Missouri S&T Magazine, September 15, 1929

Page 1


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Oct. . 4---Kirksville Teachers, there.


- ,, -



I2-Lombard College, here. I9-McKendree, here.


I-Central, there. 9- Westminster, here. I5- Maryville Teachers, here. 23-Northeastern State Teachers College, Muskogee, Okla.


28-Drury, there.

• !


LI Volume Four

Sfiptember 15, 1929 -


. ;;-

Number One

II . I',·


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.U niyersity of Missouri .






Graduate courses leading to the degree of Master of Science ar<,; also offered in these curricula FOR INFORMATION, ADDRESS THE REGISTRAR , .,

. ..

, The ide! shner neaJ the plans 28. The ( the capalll enthusiasn


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The stm lind is exa, of the wat Ihis propo: iletail. Be for scorin! bent. Tim clock at t total £Core tern is pIa tioned on Irill be a, plaYing. '1 of the org, operations. ity by rna cable and


A. list of members , comprised




SEPT. 15,- 1929:

ume Four

Tau Beta Pi Erects Scoreboard on Jackling Field By T. D. Murphy, '28 Recogni zing the need of a scorebo ard on the a thletic d, the Missour i Beta chapter of Tau Beta Pi und ertook build one. R eturning alumni will notice, n ext Fall, a nforced concrete structur e in the shape of a bent, the st bol of the organiza tion, looming up in the southeahof the fi eld. It can be easily seen upon approac the campus with the Greek letter charact eri stics upon it. As such, it stands t her e a proud and symbol of high schorars hip a nd the conlial spirit in ess so strong in th e enginee ring fraterni ty and '

River Conservation '. Drainage and Irrigation Effects on


and Unemp loyme nt

By Elmo G. Harris, Professor of Civil Engineering In this brief writing only a few very limited views can be thrown 'on the screen. They may perhaps aid the reader in getting a better per spective of the prodigio us field open to the engin ee r , ~the a lmost incompr ehen sible potentia l for .product ion, -still undevel oped and the many sided economi c and social problem s as'sociat ed herewith . . A - generat ion ago Congres s iJrovided what was usually · referred to as a revolvin g fund, ' the purpos'e of which was to gradually bring ahout as far as practica ble and · economi cal, the irriga tion of the arid lands of the ' West, mos t of which were then held by the United States. Briefly the intent was to build irrigatio n works .putting w/!-.ter •.within reach of the . land; sell the land to private parties -put the price of the land back into the revolvin g fund and use -it to build other work s as funds .beca me availabl e. The idea and purpose .are both prah;ew orthy-a magnifi cient scheme promulg atcd by the wealthy , benevol ent and indulge nt Uncle Sam. Un- del' it some of the gr a nd est a nd most perfectl y designed comand execute d irrigatio n works in the world have been cases PhYSica lly highly perfect, but no t in all pleted. y, h a ve they proved econom ically ·.sound. Epigr a maticall y? · some of the wheel.s in the machine did not revol-ve.-Wh Prof. E. G. Harris

The New Score b oard, wit h b ent ins e rt e d

The stru c:ture itself towers fifteen feet above the gr ound nnd is exac tly one hundred and twenty- four times the size of the watch charm worn by m 2mb er s of the organiz ation, "his propo rti on having been carefull y presen-e d in every rletaiL Before Ii football game the accessor ies suitable for sco ring a r e a tta ch ecl to the field side of the concret.e bent. 'L'im e by minutes and quarter s is k ept by the la rge clock at the top and a r eco rd of the clowns, yard s and total score "is kept on th e panels below. A telephon e system is planned to connect the hoard with observe r s stationed on t he fi eld a lon g the side-line s so that the r eco rd Ilill be accurate and contemp oran eous with the actuals playing. During each season th e newly pl ed~ed member of the organiz ation will have entire control of the scoring operatio ns. An effort has been made to insure good visibilIty by making the letters and figure s a s large as prac ticable and it is felt that this has been., accompl ished. 1

'L'he Wea of su ch a project originat ed with Prof. K. Kershner n early seven years ago. After gradual ly develop ing 1927the plans he finall~' laid them before the· cha pter of under 28. The gr oup that yea r, being particul arly active the capable leader ship of W. S. Templ es, r esponde d with enthu·s iasm. A list of the F a ll and Spring ipitia tes togethe r with older member s who were taking post-gra du ate work all of whom compris ed the chapter at that time is as follow s:



r( Con tin ued on page 7)

Two reasons : 1st. A combina tion of improve ments and · expansi on in agricult ure brought about an over-pro ductiou and con seq uent .drop in prices that left little if any profits for the irrigatio n farm ers. 2nd. The irrigatio n farmer proved no exceptio n to th~ common human failin g. They would n ot pay their debts unless forced to and politics er · ca me to their aid. So, at this da te, the conditio n is rath un sati sfa ctory in Uncle Sam's big irriga tion progr a m. Only "pork barrel" politics ca n start new irrigatio n projects under present 'econom ic conditio ns. In 1928 Congres.s . took anQther epoch-m arking step in "';'.at may be referred to as the River· Control Act. Its immedia te intent is to start physica l works in the effort y, to control flood s on the Mississi ppi River, but certainl the precede nt having been establis h ed , there will be no end .to d em ands on . Congres s for like efforts on other rivers. A generat ion henc'e there will be some interest ing history bearing on this act of Congres s. This history will involve three subdivis ion s: Physica l structu res-the ir succ'e ss or - f a ilure; E conomic r esults-c hi efl y failure s; and l~ga l en· tanglem ents. Under sta te drainag e law:;; extensiv e r eclama tion proj ects by drainag e have been complet ed, most of them by sucprivate corpora tions. These h ave generall y been' more processful economi cal1y than the United States' irrigatio n jects ; due .c hiefly to 'the fact ·th e promote rs have been more directly interest ed in economi c r esults. At this date the to · brakes are on in' develop ment of drain ag-e projects due' ~ l ack of profitab le m a rkets, but there r emains unreclai med is wet or overflow lan'ds the potentia l producti :on of which · beyond compreh enSion. . ... _. (Contin ued on page- G.)



I ss ued quarterly, in t he inte rest of the gr aduates and for'mer studen ts of the School of Min es a nd Meta llurgy, Subsc ripti on price 50 cents, includ ed in Alumni dues, Enter ed as ,econd -c la, s ma tter October 7, 1926, at Po t Office at Rolla, Misso uri , und er t he Act of March 3, 1879 . Officers of t h e Au o ciation

J. K. W a l. 'h .... .... ........ ...... ...... .. .......................... .. ... .... ....... Presid ent A, W, Gleason .... ....... .. ... .. ........... .. .... ... ... ... .... ...... ..... Vice-Presid ent . Y. Clayto n .............. ....... ........ ... ... ....... ... ... ............. ...... .. Trea urer K. K. K e rshn er .......... ... .............. ..... .... .... ..... .. ....... .... ..... .. Secretary Noel Hubbard ........ ... ... ..... ..... .... ........ ...... ........ .... Alumni R ecorder Editors

Noel Hubbard

C. Y. Clayton

Pay Your Fees With the be"innin '" of t he sch ool year, it i. always CIl S'toma r y to pay fees. The fee' for th e a lunuli are $5.00 pei' . year, and t h i. · in c lud el; .a sub 'c ription to th e MSM Alumnu ~ . Please mak e thi s th e orel er of th e day to .. ee that all f ee .. are paid. ThroU"h th e l oyal support of the a lumni last year the a . sociation 'ame throu g h in good sha lle financially, ancl it is . in cer ely hopM that thi s yea r will prol'e equa lly s uccessful. Do you r pa rt, and pa~' y our f ees to MSM tocla.v. A bl a nk i s. enclosecl with thi s i ss ue for t hat purpose.

Homecoming October 19 Miners vs. McKendree, here The a nn ual bomeco l1] i Llg- for a ll i\Iin er .. h as been set fo r Saturday , Octol1er 19. All a lumni sbould note the change in date from Octolle r _6 to 19, tl1 e cl1an ge bein'" broug bt about tl1rou g b a r ear ran ' em ent in footba ll dates. Tbe K11[1pa S i!!ma frnternit~' is tbrowing a elan ce at tl1e Gym, Friday ni g ht, Odob l' 1 , for vi 'it in g a lumni. 'l' b ere will lJe a ilu ·in es .. m e t in g of t b e a lumni belel in the Cluh R oo m of th e i\Ietallur"y Buildin g at elel'en o'clock Satur e];I Y mornin g, a nd it i .. hopeel to ba\'e a gooel r epresen tation of the a lul1]ni presen t. In tbe aftern oo n will be a footl n il ga m e hztween t l1 e i\Iin ers a nd McK endree Co llege. Alu mn i will he aclmittecl to tl1 is ga me free upon prese ntation of :\lemb er sl1 ip Ca rel in As"oc iati OIl fo r ,I'ear 19_9-30. At 6 :30 t hat Ili g bt a stag- ban!)u eL \Yill be be ld at the Pi e rce P ennant Tcrminal. 'l' he h omeco min gs elurin g- pa ·t yea rs bal'e al way s hr oug h t LOg"etbe r a goo dl y gr o np of loynl a lumni , Hncl it is tl1 e hope of th e a ssoc iat ion of"li cial s t bat tl1 is .\'ear may be n o exception. All alumni a r e nrgeel to so arran;:;e th eir bu .. in ess tb at they may be present,

Alumni Asso ciation Election

H . H. H a r tzell , '06, H ope L ad and Springs, K ans. For Yi ce-Presiel ent: D. \Y. Blay lock, '15, milllll lt n ee r, Maeli son Goal Glen Ca rb on , Ill. Fl. D . L yntoll , '12, petrolpllIlI 10,t;"i ·t anel eng-in ee r, Sta n<llll'1l Co., Lo Angeles, Calif. For Sec retary : K, K, K er hil er , '20, as, oc llll,' fes or of chemistry a t l\IR~I. Mo. For Trea s nrer : Chas. Y. Clayton, '13, profp~"'1 m etallur""y, 1\1S1I1, Roll a, 1\10. The only nomination r ecei ved fo r th e last two wer e t he two listeel. Th ese two alumn i hfl\'e beell In r espon sible for th e routin e ITork of keeping the a .. slwl fnn ctioning. It ha. in,ol\'ed mu cb of thei r time, 11'11 r ewa rd oth er t h a n that of appreciati n of sen!<'I' clone. anel with an cca .. ional "'ood-sized bun cb of ~I'h" un raTel. Profes .. or K er shn er will soon 'end o ut ballots 1(, a lumni for th eir Yote., anel it is hopeel that e l'c r y III will take adl'an tage of the oppo r t unity a nd ex pr '!1M prefer ences in th e election.

New Regulations Covering Engineer's Degree

Application must be filed by, April


UncI l' a rulin g of t he facutly ~el OP ted last .·prill~ It r eq uireel that ca ndidate.' for . t he Engineer 's eleg rc(' 1111 tile t hei r app li ca tion s to be in":€he R eg istra r 's office not 1111 than April 1 of tl1 e year in wbi ch th e deg ree is to b' ed, and that· tl1 e final cO P.v of tb e th esis fo r s uch d" 1/ mn t be in th e hand s of t he de partment bea d co m;"rll not later · than May 1 of tb e sa me ~'e ar . Th i nell' I"'I! la tioll is d esi6ll ed to g-h ' de pa r tm ent head s tim to ,," s ngge."tio ns to app li ca nts r egardin g th e prepa ration or , tl1 e." is befo r e tl1 e final a ward of th e degr ee. Tb er e hA S been n o cha nge in tl1 e. Am oun t of eX lll'l'h" ... r eqll ired for th e prores .. iona l d e"' ree. Tb e e r eg- uiliti. s till r eqllire that til e cauclidate for a n enginee rin g- <I!,I( ..ha ll h old a deg- ree of Bacl1elor o r Maste r of Scicl1('j' I au eng in ee rin ;; c urri culum f rom thi s in titution. AmI 1I1i ,,1I s u bmi t an acceptab le thes is co\'e rin g profes iona l illl',._" g'n ti on IV itl1in tl1e c h o~e n fie ld , to~eth e r with n satis flll'l"1 r eco rd of at least fil'e yenr s of pr ofessio na l ex peri enc ill 1111 fi e lel , pro\' id eel t h at if tb e deg ree of Bacbelor r Mll st!'r "I Science hn .. h en g r a nted in th e Sflme de pa rtm ent in \l'hh t l1 e eng-in ee rin g cl eg ree is desired . t heu a satisfa cto ry I. ' corel of at least t l1ree yea rs of protes 'ional experi ence 1<11111 be s ubmi tted. An eng ineer h old in g two bachelors degrees may 010111 11 t wo en "in ee rin g el e" rees pro\'id eel t hAt l1 e sati .. fi s t hl' ,. C[ lIire men t .. as tatecl a bo\'e f or eacb of the two rle/-: I'i'·. 'l'lli." m ea ns that At least t hree yea rs mu. t elapse betwl'I'II t b e g r a ntin g of two eng in ee rin g elc" rces.

III'' ",

(writen by Noel Hubbard) The co nstit ution of t be association prOl'icles that new oltce r ' be electeel el-e r ~1 two yea rs. Tbe ASSociati on durin "" tl1 e pa. 't two ,1'ear. ba been ab ly :!ll id el by J . K. \V a l h , '17. 11. pres iden t; A. \\1. Gleaso n, '15, \'i ce-p resid ent ; K. K . K · r sl1n er, '20, sec r eta r y; and C. Y. Clayto n, '13, treas ure r, togetl1 er Iv itl1 tl1 e boar d of dir ector s, co nsi, tin gof t b bea cl s of t he loca l sections, and tb ree aelcliti na l members to be apPO in ted b ~' the pres id en t. 'l' l1 e constit ut ion prol'id e that tl1e Bua r el 0( Director ' sba ll fun ction as 11 nominfltin g committee for the nomination of nel\' offi ce rs. Profe SOl' Ker;<hn er . as SecI' tan' of tb e ASSocia t ion, ha s co r r espon decl w it h th e I'arions m ember ' of th e boa rd, and the fcll bwing n om in at ion' l1al'e b en maele: For Pre, iel ent: lcr ecl eri k Gr otts. '16, metallurgica l engin ee r ,yitl1 th Amer icau Steel . FOllnelries, G rani te it.\', IIliLl i .

Garvan Scholarship WlOner comes



Wins tuition and $500 per year scholarship


Jobn D ougla' Martin , .Jt".. wbo "Ta luated from It Hi gh chool in ,'to Lo ui s th is .Jun e, a nd who IT a s aWA rdl~1 one of th e s ix Ga r l'all S l1oIArship. in t l1 e nat iomti eM II \Yritin g co ntest held und er til auspi e of tl1 e All1erkUh Chemi ca l Society, l1 as selected 1\I S ~I a s t he sch oo l h e will attend for hi. ed ucation, ancl is now em'olled h ere. The .. l1 0larship a rri es tuiti n a nel $500. pe r yea r tflr fou r year '. 'ix uch sch olarsl1ip ' are award d eac h ~'(, lIr b.1' tl1e Ameri can hem i 'al ,ociety . t hro ug h a funel pr... ,'ie!ee! for that purpose by M1'. and ~Ir · . Franci ' P. Gal'l'lIII ( 'ontiou ee! on 1 a""e 5)

The mR Iwautiful IIf !iring ha inelilc I.('Ud Belt

George chemist fl J. EI. Stei tor the D of the ~t. Mines all( lorned an

cities nnt all operat tbe Rcboo among wb and E. n.

\'ef)' actil


E. Tasl Smelting Pre~ident


of b (oCCaSional1 stead. At IIbat Wa' < ng n, iSle



the Lead Belt of S. E. Missouri

By L. A. Delano, '04. All wh o h ave graduated iu Mining and Metallurgy from the l\Iissouri School of Mines know wher e the Lead Belt is located. For many yea rs it h as been a favorite locality for the school to sencl the Senior Class on its sp ring trip to get their first g lim p s e (most of t h em) o f ' minin g and milling operations. Years ago, · B . P. _ th.e Class used t he &rnilroad for transportation from the ' School to the Di strict ""'nndfrom mine to mine stopping at various hotels in each ~ own. Now the class travels by bus or tru~k over fine con-crete highways, stopping at a central hotel. . It ts only a , few minutes ride to any plant in the District, consequently, ' blore is seen in two days time than formerly in a we ek. When the wr.i ter of tilis article m a de the trip w ith his Class in 1904 there was' only one M. S. M. man in t he Di s. trict, R. -T . Rolufs, (n. At that time he was with the St. , Joseph Lead Co. Smelter at Herculaneum. H e is n o,v located at Iron Mountain, Mo.; with the M. A. Hanna Co. At that time, the class provided its own recrea tion and entertainment usually playing hearts (?) cha sin g pigs and visitiilg Life Saving Stations.





rr (of





~ La st year' the Seniors founcl M. S. M. m en in ever y town in the District eacli one ginng the boys a glad welcom e at bis pla nt. For several year s the local Alumni have h eld ,th eir annual meeting at th e time the students are in t he District. A banquet precedes the m eeting, and the visiting .Class is _always invited to be present. ,It gives each one 'a1;l opportunity · to form acquaintances a nd encourages the nea r gr a duate to take an inter est ill the Alumni Asilociation, which i s as it sh ould he.

The magnithde of mining operations in t h e District, the beautiful co un t ry in whiCh it is located a nd the advantages of living in a highly developed and prosperous te rritor y has induced a number of M. S. 111. men to locate in the Lead Belt. George L . Olmsted, '01, h as ' the r ecord sen'i ce. H e is chemist for the St. Joseph Lead Co., at Bonne Terre, Mo. J. H. Steinmesch, '06, r anks ' second in service. H e wm-ked for the Desloge Lead Co. at D esloge, Mo., .now a di vision of the St. Joseph Lead Co., ,before entering the School of Mines and dlming , his .vacations. After gr ad uating h e returned . and continued with the . company in va riou s capacities until he became local superintend ent, in charge of !Ill operations. H e ha s a lways I:!1aintained an interest in the ,S chool and has seve ra~ g radua tes working und er him, ' aIDong c,wliom are H. A. Neustaedter, '16, H. R . .Stahl, '18, and E . R. Tragitt, '23. All are ma'r ried Rnd fl r e t qki n ~ a ' very active interest in the School and the Alumni Assoiliiation. E . T aylor Campbell, '23, is working for the St. Loui s Smelting and Refining Co. a t St. Francois, Mo. H e is PresWent ot the local Alumni Association. Campbell spend s most of his time hun ting for ' n ew lead depOSits and is 'occasio.nally di.sappointed by finding Cobalt a nd Nickel in· stead. ' At the present tim e he is explorin g in territory 'that wa's at one time believed t o be rich in oiL H e is being assisted by Lester Clark, '29.

The St. J oseph Lead Co. has several M. S. M. men in its employ at its 'va riou s pl!1nts. B. F. Murphy, '10, is Assist' a nt Division Superintendent of the Rivermines division at Flat Riv er, lifo. A. S. Perrier, ex '04, is a designing draughtsman in the engineerin g departmen t at Bonne Terre. The writer , '04, is Mill Superin tendent at BonBe Terre. W. VV. Weigle, '20, is mine engineer at t h e Leadwood Division being ably assisted . by W. Earl Teter, '23, and Roy Gunther, '27. J . E. Weber (B ig Jack), '28, is in the Mine Department at Leadwood and is busy plugging water leaks with a cement gun amI in cha r ge of und ergr ound prospecting. ,Thos. G, Weir, '22, came to the district sever al yea rs ago, being in the employ of th e Federal Lead Co. When that Compa n y sold its property to the St. J oseph Lead Co. 'W eir remained and~ i s now mine captai n at Federal NO.5. Horace Murphy, ex " 31, ;is ,vorkin g in the Engineering Department of the St. Joseph Lead Co. at Rivermines. Carl B. Davis, ex '25, is in the Safety Department at the same place. The Mid-West Mining Co. h as a r epr esentative from M. 'S. M. on its staff in the , person of Geor<!e McCroreY '28, wh o is s t ationed at Fredericktown, Mo. Harry Eaton, ex '31, an o Rohert Couch, '28, a r e in. the Engineering Department of the M. A. Hanna Co. at Iron Mountain. Couch is livin g in Bismark, ' Mo. The U. S. Bureau of. Mines h as been doin g research work in , the Lead Belt for the past two yea r s. At t h e present time R. G. O'Meara and Bruce Clemmer ' fl r e stationed tn the di strict m ak ing a close stud y of the milling problem,S in each plant. Great progr ess h as been made in the past iew yea r s tow'a r cf in cr eaSing the efficien c'y of a ll operations in the Lead Belt. 111. S. ' 1If. has don e its part in this work by sendin g m any of its graduates into the field who h ave been able to h old their own with the 'best.men of oth er engineering scho ols . . Important develop ments are still taking place amI the boys her e a r e d etermin ed to mainta in th e old "Miner Spirit" ~llld sh ow' that t hey ca n do their: bit in a way to make toe School proud of them. '

Garvan Scholarship wmner comes to MSM ( (Continued fro m page ,1 ) of New York City. Stud en ts of a n y high or seconda ry sch ool in t h e co untry a r e eligible to the essay .writing contests, w hi ch ar e condu cted separately in each state of the Union. Six subj ects were speCified and entrants may ch oo><e anyone. Yo un g Ma r ti n wrote on the subj ect, "The Relation of Chemistr y to t he Zinc Indu str y. " The c0lllIllittee w hi ch passes upon th e a","rd s i s headed by Presiden t Hoover, and includes, among oth er s, D r. J. R. Angell , president of· Ya le UB i vel'sity; Dr. Ch a r les H. Mayo, 1I1ayo Fo und ation, Rochester, Minn. ; and Dr. Malcolm L. Harri s, presiden t of t he Am erican Medi ca l Association.

Views of Jackling's Properties Presented to M . S. M. 'Director Fulton has r ecently r eceh "ed a number of views of the mining p r operties in which Mr. D. C. J ack lin g, 'S2, is inter ested, for u se at the Sch ool of Mines. Mr. C. A. Smith, manager of lllines of the Nevada Consolida ted Copper Compa ny at Ray" Arizona, h as sent five large views':of the ArIzona Division of the Ray mines. Mr. L. S. Cates Vice-·President and .. General Manager of -the Utah ·Copper set of views of the Co mpa ny at Salt La ke City h as sent min es and mills of the Utah Copper Compa n y.


Mr . J acklln g r ecen tly presented to the school an oil painting 9f the . original Utah Copper mine, in Bingham Canyon . The canvas was painfed -by Jonas Lie, N. A., who some yea rs ago attr acted internation al attention with hi s paintings of the Panama Canal uncl eI' constru ction. T wel ve of the canal paintings . n'ere r ecen t ly purchased from t h e a rti st by an unknown collecto r and presented to West Point a s a m emori a l to General Geor ge W. Goethals. The price (Continu ed on page 'J)



o f th €' t \\" (' l n' p n ill ti ll ,(!~ \\' a~ Ilot II II 1l01111 t" P(] , hilt \\' n s Sl1[lp O~E' (\ to h e a rOllll(\ fo rt,l- o r fi ft,- thow'a IHI rlolln r" _ Th E' :-; c: hool of Mill es i ~ fo rtllll n t e ill rh' p(\ ill hnl-illg" thi~ y n lnn b lC' painl"illg" of' tlw U t n h :'Ilill P, 11,- ~ 11 t" h nil int p l"lllltiollnll,kllO\\"1l llrtht, It" h:l" !> PP Il hllllg ill th e h n ll o f l'llrkpl" Hnll , nll<1 i " n ttl' n ctill ,l!' IlIIl l'h flt't' plltioli fl' o lll I-i " il'ol' '' nllrl "tllrl pllt " ,

Allen-G arcia Firm G ets Russian Contract rt ha" :ill"t h('('11 n llllolln C' pcl that I'\l(' linll o f )'lI pn <'< G nl'('ia_ ("OIl " tl'lI (' I' ioli plldn p('I" of (,hi ( ' II~O, 11:1" ('IIIIIT,H: \, p tl \\' ith tLl t' HII ~" i n ll :-;')\- i ~ t G OY P I'Il111 Pllt t ; , <1 (''' ig"1I :I III I ("O ll "t rllct a Ilnllll l(-' l' o f Ill'\\- (" 0111 ~ ha f t " ill tlIP ])OIl Ptz B:I " ill ;11 )(1


~il H-' l'in .

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Vocatio nal H omecoming N ovem ber 8 and " A h OIll ('('o mill g" 1'01' n il I'll 1'I lll' r ,"O:(, :l t i lln n l "t ud ,''' 1 :\ I :-;:\\. \\-h d lll'1' l'o llt' ,:':' j;I!'(' Il l' Il lln -I' IIII " ,l!;i ' l tt', h n" 1)("(' 11 ' " fel l' :\' II \"t' lll bp l' K lllH1 n. 'l'lH-' ( 'O lnln i t t l,l l;-' o n l1 l' nll1 !~' I' 1 1I ('Olll " i" t " o f .T, n , HPllk l' , Fl' l'd :-;l'llll(-'l' h (- r ;,:-(-'l' :lnd I,', Fi nk, :l lld th ('"p 111 1-' 11 '" '(' lI u d;ill g" ' In 1-'f'l'lI rt to ,,;l't ill I .. Il"i t li ('\'l'ry 1'''1'111 ('1' 1' 0 (' :1 ("i"I1:1I "tn (Il'lIt a t ~1:-; :\[ I" " ' t h"111 til l';' t ll1'n for thi " 1'p llllion, A l ' n " ilH '"'' nH'pt in;..:' lI' i l l II(' h pld in tl IP (' 1111> r 01l 1l1 ill I I :'IiPl' , Hllildill g" dllrill,l!' t h " h Olll c'(-c m ill g", :11111 i t i, 11,,1':'" tlfft,(,t ~ (lln l' kind (If l H' l'lll:tlll' llt Ol' .~·:llli znt i () ll nt thi;-.: i Jl I :--:ill' lll l-'l't i II l!;, ()II th,' nft(' ],IlII"n ,,1' (" h I' llt ll th p :'I[ill (' ]',' , 1II ('l't t:I11-' \y(-,,, tlllin ~ t(-' ]' Bln p ,J:lY " ill " li P "I' th p ",,,', 1, ,;":';1111 (-'" "Il t llp :\1 i II PI' ,, ' 1'lIl1tl l<1 11 "l'h prllll p, :-;"tll]'(I :I,I' " " I ' tI lt-' n ' will IH.' :1 I lHllqt1 t-' t ~:i\"(-'n ;It- tIll' ll (-' W Pi t:' IT ~ Tt- l'llI il l .. 1'1,,,1-,, II 1':1 n t, l

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MSM ALUMNUS Another Record Enrollment For MSM

'fatal for first five days equals that of first semester last year The r egistration for the first five da~'s of the school 1929-30 ha s already equalled that of the first semest~r or last year, and a large number of stud ents yet r emalll to be r egister ed. There will be a good incr ease over th e registration for last year, with a normal increa se in .a ll the classes.


tric motors to run th e shaker s a nd scr eens. At present this model h as been placed in the ha Il on the second flo or of th e Min e Experiment Building. This piece of enginee ring workmanship was di s pla~'ed at the Cincinnat i Coal Exposition in 路1928. John A. Garcia gr ad ua ted fr om MSM in th e class of 1900, an ~l ' l ast year r eceived the degr ee of Doctor of Engineering from this schooL

~'ea r

Alumni In Print Walter H. Weimer, '24, presented a paper entitled " Roof ontrol". before the Rocky Mountain Coal Mining In stitute at 'Salt Lake City, Utah, on March 13, 1929. This fJaper was abstracted in the April issue of CO AL AGE. "H ow Pittsburgh Coal Compan y is Modernizing and I M.eCJUtlJ'lh,ug Preparation and Chianing to Meet the New Era in Scientific Coal Selling" is the title of a g roup of Ilrticles 路which appeared in COAL AGE for March, 1929. These articles discuss in detail foUl' plants r ecently inRtalled. 'l'hree plants -use the Rheolaveur wet process and Arms dry tables. Of especia l interest to MSM is th e followin g quotation from these articles: " Allen and Garcia were retain ed as consulting 'engineers .and to them fell the major portion of a ll the work. for they handl e ~ . the detailed design and field construction." Mr. Garcia is of th e class of '00 at MSM. "Experimen tfl l Mines Prove Practical Aids in Colleges Ilnd Industri es", is the title of an inte restin~ a rticle apJlearing in the April issue .of the Compressed Atr Magazine. Promin ence i s giYen to a description of the Missouri Rchool of Mines equipment written by ' Professo r C. R Forbes. The April issue of the Southwestern Bulletin, a publication of th e So uthwestern Engineering Corporation of Los Angeles, ca rri es an article d escribing the m etallurgica l testing department of their plant, with a photograph and write-up of D. E . Huffman, MSM '22, th ei r chief chemist. "Determination of the Specific Gra vity of" Asphalt by Mean s of a Hydrometer " is the title of a paper by Hugh R. Berry, '25. E. H . Smith and F. R Lang of the Shell P etr oleum Co rpor ation, which \ya s presented befo r e t he Diyision of t h e Petroleum Chemistry at the 77t h meeting of t he American Ch emi cal Societ.v a t Columbus, Ohio, April 29 to May 3, 1929, and publish ed in th e analytical editi on of the July 15th, 1929, i ssue of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vo l. 1, No.3, page 164. "The R eclaiming of Kon-Ferrou s Scrap Metals at i\Ietal l\fanufacturing Industri es."-B y Francis N. Flynn , Metallurgist, Milwaukee, Wisc., Ins titute of Metals, A. L M. M. E. "The Manufacture of Wire Bars From Secondar y Copper ." By W . A. Sch e uch and J. Walter Scott, Western Electric Company, Hawthorne Station, Chicago, Institute of Metal s, A. L iYL M. E. "Cuppy Wire."-By Walter R emmer s, 'Westeru Electric Gompa ny, H a wthorne Station, Chicago, Ins titute of Metals, A. L M . i\f. E. "Method a nd Cost of Mining Zinc and Lead at Mine No. 2, Tri-~tate District, Picher, Okla.homa."-By Wm, F. Netzeband, Uo; S. 路Bureau of i\1ines Publication.

J. I"

I' !I


A. Garcia, '08, Donates Model . Mine Tipple to MSM

Allen & Gar cia, Contracting and Consultin g Engineers of Chicago, have donated to MSM a mod ern model of a coal minin g tipple. This tipple is a miniature of one of th e several types th ey h ave designed and constructed. It i s made of structura l steel riveted t ogether with brass rivets. It is a working model equipped with small elec-

Two New Doctors for the Faculty Professor C. V. Mann, head of the depa rtment of engin eering drawing and descriptive geometry, and Professor J. Bridge, a ssociate professo r of geology, Tl!ho have been on sabbatical leaye the past year, h a ve both now earn ed thei r doctor 's degr ee, and are again on th e ca mpus of MSM. Dr. Ma nn' s degr ee might be classed a s rath er unusual, in that it is, so far as officials at the nh'er sity of I owa know, the fir st degr ee of its kind g ran ted in the United States. Hi s degr ee, In'anted him by th e Univer sity of Iowa, is Doctor of Philosophy majoring in engin eering ed ucation. Dr. Mann' s work as h ead of the local faculty committee a t MSM cooperating with the SOciety for th e Promotion o~ Engineering Educa tion played an important part in th e work toward hi s D octo r 's degree. Dr. Bridge received his Doctor's degr ee at Princeton at their ccmm en cement thi s spring, majoring in geology.

American Bauxite Company Donates Fine Set of Specimens To MSM The Am ericlln Bauxite Compan y at Bauxite, Arkan as, ha s donated to the geo logy d epartment at MSM a complete set of ~p ec im en s showin g , a ll the 'grades of t heir ore and the original rock fr om which the or e \,'as deriv ed . Accord ing to Dr. C. L. D a k e the set i s Il very fin e one, indeed, and put up in particularly ni ce sh ape, a ll beautifully t rimmed a ud la bellecL Dr. Dake an d his seni or geologists visited the plant of thi s compan y at B a uxi te in May on the senior trip. They arriYed un ann oun ced, but Mr. G. McC ull och, the m a na ger , had them on t h eir w a ~' through the plant within ten minutes after their arri ya I.

Tau Beta Pi Erects Scoreboard on Jaclding Field (Con t iuued 'from pa~e 3.) C. W. Ambler, Jr. J . H. Hahn J . E . An.tener _ H . H. Ka veler R. P. Baumgartner N. L . K oz linskv H. H. Brittingham S. A. L~nch . B. R Coil E. C. Miller R W. Co uch T. D. Murphy B. N. Daniloff H. C. Page P. H. Delano W. K. Schweickh a rdt R C. Duff F . E. Sewell E. C. Faulkner W. S. 1'emples C. A. Freeman M. V. Thompson L. F. Van Sci vel' H . E. Gross J. R. Walther In February, 1928, a committee was a pPOinted to formu late the plans in g r eater det a il and present actual 路 cost s peCification s. It consisted of H. H. Brittingham, H. E. Gross and T. D. Murphy. When th e r eport was mad e and accepted by the chapter, R. O. Jackson kindly offered to supervise th e construction which wa s beguu soon after. Workm en and materia ls were furnished by the school, thanks to the co urtesy of Director F1!iton , whi ch is to be r eimbursed at a later date by th e or ganization. Since that time work h as progr essed sa tisfactorily und er the guidance of th e succeedin g president, B. R. Coil, so that the entir e scor eboard stands complet ecl a nd wi ll be r eady for operation by th e time of the fir st home football game thi s comin g J!'all. It is appropriate to m enti on 'with appreciation the work of Fred McCaw and Cla ud e Grimm, who, with their a ssociates, contributed la r ge ly to the S llC(Con tin ued on 'page S)



(Co ntinl1 t'<1 frolll 1>a;.:"E' 7 I of th t' hnil<1in;.:" opp ra tion", Th E' c hapt t' r a ho Ol\'t', n <1 t'llt of ;.:"riltitIH1 e to it , lll (,lllht'r, UpOIl th E' fa(:ult,\' \\'110 han' tak E' 1l a h pnrt)' int" t' I'E', t, ill th e \\' o rk an<1 lIay E' g- iq~ 1l llllH'h Yll ln n lilt' ('oun,p!. (-('~~

It i, (' n ti I'P1," fittin ,l!: thnt ,' n (' h a thin;.:" n, thi, shonl<1 lIa \' P it, ~ in(,pptio n n t a tilll E' \\'11('n footha It PI'(I.'Jl p('f', lWQ" l' 1001;(-'(1 ~o IIl'illinn t [01' tilt' :-:('hoo l of :'Ilinp" ('on('h G l'ant nnd hi" n~ " i~tnnt' al'P til l it' thanl;(,'d fil l' tlwir IwlJlfnl ~n:.:'­ ,~(" "tilln, and \\'illin;.:" ('oop Pl'fttioll tlll'on,!d w\lt, It' b to lie 110Jl,,'d that th p ('olllin;.,:' ,'con',' \\'ill ,'trikillg l ,\' l'(,!,lc>tt til e im]Jl'on'Ill(' nt o f thl'ir tp11m"

A, all n ddpd pf[pl't, n li g-htin;.:" ,.",tpm 1m, 11(" (" 11 r1t'Y i ~('rl \yhidl \\'i ll ,"nn ill p tlw ('on('l'(' t'(' ~tl'ndul' t' to lip n<1P'lI1i1t E'I." ollt lilW(1 \Yith ('lI lol'pd t' 1('('(1'i(' lamp", It i, thol1 ,~ht thnt 'l11'h a ,,('hp 111 P \yonld li p in hnl'lnlln )' \l'ith tlw ;.:"pl1Pl'al I1l1tdool' <11:'(,ol'ntion, nt :-;t'. Pl1t~ , thl1~ ('nhillH'in;.:" \\'ith it, n<1<1('r1 ,~ litt p l' t lw ;.:"l1ipt,\' "" Jll' pn llpnt 11J10n th (-' ('a111I)ll~ nt t hat tinw, In ,n('h a I\' n)' t'hb ~tpl'n ',l'1ullol of (-,1l;.:"int'(' l'in).!,' n(,('I1),;I(' )' and cold, 111 p thoditnl ('xnC't n (' "" \\' ill Ill' ~onpn('<1 a littl(-', 1'd l('di n).!,' tl)" ;.:"ro\\'in ,~ n ('prl [or n'lnxnti oll from tht' lIin<1ing' (lpmmH h of the' \Yorkn(l n)' " ' 01'1(1. In pl1 ,~ in;.:", llln)' it lip not ('<1 th a t Tnll Betn Pi. II)' lm<1l'rtakin).!,' ' l1 ('h n 111'o,iPd, i" in n o \\'n)' I1nilpn<1in~ from its l'i ,~i<1 rl'1jnirt' m ('nh of hi;.:"h ,('hola,t i c n ('('lIn lllli ,hnH' nt 11111' ('(lInJll'1lmi,in;.:" in thE' It'n,t \\'it'll tlt p "m'inl nll(1 nt hl ptit pnr~nit, \yhiC'h <lOlnilla t p 0111' ('al1lr>l1~ to " n('h n notnilip E'xtpnt, Tilp ol'~ n n i;.m tioll 1'pn I i ZP~ tha t ('ither of th(' ,1-' t\\'o thin):!,' m n,l' 'Inkl,l." IIpco lll 1:' rit'tl'illlP ntal [ncto!'>; ill call1 pn s lift' if allo\\'t'rl to ;.:"I'O\\' to 11I1(lnl." ("ll1pha, iz1:'d Ill'ollort ioll", Ho\\,P\'Pl', tlw l\'pll-1;11O\\' n ('ffpd I1pon .Ta('k, o[ all \York alHl no [l1:1,1' mu st nl,o I>p ('on~ irl p l' E'<1 1)11(1 it' \\' i1' \y ith thi, in minrl thnt t ilt' nl',::::Hniziitilln \\'i,llP<1 to ~ho\\' it, ~,\' mpnth)' fol' a ~n!l(' I'p('o"nit ion of I>lIth th e ,O(: iill Hnd nthJt>tit n,pec t' ,; of st url ent' life ,

Jt i, r'lI mm p]lflnl>l e t'hflt 11t'itllPr th p filC'nit',\' nor thl' conc'hill;.:" ~t :ll'f \\'ill tolpl':l t" in 'Ill)' ~pnse thl" '[llllln -ft' ('ding' of it , nthlptp, \\'hich i~ En,t Ill'('lImin~ ,lith H m('IH1 Cp to infh-pPllfl E' n t th in ki n ,:::: amoll;.:" I) la r,~(' 'c lil" (If ~t 1l(ll'n r, in OIH' ~(' h()ol , tll<la,\' , It hal",) nota hi t' thilt' thi , c ampus rl(l p~ ])o t (,:lrr ,\' til n l'i<1 itulo n" pxtT t'mp th e (-'x:ld ing d e mnnrl~ of n ('lIl1lpl,"x ~tndt'llt ",wi:ll lif(-' , :-:in ce ' lI('h i ~ th e' sit nation, 1':111 l~da Pi rlO (" l10t Ill'~ itnt' e in th(,' 1(-':1,t to Plll'pr into hoth lil" I <1~ \\'it h a IWill't f(' it' \\'i~h til (' oop l' rnt (' ill (' \'t'l',\' \ya)' withllnt i1t t h l' " 1111 1:' ('jlllt' nppt'i1 rill).!,' til 1>," iI pott'nt' ' l;.:"pl1(,,\' fl f j'('fol'ill,

Burg-uct . .J(J ~(-' Pa:-:tol'. ':29 Ch:llll ilpl'lni ll, :-;lIllting o, '00 ('oas k p, Pan1 g phl'nim, '1~ ('ollcloll. O(-,Ol'g"P.

'J:.! (' I' n wfor< l. Hmnlrd ,' .. 'Z :! ('n pllnl'. TIlfIlll:1S Hol"'OIl, T! IJn~' H , JO"E'ph Bplljnm in, 'U) Elliott. Lp(' E(lInml . t'X '~5 Enu-'l';'ol1. ('~·l·tl:--:.

FHil'dlil rl. Dllnnlrl H .. l'X '19 Fa l'I':1 1', :\1IIIII'IIP , '1] 1":lI'I1:111<1 pz, .-\l ll'n h'lll1 L .. '00 Fipp~, 1'; 111:1 Ln EnYI"ttt" , '~4 F1l'llIil1 ,:':', 11':1 :'I1 pl\' ill, (-'x '~(; FI(' llli II;.:", ,J ohn " -i I~ fl n, ':25 Fl'lIt",'lw l'. (,1ll'lItlW I' II' .. ':!9 (;HI'Y t 'll:-:.

i\l:-: :\I i s \\' (-' 11 [" ' lll'('~p n tt' tl al till" AlUlllinu lll O[, p ("1111 ]HIII,\' in Bn , t :-;t' , LOllb II,\' f'll(' follll\\'in ,l!: grn<1I'i1t (', :- H, F , Hn C'I, t' l'. 'on, 'f. p , ", pi).!,'(' !. ':!:'L " ' , E, H, Kni ,d ll', '~" B. A, ,Jolll", "x, ' J(;, F, n, Ha];,,(-',\ ', ':!~, L. A, OI>P l'I,\', ':!:) , nn(1 E, (', 1'1 llli Zt', ':!(1 ,

The New Alumn i Directo ry and the Lost Ones




CIIJI)' fo r t lw np\\' alnllll1i (Ii r (-'('tlll',\' i, nOlY :llIlIllt 1't' ,I(I)' fil l' /'llP pl'intp l'. ..\n," i1 l nllllll1S \\' ho h," ('hang',,'tl hi " ,tntlls '11](1 lIot nlll' ifi!?d till' ,-\1 111ll1l i H ("('ol'tl ,'1' ~hon l(1 dll So :It



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Abll, tlw]'(-' fil' p alllllll' lIin pt )' alnnll>i

li,('(,'tl amlin;.:" nI L' ) .. Il~· C)llt' hHYill .~· illfol'lll rlt"ioll of nllY kind l'P;..::nnling' tlwC ," i" 111' ~PrI til ,nl'lll it tlli~ ill[1I1'III'It'ioll nt Oli n ', ,'0 th:lt it 111:1\' 1,(, 'i n (' llItll'd in tlIP nl'\\' dil'l'('!' ol'\' , Bl' lo \\' is ,1 li~t of th"' ~p \\' it'h \y ll l1 lH til\' ,1illllllli flfli,'(' li:1 s lo ,t ('lIl1t'ad, lo:--:t .

Hnillllll' t, :\Jal'ioll :-;Illith, ':!1 B:1I'I;(,[', Hnlph, '!) ,' ; ]k :ll'll , ,r:1lll p~ £\:1'111'1'. '11 H(J." (-' I'. (; p ul',!.!'!;' j-ll'witt. 'O ,~ Bradt'. .-\111('1'1 J, pllnllnl. ':!(;

Hl'fln ,C!'lll'(I]1. En ,~(' lI p H .. '1~ BI'II\\'n, :Io 'l'p ll ,Tal'l' i" '0:; HI'II\\' II. IYilli,llI1 EI'lI(' ~ t, '0 , HII,'klll', ]) p :'\n]'(1 \\,ihllll, '01 Hnlgl' l:, ,1, tlm L ('II, ':!~


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Ln\\T1:' I1(,p, ' II ~ Panl Kl'lI'-:I'{' , :'I1ill l' r, IYilli nlll 1..\'11' ," :'11001'(', FI't'rl e ril' ,\ f'fI' " :,\pyill, ,1nlll t', HH.\'III "" (btpl'. Hith:11'(1 tl ('IIf" Pl"i('P. Bynn B<lllllti ld 1'ri cI~, ,J ohll 'IOI').!,"I II, PI1I)p\\'<1, Al'thnr (; II " , Qnillll, :'Ilnttlw\ \' \'il l' " l{nj , :-:hil', '11 Ht-' ,:.!,'t:' l' • .ri:1l1P~

~111.' · 111 ' ·

Hi ""' I'n, H a moll, ' I!!; U(1);.;oll. 'ThollHl:--: Hnll ,~p,

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Up\lllpll (' .. I" Tm'l'PII (: (", Ellal't (':1 1'1. ': ,

'I';-';Plll1g". Tsik ('han.

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1'pdik(", VOila Id Fo~1 f' f' , I'an ])t'\','!I](l pl', H t' 1'111 'Ii I '. "itt, ,Johll TllOllI a~, 'II~ IYntkill. ', :'Ilal'io!l \\' .. ' ~' , : IYhitl',p ll. Palll BrI ,!.!':lI', IYri).!,'h t'. CI lll'k \\' llt~flll, 7,il'lIliek , HYIll Pll. '0 ,';

By M, H, Cfhornb erry AltllOn;.:"h tl1l' I'p art' bllt ,ix 1," tt l' I'lIi PIi il,ll'k, ('one il 1: " , lI:1' 011 (' flf' tllp 11(",t IOflkill).!,' ~ '11l:Hl , that tht' :-:c'!Jo,d I , 11;:1<1 jn iI )JlI lllll {-.· l' or ,\"(:'(I1'S, fit 'fn ll ,

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Footba ll Prospects Look Good

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MSM Men With Alumi num Ore Co,


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OtlH"1' , (';1 "< 111('<1 IIl t'lI ,,'ho a\'t' 1'I" tlll'lIill).!,' art' Hllnri<-I' :11 ' :'I1:llik nt' Plld ,, : .-\Ilrln"" La e y, alld ]) pl"o," nt ).!,'lIanl: :-;1 11 11 at tfi('kl (' , TOl1llin, oll, Kil'kpat ri<'k and ,lol'all Ill' ('Pllt p!, : :11 :-;dlOlit'l rl nnd £\:pll,\' haIr 1I:I('k", Fillrlill).!,' III I' ll t'o (";11,,' ,I " pln ep" of :-;i III fill ton, :-;t t' il w r mll1 ('111'1""11 in till' 1111('1,1 ;, 1.( \I'ill II," 011(' flf till' ('fI,(('h',' \ll'fllIll"!II ', lillI' "'it'll tllp ;.:"00<1 1",, 1 ill).!,' ilia tpl'ial Oil hn n<1 Iw ,holl irl !lot I1rlYe a ;.:"r t'n t (i<-,1I ,, ' t I'll 11 Iil ,', Pnlnli:--:i llg' 1ll..l \\ " Ill Hi"prin i ill tlH-' 1I;1('1\:fil:'ld :ll'tI Thol'III "I ' H\' lallll alld I'all Li(,'''' , \\' hil p ill tll(' lill (' LOll<irig n ll :11 ,, 1 J{;lIIk , at PIH1 \yill ,~iYp tlw old 1II t' 1l :l 1'nll fo r th e ir Ji" I t ioll ', GfI(,(-'ll,t ('ill, )::1\,11('1'11 Gill~fllI, alld Kill'll at t:l('I; I, "P"'1lI t'o hal'(' 1'1IP t",o I'n,'l,l e ]l("'i t ioll ~ \\' pll lix pd, 1( 1111 n t g"llCll'ci i.-.: ;1 )1 P"" UIHIl ,\'!l" ioo\.;::-: ,:."!:oo(i and c all pl :l \ ("ith ('r ,,'nal'd fI\, ('('nt(' I', Th (' ta(:klt"" IIWlltiollP<1 ('()\lld I.. ,''''itl'l](; <1 to t.:llanl, if II Pl'P""fi 1'l' , :-:lItIWrl:lIl<1 , 11 S, :\.1. 111:11'1. " ' ill [l1I~'il,j,\ ' 1> e' '''' itl'llP(l'f rOlll t,(('klp til filiI.

III adrlitiol l to tlH" ~l' 1I 1P 1l thpl'p ;II'(' 'I 111111111("1' of ot l" 'I ' Oil I'h p lipl<1, ' I'h (" fad b P\'P \'\' PYPlIillt.:' thl'n' :II' €' thl" " 1'111 1 t'":lIII' ill llllil'o1'111 I'lllllling ' ;i;.:"II,!l~, 1>'1( I(' ]; i 1I ,t.:', alld <1f1i ll :' till"' lH"t't-'SS;I l',\" :--:t llllt :--: to g"t-'t ill cOllditio ll to llH:'e t th e l~irl, ... y ill p T"',I('ht'I ' ,' Oil Odllll (, \, :. tll. II' ,' an" hopiil;.:" thftt' tlli, :I ,~ ',~I'l",~:ltifill ('fllIl('S flllt y i<:to\'iflll ' ill :III 11111' ;.:"' IIII PS , \1',' al'p Sfll'l')' thnt \n' IlI'P lIot' p];l)' iII C ( 'fi lltillllP<1 fill P:l ,t.:'t' 111


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General Alumni News 1929 Howard Dresbach is geologist for the ·Gulf Production Company at Amarillo; Texas. . Charlie Rueter metallurgist for the U . .S. Zinc -. is jlmior . ' .Company, Amarillo, Texas. il: W. B: Hollow is liying at Turron,_ K[lllSas. l _ Robert - L. Kidd is with the -U: S. '"Bui:eau of- Mines, Salt Lake Oity, Utah, ' Russell C. Miller is with the Leeds and Northrup Com-pany, Phila delphia. Rlissell H . Pai'ker is . with the St. Louis County Highway , Department, Clayton, Mo: _ John Sundstrom -is with the Braden Copper ' Company, at Rancagua, Chile. . J ack Potter will remain at" MSM this year as graduate f assistant .in chemistry. He' will do gradu'ate work toward • .11 master'~ degree: '-' John M. ' Willson will teach } n ' the ' physics depart~ent ~ at MSM this year. Mercer -Thompson is' with the MQctez11nur Copper - Com~ - pany, Los Pilares de Nacozari·, Sonora, . Mexico. , C. E . Gutke is junior electrical engineering in the teste lng department of the CommQmv.ealth- Edison Gompany, 72West Adams St., Chicago. His home adclress is 4410 'W est Monroe _St., Chicago: Warren Fruit is with the Bucyrlls-Erie Company. His address is 705 Hawthorne Ave., South Milwaukee, Wiscon, '·sin. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert E :- Myer:s were in Rolla during the first part of September Yisiting-friends, and relatives. Mrs. Myers· was before her marriage, Miss Ella Mae Shaver of Rolla. Geor?"e McC-r orey is .with the Mid-West Mining Company, Fredericktown, Mo. R. S. Dittmer ,vas a -campu-s visitor September 10th. "Tuffy" was on his way to IVarsaw, Missouri, . where he has accepted a position with the Stone & ~Webster EngineerIng Corporation on the Bagnell Dam project. ~


1928 Wm. L. Metcalf is teaching in Granite City, Illinois. Maurice Suhre is with the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company at Wynne, Arkansas. A. R. Powell and family, who have been. in' Ingleside, Texas, during the summer, have returned to Newburg where Powell will r~esume his duties as superintendent of schools. Mrs. Monte 'Ledford spent several weeks in Rolla during the suInmer. Mrs. Ledford was before her marriage Miss Helen Underwood of Rolla. Monte is with the Skelly Oil - Co., Skellytown, - Texas. ,',



Milton Levy after leaving MSlVIcompleted the work for his bachelor'S degree at vVashihgton UniverSity, con tinned on a Fellowship to St. Louis - University where he got his doctor's degree, and is 'now in Boston- on a Nati-onal - Research ' Fellowship doing work at _Harvard with. Dr. Conan. - E. C. ' (cornflakes) Miller is doing flotation work _for the St. Joe Lead Company at Hughesville, Montana. Bob Sturgess is with. the. International" Nickel- Company, Siidbury, Ontario, Canada. ' Nick Kozlinsky, who has been a Bureau of Mines' Fellow at the University of Alabama the past year, received_ his master's degree there this spring, and .has. gone to work for the Pittsburgh Coal Company, Pitfsburgh, Pa. C. D . .Evans is with the Kansas State Highway Commis, sion at Garden City. _

Harold D. Thomas was a Rolla visitor the first week in September. Bill Schweickhardt, who is ceramist with the Johns- . ManYIlle Company, Chicago, was a campus visitor September 9th. . Shirley Lynch was in Rolla September 9. He was en .route to Arli.ugton, Texas, to take up his duties as 'associate' pr.ofessor 6f mathemafics at the North Texas Agri' cultural Oollege. . Bob Couch is employed ' by the M. A. Hanna Company of Iron Mountain; Missouri. He lives at BismarCk, 'Mo.

1927 S. L. (jraig, ·who has heen with the Caribbean Petroleum - Company in Venezuela, is now in the engineering department of the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company at Monroe, Louisiana. Harty Bossert, whQ is · with the Bell Telephone Company, St. Louis,. was in Rolla visiting friends and relatives dutipg August. 'Paul 'Wa,ddell's address is 303 South Lawrence St., W ichita, ~ansas. . Hal:old K. Ewi-ng is living at 1757 North Hudson . St., Hollywood, Calif. J. A. ' (ChanEv ') 'Holman, Mr's. Holman and little daughter; Helen LOlllse, of Mellville, Lo'uisiana, .were guests · of M-rs. Holriwn's parents, Dr.: an,d Mrs. Barley, during the , SlImmer. . R. H. Knight was a campus visitor ' September 2. Ralph is with the Scullin Steel Company, St. Louis. Lyill.-an Robison and wife spent the ',yeekoelld over: Labor Day in ROlla the guests of Mrs. Robison 's parents, Mr. a.n d Mrs. S. N. Lorts. '

Mrs. J z mes McGraw and little son are the guests of ' Mrs. lVIcGraw's parents, Mr. a-nd Mrs. W. D. Jones. Jimmie is with the Illinois State Highway Commission at Ottawa, Illinois. A. A. P engllet, Jack Gage anrl Cab Smith visited Rolla recently. Peugnet has oi·ganized. the Pen~net Construction Compan y in St. Louis, and Gage is associated with him. Roy Gunther is '"orking for the St. JQe Lead Company, Leadwocd, Mo.

1926 IV. 1. Short is teaching at the UniverSity of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. .G Kirk Cammack is with the Un.ion Pacific Coal Company at Winton, Wyo. Millard Underwood . who has been assistant in bioloRY at MSM and also' doing cooperative work with the U. -So Pnblic Health Service, has gone to Richmond, Virginia, where he is bacteriologist at the Richmond Medical College. Jimmy Orawford is engineer in charge of drecl!dng operations for the' Fairbanks Exploration Company, Fairbanks, Alaska. R. -K teeim is geologist with the White Eagle Oil .and Rpfining Company, 829 Kennedy Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. C. D. (Dewey) Craig is with the Mocte7,uma Copper Company at PHares de Nacozari, ' Sonora, Mexico. ' Leon Hershkowitz is with the Illinois State Highway Department, Dallas, Illinois. .

M. A. (Mike). Ledford, who has been with the United Verde Copper Compan y ·at Jerome, Arizona, is back in T exas. He is selling Cities SerTice securities for the H. L. Doherty Company, 619 W. T. Waggoner Bldg., Fort Worth, Texas.


\ 10

Jobn B. Sinnett i s m ecbanical engineer witb Proctor & Gamble Compa n y, I,orydal e, Obio. His b om e i s at 5656 Hamilton Ave., Cincinna ti , Obio. E. M. Lindenan b as r eturn ed to hi s work with the Chile Exploration Compan y a t Chuqui cam a t a , Chile, after spending several months in the States . . Elmer Gammeter, who IS with th e W estern Electric Com'pan y, Chica go, i s in Rolla (I oing som e special r esearcb work for hi s company at MSM. L . Y. Lee i s in the Directorate of Ordnance, Military Adminis tra tion , Na tion a l Goyernm ent of tbe R epublic of 'Cbina, Nanking, China . Ray K ollar, who i s with th e Carter Oil Compa ny at Seminole, Okla., w as a campus visitor September 12. James P. ,M oore b as accepted a position in tb e en gineering dep a rtment of tb e Cba teaJlgay Iron and Ore Company, . L yon Mountain, N. Y.

1925 H' F oster . Nix r eceived the degree of Doctor of Pbilosophy on June 20 fr om tbe Univer sity of B erlin. H e b as ,a ccepted a position ' with tbe Bell T el epbone Laboratories at 463 W est Street , New York City. H . O. Schrs mID spent a few da ys in Rolla during the summer. H erb is ' witb tb e' Indian R efining Company at Lawrenceville, Illinois. . P . K. Meng was a visitor to Rolla the" fir st part of August. L. A. Oberly i s with th e Aluminum Ore Compan y at E ast St. Louis, Ill.

1924 H a r01d Druout, wife and little son Joe, wer e Roll a VIS[tors durin g July. Mrs. Druont wa s form erly Miss D allis Thom pson of R olla . . Harold is employed by. tb e County of Tulsa, Okla. D\v igh t L . Moodi e i s di stri ct saI l'S mnnager for th e F. P. Pope Co mpan y, Ro om 1804, Kopp er s Bldg. , Pittsburgh , Pa.

1923 V. H . 'Webster 's a ddress is G01 D ela wa r e St., Ga ry, Indiana. H . L. L eonnrd \\'as a R olla yi sito r the fir st pa r t of Aug ust . "Shuck s" is editor and publi sh er of tb e McAllen Monitor , McAllen , T exas . D . Zimmerma n. \\'b o is \yith t h e U ni on Pn cific Con i Compan y a t 'R ock Springs, ' Yyomin g, \Tit h bis wife and sister , s pen t Augu st 19 in R olla . M. 1. Sign er is assist ant professo r- of minin g at th e Colorado Scho ol of Min es, Golden, Colo. Glenn Dooley of J oplin , spent a f ew d a~' s in Roll a (lnring August with hi s \Tife and childr en who wer e vi siting at the h om e of h er pa r ents, Prof. and Mrs. Fl. G. H a rri s. Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. 'Verner wer e Rolla yi sitor s dur, in g 'tb e summer. Mrs. "Vern er was b ef or e b el' m arriage, Miss Sybil Powell of Rolla. W erner is with tb e Bancroft , T extile' Company a t 'Vilmington, D ela wa r e" Mr. and Mrs. v I'. S. Frame spent a f ew day s in Roll,a early in September , th e gn est s of Mrs. Frame's -parents, Mr. and Mrs . Jobn Hultz. Fra m e, wbo bas been with tbe U. S. Geologica l S Ul'\' e ~7 at F or t Smitb, Arkansa s, was on bis way t o B agn ell , Mi ssouri, wb er e b e has accepted a p osit ion as assist an t offi ce engineer \,itb tbe Ston e and W ebster Engineerin g Co rporation in cbarge of tb e B agn ell D a m proj ect. Steve Burke, r eturnin g from Tnl sa , Okla., t o bis bome in St ., Loui s, stopped oyer in Rolla for a f ew hours on Au gu st 31. W, E. T eter is with tb e St. J oe Lead Compa ny at Lea dwood, Mo.

F. C. Mulford, of th e t ecbnical staff of the Patillr) & Enterpri ses, Orlll'o, Bolivia , is on a trip

United States, during wbich h e will observe trellch! progr ess in ore treatm ent m ethod s in va rious pnrt~ of country;: He expect s to r eturn to Bolivia in three

1922 D. E. Huffman, Jr. , is cbiei chemis t for the SOlll 'ern Engineering Corporation, Los Angeles, Calif. at 8980 San Juan Aye., Soutb Gate, Calif. W. 1. (Wormy) Keyes was visiting old fri ends in Augu st 30. K eyes is a consulting geologist with in th e San Angelo Bank Building, San Angelo; Texu M', _ Kurt de Cousser spent a few days in Rolla in A Kurt is witb th e Prairie Oil and qa s Compan y of J . :b'. Helmericb s and Mrs. Helmerichs were Rolla \' tb e fir st part of Septembel'. Freddie is metallurgist Hauser-Miller, Inc., Smelters and R efiners , St. Loui s.

1921 Bob Stroup passed tbrough -Rolla August to the Lead Belt. y. 1. K eeter is living at 220 Nortb Moffett Ave., Mo. H. L .. Bailey, wife .and cbildren , visited in Rolla d tbe summer. Bill is witb the -B ell Telepbone ComplillY ,P eoria, Ill. S. L . Nevins (formerly Nevedomsky) wa s a tor tbe latter part of Augu st . Mr. and Mrs. R obert Illidge were Rolla vi sitor~ early part of Septem1)er. Bo\)- i s min e superintendent th e Eagle-Pich er Lea d Compa ny a t Picber. Okln. M Illidge wa s befor e 路ber marri age Mis s Alicia Park(lr Rolla . -

1920 H. H. Hoppock i s in France. His a(ldress is 27 la Darse, Marseilles, France. G. E. Ebmeyer is doing geological work, 216 Bldg ., Arkansas City, Kansas. Murk T erry wa s a campu s vi sitor the latter part of All ust. Mark is with th e Radcliffe Oil .Company, Tulsa, Ollill IV. ,J. Fin lay is pres ident of th e P a uJian Ru ~ and CI1C' IlII, ca l Co mpa n y, 105 No rtb First St., St. Louis, Missouri.

John I St. Louis


M. A.lt Shell Pet

J ohn M. Morri s, Mrs. j'\Iorris an d little son, J ohn i\I. Jr" " 'er e gnest s of Mrs. Morri s' parents, Mr. and Mrs . .T. W Scott, durin g Augu st .

F. E. ' Zinc OOIl dotte A.n

1918 H an ley '~Tei se r was in Rolla on August 14 and 15. h as r esigned bis position with tbe American Smelting Ami R efining Compa m' in Chihuabua, Mexico, aJ'd is met.!!1 Inrgist f or the W estern Electric Cc mpany a t Chicago.

1917 " Mining and Milling Coal at th e new Mine of tbe ButiPf 路 ConsoliClated Coal Company, Wildwood, Pa." was the Sl1tl' 路 jec t of a paper delivered by E . J. Weimer before tbe 路 m er meetin g of th e Illinois Mining Institute. Weimer snperintendent of tb e Sunligbt Coal Com,puny at Veronll., Ill.


N. :M. Lawren ce is refin er y sa les engineer with tlhl Southw estern Engineering Corporation, witb offices in tbl! H ollingsworth Building, Los Angeles, Calif. F : R . H em an is \vith the Bure.au of Val nation, Interstnt Comm erce Commission, 1901 D Street, Room 1092, Wasb. in gt on , D. C.


Spent in I Smith vi SOciate{] Oriental,

A.. X. I BiI!, N. ~

A.. L. I High Sch


part of Pieno PI~ D. M. Departm~

Paul B

for sOme!


MSM ALUMNUS J . J. D oyle of the Humble Oil and R efinin g Co m pa n~' hils m o, ed f r om Shreveport, Loui siana, t o Bea umont, Texas. H. A: Nenstaedler was a R olla vi sitor Sep tember 2. Neu~ tll edter i s w ith th e D esloge Consolida ted Lead Co mp a ny, Desloge Mo. James L . H ead wa S" vi siting old fri end s on th e campn s on September 7. "Babe" i s wi t h the Chil e Copper Compa ny, ~5 Broadway, New York City. J

1915 A. 1,. Trent passed. throu gh R olla r ecently on hi s way wher e he will make hi s h om e.

1914 Enoch Needles, wife a nd children, spent a f ew week s In R olla du r ing the summer the g uests of Mrs. Needles' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cq.arles Schuma n . Needles is a , member of the firm of Howard-Ash-Needles & T a mm en , } Consultin g E ngineers, 55 Liberty St., New York City . P . M. Fahrendorf is sales manager , the J eweller s Circular, The Optical Journa l, 239 W est _39th S t., New York l ity. t Clark C. (Pitts ) Bland , form erly connected with t he i Many-Bland Insurance Compa ny, has form ed a n ew agen c:\, i Bland & Compan y, with .otlices a t 936 Planter s Building, St. ,, Louis. G. A': H elstr'a nd is with th e Berchan s Mining Compa ny, t BerChans, Newfoundland. , F Mr. and Mrs. Arth_ur Truex a nd children s topped o, er in ~- Rolla on Aug ust '3rd on their way ea st . C. C. (Pitts ) Bland of th e insura nce firm of Bland a nd Compan y, Pla nters Building, St. Louis, 'spent a f ew h ow' s In Rolla, September 1. '





Mrs. R. G. Knickerbock er an d litt le d a ugh ter left R olla : August 22 f or Sudbury, Onta rio, Cana da , w h er e Knick er- bOcKer i s n ow station ed. Howard Kat~ i s now connected with the F . B. Powell Lumber CompaJ;l Y, Rolla.

1912 John Hurtgen is with the Smith En gineering Compan y, St. Louis. His home address is 4808 Austria St., St. Lou is.



M. Albertson i s . assi stant gen eral fi eld agent for the Shell' Petroleum Corporation, Dallas, T exas. F. E. Town send is chemical engin eer w ith t he Na tion a l Zinc Company, Bartlesville, Okla. He lives at 728 W yandotte Ave. Duncan Smith has i'etUl'ned to Brussels a fter a m onth spent in Fra nce. While in the Au ver gne di stri ct, Mr. , Smith vi sited the am eth yst !pines and Glozel. ,H e is a R- socia ted with the Societe Industrielle et Mipier e du Congo Orien~l'" ,2M Rue Royale, Brussels, Belgilun.



Illin ski 's n ew add r ess is 8437 118th St. , Richm ond Y.

1908 - A. L. Nye is teaching m athematics in t h e Fort Collin s High School, Fort Collins, Colo. Boyd Dudley was in R olla for se, er a l days th e latter part of August. Dudley is ' vice-president of th e Amphion _ Piano Player Company , Syr a cuse, N. Y. D. M. Neer -is res id ~nt engin eer for the T exa s Highwa y ' Department. He lives a t 4105 Speedway, Au stin, 'Texas. ~

1907 Paul R. ,Cook , wh o h as been in the P a na ma Canal Zone for som etime, is back in the States. His address is 530

Riv er sid e Dri ve, New Yo rk City. Mr. a ud Mrs . Aubrey l!~e ll ows a nd fa mily spent a few days visiti ng f riends in R olla durin g t h-e m onth of Aug u;;t. F ellows is county engineer at Sa lisb ur y, ~I isso uri.

1904 H. A. Grin e i s with C'h ase a nd 'W a rin g, En gineer s, 17 E ast 42nd St., New York. H e is chi ef engin eer in ch a rge of fi eld r esearca and experim entation, Hi s hom e is a t 175 Green rid ge A ve., White Plains, N. y ,

1903 Mrs . R. C. Alexand er spent a few d a~'s in R olla t h e o-u est of h er m oth er , Mrs. R. R, Dicker son , t he early purt ~f Septeml)er. Mr. Alexa nd er is a buildin g contractor at H enryett a, Okl a .

1897 F . J. K er stin g i s li vin g a t '7222 F or sythe Aye., Univer si t y City, Mo.

1893 GeoTge H ellmuth spen t a f ew d a ~'s in Rolla r ecentl y . H ellmuth is a m ember of t h e fiTID of H ellmu t h & H ellmu t h , a r chitects, D eMenil Bldg., St. L OUIS, Mi sso uri.

. 1892 D. C. J acklin g, wh o i s tr a y elin ~ a broad , is n ot expected to r eturn to th e Sta tes until April.

1886 H . D. Quinby 'is mmmg en gineer a nd m zt a llllrglst with . offi ces a t 26 P a rn assus Ave., San F r ancisco, Calif. Va ugh Fields j s wi th the U. S. En gineer s a t Malvern , Ark an sas. Mora Forem an i s with th e U . S. En gineer s at Vicksburg, Miss. A. C. Kroll i s working fo r a year in the Magm a Mill of the Uta h Copper Compa n y.

Football Prospects Look Good (Continued from p age 8 ) W ashin gt on and St. Louis U thi s yea r. Those games wer e con t r acted f qr and placed on schedule just as they had been for year s. W ashin gton h a d a ch an ce t o t a ke on Carn egie T ech 'on our da te and accepted . 'We cannot bla me th em f or ¡ doing thi s. St. Louis U h a d a chan ce to t ak e on Geor getown on our. ((a t e and did the same thin g. W e h ope to :;;chedule ga mes with both teams next year. In a ddition to th e sch edule on th e fr ont page, - we have three ga mes a lrea d y sch eduled for th e r eserves. One game h as been sch eduled wi t h t h e Fla t River Junior CoHege, a nother one ~' i th J effer son City Junior College, and t he other with th e Dru r y r esE;!r ves. W e h ave four var sity gam es at h om e which will give the a lumni a chan ce t9 see , thi s bunch in action.

'I(~~ESH Paul .Juliu's Wil~ins, 'aged 79, di ed Augu st 18, 1929, at' his ,h om e in Little ' 'R ock , Arkansas. Professo r Wilkins, or "P eter Jimmy" a s he was affection a tely called on the campu s, will be r emember ed by m any of t he olc1 er a lumni as he was in structor in m odern l ang uages a t MSM fo r a , p eriod of twenty-seven year s,. lea ving h er e in a bout 1912, D eWi t t Cr eveling, wh o a ttencl ed MSM in 1897 and 1898, died a t hi s hom e -in Santa Monica, California, Augu st 27, 1929. Mr. Cr eveling foll owed the profession of mining engineer f or m an y years; m ost of th e t ime do""n in Me::dco. H e r etired fr om a cti ve participation in minin g work several yea r s ago and established a hamEl at Santa Mouica.





Engagements Professo r H . H . Al"In s h~' and Mi ss Ln cill e Jalllt '~"(1 .. I i\1on t nna. hn ye a nn onn cer1 the ir en gag·p nlt ·lIl. II, ,, w eddin g to ta k e p la ce sO llletillle n ext SUllllll er.

Mi ~~o nla .

"Doc" h as h een co nnected \yith :\l S :\1 s in cE' 101T. li .. , t hp ci yiI

H . H. H OPJlo Ck nllrl i\li~ ~ Y\" f)1lI1 (, Bi l.c:pr of N ic E'. Frnncp. I\"ere mHrrit'tl i\I nreh ~ T . H)~!l. Hllp[l()(" k gr a <lnater] at M Si\1 in mill e e llg:ill Pt'rill g in 1 ~~0. " ' hi l(o' ill ~C llO O I h e too k a ll acti\"e p a rt in st nd ell t nftairs Oil the ca ll1pn ~. b ein g a m em, her of the Gr nb ~ tnk t'r C lnb. Tlw ta TrIll. ()Il O Yarli::;. Saty r s . captai n of th e foot hall teH m nllrl prpsidpnt of hi s c la ss . H e ha s beell in f on' igll eO \ll ltr i e~ mIl ch of th e tim e sill ce g-radll fItio n fIm] h a~ s tllrlipd C(l mm C'r cifI l fInd llol i t icn l con, llitions fI nd laws in tw enty-e ig-ht different cO llll tr ies. H e is at present in F r a n ce at ~ 7 Rll e d e la Da r se, Mar seill e. Ln cien i\1. Bolon aIH1 ;Ui~ ~ Allc:nstn K och w e r e marri ed at R oll a. 'J'hn r scl ay nftp l"l lOo ll. AllgIl~t 15, 1929. t h e ce re1l101l~' bein g p erfo rm ed b~' Fat h er S. P. Stockin g. Afte r th e w ed ding rlill n er , Mr. awl l\Ir;.:. Bolo n left h~' nntolll obil e fo r St. L o ni s nIH] 0 11 to Ca nton. lllill o i ~. Lll c ien 's hom e . Th e bri d e is th e r]a ng h te r of i\1r. A . E .' K och of Rolin. Lucien ca m e to i\1Si\I fr om L a k e Forest Coll eg:e in 1927. H e is n Ill' oth er of HalT,' Bolon . w ho gra dnn ter] here last. sprin .l:!;. Both Ln cien a nrl Hm'n ' ]Jla~'pr1 n good g'am e of footha ll. Dnring th e Slllnill e r h e h as heen employed hy til e Int erna t ion a l Hal"\'e::; t er Co mp a n~' at Ca n ton , Ill. R oher t L. Parke r nn rl Mi~ " Sn sn n Brown of A nt.llon~', K an sas. were marri ed An gn~t 7. 1929. at Pittslmrg, Kan sas. Follo\Y in~ n t onr thro n c:h Colorar10 all(] ot h er \Y('ste rn st ntes. t Il!' ~'onng IWo ]ll e r et nrn ed to Tnlsn, Oklah oma. wh er e B00 is (j ll1pl o~' E' <l I,~' th e Sh pafter Oil Co mp n n~' . Bob is th e son of Mr s . C hnrl ('~ l:'ark pr of H olln nnrl attE'nd er1 i\1Si\1 as a yocnt io n nl st lH1 Pll t . although n ot n g-o\'ernment trnin ee. nnr] r ecein'(1 a cp r titir:nte of pr o fiC" iPll cy in top o, g r aph~' in 1923. H a r old L . Chamherlain nnd M iss Bl a n ch e A. Eye rl~' were marri ed on A ugu st 15. 19~9 , in St. Loui s a t th e hom e of the hrir1e 's parent~. Foll ow in g th e ce r e m o n~' th e ~'o lln g conple left f o r n t o m of the East. ta kin g in Ni ngara l~all s nnd g:oing on up int o Cn n adn , fInr1 a lso yisiting oth e r pl aces of in ter E'st. 1' h e ~' fIre n ow at h ome at 502 Olh'e Str eet. R oll fI. Harold h a s r eg istered nt l\lSi\1 and expects to co mplete the wo rk for hi s d egr ee in ch emica l eng in eerin g.

Pr of. Philip A. 'Yillis and Mi ss R ll lJ~' A . J am iso n of Leayemyo r t h , K ansas. "'ere marri ed on Jul~' 21, 1929, at Leayenwo r th. After t,,'o ,,'eeks sp en t in Florida , ~lr. and Mr s . Willi s ,,'ent t o 'Wa s h in gto n , D. C., wh er e Mr s . ' Villi s is em p loyed i n th e Buren n of Home Economics. Prof. W ill is is a gTnr1nnte of t h e Mont a n n Sra t e lln i\'e r sity fI nrl has hee n fo r sE' YE'ral ,'en r ~ a~s i ~Ulll t llr ofes~or or lll Pch an, ica l e n .~· in eel" in g at i\ISi\1. Charles F. Ln cl,fic'l d and :\Ii ss GertrlH1(' 'Y nrd of Ark nn , sns C it~·. K n n sas. Iyen' mmTi pr] Srph' mhr r 12. 1 9~fl. in th c r rctory of thE' Sflc r prl H('apt chun·h . Arkfln s ns C ity. 1'h e nHll"l"i nge ri tl''; ,," c r e r E';](1 b,' th c Hey. Fathr l" R eid,'. " Lu cky" I:!;r f](1u atpr1 in 1fl~7 a 11(1 is a m emh er of t1lf' Kapp a Si g'n;n fraternit~'. t llP Pipe & Bow l clu b. 1'he ta Tau , :In<l " "ftfo: bnsil1 e;-.;~ Ill n ll agP I' (If tIll' :\fill f' l' one )"PH l' . rl'h e ,'o n ng co upl e will mak e t1lPir hOlll (, in TIll sa wh E' r e L uckti E'lr1 is Plllpl oYE'rJ in rh t' l' ngin p(·'!"in .c: d t'[la r tnw n t of th e S in cln ir Pipe L in e Co mpan y. OtllPr :\Ii n prs ,,-h o hnn' join t'r1 th e r n n k~ of t h e bl' n l'dicts nr e :\1ark Mill ~. who attl'11(lt'rl ~I :-;i\I t lll" P(, yea r ~ a nd Int er !!TnrJnatt>rl f r o ln th (' (,o1orado :-;dlOO I vf i\ lin e ~ [lll r1 is n ow \I'o!"ki ng in :\Ipx ii:o : :-;nllluel L. ?\t'\'in~ (fo rnl l' !"I .I· 1\en'r1om ~ky). \\'ho .~ radu at('d in C h (" llli~t r ,' i n '~1 anrl is n o,,' ~ np p r' in tl'nrl l' n t of t llP :-;out hpl"ll :-;11ll'h11 r and A('iLl (' olnpfln,·. :\orth L ittlL' ]{ o(·k . A!"k'lll~a~ : an d H. R (B udd ,') i\l eH r ir]p of t llP (" I a~~ of '~(j . (;hn l'l'l'('. i\li~~"n r i. Fn ll r] Pt. ail s l'pg:ln], in g t h e,;e \I"t'dd in g,; a r e no t nt hand.

e ll .~in pe l'il1g-

<lepartll lPllt flIlc1



fl S H( '~i "" 11111 ~'en r ~ IlP 11: ..' .. " ,

Int er

nnd Stnrjpn t Ar1\"hor. D nrin .!!· a ll th e~p re~i~ted the wil e~ of F, ro ~ and Dan Cnpi ol. I,,,, on a trip to th e R egi~ trnr ~' Co n H'ntion last ~p ring' I,, · I.. · c:,m e nCflnnint ed \Yith t h e -,"onng lad,' of hi s ch oice. 11" 1,.. 10 A ~~h t a nt np;. d~tr n r at th e Vnh'prs ity of Mon tH nn. I " ' Ii" it e ]ll a n ~ fo r t h e weddi ng hn ye not ~' e t h een m a d( '. '" II \yi ll not take pln ce 'nntil nfter th e 1929-30 sess ion s ,>I 1.. 0110 ~("hoc l s h a \"e bee n compl et ed.

cp~~ full~'

-= -~~ . . ~::;...-::::

~--4= :: ~_~ _...n._,~ ~.: THE MING GENERATION --






Prof. nnr1 Mr s. 1\1. H. Cag:g fi r e th e prond p<1l'e lll ~ "I' " r1anght e r born in St. L oni s on .Tnl y 2:~. 1 9 ~ 9 . 1' h(' .I· """ ~ Inr1,' hn s bee n n a med Oli\" e Anne. Mr~ . Cngg \Ya~ 1,, '1' .. ,, ' h er nHlrrin~e Mi ss Or n Joh n of t he L orra in e Ben nt \" I' ", lor. nolin , [ \lIrl Profess or CfIgg i ~ in st rn ctor in En .c: i i ~ l, "I M S M. I sn nc P. l<~rn i ze r , wh o gTfIr1u ated in 1900 Secr eta ry of tilt' S tate of Arizona . 1'llopni x . in fo . n son born in 1928 h ns h een !lamer] Morr is De: th e D ea n bein g in h on or of onr ow n Profpssor



-.: 111/ 11

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i\1 r . anrl Mrs . 'V n r ing Mik ell are r ej oi Cing' on', t l,, ' 111 ri Yn l of fI d a ng·ht er. :\1nt·y Thnr~t r)]]. bom t o thelll .1'1i .1 I 1929. " M ik e" g r ndn nted in cidl en gi n ee rin g in 19:!;; :11 ,,1 i s wi t h t h e S h ell P etrol t'\1ll1 Co rpor ation, Geophy sie" I I', pnrtm en t, Ma gn et ic Expl or ation s, 1'ul sa , Okla. L i ttl e Mi ss Effie JfIn e 'Vr k h t arrh' ed at the h OI''' ' .. r i\lr. nm1 Mr s. Wil f r E'c1 S. Wri~h t in H nno\'e r. New ~ f ('\"" ,, on Jnl~' 2, 1929 . Mrs. Wrig'h t \\'as fo rme rl y i\Iis~ I';'" U IH1 el"\\" oocl. n r1n nght(' r of Pmf. a n d i\lr s . .T. H. lillol<"l" \yoocl . '·Pop·' ,,'r igii t g r n<l natp(1 in Hl~-i a)](1 was ::t 1l1('(1" "" of th e Pi K appa A lpha f r ate rni t~·, T au Beta Pi , Phi K ,'1' I' '' Phi, ancl S igm a Ga mm a E p sil on. i\1r. a nd :\1rs. Glenn Doole.l· nre en te r ta inin g a lilli, danghter, Ann e, born at Bal"ll e~ Ho spita l, St. Loni ~. "" .Tnh' 18. 1929 . M r s . Dool e ~' \"a s befo r e h er marriagp ~Ji " F,Jl1'i1~' H a rri s, clanghter of Prof. nm1 M r s. E . G. 11 ,,,.,. ,·, G lpnn gTadnn t ed in mining in 1fl:23 a nd \\"fI~ a lll l'l" I"" of th e S igm fI 1\ n f r ate mit~· . Mr. a n (] M r ~. S. :\1. B mkp. :3»1'. Lnbarli e A\· e .. St. ]'",Ji " :\10 .. fI r e a lso celehrntin g th e fl rrh 'a l of a li tt le dangl", · ... hom on .Tnly 18 at C hri ~t i nn H o~p it al. Ste l'e gr adl " ,I"d ill ' 2:3 nnr] is ~n l e~ ("ng'illl"e r w it h the Bro\\' n Co n'I"' '' .' ' ,\rC:l r]p B lrl c: .. St. L onh .· " ' hil e in sell ool h e wa s n "" '(1' I,p r of th e ' Pro~Jl ecto r ~. Sn t~T~. Merc ie r C lnb fi nd ~I'I"I , ." on th e i\1in pr Boa rd in '20, '21, .~~ and ' ~3. i\1l". n m] i\I r ~ . .T. "' alt e r Scot t n r e t h E' pro u<1 pare1l1 .' "I' ho m on S('pt PIl1!>Pl" 1. 1!l29. Mr~ . Scott w as fo r11 l1·rl .1 i\liss ('atlw ri nE' C lll bert~OlI of R oli n a nd " 'alte r is :Il l ,,101 R olIn ho\". H p c: r n<1uater] in thp c l ns~ of ' 1~ with a <1( ' .~, "'" of h ac ll ~ l or of' ~cie n ce in m ptal1llrg.l" n m! r ecei\'pd 1,1 , lll a~tE'l"'~ r1e c:i'E'e n t th e U nh'p r ~ it,' of :\e\"n<1n in 192:~. II<i~ n OI\' nwta II llr.c:i~t I\'i t h t he 'Y e~tp rn E lec tri c Co mp " 11 .1. Chi ca go. fl ~o n

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a hO\' a nrl n g irl. \\"p r e ho rn to :\Ir . nn rl ~I r ' 011 .Jlll y ~:~ am] th (' I", ., Oll .lllh· ~,j. The' littl p gi rl i~ COlllill .t.:· n loll g lli ep ly , b (ll " " j"('t.:TPt·to n ll llonll('p th .· d l-'nt h of tIll' Ii tt lp hoy. lk l l<·11 ~ 1 :a <1n:lt( ' d with t llP l"In ~~ of . ~ :~ :lllll i~ I\'i tll t l1P L" .. I, ·d,· '~ t ee l CO lllpany at A lton , .lllill o i ~.

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