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Economic College Buzau

Student name: Petre Ionela Andreea Class: a XI-a A Teacher coordinator: Postovei Catalina

1. Indirect research 1.1. Research objectives 1.2. Project activities 1.3. Results of the project development 1.4. Skills acquired by students 2. Direct research 2.1. Research limitations 2.2. Methods for gathering information 3. Analysis and processing of informations 4. Final report 5. Proposals to promote the project 6. Bibliographic

Between 2013-2015 Economic College Buzau decided to pay attention to acquiring entrepreneurial skills of students by developing bilateral Comenius project "Opportunities for learning olefins entrepreneurship". The main goal of the project is acquiring by students to foster entrepreneurial skills on the labor market in Europe.

Improving english langue skills

Identifying opportunities of business

Improving teamworking skills

Developing creativity

The O.L.E. project has many advantages , and these are reflected in the results of teachers, students, school or local community.


For teachers:


For pupils:


For school: Modernization of the educational process.

Strengthening the European dimension in education through cooperation between school from different countries


For the local community:

Develop knowledge of English

Improving teamwork skills Improving entrepreneuria l ability

Developing creativity


In developing investigation we bear in mind the time constraints, budget and space. Time limits: the entire project was completed in about 6 weeks.


Budget limits: research budget was one restrains costs are made only for developing questionnaires and final project presentation.


The limits of space: the research was conducted in the Economic College Buzau.

Usually, when we refer to establish the methods of collecting information, we think especially the advantages and disadvantages that have applied new interview.Therefore, personal interview conducted has both advantages and disadvantages.


Advantages personal interview


Disadvantages personal interview


In marketing research, questionnaire was applied to a sample of 160 students, of which 52,5% (84 people) are masculine, and 47,5% (76 people) are feminine. Kind Female 47%

Male 53%

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From the data analysis, results that: 23,75% of all students (38 people) are ninth grade; 23,13% of all students (37 people) are tenth grade; 29,38% of all students (47 people) are Class XI; 16,87% of all students (27 people) are class XII; 6,87% of all students (11 people) high school graduate (class of 2014).

TheClasa class 47 38

37 27 11

aa IX-a IX-a

a X-a

a aXI-a XI-a

a XII-a

Absolventi Graduate Absolventi



Of all students, 69 students, 43,1% are residing in urban areas and the remaining 56,9% of students (91 people) are part of the countryside.




Of all students, 86.25% (138 people) know that high school is involved in international projects, while 13.75% (22 people) do not know this.


Out of 160 students, only 79% (127 people) know that Comenius project name is OLE 2013-2015 and the remaining 21% (33 people) do not know the name of the project.

Name Comenius frames of the project (2013 - 2015) is O.L.E.

Another response(BION,GREEN JOBS, Ibrave)


77,5% of students, a total of 124 people have known that another over the country involved in the project is Spain and the other 22,5% gave other answers such as: France,Turkey, Italy or England.


Of all students, 70,6% ie 113 people have known that Postovei Catalina is the project coordinator and the other 29,4% did not know this.


According to research done, the students responding to the question "How did you hear about the project?":


After students have answered the questionnaire, we found that a percentage of 24,38% of the students (39 persons) participated in a project phase and the remaining 75,62% (121 students) did not participate.


Desires students questioned about their willingness to engage in a European project are materialized as follows:


The advantages involvement in a European project were appreciated by students polled as follows:


The improvement of knowledge of English

The improvement The improvement Creativity qualities IT

team working skills


The improvement entrepreneurial qualities


Meanwhile, students and various topics proposed for future European project:  Promote BIO products,  healthy food  Sports Competitions  handmade contests  Competitions dances in the country of origin  Recycling bottles  Educational games, posters, drawings, collages on folk traditions.

Following the investigation carried out on a sample of 260 people, we reviewed all aspects of starting and developing a European project The goal was acquiring entrepreneurial skills to students to foster their integration into the labor market in Europe. All objectives mentioned in the research conducted were successfully met as students Economic College Buzau have shown responsibility and good organization of all activities. In conclusion, I believe that these European projects develop both intellectual abilities of students, and their creativity.

Being a high school known for its projects European Economic College students Buzau propose ideas to involve people in these activities:  Through the Internet: advertisements, photo collages  By creating some online sites  By distributing leaflets  By presenting video videos in high school.

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Ilie Suzana,Tanislav Cristina, Postovei Catalina, Marketingul in business, class XI, Oscar Print, Bucharest 2007.

Colegiul Economic Buzau

Nume eleva: Petre Ionela Andreea Clasa: a XI-a A Profesor coordonator: Postovei Catalina

1. Cercetarea indirecta 1.1.Obiectivele cercetarii 1.2.Activitatile proiectului 1.3.Rezultate obtinute in urma derularii proiectului 1.4.Competente dobandite de elevii participanti 2. Cercetarea directa 2.1. Limitele cercetarii 2.2. Metode de culegere a informatiilor 3. Analiza si prelucrarea informatiilor 4. Raportul final 5. Propuneri de promovarea a proiectului 6. Repere bibliografice

In perioada 2013-2015 Colegiul Economic Buzau a decis sa acorde o atentie sporita dobandirii de competente antreprenoriale de catre elevi prin derularea proiectului bilateral Comenius: „OLE- Opportunities for learning entrepreneurship�. Scopul principal al proiectului este dobandirea de catre elevi de abilitati antreprenoriale care să favorizeze insertia pe piata muncii din Europa.

Imbunatatirea abilitatilor de lb engleza

Identificarea oportunitatilor de afaceri

Imbunatatirea abilitatilor de lucru in echipa

Dezvoltarea creativitatii

Proiectul O.L.E. are multe avantaje, iar acestea se reflecta in rezultatele obtinute de profesori, elevi, scoala sau comunitatea locala.


Pentru profesori:


Pentru elevi:


Pentru scoala:


Pentru comunitatea locala:

Dezvoltarea cunostintelor de limba engleza

Imbunatatirea abilitatilor de lucru in echipa

Imbunatatirea abilitatilor antreprenoriale

Dezvoltarea creativitatii

In elaborarea investigatiei, am avut in vedere si limitele de timp, de buget si spatiu. ď‚—

Limitele de timp: Intregul proiect a fost finalizat in aproximativ 6 saptamani.


Limitele de buget: Bugetul cercetarii a fost unul restrains, costurile fiind facute doar pentru elaborarea chestioanrelor si prezentarea proiectului final.


Limitele de spatiu: Cercetarea s-a desfasurat in cadrul Colegiului Economic Buzau.

De obicei, cand ne referim la stabilirea metodelor de culegere a informatiilor, ne gandim mai ales la avantajele si dezavantajele pe care le are interviul aplicat de noi. De aceea, interviul personal realizat, are atat avantaje, cat si dezavantaje.


Avantajele interviului personal


Dezavantajele interviului personal


In cadrul cercetarii de marketing, chestionarul a fost aplicat pe un esantion de 160 elevi, din care 52,5%(84 persoane) sunt de genul masculin, iar 47,5%(76 persoane) sunt de genul feminin.

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Din analiza informatiilor, rezulta faptul ca : 23,75% din totalul elevilor (38 persoane) sunt clasa a IX-a; 23,13% din totalul elevilor(37 persoane) sunt clasa a X-a; 29,38% din totalul elevilor (47 persoane) sunt clasa a XI-a; 16,87% din totalul elevilor (27 persoane) sunt clasa a XII-a; 6,87% din totalul elevilor (11 persoane) absolventi ai liceului(promotia 2014).

Clasa 47 38

37 27 11

a IX-a a IX-a

X-a aaX-a

aaXI-a XI-a

a XII-a a XII-a Absolventi Absolventi


Din totalul elevilor, 69 elevi, adica 43,1% sunt domiciliati in mediul urban, iar restul de 56,9% din elevi (91 persoane) fac parte din mediul rural.


Din totalul elevilor, 86,25% (138 persoane) cunosc ca liceul este implicat in proiecte international, in timp ce 13,75% (22 persoane), nu cunosc acest lucru.


Din totalul elevilor de 160, doar 79% (127 persoane) cunosc faptul ca numele proiectului Comenius 20132015 este O.L.E. , iar restul de 21% (33 persoane) nu cunosc numele proiectului.


77,5% din elevi, adica un numar de 124 persoane au cunoscut faptul ca cealalalta tara implicata in proiect este Spania, iar ceilalti 22,5% au dat alte raspunsuri precum: Franta, Turcia, Italia sau Anglia.


Din totalul elevilor, 113 persoane adica 70,6% au cunoscut faptul ca Postovei Catalina este coordonatorul proiectului, iar ceilalti 29,4% nu au stiut acest lucru.

Conform cercetarii facute, elevii au raspuns astfel la intrebarea “Cum ai auzit despre proiect?”:


Dupa ce elevii au raspuns chestionarului, am aflat faptul ca un procent de 24,38%din elevi (39 persoane) au participat intr-o etapa a proiectului, iar restul de 75,62%(121 elevi) nu au participat.


Dorintele elevilor chestionati cu privire la dorinta lor de a se implica intr-un proiect European, sunt concretizate astfel:


Avantajele implicarii intr-un proiect European au fost apreciate de elevii chestionati astfel:

Elevii au propus diferite tematici pentru un viitor proiect European:  Promovarea produselor BIO  Hrana sanatoasa  Competitii sportive  Concursuri handmade  Competitii de dansuri folclorice din tara de origine  Reciclarea peturilor  Jocuri educative, afise, desene, colaje cu privire la traditii 

In urma anchetei derulate pe un esantion de 260 de persoane, am trecut in revista toate aspectele legate de initierea si dezvoltarea unui proiect European. Scopul proiectului a fost dobandirea de catre elevi de abilitati antreprenoriale care să favorizeze inserĹŁia pe piaĹŁa muncii din Europa.Toate obiectivele mentionate in cercetarea derulata, au fost indeplinite cu succes, deoarece elevii Colegiului Economic Buzau au dat dovada de responsabilitate si o buna organizare a intregii activitati. In concluzie, consider ca aceste proiecte europene dezvolta atat abilitatile intelectuale ale elevilor, cat si creativitatea acestora.

Fiind un liceu binecunoscut pentru proiectele sale europene, elevii Colegiului Economic Buzau propun idei pentru a implica oamenii in aceste activitati:  Prin intermediul internetului: reclame, colaje foto.  Prin distribuirea pliantelor  Prin prezentarea unor filmulete video in cadrul liceului  Prin creearea unor site-uri online

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Ilie Suzana,Tanislav Cristina, Postovei Catalina, Marketingul afacerilor-manual clasa a XI-a, editura Oscar Print, Bucuresti 2007.

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