red colored eggs because that signifies the Lord’s blood shared for us. On Easter many families make sponge cake and all sorts of dishes. One of the most waited and most delicious dishes has to be roasted lamb. Many people go to church a week before Easter and pray every day of that week. The believers don’t miss a single day. At this time of the year people tell stories about the Lord’s sacrifice to the children for their own knowledge. We also have the tradition which, when we meet a person on the day of Easter, you say “Jesus resurrected” and the other person has to answer back “Truly, he resurrected”. Even though I am not suck a religious person I enjoy this holiday very much and I try not to make any family member mad on this time on the year and not only. This is the holiday which unites families and friends together.

EQUALITY Iacob Nicolae Cătălin, clasa a XII-a B Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena I understood the concept of equality form a young age. Growing up only showed me more different types of people. Taking a walk through the suburbs of Bucharest will amaze you because of the people there, not to mention how different they are from


one another. Some are rich, others are poor, smart or cluless, handsome or ugly. They are all different, yet so alike. While growing up I learned how everyone has to follow the rules implemented by the government. No matter how rich you are, everyone has to follow these rules which make everyone so much alike. Unfortunately, bullying is a type of phenomenon sometimes used for racism. But there is also another type of bulling, and talking about someone’s poverty is something that some students use to justify that kind of bullying. The bullied students take it serious, but they should know better and ignore the bullies. The best way to counter bullying is ignoring, and this can be done only by smart people. Nowadays numerous people and kids laugh of others’ poverty, mostly because of their simple clothes or lack of gadgets. What is worse is how other people join in the conversation without realizing how much they can hurt another person. Everyone is different, but they have one thing in common, and that is a set of rules to follow in order to be successful. The sad thing is that there is no law against this type of bullying and because of that many people are driven into a corner by the bad words they hear from others. That is why in my opinion the government should think of a new set of laws against bullying, and teachers, parents and students themselves should take more measures to stop bullies from acting. LOOSING EMI Iacob Nicolae Cătălin, clasa a XII-a B Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena When I moved from my hometown I didn’t keep in touch with my friends, and when I returned five years later, I thought they would not remember me. I left when I was eleven. They were close to my age, so I was sure they changed a lot. I moved alone in my old house. Even though the next day I started my high school life, I was a bit scared. I barely slept that night. As the day started, I dressed in my school uniform and got going. On the way I saw many familiar places from my 20

childhood. As I got to school, entering my classroom someone yelled my name. I turned, it was Michael. His sister was with him. As we talked he told me about everyone and how they were doing. Later that day, during our break time I started making some friends. My deskmate was a beautiful girl. As I told her my name and said, “I wish we can become friends”, she slapped me the moment I finished the sentence, revealing a bracelet. That bracelet was the same as the one I had given to Emilia five years before I left at a town festival. Before I could say anything else, she got out of the classroom and everyone was looking towards me. After school I started looking for her. I saw her and I started running after her. When I caught up, I apologized to her. She didn’t seem that mad at me, but actually happy that I remembered her. As the school year was passing, my relationship with Emi was getting stronger, until the moment when everyone was saying that we were dating. I tried to clear the misunderstanding but she didn’t seem bothered by it. One day when we were alone, she confessed her feelings towards me. As surprised as I was, at the same time I was happy. We had been dating for about six months. One day she told me about the town festival and that she wanted to go there. When we met at the bus station at about 6 p.m, we started walking through the festival’s shops and games. As it got late she wanted to go to a less crowded area to watch the fireworks. After the beautiful display of fireworks, the two of us decided to walk home instead of taking the bus. When we were at the outer part of the town, we got assaulted by a masked man holding a pistol. As I jumped to grab the pistol, he shot, but he didn’t shot me, he shot Emi. I grabbed him and all I could do was just to pull his mask off. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw Michael’s face. He started to make a run for it, but I didn’t follow. I called an ambulance as fast as I could but she had lost too much blood and died there. After that day I hunted him for ruining my life, but in one month time I found out he committed suicide. Since then I just tried to live my life peacefully and to forget the ugly past.


MR. PETROWITCH, MY MATHS TEACHER IN BELGIUM Iacob Nicolae Cătălin, clasa a XII-a B Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena Dear Mr. Petrowitch, It has been 5 years since I left SHARE elementary school and moved back to Romania. Out of all the teachers, I remember you the best because your classes were the funniest. The first time we met I was in sixth grade. Maths wasn’t one of my favourite subjects, but I grew fond of it in your class. I still remember all the pop-quizzes you gave us, the jokes and the way you taught us using the white board or the smart board. Even though you made us laugh during classes, everyone remained serious. Every student in class respected you, at least that’s what I thought, and were looking forward to the new maths lesson. Even if my grades weren’t that big in the first months, with your help I managed not only to get better at maths, but I actually liked it more than I used to. To be honest, at first I was scared of your class because of the bad rumours, but after some classes I understood that most of the rumours were false. When I came back to Romania I was behind many subjects, including maths. Because of you I managed to be on par with my classmates and later surpass them. Maths will always very special to me, above many other subjects. I hope you’ve been doing great and I am curious what kind of students you had since I left? Were they serious or not? Many students in secondary school hate maths, but I hope you make them love it, just as you did with me. It has been a while since I met a teacher like you and if I ever come to visit Belgium and I am close to SHARE, I will come and visit, even if you might not remember me. Yours sincerely, Nicolae Cătălin Iacob


WHAT’S WITH THIS MONOLOGUE? Iacob Nicolae Cătălin, clasa a XII-a B Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena Life can be really depressing because of society and its stupid rules. Sometimes it can hurt you so bad, that you can’t even get up, other times it can make you feel like the luckiest person on earth. As I was growing slowly and passing throughout all those times, I started to understand little by little something about our life: 1. You never know when it can hit you, nor reward you. Everything happens on an unreadable algorithm. 2. Life isn’t for everyone the same. For some it can be harsh, for others it can be easy. 3. Life has rules and they should apply to each and every person existing in the universe. This is all I could come up myself in 15 years of living. Life can change people easily. One moment they are your friend, the next one they are the most arrogant person in the world, just because life intervines between you two. As I said at number 3 about the rules, these rules should apply to everyone, but apparently they don’t apply to the people with power or money. But when they abuse too much of their power, life hits them hard or they are just lucky. Or maybe they are too stupid for life to mess up with them. I can say life is like a game. The strong can live easily, while the weaker have to struggle. Life is just a retarded game, without any kind of rules to follow nor to understand. That’s why we, humans, made them. So we can bring equality to every person, yet again, not even these rules made by us, humans, apply to everyone. In the end life is just a system that plays with us, not even caring a bit about us, nor about our feelings. This sucks. I wish I was an animal so I could just sleep all day, even though I would have to play the “life” game with everyone.


I think I might be the only high school boy that thinks so much of life while he is going to high school on his first day. That’s right, from now on I am a “high schooler”. A step closer to a society member. This is so boring, how could I be excited about school? I guess I am just another lazy person in this world. My name is Nicholas, I’m 15 years old and today I am officially a high schooler. I might not be the laziest, but at least I am the proudest. I even chose the closest high school to my house, even though it’s a 20 minute walk. It’s not a bad school, but it’s not the best either. Well, you can’t expect a lazy person to be the best, can you? I wonder if Einstein or Mozart were this lazy. Maybe I could be like them, but I just have a slow start. I can’t believe I said this. Anyway, in the end all I am hoping is to finish high school like any normal person, get to a normal college, have a normal job and be happy with a normal family. Pretty normal, isn’t it? My personality is pretty rotten too. In a conversation I never hesitate to say the truth or what is on my mind, even though it may hurt people. But don’t get me wrong, I do think before I say something. In order to get control over the situation I will start lying just so I can get out of the conversation with an advantage. I will do anything in my power in order to win any argument. You could even say I am a competitive person. Anyway, what’s with this monologue? It feels like I am the protagonist of some kind of weird story. Besides, because of all these thoughts I reached my school without even realizing it. Damn, the school is so big. Well, at least bigger than what I saw on the Internet. “Here goes nothing, I guess…” Wait, have I just said that outloud? Man, there are so many students around me. Hope none of them heard me. While entering the school grounds I spot all the students entering the gym. That might be where the opening ceremony is. Enter, take a seat and try not to sleep from the speech. Easy to say, hard to do. I hope that the persons who will seat next to me won’t be a bother or the really friendly type of person.


After I have taken my seat, the principal walks on stage and starts his welcoming speech. He is a pretty short person, but he looks like the kind of principal who actually cares about his students. I hope I am right. You can’t really judge persons by their looks. “Now let’s hear a round of applause for...” (It’s a she.) She will be the first year’s representative, so if you have any problem you can discuss it with her, and then she will report it to me personally. Miss (......), you can come up on the stage.” Now I am pretty curious what kind of person got the highest entrance score on the exam in this school. I think she will be the nerdy type, with glasses and brown hair. Just thinking about it makes me crack a bit. This thing makes me pretty curious, so I will pay a bit more attention. While everyone is clapping, she is climbing the stairs of the stage. As soon as she gets up, everyone stops before she can even reach the microphone. I don’t know if it is her leader like aura or how serious she looks about this, but I am pretty sure everyone is just charmed by her. She looks like the ideal girl. I am even spotting girls that look more interested in her than other boys. “Hey, isn’t that the daughter of the owner of that famous restaurant where they sell only high class food?” “I wonder what she is doing in a high school like this. I am pretty sure she could’ve gone to the best school in the country.” “Well, this school specializes in marketing, so maybe she wants to continue the family business.” “Yeah, you might be right.” If the conversation between the girls behind me is true, then she is one of those persons. The kind that get anything they want, whenever they want, just because they are born in a prestigious family. So in other words she is my natural enemy. Well, it’s not like we’re going to be in the same class and have to get along. Damn, her speech is boring too. She is speaking a lot about a person’s rights, but it’s not like she ever followed them too. I bet some person made that speech for 25

her. Whatever, I should just find out what class I’m in. Let’s see… Class A. That was fast, just the way I love it. “Hey, what class are you in? I am in class C.” “Really? I am in class C too. Lucky us.” “Not really, I wanted to be with... (her), but she is in class A.” The moment I hear those words I return to the panel and reread the list again. Well, don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I want to listen to their conversation. I am just too fond of my surroundings. Anyway, I can spot her name. Looks like they were really speaking the truth. Damn me and my mouth. Well, whatever the situation, I still won’t cooperate or get along with her, that’s for sure. As long as she doesn’t say something she shouldn’t say or act all mighty, we might actually get along. I did have my problems in the past with this kind of persons and I am hoping I won’t have anymore.

FAMILY AND SCHOOL Ion Andreea Simona, clasa a XII-a D Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena The relation between school and family is very important for children. Family is the first social people for them. Here you learn how to behave in life. Parents teach us what is good and what is not. For example, you can miss class if you have a problem or if it’s an emergency, otherways, you will be absent from school and this is bad for your school life. In family parents should be a good example of industry for their children. At school, first of all you learn how to speak correctly with other people, how to behave in public and how to be a special person when you grow up. You learn different subjects: maths, physics, biology, geography, chemistry, English or another foreign language. In school you have to learn if you wanna be an important person in life and have money to survive and to do good things. At school there is a different social environment than in the family. You can make friends for a long time and remain friends forever. At school if you don’t know 26

something at homework, you can ask help from your coleagues and they will surely help you. In conclusion, you should be a good person so that people like you the way you are. It doesn’t matter how they think you are in your private life because if you are nice with them, they will forget this and they will be good to you. So be a good and nice person and you will be rewarded!

ALINA MUNTEANU, MY TEACHER OF ENGLISH Neagu Claudia, clasa a XII-a D Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena My favourite teacher was a teacher of English from my first years of school. Her name was Alina Munteanu. She told us to call her “teach”. I will always remember her because she made me love and understand English. From the first lessons she told to my mother that I already knew a lot of words and songs. Since I was seven years old I was able to tell the colours, to count from one to one hundred and to name many animals. I even dreamed to leave for America and live there, as I loved American culture that I saw in movies and on TV. I learned numerous English words, to have a rich vocabulary and I also read English books for children. I have an older sister and she tried to help me, and my teacher was always patient with me when teaching me, so I had a lot of help. My teacher brought toys to the class and created stories to make us talk, teaching us how to pronounce words and correcting our accent. She laid the basis for English in my mind and I am very sure that if it hadn’t been for her, I couldn’t have learned English so well. I remember she was very beautiful. She was blonde, with curly hair, blue eyes and a white face. Her voice was gentle and she loved to teach us. All her students loved her, she wasn’t just a teacher, she was like a mother to us.


All the English I know now I know from her. I don’t know how, but she succeeded to teach me so much. She used to tell us, “Learn to think in English before you say something”. Everything I learned from her was easy to learn. She told us stories, she sang to us and I still know those songs. She taught us the name of colours, animals and numbers by songs. When I entered class five I cried a lot, because she wasn’t going to be my teacher anymore, and I kept visiting her at school. She was happy to see me again and she asked me what I learned from the new teacher. I told her that nothing would be the same and that it was difficult for me to learn from a new teacher. I think that every child has a favourite teacher who makes them forget that they are in school and love learning. I really want to visit her again because I miss her so much. MR. COSTEL IORDĂCHIȚĂ, A WISE HISTORY TEACHER Necula Cătălin Vlăduț, clasa a XII-a B Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena One of the best teachers of the Economic College in Buzău is Mr. Costel Iordăchiță, my history teacher, and I appreciate him because he is very intelligent and understanding. Mr. Iordăchiță is a gentleman. He always helps us with tips and suggestions and tells us hor to behave in difficult situations. Another good quality of Mr. Iordăchiță is his power of persuasion, and when he tells us about past events he brings accurate and strong arguments. I am happy to have him as my teacher as I am lucky to learn a lot from him. Being a history teacher, Mr. Iordăchiță is very smart and well informed about certain events at a certain time. I learned from him how to be more educated, how to integrate better into society and that is why I respect all his efforts to help me.


Despite his strong personality, Mr. Iordăchiță is a short man, he wears fashionable suits and is very elegant. He is calm and always acts without violence, being right in his actions. I think he is my favourite teacher because I have a lot in common with him, as I love history, especially the story of the two World Wars. Sometimes me and Mr. Iordăchiță debate different topics, like social problems or global warming and every time he helps me to understand why I am wrong. I am grateful to Mr. Iordăchiță for helping me when I was in trouble, I appreciate him for his knowledge and for his unique personality. I am lucky to have him as a teacher.

EASTER IS HERE! Popa Florentina Daniela, clasa a XII-a G Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena Spring is finally here. The sun shines so bright and it makes me so happy. In this time of the year everything blossoms, trees, flowers and butterflies and bugs are everywhere. Easter is here… almost, and the holiday as well. I can’t believe it came so fast. In this beautiful Easter period, women prepare a lot of festive food. They also clean the house, as they call it, they do the spring cleaning. These days, which are truly beautiful, we should be very nice with each other and try to do only good deeds. Our soul should be beautiful and clean. Also, and Easter tradition is to buy new clothes and wear them on Easter Day. On this Easter holiday I wanna be happy and forget about school for a while. I wanna feel close to my family. I plan to go on an adventure holiday in the mountains with my family and friends to Sinaia or Brașov. I can’t wait for it. It will be amazing. Everything will be just beautiful, you can’t be sad when everything around you blossoms. And you should blossom too. Be a happier person.


MRS. ANA CHITAN, MY FAVOURITE TEACHER OF ENGLISH Popa Florentina Daniela, clasa a XII-a G Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena In secondary school I had a favourite teacher. Her name was Ana Chitan and she taught me English. She was a kind woman, she made me love English even more than I did before, and I am thankful to her for that. She just knew how to teach and she was amazing, making jokes in class and telling us a lot of interesting stories. I took part in different English competitions and even though I didn’t win the first prize, she was still proud of me. She was a nice person, with short brown hair and glasses. I always loved the way she dressed, as she looked elegant. In class I used to be with my hand up to give answers, as I loved to read loudly and the exercises we did. I remember that she asked us to make portfolios and that we had different projects every week. I always used to read my projects in front of the class, even if I was shy. I can really say that she is my favourite teacher of all time. I wish I could meet her again and thank her fot showing me that English is an amazing language and easy to learn if you like it. I bet she still teaches at the Pedagogic College, where I studied my first eight school years. I’ll always like English, I know this for sure.

WE ARE DIFFERENT, BUT EQUAL Popa Florentina Daniela, clasa a XII-a G Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena I think that everyone should be equal. I hate those people that think they are better than anyone else. God made us equal, looking alike. We are different by the way we talk, we think, we see life. Fortunately, there are a lot of open-minded people and I believe these kind of people live a better life, realizing that no one can be better than you, because you know who you are and you love yourself and no one can bring you down. 30

Why should we be equal? Because human race has the same opportunities, we have knowledge in everything, all of us can master a skill, all of us have a brain that we can use to think. Sadly, there are a lot of bad situations. About these we can say that difference is present, but equality should still exist. For example, there are ill kids with lots of health problems such as leukemia, or children who are blind or deaf. It’s not their fault for being this way, God chose their life to be this way, but they are still equal to us. They are humans too. Another example is rich and poor people. The poor should be equal with the rich, but the rich ones always think they are better than everyone else because they have everything, but what they don’t think of is that when you die you can’t take with you your money, your expensive cars and clothes. We are equal in front of death, it doesn’t matter what life we had. In conclusion, we may be different, but we should be equal and everybody should know this. We should be greateful for what we have and we shouldn’t ask for more, because not material objects make us happy, but a clean and beautiful soul is what matters. We should live our life the way it is because we only have one, so let us live it without regrets and realize that everbody is equal. MR. OVIDIU COMȘA, MY PE TEACHER Roman Ionuț Sebastian, clasa a XII-a B Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena One of my favourie teachers is Mr. Ovidiu Comșa. He is a very good physical education teacher at the Economic College in Buzău, and he also has very good results in sport activities (football, handball, basketball). For me he is an intelligent teacher, understanding and always funny. I’m very happy that Mr. Comșa is my teacher in this college and I love when he makes jokes with me and my classmates and when he forgives us for lack of equipment and others. 31

Being a PE teacher, Mr. Comșa is very skilful and humorous, no matter what. Mr. Comșa is a well built man, tall, and has grey hair. He is also identifiable by his glasses and his age and by the sport equipment that he always wears at school. I never miss his classes because they are very funny and I really enjoy talking with him about different topics like football, rugby or even tennis. When I cut my leg he started to laugh, but he spared me of that sport class, so that it wouldn’t hurt me even more. When I have a problem I always find him in the gym and I can always count on him. I’m glad to have such a PE teacher as he makes my day more beautiful with his jokes. Mr. Comșa has always been a good teacher to me, being sympathetic to me and my coleagues, just like a father. This is my favourite teacher, a good teacher with good skills and great humour.

EASTER DESERVES A GREAT CELEBRATION Sandu Gabriel, clasa a XII-a K Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena Spring is the most beautiful season of the year, as weather is pleasant and the awakening of nature is wonderful. Trees begin to get back to life, showing it by making their flowers bloom. Flowers also start blooming everywhere in all sorts of colours, and the birds come back from warm countries, so we can hear them sing happily. Easter is the most significant Christian celebration and it is always in spring. It is our most important holiday which celebrates and commemorates the central event of the Christian faith: the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his death by crucifixion. Jesus, our Savior, our God, our Redeemer, laid down his life as our sacrificial lamb to pay for our sins. When he rose from the dead he gave victory over eternal separation from God to all who put their faith and trust in him. Children enjoy the significance of the holiday, but also the tasty traditional food, as there is a lot of it. Because of the holiday everyone has free days, just to spend time 32

with their family and friends. Everyone loves cracking Easter red eggs and eating them because they seem to taste so good, of course doing this after going to the church and taking part in the Easter service. Then they can even go for a picnic and have lots of fun. So enjoy Easter, it is worth it! MRS. CARMEN BĂICOIANU, MY GREATEST CLASS TEACHER Sandu Gabriel, clasa a XII-a K Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena My favourite teacher was my class teacher, Mrs. Carmen Băicoianu, and she was great. She looked good, even if she was a bit overweight, and she had a cute face that suited her body. She used to wear large clothes and she had a good taste for clothing. I was a bit afraid when I heard she was to be my class teacher, because she was new in our school and nobody knew her. I had no information about how she was like, except that she taught maths, a fact that made things worse. But when she entered my classroom I didn’t feel worried at all about her being a mean or a bad person. She has a calm voice and I had only respect for her. I enjoyed her classes, even though I wasn’t good at maths. She made me like her school subject and since the sixth grade I started to get the highest grades at her tests. I’m not sure if it was because I knew maths very well or because she gave easy tests for my classmates to pass, as they weren’t very bright. Every time I had maths I was at the blackboard solving excercises. My classmates were happy I stood up in their place, as they were wasting their time in the maths class, whispering to each other and not paying attention. When I left secondary school to enter high school, I was both sad and happy. I was sad because I said goodbye to the teachers there, especially to my class teacher, and I was happy because I didn’t like my former classmates. I only had two friends and as I was to attend high school, I was going to meet new people and make new friends.


Since I left secondary school I returned there to see my former teachers and they were as happy to see me as I was to see them.

MY FIRST DATE Sandu Gabriel, clasa a XII-a K Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena I can’t believe the moment has finally arrived, I’m going to my first date. It’s a beautiful day at the end of spring, and I can’t wait to finally see her again, at a date. My brother takes me to a sweets shop where I’m going to meet her, I don’t want to be late so, I want to leave earlier in case something happens. On the road we stop by a flower shop because I want to buy her a rose, a red one, I know it’s something that she’d expect, and it’s the flower I like the most and I think everyone likes it, and I don’t want to screw this up because she is a really sweet girl and I really like her. I met her through an anime Facebook page, and found out she lives in the other side of the city and that I could meet her in person. I managed to meet her at a coffee in the center of the city, that wasn’t a real date, as I just saw her on the street and invited her to a coffee. We talked about lots of things and I found out we had lots of things in common like video games, rock music, movies, and the one that we like most is anime. Let’s get back to now. I’m waiting for her, I’m a bit nervous, it’s not late, it’s still early, but it’s my first date and I can’t believe this moment has arrived. She comes, I see her, the sunset is behind her and it looks it’s lighting up her white dress. She looks so beautiful, I feel like I’m unable to breathe until she comes next to me. She grabs the rose and kisses me. I feel like I’m in heaven. And the rest, I want to keep it a secret.


SCHOOL IS GREAT Sandu Gabriel, clasa a XII-a K Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena School is a very important part of my life, it has ups and downs, but I generally like it because I get to learn new things which make me think better and faster. Some people say that you don’t need school to be successful in life. I disagree with that, but not totally. I mean, you can be successful even without studies, but you need a lot of luck. If you have studies, you can find a job easier because you are chosen before those without school. My family makes school a priority and they are very happy and they are very proud of me when I get good grades. Although school takes some years away from me, I know it’s really worth it, because I want to be successful in life. I take part in contests and get diplomas. Even if sometimes I would rather play games with my friends instead of learning, I know I have to learn in this part of my life and be able to have fun later. Knowledge is power and I like the power of knowledge.

THE MAD BUTCHER AND DETECTIVE AINSLIE Sandu Gabriel, clasa a XII-a K Coordonator: prof. Andrei Elena This was the third time The Mad Butcher killed a woman. It was a cold night in London and detective Ainslie was driven crazy by this killer who left no clues when he killed, just a red rose on his victims’chest, no fingerprints, no DNA, no murder weapon. The victims were killed by a single strike in the heart, no mistakes, and he took a souvenir from his victims, all women, their right earing. After the police cleaned the crime scene, detective Ainslie went to the police station to his departament and started looking at photos and evidences of the crime.


The only thing they found was that all the victims were set to point their finger to a bank, and all of them were killed aroung 200 meters away from a bank. He looked through the records and found that ten years ago a robbery took place at one of those banks, the one near which the first killing was done. The woman killed then was looking like the three ones killed now, she was 1.60 m, young and a lover of sports. The killer was found, but wasn’t accused because of a corrupt judge. However, her husband was angry and sought revenge. He started hating the world. Detective Ainslie went to the man’s house with a warrant and searched for evidences. He found the murder weapon and the earings but no sign of the man. He was last seen in a Sweeden airport under a fake ID.




Ilie Cătălina Andrei Elena

Cătălina Poştovei

Logo revistă: Ilie Florentin Be Smart (online) = ISSN 2286 – 2625 ISSN–L 2286 – 26


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