Missouri S&T Magazine Fall 2005

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FALL 2005 I VOL. 79 NO. 3

Profile of Volunteers Recognizing 1,700 Alumni & Friends A P U B L I C A T I O N OF T H E M S M - U M R A L U M N

UMR’s new chancellor takes a team approach John F. Carney III UMR Chancellor


page 49

MSM-UMR Alumni Association Representing


PRESIDENT LARRY L. HENDREN, ‘73 Columbia, Mo. (Ihendren@ess-inc.com)



As a graduate of M S M -U M R , you are a u tom atica lly a mem ber o f th e M S M -U M R A lum ni A ssociation and are en titled to:

MSM-UMR: Chairs, lamps, watches, rings, pendants, Platinum/Gold MasterCard, license plates for Missouri residents.

Career Assistance: UMR's Career Opportunities Center will help you in your job search!

Services: Online Community, including searchable directory. Access to alumni office via email (alumni@umr.edu) Alumni locator service to help you find friends. Address update service so you don't miss your MSM-UMR mail.

To take advantage of these offers, or for more information contact the alumni office: MSM-UMR Alumni Association Castleman Hall University of Missouri-Rolla 1870 Miner Circle Rolla, MO 65409-0650 Phone:(573)341-4145 Fax:(573)341-4706 Email: alumni@umr.edu Web: alumni.umr.edu

PRESIDENT-ELECT DARLENE (MELOY) RAMSAY. '84 Rolla, Mo. (ramsayd@umr.edu) VICE PRESID ENTS ERNEST K. BANKS 81 Sc. Louis (ernie.banks@tycohealthcare.com) JOHN F. EASH, '79 St. Charles, Mo. Oohn.f.eash@boeing.com) KENNETH C. RILEY '56 San Marino, Calif, (kgrpec@aol.com) PERRIN R. ROLLER. '80 Spring, Texas (perrin.roller@msm.umr.edu) SUSAN (HADLEY) ROTHSCHILD, '74 St. Louis (srothsch@swbell.net) JON VANINCER. '63 Manchester, Mo. Ovaninger@charter.net) T R EA SURER JERRY R. BAYLESS, ‘59 Rolla, Mo. (jerryb@umr.edu) a ssis t a n t t r e a s u r e r

RICHARD L. ELGIN, '74 St. James, Mo. (elgin@rollanet.org)

SECRETARY SUSAN WATSON ‘83 Danbury, Conn, (susane@us.ibm.com)

pirectors -at -large DANIEL L. BOHACHICK, '99, Tulsa, Okla. (daniel.bohachick@wcg.com) ROGER A. DORF, '65, Austin, Texas (dorfskier@aol.com) GARY W. HINES, ‘95. Olathe, Kan. (gary.w.hmes@sscgp.com) KRAIG KREIKEMEIER '63. St Louis (kraigk1@sbeglobal.net) JANET WICKEY-SPENCE, '85, Kirkwood, Mo. (janetwi@sbcglobal.net) AREA DIRECTORS AREA 1: PAUL G. BALDETTI, '81, Skaneateles, N.Y. (pgbaldetti@aol.com) AREA 2: ROBERT J. SCANLON, '73. Brookeville, Md. (rjscanlon@msm.umr.edu) AREA 3 JOHN R. DALTON, ‘88, Coker, Ala. (packerpalaceal@aol.com) AREA 4 LEROY E. THOMPSON, '56, Pensacola, Fla.



AREA 5: LISA (WILLHAUS) GIBSON, '93, Liberty TWP, Ohio (gibson.lg@pg.com) AREA 6: MARVIN E. BORGMEYER, '74, Baton Rouge, La. (borg769@aol.com) AREA 7: BRIAN T. CALL, '97, Lowpoint, III. (Call_Brian_T@cat.com) AREA 8: RICHARD W. EIMER JR., '71, Decatur, III. (cocoabean77@insightbb.com) AREA 9: DAVID M. TEPEN, '90, South Bend, Ind. (tependavid@ieee.org) AREAS 10-18: RANDALL G. DREILING, '81, St. Louis (randy@design9.com) AREAS 10-18: JOHN R. FRERKING, '87, Kansas City, Mo. (jfrerki@burnsmcd.com) AREAS 10-18: DANIEL FRISBEE, '71, Ballwin, Mo. (danfrisbee@waltoncci.com) AREAS 10-18: JARROD R. GRANT, '98, St. Charles, Mo. (jarrod.r.grant@boeing.com) AREAS 10-18: MICHAEL D. HURST, '74, St. Louis (m h u rst@mccarthy.com) AREAS 10-18: ANDREW M. SINGLETON, '00, Rolla, Mo. (asinglet@fidmail.com) AREAS 10-18: KELLEY (JOZWIAK) THOMAS, '91, Kirkwood, Mo. (mkthomas@networkusa.net) AREAS 10-18: KEITH WEDGE, ‘70, Rolla, Mo. (wedge@rollanet.org) AREAS 10-18: THOMAS R. VOSS, ‘69, Eureka, Mo. (tvoss@ameren.com) AREA 19: WILLIS J. WILSON, '73, Cassoday, Kan. (willis_wilson@msm.umr.edu) AREA 20: LINDA K. (MOORE) WRIGHT, '88, Houston, Texas (linda.k.wright@exxonmobil.com) AREA 21: DAVID B. AKERS, '82, Phoenix, Ariz. (dakers20@cox.net) AREA 22: DAVID L. BEGLEY, '73, Longmont, Colo. (begleys@comcast.net) AREA 23: DENNIS LEITTERMAN, '76, Sunnyvale, Calif (dennis_leitterman@hp.com) AREA 24: PETER MALSCH, '62, Enumclaw, Wash. (windycreek@tx3.net) S TU D E N T REPRE S E N W IV E S JEREMIAH KING, Student Council President (jdkb62@umr.edu) DAN KALAF, Student Union Board President (sub@umr.edu) NATHAN L. MUNDIS, Graduate Student Representative (nmundis@umr.edu)

committee chairs


RONALD W. JAGELS, '86, St. Louis (rjagels@msm.umr.edu) ED MIDDEN III, '69, Springfield, III. (hemiddeniii@worldnet.att.net) ROBERT R. MORRISON JR., '71, Naperville, III. (theromorco@aol.com) CRAIG S. O’DEAR, '79, Kansas City, Mo. (csodear@bryancave.com) PAST PRESIDENTS ARTHUR G. BAEBLER, '55, Grantwood Village, Mo. (ivbaeb@charter.net) RICHARD H. BAUER, '51, St. Louis (rhbswb@charter.net) ROBERT D. BAY, '49, Chesterfield, Mo. (rdbay673@yahoo.com) ROBERT T. BERRY, '72, St. Louis (bob_berry@msm.umr.edu) JAMES E. BERTELSMEYER, ‘66, Tulsa, Okla. (hpg1@msn.com) ROBERT M. BRACKBILL, ‘42, Dallas, Texas (rbrackbill@hotmail.com) MATTEO A. COCO, '66, Affton, Mo. (cocohm@sbcglobal.net) PAUL T. DOWLING, '40, St. Louis RAYMOND O. KASTEN, ‘43, Kansas City, Mo. JAMES B. MCGRATH, ‘49, St. Louis ZEBULUN NASH, ‘72, Baytown, Texas (zeb.nash@exxonmobile.com) MELVIN E. NICKEL, ‘38, Chicago, III. JAMES R. PATTERSON, ‘54, Sikeston, Mo. (jrpat@charter.net) LAWRENCE A. SPANIER, ‘50, Wellington, Fla. (revellee@aol.com) GERALD L. STEVENSON, ‘59, Highland City, Fla. (esteven545@aol.com) JOHN B. TOOMEY, '49, Alexandria, Va. (starrmgmt@aol.com)

STAFF LINDSAY LOMAX BAGNALL, '76, Executive Vice President, MSM-UMR Alumni Association (lindsayb@umr.edu) MARIANNE A. WARD, Assistant Director (mward@umr.edu) STEPHANIE MARTENSEN, Coordinator of Alumni Sections (smarten@umr.edu) AMY L. MCMILLEN, Administrative Assistant (mcmillen@umr.edu) RENEE D. STONE, Administrative Assistant (renees@umr.edu) BRANDI WASHBURN, Secretary (brandiw@umr.edu)

HENRY E. BROWN, '68, Cincinnati, Ohio (brownhe@fuse.net) DAVID W. DEARTH, '68, Rolla, Mo. (dearth@fidnet.com)

MSM-UMR Alumni Association Mission and Goals M IS S IO N The association w ill proactively strive to create an environment — embodying communication with and participation by MSM-UMR alumni and friends — to foster strong loyalty to UMR and growth of the association. The association w ill increase its financial strength as well as provide aid and support to deserving students, faculty, and alumni friends. G O ALS • Assist university w ith recruitment and retention.

• Increase financial resources of the association and the university.

• Strengthen alumni section activity.

• Increase volunteer support to the university and its students.

• Improve communication with and expand the involvement of alumni, especially recent graduates and current students. The officers and other members of the association's board of directors provide leadership and actual participation to achieve these goals and fulfill this mission. For their efforts to be a success, they need YOUR active participation as well, in whatever alumni activities you choose.

contents FALL 2005

Cover Story A whole new ball game New UMR Chancellor John F. (Jack) Carney III, a lifelong Red Sox fa n , takes a team approach to his latest assignment.

Cover photo by Tom Sobolik Photography

The quest for a new chancellor

Profiles entrepreneur profile

How did UMRfin d its 20th leader? The search process explained.


Photo by Tom Sobolik Photography

UMR alumni Joe & Crissy Hoefle, owners o f Hermann Brewery; share their success story.

en tre p re n e u r & leadership survey J

High-impact research

We want your stories.

profile of volunteers

, . 3 I~o4

Recognizing over 1,700 volunteers fo r their dedication and commitment to helping UMR.

faculty profile


Up close and personal with explosives expert Paul Worsey.

from the editor | letters Say What?


by the numbers


An international expert on impact attenuation devices, Jack Carney holds 10 patents in this area o f research.

15 J a c k ! Ilow much do you know about UMRs new chancellor? Take this quiz and you could be our winner!

A family guy For Jack Carney, balancing his family life and work has never been an issue.

3 UM R m agazine online at um rm agazine.um r.edu UMR MAGAZINE | FALL 2005


Departments around campus

association news 30-31 30

Golden alumni reunion Class o f 1955 holds reunion during June event


Great grades for graduate programs



Calgary stampede UMR solar racers finish fourth in big race


sports 26

Sports Profile: Phil Shin UMR senior Phil Shin is a wide receiver for the Miners football team


research 29

38 41 43

section news


alumni notes


Future Miners Weddings Email


Biology students investigate diverse ecosystems UMR students spend a week in the Bahamas studying tropical marine life

Scholarship recipients Association honors more than 200 students

UMRranked among the nations top graduate engineering schools




The MSM-UMR Alumni Association publishes the UMR Magazine to communicate and reflect the past, current and future interests of the alumni of the Missouri School of Mines and the University of Missouri-Rolla. M








SEND LETTERS TO : M a ria n ne W ard, A lu m n i Editor, M S M -U M R A lu m n i Association, Castlem an Hall, 1870 M in e r Circle, Rolla M O 65409-06SO Phone: (573) 341-4145 Fax: (573) 341-4706 Email: alum ni@ um r.edu NEW S & FEATURES CO NTACT: Phone: (573) 341-4328 Fax: (573) 341-6157 Email: news@ umr.edu




MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT LARRY HENDREN, 73 EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT LINDSAY LOMAX BACNALL, 76 UMR Magazine is written, edited and designed by the staff of the UMR Communications Department and the MSM-UMR Alumni Association. EDITORS (Art & Production) Rebecca Frisbee, ’90 (Alumni) Marianne Ward (News & Features) Mary Helen Stoltz, '95

ASSOCIATE EDITORS Lance Feyh John Kean Mindy Limback ALUMNI SECTIONS EDITOR Stephanie Martensen ALUMNI NOTES EDITOR Linda Fulps CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Barbara Baird, '98 Andrew Careaga Amy Edwards PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS Tricia Murphy Ian Nance Joann Stiritz

STUDENT ASSISTANT Angie Scherr UMR Magazine (USPS 323-500) (ISSN 1084-6948) is issued four times per year (March, June, September, December) in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Missouri-Rolla. UMR Magazine is published by the MSM-UMR Alumni Association, Castleman Hall, 1870 Miner Circle, Rolla, MO 65409-0650. Periodicals postage paid at Rolla, Mo„ and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to UMR Magazine, Castleman Hall, PO Box 249, Rolla,, MO 65402-0249.

from the p rlirn r Rebecca Frisbee Art & Production Editor

The tragic events in New Orleans are at the forefront of our thoughts as we put the finishing touches to the newly redesigned UMR Magazine. Our hearts go out to alumni, their families and friends who live in the area. When you know people affected by the disaster, it brings the events even closer to home. When I learned of the destruction, I emailed good friends Aaron, ME’90, and Rebecca, Engl’90 (Vanderwall) Allcorn, who live on the north side of Lake Pontchartain, near New Orleans. Rebecca quickly emailed me saying their family was safe, having evacuated to Houston, where they now plan to relocate. Aaron works at the Stennis Space center in Mississippi and they are staying with friends in the Houston area. Rebecca writes “the people of Houston are the most generous and kindhearted people I’ve ever met.” Although it’s hard to image such loss, it is the support and care of others in times of crisis that are remembered and cherished. UMR and the Rolla community are doing their part to help bring relief to Louisiana. They have formed 35 in 35 — an effort to raise $35,000 in 35 days to aid in Katrina relief efforts. The main event for the fund­ raising effort is a benefit concert on Oct. 6 in UMR’s Leach Theatre. The concert will feature Brewer and Shipley, best known for their top-10 recording “One Toke Over the Line” of the 1970s. Members of the UMR campus, the greater Ozarks community, and the Wyman Elementary School childrens choir also will perform. Tickets are $20 and donations will be accepted at the door. All funds raised will be divided between the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army. For more on 35 in 35 and how you can help, go online to www.umr.edu.

letters In the sum m er 2005 MSM-UMR Alum nus magazine there were three statements w ith w hich I wish to take umbrage. The first o f these is on page 12 where the outgoing chancellor, Gary Thomas, states “if you don't w ork for UM R and you aren't an M D or a geologist, it's very d iffic u lt for a professional to w ork here." I disagree. There are many professional opportunities in Rolla, such as nurses, teachers, lawyers, business managers, plumbers, mechanics, police officers and magazine editors. This is by no means a com plete list; it takes a village. The second is on page 13 where he states “They may have married w hat was called a “ Rolla girl," b ut she probably was n o t a UM R student. I am a "Rolla G irl" and proud o f it. It is my opinion that he makes it sound like being a "Rolla Girl" is a stigma. Though I did not attend UMR, I did go to tw o prestigious universities: Bradley U in Peoria, III., and graduated from the University o f M aryland, College Park, MD. M any o f the girls I grew up w ith are also “ Rolla Girls" w ho d id n ot attend U M R and are successful in their own right. The th ird issue I w ou ld like to address is that the same recognition is n ot given to individuals w ho dedicate their life and career to UM R as opposed to their money, as discussed on page 8. The problem, as I see it, is the school is properly recognizing those w ho donate money; but has n o t w ith in recent m em ory dedicated any buildings in honor o f outstanding faculty members or staff. We chose to honor o ur father (Earl E. Feind, M D ) by establishing a scholarship in his name so that there are students to populate these buildings, com plete their education and go fo rth to con tribu te to the prestige o f UMR. We enjoy reading this magazine and keeping abreast o f UM R happenings. However, you need to be a little m ore sensitive to the views o f others.

Judith (Feind) Stigall and Garry Edward Stigall, MetE’61, Riva, Md. I read in the spring 2005 issue o f the Alum nus that my 1944 classmate Warren Larson lost his 1944 class ring. Tell W arren that he can have mine, b ut he will have to come back to H om ecom ing in 2100 to get it. It is buried six-feet deep under a brass plaque marker, along w ith 500 pounds o f o ther 1940-1944 mem orabilia and miscellaneous early M SM history, in a sealed casket burial vault tim e capsule on the fro n t lawn o f the Sigma Pi fraternity house at 206 E. 12th St. in Rolla. O pening will be at 10 a.m. on H om ecom ing Saturday, 2100. Be welcome, Warren.

Hans Schmoldt, ChE’44, Bartlesville, Okla. W hat a joy to see such an extensive and comprehensive description o f the cultural arts activities available at UMR. Before campus theater arts were blessed by John W oodfin's presence, the '60s and early '70s were served by some w onderful theater productions by the Coterie Theatre Group, w hich consisted o f members o f the faculty and their families. Before Castleman Hall, we made use o f the old Public School A dm inistration Building on Cedar Street. A ll were amateurs, b ut w orth y o f Actors Equity recognition. The productions were current and classical m u lti-act Broadway and cinem atic productions. Cheers!

Otto H. Hill, professor emeritus of physics, New Braunfels, Texas



Photo by Bob Phelan/Photomasters

"But, the facts are this: life is unp red ictab le and change is inevitable. Those w ho em brace it, and co n trib u te to it, w ill be th e m ost successful.... A n d the w o rld , o u r co m m u nities, o u r university and each o f us in d ividu ally w ill co n tin u e to change ... fo r change is th e essence o f life." Sprint Nextel Corp. President and CEO Gary Forsee, CE'72, speaking at UMR's M ay 2005 com m encem ent ceremony.

"It's a lo t b e tte r th a n w h e re m o s t s tu d e n ts live." Solar House Team m em ber Natalie M cD onald, a sophom ore in architectural and civil engineering, on renting the house b u ilt for the 2002 Solar Decathlon.

"Paul Worsey, like nitroglycerin, is both good for the heart and a bit volatile." Eric Hand, w ritin g in a St. Louis PostDispatch story ab ou t explosives expert Paul Worsey, professor o f m ining engineering at UMR.

G ary Forsee, president and ch ief executive officer o f S p rin t N extel C orp., was th e ke yn o te speaker a t UM R 's spring 20 05 c o m m e n c e m e n t cerem ony.

"It's like trying to read a newspaper through frosted glass." Robert M itchell, dean o f the U M R School o f Engineering, describing the challenges o f distinguishing land mines from rocks and other debris, in th e June 17 issue o f the Chronicle of Higher Education.

"It's relatively c o m fo rta b le - still te rrib ly u n c o m fo rtab le, actually, b u t there's m ore room ." Chris Pieper, ju n io r in com puter engineering, veteran solar car driver, on the difference between Solar Miner IV and Solar Miner V.

"UMR has been a remarkable place for me to learn, to grow, to teach. I have been encouraged to try anything ever since I got here. Each one of my department chairs has gone to bat for me, so I could pursue new courses and new methods and new travels. Furthermore, UMR students are smart, hard working, and more ready for experiment than the engineering stereotype might suggest." James Bogan, Curators' Teaching Professor o f art history and film, w ho received the 2005 University o f M issouri System Presidential Aw ard for O utstanding Teaching.




Number of UMR students enrolled on the first day of

classes. The semester started Aug. 22. (Enrollment is expected to exceed 5,600 by the fourth week of classes.)

3 Number of consecutive years UMR has capped freshman engineering enrollment to better control the new student growth. Late applicants had their admission deferred to the spring semester, which begins in January 2006.


UMRs rank among the nations top public universities, according

to U.S. News & World Report.

$ 110,000

W e w ant your stories for a new series in UMR magazine and on the web We are featuring some of our more recent leaders in the magazine and on a new website. To be considered, please complete the form below and fax it to the U M R Office o f Public Relations at (573) 341-6157. Or email the information to news@umr.edu, or mail this form to our office at 105-A Campus Support Facility, 1870 Miner Circle, University o f Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, M O 65409-0220.

Cost of constructing UMRs solar house, which is

entered in the 2005 Solar Decathlon in Washington, D.C., Oct. 7-16.

N am e:___________________________________________________


T itle:_____________________________________________________

Miles traveled by Solar Miner V during the 2005 North

American Solar Challenge.

C om pany/O rganization:__________________________________ Degree(s) and year(s) o f graduation:.

$165,000 f 9v/

v/ Cost of Solar Miner V. UMRs 2003 national

champion Solar Miner IV cost $100,000.


Number of different employers recruiting UMR students during

M a ilin g Address:__________________

Em ail:___________________________________________

the 2004-2005 school year (compared to 440 in 2003-2004). Telephone:_________________________________ _


Average starting salary for 2004-2005 undergraduates

(compared to $46,567 in 2003-2004).

^ 1

Do you know of a fe llo w graduate w h o should be included in our records? If so, please provide th e ir name, title , address, phone num ber and em ail address here.

Percentage of students reporting to the UMR Career Opportunities

Center who had firm plans at graduation in 2004-2005 (compared to 77 percent in 2003-2004). FAX: (573) 341-6157 • EMAILNEWS@UMR.EDU MAIL: 105-A CSF, 1870 MINER CIRCLE, UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ROLLA, ROLLA, M 0 65409-0220



entrepreneur profile Hom e brew

Story and photo by Barbara Baird

Take a guy with a bachelor s degree in biological sciences and a gal with a bachelors degree in psychology and a masters degree in management. Marry them and combine their talents in the workplace. What do you get? The Hermann Brewery, established in October 2002 — a friendly eating establishment and haven where those who love the taste of microbrew beer can meet and eat. After Crissy (Bosworth) Hoefle, Psyc’93, and Joe Hoefle, BSci’99, graduated from UMR, they did their homework and chose Hermann, Mo., as the site of their dream, which was to own and operate a brewery. Joe took his book learning and 15 years of work experience, which included three years at the St. James Winery, and combined it 6


with his homebrewing background, to become the brewmaster. Crissy took her psychology and management background and created a marketing plan, developing a good reputation for the brewery throughout the state, particularly in the tourism industry. The couple traveled to more than 15 states and visited about 100 microbreweries. Then in October 1999, they brought their knowledge, and most importantly, their unbridled enthusiasm to Hermann and purchased an old building. “The building started as a carriage works in 1884 ... it was a Chevy dealership from the ’20s to the ’40s,” says Crissy. “When we bought it, it was a dilapidated laundromat. The floors were falling through where the water had leaked.” From 2000 through the fall of 2002, Joe worked full time on restoring the building.

I Entrepreneurs

I W h o ’s Who “We did everything to Department of Interior standards,” Crissy says. “As members of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, we enjoyed doing the work ourselves.” Some of the more personal touches include murals by a local painter — an elephant by the outside entry way, other scenes on the inside walls.

“ThePumpkin Ale is wildly

The follow ing alumni are recognized in this listing of Entrepreneurs W ho's Who. To be recognized, please complete the survey on page 5. M ike Beardsley, ChE'99, MS EnvE'OO, CEO, Green Globe Environmental Inc., Denver David Duane Bodeen, CE'95, co-owner, HBH Engineers, Republic, Mo. H. W arren Buckner, ME'42, retired director, Helix W ater District, San Diego County W ater Authority, San Diego Fred Bueler Jr., CE'79, president/owner, Bueler Inc., Des Peres, Mo.

popular. This style is made

Tim Coppinger, CerE'89, vice president-sales and marketing, W estern Forms, Kansas City, Mo.

with nearly 100 pounds o f

Jessica Crouch, EMgt'99, MS EMgt'OO, organizer, Organized For You, W aterloo, Iowa

local pumpkins that I pick and puree myself. It tastes like pumpkin pie in a glass.” -Crissy Hoefle In the belly of the brewery, a sterile setting with “space-age tanks,” Joe concocts the ales that bring folks from all over the country to Hermann. He rotates through his proprietary beer recipes and only a few varieties are considered “staples,” including Hermann Ale, Stout and Kolsch. “The Pumpkin Ale is wildly popular,” Crissy says. “This style is made with nearly 100 pounds of local pumpkins that I pick and puree myself. It tastes like pumpkin pie in a glass.” The restaurant also serves bistro-style fare including pesto chicken pizza, grilled portabella pasta, shrimp scampi and popular German entrees. Joe’s beer becomes an ingredient in their food as well, with fresh beer bread, whole grained mustard and bier salami on the menu. In just two short years, Joe has upgraded the brewhouse twice — first with new tanks and later by adding space to the cold room so he could make lager beer. In addition to many ales, he now has Oktoberfest, Pilsner & Maibock — all lagers — under his belt. Maibock was released May 20 as the “Official Beer of Maifest.” Upon the suggestion that he might entertain the idea of employing an intern from UMR, Joe laughs and says, “I guess that would work, if you could find anyone there who likes beer!”

W illiam Cune, EE'87, vice president-sales, MobileAccess Networks, Charlotte, N.C. Charlie Emde, EE'86, owner/CEO, W hitney M anufacturing Inc., Pryor, Okla. Gerald Foon, ME'74, associate professor, emergency medical technology, Southwest Tennessee Community College, Memphis, Tenn.

John M. Haake, EE'86, MS EE'88, vice president-sales and marketing, Nuvonyx Inc., Bridgeton, Mo. Timothy Charles Hamilton, ME'94, co-owner, HBH Engineers, Republic, Mo. Ronald Thomas Hamme, CE'92, co-owner, HBH Engineers, Republic, Mo. Spenst Hansen, PhD GGph'62, president/CEO, Centurion M ines Corp., Salt Lake City, Utah M ark E. Hargis, GeoE'84, vice president-geoscience, Legend Natural Gas LP, Houston M ichelle Heizer, Psyc'99, ow ner/director-w eb services, TEK Development, Rolla, Mo. Dean P. Heneghan, CE'80, president, Heneghan & Associates PC, Jerseyville, III. M ike Hermesmeyer, CE'71, president/CEO, LBFH Inc., Stuart, Fla. Ron Jones, EM gt'81, vice president-pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, Lockwood Greene Engineering and Construction, Flemington, N.J.

Andrew Knudsen, NucE'86, president/CEO, Ixion Inc., St Louis Robert Lankston, AE'85, director-engineering, Federal Express, Hernando, Miss. Stephan Magenta, EE'99, owner, Communications Unlimited, Chicago Thomas McBride, ME'70, president, Partners for Creative Solutions Inc., Shrewsbury, Mass. Fred A. Merian, GeoE 7 8 , vice president-marketing and sales, OKON Inc., Littleton, Colo. Stuart Obermann, ME'79, chair, M obular Technologies Inc., Huntsville, Ala. Kristin (Snyder) Ridenour, Chem'89, partner, Ridenour & Ridenour Rigging and Repair, Seattle Jim Reinhardt, EE'86, president, Fletcher Reinhardt Co., St Louis Ronald Schuster, EMgt'71, president/CEO, Ceco Construction Group, Downers Grove, III. David G. Sizemore, EE'71, attorney at law, David G. Sizemore, San Diego Dinesh Venkatachalam, MS EE'87, vice president-engineering, Legend Silicon Corp., Fremont, Calif. Thomas R. Voss, EE'69, executive vice president and COO, Ameren, Eureka, Mo. M ark G. W agner, PetE'80, co-owner, Blue Tip Energy Management LLC; owner/manager, W agner Energy Services; and manager, Hoyt Street Corp., all of Littleton, Colo. M ike W heeler, EE'80, associate technical fellow , The Boeing Co., St Louis Marvin Woods, EM gt'82, principal, Project Controls Group Inc., St Louis

For more information call (573) 486-HOPS (4677) or visit them online at www.hermannbrewing.com.


whole new Eleven months ago, Jo hn F. (Jack) Carney III was wearing his trademark Boston Red Sox cap around the campus of Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Mass., with more pride than usual. And that’s saying something, because Carney, a lifelong Red Sox fan who grew up idolizing Ted Williams, is known for wearing his passion for Boston baseball on his sleeve as well as his head. “There is no more rabid Red Sox fan than Jack Carney,” says John Heyl, WPI’s vice president for university advancement, who worked alongside Carney during his eight-and-a-half years as the school’s provost and vice president for academic affairs. When Carney wasn’t wearing the cap, it was probably on his desk - beneath a framed photo of Ted Williams in mid-swing - or in the possession of Heyl, who had a penchant for swiping the hat as a practical joke. Otherwise, “He wore it every day,” says Debbie Graves, a WPI executive assistant who worked with Carney in the provost’s office. “It could be 5 below zero and his ears would be red and freezing, but he’d have his cap

ball game

New UMR Chancellor John F. (Jack) Carney III, a lifelong Red Sox fan, takes a team approach to his latest assignment By Andrew Careaga (acareaga@umr.edu)

on. Everyone on campus, from the groundskeepers on up, knew him because of his Red Sox cap. Everyone could relate to him.” As baseball fans know (and St. Louis Cardinals and New York Yankees followers lament), Carney’s favorite team became world champions last year. Down 3-0 in the American League playoffs, Boston rallied to beat the Yankees in four straight nail-biters to clinch the AL Pennant. The Red Sox then swept the Cardinals in four games to win their first World Series in 86 years. These days, Carney is more likely to be wearing a Miners cap - if not St. Louis Cardinals red. As UMR’s new chancellor, the Massachusetts native who once dreamed of playing center field in the majors finds himself deep in the heart of Cardinals country. “The irony of Jack going to Missouri after the World Series,” says Kent J. Rissmiller, an associate professor of social science and policy studies at WPI, before trailing off mid-sentence, pondering the incongruity of Carney’s move from a baseball fan’s perspective. Even before UM President Elson S. Floyd announced last March that Carney would be UMR’s next chancellor, Carney was ready for the move. As one of three finalists to succeed

Gary Thomas as chancellor, Carney visited Missouri last February and March to meet with a 20-member search committee and tour campus. During his visit, he was given a Cardinals cap, which he quickly donned and continued to wear, even in public, back in Massachusetts. “So far,” he said, prior to the start of the season, “I haven’t been assaulted.”

Moving to a new team Having finally witnessed the Red Sox’s finest hour, Carney is now playing a more important game: the one he hopes will take UMR to a new level of greatness. And like any Major League skipper focused on winning a championship, Carney has his sights set on building on his team’s success to accomplish more. With the right players in place, Carney says, UMR can win a position among the world’s great technological universities. Carney believes firmly in taking a team approach to running a university. It’s a philosophy he’s carried with him throughout his academic career. “I try to have very good people in appropriate positions and let them do their jobs, and then hold them responsible,” he says. “A university depends on a



Those who worked closely with Carney during his tenure at WPI talk about the former provost in glowing, almost reverential terms. He’s described as “quietly confident,” a “consensus builder,”

“balanced” in terms of his family and professional lives, and a “quiet leader” who is “honest and direct” yet sensitive to the feelings of others. Such accolades are rare for provosts, who seldom are ranked among the most beloved administrators on a campus, Rissmiller points out. While university presidents or chancellors spend much of their time casting a vision, handling public relations and raising funds, provosts typically handle the gritty and often unpleasant tasks, such as budget planning, faculty and academic issues, and staffing. Yet during Carney’s tenure as provost of WPI, a private technological university with an academic portfolio similar to UMR, he managed to build rapport with students, faculty and staff, even while dealing with some ugly budget and personnel issues. When he departed the campus last December, “He left here with a tremendous outpouring of support,” Rissmiller says.

When it comes to traffic safety research, Jack Carney is no crashtest dummy. An international expert on impact attenuation devices, Carney holds 10 patents in this area of research. His interest in impact mechanics began in the 1970s, while he was on the civil engineering faculty at the University of Connecticut. After a couple of state Department of Transportation employees were killed while on the job, transportation officials contacted Carney for help. He designed one of the first truck-mounted attenuators devices that absorb the impact of a crash. "They're basically crash cushions that cantilever off the back of a truck," Carney explains. From there, Carney developed new devices designed to reduce the impact of traffic accidents on highways. Many of his patented devices can be found lining highways all around the country. (Pictured above, one of Carney’s devices in St. Louis.) One device, developed while he was at Vanderbilt, is constructed from a "smart" material that collapses, dissipates kinetic energy, and then regains its original shape. "It's a

high-molecular-weight, high-density polyethelene" that the Tennessee Department of Transportation was using in underground drainage pipe applications. Intrigued with the material's mechanical characteristics under high strain-rate loading conditions, Carney conducted some experiments to find its material properties under impact loading. He discovered that the material was highly ductile and did not fracture under loading, even at very low temperatures. More importantly, he discovered that the material could be subjected to large deformations, dissipate energy, and then restore itself to its original shape. Carney realized that he could use the material to design reusable, maintenance-free impact attenuation devices. "My previous research had employed mild steel cylinders to dissipate kinetic energy," Carney says. "Such devices, although very effective, were sacrificial in that they had to be replaced after every significant impact." These days, Carney's reusable crash cushions line highways in the United States and in many other countries around the world.

collegial spirit for it to work.” A winning team in academia, Carney believes, should consist of excellent players - students, faculty, staff and other partners, including alumni. “Alumni are very important to a health of the university. It’s critical to keep alumni involved.” As a lifelong Red Sox fan, Carney also understands patience almost as much as a long-suffering Cubs fan might. So expect Carney to take a long view toward planning and problem solving. Don’t expect Carney to institute change for change’s sake during his early months at the helm.

A quiet leader’

“He didn’t bring any arrogance to the job,” says Rissmiller, who as chair of WPI ’s faculty committee on governance worked closely with Carney on campus issues. Rissmiller describes the committee as “sort of the clearinghouse for faculty concerns,” and “not always a friendly place for the provost.” Yet Carney didn’t back off from the problems. “He had the ability to make a determination that might not be what others wanted to hear and yet be so caring that he didn’t offend,” says Doris Horgan, one of Carney’s staff assistants at WPI. Adds Rissmiller: “He’s very adept at listening to people and understanding the institution, understanding the various needs, the competing needs of the programs, but understanding overall that the mission and vision are bigger than any one program. He earned the respect of the faculty by being a quiet leader rather than a noisy leader or not a leader at all.” Carney emphasized consensus in his leadership. “He spent time getting to know the faculty” by meeting with departments, presenting annual reports to the faculty and sponsoring brainstorming sessions about WPI’s future, says Rissmiller. “People were excited and exhilarated to be involved in exchanging ideas about the future of WPI” during these sessions. Rissmiller and others at WPI expect Carney to bring this same team-building approach to UMR. Carney’s “very inclusive” leadership style at WPI extended beyond the academic realm, however, as Heyl and other non-academic colleagues note. Working with Carney on a number of fund-raising efforts and consulting with him on internal issues as well, Heyl points out that Carney is not likely to rush to judgment on strategic matters. He’ll also work to ensure all involved parties aren’t caught off­ guard by any shifts in plans. “Jack doesn’t like people to be surprised,” Heyl says. “He likes to hear people’s opinions, get their take on the issue.... He encourages people to participate in the process. He’s willing to listen and make adjustments based on the input he gets.”

Engineering an academic career Carney learned all about making adjustments early in life. Growing up in the working-class city of Lowell, Mass., his greatest ambition was to follow in the footsteps of Red Sox immortal Ted Williams. “When I was growing up I wanted to be a professional baseball player,” he says. “But it dawned on me that it wasn’t going to happen.” This epiphany occurred on the baseball diamond one summer during Carney’s teenage years. The left-handed thrower and hitter played center field and batted leadoff for Lowell’s all-star team in the Connie Mack League. “I finally faced this left-handed pitcher with a killer curve ball,” he says, “and my eyes were opened.” His dreams of a professional baseball career further dissipated during his junior year in high school, when he broke his ankle sliding into second base during the first game of the season. The incident put him on the disabled list for the rest of the year. “They took my cast off the day after the last game of the season.”

Through the years: John F. Carney III at his graduation from Merrimack College, with Pat; with Pat and daughters Catherine and Anna while on sabbatical at Oxford University; and displaying a model of one o f his impact attenuation devices.

“We’ve got to start getting more young people interested in science and mathematics, and I think that’s got to be a top priority for our country.” - John F. Carney III

But as much as Carney excelled in baseball (and basketball), he also did well at math and science at his high school in Lowell. After high school, he enrolled in Merrimack College in North Andover, Mass., just 11 miles from home. He graduated first in his class in 1963, earning a bachelors degree in civil engineering. In 1964, he married Pat, who was studying English at Lowell State Teachers College (now the University of MassachusettsLowell). It was the post-Sputnik space race era, and the federal government was looking for students interested in pursuing graduate degrees in technical areas. He received a National Defense Education Act Fellowship at Northwestern University in Evanston, 111., near Chicago. “Once I got into graduate school at a place like Northwestern, coming from a small undergraduate institution, I suddenly realized how much I didn’t know.” After six months, he “drifted to what I call solid mechanics” and found an academic niche. He earned his masters degree in 1964 and Ph.D. in 1966. His first academic appointment took him back to New England. Carney joined the University of Connecticut faculty in 1966 as an assistant professor of civil engineering. He stayed at UConn for 15 years - enough time to move up to full professor, and for him and Pat to start a family. (Their two daughters both live in Massachusetts and have families of their own; see sidebar on page 14.) While at Connecticut, Carney began to conduct research in the area of impact mechanics, particularly in relation to highway safety applications. His work led to the development of special safety systems, known as “impact attenuation devices,” or crash cushions, now in use on highways throughout the United States and overseas (see sidebar on page 10). In 1981, Carney accepted a position at Auburn University in Alabama as professor and head of civil engineering. He stayed for two years, spending half his time with administrative duties and half teaching and conducting research, before accepting a position as professor of civil engineering at Vanderbilt University in Nashville. There, he led the schools structures area of civil engineering but soon moved back into the administrative ranks, becoming associate dean for graduate affairs in 1989, then associate dean for research and graduate affairs in 1993. He joined WPI in 1996 as provost and vice president of academic affairs. “For the first time in 30 years,” he says, “I stopped teaching.” 12


A provost’s life Like UMR, WPI faced a crisis in the mid-1990s due to a decline in the number of engineering students. WPI faced a “constant struggle” to promote itself “as more than just an engineering school,” Carney says. The campus leadership decided to invest heavily in marketing and broaden its academic offerings to include new degree programs such as an “interactive media and game development” major. At the same time, Carney was responsible for much of “the constant balancing-the-budget exercise” that was exacerbated by the economic downturn of recent years. As a result of declining enrollment and fiscal constraints, WPI had to make some tough budget decisions, including layoffs. The university cushioned the blow by open communication campuswide to make sure people understood why jobs were being cut. “People weren’t happy about it, but they weren’t angry,” says Rissmiller. “They weren’t blaming the administration.” Carney’s significant accomplishments during his eight-and-ahalf years at WPI include expanding the number of tenure-track faculty from 193 to more than 220; hiring more than half of the current tenured and tenure-track faculty; making the campus more welcoming to female faculty (28 percent of the new faculty hires were women, and he initiated a procedure to stop the tenure clock for one year for all faculty to take family leave); helping create the Center for Educational Development, Technology and Assessment; leading the renovation of several WPI laboratories; and bolstering the campus’ Interdisciplinary and Global Studies Division to encourage more students to study abroad.

Next stop: UMR Carney wasn’t looking for a job when Greenwood and Associates, the executive search firm hired to assist in the search for a new chancellor, contacted him. But he was intrigued with the idea of taking the helm of a campus like UMR. “As an engineering educator, I’ve always had a high opinion of UMR, even though I’d never been there.” Carney liked the similarities between UMR and WPI, so he decided to apply for the job. He was one of five finalists to visit campus, and search committee members and other campus representatives - “a cast of thousands,” as he puts it - welcomed him and Pat. They even added a Boston touch to

The quest for a new chancellor By Mary Helen Stoltz (mhstoltz@umr.edu)

Photo by Tom Sobolik Photography

UMR’s Midwestern hospitality by serving New England clam chowder. And how did it go over with the seafood aficionado? “It was pretty good!” The rest of his weekend visit went well, too. “I was impressed with the overall campus and I was very impressed with everyone I met,” Carney says. Search committee members were equally impressed with Carney. They point to his breadth of experience and his reputation as a communicator, consensus builder and straight shooter as reasons for presenting him as one of the three finalists for the position. (UM President Elson S. Floyd selected Carney from the pool of finalists.) Having worked at both private (Vanderbilt, WPI) and public (UConn, Auburn) universities, Carney understands the strengths and weaknesses of both. He’s worked with governing boards and legislators, helped raise private funds from alumni and other donors, and worked tirelessly to be an inclusive communicator and decision maker. All of these attributes add up to make him the best choice for the new job, say search committee members. “I think Jack Carney is an outstanding individual.... I’m very proud that he’s coming,” says committee member Larry Hendren, MinE’73, president of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association. “He brings to the table the experience in working in governmental relations, both with legislators within the state and federal level, and is a very strong supporter of alumni involvement. He also has an excellent track record of working with the faculty and staff and promoting and hiring minorities on the campuses he’s worked in the past. He has virtually everything that we had on our wish list.” Adds committee member Julia Rosemann, EMgt’05, last year’s UMR Student Council president: “I think Dr. Carney will bring the experience of a well-seasoned administrator.... He is a team player who understands the big picture and the role UMR plays in the public’s welfare through our mission in higher education.” What sold Carney on UMR was the opportunity to build on the campus’ solid reputation as a technologically focused university and to address the growing challenges facing higher education in a global economy. In the world of higher education, Carney says, technological universities like UMR already have two strikes

The quest to find a new UMR chancellor began just days after former Chancellor Gary Thomas' Sept. 1, 2004, announcement that he would retire in August 2005. On Sept. 14, 2004, University of Missouri System President Elson S. Floyd appointed a 20-member committee to assist with the search. The group included UMR faculty, staff, students, alumni and Rolla community representatives. The committee worked with an executive recruitment firm to find three candidates to present to Floyd, who made the final decision. With Larry Gragg, Curators' Teaching Professor of history and political science, at the helm, the committee held open meetings last October to give faculty, staff, students and the Rolla community a chance to share their thoughts on the traits they hoped to find in a new chancellor. Armed with that feedback, the group narrowed its focus. It wasn't long until the search process became a controversial one. The recruitment firm suggested that the best candidates would be drawn to a closed search - one that allowed the campus community no input on the choice of finalists. The committee agreed. The decision initially drew several complaints. "The committee understood why people were angry about the closed search and we sought to deal with it by meeting with any group that wished to discuss it with us," Gragg says. After several meetings, the committee voted to confirm its decision for a closed search, but the committee received no more emails expressing opposition to the decision. Gragg believes the move for a closed search was a good decision. "Committee members are firmly persuaded that the closed search produced a stronger pool of candidates," Gragg says. "Indeed, most of the finalists indicated that they would not have considered the position had it been an open search." In December, the group reviewed applications and selected 10 candidates for off-campus interviews, which were held in January. In February, five finalists were brought to campus for a second round of interviews. The committee presented President Floyd with its top three finalists on March 2 and an official announcement of Jack Carney's hiring was made on March 24. "While the search was very time consuming, it truly was worth it from the committee's perspective," Gragg adds. "The members are very excited to be able to attract a leader of Jack Carney's caliber as our next chancellor." MAGAZINE | FALL 200S 13

against them: a lack of interest in technological education among college-bound students and a lack of preparedness for the rigors of such an education. Concerned about the decline in the technological work force in the United States, Carney would like to see a renewed emphasis on technology similar to the post-Sputnik clarion call for science and engineering education that spurred him on to graduate school. Universities must play a leading role in such an undertaking, he says. “We’ve got to start getting more young people interested in science and mathematics, and I think that’s got to be a top priority for our country,” Carney says. “The United States is in an educational crisis, and too many high school students can’t even think of going to a university like UMR because they’ve made the wrong choices in high school. Schools like UMR and WPI have to take a proactive role in interacting with the elementary and high schools to stress the importance of technological education.” Carney is certain that UMR is headed in the right direction,

but he believes the campus needs additional support if it is to enter the ranks of the world’s great technological universities. That support must come from increased private donations, additional research funding and growth in the student body. He doesn’t claim to have all the answers, but - working to build consensus, just as he did at WPI for nearly a decade - he will be quick to solicit the ideas of everyone else on the team. One of Carney’s biggest supporters is his wife of 41 years, Pat Carney. “I think Jack’s going to be great in this job,” she says. “I think he has a fantastic personality and he’s a fabulous problem-solver. Plus, he’s just a very nice person.” And ever the consensus seeker, he’s unafraid to solicit the advice of his closest confidant. When asked over dinner about leaders who have influenced him, Carney defers to his wife. “Who are my heroes, Pat?” “Ted Williams,” she says, without missing a beat. Carney shakes his head, grinning. “Enough about baseball,” he says.

Left: C hancellor J a c k Carney w ith his w ife Pat Carney on a Cape Cod beach. Right (from left to right): daughter Catherine Carney, s o n -in -la w Jam es Pogozelski, grandson Leo Pogozelski, w ife Pat Carney, granddaughter Cate Goering, J a c k Carney, grandson A n d re w Goering, s o n -in -la w B radley Goering and daughter Anna Goering.

A family guy Jack Carney's ability to balance work and family life impressed many of his colleagues at WPI. "Jack always balanced a very heavy workload here but always found time to spend with his family," says Laurie Smith, an assistant to Carney when he was WPI provost. "He was very busy," adds Kent J. Rissmiller, an associate professor of social science and policy studies at WPI, "but he would walk home to lunch with his wife many days - not every day, but most days." So who are the people in this family Carney holds so dear? Here's a snapshot: Patricia (Pat) Carney, Jack's wife of 41 years. Also a native of Carney's hometown of Lowell, Mass., she holds a bachelor's degree in English and a master's degree in library science. Throughout Carney's academic career, Pat has pursued her own career path, working in a 14


variety of libraries, including Meharry Medical College in Nashville, the Holden (Mass.) Public Library and University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester. Daughter Anna Goering of Southborough, Mass., who graduated summa cum laude from Vanderbilt University in molecular biology and French, then earned master's degrees in French literature and environmental engineering from Cornell University. She and her husband, Bradley Goering, have two children, Andrew, 5, and Cate, 3. Daughter Catherine Carney of Cambridge, Mass., who majored in computer science and art at Northwestern University and is now a software analyst. She and her husband, James Pogozelski, have one son, Leo, 9 months.

You don't know


You'll get to know Jack Carney a little better over Homecoming Weekend. Until then, put your knowledge - and your instincts - to the test. You could win a prize package from your M SM -U M R Alumni Association. The first person to fax the correct answers to (573) 341-6157 w ill win a Joe M iner gift bag. Sorry, no consolation prizes.

G e o g ra p h y

A t t s & E n te r ta in m e k

1. Jack Carney is a native of Lowell, Mass., w hich is the hometown of another famous Jack who also hit the road. Can you name him? A. Jack Paar C. Jack Nicholson B. Jack Benny D. Jack Kerouac

4. Carney's favorite musical style is: A. Classical C. Classic rock B. Country D. All of the above

2. A strong advocate of sabbaticals for faculty, Carney has taken two sabbaticals in his academic career. W here did he go during these years away from the U.S.? A. Technical University of Munich and Humboldt University of Berlin B. Dublin Institute of Technology and the University of Oxford C. The University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge D. Middlesex University and the International University of Japan 3. This past summer, Carney and his family vacationed where? A. Cape Cod B. Martha's Vineyard C. Kennebunkport, Maine D. Branson, Mo.

a tio n 7. An accomplished athlete in high school, where he excelled at baseball and basketball, how does Carney stay fit these days? A. Practicing yoga B. Playing tennis and running C. Pilates D. Noon basketball 8. During his baseball-playing days, Carney: A. Batted left, threw right B. Batted right, threw right C. Batted right, threw left D. Batted left, threw left

5. Though not as voracious a reader as his w ife, Pat (who, Carney says, "has read every book ever written in the Western world"), Carney enjoys reading and often listens to books on tape. At the time of this interview with UMRMagazine, he w as in the middle of: A. The World Is Flat, by Thomas L. Friedman B. M y Life, by Bill Clinton C. Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, by Malcolm Gladwell D. The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown 6. When he was interviewed for this article last spring, Carney had "finally gotten caught up with renting movies." W hich tw o releases had he most recently watched? A. The Aviator and Chicago B. Sideways and Flay C. Sin City and Sideways D. The Incredibles and Napoleon Dynamite



9. During a conference in England, Carney sat in on a presentation by a young faculty member who would later become a department chair at UMR. That young faculty member was: A. Ashok Midha, chair of mechanical and aerospace engineering B. Judy Raper, chair of chemical and biological engineering C. Richard Brow, chair of materials science and engineering D. W illiam P. Schonberg, chair of civil, architectural and environmental engineering 10. Carney's favorite food is: A. Italian B. Seafood C. Indian D. Mexican



around campus

UMR to host SAP University Competency Center Thanks to a partnership with Germany-based software giant SAP, UMR is now an application service provider to 15 other universities through the newly established SAP University Competency Center. SAP, the world’s largest enterprise resource planning (ERP) company, serves big corporations that have complex accounting and supply chain needs. The partnership between SAP and UMR is expected to make ERP training an integral part of the curriculum in UMR’s School of Management and Information Systems. “We are now able to offer an undergraduate emphasis area and a graduate certificate in enterprise resource planning,” says Ray Kluczny, professor and retired chair of business administration. “The amount of money associated with these installations is fantastic,” Kluczny says. “With what we have, we could be operating a Fortune 500 company.” “You can’t just go down to Best Buy and get this technology and install it,” says Brian Buege, director of networks and computing systems at UMR. “But if you go to work in the information technology field, you have to know this stuff. With this partnership, students will already be trained when they go out in the work force.” Sundar Srinivasan, PhD EMgt’04, directs the competency center, which is managed jointly by the School of Management and Information Systems and UMR’s information technology department. The center was previously located in Columbia, Mo., where it was operated by the University of Missouri System.


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The center is already getting a lot o f positive feedbackfi~om industry well.Companies in St. Louis and Kansas City have contacted us and d isea sed potential collabbrative research opportunities. — Sundar Srinivasan


Sundar Srinivasan, PhD EM gf 04, director of the SAP University Competency Center.



The 411 from UMR College students from across the nation are turning to UMR for the scoop on residential life. That’s because a group of UMR students has been selected to host the National Association of College and University Residence Halls (NACURH) National Information Center, a clearinghouse of information for NACURH-affiliated colleges and universities. The center houses bid proposals, end-of-year reports, a resource file index and videos from the organization’s annual conferences. Students staffing the center will also coordinate regional and national affiliation and will handle all affiliation fees and paperwork. UMR will host the National Information Center for at least three years, although it will be renewable for up to six years. “Schools, advisors and students across the nation will know UMR’s name because of this office and the need to contact us for files or affiliation,” says Tina Sheppard, director of residential life.

Great grades for graduate programs UMR is 67th among the nation’s top graduate engineering schools, according to U.S. News & World Reports latest rankings of graduate schools, issued last spring. The guidebook ranked UMR No. 71 in 2004. US. News also ranked seven of UMR’s graduate engineering programs as among the nation’s best: Aerospace engineering ranked 38th Chemical engineering ranked 61st Civil engineering ranked 43rd Computer engineering ranked 61st Electrical engineering ranked 64th Materials engineering ranked 41st Mechanical engineering ranked 49th

Software benefits petroleum program

Preserving MSM-UMR history can include everything from scrapbooks and photos to statues and postcards.

Help build UMR’s history Online auction sites sell everything from household appliances and used cars to items with a connection to MSM-UMR’s history. The UMR archives would love to put in a bid. “It would be great if we had the funds to buy these pieces of UMR history,” says Melody Lloyd, assistant archivist at the UMR Archives. Unfortunately, the financial resources are not available for this type of historical rescue, but Lloyd hopes that may change with a newly created endowment for the archives. This endowment began with a $500 donation from a man who never attended UMR. Robert Brickner may have never been a Rolla student, but his father, Hugo John Brickner Jr., CE’30, and his mother, 1927 St. Pat’s Queen of Love and Beauty, Lorraine Love, were. “While going over the voluminous amount of details that the archives has on both sides of my mother’s family, the thought entered my mind that I might be able to reach an agreement with UMR,” Brickner said in a letter to the university. Brickner’s “agreement” consisted of a $500 donation to the archives.

“Brickner was looking for family history, and he fell in love with the archives,” says Diana Ahmad, archivist and assistant professor of history and political science at UMR. “He was delighted with the help he received.” Ahmad hopes Brickner’s generosity will spur others to make a donation to the archives. “We’re encouraging others to donate, and aiming for a $5,000 endowment.” With this endowment, established through the MSM-UMR Alumni Association, the archives could secure historical items on the market, as well as display items that are already part of the university’s elaborate collection. “We have so many interesting artifacts of UMR history,” Lloyd says. “We get calls all the time from people looking for pictures and information about relatives. We’re eager to help people with any sort of inquiries.” Anyone interested in making a gift to the archives endowment should email archives@umr.edu, or call (573) 341-4817. More information on the archives is also available at campus.umr.edu/archives.

Schlumberger Information Solutions (SIS) recently donated $11.8 million in software for oil, gas and other energyrelated industry simulation to the UMR petroleum engineering program. Daopu Numbere, professor of petroleum engineering, says the software suite, called GeoQuest ECLIPSE reservoir simulation software, will bolster the training and research opportunities for UMR faculty and students. “Employers are increasingly looking for graduates with simulation skills who can seamlessly integrate into the oil and gas industry with minimal additional training,” Numbere says. “At graduation, our students will now be equipped with the skills to be proficient in the industry’s leading simulation software.” In addition to oil and gas research, the ECLIPSE suite is suited for coal bed methane research, geo-mechanical studies, chemical studies, thermal studies and well test analysis. The donation was facilitated by two UMR graduates who are now with SIS: Alpay Erkal, PhD GeoE’97, and Ed May, PetE’83, MS PetE‘95.


Send your questions or comments about UMR news, research and sports to news@umr.edu or call (573) 341-4328.

CDC honors campus leaders IS )


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Eleven campus leadership awards were presented during the annual Outstanding Student Leaders’ Banquet and Awards Ceremony held last April. The banquet and awards were sponsored by the Corporate Development Council (CDC), Student Council, the UMR chapter of the Blue Key National Honor Fraternity, Omicron Delta Kappa (a national leadership honor society) and Order of Omega (a national Greek honor society).

The awards and winners are asfollows: “ O


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• Emily M. Hackworth, a senior in chemistry from Rolla, Mo., received the Most Spirited Missouri Miner Award. • Kappa Sigma fraternity received the Remarkable Student Organization Award. • Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity received the Organizational Community Service Award. •General Delegation of Independents received the Most Improved Organization Award.

•Michael L. Murray, a senior in mechanical engineering from Ballwin, Mo., received the Individual Community Service Award. •William Atkins, ECE’05, from Hooker, Okla., and Julia C. Rosemann, EMgt’05, from Maryland Heights, Mo., received the Extraordinary Student Leadership Award. •Jeffrey Gittemeier, a senior in mechanical engineering from Troy, Mo., was named Student Council Member of the Year. •Beth Groenke, a sophomore in engineering management from Gerald, Mo., was named Student Council Rookie of the Year. •Elizabeth R. Kubicek, EE’03, MS EMgt’05, from Springfield, Mo., was named Outstanding Student Advocate. •Mark Potrafka, director of student life at UMR, received the Extraordinary Faculty/Staff Award.


academy inductions

A public service announcement from the MSM-UMR Alumni Association

C hem ical Engineering • David A. Barclay, ChE'76, MS ChE'77, PhD ChE'80, of Lake Charles, La., a research associate at Sasol North America • Richard G. Chapman, ChE'70, of Overland Park, Kan., vice president of consulting engineering service and strategic projects director for Black & Veatch • Frank H. Conrad (posthumously), former professor of chemical engineering at UMR • Kimberly K. Denney, ChE'82, of Houston, president of Air Liquide America LP • Donald J. Dowling, ChE'51, of Memphis, Tenn., process and product manager for Buckeye Cotton Oil Co., a subsidiary of Proctor & Gamble • Ray K. Forrester, ChE'72, of Springfield, Mo., president and managing principal at The Forrester Group • Virendra K. Mathur, MS ChE'61, PhD ChE'70, of Durham, N.H.,

Havener Center • (57 3) 3 4 1 -4 7 0 5 M -F 8-6; Sat. N oon-4 Where profits provide support to the UMR campus

T extbooks • U M R d o th in g • G ifts fo r any occasion

Shop at www.umrbookstore.com 18



professor of chemical engineering at the University of New Hampshire • S. Dale McHenry, ChE'81, of Branchburg, N.J., vice president of global data networks for AT&T • Joseph M. Schardl Jr., MS ChE'68, PhD ChE'74, of Houston, manager of market development polypropylene at TOTAL Petrochemicals USA • Susan M. Simmons, ChE'84, of St. Louis, senior resident engineer for the Anheuser-Busch St. Louis Brewery

Civil Engineering • Rodney Breuer, CE'79, MS CE'80, of Little Rock, Ark., vice president of Engineering, Compliance & Construction • Charles Shackelford, CE'80, of Fort Collins, Colo., professor of geoenvironmental and geotechnical engineering and director of the Rocky Mountain Regional Hazardous Substance Research Center at Colorado State University

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Students enter house in Solar Decathlon

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Natalie McDonald poses in front of the solar house she rents from UMR.

Natalie McDonald, an architectural engineering and civil engineering major, says a solar house should be designed for people who might actually want to live in one. And McDonald should know. In addition to helping UMR build a new solar house, the sophomore rents the house that UMR and Rolla Technical Institute students built for the first-ever Solar Decathlon competition in 2002. The old house, which now soaks up rays in a Rolla neighborhood near campus, is used for research — but having a renter helps offset the costs of maintaining it. “Its a lot better than where most students live,” says McDonald. It’s also a lot more energy efficient. Solar panels on the roof heat the water and produce electricity. Joel Lamson, a graduate student who is the project leader for the 2005 (continued on page 23)

a • Chris Yarnell, CE'84, of Jefferson City, Mo., director of public works in Cole County, Mo.

C om puter S cience • Karen Squires Nordeng, CSci'89, of Iowa City, Iowa, director of content support services for Pearson Educational Measurement, a subsidiary of Pearson Education • Dean Swisher, MS CSci'70, of Irving, Texas, vice president of technology and process integration at MedSynergies

Electrical and C om puter Engineering • • Kelvin T. Erickson, EE'78, MS EE'79, of Rolla, Mo., chair of the electrical and computer engineering department at UMR • Jack F. Morris, MS EE'65, of Rolla, Mo„ associate professor emeritus of electrical engineering at UMR

Engineering M anag em ent This newly formed academy met for the first time April 14. • Merl Baker (honorary) of Lexington, Ky., former UMR chancellor and special assistant to the president of the University of Missouri System • Lt. Gen. Joe N. Ballard, MS EMgt'72, of Davidsonville, Md., president and chief executive officer of The Ravens Group • Bob Benezette, Econ'71, EMgt'72, MS EMgt'73, of Lansing, Mich., program manager of research, development and planning at General Motors • Jack Bertelsmeyer, EMgt'70, of Eureka, Mo., co-founder of Power Supply Industries • Dan DeRiemer, EMgt'72, of Roswell, Ga„ founder of Possibilities Inc. • Russell Espinosa EMgt'82, of Scottsdale, Ariz., vice president of integrated supply chain at Honeywell • Jim Faletti, EMgt'71, MS EMgt'79, of Crete, III., cofounder, president and chief executive officer of HR Insights and president of Strategic Insights • Wilbur Feagan, EMgt'79, of Springfield, Mo., president of F&H Food Equipment Co.

• Gregory D. McClain, EMgt'72, of Cedar Falls, Iowa, John Deere Engine Works • Tom Owens, CE'68, MS EMgt'71, of Easton, Pa., vice president of operations at Binney & Smith • M athew Pitsch, EMgt'85, MS EMgt'86, of Fort Smith, Ark., interim dean and head of engineering in the College of Applied Science and Technology at the University of Arkansas-Fort Smith • Greg Slack, EMgt'70, of St. Louis, president and chief executive officer of Trabue Industrial Systems and CBK & Associates • Howard Stine, Math'67, MS EMgt'68, of Chesterfield, Mo., executive vice president of Charles E. Jarrell Contracting • William A. Stoltz, EMgt'68, of Rolla, Mo., president and chief executive officer of Central Federal Savings and Loan

M echanical Engineering • Daniel Engler, ME'84, of Rochester Hills, Mich., vice president of the automotive division at Mark IV Industries

• Evelyn Gayer, ME'73, of Springfield, Mo., engineering manager at ITT Industries • Gary Hinz, ME'65, MS ME'67, of Baton Rouge, La., director of corporate engineering for Albemarle Corp. • Dale Pitt, AE'72, MS AE'75, of St. Louis, technical fellow at The Boeing Co. Mines and Metallurgy • Richard Y. Chao, MetE'71, MS EMgt'75, of Huntington Beach, Calif., senior technical specialist at The Boeing Co. • David C. Grimm, MetE'50, of Clinton, Conn., retired president of Arco Transdata Corp. • Wayne Huebner, CerE'82, PhD CerE'87, of Rolla, vice provost of research and sponsored programs at UMR • Dennis N. Kostic, MinE'70, of Downers Grove, III., president and chief executive officer of Weir International Mining Consultants • W. Keith Wedge, GGph'70, MS GGph'71, PhD GGph'73, of Rolla, retired brigadier general in the U.S. Army Reserves


J 19

around campus

Calgary stampede UMR solar racers fin ish fourth in big race By l ance Feyh (lfeyh@umr.edu) | Photos by Bob Phelan/Photomasters

As defending champions in solar car racing, the 2005 UMR team could have arranged the solar cells on Solar Miner V in the shape of a bull’s-eye. Everyone was gunning for them in the North American Solar Challenge, which started July 17 in Austin, Texas, and concluded July 27 in Calgary, Alberta. The University of Michigan, winner of the race back in 2001, budgeted almost $2 million for its solar car program in an effort to reclaim the championship from UMR, and it paid off. Michigan crossed the finish line first, approximately 12 minutes ahead of the University of Minnesota, in the closest solar challenge ever. Solar challenges have traditionally been run every two years. At 2,500 miles, this was the longest solar race in history and the first to cross an international border. MIT finished third, followed by UMR and the University of Waterloo. The route for the North American Solar Challenge resembled that of a cattle drive; and the UMR team did LELa L o -H o n e S " report sightings of elk y u>^ M « ) y y y * lV W and buffalo, in addition I to lots of cows and Even the very young turned out to cheer on the Miners. mosquitoes. UMR raced north through Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota and North Dakota. Just north of the Canadian border, they turned left and headed across Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. “We got a kick out of going to places like Moose Jaw and Medicine Hat in Canada,” says UMR team



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president Stephanie Maiden, Chem’05. “And while we were up there racing in the cool weather, they were having a heat wave back in Rolla.” UMR was a few hours behind the front runners by the time the cars made it to Canada, but the early days of the race — through the Tornado Alley states of Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas — had gone well for UMR. Then, on the third day, after passing Michigan in the morning, Solar Miner V ran into thunderstorms just south of Topeka, Kan. Several teams passed as UMR was — Stephanie Maiden forced to charge its Solar car team president battery on the side of the road in bad weather. Although they made up some of the lost time later that day, the Kansas storm really dampened UMR’s chances. “It wasn’t really a failure in strategy,” says Maiden. “We just didn’t recover from some bad breaks.” UMR’s strategy heading into the race w;as simple. Make an even better car than Solar Miner IV, which easily won the Great American Solar Challenge in 2003, and drive it as smart as possible. The UMR crew didn’t report many mechanical problems during the race to Calgary. In fact, Maiden said Solar Miner V drove “beautifully.” “This car handles better,” says Chris Pieper, a junior on the 2005 team who also drove in the last race, which followed old Route 66. “Its relatively comfortable

“It wasn’t

really a failure in strategy.

We just didn’t recover from

some bad breaks.”

Above: Solar Miner V passes the golden fields of Manitoba, Canada, on its way to Calgary. At right: UMR students Kevin Loebach, Ivan Pajewski (center) and Stephanie Maiden get in out of the rain. *• — still terribly uncomfortable, actually, but there’s more room.” Solar Miner 7 cost $165,000, up from $100,000 in 2003 for Solar Miner IV. The increase can be attributed mainly to better, more expensive solar cells. “These are space grade cells,” says Dan Riley, a senior driver on the team. “They convert a higher percentage of the sun’s energy into electrical energy.” But, in the end, UMR wasn’t able to convert enough of the sun’s energy to win the North American Solar Challenge. “We’ve already had conversations about what went wrong, what the team could do better in the future,” says Maiden, without giving away any details. “It’s an ongoing discussion.”

Next time, UMR won’t have the burden of being the defending champs. Everyone will be talking about knocking off Michigan; and they’ll have three years to prepare. According to U.S. Department of Energy officials, the next race will be in 2008 instead of 2007. A route from Mexico to Canada is being considered. For more on the solar car team, go online to solar42.umr.edu/

Alumni and friends gathered in Calgary to show their support to the solar car team.



around campus

Commencement 2005: “Embrace change” Photo by Bob Phelan/Photomasters

Citing the rapid changes in the telecommunications industry, Sprint Nextel Corp. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Gary D. Forsee, CE’72, urged the nearly 700-member class of 2005 to change the world by embracing change. “I look at communications, the industry that I work in, and the rate of innovation and invention is staggering,” said Forsee, chairman and CEO of Sprint since 2003, who delivered the commencement address

Gary Forsee, CE'72, delivers the spring 2005 commencement address.

Berry awarded

Professional degrees awarded

honorary doctorate

During commencement, the following alumni received honorary professional degrees.

Also during commencement, the university conferred an honorary doctorate degree to Bob Berry, CE'72, vice president of Bums & McDonnell Engineering Co. in St. Louis. A member of the UMR Athletic Hall of Fame, Berry was co-captain of the football team during his playing days, and was named all-conference and honorable mention all-American. He is also a member of Lamda Chi Alpha fraternity. Since his graduation, he has Bob Berry served the campus in a number of capacities, including membership on the Board of Trustees, as president of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association, as president of the UMR Academy of Civil Engineers and as a member of the Order of the Golden Shillelagh Board of Directors. In 2002, Berry was awarded the UM Presidential Citation for Alumni Service.


at UMR in May. Forsee also received an honorary degree during the ceremony. “Just 20 years ago, telephones were stuck to walls, facts were found only in books and people had to make a trip to the record store if they wanted to buy the latest music,” said Forsee, a 33-year veteran of the telecommunications industry. “Now, access to all of that and more is found by just reaching into your pockets and checking your wireless phone. “Life is unpredictable and change is inevitable,” Forsee added. “Those who embrace it, and contribute to it, will be the most successful.”


I William E. Ilorst, MetE’51, MS MetE’52 of Tuscon, Ariz., retired metallurgical engineer

I Kevin Schneider, EE’86, MS EE’89, PhD EE’92, of Huntsville, Ala., chief technology officer for AD RAN Inc.

I Jorge A. Ochoa, ME’85, of Redmond, Wash., vice present for research and development and chief technology officer of Archus Orthopedics Inc.

I Steve W. Souders, ChE’74, of Houston, retired technology vice president for projects and engineering at British Petroleum

I David W. Osborne, PhD’85, of Santa Rosa, Calif., vice president of product development at Dow Pharmaceutical Sciences

I George H. Thomas, PetE’43, of Houston, co-owner of Higman Marine Services Inc.

I Walter G. Reed, EE’65, of Houston, deputy project manager for the Global Operations Common Process of British Petroleum I John Sauer, Phil’79, of St. Louis, a principal in banking services with Edward Jones

I William D. Webb, CE’67, of Long Beach, Calif., executive vice president for the North American operations of Earth Tech Inc.

Spanning the Years: Civil Engineering the Rolla Way, updated by Diana Ahm ad, assistant professor of history and UMR’s archivist, is available for purchase from UMR’s civil, architectural and environment engineering department. This official history of the department was originally written in 1986 by Curators Teaching Professors emeritus, Ja ck Ridley and Lawrence O. Christensen. To order the revised edition of this hardcover book, send $25 to UMR’s civil, architectural and environment department, Butler-Carlton Hall, 1870 Miner Circle, Rolla, Mo., 65409-0030. Checks should be made payable to the department. For more information on the book, contact Angi Yowell, communications specialist for the department of civil, architectural and environmental engineering, at angi.yowell@umr.edu or call (573) 341-4080.

Get involved — adopt a student Experience. It's what prospective employers want, new graduates often lack, and UMR's design team students thrive on. You can help UMR's student design teams keep their position above the rest. Adopt a student from one of the teams and help cover the logistical costs of getting them to their respective competitions. Each adopted student w ill keep a journal of the events he or she attends and give you personal updates on competition travels. If you are interested in adopting a student today, please contact the UMR Student Design Center at (573) 341-6782.

Housing efficiencies (continued) UMR Solar House Team, says it’s comforting to have someone knowledgeable like McDonald available to monitor the old house on a regular basis. But someone else will have to monitor the old house for awhile in October. McDonald, Lamson and the other members of the UMR Solar House Team are showing off their new house in the 2005 Solar Decathlon, Oct. 7-16, on the National Mall 2005 Solar House Team in Washington, D.C. Sponsored by the United States Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the Solar Decathlon brings teams from colleges and universities around the world together to demonstrate the advantages of a solar lifestyle. The UMR team started construction for the 2005 competition in January of this year. Seventeen other teams have entered houses. While some of the houses in the “solar village” at the Solar Decathlon are very modern, the new UMR house has a traditional design. Its 550 square feet of The houses entered living space includes a living room, bedroom, in the competition are kitchen, bathroom, laundry room and closets. According to Lamson, the optimal roof angle judged in architecture, for a solar house at Rolla’s latitude (which is livability and comfort similar to Washington’s) is 53 degrees. categories. The houses are About 50 solar panels line the roof of the new also ranked in power house to capture energy as efficiently as possible. generation categories, Although energy savings are significant, solar including heating and houses aren’t cheap to build. The new UMR house cost about $110,000, a figure that doesn’t cooling, lighting, and include the free labor used during the house’s running appliances. construction. Another $80,000 has been budgeted Finally, each solar house for shipping the house to D.C. and back, and must also be able to to cover the team’s travel expenses. power an electric car. Students hope the investment will pay off at the Solar Decathlon. College and university teams from the United States, Canada and Spain are competing against UMR. The houses entered in the competition are judged in architecture, livability and comfort categories. The houses are also ranked in power generation categories, including heating and cooling, lighting, and running appliances. Finally, each solar house must also be able to power an electric car. “I think UMR builds pretty good solar houses,” says McDonald, who should be something of an expert in the livability category. More information is available online at www.soardecathlon.org and solarhouse.umr.edu. MAGAZINE | FALL 2005


Photo by Bob Phelan/Photomasters

Spanning the years of civil, architectural and environmental engineering

around campus

Chi Omegas help make a wish $2,697.36 raised for the Make-A-Wisli Foundation

Pictured, left to right, during the check presentation are: Chi Omega Katie Halpenny, Make-A-Wish representatives Jo Thompson and Heather Clow, and Chi Omegas Collette Galaske and Becky Pohlman.

Daughton recognized by engineering education association William Daughton chair of engineering management and systems engineering, recently received the 2005 Bernard R. Sarchet Award from the American Society for Engineering Education. The award, named after the founder of UMR's engineering management program and a pioneer in the field, is the engineering management division's highest honor and recognizes lifetime achievement in engineering management education. Daughton accepted the award at the ASEE’s annual conference in Portland on June 15. 24


Last February, the Eta Kappa chapter of Chi Omega sorority raised $2,697.36 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation during its 13th Annual Spaghetti Dinner. The contribution allowed the chapter to grant a wish for a child with a life-threatening medical condition. A check-passing ceremony was held at the chapter house in April. The Make-A-Wish Foundation became Chi Omegas national philanthropy in 2002. For the Spaghetti Dinner, Eta Kappa members share the tasks of getting donations, cooking spaghetti, serving drinks and cleaning up after the event. It is a day of fun and friends as the Spaghetti Dinner usually brings in about 400 people from the university and the Rolla community.

Haemmerlie-Mongtomery named Woman of the Year

Stuffs named Boeing A.D. Welliver Fellow

Qureshi named UMR director of the MTI

Frances HaemmerlieMontgomery Curators' Teaching

Daniel Stutts. associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, was one of nine U.S. researchers selected to participate in this year's Boeing A.D. Welliver Faculty Summer fellowship program. He is the fifth UMR faculty member to participate in the program since 1997. As part of the eight-week program, Stutts “looked over the shoulder” of working engineers and professionals at several levels of Boeing's technical, business and management career paths to better understand the company’s business, including its research needs, Stutts joined the UMR faculty as an assistant professor in 1991 and accepted his current position in 1997.

Mohammad Qureshi, assistant professor of civil, architectural and environmental engineering, was appointed to serve as the UMR director of the Missouri Transportation Institute (MTI), a statewide consortium involving 11 Missouri colleges and universities that is housed at UMR. Qureshi will work with MTI executive director William Ankner and directors from each participating university. MTI, a transportation and safety public policy and planning think tank, was created in 2004 to better coordinate research, development and education pertaining to Missouri's transportation system — from highways and bridges to rail, water, air and public transportation — and help develop new transportation-related technology.

Professor of psychology and associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, was named the 2005 UMR Woman of the Year in April. Known for her research into the roles of women in society and finding effective ways of helping people recognize and change maladaptive characteristics, Montgomery was recognized for mentoring students and was noted as a role model. This is the ninth year for the award, which is funded by Cynthia Tang, Econ’85, founder of Insight Industries Inc. of Platteville, Wis., and a past president of the UMR Board of Trustees.

Pike history published Approximately 600 alumni of the Alpha Kappa chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity are expected to attend this year’s MSM -UM R Homecoming to celebrate the 100th anniversary of their chapter. Each of these men will leave with a 300-page book on the chapters history, a book that will also be given to other alumni of the chapter, “even to those who cannot join the fraternity for our Homecoming events,” says Alpha Kappa alumnus Dick Bauer, ChE’52, Prof ChE’77. “Copies will be distributed to everyone.” A History o f the Alpha Kappa Chapter o f Pi Kappa Alpha 1905-2005:100 Years o f Brotherhood, written by UMR assistant archivist Melody Lloyd, will be published and distributed in September. “The Alpha Kappa Housing Corp. authorized publication of the 100-year history in May 2002,” says Bauer. “The UMR chapter, founded in 1905, was one of the first northern chapters of Pi Kappa Alpha to be established, well after the national fraternity was founded in the South in 1868. Through Melody Lloyd’s writing and several pictures, the book covers our chapter’s interesting history.” Researchers on this book included Bauer, Donald Myers, ME’61, MS M E’64, Dale Spence, ME’97, and Keith Wedge, GGph’70, MS GGph’71, PhD GGph’73.

Nancy Hubing named director of freshman engineering

Watkins receives IEEE award Steve Watkins EE'83, MS EE’85,

Nancy Hubing, associate professor of basic engineering, became director of the university’s freshman engineering

its inception in 1986, Fannin returned to a full-time position as chair of UMR's new interdisciplinary engineering department.

professor of electrical and computer engineering, received the Achievement Award from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ (IEEE) Regional Activities Board during the organization's conference in Colorado April 7-9. IEEE recognized Watkins for his outstanding contributions to the organization. In 2004, Watkins was selected as one of two IEEE-USA Congressional Fellows and spent the year working for U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., in Washington, D.C. (See story on page 40)

MoDOT survey It isn't often you find a business professor and a psychology professor discussing transportation. But that's exactly how two UMR researchers spent the summer on behalf of the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT). Lance Gentry, assistant professor of business administration, and Jim Martin, assistant professor of psychology, worked through the Missouri Transportation Institute (MTI) to conduct a customer satisfaction survey for MoDOT. The survey was designed to gauge how well people feel MoDOT has sought their participation in decision-making. MoDOT came to the MTI, a statewide consortium involving 11 Missouri colleges and universities, looking for an "objective entity they could trust" to manage the survey project, says W illiam Ankner, executive director of MTI. The institute is housed at UMR.

Bogan and Nanni receive Presidential awards Two UMR faculty members recently received the highest honors for teaching and research from the fourcampus University of Missouri System. James Bogan, Curators’ Teaching Professor of art history and film, is the _____________ 2005 winner of

award recognizes a UM faculty member for long-term contributions to teaching.

Antonio Nanni the Vernon and Maralee Jones w% * Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering, is the 2005 winner of the University of Missouri System Presidential Award for Research and Creativity. The award recognizes a UM faculty member for a sustained record of nationally and internationally prominent research or creativity. The awards were presented May 25 in conjunction with a meeting of the UM Board of Curators. Bogan and Nanni were selected from nominations submitted by all four UM campuses.




Phil Shin


By Amy Edwards facewv8@umr.edu) | Photo by Ian Nance/Publications

California native Phil Shin, a senior in biological sciences, stays busy with pre-medicine classes and daily practices for the UMR football team, but it can still be hard living such a long distance from his family on the West Coast. That isn’t a major problem for Shin, however, who says he has found a family in the Miner football team. “During the season, we practice three hours a day,” he says. “Since my real family is all the way back in California, the team is all I have here. As a senior, my role is to set an example for the new transfer and freshman players.” Shin believes these new players, as well as those returning this year, will lead the UMR football program to success. “We work hard,” he says, “and we have the attitude to win. Our team future

will be determined by the way our first week of practices go. I’ll do my best to push our team in the right way to win. I hope I affect every single player and we come out in our first game with a bang.” Shin has already made his mark on the UMR football team as a wide receiver — he caught the game-winning touchdown pass in a win over No. 23-ranked Central Missouri State a year ago — after a high school career as an all-state, all-county and all-league player. “I really got attracted to the offensive strategies that the UMR football team runs,” Shin says. “I decided to come to UMR because I felt it was the perfect environment for me to achieve both my academic and athletic goals.”

Follow the Miners Sat., Oct. 1 Sat., Oct. 15

Southwest Baptist Southwestern Oklahom a State

1 p.m. (Homecoming) 1 p.m. (Family W eekend)

Sat., Oct. 22 Sat., Oct. 29

South Dakota State, Brookings, S.D. Austin Peay, Clarksville, Tenn.

2 p.m. 1 p.m.

Sat., Nov. 5

M orehead State

1 p.m. (Senior Day)

Sat., Nov. 12

Butler, Indianapolis, Ind.

1 p.m.

Visit campus. umr.edu/sports for a complete listing of all sports schedules. 26


Sports Awards U M R 'p o w e r '

U M R p o s ts h ig h e s t-e v e r

ra n k e d in to p 2 0

fin is h in D ir e c to r 's C u p

UMR is ranked No. 20 among all NCAA Division II schools in the most recent Collegiate Power Rankings released by the National Collegiate Scouting Association. The third annual ranking calculates schools’ averages in three areas — the US. News & World Report’s institutional ranking, the U.S. Sports Academy Director’s Cup ranking and the NCAA student-athlete graduation rate. The highest ranked school in Division II was the University of California-San Diego. Stonehill College of Massachusetts was second on the NCSA list, followed by Truman State University and Drury University. In addition to Drury and UMR, the Great Lakes Valley Conference (GLVC) was also represented in the rankings by the University of Indianapolis in 21st place, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville in 26th, Lewis University in 32nd place, Northern Kentucky University in 47th and the University of Wisconsin-Parkside in 76th place. Truman was the only MIAA school ranked ahead of UMR. The next highest was Washburn University in 25th place.

U M R w e ll re p re s e n te d o n M IA A a c a d e m ic sq u a d s Several UMR sports team members were named to the Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association final academic teams for 2004-05. Nine students were named to the Presidential Scholars list for finishing the year with a 4.0 cumulative grade point average, and 19 members of UMR teams were named to the conference’s All-Academic team. Four UMR studentathletes made both lists (see awards listing at right). Members of the MIAA’s All-Academic team must carry a 3.5 grade point average and earn all-conference honors in their sport during the 2004-05 season.

s ta n d in g s UMR’s athletic program had its highest finish ever in the Sports Academy Directors’ Cup standings as it was ranked 100th among the 266 schools in NCAA Division II for the 2004-05 school year. Only the top 100 schools were listed in the final standings. UMR had a total of 159.5 points on the year, all of which were scored during the winter season as the swimming team finished in sixth place and the men’s and women’s track teams also scored in their respective nationals. The Miner track team posted 44.5 points thanks to J.R. Skola’s fourthplace performance in the pole vault, while Whitney Rasmussen s fifth-place showing in the high jump allowed UMR to get 43 points in women’s track.

I Swimmer Mark Chamberlain, a sophomore in mathematics, was named to the MIAA Presidential Scholars list and the MIAA All-Academic team for 2 00 4 -0 5 . ► Tight end Cole Drussa. MetE'05, won a 2 0 0 5 Gale Bullman Award from M-Club. Drussa earned consensus All-America honors last fall and first team academic All-America honors in football. ► Swimmer Bill Gaul, a junior in chemical engineering, was named to the The Magazine Academic All-American team, the MIAA Presidential Scholars list and the MIAA All-Academic team for 2 00 4 -0 5 . I Swim coach Doug Grooms, who led the swimming team to a sixth-place national finish this year, was named Coach of the Year at the annual M-Club banquet. I Thrower Becca Kueny, a junior in ceramic engineering (who also plays on the women's basketball team), was named to the MIAA Presidential Scholars list and the MIAA All-Academic team in track for 2 00 4-05 .

D a r tin g t o assist m e n 's b a s k e tb a ll p ro g ra m Kerry Darting, a senior in psychology at UMR, was named assistant coach in the UMR men’s basketball program. He replaced Marc Lowe, who resigned to join the womens basketball staff at Bradley University. Darting was one of the top three-point shooters in school history while playing for the Miners, then stayed at the campus last year to complete work on his bachelor’s degree in education while serving as a student assistant coach in the Miner basketball program. As a player, Darting led the MidAmerica Intercollegiate Athletics Association in three-pointers per game in his senior year, connecting on 90 of his 201 shots from behind the arc for an average of 3.3 per game. His 44.8 percent shooting from long range ranked second in the MIAA and among the top 25 in the NCAA Division II ranks. He averaged just over 11 points per game in the 200304 season.

► High jumper Whitney Rasmussen, a sophomore in psychology, was named to the MIAA Presidential Scholars list and the MIAA All-Academic team in track for 2 00 4 -0 5 . I Swimmer Andy Shelley, a junior in mechanical engineering, was named to the The Magazine Academic All-America team for 2 00 4-05 . ft Pole-vaulter J.R. Skola, AE'05, received the 2 0 0 5 Gale Bullman Award from M-Club. Skola holds school records in the indoor and outdoor pole vault at UMR and finished fourth at the NCAA Division II indoor championships in March ► Sprinter Jamie Webb a senior in electrical engineering, earned All-America honors at her fourth NCAA Division II Championships in track and field. She also won a 2 0 0 5 Gale Bullman Award from M-Club.




‘Green’ paint wins EPA award UMR chemist M ichael Van De Mark, director of the UMR Coatings Institute, received a Presidential Green Chemistry Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in June for his invention of an environmentally friendly latex paint additive that reduces volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions. The additive is marketed under the trademark Archer RC by Archer Daniels Midland (ADM). Latex paint makes up approximately 65 percent of all paint used in the U.S. and it contains two sources of VOCs: a glycol that is used as an antifreeze and for wet edge

retention and a coalescing agent that evaporates as the paint dries, releasing the solvent and increasing air pollution. Van De Mark’s invention, a vegetable-oil derivative, replaces the volatile coalescent with one that doesn’t leave the film. “It doesn’t continuously plasticize the paint forever,” Van De Mark explains. “It air oxidizes and oligomerizes the additive, linking several coalescent aid molecules together to form a low-molecular weight polymer, and you get part of the hardness back. It softens the paint right away, but over a period of weeks, it regains most of its hardness.”

A gem of a research project UMR researchers investigating the science behind the diamond-coating technique are, left to right, starting in back: Robert Schwartz, Hai-Lung Tsai, Matthew O'

Photo by lan Nance/Publications



For more than a decade, scientists have known that diamond-coating a surface makes it stronger, lighter and more resistant to corrosion or abrasion. Enter a team of UMR researchers, who have joined forces with a team from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on a three-year, $3 million research project funded by the U.S. Defense Department to investigate the science behind this diamond-coating technique. First developed in the mid-1990s by Michigan-based Q C C Inc., the technique involves using three high-powered lasers to vaporize a thin layer as the lasers are scanned across steel and other similar materials. This creates an electrically charged, superheated plasma of iron atoms that bond to the surface as diamond and diamond-like carbon. The joint research team will attempt to figure out how the process works so that it can be improved or extended to other material systems. The investigators will customize the coating technique using three laser systems: a resonance absorption laser, an ultraviolet laser, and a controlled plasma cooling and coating formation laser. The team will work to establish the knowledge of the physics behind the process and develop a way to do this in “open atmosphere” rather than a vacuum, thus allowing coatings to be deposited on items like ships or airplanes. The team will test this system both theoretically, using computer models, and experimentally using the lasers. Hai-Lung Tsai, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, will lead UMR’s efforts on campus in one of the nations most advanced laser-research facilities. Working with Tsai at UMR are Lan Jiang, assistant research professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering; Matthew O’Keefe, MetE’85, associate professor of materials science and engineering; and Robert Schwartz, professor of materials science and engineering.

Biology students investigate diverse ecosystems A group of biological sciences students spent a week in the Bahamas last spring studying the island’s tropical marine life to learn the importance of diverse ecosystems. “Biodiversity can vary at the genetic, organism, community and ecosystem level,” says Anne M aglia, assistant professor of biological sciences. “A loss of biodiversity reduces an ecosystems ability to recover from natural or man-induced disruption, which has ultimate consequences for the health of the planet and mankind.” The students spent the semester prior to the trip learning about the factors that affect biodiversity or the total number and variability of organisms, how to measure and monitor biodiversity, and how to predict and prevent the future loss of biodiversity. In May, the students departed for the island of San Salvador, also known as Columbus Island, which is a particularly good environment to study biodiversity, Maglia says, because of its many diverse ecosystems. The island features dry tropical forests, inland fresh water and hypersaline lakes, caves, and patch and barrier coral reefs.

“It is a relatively pristine environment with high rates of biodiversity and some species that are found nowhere else on the planet,” Maglia says. “However, many of the ecosystems now show signs of trauma from man-made sources like pollution, over­ fishing, and global warming.”

UMR students on the island of San Salvador, in the Bahamas, study the island's tropical marine life to learn about ecosystems.

Making a splash in underground mining UMR researchers are developing ways to mine metals more efficiently by using highpressure waterjets to separate minerals from rock, and the United States government has taken notice. The U.S. Department of Energy recently awarded $79,064 to the School of Materials, Energy and Earth Resources to help fund the first phase of the project. Separating minerals from rock usually involves extracting large quantities of heavy material from an underground mine, then transporting the rock to a plant, where it is crushed, ground and further processed until it yields a metal

concentrate. The left-over material is deposited in waste piles that take up space on the surface. Larry Grayson, chair of mining and nuclear engineering, says employing waterjet technology to extract minerals would be much more efficient and would minimize waste. “Were proposing to leave the non-valuable material underground,” Grayson says. David Summers, Curators’ Professor of mining engineering and head of the UMR High Pressure Waterjet Laboratory, says the process simply accelerates the naturally occurring event of erosion.

“Water erodes rock on a grain-by-grain basis,” Summers explains. “By using water at pressure, this erosion can be accelerated to take place in fractions of a second, and still remove individual grains of mineral. This greatly reduces the volume of material that has to be moved out of the mine and subsequently treated.” According to Grayson, the use of waterjets to liberate mineral grains from rock specimens underground would represent a huge reduction in the amount of energy currently required to mine and process the ore that contains the metals.



association news

golden alumni



The M S M -U M R A lu m n i A sso ciation hosted 37 m em bers o f th e Class o f 1955 d u rin g this year's G olden A lu m n i Reunion. They cam e fro m 16 states fo r the June 5-7 event.

Golden Alumni. Row 1: Gerald Spann, John Randolph, Robert Martin, James Marlow, Spyros Varsos, Richard Kaiser and Scott Porter. Row 2: Donald Kummer, Edward Clark, John Miles, V. Lee Powell, Alfred Bogush and Melvin Sharp. Row 3: Ray Skubic, Campbell Barnds, Robert Oetting, Harvey Schulte, Robert Winchester, James Mullen. Row 4: C. Gene Penzel, Gorman Morris, Joe Green, James Rethmeyer, Paul Tucker, Robert Newcomer, Joseph Hannauer, Arthur Baebler and Donald Bogue. Row 5: Arthur Fink, Charles Schuman, Chester Baker, Benjamin Smith, Richard Berg John McCarthy and Marlin Krieg.

The MSM-UMR Alumni Association represents and serves nearly 50,000 graduates and former students. Today's association carries on the proud tradition of support to UM R by providing aid to campus faculty, staff and students.

Make the most of your estate planning and charitable giving investments • Supplement your retirement income • Protect your assets • Discover the value of charitable gift annuities, a charitable remainder trust or pooled income fund 1 • Test your giving options with our confidential online gift calculator.

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pike reunion in st. louis

we want your news S ection N e w s /A lu m n i Notes Future M in e r s /W e d d in g s Em ail / Stories for P ullouts Please send your inform ation to alum ni@ um r.edu or w rite UMR Magazine, Castlem an H all, P0 Box 249, Rolla M 0 65402-0249

O n Feb. 12, m em bers o f Pi Kappa A lp h a fra te rn ity and th e ir spouses gathered in St. Louis fo r a k ic k o ff to the celebration o f th e 100th anniversary o f th e A lp h a Kappa C h a p te r on th e U M R cam pus. The entire m e m be rsh ip w ill celebrate th e 100th anniversary d u rin g H o m e c o m in g Sept. 3 0-O ct. 1.

Read more about the Pikes 100th anniversary on page 24.

scholarship recipients The M S M -U M R A lu m n i A ssociation provides scholarships and o th e r financial s u p p o rt to m o re than 200 U M R students each year. The association h o n o re d th e students (p ic tu re d b e lo w ) at an A p ril 22 banquet. S tudents sat w ith m any o f th e a lu m n i w h o m ake th e scholarships possible.

Advantage M SM -U M R alum ni — your children or grandchildren may q ualify to receive a $1,000 scholarship to attend UMR, in addition to other scholarships they may receive.

1 800 522-0938 -






section news

air capital

A ir Capital alum ni go o u t to the ballgame to cheer for the W ichita W ranglers.

June 11- Members of the Air Capital Section enjoyed their annual baseball outing to watch the Wichita Wranglers battle the Tulsa Drillers. Prior to game time, attendees gathered for a tailgate party with stadiumstyle snacks. Even though the home team was not able to pull off a victory, everyone had a fantastic time. The evening ended with a beautiful fireworks display. Special thanks go to Sean Daly for organizing and coordinating this event. Those attending included Sean Daly ’96; Rob Davis ’01; Ken 75 and Carol Drake; Pamelia Edwards 76; Curt ’03 and Debra Engelbrecht with Jenni; Jennifer Marshall ’96; Travis ’99 and Vicky Mattingly; Tony ’98 and Laura ’99 McLaughlin with Annabelle, and Willis Wilson 73 with Marcus Hix.

Visit alumni.umr.edu for section news

Help UMR recruit students in your area Volunteer to become an Alumni Admissions Ambassador and help UMR recruit students As an ambassador, you may:

VISIT HIGH SCHOOLS • ATTEND COLLEGE FAIRS • CALL ADMITTED STUDENTS to congratulate them and answer questions ATTEND PROSPECTIVE STUDENT RECEPTIONS in your area Our alumni share information about their careers and how UMR helped launch those careers. Both students and parents appreciate being able to talk w ith our alumni at these receptions. To help update you on the latest information on campus, UMR’s admissions office w ill provide you w ith fact sheets and a DVD. If you would like to become an admissions ambassador, contact Cathy Tipton in admissions at crowell@umr.edu or call (573) 341-4166.



June 25 - The Chicago Section gathered at The Lion Head Pub, one of the city’s hot spots, for drinks to kick off the summer. There was no blizzard this time around, and everyone enjoyed an evening of socializing with new acquaintances and catching up with old friends. The group also welcomed Cathy Edwards into the mix as the section’s new activities chair. The party later moved from a pub to a club, as everyone ventured upstairs to The Apartment. Many thanks go to Alex Merritt for organizing this event. Those attending included Cathy Edwards ‘97 with Kim Grill; Stephan Magenta ‘99; Alex Merritt ’03; Parris Ng ‘00 with Jenny Che; Fred ‘95 and Jessica ‘97 Niemeier, and T.J. Scheiblhofer ‘95. The Chicago Section invites all MSM-UMR alumni to check out its new website www.umrchicago.com, for more information on how to get involved with fellow alumni in the Chicago area. Visitors to the Windy City are welcome.

Prospective student receptions Many MSM-UMR alumni cite their involvement in student recruitment as one of the most rewarding functions their alumni sections engage in throughout the year. From attending college fairs to selecting scholarship recipients, connecting with current and future UMR Miners keeps many of our alumni involved in campus life. Alumni also help the university with recruitment through prospective student receptions that join students and families interested in learning more about UMR with alumni, faculty and staff. Coordinated by members of the UMR admissions department, and hosted by alumni and their respective employers,

C hicago-area a lu m n i g athe r for th e ir s um m er k ick -o ff bar n ig h t at The Lion Head Pub.

kansas city June 10 - Thanks to the efforts of Mac Andrew and John Frerking, members of the Kansas City Section enjoyed their seventh annual golf tournament. Settled in at Heritage Park Golf Course, attendees squeaked by a short rain delay and Finished the day with tales to tell and door prizes to claim. The group would like to recognize Marty Nash for the longest drive and Don Walters

for being closest to the hole in those competitions. The team of Dick Ball and Marty Nash Finished with the lowest score, followed closely by the father-son duo of Richard Henry Sr. and Jr. The section hopes to see more Kansas City area alumni out next year! Those attending included Mac Andrew '68; Dick Ball '85; Tom Benassi '00; Jerry Edison '61; Ron Estep 71; John Frerking '87; Janelle Gibson; Richard Henry '52; Richard Henry Jr.; Cori Lock '02; Marty Nash '83; Chris Trull '97; Don Walters; Charles Weldy '57; Adam Wieseler '04, and Russ Zung '97.

lincolnland May 9 - Threatening weather failed to keep the Lincolnland Section alumni away from the golf course for their annual tournament. Thanks to the continuing efforts of Dave Daniels, the group met at Lincoln Greens Golf Course for a four-person scramble and dinner. The group was treated to a special presentation from Dean Arlan DeKock of

the School of Management and Information Systems to round out the day. The ofFicers of the section presented DeKock with an item from the new Lincoln Museum bookstore as a thank you for making the trip to SpringField, 111. Those attending included Rich Berning '69; Brian Bradley '86; Kathy Brady; Harry Chapel; Dave ‘69 and Mary Daniels; Dick Daniels; Jim Dunn; Larry Eastep ‘69; Tom Feger ‘69; Lynn Frasco ‘68; Steve Gobleman; Tom Hickman; Jerry Hurlinger; Charles Kalbfleisch ‘65; Dan Kerns 74; Dick Klusmeyer 70; Tom May ‘66; Ed Midden ‘69; Jack Park; Jim Rechner 70, and Alicia Wieman.

motor city May 18 - Chancellor Gary Thomas attended his Final section event with Rolla Miners in the Motor City Section during the SAE Formula Car dinner. This event has become a tradition for the section, as local alumni connect with the student design team during its annual competition in the area. (continued on the next page)

these functions bring together people with a broad array of interests who share the common bond of UMR. Listed below are the receptions that were held during spring 2005. Many thanks go out to all of the alumni who donated their time and energy planning these events and sharing with prospective students their stories of life in Rolla. Nooter/Erickson (St. Louis) - April 18 Those attending included Joe Elliot ’71; Mike Filla 77, '81; Mike Godar '72; Jim Hennessey '87; John Hixson '71; Tom McBroom 72; Jessica McCord '04; Steve Moss 76; Jim Mueller 78; Dan Osbourne 74; Tim Robert '04, and Dave Stelzer 78. Chicago - April 21 Those attending included Bruce Allen 77; Bill Bishop 71; Chris Marlow '98; Mike Marx

77; Joe 70 and Saudi 70 McBride; Alex Merritt '03; Rose Meyer '04; Parris Ng '00, and Steve Schade 74. Joplin High School - April 25 Those attending included Mike Atkinson '94; Brent Baker 02; Steve Chodrick '82; Brian Foerstel '01; Jason Osiek '02; Martin Penning '80, and Cody Sexton '98. Springfield City Utilities - April 26 Those attending included Earl Burk 70; ILL. Burke 62; Mark Eck '80; Evelyn Gayer 73; Fred Ipock 76; Roger Phillips 74; Kem Reed '84, and Roddy Rogers '81, '83, '90.

Black & Veatch (Kansas City) April 28 Those attending included Paul Bertrand 71; Alan Carson 72; Rich Chapman 70;

Roger Clemons 71; Paul Conrad '83; Brady Hays '98; Ted Kelly 77; Kim Mastalio 70; Mike Preston '88; Joe Reichert '59; Stuart Storrs '68, and Larry Taber '00, '01. ABB Power (Jefferson City) - May 5 Those attending included Gary Claspill '84; Denis Gladbach '94; Larry Hendren 73; Chris Kelly '03; Bob SJreddo '58; Morgan Smith '02; Neil Smith '68, and Bob Wilson '62. Boeing (St. Louis) - May 7 Those attending included John Eash 79; Mike Emanuel '87; Neil 56 and Barb Fiala; Liz Ford '01; Eric Fleming '01, '03; J.P. Fransaw '04; Jarrod Grant 98; Gail Lueck *01, '03; Milt Murry '64, '80; Dave Ruester 78, and Craig Sherrill 77.



section news

we want your news Submit your Section News by Dec. 30 to alumni@umr.edu for inclusion in the spring 2006 issue

Thomas and Ashok Midha, chair of mechanical and aerospace engineering, discussed the current events of the UMR campus community. Members of the design team then shared their mission and hopes of winning the formula car race. Special thanks go out to Ray Schaffart for his continued support of the formula car team. Schaffart sponsors all students and advisors for the dinner event. Those attending included Nathan Averett ’05; Ron Baker 78; Bob Benezette 71, 72, 73, ’98; Valarie Boatman; Barry ’99 and Janet ’99 Callahan; Andy Clawson; Richard Colfax ’03; Andrew D ’Hooge; Simon Dirnberger ’03; Ben Fischer; Matt Giaraffa ’05; Ron Gillham ‘56; Megan Hancock; Greg Harris; Jake Hertenstein; Ted Huff ’86; Clayton James; Matt Kerkemeyer; Nic LangfordStephanie Martensen; Ashok Midha; Prem Midha; Brian Mills; Akinori Miyamolo; Dale Morse 79; Mike Murray; Jason Nolte; Hank Pernicka; Clark Potzmann 70; Scott Race; Adam Robertson; Kyle Sampson; Ray Schaffart ’63; Neil Schreiber; Jeff ’00 and Rebecca Seaman; Justin Shaw; Scott Shockley ’94; Mark Stirnemann; Fred Thomas ’91; Chancellor Gary Thomas; Dominic Trudell ’93; Liz Waggoner; Tony Wilshire; Ben Wright ’05; Michael Wuest, and Aaron Young.

TGIF Award. The Founders Award and TGIF Award are both named after the eldest members of the Enchanted Section. Both Weidle and Freidank were present to accept their award declarations and witness the first presentation of their own awards. Rastorfer and Woodard presented a certificate of appreciation to Thomas on behalf of the section. Rastorfer’s term as section president concluded with the end of this event. Those attending included Will Atkins ’05; Alex Berry ’03, ’04; Brian Carroll; David Carter ’01, 04; Tony Clark ’01; Virginia Cleary ’02; Dennis ’81 and Allison Croessmann; Matthew Dennis; Nolan Finch ’02 with Liliana Andrade; Roland Freidank ’38 with Roger and Cindy Freidank; Steve Glover ’95; Daimon Heller; Brian Johnson ’02; Jesse ’02 and Lily Lai; Kristen Loesch; Melissa Malone; Andrea Miller; Todd ’98 and Kristina Rastorfer; Jeff Rodelas; Patrick ’00 and Anne Schroeder; Travis Service ’05; Jen Sigman ’00; Joy Stein ’05; Daniel and Sharon Tauritz; Michael Teague ’05; Chancellor Gary Thomas; Jason ’04 and Nicole Trent; Jonathan Van Houten ’03, 04; Chris Walker ’05; Ben Weidle ’42, and Duo Yang.

new Orleans

Chancellor Cary Thomas, Ron G illham and Greg Harris catch up on U M R current events prior to the start o f dinner d uring the M o to r C ity Section event.

N e w O rleans Section a lu m n i take it easy in th e co u rty a rd o f the French Q u a rte r h om e o f Steve Young.



enchanted (new mexico) June 10 - Forty-one alumni, students and faculty members gathered around the swimming pool of Joan and Jim Woodard to thank Chancellor Gary Thomas for his years of service to UMR, and to welcome the numerous UMR students currently in the area working for Sandia National Laboratories. After enjoying some delicious food from the backyard grill, section president Todd Rastorfer handed out several special alumni section awards. Patrick Schroeder received the Section President s Award for his great work and enthusiasm as the secretary and treasurer of the group. Jim Studer received the Benjamin E. Weidle Founders Award, and Woodard received the Roland D. “Friday” Freidank

May 7 - In the midst of the “overstuffed” schedule of great springtime festivals and parties that The Big Easy hosts, MSM-UMR alumni in the New Orleans area gathered for yet another. In the courtyard of the French Quarter home of Steve Young, alumni enjoyed barbecue and beer by the pool. The group reminisced about the good old days at Rolla, thanks to Bill Phelps’ yearbooks and other archived treasures, which included a longretired slide rule. Thanks go to Young for organizing and hosting this event. Those attending included John Foren ’65; Richard Harmon ’63; Bob Lovinggood ’80; Jim Pazdera ’86; Bill Phelps ’66, and Steve Young ’95. The MSM-UMR Alumni Association would like to send our thoughts and prayers to all of our MSM-UMR alumni who have been

affected by Hurricane Katrina. We hope you and your families are safe and healthy. The New Orleans Section email address is umr.alumni.neworleans@cox.net.

pacific northwest June 30 - Thanks to the tireless efforts of Pat Duvall, Pete Malsch and Mike Warfel, members of the Pacific Northwest Section held their final event with Chancellor Gary Thomas in Seattle. The Boeing Museum of Flight provided the perfect venue for an evening of mingling, dinner and a brief overview of UMR current events. Guests took self-guided tours of the magnificent museum prior to the start of the event, which was open to MSM-UMR alumni and their guests exclusively. During the cocktail hour and dinner, guests enjoyed the atmosphere in the museum’s View Lounge, witnessing numerous take-offs from planes both big and small. Those attending included Pat ‘62 and Kay Duvall with Kristin; Merle 70 and Jayne Hill; Norm Johnson ‘57; Art ‘50 and Ella Krause; Pete ‘62 and Jeanne Malsch; Stephanie Martensen; Dick Paul ‘66; Harriet Spanek Chancellor Gary Thomas; Mike 75 and Trish Warfel with Emily and Kim; David Winter 78, and Steve ‘68 and Susan Wright

st. louis June 11 - St. Louis-area alumni, family and friends gathered for their annual golf tournament at Wolf Hollow Golf Course. The tournament is the major fund-raiser for the St. Louis Endowed Scholarship. Following the tournament, attendees enjoyed a dinner and awards celebration. Winners of the 2005 golf tournament were: First Place - A Flight-12 Under Par, Net 59 were Bill Vondera, Doug Worley, Bennie Gregory and Tim Schmidt; B Flight-3 Under Par, Net 68 were Ron Halbach, Phil Jozwiak,

Dennis Hobbs and Randy Dreiling; Second Place - A Flight-9 Under Par, Net 62 were Len Lehmkuhl, Arnie Guffey, Buzz Gerber and Joyce Dougherty; B Flight-2 Under Par, Net 69 were Ralph Wolfram, Wayne Wolfram, Peter LaRocca and Milt Murry; Closest to Pin were Calvin Curdt (Hole 5), Tony Lebert (Hole 9), Vince Baum (Hole 14) and David Boedeker (Hole 17); Longest Drive winners were Arnie Guffey (Hole 8) and Janet Wickey-Spence (Hole 8). A special thank you goes to Randy Dreiling for coordinating and hosting this special event. Those attending included Dave Amelotti; John Andesilich 66; Keith Arbuckle; Dick Bauer 51; Vince Baum; Chris Beer; Wayne Bennetsen 41; Phillip Bertrand ’91; David Boedeker ’90; Chris Boone '90; Daniel Boyce 71; Steve Brunts 78; Ken Busch 72; Keith Bussen; Gregg Carlson '77; Bryan Cassity '86; Pam Cole '82; Paul Conant 79; Calvin Curdt 74; Amy Deiters; Dave DeWeese '81; Daniel DeWeese; Joyce Dougherty; Neal Dowling '51; Randy Dreiling ’81; Ron Dutton 74; Maureen Ederle ’89; Sean Furman ’90; Buzz Gerber; John Gerfen ’95; Jack Gerfen; Rick Gildehaus; Ed Goetemann ’44; Ray Green; Bennie Gregory; Arnie Guffey; Ron Halbach ’65; Mark Hejna; Tom Herrmann ’50; Dennis Hobbs; Al Hrastich '68; Carl Huddleston 70; Patricia Hutcheson; Carl Jacobi 79; Keith Jansen; Phil Jozwiak '66; Dave Keller; Don Keller 79; Donald Keller Sr.; Keith Konradi 72; Fred Lamar '82; Peter Larocca; Tony Lebert ’88; Len Lehmkuhl; John Lodderhose 79; Bill McClane '57; Jack McKee ’41; Jim Miller; Vernon Miller; Milt Murry '64, ’80; Mike Nickels ’85; Jim Poulson; Larry Probst 71; Sonny Purler; Jim Pyatt '85; Elliott Reed '01; Lee Robinson 60; Peter Robinson; Tim Schmidt; Dave Schuster; Harry Scott '44; Mike Shaffer; Dave Strubberg '81; David Strubberg; Ray Tauser '56; Bill Vondera '88; Speedy Warner; Bob Wesolich; Janet Wickey-Spence '85; Ralph Wolfram '50; Todd Wolfram; Doug Workman 71; Doug Worley and Randy Wright.

Randy D reiling checks in golfers fo r the annual St. Louis Section to u rn a m e n t th e largest fun d-ra isin g event fo r the section's e n d o w e d scholarship.

M em bers o f the Pacific N orthw est Section enjoy an evening w ith Chancellor Gary Thomas at the Boeing M useum o f Flight.


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alumni notes




Don R. Strehlau, MS Chem: "I received a Ph.D. in chem istry from N orthw estern University in 19S0 and retired from D uPont in 1981."

Vernon D. Volker, PetE: "M y wife, Iva, and I enjoyed ou r visit to U M R in early June 2004, w hen I became a golden alum nus from the class o f 1954."

Donald N. Overall, MetE: "I retired from fu ll-tim e engineering and am lo oking forw ard to living at the Delaware shore."



G erald D. Spann, EE: "Enjoying retirem ent by playing tennis, ice skating, teaching and playing music - n o th in g related to m y engineering career."

Robert O . Schwenker, Phys: "W hen IBM sold the m agnetic disk drive division to H itachi in 2002 , 1 retired after 39 years w ith IBM. A fte r w orking for Hitachi Global Storage Technologies as intellectual pro pe rty developm ent manager for tw o years, I again retired and now spend m uch tim e w ith ou r five grandchildren."

1948 G ilbert S. Keeley, EE: "I volunteer teaching m ath to deaf and hardof-hearing kids in high school."

If you have a story you would like to share with your alma mater, please contact Public Relations (573) 341-4328 or email news@umr.edu


1949 H enry J. Hellrich, EE: "M y wife, Genevieve, died M arch 11 . W e were married 59 years. O ur three sons are U M R graduates: M ark, CE'74, PetE'74; Linny, CE'72; and James, CSci'73, as is grandson Michael, CSci'02." Charles J. Ross, ME: "M y wife, Lenore, died M arch 20. W e had been m arried 37 years. I am recovering from a six-way bypass that occurred the day before Thanksgiving. All is well and I’m looking forward to a pleasant go lf season."

1956 Robert M . O wen, PetE: "Plan to retire in 2006 w ith 50 years in the oil patch."

1965 1958 Paul O. H errm ann III, EE: "I retired in January 1999 after 41 years o f service w ith Emerson/SEI. I enjoy relaxing, traveling, cruising and handball."

James P. Canner, MS Phys, PhD Phys'69: "After losing m y jo b o f 25 years w ith a large Japanese corpo ration due to globalization, I no w w o rk for the son o f a U M R professor in the same field in a small business. Is this called localization?"

r e c o g n iz e d as IT le a d e r Ralph Szygenda, CSci’70, chief information officer at General Motors Corp., recently received Computer world magazines 2005 Information Leadership Award. In its fourth year, the EMC Information Leadership Award recognizes “individuals whose unusually deep understanding of the value of information has led them to play a central role in transforming its use for the benefit of society.” A nominating committee comprising leaders in government, technology and education selected the winner. Sen. John Kerry was on the committee that nominated Sygenda.



1950 Robert D. Ball, EE: "Enjoying my 17th year o f retirem ent. I still play some golf. Betty and I travel occasionally to visit ou r out-ofstate families." Dudley Blancke, GGph: "Alm ost com pletely retired."

1951 le s to r W. H olcom b MinE: "I retired from the Illinois D ep artm ent o f T ransportation as c o u n ty engineer Jan. 1, 1990.1also founded H olcom b Foundation Engineering and have retired from this consulting engineering business. M y son, T im o th y J. H olcom b, CE'79, is president and CEO o f the com pany now."

I960 Paul R. Jordan, EE: "I've been retired Tor m ore than 10 years and am enjoying every aspect o f it charitable w ork, travel and yes, o f course, playing golf."

1961 M ichael C. Kearney, EE: "M y wife, Jo, and I just returned from a tw o m o n th trip to Hawaii, Australia and N ew Zealand. N o worries, mates."

1967 M ichael E. Hardy, ChE, joined Executive Service Corps o f C incinnati as a volunteer consultant in consum er packaging and related technologies. Edward D. M iller, EE: "The last o f m y fo ur daughters was married on A pril 23, 2005.1 no w have three grandchildren, Michael, 7; M olly, 2; and Andrew , 15 m onths. I am a senior m em ber o f IEEE and the In strum ent Society o f Am erica and am a registered electrical engineer in Georgia and Alabama. I w o u ld w elcom e email fro m the class o f '67." James T. W illcu tt, MS Phys: "I plan to retire in July 2005 to fish, do w o o d w o rk in g and play w ith m y grandson."

H a ro ld (S k ip ) G arn e r, N ucE '76

Within 10 years, Gam er predicts that holographic televisions based on his prototype he available to the public.

ADDING A NEW DIMENSION N O T E : 3 -D e n t e r t a in m e n t c o m in g so o n t o y o u r liv in g r o o m

R2D2 is capable of displaying urgent messages from Princess Leia in three dimensions. But holographic technology is also possible in a galaxy not-so-far-away. In fact, Harold (Skip) Garner, NucE’76, has a machine in his Texas laboratory that is capable of generating holographic movies. The prototype, which is six inches cubed, is the precursor to a holographic television. “We’ve had holographic cameras for awhile,” Garner says, “but, until now, we’ve never had the ability to display the images.” Sure, you’ve probably seen non-holographic 3-D movies that require those cheap paper glasses. But this is different. The projection surface has volume, and laser technology is

employed to create images in layers. No tacky glasses are needed. “Right now, it’s not high resolution,” Garner says. “But we know exactly how to get there.” And the beauty of this technology, according to Garner, is that it is compatible with current broadcast infrastructure. Garner holds one patent related to his holographic television work and another is pending. In addition to being an inventor, Garner is a medical doctor, plasma physicist and biochemist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. His chair in developmental biology is endowed in part by the founders of Texas Instruments.

Within 10 years, Garner predicts that holographic televisions based on his prototype will be available to the public. I le says 3-D images might seem surreal at first to people who have been programmed to watch flat images; but he’s confident the added dimension will change perceptions and expand entertainment options. Popular twodimensional programs could be re-formatted in 3-D much like old black-and-white movies have been re-cast in color. And sporting events like the Super Bowl could be shot with holographic cameras. “The only thing that we need is funding,” Garner says. “It’s time to take the technology out of the academic environment — and into a company.” In the short term, the primary applications are in medical and military fields. Garner is already producing holographic movies of a human heart and an F-16 fighter jet. More information is available at innovation.swmed.edu.



alumni notes


Need a copy of your transcript? go online to alumni.umr.edu and click on Transcripts on the menu at the left for information and a printable form. You can mail or fax, or call the registrar's office at (800) 522-0938 for more information.

Neil S. Smith, CSci: "M y son, M organ, recently com pleted his graduate w ork at Pennsylvania State University in material sciences. M y daughter, Veronica, is in graduate school at the University o f S outhern California and plans to graduate in August 2005. M y wife and I continu e to enjoy traveling to research our fam ily history."

1969 M ichael E. Anderson, EE: "I'm still at Silicon Graphics in M o u n ta in View, Calif., and am still w orking on fun things w ith good people. I just had my 58th birthday and hope to w ork at least four m ore years."

David W. Webster, Phys: "I retired from Raytheon on Jan. 1, 2005, and am now pursuing a career as a consultant in the area o f image analysis."

1970 Piloo E. Ilavia, MS PetE: "Keep the petroleum engineering de pa rtm e nt going. Thanks." Franklin W. Kone, MS Teaching Phys: "Enjoyed chatting w ith Lauren d u ring the U M R physics de pa rtm e nt ph on ath on and rem iniscing a b o u t U M R and the physics de pa rtm e nt in the late '60s - the sum m ers were fun!" John Lovitt, MS CSci (le ft) jo in e d the board o f directors last June for A p p istry Inc., a leading

provider o f application fabric software. Lovitt, w h o serves as president o f the U M R Academ y o f C om puter Science, spent 18 years at Rational Software, serving as senior vice president o f w orld w ide field operations, vice president o f Am erican field operations and vice president o f w o rld w id e services. He retired in 2003, after th e com pany's successful acquisition by IBM.

1971 Gary Sherman, Psyc, was a p po inted director o f the M issouri D ep artm ent o f Social Services by G overnor M a tt Blunt in March.

future m iners G len Adams, GGph'97, MS G Gph'98, and his wife, Kendra (B o w en ) Adam s G Gph'96, MS GeoE'00, had a girl, Kyla Grace, on Jan. 27, 2005. She joins sister Karis, 2.

S onali a n d A n ja li A g a rw a l

V ick A garw al, EE'92, MS EMgt'94, and his wife, Neeta, had a girl, Sonali, on Nov. 8 , 2004. She joins sister Anjali.



Travis Burke, MinE'00, and his wife, Anna, had a girl, Anna Elizabeth Jean, on M arch 8 , 2005. Laura (Schw eikhardt) Com pton, rtc i'9 0 , and her husband, Jonathan, had a boy, Brycen, on Aug. 30, 2004. He p in s brothers Tyler and Nathan and sister Carol.

E m m a Lynn G reg o ry

Bryan Gregory, CE'01, and his wife, Stacey, had a girl, Emma Lynn, on A pril 4, 2005.

Steve D. Hagen, EE'89, and his wife, K atie (Burch), EE'88 , had a boy, Luke, on Aug. 4, 2004. He joins sisters Paige, 7, and Anna, 5. Kevin Hill, GeoE'98, and his wife, Jennifer (B ow m an), Psyc'98, had a boy, Jackson Ryan, on Nov. 12, 2004. He joins sisters Katelyn and Brittany.

A m e lia M a rie M assa

Suzanne (M e tz n e r) Johnston, EE'91, and her husband, Brent, had a boy, Benjamin Edward, in February 2005.

Jeff Lueddecke, AE'95, and his wife, Lisa, had a boy, Jared Robert, on M arch 18, 2005. He joins brother Alex, 2. Jared and Alex are the grandsons o f D onald Lueddecke, ChE'70, MS CE'81.

Logan an d Ethan P o rtsc h eller w ith big sister E lizab eth Phil Massa, EMgt'02, and his wife, G inny (H eato n), Chem'01, had a girl, A m elia Marie, on Nov. 23, 2004.

1972 Jack Beale, CE, was ap po inted an associate to A rcher Engineers. Roscoe R. M cW illiam s Jr.f ME: "M y daughter, Trisha, received her j.D. degree fro m the U niversity o f N orth Carolina at Chapel Hill this spring." Gregory Upchurch, Phys, MS EE'85, was ap pointed and confirm e d to the C oordinating Board for H igher Education (CBHE) after being nom inated by Missouri Gov. M a tt Blunt and the M issouri Senate in January.

1973 Gary R. W eidler, EE: "After 27 years, I retired from Procter & Gamble. M argaret and I have m oved to St. Simons Island, Ga., where I intend to enjoy the beach and get involved w ith volunteer

M a rk Massman, EE'96, and his wife, Becky, had a girl, Anna Marie, on A pril 30, 2005. She joins brother Joseph and sister Sarah. Kathleen Helen (Ryan) Peters, EE'90, and her husband, M ark, had a girl, Erin, in A pril 2004.

Josiah D av id R edfearn N ancy (Fetters) Portscheller, AE'91, and her husband, Ike, had tw in boys, Logan and Ethan, on M arch 25, 2005. They jo in sister Elizabeth.

c o m m u n ity work." Joan W oodard M ath, was named head o f Sandia Labs' nuclear weapons program.

1974 G erald Foon, ME, received the Lige Turman Lifetim e Achievem ent Aw ard from the Tennessee Emergency M edical Services Education Association to recognize his 30 years o f service training emergency medical technicians and paramedics. N orm an H. Pooker CE: "M y son, M atthew , will graduate from U M R in M ay w ith a degree in civil engineering." Jerry L. Rich, EE: "After 30 years, I to o k early retirem ent from Eastman Chemical Co. I am currently in the process o f ob ta in in g a master's degree in elem entary education from the University o f South Carolina.

D avid Redfearn, ME'02, and his wife, Sheri (Lentz), MetE'01, had a boy, Josiah David, on M ay 26, 2005.

'Retirem ent' consists o f a pa rt-tim e job, 12 hours o f grad school, substitute teaching and run nin g marathons. I love it!" Richard C. Siefert, EE, MS EE'81, retired after 30 years w ith M cD onnell Douglas and Boeing.

1975 Stanley Harris, CE, MS CE'76, was a p po inted director o f the public works de pa rtm e nt in Kansas City, M o. Brian G. M illb u rn , Phys: "Aerospace Corp. pro m o te d me to systems dire c to r in charge o f its C olorado Springs Analysis Center. I also remain one o f the senior analysts supp orting A ir Force Space C om m a nd w ith effectiveness and cost analyses for the space systems acquisition programs. I am th e chair o f the deacons at m y church and an assistant Boy Scout master. M y

Corporate women publish book of essays Carol Knauff, MS EMgt’78, pictured above, front row, left, is one of nine women who have published a collection of essays relating to corporate careers in the book Beyond the Corner Office. Knauffs essay, “Remembering You,” is about the elimination of her job during a corporate downsizing. The group can be contacted at NineWomen@att.net.

C hristopher Thornto n, Phys'90, and his wife, Pam, had a boy, Ian M ichael, on Dec. 4, 2004.

M ichael Stevinson, MinE'99, and his wife, H eather (N ations), BSci'99, had a boy, Daniel Todd, on Dec. 3, 2004. He joins bro the r Joseph, 3, and sister Anna, 1.

D an iel T o d d Stevinson

H a n n a h Renee W iszkon

Craig Thomas, EMgt'84, and his wife, Leslie, ad opted Tyler, 5, and Charlie, 1, in 2004. They jo in b ro the r W illiam , 15.

Sarah (P alm er) W iszkon, GeoE'00, and her husband, Dan, had a girl, Hannah Renee, on A p ril 28, 2005.

If you have a birth announcement or a photo of your new little Miner, send it to us and we'll publish it in an upcoming issue. Email alumni@umr.edu



alumni notes

oldest tw o sons are at Adams State College studying music and com p ute r science, and the th ird and youngest is nearly 21 years old. Their oldest sister, her husband, and 4-year-old daughter visited us at Christmas. I really enjoyed my 'grandpa' time."

in com p ute r engineering. O u r son, Nick, is a ju n io r at Rochester Institute o f Technology and is also an M S-Ill in the A rm y ROTC." Kevin D. W hite, ME, MS EMgt'85, was hired as an engineering and constructio n pro ject manager in RJN Group's St. Louis office.

after serving 23 years in the U.S. A ir Force. His m ilitary awards include the A ir Force M erito riou s Service M edal, the A ir Force C om m endation M edal, the AF O rganizational Excellence Award and the N ational Defense Service Medal.




W arren D. Cadwell, PetE'77, had his project "Im proved D rilling Location Selection" selected from 400 projects as the Six Sigma Project o f the Year 2004 for D o m in io n Resources. Cadwell is a Six Sigma M aster Black Belt.

Deb Ferner, EMgt, was pro m o te d to division manager for em erging markets in the p ro d u ct su p p o rt de pa rtm e nt at Caterpillar and plans to m ove to Beijing, China, at the end o f the summer.

M a rg aret (H e rm a n ) Stockdale, GeoE, was named Regional M anager o f the Year at the Region 7 - U.S. Environm ental Protection Agency annual ho no r awards cerem ony on June 9.




Abernathie creates surgical tools through wood-working Orthopedic surgeon Dennis Abernathie, EE’71, doesn’t just stick to his day job. In addition to his office hours as an orthopedic surgeon in Columbia, Mo., Abernathie spends his evenings and weekends practicing carpentry. Featured in Columbia’s Missourian newspaper, Abernathies cabinets, headboards and furniture rarely fail to impress. More impressive, however, are the surgical tools Abernathie has created in his workshop. One of Abernathies recent creations developed from his attempts to build a Shaker-style rocking chair. While researching rocking chair spindles, Abernathie had an idea for a retractor, modeled from these wooden tools, that would allow minimal cutting during surgery. This device separates muscle fibers during invasive spine surgeries, leading to shorter recovery times for patients. Abernathie is currently developing his retractor for the market. 40


Steven P. Rinne, ChE: "I received a master o f public adm inistration degree in Decem ber 2004.1am a business developm ent officer at th e Port A u th o rity o f Kansas City, Mo." Thom as D. Snodgrass, EE: "O ur son, Andrew, is about to graduate from U M R w ith a degree

Edward E. H art, Engl: "Still traveling the w orld, searching for th at perfect spot in the sun. Last year spent tw o weeks bouncing about the m ountains and coasts o f Costa Rica, this year three weeks in Australia. Looking forw ard to the Greek Isles in 2006. Ralph M . Strother, EE, retired as lieutenant colonel in February

Paul Lang M inE (left), has been elected president o f A rch Coal's operations and president o f Arch W estern Resources, a subsidiary o f Arch Coal. A native o f Utah, Lang

Surfboards and spaceships, science and service “My first day in the office, I was asked to draft an opinion editorialfor Rohrbacheron commercial space.” - Steve Watkins Steve Watkins, EE’83, MS EE’85, professor of electrical and computer engineering at UMR, was looking for something different when he heard about the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Congressional Fellowship opportunities. These highly competitive fellowships are awarded to members of IEEE to involve engineers in the public policy process. MI thought it sounded interesting, a way to expand my way of thinking and open a public policy experience,” Watkins says. “It

was also something that I could share with students to encourage an interest in public policy.” As a legislative assistant from January through December 2004, Watkins served his IEEE Congressional Fellowship in the office of Congressman Dana Rohrbacher, representative for the 46th district in California and former chair of the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics in the House Science Committee. “One of the first things you’ll see when you walk in Rohrbacher’s office is a huge

joined Arch in 1984. In 1998, he became general manager o f Arch's Powder River Basin and southern W y om ing operations. Lang is a licensed professional engineer in several states. Scott Meyer, CE, was named director o f facilities managem ent at Southeast M issouri State U niversity in April. Gregg A lan Walker, EE: "As o f O cto be r 2 0 0 4 ,1am em ployed by RF M icro Devices Inc. in Cedar Rapids, Iowa."

1984 Brent M a rk h a m Babyak, CerE: "I am currently in m y 20 th year at J.M. H uber Corp. and busy rebuilding a plant operation near M arblehead, III. Patti, Meagan and Drew all keep me busy in m y spare time." Philip A. Scandura Jr., EE, spent the last three years supp orting NASA custom ers, including the president's "Back to the M o o n " initiative, and m oved to Honeywell's research and developm ent organization. Scandura survived a 23-mile

"rim -to -rim ” hike across the Grand Canyon last sum m er and still plays w ith m odel trains, now serving as guest colum nist and au tho r for several hobby magazines. His wife, Lori, is a fu ll-tim e m o m and parttim e ad ju nct faculty at the local c o m m u n ity college where she teaches adult literacy. They have tw o sons, David, 12, and M atthew , 7.

1985 John Joseph Stansfield, M ath: "I to o k my wife, Julie (Deles), M ath'85, and my sons to Bergamo, Italy, in 2004, w hile I was a visiting professor at the U niversity o f Bergamo. We endured the beautiful scenery and kind hospitality by cracking open some fine wines and beer. A trip o f a lifetime."

1986 John Eric Hoehn, EE: "I’ve been pro m o ted to d irector o f broadcast operations center for X M Satellite Radio."

Kevin J. Knocke, EE: "Boy do we feel old. W e have a student starting U M R in the fall." James Louis Ressler, CSci: "After m ore than 18 years w ith Hughes/Raytheon, I changed jobs to w ork for N o rth ro p -G ru m m a n in St. Louis. I'm looking forw ard to new research and developm ent w ith the N ational Geospatial Intelligence Agency." Kevin Story, CE, recently jo ine d ARCO C on stru ction Co. as a business deve lop m e nt associate.


1987 Colin David Christy, EE, finished a Ph.D. in electrical engineering in Decem ber 2004 from Kansas State University. Janice Faye (S ch aeperkoetter) Fisher, EE: "W e recently m oved to Allen, Texas. M y husband, Gary, is w orking as a m edical physicist at Presbyterian in Dallas. M y children, Crystal and Daniel, are no w 10 and 9 years old. I w rite custom software used to contro l test robots in the a u to m o tive field. W e w ill m ove to a new ho m e in Allen. Life is good!"

D a n ie l T h ill, C S ci'03, an d Laura T o m aja , EE'00, M S EE'02, w ere m a rrie d on Jan. 22, 2 0 0 5 .

M . Justin Besancon, MinE'01, married M ichelle Denham on May 15, 2004. The couple now resides in Buffalo Grove, III.

Daniel Bilbrey, GeoE'93, MS GeoE'95, married Danielle Jansen on Oct. 9, 2004.

poster of the moon,” Watkins says. “Typically, congressmen will find certain issues to study, becoming experts in one or two subjects. Rohrbacher made science his issue, particularly space and aeronautics.” Watkins’ duties involved researching all scientific and technological issues that came through the office, “everything from computing infrastructures and voting technology to green chemistry and global warming,” he says. Space, however, was a constant focus for the office. “My first day in the office, I was asked to draft an opinion editorial for Rohrbacher on commercial space,” Watkins says. “Rohrbacher is a huge supporter of commercializing space through all kinds of developments and business, even tourism.

Rohrbacher is also an avid surfer, known in many political circles as the “surfing congressman,” Watkins says. “His office is lined with surfboards, which makes for a sunny environment.” Its an environment that’s also easy for congressional fellows to inhabit. “My experience in this office left me comfortable with my research and advice,” Watkins says. “Congress faces several science and technology issues, but very few members have a technical background. Public policy is guided by experts from inside and outside of government. Congressional fellows with science and technology backgrounds offer more in-house advice about the issues.”

Travis Burke, MinE'OO, married Anna Moore on Nov. 8, 2003.

Thomas Renfert, CSci'02, MSys'02, married Julie Steibel on Nov. 27, 2004.

Sunil Rodrigues, MS CpE'01, married Charlotte D'Souza on Feb. 8, 2005.

Curtis Stratman, Phys'01, married Rebecca Almond on Oct. 2, 2004.

Crystal Tyler, EE'96, married Steve Caruthers in September 2004.

Andrew W ilding, GeoE'02, and Allison Adams, NucE'02, were married on Sept. 18, 2004.



alumni notes UMR grad named student entrepreneur of the year Aaron Clarke, BAdm’04, was named the 2005 Student Entrepreneur of the Year during the University of Missouri’s 2005 Technology Transfer Showcase in Kansas City, Mo., in April. The award included a $2,500 stipend. Clark, who now works for Accenture in St. Louis, was select ed from a pool of six eligible nominees from the system’s four campuses. As a student at UMR, he formed his own company during the summer of 2004, was a leader in a senior entrepreneurial capstone course during the Spring 2004 semester, and was co­ captain of the 2003 Miner football squad. Clarke says starting his own pressure­ washing business, New Image Deck Renewal, taught him the basics of entrepreneurship.



Brian Selle, AE, was prom oted to vice president o f professional services for AVS/Advanced Visual Systems. Susan Renee Tibbits, ChE: "We w ill m ove north again and be in W ichita, Kan., by this summer. Dan, M inE'86 , w ill be senior environm ental manager for a region o f Valero Energy L.P. I am in a continu ing education program hom e schooling ou r four kids, Luke, 11, Shannon, 8 , Regan, 6, and M ark, 3."

Paul M ichael Miles, EMgt: "After tw o years in Switzerland, we returned to Peoria, III., in 2002. I am managing a global custom er satisfaction survey program for Caterpillar. M y wife, Beth, is an attorney at a local law firm , and our tw o daughters, Bridget and Maggie, are very busy w ith school and activities like ballet, piano, soccer and swim m ing." Kathleen Helen (Ryan) Peters, EE: "W e enjoy living and w orking in Sunnyvale, Calif."



Kevin Lee M arrs, EE: "Enjoying life in Colorado. W orking as an engineering manager for N orth rop-G ru m m a n and raising three kids ages 9,11, and 14 w ith my wife, Vicki."

Callie Jo Daniels, MS M ath: "I w ill chair the m ath de pa rtm e nt at St. Charles C o m m u n ity College beginning in fall 2005 and was recently pro m o ted to professor o f m ath and statistics." Jamie Page, CE, was pro m o ted to associate partner o f Klingner 8< Associates, PC in its Hannibal, Mo., office. Brad Tate, CE, joined URS Corp.'s new office in Springfield, M o.

1989 Scott DePriest, PhD Chem, joined Rosetta Biosoftware as director o f business developm ent in March. Stephen D. Hagen, EE: "I'm still at ATI Technologies selling graphic chips to Dell Inc. Katie (Burch), EE'88 , is enjoying her tim e w atching the three kids full time." Paul W inston Ridlen, CE, MS CE'91: "Lucia and I have lived in Poplar Bluff, Mo., for three years now. I w ork for Sm ith & Co., a sm all-to-m edium -sized consulting firm . Life is good, bu t hectic."

1992 Vick Agarwal, EE, EMgt'94: "I to ok an internal transfer w ith A gilent Technologies to Folsom, Calif., and w ork as a Six Sigma Black Belt. W e miss Colorado, b u t are enjoying California."

1994 1990 Travis E. Johnson EE: "I still w o rk at Scott A ir Force Base. A fte r alm ost three years in the in form ation assurance office, I recently took a position overseeing the operations and m aintenance for A ir M o b ility C om m a nds w o rld w id e com m and and contro l systems. This new jo b p u t me back in to the technical m anagem ent area."

Daniel Richard Buchner, MS EE: "In N ovem ber 20 04 ,1 relocated to the greater W ashington, D.C., area w ith a new position involving A rm y contra cting support." Thom as Buning, E M gt (left), is leaving his post as associate athletic director at the W est Point U.S. M ilita ry Academ y to serve as the U niversity o f N o rth Dakota's director o f athletics.

M a rk Landon Rollins, EE, was pro m o ted from plant manager to engineering manager at D airiConcepts in Springfield, M o.

1995 Dennis Koscielski, CE, joined Burns & M cD onnell as a senior associate engineer in April.

1996 M ike Fitzhenry, CE, recently joined W oolpert's w ater managem ent division. Lance Schuette, GeoE, was pro m o ted to associate partner o f Klingner 8< Associates PC. in its Quincy, III., office.

1997 Glen Adams, GGph, MS G G ph’98, and his wife, Kendra (Bowen), GGph'96, MS GeoE'00 , m oved from Houston to O'Fallon, Mo., in N ovem ber 2004. Glen works for G eotechnology Inc. in St. Louis. Kendra consults for Fugro Inc. in H ouston and takes care o f their tw o girls. Both are professional geologists in Texas and Glen is a registered geologist in Missouri. Travis Lynch, CE, to o k a leave o f absence from his civilian jo b to w ork w ith the A rm y Corps o f Engineers in Iraq. He oversees building projects under way in and around Sadr City. C arolyn (Jones) O tten , Chem, accepted a position as senior analytical chem ist at C hem ir Analytical Services in M aryland Heights, M o.

1998 Claire G alper Zahnd, CSci, M ath, is a partner in Z ahnd Industries, an IT com pany based in the San Francisco Bay area.



M aleika M . A m m ar, MSys: "I was a d m itte d to the Fugua School o f Business at Duke University. I w ill be a part o f the M B A class o f 2007." M ichael Stevinson, M inE ; earned his Illinois professional engineer's license in 2004.

Send your email address to — alumni@umr.edu

M ic h a e l E. Anderson, EE’69, mea@sgi.com Robert D. Ball, EE'50, bobrball@mindspring.com M . Justin Besancon, MinE'01, mbesancon@ weirimc.com

2000 M ike Holesapple, CE, MS CE'02, joined URS Corp.'s new office in Springfield, M o. Patrick Kinsella, GeoE, passed the N ational C ouncil o f Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) Principles and Practice o f Engineering Exam ination in Missouri.

2004 I Wm.

C u rt Costello, I (left), joined f’ layco’s St. I ouis office as a

project engineer in March. Alexandre Frohlich, MS Phys, is teaching at the M issouri M ilita ry Academy, where he received an Excellence in Teaching A w ard at the recent com m en ce m en t exercises.

D aniel Richard Buchner, MS EE'94, home: d.buchner@ att.net; work: dan.buchner@atec.army.mil

B enjam in Yenicek played S an ta C laus fo r th e Iraq i ch ild ren in th e local fa rm c o m m u n ity as his p la to o n gave o u t candy and toys fo r th e kids.

W arre n D. C ad w ell, PetE'77, Warren.D.Cadwell@ dom.com Jam es P. Canner, MS Phys'65, PhD Phys'69, jpcanner@ adelphia.net W illia m Cune, EE'87, bcune@mobileaccess.com

UMR graduate serves in Iraq Benjamin Yenicek, MetE’01, barely had a moment of rest over last years winter holidays, hut not because he was fighting crowds at the shopping mall or deciding which color of tinsel to use for Christmas decorations. Yenicek spent his holidays preparing to travel to Iraq. “After my basic training,” says Yenicek, a specialist in the South Carolina Army National Guard, “I had only 10 days to get ready to join my unit before they began to deploy to Iraq... so I was very busy.” Yenicek is currently serving in Iraq, where he enjoys interacting with Iraqis, “and getting to see the world through their eyes.” He says he also enjoys the comradery of his 12-man group. “I’m a fire direction specialist, which means I instruct our rocket launchers where and when to launch their rockets,” Yenicek says. “Basically, I direct’ their fire over radio and special computers.” In Iraq, however, there is little need for “the big artillery,” Yenicek explains, “so instead were used in a military police role. We are usually very quiet here, since we live in a nice farming community of Iraqis, and do not want the peace disturbed.”

G erald Foon, ME'74, home: gfoon@ midsouth.rr.com; work: gfoon@ southwest.tn.edu Suzanne (M e tzn e r) Johnston, EE'91, sjohnston@cinci.rr.com K athleen Helen (Ryan) Peters, EE'90, khpeters@yahoo.com Lester W . H olcom b, MinE'51, les-jo@ holcombengineering.com Piloo E. Ila via MS Pet'70, peilavia@msn.com Paul M ic h a e l M ile s , EM gt’90, miles_paul_nn@cat.com B rian G. M illb u rn , Phys'75, brianm illburn@ adelphia.net Edw ard D. M ille r, EE'67, emiller@ ahpengr.com Jam es Louis Ressler, CSci'86, ressler@ afo.net Jerry L. Rich, EE'74, jrichsc@juno.com Steven Rinne, ChE'78, srinne@msn.com M a rk Landon Rollins, EE'94, mrollins@ dairiconcepts.com P hilip A. Scandura Jr., EE'84, philip.scandura@ honeywell.com

MINER TOURS Treasures of China & Yangtze River Cruise » March 29-April 10, 2006 Cruise the M agnificent Waterways and Canals of Holland & Belgium » April 14-22, 2006 Best of the Alps in Kitzbuhel » 700 Years of Austrian History

For information on the trips, contact Stephanie Martensen email: smarten@umr.edu |phone: (573) 341-4897

Christopher Thornton, Phys'90, cthornton@ micromath.com Susan R enee Tibbits, ChE'87, dansusan4@comcast.net Jam es T. W illc u tt, MS Phys'67, jam es.w illcutt@ m ail.atu.edu




1929 Glenn E. Crays, GGph, was a m em ber o f the Senior Council w hile attending M SM -U M R . He retired from the National Iranian O il Co. in 1988. tju n e 20 , 2004 Russell C. M iller, ChE, was a m em ber o f the Grubstakers Club, Triangle, Tau Beta Pi, Satyrs and the M in e r Board w hile attending M S M -U M R . He retired from Leeds and N o rth ru p Co. in 1973. M iller loved living in Tucson, Ariz., and rem ained active there until his death. tM a rc h 5, 2005


policy fo r pub lish ing in U M R m agazine • We are happy to announce weddings, births and promotions, after they have occurred. • We will mention a spouse’s name if it is specifically mentioned in the information provided by the alumnus/alumna. • The UMR Magazine will announce deaths, if information is submitted by an immediate family member, or from a newspaper obituary. Notification of deaths that have occurred more than two years before the date of publication will not be published unless a special request is made by a family member. • Obituary information on alumni spouses will be printed only if the alumnus/alumna specifically requests that we print it. • We will print addresses if specifically requested to do so by the alumnus/alumna submitting the note. • We reserve the right to edit alumni notes to meet space requirements. • We will use submitted photos as space permits.



Claude S. Abshier, MS Chem, was a m em ber o f the M S M Band and Epsilon Pi O m icron w hile attending M SM -U M R . He worked in th e testing laboratories o f several companies as a food technologist and was an accomplished clarinet player w ith the Evansville Symphony Orchestra. tFeb. 7, 2005

1934 John H. McKinley, CE, was a m em ber o f Sigma Nu, the

Thom as James Stewart, ChE, was a m em ber o f the tennis club, M S M Band, Glee Club and Epsilon Pi O m icron and was treasurer fo r the class o f '34 w hile attending M S M UMR. He w orked at the C.K. W illiam s Co. from 1937 to 1962, when it was acquired by Pfizer. Stewart was nam ed assistant to the chairman o f the board o f Pfizer in 1970 and retired in 1976. tM a y 19, 2005

W illiam H. Coddington, EE, was a m em ber o f Sigma Nu, Officers Club, M S M Band and Phi Kappa Phi and served as president o f Tau Beta Pi w hile attending M S M -U M R . He was an A rm y veteran o f W orld W ar II. C od din gto n w orked for General Electric for many years and later retired from the state o f M ichigan. tM a rc h 25, 2005 W ilb u r A. Peters II, MetE, was a m em ber o f Phi Kappa Phi w hile attending M S M -U M R . He w orked at Laclede Steel Co. un til his retirem ent in 1970. Peters then served on the board o f directors at H om e Federal Savings and Loan and Roosevelt Bank until 1995. tA p ril 2, 2005*

Missouri Miner

staff and St. Pat's Board and served as secretary for the class o f '33 w hile attending M S M -U M R . He played shortstop on the St. Louis Browns' farm team in the 1920s. M cK inley w orked for the Corps o f Engineers and w orked on the M anhattan Project du ring W W II in procurem ent and secret service w ork. A fte r the war, he was the business manager for Argonne N ational Laboratory un til his retirem ent in 1975. tA p ril 9, 2005

Ralph H. Striker, ChE, was vice president o f Epsilon Pi O m icron and was a m em ber o f the Officers Club, Tau Beta Pi and Phi Kappa Phi w hile attending M S M UMR. fO c t. 7, 2004

1937 M a rk E. Riley, MinE, was a m em ber o f AIM E w hile attending M S M -U M R . fN o v. 3, 2003

1939 Jesse M . Logrbrinck, CE, was vice president o f Pi Kappa Alpha w hile attending M S M -U M R . tM a rc h 25, 2005


a -w

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iiiJ iiL m

M elvin C. Flint, ChE, was a m em ber o f the football team, Blue Key and A lpha Chi Sigma

and served as treasurer for the class o f '42 w hile attending M S M -U M R . tD ec. 28, 2003 Julius C. Leslie, ChE, was a 5 ^ & m em ber o f I Lambda Chi Alpha, Shamrock Club, A lpha Chi Sigma and the w restling team w hile attending M S M -U M R . He was em ployed as vice president o f Tnemec Co. Inc. from 1957 until he retired in 1979. tM a y 3, 2005

Alex Rubin, MetE, was the secretarytreasurer o f ASM and secretary o f the St. Pat's Board w hile attending M S M -U M R . tD ec. 25, 2004

1941 Andreas A. Andreae, ME, was a m em ber o f ASME w hile attending M S M UMR. He loved flying and to o k lessons w ith Aaron Miles, fo rm er professor o f mechanical engineering. Andreae retired from the A ir Force as a colonel after 22 years. He w orked as general manager o f the P ortsm outh M o to r M a rt and later for Scott Pontiac in H am pton, N.H., and retired in 1989. tFeb. 26, 2005

1942 Charles E. Zanzie, EE, was a m em ber o f the Shamrock Club and Tau Beta Pi and was sports ed ito r for th e Rollamo w hile attending M S M -U M R . He w orked for 21 years at Stone & Webster Engineering Co. and retired in 1985. He was a M erchant M arine veteran o f W orld W ar II and a m em ber o f IEEE. fSept. 15, 2004

1943 Sherald F. Heneghan, ME, W was ASME president and a m em ber o f ROTC, the intram ural sports program and Shamrock C lub w hile attending M S M -U M R . He was an engineer at A m o co for 36 years, retiring in 1981. Heneghan was the father o f Dean Heneghan, CE'80. tA p ril 27, 2005

Raymond O. Kasten, CE, was a ^ * * W. m em ber o f the Shamrock Club, Theta Tau and Blue Key and was on the H onor List w hile attending M S M -U M R . He w orked his entire career at U nion W ire Rope Corp., w hich became a part o f A rm co Steel. Kasten retired after 38 years as national sales executive. fM a rc h 1, 2005


M arion K. M ain PetE, was president o f the M Club, was a Blue Key scholastic leader and was on the H on or List while attending M SM -U M R . tFeb. 12, 2004


Kappa Phi and the Photography C lub w hile attending M S M -U M R . He w orked for the Lehigh Cem ent Co. as the plant engineer for m ore than 25 years. A fte r retirem ent, Clayton enjoyed playing his violin w ith a senior citizens band and spending tim e in the outdoors. tO c t. 18, 2003



1947 Paul Henning, CE, was a m em ber o f ASCE, St. Pat's Board, Student Council and Blue Key w hile attending M S M -U M R . He w orked for the food and drug division o f the M issouri Division o f Health as supervisor o f general sanitation over 13 statewide programs. Later H enning w orked w ith the Bureau o f Indian Affairs in th e planning and design division o f the D epartm ent o f the Interior and

was involved in com m ercial and residential land developm ent. In his spare tim e, Henning' bo ug ht and restored vintage cars, tA p ril 9, 2005 W alter E. Lewis, MS MinE, ^ received a Purple 9 Heart w ith an O ak Leaf Cluster for his W W II service w ith the First Special Service Force, a jo in t A m ericanCanadian parachute-ski unit, prior to attending M S M -U M R . A fte r graduating, he w orked for the D epartm ent o f the Interior, Bureau o f M ines for 33 years. tM a y 13, 2005

1948 Lawrence A. Botkin, ME, was on the H o n o r List, received First Honors and was a m em ber o f Phi Kappa Phi, Tau Beta Pi, ASME and Sigma Phi Epsilon w hile attending M S M -U M R . He retired from Fruehauf Corp. in 1992 after 31 years. Botkin held 18 patents, including one for the au tom atic shut-off gasoline nozzle. He also w orked as a consultant on small engineering projects and provided expert witness testim ony for p ro d u ct liability lawsuits, tjan. 31, 2005 W alter C. Harbison, ME, was on the H o n o r List, received First Honors and was a m em ber o f Phi Kappa Phi, A lpha Lambda Tau, Interfraternity Council and ASME w hile atten din g M S M -U M R . A fter alm ost 30 years w ith A m o c o Oil, Harbison and his wife m oved to W yo m in g w here he enjoyed skiing and hiking in the m ountains for many years. Harbison was a lo ng tim e m em ber o f th e A lu m n i Association and enjoyed attending class reunions, tA p ril 3, 2004

Jerome T. "Jerry" Berry Jerom e T. “Jerry” Berry, CE ’49, of Holla died July 8 in a St. Louis hospital at the age of 86. A former football player for MSM-UMR, Berry later handled publicity for the Miners on a voluntary basis from 1947 to 1979 and was known as the “Voice of the Miners” on Rollas KTTR radio station. Berry came to MSM-UMR after serving in World War II. He participated in the invasion of North Africa and fought in Algeria, Tunisia, Sicily and Italy. He received the Bronze Star medal for action in the North African campaign and received the Purple Heart for wounds received during the Battle of Monte Cassino in Italy. In 1945, Berry married Mary Frances Strawhun in Rolla. After graduating from MSM-UMR, Berry accepted a position with the U. S. Geological Survey in Rolla and worked there as a civil engineer until his retirement in 1979. A registered professional engineer in Missouri, his expertise was satellite photography for land-use mapping. Berry was inducted to the MSM-UMR Athletic Hall of Fame in 1993, and he received an honorary professional degree in civil engineering from UMR in 1998. He was also a member of the UMR Order of the Golden Shillelagh. Berry’s other memberships included the American Society of Civil Engineers and the UMR Academy of Civil Engineers. In Rolla, he was active in the First United Methodist Church, Lions Club and Masonic Lodge. Berry is survived by two children, Robert Berry, CE’72, and Colleen Anderson, and three grandchildren. His wife of 52 years, Mary Frances, died in 1997. Memorials may be directed to the First United Methodist Church of Rolla or the MSM-UMR Alumni Association Berry Athletic Scholarship.



memoria s

Bernard J. Sexauer MetE, was on the H onor List and was a m em ber o f Kappa Sigma, the fo otb all team, ASM and M Club w hile attending M S M -U M R . He was a veteran o f W W II and a captain in the A rm y Reserves. Sexauer w orked for Am erican Brake Shoe in St. Louis and was vice president o f m anufacturing for Eagle Pitcher in O hio. He concluded his career as national sales manager for N.L. Industries in O hio, tju ly 14, 2004


Former Miner head coach Charlie Finley dies Charlie Finley, who won more games as head football coach than anyone in the history of the MSM-UMR football program, passed away July 18 at the age of 66. Finley, a former assistant professor in the UMR physical education department, served on the UMR coaching staff for 34 years, including a 20year stint as the head coach of the Miner football team. In that span, he led the Miners to a record of 100-100-10, making him the first coach in the history of the Missouri Intercollegiate Athletic Association (later the Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association) to win 100 games as a head coach. His 1(X) wins currently rank third in MIAA history. (continued on the next page)



Ray B. Johnson, CE, was on the H o n o r List and was a m em ber o f Tau Beta Pi, Chi Epsilon and ASCE w hile attending M S M -U M R . He was an A rm y A ir Corps veteran o f W W II. Johnson w orked for the Coastal Geographic Survey, the M issouri D epartm ent o f Transportation, and retired from Black and Veatch after 25 years. tM a rc h 23, 2005

H arry B. O 'Dell, CE, was a m em ber o f Tau Kappa Epsilon and the Baptist Student U nion w hile atten din g M S M -U M R . He was a U.S. A ir Force veteran o f W W II. O 'D ell retired from Textron-Bell Helicopter. He loved to travel and avidly follow ed baseball th ro u g h o u t the nation, tA p ril 6 , 2005

R obert J. Pennington, EE, was on th e H on or List and was a m em ber o f Phi Kappa Phi and Tau Beta Pi w hile attending M S M UMR. He was an A rm y staff sergeant in W W II. He w orked for M o to ro la fo r 35 years and retired to Flagstaff, Ariz., in 1985, where he volunteered as a do ce nt at the M useum o f N orth ern A rizona for the last 10 years o f his life, tA p ril 12 , 2005

Elm er G. W heatley, MinE, was a U.S. Navy veteran o f W W II and retired in 1988 from the Illinois D ep artm ent o f Transportation after 36 years. tM a rc h 2, 2005


the Rollamo staff, Interfraternity C ouncil and A IM M E w hile atten din g M S M UM R. He served for 32 years as the c o u n ty engineer o f Franklin C ounty, III., and had recently been a p po inted to another three-year term . In 1993, he was named C ou nty Engineer o f the Year for the state o f Illinois. He was an A rm y veteran, served on his local school board for 21 years, and was a m em ber o f the Am erican Legion and Knights o f C olum bus. tFeb. 27, 2005

W illiam E. Brakensiek, CE, was a m em ber o f ASCE, ROTC and the Tech C lub w hile atten din g M S M -U M R . He served as com pany com m an der in the Korean W ar d u ring 1953. Brakensiek began his career w ith the M issouri Pacific Railroad and retired in 1986 from the U nio n Pacific Railroad as assistant chief bridge engineer after 33 years. He had a second career as planning and zoning com m issioner fo r the city o f Bellfontaine Neighbors, M o. tM a rc h 25, 2005


Industries in

Texas before his retirem ent. tSept. 19, 2004 S. Dean Shopher, CerE, was on the H on or List and was a m em ber o f ACS, Sigma Pi, S tudent C ouncil, Blue Key and Theta Tau w hile attending M S M -U M R . tM a rc h 16, 2005



jack Licata, MinE, was on the H onor List and was a


Kenneth C. Jenner, EE, was a m em ber o f the Glee Club, Sigma Pi, Student C ouncil, AIEE and Blue Key w hile atten din g M S M UM R. A U.S. Navy veteran o f W W II, Jenner was em ployed by Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Co. t A pril 11,2004

W illia m H. Stew art, CE, lettered in fo otb all and was a m em ber o f M Club, Theta Tau, Jackling Jocks and ASCE w hile atten din g M S M UM R. He was a Navy veteran o f W W II and w orked for the Illinois H ighw ay D ep artm ent in constructio n for 30 years, retiring in 1982. He enjoyed retirem ent and alum ni events. tM a rc h 19, 2005


1958 • Pi Kappa Pi, Silver

and ASCE and was a distinguished m ilitary student w hile attending M S M -U M R . fju n e 13, 2004

1956 Clyde W. Baxter, EE, was a m em ber o f the Radio Club, AIEE and Eta Kappa N u w hile attending M S M 2004

Thom as J. Collins Jr., CE, was on the H on or List and was a m em ber o f ASCE w hile attending M S M UMR. He retired as a colonel from the U.S. A rm y Corps o f Engineers in 1974 after 25 years o f service and received num erous m ilitary com m endations and medals du ring his career. His final assignment was as professor and head o f m ilita ry science at Pennsylvania State University. In 1979 Collins was appointed district engineer for Northeastern Pennsylvania for the Pennsylvania D ep artm ent o f Transportation. He was nam ed Pennsylvania Society o f Professional Engineers Engineer o f the Year in 1982. Collins was involved extensively in the c o m m u n ity o f Scranton, Pa., including directing the Boys and Girls C lub and the Kiwanis C lub and serving as vice president o f the board o f the C ham ber o f Com m erce. fM a rc h 20 , 2005

W ayne T. Andreas, EE, was on the H onor List and was a m em ber o f AIEE w hile attending M SM -U M R . He served on the M S M -U M R A lu m n i Association board o f directors from 1994-1997. tA p ril 14, 2005 George R. Hanna, EE, was a m em ber o f AIEE w hile attending M SM -U M R . He served in the U.S. Air Force, was an elder at his church, and was president o f his local school board. Hanna retired from General Electric after 31 years o f service. tD ec. 11, 2004

1959 W ayne E. Heston CE, was a m em ber o f ASCE w hile attending M S M UM R. He w orked and traveled w ith the Federal A viation A dm in istration for 30 years. Heston was an honorable m em ber o f the Knights o f Colum bus, a veteran and an active m em ber o f his church. He enjoyed coaching sports and taking fam ily trips to New foundland. fFeb. 19, 2005 John H. W eitzel, ME, was a m em ber o f the Engineers Club, the football team, M Club and the track squad w hile attending M S M UMR. He served in the U.S. Navy and worked for Empire D istrict Electric Co. in Riverton, Kan., for 36 years. Weitzel retired in 1995 as vice president o f production. He was an active m em ber o f the Am erican Legion and enjoyed hunting, collecting m odel trains, and hosting an annual skeet shoot and chili cook-off for friends and family. tA p ril 28, 2005


Charlie Finley (continued)

McKenzie, GGph, was a m em ber o f 'LSZ fM the C.L. Dake G eological Society w hile attending M S M -U M R . He spent 35 years in underground p ro d u ctio n m ining, design and civil constructio n spanning 39 states. M cKenzie w orked for 10 years fo r Centennial D evelopm ent Co., un til he became self-employed and w orked as a registered professional engineer in four states. He retired in 1994 to w ork on a sum m er hom e in Utah. McKenzie was a gifted musician, playing lead guitar in a co u n try and western band. He loved fishing and being outdoors. tA p ril 28, 2005

Finley, who was a standout studentathlete at Southwest Missouri State University in the late 1950s in football and track and field, joined the UMR coaching staff in 1964. He served as an assistant coach in the football and track programs until 1968, when he took over the head coaching position in the track program. In 1972, Finley was named head coach of the Miner football team and led the Miners to their best run of success since the 1950s. The Miners won their first MIAA title in 21 years and began a run of nine straight winning seasons, posting the best winning percentage of any college football team in Missouri in that span. Finleys top season as head coach came in 1980, when the Miners posted a 10-0 record and their first outright MIAA championship since 1950. “That was a thrill, because I look at that as a truly outstanding team,” Finley said of the 1980 team in a 1991 Rolla Daily News story. “To finish undefeated, you have to be both good and lucky and we were lucky a couple of times. That was a good team all the way around.” After the 1991 season, Finley stepped down as head coach but remained on the staff as an assistant coach for six seasons. He also helped with the track and field program until his retirement in 2001. Finley was a member of the SMSU Athletic Hall of Fame, was a three-time MIAA “Coach of the Year” and served on the NCAA football rules committee for seven years. He is survived by his wife, Dixie, Psych’68, daughters Gretchen and Angela, and several grandchildren.


1965 John C. C arlin, CE, was on the H onor List and was a m em ber o f the A rm y Student O fficers Association w hile atten din g M S M -U M R . He served tw o tours in V ietnam and was awarded tw o Bronze Stars, one M e rito riou s Service M edal and various oth e r medals. A fte r retiring fro m the Arm y, Carlin received a law degree from the University o f Florida. He then served as assistant public defender, felony prosecutor for the state attorney's office and chief assistant state attorney. fM a rc h 10, 2005





R obert D. Siess, CE, was on the H on or List and was a m em ber o f ASCE, the Tech C lub and the N ew m an C lub w hile attending M S M -U M R . He joined Tarlton, then called C.L. Tarlton C ontracting Co., in 1967. Siess served as president and chief operating officer from 1990 until he retired in 1998. He served as

president o f th e Associated General C ontractors (AG C ) o f St. Louis in 1995. Siess received the organization's highest honor, the AG C o f St. Louis Award, in 1999. He enjoyed farm ing, fishing, golfing and taking care o f his tw in grandsons. fA p ril 14, 2005

and was a m em ber o f the U.S. Power Squadron, the Boys Scouts o f Am erica and the U nited Church o f Christ. fA p ril 1, 2004

1979 Don C. Gauger, ME, served in the M arine Corps in Vietnam and was a self-em ployed consultant. fA p ril 15, 2005

1972 A rm o n d C. M axeiner, MS EE, retired from M cD o n n e ll Douglas. He served in th e A rm y in 1951

friends Jo W illia m B arr

Jo William Barr, former director of UMR publications Jo William Barr, 90, died June 12 in Loveland, Colo. Barr taught political science courses at UMR for 30 years. Specializing in the U. S. Constitution and presidential history, Barr won six Outstanding Teaching Awards and taught an estimated 9,500 students. He was also director of publications at UMR for 15 years. Barr earned his master’s degree at Washington University and was a graduate student at the University of Chicago when he was drafted into the Army. He eventually earned the rank of captain as a reservist.



Jane Abshier, w ife o f Claude S. Abshier, Chem'33, fA p ril 9, 2004

M a rie Heneghan, wife o f th e late Sherald F. Heneghan, ME'43, f Aug. 7, 2003

Richard A . A nderson was a physics in stru ctor at M S M -U M R from 1958-1992. M e m o rial contribu tio ns may be sent to th e Dr. Richard Anderson Physics Endowm ent. fA p ril 30, 2005

M a ry Theresa Marikos, w ife o f M a rk A. Marikos, GGph'76, MS GGph'84, f Feb. 1, 2005

Herald G. Barnes was an H onorary K night in the 1980s and enjoyed participating in the St. Patrick’s Day festivities th ro u g h o u t the years, f Feb. 23, 2005 M a ry Julia "Cricket" Brenneisen, fA p ril 17, 2005

N ordica Peters, w ife o f W ilb u r A. Peters, MetE'35, fju n e 19, 2003 V irgin ia Plunkett, w ife o f Jerry D. Plunkett, CerE'53, MS CerE'54, f Feb. 9, 2005 Lenore Ross, w ife o f Charles J. Ross, ME'49, fM a rc h 20, 2005

R obert C. D ew itt, fM a rc h 29, 2005 D w ight Edwards, fM a rc h 13, 2005 Barbara Fadler, w ife o f Eugene C. Fadler, ME'62, MS ME'66, fM a y 10, 2005 James Harris, husband o f M ary W ebb Harris, f M arch 2, 2005

Pat Shourd, w ife o f the late Roy Shourd, PetE'50, fju n e 15, 2004 R obert J. Trulaske, fSept. 25, 2004 Paula Verkam p, wife o f Randy Verkamp, EMgt'72, fM a rc h 12, 2005 H. D ain W ard, fA p ril 3, 2005

A n d rew Joseph Hellickson, sophom ore in the U M R School o f Materials, Energy and Earth Resources, f M ay 13, 2005

W an o m a Weber, wife o f John H. Weber, GGph'55, fM a y 24, 2004

Genevieve Hellrich, wife o f H enry J. Hellrich, EE'49, f M arch 11, 2005

R obert L. W h itin g form er professor o f pe troleu m engineering, fM a y 4, 2005

Order of the Golden Shillelagh Schneider shows gratitude through OGS Jon C. Schneider, AE'87, believes that his gifts to the university are small compared to the education and life skills he gained from UMR. As director of learning, training and development for The Boeing Co., Schneider works closely with the company’s engineers. He believes his education at UMR led to his professional success. In fact, Schneider’s participation in UMR’s undergraduate research program led to his first job with McDonnell Douglas. One of the judges at an undergraduate research conference was from the company, and when Schneider presented his paper, the judge was impressed with the initiative in his presentation. He later indicated that this is what led him to hire Schneider. Schneider still supports the university's undergraduate research programs through his gifts. Schneider says now that he and his wife, Robin, have “prepared two wonderful children for college,” he will have more time to focus on his gratitude to UMR by participating in the Order of the Golden Shillelagh. He feels that OGS members make an important contribution to the campus by remembering what they received from UMR and rejoining the student body through their presence and gifts. Schneider plans to do whatever he can to “energize the students,” he says.

Robin and )on Schneider

Join the more than 860 members of the Order of the Golden Shillelagh and help UM R maintain the high quality of education for which it has been known since its founding in 1870

W H A T IS T H E O R DER O F TH E G O L D E N SHILLELAGH? St. Patrick, the patron saint of engineers, is said to have carried a shillelagh to defend his followers. (A shillelagh is a club or cudgel of blackthorn or oak from Shillelagh, County Wicklow, Ireland.) In 1977, a group of 27 alumni and friends founded the Order of the Golden Shillelagh (OGS) at UMR. These founders realized that without private support from individuals such as themselves, it would become increasingly difficult for UMR to maintain the high

quality of education associated with the school since its founding in 1870. Through OGS, UMR recognizes and honors those who commit to giving $10,000 or more to the university through any academic department, university program, or the MSM-UMR Alumni Association. The total lifetime giving of all OGS members now exceeds $96 million.

Order of the Golden Shillelagh

Horsts play supporting role in UMR's cast

“We believe it is important to give back to UMR to ensure excellence in engineering for the future." Margaret

How to join the Order of the Golden Shillelagh For more information on how to join OGS, please contact:

Gloria McQuiggan (573) 341-6366 mcquig@umr.edu Bev Johnson (573) 341-4054 bevj@umr.edu

w w w . o g s .u m r .e d u

A desire to have a supporting role in UMR’s future led Dr., MetE’51, MS MetE’52, and Mrs. William Horst to join OGS. “We believe it is important to give back to UMR to ensure excellence in engineering for the future,” they say. Thanks to OGS, the couple sees the future of engineering at a personal level, often meeting some of UMR’s most outstanding students. OGS membership hasn’t just allowed the couple to meet current students, though. They also relish the opportunity to meet fellow OGS members. “We participate in OGS events because of the unique bond that OGS members share in their support of UMR," the Horsts say.

Ann and Dr. William Horst

Privetts find plenty of ways to say thanks After graduating from UMR, Lance, ME’98, MS EMgt’02, and Angie Privett, ChE’98, MS EMgt’02, wanted to “give back to the university that influenced both our personal and professional lives,” they say. Joining OGS gave them a perfect opportunity. “OGS is an organization that allows us to be active participants in the continued success of the university," the Privetts explain. “It is important to support an organization that helps shape the lives of the students that attend and graduate from UMR.” Lance and Angie Privett OGS membership also gives the Privetts an inside look at UMR’s growth during its annual celebrations. “We enjoy returning to see how our gifts are being used to grow the university.” The couple also enjoys visiting with friends at these events. “Over the years, we have made friends who care about the university in the same way we do,” they say. “We enjoy seeing these friends year after year, and making new ones as well.” Sharing a long-term commitment to UMR is a foundation for many friendships among OGS members. “OGS is one way UMR will continue to stay on top and continue its reputation as a leading university,” the couple says. “We are always proud to tell people where we graduated from, and being part of maintaining UMR’s reputation throughout the world is very fulfilling. ...We feel this (membership in OGS) is one way we can say thank you.”

profile of volunteers M

Campus Volunteers Board of Trustees

ore chan 1,700 M S M -U M R

a lu m n i, parents and friends d o n a te th e ir tim e and ta le n ts to advance U M R . T hey d o so by serving on various c o m m itte e s , academ ies and a d viso ry councils, as guest lecturers, as v o lu n te e r staff, as legislative advocates, as leaders and c o o rd in a to rs o f a lu m n i sections, and th ro u g h a va rie ty o f o th e r effo rts. U M R is g ra te fu l fo r th e special c o m m itm e n t o f o u r volu n te e rs, and w e w ish to recognize th e m fo r th e ir e ffo rts d u rin g th e past year. These vo lu n te e rs are re cog nized fo r th e July 1, 2004, to June 30, 2005, fiscal year.

Richard Arnoldy '69 * Keith Bailey '64 * James K. Berthold '60 * Robert Brackbill '42 * Henry E. Brown '68 * Connie Eggert * Cary D. Forsee 72 * Robert Garvey '61 * Larry Hendren 73 * Thomas F. Hughes '91 Barry Koenemann 70 * John Mathes '67 * Philip W. McNeal 76 * J. Ronald Miller '64 * Zebulun Nash 72 * William B. Patton '59 Frank D. Statkus 71 Richard J. Stegemeier '50 * Geoffrey (Jeff) Steinhart 79 * Cynthia Tang '85 * Gary Thomas * Richard Vitek '58 * Cheryl D. Walker '86 William D. Walker '58 * Theodore L. Weise '67 * Joan B. Woodard 73 *

African American Recruitment & Retention Committee Atinuke Akingbade 04 Gregory Keith Ardrey '89 Ernest K. Banks '81 * Valentino T. Bates 76 * Myron H. Biddle 76 Henry E. Brown '68 * Andrew T. Cleveland Robert Davis Jessica J. du Maine '85 Kevin T. Fort '98 Lawrence George '89 * Maria L. Holmes '83 Chaz T. Jaquess 02 Ronald W. Johnson 70 * Mecca Liddell 03 Ditshupo Maje 02 Reginald T. Marsh '69 Fred S. Marshall 77 Gregory D. McClain 72 * Terrence McCloud '99 Alexandria Merritt '03 Robert R. Morrison Jr. 71 Zebulun Nash 72 * James A. Nicks Jr. 77 Omoghene Obahor Veo Peoples Jr. 70

Linda F. SimsPerry '89 Eric R. Potts 73 Adonica Randall 75 Walter G. Reed Jr. '69 Randy Jerome Shed '85 Gregory D. Skannal '85 Margaret E. Stockdale '82 Christian Gabriel Washington 04 Earl Wiggley '88 Frank Winfield Jr. 71

0GS Executive Board Jerry Alyea '60 * Daniel T. Aiken Henry E. Brown '68 * Linda Carr * Jeffrey D. Cawlfield * Sandra Dorf * Linda Doshi * Larry Hendren 73 * John R. Lovitt 70 * Donald R. McGovern '58 * Nathan L. Mundis * Dennis Parker '68 * Darlene Ramsay '84 *

Corporate Development Council Jane Maria (Bokermann) Aselage '86 Gregory J. Baker 78 Steven John Becher '96 Leland F. Belew '50 * Mary J. Bird * Sarah Ruth (Reeves) Bock '87 Donald H. Bolin 74 William Book Bruce L. Bramfitt '60 Charles A. Buel 73 Robert A. Byrne Michael Robert Carlson '99 Ralph M. Cassell '64 Laura Lee Castle 04 George F. Chrisman Jr. '69 Vinisha (Bhatt) Clark '91 Jennifer Kay (Llewellyn) Diskin '91 Gary L. Downey '62 Michael Christopher Fox '90 Jack G. Frost Christopher Lee Gottman '95 Thomas L. Greene 71 Marques Wade Griffin '01 Eugene R. Groff '66 Bradley Dean Haug '87 Brady Franklin Hays '98 Duane David Highley '83 Delores J. (James) Hinkle 75

Charles R. Hoffman '58 Jennifer Faye Hopper '98 Charles N. Hughes Thomas Francis Hughes '91 Robert A. Jackson '57 Vernon T. Jones '53 * William F. Kennedy Jr. 71 Shawn Wayne Kitchen '97 Lisa Dawn Krueger '86 Philip W. Larson Neal L. Lawson '59 William R. Logel Jr. '68 Charles G. Marvin '69 * Kim I. Mastalio 70 John E. Meece 71 Maureen E. (Murphy) Midgley '82 J. Ronald Miller '64 * John W. Moore '57 Paul J. Nauert Jr. 78 Mark Newell Martin O. Penning '80 Robert W. Piekarz '61 * Angie Beshears Privett '98 * Stanley Proctor Ivan Rahn David A. Reinke 72 Michael G. Richter 73 Aaron Paul Robison '00 Leroy J. Royer '64 William L. Rumold 73 Wayne G. Schaeffer '81 David J. Schepers 75 Marvin V. Sindel Jr. 72 Emmet C. Smith 70 * Jerrel D. Smith '58 Louis W. Smith '66 * Patrick Damon Smith '96 Paul L. Spivy '65 George L. Stegemeier '52 Richard J. Stegemeier '50 * Robert G. Steinhoff Jr. '80 Chester W. Sturgeon Jr. '60 Wilbert K. Theerman '51 Gary Thomas * Dianna K. Tickner 79 * George D. Tomazi '58 * Gary A. Toth 70 James A. Unnerstall '56 * Stephen W. Voss '82 Donna L. White M. Theresa Williams '98 Donald P. Wilson '59 Arthur R. Winter '63 John D. Wolf '67 * John M. Wootten 78 Richard Denson Words 00 Jeffrey L. Zelms 70 *

Campaign Steering Committee Richard R. Arnoldy '69 * Keith Bailey '64 * Gary D. Forsee 72 * Robert A. Garvey '61 * Gary W. Havener '62 * John A. Mathes '67 * J. Ronald Miller '64 * Zebulun Nash 72 * Richard J. Stegemeier 50 * Cynthia Tang '85 * Theodore L. Weise '67 *

Schools College Departments SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING

Dean’s Advisory Council Paul G. Baldetti '81 Patrick G. Davidson 70 * Robert C. Feldmann 80 Lynn M. Flaim '80 Don J. Gunther '60 * Edward J. Koplar '96 Robert A. Kruse Jr. '81 * J. Ronald Miller '64 * Charles D. Naslund 74 * Richard R. Paul '66 * C. Theodore Peachee Jr. 72 James B. Peterson '66 Frank D. Statkus 71 Geoffrey J. Steinhart 79 * Gerald L. Stevenson '59 * Kathryn Ann (Waples) Walker '82 Robert Warrington Joan B. Woodard 73 * Steven H. Wunning 73

Academy of Chemical Engineers Charles R. Altheide '56 * Ernest K. Banks '81 * David B. Bartholic '62 David A. Barclay 76 Richard H. Bauer '51 * James E. Bertelsmeyer '66 * Glenn E. Brand '39 * John W. Brodhacker '44 David W. Bunch '57 * Ronald M. Canon 70



rofile of volunteers

Joseph J. Chang 70 * Richard C. Chapman 70 Calvin B. Cobb '64 * Kim D. Colter 73 * Orrin K. Crosser John D. Culter 76 Kimberly K. Denney '82 Bipin N. Doshi '62 * Donald J. Dowling '51 Lynn M. Flaim '80 H. William Flood '43 * Ray K. Forrester 72 Cary L. Foutch 76 Raymond A. Freeman 72 A William H. Gammon '49 * Paul A. Haas '50 Gail Louise (Dolan) Hahn '82 * Risdon W. Hankinson '60 * Dale W. Harris '58 Arthur W. Helwig '50 * Harry C. Hershey '60 William J. James * George W. Jamieson '50 * Paul W. Leming '57 Joseph F. Louvar '57 Douglas K. Ludlow Virendra K. Mathur '61 Kenneth G. Mayhan '65 a S. Dale McHenry '81 James M. McKelvey '45 * J. Ronald Miller '64 * Zebulun Nash 72 A Michael W. Noble 79 Leon L. Otte '68 Robert H. Pahl '68 * Dennis R. Parker '68 * Gary K. Patterson '60 A Veo Peoples Jr. 70 Donald W. Peterson '50 James W. Poarch '60 Robert A. Pohl '42 *

H . E D W A R D M ID D E N III EE ’69 Springfield, III. Sections C om m ittee Chair Adm issions A m bassador U M R recruiter since 1991



David V. Porchey '68 * Eric B. Rapp '68 Kenneth G. Riley '56 * Jorge M. Rodriguez '65 Paul B. Rothband '43 * Joseph M. Schardl Jr. '68 Dale J. Schillinger '56 A Y. T. Shah A Susan M. Simmons '84 Richard G. Soehlke '52 Steven W. Souders 74 Robert A. Steinkamp '62 Robert E. Stevens '81 A Gerald L. Stevenson '59 A Mailand R. Strunk '47 Allen Kent Thoeni '63 A Roger E. Truitt 71 A James A. UnnerstaJI '56 * Fred K. Vogt ll'66 A Kenneth W. Wall 71 Charles A. Wentz Jr. '57 A Kenneth W. Wood '60 * Kenneth J. Wulfert Jr. '64

Academy of Civil Engineers Rohn D. Abbott '66 William C. Alsmeyer '41 James S. Anderson '55 A William E. Anderson Jr. '67 A Charles M. Andrew '68 William A. Andrews A Richard R. Arnoldy '69 * Chester H. Baker '55 Donald S. Ballard '57 Richard J. Barr '61 Carroll Dean Barton '53 Valentino T. Bates 76 A Robert D. Bay '49 A Jerry R. Bayless '59 * James E. Beavers '66 Tommie R. Beckley '63 Robert G. Bening '55 *

“My time at UMR was life altering. The professors and the counselors were top-notch people and that continues to be the case. They want their students to be successful. That’s one of the reasons I encourage students to come to UMR.”

Laurel D. Berger '50 Richard T. Berning '69 Jerome T. Berry '49 * * Robert T. Berry 72 A John L. Best '55 * Raymond R. Betz '66 A Lucien M. Bolon Jr. '59 A Steven L. Brady '67 Rodney Breuer 79 Robert G. Brinkmann 71 A Henry E. Brown '68 A Thomas J. Buechler Jr. 71 A David R. Busse '81 Robert G. Butchko 71 Harold G. Butzer '47 * Edward L. Calcaterra '52 A Robert J. Campbell 71 Paul F. Carlton '47 Frank L. Carroll '55 Danny L. Chilton '65 Louis J. Chiodini Jr. '61 William P. Clarke 74 A Matteo A. Coco '66 * Glen David Comstock '68 Harold R. Crane '52 John W. Critchfield 74 Michael L. Crow 72 Joseph E. Crowe '58 Robert J. Dacey '64 Stanley Dolecki '50 Robert G. Durney 70 Gene W. Edwards '52 A Kevin R. Eisenbeis 79 Richard L. Elgin 74 A Max M. Ethridge 70 Charles M. Etwert 71 Larry E. Farmer '61 A David L. Fenton '63 C. Stuart Ferrell '64 James L. Foil 74 A William C. Ford '66 Lynn A. Frasco '68 James E. Frey 74 Herman A. Fritschen Jr. '51 A Richard H. Frueh 75 A James W. Gorrell '67 A Dominic J. Grana 72 William J. Green '68 A Willis G. Grinstead '56 A Norbert A. Groppe '57 Don J. Gunther '60 * Edward M. Halter 71 Stanley J. Harris 75 Jack B. Haydon '58 A Richard B. Heagler Sr. '57 A Don E. Henderson '59 * Thomas A. Herrmann '50 A Philip R. Hoge '64 Bradley H. Hornburg '69 A J. Leroy Hulsey '64 Michael D. Hurst 74 A Gary L. Hutchison 74 Rosemary M. (Love) Ingram 78 James D. Jackson '59

Robert D. Jenkins '53 A Vernon T. Jones '53 A Philip A. Jozwiak '66 A Gregory Junge '65 A Patrick T. Karney 76 Warren N. Keith 72 Robert J. Kemper '49 Albert L. Kerr '64 A Charles A. Kiefer '61 Ronald M. Kingsbury '55 Leonard C. Kirberg '66 A Kyle R. Kittrell 76 Dale L. Klohr '58 Richard A. Klusmeyer 70 Barry D. Koenemann 70 A Donald J. Kozeny '57 Joseph F. Krispin '54 A Frederick S. Kummer Jr. '55 A Roger A. LaBoube 70 Allan H. LaPlante '63 A James S. Latham '65 Gary M. Lee 71 Robert G. Livingston '39 James T. Lovelace '60 Francis D. Lyons '50 * James J. Lyons '66 John A. Mathes '67 A James B. McGrath '49 Garth G. McKinney '43 T. Michael McMillen '67 A Arthur R. Meenen '46 Joseph A. Mickes '58 John J. Moll '69 William R. Montgomery '58 A Jonathan T. Motherwell 74 A Paul R. Munger '58 A Matthew E. Nail 76 David V. Owsley '61 John J. Parker '65 James R. Patterson '54 Lowell B. Patterson '66 C. Gene Penzel '55 Joseph L. Perkins '61 Thomas M. Petry '67 R. David Plank '59 Paul P. Poepping '65 Eric R. Potts 73 Ray L. Purvis 74 Dana V. Reel 73 Joseph F. Reichert '59 Thomas W. Richter 73 Charles O. Riggs '64 J. Kent Roberts '50 A James F. Roberts '53 Roddy Jack Rogers '81 Eugene R. Russell Sr. '58 George R. Schillinger '63 Paul C. Schnoebelen III 77 A Kenneth W. Schoeneberg '44 Joseph H. Senne '51 A Bob Sfreddo '58 Charles Shackelford '80 Robert A. Shoolbred '54 Kevin C. Skibiski 75 J. Russell Snowden '47 A Richard W. Stephenson A

denotes deceased ^ denotes OGS membership - a $10,000+ commitment to UMR Bryan A. Stirrat '67 * Waldemar D. Stopkey '52 * Claude N. Strauser '69 Richard A. Sumner '77 Otis H. Taylor '42 A John C. Theiss '51 LeRoy E. Thompson '56 * Marcus J. Thornsberry '83 Kevin Zane Truman '85 Gary M. Turner '66 James K. Van Buren '63 * David A. Visintainer '71 Alvin D. Wansing '69 William D. Webb '67 Ernst A. Weinel '44 Carl J. Weis '43 Steve E. Willis '67 Willis J. Wilson '73 A John C. Wright '61 Wei-Wen Yu * Christopher Yarnell '84 Thomas L. Zenge '69 * Walter A. Zimmermann '62

Academy of Electrical & Computer Engineering Michael R. Apprill '70 Richard L. Arnold '69 David L. Begley '73 Wayne J. Bennetsen '41 * William O. Blumfelder '66 James O. Bondi '71 Robert J. Boschert '58 Charles E. Boulson '39 Phil A. Browning '48 Lloyd E. Brunkhorst '61 Walter James Carr Jr. '40 James D. Coffman '60 Elroy Denningmann '68 Anthony H. Derhake '69 Earl K. Dille Robert W. Dockey '70 Richard H. Duncan '49 James L. Eckhoff '60 * Richard W. Eimer Jr. '71 * William R. Ellis '39 Kelvin T. Erickson '78 * Carl E. Finley '45 Martha S. (Shultz) Fowler '61 Gary L. Fulks '71 Walter J. Gajda Jr. * Chandrakant D. Gandhi '50 Thomas K. Gaylord '65 Richard J. Gillette '65 Charles A. Gross '66 Russell A. Gund '40 * Robert L. Hanna '43 * Robert C. Hansen '49 Thomas J. Herrick '58 William E. Hord '59

Edwin L. Hughes '49 John F. Koeper '66 William L. Krieg '69 Leonard F. Laskowski III '73 Vernon R. Lawson '48 Dennis W. Leitterman 76 * James V. Leonard 76 Ernest W. Littleton '62 James F. Longshore Jr. '56 Elmer L. Luehring '55 Ronald D. Lutes 73 Darrel A. Mank '69 Dennis E. Mason '58 Walter A. Mathews '48 Robert L. Mayse '57 John B. McKee '41 * James E. McNabb '58 George McPherson Jr. Henry Edward Midden III '69 J. Deraid Morgan '65 * Jack F. Morris '65 George E. Mueller '39 * Charles D. Naslund 74 * Nicola Ann (Utterback) Nelson '66 William F. Oberschelp '53 Wilson W. Overall '59 David P. Patterson Richard R. Paul '66 * James B. Peterson '66 Norman H. Pond '59 * Paul A. Ray '63 Walter G. Reed Jr. '69 Louis C. Rephlo '60 Randall R. Richards 70 Larry L. Robinson '66 Harold R. Rochester '65 Larry L. Rushing '66 Carl R. Ryan '69 Peter W. Sauer '69 George A. Schindler 73 * Larry J. Schnurbusch '69 Donald W. Shaw '69 Giles C. Sinkewiz '57 David G. Sizemore 71 James J. Skiles '51 Gabriel G. Skitek '43 * Harry B. Smith '42 * James A. Smith '47 Louis W. Smith '66 * P. Gene Smith '44 Lawrence A. Spanier '50 * E. Keith Stanek * Harold A. Steinbruegge '57 Jack D. Stewart '56 Paul D. Stigall '62 Robert A. Strain '50 Jerry D. Swearingen '54 Kent W. Swearingen '63 George D. Tomazi '58 * Edward F. Tuck '53 * Thomas P. Van Doren '62 * E. Harold Vannoy '63 Roger H. Volk '68 * Thomas R. Voss '69 * Michael R. Walker '69

William D. Walker '58 * Albert W. Weinrich '59 Theodore L. Weise '67 * Roy A. Wilkens '66 * Ronald D. Willoughby 73 Donald L. Willyard '62 Robert J. Wilson '62 * John D. Wolf'67* Ralph E. Wolfram '50 William A. Wundrack '49 Laszlo F. Zala '55

Academy of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineers Bassem F. Armaly * James E. Auiler '67 Arthur G. Baebler '55 Keith E. Bailey '64 * William J. Barbier '53 * Richard D. Baumann '67 * George R. Baumgartner '56 * Diane M. (Krupp) Beamer 73 Michael C. Behan 71 John A. Behr '81 * Leland F. Belew '50 * David W. Berg '57 A. James Berkel '59 * James K. Berthold '60 * Michael E. Bray 70 * William F. Breig '62 Stephen J. Brendle '69 David Alan Brewer '82 Alfred J. Buescher '64 Romuald L. Buescher '53 Stephen F. Bugg '65 * Michael W. Bytnar '68 * Kenneth L. Cage '63 * Richard A. Campbell '62 * Donald W. Capone '58 * Gary Dean Clubb '68 * Charles Copeland '62 *

Glenn E. Cordes '60 David E. Crow '66 * Patrick G. Davidson 70 * James P. DeLong '63 * Roger A. Dorf '65 * James P. Dycus '66 Bill R. Engelhardt '60 * Daniel George Engler '84 Eugene C. Fadler '62 Gary E. Ferguson 72 * Virgil J. Flanigan '60 Donald G. Fluchel 72 Michael R. Foresman '67 * Robert D. Freeland '60 * Evelyn L. Gayer 73 Phillip Scott Gegesky '68 * S. Craig George 74 * Jerry L. Gilmore '60 * Thomas L. Greene 71 Thomas G. Gresham '62 Ronald L. Griesenauer 70 Harold Dennis Haubein '66 * Vance N. Havens 74 James M. Higbee '66 * Gary A. Hinz '65 * Herman R. Hirner 70 John L. Hodges '61 * Gary R. Holland '64 * Timothy J. Houghton '68 Dennis F. Jaggi 70 * Richard R. Janis '68 * Jonathon P. Jansky 73 Anthony L. Jatcko '64 Glenn Willard Jenkins '59 Rollie R. Johnson '62 * Ronald W. Johnson 70 * Richard F. Jordan 70 * Jack L. Jost '58 Gene E. Kalhorn '67 Thomas E. Kalin '57 * John Greg Kellerman '82 * Gerald J. Kettler '65 Robert J. Kostelnik 75 Kraig G. Kreikemeier '63 *

A L E X M E R R IT T M E ’03 Naperville, III. Admissions A m bassador U M R recruiter since 2001

Prakash Krishnaswamy 73 James E. Lambert Jr. '69 * Gerald R. Lee 76 Dale W. Leidy '61 * Michael W. McComas '69 * Donald R. McGovern '58 A Ralph E. McKelvey '48 * Michael J. Meyer 75 * Norman R. Miller '68 Robert J. Mueller '68 * James R. Murphy '68 * Richard A. Navarro 70 Stuart W. Obermann 79 Calvin M. Ochs '49 * John M. Owens '67 * John T. Park '95 * Fred B. Parks '69 * C. Theodore Peachee Jr. 72 Ronald Allen Peterson 71 Dale M. Pitt 72 John J. Pitts '80 Roland L. Pohlman Jr. '53 * Charles R. Remington '49 * Lloyd E. Reuss '57 * John W. Ricketts '61 A George A. Salof '67 * Raymond H. Schaffart '63 * Harold Andrew Schelin Jr. '66 A Charles E. Schmidt Jr. '67 * Ronald A. Schoenbach 70 Carl A. Schopfer '68 A Gary G. Schumacher '63 * Eugene Sehl Jr. '63 * John F. Shelton 71 James A. Shildmyer '56 * O. Morris Sievert '44 Richard C. Smith 77 Frederick M. Springer '49 * Frank D. Statkus 71 Louis P. Steinhauser '80 Wilbert F. Stoecker '48 Gary L. Stripling '69 Stephen M. Thies 72 John B. Toomey '49 * Gary A. Trippensee '62 * Lloyd H. Tuggle '58 George E. Uding '59

“I still remember my campus visit. Nakia Curtis, ME’98, was an ambassador and gave my group’s tour. It was that day that I decided I would attend UMR. Hearing her talk about UMR and how she was going to be an engineer reassured me that I could do it and, more importantly, I could do it at UMR. I decided that when I got to UMR I wanted to be able to share my college experiences with potential UMR students just like she had.”



profile of volunteers

Ralph J. Uthe '68 James N. Vangilder '68 * Richard J. Vehige '68 * John M. Wiesehan 72 * Robert M. Williams Jr. 74 * Ronald R. Williams '63 Donald E. Wojtkowski '69 * Ronald C. Woodard '69 * Cordon Wright '66 *

Advisory Board Engineering Management Majid Abdullah Al kassabi '84 Ali Bahrami '92 Craig Alan Bailey '90 * Merl Baker '63 Joe N. Ballard 72 Robert Edwin Benezette 72 • John J. Bertelsmeyer 70* Bruce Alan Boyd '85 Terry D. Buzbee 77 Daniel F. Cole 75 * Daniel L. DeRiemer 72 Russell G. Espinosa '82 James A. Faletti 71 Rollie R. Johnson '62 * Craig S. O'Dear 79 Thomas J. Owens '68 * Mathew Wade Pitsch '85 Francis Greg Slack 70 Kevin Quentin Smith '82 * Howard H. Stine Jr. 70 * William A. Stoltz '68 Joseph D. Wilhelm '84

Advisory Board Manufacturing Engineering Program Willem F. Bakker Robert Edwin Benezette 72 J Michael S. King 79 Michael Lehn William R. Logel Jr. '68 Thomas J. O'Keefe '80 * Linda S. Puzey Timothy L. Roth '84 Randy A. Southmayd '81 Peter J. Wazlawek '85

Industrial Advisory Board Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Dave Charles Dorste '84 H. Pat Duvall '62 * James P. Dycus '66 Duane Eaton Ronald L. Griesenauer 70 Randall A. Harley 72 Mike Kennedy William R. Logel Jr. '68 James R. Murphy '68 * Jorge A. Ochoa '85 * Roger M. Prewitt 73 David A. Reinke 72 Donald E. Wojtkowski '69 *

C U R T K IL L IN G E R M ath’73, E M gt’80 Houston, Texas Admissions Am bassador U M R recruiter since 1988




Academy of Mines & Metallurgy Jose F. Agapito '64 Rex Alford '40 * Hubert S. Barger '39 * John G. Bartel '52 * David E. Bartine '66 Gerald W. Bersett '65 * Jesse R. Bodine '50* Robert M. Brackbill '42 * Richard L. Bullock '51 * Alan B. Burgess '54 * James B. Chaney '48 * Richard Y. Chao 72 * Clinton A. Clark '63 * Richard E. Cole '47 * William H. Daniels '64 Delbert E. Day '58 * Paul T. Dowling '40 * Gary L. Downey '62 Avery Ala Drake Jr. '50 Donald H. Falkingham '41 * John O. Farmer III '63 * Francis E. Fennerty '49 * Armin F. Fick '41 * Harold R. Garner 76 * Robert A. Garvey '61 * Louis P. Gignac 79 Joseph G. Gladbach 79 * Edwin C. Goetemann '44 * David C. Grimm '50 * Alden G. Hacker '41 * Gene H. Haertling '54 Thomas A. Holmes '50 * Robert B. Hopler '54 William E. Horst '51 * Wayne Huebner '82 * J. Richard Hunt '50 * Orville Hunter Jr. '60 *

Byron L. Keil '52 * Robert L. Keiser '65 * Albert L. Kidwell '40 * Dennis N. Kostic 70 Harold A. Krueger '42 * Donald L. Kummer '55 Eugene A. Lang, Sr. '53 * Walter P. Leber '40 * George MacZura '52 * Vernon T. McGhee '42 * Robert J. M. Miller '50 Gazanfer H. Mohajir '67 William H. Mount 73 * Walter Mueller Jr. '63 * Norbert F. Neumann '52 * James A. Neustaedter '43 * Marvin E. Nevins Jr. '41 * Melvin E. Nickel '38 Thomas J. O'Keefe '58 * Thomas J. O'Keefe '80 * William B. Patton Jr. '59 Robert E. Peppers '50 Robert H. Quenon 79 * Joseph S. Quinn '49 * John Reiss Jr. 71 * John M. Remmers '84 * Frederick J. Rocchio Jr. 70 Perrin R. Roller '80 * Joseph D. Rupp 72 Theodore A. Ruppert '52 Robert P. Schafer '52 * Samuel J. Schneider '52 Joseph G. Sevick '49 * Steven R. Shaw 73 William M. Shepard '51 Gregory D. Skannal '85 James L. Spehr '64 * George L. Stegemeier '52 Richard J. Stegemeier '50 * Stephen G. Suellentrop 74 * Bruce E. Tarantola '51 * George H. Taylor '64 James Kenneth Thompson 73 * Dianna K. Tickner 79 * Carlos H. Tiernon '54 * Torie Ann Vandeven 77 *

“In Houston, our recruiting program has been successful because of people like Jim Medlin, GGph’67, who regularly attends five to six high school fairs a year, and dozens of other alums who attend fairs to share the great UMR opportunity with local students. Overall, the Houston Miners participate in around 25 fairs a year, covering 60 to 70 high schools. Other alums attract students and their parents to UMR by being excellent engineers and scientists, or by simply being a good neighbor and passing on the many positive aspects of the Rolla educational experience.”

* denotes deceased ^ denotes OGS membership - a $10,000+ commitment to UMR Philip J. Wade 71 * John R. Warner 70 * Samuel C. Weaver '64 Kent Weisenstein '60 *> Marvin C. Zeid '51 A Jeffrey L. Zelms 70 *

Advisory Board Mining Engineering John E. Cramer T. F. Gundlach Jean K. Holley '81 * Thomas A. Holmes '50 * William Kennedy Dennis N. Kostic 70 Allan MacVicar Michael T. McCall 80 Ed McCord Joe Mehl William G. Meister 76 Robert C. Meskimen William H. Mount '73 * Joseph T. Netzer '62 David Obergefell Walt Scheller Jerry Tystad Rob Vogel

Advisory Board Nuclear Engineering Omar Ivan Aguilar '85 David E. Bartine '66 Colin Boardman Robert Wayne Clark '83 Charles D. Croessmann '81 Daniel Driemeyer Harold R. Garner 76 * Jim Gilbert Gerald L. Goldsmith John Graham Greg Halnon Timothy E. Herrmann '81 Baard Johansen Ronald King Eric P. Loewen Tod Moser Mathew M. Panicker Charles M. Rice '50 * Emmy Roos Robert W. Roussin '62 Gerald Schlapper Erik Frederick Shores '95 Scott Edward Brookshire Sidener '93 Fred Silady Robert Stoddard Preston Swafford Michael E. Taylor 72

Starnes E. Walker '88 Carl Walter H.J.Zeile

Advisory Council Chemical & Biological Engineering Ernest K. Banks '81 * Marvin E. Borgmeyer 74 Steven D. Bridges 74 Brian Keith Donley '87 Aaron Wade Epperly '87 Daniel J. Klingenberg '85 Kurt W. Koelling '88 Mary Martha Lamar '93 Philip Woon Yau Ling '92 G. Glenn Lipscomb II '81 Jason B. McHaney '91 Robert H. Pahl '68 * Christopher Schaefer '85 Susan Marie Simmons '84 Robert E. Stevens '81 * Gary W. Vandiver 72 Kenneth W. Wall 71

Nuclear Engineering Development Board David E. Bartine '66 Colin Boardman Robert Wayne Clark '83 Charles D. Croessmann '81 Harold R. Garner 76 Gerald L. Goldsmith John Graham Greg Halnon Timothy E. Herrmann '81 Baard Johansen Ronald King Eric P. Loewen Tod Moser Emmy Roos Robert W. Roussin '62 Gerald Schlapper Erik Frederick Shores '95 Scott Edward Brookshire Sidener '93 Fred Silady Robert Stoddard Preston Swafford Michael E. Taylor '72 Starnes E. Walker '88 Carl Walter H.J.Zeile

COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES Dean’s Advisory Council, College of Arts & Sciences June K. Ahrens 76 Thomas D. Akers 73 * George V. Bradshaw Jr. '42 Terry Brewer '02 Chris R. Bron 77 Bradley Jay Buchanan '86 Holger Chen 72 Gregory F. Cima 70 Danny L. Clayton 76 William Ronald Clouse III '89 Ronald Edward Cowan '92 Ralph L. Cross '66 Lyndell R. Cummins '68 F. Oscar Curth 72 * Lamont Henry Czar '83 Roy R. Dare '67 Carol A. (Langemach) Davies 73 Kevin Thomas Davis '86 Mark Edward Davis '83 Randall B. Dunford 74 John D. Earls '48 * Neuil Anthony Edwards '93 Melvin C. Flint '42 Gary J. Frossard 73 Thomas K. Gaylord '65 Richard D. Goul '52 * Alan Keith Hancock '84 John Leo Hargis '82 Steven D. Harrison '81 * Gary W. Havener '62 * John J. Howard '68 Vernon E. Huggans II '88 Dawna Marlene (Brown) Immele '83 *

Steven D. Jackson 76 Ernest James Jones Jr. '82 Joseph J. Kammerer Jr. 70 Tonya Louise Karnowski '99 Kenneth A. Kleberger '56 * Curtis A. Krueger '86 Charles W. Lineberry '66 John Dell Long '87 Paula M. (Marcellus) Lutz 76 * Gerald J. Lyons '68 Ronald E. Marschel '57 Donald Mark Mayberry '93 Patricia A. McAdams 77 Gregory D. McClain 72 * Cynthia G. McClanahan '87 Synthia N. McIntosh '82 Martin J. Millman '80 Mark Edward Murphy '85 Gerald Scott Nall '86 Renny R. Nichols '65 Daniel F. O'Sullivan Jr. '82 Robert G. Osborne II '63 Clyde T. Parsons Jr. 72 Chandrakant M. Patel '65 Gary Dean Pennell '97 James Preston Peterson '91 Robert Leroy Phillips '90 David E. Reed '80 James Todd Rhoad '97 Kenneth B. Rigsby '90 Darrell E. Roberts II '95 William M. Rodgers '33 James Edward Rogles '84 Susan H. (Hadley) Rothschild 74 * Leslie Gay (Whalen) Russell '87 Peter James Sayers '99 Karl R. Schenke 76 John R. Seipel Jr. '53 * * Matthew Lee Selinger '93 Patrick Michael Shannon '93 James William Smith '89 Brenda Sue (Stegeman) Spell '92

PA R R IS NG M E ’00 Schaum burg, III. Section Officer Admissions Am bassador UM R recruiter since 2 0 0 4

Jennifer Louise Stevenson '94 Donald B. Storment '58 David K. Stutzman 74 Brian Keith Taber '91 William S. Talley Jr. 79 Yat Wai Tam '87 Larry E. Tanner 71 Kristen Anne Templet '96 Joyce A. (Copeland) Thomas 78 Verner E. Thomas 70 Freddie L. Thompson 74 Gregory E. Upchurch 72 Eugene L. Vrenick 79 Stanley L. Wadsworth 79 Thomas Michael Waters '95 Scott C. Weinhold '97 Gary L. Winkel '93 Leonard A. Wolff 78 James Henry Wollbrinck '89 Joan B. (Brune) Woodard 73 * Dennis W. Worley '65 James C. Yeager '50

Academy of Computer Science Margy A. Beckmeyer 73 William A. Eaton 70 Robert C. Feldmann '80 Dan C. Hirschbuehler '80 Jean K. Holley '81 A Michael P. Koclanes 79 John R. Lovitt 70 * Dan G. McNicholl '80 Karen Squires Nordeng '89 Richard B. Schuessler 72 James R. Sowers, '69 * Mark X. Stratman 73 * Ralph J. Szygenda 70 * Kim W. Tracy '85 Susan E. Watson '83

“Being a native Chicagoan and still a Chicago area resident, I would like to see more local students attend UMR to help diversify the student population on campus. I received an excellent education at UMR and believe that an engineering degree, especially one from UMR, will provide a solid foundation for future endeavors.”



rofile of volunteers

Advisory Board History & Political Science

Advisory Board Computer Science Ken Brenneke 78 Robert A. Byrne Jr. Jeff Herzog '92 John R. Hock '82 Herb Krasner 73 Jim Leonard 76 Maggie Morrison * Karen Squires Nordeng '89 Robert E. Perrey 75 Curt Schroeder '88 Daniel C. St. Clair 75 Kim Tracy '85

Constance Brown '85 * Brenda Brugger '88 Suzanna Maupin Long '84 Dennis Nethington 72 Karen Skelton 70 John D. Wiggins 70 *

Advisory Board Psychology

Advisory Board Foundation for Chemical Research Richard D. Beaty '67 Karen L. (Kohl) Beckmann '81 Michael Roy Beckmann '82 Holger Chen 72 Cyrus E. Crowder 76 Robert C. Downing '81 Thomas H. Dunning Jr. '65 Richard H. Matthews 02 * William D. Shermer '64 Loren Dale Sivils '95 Larry F. Thompson 70 Kay E. Thornton 78 Richard K. Vitek '58 * Mrs. William H. (Ruby) Webb '39 *

Michael D. Bratcher '81 Richard "Mike" Chiles 73 W. Floyd Harris 74 * Amy Noelker '85 Patrice M. Ryan "74 Kaye Steinmetz Roger W. Vessell 78 James Whitten 72 L. Anne Wickliffe '84

Advisory Board Theatre Sharon Arthur Mark Loudermilk Jamie Myers Nancy Myers Lynn Wieties

Board of Directors Academy of Computer Science William A. Eaton 70 Dan C. Hirschbuehler '80 Jean K. Holley '81 * John R. Lovitt 70 *

J O H N F R E R K IN G C E ’87 Kansas City, Mo. Area Director U M R recruiter since 1990



Dan C. McNicholl '80 Mark X. Stratman 73 A

Board of Directors Foundation for Chemical Research Frank D. Blum Glenn E. Brand '39 * Terry Brewer 02 Holger Chen 72 Elizabeth Dietzmann Tony David Flaim '83 H. Neal Grannemann '61 William J. James * Oliver K. Manuel * Robert R. Russell James O. Stoffer * Jay A. Switzer Wilbur P. Tappmeyer '47

Educational Advisory Board Terry Adams Thomas D. Akers 73 * Amy Elizabeth Aubuchon '98 Roger Berkbuegler Richard R. Bryant Kirby Cannon Ronald L. Frank Jerry Giger Larry D. Gragg Stanley Johnson Stephanie Deanne Mathis '00 Cindy Maledy Roger Nash Oran A. Pringle Robert P. Roe Dawn Marie Scheiderer '97 Elizabeth A. Cummins John D. Wiggins '70 * Merilee Krueger Dennis Wilson

“The first prospective student reception in which I participated was held at the former Sprint headquarters facility in mid-town Kansas City. It was hosted by the head of one of the operating divisions. I remember thinking that if this individual made time to do this kind of thing for UMR, then I should try to do the same as I continued in my career. That individual from Sprint was Gary Forsee, CE’72, now CEO of Sprint. I figure that if I just keep doing the UMR recruiting activities, I have great things ahead of me!”

SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT & INFORMATION SYSTEMS Advisory Board School of Managem ent & Information Systems Ray Arndt Ramon F. Baez Paul E. Dascher Michael C. Fox '90 John S. Heller Jean K. Holley '81 * Jeffrey D. Kelly 78 Richard A. Navarro 70 Ralph J. Szygenda 70 *

MSM-UMR Alumni Association Alumni Board of Directors David B. Akers '82 Richard R. Arnoldy '69 * Arthur G. Baebler '55 Paul G. Baldetti '81 Ernest K. Banks '81 * Richard H. Bauer '51 * Robert D. Bay '49 * Jerry R. Bayless '59 * David L. Begley 73 Robert T. Berry 72 A James E. Bertelsmeyer '66 A Daniel L. Bohachick '99 * Marvin E. Borgmeyer 74 Robert M. Brackbill '42 A Henry E. Brown '68 A Brian T. Call '97 Matteo A. Coco '66 * John R. Dalton '88 David W. Dearth '68 * Roger A. Dorf '65 * Paul T. Dowling '40 * Andrew L. Draker '04 * Randall G. Dreiling '81 H. Pat Duvall '62 * John F. Eash 79 Richard W. Eimer Jr. 71 * Richard L. Elgin 74 * John R. Frerking '87 Daniel E. Frisbee 72 Lisa G. Gibson '93 Larry L. Hendren 73 *

* denotes deceased ^ denotes OGS membership - a $10,000+ commitment to UMR Jarrod R. Grant '98 Gary W. Hines '95 K. Daniel Hinkle 73 Michael D. Hurst 74 * Ronald W. Jagels '86 Raymond O. Kasten '43 Jeremiah D. King Kraig G. Kreikemeier '63 * John P. Legsdin 70 * Dennis W. Leitterman 76 * Peter H. F. Malsch '62 * James B. McGrath '49 H. Edward Midden III '69 Robert R. Morrison Jr. 71 Nathan L. Mundis 04 * Zebulun Nash 72 * Norbert F. Neumann '52 * Melvin E. Nickel '38 Craig S. O'Dear 79 Jorge A. Ochoa '85 * James R. Patterson '54 Darlene S. Ramsay '84 * Stephanie M. Ricca 04 Kenneth G. Riley '56 * Perrin R. Roller '80 A Julia C. Rosemann 05 * Susan H. Rothschild 74 * Martin A. Rust '03 * Robert J. Scanlon 73 Andrew M. Singleton 00 Lawrence A. Spanier '50 * Gerald L. Stevenson '59 * David M. Tepen '90 Kelley A. Thomas '91 LeRoy E. Thompson '56 * John B. Toomey '49 * Jon Vaninger '63 Thomas R. Voss '69 * Jennifer R. Wang 76 * Susan E. Watson '83 William Keith Wedge 70 * Janet Wickey Spence '85 * Willis J. Wilson 7 3 * Linda K. Wright '88 *

APPOINTED ALUMNI ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS Athletic Study Dewey Allgood Keith Bailey '64 * Gene Edwards '52 * Ed Hanstein 71 William J. Peach 75 Armin Tucker '40 * Norman Tucker '40 *

Awards Chris Ramsay '83 *

Diversity Lawrence George '89 * W. Floyd Harris 74 * James A. Nicks Jr. 77

Faculty/Staff/ Volunteer Relations Linda Bramel '89 Robin Collier '95 Wayne Huebner '82 *

Finance Dave Verkamp

Government Relations Kevin Skibiski 75

Program Planning Douglas R. Carroll '91 Roger A. LaBoube 70

Sections Jennifer Marshall '96

Glenn Whiteman Brand '83 Mindy Sue Brand '84 Angel R. Brondel '01 Christopher D. Brown 02 Richard Alan Brown '83 Earl D. Burk 70 Ryan L. Buschjost '94 Brian Thomas Call '97 Barry Lee Callahan '99 Janet Lynn Callahan '99 Susan L. Callahan 78 Daniel A. Carey '90 Preston Wade Carney 02 * Andres Carrizosa 79 Jason Edward Carter '96 Raul H. Carvajal 78 Devrim Cavusoglu '99 Gee Tai Chang '84 Murat Ciftci '98 Beth Cochran Kenneth D. Cochran '83 Christina Rose Cook '95 Kamila Jean Cozort '85 Lori G. Crocker '88 C. Dennis Croessmann '81 Daniel A. Crutcher '85 John R. Dalton '88 Sean Joseph Daly '96 Charles Robert Davis IV 01 James R. DeSpain '61 Fred M. Dickey '64 Thomas W. Doering 78 Roger A. Dorf '65 * Theresa Dowdy '88 Randall G. Dreiling '81 Kenneth Allen Drummond '86 H. Pat Duvall '62 * Richard W. Eimer Jr. 71 * Richard L. Elgin 74 * Clarence A. Ellebracht Jr. '64 Thomas M. Feger '69 John Robert Frerking '87 Daniel E. Frisbee 72

Bradley A. Fulton '88 William Scotty Gerbes 01 Charles B. Germer '55 * Lisa Gail Gibson '93 Mark Steven Goldsmith '94 Dirk Lynn Gowin '91 Jarrod Robert Grant '98 William M. Hallett '55 * John W. Hentges '89 Jesus M. Hernandez 78 Gary W. Hines '95 K. Daniel Hinkle 73 Lea Anne Howell '81 Nathaniel Roger Huckabay 03 Douglas J. Hughes '63 Bisma Husen '91 Dennis F. Jaggi 70 * Nikodem Maria Jedrzejewski '98 Gregory Junge '65 * Seden Kalyoncu '99 James H. Keebler 75 Roger Lee Keller 75 J. Curtis Killinger 73 * Hugh C. Kind 76 Snit Kunaporn '89 Michael Shannon Lambert '90 Merritt E. Langston '50 George W. Leek III '61 Dennis W. Leitterman 76 * Weiling Li '89 James Quo-Ping Lin '91 John A. Lina '63 Chin Hwang Lo '84 Robert John Long III '94 Chaoyuan Lu '96 Peter H. F. Malsch '62 * Jennifer Lee Marshall '96 Thomas J. May '66 Christopher Mayberry '98 Jason B. McHaney '91 Anthony James McLaughlin '98 Laura Ruth McLaughlin '99

Section Officers James W. Abbott 75 David Allen Akers '99 David Brian Akers '82 Jill Renee Akers '99 Tara L. Algreen '98 Betty Andreas * Mac Andrew '68 Paul M. Balaster 02 Bret A. Baldwin '93 Kenneth L. Bandelier '97 Connie Lynn Bauers 02 Jennifer Louise Bayless '89 David L. Begley 73 Duane D. Bequette 75 Richard T. Berning '69 Daniel L. Bohachick '99 * Tricia Marie Bohler '93 Craig William Borgmeyer '88 Marvin E. Borgmeyer 74

JE S S IC A M c C O R D C hE ’04 St. Louis Admissions A m bassador U M R recruiter since 20 0 4

Alexandria Merritt 03 Thomas Otto Mesko '82 Henry Edward Midden III '69 Bruce F. Miller '50 Robert F. Morfeld '69 Robert R. Morrison Jr. 71 Jeff Mosher '94 Milton J. Murry '64 Norbert F. Neumann '52 * Parris Ng 00 Fred William Niemeier '95 Ramon E. Norono V 79 Stuart Daniel O'Kraski '87 Mark Overmann Jr. '85 David V. Owsley '61 Jerry D. Parsons 70 James Michael Party 78 * Gary K. Patterson '60 * James R. Patterson '54 James Pazdera '86 Jerry Arnold Poland '82 Matthew Ryan Porter 02 Elizabeth Ann Ragsdale 00 Larry James Ragsdale '98 Darlene Susan Ramsay '84 * Stanley E. Rand '62 Todd Steven Rastorfer '98 Kem Robert Reed '84 Joseph F. Reichert '59 John W. Renz '81 Robert A. Riess 79 Jesus S. Rivero 77 Curtis D. Robinson 03 Cherilyn R. Rockaway '86 Carmen Y. Rodriguez 79 Daniel M. Rodriguez Hoyle '50 Arlines J. Rodriguez '82 Roddy Jack Rogers '81 Karen Elizabeth Rogge '94 Thomas H. Rogge '93 Perrin R. Roller '80 * Susan H. Rothschild 74 * Emily Ann Rueck '97 Hasan Sadikoglu '95 Stephen Saliga '87 Lina M. Salinas E '80 Gualberto J. Sanchez 78 Sehrazat Saridereli '81

“I find when you talk with a high school student for more than a few minutes, you notice they’ll start asking the questions they wanted to know but didn’t want to ask - random questions from what campus is really like to how much do you really study. I like giving my opinion and encouraging them to get involved at UMR.”



e of volunteers

Robert J. Scanlon 73 T. J. Scheiblhofer '95 Patrick Jon Schroeder 00 Joseph Wade Schumer '92 Jeffrey R. Seaman 00 Christina Louise Sfreddo '94 Humbert E. Sfreddo '58 Marshall B. Shackelford 76 Aaron M. Shaw '95 Jennifer L. Shryer Birkholz '97 Armando J. Sifontes '80 Juan A. Silva 76 Andrew M. Singleton 00 Kwan Sitathani '92 Robert S. Smith '65 Jesus R. Solorzono '80 Nancey R. A. Spaith 72 Boonchuay Srithammasak '93 Aaron Lee Steigerwalt '98 Aleen E. Stinson '86 Samuel Lee Strackeljahn 03 Sylvia Mae Strackeljahn 03 James Edward Studer '84 Dawn Marie Stufft '99 Sutee Sudhirakuljai '91 Nicole L. M. Talbot 77 Clifford C. Tanquary '57 Brian Ronald Tenholder '97 David M. Tepen '90 Laura Thill 00 LeRoy E. Thompson '56 * Brian Edward Tipton '83 Nuanbhan Tuangtong '93 Pedro Tumialan Dela Cruz '68 Warren Stephen Unk '91 James Raymond Van Acker '98 Jesus R. Villarroel '83 Thomas R. Voss '69 * Shannon Mitchell Walker '97 Jennifer R. Wang 76 A Michael R. Warfel 75 Amanda Wedertz '99 William Keith Wedge 70 * Emily Jean Wehmeyer '97,

B O B & J U L IA W IL S O N EE’62 O sage Beach, Mo. Admissions A m bassadors U M R recruiters since 1975



Keith H. Wilham Jr. '69 Amanda Withers '99 Jeffrey Michael Wood '92 Joan B. Woodard 73 * Paul C. Woods '96 Stephen A. Wright '68 Steven Young '95 Thomas L. Zenge '69 A David R. Ziegler '85

Alumni Alliance Arthur C. Baebler '55 Robert D. Bay '49 * Matteo A. Coco '66 * James L. Foil 74 * Larry L. Hendren 73 * Calvin M. Ochs '49 A James R. Patterson '54 Darlene Ramsay '84 *

Public Resource Ambassadors James S. Anderson '55 * Richard R. Arnoldy '69 * Rick Arthur Arthur C. Baebler '55 Ernest K. Banks '81 * John C. Bartel '52 A Richard H. Bauer '51 * Robert D. Bay '49 * Jerry R. Bayless '59 A Carroll P. Bennett '54 David W. Berg '57 Jerome T. Berry '49 * * James K. Berthold '60 * Gary J. Bockman 70 Jesse R. Bodine '50 A Greg M. Bolon '85 Lucien M. Bolon Jr. '59 * Craig William Borgmeyer '88 Craig R. Bowers 76 John E. Branham 70 William F. Breig '62

Richard T. Breitenfeld '62 Billy Rex Browngard '50 * Robert S. Bruce '69 Earl D. Burk 70 Peter Michael Burton '85 Kenneth L. Busch 72 Robert G. Butchko 71 Basil E. Buterbaugh '47 Harold G. Butzer '47 A Michael W. Bytnar '68 A Donald W. Capone '58 A Danny L. Chilton '65 Louis J. Chiodini Jr. '61 Kathy Christy William P. Clarke 74 A John W. Claypool '60 A Larry Cleary Matteo A. Coco '66 * Arnold Cohn Carolyn Cohn Melissa Rose (Benedick) Corkill '91 Harold R. Crane '52 Ronald W. Craven '81 Stanley Dolecki '50 Randall G. Dreiling '81 Eric D. Dunning 70 John F. Eash 79 Kevin R. Eisenbeis 79 Richard L. Elgin 74 * Thomas B. Ellis 75 Diane Epstein Wilbur S. Feagan 76 A Gary J. Fennewald 73 Michael E. Ferretti '67 Jill S. (Miller) Finklang '87 Carl E. Finley '45 Paul I. Fleischut '85 Donald G. Fluchel 72 James L. Foil 74 A Michael R. Foresman '67 A Robert D. Freeland '60 A John Robert Frerking '87 Daniel E. Frisbee 72 Richard H. Frueh 75 A Joseph J. Gabris '80 Michael Gage Lawrence C. George '89 A

“My experience at Rolla was life-changing. When I came here, I knew it was a one-way trip. It had to work, quite frankly. I looked to the campus and professors to help me cope because this was my freedom. I didn’t get away with anything or have many privileges at home. I was rather shy. I started classes on Sept. 15,1958, and pretty soon along with math and physics, I learned to speak up for myself. These people helped me and we want to return the favor. We’re always doing something. We do crazy things like pass out water during freshman week.”

Jerry L. Gilmore '60 * Vivan Goodwin Jarrod Robert Grant '98 William J. Green '68 A Aaron J. Greenberg '50 Ronald L. Griesenauer 70 Ronald E. Halbach '65 Harold Dennis Haubein '66 Larry L. Hendren 73 A Robert J. Hoffmann '81 Mark Hopkins Bradley H. Hornburg '69 A T. Larry Huffman Michael D. Hurst 74 A D. Freddie Ipock 76 James D. Jackson '59 Ronald William Jagels '86 Richard R. Janis '68 A Paul E. Jobe '95 Rollie R. Johnson '62 A Richard F. Jordan 70 A Philip A. Jozwiak '66 A Angelina Juarez William J. Jurkiewicz Robert John Karmi '83 Leonard C. Kirberg '66 A Kraig G. Kreikemeier '63 A Joseph F. Krispin '54 A Harold A. Krueger '42 A James E. Lambert Jr. '69 A Richard D. Laughlin 75 John A. Lauth 72 Gerald R. Lee 76 B. Neil Lewis '58 Russell C. Lindenlaub '66 Inge Linsenbardt Cori Marie Lock 02 * Louis G. Loos II 77 James J. Lyons '66 Diana L. Martin John A. Mathes '67 A Michael W. McComas '69 A John McFarland Donald R. McGovern '58 * James B. McGrath '49 Michael W. McMenus '81 T. Michael McMillen '67 A Edward Arnold Medler '86 Michael J. Meyer 75 A Joseph A. Mickes '58 John M. Miles '61 John W. Moore '57 Cynthia June (Black) Moses '90 Milton J. Murry '64 Richard A. Navarro 70 Michael L. Nelson '69 Gilbert Newberry James A. Nicks Jr. 77 Amy Lynn Noelker '85 Craig S. O'Dear 79 Calvin M. Ochs '49 A John M. Owens '67 A John M. Parker 71 James R. Patterson '54 C. Theodore Peachee Jr. 72

* denotes deceased ^ denotes OGS membership - a $10,000+ commitment to UMR C. Gene Penzel 55 Veo Peoples Jr. 70 Roger D. Phillips 74 Glenn A. Pinkerton R. David Plank '59 Kenneth D. Pohlig '64 Charles E. Powell 71 Kurt Powelson Stephen Rudy Puljak '92 Mary A. Pulley '99 Darlene Ramsay '84 * Peter O. Redel '55 Joseph F. Reichert '59 Charles R. Remington '49 A Thomas W. Richter 73 James F. Roberts '53 Barbara Robertson Joseph M. Rosenauer Susan H. (Hadley) Rothschild 74 * Amy Diane (Horst) Ruggeri '90 Todd Wayne Rush '82 Larry L. Rushing '66 Robert Mark Sauer '83 * Harold Andrew Schelin Jr. '66 * Charles E. Schmidt Jr. '67 * Michael S. Schmidt '80 Thomas P. Schneider 75 Robert J. Schnell 78 John R. Schroeder Gary G. Schumacher '63 * Paul Gerald Segura '88 Eugene Sehl Jr. '63 * Christina Louise Sfreddo '94 Bob Sfreddo '58 Donald W. Shaw '69 William H. Shaw '49 Andrew M. Singleton '00 Randall Lee Skaggs '89 Kevin C. Skibiski 75 Richard C. Smith 77 James R. Sparks James L. Spehr '64 * Frederick C. Steele '65 Betsy Ann Stewart Claude N. Strauser '69 Larry G. Strobel '61 Clifford C. Tanquary '57 Bruce E. Tarantola '51 * • Kelley Ann (Jozwiak) Thomas '91 George D. Tomazi '58 A Max B. Trueblood Gary M. Turner '66 James K. Van Buren '63 A Jon Vaninger '63 Richard J. Vehige '68 * Thomas R. Voss '69 A William E. Walker III '84 Glenn Windsor Warren '48 Walter Alan Warren '86 William Keith Wedge 70 * Robert Wayne Whitehead '61 A

Janet Wickey-Spence '85 * Robert M. Williams Jr. 74 * Ronald R. Williams '63 Dyle B. Wilson 70 Suzanne Acacia (Medlock) Wilson '91 Donald E. Wojtkowski '69 Lawrence D. Wolf 79 Ronald C. Yersak Robert A. Zagar 70 David Ziegler Raymond D. Zook '57

Admissions Ambassadors Rex Alford '40 * Bruce H. Allen 77 Richard W. Altheide '84 Rajinkant C. Amin '63 Kathleen C. Andersen 79 Anita Anderson Ruth L. Anderson 74 Betty Andreas * Wayne T. Andreas '58 * * Christa Andrew '85 Paul Donald Andrew '81 Sean Phillip Antle '94 Michael R. Apprill 70 Richard R. Arnoldy '69 * Michael R. Atkinson '94 Priya Avula-Batchu '88 Brent A. Baker '02 Edwin R. Baker 73 Paul M. Balaster 02 Paul G. Baldetti '81 Edwin J. Ballantyne '60 Ernest K. Banks '81 * Jeanne Elizabeth Barkley '96 John G. Bartel '52 * Robert D. Bay '49 A Jerry R. Bayless '59 * David L. Begley 73 Tom Belsha 74 John Berger '68 Richard T. Berning '69 Jerome T. Berry '49 * * James E. Bertelsmeyer '66 * Paul M. Bertrand 71 Sherry Bever Myron H. Biddle 76 Frank K. Billups 75 Larry T. Birkner '84 William R. Bishop 71 William M. Black 72 Jeffrey P. Bledsoe '82 Vivian Bock Daniel L. Bohachick '99 * Tricia M. Bohler '93 Greg M. Bolon '85 Lucien M. Bolon '59 * Bruce M. Borcherding '90

Timothy Edward Bowman '88 Paul Braddock 78 Brian Keith Bradley '86 Benjamin Matthew Braker 00 Glen Brand '83 Mindy Brand '84 Amy R. Bremer '97 Debra Bridges Jason D. Bridges 00 * Steven D. Bridges 74 John Donald Brocke '97 Tara Dawn Brocke '97 Henry E. Brown '68 A Michael D. Brown 76 Richard A. Brown '83 Billy Rex Browngard '50 A Alvin Brungardt David J. Bufalo '66 Phillip E. Bureman '81 Earl D. Burk 70 H.L. Burke '62 James D. Butts 72 Don Buzen Samuel M. Byrd '98 Warren Caldwell Brian T. Call '97 Douglas Campbell John R. Campbell 74 Robert J. Campbell 71 Daniel L. Carnahan '68 Jim Carney Preston W. Carney 02 A Warren Carroll '59 Alan W. Carson 72 Welsey Cattoor 03 Richard G. Chapman 70 Stephen W. Chodrick '82 Stephen D. Christiansen 73 Gary R. Christopher 73 David Chu Kuangfu '85 Ann Clarke Gary L. Claspill '84 Larry Cleary Marilyn Cleary

Gay L. Clemenson Roger D. Clemons 71 Jimmie D. Clifford 77 Beth Cochran James E. Collier 77 Frank B. Conci '54 Christina Rose Cook '95 James J. Cook 74 James Robert Cook '94 Kamila Jean Cozort '85 Gary W. Creason 71 Phil L. Crouse '87 Jerry Crowley Joanne Crowley Alfred Joseph Cureau '93 Steve Curran 79 Dianne S. Cypret Ratan F. Daboo '62 Marvin A. Darrough '68 C. Allen Davenport Janet Davenport Robert L. Davis 70 Alan D. Davison 77 Joann Day Paul K. De Gonia '63 William J. Denk '60 Jacquelyn M. DeThorne 78 Walter H. Dickens '60 Jennifer K. Dickens '91 Maria Diecker Doug Donham Melissa Donham John J. Donnelly 70 Roger A. Dorf '65 * Joseph Gibbs Draper '81 Randall G Dreiling '81 Carolyn Sue Duchars '88 Lawrence W. Duchek 70 Jessica J. du Maine '85 Carolyn S. Duchars '88 Lawrence W. Duchek 70 H. Pat Duvall '62 A John F. Eash 79 Mark E. Ebel 04 A

KELLEY (JOZW IAK) TH O M A S C E ’91 St. Louis Area Director Admissions Am bassador U M R recruiter since 1991

Mark E. Eck '80 Gene W. Edwards '52 * Richard W. Eimer 71 A Richard L. Elgin 74 * Joseph O. Elliott 71 P. Roger Ellis 71 Gerald Mason Elphingstone '90 Michael J. Emanuel '87 Clyde L. Eppard William K. Ernst 75 Ivan A. Erwin '67 Angela M. Escalera 79 Kelly Eugea Tom Feger '69 Deirk Alan Feiner '85 Maria L. Feiner '85 Barbara Fiala * Neil A. Fiala '56 * Michael J. Filla 77 Jill S. Finklang '87 Michael J. Flannigan '81 Bradley C. Flauaus '94 Eric M. Fleming 01 Brian C. Foerstel 01 James L. Foil 74 * Elizabeth A. Ford 01 William C. Ford '66 J. P. Fransaw 04 Daniel E. Frisbee 72 Kevin Fritzmeyer Donald L. Fuller '66 Linda Fuller-Hull Joseph J. Gabris '80 Jacque Gage Mike Gage Elaine Gaines Michael G. Gaines Evelyln L. Gayer 73 John Scott George 72 Tracey Gerhold '84 Lisa G. Gibson '93 Alice Fern Gilbert '84 James W. Gilstrap '67 Denis P. Gladbach '94 Michael E. Godar 72 Adil M. Godiwalla '66

“It’s motivating when I connect with high school students and see their determination and eagerness, and learn their ambitions. Recruiting gives me an opportunity to communicate a few of my everyday college experiences and at the same time helps answer some of the students’ questions that relate to college life. Choosing a college and a profession are such huge decisions and it gives me a good feeling to know that I may have helped make this decision-making process a little bit easier.”



profile of volunteers

John E. Goethe '92 John Harrison Gordon '88 Jarrod Robert Grant '98 Richard W. Gray '83 Mark Gredell 79 Jeffrey J. Green 71 William J. Green '68 * Aaron J. Greenberg '50 Cindy Greenwell Scott David Gruben '89 John Haake Kevin J. Hagan '80 William M. Hallett '55 * Risdon W. Hankinson '60 * Larry G. Harmon '67 Nancy Harms 00 Randal J. Hauser '83 Vance N. Havens 74 William E. Hayes 72 Brady F. Hays '98 Wilfred Hegg '83 Michael A. Heitzman 78 Marilyn Hellmueller Mark C. Henderson '84 Larry L. Hendren 73 * Polly A. Hendren 73 * Charles R. Henke '99 James R. Hennessey '87 John E. Henning III 00 Allen Lee Hentges '93 Randall Herion Mike Hermesmeyer Morris E. Hervey '81 Dale Herzberg Stephen E. Himmell 70 Gary W. Hines '95 Delores J. Hinkle 75 K. Daniel Hinkle 73 John E. Hixson 71 John R. Hock '82 Dave Holtgrefe Marcia Holtgrefe Wayne Alan Hopkins '89 Jennifer F. Hopper '98

PO LLY H E N D R E N E M g t’73 Colum bia, Mo. Admissions A m bassador U M R recruiter since 1996



Joseph W. Howell '81 Shelia Howell Timothy Scott Hudwalker '88 John Huff Karen Huff Mitzi Huffman T. Larry Huffman Douglas J. Hughes '63 J. Richard Hunt '50 * D. Freddie Ipock 76 Marilyn Isreal Jeffrey L. Ivers 74 Natalie J. Jackson '81 Ronald William Jagels '86 Dennis F. Jaggi 70 Marla Irene Jedlicka '87 Timothy Edward Jedlicka '85 Mark Benjamin Joersz '95 Donna Johnson Larry D. Johnson Tyronna Vondeania Johnson '90 James H. Jones 71 Jay Jones Russell Jones Philip A. Jozwiak '66 * Jeannette Lynn Jumps '00 Frank Jung Jackie Jung Gregory Junge '65 * Russell A. Kamper '62 Michael C. Kearney '60 Nathanial A. Keen '00 Byron L. Keil '52 * Christopher A. Kelly 03 Bettye Kempf Larry Kempf Larry D. Kennedy Kerns Kathy J. Curtis Killinger 73 A Elizabeth H. Kimmell Glenn Kimmell Kenneth C. Klippel Martin Eliot Kofsky 00 Wayne A. Kotter 74 Kraig G. Kreikemeier '63 * David W. Kroeter 73 A Barron George Kuhlmann '87

“It’s the reputation of Rolla that is so valuable once you graduate. The alums work very hard to keep that reputation great for current students. For the money and time, we found a Rolla degree to be the best value in the state. UMR is the perfect choice for a kid going into engineering.”

Charles O. Kunz '50 John Joseph LaBerg '84 Agnes Lackman Andy Laegeler 02 Molly Laegeler '02 James L. Lahm '88 Robert Leon Laird '85 Ronald G. LaManque '85 Elizabeth A. Lang '81 Richard J. Langenstein '87 Eugene P. Larson '51 Kirk William Lawson '85 John P. Legsdin 70 * Beth Leichliter Dennis W. Leitterman 76 * Rene J. Leonard '61 * David R. Lewis 75 Harry Lewis James D. Libiez '63 John H. Livingston '39 * Brian Lee Logan '83 John Angelo Loiacono '84 James F. Longshore '56 Gail A. Lueck 02 Peter S. Lunde Paul Mack Fred Maidment Paul Martin Majors '96 * Peter H. F. Malsch '62 * Keith K. Mandachit '98 Larry Greg Manning '87 Brian S. Manus '98 Christopher K. Marlow '98 Reginald T. Marsh '69 Fred S. Marshall 77 Jennifer Lee Marshall '96 Diana L. Martin Mike Marx Jimmy C. Massey '69 Kim I. Mastalio 70 Kory G. Mathews '84 Michael W. Maupin 71 Cody Robert May 01 Edward A. May Jr. '83 T. James May '66 Michael Alan May '85 Keith D. Mazachek '82 Roberta McBrady Joseph E. McBride 70 Sandra R. McBride 70 Thomas J. McBroom 72 Gregory D. McClain 72 * Jessica M. McCord 04 Michael R. McGath 70 Dennis R. McGee '69 John McGillivray Jason B. McHaney '91 Don L. McIntosh '82 Anthony J. McLaughlin '98 Laura R. McLaughlin '99 Roscoe R. McWilliams 72 * Jimmy L. Means 73 Edward Arnold Medler '86 Jim Medlin '67 Alexandria Merritt '03 James Benjamin Mette

Albert C. Meyer Jr. '86 Douglas E. Meyer '81 Rose H. Meyer 04 Linda J. Michaelsen '80 Ellen Michel H. Edward Midden III '69 Bruce F. Miller '50 Robert C. Mitchell '61 Wilda E. Mitchell 71 William Mochel Russell D. Monie Jr. 74 Michael A. Montefusco '69 Robert R. Morrison 71 Steven L. Moss 76 James G. Mueller 78 Bill M. Murray '68 Milton J. Murry '64 Joseph N. Muscovalley '55 Gerald Scott Nall '86 Zebulun Nash 72 * Richard A. Navarro 70 Norbert F. Neumann '52 A Rhonda Newberry Parris Ng 00 Kenneth Louis Nichols '90 James A. Nicks 77 Fred W. Niemeier '95 Mark J. Nienhaus '84 Amy Lynn Noelker '85 William W. Norfleet '66 Kenneth P. O'Brien '82 Jorge A. Ochoa '85 * Calvin M. Ochs '49 * Craig S. O'Dear 79 Timothy P. O'Mara '82 Dustin D. Olson '98 Lorna Jean O'Rourke '84 Robert F. O'Rourke '83 Daniel C. Osbourne 74 Jason C. Osiek 02 Joseph Ott Dan Ottley Melanie Overholt '00 Thomas Keith Parks '82 James R. Patterson '54 Richard R. Paul '66 Laura Paxton A. Kent Peccola '82 Bryan Peetz Timothy M. Pemberton '87 Henry A. Perkins 77 Linda Sims Perry '89 Mary Peterein James B. Peterson '66 Ronald D. Pfeiffer 77 Russ Pfeifle 74 Richard W. Phelps '68 Roger D. Phillips 74 Anne Pickrell Helene Hardy Pierce '83 John Platz '88 Marianne Pontius '86 Eric R. Potts 73 Michael C. Preston '88 John S. Price 75 Stephen Rudy Puljak '92

* denotes deceased ^ denotes OGS membership - a $10,000+ commitment to UMR Mary Ann Pulley '99 James Pulliam James R. Ragland '67 Elizabeth Ragsdale 00 Larry Ragsdale '98 Ronald D. Rains '71 Darlene S. Ramsay '84 A Stanley E. Rand '62 Adonica D. Randall '75 Todd S. Rastorfer '98 Mario A. Ray Kem Reed Walter C. Reed '69 Jada Dianne Reese '84 Joseph F. Reichert '59 Kevin J. Reinhard '83 David A. Reinke '72 John R. Reiter '73 John Remmers '84 * Lynn C. Rice '74 Robert A. Ridle '60 Rob Riess '79 Kenneth C. Riley '56 * Steven P. Rinne '78 Kenneth A. Robb '65 Timothy A. Robert 04 Barbara Robertson Stephen L. Robertson '73 David A. Robinson '71 Daniel M. Rodriguez Hoyle '50 Roddy Jack Rogers '81 Perrin R. Roller '80 A Susan H. Rothschild 74 A Richard O. Rouse '62 David E. Ruester 78 Amy D. Ruggeri '90 Martha A. Rush '85 Todd Wayne Rush '82 Tom Ryan Stephen V. Saliga '87 M. Mike Sanii-Memar '69 Robert Meredith Saxer '61 Robert J. Scanlon 73 Stephen S. Schade 74 Robert James Schaffer '93 Janet M. Scheier '93 Sheryl Schiller Hans K. Schmoldt 72 A Jon C. Schneider '87 A Robert J. Schnell 78 Jimmy D. Schottel 70 William V. Schroeder Joseph W. Schumer '92 James L. Schwager Jeffrey R. Seaman 00 Raymond Michael Seggelke '93 W. Cody Sexton '98 H. E. “Bob" Sfreddo '58 Robert James Shaw '83 Ronald E. Sherard 74 Craig Sherrill Debra Shobe James L. Shoemaker '59 Larry W. Shoemaker 76 Laura Anne Silkwood '82

Andrew M. Singleton 00 Christopher Shawn Sitton '92 Randall Lee Skaggs '89 Gregory D. Skannal '85 Barry Joseph Skeens '83 Kevin C. Skibiski 75 David G. Skitek '67 Morgan T. Smith 02 Neil S. Smith '68 Sharon Sofian '84 Gary Sommers Jayant C. Soni '64 Anthony E. Sotta '68 Lawrence A. Spanier '50 * Dale A. Spence '97 A Patricia R. Spence '94 * David A. Spencer '69 Patricia A. Spivey Meredith A. Springs '97 Stephen Michael Squibb '98 Stephen E. Starke 75 Christina A. Steck '96 William E. Steinkamp '64 David J. Stelzer 78 Reva Stickler Carmen Stites Tuttle '84 Stuart M. Storrs '68 Marshall Strouse '92 Stephen E. Starke 75 Christina A. Steck '96 William E. Steinkamp '64 David J. Stelzer 78 Colleen N. Stucker '00 Dave Stucki A. Lawrence Summers 72 Graham G. Sutherland III '64 Lawrence H. Taber 00 Nicole L. M. Talbot 77 Clifford C. Tanquary '57 Christopher R. Tarnowieckyi '87 Michael E. Taylor 72 Brian Ronald Tenholder '97 David M. Tepen '90

Cindy Terryberry Kelley Ann Thomas '91 LeRoy E. Thompson '56 * Christopher Allen Thornton '90 John B. Toomey '49 A Kim Wayne Tracy '85 Max B. Trueblood Susan Trueblood Tadashi Tsukamoto 75 Gerald C. Uhe '62 A Lori Uhe * Charles F. Umphenour 70 Betty M. Ungerman '80 Robert F. Uthoff '52 James K. Van Buren '63 A John G. Van Deven 79 Scott W. Van Horn '84 James N. Vangilder '68 * Jon Vaninger '63 Jeff A. Vaughn '83 Kerri Ann Vencato 00 Frank P. Verdusco '85 Greg Ronald Vetter '87 Joseph D. Vitali '59 Scott Lee Volner '83 Thomas R. Voss '69 A Robert L. Wade 71 Cynthia L. Wagner '86 William C.Wagner '84 Shannon M. Walker '97 Jennifer R. Wang 76 A Susan E. Watson '83 William Keith Wedge 70* Michael W. Weiss 77 Francis J. Werner '80 Ross B. Whittier '98 Lynn Whitworth Janet Wickey Spence '85 * John M. Wiesehan 72 A Roger D. Wiley 70 Roland R. Wilks 74 Carney R. Williams Paulette A. Williams

Cheryl Wilmoth Jay P. Wilshire '83 John W. Wilson Robert J. Wilson '62 * Willis J. Wilson 73 A Amanda Withers '99 Jim Witte Ralph E. Wolfram '50 Randall A. Wood '85 Steven M. Woodcock '83 Samuel W. Woods '59 Daniel K. Wright '89 * Linda K. Wright '88 A Lynn Wuebbels Ronald C. Yersak Adrian A. Yu '93 Robert A. Zagar 70 James B. Zieger 70 David Ziegler Janie Ziegler David L. Zimmerman '89

Career Contact & Alumni Network Raymond J. Abdelmalek '99 Babar M. Ahmad '01 Fawad Ahmad '95 Scott C. Armistead '89 Scott W. Ashwell '95 Tracey D. Ashwell '95 John M. Ay '85 Andy P. Bachle '96 Angela D. Bachle '95 Bret A. Baldwin '93 Ernest K. Banks '81 * David J. Bayless '87 Chris J. Beach '99 Stephanie Lynn Berghoff'93 Dave C. Billingsley Sr. '86 Khara Lynne Brock '99 Michael W. Brunstein '90 Diane M. Butrus '85 Benjamin R. Carson '98 Matthew W. Clark '99 Jimmie D. Clifford 77 James E. Coons '83

Mark A. Crawford '96 * Alfred J. Cureau Jr. '93 Lisa M. Derr '99 James W. Dietzel '99 Elizabeth L. Dixon '99 Laura M. Dixon '90 Natalie L. Dixon '96 J. Lance Driskill '94 H. Pat Duvall '62 A Jennifer C. Eckstein '98 Casey L. Engstrom '92 Gary J. Fennewald 73 Donald G. Fluchel 72 Dean S. Ford '95 James R. Fricke 75 Barry W. Garofalo '82 Lisa E. Lai Fook '99 Keith A. Gettinger '00 Kelli M. Gist 01 Scott A. Greer '97 Ronald L. Griesenauer 70 Brian D. Groff '99 W. Floyd Harris 74 A John C. Hartleroad '93 Bradley D. Haug '87 Mahlon R. Haunschild Stephen E. Herzog '82 Gary W. Hines '95 Douglas J. Hughes '63 Timothy J. Hughes '98 Christopher J. Hull '86 Stephen A. Ingracia '93 James L. Jansen 79 Michael E. Johnson '01 Raghuram Kamath '98 Philip J. Kesel '92 Bryan K. Kirchoff'96 Kali M. Kliethermes '98 Robert J. Kostelnik 75 Jennifer M. Kuchinski '95 Kristi L. Kuhlmann 01 Ronald G. LaManque '85 Joshua G. Lawalin 02 Phil W. Ling '92 Julie Madhusoodanan '99 Paul M. Majors '96 * Jeffrey D. Marker '88 Daniel J. Marley '84

Russ: “A UMR education offers students the opportunity to get a head start in the business and technology world and if the students have the drive, can open any door that they wish to knock on.”

R U S S PFEIFLE & N IC O L E TA LB O T C hE ’77 & M E ’74 Pearland, Texas Admissions Am bassadors U M R recruiters since 1992 & ’98

Nicole: “I believe that I truly benefited from the small class size at UMR. There were students that I had classes with every semester for four years. We formed study groups and friendships. I believe all high school seniors should be offered this same opportunity and it’s my mission to see that as many of them as possible learn about UMR.”



profile of volunteers 62

James E. Mazurek '82 Gregory D. McClain 72 * Michael E. McEnery '85 David L. Meyer '81 Maria Teresa Espelimberg Morand '94 Casey P. Morriss '97 Dale L. Morse 01 Michael J. Mueller '98 Ray A. Myers '97 Richard A. Navarro '64 Carol A. Nelson '94 Norbert F. Neumann '52 * Joseph C. Neyer 78 Sharon M. Nichols '87 Karen D. Squires Nordeng '89 Craig S. O'Dear 79 Erik S. Ohare '92 Dustin D. Olson '98 Demon D. Parker '98 John E. Pearson '88 Steven J. Peterson '86 Richard L. Petitt Jr. '96 Angela M. Poertner '98 Ian D. Poertner '96 James E. Pugh 59 Stephen R. Puljak '92 Laurie Reese '99 Christopher M. Reiter '95 Xiang Ren 04 Jerome A. Riemann '95 Robert J. Schnell 78 Kristopher C. Scholl '98 Jeffrey P. Schroeder '95 Randall G. Schuetz '83 Raymond M. Seggelke '93 Paul G. Segura '88 Michael F. Simmons '64 Susan M. Simmons '84 Paul M. Simons '99 Valerie J. Simpson '84 Gregory D. Skannal '85 Mary E. Smith '93 Vernon A. Smith '93 Andrew M. Speck '93 Vivek Srinivasan '99 Nathan P. Staehling '94 William E. Steinkamp '64 Paul W. Taylor '58 Frederick L. Thomas '91 Kelley A. Thomas '91 Robert E. Thomure 79 Patrick J. Toby '88 Kim W. Tracy '85 Daniel D. N. Tran '84 Kate L. Trout '99 William L. Unzicker '98 Kimberly M. Visintine '94 Jennifer L. Walker '99 Susan E. Watson '83 Shawn F. Weber '95 Ross B. Whittier '98 Barbara S. Wilmes '85 Willis J. Wilson 73* Richard D. Words 00 Linda Kay Wright '88 *


Charles F. Yarnall 76 Adrian A. Yu '93

Class Coordinators Angela D. Bachle '95 Arthur G. Baebler '55 Cynthia L. Bailey '90 * Gino L. Balducci '80 Campbell C. Barnds III '55 Nicholas E. Barrack 75 Paul W. Benz '60 Gerald W. Bersett '65 * Greg M. Bolon '85 Milton F. Bradley '65 Bruce L. Bramfitt '60 John M. Brown '85 Glenn E. Cordes '60 James E. Cornelison '65 Kamila J. Cozort '85 James R. Cunningham '65 Randal S. Curtis '85 Thomas A. Dittmaier '80 Stanley Dolecki '50 Roger A. Dorf '65 * Eric D. Dunning 70 William M. Farrell Jr. '65 Carl E. Finley '45 Virgil J. Flanigan '60 Gregory L. Flieg '90 Susan M. Flieg '90 Michael T. Gilliam 75 Jerry L. Gilmore '60 * Daniel K. Goodman '65 Aaron J. Greenberg '50 Don J. Gunther '60 A Amy J. Haddock '95 Thomas A. Herrmann '50 * James F. Hespen '55 Jeffrey A. Hiller '85 Sharri L. Hiller '85 Gary W. Hines '95 Delores J. Hinkle 75 J. Richard Hunt '50 * Gregory Junge '65 * Robert J. Kadwell '65 Richard L. Kaiser '55 Michael C. Kearney '60 Craig S. Korkoian 75 Robert J. Kostelnik 75 Frederick S. Kummer Jr. '55 * Edward P. Kyburz '50 Roger A. LaBoube 70 Ronald G. LaManque '85 Shelly A. Lane '95 Christopher A. Layton '90 John P. Legsdin 70 * Thomas W. Manning 70 Charles B. McField Jr. '80 Michael R. McGath 70 Cynthia J. Moses '90 Walter C. Mulyca '65 Fred W. Niemeier '95 Jorge A. Ochoa '85 * Robert B. Oetting '55

Larry J. Oliver 70 Robert L. Otto '65 John W. Padan '55 Laura E. Pagano '85 William J. Peach 75 Christopher M. Reiter '95 Perrin R. Roller '80 * Amy D. Ruggeri '90 Rayna M. Schrick '95 Andrew M. Singleton 00 Gregory D. Skannal '85 Lawrence A. Spanier '50 Anne M. Springer 70 Robert A. Strain '50 David M. Tepen '90 Charles H. Toedtman '65 Clyde A. Vandivort '65 Mark G. Viox '80 William Keith Wedge 70 * Keith D. Wesselschmidt '80 Loren P. Whetsell '90 Janet Wickey-Spence '85 * Robert J. Wille '80 Kimberly H. Winslow '90 Michael G. Wisland '85 Kenneth W. Wood '60 * Robert A. Zagar 70

Parents’ Association Deloris Adriano Frank Adriano Michelle Anderson Steve Anderson Kathy Christy Larry Cleary Marilyn Cleary Arnold Cohn Carolyn Cohn Karla Cole Daryl Counts Janice M. Counts Gregory Dameron Nick Dimartino Glen Dvorak Jan Dvorak Diane Epstein Steve Epstein Jacque Gage Michael Gage Vivan Goodwin Patti Hobbs Donna Hopkins Mark Hopkins Jan House Roger House Bernadette Johnson Angelina Juarez Charlotte Liefer David Lininger Jo Ann Lininger Inge Linsenbardt David Little Marie Little

Linda Loebach Nila Chris Martin John McFarland Marilyn McFarland Kathleen Miller Rex Miller Diane Morrey Joe Morrey Gilbert Newberry Rhonda Newberry Dave Perdue Sandy Perdue Joan Ricca Joseph Ricca Barbara Robertson Max B. Trueblood Susan Trueblood Cathy Voss Tim Voss Judy Ward Thomas Ward David Ziegler Janie Ziegler

Parents’ Association Past Presidents Joe DePasquale Dennis R. McGee '69 Henry Edward Midden III '69 Susan L. Ramsey Barbara Robertson Joseph M. Rosenauer Max B. Trueblood Richard J. Vehige '68 * Joseph A. Volk Jr. Ronald C. Yersak

Alumni Office Volunteers Ann Edwards Brown Mrs. Walbridge P. (Betty) Eyberg '50 Charles A. Hell A Charles R. Remington '49 * John E. Smith '51 Joseph William Todd '49 William Keith Wedge 70 * Julia J. Wilson * Robert J. Wilson '62 *

Athletics Booster Club Officers Jerry Bayless '59 * Don Brackhahn '93 * Scott Caron

* denotes deceased ^ denotes OGS membership - a $10,000+ commitment to UMR Dave Dearth '68 * Floyd Ferrell * Gene Gaddy Judy Hagen Nancy Lentz Max B. Trueblood Robin West

Booster Club Volunteers Dewey J. Allgood Jr. Jerry Bayless '59 * Don Brackhahn '93 * Nancy Brackhan '96 * Ann Brown Scott Caron Robert E. Crowley Dave Dearth '68 * Sue Dearth * Caroleen Ferrell * Floyd Ferrell * Gene Gaddy Judy Hagen Greg Harris Nikki Huffman Billy Key Nancy Lentz Rodney Lentz Charles R. Remington '49 * Dave Roberts Don Sparlin * William A. Stoltz '68 Max B. Trueblood Armin Tucker '40 * Norman Tucker '40 * Robin West

Chalrback Seat Committee Don Brown Vicky Brown Dave Dearth '68 A Sue Dearth * Alan Eads Boo Eversman * Walt Eversman * Johnny Hoch Wendi Hoch Dale W. Martin Kimberly Matthews Ryan Matthews Jack Ridley Marcia Ridley Tom Thomas Armin Tucker '40 * Norman Tucker '40 * Robin West

Sidney E. Duerr Jr. '50 Scorekeepers, Fred H. Eckert '50 Officials & Volunteers Gene W. Edwards 52 * Gary Bartle Frank D. Blum Stephen L. Bowles Harold E. Fiebelman '66 E. B. Finley Stan Hines Michael W. Malone Richard W. Miller H. Frederick Nelson Donald J. Olds R. Mark Potrafka Merle E. Southern '61 Sherman Widener Rita Joanne Zap 03 Steve Zap

Volunteer Coaches Scott Caron Jeffrey S. Dalton '86 Jack Pennuto '04

Volunteer Doctors James A. Felts Anthony T. Kaczmarek '87 Debbi McCaul Donald McMullin

Jackling Jocks Dewey J. Allgood Jr. Perry R. Allison '59 Charles A. Anderson '52 David K. Anderson '51 * Larry C. Atha '58 Keith E. Bailey '64 * Carroll P. Bennett '54 Jerome T. Berry '49 * * William W. Beydler '59 C. Dudley Blancke Jr. '50 George Bock '52 Lucien M. Bolon Jr. '59 * Morris G. Boren '62 Richard E. Boyett '58 Donald G. Brackhahn '93 * Elmer C. Breidert '50 Wayne R. Broaddus Jr. '55 * * John W. Brose Gary M. Broyles '61 Kirby Cannon Arthur Keith Cook '42 William E. Coolbaugh '50 Thomas W. Cooper '60 Theodore F. Deranja '65 Jerome P. Dorlac '55 Donald J. Dowling Jr. '51 *

Bill R. Engelhardt '60 * Roger L. Feaster '57 Paul P. Fullop '48 * William H. Gammon '49 * Joseph H. Geers '52 William F. Geisler '54 James A. Gerard '54 Charles B. Germer '55 * David L. Gray '69 Joseph P. Green '55 Valgene Gribble '56 Robert C. Helm '57 * Gerald L. Henson '51 Thomas J. Herrick '58 Arthur J. Herschbach '61 William J. Hill Sr. '58 Michael J. Hillmeyer '61 Lester W. Holcomb '51 Gene A. Huffman '52 Dennis R. Hunnicutt '58 William E. Hurlburt '58 Ronald B. Husemann '59 Robert A. Jackson 57 Kenneth D. Jobe '60 Oliver A. Jorcke '50 * Gilbert G. Jurenka '56 Ronald D. Jurenka '58 Joseph F. Kalinowsky '57 * Harry E. Kennedy '51 Dale L. Klohr '58 Thomas L. Koederitz '53 Joseph F. Krispin '54 * William A. Kruger '59 * Harley W. Ladd '40 * * James D. Lemon '63 Jimmy C. Lemon III '61 Don D. Matson '52 John M. McCarthy '55 Charles K. McCaw '62 Donald R. McGovern '58 *

Ed McPherson '58 Charles L. Miller '57 Mark E. Mullin James M. Murphy '56 * Nicholas Mushovic '42 * Marvin E. Nevins Jr. '41 * Nicholas J. Nicola '41 * Wallace E. Northup '58 Dale J. Orrick '56 Ray A. Parker Jr. '60 Herman J. Pfeifer '36 * Robert L. Proctor '52 Robert E. Reichelt '49 Dale L. Rockwell '57 Lynn A. Rockwell '59 Donald J. Roth '57 Ray Rucker '54 Joel S. Scharf '59 Arthur L. Schmidt '50 Roger J. Schoeppel '52 Roy L. Sharp '61 James A. Shildmyer '56 * Paul L. Singer '58 William H. Stewart '54 * William A. Stoltz '68 John V. Sullivan '62 Otis H. Taylor '42 * John C. Theiss '51 Richard A. Thurston '51 Carlos H. Tiernon '54 * Bobby Van Harris '58 William J. Varga '59 James W. Ware '56 Charles A. Weitzel '55 John H. Weitzel '59 * Newton L. Wells '59 Robert S. Wheeler III '62 William J. Wheeler '60 Louis H. Whitehair '59 Alden D. Williams '50 Hugh W. Wilson '59 James C. Wilson '40

GREG SK ANNAL GeoE’85 Olympia Fields, III. Admissions Ambassador African American Recruitment & Retention Committee UMR recruiter since 1976

KUMR Community Advisory Board Jeffrey D. Cawlfield * Donna Cogell Vicki Cox Ralph D. Hohenfeldt Bruce Harrill Greg Harris Andrew Layton Larry E. Mullen Virginia M. Ryle Cheryl M. Seeger '80 * Jim Sigler Greg Stratman Mary Jo BarbusfvWeiss

KUMR Volunteers Diana L. Ahmad Helen Allen Shirley Andrews Lindsay L. (Lomax) Bagnall '76 * Hugh Bartlett Morgan Bearden Amy Ann BeechnerMcCarthy '91 Cindy Beger Deloris Bell Deb Bledsoe Jeffrey Brand Paula Brewer James C. Brown '72 Lee Bushie Jere Cadoret * Andrew Careaga Richard Carl Richard Cavender

“I started out by recruiting potential members for the Epsilon Psi’s chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. I quickly realized that UMR provided a low-cost, top-rated education and was a hidden treasure. I have grown to appreciate even more the preparation UMR provided me and continue to recruit students so they can take advantage.”



profile of volunteers

Jeffrey Cawlfield * Jeff Cohen Sue Crews Mariesa Crow A James M. Davidson Carrolyn Doan James L. Drewniak A Kate Drowne David M. Duncan Lisa Ecsi'Davis Jeffrey A. Edgington '94 Martha Edwards Charles Elliott Sammye Elliott Mrs. Walbridge P. (Betty) Eyberg '50 Robert Fossey Catherine M. Frank Dolores Gaub Reenie Davis Hale Maureen Anne Hall '95 Edith Gale Hays '85 Jennifer Hushaw Dale Jackson Barbara B. Johnson Cecily A. Jones Patricia A. Lizotte 79 Ray Lockhart Grace Madigan F. Stephen Malott * Joe Makers James Haven Martin Lorriane McFarland Cheryl McKay Christine Melton Don Miller Gloria Miller Roberta Morgan '87 Maggie T. Morrison *

Larry E. Mullen Tara Peters Robert J. Phelan A Bonnie Prigge Cathy Kovarik Primm Marcia Ridley Ruth Rinck Bryan Rogers Cheryl M. Seeger '80 * Jeanne L. Senne A Steve Smith Tammy Snodgrass Joyce Trimble * Mark Turley* Barbara Waggoner A Lyle West Lynn Wieties

Other Volunteers Chancellor’s Leadership Academy Speakers Jamie Archer* Phillip J. Colombatto 71 Gregory Daily '86 Michael J. Perry '80 Keith D. Strassner 79 Stephen A. Szymanski 74

Campus Family Series Performing Arts Advisory Board Campus Performing Arts Series Advisory Committee Paula Van Antwerp Sue Arnold Mary Lou Castleman * Elise DeWit Paula M. (Marcellus) Lutz 76 * Barbara Palmer Shelley Dotson Emily Preston Walt Eversman A Rebecca Frisbee '90 Don Miller Paul Mitchell Maggie Morrison A Angela Nappier Eun Soo Park Kittie Robertson A Lee Saperstein A Mary Helen Stoltz '95 Ashwin Shashindranath Roger Terry Leila Thomas John Woodfin

Shelley Dotson Cheryl Goltz Luce Myers Mark Potrafka Emily Preston Leah Prewett Rhoda Parker-Sachs Jim Sigler Marianne Ward Pam Williams John Woodfin

Theatre Ushers Leslie Anderson Marsha Belvo Carol Finn Cynthia Hobart Helen (Allen) Huffman Fred W. Krueger '58 Pat Krueger Gerre McKay Bob Petry Wanda Petry Marian Pruitt Walter Timson Renee Zeman

Alumni serve as Admissions Ambassadors Many UMR graduates stay connected to their alma mater without traveling far from home. “We have a wonderful network of alumni around the world who enjoy student recruitment," says Stephanie Martensen, coordinator of the UMR alumni sections program. “Helping UMR attract students is an important way that many of them give back to their alma mater." These ambassadors help in several ways, including: • Attending college fairs. “Alumni primarily assist our admissions department by attending out-of-state college fairs on behalf of UMR,” says Cathy Tipton, coordinator of admissions at UMR. • Attending awards ceremonies. Alumni announce and present scholarship awards to future UMR students at scholarship ceremonies for high school seniors.



• Hosting send-off parties. “Many alumni sections host summer send-off picnics for incoming UMR freshmen and transfer students in their area,” Martensen says. • Writing “admit letters.” Alumni often write letters to newly admitted students from their area. These letters congratulate students on their acceptance to UMR, and provide a contact if they have any specific questions. “Prospective students and their parents often say they like having local alumni available to answer questions about Rolla,” Martensen says. “We are very grateful to the alumni who choose to serve as admissions ambassadors.” For more information on becoming a UMR Admissions Ambassador, contact Cathy Tipton at crowell@umr.edu or (573) 341-4166.

Paul Worsey: Not Your Average Joe Blow UM R CO NNECTIO N: Professor of mining engineering, explosives expert.

CLAIM TO FAME: Teaches the worlds only for-credit class in pyrotechnics and started the first college commercial demolition class in the United States. FAVORITE EXPLOSIVE: RDX, “the explosive component of C4 and many other military explosives.” (He loves it so much, his license plate reads “RDX-HMX” - HMX being his second favorite explosive.) LIGHTS UP THE SKIES: Worsey works with UMR’s Society of Explosives Engineers to put on fireworks displays at UMR football games, the annual Block Party, and other university and student functions, as well as for events across the state. He has fun setting up and shooting numerous fireworks displays in St. Louis over July 4. LICENSE TO PYRO: Worsey holds state display fireworks and special effects licenses.

LIGHT HIS FIRE (CRACKER): Worsey lit his first firecracker in kindergarten, “and made my first in sixth grade. Nobody would sell us any potassium nitrate to make black powder so we checked out the periodic table, figuring it had to be good for something (otherwise the chemists wouldn’t use it). We found sodium had roughly the same properties as potassium, so we went off and purchased sodium nitrate instead with no problem. The rest of the ingredients were charcoal and sulfur powder.” HOW DID IT W ORK? “Worked great! Just goes to prove that chemistry has its uses.”

WHAT LIGHTS HIS FUSE: “Watching the expression on peoples faces when I blow their hair back and their hats off during one of our countless high explosives demonstrations.”

W HY HE LOVES TO TEACH: “Don’t know. Never thought about it, just do. Like Nike says, ‘Just do it!’” FAVORITE SUPERHERO: Wyle E. Coyote. AW E-INSPIRED BY: The power of explosives. A LOT OF PEOPLE D O N ’T KNOW THAT U M R ... is the university to come to for an explosives education.

LATEST HOT IDEA: Creating an explosives engineering minor at UMR.

Photo by Ian Nance/UMR Publications

John F. “Jack� Carney III Position: Chancellor Team: University of Missouri-Rolla Throws: Left Bats: Left Minor League stats: 1963: Merrimack College, North Andover, Mass.: B.S., civil engineering 1964: Northwestern University, Evanston, III.: M.S., civil engineering 1966: Northwestern University, Evanston, III., Ph.D., civil engineering

Major League stats: 1966-1981: University of Connecticut,

A heavy-hitting researcher, Carney has 10 patents to his credit and while at W PI doubled sponsored research awards. Known for building team s, Carney also hired 12 of 14 departm ent heads at W PI. Experts expect his rookie season at U M R to be a winner.

department of civil engineering Assistant professor, 1966-1969 Associate professor, 1969-1974 Professor, 1974-1981 19 81-1983: Auburn University, Professor and head of civil engineering 1983-1996: Vanderbilt University, Nashville Professor of civil engineering, 1983-1989 Associate dean for graduate affairs, 1989-1993 Associate dean for research and graduate affairs, 1993-1996 1996-2004: Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Provost and vice president for academic affairs

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