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ȘCOALA DE ACASĂ ÎN A DOUA PARTE A ANULUI ȘCOLAR 20192020 Profesor Șerban Cornelia De
director...Vom ține legătura cu elevii online! - ne-a spus mai departe...Îngrijorarea se citea pe fața tuturor...ce vom face? Cum vom face? Cât timp va fi această situație? Nu se știa mare lucru... Ș
comunicare...Am încercat să luăm ca atare această situație în care ne aflăm și să ne vedem în continuare de muncă, de data aceasta, însă, care s-a mutat din sala de clasă în locuința fiecăruia... Bineînțeles că nu eram pregătiți pentru o astfel de situație și nu aveam pregătite materiale didactice pentru a le folosi online zi de zi...Și așa a început școala de acasă: mai întâi pregătirea materialelor pentru a doua zi, încărcarea lor pe platformă, verificarea mesajelor primite atât de la copii, cât și de la conducerea școlii, pregătirea răspunsurilor... Este ușor? Este greu? Cred că avem zile și zile...Zile în care ne trezim și ne dorim să ajungem la școală pentru a ne întâlni elevii și zile în care ne îmbrăcăm frumos, ne așezăm în fața ecranelor calculatoarelor și așteptăm cu nerăbdare începerea
lecțiilor interactive pe platformă. Ne trece repede dorul de copii când îi auzi spunând: Doamna, și nouă ne-a fost dor de dumneavoastră...și am vrea să începem școala, la școală! Doar gândind că lucrul de acasă și păstrarea distanței sociale este pentru binele tuturor, vom putea depăși situația în care ne aflăm mai ușor....
Dear school, When I started the 9th grade, I was a little bit nervous. A new place with new classmates and new teachers were waiting for me to find. I thought that it would take much longer to adapt to everything, but actually it went extremely well. I was lucky to get good teachers and very friendly colleagues. The 9th grade was a good year for me, but unfortunately the 10th grade wasn't so great. This year ended too fast... I'll start by saying that I miss my friends, some teachers. Actually, the school itself. I miss the fun classes where I could laugh with the teachers and my classmates. Since the quaratine I miss PE, one of my favourite classes. Nowadays I don't really do sports because there's no fun when you're all alone. Surprisingly, I also miss the huge crowd that I’d always encounter as I'd wait to buy a sandwich. I hope everything will get better soon and that all of us will be able to see each other again healthier and brighter. Oana Popescu Oana, X I, prof. Ilie C.
Dear school, I never thought I would miss you so much. Of course, there are some things I don’t miss about you. I don’t really miss waking up early and I don’t miss doing homework either. I miss my classmates and my teachers a lot. I miss not paying attention to the classes and laughing with my friends. I miss being in a hurry when the break was over and I was still in the shop at the queue trying to buy a sandwich. I miss getting a bad grade because I wasn’t paying attention to what my teacher was saying and I was busy showing memes to my friends. Even though we have online classes now, it’s not the same thing.
miss not understanding a thing in my Math class. I miss a lot about you and I’m sure that when we meet again, I will make enough memories to never forget you. I’m sure that from now on I will cherish everything about you. Much love, Cristina Sava Diana- Cristina, XI I, prof. Ilie C.
Dear school, I miss my classmates. I miss my English teacher and my biology teacher. I miss the long queues at the store during breaks. I miss joking with my friends I miss schoolbreaks. I miss friends’ hugs. I miss Mr Dârstaru’s jokes. I miss talking about what books we’ve read with the colleague behind me. Yours, Gabriela Săvulescu Gabriela Andreea Mihaela, X I, prof. Ilie C. Dear school, I miss you because I can’t meet with my friends and my teachers anymore. I miss my classmates. I miss my teachers. I miss the old way to learn. Stanciu Mihai, IX C
Dear school, I can’t believe I am saying this, but I actually miss you. I miss a lot of things about you. Of course I don’t
miss staying up late to do my homework or
waking up early to get ready.. Not these things. I miss how you helped me to meet new people, to make new friends. I really miss to have a part of my friends so close to me..To hug them, not just text and video call them. I miss how you helped me to be a little more organised. I miss some of the teachers. They were nice and funny..well, they still are in the online classes, but it’s not the same.. The thing I miss the most is laughing so hard with my best friends until I couldn’t breathe. Those moments were the best. I miss being a family. Hope to see you soon! Love,Elena Tănase Elena, X I, prof. Ilie C. Dear school, I can't believe it, but I miss you. I miss my colleagues and all the things we did during the breaks or even during classes. So many memories... I also miss those friendly teachers who, in time, have become our friends. They always made us feel good. I hope to see you in autumn. Your student, Andrei
Ungureanu Andrei, X I , prof. Ilie C. Dear school, You should know that you and me were not best friends but now, with this quarantine, I kind of miss you. Due to you I, had the occasion to have my own life. I miss you and the boarding school as, because of you, I had a second family and I learnt so many things about myself and about the people around me. I miss that I always had something to do. I miss the deep speeches that the teachers gave us because they make me think more about the insignificant things that are not really insignificant. I miss your halls, your bathrooms, your classrooms... I miss everything about you! Because of you, I learnt that life is more than some boring lessons, because of you I learnt to help others and also to help myself, I learnt that every story should have good and bad parts, that happiness can come even from the smallest things and the sadness can make me stronger. You are more than a place, you are in every person’ s heart because you teach us more... you teach us to be us and because of that I’ve begun to appreciate you more. So, all I can say now is... see you soon! Yours, Daria Vătășelu Daria-Ioana, IX F, prof Ilie C.
My dear school, I feel like I need to start this letter with an honest apology. I am sorry because I never wanted to see you again, I am sorry because I was so happy every day I left you, I am sorry for taking you for granted. You see, I spent most of this time thinking about this: about me, about you, about the things that I had to do because of you. God, how much I used to hate them. But you see, my dear, I realized that all those things you made me do, all those annoying physical exercises I had to go through, all those hard math problems that had me going crazy, trying to find the answers made me happy. I was calling you out, for forcing me to work harder and harder, day after day but the truth is, I chose to, because this is who I am, thanks to you. You never forced me to run so much that I almost couldn’t breathe, my ambition did, you never forced me to keep looking for answers even when I felt lost, my determination did, you never forced me to come to you, even when I was not feeling well, even when I was not fully prepared, even when I didn’t want to, my morality did. Ambition, determination, morality: you didn’t teach me biology or math, you taught me how to be a human. By making me stay up
all night long to figure out that little plus that escaped from my equation, you taught me to look for details when something isn’t right, you taught me that every little detail is crucial. By making me return in my seat every day, even if I felt ill or even if I was not in good terms with my colleagues, you taught me that I should do my part in society, no matter what, and that I should stay true to myself and to my values no matter what people life puts in my path. Every day with you, I thought it was a nightmare, failing to realize the privilege this country and my parents provided me with. I was given a chance to be good, to do good in this world, and I failed to see it. I failed to see my parent’s and your trust in me, giving me more and more to do because you know I could get through it. I want to end my letter to you, by saying that I know now what a good friend you are and I miss you more and more every day. I am not ready to say goodbye to you. Ionela Zăbavă Ionela, XI I, prof. Ilie C.
Dear College, We have moved on to another stage of education that we have never used before and that is the interactive lessons that take place normally, but which are at a distance from everyone to protect our health. When I stay at home in need of interactive lessons, I feel that I don't have much motivation, inspiration and most importantly, creativity! I miss going to school because I communicate face to face .... which helps you with a speaking skill for those who want to become entrepreneurs ... now it's like when you're at home, not much communication skills since stay online to see friends with normal conversation. However, it was nicer to go to school normally to teach your lessons because you are more focused, attentive and learn better ... Learning online loses your attention that you just stare at a screen compared to learning in high school! Indeed, you have more time to read, to relax, to keep your creativity in the first place for the future! You can sleep more when you do interactive lessons compared to high school lessons! Since I do the interactive lessons, I don't commute anymore and I feel like I'm practically too lazy to walk and do some sports while walking downhill.
In conclusion, I hope that everything returns to normal because it saddens me that we live in homes and we start to not socialize as it was before and maybe see you all in high school in the future! Dearfully, George :) GĂ‚NDURI DE IZOLARE Tulin Georgiana, IX C
COVID Grădinaru Andreea Cristina, XII A Anul ăsta din păcate, Distracția s-a cam dus frate, Nimeni nu e la terasă Toată lumea stă in casă. Cauza o știți prea bine, Liliacu' a fost o știre. Stăm în casa și visăm, Afară să ne plimbăm. Norocul îl au cei care, Se-ngrijesc de animale. La-nviere toți grămadă, Mai ceva ca în ogradă, Dar acum, ca niciodată, Toată lumea e grămadă. Magazinele sunt pline, Nu-i normal, o știți prea bine.
DEACĂNU OANA-MARIA, XIIB Viața mea este lumină Din Martie-n carantină Cu-ntrebarea din dotare Vom scăpa de Covid, oare?! Vitamina D-ntăritoare N-o mai iau azi de la Soare.. Doar pastila albă, fină Mă păstrează azi, imună
Masca cea de protejare Este chiar apăsătoare Cu măscuța îndrăzneață Nu mai vreau să merg la piață
ONEIRISM Sava Diana Cristina, XI i There is a ghost in your voice Haunting me through the silence. Through every droplet of memory, Dotting my otherwise starless night. I tried to gather them, With my words, my fear, my soul And yet they remain forever bond To a place I cannot reach, A being I cannot see And a love I can never hear. Your flowering existence sheds invisible petals I seem to be able to find. Yet, I'm ever uncertain. All these pieces of your soul? Did you leave them for me to find? A breadcrumb trail leading only To a chance in the future, To an uncertain promise Or did I just steal the traces
Of your existence you left for the universe Claiming them as something I could own? Should I keep them or scatter them? Or are they even yours? Could it be that they are the pieces of my soul Still clinging on to you? That you're finally shedding away To be complete on your own. What could I do, Standing in pieces Holding someone's soul That may or may not be my own. If they weren't, I'd still be missing all the chunks I've given to you. If they were, I'd still be empty Because I'm forever hollow without you.
Inimă dezacordată Elevă: Apostol Mihaela Bianca Clasa a 9-a E
Colegiul Economic Buzău Mă numesc Antimir Valentina și sunt elevă în clasa a 12-a A la Colegiu Economic Buzău. După 4 ani în care am urmat cursurile acestui liceu și am luat contact cu profesorii și elevii, pot spune că nu regret alegerea făcută. Pe lângă educația și formarea profesională, ceea ce a făcut ca experiența mea la Colegiul Economic Buzău să fie așa de grozavă au fost: profesorii implicați, colegii cu care râdeam în pauze, firmele de exerciutiu, activitatile interactive, dar si proiectele interne și internaționale.
Gavrilă Ana Maria Colegiul Economic Buzău este situat pe Strada George Emil Palade, nr 15 și este liceul în care eu 4 ani am studiat și am luat parte la activități interesante care sigur îmi vor fi de folos pe viitor. În primul rând, Colegiul Econimic realizează un program educativ care se numește ”Școla Ambasador a Parlamentului European” și are în vedere informarea elevilor cu privire la Uniunea Europeană, dar și puterea democratică de decizie a Parlamentului European. În acest program fac parte atât elevii de clasa a IX-a cât și de clasa a XII-a care doresc sa afle cat mai multe informații despre ceea ce se întamplă în jurul nostru. În același timp se organizează și un proiect internațional numit ”Erasmus+” care implică parteneri din mai multe țări. Programul ”Erasmus+” oferă oportunitatea de dezvoltare personală pentru o mai bună integrare pe piața muncii, de dezvoltare profesională pentru a îmbunătați calitatea activităților în domeniul tineretului, de a construi o rețea de contacte internaționale și de a participa activ în societate, de a crea activități și programe care să răspundă
competențelor dobândite în cursul din perioadele de mobilitate. Pe de altă parte elevii pot lua parte si la activități care să îi ajute cu informații despre profesia pe care vor să o urmeze, cum ar fi ”Biblioteca vie” , dar și la activități care să îi învețe ce înseamnă să lucrezi într-o firmă, cum ar fi ”Firma de exercițiu”.
Grigore Cristiana
Cătălina Ilie Cornelia Șerban
Cătălina Poştovei
Logo revistă: Ilie Florentin Be Smart (online) = ISSN 2286 – 2625 ISSN–L 2286 – 26