PG. 3
I LOVE FASHION Bădăluță Gabriel Beniamin, clasa a X-a D
My name is Benny and like every student I like new clothes. What I prefer most is the trend slim-fit, as they look cool and are trendy, so when I go shopping I look for clothes slim-fit. All in all, I like to search for clothes that look good and slim-fit. I also like my clothes to be simple. When summer comes and the weather gets hot, I like to wear short jeans and a T-shirt. That’s what I prefer to wear in summer. I’m not always in step with fashion, but I can handle it. I like elegant clothes too, but let us remember that for this type of clothes you also need to have a good behaviour, being a wellmannered person. In my opinion being on fashion means to get dressed well. It is important for teenagers to keep in fashion because you can look cool and looking good is awesome. The way you dress up can also send a message about your mood, but shows your social status too. Everyone has their own style and their style shows what kind of person they are. Fashion is very important, so we have to be careful what we wear so that it can describe our personality in a
good way. That is why it so important to know who we are and then choose the fashion style we want.
FASHION IS IMPORTANT Corbu Marcel Ionuț, clasa a XII-a J Fashion! What do you understand by this word? Just clothes? Sorry, you are not on fashion! At the beginning of the world, people were not interested in the way they were dressed. In time people started to take care of what they wore, especially the rulers and the important ones, who used to wear the richest and the most beautiful type of clothes that existed in those times. Of course fashion changed a lot with the passing of time and in our century it is everywhere, from America to Australia. But fashion doesn’t mean just expensive clothes. You can wear beautiful second hand clothes and look beautiful. Fashion is the ability to wear something that fits you. It doesn’t matter if you wear just a jacket and a pair of jeans, what matters is if you wear them in a nice way. Character, mood and attitude make you being on fashion. Being a teenager, I dress up in a relaxed way, wearing jeans, a T-shirt and a pair of shoes, not even elegant. And being interested in fashion, I watch TV shows like, “Congrats! You have
style!”, and “Supermodels”. Watching these shows helps me to help other people choose some clothes that can make them look good. Dressing well is also important because without fashion the world would be ugly, it would be just a sad world, full of badly dressed people.
JUST ANOTHER CHRISTMAS STORY Ignat Ioana, clasa a XII-a J Once upon a time, in a magic land with unicorns and fairies, there was a huge castle. The legend says that in the castle a very beautiful princess was living. She was living alone because her mother had died when she gave birth to the princess, whose name was Iria, and her father had been killed by his evil brother. Iria used to be very kind, happy and friendly, but after her dad’s death she became the opposite. Now she was always sad, she had a bad behavior and hated everyone, except her only friend, a cat named Malia. When winter came, Iria was even sadder than usual because she knew that with winter Christmas would come too. Everyone knew the princess was sad and all of them felt bad for her, so they decided to make her a surprise on Christmas Eve. They went to the wizard of the land and asked him to make a
potion to transform the magic land’s creatures in something more special. The wizard did what he was asked. 24th of December came and people put the potion in rivers so that when the creatures would drink water to become Santa Claus’s helpers. The unicorns were to become his reindeers and the fairies were to become his elves. When the reindeers and the elves entered the castle, Iria didn’t even notice. They started to decorate the living room and they put a Christmas tree in the middle of the room and a lot of colorful lights on the walls. When Iria discovered the surprise she was so happy that she invited the whole land to spend Christmas at the castle. They ate and danced and the princess even found her charming prince at that party. So they lived happily ever after and Iria became like she used to be when her life used to be happy and merry.
CHRISTMAS PLANS Mirea Cristian, clasa a XII-a A
In December everyone is excited because Christmas comes fast and the time is very short to find a perfect present for family and friends. Housewives prepare traditional food and children decorate the houses and the Christmas trees.
However, for me it used to be not a very happy period of the year because every time I tried to organise something with my friends, to go somewhere to spend our time and have some fun on Christmas Day, everything failed because even if in the rest of the year they said that we were gonna do it, all of us, when the last weeks came some of them said there was no time or “I have something else to do�. This used to happen every time and I ended up staying at home bored and thinking about how it could have been just trying to find a place to go for only two or three days to celebrate our Christmas being happy together. But last year I gathered some of my best friends and we organized our perfect Christmas. I found the location where to go, a little beautiful hut, one friend found someone that could drive us to the hut and another friend took the food, the fizzy drinks and all the good stuff we needed to have a good time. On Christmas Day when we saw the hut, we told ourselves it had everything to have a merry party with just three guys and the resources made of food and drinks. After a lot of preparation we started to have fun. We went out and a hallucinating smell made us to return inside. At 3 a.m. we decided to go to sleep because we got dizzy for no reason. The next day one of my friends told us that he could not sleep and from 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. he turned on the TV. After some
seconds we realized that in that hut we did not have a TV. All of us were relating to what had happened during the night time and then we remembered about the hallucinating smell when we went out. It was the smell of a special grass that provoked those symptoms. We alerted the cops to investigate and went home. No one found out what had happened and I did not even want to know. Even with the weird things that happened, we felt good together and we use to remember this incident and laugh. That was the best Christmas of my life with my best friends.
A PERFECT CHRISTMAS Vasile Andreea Alexandra, clasa a XII-a A When I was twelve I went by plane to my uncle in England with my little brother. Christian, my uncle, had told me that visit was my Christmas gift from him and I was so happy because my trip was really like a dream. He had promised me that trip would be amazing and it really was. There, my aunt Lara waited for us with traditional food and Christmas songs, even if she was born in England. She told me, “I want you to feel like home. Our house is now yours too!� She knew I would love her sweet coffee with milk, so she gave me a big cup.
Their house was totally beautiful, with artificial snow and coloured lights everywhere. It was Christmas Eve. Every corner was decorated and the dinner was ready. Everyone said prayers for a lucky year and we started to sing. Then I called my mom and dad to thank them for all they had done for me. I fell asleep so fast that I didn’t even realize Santa had already come. We all woke up to see what we got. Under the Christmas tree our gifts were waiting for us to open them. I got a book written by my favourite writer John Green. It was a perfect Christmas, even if my parents decided to remain home that year. And my magic holidays ended with me returning home in Romania, hugging my parents, I cuddling my dog and telling my parents how amazing my Christmas was.
MRS. CECILIA DUCA, MY BEST TEACHER Aldea Aurel Mihail, clasa a XII-a A I have always considered teachers as being our mentors and friends, because they hels us to gain as much information as we can accumulate, and even if we do not understand something from the first attempt, they kindly explain the lesson again to us. From the first time I entered school I had a lot of teachers, but my favourite one is Mrs. Cecilia Duca, my class teacher and also my accountancy teacher at the Economic College in Buzău.
She is very kind with us and tries to help us to get out of the troubles in which we get in. Mrs. Cecilia Duca teaches very well, because I always understand the lesson which I have to learn, and even if I do not understand the phenomenon or the formula which she presents, she always makes time to explain it until I get to understand it. There were times when we had to learn a lot of things for a test, and obviously almost no one had done it at home, and when she asked us to tell the lesson, even I was not able to say a thing, so she told us to learn for the next time. Mrs. Duca is a very good accountancy teacher because she is not just a teacher, but also an accountant at a big company in Buzău, so she has a lot of theoretical knowledge and a lot of practical experience, and this is why I get to understand so easily what she teaches us. Mrs. Duca always finds time to listen to our problems and helps us to find solutions for them. Even though she forgives a lot of our mistakes, sometimes she has to teach us some respect by giving us bad marks when we do not learn, or by telling our parents what we did wrong. All in all, Mrs. Cecilia Duca is my favourite teacher and I will never forget the things she taught me and all the problems she helped me to solve.
STOP VIOLENCE IN SCHOOLS! Baciu Robert Ionuț, clasa a X-a D
School violence is bad because children go to school to learn new things, not to fight between them, but some children use to argue and from arguing, verbal violence and physical fights start. In high schools big children hit the smaller ones because bigger children want to seem more interesting, but this is very bad and they should stop doing it. We can also reduce violence in school with the help of a school psychologist, to whom children can tell their problems. In my class two boys fought and one of them was hit so violently, that he needed the help of an ambulance and as a punishment both boys got a low mark for their behaviour. We can say, “Stop violence in schools and children should not argue in schools!” Violence is not a good way for problems solving and no child should use violence in schools because violence is bad.
SCHOOL VIOLENCE IS BAD Bădăluță Gabriel Beniamin, clasa a X-a D
School violence is bad for us because it can destroy friendships, it can make big problems, like injuries and other unpleasant things. School teaches us to be mannered. So to be violent in school is forbidden, it is something wrong. Unfortunately, violence in school is frequent everywhere. In middle school I had a friend named Ionuț that liked very much to make problems. He was violent with everyone, including with his parents. Every week he used to fight with his colleagues. One day he found his “boss” when he was beaten by an adolescent that was 14 years old. Ionuț didn’t like that and got angry, called his parents and the guy who hit Ionuț was also hit by Ionuț’s father. That was a big problem and I wouldn’t want to see such a thing again, as it was horrible. So in school we should be calm. Violence is bad and we should avoid it, especially in school.
School is supposed to be a safe haven where young people can go to learn the basics of mathematics, literature, science, and other subjects, without fearing for their safety, feeling intimidated, or being harassed. Even though school teachers work toward making the environment safe and secure, crime and violence do find their way into the classrooms and onto the school grounds. Safety is and will continue to be a concern at schools. Surveys range from how many children are injured in fights, are afraid to go to school, or are subjected to disciplinary actions. Educators, parents, and students themselves remain vigilant in striving to make schools safe places where youth are able to learn and prepare for the future. Unfortunately, violence in schools is often in the public eye. The number of cases remains high. It is also important to note that violence not only results in physical injuries, but also causes mental strain. As statistics are only based on reported injuries, they do not include a large number of cases of violence among school pupils – and in particular mental violence such as teasing and bullying.
SCHOOL VIOLENCE MAKES VICTIMS Lalu Valentin, clasa a X-a D School is one of the most important things in people’s lives and a bad thing that happens in school can change our personality forever. School violence is a very bad thing because kids who are violent in school may be the same during the rest of their lives. I have seen on TV that kids who were violent when they were students, after high school they became murderers or robbers. Violence is present in every school all over the world and it is part in our school lives. Violence is the same, if we talk about a simple verbal fight or an entire “war”, it always makes victims. So school violence is a very serious problem and it is very hard for teachers to stop it, because it always happens during school breaks. It comes from our lack of education and our parents make a big mistake when they don’t teach us about school violence. Sometimes a fight between two students starts without any reason. I remember a case when two of my colleagues from primary school started a fight because one of them didn’t want to give the other one a simple pencil. This is called bulling. I have also seen on TV on Cartoon Network channel a campaign to reduce school violence. This is a good initiative because all kids use to watch cartoons and like that they can get the message. In
conclusion, school violence is very bad and parents and teachers should teach kids about it.
SCHOOLS AND THE PHENOMENON OF BULLYING Popa Andrei Eugen, clasa a X-a D In my life I saw too many acts related to violence in school. In the present I am studying at the Economic College in Buzău and I hear about the same acts of violence in this school. And this is very bad, because children are very sensitive in these days and every act of violence can affect their personality. School violence is bad also because students don’t concentrate on their objectives and in the near future this will be a big problem for them. In general school my classmates used to fight all the time, during every break, and teachers stopped them too many times. Even in very developed countries, like the UK or the USA, there is this phenomenon of bullying, and their governments haven’t found a solution for this problem. We can only hope they will be able to find one in the near future, because children in particular are always very moved by the bad consequences of violence in schools, especially in high schools. Every country and every school tries to stop this wave of violence which attacks all children in schools. In conclusion, school violence is bad, it can destroy the children’s personality
and our responsibility is to find any good idea ot stop it for our own happiness and security. EDUCAȚIE DE CALITATE PENTRU TOȚI ELEVII Neacșu Alexandru Florin, clasa a XII-a F Educația este, după părerea mea, cel mai important factor în creșterea și dezvoltarea oamenilor, în primul rând pentru că ne ajută pe viitor, iar în al doilea rând, pentru că ne arată cum să ne comportăm în societate. Din păcate, în țara noastră, în zilele noastre educația a decăzut la un nivel la care unii elevi neinteresați privesc școala ca pe o închisoare, considerând că sunt forțați să învețe tot felul de materii care nu îi vor ajuta în viitor. Ei gândesc că metodele de predare sunt groaznice, că prea multe ore le petrec la școală și încă multe altele pentru teme și meditații etc. Ei se plâng că la fiecare oră că sunt obligați să memoreze lucruri care nu îi interesează. Cu toate acestea, chiar și în România educația ste necesară. În opinia mea, sistemul de învățământ norvegian este cel mai bun din lume. Acolo elevilor le place să meargă la școală și pot învăța ce îi pasionează, astfel putând să-și creeze un viitor mai bun. Concluzia mea este că educația este importantă pentru oameni, fără ea lumea neputând să evolueze.
EDUCAȚIE DE CALITATE PENTRU NOI, ELEVII Pușcoi Andra Mariana, clasa a XII-a F Educaţia de calitate pentru noi, elevii, este foarte importantă, deoarece aceasta este principala componentă care ajută atât la dezvoltarea noastră profesională, cât şi la cea personală. Educaţia elevilor în instituţiile de învăţământ este oferită în mod gratuit, pentru a încuraja şi motiva cât mai mulţi copii să se dezvolte. Aceasta este foarte important prin faptul că, după terminarea liceului, respectiv a unei facultăţi, obţinem posibilitatea deţinerii unui post de muncă care, din punct de vedere financiar, depinde de calităţile pe care le-am dobândit de-a lungul anilor de studiu şi de domeniul ales. Educaţia de calitate a unui elev depinde foarte mult de instituţiile şcolare la care studiază şi, de asemenea, de modul în care profesorii predau şi îi ajută pe elevi să înţeleagă cât mai bine fiecare materie studiată. În vederea unei educaţii cu o calitate cât mai mare, trebuie să ţinem cont şi de munca şi efortul pe care noi, elevii, îl depunem, deoarece fără acesta nu vor exista rezultatele pe care ni le dorim. În concluzie, educaţia de calitate este foarte importantă dacă ne dorim să avem viitorul pe care îl vrem, cu un loc de muncă pe placul nostru.
LET’S SAVE OUR ENVIRONMENT! Mărăcine Teodora Maria, clasa a XII-a J Vasile Andreea Cătălina, clasa a XII-a J
The worst thing we can do to our children is to leave them without air. Air pollution kills 5.5 million people every year.
Many of us go out to relax in the open air and unfortunately that leaves traces behind us. Take a garbage bag with you and leave the place clean, your health and the health of your loved ones is important.
Millions of acres of forest are cut every year. Don’t cut trees!
The climate changes provoked by humans are becoming more and more obvious.
The leftovers we throw in the water diminish the oxygen in the water, which leads to the death of marine species.
It’s not fair to do that to them, it’s cruel and sad.
Millions of premature deaths are caused by pollution. Choose a bike, it’s cheaper and healthier.
This is what global warming brings us. Are you satisfied, people?
Do you like the sea? Do not turn it into your garbage bin.
Not even the sunrise can be beautiful surrounded by garbage.
Here there was a forest. It was important, as only the trees produce the air that we breathe.
We have a sick planet, let us be its doctors, not its executioners, please!
In conclusion, the world is not only ours, we are just passing by, let’s take care of it!
THE MEANING OF PEACE Adam Alexandra Ionela, clasa a XII-a A
What is the meaning of peace for you? For me, peace is when I can freely move around from place to place, not being afraid of – war, racism, prejudice.
Why do we need peace? People need peace so others can be happy and not suffer anymore. Think about the influences the war has on children in Syria or Irak.
Now try imagining a life without peace. What do you see? I see people living in terror every second of their lives. I see people being afraid of going out, or simply of going to the store.
Food won’t be enough for everyone. Governments would invest all their money on war, and the population will have to suffer.
While I don’t think peace can exist without conflict, I honestly hope we can reduce those damages to a minimum, so people would still be able to live a happy and healthy life, without being afraid of war starting at any moment.
Peace can also be promoted and maintained by people all around the world.
How do people promote peace? Doing good deeds and helping others around them, or even promoting the “love, not war’’ mentality.
If we want a better world, we have to start working for it. We can’t wait for someone else to do everything. Start changing
yourself and the ones around you. Who knows, maybe one day the world will change too.
“Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding.” – Albert Einstein “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” – Mahatma Gandhi
THE MEANING OF PEACE Aldea Aurel Mihail, clasa a XII-a A
What is peace? Peace is when two or more countries or individuals do not fight and help each other or they are neutral. It represents the perfect equilibrium in human relationships.
How is peace achieved? In most cases peace is achieved by war, ironic, right? It comes to peace when one of the two competitors cannot fight or do not want to fight anymore and tries to get out of the fight in a more diplomatic way.
Why is peace important? Why wouldn’t it be? If you have peace, you can focus on important things, such as developing new technologies and medicines, discovering and history, the culture and the traditions of other countries and many other beautiful things.
The factors which destroy peace: a) The main factor is the human nature. It is the way we are and it is represented by our insatiable need of power. b) Poverty, which drives humans to do mean things.
c) Greed. d) The cultural, religious and traditional differences.
WAR: the enemy of peace People choose most often the war as a solution for all the problems which they have. It is very ironic that we got used to achieve peace by conflict, which has always a winner and a loser who wants to revenge.
Actual conflicts There are conflicts everywhere. Some of them are at a large scale and some are at a small scale. For example:
The civil war in Syria and Iraq. The inner conflicts in Sudan, Nigeria and Israel. The civil war in Ukraine.
The effects of wars: Casualties. Wasted resources for weapons. A lot of historic sites are destroyed. Children abused. A lot of children are forced to become killing machines at a very young age. The massive emigrations from the war zones.
How peace organizations respond Every year peace organizations try to stop or to diminish the effect of conflicts. They have the following solutions: 1. They offer food, water and clothes to the victims.
2. They try to educate and inform people about the effects of wars. 3. They try to educate the children from the affected zones.
Vasile Andreea Alexandra, clasa a XII-a A
The worst thing for our community would be a war. From the beginning up to the present our planet suffered a lot of disasters made by nature and humans. Also, comparing the past with the present, the humanity suffers too much wars and military conflicts compared to the 19th century.
In Syria, the war started on the 26th of January 2011 and the worst part is that it is still happening. Religion and culture differences are the reasons of civil wars.
Syria’s population must resists the economic crisis, the toxic explosions that affect their health and the worst thing, they must live every day in fear.
The war in Iraq started on the 20th of March 2003. Even if that war is over, Iraq economy is still affected and in the ten days of destructions can be seen there even today.
These wars are responsible for millions of deaths and for the forcing of children to join the army to save their country and their families.
Chava was a boy of 11 who lived in El Salvador in the 80s, with his mother and sister, after being abandoned by his father. Small town living is a real battleground that is confronted by rebels and government troops. Moreover, when Chava was12 years old he was recruited into the army.
In Columbia, after 50 years of continual war, they decided they had to stop and they put down the guns because they wanted the peace to start. All countries should take example from Columbia. Columbia’s leadership said their community suffered too much, so they should start to work on reconstruction and reconciliation.
Prof. Elena Andrei
Cătălina Poştovei
Logo revistă: Ilie Florentin Be Smart (online) = ISSN 2286 – 2625 ISSN–L 2286 – 26