OLE- Opportunities for Learning Entrepreneurship COM-13-PBL-117-BZ-ES DIDACTICAL APPROACH 2013-2015
We want to share our outcomes( some of them) regarding didactic approach during our Comenius bilateral project OLE- Opportunities for learning entrepreneurship IES Ollos Grandes Lugo/ Spain Colegiul Economic Buzau/ Romania Vrem să împărtăşim câteva din demersurile didactice pe care le-am utilizat pe parcursul derulării proiectului Comenius bilateral OLE- Opportunities for learning entrepreneurship IES Ollos Grandes Lugo/ Spania Colegiul Economic Buzau/ România
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
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Dezvoltarea unui concept de afacere/ How we develop the idea of
PG 4
a business Studiu de piaţă/ Market research
PG 8
Analiza concurenţilor pe piaţă/ Competitors analyze
PG 10
City Bound/ produse tradiţionale/ Buzău
PG 12
City Bound/ Traditional products/ Buzău Market assessment/ Evaluarea vânzării
PG 18
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
Page 3
Dezvoltarea unui concept de afacere Ce afacere aţi dori să începeţi pentru a veni în întâmpinarea cerinţelor viitorilor clienţi? Hai să dezvoltăm un concept de afacere! 1. IDEEA ! Care este ideea voastră ? În ce domeniu economic ? Produsul sau serviciul vostru este atractiv pentru că…...
2. Numele firmei! Găseşte un nume pentru firma pe care vrei să o înfiinţezi …
3. CLIENŢII! Care sunt viitorii voştri clienţi? Oameni obişnuiţi( bărbaţi, femei, copii), firme, instituţii publice….
4. MESAJUL PROMOŢIONAL! Cum vă veţi convinge clienţii? Creaţi o reclamă, un mesaj cu ajutorul căruia să vă convingeţi clienţii să cumpere.
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
Page 4
How we develop the idea of a business What business you would like to start? Lets develop together a concept for your business. 1. Explain your idea … 2. What’s your idea ? in what economic field ? this product or service will be attractive particularly to …..
2.Find a name for your company! Find a good name for the business you want to start. It have to besparkling...
3. CLIENŢS! Which will be your clients? Men, women, kids, companies, public institutions? Describe your target group.
4. PROMOTIONAL IDEA/MESSAGE! How you will convince your clients? Create a message and an add to convince your clients that your product is the best.
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
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5. VALOAREA ADĂUGATĂ! Ce va aduce nou firma voastră pentru societate, pentru viitor?
Prezentarea ideii de afacere 6. CONVINGE ! Aveţi 10 minute să ne convingeţi că afacerea voastră va fi de success. Pentru a vă pregăti prezentarea completaţi documentul anexat. DORINŢA/ NEVOIA
Dorinţa, visele, necesitatea….
Punctele tari ale produsului/
Impactul asupra firmei/ asupra
Beneficiile aduse clientului
Iată câteva lucruri ce
E un produs rar…
demonstrează că produsul
Produsul nostru vă oferă…
nostru răspunde aşteptărilor dumneavoastră…..
Descrierea produsului/
Fotografii, desene, colaje,
Rezumarea conceptului de
Produsul nostru este realizat
Da, poţi !
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
Page 6
5. ADDED VALUE! What your business will bring new on the market?
How we present our idea 6. CONVINCE ! You have 10 minutes to convince your auditorium that your business have a future. WISH/ NEED
Wish, dreams, need….
Strength of the products
Impact towards company/
Benefits for the client
client How it suits your expectations
Describe the product
Photos, drawings, graphics…
Your product in a phrase. Yes, you can!
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
Page 7
STUDIU DE PIAŢĂ Interviu cu producătorii/ vânzătorii de produse tradiţionale 1. Cand a fost înfiinţată firma? 2. Unde aveţi sediul? 3. Câţi angajaţi aveţi? 4. Ce fel de produse tradiţionale vindeţi? 5. Aveţi o reţetă secretă? 6. Care este produsul cel mai vândut? 7. Ce grup ţintă are produsul dumneavoastră? 8. De unde putem cumpăra produsele dumneavoastră? Aveţi un punct de vânzare? 9. Care este termenul de valabilitate al produselor dumneavoastră? 10. De ce ar trebui spaniolii să cumpere produsele dumneavoastră? 11. Credeţi că produsele dumneavoastră pot avea succes în Spania? De ce? 12. Credeţi că ar fi uşor să vă exportaţi produsele în Spania? 13. Cât de mult contează opinia clientului în activitatea dumneavoastră?
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
Page 8
MARKET RESEARCH Interviews with traditional products producers/ sellers 1. What year was the firm started? 2. Where is your headquarter? 3. How many employes do you have? 4. What traditional products do you sell? 5. Do you have a secret recipe? 6. Which is the most sold product? 7. What group target your products? 8. From where we can buy your products? Do you have a selling point? 9. How much durability have your products? 10. Why should Spanish people buy your products? 11. Do you think your products can be succesfull in Spain? Why? 12. Do you think it would be easy to export your products in Spain? 13. How much does your client opinion matters?
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
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Analiza concurenţilor pe piaţă 1. Identificaţi patru comercianţi de la care puteţi cumpăra produse tradiţionale alimentare în localitatea voastră( sau în zona voastră). 2. Precizaţi principalele caracteristici ale fiecăruia. Prezentaţi analiza voastră sub formă de tabel.Calculaţi scorul obţinut de fiecare firmă concurentă. 3. Consideraţi oferta de pe piaţa locală completă în ceea ce priveşte aceste produse?Justificaţi răspunsul vostru. 4. Ce caracteristici ar trebui să indeplinească un nou venit pe această piaţă? Matricea de analiză a concurenţilor Introduceţi valorile în căsuţe pentru a obţine rezultatul: Caracteristici
Firme concurente A
Produsele Prețul Calitatea Varietatea Serviciile Disponibilitate Reputația Metodele de vânzare Promovare Imagine Total Scala Nesatisfăcător
Foarte bun
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
Page 10
Competitors analyze 1. Identify 4 sellers from which you can buy traditional products in your town/ region. 2. Which are the main characteristics of each of them? Present your analyze like a table. calculate a mark for each. 3. Do you consider the offer on local market complete from the point of view of traditional products? Justify your answer. 4. What characteristics should fulfill a newcomer on this market? Matrix of competitors analyze Introduce your marks and calculate the total: Characteristics
Competitors A
Products Price Quality Variety Services Disponibility Reputation Selling methods Promotion Image Total Scala Unsatisfactory
Very good
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
Page 11
City Bound/ produse tradiţionale/ Buzău Team 1/ Sarcini de lucru: Plecaţi de la scoala pe traseul marcat pe hartă. Acolo unde sunt marcate puncte pe hartă, veţi găsi un obiectiv
cu care trebuie să faceţi o fotografie şi să rezolvaţi sarcinile
suplimentare din foaia de parcurs. 1. Pe strada Bistriţei, la dreapta pe strada Bucegi, pe dreapta treceţi pe lângă Liceul de artă(poză) apoi firma Comsoradi(poză)/ produse tradiţionale/dialog cu vânzătorii. 2. Apoi vă îndreptaţi inainte spre strada Marghiloman.La câteva zeci de metri faceţi dreapta pe Cuza Vodă( strada veche comercială). Pe stânga vedeţi un magazin cu produse alimentare tradiţionale(poză)/ produse tradiţionale/dialog cu vânzătorii. 3. Continuaţi pe strada Cuza Vodă. Mergeţi inainte pe Aleea Trandafirilor, pe lângă Mc Donalds, pe strada Unirii. Continuaţi înainte, treceţi de prima intersecţie mare. Continuaţi şi pe dreapta întâlniţi două magazine apropiate: La papuc şi Magazinul de produse din Bucovina. Care este numele magazinului? Ce produse oferă?Care sunt produsele specifice regiunii noastre? (poză)/ produse tradiţionale/dialog cu vânzătorii. 4. Reveniţi în centru. Vă îndreptaţi spre piaţa Centrală.Pe partea dreaptă a pieţei se găseşte magazinul RoxAna. Ce produse oferă?Care sunt produsele specifice regiunii noastre? Ce informaţii puteţi obţine despre această firmă? (poză)/ produse tradiţionale/dialog cu vânzătorii 5. Vizitaţi piaţa Centrală. Fotografiaţi abundenţa de produse din piaţă. Intervievaţi un vânzător/producător de legume şi fructe. Sunt produsele oferite bio/ ecologice? 6. Ne întâlnim în piaţa Daciei/ magazinul Faust la ora 13.00. PRODUS FINAL: realizaţi o prezentare Power Point (maxim 15 diapozitive) folosind fotografiile pe care le-aţi făcut şi informaţiile pe care le-aţi aflat.
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
Page 12
City Bound/ Traditional products/ Buzău Team 1/ Tasks: Leave the school on the route which is marked on the map. Where there are points marked on the map, you will find a sight that you have to take a photo of. You also have to solve the additional tasks on your itinerary sheet. 1. Go down Bistriţei Street, turn right on Bucegi Street, go past The Art High School which is on your right (photograph), then there is Comsoradi Firm (photograph)/ traditional products/dialogue with the shop assistants. 2. Then go straight ahead towards Marghiloman Street .Keep walking for about 100 metres and then turn right into Cuza Voda Street (the old commercial street). On your left you will see a shop which sells traditional food products (photograph)/ traditional products/dialogue with the shop assistants. 3. Keep walking down Cuza Voda Street. You will get to Dacia Square (Piaţa Daciei). Go along Aleea Trandafirilor, go past McDonalds, down Unirii Street. Keep going straight ahead, go past the first big street junction. Keep walking and you will see 2 close shops: La Papuc and Magazinul cu produse din Bucovina (The Shop with products from Bucovina). What is the name of the shop? What kind of products does it offer? Which products are specific to our area? (photograph)/ traditional products/dialogue with the shop assistants. 4. Go back to the city centre. Go towards the Central Market (Piaţa Centrală). On the right side of the market you will find RoxAna Shop (Magazinul RoxAna). What kind of products does it offer? Which products are specific to our area? What information can you get about this firm? (photograph)/ traditional products/dialogue with the shop assistants. 5. Visit the Central Market (Piaţa Centrală). Take photographs of the abundance of products in the market. Interview a shop assistant/ vegetable and fruit producer. Are the products offered bio/ecological? 6. We will meet in Dacia Square (Piaţa Dacia)/Faust Shop at 1 pm. Final product: Make a Power Point presentation (maximum 15 slides), using the photographs that you have taken and the information that you have found. ‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
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Team 2 / Sarcini de lucru: Plecaţi de la scoala pe traseul marcat pe hartă. Acolo unde sunt marcate puncte pe hartă, veţi găsi un obiectiv cu care trebuie să faceţi o fotografie de grup şi să rezolvaţi sarcinile suplimentare din foaia de parcurs. 1. Mergeţi spre Piaţa Daciei.La intersecţia T Vladimirescu cu Independenţei este o covrigărie. Care este numele magazinului? Ce produse oferă?Care sunt produsele specifice regiunii noastre? (poză)/ produse tradiţionale/dialog cu vânzătorii. 2. Mergeţi apoi pe strada Independenţei.În apropiere de Piaţa centrală este magazinul Vâlcu&Vâlcu. (poză)/ produse tradiţionale/dialog cu vânzătorii. 3. Ajungeţi în piaţa Centrală. Căutaţi magazinul care vinde pâine de Sfântu Gheorghe. Ce sortimente găsiţi? (poză)/ produse tradiţionale/dialog cu vânzătorii. 4. Fotografiaţi abundenţa de produse din piaţă. Intervievaţi un vânzător/producător de legume şi fructe. Sunt produsele oferite bio/ ecologice? 5. Continuaţi prin piaţa B 90. Pe dreapta este un magazin Boromir. (poză)/ produse tradiţionale/dialog cu vânzătorii. 6. Ieşiţi din piaţă. Aveţi în faţă biserica Sfinţii Îngeri. Faceţi o vizită/ poză. 7.Continuaţi
tradiţionale/dialog cu vânzătorii. 8. Ne întâlnim în piaţa Daciei/ magazinul Faust la ora 13.00. PRODUS FINAL: realizaţi o prezentare Power Point (maxim 15 diapozitive) folosind fotografiile pe care le-aţi făcut şi informaţiile pe care le-aţi aflat.
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
Page 14
Team 2/ Tasks: Leave the school on the route which is marked on the map. Where there are points marked on the map, you will find a sight and you will have to take a group photo next to it. You also have to solve the additional tasks on your itinerary sheet. 1. Go towards Dacia Square (Piaţa Dacia). At the street junction between T. Vladimirescu Street and Independenţei Street you will see a pretzels shop. What is the name of the shop? What kind of products does it offer? Which products are specific to our area? (photograph)/ traditional products/dialogue with the shop assistants. 2. Next, go along Independenţei Street. Near the Central Market (Piaţa Centrală) you’ll find the Shop Vâlcu&Vâlcu. (photograph)/ traditional products/dialogue with the shop assistants. 3. You get to the Central Market (Piaţa Centrală). Look for the shop that sells bread made in Sfântu Gheorghe. What varieties can you find? (photograph)/ traditional products/dialogue with the shop assistants. 4. Take photographs of the abundance of products in the market. Interview a shop assistant/ vegetable and fruit producer. Are the products offered bio/ecological? 5. Keep going through B90 Market. On the right there is a Boromir Shop. (photograph)/ traditional products/dialogue with the shop assistants. 6. Continue your journey on Unirii Street, then turn right into Marghiloman Street. At the roundabout you will see the Episcopal Cathedral/take a photo. On the left there are the Theological Seminary and the old cathedral/ take a photo. 7. Keep going towards Dacia Square (Piaţa Dacia). You will meet at least one pretzels shop on your way. (photograph)/ traditional products/dialogue with the shop assistants. 8. We will meet in Dacia Square (Piaţa Dacia)/Faust Shop at 1 pm. Final product: Make a Power Point presentation (maximum 15 slides), using the photographs that you have taken and the information that you have found.
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
Page 15
Team 3/ Sarcini de lucru: Plecaţi de la scoala pe traseul marcat pe hartă. Acolo unde sunt marcate puncte pe hartă, veţi găsi un obiectiv cu care trebuie să faceţi o fotografie de grup şi să rezolvaţi sarcinile suplimentare din foaia de parcurs. 1. Mergeţi pe strada Bistriţei.La stânga mergeţi pe Independenţei. Ajungeţi la piaţa de brânzeturi. Intraţi, vizitaţi, ce produse oferă?Care sunt produsele specifice regiunii noastre? (poză)/ produse tradiţionale/dialog cu vânzătorii. 2. Vă intoarceţi puţin şi mergeţi pe strada Doamna Neaga. Pe dreapta este magazinul Gustul Dacic. Ce produse oferă? (poză)/ produse tradiţionale/dialog cu vânzătorii. 3. La stânga mergeţi din nou spre Piaţa Centrală. Intraţi în ea. pe stânga aveţi magazinul La Sibianu. (poză)/ produse tradiţionale/dialog cu vânzătorii. 4. Sunteţi în piaţa Centrală. Fotografiaţi abundenţa de produse din piaţă. Intervievaţi un vânzător/producător de legume şi fructe. Sunt produsele oferite bio/ ecologice? 5. Pe culoarul dintre cele două pieţe intraţi în B 90? Vizitaţi magazinele de brânzeturi. (poză)/ produse tradiţionale/dialog cu vânzătorii. 6. Ne întâlnim în piaţa Daciei/ magazinul Faust la ora 13.00. PRODUS FINAL: realizaţi o prezentare Power Point (maxim 15 diapozitive) folosind fotografiile pe care le-aţi făcut şi informaţiile pe care le-aţi aflat.
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
Page 16
Team 3/ Tasks: Leave the school on the route which is marked on the map. Where there are points marked on the map, you will find a sight and you will have to take a group photo next to it. And you also have to solve the additional tasks on your itinerary sheet. 1. Go along Bistriţei Street. Turn left into Independenţei Street. You will get to the cheese market. Go in, visit it. What products does it offer? Which products are specific to our area? (photograph)/ traditional products/dialogue with the shop assistants. 2. Go back a little and then go down Doamna Neaga Street. On the right you will find the Shop Gustul Dacic (The Dacian Taste). What products does it offer? (photograph)/ traditional products/dialogue with the shop assistants. 3. On the left, go towards the Central Market (Piaţa Centrală) again. Go inside. On the left you will see the Shop La Sibianu. (photograph)/ traditional products/dialogue with the shop assistants. 4. You are in the Central Market. Take photographs of the abundance of products in the market. Interview a shop assistant/ vegetable and fruit producer. Are the products offered bio/ecological? 5. Go on the passage between the two markets and enter B 90 Market. Visit the cheese shops. (photograph)/ traditional products/dialogue with the shop assistants. 7. We will meet in Dacia Square (Piaţa Dacia)/Faust Shop at 1 pm. Final product: Make a Power Point presentation (maximum 15 slides), using the photographs that you have taken and the information that you have found.
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
Page 17
Market assessment Your tasks were to promote/ sell traditional products on the market. Working in groups, discuss things that worked and thinks that do not on the market and write down your conclussions. 1. Selling process: A. Promotional material (leaflets, fliers,...)
B. Stand decoration (product display , posters,...)
C.Sales control and accountancy (sales registering, stock control,...)
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
Page 18
Evaluarea vânzării Sarcina voastră a fost să promovaţi/ vindeţi produse tradiţionale pe o piaţă internaţională. În echipe de 5 elevi discutaţi care au fost punctele tari şi slabe ale demersului vostru şi faceţi propuneri de îmbunătăţire. 1. Procesul de vânzare A. Material promoţionale (pliante, fluturaşi...)
B. Decorarea standului (aranjarea produselor, afişe,...)
C.Controlul vânzărilor şi înregistrarea în contabilitate(înregistrarea vânzărilor, controlul stocurilor...)
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
Page 19
D. Animation (tasting, talking with potential customers,...)
E. Direct selling (some students talking and selling close to the stand, students offering products around the market,.)
2. Proposals for improvement.
3. Final evaluation statement (one or two sentences)
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
Page 20
D. Animatie (degustări, dialog cu potenţiali clienţi...)
E. Vânzarea directă ( elevi care oferă produsele în afara standului, sunt mobili…)
2. Propuneri de îmbunătăţire
3. Evaluare finală (una sau două propoziţii)
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
Page 21
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
Page 22