Be smart nr 9 gtp

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PG. 22







WATER, OUR LIFE/ Liceul Tehnologic Special pentru Deficienţe Auditive Buzău GREEN JOBS/ XII F



PG. 31


PG. 18 PG. 20


EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES XI C GTP project has become a tradition for our high school. This is one of our favourite extracurricular projects.

The GTP team from XI C : Coordinator, Oprea Ramona Iliescu Adela, Tudose Bogdan, Ţintă Vlăduţ, Voinea Adrian, Teotoc Alexandru, Ciurea Elena, Avramescu Andreea Our theme this semester was “Emerging Technologies”. In this Learning Circle our question was: In our country the idea of sustainability and the importance of 3

protecting the environment are not yet understood by everyone. What are the recycling companies in your country doing to develop the technologies which facilitate recycling? What is the behaviour of citizens and how can they be convinced to get involved in protecting the envinronment by recycling? After all the answers that we received we found out what the situation in your country is: In Hungary many people know that protecting the environment is important, even more people are talking about it, but few do it. Still a lot of polluting chemicals are used (industry, transport, agriculture and households). They have three kinds of trash in the household trash, plastic and metal, and paper. Quite quickly people have got used to garbage sorting. It's complicated, in particular, for those who do not have a car. In Macedonia some private enterprises have opened small factories for recycling used paper and plastics. The citizens, especially students in elementary and secondary schools, with the help of different projects for a healthy environment, are organising activities for the collection of used paper and plastic and the transport for recycling. In Romania two of the most important companies which deal with recycling and greening in our country are Urban and Comprest. Every year all of their cities organize Cleaning Day, where the students can volunteer for cleaning the forests or different areas in the city. There are many green programs where people can volunteer for making a cleaner 4

city. In their city, Brasov, greening is promoted by various posters and advertisements. From another school from Romania we found out that the term ''recycling'' is known, but only a few know that this activity happens in Romania. The Romanians are convinced to learn to separate waste through campaigns. ''Recycling Movement'' is the first national project to educate the public about recycling. Another campaign is ''Banish the ghosts of old electronics'', where citizens can participate and learn how to recycle old equipment and used batteries, having the chance to win one of the prizes at stake. In Canada recycling companies have started to develop new technologies. They can enable us to recycle different materials into new objects. For example, one company enables recycled plastic to be changed into other items. Plastic can now be turned into fleece clothing, picture frames, outdoor furniture, office supplies, and more. Countless companies have invented special machines to recycle different substances like the OVR oil recycler. The recycler removes solids, water, and other contaminants from oil waste so even the oil can be reused. There are also contraptions that recycle the waste water streams, and in the process, oils, greases and inks are removed. In Canada, along with the development of things like nanotechnology and exoskeletons, recycling technology is also improving quickly, and with it a better way to help the environment. Citizens in Canada are rather wasteful, sadly. But the statistics aren’t all that horrible. 35 out of 100 pounds of thrown-away trash is paper, which could all be recycled. Landfills are 25% of Canada’s methane emissions. However, they are improving, with environmentalists’ efforts. In 5

Canada, there are already various seminars and programs devoted to promoting recycling all across the country, such as the Recycling Council of Ontario’s online recycling seminars. These seminars are free for everyone and educate people about recycling. From another point of view we find that in Romania the recycling companies do try to protect the nature and the environment, but all they did was to spread out 10 sets of recycling bins all over in the city and that was it. They couldn’t really say that protecting the environment is a priority in their country, considering the bad attitude that most people show (by throwing litter on the street for example). They are very concerned and worried about this situation and they are convinced that only through education and a specialized recycling system they could save the beauty of our nature for the future generations.

AND…EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AGAIN… XI D Problemele cu care se confruntă omenirea la nivel mondial au reprezentat întotdeauna o provocare pentru oamenii de ştiinţă şi un impuls pentru cercetare. Astfel, în ultima perioadă vorbim tot mai mult despre

The problems faced by humanity worldwide have always represented a challenge for scientists and an impetus for research. Thus, in the last period we talk more and more about emerging technologies. These 6

tehnologiile emergente. Acestea sunt tehnologii incipiente care vor avea un impact deosebit în viitor. Referitor la aceste tehnologii, întrebarea noastră a fost: which of these technologies do you find more sustainable and which ones do you believe that are generating green jobs for your country's economics ? În opinia celor mai mulţi colegi, tehnologiile emergente considerate sustenabile sunt cele care privesc:  hibridizarea somatică la plante şi animale deoarece poate duce la crearea de noi plante de cultură, noi rase de animale domestice şi tulpini de microorganisme;  automobilele electrice deşi au un cost ridicat, aceste automobile pot reprezenta o alternativă la automobilele pe benzină deoarece au mai multe avantaje: consum

are the early technologies that will have a great impact in the future. With regard to these technologies, our question was: which of these technologies do you find more sustainable and which ones do you believe that generating green jobs for your country's economics? In the view of many colleagues, emerging technologies deemed sustainable are those relating to: • the combination of somatic plant and animals because it can lead to the creation of new plants, new breeds of domestic animals and the strains of microorganisms; • electric cars-although they have a high cost, these cars can represent an alternative to gasoline because cars have several advantages: low 7

redus de energie, poluare aproape de zero, eficienţă mare, zgomot redus, întreţinere uşoară, accelerare instant, etc.;  imprimarea 3D este considerată tehnologia care va aduce a doua revoluţie industrială; de la constructorii de maşini pentru Formula la, la producătorii de gadgeturi şi chiar în domeniul medicinii, imprimarea 3D se extinde din ce în ce mai mult;  nanotehnologiile reprezintă ingineria la scară foarte mică şi pot fi aplicate în numeroase domenii cum ar fi sănătatea, medicina, tehnologia informaţiei şi comunicaţiile, energia, mediul înconjurător, etc.; nanotehnologiile funcţionează la scara moleculelor individuale;

power consumption, almost zero pollution, high efficiency, low noise, easy maintenance, instant acceleration, etc.; • 3D printing is considered to be the technology that will bring the second industrial revolution; from car manufacturers to formulate, to manufacturers of gadgets and even in the field of medicine, 3D printing is expanding increasingly more; • Nano-scale engineering is very small and can be applied in many areas such as health, medicine, information technology and communications, energy, the environment, etc.; Nano-scale works of individual molecules.

Colleagues from Canada and Netherlands have written about cloning the bodies but have made it clear that this is a controversial issue. At present, the laws of Colegii din Canada şi din many countries prohibit 8

Olanda au scris şi despre clonarea organismelor dar au precizat că aceasta este o problemă controversată. În prezent, legile din multe ţări interzic clonarea în scop reproductiv dar permit clonarea în scop terapeutic. Colegii din Olanda au precizat că în ţara lor clonarea este interzisă.

cloning for purposes of reproduction but allow cloning for therapeutic purposes. Colleagues in the Netherlands have stated that in their country the cloning is prohibited.

Both colleges in Canada and colleagues in the Netherlands considers that while these technologies may Atât colegii din Canada cât şi be sustainable, they do not colegii din Olanda consideră necessarily create green jobs . că deşi aceste tehnologii pot fi Team mates from Romania sustenabile, ele nu creează have written more about neapărat şi locuri de muncă green jobs and about their ecologice. impact on the economy and people's lives. They consider that forestry professions will have a major positive impact on the environment, the national economy and population. Romania also needs to better exploit the potential of agriculture and pay more attention to the field of alternative energy sources. Currently, there are several areas in which they

Colegii din România au scris mai mult despre locurile de muncă verzi şi despre impactul lor asupra economiei şi vieţii oamenilor. Ei consideră că profesiile din domeniul forestier vor avea un impact pozitiv major asupra mediului înconjurător, asupra economiei naţionale şi populaţiei. De asemenea, 9

România trebuie să exploateze mai bine potenţialul agricol de care dispune şi să acorde mai mare atenţie domeniului surselor de energie alternative. În prezent, există mai multe zone în care s-au înfiinţat parcuri eoliene şi parcuri cu panouri solare pentru producerea de energie electrică.

set up wind farms and parks with solar panels to generate electricity. In conclusion, the emerging technologies are an important step for science and they will have a major impact on the planet.

În concluzie, tehnologiile emergente reprezintă un pas important pentru ştiinţă şi ele vor avea un impact major asupra planetei.


IMAGES AND SOUNDS FROM OUR COUNTRIES IX C IS1- Our colleagues from IS1 told us that, when it’s Easter they think about the red painted eggs, the Lent before Easter, which is the biggest period …two months long. They also told us that they really enjoy chocolate eggs and the story of the Easter bunny and singing a special song, named “Prohodu” at church. IS3- The IS3 team told us that Easter is a special holiday, because after the long Lent comes that special celebration, but this holiday is one with a changeable date .People are usually preparing red eggs, but not only for eating, it could be also decorative because dyed eggs are really beautiful. IS4-They answered us that Easter reminds them of red eggs, little chicks, chocolate eggs and bunnies. IS6-They speak to us about Easter, which comes in their mind along with the red eggs, a traditional family dinner, with Easter traditional dish and most importantly, the kindness which this holiday is spreading all around. IS7-Hmm… they told us that they don’t really celebrate Easter but they do celebrate other holidays like Canada Day on 1 of July, they also have The Pink Day , another celebration when everybody in Canada wears pink all day long. The marathon of hope is a very special celebration in the memory of Terry Fox, who died of cancer but he wanted to run over Canada in one leg...He ran 5473 km in 143 days but never made it. 11

IS11- They answered that they celebrate Easter, but differently from ours. Some of them are Muslims and they celebrate Easter by eating potatoes and meat. After that they relax and go visit a friend, others are just not really the religious type but they still hunt for eggs and they join their families at Church. But in general they like to relax this time of the year and to spend time with their family and friends. And this is our team (From left to right) :Our teacher Buie Roxana , Ilie Andreea, Bratosin Corina , Popa Octavian , Grosu Nicoleta, Cojanu Sebastian, Mirica Claudia, Dan Cosmin and Milea Alexandru



Native hoop dancing is a traditional style of performance that is popular in the Whistler resort area.

„Gosho Vikentiev“ Kochani, Macedonia

Actually, family celebrations in this contry are homemade glories. On these occasions they do not eat meat. They eat beans, fish, baked potatoes, traditional Macedonian food called Pindjur or also traditional food caled Sarma . On that day, their relatives are coming to visit.


Newmarket High School, Canada

A famous tradition and celebration in Canada is Canada Day. It is a time where Canadians celebrate July 1st as the enactment of the Constitutional Act in 1867. People set off fireworks, have parades, barbecues, concerts, carnivals, fairs, picnics and more festivities. The most famous traditional products in our country is meat rolls in cabbage leaves with polenta. It is made from cabbage leaves filled with hashed meat mixed with rice, spices and vegetables. Meat rolls in cabbage leaves are served with cream and polenta. Polenta is made out of boiling water and maize flour.

Colegiul Economic Buzau, Romania (teacher Andrei Elena)


Joshua Creek Public School, Canada (teacher Kelly McSweeny)

One of the traditions they have is to give presents to each other. On Christmas day they have a big feast, with turkey, potatoes, meatballs and other stuff. On Christmas Eve (the day before Christmas) they usually have fish because they are not allowed to eat meat on Christmas Eve. Before they eat we say thanks to our God for the food. Then after they eat, they open presents. In our country there are some different traditional products when talking about different family celebrations.For example now, near Easter , Romanians prepare a special bread with cheese ,

Colegiul Economic Buzau, Romania (teacher Buie Roxana)


meat products and red painted eggs. Those are traditional Romanian products when it’s Easter. Joshua Creek Public School, Canada (teacher Jim Johnston)

There is a list of famous holidays in Canada, such as; Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Canada Day, and Victoria Day. At Christmas there are a bunch of different kinds of main dishes and side dishes. One of the most famous dishes is Turkey! Varenyky are squareor crescent-shaped dumplings of unleavened dough, stuffed with mashed potato, sauerkraut, cheese, cabbage, meat, hard-boiled egg (a Mennonite tradition) or a combination of these, or with a fruit filling.

Gymnasiu m "Erudite", Ukraine (teacher Marianna Zhubinska ya)


Varenyky are very popular in Ukraine and Russia.


IMAGES AND SOUNDS ABOUT OUR TRADITIONAL PRODUCTS XE Teacher: Andrei Elena Students: Bucur Vlad Alexandru, Cătălin Ionuţ, Cocor Sergiu Andrei, Mihai Iulia Diana IS1 tell that in Romania we have a lot of traditional products like: Pleşcoi sausages, meat rolls in cabbage leaves with polenta, and in the period of Easter we eat lamb in different varieties. IS3 say that in Macedonia they have a variety of traditional products like: pasta in abija, turli taved, maussaka, pinajauris and their the famous speciality is kruseva. IS4 tell us that the famous food products in Macedonia are pindjur, aivar and tiganici. IS5 say that they have these traditional products: marple syrup, roast sweatpants, beaver tails. They also tell that Tim Harton's is the most popular Canadian coffee. IS7 tell that in Canada they have 3 traditional products like: marple syrup, beaver tails and poutine. They tell us that they are famous for the timber they produce and that their most famous restaurant is Harvey’s. Also a famous jacket company from Canada is Canada Gosse. IS8 tell us that the most famous dishes in their country Romania are: drobul, micii, mămăliga and sarmale. Micii, 18

drobul and sarmale are made from meat, and mămăliga is made from corn flour. The best are sarmale, they said, because the members of the group really enjoy eating sarmale, as they are soft, delicious, tasty and they work well with mămăliga. IS11: Joshua Creek from Canada tells us a few things about some of the most representative types of food from Canada and also about snowshoes, timber and Inusok. Poutine is French fries with gravy and melted cheddar cheese curds. Ketchup potato chips are chips with flavoured ponders, especially ketchup flavor and different spices. The secret ingredient of the ketchup potato chips remains a mystery. Maple syrup is a mix of sugar, sop and water, and it’s similar with honey. Canadians are using it for cooking and as a drink. Inusuk is a figure made of rocks used for navigation. Depending on the size of the inusuk, it can mean different things. Snowshoes are basically shoes that were traditionally made with wooden frames, and they were used for keeping people’s feet from sinking deep into the snow. IS13 tell us that Ukraine has long been known for its national cuisine. The borsch, the various flour products like pampushky, loaves, dumplings, cakes, the dishes from meat like sausages, game, poultry, drinks with fruit and honey, are well known around the world. Certain dishes have a historical background, like the famous Ukrainian borsch.


TELL ME A STORY XA Teacher: Vrînceanu Gilda Students: Avram Vlăduţ Alexandru, Calcan Ionuţ Alexandru, Damian Daniel Laurenţiu, Dorobanţu Cristi With our question we tried to remind you about those stories that captivated you in your childhood. Your answers and your stories were so wonderful, that made us to research to see the entire story. From WL1 we learnt about the sad and dramatic story of Faramalemy and Katolrhibo, that reminded us a little bit the story of Hansel and Gretel. The second story was an interesting adventure that deserved our attention. WL2, we are glad that you are so informed about Mărţisor and you gave us so detailed information about it. In our opinion too this legend is a beautiful and inspiring one because any human can find a little bit of honour in their souls. From WL3 we found about an interesting legend of expansion of a big Hungarian tribe and about a story of a brave and miraculous deer. The legend gave us a feeling that was hard to describe, was wonderful. WL6 told us that the Mărţisor has an important story in Romania because it is the symbol of spring, and that Mărţisor is gold or silver coin with twisted wires. 20

WL7 told about a popular folktale about a wicked stepmother, and the lesson that we learn from this story is to be good with everyone, and especially children to love their mothers. AND SOME LEGENDS XA Teacher: Andrei Elena Students: Borcea Nicolae Florentin, Gomoescu George Daniel, Mocanu Elena Daniela, Perţea Alexandru Ionuţ WL1 said that in Madagascar people wear the traditional garment called lambo. It is used for carrying a heavy object on top of the head. Also in Madagascar Voliho is the first musical instrument which makes Madagascar unique. It is used in many ceremonies to make people dance or the accompany other instruments. WL2 said that Hegru Voda Prince hired Master Manole to build the most beautiful monastery, but to build the monastery someone had to be built into the wall. Manole’s wife Ana was that person, and he built the walls around her, and so the beautiful monastery was built. When Manole finished the monastery, Radu Negru killed him and his workers so that they could not build something more beautiful than it. WL3 told us a famous legend about an old witch who had a daughter and the devil wanted to get the lovely maiden. The 21

witch offered a bargain, and the devil accepted, but he cheated and went back to hell. WL5 told us about the legends and the traditional products of their country, and that the symbol of Easer are the eggs which are painted in red. They also told us about the legend of mucenici. This dish is made of salt, water, nuts, vanilla, rum and lemon, and it is eaten on 9th March. WL7 told us about the food in their country. Cameron likes Shrimps and Prawns which are sea foods delicacies in their country. They also told us an interesting story about how the name of their country appeared. WHAT ABOUT GREEN JOBS? XII E Teacher: Andrei Elena Students: Andrei Dumitru Iulian, Crăciun Răzvan Alexandru, Gheorghiţă Andrei Bogdan, Ghica Ştefania Iuliana, Marin D Iuliana mdg 3 tell us that green jobs are special because we can help nature and this makes us better people. mdg 4 have the same ideas to help our environment and they give some advice to have an ecological life, like making bio detergents from plants, recycling food waste and turning it into fertilizers. 22

mdg 7 tell that everybody knows something about green jobs. A green job can be a work from home because you don’t use a car. A green job can be a simple job using less paper, turning off lights, and every one of these jobs can be good for the environment. mdg 8 say that green jobs are very helpful and are needed in this world to make it a safer place to live in. They tell us that in Macedonia there are a loot of green jobs. They think that every person should recycle. mdg 9 tell that you can work for a green job company or transform your company into a green one, and also the green aspect may have nothing to do with your employer. Green jobs are more popular than ever, Suttan Fell explains. mdg 10 say that what is good for the environment is not necessarily good for health and safety. They think that green jobs are decent jobs. In their country they should try to protect the environment and stop pollution, and then promote green jobs. AND GREEN JOBS AGAIN…. XII E Teacher: Bodescu Diana Students: Chiricioiu Adriana, Mocanu Ioana Liliana, Rusu Ciprian Daniel, Stănică Andreea Simona, Tudor Maria Alexandra


From mdg 1 we found out that in Holland they are trying to use sustainable energy instead of natural gas, and building tunnels instead of bridges. We found out from mdg 2 that in Romania, green jobs are well promoted and people are trying as much as they can to take care of the environment. Unfortunately, this is not enough to reach to a good development level. From mdg 4 we found out that the green jobs area is growing because people are becoming aware of the necessity of conserving the environment. From mdg 7 we found out that in Latvia there are many protected areas. Here, people help the nature working together to clean the places, and also they have many projects to support the nature and the natural lifestyle. From mdg 8 we found out that in Macedonia, the natural lifestyle is promoted with the help of the Ministry of Environment. mdg 9 group told us how the technical development brought great comfort to their society and how pollution is a side effect of that. Green jobs have come as an answer to that effect, and we can find out more about this on the website mdg 10 told us that in Romania green jobs weren’t promoted in the past, but now many companies have appeared with 24

different projects: recycling, solar panels. They are supported by the European Union and by the Government. MY DREAM, YOUR DREAM XI G Teachers: Andrei Elena, Buga Mihaela Students: Bonciu Lia Florenţa, Burlacu Mădălina Silviana, Duţu Bianca , Florea Marilena Veronica, Grigore Marius Cristian, Pletea Ciprian, Vîja Cristian Bogdan MD1 Julia Uharska, who is an eleventh grader, tells us that it is high time for her to decide what she wants to do with her life. She considers that specialists in science, maths and technology are more important for her country’s development than people major in humanities. Julia belongs to the group of people who choose humanities because the interests lie in the low sphere, and she says that if you are fond of your job, you’ll do great with it. MD2 tell that in their country, Romania, people want jobs which can be easy, fun and well paid, like IT Manager or working in cybernetics domain, but for these jobs students must obtain good results at school and learn a lot. MD3 say that Canada is one of the great places full of opportunities and inspiration careers. They also tell us that when they were kids they were very optimistic and had a free spirited point of view about their future, but when they get older they will realize the different factors that go into 25

choosing a good job. Our question has helped them realize that there are a good variety of jobs for their lives. MD4 say that in their country, many popular jobs are wellpaid, being actually the highest paying jobs. One of the students dream job is to become a C.M.P. Officer and he wants that because he loves horses and he has been riding them since he was 4. MD5 tell us that in Canada there is a variety of jobs which people dream to have, like dentist, financial manager or accountant. These jobs are the most popular occupations in Canada. One of the students wants to be a visual arts teacher and says that he would need to have a bachelor degree in fine arts to teach at an elementary school level. To be an architect he would need to go to university for seven years for a bachelor degree in arts. He has been dreaming to be a visual teacher since he was eight, because he has an imaginative mind. MD7 say that he is guided by a motto and he is following a path to success. He is also saying that it’s important to have a motto to get directions in your life. MD8 tell that they would like to open an international company and their own business, because those are the dream jobs from their country. They say that it’s hard to have success in their town, because it is already full of shops and small businesses, but they have much ambition and will manage to get what they want. 26

OTHER DREAMS WE HAVE… XE Teacher: Căpriţă Paraschiva Students: Florescu Iasmina Elena, Hoinaru Cristian Mihai, Popescu Liviu Ionuţ, Şerbănică Alex Nicuşor VD1: Lalita Dutchok wants to be a doctor, but it is difficult to become a doctor in her country Ukhraine, and she dislikes blood and the swell of medicine, so she decides to think at another job. VD2: In their team they have different dreams and they say that in our country Romania it is easy to go to college, but college is not enough because it does not offer the right amount of knowledge. VD3: In their group some of then have on idea of what they want to do, some of them want to work for Google or join CSI; there are many possibilities and they say that you can achieve great things if you work hard and enjoy what you do. VD4: One of students’ dream is to be a professional hockey player and his back up plan is being a mechanic, but it is easier to become a mechanic than a member of NHl, so be will train hard on trying to enter NHL and take mechanic courses too. VD5: One of the students dreams to become an architect or a professional artist. He also says that for his dream to 27

become real, in his country Canada he needs to be good with math and art. In Canada he needs to study because it’s not easy, but not extremely difficult either. WATER, OUR LIFE Liceul Tehnologic Special pentru Deficienţe Auditive Buzău Teacher: Andrei Doina Students: Adriana Bondilă, Cristinel Valentin Năstase, Luiza Ilie WL1 said that we can protect water from pollution building many stations or systems specific to wastewater treatment or collection of wastage. We can also conserve water from houses in different ways. WL2 told us many ways to protect or save water. To protect water from pollution, we should not wash the car near a river or drop rubbish on a beach near the sea. To save water, we should also have a shower instead of using running water, and there are also other solutions. WL3 said that we can take some measures to protect water pollution, like reusing closed circuit after partial or total treatment. They also told that water conservation is an essential practice in all regions. WL5 said that we should avoid the waste of water, and that some countries have special laws to prevent its waste. One 28

good example is Canada. They also think that it is very simple to reduce the amount of wasted water. GREEN JOBS XII F

This time the theme from which we learned new things was “Emerging Technologies in the 21st Century”. Our question for our colleagues was about those new technologies which affect the environment and what “green jobs” manage to “survive” the technology in their countries. Our GTP friends from et22, Joshua Creek Public School, Canada, posted a long and complex answer and they told us that some of the green jobs today are: architect, green vehicle engineer, environmental lawyer. They mentioned some new technologies which aim at protecting the environment such as desalination which means removing the salt and minerals out of sea water in order to try to solve the water shortage problem in certain areas of the world or 29

photovoltaic panels which convert the sunlight directly into electricity. The result would be less pollution and a decrease in greenhouse gases. They give some advice: to turn off the tap and to let the sun shine in order to save water and electricity. They mentioned some companies that use new technologies: GlaxoSmithKline whose sales representatives use ipods to write down ideas when they discuss with physicians; they also use digital temperature sensors that travel with products in order to ensure quality control. The group 23 from Romania tells us about some documents that Romania has developed and partially implemented: Strategy for the Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources, National Strategy for Energy Efficiency, National Development Plan 2007-2013, National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013, National Strategy for Sustainable Development of Romania’s horizons 2013-20202030. Et 25 from Joshua Creek Public School, Canada, gave a complete answer and they referred to: health and safety-the impact that using phones while driving has on the safety of the people, causing accidents , the technology causes air pollution, Global warming-the effect of technology on the environment: aircraft noise, biodiversity is destroyed, air pollution, Social impact ,The green jobs that they mention are; farming, dog walker and camp counselor.


They listed and described a series of sustainable technologies: ( Robots, Solar panels-though expensive at first, Healthy foods, Solar cooker). Group 26 from Romania highlighted the importance of trees and advised planting them. Et 27 from Lorentz Lyceum, Netherlands referred to windmills which create green energy, saying that we use too much energy with phones and computers. In the Netherlands there are a lot of windmill parks, people use water energy, sun energy and there are tidal power stations. They explained to us that renewable energy is that type which you can use more than one time: heat and cold, biomass, solar, wind, soil and water.

MILLENIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS XF This was our question One of the MDGoals refers to the idea of ensuring environmental sustainability. The development of industries that concern the protection of the environment has created a new segment on the job market, 'green jobs'. Can you give examples of fields of activity that have developed in your country and what impact do they have on the population? And this is the summary of the responses: Our GTP friends from IMOR, Macedonia told us that: 31

Green jobs are very important and helpful in our lives. At first, only small and private companies promoted green jobs. People working in the field of "green jobs" have the mission to eliminate potential environmental dangers. In this way the population began protecting the environment by organizing various campaigns. Also, solar panels are good for the environment, and also for creating green jobs, because you need to hire people to make them, install them, and make sure they’re working. This creates green jobs. Our GTP friends from Colegiul Economic Buzău told us that: For example In Pufeşti commune in Vrancea county, the number of solar panels (6,600) is higher than that of the commune’s inhabitants and Electrica, the biggest company producing energy in the country, will invest 190 million euros in projects for wind energy. Also the Romanian state gives you money if you use wind energy for your house. All these and others will create new green jobs on the Romanian market. Our GTP friends from Lorentz Lyceum, The Netherlands told us that: Sustainability coincides with such industries as computer networking and system technology, communications, energy, environmental management, architecture, engineering, planning, design, construction, media, marketing, parks and recreation, horticulture, agriculture, hospitality, travel and tourism, transportation and more. With these responses we found that in other countries Green jobs are very important but the mentality of people should be 32

improved in order to protect our planet and to have a sustainable environment.






Maria Popa

Cătălina Poştovei

Adina Enuş Elena Andrei Mihaela Buga Cătălina Ilie Constantin Dinu Roxana Buie Doina Sandu Diana Cristea Paraschiva Căpriţă Gilda Vrânceanu

Logo revistă: Ilie Florentin Be Smart (online) = ISSN 2286 – 2625 ISSN–L 2286 – 2625


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