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THIS BOOK IS VOL. 3 ( Of Three Volumes ) In "SET" ( or Copy ) No. 1 The O rig in a l Master Copy I t Covers Years 1947 to 1973 Of Rol l a ' s Story. By Dr. and Mrs. C la ir V. Mann R o lla , M issouri
COPYRIGHT, 1974 By C la ir V. Mann and Bonita H. Mann Tenants By The E n tire ty A l l Rights Reserved. No portion o f th is Story may be reproduced By Any Process Whatever Without W ritten Permission Of Copyright H olders.
CO. CENTENNIAL+COhospital+ KOREANWAR+M.S.M.GETSMECHLAB 1947-1959 By Dr. and Mrs. Cl a i r V. Mann R olla, Missouri
By C la ir V. Mann and Bonita H. Mann Tenants By The Entirety A ll Rights Reserved. No portion of th is Story may be reproduced By Any Process Whatever Without Written Permission Of Copyright Holders.
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R O L L A PERIOD FROM JAN. L, 1947, TO DEG. 31, 1958
General Character Of_TTie_Period. - The period from January 1, 1947, to Decem ber 31, 1958 - which we now review - was one of the most turbulent that Rolla nas ever experienced. Some o f the fa cto rs were comparatively peaceful. Others, of varied character, made th is period one o f h igh ly notable turbulence and excitement. We f i r s t summarize the period, then present events in much more d e ta il. CityjGovernment and F a c ilit ie s .- C it y Government oecame high ly turbulent during the adm inistration ( 1953-1957 T o f Mayor Curtis Logan. He, backed by n a if of the council mexabers ( Council composed o f s ix members ), repeatedly tr ie d to unseat policemen and other appointive c i t y o ffic e r s employed by previous councils. I t was to no a v a il, out tne squaoble continued throughout Logan’ s term........... The Municipal U t i l i t y system experienced phenomenal growth, and i t s p r o fits supplied the c it y 's general fund with some $2,000,000. A part o f th is paid o f f tne c it y 's $750,000 sewer oond o b lig a tio n . Two new sewage disposal plants were b u ilt. Vicny National A irport was acquired from the Federal Government. And the C ity divested i t s e l f o f "FOURTH CLASS" government, replacing i t with THIRD CLASS STATUS under State law. Po£ulation_and_Area Growth.- R o lla 's population grew from 5,141 in 1940 to 11,132 in I960. Some fif t e e n new additions swelled the c i t y 's area growth - as did several sp ecial c it y lim it extension ele c tio n s . County A f f a ir s . - Three separate county court administrations conducted County a ffa ir s during the period — those of Hamilton Lenox — Oscar Duncan — and Lloyd Ramsey, presiding judges. P rin c ip a l county a ffa ir s included the widening, regrading, and gravel surfacing o f some 125 m iles o f county roads. The construction of tne Phelps County Memorial H ospital proved to be o f nigh o e n efit, not only to Phelps Countians, Dut also to those o f seven or eigh t surrounding counties. The f i r s t rand jury convened in fo r ty years met and made recommendations concerning lo c a l crime conditions - and regarding the dilapidated condition o f the County Court House. The Punlic Schools.- Turoulence was a major fa c to r in R o lla 's public school system during the period. A commodious gymnasium and classroom building, plus a c a fa te ria bu ildin g, were provided fo r the High School. Two new buildings were erected fo r the Elementary Schools......... But the clash came when the o ilic e o Superintendent was vacated by P ro f. B.P. Lewis. The succeeding incumbent served fo r s ix years, then was removed because of non-cooperation witn the School Bo rd, and Decause of spending school funds without proper accounting procedures, as this o f f ic e r l e f t , SIXTY-FIVE members o f the fa c u lty resigned. Two opposing town c itiz e n groups engaged in b it t e r e ffo r t s to e le c t tn eir respective candidates fo r tne Scnool Board,“ and thus control school a ffa ir s . Another superintendent was employed, but discharged a ft e r two years se rvice . The fourth supenntenden succeeded in q u ietin g the r u ffle d waters. Local State F a c ilit ie s ^ - State Highway bo was routed around the /iorth edge of townT “ C ity Route 66, west from the southern junction ox o3 and 06, was widened as fa r Is the^old Fair Grounds, and repaved Tte State G eological Su rvey-os removed from she School o f Mines campus to the former U.5.0. building, ?t ^ S T s tre e ts Successors to Dr. H. A. Buehler as state g eo lo g is t .e r e Br. Edvard L. Clara and Dr. Thomas R. B everidge......... The State Highway P a tro l oui ° ° Pt headquarters o f fic e , and erected i t s 330 fo o t radio tower. « f-a o t o o * . ^ U former U .S.-S tate Trachoma H ospital and in i t conducted a P a tro l Training Academy.
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R o lla 's Churches.- Some twenty-four d iffe r e n t cnurcnes provided re lig io u s services and necessary buildings fo r accomodation of R o lla*s church-going c itiz e n s . In ited _S ta tes Agencies^- Our story includes the a ffa ir s of SIX United States agencies that furnished employment and services during th is period. The U.S. Bureau o f Mines experimental sta tion . . . the U.S. Post O ffic e ...t n e U.S.. G eological Survey . . . the U.S. Forest Service . . . the U.S. Army Reserve . . . and Fort Leonard Wood. In addition, tne S tate-N ation al army tra in in g group - the NATIONAL GUARD belonged jo in t ly to the State and tiie Nation. General Community U t i l i t i e s . - During th is period, the c itize n s o f R o lla were served by the F risco Railroad . . . the United Telephone Company . . . the radio station K .T.T.R ., wmch from 1951 to 1956 broadcasted some 2ap "H alf Hour Narratives o f Phelps County H isto ry ". These were presented by Dr. and Mrs. C la ir V. Mann, each Saturday afternoon........... Water and e le c t r ic service, togetner with sewerage service, were provided by tne R o lia Municipal U t i l i t i e s . State and county provided police service and p rotectio n . Banks and Saving£-Loan_Concerns.- R olla State Bank and F irs t State Banx provided basic fin a n c ia l f a c i l i t i e s fo r tne town during tne period. Several Savings and Loan associations were m ousiness - the Central Federal A ssn ...th e R oiia Savings ana Loan . . . tne Leoanon Savings aid Loan. Chamber of_Cormuerce_.- This agency, the f i r s t predecessor ®f which existed in lfcs86, re-organized in ly^u, and during the present period assumed tne more com prehensive name o f "R oiia Area Chamber o f Commerce.1® I t continued to promote various p ro je cts o f v i t a l concern to the community, a "JUNIOR" Chamber also operated. in d u stry.- P rin cip a l R o lla industries during the iy47-58 period included tne R o lla Concrete M aterials Co. - the Holsum Bread Co. plant - the Monument Works, the "R olla " and tne M.F.A. grain stores and ele va to rs . The old Flour M ill alongside the F risco tracks between 7th and otn streets Was renovated and operated fo r a snort tim e. Newspapers.- The Rolla D a ily News continued to publish, Monday tnrough Friday, throughout tne period. Edward W. Sowers was owner—e d ito r—publisher. For part oi tne period, a "Weekly New Era" Was published. . . . . The R o iia Herald was sold to Larry May D y Col. and Mrs. Chas. L. Woods on March 15, iv47* Mr. May published i t u n til A p ril 2, iy5^, wnen ne leased i t to W illiam B. Breuer. Mr. Breuer made i t a "d a ily " on July 6, 1953, and m June, i95b nought i t from Mr. May, and moved tne plant to ytn and R oiia s t r e e ts . One o f the b itte r e s t r i f t s in R o iia business and community c ir c le s Was staged by the Daily News and the R olla Herald a ft e r Mr. Breuer took possession. Hotels_and_Moteis. - "Hotels proper" o f tne period included tne Hotel Edwin Long the Ozark H otel - the El Caney H otel l form erly the Crandall House and Baltimore H otel) - the Pennant H otel - and tne Pennant Tavern. Moteis included tne Schuman Motel - the Grand Courts - tne A ll Stfcte - Mansbridge's "El Rancho" - the L i t t l e Piney - Zeno's - and some eign t otners. Hospitals,.- In addition to the Phelps County Memorial Hospital, there was the MaFarland Hospital, la t e r converted in to a rest home. There were several medical c lin ic s , including Strickers* - the R oiia C lin ic - Dr. Andraessen's c lin ic . tne Cottingham c lin ic - and the Baroara Russell c lin ic . TheU.S.- State Trachoma Hospita fin a lly went out o f business during the period. Business. - A general l i s t i n g o f R olla*s various^business concerns during the L947-58 period includes a l l classes o f business a c t iv it y such as required c it y permits to do business inside the c it y . R e ta il sales fo r these concerns amounted to $9,443,808 in 1953 ...$13,066,577 in 1956. Businesses ranged from clothing and food^ stores to auto sales, auto service station s, cafes, hotels, re a lto rs , e tc *. t ‘ the year 1949, we have id e n t ifie d some 96 such concerns from th eir newspaper ads. There were others who did NOT a d vertise. For 1957, some 123 businesses carr
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ads in the Phelps County Centennial Book. For 1958, with many concerns fa ilin g to advertise, we were able to id e n t ify 125 businesses. Mew B u ild in g s.- The 1947-58 period was flu sh with building construction. Permits issued in 1957, fo r down-town business buildings and fo r re s id e n tia l units totaled $2,893,204 fo r 1957 - and $2,600,000 fo r 1958. The State o f Missouri erected fiv e structures - the Federal Government three - and general business at le a s t 27 units. H o lla 's churches b u ilt twelve structures, including educational units. In 1947, fo rty -th re e new residences were b u ilt, along with 18 business units. The School o f Mines erected at le a s t four important buildings - and the R olla school system fou r. Pr£fe_ssionals_.- Among p rofession a l men, there were twelve p ra ctisin g M.D. doctors, two osteopaths, one chiropractor. In 1957, there were s ix professional d en tists. Our l i s t includes eleven lawyers - two optomotrists - three arch itects two engineering firm s, and added th ereto were the c it y and county engineers. Lodges. - During the period, there were three Masonic orders fo r men - plus chapters fo r Eastern Star, White Shrine, and Rainbow G ir ls . Knights o f Pythias and Knights o f Columbus each had chapters. The Odd Fellows and the Damaris Rebekah orders had chapters. The Fraternal Order o f Eagles thrived, and the High Twelve had a chapter. Service and Vet_eran Groups.- The thr_ee "service clubs" - Lions, Rotary, Kiwanis - a l l had a ctive programs. The American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars, together with th eir resp ective a u x ilia r ie s , played th eir part in R o lla 's a c t iv it ie s . Various Clubs and A gencies.- We leave fo r la t e r pages the naming and a c t iv it ie s o f some tw en ty-five R olla c iv ic and so cia l clubs which existed during the period. Some th irte en were e x clu sive ly fo r women. Entertainm ent.- Three down-town theatres and one outer-town d riv e -in provided ample movie programs in which many noted national actors and actresses played major parts. The R o lla C ivic Music Association each year staged some four cla ssic music concerts, fo r which musicians o f noted a b ilit y were brought to R olla. One out standing concert was given by the famous U.S. Navy Band. . . . . . Various lo c a l music teachers and personages presented th e ir pupils in vocal and piano r e c it a ls . Rolla High school groups appeared in annual Evenings o f Ma&mdy. The town "Im perial Band", together with the School o f Mines R.O.T.E. band, staged converts...........The annual Central Missouri fa ir s , and the Lions Club annual carnivals,, provided popular enter tainment. F in a lly , townsmen o f the Ozark Baseball Club, and youngsters of the "Peewee" or "Koury" baseball league provided excitement and fun for baseball fans. . . .Lovers o f painted a rt enjoyed ex h ib its o f hundred-piece a rt paintings - and lo v e ly g i r l queens o f the swimming a rt graced R olla pools and newspaper pages. R olla did not lack fo r wholesome public entertainment. Two_County C entennials.- During 1955 and 1956, the Phelps County H isto rica l S ociety staged a "Bishop Memorial Centennial" in honor of the town's o rig in a l founder - Edmund W. Bishop - who arrived in a spot destined to be "ROLLA" in 1855His grave in Rolla Cemetery had no tombstone. The H is to ric a l Society, in impress ive ceremonies, had a handsome munument b u ilt over his grave, and staged a formal dedication. . , Then, in 1957, a rousing week-long Phelps County Centennial was held during tne week o f June 1 to 8, commemorating the organization o f Phelps County in 1857- A Centennial Aasociation took charge, and brought in the John Rogers^company of Fostoria, I l l i n o i s , to present n ig h tly performances o f the centennial pageant, "Yesterday Lives Again". The H is to ric a l S ociety published the Centennial Book of 114 pages, containing the h is to ry of Phelps County as w ritten by Du. C.V.Mann. Miss Joan Lenox reigned as Centennial Queen. Hundreds attended the n ig h tly pageants - many playing parts in the performance. The event was a huge success.
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The F r is £ o _ R a ilr o a d T h e F risco continued as R o lla 's one and only railroa d . However, i t s program o f f i n a l l y discontinuing passenger trains began, in 1948, w ith the c u r ta ilin g o f the run o f the famed Blue Bonnett - ending i t in Springf i e l d , and not in Texas. In 1958, the Texas Special was combined with the Meteor. The la s t passenger tra in l e f t R o lla fo r S p rin gfield during the 1970's......... But, on the other hand, fr e ig h t t r a f f i c was tremendously increased. Steam engines were replaced by d ie s e l o i l locom otives - some 46 o f which costing $ 5, 700,000 were placed on the road in 1947. Freight trains which form erly composed o f fo r t y or f i f t y j d i s cars now grew to train s including as many as 135 cars. For a time, bus service fo r so ld iers, between R o lla and Fort Leonard Wood, were maintained - then d is continued. Likewise, a group o f fr e ig h t transport trucks. The re -lo c a tio n of track up Dixon H ill was la r g e ly responsible fo r the longer tra in s. Remains 0f_The_"New Deal” .- One prominent feature of the F.D.R. "New Deal" remained to eith e r "b le s s " or "curse" R olla c itiz e n s - and that was Daylight Saving Time. The R o lla Council, time a fte r time, decreed that dayligh t time should be used - to agree with time at Fort Leonard Wood. Then the Council voted i t out. D I S A S TE RS Weather, _Storm s,_Floods.- The period 1947-1958 p recip ita ted upon R olla a wide v a r ie ty o f weather. A fou r-year hot and desperately dry period, ending in 1954, was follow ed by tremendous floods that covered flo o r s o f the Houston House, in Newburg, with several inches o f water. There were severe h a il storms that broke out a l l greenhouse window glass and store fro n ts . There were winds at 70 m iles per tp;4/% hour that uprooted trees, tore o f f ro o fs, and demolished u t i l i t y lin e s and poles. Lightning kindled house fir e s - and on two separate occasions, k ille d pastured c a t tle . One herd had seven c a ttle k ille d - the other fou rteen ......... Snows in November, 1951, reached depths o f 20 inches a l l over the county. Temperatures soared to 116 in the shade in July, 1954 - but dropped, in most years, to four degrees below or colder, usually in February. F ir e s .- The town's worst fir e s during the period included the t o ta l destruc tion o f these ouildings i P e rry 's Crescent ( at Dumvin CrossingJ the Wyman H i l l Sales Barn — the R olla Produce Stores,-4th and Oak stre e ts — the old Brick B aptist Church, 7th and O live, b u ilt in 1894 — the R olla Wholesale Grocery Store 7th s tr e e t alongside F risco ra ilro a d . The Pennant Tavern was badly dam aged,* and minor f ir e s occurred at Randy's Shoe Store — Ray Grass Photo Studio and the old T iffa n y H otel, 4th and Main. HighwayAccidents andJ/freck s.. - Highway c o llis io n s and wrecks took a t e r r i f i c t o l l in the R olla area during the period. State p a tro l autos chased car thieves at speeds up to 115 m iles per hour. In 1951. fo r example, some thirteen persons were k ille d and two hundred and two were injured in auto accidents. Highway c e rta in ly earned the nick-name o f "MASSACRE LANE". Accidents on the F r is c o .- Added to the frequent highway accidents and wrecks were n u ^ r o u s 'c o llis io n s between Frisco trains and automobiles. Many persons walking on or beside the tracks were injured or k ille d by the tra in s. Airplane Wrecks.- Several airplane wrecks added victim s to those involved in highway Ind Railroad accidents. One airplane wreck near Fort Leonard Wood took t h ir t y liv e s . . T Poll a Area T r a ffic C asu a lties.- Seven counties comprise the Troop I area W h i c h - S l u ^ s M r A a V c I ^ l i n g , dur in g Octoberh 1956 the number -J _ injured in the area was 636 . Thirty-seven were k ille d . These figu res were a p cated during many other months and years.
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Freak A ccid en ts.- As one p a rticu la r truck overturned and burned, some ^30,000 worth o f SHRIMP were "roasted” • As a second truck burned, i t " fr ie d ” some 20,000 pounds o f powdered eggs......... At Fort Leonard Wood, a’ so ld ier worKing at a sawmill was l i t e r a l l y "sawed in two" through his body, k illin g him instant l y . . . . A farmer’ s tra cto r plunged him in to a pond, where fo r minutes he wa.s trap ped under f iv e fe e t o f water. A f in a l fr a n tic e f f o r t freed him. . . . And a woman, d rivin g at high speed, found h e rs e lf and her car hanging by one auto whs e l over the side r a ilin g o f a bridge. She was rescued. Snake S to r ie s .- Numbers o f persons suffered b ites from copperheads and other poisonous snakes. One woman was b itte n twice the same day. And a cat, seeing a b u ll snake hanging where i t had been electrocu ted on a high voltage e le c t r ic lin e , climbed up to gdt a sumptuous d im e r - instead, got electrocu ted. Another snake, s h o rt-c irc u itin g another high volta ge lin e , was not only electrocu ted, but plunged the R olla area in to several hours o f darkness by blowing fuses. C R
A General Picture_.- Later on, our d e ta il pages cover a wide range o f bur g la r ie s , auto th e fts , s h o p liftin g , bad check w ritin g, c a ttle ru stlin g, j a i l breaks, rapes, and even murder. The picture is appalling, fo r a community such as R o lla . THE SCHOOL OF MINES The_ School_-_A_C£nter Of_Turbulence_.- ;e leave fo r our d e ta il pages most of the events that transpired at the School o f Mines, 1947-1958. Because of Pres. Middlebush's incessant drive to c u r ta il the School, Phelps County representa t iv e , Mr. B.H. Rucker, took a comprehensive p o ll of student and alumni opinion favorin g the complete separation of the School of Mines from the U niversity. Nearly 100%, both o f students and of alumni, favored separation. Mr. Rucker in 1947 introduced state le g is la t io n to do th is . R olla townsmen took sides in a v io le n t ly b it t e r controversy. The separation b i l l fa ile d by a. narrow margin, but the controversy liv e d on. Following up the Rucker separation movement, Dr. C.V.Mann, in 1948, went to the State L eg is la tu re with p e titio n s carrying 1100 student signatures, and those of 600 prominent Missourians. He asked fo r a $500,000 Mechanical Engi neering Lab. Building - and GOT IT . With this achievement came national ac cre d itin g o f the Mechanical Engineering curriculum - which the president and u n ive rs ity curators had fa ile d to procure, fo llo w in g twelve_years o f in ten tion al n eglect. As fo r fa c u lty , scores were e ith e r demoted, humiliated, or discharged during the e a rly years o f the period. Five major professors were removed as department heads - but refused tra n sfer to the engineering school at Columbia and tn erefore resigned. P r in c ip a lly a ft e r Pres. Middlebush was replaced o.s u n iversity president by Dr. Elmer E l l i s , the fa c u lty s t r ife abated. Progress was made in providing new buildings that had been desired fo r many years. The Mechanical Laboratory was the f i r s t . There follow ed several student dorm itories, a student union bu ilding, and splendid buildings fo r c i v i l and e le c t r ic a l departments. Attend ance grew, national a ccred itation became complete. EXTERNAL EVENTS S p ecial Ext ernal_E ve n ts.- P re sid e n tia l ele ctio n s were even tfu l, in R olla is elsewhere. In 1948, Harry Truman defeated Thomas Dewey, the Republican iho "thought he had i t . " In 1952 and again in 1956, Dwight D. Eisenhower ile c tio n . In 1960, John F. Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon....... In February, 1952, iueen E lizabeth 2nd ascended England's throne, in place o f her deceased fa t er, [ing George 5th. In 1948, Russia tr ie d , without success, to block the west
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. . . In 1949 Russia from B e r lin ......... In India, Mahatma Ghandi was assassinated. announced that she had perfected her f i r s t atomic bomb. And in October lv57 Russia launched her FIRST "SPUTNIK" s a t e l l i t e . A second one went up in ’ March’ 1953.••• The United States sent up her f i r s t successful ea rth -o ro itin g s a t e llit e on January 31, J-958........... Sonic Dooms from j e t airplanes began to annoy R olla c iv ilia n s - even breaking window glass - as e a rly as March, 1956. Tbe Korean_War.- This started in June, 19$u, when North Korea attempted to over-run and subjugate South Korea. Acting fo r the United Nations, President Harry Truman sent U.S. forces under General Douglas MacArthur to aid South Korea. The combined U.S. and South Korean armies succeeded, f in a lly , in d rivin g the North Koreans out - and nortn across the Yalu r iv e r / Chinese forces now joined the war ( November 24, 1950). President Truman vetoed MacArthur's plan to drive the Chinese out - so removed him. By December 31, 1952, the c o n flic t had ended in a r e la t iv e ly unstable peace, with U.S. and North Korean forces facin g each other across an a rb itra ry neutral zone lin e . . . . American casu alties numbered 22,556 k ille d and 92,933 wounded. R olla boys served - same were among the casu alties. Besides these losses, the n ation al deot nad increased by severa l b illio n s of d o lla rs . The Lebanese_oris_is_.— in July o f 1958, Russia and Egypt in stiga ted a re v o lt, the goal o f which was to assassinate the Lebanese premier, and gain communist con trol o f Lebanon. President Eisenhower "scotched" the attempt by sending 5,000 Marines and 50 airplanes to Lebanon. The 80-day c r is is then ended. The China-Tiwan C r is is .- Also, in August, 1958, mainland China sought to take over ohang Kai Sheck's hold on Formosa. I t conducted a bomoing campaign on Quemoy Island, close to China's shoreline, but claimed by Formosa. President Eisenhower went to the defense o f Formosa - warned China to cease bombarding Quemoy, and not to s ta rt a war. That ended the matter. The...In tegration C ris is in _ L it t le Rock.- Again in August, 1958, Governor Faubus, o f Arkansas, d e fie d the Federal Government, refusing to allow negro stu dents to attend Central High School. President Eisenhower sent fe d e ra l troops to L i t t l e Rock, and kept them there u n til tne U.S. Supreme Court handed down it s decision, ordering in teg ra tio n . Negro students were then admitted. MISSOURI GOVERNORS AND SENATORS The Governors.- P h il M. Donnelly was Missouri governor, years 1945-1948. Forrest Smith had the next term, 1949-1952. Donnelly was re -e le c te d fo r 1953-1956. James T. B la ir, J r ., served, 1957-1960. John Dalton had the o ffic e , 1961-1964, and Warren E. Hearnes served two successive terms ( M issou ri's f i r s t such suc cession ), years 1965-1968 and 1969-1972. The U.S._Senators_.- The U.S. Senators who served fo r years 1947 to 1958 included James F. Kern . . . Thos. C. Hennings, Jr. . . . Stuart Symington .. and Edward V. Long. NEC HR0 L 0 GY Th£ Deceased_Durin£ P e rio d .- In la te r pages, we l i s t many o f the persons o f some special importance, whose deaths occurred within Rolla during the period 1947 - 1953. AND WITH THIS, WE CONCLUDE OUR "PRE-VIEW", AND BEGIN WITH DETAIL PAGES.
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( 1947-1958)
ROLLA'S CITY GOVERNMENT. 1947 - 1958 Succession_of Mayors_and_Councilmen, J-247-1958.- In the table below, le t t e r s and symbols are used fo r the fo llo w in g purposes: "M" s ig n ifie s "mayor". Numbers 1-2-3 in d icate the c it y wards from which councilmen were ele c te d . The asterisk (* ) a fte r a person's name indicates the beginning o f a new term o f o ffic e fo r that person. (Cc) is c it y clerk — (Ml) c it y marshal — (As) assessor — (C l) c o lle c to r — (T r) treasurer — (A t) attorney — ( P j ) p o lice judge — (Ce) c it y engineer — (Nw) night watchman — (Pc) c h ie f o f p o lic e . Year 1946-47
Year 1947-48
Year 1948-49
Year 1949-50
(M) Wes. D. Jones ( l ) J. Nean White* (1) Aaron M iles (2) R.H. Huskey (2) Rex W illiam s* (3) Harry A llen * ( 3 ) N .J .K e lly * (Cc) A lbert E. Long (Ml) Rowe Fort ( P j) J.C. Harvey (A t) _______________ (C l) Mrs.E.L.Johnson (Ce) J .F .K ilp a tric k
(M) Rowe E. Carney ( l ) J. Nean White (1 ) Floyd E. Jones* ( 2 ) Rex Williams ( 2 ) C ecil Brown* ( 3 ) Harry Allen (3) Mil.Heimberger* (Cc) W alt. Bradford* (M l) Rowe Fort (P j) J.C. Harvey (A t) W.D. Jones (C lj Mrs.E.L.Johnson (Ce) J.F. K ilp a trick
(M) R.E. Carney ( l ) J. Nean White* (1 ) Floyd Jones ( 2 ) C ecil Brown (2) Curtis Logan* (3) Harry A llen* (3) M. Heimberger (Cc) W. Bradford (Ml) Rowe Fort ( P j ) J.C. Harvey (A t) W.D. Jones (C l) Mrs E.L.Johnson (Ce) JF K ilp a trick
(M) Earl Hudgens* ( l ) J. Nean White (1 ) Floyd Jones* (2) Ray Green* (2) Curtis Logan (3) Harry Allen (3) M. Heimberger* (Cc) W. Bradford (Ml) Rowe Fort (P j) Doug. Harvey (A t) Eugene Northern (C l) Mrs. F I. M ille r (Ce) JF K ilp a trick
_______Year 1950-51 (M) E arl Hudgens ( l ) Floyd Jones (1 ) J.Nean White* (2 ) Ray Gr een ( 2 ) W ilb ert Burton* (3 ) Harry A llen * ( 3 ) M. Heimberger (Cc) W alt. Bradford ( P j) Doug. Harvey (Ml) Rowe Fort (A t) E. Northern (C l) F lo. M ille r (Ce) JF K ilp a tric k
Year 1951-52 (M) Earl Hudgens* ( l ) Aaron M iles* (1) Floyd Jones* ( 2 ) W ilo ert Burton (2) Edw. H arris* (3 ) Harry Allen ( 3 ) Ernest C allen* (Cc) Walt Bradford ( P j ) Doug Harvey (Ml) Rowe Fort (A t) E. Northern (C l) F lo . M ille r (Ce) JF K ilp a trick
Year 1952-53 (M) Earl Hudgens ( l ) Aaron M iles* (1 ) Floyd Jones ( 2 ) Edw. Harris (2) Dave Moulder* ( 3 ) Harry A llen * (3) Ernest Callen (Cc) Walt. Bradford ( P j) Doug. Harvey (Ml) Rowe Fort (A t) E. Northern (C l) Florence M ille r (Ce) JF K ilp a trick
Year 1953-54 (M) Earl Hudgens* ( l ) Aaron Miles (1) L . Casselman* (2 ) Edw. Harris* (2 ) Dave Moulder (3) Harry Allen (3) Earnest Callen* (Cc) W alt. Bradford (P j) Doug. Harvey (Ml) Rowe Fort (A t) E. Northern (C l) Flo. M ille r (Ce) JF K ilp a trick
Year 19 57-58*1 3 2 Year 1955-56 Year 1956-57 ________Year 1954-55 (M) E arl Hudgens* (M) Curtis Logan* (M) Curtis Logan (M) Earl Hudgens ( l ) Leo A. Lorts ( l ) Leo A. L orts* (1) Bob. V. Byer* ( l ) L.O.Casselman (1) Aaron Baxter (1 ) Aaron Baxter (1) Aaron Baxter* (1) Aaf on M iles* (2) Lee Courson (2) Lee Courson ( 2 ) Lee Courson* (2) Edw. Harris (2) Paul M itch ell (2 ) Paul M itch ell* ( 2 ) Lawr. McKinley* (2 ) Lawr. McKinley (3) Claude Brown (3) Claude Brown* (3 ) Harry Allen ( 3 ) Harry A llen * (3) Ed.Loughridge* (3 ) Earl Rasmussen* (3) Earl Rasmussen (3) Ernest Callen (Cc) Walt.Bradford (Cc) Walt. Bradford (Cc) Walt.Bradford (Cc) Walt.Bradford (P j) Doug. Harvey (P j) Doug. Harvey ( P j ) Doug. Harvey ( P j) Doug. Harvey (Ml) Rowe Fort (Ml) Rowe Fort (M l) Rowe Fort (Ml) Rowe Fort (A t) Weldon Moore* (A t) Ron F u ller (A t) Ron F u lle r* (A t) E.E.Northern (C l) F lo .M ille r (C l) F lo .M ille r (C l) F lo .M ille r (C l) F lo .M ille r (Ce) JF K ilp a trick (Ce) JF K ilp a trick (Ce) JF K ilp a trick (Ce) JF K ilp a trick For The_ Year_1957-58.- A ll o ffic e r s held o ffic e under FOURTH CLASS STATUS u n til May, 1958. Their 4th Class term then ended - and new terms began under 3rd Class government. For the months January-April, 1958, these o ffic e r s remained in o f fic e under Fourth Class - as w ell as fo r May-December, 1957: ( See next pags )
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In_the_Police_ Department.- Rowe Fort, Chief ( C ity Marshal) — Bruce W ilkerson, Asst, c h ie f — John Martin — A lbert Ligh t — Ben Matthews — George Pruett — Eddie Greer — Wm. Schluter — George Drummond — and Clyde Plank. In_the_Fire Department.- Jim Curtis, Chief — Chester Light — Tom Harris — Don S h e rril — Dee Ragan. From "Fourth" to "Third" Class Status. The Change.- As e a r ly as March o f 1952, the d e s ir a b ilit y o f changing R o lla 1s government from the FOURTH CLASS type - which had ex isted since 1892 - to a more suitable THIRD CLASS type, was discussed. Mayor Earl Hudgens wanted R o lla to have a sp ecia l CHARTER, under p re va ilin g State law - which charter would g ive the c it y the chance to have a c it y manager. There were other advantages which the Fourth Class type did not permit or provide. Mayor Hudgens therefore appointed a special c itiz e n committee to make a relevan t study. By March 13, of 1952, the Council arranged to have a vote on making such a change. The e le c tio n would be on A p ril 1, 1952. I f the vote proved to be favor able, the new form government would go in to e f fe c t in March, 1953* The Mayor would be elected fo r a four year term, instead of fo r two years. But the electora te did not favor the plan, and defeated i t by a margin o f 719 "No" and 230 "Yes". In 1954, Mayor Hudgens again raised the question. He wanted R olla to have the sp ecial Charter under State law, vhich would permit the town to have a c it y manager form of government. Again he appointed a c it iz e n study committee. But nothing resulted from these a c t iv it i e s . One o f the deciding factors was the increased cost supposed to resu lt from the change. R olla Finally; Adopts_Third_Glass_Gpvernmmt.i- On Tuesday, A p ril 1, 1957, in a sp ecial e le c tio n , the voters f i n a l l y decided to adopt THIRD CLASS CITY GOVERN MENT fo r R o lla . The vote was 1478 "For" — 361 "A gain st". Even though this was d ecisive, R o lla 's bar Association questioned the e le c t io n 's v a lid ity , on the ground that the time period o f advertisin g the e le c tio n Was too short. The council had c it y attorney Weldon Moore make an exhaustive study. He held that the ele ctio n WAS v a lid , and that the c it y would assume THIRD CLASS status on January 1, 1958. This view f in a lly prevailed, and a regular Third Class e le c tio n was ca lled fo r A p ril 1, 1958 - with re s u lt stated above. The Changes Made J % cessary.- The Mayor's term, under the change, was fo r four years, beginning in May, 1958. He was required to be at le a s t 30 years o f age. The Council consisted o f twelve aldermen, elected from SIX new wards. Members had to be at le a s t 25 years o f age. A ll o ffic e r s from previous 4th Class terms had to s ta rt anew. They served two-year terms, staggered. In each ward, the alderman receivin g the highest vote served a two year term ;- the other one a single year. A fter the f i r s t such e le c tio n , aldermanic terms were two years each. ...A s for tax le v ie s , R o lla could now le v y a tax o f #1.00 per $100 property valuation - in place of the 75 cent le v y under Fourth Class. The C ity 's New 3rd C la s s _ 0 ffic e rs .- For Mayor, Earl Hudgens defeated ^urtis L Logan""by 1313 vo tis ~ to 995........Ron F u ller prevailed oyer Weldon Moore fo r C ity Attorney, 1294 to 1181. Mrs. Florence M ille r got 1646 votes as C ity C ollector, to 781 fo r Mrs Augusta Bolon....... P ro f. F.C. Wilkins was chosen as Assessor - Walter Bradford as Treasurer — Douglas Harvey as P o lice Judge. The Councilmen were tnese. Ward 4_____ _ 'Ward 3 _____ Ward 2 Ward 1 Edw. Loughridge Herald Barnes Elmer Kee Leo Lorts Claude Brown Paul M itch ell Stan Grzyb Carl Pietsch The Council appointed Ward 5_________ ______ Ward 6 ikrs. Elizabeth Taylor as City Clerk. Leroy Grant Harold King Richard Bennett Clark Uline Of the above councilmen, the f i r s t one named fo r each ward drew the two-year sworn in to term. The second one named served fo r only a single year. were o ffic e on May 12, 1958.
GVM Oct. 23, 1972. NEW CARBONS
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( 1947-58;
Views_ 0f_Tho£>e_Wh o_Oppos ssd_Thi rd_Cla£s_G©vermment_. - Those who opposed Third Class government fo r R olla did so fo r these reasons: 1. The Mayor's term would be for four years instead of two. I f the wrong man were elected , i t would be an added two years before he could be replaced. 2. Adoption o f Third Class plan would be a step toward £i^y_mana_ger govern ment - which was disapproved. 3. - The Third Class plan would permit the Council to raise the tax rate up to a lim it o f #1.00 per #100 valuation, without popular vote, as required by present 4th Class plan. 4. - Adoption o f the Third Class plan meant that there snould be separate ele c tio n s o f c it y c le rx and treasurer, thus adding extra costs fo r salary. Under 4th Class, these o ffic e r s were appointed - and COULD be consolidated under one man. 5. - Third Class plan would mean addition al "wards", and thus a la rg e r Council, with increased co st. 6. Third Class status WOULD NOT resu lt in INCREASED PRESTIGE, as claimed oy It s advocates. 7. - There HAD now to be a CITY ASSESSOR. To date, the County assessed fo r the C ity . The one change, from 3 to o WARDS, would thus increase the Council from SIX to TWELVE members, adding to salary costs, and making the doing o f c it y business more delaying and d i f f i c u l t . The plan, as so adopted, went in to e ffe c t with the in s ta lla tio n o f the new Council and Mayor, May 12, 1958. THE CITY* S BUSINESS AFFAIRS RoLIa Municipal U tilitie s ^ .- As we previou sly recorded, the voters o f Rolla in 1945 decided to re-possess the e le c t r ic and water u t i l i t i e s . The R olla Muni c ip a l U t i l i t y Board took possession on November 1 ,‘->1945. This arrangement con tinued throughout the i 947—58 period — and also to date o f th is w ritin g, Oct. 23, 1972. The l_Show-VLe^_ U t i l i t y 0uste_r_3uii;. - As e a rly as June o f 1949, tne C ity of R olla became impatient with the q u a lity and amount o f e le c t r ic service given tne c it y by the "Show-Me Power Corporation", wnich had the contract fo r supplying the town witn e ie c t r ic lig h t and power. I t a lso operated the w ater system. By Sep tember, 1949, the case went before Phelps County C ircu it Court and C ircu it Judge Claude E. Curtis - who "took the matter under advisement". In an e f f o r t to o ffs e t the complaints made against i t - as w ell as to supply added service to towns other than R olla - the Show-Me corporation, by August,1949, undertook to bu ild - and DID build - an extra power transmission lin e from Leba non to R olla, designed to add to the quantity o f service given R olla. In December, 1949, C ircu it Judge Curtis ruled that the current contract between the City o f R o lla and the Show-Me concern was in v a lid . This was because i t had been signed, on beh alf o f the City, NOT by the Mayor and C ity Clerk, as provided by law - but by o ffic e r s o f the c i t y 's Municipal U t i l i t i e s Board, who had no le g a l authority to sign such a contract. He also ruled that, in^various respects, the Show-Me concern had fa ile d to properly supply necessary lig h t and Judge C urtis' ru lin g was challenged by a Show-Me motion - which the Judge over-ruled. The case then went to the S p rin gfield Court of Appeals, where the decision in fa vor o f the C ity was handed down. _ „ From the S p rin gfield Court, the case went to the Missouri State Supreme Court - which sustained Judge C u rtis' decision that the olla-Show-Me contract *as in v a lid - because signed by o ffic e r s o f the U t i l i t y Board^ and NOT by the duly constituted le g a l representatives o f the C ity - Mayer and C ity Clerk. h decision was handed down in November, 1951- in the same act lo n, theSuprem Court ruled, that, over the oojection of the Show-Me concern, the C ity could now
CVM Oct 23,1972.
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o f S t.L o u is . Meantime, the Union E l e c t S c con h” d * * * E le c t r ic Company, s ta tio n n orth east o f R o lla from which d u ilt a $500,000 sub furnished power from the ^ 10 ^ 00 ^ . s C° Uld, ° b^ in S e r v ic e • I t oy-passes R o lla some three m iles to the north ^ R o l T ^ W vo^ § e l ^ e which these f a c i l i t i e s on Wednesday, December 1 9 ^ 1 9 5 ^ ° ^ se rv ic e ^om a p p o i^ te d 'iS
Bjferd ’
---------------- 19______ and August 22 .
, 19 J57.
a. - 2yjte-m_ °£ Deep_Wells_Sup£l £ W ater.- By the year 1929, the c i t y 's w ell at the ola power plant bu ildin g, alongside the Frisco tracks at 8th stre e t could no longer supply the c it y 's needs. With aid o f the State G eological’ ? o r S i o n isome L T 1,700 ^ o l e fe a ett below ground surface. " e l l s The d™>table that I—follow * * ? s^ .l itsctn iormation, s e th e ir ao1 ° US^ e llS J i r i l ^ed UP throuEh the Yea r 1967. The d r i l l i n g o f the w e lls , Well Year Depth Y ie ld : Gals. Per Min. Location Remarks No. Done Feet Min. Max. Average 1 1710 1929 260 270 329 7 th & Walnut streets Abandoned, 1966 . 2 1932 300 1745 350 405 4th & R olla streets To "LaMotte" 1942 3 530 1175 580 633 Mo. Ave. & Holloway. To Potosi Fmn. 4 1946 1078 437 700 745 East 10th, by 5 Corner ; ; :: 5 1946 1150 580 760 700 F risco tracks & Walker Ave. J> 6 1951 478 1215 606 530 By H ospital, W.lOth 7 1954 1125 568 435 530 Williams Road, W. of Cemetery ;; 8 I 960 221 326 1595 280 Sharon Av., old Disposal Plant ;; 1966 9 538 852 1135 780 Alongside Old Newburg Road ;; 10 1967 1141 731 809 770 Old Vienna Road, McF.Hospital ; ; School_of M^nes W e lls .- M.S.M. W ell No. 1 was d r ille d during 1945. Location was ju st west o f In tersectio n of 16th St. and Vichy Road. During the 1960's, the w e ll fa ile d to supply enough water fo r the campus, so that Well No. 2 (MSM) was d r ille d near the "sec tio n a l" corner common to Lots 23-24-33-34 o f Railroad Addition. During the 1960's, MSM W ell No. 1 showed some signs of pollu tion , so was abandoned. The School o f Mines then leased MSM W ell to the City, which then operated and maintained i t , but charged the School fo r the service. Chemical_Treatmen_t_of_ Water.- In e a r ly years of deep water supply, the water was treated with chlorine, to destroy any possible b a c te ria l p ollu tion . In 1952, a sp ecial Mayor's Study Committee, considering the d e s ir a b ility of tre a tin g the water with FLOURINE, reported that the cost would amount to some #900 per w e ll fo r necessary equipment. This Mayor's Committee ( o f 37 members) on Sept. 4, 1952, reported i t s committee vote o f 21 votes " Y e s " . . l 6 "No." The plan, la te r adopted, was turned down in 1952 . Electrie_Voltape__0n Su£p^_Lines_Stepped_U£.- In January, 1951, the "peak" power plant load was some "4^000 horse_ power". Due to increased demands and leads, the c i t y transmission lin e s were stepped up from a volta ge of 2,400 v o lts to 4,160 v o lts .
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SOMJIUNICIP^_UTILITY_FINANCIAL_REPORTS U t i l i t y fin a n c ia l Reports,.- The basic facts which we have presented concerning the deep w ells - and the fo llo w in g excerpts from fin a n c ia l reports were graciou sly supplied by R olla Municipal U t i l i t i e s o ffic e r s . Tbs U t i l i t y fis c a l year begins on Novem berof each year, ends on October 31 o f the fo llo w L g year, he annual year, then, is designated by the two years involved, such as 1947 -/3 . The Year s Receiots Gross Expenditures Ne t Inc cme 1946Q47 $286,835 $195,160 $91,174 1947- 48 323,151 230,270 92,675 1948- 49 351,900 249, 762 103,925 1949- 50 360,641 255,682 105,098 1952-53 460,076 298,497 178,068 1954-55 513,668 355,258 182,518 1956-57 593,558 392,643 201,997 ---- - -— r ------ — —* — _ jjx-uvxuos a p a r tia l oreaK-dow: o f the municipal U t i l i t y REVENUES. The figu res are those reported at the end o f the U t i l i t y f is c a l year, on October 31st o f each year. P c O ct. 3 1 , 1947 Oct. 31. 1949 O ct.31.1950 Oc t . 31.1952 Gross Service Revenue . . . #287,290.02 $352,875.14 $369,099.40 $433,405.35 Non-Operating Revenue . . . 2 , 407.81 3,665.79 9,944.34 11,510.71 Customer Depts. (refundable) ~ 8 , 012.00 .r- 2 ,Q50.50 11.358.76 Net o f these items ........ $297,931.08 $365, 691.43 $387,055.74 $456,274.83 Cash in Bank, Nov. 1 . . . 3.040.20 1. "1C.48 2.110,55 ... 3,083.03 Total To Account For . . . . $300,971.28 $367,101.91 $389,166.29 $459,357.86 Donated To_City Genl^Fund $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 Oct. 31, 1954 $511,605.98 11,186.40 12,140.00 $534,932.38 ___ 12.205.75 $547,138.13 Donated to C ity 2 1 , 500.00 Municipal U t i l i t i e s And Sewers^- In 1954, the U t i l i t y Board assumed the cost o f the C ity 's general Sewerage System Extension, in volvin g bonds thus: Revenue Bonds . . . $300,000 Genl. O oligation 450.000 Total . . . $750,000 This action r e lie v e d the C ity, in general, from the cost of such improve ments. The residents paid fo r their sewerage services through th eir e le c t r ic and water service D ills . Portions of the $ 750,000 issues were used to construct new sewer mains, and two new disposal plants - one 3 miles east, one mile south o f town - the other just to the east o f Vichy Road, sone distance north o f the north lin e o f Section 2 (T .3 7 -8 ). Work started in March, 195^* AMOUNTS CONTRIBUTED TO CITY OF ROLLA BY MUNICIPAL UTILITIES C 1945 to 1962) ( Turn To Next Page
— fZ d
THE BOARD: R.E.Schuinan, P re sid e n t F . H. Frame, Vice Free. G.
L .C h ris to p h e r, Secy.
James B. Bronson, Manager-Supt.
A M T S CONTRIBUTED "Q TOE .CITY OF rg J U Prom It s Organization Nov.l, 1945 •*. To Oct. 31 of 1962. THE BO.JtOt
R.E.Schuman, President — F.H.Fmme, m.ce Pies. ..G.L.Christopher, Secretary. James B. Bronson, Manager-Supt.
Purchase o f E l e c t r i c & W ater U t i l i t i e s - Bonds - (1945-1954) . . . . $425,000.00 I n t e r e s t & Premium on E l e c t r i c & W ater Bonds ( 1945-1954) . • • • • 36,325.03 Purchased N egro U .S .O . B u ild in g - U t i l i t i e s O ffic e ( 1946) . . 21,541.13 53,604.00 Purchased G o v t. P r o je c t s ( S ew er-W ater F a c i l i t i e s , 1943-1950) . . . Purchased Residence a t 6th & O liv e (1950) ................................ .. 7,001.15 633.00 G en erato r donated to Phelps Co. H o s p it a l (19 51) ............ * ......... 31, 900.00 Purchased Schuman Park ( 17 a c r e s ) ( 1953-55) .................... . . . ......... Purchased, Mann L ot e a s t o f C ity H a ll ( 1946) ............ . 3,H5.75 Purchased Mann R esiden ce, 210 E 3th S t . (1955) 18.219.75 352,916.31 Sewer Bonds f o r C ity , in c lu d in g I n t e r e s t ( 1954-1962) .................... 6,606.10 Rem odeling F ir e S t a t io n ( 1956) ........................ • • • • • • • • • • • ............. New F ir e Engine ( 1956) ............................. .............................. • • • • • 19,909.47 2,500.00 A c q u ire S t r e e t R i $ it -c f - w a y , South Walnut { 1956 ) .................... .. R e b u ild in g Sewage Sludge Pump ( 1956 ) ...........* ......... .................... .. 742.05 Donated ate r i a l & L ab o r fo r B ill Park Lim its ( 1 9 5 6 ) .......... 587.44 4.830.00 Ford Truck w it h S p ra y Tank fo r S t r e e t Department ( 1 9 5 7 ) ........ • • • • 3 200.50 R e p a irs t o F ir e Truck ( 1957 ) .................................... . 160, 000.00 Cash to S t r e e t Department ( 1957-1962) ................ . 965.60 Donated A i r Compressor t o C it y ( 1958) .............................................. . 17, 500.00 S p e c ia l Payments to C ity G en eral Fund ( I V 56-1959) ...................... 3, 605.08 O f f i c e Equipment & New Truck for C it y E n gin eer (I9 6 0 ) ............ 17,211.31 Oak S t re e t R e l i e f Sewer ( 1960-61) • • • • • • • ............ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2.822.75 Two W e lls & Pumps fe r Sewer P lan ts ( 1950 ) ........................... .. 241.58 O f f i c e F u rn itu re — Main B u ild in g (1 9 6 0 -6 1 ) » • • • • • • * • • • • • * • • • • 782.39 M a t e r i a l f o r Sewer System (19 61) .............. .......... .. 1,565.47 Relocate Sewer — U . S . F o rest S e rv ic e (1961) 9,342.50 T ra c t c f Land ( W.R.Brown T ra c t, 1961) ........................ . 22.291.76 E l Caney H o te l P ro p e rty ( 1962) .......................... ............ . ..................... 4.500.00 M c A llis t e r P r o p e r ty — West 4th S tre e t ( 1962) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.439.75 S o est Read Sewer & Heat Exchangsr ( 1962) .................... .............. 419,500.00 Prf.d to C ity o f H o lla G en eral Fund ( 1945-1962) ............................... 46, 800.00 Rent etxi Other S e r v ic e s a t U t i l i t i e s B u ild in g (1 9 4 6 -1 9 6 2 )........ 177,185.02 S e r v ic e s S u p p lie d to City W ith ou t Ch&rgp (1946-1962) • • • • • • • * 1 , 023.06 R e p a irs f o r the Sewer Treat sen t P lan ts (1962) • • • • • • • • • ........ • • • • • 100.747.51 S a l a r i e s f o r Sewer System Employees & C ity i&tginser (19 54-62 ) .
T O T A L ..$2,530,711.51
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Assessed Valuation of_Town Prop erty.- In 1950, the assessed valuation o f private property w ithin R o lla was #4,891,594......... In 1951, the to ta l was $-5,123,189 ( #4,052,074 fo r re a l estate .. #852,004 fo r personal propertv and #220, 649 fo r ad valorem,). Value Of_City-Owned P rop erty.- As of September 23, 1957, the value o f C ityOwned property was #1,853,761.12 ---- iL Sampling_Of Annual_Finsncial_Reports. - R o lla ’ s fin a n c ia l year began on May 1 each year, ended on A p ril 30, the fo llo w in g year. Those dates apply to the fo llo w in g fig u r e s . We present sampling o f the GENERAL FUND, only in th is tab le. General Fund Receipts and disbursements and matching balances are shown: Gen. Fund R e c e ip ts ... 1947-48 1956-57 Expenditures ........... # 69, 229.07 ""#421,376.03 Balances (cash in banks;*.. 56.061.03 263. 673. *58 ” ••• #13,168.04 #157,702.45 Sampling_of City_Budgets.- The c it y budget, as reported on January 10, 1952, to ta led #148,437.84. The budget, as reported on February 13, 1957, was shown in the fo llo w in g d e t a il: General Fund . . . #105,761.57 Cemetery Fund 5,294.23 S tre e t Fund .. 67,867.53 Lib ra ry ......... 18,338.36 Parks ............. 24.076.93 TOTAL #221,338.67 City_Poli.ce Department.- As e a r ly as May, of 1952 - or before - sentiment around town seemed to favor the su bstitu tion o f a regular p o lic e _ fo rc e in place o f the long-standing e le c tio n o f a Town Marshal, as required by 4th Class law. Mr. Rowe Fort had held the marshal's o ffic e fo r many years. By 1952, Mr. Bob Thornhill had been appointed, and had acted, as P o lice Chief. A fter a trying experience with a mob o f School o f Mines students, who trie d to break the j a i l and release a student who was there under a rre st, Thornhill resigned, as of May 15, 1952. In his place, the c i t y appointed Mr. Robert Goser, 23 years of age, who had served on the Jefferson City p o lice fo rc e . Air. Goser served only two months, then resigned. Chauncey H artley replaced Goser, but served only u n til July 1 o f 1953* He then resigned because, as he said, lo c a l p o lit ic s and c r itic is m by the "o ld s te rs " was too objectionable. Mr. H artley was succeeded by Mr. Harry Lambeth, who took over on or about August, 1953* He served u n til e a rly July, 1955, when he was "dropped" - and the Council appointed Wm. ( " B i l l " ) Walston in his place. Walston was given the t i t l e o f "assistan t c h ie f", to act as "adm inistrative head" o f the department. The obstacle was that Mr. Rowe Fort - la w fu lly elected by the people as C ity Marshal - was in fa c t the "le g a l head and Chief" o f the department. The Mayor and Council tr ie d , in vain, to side-step Mr. Rowe's le g a l rig h t to be "C h ief", so adopted the "d evice" o f naming an "assistan t c h ie f" to administer the o ffic e . Although h is general record was adm ittedly "good", the Mayor and Councilmen Claude Brown and Paul M itch ell told Mr. Walston to "resign or be fir e d " . He resigned. The Council tten appointed Mr. Bruce Wilkerson as "assistan t c h ie f". This was done without the approval or consent of Councilmen Aaron Baxter — Earl Rasmussen — and Lee Courson. There_was_plenty of_"dis-harmony" over these p o lice appointments - added to those for c it y attorney, u t i l i t y board, and c it y engineer. . I t was not u n til the new Third Class Plan went in to e ffe c t , in May,_195«, that the p o lice fo rc e was placed on a sensible, permanent basis. A c itiz e n "advisory" or "examining" committee, the council,- was-1 estaolished. aUVlbUry Ul CACUlua-ixu^ p o lice w ----------- 7 outside ---* 4.,-, I t screened p o te n tia l candidates, gave them examinations heard complaints, and made recommendations in these respects to the Council. As o f July 8, 195 , 3rd Class c i t y plan, the fo llo w in g p o lice force had been appointed:
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Third Class_ Policemen As o f July 8, 1958 “ Ab. L igh t, Patrolman George Pruett, Chief B i l l Haley, Patrolman Edw. Greer, Asst. Chief Bruce Wilkerson, Patrolman John Martin, L ieu t. Loren Cook, Patrolman Ben Matthews, Sgt. Mike Houlihan, Patrolman Harry Lambeth, Sgt. The C itizen P o li ce_Ad v is o ry Board.- The C itizen P o lice Advisory Board, f i r s t named fo r the Third Class C ity as of May, 1958, was composed o f Rex Z. Williams — Larry Lumpe — Lloyd Herrman — and W.D. M itch ell. The C ity_F ire Department.- During the I 04O's and 1950's, the c it y f i r e fig h tin g force was on a "volu n teer" b asis. As o f June, 1950 - as also in previous years Manuel H. Buckey was the "C h ief" or "F ire Marshal". He was a most capable incumbent. The two worst fir e s he had to contend with were those that destroyed the Rolla New Era newspaper plant, and the R olla Wholesale Gtocery building — both flanking the Frisco tracks at 7th s tr e e t. On May 5 1952, James Curtis succeeded Buckey - and has held the post up to present w r itin g ( Oct. 24, 1978). As o f July 12, 1955, the c it y had THREE fu ll-tim e paid firemen, supervised by Jim Curtis. They i»ere: Chester Light — Tom Harris — and Don S h e re ll. _ . , .. In 1955 the Fire Department purchased a new modern r ir e Truck, made by the American LaFrance concern. I t was priced a t #19,909-00. I t , together w ith 2,000 fe e t o f new f i r e hose, arrived at the f i r e sta tio n March 29, 1956. The ROLLA PUBLIC L IBRARY.- During most or a l l o f the 1947-58 period, R o lla 's Public L ib ra ry had headquarters on the second flo o r o f the former egro . • • bu ildin g, next east o f the U.S. Post O ffic e at northeast corner o f 9th and Pine The Municipal U t i l i t i e s was quartered on the f i r s t flo o r , under the Library - an various sta te and county agencies occupied the basement. _ In September, 1948, Miss L a v ila Smart assumed the duties of Librarian. h served u n til January 1, 1950. Following her, Mrs. Dons bhreve »a s Librarian fo r a short period. The o ffic e was then taken over by Mrs. O.J. (LeolaJ M illa r wno has heU t L o f f i c i down to date l O ct.24, 1972). The work of ^ L i b r a r y , and also the a c t iv it ie s o f the City Park Board - were financed by a le v y o f two m ill nar> pach #100 property valuation, provided fo r each every year. P In October 1957, the R o lla Library won the Second Place Award, State of Mis souri, in a " lib r a r y improvement contest" arranged by the This was a sign al trib u te to the c a p a b ility and achievements ol Mrs. M illa r. ^ ROLLA'S CITY PARKS.- In June, 1949, a *25,000 proposed bond issue fo r C ity purcha8^of~the~old—County^Fair B y ^ a te ^ a c tio n ^ th is ^ a r e a 6” f le s t spaceC»coupied by the State G eologica l Survey and M entally Retarded Hos p ita i^ was acquired^and^named ^Euehler^Park^.^und^ng Fri300 p
o ffered to
the C ity by mA . John SchAan, fo r *30,000 - the tra c t was purchased and named " SChX s I ar t ; L n s ca lled fo r a "park adm inistration board", so that - with Council ap p ro^ L d of proper o r d in a te - Mayor Earl Board, I t consisted ^ severa l chosen as chairman. me nine m clubs ghown in the l i s t: Ths pppointp rin cip a l c iv ic “ f 53. Nareg of members and the clubs they reprements were made as 01 July o, x yj j seated Hatch Klwanis Club C l a W . Thorpe, Chm. Oh. Coomerce John M orris,Jr. Contractors. A 4=^13 C ivics Club Mrs. Julius Marling S t Jr. Ch. Comm Frank White Don MaSE * Rotary Club A lfred Smith
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Up to December, 1956, Mr. Dwight H a fe li complained that thes Park Board had done l i t t l e to improve the parks. He wanted tennis courts, a s o ft b a ll fie ld , a sh elter house, e le c t r ic lig h tin g , and f a c i l i t i e s fo r youngsters. The Board, or other persons, had suggested the planting o f numerous shrubs and the layin g of sidewalks. These critic is m s and suggestions caused the Board to construct two hard-surfaced tennis courts .. a s o ft b a ll court fo r each o f the TWO parks ( Green Acres and SchumanJ, and in s ta lla tio n of lig h t s . Somewhat la t e r , a new park was la id out adjoining Ridgeview Addition on the south, in Southwest R olla. There follow ed the construction of h igh ly appropriate steel-con crete sh elter houses in these parks - two in Schuman Park - one each in Buehler Park, Green Acres Park, and Ridgeview Park. Rest rooms, sewer and water service were supplied. Other Parks.- A major park area was provided fo r R olla when the Lions Club, in 1954, purchased the 143 acre farm owned by Auld McGuire. I t Is located in the SW£/SE£ and SE^/SWjj o f Sec. 14 (T .3 7 -8 ), alongside U.S.-Mo. Highway 63, on it s east side, ju st south and over Fort Wyman H i l l . The Lions Club here formed a lake by constructing an earthen dam. I t buxlt a commodious h a ll, provided with kitchen and banquet-serving equipment. I t constructed appropriate booths fo r it s annual July carn ivals, which from 1V54 onward were held here. C ity ordinances were passed requiring eacn new c it y addition to set asxde smaller, minimum-sized spaces for neignoornood paries. Numbers of sucn parKS nave so Deen set aside. THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION C ity_Plam in £ Commisaon.- In 1952, with Council approval, Mayor Hudgens appointed the members o f a C ity Planning Commission. P rof. Ernest N. Carlton was named chairman. The Commission divided xts work among several sub-commxttees, sucn as Planning and Zonxng — T r a ffic and Safety — U tx ix ties and p u b licity . Planning and zoning naps and ordxnances were drawn.up and approved. Zonxng d x s tric ts fo r heavy and lig n t xndustry were fix e d , as were tne d iffe r e n t classes o f re s id e n tia l areas. New_Additions_-_Extension_Of City_Lim xts.- Numbers o f new platted additions were admxtted, and some general extensions o f c it y lxmxts were made durxng the 1947-53 perxod. Among the general c it y lim it extensions were these: (a ) In October, 1948 the s it e of Phelps County Memorial H ospital was taken by c itiz e n vote of 115 to 2 . . . . ( b ) In December, 1952, the 130-acre tra c t platted as "Long Heights", as developed by Mr. D.L. Stuart, was taken in by vote o f 83 to 24. In May of 1952, an area in south R olla, abutting the west lxne o f R olla stree t, and flanking both sides o f Highway 72, was developed as "North Park" and "Sout Park" additions. Th irty-fou r pre-fa b rica ted houses were b u ilt on the north sxae, and fifty - s e v e n on the south side. The J. Ben M ille r Real Estate Co., of St.Louxs, had charge o f the p ro je c t. The houses were o f the "National Home type. In 1951, Mr. D.M. Donnan p latted the "S qu irrel H x ll" addxtxon^xn the^SE^of of Sec. 12 (T .3 7 -8 ). And in 1954, Mr. Leigh Hutchinson platted the "Hutchxn NWr addition o f 15 acres, abutting the south lin e o f Highway 72 xn the bn,, oi son SW o f Sec. 12 (T.37 -8)Other additions included the Mar low-Chambers additxon, o f f o f Fxrst and .fa nut stre e ts - and the A r v il Murry Second addition, east of Holloway avenue, and south of 10th s tre e t. There were yet others which we do not lx s t. The '1Dunivi_n_Cr_os_sing"_Airport.- In 1947, the C ity formulated plans f or improving, grading, clearin g, fencing the axrport Pr °P er^ ,J ;0^ ^ do’ ( T 7 ) some three m iles east, and two north, of downto.vn R o lla . h I ;37; I ; h d e T l H o ^ ra is e $10,000 lo c a lly , get another $10,000 from the State L jkatch these funds with a grant of $20,000 fr o * the U.S Government By May 19A9 the proposed $40,000 had been reduced to $28,500. By August, x^yj, ™ contemplated work had been s u b s ta n tk ily c°mp le ^ and a t « ° e S . ^ L t . Gov. Jas. bration was held. There were airplane stunts ^ x o u s p£ °t c L jlb n o f handling T. B la ir was the prxncxpal speaker. Thxs made tne axip
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lim ite d a ir se rv ic e . A modest hangar was erected, and a gas sta tion b u ilt to furnish fu e l suitable fo r the airplanes based at the sta tion . During the 1970's, th is a irp o rt was given over to the Switzer Corporation, which has b u ilt and has in operation (, Oct. 25,1972) a $1,000,000 plant manu factu rin g automobile parts, c h ie fly rad iator fans. The ^VICHY^ Nat_ional_Air£ort.- In February, 1955, i t was learned that the U.S. Government was about to abandon i t s $5,000,000 a irp o rt, just north o f the v illa g e o f Vichy, twelve m iles north o f R o lla . This f a c i l i t y had been b u ilt in the days of World War Two, 1941-45* I t could now be had fo r the nominal price o f $1.00. Suggestion was made that the C ity o f R olla should acquire the f i e l d . I t would be a "miney-maker" fo r the town. A c itiz e n study commission was appoint ed, Col. A.C. Duvall, chairman. In a lengthy report, th is committee recommended the acqu isition of the f i e l d . The c it y Council then passed resolutions to that e f fe c t , and n o tifie d the Federal Government o f it s desire to obtain the f i e l d . Federal requirements, aside from the $1.00 paymerat, were these: ( l ) The f a c i l i t y diould be developed as a "commercial" a irp o rt; (2) The c i t y should operate i t "on a f a i r b a s is "; (3) Any future tra n sfer o f t i t l e must receive Federal approval. The f i e l d contained 1320 acres. Final deed to the C ity was given by the Government, and accepted by the Council ( a ft e r referendum to the e le cto ra te) on October 6, 1958. This - another c it y f a c i l i t y - now required an administra t iv e Board, so that t e Council, by ordinance, provided fo r one. These s ix were appointed to the Board: 1 . - Mrs Gale Bullman, Secy. Ch. Commerce 2 . - J. Nean White, banker 3 . - Weldon Moore, attorney 4 . - D iehl Montgomery, Ford Auto agent 5. - Ken. Woodruff, sporting goods 6 . - John Shumate, of the U.S.G.S. This Board, with i t s successors, has managed the A irp ort down to date of present w ritin g ( Oct. 25, 1972). I t s economic importance to R olla has scarcely developed as fa vora b ly as was o r ig in a lly expected. Parking Meters_on S tr e e ts .- As e a r ly as June of 1947, street parking meters were in s ta lle d on Pine s tre e t, and on 7th - 8th - 9th, both east and west o f Pine. By October, 1952, meters had been in s ta lle d on Elm street, 9th to 10th, and on R olla stre e t, 6th to 10th. In addition to meter in s ta lla tio n , various t r a ff ic rules were made, then amended. Trucks and cabs were not allowed to_park in busy, downtown s tre e ts . D irection o f t r a f f i c on Pine and R olla stre e ts was trie d ouis in d iffe r e n t ways, u n til f i n a l l y fix e d at one-way "north" on Pine, and one-way "south" on R o lla s tre e t, in both cases from 6th to 12th s tre e ts . R o lla 's Bus S e rv ic e .- For some time p rio r to A p ril of 1949, Mr. Ray Rucker and others Sad operated a c it y bus service. This ran across town^from east to west on a d e fin ite time table, and served a u seful purpose. But i t was not a p ro fita b le venture. As o f A p ril, 1949, Hubert Gibson bought the lin e and fran chise from Ray Rucker. In turn, Gibson sold to Dolph Black, who, on September 1949 was k ille d in an auto crash. By August, 1950, J.M. Jenkins managed the lin e ; but had to terminate the p roject because no capable d river could be employed. Greyhound Bus S e rv ic e .- During the 1947-58 period, the Greyhound Bus C . provided^excellent service from R olla to a l l points east and west. For a t im e ^ i t s tic k e t o ffic e was in the "B e ll Cafe" bu ilding, at in tersection o f North Pme and Highway 63- I t then b u ilt an e n tir e ly new brick sta tio n *t fine 'R- n Pafp on the l o t abutting Elm s tre e t and Highway 63 . This is th pre ( S 72 ) ^ U t i o L La?al bus S n e s f l s o use the station fo r t r a f f i c going from Rolla north to Jefferson City, and south to West Plain s.
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Rolla* s. Popu lation.- Rolla* s population, from U.S. Census reports, fo r the years 1880 through I960, was as fo llo w s : 1880 — 1582 1910 — 2261 1940 - 5141 1890 — 1592 1920 — 2077 1950 — 9313 1900 — 1600 1930 — 3670 i 960 — 11,13 2 )
Valuation o f_C ity P rop erty.- The assessed^ valuations of private property, obtained fo r the purpose o f levy in g c i t y taxes, tota led $4,891,594 fo r the taxable year 1950......... For 1951, the t o t a l was $5,123,189. Of th is, $4,052,074 was fo r rea l estate ...$852,004 fo r personal property .. and $220,649 for ad valorem tax on business a sse tts. These figu res do not include taxation of the F risco r a ilr o d . The fig u res given were supposed to represent 30$ o f the to ta l value o f respective items. For other years, the fig u res were these:
THE. OFFICERS AND AFFAIRS OF CORPORATE PHELPS COUNTY General N o te s .- For Phelps County, during period 1947-1958, county a ffa ir s o f p rin c ip a l in te re s t include the adoption o f the S ta te 's "King B i l l " state aid fo r improvement o f county roads,, and the ca refu l re—assessment o f a l l private re a l estate and property required for taxation purposes. This was carried out by the Duncan-Hatlock-Moulder county court. That program included a b it t e r struggle between County Assessor W illiam T. Huskey and the County Court. The Court accused Huskey o f inadequate assessment of county property, and sought to oust him from o f f i c e . The ca.se went to the Supreme Court, which ruled that the Court had no power to oust the assessor......... As a whole, the county's fin a n cia l structure was placed on a more s o lid basis than b efo re. The dilapidated, u n fit condition o f the Court House became a warm issue, and^was taken up and studies projected as the period closed. Three separate ele ctio n s in the e a rly I960 s brought only defeat o f proposed $800,000 bond issues fo r construction o f an " a l l new" court house. ,, 0Ur s to ry here w i l l fo llo w next with a l i s t i n g of county o fu c e r s for the period, a ft e r which a few major business items w i l l conclude county a ffa ir s .
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THE OFFICERS AND AFFAIRS OF PHELPS COUNTY National, State, County O ffic e rs , 1947-48. T$ie fo llo w in g table names these o ffic e rs ., and gives the < d ates o f th e ir termsi o f se rvice . U.S.President : : Mo. Governor : : Mo.State Senator: Years :Representative : 1947-48 Harry S. Truman P h il M. Donnelly Emery W. A lliso n Booker H. Rucker 1949-50 H.S. Truman Forrest Smith A lliso n Rucker Smith 1951-52 Truman John A. Johnson DeVere Joslin D.D.Eisenhower P h il M. Donnelly Johnson 1953-54 J oslin Donnelly 1955-56 Eisenhower Johnson Joslin 1957-58 Eisenhower James T. B la ir,J r J ohnson DeVere Joslin 1959-60 Eisenhower G eneSally:, in Jas. T. B la ir ,J r John A. Johnson THE COUNTY COURT AND CLERK Presiding Judge E. Side Judge Years W. Side Judge County Clerk Ham. W. Lenox Ir a Parry 1 Geo. E. Marsh 1947-48 John A. Mooney Melvin T.Matlock W. L. Kennedy 1949-50 Ham. W. Lenox John A. Mooney M.T.Matlock Bert T. Harvey John A. Mooney 1951-52 Oscar Duncan M.T. Matlock Bert T. Harvey John A. Mooney 1953-54 Oscar Duncan M.T. Matlock Pete T. Moulder John A. Mooney 1955-56 Oscar Duncan Walter Pau lsell John A. Mooney B levie M. Lorts 1957-58 Oscar Duncan Mooney-Lucie Smith Walter P a u lsell B levie M. Lorts 1959-60 Lloyd W. Ramsey THE CIRCUIT COURT Pros. Atty._____ S h e r iff C.Clk.& Recorder Years C ircu it Judge Llyn Bradford Walt. B. Lavine Claude E. Curtis Chas. R. Sands 1947-48 Walt. B. Lavine Ronald J. Fuller R. Sands Claude E. Curtis Chas. 1949-50 W alt. B. Lavine Ron. J. F u ller R. Sands Chas. Claude E. Curtis 1951-52 Walt. B. Lavine Ron. J. F u ller R. Chas. Sands Emery W. A llis o n 1953-54 Jay White Walt B. Lavine R. Sands A llis o n Chas. Emery W . 1955-56 O live r T. Lambiel Jay White Chas. R. Sands 1957-58 Emery W. A llis o n O live r T. Lambiel Jay White R. Sands Chas. A llis o n 1959-60 Emery W. OTHER ELECTED COUNTY OFFICERS Surveyor_______ Treasurer C ollector Assessor Years Raymond F. Brant Elmer Nesbit Roy Dunivin 1947-48 Helen Black Lawr. Casselman Melvin T. Watts Roy Dunivin 1949-50 Wm. T. Huskey C lair V. Mann Melvin T Watts Roy T. Dunivin 1951-52 Wm. T. Huskey C lair V. Mann Melvin T. Watts Roy Dunivin 1953-54 Wm. T. Huskey C lair V. Mann Melvin T. Watts Roy Dunivin 1955-56 "Wm. T. Huskey C lair V. Mann Melvin T. Watts Roy Dunivin 1957-58 Wm. T. Huskey Mann C lair V. Melvin T. Watts Roy Dunivin 1959-60 Wm. T. Huskey Years 1947-48 1949-50 1951-52 1953-54 1955-56 1957-58 1959-60
Probate Judge Samuel Hess Samuel Hess Samuel Hess Samuel Hess Samuel Hess Samuel Hess Samuel Hess
Coroner S. Claude S. Claude S . Claude S. Claude S. Claude S. Claude S. Claude
Null Null Null Null Null Null Null
School Supt. Ralph Marcellus Ralph Marcellus Ralph Marcellus Ralph Marcellus Ralph Marcellus Ralph Marcellus Ralph Marcellus
Highway None ,9• None • • C lair V C lair V C lair V C lair V C lair V
Engr, Mann Mann Mann Mann Mann
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THE COUNTYJ_S_BUSINESS AFFAIRS The Coimty_^s_Matjor_Musin£ss. A c t iv x t ie s .- The County Administration lo r years 1947-1958 in itia te d and carried out several very important p ro je c ts . Chief among them were these: ( l ) Construction of tne Phelps County Memorial H ospital; (2) Adoption and use o f the S ta te 's highway aid program fo r renovation and improvement o f county highways; the re-assessment o f taxable property throughout the county; the celebration of the county's 100th anniversary in 1957; and the renovation o f county survey procedured and records. The MemoriaJL_Hospital. - Without doubt, the County Mrmorlal H ospital became the county's major p ro je ct and achievement during the period. For some years past, during the e a rly 1940's, there had been numerous plans made and meetings held for obtainingV:a community h o s p ita l. But l i t t l e progress had been made up to August 6, 1946 - except to arouse public sentiment favoring such a h osp ital. But on August 6, 1946, fr u it f u l action began when the town and county c i t i zens p etition ed the County Court to hold a $400,000 h osp ital bond e le c tio n . This was held on November 4, 1946. The proposition carried by a vote o f 3957 to 1518. A two-thirds m ajority was required - and that was secured. On December 3, 1946, the County Court appointed an " i n i t i a l " Board of FIVE Trustees. They were: Dr. R.E. Breuer — O.D. H all — J.M. Phelps — D.L. Stuart — and DeVere Josjlin. This group met and organized on December 6th, 1946. A f i r s t task was to choose a s it e . The Board found a tra ct of 8.27 acres, located in the extreme southeast corner o f Section 3 (T.37-8), on west 10th s tr e e t. The U n ive rs ity o f Missouri owned i t , and priced i t at $100 per acre. The R olla Lions Club made the purchase, paid the b i l l of $827, and gave the deed to the H ospital Board on March 21, 1947. The pro tern Board now hired Ernest T. Friton, o f Webster Groves, as A rch itect. By Feb. 7, 1948, plans were completed and had approval of the Missouri State Board o f Health. By May 1, 1948, the Board had chosen the name " PhelpsjCounty; Memorial H ospital" fo r the in s titu tio n . Rev. 0. V. Jackson, the_ mbst_ard£nt. of_all_promot,ers_of the_ H ospital, was delegated to rec e iv e and s o l i c i t p riva te g i f t s fo r the construction fund. By January, 1950, he had received $13,833-00 in cash, and $4,954 in pledges. The James Foundation la t e r donated $10,000.00 In A p ril, 1948, the "pro-tem" Board made application fo r Federal aid under the Hall-Burton a ct. The sum of $218,540 was approved as of May 22, 1948. Final plans were approved by the U.S. Health Service on January 20, 1949. Bids were now in v ite d , received, and opened on March 25, 1949. The low bid o f $710,000 and the high bid o f $824 exceeded the a r c h ite c t's cost estim ate. Therefore, the plans had to be cut down so as to come within a va ila b le funds. Tnis was done. The bid o f the Paulua Construction Co., of St.Louis - o r ig in a lly $710,000 - was now changed to $600,000. The contract on that basis was signed on June 8, 1948. The bu ildin g, as thus planned, contained a basement, f i r s t and second flo o rs , with f a c i l i t i e s provided:;ifor a future construction o f a th ird flo o r . There would be from 62 to 70 beds - two su rgical rooms - wards fo r men and fo r women and newly born babes - a kitchen - and a laundry. The building was in the form o f a "Tee", the top o f the "Tee" extending east-west, the stem to north from the Tee. Ground breaking ceremonies were held on June 29, 1949. On the same day, the Thomas Blinne Construction Co. began the basement excavation. Those present at the ceremonies included the f i r s t regular Board ( elected in November, 1948) consisting o f Dr. M.K. Underwood and Messrs. Frank Blue — Oscar Glenn — D.L. Stuart and Wm. H. M ueller. Underwood, Blue, and Glenn drew "4-year" terms — Stuart and Mueller the "Two-Year" terms. Other persons present included Mr . Dave Turner, superintendent fo r the Paulus company; Dr. C lair V. Mann, resident engineer lo r the a rc h ite c t and the county; and Elmer Nesbit, county treasurer.
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Dimensions_of the_ H o s p ita l.- The fro n ta l part o f the H ospital - the "top" o f i t s tee-shape - measured 172 fe e t in lenghh, east-w est, and 42 fe e t north-south The "stem" portion o f the " te e " , extendung north from the fro n ta l part, measured 6d by 42 fe e t . Excavation fo r basement and column Blinne Construction Co. handled a l l the sub-contracted under the Paulus company heating and plumbing - and the e le c t r ic
footin gs began on June 29, 1948. The Thos. earth work. Contracts were separately fo r the sewerage and water supply - the w iring and f a c i l i t i e s .
The building was p r a c tic a lly complete on January 17, 1951, when the h o s p ita l's f i r s t head administrator ( Ted 0. Lloyd ) and s t a ff moved in to the o ffic e s . Lloyd was 35 years of age - a n ative o f B e lle , Mo. He had spent two terms at Univ. Mo., Columbia - 4 years as head administrator o f the State h ospital at H ig g in s v ille and three years at the St. Louis Training School H ospital. He continued to serve u n til August, 1958, when he resigned. The H ospital Board o f 1951 continued the same, except that D.L. Stuart was replaced by Rex Z. W illiam s, at the Nov. 1950 e le c tio n . The Board was thus: Dr. Underwiid plus Messrs. Frank Blue — Oscar Glenn — Wm. H. Muller — and Rex W il liam s. A general "open House" and reception, to which a l l area citize n s were in v ite d , occurred on March 10 and 11, 1951- F irs t patients were admitted March 19, 1951* By August, 1951, some 1,000 patients had been admitted. And at the end of the f i r s t year, March 19, 1952, 2651 patients had been admitted. For the year Jan. 1-Dec. 31,- 1952, curreht assets were valued at $63,965.98; fix e d assets at $672,790.96 - a t o ta l of #736,756.94- Net worth o f the plant was recorded as $629,740.33. Payments on bond issues, as w e ll as salaries and curreht expenses, were paid by warrants issued to the Phelps County treasurer. Plans far_ Third Floor Expansion.- As e a rly as A p ril, 1954, the U.S. Health Service approved plans fo r th ird flo o r construction, and had promised a Federal grant o f #125,000 fo r th a t purpose - which the County must match. But by Nivember 4, 1958, FOUR separate bond ele c tio n s for the purpose, proposing issues o f $125,000 bonds, had been defeated. The la s t vote, Nov. 4, 1958, was 2683 "For" to 1414 "No". A two-thirds m ajority was required - and th is was for only 65.5^A la te r vote, in the 1960's, resulted in a "YES" vote - and by ( i_4 March, 1967_________ ) the third flo o r was completed and in service. By August 8, 1958, Ted 0. Lloyd had resigned, and Mr. William D. Speer was chosen in his place. A 5th bond issue fo r $125,000 to provide the third flo o r apparently PASSED the two-thirds requirement - and then was declared "defeated". In the end, on ______________, 196_such a bond issue DID pass— and the third flo o r was fin ish ed and placed in service in March, ID67. X$6/ZOn February 25, 1957, a fin a n c ia l report showed the H osp ital's t o ta l assets as $718,244.41. The income was $367,534-31 - expenses $366,842.15 - Balance $692,16. The Medipal S t a f f . - The county's medical s t a ff, as lis t e d in the ^ounty Centennial Book o f June, 1957, named M.D. doegors and O.D. (Osteopaths) thus: E.A. Scott M .D .'s: D.F. Andraessen J.A. Grosskreutz Emil A. S trieker Mrs. C.V. Hammier R.E. Breuer M.K. Underwood W.R. Lytle James D. Butts S.C. Bonney James Myers A.A. Drake Barbara E. Russell E.E. Feind Osteopaths: W.M. Cottingham, D.0. . . . Richard E. Myers, D.0. The D en tists: In addition to these M.D. doctors, there were these dentists 9 who on occasion performed dental surgeyy at the H ospital. B. R. Conyers John H ill M.L. Bess H.L. Glynn Paul D. Tinnin B.E.C. Slawson Carl James THE- MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, THUS CONSTRUCTED, AND OPERATED, HAS PROVED TO BE
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OF ENORMOUS BENEFIT TO ROLLA - TO PHELPS AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES - AND TO ITINERANT TRAVELERS WHO, IN THE AREA, SUFFERED AUTO AND OTHER ACCIDENTS OR SERIOUS ILLNESS. ’ STATE AID FOR COUNTYJiOADS County_Adopts State Highway Aid Program.- In May, 1951, the Phelps County Court form ally adopted the S ta te 's "King B i l l " program o f state aid fo r improv ing and maintaining county highways. The program had been a vailab le fo r several years before, but had not been adopted - fo r various reasons — a p rin cip a l one being the lack of a county highway engineer, which was a basic requirement. In May, 1951, the County Court, headed by Presiding Judge Oscar Duncan, retained Dr. C lair V. Mann as highway engineer, and in it ia t e d the King B i l l pro gram. To be improved with State aid, any read had to carry U.S, mail - or be a school bus or milk route. Plans and sp ec ifica tio n s were prepared by Dr. Mann, bids were in v ite d , <and f in a l construction carried out under d ire ctio n o f Dr. Mann. On completion, the highway engineer reported the extent o f improvements so made, and the cost thereof, to the State Hi^iway Department. I f and when these reports were approved, the State made payment to the County. A fter some two years, during whicn aid was given fo r construct!on_alone, the State added annual aid fo r maintenance o f the roads already so improved - and fo r those only. This maintenance aid funds amounted to some $40 per mile per annum Under th is general program, 160 miles of county road were thus improved and maintained. Four oridges that, fo r the county, were major structures, were b u ilt : ( l ) The s te e l pile-supported concrete deck bridge at R e l f e . . . ( 2 ) the reh a b ilita tio n and placement o f a 110 fo o t s te e l truss bridge at Smallwood Crossing o f Big Dry Fork, 5 m iles south o f S t. James . (3 )a heavy reinforced concrete deck bridge across North Spring Creek, 5 m iles north and 3 west of R o lla ... and (4) a sim ilar bridge over Bowen Creek, in extreme northeast corner o f the county. Over twenty concrete slab paved fords were b u ilt , and numerous s te e l and concrete c u lv e rts .in s ta lle d . In a l l previous county highway maintenance, unscreened ru n -of-p it gravel was used for surfacing. That was unsuitable fo t King B i l l work - so a gravel-screening machine was purchased. From 1951 to 1962, enough screened gravel was so placed on King B i l l roads (alon e) to cover the County Court House square to a depth o f 30 fe e t . At the end o f the tX^XX,-, / calendar year, 160.28 m iles of county road had been thus improved. There had been 45 separate road p rojects completed, on which the State had provided a t o ta l state aid o f #102,143-58. The County had matened th is with $171,847.54. The t o ta l so spent was $273,991-18 / / > ... The t o ta l length o f ALL county roads, including both "King B i l l " and "non-King B i l l " , was 483*5 m iles. The 1962 group o f p rojects added a few m iles of King B i l l roads, with accompanying costs. However, sh ortly th erea fter, Missouri passed le g is la t io n that terminated the King B i l l program. In place o f i t , a l l counties o f the State were given a percentage o f the increased gasoline tax. A_Road Numbering System_is D evised.- The County Court found i t d i f f i c u l t to keep track o f operztions o f the regular road—grading force, because roaduunits were designated Dy the name o f some resident farmer alongside respective units. The county judges dbd know where the roads were, so asked Dr. Mann to invent a new system. This he did, f i r s t d ivid in g the county area in to EIGHT zones - 1 to 8. Each short road length in each zone was then given a s p e c ific number, with points o f beginning and end'. Thus, a given unit would be numbered "101", ly in g in Zone 1 . . or"8b?", ly in g in Zone 8. The grading force was given maps showing the numbering system, and found i t easy to make their reports accordingly. When the State Highway Department observed the plan, i t RE-DREW every county highway map in the State, and adopted th is Phelps County numbering system fo r them a i l .
CVM Oct. 29, 1972.
THE PHELPS_COUNTY - U.S._FOREST SERVICE COOPERATIVE SURVEY Cornerjtestoration_Surve£ P roject T.^ 6^9 . - In August, ±957, tne U.S. Forest Service o f fic e in Washington, D.C., was searching fo r a U.S. Public Land Survey town snip wherein i t owned approximately h a lf o f the area. I t was in terested in recovering, restorin g, perpetuating a l l tne Federal land survey corners tnerein, and in using tnem to mark tne Qoundary lin e s of Forest Service lands. a ft e r experimental p rojects o f tne Kind nad oeen tr ie d out in M ississipp i, C a lifo rn ia , and Minnesota, one Service looxed fo r a townsmp which s a tis fie d requirements — and wners county o f f i c i a l s would oe m oerested and cooperate. I t was thus that the Service selected Township 36 North, Range $ West, in Phelps County. The County Oourt promised — and gave — complete cooperation. County Surveyor C la ir V. Mann possessed the highest in te re s t, and had exceptional prac t i c a l experience and tra in in g fo r the work. F ield p a rties composed o f expert Forest Service topographers and f i e l d work ers, comuined with county farces working with Dr. Mann, scoured the en tire town ship area, s ix m iles square - hunting section a l corners. Targets, v is ib le from the a ir, were placed at a l l desired corner points, a fter which the area was "flown" by airplanes equipped with h igh ly precise cameras. The photo prints were processed in the Washington, D.C. area. Plane coordinates in "x" and "y" were thus secured for every "found" corner, and fo r those that were to be restored. Concrete post markers 6x 6x 36 inches, capped with bronze record plates, were planted at the 133 Federal Survey corners, and a t 125 o f the in te r io r 40-acre corners. Complete typed f i e l d notes and p la t were o f f i c i a l l y f i l e d with the Phelps County C ircu it Clerk and Recorder. P la t and d e ta ile d story o f the program were published by the Am. Congress on Surveying and Mapping, in it s o f f i c i a l magazine, "Surveying and Mapping", issues o f December, I960, and March, 1966. The Forest Service also published a 40-page brochure in August, 1963 . The t o t a l p roject cost was approximately $40,000. This proved to be THE VERY FIRST PROJECT OF ITS KIND EVER COMPLETED IN THE NATION,- where records and f i e l d notes were o f f i c i a l l y approved and f i l e d w ith the County Recorder. The p roject drew the intense in te r e s t of engineers, surveyors, and governmental o f f i c i a l s in a l l the other 30 U.S. Land Survey states. In Missouri, i t resulted d ir e c t ly in the organization (1957) o f the Missouri Assn, of Registered Land Surveyors. I t triggered the Missouri le g is la t iv e act o f 1969, which created the Missouri State Land Survey Authority - vested with both the authority, and the respon sibil i t y fo r re-d isco verin g, restorin g, perpetuating a l l the corners and records of the U.S. Public Land Survey w ithin M issouri. As this is w ritten ( Oct. 29, 1972), that agency has s t a ff and o ffic e s in R olla, and has made a s ig n ific a n t beginning o f the tremendous task assigned to i t . THE PHELPSJXUNTY C NIHJNIAL_CELEBRATION County_Become_s_100_Ye_ars_0f Age_ In_19_57«- A f u l l account of the Phelps County Centennial Celebration, observed from June 1 to June 8, 1957, w i l l be given in la t e r pages. The Centennial was planned by the Phelps County H is to ric a l Society, and carried out by the Phelps County Centennial Association. These agencies were NOT o f f i c i a l functions o f county government. However, the County Court gave its complete approval and cooperation in the event. THE FEDERAL CENSUS Phelps C o^ ty_P op u la tion .- The fo llo w in g table shows growth of the county's population fo r years lis t e d , and from U.S. Census records. I 860 .. 5,714 1900 .. 14,194 1940 .. 17,507 1870 .. 10,506 1910 .. 15,796 1950 . . 21,504 1880 .. 12,674 1920 .. 14,941 I 960 .. 25,396 1890 . . 13,027 1930 .. 15,308 1970 .. 29,§6.7
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V|luati£n o f Ta2cabl| Property_(on_30^_Basis).- The fo llo w in g figu res are taken from the Missouri Blue Book series, for years shown: S 1947-48 1955-56 $11,698,853 $15,980,434 1965-66 $33,951,181 49-50 13,053,505 57-58 67-68 22,011,345 51-52 13,850,889 59-60 24,064, 522 69-70 36, 596,'599 53-54 15,275,631 61-62 25,509,517 71-72 43, 590,299 63-64 28,531,618 1Q„ g ^ e s s j e n t J^rojcerty.- During the Duncan-Matlock-Moulder administration 19^1 p8, the adequate assessment of private county property fo r taxation was seriou sly questioned by the Court. County Assessor William T. Huskey was accused of by-passing la rg e portions o f such property, and o f under-valuing i t and other property. The Court sought to discharge the assessor, and fo r months refused to pay his salary. Numbers of hearings were held between the Court, Mr. Huskey and attorneys on both sides. Lawsuits f i l e d lo c a lly f i n a l l y went to the Missouri Supreme Court which ruled that the County Court had no powJr to discharge the assessor. A fte r further negotiations, the plan evolved was fo r the Assefsor to hire a corps o f deputies, who would make an exhaustive re-assessment of a l l the taxable property. The N atl. Farmers Assn, was contacted, and i t evolved a 9-point program fo r the re-assessment. An N.F.0. "Watch Committee" was n a ^ d . I t checSd a i l the d e ta il returns made. Each deputy was assigned a s p e c ific area, and re quired to v i s i t the premises personally. A m ss o f booklets came in with reports on the several classes of ^farm lands, the unit values of each, and the values of any buildings on the premises. The controversy was f i n a l l y settled , and the county property valuation fix e d accordingly. Some %m.£le BudgetJCata: The county budget approved by the State Auditor in anuary, 1948, amounted to $192,683.06. Available funds from which i t would be drawn amounted to $202,968.00. Expenditures fo r the previous year 1947 had been $121,940.71. ^ ’ For year 1957, estimated receip ts amounted to #192,209.00. The budget made on th is basis was $188,000.00 „For the year 1954, rec eip ts were #241,793.88. The balance from previous year was *43,046.94. For le a f ended Dec. 31, 1954, expenditures had been $194,839.26. The balance was $43,046.94. A sp ecial Fund Report" fo r the calendar—f i s c a l year 1956 was as fo llo w s: oom u m ^ m _What Fund Bal. 1/1/56 Receipts Spent : Bal. 12/31/56: Revenue Fund . *46,020.56 #123,132.96 $129,099.75 #30,053.77 Road Fund . . . . 16,918.20 70,890.32 64,564.48 o .d .10,592.36 Criminal Costs 1,298.73 000.00 950.74 2,248.47 School D is ts .. 116, 766.69 247,902.58 121,721.66 126,459.84 Dist.Sch.Fund. 9,933.41 12,853.18 000.00 22,786.59 Operation Hosp 1,717.24 308,513.26 357,245.27 o.d. 47,010.77 Hosp. Impr ovmt s 32,073.74 000.00 29,201.51 61,275.25 Hosp. in t & Bonds 84,499.32 68,099.28 1,246.25 28,846.34 County_Grand_Jury; 4.s_0onvened A wave o f th efts , personal assaults on two aged women, and other crime conditions, aroused the anger o f a number of prominent county c itiz e n s . On November 20, 1952, a group headed by Morris DeWitt and W.D. Aaron met a t the M ill Creek church, to form an i n i t i a l in v estig a tive body. I t met at the County Court House Nov. 21, and perfected the Phelps County P ro tec tiv e Association. The association requested C ircu it Judge Emery A llison to appoint the members of, and to convene a Phelps County Grand Jury. The Judge did so. This would be the f i r s t and only grand ju ry ca lled in the county in FORTY YEARS 1 I t would in vestigate a l l manner o f crime within the county - and also determine just how w e ll a l l the county o ffic e r s were doing th e ir job.
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These were the members Leo H igley, Foreman Sam Montgomery P.J. Mikkelson Morris DeWitt
o f the Grand Jury: Hamilton Lenox, Jr. Roy Benson W.K. McCartney R.S. Malone N.L. Spradling P h il Osterhold Frank Smith Truman H ildreth Dewey Routh, Attorney The Grand Jury duly convened, held meetings, made rep ort. I t recommended more fo r c e fu l enforcement o f crim inal law and prosecution. I t vigorou sly condemned the p i t i f u l condition in to which the County Court House had been allowed to f a l l , and strongly urged immediate remedy. Rest room f a c i l i t i e s were among the d e fic ie n c ie s , but the worst condition resulted from the use o f sheet-metal wood burning stoves. F ire hazard were t e r r i f i c . Conditions in the JAIL were e s p e c ia lly c r it ic iz e d . Some l i t t l e la x it y in conduct o f reg u la rly elected county o ffic e s was noted - and these included e s p e c ia lly the prosecuting attorney and the s h e r iff. The J a il was characterized as "The Black Hole o f Calcutta". Campaign_For_Ne_w_Court_House.- The Rolla Herald ed ito r, Wm. B. Breuer, made a vigorous "follow -u p " campaign", c a llin g the Court House a FIRE TRAP which endangered the destruction o f a l l of the County's basic records - p la ts, marriage records, deeds, probate records, and c ir c u it court and recorder records. ...The Phelps County H is to r ic a l S ociety president and Board of D irectors, in a special p e titio n dated February.1958. asked the County Court to appoint a Court House Study Commission o f some 60 members. The commission would make a d eta iled study of the Court House, and suggest a proper solution. The Study Commission was duly appointed, held many meetings, and came up with a proposal fo r a county bond issue of #800,000 with which to build an e n tir e ly new court house. A number of a rch itects were in v ite d to meet with the Commission, and make th e ir s p e c ific proposals fo r the bu ildin g. The firm of Hellmuth, Obata, and Kassabaum, of S t. Louis made an ex celle n t sketch drawing. The county Court and Commission members v is ite d a number of desirable court houses in other counties. A f i r s t e le c tio n , proposing the $>800,000 bond issue, was held on June 30. 19$2.• A two-thirds m ajority was required. The vote was 300 votes short o f that requirement. Two subsequent e le c tio n s were neld - with the proposed bond issues reduced to $400,000. Both these ele ctio n s , held during I960, fa ile d to get the required twothirds m ajo rity. The County Court DID mate a few improvements in the Court House conditions. Among these was the substitution of natural gas stoves for the wood burners. COURT HOUSE CUP0LA_IS REMOVED.- In July of 1950, the Lenox-Matlock-Kennedy county court had the d is tin c tiv e CUPOLA o f the County Court House removed, stnd the r o o f re-shingled. This nad oeen a source of r o o f leakage - also an a ttra ction fo r lig h tn in g . BUT IT HAD ALSO BEEN A LONG-STANDING "LAMDMARK^ — could be seen fo r miles around R olla. The date was July 13, 1950*
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S C H O O L S . . . 1 9 4 7 - 1 Q U
~ ^ nam6S °f th° Se who Were 3ch° o1 Boarei Directors , J J fJ f 1 947-1958 pe^lod are presented in the fo llo w in g ta b le. Terms be^an the f i r s t weeK o f May o f each year, and continued fo r three years. E lections ™
^ 2
5 2 2 **5 :
T Z e r U n ir
P* 1-300' 3 t3™ '
« -
S “ th2
___ Year 1947-48 Year 1948-49 — Year 1V49-5U Dr. B.R. Conyers (.3j John R. Wilson (3 ) R.B. Murry ( 3 ) Mrs. C .J .M illa r (3) Lloyd W.Herrman(3) Earl Anderson ( 3) R. Bland Murry . . ( 2 ) Dr.B.R.Conyers (2John ) R.Wilson (2 j Dr. P.G .H erold .. (2 ) M rs.C .J.M illar (2 ) Lloyd Herrman (2) S . T. Vickers .. (1 ) R.B.Murry . . . . ( l ) Dr. B.R.Conyers(l) J .E .M itc h e ll... ( i ; Dr. H.J.Herold (1J M rs.C .J.M illar ( l j
Year 1950-51 Morgan J e ffr ie s Henry Geers . . . R.B. Murry . . . . Earl Anderson.. John R.W ilson .. Lloyd Herrman .
fe a r ±951-52 Murray R en ick.. ( 3 ) Harold 0 . Capps( 3 ) M .M .Jeffries (.2^ ) Mrs.Gale Bullman(2 j Homer Tucker . . ( 2 ) R.B.Murry . . . . ( l ) Earl Anderson ( l )
Year 1952-53 Arth.McFarland ( 3 ) R. b .Murry . . . . ( 3) MufirajfcBieickd ( 2 ) H.O.Capps . . . (2J Mrs. Bullman . ( l j Homer Tucker . ( l j Glenn Geers . . ( l j
Year 1953-5A John R. Wilson ( 3) Glenn Geers . . . ( 3) Art.McFarland .(2 ) R.B.Murry . . . (2 j M. Renick . . . (lj H.O.Capps . . . (1 )
Year 1954-55 Carmel S tite s (3j Dr. H.Q.Fuller (.3) J.R.W ilson.. . . ( 2 ) Glenn Geers .. (2) A. McFarland . ( l j R.B.Murry . . . . ( l )
Year 1955-56 Dr. E.E.Feind (3 j Dewey Routh . . ( 3 ) Carmel S tite s (2 ) Dr. H.Q. F u ller ( 2 ) John R. Wilson ( l ) Glenn Geers .. ( l j
Year 1956-57 Ray Hamilton ( 3) Larry May . . . . ( 3) Dr. E.E.Feind ( 2 ) Dewey Routh .. (2 j Carmel S tite s ( l j Dr. H.Q.Fuller ( l j
Year 1957-58 Dr .H .Q .Fuller ( 3j Carmel S tite s ( 3 ) Ray Hamilton ( 2) Larry May . . . (2) Dr. E.E.Feind ( l j Dewey Routh (l)
Year 1958-59 D r.E .E.Feind.. Dewey Routh .. Dr.H.Q.Fuller Carmel S tite s Larry May . . . . Ray Hamilton .
John M orris, J r., was treasurer most o f the period S ecretaries o f the Board were these: Wm. E. Fink, 1947 - 1949. D elia Huston, 1949-50 thru 19___ Dewey Routh, 1955-58
( 3j ( 3) (2) ( 2) (l) (lj
(3) (3) (2) (2 j (l) (l)
! CVM*
June 18, 1970.
( 1947- 57)
THE ROLLA SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE-TEACHING STAFF. the intendent o f the R o lla school s y s W .^ And n f J ’ r * .Lewis as SuP*> during which the superintendent and h is o ffic e su ffered s3f - y ef r period ended (tem p o rarily ) w ith the 1952-53 -year when Mt* h • i re c r i t l c l s r a ~ and which Dr. Don. B. Matthews. * Whsn HaXlsy Was succeeded by • /■ aS e f f e cl jt iv1947' y had be«n elected o ffic His ap^ pointxnent became e on Mr* JulyH1a ile 19A7 He. u *to the , 6 oft icee . His s it y of M issouri, Columbia, a n d t d s e r L L t S o ^ f a i n ^ w ife , "Mae", was a member o f the Order o f * * * * * * * His fe ssio n a l Business Women. The H aileys had tbrpp nh-iiH* B .E .O ., and the P ro( 12), and Gary Don ( 3 ) . ^ had three ch ildren . . Joan (1 4 ), Jeanenne The Bone of Contention.- F ifte e n months from date o f appointment Sunt Hfln ow was accused o f p e rs o n a lly handling student tu itio n fe e s . Wten o n ^ y ? I pa ? 7 he assumed o ffic e , there was a " d e f i c i t " in the amount of $6 128 in f h l "In c id e n ta l To cover t h is , overd raft c h e ^ H L W ^E Fmk, school se c re ta ry -tre a s u re r, refused to honor - although the J r? it? t j knew o f than. Secretary Fink asked the Board to h a v e ln S t l d e ° .
duncture» the matter became pu blic when a law suit was f i l e d in OcBy Mrs. Lucy McMahan, a te a c te r, together w ith W.F. S a lts * L o S s e ^fcUTo?o' ^ . h 011006 L avery. While the s u it was pending, Secretary Fink as o f Jnlv 1, 1949, resigned, and was replaced by Mrs. D elia Huston. Trying to correct things she in s t a lle d a new accounting system, a ft e r rfrich Supt. H a i S “ ? u m = d t o ’ the c o n tro v e rsia l arm o f j?6, 123.00. With these actions taken, C ircu it J u S e Curtis £ w ,S and » d tthhata ^ 'anl l things t f ° f “S f ?p l a 23’ - Sayln»had « * been > “ accomplished." 1 - had £ £ \ 2 f lated that i n t i f f s desired
However, a deep schism between the Board and the Superintendent had been creah 2 d l i n i Co f Ss?hoo1°CftedrithS R0l l M 0mnUnifcy to i t s dePBhs. The adm inistrative hi^Td ?S<?f '• 5?' ?\ 1 5?ds became the sunje ct of deep su spicion . F ir s t , the Board _ j M , p r in g fie ld firm to make an a u d it. C itizen s Ralph B a ile y , Emmett M itch ell, and Mesdamss Lloyd Clapper and Mary S a lts circ u la te d a p e titio n fo r an o f f i c i a l tate audit by State A uditor W.H. Holmes. The se audits came up with sim ilar rep o rts: While d e f i c i t spending was condemned, the schools were, in gen eral, capa b ly adm inistered. There were no apparent v io la tio n s of law . ,o n S°iae _re l uctance, Mr. H ailey was given an a d d itio n al two-year term in toco “ f 011®1 June 30, 1952. A second two-year term was contracted fo r in January iy5^, which would have endedin June, 1954. During 1953, the Board wisted to remove Mr . n a ile y , but he asked to remain u n t il the new High School b u ild in g on lU th street could be completed and dedicated. M isgivings and suspicions grew. C itizen voters fought fo r control of the School Board - the m ajority of vihich f i n a l l y decided that Mr. H ailey must be re moved - even though 65 o f the teachers supported him. By March o f 1953, the Board announced that i t would NOT renew Hr. H a ile y 's contract when i t expired, June 30, 1954. The Board said th at, vtfiile Mr. H ailey was a good adm inistrator, he d id not cooperate w ith the Board. They required him to get Board permission before spend ing any sum exceeding $100. They a ls o accused him o f tryin g to "pick " board members for e le c t io n by handing l i s t s o f acceptable members to the teaching s t a f f . As of A p ril, 1953, the Board had so lo s t confidence in Mr. H ailey that i t removed him as superintendent at the end o f the 1952-53 year, but permitted him to serve out the 1953-54 year, a t the same s a la ry , but in some le s s e r capacity, such as p rin c ip a l.
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Mr. Hadley chose NOT to continue his connection with the Schools, in any subordinate p o s itio n ........... In this extrem ity - and with some 65 s t a ff teachers resign ing in sympathy with Mr. H ailey . . . the Board employed Dr. Don.B. Matthews as Superintendent, at a salary o f $6,000 per annum. He assumed o ffic e in June, 1953, to take over fo r the 1953-54 school year. . . . Dr. Matthews had a Ph.D. degree from Columbia U niversity, New York C ity. He was 33 years of age. His salary was increased to $6,750 for the 1954-55 year ( June 30,1954-July 1,1955). Mr. Ray M ille r was appointed PRINCIPAL o f the new High School ( in the new build in g ), fo r 1954-55, at a salary of $5,000. Mrs. Gary Roberts was chosen as Board Secretary in place o f Mrs. Delia Huston. Mr. Eugene Northern was retained as Board attorney. By March 6, 1956, the Board md become d is s a tis fie d with Dr. Matthews’ adm inistration o f school a ffa ir s . I t announced that i t would NOT renew his contract fo r another school year (1956-57). Of the Board, Messrs. F u ller — S tite s — Routh — and Feind voted to end Dr. Matthews contract. D irectors Wilson and Geers voted otherwise. To make clear to tne public the reasons fo r th eir decision, tne Board made a l i s t o f the FAVORABLE q u a lific a tio n s o f Dr. Matthews - and another o f those UNFAVORABLE. The le s ts were as fo llo w s: FAVORABLE 1. Dr. Matthews had a favorable a ttitu d e toward his work as Supt. 2. He had a GOOD fam ily l i f e 3. He was ambitious, hard working 4. Educationally, he was w ell q u a lifie d 5. He nad improved school d is c ip lin e . UNFAVORABLE 1 . He was weak in selection o f teachers 2 . Weak in public rela tio n s 3 . Weak in dealing with the Board 4. Had improper command o f school a ffa ir s 5 . Was "touchy" aoout the Board's "freedom". 6 . F ailed to give Board f u l l fa c ts aoout finances 7 . Does not give complete facts otherwise 8 . Does not give d ir e c t answers to Board's questions 9. Does not check reports fo r accuracy With Dr. Matthews thus deposed, the Board sought a successor. He was found in the person of Mr. Buford W. Robinson, who was retained at a salary o f $7, 500 per annum. The new superintendent assumed o ffic e July 1, 1956. _He was success fu l in restorin g harmony w ithin fa c u lty c ir c le s , as w e ll as within the Board. He remained in tne o ffic e for sevdral years - f i n a l l y resigning to take a position as Asst. Supt. of the State School Board, in Jefferson C ity. We now present the l i s t s o f fa c u lty members of the R olla Schools fo r the 1947-1958 period.
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THE ROLLA SCHOOL TEACHING STAFF - 1947-57 The Year 1947 - 4B________________ SUPT.. .Aaron H ailey SR. HIGH SCHOOL: P rin . . . Kay M i lle r Voc. Agr. . . . F.C. W ilk in s E n glish -L atin . . . E u la lie Powell English & Speech . . . Helen Nawn E n glish & L ib r a r y . . .Mrs L o is G o ff English & Dramatics . . . Frances Poe te r Socoal Studies . . . . Mesdames V irg in ia Newsham and Is o ld e Deer, plus Jas. R o llin s M a t h ....E lla Haas & L i l l y Renfrow Science . . . Mrs. Ruth Sheppard and P h ilip Auner Commerce . . . Mrs. M a rjo rie Steele L iteratu re & Journalism Mrs. Justine M e rritt In d u s t r ia l A rts . . . Chester A. Parks Horae Ec. . . . Emma B e lle Matthews S o c ia l Studies and E n g lish . . . Mrs. B etty Winslow S o c ia l Studies and Spanish . . . Margaret Jane Shook 3rd A rt . . . Ruth H assler Physical Ed cation , boys ..H aro ld S. Knapp Phys. Ed., g i r l s . . . B etty Swinea MUSIC: Vocal, Mrs. I s a b e lla Estes Instrum ental . . Elwin F it e . JUNIOR HI. SCHOOL: P rin . . . J. Tice R o llin s Math. . . . Mrs Blanche Moore English . . M rs. Mary Hyde E n glish & Art . . . Mrs. L u c ille Beezley S o c ia l Studies . . . Mrs B etty Winslow Heme Ec. and Phys. Ed* f o r g i r l s . . . Mrs. V ir g in ia Hampton Phys, Educ. fo r boys . . . H.B. Estes Shop . . . Jas. Tice R o llin s .
WEST SLUM. SCHOOL: P rin . . . . Minnie Martin The_ S everal Grades:
6th . . Louise M. Starkweather 4th 3rd 2nd 2nd
.. .. .. .. .. .. .* .. ..
V ir g in ia Sjaahr Bet ty Smith Mrs Edith (W .E .) Fink Mrs. .Alma D. Sands Mrs. J u lis B. Hatton Margaret McKinnis June Maneke Helen Armstrong M atilda Hrath
EAST E L M . SCHOOL: P rin . . . . Sadie Donahoe The S everal Grades. Mesdames 6TH . . Mary M. Carney 4th ...A r g y le Sponske . . Edith ( O.W.) Holmes 3rd . . Jessie Perkins 2nd . . Armeda S. Richards 1st . . Audrey G. Kuhn 1st . . O leta Beeson 1st . . P a t r ic ia L . Goodding ? . . Ear lin e Roberts ? . . V irg in ia Telthorst LINGOLN SCHOOL: Mrs. Rose T, Evans.
CVM June 18, 1970
(1947-57 )
- 29b -
The 1948-1949 Year SUPT. . . . Aaron ^ a ile y SR. HIGH SCHOOL: P rin . . . . Ray L . M i lle r Voc. A gr. ( F.C. WILKINS RESIGNED ) Replacement:? E n glish -L atin . . E u la lie Powell English & Speech . . Helen Nawn Math . . . E lla Haas & Mrs Blanche Moore S o c ia l Studies & Spanish ...M a rg a re t J. Shook Science . . . Mrs. Ruth Sheppard & Homer Sheppard Commerce . . . Mrs. M a rjo rie Steele S o cial Studies . . Mrs. B etty Winslow Phys. Educ., boys . . . Harold S. Knapp Phys. Educ., g i r l s . . . Betfcy Swinea MUSIC: Vocal ...M r s I s a b e lla (HB ) Estes Instrum ental . . . Paul F ite ( v s. Elw in) What Dept.?? Mrs Ruby Rice & Mrs Mary Hager DEFINITELY RESIGNED: F.C. 'Wilkins ( Voc. Agr ) P h ilip Auner ( Science) Chester Parks ( In d u st. A rts) Ruth H assler ( A rt)
WEST EIEM. SCHOOL: P rin . . . Minnie Martin (o u t) Don Jones (Capool) replaces her (R e sig n e d ): Alma Louise Starkweather ( 6th) V ir g in ia Spahr . . . ( ? ) Mary Frances B erry . . . ( ? ) Margaret McKinnis ( 2nd) Dorothea Swearengin . . ( ? ) Re-appointed: . . B etty Smith 2nd . . Mrs J u lia Hatton
EAST ELEMENTARY: P rin . ( Sadie Do ahoe re tire d ) C.A. Huffman replaces her (Resigned) O leta Beeson . . . (1 s t ) E arline Roberts . . . (? ) Mary Frances B erry . . . (? )
Re-appointed: JUNIOR HIGH: 6th . . Mary M. Carney Prin . . . . C.A. Larjgent 4th . . Argyle Spouske Math. . . . Mrs Blanche Moore 3rd . . Edith ( Mrs OW) Holmes English & Art ...M r s L u c ille Beezley 3rd . . Jessie Perkins Social Studies . . . Mrs. Bet ty Winslow 2nd . . Armeda Richards Heme Ec. & Phys Educ, g i r l e ..M rs V irg in ia Hampton ? . . V irgin ia Telthorst Phys. Educ., boys . . H.B. Estes 1st . . P a t r ic ia L . Goedding ? . . Lulu B e lle Evans DEFINITELY RESIGNED: Mrs. Mary Hyde ( E n glish ) Mrs. Mary Hagar Jas. Tice R o llin s OTHERWISE APPOINTED: School Nurse. • . Mrs. Alma S t a r lip e r Bqard S ecretary . . . Mrs. Clark Huston Art ( Sr & Jr Hi ) Mrs Hope Scheperle English ( J r Hi ) Mrs Joye Van Nostrand Dramatics ( Sr H i) Frances P orter, retained Guidance Service . J.T. Winslow
LINCOLN SCHOOL: M rs. Rose T. Evans
OTHERS HIRED ( How assigned ??) Buehah Poe A lic e Crawfcrd Grace1 Fender Mary Jane Keeney r s . #M^rtl}^ L . Aston Burr Van Nostrand ( F o o tb a ll; Robt. Masters (Basket b a l l ) Norman Preston ( In d. A rts) Ruth W illiam s ( Elem teach)
New Carbons CVM June 18, 1970
- 10 -
______________teaching S t a f f . . Year 1949 - 1950 SUPT. . . Aaron Hai le y SR. HIGH SCHOOL: Prin . . Ray L . M i lle r Voc. Agr. . . . James R. Smith E n glish & Latin . . . E u la lie Powell E n glish & Art . . . M arylin Stewart E n glish & Speech . . . Helen Nawn E n glish -D ram atics-Literatu re ...F ra n c e s P orter Math. (S o lid Geom, T rig , A lg ., P i. Geom) E lla Haas M ath.. . . ( Genl & Plaije Geom) . . L i l l y Renfrew Science ( Gen-Cnem-Phys.) Homer Sheppard Science ( Gen & B i o l ) ..Mrs Ruth Sheppard) Horae Econ . . Mrs Jean Penman World H ist & Journalism . . . Stanley B la ir Ecoxi. ( Econ Geog—C iv ic s—Sociology—Drivex* Educ . . Inks Mabary C itizen sh ip . . . H. B. Estes Am. H is t. . .Ijhys Ed . . Coach B a sk .B a ll . . . Robert Mast er s Spanish & L ib r a r y ...M r s Margaret M arti-B alagu er Commerce: Typing-Book-keeping-Bus E n glish John Hume . . .Adv. Typing-Shorthand-Secy. Training Mrs Inks Mabary In d u s t r ia l Arts . . . Norman C. Preston Phys. E d., boys, F o o tb a ll Coach . .b u rr Van Nostrand Phys Educ, g i r l s , Mrs Joye Van Nostrand MUSIC: Vocal ( Jr & S r H i^ i) ..Mrs Is a b e lle Estes Instrum ental . . . P a u l Fite GUIDANCE SERVICE, D ir . . . . J . T . Winslow Coordinator . . . Gordon Newman nurse . . . Mrs Selma S t a r lip e r S r. H i. S ecretary ...M rs Juanita Bonnell Custodian . . J e f f Hawkins
WEST ELEMENTARY: P rin . . . Don J one s 5th . . Mrs Dorothy Myers 4th & 5th . . Minnie Martin 4th . . Mrs Argyle Sponske 3rd . . Peggy Lou L i t t le 2nd & 3rd . . Lulu Moore 2nd . . Mrs J u lia Hatton 2nd . . Ora Black 1st . . Mrs B etty Smith 1st . . Mrs Helen Tillman Music ( both E & W Elem) Mrs Edith Clark A rt ( both E & W Elem .) Marie Rochenbach
Prin . . C.A. Huffman 6th . . Mrs P a t r ic ia Goedding 5th . . Mrs M ildred Leaver 4th &.5th . . . Mrs Helen L . McVey 4th . . Mrs Helen Ledford 3rd . . Mrs Jessie Perkins 3rd . . Mrs Lulu B e lle Evans 2nd . . Laura Ward 2nd . . Ruby Black 1 st . . Sena Kaiser (Vena) KINDERGARDEN: Dorothy Eschenbach ( Martha Aston had i t la s t year ) LINCOLN SCHOOL: Mrs Rose White.
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: OTHERS HIRED: Prin . . C.A. Largent 6th Grade ...M rs Martha Aston C.V. Devere ...(F a rm Training) Heme E c.-Science . . M arjorie Wood Helen Speece ( Jr Hi ) Fine A rts ...M rs E lle n Phelps D oris G. Jensen ( Elem Sdhs.) Language A rts . . Mrs B etty Winslow Math . . . Mrs Blanch e Moore Shop - Soc. Sc. - Ph Educ . . . Chas. Leon Myers ( ? ) , . . . Dorothy ( Mrs Chas Leon) Myers RESIGNATIONS: High Sch. Betty Chaney ( Phys E d .) ...Emma B e lle P o lish ( Horae E c .) ...R u by Rice ( commerce) Hope Scheperle ( a r t ) . . . GRADES: B etty W r ig it (a r t ) ...H e le n Speece ( Jr H i) . . . P a tric ia Goedding (E a s t 1 Mary Rice (E a s t) ...Arm ada Richards (E a st) ..V ir g in ia Telthorst (E a st) . . Alpha Huffman (E a s t) ........ AT WEST ELEM. ..M aris Hendley ..Maxine Lawrence . . June Maneke . . . nuelah Poe.
June 18, 1970
( 19 47- 57 ) .Teaching S t a ff . . Year 1950 - 1Q51
Aaron H ailey
WEST FTFM. SCH. P rin . . . . Ray M i lle r P rin . . . Don Jones E n g lish -L a tin . . . E u la lie Powell 5th ..D orothy K. (Mrs CL) Myers English-Speech . . . Helexi Nawn 4th St 5th . . . Minnie Martin Dramatics . . . Frances P o rte r 4 th (? ) Mary Jane Byers M ath.: . . . E l l a Haas and L i l l y Renfrow 3rd . . Peggy Lou L it t le 2nd & 3rd . . Lulu Moore Science . . . Homer Sheppard Mrs. Ruth Sheppard ( B io lo g y ) 2nd . . Ora Black 2nd . . Mrs J u lia Hatton World H istory & Journalism Stanley B la i r 1 st . . Betty S. Smith 1st . . Mrs Helen Tellman American H istory, Basket B a ll Coach Robert Masters C itizen sh ip . . . H.B. Estes Home Ec. . . . Retha W allace EAST ELEM. SCH. L ib ra ry St Sp. . . . L e o la M i lla r P rin . . . . C. Austin Huffman Economics ( Ec. G eo g.. .C iv ic s ..S o c io lo g y 5 th . ,. M ildred Leaver St D river Educ) . . . Inks Mabary 6 th . .. D ixie Hickman Commerce: 4 th . .. Helen Ledfcrd Typing, Book-keeping, Bus. English 4 th . .. Jane G lover John J. Hume, J r. 3rd . ,. Jessie Perkins Typing, Shorthand, Secy. Training 3rd . » • Mrs. Gladys Mabary 2nd . .. Ruby Black In d u s t r ia l Arts ••• Norman Preston 2 nd . ,. Laura Ward Phys. Educ., boys, & F o o tb a ll Coach 1 st . ,. Ruth W illiam s Burr Van Nostrand Phys. Educ., g i r l s . . . Mrs. Joye Van Nostrand 1st . . . Armeda flic hards What Rooms ??? MUSIC: Vocal, Mrs. H.B. Estes Edith Clark (music) C hristine H a rris (v o c a l) Dorothy Fischer Instrum ental: (P a u l F ite Resigned) B etty Knudson Guidance . . . J .T . Winslow Nurse . . . Mrs. Selma S t a r lip e r Custodian . . . J e f f Hawkins LINCOLN SCHOOL: Mrs. Rose Evans-White
JUNIOR HIGH : P rin . . . . C.A. Largent Language, A rts ..M rs. B etty Winslow Math. . . Mrs Blanche Moore St Bernice Snelson Shop, S o c ia l Studies, Phys. Educ. Chas. L . Myers
RESIGNATIONS: Hi Sch. Jean G. Penman Margaret M arti-B elagu er Paul F ite Grades: J r .H i. Armeda Richards Martha Aston Helen McVey Ruth A. Jones Lulu B e lle Evans A rg y l Sponske Vena K aiser
In August, 1956, These Were Hired to f i . l l vacancies, or be su b stitu tes: Mrs. Wilma (Iv a n ) F u lle r ( 6th) Mrs. D.H. E r k ile t ia n (Maxine) (East E l . ) Mrs. Irene ( W .T.) Schrenk (S u b .) M rs. Mae ( Aaron) H ailey (S u b .) 7th . . . Don Daugherty 1st . . . E lle n Daumierty 6th . . . P h i l l i s H arris ALSO RESIGNED: E lle n Phelps ( Jr H i) B etty Cosart Marie Rockenbach ALSO HIRED: Newman 'Walker . . . . Mrs Newman Walker Mrs Bet ty Ponder . . . . Mrs Martha Horton
CVM June 19, 1970 ..(1947-57)
Teaching S t a ff . . Year 1951 - 1952 SUPT. . . .
Aaron H a ile y
WEST ELEM: SENIOR HIGH: P rin . . . C. Austin Huffman P rin . . . Ray L . M ille r 5th. . . Mrs Dorothy Myers E n g lish -L a tin . . . K u la lie Powell 4th-5th . . Minnie Martin Engl.-Speech . . . Helen Nawn 2nd Si 3rd . . . Lulu Moore Engl. . . . Marie C a r r o ll Suren 2 nd . . Mrs J u lia Hatton Engl . . . W a lte r Grain 1st . . Helen Tellurian Math. . . . E l l a Haas & L i l y Renfrew 1 st . . B etty S. Smith Science . . . Homer Sheppard Irene Schrenk Mrs Ruth Sheppard (B io lo g y ) Mary Jean W alizer Hone Econ . . . Mrs Retha (W allace) Castleman Economics, C iv ic s, Sociology . . . Inks Mabary EAST ELEM: L ib ra ry . . . Mrs L e o la M illa r P r i n . . .Kenneth Cheek In d u s t r ia l A rts . . . worman Prsston 6th . .Mrs D ixie Hickman Commerce: 5th . . Mrs M ildred Leaver Typing, Book-Keeping . . .Emory Hixon 3rd . . Mrs Jessie Perkins Typing, Shorthand . .Mrs Gladys Mabary 2nd . . Laura Ward Am. H istory, B a sk e tb a ll ..R o b t. Masters 1st . . Ruth W illiam s Guidance . . . Harry B. Estes Dorothy Fisher Phys. Educ., boys, F o o tb a ll coach Annabe H e Walker nurr Van Nostrand Mary Jane Byers Phys Educ., g i r l s ..M rs Joye Van Nostrand E lle n Daughtry MUSIC: Mrs. Is a b e lle Estes Mrs C h ristin e (H a r r is ) Hughes NURSE: ...M rs Selma S t a r lip e r LINCOLN: . . . Mrs Rose T. (Evans) ?/hite noard Secy. . . . Mrs D elia Huston OTHER INSTRUCTORS: KINDERGAEDEN: Mrs Mae H ailey Miss Madge Freeman James R. Smith Tyre Gerald Patterson Mrs. Viviail ( L ly n ) Bradford C.R. G illig a n , Jr Vera Bienke NEWLY HIRED (G rades) CONTRACTS NOT RENEWED JUNIOR HIGH: P r i n . . . . C . A . Largent Mrs Wilma F u lle r Mrs Ruth Bishop Don Daughtry Mrs Martha Horton Newman Walker Miss L e lia Moore Miss Mattie Fnseraan
Mary Trettenero Mrs Eula Walker L e s lie Dean Boggs Ruth Brovjuing A lva Driver Jacquelyn M arcellus Mrs L o la Howe Mrs Blanche Donaldson
Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss
Blanche Moore P h y llis H arris B etty Jean Ponder Martha Summers
RESIGNED: J .T . Winslow Mrs B etty (JT) Winslow Mrs Frances (P o rte r) C ollin s John J. Hume, Jr Mrs Bernice Snelson Mrs Josephine W ilhite Miss H ild a Dodson
CVM June 19, 1970
33‘ -
Teaching S ta ff . . . Year 1952- 1953 SUPT. . . .Aaron H ailey SR. HIGH SCHOOL; P rin . . . Ray L . M ille r L atin . . . Mrs. Robt. (M arie) Suren E nglish, Speech . . . Helen Nawn English, Speech Correction . . Mrs B etty Dynes E n g l.. .Grace Marie Schwenker (Dram a). E n glish ..J ou rn alism ...K ath ry n Smith Voc. Agr. . . . James R. Smith Math. . . . E lla Haas & M rs. L i l l y (Renfrew) Randolph Home Econ . . . Mrs Retha Castle man Science . . . Arthur V. Cochran & Reed ^rown Economics (World G eog.) & D river Educ. Inks Mabary Am. H isto ry & Basket B a ll . .Robt Masters L ib ra ry & Spanish ...M rs L e d a M illa r Art . . Mrs. Mae ( Aaron) H ailey S o c ia l Studies . . . C.B. G illig a n Shop (In d . Arts.) ...Jam es Gourley Guidance D ire c to r . . Harry B. Estes Bus ine s s : ( Typing, Shorthand, Book-keeping) Mrs Inks Mabary . . .Mrs Ann oarnard Mrs. James O'Rourke ..M rs Joye VanNostrand Phys. Educ . . . B etty Jo Walker ( fo r g i r l s ) MUSIC: Band-Orchestra ...M r s Is a b e lle Estes Vocal . . Mrs Christine (H a r r is ) Hughes Phys. Educ., boys . . Burr Van Nostrand.(Coach) Mj.sc. Jobs . . .C .A . Largent. ( P rin .J r Hi ???) \
rn<j <lA -
~ J,
P*fi«'r"('SA~Lar g e n t -•?7-?=) 8th Grade ...L e o n Myers Alva D riv e r & Root Graham 7th Grade ...M esd s. V irg in ia Graham & Nancy Jo Jehlen plus one other 6th Grade . . . Ruth Browning and Mrs. Joan Schreiner S p e c ia l Group . . . Madgs Freeman NURSE ( fo r a l l the schools Mrs. Selma S t a r lip e r SPECIAL SUPERVISORS FOR GRADES A rt . . Mrs Helen Ledford Music . . .Mrs Edith Clark Speech . . Mrs B etty Dynes
WEST M.EMRNTARV: P rin . . ( ? ) . . . 5th . . Mrs Dorothy Myers 4th & 5th ..Minnie Martin 4th . . Mrs Martha Horton 3rd . . Mrs Mary Jane Byers 3rd . . Lulu Moore 2nd . . Mrs J u lia Hatton 2nd . . Mary Lou B arclay 1st . . Mrs Helen Tellman 1st . . Joanne Murray 5th . . One yet unassigned West ..S p e c ia l substitute Mrs M ildred McCrae
P rin . . . ( ? ) 6th . . Mrs D ixie Hickman 6th . . W illo Lou L o v e ll 5th . . Mrs L o la Howe 5th . . Mrs Eula Walker 4th & 5th . . Mis s Lucas Maxey 4th . . Jacqueline Marcellus 4th . . A lice June Glover 3rd . . Mrs Jessie Perkins 3rd . . Ruth W illiam s 2nd & 3rd . . Ruth Williams 2nd . . Mrs. M y r illis Strube 2nd . . Jeanine Davis 1st . . Mrs Armeda Richards 1 st . . Marie A Rodli 1 st . . M ildred Valentine SPECIAL ( Actin P rin . ??) Mrs M ildred Leaver LINCOLN SCHOOL: Mrs Rose Evans miDBKGARDEN Madge Freeman Mrs Blanche Donaldson
July 4, 1970
(1947-57 )
- 33 (a ) -
THE TEACHING STAFF, YEAR 1953-54 CHANGE_IN SUPERINTENDENTS. - At the beginning of the year 1953-54, Supt. Aaron H ailey was s t i l l under contract to serve as superintendent through the 1953-54 year. But the Board, disapproving h is conduct and work, removed him from the o ffic e as superintendent — and allowed him to remain on sa la ry in whatever o tter p osition he might choose - p r in c ip a l, or teacher. He chose to do none of these things. DR._D0N_B^ MATT^WSJ3EC01ES_SUPffilNTEM3ENT. - To replace Mr. H ailey, the Board employed Dr. Don B. Matthews, who took charge at the close o f the" 1952-53 year, and remained as superintendent u n t il the close o f the 1955-56 year. LARGE GROUP OFJTEACHSRS RESGNT_ACTION - RESIGN.- The foregoing action by the uoard was deeply re stented by many o f the R o lla school teachers — p r in c ip a lly in the High School. The problem was worsened when the Board dismissed Mr. C.A. Largent, who had taught D iverse Occupations in the Senior Hl^h School, and seensd to be very popular w ith the students. F in a lly , some 800 students, with their parents, made protest against th is actio n by the Board, and demanded the resign ation of four of the s ix members — M essrs. Geers, McFarland, Murry, and W ilson. In opposition to the protests by students and parents, some th irty —s ix R olla merchants and men signed a co u n ter-p etitio n , urging the Board to remain in ta c t. This is the Board f i n a l l y d id .
a ll Board business what
A l i s t of the teachers who so resigned appears on the next page, fo llo w in g a l i s t i n g o f the Senior High School teachers.
( to page
July 4, 1970
(1947-57 )
- 33 (a ) -
THE TEACHING STAFF, YEAR 1953-54 r • “ At the beginning of the F a r 1953-54, Supt. Aaron H ailey was s t i l l under contract to serve as superintendent through the 1953-54 year. But the Board, disapproving h is conduct and work, removed him from the o ffic e as superintendent - and allowed him to remain on s a la ry in whatever o tter position he might choose - p r in c ip a l, or teacher. He chose to do none of these things. DR.JJ0NJ3.. MAT1MS_BECOMES_SUPmiNT£M)ENT.- To replace Mr. H ailey, the -oard employed Dr. Don B. Matthews, who took charge at the close o f tte 1952-53 year, and remained as superintendent u n t il the close o f the 1955-56 year. LARGE GROUP OFJTMCIERS RESENTJUmON - RESIGN.- The foregoin g action by the Board was deeply restnted by many o f the R o lla school teachers - p r in c ip a lly in the High School. The problem was worsened when tte Board dismissed Mr. C.A. Largent, who had taught D iverse Occupations in the Senior High School, and seemsd to be very popular w ith the stu d en ts. some 800 students, w ith their parents, made protest against ohis ac tio n by tte Bcard, and demanded tte resign ation of four o f the s ix members — M essrs. Geers, McFarland, Murry, and Yftlson. I n opposition to the protests by students and parents, some t h ir t y -s ix R olla merchants and men signed a co u n ter-p etitio n , urging the Board to remain in ta c t. This is the Board f i n a l l y d id .
a ll Board b u siress what
A^ l i s t o f the teachers who so resigned appears on the nsxt page, fo llo w in g a l i s t i n g o f tte Senior High School teachers.
( to page
CVM July 4, 1970
- • 3 4 -- ~ TEACHING STAFF . . YEAR 1958 - 1954 SUPEE.. .Dr Dan Matthews (v ic e H a ile y ) SPECIAL TEACHERS: SENIOR HIGH E. Adeline Hunt ( Elem Hus $upvr.) June 25) P rin . . Ray L. M i lle r Helen Ledford ( Grade Art Supvr) L atin . .Mrs Marie (R obt) Suren Nancy Venable ( Grade Speech C o rr.) V o c .A g r... James Smith NURSE ( a l l school) SELMA STARLIFER E n glish . .Speech, Helen N'awn iourn ..Kathryn Smith WEST ELEMENTARY Drama .. Grace Schwenker Minnie Martin (Head) plus 4th & 5th Speech Corr. ..M rs B etty Dynes 4th . . Mrs Martha Horton Math. . . E l l a Haas, L i l l y Randolph 3rd ..Mesds. Mary Jane Byers, Lulu Moore Horae S c ...R e th a Castleman 2nd . . Mesds. Julia Hatton, Mary Lou Barkley Science . .A.V.Cochran, Reed Brown 1st . . J0anne Murray, Mrs. Helen Teliman S o c .S c ..C .B . G i l l i l a n , W ilfo rd C Lee Commerce,Busine ss,Typing,Shorthand Gladys (Mrs In k s) Mabary EAST ELEMENTARY Mrs Ann Barnard, Mrs Narine Pettus Mrs M ildred Leaver (Head) Mrs Jas. O'Rourke, Mrs Joye VanNostrand 6 th ..D ix ie Hickman, Wi l l a Lou L o v e ll Econ., Wcrld H is t .,D r iv e r Educ. 5th . .aiesds. Lola Howe, Eula Walker Inks Mabary 4th . . Jacqueline M a rc e llu s,A lic e J.Glover Am H ist. & B .B . Coach,. .Robt Masters 3rd ..Mrs Jessie Perkins, Ruth Williams Spanish . . Mary Kyle Black 2nd . .Ruth W ill ia ms, Jeanine Davis, L ib ra ry ..L e o la M i lla r ( & Span). Mrs M y r illis Strube A rt . . Mrs Mae (Aaron) H ailey 1st . . Mrs Armeda Richards, Marie A R odli Guidance . . Harry B. Estes M ildred V alentine. Phy.Ed., boys ..B u r r VanNostrand • if-* * * # -# --* # # Phy.Ed., g i r l s ..B e t t y Joe Walker HIRED & IN S1STEM FOR 1953—54 (Remained) Shop . . J ame s Gourley Edith M ills D iverse Occupations . .C .A.Largent B everly H o lle tt Rennsr MUSIC: Freda Catherine ’W alls ( E Elem) Band, O rc h e s tra ..Is a b e lle Estes Mary Goold W illia n s Vocal . . Mrs Christine (H a r r is ) Hughes Mary Hughes Christopher ( E Elem) B everly VanOrder R o lle r OF THE ABOVE, THESE RESIGNED AT E a r l Moneymaker ( Jr High) END OF 1953-54 YEAR: Mary Ruth Harrison Ann Barnard Mrs Inks Mabary A .v. Cochran IN THE SYSTEM, 1953-54, BUT RESIGNED Sr ace Schwenker Harry B. E stes AT YEAR'S END (May 3 & 10, Aug 9,1954) Kathryn Smith Is a b e lle E stes B etty J. Walker C.A.Huffman (Elem Sch. Supervisor, dismissed C.B. G i l l i l a n W ilfo rd U. Lee James Gourley ( Sr H i^i, Shop, dismissed Mrs Aaron Hai l e y Narine Pettus Mary Lou Barkley Sarah Peck C.A. Largent Mary Kyle Black Joanne Breazeale Mary Jane Rhodes Inks Mabary Doris Cummins Helen S alter Gayle G allagher B etty Shondell Helen Hansen V irg in ia Stone JUNIOR HIGH E lizabeth Hoffman P h y llis A Zweigle 8th Grade M arilyn EUermors Leon Myers ..A lv a D riv e r..R o b t Graham L o is Ann Johnson P a t r ic ia Kohl M arilyn W illiam s 7th Grade Margaret Ann Lenox Ola Grace Fender V ir g in ia Graham ..Nancy Jo Jehlen V irg in ia Maquet M arita Hooton Cizek 6th Grade Edith M ills A lic e L in gel Ruth Browning E laine M. Norwood Mrs Joan Schreiner Joan B. O'Meara S p ecial Room . . Madge Freeman.
CVM July 5, 1970
- 35 -
TEACHING STAFF . . YEAR 195A SUPT. . . . D r . Don Matthews SR. HIGH SCHOOL: P rin . . Ray L. M ille d L atin ..M rs . Miriam. Thorn Voc. Agr . . . James R. §mi6h E n glish ...H e le n Navm . . Joye VanNostrand Journ: Dawn Lee Horner Math: E lla Haas . L i l l y Randolph Home Ec . . Retha Castleman S c ie n c e .. .Chas W. Brauer Sc & tsiol. Leland Womack Soc. Sc. . . Dennis B. Odle .. John W. Danklef World H ist, D riv e r E d u c ... Clarence W. Smith World H ist. . . Irene Ich ert Gen. S c ., £>iol..Mrs Edith Wnitey Amer. H is t ., B .B a ll Coach Robert C h affin Business, Typing, Shorthand,BkKeep. Miss C arol M. Garnahan B etty Maupin Farm Training . . F.C. W ilkins Spanish . . Mrs Ruth V. D aly Shop .. Eugene S h e r r e ll Art . . (? ) L ib ra ry . . Miss Georgia Kidd Guidance . . Newman M. Walker D ivers.O ccu p .. .Beecher R Henderson Phys.Ed, boys, Coach..J.Mack Gladden Phy.Ed., g i r l s . . Mrs Bayne E th el Coonce. MUSIC: Mrs E laine Rosene Oles NURSE . . Mrs SeltiB. S t a r lip e r OTHER TEACHERS: Mrs Mary Katherine Ryan. JUNIOR HIGH: Prin . . John E. M ueller Math . . Mrs Blanche Moore Voc.Econ ..M rs Geraldine N. Hahs (6th) Theresa F Aberth (to Feb 7 ,'5 5 ) $6th) Mary Jane Rhodes (on Feb 7 , 1553 Vivian Bradford ...M arth a Branham Ann Harwood Reese Carson Charlotte L. Edelman D oris Shapiro Levy Glenn E a rl Moneymaker Miss Maxine Edith P h illip s V e a rl D. C o llin s . SPECIAL TEACHERS - GRADES Helen Ledford ( Elem .art Supvr) E.. Adeline Hunt ( Elem.Mus. Supvr) Helen W. Weems ( Elem Art Supvr) Nancy Lee ^enable (Speech C o rr).
KINDERGAHDEN Kathryn Thorpe B etty P. Whitney WEST ELEMENTARY (Head Teacher) . . Minnie Martin 4th . . D ixie Hickman 3 rd .. Minnie Martin ..M ary Ruth Casey .. Mary Jane oyer 2nd ..Fannie Casselman..Mrs Ann P h y llis Zweigle J u lia Haoton (d .-fe o .) —Josephine Goodman 1st . . Fern Nadine M iller..A rm eda R ichards.. Wyuona T. Thompson. Other: Mrs Helen M i lls . SALARY RANGE: $2400-$2750 EAST EI.hMEMT/iVY (Head Teacher^ M ildred Leaver 4th . . MrsiMaHth&raEa Horton 3rd & 4th . . Jessie G. Perkins ..Lucas o Maxey and Miss Freda W alls 2nd ..A lt a Marie Bogush ..M argaret S.Long Berry Martha Joanne Lines (r e s . Feb 7,1955) 1st . . Mary Hughes Christopher . .Mary G William s M errilee L u c ile Moors Langton SALARY RANGE $2750 to $3150 WARD SCHOOL (5th Grade) (Head Teacher) Madcp Freeman 5th ..B e tty Mari® (Hunt) Astroth Betty Turnipseed (r e s . Fee 7,*55) Betty Jo Maupin Mary Ehrenman . . . Mrs L o la Howe 4th . . Vera. Mae (Hamman) Johnson P a t r ic ia Hansen Shank OTHER TEACHERS HIRED Slefla Esther Brenner Miss Mary E C h ristie Helen Marie Davis Mary Louise Hauser Marcia Schuman Hubbard Mary Powell Hyde A lice Heleijg L in g e l Beth Ilen e M itc h e ll
A lic e L u ig i Vernon Newland Mrs Mona Newland Bernardine Poe Barbara N a lty Mary D. S ch ertler June Shaw Mrs B etty (S tu a rt) Smith
THE BOARD: 1954-1955 F u lle r ( 3) Geers ( 2) McFarland (1 ) S tite s ( 3) Wilson ( 2 ) Murry (1 ) Tr. M orris . .A tty Northern.
CVM July 5, 1970 . . ( 1947- 57)
- 36 -
THE 1954-1955 YRAR (c o n t.) A LIST OF SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS WHO SERVED LIMITED TIME Asplund, Barbara Arm Dale, M arjo rie H Sanders, D ixie Lee A ldridge, Mary C Greer, Barbara J. S h e rre ll, Janet Lou Baker, Sarah S Hollow, M ildred H. S ie g e l, Bernice nloomquist, Ann Hughes, A lic e A. S lu z a lis , Helen Boone, Fern M Joiner, Emily C. Tucker, Opaline G. Bolon, Augusta (L .M .) Lloyd, Mary S. Vickers, P a t r ic ia Chase, Helen A May, P a b ric ia S, Vrooman, J.B. Cizak, M arita Hooton wothstine, Mae Jean W ilkin s, Mary C haffin, L o is Parker, Joyce D. Wilson, Roberta. Clark, B etty Ann Scherer, P a t r ic ia M. A LIST OF 'TEACHERS WHO RESIGNED__DURING OR AT END OF 1954-1955 YEAR As_of Feb 2, _1251: Betty Turnipseed Irene Ich ert ( Sr.High, World H is t) Martha Joanne Lines Faye Kampner Theresa Aberth n e r r ile e Lucile Moore Langton (1 st, E .E l) As o f A p r il 8. 1955 D oris Levy Martha Branham A lic e L in g e l A lta Bogush (E E l 2nd) Beth M itc h e ll Annys B ra z ie r Mrs E lain e Rosene Oles (S r.H i Mus.) Ann H. Carson (J r .H i) C arol Rice Fannie Casselman (2nd, W E l) Mrs Mary Katherine Ryan ( S r .H i.) Barbara Clark Mary S ch ertler 3uth Daly (S r H i., Spah .) P a t r ic ia Hansen Shank (Ward 4th) Mary Ehrenman (Ward, 5th) June Shaw Josephine Goodman ( 3rd, W.E1 . ) P h y llis A. Zweigle Geraldine Hahs (J r Hi, Vic.Econ) ( A l l these are "M rs.) A lic e Hughes
SEPT^ Z>J-25k p u p n s • • • Tea0her3 Kathry“ ThorI’e
p- P itn e y
1st Grade . .1 1 0 ..Teachers Mary Christopher. .Mary G. W illiam s ...M e r r ile e Langton
2nd Grade . 113 • Teachers: A lta Bogush ..M artha Lines . . Margaret E liz.L on g Berry 3rd Grade . 101 Teachers: Jessie Perkins ..Lucas Maxey ..F red a W alls 4th Grade . 35 Teacher: Martha Horton WEST ELEMENTARY: . 290 p u p ils . 1st Grade . . 78 Teachers: Fern N. M iller..A rm eda Richards ..Wynona Thompson
2nd 3rd 4th WARD 4th 5th
Grade . . 8 6 Teachers: J u lia Hatton ..Fan Casselman . . Ann Zweigle Grade . . 94 Teachers Minnie Martin ..Ruth Casey . . Mary Jane Byer Grade 32 Teacher: D ixie Hickman SCHOOL ...3 2 0 p u p ils . Grade 1$2 ..T each ers: Madge Freeman . . Vera Mae Johnson . . P a t r ic ia Shank Grade 138 . . Teachers: B etty Marie Astroth . . B etty Turnipseed . . L o la Howe and Mary Ehrenman. THE TOTALS:
Kindergarden . . 142 East E le m ........ 359 West E le m ........ 290 Ward ................. 320
Junior High (6 th -7 th -8 th ) . . 297 GRAND TOTAL...........................1418. AS OF SEPT. 28. 1954 W. Elem ...2 6 8 E. Elem . . 46O ( includes Kindergarden) W a r d ........ 230 Jr High . . 444 ( 6th-7th-8th) S r Higfo . . 630 ( 9 th -1 0 th -llth -1 2 th ) TOTAL 2005
CVM July 5, 1970
- 3? -
SOME MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS RELATING TO YEAR 1954- 1955 . (1 ) by Board Action, May 10, 1954, Negros and a l l other classes o f pu p ils were in te g ra te d . Such p u p ils could e n r o ll in ANY o f the R olla schools. (2 ) The annual le v y fo r 1954-55, voted A p ril, 1954, was #2.90 per $100 (3 ) In a D is t r ic t vote, May, 1954, the e ffo r t s to add or annex the F la t Grove School D is t r ic t to R o lla f a ile d oy vote 393 to 695. Opponents were the School Board and i t s backers on one side - those against whsied to oust some of the Board members. The F la t Grove d ecision hinged on these opp1sing views. ( 4 ) On August 9, 1954, the report of North Central Assn was presented by Dr. J .S . Maxwell. I t was concerned w ith the facts of the d ism issal of Supt. Aaron H ailey . Did that v io la te accred itin g requirements ? E vid en tly HOT. Dr. Enghehart was a ls o here .
July 5, 1970
- 38 YEAR 1 9 -
; SUPT; . . D r. Don Matthews ■ . SENIOR HIGH ! P r in .,..R a y L . M i lle r L atin . . Mrs Miriam Thorn voc. Agr . . James R. Smith E n glish . . Helen Nawn Mrs Ruuy M. Roberts Mrs Velma Jensen Joye VanNostrand Joan E. Kothlow Bartz Drama: Marianne Feager Ruch Math; E l l a Haas . . L i l l y Randolph Herne Ec. . .Retha Castlemau (re sig n e d ) Mrs Baruara C. (bennett) Bermel Science . . (Chemr-Phys) Chas W Brauer £>iol-Gen Sc . . Leland Womack Am. H is t. & Bask.B.Coach... Robert Chaffin (re sig n e d ) Richard (D ick) Adams replace s S o c ia l S tu d ies; Dennis 0 d le ..J o s . P. Askew John Danklef
ic k A
:SPECIAL TEACHERS; Fred L . Roberts - A l l Elem Schools,Supvr. E. Adeline Hunt . . Elem Music P a t r ic ia J. Bond . . Elem Art Nancy Venable . . Speech Correction WEST ELEMENTARY
(Head) Minnie Martin J u lia Hatton ( d . Sept. 15,1955) Armeda Richards Fern Nadine M ille r Dixie Hickman Mary Ruth Casey Mrs Ruth Ann Moore EAST ELEMENTARY ( He ad) M ildred Leaver 1st . . Mary Hughes Christopher ..M ary G. Williams 2nd . . Margaret E liz.L o n g Berry . . Mrs Faye Kampner 3rd—4th ..Lucas B. Maxey Freda W alls 4th . . Martha Horton
.ousine ss-Ccramerce-C ournalism-Typing Etc b e tty Jo Maupin (r e s . 7/14/55) Dawiia Lee H om er. .Mrs Mabel Lee Scott WARD SCHOOL (5th) P a t r ic ia G illen w ater (Head) MadgeFreeman World H ist, D riv e r Educ . . ( ? ) Vera Mae Johnson Spanish . . (? ) Mrs L o la Howe L ib ra ry . . G eorgia Kidd Betty Marie Astroth Art . . Mrs Maoel B la ir L ig g e tt Shop . . Eugene G. S h e r r e ll * * Guidance . . i'lewimn M. ¥/alker JUNIOR HIGH Divers Occup . . Beecher Henderson Prin . . John E. M ueller ousiness-oommerce-Typing (c o n t .) blanche Moore ( Math) Miss Jean Howard Mary Jane Rhodes Miss Joan Carolyn G arrett Mona Newland Phys Ed. (b o y s) & coach ..Jas.M ack Gladden Vernon M. Newland Phys Ed., ( g i r l s ) Mrs Bayne Cooace C harlotte Edelman MUSIC; (In s t -V o c a l) Wimmiam A Tetley Vivian F. Bradford NURSE . . . Selma S t a r lip e r Mary Hyde ADDITIONAL TEACHER ..R oy Fred K e lle r Glen b . Moneymaker B e tty _(S tu a rt) Smith OTHER EI^5ENTARY_TEACIERS ELIPLOYED; Mesds; X Mesds: Grace L. Gould (P h y S d ,g irls ) Patsy Dowden . . . S h ir le y Dye Joyce Lou McKenzie Fannie Casselman . . M arjorie Edwards Betty Jane S teele Bernardine Duddridge (Prim ary) Edna Lorsne Shelton Jean Ferguson . . . S h i r l e y Jordan M iss: Fern Maxine Boone M isses: M e rib e lle L. Jones Grace L. S i t l e r (Phy.Ed.) V irg in ia Louise Schwaner (Graham) Messrs :
Arthur Dean Bright (PhyEd., boys) Jack P. G a r z e lli (S o c .S t .) Myron J. Johnson Root. M. Sawyer (S o c .S t .)
CVM July 5, 1970
( 1947-57)
- 39 -
TEAR 1955-1956 (d on t.) 1IST_0F jpBIGNAT30NS_IN 0R_AT END OF 125£-£6JEAR SENIOR HIGH: OTHER TEACHERS: Beecher Henderson (D iv.O ccup.) S h irle y Ann Heady Chas. Brauer ( Science) D w i^it Patton JUNIOR HIGH: Arthur B righ t ( Phy. E d .) Grace Gould ( Phy.Ed.) Edna Shelton Inez Boucher. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS . .
TEAR 1955-1956
1 . - The annual le v y fo r 1955-56 was $3.05 2. - Nov. 15, 1956 . . The B0ard named the sev eral schools in the system: West Elem . . John Pershing Ward . . Thos. H. Benton East Elem . . Eugene F ie ld New . . . Mark Twain 3.
- THE HIGH SCHOOL GYMN. Ground was broken fo r th is on Feb 13, 1956. L .J . Largerirwas the contractor. P ro f. R.O. Jackson was supervisor fo r Board.
4 . - The Board:
1955-1956 . . . Feind ( 3 ) Routh ( 3)
5 . - SCHOOL ENROLLMENT (S ept. 1, 1955) Kindergarden . . . 140 GRADES: 1st . . . 186 2nd . . . 181 3rd . . . 179 A-t/h • • • 172 126 — ALL • • • 840
F u lle r (2 ) Geers ( l ) S t it e s (2 ) iVilson ( l ) Routh Secy — M orris Treas. JUNIOR HIGH 6th Grade . . . 7th ............... 8th ............... A l l ...............
151 157 121 463
TOTALS Kindergarden ...1 4 0 Grade s .......... Junior High . ••• ALL ............... 1583
6 . - As of May 9, 1955, SIX SCHOOL BUSES Edgar Star Rte . ..AnuttvRte . . . Salem-Dry Fork Rte . . . Vichy-Haven Rte . . . A irp o rt and 10th Street . . . Edgar Sprin gs-B rid g; School. 7 . - As of May 26, 1955, a vote on $470,000 School Bond Issue carried 112© to 289. Funds fa r High School Gym and Mark Twain schools. 8. -
THE VALUATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPERTY FOR TAXATION. (A p r.22,1955) R eal Estate .......... $5,089,995.00 Personal prop................... 1,092,530.00 % John A Mooney, CountyClk. Merchant-Manufacturer $241,530.00 R ailro ad s, U t i l s . . . . 212,743.00 T otal $6,636,798.00
9 . - A SAMPLE FINANCIAL REPORT ( Dec. 31, 1955. Monthly)
Old balance .......... $51,073.11 Dec. Receipts . . 84.782.33 Sum .$135,855.44 Spent, Dec.......... 43.506.06 New Balance . . . . $92,289.38
CVM July 6, 1970
- 40 -
YEAR 1955-56 (c o n t.) m SCH00L_B0AH)_ CHANGES SUPERINIEN’DENTS. On February 8 19-56 the Board had became d i s - s a t i s f i e d with the work o f Superintendent Do^Matthews L d sent him a statement in which the Board voiced i t s c ritic ism s, as fo llo w s : * U ; Dr. atthews is weak in recommending new teachers . . . . ( 2 ) He i s not strong in p u blic r e la t io n s ..........(3 ) He lack s a p o sitiv e attitu d e with the Board . . . . S° h° o1 a f f a l r s ar« not handled in proper chain o f command . . . . ( 5 ) He i s -touchy- because o f the B oard's freedom o f a c t i o n . . . . ( 6 ) He i s weak in informing the Board o f the system 's fin a n c e s ..... ( 7 ) He f a i l s to give the Board complete f a c t s . . . . ( 8; He f a i l s to give d ire c t answers to questions . . . . ( 9 ) He does not check reports fo r accuracy . . . . (10) He i s amuitious, and a hard worker . . . . (11; He is e d u catio n ally w e ll q u a lifie d . . . . ( 12 ) School d is c ip lin e has been imfam ily l i f e
H* ^
& SOOd att,itude toward h is work . . . .
(14) He has a good
On March 5, 1956, D r. Matthews wrote a lengthy re p ly to the Board, re fu tin g the c ritic ism s numbered 1 to 9 . He asked for a review of the case by N ational educational a u th o ritie s . But the B0ard seemed not impressed, and took no such action. I t decided NOT to renew D r. Matthews' contract fo r the fo llo w in g year 1956-57. 0n March 30, 1956, the Board employed Mr. B. W. Robinson to replace Dr. Matthews as Superintendent, at a s a la ry o f #7,500 per year. In the m atter o f dism issing Dr. Matthews, two members o f the Bi>ard voted to re ta in him M essrs. Glenn Geers and John H. W ilson. voting to dismiss were members S t it e s and F u lle r ...F e in d and Routh. In the spring electio n , A p r il 5th, 1956, Glenn Geers and John R. W ilson were elim inated. Ray Hamilton aid Lawrence May were the newly elected members. The new Beard was thus as fo llo w s : May and Hamilton (3 ) ..Feind and Routh ( 2 ) .. F u lle r and S t it e s ( l ) .
CVM July 6, 1970
- 41 -
...YEAR 1956 - 19^7
SUPT. . . . Buford W. Rooinson SENIOR HIGH P rin . . . . Ray L . M ille r I Latin ...M r s Miriam Thorn I Voc. Agr. ...Jam es R. Smith Engl. ...H e le n Nawn ..Thelma Cave.. Joye VanNostrand . .Margo M. Larsen M a t h ....E lla Naas . . Thomas Baird . . L i l l y Randolph ..D a le Brothertcn Science ...L e s t e r Leaton (Verne Kresse?) Sc. & B i o l . . .Leland Womack Soc. Sc. ...D e n n is Odle ..Ann Barnard Business-Commerce... Jean G arrett ...J e a n Howard .. Rouerta (irm an) Spratt Soc. Sc. ...J o se p h Askew Home me. ...R e th a Castlem an.. Jean Hansen World H is t. (? ) Am. H is t. (? ) D riv e r Educ . . ( ? ) Art ...M rs Mabel B la i r Leggett L ib ra ry . . . M iss Georgia Kidd Spanish . . ( ? ) Shop . . . Eugene Sherre11 Divers Occups. Coach, .tsask.B. ..R ich ard Adams Phy.Ed., boys,Coach . .J.Mack Gladden Phy.Ed., g i r l s . . . M r s Bayne Coonce MUSIC: In st . . Wm. A. T etley Vocal . . Mrs H.B. (I s a b e l l e ) Estes OTHER TEACHERS: Mrs Ruby M. Roberts (Guidance) Nadine (Smith) Bagby Dawna Womack Miss Wilma M. Leonard JUNIOR HIGH P rin . . John E . Mue l l e r Boone, Fern Drum, Janet Louise (J e t t ) Dickey, Frank Long, j a r ah Lou KINDEBGABDEN klachenzxe. Joyce — ,, McGregor, Katherine Blanch, Donaldeon Mooref Blanche Rhodes, Mary J. Smith, Be ttye S te e le , B etty Vitek, M arilyn Webb, Mrs. Ruby Young, Erby M. Kowertz, O rlin Bradford, Vivian Shelton, Edna
SPECIAL TEACHERS iiilem. Music •. E. Adeline Hunt El.Speech Correction . .Nancy Wenable SCH. NURSE ...M rs R u ssell Dinges WEST ELEMENTARY (Head Teach)..M innie Martin Armeda Richards Fern Nadine M ille r Mary Ruth Casey ( Mrs W a lte r) Dixie Hickman
BAST ELEMENTARY (Head Teach) M ildred Leaver ($3850) Jessie Perkins ($3600) Freda W alls Luaas Haxey Mary Christopher E lisabeth Peterson OTHER TEACHERS ( S alary : $3000 to $3150) Agardy, Grace (Bernardine Duddridgs
s Her)
Bausch, Grace Jewell Cas selman, Fannie Countryman, Marilyn Creighton, WilmaPonnnl, .'ary Donnal, Mary Dowden, P a t r ic ia D re sh fie ld , Eleanor Dye, S h irle y Duddridgs, Bernardine ( for Agardy) Edwards, M arjorie Feehan, Lorene Graham, V irg in ia D oris M. S e lls Hahn, Evelyn Hirch, Jeanette A. Hurs t, Mary Ann J ohanb oeke, Joyce M arcellus, Jacqueline McConkey, Rosemary Porter, M eribelle Whitaker, Coleen Womack, Carole Jean Wilson, Mrs. John Snodgrass, Mrs. Q1l ie WARD SCHOOL (5th) (Head Teach) Madge Freeman Vera Johns on L o la Howe B etty Astroth (re sig n s Mrs Ruby Webb,Jr replaces )
CVM July 6, 1970
- 42 -
YEAR 1956-1957 ( c o n t ) . THE LIST OF RESIGNATIONS.- Some o f the teacher resign ation s took place during the teaching months, September to May, 1956-57. The second group resigned at tte y e a r's end - so would not be teaching the 1957-58 year. (1 ) Resigned During Teaching Year: Dec., 1956 . . .Rosemary McGonkey . . replaced by Mary Trettenero Jan.17,1957 . . Grace Agardy ...r e p la c e d by Bernardine Duddridgs Jan 17, 1957 . . B etty Astroth ..Mrs Ruby Webb, J r ., replaces Mar. 14, 1957 ..Q rly n Kowertz . . M arilyn Vitek replaces Date: Fannie Castleman . . Mrs Jerry B erry replaces (Jan 17 ) (2 ) RESIGNED AT El© OF YEAR 19 56-57 ( Apr. 8th to 11th ) senior H^ gh: Junior High l os P. /iSkew (S o c .S c .) Janet ( j e t t ) Drum cayne Uoonce ( Phy.Ed., g i r l s ) Joyce MacKenzie Margo Larsen (E ngL.) Sarah Lou Long (Mus.) Dawna Womack ..Thos B la ir(M a th ) Betty Steele & Erby Young Dennis B.Odle & Ann Barnard (S o c .S c .) KINDEROAHTiFN ELEMENTARY TEACHERS RESIGNED M-^EriOARDxiN Berry, Mrs Mary (J e rry ) More, Ruth Ann ~ 3X10 * Donaldson Bausch, Grace Sieoold, Joyce Dowden, P a t r ic ia S e lls , D oris Feehan, Lorene_ Trettenero, Mary Graham, V irg in ia Venable, Nancy (Speech C o rr.) Weob, Mrs Ruby ----------------- oooooooooooooooooo----------------SO^_SPEClAL_ITEMS_l_ JEAR_IQ54-]_9j7_
(1 ) The Board, 1956-1957. •• .1* May & Ray Hamilton (3 ) ..F ein d & Routh (2 ) F u lle r & S t it e s (1 )
(2 ) VALUATION OF SCHOOL PROPERTY FOR FIXING INSURANCE RATES: New High School B l d g .............. $426,434.00 New H.S. B o ile r Room ............ 17,790.00 Junior High B l d g ................... 200,625.00 Manual 'Training Bldg .............. 24,000,00 East Elem. Bldg ..................... 140,000.00 West Elem. Bldg ....................... 114,400.00 Ward School ............................... 86,000.00 New Hi School Gymn .................. 234,320.00 New Mark Twain B l d g ................ 144,954.00 Lin coln Sch. Bldg (abandoned) 7.264.00 T o t a l ........ $1,396,287.00 To be added: Value o f 10 School Buses . . . . $23,730.00
(3 ) March 14, 1957. Supt. B.W. Rooinson is reh ired, 2 yr contract, at $8,500 y r. Miss Maxine Henley, his secy., gets $3,600.
CVM July 6, 1970
(19 47-57)
-43 YEAR 1957 - 1958
SUPT. . . . B.W. Robinson SENIOR HIGH Prin . . Ray L. M ille r Latin ..M rs Miriam Thorn ( r e s . ) ( D e c . 6) Mrs Nancy (Tom) Beveridge Voc. Agr. . . James R. Smith E n g l...H e le n Nawn ..Thelma Cave Joye Van- n stran d..Joe Taylor Math. ...G ordon Kutscher E l l a Haas . . L i l l y Randolph Home Ec. . . Retha Castleman Joan Hansen Science . . .L e s te r Leaton . . Sc. & n i o l . . Lelaud Womack World H is t ., Drama . . . Wilma Leonard Soc. Sc. ...T y r e Patterson Roberta A tw e ll . .Narine Hughes Art . . Mrs Mabel Leggett L ib ra ry . . . G eorgia Kidd Spanish . . . ( ? ) Business,Typing, Book-keeping Etc Jean G arrett . . Joanne Howard June Spratt An. H ist . .Bask.n.Uoach Richard Adams Shop . . Eugene S h e r r e ll Divers 0 c c u p ...(? ) Phys Ed, g i r l s . . ( ? ) Phys Ed, ooys, Ft.B Coach Jas Mack Gladden. MUSIC: I n s t . . . m. A. T etley (&5450) Voc. . . Mrs I s a b e lle E stes (4800) OTHER TEACHERS: Howard Roberts SALARY RANGE ..$3000 to $ 5650 .
: JUNIOR HIGH Prin..John E, M ueller ($5000) Moore, Blanche (Math Boone, Fern ....D ic k e y , Frank Fischer,RpbertEdbavtKenneth H i l l (A r t ) Saith, Bettye . . . V i t e j , M arilyn Charlotte Gray (6 th ) ...N a t a li s Barrand (6th) J u lia Ferguson (5 t h ). . .Is a b e lle Abrams (S c .) M ildred E. Buffington (Phy.Ed., g i r l s ) Maxine E rk eletian (6 t h ). .Martha S. Taylor (Mus.) Charlene Smid Nauert (M us). .H arriet Joiner(E ngl) P a t r ic ia Bronson (Speech C orrection) SALARY RANGE: $3175-$4200 ASST ET-FaiRNTA-RY Ulead Teacher) ...M in n ie Martin ($4200) •t'ern Nadine M ille r ....M a r y Ruth Casey Armeda Richards ($3900).. .Martha Horton (4th) EAST EUiMrWTAPY (Head Teach er). . .Mildred Leaver ($4150) Jessie Perkins ....M a ry Christopher Lucas Maxey . . . . Freda W alls . /. E l i z. Peter son WARD OHeqd Teacher) Madge Freeman ($4200) L o la Howe *. .Vera Johnson MARK TWAIN Jacqueline M arcellus ( and others) OTHER TEACHERS IN SYSTEM (Elem)
E ileen Anderson (3 rd ) ...W ilm a Creighton Eleanor D resh field . . . Bernardine Duddrigge M arjorie Edwards . . . . S a lly Hansen (2nd) Mary Ann Hurst . . . . Sue Gordon (2nd) Evelyn Garner(5th)Katherine McGregor Lynn K ennedy(l). S a lly Plank (Phy.Ed. M e rib e lle Porter . . . H ila Pepm iller SPECIAL TEACHERS O llie Snodgrass . . . Jeanette Spees Fred L . Roberts (Elem ,Supervisor $5600)Sally Rader . . . Evelyn Stocklyn E. Adeline Hunt ( Elem. Mus. S u p vr.) Ruby Webb . . .Jacquetta Wilson $3800. Everetta Zwetz (A r t ) KINDERGARDEN SALARY RANGE: $3200 . . $3900 Blanche Donaldson . ~ ~ ---- ------------- -------------------- ----------------- ---------Betty Whitney. / A LIST OF RESIGNATIONS, YEAR 1957-1958. ' (A ) Mar. 10,1958, During Teaching Year, these: S a lly Rader . . Replaced by Mary ( Mrs J e rry ) Berry Mary Ann Hurst ...R e p la c e d by Mrs. Inez Hitchcock (B ) A p r il 3, 1958. AT END OF 1957-58 YEAR. N atalie Barrand (6 th ) Bernardine Duddridge E ileen Snyder Mary Ruth Casey ( W .Elem .) L o la Howe ( 5th, YiTard) E veretta Zwetz (A rt, Elem.) Wilma Creighton M e rib e lle Porter Eleanor D resh fieid Sue Price
July 7, 1970
( I 947- 57 )
- 44
YEAR 1957-1958 (cent..) SOME SPECIAL ITEMS --_YEAR 12.5^ — 19J58 (1 ) Tte Cleino D is t r ic t v.as added to tte Roiia D is t r ic t . ( BoaM Journal, A p r. 3; 19 58) ( 2) ENROLLMENT RECORDS:
(a ) Sept. 5, 1957. Kindergarden . . . 152
............ Ward . . . 194
W.Elem . 315 E.Elem . M.Twain 191 G rades 978
(3 ) The Annual Levy i s set^at $2.35 per $100 valu ation .
H. .
-----S 7
Kind . . . . 152 Slem ...9 7 8 _ . P 82 H i# i.„ 1 0 8 2 T° t a l cn ro 1^ •••♦ 2212 (May 9 , 1957 )
(4 ) A Monthly F in an cial Report. June 30,1956 to Apr 30,1957 ^ash on hand, June 30, 1956 ..........$188,671.82
R eceip ts between dates ............... 681.8CA.68 "$870,506.50 , Sum Spent between dates ....................... 5j_S 2 8 b 91 Balance, A p r .30,1957 . . . . . * * $352,*221.59 (5 ) August 15, 1957. Board considers b u ild in g a Shop-Caf a te ria buildin g Arch Snipes, a rc h ite c t, of Cape Girardeau, to ^ k e p r e l i m ^ n ! *
(6 ) ThS B° f t (.Al ° pfc? ^ n e r a l S a la ry S c a le ; Apr 11,1957. I t is elab o rate. J s wl11 d«Pend upon these th in gs:
(a ) (W Cc) (d ) (e >
The degrees held Jh® je a r s ta u ^ it in R olla system v30C i f teacher has Master degree $200 i f a "head Teacher" $100 i f in or has had m ilit a r y service Begin a t $3,150 A fte r 13 y ears, can get $4,000. (7 ) The Beard, Year 1957-1958 5*Q* ?u^ J f Carmel S tite s ( 3 )
Lawrence May (2 ) Ray Hamilton (3 )
Dr. E a rl E. Feind ( l ) Dewey Routh ( l )
(8 ) Dec. 12, 1957 . . . Board received b id s for new CAFATERIA BUILDING. Architect was Haywood Snipes, of Cape Girardeau. A p r il 3, 1958 . . . Haywood had prepared the plans on b a sis that a suitable bond issue would be voted. The Board denied i t had considered such a plan so dismissed the a r c h ite c t. ’
July 7, 1970 ( 1947- 57)
Q• ^ ^ _ —THE TEACHING STARR S t a f f Eni£loyed_Ag.ri 4 “
-45 YEAR 1Q58 - 1Qt;Q
UPT . . E .W. Robinson SENIOR HIGH Prin . . Ray L. M ille r L atin . . Mrs Nancy Beveridge Voc, Agr. . . . James R. Smith Engl . . Helen Nawn ..Joe Taylor Je n se n ..J 0ys VanNostrand Math* • .Gordon Kutscher L i l l y Randolph . .Elia. Haas Homs .ic. . . Retha Aastleman Science . . L e ste r Leaton E l l a Haas ( Gen Sc. & Math) S c., B io l . . Leland Womack ooc. Sc. ...T y r e Patterson . .Dwaine M iles w f j bSr t a Atwe11 •• Narine Hughes World H ist & Bask. jo.Coach Richard Adams business,Typing, Book-keeping Etc Narine Hughes..Jean G arrett . . Joanne Howard . . Bonnie M iles English . . Thelma Gave H istory, Drama . . Wilma Leonard L ib ra ry , Georgia Kidd Guidance, Mrs RUoy M. Roberts In d. A rts . . Eugene S h e r r e ll Art . . . Phy.Ed., boys, F . jd. Coach J. Mack Gladden ..Dwaine M iles Phy.Ed., g i r l s (? ) Spanish . . . ( ? ) Divers 0 c c u p ...(? ) MUSIC: I n s t . Wm. A. T etley Vocal . . Is a b e lle Estes OTHER TEACHERS: Nadyne Bagby . . .Howard Roberts Arthur Prewett . . . Root. Roberts
JUNIOR HTOH ("John E M u eller, dism issed) Pern Boone ...C h a r lo t t e Gray ( 6th) Vivian Bradford M. Kathryn Barnett Prank Dickey Robert Fischer Kenneth H i l l (A r t ) Blanche Moors (Math) Ben Pruett Bettye Smith Clara W illiam s
•• Supervisor, Elementary Schools Fred L. Roberts ($6000) Elem. Music ..E . Adeline Hunt Head Teachers ; Madgs Freeman (Ward 5th) ...$4450 Minnie M artin (W.Elem) . . . 2,450 Mildred Leaver (E.Elem .) . . 4450 NEST ELEMENTARY (Head) Minnie Martin Armeda Richards . ...F e r n Nadine M ille r ( and others )
EAST ELTaiFINTARY (Head) M ildred Leaver Jessie Perkins . . . Mary Christopher E lizab eth Peterson . . . Freda W alls Lucas Maxey . . . Martha Horton ( 4th) WARD SCHOOL (5 th ) (Head) Madge Freeman J u lia Ferguson . . . . Evelyn Garner Vera Johnson . . . KINDERGARDEN Bet ty Whitney . . .
and . . (? )
OTHER TEACHERS IN STCIW/ Margaret Carstens . . . M arjorie Edwards Maxine E rk eletian . .Charlotte Gray ( 6th) Lynn Kennedy (1 s t ) .. H ila Pepm iller Katherine McGregor . . . S a l l y Plank O llie Snodgrass . . Jeanette Spees Evelyn S t o c k l ^ n . . . Jacquetta Wilson MARK TWAIN 1,iaristta riit l K a * l i S c n Snod§ras Jacqueline M arcellus ( and others) RESIGNATIONS Senior High Janet B la iz e Peggy Croom Joan Hansen (H .E c .) W alter Stewart Erby Young
Junior_High Joy (jolvard H arriet Joiner (Engl) Charlotte Nauert(Mus)
THE BOARD . . Year 1958-1959 E.E.Feind (3 ) Lawrence May (1) Dewey Routh ( 3 ) Ray Hamilton ( l ) H .Q .F u ller ( 2 ) Carmel S t it e s ( 2)
- 46 SOME MISCELLANEOUS SCHOOL DATA School_Pupil_Census.~ The fo llo w in g table - though incomplete - gives some idea, oi the school population fp r the years 1947-ly58. Dates
S r.H ii.
Sept.1 2 , ly 40 Sept.3, 1942 May 21, 1945
502 468 •• • •••• 526
duly 20, 1944
Sept. 7, 1949 i9pu-i>l . . . 1951-52 __ 1952-53 . . . . 1953-54 . . . . 1954-55 ----Sept.,1955 1956-57 ----1957-58 -----
J r. Hi
552 608 619 630 714
130 177 ••• •• •• 256 274 ••• ••• / // >>.* 457 463
•• •
• ••
5> 7
FLitlem. 265 286 480 302
470 306
277 2yu ••• ••• 315 >fu ••• ... ♦« • 284 216
Negro 13 6
. . • • • •«
13 9 ••• ■ •• •• •• •• •• ••
202 0000 211 Kind.140
Total Elem
Grand Total
•5S5. 582 ••• • •• 804 U j4 1191 1350 1236 956 980
lly 5 1227 1555 1575 1586 u rn 1743 1958 1855 2043 2135
. §.°Se_ 3a^Dle Annual_Financial_Reports.- Again, the tab le, though incomplete, gives at le a s t some idea o f the Schools' fin a n c ia l a ffa ir s . Year Old Bal. Receints Total Funds 1943-44 ¥171,445.22 1947-48 §54,123.54 236,792.26 62,832.27 1948-49 345,054.88 1949-50 87*908.55 394, 314.75 1950- 51 91,702.67 $312,766.04 404,468.71 1951- 52 89,645.76 1952-53 462,646.37 1953-54 1954- 55 69,910.63 423,632.17 493,542.79 1955- 56 1956- 57 479,880.39?? 661,029.64 1,197,107.73 1957- 58
Spent 8 #117,321.28 173,964.99 257,146.33 302,612.08 314,822.95
§54,123.94 62,832.27 87,908.55 91,702.67 89,645.76
SchoolJ D is tr ic t Property_Valuations For Taxation_Pur£oses.- Also, the annual tax le v y per #100 property va lu ation .Year 1943-44 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 1952-53
Valuation Annual Levy #1.40 #4,136,849 4, 700,000 2.25 5, 113,000 2.20 5,919,000 6,000,000 •
Year 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58
Valuation $6,327,995 6, 636,798
Annual Levy $2.75 2.90 •
9, 588,618 10,307,365
3.05 2.85
CVM N o v .4,1972
hia M
H ailey voiced
g S i ^ s g ^ L ^ a a ^ i g ' I S l e ^ a b° nd i5SUB ° f K ^ ° n °° ‘ 0 School Pupil Population Existing Capacity East Elementary . . . 56O 300 West Elementary . . . 350 300 Junior High ........... 270 180 Senior H ig h ..... 535 300 In response, the Board appointed a c itiz e n advisorv commi ftp,a rvP -50 to study the situ ation and make recommendations. As a resuN o A h f , 38 Pers°ns T c e X i ^ I 18!? ^ cho° l b u ild in g , on south side o f m h st eet, f J f o o V e T u T the Gymnasium. ' f t « t "a s b
^ L lT c T c U
c h T \% S
'* * * *
l33Ue ° f * 217’ ° ° ° t0
Mr. w S l i S - B ^ I t F n e ^ ^ f - s f 1- ! ~ g •'~ °? F eb riary X> 1*51, the Sehool Board employed S<1±-Llf n P- It t n e r , of S t. Louis, to act as a rc h ite c t. I t was decided that
several needs and options, the construction o f a new Senior High School Building was the most urgent and best p ro je c t. It s capacity was fix e d a t 600 students The i ^ t h e :Lf i n a^c^a^len^PlannT^, W° Uld seat 1,000 persons. FEDERAL AID was included N a tiv e ' o f T lo ii. P ^ d bS ^ ° laSS r ° 0mS> a l i b r a r Y> the administhe ^ 3 e V t T^ nS±dl red: ( l ; The BaPfcisfc Cb^ c h ^ t e , across west fron he old High Schooi b u ild in g 8th and Cedar streets; (2 ) The s ite of the 1972 R oiia Hi a th le tic f i e l d ; ( 35 the J.A. Spi^man residence lo t , corner o F lJ t h arri ( 5 ) athe s i t ! S n a i l th6, ^ th lin e of 7th sfcreet> but east o f Walnut street; the s i t e f i n a l l y chosen - that occupied by the present (1972) Senior High ou ild in g, abutting south lin e o f 10th street, some 300 feet east of Cedar.
li:r* 7bbner completed the plans, and construction bids were Kocb- 3cbroeder Company, of St. Louis, submitted the low bid of ^434,982.00. As of February 14, 1952, work was about to begin. I t should be ready -o r use with the beginning o f the f a l l term, September, 1953. H alf of the cost was provided by Federal Aid. Ground was a ctu a lly broken on March 25, 1952. The Masonic Lodge la id the corner stone on October 3, 1952. The academic unit was completed in 1953 in time fo r the f a l l semester. ’ 512. §.°lla Hi^ Gymnasium and the Mark_Twaj^_E-lementary.- On May 24, 1955, the d is t r ic t E lectorate approved a sp ecial bond issue o f #470, 000, by vote o f 1101 to 316. The funds would be used fo r ( 2 ) construction of a R olla Hi. Gymnasium, large enough to seat 1,900 persons. I t wpuld include a th le tic headquarters, ard also a suitable music room. In addition to the Gymnasium, this bond issue would also provide funds for building a new Elementary School Building, on Salem Avenue at Summit street - the school la t e r named the "MARK WAIN". A f i r s t act was to purchase suitable s it e s . For the Gymnasium, a parcel o f land 30 by 240 fe e t was obtained from the J.A. Spilman residence property, to the west o f the new High School bu ilding. For the Mark Twain school, the Board purchased a 9.2 acre tra ct from the O.B. Holmes estate, east side of Salem Ave., opposite junction of Salem and Summit Avenues. By May 3, 1955, the Board had retained Mr. Charles W. Lorenz, o f Kirkwood, Mo., as p ro je ct a rc h ite c t. Some time was lo s t because a f i r s t set of bids was rejected as too high. In February 2, 1956, the bid o f #404,904.00, covering both the Gymn and the Mark Twain School, submitted by the L.J . Largent Co., o f Overland, Mo., was accepted. Ground was broken fo r the Gymn on Monday, February 13, 1956. The Gymn was completed in 1957 — the Mark Twain unit in 1958.
CVM Nov. 6, 1972
48 -
•3^2. _School C a fa te ria .- As ea rly as June nf" lacy fu j ■ • made that the R olla schools? Is then comprised or declslon had been School and, in addition, the W est'Elementerv surrounding the High I t was located to the south o f the Gymnasiurr and the i ^ e m i c ^ n 1 S?f a ! e r la mension, i t measured 80 x 100 feet Tha ua • o -Academic Rolla Hi. In d i s u n i t e d the lowest bid Of J« 7 QQn m T C? tru ction Go*> of R°H a, u n til soon a fte r A p ril 25 1958 * The bun l°di ° ecember 23> 19 57. Work did not begin J> 790. me building was completed during 1958 . a p i- o * s e d ° a S a iei j J ° S In t h« e
B .o T m lS h la o O
ra l
b 6 f° re the Voters
May 5, 195 3 ......... 797 yes . . . 986 no June 2, 1953 ........ 718 yes . . . 846 no. '
60 a n o S - r
p ^ S
e ^ y .
ROIIA SCHOOLS ARE INTEGRATm School_Board_Endsi S egregation .- On June 10 IQ^A fha p „n „ Q ? gre^ tio n ’ ^ ^ r o h;upRS s a?oc?:n “ e°::d fL I f 5 J934“ 55 ***** a11 d l v l s i °ns of Rolla*s schools were opened to r M lr i^ n * T ^ t e i e r race. As the September term o f 1954 began tfn neg£o hi^dren were en ro lled m the elementary schools, and three in High School § HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC FIELD IMPROVED thP 10 ? n ^ d“ OT TofnT DurinS the days o f the Great Depression of the 1930's and 1940's, the Rolla. High School a th le tic f i e l d was graded Ind otnerIMnvj6 y np]fove the Lions Club and otger agencies. I t was naned "S o ld iers' F ield " Now during October, 1949, seats fo r the spectators at a th le tic events were i S t X - * led at a cost of some #22,500. The R olla Lions Club paid the b i l l . The seats and improved f i e l d were dedicated on October 7 , 1949 . ‘ atS and THE- ROLLA P .T .A . Parent-Teache_r_Assi]..- This association, during the 1947-58 period engaged m acuive programs. The p rin cip a l group or "branch" was the "general" one, including a l l school units. The various elementary and high school units maintained branch groups within the la rg e r "a ll-s c h o o l" association. There were fo r example, the "East" and the "West" d iv is io n s , the "Kindergarden" and the "Junior High". , J_n 1 -Druary, 1950 - as also at other times - a special program presented by the "general" unit featured the story o f how Mrs. Phoebe (AppersonJ Hearst wiin an associate, o r ig in a lly created the "American Congress of Parents and Teachers" ( the P .T .A .) - which on that date was 53 years old. THE S.C.M.T.A. South Central Missouri_Tea£hers Asso£iation met in R olla fo r i t s 59th anniversary session on October 16 to 18, 1952. As in the past,since 1892, this group met in R o lla each year during the l a t t e r part of October, or e a rly November. In 1948, same 1,000 teachers were present. In 1955, there were 1,500. In 1951, the celebrated columnist, Dorothy Thompson, spoke on " These_Crucial_Days" . In the 1955 session, Mr. Ray M ille r , of R olla High School, was e le c t d president. Such programs, in e a rly years, were spoken o f as "TEACHERS INSTITUTES".
'CVM Nov 6,1972
- 49 -
C e n s u f t S i ? f o f L - % ° S s d ai f 4f - f i - OI| ; ; 46rtt ^ re “ P P ^ e d a Sonool Board records - and do not agree e x a c tly take" f™ “ 3oh° o1 perhaps more valuable fo r "TRENDS" shown t h a n f n i, P g - t - t ^b l e * B o t n table are a lso disagree because some figu res were t S £ SeSel f f S- ^ 3 C° U±d the others in February, a fter end of f i r s t £ 1 f f ' 1 a? beg1 “ ' “ g= ° f terms, Kindergarden . . . . Grades 1-8 ......... Sr.H i. Grades 9-12 TOTALS .........
103 1191 552
144 1350 608
125 1279
129 1373 640
133 1453
660 2246
was removed, s o M ^ ^ f S u ^ ^ S m b ^ f f S f ^ a i g S . ^ f ^ L a l e n f L ^ f i r e d "167 1 Mrs- Mae ( “ * ■ ~ Mr ‘:J’hen nr. Largent was dismissed, the students a t R olla Hi. went on strik e | f % Viarf ent bad been popular with them. They demanded the resignations forthw ith , f ° Ur B° a^ ^ b e r s - R.B.Murry - Arth. McFarland - Glenn Geers - ’ and Job^R f o i d issolvlA s t o f R o S l ?ah f n ASf * ‘ f ° - ned thS b a t t le ’ “ d _ ° « «ld e r e 4 a plan ,7 - a 1 ssolving_the_Rolla_ochool D is t r ic t in order to get rid of~these~fouF men.
K ’ PU? A" te n tnsoa?pGhairman ° f f c itiz e n ^xmoittee, planning tne same. | ; L ' L ; J n t 50 5 even> as to apPea l to Governor P h il Donnelly and to tne Hoeth Central a ccred itin g agency fo r in v estig a tio n . I .4 *La7’rr,195l+> th® Dor til Central agency sent two o f i t s agents to thus in ■ ^ tiga te. They were Dr. Stephen Maxwell, from Columbia, Mo., and Mr. E llis G ■Ramey, school, p rin cip a l at Lebanon, Mo. Dr. Geo. D. Englehart was joined to the ’ in v e s tig a tio n . Out o f th is in v e s tig a tio n came toe conclusion that " There had been no v io la tio n of la w 1......... Dr. Englehart, in report dates Sept. 13,19547 made_ other recommendations: These: t^M^MXMM2S2^m&SKZ3SM.ZMXS]fmCiXE'xaS[7.r9imu7.tsiYV.-spr ( l ) Abandon the Negro "Lincoln" school. ( 2 ) Expand the West Elem. Building. (3 ) Build tne new Elementary ( Mark TwainJ school, to cost $250,000. Dr. E.E.Feind was made chairman o f a c itiz e n s committee to study these d e ta ils . _2le—.*ds211G Jihe. Mafk Twain Schools.- In previous notes on these two buildings, »v e omitted these fa c ts : T lT The Board paid #95,000 fo r the O liver Holmes site fo r Mark Twain school. This unit would have 12 classrooms. consolidation Gf_Phelps_ R0bnty_Rural_3ohjOols. - In 19 4$, a six —member county board, or commission, was appointed to study the proposition o f consolidating the county's 83 school d is t r ic t s in to some 8 . T r ia l votes, held in 1949 and 1951, on a county-wide oasis, resulted thus: 1949 ( reduce 83 d is t r ic t s to 8 ) . . . . 87 yes . . . 354 no 1 1951 ( reduce ?8 d is t r ic t s to 8 ) . . . . Failed by margin o f 9 to 1. Notwithstanding these resu lts, numbers o f the rural d is t r ic t s HAVE been consolidated. Noteworthy examples, those of Newburg and the D o o little area . . . and the Edgar Springs area schools.
Rural Schc_ols Added T o _R o lla _D istrict.- During the 1947-56 period, several rural scnools nave oeen joined to the R olla Scnool D is t r ic t - by votes o f those schools combined with tne R olla vote on same schools. Among these are the rural schools n known as the Dean — the Vichy - the Hirsch — the Cleino — the ■ Corinth — and the Strawhun........... In July, ±y55, the R olla School Board entered lawsuit to c o lle c t the tu itio n fees for pupils from those schools who transferred ■ to R olla.
CVM Nov. 6, 1972
50 -
The Hirsch school was annexed in August
Tt aHHori ao
^ d 1 J tSF la t 1 Genr 0llmhntl ” ** In JUne> 1954, * n e le c tio n was held, o o th ^ n ^ o lla ai.d at la t Grove school, proposing annexation. R olla voted 677 no to 381 yes F lat Grove patrons voted 41 no to 21 yes - so annexation f an j 1 ^ 4 y es* to be a n "t of* tho p t a t n . . ° arLnexat;!-0n fa ile d . This appeared to be a po.rt o f the P.T.A . 's plan to disrupt the R olla School D is tr ic t. sample_otuijlor Hi^i Gru.duat.ion C lass.— The Senior Hi ah n.i -i , May 26, 1955, consisted A lA ~ stu d en te. 6 o l °la s s - gI,adua“ d ASSESSED_VALUATION_OF TAXABLE PROPERTY - 1 9 V 0 •- We include th is item because i t appears in our f i l e s . For year~1970~figures release 7 F^h p e T U
^ a lio ^ L ^ ? "
V a lU a tl° n *•* |6’ 327>995.00. . . .
The annual l l y
1 ACT0 I1ROM PUBLIC SCHOOL BROCHURE OF NOVFifRHR, 1964 a s o e c S l-o fn d Jt s i p 2n _ S o s s t _ H o a d T h is p roject »as financed by HiifonP ° 7oters chose between two sites - one at west base o f M ile L?11, East 10th s tre e t - the other on Soest Road, ju st west of Burgher Brancn S n s trn J tr ™&r S e le cte ^ ‘ Dai? Sanford & Sons served as a rch itects. Baumann construction Co. were the builders. These facts about the building: Cost o f s ite ...........$20,000 A rch itects' fees ....... 145,929.36 Base bid ............... 714, 066. Ou S ite improvement, euros ets $5,934.60 Changes added ---51 . 376.36 Floor area of building . 61,170 s q . f t . cu b -io ta l $766,042.36 Cost per sq. f t . , t o t a l ..$12.19 n a 7he b^i l d ^-nS was dedicated on Sunday, Nov. 15 , 1964 . The R olla Junior Hi. Band, Bert Stanley, D ireetor, led in the "National Anthem" Rev. G. Scott Porter d elivered the invocation. The a rch itects and tie builders were present. The dedication address was given oy Asst. State Commissioner o f Education - BW Robinson former R olla Supt. ’ r. The School Board consisted o f Ray Hamilton — Lawrence E. May — Dr. E.E.Feind chas. R. Sands — B r. Robt. Conyers — and Jarne s W. Jensen, president. % e_ C£lj. 4ohn_BJL Wyman Elementary_School. - This building was completed in 1962. I t was named in honor o f Col. John B. Wyman, commander o f tie 13th I l l i n o i s Volunteer In fa n try Regiment, which garrisoned R olla and D u ilt Fort Wyman in la te I 96I and e a r ly ly62, during C iv il War days. The site has long oeen known as "WYMAN HILL" - so naming the School, located there, was quite appropriate. Supt. B.W.Robinson and Dr. C.V.Mann suggested and fix e d the name. I t provided 8 class rooms, and cost seme $159,610.95. In 1964 i t had 220 pupils. Enrolinaent and Teacher Data.- These data from the Pub.Sch. Brochure,Nov.I904: Y r.B u ilt Costs Teachers No.Classrooms Students What School 142o 52 Kindergarden thru oth . 53 b 160 Ward Sch.(Benton) ....... 7 1909 10 238 $25,OOO(Est) W.Elem. (PersningJ........ 9 1935 E.Elem. (EugeneField .. I935J 4u9 1942) . . . . 59, uuu (E st) 14 15 Addition i942 . . . Mark Twain .................... 195?) 399 x4 i-3 i94 b ) . . . .257,544.8? Additi on, ±94^ • • • 8 220 8 iyo2 159,010.95 Coi. John B. Wyman . . . . I 05 2853 104 Sub-Totals ......... 40 b93 27 Sr. Hign (lU - 1 1 - 1 2 ) .. o94 27 34 Jr. High (7-b-9 ) ---- 0 - 0 - 0 THE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT.- Mr. Ralph Marcellus held the o ffic e of Phelps County- School Superintendent fo r the en tire period, 1947-1958. He began in the 1931-32 year - served through the 1961-62 year - the longest term served by such superintendent in the county's en tire h isto ry .
51 -
E ditor’sN ote: Incon ju n ctionw ithA m erican E ducationW eek(O ct. 2 2 -2 8 ), th eD ailyN ew s todaybegin sasix-partseriesabou tth eR olla Public S ch ools system .T oday’s article is a briefh istoryofth esch oolsystem .T om orrow ’s explain s elem en tary con feren ces an d th e C itizen sA dvisoryC om m ission .T h erem ain in g articlesareo nth eelem en tarysch oolsofR olla, th eJu n iorH igh ,th eFreshm anH igh ,th eS en ior H ighan dth eV ocation al-T ech n ical S ch ool. 1864 — S ch o o l d is t r ic t o rg a n iz e d . 1871 — F i r s t h ig h s c h o o l in o ld R o lla B u ild in g on M S M c a m p u s . 1871 — S c h o o l d is t r ic t s o ld R o lla B u ild in g to M is s o u r i S ch o o l o f M in e s a n d m o v e d to th e O ld L o g S ch o o lh o u s e . 1881 — J u l y 4, O ld L o g S ch o o lh o u se d e s t ro y e d b y f ir e . 1881, 82 — N o S ch o o l. 1882 — O ld C e n t r a l S ch o o l, S ix th a n d P a r k S tre e ts, c o m p le t e d . 1893 — “ P r e p ” s c h o o l d is c o n t in u e d b y sta te. 1895 — C e n t r a l S ch o o l h o u se d a t w o -y e a r h ig h sch o o l. 1896 — O ld G o e t t le m a n B u ild in g , la t e r c a lle d S c o tt’s C o n s e r v a t o r y o f M u s ic , p u r c h a s e d fo r $1,200 fo r R o lla H ig h S ch o o l. 1909 — W a r d S ch o o l, p r e s e n t ly k n o w n a s B e n to n , c o n s t ru c t e d . 1915 — N o rt h h a lf o f A d m in is t r a t io n B u ild in g c o m p le te d . 1926 — S o u th a d d it io n to A d m in is t r a t io n B u ild in g c o m p le t e d . 1933 — B o n d s v o te d fo r W est E le m e n t a r y S ch o o l ( p r e s e n t ly P e r s h in g ) a n d f ir s t p a r t of E a s t E le m e n t a r y S ch o o l (n o w E u g e n e F ie l d F r e s h m a n H ig h ) . 1935 — W e s t E le m e n t a r y S ch o o l c o m p le te d . 1935 — A d d it io n a l la n d e a s t o f A d m in is t r a t io n B u ild in g p u r c h a s e d . 1942 — E a s t E le m e n t a r y (E u g e n e F ie l d )
add itioncom p leted . 1953 — R ollaS en iorH ighcom pleted; halfth e cost fin an cedbyfederal aidprogramu n d er PublicLaw815. 1957 — G y m n a s iu m a n d m u s ic a r e a a d d e d to R o lla S e n io r H ig h . 1958 —C afeteria addedtocam pus; M ark
T w ainE lem entaryS ch o ol con stru cted .
1961 — B o n d is s u e a p p ro v e d f o r c o n s t ru c t io n o f J u n io r H ig h , C o l. W y m a n a n d a n a d d itio n to M a r k T w a in E le m e n t a r y S ch o o l. 1964 — J u n io r H ig h S ch o o l d e d ic a te d on N o v . 15. 1965 — L a n d p u r c h a s e d fo r e le m e n t a ry s c h o o l in n o rth e a s t R o lla . 1966 — A d d it io n s c o m p le te d f o r W y m a n , M a r k T w a in a n d S e n io r H ig h . 1966 — R o lla d e s ig n a te d a s lo c a tio n fo r a n a r e a v o c a t io n a l-t e c h n ic a l sch o o l. E u g e n e F ie ld c lo s e d a s e le m e n t a ry s ch o o l a n d b e c a m e h o m e o f R o lla A r e a V o c a t io n a l-T e c h n ic a l S ch o o l. 1969 — B o n d is s u e a p p r o v in g c o n s t ru c t io n o f H a rry S T ru m a n E le m e n t a r y S c h o o l. E le m e n t a r y c la s s e s h e ld in A d m in is t r a t io n B u ild in g d u r in g p a r t o f 1970-71 sch o o l y e a r . 1970 — V o t e rs a p p r o v e $1 m illio n b ond is s u e fo r a r e a v o c a t io n a l-t e c h n ic a l s c h o o l a n d p u r c h a s e o f 40 a c r e s o f la n d in e a s t c e n t r a l R o lla f o r fu t u re h ig h sch o o l. 1971 — J a n . 4, H a r r y S T r u m a n E le m e n t a r y S ch o o l o p en ed. 1971, 72 — E n r o llm e n t s r e a c h e d r e c o r d h ig h , 3,997 stu d e n ts. 1972 — E u g e n e F ie ld b e c a m e E u g e n e F ie l d F r e s h m a n H ig h S ch o o l, B e n to n s ix t h g r a d e stu d e n ts m o v e d to J u n io r H ig h , B e n to n re o r g a n iz e d to a fo u rt h -fift h g r a d e b u ild in g a n d P e r s h in g re o r g a n iz e d to a K - t h ir d g r a d e b u ild in g . 1972 — O ct. 1, e n r o llm e n t s o a re d to a l l t im e h ig h , 4,040 s tu d e n ts e n r o lle d in a l l s ch o o ls.
T om orrow :E lem en tarysch ool con feren ces an dth eC itizen sA dvisoryC om m ission .
- 52 -
A fe » r , O t . ^ f 9 7 - Z ^
M H W Second of a Series
ementaryC onferences, Citizens Com m issio
American Education Week 1 P a r e n t s o f s t u d e n t s e n r o ll e d in th e e le m e n t a ry s c h o o ls in R o lla w ill h a v e the o p p o rt u n it y to m e e t w ith t e a c h e rs on F r id a y an d M o n d a y to d is c u s s f ir s t q u a r t e r a c h ie v e m e n t o f t h e ir c h ild r e n . F o r s o m e y e a r s k in d e r g a r t e n a n d f ir s t g ra d e p a re n t s h a v e p a r t ic ip a t e d in in d iv id u a l c o n f e r e n c e s w it h t e a c h e r s c o n c e r n in g th e e d u c a t io n a l a c h ie v e m e n t a n d p r o g r e s s of t h e ir c h ild r e n . T h is y e a r a ll p a re n t s o f s tu d e n ts e n r o lle d in g r a d e s K -6 a r e p r e s e n t ly b e in g c o n t a c t e d a n d o ffe re d a 10-15 m in u t e c o n fe r e n c e p e r io d w ith c la s s r o o m te a c h e rs . H o p e fu lly , th e in d iv id u a l t e a c h e r-p a re n t c o n f e re n c e w ill p r o v id e the p a re n t w ith in fo r m a t io n a b o u t h is c h ild th e n o r m a l re p o rt c a r d d o e s not p r o v id e . T h e p e r s o n a l c o n ta c t b e tw e e n t e a c h e r a n d p a re n t s h o u ld e n a b le both p a r t ie s to b e tte r u n d e rs ta n d the m o st im p o rt a n t s in g le p e rs o n , th e c h ild . A ll k in d e r g a r t e n a n d f ir s t g r a d e c o n fe re n c e s w ill b e h e ld on F r i d a y a n d M o n d a y , O ct. 30. C o n fe re n c e s f o r g r a d e s 2-6 w ill b e h e ld on F 'rid ci y P a re n ts
a re
u n a b le
a tte n d
s c h e d u le d t im e s m a y re q u e s t a m o re s u it a b le t im e fo r the c o n fe re n c e . C it iz e n s A d v is o r y C o m m is s io n T h e R o lla B o a r d of E d u c a t io n re c e n t ly a p p o in te d n in e c it iz e n s to a s te e rin g c o m m itte e fo r the n e w ly -o rg a n iz e d C itiz e n s A d v is o ry C o m m i s s io n . T h e s t e e r in g c o m m it t e e is c o m p o se d of T o m B a ir d , E d B o b e r, F r a n B r a d y , G e o rg e K a r r , F r a n k L a n g e , D o u g L e e , M a r y N u ll, R a y V e n a b le a n d Iv a n P a r r y . A d d it io n a l c o m m is s io n m e m b e rs w ill be a p p o in te d b y tbe s t e e r in g co m m itte e . T h e p u rp o s e of the c o m m is s io n is to e x p a n d c o m m u n ic a t io n b etw e e n the p u b lic , the b o a rd o f e d u c a t io n a n d p r o fe s s io n a l s ta ff. T h e c o m m is s io n w ill fo c u s on n e e d s o f the d is t r ic t d u r in g th e n e x t ten to 15 y e a r s . T h e f ir s t m e e tin g o f the s te e rin g c o m m itte e , b o a rd o f e d u c a tio n , a d m in is t r a t iv e s ta ff a n d e x e c u t iv e c o m m it t e e o f the R o lla C o m m u n ity T e a c h e r s A s s o c ia t io n w ill b e h e ld a t 7 :3 0 p .m . N o v . 16. T h e m e e t in g w ill b e h e ld in the b o a rd o f e d u c a t io n c o n fe re n c e ro o m of th e A d m in is t r a t io n B u ild in g . T o m o r ro w : T h e e le m e n t a ry sch o o ls.
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Section B - Page 6 mmmxmmmmmmmmmm 1
Third of a Series u
C j-C JS
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Syste American Education Week
P a t t e r n s o f s c h o o l o rg a n iz a t io n a r e b e in g m o d ifie d a n d fo r w a r d m o v in g e d u c a t io n a l s y s t e m s a r e e x p e rim e n t in g w ith m e th o d s, m a t e r ia ls a n d p r o g r a m s . S ch o o ls o f to d a y a r e t a k in g a d v a n t a g e o f te c h n o lo g y a n d a d v a n c e s in m e th o d s to e d u c a t e fo r a c h a n g in g w o rld . T h e e le m e n t a r y s c h o o ls o f R o lla a r e u t iliz in g m a n y o f the in n o v a t iv e a n d h ig h ly t e c h n ic a l a s p e c t s o f o u r s o c ie t y a s in s t ru m e n t s fo r im p r o v in g in s t ru c t io n . E m e r g in g fle x ib le a n d s t im u la t in g p r o g r a m s , o rie n t e d to c h a n g e , a r e b e in g a d o p te d . T h e u se o f in s t ru c t io n a l te c h n o lo g y in c lu d in g c lo s e d - c ir c u it t e le v is io n lis t e n in g c e n t e r s , c o m p u t e r a id e d in s t ru c t io n , e n v ir o n m e n t a l s p a c e a g e e d u c a t io n la b s , a n d in d iv id u a liz e d in s t r u c t io n a l p r o g r a m s a r e in d ic a t iv e o f the c h a n g e s in e d u c a t io n to d a y . T h e n e w e s t o f th e e le m e n t a ry s c h o o ls in R o lla is th e H a r r y S T r u m a n E le m e n t a r y S ch o o l, w h ic h w a s c o m p le t e d in 1971. J a m e s S c h e ib e , p r in c ip a l, d ir e c t s the p r o g r a m f o r the 320 p u p ils e n r o lle d in g r a d e s K -6. T h e la r g e s t o f th e e le m e n t a r y s c h o o ls is the M a r k T w a in E le m e n t a r y S ch o o l. T h e r e a r e 646 s tu d e n ts e n r o lle d in g r a d e s K -6 u n d e r the d ir e c t io n o f L e r o y O p p e rm a n , p r in c ip a l. M a r k T w a in w a s c o n s t ru c t e d in 1957 a n d l a t e r a d d e d
onto in 1962 a n d 1966. F r e d R o b e rt s , p r in c ip a l o f C o l. W y m a n E le m e n t a r y S ch o o l, a d m in is t e r s th e p r o g r a m to the 624 s tu d e n ts in g r a d e s K -6. C o l. W y m a n w a s c o n s t ru c t e d in 1962 w ith a n a d d itio n in 1966. M r s . D o ro t h y H a r r is , p r in c ip a l o f th e P e r s h in g -B e n to n E le m e n t a r y S ch o o ls, d ire c t s the p r o g r a m fo r th e 256 stu d e n ts in g r a d e s K -3 a t P e r s h in g a n d th e 188 stu d e n ts in g r a d e s 4-5 a t B e n to n . P e r s h in g E le m e n t a r y S ch o o l w a s c o n s t ru c t e d in 1935. B e n to n E le m e n t a r y S ch o o l, the o ld e s t s c h o o l in the d is t r ic t , w a s c o n s t ru c t e d in 1909. A to ta l o f 2,034 stu d e n ts a r e e n r o lle d in the e le m e n t a ry s c h o o ls u n d e r the d ire c t io n o f 69 fu ll-t im e c la s s r o o m in s t ru c t o r s . A n a d d it io n a l 131 s ix t h g r a d e stu d e n ts a tte n d c la s s e s in the J u n io r H ig h S ch o o l u n d e r fo u r t e a c h e rs . T h e g r a n d to tal o f 2,165 s tu d e n ts r e p re s e n t s a n in c r e a s e o f 72 stu d e n ts o v e r 1971-72. S ch o o l o f f ic ia ls a n t ic ip a t e a n o t h e r in c r e a s e fo r th e y e a r 1973-74 in the a m o u n t o f 75-100 e le m e n t a r y p u p ils . T h e in c r e a s e is a n t ic ip a t e d d u e to sta te a s s ig n m e n t o f th e C o rin t h S ch o o l D is t r ic t a n d th e F l a t G r o v e S ch o o l D is t r ic t , p lu s th e n o r m a l in c r e a s e o f re s id e n t s m o v in g in to th e R o lla a r e a .
T om orrow :R ollaJu n iorH ighS ch o ol.
Wednesday, October 25,1972
[\Cbfa!og Telephone
Fourth of a Series
e a tin g o u r a lii w a rfa r e . On thkt n e v e r a c c e p t /a iy \o n ly seek a p y lc a n h a v e a th e fig hting , h i o l w h ich they ; ir fi a re p fe ssu r the C b m m ill p e js u ir ig iiteq[ States o m b in g and? its N ortn yifetnam ) not \h irfK N orth ut u p W f t h lt fo r >nths. W e M v e to ing to U v ip e out t s . T h i r d is no le n t entfal\nom overn ik e ^ he le tn a m VoVL 7 th e q u fa c £ s . H e also im'e t/as co rn e l to ! i r / t cj P re s id e n t [j le w ants to c a r r y i: :hat’s h is option, jj ' ' h a v e to do it - hlood
f Area
Finest American Education Week mmm wmmM
The Rolla Junior High School was completed in the summer of 1964 and dedicated on Nov. 15, 1964. The air conditioned math complex was added as a result of a bond issue in 1969. Bill Stormes, principal, directs the educational program for the 793 students. James Herron, assistant principal, is serving his first year at the Junior High. T he J u n io r H ig h School o rg an izatio n a l s tru ctu re ch ang ed th is y e a r fro m a 7-8-9 g ra d e p la n to a 6-7-8 g ra d e p la n . T he ch ang e w a s brought about due to o v e rcro w d in g d u rin g recen t y e a rs. A p p ro x im a te ly 920 students in g ra d e s 7-8-9 w ere en ro lled and housed in the Ju n io r H ig h w ith a c a p a c ity of a p p ro x im a te ly 750 students. T h e 1972-73 te rm began with the ninth g ra d e rs b eing m oved to E u g e n e F ie ld F re s h m a n H ig h School. E u g e n e F ie ld F r e s h m an H igh, fo rm e rly know n as the E u g e n e F ie ld E le m e n t a ry School and la te r as the R o lla A re a V o ca tio n a l-T e ch n ic a l School, w a s a v a ila b le w ith the com pletion of the new A re a V o c a tio n a l-T e ch n ic a l School located on E a s t 10th Street. D u e to o v e rcro w d in g in e le m e n ta ry le ve ls,
a p p ro x im a te ly 130 sixth g ra d e students in the Benton zone and others a re b eing housed in the J u n io r H ig h School m ath co m p lex u n d er fo u r e le m e n ta ry in s tru c to rs. T h e re a re 333 seventh g ra d e students and 330 eighth g ra d e students en ro lled in ad dition to the 130 sixth g rad e students fo r a g ra n d total of 793. Seventh g ra d e students h av e the opportunity to en ro ll in e x p lo ra to ry nin e w eek co u rse s in m e ta l shop, wood shop, speech, m u s ic art a llie d a rts, foods and clothing. T he co u rse s are designed to p ro v id e seventh g ra d e students with e a rly age le a rn in g situ ations. H o pefu lly the re s u lt w ill be to a ssist the student in sele ctin g e le ctiv e co u rse s d u rin g th eir eighth and ninth g ra d e y e a rs. T he J u n io r H igh op erates on a seven-p eriod d ay with fo u r sta g g ered lu nch period s. C la sse s begin at 8:40 a.m . and end at 3:20 p.m . A ctiv itie s fo r interested students a re a v a ila b le b efore school each m o rn in g as w ell as the in te rsch o la stic p ro g ra m s w hich operate afte r school. T o m o rro w : T he F re s h m a n H ig h School.
Thursday, October 26,1972
E u g e n e F ie ld w a s co n stru cte d a s E a s t E le m e n t a ry School in 1933. Som e tim e betw een 1935 and 1942 p la n s w e re d evelop ed fo r the addition to E a s t E le m e n t a ry School. T h e n am e w a s ch an g ed to E u g e n e F ie ld E le m e n t a ry School a lso about this tim e. In 1966 E u g e n e F ie ld w a s clo se d a s an e le m e n ta ry ce n te r and w a s d esig nated an A re a V o ca tio n a l-T e ch n ica l. School. T h e b u ild in g w a s rem o d eled on the firs t and second flo o rs and two shop c la ssro o m s w e re ad ded to the r e a r of the b u ild in g . W ith co m p letio n of the m illio n dollar', v o ca tio n a l-te ch n ica l b u ild in g on E a s t iOth Street, p la n s w e re d eveloped to re lie v e the o v e rcro w d e d cond itions at the J u n io r H ig h by m o v in g a ll ninth g ra d e c la s s e s to the Senior H ig h -E u g e n e F ie ld ca m p u s. P re v io u s ly , som e ninth g ra d e students attended c la s se s at the S en io r H ig h School. On A u g u st 21, 1972, M a rtin R in e h a rt, p r in c ip a l, m et w ith the sta ff of E u g e n e F ie ld F r e s h m an H ig h fo r the fir s t tim e. R in e h a rt p re v io u sly se rv e d as assistan t p r in c ip a l fo r the R o lla J u n io r H igh fo r a n u m b er of years, On A u g u st 24, 1972, doors opened to the students. Som e 356 ninth g ra d e students w ere en ro lled an d E u g e n e F ie ld F re s h m a n H igh
School b ecam e a part of the h isto ry of the R o lla P u b lic Schools. T he F re s h m a n H igh o p erates on a six -p e rio d d ay with an “ op en” lu n ch period . C la s s e s begin w ith students b eing sch e d u le d in hom e roo m s fro m 8:45-8:55 a.m . d a ily . C la ss e s end at 3:30 p.m . Som e students attend cla s se s at the S en io r H igh School. C la sse s in m u sic, biology, m ath, fo reig n lan g u a g e and in d u stria l a rt s a r e dovetailed into both the S en io r H igh and F r e s h m an H igh schedules. B o y s and g irls p h y s ica l education a ctivities a r e housed in the A d m in istra tio n B u ild in g g y m and the new g irls g y m lo c a t e d b e h in d th e A d m in is t r a t io n B u ild in g . T e a ch e rs of p h y sica l ed ucation a re w o rkin g in team s d eveloping health ed uca tio n u nits to p resen t to S en ior H igh and fre sh m a n students. A n u m b e r of e x t ra -c u rric u la r a c tiv itie s a r e org an ized fo r student p a rticip a tio n in c lu d in g Student C o u n cil, Pep C lu b , D ra m a C lu b , in t r a m u r a l a t h le t ic s a n d in t e r s c h o la s t ic athletics. T o m o rro w : Th S enior H ig h School and the A re a V o ca tio n a l-T e ch n ica l School.
Friday, October 27,3972
RO LLA D A IL Y NEWS .. sv-y ■miiiii i m i i m in iimiim ■■in i i ii
i n in i iiwm
Sixth of a Series
\ fh & H o s p i t a l le H ig h w a y P a t r o l i n A d m it t e d T h u r s d a y : S h e r i D a w n \ v a y W m , E v e re t t L e e v e stig a te d an a ccid e n t that S h erm a n , M a r y G ra c e Ja n e s o c c u rre d so m e tim e betw een 11 a n d Is a a c J , S tra in , a ll of R o lla ; ( m . O ct. 26 and 7 a.m . O ct. 27 D e b ra L e e B a ir d \ a n d R ic k y L . fon aj cou nty ro a d fiv e m ile s Jo n e s, both o L S t.N Ja m e s, a n d , n orthw est of R o lla and in v o lv in g a c a r s to le n fr o m W illia m F . B a rto n , B lin k e r. G i/yd er M o to r Co. /T h e a c c id e n t a p p a r e n t ly D is m is s e d T h u r s d a y : N t a lp h O ccurred a s the unknow n d riv e r M o o s e , R e x D a v i^ , M a ry b o u n d e d a c u rv e , ra n o ff the L a P o rt e , E u la S m i t h \ B la in e rig h t sid e of the ro a d and s tru ck A p p erso n , M a r g ie A s h e s / a i a fen ce ow ned by R a lp h T u rn e r, C la u d e T u g g le , a ll of if lr ila i J a m e s B . C h ic k a n d /D a n ie l kR o lla . D a m a g e to the c a r w a s 200 and d a m a g e to the fence C h ic k , both of B o u rb o n ' L u c i ^s $25. D ie s t e lk a m p , S t. / J a n / e s ; ' T r a ile r B r e a k s Loose M in n ie C la y , T h V H ig h w a y P a t r o l i n and V ic t o ria W ri£ vestig a te d an a ccid e n t at 11 C u b a ; B e v e rly L i p .m \ T h u rs d a y on H w y. 63 fo u r b aby, S te e lv ille ; an d a -.h a l\m ile s north of R o lla and b ab y, S h irle y ' Ros in v o lv in g a V u c k p u llin g a g ra in b a b y and t ra ile r m\d d riv e n by M a r v in E . S a le m , a n d T ho m a s, 29, C e n te rv ille , Io w a N ew b u rg .
B A IR D : A g ir /b o r n T h u rsd a y to M r . £(nd M rs . D e n n is S. B a ird , s/. J a m e s .
Jo se p h ■ E a r l
M elton,
A / r^ n ’cP o ciH o n IJnll DaIIh
Edna Sna^gr^ss Dies at At E d n a S n o d g ra s s \ R d u le 2, d ied y e ste rd a y , Oct. 36, 1972, at the hom e of h e r s o iX Ja ln e s S n o d g ra ss. She w as 76.V \ \ M r s . S n o d g ra s s w a s V t b w id o w o f th e la t e T S nodg rass. She w a s born A n G asco n ad e County, J u ly 3 , 1896> C L A 1 * 1 » A / I f L / \ r t n A f* i A H * \ 1-1 l i t A C L a m
V c a c m
c o ,
T h e R o lla S en io r H ig h School w a s com pleted in 1953 and w a s fin a n ce d b y lo ca l su p p o rt fo r one h a lf the cost. T h e other h a lf w a s borne by a fe d e ra l a id p ro g ra m u n d er P u b lic L a w 815. T he g y m n a siu m and m u s ic a re a w a s added in 1957. In 1958, a c a fe te ria w a s co n stru cted d ire c tly behind the S en io r H ig h School. In 1966, the lib r a r y , team te a ch in g roo m and p h y s ics room addition w a s com pleted . T h o m a s C . C a r r , p rin c ip a l, d ire c ts the ed u ca tio n a l p ro g ra m fo r the 865 students. R o b e rt B a lle n g e r is the a ssista n t p rin c ip a l at S en ior H igh . T h e sophom ore c la s s is the la rg e st w ith 325 students e n ro lled . T h e re a re 285 students in the ju n io r c la s s and 255 students in the sen io r c la s s. R o lla S en io r H ig h School is fu lly a ccre d ite d and h as m et the hig h est sta n d a rd s set up by the N orth C e n tra l A sso cia tio n of C olleg es and S eco n d a ry S chools and the State D ep a rtm e n t of E d u ca tio n . R o lla H igh h as been a m e m b e r of the N orth C e n tra l A sso ciatio n sin ce 1923 and h as rep e a te d ly c la s s ifie d A A A , the highest c la s s ific a tio n a school ca n re ce iv e . T he fa c u lty and a d m in istra tio n re c e n tly adopted a p a ss -fa il option fo r ju n io rs and se n io rs to e n co u ra g e students to take co u rse s they a re in terested in w ithout je o p a rd iz in g g ra d e p o in t a v e ra g e . A t present, students a re
lim ite d to one co u rse p e r sem ester d u rin g the e a r ly stage of the p ro g ra m . R o lla S en io r H ig h o p erates on a s ix -p e rio d d a y w ith an “ o p en ” lu n ch period. C la ss e s begin at 8:50 a .m . and end at 3:30 pun. T h e A r e a V o c a t io n a l-T e c h n ic a l S ch o o l re c e n tly m oved into its new q u a rte rs on E a s t T en th Street. T he school w a s founded in 1967 to s e rv e an a re a w h ich in c lu d e s 12 high schools. P re s e n tly , n in e high schools a re sen ding students to R o lla . T he s ch o o l’s m ain p u rp o se is to g iv e e ach student a m a rk e ta b le sk ill. T h e p ro g ra m is a d m in iste re d by J a m e s R . Sm ith, d ire cto r. T h e school operates fro m 9 a.m . to 10 p.m . and is organized on a threeph a se s tru c tu re : 1) A s e c o n d a ry p ro g ra m to p re p a re students fo r en tra n ce into the w orld of w o rk upon g rad u a tio n . 2) A po st-seco n d a ry ph a se that o ffe rs f u ll tim e in stru ctio n to students who h a v e g ra d u a te d o r d rop ped but w ish fu rth e r tra in in g . 3) An a d u lt p ro g ra m fo r persons a lre a d y in the«work fo rce who w ish to u pg rad e th e ir s k ills o r p re p a re fo r a new job. A total of 459 students is enrolled fro m the nine high school d istricts . E n d of S erie s
CVM Nov. 13, 1972.
- 57 -
ROLLA15 CHURCHES 1947 - 1958 - 1972 « R |tatem ent.- In our Section fo r years 1933-1946, we lis t e d FIFTEEN o f R olla s old est churches, fo r which we had at le a s t SOlffi s ig n ific a n t record the f if t e e n were these: -----------------7th Day Advents Christian Science Elkins Chapel F irst Methodist Assembly o f God F ir s t Christian Episcopal Pre sbyte rian F ir s t Baptist Church of Christ Lat.Day Saints Union Mission Catholic Church o f God Luther an By September,- 1955, the fo llo w in g groups had been added - or (some o f them; had existed alongside the e a r lie r group, above. For these we have at le a s t SOME s ig n ific a n t fa c t s : P rim itive B aptist Second B aptist Lat. Day Saints (R eorg.j Ft.Nyman Bap t. Ridgeview Christian Church o f the Nazarine { Tabernacle11; Jewish United Pentecostal N°vembe_r_12., _42.72j the fo llo w in g other and la te r church groups were included in the complete ro s te r o f R o lla 1s churches. However, we have very l i t t l e data in regard to th e ir record. We include th eir names here fo r such value as the l i s t may have: A postolic Church of Jehovah's Witnesses Tenth Street Baptist the L ivin g God Parkview Missionary Bapt. Pentecostal Ch. o f God Calvary Assembly o f God Church of God, Holiness Rblla Bible Church F u ll Gospel Mission Salem Ave. Baptist Unitarian U niversalist In_the above order, in pages that fo llo w , we eith er add to the facts pre sented in the 1933-46 Section - or record such additional fa cts as our f i l e s include. We begin the d e t a il records as fo llo w s: Seventh ^Daj A d ven tists.- There is l i t t l e to add to the note included in the 1933-46 Section. The Dr. B.E.C. Slawson fam ily had removed to Pasadena, C a lif., and very few others remained in the group. A Mr. Ringo was one of the leaders during the 1947-58 period. Sometime about 1970, the l i t t l e chapel at 7th and Bishop was torn down to make way for Highway 63 widening, and for the ’’A rctic C irc le " sandwich shop.^ The group b u ilt a new church e d ific e on the side of Lecoma Road ( Hwy. "0 ” ), two or three hundred feet south o f the Hwy. 72-"0rr junction. Gary L. Gray is the pastor, as o f Octooer 20, 1972. R.J.Joy was pastor, 1954-1959. Assemb3_y_of God.- Located at S.E. corner of 17th and Oak streets. During period 1946-1953, the pastor was Rev. George H. Fry. On December 10,1953, he was suc ceeded by the Rev. Carl Roberts - who has been the church's e ffe c tiv e pastor to date ( Nov. 13, 1972). In i t s e a r lie r years, this group had met at 7th and Oak stree ts , but in A p ril, 1957, ground was broken for a handsome, commodious, n ic ely planned brick building - 30 x 54 fe e t in flo o r dimension. Membership consists of worthy, a c tiv e , in terested Christians. Firsjt Fajotisjt £hurch.- At 7th and Cedar s tre e ts . In 1945, this group com pleted i t s fin e yellow brick church e d ific e at northwest corner o f 7th and Cedar s tre e ts . In 1950, i t purchased the old Joseph Campbell block bounded by 8th and 9th, O live and Cedar stree ts , where it planned a complex o f two educational units and a new sanctuary. The f i r s t educational unit was started by ground breaking on Sunday, A p ril 7, 1957. I t s flo o r dimensions were 50 by 130.2 fe e t . This unit, called "A", was dedicated in March, 1958. I t had cost some $150,000. It s long side abutted and was p a r a lle l to the south lin e of 9th s tre e t. The second educational unit, "B", had flo o r dimensions of 50 by 120.6 fe e t . I t abutted and was p a r a lle l to the east lin e o f Olive s tr e e t. I t had ground, f i » s t , and second flo o r s , and 80,000 square fe e t o f flo o r space. I t s cost was some |262,249.00. Already completed, i t was dedicated on Sunday, February 4, 1962. The th ird unit o f the "horse-shoe shaped complex - the sanctuary - s t i l l remained to be constructed, as of Nov.13,1972.
CVM Nov.13, 1972.
- 58
( F ir s t B a p tist Church, c o n t . j .
Three pastors served tte F irst Baptist church fo r the oeriod Rw t v 1• i o ffic ia te d from Q c to h e r ,19! 3, to July, 1957 - the longest term held by’ an^ teciS ve n t\ u " r RnV' James ^ck n ey served from October, 1957, to July 1962 Rev 19?S
n 10011 ° Ver “
APt11’ 1963 - “ d L
"he p x - e s e r M it o r as .J '
In ^ Ch! r t e r membership in February, 1870, numbered SEVEN. ------In succeeding y ars i t numbered as fo llo w s : * * * 35° 1903 . . . 165 1945 . . . 585 1898 . . . 103 1914 . . . 293 1946 . . . 630 ^ U- L^-I - G- A^ OLIVE.- This was the SECOND church e d ific e o u ilt by the i i r s t B aptists. I t was erected in 1894, on the s ite o f the FIRST e d ific e destroyed by f i r e . When the 7th and Cedar stree t building was erected, the baptists sold the old building to an undertaking firm , which in turn sold i t J° af loI h®r church group. .Present w rite rs stood by as this old 1894 building Was completely destroyed by f i r e , the e a r ly evening of December 20, 1952.
CVM N ov. 11, 1972. Stj. Pat s Catholic_Church.- In November of 1941, Father Henry J. Lambert became tne pastor. He was unusually en ergetic and vigorous in promoting the w elfare o f his church, and was also a ctive in nis association witn the business men and Chamber o f Commerce o f Rolla . A fte r holding services fo r s ix years in the old o rig in a l building at 7th and o ate stre e ts , he perceived that - i f the church was to adequately serve the community - and e s p e c ia lly the School o f Mires student body - i t simoly had to nave expanded and improved f a c i l i t i e s . I n lin e wIhh th is thinking, a spacious building lo t immediately north of the School o f Mines Jacxling F ield was purchased. Highway 63 flanked i t on the north. ienna Road bounded i t on the east, and State street, extended, on the west, i t was a choice location , and had tte advantage o f close proxim ity to the ochooi o f Mine s . On th is tra c t the church, in 1947, constructed a handsome, g ra c e fu lly designed chui e d ific e , j.aced a t t r a c t iv e ly with Carthage limestone ( 'Carthage marble1*). The building was^dedicated on March 9th, 1947* The old ouilding, 7th and State, was sold to the Christian Science church. To match the style of the new church’ there nad t o De a new recto ry . This was of two story design, also faced with Carthage marble. I t was located just back o f (east; o f; the church. I t was completed during the 1950 's . Moving o f the church to the new lo c a tio n made i t desirable to also move the Parisn School and the home fo r tte teachers - the "Convent". I t was thus that, close to tne time tne new cnurcn was b u ilt, a handsome two-story convent building was erected on the former Herman B arfeld residence lo t - immediately nortn and across Highway 63 from the church e d ific e . There had also to be new quarters fo r the darish School. This was planned fo r and b u ilt in the area s t i l l unoccupied to the east o f church and rectory. The school Duiiding is of one-story design, with floor dimensions of ________ by __fe e t . I t has rooms fo r the f i r s t eig h t grades o f elementary education. With these Dumldings on the lo t , there yet remained ample room fo r pupil P laygr °unds. Dr. C .7.Mann, one o f present w riters, who had already made essen tia l surveys and/or plans fo r s ix other R olla cnurvnes, had tne p riv ile g e o f also serving THIS church by la yin g out building l o t lin e s , and making the topographic survey and res u ltin g p la t o f tte grounds. I t was nis p r iv ile g e to become w e ll acquainted with Father Lambert. Father Lambert's pastorate ended in January o f 1953* From then u n til May o f 1962 , Father Gerald J. Kaiser was pastor. He was concerned, among other things, with developing the program fo r tte new headquarters, including the school program. But there was no spectacular development such had characterized the Lambert adm inistration. In May, 1962, Father Kaiser was succeeded by Father Thomas D. Sullivan, _____ , *4^69-• He was then succeeded by Father William who served u n til £i. Ludwig, who served u n til his successor, Father Fred Elskamp, took over on July 15, 1972. With Father Elskamp, Father Donald Lammers served as U.M.R. campus associate, and. fa th er Thomas Gray as hospital associate. In closin g th is sketch, we note that the Parish School and Convent project was completed, and dedicated on Sunday, Sept. 4, 1955- I t had cost $160,000. We note also that former pastor, Father S.P. Stocking died on June 19, 1957, at P o rta g e v ille , Mo.
CVM N ov. 13, 1972.
60 -
C hristian Science Church.- There is H t f i o , , our 1933-46 Section. The~group c o n tin u e d ^ o ^ J . 1 m aterial contained in at SE corner 7th and State s tre e ts - which i t b , in tde ° i d oath ollc church e d ific e Mrs. Pete Moulder_ C nee Roberta Freeman; a ^ d ^ ^ 1 ^ “ “ th is group had lu fflr e d ^ o s s o ^ c h u r c h ^ d ifte e s ^ r iw ^ S e D 1 "1 £reJ.ious Sections, lo t , the S.E. corner of 8th and Main „3n seParate f i r e s on the same started by construction of the basement which was f t ?re3ent e d ific e was For some tiite tte congregation mS there 4 ) completed on August 17, 1947. (Nov.13,1972) was already oompieted, a n d ''w a s d e d S S L T o n ^ ^ “ ^ 9 5 ^ “ ’ j.
Main s t 4 S , “ and t o / h e ’ s c u t t i^ r t h bUi l t u undue disaster to th is6church ! 4 “ durina
"educational’’ unit flanking T ” 3 t0 hOTe dealt
The pastors who served the church dn-H no- -t-ho in m co • ■, / were these: 1947-1950 . . . Grant Cowan....... .T 1950 t o ±955 ^ 1^ 1 ^ 7 ^ ° ^ 972) ay> 1955 to august, 1965 , Charles A. Willbanks (R ev.; . . . and Feb 1966°to present date (Nov.13,1972), Rev. Henry B. P ra tt. ana t e b . , 1966 to A? me
hurc^ o f C h r is t.- This group was f i r s t organized about 1941 and then dieGtlekamP> m in ister. i V f i r s t met in the Knights of Pythias" l 9i t ^ u i l t ° i t s dnew^ramedCb u i l d ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 7 thr a n d t a t e
sometime'r aboutS19 68 ^
u n til
T ^ e T ^ ld ’ S d ifi!: e °n Hlghway E ~ or’ two n u n d k d W t north o ^ p S t e e n t h ‘street Th bu ildin g and property there cost approximately 41 s '' ). his church does not use the term "pastor" - DOES u^steftenister" Those whn have served th is church as m inisters include these: T•“ i-i€ s l i 0 Diestelkamp FGx*x*sst M, 2 . - Leon Edmonds 6 .of leuchemia) 3. - A.P. O liv e r 7 .- ailEsh'ow ” (as o f N o v .'ll ; 4 . - Jerry Jones Luther W. Martin came to R olla i n ^ 4 9 , and preached for the on a month - fo r two years, 1949-195U. Mp^'Martin has furnished the fo re g Church_of God.- Located at N.E. corner o f 4th and Olive s tre e ts . bu ilding.
Nov. 22, 1972.
6 0(a) -
-6 0 ( a ) -
The Church Of C h ris t.- This group was f i r s t ca lled together by Mr. L e s lie Diestelkamp, and organized as a church, in 1941- I t was composed of le s s than a dozen members. The R olla K.P. H all was the meeting place. Mr. Robert Copeland, of R olla, taught the f i r s t B ible study class. From th is beginning, in 1941, on up to August, 1941, various m inisters from nearby areas preached at times when they were availab.e Ysfhen Mr. Luther Martin moved to R olla, and with partners Mitchum and Wrn Burkhwnd in 1947 (1949 ? ), he began preaching fo r the church, and continued to do so u n til about the middle o f 1949 * Me then began to preach for other small congregations in the south cen tral Missouri area. Those who had preceded him included L e s lie Diestelkamp — Ted Sewell — Creth Mitchum — and George L igh t. In 1948, the group purchased a small residence at F ir s t and Main streets, and converted i t in to a meeting place. Luther Martin preached here u n til middle of 1949, as stated above,- when George Light assumed the pu lpit fo r several months. He was follow ed by Forrest Magness, who came in the spring of 1950* and stayed through 1950 and 1951- During 1952, 1953, and e a rly 1954, D.L.Lewis, B i l l Smith, and Georgs Ligh t took turns in preaching. In May, 1954, the group moved in to a new building which i t had b u ilt at corner o f 7th and State s tre e ts , opposite ( west of ) the old Catholic church. Here, Herb Light continued to preach u n til December, 1954, when the f i r s t fu ll-tim e m inister, Leon Edwards, cane. He stayed u n til July 1, 1955* A.T. O live r came on July 1, 1955, and stayed u n til January 8, 1956, when ( on January 22, 1956 ) M.A. Mansur came. Mr. Mansur re tire d in July, 1959, and Mr. A.T. O liver returned ( July 7, 1959) and remained u n til December 31,1963Jerry Jones came in January, 1964, and l e f t in August, 1966. Wayne Davis came on September 4, 1966. In October, 1967 , he learned that he haa cancer — buo he continued to preach u n til no longer able to continue. A rlin Hendrix came about the middle o f A p ril, 1968 - taking over ju st a few weeks before Wayne Davis died, June 19, 1968. Mr. A rlin preached u n til September 1, 1968, when he was succeeded by Mr. B i l l Snow, who is s t i l l pastor as this is w ritten (Nov .22,1972). By the la s t week of March, 1966, the congregation had completed a handsome new church e d ific e on the west side of Nagogami Road ( Route "E "), one or two hundred fe e t north of the center lin e o f 14th street, extended « e s . . F ir s t meetings in i t were held at that t in e . The e d ific e was dedicated on May 8, 19b6. Seven Hundred and fourteen persons were present at the dedication. From the "le s s than a dozen" group o f 1941, the congregation has increased to seme three hundred as of present date ( November 22, 1972). ( NOTE: Most o f the above is the work of Mr. and Mrs. Junior Mace, and^ o f Mrs. L ois M. Brown, who is the church secretary. Our many thanks fo r a nice sketch.— CV and BH Mann. Nov.22,1972). o
6 0 .b
The R o lla Church o f C hrist f i r s t began meeting in the K. P. H all in 1941 with le s s than a dozen members.
Mr. Robert Copeland o f R olla
taught the f i r s t B ible study cla ss. Various gospel m inisters from the nearby areas preached as they were a va ila b le between 1941 and August 1947 when Luther Martin moved to R olla with Radio Station KTTR, and began preaching. m inisters were:
Those a vailab le
L e s lie Diestelkamp, Ted Sewell, Creth Mitchem and
George L ig h t. In 1948 they purchased a small residence at F ir s t and Main Streets and converted i t in to a meeting place. u n til about the middle o f 1949*
Luther continued to preach
He than began preaching fo r other
small congregations in the central Missouri area.
George Light
preached fo r several months and Forrest Magness came in the spring o f 1950*
He stayed through 1950 and 1951*
D. L. Lewis, B i l l Smith
and George Light took turns preaching in 1952 and 1953, also early 1954. They then moved into a new building at 7th and State Streets in May, 1954.
Herb Knight continued u n til December 1954 when the f i r s t
fu ll-tim e m inister, Leon Edmonds, came. 1955.
He stayed u n til July 1,
T. O live r came July 1, 1955 and stayed u n til January
8 , 1956 when M. A. Mansur came (on January 22, 1956).
He re tire d
i'n July 1959 and A. T. O live r returned July 7, 1959, staying u n til December 31, 1963. J erry Jones came in January 1964 and l e f t in August 1966. Davis came on September 4, 1966 .
Ih October 196? he learned he
had cancer but continued to preach u n til he was no longer able to continue.
A rlin Hendrix came ju st a few weeks before Wayne
died on June 19, 1968. A p r il).
(A r lin came approximately the middle o f
He preached u n til September 1, 1968 when the present
m in ister, B i l l Snow came.
The present bu ildin g on Nagogami Road was completed and moved into the la s t week in March, 1966. on May 8 , 1966.
714 were present at the dedication
Present membership around 300
take several days fo r an up-to-date count).
(would have to
GQ.c -
November 21, 1972
Up u n til about 1956, no o f f i c i a l records o f the R olla Church o f Christ were kept. short n o tic e .
However, we have done the best we can on
This has spurred us on to attempting to compile
a very complete h is to ry which w i l l , no doubt, take a year or so because o f the many people to be contacted.
We w ill be delighted
to g ive you as many copies as you lik e when that is completed.
In c id e n ta lly , we do not use the term "Reverend" as we fe e l only the Lord is worthy o f th at.
F eel fre e to c a ll us anytime you lik e .
Mrs. Lois M. Brown 364-4621 (Work) 364-4977 (Home)
CVM Nov. 16,1 9 7 2
- 61 -
S-r_ CHURCH OF GOD. - Located at ME corner of 4th and O live e d ific e , b u ilt in _______________ 19
Good brick
°® Pa|t o r =; 1945-48, M.L. Tate ( l e f t In Sept., 1948). Rowland ' “ ReV' Tate> W 5 ( or l a t e r ) . . . . Leon’ ^ serving, 19 o l -62 ( \ s . B ik„e r was Lee J. Vitzthum is pastor. He began serving on 19 * ^72, 9 .- ELKIN3_CHAPEL _( 2nd Un._ M eth od ist).- N.J. Cor. 1st and Elm. This s?roun from the 1880's, was a NEGRO congregation. I t continued as such u n til 19- 7 ’ / he" " he gen®r a l Methodist Missouri conference changed th is dispensation to ’ include white people and_m inisters. As o f that date, the name "Elkins" was changed to Second United Methodist Church o f R o lla ". Under that status, and with the aia of chool oi Mines students and professors and members o f the F ir s t Meth. church, the pastor, during 19---- ( Rev. Clarence B. K e ll) b u ilt a modest Sunday School and s o c ia l u n iso n the lo t , _to the north of the o rig in a l building. Rev. a e ll was carpenter-m inister, and did most o f the carpenter work him self. As fo r pasters, in 1945^ and in other years, J. Blaine Walker was the negro pastor. In December, 1955, W.L. Brewer was pastor; and in February, 1962 H.b. Montgomery wqs serving. ’ ,, ------- I ------- 7? — to ----------------- > !96__ , Rev. Clarence B. K e ll was the (w hite; pastor. He was follow ed ( ____________ , 19___ ) by Rev. Alvin Gibbs, who is pastor as o f November, 1972 . Other interim pastors, i f any, were these:
10.- CHRIST CHURCH EPISCOPAL.- N.E. corner 10th and Main stree ts . In ea rly August, 1950 - having planned fo r a new church - the old wood frame building of 1882 was torn down by the Paulus Construction company, who had the contract for erectin g the new b u ild in g. Ground fo r i t was broken on August 27, 1950 . The main flo o r measured 47 x 74 fe e t . The tower vestibu le measured 11 x 20 fe e t. The old parish house, alongside - a wood frame structure - was covered with brick veneer. The whole p ro je c t was fin ish ed in 1951 - but not dedicated u n til June 14, 1956.^ A bequest o f $50,000 from the estate o f W illiam Rucker, son o f the former Miss L u lie James ( Mrs. A lex Rucker), enabled the p roject to be financed. In March, 1966 , a commodious extension o f the old Parish house - to i t s north was completed. And in June, 1958, under terms o f the w i ll o f Mrs. H arriet Forbes, the nice b rick parsonage, S.E. corner 9th and State, became church property. As fo r pastors ( "re c to rs '0 , Rev. Oral V. Jackson took charge the spring of 1931. He served u n til March 15, 1961, when his successor - Rev. Joseph W. Carlo became Rector. Rev. Carlo is s t i l l pastor, as of November 14, 1972 .
11.- CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST. LATTER DAY SAINTS.- ( The "not re-organized" groupie Our record states that the f i r s t convening o f this group in R olla took place sometime about October, 1947. At that time, i t was meeting at the C ity H a ll. "Elder" E. Preston Hyatt was "superintendent". We have no further item u n til February, 1956, when i t was meeting at some station on "Edgar Star Route", on Hwy. 63 south......... Then, fo llo w in g the in tegration o f negro students in to the Rolla public schools ( June 10 , 1954 ), th is group ( _______________ , 19___ ) took over the former "Lincoln" negro school house, N.E. corner F irst and Pine streets. This i s it s present (1972) loca tion . As fo r pastors, "E lders", or leaders, Dr. Robert Russell, professor at U.M.R., has been, and is , the p rin cip a l lea d er.
CVM N o v.16, 1972
- 62 -
— BS.y7.pH CJ JESUS CHRIST, LATTER DAY SAINTS (Reorganized) . - Our f i r s t record fo r th is group in dicates that, as of February, 1954, i t was meeting at a residence or sta tion at 1801 Vichy Road. But as of _________________ I 955 it had erected a nice church e d ific e on a l o t abutting Highway 72 at SoutUview’ Ave. s T°r pastors, or "E lders", Elder Marvin Peterson served as such from December, 1955, to (a t le a s t; February, 1962. As o f November 14 , 1972, Elder Robert D. la lb e r t (bishop) is pastor. Other pastors, i f any, are these: Dec. 23, 1954 . . . Eld. Clarence Reed Klein __________________ Howard D. Christiansen. Ground was broken for the new church on Hwy. 72 on A p ril 27, 1955. 11 .- IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH. - As o f 1947, this group was located at S.E. corner o f 12th and Spring stre e ts . A very modest brick structure. As o f March 30 1955, the church was ra is in g some $60,000 with which to erect a new church e d ific e at N.V'J. corner KDth and Spring Ave., and to also build a Parish Schoolhouse at S.-lj. corner o f 11th and Poole Ave. The new e d ific e had been completed, and was dedicated on Sunday, May 18, 1958. Ground had been broken on May 5, 1957 . As for pastors, the Rev. G.B. Seager, here in November, 1945, resigned in October, 1947•• • The Rev. norman o. Ellerman served from Jan. 4, 1948 u n til January o f 1949 ( or l a t e r ) . Rev. W illiam J. Frederichs took over in October, 1949, and was here as la te as January, 1967 . By 1971 , Rev. Howard R. Hilsebeck had replaced Rev. Fredericks. He is s t i l l pastor, as of Nov. 14 , 1972. Other pastors who served are these:
14.- FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH. - Located on block bounded by 8th and 9th, Main and Hark s t r e e ts ......... As e a r ly as 1952, this group started a crusade to raise at le a s t $80,000 fo r building a new church e d ific e . As of June, 1954, i t had purchased a l o t midway between 8th and 9th streets, and across Main street from the old church - whereunto to remove the church parsonage b u ilt in 1924. This was accomplished, in 1955. For the new e d ific e , an o f f i c i a l church group acted as "general contractor". I t employed contractor Coy Marlowe to d ire c t construction operations. Construction began in September, 1955- The corner stone was la id and dedicated on Sunday, May20, 1956. The bu ildin g was dedicated on November 11, 1956. A part o f the project was the renovation o f the old part o f the church, addi/ng kitchen room and con vertin g the old sanctuary in to a "fellow sh ip room". The new e d ific e , proper, cost around $195,206.00. The e n tire p ro je c t cost $254,104.53. Church budgets, which tota led about $5,000 per annum in 1924, had increased to $39, 424.00 fo r the 1962-63 year the operating budget, not including building fund, has oeen set at some $75 , 300. 00. Church assets, as of June, 1962 , amounted to some $407,190.85/ The pastors who have served during this period are these: Conference year runs from June 1 o f f i r s t year to May 31, of second year. Pastors changed during f i r s t or second week in June. 1944 - 51 . . . Rev. Ralph Hicks 1 9 5 1 - 5 7 ....... Rev. Walter N iles 1957-59 ........Rev. Lee Soxman ( l e f t because of p a ralysis) 1959-June,1966 . .Elbridge W. B artley June, 1966 -June, 1970,Rev. George W. Heslar June, 1970 - date (Nov.14,1972) .. Rev. Marvin F o rte l. ( SEE NEST PAGE )
CM .
N o v.16, 1972.
- 63 -
the E.D. Williams es ta te . l i l i e s on tte r f ' 6 tr&Ct ° arved from fe e t east o f Holloway Avenue. I t is a mmn iff d ° f Ea?fc Ten^h stre e t, some 500 tuary, educational classrooms kitchen office* COm91®^> including spacious saneIn 1970 or 1971, lig h tn in g ^ which was ig n ited and burned. Heavy rain e n f ^ n 0 ? J dght a t° P ^ Sanctuary, flo o r The new coMplex ^ d“ « “ ‘ “ d been
featu rin E Handel's "MESSIAH" have
Port Leonard Wo^od o h ^ ^ i r e c t d ^ l . T l c h ^ d ^ r d S f T directed by U.M.R. P ro f. David L. Oakley carried ont S i S ? H olla Orchestra, notable. The "Messiah" has been presented two or three tim e ^ in th is church since The church observed i t s hundredth anniversary on May 15 1964 * PM U t o S Jt e ° S O c t o b L ^1945q r S He served theS6: ReV‘ continuously °* Sc° U Porter ithe oSP Ocuober, th erea fter u n tilassumed Mav Rutledye!” r e t lr e d * His successor, the present (1972) pastor, was Rev. "Warren ----- :------------------ — .iust a b ^ e j f T UNITSD FiETH0DIST (co n t*^ . - . ( ( I n s e r t above ( 1 5 .- Presbyterian) fhP p0n« f a? tS ’ a -9? ’ . Dr’t.and Mrs* C;Lair v * Mann GomP leted a 64-page h istory of the F irs t Methodist -hurch. A copy was placed in the corner stone receptacle on that date, as part o f the dedication ceremonies. . . . In 1961, a shorter 6x9 story o f 20 pages was w ritten by Mrs. Winona ( Mrs Kent) Roberts. I t was an ' abstract of the ’ Mann" h istory, with additions to bring i t down to date. I t also contained photographs o f many o f the m inisters. The Methodists were saddened by two separate losses o f farmer m inisters. Un May 4 , 1953, the Rev. and Mrs Gerald Harris ( former presiding eld er) were k xlles when a ra ilroa d tra in crashed in to th e ir car as they attempted to cross -head o f the tra in . ^ This was near Chaffee, on the Frisco railroa d . . . . Then in 1959, Rev. Harry P. Hunter, a ft e r v is it in g in S t e e lv ille , Mo., was on his way home to the V in ita Park church, St .Louis - when he died as his (fiffiffl| (th ird ) w ife drove the auto. - < --------------------- 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 We now take up the h is to r ic sketches of a SECOND group o f R olla churches, which were n eith er so large in congregation, nor in community a c t iv it y as the* preceding FIFTEEN - although altogeth er worthy. Their organizations, mostly, were much la te r than the foregoing fif t e e n . 1 6 .- PRIMITIVE BAPTIST.- This organization is one o f the oldest in Phelps County, having been a c tiv e in the Newburg area as e a rly as 1830. But in Rolla, i t had had no church bu ildin g u n til i t erected the modest wood frame chapel on South Highway 63, opposite the Central Missouri Fair Grounds. This e d ific e was b u ilt on or about _________________ , 19____ . Our record of 1955 shows that Walter L. Bradford (sometime county clerk and also R olla c it y clerk and treasurer) was the p rin cip al leader - the "Elder" during his la te life tim e , 1955 on......... As of Nov. 14, 1972, A tley Sapp is "Elder". Other pastors, i f any, are these:
Nov. 16,1972.
- 64 -
I7.»- PORT-J'iXilAN TABERNACLE CHURCH.- On Fort Wyman Road, midway between Hwy. 63 ( °n the west) and R o lla Cemetery Road ( on e a s t). This group s p lit o f f from the F irst Bapt i s t Church, and organized o n ____________ , 19 ____ . Its modest wood frame bu ildin g was erected in 19____ , at a cost o f sane $_______________. Our l i s t o f pastors is incomplete. I t was active as ea rly as 1952. In December, 1955, R o lla R. Schrimpsher was serving as pastor. Harry Foley Wa.s serving as o f February, 1962. And as of Nov. 14, 1972, George Scantlin is pastor. Others who served, i f any, are these:
18.- SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH. - Located at 902 Arkansas Avenue, abutting south stre e t lin e . A modest wood frame structure. B u ilt in 19....... .......... cost $_______ Our record o f pastors is incomplete. A.M. ("Mark") Heavin was there as o f December, 1955 - and as la te as February, 1962......... Hugh Shultz was pastor in 1971- 4s of Nov. 14, 1972, L.M. White is pastor. Others, i f any, are these:
19.- S LEM AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH. - In 1972, located on north side of Highway 72, some 300 fe e t or more east o f the junction of Routes 72 and "0" (Lecoma Road). This group was fo stered by the F irst ba p tis t church, Some of it s e a rly meetings were held at 15 R olla Gardens. In 1962, fo r a time, i t met in Carpenters H all, on we st side o f Salem Avenue & Hwy 72, several hundred fe e t southeast of the Salem Ave-Hwy 72 junction. On or about ______________, 196___ , the group b u ilt a nice brick e d ific e on the l o t f i r s t described above. Our record o f pastors is incomplete. As of February, 1962, Ray S. Kinder was pastor - and far some time th e re a fte r. As of November 14, 1972, Herbert Jukes is pastor. Any others who served can be lis t e d below:
20.- RIDGEVIEW CHRISTIAN CHURCH.- This is an offsh oot o f the F irst Christian Church. I t is located at the N.E. corner of Walker and Bland Avenue. The e d ific e is a handsome wood frame structure, b u ilt in 19______ f at a cost of some $________ . As far so many other groups, our l i s t of pastors is incomplete. Rev. Max Copeland served from May, 1952, u n til December, 1955 ( or la te r, . Rev. Jack Taylor was pastor, as o f February, 1962. As of November 14, 1972, Rev. Dale Wands is pastor. Others Who served ( i f any) are lis t e d below: (a ) Chester Williamson served, 1951 (Feb.) to May, 1952.
21.- THE UNION MISSION. - This group in 19____ b u ilt a small wood e d ific e at the N . E . corner o f 3rd and Oak s tr e e ts . I t had a succession o f pastors. I t seems to have given place to (23) the United Pentecostal - which m 1972 occupies the 3rd and 0ak building. Pastors #10 served can be hamed la te r (below)
CVM N o v .16, 1972.
- 65 -
existed in K olia
H .ffe r t served.
r fo o ir L S e l^ fn - ^ b F u ly ^ fi “ h A s^l
fo m e r^Tocation a seo: s
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and J ^ u ^ 9 4 9 / ^ E ! l y e S a » l n l s ? 4 " 3T ^ f eTndent"- , i l ° f h^ > « 4 8 , ( Nov. 14, 1972), Daniel R S 4 h L ^ e ^ a s W “ ary’ i96?’ d° " n t0 date
nf Rnf r ~ ™E F0Uj0VI1' G F0URTESN CHURCHES, our information - gleaned from issues g r o ! ™ s o prmuch r smaller ss let e i than r ? ° nithed i fj ierct e !st e e n o f our l i s t - and manv at-p groups areS also s ot rifif these group-. am° nS 1 3 re lig io u s groups. We have, at lea st, a lis t in g for -
ASS^iiBLY OF CHRIST. - Address, as given in December, 1968, is 600 North o r lg in a l Pre3byterian °b" rah We do not have names o f any o f tte pasters.
s l
. -2d" ~ CALVARY ASSEMBLY OF GOD. - This group meets at a station east o f and adjoining the Oak Park T ra ile r Court. This is on north side of a county road n lcd l olns Highway 63 to R o lla s tre e t (south). The road is about midway between . a r k Terrace Cemetery and Central Mo. Fair Grounds, and the Oak Park T ra ile r Court is roughly h a lf way between Highway 63 and R olla S tre e t. As fe r pastors, we have but one entry: As o f Nov. 14, 1972, Glynn Smith is pastor.
26.- CHURCH OF GOD, HOLINESS.- This church building is outside R olla c it y lim its , and south o f (b e y o n d )tte Bray stone quarry, at in tersection o f Point B lu ff road with Highway 63 . As o f February, 1962, and November, 1972, Reba Sweetin is the pastor-leader.
27.- ftULL GOSPEL MISSION.- This group meets at a station some 300 fe e t north of the junction of Routes "E" (Nagogami Road) and "Y" (Camp Creek Road). I t abuts Route "HH", the North Spring Creek road. For some time past, th is group has been led by pastor W.M. Nash, l e is s t i l l the pastor, as o f November-; 14, 1972 .
N o v .18, 1972.
- 66 -
28.- FULL GOSPEL r.HimriW fDnwntnmnl , ., where, our record places i t in the old (189/) F irs f ^as Previously meeting e ls e S.E. corner o f 7th and O live ifw a s ] B* p t ls t C$Urch e d ific e at the building was t o t a lly destroyed by f i r e . ^ ™ 6n’ ° n December 20> 1952, and u ^ t llPj f n u S 3 4 9 A 9 =7 4 N 3 4 continned u n til (he
J° | ^ w- Smith was the pastor in A p ril, 1948, ^
" 9 * df hQ/AH' s CHESSES,.- Before constructing a new buildinv on Fort Wyman H all, aouttang west lin e of Hij^way 63, this group met in a m o S ( e s i S n c ! Z ( l d s o (th "o f th e 0F?isoodm 1 T>n’ p anklng ®aSt l i M ° f L £ N ^ m ( e r f S ?2 ° VerPaS3' The F° r t
63 » * ° r t distance h i l l s it e is the location
. nJ^eSp°fwno leaders or pastors have been published in the advertisements d istrib u te^ eh n v-vf 1 new®Paf 5r?» or the telephone d ire c to rie s . Youthful members d istrib u te Jehovah pamphlets in dor-to-door v is it s across town.
30,«- Parkview Mission B a p tis t.- This group is located on Highway 63 , south, near Route "C". We have but one item - as of'November, 1972, Austin Mi ssey is pastor.
31.- PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD. - Advertisements do not show location of this church. As o f November 14, 1972, V i r g i l Cooper is pastor.
22.- ROLLA BIBLE CHURCH.— As of November 14, 1972, this group meets in the old Lutheran brick bu ildin g a t S.E. corner of 12th St. and Spring Avenue. As of November 14, 1972, J.C. Kammerer is pastor.
33.- TENTH STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. - Present location is at 1111 East Tenth S t., °n north lin e o f East Tenth s tre e t, i t has been b u ilt there during the la s t two years - since the AFORUM ADDITION" was p la tte d ......... As of Nov. 14, 1972, Dane Ruff is pastor. 34.- UNITARIAN-UNIVERSALIST.- Since 1971, this group has met on second flo o r of the W. J .Asher bu ilding, N.E. corner 7th and Pine streets. As of November 14,1972, Barbara Levine serves as leader, or paster.
35 .- APOSTOLIC CHURCH o f THE LIVING GOD.- S p ecific location not advertised but on old Rolla-St.James road east o f town. As of November 14,1972, (Bishop) Paul Ross is pastor.
N o v .18, 1972.
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36.- JEWISH GROUP.- The meeting place fo r this group, as advertised from December o f 1955 to February, 1962, was at the United Service Organization o ffic e ( 7th & R olla, also 8th & R olla s tr e e ts ). I t has not published the names of any of i t s leaders.
February J SAPTIS'r CHIWCH. - We haye but one entry fo r th is group. As o f 7/zn t r ^ana d rto.l_.la R oll^ sstreets j 6*1"s8A. Thompson “ eond-floor, tre e ts*,3 “ lame was pastor.Knighys of Pythias Hall, - o - o - o - o - o AND THUS WE END OUR SKETCH HISTORIES OF ROLLA*S THIRTY-SEVEN CHURCHES as they existed on November 14, 1972. We regret the imcompleteness of man^of the records, but we have at fea st given a glimpse of the relig io u s leadership in R olla fo r the period from 1947 through 1958 and on to 1972.
dVM Feb. 23, 1973 (1947-19 58)_____/
68 -
STATE AGENCIES QUARTERED IN RDT.T.A 1 .— MISSOURI GEOLOGICAL SURVEY & WATER • a d iv is io n o f the Missouri Deni ^ r • LK RCS0URGEf *7 Thls agency, nominally created in 1853. In 1889 i t L , h usin®ss and Administration, was o r ig in a lly -as removed to th . "ampS o f E s s o u r f 4 Y T 4 7 Jerferson C ity. In 1901 i t purchased the f o r m e r T E o B u iS n e 4 7 ° ° f “ ineS' In 1946> the 3tate Serven asd h e .Sarvey ,s hone ft-cm then u n t ilJ u n e E f I T b Z ^ R°l l a StreetS> " hloh
building c o E s S u c L d ^ o n 'p E r o 'fE E 4 d. Carthage marble-faced one-story the west lin e o f Fair Ground Road in Yhp0lmtf I‘a in .Grouncis’ on a lofc which abuts o f Sec. 10 ( T . 3 7 - 8 ) ( t S s I s S i r o a d R t l o E 7 / ‘ 4 f 4 ° f SE* ° f ^ o ffic e s , a spectacular geologic.-,! V f , , ! fc * V 9 } ' Here nas it s o f f i c i a l and s c ie n t ific la b o ra to rie s . u» a good lobrary, and narious map-making I
( 1 ) S tu d ie irS d f c t i v i t i l s ~ L a^ te te °ie o lo “ - 1— ,general categories or branches: and records o f both surface and eroufd a^ , ,imlnin? operations; (2 ) Studie w ells, and fo r mineral prospecting• ( 3 ) The ao" d ltlo n s > including borings for making o f general to p o g ^ a p h i^ a S V s L ^ V T V T - W f or> and the actual d ivision s therpnf Thi a , . 9 pecif_ued public land townships or sub— fu ^ e y ( 4) I t u d i e s ^ " ith U: S' "e o lo g io a l dam and r e s e rv o ir inspections sub 1 Engineering Geology, including tireU4 4 ” t i etCl
* 1 * bhd d is s e s E ia tio E o f ^ u d J I s ^ d E f t e ^ T
roSeieEf £ pEt^4 E ^ r tr s ^ b S E ™ r “
"D ire ^ o r^ U“ VfhospC~h~f hA" S i iSj r“ t ^V£headquartered in R olla, is the m V 5hPse who have held th ls P °st s ince 1901 are these: R o ll* H .
F r»
h° ld ^ ° m C e a ft e r U = * ■ “ “ >' HenrY Andrew Buehler. Served continuously from May 1908 u n til ( S V h^ ’ hV ° f hlS death’ HiS sala^v was $5,000 per annunw* 1 . V V , ef ™as succeeded by Dr. Edward L. Clark, who served from
S a E b f 944’, 40 - 4 e 19?5' He thBn resi3ned to J °ia in ’ the n f t C E - S e h ^ S pmnidepo^-*-ts o f uranium, and went to Colorado. During his time, the Survey ad 33 employees. His salary, on date of resignation, was #7,000 per annum. 14J as of June 23, 1955, Dr. Thomas R. Beveridge became Dr. Clark's succes sor, at a beginning salary o f #9,000 per annum. He continued to serve u n til august 31, 1964, when he resigned to head the Department o f Geology at U niversity o f Missouri, R o lla . At that tin e , the Survey had 38 employees. ^ (5 ) On September 1, 1964, Dr. W illiam C. Hayes, J r., replaced Dr. Beveridge as d ire cto r, at a salary of ,913,000 per annum. Dr. Hayes served as d ire cto r u n til August 31, 1971, when he resigned to enter p rivate p ra ctice. He was the f i r s t o f "3® Stf t e g e o lo g is ts to receive le g is la t iv e " e x - o ffic io " designation as one o f the tiVE d ire c to rs o f tte Missouri State Land Survey Authority. (6 ) On September 1, 1971, Dr. Wallace Howe was appointed state g eo lo g is t in Jr. Hayes' place. As of February 23, 1973, he remains in that post, and is also one o f tte fiv e d ire c to rs o f the State Land Survey Authority. oi n_All_Recent Years, the State G eologist has been an e x - o ff ic io member o f the State Highway Commission. Since the State Land Survey Authority was created in I 969, and begun operations in November of 1971, the State G eologist has been the " e x - o f fic io " member o f the five-member Authority Board. A s _ fo r_ s ta ff - in 1912, under Chief Buehler, i t consisted o f three geologists, plus Miss Eva H ird ler Green as ch ief clerk, and Miss Gertrude Stimson as steno grapher......... as o f February, 1967, besides the D irector and Assistant Director, and the adm inistration secretary - there were 16 g eo lo g is ts .. 2 draftsmen .. 2 laooratory assistants .. 1 lap. supervisor .. 1 chemist .. 8 typ ists .. 2 steno graphers - 1 accountant .. 1 supervisor o f buildings and grounds .. and 2 mainte nance men — a Tj TAL o f THIRTY-EIGHT employees. In 1908 the g e o lo g is t's salary was #5,000 per annum.
In 1967 i t was #13,000.
CVM Feb. 23, 1973 (1947-58)
- 69 -
MISSOURI STATE HIGHWAY D4P.YRTM'K]YfT , . Uepar t nent . - This agency, during the 1947-58 period had i t s p rin cip a l effa ce in J effera J * C i t y . . . . I t maintains a " D iv is iS 8" o ffic e xn p n n g fie ld . Under th is, i t had, u n til 1972 , a lo c a l R olla o ffic e fo r engiRoadinSInPi97210th is Po f f ^ e *** StatG G eological Survey building, on Fair Ground Road, in 1972, th is o ffic e was removed to Lebanon. However, the S ta te's hishwav maintenance crew, with i t s trucks and graders, remained at th is place in L l 2 and xn charge o f a lo c a l highway maintenance supervisor. ’ -Darf? S both o f the State-U .S. routes through R olla - 66 arri 63 JV p l y usad tbe same location - beginning at Northwye, running thence past the old ennant Hotel and the Tavern, thence to 14th and Bishop Avenue and" fin a l l y to the parting junction at Kingshighway ard Bishop Avenue. . .
.. AonAF ^ 7 PV S ™ere matured fco widen the stretch o f Highway 66 'West - from widened6to e tt , °a n T tJ Fairground ° l d 60- fo o t righ t-of-w ay w.s widened to J70Cfe ie e and the ^roadway paved Road* with asphalt. T. . . , I L ^ ? 5° ’ nthe1P° r t ion o f Highway 66 from Buehler Park on west - to and beyond S reS^ Wldened> re-loca ted somewhat, and paved with concrete, ine L i t t l e Beaver bridge was constructed. As o f A p ril, 1952, the State had matured plans to construct the Highway 66 uy-pass around north R o lla - from the old Pennant Hotel ( now Carney Manor) to the west slope o f Fai r Ground H ill. Protests from R o lla c itize n s , fearin g loss o f business, were o f no a v a il. As o f A p ril 15, 1954, the highway bridge near Pennant H otel - over the deep cut - was being in s ta lle d . This new by-pass route was opened by ribbon cu tting on October 22, 1954. Grade and route separation structures on the west slope o f Fair Ground H i l l were included. This was a "fou rlane" f a c i l i t y . As o f August,, 1958, the overpass and approaches from the 14th street cros sing to t'agogami Road ( Route "E") were being planned, and were soon in place. In May, 1954 , the State took over the county's road on East 10th stree t, naming i t "Route BB". Plans were matured fo r extending this route into the down-town area, crossing the F risco ra ilroa d with a bridge at 10th s tre e t. The C ity of R o lla was to pay a share o f the cost o f the overpass p roject, but the Rolla e le c to ra te reje cted the deal in an e le c tio n held on ______________ _ 19__ . As of November 18, 1972, a new set of plans was in process o f completion. The State decided to construct the p roject, notwithstanding protests. By February 21, 1973, i t had taken possession o f some 25 o f the parcels o f property that had to be acquired - or condemned - in the v ic in it y o f 10th and Cedar and Olive stree ts . The Yidening_0f Bi_shop_Avenue.- During years 1971 and 1972, the State widened the Bishop Avenue stretch o f highway 63, beginning at the 14th s tre e t in tersection , continuing to and past tte Route 63-72 junction to Williams s tre e t. The Frisco ra ilro a d was ouliged to replace i t s s te e l overpass bridge at the 63-F risco crossing with a longer and heavier structure. This had to be raised some three fe e t above the former grade. Therefore, tte tracks, both east and west for a thousand fe e t or so, had to be raised to conform. Stop-and Go. lig h t s_ystems were in s ta lle d at the 63-Kingshighway and other street in tersection s. The_North_63. Route Re-Location.- The la te s t R olla area state highway planning includes a major re -lo c a tio n o f Route 63, from the Northwye junction on north to the Phelps-Maries county lin e . This is designed to elim inate the many sharp pavement curves and modify the grades o f present lo ca tion (Feb., 1973)* The_ J efferson C ity_B ridge. - Although this is NuT a local. R o lla f a c i l i t y , many R o lla c itiz e n s use i t . The bridge was completed and opened to t r a f f i c on august 20, 1955. I t replaced the old Missouri r iv e r bridge, with i t s central swinging span.
CVM Feb. 23, 1973 ( 1947-58) ____/
- 70 -
lature3 * n £ f S l a h l i s S d t S S l ^ £ 2 “
^ " C a By ihe ye-^r 1967
t a i n s « * sane 55 p a J c M e n )’ S ^ h e a e sisc Ef ch ° aPfc?ln P r i d e d oyer one o f the SiX troop d is tr ic ts " ™tth desig-
^ c t e f o i e i t s Bp ^ s e n tnl o S ^ m- t r PktrdL L d T t t ^ o o t ^ a J i ^ t o w e r K W ^ i J o a f - on ! 1 o? ’ » near * * Junction <* »e s t 14th street and R o ? t f 44 ) 1 abuttlng the n°rth^est line of Highway 66 ( In tersta te , I ^ 19 ?u’ th®.Patro1 b u ilt the f i r s t unit o f i t s Rolla headquarters o ffic e S d T t o t h i a % W ° „ „ t r r - / n3 aV ar8 .< 19s_____________J an* a c t i o n was . lb * Captain Thomas E. Whitecotton was the f i r s t Troop I commandant, serving th is R olla post. He served from 1949 u n til February 0^1953 He was succeeded by Cap t. Earl L. Davis. y The f i r s t R o lla s t a ff consisted of the commanding o ffic e r , plus eight uniformed patrolmen. The station o f f i c i a l l y opened on January 1 1950.° ... ,Af of ^ebruary, 1973, Capt. Harold Schmidt heads the Troop’ I unit. As of this date, the sta tion has 72 employees - which includes the patrolmen and a l l c iv ilia n employees. -t - - fc4.°i Hr 3,i Ring_3jtatipn_i- This Was brought to Rolla in 1957, and char tered in the xormer Trachoma Hospital building, just i^/est o f the junction o f highways 63 and 66 - s it e o f the old John Webber home, i t s f i r s t session was held^ on October 3, 1957, at which time 56 troopers were in attendance. 'The station was re-moved to Jefferson C ity sometime in 1971, a fte r which the State Land Survey Authority was given t i t l e and possession o f the building and premises. 4. - THEJJISSOyRI C0NSERVATI0N_AGENCT.- This unit was located in the R olla are a ^in 1951. I t s o ffic e and buildings are located immediatelyj^northwest o f toe junction of Routes " I " ( Camp Creek road ) and "E" ( Nagogami road). _This agency ca rries out the functions and duties of the State Conservation Commission vhich are pertinent to the lo c a l area, and such as pertain to the areas’ w ild l i f e , fis h e r ie s , fo re s ts , and conservation of natural resources in general. One o f the Commission's d is tin c tiv e projects in the Rolla area was the building o f the earth dam that forms the " L it t le P r a ir ie Reservoir or Lake", some 5 m iles east and 3 north o f downtown R olla. The lake has been stocked with bass and c a tfis h and blue g i l l , and a modest dining h a ll with re s t room f a c i l i t i e s has been opened to the pu blic. The f a c i l i t y was opened to the public during the year 196___ . " ( % Bob Carter 364-3733) 5. - OTHER STATE AGENj5IES_IN ROLLA.- In addition to the foregoing state agencies, the State maintains thesd other Rolla o ffic e s : ( l ) Employment and Security o f f i c e ; ( 2 ) State w elfare o f fic e ; ( 3 ) State probation and Parole o ffic e ; ( 4 ) Crippled Children Service; ( 5 ) S ocial Security o f fic e ; ..And (6 ), since September, 1971, the Mo. State Land Survey Authority agency, which is quartered in the former Trachoma H ospital bu ilding.
(Feb.24, '73 J (19 47-58)
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UNITED S TATES AGJNUTKS Ti,i ROLLA». 1947-58 in c lu S “ t £ l e f d“ Sia- (1) ( 2) (3) (4)
The The The The
U.S. G eological Survey Station U.S.G.S. .later Resources Div. State—National Guard Troop U.S. Bureau of Mines Station
AsSflcies * ioh " e * a l1 mention or describe i (5) ( 6) (7) ( 8)
The U.S. Forest Service Station The U.S. Post O ffice Fort Leonard Wood The U.S. Army Reserve Contingent
• nrJ 1 L % T iir ’ “ - * - T2POgEa^ i o J ) i v i a i on .- The "Central Region O ffic e " in Rolla ls^one of operating units o f the national U.S.G.S. Topographical D ivision . ThlS ^ en^y 1S maj ° r domestic mapping o u tfit o f the U.3. Government. c, . t f ° ;Lt a .Pf f l C ® ju ris d ic tio n over the mapping a c t iv it ie s o f fourteen States - including: North Dakota . . South Dakota ..N ebraska .. Iowa Michigan Wisconsin .. Minnesota .. Oklahoma .. Arkansas .. Mis sis sip p i . L ^ i ^ a ^ * and M issouri. Hie agencies topographic maps accurately show the shape, position, and e le vation above sea le v e l o f the natural and man-made features o f the ea rth 's sur face. Sugh maps^are most useful and are in great demand fo r planning and executng numerous engineering p rojects es se n tia l to the n ation 's economy and develop ment - such as highway b u ilsin g, water and flood con trol f a c i l i t i e s , canmunication lin e s i phones e t c . ) , e le c t r ic power works, ir r ig a tio n projects, in d u stria l sites, and c it y planning. ’ . The us<f of modern^ a e r ia l survey equipment, ele ctro n ic distance measuring units, precise th eod olites, characterize modern fie ld work. S tereo-p lottin g machines in the o ffic e process the a e r ia l photographs and ground control, and produce typew ritten records o f p osition coordinates in "x ", "y", and "z ", referred to State Coordinate Systems - and th is is done in a matter o f seconds. Numerous modern map-making techniques in the o ffic e produce the numerous Topographic sheets" produced by th is agency. Copies o f the maps are fr e e ly availab le to the public, and to interested persons, firm s, or planning agencies. Som e_Historicsl Notes..- P rior to January 1, 1948 - and as far back as 1920 such work as was being done by and for the R olla U.S.G.S. agency, was in charge of Capt. Carl Leon (" C .L ." ) Sadler - a veteran topographic engineer who served the agency fo r 47 years. He had made numbers of tte o rig in a l topographic surveys around R olla and elsewhere in Missouri. Capt. Sadler had very modest o ffic e f a c i l i t i e s - there wasno d is tin c tiv e U.S.G.S. bu ildin g. In 1940, the Rolla o ffic e had some 25 employees. There came a d is tin c t change when, on June 17, 1948, Dr. Daniel Kennedy arrived to take over command o f the agency. A graduate of the Mo. School o f Mines, Dr. Kennedy had headed the special map-making b a tta lion joined to Gen. Patton's Third European Army, as i t raced across the Rhein riv e r toward B erlin, in World War Two. The_ R o lla Station Is_De_veloped. - I f the Central D is tr ic t station was to have it s home in R o lla - i t absolu tely HAD TO HAVE suitable headquarter buildings. Thus i t was that two o f R o lla 's most en terprising business Men - Messrs. Nean u'hite and H.D. Thomas - planned and b u ilt "Building_No,_1" fo r U.S.G.S. use, under lea se . B u ild ing No. 1 was placed on the northwest corner o f 9th and Elm stree ts . In flo o r plan, the building measured 45 x 102 fe e t . I t had three flo o r s and basement. The rein fo rced concrete framework was enclosed with brick. The cost was some $125,000. Mr. Wm. B. Heagler was the a rc h ite c t. Mr. A.W. ("Ab") H o lli day was contractor. Work started on Augu t 25, 1948. The foundations were poured by September 24. The building was complete and occupied as of June 10, 1949. Dr. Kennedy was aided by Mr. A.C. McCutchen in adm inistrative work.
CVM Mar 1,1973 (F eb.24,1973) (1947-58)
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in su fficien t^ "-s o 'th e 'su rv e y ^had t o T i f * * 1 — * < » * to be campus, together with another in Buehler Pari-0” S ' S l )8 1 y 0™ " ^ " 4 ° " 016 U-S‘ M' asked Rolla to furnish a second hm'lHi 4' n January 4, 1951, Dr. Kennedy square fe e t o f flo o r sp^ce b u lld l« g ® U M provide at le a s t 25,000 M itch ell,ln ’.'.R1)I Brown6tandSD evire J o s l i n ^ Th" Th* “ “ ch n llen Se “ * • • « » . D.W. "M ille r " Conoco s^rvi Qw J * The three acquired the site o f the had it s b u ild in g aJT f ! ^ t i o n , nor thwest corner of 9th and Pine stree ts . They i t s building and f a c i l i t i e s wrecked and removed by May 15 1951 The new 7 24 W nfq:aa4 Pf e T ed £ bOTl ba-m ent and three storied , spa^e o f
S '= o m p le ? n y J ^ ia r y “ I' l 9 » ? nS1°OB " ere 55 X U 4 f 9et ‘ 1119 b“ i l d i "8 »a s to ,, s “ 3rc^ 2U, 1952 , the agency was occupying the baserrent Rv nn-il tv the top flo o r was v ir t u a lly ocmpleted, and flo o rs 1 and f w e S o lu p L d ’ building was '’dedicated" on May 23, 1952 - a ft e r * i c h the 0^4? ^ R ew o rk . —n---- -ii°drc.S£, before the R o lla Chamber of Commerce Dr Kennedv s-id S e 6’ the1E olla bf GS ogon=y 500 person;, of w hL S 5 S ved S RoUa -LOl^ f: T^e annual p a y ro ll amounted to $360,000. ...B u t as of March 31 19.5 l the n ation al agency s 75th anniversary;, the R o lla agency had 600 emoloy-’ - ° wh°m 325 were in the R olla o ffic e and 275 in the f i e l d . The annual payroll had mounted to $1,800,000. . )2 ) TRi 1AJER RoouURGFS DI7ISI0N.- Attached to and through the 1947-58 h°!^sed ln the ^ U.S.G.S. building ( Building No. 2 ), the Surface Water ranch c o lle c ts , records, analyzes data re la tin g to riv e r and stream flow, flood data, and otner fa cts concerning surface water. Tte d iv isio n is equipped with necessary^ stream and flo o d measuring apparatus, and has dams, weirs, gauging stations in s ta lle d at numerous s tra teg ic points. I t employs a s t a ff o f chemists, en gin eers,^geologists, technicians, clerks and stenographers. I t p e rio d ic a lly publishes inform ational b u lletin s and papers on water supply. . *Uis agency is headed by a D is tr ic t engineer. Men who have served as such include Messrs. Henry C. Beckman — Harry Bolon .. and Anthony ("Tony") Homyk. "heir resp ective terms were these:
For the Topographic D ivision , Dr. Daniel Kennedy served u n til 1970 ( from Dune, 1948). Mr. A. C. McCutchen took over from Dr. Kennedy on February 16, 1970, and as of March , 1973, is s t i l l in th is p osition .
CVM Mar. 1, 1973 (Feb 24,'73) (1947-58)
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(3) THE ROLLA TROOP, NATIONAL OfTAftn t •4 .• Rolls unit o f the Missouri N ationii'G uard 1 ! ^ ^ / 3? 133wT®1?, ^ ken t0 ° rganize the from the State o f fic e in Jefferson CiHr 19 ^9’ when MaJor James I . Mueller, 17, 1949. ^elferson O iiy, came to Rolla for that purpose on March assigned o ffic e r s . l e g u l a r ^ e e S ^ d r i l l 1^ 3'1 f 6*1 had e n listed. rhere were three designated as the commanding o f f ic e r of t h - A S S h ^ M ueller> who was By May 23, 1949, the tfoop had 107 e x is t e d L Bf W p ComPa^ 54 en listed men and fiv e o ffic e rs f ted fflen* In oePtember, a group of Wood. Led by L ieu t. Damen Harrfs T ? fclvo~w®ek "camp-out" at Fort Leonard, practiced placing "Treadway” bridgis a c r ^ s ° S - Pi, ^ li0 lla J*3-G*3^> the men Buildings Are RLanmd an! B u S t tZ I S 7 riV er near the Forfc* necessary buildings A ~fir~t_ one~r~R ar?se a need and demand for of National Guard veh icles and other e^uipmfnt°' Thi T COns^ru° ted for housing sheathed warehouse measuring 5? x 128 f e e - r ' ? J aS a stee l f rame, ste e l 1949. The contract price wfs $37 928 m V Gonst^ t i o n began during July, and ClaudeChaney. The bulld-i 8 *°°* O°n-raators were Messrs. Coy Marlowe extreme IcT 120 &he o f Sec. 10, northwest T . 37- 8 ) . corner o f Railroad°Lot * aH r o &d Lot No. 120 ( being "fh eheheV-E SE^ state"* o f SE-4 in o f N% Builbing No._ 2 ._ By October 24, 1949, the Rolla Chamber of Commerce had set lin e 6o f Fai?eG °f J° r a National Gaard o ffic e building, abutting the west lin e o f m r Ground Road,and immediately opposite to Building No 1 The hiHIR mg measured 30 x 60 fe e t in flo o r plan ,' ate"was sin gle s tfr y ? Tte ^ t wfs in tte extreme northeast corner of Railroad Lot No. 119 ( tne SW, of 3E- of NE of Sec 10) contract ° f 3oaVe ^ e. borrowed ths SQm ° f $9,300 with which to pay the w f ° - hhe b u ll ing/ A n cil Forbes was tte contractor. Tte building Id fP J v V " 3 7 13> 1950 * Cerem°Nies at tte building were supplfmented by a b ig down—town stree t parade. • tuln September, 1950, a contingent from the unit took a tour to Fort Lewis in the state of Washington. In July, 1955 - now designated as the 1438th engineer company o f the Missouri National Guard - i t went on a tour to Camp McCoy Wisconsin. L ieu t. Don william s was in command. ’ Buildin£_Np._3jtr By June of 1962 , Bhalding No. 2, o f the National Guard, described above, had been turned over to the State G eological Survey which - as ° f that date - had constructed i t s new modern one-story Carthage marble-faced office^ b u ild in g beside tte old Building No. 2. This la t t e r was used by tte Geological Survey fo r storage of diam ond-drill cores obtained from numerous d r ille d w e lls . In place o f tte oM Building No. 2, the National Guard was given a new parcel o f land in the extreme southeast corner of Railroad Lot No. 118 ( the NW£ of SEg o f NE4 of Sec. 10). This l o t abutted the west lin e o f Fairground Road, and the north lin e o f Gale Boulevard. On this lo t , the State b u ilt a fa r more appropriate and commodious Armory, fo r which the State appropriated tte sura of $ . The main area o f tte building ( f i r s t flo o r ) measures some 108 x 140 fe e t . A fro n t-s id e area for o ffic e use measures some 52 x 52 fe e t . There is no basement. The to ta l flo o r area to ta ls some 17,600 square fe e t . The larger area provides ample space fo r indoor d r i l l exercises. The Guard unit moved in to the new (. No. 3 ) Building in January, 1962. As of March 1, 1973, the unit is designated as tte "1468th Engineer Company" o f tte Missouri N ational Guard. The company has fiv e o ific e r s and 125 en listed men. Capr. YJilbert Falke is the 1973 commandant.
( CVM Surv. .7-483. Nov.3, I960.;
CVM Mar. 2, 1973 (F eb. 25 ,1973) ( 1947-58)
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THE ROLLA STATION OF THE U.S. BUREAU OF MINES - This sf-aH nn • • called the "M ississip o i Val l e y Bxoerimenf ' b* 11 A station - o rig in a lly Tnl,, i i q on .4 Zu WT y experiment Station" - was established in Rolla on J 1<v under authority o f the fed era l "Foster Act" o f 1915. ted the s a f o f ^ i o r o O O 6! ^ 6 fo r , R o lla » the s t^ e o f Missouri appropriaSchool o ,f Mines, b uilding, ild f110^ now known° as amp^"Fulton o f Missouri , , fo r use oxf the^statioA one sta tion . °The ihe bu Hall" was constructed during the years 1922 and 1 Q21 ?* * 1 , , naJ-L » portion, fo r o m o e M e, . e L u Z e Z t f * T l ^ S i i n l l o T Pl T t 7 ^ p S H I high one-story laboratory with basement, measured 49 x 127 f e e t . Following it s completion the o ta tion occupied the building, beginning in November 1923° I t remained there unt.il a date in 1946 . r , x^ 3 . I t The^Rese^rches Carried_On by the Station during it s f i r s t twenty-six years while yet on the A.b.xJi. campus, included studies o f d r i l l steels .. explosives in mining .. underground loading and haulage .. electrotherm ic metallurgy" ( d i s t i l l a tion ) o f zinc roasting of flo ta tio n concentrates .. and "mineral S e e i n g " in vestigation s of many m e ta llic and non-m etallic ores. jor_I'Break-thro^gh^"researche s and p rojects produced fabulous improve ments and fin a n cia l gams w ithin the Central d is t r ic t . 'These were: (1) ° r a s t ic improvement in flo t a t io n and m illin g processes in the T ri-sta te t m ., ban., Okla.) area o f southwest Missouri lead-zinc fie ld s . In s ta lla tio n o f -l ..proved processes resulted in the saving o f form erly unrecovered metal from ores and slimes valued at some $ 5, 000,000 per year. ( 2 ) Sim ilar studies and improvements in the lead mining d is t r ic t o f southeast Missouri resulted in annual savings of sune $3 , 000, 000. (3) F lo ta tio n treatment o f the flourspar ores o f the R osicla ire area in southern I l l i n o i s produced savings valued at some $5,000,000 per year. (4) flo t a t io n methods placed in operation in the New Mexico potash mines made commercial mining o f the potash ores p r o fita b le . (5) The flo t a t io n process also increased the y ie ld of manganese from low grade ores. ( Mann_"Hi_story ofJiiLS _1941._Page_s_928-932;. Removal Of_Station_Fr qa M.S.M._Cam£US.- As o f July 1, 1942, the national Bureau of Mines, /ashington, D.C., changed the status o f the Rolla station. I t was converted in to the Central Regional D ivision o f the Bureau. Mr. E.D. Gardner was appointed as the head administrator, succeeding Mr. Stephen M. Shelton. The plan - now - was to g r e a tly expand the work and scope of the station. Buildings costing as much as $350,000 were in process o f preparation. The current s t a ff numbered some 50 persons. The new plans contemplated the addition o f from 150 to 200 extra s t a f f members. This tremendous program of expansion precipitated a c o n flic t o f in terest between dean Curtis L. Wilson, o f the School of Mines, and the new regional adm inistration. The School's buildings and rooms were overcrowded with students, classes, lib r a r y and other f a c i l i t i e s . The School i t s e l f needed new rooms and buildings. I t could NOT give over to the Bureau o f Mines station any more of it s buildings - and desperately wanted f u l l use o f the Experiment Station nuilding ( Fulton H a ll; fo r i t s e l f . What now resulted was, in e ffe c t , an "ultimatum" from dean Wilson to the Bureau of Mines - asking the Bureau to remove from the campus, and find other headquarters. Of course, tte Bureau protested, but to no a v a il. As_Ihis S itu ation Developed, R olla c itiz e n s - fearin g the loss of the station i f suitable housing were not provided - appointed a special committee designed to find a su itable bu ildin g site - and substantial money donations fo r it s purchase, and for building construction.
CVM Mar 2, 1973 (Feu 25,1973) ( 1947-58) 11
- 75 -
r , J‘r * ^u6bard, re g is tr a r fo r m .S.M. - but vigorou sly a ctive in the Rolla Chamber o f Commerce -was chairman o f this committee, on whiJh Hon. B.H.Rucker also served. Thus was the business of tte Ctember o f Commerce - NOT o f the School of -ir)es, said Mi . Hubbard. He therefore wrote a le t t e r , on October 3rd, 1942, to Rolla c itiz e n s , and to the fa c u lty members o f M.3.M. He urged each professor to donate at le a s t rORTY DOLLARD - eith er in cash, or by negotiable note. This the fa c u lty members proceeded to do. n A ath 1 r ,*, 'ucker s all?> a s u itable building site was found and purchased ( lo ts 7 and u, or tnereabouts, in Ladd addition ), abutting the west lin e of State street immediately opposite to the M.S.M. power plant. Additional ground was also ac qu ired ^ lo t s , approximately: 3-4_^6-7, Block 1, Bishop's 4th Add.). 'This tra ct abutted the east lin e of Bishop Avenue, between l l t h and 14 th streets. , a la t e r date, a third tra ct was acquired fo r the s ta tio n 's foundry-metal lu rg ic a l plant. This was within Railroad Lots 36 and 37, abutting the north lin e of 14th s tre e t, and extending north to Highway 63-66 ( Route 1 - 44; . bn the f i r s t of these three tra cts, a m etallu rgical research building, or "Shop” was constructed, and for a tiros called a " p ilo t plant” . I t was placed in service _______in________> 1944 . On the second tra c t, abutting Bishop Avenue, the Bureau erected a fou r-story o ffic e building with basement. Tte framework was reinforced concrete - the outer w alls of red b rick . This building was occupied by the Station in ea rly . 1947 On the th ird tra c t, a commodious steel-fram e, s te e l sheet w all structure was erected, and furnished with smelting furnaces and other appropriate equipment. This building was ready for service xxxsg ftaatky: in % X§0£g_. 1946 . Hith this new set-up, tte Station was prepared to conduct advanced researches in the fie ld s o f physical m etallurgy, extractive metallurgy, mineral ben eficiation , and mineral processing. Particu lar atten tion is paid to methods of recyclin g various classes o f waste m aterials. New alloys are examined - improved high-tem perature soldering methods are sought. Added to the s t r i c t l y research a c t iv it ie s o f the Station, an associated f ie ld o f study is in the area of "Health and S a fe ty ” , as in mine operations and elsewhere. Abatement of tte "n oise” o f rock d r i l l s - and ig n itio n o f mine gasses have top p r io r it y . These a c t iv it ie s are conducted in EDgBe buildings other than those described above. A l i s t o f those who have held the o ffic e of CHIEF ADMINISTRATOR o f the Station ( as "D ire cto r” , or "Supervising Engineer", e t c . ) since 1920 is th is: 1 . - Dr. J . J .Rutledge. ( Nov. 15, 1920 to July 1, 1 9 2 1 ). 2. - George J. Salmon ( with Noel Hubbard, ch ief clerk,) ( To July 1, 1922 3. - Noel Hubbard ( Chief Clerk,) ( to Jure, 1924. ) 4. - Charles S. van Barneveld ( to June 15, 1924 ) 5 . - H.M. Lawrence ( 1925 to 1927 ) 6. - V/ill H. o o g h ill, (1927-1938) 7. - Stephen M. Shelton ( 1938-19 42 ) ( Apr.15 to July 1 ) (Supervising Engr.; 8 . - E. D. Gardner ( July 1, 1942, to Sept. 1, 1944 )• Regional Engr. 9 . - C. VV. Davis ( Sept. 1, 1944 to Feb. 17, 1945 )• Regional Engr. 10. - C. T. Anderson ( Feb. 17, 1945 to Oct. 24, 1946 ) . Branch Chief. 11. - R.G. Knickerbocker (Oct. 14,1946 to Aug. 3, 1956 ;. Chief, Div. Mineral Technology. 12. - R.W. Geehan ( Sept. 15, 1956 §0 June 5, 1959 )• Chief, D iv. Min. Tech. 13. - J.A. Rowland ( July 12, 1959 to July 15, 1966;. Research D irector. 14.- L.R. Furlong (Aug. 14, 1966 to Apr. 23, 1968;. Research D irector. 15 .-H. Kenworthy ( Apr. 24, 1968 to Mar. 13, 1971;. Research D irector. 16. - M. M. Fine ( Mar. 14, 1971 to present, May 4,1974 & onward;. Res. D ir. o o o
f >
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- 75.a -
United States Department o f the Interior B U R E A U O F MINES P. O. BOX 280 R O L L A . MISSOURI 65401
April 30, 1974 Dr. C. V. Mann 506 East 6th Street Roll a, MO 65401 Dear Dr. Mann:
ln&rmatlon ^
Rolla Center of
The local Bureau of Mines installation was known as the Mississinni VaUey Experiment Station until August 9, 1959. Since then the offi cial designation has been Rolla Metallurgy Research Center The station chiefs from 1938 to the present a S listed below MISSISSIPPI VALLEY EXPERIMENT STATION Supervisor
S. M. Shelton
Period Served From To
Supervising Engineer Apr. 15, 1938 July 1, 1942
E. D. Gardner
Regional Engineer
July 1, 1942
C. W. Davis
Regional Engineer
Sept. 1, 1944 Feb. 17,
C. T. Anderson
Branch Chief
Feb. 17, 1945 Oct. 24, 1946
Sept. 1,
1944 1945
R. G. Knickerbocker Chief, Division of Oct. 14, 1946 Aug. 3, 1956 Mineral Technology R. W. Geehan
Chief, Division of Sept. 15, 1956 June 5, 1959 Mineral Technology _______i
V /"
• .
•V ' •: '■'
L rre?u o fM n e s ”
. -• ;
• ■ ' ! '.'Vi v
(3.947-58 ;
yVT. -
■■ ;
vV',-' ^
: ■' ;
7 5 .b -
Period Served From . . To
J. A. Rowland
Research Director
July 12, 1959
L. R. Furlong
Research Director
Aug. 14, 1966 Apr. 23, 1968
H. Kenworthy
Research Director
Apr. 24, 1968 Mar. 13, 1971
M. M. Fine
Research Director
Mar. 14, 1971
July 15, 1966
\ Present
2(a) The first pilot plant was erected in 1944 to investigate reduction of zinc oxide to metallic zinc using methane. This space is now used for shop and laboratory purposes. 2(b) The Bureau moved from the University of Missouri - Rolla campus to its present headquarters on Bishop Avenue starting in late 1946. The move was completed early in 1947. 11 r 2(c) The foundry building (which houses a number of furnaces) is located near 14th street and Poole Avenue. It was constructed in 1946. In addition there is also enclosed a 4-page history of the Mississippi Valley Experiment Station for the years 1920-1952 which you may find useful. If further details are required, please let me' know. r
( 1947-53 ;
- 75.c -
£ 1920 - 1952 The F e d e r a l Bureau o f Mines was e s t a b li s h e d as an agency i n the Departm ent o f the I n t e r i o r by Congress in J u ly 1910. The d u t ie s o f the age n cy were s p e c i f i c a l l y d e s ig n a te d by the C on gress i n P u b lic Law 386 (a s amended in 1913)# S e c t io n 2, which s t a t e s :
"That i t s h a ll be th e p ro vin ce and d u ty o f the Bureau o f Mines, su b je c t t o th e approval o f the S e c re ta r y o f th e I n t e r i o r , to conduct in q u ir ie s and s c i e n t i f i c and te c h n o lo g ic in v e s t ig a t io n s concerning m ining, and the prepa r a t io n , tre a tm e n t, and u t i l i z a t i o n o f m in eral substances w ith a view t o im proving h ea lth c o n d itio n s , and in c re a s in g s a fe t y , e f f i c i e n c y , economic developm ent, and con servin g resou rces through th e p reven tio n o f waste in the m ining, q u a rry in g , m e t a llu r g ic a l, and oth er m in eral in d u s t r ie s ; to in q u ire in t o the economic co n d itio n s a f fe c t in g th ese in d u s t r ie s ; to in v e s t ig a t e ex p lo s iv e s and p e a t; and on b e h a lf o f the Government t o in v e s t ig a t e the m in eral fu e ls and u n fin ish ed m in era l products belon gin g t o , o r f o r the use o f , the U nited S ta t e s , w ith a view to t h e ir most e f f i c ie n t m in in g, p re p a ra tio n , treatm ent and use; and to dissem in ate in fo rm a tio n concerning these su b jects in such manner as w i l l b es t c a r r y out the purposes o f t h is A c t ." A d d itio n a l l e g i s l a t i o n by Congress in 1915, known as the F o s te r A c t, e s ta b lis h e d a M is s is s ip p i V a lle y Experiment S ta tio n a t R o lla , M issou ri t o b e t t e r pterform the fu n ction s o f the agency in r e l a t i o n t o th e im portant zin c and le a d producing areas o f W isconsin and Northern I l l i n o i s , the T r i- S t a t e area o f M is s o u ri, Kansas and Oklahoma, and th e Southeast M issou ri le a d d i s t r i c t . The Bureau o f Mines and the U n iv e r s ity o f M issou ri School o f Mines and M e ta llu rg y en tered in to a c o o p e ra tiv e agreement in the summer o f 1920, e s ta b lis h in g f a c i l i t i e s on the School o f Mines campus f o r la b o r a t o r ie s , o f f i c e s , and u t i l i t i e s as a c o n trib u tio n by the S ta te U n iv e r s it y . The Bureau o f Mines* c o n tr ib u tio n was te c h n ic a l and a d m in is tra tiv e p e rs o n n e l, and funds f o r su p p lie s , equipment and o th er expenses. The work o f the Experiment S ta tio n co n siste d o f mining and m e t a llu r g ic a l problems which were developed by the R o lla s t a f f o f the Bureau in cooperation with the M issou ri School o f Mines and the p riv a te in d u s t r ia l a d v iso ry committee o f the a r e a .
- 75.c -
f 1920 - 1952 The F e d e ra l Bureau o f Mines was e s ta b lis h e d as an agency in the Department o f the I n t e r i o r by Congress in J u ly 1910. The d u tie s o f the agency were s p e c i f i c a l l y d esign ated by the Congress in P u blic Law 386 (a s amended in 1913), S ectio n 2, which states': "That i t s h a ll be the provin ce and duty o f the Bureau o f M ines, s u b je c t to th e approval o f the S e c re ta ry o f the I n t e r i o r , to conduct in q u ir ie s and s c i e n t i f i c and tech n o lo g ic in v e s t ig a t io n s concerning m ining, and the prepa r a t io n , treatm en t, and u t i l i z a t i o n o f m ineral substances w ith a view to im proving h ealth c o n d itio n s, and in c re a sin g s a fe t y , e f f i c i e n c y , economic development, and conserving resources through the prevention o f waste in the m ining, q u a rry in g , m e t a llu r g ic a l, and other m in eral in d u s t r ie s ; to in q u ire in to the economic conditions a ffe c t in g these in d u s t r ie s ; to in v e s t ig a t e exp losives and p e a t; and on b e h a lf o f the Government to in v e s tig a te the m ineral fu e ls and u n fin ish e d m in eral products belonging t o , o r f o r the use o f , the United S t a t e s , w ith a view to t h e ir most e f f i c ie n t m ining, p re p a ra tio n , treatment and use; and to dissem inate in fo rm a tio n concerning these su b je c ts in such manner as w i l l b e st c a r r y out the purposes o f t h is A c t ." A d d itio n a l l e g i s l a t i o n by Congress in 1915, known as the F o ste r A ct, e s ta b lis h e d a M is s is s ip p i V a lle y Experiment S ta tio n at R o lla ,M is s o u r i to b e t t e r perform the fu n ction s o f the agency in r e la t i o n to the im portant zinc and le a d producing areas o f Wisconsin and Northern I l l i n o i s , the T r i-S t a t e area o f M is s o u ri, Kansas and Oklahoma, and the Southeast M isso u ri le a d d i s t r i c t . The Bureau o f Mines and the U n iv e rs ity o f M isso u ri School o f Mines and M e ta llu rg y entered into a cooperative agreement in the summer o f 1920, e s t a b lis h in g f a c i l i t i e s on the School o f Mines campus f o r la b o r a t o r i e s , o f f i c e s , and u t i l i t i e s as a c o n trib u tio n by the S tate U n iv e r s it y . The Bureau o f Mines* c o n trib u tio n was te c h n ic a l and a d m in istra tiv e p e rs o n n e l, and funds f o r s u p p lie s , equipment and other expenses. The work o f the Experiment S ta tio n co n siste d o f mining and m e t a llu r g ic a l problems which were developed by the R o lla s t a f f o f the Bureau in cooperation with the M isso u ri School o f Mines and the p riv a te in d u s t r ia l a d v is o ry committee o f the a r e a .
- 75.d -
(, 1947-53 ;
Some o f the p r in c ip a l problems handled from 1920 t o 1928 were a study o f d r i l l s t e e l s , in v e s t ig a t io n o f e x p lo s iv e s in m ining, underground lo a d ir ® and h au lage, m ineral d re s s in g in v e s t ig a t io n s o f s in e , le a d , and flu o r s p a r o r e s , e le c tr o th e rm ic m e ta llu rg y o f s in e , and r o a s tin g o f f l o t a t i o n co n c en tra tes . From 1928 through 1941 the M is s is s ip p i V a lle y Experiment S ta tio n was th e Ore D ressing S ectio n o f the M e t a llu r g ic a l D iv is io n o f the Bureau, and many problems o f m ineral d ressin g were in v e s t ig a t e d . Methods f o r b e n e fic ia t io n o f le a d , s in e , flu o r s p a r , t a l c , manganese, potash, tu n gsten , molybdenum, ch rom ite, c o b a lt, ir o n and o th er ores were d ev elo p ed . In J u ly 1942 th e R o lla Bureau o f Mines o f f i c e was d esign ated as headquarters f o r the R egion a l Engineer o f th e C en tra l R egion , which su pervised th e m ining and m e ta llu r g ic a l a c t i v i t i e s in the C en tral S ta tes and A la s k a . This arrangement p r e v a ile d u n t i l the sp rin g o f 1945 when the work perform ed in the R o lla Bureau o f Mines la b o r a to r ie s was changed t o th e R o lla D iv is io n o f the M ining and M e ta llu r g ic a l Branches, s e r v in g th e S ta te s o f I l l i n o i s , In d ia n a, M iss o u ri, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Kansas. In January 1947 th e Bureau o f Mines a t R o lla moved in t o i t s new F e d era l headqu arters b u ild in g , which was provid ed f o r by funds crea ted through th e expansion o f the Bureau work du rin g World War I I . This enabled the S ta te U n iv e r s it y t o u t i l i z e the campus Experiment S ta tio n B u ild in g , p r e v io u s ly occupied by the Bureau, a ^ ^ in s number o f GI stu den ts a tte n d in g the M issou ri School o f Mines during the sch ool years o f 1947, T48, and *49. In February 1948 a new type o f resea rch work was i n i t i a t e d at the Bureau la b o r a t o r ie s at R o lla M isso u ri, M eta llu rg y S e c tio n which was tra n s fe r r e d from th e S a lt Lake C ity , Utah S ta tio n o f the Bureau'. Since then, the p h y sic a l met a l l w o S onmanganes e -c o p p e r, magnesium-lithiunp new sin e a llo y commodities has comprised an im portant p a rt o f a c t i v i t i e s a t R o lla , M is s o u ri. Tn th e f a l l o f 1949 the F ed era l Bureau o f Mines was sep arated i n t o g e o g r S h ^
m - fu
O klahoma ahd Texas; the Region V I head-
q u arters b ein g s e t up a t A m a rillo , Texas. A ft e r th e i n i t i a t i o n o f m i l i t a r y a c t i v i t i e s 1950, the D efense M o r a l s
^ 3
Technology D iv is io n a t R o lla .
e S
in Korea in i S
I n
r v ^
Branch o f th e H i . r a l s
V■ f >, ( 1947-58 +
v ,V»: -S'
• .*
- 75.e -
The im p ortan ce o f in t e g r a t in g m in e r a l r e s o u r c e s w ith o th e r n a tu r a l r e s o u r c e s o f th e r i v e r v a l l e y s r e s u lt e d i n th e assignm ent o f M is so u ri R iv e r B asin and A rkansas-W hite-R ed R iv e r B a sin m in eral su rv e y and r e s e r v e p la n n in g as a p a r t o f the M ining Branch work in th e D iv is io n . The work o f th e M in in g and M e t a l l u r g i c a l a c t i v i t i e s i n R egio n VI i n 1951 was expanded to in c lu d e a d d i t i o n a l p r o je c t s i n aluminum, magnesium, germanium, t i n , ir o n and s t e e l . The Lead B e l t o f S o u th east M is s o u r i c o n tin u e s t o be the most Im portant le a d p ro d u c in g a re a i n th e w o r ld , and i t s l i f e i s s t r i c t l y dependent on th e improvements o f methods f a r th e treatm ent o f lo w e r -g r a d e o r e s . T h is a l s o i s t r u e o f th e im portant r e s e r v e s o f lo w -g r a d e l e a d - z i n c o re s i n the T r i - S t a t e D i s t r i c t o f Oklahoma, Kansas and M is s o u r i .
An im p o rtan t c u r re n t phase o f the work i n R egion VI d e a ls w ith th e G u lf C o ast o f L o u isia n a and T e x a s. T h is p a r t o f Region V I i s noted f o r th e p ro d u c tio n o f aluminum, t i n , antim ony, magnesium, f e r r o a l l o y s , p e tro le u m , n a tu r a l g a s , p e tr o - c h e m ic a ls , l i g n i t e , ir o n and s t e e l . .
A lthough th e m ining in d u s tr y has been la b e le d as dependent on "w a stin g a s s e t s " , the a b i l i t y t o d e velo p new a l l o y com m odities and s u b s t it u t e such m a t e r ia ls as m agnesium -lithium -alum inum s t r u c t u r a l a llo y s f o r the o ld e r , r a p id ly -d is a p p e a r in g m e t a l l i c commodities i s one o f th e p r i n c i p a l f a c t o r s govern in g the co n tin u ed expan sion o f a c t i v i t i e s in th e m ining in d u s t r y . The c u r re n t work o f the R o ll a Bureau o f Mines m ining and m e t a llu r g ic a l o r g a n iz a t io n s i s governed c o n s id e r a b ly by th e s e " c o n s e r v a tio n " and " s u b s t it u t io n " f a c t o r s .
7687 1
( 1947-58
- 75.f -
R o l l a , M is s o u r i, p o p u la t io n 1 0 ,0 0 0 , i s an i d e a l s i t e f o r th e M in e r a ls Technology D i v is io n h e a d q u a rte rs o f R egion V I because here a re lo c a t e d The U n iv e r s it y o f M is s o u r i Sch ool o f M ines and M e t a llu r g y Two U. S . G e o lo g ic a l Survey o f f i c e s Branch and a Topographic Branch
a W a te r R esources
Two U. S . F o r e s t S e rv ic e o f f i c e s The M is s o u r i S t a t e G e o lo g ic a l S u rvey and W ater R esources h e a d q u a rte rs The M is s o u r i C o n se rv a tio n Commission The M is s o u r i School o f Mines campus i s a d ja c e n t to th e main b u i ld in g o f the M i s s i s s i p p i V a l l e y Experim ent S t a t io n head q u arters. The c o lle g e m ain tain s an e x c e lle n t t e c h n ic a l l i b r a r y which i s a v a i l a b l e to Bureau s t a f f members. The c o lle g e and th e Bureau work h a n d -in -h a n d on mutual p ro blem s. One o f the h ig h l i g h t s f o r M. S . M. s e n io r s i s a t te n d in g "open h ouse" a t the Bureau •each y e a r .
R o lla i s w ith in a h a l f d a y 's d riv e o f the eastern M issouri le a d and c o b a lt -n ic k e l d e p o s its , r e fr a c t o r y c la y de p o s it s , the T r i—S tate z in c -le a d f i e l d near J o p lin , where the Bureau m aintains a f i e l d o f f i c e , the Arkansas manganese an d )bau xite d ep o sits near B a t e s v ille and B auxite, where o th er f i e l d o ffic e s are lo c a te d . R o lla is a ls o w ith in a d a y 's d riv e o f the I l l i n o i s Kentucky flu o r s p a r m ines, la r g e g la s s -s a n d d e p o sits, lim estones, coal beds and other m ineral d e p o s its . G reater d istan ces p r e v a il, however, to the f a r corners o f the s p ra w lirg re g io n . E l Paso, fo r example, i s fo u r m iles fa r t h e r from R o lla than is New York C ity . Yet w ith in the south and south western p o rtio n s o f the re g io n l i e d ep o sits o f important m inerals such as brim stone, mercury, chrome, flu o r s p a r , v e rm ic u lite , s t r o n t ia n it e , copper, iro n , and manganese. In Region V I are aluminum, antimony, magnesium, t in , iro n and s t e e l p la n t s . A lso in Region V I are found the w o r ld 's major s u lfu r p ro d u cers.
CVM Mar. 2, 1973 ( Feb 25,1973; ( 19/17-58)
- 76 /
( 5 ) THE U.5. FOREST SEEVIJB. ROLLA STATION. - 'This agency is under supervision and d ir e c tio n o f the national U.3. Dept, of A gricu ltu re, o f -which i t is a subdivis ion. I t reports to the region a l o ffic e o f the Forest S ervice, at Milwaukee, Wise. L ocally, i t is c a lle d the "Forest Service, Missouri National Forests ( Clark National Park). As the name s ig n ifie s , the R olla ggency has con trol o f U.S. Forest in teres ts w ithin the state o f M issouri. The agency_is hoQsed in a bu ildin g o r ig in a lly b u ilt fo r , and used by, the "C.C.C" corps, o f the great depression years. I t was used by the Corps as a machine and rep air shop. I t s lo c a tio n is in the north h a lf o f Railroad Lot No. 118 ( that being the NYJjj o f SE4 o f M L o f Sec. 10, 1.37—8 ) . Xn 19 __ , th is bu ildin g was re-mode3ed for use as R o lla headquarters far the lo c a l Forest Service sta tio n . A modernized addition was constructed, comp3.eted, axd occupied on _______ ________, 19__ • In addition to th is main headquarters o ffic e building, the agency has a^ "Ranger" l o t at southwest corner o f the in terse ctio n of Bridge School road w ith Highway 66 ( 1-44) west. The lo t tabes in parts of Railroad Lots 98-99-102 and 103 - a l l in SE£ o f Sec. 10 (T .3 7 -8 ). On this l o t there is the Ranger O ffic e , plus residence and garage fo r the ran ger's use. There is a lso a commodious warehouse, or storage and rep air shop, for housing and rep air o f the bulldozer and other heavy machinery the ranger uses. These ranger buildings are b u ilt o f native dolom itic lim estone, quarried near the ranger lo t , and b u ilt with P../.A. labor sometime about 1940. The Head O ffic e r o f the Station is a "Forest Supervisor", who works under d irection o f t-he Forest Service Regional O ffic e at Milwaukee, Wise. Working with th is suoervisor are t ie rangers, at the ranger o f fic e and in the f ie ld , plus ^the main o f fic e s t a f f con sistin g o f fo re s te rs , surveyors, engineers, radio-technicians, mechanics, heavy-ecuipment ooerators, and o ffic e secreta ries and clerks. The Scope O f_ T h e _ S ta tio n ls jic tiv itie s and duties includes the fo llo w in g items: f l 7 F a c ilit a t in g the gathering, storin g, flow control o f large quantities o f surface w ater. . ( 2 ) Providing, expanding some 25 rec re a tio n a l areas or picnic f a c i l i t i e s w ith in M issouri. . (3) Cropoing merchantable timber from the fo re s ts - clearin g out^brush and dead timber - re-seeding and replanting new trees - s e llin g merenan— tab le wood fo r use as timber, poles, posts, paper pulp. Control and e x tin c tio n o f fir e s , prevention 01 s o il erosion. (4 ) Improvement o f grazing areas, planting new vegetation , elim ination oi (5 ) useless and poisonous plants. , Conservation, p rotection o f w ild l i f e , fis h in g . Construction o f streamside ( 6) w ild l i f e cover, improvement of r iv e r channels. P rotectin g the fo re s ts against f i r e , destru ctive in sects, ere ctio n and (7) use o f f i r e towers, radio, ana a ir c r a ft . ( 8) Concern with lead mining operations, where fo re s t lands are leased for such mining. A VERY SPECIAL FOREST SERVICE PR0JECT._3U VEY T-)39•- During 1957, the national X t t c i ItW a sh in gto n was searching fo r a public land survey township s ix m iles square , w ith in which the Service owned approximately HALF o f the land * seine p r iv a t e ly owned. The Service desired to p e rfe c t i t s methods _ u t i l i g aeriai^photographing and photogramme t r y - fo r f in d ^ g a11 p e r tl' aent sectio n a l corners, and ,he boundary lin e s ° P P unusual yihen the Service learned that Phelps County had a county ’ a o a b ilitv and along with the County Court was deeply in terested in a corn restoration p r o je c t", a cooperative jo in t surrey was planned and carried out. It covered Township 36 North, Range 9 west, s i x m iles square.
CVM Mar. 2, 1973 1 (Feb 25, 1973) ( 1947-58) /
- 77 -
Exhaustive search was made for every one o f the 133 section a l corners and fo r some 125 in te r io r su bd ivision al corners the.t were in volved. This search u tiliz e d ^many m iles o f "leg-m otor" transport, supplemented by a le s s number of JeeP ' m iles. A ll "found" corners were marked with a ta rg et that could be seen irom the a ir . A ll lo s t corner lo ca tio n s were also targeted. A few lin e s of ground con trol were traversed. The e n tire area was " f l o n" by airplanes carrying h igh ly precise cameras, which photographed the e n tire area, and also tie d in numbers o f precise -reast Purvey trian gu lation station s, ^nil tnese^ data were processed in the Forest Service headquarters at Alex andria (^ suburb of Washington, D .U .), -which determined and furnished typed tables o f the Missouri State Coordinate system's coordinates ( position s ) in" terms o f x and y . This enabled positions of a l l " lo s t " corners to be determined, along w ith coordinates o f the "found" corners. ALL CORNERS, in the f i e l d , were now permanently marked with concrete posts 6 inches square, 3 fe e t long, capped with bronze plate id e n tify in g the p o sition o f each corner. The p roject was completed in I960. I t had cost sone $40,000. I t did MORE than restore the lo c a l corners . . the p ro je c t trig g e re d the formation o f the ifis sour i Association o f Registered Land Surveyors — and th at body was able to have the Mis souri/Lbgxxlature set up a M issouri State Land Survey Authority to restore and preserve ALL THE FEDERAL LAND SURVEY CORNERS within Missouri. The agency met and f i r s t organized in September, 1971, at R olla, in tie old State Trachoma H ospital bu ildin g, abutting Highway 66 ( 1-44, c it y ) on it s north lin e . _____ _ _ The main o f f ic e of the R o lla sta tion was opened <xx (in ) November . 19 33 . The fo llo w in g persons have hend the o ffic e of Supervisor since that time: 1932- 33 ••• s. Duval Anderson . . . Associate Forester. 1933- 35 ••• L e s lie S. Bean ........ Forest Supervisor 1935-45 ••• Raul A. N e lle te r . . . . Forest Supervisor 1945-1960.. Byron (iro s s b e c k ...... Forest Supervisor 1960-63 . . . C. L. Harrison ........ Forest Supervisor 1963-67 . . . svarren Livens .......... Forest Supervisor 1967-71 ••• Rodney F. Young ...... Forest Supervisor 1971-74 plus . . . Donald L. Rollens .. Forest Supervisor. HEADQUARTERS: O rig in a lly , at R olla,w ov., 1933. To Fed. B ldg., St.Louis, July, 1941. To Ironton, July o f lv42 to Late 1945- To R o lla again, la te 1945* O rigin al R olla B ldg. expanded, dedi£a.ued may 11, 1962. Building again expanded, earij^ 1974, to house s t a f f o f consolidated Mark Twain and Clark National Forest o ffic e s o f S p rin g fie ld cuid H olla. Final Items..- As o f September, 1962, there were 1 , 350,000 acres o f fo re s t land w ithin M issouri. The Missouri fo r e s t reserves were established in 1930. The Service reaps fin a n c ia l p r o fit s from sale of timber and wood from the fo r e s ts . The amount fc r 1936 was $1,000 . . . For 1946 i t had risen to $60,000. By 1957, the p r o fit was 4160,000. The development o f the lead mining, and iron mining indu stries of southeast Missouri, concerns the Forest S ervice, when commercial deposits are found on fo rest lands. The mining companies can mine these deposits under lea se, but the Service d erives su bstan tial sums as r o y a lt ie s .
( 1947-5o ;
- 77.b U nited S tates Department of Agriculture FOREST SERVICE
E a s te rn Region 633 West W i s c o n s i n Av e n u e , Milwaukee, Wisconsin
reply TO :
TO :
L an do w ne r sh ip A d j u st m e nt s
Apr 1^1 25, 1974
Dr. C l a i r V. Mann 506 E a s t 6th S t r e e t R o lla , M issouri 65401
We we r e history o f your w i l l be you f o r
g l a d t o r e c e i v e y o u r i n q u i r y o f A p r i l 3 about some o f the o f the R o l l a o f f i c e . We would a p p r e c i a t e r e c e i v i n g a copy f i n i s h e d work when r e a d y . Mr. V i c Hedman from t h i s o f f i c e i n R o l l a d u r i n g t h e month o f May and w i l l s t o p i n t o see a few m inutes.
The answers t o y o u r t h r e e q u e s t i o n s a r e as f o l l o w s : 1. The f i r s t F o r e s t S e r v i c e we do n o t know t h e e x a c t day.
o ffice
opened i n November, 1933*,
The Consent A c t was passed i n M i s s o u r i on June 8, 1929, but l i m i t e d N a t i o n a l F o r e s t a c q u i s i t i o n t o 2, 000 a c r e s p er c o u n t y . I t was amended i n 1933 and t h e l i m i t a t i o n r a i s e d t o 25,000. I t was a t t h i s time t h a t the p ur ch as e u n i t s we r e e s t a b l i s h e d ( a p p r o v e d by NFRC August 30, 1933). The Cons ent A c t was amended a g a i n i n 1934 w i t h the a c r e a g e l i m i t a t i o n r a i s e d t o 100,000 a c r e s and i n 1935 t h e l i m i t a t i o n was removed a l t o g e t h e r . On September 11, 1939, t h e C l a r k , F r i s t o e , S t . F r a n c i s and Wapp ap el lo purchase u n i t s w e r e p r o c l a i m e d the C l a r k N a t i o n a l F o r e s t (named a f t e r M i s s o u r i ' s S e n a t o r Champ C l a r k ) . 2.
Head a d m i n i s t r a t o r s a t R o l l a : S. Duval Ander son L e s l i e S. Bean P a ul A. K e l l e t e r Byron G r o s s be c k C. L. H a r r i s o n Warren L i v e n s Rodney F. Young Donald L. R o l l e n s
1932 1933 1935 1945 1960 1963 1967 1971
1933 A s s o c i a t e F o r e s t e r 1935 F o r e s t S u p e r v i s o r 1945 F o r e s t S u p e r v i s o r 1960 F o r e s t S u p e r v i s o r 1963 F o r e s t S u p e r v i s o r 1967 F o r e s t S u p e r v i s o r 1971 F o r e s t S u p e r v i s o r Present F o r e s t Supervrs-
3. O r i g i n a l F o r e s t h e a d q u a r t e r s was e s t a b l i s h e d i n R o l l a in November, 1933. I n J u l y , 1941, th e h e a d q u a r t e r s was t r a n s f e r r e d t o the F e d e r a l B u i l d i n g i n S t . L o u i s . I n J u l y o f 1942 i t was moved t o
1947-50 ;
- 77.a -
2. I r o n t o n where i t remained u n t i l moving back t o R o l l a i n l a t e 1945. The o r i g i n a l R o l l a o f f i c e b u i l d i n g was expanded and d e d i c a t e d May 11, 1962 The o f f i c e was a g a i n expanded e a r l y i n 1974 t o house the c o n s o l i d a t e d s t a f f a f t e r c l o s i n g the S p r i n g f i e l d o f f i c e .
MERVIN E. STEVENS A s s t . C h i e f , D i v i s i o n o f Lands and Wa te rs he d Management
CVM Mar 6, 1973. (19 47-58) (F eb .28,1973)
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THE ROLL a POST OFFICE. - For many years p rio r to I960 - back through the 1920|s or before - the R o lla post o f fic e was conducted in the handsome b ig brick building at the northeast corner o f 9th and bine s tr e e ts . During that period, these shanges and improvements were made: (a ) As of September 1, 1951, the haulage o f mail by ra ilroa d m ail car was replaced by truck haulage. (b ) As of January 24, 195b, work was under way on a modest extension o f the building, eastward from the main structure. A ramp with runway was b u ilt so cars and trucks could e n c irc le the bu ildin g. Parking s t a lls were b u ilt with access from 9 th s tre e t . J*rr> 7, tq£3 % <->n-----------------• 196___, the U.S. Post O ffic e Department purchased the former Edmund W. Bishop property and planned an e n tir e ly new f a c i l i t y fo r i t s work. Since 1915, the Bishop home had been owned by the Dr. S.L. Baysinger fam ily. As o f June and July, 1961, the owner was Mr. "Bud11 Clayton, grandson £ of Dr. B aysinger. P a r tly to reduce the annual tax on the property - and p a rtly in a n tic ip a tio n o f i t s sale to the Government — Mr. Clayton decided to wreck and remove the old Bishop Mansion. This was done during June and July o f 196 I . Work on the new o f f ic e bu ildin g began on ____________ , 196j_. The building was complete, and was occupied by the postal s t a ff, on November 14, 1964. In [accord with requests by R olla a u th o rities, the former building at 9th and Pine was donated to the C ity of R olla - fo r the exclusive use as a Public Library. The Lib ra ry s t a f f occupied the building on May 1, 1965 . For i t s use, several •0 changes were made to the bu ildin g and premises: (a j The in te r io r WdS remodeled fo r sp ecial use o f book racks, reading room, and lobby. (b ) Outside, the old fron t steps were removed, and replaced by approach ramps, or walkways, leading from Pine s tre e t to the former fron t door. During 1970, the FIRST portion o f the new bu ildin g, on block bounded by 7th and 8th, Park and State stree ts , was enlarged so as to handle the large bulk o f area m ail - fo r which R o lla o f fic e became the d is trib u tin g center. M ail to stnd from R olla and St.Lou is - as w e ll as to a l l the surrounding rec ip ien t o ffic e s - was hauled by truck, and by contract. The new addition was occupied on July 1, 1970. During 1972, m ail d e liv e r y w ithin R olla was f a c ilit a t e d by the addition of a f l e e t c f "jeep sized" autos - with the d r iv e r 's seat on the RIGHT-hand side o f the car- to enable the c a rrie r to quickly serve patrons on the right-hand side o f the s tr e e t. A L is t _ 0 f R olla Postmasters, fo r years 1893 to 1973, is as fo llo w s : Gen. E. Y. M itc h e ll .. 1893 to 1898. Charles Strobach . . March 6, I 898 to March 31, 1903* Edwin Long .. A p r il 1, 1903 to October 31, 1907. Mrs. E lizabeth Cornwall . . Nov. 1, 1907 to Jan. 31, 1916. Hon. Booker H. Rucker .. Feb. 1, 1916 to March 31, 1923* a lfr e d A. Smith .. A p ril 1, 1923 to March 12, 1935* Miss Helen Baysinger .. Mar. 13, 1935 to death, A p ril 3, 1947. Charles E. Jones . . A p r il 2x, 1947 to March 1, 1958 (."Acting" to Aug.30,1950) J.F . ("Jesse Franklin" ) K ilp a trick (."K il") . . Mar. 1, 1958 to May, 19&5. Charles R. Sands .. May, 1965, to date ( March 6, 1973) and on. The Office_Had_32 Employees as o f 19 b4. As o f February, 1973, i t has 87. Postal_R ecei£ts For R olla O ffic e , years 1950 to 1972, were as fo llo w s : 1950 .. 184,279 1953 .* 496,444 1956 .. 4118,593 1951 .. 90,761 1954 •• 108,921 1972 . . 500,000 1952 .. 94,641 1955 •• 109,491
CVM Mar. 6, 1973. ( 1947-58) lF eb .28.1973)
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(7 ) FORT LEONr.HD .0OP.- As we have rela ted in our 1933-46 section, Fort Leonard Wood was i n i t i a l l y constructed and used for tra in in g sold iers during the World War Two period, 1941-45- Following the war, there deemed to be le s s need fo r engineer trained troops, so the Fort was p a r t ia lly "d e-a ctiva ted ", 1946 to 1950. However, as the Korean War broke, in 1950, engineer troops were again in demand - so the Fort was "r e -a c tiv a te d ". By September 1, 1950, sane 20,0(J0 men were assigned to the Fort fo r tra in in g . During this period, numbers o f substantial buildings and improvements were made. As o f August, 1955, some 25,000 s o ld ie rs were a t the Fort fo r tra in in g . Plans were maturing fo r a $300,000 Post Exchange ( "P.X ." j bu ildin g. In September, a special program fo r the re -tra in in g o f "RESERVES" was in itia te d - with a group of 195 reserves, and 73 R ational Guard men en ro lled . As of September 14, 1955, plans were maturing fo r the tra in in g o f some 7,000 "re s e rv e s " f during the next nine months. Permane1ice_ 0f The Fort became a topic o f foremost concern and public d is cussion at th is time. R o lla c itiz e n s in p a rticu la r - as also community leaders tnrough out the R olla-W aynesville area - became exceeding fe a r fu l that the Fort might be permanently closed. As yet, i t had NOT been given a "PERMANENT" status. Meetings were held - p o litic ia n s and congressmen were besieged in e ffo r t s to have the Fort declared "permanent". These fe^rs were a llyyed , however, when on March 21, 1954, the U.S. Department of Defense announced that FORT LEONARD WOOD WAS NOW PERMANENT. I t «uS one o f FOUR such n ation al posts to be "a le r te d ". By June, 1956, the Fort encampment REALLY began to grow. Some 600 nouses aud 50 barracks were reconditioned and painted. Plans matured fo r construction o f 690 NEW house units - that cost $18,000,000. By December 31, 1950, the Maggi Construction Co., o f R olla, got the contract fo r reniVetting the x'ort s barracks, dining rooms, e t c . , at a cost o f §2 , 378, 720 . As of August 26, V i 5b, some x0,000 troops at the Fort passed in review fo r the new commandant — Maj • Gen. W illiam t . Baker, Jr. . . . As o f august 1, 1957, B rig. Gen. Thomas A. Lam arrived to take over the command - and likew ise review the garrison troops. _ , , loon ., As o f February, 1958, a HUGE housing p ro je c t was started. I t included 1J29 units that would cost § 2 1 , 885, 200. The Outcome Of A ll These P ro je cts was a flo c k o f such buildings as chapels, th ea tre s' Ind bu ildin gs fo r ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS fo r the children o f c iv ilia n em ployees. A ddition al f a c i l i t i e s were provided fo r the needs and s o c ia l w elfare of the so ld iers , and o f the c iv ilia n residen ts. . ^ . , , , . _ A Fort A irp ort Was_Developed, and regular f l i g h t service established between the Fort and S t. Louis. But before th at happened - there was a te r r ib le airplane wreck in a wooded area near the F ort. I t occurred on August 4, 1955. Three crew men and twenty-seven passengers were k ille d . As of March 1, 1973, the t o t a l c iv ilia n population o f the Fort is approximately ___________________ persons. The average troop population is is th is : The L is t Of For t_Commandants, with dates o f tenure,
CVM Mar. 6, 1973 (1947-58) (F eb .25, 1973)
80 -
( 8) THE U.S. ARMY RESERVE STATION. - The fo llo w in g items provide a rough sketch o f the establishment o f th is agency in R olla. 1 . - As of Sept. 28, 1949, Col. A.R. Dubai, president o f R olla Chamber of Commerce, said that an ARMY RESERVE UNIT would be brought to Rolla - I F the town would provide a su itab le bu ildin g l o t . 2. - A "U.S. Army Reserve A ssociation " was farmed as e a r ly as January 9, 1950. Major Frank H. Conrad - a professor o f chemistry at M.S.M. - headed i t . 3. - As o f March, 1950, the group consisted o f 28 e n listed men and 39 o ffic e r s . Major Conrad said " the group would expand" - IF given an appropriate home. 4. - On or about October 26, 1950, the group had organized as "Company D 327th Engineer Combat B a tta llio n ", o f the 102nd D ivisio n . I t had 23 e n lis te d men and two lieu ten an ts. 5. - In 1955, the group organized as a B attalion o f WO companies - and as a unit o f the 9857th Engineer Replacement Training Command. L t. Col. LeCompte Joslin was in the lead. 6. - As o f August 21, 1958, the R olla Chamber o f Commerce donated the desired building l o t . I t consisted o f a three-acre tra c t in the extreme southwest corner of Railroad Lot No. 118 ( that l o t being the NWj; o f SEjJ of NE^ of Sec. 10, T.37-8. Plans were now matured fo r the e re c tio n o f buildings to cost some $100,000. With th is sum, and with perhaps others, two major buildings were constructed and a yard f u l l o f construction equipment was provided. The equipment was such as would enable the agency to uuild and pave roads with asphalt - or to build a irp orts so paved, and so fo rth . Numbers of heavy trucks - tanks and trucks fo r hot tar bulldozers, e t c . were included. Building No. 1, containing the o f f i c i a l o ffic e and quarters far the men o f the agency, measures seme 52 x fe e t in flo o r plan. Building No. 2, prim arily a shop and storage unit fo r equipment, measures 23 x 47._4 fe e t. The e x te rio r w a lls o f both bu ildin gs are of red b rick . The u nit, tech n ica lly , is designated as the Army Reserve Center - Engineer Company No. 471 - 1st Construction Support Unit. The unit is suoject to c a ll fo r active duty i f and when any national emergency a ris es . As of March 1, 1973, the unit has an enrollment of 132 en listed men - s ix commanding o ffic e r s , and two warrant o ffic e r s . The head commander, as of March 1, 1973, is Capt. Clarence M ille r , 3rd. The u n it, d esirin g a meaningful sta tion name, named i t the "Sgt. Grover E. Bowen S tation " - in honor o f a g a lla n t s o ld ie r known to the men, who was k ille d [while serving in World War Two. (9 ) OTHER U.S. 0FF1QES IN ROLLA (1973). iLere are some fif t e e n or more additional - but sm aller - United States o ffic e s or agencxes xn R olla, as of March 1, 1973. These: g ricu ltu ra l S ta b iliz a tio n & oonserva^ion (county), Commissi on. 1 .armers' Home Adm inistration. 2 .Lr 3. - Force R ecru itin g Station, 102—L—10th ?my R ecruiting Center, 108 W. 10th 4. arine Corps R ecru iting O ffic e , 106 E. 10th 5. ining Health & S afety O ffic e ( 210 Hwy 63 S .) 6. 2 der.;1 A viation Agency ( Hwy 66 West) 7. .B 8. - .I. Agency ( 200 Ramsey B ld g .) 9 .- e n e ra l Services Adm. ( 103 W. 10th) .E.W. Dept. (Soc. S ecu rity) 113 W. 9th 10 . 11 .- nternal Revenue O ffic e ( 400 Main) ublic Health Unit ( 103 W. 10th) < 12 . e le c t iv e Service Board #85 ( R tn 211, Scott o ld g .) 1 3 .-
CVM Mar. 7, 1973-
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ADVANCES. 1947-58.
Telephone S e r v ic e .- P rio r to 1955, the telephone o ffic e s had been on the second flo o r o f the Edwin Long business bu ilding, at immediate northeast corner of 8th and Pine s tr e e ts . As o f December 23, 1955, the United Telephone Co. announced th at i t would build a modern phone exchange bu ildin g at the S.E. corner o f 11th and ^Elm s tr e e ts . Mr. Carl C ornell was Rolla manager. The bu ildin g was two-story, red brick e x te r io r . I t was constructed during 1956. . . . But before that, on Sunday, A p ril 17, 1955, the/ company had in s ta lle d d ire c t d ia lin g o n long distance c a lls . By May 15, 1957, the new bu ildin g was done and occupied, and in i t the d ia lin g system wets put in service on July 21,1957. Radio S tation K-T-T-R.- On July 24, 1947, i t was announced that R o lla was to have i t s FIRST radio sta tio n - to be known as "K-T-T-R". I t would be on the aib around October 1, 1947. The three promotors, a l l from S p rin gfield , Mo., were Luther C. Ma rtin . . . Martin Mitchum . . . and W.C. Burkhardt. The station would be located on north side of Soest Road, in the extreme northwest corner o f Section 7, T.37-8. I t s "watchword" would be "Keep Tuned •Lo R o lla ". The s ta tio n 's f i r s t broadcast occurred at 6:00 o'clock , the morning of September 30, 1947* Among it s f i r s t programs would be broadcasts o f the World Series o f baseball games. The_Mann H ist or ical_B r oa :lcs sts_. - Beginning in January, 1951, Dr. and Mrs . C lair V. ( "B on ita") Mann programmed a series o f "Half-Hour N arratives of Phelps County H is to r y ". These broadcasts were presented each Saturday afternoon, from 4:30 to 5:00 P.M. . . . They covered county h is to ry -from the time the Indians f i r s t crossed the Behring S tr a it from Asia into North America - down to hi^a school days in R olla, during the 1870's. The Manns wrote "s c r ip ts " o f fourteen double-spaced typew ritten pages fo r each broadcast. They took turns in reading from the scrip ts, paragraph by paragraph. The series contin///ued throughout the years 1951 to 1956, and ended in January of 1956 , fo r lack o f time to compile the s c rip ts. The e n tire set o f sc rip ts was manifolded in FIVE copies - o f which one copy each, n ic e ly bound, was deposited in the Library, Univ. Mo., Rolla - State H is to r ic a l Society - and James Memorial Library, St.James. R olla L ibrary took an unbound copy. The set includes 225 o f these n arratives, cade up in to NINE bound volumes. Each set contains over 2 , 000,000 typew ritten words. Nation 2 l_Broadcastin£ Systems.- The f i r s t national broadcast occurred on March 5, 1907. Owen D. Young organized the Radio Corporation o f America (R.C.A.J in 1919. The f i r s t sta tio n to begin regular broadcasts was W.W.J., D etro it, which went on the a ir August 20, 1920 . Several national radio systems were soon formed, as e a rly as 1926 and 1927. These: N ational Broadcasting Cb. . . . Columbia Broad casting System —. . . Mutual . . and y e t others. 'S ta tic —le s s " (T.M .) stations^began [in 1951. . . . . As of August, 1950, there were 2,160 standard radio stations in operation . . . 106 T e le v is io n sta tion s .. and 687 "Fin1 station s. As For T e le v is io n : Researches and t r i a l sets were in progress during years 1925 to~1950._ The R.C.A. demonstrated TV broadcasts in 1933* Am. Telephone and ^ elegrap Co. transmitted TV sign a ls, New York to Washington (D .u .) in 1927. Full commercial TV broadcasts began in 1941. C .c.S. and R.C.A. systems were on regu lar program from and a ft e r 1949- Today ( March 6, 1973 ) . . t a l l TV antennae can be seen risin g frcm innumerable house-tops in and around R o lla . Broadcasting stations are p r in c ip a lly located in S t. Louis and Columbia, Missouri - but elsewhere as w e ll.
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CVM Mar. 7, 1973 U947-58;_____/
HOLLA'S FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. 1947-58 R o lla State Ban_k.^- Some idea o f the status o f this bank can be seen byinspection o f the fo llo w in g ta b le: Late Assets Deposits C apital Accounts $4, 665,415.42 Jan. 9, 1947 14,456,944.87 $207,775.55 Jan. 8 , 1943 5,186,645.91 4,955,756.14 230,889.77 5,592,785.41 300,410.76 Jan. 9, 1950 5,291,734.65 Jan.10,1952 368,853-20 5,966,526.04 6,337,004.24 As o f June 7, 1951 - and for some time before - nr, Edw. D. (" b e r t " ) Williams was president of R olla State Bank, nut on December 20, 1951, his son, "REX" Williams, became president - and has held that o ffic e down to date ( March 7, 1973j And as of A p ril 4, 1958, Mr. Frank Germann had been with th is bank for 35 years. The "Herald" o f that date printed a biographic sketch of him. The ^ F irste State Bank_of R o lla .- As e a r ly as A p ril 15, 1948, in terest arose concerning the establishment o f a new (, and second ) bank in R olla. Such a bank - the FIRST STATE BANK OF ROLLA was chartered as o f March 6th, 1952. The amount of C apital Stock was fix e d a t $80,000... Surplus was $20,000 . . . Undivided P r o fits $20,000 .. a t o ta l of $120 , 000. The headquarters were in the old "bampbell Block", at immediate southwest corner of 7th and Pine s tr e e ts . The "cashier" was D elbert Johnson, form erly of Newburg. D irectors included Messrs. DeVere J oslin . . . Herman E. Castleman . . . Delbert C. Johnson . . . J. Mean White . . . Wm. H. Tandy . . . C e c il Herrman . . . and H.D. Crumpler........... The bank opened i t s doors fo r business on October 9, 1952. A sampling o f i t s fin a n c ia l reports is as fo llo w s : C apital Accounts Deposits Date ______Assets $128,156.75 Jan. 14, 1954 $2 , 234, 912.18 $2,106,755.41 July 12,1955 2 , 8 11 , 256.96 3,227,147.45 Jan. 9, 1957 3,424,680.63 3,261,498.78 203,514.44 July 3, 1957 3,465,013.22 3,900,820.27 July 8, 1958 4,139,246.14 As o f November 12, 1956, Mr. L .r r y Lumpe peplaced Delbert Johnson as cashier, and remained such through 1958 and la t e r . DeVere Joslin^ served terms as president J. Nean White . . Wm. H. randy . . H.E. Castleman .. and DeVere Joslin usually signed the fin a n c ia l rep orts. R o lla Savings And Loan_As_sn.— Our records contain the follow in g fin a n c ia l data concerning th is — R o lla 's FIRST savings and loan concern: Assets_____ Date________ $158,271.91 Jan. 8 , 1948 224,474* 44 Jan. 7, 1955 235,819.67 Jan. 9, 1956 266 213.82 July 8 , 1957 279,998.37 July 9, 1958 Throughout the period 1947-58, Mr. DeVere J oslin was president, end Mrs. Marie K. Johns, secreta ry. The Central Missouri Savings_&_Loan Assn^.- As of March 6 , 1952, this agency^ had just orocured_ it s _ state charter. W illiam E. Wiggins was chairman of the Board. The association opened business in the o ffic e ^ o f Mr. Burley F. Thompson, in the Scott Drug store b u ild in , SW corner 8th and Fine. As of July 8, 1954, the agency's assets were $261,828,13. B. i . Thompson was president, Wm. E. Wiggins secretary. . . . As of Jan. 11, 1955, assets were $433,402.34 . . . and as of Jan. 10, 1956, they were $649,61^.49. In 1973, they to ta l severa l m illio n s o f d o lla r s .
CVM Mar 7, 1973. ( 1947-58}___ /
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^ e_L®.b3:n°n_^§-vi.nS2. §L :koan_Assn.- This agency h d headquarters in Lebanon, Laclede county, Missouri - but had a R olla agency fo r which Mr. Wm. H. Tandy was agent. As of Jan. 13, 1956, the company's a ssetts were .38,614,172.31. THE ROLLa CHAMBER OF_COMMERCE.- For the Chamber, the period 1947-58 was characterized by considerable change and disturbance. This was mostly concerned with the o f fic e o f "s e c re ta ry ", or "manager", but a lso included d i f f i c u l t i e s in ra is in g the desired budget funds. As the period opened, and as of March, 1947, Mr. P.H. (, "P ry o r") McGregor was the secretary. He had an o f fic e on second flo o r of the Scott Drug building. He retained the o f fic e u n til January of 1951, when he resigned. He had served the Chamber as secretary fo r the past nine years. For a short period during 1951, Mrs. B etty Goode was secretary. When, in October, she l e f t R olla, Mrs. Katherine Rothwell succeeded. She was the daughter o f Mrs. M.R. Kelchner, who fo r a time served as Chamber treasurer. Both la d ies were succeeded by Mr. Pete Smith, who was employed as "manager". During Mr. Smith's term, the Chamber was aule to raise only $3,900 o f it s desired budget o f $10,000. This and other fa cto rs caused Mr. Smith to resign, as o f May, 1953. By 1955 ( Sept. 13 or e a r li e r ) , the Chamber had employed Mrs. Gale Pullman as "manager" - and she proved to be an ex c e lle n t choice. A capable ty p is t was employed to aid in her work. She presen tly was able to attend meetings of other chambers o f commerce, and o f "manager" associations, and in so doing augmented her own tra in in g and c a p a b ility . ( No l The Mun. U t i l i t i e s l) As of November, 1955, the Chamber/had purchased the C.V.Mann residence, at 210 East 8th s tre e t, and th erea fter ( and to date, March, 1973) made the home i t s headquarter o f f i c e . During the period, the Chamber engiged in the usual program of a c t iv it ie s fo r which such bodies are created. I t sponsored special sa les days - annual chamber banquets - banquets with R o lla 's school teachers as guests - and other p rojects which promoted R o lla 's w elfa re. Several p a r tic u la r ly important projects carried out were these: 1. - Donation o f THREE separate tra cts to the Missouri N ational Guard fo r building s it e s . Cash donation o f $9,300 fo r bu ildin g the f i r s t Armory unit, size 30x 60 fe e t . 2. - Purchase o f two tra cts fo r building s ite s fo r the U.S. Bureau o f Mines - the f i r s t , the " P ilo t Plan t" l o t abutting west lin e of State stre e t, opposite to the M.S.M. Power Plant - the second abutting east lin e of Bisnop Avenue, between 11th and 14th s tre e ts - for vhich s ite the Chamber paid $8,000. 3. - Donation o f tte bu ildin g site far the Army Reserve unit on old Fair Grounds. 4 .— Pu blication o f several R olla maps and descrip tive "brochures". A L is t _ 0 f The Chamber Presidents^ 1947-1973.- The term fo r Chamber presidents runs from the f i r s t week in March to that date the fo llo w in g year. Hence tne meaning o f the hyphenated date "1946—47". For tbe period, presidents were tnese. 1946-47 . . J.Nean White 1955-56 .. J.Wean White *1964-65 .. Larry Lumpe * 1947-48 . Leo W. H ig ley 1956-57 . J* Mean White 1965-66 .. Larry Lumpe 1948- 49 . Earl Rasmussen 1957-58 . Gerald Maggi 1966-67 •• Jack M irley 1949- 50 Col. A.5'.Duvall 1958-59 . John M.Morris Jr 1967-b8 .Homer A . Tucker Homer A.Tucker 195V-60 . Mel nloch 1968-69 1950- 51 Duval.L-3uhre B i l l Sowers 196970 1960- 61 . Roy Charles 1951- 52 Uol.H.E.Suhre Glenn Davison 197071 196162 . J.C.Alexander Dr. Dan Kennedy 195*-53 R u ssell Perry 197172 1962 63 . J.Nean White 1953- 54 Rex. Z.W illiam s Fred Ackelmire 197273 196364 . J. Nean White 1954- 55 E. F. Reid
CVM—BHM-Mar. 8, 1973. Period 1947-1958
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R o lla 's JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ( 11 The JAYCEES" )♦ - On the date o f this ■writing - March 8,- 1973 - the necessary data fo r a descrip tion o f th is agency and it s a c t iv it ie s were WOT a v a ila b le . For such reason, the story was omitted here, but contained on pages 4 9 ..4 9 .a . . and 50 of the 1959-19 73 Section. ”>HIGH SEE .
CVM Sat Mar 10,1973( 1947-58; _______ /
- 85 -
aenerson uounty, liv in g at 731 M ississip i — s■«tre ewt,? wCrystal x ip“** x j u _L_ oCi ity, uy j itMo.; tu • J • n order to have an " o f f i c i a l l y accurate and complete" descrip tion , we now enter copies of le t t e r s w ritten to C.V.Mann by Dr. L.M. Gardner, D irector o f the Missouri Health Department, Jefferson City, and his two associates, Drs. C.W. meinershagen and^E.A.Belden. Present description supplements and f i n a l l y corrects A. a l l former d escrip4-4tio n s. To_Quote : l I
Mrt VI -1 W
— wn
. » 1
J'X'-L DIVISIO _0F PffiALTH_0F MSSOURI, Jefferson C ity, December 5, 1969. Dr. C lair V. Mann, R o lla , Missouri, 65401................ Dear Doctor Mann: ■'Since l w i l l be but o f town a l l next week, and would probably have to r e fe r your le t t e r anyway, 1 thought i t would be best i f I wrote you a short l e t t e r now, t e llin g you that I am r e fe r r in g your l e t t e r to Doctor C.W.Meinershagen, D irector o f pyty Personal Health. Doctor E.A.Belden, D irector o f our Bureau of Communicable Diseases, works with him. They w i l l probably be able to f i l l in some o f the missing names and dates, and give you the m aterial that you need. " 1 w i l l s te a l some o f th e ir thunder, out they can elaoorate on tn is, uy statin g that, a fte r the ou ilding was given over to the State Highway Patrol, the out-patient c lin ic you mentioned ( which continued tnrough 1959 ) is s t i l l being continued. We use one room in the building, and pay Doctor Avery A. Drake (whom you mentioned in your a r t ic le ; to hold th is out-patient c lin ic . " We r e a liz e that he is not seeing any a ctive trachoma a t a ll, but many of the old timers, with th eir chronic eye ir r it a t io n s - "ingrown hairs" as they c a ll th eir eye ir r it a t io n - are c e rta in ly being w e ll cared fo r , and I am sure they would f e e l that we were n eglectin g them, and possib ly even le t t in g them go blind, i f we stopped tn is ou t-patien t c lin ic { as we seriou sly considered doing; a few years back. "Again, Doctors Meinershagen and Belden may t e l l you more, but in case tney don't, I should c e r ta in ly mention that Doctor Carl Rice - whom you also mentioned in your a r t ic le as serving from June i2 , 193-0 u n til 1936 - returned to Missouri some fif t e e n years ago (1954), when he re tire d from the Public Health Service, to become the Jefferson County Health O ffic e r , on f u l l time, at H illsboro,M issou ri. He is s t i l l the Healtn O ffic e r at H illsu oro, and i s s t i l l extremely in terested in Trachoma - m d very l i k e l y can give you more information on some of your "blank spaces" than the tnree o f us nere, combined, could do. Doctors Meinershagen _xid Belden w i l l complete tn is (record; to the best o f th eir a b ilit y , and return i t to you. I am sure thau they, as w e ll as I , would suggest that you also contact Doctor Rice at H illsb o ro , Missouri. S in cerely, (Signed) L.M.Garner, M.D., M.P.H. LMGimk Acting D irector. CC: C. V.Meinershage n, M. D. E.A.Belden, M.D.
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The Material_DoctorsJ'jle±nersha£en and Belden_Sent ( without transmitting l e t t e r ) was as fo llo w s : & " THE TRACHOMA EFFORT IN MISSOURI 7ith_SpecialjIm phasis InJThe_Trachoma H ospital_At R olla. R olla, M issouri, has been in tim a tely associated with some o f the pioneer work concerning the _e y e _disease, Trachoma. Ip 1913, trachoma was f i r s t o f f i c i a l l y recog nized as e x is tin g in epidemic form in the Appalachians o f Kentucky. The U.S. Public Health Service commenced a study o f trachima, aimed at i t s eradication in Kentucky in 1913* Dr# John McMullen was in charge of this beginning. In a few years, physicians began to r e a liz e that the disease existed in V irgin ia, West V irg in ia , Tennessee, and fin a lly , fo llo w in g a survey in Missouri in 1923, On. McMullen declared the disease to be epidemic throu^iout the Missouri Ozarks. Later, i t was recognized as a serious problem in North Arkansas and N.E. Oklahoma. " Dr. McMullen recommended an intensive con trol program in Missouri, made up o f three featu res: (a ) education, aimed at informing people how the disease is spread; (b) a. ce n tra l treatment center or f i e l d h osp ital fo r trea tin g complicated cases; and (c ) f i e l d nurses who would v i s i t homes and schools, looking fo r e a rly cases of trachoma, and who would organize lo c a l examination and treatment c lin ic s . " To show that these e a r ly public health nurses r e a lly got around, we have in our trachoma archives a pictu re o f a nurse standing on one o f the fro n t wheels o f a wagon, examining the d r iv e r 's eyes - while the team o f mules wait p a tie n tly . " When Dr. P.D. Mossman assumed charge o f the t o ta l trachoma control program in 1924, he urged the Public Health Service to commence research e ffo r t s aimed at finding the cause o f the disease. This point w i l l be elaborated la t e r . The Trachom_bontr£l_Program_In M issouri. 11 On March 8, 1923, physicians from the Missouri State Board of Healthm together with representatives o f the U.S. Public Health Service, v is ite d R o lla in order to meet with the R o lla Chamber o f Commerce, and discuss the possible location o f a Missouri Ttachoma H ospital in R o lla . " The conference resu lted in an agreement between the Chamber o f Commerce, the U.S. Public Health S ervice, and the M issouri State/Health Department - according to which the Chamber of Commerce would ( fo r at le a s t the f i r s t year ) furnish a building, together with e le c t r ic power, c it y water and heat, that would serve as a fie ld h o s p ita l. " The chamber managed to locate a suitable building — the J.D. Tucker residence, on the east side o f Elm street between 12th and 13th s tre e ts . The lo t was in the northwest corner o f Block 91, Bishop's Third Addition. The building was a spacious two-story wood framed structure, f a i r l y s a tis fa c to ry for the intended purpose. I t s t i l l stands, 1970 ( but, by CVM. was wrecked during February, 1973). " The Rolla Trachoma H ospital opened for business at 1:30 p.m., on Tuesday, July 24, 1923. For the opening, an elaborate program was carried out. There was a bounteous noonday dinner at the Baltimore Hotel, sponsored by the Chamber ox Commerce. M issou ri's Governor, Arthur H. Hyde, made the noonday address. Later in the day, the Governor helpied_the_nurse_s gain t impruvise_d_.Lurniture at the h osp ital. Present, also, at the dinner were these prominent personages: " Dr. John McMullen - U.S. Public Health Service Dr. Emmett P. North, President, Missouri StateaEoardcofaHealJsh, St.Louis. Dr. W ilse Robinson, President, Missouri Medical Association, Kansas City Dr. Harvey D. Lamb, Chairman, Missouri Commission fo r the Blind, St.Louis Air. Frank H. F a rris, State Senator, o f R o lla .
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" During the ensuing program, these men, and others, staged a ''Symposium on Trachoma'.1 A fter dinner, the group moved to the open lo t at the southwest corner o f 10th and Pine s tr e e ts . From th ere, a lengthy procession formed to march to the h ospital ouilding, 13th and. Elm s tre e ts - where a reception was held. "Twenty-two p a tien ts had alread y been admitted. Here, a trib u te must be aid to the management o f the Frisco Railroad. These 22 patients had been brought to R olla as Frisco passengers, fr e e _ o f phargp . The Frisco Railroad continued to do this fo r severa l years. In addition, nurses were often taken to outlying points, w ith th e ir supplies - as fr e e passengers o f the Frisco. " This arrangement w ith the ra ilro a d was made through in flu e n tia l business ,en of Rolla, at the sugge stion o f Dr. McMullen. This was a very h elp fu l service, as M issouri did not have the good roads in the Ozarks ( at that time ) as i t has today. Farm fa m ilie s could d rive a team o f horses or mules to a ra ilroa d station ; but to d riv e to R olla m ijfit have en ta iled two or three days d rivin g. "Dr. Robert Sory was present to take charge o f the H ospital. He was the fir s t. d ire c to r of the R olla Trachoma H ospital. His f i r s t ch ief nurse was Miss S a llie Lunt. " The in te re s t o f the U.S. Public Health Service in trachoma began in 1913, in Kentucky. However, the Public Heal.h Service had its atten tion directed to this problem in 1911 - by Dr. J.H. Stuckey, of Lexington, Kentucky. As a resu lt, Dr. John McMullen was d irected to in v estig a te - and, i f necessary - to organize a program to con trol the disease. " From 1913 to 1924, there were 3 d ire c to rs of this program. Dr_. John_McMullen served from 1913 to 1924, with headquarters in Lexington, Kentucky......... pre P•5."_Mpsspari served from 1924 to 1930, with headquarters in Rolla, Missouri . . . Dr. Carl E. Rice served from 1930 to 1936, w ith headquarters in R olla, Missouri. " A fte r 1936, w ith the coming o f the S ocial S ecu rity Act - each State, having a trachoma problem, assumed re s p o n s io ility fo r any special e ffo r t s considered necessary. " As_Indicated, Dr. Robert Sory became the f i r s t d ire cto r o f the Missouri Trachoma H osp ital. To s im p lify the presentation; the various h ospital d ire cto rs who served at th is in s titu tio n w i l l be lis t e d in the order o f service, thus: Dr. Robert Sory, 1923-192$> Dr. Wm. C. Plumlee, 1926-1929 Dr. Gordon B.. Carr, 1929-1930 Dr. James E. Smith, 1930-1945 Dr. Arthur A. S in is ca l, 1945 to closing of h ospital in 1955* One o f the most c o lo r fu l medical d ire c to rs o f the Missouri Trachoma H ospital was Dr. Gordon Bennet Carr, o f Sturgis, Kentucky, where he had carried on a busy general p ra c tic e . At R o lla , he became an avid tennis player, in his spare time during the day. At night, he found him self becoming very fond o f reading ShakesIpeare. ( But at the h o s p ita l), During the e a rly morning hours, the w aiting room would become crowded with patients — osten sib ly w aiting 1 or eye treatments . . . 1 ut, in r e a lit y , w aiting fo r Dr. Carr to put on a Shakespearian play a l l by himself The p atien ts, nurses, and Dr. Carr a l l enjoyed i t . " Unfortunately, Dr. Carr did not remain long. He f e l t the p u ll o f respon s i b i l i t y back to h is patien ts in Kentucky. " The U.S. Public Health Service continued to operate the R olla Trachoma Hospital u n til 1936 - when the en tire re s p o n s ib ility was transferred^to the [[Missouri) State Department of Health. Dr. Jaiae s L. Smith remained in charge ( fo r the State ) a ft e r the tra n sfer.
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(The New Sta_te Tra choma_Hospi ta 1 of_l£39) " A new h osp ital fo r trachoma work for in -p atien t care was b u ilt in R olla w ith the aid o f State and Federal funds. The new h osp ital was dedicated on August 29, 1939* Governor Lloyd G. Stark made the p rin cip a l speech, and Dr. Malvern R. Glopton, President o f the Missouri Board of Health, presided. Dr. Arthur McCormack, D irector o f the Kentucky State Department o f Health, spoke. The bu ildin g was opened fo r patien ts in January, 1940. Dr. James E. Smith Was D irector, and remained in that capacity u n til 1945, when he moved to Alabama. " Although th is new h osp ita l ceased to provide in -p atien t_care in 1955 - i t HAS continued to provide ou t-patien t service to old trachoma cases. A small ^rea o f the bu ildin g is (. as o f January, 1970 )reserved fo r th is purpose. Dr. Avery A. Drake, o f R o lla , provides th is service on Tuesdays and Fridays o f each week. " Ihe §.ta ff Of_The_New_Hospital, as of July 1, 1940, was as fo llo w s : .Dr. James E. Smith - D irector *Peggy Gottsberger - Stenographer Dr. Arthur A. S in is c a l, Asst.Physician Sam W infrey - Cook Mrs. Margaret Orten - Chief Nurse P earl Perry, Assistant Cook Gladys F ield s - Surgical Nurse Evans Campbell - Maintenance Opal Dempsey - C lin ic Nurse Jackson - Janitor Flora M itch ell - F ield Nurse John D u ffield - Yard Man Ethel Sandifer - Maid A lice Currie - Maid uRepearch_0n Trachoma_A;t RoLLp.- The f i r s t response o f the Public Health Service to Dr. Mossman’ s request fo r a research program in to the cause or causes o f trachoma was the assignment of a dedicated lab oratory researcher - Dr_j_ Ida §.eSgt.son - who a rrived on the R o lla scene in 1925 - and was given laboratoryspace by the School o f Mines. She was a lso allowed space fo r experimental animals, including monkeys. Dr. Bengtson remained here u n til 1932. " Ear l y in 1926, Dr. Adolph Rumreich, o f the Public Health Service, was .assigned to the trachoma p ro je c t - to carry out "epidem iological" work on trachoma. He remained on th is work u n til the spring of 1930. 11 Many researchers had worked on trachoma in many parts o f the world - and there were many th eories as to i t s cause. One theory was based on a d ie ta ry d efic ien c y o f some p a rtic u la r food element. This idea was hard to defend - when i t was pointed out that trachoma migjit almost be ca lled an "occupational disease" a ffe c tin g p ro fessio n a l w restlers at that tim e. Most researchers assumed i t was due to a bacterium, or a viru s, or a " r ic k e t t s ia l" organism. These research e ffo r ts did not lead to any p o s itiv e fin d in gs. " Later, i t was discovered KK&i by other workers that the SULFA DRUGS were cu rative. " The Nurses: Mrs^_ Margaret_0rten ( nee Jones ) began her trachoma work at Rolla in February, 1926. She remained in this work u n til 1942 - most of that time as Chief Nurse. Miss Grace Harwood began work as Chief Nurse in 1927, and remained u n til 933 - when she was transferred to the Hygenic Laboratory o f the Public Health ervice in Washington, D.C. M iss_Sallie Lunt started as Chief Nurse at R olla in 1923. She was transferred to the Kentucky Trachoma H ospital in 1927, where she remained u n til 1940. Dr. Carl E; Rice - who has been in public health work in Missouri fo r the la s t 16 years ( 1954-1970) as a County Health O ffic e r (, At H illsb oro, Jefferson County) says that he has seen only ONE case o f a ctive trachoma during that time. He states that i t i s remarkable how this disease has disappeared from the scene, a ttrib u tes th is to the r is in g standard o f liv in g - improved hygienic arrange;nts - education - and the handiness o f water supplies. Mothers and children no longer have to carry water from d ista n t springs - towels can be washed more frequently, e tc .
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( INSERT_-_by O.V.Mann: In a le t t e r from Dr. Carl E. Rice to C.V.Mann, dated May 5, 1970, Dr. Rice said th is : " I think i t might be w e ll to mention Mrs. MARIE RAMSEY (. Mrs Lloyd C. Ramsey), who was C hief Clerk o f the Central O ffic e o f the Trachoma Control Program. She was given o f fic e space in the Old Post O ffic e Building, 9th and Pine stree ts , R olla. She served in that capacity fo r both Dr. Mossman and m yself, for twelate years. From that o f fic e , most o f the adm inistrative problems o f trachoma work, in the several sta tes, were handled. She liv e s on the outer road, Highway 66 ( 1-44) west, about two m iles out o f R o lla . . . . Regards, Carl__IL_ Rice ) . Continuing_the_Meinersha £en-PeIden_le11er: 11 Dr. Rice fu rth er states that acknowledgment must be made fo r the great help rendered the trachoma work in M issouri by several Ophthalmologists in St. Louis. Outstanding among these are W i l l i a l H. Luedde, M.D. . . . John Green, J r., M.D. . . . Lawrence T. Post, M.D. . . . L e s lie Drews, M.J. . . . and Harvey D. Lamb, M.D. "One cannot mention a public health e f f o r t , such as th is, in the State of Missouri, during the th ird decade o f the century - without acknowledging great c re d it to Dr. Jim Stewart, State Health O ffic e r during the e a rly t h ir t ie s . Dr. I r l Brown, Assistant State Health O ffic e r , and Pearl Mclvor, D irector of nurses. 11 The E ffo r t Againsj: Trachoma_in Missouri is now h isto ry . The U.S. Public Health Service had to in it ia t e the same kind of e f f o r t - and at about the same KTrM period o f time - in West V irg in ia , Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, and M issouri. During one summer, some o f the Missourians went in to Oklahoma — and -with the help o f the N ational Guard,which supplied tents and beds, an intensive summer program against trachoma was carried on. This was in the general area of Picher, Oklahoma - just outside the southwest corner o f Missouri. " TRACHOMA WAS AH EYE DISEASE that made thousands b lin d , i t has disappeared 'rom the" United” State s, except fo r same Indian reservation s. I t was confined to a f a i r l y w e ll demarked area. Negros appeared to have a strong immunity agains the disease. These are some o f the fa c ts that bothered those who wer once engaged in fig h tin g the d isea se." —i —o- o- o- o—o- o—o- o—i —
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|R0LLAj_3_H0SPITAL arfERGENCY OFJ_246-19£1. - As we rela ted on page 37 o f our 30X141931 :. 1932-1946 Section - The "NELLE McFARLAND HOSPITAL", owned and operated by D r . A. Sidney McFarland, on l o t immediately north of the in terse ctio n of North Pine street and Highway 63 - closed on August 0, ±946. This was because the in s titu tio n would no longer pay expenses. R o lla citize n s were deeply concerned, fo r th is l e f t the town without any adequate h osp ital service. I Meantime, the Mciar land H ospital was sold to p rivate Rolla c itiz e n s , who remodeled the bu ildin g for use as a "Nursing" or "Rest Home". I t has been so operated down to date o f th is w ritin g , March, 1973 . Other F a o ilitie s _ S e rv e d For Period_1246-19j>l.- From 1946 on to 1951 , hospital patients from R o lla were taken to the Waynesville Hospital, near W aynesville, Pulaski county. Mr. John W. Scott was taken there in his la s t illn e s s , and died there. Mrs. A lic e Smallwood, o f St. James, was another patient so treated. This arrangement served the R olla area u n til the Phelps County Memorial H ospital was completed and opened in e a r ly 19 5 1 . _he ^ojttln£ham_Clini£ was opened by Dr. M.M. ( _._. ) Cottingham on Sunday, A p ril 27, 1947. This was located at northeast corner o f 10th and Elm s tr e e ts '.’ Dr. Cottingham was an osteopath. The_blue Cross. Health_Agency entered the Rolla area in June o f 1947, and at that time re g is te re d applican ts. lhe_Physician£ i nJiloxl.a_Area ( not a l l o f whom were here in the e a rly 1940's) lis t e d in tne Iy57 County Centennial Book - who had o ffic e s - or lim ited c lin ic s where moderate i l l s could be attended - were tnese: A l l "M.D." doctors except Cottingham, who was "D.O." (osteopath: -------- ——Thesej -----In St.James. These: D.F. Andreassen J.A. Grosskreutz R."Gene" Breuer Mrs. C.V. Hammier James D. Butts E.A.Scott 9.M. Cottingham Emil A. S triek e r ( Roxla a lso ) Avery A. Drake S.C. Bonney E. E. Feind In Newburg W.R. L y tle Richard E. Myers. James Myers Barbara Russell M.K. Underwood. THE PHELPS COUNTY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL.- The combined f a c i l i t i e s o f a l l the above physicians, w ith such c lin ic s as they had established, could not take the place o f a w e ll organized, w e ll equipped area h o s p ita l. As we have rela ted on pages 37-38 o f our 1933-46 Section, moves had been made, p rio r to 1946, to estab lis h a suitable "community H ospital" - but no concrete p ro je ct had matured. Now, however, the evening o f September 19> 1946, a concrete p roject had it s birth . SOMETHING HAD TO BE DONE. The McFarland H ospital had closed in August. A mass meeting, with hundreds present, was held in the basement ( "Collegp Inn") of Hotel Edwin Long. Rev. O.V. Jackson presided — and plead fo r action. A week la t e r , September 26, 100 c itiz e n s petition ed the County Court to c a ll a sp ecial e le c t io n to vote for a $ 400,000 bond issue to finance the desired hospital. The vote was 3524 "For" .. 1148 "Against". A 2/3 m ajority was required this was a 75 *4$ v ic to r y . Following th is e le c tio n , the County Court appointed the FIRST Board o f anagers fo r the PHELPS COUNTY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. The fiv e men appointed were: Messrs. DeVere Joslin/ . . D.L. Stuart . . . O.D. H all . . . Dr. R.Eugene Breuer .. d John Phelps. Appointed Dec. 3> 1946, the Board organized Dec. 6, 1946. Under The Hall-Burton Act _, i t was now decided to apply fo r a $200,000^ rant from the Federal Government. This was obtained - and with the $400,000 bond ssue, made a t o t a l construction fund of $600,000.
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A Kospital_3it_e Is_Uhosen.- As o f January, 1947, Mr. DeVere Joslin, toe o f the fiv e h osp ita l tru stees, negotiated with the Curators o f Missouri U niversity fo r the possession of a s ite fo r the h osp ital on west 10th s tre e t, in the extreme southeast corner of S ec.3, T.37-8. The deal was made. The p rice fo r 8.27 acres - $827.00 - was raised and donated by the R o lla Lions Club. The deed was made and dated as of March 21, 1947. Friton_Is_ A r c h ite c t.- In A p ril of 1947, Mr. Ernest T. Friton , an a rch itect ith o ffic e in <ebster Orcves, Mo., was chosen as the h o s p ita l's a rc h ite c t. He as to design a bu ildin g which could be erected for the availab le fund o f 600,000. Rev. O.V. Jackson, however, s o lic ite d added p rivate g i f t s fo r rooms d furnishings. He was able to gather in some #13,853 in cash, and $4954 in pledges. The O ffic ia ljfe in e was fix ed by the Board of Trus tees on May 1, 1948. I t i be the "PHELPS COUNTY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL". The word "Memorial" got fo r i t an automatic $1,000 State award. r in A p ril, 1948 - and approved May 22,1948. the regular e le c tio n of November 2, 1948, low s: , four year term. term R o lla ) 4 year term 2 year term year term. the U.S. Public Health Service on January 3, 1949. But they exceeded the #600,000 , the Paulus Construction Co., o f St.Louis, capacity of some 70 beds. A th ird story, f , and the Paulus bid shaved to meet the ad been from #710,000 to #824,000). ned on Wednesday, June 8, 1949. Work began e s it e on Jure 1, 1949* The f i r s t GROUND • Ceremony included Mr._ Da.ve_R.j_ Turner, the us Const. Co. . . . The fiv e hospital Trustees, ..Oscar Glenn — Wm. Mueller .. and Dr. Treasurer Elmer Nesbit - Contractor Thomas ould be resident engineer-inspector fo r ut of bu ilding, occurred the same day s fo r the h osp ital lin e s - Thomas Blinne on. The building was in the form o f a uring 42 x 172 fe e t . The "stem" of the "Tee", cm the east-west po -tion - and measured 13 o f the column fo otin gs was poured on proceeded with no p a rticu la r delay during y January 18, 1951, the building was suf' heating and u t i l i t y f a c i l i t i e s in s ta lle d , or - Ted 0. Lloyd - and his s t a ff moved in s general public as guests, occurred on entered on March 19, 1951* rch 8, 1951, included the $400,000 bond — $40,000 in general donations — and mes Foundation. A t o t a l of $673,000.
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A ROLL CALL OF THE- VARIOUS ROLLA BUSINESSES & INDUSTRIES FOR THE TEARS 1957 - 1958 Source Of L i s t . - This l i s t is taken from two sources: (1 ) The Phelps Co. Centennial Book o f June, 1957 . . . . ( 2 ) The current newspaper advertisem ents,1957-58. The 93 agencies that so advertised in these two sources are those now lis t e d . We undoubtedly have missed or omitted others, but these show the general business "clim ate" o f R o lla fo r the period. Abstract O ffic e s .................... 3 Hatchery (Chicken) ...................... 1 Appliance Sales O ffic e s ......... 2 Hospitals .........................................1 A rch itects ................................. 3 H otels ............................................ 3 Auctioneers ............................... 1 Ic e F a c t o r y ..................................... 1 Auto Body Repair S h o p s ..............1 Insurance Agencies ...................... 7 Auto Parts s to re s ...................... 3 Jewelers ........................................ 2 Auto Sales A g e n c ie s ................. 10 Laundries .........................................2 Auto Service Stations ........... 6 Lodges ............................................ Bakeries ..................................... 1 Lumber Yards ................................. 2 Banks .......................................... 2 M ail Order Houses ........................ 2 Barber Shops .............................. 3 M illin e r y Shops ........................... 2 Beauty Shops ................................ 4 Monuments ( grave stones ) . . . . 1 Motels ............................................ 4 Beer Depots ................................ 4 Newspapers .................................... 3 Book-keepers ( C .P .A .) ........... 1 N eedlecraft (sew.machs.) ........... 2 Book Stores ............................... 2 O ffice Supplies ........................... 3 o o ttlin g Works (Sodas) ........... 2 Opticians ...................................... 1 Bowling A lle y s .......................... 2 Osteopaths ..................................... 1 Cabs ( Taxis) ............................ 2 Paint & Glass Sales .................... 3 Cabinet Shops (Carpenter) . . . . 2 Photographers ............................... 1 Cafe s .............. 6 Piano & Music Store ...................... 1 Churche s ................................... 23 P rin t Shop (Commercial) ............. 2 C lin ics (M edical) ................... 3 Produce Store (e g g s , e t c . )............. 1 cloth in g Stores ...................... 11 Radio-TV Repair Shop ............... 3 Concrete & Cone. M aterials . . 1 Radio Broadcast Stations ........... 2 Construction Contractors . . . . 5 Realtors ........................................ 5 Creamery ................................... 1 Rest Homes .................................... 2 D airies ..................................... 2 Railroads ...................................... 1 Dentists ................................... 7 R olla Municipal U t i l i t i e s ......... 1 Department Stores ................... 2 Savings & Loan Assns......... ......... 3 Doctor s . M.D. .......................... 9 Sandwich Shops ............................. 2 Drug Stores ............................... 6 Sewing Machine Sales ............. 1 Dry Cleaners .............................. 3 Sheet Metal Works ........................ 2 E le c tr ic Contractors ............... Shoe F a c t o r y ................................... 1 E le c tr ic Sales Stores . . . . . . . . 5 Shoe S t o r e s .............. 2 Engineering Firms ................... 3 Signs ( made ) ............................... 1 Farm Machine ry Sales ................. 1 Sporting Goods .............. 1 Farm Supplies, Feeds, etc . . . . 2 Supermarkets (G roc., e t c . ) .......... 3 F lo o rc ra ft, carpets e tc .......... 1 Theatres ........................................ 4 F lo r is ts ..................................... 2 T r a ile r Courts ............................. 2 Freezer-Locker (meats) ........... 1 Truck Lines ................................... 2 Fuel O ils ................................... 9 Upholsterin g Shop ........................ 1 Funeral Homes .....................•«• • ^ Used Car Lots .............. 4 Furnaces (so ld , in s ta lle d ) . . 1 V a riety Store ............................... 1 Furniture Sales ........................ 4 Veteranary Doctor ........................ 2 Gas, n o ttled .............................. 2 Cross-Country Bus Lines ............. 2 Grain Elevators ........... 2 Grocery Stores ( none o t h e r ).. 3 I f NAMES o f any particu lar agency Hardware Stores ........................ 3 are wanted, see Centennial Book.
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HOLLA'S NEWSPAPERS^- During the 1947-58 period, R o lla had THREE newspapers: ( l ) R olla Herald . . . . (2 ) R olla D a ily News ....... (3 ) R olla A d vertiser. Vie need to record b r ie f notes concerning each. (1 ) R olla H arald.- This paper underwent major changes during th is period in ownership - in e d ito rs - in lo c a tio n - in nature o f publication. As_of March 15*. 19.47, E ditor Chas. L. Woods and Mrs. Woods sold the Herald to Lawrence E. May, who came to R o lla a ft e r service with the Jefferson C ity News-Tribune. Mr. and Mrs. (Helen) May had two children - Janet (14) and B i l l (7 ). As_of March 20, the H erald's "masthead" indicated that Chas. L. Woods was "ed itor em eritus", and Lawrence E. May, publisher. As_of May 27*. 1948^ Mrs. May (Helen) w^s w ritin g (r e g u la r ly ) a five-column feature devoted to so ciety , womens clubs, e t c . As_of Monday^ March 21A 1949, the paper issued it s f i r s t e d itio n o f the "Tri-W eekley H erald". I t Was published Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays by L.E.May Helen C. May ( assoc, e d .), and C.L.Woods, emeritus ed. On May 17, 1950, the "Tri-W eekley" was changed to "R olla D aily Herald" - with a supplemental ""Weelily" e d itio n . But on September 1, the "D aily" was dropped, and the e n tire paper went back to the "Weekly" only. Reasons: ( l ) The Korean War was on . . . (2)th e shop could not obtain necessary help . . . (3 ) Subscribers pre ferred a "Weekly" i s s u e ....... (4 ) The price became $1 per year - NOT 15£ per copy. Sept. 7th was f i r s t issue o f the renovated ""The R olla H erald". Nothing o f p a rticu la r note occurred during years 1951 and 1952. As_of March 26^ 19j53_- William B. Breuer ( son of Mr. and Mrs. Lou H. Breuer ) had begun publishing a r iv a l paper, "The Shopper", vhich sapped o f f considerable advertisin g from the Herald. On this date, the "Mays" said that henceforth the ^ ed itin g" o f the paper would be done by Mr. Breuer - while the "Mays" attended ONLY to the commercial "job p r in tin g "........... " B etter to have ONE good paper than TWO poor ones. Qn_July 6,_1251, Mr. Breuer resumed publication o f the "R olla D aily Herald", and continued the former "weekly" e d itio n . On December 10,1953, the pages were enlarged to 17 x 21 inches, carrying 8 columns. During 19,54, Mr. Breuer featured f u l l page ads fo r such stores as Kroger . . . A & P . . . Wulfers & Bahr. The paper contained much le s s of lo c a l news - but BRISTLED with i t s war w ith R olla D a ily News, and i t s e d ito r, Eddie W. Sowers. This fig h t was really_nQ_ughJ In 1955, Mrs. V irg in ia Humphrey ( whom Mr. Breuer la te r married ) became the H erald's business manager — Mr. Breuer confining his work to the e d itin g . As_of January 1,_12.56, Mr. Breuer bought the Herald plant from the "Mays", and as of September 25, moved the plant to a new building ( 1 story) at northwest corner o f 7th and R o lla s tr e e ts . A new "du plicator" press was purchased and in s ta l led . As o f March, 1958, the Herald observed i t s FIFTH anniversary - o f Mr. Breuer's take-over o f the paper's e d itin g ( March 26, 1953). Mrs. Humphrey (V ivia n ) wrote a biographic sketch of Mr. Breuer fo r the occasion. The "Herald" continued pu blication in the new headquarters u n til 1 , 196 . . when i t ceased to publish - and the plant equipment was sold and removed. Mr. Breuer and C^Tvisri.moved to St.Lou is, where he was employed in the Advertisement department he St. Louis Post-Dispatch. AND THUS DID THE RC HERALD EXPIRE. I ! lift#
gm(-BHM-Apra 1 11,1974. reriod 1947-1958
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( Rolla* s Newspapers*. pon_ti_nued_; 2 .- THE ROLLA DAILY NEWS. - This ne;vspaper is the successor to the old Phelps County_New_ErB., which was establish ed in 1875 by Walbridge J. Powell. He printed" i t in the basement o f the tw o-story brick bu ilding, at immediate northwest corner of 6th and Pine s tr e e ts . The building was known as the "Powell B u ild ing^. Mr. Powell died on July 17, 1897, and the heirs presen tly sold the New Era to Mr. Francis E. Taylor. Mr. Taylor moved the plant from the Powell Building to the ground f lo o r o f the eastmost room of the present brick Masonic H all, which 3tands at southeast corner o f 7th and Pine s tr e e ts . A fte r some two years at this location , Mr. Taylor moved the plant to the second flo o r (u p sta irs ), over the L.C. Smith Hardware store — a bu ildin g some two or three doers south o f 8th street, on the west side o f P in e. t 715 or 717 Pine S t . ; . Mr. Taylor died on Tuesday, March 5, 1929, a fter which the New Era came in to the hands of the Edwin uong fam ily, and was moved to the ground flo o r of the old McCaw b rick bu ildin g, which adjoined the east end o f the brick Masonic H all, on south side of 7th s tr e e t, ju st west of the F risco ra ilro a d tracks. Here i t remained u n til May 1, 1939 - when in e a rly morning a fie r c e f i r e destroyed the p la n t"in _tp to "- including the old Duplex press, the lin otype, and a l l the accumu lated and bound volumes o f the paper dating from 1898 to 1939. The Edwin Long fa m ily picked up the remnants, and fo r a time published a "ta b lo id " e d itio n o f the paper - pages approximately 12 x 18 inches in s iz e . An o ffic e was opened in the rear of t t e present Long Insurance o ffic e , 810 Pine stree t. An 8-page Duplex "re c ip ro c a l" press was in s ta lle d in the basement of the Edwin Long tw o-story brick bu ildin g that stands at the northeast corner of 8th and Pine s tr e e ts . Luman Long, son of Edwin, plus Harry Pence, husband of daughter E lizabeth ( "Bid" J Long , served as e d ito rs . This was the status o f the New Era on June 1, 1942, when a group composed of Edward W. oowers and a ssocia tes, Messrs. W. J. McG-iffin and George H. Williams purchased the paper, and enlarged it s pages to ordinary newspaper size ( 17 x 22 ) . On March 19, 1946, Mr. Sowers and associates changed the name o f the paper to "ROLLA DAILY NEWS", -v\hich has be en it s t i t l e ever since. On June 1, 1952, the paper was moved to i t s present lo c a tio n - 101 West 7th Street, where a new one-story b ric k bu ildin g had ju st then been erected and com pleted, I t occupies the space between the Masonic H all and the west lin e o f the Frisco ra ilro a d rig h t-o f-w a y . Here, for some 13 years, the paper continued to be printed on the old 8-page DUPLEX press. in a campaign to reduce the number of small competing newspapers in the area, Mr. Sowers on May 29, 1959, purchased the R olla A dvertiser o f Mr. Joseph C. Ayers, i t s e d ito r and owner. I t had been founded by Argo Horrom. Following i t s sale, the a d ve rtis er plant was taken over by Mr. Leon B ix le r, and operated as a commercial job p rin tin g agency. Continuing h is campaign, in 1961 Mr. Sowers purchased both of the St. James newspapers - the "Journal" and the "Leader". He retained these two papers fo r only a short time, then s e llin g both to the St. Jams s Journal. For some time, a lso, the D a ily News { May 29, 1959 to August 11, 1961 ) published a weekly "RoLLa New Era'.' This was discontinued on August 11, 1961. Since that date, the D a ily News has been issued as the only s t r i c t l y R o lla paper. However, since March, 1962, the D a ily wews has also published the "Fort Leonard Wood Guide" - and as of present date ( March, 1974 ) has a separate C ottrexl o ffs e t press plant in the v ic in it y o f the Fort. The Sowers sons, Tom and James, own and e d it the "Guide". In June, 1965, the old 8-page DUPLEX press was discarded, and a 16-page DUPLEX ROTARY GANG PRESS substituted in i t s place. This press contained a series o f solid s te e l cylin d ers which were so connected with gear wheels as to insure proper "mating" o f the separate printed sheets coming Pres3*^ Un these solid s te e l cylin d ers, a s e rie s o f hollow type metal/were made and slipped on to do the actual p rin tin g .
CVM-BHM-Apr. 12, 1974. Period 1947-1958.
94.a -
'These hollow cy lin d ers were made by pouring hot type metal in to forms lin ed with "gats" made up from type set by lin o ty p e s. When co ol, the type-metal hollow cylin ders were slipped over the s o lid s te e l cylinders o f the gang press. With this arrangement, pages or parts th ereo f could then be printed in various colors. The f i r s t "c o lo r" e d itio n was printed in th is way in August, 1965. This press could prin t, cut and fo ld 20,000 copies per hour. The average number o f copies usually printed on any day was 10 , 000. un A p ril 2 , 1972, th is ro ta ry Duplex 8-c y lin d e r press - along with the several linotypes - was discarded, and in i t s place a V-15A-20 page 5-u n it COTTRELL OFFSET PRESS was in s ta lle d . This press u t iliz e s thin sheets o f aluminum - on which, by a gelatin process, typew ritten s c rip t is projected and fix e d by photography. As in the former ro ta ry pre33, these sheets are wrapped around s o lid gear-connected s te e l cylinders o f the new press. Colored pages, or parts thereof, can now be printed almost at w i l l . Some 15,000 copies per hour ccmd out, cut to size and folded . The usual run, as o f A p r il, 1974, is 11,000 copies. To house the new press, and to g r e a tly enlarge the of Tied capacity o f the plant, a handsome renovation o f the "News" bu ildin g was made - opened and dedicated on April 2, 1972. The renovation included both an enlargement of the f i r s t flo o r of the building, and the ad d ition o f a commodious second story. The E d ito r ia l and F u b lish in g_S taff, as printed in the d a ily ( Monday to Friday; and Sunday ) ed itio n s i s th is : " ROLL-^ DAILY NEWS. Published Sunday through Friday ( by ) Sowers Newspapers, Inc., 101 West 7th S treet, R olla, Mo., 654OI. Telephone 364-24545. Edward W. Sowars, President and Publisher Stephen E. Sowers, Associate Publisher, Managing Editor Thomas S. Sowers, Associate Publisher James R. Sowers, Associate Publisher John Ford, A d vertisin g Manager Richard E. Wilson, Business Manager. " The D a ily News is an independent newspaper, which supports what i t b elieves to be right, and opposes what i t b e lie v e s to be wrong - without regard to partisan p o litiv s ." The regular fro n t page measures 16 x 23 inches - is printed in 6 columns and in 9-point sized type, a n terio r pages are 8-column. An ordinary issue contains some 12 pages - one o f which is " e d it o r ia l" , and two or more o f small size advertisement Frequent fu ll-p a g e or double-page advertisements - mostly fo r the large supermarkets are printed in various styles and co lo rs. What is perhaps the "most magic" piece of the new equipment is the "ccmpugraphis tape-fed p r in te r " u n it. This machine takes a punched tape - produced on a sp ecially adapted typ ew riter - on which the desired "s c r ip t" is thus recorded. As the punched tape proceeds through th is unit, the scrip t, in type, is so adjusted that each lin e is lengthened so as to match a l l other lin e s , with uniform rig h t and le f t margins, In short, th is unit "e d its " the sc rip t, and p rin ts copy ready for the "composer" ( or a rtisa n ) to mount on sheets o f the paper's pages, 16 x 23 inches. When so mounted on these page s, the composer's sheets are photographed, and then transferred to the g ela tin -coa ted thin metal sheets that go to the press. A very sp ecial featu re of the D a ily News - started in August, 1944 - is it s annual "PROGRESS EDITION", published in August of every year. This currently consists o f sections numbered from A to H ( or I ), in which the progress of Rolla and a ll o f it s p rin cip a l in s titu tio n s and f a c i l i t i e s are h igh -ligh ted . The "News" thus provides i t s readers w ith valuable and in te re s tin g snatches o f town h istory a ll in varied c o lo rs .
CVM-BHM-A p ril 12, 1974. Period 1947-53
- 94.b -
In addition tc the o f f i c i a l e d ito rs and s t a f f mentioned above, the D aily News employs some 35 other persons - as reporters, processors, and pressmen. Out-cf-town issues are mailed out or d e liv e re d by truck. In-town d e liv e r y - form erly made by a crew of news-boys - is now made by truck. To Conclude - the R olla D a ily News plant is s t r i c t l y ” up-to-date" - one o f the best equipped newspapers in the State o f M issouri. Not the le a s t o f i t s furnishings is the ROLLA MURAL - the 1950-52 work o f Sid Larsen. This is an exqu isite h is to r ic a l j^ fo t painting, done in r e a l i s t i c s ty le , co lor, and m aterial. The mural, on a panel sone 5 x 20 fe e t , is mounted on the west w all of the f i r s t - f l o o r o f fic e . This work ranks among the "FIRSTS” o f such murals o f the State and Nation - rig h t beside the famous Missouri C ap itol murals by Ihomas Hart Benton. IN ALL, the R olla D a ily News - i t s plant and i t s s t a f f - con stitu tes an up-to-date f a c i l i t y o f which the Town o f R o lla can be highly fcroud. -O —0 - 0 - 0 — END — 3 .- THE ROLLA ADVERTISER. - As the present period ( 1947-58 ) opened, this papwr was being published by Mr. Joseph C. Ayers. Our f i l e s , co llected and placed in the R olla Puhlic L ib ra ry, include the issues far the years 1948 to 1958, inclusive. The A d v e rtis e r’ s pages measured 17 x 22 inches - and issues usually consisted of four pages. Almng w ith the weekly paper, the A dvertiser shop operated an a ctive "job printing" business. Of course, th is paper drained o f f considerable R olla merchant advertising that would otherwise have gone to the "Herald" or the "D aily News". For such reason, Mr. Sowers, as stated above, purchased the Advertiser in 1959, and the A d vertiser plant then operated as a commercial job p rin tin g agency, owned by Mr. Leon B ix le r . I t s t i l l so operates, out with new owner, as o f A p ril, 1974.
8 J' ’ \ /! CVM June 1, 1973* ( 1947-58) J
- 95 NEW BUILDINGS. PERIOD 1947-1958
( A ) . - BY WAY OF SUMMARY.- General building pperatipns in R o lla during the period were somewhat r e s tr ic t e d during the 1940's and e a r ly 1950 's - due to conditions attending the end of World War Two, and the Korean War. However, an era of building construction r e a lly began as e a r ly as 1954. The fo llo w in g building permit items, and other notes, provide a p a r tia l summary and perspective o f such 0Pera^°n|*Li st_Printe_d_August 11^ 1955 stated that seme 54_building permits had been issued from February to August, 1955- The fo llow in g buildings had been so aPHolsum'Bakery . . . $50,000 Austin Skating Rink ..$50,000 LatterDay Saints $30,000 Tucker Dairy ___ 35,000 3 Apartment nldgs . . . 47,000 Catholic School ? ---H illc re s t Complex 90,000 Lambda Chi Frat ....... 79,000 Meth. Church . . . 80,000 A GRAND TOTAL OF ___ $461,000 b .- ANOTHER PRINTED LIST^ AUG 11J-951 compared fig u res fo r years 1954 and ’
Total permits, Aug.-Dec., 1954 $300,000 Jan.-Aug., 1955 •«•♦ 562,305 A new c it y Sewage Disposal P la n t(s ) were under planning and construction, costing $7 50 ,00 0....P ro jected school buildings were to cost $470,000. The GRAND TOTAL o f a l l these items ( "b" ) was $2,082,000. C._ A LIST_PRINTED_FEB_L 13*. 19£7 included these items, b u ilt in 1956: Residences . . . . . . . 43 State buildings . . . . . . . 5 Business buildings 18 R olla School Bldgs . . . 2 New US Post O ffice « ».._1----Rem odeLing......... 43 Meth. Church........ 1 Total bldgs *•« ^-3 TOTAL COST . . . $2,893,204G ^ g e s ................ 4 (B) INDIVIDUAL BUILDINGS: Tfcre l i s t , by years, i s as fo llo w s: 1 9 4 8: The Dr. Pepper Works, 10th & Bishop. (S e p t.30,1948)^ ^ ^ The W.R. Brown Apartments ( 103-W-14th S t . ) Has 63 rooms. Nov.25,1948. 1 9 4 9: M.F.A. to bu ild $35,000 E leva to r, o ta rtJ mov.^S, 949- To^ ^ bv I or LI 1930 Bldg, is 40 x 80 f t . in plan. E side Frisco tracks, 8th to 9th. ' P1 9*5 0 ' The o ld 200 acre "Creamery Farm" - form erly owned by A lfred A. Smith, then Jack Aston i i s n » sold to A n vil Murry, i t as a wholesale r e s id e n tia l subdivision w ith ^ - " T h e Central Uo. Fair board erected a 60 x f t s te e l e x h i b a t t a x l ^ o n t t e n e w ^ ^ Grounds s it e , - d t h H w y.^3. St., shutting
g o l l a D a ily Mews bu ilding, 3. side 7th Z
us Post O ffic e , 9th & Pine, i s to be Post O ffic e improvements - in clu d in g modest b ric k exuensxui
». R e n tin g e a s t / a M e n c irc lin g
pavement ramps. ,, ., , 4 9 5,..-2.: As o f Feb* 22’ 1955’ ^ e SttTst just west of O live, next to M.F.A. The Leigh Hutchinson_store, N. side 8th s t. ju rt0ri S "
: B
j |
I ^
° ( B| ^ r SSr0!- p e PPer B o ttlin g Works).
N* Cor. 10th *
t e A u | « n e S efia g Shop. S ” As o f Apr. 22 - May 13 - Sept* ^ l i t i t planned - to contain 12 stores. *>
W 1 U a “ 3 Br0S’
Lions Glub_Bing.o_Stand e t c . In L ion s » p la n . As of Aug. 17, 1955, Kroger New Supermarket: B la g , lb * 1956 bldg to s ta r t soon. $200,000 planted at" SE~Cor 5th & Kingshighway. Mar 14,195b, biag
uVM June 1 , 1973(1947-58)______ /
- 96 -
1 9 5 5 (c o n t.): Ivlaggi S te e l Warehouse.. B u ilt fo r wheat storage, used otherwise. To east and s lig h t ly north o f " O il C ity" gasoline tank area. July 21,1955. Stanley Grzyb O ffic e B ldg. NE Cor. 9th & Rolla S ts. Work started Aug.15 , 1955 . The 1st CARN.&Y MOTEL BLDG. Behind ( east of ) old Pennant H otel. 35 units with swimming pool. Twy s to ry . B u ilt by Rowe E. Carney. Item as of Aug. 19,1955. Four Buildings on Hwy. 63 north - these: ( Item as o f Aug. 23, 1955 ) Eagle Lodge Bldg. Rhodes Hardware Store Broyles Beer S tation Perry Shaferkoetter "Crescent" s to re -h c te l.
1 9 5 6 : In prin ted item, June 22, 1956, fo llo w in g buildings (e ith e r under planning, or construction ) are mentioned: Many New Residences, in Long Heights, west side ^air Ground Road, in Section 10. Development by D. L. Stuart. New Telephone O ffic e Bldg ., 11th & iHm st s . The Carney i^ otel. mentioned in 1955. The D.T. Lenox auto Service S ta .. Hwy 63 S ., just south of Hwy 72 junction. The "Restored" Callen Grocery. Jc. 63S & 72. ( l a t e l y burned out) The Dr. Baker "Eve C lin ic ". N.Pine at Hwy 63. The H jllc r e s t Shopping Center Methodist Church. 9 th & Main New Lutheran Church. W.lOth & Spring Ave. New M.S.ia. Dorm itoeies Houses in Leigh Hutchinson Add. As o f Sept. 17, 1956 and Nov. 7, 1956, two added units o f Warren Dean's H illcrest Shopping Center are being b u ilt , or opened, on the l o t SOUTH OF Hwy 73 and east o f Rucker Ave. These two: A & P Supermarket store John Tw ittv Hardware Store 1 9 5 7: Mentioned in R. DailybHerald as o f Jan. 16 and Apr. 16 are these: Kroger Supermarket - Grand opening Jan. 28. The Bob H e lle r B u ild in gs. E. side Pine, 9th to 10th. Four stores in area 50 x 110 fe e t . Cost $ 75 , 000. Wm. S to ltz B ldg. S side 10th, between Pine & R olla sts. Ray's Conoco c ld g . NW Cor. 11th & Pine ■■oolworidi B ldg. SE Cor. 11th & Pine. V/ork sta rts soon a ft e r June 17. Maggj O ffic e B ldg. SE Cor. 7th & O live, on old brick B aptist church s it e . Rolla Herald B u ild in g. NW Cor. 7th & R o lla . i*or Wm. Breuer. Montgomery Ward♦ NE Cor.19th & Pine. Grand opening Aug. 1, 1957« Various u.s. & State Bldgs, lis t e d under paragraphs concerning such agencies. (C) PRIVATE RESIDENCES: In addition to the many residences b u ilt in Long Heights, year 1956, there were these p a rticu la r ones — plus many others: Tte Dr. A. S. McFARLAND MANSION. On "Tower H i l l " , west of McFarland H ospital. Being b u ilt in July, 1949 - to be done in October. 2-s to ry , 8-room, cost $ 40, 000. I s of Dec. 11. 1958: These are lis t e d in R. Herald: Thos. S w in fo r d ............$3,000 (F risco Add. ) J.M. Ware, Cafe ........ 3,000 ( Bishop Ave ) Loughridge Bros . . . . 15,000 Magruder, r e s ............. 8,000 Fred Gusser ............... 9,000 Luther M a r t in ........... 25,000 (, S. Salem Ave ). McDonald, garage . . . . . 300 _ GRAND TOTAL . . . $63,800
CVM June 1, 1973 ( Sec. 1947-58 ) /
- 97 -
(D) NEW CHUkCH BUILDINGS: 1 9 4 .7: Rolla C atholic Church. ( New, 16th & N. State s t s . ) Dimensions, flo o r 60 x 90 f t . W alls of "Carthage M arble". Cost $65,000 plus furnishings $15 )000. Old b e ll placed in tower. Dedicated Mar. 9, 1947. Rev. Jos. E. Ritter,Archbishop. 1 9 5.Q: F irs t B aptist Church. As of Jan. 18, 1950, bought old "Jos. Campbell" residence s it e , 8th to 9th, O live to Cedar s t s . To build 2 educational units and new sanctuary on l o t . Christ Church. EPi s . ufAL. As of July 19, 1950, plans made to replace old 1882 wood structure w ith one o f b ric k . Raymond E. M aritz, St.Louis a rc h ite c t. Robt. Paulus Const. Co., con tractor. Building completed as of Oct. 25, 1951. Cost $100,000. Georgian a rc h ite c tu re . D edication week begun Nov.4, 1951. Dave Turner represented Paulus Const. Co. - Dr. O.V.Mann thp. a rch itect & owner. Prim itive B a p tis t. As of Nov. 9 , 1950, plans made to build wood frame building, south Hwy 63, opposite new Fair Grounds. Walter L . Bradford, m inister. Church was so b u ilt . 1 9 5 2: First C hristian Church. As of Apr. 24, 1952, th is church ( burned down 5 years previou sly; met in i t s FEW Ba SEMJMmT . N ow to build upper story. Wanted $30,000 fo r th at. Ernest T. F riton , Webster Groves, wqs retained as architech. Mr. A.C. mcCutchen chairmaned the bu ildin g committee. Flans were matured, contract le t to Maggi Construction Co., as o f March 5, 1953. Corner stone was la id wov. 22, 1953.............The f i r s t ( Old S. M ethodist; building burned in 1917. I t s successor ( the 2nd bu ildin g on this l o t ) burned March 3, 1946. The basement was ready for usd in 1947 . 1 9 5 3: Note preceding paragraph. 1 9 5 4 : Ch Church of C h ris t. ( Building at W. side State S t., at 7th ) . As of March 25, 1954, this was under construction. A worker was injured on this job. St. P a t's Qatholic Church School & Convent. As of July 29, 1954 . . . "ground was broken e a r lie r th is week." ..F or 6-room parochial school, plus convent. Pastor U.J. a a iser o f fic ia t e d . St, P a t's Paroch ial School. Cor. St. P a t's Lane _ Vichy Road. C.D. Blinne was laying the sewers. Coy Marloe was general contractor. Ground was broken week o f July 29 (Thu.;, 1954. Structure to cost $160,000. LiL.5 3 : Ridge view C h ristian Ghurch. As o f March 19, 1953, excavation began on the ndw building l o t , NE oor. Bland & Walker Avenues, Cowan addition . To cost $25,000. 1 9 5 5: Meth od ist Episcopal Church. As cf May 26, 1955, plans matured to move the 1934 parsonage ( NW Cor. 8th & main ; across to east side Main stre e t, between 8th & 9th. Cooper house Moving Co., o f Salem, Mo., did moving. On old parsonage site, the new $80,000 b rick sanctuary was b u ilt. Dedicated May 20, 1956 finished la t e r that year. .19 5 8 : Educational Unit. 1st B aptist Church, un Campbell Block, 8th to 9th, Olive to Cedar. Dedicated Sunday, March 16, 1968 .
CVM May 1973 ( Sec. 1947-58 )
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TH E PRO F E S S I Q N A L S P ra cticin g , period 1947-58 The "M.D." D octors: Andraessen, D.F. Breuer, R.Eugene Breuer, Wm. H. (d ied Butts, James D. Feind, E.E. L y tle, Wm. R. (in ca p a cita ted ) Myers, James Russell, Mrs. Barbara E. Underwood, M ilton H. Eye & Ear M.D.' s B. M. Baker Avery A. Drake D en tists: M. L. Bess B.R. Conyers H.L. Glynn P.P. Marling Carl J. Jame s Paul D. Tinnin John W.B. H i l l
These also served, part of period but were deceased: Baysinger, S.L. (d . 1955 ) E v erist, Guy V. (d .S e p t.,1958,SanDiego) MeComb, Charles A. ( d. May, 1957 ) McFarland, Sidney (A .S .) (d . 9/ 7/ 53)
Osteooath: A. M. uottingham C hiropractor: C.A. Williams Ve t 'r in a r v Doctors; R.W. Bennett Sam A. Schendel
L a w y e r s ___
A llis o n , Emery W. Bradford, Llyn Breuer, Louis H. Carnahan, Melvin Fulle r , Ronald Crowe, Ralph Hecke, R ussell
Moore, Weldon Northern, Eugene Routh, Dewey S elleck , Roy V. (d .S ep t.11,1956) Tandy, Wm. H. White, Jay White, Zane
A rch itects Edward Hodge Wm. Heagler
Registered Land Surveyors E l. Ayers John Heagler Frank Capek Dr. C la ir V. Mann Robt. Elgin Mo. Engr. Co. (Lupberger) John Heagler ____________ Watson ( c i t y en g r.jp r. C.V.Mann
Building C ontractors: Don Maggi ( Constr. Co.) Gerald Maggi Constr. Co. Coy Marlowe Joe Hogan Loughridge Brothers The "FAKE DOCTOR" INCIDENT. - Incidents such as the fo llo w in g have been altogether rare in the R olla area. I t was thus: A personage who sty led himseld as "Doctor Cramer" v is ite d the Phelps County Memorial H ospital in October, 1958. He was shown every courtesy by the s t a ff. Having toured the rooms, he asked the way to the doctors' rest room, and was shown. Thereafter, HE TOTALLY DISAPPEARED - taking with him a c o lle c tio n o f the most valuable su rgica l instruments and equipment. THE ONE TIME, o f which we have record, °T a QUACK DOCTOR, p ra c tic in g in R o lla .
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THE SOCIETIES - CLUBS - LODGES OF ROLLA THE CLUB SKETCHES NOW COMPLETED. - In our 1933-47 Section of "ROLLA", vie completed the records o f a number of R o lla ’ s clubs, s o c ie tie s , associations. In crder to have, at SOME place in the story - we_there_brought_those_sketches up_to the year 12.72* ^t ds thus not necessary to repeat those sketches again here. THESE: - “ the l is t of sketches so completed R olla Jaycees ( to be fin ish ed ) Rolla Saturday Club Rolla Chamber of Commerce Rolla C iv ic Club Rolla Lions Club Federated Womens Clubs Am. Assn, of U n iv e rs ity Women Rolla Rotary Club Rolla Kiwanis Club American War Mothers League of Women Voters R olla Junior Club W.C.T.U. P.E.O. ( Chapter EM ) Rolla Business & Professional Women P.E.O. ( Chapter HR ) Jeffersonian Club D.A.R. . .Daus.of Am. Revolution. Saddle & B ridle Club R olla Garden Club Oak Meadows Club F loricu ltu re Club Veterans of Foreign 'Mars & A u xilia ry Gardeners o f Ozark H ills American Legion & A u xiliary Horticulture Club Gasconade W riters Guild R olla Community Music Club Phelps County H isto rica l Society. THE. ROLLA MASONIC ORDERS: Rolla Blue Lod^ No. 213, 4F & R o lla Eastern Star Chapter 176
THE_CLUBS_&_SOCIETI^_N0 T_S0 SKETCHED Are li s t e d on the next page, 100.
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ROLLA1S CLUBS - SOCIETIES - ASSOCIATIONS THE CLUB SKETCHES MOT NOW WRITTEN OR COMPLETED. R o lla U.S. 0. Rolla Red Gross Chapter R o lla 1s P .T .A . groups R o lla ’ s Boy Scouts R o lla ’ s G ir l Scouts The Farm Clubs - 4-H . .FHA .. FFA til :
MASONIC ORDERS: Royal Arch Knights Templar High Twelve DeMolay Eastern Star A u x ilia r ie s : White Shrine Raonbow G ir ls Other Lodee s -‘ Knights o f Pythias Pythian S isters Knights of Columbus F rat. Order of Eagles R o lla Odd Fellows Any Other Rolla Lodges.
They are these:
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HOLLA'S ENTERTAINM i-MT — YEARS 1917 TO 1953 VARIETY OH ENTERTAINMENT, 1947-58.- During th is period, R o lla 's citizen s enjoyed some th irte e n kinds of entertainment. These: Theatre . . . Art Exhibits . . . Miscellaneous concerts . . . Evenings of %;lody . . . S.U.M.T.A. Music F estiva ls .. Individual and group r e c it a ls . . . Downtown "Im perial Band" concerts . . . M.S.M. R.O.T.C. band and Clee Clubs . . . Community Music Club . . . County Fairs . . . Circus .. Carnivals . . and General Recreation. We cover these items in some d e ta il, as follows: ( l ) THEATRES. - During the period, there were t hree down-town theatres ( the Rollamo, 8th s tr e e t between Pine and R olla streets j ...th e R itz ( on R o lla street between 8th and 9th ) . . . and the Uptown ( corner 11th & Pine ) . There was also the Rowe Carney "Drive In " theatre, on Highway 63 north, between the Frisco railroad and Hwy. 1-44 on east side, and Hwy. 63 on west. The l o t i s in Sed. 36, T.38- 8, in it s SW corner. THE SHOWS,_ACT0RS, _and_ACTpSSES_FgR_THE PERIOD £ By_Years ) : Year 1947. - Actors Bing Crosby (crooner J .. Fred A staire .. Roy Rogers .. Gabby Hayes . . Clark Gable . . and Laurel & Hardy. Year I960. - As o f July 1, 1949, Rowe Carney planned to build a $100,000 theatre, as auove mentioned. This was done and opened as o f October 17, 1950. The viewing screen measured 38 x 50 fe e t . Parking was provided fo r 500 autos. Year 1955. - Shows by Humphrey Bogart . . Edmond O'Brien .. Rock Hudson .. James Stewart .. W alter Pidgeon .. Mario Lanza .. Dick Haymes . . . Bud Abbott .. Lou C ostello .. Ronald Reagan . . James Cagney .. ana BOB HOPE.............Actresses Ava Gardner . . . Arlene Dahl . . . Lauren B acall . . . June A lliso n . . . Jane Powell . . . Paulette Goddard . . Debbie Reynolds . . and GRACE KELLY. Year 1956. - Actors ...C a ry Giant . . . Clark Gable . . . Gary Cooper . . . Edmond Purdom . . . Desi Arnez . . . V icto r Mature . . . Richard Burton . . . . And Actrdsses . . . Grace K e lly . . . Gene Tierney . . . Martha Hyer . . . S h elley Winters . . . Esther Williams . Kathryn Grayson . . . Jare t Leigh . .. Barbara Stanwyck . . . Ann Blyth .. Ida Lupine .. and Lucile B i l l . Year 1958.- Actors . . . Gregory Peck . . . Robert Taylor . . . Spencer Tracy . . . Marlon Brando . . . . . and Actrdsses . . . Susan Haywood . . . Jane Russell .. Joan Blondell Katherine Hepburn. . . . The "Lone Ranger Show" was featured by Clayton ..-oore ...... and Jay S ilv e rh e e ls . OUR LIST IS LITTLE BUT A FAIR SAMPLING OF THE- MANY SHOWS, ACTORS, ACTRESSES PRESENTED IN ROLLA'S THEATRES DURING THE- PERIOD 1947-58. (? ) ART EXHIBITS 1947-58.- On November 8, 1948, the R o lla C ivics -.lub staged an art exM b it in th e*p a rlors o f the ?resbyterian Church, 9th_and O live streets. There were paintings from the S t. Louis A rtis ts Guild. Paintings so y ese local a r t is t s : Mesdames Bert Fort . . W.T. (N o tie ) Denison .. .Rex raulkner (Ru )• Noel Hubbard (RuthJ . . . Ralph Hicks (Gladys) .. J.M. Boyer . . . and A lfred A. Srauth (E llen ). Paintings also by Wallace Smith and P ro f. C liffo rd Black. Again, as o f March, 1950, the Mo. School o f Mines displayed a c o lle c tio n of 99 paintings, circ u la te d by Scruggs, Vandervoort, Barney company. The c o lle c t bore the t i t l e , " M issouri, Heart o f the N ation." The c o lle c tio n was a g t the U niversity cf M issouri.
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( 3) MISCELLANEOUS CONCERTSBohumir K ry l’ s “Womens Symphony Orchestra" made its appearance in concert in R olla on December 9, 1947. The event took place in the old High School auditorium, 8th and Cedar s tre e ts . There were seme 35 women "a rtist performers" in the group. A high feature of the concert was the playing of melodies in high notes, as Conductor Kryl handled a miniature cornet. The negro "Wings Over Jordan Choir" gave a concert at the Elkins Chapel church, 1 st and Elm s tre e ts , on October 13, 1948. On December 18, 1949, the Methodist Church Choir, d irected by Kenneth Asher, gave a Christmas m usicale. Mrs. John M orris, Sr. ( Olive S co tt) presided at organ. The S t. Louis a c a p e lla choir, conducted by the eminent W illiam B. Heyne, gave a sacred concert in the old R o lla High auditorium on Sunday, February 26, 1950. The Central C ollege Choir, o f Fayette, Missouri, appeared in concert at the Methodist church, R o lla , on Sunday evening, A p ril 23, 1950. P ro f. _ . _ . Spayde as he so freq u en tly did - conducted the program. On Sunday evening, August 27 , 1950, the F irst Baptist Church choir gave the f i r s t in a series o f R o lla church concerts for the season. On March 29, 1955, the R olla C ivic Music Association ( organized the f a l l of 1954 ) presented Miss Eugenia Snow, piano s o lo is t, in concert, at the Rollamo Theatre. The e d ito r commented, "Warmly rec eive d ". This was one of the very f i r s t programs arranged by the Music Association. I t s f i r s t "season". An event provided fo r patrons o f te le v is io n in R olla was a TV concert put on the a ir by TV sta tio n K-O-M-U as o f May 16, 1955. Liberace, the famed pian ist, played as Rolla fans lis te n e d and looked. One of numbers o f pu pil r e c it a ls occurred Friday evening, Sept. 9, 1955, as pupils of Mrs. Delores Hippier presented a program of t h ir t y numbers at the Rolla Lutheran church. On December 8 , 1955, the R o lla High School Juniors presented a play ca lled "DEAR RUTH". I t was re-presented a number o f times. The R olla High School music pu pils, as cf December 21, 1955, appeared in their annual Christmas concert — which was superD l Mr. fillia m T etley directed the band and orchestra, while Mrs. William Sexauer handled the vocal numbers. 11 The house was packed". In the old R o lla High School auditorium, 8th and Cedar streets, on February 20 and 21, 1956, the R o lla High School Uoncert band, directed by W illiam Tetley, appeared in a concert that was simply superb. ., Another "p u p il r e c it a l" was staged as o f September 28, 1957, by the pupils of Mrs. Sherman Tucker ( blan ch ej. She was a music teacher, of voice and v io lin , long to be remembered in R o lla 1s musical c ir c le s . . @n Sunday, A p r il 13, 1958, the famous U.S. navy Band gave a supero^y fin e concert in the High School Gymnasium. This_was_an outstanding musical event in“ “ F in a lly, the School o f Mines R.O.T.C. Band gave a concert fo r the Fort Leonard Wood soldiers on Tuesday evening, December 9, 1958. TIffi_F0REG0ING_IS PRESENTED AS_A_3AMPLiNG, rather than a complete lis t in g of of the miscellaneous concerts o f the 1947-58 period. THE ROLLA CIVIC MUSIC ASSOCIATION. - This association was s t -'d ' of 1954 by a number o f Rolla c itiz e n s o f a l l walks of l i f e , w h o aU ^ m b e r s in bringing high cla ss musical groups and programs 0 0 ^ § As included a l l who purchased tic k e ts to arranged concer . S * these: September 8, 1955, the members o f the Associauion s Board Miss Mean White Me sdame s : Fred Remington. ^ le n Dr^A-W^Schlecten '•‘WJohnson ^ .H.Lloya, ^Jr • ^ D elbert Johnson Adolph Legsdin Catherine L ic k lid e r . na from three Each year a ft e r 1955, the Association a rra n g e programs ancludxng from thro to four a r t is t or higji class musicians.
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(4), EVENINGS.. Or .1 .LODY. - This t i t l e was chosen fo r an extended series o f concerts and musical programs given by students in Rolla Hiph School. They were arranged arid d ire cted by Mrs. H.B. Estes ( Id a b e lle ), head o f the High School music department. We present here something of a "sampling" o f these""even ings". One o f the e a r lie s t in present 1947-58 period was the "evening" program o f March 10 and 11, 1947. Number s were presented by "Boy" and "G ir l" glee clubs by mixed choir - and by R o lla High Band . 0n Monday evening, March 9, 1948, soak 500 grade pupils and high school students p a rtic ip a te d in a splendid "evening of melody", directed by Mrs. Estes. Another "Evening of Melody" was presented by Mrs. Estes and her High School students the evening o f March 18, 1948 . The 1949 concert was presented by the High School "a-cap ella " chorus, under direction o f Mr s. Estes. The e d ito r commented, " Thisjerfcrman£e_would_have been a £redit_to ANY orofe s s i ona1 g r oup." The "Evening of Melody" o f March 29, 1950 included vocal numbers d irected by Mrs. Estes, and band and other instruments in charge of Mr. Paul F ite . The Band appeared in brand new uniforms ( maroon and gray ) that had been purchased fo r the band by the R o lla Lions Club. As of August 22, 1950, Mrs. Estes assumed charge of ALL instrumental music in ALL the Rolla schools - elementary through high school. Miss Christine Harris took charge o f the VOCAL MUSIC in the High School. For the summer o f 1951, some 124 students were en rolled in the bands o f Junior and Senior high schools. As o f Jure 4, Mrs. Estes was d ir e c to r . In 1952, the Evening o f Melody was staged on Tue sday evening, March 1 1 . The concert was given by the Boys Glee Club - the G irls Glee Club - the Mixed Chorus and the High School orchestra. Mrs. Estes d irected , w ith aid of Mrs. Marvin Hughes. F in a lly, the 1955 Evening of Melody was presented the evening of A p ril 26,1955. THESE "EVENINGS OF MELODY" WERE NOT ONLY OF SUPERB MUSICAL EXCELLENCE - THEY WEES WHOLESOME AND UPLIFTING . . . A c re d it not only to the several d irectors and their students - BUT TO ROLLA. A CENTURY OF MUSIC IN ROLLA ( A H is to r ic a l Sketch ) . - In June of 1967, Dr. Clair V. Mann composed a "Review o f Musical Events in R olla" covering the period from 1862 ( C iv il War Days ) down to 1967- The sketch included seventeen pages, typ ew riter size 8l x l l , sin gle spaced typing. In abbreviated form, i t was published in the R olla D a ily Nexvs, issue of ____________, 19___ • I t covers the various musical schools, musicians, concerts, musical associations, and m iscel laneous musical events b f the past hundred and fiv e years, including many o f the items lis t e d above. ( 5) S.C.M.T.A. MUSIC FESTIVALS. - For numbers o f years, the S ou th cen tral Missouri Teachers Association has staged "Music F e s tiv a ls " in R o lla . to r these "fe s tiv a ls ", the A ssociation la ys down certa in rules, procedures, q u a lific a tio n s . Invitations are extended to numerous high school pupils — s o lo is ts , quartets, glee clubs, choirs and so on, to p a rtic ip a te . Trained musical "judges1' a.re retained, in the presence o f which the various student groups perform. j.h..o is an "a ll-d a y " procedure. The judges "r a te " each of the performing units, g ivin g them "Stop", "second or "th ird " ra tin g s . Top groups are then e n title d to enter State contests at the U n iversity of M issouri, Columbia. As a sample, we c it e the F e s tiv a l o f March 31 and A p ril 1, 1950. Some 1 50U students came from high schools ./in the area. Eighteen schools were entered- ^ onS them were the schools from R o lla . .Dixon .. New Haven . .St.James^.. - s .o ln ir .. Stoutland .. Richland „. Newburg . . Owensville . . P a c ific .. Union .. B elle .. Hermann . . Su llivan . .Washington . . , Vienna .. Salem . . and Cuba. Another F e s tiv a l was staged on Friday and Saturday, apn _ » nlus twenty-two schools and 1500 students p a rtic ip a te d . ( The foregoing l i s t , p i Bland .. S t e e lv ille . . . Linn . . . and Waynesville ) .
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vn U A 'S ENTERTAINMENT (c o n t .) f6) RECITALS. - Numbers o f musical r e c ita ls occurred during th is period. WO for which we have note s are the se : As o f A p r il 29, 1948, Airs. Elwin F ite , whose husband was musical instru ctor in Rolla High School, presented her class of twenty pupils in a piano r e c it a l at the High School auditorium. And on Friday evening, May 21, 1948, Mrs. Don Farquharson, former Rolla resident - and b r i l l i a n t to p -q u a lity performer on organ and piano - returned from Washington, D.C., to give an organ r e c it a l at >the Christ Church Episcopal church, 10th and Main s t r e e ts . Mrs. farquharson was assisted by Miss V ic to ria Navarro. In Washington, D.C., her husband was serving as business manager for American University. Mrs. Farquharson was appearing in various clubs that appreciated her top -q u a lity musical performances. (7) ROLLA MUSIC TEACHERS.- Our l i s t is incomplete, but we can name these: Mrs. H.B. Estes ( Is a b e lle ) Mrs. I . H. Lovett ( Elizabeth) Mr. W illiam T e tle y Mrs. Elwin F ite Mrs. Sherman Tucker (Blanche) There were others, for whom Miss Adeline Hunt we do not presen tly have record. (g) ROLLA1S TOLN BAND . . "The Im p erial" . - The beginnings o f this organization occurred in Rolla when "D r.” ( " P r o f." ) N. M. BOYD arrived in town sometime in January, 1947. For 18 years he had d irected co lleg e and c ity bands in the town of Fulton, Mo. - home of Westminster College. As of A p r il 24, 1947, he had managed to assemble a town band of 42 "p ieces", which included such outstanding R o lla musicians as John W. Scott - t o o t h e r with members o f the M.S.M. and R o lla High School bands. His plan was to hold town band concerts on R o lla s tre e ts during the 1947 simmer. A " f i r s t " concert occurred at 8:00 P.M., June 12, 1947* Dr. Boyd with th irty -fiv e members performed in the old R olla High School auditorium, 8th & Cedar streets. A s tr e e t dance follow ed two nights la t e r , on Saturday, June 14, in the evening. The f i r s t "out-door" concert was staged June 15, 1947, on the grounds o f the State Trachoma H ospital, west Hwy. 66. Rehearsals were being held in the Knights of Pythias H a ll. By June 19, 1947, the group had assumed the name of ROLLA LJPEKLiL_BANb. On that date, i t staged an out—door concert at the in tersection of 9th and —lm streets. The Rolla "Jaycees" helped by sponsoring these summer programs. Throughout the summer o f 1948, the Im perial Band continued i t s summer concerts. For 1949, a more pretentious program was carried out. Pine street was roped off from lOth* to 11th s tr ets, so the Band could play there, and spectators ^.ther, without t r a f f i c in te rfe re n c e . Three concerts were given each week. During December, Col. Boyd became i l l , and continued so through July °T T95 * Under these circumstances, Mr. Glenn Sargent, of S t. James ( a member o f the band ) assumed the leadersh ip . The summer concerts of 1950 were held in the "sunken garden" on M.S.M. Campus, just north of the old metallurgy bu ildin g. A fte r July, 1950’ the band seems to have disbanded. (9) THE SCHOOL OP MTTf-83 R.O .-TLi-J^M L- For many years the a.O.T.C. Band on the School o f Mines campus was trained and led by "R o lla 1s Music Man" - John ... Scott. Tor the Commencement Program o f May-June, 1945, he wrote the individu al b n "piece" parts to Dr. C. v .Mann's M.S.M. song, » School ox Mine s, Our _Alma Later and played i t as a complete_sur£rise number _as the Faculty marched in . » r . b rillia n t musical career ended with his demise, which occurred June 5, 95 •
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(10) The ROLLA -■'■CE.vli-.UNITY MUSIC CLUB. - This Club, organized in 1929, and active throughout the 1930's and e a r lie s t 1940's, became r e la t iv e ly in a ctive in and a fte r January of 1946. ITS LAST MEETING occurred on Tuesday, January 21, 1947, at the Episcopal Uhurch Parish House. deceased On th is occasion, the Club was entertained by Mrs. Fred Smith - whose/husband had been the Club's foremost bass sin ger. This event was in honor o f Fred's birthday. The program consisted b f a d e lic io u s banquet, g i f t o f Mrs. Smith. The Club sana: a group o f i t s fa v o r it e songs - sang several songs w ritten by Dr. Mann .. a n d endorsed his "SONG OF ROLLA" as the town's o f f i c i a l song. I t sent that r e c o m m e n d a tio n to the R olla C ity Council, which t h e n made the "SONG" the o f f i c i a l "Song of R o lla ". Dr. C.v.Mann was e le cted the Club's president - the la s t so to serve. THE CLUB MEMBERS_AND_raiENDS_PRESENTJJEIE THESE: The Mesdamesi _. _ . Fine ( Mae ) S.P. Bradley (Mary) I.H. L0v e tt (E liz a b e th ) B.H.Rucker ( Margaret) Wm. Jarvis ( Ireb e ) "D irector" F.C. N iem iller ( Noel Hubbard ( Ruth ) Fred Smith ( Louise ) R.M. Rankin ( Lulu ) C.V.Mann ( Bonita ) Maurice Suhre ( E f f i e ) Sherm Tucker ( Blanche ) W. Medford ( Helen ) Ivan Fuller ( Wilma ) C.H. Black (C h a rlo tte) Paul Winter ( Pauline) Leo W. H ig ley (Grace) L.E. Woodman (Mabel) B-.P. Lawis Wick D o ll ( E llen ) D. B. F o llo w ill (K ate) The Misses:_______ Mary Beach Maxine P a u lsell The Messrs:______ Leo W. H igley C.v.Mann (P r e s .) Maurice Suhre Paul Winter C l i f f . Black B.P . Lewi s I.H . Lovett F.b. N iem iller Ivan F u lle r R.M. Rankin Noel Hubbard ( 1 1 ) ROLLA*S GENERAL RECREATION PROGRAMS.- Much o f R o lla 's general recreation a ctivity centered around the Rucker-Haefli Swimming P o o l,_built_by_these two men in 1945, at the corner o f 10th and Iowa s tre e ts . A p rin cip a l d if u c u lt y was the co llectio n o f s u ffic ie n t funds to pay fo r necessary operating costs. The general recrea tio n program fcr the summer of 1947 was directed by the Rolla High School coach, Harold Knapp. He was assisted by Mrs. O rlie . . x . Operating funds were s o lic it e d and c o lle c te d from in te re s te d _citize n s and patrons. The summer of 1948, P ro f. Ray M ille r , High School prin cipal was gene al director. Harry Este s had charge of movie programs, swimming pool, and so i . Elwin F ite handled musical events. Some 500 youths p a ^ ^ x p ^ e * p ^ with student bands and musical events g a lo re . Green Acre ^eld elementary school grounds, were used. A swimming poc. _ea. neCessary funds’ in which Miss Ruth Hampson was chosen the winner. To help raise necessary Holla's school boys and g i r l s staged a stree t parade, s o lic it in g funds. m • iQi a iaiq< 3 nn charsis o f th© Rolls. Community The summer recrea tio n program for 1949 was _ ® pditor of Rolla Recreation A ssociation, In c ., o f which Mr. Barney t i > _ Da seb all - s o ft b a ll Daily News, was p resid en t. The P^ ° g a“ B^ y Contest" wfs held, in which FIFTEEN and musical tra in in g . A swimming pool meauty , f Ozarks". She girls were entered. Mia s L i l Walrath was chosen the "Queenof the Ozarks was the secretary fo r the School o f Mines E le c t r ic a l Department.
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( l l ) _Re creation, _cont.J_ The recreation program for 1950 was much the same as fo r 1949. Included swimming, s o ft b a ll, baseball, and other sports. The swimming pool Beauty Contest was continued, and was won by Miss Barbara Barner ( Barre s ?? ) . . . . I n addition to the community recrea tio n program, a private dancing school was conducted by "Lucretia Zee "Dancing Studio. The 1951 summer program was d ire cted by L eslie Dean Boggs, a teacher in the Rolla Elementary schools. F a c ilit ie s in four areas were u tiliz e d , besides the swimming pool; The High School grounds - those of the West Elementary school .. with Green Acre and F risco Pond Parks. This t&rpe o f rec re a tio n was continued through the summers on down to 1958 and la te r . The main d i f f i c u l t y was in gathering s u ffic ie n t funds to cover operating costs. The foregoin g provide something of a "sampling" of th is area. ( 12. ) . F A I R S . - For fif t e e n years, p rio r to 1947, the annual County Fair (which tad been held since 1869)had been discontinued. Now, as of July, 1947, i t was to be rev ived . Mr. E. L. Oooney, re a lto r - and former Frisco agent at Jerome took the lead in re v iv in g the Phelps County Fair Association, o f which he was elected president. This 1947 "Revived" F air program included a general carnival, aided by the Oliver Amusement Company. There were gimes such as baseball and so ft b a ll. Exhibits included fr u it s , grains, vegetables, and l i v e stock. The R olla Im perial Band gave concerts throughout the thrde-day event - Sept. 18-19-20, 1947. In May, 1948, in response to desires o f farm groups and others, th ir ty citizen s met and con stitu tes a F air Board o f ten members. These: E.L. Mooney Dewey C. Hickman Curtis W. Logan Elmer Reid Mrs. M. R. Kelchner Ross Thompson Ray Green Lloyd Ramsey Walter Snelson. J. E. Aston Robert H. W ilkins was e le c te d secretary - Earl Rasmussen, treasurer. This group fix e d the dates o f the 1948 F air as Sept. 16-17-18, 1948. The event occurred as planned, w ith the R o lla Im perial Band playing in concert. THE CENTRALJ1ISS0URI FAIR_ASS0CIATI0N_IS FORMED^- As of November 11, 1948, i t appeared to the proponents of County Fairs that an expansion was needed - both of grounds, o f program, and o f permanent governing body. The group thereupon formed and incorporated a "stock company", with 30,000 shares of 1-1.00 each as capita_. Elmer F. Reid was chosen as presiden t. . For a more commodious s it e , a tra c t of 80 acres became a va ila b le abutting Highway 63, south, located in west l/2 o f S ectio 23, T.37-8. I t was priced at $5,000. The Wm. Heagler a rc h itectu ra l firm o ffere d to draw the plans needed at no cost. Local grading contractors would do the necessary grading, g r a tis . * Col. A. R. Duvall had succeeded, by December 23, in raisin g *10,0u0 througn S e lls g
“ However, completion of f a c i l i t i e s at the new s ite could not be completed in time fo r the 1949* F a ir - so i t was held, as b efore, in the Old Fair Grounds ( now named Buehler P ark ). Dates had been set fo r Sept. 1-2-3, sident to August 25-26-27. The Central Missouri Re^ onal Fair Assn., Elmer - 1 , P ’ was in charge. The program was sim ilar to those of 9+7 ^ * *,***^- 1^ r,n Association arranged^ a "CLEARING DAY" fo r preparing the new s ite , to be held on Ct0bBy M ay^f 1950, a g e re ra l plan for the _development of tte South site had been drawn. In June, 1950, the la ir Board oug a because the f i r s t south of tte ine f i r s t acquired - and proceeded to devolope THAI, of tract sloped too much fo r a race track. The to ta l tra ct ^ c l u d e d ^ a c r e a ^ Royster farm. The 1950 F a ir was held on this second s it , x -31 and Sept. 1-2. J
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h?) FAI S. cont.J For the 1951 season, Mr, W.K. McCartney was president o f the Central Mis sour i Regional Fair Assn. The f a i r dates wer® Sept. 19 to 22, 1951. Added to the exhibits o f liv e stock, grains, flow ers, fr u its , e t c . , there was a FERRIS 'WHEEL and other f a c i l i t i e s provided by a hired amusement company. Miss Evelyn Zimmerman •was chosen as the 1951 "F air Queen"........... The e d ito r pronounced th is program as a "great success." For 1952, W. K. McCartney continued as Board president. The dates this time included August 13-14-15- and 16. Skipping to 1955, the f a i r dates were Sept. 7 to 10. The Fair Board, th is year, had funds s u ffic ie n t to e re c t a new steel-fram e sheet-wall ex h ib it h a ll, fo r which flo o r dimensions were 40 x 80 fe e t . In 1957 the dates included Augmst 14-15-16-17, and fo r 1958 August 13-14-15-16. And that completes our record for £he Phelps County Fairs fo r period 1947-58. (13) CIRCUS. - During the 1954 Reigonal F air program ( by permission ), the HAGEN BROTHERS CIRCUS erected tents, f e r r i s wheel, and animal exh ibits on the Central M isouri Regional F air grounds, south Highway 63 . Thus there WAS at lea st OWE circus which v is ite d R o lla during the period. We MlY have u n in ten tia lly overlooked any other. (14) ARMISTICE DAYS. - These were NOT observed as items o f "entertainment". However, the one o f November 11, 1947, was, o f numbers observed, one of the best. In the street parade of flo a t s , the one which depicted the SCENE ON IWO JIMA won the p r iz e . The celeb ra tion was " one of the best e v e r ." AND IHUS WE CONCLUDE OUR SKETCH OF ENTERTAINMENT IN ROLLA DURING THE YEARS 1947 to 1958. -------- 00000000000 -------S P O R T S. - This area takes in hunting and fis h in g . . . baseball . . . fo o tb a ll .. bowling, g o lf, and so on. In 1947, the deer hunting season was set fo r November 6th to 8th. The " k i l l " the previous je a r was 678 bucks taken in 21 counties. The 1945 " k i l l " was 882. For 1948, lo c a l baseball was administered by the "Mozark Baseball League," of which Mr. Bland Murry was president. There were "east" and "west" division s,th u s: West D ivision East D ivision Vienna R olla Dixon Cuba Richland Lick in g Crocker S u llivan Newburg Vichy Fort L. Wood Salem R olla. S t. James These teams were to play from May 2 to October 17* For the 1949 season, the "East" and "West" teams were the same as fo r 1947, except that Edgar Springs replaced Cuba in the "East" . . . and Ib e ria joined the <es The S tate's plan to b u ild a new ARMORY abutting Gale Avenue and Fair Ground road in Section 10 (T.37-8) meant certa in elim ination of the Mozark League s b a ll grounds - so that club, w ith others, made angry p ro tests. But to no a v a il. For the 1950 season, the Mozark League's teams were the s e : East D ivisio n _________ ________ .test D ivision. Dixon R olla Edgar Springs R o lla Crocker Newburg Licking V ich y Richland Vienna Salem S u llivan Ib e r ia F t. L . Wood St. James
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SPORTS*. cont. A new sport featu re appeared in 1950, as some fiv e R olla c itize n s made clans for a STOCK AUTO RACE TRACK out on Bridge School road, adjacent to the Henry Beddoe and ,jm. Strawhun farms in Section 16 ( T.37—8 ) . The stock car races were soon arranged - and drew la rge crowds o f spectators. The fiv e promoters were these. Russell ~'iiig)es . . . Scott .. and the three Dickmann brothers Clyde Marvin, and August. ’ * During 1953, as^in other years also, BOWLING came to the fo re fr o n t. Both men and women p a rtic ip a te d , Junior baseball also stole headlines. As of Sept. 1953, W ilbert Burton ( by h is associates known as "BEARTRACKS" ) r e tir e d as head of the Junior baseball league, a ft e r eigh t years o f service in that capacity. During 1951, both the junior and the senior baseball leagues were busy — the seniors playing other town teams, much as fo r former years. The j-955 program brou ^it Mr. Ken Lanning in to the lim elig h t, as he won one after another o f various g o l f con tests. In the line lig h t , also, was fo o tb a ll, as played by the R olla High School team - the "BULLDOGS". Mr. Mack Gladden was coach. Scores fo r sevsn o f the games played in 1955 were these: Rolla Scores ........Opponents________ 19 ................. 12 - West Plains 12 ............ 38 - Ava 19 ................. 13 - Willow Springs 5 6 ................. 9 - Mountain View 8 ................. 14 - Thayer 2 6 ......... 8 - Lebanon 13 ............ 20 - Cabool The Mozark b aseb all teams o f 1957 included these: Rolla Dixon Crocker Cuba B elle Bourbon Newburg Salem MEMBERS OF THE- ROLLA TEAM FOR 1957 WERE THESE: Carl Pietch Jim Wilson Merl Fink Paul Mesplay Jack F in ley Leo Christopher Ken. Hayes Lonnie Vandiver Marvin Hogan Bob Steinmetz Chas. M ille r Laverne Burton
Don Meyer Fred N iem iller Gene S a lly Dwayne Williams
In the Rolla Junior Baseball League, there were at lea st seven teams. These: Yanks Giants Cardinals Dodgers Cubs Tigers Braves. AND, OF COURSE, NATIONALLY.- A l l R o lla -ite s in terested in national baseball tuned in on radio or TV as the various national teams struggled on, to fin is h in their WORLD SERIES. Aside from baseb all, DERR HUNTING scored again in November _o f 1957. F irs t, a day or two set aside for bow-and-arrow sportsmen. Then the r i f l e gang. One special incident was that one hunter, w hile startin g to skin a deer he had "downed", got " his pants. k ic k e d _ o ff" as the poor animal made h is la s t death struggle . The year 1958 brought Ken Lanning FIVE STRAIGHT GOLF VICTORIES, and as many burnished metal troph ies to add to the c o lle c tio n in his mother's (Dora Lanning; home And the FEEWEE BASEBALL LEAGUE - in i t s 12£h year of existence - p itte d these teams against each oth er: Cardinals Tigers Giants Yankees Dodgers. A th le tic s Braves Cubs
THE TWO CENThkNIAi^« - These consisted o f the celeb ration p f the a r r iv a l o f Edmond Bishop, H o lla ’ s Founder, in the year 1855 . . . . and observance o f the creation o f Phelps County in 1857. Both are described in minute d e ta il in two o f the volumes of "PROCEEDINGS" of Phelps County H is to r ic a l S ociety, composed and ed ited fo r the years 1955-56 and 1957, hy Dr. C. V. Mann. Copies are on f i l e in lib r a r ie s of U niversity of Missouri, Rolla — State H is to r ic a l Society, Columbia — and Lucy Wortham James Memorial Library, S t. James. This allows us to include here only a b r ie f sketch of each of the two events. THE BISHOP CENTENNIAL AND LDNUMENT. - The exact day and month during which Edmond W. Bishop a rriv ee in R o lla is p resen tly unknown. But i t IS known that he arrived during the year 1$55* He was here as a member o f the railroad-b u ild in g firm of J. Stever & Co. When the year 1857 a rrived , and with i t something of a fin an cial panic, Mr. Bishop decided th at a safer investment would be the purchase and/or ownership of desirable lands surrounding the Stever Company’ s o ffic e building - la t e r ca lled the "Bishop Mansion", on the block bounded by 7th and 8th, Park and State streets, Rolla. He th erefo re sold h is ra ilro a d in terests to the Stever company, and took in exchange the Company o f fic e bu ildin g, together with certain lands now within the heart of R o lla . On these lands, as the years passed, he made the f i r s t plats of Rolla - and in so doing gained the t i t l e of "Founder o f R o lla ". Mr. Bishop died in 1895 - but, stragge as i t may seem, no gra^e marker or monument was placed on his grave - although a 20-foot square l o t 1was enclosed in a hewn dolomite stone curbing - and in such lo was the gsave and marker fo r his only son, Edmond J r ..........R olla c itiz e n s agreed with the Phelps County H is to ric a l Society ( W alter W. Snelson, president - Dr. C.V.Mann, Secretary ) that Rolla must in some way provide a suitable monument. The centennial was started on i t s way in February, 1955, as the H is to ric a l Society in it ia t e d plans far i t . The planning committee included Walter W. Snelson, president - Dr. C.V.Mann, Secretary, Supt. Don Matthews of the Rolla school system, Barrey M ille r of Rolla D a ily News, Ross Thompson, prominent farmer, Luther Martin of Radio S tation KTTR, Mrs. Perry Elder, Bernard Bass, and Dewey Routh. Mayor Curtis Logan follow ed up,50LXK proclaiming the year 1955 as the Centennial of Bishop's a r r iv a l in R o lla . And on July 14, he, w ith Dr. Mann, la id a f l o r a l wreath on Mr. Bishop's grave. Plans were now drawn by Dr, Mann fo r an impressive MONUMENT to be ^built over Mr. Bishop's grave. I t consisted o f an adequate concrete slab foundation, upon which was b u ilt a concrete core fo r the marker. This was surrounded by layers of marble, obtained from the Carthage Marble Co., of Carthage, ^Mo. Inside the monument was a small chamber fo r the f i l i n g of numbers of h is to r ic documents. The Frisco Railroad furnished a burnished bronze ta b let, secured as a cover to the interior chamber. , . The monument was duly dedicated on a Sunday, with o ff!c e rs of the H is to ric a l Society, the c it y mayor, the R olla High School band, and a fla g d e ta il from the American Legion present. The cost of the monument, exclusitte o f the Frisco plaque, was°scme $750.00. This was raised by a series of ONE DOLLAR donations by many employees and frie n d s of the Frisco ra ilro a d , together with members of the Historical S o c ie ty . , , . , T. On a la t e r date, the F r is c o 's bronze plaque was stolen by vandals. I t was replaced with a handsome red gran ite polished plaque, furnished by the Rolla Cemetery A ssociation . AND THUS WAS ROLLA'S FOUNDER HONORED AND CO-MEMORATED.
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New Carbon
THE PHELPS COUNTY CENTENNIAL. 1957.- Phelps County was chartered by the Missouri Legislatu re on November 13, 1857. The charter named the three members o f the new county^ s "business agency" ( the County Court, and November 25 as the day of th eir f i r s t meeting^- at the John D illo n house, s ix m iles east of today's down-town R o lla . W illiam C. York was named presiding judge - with associate judges Hiram Lane and John Matlock. This event is so m inutely described in the 1957 volume o f "PROCEEDINGS" of Phelps County H is to ric a l S ociety, that we may g re a tly shorten the present sketch. Copied of the "Proc edings" are on f i l e in the lib r a r ie s of U niversity o f Missouri, Rolla . . . the otate H is to ric a l Society, Columbia . . and the Lucy Wortham James Library, S t. James, as w e ll as in R olla Public Library. Plans fo r this Centennial were in it ia t e d by the county H is to ric a l S ociety as early as June 5, 1956. A general mass meeting was held in the Rollamo Theatre bn October 11, 1956, at which general ideas for the Centennial were discussed. On November 23, 1956, the Phelps County Centennial. Association was organized and o ffic ia lly incorporated, i t would manage the Centennial. Dr. E.A. S triek er was elected president .. Harry A llen vied president . . . Dr, C.v.Mann secretary . . . and Ralph Crowe (a tto rn e y ) treasu rer. After mature consideration, the John Rogers Company of Fostoria, I l l i n o i s , was given the contract to conduct the program. Mr. Sam Grogg and wife "Ginger" came to Rolla as the company rep resen ta tives. They, with aid and agreement of numerous Centennial A ssociation committees, planned the program in d e ta il. Dates from Saturday, June 1, to Saturday, June, were set - with sp ecific events fo r each day - and the "PAGEANT" ( Yesterday L ives Again ) presented each night, June 3 to 8. The Centennial Parade c£ Monday, June 3, was pronounced "among the best parades ever" in R o lla . Bernard Bass was "marshal", on horseback. Rowe Carney's steam thresher engine was a s ig h t. Rolla Mayer and o f f i c i a l s rode in autos, as did President S triek er and o ffic e r s of the H is t o r ic l Society. A beauty contest wrought fo rth some dozen candidates for Centennial .ueen. Final selection was by popular b a llo t . Miss Joan Lenox was th winner. She, with her "court" ( a l l the other candidates fer queen ) were presented each evening by Dr, S triek er. The main event o f the program was the "PAGEANT", e n title d "Yesterday Lives Again". This was j o i n t l y w ritten by Mrs, Ginge r Grogg and Dr. C.v.Mann, but superintended at the stands on the Rolla High School fo o tb a ll grounds by Mrs.Grogg. At least a hundred residents of the R o lla area played some d e fin ite part - or charaxter - in the Pageant. There were covered wagon scenes - Indian pow-wows Merle Nash ( o f Radio Sta. KTTR) . . . Mrs. Wahmann ( E lo is e ) . . . Tom Dye ( o f KTTR) and Del Valle (photographer). . . . Mrs. John Morris, Sr. ( Olive S cott) was organist — Mr. Kenneth Asher was Choir D irec to r. The Pageant's theme song was " Oh Phelps County, I Love TheeS, w ritten by Dr. Mann. Spectators viewed the Pageant from seats of plank, la id on tne west slopee of the High School fo o t b a ll f i e l d . The seats were crowded. The p rin tin g and fin ancing o f the "Centennial Book" ("Yesterday Lives -igain) was cared fer by the H is to ric a l S o ciety . Mesdaraes Roy Gaddy and _• _• J a ltz s o lic i ted the $2,000 required to p rin t the 2,000 copies that sold fo r $1.00 each. The text of the book, plus most o f the photographs, was the work of Dr. i^ann. Items fo r which the Centennial Sssociation spent money, aside from the Rogers Company contract, included buttons and badges, neckties, bonnets and stovepipe hats, and a multitude of uentennial p la tes, on which were printed designs by Dr. Mann. At close o f the event, there was a d e f i c i t o f same $2,000. This was apprtioned among various A ssociation members and Rolls, business men. Aside from that item, the Centennial WAS A GRAND SUCCESS. , „ . . a , nmirnTY PARTY" staaed by the H is t o r ic a l , Society Tuesday, A f i n a l event was a "COUIMIi rA itii , suage u uj Thi gon was ai s0 November 26, 1957, at which the county o ffic e r s were -cpdcial g a notable success.
THE FRISCO RAILROAD - 1947-58 ELIMINATION OF PILON HILL - AND THE DIESEL ENGINES.- Several major factors decidedly changed F risco ra ilro a d h is to ry during and a ft e r the 1940’ s. Scrapping the loveable old steam locom otives became a part o f the story, as and a fte r the Dixon H ill loop was changed so as to scrap the old steep and curveatious route down from Jerome, and up the Dixon V a lle y . The new route beginning at the Gasconade river bridge, and b u ilt alongside the c l i f f s to the west, solved the "ru lin g grade" problem - although i t s t i l l l e f t the steep grade running west from D illon station to the summit at Dunivin Grossing. With the adoption of the powerful D iesel motor engines, that problem would disappear also - and train s could then be hauled that were T/flum as long as were pu lled and pushed, jo in t ly , by two o f the old steamers. And so, in May of 1947, the F risco company ordered a t o ta l of FORTY-Sl^. o f the Diesels, which would cost some $5,700,000. Of these. THIRTY-SIX would be fo r freight?use, with 1,500 rated horsepower. The o tte r TEN would be fo r switching, with a power of 1,000 horsepower. Another problem now arose. The rapid increase in p rivate autos on the highways made tremendous cuts in pu blic use of passenger tra in s . A solution - NOT fin a l was sought. The famed "blue Bonnet", routed from St. Louis to Dallas, Texas, would run only to S p rin g fie ld , Mo. . . . The Meteor and Texas Special would no longer mate a station stop at R o lla . Southwest bound passenge rs would have to skip through Rolla and get o ff "a t Newburg - then get to R olla by bus or auto. R o lla -ite s REMONSTRATED i ibis was in May. But the p rotests Drought back the "R olla stop" as of September 9th. The D iesels ted ONE redeeming fa c to r fer the farmer "Steamer" fans - and that was the "air-chim e" w h istle the D iesels ca rried . The chimes had a 5-note w histle, much like the old-tim e steamer w h istles. . By 1958, oassenger transport ted so dwindled that the old "Texas Special j ,as scuttled - rather, was combined with the "M eteor"......... H ,;0ULD NOT ^ N Y YEARS UNTIL EVEN THE METEOR WOULD ALSO BE SCUTTLED. THE ACQUISITION OF LOCOMOTIVE 1501.- F ris c o ’ s steam locom otive No. 1501 was pronounced by the engineers who operated i t as being "tee^very best_engin£ on_the_road. When, in January o f 1955, i t was made known that th is engine was f i n a l l y out of service", and would be a v a ila b le fo r some museum - a group o f engine-men and firemen at Bewburg - including, notably, Mr. A lbert McDonald - decided thfet old 1501 should come to the R o lla area. To Newburg ?? or to R olla ?? The die was^cast for "ROLLA . Meantime, Mr. Clark Hungerfcrd ted become president o f the Frisco system. as early as January 10, 1955, Mr. McDoland had contacted Mr. Hungerford J ^ a d received favorable answers. Armed with this information, Messrs, McDonald and R olla■ 7 Earl Hudgens requested Dr. C.v.Mann to w rite, far uhe^ is was Mr. Hungerford, a l e t t e r asking that engine 1501 be 0iven *• . ,* . , nailed to so written, signed by Walter ■ Snelson, h is to r ic a l socie Y Pr es , ‘ b Mr. Hungerford. In the l e t t e r , the request was made that^the TlTte to the eng made to the C ity of R o lla - which was more l i k e l y to remain in business f S years than the H is to ric a l S o c iety . , , Mr. Hungerfcrd granted the requests. He aiso ^ S which had been on the road since the 1880's ( Coach No. 833 )• The two "v e h ic le s " a rrived in R o lla ju st p rio r to August 1 , 955 ?riscQ the engine and coach were f i n a l l y placed on track a c ^ *wh is tle "hostler” E l l i s Grayson »a s at t £ t h r ^ ^ " a ^ ^ t s , „ ho «t
by F o » n Looter Co., and parRed beside
1501. The members o f the committee were these. Frisco Pub.Relations Dept. Edwin L. Mooney, Chairman A ™ ’ * J. Kean White Edward W. Sowers, Vice Churn. nnnald Luther Martin Curtis W. Logan, R olla Mayor Dewey Routh Larry May, Herald Editor _ Rex Williams Walter W. Snelson, Pres. H ist.oocy.
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g>Tsm RAILROAD, cent . ENGINE 1501.- F risco Steam Locomotive No. 1501 was b u ilt in 1923 by the Baldwin Locomotive Company. When taken out o f service, i t had traveled some 1 792,904 m iles - equal to 72 times around the Earth. I t was an " o i l burner" — ■was 87 f t . 8 inches HUg long - 16 fe e t high. I t was 10 f t . 3 inches in width. It weighed 342,200 pounds. I t s "tender" weighed 240,500 pounds. As o f duly, 1973, i t s t i l l stands where placed on tracks, at Schuman Park, on August 18, 1955. I t has been robbed o f i t s fin e bronze b e ll, and several headlights. I t is enclosed in a wire net fence - and is in custody o f the R olla Park Board. Neither engine nor coach have been v is ite d , as was the plan when the two were acquired in 1955. More atten tion i s reeded. D
KIN^S OF DISASTERS.- Our present l i s t of "d is a s te rs " includes these catagories: The Weather . . . Storms . . . F ires . . . Highway Wrecks . . . Railroad Accidents . . . Airplane Wrecks ...F re a k Accidents . . . Snake S tories . . and T r a ffic Records. D etails are as follow s: ( l ) The Weather. - Present item is but a sampling......... Beginning in 1955, the coldest days, w ith temperature FOUR BELOW ZERO, were on and about February 11. Then rains f e l l , and flo o d s came. P re c ip ita tio n (r a in ) w_s 3.93 inches in FEBRUARY. By May, the severe drouth o f FOUR YEARS ended when, in May, i t rained on FIVE consecutive days. In 1956, r a in f a ll during the month cf May tota led 9 inches 1 In 1957, riv e rs were flooded a fte r p recip ation to ta led 27.6 inches fer A p ril, May and June - for June alone, 7.1 inches. And fer the year, down to July 3, a to ta l of 37.68 inches of r a in fa ll. Nature provided a very sp ecial show - fo r several hours the nights of Sunday and Monday, September 20 and 30, 1957. There was a spectacular show o f "northern lights" - aurora b o re a lis . Our fo llo w in g report on "Storms" provides more data on "weather". (2) S T 0 R M S.- The 1947-58 period opened with a t e r r i f i c TORNADO, ^which tore through southern lim its o f Phelps county, beginning at Flat, continuing to Pilot Knob, and from there to Seaton and W inkler. I t was Tuesday, A p ril 29, 1947, around 9 ;00 o 'c lo c k in the evening. . . . At Seaton, one person was k ille d , fiv e badly injured, f if t e e n others somewhat inju red. Eight homes were wrecked . . . 43 barns and sheds. Three hundred chickens were k ille d . Total damage was set The "Ic e Storm" o f January 27, 1949, was one o f the FOUR WORST such storms in Rolla in 113 years. Autos p ile d up, both in town, and out on Highways 63 an 66. Cars could NOT climb h i l l s ........... Then on Smday-Monday, Sept. ^11-12, 1949, a t e r r ific downpour o f rain dropped 3.54 inches o f water on R olla m • • Sewer trenches being dug at Phelps Co. Memorial H ospital cave in o pits became mud h oles. ^ nn The year 1950 augmented the "bad storm" record. On Wednesday, u^ c h 29, a t e r r ific HAIL STORM h it R o lla - said to be the worst ever, scores »ere broken, roofs damaged. The "Tower" and "G eivm " Teen*°uses we« -aine,d. Some 1,200 claim cases against insurance companies resu lted . Dam o $75,000. . . . Then bn May 26 ( F r i . ) , an "in c ip ie n t tw ister » and hail, uprooted trees on O live s tre e t, and wrecked tele phone _and * As though th is were not enough, another hail-w ind-rain storm r a i s e d ] ^ - e t flood waters at Newburg over store and Houston House flo o r s on F ro n tS tre e t. The storm assumed tw ister form at Lake Spring. And abnormal r a in fa ll in August totaled 8.60 inches.
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The year 1951 seemed determined to out-do previous years. On Friday June 8 a near-tornado wind h it Rolla at 6:00 P.M......... i t ripped up many stalwart trees * damaged fiv e airplanes docked at R olla A irport, 4 m iles east o f town. Then on June 29, the L i t t l e Piney at Newourg rose u n til water stood 10 inches deep over the f i r s t flo o r of the Houston House. Damage in Newburg amounted to some $100 000 This flood was second, only, to the great flood of 1945. . . . But the climax came on Minday and Tuesday, November 5-6, 1951, when SNOW f e l l TO A LEVEL DEPTH OF TWENTY INCHES a l l over the County. T r a ffic was paralyzed. Frisco trains were greatly delayea. Schools had to c lo s e . This was the most severe snow storm known to present w rite rs during th e ir 53 years o f residence in R olla. The year 1953 was known as " THE DRIEST SINCE 1901". For ten days, thermometers registered temperatures from 94 to 100. During the past Six MONTHS, there was only 11 inches o f r a in f a ll - the normal being 24 inches. Farm Ponds were drying up. And 1953 was not much d iffe r e n t from 1952. Farmers complained because they fe lt that "Federal Aid" was doing l i t t l e fo r them. Year 1954 revealed that, in March, the Gasconade r iv e r flow was only 558 cubic feet per second. In February, 1934, i t had been only 525 cubic fe e t . The 32-year average was 2,919 cubic fe e t , and in the wet year 1928 was 7,004 cu. f t . per second......... . But despite th is lack of moistuhe, a t e r r i f i c rain and e le c t r ic storm on June 10th dropped 2 inches of water - and knocked out 1,200 resident telephones. . . . Then HEAT PREVAILED l On July 15, the Herald reported that temperatures the preceding three days ( Mon-Tu-Wed.) had reached 112 . . . 107 . . . and 116 degrees aoove z e r o ! Said to have been the h ottest days, ever, in R olla. I t was not only HOT - but grasshoppers came in hordes. Farm ponds - and even w ells - were drying up. Year 1955 changed the p ic tu re. As of February 1, 1955, flow in the Gasconade river was only 725 cubic fe e t per second. But by February 22, heavy rains brought i t up to 15,000 second f e e t . Then on July 14, a v io le n t w ind-rain-hail storm dropped 1.4 inches o f water in only a few minutes. The C leino-B ellview area, with Vichy, got the heavy end o f the storm............. Another sim ilar storm on October 7 put the Rolla power station at 7th and Holloway streets out o f commission. . . . S t i l l another sim ilar storm h it R o lla and Cuba on October 13, 1955• E le c tric and phone lines went down, trees were torn up. One hundred r e s id e n tia l phones at St.James were put out. Year 1957, on May 21, brought another L i t t l e Piney flood at Newburg, with water standing ankle deep on flo o r s o f the Houston House. A tornado at DesLoge knocked out Rolla* s power f a c i l i t i e s fo r one hour......... The same storm., or one the next day, turned in to a small tornado, which ripped the ro o f o f f of the Ernest Mesche house, on south Route 72, J+i m iles southeast of R o li| . Trees were uprooted. Heavy rains ixx and around June 17 flooded the Meramec riv e r /so that no t r a f f i c could continue on Highway 66 fo r 18 hours......... F in a lly , in a heavy e le c t r ic storm on August 17, 1957, FOURTEEN CATTLE were k ille d by ligh tn in g on the Jack Feeler farm, northwest o f Rolla on Nagogami road ( Route E .) Year 1958 was not to be out-done by i t s predecessors. To begin with, as of June 13} a severe ra in -h ail-w in d storm dropped HAIL AS LARGE AS BASEBALLS at Dixon, where the h a il f e l l to a depth o f Six INCHES. At Rolla, 4*5 inches of rain f e l l . Basements were flood ed . And two m iles northeast of town, a young TORNADO struck. July 11 brought winds o f 70 m iles per hopr at 7:00 a.m. . . Trees, TV antennae, and road signs a l l went down......... .On July 18, ligh tn in g struck and k ille d SEVEN cattle on the Harley F le t t farm, 6 m iles south of R o lla . And on July 21, L it t le Piney at Arlin gton xsc& rose to w ithin an inch or two o f the paved grade of Highway o6, Hue to the heavy rains of the past week. IT WAS THUS THAT STORMS HELPED TO MAKE ROLLA HISTORY, YEARS 1947-58.
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"DISASTERS^!, _co n t. (3) ±!—I R E S . - ihe series o f disastrous fir e s which swept R olla during the 1947-58 period . . . began with the $100,000 con flagration which consumed the° two-story warehouse o f the Central States Wholesale Grocery company, together with a carl cad o f sugar and other merchandise. The Via brothers were heavy investors. The store was located on the north side of 7th stre e t, abutting the west r/w lin e of the Frisco r a ilr o a d ..........This was on February 22, 1947.......... On Wednesday, July l 6, a second f i r e gutted the old Baumgardner photo g a lle ry , upstairs on east side Pine street, near middle of block from 7th to 8th s tre e t. Damage was $10,000. A As of October 21, 1948, f i r e had t o t a l l y consumed the old Dr. Northern mansion, on south Laeoma Road. I t had been b u ilt sometime about 1895 by Mr. 0 W. Dickerson. At time o f the f i r e , i t was the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Heavin ( Hazel Dagley H eavin ). The old B ap tist Church at southeast corner 7th and O live streets was com p letely destroyed by f i r e the e a r ly evening of Saturday, December 20, 1952. This old brick structure had taken the place o f the o rig in a l wooden chapel that had been b u ilt in 1875, but burned October 10, 1893. From 1945, the Smith-Hollow undertaking firm had used the oM church. At time of the f i r e , i t was used by the Full Gospel church, Eugene D. Weiss, pastor. The old PENNANT TAVERN, so h is to r ic as a meeting place fo r R o lla 's clubs and chamber o f commerce, was over h a lf destroyed by f i r e on August 18, 1953... in 1954 It was a $100,000 lo s s . What remained unburnt was remodeled and added to,/and called the "Martin M o te l". Mr. R.W. ^ "bob") Martin then operated the plant. In January, 1955, the old "Aerodrome", or dance h a ll - "P erry's Crescent" at Dunivin Crossing, 4 m iles east of R olla, was completely destroyed by f i r e . And on August 18, Arch Huffman's "SALE BARN", on Wyman H ill, was t o t a lly destroyed by fir e . Three bad f i r e s occurred as the 195$ yr&r began, in January. F irs t, the Cal 1 en Grocery, at ju nction of Highways 63 and 7 2 .... Second, the Powell-Katz residence, southwest corner 11th and S tate. I t was a handsome th ree-story bu ilding. Only p a r tia lly destroyed, i t was soon restored to i t s o rig in a l condition. . . . The third f i r e consumed the chicken hatchery owned by Don Sands. I t was three miles south o f R o lla . Some 1500 young chicks were burned. Then, as o f July 25, 1956, f i r e badly damaged the old TIFFANY HOTEL, 4th and Main streets, owned by Jas. T y le r. The upstairs was damaged. I t was in th is room that Rolla* s f i r s t c i t y council met in February, 1861 . On Christmas day, Dec. 25, 1957> fir® consumed the buildings and contents owned by the Ozark Produce Co. This had beoi owned and operated by Mrs. Sam Vaughn ( Eugenia J e ffr ie s , daughter o f the belored school tea ch er). The poulurjr and stock of eggs were destroyed. Damage was set at $40, 000. F in a lly, the la s t days of June, 1958, Randy's Shoe Store, 907 Pine street, was gutted by f i r e . AND THUS DID DESTRUCTIVE FIRES PLAY THEIR PART IN ROLLA'S HISTORY. (4 ) HIGHWAY WRECKS *nd ACCIDENTS. - The record of these items is a sorry story. And i t does NOT include every such accident or wreck that occurred. We begin w ith: Year 1950. As of January 9th, Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Dutton and child were k illed when - a m ile west of Buehler Park, on Highway 66 - th e ir auto skidded on an ice spot and overturned, ibid, as of February 10, the recor oaia aa-> °* ° recent accidents in Phelps and adjoining 6_counties, Phelps led with 23 of , accidents-- which included ALL the 4 f a t a l i t i e s . , , . . . __ The NATIONAL RECORD, as of February 15, 1951 showed to ta l highway tr deaths fo r 1950 as 35,000. That was 7,500 per month - and compared .0 , per month fo r ca su a lties in the Korean War.
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H-ighwav Accidents, cont,. A much lamented and fa t a l accident occurred as o f A p ril 3, 1952 - when an auto driven by Mr. Ralph B a ile y o f R olla, accompanied by Mrs. Lucy McMahon a prominent St. James teacher, was h it "head on" on Highway 63, at the crest of khst a h ill somewhere between the^Gasconade bridge and Vienna. Both were k ille d - as •were the three men who, d rivin g the other car, were on the wrong side of the road. According uo the news record, a t o t a l of 157 highway accidents occurred within c it y lim its during 1952. Of these, FIFTY were on State routes in town 107 on c it y s tr e e ts . And in 1953, in the "Troo:. I area", 202 were injured /and 13 k ille d . ’ As o f May 13, 1954, a tra g ic accident took the l i f e of Oscar Sloan, age 48, of Freeland, Michigan, as he smashed in to an open ditch ( the creek ), a t high speed, at in te rs e c tio n of Highways 63 and 66 ( 5ingshighway and bishop Avenue ). Year 1955 was p r o l i f i c in bad highway accidents and wrecks. F ir s t, one teen-ager was burned to death, another boy and two g i r l s badly hurt, as th eir car le ft the pavement and plunged head-long against a concrete bridge p ie r . This was on Highway 63 north, adjacent to the "Echo Farm"........... A second accident wrecked three trucks as they met headlong on the Gasconade r iv e r bridge, a t Arlington. ----A third wreck on Highway 66, a mile west cf R o lla , took the liv e s of two soldiers, and in ju red three others . . . . Wrecks were numerous during September. Eight persons lo s t th eir liv e s that month, and in the Rolla area. And a la s t one for 1955 ••• J e f f W ilcox lo s t con trol o f his car on Highway D, west cf Jerome, as he trie d to dodge a deer. He was k ille d and his w ife injured. During June o f 1956, there was a "rash of accidents" in the Troop I area. There were ELEVEN during one week end. Also - TWO GAR THIEVES. Twelve deaths on highways occurred during August of 1956. On March 4, 1957, a State P a tro l car chased a car driven by three teen-agers at speeds up to 11$ m iles per hour. The boys age s were 13-14-14, and their car was one they ted sto le n . On Highway 19, out of Cuba, their car overturned, k illin g one of the bbys, in ju rin g the other two. Then, as of May 29, 1957, SEVEN persons were k ille d as one car containing most of them - coming in on Route 19 - were h it by a second car, speeding thru Cuba on Highway 66 . SIX OTHERS in the jam were seriou sly injured, and were Drought to the h osp ital in R o lla . ...TH IS WAS PRONOUNCED THE WORST ACCIDENT EVER, in 13 years, and in Central Mis souri. As of October 7, 1957, a speeding Buick car on Salem Avenue went out of control, and ran in to the Leon Hornkohl yard, 731 Salem Ave. I t h it the Hornkohl Chev car, then a tr e e . Damage to he Che v was $300 - and to the Buick $800. On November 8, 1957, a car driven by Don M itch ell was side-swiped and then hit "head-on" by a truck. The auto was reduced to rubbish, and JItcE iell was k ille d . Another lamentable accident took the l i f e o f Jesse Vance, R o lla 's "Buick" dealer. D riving on Highway 63, ju st north of Vienna, he was thrown from the 1/2 ton pickup truck he was d riv in g , as I t veered c f f and struck another car ( "Buick") "head-on". He had b u ilt the new Buick warehouse, a b rick structure at 4th and Elm. The Year 1958 was also p r o lif ic in hi^iway accidents. F ir s t ...o n August 18, a woman, d riv in g a car, crashed in to the Jack Fore residence, northeast corner 5th and Walnut s tr e e ts . Injured, she was taken to the County H o s p ita l.......... Second, two cars, try in g to pass on Highway 66 4 m iles ea st cf R olla, c o llid e d . The buick burst in to flames — i t s passenger was pulled to sa fe ty . But one person was k ille d , three others badly in ju red . ...T h ird , L ie u t. Wm. P. -lark was k ille d , and 2nd L t. Jos. Chorzel Injured as their car was wrecked at the "main" and " c it y " route 66 junction, ju st west over Fair Ground H i l l ........... Fourth, A woman, walking beside the pavement on Route 63, north - near the Schuman Motel - got-a. small rock in her shoe, lo s t her balance, and f e l l on the parement — in the path oi a car. tee was k ille d ___ And F ifth and fin a l .. James W. E l l i o t t was k ille d , and others injured, when, on Highway 66 4 m iles west cf R olla, he drove from a side road out on to Highway 66 - and was h it by another car. AND THIS IS HOW HIGHWAY ACCIDENTS MADE ROLLA HISTORY. 1947-58.
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(5 ) u & RE0 K0 . - On Saturday, May 25 1947 a Fri to train overtook and k i l l e d Mrs. Ida Cox in Colemln S t ju s t L t o f Roll January 20 1950, O liv e r W. Pen dleton ' 3 ear was h i t l i d ^ c S r S d t » o b l o o ^ S e t from the 6 th s tr e e t c ro s s in g . Pendleton was k i l l e d . Mrs. Pendleton w ith her four daughters and too sons su rvived the crash. And in October o f i 952 an eastbound tra in h i t L e s te r D i l l o n 's ca r a t the R o lla s tre e t crossin g ’ A car con tain in g three M.S.M. students wac. . , yb *
ss szsxMi-^rin
as oi
ovemrar 4, ±755, a W - 4 3 p.m ., a passenger t r a m h it an auto and ca rried
Hayes^leaped3o u t.
StrUCk> ^
t" ° ° 0CUpants>
» * " » ■ > and * n o l d
As o f January 23, 1956, a troop tra in h it a truck loaded with hay. The hay was dumped on top o f an auto standing near by. The three occupants were not injured. . . . But a week la t e r , January 30, an eastbound passenger train hit the car occupied by a R o lla High School senior. The car was demolished. And - can you imagine i t ? - an M.S.M. student jumped o f f a F risco train that was tr a w lin g at 65 m iles per hour. Except fo r minor cuts and bruises he was not hurt* *9 7 •F iI ! ra ilro a d f ^ id e n t s occurred in 1957. . . . F ir s t, a woman parked her car in^ the Herrman lumber yard. The brakes were loose, the car r o lle d out on the Frisco tracks, and was reduced to rubble by the Gen. F t. Wood tra in . No one was in the car, which was carried 50 yards down the track. . . . Then at the 18th s tre e t crossin g, a F risco tra in demolished Ernest Coffman's pickup, ne was hurt, but managed to escape. He owned the Green Acre farm on Hwy 72. me th ird accident of 1957 took the liv e s o f two so ld iers — who at 9:^0 p.m., were SLEEPING ON THE TRACK two m iles west o f Newburg - heads on one r a i l legs across the other. Their bodies were m utilated. The fourth casu alty occurred when an M.S.M. student was struck at the 12th street crossing. His car was demolished. He survived - but with back in ju ry. Our la s t en try records that at 8:30 a.m., November 26, 1957 , an east-bound passenger tra in h it and k ille d Mr. Pat Malone, aged 74. This was near the 6th street crossing. ( 6) AIRPLANE WRECKS. - We record FIVE such wrecks which occurred during the 1947-58 period. F irst, on March 30, 1949, an Army C-47 plane plunged in to a FARM POND ! Seven bodies were recovered. This was near Edgar Springs. Second, Paul F ia la was cru isin g in his 4-se a t plane about h a lf of a mile south of Dunivin Crossing, when the engine fa ile d and the plane crashed in a f i e l d . The plane was wrecked - but F ia la escaped with "only a bump on his head." Third, the worst wreck of a l l occurred at noon, August 4, 1955, when an American A ir Lines plan e,carryin g 27 passengprs and a crew o f three, crashed in the wooded h i l l s near Fort Leonard Wood. A l l t h ir t y were k ille d . Fourth, two Chicago men got shock and bruises, but survived - when their plane plunged up-side down in a f i e l d 300 yards o f f of Route 0 (Lecoma Road) some two m iles south o f R o lla . And f in a lly , Mr. Bernard Dette, a former o ffic e supply dealer in Rolla, was fly in g a plane carrying him self, three sons and one daughter. As they reached a spot ju s t south o f the town of Westphalia, sane 40 m iles north o f Rolla, the plane crashed, a l l escaped without serious in ju ry. (7) FREAK ACCIDENTS. - On June 22, 1950, Albert Mesche, while swimming and hiving in Cool Brook Pool, some 6 m iles south of R olla, alongside Highway 63, sustained a fa t a l back in ju ry . His spinal nerve was severed, and he became paralyzed. He d ie s a week la t e r , June 29. On or about June 12, 1956 , the car driven by a woman was found hanging from a bridge ( over Roubidoux Creek ) on Highway 66, near Y/aynesville . A l l three wheels were out in space, while the fourth wheel was engaged on a 3 inch pipe
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(Sec. 1947-58 ) / TjWak Accidents r c o n t.
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and a 3/4 inch 1 -b o lt . Injured, but not f a t a lly , the woman was removed by a doctor and rescue squad, and taken to the near—by h osp ital. a s of June 25, 1956, B i l l Pietsch and Frank Riden were rid in g th eir fie ld s on separate tra c to rs . Lightning knocked Pietsch o f f his tra ctor, and set the barley graso a f ir e . And Riden, a quarter of a m ile away, was knocked o f f his tractor. And as of December 3, 1956, Joseph A. Walker was k ille d when his gun went off accid en tally. Only the day before, he had married Jessie Cook. This occurred at the Honse farm, on Nagogami road, 11 m iles northwest of R olla. Walker was the brother of E verett Walker, aod of three s is te rs - Bertha Slates, Ethel Gollahan, and Alma C a rro ll. As of June 28, 1957, Mr. E.E. Martin parked his tra cto r beside his farm pona, planning to sh~eo j_rogs. But the t r a c t o r 's brakes got loose, and i t headed for the pond. He jumped upon the tra c to r - but too l a t e / With him, i t plunged into the pond, pinning him beneath i t . F rantic, and swallowing water, he somehow managed to get fr e e , and survived. E a rlier, on January 2 , 1957, a truck carrying 20,000 pounds of oowdered_e£gs caught f i r e - and " fr ie d " the eggs. This was 4 m iles east of Cuba, on Highway o£. The loss/was $77,500. 4 twin "SHRIMP FRY" occurred on Highway 66 in November, 1958, when another truck, also tra v e lin g near Cuba, overturned and burst in to flames. Some $30,000 worth o shrimp .'ERE- ROASTED l F in a lly, on a date which we fa ile d to record ( but in 1957 ), a sold ier in the Fort Leonard Wood area, while taking boards away from a gang saw, f e l l in the path o f the saw, and was in s ta n tly sawed in two. THUS DID FREAK ACCIDENTS CONTRIBUTE TO ROLLA HISTORY. ( 8) A SERIES OF SNnKB S TQRI..-5. — As o f May 31, 1955, Mr. and Mrs. James Sullens, of Licking, Mo., were b itten the same_day by UNO DIFFERENT snakes - presumed to be copperheads. Prompt treatment saved their l i v e s . Then as o f July 12, 1957, two snake attacks were recorded. In the f i r s t , a boy - swimming in Dry Fork - was b itte n on one fo o t and on one fin g e r . He was rushed to the h o s p ita l, and s a fe ty . ...Then a woman was b itten on her fin g e rs . She also was safe a fte r treatment. Mrs. Pat Gerwert ( nee Vitzthum) did not fa re as w e ll, a fte r being b itten on the shoulder while swimming in the Gasconade r iv e r . She was rushed to Phelps So, Mem. H ospital, R o lla , where she recovered, nut she was very i l l . This 12-inch copperhead snake managed somehow to enter the home of Mr. and Ars. Samuel Sands, on North Vichy Road, R o lla . Returning home at 3 p.m., Mr. Sands discovered the r e p t ile beneath th eir TV set. Mrs. Sands had been in the room, BARE FOOTED, during the day. This was the unfortunate snake's la s t t r i p ! On August 23, 1957, R o lla 's power lin e s "went out" as a largp b u ll snake fe ll across w ires carryin g 60,000 v o lt s . His destiny was 'snake heaven". . . . But a hungry cat — spying the dead r e p t ile — lick ed i t s chops and climbed to find a good meal. I t - also - was e le c tro c u te d ! And R o lla «s power was restored. I t ' s poor sport to load m ail boxes with snakes ! ! And so thought Paul Hesplay, o f the R o lla Post O ffic e , when he took m ail from a mail box - and _ found not only MAIL - but also a SNAKE. I t was somebody's d ir t y practic& l joke .
CVM-BHM-July 11, 1973. (1947-1958 j _________/
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A FEN HIGHWAY TRAFFIC STATTSTT (9) — Thi s item b r i e f l y covers t r a f f i c statistics both l o c a lly — over Missouri - and n a tio n a lly . What we present are merely "SAMPLES". On National highways, these numbers o f persons were k ille d fo r years shown* 1941 . . . 39,969 1945 . . . 28,600 1946 . . . 34,000 IN THE SEVriN-COUNTY GROUP including Phelps. . . Pulaski . . . Laclede . . . Dent . . . Crawford . . . Maries . . and one other county, these s t a t is t ic s : In 1954, there were 628 accidents on highways. In May of 1955, ohree pe -sons were k ille d and 64 persons injured. In November, 1955, rep orts fo r October said that 7 persons in the area were k ille d bor the^year 1>55, m Phelps County alone, there were 283 accidents — 227 injured 10 deaths. For the s ix adjoining counties, and year 1955 these figu res were recorded: County No.Accidents Persons Persons ---- ------------ ----------------Injured K ille d 1 6 ............. 2 0 .... 0 C raw ford ....... Dent ................. 5 3 ...... l Laclede ......... 2 3 ............. 1 4 ... 1 Marie s ............. 5 7 .... 0 Phelps ........... 2 4 ............. 2 1 .... 1 P u la s k i........... 30 16 .. ♦ . . . 0 Totals 103 81 3 For the period, January 1 thtu Sept. 30, 1956 , th is record: County Injured K ille d Crawford .. 122 3 Dent ......... 27 3 Laclede . . . 143 13 Marie s . . . . 2 19 Pulaski . . . . 91 9 Phelps . . . . , XL 22k. Totals 636 37 For the year 1958 , th is was the seven-county record: County Accidents In.iured K ille Crawford .. 15 . . . . .. 10 .. .. 0 .. 1 D e n t .......... ----4 .... 21 ___ . . . 23 .. .. 3 Laclede . . . ....... Maries ....... ----3 •• .. 0 4 ----- . . . Pulaski . . . ____ 2 8 ____ . . . 23 .. .. 2 .. 0 Phelps ....... ---2 9 ----The TRAFFIC DEATHS fo r the decade 1947-1956, fo r eigh t Missouri counties having highest death rates from t r a f f i c accidents, were as fo llo w s : Countv_______ Deaths St.Louis Co. 655 Franklin . . . 187 Greene ............ 244 Phelps ............ 103 Jasper ............ 226 Pulaski . . . . 92 Laclede . . . . 91 Crawford . . . 90 Total ...1688 AND THUS DID HIGHWAY TRAFFIC, WITH ACCIDENTS, INJURIES, DEATHS, ADD TO ROLLA AREA HISTORY, 1947-1958.
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C R I M E Kinds Of Crime Here Recorded. - Our stock o f records includes burglaries . . . Thefts . . . Shop L if t in g . . . Robberies . . . C attle Rustling . . . Bad Checks . . . J a i l Breaks . . . "T rick s" . . . and murders. The d e ta il items fo llo w : (Years 1947-58). ( l ) BURGLARIES. — As of oeptember 16, 1949, a ve rita b le "rash" o f burglaries occurred. Homes and businesses were robbed - autos stolen " every other day, for 16 days." There were a lso j a i l breaks. But the law caught up with THREE burglars, who were sentenced to SIX YEAR TERMS in the State pen iten tiary by Judge Curtis, xn February, 1950. s Burglaries continued from 1950 to December, 1955, at which time burglars struck at the Asher-Jones Motor Co. shop .. the Grapette b o ttlin g works . . . the West Elementary School . . . and Carp’ s Department store. In May, 1956, burglars took $3,050 worth o f merchandise from stores o f the Ozark Equipment Co. . . . The same month, they broke in to the o f fic e o f the Vance Motor Co., 4th and Elm - tr ie d to open the safe, but fa ile d . Then in October, burglars stole from FIVE- R olla business houses. The 1957 se ries o f b u rgla ries began in March, when the victim s were the Rolla Concrete plant . . . the R o lla S oft Water o ffic e .. and the East Elementary School - where the school b e ll was stolen . In May, the o ffic e o f lawyers Breuer and Northern were ransacked . . . the Episcopal Church was robbed . . . and the R o lla Concrete M aterials Col plant sacked. June witnessed one o f the worst bu rglaries in years. The H illc rd s t Gro. store safe was blown open, and $3,500 taken. At Williams Shoe Store, burglars climbed to the roof, and down in to store through the a ir cooling duct. In October, burglars entered the Herman-brownlow auto supply store, blew the safe open, and took $350. In December, they r i f l e d the Gamble merchandise store, 11th and Pine, and took severa l hundred d o lla rs worth o f goods. Also in December, they got $300 from the cash r e g is te r o f R o lla Motor Parts - robbed Northwye Grocery o f $100 ...b u r g la r iz e d the Top Hat Lounge, and the H & R store, in the 1100 block of Pine s tr e e t. A summary o f some of the 1957 safe-cracking b u rglaries which occurred from March to December, 1957, was printed in R olla newspapers, thus: Verkamp Lumber Go., St.James H illc r e s t Grocery, Rolla Broyles D istrib u tin g Co., Rolla. I.G .A . Store, Salem Vance Motor Sales A1 Yfest Chrysler Motors, Cuba. Herman-ttrownlow Motor Parts I.G .A . Store, Vienna The t o t a l " lo o t " thus c o lle c te d exceeded $5,000. Some o f the 1958 b u rgla ries were spectacular. During June, ^burglars driving trucks backed up to numbers o f country-side homes, and took furniture and fix tu res from within. One cabin was out on Route "F ". Another was near 3t. James .. and FIVE such homes on Nagogami Road ( Route E ) were so burglarized. During October, burglars again blew safes at the H illc re d t Grocery and Twitty1s Hardware store - and got away with 41,500 in lo o t. In November, burglars stole narcotics from the H a fe li Drug Store, 713 Pine s tr e e t. And the year s burglaries ended w ith a SECOND robbery of the H & R ( Gamole ) Store, 1107 Pxne . The Yellow Cab o f fic e lo s t $20 to the th ieves. (2) T H E F T S . -
( Go to next page )
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(2j T H, £ ,.£—L4L* There i s n 't too much d iffe re n ce between bu rglaries - and thefts. We skip over years 1947 thru 1955, and get to 1956 , - which la t t e r year suggests what happened during the e a r lie r years named. a wave o f th efts engulfed the town during September of 1956. Thieves took loot from Smith s 66" Service Station . . . Dr. M.K. Underwood's o ffic e the
r15, Do m m iR ffilN °c 4 and B a iley Lot. . . . As A 'N oLaber som e ?THIRTLjiN cases of^ auto hub cap ste a lin’ gs" Used were Car reported. In November, 1956, th ieves sto le gasoline from the Phelps County Highway Barn in .yman B i l l . Hoping to catch the marauders, two policemen parked cars near the tan::, a ft e r the f i r s t th e ft - but they were ordered to stay away by Mayor Logan The thieves then moved in , and in a second raid , completely emptied the t l k . , „I ^10ct° be^ two th l®ves sto le an auto. They fle d as State troopers approacted and followed at speeds o f 100 m iles per hour. Near the Phelps-Crawford coSnty line, the th ieves stopped, and tr ie d to knock the p a tro l car o f f the highway. A shot or two from the P a tro l caused the th ieves to surrender Throughout 1956 at in te r v a ls , n arcotic thieves stole drugs from the doctors' nediCcAj. bags — even f^om the h o sp ita l o ffic e s and doctors* autos Thievery continued throughout 1957. In February, two Lebanon g ir ls , aged 14 and 16, stole an auto and proceeded to tour F t. Leonard Wood, where State P a tro l officers picked them up. Vandalism and a rash of th efts occurred during Jmly of 1957. Thieves vandalized c it y parks and playground f a c i l i t i e s . They robbed the Texaco station Broyles Leer sta tio n , and the Wallace Maytag shop. Magazine peddlers c o llected * subscriptions - then disappeared 1 During august cf^l957, S tVEN AUTOS were stolen, together with other hub caps and accessories. In September, a State P a tro l chased a car at 100 m iles per hour, after the c a r 's d riv e r obtained gasoline at a service sta tion , then skipped o f f ’ without paying. The car was caught at W aynesville. In November, 1957, car owners were having th eir auto hub caps engraved with their respectire names - because o f so many hub cap th e fts . .during the night of December 16-17, 1957, thieves stole SIX SEPARATE AUTOS all in one night I Among them was an o f f i c i a l R olla p o lice car. THEFT3_IN _CHURCHES_??? YES j j During December, 1958, while in the church choir at the Methodist church, Mrs. Is a b e lle Estes and Miss Sidney McFarland l e f t th eir purses in the adjoinin g choir room. During church service, thieves removed $26,00 from Mrs Estes purse, and $21.00 from that cf Mis s McFarland. Sim ilar th efts had occurred, jy s t b efore, in the B aptist and Christian churches. (3; SHOP LIFTING. - In May cf 1957j s h o p liftin g in R olla stores had beco e so rampant that the downtown merchants hired a d e te c tiv e in e ffo r t s to catch the th ieves, rive sh op liftin g inciden ts occurred during November o f 1957* 6n December 10, 1956, newspapers reported that sh o p liftin g in iiolla was being done by housewives . . . by M.S.M. students . . by High School students . by Government workers . . and y e t oth ers........... One woman l e f t a store and "fo rg o t" to pay for a $60 cape. Another woman took THREE " s lip s " to a dressing room, to try them on. She PUT ALL THREE OF THE DRESSES ON under her o rig in a l dress, - and "ALKED OUT......... Another woman, when caught by the merchant, refused to give up what she had taken. She said, " I know my rig h ts " l fin a lly , fe r 1957, two teen-age g i r l s were caught in sh o p liftin g - were taken to court, and sent to j a i l for t h ir t y days . . Our fin a l item 6s fo r November, 1958, when a young Japanese girl-m other k°°k two dresses from Carps Store, and l e f t without paying. A clerk follow ed her, called p o lice, and the dresses were found in her purse. She was the mother o f two children - and her husband was in the U.S. Army, over-seas. She was ja ile d . S0RR.Y TALES 1
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( 4) fi 0 ,b I , J 1 •~ the 1949 Year ended, Dec. 30, the law caught up with four roobers from Michigan, who had been robbing stores and service stations up and down Highway 66, from R o lla to S p rin g fie ld . Captufced in S p rin gfield they were brought to R olla for j a i li n g and t r i a l . They confessed. (5) o.-aT y-USTLIHG.- Gan you understand WHY an Army Lieutenant, stationed at Fort Leonard Hood, should "ru s tle c a ttle ?» ...B u t th a t's what L t . James Sarton did i At age 26, he should have known b e tte r 1 . . . With two trucks, and accomplices he went to a. clack Angus c a ttle farm near the Fort - at "Nebo" or "P la to " on July 20 - loaded the trucks with choice black Angus steers, and headed fo r St.Lou is. But ds the gang reached S u llivan , they were captured, and the steers turned over to Claude Groves, the owner. He took them on to St. Louis, where they were sold for $4,000. The "r u s tle r s " went to j a i l . (6) - -0 oi~m^j'.S — MaRIJUaHa — AND FRAUD.— A note dated in October says that the year has been featu red by the w ritin g of MANY bad checks. Two bad check a r tis ts performed during October - severa l more in September. A "s lip p e ry " "agen t", during September, 1956, walked R olla stree ts , s e llin g "coupons" arranging dates fo r prospective photo s it t in g s . When his conduct was really known, he skipped town. In October, 1957, a woman - dressed as a man - deposited $35,000 ( injphony checks ) in a R olla bank - drew out $500 in cash - then disappeared. She was later captured. The "drug t r a f f i c " began in R o lla when, in May, 1958, a whole load o f marijuana coming from Texas, and headed for Chicago, through Rolla, was captured. Bad checks took the stage again in June, 1958, when a man and his w ife passed several "one-hundred d o lla r " checks at Krogers .. A & P. . . H illc r e s t .. Carps .. and G a le's liq u o r sto re. They skipped from R olla, but were arrested at Licking. Then in July, another bad check a r t is t wrote f l , 814 in bad checks. He was caught. (7) GANGSTER TRICKS .- During February of 1957, a "tr ic k y " gangster was insistent on s e llin g Mr. Jim Henson a magazine Henson did not want. That fa ilin g , the gangster said, " L e t me see your b i l l f o l d . I can show you how you can play tricks with i t . " Henson gave him the purse the gangster handled i t , gave i t back - and l e f t . When Henson examined the purse, his $150 was gone. So had the gangster. In November, 1958, a young bride fo ile d a "stick-u p" by an intruder, by throwing black pepper in to his eyes. Although blinded - he fle d l (8) JAIL BREAKS. - 0ne could almost w rite a book about J a il Breaks in R olla. ■!e include ten items here. In August, 1949, four inmates of Phelps County J a il clubbed the ja i le r , Jess Wilson, and escaped. In January, 1955, two inmates simply "walked out o f the open south door" - someone had l e f t open. Other j a i l brdaks occurred down to November - when the conditions at the county j a i l were characterized as "im possible". There were no baths - the water pipes were frozen, the whole j a i l was unkempt. It was no surprise when an inmate broke a hole in one j a i l w all - which was also the soft orick w all o f the old 1861 Court House. He escaped. January o f 1957 brought another j a i l break, when two prisoners pushed the jailer aside, and escaped through the j a i l door. Then in February, a 19-year old youth pounded a second hole in the old s o ft brick Court House w all, and escaped. In February of 1957, two more men bored through the s o ft brick w a ll, got out, stole an auto, and l e f t R o lla . They were la t e r captured in Utah, w ritin g bad checks.
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BREAKS. c o n t .
The county j a i l o f the 1940’ s-5 0's was a two-story b rick a f f a ir o u ilt as an addition to the southwest corner o f the old 1361 Court House/ The j a i l room ceiling was some twenty fe e t above flo o r . There was a stairway ( closed) leading up to second flo o r court rooms in the Bortheast corner. But inside, there was a steel bar cage in sid e o f which dangerous prisoners could be confined In March 1957, two young men, aged 17 and 18, managed sene how to wreck th is steel cage. They broke the water pipes, the t o i l e t bowl, and made a wreck o f the place, They had sLolen f iv e cars, bu rglarized two business houses, and now faced 3LEV5K CHaRGmo. ahi le county j a i l rep airs were oeing made, they established a precedent by being tran sferred to the C ity J a il, 204 east 8th s t r e e t . Holes bored or pounded throu^i the s o ft w alls o f the old Court House became o. pastime fo r inmates. In February o f 1958, two more inmates escaped through such holes, and_got away from Rolla . They were re-captured at Newport, Arkansas. A fin a l j a i l break fe r the period occurred August20, 1958, when SEVEN inmates dug - hole through the so ft brick, and came out through the C o lle c to r's o ffic e on first flo o r . S h e r iff O liv e r Lambiel with three deputies happened to be watching in the court house hallway as the men emerged. One shot was fir e d as a single inmate escaped. The other s ix were "put in the C ity J a il" . ( which from then on became a standard procedure, even down to 1973 )• (9) E u I D E R 3 .- Some unknown person^ trie d to k i l l Mr. Kenneth Asher on May 10, 1950, as Asher was painting the inside of his house. He was shot in the shoulder. The b u lle t was removed at the M.S.M. Hospital, and he recovered. There was no apparent reason for th is assau lt. A notorious a f f a i r occurred in September, 1957, when Albert Brock, aged 73, shot and k ille d h is broth er-in -law , wouMed three others, and wounded him self. The a ffa ir occurred on the Hayes farm, fiv e mine s southwest of Rolla, on Route CC. The case wound up in the lo c a l C ircu it Court. In July, 1958, Sam Laney was shot to death by M illard Ousley. And in November, Mrs. Jane Pinkston shot and k ille d her husband, Frank, at Club 66, on Highway 66 six miles west of R o lla . She was prosecuted. AND THAT_IS THE STORY 0F_CRME_IN THE ROLLA ARSS^ 1947-1958.
53 -----
OF MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES A t _ R o lla Jl_ M is s o u ri
Ye a r s
This Document I s An E xcerp t From D r. C .V .M ann's S to ry O f
R O L L A B ein g Pages 123 to 146, In c lu s iv e
Of The S e c tio n (1 9 4 7 -5 8 ..; T hereof
The P agss W ith in Are C o p y righ t M a t e r ia ls Not to be cop ied b y any p ro c e ss whatever w ith o u t D r . M ann's p e rm issio n . R o lla , M o., August 31, 1973.
Dean W ilson G u e st S p ea ker A t A nniversary D e a n E m e r i t u s C u r t is W ils o n , la s t d e a n o f th e M is s o u r i S c h o o l o f M in e s a n d M e t a llu r g y b e fo re it b e c a m e U M R , w ill b e th e s p e c ia l g u e s t s p e a k e r S a t u r d a y a t the g o ld e n a n n iv e r s a r y b a n q u e t o f th e W e s le y F o u n d a t io n . T h e b a n q u e t w ill b e h e ld a t 6 :3 0 p .m . in th e d in in g h a ll o f th e F i r s t U n ite d M e t h o d is t C h u r c h . T ic k e t s m a y b e o b ta in e d a t th e W e s le y F o u n d a t io n o r a t th e o ffic e o f th e F i r s t U n it e d M e t h o d is t C h u r c h f o r $3. O n S u n d a y , a fte rn o o n , D r . B i l l A t c h le y , d e a n o f th e U M R s c h o o l o f e n g in e e rin g , w ill p r e s e n t th e D e a n C u r t is W ils o n M e m o r ia l C h a p e l in th e W e s le y H o u s e to B is h o p G o o d r ic h f o r d e d ic a t io n . A ls o to b e d e d ic a t e d i s a c r o s s in th e m e m o ry of D on H a m by M rs . D on H am a n d a n e w p ia n o in th e m e m o r y o f J . N e a n W h ite b y M r s . J . N e a n W h ite . A r e c e p t io n w ill b e h e ld im m e d ia t e ly a f t e r th e d e d ic a t io n c e r e m o n ie s .
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AFFAIRS OF MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES (lln iv ( The W ilson A d m in istratio n , f
Mo., R o lla ) 1947-1958 plua 1941-1963 )
In our S e c tio n f o r y e a rs 1933-47
° f - thS S c h o o l> 19^ we review ed the p ri^ c ip ^ L events o f the Chedsey a d m in is tra tio n , years 1937 through June, 1941. At pages 87-93 o f the 1933-47 S e c tio n , we mentioned the unwarranted, concealed, p re c ip ito u s dism issal o f D ir e c t o r Chedsey - which in s t a n t ly aroused the most in te n se anger among students and f r i e n d s o f the Sch ool o f M ines. DISTURBING..EVENTS OF THE WILSON ADMINISTRATION, YEARS 1941-50. -On page 94 of the 1933-47^S e c tio n , we in c lu d e d a b r i e f b io g ra p h ic sketch o f C u r t is Laws W ilso n , the 12th a d m in is tra tiv e head o f M is s o u r i School o f M ines. We d e s c rib e d h is selection as "Dean" ( in s t e a d o f " D i r e c t o r ” ) o f the S ch o o l. This item fu r t h e r stirred the concern and anger o f the S c h o o l's stu d en ts and f r i e n d s . But m ore_w as_to come. One o f the f i r s t pronouncements th at Dean W ilso n made to the F a c u lty was - th a t " h i s f i r s t d u ty was to p ro te c t the F a c u lt y ". But - as shown on page 95 o f th e 1933-47 S e c tio n - there began, alm ost a t once, a program of in s u lts , dem otions, d is m is s a ls o f f a c u l t y members such th at some 106 teachers and s t a f f members had l e f t the S ch o o l b y 1946. In June, 1941, a t the end o f the Chedsey a d m in is tra tio n , th e re had been 70 teach ers on the F a c u lty . In 1946, th ere were but 50 . . . And, there_w as_abundan^ d i£ c o n ten t_an d _tu rm o il w ith in fa c u lt y c ircles. ~ THE FIRING OF FIVE MAJOR PROFESSORS. — On January 7 and 8, 1946, a t the re q u e st of one fa c u lt y member, the Board o f C u ra to rs staged a " h e a r in g " designed to expose the un favorable c o n d itio n s a t R o l l a . Most o f the m ajor " p r o fe s s o r s appeared b e fo re the Board, s in g ly , and t e s t i f i e d to such c o n d itio n s , blam ing the Dean and P r e s id e n t . This hearing, p lu s o th er m a tte rs , r e s u lt e d , two y e a rs l a t e r , a t the end o f the 1947-43 sem ester, i n _ a _ f u t i l e attem pt , b y the Board, to remove FIVE o f the m ajor professors from the R o l la f a c u l t y , and tra n sfe r_th e m to the en g in e e rin g school at Columbia. THE FIVE REFUSED TO BE TRANSFERRED - so l e f t the School f o r other lucrative p o s i t io n s . The f i v e p r o f e s s o r s were t h e s e : F.H . Frame . . . G.A. M u ile n b u rg .. . Karl K. Kershner . . . C . J . Monroe . . . and O.A. Henning. This_Fias.co so arou sed the stu den t body, a s a l s o the R o lla fr ie n d s o f the School - th at b o th grou ps ap pealed t o the G overnor, at J e ffe r s o n C ity , f o r r e d r e s s . The Governor l i s t e n e d w ith sympathy, b u t knew o f no way he co u ld in te rc e d e . The p r in c ip a l blame f o r these c o n d itio n s re s t e d s q u a r e ly on the sh o u ld ers of Dr. F re d e ric k A . M id d lebu sh , p re s id e n t o f the U n iv e r s it y since S e p t. 10,1934 uut as w e ll on the s h o u ld e rs o f v ic e p re s id e n t L e s l i e Cowan, the p r e s id e n t 's c h ie f aid. N either o f tb s two had much use f o r the School o f M ines. They were NOT interested in the S c h o o l's grow th or s u c c e s s. M iddlebush had once s a id th a t the^ School o f Mines was M i s s o u r i 's bi g ed u c a t io n a l m istak e. Whether he so wished or not, Dean W ilso n had to "bow" to the d ec re e s o f these two men. Pres. M id d le b u s h 's term ended a s o f August 31» 1954 - a t which time D r. Elmer E llis assumed the p r e s i d e n t 's d u t i e s , as " a c t in g " p r e s id e n t . In a v ery sh o rt time, he completely changed th e lo n g -s t a n d in g U n iv e r s it y h o s t i l i t y to the School o f Mines - and le d i t to the u n p a r a lle le d exp an sion and success o f today (1 9 7 3 ). But the y e a r s 1946 th ro u ^ i 1953 continued to be tumultuous, and to be h i s t o r i c ally complete ani h o n e st, we s h a l l have to d e s c rib e a number o f heated c o n tro v e rs ie s and pitched b a t t l e s th at o ccu rre d d u rin g that p e r io d .
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11:30 am
ME BASIC, ISSUE Of NON-ACKEDITATION. - The students, of c o u r ^ interested and knowledgeable” - concerning th is f r i c t i o n between Dean Wilson and fa c u lty members - and had reacted in regard to tin d ism issal o f the fiv e major p r o f e s s o r s . . . . But - the students, themselves, had problems arri grievances. As of the year 1936, the S c h o o l's courses, or c u rric u la , in C i v i l . . . E l e c t r i c a l . . Mining • • M e t a llu r g ic a l . . and Ceramics engineering were inspected and approved by Engineers Council fo r P ro fe s s io n a l Development ( E .C .P .D . ) , the- aiency tfiich rates and a c c re d its ALL engin eerin g c o lle g e s o f the United S ta te s. . . . BUT — the School’ s c u r r ic u la in Mechanical and Chemical engineering, with the Mining Geology course, HAD NOT HEM_S0 APPROV^_MD_ACCffiDITED. As fo r the Mechanical Engineering - the equipment in the la b o ra to ry was so deficient that the course was unsuited - not only for the Mechanical students, but also for th&se in Mine E n gin eerin g.— One or two subject courses had to be distontinued because o f t h is d e fic ie n c y . Furthermore, when some o f the Mechanical students sought to t r a n s fe r to other engineering schools, they found that th e ir Rolla cred its in Mechanical Engineering were "unacceptable'1. THE STORM BREAKS. SOMETHING HAD 10 BE DONE. - These conditions, added to whAt had gone b e fo re , fanned the anger o f students and frie n d s o f the School to white heat. The students, p a r t ic u la r ly , f e l t that f o r ELEVEN YEARS the U n iv ersity president, aided b y L e s lie Cowan and the Curators, had d e lib e r a t e ly neglected and/or refused to provide proper la b o ra to ry equipment fe r mechanical engineering, and such f a c i l i t i e s as would gain a c c re d ita tio n fo r the Chemical and Mining Geology courses. THE MIKE. DELANEY EDITORIAL. - A l l th is came to a head in November, 1947, when student Mike Delaney, e d ito r o f the "M issouri Miner" ( school newspaper ) stated these fa c ts and demanded s u it a b le remedy. His e d i t o r i a l was to have considerable influence in gain in g that remedy. THE. MOVE FOR SEPARATION.- The s itu a tio n had reached the point where SOMETHING had to be done. . . . BUT WHAT ?? As e a r ly as A p r il 2, 1941, Senator Emery W. A llis o n o f R olla - angered over the precipitous, unwarranted d is m is s a l o f D irector Chedsey - and a ls o becamse the Curators had " d a lli e d " or " s t a lle d " mn using funds amounting to some $ 300,000 which the L e g is la t u r e had appropriated fo r new power plan t and dormitory ( whic h dormitory tne c u ra to rs ' p resid en t said the School "d id not need" ) wrote and introduced Senate B i l l No. 190. This provided that the School o f Mines should be completel y taken out from any c o n tro l by the U n iversity president <*t Columbia but should s t i l l be governed by the same board o f c u ra to rs. The adm inistrative head should be a "p re s id e n t" or " d ir e c t o r " , rep o rtin g s o le ly to the cu rators. The A llis o n "emancipation b i l l " did not pass — but i t DID ra is e the question of such a sep aratio n . And the question REALLY AROSE during December o f 1947, following the Mike Delaney e d i t o r i a l in the "M issouri M iner". I t was then that Hon. B. H. Rucker, the L e g is la t iv e rep resen tative from Phelps County, decided to take a ctio n . . . THE FTTHKET? POST CARD POLL ON SEPARATION. As before stated, conditions had become unbearable. But WHAT was the remedy ?? Mr. Rucker decided th at a post card poll of opinion o f students and alumni m i^it be h e lp fu l. He would t r y i t . During December, L947 , he had 2,000 or more post card " b a llo t s " p rin ted . They read thus: " I_ d o I I I do_N0T_( ) favo r_im m ed iate_s^aratio n of_the_School of Mines from_Missouri U n iv e rsity ^ I^ h e c k -n irk your_oEi £ i o n .)" Some 550 o f the b a l l o t s were d is trib u te d among the students. 1,000 others went out to the alumni, a l l over the s ta te s . Othei* went fc° 1J ? s ^ e n t T newspapers. In a l l three cases, retu rn s were very high. . . . O f the 550 stud nt , 98.0% FAVORED se p a ra tio n . Only 11 d is a g re e d . Of the alumni, 86.4# separa tion. Only 59 disapproved. State news e d ito rs approved to extent of 62%. And the project brought abundant newspaper comment a l l over Mis sour , inquiry as to "wbat_was_the _nB_tter at _R o i l a" .
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THE RUCKER SEPARATION RTT.T. _ Armed with * „ , Mr. Rucker d ra fte d a "p re lim in a ry " e d itio n o f a b i l l ^ ^ f e ^ 01^ in fo m a tio n "» it with the L e g is la tu re , which was in session i ^ r a t i o n - and f i l e d «
’ 19i , s-
Allison Senate B i l l No. 190 o f l ^ . The L h ^ ! 11 " as s ii l l a r t0 the the U niversity Board o f Curators - but be w h olly out f r m m der eO T todToTth e University president at Columbia. I t would have it s own "Presiden t" o r V i c t o r "
responsible s o le ly to the Curators.
d ire cto r
The Rucker B i l l No. 82 was introduced in the House on February 15,1949. On March 23, i t Wets discussed - pro and con - before a House committee on School of Mines. In a f i e r y sessio n , two d elegatio n s from R o lla appeared. The group favoring the b i l l included attorn ey Llyn Bradford, P ro f. F.H. Frane Col R? Duvail Messrs J.K.W alsh, John D. Pow ell and B e n M c h o is f ^ . c T .M a n ^ * i d Frank P f r i * *\*tn °PP °s l tio n were atto rn ey Eugene E. Northern, R o lla , Senator a U n iV e rsity cura to r, and Harry Pence and Fred Schneeberger, both MSM alumni. & * Mr. Rucker was committee chairman, but Rep. Tom Shockley, o f Waynesville presided. . . . As the hearing progressed, Mr. Frank B. Powell su ffered a heart* attack nfcile speaking, and was rushed to S t.M ary 's H osp ital, Jefferson C ity . He died there la t e r in the n i ^ i t . Following t h is h earin g, the House committee approved the b i l l , gnH sent i t to the House f lo o r - where, on second reading, i t was "p erfected " by a vote o f 61 to 60. On May 5th, on th ird reading, i t was f i n a l l y defeatdd. The vote was thus: 64 members voted " in fa v o r" . . . 40 voted "n o ". 42 were absent . . and 8 did not vote. ^ This defeat seemed, a t le a s t f o r the time, to brush aside the question o f "Separation". . . . But the v e ry s ig n a l v ic to ry won, during the January-June session of 19AS - in o btain in g the $500,000 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory B u ild in g — appeared to s e t t le the whole m atter. We now sketch that item. THE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY BUILDING IS SECURED. - The move to get this building began in January, 1943 - when M.S.M. student Fred Springer took a copy of the Mike Delaney e d i t o r i a l o f November, 1947, to D r. C.V.Mann - then detached from the School cf Mines. The e d i t o r i a l c ite d the d e fic ie n c ie s of the mechanical curriculum , and plead f o r such equipment and f a c i l i t i e s as would gain accreditation fo r the Mechanical and Chemical engineering c u rric u la . After an in te rv ie w w ith student Sprin ger, and with r e t ir e d p ro fesso r Jos. H. Bowen, Dr. Mann s a id to them, " Maybe we can do something about a l l t h i s . " He thereupon d ra fte d p e titio n s to De signed by the students, and addressed to Governor Phil Donnelly, and to Senator Wm. Robinett and Rep. Lewis H. W allace, re sp e c tiv e ly chairmen of Senate and House ap p ro p ria tio n ’ committees. The p e titio n s asked the L e g is la tu re to provide a fund o f $500,000 with which to ouild and equip an adequate Mechanical Engineering Laboratory B u ild in g . They were dated January 20, 1948 . Messrs. Springer and Bcwen, p lu s others, c irc u la te d the p e t it io n s . Ihey eventually obtained the sign atu res o f some 1,10 0 students, plus signatures o f seme citizens and personages o f prominence across the S tate. The sto ry i s to ld in minute d e t a i l in a sp e c ia l BOOK, copies o f which are filed in the l i b r a r i e s o f the State H is t o r ic a l Society, Columbia, and the Univ. of Missouri, R o lla . We th e re fo re emit most cf the d e t a ils here.
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A BILL*. ENACTED THE YEAR BEFORE. in 1947, had provided f o r an appropriation of 1100,000 "with_whic^h_to s t a r t construe tio n _ o f a m ineral in d u s t r ^ la b o r a t o r y ." It had passed both houses - but because o f a f a t a l e rro r in date, Governor P h il Donnelly vetoed i t . . . T h i s same p ro p o sitio n , in the farm o f House B i l l Nol 453, was now before the 1948 L e g is la t u r e - and had passed the House and was in the hands of Senator Wm. R obinett, o f the Senate Appropriations committee. When Dr. Mann contacted Sen. R obinett, and explained that the S ch o o l's GREAT need WAS NOT fo r a M in eral In d u s trie s Laboratory - but WAS f o r a Mechanical Engi neering Laboratory — the Senator produced the b i l l , and in D r. Mann's presence changed the name from "M in eral In d u stry" to "Mechanical Engineering" lab o ra to ry building. He a ls o changed the amount from $100,000 " to begin construction" to $500,000 " to construct and equip" the Mechanical la b o ra to ry . In addition, he took Dr. Mann to the Senate a p p ro p ria tio n s committee ( meeting in_executive session ) - and gave him TEN MINUTES to exp lain the situ a tio n to the committee. ~Tte committee approved the changes Sen. Robinett had made - took the b i l l ( House B i l l No. 453 3 to the Senate f lo o r , where i t was approved and passed. The b i l l , so amended, was passed and "agreed to " by the House on A p r il 12,194®. Governor P h il D onnelly signed i t in to law on May 21, 1948. TOE UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT AND CURATORS RESIST. - As in 1941, when they "dragged their fe e t" in u sin g appropriated funds fo r construction of M.S.M. b u ild in g s, the Board of Curators and the U n iv e rs ity president a t Columbia sought to d iv e rt the $500,OCX) Mechanical E ngineering Laboratory funds to other purposes. They wanted, instead, to proceed with t h e ir plans fo r the "M ineral Industry" la b o ra to ry . Even after the L e g is la t u r e had made i t mandatory f a r the $500,000 to be used fe r the Mechanical b u ild in g , the curators continued to plan fa r "M ineral In d u strie s" - and in Rolla newspapers, on March 30, 1948, ad vertised fo r bids on that p ro je c t. Apprised o f t h is apparent e f f o r t to circumvent the s p e c ific purpose of House Bin 453, p rovidin g fo r the Mechanical la b o ra to ry b u ild in g , Dr. C.v.Mann on March 29, 1949, in l e t t e r s to State Auditor Wm. H. Holmes - and to the U n iv e rs ity 's architects, Jamison & S p e a rl, S t.L o u is - pointed out that M issouri law proh ibited use of any U n iv e rs ity a p p ro p riatio n except fo r the express purpose fo r which made. On receip t of these le t t e r s , the U n iv e rs ity arch itects and board conceded the point. They "je rk e d out" t h e ir advertisement fa r b id s in the R o lla newspaper said i t was " fo r te c h n ic a l and l e g a l reaso n s". They now prepared to construct the Mechanical b u ild in g according to the L e g is la t u r e 's mandate. . . . However, the necessary changes in drawing plan s so d e la j^ d matters that the 1949 L egislatu re had to re—approp riate the $ 500,000 construction fund. On June 9, 1949, the construction contract was awarded to the McCarthy Bros. Construction Co. During July, 1949, the old Power Plant o f the 189O' s was being ■wrecked and removed to make way fe r the new Laboratory. By August, 1950, the "rear" or "la b o ra to ry " p o rtio n o f the b u ild in g had been completed, and it s equipment ordered. The fro n t tw o -sto ry " o f f i c e p o rtio n " was completed around March, 1951. As of December, 1948, the Board of Curators who were involved in th is fia s c o _
were these: Curator P re sid e n t, A lle n McReynolds Chairman, MS, Exec. Committee, Frank C. Mann Roscoe Anderson David W. Hopkins T -t
is en titled thus: BUILDING." Copie Columbia, Mo. - a
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Harold J. Moore Guy A. Thompson (P re s .F ris c o HR) Stratton S h artel Frank Stonner.
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THE GREAT SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MECHANICAL LABORATORY FlTTT.n-rm - WAS - AND IS fthat the placement of t h is b u ild in g on the M.S.M. campus a t R o lla EFFECT! Iat.t.y Tr.wny.n the e ffo rts o f the U n iv e rs ity p resid en t and the Board of Curators to s t r ip the School of Mines o f a l l c u r r ic u la except those in Mining and M etallu rgy. With th is b u ild in g placed on the campus, Mechanical Engineering was PERMANENTLY FIXED in R o lla . The change in U n iv e rsity p o lic y , thus begun, GREW APACE as President Middlebush resign ed , and in 1954 Dr. Elmer E l l i s assumed the presidency. Furthermore - as P re s . M iddlebush departed, h is long-tim e a id , L e s lie Cowan, also departed. And w ith D r. E l l i s ' s assumption of the presidency, the in te rn a l strife within the F acu lty - and between F acu lty and Dean W ilson - seemed to subside. And w ith the question o f the permanency o f Mechanical and Chemical engineering c u r r ic u la so assured - and n a t io n a lly accredited by E .C .P .D . in 1950 and the long-time r e s t r ic t io n on courses o ffe re d at M.S.M. thus removed - the citizens of R o lla had no fu r t h e r cause to intervene in the S ch o o l's a f f a i r s . (5:43) ONE MORE DISRUPTIVE EVENT — THE "ALLISON RIOT11. — We have described the e f f o r t s made by Senator Emery W . A llis o n , o f M issouri General Assembly, to obtain the new power plant and dorm itory No. 1 fo r the School of Mines, in 1941. He a ls o tried to obtain passage o f Senate b i l l No. 190, to separate the School o f Mines administrative o f f ic e from that o f the U n iv e rs ity at Columbia. On numerous occas ions, newspapers across the S tate featu red Senator A lli s o n 's disapproval o f the continued harrassment o f tire School by the presid en t at Columbia.
( 8 : 36 )
As o f May 18, 1950, the p o s itio n as United S tates Senator from M issouri, occupied by Sen. James Kim, appeared to be an opportunity fo r Senator A llis o n to try fo r the p o s it io n . But he wfculd have to d efeat Hon. Thomas C. Hennings, J r ., who also wanted the p o s itio n . And so, in order to gain the support o f the R olla area electo rate, Senator A llis o n arranged to make a speech on Saturday, May 20, 1950, to be made from a stadium erected on the R o lla High School fo o t b a ll f i e l d . In due time, the stadium was b u i l t , and an en th u siastic parade through, downtowxi s tre e ts ended a t the f i e l d , surrounding the stadium. The R o lla High School band le d the parade, and was about to p la y numbers fo r the program, when qll of a sudden — some 100 students from the School o f Mine s rushed upon the field, intent on d is ru p tin g the program. They engaged in f i s t fig h ts with some of R o lla's most prominent c it iz e n s , one o f whom was struck in the face by a student. The rio te rs grabbed the high school band instruments, slamming a sousaphone t o the ground. The t e r r i f i e d high school band members f le d in t e r r o r . Some were pursued. For a time, Senator A l l i s o n 's e f f o r t s to speak to the students, and qu iet them, were in vain . The d isru p tio n continued f o r almost an hour, and ended oxxly when State troopers and R o lla p o lic e a rriv e d and threatened a r r e s t s . Senator A llis o n finally made h is speech — but ixx the e le c t io n that follow ed, Mr. Hennings won. R olla townsmen, g e n e ra lly , and openly, f e l t that, to a great degree, th is disruptive a f f a i r had at le a s t the ap p roval o f - and p o s s ib ly a ls o the active planning by - Dean W ilso n . However that may have been, the c it iz e u who had been struck in the face said th a t throughout the preceding day, i t was known auout town that such an a f f a i r was being planned. There was a demand fo r sw ift id e n tific a tio n and punishment o f the offen d in g students. That demand was met to the extent that the Dean and the Faculty DID id e n t ify ( 9 : 00 ) a small group o f the students, who were put onjprobation_for_one_ye_ar , during .hioh t l i X y c” ld hold no atad m t A s s is ta n t jo b s, nor any o ffic e in any campus organization. They had to r e s ig n any such o ffic e as they h eld . I t was sa id , by way o f ju s t ify in g t h is student d isru p tiv e «action tha these students had b e lie v e d that Senator A llis o n had f a i le d e ith e r to request, or g , adequate ap p ro p riatio n s f o r the School. WHICH W/iS IOC# INCORRECT l 9:13
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(Sec 1947 - 5 8 .,J
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THE SCHOOL OF MINES BUILDING PROGRAM. 1947-63 ..P^SuikRDy) ARMY BARRACKS. - During 1947, F ort Leonard Wood, plus CamP Crowder l at Neosho; p lu s the Army A irp o rt a t Vichy, Mo., d is e a s e d min? of the wooden barracks b u ild in g s - which, w ith World War No. 2 ended, we?e not needed. The School o f Mines was able to procure two dozen or so o f these structures - which were towed to R o lla and re -e re c te d a t various points on the campus. One group was p laced on the upper or "p ra c tic e " p art o f Jackling f i r l d where they served as student d o rm ito rie s. Another group was placed on the lo t lust north o f 14th s t r e e t , west o f Pine, e a st o f old Rolla s t r e e t . This was f o r married students. S t i l l other u n its were v a rio u s ly placed and used fo r o ffic e s and class rooms. These f a c i l i t i e s served very w e ll u n t i l the permarent b ric k dorm itories were ouilt at southwest corner o f 10th and State s tre e t. The group fo r married students 9 north of 14th, west of Pine, was cleared o f the old barracks in 1958, to make way for the new C i v i l Engineering b u ild in g . Some fiv e or s ix o f the o ld ’ barracks s t i l l remain on the campus (1973) - p a r t ic u la r ly a group on State street west o f the old Rolla B uilding, which group ileuses the School1s p u blish in g p la n t. (U n it #1 )
THE NEW POWER PLANT.-/O n page 90 o f our 1933-47 Section, we recorded these data: Because the U n iv e rsity cu rato rs f a i l e d to move or act or b u ild , a fte r the Legislatu re made sp ecific a p p ro p ria tio n s, R olla* s l e g i s la t i v e team took over. Sen. Emery W. Allison - C ol. Chas. L. Woods - and Rep. B. H. Rucker were able to get from the 1940-4L L e g is la tu re ap p ro p riatio n s o f $22 $, 000 f o r the new Power Plant, plus $125,000 fo r completing the south h a lf o f the Chemical Engineering b u ild in g . Governor Forest Donnell approved the Power Plant fund, but vetoed the Chemistry fund. fts we have a lre a d y s a id , the U n iv e rsity p resid en t and curators " s t a lle d " refused to plan fo r or use the funds 30 provided. And i t was th is that caused Senator A llis o n to introduce Senate B i l l No. 190, to separate the School from supervision by the U n iv e rs ity presid en t a t Columbia. (U n it #1) On a date in 1945, the contract f o r constructing the New Power Plant/was awarded to the McCarthy B ros. Construction Co., of S t. L o u is. Ghe contract price was within the ap p ropriated $225,000. The a rc h ite c ts were Rathmann, K oelle, and Carroll, o f St .L o u is . The b u ild in g 's f l o o r plan measured 96 x 92 f e e t . The c e ilin g was 3S fe e t high. The main b u ild in g was sheathed with li g h t b u f f b ric k , but the chimney ( or stack) was o f red b r ic k . I t was 175 fe e t higji. B u ilt in 1946, i t was 18.$ feet in exterior diameter a t base, w ith w a lls 24 inches th ick . The top measured 8.7 feet in outside diam eter, w ith w a lls 7 inches thick. For equipment, scane o f the old in t e r io r u n its were taken from the old power plant. One item was the Norwich "U n iflo w " engine and generator. In addition, the 1947 L e g is la tu re provided an a d d it io n a l $75,000 f o r a new generator u n it. By December of 1948, the p lan t was p r a c t ic a lly complete. Necessary new campus u t i l i t y tunnels were a lso constructed, to use the added power serv ice. Sut the rap id expansion o f campus b u ild in g , during and a ft e r 1958, required s t i l l aore power s e rv ic e . I t was thus th at, during the e a r ly 1960’ s, Unit No. 2, with Stack No. 2, were constructed - o f much the same design as fo r Unit No. 1. THE SOUTH HALF OF THE CHEMISTRY BUILDING. - The north h a lf of the Chemical Engineering B u ild in g was completed and dedicated on A p r il 11, 1941. In flo o r plan it measured 65 x 117 f e e t . I t abutted Main s t r e e t 's west lin e , and extended south from 12th s t r e e t . I t had f u l l basement and three upper flo o r s . ^ I t had cost $168,000. The 1939 L e g is la tu re had appropriated $250,000 fo r th is un it, but Governor Lloyd Stark had cut that to $125,000*
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(South_Half, _Che m. _Bldg_.j_ con t . )
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The State L e g is la tu re o f January-June, 1947, appropriated #270 000 fo r construction o f the SOUTH HALF o f th is b u ild in g .' f L o r p la ^ 65 x 87 contained basement plus three upper flo o r s , and had a t o t a l flo o r area of 17,467 square f e e t . (T h e 1941 p ortion had 29,232 square fe e t ) . Tte new portion had a o n e -sto ry extension to the west from the south end of main p a rt. n anuary 15 , 1948, the construction contract was awarded to the McCarthy Eros, form f o r the sum of #252 968.00. A l l w a lls and upper flo o r s were completed, p a r t ia n y occupied as of September 1, 1949. However, the basement had only "dirt" f l o o r s " . Other d e t a i ls were as y et incomplete. Lack o f funds caused the delay - but ALL items were complete as cf August, 1953. THE MINE ENGINEERING COMPLEX PROJECT . - As o f January, 1948, the plan fo r 1 this project had been to construct a "M ineral Industry Laboratory" which would 2 provide a l l n ecessary la u o ra to ry f a c i l i t i e s fo r the m ech an ical-electrical-m in in g departments. But, the l e g i s l a t i v e mandate o f May 21, 1948, required the Mechanical Laboratory to be a u n it by i t s e l f , separate from e le c t r i c a l and mining. Besides, the E le c t r ic a l department was demanding a b u ild in g a l l o f i t s own. I t was thus th at, s t i l l r e s is t in g the l e g i s l a t i v e mandate, and bent on constructing the combined "m ineral in d u stry " b u ild in g , the U n iv e rsity placed ads for bids on the "comuined" b u ild in g in R o lla newspapers of March 30, 1949. But when told that the $500,000 M echanical fund could not be used fo r any other purpose, the University p resid en t summarily withdrew the newspaper advertisement " fe r le g a l and technical re a s o n s ". Thereupon, the cu rato rs and president, meeting on A p r il 7, 1949, decided that i t "would obey the mandate", and b u ild the $500,000 Mechanical Lab. b u ild in g. However, to s a t i s f y the needs cf the mining and e l e c t r i c a l departments, they would use some $200,000 o f s p e c ia l U n iv e rsity funds fo r providing a su ita b le "com plex" bu ild in g that would serve these two departments. I t thus tra n sp ire d that plans were now made to remodel the old Mechanical H a ll ( of 1902), and the tw o -sto ry Campus Warehouse ( o f 1926) - and by jo in in g the two together with a "connector" or "annex". This would provide a "complex" that could be built with tte $200,000. •4iis plan was c a r r ie d out. In the o ld Warehouse, o ffic e s were p a rtitio n e d off. The second f lo o r cf Old Mechanical H a ll was remodeled to serve as o ffic e and classrooms fe r Engineering Drawing — which would move there from the th ird flo o r of Norwood H a ll. The ground f lo o r would serve f a r a mine engineering la b o ra to ry . Tte "annex" or "con n ector", having two sto ry s, and framework cf rein fo rced concrete, was sheathed w ith b r ic k e x t e r io r , and provided lectu re and c la s s rooms. As cf February, 1952 , the Mining Department had moved from the old (1906) Metallurgy b u ild in g in to Old Mechanical H a ll. Engineering Drawing had taken over the second f l o o r . In Norwood H a ll, the geo lo gy department took over the th ird floor. Tte B.D. Simon Go., of Columbia, Mo., d id the construction work fo r 1205,990. As of Sept. 1, 1954, P r o f. J.D . F o rre ste r resigned as head o f the Mining department, and went to Idaho U n iv e rs ity as p ro fe sso r o f mining and head o f that school. At M.S.M., D r. George B. C lark became chairman o f the Mining department. ALTERATIONS FOR CERAMIC AND METALLURGY DEPTS. - During 1950, a th ree-sto ry addition was b u i l t ojitward from the east face of the former "M iss, a lle y Exp. Sta. B ldg.", (F u lto n H a l l ) , at a cost o f soae $100,000. This provided an a d d itio n a l 12,000 square fe e t o f f lo o r space. On completion, the M etallu rgy department vacated the old (1906) M e ta llu rg y b u ild in g , which abutted Pine stre e t at 13th street ^ moved into the en larged Fulton H a ll. The b u ild in g then became headquarters b°th for M etallu rgy and fo r Ceramics. Tte move was f i n a l l y made during ih <5 _ _ summer of 1952. . . . A s cf October 26, 1957, the curators named the b u ild in g FULTON HAH" in honor o f former d ir e c t o r , Charles Herman Fulton. He died A pr.9, 1944* -------(2:50)
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GENERAL RENOVATIONS — NORWOOD HALL & 1885 CHEM. BLDG. — During 1950^-51 the old rickety wooden stairw ay s, both in Norwood H a ll and in the 1885 Chemistry building, were replaced with s t e e l stairw ay s. Some re p la s te rin g o f w a lls was thus made necessary. These r e p a ir s were made at a cost o f some $27,237.0©. THE- NEW ftTHLETIC, FIE LD .- As e a r ly as Octooer o f 1947, plans had been formulated for the b u ild in g o f a new a t h le t ic f i e l d and complex, which e v e n tu a lly would replace Jackling F ield on the main campus. The new f i e l d would be carved from the 18 hole M.S.M. g o lf f i e l d — the la rg e t ra c t ly in g between Bishop avenue and Old F air Ground road, and south from Tenth s tre e t to Highway 66 (w e s t ). Prelim inary gradin g o f the f i e l d began as e a r ly as October, 1947, and continued intermittently up to August, 1958 — when photographs in the Alumni Magazine showed grading work machines in operation . As of August 29, 1958, space on the o r ig in a l campus, f o r new bu ild in gs,w as becoming scarce. A proposed remedy was to vacate the old Jackling Gymn and F ie ld , and locate the a t h le t ic f a c i l i t i e s elsew here. The plans fo r doing that were in ’ their e a rly stage, a s o f t h i s d a te . They would include these items: 1. - A new F ie ld House 5. - A diamond fo r B a se b a ll 2. - a new F o o tb a ll F ie ld 6. - F a c i l i t i e s fo r Track 3. - A group o f Tennis Courts 7 . - Reduction o f the old 18-hole g o lf f i e l d 4. - Diamonds fo r S o ft B a ll to 9 h o le. 8. - Quarters fo r the R.O.T.C. Cadets. These plans would re q u ire two or three years fo r completion — AND THEY DID l They f in a lly matured to include a splen did, commodious " A l l Purpose B u ild in g" two steel grand stands - new f o o t b a ll f i e l d , tennis courts, parking areas, and appropriate lan dscapin g. But the maturing o f these plans had to await the advent of the "Baker A dm in istration " - which began w ith September o f 1963. ( The S chool's Centennial Observance o f February, 1970, was held in the A l l Purpose B u ild in g ). DORMITORY No. 1 . - As e a r l y as 1941, R o lla * s le g is la t iv e team, including Senator Emery W. Alkison, and R epresentatives Chas. L . Woods and B. H. Rucker, initiated e f f o r t s to provide M.S.M. w ith an adequate DORMITORY. These e ffo r t s were strongly opposed by the Board o f Curators, whose presiden t, F. M. McDavid, in a lengthy a r t ic le in the S t . L ou is newspapers, said that "M.S.M. did not need a dormitory. I f the people o f R o lla c a n 't or w on 't house the students, then send them over to Columbia, where we w i l l take care o f them." Also, and again , on Monday, March 31, 1941, a group p f 300 "Miner" students journeyed to J e ffe rso n C ity - both to p ro te st the forced resign atio n of D irecto r Wm. R. Chedsey - and to in terv iew U n iv e rs ity p residen t Middlebush - requesting his approval and support o f le g i s la t i v e b i l l s to obtain a dorm itory fo r M.S.M. Middledush gave them the "b r u s h -o ff" by saying that D ire c to r Chedsey had^ told him that M.S.M. needed a new power p la n t and a completed S teals t r y bu ildin g, more than i t needed a dorm itory. Anyway, there was "no assurance that a dormitory would be needed t h is f a l l ( l 9 4 l ) « " In the face o f t h is opposition , continued e f f o r t s to procure the dormitory "ere in e ffe c tu a l u n t i l e a r ly 1947 - when, it was announced, plans were "on the board" fo r a dorm itory that would care f o r 200 students — plus a C a fa te ria large enough to serve 600 students. The p ro je c t would be financed by a le g i s la t i v e appropriation o f $262,500, £lus_U niver sifcjr revenue, bonds in a lik e amount a total o f $525,000. “ . _ By December, 1948, a construction contract had been l e t to the McCarthy Const. °o., of St .L o u is. Tte b a s ic b id was $ 4 9 4 ,9 7 0 .0 0 . E xtra items bro u ^it the t o t a l to $598,500. The b u ild in g was lo cated so as to abut the south lin e of Tenth s tre e t - some two thirds o f the distance from S tate stre e t to Bishop avenue. The structure has basement plus three upper s t o r ie s . I t has 83 rooms that accomodate 177 students. Framework i s o f re in fo rc e d concrete. E x te rio r i s cf red b r ic k . Floor dimensions are — x _______ fe e t .
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Dormitory No. 1. cont. AS n ° £ ° Ct°?6r 31» 1949» the c°n crete framing was fin is h e d ; and as of
August, 1 9 50, the p ro je c t was p r a c t ic a lly fin is h e d . The b u ild in g was dedicated on October 6, 1950, by curator Frank C. Mann, o f S p rin g fie ld - who said " We've been_pia^4n^ £ h is_b ^ i^ d in £ fo r s e v e ra l f f a r s . " ( Since 1941, when curator McDavid said, The School o f Mines d o n 't need any dorm itory 1 " j .
THHE5 DORMITORIES AND THE CAFATERIA. - As e a r ly as August, 1955 - during tte second year o f the Elmer E l l i s presidency - plans were formulated f o r constructing fflREE new dorm itories and ONE new C a fa te ria - a l l to be b u i lt alongside Dormitory No. 1, in the block bounded by 9th and 10th s tre e ts , State street and Bishop avenue. The dorm itories would house an added 310 students, and the C a fa te ria would serve some 600 studen ts. To make room f o r one o f the three dorm itories, the old David Cowan-Prof. Bowen residence, at immediate southwest corner of 10th ate S tate, was removed - and relocated in Schuman's A ddition , on North Cedar s tre e t, near the Pennant Tavern. As this had been the S c h o o l's student h o s p ita l, a new lo c a tio n fo r that agency was necessitated. I t was found in the former residence of D r. and Mrs. Wm.D. Turner along west side o f S tate s t r e e t , opposite the M.S.M. Power P lan t. As of February, 1956, the Federal Housing Agency, o f Washington, D .C ., approved a loan o f $1,228,000 f o r the i n i t i a l fin an cin g of the one C a fa te ria and the three d o rm ito rie s.F o rty -y e a r U n iv e rsity revenue bonds were issued to match the Federal loan. Of the Dorms, two would house 110 students each - the th ird only 96 . The designing a rc h ite c ts were Hellmuth, Obata, ate Kassabaum, of S t.L o u is. In due time, b id s were received and con tracts t o t a llin g $3 , 044,397 were awarded. Construction proceeded d u rin g 1956 and 1957. The f i r s t o f the three Dorms was completed durin g the 1956 holidays . I t was occupied uy students during the second semester, January-May, 1957. The C afateria and the other two Dorms were completed by tte end of May, 1957 . On June 1 , 1958, the School held an "open house" at a ll these dorm itories, and gave them these names: Dorm. No. 1 ( the old one ) . . Thomas Wallace K e lly H a ll (MSM Class 1940; N o.2 . - The C a f a t e r i a . . . The John W. Rayl H a ll ( MSM 1942) No. 3 . - Dorm No. 2 ...T h e John M ilro y McAnerny H a ll (MSM 1941) No.4 . - Dorm Wo. 3 . . . . The W illiam Altman H a ll ( MSM 1942) No. 5 . - Dorm No. 4 . ...T h e W illa r d F a rra r H a ll ( MSM 1930). DORMS FOR MARRIED STUDENTS. - As e a r ly as December, 1956, plans were under way for FOUR new dorm itory u n its fo r married students. Each unit would contain 12 apartments. During October, 1957, the old wooden "M arried Student" dorms at northwest corner o f 14th and Pine s t r e e t s were being torn down. By June, 1958, plans were complete and ready fe r b id s . Financing was by issuance o f 40-year revenue bonds. The b u ild in g s were lo cated on a l o t abutting the north li n e o f 14th street, at a p oin t immediately north o f the end of Spring avenue. On November ^2 , x95S, a construction contract was awarded to the Plez-Lew is Company, of S t. L o u is . The gen eral contract was fa r $345,000. Added to that was the sum of $98,740 fo r plumbing, h eatin g, v e n tila tin g - ate $31,140 fo r e le c t r ic a l work. The p ro je c t was completed and occupied as of February, I 960 . THE STUDENT UNION BUTT.PTNO— As e a r l y as November, 1956, th is b u ild in g was teing considered, and i n i t i a l planning done. No le g is la t iv e funds were a v a ila b le , financing was done by obtain in g a F ederal loan with which to s t a r t construction. 0 P^y the loan o f f , each student was, by consent, assessed a fee of $ 5*00 per semester. U n iv e rsity 40—year revenue bonds completed the fin an cin g.
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Student Union B ld g ^ _ c o n t . Bids were f i r s t opened on March 18, 1958 . Funds a v a ila b le were $500,000, but the lowest b id was $638,138. A second c a l l met requirements, as on Jure 1958, the Buckley Construction Co., o f S t.L o u is , made a b id in accord with available funds ( For $ _______________ ) . The b u ild in g was lo c a te d immediately east o f the old R olla b u ild in g , a t north end of ffl&lN s tre e t, at 12th. I t had no basement, but did have ground and second floors. The framework was cf re in fo rc e d concrete. E xterio r was of l i g h t b u ff brick. The structure provided necessary o ffic e s , meeting rooms, lounge, snack room, and a commodious theatre or b a l l room, w ith stage - which would serve many purposes such as con certs, banquets, and commencement e x e rc is e s . The b u ild in g was air conditioned. Kenneth E. Wichraeyer, of S t. L o u is, was the a rc h ite c t. By August, 1959 the concrete framing and e x t e r io r b r ic k work were done (p h o t o ).. The b u ild in g was practically complete, and in use, by December, 1959. NUCLEAR ENGINEERING — AND THE REACTOR PLANT. — A degree curriculum in Nuclear Engineering was added to the M.S.M. program the f a l l o f 1956. Plans were in it ia t e d for the construction o f an Atomic Reactor p la n t. As o f 1957, the n ation al Atomic Energy Commission had made a grant o f $111,OCX) f o r the u n it. In February, 1958, the Commission added an a d d itio n a l $186,858.00. The 1958 Mo. L e g is la t u r e , in A p r il, passed an appropriation o f $50,000 fo r constructing the b u ild in g . As cf June, 1958, the Reactor was under development. In October, 1959, the Atomic Energy Commission gave a grant of $150,000 which, added to the S t a t e 's $50,000, financed the b u ild in g . In February, I960, the contract was awarded in the sum of $137,136. ° f th is , $95,000 wqs fo r gen eral items ...$ 3 1 ,7 8 0 f o r heating and v e n tila tin g . . . $10,356 for e le c tric a l work. The a r c h it e c t u r a l firm was the P .J . Hoener & A ssociates, of St.Louis. Completion of the p ro je c t was near, as of October, I960. The b u ild in g was dedicated on Saturday, October 21, 1961, when Gov. John Dalton was present and participated in the ceremonies. The b u ild in g i s lo c a te d in the sm all park area, and east, ju s t across the campus driveway from Parker H a ll. THE $75.000.000 STATE BOND ISSUE. - In a state-w ide e le c tio n , held on January 24, 1956, the S t a t e 's e le c to ra te voted approval o f a State bond issue o f $75,000,000, to be used fo r re p a ir in g o ld b u ild in g s , and constructing new ones, at the U n iv e rsity of Missouri, the School o f Mines, and the se v e ra l other state c o lle g e s and u n iv e rs itie Out o f t h is sum, the School o f Mines was awarded $3,500,000. With that sum, the following b u ild in g s were financed, w holly or in p a rt: 1. - The second set o f ( 3 ) D orm itories, plus the C afateria 2. - The E l e c t r i c a l Engineering B u ild in g 3. - The C i v i l Engineering B u ild in g 4*- The f i r s t u n it o f the Physics B u ild in g . In a fr ie n d ly s u it , b ro u ^ it to t e s t the v a lid it y of the bonds, the State Supreme Court, on or about December 10, 1956, held that the bonds WERE v a lid .
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thk ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING BUILDING. - A s o f February, 1954, the department 0f E lectrical Engineering had i t s la b o ra to ry in the basement of Norwood H a ll, and its o ffices in the west end o f the f i r s t f l o o r . Departmental needs were amply advertised in a series o f a r t i c l e s that appeared in current issu es of the Alumnus Magazine. As e a r ly asFebruary, 1956, the U n iv e rsity asked for $1,000,000 out o f the $75 000,000 state bond issu e fo r the construction of an e l e c t r i c a l engineering building* By July, 1957, plans were ready fo r reception cf b id s . This planning was done by the P .J . Hoener & A sso ciates firm - working under guidance of Pres. Elmer Ellis, Dean W ilson, and P r o f. I . H. L o v e tt. The b u ild in g abuts and faces the south lin e cf 16th stre e t, a t the old lo c a tio n of Main street ( now Vichy Road ) . I t i s immediately to the northeast of old Jackling Gymnasium. I t has ground, f i r s t and second f lo o r s . In flo o r plan, i t The lo n g w a lls o f the north and south e le v a tio n s are measures _____x ______ f e e t . made of a combination o f w a ll panels formed by v e r t ic a l aluminum m ullions which support large g la s s window panes and limestone p an els. The east and west ends cf the building are square b o x -lik e u n its faced with l i g h t b u ff b ric k . They provide space fer stairways and e le v a t o r s . The in t e r io r framework i s o f rein fo rced concrete. As cf March 24, 1958, the construction contract was awarded to the Buckley Const. Co., o f S t .L o u is . By June 1, 1958, work was under way. The f i n a l cost was seme $745,763.00. The b u ild in g was complete on the date of its dedication November 7, 1959*
THE CIVIL ENGINEERING BUILDING. - This b u ild in g abuts and faces the north lin e of 14th street, between Pine and former R o lla s t r e e t s . I t i s composed of a "Main" or "Class-rocm" sectio n , on i t s north sid e , which measures 46 x 237.5 f e e t . This part has ground f l o o r p lu s two upper f l o o r s . I t has 15 c la s s rooms — four design roans - and 20 o f f i c e rooms. The framework i s s tru c tu ra l s t e e l. The e x te rio r is light bu ff b rick , in te rsp e rse d with a p le n t if u l a rra y of windows and c o lo r fu l blue trim. To this main class-room p o rtio n , at i t s fro n t and west end, i s attached a one-story "en gin eerin g" or "h y d ra u lic " la b o ra to ry which measures 67 x _94 fe e t in floor plan. To the fro n t and east end i s added the "auditorium" section, w&ich measures 45 x 74 fd e t in f lo o r p la n . I t has f i r s t and second f lo o r s , and contains a spacious auditorium, or le c tu re room. _ „ c , T 4„ The arc h ite c ts fo r t h is p ro je c t were Froese, Maack, and Becker of S t.L o u is. Their planning was c a r e f u lly guided by the e x p ertise of P r o f. Ernest C. Carlton, head of the C.E. department. . , , . . . T As of June 17, 1958, the construction contract had been awarded to the Pl-,z-ne is Construction Co., o f S t.L o u is , f o r $791,424.00. By July, 1958, «o rk was under way. By December, 1959, c la s s e s were bein g held m the b u ild in g . I t was d®d on April 8, i 960, on which occasion the honored guests present included Governor James T. B la ir J r . - U n iv e rs ity p residen t D r. Elmer E l l i s . . and a number of th " ' " t t S . ' S S S S L n o f t h is program, P ro f. C arlton exclaimed that he . a s " the happiest man in R o lla ." . . . He deserved to b e .
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^ ^^ ^"956, 3.t was apparent that current power f a c i l i t i e s on the campus were in s u ffic ie n t to serve the expanding campus b u ild in g program. Plans were th erefo re form ulated and matured fo r a "doubled" capacity p la n t. A second stack, 175 feet high, together w ith bu ildin g and equipment s u b s t a n t ia lly the same as in Unit No. 1 , was constructed. The p ro je c t was financed by F ederal loan plu s U n iv e rs ity 40-year revenue bonds. THE NErt PHISIoS BUILDING. — This b u ild in g abuts and fa c e s the south lin e of 14th street, just e a s t o f the former lo c a tio n of R o lla s tre e t, and opposite the west end of the C i v i l E n gineering b u ild in g . I t has ground and two upper flo o r s . Floor dimensions are 85 x 235 f e e t . The framework i s re in fo rc e d concrete - the exterior of lig h t b u f f b r ic k in to which a w ealth cf g la s s windows are in serted between v e r t ic a l m etal m u llio n s. The b u ild in g has 18 c la s s rooms, a commodious lecture room w ith 150 seats, necessary o ffic e rooms, p lu s la b o ra to ry and research rooms. I t was financed with $750,000 remaining from the #75,000,000 state bond is s u e . P.J. Hoener & A sso c ia te s served as a rc h ite c ts . Bids were opened on Feb. 28,1961, and contract was l e t as o f June, 1961. The A lb e rs Construction Co., of S t.L ou is, got the general co n tract fa r $134,975»« In d u s tria l Plumbing and heating Co., of St.Clair, did the plumbing and heatin g wcrk for $153,900. The Cunningham E le c t r ic Co., of Anna, 111., i n s t a lle d the e l e c t r i c a l f a c i l i t i e s fo r $71,800. These items sum up to a t o t a l b id of $370,675 - which is le ss than the $750,000 a v a ila b le . The b u ild in g was dedicated on Saturday, A p r il 6, 1963 . THE SECOND UNIT. NEW PHYSICS BUILDING. - As of February, I960, th is second part of the new Physics B u ild in g was under d esign , in sty le s imi l a r to the f i r s t unit. This a d d itio n extended from the east end of the f i r s t section to a point close to the west lin e cf Pine s t r e e t . The annex had ground f lo o r and two upper floors, and was sheathsd w ith li g h t b u f f b ric k plus la rg e areas of windows supported by vertical metal m u llio n s. The f lo o r dimensions were _____ x ____ fe e t . Contract was awarded to __________________ I 96__ . B u ild in g was completed on _______________ . 196__ . To finance the project, the M isso u ri L e g is la tu re made an ap propriation of $500,000. THE NEW LIBRARY. - The U n iv e rsity made request fo r th is b u ild in g o f the L e g is lature as e a r ly as the 1961 sessio n . The 1963 Assembly appropriated $1,500,000 for the stru ctu re. In 1961, Gov. John Dalton disapproved the idea of such a building, thinking the School needed oth er f a c i l i t i e s more than i t did a L ib ra ry . It remained fo r the "C h an cellor Baker" adm inistration to have the honor o f construct ing this b u ild in g . ________ M.S.M. PLANT VALUATION. - A v alu atio n report made in 1956 fix e d the t o t a l value of the School o f Mines " in s t it u t io n " at $11,154,025*70. Of th is , $9,792,499.91 was fo r the "p h y sic a l p lan t" only.
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(Sec. 1947-58.. u THE RENOVATION OF PARKER HALL. - As o f June, 1962, a d ra s tic renovation of *er H all was under way. E ven tu ally, the auditorium was discarded, and the 4 ce i t had occupied converted in to f i r s t and second f lo o r a re a s. The basement re-arranged so as to serve fo r bu sin ess o f f ic e and other f a c i l i t i e s . The new second flo o r of the Auditorium are a was given over to the L ib ra ry , fo r reading room and sane book sh e lv in g . L ib r a r y o ffic e s were p a rtitio n e d o f f in the o r ig in a l reading room. The old book racks were, fo r a time, l e f t in p la c e . A contraat fo r th is work was awarded to the M issou ri V a lle y Construction Co., of Washington, Mo., in October, 1962. Hie p ric e was $129,987. The S t.L o u is firm of Froese, Maack and Becker served as a r c h it e c t s . THE NEW CAMPUS-WAREHOUSE-MAINTENANCE BUILDING. - Supplementing the change in Parker H ail, and other p ro je c ts - the School constructed a modern one-story b ric k warehouse and/or maintenance headquarters b u ild in g in Lot No. 32 o f R ailroad Addition. This was north o f Route 66 ( Route 1 -4 4 ). This b u ild in g contained tte o f f ic e o f Supt. of c u ild in g s and Grounds, as well as other o f f ic e s and space f o r sto ra g e . nrtRMTTORY No. 5 . - As o f A p r il, 1963, plans were under way fo r construction of the FIFTH dorm itory. This was b u i l t a t tte immediate southwest corner of the dormitory block - ju s t behind ( south of ) the Rayl C a fa te ria . I t was designed to accanodate 118 students, and was to cost $500,000. I t was planned by arch itects Hellmuth, Obata and Kassabaum. DORMITORY FOR WOMEN. - As of October, 1962, a former p riv ate residence a t 1203 State street was taken over fo r a "Womens Residence H a ll" . Mrs. Pansy Heimberger was the "house m other". MSM RADIO STATION.- As o f August, 1963, a stu dent-operated ra d io s ta tio n KUMR ( FM ) was bein g planred - arrl was e v e n tu a lly b u ilt and placed m operation . It functioned during the C hancellor Baker adm inistration.
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CVM-BHM-Aug.22, 1973 (Sec. 1947-53 . . . ) __________ /
- 136 TABLE No. A7S8-1
GENERAL JpROLLMENT_(CENSUS^,_SCHOOL OF_MINESJl_ W3LSON_ADMINISTRATION This ta b le enumerates the TOTAL number o f students e n ro lle d on dates shown 1935 .......... 1942 (May ) . . . 886 1942 (D ec.) . . . 885 1943 (D e c .) . . . 497 1944 (J a n .) . . . 287 1944 (D e c .) . . 1084 528 re g u la r 556 Army ASTP 1945 (P e g .) . . 250 1946 (F a l l ) ..2133 1947 (J a n .) . . 2160 1948 (J a n .; . . 2630
1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1955 1956 1956 1957
(F a ll ) ( May ) (F a ll ) (F a l l ) (F a ll ; ( ) (Jan. ) ( Many) ( F a ll) (May ) (S e p t .) (F e b .)
.... .... ----------....
2655 3025 1687 1169 1100 1191 1192
1957 1958 1958 1959 1959
.... . . . . 1385 ------ 1911 .......... 1775 . . . . 2404 ........ 2284
1961 1961 1962 1962 1963 1963
(O c t .) ----- 2795 (F e b .) ___ 2606 ( Oct. ) ...2926 (F eD .) . . . . 2640 (O c t .) ___ 3039 (O c t .; — 3091 (F e b .) ___ 2852 (O c t .) ___ 3309 (Feo.) ___ 2960 (O c t.) ___ 3465 (F e b .) ___ 3204 (O c t.) ----- 3620
TABLE No. 4758-2 ENR0LIMENT_BREAK—DOWN INTO_CLASSES_( _FreshxrE n—Soph^ etc D a t e
1941 {■ '% & .)
195 1942 (May) 221 262 1942 (D ec.) 1943 June,sumr 88 1956 1957 1958 1959 1959 I960 1961 1962
(S e p t .) (O c t.) (O c t.) (F e b .) (O c t .; Oct. ) ( O c t.; ( F eb .) 1962 ( O c t.; 1963 (F e b .) 1963 (O c t.;
737 763 745
815 747 777 745 813 806 1100
SoDh 216 225 175
64 503
587 589 594 609
669 658 753 741 829
Junr 180 185 210 73
Senr 214 219 211 119
450 549 644 409 672 717 751 505 728 448 586
?? 99 152 154 143 162 223 232 239 317 364
726 796 784 791 775 841 822 886 892 706
5 11 7 3
PhD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 7 7 5
U n class. 5 25 19 12 16 17 17 18 34
7 7
7 7
T0TAJ 817 886 885 359 2404 2795 2926 2640 3039 3091 3309 2960 3465 3204 3620
TABLE No. 4758-3 ENROLLMENT IN THE DIFFERENT ENGINEERING CURRICULA ALL t e EM EM-b EM-c MetE C.E. Mech E.E. Ch.E oer.E Sc Unci ~§8<D 25 29 7 125 (May ) 77 82 99 110 163 27 45 885 19 132 7 23 176 104 (Dec.) 92 66 36 107 17 6 497 24 9 94 65 (Dec.) 52 97 6 28 14 59 11 1 287 6 60 35 (Jan.) 22 59 38 34 9 4 528 6 11 100 27 68 (May) 58 107 16 36 64 14 were an added 556 ASTP s o ld ie r students In addition to t h is la s t lin e , , thei making the t o t a l enrollm ent 1084* 359 4 13 1943 (Summr) 15 3 10 45 37 74 48 77 _ 7 ("G e n e ra l") in the above, we have omitted the "category" "Engineering and add i t here thus: These are included 1944 (Jan. ) . . . . 8 1942 (May . . . 94 in the "T o ta ls " just 1944 tMay ; . . . . 2 8 1942 (D e c .) 105 above. 1943 (Sum r.; . . . 26 1943 (D e c .) 40
— a 1942 1942 1943 1944 1944
CVM-BHM Aug. 23, 1973. ( 1947-58 . . . ; ___/
137 -
The fo llo w in g ta b le - No. 4758-4) - supplements Table No. 4758-3.
incomplete - and the data fo r years 1944 to 1959 are om itted - the two ta b les show
TRENDS - and th a t i s the w r it e r s ' in te n t . C onsu ltation w ith campus o f f ic e s would the m issing data. * TABLE No. 1947-58-A ( 4758-4; ENROLLMENT IN THE DIFFERENT ENGINEERING CURRICULA Owing to narrowness o f paper, t h is ta b le i s in TWO rARTS - P a rt 1 above - P art 2 oelow. The two should be jo in e d to g e th e r. Mech. - -a t _e— D 562 .956 (S ep t.; .959 ( Feb.; 632 687 .959 (O ct.; 661 .960 ( O ct.; 666 L961 ( O ct.; L962 ( Feb.; 608 L962 ( Oct..; 654 785 L963 ( O ct.;
Met E
474 545 632 657 710 656 783 8 38
444 495 524 582 657 582 698 768
256 236 275 298 297 287 311 291
Dat e ^ucl»1956 (S ep t.; 1959 (Feb.; 1959 (O ct.; 1 1960 (O ct.; 1961 (O ct.; 3 1962 (Feb.; 3 1962 (O ct.; 3 2 1963 (O ct.;
u e o l.
2 7 3 13
• • • • ••• • • • ••
277 281 289 273
Met... 150 222 253 277 •• • • •• •• •• • •• •
Table 4758-4 ( annex ; Math G£Ol_ Fhva Chem S cien ce; 3 ( 135 in • • • • 68 21 130 • • • • 66 35 165 • • • • 58 65 174 40 57 27 193 40 58 57 167 72 77 68 166 112 88 69 184
E. m . 271 206 206 159 131 107 132 79
Unci 78 31 113 rest re s t rest rest rest
Cer.E 34 40 Table below 43 should be 55 annexed here 67 77 82 77
Coed 72 • ••
Genl. fpQmj 00 28 00
• ••
•• •
• •
TOTALS 2404 2640 3039 3091 3309 2960 3465 3620
'•"* «r Tah1s A758-4TABLES OF B*GREBB AWARDED ( 1874 - 19b3_J Ther® f ° i L°^QS iS ^ degrees awarded by the School o f Mines, years 1874 to 1963.
d iffe r e n t U bleS ° f
-PARLE 4758-5 p-grSBEF.S AWARDED - BY YEARS - 1874 TO 196.2 1874 to 1908 ........ 768 1908-1919 .............. 1920-37 (F u lto n ;.1540 1937-41 vChedsey; 565 1942 (W ilson ; 199 1942-1950 (W ils o n ;2716 ......... 781 1950 ......... 504 1951 ......... 339 1952 ......... 240 1953
1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961
212 225 346 395 501
426 PhD to ta le d 500 .. 550 1962 .. 557 1963
1947 ........ 1948 ........ 1949 ........ 1950 ........ 1 9 5 1 ........ 1952 ........ 1953 ........ 1954 ........ 1955 ........
182 ■f 1 Dr.Eng 337 •f- 22 M. E• 445 / 24 MS 2 Dr.Eng 771 505 339 67 (, in Jan.; 225
OVM-BHM-Aug.23, 1973 05ec. 1947-58 • • • )
- 138 -
flEGRSBS GRANTED.SUMMER TERMS ^ Add to Those o f Regular Terms; 1948 U u l y ; 1949 1950 1951
1958 ........ 55 1959 ........ 50 I 960 ........ 83 1962 ........ 92
TABLE No. 4758-6 DEGREES GRANTED - BY DEPARTMENTS Because o f narrowness o f paper, th is ta b le is divided into Tv?u parts The two should be joined together. fart 1 on t o p -----P art 2 fo llo w in g , below. Genl. ili .M. Cer.E. wucl Ener. Uh.E Met C.E. jA.b. Mech Date 0 0 48 5 32 25 17 27 34 194a ( May • • • • • • 40 4 45 100 43 98 104 1959 l«ay ; 8 0 8 8 9 111 80 41 11 1 1961 (May)
( P art 2 of Table 4758-6; Annex to P a rt 1 above ) Date
• • • •
• • • •
• • • •
• • • •
1961 (Mayj
• • • •
*• • t
• • •
• • • •
Em Geol AM PET • • • • • • • •
EM-Pet . . . .
• • • •
• •••
24 15
• • • •
• •
501 426 plus
TARTE. No. 4758-7_ nTRTRTRTTTTON OF DEGREES bY "GRADES." NOTE: During the Fulton and Chedsey adm inistrations, many b a t t le s were wagedW u s e the U n i v e r s i t y , at Columbia, would NOT ALLOWRolla to give degrees - and a ls o LIMITED the M.S. degrees that could be awarded. f e j f \ ^ es taole f a i l s to show th is adequately - out i s included f o r what l i t t l e data xt 0xves of B.S. No. o f M.S. Nnl Profession al No. Dr. mng. Total Awarded Date No. 446 2 24 420 May, (1949 ) 2716 12 27 184 2492 1942-1952 212 1 1 20 189 501 1954 ( May ) 9 27 464 1959 (May) 132 i/ ttu w //?/ 16 1961 (A u g.) 550 84 1 Sc.D. 3 48 498 1962 (May)
CVM-BHM-Aug .23, 1973 (Sec. 1947-58 . . . ) _________ / PRESERVE OFFICER TRAINING CORPS
- 139 -
C R .O .T .C .)
Student T raining in M ilit a r y T actics oegan in 1871, the year the School of Mines was organ ized. I t continued many years before i t was constituted an Engineer Unit in the R .O .T.C . During the W ilson Adm inistration ( 1941-1963 ) i t was continued - and affl£liTied . At the time o f Dean .'ilson 1 s retirem ent, 1863, the U.S. Army warmly commended ftiim f o r h is f r u i t f u l e f f o r t s to improve the R.O.T.C. - not only at M.S.M. but in America’ s en gin eerin g and other c o lle g e s . we have very meagre data £0 present concerning R.O.T.C. a t M.S.M. - but here is such as we h ave: TABLE 4758-8 STUDENTS ENROLLED IN R.O.T.C. 1957 (May) Sept., 1958 1959 (Oct.J
Cadets O ffic e r s 1125 ............ 26 347 . . . . . . . ... ... 1340 ............ .
The B a tta lio n was very active during th is p e rio d . Regular d r i l l on mSM campus.
( ( ( ( 1962 (
Jan.) ................... 100 May ) .................... 109 Aug.) ................. 20 Jan.) ................. 32 Aug.) ................. 40
Complete records could be had at appropriate o ffic e , M.S.M. ( Now U.M.R., R o lla ).
OTHER ACTIVITIES OF R .O .T .C . As o f May, 1963 , i t was said that the R o lla b a tta lio n of R.O.T.C. WAS THE LARGEST IN THE ENTIRE NATION. Of la te years, the B a tta lio n has staged an annual MILITARY BALL. On th is occasion, a ’’Queen" i s chosen and crowned - u s u a lly by so.ne high o ffic e r o f the U.S. Army -o ft e n the commandant o f Fort Leonard Wood. This i s * h ig h -lig h t campus event, u s u a lly held in December. On December 14, 1957, Miss Joyce Janssen vias the new Queen — M iss Pat Lentz the r e t ir in g Queen. The R o lla R .O .T .C . BAND has oeen a major fa c to r in campus l i f e fo r many years. U n til h is death in the 1950’ s, i t was train ed and led by Mr. John W. Scott, Rolla's "MAN OF MUSIC". As o f October, I960, P r o f. David L. Oakley became oand d ire c to r - and has served superbly to present date ( August, 1973)* Under h is d ire c tio n and leadership, the band has not only played fo r campus fo o t b a ll games, and sp e c ia l campus concerts - but has gone on numerous state-w ide tours - playin g to as many as 15,000 high school students in h i$ i schools of the sta te . I t a lso performed on a n a tio n a l TV program. The membership, as o f October, 1961, was SEVENTY — which i s perhaps an average number. ■THE ARMY STUDENT TRAINING PROGRAM - w h ile NOT connected sith the R.O.T.C. nevertheless brought hundreds o f students to the R o lla campus during the years of World War Two ( 1943-44 ) fo r m ilit a r y tra in in g . The ta b le s of "Student Enrollment" on page 136 of present ( 1947 - 58) Section show some of the e ffe c t .
New Carbon§ CV*-BHM-Aug.23, 1973. (Sec. 1947-58 . . . )
- 140 -
OF NEGRO STUDENTS. - Up to 1950, no negro students had ever been admitted to Missouri School of Mines. . . . In February, 1950, two such students - Elmer B e ll ( "ge 18 ) and George Horne ( age 17 ) d esired to do so. The M.S2M. R e g istra r — Noel Hubbard, ac tin g under r u le s and a u th o rity of the U n iversity curators, refused to admit the b o y s. Thereupon, the boys brought a la w su it, asking the court to apply "mandamus" and compel th e ir adm ission, in June, 1950, C irc u it Court Judge Sam. C. B la ir , of the Cole County court, ru le d that the cu rato rs MUST admit the boys. To test student opinion in the matter, a student p o ll was staged on the R olla campus Some 317 students favored adm itting the negro boys - 91 d isagreed . But it was*not u n t il SIX YEARS ^ATER , in September, 1956, that negro students were actually e n ro lle d . Among them was one negro g i r l . As of 1973 - and f o r s e v e ra l years p ast - the negro students have owned and maintained a negro f r a t e r n i t y house a t the in te rse c tio n of Highway 63 (north; and Elm s tre e t. In te g ra tio n , thus, has created no serious problems. The negro uoys do w e ll in th e ir stu d ies - and e s p e c ia lly w e ll in a t h le t ic teams - fo o t b a ll
and basket b a l l . ROLL pat.t. of s t . PAT1S QUEENS. - On page 92 of our 1933-47 Section, we lis t e d the names of S t. P a tric k and h is Queens down through the year 1959- We Here re -list them from year 1938 to 1959, p lu s years I 960 to 1963*. &
t»« 13.is
1938 .. John R. Post . . . *-ary Louise Breuer 1939 . . . Sam Kurtz • Mary McCrae 1940 . . . Robert Dorsey . . . Rosemary Sue Grumpier 1941 . . John H. Lyons . . . . Ruth L u cile Stimson 1942 . . John M a z z o n i........ Agnes Houlahan 1943 ( No S t . P a t 's . World War Two ) 1944 . . D itto
1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952
, • D it t o . . Bob White ..............Lenore Jones . . H arold Brehe ........ Louise rreeman . . James H. McGrath . Sue Gleason . . Don S prack ler . . . . Paula Fite . . Bob Schuchardt . . . M arilee Drake . . J09 Geers .............A lic e .a lt h a ll . . Dick H e m p le ......... Barbara arner 1953 . . Jim G irard ........... J°an C h ristian in t i Fred Smith . . . . . . . Pune Lange 1955 I*. Jim M u rp h y ............S h irle y Marie Bruggeman 1956 . . Don M cG overn........ Mrs. V irginia^ r 1957 . . Warren C a rro ll . . . Marilyn Goodnight 1958 . . Ron Huesman......... Joline See 1959 . . Brud Murphy ..........Linda Fitzge^ 1960 . . Don Gunther ......... r h y llis Tttcci 1961 . . Harvey M a r t i n ----- Sharon Anstedt S t e : . Boo Tooke ..............Joyce Ann nogan 1963 . . Charles Becker . . • .Mary Martin
V A L U A T IO N ^ M.S.M._PROPERTY ^ T o tal A s s e t s F r o m time to time, evaluations of the'”p?ePe r'fc7 <*nd/or t o t a l a sse ts o f the School of Mines have been made. As samples, the fo llo w in g :
B u ild in g s
Equim ent
Physical Plant
Total A ssets
Jan.23,1950 .................................................... .. Nov.25,1954 $122,713 $7,891,000 $1,811,619 Oct.11,1956 ........................................................
SOME SMPLES_0F APPROPRIATIONS: On most occasions, the S t a t e 's appropriations for the” School o f Mines have been fo r ''bi-ennium s" ( two year p e rio d s ). On other — 1been ------ 11---------1" — The fo llo w in g table i s included or " s p e c i a l" . occasions, they •have "annual" for the comparisons shown: Totals R epairs A dditions B u ildin gs Biennium P e r s . S ervice O perations $927, 500 —1939 .... .... 820,925 —1941 .... .... 1,318,000 $133,000 1949-51 $800,000 $375,000 1 946,000 80,000 1953-55 11.445.000 , 445,000 415,000 1 866,000 487,000 50,000 ........... 1 . 329.000 1955-57 2 687,000 625,000 50,000 277,400 1.987.000 1957-59 5,889,92 8 - U? 172,000 115,000 .......... 650,825 4,952,104 1963-65 i/ a d d itio n , f o r 1963 - 65 , $100,000 for new b u ild in g s it e s , and $213,500 for new s c ie n t ific equipment.......... R epairs to present b u ild in g s ^100,000. For the second u n it o f New Physics B u ild in g , $500,000 . . and fo r the NEW LIBRARY
, ,
$1 , 750, 000. . The taDle i s much too incomplete, and possibly contains seme errors its main purpose i i to~show the VAST DIFFERENCE between the appropriations during the Chedsey Adm inistration ( 1937-41) and the W ilson adm inistration
, . but made (1941-63).
A LIST OF DEPARTMENT HEADS ( or CHAIRMEN),. - ^The Chairmen of the various School of Mines Departments were su b jd ct to occasional change. The 1 , June, 1962, was as fo llo w s : Mine Engineering .............. P r o f. John P. Govier Metallurgy ......................... P r o f. A. W. Schlecten C iv il Engineering ............ P r o f. Ernest C. Carlton E le c tric a l Engineering •• Dr. Roger Nolte Chemical E ngineering . . . . Dr. Dudley Thompson Mechanical Engineering . . P r o f. Aaron J. M iles Ceramic E n g in e e r in g ........ P r o f. Theodore •_*« & Physics ....................D r. Harold J. F u lle r Geology i * . . . : ...................... Paul D. Proctor M athem atics........................P r o f. R* R^ lk^n M ilitary T a c t i c s ............ C ol. Glen R. Taylor SOME OFF-GAMPUS APPOI NTEES OF INTEREST .- Since J- ^ 0g °J "fc^ggOS a t e d 1with the School of the U.S. bureau o f Mines experiment station tea D e e n ^ o s e i ^ a s ^ x a , when Mines. A notable change in Bureau adminis *• - Kniekerooeker the B u reau 's a serious controversy "With Dean W ilso n • transferred to the Nevada s ta tio n at R en o ^
dm inistrato r ^ ^ ^
Roi l a , resigned - a fte r request, he »a s ^
close to the
Likewise, the R o lla u n it o f t h e U . . & g Mr. m m Q m H0MYK was School of Mines. We th e re fo re note that in A p r ii. v ^ rep lacin g Mr. Harry appointed to head the U .S .G .S . D iv isio n o f Water Resources, rep Bolo.
CVM-BHM—Aug - 27, 1973 (Sec. 1 94 7 -5 S..J
- 142 -
a EE’1 / NOTES CONCERNING THE M.S.M. FACULTY. - There i s n eith er occasion nor space in present resume fo r any len gth y d e sc rip tio n o f the M.S.M. F aculty. A few randan notes may be in order, as fo llo w s : F irst - P residen t F. A. Middlebush resign ed cis U n iversity president as o f June, 1954* His term ended as o f August 31, 1954* X Dean Elmer E l l i s , then dean of the C llle g e of A rts and Sciences, was made "Acting P re sid e n t". However, he s p e c ifie d that he would serve as such only u n t il June of 1955* At that time he re le n te d , and became " f u l l " president, on A p r il 16, 1955. He continued to serve throughout the W ilson adm inistration - and in to that of Chancellor M erl Baker ( 1963- d a t e ). As of August 31, 1949, P r o f. C li f f o r d H. Black resigned as chairman of the Engineering Drawing department. He had so served since September, 1945* He removed to Corpus C h r is t i, Texas, and was employed in e n g in e e rin g -a rc h ite c tu ra l work. In June, 1953, P r o f. Vernon A.G. Geveker was appointed A ssistan t Dean, replacin g Rex Z. W illiam s. As of Sept. 1, 1954, P r o f. J.D. F o rre ste r, head of the Mining department, resigned to take a s im ila r post a t the U n iv e rs ity of Idaho, Moscow. He was head of the Idaho mining sch o o l. On Sept. 1, 1954, Dr. George B. C lark succeeded P r o f. F o rrester as chairman of the Mining department. THE FACULTY - which in 1941 had numbered 70 - and in 1946 was 50 - rose to U 7 in September, 19$6, and 175 in October, 1957. As of June, 1958, Noel Hubbard, r e g is t r a r since 1941, was named A ssistan t Dean. Mr. Hay Ponder succeeded Hubbard a s r e g i s t r a r . ^ . As of August, 1959, M r. Leon H erskovitz was named A ssistan t Dean, rep lacin g A.V.C. Geveker, who re sig n e d th at p ost. . _ In June, I960, Mr . Hay Ponder took Noel Hubbard's place as A ssistan t Dean. Hubbard had served’ the School in variou s c a p a c itie s since 1923 ..f o r 37 years. Mr. R.B. Lewis became R e g is t r a r . As of Sept. 1, I960, D r. Thomas R. Faucett became chairman o f the Dept, oi Mechanic a l Engine e r i ng. In » » y , 1961, P r o f. W a lte r 3 . Schrenk » a s made " P r o f. Bneritue" o f C h e e r y and Chemical E n gin eerin g. He had served in that department since 1923 ( 38 y e a rs ). As of Aue-ust 31 1963, P r o f. A.W. Schlecten resigned as chairman o f the K e t a lt o ^ d e t e n t - 2 d tcok a sim ila r p o sitio n a t Colorado Sohool of Manes, fcl4ein May 1963, P r o f. R.M. Rankin r e t ir e d , a ft e r 10- years o f service in the Matheimtics department. He . a s given a s p e c ia l dim er-ban qu et in h is honor. is of Sep?. 1, 1963, P r o f. Dickran H. E r k ile t ia n . a s named chairman o f the Mathematics department, succeeding P ro f. And as o f Sept. 1, 1963, D r. D aniel
Rankin. nViait-man nf the S. Eppelsheimer became chairman o f the
Metallurgy department. FTOAT.T.Y Dean W ils o n 's term as head o f the School oi Mines ended as of August 3f \ 963 . . . a t * i i c h time the "MERL BAKER" adm inistration began, (S e p t .l,
TOE VACHEL McMITT ENDOiMEHT ! » . As ^ ^ “ e S i m i n f a n d gave the School o f Mines the sum of $25,OOU lo r an in honor of her la t e husband, Vachel McNutt.
s c t o lS s h ip f 2 d f
CVM-bHM-Aug.28, 1973. (Sec. 1 94 7 -5 8...)
- 143 -
THE M.S.M. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. - This association was the brain ch ild of Prof. George R. Dean, Glass o f 1391. During the Fulton adm inistration, 1920-37, he was head o f the mathematics department, i t was h is idea that there should be an alumni association — so he started i t , and would be rated as i t s very f i r s t member. Two other very e a r ly members were K.G.S. Anderson ( Class o f 1909 ) and Arthur D. T e r r e ll ( Class o f 1898). ,, Arou on the campus In those e a r lie s t a ssocia tion days, there was no national o ffic e r,/ e x c e p t for Prof. Dean. This changed, as o f December, 1953, when Mr. Francis C. "Ik e" Edwards was retain ed as "Executive D irec to r", with o ffic e on the R olla campus. Mr. Edwards has retain ed th is p o s itio n down to date of th is w ritin g , August 28, 1973 - except that Mr. Fr ank H. Mackaman has taken over since 1972, with Mr. Edwards remaining as a ssis ta n t. We do not assume to name ALL those who have oeen "presidents" of the Alumni Association - but we CAN name a few who have served during the la te r years. These: Mervin K e lly (C lass 1914) ..James L , Head ( Class 191$ ) . . . Enoch R. Needles ( Class 1920J . . . Harry S. Pence ( Class 1923 ) . . . Fred C. Schneeberger ( Class 1925 ) . . . Karl F. Hasselmann ( Class 1925 ) ...M e lvin S. N ickel ( Class 1938).. Ray hasten ( MSM 19 __ ) . . Joseph H. Murphy ( MdM 1938) . . and Peter F. M attei, (M.S.M. 1937). During i t s existen ce, the Association has been p a rtic u la rly interested and active in e s ta o lis h in g ''S e ctio n s"- both in most o f the States - and also in the larger c it ie s , as New York, Chicago, ° t . Louis, Tulsa, Los Angeles, and elsewhere. Association presidents have made i t th e ir business to v i s i t each of the sections. Visits have a lso been made by the D irectors and Deans of the School o f Mines. In these and other ways — such as the establishment o f student scholarships and loans — the Association has oeen most h e lp fu l to the School. An a c t iv it y which has bound the alumni together - and the Association to the School - has been the asso cia tion magazine -"The M.S.M. ALUMNUS" .Volume 1 was started during the 1920’ s - p o ssib ly in 1926. Volume 21 began with the JanuaryFebruary issue o f 1947- This 1947 issue was a printed pamphlet o f 16 pages, letter size, 8g x l l inches, The "Alumnus" i s now published every TWO months. Through the years, the "Alumnus" has featured such things as general campus _ news, items about new b u ild in gs, le g is la t iv e appropriations, fa cu lty and student a ffa ir s , including the annual S t. P a t's ce leb ra tio n . A th le tic events are » football, track, basket b a ll, and so on. The magazine has helped the Association in estaolishing and increasing the Alumni Fund, used fo r the various alumni p ro je cts. Each issue o f the magazine contains a l i s t i n g o f a c t iv it ie s of individu al alumni - th eir p o sitio n s, marriages, deaths, and other items. Such graduates as Dr. George Mueller ( MSM 1939) have had sp ecia l mention. He was the p of the MANNED SPACE PROGRAM, "A p o llo ". Another graduate was Maj. Gen. Walter . Leber, who became the commandant, or "governor" of the Panama Canal^one. And Daniel U. Jackling was s ig n a lly honored by the State o f Utah - whi.h caused a fu ll-zize statue in copper to be cast and placed in the Utah state c a p ito l molding. F in ally , the A sso c ia tio n has been active In arranging annual
Y " « * » ■ * . i » ° ' tobei" 7o on "n a c tio n , classes separated by fiv e years, such„ L i ? s 5~h? s te e n o f very great m aterial and the Alumni A ssociation, throughout the years, has oeen 01 y & moral support to the Missouri School o f Mines.
„ „ fPTT.q NECROLOGY.- Death claimed many o f the older fa c u lty and s t a ff members the School o f Mines during the 1947-53 period, We no doubt and inadvertently •t some in the l i s t that fo llo w s . This l i s t i s apart ffom the general R o lla list that ends the present 1947-53 Section. R a t liff P r o f. R.F. . . d. June 28, 1947* Age 89. Schooler, Durward R. ..d . Hay 30, 1952. Result o f auto accident. Forbes P ro f. C. R. . . d. (Jan or Feu.) 1950, San G aoriel, C a lif. ’ L e f t widow - Z e lla H. Forbes - h is 3rd w ife . Steinmesch, P r o f. J. . . d. Dec. 15, 1952. ( See "Who's Who in Engrg.") Schuman, John . . . d. Sept. 29, 1952. Age 58. ( HSM Class 1916 ) . B a y s in g e r, Dr. Stuart L . . . d. Jan. 28, 1953- Age 83 Fulton, Dr. Charles Herman . . d.Apr, 9, 1944 . . D e e rfie ld , 3. Dakota, Fulton, Mrs. Chas. H. ( Marianne) .. d. June 12, 1953- M ontclaire, H.J. . d. Dec. 18, 1952 (W ife of Walt.Remitters, Returners, Anna Loxs ( nee Mitchell,/ Class of 1923 ) YOUNG Dr. L. I . . . d. Dec. 27, 1953* Age 75 . b.Topeka,kan. * Was D irector o f MSM, 1908-1913) T e rre ll, A . D . . . d. Mar. 18, 1954- b.June IB, 1877, at Holden, m o . (MSM 1898;. Barley, Dr. Jos. W. . . d. Sept. 5, 1954. Retxred at MoM, 1941 cu tler, P ro f. Joe n eatty. . . d. Mar. 27, ^955 < Head ^ of C.JB. Dept. Band Master Scott, John W. . . . d. June 5, 1950.^ age 8v ( 88 .) Katz, Howard m . . . d ., Vicksuurg, Mxss., Jan- 28, 1956. b . Aug. 14, 1869, Appleton City,Mo. JACKLING, DANIEL C . . . d. Mar. 13, 1956. A’^ - H - L G rabill, Lee R. t mbM 1878;.. d. Feb. 1, 1956. Age - 97. G morris, ^ o h n M ^ s i f t WM1919 ) T . V d . May 27, 1956
^ it,.»6 3 0 » 4 ie „ d M.S.M. , — ’fiilia n w Mrs Edw.D. ( "Althena ) d. reb. 19, 1954 j r, -1-. wS dPAN * P r o f. (D r.) Leon E . .. b . Claremont, N.H., June, 1855 - -d Rolla, APr- 6, 1959. Given "hoxxy" ScD^from^H ^ ^ ^ I n t .Rolla< of r
=e S
RoU a_
Turner, W 3 ) ' . ‘ 4- StVjanBS Mar. 21, «6 1 .-A g e 82 Powell, 1 U W C 1 1 , ^ . , tTT . , t! Hailey, P r o f. H. R. ( MSM 1918 "H erbert R. • ?7> Hanley, Mrs.. H.R. ( B erth a)M .) a . . -d . Mar * ’ ? 1 * p J Md. In t . R o lla . Dean, R eginald ( MSM 1915). d . May 26, 1961, U n i ^ . state, ROACH, SALLIE (M i l l a r d ). W ife of Oornelxus Roach, Mo. S 7 ^ ^ of whom she m arried in 1896. Dxed Dec. 28, 19b3, ag M.S.M. C lass o f 1890. q
CVM-BHM-Aug. 28, 1973. (1 9 4 7 - 5 8 . ^ ___/
- 145 -
THE DEAN WILSON ADMINISTRATION (1941-1963 ) ENDS. - Dean Curtis Laws Wilson vias born August 29, 1898. On August 29, 1963, he became 65 years o f age - and that meant that - under ru le s o f the U n iversity cf Missouri - he could no longer hold an adm inistrative o f f i c e in the U n iversity . And so - he would r e t ir e as of August 31, 1963. ( See h is oiographic sketch in the 1952-53 e d itio n o f "Who* s Who in Engineering", page 2632 ) . The Dean’ s coming retirem ent oecame known as e a r ly as A p ril, 1963 - when, on April ' ,5 ,and in his honor, the R o lla Chamber of Commerce, joined by R o lla 1 s city o f fic ia ls and the severa l service clubs ( Lions, Rotary, Kiwanis ) staged a commendatory dinner. Numbers o f o ra l trib u tes were spoken by Mayor Eugene E. Northern, Chamber o f Commerce president Nean White, and others. A suitable plaque was awarded, and a number o f g i f t s presented to Dr. and Mrs. Wilson. During the commendatory meeting, Dean Wilson b r ie fly reviewed, or summarized his administration (1941-63). Among other things, he emphasized these points: 1. - For the past 22 years - which comprised some 25% o f the years the School had existed - the School had been under his guidance. 2. - The status - the very existence o f the School fo r i t s f i r s t t h ir ty years ( 1870-1900 ) had oeen h ig h ly uncertain. The condition no longer existed . 3. - The School a ttain ed fa r b e tte r status, and program, during the Fulton administration, 1920-37. 4. - During the Wilson adm inistration, 1941-63, the School grew to be one of the largest engineering schools in the United States. The number o f fa c u lty members had t r ip le d . . the number of campus bu ildin gs had doubled. Space fo r educational f a c i l i t i e s was up 75%» Student enrollment had increased 300% — ueing 3886 for the 1963 year. 5. - Of the degrees granted by the School since 1874, THREE out o f EVERY FOUR certificates had oeen signed by him. 6. - Each and every degree granting curriculum o f the School was accredited. 7. - No degree above "Master" had been granted up to and during the Fulton administration. But in 1963, ALL CURRICULA provided fo r the "Master" degree, and in SEVEN o f them, the DOCTORATE was granted. 8. - RESEARCH in a l l the departments was now a major part o f the School s program. As e a r ly as October, 1961, the S chool's research a c t iv it ie s were "coordinated" under the MSM Research L aboratories", headed by Dr. George B. Clark. 9 . - Many students were enabled to complete th eir courses with aid irom the School's student loan funds. IN THE EVENING OF APRIL 5, 1963 - in the Student Union Banquet Room, the M.S.M. Faculty staged a sumptuous banquet and program in Dean Wilson s non r . Prof. Ernest C. Carlton presided. Among distinguished guests present " Governor John Dalton - U n iversity president Elmer 4L1i s - ^Phelps Co president James A. Finch and other curators . - Hon. Melvin Carnahan Pheips Co. representative in M issouri Legislatu re - and Maj. < G en .^ u rtis J- ■ * ‘^ e s J ’ suests commanding general o f the 11th Army Corps, from o t.L o u is. a g made short congratulatory remarks. „ „ . Rep. Mel Carnahan brought a "Resolution o f Gommendation ^ House of R epresentatives. The Faculty presented ean ^ * facu-y.y members hand-worked table clo th in to which were worked the names * ^ H h ic h then serving. The fa c u lty a lso presented tte two w ith a check for &5UO, " it n " t0 travel in E urope". w . l c n n _ i t h a bound volume of congratulaProf. A.W. Schlecten presented Dean E L U s remarked tory le tte rs signed by h is many fr ie n d s . And rresiaen o ^ . „ that » Dean W ilfon had set a high example fo r h is successors to f o l i o . .
CVM-BHM-Aug. 28, 1973 (Sec. 1947-58 . . j
- 146 /
AS A CLOSING NUMBER to the banquet of A p ril 5, 1963, Maj. Gen. Curtis J. Herrick was called to the fro n t, where he gave Dean Wilson the Army's " Outstanding C iv ilia n Service Medal". The c it a tio n which accompanied the medal read thus: " DEPARTMENT OF THE' ARMY. Curtis Laws Wilson is awarded the Outstanding Civilian Service Medal . . . CITATION: Curtis Laws Wilson, Dean o f the Faculty, University of Missouri School o f Mines and Metallurgy, 1941-1963, is c ited fo r his distinguished service in b eh a lf o f the national defense e f f o r t . . . A strong advocate o f the R.O.T.C. program, Dean Wilson repeatedly^stressed i t s nedd and importance, during meetings with educators from other in s titu tio n s , committees of accreditation, and other c o lle g e and public o f f i c i a l s . His e ffo r t s have resu lted in more understanding and support o f the program on college campuses throughout the country, as w e ll as in greater recognition by the E.U.P.D. Dean Wilson a ls o made an immeasurable contribution to the program fo r technical training o f Army o f f ic e r s . Working with the Chief o f Army Engineers, he ta ilo re d academic cu rricu la to meet a s p e c ific nedd fo r advanced work at the college le v e l. Dean W ilson's accomplishments have m a te ria lly enhanced the e ffe c tiv e n e s s and prestige o f the 5th U.S. Army. They stand as an outstanding example o f his patriotic service in b eh a lf o f the defense community. (Signed) . . .G. G. DODGE 20 March, 1963 . " L t - Gen*» U*3 *A* ( End Quote ) . AND WITH THIS, we conclude our b r i e f sketch of the W ilson Adm inistration
of Missouri School o f Mines, years 1941-1963.
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A REVIEW OF MISCELLANEOUS EXTERNAL AND LOCAL EVENTS A ffe c tin g Rolla — Years 1937-1962. 1.—0 ARK i1OLE FESTIVAL. Although THIS item occurred p rior to present period, it was an event worth mentioning. I t was produced and directed by Mrs. Geraldine Eorter, of S t.Lou is. The John B. Rogers Company, o f Fostoria, 111., was brought in to provide the d e ta ile d program. I t was an "H is to ric a l Pageant". I t s various parts or acts were these: Prologue The Pioneers (White) Trapper to T ra ile r S p irit o f Creation The C ircu it Rider Masque of the Nations The Red Man An E a rly Wedding F in a le. The C iv il War F ir s t F risco Train. This was a most outstanding event - and drew large crowds o f spectators. It was performed on Jackling F ie ld o f the M.S.M. Campus. 2.- ARMISTICE DAYr 1941. - This was one o f the most prominent Armistice Day celebrations ever held in R o lla . In the spectacular parade were these groups: Battalion from Fort Leonard Wood . . . . the R.O.T.C. Band . . . 450 M.S.M. ROTC Cadets .. the Rolla Hich School Band . . . the American Legion and Vets, o f Foreign Wars .. the Red Cross and the Ladies A u x ilia r ie s o f the Legion and Vets. 3.- ART WEEK IN ROLLA. - Many a rt ex h ib its have been staged in R olla - by the Saturday and other wanens* Clubs. The fo llo w in g i s but a sample. I t was staged in the basement i "F o llege In n ") room of H otel Edwin Long, the week of Nov. 18-25, 1941* There were m iscellaneous p o rtra its - paintings - water colors - sketches, by Rolla a r tis ts plus some by s o ld ie rs from Fort Leonard Wood. During the 1960's, a Visual Arts A ssociation was formed fo rR o lla , I t has, each year, staged ex celle n t art work done by R o lla a r t is t s . 3.- OBSERVANCE OF MEMORIAL DAY. MAY 31. ANNUALLY. - The people pE Rolia occasionally f a i l to make much of t h is day. However, i t i s the usual thing fo r some organization, such as American Legion or Vets, cf Foreign Wars, to take the lead. In 1948, the day f e l l on Sunday — so the R o lla chue che s a l l had special programs. Brief ceremonies, including a f ir in g squad, were conducted at the R olla Cemetery. In 1949, the program was planned and carried out, jo in t ly , by American Legion and the Vets, o f Foreign Wars. Downtown stre e ts were closed, as a parade formed at the former loca tion o f the V i r g i l Faulkner monument, 9th and Pine streets, and marched to the Cemetery. These two samples exem plify the usual programs held in R olla on Memorial Day. 4.- " THEY WERE EXPENDABLEI'- In 1949, a damage, su it was brought in court in behalf of the former Miss Peggy Greenwalt, s is te r o f R o lla 's photographer. $890,000 in damages were asked, miss Greenwalt had oeen pictured as the "model1 or "heroine" in a novel e n title d , "Expendaole ". The St. Louis D is tr ic t °ourt considered the $290,000 excessive, so dismissed the s u it. Miss Greenwalt oeeame Mrs. Beulah (Greenwalt) Welcher. The item created much in te re s t in R o lla . 5 .- DAYYIGHT SAVINGS.- As e a r ly as A p ril, 1949, St. Louis - as_w ell as other national c it ie s - had adopted the "D aylight Savings" plan - by settin g the clock one hour ahead o f Central Zone Standard Time sometime in A p ril - r e t im in g to C.b. 1 in August or September. . . R olla refused to adopt the plan u n til A p ril 4 o f 195o, when a city-wide vote was taken. The vote favoring was 1460 - and a g im s t 811. ihe plan took e f fe c t on Sunday, A p ril 30, 1956.
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ujltiftellaneous Events, cont. 6.— THE EDWIN LONG AUTOMOBILE.— This h is to r ic veh icle was made in 1908 by the Stevens—Duryea concern. Mr. Edwin Long, la t e r R o lla ’ s mayor, a lso promoter of the Rolla Telephone system and the Chamber of Commerce - and the ex cellen t "bass" singer in the famed Faulkner-uulber tson-Scott-Long male quartet - bought the car in 1908. I t was one o f the f i r s t - i f not the VERY f i r s t - auto in the Rolla area. I t had a 4 cy lin d er engine, 4-3/4 inch uore, 4£ inch stroke. I t made 50 to 55 m iles per hour on highways. I t s t ir e s were 4 inch plus 34 inch diameter. As o f June, 1949, th is v e h icle was offered as a g i f t to the Phelps County H ist orical Society. But, having no place to store i t , the S ociety had to drop the idea. I t was thai sold to a Kansas C ity oonnoisseur — :ir. Jos. Dietschman. 7.— THE RUSSIAN BLOCKADE OF BERLIN. — This item may be o f questionable import in a History of R o lla - but i t s impact on R b lla people at lea st ju s t ifie s mention. During 1948 and 1949, Russian troops attempted to prevent the A llie s ( France, Britain, United S tates, e t c . ) from entering B erlin , or having any business there, despite, by tre a ty , they were e n title d to do so, both in a ir , and over the famed "Autobahn" highway. To defeat the Russians in th is deuacle, the United States assembled a huge fleet of large transport planes, which carried coal and orher commodities needed by West B erlin ers . After such a siege o f 327 days, the Russians fin a lly gave up, and ended the blockade on May 18, 1949. 3.- THE NATIONAL COAL STRIKE OF 1950.- A gian t national coal strike by the nation's coal miners came near paralyzin g the nation in 1950 - fo r want o f coal. Coal was hard to g et, lo c a lly or otherwise - and was, in e ffe c t , p r a c tic a lly "rationized'1. The s tr ik e ended as the miners went back to work, on or about March 6, 1950. 9 .- A CHRISTMAS PARADE. - An event which has recorred many times since was staged by the Rolla Chamber of Commerce on November 29, 1951- •‘•his was ca lled a "CHRISTMAS PARADE." A huge parade formed, with it s head at the F risco depot. From there i t went north on Elm to 12 h — west on 12th to Pine — south on Pine to 6th west on 6th to Rolla — north on R olla to 12th — east on 12th to Elm — and south on Elm to starting place, R o lla depot. The parade included many a ttra c tiv e flo a ts and even a bevy o f cLoWaa. 10.- the n-T.TtN WILSON DAY .- Glen Wilson was a returned veteran o f the Korean War. Rolla people were eager to do something to s ig n ify th eir gratitude that^the Korean War was ended. So they named the day fer Glen Wilson, and on or about Sept. 2, 1953, assembled a huge parade, which ended w ith a planned program of speeches, e tc . 11.- THE. LUCY WORTHAM JA M L IB R A R Y .- This item, althou^i in bt.James, had its impact on Rol^a. i t was erected by the Janes Foundation, at corner of Scioto and Bourbeuse s tr e e ts . I t was opened on Sunday, Fenruary 8, 1953, wx, an informal reception . Miss Grace M uller was the head lib ra ria n . 12.- THE STATE PRISON RIOT AT JEFFERSON CITY. - The prisoners confined in the Missouri State Prison a t Jefferson C ity went out on a^ l o t » %s . pS s QN 1954 - in p rotest ovetr bad food and other conditions they d is lik e d . EIGHT PRIoQN BUILDINGS were set on f i r e and destroyed. Four o f the pnsoners were k ille . The riot wss f i n a l l y Drou^it under co n trol - but great damage had
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y-i gr.ellaneous Events, cont. 13«— THE STATS HIS ORICAL MARKER AT ROT.T.A. During the year 1953, Dr. Floyd Shoemaker, o f M issou ri S tate H is t o r ic a l Society - with aid and cooperztion o f Dr. C lair V. Mann, o f R o lla , - composed a l i s t of tte p r in c ip a l h is t o r ic a l events related to R o lla and Phelps County. These were in scrib ed in a handsome/aluminim sheet some 4 fe e t square ( on bbhh sides ) , and mountdd between appropriate aluminum post supports. At f i r s t , the marker was placed on the southeast side of Highway 66 ( now Rational Route 1—44 ) , opposite the State Highway P a tro l b u ild in g . This site proved too d i f f i c u l t fo r spectators to use — so the marker wo.s tran sferred to a new site in Buehler Park - i t s 1973 r e s t in g p lace.
14.- SOME THINGS HOLLA NEEDED IN 1955. - Mr. William Breuer, ed ito r o f R olla Herald, in January, 1955, lis t e d these things he thought R olla desperately needed: Completion of New High School Building Expansion o f C ity Sewer System A Suitable, commodious Coiumunity Building A New Court House A New ;|iigh School Gymnasium more and b e tte r paved s tre e ts a Railroad viaduct, south Pine s tr e e t, under F risco tracks.
15 ._ FUTURE FARMERS ASSOCIATION. - This a sso c ia tio n , of high school boys ( and girls ?? ), was organized in November, 1929, By and under supervision o f P r o fl F.G. Wilkins, in s tru c to r in a g r ic u lt u r e in R o lla High School, i t has continued down to date. I t planned and c a rrie d out many f i e l d p ro je c ts, such as planting corn and tryin g to g e t increased y ie ld by appropriate f e r t i l i z a t i o n . Inprovement of stock - c a t t le , hogs, e t c . ----------16.- THE URANIUM CRAZE. - The successful " fis s io n o f tte Atom" in e a rly 1850's pointed to a great revolutionn/n poe®r plants, e t c . , through use of uranium. There occurred a "rush" fo r d iscovery of new uranium mined and deposits much lik e the gold ruch of the 1840's. Even so h ig h ly educated and sophisticated a man as Dr. Edward Clark, of tte Missouri. G eological Survey, resigned, and went to Colorado to seek new fortunes in the Uranium Rush. Hundreds o f c itiz e n s sent samples o f rock to the U.S. Bureau of Mines, in R olla - hoping to g et a return that th eir Sample was rich in uranium". But very few samples revealed even a "tra ce" o f uranium. Like the western Gold rushes, th is one presen tly subsided. — c— x—
1 7.- SONIC BOOMS. - Sonic booms became new phenomena in RolLa during the I 8 5 OI1S. As early as March 13, 1956, R o lla residents heard - and FEe T - what appeared to be
a terrific clap o f thunder. But there wasn't a sin gle cloud in the sky .W h a t was it ? Presently an airplane was discovered, fle e in g the s it e . I t was the g u ilty culprit, i t had "broken through the sound b a r r ie r ", and created an atmospheric wave that carried the "thunder'Vearthward......... Many more "booms" were to fo llo w - some so severe as to shatter the l r g s window glass stor windows. The booms continued through ou that^orevents such of September, 1973, they are o f RARE occurrence, borne technique that prevents sue u°oms has been developed. 18.- PRESIDENT HAPPY TRUMAN VISITS ROLLA. - Former Pra.SXde Paid Rolla a very b r i e f v i s i t on Monday, October 29, 1956. He nnde no appearance or speech - ju s t conferred with prominent RolLla personages,. appeared in the R o lla H erild o f Oct. 31, 1956 ( page 1, cols 4 )•
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j anellaneous -invents, cont. 19. since 1939.
- THE COST OF LIVING, as the Herald e d ito r reported in July, had DOUBLED la r g e ly due to the costs o f World War Two.
Nov. 7, 1957 20. - THE. MlJLMlj-IRON MINES OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI. - By/what seems miracullus methods - using magnetometers flown in airplanes - la rg e deposits o f iron had been located in Reynolds, Crawford, Iron and Dent counties. In an area called "PEA RIDGE, some 10 miles south o f S u lliva n , Mo., the prospects were so great that the S t. Joseph Lead Co. constructed ( sunk ) a 19 fo o t (diameter j shaft going down some 3,000 feet to huge deposits o f magnetic iron ore. i t was estimated that from 50 to 160 m illion tons o f ore were a v a ila b le . Making a short story o f a lengthy period of development - a huge reduction plant was^constructed on the surface, in which the ore was both conventrated, and roasted in to small p e lle ts fo r fin a l reduction in b la s t furnaces elsewhere. The Frisco ra ilro a d b u ilt a branch road out of Sullivan to service the plant. This Pea Ridge area is in the northwest corner o f Washington ounty, and-norinaust cirn er o f Crawford county. . ^957 31.- THE VlbUKiMUM LEAD MINES. - A sim ilar development tooK place / a t Uviburnum, in the extreme northwest corner of IRON county - not fa r from the S.E. corner o f Crawford, and tne w.E. corner o f Dent counties. Sim ilar processing plants ror ore have been developed, together w ith a deep mine s h ift . The Frisco railroad uas exten ded its Cuba-Salem lin e to th is plan t. Production has almost completely replaced the former great xead production o f tne F la t City area o f southeasn Missouri.
99.THE RUSSIAN "SPUTNIK". - Mixed in with axi th is new mining excitement of Southeast Missouri, was tne FIRST Russian air-space "SPUTNIK", successfully launched in October,**2.957. Great consternation swept across both America, and the rest o f the world. The fe e lin g was that Russia now had the power to bomb and sestroy world targets at w i l l , with th is e a rth -o rb itin g m is s ile . The rocket was 23 inches in diameter, and weighed 184 pounds. The United States, in particular, f e l t that i t had "been caught in a sta te o f unpreparedness". M ulti tudes o f things must now be changed - tech n ological study and research in th is "sa te llite" area must have "crash" progress - so as to "catch up" with Russia. 23.- FAKT.Y AMERICAN SATELLITES. - There immediately followed numbers of trial and experimental U.S.A. s a t e llit e s . A " f i r s t " launch attempt at Cape Carniveral ended when the s a t e llit e , on i t s stand, ready for launching, blew up. A second s a t e llit e , launched Friday, January 31, 1958, managed to orb it the Earth. A third s a t e llit e , launched in October, 1958, tra v e lle d some 79,212 m iles in space, then burnt up. And a fourth s a t e l l i t e — a huge balloon — was sent a lo ft on December 18, 1958 . This remained in space, o rb itin g the Earth, fo r many months and during night-tim e, was v is ib le to the naked eye. Present w riters watched i t on many occasions. I t f i n a l l y exploded. The remaining sto ry o f " s a t t e lit e s " and "Astronauts" belongs to our next and final Section ( 1959-1973 )• However, we may observe that one o f the next few s a t e llit e s ca rried a "monkey" - th see i f i t m igit be possible fo r human beings to ride in s a t e llit e s . The monkey survived. Soon a fter th is, Col. Jphn_. Glenn, on February 20 1962 . rode a s a t e llit e that orbited the Earth, and was rescued in the Southwest P a c ific ocean. That was the beginning o f MOON EXPLORATION by astronauts, rid in g a lo f t in s a t e llit e s . 24.- THE LITTLE ROCK CRISIS. - As o f August 25, 1958 - and £ome time p rio r Governor Faubus, o f Oklahoma, approved and backed e ffo r t s o f the L it t le Rock schools to exclude negro students from "w hite" schools. He carried the issue to the point of open defiance o f U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Hus caused the president to order national troops to L it t le Rock, to enforce the p resid en tia l order to open il _ . _“i * 1 — mVicin f V1 0 TT.s . Siintv?rne jour l . the negro students. The issue was f in a l l y resolved when the U.S. Supreme Court, in September, 1958 , ruled in a 9 to 0 decision that the negro students MUST BE ADMITTED.
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THE FRISCO RAILROAD.- A period o f great progress — but also o f great change — began in January, 1947, ’■ ’Then Mr. Clark Hungerford was chosen as president o f the Fris c o r a ilr o a d . . . . One o f the f i r i t moves was the ordering and procurement o f 46 powerful DIESEL ENGINES, ordered in May, 1947. T h irty -s ix o f them were fo r the hauling o f freS h h trains, and had cap acity o f 1,500 horsepower. The remaining ten were "switchers'* of 1,000 horsepower. With these new engines in s ta lle d , F risco fr e ig h t trains increased tremendously in length — u n til, at times, tra in s through Rolla and up Livesay F la t and throusdi Coleman Cut were pu lled by four or f iv e o f the 1,500 H.P. "F reigh ters", and con tained as many as 135 cars - a t o t a l tra in length of some 1.10 m iles. The old "Steamers" often s ta lle d on th is stretch o f track Then TWO steamers trie d to push s some 40 or 50 cars through Coleman Cut. In 1948, the F risco began the program o f r e s tr ic tio n which f i n a l l y ended in complete elim in ation o f passenger s e rv ic e . In May, 1948, the famed "Blue Bonnet", running from St. Louis to D allas, Texas, was reduced to service only between St. Louis and S p rin g fie ld , Mo. Both the "Meteor" and the "Texas Special" refused to stop at R olla. Passengers from S t. Louis to R olla ted to ride on to Newburg, then catch a ta xi back t o R o lla . This arrangement continued u n til September, 1948, when i t was rescinded. But worse was to f o i l owe as tra in a fte r train was removed. Passenger service f i n a l l y ended during the 1960’ s. GIFT OF LOCOMOTIVE 1501. - By 1955, many o f the F risco steam engines had been retired - many had been cut up fo r scrap. E arly in 1955, Mr. A lbert A. McDonald, a veteran head brakeman on the passenger tra in s, learned that Engine No. 1501 was to be given to some in teres te d town. He happened to be in close contact with high Frisco o f f i c i a l s in S t. Louis. Armed with this knowledge, Mr. McDonald and Mayor E arl Hudgens, o f R olla, came to Dr. C.V.iJann, secretary o f Phelps Co. H ist. Socy., and asked him to d ra ft a letter to M . Hungerford, asking that the engine be given to R olla. Mr. Hungerford responded by g iv in g No. 1501 to R olla, along w ith a r e tir e d passenger coach of the 1880's. By Dr. Mann’ s reauest, the t i t l e was given to the corporate C ity o f R o lla . Engine and coach were brou^it to R o lla on or about August 17, 1955. Frisco workmen la id a sp ec ia l switch so the engine might be placed within Schuman Park. The engine traversed th is switch, with b o ile r f i l l e d with compressed a ir - NOT steam. Mr. E llis Grayson, a former Newburg engine "h o s tle r" presided at the th r o ttle . Dr. C.v.Mann blew the l a s t b la s t s of the w h is tle .
A formal WReception" o f tte engine was held on August 18, 1955, i*hen a special committee, chairmaned by Mr, Edw, Mooney ( former F risco agent t Jerome and Newburg) pulled a f l a t —bottoned lumber truck beside the engine, and took chair placed mn i t . These were the committemen: Larry May, news ed ito r Walter W. Snelson, Pres. Ph.Cii. H is t. Socy. E.W.Sowers, of R. D aily News Dr. C.V.Mann, Secy o f same. Frank Ayers Paul Morris, F risco Pub. R elations O ffic e r A lbert McDonald Curtis Logan, R o lla Mayor Rex Williams Edw. Mooney, Committee Cjairman Dewey Routh. Nean White, Pres. R olla Ch. Commerce Luther Martin, o f Radio Sta. KTTR Engine 1501 was b u ilt in 1923 by the Baldwin Locomotive Co. As o f August, 199 ^, it had traveled 1,792,904 m iles - equal to 72 times around the Earth. I t was an "oil burner" - said to have been the VERY BEST engine ever on Frisco tracks. It weighed 342,200 pounds - i t s "tender" 240,5^0 pounds. I t was 87 fe e t 8 inches iong - 10 fe e t 3 inches wide - stood 16 fe e t above r a i l heads. I t was valued at *25,000. As of September, 1973, i t s t i l l stands where placed on August 18, 1955. I t ls in the care and custody o f the R olla Park Board. Unfortunately, thieves have stolen the b e ll and the teadlgh t from the engine.
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FINAL CESSATION OF FRISCO PASSENGER SERVICE. - We have noted the r e s t r ic t io n of "runs" of the Blue Bonnet F risc o t r a in . This ted ended p r io r to December 30,1958, when the F r is c o 's "Texas S p e c ia l" was comhined w ith the "M eteor". The "S p e c ia l’ s" last run was on Sunday, Jznuary 4, 1959. The reasons fe r these r e s t r ic t io n s were said to be "lo s s o f passenger t r a f f i c " - vinich was tru e. The f i n a l run o f a F ris c o passenger t r a in through R o lla - from S t. Louis to Springfield - was on _______________ , 19 b_____ .
WAR. .. 1 9 5 0 - 1 9 5 1 .
THF, WARrS BEGINNINGS. - The Aftermath o f World War Two found United States forces stationed in Japan and in i t s p ssessions - which a lso included Korea which the Japanese had over-run in p rio r years . In October, 1946, U.S. Secretary of State Dean Achison stated that U.S. forces would remain in Korea u n til that country was given independent status, and North and South Korea were united - th e ir lin e of d iv is io n having been fix e d at or on the 38th p a r a lle l o f north la titu d e . ,,. In 1948 North Korea set up the "Peoples' Democratic Republic of lvorea , claiming -jurisdiction over the whole of Korea, in opposition, South Korea estab lished the " Peoples' Bepunlic" o f South Korea, w ith Singman Rhee as president. This South Korean republic was recognized by and supported by the United States. Russia and China suoported the North Korean regime. In June 1949, the United States withdrew i t s m ilita r y forces from oouth Korea - in the face of threats o f a c i v i l war between North and South Korea, worth Korea took immediate advantage o f the U .S.a. withdrawal on June 25, 1?5 , by invading South aorea w ith armies provided with Russian m ilita r y equipment. I t was thus that the war sta rted . On dune~27 “ 1950, the United Nations Secu rity Council ordered a " cease ir e accompanied by withdrawal o f the Worth Korean forces - shich o r d e r »a s w h o l^ . disregarded. Thus rebuffed, the United Nations c a lle d upon i t s members to fu such assistance to South Korea as "would r e ^ in v a s io p _ a ^ ^ e s to g ^ c e . That same day, June 27, 1950, President Harry S. Truman ordered U.S. a ir and naval forces to enter Korea* ^Tius_Wcis_t^€^war_f,J[oiiied^
Seoul, South K o rea's c a p it a l, . a s captured by the N o r * 1950. Whereupon, U.S. ground fo rc e s M e orders o o to cross and c a rry on m ilit a r y operations AB t
^ d ^ u tto ris e d J.he 38th parau e i .
North Korea's southern boundary. ,, In July 1950, here in the United States, the U.S. Army « as enlarged h?tio n y -til ouxy, A httraet" bn se le c t new re c ru its . IT JA , mUb tnan r rodm T n e io n h: £ K ° - ked„ On July 8, 1950, Geb. 1Douglas tocArthur 20, 1950, ALLIED ARMY - which consisted main Y BILLION DOLLAR re-armament program President Truman asked Congress to enact a TEN . ^ a 'e c t a c u la r r is e . *ich i t did - and_S0 started our - who forced At f i r s t , the U.N. fo rc es were hard pressed by the ^^ ^ ^ 15>195o, the a llie d armies to the south frin g e s o Inchon South Korea - and by Sept. 26 Gen. MacArthur made an amphibious landing ’ South Korea follow ed, had recaptured Seoul. A s w ift advanceJ eastward across South K o r ^ then a nofthward sweep to and across 3 P headed toward Mongolia> a v > When MacArthur*s forces crossed the Yalu rxv , would never permit further Chinese province, Communist China in te rv » . ^Drtk Koreans, had forced advance/ In a short t in * , Chinese forces aided g, the North ^acarthur back across the Yalu r iv e r , ha and caused the A lli e s to withdraw Wean capptal which MacArthur had captured - and causea on
to tte area of the 38th p a r a lle l.
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Gen. MacArthur now ( Nov. 24, 1950 ) threatened an " a ll- o u t" attark wh^v, Would drive both the Chinese and the North Koreans out o f tte area But to th is President Ttuman objected - as he did, and fin a lly , „hen 11 l o 4 ’ MacArthur threatened a l " a ll- o u t " a ir and naval attack on China. It'^ a s t S ’ end for brave General MacArthur - fo r President Tmman s u n n i l y r e e v e d h S S L command - and replaced him with Gen. Matthew B. Ridgeway. Despite orders o f and from the United Nations fo r tte Chinese to withdraw and cease f i r e , they did not do so. B a ttle s continued to rage throughout A n ril and May, 1951. A long pdriod o f "peac n egotia tion s" began in July 1951 * ? and continued u n til and a ft e r September, 1952 , shen a r e la t iv e ly "unstable" truce agreement was reacted, whereby U.N. fo rces, reduced to a "p a tro l" faced sim ilar North Korean units across the mutually agrded upon "cease f i r e " lin e near or on the 38th p a r a lle l. President Eisenhower, e le c te d in November of 1952 promised to "bring the Korean war to an end - and to bring the sold ier boys home." This he managed to do. But, as o f September, 1973, those U.S. and Norrh Korean p a tro l units s t i l l fa ce one another across tte 38th p a r a lle l. THE- WAR1S CASUALTIES. - Thus ended a bloody war. Up to December, 1952 22,566 American boys were k ille d and 92,933 wounded. Prisoners o f war and* others listed as "missing” t o t a lle d 11,356. . . . The t o t a l ALLIED casu alties ( U.S. U.N. - S.Korean ) numbered 417,356. . . . Those of China and North Korea numbered 1,659,837. Besides these ca su a lties, tte United States had experienced another most substantial casualty — the TEN BILLION DOLLAR BOOST IN NATIONAL DEBT - which from that date to 1973 has increased to sane THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY BILLION DOLLARS. WHY SHOULD KOREAN WAR CONCERN ROLLA ?? .- Perhaps, f i r s t of a l l , the Rolla Herald provided the people of R olla w ith extensive news coverage of the war. It printed maps, showing the areas o f Korea con trolled (a ) by the North Koreans, and (b) by the a llie d fo rc e s . As o f August 22, 1950, the A llie s controlled only 1/6 o f South Korea. And there were numbers o f protestors - "conscientious oujectors" to the war. Many o f them were "dragged out and a rre sted ." Among the many other items the Herald printed was a statement, as of July 5, 1950, by Gen. Carlos Romulo, president o f the United Nations General Assembly. He said that " The U.N. Security Council mandate ( fo r the North Koreans) to halt warfare in Korea, MUST BE OBEYED WITHOUT DELAY." The question was being discussed in the Security Council as of August 15, at which time RUSSIA was the only great power that was NOT condemning the North Korean agression. But a c h ie f reason fo r R o lla 's concern was that her young men were being called up by the n ation al "d r a ft" , and were going to Korea to fig h t in behalf South Korea. . . . As o f July 7, 1950, the U.S. Defense Department ordered the use of the d ra ft law to replenish and augment the armed fo rces. As o f that date, the Army had a strength o f 593,000 men . . the navy 427,000 and the a ir force 350,000 - a t o ta l o f 1 , 370,000 men. Bid that act concern R o lla ?? By ALL MEANS i For, three days la t e r , some MOO men of R olla and Phelps County, ages between 18 and 26, had oeen "re g is te re d ". ^ draft board consisted o f Judge Sam Hess, Messrs. John Wilson and Perry Wycoff, wd Mrs, Christine Jacques, secretary. By August 17, 1950, two groups o f registered ®en were ca lled up fo r duty — the f i r s t group o f 34 men, the second fe r 35* As of August 21, 1950, the State o f Missouri had ca lled back in to service some 1,100 re s e rv is ts and 300 o f fic e r s . And, as o f Octooer 12, 1950, ALL doctors ^d dentists, ages up to 50, were required to r e g is t e r . Throughout 1950 and 1951, fmali groups o f R olla and Phelps County boys were d ra fted . A la s t group, recru ited in February, 1952, consisted o f 12 uoys. Five o f them went to the Army - 7 to the •S. Marines......... DID THESE- EVENTS JUSTIFY ROLLA*S CONCERN OVER THE KOREAN WAR ??
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Again, H o lla 's concern with the Korean War was heightened when, on August 1 195O, Fort Leonard Wood was "r e -a c tiv a te d ". I t had been "in a c tiv e " since of World ifar Two. . . . . By August 11, the Array's 34th D ivision ( Sixth Army) hadl0Se completed necessary tra in in g , i t consisted o f men from Iowa and Nebraste As the 3Mh D ivision l e f t the 35th D ivisio n came in - with 10,000 men, m ost'of whom belonged to the N ational Guard, and were from Kansas and M issouri. During September the "Super-Sixth" D ivis io n was re -a c tiv a te d at the Fort S oepuemDer un Aupist 1, 1952 a fte r txvo years o f re -a c tiv a tio n , *Fort Leonard Wood became a permanent basic tra in in g in s titu tio n fo r engineer units. Rent Conirgl^ Are Imposed.- With the great i n f l « o f so ld iers in to Fort Leonard “00? “ W1 rhHnnQTHreS ° f ° f the s o ld lers also brought in to the area - the problem of HOUSING assumed importance. Landlords having houses fo r rent raised rental prices to such an extent that, as of November, 1950, Federal rent control measures went in to e f f e c t . R o lla 's business men ca lled meetings to discuss the matter. The Federal Housing Adm inistration had fin a l control - but a lo c a l committee, with chairman, handled lo c a l rent problems. How could R o lla care fo r the in flu x o f fa m ilie s a t Fort Wood ?? The Federal Administration said R o lla COULD bu ild 75 new houses to s e ll, or 113 to rent. Complaints began to a rise when the ).ocal board fix e d (reduced) rental rates to the level of September, 1949. R o lla business men and landlords resented th is. They demanded resign ation and replacement o f the lo c a l board. They said that OWNERS developers WOULD NOT BUILD the 500 new houses requested, as the rents allowed would notjn/fte make i t a paying investment. By June, 1952, the business men o f R olla and Phelps County sent th e ir protests up to Washington, with the re s u lt that Mr. E arl Jackson — a prominent farmer from the Corn Creek area o f the county - was removed as chairman o f the lo c a l board by the U.S. o ffic e - and was succeeded bymr. R. M ille r , o f S p rin g fie ld . The area controlled by th is lo c a l o f f ic e included the country around Lebanon, Waynesville, and Rolla. F in a lly, on July 31, 1953, the "rent con trol" program ended, having been in force since January 6, 19 5 1 . Local Casu a ltie s Of Korean War. - As e a r ly as July 27, 1950, Uorporal Wayne Harris, 22 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Harris, o f Anutt ( Phelps C o.), with four other so ld iers, "blew up" WO North Korean tanks. As of August 7, 1950, FOUR Missouri boys were wo nded in Korea. One was •fr^vate irwin W. Jenkins, J r ., Route 1, R o lla - son o f Mrs. Pauline M ille r. Private Teddy L. Paul, o f Newburg, was the f i r s t Phelos Countian KILLED in *orea ( Sept. 1 , 1950 ) . On September 20, 1950, Robert Bennett, a veteran o f World War Two, was k ille d fa ctio n in Korea. He was the son o f Mrs. Joe w illiam s, of D o o lit tle . His widow lived in R olla. As o f December 7, 1950, Howard Carney - back from Korea a fte r being wounded by shrapnel - talked to R olla Chamber of Commerce. He was in MacArthur's "Inchon -nvasion". He stated that he had seen groups o f innocent South Koreans stood up against a wall, and shot. He had been a R olla High School a th le tic star. As of December 14, 1950, L ie u t. Arthur W. Poehlman, a R o lla a ir p ilo t - with tan Swinton, Associated Press correspondent, flew over Wonsan, recen tly taken by e Worth Koreans. He was fly in g a Marine torpedo plane. As of December 28, 1950, John D. Rucker, son o f Ray Rucker,Sr. and nephew o f •h. Rucker, o f R o lla , was k ille d in action in Korea. He was a member o f the f i r s t ^ariiie Corps shipped to Korea from C a lifo rn ia . He was 35 years o f age, and was survived by four brothers and four s is te r s .
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KOREAN WAR EN^S - BUT WAR CLOUDS REMAIN.- As we have recorded on page 153, Korean War had ended, except fo r U.S. and North Korean patrols placed on ^ r the 38 th p a r a lle l. But both Russia and China remained as threats to °r id Peace. The people o f the United States feared that Russia would make sudden attacks - therefore there was, fo r several years, great worry and con siderate ^ tiv ity in constructing "bomb sh elters", and organizing lo c a l "Defense Councils". These councils conducted various exercises - such as "black-outs" of ligh tin g of iPhts - instruction in f ir e fig h tin g , and so on. After two or three years of this activity i t subsided and then ceased. A state-wide a ir raid was staged in DeCminra£f address ^ ^ R o lla Kiwanis club, Br i g . Gen. Paul M. Rouinett said that tte United States "demooilized" it s army too soon afte r World War Two. Russia did not - and took over one country a fte r another - a ft e r the U.S.A. had given them fin a n c ia l a id . Rsd China Adds To The Unrest. - As e a rly as July 11, 1950 - ,a s the Korean tj „ was setting under way — Red China threatened to attack and capture Chang v • shek's island of FORMOSA. This idea persisted w ell into 1958, as the Chinese continued to Qomb and/or f ir e cannon into the Quemoy Islands - ju st o ff the coast of China’ s mainland, but owned or claimed by Formosa. As of August, 1958, China prepared to invade Formosa. .. „ • j m However Dwight D. Eisenhower had been elected president of tte United States, and he warned China that the United States vculd move « with effectiv e m ilitary Toyce" _ would even bomb China's mainland - i f China moved to take o/er the Quemoy Islands. This was on September 4 and 5, 1958. WITH THIS, THEN, we leave the Korean War, and look at another problem.
THE CRISIS IN LEBANON. - This c r is is arose because Russia and Egypt, combined, mere trying to foment a governmental rev o lt in Lebanon. Attempts were made 0 I s f a s f i S S L o L o n 's prlm ier. after tte .novement had lasted f « r 80 days President Eisenhower sent troops in to Lebanon - and warned the U.S.A. tnat this Mcould mean w ar". Happily — i t DlU Nui.
QUEEN ELIZABETH 2nd ASSUMES THRONE. - Amid a l l these troubles the 5th, of England, died on or auout February 1, 1 9 5 2 . •As of the Rolla nerald described Queen E liz a b e th 's ascention to the thr AND NATIONAL E L E C T I O N state government throu^iout the period. 1945 during this period were these - and the peop ( Term begins in January of the year l y 45-19 48 . . P h il &-•Donne1 y 1949-1952 .. Forrest Smith 1953-1956 . . P h il M.Donnelly 1957-1960 . . James T. B la ir , Jr.
King George 7,
Holla nelped to elect them: o ends in December of la s t y e a r.) John M. Dalton 1 9 6 5 - 1 9 6 8 .. Warren E. Hearnes -1 9 6 9 -1 9 7 2 . . Warren B. Hearnes 1 9 7 3 -date . . Christopher Bond. n . . Viv Edward Dowd. Democrat, and Mr. Bond, the Republican nominee, was oppose won by a la n d slid e .
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. W f T e d ia t e ly Pr io r to the beginning o f our present period ( 1947-58 ), the nation was s t i l l under control o f the Democratic party headed by residen t ranklin D. Roosevelt. In the national e le c tio n o f November 1944, Thomas b . Dewey Republican, had opposed F.D.R. - but was defeated by popular vote o f 22,006,278 fo r Dewey . . 25,602,505 for Roosevelt. President Roosevelt died on 12 A p r il, 1945, a t which time Vice Pres. Harry 5. frunan took over and served out the 1945-48 term. In the 1948 ele c tio n , Thomas E. Dewey again led the Republicans, and Truman the Democrats. Truman got 24 104 836 popular votes to 21,969,500 fo r Dewey. Truman served out the 1949-52 term and both closed the World War Two and ca rried the nation through the Korean War. In November, 1952, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower led the Republicans, and Adlai E. Stevenson the Democrats. Eisenhower won with 33,936,252 popular votes over Stevenson, who got 27,314,992 votes. Eisenhower served out the 1953-56 term, and again faced Stevenson in the election o f November, 1956. In th is second contest, Eisenhower won by 35 585 310 popular votes ( 457 e le c t o r a l votes ) , while Stevenson got 26,031,322 popular*~ votes ( 73 e le c t o r a l). Eisenhower served out the I 956- 6O term In November, I960, the Democrats again gained con trol - as John F. Kennedy defeated Richard M. Nixon by a popular vote o f 34,227,096 to 34,108,546 ( 303 to 219 e le c to r a l v o te s ). Kennedy served only to November 22, 1963 ,* the date on which he was assassinated. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson then assumed the office, and served out the r e s t o f the 196 I -64 term. In the e le c tio n o f November, 1964, Johnson defeated Barry M. Goldwater, Republican, by popular vote o f 42,676,220 to 26,860,314. Johnson served out the 1965-68 term. In the 1968 e le c tio n , Richard M. Nixon prevailed over Mr. Johnson - served out the 1969-72 term, and was re -e le c te d fo r a second term over Senator McGovern, of bouth Dakota, in the e le c tio n of November, 1972. He is presently our American president. SO MUCH FOR STATE AND NATIONAL POLITICS — in both o f which the people of Rolla and Phelps county p a rtic ip a te d . NECROLOGY In the l i s t that now fo llo w s, we are certa in that we have omitted names that should be in the l i s t . However, these that fo llo w happen to be at hand: BAY5INGERr Miss Helen ( R o lla postm istress). Died Apr.3, 1947. McRAE. Mrs. A.L. (Minnie Woods), d. Feb. 5, 1948, Pasadena, C a lif. WISHON. A. Emory (MSM class 1909). d. Jan. 4, 1948, D anville, C a lif. POWKTI.| Frank B. ..b .S e p t. 27, 1884- d.Mar.24, 1949. WOODS. Charles L ___ ( Ed. R. H erald), b. 1870 .. d. Feo. 22, 1954 . Aged 84. FORBES. P ro f. C.R. b .A p r.18, 1882 — d. Jan. 20, 1950, San Gabriel, C a lif. SCOTT. John W. ...b .A p r . 20, 1870 .. d. June 5, 1950 (R olla*s Man o f Music). DENNIE. Frank E . . . u. Concord, Mass., Mar 30, 1885 . . d. June 13, 1952 SCHOOLER. P r o f. Durward R. . . . b. May 12, 1895 . . d. May 30, 1952, R o lla . VAUGHN. Samuel . . . b. June 1, 1892 .. d. Jan 7 (? ), 1954. Negro merchant. WARREN. James, b. Feb. 25, I 863 . . d. Jan. 18, 1954. E x -s h e riff, Ph. County. URE. Samuel . . b. Aug. 4, I 865 . . d. Jan. 25, 1954. SCHWARTZ. Henry . . . b . M ar.l, 1868 . . d. Feb. 9, 1954. Husoand of Hannah Branson. RUCKERT Booker H. WILLIAMS. Althea (Mrs. E.D.) . . . b . Dec. 3, 1887 . . d. Feb. 18, 1954 (nee Sturgeon) HESS. Mrs. James (''E lle n " ), b. Jan. 9, 1868 .. d. Apr. 12, 1954WATSON. Mrs. J. Adolph, b. Safe, May 15, 1880 .. d. R olla May 10,1954 HIGLEY. Chas. F.(M rs.b. Iowa, July 28, 1866 . . d. R olla May 24,1954 BARLEY, Dr. Jos. W. .. b. 1873 . . . d. R olla Sept. 5, 1954. Age 81 LONG. Edgar. . .h. Nov.26, 1908..d. Nov.28, 1954. Son o f Edw.Long.
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LOVETT, E lizabeth ( Mrs. I . H . ) . . . No tomostone dates. Obituary, Herald, Dec.9,1954. SCHUMAN, Mrs. Chas. ( Anna Louise K aine). b.Sept. 21, 1872 ..d . Jan. 5, 1955. -TrLLlAMS. Samuel . . . b . July 31, 1879 . . d. Jan. _, 1955* ( MSM Stock Rm Clk, Chera.Dept.) MCFARLAND. Vance . . . b . Apr. 27, 1885 . . d. Jan. 22, 1955. ( Bro. of D r . A . S.McFarland) i)rr.T,AR. P r o f. Chas. J. . . . b . Feb. 21, 1898 . . d. Feb. 2k, 1955. (Capt. E-ngrs A1.War 2) ■ ZEUCH. Mabel ( Mrs W alter) . . o. May 15, 1895 •• d. Mar. 6, 1955 BARLEY, Helen ( Mrd. Dr. J.W.) .. b. July 13, 1873 .. d. Mar. 17, 1955 BUTLER. Jow B eatty (P r o f.), . . b. May 11, 1895 . . d. Mar. 27, 1955. m.Jessie Eyler HICKMAN. Dewey ..No dates. Died, as o f Apr. 22, 1955. Ph. Co. Representative DUNCAN. E lizabeth ( Mrs. N ealj ..b . Jan. 27, 1888 . . d. May 12, 1955, Edgr.Sprgs. smith. Luise ( Mrs. Fred W.) . . b. Germany Apr. 17, 1877 .. d. R olla July 2, 1955* RHODES. Wm. E. . . b. July 7, 1895 . . d. July 10, 1955. Hdw.merchant. Fath. o f Roxie. BARTON. Judge Wm. E. ..d . July 29, 1955, age 87, S p rin g field , Mo. ( b. 1868 ) . HORTON. P rof. Horace R. . . d . Feb. 27, 1894 . . d. Aug. 22, 1955. Wife-Martha Gorg. HATTON. Julia (Mrs .£•!<# )b . Sept. 22, 1890 . . d. Sept. 15, 1955* Fine School Teacher. FORBES. H arriet C. ( Mrs. C. R. ) . . . Di e d in la te 1955. No d e fin ite dates. FAULKNiR. Rex . . . b. about 1890 . . d. JMov, 21, 1955, Houston,Tex., age 65 . b. 1894 .. d. Nov. 18, 1955. Age 61. Noted hwy. employee. KEASLING. Sherman __ d. Vicksourg, Miss, Jan. 28, 1956. KATZ. Howard M. . . . o . HESS. Curtis A. . . . u u. Feb. 5, 1875 •• d. Houston,Tex., Feb. 1, 1956. R ealtor, d. Edg.Spr. Feb. 14, 1956. HUNCAN. William A. . . b. Jan. 19, 1882 d. San Francisco Mar. 13, 1956. ______ C. . . b. Aug. 14, 1869 .TACKLING. Dr. DANIEL d. Mar. 28, 1956 (nee Wagner) CULBERTSON. Mrs. B e n j.F .; (Anna)., b. Jan. 15, 1875 PREWETT. George . . b. May 31, 1868 . . d. May 2, 1956. In t. Prewett fam ily cem. KITCHEN. Mrs. Diary -^nn (Nancy ? ? ). b. Aug. 25, 1872 . d. May 6, 1956 SWARTZ. Mrs. Henry P. ( nee Hannah Branson). b.O ct. 27, 1869 .. d. May 12,1956 MORRIS. John M., Sr. . . . b . Nov. 25, 1895 . • d. May 27, 1956. W ife,O live Scott A.P. ..d . June 9, 1956, age 80 . . would be b. 1876. Fdr. of Green Brick Co. SMITH. Mrs. Mabel( Mrs Jas. M.) . . b. May 6, 1880 .. d. July 27, 1956. TEACHER RHS RSIN0SHL. Blyde 0. ..b . 1882 . . d. Sept. 8, 1956. Engr., Mo. Geol. Surv. JOHNSON. Delbert . . . b . Sherman, Tex ________ d. R o lla Oct. 29, 1956. R olla banker. HAZELWOOD. Clarence D. .. b. May 31, 1892 . . d. Jan. 18, 1957- Postal employee. KOCH. O llie . . . b. May 23, 1871 . . d. Jan. 25, 1957, San Antonio. Koch Bakery. RUCKER. Booker H. . . u. Aug. 4, 1868 . . d. Jan. 25, 1957. A great R olla Townbuilder. RANKIN. Mrs. R.M. ^.Lulu). . b. W. Va., Nov. 17, 1894 . . d. Rolla Feb. 11, 1957 DENISON. W. "Tom"., b . Feb. 16, 1870 . . d. Mar. 15, 1957. R ealto r-A b stracto r. MTTOHEm.T., J.D ."Jack". . . b . Oct. 28, 1881 . . d. Mar. 22, 1957. Brick la y e r. COTTINGHAM. Mrs. Wm. (J e s s ie )., b. July 19, 1883,d. May 14, 1951. SMITH. Mary ( Mrs. Dr. B .T .) . . b. 1881 . . . d. May 19 , 1957, age lb . SUHRE. E ffie ( Mrs. Maurice; nee Underwood. .. b.Apr.16, 190/ .. a. -..ay d. July 21, 1957. R olla banker, Secy Ch.Coram. McGREGOR. P r y o r ... b. July 15, 1870 . . d. July 31, 1957. An able carpenter. WYANT, Wm. G. . . . b. Nov. 9, 1867 . . d. Aug. 22, 1957- Memb. R olla Mun. U tils . Bd. CAmSrqn, Fred. . . b. Sept. 8, 1878 b. Aug. 15, 1894 •• 6. Sept. 1, 1957. BECKMAN. Mabel ( Mrs. Henry C.) Aug. 5, 1910 . . d. Sept. 13. 1957. Auto d ea ler, KLEINFELTER. Marion L. h Oct 31 1911 . . d. Sept. 23, 1957. Dairyman TUCKS?.. Charles P. b. Jan.*1, 1891 •• d. Sept. 23, 1957- Scott^Drug Clk. GRIGGS Harold (negro; d. Oct. 22, 1957-. age 93 1863 SALLY. Sarah ( Mrs. J .B .). .b . Dec. 7, DAILY-ROWLAND. Annie H. (Mrs John Daily-Mrs Rowland) . •Apr.3, IBSi-^ov^ 9, 1957 UNDEr t o : Laura A. ( Mrs K.O.) . . b. May 26, 1866 . . d. Nov. 16, 1957. ^ced.oem . ^£ASEt John F . . . . b. June 9, 1884 . . d. Dec. 8, 1957. , ation REMINGTON. C. R. ( Dates ?? Had le g s amputated had c irc u la tio n . E U T mTss Crete . . . b. Sept. 19, 1883 •• d. Jan. 18, 1958 < “ f s^ a£o r . W*R* (" B o b ")., b. 1888 . . co ‘ /F?b * .+ 7i q 6 p ) ’ Age 71* LEWIS. BENJ . P . . . . d . Mar. 31, 1958 ( is i t 1968?). Age /I.
R o lla Supt. Schools. * o i i a oup
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PTLIMAN. Mary D illo n (Mrs Ben;, b. Mar 15, 1893 . . d. Apr. 11, 1958. S. Spr. Creek gLUB^ Frank H. . . . u. Dec. 18, 1891 . . d. May 12, 1958. Memb. Ph. Co. Hosp. Bd. B2HNER, Gertrude ( Mrs. Rev. Edwin W . )... d . May 27, 1958. No birt-.i date. HE d. 1924. ROGERS, Mrs. Daisy B e lle , ( m t s H o r a tio ). d. June 5, 1958, age 95 •• (b. 1863; WILIER. Edw. F. . . . b. , 1884. d. July 2, 1958, age 74- 50 yrs Frisco employee,i\lewo. OUSLEY. Dr. E.W---- b. , 1883. d. St.James July 4, 1958. Age 75. Dentist. HESS. Mary ( M o llie Holmes; Mrs. Sam.H. . . b.June 2, 1880- d. Aug. 3, 1958 BURNS. Sarah (.Johnson) w ife Dr. D.Burns, b Mar.16,1865. .d.Aug 28^ 1958 , Newburg MORSE. E lizabeth (" D o l l i e !,)Mrs David T. .. b. Nov.22, 1869 . . d. Sept. 1$,1958 PARRY. John.b. Mar. 9, 1894 .. d. Uct. 2, 1958. ««ife, Julia, s is te r of Dr .McFarland TRAGITT. Rev. H. Nelson, b. ____ , 1862. d. Oct. 12, 1958 , (ir a y v ille , 111. In t.R o lla . KITCHEN. Margaret. Dau. o f Anthony, b. Ky. Sept.13,1317. .d. lancy,May 11, 1903.
( Or Chapter ) COVERING YEARS 1947-1958.
C la ir V. and Bonita H. Mann Thu., Sept. 6, 1973.
M.S.M.ECOMESU.M.R.+CITYUNDER 3DCLASSGOVT.+INDUSTRIALPLANTS 1959~1973 By Dr. and Mrs. C la ir V. Mann R o lla , M issouri
COPYRIGHT, 1974 By C la ir V. Mann and Bonita H. Mann Tenants By The E n tire ty A l l Rights Reserved. No portion o f th is Story may be reproduced By Any Process Whatever Without W ritten Permission Of Copyright Holders.
(jVM-tsHM-Jan. 10,1974• Final Chapter. PREVIEW.
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----- - THE PEfilOD FROM-----Jan. 1 , 1959 to Dec. 31, 1973
11PREVIEW" - THE FINAL CHAPTER. — This, the f i n a l chapter in our "Story of Rolla", i s to cover the period from January 1, 1959, to December 31, 1973. In general sty le and arrangement, the chapter w i l l fo llo w the lin e s used in previous chapters. However, due to the la c k o f necessary "at-hand" data sources, coupled with lim it s o f tin e , MUCH DETAIL WILL BE OMITTED. For instance, the lis t in g o f names o f in d iv id u a l teachers in the R olla school system - where vie shall include only the top adm inistrative o ffic e r s , plus the School Board. Short sketches w i l l serve to cover the wars in Southeast and Mid-East A sia. Other topics and areas w i l l be condensed as much as seems expedient — in order to complete a t le a s t a short sto ry o f the period. jKE FERI0D_WA_S_0IE_0F some extraordinary, "super-outstanding" events - plus many other events that are- in te re stin g , but NOT su p er-su p erlativ e. Space E xp loration , astronauts, and Skylabs were something u tt e rly NEW during the period. V a stly d if f e r e n t l Wars in Vietnam and the Mid East ^ I s r a e l vs. iSgypt et a l ) were incon clu sive, d isa stro u s, c o stly , depressing, n ation al p o li tics were a c tiv e , d is t u r b in g . Four U .S. presiden ts died - one, with h is brother, was assassinated. Also, n a tio n a lly , deep concern was f e l t over increasing in fla t io n , out landish n ational debt, and the Watergate Scandal - " THE CRIME OF 1973". And the shock o f the ENERGY CRISIS, breaking in November of 1973, added ju st "one more b ig w orry". In M issouri, g re a t spring and summer flo o d s covered thousands of acres o f rich farm land, together with many r e s id e n t ia l areas, as heavy rain s caused most rivers of the State, alon g with the M issouri and M ississip p i, to r is e f a r above ordinary flo o d sta ge . R o lla , being on high ground, escaped the t e r r i f i c damage done elsewhere . In p o li t i c s , the State e le c te d a Republican governor C Hon. Christopher S. Bond j in 1972 — a ft e r many previous years of dominance by the Democratic party. In Phelps County, p o li t i c s and county o ffic e s remained e s s e n tia lly under dominance o f the Democrats. LOCAL ROT.T.A AFFAIRS. - Turning now to lo c a l R o lla a f f a i r s , the o f f i c i a l city government, under Third C lass statu s, was headed by the mayor, c ity clerk, and council o f 12 members — two from each of s ix wards. S ix d iffe r e n t men, in turn, performed the d u ties o f mayor. Of these, four were duly elected, w h ile. two others served as "a c tin g " mayor to f i l l out terms l e f t vacant by resign ation and death. As fo r c it y busin ess and a f f a i r s , a fu ll-t im e re g iste re d c it y engineer was employed, and a s u ita b ly equipped engineer o ffic e and s t a f f were provided. A two-story b ric k a d d itio n , w ith basement, was b u ilt as an east wing to the e x istin g cily h a ll. A commodious b u ild in g waa constructed on Fourth stre e t, between Main end Park s t r e e t s . I t contained a Acommunity h a ll" and quarters fo r the c ity *s fire and p o lic e departments. New and modern f i r e trucks were purchased. The fire chief and s t a f f were on f u l l time paid b a s is .
CVM-BHm Jan 1 0 ,1 9 7 4 . PINAL CHAPTER - P r e v ie w .
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S treet work was expanded as s t e e l sheds were eredted near the Frisco r a i l road at 19th s tre e t - to house equipment and o f f ic e . A hot tar asphalt plant WaS in s ta lle d , a f t e r which most a l l o f the down—town stre e ts were paved, or re-paved, w ith the a s p h a lt. Three o u t f a ll d isp o sa l p lan ts were constructed to care fo r sewage d is p o s a l. In e f fo r t s to give Rolla a ’’face l i f t f l , numbers o f the older residences were demolished - many o f them by burning. H isto ric Masonic H a ll, a t N.E. corner o f 4th and main stre e ts was one such. Another was the former ^Crandall House11 o f 1882 or the la t e r Baltim ore H o te l", on 8th street aoutting the F risco r a ilr o a d . This site was then converted in to a p u b lic parking l o t . As a side issu e, Kim street was then opened, from 9th to 8th. Recreational p ro je c ts included the a c q u isitio n o f BerJuan Park ( named fo r Bert W illiam s, banker, anddhis daughter, J u a n it a ;,- and in i t the construction of a ^300,000 swimming pool and re c re a tio n a l center. A c it y garbage l a n d f i l l was opened in Lions Park. PHELPS COUNTY AFFAIRS. - In the a f f a i r s o f Phelps County, years 1959 to 1973, there were FOUR d iffe r e n t adm inistrations or regimes, designated by names sf. of the p re sid in g ju dges. Th.bse of Lloyd Ramsey (1 95 9 -6 2 ).. A r v il Murry ( 196366) . . . Arthur McFarland ( 1967-70) and Leo Lorts ( 1971-74).
County C lerk John A. Mooney died while in o ffic e during the Ramsey term. Mrs. Curt (L u c ie ) Smith served out h is term. Charles P. Dean served the la s t two years o f the Ramsey term. . . . W illiam ( " B i l l ”) T. Huskey assumed the c le r k 's office as the Murry term began, and has continued to so serve, 1963-73. ^n_Ihe_Circui 1t —Court, Judge Emery W. A llis o n has served contonuously since 1953* Charles R. Sands was c ir c u it c le rk -re c c rd e r from 1941 to 1961, when Austin Bell took over. B e ll has served continuously, 1961 to 1973. For S h e r iff, O liv e r T.,Lam biel served continuously from 1957 u n t il h is demise, December 21, 1972. Thomas Pasley o f f i c i a l l y took over on January 1, 1973, and holds the o ffic e a t present time. Llyn Bradford has held the o ffic e s of Probate and M agistrate Judge continueusly since 1963. Sam Hess was h is predecessor, years 1937 to 1962. Ralph M arcellus was County Supt. o f Schools, years 1937 to 1962, when he resigned. J. Leonard B e l l served the years 1963 to 1973, when the o ffic e was abolished per State law . For coroner, S. Claude N u ll served the years 1945 to 1962. His son Paul N u ll has served continuously from 1963 to present, 1973* Dr. C la ir V. Mann served as County Surveyor ( 1951—64) snd Highway Engineer ( 1951-1962). Robert E lg in has served as County Surveyor since 1965, and hi^iway engineer since 1966. SAMPT.fa op COUNTY BUSINESS. - Three separate attempts were made^ during years 1959 and I960, to provide the County with a NEW COURT HOUSE. The f i r s t election las for a b u ild in g costin g some #779,000. The second and th ird e le c tio n s were •or a structure c o stin g $460,000........... In a l l three e le c tio n s, the propositions ’ailed, because a two—t h ir d s m ajority was not obtained. The other main fe atu re o f county a c t iv it y was i t s program o f r u r a l road Jnprovement under the S t a t e 's "King B i l l " state aid plan. Under this plan, vitiated in 1951 and concluded in 1963, some 150 m iles of county road were r e Sraded, widened, and su rfaces w ith screened g ra v e l. A th ird item mas the add ition of several outside rooms to the Old O m r t H m >f 1861, and the s u b stitu tio n o f gas heating u nits in P l ? « ° * J “ or at ed^ sheet metal stoves. During the L o rts regime, the old J a i l Wing * to contain tte o f f ic e s cf county court, assesso r, and county c le rk , he former county court room now serves as the county w elfare o f f ic e . U p stair , he c irc u it court room has had c e ilin g lowered, w a lls paneled, seating renovated.
CVM-BHM-Jan. 11, 1974. Final C h apter. P r e v ie w .
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TOE ROLLA SCHOOL SYSTEM ( Schoo l Di s t r i c t No. 31 ) . — During the period 1959-1973, the D is t r ic t was served by i t s six-member School Board, which worked in comparative harmony, and was a c tiv e , ihe D is t r ic t was enlarged by the admis sion of several r u r a l d i s t r i c t such as the Strawhun, the F la t Grove, the Corinth, and the Macedonia d i s t r i c t s . Four separate superintendents served during the same period. These: 1 . - Burford W. Robinson ...J u ly , 1956 to January, 1964 2 . - Robert B. Atkin . . . February, 1964 to February, 1969 3 . - D r. D aniel Smith . . . February, 1969 to November, 1970 4 . - D r. John E. Roam . . . November, 1970 to date ( Feb.1,1974) and on. SIX school b u ild in g s and u n its serred the D is t r ic t during the e n t ir e period some of them much lo n g e r. These: 1 . - West ELeraentary ^Pershing) 4 . - Senior High C a fa te ria 2 . - E ast Elementary (. 5 .- New Senior Higji 3 . - Old R o lla High tA dm in istrative) 6. - Ward ( Benton ) To these s ix , FOUR OTHERS were added during the period. 7 . - Junior High, Soest Road
9 . - C ol. John B. Wyman,Elementary
8. - Mark Twain Elementary, Salem Ave. 1 0 .- Harry SL Truman, Elementary The successive members of the School Board, together with many other d e t a ils , w ill be discussed in la t e r pages.
CVU—mHh —Jan* 12, 1974* Final Chapter, Preview
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Edu ca tio n a l Units and B u ild in g s . - During the 1959-1973 period, SIX school units and b u ild in g s served during the e n tire period. These: West Elementary — East Elementary — Ward — ! Id Bella. High ( Adm inistration) — Nett Senior High — and Senior High C a fe t e r ia . • . . . * To these, the period added the Nee Junior High — the Mark Twain — the C o l. John B# Wyman — and the Harry S. Truman u n its. A special u n it, the H o lla Area Vocation al-T ech nical School, was added. Eleven units in a l l . School P r in c ip a ls . - Hie foregoin g educational u n its - the NINE in stru c tio n a l units - required NINE adm in istrative heads - or "P rin c ip a ls . They are named in later pages, where d e t a ils are added. School Census. - The t o t a l school enrollment on various dates was as fo llo w s: 1970-71 year, 3»o 86 p u p ils , . . . 1971-72 year, 3,997 p u p ils . In October o f 1972, tte number was 4,048, not in clu d in g Vocational-Tech students — 4,507 with them. School F in a lc e a . - The school budget f o r year 1970-71 was *3,611,739. fo r 1972- 73, i t was $4,141,542.00. Rural Schools Taken I n . - Those o f vtiich we have record include these: Hirsche - Strawhun - E la t Grove - Corinth - and Macedonia. The R o lla D is t r ic t provided a f l e e t o f school buses which picked up countryside p u p ils, brought them to Rolla u n its, and returned them to th eir homes. The R o lla Area Vocational-Technical School. - In 1966, the adm inistrators of TWaLVE R o lla area high schools chose R o lla as the s ite f o r a vocational achool that would take in and s p e c ia lly t r a in h ig i school graduates, so that they would then have "marketable s k i l l s . " The school opened in 1967 in the former East Elementary b u ild in g . In August, 1972, i t tra n sfe rre d to the new b u ild in g on East 10th street, a t west fo o r o f M ile H i l l . Necessary Bonds Were Approved, o r ig in a l construction made, or additions built fo r the v a rio u s school u n its, as Junior High — Mark Twain —- Col. J.B.Wyman Harry S. Truman — and the Vocational—Technical School. Snorts and Music. - The boys o f R o lla High, c a llin g themselves " BiyL^QRs", played many y e a rly games o f f o o t b a ll and basket b a l l with adversaries from such other h i i schools as J e ffe rso n C i t y .. Thayer . . Lebanon, and others. Both boys and g i r l s p a rtic ip a te d in the w e ll organised high school musical organisations — orch estra, band, chorus, quartets and so lo s. The fo rego in g a f f a i r s w i l l be more f u l l y discussed in la t e r pages. ROLLA13 POPULATION. - U.S. Census Records from 1900 to 1970 are set forth in the fo llo w in g t a b le . I960 — 11,132 1900— 1600 1920 — 2077 1940 — 5141 1970 — 13,257 1910 — 2261 1930 — 3670 1950 — 9313 PHELPS COUNTY PQPULATI0N. - U .S. Census Records f o r Phelps CoGnty from 1900 to 1970 were as fo llo w s : I960 — 25,396 1940 — 17, 507 1900 — 14,194 1920 — 14,941 1970 — 29,567 1950 — 21,504 1910 — 15,796 1930 — 15,308
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ROLLA*S CHURCHES. 1959-1973.- T h irty -fo u r R o lla chdrches were lis t e d in the Rolla D a ily News o f December 7, 1973- We group them the same as on page 57 of our 1947-53 S ection . ( Note: the a ste risk * placed before a name indicates that that p a r t ic u la r church b u i l t a new church e d ific e during the period. The pouhd mark # means that an ’’educational u n it” was added.) Group 1. R o lla *s O ldest Chur d ie s . # 7th Day Advent Assembly o f God # First B a p tist Catholic
.C h ris t ia n Science # F ir s t C h ristian * Church o f C h rist Church o f God
•#Elkins Chapel # Episcopal Lat.Day Saints Luther an
.# F ir s t Methodist * Presbyterian Union Mission
Group 2 . - The Intermediate Group. Primitive B a p tist Ft. Wyman B a p tist Second B aptist
Ridgeview C h ristian Jewish
L a t. Day Saints (R eorg.) Church o f the Nazarine United Pentecostal
Group 3. The Newer Group. Apostolic Ch. o f L iv in g God Calvary Assembly of God Full Gospel M ission Jehovah* s Witne sses
Parkview M ission Bapt. Church of God, Holiness Salem Ave. B aptist
* Tenth S t. Baptist Pentecostal Ch. o f God R o lla B ib le Church U nitarian U n iv e rsa list
D e ta ils concerning nine b u ild in g s added, with l i s t s o f pastors, w i l l follow in la t e r pages. STATE INSTITUTIONS. - The S ta te' i agencies and in s titu tio n s that existed in Rolla during the 1959-1973 period were these: $ . - State Conservation Agency 1. - School o f Mines ( U.M .R .) y . - State W elfare O ffic e 2. - State G e o lo g ic al Survey 8 . - State Probation & Parole O ffice 3. - State Employment Agency 9 . - Crippled Children Service 4. - N atio n al Guard 1 0 .- Regional Diagnostic C lin ic 5. - State Highway P a tro l 1 2 .- Land Survey Authority. 1 1 .- Highway Maintenance The youngest o f these agencie s, the Land Survey Authority, was created by the State L e g is la tu re by act o f June 30, 1969. I t s governing board of fiv e members assumed o f f ic e in September, 1971. FRTYERAT. AGENCIES. - The U .S. F ederal agencies that existed and operated within the R o lla area during the 1959—1973 period were these: 5. - U.S. Army Reserve Unit 1. - U.S. G e o lo g ic al Survey - Fort Leonard Wood 2. - U.S. Bu. o f Mines Research Unit 6. 7 . U.S. Water Resources D ivision 3. - U.S. Forest Service 4. - U.S. Post O ffic e 3 . - U.S. In te rn a l Revenue o ffic e 9 . -U .S . o f f ic d o f F .B .I . Of these, the G e o lo g ic a l Survey, as cf December, 1973> was searching- fo r, new and more id equate headquarters. . . . The Bureau o f Mines u n it w s e ^ c t e d deeper into mineral areas other than le a d , zinc, and iro n . ••• • ores p t o ffic e solidated i t s S p r in g fie ld and R o lla o f fic e s into one at R olla . . .The Post O ffic e in 1965 moved to i t s new b u ild in g on block bounded by 7th, 8th, streets. . . . R o lla Public L ib ra ry occupied the old post o ffic e at 9th and Pine. The Army Reserve u n it continued in i t s quarters on "Government H i l l . . . And Port Leonard Wood continued to t r a in troops f o r army se rv ic e .
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COMMUNICATIONS AND MEDIA.— N a tio n a lly , rad io and TV programs were maintained throughout the 1959-1973 period - by the N ational Broadcasting Co. (NBC) ...t h e Columbia Broadcasting Co. ( CBS ) . . . the American Broadcasting Co. ( ABC ) . . . and the Mutual System. A l l o f these served R o lla , with th e ir AM and FM s e rie s . Besides the n a tio n a l systems, there were numerous lo c a l rad io station s. Those in R o lla included KTTR . . . KCLU . . . and KM5M. R olla had "w ired_in" television sta tio n . The R o lla area was served by the R olla D a ily News and the Fort Leonard "Guide", both published by the D a ily News s t a f f . State arri n ation al news was supplied by the S t. Louis Globe-Democrat . . the S t. Louis Post-Dispatch . . and the S p rin g fie ld D a ily News. TRANSPORT. - Being lo ca te d at the in te rse c tio n o f U.S.-M o. Highways 63 anri
66 ( 1-44 ) , numerous fr e ig h t trucks came to, took t r a f f i c from, or bypassed Rolla. Passenger service was provided, c h ie fly , by the two p rin c ip a l bus services Greyhound and Continental-American Trailw ays. Passenger service to north and south of R o lla , on Highway 63, was provided by the M issouri Transit Line ( to north), and the W illiam s Bus Line ( to sou th ). Up to May 3-3 f 1967, the Frisco R ailroad provided passenger service from St. Louis through R olla to ip r in g fie ld and the Southwest. On that date, the la s t passenger t ra in passed through R o lla , ending such se rv ic e . (See footnote) . Frisco fr e ig h t se rv ic e , however, not only continued, but expanded. The installation of modern d i e s e l engine locomotives made i t po ssib le to haul trains made up o f 135 or more c a rs. Thousands of new autos were hauled on long auto carrier c a rs. Loaded trucks were hauled "Piggy-Back" on long f l a t cars, in s t i f f competition with trucking on the highways. St. Louis was the "hub" o f aeroplane borne fre ig h t and passenger service. Planes flew on re g u la r schedules from Fort Leonard Wood to S t.Lou is and back. Chartered f l i g h t s were made to S t. Louis and elsewhere from R o lla ’ s "N ational" Airport a t Vichy — twelve m iles north of R o lla . Local truck o u tfits handled freight business between R o lla , S t. Louis, S p rin g fie ld , and elsewhere. ROLLA’ S FINANCIAL AGENCIES. - R o lla ’ s two b asic fin a n c ia l agencies - oanks consisted o f the R o lla State and the F ir s t State oanks, during the en tire period I 959- I 973. During 1963, they were join ed by a th ird u n it, the Phelps County bank. Their combined a sse ts, as o f June 30, 1973, were #43,182,1&7.00. Three major savings-an d-loan asso c ia tio n s operated in R olla during the period. The Central F ederal . . the C a p ita l . . and the United companies, 'their combined total assets approximated some%i^^/)00^/666^ $141, 089, 000. RQT,T,A APff.A HHAMRER OF COMMERCE. To serve th e ir intended purposes, lo c a l Chambers of Connerce must serve in the ro le o f " l i v e w ires" or "hot lin e s " fo r their conmunity - in te re ste d and active in a l l areas o f c ity l i r e , growth, and welfare. R o lla *s Chamber has superbly liv e d up to these goals . The R o lla Chamber’ s presiden ts, from 1959 down through 1973, have been these: Mel Bloch . . . Roy Charles . . . 4 .G . Alexander . . . J. Nean White . . . Larry L u m p e ... Jack M irley . . . Homer A. Tucker . . . B i l l Sowers . . . Glenn Davidson . . R u ssell P e rry .. Fred Ackelmire . . and A rt Kruse. -to Ac Mrs. Gale Bullman was the Chamber’ s "nanager" f o r Athf years to 1 9 ^ | . The Chamber's present "executive d ird c to r" i s C ol. E. A. Uwsley, niao has as such since November 1, 1967* ■ ^ la s t passenger t ra in throagh R olla . a s passed through. R o lla at 5*20 p/®/ > fromG.E. W a rfe l, Chief Engineer to CVM.
CVM-BHM.-Ja n . 14, 1974* Final C h a p ter. P r e v ie w .
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The p ro je c ts in Which the Chamber has been engaged are too numerous to lis t here. Aside from sponsoring annual Christmas parades in the downtown area the one fo r 1973 haying a t o t a l o f 80 u n its, with bands, flo a t s , and autos * the Chamber s p rin c ip a l a c t i v i t i e s have centered xn promoting bond issu es and in otherwise promoting new in d u s t r ia l parks and new manufacturing companies fo r Rolla. Chief o f the l a t t e r was the $4 m illio n d o lla r bond issue approved fo r erecting b u ild in g s to house the Schwitzer D iv ision o f the Wallace-Murry corpora tion - and a $100,000 bond issu e to purchase land for a second in d u s tria l park en vfriich the SOME COMPANY constructed a plant fo r manufacture o f p la s tic pipe. The Chamber a ls o promoted a $150,000 bond issue to finance a R o lla Swimming Pool and c ity recreation center in BerJuan Park. LOCAL INDUSTRY. - The two new lo c a l in d u stries added during the la t t e r h a lf of the 1959-1973 period were: The Schwitzer D ivision of the Wallace-Murry corporation . . . and the S.O.M.E. p la s t ic products concern. The Schwitzer plant was located on the former R o lla City A irp o rt, in the SW£ o f Sec. 29, T.38-7. I t manufactures automobile p a rts, c h ie fly a i r fa n s..........The SOME concern i s located in the new $300,000 R o lla In d u s t ria l Park in SE£ o f NW£ and NE£ o f SW£ o f Sec. 31, f.37-7. Other in d u s t r ia l p lan ts or R o lla in d u strie s operating during the 1959-73 period included these: 1. - Holsum Bread p lan t 5 »- Busy Bee Laundry 2 . - Heavin Ready-Mix Concrete Plan t 6. - Modern Cleaners & Laundry 3. - Parker Ready-Mix Concrete Plant 7 . - Bow Wow Dibg Food plant 4. - Barad & Co., Womens Apparel 8. - M.F.A. Elevator Plant .BUSINESS AGENCIES & UNITS. - During the 1959-73 period, there was much le s s business dene by sm all, downtown concerns than form erly. C h ie fly because o f the great expansion o f chain store supermarkets. Grocery stores, in p a rtic u la r, disappeared. Clothing sto re s, both fo r men and fo r women, s t i l l survived — although some o f the supermarkets also entered th is f i e l d . Drug and jew elry stores of the downtown area had to meet growing competition o f such departments introduced in the supermarkets. The P rin cip a l Supermarkets o f the period were these: 6 C arp's Supermarket 1. - W illiam s "B ig S tar" 7 f . Ramey’ s Grocery Supermarket 2. - Central Hardware 8 /?.Krogers Market 3. - Biedem an’ s Furniture 9 The A & P ( A tla n tic & P a c if ic ) 4. - Mohr’ s Value Center 1 0 .Foodliner 5. - The I.G .A . Grocery HOUSING. - During the 1959-1973 period, there was a tremendous increase in construction o f p r iv a t e ly owned residen ces. In the Forum Addition - the Heritage Heights su bdivision . . . I n Ann’ s Acres . . and in the Wedgewood Addition — plus the Line-B arnitz a d d itio n outside of c ity lim its — we estimate that more than 200 private residences were b u i l t during the period. Their cos s range rom $10,000 to $30,000 or more. . . no,ro1 Some 42 a d d itio n a l residences were added by the R olla Housing and Develop ment corporation, in a group north of the old Frisco su bdivision . included Several commodious apartment b u ild in g s were a ls o constructed. These include the William sburg . . . the O.D.K. . . . the Vienna Woods . . . the Murry . . and three ***1
T r a ile r Parka provided homes fo r hundred* p f
families such as young teachers, aid ^ ^ l ^ u d e ” the Huffman . . . present w rite rs a t o t a l of 364 such mobile u n its, me ^ in Manaions Loughridgj. . . Waterman . . . Whitson . . . Curt Smith . . . h *s Several other such parks, i f reported, would b rin g the t o ta l o f mobile homes in R olla to something over 400.
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R olla s Housing and Development P ro je ct includes a "hig£i r is e " s ix -s to r y unit in Forum Addition which, nearing completion on Jan. 1 , 1974, w i l l provide 100 apartments. To the west from t h is , across Burgher Branch, i s the Homelife Project o f 38 apartments, constructed under sponsorship of a Presbyterian Church agency. I t i s thus seen that R o lla 1s housing capacity during the 1959-1973 period grew by leap s and bounds. HOTELS AND MOTELS.- R o lla 's h otels and motels are c lo s e ly re la te d to the town's housing f a c i l i t i e s . H otel Edwin Long, the one f a c i l i t y o f it s kind in town, has been open since the 1920's . In 1973 i t has a t o ta l of 65 rooms a ll "sin g le s" except three, which are double su ite s. The Carney Manor ( now called simply the "Manor M otel" i s the popular meeting place fo r conventions and Chamber o f Commerce m eetings. Some 14 other "m otels" provide a t o t a l o f 686 rooms - o f which id67 are sin gle, 414 double, and 5 t r i p l e . HEALTH AGENCIES. — C h ief o f these i s the Phelps County Memorial H ospital, the original unit o f which was completed in 1951. Since then, a th ird flo o r was idded to the o r ig in a l stru ctu re. During 1972 and 1973, an "extended care" unit providing sane 60 beds was added to the north - and a. new 50-bed unit b u ilt outward from the e a st end o f the o r ig in a l b u ild in g . In addition to t h is f a c i l i t y , R o lla has TWO sp ec ia l nursing homes - the old McFarland H o sp ita l converted to such U3e - and the Schreiner Rest Home, south of town. The town has both State and County w e lfe re o ffic e s - a State region al Diag nostic S lin ic , and a C rippled Children u n it. There are three g en eral medical c lin ic s . . . eigh t dental o ffic e s . . . and three optometrist o f f i c e s . There are f if t e e n p ra c tic in g M.D. doctors . . . four osteopaths . . . and two ch irop racto rs. THE ROLLA BAR.- Some f if t e e n attorneys practice law in R o lla . ARCHITECTS. ENGINKF-PS, CONTRACTORS. SURVEYORS. - One in d iv id u a l arch itect and two firms in that f i e l d provide a rc h ite c tu ra l service fc r R o lla . There are four engineering fiem s — f iv e includin g c it y o f f ic e . There are eigh t registered land surveyors — and eig h t general contracting firm s. THE SERVICE CLUBS. - R o ll a 's fou r n ation al service clubs — L io n s .. .R o ta ria n s.. Kiwanians . . and Optomists — arrange c a rn iv a ls, m instrel shows, and other enter taining events which gather fo r them the money needed to execute diverse b e n e fic ia l community p ro je c ts such as a id in g boy and g i r l scouts . . . provision of fo o t b a ll grounds and band equipment f o r the high school . . . r a is in g fUnds for# the State s "lit tle P r a ir ie Lake" p ro je c t, and so fo r t h . The f i r s t three named were here before 1959. The Optomist R o lla chapter was organized in the e a rly I960 s. LODGES.- The Masonic lodges, here many years before 1959, continued as usual. The Blue Lodge . . . Royal Arch . . . Knights Templar . . . High Twelve . Eastern Star . . . White Shrine . . . DeMolays ...a n d Rainbow G ir ls . the K ni^its of Pythias and Aside fra n the Masons, there were the Eagles Pythian S iste rs . . . the Odd FdLlows and Rebeccas. CLUBS.- Some 45 o f these .e r e so 58 sections that there i s no need fo r d e t a il nere. Pages.
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E_N T E R T A I N M E N T a s a t a t . - T»o theatres - the Dpto»n and the R ite - provided movie programs for the town the je a r through. The Outdoor Theatre operated during sumumr months only. Two outstanding p ic tu re s shown A irin g the period were "General Patton" and "Snow W hite". garniY|lg.. - Each year, fo r fo u r days centered around the Fourth of July the Lions Club conducted ih s annual c a rn iv a l. Proceeds each year amounted to a gross of some #10, 000. This the Club used to develope i t s Lions Park fo r public use, and f o r various c h a rita b le p ro je c ts . F a irs .— The C entral F a ir A ssociation staged i t s annual f a i r s on or about the fir s t of August o f each year . Aside from farm and home e x h ib its , and merchants* displays, f e r r i s vh.ee 1 and m erry-go-round equipment has been featured. The stock car racing program has been h eld on Saturday evenings in summer . B a s e b a ll.- R o lla *s f iv e b a s e b a ll f i e l d s - three in BerJuan Park, one in Rolla Gardens Park, one in Schuman Park - provided f a c i l i t i e s both fo r Houry League games fo r the youngsters - but a ls o grounds on which R olla .adult teams played those from Dixon and other towns, as in years p a st. . . . For those who had no part in lo c a l games, the n a tio n a l §p.mes between the "American" and the "National" leagues afforded much entertainment. FoofcbaML-Basket B a l l . - For u n iv e rs ity and high school fans, lo c a l games between U.M.R. and R o lla H i. teams and their respective opponents provided both excitement and entertainm ent. Swimming P o o l. - For p a rt o f the period, the p riv a te pool on east 10th street at High street was open to the p u b lic , but closed as a£ 1973. As this paragraph is being w ritten (J a n ., 1974 ) , the town's # 300,000 new swimming pool and recrea tion center in BerJuan Park i s nearing completion. Circus. - At le a s t ONE circu s v is it e d R o lla - sometime in 1972 or 1973* The Rolla Elks Club sponsored it s appe arance. Musical Events. — The R o lla Community Music Association, fo r each year o f the 1959-1973 period, presented some fo u r concerts in the old R o lla High ( now admin istration ) b u ild in g , 8th & Cedar s t re e t s . In d iv id u a l programs varied from 5 or 6 part orchestras or vocal groups, to sin gle p ia n is ts or vocal s o lo is t s . Bands and other musical groups from UMR and R olla High School staged numbers of concerts each y e a r. One outstanding concert o f the period was the one presented by the U.S. Air Force Band and Singing Sergeants on September 19, 1971, in the A l l Purpose building o f UMR at 10th and Bishop. D I S A S T E R S F ires. - There were p r a c t ic a lly NO serious "unintentional" f i r e s during the 1959-1973 perio d . However, there WERE numerous “in te n tio n a l" f i r e s - set to destroy old or unwanted R o lla b u ild in g s . One p a rtic u la r f i r e o f the f i r s t kind, but outside R olla, and two miles below Newburg, caused the t o t a l destruction o f the old "Ozark Furnace Store" at Alhambra Park. This occurred on September 19, I960. Ih is , a very_hi.st.oric_ building, was erected in 1874. Several "in te n tio n a l" f i r e s were theseJ 1 . - The old Pow ell Lumber Yard b u ild in g , 6th and R o lla s tre e ts . This was a very fa n t a s t ic , f o o lis h and dangsrous way to remove an unwanted structure. 2. - The old Masonic H a ll b u ild in g , at northeast corner of 4th and Main stre e ts. This was burned during spring months of 1973. I t had been b u ilt sometime about 18601 . _ ,, . . 3. - The Fred Smith house, S .E . corner of 10th and R olla stre e ts.
GVM-BHM-Fri Jan. 18, 1974. Final C h apter. P r e v ie w .
D i s a s t e r s . ,
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Stojm a.- During the la t e 1960*s, and e a r ly 1970* a, three vio len t wind storms, really miniature tornados, (a ; stripp ed the ro o f o f f o f the State G eologist*s warehousej ( b ) rip p ed o f f portions of the ro o fs o f the F ir s t C hristian Church's educational b u ild in g and main sanctuary; and (c j p a r t i a ll y demolished three homes on Soest Road, near Radio S tation KTTR. There were a ls o severe r a in and ice storms - but not so bad as those o f former periods. Cold weather p re v a iled during January and February, and heavy snows f e l l ( e ig h t inches ) during December. Rolla escaped the t e r r ib le flo o d conditions that struck areas along the Missouri and M is s is s ip p i r iv e r v a lle y s during spring and summer. Accidents - R ailroad Wrecks. - Numbers o f persons were k ille d by fa s t Frisco Une such accident took the l i f e o f Mr. W illiam Dunlap, a prominent R o lla c it iz e n . A report on highway accidents published by R olla D a ily News, covering the counties of Crawford, Dent, Laclede, Maries, Fhelps and Pulaski, fo r December, 1973, showed a t o t a l o f 148 such acciden ts. In them, 65 persons were injured and five were k i l l e d . For 1972, December, the fig u re s were 163-57-2. Railroad Wrecks. - E a r ly in the period, a F risco f r e i ^ i t tra in jumped the track on the Gasconade r iv e r b rid g e , and so se v e re ly damaged the structure that one of the old through tru ss u nits had to be removed, a new riv e r p ie r b u ilt , and new plate g ird e r spans re p la c in g the damaged tru ss span. freight tra in s during the perio d .
CRI ME Thefts. B u r g la r ie s . - Auto th e fts , house and store b u rg la rie s, personal robberies were nothing li k e those in S tlL ou is — BUT they DID occur in the R o lla area. In one instance, a commissioned o f f ic e r stationed at Fort Leonard Wood attempted some " c a t t le r u s t l i n g . 11 He had hauled the c a ttle part way to St.Louis market when he was apprehended and a rre ste d . There were one or two murders committed in the area during the period. The "vice problem" grew apace in the Wayne s v i l l e area, but skipped R o lla . A gang of several persons, in cludin g R o lla resid en ts, were arrested and trie d for having i l l e g a l possession o f firearm s.
MTSSOTIRT SCHOOL OF MINES - "U.M.R." The School*s Changed S ta tu s. - In our 1947-58 section, we f u l l y covered the events of the W ilson adm inistration ( years 194L-1963)* Dean Curtis L . Wilson wa.s succeeded <*s "dean" o f M issouri School of Mine s at the end o f the 1962—63 year by Dr. M erl Baker. D r. Baker became the School’ s f i r s t "chancellor when the School was expanded in to the "U n iv e rsity o f Mis s o u ri-R o Ila " in 1964. Dr. Baker so served up to October 18, 1973, when he resigned. Dr. Dudley Thompson then took over as "a c tin g " ch an cellor. Under the expanded plan, the old School of Mines was retained as one o f the several "sc h o o ls" in the in s t it u t io n - w ith i t s own "dean . The other engineering departments . e r e gathered in to a "School o f E n g L .»««in g ". * of Arts a d Sciences . a s added, . i t h variou s sciences and humanities contains in it .
CVM-BHM-Fri Jan 18, 1974. Final C h a p ter. P r e v ie w .
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School_of M-fnes £cont. ) During the "Baker" adm inistration, 1963-1973, more f i r s t - c l a s s buildings were placed on the campus than in any other perio d . These: 1. — L ib ra ry 5 . - Engineering S p e c ia ltie s 2. - M ineral Research 6. - Addition to Physics Building 3. - Humanities 7 . - Multi-Purpose Building 4. - Math-Computer 8. - New Jackling F ie ld and Stands. A f i n a l note on U.M.R. . . . Hie in s titu t io n celebrated i t s 100th anniversary on February 24, 1970 - a century a fte r i t s establishment by the L e g isla tu re . N E C R O L O G Y R olla lo s t many o f i t s o lder and prominent c itiz e n s during the 1959-1973 period. The town's mayor, C u rtis Logan, was one such. A l i s t o f these persons w ill comprise the f i n a l pages of t h is chapter. END OF PREVIEW
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Final C h a p ter. D e t a i l s .
0 -------- the PERIOD FROM---------Jan._l. 2_ 1973_To Dec._31, JL973 DKTATT.F.D ACCOUNT OF EVENTS OF THE PERIOD. _N a tio n a l And Internaticna 1 Events. Space E x p lo ra tio n .— Space ex p lo ratio n claims f i r s t place i n th is section being something e n t ir e ly new and d iffe r e n t from events o f former chapters. In 1914, Robert H. Goddard patented a liq u id f u e l rocket, and in 1926 directed a f ir s t a e r i a l rocket f l i g h t o f consequence..........Numerous long-range rockets were used by the Germans to bombard London during World War Two, 1939-1945* By that time, the power to c o n tro l the d ire c tio n and distance o f f li g h t were w e ll on the way to development. But modern "SPACE FLIGHT" r e a l l y began on October 4, 1957, when Russia success fully launched "SPUTNIK ONE". Three months la t e r , the United States trie d - but failed - to get a 3-pound s a t e l li t e in to space - because the "booster" exploded two seconds a ft e r launch at Cape Canaveral. . . . However, in Fepruary, 1958, the U.S.A. launched the 31-pound "E xplorer No. 1 ", which remained in o rb it a lo f t , transmitting inform ation to Earth, fo r f iv e months. In 1959 the United States e sta b lish e d the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. That same year, Russia crash-landed their "LUNA TWO" on the moon. In America, there follow ed a s e rie s of f li g h t s under the "Mercury" program. Mice and monkeys were projected in to space, to see i f l i f e could e x is t f a r up from earth s u rfa c e ............IT COULD 1 *. □ America's f i r s t s u b -o r b it a l "manned" f l i g i t was su c ce ssfu lly made by Alan B. Shepard. He was picked up from the point of descent in the A tlan tic Ocean. Col. John H. Glenn, J r ., made the f i r s t E a rth -o rb itin g f l i g h t on February 19, 1962, ( Mercury-Atlas f l i g h t No. 6.^ . Meantime 1959 to June, 1962, Russia sent up other s a t e lli t e s , sin gly manned both b y ^ I h . 1 2 ons Than in Ootobar W 6fc, a "thraa-man" = r . . . fL March 23, 1965 u n t i l November 11-15, 196!> .a r t h "Gemini S e rie s" o f space f l i g h t s - includin g os. 3 , * ,. ooerations. orbiting and space docking maneuvers, and perfection of landing P® AtJollo On Octobar 11, 1968, and fo llo w in g days, a t ^ e - m a n A f r i c a n c r a W Apollo #7 - Schirra-Eisele-Cunningham ) orbited ^he ( Borman-Lovell-Anders ) , laUJ^ e d orD it around the moon — ten o r b it s , 147 t r ip
, FIRST "manred" ’ Moon o rb it Dec.26, splash -
down Dec. 30, 1968. f l i g h t s around Earth, in which "docking" was In January, 1969, R ussia maae 5 docked with i t , and the outstanding fe a t u re . Soyuz 4 waf ® ^ P» > tra n s fe rr d to Soyuz 4 - and crewmen Y eliseyev and Khrunov ( up w ith Soyu 5 "FORERUNNER" to with both #4 and #5, s a fe ly returned to earth . THIS was mu America's "SKYLAB" of 1973. American crew ( M cDivitt-Scott-Schweickart) As o f March 3, 1969, a three-man Am « l UNAR MODULE", but in earth iu Apollo No. 9, in a 241 hour t r ip , docked witn orbit only.
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As of May 18, 1969, A p ollo No. 10 fh f Young) made 31 re v o lu tio n s around the MOOT i f f l ^ [ Sta^ °rd -C e rn a n descended in a LUNAR MODULE to w ith in 9 m ile ^ o ? the~mOUr * * * * Which they crew and ana in in nneir w n a h . MODULE, made MANKIND*S FIRST im t y tu . 1X1 AP°] took 195 hours. C o llin s ir o it e d t t e ™ o n 1 t riP down to and returned from the moon. ^ lme while the ot e r two dropped on the moon o n 'N ^ J e i b e r ^ ^ ^ S 'w a ^ h S n i TU* 1?Un? ! d N° V* 14» 1969 * I t landed Conrad and Bean made two memorable "w alk ^n ^n 81^ 3*1^ 0”11 Monday» November 24. APOLLO No iq ( T , 0 ***** n area named "0cean of Stones".
r uf
traveled some 300,000 m iles i ^ s p a o I ^ S f w i ’ th ji**1® P* r i ° , A p r il 13 t0 17.1970,
-is r -,r r ^ n 5 ” 5,Md 6.
plash-down In the P a c ific ocean was at 3:04 p .m .f Tuesday, F e b r u ^ ‘9,
1Q71 Ar?L^ ° 4-No^ 15 i s cott-W orden-Irwin ) was on the t r i p from Monday July 26 1971, to Saturday, August 7. Launch was July 26 . . . Moon o rb it Julv^PO ^Ta i-t * S : 3 °! » » - * splash-down august 7. Jto J S T l S S ^ ' l S Z ^ ^ ? ? • % ^ ile y -A p p e n in e s ite . Three d riv in g excursions with "moon buggy" o f 6 I ™ durafcio«> were *& de. On home t r ip , Worden took a space 1 2 k . 0 UnnA a ' l°un g-M attin gly-D uke) . Launch was on A p r il 15, 1972. n, nnday» AP rf-l 17, they were h a lf way to Moon. On Tuesday, A p r il 20th Youne and Duke landed on the Moon w hile M attin gly, in the Mother S h ip f o rb ited ’ the loung and Duke l e f t the Moon a t 5:20, A p r il 23rd, a ft e r making s e v e r 2 ^ 0^ ^ ; iinMthe h /P patciific il 7 d0^k?d;n **“ was a t 1:40 np.m.,
ShipAat 9 027, 0 1972. the 23rd. Thursday, p r il
APOLLO N0. 17. ( Gene Cernan-Jack Schmitt (g e o lo g is t ) - Ronald E. Evans (p i l o t ) The trip period was from Wed., Dec. 6, to Tues., Dec. 19, 1972. Launch was at 87?3 . C*„°* Gernan ^ Schmitt were on the Moon Dec. 11 to 14. They made three fn nf^ve buSgy to u rs” o f the T aurus-Lit trow area. They discovered "colored" rock mation, be lie ved to be o f la t e moon formation. They, as others, l e f t an ALSEP perimental package o f s c i e n t if i c equipment - plus the American f l a g . They explored numerous c ra te r areas. . . . Cernan and Schmitt l e f t the Moon at 4:56 p.m. nursday, Dec. 14th, and a t 7:00 p.m ., docked with Mother Ship and Evans. They circled the moon u n t i l the 15th. Splash-down in the P a c ific was at 1:24 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 19, 1972. THIS WAS THE LAST OF THE APOLLO FLIGHTS. ( Capt. Eugene A. Ceman-Dr. Harrison lJack) Schmitt — Navy Commander Ronald E. E v a n s.). S K Y L A B S JHE RUSSIAN SKYLAB FLIGHTS. - The Russian space units, Soyuz 4 and Soyuz 5, sent a lo ft in January, 1969, preceded American f li g h t s associated with "Sky-Labs", ne idea was to p ro je c t in to Earth O rb it, a t distances o f some 200 m iles above Earth, oomy "LABORATORIES" w ith in which "sk y -la b b e rs " could land and perform numerous xperintents - w h ile l i v i n g in a condition o f "w eigh tlessn ess". „ j j lMERICAN SKYLAB No. 1 was launched from Cape Canavaral on May 14, 1973• The JJjBORATORY" weighed 100 tons . . 200,000 pounds. A fte r i t s tra je c to ry and orb it ad been checked and approved, Skylab Crew No. 1 was launched from Cape Canavoral, e same day. The three men ( Charles Conrad..Paul Weitz . . Joe Knrwin ), kicked su ccessfu lly, and fo r 5 days worked both w ithin and outside the "LAB".
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( SkylabJIo^lj. c ont. ) On the outside, th ey weie able to p a r t i a ll y cover the "LAB" w ith a curtain, shielding i t from the sun. Otherwise, they took photos o f the sun, sta rs, and limited areas o f Earth. They learned they could liv e in the "w eightless" condition. They made a su c ce ssfu l splash-down in the P a c ific on ( j f < f c f f ) / M * 1973* June 22/ Skylab F lig h t No, 2 , - The second Skylab F lig h t was launched from Cape Canaveral on July 28, 1973* The three crewmen were Alan Bean . . Jack Lousma •• Owen G a rrio tt. They docked su c ce ssfu lly , a ft e r which they spent 59£ days on the Lab - making r e p a ir s to i t , taking thousands of a e r ia l photographs of sun, stars, strip s o f earth su rfa c e . They obtained a spectacular photograph o f a terrific explosion on the Sun. A fte r th e ir 59^ days on Skylab, they made a successful splash-down some 350 m iles west of San Diego, in the P a c ific ocean, at 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, September 25, 1973. A l l three men were in apparent good health, a fte r bein g in "weigjhtie ss" space f o r the 59^ days. (18 m iles magnetic tape) Skvlab F lig h t No. 3 . - The th ird "Skylab Crew" consisted of Gerald P. Carr ( age h1, f l i g h t commander ) — W illiam R. Pogue ( p ilo t , age 43 ) — and Edward G. Gibson ( P h y sic ist, age 37 ) • They were launched from Canaveral on Friday, hov. 16^ 1973. They were in Earth O rb it a t 9:11 a.m ., EST. - and a fta '_th re _e _tria ls were able to dock with SKYLAB. Skylab’ s o rb it v a rie s from 266 to m iles above the Earth's surface . This tin e , the plan was - and i s a t t h is w ritin g © to stay with Skylab fo r 84 days, i f possible - but not le s s than 60 days - to determine further how "w eightlessress" a ffe c t s men. Five space walks were planned - three already fin ish e d . On November 22, Pogue and Gibson spent 6 hours 34 minutes 35 seconds outside Skylab. During that tine they rep a ire d "stuck" antennae, reloaded cameras with film, and made other s c i e n t if i c experiments. On November 23rd, one of their three gyroscopes f a il e d — a second one f a i l e d la t e r . On December 28 and 29, they made a d d itio n a l spac walks - renewed camera films, c a re fu lly watched and photographed the kOHGUTSK COMET, as i t made i t s near approach to ths sun. They a ls o ROTATED THE SKYLAB LABORATORY ( turned i t u p -sid e down) in order to g e t d e sired photos of the comet and other oojects. As now planned, t h is i s to be the th ird and LAST o f the Skylab flig h t s in the 2.6 BILLION DOLLAR PROJECT. . . . As fo r the la b o ra to ry i t s e l f SKYLAB it may continue to o r b it Earth f o r seven or eigh t years, then d isin te g ra te . As this note i s writtem , on January 18, 1974, the Third Crew has been in "Weightlessness” 63 days ( 59 days on Jan. 14 )• Crew 3 splashed down 10:17“a7m7, _F r i.F e b . 8,/ in Paci£tCJOCea? »v,6, S? ° e^ ! % ^ recovery ship itew Orleans* Had undocked 5*34 a.*ni* ••• 4 space. 1213 earth o r b it s , 34.5 m illio n m iles in space. Longest space ^ ^ 7 h rs. Dec. 25, 1973. A l l three men sa fe and sound. COST OF SKYLAB PROJECT . dollars. . . . Skylab may d r i f t 5 to 8 years, then burn up. THE COMET KOHOUTEK.- Named fo r the scientist-astronomer who d^ c o v e r e d ^ it . U became v i s ib le to the naked eye as e a r ly as November 8’ it was said to have been 113 , 000,000 m ile 3 distan t hour I t passed toward Earth ( or the Sun ) at the rate o f 117,000 m iles per hour. P behind the Sun on December 28th. . ani eas or ice The comet's nucleus was sa id to con sist o f * «^ f 0f ^ dust"? the some 7 miles in diam eter. I t appeared to have . comet twice a day. other of "g a s ". The Skylao Crew No. 3 took photographs f comet hesd. The photos^are expected to re v e a l the nature and By January 18, "Kohoutek" " a s f a r beyond th e Sun, on i t s tra v e l tnr ug outer space.
CVM-BHM-Sat Jan. 19, 1974 Final Chaptdr. D e t a i l s .
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EARTHKISE TRANSPORT. - During previous periods, the n a tio n 's r a ilro a d s had maintained f a i r passenger se rv ic e . But during tte 1959-1973 period, i t had a l l but disappeared. On the ground, countless automobiles — many carrying but one single passenger - helped to banish r a ilr o a d passenger serv ice. The adoption o f j e t f u e l and advancing design were responsible f o r great increases in airborne t r a f f i c — both between n ation al a irp o rt stations, and across Atlantic and P a c ific oceans. Railroads were compelled to abandon and take up hundreds o f m iles o f trach on which train t r a f f i c was a lo s in g business* Great r a i l corporations such as the New York Central and the Pennsylvania systems were combined, fe d e r a lly financed, and f i n a l l y brought to a condition approaching bankruptcy. Even the g re a tly increased FREIGHT t r a f f i c , competing with highway truck haulage, managed to keep many roads a liv e by using powerful d ie s e l engines that hauled tra in s made up of from 135 to 150 fre ig h t cars and trucks tra n sfe rre d in the form cf "p ig g y -b a c k s"- a l l these were not eoaugh. Many such tra in s included f o r t y or f i f t y auto-carryin g cars, each loaded with fift e e n autos. R e lie f f o r s e v e ra l northeastern U.S. roads was p ro ffered by Congress as o f January 5, 1974 - when i t enacted a measure su bsidizin g a group o f s ix or seven such roads that the act grouped together to form a "system". Mammoth earthwise and a i r - l i f t e d t r a f f i c was a pronounced feature o f the 1959-1973 period. EVENTS ON THE NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL SCENE. - Four presidents of the United States p a rtic ip a te d in the events o f the p e rio d . Dwight D. Eisenhower presided over the nation during the l a s t two years o f h is regime - 1959 and I 960, and to January 20, 1961. . . . John F. Kennedy defeated Richard M. Nixon in the e le c tio n of November, I960, and took over the rein s on January 20, 1961. He presided until his a ssa ssin a tio n , at D a lla s , Texas, on November 22, 1963* His brother, Robert F. Kennedy, was lik ew ise assassin ated at Los Angeles on June 5, 1968. During President Kennedy's term, F id e l Castro made world h istory by taking over Cuba's government, and thus in cu rrin g Am erica's displeasure — by also making cordial diplom atic r e la t io n s w ith communist Russia. A near—world—war almost matured when Russia attempted to brin g war m issile s to Cuba and i n s t a l l them. Only President Kennedy's intervention, Octooer 24, 1962, with battlesh ip s guarding the ocean area east nf Cuba, turned the Russian m issile bearing ships back to premier Khrushchev and Moscow. On the very day o f P re s . Kennedy's assassin ation , Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson - who had been in the i l l - f a t e d Dallas-Kennedy auto parade - was sworn in as president. I t was h is fa te to in h e r it the beginnings o f America s war with Viet Cong and North Vietnam. Kennedy had alread y sent some 11,000 American m ilita ry men there. Johnson increased the number to 500,000 - and seemingly Produced no condition l i k e l y to end the war. Discouraged, as h is second term aPPr °?°ked * end, he announced that he would no longer serve as Pres enR* "rnlrfuater of 1964, he had defeated the Republican candidate, Senator Barry Goldwater. Richard Milhaus Nixon won the p r e s id e n tia l e le c tio n of defeating Senator Hubert Humphrey, the Democratic cand*d * holds both the war with t e r r i f i c bombing of North Vietnam t r °°P® Haiphong Bay harbor to within South Vietnam and North Vietnam. B£ d "from the be mined. C a su a ltie s on both sid e s, r e s u ltin g from such bombing an "new" type o f g u e r illa fig h t in g , were f r i g h t f u l . „c e a s e -fir e " A fter some four years o f f r u i t l e s s nego 10a ranaary 27 *1973. Following and "peace" agreement was signed, as o f y» U S A . was withdrawn from this signal event, the 500,000 troop v ie t Sam were released, South Vietnam, and the p riso n ers of war confined in North vieu warn and a l l these brought home.
BHM—Sat • Jan . 19,1974* Final C hapter D e t a i l s .
- 16 -
In the p r e s id e n t ia l e le c tio n o f November, 1972, President Nixon won over Shortly afterward, six men who had broken in to the McGovern headquarters were caught and arrested for having i l l e g a l l y invaded McGovern's o ffic e s in Watergate H otel. During the f if t e e n month period that has intervened, the a f f a i r has caused the resignation o f se v e ra l o f N ix o n 's c h ie f s t a f f members. A prolonged Senate committee has made a cursory in v e stig a tio n of the a f f a i r . Numerous charges have been made and presented to C irc u it Judge S ir ic a and THREE separate grand ju r ie s . And no end appears in sig h t as t h is paragraph i s w ritten , Jan. 19,1974, PRESIDENTIAL DEATHS. - Four U .S . Presidents died during the 1959-1973 period. (1 ) John F. Kennedy, Nov. 22, 1963 . ( 2 ) Dwight D. Eisenhower, March 28, 1969 . . . ( 3) Lyndon B. Johnson, January 22, 1973J . . . and (4 ) Harry S. Truman, on December 26, 1972. --------------Democratic candidate Senator George McGovern, o f South Dakota.
ECONOMIC CRISIS AND NATIONAL DEBT. - Not only was the period 1959-1973 notable because of Aerospace T rav el . . . Qua3i-W ar between I s r a e l, Egypt, and S y ria in the Middle East . . . lo s s of passenger service on ra ilr o a d s ...le a p s and bounds in auto and airplan e t r a f f i c . . . BUT ALSO GIANT STRIDES in INFLATION and PUBLIC DEBT. Not u n t il the second Nixon p re s id e n tia l term ( 1973-77) were ANY steps of consequence taken to h a lt governmental d e f i c i t spending and n ation al in fla t io n . Both are s t i l l w ith us in 1974. A p re s id e n tia l board, establish ed to control fair prices fo r goods and wages, was set up by the President in 1972. During i t s FOUR "phases" o f existen ce, some progress seems to have resu lted in holding down commodity p ric e s and la b o r costs — but the conditions designed to be remedied are s t ill ( 1974 ) f a r from so lu tio n . And, as of November, 1973, the_EJERGY ®ISIS_des£end£d_on us^_ and now has superseded a l l other is s u e s . The TOTAL NATIONAL DEBT, and uncontrolled f i s c a l d e f ic it s , are CRUCIAL FACETS of the period — which, along with space f lig h t s — has assumed astronomic proportions. The rise in the n a tio n a l debt from i t s 1928 le v e l o f $17 , 493, 408,878 to some 475,000,000,000 in 1973, has been SPECTACULAR . . . AND ALARMING! The follow in g tables show the trend. TABLE 5973-1. NATIONAL DEBT BY YEARS Year 1928 1920 1930 1940 1945 1950 1955
I960 1965 1970 1972 1973
T otal N ational Debt . . . . Debt Per Person
... ...
.............. $17,493, 408,878 ........... 24,299,321,467 $228.23 16,185,309,831 ............... 131.51 42,967,531, 036 ............. 367.48 258, 682, 000,000 ................ 1 , 848.60 257,357,352,351 ............. ! , 696.67 374, 374, 000,000 .............. 1 , 660.38 286,330,760,848 1,584.70 317,273,898,984 1,630.46 370,918,706,950 1,811.12 427,260,460,940 2,046.00 475, 000, 000,000 ..............
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Not only has the PRINCIPAL o f the N ational Debt increased so enormously accompanying i t has been the INTEREST PAID ON THE NATIONAL DEBT. For the year 1971, th is was $20, 959, 044,000..........For 1972, i t was $21, 848, 807, 000. The a f f a i r s o f p riv a te in d iv id u a ls , or private businesses, could NOT POSSIBLY BUST OR OPERATE on such a re c k le ss b a s is ! ! !
CVM-BHM-Mon «Jan 21, 1974* Final C h ap ter. D e t a i l s .
- 17 -
RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES. 1915 to 1972. - The fo llo w in g tab le shows the "manner in which the N a tio n a l Debt has grown since year 1915 . This tab le and the one just above, are taken from the "World Almanac11 fo r year 1973, page 11 TABLE 5973~-Ll ♦_NATIONAL RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURES. DEFICITS. SURPLUS^R eceipts_____
... $697,910,827 . . . 6,694,565,389 . . . 3,780,148,685 . . . 4,177,9A1,702 . . . 3,729,913,845 . . . 5,144,013,044 ...44,475,303,665 ...36,494,900,837 . . 60,389,743,895 . . 77,763,460,220 . . 93,071,796,891 D / / 19^5 D* ' /1968 ..153,675,705,000 . 193,843,791,000 R ( ( 197° “ • '(1972 . 215,262,638,670
# 760, 586,802 6,403,343,841 3,063,105,332 3,440,268,884 6,520,965,945 9,062,032,204 98,416,219,786 39,617,003,195 64,569,972,817 76,539,41-2,798 96, 506,904,210 172, 803, 186,000 194,968,258,000 238, 285, 906,846
Year 1915 U920 R.U1925 (1930 /1935 n / //1940 D* ( //1945 /1950 p A1955 K* ^( I 960
D e fic it s
.#62,675,975 #291,221, 5Z*8 717,043,353 737,722,818 2,791,052,100 3,918,019,160 53,940,916,071 3,122,102,358 4,180,228,922
1,224,047,422 3,435,107,319 19,127,481,000 1,124,467,000 23,023,268,176 NOTE: The le t t e r s "D" and nRn preceding the year numbers indicate which party was in c o n tro l a t the time - Democratic or Republican. To be noted - the Republicans were the only ones to achieve "su rp lu se s". The large d e fic it o f 1972 was m ostly a t t r ib u ta b le to the War in Vietnam. DEVALUATION OF AMERICAN DOLLAR. - Along with the huge r is e in n ational debt, the American D o lla r su ffe re d i t s worst devaluation in a l l the nation’ s h isto ry . During la te 1972 and e a r ly 1973, the D o lla r suffered to the extent that i t took 1105.00 to buy ONE OUNCE OF GOLD - that in previous years had sold at $45.00. European speculators p e rs is te d in wrecking the gold market - maintaining such high p rices. Added to a l l t h is , the sale o f American goods to fo reig n countries f e l l fa r short of American d o lla r s paid out fo r fo re ig n goods. This condition was g re a tly augmented by keeping la rg e American armies in Germany - fo r European defense - fo r which maintenance su p p lies were bought in Germany, a t the D o lla r 's expense. VITAL ISSUES AT HOME. - At home, FIVE important domestic matters had f a r reaching consequences: . . . ( 1 ) Desegregation in the n a tio n 's schools, because of the 1954 mandate o f the U .S . Supreme Court . . . . ( 2 ) C i v i l Rights le g is la t io n , aimed at securing and guaranteeing a l l legitim ate freedomd f o r every in d iv id u a l... i3) Progress aside by the Negro population of the nation, le d by Rev. Martin Luther King — who was assassin ated in Memphis, Tenn., A p r il 4, 1968. He and others had led negro p ro test groups as la rg e as 200,000 to Washington, D .C .. D r. King "Had a Dream" fo r his people. . . . ( 4 ) The F ederal attempt to provide better and adequate housing fo r low income fa m ilie s and groups. This project was headed by the ^ Housing and Urban Development ( H .U .D .) agency. . . . ( 5 ) The n ation al Energy C r is is , caused by shortage o f m ineral oiJt - re s u ltin g from the Mid-East War between Israel, Egypt, and S y ria - and Saudi Arabia* s embargo on production and sale of crude o i l. THESE WERE THE NATIONAL AND INTERNATIunaL, OONDITIONS which prevailed during the 195 -x973 period. There were, in addition, other fa c to rs that could be included - but the foregoin g serve bur present purpose - which^is to summarize world conditions that, in more or le s s measure, affe c ted R o lla s a f f a i r s an
growth. We now turn to R o lla 1s lo c a l area a f f a i r s .
CVM-BHM-Tues. Feb. 19, 1974. Final Chapter. D e ta ils. R O L L A
- 18 -
C I T Y G O V E R N M E N T 1958 - 1973
ROLLA UNDER THIRD CLASS GOVERNMENT.— R o lla adopted "Third C lass" plan o f government in the e it y e le c tio n o f A p r il, 1958. A l l o f f ic e s under the old "Fourth C lass" status ended at that time - and entirely new o f f ic e r s took th e ir p la c e . The terms o f Mayor were now fix e d at FOUR years, beginning in May, 1958 and in May t h e r e a ft e r. Terms fo r SIX o f the twelve Councilman were fo r regu lar two-year terms, beginning in May, 1958. Terms for the other SIX councilman were, i n i t i a l l y , from May o f 1958 to May o f 1959 { one year d u ratio n ;. Thereafter terms were r e g u la r ly fo r two years. I t was thus that Mayor E a r l G. Hudgens, la s t mayor under "Fourth C la ss", became the firfc t mayor under "Third C la ss", serving from May of 1958 to May of
In the l i s t i n g o f the f i r s t set o f councilman , immediately below, the councilman f i r s t named fcr_ ea£h_ward drew the most votes, and won the f i r s t fa ll two-year term. The second councilman named drew the le s s e r vote and the in itia l one-year term, in a l l that fo llo w s , the a s te ris k ( * j a ft e r a name indicates that such person i s now beginning h is re g u la r f u l l two-year term. These were the f i r s t twelve Councilman so elected in A p ril, 1958, and sworn in in May, 1958: / Ward 1_______ Leo L o rts* Carl Pietsch
Ward 2________ Elmer Kee* EawfarMgfcwhglk Stan Grzyb
Ward 5 Leroy Grant* Richard Bennett
Ward 3___________ Herald Barnes* Paul M itch e ll
Ward 4___________ Edw. Loughridge* Claude Brown
Ward 6 Harold King* Clark Uline
SUCCESSION OF COUNCILMEN. 1958-1974. - The ta b le s on pages 18.a and 18.b provide the r o l l c a l l f o r R olla* s counci Iras n for the years 1958 to 1974. The asterisk ( * ) placed a f t e r a name in d ic a tes that such person was beginning his regular two-year term. A cross ( x j a f t e r a name in d icates that the person resigned or died or moved out o f h is ward. When his name is enclosed with another, by parentheses { ) , the second name i s for the person who replaced the one resign ed. THE CITY HT.KRK-.q. , M rs. E lisa b e th Taylor served as c ity clerk during the Hudgens adm inistration, 1958—1962. . . . . . Mr. Gene Giddens served throughout the Northern adm inistration, 1962—1970 •• and on u n t il May 10, 1971, under the Curtis Eogan regime. . . . Mr. Lee Courson f i l l e d the vacancy between May 10 and August 9, 1971. Mrs. Gale Bullman took over on that date, and served u n t il «fuae of 1973 i onfi fo r a month or so a f t e r j , when Mr. D.G. England, the present incumbent ( February, 1974J took o ffic e • MAP OF THE SIX WARDS. - No map o f the s ix wards as they were f i r s t fix e d in 1958 were avai l a ble as t h is paragraph was w ritte n . The map herein presented, °n page 18.d, was a rev ise d and s lig h t ly d iffe r e n t arrangement made for and a fte r the year 1971 .
CVM-BHM-Tues . F e b .19, 1974. Final C h ap ter. D e t a i l s .
- 1 8 .b -
SUCCESSION OF ROLLA COUNCILMEN, TEARS 1958 to 1966. lear 1958-59
Tear 1961-62
L o rts
Herb Pruett*
Pruett Clarence Wallace*
Kee Posey, C .H .*
Kee* Posey
Kee Thomas, Herman*
Herald Barnes* < Paul M itch ell t 3 %
Barnes Abbott, Woodrow*
Chaney, Claude* Abbott
Chaney Denny, Joe*
•i Eds. Loughridge* v V Claude Brown a
Loughridge Brown*
Loughridge * Brown
Loughridge Brown*
Ward 5
Tear 1960-61
Leroy Grant* Richard Bennett
Grant L&vine, W alter*
Grant* Lavine
Grant M ille r
|Ward 6
iso Lorts* M Carl Pietsch f) a % (M Elmer Kee* Stan Grzyb V u a ?
Tear 1959-60
Harold King* Clark Uline
King * Ling* Lloyd,Margaret (S.H . l Rowlan, B i l l H. ( served 1 year )
Tear 1962-63 H
le a r 1964-65
Tear 1963-64
Powers, Bob* Rowlan
lear 1965-66
Pruett* Wallace
Pruett Bwinford, Thos*
Pruett* Swinford
Pruett Swinfcrd*
Kee* Thomas
Kee Dinges, R u ss.*
Richardson,Jas* Dinges
✓ Richardson*\ 'W rig it ,J .B . Jones, A lb ert*
} N V JL,
<«\ Sonewald, G eo.* ■o Denny < £
Steinmeyerx \ ^Mothe, P a u l' C h ris tie , C .C .*
Sonewald Bteinmeyer, John*
C h ristie Roths*
Daugher ty* Foulk
Daugherty Foulk*
>f\ Grant* Miller i
Grant Mason, George*
Hubbard, L .G .* Mason
Hubbard Mason*
o Powers Tl Rowlan* U
H o rto n ,S .P .(J a c k ;* Rowlan
Horton Whites, Clyde*
Hort on* Whites
W a rd
Daugherty Foulk, Donald*
Daugherty, Leo* Brown
CVU-BHM-Tues. F eb . 19, 1974. Final C h a p ter. D e t a i l s .
- 1 8 .c -
SUCCESSION OF ROLLA COUNCILMEN, TEARS 1966 to 1974. le a r 1966—67 Ray, Harold* Swinford, T5ios.
A V d 5
J o n e s , A lb e rt N Rgithwj, -xirttn.i •d Noakes, Ray* s
Tear 1967-68
Year 1968-6?
Year 1969-70
Ray L o rts, Leo*
Burns, Chas.* L o rts
Burns L o rts*
Jones* iMoake s
Jones Ray, Harold*
Jones* Ray
Rothe, ?aul *d Hoertel, Fred* i
V u %
Daugherty, Leo* Foulk, Donald
IA Hubbard, L .G .* Mason, George
/Wri s t on, Davidx . * 'A tch ley, B i l l ' H oertel
H oertel* Atchley
Hoertel Atchley*
Daugherty Whitten, T ravice*
Daugh er ty* Whitten
Daugherty Whitten*
Hubbard Mason*
Hubbard* Mason
Hubbard L o u i s , W illiam *
1 Horton , S .P ./ 9 Whites*, Clyde* s s
lear 1970-71
Year 1971-72
Schumacher Whites*
Year 1972-73
Schumacher* Whites
Year 1973-74
Lofts Bums*
S h e r r e ll,L a r r y * Burns
S h e r r e ll Burns*
Grimm, W alter* Burns
Jones Ray*
Barnes, H erald* Ray
Barns s F a rr is , Jim
Best. John 1- * F a rris
Ward 3
H •d u
/W riston,D avid*** 'Schumacher, J a s• Whites
Hoertel, Fred* Atchley
H oertel (ActgMayor? F e r r e ll, Floyd*
H oertel* F e r r e ll
Hoertel F e r r e ll*
■o U £
Whitten Rothe, Paul*
Clark, Dr.Ralph May-Aug. Ho sub.? Rothe
Frost, Archie* Rothe*
Frost Rothe
Daugherty, Leo* Louis, Wa.
Daugherty B a lla r d , Ray*
Daugherty* B a lla rd
Ward 2 |
vO 1 Schumacher Whites* l £
Louis, Wm.* Whites
Louis Whites*
/•Daugherty (d ie d K 'Moyer, Geo Smith, Larry* Louis* Whites
CVM-BHM-Jan 30,1974. w
=f ^ a 3TlS h a p fe r. y
- 18.a y
Attention V o te rs !
City of
Rolla, Missouri
LEO CHRISTOPHER Phelps County Assessor
or FIRST ( I R )
CVM-BHMr-Mon Jan 2 1 ,1 9 7 4 . Final Chapter D e t a i l s .
- 19 -
LIST OF MAYORS AND OFFICERS. 1959-1971 _ Aei section, the new o f f ic e r s who "to ok o f f i c e i n May 1958 8 ° f OUr 1947“ 58 Hudgens . . . C ity Clerk, Mrs. K L i e a b e t h la v lL ' « ? * ’ , ! ! ” the” ! Us‘^OT’ E a rl ° treasurer, W alter L . Bradford 4 e ? P; r f F C W ^ f ^ Ro“ ■■■ Mrs. Florence M i lle r . . . F e lic e ^ g f . D c S i a s ^ J ; 0 - ^ V " CoU* ° ‘ ° r . Watson . . . P o lic e C hief G e e r , P ru ftt . . A i r e c l l 7 t , ' ^ ? n 1p8 i hr PHr i ° d* SIX persons have served as R o lla *s mayor. ( ! ) Earj, G. H„dgens. May, 1957 to May, 19612 (1962) 7
~Aan May, 1962, to May,1 1965, then nay, 1966 to ( 1 ) l r 1 ?f,RT?T6n^ uhf? r e s ^ ed because o f i lln e s s . i p, i l l % -G; ^ BILL * Hubbard. ) Jan. 15, 1969 to May, 19$9 . "Acting Mayor/" (4) Qurtis W. Logan. May, 19$® to demise on Oct. 21 1972 (5 ) Fredfiyicft H99F^e] ("A ctin g*') Oct. 21, 1972 to May,* 1973. ' ’ ■.e ya^4 Bg flgg . . May, 1973, to date and to term end, May 1974 „ ACHIEVEMENTS OF me. SIX MAYORAL TFBM.9I t i s convenient to r e v i « T ily affairs in terms o f these s ix mayoral terms. Thus: The EaE.l_Hudge2.s_Regime.- ( l ) Perhaps the f i r s t and c h ief project under Mr. FOTffl3t r S m D * a L A l l . m
the 0hanges n e 0 es3 ltat-d bF ob<“ *<> o f government from
(2) construction o f the two main c it y sewer d isp o sa l p la n ts: (1 ) The one at confluence of Franz Creek w ith L i t t l e Dry Fork, in SE£ o f SE£ of Sec. 8, T . 37- 7 .. and (2) The Vichy Road p la n t, north of town, on branch of North Spring Creek near center of Sec. 35, T . 38- 8. These, with necessary trunk lin e s , were paid f o r with oortions o f the 3,000 sewer bond issue approved in 1954. (3 ) 0pening and construction o f city* s commodious Ridge view Park, adjacent to Ridgeview S ubd ivision , in southwest R o lla . (4) Continuation o f the M unicipal U t i l i t y 's a c t iv it y , under i t s Board . . Eric Schuman . . P ro f. F.H. Frame . . . Herman Castleman . . . and Fred Cameron. When, during the period, Mr. Cameron died, Mr. George Christopher was named to his place. (5) City L ib r a r y and Park Boards were both continued during the regime. ( 6) R o lla *s "N a tio n a l" A irp o rt, near Vichy, was acquired during the Hudgens regime. THE EUGENE E. NORTHERN ADMINISTRATION. - Eugene E. Northern was elected R o lla 's mayor in the c it y e le c tio n of A p r il, 1962. His term extended from May, 1962, to January 15, 1969, a t which time, due to heart ailment, he was compelled to re sig n . From that date to May, 1970, Mr. L.G . " B i l l " Hubbard served as "actin g" mayor. The Northern regime was one of the most outstanding in Rolla* s h isto ry . Notable for its extensive program o f c iv ic and municipal improvement. The fo llo w in g were some of the p r in c ip a l achievements o f th is adm inistration: 1.- Construction o f the c i t y 's COMMUNITY HALL and FIRE STATION, on Block 4 o f Original Town, fa c in g north lin e o f 4th stre e t between Main and Park stre e ts. 2. — Paving or re —paving most of R olla* s downtown stre e ts with tar asphalt 3. - Paving R o lla Cemetery stre e ts w ith tar asphalt 4. - I n s t a lla t io n of a hot tar mixing plan t, abutting Frisco ra ilro a d at 19th S t. 5. - Demolition o f tte old E l Carney ( Crandall-Baltimore) Hotel, 8th street and F ris c o r a ilr o a d , and in i t s place constructing a public parking lo t . At same time, opening Elm s t re e t , 9th to 8th. . . . . 6. - A c q u isitio n of BerJuan Pafk from H.T. Thomas fo r $200,000, of which the N a tio n a l R ecreation al Service refunded $100,000. 7. - Opening o f the c ity * s san itary l a n d f i l l in Lions Park, in Sw$ o f SE^ of Sec. 14, T.37-8.
CVU^BHM-iaon Jan.21,1 9 7 4 .
- 20 -
Final Chapter D e t a i l s .
w^t.hern Administm tion .
8. - Further construction on the c i t y ’ s two sewage d isp osal p lan ts. 9. - Purchase o f h ig h ly u p -to-date f i r e truck, $75,000. 10. - P ro v isio n of wage and s a la r y increases of 5$C each year fo r a l l c ity employees.
1 1 . — Paid fu ll-tim e s t a f f s fo r f i r e and po lice departments. 12. - Construction cf s t e e l warehouse b u ild in g , F risco tracks at 19th S t ., fo r o ffic e and housing of highway equipment, and City Engineer. 13. — Removal of a number o f old and d ila p id ate d bu ildin gs, in in te re st of c it y b e a u t ific a t io n . 14. - Made the f i r s t a p p lic a tio n fo r Federal Housing U n its. Not granted because there were no a v a ila b le funds. 15. - Constructed e a st ad d itio n to City H a ll, Block 8, R o lla M i ll Addition. 16. - Most of the fo reg o in g p ro je c ts were b u ilt WITHOUT OUTSIDE AID or any FEDERAL GRANTS. A l l from lo c a l city funds. Ronald F u lle r served as city attorn ey through the Northern regime. Robert Watson was C ity Engineer. Gene Giddans was City Clerk. BERJUAN PARK i s in
o f SE£ and SE^ o f SW^ of Sec. 1, T.37-8.
THE MAYOR LOGAN ADMINISTRATION. - In the A p ril municipal election o f 1970, Curtis W. Logan was e le c te d to succeed Mayor Northern and acting mayor L. G. Hub bard. He assumed o f f ic e in May, 1970, and served u n t il his sudden demise, on Saturday, October 21, 1972. Frederick W. H oertel, president o f the Council, served as Acting Mayor u n t i l May, 1973» when - at a sp ec ia l election , Herald Barnes was elected to complete the Logan term, in May, 1974. The logan adm inistration w i l l be remembered c h ie fly fo r these several fa c to rs: ( l ) The e f f o r t _ o f the City,. through a s p e c ia l Housing and Urban Development Corporation — separate from but set up by the City Council - attempted to in it ia t e and complete TWO TYPES o f development. The corporation consisted of a board o f five members, which board employed a paid d irec to r and sp e c ia l engineering services/ 3he F ir s t Type o f—Development was to include 100 lo w -re n ta l residences, available fo r low income fa m ilie s . Of these, 42 were completed during 1973» on a street i nning due north from the southeast corner of F risco Subdivision. Another part of th is p ro je c t was the erection o f a 100 apartment h ig h -rise condomium in the new Forum su bdivision , in the Ej| o f SE^ of Sec. 1, .37building i s nearing completion, as o f December 31» 1973* . An added part o f the f i r s t named p ro je c t above included 52 low-income r dences. This was due to s t a r t during January of 1974 - but as o f January ^ progress has been made, because two s ite s chosen fo r i t have costly - and no a lte rn a te s ite has yet been found. The. Second.Tspe of_Development involved the pianning of stre,et paye ^ n t ^ o f storm sewers, and r e v is io n of the 18th street r a i lr o a c . included the below suitable standards were to be demolished. The area a ffe c te d included the Frisco and the Holloway su b d iv isio n s. The i n i t i a l p ro je c t involved a c®st o f ^ io T d o lla r s part of which was to come from Federal fhnd . m illio n . The project thus caused the plan to be read ju sted so as to cost only $1 m illio n , me P 3 cut down was f i n a l l y r e je c te d by the Federal H.U.D. ag y. Mayor Logan was an exceedingly f e r o n t ^ v o c a t ^ a n P * S t i f f opposition caused proposed s it e s f o r the 42 low cos
be changed at le a s t tw ice.
residences to
CVM-BHM-Jan. 30,1974• Final Chapter D e t a i l s .
- 20. a -
SAMPLE FINANCIAL RECORDS OF CITY. - The fo llo w in g are the a v ailab le records of 71.
city of R o lla f in a n c ia l rep o rts and items . . years 1970 -
BUDGETS: As of January, 1970 ................. $1,097,595.18 January, 1971 ................. 922, 312.00 ASSETS—RECEIPTS - EXPENDITURES.
le a r erxling Dec. 31, 1970.
Total fix e d a sse ts ( property ) ........... $3,821,121.40 Cash in Banks ............................................. 368,574.73 Net Worth, c it y p rop erties ..................... 4,136,788.30 Cash re c e ip ts fc r 1970 ........ $1 , 506, 447.59 1,203,124.25 Cash disbursements, 1970 . . . Trunk Sewer Line to SW Treatment Plant ......... S.W. Treatment P lan t / ........................................... Other sewers . . .
$169,103.57 56, 045.76
$127,247.55 ( % Gene Giddens, City Clerk ) .
CVMjBHM—Ja n . 22, 1974 Final C h a p ter. D e t a i l s .
- 21 -
(2 ) S p e c ia l Bond_Issue_s And In d u s tria l_ P la n ts . - A f i r s t c it y bond issue of some $ 4,000*000 was approved by the c it y ele c to ra te on December 18 1969 fnr* the purpose o f e re c tin g b u ild in g s and f a c i l i t i e s f o r use o f the Schwitzer Division of the W allace—i/fright corporation, This company makes auto parts — chiefly rad ia to r fa n s . The b u ild in g and f e c i l i t i e s were erected by the company on R o lla *s former City A irp ort. B iis had been acquitted by the R o lla High Point Development Agency which had made i n i t i a l e f f o r t s to convert the a irp o rt in to an in d u s tria l park The plant opened i t s doors in November, 1970. I t then had only 14 employees.* in August, 1973, i t had 389, zt which time the concern had an annual p a y ro ll of $2, 250, 000. I t continues in f u l l b la s t production. Two AdditionalJ3ond Issue .3 were placed before the c ity electorate in an election held on ____ ^ay 197 2 . One was fo r $150,000, to match Federal grants of l i f e amount f o r a c it y swimming pool and recreation center in Berjuan Park. The other was an issue o f $100,000, to be matched with a Federal grant of like amount, fc r developing a second in d u s t r ia l park, w ith su itable b u ild in g s. This land tra c t abutted the south r/w lin e o f the Frisco r a ilr o a d at the center of Section 31, T.39—7. In t h is e le c tio n , BOTH issues were dEflE6itilS(& PASSED. (See p.2 1 .a) In a renewed e f f o r t , Mayor Logan join ed hands w ith the R olla Area Chamber of Commerce and the Development Corporation - and, with aid o f the various service and womens’ clubs, gained the necessary v otes. In separate electio n s, both issues were approved. ( See page 2 1 .a that fo llo w s ). On the new In d u s t r ia l Park, the S.O.M.E. Company has erected suitable o u ild ings, and since Jan. 2, 1973, has manufactured p la s t ic water pipe. The Frisco railroad in s t a lle d a s p e c ia l switch fo r the p la n tt s use. In BerJuan Park, the swimming pool and recreation center are nearing com pletion as t h is paragraph i s w ritte n , Jan. 22, 1974* Re£istered_Cit 2_ Engine p r _ E ^ lo y e d .- The increasin g need fo r engineering services fo r the c it y le d t o the appointment, as of June 1, 1970, o f Mr. Don Loomis as c it y engin eer. He was given a competent s t a f f and o ffic e - which o ffic e is now in the basement of the east wing o f the City H a ll. The Harl^nd-Bartholomew Report s_.- Another achievement of the Logan Administra tion was the employment of the Harland Bartholomew City Planning Company, of St. Louis, to make a comprehensive City Plan Study and Report to the Council. The report was made in two separate section s, and in considerable d e t a il. The Connn il authorized the study on Sept. 8, 1969* Section 1 included new city maps, discussions of land use, economic and p o lu la tio n studies, and housing. Phase Two discussed neighberhood groups, transport, highways, and other matters. Phase One was dated A p r il, 1970. I t contained 45 pages. New City S u b d iv is io n s .- S everal important new c it y subdivisions were la id out and taken by the c it y during the Northern—Logan adm inistrations. Chief of these was the 11FORUM” add itio n , la i d out on the east h a lf o f the southeast quarter of Section 1, T. 37-8. I t contained 90 acres, and abutted the north lin e of East 10th s tre e t, and the west lin e of McCutchen D rive. A second su b d iv isio n , Heritage Heights, a ls o contained 90 acres. This i s located in. the SW£ o f Sec. 6, T.37-7. I t abuts McCutchen Drive on i t s west, nnd East 10th stre e t on i t s south. A th ird la r g e s u b d iv is io n - the L in e -B a rn itz A d d itio n - was ou tsid e c it y Limits, but some day w i l l be taken in . ^ These se v e ra l su b d iv ision s, together with M urry's Third Addd^ ™ > ^ d 'Ann’ s Acres, are now crowded with a multitude of high cla ss residences, costing anywhere from $20,000 to $40,000 each. Several other sm aller subdivision s have been p la tte d and bui upon Cutting Soest Road, in Sections 12 (T .3 7 -8 ) and Sec. 7 (T .3 7 -7 ), m the beighborl0«i of Radio S ta tio n KTTR.
CVM-BHM-June 12, 1974. (14) 1959-1973
- 2 1 .a -
THE CITY BOND ISSUES ON SWIM POOL AND INDUSTRIAL PARK. - As stated on page a » f ° T 6 Pf eLe" ted to the c it y e le c to fa te f o r approval. o S was for $150,000 to be matched by a Federal grant of lik e amount, for a c it y swinmng pool m er Juan Park. The other was for $100, 000, matched fe d e ra lly , £°L1^nd p^r ?h?se f r^ v,df ^ 1 ° p?en t ^ . a SECOND In d u stria l Park, on Section 31 , T.38—7 , adjoining both the Frisco Railroad and Highway 66—1—4 4 , At the May e le c tio n ( May 16, 1972 1 BOTH bond issu es PASSED. The S»im Pool issue by vote o f 1787 to 546 ( 76* to 24* ) . . and the Ind. Park issue 1096 to 655 ( 7l£ to 29^>. Subsequent to such passage, i t was found th at the ADVERTISING fo r the bond election was d e fe c tiv e - so BOTH votes of approval were cancelled - n u ll and void# The Swimming Pool issu e was placed before the electorate again, on October The In du sterai Park issu e, fo r $78 500 was voted on and approved on A p r il 3, 1973.
10, 1972 - and was then passed.
As of June 1, 1974, the Swim Pool has been constructed ani dedicated, and a few sp ecial events held thete. Ihe In d u s t r ia l Park has been completed and the S.O.M.E. Company has b u i l t and operated a su bstan tial PLASTIC PIPE fa cto ry there fo r se v e ra l months. The Frisco r a ilr o a d b u ilt a sp ecial switch track to th is plant fo r i t s use.
CVM-BHM-Jan 2 2 ,1 9 7 4 . Final Chapter d e t a i l s .
- 22 -
MOBILES HOME PARKS.— While NOT s t r i c t l y o f f i c i a l c it y p ro je c ts - nevertheless city adm inistrations are v i t a l l y concerned with the numbers o f h igh ly populated Mobile Home Parks developed in and around R o lla during the 1959-1973 period. Chief o f these i s the Loughridge Bros. "Woodcrest" park, aoutting R o lla 1s north c ity lim it s , in the SE£ o f SWj of Sec. 35, T.38-8. Several other small parks e x is t in th is north Vichy Road area, including the Whitson" and "P laza" courts. An older mobile home park i s the "Huffman", which abuts the east lin e of Salem Avenue in Section 12, T.37-8. A th ird , and large home park - "S ta te ly Mansions", l i e s outside c it y lim it s , abutting the e a st lin e of Highway 72 in Section 18, T.37—7* Curt Smith has a sm all mobile home park to the east o f Northwye - and other sm all courts are located along Crestwood Drive t former State Highway 14, predecessor of Hwy. 66 ) . Munipipal u t i l i t i e s make these mobile home parks of immediate concern to o ffic ia l R o lla . A l l these courts receive e le c t r ic service from R o lla Municipal U tilitie s . Whitson, P la za , Curt Sm ith's and Huffman u nits are served by c ity water and sewerage systems. Loughridge's Woodcredt takes water from i t s own well, but disposes of sewage through the R olla Vichy disposal p lan t. S ta tely Mansions has i t s own w ater and sewage d isp o sa l systems. Waterman's unit has its own water and sewer systems. Mobile_Home Ca£a_city_and_Location.- Present w r it e rs made some e f f o r t to learn*~the capacity o f se v e ra l o f R o lla 's Mobile Home u n its. Those polled gave us the follow in g r e s u lt s : Name of Park Mobile Home Units Location 121 ............... In SE^ o f SWjf S ec.35, T . 38—8 Loughridge ................. 1 5 0 ................. In SE£ o f SEi Sec. 12 (T .37 -8 ) Huffman ....................... 3 1 ................. In SW 4 o f SEj Sec. 14, T.37-8 Wate man* s ................. 12 ................. In NEj; Sec. 36, T . 38—8 Curt S n it h 's Northwye 5 0 ................. In SE^ Sec. 18, T.37-7 S ta te ly Mansions . . . . — ............... In SWi/SE^/Sec. 35, T.38-8 W h it s o n ................... . — . . . . . . . . . In d it t o . P laza ........ ............... Total Units
3 6 4 ( as reported Dec.3,1973 to CVM).
HOTELS AND MOTELS.- These are c l l s e l y re la te d to R o lla 's housing f a c i l i t i e s . Hotel Edwin Long, the one f a c i l i t y of i t s kind in town, has existed since the 1920's. I t has a t o t a l cf 65 rooms, which include three doubOe su ite s. The re st of the rooms are " s in g le ” with double beds. The former Pennant H otel, e x is tin g since the 1930's, has undergone several modern re v isio n s, and i>s another "one o f it s kind" in R o lla . I t i s the town s principal meeting center - and convention headquarters. I t was for a time c a lle d the "CARNEY MANOR MOTEL". The present owner, Dr. E .A . S trie k e r, has changed th title to ju st "MANOR MOTEL". The fo llo w in g table provides a picture o f the motel Rooms fa c ilitie s : S ingle Double T rip le Total When Opened _____ Name_______________ _ 19 1 9 9 Before 1959 R o lla Rancho M o te l 0 39 0 39 »» 2. - New Grande .......................... 11 11 11 12 ,» 3. - Old Schuman A p t s ... 0 29 15 14 »* 4. — Zeno's Steak House 13 1 10 2 1962 5. - L it t le P i n e y .. 17 1 9 7 1962 6. - Northwye " 63" 154 0 122 32 1962 7. - Holiday I n n .... 0 45 24 21 1963 8. - Wayfarer ......... . 26 2 18 6 1968 9. - Rustic ............ . 80 0 38 42 1968 10.- Howard Johnson . . . . 62 0 62 0 1973 H . - Coachlite ............'•< 22 0 22 0 1969 12.- Norman Dee Inn 102 0 18 84 13. -Manor Motel ......................... Befcre 1959
CVM-BHM-Tues. Jan 2 2 ,1 9 7 4 . Fiii9l C h apter. D e t a i l s *
- 23 -
of Motels,__cent. Mama
_______________ .
lichen Opened
Fredericks Restrant & Mot Before 1959 Hotel Edwin L o n g ............
T otals f o r A l l Units
B o o ms S in g le Double T r ip le 5 62
3 3
0 0 5
Total Rooms
8 65 751
CVM-BHM Jan. 2 ,1 9 74 Final C h apter.
- 24 (a j
THE AFFAIRS OF PHELPS COUN1Y - 1959-197s THIS PAGE the N atio n al, State, and County O ffic e rs 1*10 served during tbs period 1959-1973. NATIONAL And STATE OFFICIALS Years U.S. President : mo . Governor______ enator : i Ke ore senta ti ve 1959960 D. Eisenhower Jas. T. B la ir , Jr John A. Johnson Gene S a lly 1961-62 John F.Kennedy John Dalton Johnson S a lly 1963-64 J.F.K . & L .B .J . Dalton J. Morris H i l l Melvin Carnahan 1965-66 Lyndon B. Johnson Warren G. Hearnes H ill Carnahan 1967-68 L.B . Johnson Hearnes Don Owens Richard Smallwood 1969-70 Richard M. Nixon Hearnes Owens Smallwood 1971-72- Nixon Hearnes Owens Smallwood 1973-74 Nixon C h ris. Bond Ralph Uthlaut John Twitty THE COUNTY COURT fe HT.TOK Years Presidin g Judge .>} J i n Side Judge ?W.Side Judge : County Clerx______ 1959-60 Lloyd W. Ramsey B lev ie M. Lorts Walter Paul s e ll J .Mooney-Luciw Smith 1961-62 Ramsey L o rts Roy Gaddy Charles P. Dean 1963-64 n r v il W. Murry Lorts Gaddy W illiam T. Huskey 1965-66 Murry L o rts Gaddy Huskey 1967-98 A rt. McFarland L o rts Gaddy Huskey 1969-70 McFarland Jim Davis Alonzo Dunham Huskey 1971-72 Leo L o rts Davis Dunham Huskey 1973-74 Lorts Davis Dunham Huskey THE CIRCUIT COURT Years C irc. Judge Clk-Recarder S h e r iff________ Pros. Attv. 1959-6U Emery W. A llis o n Chas. R. Sands O liver T. Lambiel Jay White 1961-62 A lliso n Lambiel Austin B e ll Wm. W. H oertel B e ll Lambiel Hoertel 1963-64 A llis o n 1965-66 A llis o n B e ll Lambiei Hoertel 1967-68 A lliso n B e ll Lambiel Zane White Z. White Lambiei B e ll 1969-70 A lliso n LamDiel ld .D ec. 21; Z.White B e ll 1971-72 A llis o n fyj+wmrm Pasidy Z. White B e ll 1973-74 A llis o n OTHER ELECTIVE OFFICERS Surveyor Treasurer C ollector ?e* r 3 Assessor_______ C ia ir v. Mann Melvin T. Watts 1959-60 Wm. T. Huskey Roy Dunivin Mann 1961—62 Huskey Watts Dunivin Mann Watts Dunivin 1963-64 A llen S. Smith Jfjtoert E lgin Watts Robt. S. Sands 1965-66 Smith E lgin Watts Sands 1967-68 Smith E lgin Watts Sands 1969-70 Leo Christopher Elgin W atts-Scott (Watts Sands 1971-72 Christopher E lgin Robt. Scott d e c .) Sands 1973-74 Christopher Hwr. Engineer Supt. Schools Coroner -ears Pro b.-M ag. Judge Dr. C la ir V. l^ann Ralph Marcellus Claude N u ll 1959-60 Sami. Hess Mann M arcellus S . C. N u ll 1961—62 Hess Vacant J. Leonard B e ll Paul N u ll 1963-64 Llyn Bradford Robt. E lgin B e ll P. N u ll I965-66 Bradford E lgin B e ll P .N u ll 1967-68 Bradf or d E lgin B e ll P. N u ll J969-70 Bradford E lgin B e ll 1971-72 Bradford P N u ll E lgin O ffic e Abolished nraorard ---------- ------------- 71973-fA —74 Bradford Pr . N u ll For 1973-74, the o ffic e af P ublic Administrator wa3 re -e s ta b lis n e a . Philip M. Moomaw took the o f f i c e . U. S. POST OFFICE ("Jesse F ran k lin " K ilp a tric k was postmaster, Mar 1, 1958 to May, 1965. Charles R. Sands took over in May, 1965* and has the o ffic e , Jan 1,1974*
CVM-bHM Jan 5 ,1 9 7 4 . Final C hapter
(b )
- 25 PHELPS COUNTY ITEMS - BUSINESS & AFFAIRS. Period 1959 - 1973.
COUNTY POPULATION,— For the year I960, the U.S. Census showed the county's population to be some 25,396 in h abitan ts. For the year 1970. i t had rise n to 29,567. VALUATIONS FOR TAX ASSESSMBNTS. — For the year 1959—60, the assessed value of p riv a te ly owned property, r e a l and personal, was $24,064,522. For the year 1971—72, i t had r is e n to $43,590,299* The fig u re fo r the 1973 tax^returns was ft 51, 888, 333« . BUDGET. RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURES. — For the year 1959, county receip ts amounted to $ 158, 080.81 . Expenditures that year were $______________ , leaving a balance of $______________ . Road & Bridge Fund, $69,897.94 For the year 1973, re c e ip ts were $ 409,890.70 . . expenditures $_____________ and balance $ . Road & Bridge Fund, $254,548.45. THE PRINCIPAL COUNTY PROJECTS OF THE PERIOD were these: 1 . - Winding up the King B i l l road program. 2 . - Elim ination o f Wood Burning Stoves. 3 .— Planning & E lectio n s fo r New Court House. 4 «-A ddition s and Renovations o f the Old Court House. 5 . - Construction o f a New J a i l. 6. - H is t o r ic a l S ociety alloweed to b u ild museum on county l o t . Bonds and Extensions f o r and o f Phelps uo. Memorial H ospital. We_add_a_few_n£tes_for_each of_ th ese_p ro jects.
The se:
1 . - Winding, Up_th_e_King BiLL_Road Program.- This program o f State Aid fo r road r e h a b ilita t io n and maintenance began in 1951, under the Oscar Duncan regime. It continued through the year 1961- 62, when i t was terminated - and in i t s place a portion o f the State gasolin e tax ( 1£ o f the 5^ t o ta l ) was turned back to the S ta te's 114, counties - to be spent by county courts under State supervision. Under th is King B i l l program, some 150 m iles cf county roads were regraded, widened, and surfaced w ith screened g r a v e l. Enou^i g ra v e l was applied to have covered the R o lla Court House Square to a depth o f more than 30 feet . . . . Two major b rid g e s ( fa r the county), and numbers of smaller bridges and low water paved fo ld s were b u i l t . The work was done under plans and supervision by Dr. C la ir V. Mann, county highway engineer. 2 .- Elim ination af_Wood Burning S to v e s .- For many years, and during e a rly years of the 1959-73 period, the old Court House was heated with thin sheet iron stoves, placed in d iv id u a lly in each room. This constituted a t e r r i f i c f i r e hazard. . . . A ft e r a vigorous pu b lic and newspaper campaign, the wood stoves were replaced by compressed propane gas heating stoves - the present system. (19741 • 3 .- Plans and Ele ctions_For_A_New_Court_House. - During the ''Ramsey" county court adm inistration, 1959- 60, a vigorous campaign to replace the ^ J ™ *? "ith a new and modern structure was in it ia t e d by the Phelps o . , , . aDDr0Driate Miich petitioned the county court to make a proper study, and then hold appropriate elections. Tte p e t it io n asked the Court to appoint an Advisory Commission of some 60 persons to conduct the study and recommend solu tion s. The Court appointed such a Commission, w ith Dr. C.v.Mann serving as an executive secretary director". Dr*. D an iel Kennedy was named chairman. Dr. and Mrs. Mann motored to se v e ra l rec e n tly b u i l t c o u r t ** ^ ideas fo r a new stru c tu re . They examined court h o u s e s in l t e n t g ^ r ^ C i t y ^ . ^ Mexico, Fulton, B o liv a r, and M arsh field , M issouri - * “? I e ] £ * 0f thT A dvisory «ann mide flo o r and dimension sketches, w ith photographs, io r use ofJfce^Advi y Commission. He also gathered notes from every county of Rew building, s ta tin g how many square feet flo o r space woul nee e
l_EO L O R T S , R O L L A Pr e s id in g J
W il l i a m T . H u s k e y Clerk
ud g e
JAMES S . D A V IS , S T . J A M E S JUDGE, E a s t e r n
d is t r ic t
R O L L A , M IS S O U R I 6 5 4 0 1
April 9, 1974
Dr. C . V . Mann 506 East 6th St Rolla, Missouri,65401 Dear Dr.
The valuation for Phelps County for the years 1959 and 1973 are as follows: 1959-$25,315,066 1973-$51,888,333 The expenditures for the respective years, on County Revenue and County Road and Bridge Funds only. 1959 County Revenue $158,080.81 1959 Road and Bridge$ 69,897.94 1973 County Revenue $409,890.70 1973 Road and Bridge$254,548.43 Hope that this is what you wanted. Sincerely yours,
William T. Huskey County Clerk WTH/las
L u c ie A . s m it h De p u t y C l e r k
CVM-HHM-Jan . 5,19 74 Final C hapter
- 26 -
rr5; . ' r s TbL £
(c )
Coomis.iMi en tertained a group cf S t. Louis a rc h ite c ts, ^ h o .e r e i ^ r ^ T H diewlug up necessary p la n s . The a rc h ite c ts present rere t t o s e f S n e r t T F ^ tc n Kramer & ham s . . . hrom, Edson & A s s o c ia t e .. XxTZ a “ rnes* *• r r i t o n . . . these, the Court and Advisory Commission chose t h ^ t a t l T f i r a . K a s s a b a u m . Of . 1 fe^9I * ? ? - ,HelllnUth f3ria met " i t h the Court and Advisory Commission and presented a feea tit i f u l perspective sketch and cost estimate fo r a s t m ^ e that would cost some $779, 000. xor a structure With this data in hand, the County Court ( L.Ramsey, B. Lonts, W .P a u lse ll) June 3° * 195° The A c t i o n resulted in 1833 votes "for" and 1270 "a g a in s t ” the p ro p o sitio n . This was $9.1 % " fo r " and 40.9 % "no" As a two-thxrds m a jo rity was required , the proposition f a ile d . The canbinsd votes of R olla and S t . James gave seme 72% " fo r " - rfiich would have carried the oond issue. The r u r a l areas were responsible f o r the f a ilu r e . A second e le c tio n , on August 2, I960, on a proposal f o r a $460 000 structure also fa ile d 32?8 " f o r " ...2 2 0 6 "n o". $9.8 % ^ o ? " . . 40.2 % "no".* i e s s t n ^ T * 2/3 majority. a third e le c tio n , Nov. 8, i960, f o r a ^/»60,000 structure, alao f a ile d . . b y a vote of 5396 "y e s" to 3456 "n o "............ 60.97 % "yes" . . 39.03 % "n o." This th ird and f i n a l d e fe a t ended the e f f o r t to get a new court house. 4 .- ADDITIONS & RENOVATIONS 0F_0LD_C0URT_H0USE. - At Various tim es,follow ing the defeat o f the three new court house bond issu es, and during the 1959- 60-73 period, small changes and additions were made to the Old Court House. The Ramsey court b u i l t a one—sto ry "cracker-box" room at southeast corner of the old Court House. This was used for county court meetings. The former large court meeting room, with h i^ i c e ilin g , was provided with a "second f lo o r " , on Tihich the Court stored the many VALUABLE county records that had oeen stored in the VAULT — and BELONGED THERE. The lower flo o r was remodeled for use o f the County Clerk and the assessor and tre a su re r. Another change was made by rep lacin g the old wood window frames through out the bu ilding. The old court v au lt was p artition ed o f f fer use o f the Probate Court. A second sto ry waat b u ilt up from the old Recorder*s vault, to house the office o f prosecuting attorn ey. The old h ig h -c e ilin g J a i l ad d itio n at southwest corner of the Old Court House was next in order fc r change • Numerous j a i l breaks made i t u n fit fer county prisoners, so they were taken to the R o lla city j a i l . Meantime, a second flo o r was built in the high j a i l room, on which the county c o lle c to r had his o ffic e . The old basement was, for a time, assigned to the county surveyor. The la t e s t renovation removed the surveyor from the premises to h is own private office in the Asher b u ild in g , 7th and P in s. The basement space was then converted into crowded rooms used by County Court, County Clerk, and Assessor. A change just completed, as t h is i s w ritten ( *^an. 5, 1974J i s the renovation of the C ircu it Court room. The c e ilin g has been lowered, the w alls paneled, the spectator seating revised, and the heating element upgraded. 5. - Construct!on_0tf A New J a ils .- A $250,000 bond issue for new j a i l was rejected by the e le c to ra t e . With the county*s "SHARE" o f Federal funds, the Court Hus had plans made, and has now l e t a b u ild in g contract to the Joe Hogan firm Tor the new stru c tu re . I t i s located at the southeast corner of the Court House block, at com er o f 2nd and R o lla stre e ts . As th is i s w ritten , portions o f the basement w a lls are in place • 6. - Tte H is t o ric a l Museum. - in 1965, the County Court gave the Phelps Co. Hist. Socy. perm ission to move the old John D illo n lo g house from the former "Dillon" v i lla g e , 6 m iles e a st cf R o lla , and re-con stru ct i t on a county-owned lot abutting the north lin e of 3rd s tre e t, between R o lla and M aij stre e ts. I t is Used as an h i s t o r i c a l museum, and was so dedicated on Nov. 25, 1965.
CVM-BHM-Jan. 5, 1974.
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7 ." THE PHE^JCOUNTT MEM0RI2L_H0SPITAL. - This in s titu tio n , with i t s bond issues, i t s maintenance, i t s rec e ip ts and expenditures, and i t s sev eral extensions during the 1959-73 period — a l l these items are matters of county business. Hcwever, a f u l l d iscu ssion o f th is item i s reserved fe r l a t e r pages, in itiich health and h o s p ita l f a c i l i t i e s are discussed. END OF COUNTY AFFAIRS.
CVM-BHM-Jan. 11, 19 74. Pinal Chapter Preview#
THE ROLLA SCHOOL SYSTEM#— During thp iqcq i o ^ q Board narked in comparative h a r X - * a s S X s S d !
. ■*—
' S°>*ool
Four separate superintendents served the D is t r ic t during the period n „ - f nwi ». Robinson served from d u lj, 1956, to January, 1964 - s t e n L r e s ^ n e X t S L a position with the State Education Department in Jefferson City . ^ R o b e r t B Atkin held the o ffic e from February, 1964 to February, 1969, when he designed to t^ke another p o sitio n in the Kansas City a re a ..........D r. D aniel Smith was superintendent from February, 1969, to November, 1970 - when he was removed by the B o a r d ........ Dr. John E. Roam has held the o ffic e since November, 1970 and to present date January 10, 1974 — and on. ’ THE SUCCESSIVE_SCH00L BOARDS. - These were the various school boards during fche period. The member serving as president i s underlined. The number which follows a name in d ic a te s how many years yet the member is to serve. Year 1958-59 Dr. E. E. Feind Dewey Routh . . . John R. W ilson Glenn Geers . . . Art .McFarland.. R.B. Murry . . . .
( 3) ( 3) ( 2) ( 2) (l) (l)
Year 1959-60 Year 1960-61 Year 1961-62 Dr. E.E. Feind (2 ) Dr. E.E.Feind ( 1 ) Dr. E.E. Feind (3 ) Dewey Routh . . ( 2) Ray Hamilton . ( ) Ray Hamilton .. ( ) D r. H .Q .F u lle r ( 3) Lawr. E. May . ( ) Lawr. E. May .. ( ) Dr. Cottingham (3 ) BrT "Fuller ( 2) J.W.Jensen . . . . (2 ) Rajr Hamilton . ( ) Dr.W.Cottingham(2j D r. H .Q .F uller (1 ) "Cawr. E .”May . ( l ) Jas. W. Jensen ( 3) Dr. Cottingham ( 1 ) ( John M orris was Treasurer these 4 years )
Year 1963-64 Dr. E.E.Feind . . ( 2 ) L. E. M a y ........ ( ) Ray Hamilton . . ( ) Jas^ W. Jensen ( l j CKasSancTs- .T . ( 3) Anthony Homjdc . ( 3)
Year 1964-65 _______ Year 1965-66 Year 1966-67 J.W. _ Jen sien .. , ■ (3 ) Dr. R obt.R ussell ( 3) Chas. Sands .........(3 ) Ray Hamilton ., . ( ) Dwayne William s (3 ) Dr. R. Conyers . (3 ) L a rry E. May ., ( ) Dr. E.E. Feind . (3 ) Dr.~ETE. FeTncT . (2 ) D r. Rob t . Conyei •s( 2) J .W .J e n se n ........ (2 ) Dr. R. R ussell . (2 ) Chas. Sands . . , ■ ( 2) Chas. Sands . . . . ( l ) Dwayne W illiam s (2 ) Dr. E .E . Feind C l) DrT H.“ Conyers . (1 ) J.W. Jensen . . . . (1 ) ( John M orris, treasu rer, these 4 years )
Year 1967-68 Herman Thomas .. ( 3) W.Bosco Eudaly . (3 ) Chas. Sands . . . . (2 ) Dr. R. Conyers . (2 ) Dr. R. R ussell . ( l ) ^ayne_Wiliiams (1 )
Year 1970-71 Year 1969-70 Year 1968-69 ___ Dr^ R ._R u sse ll , C3) Chas. Sands . . . . (3 ) W^Bosco Eudaly ( 3) Dwayne W illiam s (3 ) Dr. R. Conyers . (3 ) Ray- PFncTergras’3 (3 ) Herman Thomas ., (2 ) Dr. R. R u ssell . (2 ) Chas. Sands . . . (2 ) Bosco Eudaly . . . ( 2) Dwayne W illiam s (2 ) Dr. R. Conyers (2 ) D r. R. Conyers . ( l ) Herman_Thoma£ . . (1 ) Dr. R. R ussell (1 ) Chas. Sands . . . . ( l j Bosco Eudaly . . . (1 ) Dwayne William s (1 ) John M. M orris, treasu rer, these 4 years )
Year 1972-73 Year 1973-74 Year 1974-75 Isabelle Estes ( 3 ) A lb e rt Haas . . . . (3 ) D.Owens-J.Atkins (3 ) Is a b e lle Estes Dr. R. R ussell (3 ) Aaron H a ile y . . . (3 ) Ray Pendergrass (3 ) Lou M o s s ........ W.B. Eudaly . . . (2 ) Is a b e lle _ E s t £s . (2 ) A lb ert Haas . . . . (2 ) Jack Atkins . . - aZ Fendergras^s ( 2 ) D r. R. R u sse ll , (2 ) Aaron Hailey . . . (2 ) R.Pendergrass Chas. Sands . . . . ( l ) W.B. Eudaly . . . . ( l ) Isa b e lle Estes . . ( l ) A lbert Haas . . ( l ) Dr^ R ._R u ssell . ( l ) Aaron Hailey . R .L.Pendergrass Dr. R. Conyers (l) ( Jack Atkins was treasu rer, 1971-74 7 , Miss Maxine Henley was ( i s ) secretary to Board, 1950-1974 _
Year 1971-72
(3 ) (3 )
(2) (2) (1 ) CD
CVM-BHM-May 30, 1974. Section (14) 1959-73
- 28.a 1
™_HQLLA_.SCH00L m N C IP A L S _(_a s o f J f a y j j O , . P^ ^ ndt n t . ' • ' D r* J°hn E. Roam r m c ip a l, Senior H igi . . . Thomas C. Carr Junior H . . . B i l l Stormes » £ * * ! * « * EentT°n **• U rs D°rothy H arris Mark Twain . . . Leroy Opperman •Wyman . . . Fred Roberts (r e t ir e d fTruman r f l l f l.B. . James T9th GScheibe ^ de ) Martin Rheinhart ,. Vocational-Technical . . . Janes R. Smith, D ire c to r.
CVM-BHM-Jan. 31, 1974.
-2 9 -
Final C h ap ter. D e t a i l s .
ROLLA*S^ SCHOOL^ BUILDINGS. ^1959-1 9 7 3 .- SIX sch oil bu ild in gs served the R olla School D is t r ic t during the e n tire period — and some o f them much longer. These:
1 . - West Elementary {.Pershing; 2. - East Elementary (. Eugene F ie ld ; 3. - Old R o lla Higjh {.Administration)
4 . - Senior High C afateria 5. - New Senior High 6. - Ward School ( Benton ;
To these s ix , FOUR OTHERS were added during the period. 7.- New Junior High, Soest Road
8. - Mark Twain Elementary, Salem Ave.
9 .— C ol. John B. Wyman Elementary 1 0 .- Harry S. Truman Elementary
A f i n a l a d d itio n was ths Vocational-Technical School, located at the west foot of Mile H i l l , abuttin g south lin e o f East 10th stre e t, just beyond Burgher Creek. For each o f these as were newly constructed - or those to which additions were made, we make b r i e f note o f such improvements. Thus: 1. - West Elementary. - A temporary c la s s room unit was b u ilt outside of, and to the north o f, the main b ric k b u ild in g . This sometime in 1972 or 1973. 2. - East Elementary. - The main b u ild in g was vacated by elementary students, and from 1967 used fo r headquarters o f the new Vocational School. A separate building was constructed to the northeast o f the main bu ild in g, to house shops. When the Vocational School moved out, in 1972, the 9th grade Freshman c la ss of Soeast Road Junior High was tra n sfe rre d to th is b u ild in g . 3. - The Old R o lla High. 8th and Cedar. - This unit received some re p a ir to bolster the southeast corner b r ic k w a ll o f the newer h a lf o f the b u ildin g, where some settlement had taken p la c e . During the period, this b u ild in g served to house the administrative o f f ic e s - superintendent and business manager. The old Audit orium was v a rio u s ly used - fo r R o lla Community Music Association concerts, and for highway and other pu b lic hearings or meetings. 4, - The Senior Hidh C a f a t e r ia .- The p rin c ip a l purpose o f t h is bu ildin g was, and is, to serve lunches and noontime dinners to various elementary and other groups - trach ers and high school p u p ils . However, at times, i t has been used for High School Band and O rctestra concerts — and even for meetings of non—school groups, such as the a r e a 's farm a sso c ia tio n groups. 5. - The New Senior High. - A su b sta n tia l addition was made to the east side of this b u ild in g , so as to enlarge the li b r a r y and provide extra cla ss rooms
- Old Ward School ( Benton ) . - No addition or rev ovation of consequence was made to th is b u ild in g . 7. - The New Junior High. - Before th is school was d e fin it e ly located, a vote by Rolla e le c to rs was taken on a choice between two lo catio n s: (a ) At west foot of Mile H i ll, on E ast 10th stre e t . . . ( b ) On Soest Road, in Extreme northeast corner of the SE£ o f Sec. 12, T . 37- 8/ The Soest Road tra c t was chosen. In 1961, bonds necessary to b u ild this unit and the C ol. John B. Wyman School, plus additions to Mark Twain Elementary, were approved. Junior Hi^i was completed the summer o f 1964, *nd dedicated November 15, 1964- Additions were made in 1969. 8. - Mark Twain Elementary. - Having been b u ilt and used previously (sin ce 1961), additions were made to the b u ild in g during 1966. 9. - The Co l. John B. Wyman Elementary. - This b u ild in g was completed in 1 9 1 , located on tte c re s t of Wyman H i l l - so named fo r t h e U n x o n of^ ° er J ^ ° bS l t “landed tte 13th I l l i n o i s Volunteer In fa n try Regiment in the C iv il War, and bui Fort Wyman. Additions were made in 1966. , 3.°.- The Harry S. Trumn Elementary. - S uitable grounds for th is b u ildin g were Purchased in 196? The tra c t l i e s immediately north of the/ ^ s1 c ° 6gUud^ j s ° h; o l 111 Section 1, T.37-8. Bonds to cover i t s cost were approved m 1969. opened on January 4, 1971, under a . "NEW11 plan o f in stru c tio n .
CVM-BHM-Jan. 31,1974.* Final C h apter. D e t a i l s .
- 30 -
f l f r - S a s ; * ^ a l - T e c h n i c a l School . - In 1966, R o lla was chosen as the s ite f°r ° ” a lr5 echnic31 scho° l that would take graduates from TWELVE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS in the area - outside o f R olla (in c lu d e d ). I t s goal would be to give each of i t s students one or more "marke table _s k i l l s '1 in such f i e l d s as nursing6. . . welding . . . auto mechanics . . . d ra ftin g . . . accounting . . . s e c re t a ria l work . . . refril ! ra oi ^n i * * a ^ c® p ^ tio n in g . . . masonry . . . carpentry . . . and construction. The School was f i r s t opened in the farmer East Elementary b u ild in g . In 1970 the d is t r ic t e le c to ra te approved a bond issue of ONE MILLION DOLLARS, to be used in part fo r the new b u ild in g a t the west fo o t of Mile H i l l on East 10th street and in part fo r purchase o f a 40—acre tra c t from the David Donnan e state , on Soest Road. This i s immediately north of the Soest Road Junior High School. In time, it i s planned to use i t f o r a new Senior High School location , plus a th le tic fields. In August, 1972, the School was moved out of East Elementary and in to the newly completed b u ild in g on E ast 10th. SCHOQL CENSUS. — For the year 1970—71, there were 2025 elementary students . . . 914 in Junior High . . . and 747 in Senior Hi^i . . a TOTAL o f 3,686. For the year 1971-72, the t o t a l attendance was 3,997. and as of October, 1972, an a ll-t im e hi^h occurred - with 4,048 students in the regu lar units, plus 459 in the Vocational-Technical School - making a GRAND TOTAL o f - 4,507 students. Some 2,165 elementary students were under in stru ctio n of a s t a f f o f 71 fu ll-tim e teachers. The fo llo w in g tab le shows the attendance in each of nine o f the units: Senior Hi^ti . . . . 865 W. Elementary . . . 256 Mark Twain . . . . 646 Junior Higji . . . . 793 Benton (Ward) . . . 188 Col. J.B. Wyman 624 Vocational-Tech. 459 E. Elem, 9th grade 356 H.S. Truman . . . 320 GRAND TOTAL, as above . . . 4,507. Some F in an cial Item s. - The fo llo w in g fig u re s were supplied to present w riters by the adm in istration 's business o ffic e - for May t o May year 1972-73* 1. - Expenditures, 1972-73 ........... . $4,141, 542.00 2 . - Budget, 1970-71 .............................. 3,611,739.00 3. - Valuation o f D is t r ic t taxable property, 1972-73 . . . . #33.,950,000 4. - Value cf Plant ( o f f i c i a l , but considered low ) . . . . 4, 850,000 RURAL SCHOOLS TAKEN IN - AND CONSEQUENT BUSING. - At le a s t FIvE ru ra l schools in areas surrounding R o lla closed doors, and were taken in to the R o lla D is tr ic t during the 1959-1973 p e rio d . These: Hirsche . . . Strawhun . . . Macedonia . . . F la t Grove . . . and Corinth. To make t h is change, i t became necessary to haul the pu pils from these r u r a l areas to various R o lla u n its . For the 1972-73 year, some 45 school buses were in such service* They c a rrie d some 2,700 students throughout the year — and drove a combined t o t a l o f 381,163 m iles. Special Nntes fo r Year 1972-73. - The Senior Hi^i graduating cla ss of May, 1973, consisted o f 254 students. . _ Other Improvements included these: (1 ) S o ld ie rs F ie ld fo o t b a ll ground was re-graded and re-sodded. . . . (2 ) Environmental la b o ra to rie s were p a r t e d a H.S. Truman and C o l. J.B . Wyman schools . . . (3 ) Health services were augmented by employment of THREE re g is te re d nurses. ______ END OF SCHOOLS --------
CVM-BHM-Feb. 5 (T u e s .J 1974. final C h ap ter. D e t a i l s .
31 -
ROLLA* S CHURCHES PeriodJL2£2-19Z3i HOLLA’ S CHURCHES. 1959-1973. - On page 5, "Preview" o f present section, we listed t h ir ty -fo u r separate churches that ware serv in g R olla - as o f December 31, 1973. The t h ir t y -fo u r were grouped in three categories — fourteen in the "Older" group . . . e igh t in an "interm ediate"group . . . and eleven in the "Newer" group. In fo llo w in g paragraphs we re ta in the same order o f li s t i n g , and add the names 0f the pastors and a ls o in d ic a te what b u ild in g was done, i f any. 1. - Seventh Day A d v e n tis ts .- During the present period, th is church l e f t it s old location at 7th and Bishop Avenue, and acquired a tra c t abutting west lin e of Lecoma Read C Route 0 ) t which l o t i s some 700 feet south o f the junction of Routes 0 and 72. On this new t ra c t, and during this period, the church erected a sub s ta n tia l house o f w orship. As of December 31, 1973, John Fisk i s the pastor. 2. - Assembly o f uod. - Located at 17th and Oak stre e ts, R o lla . This group has a very su b stan tia l, handsome house of worship, which was erected p rio r to 1959. Rev. Carl Roberts, the present pastor ^ December, 1973 ) has served the church since 1953* 3. - F ir s t B a p tist Church. - This church has a commodious, handsome sanctuary at H.W. corner of 7th and Cedar stre e t, plus two educational bu ild in gs on the block bounded by 8th and 9th, O live and Cedar stre e ts - the former Joseph Campbell lo t . The two educational u nits were b u i l t during period 1959-1973......... From October, 1957 to July, 1962, Rev. Kenneth W. Davidson was pastor. Rev. Kenneth W. Davidson, his successor, has served from A p r il, 1963, to present date (. December, 1973), and on. 4 6tjj_ P a tric k 's. Catholic_Church. This group continues in i t s Carthage marble sanctuary, at 16th and north State s t r e e t s . On i t s lo t there i s a ls o the marble-faced parsonage, the p arish school, and the "Convent" home fa r lad y teachers As on and a fte r December, 1973, Father Fred Elmskamp i s pastor. Fr. Donald Lammers is associate p a s to r. 5. - nhT»i st.ian Science Church.- This group occupies the old, but renovated, original Catholic church b u ild in g a t S.E . corner of 7th and State stre e ts. The Daily News church ro s te r o f December 28, 1973* il 0—P— or a er* u the group conducts Sunday School and Wednesday evening services. 6. - F ir s t C h ristia n Church.- This church, which has suffered tive fir e s in past decades, i s now in a nice new sanctuary o n e Aueust 1955 ist lo t, S.E. corner of 8th and Main s t r e e t s ......... From May, 1955, to g , 9 A. W illbanka was p a sto r. Bey. H? ry B. e e ls f o 1973 and on ) has served since February, 1966. .. ..D i s a s t e r 01 some DOrtions have followed th is church, fo r a fre a k tornado, . completed in of the ro o fs both of the sanctuary, and o f ihe new educational wing, completed in April, 1963. S u itable r e p a ir s were made. 7 - Church o f C h rist - Fran May, 1954 to the l a s t week grotp met l a i t s modest framed sanctuary immediately J j* moved old Catholic church, 7th and State . On May 8, W ^ i t ^ f ^ . ^ e a d of 14th a handsome new sanctuary, D U ilt on the old h . group has a street (w e st), abuttin g west lin e of Nagogami Road ( Rte. * ) ™ S * “
membership o f some 300 persons. O liver was pastor. Jerry Jones From July, 1959, to December, *w navis served from September, served from January, 1964, to August, 19 • y^ r £in Hendrix then served u n til 1966 to A p ril, 1968. He died bn June 19, 9 * continued u n t il December, 1973, September 1, 1968, when B i l l Snow took over. Snow continued u n t il op later, when Mr. Pipes succeeded.
WM-BHM- Wed Feb 6, 1973. Kinal C h ap ter. D e t a i l s
32 -
8. - Lhypfr Qf Gpd. - This group meets in i t s sanctuary, jn.E. Ulive stre e ts. u rin g the period, i t erected a modest parsonage east sanctuary, fa c in g Cedar s t re e t . Rev. Leon R. B ix le r was the a ffa b le , m 1860-61, and la t e r . As o f Decamber, 1973, Rev. bee J. Vitathum l i has served f o r se v e ra l y ears.
corner o f 4th and of the able pastor paste?! Se
9. - pi king.,Chapel. This was form erly an ’’a l l negro’’ group - but as o f 1973 very few negro^ members remain. White membership has taken over, and the church is now c a lle d the E lk in s United Methodist Church.** i t has renovated the o rig in a l sanctuary at 1 st and Elm s tre e ts , and b u ilt a modest social-education al unit to the north o f the sanctuary. in the e a r ly days ctC the present period, Rev. Clarence a . K e ll was the "white” pastor. He b u i l t the educational u n it. As of December, 1973, Rev. Alvin Gibbs i s paster. He has so served fo r several years. Christ Church E p isc o p a l. - This church continues to meet in i t s sanctuary of 1951, plus p arish house, at N.E. corner of 10th and Main stre e ts. During 1964—65 it extended the old P arish House section to the north to provide needed s o c ia leducational room. Rev. Joseph W. Carlo, rec to r, ha 3 so served since March 15,1961 — on which date the former re c to r, Rev. u. V. Jackson, r e t ire d . Rev. Carlo occupies the pleasant parsonage at S .E . corner 9th and State streets, former Forbes residence. 11. - L a tte r Day S ain ts . - ( Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints;. This group meets in the farmer negro "Lincoln School" b u ildin g, N.E. corner of 1st and Pine s t r e e t s . Dr. Robert R u sse ll i s a leading member, as of December, 1973, Dr. Harvey H. Grice i s the pastor, or "e ld e r". 12. - Immanuel, Lutheran Church. - This group has a handsome, commodious sanctuary at N.W. corner o f Spring Avenue and 10th stre e ts. I t has an educational Parish School on 11th s tre e t, ju st west cf Spring Avenue. Rev. W illiam J. Frederichs became pastor in October, 1949, and wqs s t i l l pastor as la t e as January, 1967. By 1971, Rev. Howard R. H ilsabeck had taken over, and s t i l l serves as of December, 1973. 13*- F irs t United Methodist Church. — The sanctuary and educational f a c i l i t i e s of this church occupy the lo t bounded by 8th and 9th, Main auad Park stre e ts. The o rigin al structure i s now the Fellowship H a ll. Across 8th street to the south, the Wesley Foundation has renovated the former Col. Chas. L. Woods residence fo r Foundation uses. Tj*e parsonage, b u ilt in 1924, was moved across iaain street to a lot opposite the o r i g i n a l e d i f ic e . Next south from i t , a t N.E. corner 8th and Main, is the former Ed. Aoch b ric k house, o r ig in a lly b u ilt fo r a parsonage, but now used for Sunday c la sse s and fo r a group o f retarded ch ildren. From 1959 to June, 1966, Rev. E lbridge B a rtley was pastor. From June, 1966, to June, 1970, Rev. George W. H eslar was the able, gracious pastor. Rev. Marvin Ffcrtel took over in June, 1970, and served u n t il c a lle d to a Kansas City pastorate on or about October 10, 1973. At that time, Rev. Forrest L. Standard, D.D., became pastor, and i s so serving as of December, 1973* ( and o n j. 14.- F irs t Presbyterian Church. - U n t il A p ril, 1963, th is group continued to meet in the o r ig in a l structure at N.E. corner of 6th and Olive stre e ts. In 1963, it completed i t s e x c e lle n t sanctuary—educational—so c ia l complex b u ildin g on East 10th street — on a l o t next east of the former Edw. W illiam s residence at 10th and Holloway. Sometime in 1970-72 period, lig h tn in g struck the rid ge o f the sanctuary ro o f, ig n it in g the p la s t ic s k y li^ it , which burned, admitting floods o f rain into the auditorium . Pews, f lo o r and other items were g re a tly damaged, out repairs were promptly made. « , Sime of R o ll a 's f in e s t concerts have been given in the sanctuary - notably several ren d ition s o f Handel’ s "Messiah", presented by an o ra to rio choir from Fort Leonard Wood, aided by a R o lla o rc h e stral group. Scott porter served as pastor from October, 1945, to h is retirem ent, May 31, 1903. Rev. Warren Rutledge follow ed Rev. P o rte r, and s t i l l serves as cf December, 1973*
CVM-BHM-wed Feb 6 ,1 9 7 4 . Final C h ap ter. D e t a i l s .
33 -
15. - Union M issio n . - Formerly located at 3rd and Oak s tre e ts. in Daily News r o s t e r o f Dec. 28, 1973.
Not included
16. - Prim itive B a p t is t , , This group meets in a modest framed structure abut ting west li n e of Highway 63, south, opposite the Central M issouri Regional Fair grounds. As of December, 1973, E lder A6le y Sapp i s paster. 17* — Fort Wyman B a p t is t . - This group meets in i t s sanctuary, abutting north ] ina of Fort Wyman Road, west of R o lla Cemetery, and about h a lf way to Highway 63. As of December, 1973, Rev. George S ca n tlin i s p a ste r. 18. - Second B a p tist Church. - This church i s at 902 Arkansas Avenue, in Frisco subdivision. As of December, 1973, Rev. L.M. White i s pastor.
19. - Ridgeview C h ristia n Church. - This group's sanctuary i s a t N.E. corner of Ridge view Road and Walker Avenue.
As of December, 1973, Rev. Bale Wanda i s pastor. Rev. Jack Taylor was pastor in 1962. 20. - The Jewish Congregation. - The D a ily News ro ste r of churches of Dec. 28, 1973, does not l i s t th is group. From September, 1955, to February, 1962, i t was meeting at the old U.S.O. concrete b u ild ip g ( now Sam's United Tire shop ) at S.W. corner o f 8th and R o lla s tre e ts . 21. - Church o f Jesus C h rist. L a tte r Day S a in ts . - This group has a convenient sanctuary-educational f a c i l i t y at Southview Drive and Highway 72, ju st east of Rolla Gardens su b d iv isio n . As of December, 1973, Bishop Robert D. Talbert i s serving as p a sto r. 22. - Church o f tte N azarin e. - This group has a modest bu ildin g at 201 south Olive s tre e t. As cf December, 1973, Dan P. Ketchen i s pastor. 23. - United P en te c o stal. - This group has a modest sanctuary ( form erly Union Mission Jplus edu cation al unit at N.W. corner cf 3rd and Oak s tre e ts. As cf Decem ber, 1973, Rev. D aniel Fetzer i s p a ste r. 24. - A p o s t o lic Church o f the L iv in g God. - On o ld R olla-St.Jam es road. As of December, 1973, Bishop Paul Ross i s paster . 25. | Qfclv a r v Assembly of God. - In "L it tle Oaks" T r a ile r Park, on county road No. 145, which takes o f f from Hi^iway 63, south, and runs e a st. As of December, 1973, Wilbur Beadle i s pastor . 26. - F,m ftnenel M issio n . - On Route HH, a short distance north o f Route E ( Nagogami Road ) . As cf December, 1973, W.M. Nash i s paster. just
27. - Jehovah's W itnesses. - This gro u p 's "Kingdom ^ f11" i s J ^ ^ e s le a d S * over Wyman H i l l . The D ^ ily News r o s t e r for December 28, 1973, names no leader. 28. - P«r.inrf«w M i s s i o n a r y B a p tis t. - In Pafkview subdivision, on Highway 63, south,
on Basswood Drive . As o f December, 1973, * ^ 7 13 Pa sto r* 29. - rW - f t ~r. H o lin e ss. - Outside R o lla at junction of Hx^wey aid Point B lu ff road. Reba Swetin i s pastor as of December,
63, south, SOflB
3 ° .- Salepi Aveppe B a p tis& .- This c h u r c h o n ^ R o u te s 72nLxi 0 (Scom a Road), JT S° S° Ut^ aSte^ o n ?°mT 37-7 This group has a nice brick structure, in the N.W. corner cf Section 7, T .3 ! - ( • inj;B * f nastor as of fitted for sanctuary and educational uses. Rev, Herbert Jukes xs pastor December, 1973.
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- 34 -
S^ feet Sap t i s t . - Located at 1111 East 10th street - abutting north line of 10th stre e t near N.W. corner of Forum subdivision. A very modest chapel built during the e a r ly 1970's. The D a ily News ro ster says i t i s " Independent Fundamental M issionary" group. As of December, 1973, Dan R uff is pastor. ion.
32. - PeftLe_c_os,t,a l Cfrpych o f God. - At G ulf and H e lle r stre e ts, Frisco subdivis As o f December, 1973, Rev. V i r g i l Cooper i s pastoy.
33. - R o lla B ib le Church.- This group occupies the o r ig in a l Lutheran brick buildjng at 711 west 12th s t re e t . As of December, 1973, J.C. Kammerer is pastor. 34. - U n ita ria n -U n iv e rs a lis t Fellow ship of R o lla . - As of December, 1973, this group meets in the u p sta ir room of the Asher store bu ild in g , N.E. corner of*7th and Pine s t r e e t s . M ichael P a tric k i s Chairman. END OF CHURCHES
i F e b .8 ,1 9 7 4 . Final Chapter . D e t a i l s.
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MISSOURI STATE AGENCIES TN ROLLA 1919^1271 LIST OF_STATE AGENCIES.— Some f if t e e n o f the S ta t e 's lo c a l agencies quartered Rolla f o r a l l or p a rt o f the 1959-1973 period were these: in 1. - School o f Mines t U.M.R.J 8. - State Employment Agency 2. - State G e o lo g ic al Survey 9. - Regional Diagnostic C lin ic 3. - state Conservation Agency 1 0. - State W elfare O ffic e 4. - State Highway P a t r o l 11. — S o c ia l Security-Medicare 5. - State Highway Maintenance 12. - State Probation & Parole O ffice 6. - land Survey Authority 13. - Crippled Children Service 7. - N ational Guard 14. - State Commodity & Food O ffic e 1 5 .- Section Vocational R eh abilitation O ffic e . We cover these agencies with a s e r ie s of notes, as fo llo w s:
1 . - School_of Mines,
. - Comments deferred to la t e r pages.
2. - State Geol o g i c a l S u rv e y .- Located on "Government Hi l l 11 - a part of the old rhelps County F a ir Grounds, in R ailroad Addition Lot No. 119. Abuts west line of Fair Grounds Road. The agency i s housed in a splendidly designed Carthage marble-sheated b u ild in g , completed in 1962. There i s a lso , west of the foregoing structure, a commodious warehouse - plus the old o r ig in a l National Guard bu ilding to the north, used fo r storage o f deep w e ll core d r i lli n g s . During the 1959-1973 period, th is agency continued with i t s various studies of geologic fe a tu re s of the State — the making of new maps and reports - and in particular with work having to do with the discovery and development o f the la rg e new iron and lead mines such as those a t Pea Ridge and Viburnum. From Jure, 1955, to August 31, 1964, D r. Thomas R. Beveridge was the Survey's Director. Dr. W illia m C. Hayes succeeded on September 1, 1964, and served u n t il August 31, 1971. D r. W allace Howe took over on September 1 , 1971, and i s s t i l l director, as o f December, 1973. 3. - State Conservation_Agency.- The o ffic e and other f a c i l i t i e s f o r th is agency are located northwest of town, a t junction of Routes "E" and "Y ". The agency has to do w ith propagation, protection , preservation o f w ild game and fis h the enforcement o f State game law s — and the eonstruction and maintenance of rec reational f a c i l i t i e s fe a tu rin g p ic n ic s, fis h in g , and other attrac tio n s. A major p ro je c t o f the agency i s the planting and growth o f many v a rie tie s of forest tree seedlin gs, which are w idely d istrib u te d to farmers and others wishing to grow trees and shrubs. Many areas are also planted by the agency, fo r fo re st propagation and or renew al. . A Chief F orester i s the adm inistrative o ffic e r , under the State o ffic e at Jffferson C ity. 4. - State Highway P a t r o l. - The lo c a l group i s c a lle d "Troop " I " " . We quite fully described the agency on page 70 of our 1947-1958 section. The P a tro l O ffic e is located near the junction of west 14th street and Route E ( Nagogami R ead). The lo t , containing o ffic e and radio tower, abut northwesterly lin e cf Highway 66 ( In terstate 44 )« In addition to t h A o r e g o i n g f t o U i t i e s , t t e P atrol conduo^ted a Traanang^ School from 1959 to 1911, i n t o Webber Jr homesite. home s ite , on Hidiway Highway 66 w est.
te rm er State I© 1971, «
The station e^ s P % » b r « a r y , 1973, Capt. Harold Schm idt hejried Troop Employees staff, including patrolmen and c iv ilia n s , consists of some 72 empl ye 5 .- State Highway Construction & Maintenance This S ^ R o l l a ^ e a . Ch^ ^ . maintenance a ^ d r e p a ir o f a o li ll «state-owned area. I t is of the U t r o a roads a s in the R o lla — house*, with o f f ic e , in a large "b a r n -lik e " b u iid in g on F a ir Ground ^ PP^ * 3^ t e G eological Survey. The l o t i s h e a d ^ t e r s & r ^ h e fle e t ^ o f ' mes, consisting of grad ers, mowing machines, e tc .
CVM-BHM-jp'ri Feb 8 ! 19 7 4 . Final Chapter D e t a i l s .
mowed — the asphalt pavements
re n a ire ri
the d r iv e w a y ^ t r ip e i p a L te ri **1^ 3 • “ * brid ges cared fa r — Mr. JSffton Patterson, veteran , „ ™ -P t^ » e t c * for moxt o f the 1959-1973 period - a n T b J f o r l’ ^ 1" ° rk ** th ia agency December, 1973. e . He has la t e ly re tire d , as of the signs erected —
of June 30, 1969? I t c o n listed o f a *gover n i n ^ n ^ H State Land Surveyor chosen by the Board g ^
by l e Si s l a tive act flv e 11161111)61,3» and a
(professional engineer), chair Anderson ( re g is t e r e d land surveyors ) . . Sand^Prof Mw m B?r r and Jaaea Missouri U n iversity law school, C o l L b i l ) . wiH a rd Eckhart ( dean of was a ^ o L t S 3L B^ t e ^ L d tS u r ^ ^ r ineeS e Sa in S?Pteinbe*> 1971‘ M**- Robert Jlyers Geologist's b u ild in g - b ^ f * e Btate Trachoma b u ild in g , on the old John Webber homesite, H i ^ y 66 we^t f o o I T S * " Authority was given a deed to the b u ild in g by the State . P* ^ The A u th o rity 's c h ie f work (consists in assembling and preservine a l l relevant survey records o f county and state o f f ic e s . Also, and ‘ reetomtaon and preservation o f the U.S. P u b lic Land Survey - it h in u S w u r i ' X all its records and a c c e ss o rie s. * M issouri, with . *^1f '. —a—i £.n| l _ GHa£.d. ~ This agency has two p rin c ip a l buildings located I t Jhe Jun ctl° n f f Fai r Ground Road and Gale Avenue. The warehouseman machinery ibuts the e a st lin e o f F a ir Ground road, in R ailroad Lot No. 120 The ARSENat * S i H R 1 B B H d r i l l i n g , i s in southeast = 4 n S ' o f w S t t 118, at northwest ccrner of F a ir Ground Road and Gale Avenue. n i fU l^ L de3,C ripti on i s Siven on page 73 o f our 1947-58 section. As of ueceraher 1973 the company has f i v e o ffic e r s and 125 en listed men. Capt. W ilbert alke is the 1973 commaradant. State headquarters are in Jefferson City. F *■ !L*r —**ate ^4 E loy^n t_A gen cy. - I b i s agency has an o ffic e , with s t a ff , at 215 aast 8th stre e t. I t s c h ie f concern i s to fin d employment fo r those needing i t and to find workers fo r such as need that. 9*“ —old-S. Re£ io nSLL_Ciagnosti£ C lin i c .— This c lin ic i s located in a portion Address i s 105 air Ground Road. I t s spraw ling one-story complex covers a considerable area, and as 40 beds fo r in p a tie n ts. I t s work i s w ith children who are mentally retarded. These are both in -p a t ie n t and o u t-p a tie n t. The s t a f f , as cf December, 1973, con sists of 69 p ro fe s s io n a ls ( doctors, e t c . ) , and ether c iv ilia n s . Mrs, Robert Kyle lathe current adm inistrative cf f i per, , or^"directcr ". in Ov. ^ ™ / J is tric t 10 . p| ID.— State W elfare O f fic e / - This agency has o ffic e at 601 west Kingshighway ' 66 w e st). A s t a f f o f 19 cares fo r work indicated by the t i t l e . As our present period ends, December, 1973, Mrs. Thelma Henry is adm inistratorl 11. - D o £ i^ _S £ c u rity -M e d ic a re _0 ffic e . - This o ffic e i s at 113 west 9th s tre e t. t serves as an inform ation and contact o ffic e for the U.o. S o cial Security adminisration. i t has an adm in istrative o f f ic e r , a secretary, and small c le r ic a l s t a f f .
of the Old Phelps County F air Ground, in R ailroad Lot No. 119.
12. - State Probation and Parole O f f i c e . - This agency has an o ffic e at 713-a ioe street. I t s t i t l e d e scrib es i t s f i e l d cf work. I t has a small s t a f f . / 13.— M issouri C rippled G h ildren _oervice. - lhe o ffic e i s at 211 south Highway 3< The t i t l e in d ic a te s i t s f i e l d cf work. I t s s t a f f of three, a 3 of December, '73, is headed by Mrs. Gertrude C. Hammack, R.N. 14 and 1 5 .- Current telephore d ire c to rie s l i s t (14) State Commodity and Food °"fice . . . 3^ ( 15 ) Section Vocational R e h a b ilita tio n o f f ic e . END OF STATE AGENCIES
CVM-isHM-Sat. Feb. 9, 1974. Final Chapter. D etails
37 -
UNITED STATES AGENCIES IN ROT.T.A, i q ^o- i q ^ The SIX P rin c ip a l Aganoiee/ which we s h a ll describe in the follow in g pafagraphs are these: 1 . — u.S. G eological Survey 4#— U.S. rost O ffic e 2 . - U.S. bureau o f Mines S tation 5. - U.S. Army Reserve Unit 3. - U.S. Forest S ervice S tation 6. - Fort Leonard Wood. A ll of these agencie s were so thoroughly described in our 1947-58 Section | PAges 71 to 80 | that d e ta ile d descrip tion s here are not needed. The follow in g brief notes w i l l serve present purposes.
1 . - U .S ._G e o lo g ic a l S u rv ey.- Main o ffic e at «.«*. corner 9th and F ire . Four or five su plementary, but much sm aller b u ild in g s, house various o f the Survey's fa c ilit ie s and equipment, d istrib u te d over town. Two items f o r the 1959-1973 period are of p rin c ip a l in te re st: (1) Dr. D an iel Kennedy, head adm inistrator for the agency since June, 1948, retired in 1970. His successor, Mr. A. C. McCutchen, took over on February 16, * 1970 - and continues in that o ffic e as cf December, 1973, and la t e r . (2 ) As the year 1973 ended, t h is agency was vigorously looking fo r expanded headquarters, combined in a sin gle b u ild in g , i f p o ssib le , ani with much la rg e r floor space. Which probably means tra n sfe r to some other a t e than the present one at N.W. corner 9th and Pine. S everal p o s s i b ilit ie s are in prospect. 2 .- The U*S._Bureau o f_Mi n£S_"Research^ Sta_tion. This station and its work was so f u l l y described i page 74 ) in our 1947-58 Section that d e t a il i s not necessary here. Formrly concerned p r in c ip a lly with problems connected with the basic minerals such as iron, lead , zinc, f lo u r it e , and a few others - together with their mining and processing - the S t a t io n 's researches now cover a much wider f i e l d . The S ta t io n 's p r in c ip a l f a c i l i t y i s i t s fo u r-sto ry o ffic e bu ildin g on Bishop Avenue, between 13th and 14th stre e ts . I t has several other out-buildings, in cluding machine shop and sm elting furnace p lan t. As of December, 1973, Mr. M. M. Fine i s the supervisor-adm inistrator. 3 .- T h e F o r e s t S e r v ic e .- This agency i s housed in f a i r l y commodious offices on F air Ground Road, in R ailroad Lot No. 118. Our description o f the agency in our 1947-58 Section makes much further comment here unnecessary. There i s , however, one item o f h i$ i importance . During 1973, the Forest Service o ffic d at S p r in g fie ld , Mo., was tran sferred to the R o lla plant — thus combining the a f f a i r s o f the two Missouri forest reserve areas — Clark and Mark TViain. As cf December, 1973, Donald Rollens i s head administrator fo r the combined agencies. 4 .- U .S._P a s t O f f i c e . - Our 1947-58 Section t page 78 ) contained a good description of t h is agency down through 1973, so that much fu rth er d e t a il here ■ie not j. ___ j» i _e ________. __±. jthe - t__ 4 o f f ic e , nup pfn i f i n e occupied o l d b u i l t the old building is needed. Tin W repeat, — that tor v1965, at N.E. corner of 9th and P in e . The new lo c a tio n — on the former E.W. Bishop residence block, bounded by 7th ani 8th, Park and State streets - was chosen as the new site on January 7, 1963. Construction had been completed when the agency occupied the new b u ild in g on May 1, 1965. . . . A su b stan tial enlargement was made in 1970. The R o lla o f f ic e now serves as a "re c e iv in g " and "d is trib u tin g " post fer “any smaller post o f f ic e s throu hout the R olla and south-central portion of Mis souri. I t s p o sta l re c e ip ts f o r 1972 were some $500,000. R o lla deliveries are now made more expeditious by use of s p e c ia lly designe Je P“ trucks.
CVM-BHM-Sat. Feb. 9, 19 74 . Final C h ap ter. D e t a i l s .
- 38 -
The R o lla postmaster s who have served (i ; J.F. (J e s sie ) K ilp a tric k , Mar. 1 1958during the 1959-1973 period were the se : B ........(2 ) Charles R. May, 1985 to, and continuing from, December S Sands, 31, 1973.
5. - U.S._Army Reserve U n it .- This wai m ,, . 1947-58 Section. I t s o f f ic e ani eeuipnent buiirH ^escribed on page 80 o f our No. 118, abutting Gale Avenue, G o v e r n S t H m ?fc ^ 6 located in R ailroad Lot designated as the “Army Reserve Center - E n c H chnlcal l 7 » th is “ n t is tion Support U n it ." As of March 1 1978 ,*f ^ No* Fir3t Construc t i n g o f f ic e r s , and two w a ? ^ t i m S s P 76(1 132 6 n listed s ix com~ of t h f L u a T s i f y l f S ^ f o ^ the issue o f August, 1973!
S * annUal "Pr° ^ as Fore8ulng U e ss are supplied f r m
, Thls f o r t ia NOT w ithin R olla - i s soow 35 miles to the southwest, on a spur to south o f f o f U .S.-Mo. Highway 66 ( S J l S t T 1 Just east of W a jn s sv ille t t i . agency was w e ll coveted o n ^ a ^ Section, so d e t a i l here is unnecessary. 5 The Fort continued to t ra in engineer troops for army service - to re p a ir replace, and construct new f a c i l i t i e s needed fo r maintenance and expansion * ..
i n . R a y ? . - Without consent, we l i s t soon thirteen p ' of£L 2f s of ^ sse r importance vshich maintain small o ffic e s ani s t a ff s within ttolla. inese t
1 . - ray R ecruitin g Center 2. - A ir Force R ecru itin g Center
7 . - Agr. S tabilization -C on servation Comm'n. 9 . - S ocial Security-Medicare O ffic e
3. - Marine Corps R ecruiting Center 1 0.-Farmers' Home Administration 4«- Federal A v iation Agency 1 1 . — In te rn al Revenue O ffic e 5. -F .B .I . Agency 12 . - Public Health Unit 6. - General S ervices Adm inistration 8. - Mining Health & Safety O ffice 1 3 .- S e le c tiv e Service Board. END — U.S. Agencies
CVM-BHM-Sat. F eb . 9 , 1974. Final Chapter D e t a i l s
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CHE KT.F-P.TRIC MEDIA 1959-1Q78 Telephone - Radio - TV_- Tele g r aph. l f “ u£i i e4 l eLe£hone Company.- During the 1959-1973 period, th is agency built an addition to the former two—story b ric k structure at S.E . corner Elm and 11th streets, and covered i t and the old section with a new red b ric k sheathing. It also b u ilt a on e-story b ric k o f f ic e , with basement, at N.E. corner 11th and Lint. In various stages, i t changed i t s o r ig in a l d ia lin g system to one which in 1973, the subscriber may autom atically d i a l a d istan t station from h is own station . As of December, 1973, Mr. —Charles______ White is lo c a l adm inistrative o f f ic e r . 2. - L o ca l Radio S ta t io n s . - Three lo c a l rad io stations continue to broadcast from R olla. These: KTTR . . . &CLU . . . MJMR. . . . . . Of these, KTTR's station i s on Soest Road, a short distance east o f the Burgher Creek b rid ge . I t has general news coverane on the hour and h a lf hour..........KGL| broadcasts from its rooms in the (Carney) Manor Motel, immediately north o f the bridge crossing o f Highway 63 and Route 66 (In t e r s t a te 44 )• . . . KUMR i s operated by students on the campus o f the former School of Mines - now Univ. Mo., R o lla . I t was added during the 1970's. 3. - National_Broadcastin£ System s.- P rin c ip a lly heard in R olla are these: (l ) N.B.C. "N ation al" . . . ( 2 ) C.B.S. "Columbia" (3 ) A.B.C. "American11 and (4 ) the Mutual. A v a rie ty o f station s across the nation can be heard in R o lla - such as KDA Denver . . . WSM A tlan ta . . . KSD and KMOX, St .Louis . . . WLW Cincinnati . . and other stations such as those at New Orleans, L o u is v ille , Syracuse and Rochester, N.I. . . . Richmond, Va. . . . New Orleans . . San Antonio . . Pittsburgh, Pa. . . and many others. 4*- Televis_ion_Stations_. - Most of the foregoing rad io stations are associated with Television f a c i l i t i e s a t same s ta tio n . ROLLA has a d istrib u tin g tower aid wire network, f o r providin g "w ire d -in " TV service to paid customers. 5 .- Western Union Telegraph S t a t io n .- This agency has fa r le s s importance than in former days. However, i t s t i l l has small o ffic e s and s t a ff, located at 1201 Bishop Avenue and 218 East Highway 66. HOLLA'S FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Our lis t _ f o r _ p e r io d 19^9-12.72 includes three banks and four savings and loan associations. The fo llo w in g items are from o f f i c i a l reports dated December 31,1973* Total Deposits what Bank________ Assets_______ C apital Stock $18,097,761.12 R olla State Bank . . . $20,253,056.93 ........$300,000 15,110,703.90 F irst S tate Bank . . . 17,310,483-53 ........ 296,000 Phelps Bounty Bank . 13,017,774.96 ........ 225,000 . . . . . 11,014,163.04 Of these, the f i r s t two were open before 1959* The th ird opened in September, 1963. Mortgage Loans Savings Accts What Sav. & Loan Assn. Assets $10,366,226.52 $11,117,884.97 Central Federal ............ $11,905,047.64 53,125,867.59 57,951,819.38 Capital ........................... 63,128,841.83 64,043,012.56 64,179,002.64 United ............................. 71,620,711.38 |No reports fo r 1973* Rolla S. & Loan (7/9/5 8; 279,998.37 Of the above banks, as o f December, 1973, the presidents were these: R olla State Bank . . . Rex Z. William s F irst State Bank . . . Roy T. Charles Phelps Go. Bank . . . . Don Castleman Of the Savings and Loan Companies, these: Central—F ederal . . . Burley P* Thompson R o lla S. St L ............DeVere J o slin C a p ita l ................... W.E. Ferguson United n Mai o f f i c e s o f b oth C a p it a l aid U nited companies are ou tsid e c f R o lla .
CVM-BHM-Thu Feb. 14, 197 4 . Final Chapter. D e ta ils.
Phelps County Memorial Hosni t-.al The ori<ri » « £■* the atope o f a "T ee". The fro n t p o r t io ^ extending fie t -S e e t I r a l l l l to Tenth street, measured 4^ x 172 fe e t . The 'istpm- narf. Q * i,^a^a'LLeJ" to of the fro n t, measured 42 fe e t in width, extended 66 f^et L r ^ f r S r ^ i f b u i l ^ n g 1* had casement, f i r s t and second f lo o r s . Dunaing A f i r s t addition to the p lan t, nade during the 1959-1973 period, was the construction o f a th ird f lo o r above a l l the foregoing portions. During 1972 and 19?3, two major additions were made: ( 1 ; An extension east ward from the o r ig in a l b u ild in g . This measured 48 x 102 feet in flo o r plan and had ground f lo o r , f i r s t and second f lo o r s . Ground flo o r was le v e l with basement of o rig in al b u ild in g . . . . . ( 2) An "Extended Care" b u ild in g, having two cr more sections measuring 32 x 62 fe e t , w ith 26,000 square feet of flo o r space. These units had ground f lo o r (basements and f i r s t f lo o r . This unit has a capacity of 58 beds, — which, added to the 93 a v a ila b le in the o rig in a l b u ild in g, provides a total of 151 beds capacity f o r the p lan t. Ijg'w. E.a ,S t wjrflg w i l l provide, when in s ta lle d , an added 40 beds. These are not now p a rtitio n e d o f f , but "s h e lle d i n " . What the unit DOES provide as of 1973 are these f a c i l i t i e s : Extended emergency room Dressing room Out-patient f a c i l i t i e s Flew pharmacy f a c i l i t i e s Waiting room | Reading room fo r ra d io lo g ists Admitting o ffic e Three areas fo r emergency patients Observation room Thus provided, the plant can care Plaster cast room fo r 6 emergency patients New X-ray department at the sane tine . in the_ o r ig in a l_ u n it , a new dining room with better kitchen serving equip ment was provided — as a lso a more commodious s t e r iliz a t io n room. The New Extended 58 beds Dining room Serving Kitchen Barber shop Beauty shop
Care Unit to the north has these f a c i l i t i e s : Day—room fo r p atien ts only On the ground flo o r , these: Lobby for guests and patients Central Telephone room Mechanical department Rooms fo r physical and Storage center occupational therapy
The H ospital S t a f f : As of December, 1973, the h o sp ita l s t a f f had 26 active medical surgeons and physicians. The t o t a l r o l l of employees was 300. Reccrd of Patients f o r 1972. - During 1972, a to ta l of 5,250 patients were admitted and treated . Of these, 679 were b irth s . . . 760 p e d ia tric cases . . . 1,729 su rgical cases . . . 1,254 Medicare patients . . . and 30,168 "patient days". Amt-mi a « f * » « -— Two ambulances were in se rv ic e . They made some 50 c a lls per month. Adm inistrative P ersonnel. — Tjpe general a f f a i r s of the H ospital are in charge of a Hospital Board o f fiv e members, elected by the people. As of December, 1973, these men constitute th at board: Messrs. Don Castleman . . . Fred Hoertel . . . Paul Rothe . . . Don Carney . . . and Fred Waggoner. Mr. W illiam Cowan has served as the very capable superintendent since 1965. Mr. A. Speer preceded him. Mrs. Alma Johnson served as head nurse fo r 15 years, r e t ir in g as o f December, 1973. Mrs. Eve Atkinson succeeded Mrs. Johnson, and was aided by Mrs. Mary Davis, assistant head nurse. . Operating Costs & Income . - As a sample, and f o r the year 1969, the operating cost was $1,065,090.95. The "p atien t income" was $1,116,415.00. A l l h osp ital finances are paid through the o f f i c i a l Phelps County Court*
CVM-BHM-April 30,1974. Period 1959-1973.
- 40.a -
The Memorial H o sp ita l Nursing Staff* includes a Head ffu ? «T - a
_ a nur3“ « s t a f f fo r the Hospital
^ on!i~
s s .s s s
v s r-fz s r *«5£ * sk 5 r is * s r *
t adie.s_Aup^.liary.- This group - not an o f f i c i a l part of the Hospital ® | fS 1 Str°OJp08eJ ° f 5 numb?r o f women vho represent most o f the womens' clubs f i i i P l i i th?Ch SUCh ° 1Ub appoints one member. In i t s e a r lie s t days ( e a rly ■ I 1 | p S B » B ^ preparing medical bandages, ted sheets and miscellaneous lin e n s . At the present t i » , the group provides aid X y ways in nhich the Board and s t a f f are notbable to provide. Room furnishings and a "candy-bar" c o lle c t io n vhich i s wheeled about the several wings and flo o rs so that p atien ts may en joy candy, chewing gum, and other "goodies".
CVM-BHM-Thu F eb . 1 4 , 19 7 4 . Final C hapter D e t a i l s .
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OTHER HEALTH FACij tt-tfo Two P rivate Nursing Hnrrea care f Chief or tnese i s the former M c F a r la n d ^ n -it ?h ro n ic a lly i l l persons. Nursing Home. This u n it has so ire 150 bed n° W Called the R oU * The other f a c i l i t y i s the Schriner Re ^ ^ miles south and west o f R o lla . This u 0flE’ located some four or fiv e
« u J £
z ? z
r r or f m e e ° te d s -
Regional D iagnostic C lin ic " , on the old c o u n t v ^ a l “ ^ S tate' 3 "R olla cares fo r m entally retarded ch ild ren . There L * fs n g r °S? ! ( Buehler Park>» children. 13 a State agency fo r crippled public. Such are these: "R o i L C lin ic s t * f f :Llla‘ ?-?n? services fo r the Bussell C lin ic . . . arri tte A n d r a e s ^ C l L k f i l ” 10 • ' • the Dr‘ B ^ b a r a doctors have planned, and have under coLtruc’ tion (1973T ? th* ne"er 80113 building, immediately to tte west o f tte County Memorial JU n lC are now in . ^ mori a-L H ospital. Foundations Physici ans_and_Surgeons o f_ th e P e r i o d . - ( ----- t D.F. Andraessen Bernard James D. Butts E? S ! ^ e£ d Barbara E. R u sse ll I le e Helbrun Ted Avery A. Drake R. Frueh B ^ t l e y S | Osteopaths_( DJ3. )_were these: Smith Gaddy T2ndT Louis M. Kaplan Robert L . James Richard E. Myers J. Thomas Dentists were these: ( D .D .S .)
B* B. D. MlZ e
from 1969 and 1 Q7 -* i-s + , , „ ,, 9 9 1973 l i s t s ) : ( M .D .'s ) , Robert B. Young P ’ smith611 S C5a t PoJanasomboon 1 Phadun« Chadaratana J. W. James Herb. I . Levin.
B |JJa^es SfcevenAtkinson George W. E arr 'Theodore A. Thes sing
Joseph E. Pearce Joe W. Watsky
Chiropractor £ we re _ these: F. R. C o n g ia r d o ..........Kenneth N ie m ille r. OTHER PROFESSIONALS ATTORNEYS AT LAW (1973 l i s t ) E .W .A lii son W illia m W. H oertel Dewey Routh Dan L . Birdsong P h ilip M. Moomaw B. B. Thrley Melvin C. Carnahan Weldsn W. Moore Chas. T. Smallwood Ronald J. F u lle r Eugene E. Northern John Z. Williams
W. H* Tandy Jay White Zane White
ARCHI'psCTS and ENGINEERS. - Two a rc h ite c ts are in out 1973 l i s t : Edward Hodge And W illiam H eagler, o f the firm of Heagler & M arshall Engineering o f f ic e s were maintained by these: M issouri Engineering Co. . . . the D.K. Engineering A ssociates . . . . E lg in and Associates . . . Heagler & Marshall, REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS ( 1973 l i s t ) Robert E . Myers Norman Brown John Heagler Robert E lgin Arthur E. Jacobs C la ir V. Mann Elwyn F. Ayers CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS were these: Maggi Const. Co. Loughridge B ros. Const. Co. Don Maggi, In c . McCarthy Bros. Const. Co.
Blinne Const. Co. Jess Bridges, house bu ild er Daniels Const. Co. JOE HOGAN CONST. CO.
^VM-BrtM-Thu jbeb 1 4 ,1 9 7 4 . Final Chapter D e t a ils
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REALTORS ! Required to have State lic e n s e s . (.1973 l i s t ; Bramlett R ealty Co. Elkhead R. E st.S a le s Co. S a lly Real Estate Co. Billy Brown R .E st.C o. Ken Lanning R. E s t . & Rentals Strout Real E st. Co. Rich Burr, ln d . L .L . L igh t R ealty Co. Town & Country Realtors Carnahan Realtor s Long Insurance Co. John Twitty, Realty, Auctions. ROLLA AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.- We have already, on pages 6 & 7 o f present section, amply described t h is agency. However, for convenience, i t i s re—copied nere. To serve intended purposes, lo c a l chambers of commerce must serve in the ro le of "live w ire s" or "hot lin e s " fo r th e ir community | interested and active in a l l areas of c it y l i f e , growth, and w e lfa re . ROLLA'S CHAMBER has superbly liv e d up to these g o a ls. Thr p ro je c ts in which the R o lla Chamber has been engaged during the 1959-1973 period are too numerous to l i s t here. Aside from sponsoring annual Christmas parades in the downtown area 1 the one in 1973 having a to ta l o f 80 veh icles with many bands, f lo a t s , and automobiles - the Chamber's prin cipal a c t iv it y has centered in promoting bond issu es and in other ways promoting new in d u s tria l parks I new manufacturing companies - and new f a c i l i t i e s , such as the Swimming Pool project in BewJuan Park. Chief of the manufacturing concerns so promulgated was the Schwitzer D ivision of the W a lla c e -iu rry corporation, fo r vhich a c it y bond issue of #4 m illio n was successfully voted by the e le c to ra te . Also a $100,000 bond issue to purchase land for a second I n d u s t r ia l Park, on which the S.O.M.E. COMPANY constructed a plant for manufacture of p la s t ic pipe. The Chamber a ls o promoted a $150,000 bond issue to finance a R o lla Swimming Pool and recreation center in BerJuan Park. 19 to 1973, have been these: The R olla Chamber1s p residen ts, years (ilenn Davidson L a rry Lumpe Mel Bloch R ussell Perry Jack Mir le y Roy Charles Fred Ackelmire Homer A. Tucker J . C. Alexande r Art Kruse (1973-4; B i l l Sowers J . Nean White Mrs. Gale Bullman was the Chamber's "manager" fo r the years 1952 to 1965. The Chamber's present "executive d ire c to r" i s Col. E. A. Owsley, who has served as such since November 1, 1967. LOCAL MAJOR INDUSTRIES. - The two major lo c a l in d u s tria l industries added during the 1959-1973 period ( 1970-73 ) were these: ( l ) The Schwitzer D ivision of the W allace-Murry corporation . . . ani (2 ) the S.O.M.E. P la s tic Products concern. The Schwitzer plan t was located on the fcrmer Rolla City Airport tra c t, in the SW£ o f Sec. 29, T.38-7. I t manufactures automobile parts, c h ie iiy I f Tte *S0ME ooncern i s located in the new $300,000 R olla In d u stria l Park, in S.B.4 o f Nig o f 1 and g g of SW^ of Sec. 31, T.37-7, ju st east of R o lla . OTHER R0TTA TunnsTO.TES o p e ra tin g du ring the 1959-1973 p erio d are th ese. 1 .2. 3. 4 -
Holsum Bread plan t 3 Laundry H eavin Ready-Mix Concrete W an t 6 . - m o d ern O L ^ 1* ™ - Parker Ready-Mix Concrete Plant 7. Elevator Plant Barad 1 Co., Womens Apparel “ n * t 9 . - m .F .A . F e r t iliz e r Plant. . n 4-w, i q '59-1273 p erio d was the e n try THE SUPERMARKETS.- A s p e c ia l fe a tu re o f two were here p r io r laiso R olla o f a number of "super-m arkets . > and others „e r e these to 1959 - Krogers and W illia m s "B ig S tar . A ls o -A • Foodliner 1 . - W illia m s "B ig S ta r " 5 .Center 1 0 .- Ramey's Grocery 3. - A & P ( A t l a n t i c - P a c i f i c ; 7 . - ^ ,I *G*^* 1 jr n itS r e 4 . - Carps Supermarket B . - Biedermans
CVM-BHM-Thu F eb. 1 4 ,1 9 7 4 . Final C hapter D e t a i l s
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jpNERAL BUSINESS UNITS AND AGENCIES..- During the 1959-1973 period there was 33 ( °?mParai l v e l y ) done by smaLl and d o w n - t c ^ o n S ™ Z L formerly. Th?-® c h ie fly because of the great expansion o f the c h a L fsto re supermarkets l i s t e d above. Grocery stores, in p a rtic u la r disappeared Clothing Stores, both fo r men and for .omen, s t i l l survived - although s ^ r a l i f tte supermarkets entered th is f i e l d a ls o . Drug ani Jewelry stores o f the dc»nto,n area had to meet growing competition o f such departments introduced in the supermarkets - or in the H i llc r e s t merchandising center. ROLL CATCK OT? RTI3 INRSSF.q
A£ of_De_c£mber _31j_ 1973 The fo llo w in g l i s t o f b u sin ess and oth er a c t i v i t i e s i s made up from l i s t i n g s in the United Telephone Company*s D ir e c to r y f o r years 1972-73. Some few item s are NOT o f the b u sin ess a r e a , but add t o the gen era l community p ic tu r e . abstract o f T i t le o f f ic e s . . . . 3 C lin ic s (m edical) ......... . 6 A irlin e Service f i e l d ............. 2 Carpet d e a l e r s ............................. A i r p o r t s ................................... . 3 Carpet cleaners .................... 4 Ambulance ..................................... 2 Caterers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Antique Shops ............................ 1 Cemeterie s ........................ . 2 Appliances (e le c tric ) ............. 6 Clothing Stores ( men ) ......... 5 Apartment b u ild in g s ................. 6-fiClothing Stores (women) ......... 10 Asphalt paving p lan ts ............. 2 Concrete Ready Mix plants . . . . 2 Attorneys ........................ 17 Contractors, g e n e r a l ......... 13 Auctioneers ........ ...................... 2 Contractors. e le c tr ic ........... 3 Auto sa le s agencies (.newc a rs ) 8 Contractors, heating ............. 9 Auto sa le s ( used cars ) . . . . 4 Contractor s, masonry, brick . 2 Auto body r e p a ir s h o p s ......... .. 3 Contractors, painting ........... 3 Auto parts store s .................. 4 Contractors, p l a s t e r i n g ....... 2 Auto gasolin e service sta s. ..3 2 Contractor s. plumbing-service 8 Auto re p a ir shops ..................... 11 Contractors, r o o f i n g ......... . 4 Auto car wash s ta s . ............... 4 Chiropractors .......................... 2 Auto machine shop r e p a ir . . . . 1 DAIRY STATIONS ........................ 3 Auto "re n t-o u t- p laces .......... 7 Department stores .................. 8 Auto t ir e s a le s ...................... 12 Drug stores, pharmacies ........ 6 Dry C le a n e r s .............. 3 Auto towing s ta s . ..................... 10 Dog Food manufacture . . . . . . . . 1 Auto TRUCK sale s ..................... 5 Doctors (M .D.) .................... 15 AUTO TRUCKING LINES (f r e i g h t ) 9 Doctors, d e n t a l ...................... 8 BAKERIES................................ 3 Doctors, o s te o p a th ........... 7 Banks . . .......................... 3 Doctors ( opticians ) ........... 4 Building & Loan A s s n s ......... 3 ELECTRIC APPLIANCE S ales . . . . 4 Beauty Shops ........................ 14 Engineering firm s ! ................. 4 Beer depots ........................ 3 Engineering & Archite cts . . . . 2 Book-keepers (C P A 's) ......... 2 Express Services (out-of-tow n; 2 Bookkeeping se rv ic e s .............. 4 FABRIC SALES ( dress goods) . . 4 Book stores .............................. 5 Farm machine s, equipment . . . . 3 Bottling Works (so d a s) .......... 2 Farm feeds, s u p p lie s ,.s e e d s .. 2 Bowling A lle y s ......................... 2 F e r t iliz e r plant .................... 1 Barber Shops .................. 6 F lo o rc ra ft, carpet sales etc Boats ( s a le s , se rv ic e s, r e n t a ls ) 2 Financing firm s .......................... 3 Bus S tas. (3 n a t l 2 s t a t e ) . . 5 F lo r is t s ................................... 5 CABS (T a x is ) ......... 2 Freezer-Locker (meats) ......... 1 Cafes (re sta u ra n ts) ............. * 13 Fuel O il Sales ........................ 9 Cabinet Works (carpenter e t c ) 2 Funeral Homes .................... 2 Churches * _ . . . . ...................... 34
CVM-Btu-oat. F eb . 16, 1974 Final C hapter D e t a ils rOLL_CALL
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OF_BUSINESSES, _ c o n t.
Furnaces, sold, in s t a lle d . . . . 6 Furniture S ale s ......................... 6 F ra te rn itie s ( at U . M . R . ) . . . . 25 GAS, BOTTLED ( Propane; ........ 6 Grain E le v a t o r ......................... 1 G olf Courses ............................ 2 Grocery Stores (sm a ll; ........... 6 G ift Shops ........................ 6 Glass S ales .............................. 5 HARDWARE SALES ......................... 3 Hospitals ........................... 1 Hotels ( not motels ) . . . . . . . 1 Ice Makers, m a c h in e s ............. 2 Industries, b a s ic ..................... 11 Insurance Agencies ................. 29 JEWELER SHOPS .......................... 3 LANDSCAPERS.............................. 2 Laundries .................................. 2 Laundromats .............................. 5 Labor Organiz a tio n s ............... 3 Lodges, .M a s o n ic ,.d iv is io n s .. . 7 Lodges, other than Masonic .• 4 Limber Yards ........................ 3 MAIL ORDER HOUSES ................... 2 Mnbnl.e Home S a l e s ................... 8 Mobile Home Parks ..................... 12 Monument Works (graveston es; . 1 Moving Van Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Museums ................. 3 Motels ................. '................... 13 Motorcycle Sale s ..................... 3 Music Stores (re co rd s, tapes) 3 Music Stores ( pianoa, i n s t s . ) 1 NURSING HOMES ( Rest hom es).. 2 Newspapers (R o lla ) . . . . . . . . . . 1 Newspapers, S t.Lou is etc . . . . 3 Needle c r a ft ( Sewing Machines) 1 Opticians ............... 4 Osteopaths ....................... . . . • • 7 Office Suppl i e s ....................... 2 WIG SALES
Outboard boat motors ................ 3 Pizza Houses ........... . 3 P arcel Express (Out-of-town) . . 2 Plumbing contractors . . . . . . . . . 8 P la s t e r ing contractors ........... 2 P rin t Shops, j o b .............. 3 Radio Broadcast S tas................. 3 Radit>-TV Repair ................... 4 Radio ( 2—Way ) sales . . . . . . . . 5 R e fr ig e r a t ion s a le s -s e r v ic e s .. 7 Rock, crushed (pavement e tc) . 1 R ealtors ......................... 16 Restaurants ............................ 13 Rest Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 R ailroads thru t o w n ................. 1 Highways thru town, N atl-State 3 R e frige ra tio n & A ir Conditiong 4 UTILITIES, Municipal ............... 1 SAVINGS & LOAN ASSNS ............... 3 Sandwich Shops ............................15 Sewing Machine S a l e s ............... 1 Sheet Metal Works .................... 1 Shoe Stores ............................... 4 Skating Rink ( r o l l e r ) ............. 1 Signs Made ................................. 1 Sporting Goods .......................... 3 Supermarkets ......................... 10 Student apartment bu ildings . . 5 THEATRES .................................... 3 TV Cable Service S ta ................ . 1 Upholstering Shop .................... 3 VARIETY STORE............................ 1 Veteranary Doctor & c lin ic . . . . 2 Tele phone System .............. 1 Telegraph.Western Union ......... 1 TV Sale s -se rv ic e s ...................... 14 U-Haul T ra ile r (R entals) ........ 2 W ell D r i ll e r s , Pumps ............... 3 Welding Service and Supplies . 3 Washing Machines, sa le s, service 5
CVM-BHM-Wed. F e b . 20,1974 fin a l C hapter* D e t a i l s .
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WHOLESALB DEMOLITION OF BUTT.nTMng _ More than In J J history, the 1959-1973 period was characterised by t h e ^ h o l ^ ^ le ^ d e i S i t i o n 0^ * ' 8 s U o r unwanted b u ild in g s - and t h e ir r e p U c e s e n t ^ y n e ^ r c n S c ^ p S ^ l ^ s . Group 1 . - HISTORIC_STRUCTUjpS 0R_H0USES. Name and Location
For What New Purpose
1. - Old Masonic H a ll, NE Cor. 4th it M a i n ......................... New O ffic e Bldg. 2. - ElCarney-Baltimore H o te l-C ran d a ll House, 8th *at*F riscoR RParking lo t ,s t r e e t 3. - Frank B. Pow ell L b r. la rd B ld g ., NE co r. 6th & R o lla New s t o r e -o ffic e s 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Old Pennant Tavern - la t e r Motel, N.Hwy 63 & Cedar St ! I Gas service sta . Former Taylor-Chas. Schuman house, Pin® & Elm, 14th -15thDcrms, residences Edw.Long-Frank Wishon h is t o r ic house, NW cor. 10th & ParkUmR Parking Lot Robt.t'*Faulkner home "Black Jacks Dorm; SW cor. 10 St MainUMR parking lo t Three pioneer h o te ls (Webber-Pennsylvania-Dunivin) plus J. Pesoldt butcher shop, a l l abutting N lin e 4th between Main and Park City F ire Sta. - Old T iffa n y H otel, f i r s t meeting place R o lla council, S. side 4th, 2nd house W. o f Main (T y le r, owner;....... Vacant lo t - Pioneer A. Richardson resid en ce. 1st house,SW ccr 4-Main•• Vacant lo t * Judge W.G.Pomeroy house, W.side Main, 6th to 7 t h ....... Mr.Swiss Sandwich - Dr. S.B. Rowe resid en ce, SW c o r. 12th & P i n e ............ Parking lo t - Old Tucker home ( 1st Trachoma H o sp ita l) SE cor.13-Elm Parking lo t
Group Two. - HousesJDemolished For Use of_U.M1R. £ School_of Mines; . 1. - Seven houses in block w ith in ~llth -1 2 th -R olla-M ain streets New Centennial Bldg JB Heagler. . . J a s . Scott . . . V I Smith . . .D r. Carpenter With it s Parking Lot JB B u tler . . Dr.CL Dake . . . C a rl C orn ell 2. - TWo houses, b lo ck w ith in 9th—10th-Main-Park streets •••• UMR Parking Lot (R obt.P.Faulkner- P r o f. RF R a t l i f f ; .................................. 3. - Long-Wishon & other houses, NW c c r. 10th St Park W side . UmR Parking Lot 4.- Several houses, block w ith in 10th-11 t h -P a r k -S t a t e ......... UMR Parking Lot 5. - Hawkins home plus other houses, in sid e 1 4 th -l6 th -S tate. • UmR Parking Lot and Bishop Avenue .................................................... . Group Three. - Demolistaed_by S tat£ for_ 10to_St^_Proje£t 1. - Some 6 houses St one carpenter shop, 10th to 1 2 t h ......... between Cedar stre e t and Frisco R ailrcad ................. 10th S t. Project 2. - Two residences (B radford—King^ & Duncan warehouse 10th St d itto 3.- Former B ap tist parsonage, SW cor. 10th & Cedar . . . . . . . . . d itto 4.- Cottingham-Thomas O steo. C lin ic B ld g ., NE ccr. 10th & Elm d itto 4*- Harry Heimberger & John East residen ces, 10th & O a k ........ Both demolished b efore 1959, hut in p ro je c t, 1974 ......... ditto Group Four. - Others M isc.. Houses_of Some_Con£e«[uen£e. 1«- Church of God parsonage ( Rev. B ix le r ) plus another sim ilar house, both W. side Cedar, 5th to 6th S ts. . . . 2. - Mabel M ueller house, W .side Hwy.63 at F risc o bridge . . . . . 3. - Geo. E. J o slin house, ME c o r. 6th and State 4«- John Dent residence plus fbrmer A lle n fa mil y residence East side Main, between 4th St 5th ............................... . 5. - Several aman houses, B. side Pine, 13th to 14th, removed fo r p rivare residence b u ild in g s fo r UMR students . . . . . 6. - Theta l i F rat, 1605 N Pine S t. ( burned but restored; . . .
Vacant, cleared space only. Logan E lect store Vacant 2/20/74 New O ffic e Bldgs. Residence,students Frat house.
uur l i s t undoubtedly omits numbers of other homes and buildings d e s tro ^ d Jy fire or otherw ise. The above, however, provides a f a i r pictu re of BUILDING DEMQLISHMENT" during the 1959-1973 period.
CVM-BH^-Thu. Feb 21,1974.
Clayton and son continued to l i v e in the home as la t e as 1955 - at itoicii tine ahe told present w rite r ( D r. C.V.Mann ) That ahe intended to dispose, in some way tHe property, ^hs hoped that i t could be used Tor some public purpose such as a club house fe r womens' s o c ie tie s , a new court-house site , or a h is t o r ic a l museum. She would s e l l the property fo r some $60,000. Upon Mr. Clayton* s death, subsequent to 1955, the property went to her son, Charles L. Clayton - idio, with his uncle and agent, George Clayton, liv e d in Hannibal, Mo. i t was thus that the question o f f i n a l d isp o sitio n o f the home arose, nr. Clayton o ffe re d i t f o r s a le a t the p ric e o f *82,000. But as of June 1 , 1961, no sa tisfa c to ry buyer had responded. Mr. Clayton therefore decided to Dh.moi.i .sh the home ( p o s s ib ly to avoid furth er heavy ta x a tio n )• To th is erd, Mr. Clayton, by J^ne 6, 1961, had engaged Mr. Tom H arris to tear the house to p ieces — and to do i t w ithin the next 90 days. The process, as reported in the R o lla newspapers, had alread y begun n l a s t week" ( by June 1 ) . The b u ild in g was wrecked, as so s p e c ifie d . Mr. Clayton removed most a l l of the Baysinger fu rn itu re - and a few pieces that had been ow^ned by the Bishops. W illis P ierce d id the f i n a l wrecking. As o rig in a l l y constructed, a heavy wood timber framework was constructed o f hewn logs cut from surrounding fo r e s t s . These timbers much r^semoled the concrete column-beam framework o f modern b u ild in g s . The ro o f rid ge-p ole and r a ft e rs were round "skinned” p o les, obtained from young but stra ig h t trees (o a k ). This framework was then sheathed with wide pine boards, placed lengthwise vertically and n a ile d to the framework w ith the old-fashioned square—cut n a ils . The wide boards were, presumably, obtained from sawmills up the Big Piney r iv e r . On the in s id e , the timber framework was sheathed w ith "la th " ( i f i t could so called ) — c o n sistin g o f 4~ fo o t lengths o f oak boards a fo o t or so wide a h a lf inch th ick . These "b o a rd le ts" had been s p lit with a hatchet - but the pieces were s t i l l held together with small strands o f wood f ib e r . So s p lit , the "lath" was n a ile d to the framework with the old-time square-cut shingle n a ils . __ ________ ____ __ ____ , . ^ f r a m e state highway 14, l a t e r 66 ) , i n the NE corner cf Section 36 l T .3 S -8 ). Here he Proposed to r e -e r e c t the o ld b u ild in g - but as of February 21, 1974, th is was never done. The lo g s remainsd in a p i le , rotted beyond any po ssib le re-e re c tio n . SO PASSED INTO HISTORY ROLLA* S MOST HISTORIC BUILDING.
- o —o -
CVM-BHM-Sat. F eb . 23, 1974Period 1959-1973.
- 46 -
|HE SERVICE OF 1252-1922 included the Lions . . the Rotarians . . . the Kiwanians . . . and the O ptim ists. 8 Lne On page 45. d o f our 1933-47 Section, » e brought the reccrd o f the Rotary ...........
”ltaDd' d
Ki"“ i3 Club record
At that time, the complete records of the Lions Club were not available although items were l a t e r in serted , carrying the record down through year 1972-73 And as of 1959, the R olla chapter cf the Optimists Club had not yet been organized. For such reasons, then, there i s no need to repeat here the records o f the Rotary or the K iw a n isC lu b . . . . We DO repeat/ and add to the 1933-47 reccrd of the Lions Club ( h erein, pages 47-47.a—47.b ) a few pertinent items heretofore omitted. And, f o r the Optimist Club, we in s e rt a f a i r l y complete record, on pages 48 and 48. a h ereof.
This follow s
CVM-BHM-r'eb. 5, 19 7 3 . Period 1933-1947.
4P?a -
The ROLLA LIONS CLTTR. - The Rr,n a __x „ ■as chartered on A p r il 5th, 1935. The 25Pchart!L.the i^ °n3 Club * in tern ation al; fessional men o f H o lla - « r e tte s e : 5 r “ e“ bers - “LL buainee. or prot?____ t*r An • ____ -rn „ Emery W., A llis o n Rex Faulkner Dr. A.S. McFarland V i r g i l X. Smith Harry W. A lle n C e c il Herman Wm. L . Nicholson W alt. S tu b b le fie ld Prof. E.W .Carlton Rev. O.V. Jackson Eugene Northern Charles Tucker Geo. W. Castleman V ic . Langenberg Ted R. Schweer Fed W illiam s Prof. F.E. Dennie L . L . Lewis R. Eric Schuman Col. Chas. L. Woods Dr. Wm. H. Breuer Chas. McDaniels D r. J. E. Smith .hi=h0; a 3Pftten d 4d 1 by 5i 50OS ? I ^ f . Or‘P n laatiO n - the 01ub
• "Public b a U " ,
In September, 1936, the Lions Club staged i t s f i r s t ANNUAL papntvat tv r f nbs. hOTe taen continued throughout tte years, d m ^ t o d ^ S I w 73; funds raised hare been expended in v ariou s fbrms o f doiations or S » r i U e s including donations to and fe r the R olla ( McFarland) H osoital th« t_ Hospital . . . the H olla High School Band ( i n s t a t e ^
f jl i Undsrfed C blld ren > ••• playground equipment fo r R o lla’ a parka . . . R olla Public L ib ra ry . . . and the b u ild in g o f the G i r l Scout lo g house beside Barnits rarK. 3?* a l s ° h e lPed to seH War Bonds during World War Two. The reoeipts from the Club c a rn iv a ls f o r years 1936-46 are shown in the table that fo llo w s. For the rntire period, 1936- 46, the c a rn iv a ls were staged on the open lo t west o f the former P rof. J.H. Bowen home, 9th and State s tre e t*. In la t e r years, fo r a time or two, the c arn ivals were staged in Buehler Park - the old County Fair Grounds, un at least one occasion, the c a rn iv a l took place on the High School fo o t b a ll f i e l d . Finally, beginning with 1955, the c a rn iv als became a permanent fix tu re on the Club's 143-acre farm ( or p ark ), abutting east line of Highway 63, ju s t south of Fort Wyman H i l l . Table of Date s . . RECEIPTS . . . Donations Gross R eceipts S pecial Donations______________ Date 3____________ S ept., 1936 . . . . . . $3»000 . . . . . . . . Rol l a c it y band - Rolla Hospital S ept., 1937 ............ .......................Same, plus G ir l Scouts Sept., 1938 ............ .................................. S ept., 1939 ...................................................... S ept., 1940 ..................... ................................ July , 1941 ( l s t - 4th) 6,000 ................. July, 1942 d itto ........ .... Park, swings, equipment. R olla band. July , 1943 d i t t o 9,337.63 D itto July , 1944 d itto 8,828.33 W.War 2 Bonds $1,431.95 July , 1945 d itto 8,138.09 War Bonds 2,205.00
July , 1946 d itto July , 1947 ........ July,, 1949 .......
13,499.25 10, 900.00 1 4 , 500.00
July , 1955 ........ J u ly ,, 1 9 5 6 ........
18,000.00 14, 815.00
........ ........
July , 1973 .......
....... ........
CVM-BHM- F eb . 5, 1973
~ 4 7 »a -
4 ^am pllss_0£ Dions^'_Pr^oj_ec_ts_. — Just as a sample, of ttie various projects ani donations executed and donated, i s the l i s t for June 10, 1948 - wherein the sums involved from date of the charter, 1935, down to June, 1948 are given. Thus: R o lla High School Band, instruments, uniforms ............... $2 600 P u blic playground equipme nt . ........................ ................. 2* 700 G i r l Scout House ........... 1 * 650 4! 100 Public L ib ra ry , books, s a la r ie s ..................................... N e ll McFarland H o sp ita l ................................................. 3 275 P u blic School M ilk Fund ................... ............................... 1*000 M.S.M. Loan & Booster Funds ........................................... 1 000 Christmas Show Party for Children ............... ............. . 1*750 Grand Stand, B a l l P a r k ..................................................... 1*650 City F ire Dept. Gas Masks ................. ............................. 500 R olla H i School A th le tic F ie ld , grading, seating . . . . 16,000 Purchase o f Phelps Co. H o sp ita l s ite ........................... 1,800 Boy Scout Cabin ........ ......................................... . 1 , 500 Trachoma H o sp ita l site ............. ..................................... 1,850 Annual E a ste r Egg H u n t ................... ................................. 825 Sever Fund, M.S.M................... ........................................... 700 Teen Age C l u b ........ ............................................................ 2,800 County Health U n i t .................................. . .................. .. 1,100 R o lla Hi School Vocat. Agr. w o r k ........................ . 870 C ra ft Shop .......................... • • • • • • • .......... ........................ 500 School Boy P a t r o l ........ ................................. 300 M ilit a r y A f f a ir s ............................................................... 400 Dental Equipment, .C lin ic ............. ...................... ............... 100 M iscellaneous SmallP r o j e c t s ......................... 2,500 A c t iv it y Reserve Fund .................................. 4.000 Granl Total ............... $55,470 For These_ Carnivals^ the members set up booths where patrons could spend their money — fiv e or ten cents, or a d o lla r , a t each booth. There were stands which served heuhherger lunch ...w a r bonds . . . bingo . . . chasing mice into holes . . rifle ranges . . . m erry-go-rounds . . . dart throwing . . . and so fo rth . There were ferris wheels. . . . On occasion, there were street parades, luncheons, receptions, band contests, and busin ess meetings — held in the old Pennant Taveni, at north Highway 63 and Cedar stre e t . From May 16 to 18, 1937, the R o lla chapter entertained the State Convention of Lions Clubs* Meetings were held in Parker H a ll on M.S.M. Campus, and in the Rollamo Theatre. There were business meetings . . . receptions . . . luncheons . . . street parades with bands in the le a d . . and trap shooting, mixed with band contests on the School o f Mines ''J ack lin g” fo o t b a ll f i e l d . From what has now been recorded, i t i s abundantly evident that the Rolla Lions Club has been of gre a t b e n e fit to R o lla , - a great benefactor.
CVM-BHM-bat. Feb. 23, 1974.
- 47.b -
AjmjiAJOR_ACTIVITIES gF_LpNS_CLUB,_ffiARS_12A6-1923^- Chief o f these activities was the a c q u isitio n and development of the Club' s 143-acre park tract
juat south over Wyman H i l l ,
abutting the east lin e o f Highway 63, south.
tract, or park, i s p a rt o f the e £ o f the S.w. £ and the SWi o f ths S.E. £ o f Section
14, T.37 N ., R .8 W.
During these years, beginning in 1955 - and in the northern end o f the park the Club created an a r t i f i c i a l lake by b u ild in g an earthen dam across a rav iv e . it was stocked with f is h , vhich v i s it o r s were mermitted to f is h f a r . Picnic and parking grounds were constructed. Pavalions and sheds were b u ilt in which to stage the annual Fourth of July fou r-d ay c a rn iv a ls. Among other f a c i l i t i e s , a commodious meeting h a ll - c a lle d "The Lions Den" has been constructed. I t has e x c e lle n t kitchen and dining room f a c i l i t i e s and is used not only by the Club - but by other noteworthy organizations rtiich* are allowed i t s use. A modest beginning has been made in tree and shrub planting. A portion of the farm, on i t s southeast corner, has been used by tte City fo r a l a n d - f i l l refuse dump. This i s kept in good condition, and does not mar the park fo r it e major use. The annual F o u rth -o f-J u ly c a rn iv a ls continue each year. They u su ally gross some $10,000 or more each year. This sum i s spent in numerous charitable and b e n e fic ia l community p ro je c ts, samples of which we have lis t e d on page 47. a hereof. A very s p e c ia l grant o f funds was made to tte State Conservation Commission to enable i t to acquire necessary land, b u ild a re serv o ir dam that created L it t le Prairie Lake, and b u ild a modest re c re a tio n a l centa?. This lake has become a favorite fis h in g s it e fo r those wanting catches o f bass, croppie, blue g i l l and catfish, i t i 3 4 i m iles east and 3 m iles north of downtown R o lla . Over a l l these y ears, the Lions Club has been of exceedingly high b e n efit to Rolla. Has contributed m igh tily to it s rec re atio n al f a c i l i t i e s , and to numerous charities and p u b lic in s t it u t io n s . A l i s t of i t s past presiden ts now fo llo w s.
CVM-BHM- T u es. F e b . 5, 1973.
R o ll_ G ^ ll of_Lioasl_ Pa3t_P resid en t 3. - The fo llo w in g l i s t of Past Presidents has been given us by Mr. H arley Moore - the "in -can in e" Lion* n « K ” te r“ 197^ 5W l « in A p r il o f H S I ^ a r The Year
Who Was President
1935 . . . C o l. Chas. L . Woods 1935- 36 . . R. E r ic Schuman 1936- 37 . . V i r g i l I . Smith 1937- 38 . . Theodore R. Schweer 1938- 39 .. P r o f. Eugene L . Johnson 1939- 40 . . W illiam H. Breuer, M.D. 1940- 41 .. W allace Tucker 1941-42 .. Eugene E . Northern 1942-43 .. P r o f. Ernest W. Carlton 1943-44 .. P r o f. R olfe M. Rankin 1944- 45 .. tic o f . W alter T. Schrenk 1945-46 .. M illa g e C. Smith 1946-47 . . Fed W illiam s 1947-48 .. D r. E a r l E. Feind, M.D. 1948- 49 .. Robert C. Lange 1949- 50 .. Murray C. Renick 1950- 51 . . W illiam H. M ueller 1951- 52 .. Lloyd W. Ramsey 1952- 53 . . Jesse Vance 1953- 54 . . Hu$i Crumpler
The Year 1954—55 1955—56 1956—57 1957—58 1958—59 1959—60 1960—61 1961—62 1962—63 1963—61 1964—65 1965—66 1966—67 1967—66 1966-69 1969- 70 1970- 71 1971- 72 1972- 73 1973- 74
Who Was President
•• Maurice E. Suhre . . M ila E. Watts •• Ralph M arcellus • • D iehl Montgomery . . Lee B. Walker . . W illiam T. Huskey . . John D. Powell . . Weldon W. Moore •• John E. Smith « . Anthony Homyk •• Martin A. Riden •• W illiam Wright . . Jerome T. Berry . . P r c f . Frank Conrad . . Edward Bober . . Arthur Swallow . . Floyd W ills . . Dale Stevens . . David M itch ell •• W illiam Kratzer
Incoming P residen t, 1974-75 •• Harley Moore. Four D is t r ic t Governors from the R olla Chapter of Lions have held the office.. ihe se : Rev. 0 . V. Jackson M illa g e C. Smith Buford W. Robinson M artin A. Riden.
End. Lions Club
CVM-BHM-Tues! M ar. 12, 1974. Period 1959-1973-
- 48 -
, .
1964- I t was sponsored by the S u n rise % > tim isthClub ^ / j e f f e ^ ^ 1? - « ° n “ ay 2?* R oll« c h a p te r 1. a f f i l i a t e d 1 th " O p K ^ S e r i a u ^ a " ? ° U7> B° The Objects Of The Club are fche»<«** j of l i f e . . . . T b I To prom ote“ an a c t i v e in t e r e s t i n ^ S 2 P* imiam f s a Ph ilosoph y “ ? ° iv ic a ffa irs ..........<cj To in s p ire respect L work fer in te rn a tio n a l accord and frie n d sh ip <LLong a U p^o^le encourage the development o f youth. “ people. . . . ( e ) To aid and A primary g o a l o f the Club i s ** To Be A Friend To The Rnv « t m . goal of the R o lla chapter, was l a t e r amended to i ^ l S e ^ h e o i r l ^ " at re | u S tCS ^ D rf " W a 2 a t H " m| o S * " ^ * re p ° r t * * * * * * * * fc r us by Mr. N e i l A. Smith, at request ol U r. W allace B. Howe, there were seme 43 charter members. These: ’ Elwyn F. Ayars Kenneth E. Long Donald L. Evans Burnell M. Bahr Buford L. Lutz P h ilip h . Garrison Jerry R. B ayless N. Eugene Lynn Wallace B. Howe Hans-Juergen Bendrat Ernst E. Meschke W illiam D. Hunter W illia m T. Black Ronald E. McDonald George n . Karr Claude F. Brown Richard M. Pederson Gordon R. Kutscher William P. Brown .Lauren A. Peterson Charles W. Simpson Rudolph B u r r e ll Chas. R. Remington,Jr. D eri D. Spees James B. C a n fie ld Jame s R i ch ardson Kenneth E. Spencer Robert R. Carter Howard Roberts Robert H. Townsend Norman A. Chapman B i l l H. Rowlan Robert E. Weeks Harlen S. Creighton Kay E. S e l l Glenn E. W illiam s Dale E. C rite s P h ilip H. Sheridan Ken Woodruff. Carl Burton Darr Earnie J. Doerr Robert B. Lipscomb James L . Engleh art The F ir s t S et U f _ O f f le e r s . These: ^D ire c to rs : President ..............Chas. R. Remington, Jr. Vice Presiden t , . . James Richardson B u rn e ll m . Bahr ...R o b e rt R. Carter Vice P residen t . . . Robert H. Townsend C arl Burton Darr Jas.L.Englehart Secy.—T reas. . . . . . Gordon R. Kutscher Huuter Ray E. S e l l R °ll_ C a ll of_G lub Pre_sident_s. These: 19641965196619671968-
65 66 67 68
... ... ... ... 69 . . .
Charles Remington,Jr. W allace B. Howe Robert Townsend James L. Englehart Ronald E. McDonald
1969- 70 1970- 71 1971- 72 1972- 73 1973- 74
• .. ••• ... ••• ...
Jerry R. Bayless Wallace C raig Art Grimm Jack C. McDermott Harrison Meaux
Sample_Club P r o j e c t s . - The R o lla Chapter of Optim ists has ca rrie d out numbers °f projects — in li n e w ith i t s o b je c ts and g o a ls, as stated above. We have a few samples, as fo llo w ss 1. — R estoration o f the pyram idal ro o f o f the old h is to r ic County Stone J a il, 3rd and Park s t r e e t s . H iis r o o f had been destroyed by f i r e , and was somewhat of 511 eyesore. I t belonged to Phelps County H is to ric a l Society, which had no means of making the needed r e s to r a tio n . . . . . I t was thus th at the R o lla Optimists, sometime in 1965 or 1966, organized an Optimist crew which completed this work. 2. - The R o lla Chapter has , f o r a number o f years, at Christmas time, imported quantities o f pine and spruce Christmas trees, and o ffe re d them f o r sa le . The funds so ra ise d provided fin an ces necessary to c a rry out other p ro je c ts.
CVM-BHM-dues Mar. 12,1974,
- 48.a -
A S p e c ia l Mem bership_Roll.- The fo llo w in g l i s t of 58 Optimists, who belonged sometime around 1968 ot 1969, was given us by Mr. Elwyn F. Ayars. We include i t primarily, to show the d iv e r s it y of_inte_rest and occupation o f club membership. Many of those named are s t i l l activ e members, as cf December, 1973. Name j Occupation ______ Name_____________ Occupation______ Ayars, Elwyn F ............ Mapping Engr. Barnard, Paul G. . . . R es.M etallu rgist Bayless, J e r r y .......... A sst.P ro f.C E Bendrat, Hans-Juergen Service Mgr. Brown, Claude F.......... Banker C arter, Robt. R.......... Conservation Agt. Buckey, Jack M. . . . . . Postman U raig, Wallaoe C. . . . Asst. Business Mgr. Crites. Dale E. . . . . . Law Enforcement Creighton, rlarlan S . . C.E. Technician Doerr, Earnie . . . . . . . C. E. , Mapping F e ele r, Jack . . • • . • • • Dry Cleang.Owner Englefeart, Jas. L. . . Peace O ffic e r Johnson, Ronald L . . . Asst. D ir . Admin**strn . Faller, Stewart A. . . Mgr. C redit Bu. Jones, V e rn o n ........... A sst. M gr., Gas & O il Finlayson, P h il. M . . . B u ild in g Engr. Kassner, James L . . . . Prof,Cloud Physics Garrison. Ph i l . M. . . Custom Engr. Koboldt. Ralph H . . . . M ilita r y Finance M arshall, Stanley . . . A ssoc.P ro f. Elect.Eng. Grimm, Arthur ............ Student Harvey, Edward J. . . . u. S. G eo lo gist M artin, J am es........... Economic G eologist M artin, Luther W. . . . Owner Radio Sta KTTR Howe, Wallace B. . . . . S tate G eologist Mayhem, Kenne th G . . . . A ssoc.P rof. Chem Eng. Hunter, Wm. D. . . . . . . Insurance V.P. McDermott. Jack C . . . . Asst. D ir . Admin*strn Karr. George W........... D e n tist McDonald, Hector 0. . •P ro f, cf Chemistry Kearse, Joe D.............. Radio O perator McDonald, Ronald E . . . Forestry Aid I I Long, Robt. W.............. L i f e In s . Mesche, Ernst E.......... Xerox Company Miller, Melvin C. . . . Bank Cashier Moss, Louis D............. UMR Personnel O ffic e Myers, Don D................ Patrolman Peterson. Lauren A. . . U.M.R. R egistrar O'Haver. Rov . . . . . . . . Comra. Swi t chman Record, Wayne ........... A ir Conditg. & Heating O'Neal, F orrest . . . . . F o o t b a ll Coach Remington, Chas.R. Jr P ro f. Mech. Engrg Rowlan, B i l l H............ Postman R oberts, H o w a rd ........ C. 0. E. Goor dina tor Sauer, Harry J ., J r. Mech. Engrg. Simpson, Charles W. . Owner, V ariety Store Schuler, Leo G............ Finance Mgr. Teter. Floyd ............. USGS, CE, Topography Shelley, Wm. H............ l.B .M . Engr Townsend, Root. Wl . . P rin c ip a l,J r.H i.S c h o o l Smith, R ic h a r d .......... Lab Technician Walker, Larry ........... Trooper, State Patrol Sprague, Horace . . . . . R e tire d Vetn. Todd, Joseph W. ........ Ret.Army O ffic e r Wharton, Heyward . . . . Economic G eologist. Woodruff, A r v i l ........ Trucker lis t e n , D a v i d .......... Student, U.M.R.
CVU-BHM-Safc • , M ar. 16, 1974 Period 1959-1973.
49 -
'n®-.^£TS ^ - L Ffixa»r Junior Chamber of Ccramerce) - This « .hich 13 n * o f f i c i a l l y c a lle d the "Unite d~3te to f e iF £ L _ called the "Junior Chamber of Commerce" - was bom in 3 t Ln,rf! P 1 J° ”a» U’ en oaUEd the "loving Mens1 Progressive C ivic Association j ’ lMPCA)^’ This, la turn, was o r i g i n a l ly a co n so lid atio n o f several St Loul. .* •, . . dancing clubs - c a lle d the "Federation c f Dancing Clubs" This ^ p l? S . by Mr. Henry G ieesen bier in 1912. g 1Ub" * 1M a tad teen organized An address to t h i s Federation by C o l. H. N. Morgan so deeolv impressed group that, in 19 15, i t changed the "Federation o f Dancing Clubs" in to t t e Young Mens’ Progressive C iv ic A s s o c ia tio n . During the days cf World War One. in 1913 - and with the a c tiv e encouragement of the b t .,L o u is Chamber o f Commerce - tte group again changed the club name to the "Junior Chamber o f Commerce" - fo r sh ort, c a lle d ju st "Jaycees". In 1965, the name was f i n a l l y , and n a tio n a lly , changed to ju s f'U n it e d States Jaycees". This n a tio n a l statu s was o r ig i n a l ly created in S t.L o u is in January 1920, at tte f i r s t Jaycee convention - at which time there were twelve member* chapters in the U. S. A. The, JUNIOR CHAMBER INTiiRNATIO »a L t J C I ) I n 1944, during »orld War T-ao, the Junior Chamber In t e r n a t io n a l was formed, as a "Way Toward World Peace". This agency was ch aracterized by a P residen t o f the United States as being " The Number One Organization In F o reig n A f f a i r s " . I t now has 8,600 chapters in over 80 countries o f the w orld , w ith a t o t a l o f over 600,000 in d iv id u a l members. I t has permanent headquarters, in charge o f a f u ll-t im e s a la rie d president and secretary, at Miami Beach, F lo r id a . This JCX i s one o f the fa s te s t growing organizations in the world. The. Mijjsou£l__Junio£ Chamber of _Cearnerce. was organized in 193.8. This agency has a permanent State o f f i c e in S e d a lla , Mo., construction of which w- 3 completed in 1957. The o f f ic e i s in charge o f a S tate presiden t and secretary - both f u l l time sa la rie d e x e c u tiv e s. Under t h is State agency there a re, w ithin M issouri, some 166 local ch apters. The. Local. RoJjla, Chapter.—In 1941 — ju st p rio r to the beginnings cf U.S.A. participation in World War TVto — a group o f F o li a ’ s young men la id plans to have a Rolla chapter chartered under tte S tate agency. Such a charter was presented to Mr. Homer Tucker, the R olla chapter* s f i r s t presiden t, on January 6, 1942. In such manner was the R o lla chapter born. Some 67 young men became the Charter Members of the R olla Chapter. We name those whose names are a v a ila b le , thus: ^jOTE* Consult files of R o lla H erald, issu e s Nov. 27 & Dec. 4, 1941 and Jan. 6,1942, for f u l l l i s t j . Brenneiaen, Joe Burton, W ilb e rt Crawford, P r o f. Ivan J r . Feind, D r. E. E. Jordan. Homer King, B.C. I Bunny) M ille r, E lton ^ i l l , Percy i coach) P a u lsa il, Lynn Prestonf Don Renick, Murray Schendel, D r. Sam. QVet^ Stelnmetz, Leo Watts, k i l a Stevens, Floyd TUCKER, HO-.-ER.
CVJI-BHM-Mon. M ar. 18, 1974
49.a -
Period 1959-1973 THE JAYCEE CREED. — A ft e r attending the f u l l- s c a le Jaycee co vention (n a tio n a l)
at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in June, 1946, Jaycee member B i l l Brownfield, in 1947, coined the se v e ra l phrases that set fo rth the basic goals o f the Jaycee movement — Thus J ( l ) That fa it h in God g iv e s meaning and purpose to human l i f e . (2 ) That the Brotherhood o f Man transcends the sovereignty o f nations. ( 3) That economic ju s t ic e can best be wen by free men througi fre e en terp rise. (4 ) That E a r th 's g re a t treasure l i e s in human person ality ( 5) AND THAT SERVICE TO HUMANITY IF THE BEST WORK Or LIFE. Q u a lific a tio n s fo r Membership. Dues. - The o r ig in a l q u a lific a tio n s fo r admis sion to Jayoee membership were - that young men o f good character and of ages twenty-one to t h i r t y - f i v e , in c lu s iv e , were e l i g i b l e . Since, n a tio n a lly , the le g a l age has been changed from twenty-one to eighteen, that i s now the admissable ago. Men over the age o f t h i r t y - f iv e may become assneiatje members^ - but may not vote. Dues fo r re g u la r members are $15.00 per year. Associate dues are $6.00 per year. A LIST OF PAST PRESIDENTS. The foregoin g h is to r ic data, plus the follow in g lis t of R o lla chapter past p residen ts, was given to us by Past President B i l l Phipps. Mr. Homer Tucker - c a lle d the "Charter President" - became the Rolla Jaycee*a first president, when he presented the Chapter's charter, January 6, 1942. Those who followed him were these: . Tears I^ars.M . Name 1942 .• Homer Tucker 19 5 3 - 54 1942- 43 . . Lynn P a i l s e l l 19 5 4 - 55 1943- 44 . . M ila Watts 1955- 56 1944- 45 . . Leo Sfceinmetz 19 5 6 - 57 1945- 46 . . W ilb e rt Burton 1957 1946- 47 . • Rufus Smallwood 1958 1947- 43 . . B.C. (Bunny) King 1958- 59 1959- 60 1948- 49 •• Lyle P ro d e ll 1949- 50 . . Sam S . Schendel 1960- 61 1961- 62 1950- 51 . . Charles Huber 1951- 52 . . Emmett Cain 1962- 63 1963 1957-53 . . Otho Moutray
•• •• |. .• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Name________ Frank White, Jr. Russ Hecke W ally D ressel Benny Clements Ed. Burton Jack Moody Kenneth Woodruff Donald Stevens B i l l Rowlan Jim Richardson Curt Smith Bob Simpson
1963-64 . . 1964 •. 1965- 66 . . 1966 . . 1966- 67 . . 1967- 68 . . 1968- 69 . . 1969- 70 . . 1970- 71 . . 1971- 72 . . 1972- 73 . . 1973-74 . .
Richard Voss Bob Howell Eldon B. Finley Raymond Samson Floyd E. Myers Lloyd Black A lb ert Boion Murray Renick Chas. A. Nickasod Raymond Samson b i l l Phipps Edwin Davis
The Javeee Board of D ir e c t o r s .- The adm inistrative o ffic e r s of the Rolla Jaycees i s composed o f t h e s e nine men: The President . . . S e c r e t a r y ^ ^ a a u r e r Past President . . . State D ire c to r . . . In te rn al Vice President . . . External Vice President . . . In t e r n a l D ire c to r ••• and External D ire c to r. Typical Project s _ a n d _ A c t iv it ie s .-
A l i s t i n g o f these fo llo w s on next page.
The R olla Herald of Nov. 27, 1941, l i s t s 48 prospective members. Committee on organization that day was: Don Preston //// Elton M ille r . Homer Jordan . . . Homer Tucker. . . . From R.Herald o f Dec. 4, 1941, the Jaycee3 ORGANIZED on Wed., Dec. 3, 1941. Elected Homer Tucker, president . . Ivan Crawford and Don Preston, vice presidents, Homer Jordan, secretary, Percy G i l l treasurer, Floyd Stevens, s g t . a t arms. This was a banquet meeting. See a lso , R olla Herald o f Thu Jan. 8, 1942, which should l i s t charter members.
CVM-BHM-Mon. March 18, 1974 Period 1959-1973
5 0 .™
TIPICAL R O IM JA IC E E FROJBCTS AMD ARTTVTTTRc; a of R u projects and a c t i v i t i e s i s e x em p lified by a l i s t o f them f o ^ 1974 c o n ta iS d in a statement o f P re sid e n t Edwin Davis in the R o lla D a ily News o f Sunrfal t f d ^ 20, 1974. Thus: i y wews ° r Sunday» January
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
- Handicapped Day, Mo. State F a ir , . 1 4 .- Dunking Stand at County F a ir S e d a lia , fo r handicapped 15»— S ales of Trash Bags c h ild r e n . 16. — Purchase of 4th July Fireworks - Wonderland Camp, at Lake of Ozarks 17. - B luegrass Music Show fo r handicapped c h ild re n . 18. - "Scare House", Halloween N i£ it - P a r t ic ip a t io n in J e rry Lewis 19. — Aid to Sheltered Workshop muscular dystrophy teleth on Purchase o f land &. b ld g .) - Punt, Pass, and Kick Program 20. - Aid to Rural F ire Dept. (R o lla ) - Volunteer P robation Program 21. — Gun S afety Program - Q u arterly B e a u t ific a t io n Program 22. - Promulgation of Youth B aseball - F ro g-T u rtle Race, fo r c h ild re n ( Koury League) - Outstanding Young Educator Award 23. - Barbeque in Aid of U.M.R. - Outstanding Young Farmer Award S t. P a t 's week — follow ed by - D istin gu ish ed S ervice Award dance. Be tween 500 and 1,000 - Mock L e g is la t u r e persons served. - Support o f C i v i l A ir P a t r o l 24. - Sale of E le c tric L i g i t B ulbs. - Jaycee Auction ( to r a i s e funds)
Rolla Ja£cee_Headquarters_.- The old F ris c o R ailroad Depot, beside the F risc o tracks at 9th s t r e e t , serv es as a meeting plaoe fo r the R olla Jaycees and their wives. AN OCTOBER. 1972, LIST OF JAYCEES AND WIVES. Jayvee B i l l Phipps has provided us with the fo llo w in g l i s t of Jaycee members and th e ir wives - who were members in October, 1972. These: ™. ________ Name W ife ------ Name------26. - L it z , A lle n . . . . . . . . . —---1 .- Ancel, David . . . . 27. - M e r re ll, W a r d .......Penny 2. - B ittn er, John . . . 28. - Osborne, Keith ..... Marsha 3.- Bruce, Bob .......... 29. - Owens, Donald L. . . . . Dianna 4.- Calhoun, Ron . . . . 30. - Peacock. R ichard D . . . Jo 5.- Chymiak, Kenneth . . . . Susan 31. - Phelps, G e o ffe ry . . . . Wanda 6. - Cloven, J o e ........ 32. - Phipps, B i l l ........... Caroleen 7.- Cochran, Kenneth . . . . Rosemary 33. - Pittman, Dan .........Mary 8. - Cruce, B o b .......... 34. — P otter, James . . . . . . . Armeta 9 .- Cundiff, D a n ie l . 35. - Proctor. L o u i s ..... Berdyna 10. - Davis, Eijwin . . . . 36. - Redyke, James Janie 11.- Duncan, Kenneth . 3 7. Renick, J o h n .........Sharon 12. - Freese, K a rl . . . . 38. - Reynolds, O t i s ..... Mary Lou 13.- Gibson, D o n ........ 39. - R ile y , M i k e .......... Barbara 14.- G ile s, John . . . . . 40. - Rogers. Charle s ... Cheryl 15.- Gray. G a r y .......... 41. - Samson, Raymond... ............... It .-G r e e n , Denver . . . 42. - Sanders, J o h n ....... Vicky 17.- Green, J e rry . . . . 43. - Scott, T im .............Maureen 18.- Grove, Steven . . . 44. - Smallwood, Richard . . ------19.- Headrick, L lo y d . 4 5 •- Soear. Ga r y ............... P a t r ic ia 20,- Huck, Tom . . . . . . . 46. - Turner, Ron 21. - Johnson, James . . 4 7 . - Ward, R o n a ld ..............Carolyn 22.- King, George . . . . 48. - W ilson, Tom ............... Tennie 23.- King, T e r r y ........ 49. - Z i l e , D a n i e l ............. Beth 24.- Kopf, K e n t .......... 2 5 .-Level, L a r ry . . . .
CVM-BHM- Safe, March 30, 1 9 7 4 Period 1959-1973.
- 50.a -
THE HOLLA CHAPTER OF JAYCEETIP^. — my. • exceeding 35 y ears, was chartered on A u g u s t ^ ^ l o f e 01.? 0!!?® b ST?"' . V 63 noi This name was l a t e r changed to ju s t -'R ollT jaycee Wives'' "Jaycee-E ttes." The_Charter_Mem.bers_Were These: .Barbara Alexander Doris Bowman Arlene Burton Margie Hooks
•Dorothy Jarvis Norma King Ann Lennox B i l l i e Montgomery
•Marigene Montgomery Angie Moody T i l l i e Rowlan Edna Schroeter
Huldah Stevens Frankye Woodruff June W right.
The Purposes Of The Jaycee_W iyes.- As the Chapter's t i t l e would ind icate, * basic purpose o f the Jaycee Wives i s to work with and a c tiv e ly aid th e ir husbands who constitute the male wing of the Jaycee program. The "Wives" therefore jo in with their husbands in executing and planning most o f the p rojects such as are listed at the top o f page 50 h e re o f. An e s p e c ia l a c t iv it y of both groups i s the promotion o f the youth b a s e b a ll program known as the Aoury League. The Ja£cee_Creed se ts fo rth the g o a ls and b e lie fs of both the Jaycees and the "Wives". We repeat i t from page 49.a hereof, thus: ( The Jaycees B e lie v e :) 1#— That f a i t h in God gives meaning and purpose to human l i f e . 2 . - That the Brotherhood of Man transcends the sovereignty of nations. 3#- Ihat economic ju s t ic e can b e st be won by fre e men through free e n terp rise. That E a r t h 's gre a t treasure l i e s in human person ality . 5. - AND THAT SERVICE TO HUMANITY IS THE BEST WORK OF LIFE. A L is t _ 0 f Past_Pre_sidents_.- Seventeen Jaycee Wives have served the Rolla Chapter as p re s id e n ts . These: ( As given to present w rite rs by Pres. Sue K opf). 1957- 58 . . Frankie Woodruff 1965—66 . . Joyce Finley ( Charter p re sid e n t) 1967-68 . . Minnie Bradford 1958- 59 . . Norma King 1968-69 • . S h e rre ll Bolon 1959- 60 .. Kay Gunter 1969- 70 . . Sharon Renick 1960- 61 . . B arbara Alexander 1970- 71 . . Kathy Nickason 1961- 62 . . B etty J a rv is 1971- 72 •. Linda Davis 1962- 63 . . Lucy Smith 1972- 73 . . Caroleen Phipps 1963- 64 . . Jeanice Powell 1973- 74 • . Sue Kopf 1964- 65 . . Paula Duncan, and B e tty Rowlan
mfU-BtiM-June 1 , 1974(14) 1959-73
51 -
THE- MASONIC ORDERS. — 1933—47 Section ( 12 ) , we gave a complete l i s t o f the worshipful Masters o f R o lla Lodge No. 213, A.F. & A.M. . . and a sim ilar l i s t of the Worthy Matrons and Patrons of Eastern S tar Chapter No. 176. We a lso mentioned the Royal Arch and Knights Templar u n its of Masonry. We add here the re sp e c tiv e o f f ic e r s o f the Blue Lodge and the Eastern Star for the years not covered by the previous l i s t i n g . Thus: Rolla BlueJLodge^ No^ 212 AF_&_AM. _ 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974
( W orshipful Masters )
................ Glen P. Adams ................. Eugene Lynn, ............... James R. Sober ..............K e lly E. Gibbons ........ James W. Van Hooser . . . . Charles R. C ro lle y •• Kenneth W. B erryberry
Rolla Eastern S ta r ^ Chapter No^ 176. le a r 1971 •• 1972 . . 1973 . . 1974 . .
( Worthy Matrons and Worthy P atron s).
Worthy Matrons______
Worthy Patrons
Vernadine Cole ............ John Cole C lara Buc k e y ................ Gene Ray Mabel Adams ................ Paul K ittle L i l l i a n B e lt ................John Cole
Royal A r c h _ a ^ _ K n i^ t s _ T e m £ la r .i We had not the time nor opportunity to obtain further data resp e c tin g these two u n its.
CVM-BHM-May 31, 1974. (14) 1959-73 H No# w *
52 -
"Harmony |hrine
Kie Rolla, Chapter o f th is Order was chartered in 19A7 t + o »iu 4.4. „ . contained in three words - » Love One Another". I t s MotJ ° i s "Emblem" - the Open B ib le | by the Hymn " My Faith t nSv i t ^ ggesfced its its "Scripture" f s t . «a tt h .w 5 a 6 ) ^ L . t y o S l i g h t S , ? !* " 1 “ d ** they m y see your good .rarks, and g l o r i f y y L - Fath“ . h i * i s S ffe a r e n ? " The P iirt y -F o u r Charter Members, Were_These: Asher, Margie Bradbury, Mary Jo Breuer, B essie Callahan, Vernice Callahan. Leonard Campbell, Avo Campbell, Pansye Coats, James L . Davis, Laura Eshbaugh, E-dvthe Gibson, Catherine
.Gibson, Hubert Glenn, Vera -Kearney, N e llie L in e | Cele stine Love, Mabel K. MaSgi, Lena Miner, C. Rex Miner, Helen P le tz . V ir g in ia Seh luter, Georgia Schultz, Marguerite Searigh t, Joy
• S earight, Walter Smith, Mina S ta ir, Edna S ta rlip e r, Zelpha Stebbins, Blanche Stimson, Selma Tucker. B lanche Tucker, Louise Tryon, Amy York, Ed York, Etta
O ffic e rs _0 f_ % e _ 0 rd e r^ - The R o lla "Harmony Shrine" has a group o f some thirty or more o f f ic e r s i those that are "p rin c ip a l" - and those that are minor. The two ch ief o f f ic e r s are - the Worthy p ^ i _ P r i e s t e s s , and the Watchman ofjShepherds For the 1974-75 year, these two are, re sp e c tiv e ly , Laura Lewis and Ralph D avis. A, list__o f the remaining, lower o f f ic e r s , includes these: Noble Prophetess King Maids of Honor Assoc. Watchman o f Shepherds Queen Flower G ir l Worthy Scribe F ir s t Handmaid Madonna Worthy Treasurer Angel Second Handmaid Worthy Chaplain Third Handmaid Courier Worthy Shepherdess Stereoptician Organist Worthy Guide Captain o f the Guard Worthy Guardian Worthy Herald Advisor F lag Bearer & Escorts First Wise Man Worthy Guard Second_Wise Man Banner Bearer & Escorts Third Wise Man C hristian F lag Bearer & Escorts As£ociated_Member Groups.— The R o lla — and associated groups — have ( fa r the 1973-74 year ) the fo llo w in g numbers o f members: R olla ............... 106 ( o f whom 5 were deceased) S t. James . . . . . 20 Salem . . . . . . . . . 22 Numbers o f members from outside Rolla S t e e lv i lle . . . . I have held the two p rin c ip a l o ffic e s . V i c h y ................ 3 Wayne s v i l l e . . . 3 Outside D i s t r i c t 28 Total . . . . 190
CVM-BHM-May 31, 1974 (14) 1959-73
- 52.a -
Li3 t of fa s t Head O fficers, ( W ort^_Priestes3_a£d_%tchs an of_SheEh e rd s;. 1947 •• Grace Buckey (d e c .; Manuel Buckey ( d e c . ) 1948 . . . . Nadine (u e asej Kenney (d e c .; C l i f f o r d Eshbaugh (d e c .; 1949 •• Mary Jo Bradbury Hubert Gibson 1950 . . . . C elestin e Line (d e c .; W alter S earigh t 1951 . . A lta Mae J e f f r i e s Morgan J e f f r i e s (d e c .; C l i f f o r d Eshbaugh (d e c .; 1952 . . . . M argie Asher W alter Asher (d e c .; 1953 •• P e a r l Bolon (d e c .; Harry Bolon (d e c .) 1954 . . . . Helen Miner C. Rex Miner 1955 •• Mabel K. Love Richard K err 1956 . . . . Louise Tucker J.D. Shelton (d e c .) E .Y . Lin e (d e c .) 1957 •• C harlotte Sands Ivan Nelson 1958 . . . . Donna Udovich George L . Jonas 1959 •• Mary F arrar George F arrar 1960 . . . . J e w e ll Strawhun W a lte r Strawhun -------- E n d -------
1961 . . Ruby S a lly O r v ille Swetnam 1962 •••• N e ll Jonas Howard Powell 1963 . . Eugenia Jeter John C o llin s 1964 . . . . Edythe Eshbaugh C liffo r d Eshbaugh (d e c .; 1965 . . E ls ie B e ll George B e ll 1966 . . . . Edna Cochran John Hanson 1967 . . Ralpha Peck Jack Buckey 1968 . . . . L i l l i e Perry Robert H ille r b y 1969 . . Yuba Hanson George L . Jonas 1970 . . . . Edith H ille rb y Robert H ille rb y 1971 «• Clara Buckey George B e ll 1972 . . . . Eleanore Passet George L . Jonas 1973 •• Gurine S later H arley S la te r 1974 . . . . Laura Lewis Ralph Davis
CVM-BHM-Sat. M a r.9 . 1974. period 1959-1973.
- 53 -
THE ORDER OF DeMOLAY. ROLLA CHAPTTPft 1919 in Kansas O lty, H o., by tbs la t e Frank S. L a n d /
ST.5£*?rir Srid-Vj
“ “ **"
c h ^ L a 3’. 000- 000 Among the O rd e r's g o a ls i s the b u ild in g of better men, better c itize n s, hetter sons, b e t t e r le a d e r s . G enerally, to o ffe r to teen-age boys these things: (aJ A wholesome occupation f o r t h e ir spare time; . . . (b ) To give them contact* with worth-whxle a sso c ia te s j . . . ( c ) To provide them with the best p o ssib le environ ment. . . (.dj To g iv e them in t e re s t in g , complete programs of a ll-a ro u n d youth developme n t. The DeMolay Order i s NOT an o f f i c i a l Masonic order - but i t IS sponsored by adult Masons and Masonic Mothers. The boys so trained DO NOT have to jo in o f f i c i a l Masonic lodges - alth ougi sane 50* o f a l l DeMolay members DO so Join. Chapters o f DeMolay have fre e access to the nee tin g rooms of Masonic lo d ges. To be adm itted to the Order, a boy must be between 13 ani 21 years of age . . . must believe in God . . . and must be o f good character and reputation. P9 .Chapter ( Austin Lee McRae Chapter ; was f i r s t organized during the 1920’ s. The chapter was named in honor cf D r. A. L . McRae, who during years 1915-1920 was d ir e c t o r o f M isso u ri School o f Mines. He was a lso an ardent member and Worshipful Master o f the R o lla Blue Lodge No. 213. The chapter continued to be active up to the days of World War Two - when i t disbanded for a number of years. In 1965 i t was re ju v in a te d , and became a c tiv e again under sponsorship o f a number of adult Masons - in c lu d in g M essrs. Gerald Maggi and W ilb ert Burton, who served as "Chapter D ads". T h e _In sta lla tio n Fro gram, Second Term^ 1922 - copy of which was given us by Dr. and Mrs. Royal Ranney - provides some in sig h t in to the o ffic e r -s e t -u p o f the Rolla chapter. The program includ ed : (a j I n s t a lla t io n of the Mothers* Club o f f i cers . . . (b ) P resen tatio n o f a Flower Talk . . . (c ) Presentation of the DeMolay State Sweetheart. The I n s t a l l in g Of f i c e r was J e ffr e y K its m ille r. A ssistin g him were these: Senior Councilor . . Dan Cole M a r s h a l... . . . . . . Brad Scherzer Junior Councilor . . C lif f o r d Mahar Chaplain ........... Donald Scherzer Senior Deacon . . . Kevin Long. The_ Mother £*_Club O f f ic e r s So I n s t a lle d were these: P residen t . . . Mrs. J.W. VanHooser S ecy.-T reas. . . Mrs. David H a ll Vice P r e s . . . . M rs. Floyd Hood Chaplain . . Mrs Homer Crowell The Chapter O ffic e r s Were These: M a r s h a l.................... Kevin Brady # Master Councilor . . Stevan Ranney C h a p la in .....................Tom Campbell # Senior Councilor . . Floyd Teter Standard Bearer ........ Steve Adams # Junior Councilor . . J .B . Alexander Almoner ...................... Roger Yelton V Treasurer ................Joe R ig le r F ir s t P r e c e p t o r ........Kirk Alexander Senior D e a c o n ........ Mark Ranney Second Preceptor . . . . Lewis H a ll Junior Deacon . . . . . Alan Van Hooser Third P r e c e p t o r ........Robert Delp Senior Steward . . . . David Foster Fourth Preceptor . . . . David Hal l Junior Deacon ........ Norbert Schmidt F ift h P r e c e p t o r ........ C arl Jones Orator ................... .. Bi l l Hood Sixth Preceptor ........ P atrick Crowell S c r ib e ............... Jim Roberts,PMC Seventh Preceptor ....B r u c e H a ll. Sentinel ..................Charles Faulkner Those preceded by # mark are e le c te d . Othera appointed. THE ADULT ADVISORY COUNCIL consisted o f the fo llo w in g : Chairman. . . . . . . . . . Dr .Royal Ranney Other Members: Chapter Advisor . . W ilb e rt Burton Robert Delp W illiam W all Ritual Advisor . . . J .C . Alexander Charles M. H a ll Nicholas Sucic Awards Advisor . . . A lv in F. Cole Kenneth Derryberry AREA GOVERNOR. - Mr. Gerald Maggi was Area Governor. — music — r e lig io n — DeMolay g iv e s numerous awards. M erit bars fer c i v ic servied ces cf excellen ce. athletics - - r i t u a l — v i s i t a t i o n / D istin gu ish ed Award fer se rv l
CVM-BHM-5afc. Feb. 23, 1974. Final Chapter. D e t a ils .
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THE ORDER OF RAINBOW GIRLS l R o lla Assembly No. n >— i b i s group, so organised, has e x iste d in R o lla f o r a considerable period. I t was organised as a chapter r 19__ . on__________________ The O bjects or Goals Of The Grouo in ., _ . l i t * and hi,#! charr c t ® M o n I the j A s who P“ e° t ° f p* rs,on„ 011-13 are o f PartiotLU r concern to (he R o l l . Chapter o f n a.tern " t o t h e ^ r l s o * Sr° UP many “ mb' ra = « - ™ . or hare aerved, in the capacity o f ^ An idea o r the purposes o f the group may be had by noting the several s u a li ties or t r a i t s fo r which g i r l o ffic e r s ax* elected, such as these: Faith . . Hope . . Love . . Charity . . R eligion . . F id e lit y . .P atriotism . .S ervice. F a it s - a S t s '.M a ile r s who, in past years - the 1940' s and la t e r - would c e rtai?^7v.in ATIf161 Cf Buckey ( Mrs* m-h *> a most devoted Advisory Mother. Another would be A lb e rta Sehrenk 1 Mrs. W.T. ) . There were, o f course, many others. As o f February 19, 1974 - on the occasion o f the annual in s t a lla t io n of officers - some 39 g i r l s were present as members. Miss Carol Sue Cole was installed as *iorthy_Advisor. The i p s t a lli n g ^ o f f le e r s were_the s e : Miss Kathy Jo Roberts, past Worthy Advisor, and past Guard F id e li t y o f the Grand Assembly, conducted the ceremonies, she was aided by Mrs. Mabel Adams, Mother Advisor . . Margaret Feldmann, past Worthy Advisor . . . and Beth Ann otevens. Others iho aided were Judy Henson, marshal, N e ll Jonas ( Mrs. G e o .), musician, and Pam Reppond, choir d irec to r! The £Yficer_s_so in s ta lle d , were_thejae: Worthy Advisor, Miss Carol Sue Cole C o nfiden tial O bserver.• Ju lie Lewis Assoc. Worthy A dvisor, Linda Patton Outer Observer . . . Cindy Faulkner Mother A dvisor, Irene Feldmann lMrs H .; Musician . . . . . . . Andrae Green Recorder, M e li Roam Choir Director . . . Cherl Barnard Treasurer, Kathy W illiam s Orator • • • • . • • . . . . L is a Stevens Chaplain, Pam Baxter H istorian ......... Karen Arnold D r i l l Leader, Anthanette L is t e r Parliam entarian . . Jennie Fite F a i t h ................. Connie M ille r Nature ........... Vicki Whitaker Hope • . . . • • • • • • • Bobbie tvixon immorality . . . . Shelley Wagner Love . . . . . . . . . . . P a t t i Stevens F i d e l i t y ........Tami Wilson Patriotism . . . V ic to ria Swancutt C h a r i t y ............... P atty Reynolds Service . . . . . . Kathy Hawks R e l i g i o n ........ . Tina H a ll in_A ddition To_These_O fficers, the fo llo w in g fift e e n members were present: Kim A llis o n Kathy Cole Sharon Angleke Dee Dee Hawks Kathy Kaunley
Kathy Kichbusch Jo Ann K lein Denise M a t lo c k Gina Montgomery L is a Ridgeway
Katjry Shari J u lie Janet Linda
Jo Roberts Short Taylor T h o rn h ill Tueppel
An_Adult_A dvisory Board fe r the 1974 year consisted o f these persons: Mr. Aaron S t a r lip e r , Chain®n Mrs.. Irene Feldmann Mrs. Huldah Stevens Mrs. Mabel Adams Mr. and Mrs. John Cole Mr. and Mrs. O r v ille owetnam Mrs. L i l l i a n Delp Rainbow G ir l_ P r o je c t s planned f o r 1974 in clu d ed . . sale . . . box—lunch fash ion dionv . . . and other s.
candy sa le s . . . rummage
CVM-BHM-June 2 1 ,1 9 7 4 .
(14) 1959-1973.
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THE KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS LODGF ( t j a member, has given us the f o i l w in g information ^ H e ^ s ’I “ f - WiJ Liam H* W ells, ing famxlxes of Duncan and Hawkins, which in 1818 and 3C±° ? ° f PioneerLittle Piney-Gasconade r iv e r area of Phelts Conntv w . r * ae^^led in the Hawkins, who married ^alinda Duncan, daughter of Bilrl DuS L ? ^ ^ 011 ° f ^ ‘ E* of the origin a l John Duncan. ^ °uncan, and grand-daughter
durlnftheU^ ei 86^ e the U-s - Congress 18, 2. I t s _ « e t l n g p la c e , at « . * u S T l S I T . ^ ^ streets brxck buxldxng, at immediate northeast corner o f 6th and Pine At the c h a rte rin g m eeting, March 4, 1892, an "ad hoc" set of state o ffic e r s appeared and proceeded to organize the chapter. These mdn were as fo llo w s Grand Past C h an cellor . . . R .P. Johnson Grand Chancellor Commander . . . D.D. Burns Grand Vice Chancellor . . . James M. McGregor. p p i S j SJer 1|I I 111 §?*fl | E g § Grand Master of Arms .. .F .O . Lowndes GrsM Master o f F. . . . R.A. Hutcheson Grand Inner Guard . . P .J . Zacheritz Grand Keeper of Records,Secy. R.M. Cairns Grand Outer Guard . . J.A . Spilman. This group now admitted - or re je c te d - a goodly number of members, and then held an e le c t io n fo r chapter o ffic e r s Those so ele c te d were these Chancellor-Chmmander . . Arthur Corse Secretary, Keeper of Records ..Henry S ee le Vice Chancellor . . W illia m H e lle r Master of Arms . . . Charles Schuman Master o f Ex . . . . Edwin Long Inner G u a r d ..........W.F. Walker Master of F . . . . James Spilman Outer Guard ........James Greaoor. A few o f the many members admitted included these: W illia m H e lle r W ilbur F l i n t Charles Schuman W.A. Hawkins M illa r d F. Faulkner Edwin Long Arthur Corse Henry S eele nM
/ si ~ A X i
_ _ _ _J
n A*
As o f June, 1974, R o lla Lodge No. 231 has a membership of some 125 persons. Aside from i t s s t r i c t l y lodge programs, the c h ap ter's a c t i v it i e s and p rojects include aid and c o n trib u tio n s and su p p lies o f cloth in g to the Childrens' Workshop to the Cystic F ib r o s is cause — and gath erin g toys and food and clothing fo r children and needy a d u lts a t Christmas time. The R o ll C a l l o f 1974 O f f ic e r s i s t h is : Chancellor—Commander . . . Paul Lindsey Vice Chancellor . . . . . . . . V i r g i l Sheldon P relate (c h a p la in ) . . . . . Tom Lierman S e c r e t a r y ......................... Leroy McKay Treasurer ................. Aaron H a ile y Master at Arms . . . . . . . . . Paul Ligh t Inner Guard ...................... Chas. Bodeker Outer Guard ..................... Jim Hurt The_ T ru stees a r e : W illia m H. W e lls . . Aaron H axley . . .
Paul L ig h t .
Both the R o lla chapi>efc and Mr. W illia m W e lls were honored when he was elected to th e o f f i c e o f Grand M a ster o f Arms o f th e M iss o u ri s ta te Supreme Lodge, f o r th e y e a rs 1970-1972. THE PYTHIAN SISTERS ( See n e x t p a g e 5 5 .a
Ct/M-BHM-Fri. June 2 1 ,1 9 7 4 . (14) 1959-1973.
"Temples .
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. - Chapters o f th is "a u x ilia r y " group are called The R o lla chapter i s , th erefo re, "White Cross Temple_No._105" .
Thlf^ °J d e rT®Xi^ Tor some years p rio r to 1949. At that time it~was re-organized. Two la d ie s who were members o f the o r ig in a l "Temple" were Marie Ramsey and Mrs. ____________ N ie m ille r ( Mrs Dr. F re d .;. The_List a f_ 0 fl‘i c e r s fo r the 1974 Year are the se : Past C hief . . . . . . . . . . . . Sadie Tankersley Most E x c e llen t C hief . . . C arrie Lindsey -Excellent S e n i o r ............Verna W ells E x c e lle n t Junior ............ Betty Hooten M a n a g e r ............................ Vena Melton S e c r e t a r y .........................Anne M attingly Protector ......................... C arrie Hunt Guard ............. ................. Ruth Persing Of the above, Mrs. Verna W ells had the honor of serving as Most Excellent Grand Chief o f the Grand Temple o f M issouri, years 1968- 69. She has supplied us with the current inform ation. As o f 1974, the R o lla Temple has a membership o f some FORTY women. T h e_P ^h ian _S isters_P roje c ts . - A p r in c ip a l one i s " to help retarded children." While Mrs. W e lls was Grand Chief, she was able to secure a wheel chair for the D iagnostic C lin ic , together w ith sev eral hundred d o lla r s in funds fo r other purposes. The S is t e r s have made and given to the children many loads of clothing. A s p e c ia l p ro je c t f o r 1973-74 was the making o f pajamas and b ib s . While the g en eral membership in the rythian S iste rs area seems to have dropped - there s t i l l remain in M issouri some TWELVE chapters or "Temples". c— — o----- o — TIE ODD FELLOWS AND pBECCASffi The R o lla Odd Fellows -odge, formerly quite active, became le s s activ e and reduced in membership. I t therefore combined i t s work w ith the Odd Fellow s Lodge cf St. James, Mo. The la d ie s o f the " a u x ilia r y " - "Daughters of Rebecca" - s t i l l remain active, and in R o lla . They meet in the Knights of Pythias H a ll.
CVM-BHM-Kri . J vane 2 1 ,1 9 7 4 *
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(14) 1959-1973.
THE_FRATERN4L_0RDSl_0F EAGLES.- The R o lla chapter - Lodge No. 3015 — was chartered in 1949. There were some 34 c h arter members. The membership, as of June, 1974, i s 320. O ffic e r s e le c te d du rin g May, 1974, for the ensuing year, included Worthy P r e s i d e n t . . . Owen Leonard . . . and S ecretary-T reasu rer Tony Schmolie. Among the O rd e r’ s g e n e ra l a c t i v i t i e s are the club dances - given once a m o n th . Such a dance was scheduled fo r Saturday n ight, June 5, 1974............ However the Lodge is in t e r sted in other humanistic p r o je c t s . For example, at Christmas time, i t conducts a toy d r iv d . Old toys are c o lle c te d and rep aired given to needy c h ild re n . The Lodge a ls o c o lle c t s funds fo r the Heart and Crippled Children causes, and a ls o f o r needy w e lfa re fa m ilie s . Tte Lodge has h eadquarters in a o n e-sto ry masonry " p la s t e r - cove red" bu i l d ing which abuts the n o r th e rly r ig h t -o f-w a y l i n e of Highway 63, north. The b u ild in g is located some 100 f e e t e a st from the northwest corner o f Section x, T.37-8. THE ROLLA ELKS CLUB.- 1 Benevolent P rotective Order of Elks, " B .P .O .E ." ). The Rolla"”chapter of th is Order was chartered in 1971. The N atio n al Order was chartered on February 16, 1868. By the year 1965, the n ation al enrollment had mounted to some 1,315,319 members. | B 9 n o f c h a rte rin g , in 1971 , there .e r e some 140 ch arter members. Member ship has so g r c n that in June, 1974, there are 340 members. Tte Club11 m eetings are held in the basement "C ollege Inn" room o f Hot 1 Edwin Long. _ _ „ w„ ss r i l , H f f i r s t c h ie f o f f i c e r - c a lle d the "E xalted Ruler - was U r. Tte Club s fo r sti Sb1??—7q Mr. James Richardson served. A1 I H.P.? 1 W ic k is e r. For the year 1972-73, Mr. uames K u ler. And on A p r il 4, 1974, Mr. I r v in Hawkins was ^ s t a l l e d as Exalted R u ler. Others i n s t a lle d a t th same time included these. , , Kenneth Vaughn dames R. Richardson tse c y ., James H J a rv is Grover C. Myers^ . Kanack g W V r e t lr e d ° ° 3" ) Mr. Kiohardson i s s e rv in g as club se c re ta ry fo r 1974-5. _ .^ hr i ne i n j the Carson-Barnes Club ii^ o j^ c ts1 1 The E lks Oldb jfai r Grounds, on September 25, 1973. Circus to R o lla , fo r a program a t thel school students who need i t . Two The club a ls o p ro v id e s f in a n c ia l a id to grants of §200 each were r e c e n tly given f P p s p e c ia l d is p la y cf Tte E lk s a ls o claim the c r e d it f o r i n i t ia t io n 01 * ** the American F la g , on June 14 each y e a r.
C7M-BHM—Thu June 27, 1974. (14; 1 9 5 9 -1 9 7 3 .
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THE BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA. — For sh ort, u s u a lly c a lle d ju s t "Boy S co u ts." The Boy; Scout Movement o rig in a te d in England. The B o j S couts_of America was in corpo rated on F ebruary 3, 1919, fo llo w in g a v i s i t to England by W illia m D. Boyce, a Chicago p u b lis h e r . W h ile in England, Mr. Boyce met S ir Robert Baden? Powell, founder o f the Scout movement. Mr. Boyce was in sp ire d , and took the lead in tra n sp la n tin g the id e a to the United S ta te s . By 1965, some 5,446,910 boys had e n r o lle d . Iffy the la t e "n in e te e n s", the movement had reached R o lla . At le a s t one group or troop had formed — t h is one a t the R o lla Methodist Church, where Rev. Claude S. Hanby was p a s t o r . He — at le a s t in p a rt — was the scout le a d e r . While on a scouting t r i p out on E ast Tenth S tr e e t , at the cro ssin g o f Franz Creek, near Panther B l u f f , a heavy r a in storm came up. In attempting to cross the creek while w aters were h ig h and across the road, some o f the boys were caught in the flood - and on ly at g re a t p e r i l were they rescued by Rev. Hanby. This would have been some time around 1920. The P rin c ip a l. C oals Of_The_Scputs, may be stated in gen eral terms as fo llo w s : ( 1 ) To t r a i n and make good c it iz e n s o f the boys e n ro lle d . . . . (2J To t r a in them to take care o f them selves, and o f oth ers, by knowing many o f the b a sic things known to In d ia n s . For example - how to survive in outdoor camps, a p art from most modern f a c i l i t i e s .......... (3 ) How t o make f i r e s without modern "matches" by using bow and hard, round s t ic k - re v o lv in g the s t ic k w ith bow s trin g wrapped around i t , u n t i l the s w i f t l y r e v o lv in g s t ic k kindled a s p a rk ....1 4 J What to do in emergencies, or when accid e n ts occur. For example, r e s u c ita tio n by mouth breathing when n e ce ssa ry g or when blo od v e sse ls or a r t e r ie s are ruptu red-----||j To honor, preserve,, re s p e c t, and p ro p e rly handle the American f l a g . To a id i n such t r a in in g , frequ en t outdoor "camp-outs" are taken, and le d by scout m asters. S le e p in g i s | out in the open" - or a t le a s t under the b a re st shelter o f " d o g -t e n t s " . The R o lla Scout Movement has been much expanded since the of Rolla* s churches have organ ized scout tro o p s. Among th e m , Presbyterians, the Ua t h o lic s , and the L a t t e r ay 111 s * Amone the e a r l y Scoutmasters were these: Major Frank Conrad, p ro fe sso r of chemistry at the School o f Mines . . . Mr. Lloyd -/Sin ce 1947 ° ProfT* Gerald Mr. Emmet M. R it t e r has been prominent as a scout le a d ! r ^ f „°rk Is Rupert, o f the U.M .R. fa c u lt y , has spent ^ nt7 o r 7 a^^Scout of June, 1974, he i s c lo s e ly a sso c ia te d w ith R o lla s s g P * y HI . .. . , . __ hours" A ft e r a tta in in g p ro fic ie n c y As f o r the boys, they are i n i t i a t e d as * , _ they progress in a number o f f i e l d s o f a c t i v i t y - land w ith i / t h e i f handsome knaki through other l e v e l s or sta g e s to ■ ■ ■ M g , ' as ushers or g re e te rs, Scout uniform s, they o fte n s e rv e , in p g , oride both to t h e ir parents, or as f la g b e a r e r s . These boys are a source o f g re a t p rid e , o their scout le a d e r s , and to a i l good c it i z e n s . lq 7 , ^ A gfoup th a t graduated » i t h the E a g l e S c o u t l a b e l in January, 1974, and from t h f S h o d i s t Troop No. 81, included these f i v e boys. D a r r e l l M a rtin Kandy Jones Bruce R u s s e ll
Mark Barnes
R ich ard Durham.
S 7 . d
CVM-BHM-June 26, 1974.
(W e d .)
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THE GIRL SCOUTS OF AMERTP.a _ f i l l thinr-T ti, , i - , ■ for GIRLS . . . . And so i t would a p p J l S 13 also benefits from bein g organized f o r "Sco£t Work" and sin cf 0^ " 61*6 gaf UJ1S .the for the boys were such as could, fo r the most L S1 ™ the^ge* S L goals Girl_Scouts of_America were organized two years fo i i ° r . GIRI£ g the were n a tio n a lly chartered on MirchZ12, l?12?arS f ° llo w in g the b° y s ' S # P They I
3,556,000 g i r l s had been en rolled as members. Hanna . . and th* fo il 4 sketch h isto ry o f the R o lla G i r l Scouts: w rite rs with the follow in g
IP - ° - ? \ - ° i 1f . - ^ 1 - S3° H t s .- Mesdames Paul C a rro ll ..Sam ir June Ahrens ( Mrs. Richard 7 , have provided present w rite rs with t
, } I BRIEF HISTORY OF ROLLA GIRT, - The G ir l Scouts o f R olla (movement was J founded In May, 1934. The idea o f G ir l Scouting in R olla originated w ith Mias Mary Lee Johnson, the W.P.A. Youth D ire c to r, who was the daughter o f P ro fe sso r Eugene L . Johnson, of the M issouri School i f Mine? fa c u lt y B B p e rfec te d and placed on i t s way by an inform al lo c a l committee composed o f s ix church women. These: Mrs. David M. ( Hortense) Donnan, G i r l Scout Commissioner member o f the Methodist Church. Mrs. Henry C. ( Mabel) Beckman, member o f the Methodist Church Mrs. Floy Webb, member o f the Presbyterian Church Mrs. Howard Katz ( Adele^, member o f the Episcopal Church M rs. Ralph M arcellus ( ) , member o f the Christian Church Mrs H. R. Hadley, member o f the Episcopal Church. The o r ig in a l membership consisted o f six ty g i r l s , who met in two separate groups. Mrs. X. K lein was the f i r s t adult le a d e r. She was assisted by fiv e unmarried young women . . . Mary Lee Johnson — L u c ile Hess — Marian M cK inley_— and Margaret E. Mann | daughter o f present w r it e r s ,;D r . and Mrs. C.V.Mann;. By January o f 1937, the organ ization had grown to fiv e "troops" - and became affiliated with the N a tio n a l G i r l Scout Organization. The steering committee now became the "R o lla Council o f_ G ir l S co u ts". I t was composed of fift e e n members. In 1937, four le a d e rs and one Council member partivip ated in a Training Course for Leaders, given by the S t. Louis Council. This required th irty hours of training given on nine consecutive Mondays. The leaders so trained then repeated the course in R o lla fo r other in terested women. From the beginning, the R o lla G i r l Scouts wanted a "home" in which to hold meetings, and a ls o to camp overnight. Through the generosity of the A.C. and David M. Dormant fa m ilie s , who donated the land — through Dr. Arthur McFarland who donated the lo g s - and through the R o lla Lions Club, which provided money and labor I the g i r l s ’ dream was r e a liz e d . In 193® lo g cabin was b u ilt on a c it y lot near the corner o f 5th street and Woodland D rive, The sum of $925 was spent by the Lions Club in August, 1938, in b u ild in g the cabin. At that time, the location was a r u s t ic country s e ttin g . From i t , hikes were taken out Salem Avenue. The dedication o f the G i r l Scout "Little_H_ouse" took place on May 21, 1939* Professor E. L. Johnson, presid en t of the Lions Club, introduced Mr. E ric Schuman, who o f f i c i a lly presented the cabin. This charming lo g house, with i t s huge fireplace, was used continuously fo r t h ir t y -fo u r years, u n t il 1973# when deteriora tion forced i t s removal. The f i r s t a c cre d ite d " G i r l Scout Day Camp" was held at the old Phelps County pair Grounds ( now Buehler Park! in July o f 1938. Fifty&seven g i r l s attended. other a c t i v i t i e s at the tin e , rugs and towels were made f o r the L it t le House.
Cl/M-BHM-Wedj June 26, 1974. (14; 1959-1973.
National fle U Mo
^ .n ^ e
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» R o lla C o u n c i l . M
Scout Council, f a c i n g SP ^ '
leaders. "We" § The R o lla f l B h a v f H ■ H pjoxim ately 400 g i r l s and «DaZ Camp" a t the Lion s Club Park. Some 1 ^ "Brownie*.1 Z 7 n j ^ f yf ! " ? at ticipated, under the le a d e rsh ip o f 34 adu lts a ssiste d bv i s c dTt- G±P1 f co?fcs par“ ■ scouts, i n a d d itio n other g i r l s attend " t t ^ e V ^ i o ^ o ? “ s i S n t ” camp at Camp Finbrooke, a t R o g e rs v ille , M isso u ri. Last year (1973 1 one o f our R o lla g i r l s | I selected to p a r tic ip a te in a N a tio n a l G i r l Scout " Wider Opportunity" at sievens Ranch on the Erases R iver in Texas 1 H on g with 200 other g i r l s from a l l over tte United States and three fo r e ig n cou n tries. f ^h ile 1 K o lia G i r l Scout today s t i l l maintains the b asic in te re s ts o f home making and camping that her 1934 s i s t e r scout had | ste i s a ls o very much attuned to the present. She may le a rn about Ecology - may volunteer her time at the C.U.R.E. re c y c lin g cen ter, or may o ffe r help at the R o lla Regional Diagnostic Center. There are many other "space age a c t i v i t i e s " in which she may engage. I End Quote 1. June 25, 1974. We, the w r it e r s , may add ju s t this notes G i r l Scout membership e x is ts in some four "age l e v e l s " , dependent on school ages, p r in c ip a lly . The "t o t s " are called Brownies" ...J u n io r s and Cadettes are f o r older ones. Seniors take in girls of high school a g es.
CVM-BHM-Fe b .1 2 ,1 9 7 4
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CVM-BHii-Feb 1 2 ,1 9 7 4 Tu .
Li s T QF_APDITIONAL CLUBS! - Among these i s the GBSC ("S e c r e t ") CLUB fo r ,hxch we have t h is account, provided by M rs. W illa b e lle (Lanning) W iley:* On February 10 1934, the two o rig in a to rs of the Club — M isses Marie Mitchell and K it t y Brockman, c a lle d fo r an organ ization meeting o f young un^ r r ie d women. I t was h eld on Tuesday, February 13, 1934, at K itty Brockman's home, 10th and Cedar s t r e e t s . Those presen t - charter members ~ were these ( la t e r married names are added in p a re n th e se s): Dorothy B lac k fo rd (L 0v e ) A lic e Faye Hawkins Katherine Brockman (Samarco) Dorothy Hazelwood (B reuer) Grace Diestelkamp W illa b e lle Lanning ( W iley) F lossie Glenn ( Stevens) Marie M itc h e ll ( S e lle r s ) Roberta H artm n (M c D ill) Dorothy Swank ( B elcher) This was the begin n in g o f a hew club in R o lla , Tihich was to be a so c ia l and c iv ic -b e tte rm e n t group, composed o f young unmarried women with Christian id e a ls and s im ila r higji standards. The c h ie f concerns of the Club, from i t s beginning, have been: the needy . . . For S en ior C itiz e n s . . . and fo r C h a ritie s .
Help for
The f i r s t o f f i c e r s were these: K itty Brockman, president . . . Marie M itch e ll, vice president . . . Dorothy Swank, s e c re ta ry . . . F lo ssie Glenn, tre a su re r. Through the y e a rs , the club members have enjoyed much s o c ia l l i f e together, have made many l a s t i n g fr ie n d s . Boy frie n d s and husbands have been in v ited to the many steak f r i e s , w iener ro a s ts , r iv e r and cabin p a r tie s , swimming, hikes, card parties, theatre p a r t ie s , treasu re-an d -scaven ger hunts - com e-as-you-are-coffees, teas, Thanksgiving and Christmas gath erin gs. Among the many, many c h arita b le deeds done, the Club held teas, sty le shows, and other events to r a is e funds with which to purchase an e le c t r ic organ fo r the Rolla C h ristian Church, a f t e r f i r e destroyed the church b u ild in g . As o f February, 1974, these are deceased members: Corrine Dickman Mayme H ildebrand E th e l Mae Moore Brookshire Dorothy Swank Habile Hazelwood Alice Parker C a r o lla Jones Dorothy B lackford Love Nadine P eters Juanita P a u ls e ll. Frances K e llo g g In 1970, three matrons were jo in ed to the club as "honorary members", because of their having g r e a t ly b e frie n d e d the Club. These: u r s . Arthur Met ar land . . . Mrs, Zelpha S t a r li p e r . . ; and M rs. Leo l a M illa r .
CVM-BHM-Sat. Mar. 16, 1974. P e r io d 1959-1973
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The UNITED SERVICES ORGANIZATION ( u S O } Th* the o f WorM War TWo. At t t a t ~ t lL “ , “i t a ' p r c ! * ! <taf in* and reaching than that of 1973. T»o U .S.O . b u i l d S g a .a r e erected S R o l l a * ^ use of th is agency - one at southeast corner o f 9t h a r t * o l l a street^ * th» 5 ! L . just east o f the U .S . Post O ffic e at northeast 9tt art P i™ ' £ 4 dedicated with e n th u sia s tic ceremonies in 1942. ( see pages * B th Programs included variou s fu n ction s planted and executed by groups o f young women, who were organized in to groups commanded by ng i r l " o ffic e r s snoh lieutenants, and so on - NOT o f f i c i a l army o f f i c e r s , ^ c o S S ihese ^ ^ *"* gave dances and other programs both in the R o lla U.S.O. b u ildin gs - and at Fort Leonard Wood. D in in g f a c i l i t i e s - and cots on which t ir e d s o ld ie rs could spend nights, were provided in the two b u ild in g s - one fer "w hites" - the other fo r "blacks". Numbers o f downtown c it iz e n s and School o f Mines professors served in a U.S.O. Council, which helped to arrange programs and conduct the a c t iv it ie s of the lo c a l chapter. Foremost among the p ro fe sso rs was P r o f. Ernest W. Carlton. Throughout the in te rv e n in g y ears, Capt. C.L. Sadler has been the p rin c ip a l promoter and counselor f o r the U.S.O. For a few years, headquarters were in the old concrete stru c tu re now occupied by Sam's Auto Tire shop, a t S.W. corner o f 8th and P in e. During the 1999-1973 p e rio d , i t was moved to the west h a lf o f the ground f lo o r o f Pythian H a ll, a t S .E . corner of 7th and R o lla stre e ts . In t h is room, there are ample din in g f a c i l i t i e s , reading racks, tab le s, restful ch airs, pian o, phonographs and records, and other items provided fe r welcome to U .S . s o ld ie r s statio n ed at Fort Leonard Wood. On occasion, the R o lla chapter of American War Mothers meets there for business meetings and fa * occasion al dinners. Hie A sso c ia tio n of R e tire d Persons also meets there occasio n ally. Necessary fin an ces fo r the U .S.O . are derived from the general United Fund drive which tad® s place in R o lla an n u ally. For part o f the 1999-1973 period, Mrs. Leon Hornkohl a s s is t e d Capt. S ad ler in adm inistering the a f f a i r s of U.S.O . When Mrs. Hornkohl r e t ir e d , M rs. Harold ( M arguerite; Hyer took her p la ce . TTffi_AlpIRICAN RED CROSS. - ( Phelcs_County_ Chapter j . This agency has a lso existed in R o lla and Phelps County for many je a rs — even as e a rly as, or before, World War One, 1917- 18 . For years p r io r to 1959, Red Cross headquarters were in the former Hohenschild resid en ce, the tw o-story wood frame house at S.W. corner of 8th ani O liv e s t r e e t s . When th is house was demolished to make way fer a parking lot - and *hen the C.V.Mann fam ily/vacatea t h e ir home a t 210 East 8th s tre e t, the Red Cross moved in t o the 210 stru ctu re — which is s t i l l Red Cross hea^uarters as of December, 1973* For many y e a rs, and previous to 1959, Mrs. Tansy Boorman was the very capable and devoted s e c re ta ry and o f f ic e manager cf U.S.O. Follow ing her death, on July 13, 1971, Mrs. Kenneth B. (S a l l y ; Mi;fcls took over the o f f ic e . The Red Cross i s the c lo se and tru sted frien d o f those who su ffe r misfortune or disaster. I t su p p lie s food and c lo th in g , needful medicine, and other services. To aid in and d ir e c t i t s work, there is a Phelps County Red Cross Committee com posed o f f i f t e e n R o lla and county—wide business men and others v i t a l l y in te re ste d . This Committee h elps in v a rio u s ways, among them to help r a is e sp e c ia l funds on occasion - as durin g the s e v e ra l la te n a tio n a l w ars. As of March, 1974, Mr. Louis Moss, head o f the U n iv e rs ity cf M o-R olla personnel o f fic e , i s committee chairman. The Red Cross o ften h e lp s in tra c in g l o s t members of fa m ilie s, or m estab lishing communication between them; often , a lso , between so ld ie rs serving foreign war f i e l d s and t h e i r r e la t i v e s or wives at home in the U.S.A. Another important Red Cross s e rv ic e i s it s in te re s t and act vi J P*®®® in^ the "blood program", during which many in d iv id u a ls donate a p in t o e , for the use o f those needing blood in fu sio n s at h o s p ita ls . The Phelps County Red Cross Chapter i s a most e x c e lle n t example of wnat the National Red Cross o rg an iza tio n stands for l
CVM-BHM-Sab. March 1 6 , 1974. Period 1959-1973.
- 61-
Th®. V IB U ^A R T S ASSOCIATION. — During 19 63 th p pu- i n n Society staged a generous d is p la y o f h is to r ic An™, * l p ? County H ist a ric a l local L - t ls t s . This was h e l d ^ t h e S S ? by by the Phelps County bank - but then vacant. & ^ th^ r om presen tly 119ed The d isp la y o f p a in tin g s by than currant I oojiI a« f i
& r the group - " h i= h S T E 2 .& . The V isu al A rts A sso c ia tio n has continued to he act le e . Fheauentle , „ h annually, i t seta up e x h ib it s o f pointings executed by lo c a l a r t i s t s . One such ahe was so extensive th at the variou s p a in tin g, were hung on the fence surrounding the playground a t West Elementary School. At other tin e s, ex h ib its have been in the Rolla P u blic L ib r a r y . One o f the most e x c e lle n t p a in tin gs done by any in d ivid u al in th is group is the p o rt ra it o f D r. Henry A. Buehler - a work of Mr. John Koenig. I t is l i f e - s i z e and is placed on th e w a ll o f the museum room at the M issouri State G eological Survey b u ild in g . . . . Mr. Koenig i s p re se n tly in the beginning stages o f a wall painting in Parker H a ll, on U.M.R. campus, which w i l l include l i f e - s i z e portraits of every one o f the 14 d ir e c t o r s and chancellors of the old School of Mines - now the U n iv e rs ity cf M isso u ri, R o lla . Two other a r t groups were fermed along w ith the V isu al Arts a sso c ia tio n one for w r it e rs - the other fo r t h e a t r ic a ls . . . . The w r it e r s ' group net fa r a time, but interest g ra d u a lly waned, and i t f i n a l l y became in a c tiv e . The other group, theatrical, has continued to be a c tiv e down to date, Mar ch, 1974.
CVM-BHM-Mar.1 1 ,1 9 7 4 . P erio d 1959-1973.
62 -
The 4—H CLUB«— 'Oils c lu b , or agency aims fn , the nation, from ages 9 to 19 y e a rs, in ilo s e mutual r e l a t i ^ i ^ d «hlch - i l l "B u ild a B e tte r Community" . . a "B e tte r ^ e S ; ^ S lw they aim to "Meet The Challenge Of Tomorrow" . . to "Work For « ’ to "Keep America Q r e a t ". . . . A Club Slogan i s gS „ S ^ li
°f ^°®e£hS ' "
BI TO « HEM K s 3lSni S|? ^ ^ J HEALTH. K ? L THIN(3S BI lUOUTH in°^ .. Ua are nr.au .". .nANUo . . . HEART . . . and A l l 0F are IMPORTANCE, pledged " TPOSSESSED o Build a B e tte r Community and a B e tte r America". . . . Noble goals l P ^ N aM 22§llz, some 5,476,300 young people p articip ate in these 4-H a c t iv it ie s °f at' e f ^ 13! boy.s * Thirty-one per cent liv e on farms ! . 43^ in towns w ith l e s s than 1 0 ,CX)0 population . . . 13% in towns o f 10 000 to 50,000 . . . 6% in suburbs o f c i t i e s o f more thzn 50,000 population . . . T% in c it i e s of over 50,000 pop u lation . F orty-eigh t per cent are p re -te e n a g e rs, aged 9 to 11 years. 35.9* have ages between 12 and 14 y e a rs . 15.4* are aged 15 to 19 years. j^ie Thecae Of_W or king Togethe r b rin g s the adults in to action . The g o a l i s to^effectivel^_nb rid g e _ tte gap11 between youth and a d u lts. Over 31 m illio n "alumni" - former 4-H members - form part o f the adult p a rtic ip a tin g group. In October, 1973, there were, in the nation, some 109,227 4-H d u b s , having 505,638 volun teer le a d e rs vho were adu lts or ju n io r le a d e rs - who gave from 15 to 25 days a year, each, to 4-H le a d e rsh ip . 4-H P r o je c t s . - Members under age 14 are encouraged to be in "project groups", so as to have le a d e r s teach them w ith demonstrations, p ra c tic es, preparation o f exhibits, showmanship, and record keeping. Members above 14 are encouraged to follow th e ir own s p e c ia l in t e r e s t s . Among the many Club p r o je c t s , one cf sp e c ia l importance is the "exploration of career p o s s i b i l i t i e s " vhich members m i^ it tale up. Many other p ro je c ts are included in th e fo llo w in g l i s t : Clothing Entomology Environment animal Science National Resources K nitting H ortic u ltu re Cattle and B eef Cooking E le c t r ic it y F o restry Livestock p ro je c ts Health Small Engines Horsemanship Swine (.hogs) B icyclin g Woodwork Shdep Farm Tractors Photography Auto C are-S afety Foods, N u tritio n Rabbits Swimming Weed Control Farm Crops S o il F e rt ilit y F irst Aid P lan t & S o i l Science Home Improvement Dairying L i f e Saving Crafts V e te rin a ry Science Farm Improvement . The Money World . . N atural Beauty . . . Child Care. Junior Leadership LOCAL CLUBS. - S e v e ra l 4-H c lu bs in counties surrounding R o lla work together, and in conjunction w ith the Extension Center o f the U n iversity of M issouri, as the "Meramec A res" h ro u p ..T h is takes in the counties cf Crawford, Dent, Gasconade, Maries, Phelps, ani Washington. As o f October, 1973, there were in the Meramec Area, some 1,177 4-H members and 429 le a d e r s . Goals set fo r 1975 *®re _f a L i « members and 1,200 le a d e r s . The A rea’ s Extension Councils fo r Crawford, Phelps, arri Washington cou n ties, in January, 1973, approved the h irin g o f three q u a lifie d Educational A s s is ta n ts to h elp c a rr y out the re g io n a l 4-H programs. Member 3 of the Phelps County Extension Council (1973) • 36' _Mesdames: M essrs: Quentin Bransteister Lo u is March! Ronald Berwick Albert Haas George W illiam s James Smith S ila s W. Cook Douglas B lack Roy Edgar Don Castleman Raymond Green Ray Wehmeier Wayne Mace L.D. Fellow s
Messrs: Tom Parker Wendell KLossner Alonzo Dunham Warren Fisher L a rry S h e r r e ll
CVM-BHM-June 1 1 ,1 9 7 4 . (14) 1958-1973.
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THE ROLLA CHAPTERS OF PARENT—TRArawp Aomnr, __ years of the 1959-1973 period, or the J Z ASSOCIATION. - During the e a r lie s t school units had w e ll organized groups o r ^ h a p t e r s ° o f ° l several R olla Congress o f Parents anj T e a c h e r s ^ 1 ■
““ ‘ ^ f l e ^ o r M r ° f W t ' H o lla Junior H iS , Wart Sohool ( Benton ) West Elementary 1 P ersh in g)
* i c h t L “ naePi T^ s e =,h e K " ~ Elementary ( Eugene F ie ld ) B w. Harry S. Truman.
and has elected Mr. C e c il K. Osborne as i t s new presiden t. the group as p re sid e n t f o r the 1973-74 year.
Mr. Tom Parker served barker served
.. R I ^ er P- T7A- —° ^ n— Also Abandoned.- Along with i t s other a ttrio u te s, the Rolla System form erly had a Parent-Teacher Council, made up of representatives from the se v e ra l u n it groups in the R o lla schools. This Council d e a lt with questions and problems o f g e n e ra l concern to pu p ils, teachers, and parents. This Council no lon ger e x is t s , and has disbanded. ns Advisory_GroupXt 19,22.— Some of the general school problems such as needs and plans f o r future school grounds and b u ild in g s, teaching s t a f f and so on, were considered by a S p e c ia l C itize n s Advisory Commission appointed by the School Board, and fS e c tio n in g during a sp e c ia l "Education Week" and a ft e r , in October, 1972. P lan s f o r such things as future bond issues were contained’ in the 0001111136:10^ s f i n a l re p o rt. 0 f_P aren t—Teacher R elatio n s was mentioned in a Commission report printed in R o lla D a ily News o f Monday, October 23, 1972. This stated that parents, in d iv id u a l students, and classroom teachers would have - in the genera] school program - a s e r ie s o f 10 to 15 minute conferences - between parent and teacher, and about every in d iv id u a l p u p il. Here would be the place f o r the parents to discuss with the classroom teacher any s p e c ia l problem th e ir in d ivid u al ch ild might have. This plan was prob ab ly much more to the point than the former "gen eral" meetings o f P .T .A . groups. This in d iv id u z l conference over sin g le p u p ils, and with parents and classroom te a c h e rs ., p lu s the work done on gen eral school problems, such as planning for the future by the Advisory Commission, seems to have e ffe c t iv e ly replaced the former work of the se v e ra l P .T .A . groups. At any ra te , th at i s vhat now e x ists in the Rolla school system.
CVM-BHM-Men. Feb. 1 8 , 1 9 7 4 . Final Chapter D e t a i l s .
- 64 -
e n t e r t a i n m e n t
( Theatres . . C arn iv als . . . F a irs S.inuning P. . 1 . . . U u elcal
F o o tb a ll . . .
1-hese items were f a i r l y w e ll covered on page 9 o f the present (iQ V i 7*1 hS” ' With ^
wvie prog^tL th »«g h .u tr tb. 7 ^ . . ' ^ “
p r e s l ^ . f
o^r at ^d S S H J*7
summer months, only* Two outstanding p ic tu res shown during the period were "General Patton” and "Snow White” . Ea°? J*®1, o f the P eriod, fo r four days centered around the Fourth of July, the Lions Club conducted i t s annual "C a rn iv a l". Proceeds each year amounted to a g ro ss o f some #10,000. This the Club used to develop i t s Lions Park for p u b lic use - park located in Section 14 (T.37-8) just south of Wym® Hill. Here i t has provided fis h in g pends, picnic f a c i l i t i e s , c a rn iv al stands, and a commodious assembly h a l l fo r meetings and banquets. The Club a lso spends much of i t s c a rn iv a l income fo r various charitable p ro je c ts. FaJ^s.- The C e n tra l M issouri R egional F air Association stages i t s annual fairs on or hbout the f i r s t cf August o f each year. The f a i r grounds are located alongside Highway 63 in the southeast corner cf Section 23 (T .3 7 -8 ;. The usual program featu re s farm and home e x h ib it s , d isp la y s of merchants* goods, f e r r i s wheel and m erry-go-round equipment. Live stock e x h ib its are arranged and judged. Occasionally, a modest circu s i s added. B a s e b a l l R o l l a has f iv e b a s e b a ll f i e l d s — three in BerJuan Park, one in Rolla Gardens Park, one in Schuman Park. These provide f a c i l i t i e s both fo r the youngsters "houry League”, and a ls o fe r the adult teams which the R olla adult team plays w ith those from such p laces as Dixon, Lebanon, B e lle , S u lliv a n , and others, as in years p a s t .......... . Lockl in t e re s t i s keen in the national b a se b a ll games between "American” and "N a tio n a l” leagues, and in the f i n a l world s e rie s . Football Basket B a l l . - For u n iv e rs it y and high school fans, the c o lle g ia te and high school games between teams from tiie U n iversity of M isso u ri,R olla, the Rolla High School — and th e ir respective opponents provide ad d itio n al excitement and entertainment. Circus. - Tho E lks Club o f R olla was respon sible f o r bringing to R olla the _CARSOffi-BARNES ___ C ircus - which staged its performance 04 Sept. 25 197_3 . This was the major a tt r a c t io n o f it s kind which appeared during the 1959-1973 perio d . Swin^mtfjg Ppol - — During most o f the summers of the 1999—1973 period, the private swimming p o o l adjacent to in te rse c tio n of east 10th and High streets was open to the p u b lic - but closed fo r 1973. As of February 0X 1974 ( date of present paragraph ) , the town*s new # 300,000 swimming pool and recreation center in BerJuan Park i s n earin g completion. Musical E ven ts. - The R o lla Community Music Association has, each year of the period, presented some fo u r concerts fe a tu rin g persons or groups of n ational status. The events a re h eld in the old High School auditorium, 8th and Cedar streets. Programs are by piano or v o c a l s o lo is t s , o rch estral or vocal groups. Finances are provided by membership t ic k e t s a le s . 0, - , H Bands and other m usical groups from U.M.R. and R o lla High School staged
numerous concerts during the period.
_ _. _, v_
„ Perhaps the one tending concert o f tho period -a s the “ 1 .presented by the U.S. A ir Force Band ana S inging Sergeants on September 19, 1971, m "AH Purpose” b u ild in g ©f U.M.R. a t 10th and Bishop Avenue. Hunting and m a w . - Trout fis h in g in e a r ly March, and hunting of deer November are annual d iv e rs io n s f o r those who are thus in te re ste d .
CVM-BHM-T ues. Feb. 1 9 , I9 7 4 Final Chapter. D e t a i l s .
65 -
MUSEUMS .AND ART GROUPS., As o f December 1973 Rm First, the Phelps County H is t o r ic a l S ociety Museum3* mu8euin8John A. D illo n lo g mansion, in which the Phelns GonnfJ^ 3 ±S houaed 1x1 the former session in November, 1857. ih * b u ild in g was SssemhT^Hg° I e^ f Bent 1181(1 ito f l r s t in the v i lla g e o f " D i llo n " , s ix m ile s ^ s t r f R o l ^ J i t s ° r i « i n a l lo ca tio n , on the lo t across Third at w e t , i m m e d J t e l y ^ o r ^ o f 't S f n * - ? ? * 1 * 111 1965 has, in sid e, a g re a t v a r ie t y o f o ld h is t o r ic items an, f ! ?®u rt Hou° f * 'rw-8 auseum open to the p u b lic a t stated t i r e s . 41 ^ ^ i ^ u e s . Th® place is
owr the nation - p w h a ^ i . L S j * . ? ? £ “ <* -in e ra ls" f t * . a l l by the public by arrangement uith the departirent a ^ g e o lo ^ ? ’ 14 “ 7 ** Tisit* <1 The th ird museum i s the "AUTOS OF YESTERDAY" museum . by Mr. George Carney, son o f Mr. Rowe Carney Sr T h ig h s s igin ated and operated old model autom obiles d a tin g from the 1920'^ o n . A ^ e S m t h ^ s ^ ^ room wherein there are many o f George Carney's personal p o rtra it p a i U t i L r tL basement a ls o houses a -PUB", where d e lic io u s "snacks" re y b ^ f ^ ^ g ^ t h a pleasant s o c ia l hour. 9 “ a* axong with a D I S A S T E R S
%^8 Ca te g o ry in c lu d e s Storms . . . F ire s . . . Personal Accidents Wrecks and A ccidents . . . and T r a ffic F a t a li t i e s .
R ailroad
1 .- S t o js & .- During the la t e 1960*3 and e a r ly 1970' s, three violen t wind storms - r e a l l y m iniature tornados - descended upon R o lla . One (a ) tore o f f portions of the ro o f of the S t Ate G e o lo g is t 's warehouse. Another (b ) ripped o f f heavy iron beams and p o rtio n s o f the ro o fs o f the F irs t C h ristian Church's educational b u ild in g and main sanctuary. A th ird (c ) p a r t i a lly demolished three private houses op Soest Road, near Radio S tatio n KTTR. This was in June, 1973. There were a ls o numbers of severe r a in and ice storms - but nothing as bad as those of former p e rio d s . Cold weather, around sero temperatures, u su a lly prevailed during January and February. In 1973, an 8 inch snow fall kept many residents at home du rin g December. Rolla d id , however, escape the t e r r ib le flood conditions that struck sow as along the M isso u ri and M is s is s ip p i r iv e r v a lle y s during A p r il o f 1973, and resulted in t e r r i f i c damage to farms and other property. 2 .- F i r e s . - In t h is item, we cover TWO c la sse s cf f i r e s — ( a ) Those NOT set on purpose; and ( b ) Those d e lib e r a t e ly kindled - which are, according to Missouri law, c a lle d "a rso n s" and su b je c t to two-year J a i l sentences as "fe lo n s ". Fires o f the f i r s t e la s s — not kin dled purposely — occurred mostly as f i r e s destroying p riv a te homes. Of these, there were a considerable number during the
1959-1973 period. One such "non—k in d le d " f i r e o f unusual importance was the t o ta l destruction hy fire , on September 19, I960, o f the o ld h is to r ic OZARK FURNACE STORE HOUSE at Alhambra Park ( once the s i t e cf tte Osark Iron Furnace ) two m iles west of and below Newburg, on the L i t t l e Piney l i v e r . There were SEVERAL o f tte C la ss Two (k in d le d ) felo n io u s f i r e s . Three o f major importance were th ese: 1 .- The o ld Frank B. Pow ell Lumber Yard b u ild in g , 6th and R o lla s tre e ts . M s was purposely set on f i r e , to permit erection cf a more modern lumber o ffic e and store room. I t was an exceed in gly fa n t a s t ic and dangerous act - so close to crowded down-town b u sin ess d i s t r i c t . „ .„ 2— The old masonic H a ll b u ild in g , at northeast corner o f 4th Main ato M M i ?*■» a tw o-story wood stru c tu re , f lo o r dimensions 20 x 50 fe e t , had been dnring the e a r l i e s t 1 8 6 0 's. I t was d e lib e r a t e ly destroyed b y f i r e ffffcajQsf- j nqfla to perm it r e -b u ild in g cf a modern o ffic e b u ild in g . eS n 7 T T ? 7 2 ( See page 65*a f o r d e sc rip tio n )
CVM-BHM-June 1 8 ,1 9 7 4 . (14) 1959-1973.
- 65. a -
TOE OLD MASONIC HALL^ ^th & MAIi\i_STO.- As mentioned on page 65 th is structure was purposely burned to make way fo r a new O ffic e B u ildin g! These M d itio n a lJ J o te s from C.V. Mann's Biary ( Note opposite to entry fo r February 14-15, 1972 ) . 1. - The b u ild in g was owned by Rudolph B u rre ll and Ken Lanning, as o f that date.
2. - I t was p u rposely burned on Thursday, February 17 , 1972. 3. - I t was a tw o -sto ry wood frame b u ild in g , f lo o r dimensions 20 x 50 fe e t 4. - I t stood at the immediate northeast corner o f 4th and Main streets on Lot 8, Block 3, O rig in a l Town. 5. - lb had been b u i l t sometime about i860 by L.H. Green or Daniel Parsons.
6. - A sto ry o f i t was run in R olla D a ily News, with photo (by OVii), on Monday, Feb. 28, 1972. Photo on lowest rig h t corner of page 1 . 7. - Through the y e a rs, i t had been the CRADLE o f several R o lla churches the B a p t is t, Presbyterian , C h ristia n . I t was the headquarters for R o lla College cf 1867- 68.
8. - In e a r lie s t 1860's, i t was used by Thos U. Harrison for a drug store. 9 . - FOR MANY YEARS IT WAS ONE OF ROLLA' S TOPMOST HISTORIC LANDMARKS l
CVM-BHM-Tues. Feb. 19, I 974 Final Chapter. D etails
. 66
(Disaster_a,_cont,inue_d) ( F ire s , c o n t.) . ^ Waa a ^ o - o t o r j wood frame house at southeaat corner of l^ h ^ a n d H o lla streets - on the former site o f the Thompson Livery Stables o f the 1880 s. This was d e lib e r a t e ly burned to make room fer a parking lot. 3*“ ?qr.3,onal Accidents. - This category r e la te s to persons k ille d by Frisco trains - m ostly in the area from 6th street westward througi the deep cut 4th go 3rd s t re e t . In th is group was the death o f Mr. W.P.Dunlap, h it by a west-bound freight and in s ta n tly k i l le d a t the 6th street crossin g. . . . a second casualty occurred when an auto, driven by a woman, s t a lle d on the track at 4th stre e t, ani was struck by an east-bound fr e ig h t . A th ird casualty vasurred when an e ld e r ly woman, walking west through the 4th street cut, was h it by a fa s t fre ig n t from the east. There were a number of such accidents for which we do not have sp ecific data. 4 . - R a ilro a d W reck s.- During the e a r l i e s t I9 6 0 's, an east-bound fre ig h t tra in Jumped the tracks while on the Gasconade r iv e r bridge a t Arlington. Two o f tte original "through tru s s " spans were so badly damaged that they had to be replaced. To do th is , a new r iv e r p ie r was b u il t , and then new p la te g ird e r spans were substituted fo r the old tru sse s. The e a st truss remained in tact a fte r re p a ir. 5 {- T r a ffic Accidents on Highways. - A report on such accidents occurring in the area covered by Crawford, Dent, Laclede, Maries, Phelps and Pulaski counties, and f o r the mbnth o f December, 1973, showed a t o t a l o f 148 such acci dents. In them, 65 persons were in ju red and f iv e were k ille d . For the month of December, 1972 - a year b efore - the fig u re s were these: to ta l accidents, 163. Injured, 57. K ille d , 2 .
C__R S
This category includes auto th e fts . . house and store th e fts . . . store burglaries ...p e r s o n a l ro b b e rie s . . . J a i l incidents . . . murders . . . other crimes. These crimes were nothing lik e as numerous as in areas such as St .Louis - but they DID occur in the R o lla a re a . in one instance, a commissioned o f f ic e r at Fort Leonard Wood attempted some "cattle ru stlin g *4. He managed to get the stolen eattle part way to St.Louis market by truck befo re being a rre ste d and p rop erly d e a lt with. Xn another instan ce, a group o f seven persons, some from R o lla , were found to have stored am a rs e n a l o f dynamite and guns in the R o lla area. They were arrested, t r ie d , and se v e ra l given J a i l terms. The "v ic e problem" grew apace in the Waynesville—Fort Leonard Wood area, but skipped R o lla except f o r tte p u b lic it y . In connection with th is situ ation , two or three murders occurred. There were one or two other murders, not so connected, in the immediate R o lla a re a . One member o f tte arson fam ily was involved in such a case. There were numbers o f incidents involvin g shop l i f t i n g , bad check w ritin g, burglaries of downtown stores and p riv ate residences. One seemingly fa n t a s t ic item occurred at the Methodist church when members of the choi# l e f t th e ir handbags in the entry room. When thqy examined the handbags a ft e r ch oir p ra c tic e , the cash they had w ithin wss GONE. A church robbery. I As fo r JAIL incidents - during the period, ONE o f the inmates took his own l i f e by HANGING HIMSELF in h is c e l l in the c ity J a i l . At another time, 1973 or 1974, two inmates, complaining o f "harrasment" JJJ . . Plumbing fix t u r e s , beds and other equipment, and in so doing flooded the c it y office rooms below w ith a deluge of w ater.
CVM-BHM-June 1 , 1974.
66 a
(14) 1959-73
( Crime.,_continued ) SP^DlWG_AND_DRINKIi\iG. - Each issu e o f Rolla Dailvv. a names of persons brought b e fo re tte M unicipal or M a * i I t r « S r * * J" lfc dozens of eitter fo r SPEEDING with t h e ir autos - or fo r ■ arrested The City J a i l would be crowded and o v e r - r u S ™ XJCATI0N' „
Jorfeited ^ 36 |
B B i v i a a S S S S l 1? A DISGEACE-
C0ME BACK *>R TRIAL - S e r e n e ’' t h f S ^ l f i l d b d a in of law and proper conduct
CVM-BHM-Fri. M ar 1 ,1 9 7 4 . Period 1959 -1 9 7 3 .
- 67 -
THE WILSON ADMINISTRATION. 1 -1 ? 6 3 .- On pages 122/a to 146, in c lu s iv e , of our 1947-1958 S ec tio n , we s u f f i c i e n t l y described the adm inistration of Dr. Curtis Laws W ilso n , the t w e lfth head o f M issouri School o f Mines. There i s therefore, no need to add more here - other than to rep eat that t h is adm inistration covered the y e a rs from 1941 to 1963. O f f i c i a l l y , the adm inistration ended on August 31, 1963. BEGINNINGS OF THE MERL BAKER ADMINISTRATION. - The M erl Baker regime o f f i c i a l l y began on September 1, 1963. I t ended when D r. Baker resigned, on Ocgober 18 1973. On that ' d a te , D r. D udley Thompson, "dean o f the f a c u lt i e s " , assumed the office as "a c tin g c h a n c e llo r", to serve u n t i l a f u l l - t i r e ch ancellor i s named. Dr. Baker served Just over a month more than a ten year p e rio d . He served affably, w ith gre a t a b i l i t y and d is t in c t io n . Dr. Baker came to R o lla from Kentucky, where he had been in charge o f a special research agency. H is i n i t i a l t i t l e , at R o lla , up to Ju ly 1, 1964, was "Dean", but 09 th at date he became the S c h o o l's f i r s t "C han cellor1 ) He was the School's 13th a d m in istra to r. THE UNIVERSITY PRESIDENTS durin g ( and p r io r to ) the 1959—1973 period were these: . . . D r . Elmer E l l i s , years 1954 to 1966 . . . . D r. John C o rrie r Weaver, 1966 to October, 1 9 7 0 . . . . . D r. C. B rice Ratchford, actin g president, October 27, 1979, and f u l l p re s id e n t, June 24, 1971. Of these, D r. E l l i s r e t ir e d •• Dr. Weaver resigned t o become p re sid e n t o f U n iv e rsity of Wisconsin, Madison . . and Dr. Hatchfcrd, w ith o f f i c e at Columbia, remains presiden t as th is paragraph is written, March 1 , 1974. MISSOURI snHOOT.riOF MINES BECOMES"UNIVERSITY_0F MISSOURI-ROLLA". On July 1, 19$4, by action o f the Board o f Curators and President Elmer E l l i s , the four campuses o f the U n iv e rs ity were newly design ated as "U n iv e rsity o f M issouri— Columbia ( UMC) . . . . "U n iv e rs it y of M isso u ri—R o lla ( UMR ) . . . "U n iv e rs ity of Missouri, S t. L o u is ( U M -S t.L .) . . . . and "U n iv e rs ity o f M isso u ri, Kansas C ity ( UMKc). AS THUS RE-ORGANIZED, the R o lla in s t it u t io n r e a l l y "came in to i t s own". Dr, Merl Baker then became the S c h o o l's v e ry f i r s t "C h a n c e llo r". ( Each o f the other three d iv is io n s a ls o had i t s own C h a n c e llo r). At R o lla , the fo u r p r in c ip a l en gin eerin g courses, or departments, were merged into a SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, p resided over by i t s own "DEAN". ^ The old School of Mines and M e ta llu rg y regained outside the School o f Engineering, and included a lso the Ceramic en gin eerin g work. This combination a ls o had it s own "Dean"7 A GRADUATE SCHOOL - something d i t t o : l y fo u ^ it fo r many previous years by the Columbia campus — was e s t a b lis h e d , w ith a "Graduate School Dean". a "DEAN OF FACULTIES J' p r e s id in g over the mutual and common a f f a i r s o f the whole As* theSy e a r s f *1964-1973 passed, a College of A rts and Sciences waa addf d * * also g i v S i t s own dean. This c o lle g e took in departments s ^ h as Physics, languages, hum anities, mathematics, and so fo r t h , to degrees in both a r t s and sc ie n c e s.
CVii-BHM-Fri M a r. 1 ,1 9 7 4 . Period 1959-1973•
- 68 -
THE U.M.R. FACULTY, ^ 7 3 . A spa c i a l U n iv ersity b u lle t in fo r 1973 iaauad by the Department of Adm issions, thus described the UMR F acu lty: ’ issued » U.M.R’ s F acu lty numbers about 400. The undergraduate and graduate faculties are e s s e n t i a ll y the same group. Approximately 605C o f the fa c u lt y members have the Ph.D. degree. W hile a small percentage o f graduate students assist some o f the p r o fe s s o r s in te c h n o lo g ic a l la b o ra to ry se 3s io ra ~ -“ i t is~U.U.R*a policy that the p r o fe s s io n a l fa c u lt y members, only, s h a ll teach courses. The general fa c u lt y a ls o serves as a d v iso r fa r the student b o d y .". COURSES AND DEGREES^ The Ba_chelor_Science^ degree i s cu rren tly (1973) offered in Aerospace E n gineering . . . Applied Mathematics . . . Ceramic Engineering . . . Chemical Engineering ...C h e m istry . . . C i v i l Engineering . . . Computer Science . . . . Electrical E n gineering . . . E n gineering Management . . . Engineering Mechanics . . . Geological E n gineering . . . Geology and Geophysics . . . Mechanical Engineering . . . Metallurgical E n gin eerin g . . . Mining Engineering . . . Nuclear Engineering . . . Physics . . . and Petroleum E n gin eerin g. Tpe_ B a ch e lo r_a [_ Arts_Degree i s o ffe re d in Economics . . . E n glish . . . H istory . . . Philosophy . . . and Psychology. An inter-cam pus Bachelor o f Science in Education, combining B.A. and B.S. programs, i s o ffe r e d in conjunction w ith the U n iversity of Missouri-Colurabia — in such majors as E arth Science . . . H istory . . . iaathematics ...Chem istry . . . Physics . . . and E n g lis h . Requirements For G raduation. — As cf 1973, the Schools of Engineering ( Ceramic.. Chemical . . . C i v i l . . . E l e c t r i c a l . . . Mechanical . . Mining . . . M etallurgy . . . Nuclear ) all require 132 sem ester hours c r e d it fo r graduation. (Compare th is with the 160 or so credit hours, re q u ire d in 1920 l ) . . . . .Science courses require 130 semester hours for graduation . . . and the L ib e r at A rts only 120. U.M.R.JRESEARCH FA£ILITI^_AND_AM;AS. - At le a s t 1W0 e n tire b u ild in gs on the campus are headquarters fear a wide range o f engineering and s c ie n t ific research. (l) The Engineering Research B u ild in g , 16th and North State s t r e e t s ; and (2 ) The Materials Re sear vh B u ild in g . These b u ild in g s house s e v e ra l organized "Centers cf Research", in which groups of fa c u lt y members or other research ers werk together and combine their several in t e r e s t s and ta le n t s in chosen research p ro jec ts or f i e l d s . Thus, there are such centers f o r i n d u s t r ia l en gin eerin g ...environm ental engineering . . . space sciences . . . m a te ria ls en gin eerin g . . . e le c tro n ic s . . . rock mechanics and explosives . . . water r e s iu rc e s . . . and cloud physics. S p e c ia l f a c i l i t i e s include the State's f i r s t n u c le a r re a c to r . . . a computer science center . . . and a geo physical observatory. THE RESEARCH STAFF. 1 9 6 9 .- A l i s t o f the "DIRECTORS" o f eleven cf these Research u n its, contained in the C h a n c e llo r's F ive-Y ear Report of 1969, i s t h is : * Unit___________________ ________ D ire c to r_______ 1 . - Center fo r In te r n a t io n a l S t u d n e s .................D r. R.E. 2. - Computer Science Center .................................. 3 . - E le c tro n ic s Research Center ......y.................. **. • • « 0roDoulos 4 - Environmental Research C e n t e r ................y y Jr'. r '.k ! Frohlich 5.- Geophysical O b s e r v a t o r y .......................' n„ w T j amea 6. - Graduate Center f o r M a te ria ls Research . . . . . D r. W.J. 7 - Graduate Center fo r Cloud Physics Research ..D r . J .L . ^ s a n e r 8. - In d u s t r ia l Research Center ............................ d ;r [ 1^ , arda 9 . - N uclear Reactor ......................... .............* * * * * * ^ n_ a R Clark 1 0 .- Sock Mechanics and E x p lo siv e s Research Center„“ 1; ' 11s— Water Resources Research Center • • • • • • • • • • •
CVM-BHM-Fek M arch 1 , 1974.
- 69 -
P eriod 1959-1973.
a c a d m ic ~uni |s 7
1969, is taken rnom the Chancellor’ s " F l V ^ m R - R E F ^ ^ ' o T t^ V * tne year to outline these are a s of the U.M.R. cannlex *7 S l v i , ° \ . i 969* I t here serves compxex at Rolla fo r the period 1961-197^ THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER. These: ^ y 4 -LV73‘ Chancellor
.......... ...........................
Dr. Merl Baker
Admissions & R e g is t r a r ............ *.] Robert B. L ev is, d ire c te r, Busine as O ffice ............................ Centennial Offfce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cooperative Pro gram . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dean of Faculties Extension Division Institutional Studies ................. Placement & Industry Relations .. Public Information ....................... Student Services DEANS & PERSONNEL IN ACADEMIC UNITS.
Lauren A. Peterson, Assoc. D ir . Joseph D. Wollard Dr. Aaron Mile s, Coordinator George E. Vaughn, J r ., D irector Dr. Dudley Thompson Dr. G.E. Lorey, Dean D r. Lynn W. Martin, D irector L.R. Nuss, D ire c to r. W. D. Cress, D irector Paul E. Ponder, D irector. These:
School^of Mine£3 & M e t a llu r g y .- Dean . . T. J. Planje Ceramic E ngineering 7 .7 ................. D r. Robert E. Moore M e t a llu r g ic a l & N u clear Engineering D r. Harry W. Weart Mining and Petroleum Engineering . . . Dr. James J. Scott G e o lo g ic al E n g in e e r in g .......................Dr. Thecas R. Beveridge S ch o ol_of E n gln eerin g. — Dean J. Stuart Johnson C i v i l E ngineering ................... .. Dr. Joseph H. Senne Chemical E n g in e e r in g ............... Dr. Mailand R. Strunk E le c t r ic a l Engineering ................... Dr. John R. Betten Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Dr. Thomas R. Faucett Engineering Mechanics • • • • • • .......... P ro f. R.F. Davidson Engineering Management . » • • • • • • • • . P ro f. Bernard R. Sarchet School^of S c i e n c e D e a n . . . Paul D. Chemistry ............................................ G e o lo g y ................................................ P h y s i c s .......................... ............... Mathematics ........................................ Computer Science ....................... .
Proctor Dr. w illiam H. Webb D r. Thomas R. Beveridge Dr. Harold Q, F u lle r Dr. Glenn Haddock Dr. B i l l y E. G i l le t t
D iv is io n _ o f L i b e r a l A r t s .— D ire c to r Humanities S o c ia l Sciences P h y sic a l Education ( no degree ) .
. . . D r. Jim C. Pogue Dr. Jim C. Pogue D r. Marvin R. Cain P ro f. Devey J. Allgood.
Dean of Graduate School • * • • • . . . « . * . Dr. Robert H. McFarland S t .,L o u is G ra d u a te _E n g ^ e rin g _C e n te r
Dr. Anton D. Brasunas, D ire c to r.
CHANCER 1969-1974. - There teive been numbers of changes in personnel in the foregoing departments since 1969* A lso, the D iv isio n o f L ib e r a l Arts s now (I 973) the C o llege cf Arts ani Sciences, headed by Dean Adrian H. Daane. **• Dudley Thompson i s (1973) Acting Chancellor in place ctf D r. Merl Baker. r* Jim Pogue has assumed the d u tie s of "Dean cf F a c u lt ie s ".
CVM-BHM-Sat. M a r. 2 , 1974 Period 195 9 -1 9 7 3 .
70 -
STUDffNff ENROLLMENT. - The two t a b le s that fo llo w academic year/ 1964-65 ( begin n in gs o f U.M.R ) first o f these two groups, t h e s e f i g u r e s : * ' &nd ^ -F o r 196A-65 Yany, Under1 Graduate Ceramic e n gin eerin g ............ 61 G eologic en gin e e rin g .......... i g ,* * M e t a llu r g ic a l en gin eerin g . 195 *** Mining e n g i n e e r i n g .............. 69 . . . N u clear e n gin eerin g . . . . . . . p What Department
Chemical en gin eerin g . . . . . . C i v i l e n g i n e e r i n g ................ E l e c t r i c a l e n gin eerin g . . . . M echanical e n gin eerin g . . . . En gin eerin g (G e n e ra l) ......
enrollment forjfthe ^ 69-70 year. For the
8 11 31
273 . . . . . . 677 ........ * 865 .......... 841 .......... 7 2 ............ 7 8 ............ 5 4 .............
T o ta ls :
2k3 and 77
2.728 and 213
13 13 33 M i.
T o ta ls :
397 and 105
59 50 42
Chemistry m a j o r ........... G eology m ajor ..................... Mathematics m a j o r ................1 1 6 ............ Physics major ....................... 1 /,q t .. . GRAND TOTAL..................4,010 For 1969-70 Year _______ What Dept.
Ceramic engineering . . . . . . . . Geological engineering • . . • . M etallurgical engineering .. Mining engineering .............. Nuclear engineering . . . . . . . . Petroleum engineering . . . . . . Aerospace e n g in e e rin g ......... Chemical engineering ........... C iv il engineering ................ E le c tric a l e n g in e e rin g ....... Engineering mechanics ......... Mechanical engineering • . . •. Engineering (general) . . . . . . Engineering administration • Engl neering managemen t • • . . .
689 .......... 42 891 .......... 34 6 ...... 2 808 .......... 42 303 .......... 0 0 .......... 60 1 5 5 .......... 0
.... 9 . . . . 23 .... 2 . . . . 19 .... 0 .... 0 .... 0_
Chemistry major .................... Computer science major ....... Geology major ....................... Mathematics major .............. Physics major .....................
9 3 .......... 28 186 . . . . . . 44 6 7 ............ 19 1 1 6 ............ 15 121 . . . . . . 23
.... .»•• .... ...7 ....
Liberal Arts .............. . U n c la s s ifie d .............. .
2 6 9 ..........
5 9 ........
9 ... 8 .... 9 7 ............. 18 . . . . 4 2 ............. 10 . . . . 5 9 ........... 9 . . . .
5 1 ..........
12 0 18
10 6 T otals: 372-68-18
1 5 2 .......... 5 . . . . 0 320 .......... 79 . . . . 16
T otals:
3. 32L - 2 6A^69
20 7 19
21 31
T o ta ls: 585-129-88
0 .... 0 _^ ^» « » » « 14 * ? . ___ Q— T otals: 274-14-0
.........5,235 ........ 853 ........ 6,088
CVM-BHM-Sat. M a r. 2 , 1974. Period 1959-1973.
71 -
STUDENT ENROLLMENT. EXTENDED TO 197^-7/, Aq o1__ - — t sr --------- 1— — — i y j.J Z t1*’ - As shown on previous n aw ^ 7n ^ the combined R o lla campus enrollm ent fo r the 1969-70 year was 5 P^ j 12 ' » ^ St. Louis Graduate Center was 853, making a grand t o L T o f 6 o la The fig u r e s f o r the years 1969 to 1974 a re t h S e : ’
196 9-70 ........ 1970-71 ........ 1971-72 ........ 1972-73 ........ 1973-74 ........
Grand Tot 5,235 .......... 5,285 .......... 4,755 .......... 4,352 .......... 4 , 1 0 8 ..........
i. crrA
STUDENT GOVERNMENT & ACTIVITIES. — Tte Student Council i s the main , ,
divided Council for the for the
© A ijL p
e^U €LLLy
between the Greek f r a t e r n i t i e s and the Independent students. This i s re sp o n sib le f o r ap p rov al o f c o n stitu tio n s f o r student organizations Council budget ( funded by student fe e s ) - and f o r se le c tin g the program g e n e ra l le c tu re s e r ie s .
The students p u b lis h the student newspaper, "Tte M issouri Miner" - and the annual yearbook, the "R ollam o". And, o f course, students have predaninent interest in the S t . P a t ' s c e le b ra tio n , in March o f each year - the biggest sin g le student event o f the ye a r . Student in t e re s t i s h i$ i, a ls o , in the selection of St. Pat and h is Queen - the annual M i li t a r y B a ll w ith it s Queen . . . and the various athletic events - in c lu d in g f o o t b a l l games in the f a l l . . basket b a l l during winter months . . . tra c k . . . swimming . . . and so far th. U.M.R. "M iner" f o o t b a l l and basket b a l l teams p la y with opponents from Missouri's fou r State (teacher.) c o lle g e s or u n iv e r s it ie s . . . the N.E. a t K irk s v ille the N.W. at W arrensburg . . . the S.W. at S p rin g fie ld . . . and the S.E. at Cape Girardeau — a l l o f which are members o f the M. I . A. A. a sso c ia tio n . Other games are played w ith m iscellan eous teams such as Washington U n iv e rsity and S t.Lou is Universities, and o th e rs. One n otable game, recen tly, was that played with a team at Wi sconsin Unive rs i t y, Madis on. A LIST_0F STi. PATS_AND_HIS_QUEENS_,_TEARS_1252“I923. - The fo llo w in g l i s t names those'"*h©""represented S t . Pat” on S t. P a t ' s Day, and th e ir respective Queens. This list is fo r tte p e rio d 1959-1973, only. On the fo llo w in g page ( 71.a ) , in order to have in one complete record a l l who have so p a rtic ip a te d , we tabulate the names of ALL those who have been S t . Pat or Queen, from the f i r s t one, in 1915, down to 1973. For Period 1959 to 1973, Only. These: Who Was The Queen_ -Years _ Who Was St . Pat 1959 ------ ,Brud M u rp h y .......... Linda F itz g e ra ld 1960 . . . . Don Gunther . . . . . . P h y lli s Thcci 1961 .... Harvey M artin •••••Sharon Anstedt 19$2 . . . . Bob Tooke . . . . . . . . *1oyce Ann Logan 1963 . . . . C h arles Becker . . . Mary Martin 1964 . # • • K eith B a i l e y ........ Mrs. Vickie H arw ell 1965 . . . . Clyde Vandivort . . Diane Bowers 1966 . . . . John H. Henry . . . . Sharon S ievers 1967 . . . . W. C. C a s t l e ........ Susan P rice 1968 . . . . Charles J . F e h lig . Joy Zumbehl 1969 . . . . John M o l l ..............Anita McLaughlin 1970 . . . . E r ic D u n n in g ........ Mary Beth R e ga rri 1971 . . . . Kenneth H ilte rb ra n d Betty Foland 1972 . . . . D a n ie l F. Mullen . Mrs. Nancy Benesh 1973 . . . . Roger Kramer . . . . . M arilee Robinson.
CVM_BHM-Sat. M ar. 9 , 1974. Period 1959-1973.
- 71.a -
...S t, p^t,____________________ Who Was Q ,,^ J • J . Doyle Helen James Baysinger 1916 John H .G ."P a t" R e illy Mary UcCr&e 1917 H. Smith C l a r k ........ Olive Scott 1918 meryl McCarthy . . . . . Mrs. Fred D. Gardner 1919 Edwin K. Schuman . . . . Edna K iel 1920 A lb e rt B. Needham . . . Nancy Love 1921 James E . J e w e l l ........... Hazel Dent 1922 David F . W a l s h ............. Margaret S a lly (Mrs E u lich ) 1923 C u rtis E . S t o v e r ..........Mrs. C u rtis Stover S • Stack Eva Underwood 19.24 1925 . . . . Ray E. K o lla r . . . . . . . . . Helen Underwood( 1926 . . . . Ralph H i l p e r t ..............Dorothy K iesler 1927 . . • • G erald Roberts . . . . . . . . Lorraine Love ( Mrs HJ Brickner) 1928 . . . . Burton L . B a l l a r d ........Lucy K iesler 1929 . . . . James K. Richardson . . . E lizabeth "Bid" Long 1930 . . . . A lfo n s J. Tiefenbrun . . Madge Lenox 1931 . . . . James O ffu tt • • • • • • • • • • Marian McKinley 1932 . . . . Richard P a r k e r ............Emily McCaw 1933 • •• • M illa r d H. M u r r a y ...... S y b il Powell 1934 . . . . John C. S e t t l e ............. Mildred "Mickey" Coffman F rederick W. Arnold . . . Dorothy Fort 1935 W alter L . Holz ............. Jean Campbell 1936 Roger C. T i t t e l ..........M ildred Brown 1937 John R. Post .............. Mary Louise Breuer 1938 Sam Kurtz .......................Mary McCrae ( niece of the 1916 queen) 1939 JUL Robert Dorsey . . . . . . . . . Rosemary Sue Crumpler 1943 John H. L y o n s ............. Ruth L u c ile Stimson 194L John Mazzoni . . . . . . . . . . Agnes Houlahan 1942 Raymond A. Kasten . . . . . Adele Katz 1943 ( No S t . P a t ' s Program Held, World War Two) •• M . •H A U n C ( No S t . P a t ' s . W.War Two) 1945 u 4> O _ as C co E Robert T. White ........... Lenore Jones 1946 &0 a -Sil Harold C. Brehe ........... Louise Freeman 1947 A & ■ > » _Oa rH James B. McGrath • • • • « . Sue Gleason 1948 A rH O « ;H O Ej 3: Don S p r a c k l e r ............... Paula Fite 1949 0> fz. CO d> PQ B5 (D « .Robert S c h u c h a rd t........ M arilee Drake rj 1950 >*-•3 • -H x: Joseph Geers . . . . . . . . . . A lic e W alth all u -*3 m f-j +3 1951 is 0) f-l to to Richard "D ick" Hempel . Barbara Barner 1952 a ma a ^ James A. G e r a r d ........... Mrs Joan Christian 1953 Fred Smith ..................... June Lange 1954 • ■a James M. M u rph y............S h irle y Marie Brueggman 1955 . . Don M cG overn................. V irg in ia Graham • u a 1956 •A V . . Warren C a r r o l l ............. Marilyn Goodnight c •0 U •H 1957 a> r-j . . Ronald Husemann............Joline See W >-P 9 l. > 1958 o> a> C . . Grover (Brud) Murphy . . Linda F itz g e ra ld d * 6a m i 1s • u § ’. . Don Gunther ................... P h y llis T^cci 1960 3 > i . . Harvey G. M a r t i n ..........Sharon Anstedt Q -P r-4 1961 ® a, u u . . Robert "Bob" Tooke . . . . Joyce Ann Logan 1962 1 g * i &8> . . Charles B e c k e r ............. Mary Martin 1963 y * Q (K K ________ . . K eith B a i l e y .................. Mm * Vickie Harwe 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969
. . . . Clyde V a n d i v o r t ........... S o n ffleJers . . . . John H. H e n r y ............... ........ W. C. C a s t l e ................. Susan Price . . . . . Charles J. F e h lig •••• Zumbehl : . : : .Jota M o l l ....................... * * t a McLaughlin
O M c—H b— c- tf'-? C—c
CVM-BHM-Sat. M ar. 2 , 1974. Period 1959-1973.
- 72 -
CAMPUS BUILDINGS ADDED. 1964—1Q7^ — A " F i w v li the Chancellor's o f f ic e in 1969,provides the rZii I7 ? Z re33 Report",issued by ed during the years 1964 to 1969. On pages ° f bu ild in « 8 construct( ani in th . W ilson adm inistration, t . 1963 ) ™ ^ i i ? l ° L 0Ur 1947' 58 Section added up to 1963. J J 6 lisfced the campus bu ildin gs
---------»tti ld i ng-----------------------1 . - Physics A n n e x ................
IHtB\rt3.t F io o r°L a^» 1964
2. - Dormitory 3. - L ib ra „ ry . 4 .- Mine Engr. A n n e x ............... 5. - Temporary A th le tic House 6. - M aterials Research B l d g . . . 7. - Explosive Chamber, Ft.Wood 8. - M ulti-Purpose B ld g ............. 9. - Research F a c ilit y ....... ... 10. - H um anities-Social Science. 11 . - Engineering Research Bldg. 12. - A th le tic D ressing Room . . . 13. - Math. & Computer Sc. B ldg. 14. - Compressible Flow Lab. . . .
1965 * " 1965 1966 1966 1966 1966
2 2 ,2 6 0 ............
Cost * 500,000 541,000 2,225,000 1,329,000 29,000 1,092,000 18,000 2,558,000
91,641 ......... 39,386 .......... 4,831 ......... 30,000 .......... 403 .......... 1966 92,500 .......... 1967 4.000 ......... 55,500 1967 33,442 .......... 1,000,000 1967 ...................... 1,700,000 1967 6.000 ......... 160,000 1968 56,526 .......... 1,600,000 1968 _ 3.000 ............. 76.500 T° t a l s ........... 399,127 ........*12,884,000 CATCH-UP BUILDINGS.- The before mentioned " Five Year Report" lis t e d the se five buildings fo r which, as o f 1969, funds had been requested: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Chemistry-Chemical E n g in e e r in g .* 4, 500,000 M etallu rgical-C eram ic Engineering , , 4,000,000 Engineering C om plex..................... 6,000,000 Physics-Nuclear Complex . . . . * . . . 3,000,000 Geology-Petroleum-Mine Engineering . 1. 500.000 T o t a l ........*19,000,000
Of these f i v e requested b u ild in g s, only the Chemical-Chemical Engineering building has been constructed. This was p r a c t ic a lly complete and in use by December, 1973* I t rep laced the old I 885 "Wait" Chemistry building with i t s added wings - which had been destroyed by f i r e . The UNIVERSITY CENTER BUILDING. - This b u ild in g — eventually to cost some 14,000,000, w i l l , when completed, occupy the en tire block bounded by 11th-12thRolla and Main s t r e e t s . The p o rtio n s of Main and 12th streets, to west and north of this block, have been vacated by the City o f Rolla so such bu ilding can be so constructed. To date ( 1973 ) , approxim ately HALF o f th is b u ild in g has been completed, and is in use. Finances have come la r g e ly from student fees and private donations. is a handsome b u ff —b ric k —and—g la s s —window structure, two storys in height. ■^t has large rooms fe r student recreation — dining f a c i l i t i e s f o r large dinners and banquets — snack b a r, re st rooms, o ffic e s , r e s t f u l lobby — and yet other
facilities. Among other programs held in i t , the f i r s t ANNUAL FOUNDERS DAY observation "as held, as cf February 23 and 24 - honoring the School's o rig in a l founding °n February 24, 1870. As part o f th is Founder's Day program, the alumni, the administration, and citizens o f R o lla formed a sp e c ia l "Council", including at leastn80 persons JJom such groups - to s o l i c i t and secure private fdnds with which to complete this University Center b u ild in g . No added funds from State le g is la t iv e sources anticipated - so th at, i f the "CHALLENGE" i s to be met, some two m illion dollars or more must be ra is e d by p riv ate g ift s and donations.
nrf/-BHM-Sun Mar • 3, 1974. S io d 1959-19 73.
73 -
tt.M.R. SPURGES OF INCOME, ^I964- I 97O» - The "Five Year Progress Report" issued hy the Chancellor s o f f i c e , 1969, fu rn ish e s the fo llo w in g table o f comparative incanes fo r the years 1964 to 1970 - the f i r s t f iv e years o f the M erl Baker administration. The t a b le serves__to indicate_trend3..
Source o f Incone Year 196A-65 T X.- State ^ le g i s la t iv e funds $3,241,269 2. - Student f e e s ........... 1,216,713 3. - A u x ilia ry e n te r p r is e s . 819,499 4. - G ifts and g r a n t s ... 522,966 5. - Other s o u r c e s .. 261,774
Year 1969-70 . . $8^22,518 .. 3,286,905 .. 1,069,786 .. 2,765,000 . .
T otals 16,062,221 ..$16,428,492 SOME SPECIAL EVENTS. - On February 24, 1970, U.M.R. observed tte 100th anniversary o f the founding o f M isso u ri School of Mines and M etallurgy, by l e g i s lative act, a century b e fo r e . An im pressive program was presented inside the new Multi-Purpose B u ild in g a t 10th and Bishop Avenue. The Alumni A sso c ia tio n pu blish ed a handsome issue o f i t s magazine, the "M.S.M. Alumnus", in which the i n s t i t u t i o n 's career during the century was portrayed The issue was p r o fu s e ly i l l u s t r a t e d w ith photographs - many o f them from the "1941" Mann H isto ry o f the S ch ool. A l l o f the p ic tu res aided in t e l li n g the School's sto ry o f the century. A Much_Smaller c e le b ra t io n occurred on November 6th, 1971 - a hundred years after the f i r s t c la s s in the School was opened. We_Clo£e_J3his B r i e f Account o f the progress and a c t i v it i e s o f the old School of Mines, and i t s su ccessor, the U n iv e rs it y o f Mis so u r i—R o lla , by a animation of the Baker a d m in istration made by the current U n iversity president — D r. C. Brice Ratchford, on the occasion o f the re s ig n a tio n o f Chancellor Merl Baker, on October 18, 1973. Thus* " During the decade ( 1963-1973 ) , the U.M.R. fa c u lt y almost doubled. Nine graduate research u n its were added. More than f iv e times as much outside funding was available in I 9S 3 as was a v a ila b le in 1963. ...UMR now o ffe rs B.S. degrees in 18 areas, compared to 12 in 1963. . . . I t has added fiv e B.A. degree a reas. I t offers the M.S. degree in 21 are a s ( compared to 13 in 1963 ) , and has 16 Ph.D. degree programs, p lu s the Doctor o f Engineering degree ( compared to on iy w v e n doctoral programs in 1963). . . . In a d d itio n , more than h a lf o f the graduates ever to receive degrees in the S c h o o l's 103 years o f existence - did so during D r. Baker tenure as C h a n c ello r. " Dr. M erl Baker - a f f a b l e , a b le - was an excep tion al a^ £ ^ t r a t o r o f t e to institution . . . . o n e o f the f i n e s t , a b le s t , the ^ c h o o t *cfcure Qf the serve as an a ssistan t, to P re sid e n t Ratchfcrd - studying the structure o f the University of M is s o u ri. w _ , . „ IN CONCLUSION.- The a d m in istrativ e a f f a i r s of U.M.R. are now been H ^ Octoter 18, 1973, in the very capable band. Dudley^Tho^isen. acting Chancellor. D r. Jim C. Pogue assumed r . P - i n d i c a t e that Dr. faculties o f the i n s t i t u t io n .......... Comments he become f u ll-fle d g e d Thompson " is _ d o in g _ a _ fin e l o b . " Many frie n d s h o p e that he may become chanfiellbr w ith tte begin n in g o f the f a l l term, Sept , 000000000000000000000000
rtnd of School of Mines And U.M.R. — — 00000 -----
CVM-BHM-June 13, 1974. (14)
74 -
_1252 - 1924.
ASHES, Floyd ASHER, Mildred ( M r s 12, 1892 . . 4. ^ 9, _ w n . s . ^ ASHER, 'lug‘ x>‘ •L97° R- Cem. ASHER, WaltS'ah/ b 'bFeb' AYERS, i o i r £ : ( » b; j ^ tt- O cV. % 2> ^ ,, BASS, Cernard R. * . . . une 11, 1971. Ozark Hem Cem. BEACH, Miss Mary . . b. h t„ i „ n „ BELL, Austin .. .F h .C o . --------------Circ. C l k . . . b . H July 9, 1955. Marionville Home. ---------- - 1897 . . d. June 11 , 1974. BLAND, Mary (Shaw; Mrs. Clark, b. 1891 . . d. July 10, 1970. R. Cem. BREUER, Ethel V. (Mrs Dr. Gene)...b7Nov.20 1889 d. June 14,1971. R.Cera. CARLTON, Prof. Ernest W. * y DABLEMONT, Rowena (M r s . ) . . b.Feb. 20 1912 . . d. Jan. 2, 1971 ..Ozark Mem. Cem. DOUGHERTY, Leo (Councilman) DONAHOE, Wm. . . . b . ______ , I 876 d. July 14^ 1957. Eldest son^Daj^L & Mary Murray; DRAKE, Mrs. Avery . . . b. DUNCAN, Us car L. (Co.Judge; b. Dec. 30, I 907 . . d. Aug. 16, 1971. Oz. J^em.Cem. DUNLAP,. Wm. P. ., .b. ---- R i l le d Frisco Train June 4, 1973. ECKEL, Clarence. ETBsur (P„ !???“, ° r l 0 i IJniV - vb t ------------ 1892 d - July 31.W72. «>ul<ler,Co:i ,Mary <Po, el l J *»ra Carl J. . . b.Aug. 5, 1907 . . d.Aug. 2. 1973. FALLS, John li. ( J r . ; . . b. Dec. 18, 1902 . . d. Jan. 10,1973. R. Cem. FEY, Jos. E. . . . b. Oct. 27, 1882 . . d. Nov. 19, 1972. . . . R. Cem. K n M 11* ’ Ka? %^ S? t thu.!frS; D® ^ er B* •• b * SePt« 14, 1884 . . d. June 2, 1973. R. Cem. FRITON, Ernest T. ( A r c h it e c t ;. / / / b. 1884 •• d.Webster Groves July 12,1970. B* I Mr®# I June 12> l884 . . d.June 5, 1970. B e lie fo n ta in e Cem,St.L. HAMILTON, Raymond K. ..Son o f O.D. . .bV. . ' a 1908 . . . d. Nov. 23, 1973. Had son. HARGIS, Louis. . . b.Nov.26, 1897 . . d. Dec. 19, 1973. Ozark Mem Cem. HiiRRMAN, Cec il L. b. _________1902 . . . d. Nov. 1, 1972, age 70. .. R Cem. HERRMAN, (Mary Cath.; Mrs Lloyd . . . b . Oct 22, 1906 . . d. July 3, 1973. R. Cem. HUFFMAN, Arch . . . b. Aug. 10, 1885 . . d. Jan. 4, 1971. . . . R. Cem. JOSLIN, F lo s si e ( Mrs DeVere) .• b. KENNEDY, Pres. J.F. i b. Shot, Nov. 22, 1970. Arlington Cem.,Wash DC. KILPATRICK, Jesse F. " K i l " . Age 65. LAMBIEL, Oliver ( S h e r i f f ; . . b. ______ 1907 . . d. Dec. 21, 1972. IENOX, David Taylor, b. _____________________ d. 'Dec. 1, 1970. Lake Spring Can. LENOX, Marion. . . . b. July 14, 1895 . . d. July 28, 1973. In t. Adams Cem. LINE, Celestine (Maggi; Mrs E.Y. . . b. July 14, 1891 . . d. Mar. 10,1974. R.Cem. LOGAN, Curtis W. (Rolla Mayor), b. _________ , 1919 . . . d. Oct. 21, 1972. R.Cem. LOVE, Miss Nancy . . b. Jan. 3, 1898 . . d. Nov. 16, 1972. . . . R Cem. MORRIS, Olive (Sc ott ) Mrs John. b.May 15, 1897 •• d. Nov. 20, 1972. R. Cem. MURRY, Richard Bland . . . b. Feb. 7, 1896 . . d. Dec. 8, 1973* Ozark Mem Cem. RANKIN, Prof. Rolfe m . ~ . 7 b. Dec. 17, 1892 . . d. June 2, 1974. R. Cera. RHODES, Wm. E. . . . b. July 7, 1895 . . d. July 10, 1955. R. Cem. RITTER, Martha (Saroch) Mrs Emmett. b.June 26, 1914 . • d. Nov. 22, 1973* Ozark Mem Cem ROWE, Roberta . . . b. __________ 1883 . . d. Apr. 2, 1973 (age 90) . . R. Cam. SALLY, Guy . . . b. Feb. 22, 1887 . . d. Dec. 22, 1971 . . . R. Cem. (Frisco Telegrapher) SALLY, W. D. . . . b. Dec. 25, 1900 . . d. Apr. 28, 1971 . . . Int R. Cem. SCOTT. Miss E t i e l . . b. 1880 . . d. Apr. 1. 1972 (age 92; . . . R . Cem. d. June 27, 1972. b. /SUTTON, Robt. E. ( U.M.R. Centennial Chm.) d. July 10,1955* R.Cem. TAYLOR, Mrs Frank W. ( o f R.New Era) TYLER, Leola (Simpson).. B.Rolla Feb 23,1873 . . d.Maywood,111 July 2, 1970.
CVM-BHM-Thu June 13,1974. (14) 1959-73
- 74. a -
NE®OLOGY, __con_t. UNDERWOOD, Dr. Milton K. VAN®, J e s s e . . . b.Aug. 10,1906 . . h i l l e d Dec. 18 1957 | Cem ?? WAGNER, Carrie Ann . . . b. Feb. 8, 1891 . . F e b 7 107; * * Adams Cem. WALTENSPIEL, Mrs. A. * D* '> 197z*- • WHITE, Kenneth ( of B o u l d e r , C o l o . ; . . b irtoo ^ „ , , WILLIAMS, Hortense (Watson; Mrs Rex. bTTeb 2^ * #ToinFeb*^6* 1972,Durango. WILSON, John (Auto S a l e s ) b. lo w n 191?-,‘ * d * Wov* 20» 1972. -------- | I ------------ 1907 *• B B 13, 1972. Age 65. R.Cem. you®, f & P .J S & u I f! U n .1 ZIMMERMAN, Maude ( Mrs.
T ^ i g ^ ^ S o Mu3° afc^ne engineer. o.aug. 5, 1879 . . d. lronton,Mo. Dec.31,1972. R.Cem.
END FOR PERIOD ( 1 4 ) 1959 - 19 7 3 , Additions: CAGG, Prof. M i l e s H. . . . b. Donnan, David M. . . b . hughes, Frank W. ( U . S . Topog.Engr.;
. d. Oct. 12, 1966 __________________ Int Kinsey Cem. Cremated. 1881 d. Sept. 5, 1966. Age 85
Th is
This y e a r ,
a fiv e -y e a r
it has b e e n
fiv e
an e s p e c i a l l y
sin ce
a p p rop ria te
U n iv ersity
Mines and M e t a l l u r g y
of the f o u r
S ta te-w id e
Much p r o g r e s s
Th e U n i v e r s i t y neering,
and a G r a d u a t e
Two new d e p a r t m e n t s began o p e r a t i o n .
UMR c a m p u s .
M iss ou ri
M iss ou ri
U n iv ersity
stock: of
- R o lla ,
o f M iss o u ri.
S cien ce,
S ch o o l,
U n iv ersity
re o rga n ized
on t h e
in clu d e
a n ew D i v i s i o n
(E n gin eerin g
S t.
L o u is
G raduate
en ro llm en t
ris e n
M ines
E n gi
and M e t a l l u r g y ,
L ib e ra l
A rts
and C o m p u t e r
E n gin eerin g
S cien ce)
C e n t e r was
ed. UMR’ s (in clu ding
ing C e n t e r ) . f i v e B . A.
graduate B .S .
now c h o o s e
stu den ts
are now g r a n t e d
W hile
n a tio n a l
•ained c o n s t a n t majoring
s te a d ily .
sion s t a t i s t i c s
fo r
are a v a i l a b l e ) ,
UMR i s
neering d e g r e e s
en gin eerin g), ing m a s t e r ' s Place,
a nd
n ow
which w e r e
ju s t
en ro llm en t
1964 Lou is
M a s te r 's 16
e n g in eerin g
A cco rd in g (la te s t
fiv e
E n gin eerin g w hich
n ation
(firs t
fie ld s , c iv il
UMR h a s
g e ttin g percent
in o ff
ris e n
the the
d u rin g
M iss issip p i from
W estern ground the
students en ro llm en ts
fig u
R ive r.
undergra u a ®
U n ited fiv e
co m p arative
M a n p o w e r Co mmis-
en rollm en ts
18 and
and P h .D .
firs t
E n gin eer
fo r
12 t o
UMR’ s e n g i n e e r i n g
ca n d id a tes
n in e
compared w ith
in crea sed
d ecrea sed ),
percen tage has
S t.
com pared w it h
u ndergradu ate
(an d
fie ld s ,
e n g in eerin g
have i n c r e a s e d
program s
e na • ago,
^ * m creas
2Qth ams #
Research centers
added t o
in crea sed
o rg a n ized
departm ental
from a t o t a l during
a c tiv ity
w ith in
$804,36 4
s ig n ific a n tly .
in crea sed
fiv e
N in e
w h i c h when
exp en d itu res
an e s t i m a t e d
$4,800,0 00
To m e e t pr og ra m s,
fa c u lty
in c re a s e d
and e x p a n d e d
in crea sed
(4 8 .9
w ith
w ith
d octorates)
1969-70 . The p h y s i c a l increased
o p era tio n s
$ 6 ,062,2 21
Nine b u i l d i n g s
w ere
w i l l be p l a c e d
been r e q u e s t e d
fo r
Center w h i c h
Centennial and f e d e r a l
p rio rities ,
one th is
fu nded
the the
fo r
ca p ita l
in d u stry
a b rie f
and t w o
b u ild in g s. U n iv e rs ity
p riv a te ,
cu m u lative
In tera ct
betw een
a $4,000,0 00
The U n i v e r s i t y
In d u stry
"catch-u p"
in crea sed and
co n stru ction
S tate.
fo rm u la ted
$16 ,428 ,492
h a lf
o p era tio n a l
Program , the
h igh
needs among
a con tin u in g
U n iv e rs ity ,
fo r its
effo rt one
fa c e ts .
in the p a s t there i s
fo r
program s.
to ex pan d e x c h a n g e its m a j o r
new and e x p a n d e d
u rg en tly
Program ,
fiv e
co m p leted ;
A C en ten n ia l
p ictu re
fiv e
s till
future t o C e nt en ni a l
w h ich
"lo o k
UMR " l o o k s
forw a rd
on w i t h
th ese w ith
p rid e
gain s hope"
There .
w ill as we
A lth ou gh be
b u ilt
(A ttach ed
ch arts
five y e a r * s p r o g r e s s
a nd m o r e
d iffe re n t
d e ta ile d areas) .
a n a ly sis
Looking T o Five-Year
F u t u r e ----- A c a d e m i c
P ro je c te d
G o a l s ....................................................................
1 3
E n r o l l m e n t .............................................................................................
Campus P l a n n i n g ................................................................................................................................................
Bu il di n gs
fu n d ed s i n c e requested, C o m p ara tive
1964, B u i l d i n g s f o r w h ic h funds h a v e been i n c o m e a n a l y s i s .............................................................................. 6
UMR S t u d e n t H e a d C o u n t ( S h o w i n g c o m p a r a t i v e 1 96 4 a n d 196 9 en ro llm en t b y d e p a r t m e n t s ) ...................................................................................................... Degree P r o g r a m s
show ing
UMR a n d
o f UMR a n d
1 9 6 9 ) .......................................................................................
n a tio n a l
n a tio n a l
u ndergraduate
u ndergradu ate
National r a n k ,
B .S .
E n g in eerin g
National r a n k ,
M .S .
D egrees
E n rollm en t
en gin eerin g
en gin eerin g
E n ro llm en t
d e g r e e s ......................... 10
and D e g r e e s
E n gin eerin g
en ro llm en ts.
(1968 & 1963) .
1 9 6 3 ........................
a n d D e g r e e s ............................................................................................... ^
I R e s e a r c h ............................................................ .... ............................................................................. [ H ea dc o u nt o f
F u ll-tim e
Centennial C h a l l e n g e
Ph .D .
1 9 6 9 ) ..................................
P r o g r a m .........................................................................
I U n i v e r s it y C e n t e r
;Ueans, D e p a r t m e n t
C h airm en,
|A d m i n i s t r a t i v e
F a cu lty
In d u s tria l
In tera ct
R esearch
. . . .
P r o g r a m ...........................................
U n it D ir e c to r s
O f f i c i a l s ................................................................
ACADEMIC GOALS Where We Are : The U n i v e r s i t y „f the n a t i o n sciences.
of Missouri
UMR i s
t he s e v e n t h
anong the n a t i o n ' s
of the M i s s i s s i p p i
quality i s
t he S t a t e
ing e n r o l l m e n t programs a r e
and l i f e s c i e n c e s and e n g i n e e r i n g .
now r e c o g n i z e d
producer o f
graduates Of g r e a t e r
and a r e
the l a r g e s t west
over h a l f
the B S
i mpor t ance
i n q u a l i t y and s i z e Gr adua t e and r e s e a r c h
gaining national
i n the h u m a n i t i e s ,
and i n p r o g r a ms
as one
s c i e n c e depar t ment s a r e g a i n
and now rank h i g h l y
the M i d - A m e r i c a n r e g i o n .
Strength i s
o f Missouri.
and s t a t u r e ,
f o r e n g i n e e r i n g and the p h y s i c a l
and a n n u a l l y
among c o u n t e r p a r t s
- Rolla
Where We Are G oing: Continuation compared to
of past
the n a t i o n ,
should enable
largest p r o d u c e r o f u n d e r g r a d u a t e t e 1970s.
As p r o b l e m s
teaching l o a d s viated,
graduate d e g r e e s
w ill
(one Ph.D.
duce about
50 p e r c e n t
of that
seven B.S.
and a b o u t
state and n a t i o n a l as a consequence Pr°grams, i t s
Specifically, niI1g f o r the
i n the n a t i o n d u r i n g
by 1978 our r a t i o
equipment and heavy g r o wt h )
to the n a t i o n a l
UMR in
the P h . D . s
in engineering
university, that
can b e s t
unique past location
are : 1
1972 i s
i n the S t a t e o f sciences.
to r e s p o n d to l o c a l ,
be answered by t h i s
and i t s
c u r r e n t p l a n n i n g and
d evel opment
to u n d e r
e x p e c t e d to p r o
i n the p h y s i c a l
UMR se e ks
are a l l e
degrees). of
at UMR,
to become the t h i r d
20 p e r c e n t
As a t e c h n o l o g i c a l
in engin eer ing
inadequate b u i l d i n g s ,
(which d e t e r expected
to s e r v i c e .
i n UMR's c u r r e n t p l a n -
To f u r t h e r leading
enha nc e
as one o f
i n the
the n a t i o n ’ s and the p h y s i c a l
and d e v e l o p
th e u n d e r g r a d u a t e e n r o l l m e n t a t the same
r a t e as i n th e p a s t and a c c e l e r a t e the gra duate e n r o l l ment i n c r e a s e r a t e so t h a t the r a t i o o f gra duate t o u n d e r g r a d u a t e e n r o l l m e n t i s a t l e a s t e qual to the n a t io n ’ s average. S t r e n g t h e n th e q u a l i t y o f both undergradua te and gradu ate program s. Add p r o g r a m s in
the p h y s i c a l
Add p r o g r a m s
s c i e n c e s - - to
pected liberal
the h u m a n i t i e s ,
the p r o p e r b a l a n c e
w h i c h can p r o f i t are
i n scope o f programs
e n g i n e e r i n g and l i b e r a l
a good u n i v e r s i t y .
o f much i n t e r e s t
and l i f e
of e ffo rt
The s p e c i a l t i e s
i n the
from a t e c h n o l o g i c a l
to UMR.
I n c r e a s e r e s e a r c h p r o d u c t i v i t y in both b a s i c and a p p l i e d research. Help p r o v i d e through
c u r r e n t pr o b l e ms o f
and c o n t i n u i n g e d u c a t i o n .
o CO O o
13 50
co CO r-H n*» vo
CO CM vO »-H
CM rH r-H 00 oo
15 4 4
148 9
19 73
On v O ON
<r o m in
00 00 m o CM CO o CO o vO i— H rH
10 0 0
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12 9 5
in o
00 CO o ^H
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113 0
14 6 4
12 4 9
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>o o w Eh O W
19 7 2
00 co CM N
78 10
o ON 00 m
14 2 3
14 2 0
12 0 1
19 71
vO O i-x. ON 1
xd ON v£> rH 00 co t-H oo t— H iH
ON o t-H co r-H
CO o
o o o
co r*. cm
<r o •-H O ON
© m m
xd ^H ON
r* cm CM «H CO I— CO
<r NO
ON vO ON t-H
00 rx r-H ON o CM <r o CM r-H 00 CO ■ i r-H t— H
m m m xd
vO <r r*x o CM
m CO CM m
o 00 vO
CM *“H •h «<r 00
co m 00
00 oo o NO
© CM r-H m CO NO CO in
00 vO On r-H
ON vo r-x oo o ON •n cm CM o 00 CM i-H r-H r-H
o vO
rx oo m
xd co in co xd- » h
r*x xd’ o m
00 fs N m
r-H -d’ in vo N ON
rxx vO ON r-H
m CM ON o o CM ON ON o CO ON 00 o ^H t— H
vO t-H CM xd’
CO CM r— H co H xd* r—
m xdm
t-H VO 1— xd-
CO O m
CO o m
N CO CO xd o NO
xd NO CM m
oo vo vO ON t -h
oo CM CO H
xd vO ON o CM oo co r-x. 00 o rH
N rx ON co
On r— h on r"x co
O h* xd
rx xd xd xd
o © xd
o o xd
r*x xd 00 xd
o o o o o
Eh 0
I W pH co co
H 1
Ph Pi
Eh O Eh 1 Q
Eh 1 CO ©
Eh 1
Pi CO p£ w E h z pa u
< o £2 PD o
pa EH Z PJ O
pa co c W 3 o z W
Eh Pi Z pa pa PQ o y p£ pa Z p*
Long-range firm o f
p h y sical
W illiam
I P ereira
plan t h e
ph ysica
F irst academic
and r e s e a r c h
lo catio n of
and i n d u s t r i a l The
mg P r ° g r a m s
250 a c r e s
D orm itory,
The campus o f
t he
la rg e
w ill
geo recrea
p rojectio n
accommodate e x p a n d -
The campus p r e s e n t l y
1963, years
M echanical
UMR's b u i l d i n g nine
bu ildin gs
E n g in e e r in g Annex,
M u lti-P urpose
and a t o t a l
23 p a r c e l s
Now u n d e r is
con struction ,
a n d Co m pu te r
placed u n d e r
In clu ded
for a C h e m i s t r y
U niversity-w ide have
and P e t r o l e u m
du rin g
Hum anities
19 6 9 -7 0 request
1 97 0 -7 1
E ngineering
lis t ). been
E n gin eerin g
E n gin eerin g
Two o t h e r b u i l d i n g s ,
B u ildin g
B u ild in g.
Research w i l l
B u ildin g
Among t h e
academic y e a r .
and C e r a m i c E n g i n e e r i n g
alread y
and S o c i a l
and E n g i n e e r i n g
U n iv e rs it y 's
p rio rity
the P h y s i c s - N u c l e a r
and C h em ical
for a M e t a l l u r g i c a l
which f u n d s
R o lla 's
enrollm ent
Research F a c i l i t y )
funds f r o m
rap id ly
M a terials
and t he p r o b a b i l i t y
B u ild in g,
of p r o p e r t y
Temporary A t h l e t i c
U niversity
t he
R o lla. the
ha s
R o lla.
The f i r m
state-w id e
and t h e
g u id e d by the
ca m pu se s.
con stan tly
th is
M isso uri)
and a l a r g e r than
projection s
in c reasin gly
covers more space
A ssociates.
developm ent
R o lla
a t UMR i s
fa c ilitie s.
en rollm en t
con sid eratio n
ac commodate
(P h y s i c s
1 future
need t o
and $ 4 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0
B u ildin g catch-up the
on t he
bu ildin gs
and t h e G e o l o g y ,
C om ple x,
M ining
Now n t h e p l a n n i n g s t a g e a t e a Contin uing Education Center proposed f o r the E x t e n s i o n D i v i s i o n , an Environmental E n g i n e e r i n g T H I t f l i M B ! c l a s s r o o , b u i l d i n g , a d d i t i o n to the Mechanical and A e r o s p a c e E n g i n e e r i n g B u i l d i n g ( t h i r d f l o o r ) , and a d m in istra tive co n stru ction Medical
fa c ilitie s
en visio n ed
S ervic e
bu ild in gs m echanical
C enter,
a d d itio n s
system s
(ren o va tion
fo r
power p la n t a nd
10 y e a r s exp an sion ,
ex ten sion s
H a ll),
in clu d es annexes
ex istin g
oth er a Student to
ex istin g
u tilitie s
a c c o m m o d a t e new c o n s t r u c t i o n .
The r e c e n t l y c o m p leted academic pla n i s under c o n t i n u a l r e v i e w and as program changes o c c u r , a p p r o p r i a t e m o d i f i c a t i o n s w i l l be made in the p h y s i c a l p l a n f o r the campus.
BUILDINGS funded STMPt? to *,.
BLDG. Physics Annex Dormitory Library M.E. Annex Temp. A th le t ic Materials Research Expl. Chamber, F t. Wood Multi-Purpose Research F a c i l i t y Human. & S o c ia l Science Engineering Research Athletic D ressin g Room Math. & Comp. Science Compressible Flow Laboratory
YEAR 1964 1965 1965 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1967 1967 1967 1967 1968
GROSS SQ. FT. 15,138 22,260 91,641 39,386 4,831 30,000 403 92,500 4,000 33,442
COST 500,000 541,000 2,225^000 1,329,000 29,000 1,092,000 18,000 2,558,000 55,500 1,000,000 1,700,000 160,000 1,600,000
6,000 56,526
BLDG. Chemistry—Chem ical E n g in e e rin g M etallurgical—Ceram ic E n g in e e rin g Engineering Complex Physics-Nuclear Complex Geology-Petroleum-Mining
$ 4,500,000 4.000. 000
6. 000. 000
3,000,000 1,500,000
Source o f
S t a t e Funds
$ 3 , 2 4 1 ,2 6 9
$8 , 8 2 2 ,5 1 8
Student Fees
$1 , 2 1 6 ,7 1 3
$3, 28 6, 9 05
A u x ilia r y E n terp rises
819 ,49 9
$ 1 , 06 9, 7 86
G ifts
$ 2 ,7 65 ,0 00
261 ,774
and G r a n t s
$16 ,428,492
UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-RQLLA HEAD COUNT Fail Semester 1969-70 TOTAL ENROLLMENT 6088 (Excluding work period Co-op Students SCHOOL OF MINES AND METALLURGY Ceramic Engineering Geological Engineering Metallurgical Engineering Mining Engineering Nuclear Engineering Petroleum Engineering TOTAL
und er g r ad uate
SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Aerospace Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Engineering Mechanics Mechanical Engineering Engineering Engineering Administration Engineering Management TOTAL
£9 51 97 42 59 64 372
M.S. 9 8 18 10 9 14 68
152 320 689 891 6 808 303
5 79 42 34 2 42
Ph.D. 12 18 10 6 2 48
16 9 23 2 19
SCHOOL OF SCIENCE Chemistry Computer Science Geology Mathematics Physics TOTAL Liberal Arts Unclassified
155 3324
95 186 67 116 121 585
28 44 19 15 23 129
20 7 19 21 31 88
Total On-Campus Enrollment St. Louis Graduate Engineering Center
14 5235 853
Fall Semester 1964-65 TOTAL ENROLLMENT 4010 SCHOOL OF MINES AND METALLURGY Ceramic Engineering Geological Engineering Metallurgical Engineering Mining Engineering Nuclear Engineering TOTAL
61 18 195 69
8 11 31 22 5 77
SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Engineering TOTAL SCHOOL OF SCIENCE Chemistry Geology Mathematics Physics TOTAL
59 50 42 62
273 677 865 841 72 2728
78 54 116 149 397
13 13 33 46 105
1^04 1964 B.S. Degrees Ceramic Engineering Chemical Engineering Chemistry Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Geological Engineering Geology Mathematics (Applied) Mechanical Engineering Metallurgical Engineering Mining Engineering Physics
DEGREE PROGRAMS B.S. Degrees Aerospace Engineering Applied Mathematics Ceramic Engineering Chemical Engineering Chemistry Civil Engineering Computer Science Electrical Engineering Engineering Management Engineering Mechanics Geological Engineering Geology and Geophysics Mechanical Engineering Metallurgical Engineering Mining and Geophysical Engineering Nuclear Engineering Petroleum Engineering Physics B.A. Degrees Economics English History Phi losophy Psychology M.S. Degrees Aerospace Engineering Applied Mathematics Ceramic Engineering Chemical Engineering Chemistry Civil Engineering Computer Science Electrical Engineering Energy Conversion Engineering Administration Engineering Mechanics Environmental & Planning Engineering Geological Engineering Geology Geophysical Engineering Geophysics Mechanical Engineering Metallurgical Engineering Mining Engineering Nuclear Engineering Petroleum Engineering Physics M.S. for Teachers
M.S. Degrees Ceramic Engineering Chemical Engineering Chemistry Computer Science Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Engineering Mechanics Geological Engineering Geology Mathematics (Applied) Mechanical Engineering Metallurgical Engineering Mining Engineering Nuclear Engineering Physics M.S. for Teachers
Ph.D. Degrees Ceramic Engineering Chemical Engineering Chemistry Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Engineering Physics Geological Engineering Geology Geophysical Engineering Geophysics Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Metallurgical Engineering Mining Engineering Nuclear Engineering Petroleum Engineering Physics
Ph.D. Degrees Ceramic Engineering Chemical Engineering Chemistry Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Engineering Physics Geology Metallurgical Engineering Mining Engineering
DOF Aug 69
G -P tjl G C G •rH TO p G G P G Cn C p •P G tn TS G G W EG
co vo -P Ol G Ip G E 1 —1 1 --1 O * P 00 G VO H Ol rp
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T3 CO i-H in <n cn r^- 00 o cn i—i CN i—i VO rp CM i—1 o ro vo m o LO cn in o O O 00 o CD LO CM O co in in ^f ^f VO in CO CO -P cn 00 in CO Vf G i-H rtS P O tn cu G P tr G Q
ino co oo IS- -vt vo
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m cn cn VO CO CM rH 00 in in
§ « O G W 0 Q -H
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CO c w
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o MH 0) jj rtf p
CO <1)
rtf p
P h .D .
E n ro llm en t 53 p e r c e n t 17 P h . D .
o f
com pleted,
w h ich
en gin eerin g
Oregon S t a t e ,
en gin eerin g
in s titu tio n s
w ith
hy c u r r e n t
tren ds
doctorates b y
estim ates,
be g r a n t e d
e n g in e e rin g
fo r
s o c ia l
other f i e l d s ,
e n g in e e rin g w ith
fie ld s
sc ie n c e s ,
w ith
grant the
th at and are:
4 ,0 4 0 ;
S in ce
most o f
la st
fiv e
years, are
grow r a p id ly .
a total
(th e
u n iv e rs itie s
a mo ng t h e
Ph .D .
Ph.D .
la te s t
a v a i l a b l e ) , UMR w i t h oth er
UMR' s
fa c ilitie s
UMR g r a n t e d year.
in crea se
(Iow a,
n a tio n 's
C om p arative
em p h asis,
scie n ce s.
s cie n ce
en ro llm en t. w ill
fou r
fo r
p h y s ic a l
oth er
fo r
gradu ate
th at
tie d
w ith in
s ta tis tic s
w h ich
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HEAD-COUNT OF FULL-TIME PhD FACULTY tiiept. T2 , 1969 J Department 1964/65 SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Chemical Engineering 9 Civil Engineering 3 Electrical Engineering 5 Engineering Management Not Organized Engineering Mechanics 1Mechanical & Aerospace Engr. 6 TOTAL 24 SCHOOL OF MINES AND METALLURGY Ceramic Engineering 4 Geological Engineering 8* Metallurgical & Nuclear Engr. 6 Mining & Petroleum Engineering 5 TOTAL 15 SCHOOL OF SCIENCE Computer Science Not Organized Chemistry (including Life Science) 12 Geology 8* Mathematics 3 Physics 12 TOTAL 35 DIVISION OF LIBERAL ARTS Humanities Social Sciences Physical Education TOTAL St. Louis Graduate Engineering Center
1 1 0 Not Organized
*The departments of Geology and Geological Engineering were separated in 1968. total is added to School of Science only. RESEARCH UNITS1 ' Cloud Physics Computer Center Electronics/Research Environmental Research Geophysical Observatory Industrial Research Center International Center Materials Research Nuclear Reactor Facility Research Coordinator Rock Mechanics Water Resources TOTAL
Not Organized 1 Not Organized Not Organized Not Organized Not Organized Not Organized 4 1 Not Organized Not Organized Not Organized 6
10 21
25 3 10
23 92 5 3 14 4
26 4 20
21 19 73 9 12
21 8
The 1964-65
0 0 0 1 0 2
0 0 4
ADMINISTRATION General Administration Not Appointed Academic Deans full time 4 Not Organized Counseling 1 Not Organized Institutional Studies 254 86 GRAND TOTAL Total faculty and administrative personnel has increased from 257 (48.9X with doctorates in 1964-65 to 398 (77.5% with doctorates) in 1969-70. §■* Research personnel, many of whom hold both res credited to group under which they are budgeted.
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ACADEMIC UNITS School of Mines and Metallurgy - Dean T. J. Planje Ceramic Engineering ................................ D r . Robert E . Moore Metallurgical and Nuclear Engineering.............. Dr. Harry W. Weart Mining and Petroleum Engineering................... Dr. James j] Scott Geological Engineering.............................. Dr. r . Beveridge School of Engineering - Dean J. Stuart Johnson Civil E n g i n e e r i n g ...... ................ Electrical Engineering................... Chemical Engineering..................... Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering .... Engineering Mechanics.................... Engineering Management...................
Dr. Joseph H. Senne Dr. John R. Betten Dr. Mailand R. Strunk Dr. Thomas R. Faucett Prof. R. F. Davidson Prof. Bernard R. Sarchet
School of Science - Dean Paul D. Proctor Chemistry................................ Geology................................... Physics..... ........ .................... Mathematics ............................. Computer Science.........................
Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.
Division of Liberal Arts - Dr. Jim C. Pogue, Director Humanities...................................... Social Sciences................................. Physical Education (No degree).................
Dr. Jim C. Pogue Dr. Marvin R. Cain . Prof. Dewey J. Allgood
William H. Webb Thomas R. Beveridge Harold Q. Fuller Glen Haddock Billy E. Glllett
Dean of Graduate School - Dr. Robert H. McFarland St. Louis Graduate Engineering Center
Dr. Anton D. Brasunas, 1
RESEARCH UNITS Unit R. E. .Professor J. R. S. G. R. K. W. J. Graduate Center for Cloud Physics Research............. .Dr. J. L. D. E. D. R. Rock Mechanics and Explosives Research Center.......... .Dr. G. B. J. C. Administrative Offices Chancellor--------------- _________ Dr. Merl Baker Admissions and Registrar, Robert B. Lewis Director (on leave) Lauren A. Peterson, associate director Business Officer----Centennial Office---Cooperative Program— Dean of Faculties---Extension Division--Institutional Studies
•Joseph D. Wo H a r d Dr. Aaron Miles Coordinator •George E. Vaughn, Jr., director Dr. Dudley Thompson ■Dr. G. E. Lorey, dean •Dr. Lynn W. Martin, director
Placement and Industry Relations—L. R. Nuss, director . Cress, director Public Information------------ W. D E. Ponder, director Student Services--------------- Paul
Director Carlile R. E. Lee Betten Grigoropoulos Frohlich James Kassner Day Edwards Clark Maxwell
C en ten n ial E d ition c_ymimnus U N
ir. r m £ £
February 24, 1870, the 25th General Assembly o f Missouri thorized the founding o f the land grant University o f Missouri chool of Mines and Metallurgy which is now the University o f vrVouri-Rolla. Today the largest engineering school west o f the Mississippi with a reputation placing it among the top technoi Seal universities, it has proven the worth o f quality education. Graduates are recognized leaders throughout the nation and the W°irlnow officially proclaim the Centennial Celebration to be from Founder’s Day, February 24, 1970, through Commencement, May 31 1971. The faculty, students and alumni welcom e your participation and support in honoring this great University.
Chancellor Baker
fS L
Merl Baker Chancellor
Volume 44
February 1970
Num ber 1
00 K)
The First T h irty Y e a r s Turn of the C e n tu r y A c k n o w le d g m e n ts .......................
The “Great W ar” E r a
13 16 19
History o f th e A lu m n i A s s o c i a t i o n The Roaring” T w e n t i e s
Alumni A s s o cia tio n O f f i c e r s Age o f A u s te r ity
25 26 31 32 37 38 43 44
Administrators 1 8 7 1 - 1 9 7 0 World War II Y e a r s ^ntennial E v e n ts . I[he “Silent” F i f t i e s
IALook To The Future 1Ile Campus o f th e S i x t i e s
Issuedfjj N K ^ l o fnth J eftr tereSt ° f th e g r a t e s and ! ealS and t h e I f ° Uri S c h ° o1 o f M ines and | ? criPtiol price $ ^ n erS't y ° f M issouri - R o lla .
L eredas second class m ' mcluded in A lu m n i Dues.
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HDU401, R undIer Ith e A' 926’ P“ > c t o f «M arch
MSM A L U M N U S , Editor F ra n c is C . E d w a rd s C e n te n n ia l E d it io n , E x e c u tiv e E d ito r S a lly W hite O ffic e o f P u b lic In fo rm a tio n
The skyline o f Rolla during the 1880’s. “ History o f MSM” /Photo
THE FIRST THIRTY YEARS On February 24, 1870, after an eight-year debate centered around location, Missouri’ s 25th General Assembly established three land grant colleges under the national Morrill A ct o f 1862. The College o f Agriculture was to be incor porated with the campus o f the existing University o f Missouri at Columbia in Boone County. Lincoln Institute, a school for negroes only, was established in Jefferson City in Cole County, and the School o f Mines and Metallurgy, a division o f the University o f Missouri, would be located in southeast Missouri, in the county within the mineral district donating the greatest amount o f land and money. A special committee o f the Board o f Curators was appointed to establish the actual location o f the School o f Mines and Metallurgy. Tw o counties, Phelps and Iron, were the only ones within the area to offer bids substantial enough to be considered. Phelps County with its pledge o f bonds valued at $75,000, mineral lands, a building site and additional lands valued at more than $55,000, was the successful bidder. The city o f Rolla was formally approved by the Board o f Curators on December 20, 1870, as the home o f the Missouri School o f Mines and Metallurgy.
A t that time there were actually very few institutions in the United States devoted to training students in the technological sciences. Other land grant institutions established since the passage o f the Morrill A ct o f 1862 were vers new and usually emphasized the science of agriculture. The amount o f basic knowledge available for use in training engineers was limited and had been developed primarily in Europe However, the need was great. The 1850sand ’ 60’ s had pointed out the potential both in s™ and in peace. There was much to be done int e fields o f mining, development o f transportation systems and industrial growth. This then, the very beginning o f an institution that wou train a succession o f engineers who wo become well known throughout the state, na i and even the world, as men who have tributed a great deal to the progress of man The Missouri School o f Mines and Me a ^ was extremely fortunate to have two very ^ and progressive men to undertake the es ment o f the institution. University Ere ^ Daniel Read looked for a man who Kn ^ sciences, as well as mining, §e0 ° 8^ana metallurgy. He was seeking a business ol well as a scholar, and one who was cap
mi ■I ZM
; ■WifEr ‘ j'sHH'"':: ,i;ir b ■uii!!u;: ni,,* ooifiii,iiinrifiiiiii[iiiiirnill*lillllllll|{llinli ll i t l f l i i l l The Rolla Building was the only building the school hadfor 14years.
planning an institution, choosing faculty and designing a curriculum. When he fou n T su ch B ! man in the person o f Charles Penrose Williams, G;, r es- ot chemistry at Delaware State f3 K 1-ari ed hlm with the development ° Ti.pSch?° and supported his program. fe ll| | 00 0Pened under bright auspices. vio0r |n adf an us work with enthusiasm and director he was",. 115 admmistrative duties as analyticalK J 3 Professor o f general and W. Allen w s 1St^ o f metallurgy. Nelson mathematics anriPPCi>mted assistant professor o f the Acuity William Co aV he firSt secretary to analytical chernistrv J h W3S an assistant in educators S i y " 1 assa7 m ^ These three administrative staff3 faculty and University 0f M i« , • ~he Sch° o1 o f Mines. The Usts two other un Catalog for the first year "’ajhematics and « „ Clairs\ that o f . applied ',nd natural historv and o f geology iat these were Hu i16 catalog merely states ’^umabiy by Will " U V other instructors, n the sum ams and Allen. ?»»' Board hZ ° f ]8 V the Rolla Public astruction 0f c°m pleted plans for the ; ector Williams for its schools - I with |-.-m t, m y after his arrival, began . rations Port|°n of thisbuii .R l ) l j Scho° l officials, for naing as temporary quarters
History o f M SM ’’/Photo
pending the construction o f the: proposed permanent School o f Mines building. The request was granted and on Novem ber 23, 1871 the school was form ally opened - utilizing the top tw o floors o f the building - with a very impressive and elaborate ceremony. Enrollment for the first year was listed as twenty-eight. This included eight first-year or regular students, three Specials, and seventeen enrolled m the preparatory department. Nineteen o f the twenty-eight were listed as Rolla students and most o f the others were from the local area. , As th,e ,jst shows, the largest enrollm ent during the first year Was in the preparatory department. Practically all colleges o f that day had such departments, primarily because o f the jack o f high school facilities at this early date T h e work given in the few secondary schools was not in any way organized to prepare students for a school o f technology. It was considered an absolute necessity to prepare students before they could hope to m eet the real com petition o f technical college work. From the beginning D irector Williams insisted “ P f a broadly-based, well-balanced curricula and a well-integrated program for degree work. 1hose who sought admission tb the first year
Physics Lab. in the Rolla Building - 1890\ ‘History o f MSM’ ’/Phot.
The early MSMfaculty (about 1873). Seated: Director C. P. W illiam s with Col. J. W . Abert at his right and Capt. R. W . Douthat to his left. Standing: Prof. N. W . Allen on the left andProf. W illiamCooch. “ History o f MSM ’’/Photo
An assayfurnace —1895. “ History o f MSM’’/Photo
Cadets of 1875-77.
‘History o f MSM’ ’/Photo
The first graduates were: (l) John W . Pack, (c) John H. Gill and (r) Gustavus A. Duncan. “ History o f MSM’ ’/Photo
Maj. George D. Emerson with his 1883Philosophy Class.
m had to be at least seventeen years o f age PT S ?o stand an examination in all the S e c t s of the preparatory year. The program S L to a degree covered courses over a hree-vear period. Special students were dmitted to any department without an entrance examination, but they were not en titled to a degree. They were, however, issued certificates of proficiency upon the satisfactory completion o f any course which they might e'ejhe first three years o f the school’ s history saw an increase in the faculty, an increase o f enrollment to 107 students, and refinements in the curriculum. In June o f 1874 the first three degrees were granted. Gustavus A . Duncan and John Holt Gill received Civil Engineering degrees and John Wallace Pack received a degree in MiningEngineering. A problem which received serious considera tion by the faculty in the early years was student discipline. While perhaps some o f the rulesand regulations appear extrem ely harsh and childish to us today, it must be remembered that the moral citizenship training for the individual wasconsidered almost as significant as academic and technical subject matter in the 1870’ s. The college was a place for citizenship training as well as a group o f classrooms in which the formulas of chemistry were com m itted to memory. A system o f demerits was established ogovern the conduct o f the students. Absences, rdiness, general decorum and the use o f anHX1fpntS were main causes o f concern, ottenses were assigned various numbers o f suhla •.3 ^ ° f twenty-five demerits ree t„e, a no*e the parents and fifty demerits mp e SusPensi°n from school. Disciplinary Var*ec* widely on the question o f f a S atl° n' 0n SePtember 22, 1873, the intoYiLtV?te<^ t^lat any student becoming °x,Cated at the St. James Fair would be Nomine Tue" et^ from school on the follow ing Ntoxicati most common action in regard to aPledge n° WaS t0 ma^e the guilty student sign Ntoxicatprff61 to enter a saloon or to become TheTan M remainder o f the year, about the r Cr °* or(ierliness in the building and of the firs n r^ 5 Was a^so covered by rules. One •he minute« lsclP^nary regulations to appear in Gilding 0r Pr°hibited loitering around the °n the school grounds. Between
classes no student was to wander about the halls or campus without permission. He was to be either in class or in the library preparing his lessons. In no case could a student leave school before the close o f recitations except w ith an excuse from the parents. The faculty also frow ned upon play or any kind o f sports during the regular school hours. In September, 1874, a number o f students petitioned the faculty for permission to play games during the periods for which they had no recitations. The faculty turned down the petition with the command that those desiring fun and games be required to go to the library and prepare their next assignments. Despite a lack o f financial support during its early years, the school was gaining a favorable reputation throughout the state. In 1875 the General Assembly made its first direct appropriation o f $10,000 to the school fo r the biennium 1875—76. It also provided $25,000 with which to purchase the Rolla building from the public school system and gave the school its first permanent structure. Lack o f funds had precluded building the school on the original site. A fte r 1875, serious difficulties began to confront the institution. The phenomenal growth and success that had so marked the first three or four years could not continue. The basic problem was the panic o f 1873, follow ed by a depression which, by 1875, had made itself felt in Missouri. Because o f this and other problems beyond his control, Director Williams resigned in 1877. The next twenty years were to be the most difficult o f the school’ s history, particularly the period between 1877 and 1888. Enrollment was low follow in g the depression and most o f the students were from the immediate surrounding area and included a fairly large percentage o f females. Numerous changes or experiments in the curricula were attempted in the direction o f the liberal arts in order to attract students and thus combat the declining enrollment. During the latter part o f the 1880’ s the technical faculty rebelled and the curricula returned to the standards instituted by Director Williams. A major curricular innovation first occurred with the introduction o f new degree courses in 1889 and 1890. In addition to the traditional work in the fields o f mining and civil
Engineering Class 1890-91: 1. A. J. Stewart, ’91, 2. G. W . Herdman, '94, 3. Geo. R. Dean, ’91, 4. Fayette A. Jones, '92, 5. H. H. Fox, Ex '94, 6. Director Echols 7. T. A. Alexander, ’01, 8. J. C. Reid, ’93, 9. F. L. Tyrrell ’93, 10. C. M. Kelly, Ex ’93, 11. D. C. Jackling, ’92, 12. P. L. Lowe, Ex
Lab in old ChemistryBuilding- 1 8 9 0 's.
The second building on cam pus- C h em istrybuilt in 1885. Stamp mill in the 1895 MiningLab. (la terth t oldpower building).
An early viewof the campusfrom Frisco Pond.
engineering, it was possible to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering, chemistry, mathematics, physics and general science. During the 1892—93 school year the preparatory department, which had been in existence since the beginning o f the school, was abolished and the regular technical course was extended to a four year program. The establish ment o f an English requirement for all curricula was also instituted. The year 1891 saw the appointment o f the first permanent professor o f physics and a new chair o f mining and metallurgy was created in 1893. In 1894 the curriculum was divided into the fo llo w in g departments: engineering, chemistry, mining and metallurgy, mathematics, physics and modern languages. Activities o f the students remained under close supervision by the faculty. Social life centered in groups w ho gathered together to develop the literary and oratorical style o f the student. They sought specifically to train the student in the art o f debate and public speaking. The faculty gave permission to use a room at the school for performances and these became popular events in the early history o f the school. A survey o f the expenses entailed by the student for the 1886—87 term is surprisingly meager when contrasted with the higher livingcosts of later years. The Catalog for that year published an estimated statement o f the probable expense for a typical student for one year. The expense account was itemized as follows: T u itio n ........................................... $20.00 Laboratory expense ....................... 20.00 Board, fuel, washing, lights ......................... 96.00 to 150.00 1 Books, stationery, etc...................8.00 to 20.00 The minimum estimate equaled $ 144.00 per year; the maximum amounted to only $210.00 annually. Many students earned a portion o f their expenses by working at various jobs in the town. The parents were urged by the school administration to give their sons and daughters very little spending money, as only a small sum was needed in that day. The school authorities might have reasoned that a student having an
excessive amount o f money would be more likely to neglect his studies and become a disciplinary problem. Beginning in 1888, athletics made great strides forward. As early as 1891, an Athletic Association was organized among the students to promote an interest in the various sports. Also, by this time, a field was enclosed and graded for athletic activities. Intercollegiate rivalry began with the game o f football. The first such game was played with Drury College at Springfield, Missouri in the fall o f 1893. The expenses o f the fifteen men making the trip were paid by the home team. It is interesting to note that Harry K. Landis, professor o f mining and metallurgy, played right-end in this game. There seems to have been no objection to coaches or members o f the faculty playing in these early contests. The Miners lost this first game, the only intercollegiate contest played that year, but in the return contest in 1894 they won by an 8 to 6 score. The first physical addition to the campus during this period was the construction o f the Chemistry Laboratory in 1885. The building as then constructed was only a one-story struc ture and comprised the central portion. The wings and the second story o f this building were added at a later date. The addition o f the Chemistry Laboratory made the institution appear more like a school o f technology, as it could boast o f two halls o f learning rather than only one. In 1895 an appropriation o f $3,500 from the legislature made vast improvements in the campus and grounds. The entire campus was graded, and a low stone wall, surmounted by an iron fence, was built along the southern and eastern sides. In 1889 the building that is now the Chancellor’s residence was built and used as a dormitory and mess club until 1900. The Mining and Metallurgy building was constructed and furnished in 1895. The geological and mineralogical equipment was placed in this building and the collection was augmented by the acquisition o f the entire Missouri Mineral Exhibit, which was on display at the Chicago W orld’s Fair in 1893. After thirty years o f a struggling existence, the beginning o f a new century saw the institution poised for a leap into a new era o f great promise and prosperity.
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N o rw o o d H a ll was c o m p le te d in 1902 and the firs t stage o f the M eta llu rgy B u ild in g (b e h in d N o rw o o d )
>1 second
story and tw o wings were added t o C hem istry in 1901. The M in in g La bora tory.
M W t e rhf kS^m *
was b u ilt in 1907.
A 1910 view o f the city o f Rolla from 12th and Main.
TURN OF THE CENTURY The first ten years of the new century-were tc bring the first real support from the Genera: Assembly the School had known. The faculty was increased, curriculum improved, enrollment increased (including a number of out-of-state an foreign students), and the campus gained nree new huildings and a substantial addition to e o chemistry building as well as extensive campusbeautification and utilities. the niaW!ngs an(* a second story were added to Hall wo C emistry building in 1901. Mechanical in 19m f i m *n 1902 and Norwood Hall 1907 Metallurgy Building was built in returned lu6 „ t a t e Geological Survey was City"and the Rolla camPus from Jefferson benefit tn k I?ov® bas proved to be of mutual agencyever since ^ *nstitution and the state School oVlu!S becade the University of Missouri n°teworthv « ■ ■ ■ ■ beSan to gain a ulternationflih, atlon both nationally and ?untry acadJm" was„no longer “ . . . merely a ’Jrepresident nf H as at had been termed by thePrevious decade Mlchigan Scho° l of Mines in elatively small, the
facultv faculty
composed of a number of excellent teachers who were a congenial group and gave the school their whole-hearted support. Many of the faculty and students enjoyed the abundant hunting and fishing available in the area, and the pranks stemming from the friendly rivalry among the sportsmen became legend. The foundation for most of today’s student activities was laid in the first ten years of the new century. In 1903 the first three social fraternities received their charters. They were Kappa Alpha, Kappa Sigma and Sigma Nu. The Y.M.C.A. organization on campus was started in 1904 and was quite influential and vigorous during the early part of the century. Tau Beta Pi, the first honorary fraternity was chartered in 1906, and the first student professional organization, the Missouri Mining Association, was begun in 1910. In 1902 the first eating clubs were established on campus, but all of them (four or five at various times) later became the nucleus for, and were converted to, national social fraternities. The campus yearbook the “Rollamo” was initiated by the fraternities in 1907 and has been published every year Since that time. Later the publication staff for the annual became campus9
T y p ica l R o lla girls o f 1908 o r 1909.
M S M students a t th e F la t R u n L e a d Mines.
A junior trip to
Idaho Springs, C o lo ra d o
wide. Probably the most elaborate, enduring the vigorous activity of all was established in 1908. For a description of the beginning of St. Pat’s Celebrations we refer to an account published in the March 10, 1924 edition of the M is s o u r i Miner. In the spring o f 1 9 0 8 th e U n iv e r s ity c Missouri extended an in v ita t io n t o th e S c h o o l c ines send a d elega te t o C o lu m b ia t o w itn e i ^‘r (St. Pat’s) c e re m o n ie s . A s a re s u lt, a m at v/L tlnH was held in f r o n t o f th e P o s t O f f i c i ,J.r,e, I m p o r t a n t q u e s tio n s o f s ta te w et the ed' an<* ■ B o w le s was e le c t e d d e le g a te t ei, CeremonIes at C o lu m b ia . T h e M in e r s , h o v Mod ' rtcZu m t c o n te n te d t o le t th e s itu a t io Eatio,, H il ^ c o m m it t e e c o n s is t in g o f G. I " ■ ■ H H M and D. 1 celehmti ’ . ’ was a p p o in t e d t o a rra n g e encounteflri" R ° Ua' C o n s id e ra b le d i f f i c u l t y wt skeptical r y U m any o f th e s tu d e n ts w ei was o p p o s e d t o th a M a rc h 1 7> 1 9 0 8 > was d e cla re and on th y p o p u la r v o t e o f th e s tu d e n t b o d at the G r L 7 % m in g ° f t he 1 7 th > S t - P a t a rrive C entral s ta tio n ( R o l l a d e p o t ) in th
S tu d e n ts ’ trip to southeast M is s o u ri in 1910.
p e r s o n o f G e o r g e M e n e f e e , a n d was m e t b y th e c r o w d a r m e d w ith s h illa la h s, a n d w e a r in g g r e e n sashes. S t. P a t a lig h t e d f r o m h is P a la c e C a r ( h a n d c a r ), a n d was e s c o r t e d t o h is c h a r io t , in w h ic h h e r o d e t o N o r w o o d H a ll a t th e h e a d o f t h e h a s tily a rra n g e d parade. “A f t e r le c t u r in g th e s e n io rs a n d in t e r p r e t in g th e m a rk s o n th e B la r n e y S t o n e , h e d u b b e d th e class o f ’0 8 a n d D r . L . E . Y o u n g ‘K n ig h t s o f th e O r d e r o f S t. P a tr ic k . ’ A b a n d c o n c e r t , h ila r it y , a n d a g e n e r a l re s o lv e t o c o n t in u e th e c e le b r a t io n in f u t u r e y e a rs e n d e d th e d ay. ”
The previously established traditions were continued with enthusiasm. These were such activities as “Green Cap Day” , the traditional initiation of the freshmen by the sophomores wherein the two classes were pitted against each other in a “fight” and such activities as blanket tossing and tug-of-war. The various classes continued to hold their “smokers” and/or “banquets” and high spots of the year were the Junior and Senior “tours” of mines and industry throughout Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, and—in some instances—as far as Utah and New Mexico. The first ten years of the new century were indeed, a bright era in the development of MSM.
A t le ft is a series o f p h o to s f r o m th e 1 9 1 0 Rollam o illustratinga p o p u la r f o r m o f c o u rtin g in those days - a stroll down the F ris co tracks. R o lla m o ’s ran m any o f the photos over the yem b u t n ever d id show w here th e cou ples were going. Fortunately. Mrs. J o h n M o rris (O liv e S c o t t ) used to make charcoal drawings o f th e d estin a tion — “ th e c u t ” — and sell them to sentimental students. The above was ren d ered when she was 13.
A n early fra te rn ity party.
A CKN O W LED G M EN TS Centennial Publication A d v iso ry Committee The Alumni Association wishes to acknowledge the assistance of Dr. and Mrs. C. V. Mann f Rolla, in the preparation of this special Centennial Edition of the M . S . M . A l u m n u s . Source materials and many of the photographs were originally researched by the Manns and ar in the book “The History of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy? This book is the story of the school’s first 70 years, and was published by the Phelps County Historical Society in 1941. Special thanks are due the Centennial Publication Advisory Committee whose members are William Hayes, Dan Kennedy, Mrs. V. H. (Am y) McNutt, Mrs. John (Olive) Morris, Stephen Sowers, Dr. C. J. Potter, Frank Mackaman, Francis “Irce” Edwards and Bill Atchley. Many hours have been spent by this group in planning and researching material for this issue. We also wish to thank those who have supplied photographs for the magazine. These generous people are: Mrs. John Morris (including her charcoal drawing of “the cut”), Mr. Ted Lynton, and Dr. A. J. Miles. The four color pictures on the back cover and the inside front and back covers are from the award-winning 1969 “Rollamo” . The photo of the Rolla Building on the cover was taken by Will Rand.
A M essage From Dr. Mann Mrs. Mann and I are pleased to cooperate with the Alumni Association in the publication of this Centennial Alumnus by permitting the use of material from the book “The History of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy” . We still have a few copies of the book available and will ship a copy (prepaid) to any alumnus on receipt of $ 10.
Dr. and Mrs. C. V. M a n n
Centennial Medall ions ^morabilia fnr 5 designed and ca: school. It k L r 100th anniversary bronze. ThPa •6 mc*les in diameter and artist, H R,meS1^ *s creation of the i To order n SParlingPayable to tHi make your *nd to thp Alumni Associatic ^ssouri~Rn], w S B Office, Univers *der-If von it' Tu6 Cost is $7-50 for '"lalUo'l £ Cost H H f l '° ^ “
T h e C e n te n n ia l M e d a llio n
O ld b e ll used to M in e r victories.
A sw im m ing interlude.
■ H
D e m o n s tra tio n o f m in e rescue training. T h e freshm an class in 1911.
The 1912 graduating class.
A Student Council was established in 1911 during the fortieth year of the School’s existence, and 1914 was the year of the most distinguished football team in the School’s history. Their impressive schedule was as follows: Miners 9 || Missouri U 0 Miners 19 9 Washington U 0 Miners 40 — Arkansas U 0 Miners 87 1 Kansas School of Mines 0 Miners 68 9 Drury 0 Miners 104 9 Pittsburg Normal 0 Miners 150 9Kirksville Osteopaths 0 Miners 63 9 St. Louis U 0 The regular season left the Miners with 540 fnti iJi an absolute zero for the opponents’ fane ”re?sure from local and St. Louis press and _l Was brought to bear and the team agreed to Cnlip3 P°s*V’eason game with Christian Brothers refnepH +n .ecember 5, in St. Louis. The faculty ramp °a ®lve ■ team permission to play the Cu an? •eyen members of the Board of before th ne<^ *° S*°P D However, on the day of R0ua e. latest the entire team sneaked out of the oo 4-t>0 a.m., and the following account Democrat™ aPPeared in the S t. L o u i s G lo b e nocrat' on Sunday. Brothers’ 11 S i d e fe a te d th e C h ris tia n The point?0 y e s te r d ay a f t e r n o o n , 2 7 t o 6. 'he season Tk 6 aga' n s t R o l l a w e re th e f i r s t o f disicon™,..gu rrte H s ta g e d u n d e r th e m o s t c ga m e was gln8 c o n d itio n s e v e r a t t e n d in g a g a m e in
1 9 1 1 -1 9 2
S t. L o u is . T h e w e a th e r was ra w a n d c o ld , a n d ra in d r iz z le d a g o o d p a r t o f th e a f t e r n o o n . T h e c r o w d was b u t a s m a ll o n e as a re s u lt. T h e f i e l d was in p o o r c o n d i t i o n f o r p la y , t h o u g h b e t t e r th a n m ig h t b e e x p e c t e d , c o n s id e r in g t h e c o n t in u e d ra in o f th e p a s t w e e k . W r a n g lin g m a r r e d th e c o n te s t , c a u s e d b y e x p lu s io n o f p la y e rs . T h e e n d o f t h e c o n t e s t d ra g g e d i n t o d ark n ess. A n d in th e b a c k g r o u n d was t h e f a c t t h a t th e R o l l a p la y e rs w e re p la y in g w i t h o u t th e p e r m is s io n o f t h e ir F a c u lt y , a n d d id n o t k n o w w h a t th e o u t c o m e m ig h t b e . . . ”
Sure enough, the whole team was promptly suspended from school. Later, when Acting Director Garrett interceded in their behalf, all the players were reinstated. During the 1914—15 academic year the M is s o u r i M i n e r began continuous publication. Earlier student newspapers had been spasmodic and of uncertain quality. The first editor was J. L. Head. Fred Grotts was the first general manager and G. E. Johnson the first business manager. In 1915 another tradition that has lasted through the years was established when Miss Helen Basinger was named the first St. Pat’s Queen of Love and Beauty. In the year 1918, the first Homecoming celebration was initiated. Physical facilities on campus were increased with the completion of Parker Hall (now the administration building) which was the first fire-proof building on campus. Jackling Field was constructed in 1912, Jackling Gymnasium
W |« X i C 4 H « ^
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A 1911 tra ck event.
G. //. Pra tt,
1911 St. P a t’s Guard.
“ History o f MSM” /Photo
Eva H ird le r G reen, ’l l fe m a le St. P a t’s K n ig h t.
— fir s t
The famous 1914 football squad.
Surveying students.
, <f
Parker H all was com p leted in 1912.
in 1915. Land for the School’s experimental mine was also purchased during the 1914—15 academic year. The land for the golf course was acquired in 1919, after W orld War I. Although MSM was officially a land-grant institution and was therefore supposed to be requiring military training o f its students, the only program o f this kind was held for four years during the early 1870’s. A t that time the only equipment available for the cadets was uniforms and rifles left over from the Civil War. With the entry o f the United States into World War I in 1917, the faculty and students immediately set about to establish a military training program on the campus. At the begin ning of the hostilities, many o f the students and a number o f the faculty left school to become members o f the armed forces — mostly in the Army Corps o f Engineers. A fter the initial flurry of enlistments, however, the government began to urge that students — particularly those in technological institutions — remain in school to finish their training. A request to the War Department^ for assistance in setting up a military training program revealed that the War Department had no personnel to spare at that time and couldn t promise any rifles until Novem ber o f 1917. Nevertheless, with Professor Muilenburg in charge, the students set up their own program on a volunteer basis and drill was held every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Another evidence o f the patriotism o f the students was the subscription drive held to obtain money to purchase a flag and flagpole for the campus. The drive was successful, and the flagpole erected with the appropriate ceremony,
and the flag was raised and lowered each day by students and faculty who volunteered for the duty. The volunteer military training program continued until the summer o f 1918 when the War Department established a summer training camp on the campus, utilizing Jackling Gymnasium as a barracks for 160 men, and hastily erecting a temporary metal building west o f the Gym for a mess hall. These men were mostly volunteers from Missouri who obtained their military training from regular officers but also received a two-month “ short course’’ in general mechanics and mining from MSM pro fessors. The program was so successful that a second detachment o f soldiers arrived the middle o f August and stayed through the middle o f October. In October the “ Student Army Training Corps” was established at Rolla and most o f the regular students became members. The students lived under strict military supervision with stringent rules and little free time. The program didn’t last very long and was disbanded in December following the armistice on November 11, 1918. In 1919 the official R.O.T.C. program was established on the campus and has continued ever since. During the same year the Federal Board for Vocational Education set up a program on campus for ex-servicemen. Some o f these stu dents went into the regular courses. Others, who did not have the requisite preliminary training, took a special two-year course in structural, mechanical or electrical training. This program continued for six years.
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HISTORY OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Alumni Luncheon A IM E Convention, New Orleans on February 27, 195 7.
I There were three alumni in the first gradu ating class o f 1874, G. A. Duncan, J. H. Gill and J. W. Pack. 1 Equipped with their degrees, they departed for Colorado in quest o f an employer who would enable them to practice their chosen profession. One evening after their labors in a smelter, near Boulder, Duncan was engaged in the scientific manipulation o f his weekly washing in the mill race. Pack was mending his overalls. Gill was writing a letter to his lady friend, interrupting himself occasionally to make humorous remarks personal to the other two. Suddenly, he laid his writing aside and very seriously called the group to order in “The First Meeting o f the Alum ni o f the Missouri School o f Mines and Metallurgy.” The next alumni meeting o f record was in 1882. This reunion and banquet was held at the Windsor Hotel in Denver, Colorado, during the annual meeting o f the American Institute o f Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. The setting was the luxurious gold-trimmed “ Club R oom ” . Sixteen were present at this elegant repast. And one w ho was there described it as “ one o f the highest-toned spreads ever staged at the Windsor” . Sixteen dollars a plate! A t this meeting, “ The Missouri School o f Mines and Metallurgy Alum ni Association” was organized. G. A. Duncan was chosen president. This first Alum ni Association seems not to have been very active nor did it seem to have survived the first meeting. The school catalogue o f 1896—97 describes another later Alum ni Association, o f which Dr. Floyd Davis, ’83, was president, and Sallie Millard Roach, ’97, (the school’s first alumnae graduate) was secretary. This one too, was short-lived. In September 1915, a move was inaugurated to formally organize the Alum ni Association. It had for its purpose the bringing together o f alumni in closer relation with each other and their Alma Mater. A ll graduates and former students who had enrolled in the school for one year, and
present and former faculty members were eligible for membership. Three local alumni clubs were formed; the Kansas City Alumni Club; St. Louis Alumni Club and the Joplin Alumni Club. The president o f this Association was W. Roland C ox, ’ l l . With the appropriate fitness on the occasion o f the school’s fiftieth anniversary program (also celebrated as Homecoming Day, on November 4, 1921) a national Alumni Association was finally formed. The constitution proposed by a committee consisting o f J. S. Brown, ’ 17, G. R. Dean, ’90, J. A. Garcia, ’00, G. B. Morgan, ’04, V. H. McNutt, ’ 12, F. R. Rucker, ’06, and J. K. Walsh, * 17, was adopted. The first president was Arthur D. Terrell, ’98; A. Emory Wishon, ’09, was vice president and George R. Dean, ’90, was secretary. Alumni sections were organized in Tulsa, Oklahoma; St. Louis, Missouri; N ew York, New York; Chicago, Illinois; Joplin, Missouri and Los Angeles, California. In September, 1926, the first volume o f the MSM ALUM NUS, the Association’s official publication, was printed. Records were maintained and the MSM A LU M N U S was edited by the Registrar’s Office under the efficient direction o f Noel Hubbard, the school’s registrar. In 1946, the Alumni Association was incorporated and the new constitution and by-laws provided for the establishment o f an alumni office on the campus. On November 1, 1953, a full-time executive secretary, Francis C. “ Ike” Edwards, was employed. The first Alumni office, per se, was opened on the third floor o f the Old Metallurgy Building. The Alumni Association is now serving 16,500 living graduates and another 5,500 former students. It is governed by an elected board, rendering service to alumni, students, and the school’s faculty and administration through scholarships, awards, grants-in-aid, celebrations, meetings and information programs for the some 21,000 alumni.
Early air view o f cam pus: 1. R o lla B u ild in g 2. C hem istry 3. D ir e c t o r ’s Residence 4. P ow er pla n t 5. M ech a n ica l H a ll 6. N o r w o o d H a ll 7. M etallurgy B u ild in g 8. Pa rker H a ll 9. Ja cklin g G y m 10. Garage 11. Carpenter S h o p 12. Mississippi Valley M in in g E x p e rim e n t S ta tio n 13. Jackling F ie ld 14. Sigma N u fra tern ity.
istory o f MSM” /Photo
Faculty picnic on the Little Piney - 1924 or 25.
THE "ROARING” TWENTIES The years between 1921 and 1930 repre sented a period of growth in enrollment and an emphasis on expansion and improvement in curriculum, rather than any major improvement inthe physical aspects of the campus. Only one major building was added during this period, the Mississippi Valley Experiment Station in 1923. Social activities as well as the “ academic grind” were important to the students of this era. The annual parade to escort St. Pat from the railway station to the campus was inaugurated in theearly 1920’s, and the festivities included the minstrel show” on the afternoon following the parade. The big event was the midnight crowning of the Queen” and the masqued ball ed on Friday evening. Saturday night was the ccasionfor the formal dance. An organization formed by students erested in presenting dramatic entertainment JJ organized as the “ Star and Garter” in 1920, or thaS^ '°rganized in 1921 as the MSM Players natir.61 j ta Chapter of Alpha Psi Omega, a °nal dramatic organization. the stim^la^ed an important part in the life of various Sn • and while there had always been camniK musical organizations functioning on definite he official MSM Band was first its direnT 0rganized, with Mr. John W. Scott as or> during September of 1926. During
the fall of 1928 steps were taken to officially organize the Band as the R.O.T.C. Band, a part of the school’s military unit. The U. S. Govern ment supplied $2,000 worth of instruments and the band has been designated the R.O.T.C. band since that time. Athletics have remained an important part of the program at MSM and in 1927 increasing emphasis was placed on developing a strong intramural sports program. During the early twenties a definite plan of holding annual football banquets was inaugurated following an especially successful banquet presided over by Professor M. H. Thornberry as toastmaster. One of the most important developments of the 1920’s decade was the increasing emphasis placed on development of the curriculum and research. A curriculum in ceramics was added in 1926 and arrangements were made to offer a Ph.D. degree, in conjunction with the campus in Columbia, the same year. Research and post graduate work was increasing in several areas. Cooperation with the U. S. Bureau of Mines’s Mississippi Valley Experiment Station, the Missouri Mining Experiment Station and the Missouri State Geological Survey (all of these organizations were housed on the campus at this time) furnished opportunities for research work.
Voca tion a l students’ g ro u p in 1921.
1925 F o o tb a ll Team — best season since 1914. 5 wins, 2 losses, 1 tie. 1922 St. P a t’s M asaued Ball.
The M S M mine.
The 19 2 7 “ Collegians*’ band.
A a ron J. M iles fly in g glid er b u ilt by students in 1929.
D ir e c to r C. H. F u lto n , and P ro fe s s o r E. G. in a rela xed m om en t.
The M S M B and in 1928. The band was organized in 1926 w ith J o h n W. S c o t t as d ire cto r.
The “ Clay H ou s e ” o r p a villion north w est o f th e R o lla B u ild in g in a g ro v e o f trees.
Past Presidents 1921-23 1924-25 1926-27 1928-29 1930-31 1932-33 1934-35 1936-37 1938-39 1940-41
*a D. Terrell ’ 98 lag • *pi Emory Wishon 09 H Thornberry 1^ ” k. Walsh’ 17 -----H. H- Hartzell 06 . ! • ,D.C. Jackling 92 . | ■ *r p Cummings ud . ♦C A. Easley ’09 I • ♦R.F. Rucker 06 • • • *E. W. Engelmann U ■ ♦Deceased
C. G. Stifel ’ 1 6 ......................................................1941-44 F. C. Schneeberger ’ 25 ........................................ 1945-46 Karl F. Hasselmann’ 25 ..................................... 1947-48 M ervinJ. K e l l y ’ 14 ............................................ 1948-50 *J. L . Head ’ 16 ................................................... 1950-53 Harry S. P e n c e ’ 23 ............................................ 1953-56 Melvin E. N ic k e l’ 38 ..................... 1956-59 Paul T. D ow ling ’ 40 .......................................... 1959-62 James W. Stephens’ 47 ....................................... 1962-65 Raym ond O. Kasten ’ 43 ..................................... 1965-68
Present O ffic e rs - Executive Committee President . . • • • • • ■ • • Executive Vice-President. . Vice-President Areas 1 , 2 , 3 . Vice-President Areas 4, 5, 6 . Vice-President Areas 7, 8 ,9 . Secretary-Treasurer.......... Executive Secretary.......... Editor, “MSM ALUMNUS” FieldSecretary..........................
~ „ Term Expires
. James J. Murphy ’ 3 5 ............... St. Louis, M is so u ri.............................................. 1971 . Peter F. M attei ’ 3 7 .................. St. Louis, M is so u ri..................................................1971 . Lawrence A . Sp an ier’ 50 . . . . Garden C ity, N ew Y o r k .................................. 1971 . Joseph W. M o o n e y ’ 3 9 ............University C ity, M o .............................................. 1971 . William B. Fletcher ’ 3 4 ............D ow ney, C a l i f o r n i a ........................................... 1971 . . Dr. Thomas R. Beveridge ’ 42 . . Rolla, M issou ri.................................................. 1971 . . Francis C. Edwards ................ MSM Alum ni Association ............................... Frank H. M a c k a m a n ................ MSM Alum ni Association
HansE. Schmoldt ’4 4 .......................................................... Bartlesville, O klahom a.............................................................1971 JamesA. Vincent ’ 3 7 .......................................................... Orlando, F lo rid a ...................................................................... 1971 Rex Z. Williams ’ 3 1 ............................................................. Rolla, Missouri..........................................................................1971
A rea Directors AreaNo.
2 3 . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
States and Provinces Embraced
John B. T o o m ey ’ 49 Alexandria, Virginia . .
N ew England, N . Y ., N. J., East Pa. Dist. o f Columbia, M D ., V A ., Delaware Province o f Q u e b e c ....................................................... 1970 S. A r k .,N . C .,S . C .,L a ., Miss., Ala., Ga., Fla.....................................................................1972 Pennsylvania, W. V a., Ohio, W. Pa., K y ., Tenn., Ind. (E xcept Chicago Industrial A r e a ) ..............................................................1972 N . 111., Chicago Industrial Area in Indiana, Wise., Mich., Minn., Province o f O n t a r i o ..................................................... 1972 S. 111., E. M o., N. A rk .......................................................1970
Iow a, W. M o., Nebr., Kan., Okla.....................................1971
Texas, Arizona, N ew M e x i c o ....................................... 1970
Dr. Larry E. Farmer ’ 61 Atlanta, Georgia . . . . O. W. Kamper ’ 35 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Frank C. A ppleyard ’ 37 Glenview, 111.................. Richard H. Bauer ’ 52 St. Louis, Missouri John A . Walker ’ 50 . Kansas C ity, Missouri Robert Brackbill ’ 42 . Dallas, Texas George J. Decker ’ 39 Evergreen, Colorado .
E. Murray Schmidt ’ 49 Alameda, California . .
Term Expires
Ida., Montana, N . D., S. D. W yo., C olo., Nev., Utah, Provinces o f Manitoba, Sask., A lb e r t a .......................... 1972 Alaska, Washington, Oregon California, H a w a ii.......................................................... 1970
Ex-Officio D irecto rs H- H. Hartzell kher Springs
IBM ^ w n , Miss
S s . Pen«
F. C. Schneeberger ’ 25 Ladue, Missouri
Melvin E. N ick el ’ 38 Chicago, Illinois
Dr. Karl F. Hasselmann ’ 25 Houston, Texas
Paul T. D ow ling ’40 St. Louis, Missouri
Dr. Mervin J. K elly ’ 14 Short Hills, N ew Jersey
James W. Stephens ’47 L ee’ s Summit, Missouri
T h e 19 3 3 g o l f team.
View o f the campus in 1 933.
M ilita ry B a ll in 1934. 1932 R .O . T.C. C om pa n y on parade.
THE AGE OF AUSTERITY - 1930's The decade o f the 1930’s was years of depression affecting not only the nation but MSM. The lack o f funds meant a declining enrollment beginning in 1933 and not regaining its pre-depression standards until the 1937—38 academic year. In 1933 the entire faculty was asked to accept a 20% decrease in pay and contracts for several faculty members were not renewed because o f a lack o f funds. Unfortunately, the pay scale for the MSM faculty regained its status much more slowly than the rising prosperity o f the nation and the state would indicate. It was 1940 before the MSM faculty salaries were back to the same level they had reached in 1932. O f course there was also very little money for improvement o f the physical facilities. It was even difficult to find the funds for proper maintenance o f the existing campus. This situation began to improve, however, in the second half o f the decade. By 1938 all the other state higher educational institutions had received some legislative appropriations for new buildings which, when matched by Federal Works Progress Administration or Public Works Administration funds, had enabled them to add some badly needed new buildings to their campuses. I The 1937 biennial appropriation from the legislature to M SM included a small sum
intended for a modest building to house a school dining hall. It was decided that there were other, more important needs at this time and in 1938 a new hydraulic laboratory, now Harris Hall, was proposed. The original amount for the dining hall, plus some other funds and services diverted to this purpose, were matched by the W. P. A. and construction began in February. As the project matured physically, other unappro priated School funds were accumulated, matched by the federal government and Harris Hall was finally completed in September o f 1940. The General Assembly made another appropriation in 1939 which was matched by the Federal Public Works Administration and the result was the first section o f the Chemical Engineering Building completed during the first few months o f 1941. These two buildings were the only major structures added to the campus between 1923 and the end o f World War 11. Although enrollment was smaller during the decade o f the thirties, life on campus continued at about the same pace as usual. A number o f the people on campus and in town seemed to be able to find a small odd jo b or two for students to help them out o f a temporary financial hole. One o f these was Dr. Henry A. Buehler, State 27
legist and director of the State Survey. Rl ie Key a student service organization, was nded in 1933. This outstanding group modes the student directories, and conducts mpus tours as wel1 as ParticiPating in other worthwhile activities. . Several more professional engineering societies were established during the decade and three more national social fraternities came to the campus. The local chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers was organized early in 1930. In October, 1937, the student chapter of the American Society of Metals was established and the Missouri School of Mines Post of the Society of American Military Engineers was installed in the fall of 1937. The
institution s chapter of the Missouri Academy of Science grew out of an informal freshman scientific discussion club that was formed in the fall of 1931. This discussion club affiliated with the Missouri Academy of Science in April, 1938. The professional Chemical fraternity, Alpha Chi Sigma, installed its Beta Delta Chapter at MSM on May 2, 1936. O f the social fraternities, Sigma i ooVaS c^artered in 1933, Alpha Lambda Tau in 1935, and Theta Kappa Phi was installed during four days of ceremonies in 1936. The Inter fraternity Council was first given recognition in the school catalog in 1931. It was also during the decade of the thirties that the engineering departments began to receive national accreditation.
Cam pus scenes in 1933.
Pa rt o f th e 1939 St. P a t’s parade.
The campus in 1939.
Campus scenes o f 1936.
w m r. JHj
CharlesPenrose Williams
Director 1871-1877
Charles E d m und Wait D ire c to r 1877—1888
George Edgar Ladd Director 1 8 9 7 -1 9 0 7
Austin Lee McRae Director 1915-1920
William H o ld in g Echols D ir e c to r 1888—1891
Lew is E m m anuel Y oung D ire c to r 1907—1913
Charles Herman F u lto n D ire c to r 1920—1937
E lm o G oligh tly Harris D ire c to r 1 8 9 1 -1 8 9 3
L e o n Ellis Garrett D ire c to r (A c tin g ) 1913—1915
William R e u e l Chedsey D ir e c to r 1937—1941
Walter B u ck R ichards D ir e c to r 1 8 9 3 -1 8 9 7
D urw ard C opeland D ir e c to r 1914—1915
Curtis Laws Wilson Dean 1 9 4 1 *1 9 6 3
M e r l Baker Dean 1963—1964 C hancellor 1964—
At a senior picnic in the early 1 9 4 0 ’s. A.S.T.P. activities in 1944.
1941 195
WORLD W A R XL YEARS Only four months after Curtis Laws Wilson became Dean of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy (beginning a term of 22 years) theUnited States was drawn into World War II. Once again the School was called upon to assume the extra duties of training men for. military activities as well as the usual academic curricula. As in 1917, there was an initial surge of enlistment in the armed forces by both the students and faculty, but again the value of ramological training was stressed (and given additional emphasis this time) so that many u ents were persuaded to remain in school and tht h!6 education as soon as possible so a they would be more effective in their militaryjobs. train' acce^era*-ed program for speeding up the Perio'd^ Process was initiated early in the war student attending three summer sessions, could complete their regular educahonal Program in three years. This accelerated Pr°gram hostilities^ t0 rema*n in effect throughout the traininifn^ neetan^ ^fen se Program including testing8 en§ineering drawing, materials asFeh’-,, n}achine design was begun as early trained„ary’ A contingent of technically inwar :^ rs®nnet from this program was serving ustries as soon as 1942. In the summer
of 1942 the program became known as the Engineering, Science and Management War Training Program and offered programs in draft ing, both basic and advanced; materials inspec tion and testing; machine and tool design; radio technician training; topographic mapping and photogrammetry; and economic mineralogy. This war-training program gave instruction to a total of 830 students before it was discontinued in late 1943. The Civil Pilot Training Program, coordinated by Dr. A. J. Miles, began in October of 1939 and trained 352 pilots for the armed forces by the time the program was terminated in April 1943. MSM also provided a Radar course for Signal Corps Trainees between September of 1942 and April of 1943. The Army Specialized Training Program was inaugurated at the school on August 9, 1943. The campus garage was remodeled into a mess hall. The warehouse and the top floor of Mechanical Hall were converted into barracks. Students under this program were trained in both basic and advanced work in chemistry, engineering drawing, English, geography, history, mathematics and physics, as well as surveying, internal combustion engines, communications and general basic engineering. The A. S. T. P. was terminated at MSM in late April of 1944.
A ir view o f campus in 1945—46.
Students testing pum p perform ance at the o ld pow er plant.
MSM maintained a relatively high enrollment throughout the war years. In fact, the 958 students for 1942—32, represented a record high for the history o f the school. The low for the war years came during the 1944—45 term, when the student body dropped to 308, the smallest enrollment since the First W orld War. The war period had necessarily reduced some o f the extra-curricular activities. The activity that was perhaps more difficult for students to relinquish was the traditional St. Pat’s cele bration. Nevertheless, for financial and other reasons this renowned student affair was abandoned following the 1942 ceremonies until the spring o f 1946. The Missouri Miner had to be curtailed in 1943, and from June o f that year
until the end o f the war, a local Rolla paper, the
Rolla New Era, published a special section, every Tuesday, devoted to School o f Mines affairs and activities. Intercollegiate football was suspended in 1944, for one year, but Missouri Intercollegiate Athletic Competition was renewed in the fall o f 1945. In 1945 the veterans began to return to the campus in great numbers. By 1948 enrollment had tripled the pre-war figures. In the fall of 1948 there were 2,704 students enrolled — more than 800 o f these were married. This, of course, put a great strain on the physical facilities of the campus. Early in 1946 the U . S. Bureau of Mines moved to a new building and so did the State
Cam pus scenes in 1 9 4 9 —50.
Geological Survey
freeing needed ciassclassfwmsnarp B badly uauiy neeaea BuildiS JL the Mining Building and the Rolla Gildings w en u,a y’ rnore than 30 temporary alf located strategically around ^crowding*0 he P relieve the Pressures of
campus mai ° r post-war construction on Project hart 1 new Po w e r plant. Money for this But beforp been aPPr9Priated before the war, Priorities irUprf°nS!.rUction CGUld be started, bailable fnr Iered and material was just not latter I , r a Inew new power plant. During the r *21 of the decade, deca m iff an addition was made Cher Portion of thp\/r Building, the first # c°mniefori ^oohanical Engineering Building P eted and MSM had its first dormitory
since the building now used as a Chancellor’s residence was constructed in 1889. In spite of the increased enrollment and its attendant problems, standards at MSM continued to be high as curriculum was refined and expanded. The department of humanities and social sciences was consolidated in 1946. Student activities returned to a pre-war level, although many took on a different aspect since so many students were veterans who had wives and families with them. Once again MSM had weathered a period of national conflict and the post-war period of training veterans with a distinguished record of service. The school was now poised to begin its era of significant expansion.
R ig h t: A i r view stu d en t hou sin g
tem Porary ttiani^
B e lo w : James Byrnes McGrath,
R ig h t: B a b y buggies in front o f student c o -o p grocery. B e lo w : M ech a n ica l Engineering Building.
316-317 L IB R A R Y A R E A CODE 314 3 6 4 -36 7 9
1Z M
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Tentative Calendar February 24, 1970—Founder’s Day March 12-16, 1970—St. Pat’s Float Theme M “First 100 Years” April 1970—American Association of State Geologists April 17-18, 1970—American Nuclear Society Student Conference May 31, 1970—Commencement September 19, 1970—Centennial Football Game. UMR plays Washington University on the Rolla campus for the first time this century. September 1970—Student Week-End October 1970—Department Symposium.”
“ Low
October 5, 6, 7, 1970—The Mervin J. Kelly Communication Conference sponsored by the IEEE. Honoring Dr. Mervin J. Kelly, Class of 1914, past president of Bell Telephone Laboratories and past president, MSM Alumni Association October 1970—University Symposium — “Potentials of Our Frontier State.” October 23 & 24, 1970—Centennial Homecoming November 1970—Rock Mechanics Conference January 1971 —Industrial Symposium March 1971—University Sumposium — “ Rise of Western Man” March 1971—St. Pat’s Float Theme E- “ Second 100 Years” April 1971—University Symposium — “The Next 100 Years.” May 1971—Commencement May 1971—Grand Finale Ball The preceding is a list of major Centennial Events only and includes very few of the regularly scheduled events on campus. Other events scheduled annually for ipmpus will be oriented towards the Centennial theme. The above dates are tentative. 37
View down M all toward Jackling Gym.
" S I L E N T
The decade o f the 1950’ s saw the beginning of a nation-wide emphasis on the fields o f engineering and science. The results for U M R *ere varied. Graduates o f the school usually had S ra* choices o f jobs waiting for them, and th the government and industry took an creased interest in the institutions o f higher re^ n in 8 as a source o f basic and specialized <jrch and personnel. Unfortunately, because salaries the school began to have mernK6^ ■ S i in hiring and keeping incr„„„ers °^. the faculty. Enrollment began to weroi 6 a^a*n an<J adequate physical facilities ^ im p e r a tiv e .
swing6 ‘ ^ihhng program really got into full i i n A th,e early Part o f 1951 when the old were 1 Ul;hing and the old Mechanical Hall remoc ' wc asre r® m°heled and additions made. The result • a newnew, enlarged e: ' Mining Engineering Build___ __ ____| __ o f *ij^ctions 6 chani!fl6 ?/ what is _ now the H old Ipart W asthe Were also com pleted in 1951, as cafeteria. A fte r a period o f no new
construction, the campus started to bloom w ith new buildings in 1958. Three new dorm itories and Rayl Cafeteria were com pleted during that year and 1959 saw the com pletion o f the Civil Engineering Building, the Electrical Engineering Building and the married student housing com plex at what was called Nagogam i Terrace. Th e Nuclear Reactor and the Student Union were opened in 1960. A fte r a drop in enrollment during the early years o f the decade (the big surge o f veterans returning to school follow in g the war had completed their degrees), enrollment began to climb. It passed the all-time high reached in 1948 and went over the 3,000 mark in 1959. Students continued to study hard but also to take part in most o f the pre-war social activities. In 1952 some students let their enthusiasm over a football victory get the best o f them. While signaling the win by ringing the old bell (w ith sledge hammers), it cracked. The fo llo w in g year the Frisco Railroad presented a new bell to the
R .O .T .C . Parade on P a re n t’s Day, 1959.
E n gin eer’s D ay in 1959.
G reek D a y — 1960. Pat in 1954.
^nV^sJ Lambda Chi Alpha built the first new f sterility house to aPPear on campus since 0 2 9 As the enrollment increased, so did the mber of fraternities, eating clubs, honoraries Id professional organizations. St Pat’s celebrations in the spring continued to be the social highlight o f each year, although in 1956 the dawn o f that special day brought a snow storm. In 1958 the fiftieth anniversary o f St Pat’s first visit to the MSM campus was the occasion for an especially jubilant weekend o f activities. 1958 was also the year students first hadto register their cars. During this period the curriculum also con tinued to be refined and specialized. In 1952 the
required number o f hours for an engineering degree dropped from 150 to 148. In 1956 the Nuclear Engineering option was added. The same year MSM joined with seven Missouri and one Illinois Liberal Arts colleges to o ffe r a combined A. B. and B. S. degree program wherein the student had three years o f work in Liberal Arts and two years o f Science. In 1960 the average expenses fo r one semester rose to more than $500. The Alumni Association also took a big step ^ rt , duri¥ the 1950’s- In 1953, Francis C. Ike Edwards was hired as the first Alum ni Executive Secretary and the Association opened its first real office on the third flo o r o f the Old Metallurgy Building.
Campus scenes in 1954.
Mining Engineering Building.
The N u cle a r R ea ctor.
E lectrica l E ngineering u nder co n s tru ctio n .
The dawn o f St. P a t’s Day in 1956.
C ivil E n g in eerin g B u ild in g
R a y l Cafeteria.
Extract from
The Proceedings
The basic objective o f any educational institution is the education o f its students. But, if this educational process is to be meaningful to the student, it must be relevant to the community which the university and, eventually, the student seek to serve. This relevance can best be achieved when there is honest interaction taking place between the university and the people it serves. Individual differences in academic aptitude o f students will continue to be recognized. Stu dents will be identified for development and remedial courses in an attempt to reduce the attrition rate o f badly needed scientists and engineers. Additional emphasis will be placed upon advanced placement for students who have participated in honors sections, accelerated and enriched instruction while in high school, because there have been definite indications of improvement in the mental ability o f entering undergraduate students in the past three years. ; Enrollment will possibly double its present level by 1979. The anticipated increase will be due primarily to the result o f accelerated growth o f area studies and graduate programs o f the Graduate School and Research Centers. However, it is anticipated that the institutional image will continue to attract undergraduates to ■ greater than average degree. I Faculty improvement is a self-motivating endeavor on the part o f the individual that UMR will continue to support and encourage in an ■effort to provide sufficient opportunity for levery faculty member to further his education or teaching abilities through attendance of seminars, short courses, conferences, and sabatical study. The ratio o f doctoral degree holders at U M R will increase. Substantial progress has been made during the last five years by the University in upgrading academic salaries, particularly at the assistant and associate professor ranks. More is needed to raise salary levels for full professors and instruc tors. Presently, the number o f teaching assistants ■ t UMR is based on the availability o f funds and the number o f qualified graduate students who are able to relate to the students. An effort will Re made to train more graduate students so they may be used as teaching assistants. It is not anticipated that there will be a large increase in the number o f degrees offered, nor Egreat proliferation o f presently offered degrees, Kt UMR. Rather, intensive efforts to improve Blaality in existing programs and to develop ||tem more fully will be major objectives o f all spartments in the University. Because research centers develop as a result of Community o f research interest among faculty
of the Administrative Council” members, naming the types o f research centers that will be present on the UM R campus ten years from now will be difficult. Interest, however, is apparent in biophysics, bio mechanics, and in earth science. Any one o f these has potential for development into a research center as faculty interest is generated in depth in these areas. At the rate o f growth of the last five years, it is possible that there will be a number of interdisciplinary research centers on campus in the next ten years. Within the very near future, it is anticipated 164,904 square feet o f space must be added to present facilities to alleviate an overcrowded condition, and within the foreseeable future at least another 410,000 square feet must be planned for, to accommodate an ever increasing university population. Additional equipment required by new research techniques will be sought in various areas. Since the University’s program is extending into the areas o f the humanities and social sciences, adequate facilities to house activities in the performing arts, which now command popular acceptance among engineering and science students will be needed. A small audi torium, sound proof practice rooms, and group rehearsal areas are urgently needed. Additional library holdings will be needed in liberal arts, mathematics, social sciences, and management. Environmental inconveniences and unsightly conditions caused by a lack o f proper main tenance and necessary remodeling have a decided influence on the stature o f any institu tion to the extent that such conditions can discourage student enrollment and staff addi tions. At UMR this will be corrected through periodic renewal o f efforts to create a feeling o f pride in the appearance o f the environment and through provision o f enough funds to improve the quality o f the grounds. The research development at UM R in terms o f dollars awarded has been progressive, and with new staff additions o f doctoral level in science engineering areas, there is every reason to expect additional increases in the funding o f future research. The University’s intention is to serve Missouri and Mid-America as the leading technological university o f the region. As a spin-off, significant contributions will be made to the Nation and to other countries o f the world. The University’s programs will be broadened somewhat hori zontally, but emphasis will be placed on improving the quality o f instruction and research and on extending the University’s services to the public, which is in the final analysis the ultimate beneficiary. (4
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HMillaiKii D r. Senne w ith e q u ip m e n t f o r tracking satellites.
Beginning to dem olish Jackling G ym to m ake way f o r th e new Library. The Band spells o u t the new U M R initials on Ja ck lin g field .
THE CAMPUS TODAY H*he decade o f the 60’s has seen a number of significant changes on campus. Enrollment has grown to more than 5,000 students. In 1964 the name o f the institution was changed to University o f Missouri—Rolla and the Dean’s title was changed to that o f Chancellor. The various departments o f engineering and science were grouped into four schools — School of Engineering, School o f Science, School o f Mines and Metallurgy and the Graduate School. The Extension Division was also inaugurated in 1964 and the Division o f Liberal Arts was authorized in 1968. A number o f changes has also altered the physical appearance o f the campus. In 1962 the school purchased a house on State Street (next to the old Kappa Sig house) for use as the first Women’s Residence Hall. In 1969 the need had incKased to the point where the old Stuart apartments became the second UM R Women’s Residence Hall, more than doubling the number of girls to be housed. ■ A [new Physics Building was added in 1963, and a new men’s dormitory in 1966. During the same year the old Jackling Gymnasium was torn down to make way for the new Library which was completed in 1968. The Materials Research Building made its appearance on campus in 1967 and the Mechanical Engineering Annex (much larger than the original building) was opened in 1969 The new Multi-Purpose Building (a fieldhouse plus) was opened in 1969, also. At the present time a new Humanities Building is under construction and it is hoped it will be completed jn th$ fall o f this year. Other new buildings have hcen proposed. Contracts have been approved 'or ajnew Engineering Sciences Research BuildH'S.Pnd it is hoped that progress will be made ||$fore long in getting the new Student Center
The students continue to participate in a variety o f activities and the annual St. Pat’s celebration is still the highlight o f the year. Many students are taking part in service projects, even to the extent of spending weekends in St. Louis helping to rehabilitate areas with extreme urban problems. The Missouri Miner and Station K M S M are flourishing. The 1969 R ollam o won a national award for excellence. The football team had a record year in 1969, winning seven of its nine games and the basketball team seems to be having a winning season also. One o f the most outstanding features of the decade is the development and quality o f the various research facilities on campus. Some of these are the Space Sciences Research Center — Rolla, the Graduate Center for Materials Research, the Graduate Center for Cloud Physics Research, the Environmental Research Center, the Water Resources Research Center, the Industrial Research Center, the Rock Mechanics and Explosives Research Center, the Computer Center, the Nuclear Reactor Facility, and the Geophysical Observatory. UMR even has another campus, the St. Louis Graduate Engineering Center, where more than 800 students are working on Master’s degrees in Engineering. The University o f Missouri School o f Mines and Metallurgy, now University o f Missouri— Rolla, may have had its struggles for survival in the past. However, the second hundred years will begin with many bright prospects — a quality faculty, a growing student body with high educational standards before them, a campus with a growing number o f well equipped facilities to aid the students’ educational goals, and alumni who are recognized around the world for their excellent training and ability.
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Susan P rice
D orm itory Complex.
IS li BBS!
E le c tric a l E n gin eerin g Building.
1860~1969~1973 By Dr. and Mrs. Cl a i r V. Mann R olla, Missouri
COPYRIGHT, 1974 By C la ir V. Mann and Bonita H. Mann Tenants By The Entirety A l l Rights Reserved. No portion of th is Story may be reproduced By Any Process Whatever Without Written Permission Of Copyright Holders.
R o lla Church H ist* May 15*67
TOE HISTORY OF ROLLA'S CHirer.HEfi In tro d u c tio n . - Considering i t s importance and in t e re s t , R o lla *s church his to ry deserves a s p e c ia l book o f i t s own. Unfortunately, some o f R o lla 's church congregations have been a b i t l a x in keeping d e ta ile d h is t o r ic a l records, and f o r such reason we cannot at th is time present, fo r them, many b asic and d e sira b le f a c t s . R o lla *s church h is to ry contains many excellen t and exceedingly in te re stin g chapters. A very few make p a in fu l reading. B o lla 's . C i v i l War Days_Merited_A_Town Church.- In 1861, when R o lla was but in fa n t town, i t s one newspaper ca rrie d in i t s columns a le t t e r from an in te re ste d v i s i t o r who, fin d in g not a sin gle church b u ild in g , nor any school b u ild in g in the town, commented that the founding fa th e rs were courting d is a s t e r — unless such in s t it u t io n s were sp e e d ily su p p lied . The v i s i t o r 's le t t e r provoked the fo llo w in g e d i t o r i a l, w ritte n by the tow n's newspaper p u b lish e r: ” I n common conversation abroad - i n fa c t , fra n ODservation at heme - i t would seem that R o lla i s a God—forgotten and dangerous p la c e . In some degree th is must be acknowledged. A place that has improved as r a p id ly as th is ( he means " b u ilt * so r a p id ly ) must in e v ita b ly have been attended with v ic e . The "necessary e v i l s ” attending war ( fo r e v il s are deemed nece^sary by a m ajority o f w a rrio rs ) li k e that in viiich we are involved, seem to overshadow the land w ith immorality, and l a y waste a l l that i s good. But, h appily f o r the redemption o f th is d istra c te d v i l l a g e , there are sane good c itiz e n s here, though g re a t ly in the m inority. Christ ian s - who are la b o rin g , as i t would seem, fo r the good among a crazy, thoughtless people, w e ll n igh in the v a lle y and shadow of death. "S u re ly , a g re a t r e v iv a l must take place in R o lla soon. R eligion , education, and a l l that tends to make human beings in dustrious, virtuous, and happy, i s layn aside by the almost innumerable throng o f ungodly people, who c lu ste r around the dram shops and the card t a b le , and drink deep o f liq u id f i r e that w i l l - a la s consume them. Oh, that a flam ing two-edged sword might sever the d e v il and h is emmissaries from a would-be righteous peop le."
Oct. 25, 1879
E a r ly jChurch_Seryices_ In R o ll a .- There were, of course, many itin e ra n t preachers, o f many f a it h s , who tra v e le d through the R o lla region, even before R o lla was founded. Some o f them, during the 1840 ' s, held services and o f fic ia t e d at m arriages at the Maramec Iron Works. At le a s t one congregation, the "North Metho d i s t s " , had a "s o c ie ty ” there as e a r ly as 1849 • Both the "South" Methodists and the C ath olics held occasion al serv ices there - though without society organ ization . Most o f the f i v e or s i x e a r lie s t o f R olla* s churches held services, at one time or another, in the present Phelps County b ric k Court House. This had been erected the summer o f 1860 by Andrew Malcolm, a PresDyterian, and his partner, P.Lynch. P rin te d records d e f i n i t e ly show that, the Methodists, B a p tists, C h ristians, and PresD yterians d id t h i s . Also the Episcopalians and South M ethodists. The Rev. Curry, a Cumberland P resbyterian , preached there in 1861. But an even more h is t o r ic meeting place was in the old R o lla Masonic Ha l l , a two—s t ^ ry wood frame b u ild in g erected in I 860 ( and s t i l l standing, 1967) at the northeast corner o f 4th and Main s t re e t s . Services were held, mostly, in the second f lo o r b a il - but at times a ls o on the ground f lo o r . Hew a l l s ix of R o lla 's f i r s t Protestant churches were crad led. A fte r the Christian denomination bought t h is HallJlVLtt was.known as the "C h ristia n Chapel". During the 1870's, in p a r- ^ tJcu lk rl the demand f o r these rooms was so great that one church would occupy the Han on the f i r s t and th ird Sundays - and another on the second and fourth Sundays each month. Sometimes a th ird church would use the room on the f i f t h Sunday — i f there was one - and Sunday Schools were held on Sunday afternoons when there was no form al preaching s e r v ic e . r JL \ / xrf- .V' .*' i f ■
Oh.Hist, May 15,1967
- 2 -
d iv e r s it y of_Ohurch B e lie fs ,,- These e a rly church groups were se rio u sly in earnest, and firm in th e ir p a rtic u la r set o f b e li e f s . Most b a sic, of course, was the P rotestan t-C ath olic controversy. The Catholics b e lie v in g in papal control the Protestants otherwise. For a l l , th e ir r e lig io n meant "righteous liv in g " - or expulsion from the church. Preaching d e a lt la r g e ly with "heaven" - and with " h e ll fir e ". Their d iffe re n c e s sprang, as indicated, from d iffe r e n t ideas of church adm inistration - the Catholics at one extreme under the one-man Pope - the Bap t i s t s and C hristians a t the other extreme, almost e n tire ly fre e from e x te rio r ad m in istratio n - the Methodists and Episcopalians in between, with a corps of b ish ops in general charge. One o f our fin e st w rite rs o f novels pointed out that, even in her small home town, ten churches had been formed. Sometimes there was but a small handful o f communicants in one of them. Always, these church units stood apart on the b a s is o f tenets or doctrines which could w e ll have been overlooked, but were not. These d iffe re n c e s emphasized, more or le s s intensely, such things as the m arital statu s o f the priesthood - the married status o f Protestant m inisters, the celibacy o f Catholic p r ie s ts and nuns. Some said Saturday was properly the "Lord’ s Day" others p referred Sunday. Some administered baptism by immersion, others by pour ing or sp rin k lin g . Some lim ited the taking of the Lord‘ s Supper to d e fin ite church members only - others in "fr e e w i l l " . Some read th eir prayers from printed books, others thought extemporaneous prayer b e tte r. Some b elieved people were predestined to l i f e 1s v ic issitu d e s - some baptized infants - others relieved in in fa n t damnation. Some used formal r it u a l in church services, others did not. Some b e lie v e d that men are "fr e e moral agents", in a large measure control th e ir own d e stin y . Some b e lie v ed in wearing beards instead of clean shaven fa c e s. Others observed the custom o f fo o t washing. You could probably fi-nd, among such churches, some one which held the same b e lie fs as you did. The Protestants b e lie v e d that in d iv id u a ls may commune d ir e c t ly with the Almighty, without the in te rc e ssio n o f the priesthood. You could take your choice. . . . And so we come to the sto ry o f H o lla ’ s very f i r s t organized re lig io u s in s titu tio n - the R olla Catholic Church. THE ROLLA CATHOLICJ3HURCH How The Catholic JJhurch Ha£pened_To Come_T£ | o U n . - T o t he JoLU Catholic Church” C St .""Patrick* s Church J goes the honor of having ere cted the very f i r s t church e d ific e in R o lla . Here’ s how the church got started in R o lla ......... .As
th . la s t o f these was Father Grace, who was in and around R olla in 1861. The b u ild in g of the s U Southwest Branch r a £ r « r i had much to do with b rin g in g the Catholic C h u r c h ^ R ^ j Michaei Dunivin, Daniel men n e w I r i s h and Catholics . Among ra ilro a d ( now the "F r is c o "), which Deegan, t a U L Donahoe^ and others. ^ ^ I t e d h e S ^ outbreak of the C iv il War,
these^people'appealed 1't^ A rch b ish o p Kenrick to s e ri a p rie s t to R olla to look a ft e r th e ir s p ir it u a l needs. , , r Qn ac,her »a s appointed, and became the Thus i t was that in R o lla ^ h e week of Saturday, church’ s f i r s t pastor. He i communicants. Included were Elleanor KenJanuary 18,1862, when he baptized s ix _ Richard Hughes - Margaret Flananedy - Margaret Mary Murphy - James Andrew Ryan k ic £_gan — and M artin King.
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Gen Ch.Hist & C ath olic. May 15,1967
Father G allagh er took up h is abode in a private home at 602 Kingshighway we think in the D aniel Deegan house, at northwest corner of 6th and State stre e ts. Here he r e g u la r ly held mass, in the la rg e dining room. But this was only a tem porary arrangement. There had to be a permanent church e d ific e - so Father G a lla gher proceeded to get one. On June 2, 1862, he purchased a c it y lo t whereon to b u ild the structure. This was Lot 2, Block 43, Bishop’ s F ir s t Addition to R olla, at southeast corner o f 7th and State s t r e e t s . Plans were drawn, and on Saturday, June 21,1862, amid the d is tre s s in g events o f the C iv il War, the town’ s e d ito r wrote the follow in g notes * The corner stone o f the Catholic Church w i l l be la id with due solemnity th is evening, at s ix o’ clock. I t i s understood that Father Gallagher w i l l p resid e." Records indicate that the actu al contracting b u ild e r of the church was H o lla ’ s founder - Edmund Ward Bishop. The structure was completed in time fo r the holding o f the f i r s t services in i t on the th ird Sunday in September (Sept.19) 1862. The adjoin in g re c to ry was b u ilt that same f a l l , on the lo t immediately south o f the church - Lot 3 of Block 43* Not long a ft e r completion o f the church, a fin e organ was in s ta lle d , with M rs. Claude Jamison as the organ ist, As the women of so very many churches have done, the women of th is R olla Catholic Church planned and carried out various church so c ia ls, fe s t iv a ls , Tairs, c a rn iv a ls, and other money-raising events, in order to pay o ff church debts and care f o r current expenses. Among other p ro jec ts in it ia t e d and carried out by the R olla cath olics, we must not overlook the establishment o f the Parish School. I t was fo r many years, conducted in a wood frame b u ild in g across State, to the west o f the church. The teachers were Catholic nuns. In th is school many future prominent men and women o f R o lla received th e ir elementary education. One of R o lla ’ s very f i r s t educational b ^ l d S g s ^ a f r L g stru ctu re, sm e 16 x16 feet in flo o r dimensions, that once stood somewhere « s t o f the Court House. I t was f i n a ll y moved to a p o sitio n ju s t east o f the church e d if ic e . „ Through the vears fra n 1865, when Father Gallagher was succeeded by Father F.W.Graham, the church con^ ^ ^ e <i ^ ^ t h i ^ routine se rv ic e s^ n o t p a r t i c u la r ly ^
SLtail W
e v e n tfu l. U the y = f - . passed \ £ £ « y out west on today-s c it y and were la i d to re s t in P® a l l the g ra v e ja a r)s^ _w e re route 66 ( In te rs ta te I ) , where, some years ag » rvine a bronSTplaque with the removed and replaced by a sin gle j Moran anf E.Smith follow ed Father names o f those b u rie d here. Fathers Thomas J. Moran and^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
r F?ohb e c ^ n Schurch Bishop, located at Lincoln, Nebraska.
The Z ^ t c o f Father P atrick B. 0 -lou ghlin o f any o f the p r ie s t s . He served from May^of 1880 to ^
y e a rs.
He was a power in h is own S
^ r r
e s p e c ia lly close to the young folks . T ^ i . seated amen, a large
group o f boys, a l l out f o r a picnic an
r s r i s s * church.
' c£ ^ vpr<moter of ^
fo r th . n eIt three years -
* —
- -
- 4 In November of 1941, Father Henry J. Lambert became the pastor* He was unusually energetic and vigorous in promoting the w elfare o f his church, and was active in h is asso ciatio n w ith the business men and Chamber of Commerce o f Holla* A ft e r holding services f o r s ix years in the old o rig in a l church b u ild in g at 7th and State s tre e ts, he perceived that, i f the church was to adequately serve the community, and e s p e c ia lly the School o f Mines student body, i t simply had to have expanded and improved f a c i l i t i e s . In lin e with t h is thinking, a spacious bu ilding lo t immediately north of the School o f Mines 1 JacKLing F ield was purchased. Highway 63 flanked i t on the north. Vienna Road bounded i t on the east, and State stre e t, extended,on the west. I t was a choice lo c a tio n , and had the advantage o f close proximity to the School o f Mines.
On this tra c t the church, in 1947, constructed a handsome, g ra c e fu lly designed church e d if ic e , faced with a ttra c tiv e Carthage limestone ( "Carthage m arbef"). The b u ild in g was dedicated on March 9th , 1947. The old b u ild in g was sold to the C h ristian Science church. To match the style of the church, there had to be a new rec to ry . This was o f tw o-story design. I t was located ju s t back of (e a st o f) the church. I t was completed in Moving of the church to the new location made i t desirable to a ls o move the P arish School and the home fo r the teachers - the "Convent". I t was thus that in 19 __ a handsome tw o-story convent b u ild in g was erected on the former Herman B a rfe ld residence s it e - immediately north and across Highway 63 from the church e d if ic e . There had a ls o to be new quarters fo r the Parish School. This was plan ned and b u ilt in the area s t i l l unoccupied to the east o f church and rectory. The school b u ild in g i s of one-story design, with flo o r dimensions of ---------x f e e t . I t has rooms fo r the f i r s t eight grades of elementary education. With these b u ild in g s on the l o t , there yet remained ample room fo r pu p il playgrounds. Dr. C.V.Mann, one o f present w rite rs, who had already performed some e sse n tia l task fo r s ix other R o lla churches, had the p riv ile g e of a lso serving th is church by la y in g the b u ild in g lo t lin e s , and making the topographic survey and p lat of t L grounds. I t was h is p riv ile g e to be w e ll acquainted with Father Lambert. The fo llo w in g i s a l i s t o f the Parish School teachers as of May, 1967:
Lam bert's oastorate ended in January o f 1953*
From then to May of
1962, Father G e ro U J. K aiser B ^ t t e ^ a s 11^ e p e S S r
^ ch ^ ^ ertzed
tto ^ a m ^ rt
Gath.Ch. May 16,1967
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Down through the y ears, a number o f s o c ie t ie s , associated w ith the church, have been created or m aintained. Among them are these: Ladies* A lta r S ociety — Knights o f Columbus - the Mothers* Club — and the Theta Kappa Phi fr a t e r n it y , form erly the M ercier Club, which has a splendid club house at 8th and State s tre e ts , and serves students o f the School of Mines ( U n iv e rsity of M issouri at R o ll a ). We should not overlook the fa c t that the e a r ly R o lla pastors a ls o served a la r g e portion o f southern M isso u ri. They were, in fa c t , church m ission aries. P astors lik e Fathers G allagh er and O 'Lcughlin tra v e le d a fa r , often on fo o t, to preach, m in iste r, and e s t a b lis h churches in such places as Salem, Cuba, St.James, S u lliv a n , Vienna, and Dixon. Even as f a r away as Pocahontas, in A rk an sas!I We may c lo se th is b r i e f sketch o f the R o lla Catholic Church with a l i s t o f the vario u s p asto rs who have served the church since i t s beginning in 1862. Jan ., 1862 to O c t., I 865 . . . Father Francis P a tric k G allagher O c t., 1865 to e a r ly 1868 . . . Father F.W.Graham E a r ly 1868 to May, 1875 . . . Father Thomas J . Moran May, 1875 to S ept. 1879 . . . Father E . Smith S ept. 1879 to May, 1880 . . . Father Thos. Bonacum (l a t e r Bish op,Lin coln ,N eb.) May , 1880 to June 1918 . . . Father P a tric k B. 0*Loughlin June, 1918 to Aug., 1921 . . . Father John P. Lynch Aug., 1921 to N ov., 1941 . . . Father Sidney P . Stocking N ov., 1941 to Jan ., 1953 . . . Father Henry J • Lambert Jan ., 1953 to May, 1962 . . . Father Gerold J . Kei se rin May, ■’1962 to date 1967 . . . Father Thomas D. S u lliv a n (and to 1970) 1970 to July 15, 1972 . . Father William D. Ludwig July 15, 1972 up to and after Mah 20, 1974. Father Fred Elskamp
Some Fundamental_Prin_c_iples_.- The B aptist denomination came into being due to two or Three g re a t, fundamental p rin c ip le s or b e l i e f s . A f i r s t was the rev o lt again st episcopal or papal au th o rity . The church has no hierarchy o f top governing o f f i c i a l s , such as bishops which characterize the Methodist, Episcopal or Catholic churches. This r e v o lt goes back in church h istory at le a s t as fa r as the 1400f s , where i t occurred in Europe's r e lig io u s w arfare. A second great p r in c ip le , from which the denomination derived it s name, is the sacrament o f baptism. This ceremony, by immersion - but not by sprin klin g or pouring * has fo r long years se t this church o f f from others such as the Methodists and P re s b y te ria n s . A th ird in s titu tio n «* the manner o f adm inistering the L o rd 's Supper - occasioned a s p l i t w ithin th is denomination, g iv in g r is e to the two groups popularly known as the "C lose Communion i s t s " and the "Free W i ll B a p tis ts *. In the f i r s t , the L o rd 's Supper i s administered only to those who are of£ic_ia_lly_members o f a given charge. In the second group, the Supper may be partaken o f by anyone in the congregation, not ma&bers only - provided the person states that he i s a b e lie v e r in Christ .and his Gospel. The R o lla church i s not o f the "Free W ill" group. The doctrines o f th is denomination do not approve o f infant baptism, nor does th is church p ra c tic e that in s titu t io n . Like the Christian or D iscip le s church, th is one beGLieVes in a sim ple, stra ig h t-fo rw a rd propagation o f the Gospel as presented in the New Testament. The B a p tists are staunch supporters o f foreign m issions and church supported c o lle g e s . P rio r to the C i v i l War, the question o f slavery distu rb ed the denomination, as i t had the Methodists - but aside from a divisio n o f mission ary e f f o r t , there was no f i n a l or fundamental d iv isio n into "North" and "South" branches, as in the Methodist denomination. Although today’ s custom is fo r each in d ivid u al charge or church to conduct i t s own business independent o f higher authority - and to so c a ll it s own m inisters there does e x is t a General B aptist organization which assumes to promote^ the general good- fo r a l l o f the charges or churches associated with i t . . . . And another practice is observed at le a s t in some o f the B a p tist churches, where the custom o f serving ehurch suppurs, or holding f e s t iv a ls ( as was done in e a r lie s t days in Rolla church h is to ry ) has been lessened o r elim inated. This is the practise o f the o ffe rin g o f tith e s by the members - rep la c in g the former fu n d -ra isin g a c t iv it ie s . The R olla F ir s t B aptist £hurch.- Printed records o f -this church state that the R olla BaTtTsT Thurci^was organized at a meeting held on February 27, ^ * ,* ^ 5 . „,e ast corner o f 4th and Main s tre e ts , Rolla • This is the bu ildin g Masonic H a ll at the R o lla Christian Church, and by them c a lle d the "C h ristian la t e r purchased C h apel." The selTbn charter members were W.W. and Martha Watkins — Wesley M. and Lucy Smith — George H. Hume, a c ity councilman — and Ju lia ( Mrs. John G .) Hutcheson, w ife o f a Phelps County p residin g judge. There was also Miss Mary A lle n . The Reverends Rice and Rutledge o f f ic ia t e d at this organization meeting. Much too l i t t l e has been preserved in the church records o f the proceedings o f this congregation during i t s f i r s t th irty y ears. The Rev. Mr. Rutledge served u n til June o f 1870, when the Rev. C.C.Tipton came to Rolla from Tennessee, and became the Church p as t o r . He served the church u n til September 5 1872, when h . died and the Rev. Joseph Walker took his p la c e . Mr. Walker remained as pastor u n til 1879. I t was during h i i p asto rate that the R olla B aptist Church r e a lly became firm ly fixed in H o lla 's h is to ry ! P art o f the reason was the construction o f the church's very f i r s t h o L , o f . o r s h ^ . As this « . a prime Item In R o lla -s . . . . . « A s c r ib e I t thus: As o f October 12,1874, I t .a s recorded that, fo r the past three fe a r s , the congregation had held Its meetings at the old Masonic H a ll. 4th and Main s t re e t s . But n o ., on th is date, plans had bean draws fo r the n e» bu ildin g at the southeast
Rolla Baptist Gh.
corner o f 7th and O live streets - on Lots 3 and 6 o f Block 64, County Addition. Mr. J .B .S a w h ill, a contractor, drew the plans, and then proceeded to construct the b u il ding. Work actu ally started on October 12, 1874. The flo o r plan measured 33|- x 61 fe e t - the bu ild in g in te rio r had a clear height o f 20 fe e t . The steeple was an outstanding feature - as can be seen in a picture o f the church. I t rose to a height o f 90 fe e t above ground le v e l. I t was raised to its place the week of A p ril 17,1875. The whole e xte rio r pleased R olla*s newspaper editor, who said i t "was in ta ste fu l design"* The in te rio r had yet to be fin ish ed. The a is le s were covered with fine carpet, the pews or seats were cushioned, the w a lls handsomely papered by R o lla ’ s artisan painter and paper-hanger, Hank Devens, who also did the painting. There was a neat p u lp it, behind which was a fresco painting portraying John the Baptist baptizing Jesus. I t was out o f that early event that the Baptist custom o f administering baptism by immersion came to pass. The cost o f the completed church was approximately $5,000. I t was dedicated on Sunday, October 17, 1875, the Rev. Dr. P h illip s , o f S t. Louis, conducting the ceremonies. James H. Yiah, a p rofession al chorister in R olla for some time, led in the singing, and directed the choir. George W. Snith, R olla*s "n o -o t^ er-lik e * character - jew eler and watch maker and inventor o f the Australian b a llo t - pre sided at the organ. During the week which included October 30,1873, the church membership had been m a te ria lly increased because o f a series o f re v iv a l meetings held for the chureh by the Rev. Mr. Randall, o f Mexico City, Audrain county, M issouri. His sermons were so e ffe d tiv e that the rooms in which he preached ( the old Masonic H a ll ) were crowded. Thirty members were added to the church r o l l - and when they received baptism in the Frisco Pond, as many as 200 townspeople stood by, in a c h illy October wind, w£$$t§g|»§dtiie » ™ » t . Such baptisms seemed most always to draw crowds o f fo lk s both ix lsx sS - and ju st curious. As o f A p r il, 1875, the la d ie s , wanting money with which to buy a church b e ll, thought up and gave an old-fashioned TEA PARTY - in the town’ s Gemania H a ll, S.W. corner 6th and Pine stre e ts. For the evening hour, they had an old-fashioned sp e ll ing match - the f i r s t given in R olla, so fa r as we have d*sc0^ dE M Clark chosen, captains named. Dr. Gharles Storts headed one team - C ircuit Clerk E.M.Clarlc the oth er. D r. Storts* team won. The sp e llin g match idea was such a success, finan c ia lly as w e ll as otherwise - that i t was repeated, not only by this church, but by others o f the Roll® churches. AS chureh records donot provide us with many additional minor events, the T o r e g o ^ t u r t nerve . . - I W 1 . a a .p l.3 The ^ X o T i , advancing years led him to resign i® 1879. He was succeeaea y who served from November o f 1880 u n til October 23 o f 1881. The next pastor was the Rev. W.P.Bond, who on March 30,1882, had accepted the The next; pa -Pomllv Public baptisms always seemed to p o rt, and made B o l l , the A J T L i s t a or not. Many attended out a ttra c t crowds o f P - p l . . ^ h e r ^ U - l n g taimmersion^ * . 0. lT. d Mlsseo^Anna^Peck^and0B a ttle Dean Into the church bytaptlm n. the Frisco pond, " in_the_pre£enc£ of_aJU rge_crow d.
The event .a s held et
On Tuesday evening, May 2, 1882, a “ iJJJ had Just the old R olla Woolen M i ll * * * l d **® [ ® f or aS a public h a ll. The manufacture been cleared o f machinery and f i t p f i t b l e . Tbe building s t i l l exists o f woolen goods in the factory . p* 7 ^ Factory, which was b u ilt on the on 7th stre e t, south Side, opposite the 1967 snoe raci, y, former s it e o f this b u ild in g .
Rolla Baptist
- 3 «
I t was Mere that the Baptists held an evening "TEA PARTY", the main feature o f which was a se rie s o f tableaux presented by the young folks in the upstair room, while the adults dispensed the season’ s f i r s t strawberries and ice cream on the f i r s t flo o r . There was scarcely standing room, and the a f f a i r was pronounced a grand suc cess, both because o f the la rg e crowd, and fo r the gross receipts o f $100, which yielded a net sum o f $50. The tableaux presented scenes from the days o f President George Washington, during the 1780*s. In the reception scene, President and Mrs. Washington were im personated by W alter Munsey and Miss Imogene Hutcheson. In the next scene, the P re si dent and Mrs. Washington led in the "Minuet". The third scene was the execution o f Lady Jane Grey, impersonated by Miss L e lia S t i f f . In a Mormon scene, "Bring Home the F ift h W ife", Miss Edwards ("E ddie") Rogers ( the future Mrs. Chas. McCrae and G.L.Woods ) had the leading r o le . Henry Hohenschild and Walter Mussey starred in the duel between Benedict Arnold and Alexander Hamilton, in which Hamilton was k ille d . The fin a l scene presented Miss A lic e Dias as May Queen. And there was music - played between the several tableaux. Mrs. C.W.Jacobs, daughter o f the B aptist pastor, Rev. W.P.Bond, had recently come to Rolla from Brow nsville, Tennessee, fo r a v i s i t . She now sang fo r this event, her mother ac companying on the piano. The reporter said, " Mrs. Jacobs’ singing was exquisite. Her voice i s s o ft , sweet, cu ltiv ated . We want to hear more o f i t " - and they did, as we s h a ll r e la t e , on the follow in g June 6th. To complete the entertainment, numbers were rendered by the R olla String Orchestra ( they had one back there in 1882t) As indicated, Mrs. Jacob’ s performance at the foregoing event so sharpened in terest in her voice that a special concert was arranged for Tuesday, June 6,1882. This performance triggered a se rie s o f events o f fa r reaching importance in R o lla ’ s h isto ry . I t was a musical event o f exceptional character fo r Rolla - at any time. The performers were three — Mrs. O.W.Jacobs, and the Misses Georgia Bond and Nena M itc h e ll. Miss Bond and Mrs Jacobs were s is t e r s . Miss M itc h e ll was excellent in declamation. Mrs Jacobs and Miss Bond starred in yoeal so lo s, in piano solos and duets. The crowded room was f u l l o f School o f Miaes students and young folk s from down town. Professors Robert W. Douthat and George D. Emerson were there from the School o f Mines. When they noted the rapt attention o f the young people, the professors were so impressed that they decided that R olla needed some sort o f school or college wherein the town’ s young folks could get diverse musical education. The next morning they toured the town’ s streets, s o lic it in g both moral support and fin a n c ia l aid with which to start such a school. And they succeeded* Not only that, but in a very short time they had created a "Western Conservatory o>f Music", had i t a l l planned, even to finding a place fo r headquarters, and employment o f su itable teachers. The South Methodist church just completed, would be the p lace. And we leave that story fo r special pages o f i t s own. But the Conservatory had it s i n i t i a l concept born in the foregoing concert. Baptist Church Destroyed_By F ir e .- A t e r r i f i c set-back occurred on Tuesday, October 10,1893, when th is b eau tifu l church went up in smoke. I t was a fte r midnight, ju st a few minutes a ft e r one o ’ clock, when Mr. Cofffcan, night watchman discovered that the B aptist church was on f i r e . He sounded the alarm, and forthwith the o ganized firemens* company came with hand pump, hook and lad e r. A assembled. But there was nothing they could do to extinguish the flames. The 90foot sp ire tumbled, and the whole building was soon only a p ile o f ashes. The cause o f the f i r e remained a secret. Some supposed i t was the work o f an arson. Others thought careless tramps had found a way into the basement to sleep there, and in some way had set the f i r e . The lo ss was estimated at #4,000. Deprived o f a meeting place, the congregation had to hold services in the Court House, Awhile they s o lic ite d funds with which to build a new structure. This they did, on the o r ig in a l s it e , but this time employing brick fo r the w a lls. The new building was completed the winter o f 1894.
Baptist Oh
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We must nowskip over the events o f the next f i f t y years - mostly routine « to the period o f World War Two, o f the 1940’ s . Because o f the building o f Fort Leonard Wood 30 m iles southwest o f R olla, many o f the m ilitary o ffic e r s quartered th e ir fam ilie s in R o lla . This brought about a tremendous expansion o f re sid en tia l b u ild in g in the town - with consequent in flu x o f hundreds o f new inhabitants. I t was thus that theold brick B aptist church, mentioned ju st above, became altogether too small fo r the congregation. There ju st had to be a new church structure. And so i t transpired that, by A p ril o f 1942, the church, having sold the old b rick bu ild in g to the Snith-Hollow Undertaking Go., started construction o f the new b u ildin g - the church’ s th ird one - on the northwest comer o f 7th and Gedar s tre e ts, where i t s t i l l stands, in R olla M ill Addition. When the basement had been completed, work was suspended because o f the progress o f World War Two. But by October,1944, construction was resumed, and the new building was dedicated on Sunday, November 25, 1945 « the occasion being the church’ s 75th anniversary. The Rev. J .V .C a rlis le , pastor, preached a dedication sermon in the morning, and the Rev. T.W.Medaris delivered the anniversary message in the evening - on behalf o f the Missouri Baptist General Association . The cost o f the new building was approximately $70,000. Skipping other years, the church trustees managed to purchase the old mansion property and block formerly owned by the great Townbuilder - Joseph Campbell the block bounded by O live and Cedar, 8th and 9th s tre e ts. The old two-story Campbell mansion was razed and removed to make way fo r a huge church educational complex, b u ilt on a "horse-shoe” plan with the open side facing Cedar stre e t. The f i r s t unit o f the to ta l o f three, a primary educational wing, was finished in ,1 9 . I t had dimensions o f 50 x 150.2 fe e t, and, with long dimension p a r a lle l“ to 9th s tre e t, was b u ilt close to the south lin e o f 9th stre e t. , A second unit, 50 x 120.5 fe e t, was completed on February 4------- , 19 ly in g with long dimension north-south, and adjacent to Olive s tre e t. The third un it, planned to house a new place o f worship, was to abut 8th street, running from O live to Cedar s t re e t . This has yet to be constructed. The to ta l coat o f th is new complex to date has been approximately $ $262,249.00_. The Old Brick Building B u m s.- Present writer? were among those who were compelled to“ stand"b7 and le e the church’ s second structure bum down on oat nite Tec 20 19 52 . I t had passed into the hands o f ^the undertaking company, and frma' iham 'M o t h e r prlTate o i s r s M p . The s ite I s s o . occupied »y the Uaggl brick o f f ic e b u ild in g , in which Gerald Maggi and associates do business, also are the o ffic e s o f Dr. M.L . Bess, R olla*s capable dentist. About M em b ersh ip F rom the charter membership o f seven in F eb ru a ry o fj.6 7 0 t the congregation increased to some 350 in 1 ° » 102. In subsequent years, these are the fig u re s: 1945 ,.585; 1946 ..630; and 1967 . . ------------ ♦ R o ll C a ll o f Pastors^*
( turn to the mext page )
1903 ..165,
Baptist .
5 -
Roll_G£l3^ O f _ P a s jt o r s T h e follow ing table has been compiled from o f f i c i a l •church records - and from data supplied by present w rite rs. • -
• • • • j - •• A .E .B olster : J une, 1870 Sept. 1872. Geo. W. Smith ....,1 9 0 3 1879 E.M.Owing s . . . . P?P., 190*3 - ??Pt,*1905 S Oct. 1881 G.S.Daugherty flpy., J-9P5 - PPfc, 1906 Feb. 1883 J.M.Daniels .. Ppy.,1906 - Jan.. i 9 i i July 1885 J .S .A llen . . . . Jp-n#,i9ii - ____1913 G.G.Riggan . . . ....,1 9 1 3 - . . . . 1915 J une 1886 Nov. 1887 Dr A..B.Oar son . . . ....,1 9 1 6 - . . . . 1918 1922 Aug. 1889 J.A.Morse . . . . James Barnes . V^<U; 1922 - Sslpfc -1924 Nov. 1890 - May B.V.Bolton . . . 1924 - Apr. 3L93& 1892 m • • • • 1894 J .W .J e ffries . ¥$y. 1934 - tJpy, 1941 - • * • • 1895 Alvin J . Lee . . . . . 1942 - JWP 1943 — • • * • 1896 J .V .C a rlis le . Oct. 1943 - J u l . l 1957 Jas.W.Hackney Oct 1957 - July 1962 - • • • • 1897 Kenneth W Apr 1963 - Now 1967 Davidson I t was the p r iv ile g e o f the present w riters to be close friends with Mrs J .S . ("C o ra") A llen and her children. Also to be friends o f pastors Bolton and J e f f r i e s . Our respective children were playmates. We were also w ell acquainted with Rev. C a r lis le .
Rev.Rutledge Feb. 1870 C.G.Tipton June, 1870 Joseph Walker June ,1872 H.J.Chandler Nov. 1880 W.P.Bond . . . Mar. 1882 W.A.Giboney. June 1883 J.M.McG-uire. Sept. 1885 W.W.Garter . Nov. 1886 J.W .Sw ift . . Dec. 1887 R #N •GrOugh • • • • • • • • • * W.H.Mayfield Nov. 1890 George M®&«ss Nov. 1892 SoJL*2iiijLt»bL • • • • • • • • • • • •• • Geo.Greekmore . . . • ••• (No pastor) ....
And with th is there ends our present sketch history o f the Rolla F ir s t B aptist church.
A Christian Oh May\7,*67 \
OriglnjB of_D^omina^tion_.- The so-called "C hristian Church" had it s origin s in the old Presbyterian Church, to which, in 1801, the Rev. Barton Warren Stone, o f Kentucky, belonged. Because angered with the "overhead" authority of that church, Stone, in 1804, with fiv e fellow m inisters, signed a "Last W ill o f the Presbytery o f S p rin g fie ld " - the group then c a llin g themselves "CHRISTIANS". In 1809, at Washington, P a ., Alexander Campbell, that year just arrived from Ire la n d , joined with his fath er, Thomas Campbell, in the "Christian Associa tion o f Washington, P a ." , formed to promote "simple evangelical C h ristia n ity ". This group became known as "DISCIPLES OF CHRIST" — o r, in popular terms, "Christ ian s", "C am pbellites", and "Reformers". They advocated general church unity, baptism by immersion, and fo r a time were c lo sely akin to the B aptists. Being ruled out o f that denomination, they henceforth lo s t much interest in "church u n ity ", and grew up as the "D is c ip le s " or "C hristian " church. They adhered warmly to the doctrines o f the New Testament - rafcher than to those o f the Old Testament. A long-tim e custom was the observance o f the Lord’ s Supper every Sunday, by the o f f i c i a l church membership, only. And church government was o f the "congregational" type. In M issouri, Elders Thomas McBride and Samuel Rogers were among the e a rlie s t o f "D is c ip le s " preachers. The R olla Church— In the year 1869, or even before, there were members o f the "D is c ip le s " church in or near R o lla . As early as 1865, maps made by C iv il War engineers o f the Union Army show that Harvey Drennon liv e d on his farm in the Sg o f the SlJ- o f Sec. 9, and the SWif o f SW-JSec. 10, and the N o f Sec. 15, T.3 N. R.8 Just west o f R o lla . Charles Drennon liv e d on a farm in the SB| o f Sec.17, T.37-8, a m ile west and south o f Harvey. Both these were "E lders" o f the Christian church. They, with negress named "Aunt Fanny Drennon", were e a rlie s t members o f the Rolla D iscip les group - as early as 1865 - and continuing at le a s t to 1873. In 1873. as e a rly as July SO, members o f the group were planning the building o f * church e d ific e , and had secured ,500 In subscriptions. Elders W.Henderson and fames M. Tennison preached at the Court House that year, respectively on Nov. 39-50 and Dec. 13, 1873. In 18*74, Elder James M. Tennison held meetings at the Court House - and was also chaplain o f the Missouri House o f Representatives. The lad ies o f the church Had a S c h s u p p e r at Crandall House on December 31. Elder Tennison again Poached at the Gourt House on January 7, 1875, apparently in a program o f services held each f i r t e n ^ t h ir d Sunday o f each month. He liv e d at Lebanon and was in charge o f the church ! ! . ! V I e 7 6 , Elder Hervey Drennon appears to heve been the church m inister. On Jdne 28 1877, Dr. E.P.Belshe, from I l l i n o i s , arrived in R olla, and seems to » . » ^ t e r e t e f o r ^ v e r s l y e e r s ^ H ls s v - j ^ * f i r r ch and c a lle d "The Christian Chape * , „ niaht He joined with other m inisters, ^including^Elder^harles^D rennon^in servlces^held^at\he^Brldge^School^House^^^^^ ° « R: i f c I o asePio C? h e » e S o n farms, .ho styled their area -Drennon v i l l a - . On October 35, 1877. the Christian congregation ?p1L f ^
. “ ‘t y f A o r Ur ; u « “ ^ - - M p - g.*»d. as o f Feb. 38.1878, d i e d
r «"-m t .d -C H R lsm *
CHAPEL-. . arocery store, s e llin g only high class AS o f Feb. 37, 1879, Dr. . ^ “ t o s t lH n d l i l e to their dally bread, goods - we think as a measure o t VZQ& aold out. On May 22,1879, forty friends He maintainedthe store u n til Octobe * nrmiversary o f Dr. and Mrs Belshe. On dropped in to help observe the 25th we Baptism", currently disturbing R o lla, December 11,1879, Dr. Belshe discussed -In fan t Baptism , c
Christian. Ch.
2 -
As o f July, 1880, D r. and Mrs. Belshe returned from Eureka Springs, Arkansas, where they had gone fo r health reasons. On July 1, he lectured on the merits o f the Eureka Springs water. On® o f the la s t sermons for which we have record was de liv e re d by Dr. Belshe at the Chapel on October 14,1880. From January to May of 1881, the Chapel was used by Rev. J.H.Dennis, o f the South Methodists. For several years the Chapel - old Masonic H a ll - was shared by the Christian church owners with the South Methodists, and also with one or two other denominations. The la s t record we have o f Dr. Belshe indicates that he was i l l , and that his church held a special b en efit entertainment to aid him. For the period 1881-82-83, from a v a ila b le data, the church seems to have had on ly sporadic services provided by itin eran t m inisters. As o f Nov. 16,1882, the members had repaired the Chapel - and both then, and as of Feb. 8, 1882, were try ing to decide whether or not to " c a l l " a regular m inister - and ra ise funds s u ffic ie n t to support one. A solution came when P ro f. J.M.Morris, teacher of physics at the School o f Mines, was relie v e d o f his position by the dropping of the physics course. He was then hired as the p rin c ip a l o f the Rolla public schools, and, being o f the C hristian fa it h , was a v a ila b le to act as pastor. Now, together with M essrs. A.M. M illa rd and Rev. J.R.Lucas, he proceeded to formally "organize* the Rolla Christian Church, these three serving as its o ffic e r s . At the time, there were twenty members. As o f May 31,1883, the Rev. F.S.M eigs, of Holden, Missouri - the churches Sunday School Evan gelist, delivered several sermons at the "Chapel". As o f March 22, 1883 • p rio r to th is "organization ", P ro f. J.M.Morris " o f the Ghristian church" baptized a "convert* at the Frisco pond. This was while he was yet teaching at the School o f Mines. He baptized another on Sunday, Sept. 26th, now the public school p rin c ip a l, and the recognized regular church pastor. This o ffic e he held u n til May 22, 1884, when, not being retained by the Public Schools, he l e f t R o lla . During his pastorate, 1883-84, rev iv als were held by Elders Baxter and Cowan. On A p r il 24, 1884, Elder James Tennison, passing through town, stopped over to preach. On June 12, 1884, D r. Belshe o ffic ia t e d at the wedding o f William P a u ls e ll and Amanda Towe l l - and this is the la s t note we have on Dr. Belshe. From June to November, 1884, Elder James M. Tennison, liv in g at Lebanon, his p rin c ip a l charge, came to R olls tor sermons on fixed dates and Program. 1885, the church members considered the building o f a new church e d ific e , y ruary o f 1886 began to negotiate the purchase o f the South Methodist church at 9th Z L l n s t re e t s ^ - which that church had b u ilt the 1881 year on the lo t purchase^ by Dr. Robert W. Douthat, and deeded by him to the South church. A ' ’ * , the C h ristia n , had ren tal this South Methodist ohnrch, and toldtag there Here they also held th e ir 1888 Christmas program. In planning these exerthere. ^ e r ^ t h e y ^ ^ took ^ part# probablyt most of them were members cises, o f the church: The M isses; W.G.Payne D r. . _.T a y lo r Dora Payne W .F. Cunningham Mrs ._ ._ .T a y lo r Eva Davies G.E.Davies J.W.Atkisson Nannie Reed Mrs C.E.Davies Joel S. S h e rre ll Do vie Deason John Strawhun James A. Reed Florence Reed Mrs John Strawhun Gppt. Thomas Nichols Lulu Carpenter Mrs. D r. M itchell Mrs. Thos Nichols Florence Chambers Jesse Rambo P ro f. Harding Bettie Fox Dump Atkisson Mrs. Harding „ . „ , 1 SB9 the KOUA CHEXarlAM CHURCH .a s f o u l l y INC0RK>RiTSD by T«dg. On Feb. 7, 1889, the rolls. . The A r t ic le s o f Agreement were dated C.C.Bland, o f Phelps Gou*^r ./ th ereo f signed by D r. Thomas Jefferson Jones, as Feb. 7, 1889, and the p etition thereof sign®“e L / s t e e s were T.J.Jones - C.R.M illard president, with C.R .M illard as - c r e ^ r y . ^ t r “s t e e ^ ^ Aa thU3 ^ A#M.Millard - Henry Dean - and D.D.Lama l P purchase o f the South Methodist earpofcated, the chureh was in position to comple£ the P church - the deed therefor being recorded and dated A p ril 18,188
Christian Ch
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As o f August 8 and Sept. 19, and also Sept. 25-26, Elder HOUSTON L . FERRELL ( not Ewnfih F e r r e ll, as church records sta te , for Enoch had died on O c t.3,1885) preached. From January 8 and at le a s t to June 26, 1890, Elder Robert Turner appears to have been the p a sto r. During 1891 and 1892, newspaper records state that Elder John D illo n , with Elders Watson and W .J.Frost, and former pastor P ro f. J.M.Morris, preached on iso la te d occasions. Destruction 0f_Church B^uildings By_Fire_.- The former South Methodist church b u ild in g , acquired by the Ch ristians in 1889, served the church w e ll u n til, f o l lowing a remodeling jo b , i t was destroyed by f i r e on L e ft without a meeting place fo r a time, the Church found temporary quarters in the upper h a ll o f the Knights o f Pythias C astle, southeast corner o f 7th and Rolla s t re e t s , and in the auditorium o f the R olla High School, on Cedar street between 8th and 9th s t r e e t s . These quarters served u n til a second building was erected on the old s it e during the pastorate o f Rev. Ira G. W illiam s, 1921-23. This SECOND b u ild in g was dedicated on Sunday, March 4, 1923. However, th is stru ctu re, too, was destined to be destroyed by f i r e , which broke out on _ , . Again the Church had to fin d other temporary quarters - were offered several places but chose the former brick B a p tist church b u ild in g , a t southeast corner o f 7th and O live s t r e e t s . This had been vacated by the B a p tists, who had moved to their new b u ild in g at the northwest com er o f 7th and Cedar s t r e e t s . This old Baptist brick b u ild in g i s the one the B aptists had erected in 1894 a fte r their o r ig in a l building had burned. On th is date, when the Christians moved into i t , i t was being used as the Chapel fo r the Smith-Hollow Undertaking Company. Here the church continued to meet u n til the basement portion of the present (1967) structure was completed - the THIRD b u ild in g to stand on the lo t at 9th and Main s t r e e t s . The basement was completed on August 17, 1947, and services continued in i t u n til the superstructure was com p leted end dedicated on January 3, 1954. Since completing the main church e d ific e , the Church has b u ilt a fine educa t io n a l b u ild in g on the lo t s occupying ^ p a c ^ ts south from the church to 7th s tre e t.
s rjs a s ffTLX:
:£ £ L r= & r..
We s h a ll terminate this h is t o r ic a l sketch o f the church by appending aJ ;1® o f the m inisters who have
^ ^ ^ f^ ^ fo r ^ p p e a ^ a n c r o n ly / ^ h e
secretary0h a s^ su p p lie ^ u s8with1the dates o f those who served during and a fte r 1907. GROUP 1. EARLY MINISTERS E lder James M. TennisonT.July,1873-Jan . 7,1875. Elder H. (Harvey??) Drennon .^ p r.2 °,1 8 7 6 Dr. E.P.Belshe . . . June 28,1877-Oct. P r o f. J.M.Morris . . . Mar 22,1883-May 22,1884 E lder J a s. M. Tennison ...June 86-Nov.80,1884. Elder Houston H. F e r r e ll, Aug. 8, Sept. ^ * Elder Robt. Turner . . . Jan 2 & June 26, E lder John D illo n . . . Feb. 5, 1891. E lder John Giddens preaches,Jan.JV-Toog D.D.Laraar, t r u s t . , (pastor??) Elder Watson ...p reach ed iag2 Elder W.J .F ro st, preached Jan. » P r o f . J .M .M o rris, preached, Sept. 20,1892.
Elder Baxter,held protrac ted m eetings,Dec.,1883 Elder Cowan, the same, March 27,1884 Elder Chas. Drennon et a l protracted meetings at Bridge School,Aug.1877. Elder J.J.Lane, protracted meetings, June 5,1879 Rev E.W.Jemes, o f St.James preached Jan 3,1889 and several other times.
Christian Gh
- 4
MINISTERIAL CROUP 2, (Ghurch Record Names, We fin d no dates or mention) D r. John C. Glover James C. Glover H.D.Rutter Louis Moneymaker R.B .Havener E lder _._.S p e e k Mr. . .Frame. GROUP 3. MINISTERS WITH RECORDED DATES £ From Church Records ) .R.C.Abram ......... Ivan Kinney . . . . C.S.N ichols . . . . R.H.Love ........... E.M.Romine ........ J.Ross M ille r .. E.M. Ronline . . . . Ira G. W illiam s. Tom Ashton ........ R .L. M o rt o n ........ A.W.C r a i g .......... S.D .Harlan ........ Eol? •0,Qtori©l • • • • LeRoy Manyon . .. Arthur P o ll . . . . T .Pow ell Sharp . Grant Gowan . . . . N eal M. L o v e ll • Chas. A. Willbanks Henry B. P ra tt • f'
A p r. -
1907 to • • • • - 1910 - 1910 to P? 9* 1911 to Nov, m 1912 JAP. — 19i§ • o• • ** 1913 to • • • • - 1915 to Jan. - 1916 Jan. — 1916 to • • • • - 1918 1918 to • • • • - 1921 • • • • - 1921 to Aug# • 1923 • • • • - 1923 to • • • • Oct. - 1923 to • • • • - 1924 • • • • • 1925 to Sept •mm 1926 1927 to • • • • • 1929 Apr. • 1929 to Sept • 1939 •• • • Npy. • 1939 to ¥ e y . - 1941 Npy# - 1941 to • • • • - 1945 - 1947 S e p t — 1945 to July • 1947 to • • • • - 1950 1950 to • • • • mm 1955 •• • • May - 1955 to Aug. - 1965 Feb. - 1966 to May 20,1974 and th e reafter m
I t was a pleasure to have known some o f the foregoing Christian Church p a sto rs. Rev. W illiam s being one o f the f i r s t we knew. Rev. E.M.Romine was another, whom we knew a ft e r we a rriv e d to liv e in Rolla in 1920. We also knew Revs. P o ll and W illban k s. We had sp e c ia l reason to know the Rev. E .P .G ab riel and his wife fo r on se v e ra l occasions this w r it e r, D r. Mann, spoke in regu lar services from R ev. G a b r ie l’ s p u lp it . He also o f fic ia t e d at the wedding o f our son Robert to Miss S h irle y Danson, in September, 1939. And with th is our story o f the Rolla Christian church is ended.
CVM May 15 *67
.The R o lla Episcopal ^Church ( "Christ C hurch").- I t i s apparent that the nucleus o f an EpTscopal "Church congregation exasteel Hi- H olla as e a rly as Dec. 30, 1869, fo r at that time, as a matter of pu blic newspaper record, Episcopal services were held by the R t. Rev. Bishop Charles Franklin Robertson, in the old R o lla Masonic H all at 4th and Main stre e ts - a place la t e r called "C hristian Chapel" by i t s Christian church owners. In th is serv ice, Bishop Robertson was aided by the Rev. G.K.Dunlap, o f Grace Church, Episcopal, in Kirkwood, Mo. Bishop Robertson continued to v i s i t R olla on various occasions, from December o f 1869 up to 1886, when he was succeeded by Bishop Daniel Sylvester T u ttle. Such e a rly v i s i t s are o f record as o f October 13,1873, when the Bishop preached the Episcopal service in the Methodist church, and of October 23, 1881, when he preached in the "C h ristian Chapel", or Masonic H a ll. The Rev. Dunlap frequently v is ite d R olla, as on Oct. 19»1872, when he held a three-day service in the R olla Presbyterian church - and in the Methodist church the week of June 16, 1875* From i t s beginnings , the la d ie s of the R olla Episcopal Church were very active. A news item o f January, 1871, states that they had held a church f e s t iv a l in the old two-part lo g bu ild in g called the "Grant Hotel", comer 8th and Pine streets - today's lo catio n o f the th ree-story b ric k Grant Apartment bu ildin g. This they did as part of a campaign t© ra is e funds with which to b u ild a house of worship. Again, as of October 2, 1873, there were enough musical Episcopalians in R olla to enable them to have a church concert " at_the Phe1ps Coiuity_Court_Hou8e" . Great emphasis on a R o lla Episcopal Church e d ific e project resulted when Dr. Charles P. W illiam s and h is superfine wife ( nee Annie Carter Sharpies) arrived in town in September, 1871. Dr. Williams had come as the f i r s t "d ire cto r" o f the Mis sou ri School o f Mines. Both he and Mrs. William s were Episcopalians. She at once became h igh ly interested in c u ltu ral a f f a i r s of R olla, and many times called into her home the young g i r l s o f town, d esirin g to in terest them in her ideas of gentle ness and refinement. One o f these g i r l s - Miss Lola Shaw - personally rela te d these things to present w rite rs, saying, among other things, that when Mrs. Williams attended services in the old Masonic H all - dressed in a fin e s ilk dress - she did not h esitate to kneel down on the not-too-clean flo o r when prayer was o ffered . She was one o f R o lla *s most devout, consecrated, and loved Christian characters. The d esire f o r an Episcopal house of worship had so increased by August 23 of 1873 that Dr. W illiam s, ju st mentioned, c alled fa r a meeting o f interested Persons who would assemble at h is residence to form a committee to a o iic it Some $800 bad already been collected . Such a committee was named - Dr. Williams ^ V . W illiam E . Glean, another School o f Mines professor. T h .ir goal was not immediately achieved - but i t did eventually mature.. I t was in 1877 that Dr. Williams was succeeded by Dr. Charles E. Wait as d i re c to r o f the School o f Mines. Dr. Wait, a lso an E p is c o p a lia n a t once set out to fin is h the task which D r. W illiam s had in it ia t e d . Besides continuing s o lic ita tio n E o lla -s f i r s t Episcpfml house o f j o r s h i p .a s o « g » U d . Bishop donated the lo t ( Lot 1 ip g l o t . Bp . Wait person ally , ready fe r dedication * * * * J J J i * j ^
f o r “ build_
huildine operations, and the structure was DU£ dr f . t t ^ . r t S u n “ ears a fte r he had personally, " it h the pastor, Rev. William Johnson,
placed the new church b e l l . * .. 4-viis church had the status of a "Mission . In the During i t s earliest y e a rs ,_ th i liv in g in Lebanon where his foremost years 1877 to 1881, the S * * . R0H a E piscopalians once or twice a month. But duties w ere, came to preach to the „ _ taken up residence in R o lla. In as o f March 31, 1881, he had, with h^\ Bishop Robertson and Rev. Dunlap. TSStween Rev. Johnson's sermons were others by Bisnop n
Episcopal Ch.
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As e a rly as November 27, 1879, the church had a Sunday School which, as o f that date, was organized by Dr. R.L.Johnson, the son of Rev. William Johnson. I t met in the old Masonic H a ll ( "C hristian Chapel" ) on Sunday afternoons - at an hour when i t did not in te rfe re with the regu lar worship hour o f various churches which met in the H a ll. C a llie Singleton was the organist - Morton Hatch the lib r a r ia n . As o f Sept. 8, 1881, plans fo r the new house of worship had been completed, and a construction contract drawn and signed. Dr. R.L.Johnson displayed the plans in his o ffic e , in the b u ild in g where in 1967 the Scott Drug store stands. By October 31 the foundation had been la i d and framing started. Frame and cupola were up by November 10. Funds were being assembled - and to aid in th is, the church la d ie s held a " f a i r " in the old Goettelman bu ild in g, northwest corner o f 5th and Main, the la t e r s it e o f the Western Conservatory of Music, and s t i l l la t e r of the High School. The rooms were so crowded that many late comers had to stand. The f a i r netted the la d ie s some #120. The record says that by A p r il 6 o f 1882 the church bu ilding had been com p le te d . I t was described as being 19 x AD feet in flo o r dimensions. Added was the entrance ve stib u le , measuring 5 x 8 feet — and the chancel, 8 x 12 fe e t . The arches supporting the ro o f were o f Gothic design, and were l e f t exposed to sight from the seats below. The windows were topped with Gothic arches, a sp ecial one being placed in the chancel above the a lt a r . The in t e rio r woodwork was o f natural walnut. R o lla *s news ed ito r said that the architecture, as a whole, was "taste f u l , comfortable, b e a u t ifu l". There was a handsome Mason and Hamlin organ. The church had cost some #1500. A b e a u tifu l b e ll , not in place at f i r s t , was added in 1887. This b e l l was made by the celebrated maker of n carillon b e lls - Meneeley & Co., o f West Troy, New York. I t was composed of pure b e ll metal - copper and tin - and weighed 760 pounds. When struck, i t s fundamental tone was B FLAT. Pres, ent w rite rs have often heard i t s melodious tones on Sunday mornings - and wish i t could s t i l l be rung. On the b e l l there was cast the fo ilw rin g in scrip tion : " 0HRIST CHURCH, R olla, Mo., 1887. C a ll a Solemn Assembly - Gather the People • This was from verses 15 and 16 o f the Gospel of Joel, Chapter 11. Although Easter services were held in the Chapel on Sunday, A p ril 9, the formal dedication did not take place u n t il Sunday, November 12,1882. On that occasion, the R t. Rev. Bishop Charles F. Robertson, P r i d i n g at the morning s e rvice arri aided by Revs. F.B.Scheetz and W illiam Johnson, dedicated the e d ific e , S T k ™ t H t a l n L . “ChristJJhurch". The ne.s editor .a id that the c o ^ e c r a tion r i t u a l was sim ila r to that o f the Church of England - was in fa c t the r it u a l n f the Protestant Episcopal Church o f the United States. He said i t was solemn, 3 £ f l 2 T t a I S 2 f l 5 r & i a dedication .a s possible only .hen the chureh had no debt - and th is was the status of the matter. As part of the morning service, Bishop Robert.on c o rfirM d the hesdames Hiram M. Sha. « r t O t a . £ 3
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* B ^ .T o h ^ s a a and a lso on every Friday. Thor, s t i l l had to be funds « i t h ^ the la d ie s again held f a 1™ and ^ The b e l l a rriv ed on November 10,1887.
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Admission .a s 10*.
* - « b» f ° r'
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the * * • caM rs a r r i'rcd'
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As of 1886, the Rt. Rev. Bishop Danuel S ylvester Tuttle succeeded Bishop Rob ertson, and served u n t il 1923, when the o ffic e was taken over by Bishop Frederick Foote Johnson. As o f January 31,1889, Rev. Johnson was s t i l l rector, and Bishop T u ttle was in R o lla to hold confirmation service on Sunday, January 27th. On A p r il 10,1890, Rev. Jphnson was 79 years of age, and his parishoners paid him a surprise v i s i t . Bishop T u ttle was here again on February 11,1892, as a ls o at other times, on t h is occasion confirming Mrs. Bruggman, John Oatley, and the Misses Olive Shaw, N e llie Fort, F lo ra Oatley, and Bertha Brucher. The hand o f death claimed Rev. W illiam Johnson on November 12,1892, in his 81st year. For 58 years he had been a m inister of the Gospel, and fo r 15 years had served the R o lla church. Funeral services were conducted on Sunday, Movember 13, by Canon D avis, o f Christ Church, Episcopal, S t. Louis, and Rev. R ussell Todd o f Lebanon. Warm trib u te s were voiced by Bishop T u ttle, who said that Rev. Johnson was "honest, sturdy, manly, f a it h f u l, u n selfish , humble, firm , kind, and true" and by Dr. Chas. E . W ait, former School o f Mines d irec to r, who said that "Rev. Johnson was my id e a l o f a grand and noble man." And thus do men end th e ir labors to be succeeded by others. Lucky indeed are they who can be thus praised by th e ir fe llo w men l The next Rector was the Rev. John W. Higson, who wa3 chosen by a sp e c ia l * church committee composed o f Dr* R.L.Johnson — Henry Wood — J.A.O atley — Joseph W. Poole - and P ro f. W.H.Seamon, a professor at the School of Mines - with o f f i c i a l choice by Bishop T u ttle . Rev. Higson served the church from 1893 to 1896, when he l e f t R o lla , liv e d in S t. Louis, studied and practised medicine, and on occasion served as a supply m inister where needed. I t was during his pastorate that the church bought two lo t s to the north o f the f i r s t one, and thereon b u ilt i t s two-story wood framed re c to ry that remained in place u n t il razed fo r the Improvements of 1964. As Rev. Higson l e f t , in 1896, the Rev. Frank M. Weddell came to the church and served as re c to r u n t i l 1910. During h is administration the churfih continued i t s routine services and fun ction s. Rev. Weddell was g re a tly respected in R olla, both in h is own church c ir c le s , and by the community gen erally.
As Rev. W eddell*s term ehded in 1910, the Rev. R.L.Knox took over the pas to ra te , servin g as a supply or "locum tenens", but not as elected m inister. He served only the 1910—11 year. In 1911 the Rev. Horatio Nelson T ra g itt came to the R olla church from South Dakota. He was tte re c to r from 1911 to 1931. And who was there in R o lla who did not know and respect Rev. T ra g itt ?? He was numbered among the good frien ds o f the present w r it e r s . We had many contacts o f various kinds, and were sorry terminated h is stay in R o lla . He served th ereafter, fo r a time, in T rin ity Epis copal church o f S t. James. I t was during Rev. T ra g itt*s adm inistration that the church^ in 1925, b u ilt i t s tw o-story Parish House. In flo o r plan i t measured 30 x 60 fe e t . At i t s west side was added a room 15x30 fe e t in dimension, containing o ffic e and choir rooms. When Z l £ 2 . a i f l - o f 1950-51 -a s b u il t , t h is . c h o ir -o ffa c . r o ^ b e c a ^ th e u n it which jo in e d t h . Parish House ^
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S i t p lX s h U s t t a U l t t o r -
aU o ^ V h t t r h U p t e OTr s : US : r o r i o a T s o c i e t y Meetings, and other s i M -
l a r events. „ _ _ i T Q . . -.on the oastorate was assumed by the Rev. O ral V i r g i l Jackson. In September, 1931, the pa d wn.v." or "R ew y ". Before coming By h is R o lla frie n d s, he w a s £ t f « > . p k f e t t o r o f i i b l . and R eligion to R o lla , f o r the P * ? s d W 26- 31 , he had been ^ p ro r ^ l0Ba. At ths end £ £ ? £ £ £ ‘£ ' 2 * 5 - S c r i b e , k n i s t r y , and had the status o f a Methodist m in iste r.
Episcopal Ch. May 15,'67
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S h o rtly a ft e r a rr iv in g in R olla, Rev. Jackson was appointed Rector o f Christ Church, Episcopal - though not as yet an ordained Episcopal p r ie s t . This situ ation was remedied on December 16, 1931, when he was ordained a Deacon at Christ Church Cathedral, S t. Lo u is. On June 14, 1932, in the R o lla church, he was ordained a P r ie s t . On both occasions, the orders were conferred by the Rt. Rev. Bishop W il liam S c a rle tt, whom present w rite rs were high ly p riv ileg e d to know personally. For t h ir t y years, Rev. Jackson served his church. Not only his church, but h is town, h is county, h is s t a te . His adm inistration was s ig n a lly outstanding in character, both f o r general church progress, and fo r th is community service u n p aralleled in R o lla 1s m in is t e ria l h isto ry . He was the foremost, an d almost fa n a t ic a l, le a d e r in the great campaign waged to get the Phelps County Memorial H ospital, b u ilt at a cost o f seme $500,000. The county might never have secured th is in s titu t io n had Rev. Jackson not expended the mighty e f fo r t he did in i t s b e h a lf* He was a heavy supporter o f the a c t iv it ie s o f the R olla Chamber of Com merce, was a most able promoter o f good causes, and stood fo r every project or en terprise which meant the good and w elfare of R o lla . He was the peer of a l l R o lla m inisters in th is sort of a c t iv it y - the Rev. Dow Pinkston being another of the kind. On December 26, 1936, Rev. Jackson was united in marriage to Mrs. F .H .F arris, (nee M iss Bertha Dent), the widow of R olla*s outstanding lawyer and statesman, Senator Frank H. F a r r is . Miss Susan, daughter of Senator and Mrs F a rris , was the only other member o f the fam ily. In 1967, Rev. and Mrs. Jackson li v e in St.Louis, at 5510 Waterman Avenue. He was obliged to give up m inistry because of f a i l i n g eyesight - the condition being glaucoma. On a date immediately p rio r to May 4, 1949, the church was form ally incor porated, under State law, w ith the t i t l e of "THE RECTOR, WARDENS, AND VESTRY OF CHRIST CHURCH, EPISCOPAL", o f R o lla . The corporate o ffic e r s consisted o f the Rector, Junior Senior Wardens, and seven Vestrymen. The o r ig in a l corporators included Rev. Jackson, Rector, Col. Chas. L . Woods, Senior Warden, and Hon. Booker H. Rucker, Junior Warden. As thus incorporated, the church, on May 4,1949, was admitted to the Diocese of M issouri as a Parish - thus changing i t s status from only a Mission to that of P arish . The in creasin g population of R olla, added to the growth of the student body at the School of Mines, made i t imperative fo r the church, in order to adequately serve i t s constituents, to enlarge i t s house of worship capacity. This required a su b sta n tia l fund - at le a s t $100,000. The nucleus of the f " * a bequest made by Mr. W illiam James Rucker, who had l e f t some *£0,000 fo r such a purpose. Further s o lic it a t io n s made i t possible to undertake the $100,000 p ro je c t, S S r e b y not only a new church e d ific e would be b u ilt , but a lso the Parish House would be renovated to match the new b u ild in g . 0ns May 13, 1949, the newly incorporated Vestry contracted with Mr. Raymond E . M arits, o f S t. Louis, fo r preparation? of the plans. On July^15,195°, the Hubert Paulus c o ^ y o f S t. Louis, signed Ld
c ^ e w V t C ^ g in .
The new e a iix c e o c c u p y * aot-west sept, at north a id , measured « fe e t to south o f transept, was only 32 fee^ wj d®» south. T . the n a ee *. s o u t h « d A Wiokes pipe organ . a s , « 1“ ^ . r i ^ S
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26 feet north-south. The nave, but hk feet long, northtib ule and tower room, 11x20 fe e t , * » ' the excellent organ playing
R o lls ? . fin e st n u s id a n . o f a l l time.
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The o f f i c i a l Vestry of the church during construction consisted o f Rev.O.V. Jackson, Rector — Dr. A.W.Sehlecten, Senior Warden - John D. Powell, Junior Warden. The seven Vestrymen were the Messrs. B.R.Conyers - Aaron G. S ta rlip e r James K. Searcy - and Robert L . Wilkensj Miss Helen Rolufsj and Mesdames Char lo t t e G. P a u ls e ll - and Leola M illa r . Col. Chas. L . Woods, Hon. B.H.Rucker, and Miss Rolufs constituted a board o f tru stees. Another excellen t addition to the church's b u ild in g properties was the H arriet Coleman Memorial Rectory, bequeathed to the church by the w i l l o f Mrs. H arriet Forbes. This, an a ttractive b ric k dw elling at southeast corner of 9th and Main stre e ts, was dedicated, along with the n w church e d ific e , on June 14, 1956, by the R t. Rev. Bishop Arthur C. Lichtenberger, Bishop of M issouri. In June, I960, the present church Rector, the Rev. Joseph W. Carlo, came to the church as curate. He was ordained to the Priesthood on March 15,1961, and became Rector of the Parish in place of Rev. Jackson. Before coming to R olla, he had been ordained as a B aptist m inister - had been a chaplain in the U.S.Navy and from 1951 to 1954 had served as a missionary to A lg e ria . I t was during the present administration, the f a l l of 1964, that plans were perfected f o r demolishing the old rectory of the Higson term, and fo r extending <• the old Pariah House northward. This work was completed in March i f 1966, adding more to the church's f a c i l i t i e s f o r serving hoth the School of Mines student body, and the community. As fo r membership, from the small i n i t i a l group o f perhaps a dozen persons the congregation has grown to some persons in 1967* By way o f summary, the Bishops who have presided over the R olla area since 1869 are these: Rt. Revs. Bishops: Charles Franklin Robertson (1868-1886) - Daniel S ylvester Tuttle (1886-1923) — Frederick Foote Hohnson (1923-1933) — W illiam S c a rle tt (1933-1952 ) — and Arthur C. Lichtenberger (1952 - -----_ ) . The Rectors who have served are these: The Revs .W illia m Johnson (^ 7 - 1 6 9 2 ) JohnW, Higson (1893-1896)— Frank M. Weddell (1896-1910) — R.L.Knwc (1910-1911) Horatio Nelson T ra g itt (19U-1931) - O ral V i r g i l Jackson (^ 3 1 “196l) ~ and Joseph W. Carlo ( 1961 - date 1967). ( Continuing on, to & a fte r May 20,19/4; And w ith this summary we conclude th is, our sketch o f R o lla 's Christ Church, Episcopal.
DIOCESAN RELATIONSHIP CHRIST CHURCH belongs to the Diocese of Missouri which had its beginnings as a part of the Missionary District comprised of Missouri and Indiana m 1835* The first Missionary Bishop was Jackson Kemper whose administration was from 1835 to 1844. He was succeeded by the first Diocesan Bishop, Cicero Stephens Hawks, whose administration was from 1844 to 1868, covering the whole State of Missouri. It was in 1889 that the State was divided into two dioceses, Diocese of West Missouri and the Diocese of Missouri, headquarters being respectively at Kansas City and St. Louis. Succeeding Diocesan Bishops in the Diocese of Missouri have been Charles Franklin Robertson, 1868-1886, Daniel Sylvester Tuttle, 1886-1923» Frederick Foote Johnson, 1923-1933, (Coadjutor beginning in 1911)f William Scarlett, 19331952, (Coadjutor beginning in 193^)»
Geographically the Diocese of Missouri is composed of the Eastern half of the State of Missouri. II HISTORY OF THE PARISH (0
The history of CHRIST CHURCH falls into three chapters: Unorganized Mission, beginning with the first Prayer Book Service on Thursday evening, December 30> 18691 when Bishop Robertson and the Reverend William Dunlap, Rector of Grace ta/t Church, Kirkwood, Missouri united in conducting the Service in the Masonic Hall; tj Organized Mission, bearing the Name, CHRIST CHURCH, in 1879, the Reverend William Johnson becoming the first resident Minister KfA PARISH, when Christ Church on May 4, 1949 was admitted as a Parish by the Diocesan Convention, Pre^ouslybecoming a Corporation with the title, THE RECTOR, WARDENS AND VESTRY OF CHRIST CHURCH, EPISCOPAL. In the first Chapter,, are the names of the small groups whose zeal and devo tion laid the foundation of the Episcopal Church in Rolla. These are Dr. <Carles P. Williams, first Director of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, . Williams, Doctor W. Glenn, Doctor C. Caufman, F. Wishon, Mrs. Ed Seay and E. D. W. Hatch, Rolla*s Postmaster. To these were added Harriet V. Catherine M. Atkinson and Gertrude M. Scott who constituted the first ConfimationClasson March 18, 1874. The women of this earliest group maintained their active interest by meeting in<homes, becoming St. Margaret’s Guild W^1C S ^ S^JT d i f integral part of Christ Church. Due largely to their efforts a schedule of regular services was established in Rolla. In the second Chapter*wl s e e th e organization of a Mission,f^s^f^se^cee
ment of a resident Ministry and the building o a iaP° » Ground for the Chanel on Easter Day, 1882, and Consecrated on November 12, 1882. <*ound for^the Lbapd was donated by Edmund W* Bishop and Jane 1. . . the*corner lot of fifty additional 100 feet frontage on MainStreet. accent^tojthe^c=orner .j, feet donated by Mr. and^Mrs. Bishop at f 15Q feet frontage and 105 feet purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Bishop.
-^his 3 .
depth has remained for the Episcopal Church m Rolla.
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In addition to the Chapel two other buildings were erected on the site owned by the Episcopal Church in Rolla. In 189^ a seven-room Rectory was built and in 1925 a two-story Parish House was completed. The Chapel b u i l t in 1882 was destined to serve Christ Church fo r a period of 68 y e a rs. Being o f gothic design, i t consisted o f a Nave, ^0 by 90 fe e t, Chancel, 12 by 8 fe e t , v e stib u le , 8 by 5 fe e t . I t had an open roof and gothic arches, wood work fin ish e d in walnut* I t contained four memorial windows, three in the Nave an one over the A lt a r . No debts were incurred and the cost was reported to be $1170. F eelin g the inadequacy o f the Chapel, the people o f Christ Church launched a movement fo r a new church e d ific e in the first--decade o f the twentieth century, headed in the second decade by the Honorable A.P. Murphy, then a member of Congress. To him Bishop T u ttle wrote a commendation, statin g: ”At R olla i s our state School o f Mines w ith many hundred students connected therewith. Good work f o r our Church can be done among them. But our R o lla Parish i s not largo nor strong. And, to be a ttra c tiv e to young men, our small frame church should be en larged and replaced by one o f brick or stone.” tsMr* Murphy w ith much earnestness desires to see this improvement accomplish ed, I s h a ll be most glad and g ra te fu l fo r any help that may be given to him in accomplishing i t and I beg to assure any helpers that th e ir g if t s w i l l be w orthily and most u s e fu lly bestowed. Daniel S. T u ttle, Bishop o f M isso u ri.”
“ While this early dream was unrealized, it was on May 13, 19^9 that the VESTRY employed Mr. Raymond E. Maritz as Architect. This action being approved by the Bishop, the Architect proceeded to make preliminary drawings and on .august 21, 19^9, a water color painting of his conception was exhibited to members of the congregation. On July 15, 1950 a contract was signed with the Robert Paulus Con struction Company as General Contractor. The old Chapel was razed during the first two weeks in August and actual construction began on August 21, 1950. The new Church is Williamsburg Colonial and the Parish House is faced with the same style of Colonial brick, the two buildings forming a unit. Development o f th is b u ildin g program belin gs actu ally in the Third Chapter o f our P arish h isto ry which began on May 19^9 when Christ Church became an incorporated P arish Church in the Diocese of M issouri. This corporation consists o f the Rector, a Senior and Junior Warden, and seven Vestrymen. The names of these and the Honorary Warden and Honorary Vestryman, Colonel Charles Lewis Woods and Booker H a ll Rucker, S r ., and the complete Parish Directory, were printed in the Corner-Stone Laying B u lle tin . Breaking and Consecration o f ground fo r the new Church e d ific e occurred on Sunday, August 27, 1950* In the h isto ry o f Christ Church there have been fiv e regu lar M inisters, beginning in 1877. Before that date services were conducted by v is it in g p rie s ts . In 1881 the Reverend W illiam Johnson who had been coming re g u la rly to R olla fo r services f o r four years moved to R olla, becoming the f i r s t resident pastor. He continued in th is pastorate u n t il h is death on November 11, 1892, age 81 years and 8 months. Funeral services fo r him were conducted in R olla, on Sunday, November 13, by Canon Davis o f C h rist Church Cathedral, St. Louis, and the Rev. R ussell Todd o f Lebanon. He was in Holy Orders f o r 58 years, serving Christ Church fo r 15 y e a rs. During h is pastorate C h rist Church grew from le s s than a dozen members to more than f i f t y members. Personal devotion prompted these members to begin b u ild in g t h e ir Chapel w ith only $500.00 in cash and a determination to avoid any debts. A considerable contribution was made to th is f i r s t bu ildin g program by
Mr. John Oatley, an Englishman and a son-in-law of the Reverend William Johnson, who, a skilled carpenter, donated his work. ■
Dr* Charles.E. Waite, second Director of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and an active Episcopalian, promoted the building of the first Chapel. H p tne Reverend William Johnson, Dr. Waite wrote after his death; ”1 have many times felt that my association with him was an incalculable benefit to me. I often recall those many delightful incidents connected with the little Church in Rolla. He and I made so many things in common: the Communion Table, the Desk and the Rail, ■gith the assistance of others, he and I placed the beautiful bell in position. I recall, too, those beautiful and earnest services in the Church, and I have not enjoyed any such as those since I left there. Mr. Johnson in the Church as well as at homo, was my ideal of a grand and noble man.” Bishop Tuttle characterized the Reverend William Johnson as "honest, sturdy, manly, .faithful, unselfish, humble, firm, kind, true.” It was this kind of a Christian gentleman who directed the laying of a spirit ual foundation for Christ Church in Rolla. And we are informed that Mrs. Johnson was a consecrated woman, interested and devoted to the work of her hunband.
The first Minister was succeeded by the Reverend John W. Higson in 1893* It was during his administration that the Rectory was built. Mr. Higson stayed three P years and then returned to St. Louis where he studied medicine. As a physician ho continued his ministry as a supply of churches. The Reverend F.M. Weddell succeeded the Reverend Mr. Higson in 1896, remain ing at Christ Church until 1910. For one year the Reverend R. L. Knox supplied Christ Church as a locum tenens, never being elected Minister. In 1911 the Reverend Horatio Nelson Tragitt assumed the pastorate of Christ Church, being transferred from South Dakota, He remained until 1931* The Reverend O.V. Jackson assumed the pastorate in 1931 and served Christ Church until his retirement in 1961. He transferred here from a professorship in Cornell College, Iowa and from the Ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was ordered a Deacon at Christ Church Cathedral, St. Louis, on December 16, 1931 and was Ordained to the Priesthood in Christ Church, Rolla on June 14, 1932. Both Orders were conferred by Bishop William Scarlett. With gratitude and faith in God we carried forward the building of a House of Prayer for all time and for all people! May God bless us and all future generations who will worship and serve in the new House of Prayer! May we, priest and parishioners, ever remember that our physical facilities are Consecrated to the Glory of God. On June 14, 1956 the new Christ Church was consecrated, free of debt, and the Harriet Coleman Forbes Memorial Rectory was dedicated by the Rt. Rev. Arthur C. Lichtenberger, Bishop of Missouri. Two major bequests in the last twenty-five years have added to the material basis of Ch'rist Church Parish. The first was from the Will of the late William ■ James Rucker whose bequest gave courage to us to rise up and build. The second is iithat of the beautiful Memorial Rectory and other assets through the Will of the late Harriet Coleman Forbes. In the fall of 1964 plans were made for the remodling and extending the Parish House. The work was completed in March of 1966; and the congregation, and community I presently enjoys the adequate, as well as pleasant, new facilities of the Parish House. .
e pisc o pa l church history
• • Rolla
l This Yiew o f the Church erected &, dedicated in 1882* o
N . M E T H O D IS T
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Noon May 18,1967
THE ROLLA (First) METHODIST CHURCH Or i g i n s Of_The_Methodi£t_Church.- The Methodist church, o f world-wide d i mensions, sprang from the sermons preached, the hymns w ritten and sung, and the r e lig io u s doctrines la id down and promulgated by the Rev. John Wesley and his bro ther Charles, in England. Both had been members o f the old Established Church of England, and from i t , through them, the Methodist church inherited i t s form o f church government - the "ep isco p al” or bishop-adm inistered type. The two Wesleys were c a lle d "Methodists" by th e ir c o lle g ia te frie n d s, because of the "method" they follow ed in th e ir worship. P rio r to the year 1739, John Wesley had experienced an intense emotional experience. He had then come to fe rv e n tly believe these things: ( l ) There had to be a "d esire fo r personal r e lig io n " ; (2 ) The members of the old Established Church could hold membership - but that did not prevent them from indulging in heavy drink, ©r in immoral carousals and other sin s. They were not much interested in_the_g ood l i f e j . This had to be changed. Victory over sin was a c lear-cu t Wesleyan g o a l; T 3 l There had to be a d a i ly growth in personal goodness; (4 ) The grace of God could transform every l i f e that received i t ; and (5 ) Conscious acceptance o f God and Christ was fundamental......... The words of Jesus ( S t. Matthew 5*48) .."B e ye therefore p e rfe c t, even as your Father in Heaven i s perfect" was a text w e ll suited to Wesley*s d octrin es. W esley's b e li e f s and doctrines came to America even before the War of the Revolution (1776-1883). But that event severed the American constituents from those o f England. Wesley, perceiving that a separate American church was in e v ita b le, spec i a l l y ordained one Dr. Thomas C o k e ,-firs t as a deacon, then as an eld er - and sent him to America to organize the Americans into an American Methodist church. On December 24, 1784, on c a ll by Dr. Coke, there was held in Baltimore, Maryland, the famous "Christmas Conference", in which the assembled deleg and^adopted A r tic le s o f R eligion and Doctrines th at w r e suitable fo r the A f r i c a n church P I t was thus that the "Methodist Episcopal Church of the United States of America" was born. Dr. Coke and Francis Asbury were named by the Conference as Am erica's f i r s t Methodist bishops. D r. Coke expended most o f h is time and energy in trying to e stab lish an American ^ t S f i s t 5 * . In part, he ' » " > ? » • « * * mod.™ church to f u l l y achieve h is goal - « i t h ™ b iS ^ a b u r, : g
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.a ste rn
States over the Allegheny* in to Tennessee and Kentucky. £>tat.es over w * & j iS1 / the Rev. W illiam McKendree took his place When Bishop Asbury died, in 1 1 » d M issouri. But before that, as bishop, and brought Methodism ur ® » had receiTOd personal instruction happened, and in 1797, one Rev. © , . north of St. Louis, and preached Methodist from Wesley, invaded the a ^ a i m m e d ^ t e l y n o r t h o f b t . , ^ of posifcive sermons to th . residents o f the Cold-Water ....... ........... Clark, meeting orders not to do so, issued by P the Methodist heirarchy of bishops up with a kindred s p i r i t one d e c id e d ^ th a t^ t^ ^ ^ other ^ the Baptist was not fo r him. The two knel , P M^ s’ ur i i s f i r s t Methodist m inister - but also f a it h . Thus Clark b^ame not o n ^ s s o u r i s ^ be b u ilt near Cape Girardeau is the f i r s t V t i s t . The Bethel « h^ e^ “ ohurch over b u ilt seat of the M ississip p i said to have been the very r i r s * r iv e r .
1(lnn 1610 Bishop McKendree sent, and journeyed with, During.the years 1800 to 1 ^ 0 , Bis P region from St.Charles on
numerous c ir c u it r id e r s ^ t T s ^ S T ^ ’^
. ^
J ^ i r M o rs^ b a ttle d ic e , snow storms, h i g h e r , fo re s ts . They e s U o lis h e i numerous preaching
N.Methodist May 18 *67
- 2 -
sta tio n s. As the years passed, these c irc u it rid e rs pushed fu rth er west through M issouri, and by 1845 were at Maramec Iron Works, in Phelps county. Among these men was the outstanding le a d e r, JacoD Lannius, who preached at Waynesville and other sta tio n s as f a r west as S p rin g fie ld . J.C.Hawkins was frequently at Maramec. James r. Witten and his son, Robert, were at Richland, on the Gasconade near today's (1967) crossing o f Highway 63, and at Lane's P ra irie , a dozen miles north of R o lla . But as yet there was no town o f R o lla - not u n t il 1858. In 1844 came the great d iv isio n of the general Methodist Episcopal Church in to i t s "North" and "South" d iv isio n s . This happened because one Bishop Andrews had married a Southern la d y who owned slav es. The marriage made him a partner, with her, in slave ownership. A committee of the general church, then in conference, said that no man who owned slaves should continue as a bishop. The Southern dele gates made th is an issu e, and by mutual agreement, a sp ecial conference of Southern delegates was c a lle d , in which i t was decided to have a "Methodist Episcopal Church, South", apart from the "North" church. Thus there came to be what we now, in this sketch and fo r convenience, c a ll the "North" and the "South" Methodists. O rigins of the R o lla Methodist Church.- As e a rly as 1845 there had been Metho d is t preaching” at Maramec Iron Works (S p rin g ). Livin g there were communicants both o f "North" and "South" Methodist views. On September 13,1849, while there to preach, the Rev. Wm. P. Gibson, together with such "North" Methodists as were present, organized the f i r s t Methodist "so ciety " to e x is t in Phelps county. I t was to this group that the R o lla church owed i t s inception. A few of the South group joined in this move. ^ Phelps County had not existed p rio r to November of 1857, but on the 13th day o f that month was o f f i c i a l l y created by M isso u ri's i e g i s i a t u w . as the county seat in December of that year, and o f f i c i a l l y confirmed by the County Couito e a r ly in 1858. The name of "R olla" was attached to the place as e a rly as May S f o f 1858 . The T0wn of R o lla was s p e c ia lly chartered by t h e L e g i s l^ u r e °JJ S u ^ r y 2571861. M d now there was a town in which there could oe a "R olla Metho d is t Church". Tf 4c TM*onr«ried that in May of i860 the Rev. Stanford Ing "preached' in R o lla . c ir c u it - Rev. Ing serving that c ir c u it . J i n liana S e lle r s . This man, a former resident o f the
county,Mis2 d a "i^ rth "
so u ri, had been assaulted by * “ ob . ifch ta r ^ feathers from head to foot Methodist preacher - and had been coate out. t a r had even been rubbed in to h is ears and hair - and the nair naa He was on the Rolla-Maramec c ir c u it but the one year • Rev. S e lle r s was follow ed by the Rev. R ollin s a f f a i r s . Even Rolla-Maramec c ir c u it . ® of 1861, the ugly head of secession arose as the town was incorporated, m 7 although at f i r s t , town sentiment in the community. Conventions we:” ^ . with the f i r i n g of Fort Sumter's guns on opposed s e s s i o n - v i e w ^ c k l ^ c h ^ g e d v d t ^ among lawyers in c irc u it A p r il 12-14. On “ *7 I®”1* follow in g court, the Southerners pu lled and ra ise d the Stars and Bars o Southerners dominated the town fa m in e ., tryin g to < b r : ^ L ^ r c h the Unionist army under date throughout the war, numbers o f -South" Methodists ^
[ ^
s trip e s from the Court House dome f c S i May 7 to June 14, the and ^ aqUads te rro riz in g Unionist th is changed on June 14, when e d in . Southerners fle d , and from that to n .sigeu ^ Unlon terri8. S
in R o l l a 's re lig io u s e irc le s t o appear in p u b lic . This .a s
^ t s r Us » r r f nrtem had been id e n tifie d as those .h o .e r e inforsung
Methodist N
- 3 -
ra id e rs and g u e r illa s out of town whenever Union wagon supply trains were to leave R o lla . They thus made i t e a sie r fo r the g u e rilla s to capture and rob these trains, going south to Houston and west to S p rin g fie ld . A few such "South" Methodists were arrested by army o ffic e r s , and imprisoned in their own hemes. Included was the mayor o f R o lla . ThroughutdC the war, and u n t il 1869, i t was highly imprudent fo r any South Methodist to make any sig n ific a n t re lig io u s move. But the town, being crowded with Union so ld ie rs, wanting seme form of relig io u s worship, was rip e fo r the orggM.zation o f a "Worth" church - and this presently matured.
One o f the f i r s t Methodist a c t iv it ie s in R olla was the establishment o f a community Sunday School. Among i t s chief proponents were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sydney Long - whi had been residents of the Maramec V illa g e , out now had removed to R olla. The town e d ito r spoke thus of the new enterprise: A Sunday School has, at la s t , been organized in R o lla, with a f u l l complement / o f teachers, and a respectable number of scholars. Through the li b e r a l i t y of several c itize n s, the school has been provided with a lib r a r y of interesting Dooks . . . The School i s under the more esp ecial supervision of the Methodist Church, though Dy no means confined to that denomination. A l l persons, without regard to re lig io u s pred ilection s, are invited to p articip ate. Attached there is a Bible Class (fo r adu lts)i- so that i t i s adapted to the wants of a l l . . . . I t i s a cheerful sight to see the in te re stin g group of children and teachers that assemble each Sabbath morning, * to study the Word of God. How much better i t i s for boys and g i r l s to be thus engaged than to be running w ild and d ir t y in the streets, learning nothing good, but every thing bad." The Rev* Beggs now stepped into this situation, and, with the cooperation of some sixteen charter members, organized the (F ir s t ) Methodist Episcopal Church of R o lla . The l i s t we have of charter members includes these: Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Long - Rev. and Mr s, Stanford Ing and their son John - Mr. and Mrs John Copeland Mrs. Lem Morgan and her mother Mrs Frank Webster - Mr. and Mrs. B r a z illa Dean and daughter - Messrs. John F. Waits and Henry Beal - and Mr. and Mrs. Charles P.Walker, the town’ s e d ito r. In order £o acquire and hold property, there had to be a Board of Trustees so one was created under general Methodist church d isc ip lin e . The members were: Stanford a M John Ing - John Copeland - John Waits - and Henry s e a l. To th is Board, on June 4, 1862, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund W. Bishop, he Deing the town s founder, deeded lo t s 1 and 2, Block 34, Bishop’ s Addition. Here the o rig in a l Methodist church was b u ilt . The main frontage was on 9th street, the le ss e r frontages on Main and Park stre e ts . Plans were now drawn, and under a building committee of which editor Chas. P. Walker was member, bu ilding operations were now in order. I t was thus that the Rev. Beggs f i r s t organized the Rolla Methodist church, and served as it s f i r s t pastor, the 1861-62 year. The next pastor was ^ . R o b e r t S. Witten, who served the 1863 y »a r. This was the o r u c i a l y e ^ of^the C iv il ffar, * /■ the b a ttle s of Gettysburg and Vicksburg being foufeht in July of that year. ^
f 8
observation S
r ^
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deemed necessary by a m ajority o f w arriors ! > . « ! l t h 4 i s good. #eem to overshadow the land with there are some citizen s But, happily, fo7 1tt 7 r th r ^ o r i L ^ w h ^ a r C t o I s r i a n s f ;r e - U b o r I n g , as it would 5 5 ^
^ g ‘ a 'c ra z y , thoughtless “
human beings industrious, virtuous, and happy
N. Methodist May 18 * 6 7
i s la id aside by the almost innumerable throng of ungodly people, who c lu ste r around the dram shops and the card table - to drink deep of liq u id f i r e that w i l l , a la s, consume them. Oh, that a flaming two-edged sword might sever the d e v il and his emmisaries from a would-be righteous people i " This challenge was met by the Rev# Robert Witten, who l e f t us this notes "in 1863 I was sent to the R o lla c ir c u it . This year, as usual, I had plenty of hard • work and hard fa re , but I stuck to them to the end, and l e f t the f ie ld in b e tte r condition then i t was when I went to i t . A b u ildin g lo t had been procured by my predecessor, Rev. Mr. Beggs, and I at once commenced the erection o f the house of worship. R o lla was then an important m ilita ry post, and was flooded with so ld ie rs a.riH refu gees. £ heI d a r e v iv a l meeting in R olla, _aided_by the Rev ._A_1_N_1Cave, _Cha£lain of_the_2^rd M £souri._Infantry, _which_re suited in_the_conversion of_lj^O_souls. The work in the country, outside of R olla, was equally prosperous, notwithstanding that the country was f u l l o f bushwhackers - and that two of our brethren were b r u t a lly murdered'1. This records the beginnings o f the o rig in a l Methodist church bu ild in g, in I 863 . I t was a rectangular structure measuring 39 fe et (north-south) by 53 fe e t . A b e ll tower and v estibu le entrance was added to the east end. I t s cost was around $8,000 — and many Union so ld ie rs helped to b u ild i t . The b u ild in g had not yet been completed when Rev. Witten l e f t . I t was fo r hia successors, Revs. Stanford Ing and Alexander F ield s, to fin is h i t . The tower was unfinished as la te as 1881, when School of Mines students gave a sp ecial play in order to help ra is e funds fo r completing i t . A c o m p l e t i o n of the b u ildin g, the Methodist e d ific e seems to have served fre q u e n tly as a place f o r pu blic meetings. In the emergency created by the great 8th stre e t f i r e of June 21,1865, i t served as a temporary home fo r those whose homes had burned. During the la s t days o f the C iv il War, i t also sheltered many of the refugees driven from th e ir South Missouri homes by g u e r illa s . In November o f 1871, the dedication services fo r the School of Mines were held here. And during the 1870 s, before the Episcopalians had a church of th e ir own, Bishop Charles Robertson and Rev. G.A.Dunlap used the church fo r Episcopal services. R o lla C o lle g e .- Rev. J.C.H. Hobbs followed the Rev. A.N .Fields as pastor. He and MrsT Hobbs had been volunteer nurses in the Union Army fo r a short time - ^ t i l he was badly wounded. They then took up home mission work, and served in the area near where7the countryside was overrun by re 11. For the 1867-68 year, Rev. and Mrs. Hobbs were assigned to the Rolla church. One of Rev. Hobbs* f i r s t impressions of R olla was that the town needed a c o l£
S c iW M s • f o L r ^
G a L a , I l l i n o i s , and o th ,r places, to s o lic it necessary
funds. And funds he got. B e lla College .a s then i p e ^ d i n t h e ^ d d
, .
the n ^ th e a s t c o rn e r of ^ Loughran, was hired as p rin c ip a l. A formal were procured. An easterner, r r o i . , f -> bv phelos County C ircuit Court. Board o f Trustees was l l o J S r f J f i S school, with perhaps The subjects taught were those o f th venture was not altogether a grand a few su bjects o f freshman college .^.The^venture w a s ^ success - fo r the college la ste d only ye • ofM in es was opened ju st three was the forerunner o f things to come - f o r the School ox min years la t e r , the f a l l of l87^ h ogram waa more or le s s routine. There From 1868 on up to 1894, the churcn pr g Sunday school concerts, and were frequent r e v iv a ls , Christmas Program , a o c ia ls . The Ladies Aid Society a greatnnany strawberry f e s t iv a ls and ice cream soc
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conducted these, and the money raised went, in many instances, to the m inisters — eith e r as. payments on th e ir salary, or in the form o f g if t s o f overcoats and cloaks. Even the Masonic Lodge, on one occasion, entered in a'body, and at the end of the sermon, presented the pastor with a $50 g i f t - then passed the hat through the congregation to get an add itio n al stun. The pastors who served from 1868 to 1894 are li s t e d at the end o f th is sketch.
In 1894, the Rev. and Mrs. A .D .B a ll assumed the pastorate, and served through 1898. Rev. B a ll was o f s o lid character, and le d in a vigorous church program. I t was during his stay that the north w a ll of the o rig in a l church was moved some 12 feet to the north, next to the sidewalk, and memorial windows inserted. For the 1899 year, Rev. B a ll was succeeded by Rev. H.B.Foster. That was a routine year. The ' B a lls were g re a tly respected and loved, both in the community, and by their church. For the period 1900 to 1905, Rev. and Mrs. Francis S. Beggs returned to the * church, which he had organized the 1861-62 year. They were g re a tly loved, and th e ir second term netted them much more than the $19.00 they had received in cash fo r their f i r s t year’ s workl Rev. and Mrs. T .P .S h a ffe r succeeded Rev. and Mrs. Beggs, and served the years 1906-1910. He was fre sh from the h a lls of DePauw University, and proved to be a great frie n d to the young fo lk s o f the church. He very a c tiv e ly promoted the Epworth League fo r them, and, not neglecting the adults, made his m inistry known as one p a r tic u la rly in terested in the young fo lk s . Rev. George Hunt replaced Rev. S haffer in 1910, serving through 1913* He was a sch o larly man, a great lo v e r of nature - of i t s flow ers and b ird s . His ser mons were o f a high and h e lp fu l order. One morning, while in the middle of his sernon, h is l i t t l e daughter came in , holding a b e a u tifu l and large moth which she wanted him to see. Breaking o f f in the middle of a sentence, he stepped down, took and inspected the moth, with kind words to the daughter - then went back to the p u lp it - and fin ish ed the rest of the sentence he had started - with no comment on the inciden t. The Rev, A.M.Dixon occupied the p u lp it fo r 1914, with no special event fo r us to record. A spectacular pastorate began in 1915 when Rev• and Mrs. Claude S • Hanby came. He served the church u n t il 1922, when, in the middle of the year, he l e f t . Mr. Hanby became deeply in terested in the School of Mines' students. He perceived that the School’ s courses had l i t t l e in them calculated to m inister to the s p ir it ual l i f e . He wanted to change that 1 To do t h is , the church's f a c i l i t i e s needed reh a b ilita tio n - and expansion. Rev. Hanby proceeded to s o l i c i t necessary funds, and presently had made these changes and improvements: ( l ) A new Kilgen pipe organ was in s ta lle d in a choir l o f t provided by pushing out a portion of the church s south w a li j (2 ) The p u lp it was changed from the Bouthwest corner to the immediate front of the choir l o f t , (3J The flo o r^ o f the auditorium was raised at the back so the flo o r would slope downward to the a lt a r platform ; ( 4 ) An addition to the church's west end was ^ u i l t j o r a (5 ) The furnace was Sunday School room, and fo r kitchen and larlor purposes. 18 , 000 . replaced. This program had cost around The plant was now in reasonably good condition fo r in it ia t in g the program , Mr. Hanby had in mind. The s t u d e n p resen tly organised a ^ o u p c a lle d to . Methodist sngine r
turers to apeak to the boys.
The church Indies
banquet., <d.th t h . . . • * • < * • ” guests. R o w i n g the
«“ * “ £ £ £
S ctS ^d ” e ? t t ^ L church auditort t a l S o o l of Mines fa c u lty joined in y l * e t u r « r s f a l t e r i n g with t h is . i n v i * d by the church. I t
was a very worthy and in te re stin g program.
N.Meth.Ch. May 18 «67
In the N atio n al Methodist organization, there was provision fo r an agency designed to m in ister to the w e lfa re , p a rtic u la rly , of college and u n iv ersity stu dents. This was and i s the Wesley Foundation. During the Hanby adm inistration, a number o f R o lla c itiz e n s and School of Mines' fa cu lty members organized a lo c a l unit o f th is agency, and d id some vigorous planning toward providing R o lla with outstanding f a c i l i t i e s o f th is kind. Funds were s o lic it e d , c o lle cte d . The re st o f Block 34» south o f the church to 8th stre e t, was purchased — as a lso a lo t at the northeast corner o f 8th and Main stre e ts. The plan was to erect a new church e d ific e south o f the old one, and convert the old structure in to a Wesley Foundation f a c i l i t y . A new parsonage was to occupy the l o t at northeast com er o f 8th and Main. Out-of-town arch itects drew the plans. The general Methodist Board of Home Missions and Church Extension held out promise o f a $100,000 g i f t or loan . The lo c a l group was to procure cash and/or subscrip tion s o f at le a s t $50,000. Such a campaign was put on - and the goal reached. But when the n ation al church organization now considered the matter, the lo c a l board f a i l e d to agree w ith i t s decision and the amount i t proposed to contribute. The whole en terp rise co llap sed . A debt o f some $6,000 had to be ra ise d and paid o f f , sanehow. With the church's business in th is condition, Rev. Hanby l e f t R olla, and the church went in to a slump. The Rev. Clarence P. M ills came to serve out the r e s t o f the conference year. Rev. Hanby's program of entertainment and fun was an outstanding feature of h is p asto rate. There were evenings when movie shows of much worth were given. Other nigh ts there were p lays, w ritten by Dr. L.E.Woodman, long-time church organ ist. Even the adults donned f a ls e faces, wigs, and wierd costumes in order to present plays bearin g names such as the "Sausage M i ll Grinder" — "Skunk Hollow" and the "Mysterious Twenty". Among Dr. Woodman's plays were these: "The S ilv e r B u lle t ." " E l s i e 's Wish" - and "Enchanted Lantern". The most outstanding o f the adult plays was centered about the Old Testament character, Job - the "man of b o i ls " . Rev. Hanby impersonated Job - D r. B arley was "The Voice o f God" - Pern Gordon was the red—robed, long—t a ile d "D e v il". For a short time, the collapse o f the WesleyFoundation en terprise, and the resig n a tio n o f Rev. Hanby, encompassed the church in a cloud of gloom. I t was the coming to the pastorate o f Rev. and Mrs. Harry P • Hunter that l i f t e d the cloud. Rev. Hunter r e a d ily made frie n d s with some who had been most c r i t i c a l o f the church and i t s pastor and program - went to the g o lf f i e l d with School o f Mines fa c u lty menbers - mingled w ith business men in the Chamber of Commerce. In these ways he gained the confidence o f the community. I t was during 1924 that the church found a way to b u ild a new $10,000 par sonage. D r. C.V.Mann, one o f present w rite rs, was retained to serve as a rc h ite c t. He drew the plans and both he and Rev. Hunter supervised b u ild in g on by Mr. B e lflo w e r, the contractor. The parsonage then b u ilt was removed from i t s o r ig in a l lo c a tio n , to make way fo r the new church e d ific e completed in 1956. The parsonage now stands immediately east across Main street from the new church. Besides g e ttin g th is new parsonage, and cutting down the church debt^R ev.
Students stranded In R o lla fo r the t o d a y s . . r e s p e c ia l gu ests.
For many years, th is custon prevailed .
Rev. ani Mrs. Harry Osborne replaced the church a f f a i r s during t h i . t i e . ^ t i o ^ Movement a mighty ooost when, at opring » present,"TO had D r. O.Vdiann elected presW ent A sso c ia tio n . This group, during Rev. usoorn s
x . ,
± e th T S L ' W I h b o i d mothers S o rin c fie ld D is tr ic t Lay ™ ^ V p r o g r s m o f con-
- 7 claves, in which D is t r ic t Superintendent Rev. A.Peterson and w ife , and Bishop Meade, p a rtic ip a te d . These conclaves, and the laymens’ newspaper published, were o f e x c ep tio n a lly ex cellen ce, as w e ll as unusual.
The Hunters returned f o r th e ir second term, serving from 1932 through 1943* The church program continued much as i t had been during th eir f i r s t term. However, the church needed remodeling and r e p a ir. The open g a lle r y plan of the Sunday School room was changed by c lo sin g the opening to provide more second-floor classroans. The '.'ii/p' kitchen f a c i l i t i e s were improved, and the heating plant renovated. ...From R olla, the Hunters went to the V in ita Avenue church in St. Louis. Mrs * Hhnter died while there, A p r il 27, 1951. Rev. Hunter remarried, but died on August 28,1959, w hile at S t e e lv i ll e on a m ission. Their ashes were scattered over the R o lla church l o t . Rev. Joseph Fulkerson served the church the 1943-44 year - one year only. The church that year received needed rep a irs - the ro o f was re shingled, the in t e r io r w a lls covered with c e lo te x pan els. He l e f t to serve in St .Louis, where he died sh o rtly afterw ard. Follow ing Rev. Fulkerson, Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Hicks came to the church, and served from 1944 through 1951* These two, lik e Rev. S h affer, were g re a tly in terested in the young people. Mrs. Hicks often sang the solos in morning worship hours. Rev. Hicks managed to revive the Wesley Foundation agency, at le a s t w ith new begin n in gs. Mrs. Hicks took an e s p e c ia l in te re st in the work of the women - the "Womens* S ociety o f C h ristian S ervice" - the former "Ladies Aid" society. This group, th oughout the church's h is to ry had as one of i t s foremost goals the ra is in g ** o f funds with which to rein force the church budget, or get things s p e c ia lly needed. Rev. and Mr s. Hicks were most capable, frie n d ly , g re a tly loved in community and church. 0n the date o f th is w ritin g (.1967), Rev. Hicks i s the D is tr ic t Superintend ent o f the K ir k s v ille , Mo., area. As the Rev and Mr s . Hicks l e f t the church in 1951, the Rev. and Mrs. W alter D. N ile s assumed the pastorate. Both were capable, gracious, deeply loved by th e ir congregation and the community. The two great achievements of the N ile s adminis tra tio n were these: ( l ) Church membership was increased from 450 to 720 j (2 ) the new church e d if ic e , extending from the old one south to eighth stre e t, was b u ilt , and the old b u ild in g converted in to s o c ia l and class rooms. We cannot record here the exact cost o f the b u ild in g , but the t o t a l en terprise, including moving the old parsonage, purchasing the former Edward Koch residence fo r the Y/esley Foundation, and making the other changes cost in the neighborhood o f $254,528.00........... An inn vation in *» fch© v M s r s h ' i7 * Cv program was the dual service on Sunday mornings — one at 8:30* the other at 10:45. This was the means o f serving the g re a tly increased church membership. ...A s part o f the t o t a l b u ild in g en terprise, the old Kilgen pipe organ was so ld , and in i t s place a new e le c t r ic organ, b u ilt by the A lle n Organ Co., of Pennsylvania, was in s t a lle d . The Samoan pastorate follow ed that o f Rev. N ile s . Rev. and Mr s . Lee F.Soxman le d the church program from 1957 u n t il 1959. Just a few weeks before the end of PI the conference year, Rev. Soman su ffered a "s t r ik e ", which obliged him to ! • • » « > • $ p u lp it . His term had seen tte church continue to grow, and becomd se ttle d in the new house o f worship. ^ Rev. and Kr s . E lbridge W. B a rtle y were assigned to the R olla church in Rev. Soman. They served fro o 1959 through the « ^ d K o c ^ b r iS ioAA n%n«-5n«y fh e ir stav the church purchased the former hdwara aocn oricK resldence H f S n o rth eas/ co rn er of 8th and Main as headquarters o f the
tS n tso ?
t t e S c iT o o lo f Nine . 7
(S“ t ar ii ? y r o f i i s ^ “ i a t R o lla ). The d ire c to r o f the o f a ssista n t pastor, and on many occasions occupie e sue 'ceded by 1960 by Robert Bare f i e l d was tte f i r s t residen t d ire c to r. Hewas su v.eeded^y: l y o ^ y ^ Rev. JJhomas Hoffman i " e ffic ie n t^ w a rm ly respected and loved by church and these men have been capable, e f fic ie n t , warmiy r * ^ u n iv e rs ity students whom they served.
' ’
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In June, 1966, fche Rev. George W. Heslar and Mrs. Heslar came to the church. He had been D is t r ic t Superintendent of the Cape Girardeau D is t r ic t . He i s capable in the p u lp it, warm hearted. One o f his strongest t ra its i s his devotion to the members o f the congregation who are i l l or otherwise d istressed . The church con tinues to grow under him, both in numbers and in s p ir it u a l health. With one or two add ition al notes, our present sketch w i l l be completed. A rather unusual incident in church h istory was the holding, in the Rolla church, the week o f Wednesday, March 19 to Monday, March 24, 1890, of the Annual Conference o f ths S t. L 0u is area. 132 p a sto ra l charges were represented - 180 guests and delegates were in town. Bishop Isaac W. Joyce presided over the six-day meeting. A comparison between the church o f 1862 and that of 1967 i s most in te re stin g . Back there, the membership consisted of those sixteen charter members. In 1967 there are 928 members. The o rig in a l group would be lo s t in today's congregation. And what would these two groups think of each other, could they be brought face to face ? Again, the p a sto r's sa la ry in 1862 was $19*00 in cash - plus groceries and food s t u ffs brought to Rev. and Mrs. Beggs by the parishoners. As late as 1924, the t o t a l church budget fo r ordinary expenses amounted to some $5,000. Today's budget i s $46,214.00. How in terestin g l In th is sketch, we have condensed the numerous d e ta ils contained in a "His tory of the Methodist Church at R olla, Missouri" - a six ty -fo u r page document com posed by present w rite rs in May, 1956, a fo r cb rn «r^±oh e layih gi ceremonies fo r the new church e d ific e . Only a few copies were typed. Copies are f i l e d at the Cen tenary Church, S t. Louis, with the Methodist H isto ric a l Documents co llectio n . Ano th e r' copy i s in the S t. Louis Public L ib rary . A third i s in the State H isto ric a l Society lib r a r y , Columbia, M issouri. And a fourth i s in the Library of the Uni v e rs it y o f M issouri, R o lla . Much of the present story i s derived from Dr. Mann's personal service to the church, during the Osborne-Hunter administrations, as member and chairman of the O f f ic ia l Board, and president of the Board of Trustees, And now we conclude our sketch with a l i s t o f the pastors who have served: M i n i s t e r Years M i n i s t e r Years 20. I.J .K . Luhbock # 2 ... 1887-91 1861 1. W illiam S e lle r s ........... 21. G.T.Ashley ........... 1892-93 2. Francis S. Beggs ......... 1862 22. A . D . B a l l .... 1894-98 3. Robert R« W i t t e n ......... 1863 23. H .B .F o s t e r . 1899 4. S ta ffo rd I n g ................. 1864 Francis S. Beggs #2. 1900-05 24. 5. Alex. N. F ields ..........1865-66 T .P.Shaffer ............. 1906-10 25. 1867 6. J.C.H. Hobbs ............. Hunt . . . . . . . . 1910—13 George 2 6 . 1868 7. John Loughran . . . . . . . 1914 27. A.M.Dixon i.F.W alden ................. 1869-70 8* 9. S .J.B ostrick, and 1915-22 28. Claude S. Hanby . . 10. John W. Johnson . . . . 1870-71 1922- 23 29. Clarence P. M ills R.Pierce ....... 1871-73 11. R. 1923 - 28 30 . Harry P. Hunter .. 1873 12. N.B.Cassevant ( i y r) 1928-32 31. Harry R.,Osborne . J.K. Lunbeck . 1874-75 13. I . 1932-42 32. Harry P. Hunter #2 H .M o rtla n d ..... 1876 14. S . 1943-44 33 . Joseph Fulkerson . B.D aniel ........ 1877-78 15. J . 34. Ralph H ic k s ............... 194V51 16 J.B.Le........................ 1*79-80 35 . Walter N ile s ............. 1951-57 17. J .H a llo c k ................ 36 . Lee Soxman................ 1957“ 59 18. James P i n e ............... T7. Elbridge W.B artley 1959-66 June, 1966 to June, 1970 19. B.F.Poole ................. 1884-86 W. Heslar . . 38 . George 39 . Marvin F o rte l. June,1970 to Oct. 10,1973*
x o J J n n Ort 10 1973 to and after May q0,1974« 4 0 .- Forrest L. Standard, D.D. . . uct.
c m Apr 21,
OVM May 5, 1967. The_ BpIIA B m D E T XPISCO^L O^OT^SODTH. O rig in Of Th^ D e n o m in a tio n D nr ing the 1844 General Conference o f the MethoTiit- Episcopal Church, a great controversy arose over the question, "Should a Methodist bishop be, and remain, the owner o f slaves?" One o f the Conference committees condemned the continuance o f Bishop James Osgood Andrew as a bishop because, through marriage to a Southern lady who owned slav e s, he had also become with her th e ir owner. He said he had no le g a l way o f sidestepping that ownership. The Southern d elegates, deeply angered at this summary decision o f the committee, declared that th is drastic action would c e rta in ly mean the withdrawal o f the Southern churches from the General church. With the f u l l knowledga end consent o f both sid e s, i t was thereupon arranged fo r the South sta te s to hold a sp ec ia l conference at L o u is v ille , Kentucky, on May 1, 1845, where the proposition o f creating a separate "South Methodist" church would be considered. Led by Bishops Andrew him self, and Soule, the L o u is v ille Conference adopted the idea o f such a "South" church - named i t the "Methodist Episcopal Church, South". Thereupon, every Methodist society ( church, charge, s ta tio n ) had the rig h t • with consent o f both the "South" and the "North" groups to choose to which o f the two branches they would adhere. At the s t i l l e x istin g "u n ifie d " M issouri Annual Conference o f 1845, held at Columbia, most o f the M issouri charges voted to s p li t o f f and "go South". From that date there seemed to have been some sort o f t a c it understanding, more emphat i c a l l y stated by the "South" than by the "N orth", that, since the m ajority o f the M issouri charges had voted to go "South", therefore a l l of Missouri should be turned over to the "South" church - and that th e re afte r no_ "North" churches should be newly organized, or the old ones longer maintained. ...Such was the status of the two churches when the C iv il War opened in 1861 - such is the background o f our story o f the Methodist Episcopal Church, South ( we s h a ll r e fe r to i t as the "South Methodist church" ) in R o lla . The R o lla South Metho_dist_ Church.- Although there seams not to have been any formal" "South" church organization in Rolla p rio r to the C iv il War, there were numbers o f South Methodist fa m ilie s in the area. During the 1840*s, at Maramec Spring, there were communicants o f both the "South" and the "North" groups. R ollers Methodist churches were e ith e r born outright out of the Maramec groups, or were g re a t ly augmented by them - and this is true o f our South Methodists, as we s h a ll presen tly r e la t e . Immediately p r io r to the C iv il War, the l i s t o f South Methodists in the town o f R olla would have to include the fam ily o f Mr. and Mrs Edward Downing W illiam s, la t e ly from the Roanoke area o f V ir g in ia . Among th e ir grown children were se v e ra l sons, two o r three o f whom liv e d ju s t below Newburg. One son, Samuel G. W illiam s, was a noted R o lla attorney, and during 1860-61 was the Phelps County representative in the M issouri le g is la t u r e . A daughter, Mary Frances W illiam s, was f i r s t married to D aniel Rogers, and by him became the mother o f Miss Eddie Rogers, who was la t e r the w ife o f Charles M.McCrae, and then o f C ol. Charles L. Woods. ...M ary Frances (W illiam s) Rogers in 1877 married a second time - the husband being the noted Nathan G o ^ m X i S S Methodist layman o f S t. Louis. Both the parents C ol. E.D.Williams and w ife , and the daughter - Mary Frances Rogers-Coleman - were destined to be and become the foremost staunch church p i ll a r s o f the Holla South Methodist church. E a rly in 1860, because the town newspaper described Rolla as a godless place, and plead te r schools and churches, there were enough South Methedista in B ella to ju s t i f y one Thomas Johnson in o ffe r in g to them, g r a t is , b u ild in g lo ts in an addition he had la i d o f f close to today’ s "Coleman Cut" - our Ridgeview Addition. The only condition was that the denomination should there bu ild a house o f worship. The o f f e r had hardly been made, however, when the C iv il War broke out. I t broke into lu ^ id flames in R olla on May 7, 1861, when Southern sympathizers hauled down s t r i p e s , raise d the Confederate Stars snd Bars o re r the court house.
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Rolla was in Southern hands from May 7 u n til June 14, 1861, when Gen. Franz S ig e l entered town with the f i r s t o f Union troops. Thereafter, and throughout the C iv il War, the town was firm ly in Union hands. And, that being -the town»s status, suspicion f e l l heavily upon some o f the Soulh Methodists who were thought to have given information to bushwhackers at times when Union m ilita ry wagon trains were leaving Rolla for Houston or S p rin gfield - thus enabling the g u e rilla s to capture, rob or burn the t ra in s . These Methodists were then arrested and confined as p ris oners in their own homes. Under such circumstances, i t can w e ll be understood that South Methodist church a c t iv it ie s in Rolla were in a highly disrespected class and remained so u n til w e ll a ft e r the War had ceased. The way was clear, however, fo r organizing R olla*s "North" Methodist church, which Union so ld ie rs helped to erect, as we have described elsewhere. One o f the f i r s t South Methodis t events o f which we have record, following the War, i s a church supper which the South Methodist la d ie s served at Shaw's Hotel ( today's Grant Apartment site ] in December of 1869. The event cleared $86.00. One o f the f i r s t pastors, or perhaps we should say "preachers", was Rev. J .S . F raizer who, in March o f 1871, signed a report o f the D is tr ic t Conference he had attended at S t. James. Bishop Tyeire had p re sid e d ... As o f A p ril, 1872, the Rev. M. Arrington was the presiding elder fo r the Salem d is t r ic t , which included Rolla, Cuba, S t. James, Licking, S t e e lv ille , Houston, Thomasville, Salem, West P lain s, Alton, Van Buren, and Doniphan. On July 11,1872, Rev. W.M.Williams preached at the old Masonic H a ll, 4th and Main stre e ts, R o lla . From this date up to 1875, the record is g re a tly inadequate. I t was in 1875 that the Rev. John E. Godbey, D .D ., was sent to the Salem D is t r ic t as presiding e ld er. In his la t e r years, he wrote an exceedingly interesting story o f his experiences In th is area. He called his book "The Lights and Shadows o f Seventy Y ears". In i t he t e lls how he organized the church at Houston - how his new churches were subsidized by Mr. Robert A. Barnes ( for whom Barnes Hospital in S t. Louis i s named ) «. how he conducted a camp meeting at the Taylor Camp Ground twelve m iles north o f Cuba - and how a great camp meeting at Maramec Iron Works le d to the formal organization, in 1875, o f the Rolla Sou1h Methodist church. The meeting at Maramec was a high lig h t for South Methodism in the Rolla area. I t was time for a routine quarterly meeting - so the Rev-. S.A.Dyson, in some way stationed a t RAlla, begged Rev. Godbey to hold the conference at Maramec. Dr.Godbey at f i r s t was sk ep tical. He wanted no "skip-jum p-dance-hollering" session such as were sometimes held out in the Qzarks, and elsewhere. And so he arranged to bring to Maramec two o f the most prominent, conservative "South" ministers in S t. Louis — the Rev* Drs. J.W.Lewis ( o f S t. John's church ) , and W.V.Tudor ( from Centenary)* Along with them Came one of their most prominent laymen - Na^h^JSolwnan^ In the f i r s t afternoon meeting, the two m inisters, wanting re st, pushed Mr. Coleman to the front - had him lead the meeting and preach the sermon. He_gave_ them a d istin c t su rp rise l He captivated his audience - so much so that they had him lead the evening session a lso . . . . And that night J^t_rainejlJ How_ it_r8_ined_J The ‘ fam ilies which had assembled with carriages and farm wagons somehow managed to get s h e lte r, or went home. The two preachers, highly so licito u s of the w ell being o f Lajman Coleman, had him quartered in the dryest available hut, themselves trying to sleep amid streams dripping through the ro o f. I t so happened that, in the delegation which came from R olla, there was the comely, vivacious widow o f Daniel Rogers - the former Miss Mary Frances Williams, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Edward Downing W illiam s. She was introduced to Mr. Nathan Coleman *» and he was as entranced as his afternoon audience had been. In fa c t, it was a case, on both sides, o f "love at f i r s t s ig h t ". And that circumstance led to v-a great se rie s o f camp meetings at Rolla — led by Rev* Godbey, but participated in by this same high-powered team from St.Louis - Revs Lewis and Tudor, layman Coleman.
S.Method 1st
The printed record now shows that, on February 10,1876, the South Methodists in Holla - o f f i c i a l l y organized into a recognized church status 4n 1875 by Rev. Godbey » were "try in g to organize a congregation." The membership was in su ffic ie n t in numbers. Trying to improve the situ ation , Rev. Godbey came to R olla, and on March 2, preached at the old Masonic H a ll. By March 30th he had persuaded that high-powered S t. Louis team - Revs. Lewis and Tudor, and layman Nathan Coleman to jo in with him in protracted meetings at the Masonic H all •» "C hristian Chapel* as the newly Christian possessors called i t . Even while these meetings were in progress, the lo c a l pastor, Rev. John Williams, died o f cholera morbus. In July o f 1876, and again in August, and -then in December, this same highpowered S t. Louis evangelistic team - Godbey, Lewis, Tudor, and Coleman - held rousing camp meetings at the old F a ir Grounds ( now Buehler Park) west o f town. Numerous fam ilies came to camp, stayed - in the many 14x14 foot square tents pro vided. The town ed ito r remarked that these meetings were "no_jinks_and_j«i£_" a f f a i r s - they were safe and sane - and productive o f desired re s u lts . Lest we forget i t , we should include here something o f that Taylor Camp Ground session D r. Godbey held twelve miles notth o f Cuba, in 1875. One of his converts was a b e a u tifu l, a ttra c tiv e young lady named Miss E lla Kinsey. She was deeply r e lig io u s - a charming sou l. Not too long a fte r this meeting, she married the able and respected Dr. William Bowles, who liv e d and had his o ffic e at Lane*s P r a i r i e . In his b rid e*s honor, he b u ilt fo r her the BUwles Chapel, which s t i l l stands on the P r a ir ie . To this couple were born eight children - four sons, Matthew, John Anderson, Joseph Hearst, and Thomas Kinsey Bowles - these being the f i r s t , second, fourth, and f i f t h children in the fam ily. The other four were the daughters, so w e ll and la t e r known in R olla North Methodist c irc le s — Mary Augusta £ married Mr* A.W altenspiel) - Mary Louise ( married D.Taylor Lenox ) • Hortense Deborah ( married D.M.Donnan) — and Lucy Jane ( married, f i r s t , G ifford Martin, and second, P eter Bennethon ) . In her la t e r years, afte r her husband passed away, Mra. W.H.Bowles liv e d in R olla, attended the North Methodist church, and together with a l l four o f these daughters was w ell and personally known to the present w riters Continuing our d e ta il story o f the Rolla church - through 1876 and up to July o f 1877, other camp meetings were held at the F air Grounds by Rev* Godbey and the lo c a l pastor, Rev* John W. Robinson. As many as twenty-five new members were added to the church r o l l . But i f there was to be a pastor, there had to be supporting funds. And so the South Methodist la d ie s joined the parade with a l l the other Rolla churches in serving church suppers, having strawberry fe s t iv a ls , and lawn sociables. Music for these events was supplied by Mr. Homer Scott, brother o f Rolla*s long-time druggist, John W. Scott. P ro f. Robert W. Douthat, the professor of humanities and English a t the School o f Mines, delivered appropriate lectures at the Court House fo r church b e n e fit, and became another steunch church p i l l a r fo r the group. The church had a Christmas tree program at the old Masonic H all — "Christian Chapel" as i t s Christian Church owners called i t , at which a young m inister, Rev. S.A. Dyson ( the same man as had wanted the Maramec quarterly meeting ) presided. He became engaged to Miss Henrietta Singleton, and on Feb. 8,1878 was married to her by the Rev. William Johnson, o f the Rolla Episcopal church. We are not sure o f what his o f f i c i a l rela tio n s to the Rolla church were at this time. The year 1877 brought culmination o f the widow Rogers-layman Coleman romance. They were married on May 2, 1877. Unfortunately, the marriage lasted but a short year - he died on A p r il 20,1878, at age 62 years. She followed on Feb. 28,1887 wnd with her went the p rin cip al leadership o f this church. In July of 1878, the Rolla church joined in a vigorous camp meeting held at Lake Spring, in which the Rolla pastor, Rev. John W. Robinson, joined. This was his la s t p rin cip al e ffo rt at R olla, fo r his tern ended on or about October 1, 1878, evidently with the end of the conference year.
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Rev. John W. Johnson was the next pastor, seems to have served only from October o f 1878 to May o f 1879, when Rev. R.W.Swayne took over the R olla-S t .James c irc u it « dividing his time between the two churches. Together with Revs. S.A.Dyson, mentioned above, and Rev. J.B.Xee, o f the "North" church, Rev. Swayne held a month-long re v iv a l at the Christian church Chapel. In 1879, the Rev. W. F u ll became pastor, replacing Rev. Swayne. With other Rolla pastors, Mr. F u ll joined in discussing the virtues and authenticity o f Infant Baptism. During the F u ll pastorate, in which he also served the St. James church, the S t. James trustees bought the present brick structure from William James. The y year in R olla witnessed numbers o f church sociables, suppers, and protracted mee1>ings. Rev. F u ll was said to have been "w e ll lik ed" - but at the end o f the con ference year, around October 1, 1880, was sent to Charleston, Mo. Rev* J.H. Dennis served for the next conference year, seemingly from Oct. 1 o f 1880 to the end o f Sept ember, 1881. Such services as were held in Rolla were in the o ld Masoinc H a ll - c a lle d "Christian Chapel" by its Christian church owners. The South Methodists now voiced their desire to have a house of worship a l l of th e ir own - so during th is year developed plans and sought funds. The church la d ie s held f a i r s , f e s t iv a ls , and church suppers - and by Sept. 28 of 1881 had so increased bu ilding funds that the to ta l mounted to $1,000. Aside from that, P ro f. Robert W. Douthat, professor at the School o f Mines, had bought for the church the bu ildin g lo t at southeast com er o f 8th and Main s tre e ts. The conference year Oct. 1881—Oct. 1882 was one o f the most eventful in the church*s h isto ry . Rev. Samuel A. Mason assumed the pastorate. Plans ffc>r the new brick church were perfected, and during December o f 1881 the stone foundations were la id by Chris Mintner and Xavier Plotner. Brick work was w ell under way by February 23 o f 1882. The congregation held a watch night service to see the old 1881 year out - at the Christian Chapel. As of A p r il, 1882, the lad ies held a f e s t i v a l, believed to have been In the yet unplastered new church. Proceeds were $98 - very good fo r those timesl There now intervened in th is church»s program a tremendous innovation - which in the end may have sp elled the doom and disbandment o f the in stitu tio n . I t was on June 6 o f 1882 that an outstanding concert was held at the Rolla Baptist church. The performers were three. The elocutionist was Miss Nena M itch ell, accomplished in her r o le . The musical numbers were presented by the two daughters o f the B aptist pastor. Rev. W.P.BoniJ. The elder daughter, Mrs. C.W.Jacobs, had a beautifu l voice, and starred in vocal numbers, Both she and her s is t e r , Miss Georgia Bond, presided at pianos, in piano solos and duets. I t was a most outstanding program . fo r R olla - at any time. This performance was witnessed by many students o f the School o f Mines - and by many young people o f the town who were not students. Also in the a li e n e e were two o f Htaee professors -< flr> Robert W. Douthat end Pn>f. Georg. D. Emerson, i s these t.o men » e « h e d the y o u n p e o p le , they .e r e emezed s t t t . * » * » « » with which the young folk s liste n e d . On the spot the two agreed that Rolla young people should have musical and cultu ral education that the School o f Mines could not supply. How could it be provided ?? They grasped the solution. There must be created in R olla a d e fin ite ly cultural school or college where instruction wouL be given in music as a major, but also in languages, elocution, drawing and painting, in band and orchestral music as w ell as vocal. Raving reached this decision ^ t w o Professor- ^ e d ^ l l a streets^the ^ Conservatory o f Music", designed to carry out
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A p rin c ip a l question now was, "Where s h a ll the Conservatory have rooms and headquarters? Who s h a ll direct operations - who s h a ll teach ?" . . .P r o f . Douthat took the lead . That new South Methodist church was ju st the placel I t was so ordained — and the"Westem Conservatory" was on its way. In a separate portion o f this history we s h a ll t e l l it s f u l l .story, in pages a l l its own — but fo r now what ©f the South Methodist church ?? ....T h e printed record states that, as o f September,?, 1882, the new church " i s being plastered so that the Western Con servatory can use i t . " That meant the take-over o f most or a l l o f the church rooms fo r conservatory use - and a consequent crimping o f use for church purposes. The s a c rific e was tremendous - but in view o f a l l "the future influence and good served fo r B ella by the Conservatory - we would say that the s a c rific e was a master stroke by the church for the everlasting good o f H olla. The musical and cu ltu ral ben efit the Conservatory gave - its musical training in particu lar - outlasted the church’ s own existence for at le a s t sixty years, and the Conservatory’ s own career by as many years a ft e r 1888. In the midst o f th is great upheaval, the church was visited by the good Bishop . .Granbury, whose headquarters were in V irg in ia . The Rev. J.C.Williams was presiding eld er o f the Salem D is tr ic t fo r this year - Rolla being in that D is t r ic t . The Rev. Samuel A. Mason was the pastor.
For the two years, Oct. 1 o f 1882 through September o f 1884, Rev. A.T.Tidwell was pastor. Rev. L .F . Aspley presided over the Salem D is tr ic t , and R o lla . Aside from the Rolla church proper, there was a separate "Rolla C ircu it" - which included the South Methodist church out on M i l l Creek, Liberty Township, Phelps county, and the Corinth School group, northwest o f R olla. An item o f interest is that the Rev. H.W.Atkisson, assigned to that o irc u it, had beem promised $83.90 fo r salary fo r a certain period, during which the church gave him but $35.16. He said he Just couldn’ t liv e on that amount, therefore "must go at something else fo r support". The date on which the Conservatory moved out o f the South Methodist church and into the three-story brick "Goettelman Building" - a fbrmer saloon - at the northwest corner o f 5th and Main streets ( s ite o f today’ s West Elementary, or "Pershing" school) is not known fo r certain, but as o f March 29,1883, the Con servatory was s t i l l in the church - where Bishop Granbury preached on A p ril 8th. He may have been here to help get the Conservatory out of the bu ilding. That’ s ju st a guess. The move to the Goettelman building came shortly afterward. On May 24, 1883, a fin an cial statement was made public in which the following facts were recorded: (1) THIS CHURCH WAS FORMALLY ORGANIZED EIGHT YEARS AGO, in 1875, while Rev. Godbey was presiding e ld er. (2) As o f this date, the church debt a ris in g from construction o f the new building had been $500 - but was now reduced to $150 through a g i f t o f $350 from S t. John’ s South Methodist church o f S t.Io u is . (3 ) THE CHURGH NOW HAD A GOOD SIZED CONGREGATION......... Soon a fte r, the fin an cial report was augmented when 20 church members, led by the church’ s foremost "church p i l l a r " « Col, Edward D. Williams - gave pastor Tidw ell a "£Oimding - met at his home brin gin g a sack o f flo u r and heaped baskets f i l l ed with groceries. And October 25th brought the news that, as o f that date, THE CHURCH WAS CLEARED op ^ INCUMBRANCE, save only"the lease to the Western Conserve ory . 7 'then are p o sitive the Conservatory had moved to the Goettelman building. I f not, i t did shortly afterw ard. For this South Methodist church, perhaps the 1884-85 year was the climex. H -
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Aspley P r . . l * e d c . . r the Selen
L asted
S i S a Miss cole P a s s i o n . ! «m «lL t Joined with Revs. Rogers, J.H .D sn«ls. and Ret. Peess. Bat the crowning evenl o f tte year THE DEDICATION OP THE ROLLA BOOTH METHODIST BUILDING. This occurred as an item in the program o f an Annual D is tr ic t Conference convened in the
6 «■*
church the four days May 28-31, 1885. The Rev. D.R.M’Anally, D.D., editor o f the C hristian Advocate, o ffic e s in S t. Louis, preached the dedication sermon. Decline_ o_f_the_Church_.~ The conference year Oct. 1885-Oct. 1886 witnessed the incipien t decline o f this church. Rev. J.R.Ledbetter was the pastor. For some reason — perhaps urged by the pastor - and again by the hurried departure o f P ro f. Robert W. Douthat, who had resigned from the School of Mines - the church membership began to fe e l that the new church building was "too expensive" - too large fo r its purposes. They listen ed when the membership o f the Christian church, themselves wanting a new place o f worship, proposed to buy the South Methodist church. I f such a sale were made, then with part o f the proceeds the South Methodists could bu ild a cheaper church, and with the rest build a much needed parsonage. Rev. Ledbetter quit a t the end o f the conference year, le te in September, 1886. The church continued to decline through the 1886-87 year - in more ways than one. With greater inten sity, the members considered sale o f toe church to the C h ristian s. Then, too, two of the church*s most solid p i lla r s died. On March 3, 1887, Death took Mrs. Mary Frances Rogers-Coleman, than whom there had been no mdre powerful, staunch leader in the church. Added to th is, her parents had removed to their old home near Roanoke, V irg in ia , and a ft e r a short residence at Carthage, R o lla ’ s former attorney, Samuel G. Williams, had also gone to Roanoke, where he became mayor o f that c it y . The fath er, Edward Downing Williams, on a return v i s it to R o lla , died on Sept. 1 o f 1887. In the loss o f these three, the church suffered great lo ss and discouragement. They had been ch ief among those who had organized and nurtured the church to this date. Mrs. Williams died at Roanoke on December 14,1890. The pastor for th is year was Rev. J.M. England, who departed with the end o f the conference year, in la te September,1887. The new pastor, the Rev. M.A.Clayton, was in R olla with his family on October 6 o f 1887. But he was no sooner here than he f e l l a victim to a siege o f measles. j o r some reason, the next A p ril (1888) he sent his family to liv e in Crawford county while he continued to serve R o lla . In August he was holding protracted meetings at the Corinth school, northwest o f R olla. On June 10th, Rev. Godbey came to the area to dedicate the MILL CREEK SCUTH METHODIST CHURCH, in Liberty Townbhip - the bu ilding s t i l l standing as of May, 1967. I t U apparent, as the conference year 1888-89 arrived, that discouragement had se ttle d down upon this congregation. For one thing, i t appears_ * * * no .resident nastor was appointed for Rolla « though Rev. D.J.Marquis, whom Presiding Elder J.E . Batton had assigned to S t. James and M ill Creek, may have served Rolla on occasion. As o f January 3, 1889, the Christian Church had rented the South Methodist church,
were ., -i -i « .p rkQctnT*fl fo r the Salem D istric t included Rev• For the 1889-90 year, and R.M.Reddick for Lane’ s W.Q.Donnan fo r S t. Jam es- J o h n ^ C ^ ^ ^ true ft)p the year 1890-91, and P r a ir ie • but none_at £°£. « "oastorates" lis t e d included SALBfr-Cubafo r A991-92. ®>r the la t t e r year, the J ^ ” £ £ ie k in g - Salem Circuit-Lane*s S t.elT ill.-S u lliJ M > -3 t.J a m e s-S i«m .r^ lU e .H _ 0“ rentgHl7eI>wlllo» sprlng s . c ir c u it - an* Peace V alley. NO MENTION OF H)LLA.
S Methodist
7 -
The Bplla_ Ch_urch_J’ades_Aw^ay_.- We do not have at hand any record o f any specified date, or any action, whereby the Rolla South Methodist Church fin a lly disbanded. M issouri Conference notes might possibly supply the answer. Whatever happened, the remaining South Methodists, a fte r 1890, found new church homes, either in the Rolla North Methodist congregation, or in the Episcopal, or other o f Rolla*s churches. We DO know what happened to ONE such family - that o f P ro f. John B. Scott. He had been a teacher o f English at the School o f Mines from 1897 to 1907, and in la te r years was Phelps County probate judge - fa m ilia rly called "Judge Scott". He and his wife joined the North Methodist church, and for years he was a member o f the o f f i c i a l board, and the teacher o f the mens’ Bible c lass. For convenience, we now l i s t the r o l l o f the several church pastors, with dates: Where two years are joined with hyphen, i t is understood that the figures indicate the conference year, beginning with October o f the year f i r s t named, ending in Sep tember o f the la s t year named. When only a sin gle year is lis t e d , the m inister was here at le a s t some time during that year. 1882-83 • • Rev. A.T.Tidwell 1871 . . . Rev. J .S . F razier 1883-84 • • The same 1872 . . . Rev. W.M.Williams 1884-85 • • Rev. S.D.Rogers 1875 . . . Rev. S.A.Dyson ( SD or FA or AH) 1875 . . . CHURCH FORMALLY ORGANIZED 1885 . .May 31 ..CHURCH DEDICATED Rev.John Godbey, P res.E ld er. 1885-86 • • Rev. J.R.Ledbetter 1876 . . . Rev. John W illian s 1886-87 • • Rev. J.M.England (died in o f f ic e } 1887-88 • • Rev. M.A.Clayton 1876-77 Rev John W. Robinson 1888-89 • • No resident pastor 1877-78 The same 1889 . .A p ril 18 . .CHURCH SOLD 1878-79 Rev. J.W.Johnson to Chrustian Church Rev. W. F u ll 1879- 80 1889-90 Rev. J.H.Dennis ) 1880- 81 1890-91 ) . .No pastor. Church is 1881-82 Rev. Samuel A. Mason dispersed. 1891-92 ) AND NOW OUR STORY HAS COME TO ITS END. Had this church done nothing else than to coddle and nurture the Western Conservatory o f Music - its service to R olla would have to be characterized as IMMENSE - in the cultu ral and educational f i e l d . However, it s moral teachings and influence was great while i t survived and continued in the town and in the liv e s o f its communicants and their descend ants for many y e a rs.
Presbyterian Gh May 10 *67.
- 1
Some Gener^l^^s^rvations_‘.- The follow ing discussion, although intended to at le a s t mention o rig in s o f the Prebbyterian church in general, nevertheless concerns also the several other Protestant churches • Methodists, Episcopalians, B aptists and C h ristians. The Presbyterian Church, in general, is one of the Protestant denominations which grew out o f the Reformation and the revo lt against papal domination o f the Roman Catholic church. I t is interesting to know that several o f the essential elements of church organization go back in history to the time o f Christ. This is true o f certain adm inistrative o ffic e s in the church which sprang from Jewish p ra c tic es. In the Gospel o f S t. Luke, Chapter 22, verse 17, Jesus himself was said to have addressed the "e ld e rs " o f the temple. In the New Testament, to which Presbyterians as w ell as other o f the evan g e lic a l denominations have always desired to conform as closely as possible ( in accordance with their several viewpoints ) — the o ffic e s o f bishop and deacon are mentioned by S t. Paul, in his le t t e r to the Ph ilipp isn s, Chapter 1 ,verse 1. In h is f i r s t le t t e r to Timothy, Chapter 4, verse 14, he speaks o f the "presbytery", which was the group o f governing church eld ers. In the Acts, Chapter 20, verse 17, S t. Paul "gathered together the elders o f the church". That term, "e ld e r", was used to designate churchmen o f advanced years who, through experience and wisdom, were supposed to be q u a lifie d to advise and admonish ordinary laymen o f younger days. Here, then, is the sc rip tu ra l authority fbr the existence and names o f the o ffic e s o f bishop, elder, presbyt*? and deacon. In churches in general - not only fo r Presbyterians - the bishops, and those who were c a lle d apostles, prophets, and teachers, were concerned with the higher and s p ir it u a l a f f a i r s o f the church. Its b e lie fs and doctrin es,- not with the earth ly, secular a f f a i r s . The deacons composed the secular a m inistrative body — caring fbr the poor, caring foF "coFrespondemce, places of worship, business and fin a n c ia l a f f a i r s . They exercised a certain kind of control over the congregation. The "p resb yters", which term gave the Presbyterian church its name, were patrons or patriarch s, c h ie fly invested with oversight and watch over the conduct o f those in the congregation. Presbyters and "E lders" are much the same. In the time o f John Calvin ( 1509-1564), in Switzerland, papal authority had been overthrown - but there was s t i l l a great controversy as to whether the church or the ordinary governmental authorities ( municipal auth orities) could and should govern and dictate the conduct o f individuals, including churchmen. Calvin had a great fig h t over this - but won out to the extent of gaining a compromise whereby the church governed in matters e s c le s tic a l - leaving c iv i l conduct to the munic p a l a u th o ritie s. Calvin did this much more - he digested and gathered together I I I e sse n tia ls o f Presbyterian doctrines, to the extent that Presbyterians are - or were ! sometimes referred to as "C a lv in is ts ". Calvin’ s position was not unlike fee p rin c ip le voiced by Jesus when he said, "R e n d e r^ t o Caesar the things that are Caesar’ s - but unto God the things that are G o d ^ Calvin was an ardent b e lie v e r in "p redestination ", for which Presbyterians were much noted in bygone days One leading authority states that church governments are, In g a ie ra l, o f three
r s * * ? *1 *, r . loT.na.M it by representatives o f the people, cbosen by the people.
Tte* l s * 8
Since the Presbyterian adherents, l l * e the other Protestant chorches th re. o ff aat^orlty o f the Roman Catholic Pope - they became greatly opposed to the idea^of a s in g le lndldnal eterclsln g great anthorlty In the chord* - and therefore
P re sb y t. Ch.
*» E “
created no o ffic e o f bishop in th eir government,- i t savored too much o f papal authority. Fundamentally, they wanted church a ffa ir s to be regulated and determined by the "congregation'’ - and to that extent were * congregationalists" . In this way lo c a l church business could be lo c a lly controlled and administered. Those who were elected as elders could look afte r "the poor, exhort and admonish manbers who got out o f li n e . But there seemed to be matters and questions that required higher authority o f some kind. And so there came to be "p resbyters", composed o f church ministers and elders chosen by the congregation. Such a "presbyter" consisted o f several churches in a prescribed area. Such a "presbyter" was in some respects a le g is la t iv e body. .....T h e r e had to be a s t i l l higher authority than the presbytery, so the plan pro vided was to associate several such presbyteries in a body called the "synod". The members of th is were also m inisters and chosen e ld ers. To some extent this synod was a board o f appeal or reference. . . . . However, i t was not yet superior enough so the "General Assembly" was devised - to serve as a fin a l "supreme court" fb r the church. I t was made up o f representatives from the several synods. Both fo r the synod and fo r the General Assembly, the presiding o f f ic e r was called a "moderator"* Here was a form of government that served in the place o f the "bishop-governed" or episcopal make-up o f the Methodist and Episcopal churches - yet rested on the fundamental p rin cip le o f congregational representation, and independent administra tion o f lo c a l church a f fa ir s * One thing that was not entrusted to the congregation was the training o f the m inisters. For such train in g, the Presbyterians have been noted for the excellent theological seminaries they have established. We can name only a few as examples such as "Onion Theological Seminary, in New York — sim ilar institutions at Princeton, New Jersey — Chicago, 111 — Cincinnati, Ohio — Richmond, Va. — Omaha, Neb. — and Columbia, S.G. and Austin, Texas, fin a lly Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Heated quarrels o f bygone days arose to such an extent that, many times, the church was s p lit into separate faction s. A series o f such controversies wase over what kind o f hymns should be sung - who should lead them - how they should be sung. How the Psalms should be used. The use o f printed prayer books, as used in Episcopal churches, was discouraged in favor o f extemporaneous prayer. Preferred baptism was by pouring the water, or sprinkling. Infant baptism was worse than useless. The Lord’ s Supper could be administered to any decent person who professed b e lie f in Christ and his Gospel. This sacrament could be administered on ly _ by ordained m inisters - but with aid o f the elders, who passed the elements to the members as they remained in th e ir seats. One f in a l paragraph o f these g e n e ra litie s. An important church division re sulted when the established church, east o f the Appalachians, excluded ministers and members converted in the great Kentucky revivals o f 1800-1810. Those so ex cluded determined to have a church a l l th eir own, so organized themselves into the "Cumberland Presbyterian Church" on Feb. 4, 1810. In three years i t had a synod of t£“ e presbyteries. I t rejected doctrine, of -fe te lls m - end -In ten t d e le t io n held by the established church. This Cumberland ^ R S a
^ in fp ^ c h e d
wls at t h e ^ r u r t ^ o u s e , I860., by the "Cumberland" preacher, Abraham Johnson,
a scion o f the Johnson’ s sermon probably antedated tne n r s i Ing, in 1860.
& H o lla , by^tanford*
P resbyt .Ch
*7 _
Th.e_ Jtollj^ Pr^s_bytei^ian_Ch_urch..- The printed newspaper record states that as early as 1860 the Cumberland version of Presbyterianism was preached at the Court House by Abraham Johnson, a farmer, lawyer, Cumberland Presbyterian - and a prominait citizen o f Maries county and scion o f the pioneer Johnson family liv in g on the Gasconade r iv e r just above the 1967 Highway 63 crossing. His brother,Mis c a l, was a "Free Methodist", also a lawyer. But for the outbreak o f the C iv il War, the Presbyterians might have organized in R olla soon a fte r Rev. Johnson’ s semon. Howbeit, on Sunday morning, May 15,1864, rig h t in the middle of a raging C iv il War, the Rev. A.T.Norton, o f Alton, 111*, the D is tric t Secretary o f the Home Missionary Committee o f the general or mother Presbyterian church, came to Rolls from S t. Louis and preached to a congregation in the Court House. He stressed the idea that the human body should be regarded as holy and incorrup tible, and should be kept that way. He cautioned that those > who preached the good news should beware - le s t , having thus witnessed, they them selves might possibly become cast-a-ways. ( 1 Cor. 9: 24-27). At the close o f the sermon, twelve persons gathered together and organized R o lla ’ s Presbyterian Church. On May 15, 1864 - with a C iv il War s t i l l raging! I Here i s the r o l l o f those^twelve charter members: Messrs. Theophilus D .G riffith William H. Hazzarct » Henry Robineau - A lfred R. P rater - and Daniel R.Parsons; Mesdames M.E.Faulkner - E.B.Lsmb - G.E.Mountforte - and Amelia P. Perryj and the Misses Martha F. Guy « Mary P. Guy - and Levina E. Hazzard. Mr. G r iffit h was chosen and in sta lle d as the church E lder. The meeting closed with the Sacrament o f the Lord’ s Supper, in which the Rev. William M e rre ll, pastor of the Rolla Metho d ist church, a ssiste d . We may comment that, of the men, Mr. Parsons had, in 1861, been R o lla ’ s very f i r s t mayor. Mrs. Faulkner ( nee Margaret E lla Guy ) was the wife of R o lla ’ s great townbuilder - Robert P. Faulkner. She was perhaps the best loved woman in R o lla . The Misses Q£uy were her s is t e r s . Mrs. Perry was the wife of that other great townbuilder and c irc u it court judge, E lija h Perry. U n til May o f 1865, when Rev. W illisto n Jones came to be the church’ s f i r s t pastor, the o r ig in a l congregation was occasionally v isite d by Rev.Dr. Norton, who preached and administered the church ordinances. Rev. Jones died in November o f 1865, from which time u n til 1869 intermittent service was supplied by the Presbyterian m inister at the neighboring town o f Cuba, and by several others.
On January 10,1868, the church was le g a lly incorporated. This action was taken because the membership f e l t the need o f a house o f worship, which would become pos s ib le under this incorporation. The corporate o ffic e r s chosen consisted o f Judge William G. P&meroy - Alexander Demuth - P ro f. S .W .P h illip s - T.Q,.Emerson - Henry Beal - S.O.Harding - Andrew Malcolm - Milton Santee - J.S.French - C.H.Hemill G ra n v ille A llen - and the Messrs. Werth and Clark. Most o f these men were those whom we characterize as "R o lla ’ s great Townbuilders"• On Sept. 16, 1868, a suitable s it e for the church building was secured at the northeast corner o f 6th and Olive streets - on Lot6 o f Block 64, County Addition to R o lla . George Bonnell, who wa3 both a lo c a l architect and a contractor-builder drew the plans. They were for a wood framed structure measuring 32 x 54 feet in flo o r plan, costing approximately $4,000. Of this sum, the Presbyterian Church Erection Fund provided $1,000. The rest was raised lo c a lly . The building was dedi cated on Sunday, May 30,1869, in services conducted by the church’ s founding minis ter Rev. Dr. A.T.Norton, aided by the Rev. J. AddisonWhittaker, o f the Jefferson l l t y Presbyterian Church* who came to Rolla as pastor in 1873. Mr. Bonnell erected th the b u ild in g , Mr. W.H.Hamilton decorated and painted i t . The main lin e s o f this o rig in a l building can s t i l l be seen (1967). To the o r ig in a l building teo additions have since been made. The f i r s t was a Sunday School
« 4
classroom, b u ilt at the east end o f the old e d ific e . I t was 14|- x 38 feet in flo o r dlinens ion s , and cost $750. I t was reported as complete by Mr. Floy Webb on Nov. 21,1931. . . . . A second and la rg e r addition was made in 1941 because, due to World War Two and the building o f Fort Leonard Wood, R o lla ’ s population had greatly in creased «• and so had church membership. P ro f. C.H.Black, a member o f the faculty o f the School o f Mines, served as arch itect. The new unit measured 18x65 feet in flo o r plan, had a basement, and was b u ilt at the north side o f the o rig in a l struc ture. The entire building improvement had cost some $7,000, o f which $1,500 was provided by the Presbyterian War Emergency Fund. An additional $2,000 was granted by the national Board o f Missions, and the remainder was raised lo c a lly . Along with the la d ie s of other o f R o lla ’ s churches, those of the Presbyterian church, in early days as w e ll as la t e r , held frequent strawberry and raspberry fe s t iv a ls , ice cream s o c ia ls , and spelling-down matches - in order to raise funds with which to pay church expenses and pastors* s a la r ie s . As with other churches, the fa v o rite fe s t iv a l s i t e was the old "Faulkner House” next to the Frisco railro a d a t 8th street - la t e r c alled the "Crandall House*. This church was one o f the f i r s t in town to try out the "sp e llin g match" idea* The two leaders were promi nent R olla townsmen. Cordial relation s existed between R o lla 's Presbyterians and Methodists during the 1870*s and 1880*s, as w ell as la t e r . They joined in Thanks giving services as early as November 26,1874, and their pastors alternated in con ducting such se rv ices. Here i s a sample o f one o f the musical programs frequently presented by th is ** church. The date is A p r il 20,1882: Piano duet ( Yon Weber) ....................................................... The Misses Annin Quarteik; ( God is the Refuge Of His People) ..From Cantata "Esther" The Misses M ell and Demuth —Messrs . Johnson and Snelson. Pasquinade Gaprice: (Gottschalk) ..................... ................ Miss Laura Annin. Vocal Solo: "Captive Knight" (Hemani)................................ Dr. Johnson . quartet: "When The Sea Gives Up Her Dead" . . . ( Quartet as above) R ecitation: .....................................................................Miss Eunicla McSntee Vocal Duet: * The Bird Let Loose" .................................... (By whom??) Piano so lo : (The Banjo) (Gottschalk) .............................. Miss Rebecca Annin. Piano duet: (Zampa) ............................................................The Misses Annin T r io : " Rock o f Ages" (Warren) ......................................... 7? Miss L e titla Gallaher R ecitation: Piano solo: "Drops o f Water" (Caprice Etude) ................ Miss Laura Annin Quartet: " I s r a e l! 0 I s r a e l!" ( From Cant.Esther) The Misses M ell and Demuth, Messrs. Durand and Snelson. Vocal solo: "Flee As a Bird" ...... ........... Dr. Johnson Piano duet: "W illiam T e ll* (Gottschalk) .......................... The Misses Annin. ADMISSION - twenty-five cents. Several Rolla churches have been embarrassed by conduct o f their respective m inisters - which casts no re fle c tio n upon ohurch membership. Because i t was so very unusual, we may be pardoned fb r including here an incident which concerned the Rolla P resbyterian s......... I t was that the church was searching fo r a new pastor. Somebody had recommended the Rev. G.W.Hays, o f Dayton, Ohio. He had been invited to occupy the Sunday pulpit o f March 30,1873. He arrived by tra in the preceding evening, and took a hotel room. When the Sunday morning worship hour arrived next morning, a goodly congregallon was present - but no minis t a r . A fte r waiting for him for fifte e n " t w e n t y minutes, a committee was sent to the hotel to learn what the d iffic u lt y might be. Opening the reverend's door, they beheld Rev. Hays ly in g on his bed - * lt l> two revolvers and a half-empty whisky b o ttle on the stand beside the bed. The com mittee went hack and reported - and there was no preaching service that day. Mr. Hays finished the contents o f the b o ttle , then took the f i r s t train out o f town. The story may be laughing matter to us o f today - but to those o f 1873 It was not.
The New ^res^yjte£ijn_GhurchL,_East_ Tenth S tre e t.- Shi Sunday, A p ril 28, 1963, as a part o f the hundredth anniversary o f the founding o f this church, the Presby terian s completed and dedicated a magnificent house of worship, with adjoining o ffic e s , educational class rooms, kitchen and dining room, and the impressive Sadler Memorial Chapel. The spacious sanctuary - even when not occupied - is saturated with an atmosphere o f reverence and worship. The approximate cost o f this new plant was some $393,000. The entire complex would be a great credit to a community much la rg e r than R o lla . The present w riter ( Dr. Mann) had the honor o f making the o r ig in a l survey o f the 2.75 acre tract on which the church now stands. (January 17,1961). Handel's "Messiah" ^ An outstanding concert,/supplementing the 100th anniversary program o f 1964, was given on December 13,1964, through combined e ffo rt o f the Fort Leonard Wood Oratorio Society choir, and the Rolla Community Orchestra. There were sixty in the choir, fo rty in the orchestra. J.Richard Verduin directed the choir, with David W. Wurth at the organ. David L. Oakley directed the orchestra, of which Dr. Paul Tinnin was concert master. The presentation was most excellent • the solos p a rtic u la rly impressive - the organ accompaniment supurb. This was a concert long to be remembered. A repeat performance, with d iffere n t directors, was given on December 12,1965. Growth of Membership.*» From that o rig in a l charter membership group o f twelve, the church membership had grown to 57 in 1889 — 82 in 1923 - 113 in 1924 and 133 in 1931 when Rev* Dow Pinkston became pastor. When he l e f t in 1941, there were 211 members. The present membership (1967) under pastor G.Scott Porter is __________• The All-Tim e List^ 0f_Pa_stors — The follow ing is a l i s t o f the pastors who have serveT The Rolla" Presbyterian church since its inception in 1864. To each name the t i t l e o f "R ev." is understood to be prefixed: . The M inister
The M inister
1 1
S.A.Caldwell . . . . M a r.'07 - Sep. *09 J.Watson Mays . . . A p r .*10 - Mar. *11 G .P .K e e lin g ....... M ar.*12 - Sep. *15 Chas. F. Wilson . S ep .'15 - May *18 A lbert R Fiske . . N o v .*19 - Jan. *21 G .P .K e e lin g ....... June*21 - Apr. *22 E.W .Behner.O c t.*22 « Nov. *24 Win. L. Earl ....... Sep. *25 - Sep. '26 Chas. W. Estes ...Sep.'2|T - Sep. *30 Dow G. Pinkston . J an .’ ^ l «• Sep. *41 Frank L. Rearick O c t .'31 - Sep. *45 G.Scott Porter .. O c t.*45 - May-il^tT Warren Rutledge June,1968-to & a fte r May 20, 1974 r i Qf A l l o f these pastors, except the la s t ( Rev. Porter ), the Rev. Annin served fo r the longest period - 21 years. He was greatly loved and respected, both by his congregation, and by townsmen. The Revs. Whittaker and Behner came to Rolla from pastorates in Jefferson C ity. Two pastors died while in the pastorate - Revs. Annin and Behner. These two, together with the f i r s t pastor, Rev. Jones, l i e in Rolla
1. W illisto n Jones . . . . 2. S.B.Shaw .................. 3. H.T.Perry ................. 4. Philander Read ....... 5. W.L.Glark . . . . . . . . . . 6. T.T.Wing .................. 7. Andrew LuGe ............. 8. J.Addison Whittaker. 9. Dr. R.B.Bem ent....... 10. J.A.Annin ............... 11. James V a llie r ....... 12. W.Hayes Topping . . . 13. J.H.Alexander .......
May to Nov., 1865 N o v .*65 - J a n .*66 J an .*66 - S ep .*66 S ep .’ 66 - F e b .*67 J u ly *67 - O c t .*68 A p r .*69 - July*69 J u ly *69 - S ep .*72 J u ly*73 - A p r .*78 May *79 - S ep .*79 June'80 » June'Ol June’ Ol - May *03 June*03 - A u g.*03 Sep.'03 - Jan.*07
14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
Cemetery. I t was the good fortune o f the present w riters to personally know - and liv e as next-door neighbors - to pastors Keeling, Behner, E a rl, Estes, Pinkston, and Rearick, and we are honored in knowing Rev. P orter. There w i l l be others who w ill w rite o f Rolla Presbyterian church history, so with this paragraph we leave future w riting to them.
M I S S 0 U R I
ROLLCALLOFCOUNTYOFFICERS 1857-1973 By Dr. and Mrs. C la ir V. Mann R o lla , M issouri
COPYRIGHT, 1974 By C la ir V. Mann and Bonita H. Mann Tenants By The E n tire ty All Rights Reserved. No portion o f t h is Story may be reproduced By Any Process Whatever Without W ritten Permission Of Copyright Holders.
S tate R e p re s e n ta tiv e s S ta te Senators C ir c u it Judges C ir c u it C lerk s & Recorders S h e r if f s P ro s e c u tin g A tto rn e y s County Court Judges County C lerks A ssessors C o lle c t o r s Treasurers Surveyor s Supts o f Schools Probate Judges Coroners P u b lic A d m in istra to rs
C o rre c t Numbering Of M issou ri G en eral A ssem blies.
t'l.n* /$sl£ TABLE NO. _______ . STATE REPRESENTATIVES FROM PHELPS COUNTY Miss oviriJ^neral_A £setn.bli C.V.Mann. May 22,1967
G .A. 19th
22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Tern 1856-1857 1858-59
1860-61 1861-62 1863-64
1865-66 1967-68
1869-70 1871-72 1873-74 1875-76 1877-78 1879-80 1881-82 1883-84
1885-86 1887-88
1889-90 1891-92 1893-94 1895-96 1897-98 1899-00
Incumbent Lyle Singleton (F or Dent-Crawford) W illiam Marcie Sami. G. W illiam s E lija h Perry P.C.R oberts Enoch P. F e r r e ll Enoch P. F e r r e ll Cyrus H. Frost (He was Speaker) Thos. C. Harrison F rancis M. Lenox Dr.Chas. H .Storts John R. Bowman Edwa rd J . Seymour Dr. Chas.H. S to rts O liv e r P. P a u ls e ll Claude D. Jamison Fred.Wm. Shinneman W esley A. V ia Charles A. Martin John L . Short W illiam R. Hale Fred.W. Shinneman
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
1913-14 1915-16 1917-18 1919-20
60 61 62 63 64 65
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77
1921-22 1923-24 1925-26 1927-28 1929-30 1931-32 1933-34 1935-36 1937-38 1939-40 1941-42 1943-44 1945—46 1947—48 1949-50 1951-52 1953-54 1955-56 1957-58 1959-60
1961-62 1963-64 1965-66 1967-69 1969-70 1971-72 1973-74
Incumbent John 0 . Holmes W illiam J. S alts Frank H. F a rris Frank H. F a rris Frank H. F a rris W illiam J . E l l i s Stephen N. Lorts Booker H. Rucker Chas. L* Woods Chas. L . Woods Booker H Rucker Booker H. Rucker John J. D a ily J ohn J . D a ily John J . D a ily John J . D a ily Dewey C* Hickman Booker 8 . Rucker Booker H. Rucker Booker H. Rucker DeVere J o slin DeVere J o slin DeVere J o slin DeVere J o slin Gene S a lly Gene S a lly Melvin Carnahan Melvin Carnahan Richard Smallwood Smallwood Smallwood John Twitty
C c^ p r^ h
-fsy / ycfr
Sea. ' D is t . G .A. 22nd 19 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 * y 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
22nd 27 th 27 9>9
—M n.iii■ 24th 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
20 21 22
23 24 25
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 a 42 43 44 45 46 47
Missouri_G«neral_A£sembl2; C.V.Mann. May 22 , 1967 .
Sen. B is t . Ge As D r. John Hyer Lake Spr. 24th 48 D r. John Hyer 49 1861062 50 1863-64 Cyrus H. Frost 51 1865-66 Cyrus H. Frost 52 1867-68 E l l i s G. Evans 53 1869-70 E l l i s G. Evans 54 1871-72 R.B . Palmer( H a r t v ille ) 55 1873-74 R.B.Palmer 56 1875-76 Edw. A. Seay (R o lla ) 57 1877-78 Edw. A. Seay 58 »> 1879-80 D r. S.H.Headlee(St.Jam es) ,, 59 1881-82 D r. S.H.Headlee 60 1883-84 John W. F a rr is 61 1885-86 John W. F a r r is 62 9 9 1887-88 F rancis M. M ansfield 63 1889-90 Francis M. M ansfield 64 1891-92 V i r g i l M. Hines 65 1893-94 V.M.Hines(Houston) 66 9 9 1895-96 James B. Harrison 67 9 9 1897-98 H.H.Hohenschild 68 1899-00 H ohenschild(R olla) 69 9 9 1901-02 E .M .zeveley (Linn) 70 9 9 1903-04 Fr ank H. F a rris (R o lla ) 71 9 9 1905-06 F .H .F a rris 72 9 9 1907-08 C arter M. Buford 73 9 9 1909-10 C.M.Buford (E llin g to n ) 74 9 9 19 11-12 C.M.Buford 75 1913-14 C.M.Buford 76 77 Years 1857-58 1859-60
Years 1915-16 1917-18 1919-20 1921-22 1923-24 1925-26
Incumbent C arter M. Buford C.M.B u fo rd (E llin g to n ) C.M.Buford C.M.Buford Frank H. F a rris Frank H. F a rris 1927-28 Carter M. Buford 1929-30 C.M.Buford 1931-32 C.M.Buford 1933-34 C.M.Buford 1935-36 Clyde C.Cope (Salem) 1937-38 Clyde C. Cope 1939-40 Emery TKL A llis o n 1941-42 E.W. A llis o n (R o lla ) 1943-44 B.W. A llis o n 1945-46 E.W. A llis o n 1947-48 E .W .A llison 1949-50 E .W .A lliso n 1951-52 John A. Johnson 1953-54 J .A.Johnson(EUington) 1955-56 J.A.Johnson 1957-58 J.A.Johnson 1959-60 J. A. Johnson 1961-62 J.A.Johnson 1963-64 J.M orris H i l l 1965-66 J.M.Hill(Leoanon) 1967-68 Don Owens (G erald ) 1969-70 Don Owens 1971-72 Don Owens 1973-74 Ralph Uthlaut
( TABLE N o.
( Judges- C irc .C lk s . Recorders - S h e r iffs ) (Prosecuting Attorneys) C.V.Mann. May 22,1967 THE CIRCUIT CLERKS & HECQRi)ERS
1846-57 1857-60 1860-61 1862-64
. . D aniel M. L e e t............. . . . P .H .E d w a rd s ................... . . . James H. M cBride.. . . . . . . . % . G. Pom eroy............... . . Aaron Van Wormer ............ . . E lija h P erry ................... . . P erry ................................ . . V .B .H i ll ........................... . . Charles C. Bland . 19th . T B l a n d ............... 19 th ...B la n d (r e s ig n s ) . . 19th J. Woodside (f o r B lan d )l9 th . . L eigh B. Woodside. 19th . . Woodside . . . . . . . . . 19th . . Woodside ................ 19th . . Woodside ................ 19th . . Wm. E. Barton . . . . 19th . . Joseph H. Bowron. 19th . . Wm. E. Barton . . . . 19th . . B a r t o n ................... 19th . . Claude E . C urtis . 19th . . Query W. A llis o n • 39th . . A l l i s o n .................. 25th . . A l l i s o n ................. 25th . . A l l i s o n ................. 25th
1865-68 1869-72 1873-76 1877-80 1881-86
1887-92 1893-96 1897-98 1899-04 1905-10 1911-16 1917-22
1923-28 1929-34 1935-40 1941-46
1959-64 1965-70 1971-74
C irc u it Judge
D is t r ic t
No. (1 ) (2 ) (3 ) ( 4) ( 5) ( 6) (7 ) ( 8) (9 ) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
Clerk & Recorder Lyle Singleton ........ Francis Marion Lenox Charles P. Walker . . H.L .Wheat ................. E.M .Clark ................. G ra n v ille A lle n . . . . George H. Hume ........ G ra n v ille A lle n . . . . David E. Cowan ........ H.E.Bonebrake .......... W i l l R. E l l i s .......... Charles B re m e r........ W esley Smith (d i e d ) . Mrs Wes ( L i l y ) Smith. Shearl W. L o rts . . . . Charles R. Sands . . . Austin B e ll ............. Also ............................
Years 1857-60 1860-61
1862-66 1866-70 1870-76 1876-78 1878-82 1882-86 1886-1906 1906-10 1910-22 1922-24 1924-30 1930-40 1940-46 1946-61 1961-67 1967-74
TABLE N o . __________
INCUMBENTS; PHELPS COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT Years 1857 to 1967 C.V.Mann. May 25,1967
THE SHERIFFS Note; In the fo llo w in g ta b le , the number such as H20th G.A " s ig n ifie s the number o f the corresponding M issouri General Assembly. This t ie s Phelps County o f f i c i a l s in to dates o f General Assembly. 19th G.A. 1857ra» 20th G.A. 1858 . . 1859 . . 21st G.A. I860 . .
22nd G.A. 1862 . . 1863 . . 23rd G.A. 1864 . . 1865 . . No G.A. 1866 •• 24th G.A. 1867 . . 1868 . . 25th G.A. 1869-70 187L-72 1873-74 1875-76 1877-78 30th G.A. 1879-80 1881-82 1883-84
1885-86 1887-88 35th G.A. 1889-90 1891-92 1893-94 1895-96 1897-98 40th G.A. 1899-00 1901-02 1903-04
1905-06 44th G.A. 1907-08
-'Francis ManicshrWishon Wishon Edward Blaine B lain e B laine Chestine M ille r John M. Dunivin Dunivin Robert A. Love L 0ve Love L cve . . Henry Cleino • . Cleino . . James L . Smith . . Smith . . Pleasan t M.Gaddy . . Gaddy . . A le x . H. Orchard . . Harm. Gaddy . . Gaddy . . Charles M. Dean . . Dean . . John W. Cooper . . George A.M arling . . M arling . . James C. Harvey . . Harvey . . John W. Cooper . . Cooper . . Geo. A. M arling . . M arling
45th G.A.
50th G.A.
55th G.A.
60th G.A.
65th G.A.
70th G.A.
. . 1909-10 1911-12 1913-14 1915-16 1917-18 1919-20 1921-22 1923-24 1925-26 1927-28 . . 1929-30 1931-32 1933-34 1935-36 1937-38 . . 1939-40 194L-42 1943-44 1945-46 1947-48 . . 1949-50 1951-52 1953-54 1955-56 1957-58 . . 1959-60 1961-62 1963-64 1965-66 1967-68 1969-70 1971-72 1973-74
. . Joseph L . Wilson . . W ilson . • A lfre d B. Johnson . . Johnson . . Linsey L . Yowell • Yowell . • James Warren . . Warren . • A . jo. Johnson . • Johnson . • James Warren . • Warren . . C.O.Alexander . . Alexander . • Fred C. King . . King . . Pryor Harvey . . Harvey . • W alter B. Lavine . • Lavine . . Lavine . . Lavine . • Lavine . . Lavine . . O liv e r T. Lambiel . . Lambiel . . Lambiel . . Lambiel . Lambiel . . Lambiel . . Lambiel . . Lambiel (d . Dec.21) . . Thomas P asley
26, 1967 .
THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS H ot*: In the e a r li e s t days, the Attorney was c a lle d the " S t a t e ' s A tto rn ey ". L a te r, the "C ir c u it Attorney" - and then, as today, the Prosecuting Attorney.
1857 . . 1858 . . 1859 . . 1860 . . 1861 . . 1862 . . 1863 . . 1864 . . 1865 . . 1866 . . 1867-68 1869-70 1871-72 1873-74 1875-76 1877-78 1879-80 1881-82 1883-84 1885-86 1887-88 1889-90 1891-92 1893-94 1895-96 1897-98 1899-00 1901-02 1903-04 1905-06 1907-08 1909-10
•• • • J u lian F ra z ie r Ewing Y. M itc h e ll • e Henry Warmoth e e * * Warmoth * • Isa a c S. Warmoth •• • • •e • • • # ♦ * A l f H arris • • H arris C. K e lly • * W illiam K e lly • • * • K e lly P erry • • E li ja h Wm. C. K e lly *•• K e lly •• • * K e lly Harrison • • James B. W illiam C. K e lly • e Robt. Meriwether • e • # Meriwether • • Thomas M. J ones • • Jones • • Charles L . Woods • * John A. Watson •** Watson Stephen N.. Lorts • * L orts • • L o rts e •
1911-12 1913-14 1915-16 1917-18 1919-20 1921-22 1923—24 1925-26 1927-28 1929-30 193L-32 1933-34 1935-36 I 9 37-38 1939-40 1941-42 1943-44 1945-46 1947-48 1949_50 1951-52 1953-54 1955-56 1957-58 1959-60 1961-62 1963-64
1967-68 1969-70 1971-72 1973-74
.. •• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •. .. •• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• .. .. .. .. ..
C orrie L . Arthur Arthur Stephen N. Lorts A lb e rt B. Holmes John A. Watson J .E lli s Walker A lb e rt B. Holmes Holmes John A. Watson J . E l l i s Walker Snery W. A llis o n A llis o n A llis o n A llis o n Llyn Bradford Bradford Bradford Bradford Bradford Ronald J. P u lle r P u lle r F u lle r Jay White White White W illiam W, Hoertel Hoertel H oertel £ane White Z,White Z . White Z.White
Term Term
Nov 25, 1857 Feb 1859 A p r.7, 1862 Sep.3, 1863 F e b .l, 1864 F e b . 6, I 865 Feb. 7, 1865 Ffcfc.j, 1866 Jan.7> 1867 F e b .4, 1867 Feb. 3, 1868 Nov, F e b .6,*1869 Sept. 1869 O c t.30,1869 F e b . 5, 1870 J a n .l, 1871 F e b . l , 1872 A p r.18,1872 Apr. 1872 geb.13,1873
57-58 59-61
M ar.11, 1875 A pr. 12, 1877 Feb. 6, 1879 Feb. 4, 1881 J a n .l, 1883 J a n .l, 1885 J a n .l, 1887 Jan. 1, 1889 J a n .l, 1891 J a n .l, 1893
75-76 77-78 79-80 81-82 83-84
62-63 9 9
I 864 1865
C ,' ■ '
65—66 9 9
67-68 9 9
87-88 89-90 91-92 93-94
P re sid in g Judge
West Side Judge ^ East Side Judge
W illia m C. York Lewis F. Wright * John G. Hutcheson John G.Hutcheson Dabney T.Hudgens Hutcheson............ Hutcheson .......... Hutcheson .......... D r. V.G.Latham . W illiam Morse Latham ................ Morse ........... Latham . . . . . . . . . R.W.Wade ........... W illiam Morse . . Morse .............
County Clerk
Thos.R.Freeman L e n o x ............... James A. Dun . Chas. P.Walker Svan G. Morse . W alker............. A.Demplewolf . . Demplewolf........
Walker ............ Horaoe W ilcox.
Demplewolf........ John McDole . . .
C.M.Hamill. * •. Hamill . . . . . . .
W illiam Morse . . R.W .W ade............ W.R.P.Seamon . . Jeremiah S.French ( Morse d ie d . C lifto n B. B e itz e l elected in h is st ead) . C lift o n B. B e it z e l R.W .W ade.......... W.R.P.Seamon . . J.S.French . . . B e i t z e l ............. Wade ................... Seamon.............. C.M.Hamill . . . J.G. Hutches on •• Wade ................... Seamen .............. Jer. S. French. H u tch eso n .......... Wade ................... Seamon.............. F r e n c h ............ H u tch eson ......... Wade ................... Semonjremoved French ............ H u tch eson .......... Wade ..(Seamon out Jas.RTBowman i n ) French. James R.Bowman. French Hut c h e s o n .......... John A. S a lly James R. Bowman. John A. S a lly . . Bowman................ S a lly ............ O liv e r P. P a u ls e ll W illiam Bl ack. . P a u ls e ll ............ Robt.H.Flannagan D aniel Donahoe . W illia m Black . B l a c k ................. Donahoe ............. W illiam Dawson . Donahoe ............. Dawson . . . . . . . . . F e lix D. Mathis. John W o l f e ........ Mathis . . . . W olfe ........ Henry Dean
O .P .P a u ls e ll . . P a u ls e ll .......... L.R.Matlock . . . W illiam Dawson. John W olfe . . . . Wolfe ............... W olfe ............... J o s .S .W illiam s. W illiam s .......... J.M.Fleming . . .
French ............ F r e n c h ........... French . . . . . . . French ............ French ( J . S . ) . J.S.French : : : James B. S a lly S a l l y ............. S a l l y ..............
TABLE No. ______ (c e n t .) JUDGES & CLERKS_0F 03UNTY_C0URT_ 1891 to 1967 C.V.Mann. May
1891-92 1893-94 1895-96 1897-98
1899-00 1901-02 1903-04
1905-06 1907-08 1909-10 1911-12 1913-14 1915-16 1917-18
1919-20 1 9 2 1 -2 2 1923-24
1925-26 1927-28 1929-30 1931-32 1933-34 1935-36 1937-38 1939-40 1941-42 1943-44 1945-46 1947-48 1949-50 1951-52 1953-54 1955-56 1957-58 1959-60 1961-62 1963-64
P re s. Judges
26, 1967 .
E. Side
John W olfe ........ Jos. S. W illiam s W olfe .................. James Fleming . . W olfe .................. Ernest Pinto . . . W olfe .................. John A. Adams . . D an iel Donahoe . Rams cm Dean . . . . S.R.BoTOman , , , , , Donahoe . . . . . . . . J0s . S .W illia m s. Bowman ............... Ernest M. Pi nto. W illiam s . . . . . . . E rnest M. P in to . Geo. W. Smith . . P$nto . . . . . . . . . . Pat Birmingham • Edward E .P a u ls e ll Birmingham ........ P a u ls e ll . . . . . . . Reuben D .Barber. Jackson Bishop . Wm.A.Stedman . . . Bishop . . . . . . . . . O .D .H all ............ David E. Cowan . . H a l l ................... Wm.S.Connor . . . . Wm.A.Stedman . . . P .C .G lover ........ W.F.Kroner . . . . . Glover ................ Kroner . . . . . . . . . O liv e r D. P a u ls e ll Ernest M .Pinto. J.E.Rowland . . . . P a u ls e ll ............ Rowland .............. P a u ls e ll ............ Rowland .............. P a u ls e ll * .......... D.S.Branstetter.. J.E.Rowland . . . . Rowland .............. B ran stetter . . . . Rowland .............. B ran stetter . . . .
Co. Clerks
Hamilton W. Lencnc Lenox ................. Lenox ................. L e n o x ................. Oscar Duncan . . . Duncan ...............
I r a P arry .......... P arry ................. P arry ................. Melvift T.Matlock Matlock ............. Matlock .............
Duncan ................ Lloyd W. Ramsey. Ramsey . . . . . . . . . A r v i l W. Murry .
F e lix D. Mathis . James B. S a lly . . . Henry Dean .......... S a l l y ............' . . . . . E lb e rt K .Light . . John P. H arrison. Jackson Bishop . . H a r r i s o n .............. P erry D.Hawkins.. Booker H.Rucker . Riir>If«i> . . . ________ Hflwlri na ____ r Hawkins ............... Rucker ................. J.H.Mathis . . . . . . ftldlfftT1 . . . . . . . . . . E d w .R .P a u ls e ll.. . Frank Germann . . . P a u ls e ll . . . . . . . . < . Germann ( F . A . ) . . . W alter E.Duncan . Germann . . . . . . . . . Duncan ................. Germann ............... Wm.E.Shepherd.. . . Germann Shepherd .............. Germann ............... W.Tom Denison . . . Germann ............... Germann........ . Stephen Devers . . Ernest B. Aaron . W alter L.B rad ford Harm Gaddy .......... Bradford ............. Harm Gaddy .......... B r a d f o r d ......... W alter E.Duncan . B r a d f o r d ........ ... B r a d f o r d ............. Isaac Sands . . . . . Bradford ............. Sands ................... John A. Mooney . . Sands ................... Harm G a d d y .......... Mooney ............... . M ooney................. Gaddy ................... Mooney . . . . . . . . . . Gaddy . . . . . . . . . . . Isa a c S a n d s .......... Mooney ................. Mooney ................. Geo.E.Marsh . . . . . Marsh ................... Mooney ................. W.L. Kennedy........ Mooney ................. Bert T. Harvey . . M ooney............... . Mooney ................. Harvey ................. Pete T.Moulder •. M ooney........... W alter P a u ls e ll.. Mooney ................. Mooney-LucieSmith P a u ls e ll Charles P.Dean . . Roy V• Gaddy . . . . W illiam T.Huskey. G a d d y ................. . H u sk ey ............... . Gaddy ................. . Huskey .......... Gaddy ................... Huskey . . . . . . . . . . Alonzo Dunham . . . Huskey ................. Dunham . . . . . . . . . . Dunham
1969-70 1971-72
Arthur McFarland McFarland .......... Leo L o rts ..........
B le v ie M. Lor t s . L o rts ................. L o rts ................. L orts ................. L o rts » * » » * • * • • • L o rts ................. Jim Davis .......... Davis
L orts
1965-66 1967-68
W. Side
V .rV
\ I
TABLE No. _________
MISCELLANEOUS PHELPS GOUNTY^OFFIGIALS Surveyor, Assessor, C o lle c to r, Treasurer. C.V.Mann, May 27,1967 Years
1 8 5 7 -.. 1 8 5 8 -.. 1 8 5 9 -.. I 8 6 0 -.. 1 8 6 1 -.. 1 8 6 2 -.. 1 8 6 3 -.. 1 8 6 4 -.. 1 8 6 5 -.. 1 8 6 6 -.. 1867-68 1 8 6 9 -.. 1 8 7 0 -.. 1 8 7 1 -.. 1 8 7 2 -.. 1873-74 1875-76 1877-78 1879-80 1881-82 1883-84 1885-86 1 8 8 7 -.. 1 8 8 8 -.. 1889-90
A *E .Buchanan........ Buchanan .............. Buchanan . . . . . . . . Buchanon ..............
1891-92 1893-94 1895-96 1897-98 1899-00
1901-02 1903-04 1905-06 1907-08
1909-10 1911-12 1913-14 1915-16 1917-18 1919-20
1921-22 1923-24 1925-26 1927-28 1929-30 1931-32
James E. Clark . . Clark ................... Clark ................... Clark ................... Clark ................... F.D.Morgan .......... M o rg a n .................. Thomas D. Smith . Smith ................... Smith . . . . . . . . . . . J.D .Watkins . . . . .
C o llecto r
Treasurer Treasurer
W illiam Snelson . Snelson ................ Snelson ................ Snelson ................ Robert T.Parker • Parker .................
•David Malcolm . . . . M.C.Hale ............... Malcolm ................. H a l e ....................... Sam Ledgerwood . . . Chas. D. Sanford . Louis Auerbach . . . Ledgerwood ............ Henry D e a n ......... Aueroach ............... D e a n ..................... Auerbach ............... Samuel B.Darden . . C. D.Sanborn . Ferdinand Strobach Darden ................... A. W . S l a i n .............. D . Taylor Lenox . . Strobach ............... Abram L . S t i f f • • James L . Smith . . . B la in ..................... Jackson Bishop . . Smith ..................... Amanuel Dunham . . . John S.Live say . . . Wi l l iam Fort . . . . Dunham................... Fort ..................... L ivesay ................. Dunham ................... James L . Smith •• Livesay ............... . Asa S . N ile s ........
Robt. T. Parker . S .Q. Chamberlain . S ta n ley Q. Chamb. Chamberlain . . . . . Chamberlain ........ Chamberlain ........ Chamberlain . . . . . Thomas D. Smith . Smith ................... S.Q.Chamberlain • C h am b erlain ........ Chamberlain ........ Chamberlain ........ John McK.Southgate Southgate ............ Joe B. B u tle r . . . B u tle r ................. Fred G. Perry . . . P e r r y ................. • P e r r y ................... P e rry ................. .
Asa S. N ile s . . . . . J ohn C. W ilson . . . W ilson ................... Joseph R.Kester . . K ester ................... Chas. R. Matlock . Matlock ................. Frank Spradling .• Chas. R. Matlock • John W. Grayson . . Grayson ................. Grayson ............... .. Grayson ................. Charles R.Sands . . Sands ..................... Henry I . Brown . . . Brown ..................... B ro w n ......... Brown ..................... Lee Wynn ............... Thomas F. Breuer » ( Go to n e x t page
James M. McClure. McClure ............... W illiam Fort . . . . Robt.F.Hamilton . W illiam Fort . . . . A lex. B. Hale . . . Hale ..................... Wm. S tin so n ,S r. . G ra n v ille A llen . A lle n ................... A lex. B . Hale . . . Hale ..................... David L . Stuart . Stuart ................. Stuart ................. Stuart . . . . . . . . . . S t u a r t ................. S t u a r t ................. Jas. L . Peatross. Peatross .............. W illiam H.Carney. )
Wm. P a u l s e l l ........ P a u ls e ll ............... Ferdinand Strobach Strobach ............... A. W . B l a i n ............. B lain ..................... G ran ville A llen •. A llen ..................... John S. L ivesay . . Livesay ................. M illa rd F.Faulkner Faulkner ............... Faulkner ............... Faulkner ............... Faulkner ............... Fred C. Kerr . . . . . K e r r ....................... K e r r ....................... K e r r ....................... Kerr . . (d ie d ) . . . . Mrs.Amanda Kerr ••
Table No. _______
Phelps Co. O ffic e rs . . S u rveyor-A ssessor-C ollector-T reasu rer Tears
C ollecto r
1933-341935-36 1937-38 1939-40 1941-42 1943-44 1945-46 1947-48 1949-50 1951-52 1953-54 1955-56 1957-58 1959-60 1961-62 1963-64 1965-66 1967-68 1969-70 1971-72
E.E.Decker .......... Ernest E.Decker . Decker .................. Decker ................. Decker ................. Raymond F. Brant. Brant ................... Brant ................... LawrenceCasselman C la ir V. Mann . . . D r. Mann ............. M a n n ..................... Mann ..................... Mann ................... .. Mann . . . . . . . . . . . . Mann ..................... Robert E lg in . . . . E lg in ................... E lg in ................... E lg in ...................
James W. Black . . . B l a c k ........ . B l a c k ............... . B l a c k ................... Black . . . . . . . . . . . Black ................... Black . ( d i e d ) . . . . Black, Helen . . . . W illiam T. Huskey H u sk e y ............... . Huskey ................. Huskey ................. Huskey ................. Huskey ................. H11skay . . . . . . . . . . A lle n S . Smith •. Smith ................... Smith ................... Christopher, Leo Christopher ........
Wm. H. Carney . . . Carney ................. Carney ................. Carney ................. O arnAT___________ Carney ................. r.urnAV____ . . . . . . Roy D u n iv in ........ Dunivin ............... Dunivin ............... Dunivin ............... Dunivin ............... Dunivin ............... Dunivin ............... Dnivi vin . . . . . . . . . Dunivin ............... Robert S. Sands . Bands ................... Sands . . . . . . . . . . . S a n d s ............. .
E lg in ...................
Christopher ........
Sands ...................
Treasurer Mrs. Amanda K e rr.. Mrs. Kerr ............. E a rl Jackson . . . . . Jackson, E .B .......... R.W.Shoemate . . . . . ^hrvimAf.t _ _________ Elmer N esbit ........ N esbit ................... Melvin T. Watts . . Watts ..................... Watts ..................... W a t t s ................... . W a t t s ........... Watts . . . . . . . . . . . . Watts ..................... Watts ..................... Watts ..................... Watts . . r . T. rTTtTt Watts - Scott (Watts d ied ) Scott, Robt.
LIST OF COUNTY OFFICERS 1857-58 : 1857-58 1859
1860 1861 1862 1863
1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869
1870 1871
1872 1873 74-75 75-76 76-77 77-78 78-79 79-80 80-81
81-82 82-83 83-84 84-85
85-86 86-87 87-88 88-89 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 1900- 01
01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05
05-06 06-07
08-09 09-10 10 -11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15
Supt Schools Lyle Single ton WS Ragan Enoch F e r r e ll John P N o rv e ll
— *
CP Walker Waite r LA Dunlap AS Richardson WS Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins 9
Thos M Hanrahan Hanrahan ? Wm C Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy John L Lovelace Lovelace RSFvRitelufs Rote lace H.W.Wood Wood Wood ? John F Hodge Hodgp Hodge Hodge TO Renfrew Renfrew John 0 Mooney Mooney Mooney Mooney
Ph G° Mo Probate Judge :
6 fiomnsr'
4*» C d / r e c k ••
.. J.H.Dunivin J.H.Dunivin
: W M orse-B eitzel B e itz e l J.Hutcheson Hutcheson Hutcheson Hutcheson Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Southgate WW Southgate 9
7 Jas B Harrison Harrison 7 > RobtMeriwether Meriwether
Wm J Salts S a lts 7 Salts Salts S alts S a lts Salts Salts A lbert Neuman Neuman Neuman Neuman Neuman Neuman Neuman Geo A Skyles Skyle s Skyles Skyles Skyles Skyles Skyle s Skyle s Skyles
: C.G.Woody Woody Woody Woody Woody Woody Woody Woody .R uffin g R uffing RM Browne Browne Dr S.F.Arthur Arthur Shelton Lenox Lenox R uffing R uffing R uffing R uffing Thos F Yates Thos F Yates R uffing Geo W R uffing R uffing Ruff i ng Dr JD Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Car penter JS Buskett Buskett WF Bums Burns Burns Burns Dr CE Bradley Bradley Dr WS Smith Dr Smith Dr Smith Dr Smith AM L ig it Light L ig it
w \
: Thos Maxwell Maxwell Wm Dawson Dawson Dawson Dawson S tiff S tiff R uffing R u ffin g AL S t i f f S tiff OB Margedant Margs dant RobtMeriwether 7
7 Thos M Jones Jone s Jone s Jones Jos J C rites C rites Crite s C rites Absalom S Lick Lick Lick Harry 0 Bland Bland Bland Bland Geo H Hume Hume Dexter Smith Smith D Smith^ D Smith) NONE D Smith) D Smith) None None None
Supt Schools Ph Co.
1915- 1 6 : 1 5 -1 6 1 6 -1 7 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24 24-25
2 5 -2 6
Supt Schools AZ Black B lack B lack Black B lack Black B lack B lack Jas Hess Hess Hess Hess Hess Hess Hess Hess Ralph M arcellus M arcellu s Mar ce H us thru 1961-62 )9 >9
Probate Geo A S k yles Skyle s S k yles S kyle s John B S c o tt S c o tt S c o tt S c o tt S c o tt S c o tt S c o tt S c o tt John 0 Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Sam Hess Hess )9
26-27 27-28 28-29 29-30 30-31 31-32 32-33 33-34 34-35 35-36 36-37 37-38 9 9 38-3? 9 9 9 9 39-40 •9 9 9 40-41 >9 9 9 41-42 9 9 9 9 42-43 9 9 9 9 43-44 9 9 •9 44-45 9 9 9 9 45-46 9 9 4647 4748 A H th re e o f th e s e in thru 1961-6261-62
6 2-6 3 6 3 -6 4 64-65
65—66 67-68 69-70 71-72 73-74
Mar c e llu s M a rcellu s J Leonard B e l l B e ll B e ll Rp>11 Rpl 1 O ffic e abolishe d
Hess Hess L ly n B radford Bra d f ord Rpn d f“orH . . . . . . . . . Rf"nr*d . . . . . . . . . Brndfor d . . . . . . . . . Hf*rvrH . . . . . . . . . B radford ................
Ccr oner AM L ig h t Dr WS Smith Dr Smith Dr Smith Dr Smith Dr Smith Dr Geo W Horrom Horrom Horrom Horrom Dr WS Smith Dr Smith Dr Smith Dr Smith AM L ig h t L ig h t L i$ it L ig h t O ra l L ic k lid e r L ic k lid e r B id frlS d a p ll L ic k lid e r L ic k lid e r L ic k lid e r L ic k lid e r L ic k lid e r Rudy S N u ll NuH Nun NuH S. Claude N uH N u ll SC NuH N uH Paul N u ll NuH . P. N u H ............... P. N u H ............. P. N u ll ............... P. N u ll ................ P. N u H ...............
Pub Administratca None None None Dan F Donahoe Donahoe Donahoe Donahoe Donahoe Donahoe Donahoe Donahoe Donahoe Robt H Jones none h e r e a fte r
........ None .......... . . . . . None . . . . . ........ None - . . . . ........ None . . . . . Moomaw, P h ilip M.
May 25, 1967 ••••
19th G.A.............
2 0 t h ...... ........... 1858-59 21st ............... 2 2 n d ..................
i860—61 1862-63
23 r d .................. 1864-65 ( Now skip a year ) 2 4 t h ..................
2 5 t h .................. 1869-70 Now fo llo w that order from then on. ( Odd & Even Y e a rs).
By Dr. and Mrs. C la ir V. Mann R o lla , Missouri COPTRIGHT, 1974 By C la ir V . Mann and Bonita H. Mann Tenants By The E n tire ty A ll Rights Reserved. No portion of th is Story may be reproduced By Any Process Whatever Without W ritten Permission Of Copyright Holders.
CVM-BHiii-Thu., J u ly 4, 1974. CONCLUSION. C
THIS, OUR STORY OF THE CITY OF ROLLA. MISSOURI. HAS NOW COME_TO AN_END. I t i s now J u ly 4, 1974. The work was begun on January 7, 1967 - so i t has taken Seven Years and, lack in g three days, an ad d itio n al s ix months o f h igh ly p ro fessio n al time fo r the two of us - C la ir and Bonita Mann - to do the jo b . In the process, our f i r s t concern was the necessary research and assembly of f a c t s . For th is purpose, we assembled and tabulated the fa c ts on 12,000 3x5 inch lib r a r y index cards - plus the contents of some 500 manila f i l i n g envelopes o f 9g x 12 inch s iz e . In a ctu a l time spent and recorded, the cards cost us $40.00 per hundred. The envelopes were valued a t $2.00 each. These items sum up to $5,800.00. To produce the typewritten te x t, i t was f i r s t necessary to compose an o rig in a l "SCRIPT" ( we c a l l i t Copy "A "), on which additions or changes could be made, and from which the f i n a l THREE copies were made - the o r ig in a l MASTER COPY ( Copy No. 1) the Sub-Master Copy ( Carbon copy ) designated as "Copy No. 2 . . and Copy No. 3, on transparent tra cin g paper, su itable fo r re-copying by diazo, blue p r in t, or Xerox methods. The ORIGINAL SCRIPT ( Copy "A"), made up from the lib r a r y index cards and the m anila envelope f i l e s , cost us, in recorded time, some TWO DOLLARS per page. The other three copies ( Nos. 1—2—3 ) cost some $1.00 each — a to ta l of FIVE DOLLARS PER PAGE. T his, fo r the 1060 pages of fin ish ed te x t, amounts to $5,300.00 Any p ro ject such as th ix should include charges for room ren t, u t i l i t y service, and m aterials used. A charge of $20.00 per month is low, for the rooms and u t i l i t i e used on the p r o je c t. For 7^ ydars zt th at rate ( $240 per year ) to ta ls $1,800.00. Typewriter serv ice, paper, ribbons, and carbon paper used t o t a l not le s s than $100.00. Combining the four item s, we have a to ta l as fo llo w s: Cards, Envelopes, R e se a rc h .............. $5,800.00 W riting S c rip t and Text ................ 5,300.00 1,800.00 R ental and U t i l i t i e s ........................ M aterials used .................................... * 100.00 Grand Total . . . . $13,000.00 For doing th is work, we have received ab solu tely no outside fin a n c ia l help or compensation. I t has been wholly a work of lo ve, for the good of the town in which we have liv e d these past 54 years. A Few Comments On Tte Work.- There are those who might wish we had followed customary” L is tin g of so u rcel - as fo o tn o tes. WE POSITIVELY DECIDED NOT TO DO THIS, fc o S books, so produced, made i t easy for others, using the footn otes, to make and p r in t plagarized cop ies. That should NOT happen again I In the main, our m a te rials are p o s itiv e ly accurate, as our reference cards show. We s h a ll NOT p u b licize the card s. . . . \ In too many in stan ces, we were obliged to omit dates ( as fo r church p a sters), or other S p S T I n t a - because of la ck of time to a ccu lu la te , or non-avaxlabxlxty Other workers may be able to supply the lacking da . , _ . v 0 - subdivision o f ™ in to
c llp lK d t m i “ Iquence of.events determined the d iv is io n points bet-een periods. fAT„ f u l i v r e a liz e that the work i s more of an "Encyclopedia" than a casual rea d er's book. Our hope i s that we may be able to produce a "condensed" ed itio n s u ita b le for press p rin tin g and d is tr ib u tio n . . With these comments, we now say — " May you read - and in doing so, learn !w R o lla you did not know b efo re. May you become prouder of your townfcbecause°of the s t? ry unfolded. To a l l concerned, »e say "Adieu" - and may • God b le ss you a l l . " C la ir V. Mann and Bonita H. Mann, authors.