78, N O . 3
In today's global economy, UMR students like Ross Lloyd are logging on for an "Education that Fits."
MSM-UMR Alumni Association R e p r e s e n t i_n g
o ver 4 6 , 0 0 0
ni w
Castleman Hall • University of Missouri-Rolla • 1870 Miner Circle • Rolla, MO 65409-0650 • Telephone (573) 341-4145 • Fax: (978) 926-7986 • email: alumni@umr.edu • http://alumni.umr.edu
Baytown, Texas (zebnash@msm.umr.edu)
Columbia, Mo. (Ihendren@ess-inc.com)
Chamber o f Com m erce Member
Sugar Land, Texas (kdan@airmail.net)
St. Louis, Mo. (srothsch@swbell.net)
Rolla, Mo. (ramsayd@umr.edu)
Manchester, Mo. (jvaninger@charter.net)
San Marino, Calif, (kgrpet@aol.com)
Spring, Texas (perrin.roller@msm.umr.edu)
Danbury, Conn, (susane@us.ibm.com)
Rolla, Mo. (jerryb@umr.edu)
Rolla, Mo. (elgin@rollanet.org)
PIRECTORS-AT-LARGE DAVID L. BEGLEY, 73, Longmont, Colo, (begleys@comcast.net) ROGER A. DORF, '65, Austin, Texas (dorfskier@aol.com) GARY W. HINES, '95, Olathe, Kan. (gary.w.hines@sscgp.com)
KRAIG KREIKEMEIER, '63, St. Louis, Mo. (kraigk1@aol.com) JORGE A. OCHOA, '85, Redmond, Wash, (jochoa@comcast.net) JANET WICKEY-SPENCE, '85, Kirkwood, Mo. (janetwi@ sbcglobal.net)
AREA DIRECTORS Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 5 Area 6 Area 7 Area 8 Area 9 Areas 10-18 Areas 10-18
JENNIFER POSDA, 76, Trenton, N.J. (jenposda@msm.umr.edu) ROBERT J. SCANLON, 73, Brookeville, Md. (rjscanlon@msm.umr.edu) JOHN R. DALTON, '88, Coker, Ala. (packerpalaceal@aol.com) LEROY E. THOMPSON, '56, Pensacola, Fla. (thompson@c3ts.com) LISA (WILLHAUS) GIBSON, '93, W est Chester, Ohio (gibson.lg@pg.com) MARVIN E. BORGMEYER, 74, Baton Rouge, La. (borg769@aol.com) BRIAN T. CALL, '97, Lowpoint, III. (Call_Brian_T@cat.com) RICHARD W. EIMER JR., 71, Decatur, III. (cocoabean77@insightbb.com) JOHN P. "PETE" LEGSDIN, 70, Louisville, Ky. (m_legsdin@msn.com) RICHARD R. ARNOLDY, '69, St. Louis, Mo. (arnoldrr@arcol.com) ERNEST K. BANKS, '81, St. Louis, Mo. (ernie.banks@tycohealthcare.com)
Areas 10-18 Areas 10-18 Areas 10-18 Areas 10-18 Areas 10-18 Area 19 Area 20 Area 21 Area 22 Area 23 Area 24
RANDALL G. DREILING, '81, St. Louis, Mo. (randy@design9.com) JOHN R. FRERKING, '87, Kansas City, Mo. (jfrerki@burnsmcd.com) MICHAEL D. HURST, 74, St. Louis, Mo. (mhurst@mccarthy.com) KELLEY (JOZWIAK) THOMAS, '91, Kirkwood, Mo. (mkthomas@networkusa.net) KEITH WEDGE, 70, Rolla, Mo. (wedge@rollanet.org) WILLIS J. WILSON, 73, Cassoday, Kan. (willis_wilson@ msm.umr.edu) LINDA K. (MOORE) WRIGHT, '88, Houston, Texas (linda.k.wright@exxonmobil.com) DAVID B. AKERS, P.E., '82, Phoenix, Ariz. (dakers20@cox.net) NORBERT F. NEUMANN, '52, Salt Lake City, Utah (nneumann@comcast.net) DENNIS LEITTERMAN, 76, Sunnyvale, Calif, (dennis_leitterman@hp.com) H. PAT DUVALL, '62, Seattle, Wash, (hpduvall@comcast.net)
STUDENT REPRESENTATIV ES JULIA ROSEMANN, Student Council President (jcr26e@umr.edu) ANDREW DRAKER, Student Union Board (adraker@umr.edu) MARTY RUST, Graduate Student Representative (marust@umr.edu)
COMMITTEE CHAIRS HENRY E. BROWN, '68, Cincinnati, Ohio (brownhe@fuse.net) DAVID W. DEARTH, '68, Rolla, Mo. (dearth@fidnet.com) JOHN F. EASH, 79, St. Charles, Mo. (john.f.eash@boeing.com) RON JAGELS, '86, St. Louis, MO. (rjagels@msm.umr.edu)
ED MIDDEN III, '69, Springfield, III. (hemiddeniii@worldnet.att.net) ROBERT R. MORRISON JR., 71, Naperville, III. (theromorco@aol.com) CRAIG S. O'DEAR, 79, Kansas City, Mo. (csodear@bryancave.com)
PAST PRESIDENTS ARTHUR G. BAEBLER, '55, Grantwood Village, Mo. (ivbaeb@charter.net) RICHARD H. BAUER, '51, St. Louis, Mo. (rhbswb@charter.net) ROBERT D. BAY, '49, Chesterfield, Mo. (rdbay673@yahoo.com) ROBERT T. BERRY, 72, St. Louis, Mo. (bob_berry@msm.umr.edu) JAMES E. BERTELSMEYER, '66, Tulsa, Okla. (hpg1@msn.com) ROBERT M. BRACKBILL, '42, Dallas, Texas (rbrackbill@hotmail.com) MATTEO A. COCO, '66, Affton, Mo. (cocohm@sbcglobal.net) PAUL T. DOWLING '40, St Louis, Mo
RAYMOND 0. KASTEN, '43, Kansas City, Mo JAMES B. MCGRATH, '49, St Louis, Mo MELVIN E. NICKEL, '38, Chicago, III JAMES R. PATTERSON, '54, Sikeston, Mo. (jrpat@charter.net) LAWRENCE A. SPANIER, '50, Jupiter, Fla. (revellee@aol.com) GERALD L. STEVENSON, '59, Highland City, Fla. (esteven545@aol.com) JOHN B. TOOMEY, '49, Lorton, Va. (starrmgmt@aol.com)
STAFF LINDSAY LOMAX BAGNALL, 76, Executive Vice President, MSM-UMR Alumni Association (lindsayb@umr.edu) MARIANNE A. WARD, Assistant Director (mward@umr.edu) STEPHANIE MARTENSEN, Coordinator of Alumni Sections (smarten@umr.edu) BETTY J. VOLOSIN, Administrative Assistant (bjv@umr.edu) RENEE D. STONE, Administrative Assistant (renees@umr.edu)
FALL 2004
VOL. 78, NO. 3
Table o f C o n t e n t s
Ross Lloyd D ialing up from the la n d dow n u n d e r 11 10 myths about distance n catio u ed Bob Langan - The evolution Greg els G G lobal is m n eco Greg & M ic h e lle N elson In a cla Doug H einrich N ot so distant ed Steve Dism uke Into the fa r reaches M e lin d a M o rg a n O nline and loving Rolando A v ila - From m e d icin e to m e a s u re m e n ts 20 Randy Canis - L a w an d Order: s p e c ia l teaching u n it 21 Ken R agsdell - Turning education u p s id e -d o w n 22 Program s and C o n fe re n c e s 23 R ichard Frueh - P rofessional developm ent drive t i m e Live from UMR... It's the D C E 25 -
Australian native Ross Lloyd, an assistant engineering manager for Singapore Airlines, is working on liis master's degree in systems engineering through UMR's online program. Read his and other stories beginning on page 11
________ IT________ P rofile of V o lu n te e rs ................... 61-72 More than 1,700 alumni, parents and friends donated their time and talents to advance UMR this past year.
DEPARTMENTS Letters............................................................................................... 3 Around Campus........................................................................ 26-31 Research News........................................................................ 32-33 B rie fly ....................................................................................... 34-35 Miner S p orts............................................................................ 36-37 Association News.................................................................... 38-39 Section N e w s .......................................................................... 40-43 Alumni Notes............................................................................ 44-55 M em o ria ls................................................................................ 56-59 DONOR PROFILE Toomey Family................................................................................73 MSM-UMR ALUMNUS / Fall 2004
E ntrepreneurs
L eaders
We want your stories for a new series in the Alumnus and on the web
A decade ago, the MSM-UMR Alumnus began a series of special issues focusing on entrepreneurship and leadership. Through the process of preparing those special issues, we identified more than 1,000 alumni entrepreneurs and hundreds of alumni CEOs, presidents, vice presidents and other leaders from the corporate and non-profit sectors. Now as we continue our mission of preparing today’s students to become tomorrow’s leaders and entrepreneurs, we’re seeking to measure how well we’re doing and to feature some of our more recent leaders in the magazine and on a new website. To stand up and be counted
and to be considered for the magazine or website, please complete the form below and fax it to the UMR Office of Public Relations at (573) 341-6157. Or email the information to news@umr.edu, or mail this form to our office at 105-A Campus Support Facility, 1870 Miner Circle, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65409-0220.
Information Form
Name:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company/Organization:__________________________________________________________________________________________ Degree(s) and year(s) of graduation:_______________________________________________________________________________ M ailing Address:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email:____________________ ;_________________________________________ Telephone:__________________________________ Do you know of a fe llo w graduate who should be included in our records? If so, please provide the name, title , address, phone number and email address h e re ._____________________________________________
' Theright leader at the right time' Speaking to a gathering of alumni during his first Homecoming as UMFI's chancellor in 2000, Gary Thomas spelled out his three priorities for the university: "enrollment, enrollment, enrollment." The phrase soon became a mantra for the campus, where student population had been flagging since 1993. Thomas quickly set forth a plan to stem the tide. It involved making some tough, culture-changing decisions: expanding academic programs beyond the campus' traditional engineering base, creating partnerships with community colleges, reorganizing UMFI's administration to allow for more effective management, and encouraging the growth of new educational ventures, such as UMFI's distance and continuing education program, the subject of this issue of the magazine. Thomas' strategy paid off, as every semester since fall 2000 saw an increase in the number o f students enrolled in UMFI programs. This fall's total enrollment, for instance, stands at nearly 16 percent above the fall 2000 figure. While that growth is impressive in itself, it's an astounding feat when you consider that it occurred during a time o f unprecedented budget cuts and tuition increases. Growing UMFI's enrollment is just one of the many significant - and positive changes that have occurred under Thomas' leadership, which is drawing to a close. As this issue was going to press, Thomas announced that he plans to retire from the office in September 2005, at the close o f his five-year contract. He'll be leaving behind a stronger university. As Alumni Association President Zeb Nash, ChE'72, puts it: "Gary Thomas was the right leader at the right time for UMP. He has done a tremendous job o f changing the culture and the environment on campus, all for the better, and is to be commended for addressing systemic issues that have needed to be addressed for a long time. From the alumni association's standpoint, Chancellor Thomas has done yeoman's work to strengthen relations between alumni and the university." We w ill devote more space to Chancellor Thomas and his impact on the campus in an upcoming issue. For now, please join us in wishing him well during his final year leading UMP to even greater heights.
The M SM -U M R Alumni Association publishes the MSM-UMR Alumnus to communicate and reflect the past, current and future interests of the alumni of the Missouri School of Mines and the University of Missouri-Rolla. U N IV E R S IT Y OF M IS S O U R I-R O L L A CHANCELLOR Gary Thomas M S M -U M R A L U M N I A SS O C IA TIO N P R E S ID E N T Zebulun Nash, 7 2 E X E C U T IV E V IC E PRE S ID E N T Lindsay Lomax Bagnall. 7 6 The MSM-UMR Alumnus is written, edited, and designed by the staff of the UMR Publications Department, the UMR Public Relations Department, and the M SM -U M R Alumni Association. ART & P R O D U C TIO N E D IT O R Rebecca Frisbee, ’90 E D ITO R S (Alumni) Marianne Ward (News & Features) Andrew Careaga ASSOCIATE EDITO R S Claire Faucett John Kean Mindy Limback Mary Helen Stoltz, ’95 A L U M N I SEC TIO N S E D IT O R Stephanie Martensen A L U M N I NOTES E D IT O R Tracy Wilson C O N T R IB U T IN G W R IT E R Amy Edwards P R O D U C TIO N ASSISTANTS Tricia Murphy Ian Nance Joann Stiritz Shannon Stites S TU D E N T ASSISTANT Sherryl Lian
LETTER TO THE ED ITO R I thoroughly enjoyed the last issue of the Alumnus magazine. I like to think that each graduate (especially the '49 Class) would be more than qualified to be a taste tester for A-B. I noticed on page 8 that in 1933 there was the U.S. Capitol pictured at the end of Pestalozzi Street. One more beer, please. Al Seelig ME'49, St. Louis EDITOP'S NOTE: That is indeed the U.S. Capitol in the background of the photo. The Clydesdales were not on Pestalozzi Street, as the caption indicated, but were delivering beer to the White House on the repeal of Prohibition. We regret the error.
M S M -U M R Alumnus (USPS 323-500) (ISSN 1084-6948) is issued four times per year (March. June. September. December) in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Missouri-Rolla. The M SM -UM R Alumnus is published by the M S M -U M R Alumni Association, Castleman Hall, 1870 Miner Circle, Rolla. M O 654090650. Periodicals postage paid at Rolla, Mo., and additional mailing offices. POSTM ASTER: Send address changes to M S M -UM R Alumnus. Castleman Hall. PO Box 249, Rolla. M O 65402-0249.
Mindy Limback (limbackm@umr.edu) and Claire Faucett (denboc@umr.edu)
Singapore More and more UMR students these days are opting to hitch a ride on fiber-optic or wireless highways, logging on to class from Seattle, Houston, Philadelphia and Singapore. Their goals range from earning an advanced degree to taking professional development hours to maintain their engineering license. And although many earned their undergraduate degrees from UMR, others chose to continue their education with UMR instead of other universities because, as one student put it, UMR offered "the best education for the costs." Whether it's taking a few courses to maintain their engineering license or earning one of the 14 different graduate certificates offered, UMR distance students are able to learn through live online instruction as well as through video archives, mailed CD ROMs and DVDs, and face-to-face communication, says Vicki Gibbons, coordinator of
Chicago distance and continuing education for the UMR School of Engineering. And for those seeking to obtain a graduate degree, UMR offers five masters programs via the Internet - engineering management, manufacturing engineering, mining engineering, systems engineering and geotechnics. To ensure that these programs reflect the quality of UMR's traditional programs, most classes are taught simultaneously to on- and off-campus students. Distance students receive the same tests, homework assignments and grading as those in the traditional classroom. Distance students receive the added benefit of viewing the video archives if they have to miss class because of business trips or want to review the material, says Henry W iebe, vice provost of UMR Global. They also have a contact point in Gibbons or the Video Communications Center.
Alaska Of course, there are benefits to the professors too. Just ask Antonio Nanni, the Vernon and Maralee Jones Missouri Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering, who taught a civil engineering course to five UMR students and 24 Italian students while on sabbatical in Naples, Italy. "Internetbased, long-distance education is a critical tool for future education efforts," Nanni explains. During the Naples experience, "The big winners were the Italian students who felt they were somehow part of UMR," Nanni says. "We hope to recruit some of them for graduate school."
TRULY GLOBAL UMR also has a presence in many countries across the globe. Twenty UMR geology and geological engineering students traveled to South Africa this past June to study the formation of
St. Louis the rocks, the layering and when they were formed. Greg Gelles, chair and professor of economics and finance at UMR, just returned from a one-year term as dean of Mazoon College in Muscat, Oman. UMR also has partnerships with 130 colleges and universities in more than 35 countries where UMR students can participate in a full-time academic program, sign up for a few hours and a concurrent part-time internship, or even devote one semester of full-time study, followed by a one-semester internship. Through a prior agreement with their departments, students can transfer the courses back to UMR and fulfill requirements here, and their financial aid applies just as it would if they were studying in Rolla. Closer to home, the Engineering Education Center in St. Louis has awarded more than 2,500 master of science degrees in 10 different areas
Oman since it opened in 1964. At Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., each year between 80 and 100 U.S. Army officers receive their master's degrees through a program between UMR and the Army Engineering School. The university doesn't focus solely on college students, though. From learning about the history of flight, astronomy and space exploration in UMR's Aerospace Camp to the latest hydrogen fuel cell research at the first-ever Fly-Tech Camps, students as young as 12 are learning about the possibilities of the future through several pre-college programs. UMR's distance and continuing education program also touches hundreds of working professionals in the United States through a variety of conferences, allowing them to continue their education without going back for a formal education. These include the Fifth International Conference on Case
Nevada, Mo. Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, which was conducted by UMR in New York this past spring, and the 46th annual UMR Asphalt Conference held in Rolla. These two conferences alone drew more than 700 people, says Sue Turner, manager of distance and continuing education. For UMR, it's all about offering an "Education that Fits." To get a glimpse of UMR's global classroom, open this map. Then turn the page to read first-hand accounts of how UMR gives students the opportunity to continue their education without having to sacrifice their lifestyles or their careers.
th at
Students in 25 states and five different locations abroad A u stralia, Italy, Japan, the M a rs h a ll Islands and Singapore -
are earning degrees, certificates and continuing education credits through UMR's distance and continuing education programs.
UMR OFFICE OF DISTANCE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION 103 ME Annex • 1870 Miner Circle • University of Missouri-Rolla • Rolla, MO 65409-1560 Phone:(573)341-4132 • Email: dce@umr.edu • Web: campus.umr.edu/dce
f^ o ) ____________
U.S. students are logging into UMR from the following states: Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Delaware Florida Hawaii Illinois Iowa Kansas Louisiana
Maine Maryland Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Jersey Oklahoma Pennsylvania Texas Utah Virginia Washington
Dots indicate countries with a UMR connection
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Partnerships Students Both
UMR Global Partnerships AFRICA Botswana: University of Botswana South Africa: University of the Western Cape; University of Stellenbosch; University of Pretoria
ASIA/MIDDLE EAST China: Harbin Institute; China Institute of Mining and Technology; Taiwan Chaoyang Institute of Technology; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Japan: Akita University; Okayama University; Chiba Institute of Technology; Tohoku University Korea: Daejeon University; Myongji University; Handong University Malaysia: INTI College Oman: Mazoon College Republic of Georgia: Akai Tsereteli State University; Kutaisi State Technical University Turkey: Bilkent University; Middle East Technical University
AUSTRALIA Australia: Curtin University of Technology; University of Queensland; University of New South Wales; University of South Australia; University of Western Australia; Western Australia School of Mines; Monash University
EUROPE Austria: Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences; Karl Franzens Universitat, Graz; Technische Universitat Wien;
Montanuniversitat Leoben Belgium: Hautes Etudes Commerciales Liege*; Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg*; University Libre de Bruxelles; Universiteit Antwerpen Czech Republic: Masaryk University; Technical University of Ostrava Denmark: Aarhus Universitet; Technical University of Denmark England: University of Hertsfordshire Finland: Satakunta Polytechnic*; Rovaniemen Polytechnic*; University of Helsinki France: Rennes International School of Business; Universite des Sciences et Technologies; Universite Robert Schuman; Universite Louis Pasteur; Institut National Polytechnique; Ecole des Mines de Nantes; Ecole des Mines de St. Etienne; Ecole des Mines d'AIbi; EN de I'Aviation Civile; EN des Ponts et Chaussees; EN du Genie Rural des Eaus et Forets; ENS de LAuronautique et de LEspace; ENS de I’Electronique et ses Applications; ENS d'lngenieurs de Constructions Aeronautiques; ENS de Mechanique et d'Aerotechnique; ENS des Telecommunications de Bretagne; Fondation EPF; Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine; Institut National des Sciences Appliquees, Lyon; Institut National des Sciences Appliquees, Toulouse; Institut Superieur d'Electronique de Paris; Universite de Technologie de Compeigne; Universite de Technologie de Troyes; Universite de Technologie de BelfortMontbeliard
Germany: Freiberg University of Mining and Technology; Fachhochschule Aachen fur Wirtschaft; Polytechnic University-Aix-La-Chapelle; Max Plank; Aachen University of Applied Sciences; Freiberg University of Mining and Technology; Universitat Leipzig; Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg; Universitat Friedrich Alexander; Fachhochschule Munchen; Hochschule Bremen; Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft Mittweida; RWTH Aachen; Technische Fachhochschule Berlin; Technische Universitat Dresden; Technische Universitat Munchen; Universitat Stuttgart; Ruhr Universitat Bochum
Fundamental Technical Research Portugal: Universidade de Coimbra Russia: Academy of Sciences of the Urals; Institute for Applied and Theoretical Electromagnetics Slovenia: Univerza v Ljubljana Spain: Universidad Computense de Madrid; Universidad de Murcia; Universidad Pontifica de Madrid; Universidad de Sevilla; Escuela Superior de Ingenieros de Bilbao Sweden: Lund University Switzerland: Universitat Basel
Greece: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Wales: University of Wales, Swansea
Hungary: Technical University of Budapest
Iceland: University of Iceland
Brazil: Federal University of PARA; Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Ireland: University College Dublin; National University of Ireland Italy: L'Aquila University; Universita degli Studi di Padova; Universita degli Studi di Bologna; Universita degli Studi di Lecce; University of Architecture, Venice; University of Trento Malta: University of Malta The Netherlands: Limburg Business School*; Hogeschool Zuyd*; University of Utrecht; Utrecht School of the Arts Norway: University of Bergen Poland: Wroclaw Technical University; Silesian University of Technology; Jagiellonian University Krakow; Institute of
Chile: University Catholica De Valparaiso: Universidad de la Serena Ecuador: Universidad de Santiago de Guayaquil; Okayama University Mexico: Universidad Regiomontana; Universidad Autonom De Zacatecas; Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa; Tech de Monterrey (ITESM) Venezula: Universidad Simon Bolivar * indicates school is a member of the Magellan Exchange
More than just online courses by Amy Edwards (acewv8@umr.edu)
They're studying g e ology in South A fric a , lea rn in g to fly p la n e s in H olla, an d cre atin g fire w o rk s displays throughout M is s o u ri - a ll fo r class . U M R 's d istance an d continuing ed u catio n (DCE) o ffice offers students m uch m ore than the online en g in eerin g courses th at m ig h t com e to m in d w h en DCE is m entionedl H ere are a f e w o f D C E s m ore unu sual offerings:
Commercial Pyrotechnics Operations, the nation s only pyrotechnics course offered for college credit, shows students how to light up the skies. In the three-hour class, students set up and orchestrate fireworks displays at events throughout Missouri. The class is offered as an off-campus course, and students, some from as far away as New York, learn about the safety, design, choreography, permitting and setting up of big displays.
University of Missouri-South Africa Exchange Program. In the Cape Town area, students visited such South African destinations as Robben Island, Table Mountain and the Cape of Good Hope. Geographic mapping in the Cape Fold and Thurst Belt near Langdon, South Africa, highlighted the course, though the four-week trip also included visits to several of South Africa's many mines. CO SM IC DEBRIS AIMO LIGHTNING
For 20 years, DCE has offered Private Pilot Ground School, where students get a general introduction to aviation to prepare them for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Private Pilot written exam. "This test is required for a private pilot license, the first license that allows a person to carry passengers in a plane," says experienced pilot and licensed ground school instructor Robert E. Oetting, course instructor and professor emeritus of mechanical and aerospace engineering. The course covers the theory of flight, communication procedures, use of the flight computer, aviation weather, visual and radio navigation, and federal aviation regulations. A CLASS YO U’LL REALLY CIO
Last summer students flew from Missouri to South Africa for the UMR Geology Summer Field Camp Though this camp was centered out of Cedar City, Utah, for 35 years, professors from the University of Western Cape in Cape Town, South Africa, invited the crew to spend last summer in their homeland as part of the
Space Debris and Lightning and Lightning Protection are two seminars offered online for professional development hours (which are necessary for professional engineers to stay licensed). Space Debris answers questions that every aerospace fanatic must ponder. Where does space debris come from? How can we protect a spacecraft from damage by space debris impacts? Is there any way to clean up the near-Earth region of space? Will the situation improve or worsen in the future? Lightning and Lightning Protection discusses devices and techniques for protecting people, structures and electronic devices from lightning.
Whether staring at a computer screen or gazing out the window of a plane headed to South Africa , students in these courses realize that DCE has given them something special, something they can carry with them to assist their studies and careers.
(866) 867-4723 • CAM PUS.UM R.EDU/DCE/
UMR D is t a n c e D D o n tin u in g E d u c a tio i i
DIALING UP from the land
down under by M indy Limback (limbackm@umr.edu)
"The degree was offered through Boeing, and I had a choice between UMR and the University of Southern California. I chose UMR because of the subjects offered. Also, the video streaming and class delivery w as first-class . " Floss Lloyd
Photo by Asia Images Group/Simon Taplin
A love of aviation comes naturally to 54-year-old Ross Lloyd, now an assistant engineering manager for Singapore Airlines. From building his first model plane out of balsa wood at age 5 to jumping off the garage roof with his father’s parachute (which of course never opened in time), the Australian native always wanted to know more about aircrafts. While working for Boeing Australia as a systems engineering manager, Lloyd was encouraged by the company to pursue his desire to learn more. “At the time, there were no systems engineering degrees in Brisbane, Australia,” Lloyd explains. “The degree was offered through Boeing, and I had a choice between UMR and the University of Southern California. I chose UMR because of the subjects offered. Also, the video streaming and class delivery was first-class.” Lloyd completed a graduate certificate in systems engineering in 2003 and is working to earn his master’s degree in systems engineering through the UMR online program.
“Systems engineering is more suited for those who have been in industry because it relies on experiences and lessons learned from others,” Lloyd says. “The more diverse the background of the students, the more the other students get out of the class.” His leadership and technical skills helped him become a fellow of the United Kingdom-based Royal Aeronautical Society and a technical fellow of The Boeing Co. But it was his devotion to animals that led him to become a registered Australian native-animal rescuer. “Most of the animals I had in care while taking graduate courses from UMR were ringtail possums around 25 over the period - and a few brushtail possums,” Lloyd says. “Unfortunately I can’t continue this in Singapore, but I intend on becoming a Friend of the Singapore Zoo to carry out some volunteer work there, especially with Australian native animals.”
Gibbons: I think the online teaching experience is more organized, which can be seen in the classroom as well. Fve had professors tell me that before teaching online courses, they used to just go in and lecture the same thing they had been lecturing for years. Now they present PowerPoint slides and other visual methods, so it makes it a more organized effort.
Photo by Bob Phelan/Photomasters
# 3 . Online courses are simplistic and watered-down versions of traditional courses. Wiebe: They’re the same classes, the same courses. There’s no difference.
m y th s about distance education Three of UMR's distance education experts sound off on common misconceptions # 1 . Students cannot learn as w ell or as much online. Wiebe: At UMR, the majority of classes are taught simultaneously to an on-campus class and to the offcampus class. Online students get the same tests, the same homework, the same assignments, the same grading. They do just fine in terms of all traditional measures of student performance. Gibbons: Plus each class is archived to accommodate the travel schedules of working professionals, or if they just need to review a class again. That’s one of the things that makes UMR’s program unique.
# 3 . You can teach online the same way as you do in your traditional classes. : : .. Wiebe: The distance-education students are a more demanding set of clients. It is a different environment, and it’s one in which professors have to be very responsive. It’s not as easy to wing it - you know, pick up a piece of chalk and walk up to the front board and start teaching a lesson.
Turner: We can only speak for UMR, but they are exactly the same here; instruction is done in a studio classroom with our enrolled on-campus students sitting in the class. Gibbons'. They’re actually sitting in the class, and we’re actually videoing it or livestreaming it as well. I had the opportunity to go to a well-known car manufacturer when they brought in their preferred customers for distance education. There were several big-name schools represented. I sat and I listened to them talk about how they did things. And if somebody live-streamed, they livestreamed and that was it. So, either you were at class or you weren’t. A lot of times all you saw was the PowerPoint presentation. UMR provides a lot in the learning abilities and capabilities for the distance education student. # 4 . Students learn more effectively in a live classroom with the instructor physically present. Wiebe: Based on the grade distributions, I would say no. Learning is heavily dependent on the students and the effort they put in. The distance students are in general very dedicated students. They’re more mature. They’re focused, and they want something for the money they’re paying. # 5 . Residential campuses w ill be replaced by online learning. Wiebe: No, because the instructors are still there to give the online courses. At the undergraduate level, the experience is as much a socialization and a maturing process for the student as it is learning the material. At the graduate level, programs often involve extensive research
facilities, particularly in technology and science. As of today, there’s no way to simulate or replicate those online, although work is being done in that area. # 6 .It is difficult to motivate students in an online course. Wiebe: Motivation comes from within. You have to have a highly motivated and dedicated student to go through any educational program, but this is especially true for the distance student. Online, there’s often the potential to be totally by yourself, with no classmates sitting next to you, and you have to rely on your own self-motivation.
Gibbons: They’re working 40-60 hours, then they’re taking the class, doing the homework, reading. We do have a lot of students who take two classes but the majority take one a semester. # 9 . There's less interaction with instructors in a distance learning setting. Wiebe: I think there’s more. Students use email, telephone, and listen to audio during the class. That’s what makes a class successful. You can cover a lot of sins with strong interaction between the faculty and the student.
Sue Turner Manager of Distance & Continuing Education
m # ~ 7 .lttakes the same amount of time to prepare online courses as it does to prepare a regular course. m M
Gibbons: I strongly believe that a nontraditional/distance student requires more time than an on-campus student. That’s for staff and faculty - everybody involved.
Wiebe: It takes much more time to prepare an online course because it has to be more organized. You’re dealing with a specific time slot. As a faculty member, you don’t want to be caught on tape saying, ‘Well, let me think about that for a little bit.’
# 1 □ . The university doesn't really care about distance students because they are far away and faceless.
Turner: It has to be more visual too, requiring effort to prepare slides, etc. Gibbons: UMR also posts these course notes or PowerPoint slides online for students to download.
Gibbons: Wrong. We’re here to educate people, right? Wiebe: In a commercial sense, it’s a supplier-customer relationship. They’ve bought a product and they want delivery of it. UMR is dedicated to delivering that product, which it does in a high-quality fashion. Turner: It also creates ties or contacts for the university within industry for additional educational or research opportunities.
Wiebe: I don’t think that would be true. That’s where the challenge comes for the university to help the students achieve their goals and have a satisfactory experience. The strength of the contact between the faculty member and the student has to be strong and immediate. When students have a need, they can’t sit there for a week waiting for a response. Online classes are not easier.
Gibbons: Besides that, we’re a public university, and we’re providing a big service. A lot of people who get their undergraduate degrees go to work; they buy a brand new car, get married, and have children. They can’t quit and come back to school. This provides them with a great opportunity to have education fit into their lives.
UMR D i s t a n c e S i C o n t i n u in g E d u c a t i o n
systems e n g in e e r by Mindy Limback (limbackm@umr.edu)
"What I learned from class helped me prepare better for the whole test process, from the initial set-up phase to the deployment of the system. Also, getting advanced degrees helps with promotions and placements into other positions. I just was ready to go back. Bob Langan
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As an undergraduate, Bob Langan, CSci‘86, didn’t always make school his top priority. “I had a good time down at Rolla, so I barely got by,” he admits. His attitude has changed now after working nearly two decades for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), based in St. Louis. Langan recently earned a graduate certificate in systems engineering from UMR and plans to start work on his master’s degree this fall through UMR’s online program. Initially hired by the NGA as a cartographer, Langan worked as an application programmer before being placed into a systems engineering position in the System Integrity Division, where he is responsible for performing tests on applications prior to deployment to NGA networks. “They moved me into this position, and I evolved into an engineer,” Langan says. NGA worked with UMR to create a six-course certificate curriculum, unlike the university’s traditional four-course offering. “The decision to go through UMR was pretty much made up for me,” Langan explains. “Our program manager went out and sought the best program at
the time. He worked it out with Dr. Cihan Dagli (professor and then-chair of engineering management) so that we would get the best education for the costs.” The courses have enabled Langan to focus his attention more on systems engineering. “I can relate now what I learned from school to the whole process of bringing systems on board,” Langan explains. “What I learned from class helped me prepare better for the whole test process, from the initial set-up phase to the deployment of the system. Also, getting advanced degrees helps with promotions and placements into other positions. I just was ready to go back.” Langan hasn’t completely sacrificed his ability to have a good time, though. When he’s not playing Candyland or Uno with his two young children and wife Barbara (Reilly) Langan, EMgt‘89, you might find him playing softball with his Phi Kappa Theta fraternity brothers in St. Louis. The group started the team 15 years ago and new members join each year. Just don’t expect to see him sliding into second or diving after those ground balls. That’s for the younger guys, he says.
ECONOMICS by Mary Helen Stoltz (mhstoltz@umr.edu)
"Studies show that the economic and cultural success of any society is strongly correlated with the way that society treats women. A society that refuses to empower women finds itself lacking the knowledge and expertise of half of its population." Greg Gelles
When Greg Gelles returned to his post as UMR’s chair and professor of economics and finance this fall, he brought a new global perspective with him. Gelles spent the past year in Muscat, Oman, serving as dean of the Mazoon College for Management and Applied Sciences, a private, Omani-owned undergraduate institution. Established by Juma A1 Ghailani through a partnership agreement with UMR, Mazoon College has grown dramatically in its first few years. Since its official opening in April 1999, enrollment has jumped from approximately 50 students to more than 1,000. A1 Ghailani, who served as the college’s first dean, is now managing director. Ninety percent of the college’s students are females who attend classes during the day. Co-educational courses are offered at night. “Seeing a college in the Middle East with a primary goal of educating women was a moving experience for me,” Gelles says. “Studies show that the economic and cultural success of any society is strongly correlated with the way that society treats women. A society that refuses to empower women finds itself lacking the knowledge and expertise of half of its population.” When Gelles arrived in summer 2003, the school offered two-year associate degrees in accounting, business, computer science, management information systems and English. Working with the college’s faculty
Photo by Bob Phelan/Photomasters
and staff, Gelles secured approval from Oman’s Ministry of Higher Education to offer bachelor’s degrees in those five areas. In addition, he negotiated a model transfer agreement so Mazoon’s female students can earn a UMR degree by attending senior-year classes on the UMR campus. Gelles also petitioned the ministry to allow the college to add five new degree programs economics, information science and technology, psychology, mathematics education and English education. A decision regarding those degrees is pending. During his tenure in Oman, Gelles worked to develop a communication structure and to improve the professionalism of the faculty. Using models from UMR, Gelles also established a rigorous faculty evaluation process, as well as a student teaching evaluation. Both were used for the first time in every class taught.
UMR D istance 6* Cor it in u in g Education
of their
by Claire Faucett (denboc@umr.edu)
Gregand Michelle Nelson were among the first graduates of UMR’s statewide master's program in engineering management. UMR's program allowed the couple to further their education without having to leave their or make any other life changes. \ ________________________________________
Though husbands and wives should work well together, Greg and Michelle Nelson take their partnership to a higher (education) level. Not only do the Nelsons enjoy playing golf and volleyball together, they also took classes together while pursuing master’s degrees from UMR through its online distance education program. “We took the classes at the same time,” says Greg. “It helped a lot because it gave us a study partner to help with the material. Sometimes one of us would help the other one if we didn’t fully understand the material. Also, many times we were able to figure out challenging problems together that would have been more difficult on our own.” The Nelsons were among the first graduates of UMR’s statewide master’s program in engineering management. They earned their degrees in 2001, while working full time at 3M in Nevada, Mo. Michelle, a process engineer, says her degree “has given me a better understanding of how and why marketing, financial and management decisions are made. It has also taught me how to manage and organize projects better and how to interact with different types of people and management styles.” Greg was a process engineer and then production supervisor while working toward his degree. Today, he
Photography by Wynn
is general supervisor of 3M’s press, mixing and milling, and solvent recovery departments. “3M management was flexible and allowed me to adjust my work hours around the class times as needed,” he says. UMR’s program allowed the couple to further their education without having to leave their jobs, commute back and forth to a campus, or make any other life changes. “Since the distance education program was mostly done through interactive TV, I did not notice a big difference between distance education and traditional courses,” says Michelle.
EDUCATION by Andrew Careaga (acareaga@umr.edu)
“ T h e U M R Engineering Education Center program was technically challenging, interesting, and worked w ell for my schedule. Doug Heinrich
Even in the era of satellites and the Internet, programs like UMR’s Engineering Education Center (EEC) in St. Louis remain an ideal resource for students like Doug Heinrich, MS EE’03, of St. Louis. An engineer/scientist involved in developing the guidance control and navigation systems for Boeing’s Joint Unmanned Combat Air System (J-UCAS) in St. Louis, Heinrich found the EEC’s evening course offerings “fit with my family schedule.” Heinrich has three young children, ages 8, 6 and 2'A, and tries to spend as much time at home as possible. Taking courses one night a week at the EEC worked out just fine. With bachelor’s and master’s degrees in aerospace engineering from the University of Illinois, Heinrich also opted for a broader career path when he pursued the UMR master’s degree. Even before he received his diploma, the coursework had already helped Heinrich with a career move. After using his aerospace engineering degrees for more than eight years, Heinrich used his new skills to transition to the unmanned combat air vehicle guidance, navigation and control group in January 2002. He credits the UMR program with preparing him for the move. Heinrich enrolled in the EEC master’s program in January 2000 and took courses one night a week for three years. “I studied on the weekends and after the kids had been put to bed,” he adds. Even with the added burden of night school, Heinrich still managed to stay
Photo by DeFilippo Photography
involved in several projects with his church, including serving in the nursery and shuttle ministries and playing trombone in the church’s praise band and orchestra. Now, with the UMR degree behind him, he also spends much of his time “watching, training and having fun with my three kids” as well as taking them to baseball, hockey, ballet and gymnastics practices. “The UMR Engineering Education Center program was technically challenging, interesting, and worked well for my schedule,” Heinrich says. The program apparently worked well for his family and career, too.
UMR D i s t a n c e & C o n t i n u in g E d u c a t i o n -
Into the fan reaches of ALASKA by Claire Faucett (denboc@umr.edu)
\ This past summer, Steve Dismuke became the first graduate from UMR's online master's degree program in mining engineering. Even though the program is online, Dismuke did most of his coursework from CDs UMR mailed to him. The technology many of us take for granted hadn't reached northwestern Alaska yet.
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Photo by Ralf-Finn Hestoft
Deep in the heart of the Alaskan wilderness, Steve Dismuke, MinE’79, MS MinE’04, finished up another 12-hour work day at Red Dog Mine, an open-pit mine near the Inupiaq village of Kivalina. After dinner with co-workers, while most of them returned to their rooms to relax and watch television, Dismuke spent his evenings pursuing a new degree through UMR. This past summer, Dismuke became the first graduate from UMR’s online master’s degree program in mining engineering. Even though the program is online, Dismuke did most of his coursework from CDs UMR mailed to him. The technology many of us take for 18
granted hadn’t reached northwestern Alaska yet, he explains. “I had been a mine superintendent for the last 12 years and had gotten away from the engineering work,” he says. “I was concerned that one day I may have to rely on those engineering skills again, especially the way the job market changes. I thought it would be a good idea for me to sharpen my skills and do a little bit of self-improvement.” As it turns out, Dismuke was right. He is now the project engineer for Vulcan Materials Co., a construction aggregate company in Bartlett, 111. ‘T m back in an engineering role and am using things I learned in school previously, but I picked up quite a few more things from my master’s work,” he says. “Classroom work is great. You get the theory, but a lot of times until you see it in action, it can be difficult to comprehend.” Dismuke’s wife, Sandy, is his biggest supporter. “Sandy was a big push to get things finished up,” he says. “I do owe her quite a bit. It took a lot of time in the evenings and when I was off work in order to keep up with things, but she said, ‘If you need the time, take the time and do this right.’” Since finishing his master’s degree, Dismuke has more free time to devote to woodworking and stained glass - something he has done for the past 15 years. “It is such a great stress reliever,” says Dismuke. A recent addition to the family - a Boston terrier puppy named Moose - is also a wonderful stress reliever, he says.
Online and LOVING it by Mary Helen Stoltz (mhstoltz@umr.edu)
Melinda Morgan's job keeps her on the road several times a month, and the flexible schedule of UMRs online courses allows her to be "in class" even when she's in a hotel room. _________________________________ )
Photo by Ralf-Finn Hestoft
As a little girl, Melinda (Collins) Morgan, EMgt’99, wanted to be an astronaut. As she got older, her love of math and science drew her to engineering instead. After receiving her bachelor’s degree from UMR, Morgan knew she wanted to pursue a master’s in the field, ‘in today’s corporate world an advanced degree is expected,” Morgan explains. “If you want to move into management-level positions, that advanced degree is necessary. “Besides,” she says, “I love school.” After one semester on campus, she also knew that taking traditional courses wasn’t going to work. Morgan’s husband Jon (BioS’99) was entering medical school and she knew that meant a lot of traveling. When he enrolled in Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine in Chicago, Morgan took a job at Johnson Controls Inc. and a threeyear break from school before enrolling in UMR’s online engineering management master’s program. She believes that time away gave her a focus she would have lacked had she gone straight into graduate school.
“I highly recommend it,” Morgan says of going back to school while working. “1 can relate what I learn in class to my job, and things the instructor says have much more meaning when you can find a practical application.” She is also more likely to speak up in class. “We’re basically here to talk to and learn from each other. We learn from the instructor, but we also share our personal experiences.” Morgan takes two classes in the evening each semester and finds time to study on the weekends, when she isn’t biking or golfing with Jon. Her job keeps her on the road several times a month, and the flexible schedule of the online courses allows her to be “in class” even when she’s in a hotel room. In June, Morgan, Jon, and Mikea the cat moved to Alexandria, Va., where Jon accepted a residency position after graduating from podiatry school. Melinda is now a lead performance assurance specialist in Johnson Controls’ Alexandria office, where she counts NASA as one of her newest clients. Maybe she still has a chance to reach the stars. MSM-UMR ALUMNUS / Fall 2004
UMR D i s t a n c e S . C o n t i n u in g E d u c a t i o n
From M E D IC IN E by Mindy Limback (limbackm@umr.edu)
" There isa growing need within mycompany for people educated in systems engineering. Because systems engineering programs are not available locally, I chose UMR for its online distance education and the excellent reputation it enjoys. " Rolando Avila _______________________________________ )
Photo by Bruce Berman Photography
Taking online classes from UMR for two years wasn’t exactly brain surgery, which is what Rolando Avila, MS SysE’04, thought he’d be doing when he grew up. “I wanted to be a surgeon and operate on somebody’s brains,” Avila says. “My older brother, who is also a civil engineer, convinced me that medical school was too long and expensive, and engineering was a lot of fun.” Between watching “real” football (soccer) and playing Caribbean and Afro-Cuban rhythms on the piano, guitar, bass or percussion, Avila works as a metrology engineer for the Boeing Co. in El Paso, Texas. “Boeing encourages its employees to participate in lifelong learning,” Avila says. “There is a growing need within my company for people educated in systems engineering. Because systems engineering programs are not available locally, I chose UMR for its 20
online distance education and the excellent reputation it enjoys.” It had been eight years since Avila earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas-El Paso, but he found it wasn’t difficult to go back to school. “In my opinion, there is little difference between online and traditional courses,” Avila says. “I am able to hear the lecture live - or with a short delay - just as if I was present, with the added benefit that I can ‘attend’ the lecture at a later time if I missed it.” Despite missing the face-to-face interaction with his professors, Avila’s online studies have given him a “good feeling of personal accomplishment” and affected the way he does his job. “I was able to apply many practical principles I have learned,” Avila adds. “Hopefully other, more tangible career benefits will follow.”
Lawand Order: Special Teaching U N IT by Mindy Limback (limbackm@umr.edu)
"I'vebeen teaching not only CIS 317 but now I've started teaching Patent Law as well. I still visit the Rollacampus at least three times a semester for both of my classes, and I take all of my students out to dinner. Randy Canis
V _________________________________________ What you see isn’t always what you get. That’s one lesson Randy Canis learned as a computer science major at UMR in the mid-1990s. Although CIS 317 (Intellectual Property for Computer Scientists) was listed in the course catalog, the class had not been taught at UMR since 1989. “I checked and checked,” says Canis, CSci’97. “The university had not offered the course and was not planning on offering it. In fact, I was told, ‘We don’t intend to offer it anymore because there’s nobody who is willing to come and teach it.’” That day, Canis made a promise to himself - and to the department chair - that after he earned his law degree and passed the bar exam, he would come back and teach the course. “The day I passed the exam, I called down to Rolla and told the new head of the department, Dan St. Clair, that I wanted to come and teach it,” says Canis, who earned his law degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia. “He said, ‘Great, we’d love to have you.’” Balancing his full-time duties as an attorney with Greensfelder, Hemker and Gale PC. in St. Louis, Canis drove to Rolla every week to teach the class in the fall of 2000. The commute wasn't easy, so he decided to wait to teach the course again when it could be offered online and originate from St. Louis. “I’ve been teaching it every year since 2002,” Canis says. “I’ve been teaching not only CIS 317 but now I've started teaching Patent Law as well. I still visit the Rolla campus at least three times a semester for both of my classes, and I take all of my students out to dinner.”
That may be one small reason why the 29-year-old is a favorite among students. But it’s his grasp of the material and ability to relate it to students that helps his students excel. “As a computer scientist with a strong understanding of engineers because of my time in Rolla, I really understand what students are looking to learn and what they need to get out of my courses,” Canis explains. “My classes are almost like a life-survival class.” Canis also uses his connections to bring what’s going on in the news into the classroom. The circumstances of companies like 321 Studios, a St. Charles, Mo., firm that sold DVD-copying software, offer Canis up-to-date case studies. “321 Studios has been in the news on a daily basis because of its lawsuits with the entertainment industry because of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act,” Canis says. “I had the CEO (Rob Semaan) speak at our last class in Rolla regarding his personal involvement with the lawsuits, which we had discussed at length during the semester. The students really got a sense of how the information we discussed during class applies in the business world.” Canis takes a similar approach to his patent law course, which focuses on the engineering field. “A lot of the students who take my patent law course are graduate students, and some of them are Boeing students,” Canis explains. “These students need to know what types of issues to consider when they’re developing new technology. Unfortunately, when it comes to patent law, what you don’t handle ahead of time can really come back to haunt you and your company.” MSM-UMR ALUMNUS / Fall 2004
upside-down by Andrew Careaga (acareaga@umr.edu)
“You've got to turn the educational process upside-down and put the student at the center. It's a bit humbling, because as a professor you lose some control. But the reward for that is better student learning and much better retention." Ken Ragsdell
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Photo by Bob Phelan/Photomasters
Ken Ragsdell’s first shot at teaching students from a distance came in 1973, when the dean of engineering at Purdue University, where Ragsdell then taught, asked him to teach a course over live television. “Foolishly, I said, ‘Of course,”’ Ragsdell says. Ragsdell’s class was beamed in black and white throughout Indiana via a microwave network while the professor sat news anchor-style in a chair that was nailed to the floor to keep him from moving out of focus. (In those days, video cameras had no auto-focus feature.) It was certainly a new experience for Ragsdell, but he made it through the TV course unscathed - and learned a thing or two about education in the process. His television debut “forced me to be a good professor,” says Ragsdell, now a professor of engineering management at UMR and a veteran distance-ed instructor. “I had to be very organized. Teaching at a distance, over any kind of media, forces you to be well organized. Because frankly, if you aren’t, everybody knows.” 22
Over the past three decades, Ragsdell has altered his approach as technology evolves. One of the first faculty members to teach online courses when UMR introduced them in the 1990s, Ragsdell’s classes now are offered simultaneously for students on campus as well as via satellite and the Internet. Ragsdell tries to incorporate what he’s learned to improve his effectiveness as a teacher. In the process, he’s also learned that his approach to teaching needed to change - not only for distance courses, but for the traditional classroom as well. “The professor’s role switches now from expert/judge to coach,” Ragsdell says. “When I was younger, I saw myself as the major source of knowledge for my students. Now I have to be an educational manager and provide many paths to learning so students can easily navigate through a course - to put the students more in control of their educational experience and provide opportunities for all students to learn and realize their potential. “You’ve got to turn the educational process upsidedown and put the student at the center. It’s a bit humbling, because as a professor you lose some control. But the reward for that is better student learning and much better retention. “My job is to exploit and magnify the basic desire of all humans, which is to learn and excel,” Ragsdell adds.
“I especially enjoy seeing ordinary students do extraordinary work. The success of my students brings me great joy.” Ragsdell typically teaches four courses in UMR’s engineering management department: Total Quality Management, Quality Engineering, Engineering Design Optimization and The Six-Sigma Way. In each course, he incorporates techniques that may look unconventional to most professors, but he insists that they work better than the traditional lecture-style teaching format. The techniques include: • Regularly surveying students to gauge how well they’re learning. • Issuing “readiness tests” at the beginning of every class, to see how prepared students are for the day’s topic. • Broadcasting televised lectures (some live, some on tape) of guest speakers, including leaders in the fields of TQM, optimization and related disciplines. • Recording all the lectures and storing them online, making them available to students at any time, along with his notes and old tests. “I never give the same test twice,” Ragsdell says. • Turning portions of the class over to the students. In one course, “I divvied up 80 percent of the lectures and assigned them to the students.” His only
requirement: they submit their PowerPoint lecture slides to him for review 72 hours before class time. “It worked out great,” Ragsdell says. “You can’t imagine how creative and innovative these students can be. And for that lecture at least, they really know the subject.” As an institution, the university is organized around synchronicity. Classes and semesters begin and end at specific times. When time’s up, students are judged by what they’ve learned during that period. “The whole university is built around that paradigm,” Ragsdell says. But, he wonders, what would happen if the university switched the variable from time to comprehension. In other words, what if students were allowed to complete a course at an accelerated pace, taking the final exam long before semester’s end? Or what if students were able to choose to take only one or two hours of a threehour course, what Ragsdell calls “micro-modules”? Or what if students were allowed to enroll in two courses offered at the same time? If all of the material is available online and professors are accessible for both the traditional and non-traditional students, there’s no reason why the paradigm cannot shift, in Ragsdell’s opinion. “Once you slip into this world of trying to look at education in a different way,” he says, “innovation looks normal.”
Graduate Certificate Programs
Certificate Program
CAD/CAM & Rapid Product Realization Contemporary Structural Engineering Engineering Mechanics Geoenvironmental Engineering Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Human Computer Interaction Infrastructure Renewal Manufacturing Systems Military Construction Management Multimedia & Information Systems Project Engineering and Construction Management Project Management Software Design & Development Systems Engineering
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Graduate Degree Programs
Face-to-Face Courses/Seminars Blaster's Training Seminar Commercial Pyrotechnic Operations Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory Grounding and Shielding of Electronic Systems & Circuit Board Layout Land Surveyors' Review Course Legal Aspects of Land Surveying Private Pilot Ground School Quality Geotechnical Lab Testing
, :i c •
« <** «*
Engineering Management Geotechnics Manufacturing Engineering Mining Engineering Systems Engineering
For an up-to-date listing of programs, courses, seminars and conferences go online http://campus.umr.edu/dce
TECHNICAL CONFERENCES Annual Geotechnical Engineering Conference for Missouri International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering
DESIGN CONFERENCE Missouri Concrete Conference
PRE-COLLEGE/ SU M M ER PROGRAMS (Open to youths grades 3-12, some restrictions may apply.) Aerospace Camp Expanding Your Horizons High School Girls Summer "Solutions" Hit the Ground Running Hy-TECH Camps Introduction to Engineering Jackling Institute Minority Introduction to Engineering (MITE) Nuclear Engineering Camp Summer Transportation Institute
TIM E by Amy Edwards (acewv8@umr.edu)
"With more life experience comes more knowledge that you can actually bring into the classroom. " Richard Frueh \ ______________________ Photo by DeFilippo Photography
Once every month, Richard H. Frueh, CE’75, EMgt’75, says goodbye to his wife Sandra and their three cats and jumps in his Jeep Cherokee to travel from his home in Creve Coeur, Mo., to Rolla. Some months it’s for a meeting on the campus, where he serves on the board of directors of the UMR Academy of Civil Engineers, but on other occasions, Frueh attends seminars and courses offered by the university’s distance and continuing education department. “These courses and seminars help continue my proficiency,” says Frueh, executive vice president of Shannon and Wilson Inc., a geotechnical and environmental consulting firm. “They also offer professional development hours, which are required in order to keep my license up to date. All people licensed as professional engineers must acquire 30 of these hours every two years before renewing their license.” Although it’s been 29 years since Frueh was a full time student at UMR, he immediately felt comfortable with the campus environment when he returned for these courses. 24
“With more life experience comes more knowledge that you can actually bring into the classroom,” says this father of three and grandfather of five. “As you age, you become a better listener, and you know how to listen to a speaker for what’s important.” A prolific reader, Frueh believes that people should never end their education. “I graduated years ago, but I’ve never stopped learning new things,” Frueh says. “I’ve continued taking these classes, which is one way to keep learning, but I also learn new things at work every day.” Frueh started as a technical engineer and technical project manager at Shannon and Wilson in 1980. Although he’s now in a management position, Frueh still uses his engineering mind on a daily basis. “I’m still an engineer,” says Frueh. “My high school teachers really motivated me to pursue this field, and I’m glad. I enjoy everything about the profession. It’s also exciting to take your children, or even your grandchildren, to see something you designed, like a dam or a bridge.”
Live from it's DCE!
by Mary Helen Stoltz (mhstoltz@umr.edu)
In the depths of Curtis Laws Wilson Library lies the UMR Video Communications Center (VCC). More than just a simple video production operation, the center also houses one of UMR's four high-tech distance-education classrooms. The classes held in the VCC are broadcast live over the Internet and operate just like a television call-in show, explains VCC Director Ross Haselhorst. Students taking a course outside the classroom are connected via the Internet and a telephone line. They can speak up to ask questions during class, just like the students facing the professor in the classroom. Most classes consist of a combination of distanceeducation and on-campus students who meet in the classroom at the regularly scheduled class time. For students on campus, the class operates like any other, although the technology in the room takes some getting used to, says Katie Weinkein, an engineering management graduate student who completed her fourth course taught in a Distance and Continuing Education (DCE) classroom last summer. Just as a television meteorologist delivers the weather forecast in front of a blue chroma-key screen that magically turns into a weather map for TV viewers, David Enke, assistant professor of engineering management, delivers his lectures in front of a similar screen. But instead of seeing a weather map, online students see Enke lecturing in front of his PowerPoint lecture notes. For the in-class students to get the full effect of the lecture, they must watch Enke on one of the room's television monitors. "When the professor lectured, I felt like I should be looking at him, but you have to adjust to looking at the monitor," Weinkein explains. To Enke, who has taught courses like these since he started at UMR in 2000, the process is second nature. "I enjoy teaching online courses and having access to the technology within the classroom," he says. Enrollment in his classes is usually split fairly equally between on-campus and online students.
That combination is unusual among universities offering distance education courses. Few others run them live, and Haselhorst believes that distinction brings a richness and energy to the UMR classes. "Conversation is so important in these classes," he says. "It is important to have the mix of 'green' students with the more experienced engineers in industry." Behind a window into the classroom, Haselhorst sits with production assistant Mike Dunkus in a black-painted room. The room is filled from floor to ceiling with rows of sound mixing, recording and dubbing equipment, video monitors, multiple recording devices, computers that record and broadcast the course, and other equipment that keeps the operation running seamlessly. Like the producer of a TV talk show, Dunkus follows the class from several different camera angles. While a professor talks, Dunkus keeps the camera focused at the front of the room. But if an on-campus student asks a question, Dunkus switches the feed to a camera focused on the student. The switch gives online students more of a genuine classroom feel. "My job is to make sure what is going on in the classroom is what is being shown online," Dunkus says. "I try to go with the flow of the class and be sure that whatever happens, the distance students can see it." The system allows for online students to take their classes from home, the office or while away on business trips. That flexibility extends to the professors as well, some of whom lecture as adjuncts from other campuses or while away from campus. Because the classes are recorded and archived, students can tune in at any hour of the day or night, not just during class time. "We try to keep everything flexible for the student and the instructor," Haselhorst adds. "We try to stay out of the way and make the technology invisible."
For more information on the Video Communications Center go online to V C C .IH Tir.6dll MSM-UMR ALUMNUS / Fall 2004
Manufacturing for the future Center established with $7.3 million federal contract UMR received a big boost in its advanced manufacturing efforts last spring, thanks to a $7.3 million federal contract to create the Center for Aerospace Manufacturing Technologies. The center is a collaboration among UMR, the Air Force and Boeing that focuses on developing new manufacturing methods for the aerospace industry. In all, 29 faculty and about 50 graduate students from across the campus will be involved in the effort. The contract is the largest ever awarded to UMR. While the center will raise UMR's visibility as a leader in manufacturing research, it's also "a prime example of how universities can work together with government and industry," says UMR Chancellor Gary Thomas. The project is the result of the combined efforts of UMR researchers, U.S. Sen. Kit Bond, R-Mo., and researchers at Boeing and the U.S. Air Force, Thomas notes.
"We're particularly proud to be collaborating with Boeing, one of Missouri's largest employers and one of the largest employers of UMR graduates," Thomas adds. "Together, UMR, Boeing and the Air Force will develop, evaluate and demonstrate new technologies that will improve the aerospace industry and have a tremendous impact on the economy of Missouri and the nation." Thomas also thanked Bond for his efforts to promote the center in the halls of Congress. "Without Sen. Bond's assistance, this award would not have been possible," Thomas says. "His help in bringing industry, government and university researchers together to improve aircraft manufacture will benefit every Missourian."
ME/AE Complex to become Toomey Hall, thanks to $5 million gift engineering programs their top Plans to modernize the priority as well." (Fonmore about the Mechanical and Aerospace Toomey family; see the Donor Profile Engineering Complex is a big on page 73.) step closer to reality, thanks to Plans call for renovating the a $5 million donation from John current 66,500-square-foot (ME'49, MS ME'51) and Mary Mechanical Engineering Building as Toomey and their family. The gift well as razing the Mechanical is the largest gift ever to a UMR Engineering Annex - built in 1902, academic unit. one year before the Wright Brothers' In recognition of the Northeast perspective/artist rendering famous first flight in Kitty Hawk, N.C. Toomeys' gift, the University of - and replacing it with a 73,000-square-foot structure that will Missouri Board of Curators voted house learning centers, laboratories, research and technical to change the name of the ME/AE facilities. Complex to Toomey Hall. The Toomeys' gift raises the total private support for the "The Toomey family's gift project to $6.2 million, but approximately $18 million more is provides a tremendous boost for needed. Previous state funding for the project, approved by this project, which is our top Missouri lawmakers in 2000, was eliminated due to budget priority," says UMR Chancellor Lobby/artist rendering shortfalls, so private support is more important now than ever Gary Thomas. "The expansion before. To find out how you can assist, contact the UMR and renovation of this complex is an important investment in development office at (573) 341-4944. UMR and Missouri's economy. I'm very grateful that the Toomeys have made UMR and the mechanical and aerospace
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Greeks bear gifts of community service UM R fraternities and sororities raised m ore than $42,000 for charitable causes and donated nearly 15,000 hours o f com m unity service this past academ ic year. We all know fraternities and sororities contribute much to the college towns that host them. But UMR student Danielle Miller of St. Peters, Mo., wanted to know just how much UMR's Greek community gave to the Rolla community, in terms of both time and money. So the mechanical engineering student and Zeta Tau Alpha member surveyed her fellow UMR Greeks and found they raised more than $42,000 for charitable causes and donated nearly 15,000 hours of community service during the 2003-2004 academic year. Those figures are based on responses from T9 of UMR's 23 fraternities and sororities. In all, the organizations reported raising $42,151.07 for charitable causes last year. Many of those funds went to local organizations, such as the Phelps County Chapter of Habitat for Humanity, Greater Rolla Area Charitable Enterprises (GRACE) and the Russell House, a shelter for abused women and children. Other funds were raised for national charitable causes, such as Girl Scouts or the Children's Miracle Network. In addition, UMR's fraternities and sororities contributed
14,870.5 hours of community service work, including tutoring for local school children, assisting with Habitat for Humanity projects, coordinating blood drives, and conducting cleanup projects and other service activities. D anielle M ille r "I really wasn't surprised that there were such high numbers,'' says Miller, who presented the data last spring to the UMR Student Council on behalf of UMR's Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council. "UMR's fraternity and sorority members do a lot for the community." Matt Goodwin, coordinator of Greek life at UMR, agrees. "A lot of people realize that the Greek community has a significant impact on local charities and non-profit organizations, but Danielle's project backs up those assertions with solid data."
NEW DEPARTMENTS: materials science and engineering, which houses the ceramic engineering and metallurgical engineering programs
geological sciences and engineering, which houses geological engineering, petroleum engineering, and geology and geophysics
changes, but rich tradition continues On July 1, the UMR School of Mines and Metallurgy became the UMR School of Materials, Energy and Earth Resources. The name change emphasizes the school's thematic and multidisciplinary approach to education. As part of the change, the school's previous six academic departments have been consolidated into three. The school will continue to offer the same degrees as before, however. "All academic programs will continue under one of the three new departments," says Mariesa Crow, the school's transitional
mining and nuclear engineering, which houses mining engineering and nuclear engineering
dean. "Absolutely nothing will be cut. This is a way to strengthen our programs and offer students the opportunity for interdisciplinary education." "This is the first interdisciplinary school incorporating both engineering and science on campus," says UMR Chancellor Gary Thomas. "The changes highlight UMR's research and academic expertise in the areas of materials, energy and earth resources. This is just what UMR needs to move forward as a leader in technological education."
â&#x20AC;˘Jimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top 1 O Also during commencement, the university conferred an honorary doctorate degree to James E. Bertelsmeyer, ChE'66, founder of Heritage Propane Partners of Tulsa. A longtime supporter of UMR, Bertelsmeyer served on the UMR Board of Trustees from 1999-2002, was president of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association from 2000-2002, and has served as the volunteer coordinator, director, and section officer of the alumni association's Tulsa Section. He also created an endowed scholarship to encourage graduating high school students with significant financial need to attend UMR. During his brief speech, Bertelsmeyer offered new graduates advice in the form of his own top 10 list, which he calls "Jim's top 10": 10. "Recognize that the twin enemies of contentment are attempting to be perfect and giving in to mediocrity." 9. "When you lose - and once in a great while you will - don't lose the lesson." 8. "Always check the contents of the bag before leaving the drive-through window." 7. "Don't reserve the words 'please' and 'thank you' just for the waitress or person behind the counter. The ones you love and live with need them, too." 6. "Learn to laugh at yourself. Your failures won't stop the world from spinning any more than your successes will start it up again." 5. "Never use your MasterCard to pay off your Visa." 4. "Apply your words like you do your m oney-w ith great care." 3. "Play hooky now and then. A day doesn't have to be productive to be valuable." 2. "Place your most comfortable chair by your favorite window." 1. "Don't pierce anything that you can't hide in an interview."
Commencement 2 0 0 4 :
'follow your dreams'
Inviting a professor to deliver the commencement address is risky, because most faculty members are accustomed to speaking in 50-minute increments. Perhaps that's why UMR has invited a professor to address the graduating class only twice in its 133-year history. But Delbert Day, CerE'58, kept his remarks brief at UMR's May Commencement Saturday, May 15. Day is a Curators' Professor emeritus of ceramic engineering whose career at UMR includes a number of impressive accomplishments. Most notably, he co-invented a treatment for liver cancer that involves the irradiation of microscopic glass spheres, which are then injected into the liver. Now sold under the brand name TheraSphere, the beads are in use at more than a dozen hospitals and medical centers in the United States. Urging the Class of 2004 to dream big, Day concluded his brief talk with these words: "Think how wonderful it would be if the first person to step on Mars is one of you. It could happen. Or perhaps one of you will make a discovery that will solve our world's energy shortage, or find a cure for a serious disease, or find a new food source that will eliminate hunger. These may seem like unattainable dreams, but I confess to you from personal experience that it is possible to achieve much more than you ever expected." Day also received an honorary doctorate degree from his alma mater during commencement ceremonies, becoming only the second faculty member to ever receive the award.
Professional degrees awarded During commencement, the following alumni received honorary professional degrees: Mack A. Breazeale, MS Phys'54, of Oxford, Miss. J. Michael Evans, ME'67, of Atlanta James L. Foil, CE'74, MS CE'75, of Lees Summit, Mo. John R. Klug Jr., ME'66, of Evergreen, Colo. Gregory A. Lang, MinE'78, of Sandy, Utah Bill F. Little, PhD Chem'78, of Bolivar, Mo. Kenneth G. Mayhan, PhD ChE'64, of Sonora, Calif. Lorna O'Rourke, MetE'84, of Lake Geneva, Wis. Kevin Q. Smith, EMgt'82, MS EMgt'84, of Sunnyvale, Calif. Robert J. Sonntag, Econ'80, of Indianapolis David A. Whiteley, MS EE'84, of St. Louis
THE MILLION-DOLLAR CHALLENGE Sprint CEO Gary Forsee establishes matching fund Sprint Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Gary Forsee, CE'72, and his wife, Sherry, recently pledged $1 million to establish a matching fund for scholarships and faculty professorships. The Forsees' â&#x20AC;&#x153;challenge" fund will provide support based on other private donations, depending on the nature of the other private gifts. For instance, undergraduate scholarships established with a $50,000 gift will be eligible for a match of 25 cents for every dollar, expanding a $50,000 scholarship fund into one worth $62,500. Endowed professorships established with a gift of $700,000 or more will receive 50 cents for every dollar, thereby turning a $1 million investment into a $1.5 million endowed professorship. "We're very grateful to Gary and Sherry for their generosity and continuing support of UMR," says UMR Chancellor Gary Thomas. "This gift will help us further our goals of ensuring a quality education for our students so that they, too, may achieve the same level of success as Gary." Picked to lead Sprint in March 2003, Gary Forsee's telecommunications career spans more than 30 years. He's held positions with Sprint, BellSouth, AT&T and Global One, the joint venture of Sprint Deutsche Telekom and France Telecom. Forsee is involved with the March of Dimes and several national and Kansas City-based civic and business organizations. A member of the UMR Board of Trustees and the Order of the Golden Shillelagh, Forsee was featured in the winter 2003 issue of the Alumnus.
WITH FORSEE MATCH: $50,000 undergraduate scholarship gift expands into one worth $62,500. Endowed professorship established with a gift of $1 million w ill be worth $1.5 million.
Academy inductions CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Ernest K. "Ernie" Banks, ChE'81 Leon L. Otte, MS ChE'68, PhD ChE'74 Robert A. Pohl, ChE'42 Y.T. Shah (UMR provost) Robert E. Stevens, ChE'81
CIVIL ENGINEERING John (Jack) Wright, CE'61 J. Leroy Hulsey, CE'64, MS CE'66, PhD CE'76 Marc Thornsberry, CE'83 Philip Hoge, CE'64 Richard Klusmeyer, CE'70 Matthew Nail, CE'76 Gene Russell, CE'58
COMPUTER SCIENCE Margy R. Beckmeyer, CSci'73, MS CSci'75 Robert C. Feldmann, MS CSci'80, Ralph J. Szygenda, CSci'70 Kim W. Tracy, CSci/AMth'85
ELECTRICAL & COMPUTER ENGINEERING David L. Begley, EE'73, MS EE'76, PhD EE'78 Thomas J. Herrick, EE'58, MS EE'68 Thomas R. Voss, EE'69
UMR's 2004 Freshman Class
Undergraduate enrollment increases Undergraduate enrollment on the first day of classes at UMR was 4,052, an increase of 14 students over last year's figure of 4,038. The undergraduate enrollment is now more than 12 percent larger than that of fall 2000. To better control the new student growth, the university closed freshmen admission for its engineering programs in June. This is the second year for the university to cap the size of its freshman class. Late applicants had their admission deferred to the spring semester that begins in January 2004. MSM-UMR ALUMNUS / Fall 2004
St. Pat's royalty honored in March
Above, top: Award-winning composer Raymond Helble meets the UMR Symphony Orchestra. Above: Helble, left, with UMR director of bands Don Miller, right.
John Powell, 47, former president of Frank B. Powell Lumber Co. in Rolla, served as the 2004 Honorary St. Patrick. Powell, who studied chemical engineering at MSM-UMR in the 1940s, helped St. Pat dub student and honorary knights and introduce student royalty during the annual St. Pat's Coronation Ceremony. Powell has been present for UMR's St. Pat's celebrations for 71 years. In 1933, his sister, Sybil (Powell) Lange, ChE'37, was St. Pat's Queen of Love and Beauty and he served as a page in St. Pat's Court. St. Pat was portrayed by Jeremiah King of St. Charles, Mo., a civil engineering major. Lucie Johannes of Topeka, Kan., a graduate student in metallurgical engineering, was the 2004 St. Pat's Queen of Love and Beauty. She was nominated by Alpha Epsilon Pi.
Leach Theatre hosts a historic premiere The Leach Theatre audience witnessed a historic event - a world premiere - on Friday, April 30. Don Miller, director of bands at UMR and assistant professor of art, languages and philosophy, directed the world premiere of award-winning composer Raymond Helble’s orchestral tone poem, King Lear; op. 50. The composition was commissioned by UMR and performed by the UMR Symphony. “Orchestral premieres, especially those occurring outside big cities, are rare events for orchestras,” Miller says. Originally from New York City, Helble and his wife, Carol, live in Dixon, Mo., where Carol teaches music at the elementary school.
John Powell is dubbed Honorary St. Patrick.
St. Pat Jeremiah King and Lucie Johannes, St. Pat's Queen of Love and Beauty.
R enaissan ce music on CD For years, students and alum ni have enjoyed the Renaissance m usic of Collegium M usicum . N ow you can listen to th a t same music on your home stereo.
TO ORDER: Contact Collegium Musicum Director Joel Kramme Ph: (573) 341-4109 or 341-4185 Email: jkramme@umr.edu
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D -D ay:
a S n u ffy ’s-e y e view
In The A m eric a n s a t D -D a y : The A m erica n E x p e rie n c e a t the N o rm a n d y In va sio n , war historian John C. McManus, a UMR assistant professor of history and political science, captures the essence of that pivotal World War II battle from all angles. Though McManus’ book includes plenty of background on the wartime strategies of generals and politicians - the book begins with a description of a chain-smoking Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, supreme commander of the Allied forces, seated “behind a modest desk, in his austere, cramped office at 47 Grosvenor Square in London” - the focus of this history is on “Snuffy.” Snuffy, as a W ashington P o s t book review from last May points out, is “the military’s nickname for the Army infantryman who was severely outnumbered on D-Day, and yet prevailed.” Released to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the June 6, 1944,
Allied invasion of Normandy, The A m eric a n s a t D -D a y is the first of a two-volume set chronicling the American military experience from D-Day through the summer in France. Volume two, The A m e ric a n s a t N o rm a n d y: The S u m m er o f 1944 - The A m eric a n War from the N o rm a n d y B e a ch es to F a la ise ,
is scheduled for release on Veterans Day, Nov. 11. Describing the 29th Infantry Divisions long stay in England' McManus writes:
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ONLINE: Read an excerpt from The Americans a t D-Day at www.umr.edu/index.php?id= 864&backPID=246&tt news=420
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Friday, Oct. 15,2004 2-3 p.m. COURSES WITHOUT QUIZZES: Storming the Beaches, a look at the D-Day landing and other historical events, with John McManus, at right, assistant professor of history and political science, University Center East
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R e s e a r c h NEWS
Signs of life from microbial picnics that evidence and postulates that it Just as sloppy picnickers leave telltale could one day be used to help signs of their presence by their trail of determine whether life on Mars garbage, certain microorganisms leave or beyond - ever existed. behind evidence where they’ve been “The results of our work may feasting. UMR researcher Estella have significant implications for Atekwana, an associate professor of exploring for life on other planets,” geology and geophysics, is studying that says Atekwana. “Understanding evidence - called “biosignatures” - to the geophysical response of help with environmental cleanup efforts biosignatures or biological activity on Earth, and possibly to help find signs in geologic media may help toward of microbial life on Mars. the development of appropriate The monitoring method used in these geophysical instrumentation for bioremediation projects could also be exploring the surface of other used on Mars, Atekwana believes, to planets for life.” determine whether any microbial activity Atekwana received the Best ever occurred there. If microbes ever Paper Award for this research from thrived in an area - for instance, where the Environmental and Engineering an abundant food source such as carbon Geophysical Society last February. exists - then evidence shows up in the Co-authors of the paper include geology in the form of mineral weathering caused by the acid that is Researcher Estella Atekwana , an associate her husband, Eliot Atekwana, professor of geology and geophysics assistant professor of geology a byproduct of a microbial picnic. In a recent award-winning research paper, and geophysics at UMR, and researchers at Western Michigan University. Atekwana describes the monitoring method that detects
Creature from the brackish lagoon colonies of bacteria from the driftwood sample. He then ran basic A piece of pink-tinted driftwood from a mineral-rich lake in physiological studies and began genetic testing, extracting and the Pacific Northwest held great riches for UMR microbiologists. sequencing the DNA of the bacteria samples. By running the That piece of wood, collected from the shore of Soap Lake in sequenced DNA through a BLAST search (the Basic Local Washington contained Nitrumincola lacisaponis, a new genus of Alignment Search Tool), a computer explored all bacteria. available DNA sequence databases, comparing Melanie Mormile, an environmental "Finding these new the sample to all known DNA sequences and microbiologist and associate professor of biological sciences at UMR, and one of her bacteria shows that allowed Dimitriu to determine that one of those colonies of bacteria was a new genus. graduate students, Pedro Dimitriu, isolated rain forests aren't Dimitriu believes his research has great the genus and presented their findings at the the only sources of ecological significance. In just this one sample American Society for Microbiology meeting last May in New Orleans. "While it is too biodiversity that need tested, he found a new genus of bacteria. Dimitriu can only imagine what other biological early to know potential uses of this novel to be protected." treasures the lake may hold. bacterium without further study, we're excited Pedro Dimitriu "Finding these new bacteria shows that rain about the rich microbial diversity of the lake," Mormile says. forests aren't the only sources of biodiversity With its high pH and salinity, Soap Lake is unique because its that need to be protected. Soap Lake needs to be protected, and shape and high level of salt content at the bottom of the lake this will help prove it needs to be in the future." trap nutrients that would otherwise float to the top of the lake. Through an enrichment process, Dimitriu isolated four
R e s e a r c h NEWS
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Winging it: New approach to space flight may cause a big flap Flying too close to the wax-melting sun, the mythical Icarus was doomed to failure. But his idea of flying like a bird, with wings flapping, lives on in the research of K.M. Isaac. The professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering is working with NASA and other agencies to develop the world’s first flapping-wing, solar-powered unmanned aircraft. Though still on the drawing board, the bird-like vehicle would use thin-film solar arrays as its power source and a polymer-metal composite material that deforms in an electric field like an artificial muscle, then returns to its original shape once the field is removed. The “muscle” would allow the craft’s wings to flap without the use of any mechanical parts. With a flight profile similar to that of an eagle, Isaac’s aircraft could soar for long periods, flapping its wings to regain altitude. Moreover, the solar-powered craft would be capable of long-duration flights on Earth, Mars, or Venus.
With a flight profile similar to that of an eagle, Isaac's aircraft could soar for long periods, flapping its wings to regain altitude.
A helping hand to NASA In the wake of the February 2003 Space Shuttle Columbia accident, NASA sought out experts from around the nation to help make sense of the tragedy. One of those experts was UMR’s Reza Zoughi, the Schlumberger Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and director of UMR’s Applied Microwave Nondestructive Testing Laboratory. Zoughi conducted some preliminary tests on foam similar to that used on Columbia. Zoughi’s laboratory is one of the few in the nation that conducts microwave nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of materials, and NASA officials wanted to take advantage of that expertise. Now, NASA is developing a microwave NDE lab of its own. Since June, graduate student Joseph “Toby” Case, under Zoughi’s direction, has been helping scientists at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama set up a non-destructive testing lab to evaluate the space shuttle’s external tank insulating foam. A large piece of that foam broke off during Columbia's liftoff and struck the orbiter’s left wing, leading to the loss of the shuttle and its crew.
In the days following the Columbia disaster, NASA asked Zoughi to evaluate samples of foam using near-field microwave NDE. It was the first time NASA had considered using this particular method to detect air bubbles (called “voids”) and debonds, which are separations between layers of foam or between a layer of foam and the fuel-tank base. “We were able to show that you can use simple microwave techniques to look for a good number of different types of flaws that may exist, like voids,” Zoughi says. “Most of these were manufactured flaws, things they embedded in a sample. The key is to be able to detect naturally occurring flaws, and I believe we can significantly enhance NASA’s ability in finding these kinds of nonconformances.” Based on the technique’s demonstrated success, NASA has asked Zoughi and Case to determine the feasibility of using microwave NDE to create higher resolution images than previously possible. “We need to go to the next step and make sure that, in the presence of more complex features and structures, we can still find these potential indications,” Zoughi says.
Briefly Oboh-lkuenobe also promotes education to girls and young women in Rolla-area elementary and secondary schools. The annual Woman of the Year Award is supported through funds from Cindy Tang, Econ'85, founder of Insight Industries Inc. of Platteville, Wis., and a past president of the UMR Board of Trustees.
QUENON CHAIR, WILKENS PROFESSORSHIP FILLED Two new faculty members joined campus this fall to fill endowed professorships.
Steven L. Grant, EE'79, a telecom munications researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory in Lexington, Mass., returned to campus this fall as the first Roy A. Wilkens Missouri Telecommunications Professor at UMR. The professorship was established by Wilkens, EE'66, former founder and president of Williams Telecommunications Group (later WorldCom) and retired CEO of networks for McLeodUSA.
The second Robert H. Quenon Chair of Mining Engineering, Samuel Frimpong, above, is an expert in mining and energy-related issues. He joined the faculty on July 1, following in the footsteps of the first Quenon Chair, Richard L. Bullock, MinE'51, MS MinE'55, DE MinE'75. The chair is named for Quenon, retired president and chair of Peabody Holding Co. of St. Louis.
Francisca Oboh-lkuenobe, associate professor of geology and geophysics, was named UMR's 2004 Woman of the Year in April. Known for her research in geology, paleontology and palynology (the study of pollen and spores),
James 0. Staffer, professor emeritus of chemistry and a longtime investigator with the Graduate Center for Materials Research, received the UMR Coatings Institute Distinguished Scientist Award for his contributions to advance research and education in the coatings field. Among Staffers recent work is research into developing a more environmentally friendly replacement for chrome in aircraft coatings. The Coatings Institute honored Staffer at its April 23 banquet.
Hank Pernicka, associate professor of aerospace engineering, was one of nine U.S. researchers selected to participate in the summer 2004 Boeing A.D. Welliver Faculty Summer Fellowship program. The eight-week program brings faculty members together with Boeing engineers to study the aerospace company's technical, business and management career paths and to help professors better understand Boeing's research needs. Pernicka is the fourth UMR faculty member to participate in the program since 1997. Fie joined UMR in 2001.
MISSOURI TRANSPORTATION INSTITUTE IS OFF AND RUNNING Former Rhode Island official leads new research initiative W illiam D. Ankner, the former director of the Rhode Island
Department of Transportation, was appointed in June to lead the Missouri Transportation Institute (MTI), a new statewide research program involving several Missouri colleges and universities and led by UMR. As director of the Rhode Island Department of Transportation from 1996-2003, Ankner managed an annual budget of $372 million and a capital program of $200 million. He also created the University of Rhode Island's Transportation Center of Excellence. The MTI was developed to better coordinate research pertaining to Missouri's transportation system â&#x20AC;&#x201D; from highways and bridges to rail, water, air and public transportation â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and help develop new transportation-related technology. The organization is designed to draw upon the research expertise of the member colleges and universities, as well as the Missouri Department of Transportation, which sponsors the center.
the "uncharted territory" of terahertz frequency. The award makes Ullrich a Research Corp. Cottrell Scholar. A theoretical physicist, Ullrich studies condensed-matter physics, specifically in the terahertz frequency range, which lies between the gigahertz range (used by microwaves, cell phones and high-speed radar) and the infrared region used by photonics and fiber optics technology. A better understanding of the physics of terahertz frequency could open new avenues in the communications field, Ullrich says.
Daryl Beetner, standing, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at UMR, received the national C. Holmes MacDonald Award as the Outstanding Young Electrical Engineering Professor for 2003 from EE honor society Eta Kappa Nu. He's the first UMR faculty member to receive the award, which is based on contributions to teaching, research and service. Beetner joined the UMR faculty in 1998.
Carsten A. Ullrich, assistant professor of physics, has received a $75,000 award from Research Corp., a foundation for the advancement of science, for his efforts to better understand electromagnetic waves in
Going to the Great Lakes IN C A A
UMR athletics to switch conferences in 2005 UMR will become one of three new members of the NCAA Division II Great Lakes Valley Conference next fall, ending a 70-year affiliation with the Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association. UMR and two other Missouri schools - Drury University in Springfield and Rockhurst University in Kansas City - accepted an invitation to join the GLVC last June. Their addition to the GLVC will expand the conference to 14 teams. “As an institution, we are thrilled about being accepted into the Great Lakes Valley Conference,” says UMR Chancellor Gary Thomas. “We have had a great association with the MIAA for many years, but this move will allow UMR to join a conference where its institutions share similar philosophies and also expand our visibility throughout a region that serves as our main recruiting base for students. In addition, we anticipate this will allow us to reduce the amount of time required for our teams to travel to competitions.” “We are looking forward to the challenges that lie ahead,” says UMR director of athletics Mark Mullin. “The Great Lakes Valley Conference is exceptional and will provide an excellent home for our athletic program. We have had discussions on our campus and with alumni over the past year and the consensus has been that this is a good fit for UMR. “Entering the GLVC with two highly respected institutions Drury and Rockhurst - is a plus and will serve to elevate an already outstanding conference,” Mullin says. As a league, the GLVC has enjoyed great success on the field. Kentucky Wesleyan has won eight NCAA Division II titles in men’s basketball, the most of any institution in the division, while Southern Indiana played for the national title this season. Northern Kentucky was the national champion in women’s basketball in 2000 and finished second in the nation in the 2002-03 season. Wisconsin-Parkside and Lewis have been recent national runnersup in softball. In addition, Quincy and Drury played in the NCAA Division II Elite Eight in women’s basketball last year, with Drury reaching the national championship game. The GLVC sponsors 17 championships, but not in football, where UMR will compete as an independent beginning in the 2005 season. FOR MORE ABOUT THE MOVE AN D ABOUT THE GLVC, V IS IT UM R'S SPORTS W EBSITE AT C A M P U S.U M R .ED U /SP0R TS /
A nother national aw ard for Hamera Kate Hamera, AE'04, topped off a stellar academic and athletic career at UMR on June 3, when she was named the winner of the 2004 Ken B. Jones Award at the Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association Awards Banquet held in Kansas City, Mo. Earlier in the season, Hamera earned.AIIAmerica honors in cross country and indoor track, conference titles in the indoor mile and 3,000-meter runs, and second-place finishes in three events at the indoor and outdoor championships. Her second-place finish at the NCAA South Central Regional earned Hamera a spot in the NCAA Cross Country Championships this past season. The award, named for the MIAA's first commissioner, is the conference's highest honor. Hamera is the second UMR student-athlete to earn this award since it was created a decade ago. The inaugural award was won by Becky (Wilson) Lorey, GeoE'94, who also competed in cross country and track while at UMR.
B ack the M iners: join the Chairback Seat Campaign Thanks to a leadership gift from Armin and Norman Tucker, both MinE'40, the UMR Chairback Seat Campaign
Pennuto a runner-up
is now a reality. Alumni and
UMR swimmer Jack Pennuto, ME'04, was one of the men's finalists for the Jones Award and was named Academic All-American of the Year on the college division at-large team by the College Sports Information Directors of America for the 2003-04 season. During his four years on the team, Pennuto won 20 All-America awards, including four last season.
friends may join the Tucker
Jack Pennuto
twins in support of this project by pledging to have their names inscribed on a chairback seat in the arena. Each $1,000 pledge allows alumni and friends to name a chairback. There is no limit on
Deken nam ed M VP Senior pitcher Christy Deken, who rewrote softball record books even at the national level, was named the Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association's most valuable player for the 2004 season. She's the first UMR student to receive the MVP honor in softball. With a 27-2 record, a 0.48 earned run average and 346 strikeouts in 218 % innings, Deken was a unanimous selection to the AllMIAA first team. Her 11.08 strikeouts per game for the 41-14 Lady Miners was second in all of NCAA Division II last year.
the number of seats an individual or business may name. Pledges for this project are to be paid in full by June 30,2005, and are tax deductible as allowed by law. For more information on the Christy Deken
SPORTS SCHEDULE â&#x20AC;&#x201D; online at campus.umr.edu/sports
project, contact the UMR athletics department at (573)341-4175. ____________________________ )
Association NEWS
Alumni association gives $2,500 to student organizations
M em ber B enefits
Seven student organizations shared $2,500 in funding from the alumni association this spring:
• Interfraternity Council received $800 to create a recruitment DVD. • Chinese Students and Scholars Association received $500 for the Chinese Spring Festival Gala. • Panhellenic Council received $250 to create a recruitment brochure.
As a graduate of MSM-UMR, you are automatically a member of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association and are entitled to:
MSM-UMR: Chairs, lamps, watches, rings, pendants, Platinum/Gold MasterCard, license plates for Missouri residents.
Career Assistance: UMR's Career Opportunities Center will help you in your job search!
Services: Online Community, including searchable directory. Access to alumni office via email (alumni@umr.edu). Alumni locator service to help you find friends. Address update service so you don't miss your MSM-UMR mail.
To take advantage
• Panhellenic Council and Interfraternity Council each received $215 to register a participant to attend the Mid-American Greek Council Association Conference. • UMR Advanced Aero Vehicle Group received $200 to construct an airplane for competition. • Helix and Water Environment Federation received $200 to construct wetlands on donated land. • National Society of Black Engineers received $120 to register a participant in the National Society of Black Engineers National Convention.
W HERE A RE YOUR COLLEGE FRIENDS TODAY? FIND OUT BY REGISTERING WITH T H E M , k MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION'S ONLINE COMMUNITY. ALREADY 5,227 ALUMNI HAVE REGISTERED. To register, go to alumni.umr.edu and follow the links to the Online Community. The six-digit number above your name on the label of your Alumnus magazine acts as your security code (Or you can email alumni@umr.edu and ask for your security code.) Once you're registered, you'll have access to everything from the Online Directory to permanent email.
of these offers, contact the alumni office: MSM-UMR Alumni Association
Castleman Hall University of Missouri-Rolla 1870 Miner Circle Rolla, MO 65409-0650 Phone: (573)341-4145 Fax: (573)341-4706 Email: alumni@umr.edu Web: alumni.umr.edu
MSM-UMR Alumni Association Mission and Goals MISSION The association w ill proactively strive to create an environment — embodying communication w ith and participation by MSM-UMR alumni and friends — to foster strong loyalty to UMR and growth of the association. The association w ill increase its financial strength as w ell as provide aid and support to deserving students, faculty, and alumni friends.
GOALS • Assist university w ith recruitm ent and retention. • Improve communication w ith and expand the involvement of alumni, especially recent graduates and current students. • Increase financial resources of the association and the university. • Strengthen alumni section activity. • Increase volunteer support to the university and its students. The officers and other members of the association's board of directors provide leadership and actual participation to achieve these goals and fulfill this mission. For their efforts to be a success, they need YOUR active participation as well, in whatever alumni activities you choose.
Association NEWS
The survey says...
Alumni share their thoughts about campus, themselves 1,134 alumni respond to
MSM-UMR Alumni Association survey
The survey, which targeted graduates who earned their degrees between 1950 and 2002, was sent to 41,390 alumni. To gain a better understanding of the generations of alumni, we broke the results into two categories: the 1950-1970 graduates and 1971-2002 graduates. Here's a sample of what we asked, and how you responded:
DESCRIBING THE ROLLA GRAD We asked you to give us three words that best describe an MSM-UMR graduate. "Intelligent" was the top choice for the younger alumni, and was right up there as a top three descriptor among our older alumni. But more of our older alumni picked "dedicated" and "practical" over "intelligent." 1950-1970 grads
1971-2002 grads
Dedicated Practical Intelligent Educated Competent
Intelligent Hard-working Prepared Smart Educated
GOOD ADVICE In response to a question about how to advise freshmen to get the most from their campus experience, the older alumni emphasized hard work and study while the younger alumni recommended getting involved with campus organizations. 1950-1970 graduates
1971-2002 graduates
Study/work hard Participate Take non-major electives Enjoy school Join professional societies
Join a fraternity, club, student government, etc. - get involved Work hard/study hard Obtain practical work experience/ co-op/internship, etc. Make friends to study with
CAM PUS LANDM ARKS BEST N O N -M A JO R COURSES Both groups of alumni agreed that communication and business courses were the most important non-major courses for their careers. 1950-1970 graduates
1971-2002 graduates
Writing classes Public speaking/communication Economics Business R0TC
English/report writing Interpersonal communications/speech Math (statistics/calculus/trig/geometry) Computer science/Fortran and C++ Economics
And the survey winner is... Stephen B. Hinkamp, CE'82, of Kenner, La., who won $500 cash in the association s random drawing and had this to say: THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE A UMR GRADUATE: "professional, knowledgeable and disciplined." ADVICE TO FRESHMEN: "enjoy the social interaction, but above all, get the most out of your opportunity for a high-quality education." BEST NON-MAJOR COURSE: industrial organization and management.
When asked "What campus landmark or location holds the most meaning or significance to you?" the generational differences revealed themselves. One of the top responses among 1950-1970 graduates,was "Old Met," which is now better known as the Basic Engineering Building. Two of the top five choices for younger grads - "The Puck" and Stonehenge - weren't around prior to 1970. 1950-1970 graduates
1971-2002 graduates
Rolla Building Old Met Building Parker Hall Norwood Hall Chemical Engineering Building
Quadrangle The Puck Curtis Laws Wilson Library Rolla Building Stonehenge
The association thanks the 1,134 alumni who responded to the survey. For more information about the survey, please contact the MSM-UMH Alum niAssociation via email at alumni@umr.edu or call (573) 341-4175.
Section NEWS
A special thank you to Sean Daly for organizing and hosting this event. Those attending include Rebekah Bandy; Sean Daly 96; Rob Davis '01; John Goethe 92; Eric Hensley 97; Jennifer Marshall 96; Tony 98, Laura 99 and Annabelle McLaughlin, Jeff Rottler and Willis '73 and Nancy Wilson.
ARK-LA-TEX Spring renew s M in e r pride in Ark-La-Tex alum ni - April 17
Solar car brings energy to W ichita - April 17 As a potential recruitment tool for the Wichita area, members of the Air Capital Section invited the UMR Solar Car Team to a picnic April 17 to discuss their achievements and show off their award-winning car. Alumni, family and members of the community were able to come out and help welcome the team to their fine city and to learn the finer points of using solar energy to make a car run down the highway. Thanks go to Sean Daly and Willis Wilson for working with the team to make the trip possible, and for hosting everyone at Cessna Park East. Those attending include Yuvaraj Annamalai '03; John and Shirley Baker; Connie Byrne (widow of William Byrne '60) with Jason and Ryan Hoover; Sean Daly '96; Rob Davis 91; Jarrod Grant '98; John Goethe 92; Kevin McGuire '03; Kirk 95 and Tracy Peterson with Raelee; Steve Smith '65 and Willis '73 and Nancy Wilson with Brad Bennifeld and Marcus Mix.
A ir Capital kicks off summer events w ith elections - June 19 The Air Capital Section met on June 19 to review their officers' reports and to elect new officers for the coming year. The group met at Red Bean's Bayou Grill West to enjoy not only each other, but also the awesome menu! Following the business part of the evening, the group then headed to All Star Sports West for some fun and games. Congratulations to Rob Davis for taking on the role of section president for Air Capital. 40
The annual spring dinner and meeting for the members of the Ark-La-Tex Section was held in Natchitoches, La., April 17. Alumni and guests were able to enjoy the fine cuisine of Mariner's Seafood/Steakhouse, before discussing future plans for section activity. Due to the many attractions of the Natchitoches area, alumni were encouraged to spend more time exploring the area following official section business. Many thanks go to Connie Bauers for organizing and hosting this event. Those attending include Connie '02 and Lincoln Bauers; Helen Bruening (widow of Walter Bruening 34); John Cocher; Clydelle Compton (widow of Basil Compton 39); Scotty 91 and Theresa Gerbes and John Livingston 39.
CAROLINAS/ PIEDMONT Carolinas/Piedm ont w elcom es n e w M in er to fam ily - April 26 In an effort to help a North Carolina prospective student feel more at home attending college in Missouri, a couple of Carolinas/Piedmont alumni took a young man and his parents out to dinner to talk about the advantages of attending the University of Missouri-Rolla. It was with great delight that the Carolinas/Piedmont Section announces that their section scholarship nominee, Kyle Bryan, will be attending school in Rolla in the fall. He will be among the other distinguished members of the freshman class of 2004. Special thanks goes to Brian Tenholder for taking the extra step to make an out-of-state student feel right at home. Those attending include Kyle Bryan and his parents; Gene '50 and Loretta Langston and Brian 97 and Jolie Tenholder
W E W A N T YO U R N E W S Submit your Section News by Dec. 20,2004, to alumni@umr.edu for inclusion in the spring 2005 issue.
Gene Langston and Brian Tenholder with UMR student Kyle Bryan (center).
U M R representatives travel to Botsw ana - January 31 Distance is not an obstacle for members of the UMR community when it comes to meeting with MSM-UMR alumni. Several faculty and staff members traveled to Botswana in January to meet with a local university to discuss potential transfer programs, as well as to bring area alumni and family members together to reminisce about their days in Rolla. Alumni living in the Botswana area are interested in forming a Botswana Section, and will be working with the alumni association to make this a reality. Many thanks go to Jeanie Hofer for her assistance in bringing everyone together to celebrate the University of Missouri-Rolla. Those attending include Godiraone Baratedi; Edwin Elias 90; Larry Grayson; Jeanie Hofer; B. Maje; Tsotlhe Makoko 90; A. Malumbela; Peter Moswate 90; Maburuo Motsamai 91; Y. Nkaowe; L.M. Raditsebe; E. Keith Stanek; Meshack Tshekedi 90 and John Wilson.
Section NEWS
Chicago alumni gather at John Barleycorn Pub in Lincoln Park.
the defeat of the Rangers, Texas alumni were honored to cheer on the 12-7 victory of the Missouri team. Special thanks go to Mindy Brand for organizing and hosting this event. Those attending include Erwin '49 and Carolyn Blankenmeister; Glenn '83 and Mindy '84 Brand and children; Greg Copeland '78; Terry Dye '77; Bev Johnson '98; Mike Link '96; Tom 75 and Jan Mittler; Mike Nix '83 with Dave; Herb 71 and Linda Schnyder; Bill Slocum '62; James '57 and Dottie Trautwein.
Lai for his work on getting the Enchanted Section website up and running. Those attending include Dennis Croessmann '81; Roland Freidank '38 with Roger and Cindy; Steve '95 and Cheryl Glover; Bill Heitz 78; Jesse Lai '02; Ming Lau '80; David Moore '83; Fred Newton '69 and Linda McNatt; Paul Parris; Todd Rastorfer '98; Nick '01 and Christina '02 Streeter; Chancellor Gary Thomas; Ben '42 and Dee Weidle; John 77 and Melina Williams and Joan 73 and Jim Woodard.
Chicago alum ni enjoy dow ntow n night life - June 19 Chicago area alumni, family and friends gathered together on June 19 at the John Barleycorn Pub in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Chicago for an informal Saturday night outing to kick off the summer. The food was good, the drinks were better and the "new" crowd brought a change-ofpace atmosphere to the UMR Miners of Chicago. Folks new to the section got acquainted with the veterans, and a lot of ideas were exchanged about bigger and better events down the road. Special thanks go to Parris Ng for organizing and hosting this event. Those attending include Lance Driskill '94; Andrew '01 and Kelly Hastings; Michael '00, '02 and Elizabeth '02 Matthews; Michael McCoy '00 with Kristen Fagen; Fred '95 and Jessica '97 Niemeier; Parris Ng '00 with Jenny Che; Kathy Reynolds '97; Jessie Rife '01 and Richard Words '00 with Marcie Harrison.
Cardinals m ake history w ith alum ni - June 11 Family and friends of Dallas/Ft. Worth MSM-UMR alumni came together on June 11 at the Ameriquest Field in Arlington, Texas, to watch the St. Louis Cardinals take on the Texas Rangers. This was the first time ever that the Cardinals have battled the Rangers in the 32-year history of the ball club! Despite
Louisville alum ni go out to the ballgam e - June 17
C hancellor Thomas visits land of enchantm ent - June 28 UMR Chancellor Gary Thomas made a visit to Albuquerque to meet with alumni and their guests at Landry's Seafood House on June 28. Thomas spoke with the group about current and future construction projects, such as the Residential College and the dedication of 14th Street to the university by the city of Rolla. Thomas also recognized section member Joan Woodard for her tireless efforts on the UMR Board of Trustees. Another guest present was Paul Parris, chair of the UMR physics department, who is on sabbatical doing research in Albuquerque. Section president, Todd Rastorfer, presented Thomas with a framed Native American tile embossed and colored with the new 2004 Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta logo and theme in appreciation for his trip to the area. Woodard also toasted Thomas for his dedication to the educational advancement of the university. Many thanks go to Rastorfer for organizing and planning this event. Thanks also to Jesse
Members of the Falls of the Ohio Section gathered on June 17 at the Overlook Grill, located inside Louisville Slugger Field, to socialize and talk odds on the ballgame due to start between the Louisville Bats and the Buffalo Bison. Following the fellowship of the pre-game party, the group headed to their seats, just overlooking the first base line. All went well, until the first rain cloud headed their direction during the fifth inning; however, the die-hard ball fans waited it out until the second blast came in the sixth inning. It did not take long for the crowd to quickly vanish, as it was apparent the skies were not going to let up. Thanks go to James Abbott for organizing and hosting this event. Those attending include James Abbott 75; Charles Asher '59; Dave Brewer '69; Russell Brooks '95; Bob DeSpain '61; Dirk '91 and Niki Gowin; Scott Kelly '93; Shannon '00 and Nancy '00 Knoepflein; Tom Mesko '82 with Molly; Bob Morfeld '69; Bob Obrien '54;
Section NEWS
Charles Parks 72; Chuck Russel; Brent '81 and Lois '80 Sparks; Cheri '00 and Doug Wagner and Jeff Woods '92.
KC alumni come together "fore" UMR scholarship In honor of student recruitment and scholarship, Kansas City Section members spent the day golfing at the Heritage Park Golf Course. This annual event helps raise funds for the Kansas City Endowed Scholarship. While the golfers were out playing the course, Stephanie Martensen of the alumni relations office, was speaking with other alumni in the clubhouse. After showering them with MSM-UMR Alumni Association notepads and magnets, she made them promise to attend next year's tournament. A special thank you goes to John Frerking for organizing this annual event. Those attending include Ben Ackley 76; Dick Ball '85; Tom Benassi '00; Brad Burton; John Frerking '87; Dave Hallowell; John Janchar '90; Al Landoll '67; Stephanie Martensen; John McCollum '02; Tom Phillips '62; Karl Schenke 76; Eric Shumate '96; Dave Skitek '67; Bob Steinhoff '80; Kent Trask and Buss Zung '97.
LINCOLNLAND M u llin scores hole-in-one w ith Lincolnland alum ni - M ay 10 Lincolnland's annual golf tournament was held on May 10, at the Scovill Golf Course in Decatur, III. Despite the smaller-than-usual
crowd at this event, the alumni and guests present had enough fun and fellowship for the entire section. Following the 4-person scramble, attendees enjoyed a well-deserved feast fit for a Miner, along with a wonderful presentation of UMR athletics. Mark Mullin, director of athletics, made the trek to Decatur, to capture the sporting spirit with these golfers, following a tough day on the course. Many thanks go to Jim May for organizing and hosting this event. Those attending included Melvin Allison 70; Rich Berning '69; David Daniels '69; Kenneth Daniels '90; Tom Feger '69; Dennis Flervey 71; Jerry Hirlinger '86; Mr. Humke; Jim May '66; Ed Midden '69; William Mochel '64; Mark Mullin; Jack Park; Jerry Parsons 70; Jim Bechner 70 and Paul Zimmer 72.
Formula car team races to annual alum ni event - M ay 19 It was a full house on May 19 at Mountain Jack's Steakhouse in Auburn Hills, Mich., as alumni, friends and members of the UMR SAE Formula Car Team came together for their annual dinner in the Motor City. Members of the team were gearing up to participate in the Formula SAE, a worldwide competition of college and university students. In addition to hearing about the team, their current car and the anticipated standing of UMR at the top of the roster, alumni were able to hear an update on the campus from Chancellor Gary Thomas. Thomas made such a positive impression during the 2003 event that he was asked to come back annually to meet with the group. In addition, the group was joined by Vice Provost for Research and Sponsored Programs Wayne Huebner, representatives from admissions, alumni relations and development. Following a special trivia quiz to award the much-anticipated UMR door prizes, the evening wrapped up with a special tribute to the late Bob Seaman '69. Seaman was instrumental in starting this annual dinner with the team, and his absence was apparent throughout the evening. The section sends their thoughts and prayers to his son, Jeff Seaman '00, and his family.
A very special thank you goes to Ray Schaffart for his continued support of the team, and allowing them to attend this dinner due to his generosity. Those attending include Liz Abram; Josh Angle; Kevin Arl; Nathan Averett; Bon Baker 78; Valarie Boatman; Joe Boze; Barry '99 and Janet '99 Callahan; Andy Clawson; Richard Colfax '03; Carol Crooks '89; Simon Dirnberger; Tiffany Eigenman; Ryan Francka; Steve '91 and Megan Fulkerson; Edmund Gaffney '97; Bon GiIlham '56; Tom 71 and Phyllis Greene; Greg Harris; Jake Hertenstein; Wayne Huebner '82; Ted Huff '86; Ryan Hutcheson; Clayton James; Stephanie Martensen; Marcus '87 and Jennifer Merideth; Prem Midha; Robert Miller; Tom Million '54; Dale Morse 79; Mark Murray; James Nelson; Jason Nolte; Hank Pernicka; Clark Potzmann 70; Denver Roberts; Hans Rodgers '89; Sarah Salmons; Ray Schaffart '63; Dennis Schlueter 70; Ron Schoenbach 70; Travis Schofield; Greg Schreiber '92; John Shelton 71; Nathan Siebert '99; Kennyn Statler '56; Doug '01 and Becky Stroud; LeiIani Tedtaotao; Chancellor Gary Thomas and Ken Williams 71.
PORTLAND Portland sails in to M S M -U M R Alum ni Association - April 28 Thanks to the efforts of Bruce Miller, alumni and guests of the Portland area came together to sign a petition to become the 45th section of MSM-UMR alumni on April 28, aboard the Portland Spirit. Guests were able to enjoy a 27i hour dinner cruise on the Willamette River, and learn about current events from guest speaker Stephanie Martensen, alumni relations office. Many members of this new section found it hard to believe that so many Miners made it across the country to the fine state of Oregon. Everyone in attendance agreed that future events were a must, especially with the variety of activities offered in the area. Those attending included Duane Bequette 75, 76; Richard Bullock '51; Marilyn Daurn '80; H. Pat Duvall '62; Les Groupp 75; David Heineck 79; Paul Mabie '55; Stephanie Martensen; Bruce Miller '50; W.G. Paulsell '50; Art Schweizer 70 and William D. Walker '58.
Portland-area alumni came together to sign a petition to become the 45th section on April 28, aboard the Portland Spirit.
St. Louis alumni reunite at Trailhead B rew ery - April 24 As a way to help regenerate interest in the St. Louis Section, newly elected officers planned a happy hour event in historic downtown St. Charles, Mo., at the Trailhead Brewery on April 24. The section covered the cost of some of the most fantastic appetizers created in St. Louis and the surrounding counties, with alumni, family and friends able to choose from a wide variety of adult beverages brewed on the premises. This event was a true success, in that it brought alumni from several generations together, spurred discussion of what other types of events alumni would like to see for the future and reminded everyone that the St. Louis Section is alive and well! Officers for the St. Louis Section are: Christina Sfreddo-president; Randy Dreilingvice president; Milt Murry-treasurer and Sam and Sylvia Strackeljahn-secretary/historian. A special thank you goes to all the officers for planning and hosting this event. Those attending include Dick '51 and Shirley Bauer; Phillip Bertrand '91; Bandy Dreiling '81; John 79, '90 and Marie Eash; Samuel '97 and Shawnna '00 Erter; Brett '94 and Melissa '93 Felton; Hank '64, '66 and Mary Fischer; Michelle Goode '99; Bahul Goturi '96; Sam '88 and Christine '89 Grunbaum; Brian '97 and Katie '97 Harris; Edward Hunn '94; Bandy '84 and Joan '85
Hunt; James '99 and Kate '02 Klotz; Stephanie Martensen; Tom McCoy '00; M ilt Murry '64, '80; Julia Nadler '03; Jim Parker 78; Daniel Poertner '86; Terry 70 and Jane Pursley; Jim 70 and Cathy Boss; Tom Schneider 75; Christina Sfreddo '94; Doron Shapiro '84; Bon Six '97; Pam Thebeau '00, '01; Clint Thessen '93, '98; John Wies '03 and Christy Witte '95.
Annual St. Louis golf tournam ent up to par - June 19 St. Louis area alumni, family and friends gathered for their annual golf tournament on June 19 at Wolf Hollow Golf Course. The tournament is the major fundraiser for the St. Louis Endowed Scholarship. This year, 105 golfers came together for the event. Following the tournament play, attendees gathered for a dinner and awards celebration. Two UMR representatives, Kirby Cannon of athletics and Joanne Zap of university advancement, were on hand to answer any questions regarding the campus. Winners of the 2004 golf tournament were: First Place: A Flight-14 Linder Par, Net 57 were Howard Stine, Kevin Jacobsmeyer, Jack Bertelsmeyer and Tim Hdrtel; B Flight-2 Linder Par, Net 69 were Mike Busby, Jeff Busby, Matt Richardson and Mike Richardson; Second Place: A Flight-12 Under Par, Net 59 were Chris Boone, Bobby Lyerla, Chris Beer and Rick Gildhaus; B Flight-2 Under Par, Net 69 were Kirby Cannon, Shawn Corbett, Steve Bugg and John Andesilich; Closet to Pin were Dean Shaw (hole-in-one on hole 5), Dave Hummert (Hole 9), Chris Boone (Hole 14) and Jack Bertelsmeyer (Hole 17); Longest Drive were Kevin Jacobsmeyer (Hole 8) and Tanya Bozdech (Hole 8). The St. Louis Section would like to thank the following for their sponsorship of the tournament: Brock Haus Rentals, Cochran Engineering & Surveying, Alternative Engineering, Charles E. Jarrell Contracting,
Design Nine Inc., Environmental Management Corp., Geotechnology Inc., Horner & Shifrin Inc., McCarthy Building Companies, R.H. Tauser & Associates, The Boeing Company and URS Corp. Thanks to the following for donating attendance prizes: A.G. Edwards, Alberici Constructors, Burns & McDonnell Inc., Design Nine Inc., Geotechnology Inc., The Boeing Company, UMR Football, URS Corp., Van Pak Corp., Milt Murry and Randy Dreiling. Sign printing was provided by Metro Blueprint and Classic Color. A special thank you goes to Randy Dreiling for coordinating this annual event. Those attending include Spencer '01 and Bridget '01 Allen; John Andesilich '66; David Bailey '64; Chris Beer; Jack Bertelsmeyer 70; Chris Boone '90; Mike Borgard '86; Tanya Bozdech '92; Steve Brunts 78; Mike Brynac '66; Steve Bugg '65; Mike 78 and Jeff Busby; Ken Busch 72; Kirby Cannon; Gregg Carlson 77; Bryan '86 and Jack Cassity; Joe Conn '90; Shawn Corbett; Calvin Curdt 74; Mark Downer '82; Bandy Dreiling '81; Gary Durney 70; Bon Dutton 74; Matt Dwyer '94; Gary Dyhouse '64; John Eash 79, '90; Jim Engelhard; Samuel â&#x20AC;&#x2122;97 and Shawnna '00 Erter; Gene Faenger '65; Bill Falke '65; Paul Fellin 77; Kenneth Ferguson '65, 70; Steve Fiueroa; Hank '64 and Mary Fischer; Hick Gildhaus; Kent '81 and Scott Goddard; Ed Goetemann '44; Kevin and Tricia '03 Grass; Chuck Grbcich '88; Bon Halbach '65; Dave Haynes '00; John Haynes; Michael Haynes 78; Tim Hdrtel; Tom Herrmann '50; Jim Hummert 77; Dave Hummert; Mike Hutchison; Kevin Jacobsmeyer '87; Bon Jansen 79; Phil Jozwiak '66; Jeff '82 and Jeanne Klein; Jason Koelling; Keith Konradi 72; Dave Kramp '82; Larry Krull '88; Tom Kruse; Ben Kuenzel '01; Tony Lebert '88; Bobby Lyerla; Matt Masterson '96; Bich Mills; William Montgomery 58; M ilt Murry '64, '80; Joe Neyer; Mike Nickels '85; Mike Padawer; Bich Permenter '99; Jason '00 and Mary Peterein; Dave Pretto; Larry Probst 71; Elliott Beed '01; Mike 79 and Matt Bichardson; Mike Schaefer '82; Tim Schmidt 77; Tom 75 and Zach Schneider; Dave Schwetz; Harry Scott '44; Dean Shaw; Tom Shilling '80; Ed Smith '82; Guy Steensgard '82; Howard Stine 70; Bill Sutton '63,74; Dennis Tate '92; Ed Tauser; Bay Tauser '56; Steve Tauser; Gary Vandiver 72; John Vaninger; Jon Vaninger '63; Bill Vondera '88; Doug Workman 71; Doug Worley and Joanne Zap.
Alumni NOTES
Golden Alumni Reunion
Class of
Thank You A thank you to one and all Who made our 50th year Such a ball.
W ^ ' U;
t T,
The care you took with all the details Was something to compare This is something I don't think I would even dare.
' ^
The 34 alumni attending the event included the following: first row (left to rightj: Herbert £ Lincoln III, Jack B. Dowell, Charles C. Poe Jr., Vernon D. Volker, Ralph L Hollocher, Jack L. DeShurley, Robert T. Dahl, T. Rex Fowler Jr. Second row (left to right): Joseph B. Hughes, Joe E. Gray, Joseph F. Krispin, Daniel £ Groteke, Thomas £ Million, Robert £ Hanss, William H. Stewart. Third row (left to right): Punch Bennett, Richard A. Wildermuth, Paul E. Ramsey Sidney J. Cole Jr., Robert H. Towell, James A. Hubeli, Eugene F. Trytko, Robert B. Puyear, Richard M. Humphries. Fourth row (left to right): Harold A. Koelling, James 0. Toutz, James A. Gerard, William F. Geisler, Herbert P. Pillisch, Robert G. O'Brien, Max A. Burgett, Bob Patterson.
Fifty-nine members and guests of the Class of 1954 attended the Golden Alumni Reunion June 6-8 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their graduation from MSM. In addition to meeting each other, alumni toured their departments and the RTI-UMR Solar House. Chancellor Gary Thomas gave a presentation on today’s campus, and showed architectural drawings of future buildings and landscaping plans. The MSM-UMR Alumni Association hosted the alumni and presented programs on the association’s history, world events 50 years ago and MSM in 1954.
l82Qs 1928 b irth d a y on June
17, 2 0 0 4 .
1 0 0 th
liv e s in
O v e rla n d P ark , K a n .
Dick Humphries, Class of 1954
“The Four Decades” barbershop quartet served as the opening act for the Golden Alumni Banquet, followed by class members Joseph Krispin and Bob Patterson sharing some of their memories. In a grand recognition ceremony, Thomas and MSMUMR Alumni Association president-elect Larry Hendren, MinE’73, presented class members with their 50-year pins and certificates on the final day of the reunion.
Carl T. A. Johnk. E E : “ Jeanette and I are
d a u g h te rs - and s o n s -in -la w are M S M - U M R
th a n k fu lly w e ll and s till s k iin g . H a v e been
a lu m n i.” •
te a c h in g tw o courses at th e U n iv e rs ity o f
have m o v e d to A u b u rn , A la ., to be c lo s e r to
Eugene P., M E ’5 1 . S e v e ra l o f E u g e n e ’s Thomas J. Mazzone, M E : “I
C o lo ra d o since re tire m e n t in 19 9 0 — o n ly
because i t ’s fu n ! A n d , h o p e fu lly , to h e lp
fra te rn ity brothers and classm ates a h e a lth y
y o u n g p e o p le .” •
Albert Hill, C E , c e le b ra te d his
So thanks again for all the love and care You showed us old-timers For it made us proud to be Miners
Austin E. Schuman, M E :
“ A t age 8 3 I ’ m in good h e a lth , but s lig h tly u n s te a d y
w a lk in g .
E n jo y
liv in g
sons and th e ir fa m ilie s .
I w is h
and h a p p y 2 0 0 4 .”
F lo r id a .”
Glenn H. Fritz, M in E : “ R e tire d fr o m
d r illin g
Edward T. Kendall Jr., M E : “ H a d a fin e v is it fro m Bob Rock, M e t E ’ 4 8 , and his
w e ll
lo v e ly w ife last A p r il. B o b w a s a cla ss m a te
I re m a in in g o o d h e a lth and am a c tiv e in the
o f m y b ro th e r, Jerry, w h o d ie d d u rin g W o r ld W ar II.”
M a s o n ic fra te rn ity . A ll th e best to the class o f
business s everal years a g o a fte r s e llin g ro ta ry
1 9 4Qs 1941
accessories to the m in in g , w a te r
e x p lo r a tio n
in d u s trie s
n o rth w e s te rn states. A lth o u g h I h a v e aged,
’4 7 .”
Andreas A. Andreae, M E : “ E n jo y in g m y
r e tire m e n t in F lo rid a . H e a lth is g o o d , g o lf is
Warren L. Larson, M e t E : “ O u r fa m ily
so-so. H o p e to m a k e the ’41 reu n io n . I ’ m 8 4 a n d s till liv in g .”
re u n io n
Robert E. Held, C E : “ C e le b ra tin g 6 0 years o f m a rrie d bliss in June 2 0 0 4 .” • Gerardo Joffe, M in E : “ I sold m y business a b o u t three
in c lu d e d
th re e a lu m n i,
Leonard N., C e r E ’4 3 , Warren L., M e t E ’4 4 ,
Alumni NOTES
years ag o and am n o w d e d ic a te d m o s tly to
v o lu n te e r c o m m u n ity a c tiv itie s and h ave
p u b lis h in g , w ritin g and m y p h ila n th ro p ie s .
Everett G. Stevens, C e rE : “ M y w ife , N a n c y ,
P ris c illa and I h a v e been m a rrie d fo r 5 2 years
and I h ave e ig h t g ra n d c h ild re n and co u n tin g .
tra v e le d to A u s tra lia .
an d
tw o
liv in g
g ra n d c h ild re n .” • “ S till e n jo y in g
c h ild r e n
fo u r
Gilbert S. Keeley, E E : F lo r id a
su n s h in e
a re
r e tire d
P a lm
D e s e r t,
p la c e s
as A la s k a
C a lf .,
e n jo y in g the g o lf and the g reat w e a th e r.”
Thomas C . Metcalf Jr., M E , retire d fro m
h e lp in g teach d e a f and h a rd -o f-h e a rin g kids
R o c k Is la n d A rs e n a l J u ly 3, 2 0 0 2 , a fte r m o re
in e le m e n ta ry and m id d le s c h o o l.”
James E. Akers, C h e m : “ O u r tw o sons re c e iv e d d e g re e s fr o m U M R : Jim Jr., C h E ’ 8 6 , a n d Bill, M E ’ 9 2 . W e n o w
y e a rs o f s e rv ic e . • E. Robert Schmidt Jr., M E : “ R e tire d a fte r 4 0 years at
Paul H. Greer, E E : “ O u r fo u r c h ild re n have
S c h e d u lin g
c o n s u ltin g . I e n jo y h a v in g tim e fo r v ario u s
g iv e n us e ig h t g ra n d c h ild re n and tw o g re a t-
c o m p lic a tio n s p re ve n te d o u r atte n d a n c e at
projects and h e lp in g w ith M a r c y ’s a n tiq u e business.”
g ra n d d a u g h ters .” •
Charles P. Springstube,
M E : “ S till able to f ly m y o w n C essn a at 7 7
g r a n d c h ild r e n .
the 5 0 th re u n io n .” •
Elwood L. Knobel,
S cien tech In c . I ’ m c o n tin u in g to do p a rt-tim e
C h E : “ H o m e c o m in g 2 0 0 3 w as g re a t!”
John E. Stein, P etE : “ T o o k
years o f a g e .” •
th a n 41
Joel S. Scharf, P etE : “ L o o k in g fo rw a rd to
M a r c h 2 0 0 3 . V is ite d the F a lk la n d Is la n d s ,
Dale D. Gilliam, P etE : “ I ’ ve been retire d
A n ta rc tic a , A s te r Is la n d s , P itc a irn
a lm o s t 10 years fro m A m o c o . E n jo y in g o u r
the 4 5 th re u n io n w ith the class o f ’ 5 9 and the J a c k lin g J o c k s .”
tw o b a c k -to -b a c k cruises in F e b ru a ry and Is la n d ,
T a h iti, M o o r a and S a m o a islands. C o n tin u in g w ith w o r ld tra v e ls .” •
Harold J. Withrow,
C h E : “ I a m re tirin g fr o m the board o f S w ift E n e rg y C o .”
c h ild r e n tr a v e l.”
a n d g ra n d c h ild r e n , fr ie n d s
1956 Robert M. Owen, P etE : “ S till g o in g a fte r 4 8 years in the o il patch. I m anage 6 ,2 0 0 w e lls in 15 states. I lo v e i t ! ”
l85Qs 1950
Salvatore J. “Sam” DiBartolo, M E , retire d
Michael C . Kearney, E E : “I fu lly retire d in
fr o m G e n e ra l E le c tric 12 years ago. H e and
M ay
c o m p u te r ro o m s seem s to be ru n n in g q u ite
w if e ,
S h ir le y ,
a c tiv e
m any
bus in e s s
Donald C. Griffin, C e rE : “ M y w ife and I
c le a n in g
(continued on page 46)
w ill c e le b ra te o u r 5 5 th w e d d in g a n n iv e rs a ry in D e c e m b e r.” •
Robert E. Starke, M E :
“ I ’ ve been w o rk in g at A u ro ra P u m p P e n ta ir P u m p G ro u p fo r 5 3
years and I ’ m
s till
e n jo y in g it.”
1951 Gilbert L. Crowell, C E : “ W e c e le b ra te d o u r
M ake the most of your estate planning and charitable giving investments Go online to http://giving.umr.edu
5 6 th a n n iv e rs a ry . H a v e been retire d n e a rly 13 y e a rs .
s e rv e
s e n io r
a d v is o ry
c o m m is s io n fo r the C ity o f V is ta , C a lif. T w o o f o u r c h ild re n and th e ir spouses n o w liv e in R o w le tt an d S p rin g , T e x a s .” • William R. Griffin, C e rE : “ R e tire d a fte r 4 0 y ears o f m a k in g tita n a te s , fe rrite s , laser c ry s ta ls and m u lti-la y e r packages in the U .S ., E u ro p e and A fr ic a . R e tu rn e d to w o r k
• Supplement your retirement income and enjoy tax-wise giving. • Protect your assets and your family's future through estate planning.
10 years in the
in H o n d u ra s fo r C A R E , o th e rw is e k e e p in g
• Unlock hidden income and discover the value of charitable gift annuities, a charitable remainder trust or pooled income fund.
Don V. Roloff, C e rE : “I sold S te e lv ille C h a rc o a l
• Test your giving options with our confidential online gift calculator.
S tate E x e c u tiv e O f fic e A ffa irs .
o f E n v ir o n m e n ta l
re tire d , fin a lly .” •
Earl E.
Jackson, M in E : “ D id som e c o n s u ltin g w o rk o c c u p ie d w ith v o lu n te e r w o r k .” • W o rk s
S te e lv ille , M o ., and In d u s tria l
S u p p ly H o u s e in G re e n u p , K y . N o w fu lly re tire d b u t k eep busy as p re sid en t o f M id
This site is continuously updated to reflect current legislation dealing with estate planning vehicles. If you have questions or comments, please call 18001392-4112 or 341-4944.
E ast S ilv e r H a ire d L e g is la tu re .”
Alumni NOTES
A Bataan survivor's account Prior to his death in September 2003, Gene Boyt, ME'41, a former engineer with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, co-wrote Bataan: A Survivor's Story, Boyt's personal account of his experience as a prisoner of war during World War II. The book is believed to be one of the last to come from a Bataan Death March survivor, according to Booklist magazine. In 1942, Boyt was an Army officer building runways and infrastructure in the Philippines when the United States surrendered the Philippines to Japan. Boyt became a prisoner of war for the next 42 months until freed by American forces in the summer of 1945. For more information on Boyt's memoir, contact the publisher, University of Oklahoma Press, at (800) 627-7377, or online at www.oupress.com.
Environmental law book used on 22 campuses The latest environmental law book by R. Lee Aston, MinE'50, MS GGph'92, DEng'00, is now being used at 22 American colleges and universities. Aston, an attorney and adjunct professor of mining and environmental law at UMR, wrote Environmental Law for Engineers and Geoscientists, his second book on environmental law. The book was published by CRC Press. In addition to being a three-time UMR graduate, Aston holds degrees from William and Mary College in Virginia, the Woodrow Wilson College of Law, the Atlanta Law School in Georgia and Aston University in England, from which he holds a Ph.D. For more information, go to www.mininglawinternational.com.
w e ll w ith o u t m e ." •
Robert K. Schuler, EE:
“ A fte r 11 years o f re tire m e n t, 1 g o t in v o lv e d
Michael Devaney, E E , is a p ro fe s s o r o f
in lo cal p o litic s and n o w s e rve on the B o a rd
e le c tric a l and c o m p u te r e n g in e e rin g at the
o f P u b lic W o rk s . I w o rk w ith C ity E n g in e e r
U n iv e rs ity o f M is s o u ri-C o lu m b ia , w h e re he
Mike Spyers, C E ’ 8 3 .” • Ronald F. Schulz,
has se rv e d on the fa c u lty fo r 35 years. H e is a
P etE : “ A fte r re tire m e n t, I w o rk e d fo u r years
past c h a ir o f the M U fa c u lty c o u n c il. •
as a c o n s u lta n t to the n a tu ra l gas industry.
Larry L. Parkinson, M e tE : “ I h ave been p ro m o te d
N o w w r itin g a b ib lic a lly based b o o k and a
to p re s id e n t o f In te ra m e ric a n Z in c In c ., a
n u m b e r o f short stories. ” •
F.J. Taylor, E E :
“ I sold m ost o f the business n e a rly tw o years
w h o lly ow ned R e c y c lin g .”
s u b s id ia ry
ago. Pat and I have been sp e n d in g a b o u t h a lf o u r tim e d e v e lo p in g som e p ro p e rty b e tw e e n
R o lla and St. Jam es, M o . ”
Thomas E. Austin III, E E , is a p ro je c t m a n g e r fo r seatbelts and retractors fo r D e lp h i
in T ro y , M ic h . • Donald A. Bugg, C h E : “ Jeanie and I h ave o u r firs t
A u to m o tiv e
Raymond E. Bohlmann, M E , w as p ro m o te d to s enior te c h n ic a l fe llo w at T h e B o e in g C o .
g ra n d c h ild , S yd n e y A n n To rres . She liv e s at
In te g ra te d D e fe n s e S ys te m s in St. L o u is . •
T ra v is A i r F o rc e B ase, w ith C a p t. T o n y and
William E. Mathews, C E : “ 2 0 0 3 w as a go o d
M e la n ie To rres . O u r d a u g h ter, C h ris tin e , is
y e a r tra v e lin g ‘ S pace A ’ on m ilita r y a irc ra ft.
m a rrie d to A n d y Z ie lin s k i, S c h u m b u rg , 111.,
T ra v e le d to G re e c e , tw ic e to G e rm a n y , Japan,
and o u r d a u g h te r, V a le r ie , is m a rrie d to
K o re a , Ita ly and H a w a ii. J u d y and I are
Jo h n n y M a u k , D e la w a re , O h io . W e liv e in
e n jo y in g o u r s e m i-re tire m e n t in P la n o , T e x a s ,
G r a n v ille , O h io ." •
ne a r o u r tw o sons and th e ir w iv e s .”
re tire d fr o m A n h e u s e r-B u s c h In c . on D e c . 1,
2 0 0 3 , a fte r 3 5 years o f s e rvice. • Nancy J. Shaw, M e tE : “ I retire d fro m N A S A on Jan. 3,
Robert H. Brockhaus, M E , w as re c e n tly
2 0 0 4 . I ’ m lo o k in g fo rw a rd to d o in g m o re
h o n o re d as the N a tio n a l E n tre p re n e u rs h ip
v o lu n te e r w o rk and g e n e a lo g y .”
Stephen F. Bugg, M E ,
R esearch A d v o c a te o f the Y e a r by the U .S . S m a ll
B u s in e s s
A d m in is tr a tio n .
V ic e
P re s id e n t D ic k C h e n e y p a rtic ip a te d in the
Kelley M. Martin, P h y s, M S G G p h ’ 6 8 ,
Gerald E. Eberhart, Donald V .
o w n e r and reg istere d p rin c ip a l o f M a r tin
M E : “ R e tire d a fte r 4 0 y e a rs .” •
F in a n c ia l G ro u p o f K a n s a s C ity , M o ., has
Yates, E E : “ E n jo y in g m y re tire m e n t and p la y in g w ith m y fo u r g ra n d s o n s .” • Gungor Yildirim, E E : “I re tire d in 2 0 0 1 and am
been n a m e d to the b o ard o f d ire cto rs o f S a in t
re c o g n itio n p ro g ra m . •
L u k e ’s N o rth la n d H o s p ita l in K an sas C ity . •
John W . Mohr, E E : “ I re tire d last June fro m
n o w liv in g in S outh P asadena, F la ., w ith
m y second c a re e r w ith N o rth ro p G r u m m a n .”
m y w ife .”
• Franklin D. Schowengerdt, P h y s , M S Phys’6 7,
“ In A u g u s t 2 0 0 3
I re tire d fr o m the C o lo ra d o S ch o o l o f M in e s
John S. Bosnak, Phys: “I re tire d in A p r il
and ac c ep te d a p o s itio n at N A S A as d ire c to r
2 0 0 2 fro m H o n e y w e ll in K an sas C ity . I d id
o f the space pro d u c t d e v e lo p m e n t d iv is io n
c o n s u ltin g w o rk fo r th e m u n til M a rc h 2 0 0 3
w ith in
and am n o w w o rk in g part tim e . M y w ife ,
p h y s ic a l res e a rc h .”
th e
o ffic e
b io lo g ic a l
Laura, P h y s ’6 3 , is w e ll an d w o r k in g at B a y e r R esea rc h . W e h ave th re e c h ild re n and
fo u r g ra n d c h ild re n ." •
Shafique Naiyer, C E :
John M. Evans, M E : “ W e b e cam e fir s t-tim e
“ Last year
v e ry
g ra n d p a ren ts in M a y 2 0 0 3 w ith a b o y na m e d
w as
y e a r.
Larry E. Fritschel, Phys: “ M y
im p le m e n te d a c a p ita l im p ro v e m e n t p ro g ra m
A id a n .” •
at the C ity o f B a ld w in P a rk , C a lif., w h e re I
b rid e o f 3 6 years w as e le c te d m a y o r o f S to w ,
a m the d ire c to r o f p u b lic w o rk s and the c ity
O h io , on N o v . 4 , 2 0 0 3 , a fte r 12 y e ars o f
e n g in e e r. ”
Stanley K. Nodland, C E :
“ F u lly re tire d and p la y in g
a lot o f g o lf.
p u b lic s e rv ic e on the c ity c o u n c il. R e tire m e n t fo r m e n o w becom es a w a te rm a rk on the page
W o n the D u p o n t W o rld A m a te u r H a n d ic a p
o f lif e .” •
C h a m p io n s h ip
S .C .,
w ith
S e w in g
M y r t le
E n jo y in g
m u ch tra v e l and g o lfin g .”
• Bertram H.
Scollay, M E , re tire d June l , 2 0 0 4 .
John W. Gass, M E : “I re tire d fro m
a n d n o w w o rk fu ll tim e at S a n d i’s C o n n e c tio n ,
B e rn in a
s e w in g
m a c h in e d e a le rs h ip m y w ife , S an d ra , o w n s .” (continued on page 48)
Alumni NOTES
SEND US YOUR EM AIL ADDRESS Just send your email to alumni@umr.edu
Rockhound After 27 years of working with the Missouri Geological Survey in Rolla, Art H ebrank, GGph'67, took his dream job in 1993 as the administrator of the Missouri Mines State Historic Site in Park Hills, Mo. Hebrank started collecting rocks and minerals when he was in grade school. By fifth grade, he knew he wanted to be a geologist. Hebrank continued collecting during his extensive career with the Missouri Geological Survey. Using his rock and mineral collection, as well as his knowledge and experience, Hebrank helped establish the Missouri Mines State Historic Site in the old Federal Mine and Mill Site at St. Joe State Park in Park Hills. As the museum's administrator, Hebrank encourages fellow rockhounds to attend the site's annual "rock swap" held each June.
SME Denver meeting Faculty, alumni and students from UMR's School of Materials, Energy and Earth Resources gathered at the 2004 annual Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Engineering meeting in Denver, Colo., last February. Pictured above, left to right. R. Lee Aston, MinE'50, MS GeoG'92, DEng'OO, an attorney and adjunct professor of mining engineering at UMR; Lee S aperstein, former dean of the School of Mines and Metallurgy; and Larry Grayson, UMR's Union Pacific and Rocky Mountain Energy Professor and chair of mining engineering.
Thomas E. Austin III, EE'65, teaustin@comcast.net Joel Brand, ChE'86, and Ann Brand, CSci'84, jbrand@brandgaus.com Russell H. Brooks, GeoE'95, rbrooks@lfienvironmental.com James P. Clossick, ME'85, jclossick@orbusmt.com Marvin V. Sindel Jr., ME'72, marvin.sindel@ps.ge.com
Mary B. Reissen, MS Chem'70, mreissen@yahoo.com Steven Tillman, CE'74, SMTillman@yahoo.com Jason Ovanic, GeoE'87, MS MinE'90, ovanic91@hotmail.com Hong-Seng Yek, CSci'85, MS CSci'88, syekl 2345@aol.com
Pulitzer Prize nominee captured shuttle disintegration on film by Amy Edwards (acewv8@umr.edu) When Pulitzer Prize nominee Robert M cC ullough, NDD'64, rolled out of bed on Feb. 1, 2003, he had no way Robert and Opal McCullough to know he would capture a historic event on film only hours later. Interested in the NASA Space Shuttle Columbia since it first launched, McCullough, who grew up listening to various space launches from his boyhood home in Pascagoula, Miss., hoped to someday photograph the shuttle. After five unsuccessful tries, McCullough was timely on his - and Columbia's-final attempt. "On the 31st of January, I heard that the Columbia shuttle would fly overhead in broad daylight the next afternoon," says ' / McCullough, a resident of Flower Mound, Texas. "I was immediately excited." Though he worked on the development M c C u llo u g h s h istoric of adhesives for tile on spaceships in the 1970s, McCullough, photos o f the la s t m om ents an avid photographer, spent more time photographing people o f the Columbia a re n o w and scenic photos than anything in space. "It took a while to on p e rm an e n t d is p la y in the Sm ithsonian. figure out what kind of high-speed film I would need to shoot the shuttle from 40 miles away, and what kind of lenses would work best," says McCullough. "I wound up using a 600-millimeter lens and slide film on a 35-millimeter camera." While shooting 17 frames of Columbia, McCullough says he saw flashes of light. He didn't realize, however, that the space shuttle was breaking apart until his search for film-processing. "Getting slide film processed on a Saturday is difficult, so I called a metropolitan newspaper (The Dallas Morning News) to see if they would process the film," McCullough says. "They were interested to see what would develop, so the photo staffers said they would." After the staff saw McCullough's photos of Columbia's disintegration, they were astounded by the depth of the pictures, and asked McCullough if he would be interested in publishing the photos in their newspaper and many others. "I said I think we can talk about it," McCullough says. After publication on the front pages of hundreds of newspapers, and even the cover of the Feb. 5, 2003, issue of Newsweek, McCullough learned that his photography was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. "I had to sit down for a moment," he says. "I knew that the competition was tough, and that wartime photography usually wins, but a nomination is an honor in itself." Though McCullough didn't win, officials from the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C., contacted him, asking if they could use his slides in a permanent display at their new air and space museum. McCullough can be reached by old friends at mccullough_r@msn.com. Photos courtesy of Robert McCullough
Alumni NOTES
• John R. Riggs, A M t h : “I co ach the E den
w as n am ed to the 2 0 0 3 C h a irm a n ’s C o u n c il
schools an d program s in the areas o f fin a n c e
P ra irie H ig h S ch o o l boys s w im m in g team .
o f N e w Y o rk L ife In surance C o . •
T h e y have been state c h a m p io n s the last tw o y e a rs .”
K. Goroch, P hys, P h D P h y s ’ 7 3 : “ S till
Mary B. Reissen, M S C h e m : “I re c e iv e d m y
ru n n in g . F in is h e d the B ig S u r M a ra th o n fo r
Thomas R.
the second y e a r in a ro w .” •
p ro g ra m s and te c h n ic a l assistance. •
P h .D . in in te rn a tio n a l rela tio n s fro m
F le tc h e r S c h o o l o f L a w and D ip lo m a c y at
E E , w as n a m e d p re s id e n t o f A m e re n E n e r g y In c . an d A m e r e n E n e r g y
T u fts
R esources C o . • Thomas L. Zenge, CE, retire d fro m P ro c te r & G a m b le in June
c e le b ra te d o u r 3 3 rd a n n iv e rs a ry this year.
• Terry L. Nagel, E E , accep ted a p osition w ith
2 0 0 3 . H e plans to re m a in in C in c in n a ti.
w h e re I ju s t re c e iv e d m y 5 2 n d
Rodger L. Elliott, G G p h , re tire d fro m P h illip s P e tro le u m a fte r 35 years o f service. O pen
S y s te m s
In te r n a tio n a l
U n iv e r s ity on M a y
18, 2 0 0 3 .” •
Daniel E. Scott, M e tE : “ R o b e rta an d I I ’ m s till w o rk in g at H u g h e s C h risten se n , p a te n t.
William K. Shinn,
M in n e a p o lis . H e and his fa m ily m o v e d to
R o b e rta is re tire d .” •
Salvatore Ribaudo, M E : “I retire d fro m F o rd a fte r
e le c tric a l safety c o n s u ltin g 4 0 p e rce n t o f the
3 0 years. B esides m y re n o v a tio n co m p an y,
year. S tress is lo w and life is g o o d .” •
E E : “ I a m e n jo y in g s e m i-re tire m e n t, d o in g
M in n e s o ta fro m S an Jose, C a lif. •
I h a v e been a real estate agent fo r C o ld w e ll B a n k e r G u n d a k e r since 2 0 0 1 . I ’ m k e e p in g busy.”
Howard H. Stine Jr., E M g t: “ W o r k in g as e x e c u tiv e
v ic e p re sid en t fo r C h a rle s
Ja rre ll m e c h a n ic a l co n tracto rs in St. L o u is . C o m p le tin g second y e a r as p resid en t o f the
S h e e tm e ta l C o n tra c to rs A s s o c ia tio n in St.
C.L. Baldwin, C E , state c o n s tru c tio n and
Albert L. Donaldson, E E : “I g a v e a ta lk in
L o u is . M y w ife , Jeri, and tw o c o lle g e -a g e
m a te ria ls
M is s o u ri
O c to b e r to the N a tio n a l A s s o c ia tio n o f
sons, J im and D o u g , are d o in g fin e .”
re tire d
L e g is la tiv e In fo rm a tio n T e c h n o lo g y on h o w
e n g in e e r
D e p a rtm e n t
fo r
th e
T r a n s p o r ta tio n ,
O c t. 1, 2 0 0 3 . H e and his w ife , S ue, reside in St. Jam es, M o . •
Richard T. Berning, C E ,
w as e le cte d 2 0 0 4 -2 0 0 5
p re sid en t o f the
Illin o is c h a p te r o f the A m e ric a n W o rk s A s s o c ia tio n . •
P u b lic
Robert E. Caldwell,
P hys: “ Judy and I are b u ild in g a n e w hom e in H u n ts v ille , T e x a s .” •
Vijay Gopal, P etE ,
s p a m m e rs
spam .
C o n tin u in g
w o rk
1971 Charles Etwert, C E , M S E M g t ’ 8 3 , jo in e d
a d d itio n a l p a te n ts .” • Piloo E. Ilavia, P etE : “ I ’ m w o rk in g as a s e lf-e m p lo y e d d rillin g
C o le & A ssociates as s e n io r v ic e p re sid en t
and c o m p le tio n e n g in e e r (c o n s u lta n t) in the
o f bu s in e s s
H o u s to n area. •
Anthony Novembre, P syc,
d e v e lo p m e n t. • James A. Faletti, E M g t: “I started a n e w c o m p a n y ,
is fo u n d e r an d p re sid en t o f E d E x , an
H R In s ig h ts , to d e v e lo p and m a rk e t h u m a n
e d u c a tio n a l c o n s u ltin g fir m
resource m a n a g e m e n t s o ftw a re fo r s m a ll
th at assesses
h om ecom ing '04 Student-sponsored Homecoming activities: HOMECOMING BBQf Hockey Puck, Monday, Oct. 11,11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. GAMES Monday-Thursday, Hockey Puck, Noon HOMECOMING BANNERS on display starting Wednesday, Oct. 13 HOMECOMING LIP SYNC CONTEST, Tuesday, Oct. 12, email sub@umr.edu, 573-341-4220 ALUMNI/STUDENT GOLF TOURNAMENT, UMR Golf Course, Friday, Oct. 15,1 p.m. HOUSE DECORATIONS on display, Friday, Oct. 15,4 p.m. ROYALTY INTRODUCTIONS, Saturday, Oct. 16, Allgood-Bailey Stadium, 12:30 p.m., Homecoming King and Queen of the Island crowned at halftime!
Pinning ceremony set for class of 1979 A special "pinning" ceremony w ill be held for the Class o f 1979 at 11 a. m. Saturday, Oct. 16, during the All-Alumni Reunion Luncheon in Centennial Hall. Class members celebrating their 25th anniversary should gather at the "Class of 1979" table by 11 a.m. to participate in the ceremony. A class photo w ill be taken at 11:30 a.m. MSM-UMR ALUMNUS / Fall 2004
Alumni NOTES
Andrew P. Nolfo, M E : “I
businesses.” •
It's in the cards for UMR's $5 million man
re c e n tly m o v e d fro m St. L o u is to the P h o e n ix area. I e n jo y the w a rm w e a th e r and g o lf. I re tire d fr o m the c o n s tru c tio n in d u s try , but I ’ m n o w w o rk in g as te c h n ic a l d ire c to r fo r the N a tio n a l E n v iro n m e n ta l B a la n c in g B u re a u .”
• Lora R. Smith, E n g l, p u b lis h e d a n e w b o o k , T h e A ffa ir o f th e In c o g n ito T e n a n t , w h ic h
in v o lv e s
S h e rlo c k
H o lm e s
s k u lld u g g e ry in 190 3 E n g la n d .
1972 Wyatt M. Dunn, E M g t: “ I jo in e d te k V iz io n P V S In c . as m a n a g e r o f solutions d e liv e ry fr o m
E D S .” •
Alard “Al” Kaplan, C E ,
jo in e d M a ra th o n O il C o rp . as v ic e p resid en t o f m a jo r p rojects. •
Zebulun Nash, C h E :
“ M y son, T h e o N a s h , w as the to p s e lle r o f S co ut F a ir tickets in the S a m H o u s to n A re a C o u n c il, thanks to sales to m a n y M S M - U M R
Merrily G. Parker, Psyc: “ I ’ m
a lu m s .” •
d e lig h te d to e n te r the th ird y e a r in m y n e w q u ilt store, M e r r ily W e Q u ilt A lo n g , lo c a te d in S p r in g fie ld , M o . M y h u s b a n d , Ron Parker, M E ’ 7 2 , has ju s t accep ted a n e w p o s itio n
c h ie f
G a m m ill Q u ilt in g
e x e c u tiv e
o ff ic e r
M a c h in e C o .
in W e s t
James L. Richards, C S c i, is
P la in s , M o . ” •
in his seven th y e a r as c h a ir o f m a th e m a tic s an d
c o m p u te r s c ie n c e
U n iv e rs ity in M in n e s o ta . •
B e m id ji
S ta te
Marvin V . Sindel,
M E : “ I ’ m still s unning m y s e lf in F lo rid a as th e
m anager
fo r
pow er
g e n e ra tio n .”
1973 Katherine V . Dillon, E n g l: “ I a m d e v o tin g a lo t o f m y tim e to the U n ite d M e th o d is t C h u rc h in A rc h ie , M o ., and am s u p p o rtiv e o f
John D. Lick, M E , re tire d fro m
the to w n .” •
the U .S . A r m y R e serves on June 1, 2 0 0 3 ,
Peggy S. Lorge,
a fte r 3 0 years o f se rv ic e . •
M a th : “ H e llo fro m F e rn le y , N e v ., I a m s till te a c h in g ,
a d m in is tr a tin g ,
w r itin g
grants at P y ra m id L a k e P aiute R e s e rv a tio n . I t ’s s till fu n .”
1974 Jim Foil, C E , M S C E ’ 7 5 , w as n a m e d sen io r v ic e p re sid en t and g e n e ra l m a n a g e r o f B urns & M c D o n n e ll’s in fra s tru c tu re g ro u p . H e had been v ic e presid en t o f m a rk e tin g fo r the g ro u p . •
Michael J. Miller, A E : “ P ra y fo r o u r
c o u n try an d the m e n and w o m e n s e rv in g in a rm e d fo r c e s .” • Jonathan T. Motherwell, C E : “ In O c to b e r I s w itc h e d
th e
c o m p a n ie s
a fte r
E n v iro n m e n ta l
y e a rs
jo in
R eso u rc e s M a n a g e m e n t as
What began as a pastime with UMR fraternity brothers has turned Greg "Fossilman" Raymer, Chem'85, into an international poker champion. The former patent attorney from Connecticut won the record $5 million first prize during the 35th annual World Series of Poker last May in Las Vegas. Raymer has come a long way since his penny-ante poker days at UMR. "My first poker was in the nickel-dime-quarter games we used to play at Kappa Sigma," says Raymer. "We didn't play very often, and we didn't play very well, but it was fun." Raymer won his seat at the tournament by playing poker online through PokerStars.com. The online gaming site then paid Raymer's $10,000 entry fee for the championship, and he battled his way to the top among a record 2,576 World Series of Poker participants. Because so many people competed, the grand prize was twice as much as it was in 2003. "I was not the best player at the Photos by lmageMastersPhotography.com tournament that week," Raymer says, "but I played the best I have ever played, and also got very lucky." Raymer is known as "Fossilman" in the poker world because he uses a fossil to protect his cards during a game. "If you put your cards face down on the table during a game without placing something on top of them, the dealer will think you want to fold, and might take your cards," says Raymer. His fossil became so well known that Raymer began a side business of selling "lucky" fossils with a guarantee: "If your fossil is unlucky, I'll buy it back." Raymer also distinguished himself from the other players in the tournament by ’ ^ wearing snake-eye sunglasses, which he purchased at Disney World the year before because he thought they were "cool." "I wore them mostly as a joke," says Raymer. "You'll find quite a few poker players who wear sunglasses because it is easy to hold your body still, but not your eyes." Raymer's win drew more than a little attention from the media — including interviews on CNN and CNBC — and an offer for his very own bobble-head doll. "Can you believe it? A Fossilman bobble-head? If you told me last week about that, I'd have said, 'Why would there ever be such a thing?"' Raymer has received tournament sponsorship offers for the coming year, including one from PokerStars.com. Under the agreement, the company would send him to various poker tournaments around the world, paying his salary and travel expenses while he promotes the company by wearing a PokerStars.com shirt. "They pay my entry fee and I can keep all the winnings I get from the tournaments," says Raymer. He is taking the year off from his work with Pfizer Inc. to play poker full time. His wife, Cheryl, and seven-year-old daughter, Sophie, will accompany him to many of the tournaments.
(continued on page 51) MSM-UMR ALUMNUS / Fall 2004
Alumni NOTES
FUTURE Glen Adams, GGph'97, MS GGph'98, and his wife, Kendra (Bowen), GGph'96, MS GeoE'OO, had a girl, Karis Lureen, on March 17, 2003. Steven J. Bockelman, ME'94, and his wife, Kathleen (Strassman), ME'94, had a boy, Benjamin Edward, on May 24, 2001, and a girl, Bethany Ellen, on Feb. 9, 2003. Joseph R. Boley, ME'94, and his wife, Julie (Montefusco), ME'94, had a boy, Austin Michael, on June 26, 2003. David M. Borrok, GGph'95, and his wife, Peggy, BioS'98, had a girl, Anabell Fiona, on Aug. 21, 2003. She joins brother David Jr., 3. Robert Bosch, MinE'99, and his wife, Lori (Pratt), EMgt'98, had a girl, Adriana Mae, on Feb. 8, 2004.
miHERS Lawrence E. Cook, ME'94, and his wife, Stephanie, had a boy, Tyler, on Jan. 24, 2003. Dionne (Roberts) Dillon, MetE'96, and her husband, Doug, had a girl, Ainsley Evelyn, on Nov. 11,2003. Donald C. Dwyer, MinE'02, and his wife, Jami, had a boy, Brandon Christopher, on Nov. 26, 2003. Michael Farwig, EE 97, and his wife, Zachlyn (Thompson), Chem'98, Psyc'98, had a girl, Julianne Cate, on March 26, 2004. Julianne Cate Farwig Joel Faucett, CSci'04, and his wife, Claire, had a boy, Thomas Russell, on Dec. 21, 2003.
Adriana Mae Bosch Thomas Russell Faucett Kim (Bridges) Brooks, Psyc'94, and her husband, Mike, had a girl, Bailey Elizabeth, in July 2002. Michelle R. Buchanan, CSci'96, had a boy, Michael Walker, on Feb. 4, 2004.
Bailey Elizabeth Brooks
Bill M. McDaniel, ME'89, and his wife, Brenda, had a boy, Grant Logan, on July 29, 2003. He joins sister Erika. Rodney Pickard, NucE'95, MS NucE'97, and his wife, Cheri (Thompson), Econ'95, had a girl, Abigail Victoria, on Jan. 24, 2004 William Thompson, EE 70, is her grandfather.
Abgai| victoria Pickard
David C. Smith, CE'93, and his wife Lisa (Mooney), ME'94, had a girl, Laura Katherine, on Feb. 25, 2003. She joins brothers Warren, 5, and Nathan, 3. Frederick L. Thomas, ME'91, and his wife, Stacey, had a boy, Caleb Wade, on Oct. 31,2003.
Kate (Carter) Klotz, Psyc'02, and her husband, James, EE'99, MS EMgt'02, had a boy, Carter Michael, on Nov. 4, 2003.
Marc Thomas, CE'92, and his wife, Kelley (Jozwiak), CE'91, had a girl, Kathryn Ann, on Oct. 26, 2003. She joins brothers Matthew, 4, and Benjamin, 2.
Carter Michael Klotz
Natalie Marie Burnes Mark Hughes
John C. McClenning, CSci'91, had a boy, Michael, on Aug. 2, 2003. He joins sister Samantha.
Mark Gardner, EMgt'00, and his wife, Ellen, had a girl, Hannah Marie, on April 13, 2004.
Kimberly (Hoffman) Burnes, Chem'01, and her husband, Jason, Phys'02, had a girl, Natalie Marie, on March 24, 2004.
Joyelle (King) Madry, Hist'97, and her husband, Roger, ME'98, had Remington Lee, on Nov. 19, 2003. Their daughter, Abigail Elizabeth Madry, was born April 4, 2001.
Ngocthuy Thi (Nguyen) Hughes, Psyc'97, and her husband, Mark, had a boy, Lucas Mark, on Sept. 2, 2003.
Christopher A. Thornton, Phys'90, and his wife, Pam, had a girl, Rowan Elizabeth, on June 26, 2003. Jason Williams, MSys'99, and his wife, Nicole (Setser), ME'98, had a boy, Dagon Christian, on Nov. 11, 2003. Brian Wright, GeoE'98, and his wife, Carrie Beth (Clay), CE'00, had three girls, Ella Catherine, Nora Grace and Vivian Arlene, on Dec. 5, 2003.
Alumni NOTES
d ire c to r o f o il and gas sector services. I 'm still based in H o u s to n .” •
Kenneth J. Rapplean,
G e o E : “ M a r ily n and I p ra y fo r the safe return o f o u r o ldest son, B ria n , w h o has been in Ira q since M a y . O u r n e x t tw o sons have g rad u ated and are w o rk in g fo r Fire sto n e . O u r yo u n g est graduates fro m h ig h school in M a y . W e both e n jo y b a b y s ittin g fo r B r ia n ’s 9 -m o n th -o ld son to g iv e his w ife a b re a k .” • C E : “ Is n ’t life w o n d e rfu l?
Steven Tillman, Natalae, M E ’ 8 6 ,
and I h a v e been m a rrie d fo r 17 years. O u r c h ild re n , M a tth e w , 12, and A m a n d a , 7 , are g ro w in g v e ry fast. It seem s I ’ m a lw a y s busy w ith school a c tiv itie s . B est w ishes and G o d
Maurice E. VandenBergh, C e rE ,
bless.” •
re c e n tly fo rm e d V a n d e n B e rg h & A s sociates, an in d e p e n d e n t fir m o ffe rin g c o n s u ltin g and c o n tra c t services p r im a rily to th e rm a l spray p ra ctitio n e rs.
1975 Bruce D. Baker, M E : “ W e relo ca te d w ith S ie m e n s W e s tin g h o u s e to C la re m o re , O k la . A fte r a lm o s t three years as p la n t m a n a g e r o f a c o m b in e d -c y c le
p o w e r p la n t in southeast
M is s o u ri, I tra n s fe rre d b a c k to the C h o u te a u Pow er
P la n t
so u th
o f P ry o r,
O k la .
d a u g h ter, M e g a n , graduates this y e a r and the firs t c o lle g e to send h er an accep tance le tte r w as U M R . M a y b e a n o th e r M in e r, but she is
Married, with research by Amy Edwards (acewv8@umr.edu)
/^ I L T h- A
Wed in June 2001, Matt Foster, Phys'02, and Natalie Foster, Psych'04, have experienced both marital and academic bliss at UMR. "You hear that it's hard being married while you're in college," says . •, Natalie, who has worked at a veterinary clinic since receiving her degree in May. "Honestly, though, both of us saw our grades go up. Marriage offers A^ r that focus, drive - And motivation, Matt interjects. "We support each other." Matt, currently working on a doctorate in physics at UMR, was one of 60 physics Ph.D. students in the U.S. chosen to attend a weeklong conference with Nobel Prize winners in physics. With his advisor, Don H. Madison, Curators' Professor of physics, and his co-advisor, Jerry L. Peacher, professor of physics, Matt is investigating how systems in nature that contain more than two particles evolve in time as a result of two-particle interactions. "It's basically an elaborate game of billiard balls on an atomic scale," he says, but it furthers the understanding of fundamental atomic physics. As an undergraduate, Natalie was also involved in research — and, like her husband, gained acclaim for her work. In May she received the National Convention Award for undergraduate research from the American Psychological Society for her study of how ticket prices and seat location may affect the way sports fans behave. She and Christian End, a former assistant professor of psychology and management and information systems, presented their research on the topic at the society's annual meeting in Chicago.
pu sh in g m o re fo r M iz z o u o r the U n iv e rs ity o f M is s o u ri-K a n s a s C ity fo r p re -m e d stu d ie s .” •
Larry Uher, C S c i: “ I w as m a rrie d on O c t. 15, 2 0 0 3 , to L y u d m ila Z o lo c a r. I
te le c o m m u te
fo r
P a rk e rs b u rg ,
o u ts o u rc in g
fr o m
W .V a .”
1976 Victoria K. Sweetser, E E : “ L a s t s u m m e r I b e c a m e a p a rtn e r w ith a s m all c o m p a n y c a lle d c o m p le te te s t.c o m . O u r d a u g h ter is a th ird year
e le c tric a l
e n g in e e r in g
s tu d e n t
e d d in g :
Thomas A Alleman, ME'96, married Jill Ruland on Oct. 4, 2003. Keith Baker, ME'99, married Catherine Szyhowski on Oct. 18, 2003.
C o lo ra d o S tate U n iv e rs ity . M y h u sband is s till w ith H P .” •
Leonard H. Wasserman.
Rustin Bernskoetter EMgt'03, married Jennifer Lynn Lee on Jan. 3, 2004.
E M g t: “ R e tire d in 1 9 9 9 . I ’ m w o r k in g as an a r b itra to r
fo r
th e
A m e ric a n
A r b itr a tio n
A s s o c ia tio n and d o in g som e c o n s u ltin g w o rk in the co n s tru c tio n
in d u s try .” •
“I p u rc h a s e d
Jeffry P. a 1961
S tu d e b a k e r H a w k in 2 0 0 3 that is n o w in re s to ra tio n .
Novem ber
w as
Shane Bernskoetter, ME'OO, married Michelle Mayne on Nov. 22, 2003. Eric Distler, ME'01, married Julie Curtman on July 19, 2003.
e le c te d
s e cretary o f the M is s o u ri-Illin o is G a te w a y c h a p te r o f the S tu d e b a k e r D riv e rs C lu b .”
1978 Thomas W. Doering. C E : “ W e m o v e d to C h a rlo tte , N .C ., last sum m er. A fte r 12 years in the L a s V eg as desert, the D o e rin g s are re h y d ra tin g . I t ’s n ice to see trees a g a in .” •
Jeffrey Erker, ME'96, married Jennifer Ostman on June 21,2003. Daniel Koenigsfeld, CE'02, married Stephanie Hammann on Oct. 4, 2003. Briehan Larson, MS Math'03, married Travis Grant on Aug. 2, 2003.
James T. Monroe, ME'03, married Leslie F. Swope, MetE'02, on May 25, 2003. Neil A. Phipps, CSci'01, married Heather Libbert of Freeburg, Mo., on June 28, 2003. Jon M. Schmidt, GeoE'99, MS GeoE'00, married Jennifer L. Schwartz on Oct. 18, 2003, in Denver. John D. Settle, EE'99, married Jennifer G. Moore on Nov. 8, 2003. Brad Tomchek, EMgt'98, married Jamie Hunsucker on June 7, 2003. James E. Turner, MetE'97, married Vicky Whitney in February 2002. Donald L. "Larry" Uher, CSci'75, married Lyudmila Zolocar on Oct. 15, 2003. Linda R. Yamnitz, Engl'72, married William Jack Ryan on Dec. 26, 2003, in Jacksonville,
(continued on page 52) MSM-UMR ALUMNUS / Fall 2004
Alumni NOTES
There are no accidents Few transportation-related accidents are caused by a single event; most require at least two or three things to occur in sequence or at once. So says Joe Epperson, MetE'78, who knows all about accidents and their causes. A senior metallurgist for the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), Epperson has worked on a variety of headline-grabbing transportation mishaps, such as TWA Flight 800, which crashed over Long Island, N.Y., in 1996. Speaking on campus in April for the 17th Golick Lecture Series, Epperson discussed how most accidents result from a chain of events. In a second, more technical lecture, Epperson focused on how "metal fatigue" causes mechanical parts to fail. The Golick Lectureship is named after A. Frank Golick, MetE'18 whose widow established the lectureship at UMR in 1969 to bring nationally known metallurgical engineers like Epperson to campus to interact with the faculty and students.
Randy Ganz, C E , w as e le c te d v ic e p re sid en t
area th a t is m o re c lo s e ly a lig n e d w ith m y
o f o p e ra tio n s at D e W it t an d A s s o c ia te s ,
p erso nal interests. M y c o m p a n y c a r is an
w h e re
a irp la n e .” •
h ad
s e rv e d
as s e n io r p ro je c t
m a n a g e r since 2 0 0 0 . •
Sarah B. Hansel,
le ft,
Psyc: “ I a m fin a lly a g ra n d m o th e r. S arah V .M . M id d le m a n , k n o w n to a ll w h o lo v e h er as M a g g ie , w as b orn O c t.
Gregg Ernst, C E , p ic tu r e d a t
18, 2 0 0 3 .” •
Gregory A. Lang, M i n E :
“W e
w e re
tra n s fe rre d b a c k to the U n ite d S tates a fte r liv in g in A u s tra lia fo r fiv e years. W e e n jo y e d
Paul J. Nauert Jr., E E : “ I ’ m
e n jo y in g
som e tim e b a c k on c a m p u s as
A m e r e n ’s
r e p re s e n ta tiv e
th e
C o rp o ra te D e v e lo p m e n t C o u n c il. I suggest others e n c o u ra g e th e ir c o m p a n ie s to g et in v o lv e d .”
C la y c o
E n g in e e r o f the Y e a r in
M is s o u ri
S o c ie ty
P ro fes s io n a l E n g in e e rs . • E M g t , and Jean K. (Fischer)
Don B. Holley, Holley, C S c i, are s till liv in g in C h ic a g o . • Ann A. Ihms, C e rE , M S C e r E ’ 8 3 : “ I am now
te a c h in g c h e m is tr y
W e s le y a n
labs a t In d ia n a
U n iv e rs ity . W e a re s till
hom e
s c h o o lin g and w ill g ra d u a te o u r th ird (and
last) c h ild in tw o y e a rs .” •
Ronald K. Acker, E E : “ H a d a g re a t tim e at
E n g l: “ I ’ m n o w s e m i-re tire d , te a c h in g three
H o m e c o m in g
d u a l-c re d it courses at S outh B o o n e H ig h
c e le b ra tin g
th e
1 0 0 th
a n n iv e rs a ry o f the M S M - U M R K a p p a S ig m a c h a p te r.” •
Lawrence K. Britt, G e o E : “ M y
Bonnie J. Mullen,
S ch o o l in c o n ju n c tio n w ith C e n tra l M e th o d is t C o lle g e .
w o rk s
fo r
son, B ria n C . B ritt, w a s chosen to be a
U n iv e rs ity o f M is s o u ri S ys te m as associate
N a tio n a l M e r it S c h o la r and is a p e tro le u m
d ir e c to r
e n g in e e rin g student at T u ls a U n iv e rs ity .” •
p la n n in g . W e have seven g ra n d c h ild re n and
in s titu tio n a l
Salvatore J. Calise, C E : “ M a r la and I are
Pumping out impurities for safer water
g ra c e fu lly as w e c a n .” •
A simple pump, with rotating screws at its center, shoots fluid through a high-energy lamp within the pump to penetrate the fluid through the device, efficiently targeting and killing germs. This recent invention was developed by a team of researchers at the University of Buffalo School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Abani Patra, MS ME'90, an associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, is the team leader. "The tests confirm that this is absolutely the best system out there for decontamination of liquids," says Patra. "It kills microorganisms that the others don't kill and it kills them faster." The device can be contained in a 2- by 6-inch tube, making it a good fit for faucet-based home water-filtration systems, Patra says. Other possible applications for the pump include safeguarding water supplies in warlike situations; decontaminating water; or pasteurizing cider or orange juice. The researchers say the pump won't alter the taste or nutritional makeup of the juices.
C S c i: “ M y son, A d a m , started as a fre s h m a n
p ro je c t
C o n s tru c tio n C o ., w as n a m e d 2 0 0 3 O u ts ta n d in g
d o in g w e ll in J a c k s o n v ille , 111. M e g a n , 18,
s e n io r
C o n s tru c tio n by the St. L o u is C h a p te r o f the
o u r tim e d o w n under, b u t i t ’s g re a t to be b a c k .” •
m anager
a p p ro a c h in g
th e
re s e a rc h
‘ G o ld e n
A ges’
and as
Randall K. Stagner,
and A n d re w , 14, k eep g r o w in g up fast. G o
H is t: “ I w as selected fo r p ro m o tio n to fu ll
Kathleen (Miles) Daniel,
c o lo n e l and w ill atte n d the N a tio n a l W a r
C a r d in a ls !” • at U M R
last f a ll.” •
P e tE , is s e n io r v ic e p re s id e n t o f L N G m a rk e tin g fo r E x x o n M o b il in D o h a , Q a ta r. He
h is
w if e ,
C o lle g e in W a s h in g to n this f a ll.”
Steven L. Lidisky,
K e l l i,
1982 Frank A. Marcott, E E : “ I ’ m e m p lo y e d by
d a u g h te rs
B o e in g and liv in g in T u ls a , O k la ., w ith m y
C a s sa n d ra , 7 , and M itc h e ll, 1, are e n jo y in g life in D o h a and th e ir e x p e rie n c e in the
a n d tw o c h ild r e n .” • Eric Glynn Politte, M E : “ M y o ld e s t d a u g h ter, A m a n d a ,
M id d le E ast.
is n o w a p e tro le u m e n g in e e rin g stu d en t at the
w ife
U n iv e rs ity o f T exas at A u s tin . W h e re d id the tim e g o ? ” •
Carolyn J. Tatum, C S c i: “I
m o v e d b a c k to m y h o m e to w n o f H a rris o n ,
"80s 1980
A r k ., to be close to m y son, K e ith , and his c h ild r e n ,
C ody,
an d
C h r is tia n ,
C o m p u te r S cie n c e C o rp . lets m e w o rk fro m h o m e so I can c o n tin u e m y c a re e r and e n jo y m y f a m ily .” •
Kathy Walker, M S E M g t,
P h D E M g t ’ 9 9 , an e x e c u tiv e v ic e p re sid en t o f
Robert J. Sonntag, E co n : “I am busy w ith
n e tw o rk
w o rk th at takes m e a ro u n d the g lo b e . I f
in th e K a n s a s C ity
a n y o n e com e s to M in n e a p o lis and needs
A p r il 2 0 0 4 .
services fo r S p rin t, w as p ro file d
B u s in e s s J o u r n a l in
re c o m m e n d a tio n s on g o o d places to v is it, c a ll m e. G o M in e r s .”
1981 Rosemary Ann Emhoff, E E : “I le ft I B M a fte r 19 y e ars to w o rk fo r C o n o c o P h illip s .
1983 Kevin D. Anders, E E , w as n a m e d m a n a g e r o f s ubstation m a in te n a n c e and c o n s tru c tio n at A m e re n in Jan u a ry 2 0 0 4 . • John “Jack” McNally, C S c i, is d ire c to r o f e n g in e e rin g fo r
M y n e w title is M id w e s t re g io n a l m a n g e r fo r
A m e ric a n
a v ia tio n fu e l sales. I d e c id e d to w o rk in an
C h ic a g o w ith
P o w e r C o n v e rs io n . H e
liv e s in
his w ife , M e g a n , and th e ir
Alumni NOTES
Nannette Musgrave, N D D : “I
am m o v in g to St. L o u is in J a nuary 2 0 0 4 to
assum e n e w d uties as pro d u c t m a n a g e r o f
m a n a g e r at N A S A ’s K e n n e d y S pace C e n te r,
c h ild re n . •
m is s io n
n u c le a r c a rd io lo g y fo r M a llin c k r o d t In c .” •
retu rn ed to his h o m e to w n o f L a m a r, M o .,
Eric D. Sutton, G e o E : “ O u r d a u g h ter, L e a h
M a r c h 2 9 -3 0 , 2 0 0 4 , to speak to students o f
S u tto n , plans to a ttend U M R this fa ll.”
L a m a r ’s m id d le school and h ig h school. •
Lisa L. Holcomb, E E : “ I a m in m y fifth y e a r
o f h om e s c h o o lin g m y three k id s , w h o are
Ann Brand, C S c i ’ 8 4 : “ W e s till lo v e
n o w 12, 10, and 8. W e lo v e S o u th C a ro lin a .”
C o lo ra d o
• Jason Ovanic, G e o E , M S M i n E ’ 9 0 : “ Just
S p rin g s , b u t m a k e
M is s o u ri p e rio d ic a lly w o u ld
e n jo y
it b a c k to
to see fa m ily . W e
h e a rin g
fr o m
fr ie n d s
w e lc o m e d o u r th ird son in to the w o rld . T h in g s are g re at. I w o u ld lo v e to h ear fro m
Yvonne S. (Paris) Prevallet, “Craig, C h E ’ 8 8 , and I are s till in
cla ss m a te s at jb r a n d @ b ra n d g a u s .c o m .” •
o ld frie n d s .” •
Dave Evans, E E , C S c i’ 8 7 , w as n a m e d p la n t
P etE :
m a n g e r fo r A s s o c ia ted E le c tric C o o p e ra tiv e
H o u s to n w ith S h e ll and BP. T h e b o y s , J u lia n ,
In c .’s N e w M a d r id P o w e r P la n t. H e has
8, and G a b rie l, 5 , are d o in g great. W e h ave
been w ith A E C I since 1 9 9 7 , w h e n he jo in e d
jo in e d the ran ks o f soccer coaches and C u b S co u t le a d e rs .”
as an e le c tric a l e n g in e e r III. • Dan McDougal, C E , fo u n d e r and p re sid en t o f D re d g e A m e ric a , a K ansas C ity , M o ., based
m a rin e c o n s tru c tio n and d re d g in g business,
P e tE ,
w as fe a tu re d in the M a r c h 2 0 0 4 issue o f
K a n s a s C ity S m a ll B u s in e s s M o n th ly . • John
Nealon, G e o E : “ S till lo v in g life in
r e c e n tly
jo in e d
E n g in e e rin g a
s ta ff
th e
In c .
e n g in e e r
c o n s tru c tio n
• Kenna R. (Roberson) Yarbrough, G e o E :
Tom Sieckhaus, C E , p ic tu r e d
“ K e e p in g
a t le ft , w as p ro m o te d to
n o rth e rn K e n tu c k y . H e llo to a ll fro m U M R . busy
w ith
s e rv ic e s g ro u p . •
n a tio n w id e
e n v iro n m e n ta l e n fo rc e m e n t w o rk and three
v ic e p resid en t o f C la y c o
y o u n g boys o u t here in D e n v e r.”
C o n s tru c tio n
St. L o u is .
1986 Scott D. Avis, M e tE : “ W e are liv in g in
T o c c o a , G a . I ’ m the fa c ility
Greg Hayes, C E , w as n am ed F u lto n , M o .,
m a n a g e r at
fo u n d ry .” • Joel Brand, C h E , M S M a t h ’ 9 4 , P h D P h y s ’ 9 4 :
C a t e r p illa r ’s seal rin g
c ity e n g in e e r in M a r c h 2 0 0 4 .
“ W e s till lo v e C o lo ra d o S p rin g s, b u t m a k e it b ack to M is s o u ri p e rio d ic a lly to see fa m ily . W e w o u ld e n jo y h e a rin g fro m frie n d s and cla ss m a te s at jb r a n d @ b r a n d g a u s .c o m .” •
Robert J. Harris, C S c i: “ I h a v e been w o r k in g fo r Bass P ro S hops fo r 15 years.
M y w ife , L a u ra , is a counselor. W e h a v e tw o c h ild re n , S a m a n th a , 11, and A u s tin , 9. K e e p f is h in g ! ”
1990 Timothy J. Dickinson, A E : “ W e n o w have
“ E v e ry th in g is g o in g g reat. J u lie is w o rk in g
three c h ild re n b e tw e e n the ages o f one and
fo u r. W e re c e n tly tran s fe rre d to S co tt A ir
m a s te r ’s
d e g re e
e d u c a tio n
a d m in is tra tio n . W h o w o u ld have th o u g h t I
F o rc e B ase in Illin o is . P lease lo o k us up i f
w o u ld
y o u ’ re in the a re a .” •
be liv in g
w ith
the p r in c ip a l? ” •
Vincent P. Perona, H is t: “ L o re tta and I ju s t
Deanna Warner Hamilton, C h e m , accep ted a p o s itio n as a
c e le b ra te d o u r 2 0 th a n n iv e rs a ry . W e have
c h e m is tr y
fiv e w o n d e rfu l c h ild re n : Josh, 14, D e re k ,
C o lle g e in F o rt W a lto n B each , F la . •
12, E m ily , 10, H a n n a h , 8 , and L e s lie , 6 . 1 am
p ro fe s s o r at O k a lo o s a -W a lto n
Gary J. Hatfield, M in E : “I ju s t a c h ie v e d 3 0 years o f
s till te a c h in g e ig h th g ra d e A m e ric a n h is to ry
s e rv ic e at P ea b o d y E n e rg y C o ., w h e re I a m
at St. Jam es M id d le S ch o o l and lo v in g it. •
d ire c to r o f p u rc h a s in g in the c o rp o ra te o ffic e .
Trace Shaughnessy, C h e m , c o -fo u n d e r o f
I s till e n jo y m y w o r k .” • Stan B. Lindesmith, M a th , C S c i, c e le b ra te d his l lth
G ild e d A g e R e n o v a tio n L L C , w as fe a tu re d in the Ja n u a ry 2 0 0 4 “ 4 0 U n d e r 4 0 ” issue o f
(continued on page 54)
Yes, it really is rocket science Jeff Thornburg, AE'96, is leading a partnership between the U.S. Air Force and NASA to develop a large-scale rocket engine. As the chief Air Force engineer and overall program manager for the Integrated Powerhead Demonstrator (IPD) program, Thornburg works with other researchers to develop the world's first hydrogen-fueled rocket engine with oxygen-rich combustion, and is part of the Integrated High Rocket Propulsion Technology Program. "I have been working on this $140 million program for the past four years," says Thornburg, who works from the Air Force Research Laboratory's "rocket site" facility at Edwards Air Force Base in Kern County, Calif. "This project is a 250,000pound thrust hydrogen rocket engine development program." Since taking over management responsibility in 2001, Thornburg has led a team that tested several new technologies in turbomachinery and combustion devices. These technologies will be seen in many future engines. "We are now assembling our tested engine components at NASA Stennis Space Center, where we will begin engine-testing later this year," Thornburg says. According to Thornburg, the IPD program will integrate into the new NASA Exploration Enterprise, a concerted effort by the Air Force, NASA Marshall Space Center, NASA Stennis Space Center, Boeing-Rocketdyne in Canoga Park, Calif., and Aerojet in Sacramento, Calif.
the S t. L o u is B u s in e s s J o u r n a l.
Alumni NOTES
Theerman tapped to lead Sewer District Kirkwood, Mo., resident Jeffrey Theerman, CE'80, was promoted to the top job of the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District in May. Now MSD's executive director, Theerman previously was acting director of the district.
Snider appointed branch manager CQORE Property Sciences, a facilities, geotechnical, materials and environmental engineering consulting firm, in June appointed John T. Snider, GeoE'96, as manager of the office in West Palm Beach, Fla. Snider has worked with CQORE since 1998.
Grad receives 'best student paper' award Studying soil contamination's effects on plants resulted in a "Best Student Paper Award" for Garrett Struckhoff, CE'02, MS CE'03. Struckhoff received the citation from the Battelle Memorial Institute. Struckhoff's paper, co-authored with Joel Burken, associate professor of civil, architectural and environmental engineering, and John Schumacher, a hydrologist at the U.S. Geological Survey office in Rolla, discusses how the researchers located groundwater contamination by testing tissue samples from trees growing above a contaminated site in New Haven, Mo. Struckhoff is now working on a Ph.D. at the University of Iowa.
y e a r w ith
is w o r k in g
th e
Daniel J. Arbini, P hys: “ I ju s t g o t m a rrie d .
L S c i’ 9 0 , is s tu d y in g the N o r w a lk v iru s at the
N e v e r th o u g h t this w o u ld happen a fte r b e in g
U n iv e rs ity o f N o rth C a ro lin a at C h a p e l H ill.
s in g le fo r 41 years. I m a rrie d K a th i and n o w h a v e a 1 6 -y e a r-o ld stepson, K e v in .” • Philip
T h e ir dau g h ters , E m ily , 9 , and O liv ia , 5 , are
Sara A. Perkins, L S c i: “ W e n t
N. Draper, E E : “ M y w ife , Teres a , and I n o w
to m e d ic a l school then residency. I m a rrie d a
h a v e tw o b e a u tifu l c h ild re n , O liv ia , 2 , and
g re at gu y, S te ve , and w e h a v e tw o dau g h ters , E rin , 4 , and R o b in , 1. P ra c tic in g p a rt tim e ,
J a c k, 6 m o n th s .” •
m o th e rin g fu ll tim e , life is g o o d .”
g irls . M y husband,
d o in g great. •
w ill retu rn to o u r h o m e n ear K ansas C ity , M o ., in the spring. J e ff w ill then resu m e his
b re ak fro m fly in g the E -3 A irb o rn e W a rn in g
jo b as assistant p u b lic w o rk s d ire c to r fo r the
and C o n tro l S ystem (A W A C S ) and I a m n o w
C ity o f B lu e S p rin g s .”
stationed in N a p le s , Ita ly , w o r k in g in A llie d Forces S o u th , a N A T O re g io n a l headquarters.
I am also s in g le again. In th e s u m m e r o f 2 0 0 2
Todd M. Althoff, M in E ,
I w as p ro m o te d to m a jo r.” • Christopher N. Kennedy, H is t: “ W e are s till in A la s k a and
e m p lo y e d by C h e v ro n . H e , his w ife , K im ,
c u r re n tly
and d au g h ters, M e g a n and S ara h , liv e in
lo v in g it! B o th o f us are s till in the A i r F o rc e .
A tla n ta . •
I am a C - 130 p ilo t. Susan (Shaw), E E ’ 9 3 ,
passed the p ro fe s s io n a l g e o lo g is t e x a m in
Russell H. Brooks, G e o E : “I
w o rk s in the e n g in e e rin g s quadron. W e h ave
D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 3 .” •
tw o little boys w h o k e e p us v e ry b usy.”
“ S till la u n c h in g R ussian P ro to n ro ckets fo r
• Thomas Polcyn, M E ,
p a rtn e r
T h o m p s o n C o b u rn L L P , w as fe a tu re d in the
S e rv ic e s .
Pete D. Jennings, A E :
M a r tin Last
In te r n a tio n a l
m a r rie d
Launch R ebecca
Jan u a ry 2 0 0 4 “ 4 0 U n d e r 4 0 ” issue o f the St.
K ro e g e r, not a U M R g ra d u a te , b u t firs t in her
L o u is B u s in e s s J o u r n a l. H e is c h a ir o f the
class at N o tre D a m e .” •
in te lle c tu a l
p ro p e rty
g ro u p
th e
B ar
James L. Smith, E E : “Marsha, M E ’ 9 6 , an d I c e le b ra te d o u r 17th
A s s o c ia tio n o f M e tro p o lita n St. L o u is and
a n n iv e rs a ry
te a c h e s
h e r s is te r J a m ie ,
W a s h in g to n
U n iv e r s ity
Walter T. Stephens, M S C e rE ,
S ch o o l. •
in 2 0 0 3 . J e w e l M a r ie jo in e d 17,
fa m ily
A u g u s t 2 0 0 1 .”
P h D C e r E ’9 7 : “ I s till h a v e m o re h a ir than H a rla n .” • p re s id e n t
Doug Swain, E E , fo u n d e r and of
T e c h n o lo g ie s ,
w as
1996 Thomas A. Alleman, M E : “ I h a v e been
fe a tu re d in the J anuary 2 0 0 4 “ 4 0 U n d e r 4 0 ”
liv in g in M id la n d , T e x a s , w o rk in g fo r G E O il
issue o f the S t. L o u is B u s in e s s J o u r n a l.
B u g e y e T e c h n o lo g ie s m a n u fa c tu re s products fo r c o in -o p e ra te d a m u s e m e n t and P C g a m e c e n te r m a rke ts . •
Steve Updike, E c o n , is
d e p lo y e d to F o rt R ile y , K a n ., fo r O p e ra tio n F re e d o m . at the
Heidi, E c o n ’ 9 2 , is
U n iv e r s ity
o f M is s o u r i-
K ansas C ity .
Jason McHaney, ChE’91, seeks Rollamo yearbooks from 1907, 1918, 1927 and 1942. If anyone has one of these years and would like to sell it, contact McHaney at jason.mchaney@atofina.com, or call (270) 534-0537.
Jeff, C E ’ 9 3 , is a c tiv a te d
to H o m e la n d S e c u rity at F o rt S ill, O k la . W e
E n d u r in g
Karen L. (Cox) Shook,
M E : “ I am h o m e s c h o o lin g m y tw o y o u n g
James E. DeVaney Jr., A E : “I h a v e ta k e n a
w o r k in g
Lisa (Golden),
W e b s p h e re P o rtal. H is w ife ,
G a s sin ce J u n e 2 0 0 1 .” • Rachel (Daugherty) Carpenter, P sy c : “ M y h u s b a n d , Tom, M e t E ’ 9 5 , is an assistan t m a n a g e r at B o d in e A lu m in u m
In c . I am
c u rre n tly at h o m e w ith o u r tw o c h ild re n , Z o e , 3, and A id e n , 2 .” •
Petra Dewitt, H is t: “ I
re tu rn e d
a d ju n c t
p ro fe s s o r in the h is to ry d e p a rtm e n t. I t ’s a d re a m c o m e tru e .” •
Bryan K. Kirchoff, M E ,
has been d e p lo y e d in Ira q since M a r c h 2 0 0 3 .
Timothy E . Newton, G e o E , is c u rre n tly w o rk in g fo r Jacobs E n g in e e rin g , s e rv in g as a
te c h n ic a l lead fo r h y d ro lo g ic m o d e lin g o f the
Jeffery S . Dingrando, G e o E : “ I a m still
E ve rg la d e s R e s to ra tio n P ro je c t.
liv in g
L e x in g to n ,
p assed
p ro fe s s io n a l e n g in e e r e x a m in A p r il 2 0 0 3 and
m y P .G . e x a m in O c to b e r 2 0 0 3 .” •
Robert C . Hobart, H is t: “ I a m n o w the
Farwig, E E , re c e iv e d
o w n e r o f a lo c a l business, E c lip s e B o o k s and
e n g in e e rin g license in T e x a s in J a n u a ry 2 0 0 3 .
Heather R. (Governick) Stork, G e o E : “ M y husband, John, E M g t ’9 9 , and I
H e is w o rk in g as a design e n g in e e r and
n o w h ave tw o sons, Jack, 3 , and L u k e , l .”
s u b s id ia ry o f in te g ra te d E le c tric a l S e rv ic e s.
C o m ic s .” •
p ro fe s s io n a l
p ro je c t m a n a g e r fo r B ritt R ic e E le c tric , a
Alumni NOTES
Army Capt. Larry J. Lyle, GGph'01, is currently serving in Iraq with the 299th Engineer Battalion of the Fourth Infantry Division - the same division responsible for the capture of Saddam Hussein last winter. Lyle, who hails from Scottsville, Ky., serves as Charlie Company commander of his battalion and is with the First Raider Brigade.
Zachlyn (Thompson), C h e m ’ 9 8 ,
b a c h e lo r o f scien ce degree in nu rsin g fro m
P s y c ’ 9 8 , re c e iv e d h e r P h .D . in c h e m is try
W illia m J e w e ll C o lle g e on M a y 8 , 2 0 0 4 . She
w o rk s in the in te n s iv e care u n it at N o rth
d o c to ra l
Ngocthuy Thi (Nguyen) Hughes, P syc: “I a m fin is h in g a
K a n s a s C it y H o s p ita l. • Timothy A. Laycock Jr., H is t, passed the K ansas b ar e x a m in A p r il 2 0 0 4 . • Stephanie Mathis,
g e n e ra l surgery re s id e n c y in L a rg o , F la ., and
A M t h : “ I g ra d u a te d in A u g u s t 2 0 0 3 w ith a
w ill then pursue a v a s c u la r fe llo w s h ip . M y
m a s te r’s de g re e fo r m a th e m a tic s teachers.
H is w ife , 2002
c u r re n tly re s e a rc h
husband, fr o m
fr o m
w o r k in g
a s s is tan t.
A&M. a
Mark, L S c i ’ 9 7 , is tra n s fe rrin g
a fa m ily
p s y c h ia try
m e d ic in e re s id e n c y to a
re s id e n c y
w ith
a c h ild
M y husband and I are b u ild in g a lo g h o m e and lo o k in g fo rw a rd to starting a fa m ily .” •
Michael J. Raska, H is t, w as a d m itte d to
Joyelle J. (King)
la w pra ctice in M is s o u ri in 2 0 0 3 and passed
Madry, H is t: “ O u r k id s , A b b y and R e m y , k e e p us busy. Roger, M E ’9 8 , is a p ro je c t
the F lo rid a b a r e x a m in F e b ru a ry 2 0 0 4 . H is
e n g in e e r w ith D u ra A u to m o tiv e in H a n n ib a l,
c o n s u m e r p ro te c tio n , w ills and estates, and
M o . I a m a sen io r prospect res e a rc h e r at
c rim in a l and c iv il rig h ts litig a tio n s .
a dolescen ce fe llo w s h ip .” •
W a s h in g to n U n iv e rs ity in St. L o u is .” •
areas o f focus in c lu d e sm all business la w ,
c u r re n tly
s p lits
tim e
b e tw e e n
la w
W. Steinman, C E , w as p ro m o te d to v ic e
p ractices in St. C h a rle s , M o ., and O ra n g e
p re sid en t o f U n ite d C o n s tru c tio n E n te rp ris e
P a rk , F la .
C o . o f St. L o u is . H e and his w ife , G in a , liv e in M a n c h e s te r, M o . •
James E. Turner,
M e tE : “ In F e b ru a ry 2 0 0 2 I m a rrie d V ic k y
Brett A. Carstens, C E , rec e n tly rec e iv e d his
W h itn e y and w e m o v e d b ack to K ansas C ity .
c o m m is s io n
W e liv e in B lu e S p rin g s , M o ., w ith o u r
c o m p le tin g
d au g h ter, K a itly n , 2. I am w o r k in g as a
N aval
s u p p lie r q u a lity e n g in e e r at G M ’s F a irfa x A s s e m b ly P la n t.”
P en sacola, F la .
o ff ic e r
O f fic e r C a n d id a te
A v ia tio n
S c h o o ls
a fte r
S ch o o l at
Com m and
2003 Rebecca Carter, E n g l, is c u rre n tly te a c h in g
an d c o a c h in g
at H a z e lw o o d
E as t H ig h
S ch o o l in St. L o u is . She enjo y s te a c h in g and sp en d in g tim e w ith her fa m ily and frie n d s .
• Jason A. Stanley, C e rE , re c e n tly re c e iv e d his
c o m m is s io n
o ff ic e r
a fte r c o m p le tin g O ffic e r C a n d id a te S ch ool
Shane Bernskoetter, M E , is a s o ld ie r in the
U .S . A r m y R eserves s tationed in B a g h d a d ,
P en sacola, F la .
Ira q . U p o n his retu rn in spring 2 0 0 5 , he and his w ife plan to reside in M a ry la n d H e ig h ts , M o. •
Melissa R. Laycock, P syc, re c e iv e d a
O f f ic e r
T r a in in g
C om m and
Mac Andrew, CE '68, has been selected by the American Public Works Association as one of its Top Ten Public Works Leaders for 2004. This is the association's "This award highest award is my national and recognizes championship "those whose plaque' in work reflects the engineering." highest standard of Mac Andrew professional conduct combined with excellence in achievement in relationship to the manpower and financial resources available in their jurisdictional area." Andrew is director of infrastructure and transportation for Johnson County, Kan., where he manages a $45 million budget. Andrew was a member of the 1966-67 Miner basketball team and helped propel the squad to an 11 -11 record for the year. Recently Andrew, with the assistance of retired Coach Billy Key, organized a reunion of the 66-67 team.
Andrew named Top Ten Public Works Leaders
Lyle's Army division helps capture Hussein
Ground control to air control Donald W. Cone Jr., AE 02, Econ'02, recently received another degree to add to his collection. This time, the degree is in air traffic control (ATC) from the Community College of Beaver Falls in Monaca, Penn. Cone also earned his control tower operator and National Weather Service supplemental aviation weather observer's licenses. "While I was there, I also got my advanced ground instructor license and became the tutor at the aviation sciences center. It felt good to be the ATC student helping the pro-pilot students with their ground schools... I also helped them with math, physical science and aerodynamics stuff that we all (at UMR) had to go through once. It was great to use what I learned at UMR in helping other community college students."
Rupert A. Jarboe, E E , w as a m e m b e r o f S ig m a P i, A IE E , R a d io C lu b , and the s w im m in g te a m w h ile a tte n d in g M S M U M R . f Jan. 2 9 , 2 0 0 3
1930 George A. Paul. N D D , tJ a n . 3 0 , 2 0 0 4
1937 Richard J. Cardetti, C h E , M e t E ’ 3 8 , w as a m e m b e r o f E p s ilo n P i O m ic ro n , Tau B e ta P i, T h e ta K a p p a P hi and A lp h a C h i S ig m a w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . C a rd e tti w as su p e rin te n d e n t o f q u a lity c o n tro l at U S X w ith 4 4 years o f service. fF e b . 11, 2 0 0 4
Kenneth J. Stedelin, C E , w a s a m e m b e r o f K a p p a A lp h a and S tu d e n t C o u n c il w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . H e m e t his w ife , A lm a R a y , w h o w as the Q u e e n o f L o v e and B e a u ty at the St. P a t’s C o ro n a tio n B a ll in 1 9 3 2. S te d e lin jo in e d his b r o th e r -in -la w in the c o n s tru c tio n business, re tirin g fr o m R a y L u m b e r C o . fF e b . 18, 2 0 0 4
1938 Joseph W. Howerton, M e tE , w as a m e m b e r o f S ig m a N u , the M is s o u r i M in e r s ta ff, and the R o lla m o s ta ff w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . A n a c tiv e a lu m n u s , H o w e rto n w as a m e m b e r o f the O rd e r o f the G o ld e n S h ille la g h . H e and som e fe llo w a lu m n i established the B oots C la y to n S ch o la rs h ip F u n d in m e m o ry o f o n e o f th e ir fa v o rite professors. H e also fu n d e d a sc h o la rs h ip in m e m o ry o f his m o th er, f A p r il 2 3 , 2 0 0 4
1940 Gerald A. Parish, M in E , w as a m e m b e r o f S ig m a N u , in tra m u ra l sports and A I M E and w as a C .A .A . tra in e e w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . f M a r c h 19, 2 0 0 4
Colin G. Rose, M in E , w as a
m e m b e r o f th e G lid e rs C lu b and A I M E and w o rk e d as a student assistant in th e m in in g d e p a rtm e n t a t M S M - U M R . fM a rc h 2 1 ,2 0 0 4
Everett W. Sharp, C e r E ’4 0 ,
■ F H || Walter Gammeter Jr., M in E ,
f A u g . 1 1 ,2 0 0 3
■ P ^ ^ l K f* ^ j £
Henry M. Wolpers, M E , w as a m e m b e r o f
w as a m e m b e r o f A lp h a L a m b d a T a u w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . G a m m e te r re tire d
W E F lm i fro m A lc o a A lu m in u m , w h e re he w o rk e d as a m in in g e n g in e e r fo r 4 3 years. fF e b . 10, 2 0 0 4
K a p p a A lp h a and A S M E w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . H e w as the fo rm e r o w n e r o f the D a ily A m e r ic a n R e p u b lic n e w s p a p e r in P o p la r B lu ff, M o . P rio r to the n e w s p a p e r business, W o lp e rs w o rk e d as an e n g in e e r on m a jo r c o n s tru c tio n p ro je c ts a ro u n d the c o u n try . f D e c . 2 7 , 2 0 0 3
Howard Fillmer, EE'39 Howard Homer Fillmer, EE'39, of Marshfield, Mo., passed away Feb. 13, 2004, surrounded by his family. He was 86. While in high school, Mr. Fillmer observed a line crew build a highvoltage transmission line along Route 66, just a mile from his home in rural Howard Fillm er Webster County, Mo., and he told his father he wanted to "build things." His father urged him to study engineering in Rolla. After graduating from MSM-UMR, he took a job with Missouri General Utilities, surveying their system in southeast Missouri. Later that year, he joined Missouri Electric Power Co. in Marshfield to inventory all the poles, fixtures, conductors and equipment in the company's system. Though the inventory was completed by year's end, Mr. Fillmer later said, "Somehow, the company never did tell me to quit, even after 50 years, one change of ownership and five years in the Army." Mr. Fillmer's budding career was interrupted by the onset of World War II. He served for more than four years as a captain in the U.S. Army's 270th Field Artillery Battalion in England, France and Germany. At war's end, he returned to Marshfield to raise a
family and resume his career with Sho-Me Power, where, as manager of operations and engineering, he headed line crews and built sub-stations that supplied electricity to much of southern Missouri. His career spanned 52 years, and when he retired at age 77, he was believed to be the oldest full-time electrical engineer in the country. A charter member of the Marshfield Rotary Club, Mr. Fillmer was also a member of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers and the Marshfield Christian Church, and served on the board of the Drury School of Religion. He was also a member of the UMR Academy of Electrical and Computer Engineers. He is survived by his wife of more than 60 years, Marion Alice Fillmer, and their four children: Alice Lundblad and her husband, John, of Wilmington, Ohio; Edward Fillmer of Denver; Elizabeth Hayter and her husband, John, of Pittsburgh; and Kathleen McHaney (former Alumnus editor) and her husband, Jason, ChE'91, of Paducah, Ky. Mr. Fillmer was remembered as an upstanding member of his family and community who chose his words carefully and was considered a true gentleman. Memorials in honor of Mr. Fillmer may be made to the MSM-UMR Alumni Association.
1942 Charles H. Jacoby, M in E , w as a m e m b e r o f A lp h a P h i O m e g a , T e c h C lu b and in tra m u ra l sports w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . H e w a s the d ire c to r o f th e m in e s and m in e ra ls d e p a rtm e n t at In te rn a tio n a l S a lt C o . fo r 2 5 ye a rs , th e n w e n t on to fo rm his o w n c o m p a n y , J a coby M in in g C o n s u lta n ts . fF e b . 2 6 , 2 0 0 4
Robert F . Winkle, M in E , w as a m e m b e r o f S ig m a N u w h ile } a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . A fte r J g V jw re tirin g fro m th e m in in g d E 4 ! i in d u s try , he w a s a successful re a lto r in A riz o n a . W in k le c h a ire d the T u c s o n c h a p te r o f the M S M - U M R A lu m n i A s s o c ia tio n S c h o la rs h ip C o m m itte e . tM a rc h 15, 2 0 0 4 r
1948 Donald J. Mathews, M E , w a s on the fo o tb a ll te a m , w as a l* m e m b e r o f A S M E , E n g in e e rs C lu b , S tu d e n t C o u n c il and B lu e K e y and w o r k e d as a student assistant in the a th le tic d e p a rtm e n t w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . f A p r il 2 2 , 2 0 0 4
George H. Ramsey, M E , w as a m e m b e r o f K a p p a A lp h a and A S M E and w as on the M is s o u r i M in e r b o a rd w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . H e jo in e d the U .S . A r m y A i r C o rp s in 1 9 4 2 and s e rv e d as a ta il g u n n e r d u rin g W o r ld W a r I I . R a m s e y w as a res e a rc h and d e v e lo p m e n t e n g in e e r fo r S ta n d a rd O il C o . fr o m 1 9 4 8 -5 2 and w as s e lf-e m p lo y e d as a c o n s u ltin g e n g in e e r. t M a r c h 8, 2 0 0 4 Hubert R. Smith, M E , w as a m e m b e r o f T a u B e ta P i and A S M E w h ile a tte n d in g M S M -U M R . tA u g . 3, 2003 Fred A. Todd, M e t E , w as a m e m b e r o f the T e c h C lu b , the E n g in e e rs C lu b , the P h o to g ra p h y C lu b , the In d e p e n d e n ts , A S M , and S tu d e n t C o u n c il, w a s on the H o n o r L is t and w o rk e d as a student assistant w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . tJ a n . 2 8 , 2 0 0 4
1949 George W. Grueneberg, E E , w a s on the H o n o r L is t w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . tJ u ly 2 1 , 2 0 0 3
Bernard A. LaRose, C h E , w as a m e m b e r o f T r ia n g le fra te rn ity an d A lp h a C h i S ig m a and w o rk e d as a s tu d e n t assistant in th e c h e m is try d e p a rtm e n t w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . |S e p t. 7 , 2 0 0 3 Lewis Zavis, C e rE , w as a m e m b e r o f the E n g in e e rs C lu b , K e ra m o s and A C S and w as on th e H o n o r L is t w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . fF e b . 6 , 2 0 0 4
1950 Richard L. Arnoldi, P e tE , tM a rc h 26, 2 0 0 4
1951 Harry F. Dreste, P hys, w as a m e m b e r o f th e E n g in e e rs C lu b , P h y sic s F e rre te rs and the In d e p e n d e n ts an d w as on the H o n o r L is t w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . t D e c . 19, 2 0 0 3
Grover C . Payne, C E , w a s a m e m b e r o f T a u K a p p a E p s ilo n and A S C E w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . H e w o rk e d as a c iv il e n g in e e r and tra c k s u p e rv is o r fo r F ris c o R a ilw a y C o . in C h a ffe e , M o . tF e b . 9 , 2 0 0 4
Robert C. Perry, ME'49, MSM-UMR Athletic Hall of Famer Robert C. Perry, ME'49, a long-time board member of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association and a member of the MSMUMR Athletic Hall of Fame, died April 11 at age 79. Mr. Perry worked for nearly 40 years for PPG Industries, starting as a production engineer at the company's plant in Crystal City, Mo. He was promoted to assistant plant manager in Cumberland, Md., then to plant manager in Creighton, Pa., before being named vice president of the automotive and aircraft group. Mr. Perry served as vice president of the flat glass division from 1977 to 1984, when he became president of the PPG Industries base in Europe. He retired in 1988. An active member of the Society of Automotive Engineers, Mr. Perry's civic involvement included serving as president of the Allegheny Valley Hospital in Natrova Heights, Pa., and as a board member of the American Hospital in Paris, France. In 1943, Mr. Perry entered the U.S. Air Force to serve in World War II, interrupting his studies at MSM-UMR. As a
bombardier-navigator on a B-25 double engine aircraft, 2nd Lt. Perry flew with the 22nd Squadron of the 341st Bomb Group out of what was then Indochina (now Vietnam) and China. While attending MSM-UMR, Robert Perry Mr. Perry was on the Honor List and was a member of Tau Beta Pi, Blue Key, ASME, the ROTC Band, Triangle fraternity, Missouri Academy of Science, M Club, the Rollamo board, and the basketball team. Mr. Perry received a professional degree from MSM-UMR in 1968 and the MSM-UMR Alumni Achievement Award a decade later. In addition, he established the endowed Perry and Edwards Scholarship along with Gene W. Edwards, CE'53.
A r t h u r W . S u n d h o lm , G G p h , w as a m e m b e r o f th e C .L . D a k e S o c ie ty , S ig m a G a m m a E p s ilo n , G a m m a D e lta and A I M E and w as on the H o n o r L is t w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . H e th en spent 41 years in the o il and gas industry. t M a r c h 8, 2 0 0 4
Jacob W. Miller Jr., E E , served w ith the U .S . A r m y C o rp s o f E n g in e e rs a fte r g ra d u a tin g fr o m M S M - U M R . H e then pursued a c a re e r in e le c tric a l e n g in e e rin g , w o r k in g fo r c ity u tilitie s , F ris c o R a ilro a d , D a y c o C o rp ., G o sh en R u b b e r and D o m e s tic M a n u fa c tu rin g , f A p r il 18, 2 0 0 3
1952 John N. Stovall, C E , w as a m e m b e r o f L a m b d a C h i A lp h a , A S C E and R O T C w h ile a A jflL a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . H e t S k m k w o rk e d fo r B la c k & V ea tc h fo r m o re than 3 0 years. fF e b . 10, 2 0 0 4 |
Janies F. Vance, M E , w as a m e m b e r o f the T e c h C lu b and A S M E and w as on the H o n o r L is t w h ile attendn g M S M -
m m W k
U M R . t A p r i l 16, 2 0 0 4
1956 Jack A . Palmer, N D D , tJ a n . 5 , 2 0 0 4 Norman L. Walker, E E , w as a m e m b e r o f the S tu d e n t C o u n c il, the E n g in e e rs C lu b , S ig m a Pi S ig m a , S h a m ro c k C lu b and B lu e K e y and w o rk e d as a student assistant in the e le c tric a l e n g in e e rin g d e p a rtm e n t w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . H e w o rk e d fo r H u g h e s A ir c r a ft and C u b ic C o rp . and h e ld three p atents on a v o te c o u n tin g m a c h in e that he d e v e lo p e d . A m e m o ria l fu n d w as set up in his m e m o ry fo r the U M R S o la r C a r T e a m , f Jan. 2 9 , 2 0 0 4
Don E. Williams, G G p h , w as
George D. Sample, C h E , w as a W
m e m b e r o f S ig m a P i S ig m a w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . H e s erved in the A i r F o rc e fr o m 1 9 4 8 -5 2 . A fte r r e tirin g fro m the U .S . D e p a rtm e n t o f the T re a s u ry , he w as a ffilia te d w ith P ru d e n tia l C a ro lin a R e a l E state, f M a r c h 13, 2 0 0 4 *
1958 William F. Graden Jr., P e tE , w a s a m e m b e r o f the S h a m ro c k C lu b , In d e p e n d e n ts , and A I M M E w h ile a tte n d in g M S M U M R . H e w o r k e d fo r T id e la n d s O il P ro d u c tio n C o . in L o n g B e a c h , C a lif., fo r 3 5 years. fF e b . 2 5 , 2 0 0 4
1959 Robert E . Briscoe, E E , w as a m e m b e r o f A I E E - I R E and w o rk e d as a student assistant in the physics d e p a rtm e n t w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . A N a v y v e te ra n o f the K o re a n W a r, he w o rk e d fo r M is s o u ri P u b lic S e rv ic e fo r 2 0 y ears, re tirin g in 1 9 9 3 . f A p r il 3 , 2 0 0 3
Frederick D. Howard, E E , w as a m e m b e r o f K a p p a A lp h a , A I E E - I R E , In d e p e n d e n ts and G le e C lu b and w a s on the H o n o r L is t w h ile a tte n d in g M S M -U M R . f Aug. 9, 2003 '
** *
p re sid en t o f S ig m a G a m m a E p s ilo n and c o m m a n d e r o f his N a tio n a l G u a rd u n it w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . H e w as a W o rld W a r I I an d K o re a n W a r veteran. Ronald J. Mount, C E , w a s a m e m b e r o f W illia m s re tire d as d e p u ty d ire c to r o f A I M M E and A S C E and w o rk e d as a student m in e ra ls fo r the U .S . F o re s try S e rv ic e in assistant in th e c iv il e n g in e e rin g d e p a rtm e n t W a s h in g to n . fF e b . 15, 2 0 0 4 w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . H e re tire d in 1 9 9 2 fr o m the Illin o is D e p a rtm e n t o f T ra n s p o rta tio n . fF e b . 2 0 , 2 0 0 4 1957
Joseph F. Kalinowsky, C E ,
w as a m e m b e r o f th e E n g in e e rs C lu b , A S C E , In d e p e n d e n ts, M C lu b , C h i E p s ilo n and Phi K a p p a P hi and w as on the fo o tb a ll te a m w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . H e w as a W o r ld W a r I I vete ra n . tN o v . 5, 2003
Joseph F. Urekar, E E , w a s a m e m b e r o f E ta K a p p a N u , T au B e ta P i an d P h i K a p p a P h i and w as on the H o n o r L is t w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . H e w o rk e d at O lin C o rp ., S a n g a m o E le c tric C o ., B u n n -O -M a tr ic and C IP S , w h e re he re tire d in 1 9 9 8 a fte r 2 5 years. f N o v . 17, 2003
1962 Lawrence D. Green, C E , M S C E â&#x20AC;&#x2122;6 3 , w as a m e m b e r o f T au B e ta P i, C h i E p s ilo n and C h i A lp h a and w o rk e d as a student assistant in the c iv il e n g in e e rin g d e p a rtm e n t w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . fD e c . 4 , 2 0 0 3 C . Kurt Lamber, G G p h , w as a m e m b e r o f the C .L . D a k e m H *-*
S o c ie ty, P h i K a p p a P h i, G o ld K e y , S p e lu n k e rs and S ig m a G a m m a E p s ilo n and w a s on the H o n o r L is t w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . f Jan. 17 , 2 0 0 4
1964 Ottavio J. Mallamaci, N D D f J u ly 1 5 ,2 0 0 1
1967 Gary L. Kelso, C h E , w as a m e m b e r o f A IC h E , In d e p e n d e n ts , S h a m ro c k C lu b and A lp h a C h i S ig m a and w as on the H o n o r L is t w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . f N o v . 13, 2 0 0 1
1968 Gus A. Mauller, N D D , tM a r c h 10 , 2 0 0 4
1969 Randall K. Burns, E E , w as a m e m b e r o f IE E E , In d e p e n d e n ts and the S h a m ro c k C lu b w h ile a tte n d in g M S M - U M R . H e w as e m p lo y e d as a p ro g ra m m a n a g e r and e n g in e e r fo r B A E S ystem s in N a s h u a , N .H ., and w as an A i r F o rc e ve te ra n . fF e b . 2 1 , 2 0 0 4
Howard M. Prichard III, P hys, w a s a m e m b e r o f In d e p e n d e n ts and the E n g in e e rs C lu b w h ile a tte n d in g M S M U M R . f D e c . 13, 2 0 0 3
Raymond J. Favignano, Phys, tFeb. 18,2004
Robert F. Henry, ChE, was a member of the UMR Chancellor’s Advisory Committee for African-American Recruitment and Retention. He was co-founder of the Iota Omega Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. In 2003, Henry formed Program Management Group, a St. Louisbased engineering firm, t April 11, 2004
Joan Bade, a longtime employee of UMR, f March 27, 2004
Dana L. Witt, NDD f April 14, 2004
Alwilda Mathews, wife of Donald J. Mathews, ME’48, tFeb. 17, 2004
1973 Theodore Sekula, EE, fSept. 19, 2002
1975 Robert Thomas Jackson, ChE, was a member of Alpha Chi Sigma, Omega Chi Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi, Theatre Guild, General Delegation of Independents and the Bike Club while attending MSM-UMR. t Aug. 6, 2003
Sherry Freise, wife of David G. Freise, GeoE’77, fOct. 25, 2002
Bill G. Million, ME, +Nov. 21, 2003
1980 Marjorie P. Richards, Hist, tFeb. 6, 2004
Michael F. Kavanaugh, EE, f April 18, 2004
Scott S. Vollmar, EE, fOct. 22, 2003
Thomas R. Bur, MinE, f Aug. 24, 2003
Douglas Brian Kelley, EMgt, fDec. 25, 2002
Betty Mouser, wife of Ronald D. Mouser, EE’59, fNov. 9, 2002 Jane Penney, wife of William M. Penney Jr., CE’52, tOct. 18, 2003 Elizabeth H. Pipher, |Feb. 21, 2004 John Ponzer, husband of Bess Ponzer, f Feb. 26, 2003 Beau Rothe, tFeb. 20, 2004
'Col. Ed' Owsley, longtime St. Pat's supporter Edward A. Owsley, known as "Col. Ed" to four decades of students, died June 21 at his home in Rolla at the age of 91. Although not a graduate of MSM-UMR, his longtime support of the university and its students is legendary. Col. Owsley, a retired Army officer, began his support of UMR during his 21-year term as executive vice president and chief executive officer of the Rolla Area Chamber of Commerce. He was a vocal supporter of the UMR St. Pat's Board (now the St. Pat's Celebration Committee) and in 1970, the group named him an Honorary Knight of St. Patrick. He was instrumental in the establishment of the Honorary Knights Association, serving as the group's executive secretary and as an informal leader of the association's undergraduate scholarship program. In 2001, Col. Owsley was named Honorary St. Patrick, and in 2004 he was honored for his years as community advisor to the St. Pat's Celebration Committee as the firstever First Knight of St. Patrick. Col. Owsley was also an honorary initiate of UMR's Alpha Delta chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity and served as the chapter's alumni advisor from 1973 through 1998. He also funded a scholarship for its members and in 1982 received the national fraternity's highest award for volunteer service, the Order of Merit. Col. Owsley served as a past member of the UMR Development Council and was an honorary member of the Blue Key Honor Society and Theta Tau. In 1994, the MSM-UMR Alumni Association awarded Col. Owsley with an Alumni Service Award. In 2001 he received an Honorary Life Membership to the association, making him an honorary UMR alumnus.
Ruth L. Shanks, wife of Vincent E. Shanks, ME’46, tFeb. 4, 2004 Nancy Smith, wife of James A. Smith, EE’47, tNov. 30, 2003
To (icy _________ for publishing Alumni Notes • We are happy to announce weddings, births and promotions, after theyhave occurred. • W e w ill mention a spouse's name if it is specifically mentioned in the information provided by the alumnus/alumna. • The
MSM-UMR Alumnus w ill announce deaths,
if inform ation is submitted by an immediate fam ily member, or from a newspaper obituary. N otification of deaths that have occurred more than tw o years before the date of publication w ill not be published unless a special request is made by a fam ily member. • Obituary information on alumni spouses w ill be printed only if the alumnus/alumna specifically requests that we print it. • W e w ill print addresses if specifically requested to do so by the alumnus/alumna submitting the note. • W e reserve the right to edit alumni notes to meet space requirements. • W e w ill use submitted photos as space permits.
Join the more than 820 members of the Order of the Golden Shillelagh and help UMR maintain the high quality of education it has been known for since its founding in 1870. Through ogs ,
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The total lifetime giving of all OGS members now exceeds $85 million.
Our next annual
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OGS w eekend is
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• $15.7 million for building construction and renovation
April 22-24,2005,
• $7.1 million for endowed professorships and chairs
in Rolla. Join OGS
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to come enjoy a w eekend together w ith some old and n ew friends.
MSM-l'MR A l l M M 'S Fall 2004
For information on how to join, please contact Gloria McQuiggan (573) 341-6366, Bev Johnson (573) 341-4054 or visit our website at www.umr.edu (click on giving to UMR and then go to Order of the Golden Shillelagh).
profile of
r Ernie B a n k s ------------------------------------I---------------------- B E S T IN C L A S S Editor’s note: The following article about Ernie Banks, ChE’81, originally appeared in an internal online newsletter for Mallinckrodt employees at Maryland Heights, Mo., where Banks works as a principal project engineer. rnie Banks is a man of many talents. One of his greatest talents lies in his ability to provide leadership. This is exhibited in the many organizations that he champions. At UMR these affiliations include the Academy of Chemical Engineers, the MSM-UMR Alumni Association Board of Directors, the Chancellor’s Advisory Council on African-American Recruitment/ Retention, and the Industrial Advisory Council for the chemical engineering department. Ernie also actively participates in the INROADS Student Mentor program, the St. Louis Regional Academy of Engineering Technology and is the corresponding secretary of the Epsilon Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. Ernie began working at Mallinckrodt in 1990 as a senior project engineer. Through the years he has held many titles, including production supervisor, process owner, continuous improvement leader and most recently principal project engineer. This position involves working with Quality Systems Workstreams and identifying processes for improvement before our upcoming FDA inspection. Fie also works with the Contamination Control Team and helps to organize the group while establishing commitments and meeting deadlines. Ernie’s Six Sigma Black Belt certification is very useful in these areas and he is dedicated to improving and developing efficiencies through both technical and system enhancements. Ernie was recently selected for membership into the Academy of Chemical Engineers at UMR. He chairs the committee dedicated to student mentoring. This provides a link between the alumni and students and allows Ernie to be a sounding board for proposed
committee activities. Ernie is also on the Recruitment Committee. This committee has the opportunity to visit area high schools and relay personal experiences while helping students make decisions about their future. Ernie found a recent visit to his old high school, Lutheran High School North, particularly gratifying. He was able to mentor students in a very familiar environment. Ernie is also on the Board of Directors of (UMR’s) Alumni Association. This is his second year on the board. He was just elected to the role of vice president. He participates on the student retention/recruitment, awards, and diversity committees. When asked why he involves himself with so many organizations Ernie was quick to answer that “I’ve reaped a lot of benefits from my association with these organizations and I simply want to give back to the community.” He would like to make things easier for students today. He likes being on the board of directors and welcoming alumni back as he encourages them to set direction and policies for the future of the campus. He encourages alumni to share their experiences with each other. Another of the many organizations that Ernie is a part of is the St. Louis Regional Academy of Engineering Technology. In April 2003,
several members of the Academy presented a mentoring proposal to the St. Louis Mallinckrodt site. As a result, the committee secured a partnership with not only Tyco/Mallinckrodt but also GKN Aerospace Services, Engineered Support Systems Inc, Essex Industries Inc. and The Boeing Co. A few goals resulting from these partnerships include increasing student interest and awareness for technical careers and education as well as providing a challenging and rigorous technical curriculum at high schools for all students. When Ernie was asked to reflect on the importance of volunteerism he responded, “I’ve continuously volunteered in alumni efforts at the University of Missouri-Rolla for the past 20 years. Over that time, I’ve interacted with some fantastic, top-notch students. I realize that today’s marginal high school student faces challenges that we all must address. Different times are going to require more creative approaches if we want to reach those students. Companies like Mallinckrodt/Tyco Healthcare are going to have to continue to lend their expertise, their brain power and their time if we’re really interested in making sure that we’ll have a qualified workforce to pull from in the future. I cannot say enough how much I appreciate Mallinckrodt/Tyco Healthcare’s commitment and generosity for supporting me in these efforts.” In view of all of these affiliations and his demanding job with Tyco/Mallinckrodt it may be hard to believe that Ernie would have time for anything else. When Ernie was asked what he enjoys doing in his free time he responded quickly with a smile. He is an assistant coach for his daughter and his son’s year-round little league sports teams. He enjoys giving direction and helping coach these young individuals and has fun doing it. His energy and enthusiasm have gone a long way to benefit the employees at Tyco/Mallinckrodt and numerous organizations. Ernie’s commitment to the community is certainly “best in class!”
MSM-LMR \1 I M M S Fall 2004
profile of
V O L U N T E E R S ---ore than 1,700 MSM-UMR alumni, parents and friends donate their time and talents to advance UMR. They do so by serving on various committees, academies and advisory councils, as guest lecturers, as volunteer staff, as legislative advocates, as leaders and coordinators of alumni sections, and through a variety of other efforts. UMR is grateful for the special commitment of our volunteers, and we wish to recognize them for their efforts during the past year. These volunteers are recognized for the July 1, 2003, to June 30, 2004, fiscal year.
Campus Volunteers
Board of Trustees Richard Arnoldy ’69 + Keith Bailey ’64 * James K. Berthold ’60 * Robert Brackbill ’42 * Henry E. Brown ’68 * Connie Eggert * Gary Forsee 7 2 * Robert Garvey ’61 * Larry Hendren 7 3 a Thomas F. Hughes ’91 Barry Koenemann 70 a John Mathes ’67 a Philip W. McNeal 76 a J. Ronald Miller ’64 * Zebulun Nash 72 a William B. Patton ’59 Frank D. Statkus 71 Richard J. Stegemeier ’50 a Geoffrey (Jeff) Steinhart 7 9 * Cynthia Tang ’85 a Gary Thomas * Richard Vitek ’58 a Cheryl D. Walker ’86 William D. Walker ’58 * Theodore L. Weise ’67 * Joan B. Woodard 73 a
African American Recruitment & Retention Committee Gregory K. Ardrey ’89 Ernest Kelvin Banks ’81 * Valentino T. Bates 76 a Henry E. Brown ’68 *
Andrew T. Cleveland Mark A. Crawford Jr. ’96 a Jessica J. du Maine ’85 Kevin T. Fort ’98 Maria L. Holmes ’83 Latrecia Y. Kea ’85 Gregory D. McClain 7 2 a Alexandria L. Merritt ’03 Robert R. Morrison Jr. 71 Zebulun Nash 7 2 a Omoghene O. Obahor MacDuff Odhiambo Okuom Veo Peoples Jr. 70 Linda F. Sims-Perry ’89 Eric Potts 73 Walter G. Reed Jr. ’69 Kenneth E. Rice ’93 Aloysius W. Royal ’95 Randy Jerome Shed ’85 Gregory D. Skannal ’85 Margaret E. Stockdale ’82 Claudia Le’Annette Tutt ’94 Christian Washington Kimberly Renae Weathers ’93 Frank Winfield Jr. 71
OGS Executive Board Jerry Alyea ’60 a Henry E. Brown ’68 * Linda Carr a Jeffrey D. Cawlfield a Sandra Dorf a Linda Doshi + Larry Hendren 73 * Anthony Herzog John R. Lovitt 70 * J. Ronald Miller ’64 a Donald R. McGovern ’58 a Dennis Parker ’68 a
Corporate Development Council Jane M. Aselage ’86 Gregory J. Baker 78 Steven Becher ’96 Sarah R. Bock ’87 William Book Chuck A. Buel 73 Robert A. Byrne Michael R. Carlson ’99 Eileen Chambers ’01 Vinisha Clark ’91 James D. Craig ’82 Jennifer Diskin ’91 Michael C. Fox ’90 James A. Grace 7 6 Thomas L. Greene 71 Marques W. Griffin ’01 Bradley D. Haug ’87 Duane D. Highley ’83 Delores Hinkle 75 John W. Holm Jr. 71 Jason L. H udson’95 Thomas F. Hughes ’91 Kimberly Kossmann ’99 Lisa D. Krueger ’86 Bill R. Logel Jr. ’68 Kim I. Mastalio 7 0 Maureen Midgley ’82 Tom Miesner 7 5 * Mark Newell John Parfet Martin Penning ’80 Adam L. Peterson '98 Angie Privett ’98 a Michael G. Richter 73 Kristopher C. Scholl ’98 Patrick Damon Smith '96 Rob Steinhoff ’80
Zebulun Nash 7 2 a Richard J. Stegemeier ’50 a Cynthia Tang ’85 a Theodore L. Weise ’67 a
Gary Thomas * Dianna K. Tickner 7 9 a Steve W. Voss ’82 David Waggoner Todd Walls ’87 Theresa Williams '98 Yixiang Xie ’96
Schools College Departments
Campaign Organizing Committee Keith Bailey ’64 a Emma Lou Brent ’92 Calvin Cobb ’64 * Matteo A. Coco ’66 * Gary Forsee 72 a Robert Garvey ’61 a Gary W. Havener ’62 a Larry L. Hendren 73 a Thomas Holmes ’50 a Phylis Hsia John Mathes ’67 * J. Ronald Miller ’64 * David B. Price '68 Richard J. Stegemeier ’50 a Geoffrey (Jeff) Steinhart 7 9 a Cynthia Tang ’85 a Theodore L. Weise ’67 * Joan B. Woodard 73 a
Campaign Steering Committee Richard R. Arnoldy ’69 a Keith Bailey ’64 a Gary D. Forsee 72 * Robert A. Garvey ’61 a Gary W. Havener ’62 a John A. Mathes ’67 a J. Ronald Miller ’64 a
SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Dean’s Advisory Council Paul G. Baldetti ’81 Patrick Davidson 7 0 * Robert C. Feldmann ’80 Lynn M. Flaim ’80 Don J. Gunther ’6 0 * Edward J. (Ted) Koplar ’96 Robert A. (Bob) Kruse ’81 * J. Ronald Miller ’64 * Charles D. Naslund 7 4 * Richard R. Paul ’66 C. Theodore Peachee 7 2 J.B. Peterson ’66 Frank Statkus 71 Geoffrey J. Steinhart 7 9 * Gerald Stevenson ’59 * Kathryn A. Walker ’82 Robert O. Warrington Joan B. Woodard 73 *
Academy of Chemical Engineers Charles R. Altheide ’56 * Ernest K. Banks ’81 *
“The university was significant in preparing me for my career and my life. UMR gave me the tools I needed to be successful and it is for that reason I feel I need to pay back in a small way what the university has given to me.” - Ron Miller, C h E ’64
M S M -U M R A L U M N U S
l ull 2004
David B. Bartholic ’62 Richard H. Bauer ’52 * James E. Bertelsmeyer ’66 * Glenn E. Brand ’39 * John Brodhacker ’44 David W. Bunch ’57 * Ronald M. Canon ’70 Joseph J. Chang ’70 * Calvin B. Cobb ’64 * Kim D. Colter ’73 * Orrin K. Crosser John D. Culter ’59 Bipin N. Doshi ’62 * Lynn M. Flaim ’80 Harold W. Flood ’43 * Gary L. Foutch ’75 Raymond Freeman ’72 * William H. Gammon ’49 * Paul A. Haas ’50 Gail L. Hahn ’82 * R.W. “Hank” Hankinson ’60 * Dale W. Harris ’58 Arthur W. Helwig ’50 * Harry C. Hershey ’60 William J. James ’49 * George W. Jamieson ’50 * Paul W. Leming ’57 Joseph F. Louvar ’57 Douglas K. Ludlow Kenneth G. Mayhan ’56 * James M. McKelvey ’45 * J. Ronald Miller ’6 4 * Zebelun Nash ’72 * Michael W. Noble ’79 Leon L. Otte ’68 Robert H. Pahl ’68 * Dennis R. Parker ’68 * Gary K. Patterson ’60 * Veo Peoples 70 Donald W. Peterson ’50 James W. Poarch ’60 Robert A. Pohl ’42 * David V. Porchey ’63 * Eric B. Rapp ’68 Kenneth G. Riley ’56 * Jorge M. Rodriguez ’65 Paul B. Rothband ’43 * Dale J. Schillinger ’56 * Yatish T. Shah * Richard G. Soehkle ’52 Steve W. Souders 74
denotes OGS membership —a $1 □,□□□+ commitment to UMR
Robert A. Steinkamp ’62 Robert E. Stevens ’81 * Gerald L. Stevenson ’59 * T. James Stewart ’34 * Mailand R. Strunk A. Kent Thoeni ’63 * Roger E. Truitt 71 * James A. Unnerstall ’56 * Fred K. Vogt II ’67 * Kenneth W. Wall 71 Charles A. Wentz ’57 * Kenneth W. Wood ’60 * Kenneth J. Wulfert ’64
Academy of Civil Engineers Rohn Abbott ’66 William Alsmeyer ’41 James Anderson ’55 * William Anderson Jr. ’67 * William A. Andrews * Richard R. Arnoldy ’69 * Chester H. Baker ’55 Donald S. Ballard ’57 Richard J. Barr ’61 C. Dean Barton ’53 Valentino T. Bates 76 * Robert D. Bay ’49 * Jerry R. Bayless ’59 * James E. Beavers ’66 Thomas R. Beckley ’63 Elmer W. Belew ’47 Robert G. Bening ’55 * Laurel D. Berger ’50 Richard T. Berning ’69 Jerome T. Berry ’49 * Robert T. Berry 72 * John L. Best ’55 * Raymond R. Betz ’66 * Lucien M. Bolon Jr. ’59 * Steven L. Brady ’67 Robert G. Brinkmann 71 * Henry E. Brown ’68 * Thomas J. Buechler 71 * David R. Busse ’81 Robert G. Butchko 71 Harold G. Butzer ’47 * Edward L. Calcaterra ’52 * Robert J. Campbell 71 Paul F. Carlton ’47
Frank L. Carroll ’55 Dan L. Chilton ’65 Louis J. Chiodini ’61 William P. Clarke 74 * Matteo A. Coco ’66 * G. David Comstock ’68 Harold R. Crane ’52 John W. Critchfield 74 Michael L. Crow 72 Joseph E. Crowe ’58 Robert J. Dacey ’64 Stanley Dolecki ’50 Robert G. Durney 70 Gene W. Edwards ’52 * Kevin R. Eisenbeis 79 Richard “Dick” Elgin 74 * Max M. Ethridge 70 Charles M. Etwert 71 Larry E. Farmer ’61 * David L. Fenton ’63 C. Stuart Ferrell ’64 James L. Foil 74 * William C. Ford ’66 Lynn A. Frasco ’68 James E. Frey 74 Herman A. Fritschen ’51 * Richard H. Frueh 75 * James W. Gorrell ’67 * Dominic J. Grana 72 William J. Green ’68 * Willis G. Grinstead ’56 * Norbert A. Groppe ’57 Don J. Gunther ’6 0 * Edward M. Halter 71 Stanley J. Harris 75 Jack B. Haydon ’58 * Richard B. Heagler ’57 * Don E. Henderson ’59 * Thomas A. Herrmann ’50 * Philip R. Hoge ’64 Bradley H. Hornburg ’69 * J. Leroy Hulsey ’64 Michael D. Hurst 74 * Gary L. Hutchison 74 Rosemary M. Ingram 78 James D. Jackson ’59 Robert D. Jenkins ’53 * Vernon T. Jones ’53 * Philip A. Jozwiak ’66 * Greg Junge ’65 * Patrick T. Karney 76
Raymond O. Kasten ’43 * Warren N. Keith 72 Robert J. Kemper ’49 Albert L. Kerr ’64 * Charles A. Kiefer ’61 Ron M. Kingsbury ’55 Leonard C. Kirberg ’66 * Dale L. Klohr ’58 Richard A. Klusmeyer 70 Barry D. Koenemann 70 * Don J. Kozeny ’57 Joseph F. Krispin ’54 * Fredrick S. Kummer ’55 * Roger A. LaBoube 70 Allan H. LaPlante ’6 3 * James S. Latham ’65 Gary M. Lee 71 Robert G. Livingston ’39 James T. Lovelace ’60 Francis D. Lyons ’50 * James J. Lyons ’66 John A. Mathes ’67 * James B. McGarth ’49 Garth G. McKinney ’43 T. Michael McMillen ’67 * Arthur R. Meenen '46 Joseph A. Mickes ’58 John J. Moll ’69 William R. Montgomery ’58 * Jonathan T. Motherwell 74 * Paul R. Munger ’58 * Matthew E. Nail 76 David V. Owsley ’61 John J. Parker ’65 James R. Patterson ’54 Lowell B. Patterson ’66 Gene C. Penzel ’55 Thomas M. Petry ’67 R. David Plank ’59 Paul P. Poepping ’65 Eric R. Potts 73 Ray L. Puvis 74 Dana V. Reel 74 Joseph F. Reichert ’59 Thomas W. Richter 73 Charles O. Riggs ’64 James F. Roberts ’53 J. Kent Roberts ’50 * Roddy J. Rogers ’81 Eugene R. Russell ’58 George R. Schillinger ’63
Paul C. Schnoebelen 77 * Ken W. Schoeneberg ’44 Joseph H. Senne ’51 * Bob Sfreddo ’58 Robert Shoolbred ’54 Kevin C. Skibiski 75 J. Russell Snowden ’47 * Richard W. Stephenson * Bryan A. Stirrat ’67 * Waldemar D. Stopkey ’52 * Claude N. Strauser ’69 Richard A. Sumner 77 Otis H. Taylor ’42 * John C. Theiss ’51 LeRoy E. Thompson ’56 * Marcus J. Thornsberry ’83 Kevin Z. Truman ’85 Gary M. Turner ’66 James K. Van Buren ’63 * David A. Visintainer 71 Alvin D. Wansing ’69 William D. Webb ’67 Ernst A. Weinel ’44 Carl J. Weis ’43 Steve E. Willis ’67 Willis J. Wilson 73 * John C. Wright ’61 Wei-Wen Yu * Thomas L. Zenge ’69 * Walter A. Zimmermann ’62
Academy of Electrical & Computer Engineering Michael R. Apprill 70 Richard L. Arnold ’69 David L. Begley 73 Wayne J. Bennetsen ’41 * William O. Blumfelder ’66 James O. Bondi 71 Robert J. Boschert ’58 Charles E. Boulson ’39 Phil A. Browning '48 Lloyd E. Brunkhorst ’61 Walter J. Carr ’40 James D. Coffman ’60 Elroy Denningmann ’68 Anthony Derhake ’69 Earl K. Dille
“During my time at UMR, I was given several great opportunities because someone had taken the time to volunteer; as a recent graduate, I wanted to help provide the same opportunities given me to the newest members of UMR.” - Andrew Draker, IST’04
profile of
VOLUNTEERS Robert Dockey 70 Richard H. Duncan ’49 James L. Eckhoff ’60 * Richard W. Eimer 71 * William R. Ellis ’39 Carl E. Finley ’45 Martha S. Fowler ’61 Gary L. Fulks 71 Walter J. Gajda * Chandrakant D. Gandhi ’50 Thomas K. Gaylord ’67 Richard J. Gillette ’65 Charles A. Gross ’66 Russell A. Gund ’69 * Robert L. Hanna ’43 * Robert C. Hansen ’49 Thomas J. Herrick ’58 William E. Hord ’66 Edwin L. Hughes ’49 John F. Koeper ’66 William L. Krieg ’69 Leonard Laskowski III 73 Vernon R. Lawson ’48 Dennis W. Leitterman 76 * James V. Leonard 76 Wayne E. Littleton ’62 Edwin W. Logan ’37 James F. Longshore ’56 Elmer L. Luehring ’55 Ronald D. Lutes 73 Darrel Mank ’69 Dennis E. Mason ’58 Walter A. Mathews ’48 Robert L. Mayse ’57 Jack B. McKee ’41 * James E. McNabb ’58 George McPherson Edward H. Midden III ’69 Deraid J. Morgan ’65 * George E. Mueller ’39 * Charles D. Naslund 74 * Nicola Nelson 71 William F. Oberschelp ’53 Wilson W. Overall ’59 David P. Patterson Richard R. Paul ’66 J.B. Peterson ’66 Norman H. Pond ’59 * Paul A. Ray ’63 Walter G. Reed ’69 Louis C. Rephlo ’60 Randall R. Richards 70 Larry L. Robinson ’66 Harold R. Rochester ’65 Larry L. Rushing ’66 Carl R. Ryan ’62 Peter W. Sauer ’69 George Schindler 73 Larry J. Schnurbusch ’69 Donald W. Shaw ’69 Giles C. Sinkewiz ’60 David G. Sizemore 71
James J. Skiles ’51 Gabriel G. Skitek ’43 Harry B. Smith ’42 * James A. Smith ’47 Leroy E. Smith ’39 Louis W. Smith ’66 Gene P. Smith ’44 Lawrence A. Spainer ’50 * E. Keith Stanek a Harold A. Steinbruegge ’57 Jack D. Stewart ’56 Paul D. Stigall ’62 Robert A. Strain ’50 Jerry D. Swearingen ’54 Kent W. Swearingen ’64 George D. Tomazi ’58 * Edward F. Tuck ’53 * Thomas P. Van Doren ’62 a Harold E. Vannoy ’63 Roger H. Volk ’6 8 * Thomas R. Voss ’69 * Michael R. Walker ’69 William D. Walker ’58 * Albert W. Weinrich ’59 Theodore L. Weise ’67 * Roy A. Wilkens '66 * Ronald D. Willoughby 73 Donald L. Willyard 73 Robert J. Wilson ’6 2 * John D. Wolf ’67 * Ralph E. Wolfram ’50 William A. Wundrack ’49 Laszlo F. Zala ’55
Academy of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineers Bassem F. Armaly * James E. Auiler ’67 Arthur G. Baebler ’55 Keith E. Bailey ’64 * William J. Barbier ’54 * Richard D. Baumann '67 * George R. Baumgartner ’56 * Diane M. (Krupp) Beamer 73 Michael C. Behan 71 John A. Behr ’81 Leland F. Belew ’50 * David W. Berg ’57 A. James Berkel ’59 * James K. Berthold ’60 * Michael E. Bray 70 * William F. Breig ’62 Stephen J. Brendle ’69 David Brewer ’82 Alfred J. Buescher ’64 Romuald L. Buescher ’53 Stephen F. Bugg ’65 * Michael W. Bytnar ’68 * Kenneth L. Cage ’63 *
Fall 2004
Richard A. Campbell ’62 * Donald W. Capone ’58 * Gary Dean Clubb ’68 * Charles Copeland ’62 * Glenn E. Cordes ’60 David E. Crow ’66 * Patrick G. Davidson 70 * James DeLong ’63 Roger A. Dorf ’65 * James P. Dycus ’66 Bill R. Engelhardt ’60 * Eugene C. Fadler ’62 Gary E. Ferguson 72 * Virgil J. Flanigan ’60 Donald G. Fluchel 72 Michael R. Foresman ’67 * Robert D. Freeland ’60 * P. Scott Gegesky ’68 * S. Craig George 74 * Jerry L. Gilmore ’60 * Thomas Greene 71 Ronald L. Griesenauer 70 Harold D. Haubein ’66 * Vance N. Havens 74 James M. Higbee ’66 * Herman R. Hirmer 70 John L. Hodges ’61 * Gary R. Holland ’64 * Timothy J. Houghton ’68 Dennis F. Jaggi 70 * Richard R. Janis ’68 * Jonathon P. Jansky 73 Anthony L. Jatcko ’64 G. Willard Jenkins ’59 Rollie R. Johnson ’62 * Ronald W. Johnson 70 Richard F. Jordan 70 * Jack L. Jost ’58 Gene E. Kalhorn ’67 Thomas E. Kalin ’57 * J. Greg Kellerman ’82 * Gerald J. Kettler ’65 Robert J. Kostelnik 75 Kraig G. Kreikemeier ’63 * Prakash Krishnaswamy 73 James E. Lambert Jr. ’69 * Gerald R. Lee 76 Dale W. Leidy ’61 * Michael W. McComas ’69 * Donald R. McGovern ’58 * Ralph E. McKelvey ’48 * Michael J. Meyer 75 * Norman R. Miller ’68 Robert J. Mueller ’6 8 * James R. Murphy ’68 * Richard A. Navarro 70 Stuart W. Obermann 79 Calvin M. Ochs ’4 9 * John M. Owens ’67 * John T. Park ’95 * Fred B. Parks ’69 * C. Theodore Peachee Jr. 72
Ronald A. Peterson 71 John J. Pitts ’80 Roland L. “Bud” Pohlman ’53 * Charles R. Remington ’49 * Lloyd E. Reuss ’57 * John W. Rickets ’61 * George A. Salof ’67 * Raymond H. Schaffart ’63 * Harold A. Schelin Jr. ’66 * Charles E. Schmidt Jr. ’67 * Ronald A. Schoenbach 70 Carl A. Schopfer ’68 * Gary G. Schumacher ’63 * Eugene Sehl Jr. ’63 * John F. Shelton 71 James A. Shildmyer ’56 * O. Morris Sieved ’44 Richard C. Smith 77 Frederick M. Springer ’49 * Frank D. Statkus 71 Louis P. Steinhauser ’80 Wilbert F. Stoecker ’48 Gary L. Stripling ’69 Stephen M. Thies 72 John B. Toomey ’49 * Gary A. Trippensee ’62 * Lloyd H. Tuggle ’58 George E. Uding ’59 Ralph J. Uthe ’68 James N. Vangilder ’68 * Richard J. Vehige ’68 * John M. Wiesehan 72 * Robert M. Williams Jr. 74 * Ronald R. Williams ’63 Donald E. Wojtkowski ’69 * Ronald C. Woodard ’69 * Gordon Wright ’66 *
Advisory Board Engineering Management Majid Abdullah Al-Kassabi ’84 Ali Bahrami ’92 Craig Bailey '90 * Merl Baker ’63 Joe N. Ballard 72 Robert E. Benezette 72 John “Jack” Bertelsmeyer 70 * Bruce Boyd ’85 Terry Buzbee 77 Daniel F. Cole 75 * John S. Daniel ’82 Frank Danzo ’80 Daniel L. DeRiemer 72 Russell Espinosa ’82 James A. Faletti 71 Rollie R. Johnson ’62 * John Lockard Craig S. O’Dear 79
Thomas J. Owens ’68 * Matthew Pitsch ’85 Bill Schoening Greg A. Sedrick ’82 F. Greg Slack 70 Kevin Q. Smith ’82 * Howard Stine ’67 * William A. Stoltz ’68 Joseph D. Wilhelm ’84
Advisory Board Manufacturing Engineering Program Robert E. Benezette 72 John Fargher Mike King 79 Mike Lehn William R. Logel ’68 Thomas J. O’Keefe ’80 * Linda S. Puzey Timothy L. Roth ’84 Randy A. Southmayd ’81 Peter J. Wazlawek ’85
Industrial Advisory Board Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Dave C. Dorste ’84 James P. Dycus ’66 Randall A. Harley 72 Mike Kennedy Roger M. Prewitt 73 Donald E. Wojtkowski ’69 *
SCHOOL OF MATERIALS, ENERGY & EARTH RESOURCES Academy of Mines & Metallurgy Jose F. Agapito ’64 Rex Alford ’40 * Hubert S. Barger ’39 * John G. Bartel ’52 * David E. Bartine ’66 Gerald W. Bersett ’65 * Jack R. Bodine ’50 * Robert M. Brackbill ’42 * Richard L. Bullock ’51 * Alan B. Burgess ’54 * James B. Chaney ’48 * Clinton Clark ’63 *
Richard E. Cole ’47 * William H. Daniels ’64 Delbert Day ’58 a Paul T. Dowling ’40 a Gary L. Downey ’62 Avery A. Drake Jr. ’50 Donald Falkingham ’41 a John 0. Farmer III ’63 a Francis E. Fennerty ’49 a Armin F. Fick ’41 a Harold Garner ’76 a Robert A. Garvey ’61 a Louis Gignac ’79 Edwin C. Goetemann ’44 a Alden G. Flacker ’41 a Gene Haertling ’54 Thomas A. Flolmes ’50 a Robert B. Hopler ’54 William E. Horst ’51 a J. Richard Hunt ’50 a Orville Hunter Jr. ’60 a Byron L. Keil ’52 a Robert Lee Keiser ’65 a Albert L. Kidwell ’40 a Harold A. Krueger 42 a Donald L. Kummer ’55 Eugene A. Lang Sr. ’53 a Walter Phil Leber ’40 a George MacZura ’52 a Vernon T. McGhee ’42 a Robert J. Miller ’50 Gazanfer Hussain Mohajir ’67 William Henry Mount ’73 a Walter Mueller ’63 a Norbert F. Neumann ’52 a James Arthur Neustaedter ’43 a Marvin E. Nevins Jr. ’41 a Melvin Nickel ’38 Thomas J. O’Keefe ’58 a Thomas J. O’Keefe IV ’80 a William B. Patton Jr. ’59 Robert Eugene Peppers ’50 Robert Quenon ’79 a Joseph S. Quinn ’49 a John Reiss ’71 a John M. Remmers ’84 a Frederick Joseph Rocchio Jr. ’70 Perrin R. Roller ’80 a Joseph Rupp ’72
denotes CDGS membership —a $ 1 □,□□□+ commitment to UMR
Theodore A. Ruppert ’52 Robert Schafer ’52 a Sam J. Schneider ’52 Joseph G. Sevick ’49 a Steven R. Shaw 73 William M. Shepard ’51 Gregory D. Skannal ’85 J. Victor Spalding ’39 a James L. Spehr ’64 a George L. Stegemeier ’52 Richard J. Stegemeier ’50 a Stephen Gerald Suellentrop 74 a Bruce E. Tarantola ’51 * George H. Taylor ’64 James Kenneth Thompson 73 a Dianna Kay Tickner 79 a Carlos H. Tiernon ’54 a Torie Ann Vandeven 77 a Philip J. Wade 71 a John R. Warner 70 * Samuel C. Weaver ’64 Kent Weisenstein ’60 a Marvin C. Zeid ’51 a Jeffrey L. Zelms 70 *
Advisory Board Mining Engineering William E. Broshears 75 John E. Cramer David Finn Monique Gors T.F. Gundlach Jean K. (Fischer) Holley ’81 Thomas A. Holmes ’50 a Dennis N. Kostic 70 Eugene A. Lang Sr. ’53 a Joe Mehl William G. Meister 76 Robert C. Meskimen Buddie R. Morris II a Tom A. Morris a Scott A. Motycka ’80 William H. Mount 73 a Joseph T. Netzer ’62 David Obergefell Walt Scheller Jerry Tystad Rob Vogel
Advisory Board Nuclear Engineering Omar Aguilar ’85 David E. Bartine ’66 Colin Boardman Robert W. Clark ’83 C. Dennis Croessmann ’81 Dan Driemeyer Harold R. (Skip) Garner 76 Jim Gilbert Gerald Goldsmith John Graham Timothy E. Herrmann ’81 Baard Johansen Ronald King Eric P. Loewen Tod Moser Mathew Panicker Charles M. Rice ’5 0 * Emmy Roos Robert Roussin Gerald Schlapper Erik Shores ’95 Scott Sidener ’93 Fred Silady Robert Stoddard Preston Swafford Michael E. Taylor 72 Starnes Walker ’64 Carl Walter H.J. Zeile
Susan M. Simmons ’84 Robert E. Stevens '81 * Gary W. Vandiver 72 Kenneth W. Wall 71
Advisory Council Chemical & Biological Engineering Ernest K. Banks ’81 * Marvin E. Borgmeyer 74 Steven D. Bridges 74 Brian K. Donley ’87 Aaron W. Epperly ’87 Daniel J. Klingenberg ’85 Kurt W. Koelling ’88 Mary M. Lamar '93 Philip W. Ling ’92 G. Glenn Lipscomb II ’81 Jason B. McHaney ’91 Robert H. Pahl ’68 * Christopher Schaefer ’85
Dean’s Advisory Council Tom Akers 73 * Terry Brewer ’02 Constance Brown ’85 * Holger Chen 72 Carol Davies 73 Thomas Gaylord 75 Steven Harrison ’81 * Gary W. Havener ’62 * Sandra Magnus ’86 Daniel O’Sullivan ’82 Robert Phillips ’90 Susan Rothschild 74 * Tracy Storie 70 Joyce Thomas 78 Greg Upchurch 72 Roger Vessell 78 Joan Woodard 73 *
Advisory Board, Computer Science Ken Brenneke 78 Robert A. Byrne Jr; Jeff Herzog ’92 John R. Hock ’82 Herb Krasner 73 Jim Leonard 76 Maggie Morrison * Karen Squires Nordeng ’89 Robert E. Perrey 75 Curt Schroeder ’88 Daniel C. St. Clair 75 Kim Tracy ’85
Advisory Board, Foundation for Chemical Research
Academy of Computer Science Margy A. Beckmeyer 73 William A. Eaton 70 Robert C. Feldmann ’80 Dan C. Hirschbuehler ’80 Jean K. Holley ’81 Michael P. Koclanes 79 John R. Lovitt 70 * Dan G. McNicholl ’80 Richard B. Schuessler 72 James R. Sowers, ’69 * Mark X. Stratman 73 * Ralph J. Szygenda 70 * Kim W. Tracy ’85 Susan E. Watson ’83
Richard D. Beaty '67 Karen Beckmann ’81 Mike Beckmann ’82 Holger E. Chen 72 Cyrus E. Crowder 76 Robert G. Downing ’81 Thomas H. Dunning Jr. ’65 John H. Livingston '39 * Richard H. Matthews * William D. Shermer ’64 L. Dale Sivils ’95 Larry F. Thompson 70 Kay E. Thornton 78 Richard K. Vitek ’58 * Mrs. William H. (Ruby) Webb ’39 *
Advisory Board, History & Political Science Constance Brown ’85 * Brenda Brugger ’88 Suzanna Maupin Long ’84 Dennis Nethington 72 John D. Wiggins 70 * Karen Skelton 70
“I had a great experience at UMR, and I volunteer because I want others to have the same. I was raised to give back to the community, and I still consider UMR one of my communities. I hope more students can be blessed enough to have a great college experience in Rolla.” - Sue Rothschild, C S c i’74
Fall 2004
profile of
VOLUNTEERS Advisory Board, Psychology
James 0. Stoffer a Jay Switzer Wilbur P. Tappmeyer ’47
Michael D. Bratcher ’81 Richard “Mike" Chiles 73 Floyd Harris 74 * Amy Noelker ’85 Patrice M. Ryan 74 Kaye Steinmentz Roger W. Vessell 78 James Whitten 72 Anne Wickliffe ’84
Educational Advisory Board Terry Adams Tom Akers 73 a Amy Aubuchon ’98 Jack Bailey Roger Berkbuegler Gary Bertrand Mike Brooks Richard Bryant Kirby Cannon Liz Cummins Ron Frank Jerry Giger Larry Gragg Stan Johnson Merilee Krueger Cindy Maledy Stephanie Mathis ’00 Roger Nash Allan Pringle Rob Roe Dawn Scheiderer John Wiggins 70 a Dennis Wilson
Advisory Board Theatre Jamie Myers Lynn Wieties Nancy Myers
Board of Directors, Academy of Computer Science William A. Eaton 70 Dan C. Hirschbuehler ’80 Jean K. Holley ’81 John R. Lovitt 70 * Dan G. McNicholl ’80 Mark X. Stratman 73 *
Board of Directors, Foundation for Chemical Research
Advisory Board, School of Management & Information Systems
Frank Blum Glenn Brand ’39 * Terry L. Brewer ’01 Holger E. Chen 72 Elizabeth M. Dietzmann Tony D. Flaim ’83 H. Neal Grannemann ’61 William J. James * Oliver K. Manuel a Robert R. Russell
Ray Arndt Ramon F. Baez Paul E. Dascher Stuart D. Doyle Michael C. Fox ’90
John S. Heller Jean K. Holley ’81 Frank D. Statkus 71 Ralph J. Szygenda 70 Gregory Mekjian
MSM-UMR Alumni Association Alumni Board of Directors Robert Jonathan Agee ‘03 David Brian Akers ’82 Richard R. Arnoldy ’69 * Arthur G. Baebler ’55 Ernest Kelvin Banks ’81 a Richard H. Bauer ’51 a Robert D. Bay ’49 * Jerry R. Bayless ’59 a David L. Begley 73 Robert T. Berry 72 a James E. Bertelsmeyer ’66 a Marvin E. Borgmeyer 74 Robert M. Brackbill ’42 a Henry E. Brown ’68 a Brian Thomas Call ’97 Daniel L. Carnahan ’68 Corey William Chapman ‘04 Matteo A. Coco ’66 * Kamila Jean Cozort ’85 John R. Dalton ’88 David W. Dearth ’68 * Jennifer Kay Diskin ’91 Roger A. Dorf ’6 5 * Paul T. Dowling ’40 * Andrew Lawrence Draker ‘04 * Randall G. Dreiling ’81 H. Pat Duvall ’62 * John F. Eash 79 Richard W. Eimer Jr. 71 * Richard L. Elgin 74 * James L. Foil 74 * John Robert Frerking ’87
Lisa Gail Gibson ’93 Larry L. Hendren 73 * Gary W. Hines ’95 K. Daniel Hinkle 73 Michael D. Hurst 74 * Ronald William Jagels ’86 Gregory Junge ’65 * Raymond O. Kasten ’43 * Kraig G. Kreikemeier ’63 * John P. Legsdin 70 * Dennis W. Leitterman 76 * James B. McGrath ’49 Henry Edward Midden III ’69 Robert R. Morrison Jr. 71 Zebulun Nash 72 * Norbert F. Neumann ’52 * Melvin E. Nickel ’38 Craig S. O’Dear 79 Jorge A. Ochoa ’85 James R. Patterson ’54 Richard R. Paul ’66 Stephen Rudy Puljak ’92 Darlene Susan Ramsay ’84 * Kenneth G. Riley ’56 * Roddy Jack Rogers ’81 Perrin R. Roller ’80 * Julia Catherine Rosemann * Susan H. Rothschild 74 * Martin Anthony Rust ’03 * Robert J. Scanlon 73 Lawrence A. Spanier ’50 * Gerald L. Stevenson ’59 * Kelley Ann Thomas ’91 LeRoy E. Thompson ’56 * John B. Toomey ’49 * Jon Vaninger ’63 Jennifer R. Wang 76 * Susan E. Watson ’83 W. Keith Wedge 70 Janet Wickey-Spence ’85 * Willis J. Wilson 7 3 * Linda Kay Wright ’88 *
APPOINTED ALUMNI ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS Athletic Study Dewey Allgood Keith Bailey ’64 * Gene Edwards ’52 * Ed Hanstein 71 William J. Peach 75 Armin Tucker ’40 * Norman Tucker ’40 *
Awards Chris Ramsay ’83 *
Diversity Lawrence George ’89 * Floyd Harris 74 * James A. Nicks Jr. 77
Faculty/Staff/ Volunteer Relations Linda Bramel ’89 Robin Collier ’95 Wayne Huebner ’82 *
Finance Dave Verkamp
Government Relations Kevin Skibiski 75
Program Planning Douglas R. Carroll ’91 Roger A. LaBoube 70
Sections Jennifer Marshall ’96
“As a leader in Anheuser-Busch, I’m interested in recruiting talent for our organization. UMR provides a good source of that talent. I help the university in any way I can to ensure UMR continues to develop that talent. I attribute much of my career success to my educational foundation, and what I learned at UMR got me started. I enjoy giving back in some way and I think that by being involved I can help the university. Plus, I enjoy staying connected to the faculty I worked with in the chemical engineering department.” - Sue Simmons, C h E’84
Fall 2004
Section Officers James W. Abbott 75 David Allen Akers ’99 David Brian Akers ’82 Tara Lynne Algreen ’98 Betty Andreas * Wayne T. Andreas ’58 * Yuvaraj Annamalai ’03 Florencio H. Baez 77 Bret A. Baldwin ’93 Regina T. Baldwin ’93 Kenneth L. Bandelier ’97 Ernest Kelvin Banks ’81 * Jeanne Elizabeth Barkley ’96 Bruce Loren Bartlett ’80 Connie Lynn Bauers ’02 Jennifer Louise Bayless '89 Timothy Gerard Beckerle ’90 Andres Bello ’81 Orlando Benitez 79 Duane D. Bequette 75 Richard T. Berning ’69 Daniel Richard Bilbrey ’93 Craig Douglas Blair ’92 Noverdy Boer ’96 Daniel L. Bohachick ’99 * Tricia Marie Bohler ’93 Craig William Borgmeyer ’88 Marvin E. Borgmeyer 74 Exeario D. Boscan 79 Glenn Whiteman Brand ’83 Mindy Sue Brand ’84 Scott Allen Brandt ’93 Randal R. Braun ’68 James Donald Bridges ’00 Jason D. Bridges ’00 John Donald Brocke ’97 Kenneth Charles Brockmann ’96 Richard Alan Brown ’83 Jill Kristine Bruss ’96 Vej Bulsuk ’93 Earl D. Burk 70 Brian Thomas Call ’97 Barry Lee Callahan ’99 Janet Lynn Callahan ’99 Susan L. Callahan 78
denotes OGS membership —a $ 1 □,□□□+ commitment to UMR
Daniel A. Carey ’90 Preston Wade Carney ’02 * Andres Carrizosa 79 Jason Edward Carter ’96 Raul H. Carvajal A. 78 Devrim Cavusoglu ’99 Gee Tai Chang ’84 Murat Ciftci ’98 Beth Cochran Kenneth D. Cochran ’83 Christina Rose Cook ’95 Francis Henry Corcoran III ’86 Kamila Jean Cozort ’85 Lori G. Crocker ’88 C. Dennis Croessmann ’81 Daniel A. Crutcher ’85 John R. Dalton ’88 Sean Joseph Daly ’96 Charles Robert Davis IV ’01 Douglas Dale Dean ’98 Hipolito Delgado 78 Fred M. Dickey ’64 Jennifer Kay Diskin ’91 Thomas W. Doering 78 Roger A. Dorf ’65 * Eddie H. Doss ’80 Randall G. Dreiling ’81 Kenneth Allen Drummond ’86 John Paul Dunbar ’84 Millard S. Dunham III ’85 Gene W. Edwards ’52 * Richard W. Eimer Jr. 71 * Richard L. Elgin 74 * Clarence A. Ellebracht Jr. ’64 Erich N. Elmer ’95 Ali Riza Erman ’94 Thomas M. Feger ’69 Douglas B. Finley ’83 John Robert Frerking ’87 Lamar Kohoutek Gerber ’95 Charles B. Germer ’55 * Lisa Gail Gibson ’93 Mark Steven Goldsmith ’94 Dirk Lynn Gowin ’91 Jarrod Robert Grant ’98 Ernie E. Green 70
William M. Hallett ’55 * Holly Hawkins ’00 Eric Daniel Hensley ’97 John W. Hentges ’89 Jesus M. Hernandez S. 78 Merle F. Hill 70 a Gary W. Hines ’95 K. Daniel Hinkle 73 Jerry Paul Hirlinger ’86 Roger P. Hoffman ’62 William E. Horst ’51 a Lea Anne Howell ’81 Christopher Scott Patrick Hudson ’96 Douglas J. Hughes ’63 Bisma Husen ’91 Dennis F. Jaggi 70 a Nikodem Maria Jedrzejewski ’98 Don W. Jones ’64 Ernest James Jones Jr. ’82 James H. Jones 71 Sadie Marie Jones ’98 Philip A. Jozwiak ’66 a Seden Kalyoncu ’99 James H. Keebler 75 Roger Lee Keller 75 Randy G. Kerns 74 J. Curtis Killinger 73 a Hugh C. Kind 76 Kristan Catherine King ’95 Kerry Patrick Knott ’96 Craig Michael Koenig ’86 Gregory Scott Kremer ’95 Snit Kunaporn ’89 Michael Shannon Lambert ’90 Merritt E. Langston ’50 George W. Leek, III ’61 Dennis W. Leitterman 76 a Weiling Li ’89 James Quo-Ping Lin ’91 John A. Lina ’63 Chin-Hwang Lo ’84 Robert John Long, III ’94 Chaoyuan Lu ’96 Peter H. F. Malsch ’62
Jennifer Lee Marshall ’96 Edward Alton May, Jr. ’83 Thomas J. May ’66 Anthony James McLaughlin ’98 Laura Ruth McLaughlin ’99 Alan D. Means '80 Thomas Otto Mesko ’82 Henry Edward Midden, III ’69 Bruce F. Miller ’50 Darin Bradley Miller ’94 Keith C. Miller 78 Tracy E. Miller ’94 Christine Kump-Mitchell ’95 Christopher Douglas Mitchell ’94 David Glenn Moore ’83 Robert F. Morfeld ’69 Milton J. Murry ’64 Gerald Scott Nall ’86 Norbert F. Neumann ’52 a Fred William Niemeier ’95 Ramon E. Norono V 79 Stuart Daniel O’Kraski ’87 David V. Owsley ’61 Jerry D. Parsons 70 James Michael Party 78 Gary K. Patterson ’60 James R. Patterson '54 James T. Paul 79 Kirk Andrew Peterson ’95 Alan P. Ploesser ’44 Jerry Arnold Poland ’82 Eric Glynn Politte ’82 Matthew Ryan Porter ’02 Todd Steven Rastorfer ’98 Kern Robert Reed ’84 Joseph F. Reichert ’59 John W. Renz ’81 Andrew E. Rickard ’83 Robert A. Riess 79 Jesus S. Rivero 77 James C. Roberts ’81 Cherilyn R. Rockaway ’86 Carmen Y. Rodriguez H. 79 Daniel M. Rodriguez Hoyle ’50
Arlines J. Rodriguez '82 Roddy Jack Rogers ’81 Karen Elizabeth Rogge ’94 Thomas H. Rogge ’93 Perrin R. Roller ’80 a Emily Ann Rueck ’97 Hasan Sadikoglu ’95 Lina M. Salinas E ’80 Gualberto J. Sanchez 78 Sehrazat Saridereli ’81 Robert J. Scanlon 73 Patrick Jon Schroeder ’00 Joseph Wade Schumer ’92 Thomas A. Schutzler ’67 Jeffrey R. Seaman ’00 Christina Louise Sfreddo ’94 Bob Sfreddo ’58 Marshall B. Shackelford 76 Aaron M. Shaw ’95 Armando J. Sifontes ’80 Juan A. Silva 76 Kwan Sitathani ’92 Robert S. Smith '65 Jesus R. Solorzono ’80 Nancey R.A. Spaith 72 Anne Marie Spence ’85 Boonchuay Srithammasak ’93 Aaron Lee Steigerwalt ’98 Aleen E. Stinson ’86 Samuel Lee Strackeljahn ’03 Sylvia Mae Strackeljahn ’03 Colleen N. Stucker ’00 James Edward Studer ’84 Dawn Marie Stufft ’99 Sutee Sudhirakuljai ’91 Nicole L.M. Talbot 77 Clifford C. Tanquary ’57 Brian Ronald Tenholder ’97 Jolie Tenholder Kelley Ann Thomas ’91 LeRoy E. Thompson ’56 a Brian Edward Tipton ’83 Laura Maria Tomaja ’00 Nuanbhan Tuangtong ’93 Pedro Tumialan Dela Cruz ’68 Warren Stephen Unk ’91
“UMR has been a big part of my life. The university’s influence began almost 40 years ago when I first enrolled as a student and continues today with my service on the MSM-UMR Alumni Association Board of Directors. It has been fun getting to know other graduates, particularly the Golden Alumni class of 1954, through my volunteer work with the great staff of our alumni association. I want to continue to do all that I can to help ensure UMR remains an outstanding university.” - Brig. Gen. W. Keith Wedge, GGph’70, MS GGph’71, PhD GGph’73
profile of
VOLUNTEERS James Raymond Van Acker ’98 John Randy Verkamp 72 Jesus R. Villarroel ’83 Kenneth Lee Voss ’96 Shannon Mitchell Walker ’97 Jennifer R. Wang 76 * Bary Kirk Warren ’85 Amanda Wedertz ’99 W. Keith Wedge 70 Emily Jean Wehmeyer ’97 Keith H. Wilham Jr. ’69 Willis J. Wilson 73 * Robert F. Winkle ’42 * Amanda Withers ’99 Jeffrey Michael Wood ’92 Joan B. Woodard 73 * Nina Marie Woods ’98 Linda Kay Wright ’88 * Stephen A. Wright ’68 ElifYasar ’99 Thomas L. Zenge ’69 * David R. Ziegler ’85
Alumni Alliance Arthur G. Baebler ’55 Robert D. Bay ’49 * Matteo A. Coco ’66 * James L. Foil 74 * Larry L. Flendren 73 * Calvin M. Ochs ’49 * James R. Patterson ’54 Darlene Susan Ramsay ’84 *
Public Resource Ambassadors James S. Anderson ’55 * Richard R. Arnoldy ’69 * Rick Arthur Arthur G. Baebler ’55 Ernest K. Banks ’81 * John G. Bartel ’52 * Richard H. Bauer ’51 * Robert D. Bay ’49 *
Carroll P. Bennett ’54 David W. Berg ’57 Jerome T. Berry ’49 James K. Berthold ’60 * Gary J. Bockman 70 Jack R. Bodine ’50 * Greg M. Bolon ’85 Lucien M. Bolon Jr. ’59 * Craig W. Borgmeyer ’88 Craig R. Bowers 76 John E. Branham 70 William F. Breig ’62 Richard T. Breitenfeld ’62 Billy Rex Browngard ’50 * Robert S. Bruce ’69 Earl D. Burk 70 Peter M. Burton ’85 Kenneth L. Busch 72 Robert G. Butchko 71 Basil E. Buterbaugh ’47 Harold G. Butzer ’47 * Michael W. Bytnar ’68 * Donald W. Capone ’58 * Danny L. Chilton ’65 Louis J. Chiodini Jr. ’61 Kathy Christy William P. Clarke 74 * John W. Claypool ’60 * Larry Cleary Matteo A. Coco ’66 * Arnold Cohn Carolyn Cohn Melissa R. Corkill ’91 Harold R. Crane ’52 Ronald W. Craven ’81 Stanley Dolecki ’50 Randall G. Dreiling ’81 Eric D. Dunning 70 John F. Eash 79 Kevin R. Eisenbeis 79 Richard L. Elgin 74 * Thomas B. Ellis 75 Diane Epstein Wilbur S. Feagan 76 * Gary J. Fennewald 73
Michael E. Ferretti ’67 Jill S. Finklang ’87 Carl E. Finley ’45 Paul I. Fleischut ’85 Donald G. Fluchel 72 James L. Foil 74 + Michael R. Foresman ’67 * Robert D. Freeland ’60 * John R. Frerking ’87 Richard H. Frueh 75 * Joseph J. Gabris ’80 Michael Gage Lawrence C. George ’89 * Jerry L. Gilmore ’60 * Vivan Goodwin William J. Green ’68 * Aaron J. Greenberg ’50 Ronald L. Griesenauer 70 Ronald E. Halbach ’65 Harold D. Haubein ’66 * Larry L. Hendren 73 * Wayne E. Heston ’59 Robert J. Hoffmann ’81 Mark Hopkins Bradley H. Hornburg ’69 * T. Larry Huffman Michael D. Hurst 74 * D. Freddie Ipock 76 James D. Jackson ’59 Ronald W. Jagels ’86 Richard R. Janis ’68 * Paul E. Jobe ’95 Rollie R. Johnson ’62 * Richard F. Jordan 70 * Philip A. Jozwiak ’66 * Angelina Juarez William J. Jurkiewicz Robert J. Karmi ’83 Raymond O. Kasten ’43 * Leonard C. Kirberg ’66 * Kraig G. Kreikemeier ’63 * Joseph F. Krispin ’54 * Harold A. Krueger ’42 * James E. Lambert Jr. ’69 + Richard D. Laughlin 75
John A. Lauth 72 Gerald R. Lee 76 B. Neil Lewis ’58 Russell C. Lindenlaub ’66 Inge Linsenbardt Louis G. Loos II 77 James J. Lyons ’66 Diana L. Martin John A. Mathes ’67 * Michael W. McComas ’69 * John McFarland Donald R. McGovern ’58 * James B. McGrath ’49 Michael W. McMenus ’81 T. Michael McMillen ’67 * Edward A. Medler ’86 Michael J. Meyer 75 * Joseph A. Mickes ’58 John M. Miles ’61 John W. Moore ’57 Cynthia J. Moses ’90 Milton J. Murry ’64 Richard A. Navarro 70 Michael L. Nelson ’69 Gilbert Newberry James A. Nicks Jr. 77 Amy Lynn Noelker ’85 Craig S. O’Dear 79 Calvin M. Ochs ’49 * John M. Owens ’67 * John M. Parker 71 James R. Patterson ’54 C. Theodore Peachee Jr. 72 C. Gene Penzel ’55 Veo Peoples Jr. 70 Roger D. Phillips 74 Glenn A. Pinkerton R. David Plank ’59 Kenneth D. Pohlig ’64 Charles E. Powell 71 Kurt Powelson Stephen R. Puljak ’92 Mary Pulley ’99 Darlene S. Ramsey ’84 * Peter O. Redel ’55
Joseph F. Reichert ’59 Charles R. Remington ’49 * Thomas W. Richter 73 James F. Roberts ’53 Barbara Robertson Joseph M. Rosenauer Susan H. Rothschilld 74 * Amy D. Ruggeri ’90 Todd W. Rush ’82 Larry L. Rushing ’66 Robert M. Sauer ’83 * Harold A. Schelin Jr. ’66 * Charles E. Schmidt Jr. ’67 * Michael S. Schmidt ’80 Thomas P. Schneider 75 Robert J. Schnell 78 John R. Schroeder Gary G. Schumacher ’63 * Paul G. Segura ’88 Eugene Sehl Jr. ’63 * Christina L. Sfreddo ’94 Bob Sfreddo ’58 Donald W. Shaw ’69 William H. Shaw ’49 Randall L. Skaggs ’89 Kevin C. Skibiski 75 Richard C. Smith 77 James R. Sparks James L. Spehr ’64 * Frederick C. Steele ’65 Betsy A. Stewart Claude N. Strauser ’69 Larry G. Strobel ’61 Clifford C. Tanquary ’57 Bruce E. Tarantola ’51 * Kelley A. Thomas ’91 George D. Tomazi ’58 + Max B. Trueblood Gary M. Turner ’66 James K. Van Buren ’63 * Jon Vaninger ’63 Richard J. Vehige ’68 * John R. Verkamp 72 William E. Walker III ’84 Glenn W. Warren ’48
“MSM-UMR provided me a very positive college experience, which included meeting a special group of friends, and the experience of being a PA (personnel assistant - now called resident assistant) in the Quadrangle Residence Halls. UMR presents a very solid engineering education. I volunteer there to help provide current and new students with a positive experience and to offer some of the benefits and information about my 40 years as a practicing engineer. The school presents a very positive educational opportunity for both male and female students, and I wish to support that philosophy." - Robert Wilson, E E ’62
hill .’(KM
W. Keith Wedge 70 Janet Wickey-Spence ’85 * Robert M. Williams Jr. 74 * Ronald R. Williams ’63 Dyle B. Wilson 70 Suzanne A. Wilson ’91 Donald E. Wojtkowski ’69 * Lawrence D. Wolf 79 Ronald C. Yersak David Ziegler Raymond D. Zook ’57
Admissions Ambassadors Rex Alford ’40 * Richard W. Altheide ’84 Rajinkant C. Amin ’63 Kathleen C. Andersen 79 Anita Anderson Ruth L. Anderson 74 Betty Andreas * Wayne T. Andreas ’58 * Christa Andrew ’85 Paul Donald Andrew ’81 Sean Phillip Antle ’94 Michael R. Apprill 70 Priya Avula-Batchu ’88 Edwin R. Baker 73 Edwin J. Ballantyne ’60 Ernest Kelvin Banks ’81 a Jeanne Elizabeth Barkley ’96 John G. Bartel ’52 a Jerry R. Bayless ’59 a David L. Begley 73 Tom Belsha 74 John Berger ’68 Richard T. Berning ’69 Jerome T. Berry ’49 a James E. Bertelsmeyer ’66 a Sherry Bever Myron H. Biddle 76 Frank K. Billups 75 William M. Black 72 Vivian Bock
denotes DGS membership —a $ 1 □,□□□+ commitment to UMR
Greg M. Bolon ’85 Lucien M. Bolon ’59 a Bruce M. Borcherding ’90 Timothy Edward Bowman ’88 Paul Braddock 78 Brian Keith Bradley ’86 Benjamin Matthew Braker ’00 Glen Brand Mindy Brand Debra Bridges Jason D. Bridges ’00 a Steven D. Bridges 74 John Donald Brocke ’97 Tara Dawn Brocke ’97 Michael D. Brown 76 Billy Rex Browngard ’50 a Alvin Brungardt David J. Bufalo ’66 Phillip E. Bureman ’81 James D. Butts 72 Douglas Campbell John R. Campbell 74 Robert J. Campbell 71 Daniel L. Carnahan ’68 Jim Carney Warren Carroll ’59 Welsey Cattoor ’03 Stephen D. Christiansen 73 Gary R. Christopher 73 David Chu Kuangfu ’85 Ann Clarke Marilyn Cleary Gay L. Clemenson Jimmie D. Clifford 77 Beth Cochran Carolyn Cohan James E. Collier 77 Frank B. Conci ’54 Christina Rose Cook ’95 James J. Cook 74 James Robert Cook ’94 Kamila Jean Cozort ’85 Gary W. Creason 71 Marilyn Crenshaw 73 Jerry Crowley
Joanne Crowley Alfred Joseph Cureau ’93 Steve Curran 79 Dianne S. Cypret Ratan F. Daboo ’62 Jennifer Faye Damron ’98 Marvin A. Darrough ’68 Robert L. Davis 70 Alan D. Davison 77 Joann Day Paul K. De Gonia ’63 Maria Decker Jacquelyn M. Dethorne 78 Walter H. Dickens ’60 Maria Diecker Doug Donham Melissa Donham John J. Donnelly 70 Roger A. Dorf ’65 * Joseph Gibbs Draper ’81 Randall G Dreiling ’81 Carolyn Sue Duchars ’88 Lawrence W. Duchek 70 Jessica Dumaine H. Pat Duvall ’6 2 * John F. Eash 79 Mark E. Eck ’80 Gene W. Edwards ’52 * Richard W. Eimer 71 * Richard L. Elgin 74 * P. Roger Ellis 71 Gerald Mason Elphingstone ’90 Clyde L. Eppard William K. Ernst 75 Ivan A. Erwin ’67 Angela M. Escalera 79 Kelly Eugea Tom Feger ’69 Deirk Alan Feiner ’85 Maria L. Feiner ’85 Jill S. Finklang ’87 Brad Flauaus ’94 James L. Foil 74 * William C. Ford ’66
Kevin Fritzmeyer Donald L. Fuller ’66 Linda Fuller-Hull Joseph J. Gabris '80 Jacque Gage Mike Gage Elaine Gaines Michael G. Gaines John Scott George 72 Tracey Gerhold ’84 Alice Fern Gilbert ’84 James W. Gilstrap ’67 Adil M. Godiwalla ’66 John E. Goethe ’92 John Harrison Gordon ’88 Jarrod Robert Grant ’98 Mark Gredell 79 Jeffrey J. Green 71 William J. Green ’68 * Aaron J. Greenberg ’50 Cindy Greenwell Scott David Gruben ’89 John Haake Kevin J. Hagan ’80 William M. Hallett ’55 * Risdon W. Hankinson ’60 * Larry G. Harmon ’67 Randal J. Hauser ’83 Vance N. Havens 74 William E. Hayes 72 Wilfred Hegg ’83 Michael A. Heitzman 78 Marilyn Hellmueller Mark C. Henderson ’84 Larry L. Hendren 73 * Polly A. Hendren 73 * Charlie Henke John Henning Allen Lee Hentges ’93 Randall Herion Mike Hermesmeyer Morris E. Hervey ’81 Dale Herzberg Stephen E. Himmell 70 Gary W. Hines ’95
K. Daniel Hinkle 73 John R. Hock ’82 Dave Holtgrefe Marcia Holtgrefe Wayne Alan Hopkins ’89 Joseph W. Howell ’81 Shelia Howell Timothy Scott Hudwalker ’88 Mitzi Huffman T. Larry Huffman Douglas J. Hughes ’63 J. Richard Hunt ’50 * D. Freddie Ipock 76 Marilyn Isreal Jeffrey L. Ivers 74 Natalie J. Jackson ’81 Ronald William Jagels ’86 Dennis F. Jaggi 70 Marla Irene Jedlicka ’87 Timothy Edward Jedlicka ’85 Mark Benjamin Joersz ’95 Donna Johnson Larry D. Johnson Tyronna Vondeania Johnson ’90 James H. Jones 71 Jay Jones Russell Jones Philip A. Jozwiak ’66 * Jeannette Lynn Jumps ’00 Frank Jung Gregory Junge ’65 * Russell A. Kamper ’62 Michael C. Kearney ’60 Byron L. Keil ’52 Bettye Kempf Larry Kempf Larry D. Kennedy Kathy Kerns J. Curtis Killinger 73 * Elizabeth H. Kimmell Glenn Kimmell Kenneth C. Klippel Martin Eliot Kofsky ’00 Wayne A. Kotter 74
“Volunteering keeps me in touch with the campus. When I moved away from Missouri, I never came back to visit. The trip was too long and there was always something to do. When I agreed to be on the Board of Directors and came back to campus, I got more involved with campus and sorority activities. I was very active when I was in school and I missed knowing what was happening on campus. Now, I feel like I’m giving something back. I have a fantastic job, so I could just send a check to UMR once a year, but it's just not the same.” - Lisa Gibson, CHE’93, regional director of MSM-UMR Alumni Board of Directors
MSM-UMR Al l IMNUS / I all 2004
profile of
VOLUNTEERS Barron George Kuhlmann ’87 Charles 0. Kunz ’50 John Joseph Laberg ’84 Agnes Lackman Andy Laegeler ’02 Molly Laegeler ’02 James L. Lahm ’88 Robert Leon Laird ’85 Ronald G. Lamanque ’85 Elizabeth A. Lang ’81 Richard J. Langenstein ’87 Eugene P. Larson ’51 Kirk William Lawson ’85 John P. Legsdin 70 * Beth Leichliter Rene J. Leonard ’61 * Harry Lewis James D. Libiez ’63 Brian Lee Logan ’83 John Angelo Loiacono ’84 James F. Longshore ’56 Peter S. Lunde Paul Mack Fred Maidment Paul Martin Majors ’96 * Peter H. F. Malsch ’62 Larry Greg Manning ’87 Reginald T. Marsh ’69 Fred S. Marshall 77 Jennifer Lee Marshall ’96 Diana L. Martin Mike Marx Jimmy C. Massey ’69 Michael W. Maupin 71 Cody Robert May ’01 Michael Alan May ’85 Keith D Mazachek ’82 Roberta McBrady Joseph E. McBride 70 Gregory D. McClain 72 * Michael R. McGath 70 Dennis R. McGee ’69 John McGillivray Jason B. McHaney ’91 Don McIntosh Roscoe R. McWilliams 72 *
Jimmy L. Means 73 Edward Arnold Medler ’86 Jim Medlin ’67 Alexandria Merritt ’03 James Benjamin Mette Albert Charles Meyer ’86 Douglas Eugene Meyer ’81 Linda J. Michaelsen ’80 Linda Michaelson Ellen Michel Henry Edward Midden ’69 Bruce F. Miller ’50 Robert C. Mitchell ’61 Wilda E. Mitchell 71 William Mochel Joe Monie Michael A. Montefusco ’69 Don Montgomery Robert Moore Robert R. Morrison 71 Milton Murry Joseph N. Muscovalley ’55 Gerald Scott Nall ’86 Zebulun Nash 72 * Richard A. Navarro 70 Norbert F. Neumann ’52 * Rhonda Newberry Kenneth Louis Nichols ’90 James A. Nicks 77 Fred Niemeier Mark J. Nienhaus ’84 Amy Lynn Noelker ’85 William W. Norfleet ’66 Kenneth P. O’Brien ’82 Jorge A. Ochoa ’85 Calvin M. Ochs ’4 9 * Craig S. O’Dear 79 Timothy P. O’Mara ’82 Lorna Jean O’Rourke ’84 Robert F. O’Rourke ’83 Joseph Ott Dan Ottley Melanie Overholt Thomas Keith Parks ’82 James R. Patterson ’54 Richard R. Paul ’66
Laura Paxton Allan Kent Peccola ’82 Bryan Peetz Timothy M. Pemberton ’87 Patricia Perez Henry Allen Perkins 77 Linda Sims Perry ’89 Mary Peterein J.B. Peterson Ronald D. Pfeiffer 77 Russ Pfeifle 74 Richard W. Phelps ’68 Anne Pickrell Helene Hardy Pierce ’83 John Platz Marianne Pontius ’86 Jennifer Posda 76 Eric R. Potts 73 Stephen Rudy Puljak ’92 Mary Ann Pulley ’99 James Pulliam James R. Ragland ’67 Elizabeth Ragsdale ’00 Larry Ragsdale ’98 Ronald D. Rains 71 Darlene Susan Ramsay ’84 * Stanley E. Rand ’62 Adonica D. Randall 75 Mario A. Ray Kern Reed Walter G. Reed ’69 Jada Dianne Reese ’84 Joseph F. Reichert ’59 David A. Reinke 72 John R. Reiter 73 John Remmers ’84 Robert A. Ridle ’60 Rob Riess 79 Kenneth G. Riley ’56 * Steven P. Rinne 78 Stephen L. Robertson 73 David A. Robinson 71 Hoyle Daniel M. Rodriguez ’50 Roddy Jack Rogers ’81 Perrin R. Roller ’80 *
Susan H. Rothschild 74 * Richard O. Rouse ’62 Martha A. Rush ’85 Todd Wayne Rush ’82 Tom Ryan Stephen V. Saliga ’87 M. Mike Sanii-Memar ’69 Robert Meredith Saxer ’61 Robert J. Scanlon 73 Stephen S. Schade 74 Robert James Schaffer ’93 Janet M. Scheier ’93 Sheryl Schiller Hans K. Schmoldt 72 * Robert J. Schnell 78 Jon Schneider Jimmy D. Schottel 70 William V. Schroeder Joe Schumer James L. Schwager Raymond Michael Seggelke ’93 Robert James Shaw ’83 Ronald E. Sherard 74 Debra Shobe James L. Shoemaker ’59 Larry W. Shoemaker 76 Laura Anne Silkwood ’82 Christopher Shawn Sitton ’92 Randall Lee Skaggs ’89 Gregory D. Skannal ’85 Barry Joseph Skeens ’83 Kevin C. Skibiski 75 Dave Skitek Sharon Sofian ’84 Gary Sommers Jayant C. Soni ’64 Anthony E. Sotta ’68 Lawrence A. Spanier ’50 * Patricia Domenica Spence ’94 David A. Spencer ’69 Meredith Springs Patricia A. Spivey Stephen Michael Squibb ’98 Marshall Strouse
Stephen E. Starke 75 Christina Anne Steck ’96 William E. Steinkamp ’64 Reva Stickler Colleen Stucker Dave Stucki A. Lawrence Summers 72 Graham G. Sutherland ’64 Nicole L.M. Talbot 77 Clifford C. Tanquary ’57 Christopher R. Tarnowieckyi ’87 Michael E. Taylor 72 Brian Ronald Tenholder ’97 David M. Tepen ’90 Cindy Terryberry Kelley Ann Thomas ’91 Christopher Allen Thornton ’90 John B. Toomey ’49 * Kim Wayne Tracy ’85 Tadashi Tsukamoto 75 Carmen Tuttle ’84 Gerald C. Uhe ’62 * Charles F. Umphenour 70 Betty M. Ungerman ’80 Robert F. Uthoff ’52 James K. Van Buren ’63 * John G. Vandeven 79 Scott W.Vanhorn ’84 James N. Vangilder ’68 * Jon Vaninger ’63 Kerri Ann Vencato ’00 Frank P. Verdusco ’85 Greg Ronald Vetter ’87 Joseph D. Vitali ’59 Scott Lee Volner ’83 Robert L. Wade 71 Cynthia L. Wagner ’86 William C. Wagner ’84 Shannon Mitchell Walker ’97 Susan Elaine Watson ’83 Michael W. Weiss 77 Francis J. Werner ’80 Ross Brantley Whittier ’98 Lynn Whitworth
“We should all be giving back to those institutions and organizations that we got so much from. It shouldn’t always be about what you can get, but what you can give and what you can contribute. I got so much from my experience at UMR - from the fellowship and friendship of the students and the faculty - that I feel compelled to try to give those things back, particularly to the students. I want them to have the opportunities that I have had in life to be successful and make a contribution to society.” - Z e b Nash, ChE’72, president MSM-UMR Alumni Association
John M. Wiesehan 72 * Roland R. Wilks 74 Carney R. Williams Paulette A. Williams Cheryl Wilmoth Jay P. Wilshire ’83 John W. Wilson Robert J. Wilson ’6 2 * Willis J. Wilson 73 * Amanda Withers ’99 Jim Witte Ralph E. Wolfram ’50 Randall Alan Wood ’85 Steven Mark Woodcock ’83 Samuel W. Woods ’59 Daniel Keith Wright ’89 * Linda Kay Wright ’88 * Lynn Wuebbels Ronald C. Yersak Adrian Anthony Yu ’93 James B. Zieger 70 David Ziegler David L. Zimmerman ’89
Career Contact & Alumni Network Babar M. Ahmad ’99 Scott W. Ashwell ’95 Tracey D. Ashwell’95 John M. Ay ’85 Andy P. Bachle ’96 Angela D. Bachle ’95 Bret A. Baldwin ’93 Ernest K. Banks ’81 * David J. Bayless ’87 Diane M. Butrus ’85 Jimmie D. Clifford 77 Mark A. Crawford ’96 * Lisa M. Derr ’99 James W. Dietzel ’99 Elizabeth L. Dixon ’99 Natalie L. Dixon ’96 Lance J. Driskill ’94 H. Pat Duvall ’62 * Casey L. Engstrom ’92 Gary J. Fennewald 73 Lisa E. Lai Fook ’99 Keith A. Gettinger ’00 Kelli M. Gist ’01 Scott A. Greer ’97 Susan E. Watson-Hajjar ’83 Khara L. Hall ’99 John C. Hartleroad ’93 Gary W. Hines ’95 Douglas J. Hughes ’63 Tim J. Hughes ’98 Chris J. Hull ’86 Steve Ingracia ’93 Michael E. Johnson ’01 Raghuram Kamath ’98 Robert J. Kostelnik 75
denotes OGS membership —a $ 1 □,□□□+ commitment to UMR
Kristi L. Kuhlmann ’01 Joshua G. Lawalin ’02 Phil W. Ling ’92 Paul M. Majors ’96 * Daniel J. Marley ’84 Gregory D. McClain 72 * Michael E. McEnery ’85 Casey P. Morriss ’97 Dale L. Morse ’01 Michael Mueller ’98 Richard A. Navarro ’64 Carol A. Nelson ’94 Norbert F. Neumann ’55 * Karen D. Squires Nordeng ’89 Craig S. O’Dear 79 Erik S. Ohare ’92 John E. Pearson ’88 James E. Pugh ’59 Steve R. Puljak ’92 Xiang Ren Robert J. Schnell 78 Jeffrey P, Schroeder ’95 Randall G. Schuetz ’83 Raymond M. Seggelke ’93 Paul G. Segura ’88 Susan M. Simmons ’84 Valerie J. Simpson ’84 Gregory D. Skannal ’85 Mary E. Smith ’93 Vivek Srinivasan ’99 Nathan P. Staehling ’94 William E. Steinkamp ’64 Paul W. Taylor ’58 Kelley A. Thomas ’91 Kimberly M. Thone ’94 P.J. Toby ’88 Kim W. Tracy ’85 Kate L. Trout ’99 William L. Unzicker ’98 Jennifer L. Walker ’99 Willis J. Wilson 73 * Richard D. Words ’00 Charles F. Yarnall 76
Class Coordinators Ronald K. Acker 79 Carolyn S. Adkins 74 Robert D. Adkins 74 Ruth L. Anderson 74 Richard R. Arnoldy ’69 * Don M. Ascoli ’69 Hubert S. Barger ’39 * Robert D. Bay ’49 * Jerry R. Bayless ’59 * Richard T. Berning ’69 Jerome t. Berry ’49 * Lucien M. Bolon Jr. ’59 * Marvin E. Borgmeyer 74 Tara L. Bowman ’89
Edward J. Bradley Jr. ’84 Robert S. Bruce ’69 Alfred J. Buescher ’64 Frederick J. Campen Jr. ’54 Frank B. Conci ’54 Christopher M. Cooper ’88 Andrew W. Cox 79 Peter E. Des Jardins ’44 Beverly Jane Drury ’84 John F. Eash 79 Kevin B. Edwards ’89 Richard L. Elgin 74 * Jason Paul Farmer ’99 C. Stuart Ferrell ’64 James L. Foil 74 * William H. Gammon ’49 * James A. Gerard ’54 Louis M. Greer 79 Julie Ann Guenther ’84 W. Floyd Harris 74 * Mark A. Herzog 74 Elmer W. Hill ’69 Nick Holloway Jr. ’49 Edward E. Hornsey ’59 Michael D. Hurst 74 * Randy G. Kerns 74 Stephen Michael Lane ’94 Kevin Michael Lyons ’84 Dennis R. McGee ’69 James B. McGrath ’49 Henry Edward Midden III ’69 William F. Oberbeck Sr. ’39 * Craig S. O’Dear 79 Larry L. Parkinson ’64 James R. Patterson ’54 Darlene Susan Ramsay ’84 * Joseph F. Reichert ’59 Susan H. Rothschild 74 * Jody Rene Schiermeier ’99 Karl Aaron Schmitt ’99 Hans E. Schmoldt ’44 * Daniel Garrett Schwent ’99 Rachel Lynn Shelton ’99 Randall Lee Skaggs ’89 William E. Steinkamp ’64 Gerald L. Stevenson ’59 * Jeffrey Lowell Stitt ’89 Cheryl Dianne Tefft ’89 Carlos H. Tiernon ’5 4 * John B. Toomey ’49 * Vernon D. Volker ’54 Katherine K. Wesselschmidt 79 Caroline E. Wolf ’89
Parents’ Association Steve & Michelle Anderson Bruce & Virginia Bertelsen Kathy Christy Larry & Marilyn Cleary
Arnold & Carolyn Cohn Karla Cole Daryl & Janice Counts Gregory Dameron Steve & Diane Epstein Michael & Jacque Gage Vivan Goodwin Mark & D.J. Hopkins Roger & Jan House Bernadette Johnson Angelina Juarez Rex & Kathleen Kozak-Miller Charlotte Liefer David & Jo Ann Lininger Inge Linsenbardt David & Marie Little Diana L. Martin John & Marilyn McFarland Gilbert & Rhonda Newberry Dave & Sandy Perdue Joseph & Joan Ricca Barbara Robertson Charles & Bobbie Schaller Max & Susan Trueblood Barbara Valenti Tim & Cathy Voss Thomas & Judy Ward Jay & Lynn Whitworth David & Janie Ziegler
Parents’ Association Past Presidents Joe DePasquale Dennis R. McGee ’69 Henry Edward Midden III ’69 Susan L. Ramsey Joseph Ricca Barbara Robertson Joseph M. Rosenauer Richard J. Vehige ’68 * Joseph A. Volk Jr. Ronald C. Yersak
Alumni Office Volunteers Ann Edwards Brown Betty Eyberg ’50 Norman Fanning ’49 Bob Finlayson Charles A. Hell * Agnes Remington * Charles R. Remington ’49 * Joseph William Todd ’49 Billy B. Turley Julia J. Wilson * Robert J. Wilson ’62 * Juanita Wisdom
Athletics Booster Club Officers Jerry R. Bayless ’59 * Donald G. Brackhahn ’93 * Scott Caron David W. Dearth ’68 * Gene Gaddy Judy Hagen Nancy Lentz William A. Stoltz ’68 Robin West
Chairback Seat Committee Laurie L. Behm ’84 Don Brown Vicky Brown Robert B. Campbell Jo Campbell David W. Dearth ’68 * Susan E. Dearth * Boo Eversman * Walt Eversman * John K. Hoch Wendi Hoch Kimberly D. Matthews ’98 Ryan L. Matthews ’99 Agnes Remington * Chuck Remington ’49 * Jack B. Ridley * Marcia J. Ridley * Barbara Thomas William H. “Tom” Thomas Jr. Armin J. Tucker ’40 * Norman P. Tucker ’40 * Mike West Robin West Randall A. Wood ’85
Hall of Fame Committee Jeffrey D. Cawlfield * W. Floyd Harris 74 * William J. Peach Armin J. Tucker ’40 *
Lady Miners Basketball Cheerleaders Kaylee Crain Abigail Davis Bailey Dent Sarah Ferguson Morgan Grooms Erica Hilmas Jessie Kaczmarek Katie Kaczmarek
MS M UMR AI A.'MNUS / Fall 2004
profile of
VOLUNTEERS Allison Kean Kayce Macormick Adalie Myers Chloe Myers Kellsey Skelton Emily Strassner Nancy Strassner
Scorekeepers, Officials, & Assistants Mary A. Anderson Richard A. Anderson Gary Bartle Frank Blum Stephen L. Bowles Nancy Brackhahn ’96 * Karen Cannon Harold E. Fiebelman ’66 E.B. Finley Stan Hines Rodney W. Lentz Michael Malone Dick Miller H. Fred Nelson a Dennis Noel Donald J. Olds R. Mark Potrafka Merle E. Southern ’61 Sherman Widener Joanne Zap ’03 Steve Zap
Volunteer Coaches Scott Caron Jeffrey S. Dalton ’86 John Fortney Rachel L. Helser ’03 D.J. Loberg Christopher M. Reeves Vince Sanvi ’03
Volunteer Doctors Jerry Crum James A. Felts Anthony T. Kaczmarek ’87 Debra McCaul Donald McMullin Steve Weissfeld
KUMR KUMR Community Advisory Board Jeffrey D. Cawlfield * Martha Edwards Ralph D. Hohenfeldt
Jeffrey A. Edgington ’94 Mary Jo Barbush-Weiss
KUMR Volunteers Diana L. Ahmad Helen Allen Shirley Andrews a Lindsay L. Bagnall ’76 a Morgan Bearden Deloris Bell Leslie Gail Bennish ’92 Deb Bledsoe Jeffrey W. Brand Paula Brewer Lee Bushie Jere Cadoret a Andrew P. Careaga Richard Cavender Jeffrey D. Cawlfield a Jeff Cohen Sue Crews James M. Davison James L. Drewniak a Kate Drowne David M. Duncan Lisa Ecsi-Davis Jeffrey A. Edgington ’94 Martha Edwards Charles Elliott Sammye Elliott Mrs. Walbridge P. (Betty) Eyberg Robert D. Fossey Dolores Gaub Maureen Anne Hall ’95 Edward J. Harvey III Jennifer Hushaw Barbara B. Johnson Cecilly A. Jones Raymond D. Kendrick Patricia A. Lizotte ’79 Ray Lockhart Grace Madigan F. Stephen Malott James H. Martin Lorraine McFarland Cheryl A. McKay John K. Meusch Donald K. Miller Gloria Miller Louise I. Morgan * Maggie Morrison a Robert J. Phelan a Bonnie Prigge Cathy Kovarik Primm Marcia J. Ridley a Ruth Rinck Cheryl M. Seeger ’80 a Jeanne L. Senne * Tammy Snodgrass Lucy Sutcliffe
M S M -U M R A L U M N U S / Fall 2004
Joyce Trimble a Mark Turley a Barbara M. Waggoner* Lynn Wieties
Jackling Jocks Dewey J. Allgood Jr. Perry Allison ’59 Charles Anderson Keith E. Bailey ’64 * Parker Bennett Jerome Berry ’49 * William W. Beydler ’58 Dudley Blanke George Bock Lucien M. Bolon ’59 * Morris Boren ’62 Richard E. Boyett ’58 Donald G. Brackhahn ’93 * Elmer C. Breidert ’50 Jack Brose Howard Bullman Kenneth L. Cage ’63 * Bill Coolbaugh James Cooke Tom Cooper Theodore F. Deranja ’65 Larry L. Dix ’61 Jerry Dorlac Donald J. Dowling ’51 * Sidney E. Duerr ’50 Fred H. Eckert ’50 Gene W. Edwards ’52 * Bill R. Engelhardt ’60 * Roger L. Feaster ’57 Neil A. Fiala ’56 William H. Gammon ’49 * Joseph H. Geers ’52 James Gerard ’54 Charles Germer ’55 * Valgene Gribble ’56 Bob Harris ’58 Bob Helm Gerald L. Henson ’51 Thomas J. Herrick ’58 Arthur Herschbach ’61 Bill Hill Michael J. Hillmeyer ’61 Lester W. Holcomb ’51 Gene A. Huffman ’52 Dennis R. Hunnicutt ’58 William E. Hurlburt ’58 Ronald B. Husemann ’59 Bob Jackson Kenneth D. Jobe ’60 Gilbert G. Jurenka ’56 Ronald D. Jurenka ’58 Joe Kalinowsky Harry E. “Gene” Kennedy ’51 Dale Klohr ’58 Thomas L. Koederitz ’53
Joseph F. Krispin ’54 * James D. Lemon ’63 Donald D. Matson ’52 John M. McCarthy ’55 Charles K. McCaw ’62 Donald R. McGovern ’58 * Ed McPherson ’58 Charles Miller Jim Murphy Marvin Nevins Jr. ’41 * Wallace Northrup Dale J. Orrick ’56 Ray A. Parker Jr. ’60 Herman J. Pfeifer ’36 * Robert L. Proctor ’52 Robert E. Reichelt ’49 Dale L. Rockwell ’57 Lynn A. Rockwell ’59 Donald J. Roth ’57 Ray Rucker Joel S. Scharf ’59 Arthur L. Schmidt ’50 Roger J. Schoeppel ’52 Alvin H. Shwartz ’48 Roy L. Sharp ’61 James A. Shildmyer ’56 * Paul L. Singer ’58 William H. Stewart ’54 John Sullivan John Theiss Richard A. Thurston ’51 James Ware John H. Weitzel ’59 Charles A. “Pete” Weitzel ’55 Newton L. Wells ’59 William J. Wheeler ’60 Louis H. Whitehair ’59 Alden D. Williams ’50 Dorothy Williams Hugh Wilson
Other Volunteers
CAMPUS PERFORMING ARTS SERIES Advisory Committee Paula Van Antwerp Sue Arnold Mary Lou Castleman Elise DeWit Paula Lutz ’76 * Barbara Palmer Shelley Dotson Emily Preston Walt Eversman * Rebecca Frisbee ’90 Don Miller Paul Mitchell Maggie Morrison * Angela Nappier Eun Soo Park Kittie Robertson Lee Saperstein * Mary Helen Stoltz ’95 Ashwin Shashindranath Roger Terry Leila Thomas John Woodfin
Family Series Advisory Board Shelley Dotson Cheryl Goltz Luce Meyer Mark Potrafka Emily Preston Leah Prewett Rhoda Parker-Sachs Jim Sigler Marianne Ward Pam Williams John Woodfin
Theatre Ushers Chancellor’s Leadership Academy Speakers Diane Butrus ’85 Charles Naslund ’74 Richard Streater ’83 Virgil Flanigan ’60 Stephen Szymanski ’74 Randal Hauser ’83
Shirley Andrews * Carol Babcock Daniel L. Babcock Marsha Belvo Patti Dewing Carol Finn William C.Good Cynthia Hobart Niki Huffman Fred W. Krueger Pat Krueger Gerre McKay Bob Petry Wanda Petry Marian Pruitt
Though he holds two mechanical engineering degrees from MSM-UMR, John Toomey, MEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;49, MS ME'51, also appreciates the talents and abilities of aerospace engineers. As a Navy pilot during World War II, "I certainly learned to appreciate the talents of aerospace engineers as well," John says. "The two degree programs go together quite well, and UMR's mechanical and aerospace engineering programs are both among the best in the nation." Recently John, along with his wife, Mary, and their three children, John B. Toomey, Kathleen Toomey Squadra and Patricia Toomey Barnwell, decided to help make those programs even better. The Toomeys pledged $5 million to the renovation and expansion of UMR's Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Complex. In recognition of their gift, the university will change the name of the ME/AE Complex to Toomey Hall. The Toomey family's donation is the largest gift ever given to a UMR academic program. "I'm very happy to invest in the future of both the mechanical and aerospace engineering programs at UMR," says John. Originally from Connecticut, John graduated from Greenwich High School in 1942 and entered the Navy, serving as a pilot in the Pacific Theater during World War II. He and Mary arrived in Rolla in 1946, along with many other World War II veterans and their families. While on campus, he was active in his fraternity, Theta Xi, and Student Council.
Mary and John Toomey
Front row, seated, from left: Mary Toomey, Madeleine Toomey and John Toomey. Second row: Emily Squadra, John Squadra, Matthew Barnwell, Patricia Toomey Barnwell and Brittany Barnwell. Third row: Kathleen Toomey Squadra, Chris Squadra, Jim Toomey, Valarie Toomey, Brian Barnwell and Jay Barnwell. Photos by Preston Mack
M ake plans to tour the new Havener Center Friday, Oct. 15,2004, during Homecoming weekend. Preview tours of the Havener Center, UMRs new student center, w ill depart from the east entrance between 4:30 and 6 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 15. The Havener Center w ill provide meeting and social space for students, offices for student organizations, and dining facilities for students of the new UMR Residential College. The Havener Center was made possible through a $5 million gift from Gary Havener; Math 62, a student-initiated fee, and gifts from other alumni and friends.
Join us for the dedication of the Havener Center on Friday, April 22,2005. D e ta ils w ill b e a n n o u n c e d c lo s e r to th e d e d ic a tio n .