Be smart nr 21

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DRUMUL GRÂULUI SPRE PÂINE EDIŢIA A III-A Prof. Mariana Chifan Lansarea acestui proiect a pornit din dorinţa organizatorilor de a apropria elevii liceului de valorile unei societăţi durabile. Cultura grâului şi producerea produselor de panificaţie sunt valori perene ale spaţiului buzoian. a. Număr de elevi şi număr de cadre didactice implicate: 80 de elevi şi 3 cadre didactice: Mînzală Iuliana, Chifan Mariana, Purcea Vasilica b. Beneficiarii direcţi şi indirecţi - Beneficiari direcţi: elevii şi cadrele didactice participante - Beneficiari indirecţi: comunitatea locală, părinţii c. Activităţi propuse, în ordinea în care se vor desfăşura: -

Realizarea parteneriatelor şi pregătirea implementării proiectulu


Produse tradiţionale locale (expoziţie culinară)


Atelier de lucru foto


Excursie muzeu etnografie şi folclor

d. In cadrul acestui proiect, elevii au şansa de a redescoperi şi de a-şi îmbogăţi cunoştinţele despre elementele esenţiale ale culturii şi economiei spaţiului buzoian. Prin activităţile propuse (întâlniri cu reprezentanţi ai patronatului local, dezbateri, 3

ateliere de lucru, excursii) dorim să contribuim la cunoaşterea, păstrarea şi valorificarea patrimoniului agricol şi a tradiţiilor culturale locale, precum şi la formarea personalităţii tinerilor implicaţi. Prima activitate a avut loc în data de 15 dec 2015 la Colegiul Economic Buzău şi s-a materializat într-o expoziţie culinară realizată de elevii clasei a- X-a J sub îndrumarea doamnei profesoare inginer Purcea Vasilica. Toţi elevii au recunoscut un proiect foarte gustos. Elevii musafiri de la Liceul Pedagogic au început să se gândească la o orientare a carierei către acest tip de activităţi. Crăciun fericit!




FIT 4 EUROPE ERASMUS + PROJECT În perioada 26 octombrie- 23 decembrie 2015, 6 elevi nemţi de la Berufskolleg Ehrenfeld Koln/ Germania au efectuat stagii de pregătire pedagogică sub îndrumarea profesorilor buzoieni. Unităţile care au oferit locuri de practică au fost în acest an: Liceul pentru Deficienti de Vedere Buzau, Grădiniţa Gărgăriţa/ SC Lady Bird SRL, Liceul Tehnologic Special pentru Copii cu Deficienţe Auditive Buzău, Smart School- After School Buzău, Şcoala Generală Breaza, Centrul Scolar pentru Educatie Incluziva “Elena Doamna”Focsani, Centru Rezidential pentru Copii “ Sfanta Maria” Satuc/ Berca, Grădiniţa cu program Prelungit nr. 9 Buzău, Liceul Pedagogic Spiru Haret Buzău, Grădiniţa cu program prelungit nr. 10 Buzău, Grădiniţa cu program prelungit nr. 6 Buzău, Centrul Şcolar de Educaţie Incluzivă Buzău. Coordonarea activităţilor este asigurată de Colegiul Economic Buzău. Iată câteva impresii ale elevilor germani: Malte, Katharina, Laurine, Alioscha…..“During the last 6 weeks we had the opportunity to get a general impression of the education system here, in Romania. We experienced the differences between Germany and Romania. We went to several kindergartens and schools and we formed an idea of the different working fields. For example, in the first 2-3 weeks, we went to kindergarten number 10 in Buzau, where we communicated with different classes and teachers. We had a lot of exchanges of ideas, of 5

ways to educate and support the children. We noticed that the children in Romania have a clearly structured day; there is not much space for selfchosen games or for self-determination, to explore themselves and to be a child. Kindergarten seems more like a straight preparation for primary school, they learn the alphabet and write the first few words and the numbers, they learn to count and can do basic Maths. But we also saw that it is not easy for one teacher to handle more than 20 children, and that is the reason why they need that clearly structured daily schedule. So, the kids are well-developed and prepared for school. This was also the place where our practice visit took place; we all prepared a little activity for this day. We all tried to give the kids more selfdetermination and the activities were more free and without tough targets. We were also shown around in a School for the Blind where we saw some of the work of teachers in such schools. We understood that blind students have other needs and require a different support for their development. One activity we will never forget was goal ball (blind football). We played it together with the blind students; this was a really special experience because every one of us wore a blindfold so everyone was in the same condition. All of us understood what it is like to be blind and to use your other senses to detect the surrounding world. Another really nice experience was the visit to the Mental Disease School in Buzau; we visited the whole building and could join some 6

classes. We noticed the differences in teaching these students and learnt some methods of how to educate children with different psychological illnesses. It was a really joyful time, for some of us it was the first contact with a person with autism and we all recognized that it is much harder to teach a whole class with this kind of students. And we also saw that students were really happy and enjoyed it a lot that they got this straight support and they liked the different learning activities. Because of the difference in the language, all of us were able to improve their language and communication skills; there was not a day without speaking English. We also learned a lot about ourselves; we improved our personalities and individualities and strengthened our selfconfidence. We were in touch with different people from different nations, and learned new norms and values and we also experienced the differences in structure, behaviour and methods of working and living. We also had the opportunity to join a youth exchange in Busteni, this was a really amazing experience for all of us. The theme of the Workshop was unemployment, applying for a job with an international CV and cover letter; we made a promote yourself video, a new way of applying for a job. It was really nice to interact with all the people from 8 different nations: Cyprus, Latvia, Croatia, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Italy and Romania. It was really interesting to exchange different ways of life, to form a view of what life is like in these different countries. In the workshop, we mixed the groups so every time we worked with a 7

different team and with different people. We all really enjoyed it and learned a lot about the situations in these different countries. One Tuesday evening we set off to Foscani to the School for the Deaf, where we stayed for one night. In the morning, we visited the whole school and could join different classes and interacted with the students. We saw how the teachers and students communicate with each other and what the differences in teaching these students are. A really extraordinary experience was to join the optician class where students learn how to make lenses for glasses; we were all able to try to sand and polish our own lenses and we have to say, it was not as easy as we thought it would be, but we finally managed to make one lens. In the Economic High School we could join some lessons and communicated with different students from different classes. For example, we built bird houses together with the students for a competition and we prepared a little creative lesson where we showed the students how to make an origami star out of 15 pieces; we really enjoyed it to act free and we think it worked out well. And we also travelled a lot; our partner Catalina Postovei gave us enough free time to discover the country. During the first weekend we went to Sighisoara; we visited the old town and walked up the mountain to an impressive church, from which we had a really nice view of the area. After this, we went to Brasov and also visited the old town and went up the mountain with the cable car, where we had a panoramic 8

view of the old town and the whole area. The next day we travelled to Rasnov and Bran where we visited Rasnov Citadel and Dracula’s Castle, which are both very beautiful. We also went to Sibiu to discover the city and in Busteni we had the opportunity to climb the mountains and we walked through the snow; this was a kind of overwhelming experience, to go up to 2200 meters; it felt like entering another world. We are really thankful that Catalina Postovei offered us so many opportunities to discover the country, to interact with different people and experience a little of the whole education system. “Thank you very much, Catalina”. So we felt really comfortable here in Romania. A special’ thanks’ goes to Tolea Postovei for the opportunity to join the youth exchange, it was really awesome. Thank you La Felinare crew, it was a pleasure to meet you. We would also like to thank everyone who supported us in the last six weeks; we really enjoyed the time here in Romania, everyone welcomed us and was really friendly and helpful. I hope one day we will come back, maybe we will come back next summer to Vama Veche. Thank you very much! We love Romania! See you soon! Mulţumesc frumos! Noroc! La revedere!” 9

BE YOUR MEDIA ERASMUS + PROJECT Iasmina Florescu, XII E 13-22 noiembrie – una dintre cele mai frumoase săptămâni din viaţa mea. Proiectul “ Be your media” organizat in Fobello – Italia, va rămâne mereu una dintre cele mai frumoase experienţe din viaţa mea. O săptămână in care am cunoscut oameni minunaţi, in care am acumulat multă experienţă şi foarte multe cunoştinţe, in care ne-am distrat şi cel mai important, in care ne-am făcut prieteni. Pare greu de crezut că poţi aduce 30 de străini intr-o cabană, intr-un loc fără nici o conexiune la realitate şi intr-o săptămână pot deveni o familie, ei bine, asta s-a intâmplat cu noi: am devenit prieteni, am impărtăşit poveşti de viaţă si amintiri iar in final, ne-am transformat intr-o familie de care ne-a fost foarte greu să ne despărţim. Un proiect foarte bine organizat, plin de activităţi, plin de expediţii şi de călătorii, un proiect in care am râs, am plâns, am invăţat şi ne-am dezvoltat, asta a insemnat această săptămână pentru noi toţi. Educaţia non formala ne-a ajutat să aflăm multe lucruri noi, să descoperim noi metode de a invăţa şi să ne distrăm in acelaşi timp. Am luat parte la multe activităţi in aer liber, la drumeţii pe munte şi la petreceri. Am descoperit un loc minunat, ingheţat in timp, un loc in care lipsa internetului ne-a unit şi mai mult, un loc cu aer curat şi cu oameni extraordinari, un loc pe care nu il vom uita şi un loc pe care, timp de o săptămână, l-am numit “ acasă”. Membrii celor şase ţări participante: 10

Romania, Italia, Portugalia, Olanda, Polonia şi Ungaria, au lucrat impreună pentru a invăţa, pentru a ne dezvolta şi pentru a ne simţi bine. Serile internaţionale ne-au ajutat să cunoaştem istoria, tradiţiile şi obiceiurile altor ţări, ne-au făcut să ne simţim bine, să dansăm, să gustăm din bucătăria tradiţională a fiecăreia şi să ne distrăm. Cu ajutorul organizatorilor, care au avut un program strict şi foarte bine gândit, am reuşit să echilibrăm timpul liber cu timpul destinat proiectului, am invăţat cum mass media ne influenţează şi ne schimbă percepţia asupra multor lucruri, am aflat cum să avem propria opinie, cum să nu ne lăsăm influenţaţi şi, de asemenea, am avut ocazia de a ne crea singuri propria noastră sursă de informare. Imaginaţia ne-a fost pusă la incercare, libera exprimare ne-a ajutat să scăpăm de frica de a vorbi in faţa unei mulţimi şi respectul pentru cel de lângă noi ne-a incurajat să ne exprimăm fiecare dorinţa. Două zile au fost destinate vizitelor oraşului Milano şi satului Varallo, un loc aflat sub patrimoniul UNESCO, un loc plin de istorie şi de autenticitate. Fiecare seară a fost destinata unei ţări, in fiecare seară am aflat lucruri noi, am râs şi am fost greu incercaţi de dorul de casă. Deşi am avut 9 zile impreună, finalul acestei experienţe a venit prea repede şi ne-a adus multe lacrimi pe obraji. Sunt sigură că nici unul dintre noi nu va uita acest proiect, nu vom uita ce am invăţat, nu vom uita ce am trăit impreună şi mereu vom zâmbi când ne vom aminti de Fobello. Pentru mine, a fost o experienţă extraordinară, o experienţă care 11

m-a schimbat, care m-a dezvoltat şi care m-a ajutat să imi schimb percepţia asupra multor lucruri şi cu siguranţă, o experienţă care va rămâne mereu in sufletul meu.



One week-Memories for whole The topic ‘media’ was very life. interesting and we learned Writer: Iasmina Florescu This project is one of the most interesting, funny and amazing that I have ever been to. For me, it was a wonderful week mostly because of the people who are here. I never thought that in such short time you can become friends with so many people.

things that I think will help us for the rest of our lives. When we first arrive here, I didn’t thought for a second that we will enjoy this place so much.

We asked Katia and Bea why did they choose this amazing place, so: Bea: We choose Fobello because we thought that is a paradise and to create a group spirit that’s gonna be perfect and now I think that we were right. That’s what Bea said and Katia: When I came here the first time it was raining and inside it was so warm and familiar that I felt that here could be like a family. Now I’m happy to say that this is a perfect place to live the experience as a group, and the nature around...amazing!


We also interviewed some of the participants:

HOW DID YOU FEEL THIS WEEK ? I felt really, really great this week. I’ve met really nice people and I could practice my English. It was an amazing experience for me to live a week without any kind of ICT. BALAZS I felt comfortable and hangovered because of the people! MAGIC

coming here, but people were great, I enjoyed a lot preparing the activities and the time in the mountain was great and tiredness went away. KATIA I felt that I finally could enjoy spending wonderful time with different people in lovely nature. SZYMON

I felt really well! I was tired already before

WHAT DID YOU ENJOYED THE MOST? and choose four, and the intercultural night. MARCO Intercultural nights and the trip to Milano and also to meet new people and make new friends. CHANTAL The parmigiana was fantastic. The place and climbing on the mountain. The activities about the freedom of press, discussion about article

This week it was wonderful, I’ve done a lot of things that I enjoyed: meet new people, travel and share experiences. And I found out more about media and what this involves. I love you guys. GEORGIANA 15

I loved the whole atmosphere of the exchange, like the discussions about the

media, about where our society is going now. I loved the hiking on the mountins also! NANDOR

DO YOU THINK THAT THIS KIND OF PROJECTS ARE USEFUL? For sure they are. This experience is one of a kind and when I saw that I’m thinking of how many people we met, learning a lot of interesting things about different cultures. Also, is a good opportunity for travelling. FILIP

We want to thank this amazing man for let us call his home our home.


It will be so hard for us to leave this place and go back to our normal, boring lives.

ELEVII COLEGIULUI ECONOMIC BUZĂU AU PARTICIPAT CU SUCCES LA COMPETIŢII REGIONALE 4 decembrie 2015 a fost o zi plină pentru elevii Colegiului Economic. Ei au participat la o primă competiţie dedicată firmelor de exerciţiu: Târgul Regional “ Tradiţie şi contemporaneitate” organizat de Şcoala Superioară Comercială N. Kreţulescu Bucureşti. La competiţie au participat 40 de firme din întreaga ţară. Colegiul Economic a fost reprezentat de firmele: Macondo şi Flower Power. Competiţia a fost deosebit de dificilă dar firmele buzoiene au obţinut ca de obicei premii şi menţiuni. Firma Flower Power a fost recompensată cu menţiune pentru stand. Firma Macondo a obţinut premiul I pentru spot publicitar, premiul II pentru prezentare şi premiul III pentru material promoţionale. Elevii care au obţinut această performanţa: Tronaru Andreea, Coman Alexandru, Neagu Claudia, Dragomir Adriana, Şomoiag Ionela, Modreanu Nicoleta, Naum Alexandru, Hanga Mădălin, Călin Cristian, Uţă Flavia, Grigore Diana, Chircă Diana coordonaţi de profesoarele Adina Enuş, Catalina Poştovei, Măriuca Budău.



IMPREUNA DESCOPERIM EUROPA SAPTAMANA GLOBALA A EDUCATIEI BUZĂU 19 noiembrie 2015, ora 17 Cătălina Ileana Poştovei, profesor Elevii Colegiului Economic Buzău au sărbătorit ca în fiecare an săptămâna educaţiei globale printr-o multitudine de activităţi care de care mai interesante. În acest an, printre activităţi putem menţiona şi seminarul judeţean de valorizare a proiectelor Erasmus + „Împreună descoperim Europa”. Elevii şi profesori din mai multe unităţi de învăţământ buzoiene au prezentat proiectele derulate ca exemple de bună practică. Pe ordinea de zi s-au regăsit: PROGRAMUL ERASMUS + - Inspector şcolar pentru proiecte educaţionale europene Otilia Trifan. PROIECTE EUROPENE ON LINE Parlez vous global- Colegiul Economic Buzău/ Pietrăreanu Adriana, Cercel Carmen Eathink- Colegiul Economic Buzău/ Pietrăreanu Adriana, Anton Adriana PROIECT POSDRU Învaţă cu noi să devii antreprenor/ Ardeleanu Magdalena, Anton Adriana, Şerban Cornelia 20

ERASMUS + KA 1 FIT 4 EUROPE- Berufscolleg Ehrenfeld Koln/ Friedrike Fritsch , Jan Lachmann, Katharina Detmer, Malte Herte , Aljoscha Frick, Laurine Menzel, Jochen Knopp ERASMUS + KA 2 IBRAVE- Improving branding of rural areas through vocational education/ 2014‐1‐ES01‐KA202‐004521- Colegiul Economic Buzău/ Enuş Adina Working in Europe- Skills for success- 2015-1-DE03-KA219013627_4- Colegiul Economic Buzău/ Poştovei Cătălina Ileana United we play, united we win : Developing social skills and inclusive education through sport and outdoor activities- Şcoala gimnazială Măgura/ Popescu Dan, Falnicu Florin Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - with joy of learning- Şcoala gimnazială Măgura/ Popescu Dan, Falnicu Florin No child left behind- Scoala gimnaziala inv.Clementa Beschea Capatanesti/ Falnicu Daniela 70 years of European history- Liceul Gr. Moisil Buzău/ Macadon Daniela


PROIECT BILATERAL COMENIUS Ta créativité, source d ‘aprentissage pour les autres- Şcoala Gimnazială Sfântul Apostol Andrei Buzău/ Iordache Cătălin, Poşircă Gina, Cojanu Elena, Grigore Sonia Toţi participanţii au subliniat importanţa participării la proiecte internaţionale în formarea tinerei generaţii. A fost organizată şi o expoziţie cu produse ale proiectelor derulate, ca exemple de bună practică. La eveniment au participat peste 40 de cadre didactice din judeţul Buzău. Au fost prezenţi şi cei 6 studenţi germani ce fac un stagiu de practică în Buzău însoţiţi de profesorul lor.




Chifan Mariana Florescu Iasmina

Cătălina Poştovei

Logo revistă: Ilie Florentin Be Smart (online) = ISSN 2286 – 2625 ISSN–L 2286 – 2625


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