October 1937
T E ',-
8. JIM PARKER, Assistant Coach
9. OTIS TAYLOR, Halfback
3. PERCY GILL, Assistant Coach
II. JIM KIESLER, Quarterback
12. JOE SPAFFORD, Center
C H N 0 G R A M
M. S. M. Football Schedule 193 ¡7 Sept. 25-Carhondale Teachers at Rolla Oct. I-St. Louis University at St. Louis night game
Oct. 9-0pen Oct. 15 -W arrenshurg at Warrenshurg night game
Oct. 23- Kirksville at Rolla Oct. 3D-Open Nov. 6-0klahoma City University at Oklahoma City night game
Nov. 13-Springfield at Rolla Nov. I9-Maryville at Rolla Nov. 25 - Cape Girardeau at Cape Girardeau (Thanksgiving)
October, 1937 Volume 12
Number 1
P icture of P rof. W. R . C hedsey ................................... .............................. ..
New Director Assumes Duties
Message to Alumni from Director. ................ .. .. .
Kap pa Alph a Opens H ouse ..........
Alumni Editor
F aculty Ch a nges by E. L. Clan:dge .... __ __ .......... .... .... ... _......... __ _................
E di to ri als ............................................. .. .... .
New Publication for MSM .................. ..
P rof. Geo rge R. D ea n Di es by H erbe'rt Johnson ...................................... ..
H omecoming by Richard Pro1.tgh................................................................
Camp us Pi ctures by B . C. Compto1t............................................................ 10-11
STAFF Max Bolotsky George Walther
F oundrymen's Convention by Max B olotsky ............................................
Richard Prough
New Coaches and Footb all Pros pects by B . C. Compton........................
Herbert Johnson
Cam pus News by George Walther ................ ......................................... ..
Elmond Claridge
Alumni No tes by C. Y . Clayton ............. ........... .......................................... .
• Although t he St. Loui s ga me will be just a memory when th e T ECH N OG RAM is issued, we hope tha t the ma ny alumni of MSM will t ake th e op portunity to see th e M iner football tea m in ac ti on t hi s yea r. On the inside cover is a copy of the schedul e, a nd needl ess to say Coach Ga le Bullma n will be glad to meet a ny a nd all of you. W hy not take adva ntage of the fact th at th e M iners are a t Okl ahoma City, Wa rrensb urg a nd Cape Gira rdea u late r in t he season?
And t hen too, don't forget Homecoming to be held here Oct. 23 . Thi s is yo ur cha nce to meet t he new director, P rof. Chedsey, and to see how the old school is getting along.
1\II SSO U RI l)II NES T ECII N O GRAl\[ (fO l"llle J-l y t h e l\Ii sso uri SCh DO I of 1\Iin cs A lunlllll S) i s iss u ell nin e t im es a yeaI' t h ro u g- h o u t t h e sc hool yea.r as t h e ofli cja l publi c a tio n o f t h e lUi ssolTl'i Sc h ool of ~lin es A hullni Asso ciati o n in t,h e inte r est of al um11 i <-l,ud fo rm e l" st ud ents . S ub scri ptio n price $l.50, i ncl ud e d i n Alumni du es. P ubli cat io n office-Me t a llu rgy Buildin g, School of l\Ii n es, BoUn" 1\10 . P rin ted by A r t c r aft P r ess, "irlrilli a, BuU d in g, Columbia, 1'10.
• Professor W. R. CHEDSEY
New Director BssuInes Duties The possibiliti es of the Missouri School of Mines as an Engineering School are unlimited, acco rdin g to Professo r Wil li am R. Chedsey, new Director of MSM, succeed ing Dr. Charles H. F ulton, who resigned on Jul y 10. Prof. Chedsey h as been at th e active hea d of th e school since la te in August , and alrea dy has m ade m any cha nges in th e hope th at in the ne ar futur e MSM ca n take her place with the best techni ca l schools in th e country. T he ch ~ n ges will be pointed out in l;ite r issues of th e T echnogram and in the December issue, Prof. Chedsey will personally ex pl ain th e situ a ti on here on th e camp us. Professo r Chedsey was form erl y hea d of the D epa rtm ent of Mining, School of Mineral Industries, Pennsylva ni a St a te College. H e has had active experience both in enginee ring educ ation a nd practica l enginee ring and has taken a prominent part in national engineering ed ucation wo rk. Born Feb. 11 , 1887, in Bou lder, Colo. , Professor Chedsey was educated in th e Boulder sc hools. H e recei ve d an E. M. (E ngin ee r of Mines) degree from the Colorado School of Mines in 1908, and did special wo rk in mechanic al and electri ca l enginee ring at th e Un iversity of Id aho from 1908 to 1911. In 1907 Professo r Chedsey se rve d as Ass ist ant Superintendent for the Inter-Ocean Mining and Mill ing Compa ny, Sunshine, Colorado. In 1908 he was appointed Associate Professo r of E nginee ring at the U ni versity of Idaho and Consulting Engineer for th e First Thought Extension M ining Comp any, Orient, Washington. In 1911 he became Chief Engineer and Genera l Superintend ent for the Central American D evelopment Co., Ltd. , Costa Ric a and Guatemala, Central America. Two yea rs la ter he was appointed Chief Engineer and Assistant General Manage r of th e Alaska Exploration Company a nd in 1913 he returned to the Colorado School of Mines as Assistant Professo r of Mining Engineering. In 1916 he joined th e faculty of the School of Mines at Pennsylva nia State College, where he h as bee n since th at tim e. In addition to hi s t eaching duties, Professor Chedsey has also se rve d as Consu lting Engineer for th e American Metals Merger Inc., and the General Metals Company. From 1926 to 1930 Professor Chedsey se rved as a Direc tor of th e Coal Mining Institute of America . In 1934 he was elected VicePresident of the In stitute. H e is a member of th e American In stitute of M ining a nd Metallurgica l Enginee rs,
the Rocky Mount ain Coa l M ining Institu ti on, Ameri ca n E lectro-C hemi ca l Society, Na ti onal M ining Rescue Association, A meri ca n Geogra phic Society, a nd a memb er of th e Na ti ona l Geographic Society, Kappa Sigma, Tau Beta P i, ,lIld Sigma Gam m a Eps ilon. . P rofesso r Chedsey has contributed seve ral in ve nti ons to the mining indu stri es, including the use of carb ide light, has developed met hods for increas ing acc uracy in und erground surveying, a nd also developed a trul y P ara bolic H ead light Reflector. He is th e author of num erous a rti cles publi shed in technic al publications. In 1915 Profe sso r Chedsey m arri ed Miss Co ra Bell e Sapp of Go lden, in Golden, Colorado.
WELCOMED BY TOWN Prof. and M rs. Chedsey we re guests of honor a t a dinner recep ti on given und er the sponso rship of th e R oll a Chamber of Commerce at th e Sinclair Penna nt Tavern, Wednesday night, September 22. About 125 persons attended the affair. T. R. Schwee r, president of the Chamber of Commerce, ac ted as toas tma ster. W. H . Coghill , speak ing as rep rese ntative of the Rotary Club, ex tended a we lcome to the Chedsey's. V. X. Smith, president of the Roll a Lions Club, we lcomed the guests of honor on behalf of th e Lions.
H. H. Armsby, R egistra r and Stu dent Advisor of the School of M ines, made a brief ta lk on th e subj ect, "Town a nd Gown." H e stressed the point t hat there should not be a ny great distincti on between "town," as represe nted by the business men a nd citizens of Roll a, a nd "gown," as rep rese nted by th e faculty and stud ents ¡of the School of M ines. He emphasized the need for coo peration betwee n t he school and the town in the future, and stated that Rol la had always coope rated with th e institution in the past. Arm sby also pointed out the great va lu e of the sc hool to Ro ll a in a co mmercia l way. Charles L. Woods, editor of the Ro ll a Herald, spea kin g on beha lf of Mayor W. D. J ones, who cou ld not be present, m ade an address of we lco me to Prof. Chedsey an d Mrs. Chedsey. He pointed out th at Roll a had always stood behind the sc hool in everyt hin g th at it attem pted, declari ng tha tit was throu gh the efforts of Rolla citizens th at th e sc hool was estab li shed th ere. Woods then presented a bouquet of fall fl owe rs to M rs. Chedsey. President Schweer introduced Director Chedsey, who expressed gratification for the we lcome extend ed to him and Mrs. C hedsey. H e sa id he wouid exert eve ry effort possible for the betterment of th e school and of Rolla .
A Message to the Alumni from the Director So m any kind letters have co me to me from th e alumni th a t I a m glad to have thi s op portunity to address a message to you as a group. I , of course, h ave known very favo rab ly of the M issouri School of Mines and Meta llurgy for over thirty years. The co rdial assura nc es of help and supp ort from the faculty here a nd the alumni have been a most gratifying welcome for me to thi s new position. I sincerel y hope that with this help I can measure up to your expectations of keeping the reputa ti on of th e School on a hi gh plane. Briefly, the aff airs of the School are, in ge neral, in good sh ape, both financi a ll y and from th e st an dp oint of prestige. Some alumni , as th eir personal fin ances have permitted, h ave contributed in very helpfu l ways to student life, especiall y throu gh the past few yea rs of the dep ression. With our present enlarged enroll ment, unqu estionabl y th e highest in th e history of th e School, additiona l finances a re going to be necessa ry. Pl ans are being made to ask for increased ai d from the sta te, and alumni contributi ons for loa n fund s and for found at ions become increasingly useful with this growth of the School. I shall welcome th e opportu nity as occasions may offer.
meet yo u in groups or indi vidu a ll y
Sincerely yours,
W. R.
Kappa Alpha Opens New House on Campus \Vhen th e M iners return ed to sc hool las t month, K a pp a Alph a Fraternity, whi ch had bee n in act ive for two yea rs, also return ed to th e cam pus. H eaded by President Charles ( Buddy) C layton, so n of Prof. C. Y C lay ton, th e K . A.'s ope ned their house on West 11 th Street, direc t ly across from the Director's R esid ence. Be ta Alpha cha pter was esta bli shed on th e MSM camp us on Ap ril 27, 1903. For yea rs it ranked as o ne of th e leading fraternities on th e campus. Then un surmounta ble difficul t ies, brought on by th e la te de pression, forced th e cha pte r to retire from campu s activ ity. U ntil th e fall of 1936 th e situ a t ion loo ked dark for th e m any men who we re interested in seeing th e K . A. 's ret urn to th e ca mpu s. H oweve r a t t ha t t ime C lay ton a nd Omar Wa ll ey, a junior E. E., trave led to Springfield , Mo., a nd we re initi a ted into th e cha pter at Drury College. Com ing ba ck to R oll a th ey we re determin ed to rev ive interes t in K. A. Other stud ents we re interes ted a nd in Ma y, '37, Craig E lli s, Edwa rd Ba llm an , J ohn McDonald and R oy Matthews were initi ate d into K a pp :l A lph a a t t he U ni vers ity of Tul sa. Prof. Clayton contacted th e K ap pa Alph a Alumni a nd with the ir help t he old debts we re paid off. L a te thi s August a rra ngements for th e house we re co mp leted. The house will accomm oda te a pproxim a tely 18 boys. On th e ground Aoor is th e spaciou s rece pti on roo m , a ca rd roo m, dinin g ha ll a nd kitchen. The seco nd Aoo r is devoted to stud en t stud y rooms a nd a slee ping porch.
At t hi s ti me th e fr a ternity con sist s of eight active memb ers a nd nin e The cha pter officers a re : pledges. C harl es Clayton, presid ent; Omar \Va lley, v ice-president; C raig E lli s, secreta ry, and Edd ie B allm a n, treasurer. A li st of those who have pledged Kappa A lph a includes: C has. O. Sultzman , H a nnib a l, Mo., a m ember of Jimmi e G ilmores' Orchestra a nd th e Cl ass of '4 1. J ac k R . Ench , Kin gs ton , N . Y, whose curri culum is C hemi ca l E nginee rin g, also a first yea r stud ent. R ay M. Donnell y, T erre H aute, Ind ., a campus So ph omore, whose course of study lea ds to a B. S. deg ree in Ce ra mICS .
J a mes R. Gentry, H a nnib a l, Mo. , stud ent in Civil E nginee rin g, a nd a campu s sop hom ore. Lawrence E. Lambelet, Cub a, Mo., Chemica l Enginee rin g, a campus J unlo r .
J ose ph F. Carroll , Rutland , Vt. , M ining E ngin ee ring, B as ketball 1936-37, and a candida te for thi s yea r's va rsi ty squ a d, Go lf 1936-37, a m ember of Theta T au, a nd Class of 1938. Jose ph I-I. Murp hy, Roll a, Mo., a member of this yea r's g rad uat ing cl ass, Footba ll 1934-35-36-37, Tau Beta Pi, B lue Key, a nd a C iv il Enginee r. Thos. V. Pickett, H a nnib al, Mo., a Juni or, tra nsfer s tudent from Hannibal-La G ran ge Juni or College, Mech a nica l E nginee ring curriculum. Corwin M. Barrett, Ma ryv ille, Mo. , a So phomore, and m emb er of MSM tr ac k tea m 1937.
CH AR LES (BUDDY) CLAYTON Thi s group of men, a long with t he acti ve mem bers of th e Ch a pter, pl ans to become es peciall y ac tive in campu s aff a irs. The fr a ternity is we ll represe nted in a thletics, numb erin g among its m emb ers Eddi e B a llm an who ea rn ed letters in t rac k (1935-36-37) a nd basketb all (1 936-37), and who is also a memb er of Alpha Chi Sigma, nati on chemi ca l fr a ternity. Omar W all ey, Hannib al, Mo., a stud ent in E lec tri ca l E nginee ring, memb er of Blu e K ey, is also a m emb er of th e va rsity go lf tea m. Buddy C layton, Roll a, Mo., memb er of B lue K ey, Theta Ta u, a nd Seni or St. P a ts Boa rd memb er, is capta in of ba sketball a nd memb er of th e va rsity golf tea m. ile n who a re ac ti ve in o th er ca mpus orga ni za t ion s in clud e C raig E lli s, Map lewood , Mo., president of Blue Key a nd memb er of Th eta T au a nd a Sen ior in Mec hani ca l E nginee ring. Roy \V. Mathews, St. L oui s, a nd W a rren B. White of Sp rin gfi eld, stud en ts in E lect ri ca l Engi nee rin g, a re interes ted in <l ma teur ra di o, a re memb ers of the Rad io C lub , a nd take a n active pa rt in the promotion of short-wave st a tion W9EEE, a ca mpu s instituti on. J ohn R . Mc D ona ld , H a nnibal , Mo., is K a ppa Alpha s' Juni or memb er of th e St. P a ts Boa rd, a nd a memb er of Ira R emse n chemi ca l fr ate rnity. K enn eth Stede lin, R oll a, Mo., a Senior in Civil E ngin ee ring, is t he C ha pter's represe nta tive on t he Stud ent Cou ncil. Promin ent a lumni of thi s C ha pter a re we ll rep rese nted t hroughou t th e world.
vVith a reco rd enrollment of ove r 650 stud en ts at MSM, K a ppa Alph a is expec ted to have a ha pp y and prospe rous new life. All K a ppa Alpha <l lumni a re in v ited to v isit the new house on H omecomin g, Oct. 23 .
for OCTOBER, 1937
Faculty Changes During SUIllIller by E. L. CLARIDGE \\lith an enla rged program and a reco rd enrollment t hi s fall , t he add itions a nd repl ace ments in t he faculty a re as necessa ry as they a re desirab le.
MSM's Petrol eum Department is now headed by Dr. Gi lbe rt W. Noble who succeeds Dr. E. A. Stephenson. Dr. Stephenso n is now t he head of the Petroleum Dep a rtm ent of th e U nivers ity of K ansas a t Lawrence. Dr. Noble received hi s B. A. degree from H arvard and hi s B. S., M. S., and Sc. D. deg rees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has done ex perim ental wo rk in oil sa nd testing a nd repressuring at Coffeyville, K ansas, and h as also had fi eld expe rie nce in Tul sa a nd Oklahoma City. T hree yea rs we re spent in Clar ksburg, West Virginia in natural gas product ion. Dr. Noble comes here after a yea r in the m ain office of the Standard Oil Company of New J ersey. Professor F. C. Farnham has been made Assistant Professor of Phys ics. Fa rnh am received hi s A. B. degree from the Nebraska Wesleyan Uni versity in 1924. In 1926, New York U niversity gra nted hi m hi s Master of Science degree. Prof. Farn ham was made Instructor of Phys ics at MSM in 1926, an d Assistant Professo r of Physics, here, in 1928. H e held thi s position until 1930, when he accepted a position in the M issouri Geologica l Survey. During th e past fi ve yea rs, Fa rnh a m has worked for the U. S. Geologica l Dep artment, the State H ighway Dep artment, and fo r th e Americ an Geop hysica l Company. H e is a member of Phi Kappa Phi and Beta K appa fraterniti es.
partment has bee n add ed Dr. ]. Stuart J ohnso n. J ohn so n gradu a ted from the Unive rsity of Missou ri in 1932, m ajoring in E lec trica l E nginee rin g. In 1934, he received a Master of Science deg ree in E lectri ca l E nginee ring from t he same instituti on. During the yea rs 1934-1 936, J ohnson attend ed I owa State College from which he received hi s D octor's degree in June 1937. In 1936, J ohn so n was made instru ctor in Theo retica l and Appli ed Mecha ni cs at I owa State Coll ege. H e has worked for two summ ers for Century E lectric Company of St. Louis. Dr. J ohnso n is a membe r of A.I.E.E.; Pi Mu Epsilon; Eta Kappa N u, a n honorary E lectri ca l E ngi nee rin g fra ternity; T au Beta Pi ; Sigma Xi; and Gamma Alpha fr a terni ties. Dr. Arnold Wi lli a ms ha s been made Instru cto r of E nglish. William s is a gradu a te of Notre D a me. H e received his Master of Science and D octor's degrees from the Un ive rsity of North Ca rolin a in 193 0 a nd 1935, respectively . Professor Cli fford H. Bl ack has bee n added to the staff of the Drawing Dep artm ent. Bl ack was the project architect for the Lake of the Oza rks Recreat ional D emonstration Project at Ka iser, Mo. H e has been a designer a nd draftsman for several private en-
P rofessor M iles, who has h ad excell ent tra ining in Mechanica l E ngineering, has bee n transferred from th e Mathematica l D epartment to the Mecha ni cs D epa rtm ent. Dr. Mi les ret urn ed to t he faculty of the school las t year. Dave Perry, instructor in the Civil D epartment las t yea r, resigned to ta ke a pOSitIOn a t Carnegie Institute of T ec hn ology a t Pittsb urgh. As yet no one has been a ppointed to take hi s place. Dr. F ran k H. Conrad, who replaced Dr. Dunl a p as Chemical Enginee rin g last yea r, has bee n raised from t he ra nk of Assista nt Professo r to Associate Professor. Dr. Thomas G. D ay has been made Assista nt Professo r of Organ ic Chemistry instea d of Instructor, and John S. Sabine h as been m ade Assistant instea d of Graduate Assistant in t he Chem D epa rtm ent. Capta in Walter H odge is now teaching a course in Aerial Ph otograp hy for th e Civil D epa rtm ent. This is in addition to hi s usual military wo rk. M iss Ph yll is Hackman of the lib rary staff has I:esigned, and her pl ace has been taken by Mr. Edward F. Sm ith as Refe rence Assist ant. Dr. E . E. Feind takes over the MSM Hospital this fall , repl ac ing Dr. S. L. Baysinge r, who resigned thi s Sp rin g.
T he vaca ncy in the Mathematical Department has bee n fill ed by Professo r Emory E . J ohnso n. Professor J ohnson received his Bachelor of Science degree in Civil E nginee ring from the Un ivers ity of Neb raska. H e specia lized in Mathematics and Structura l Engineering, and was give n the hi ghes t awa rd in a prize exam in ation in Ca lculus. D uring th e past yea r, J ohn so n has been employe d by the D epartm ent of Roads and Irrigation of t he State of NeIJraska. J ohnson is a member of Pi Mu Epsilon, an hono rary ma th ematics fr aternity; Sigma Tau; Associa te Member of Sigma Xi; a nd Junio r Member of t he American Society of Civil Engineers. To t he Electrical Engineering D e-
gineering co ncerns and served a year as resea rch enginee r for t he Kans as State P lan ning Board at Topeka, Kansas. He has also' bee n active as an art teac her. Black received hi s professiona l degree in a rchitec tural engmee nng th is June from Kan sas State Coll ege.
Dr. S. R. B. Cook e entei'ed t he fac ulty as a member of the Meta llurgy D epartmen t las t yea r, a nd so hi s former posit ion as R esea rch Meta'lI urgist of the U. S. Burea u of M ines Station h as bee n fill ed by M r. Walter E . Duncan. Three new grad uate ass ista nts we re ad ded to the list of new men th is fall. T hey are: W. H. Webb, replacing L. A. Bay; Geo rge R. R ea ding, in th e Phys ics D epartment, an d Ross R. Ca rroll a, who is teaching Mechanics.
The T echnogram wishes these men success in thei r new position s.
Missouri Mines Technogram (Formerly the Alumnus) OCTOBER, 1937 Officers of the Alumni Association G. A . EASLEY, '09 ..... ...... ... ..... .. ......... President D. L. FORRESTER, ' lL .......... Vice-President
so ur i and th e Schoo l of Mines . W e assume that th e se lection of P rofessor Chec\ sey ha s b ee n a w ise on e. [o r no litt le a bility is requ ired in th e adm in is trat ion of a high ly spec ia lized sc hoo l of thi s natur e. It is d evo utl y to be hoped that th e Board of Curators. D octo r Midd lebu s h, Pres iden t o f the U n ive rs ity of M isso uri . and Di r ecto r C h ed sey spa re n o eHo rt in im p rov in g th e a lrea dy rich herita ge of Ro ll a as a m in eral indu s tri es college-and t ha t the R olla M in ers und e r Coac h Ga le Bu ll man aga in ta ke t he fi eld \\' it h fl y ing co lo rs .
CHAS. Y . CLAYTON, '13 ................Treasurer
K. K. KERSHNER, ' 20 .................... .. Secretary W. C. ZEUCH Chairman of the Executive Committee
New S .pirit Editur's Note-The following was contributed by an alumnus of MSM. W e are glad to use it.
O n Sep temb er 1 a n ew adm ini st rat ion assumed h elm. ove r both sc ho las tic and athletic affa ir s, a t th e Missour i Schoo l of M in es. Professor VV. R. C hedsey, fo rm erly p rof esso r of Mining at Penn S tate, to ok th e chair as Di r ector of the in stitutio n. w hil e Ga l'e B pllma n. fo rm erl y L in e Coach a t '\Nashington U ni vers ity, took oy er th e dut ies of I 'l ead Coac h. th~
Bot h ge n t le m en ent e r th e se rvice of a n in st it uti on wh ic h has long occup ied an out standing pos ition in th e fie ld of ed ucatio n, statevv id e a nd nationa ll y . Dating back to 1871 w hen th e School of Mine s and Meta llurgy at R olla had its in cept ion a s a land g ran t college at th e U ni ve rs ity of Mi ssouri, thi s sch ool has bee n a fav ori te o¡f tho se yo un g men yea rni ng for th e ro mance a nd adve nture co nn ect ed w ith minin g a nd it s a lli ed eng in eer ing lin es . Amo ng the g rad uates of the Roll a Sc hool of M in es. as it is common ly know n in th e indu st ries, a re m any men who have ac hi eved g r ea t prom in en ce in both th e ope rati on a n d s ci entifi c field s. Ther e is ha rd ly a n indust ry -o r age ncy in M isso uri engaged in th e d eve lopment of na tura l r eso u rce" or manufa'ct u rin g , r eq uirin g techni cal ta lent, that ha s not a sprink lin g of Ro ll a e ng in ee rs. A nd t hi s ap ropo s, as th e 1937 M in era l in du stries Yea rb ook s how s N[i souri rankin g hi gh as a producer o f lead a nd zin c, and in ce ra m ic products o utdi stan ced onl y by s uch firm ly establi sh ed s tates a's N eIV J e rsey . O hi o . Pe nn sy lvania, a nd '\iVisco ns in . P r ofess or C hed sey co mes into office by the appo intm e n t o f the Board of Curato rs, Doctor M idcll eb us h, :P res ide n t of th e U ni v ersity of M is-
W ith t hi s, the fir s t is ' u e of the Tec hn og ra lll. we a re presen ting to t he va s t g ro up of MS.\[ a lumni a' rev ised pu b li cat io n, one th a t vve hope wi ll s ta nd the wea r and tea r of many y ears . The 'J:' ec hn og ram is not a rad ica l id ea . Man y of the lea ding tec hni ca l sc hoo ls haye a lu11].rii pub licati ons that ar e iss u ed monthl y, t hat con ta in tech ni ca l a rticl es, and that brin g to t he a lumni cove rage of t h e ca mpu s 111 pi ct ur e a nd \yo rd. 1\ g radu ate .of MSM r ece ntl y sa id to m e, "v\'e like to read about our cla ss m e mb e rs, w h ere t hey a r e and what th ey a re do in g . VV e li ke t o know if
Smith, the qui et lad ot th e class, is making good . o r if Jones, th e m o¡st popu lar m an, is still working fo r the A jax Compan y in Colora do. "B u t we al so lik e to read abo ut camp us hap penings and see pi ct ur es of th e footba ll ga m es, class fig h t s a nd so ci a l g ath e rings. W e lik e to see th e pict u re of th e S t. Pa t's Q u een . A nd m os t of all we want to kn ow about th e chan ges on th e ca mpu s." T hat's a big o rd er .and if we can g ive that to the MS NI m en we w ill be sat isfied . However we need yo ur h elp. P ubli cation of suc h a magaz in e, monthl y, takes a great outlay of co ld , h ard cash. Ma n y of th e A lumni a re 111 a po s iti on to dir ect som e of th eir co mp any's adve rti sin g to t h e Tech n ogra11l. If yo u a re int e res ted may we hea r from yo u? VVe w ill be g la d to have a ll c riti cisms a nd o f course a ny co ng ratul at ions that yo u m ay ha\' e. We n eed tech ni ca l a rticles IH itten by alumni , nel\, s of yo u and yo ur class m a t es and a ny thing else th at wo u lcl intere st t he a lu mn i. Please a dd r e ~s a ll m a tt ers pert ainin g to a lumni t'o P rof. C. Y . C layto n as in the past. :-\n yt hin g pe rta inin g to the publi ca ti on of t h e Technogra m s h ould be add ress ed to m e in care of th e Tec hn ogram . T ha nk yo u for -- B.C.C. y our il.l t eres t.
fo r OCTOBER , 1937
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II 1-
e. :e t.
The newly appointed editor of the Technogram is well qualified for the job, having spent most of his life tracking do wn stories and news. While in high school in St. Louis he spent his spare time keeping box scores of sporting events for the Post-Dispatch. Since he has been in Rolla he has been publicity director for the Athletic Department, asso ciate editor of the MINER, and sports editor of the Alumnus. Besides his duties as editor and publicity work, he is correspondent and photographer for the Associated Press, and sports correspondent for the St. Louis PostDispatch and Globe-Democrat. J
Prof. C. Y. Clayton, head of the Metallurgy Department, will continue his work on the Alumni publication by gathering and editing the alumni news for the Technogram every month. " Boots," as he is known to his host of friends , has edited the Alumnus for a number of years and has brought it up to its present hig h standard. Boots is well kl'!own to MSM men all over t~e \,\"or[q, and with his efforts direc ted solely to the gathering. Of alumni notes, the Mis:" so uri Min e·s Technogra m is ' a~ssure(j - of adequate coverage 'in ·t·ha t field .
The rest of the staff is composed of the cream of the journalism crop at MSM and consists of : Max Bolotsky, feature writer of the Missouri Miner and junior on the campus; Richard Proug h , senior editor of the ROLLAMO and husky football star; Elmond Claridge, managing-editor of the MINER; Herbert Johnson, associate editor of the MINER, and George Walther, circulation manager, photographer and feature writer. The pictures in this issue were taken by B. C. Compton and edited by Walther. IN THE NEXT ISSUE In the next issue we plan to bring to you the followin g articles, editorials and campus pictures: The homecoming celebration of Oct. 23 will be described in detail. All the a lumni who return will be listed . Pictures of the banquet will be taken and included. The football g ame between the Miners and Kirksville will be fully described by our ace rep'orters. An editorial by J. R. McCloskey, editor of the MINER, which has been praised by faculty members and students , will be reprinted. The Foundrymen's convention will be well covered both in picture a nd words . An article on the Geology Department will be included, as well as the foundin g of the Engineer's Club, which is at present functioning on the campus. In addition there will be the regular coverage of campus notes, alumni news and social events.
Professor George R. Dean Dies During Summer by HERBERT JOHNSON George R egin ald D ea n, Professo r E meritu s of M ath em atics a t t he Mi sso uri School of Mines a nd M etallurgy, p asse d away a t hi s home in R oll a on W edn esd ay mornin g, Au gust 18, after a long illness. H e was 71 yea rs of age. Inte rm ent was at th e R oll a ce metery foll owin g fun era l se rvices at th e Me th odi st C hurch a t four o'cloc k F rid ay aftern oo n, Au gust 20. T he vete ran edu ca tor was born in W a terl oo, Illinois on October 21, 1865, th e so n of M r. a nd M rs. J ames D ea n. Hi s moth er di ed whil e he was still quite youn g. H e was m a rri ed in 1891 to Mi ss Louell e C. Scott of R oll a. They h ad two children, H aze l D ea n of Boston, M ass., and R egin a ld S. D ea n, chi ef met allurgist of th e U. S. Bureau of Mines, W ashin gton, D. c., both of whom , with th eir mothe r, surv ive. H e is a lso sur vive d by a broth er, C ha rl es of D etroit, M ichi ga n, a nd a sister, M rs. Ma ry Summ ers of St. Lo ui s, M issouri. P rof. D ea n di spl aye d unu su al ability durin g hi s early edu ca ti on, eve n th ough hi s stud y in g was not enco urage d by hi s pa rents. H e rea d t he B ible, Sh akespea re, a nd th e wo rks of H oudini a nd a lso co nst ru cted crud e in strum ents for m a kin g geo met ri c drawings. In hi gh sc hool he was pl ace d in a spec ial section with three or four of t he mos t ta len ted stu de nts a nd give n special sc ient ifi c in st ru ction. I nst ru cto r P elt ier t u to red t hem t hrough ca lculu s at t hi s ea rl y stage of t heir edu cation. La ter ' a ll at Rose bud a nd Sprin gfi eld , III. , h e ca rri ed o n home stud y of mate ri a m edica, chemi st ry, a nd m at hem atics. H e W il S a ph arm ac ist for abo u t nin e yea rs, h av in g pa~se d th e exa min at ion for a registe red ph a rm ac ist in 1884. In Se p te mb er, 1888, he en te red t he Sc hool of M in es a nd wa s m a de a n assista n t in Mathem at ics t he fo ll owing yea r. H e wa s grad ua te d w i t h a deg ree in C ivil E ngin ee rin g in 1890, be in g t he o nl y g raduate in t hat yea r. H e t hen ta ugh t m at hem at ics a nd science in t he old Ma ryv ill e Semin a ry a nd at Coe Co ll ege, Ce da r Ra pid s, I owa. Later he was an ass ista n t in t he L ea nder McCo rmi ck O bse rvato ry, U ni ve rsity of Virgini a, and a grad uate stu den t in m at hem at ics, p ract ica l ast ronom y a nd celes t ia l m ec ha ni cs. H e ta ugh t m at hem a t ics in Ka nsas C ity Ce n t ra l Hi gh
School for three yea rs a nd return ed to M SM in 1897 as hea d of th e D ep a rtm ent of Math em a ti cs. H e continu ed as a m emb er of th e M SM facul ty until 1935 when he retired as a benefi ciary of th e Ca rn egie Fo und a ti on. The retirement a nd death of Prof. D ea n h as bee n a di stin ct loss to th e instituti on as he was as we ll identifi ed wi th th e School of M i nes as a ny one of th e buildings on th e ca mpu s. T he fame of th e in stituti on is a fittin g monum en t to hi s memory a nd ac hi evements. I-Ie was co ntinu ously ac ti ve a nd in te rested in a ll affa irs per ta ining to t he sc hool, a nd h ad prob abl y th e \v id est ac qu ainta nces hip among t he sc hool's :tiumni of a ny m emb er of th e fac ul ty. Fo r a tim e he se rve d as R egistra r of t he sc hool a nd for a numb er of yea rs was sec reta ry a nd treas urer of t he Alumni Assoc ia ti on. H e h ad a deli gh t ful perso na li ty and was one of t he best-liked fac ul ty m emb ers eve r to se r ve a t t he School of M ines. Hi s kee n min d ena bl ed him to rememb er t he n a me of eve ryo ne of hi s hos t of fri end s a mong t he stud ents, fac ul ty, a lumni , a nd tow nspeo pl e. As a mat hem a ti cia n a nd scienti st, t he ve nerab le inst ru ctor a tta ined a n en via bl e repu ta ti on. H e spent mu ch t ime in resea rch in t he scien t ifi c fi eld , a nd was for a num be r of yea rs associate d wit h th e Ge nera l E lect ri c Co mpa ny of Schenecta dy, New Yo rk , where he wo rked wi th t he wo rl d-renow ned C ha rl es P. Steinm etz. Hi s in te res t in
th e m a th em atic a l theory of electricity deve loped whil e tea ching in K ansas City where he bega n the stud y of Clark M axwe ll's book on electrom ag netic th eory. In 1912 he work ed with Steinmetz on th e sph ere gap v ol tm et er a nd in 1917 th ey wo rk ed on m ag netic flu x densi ti es. Fo r forty yea rs he did resea rch wo rk in m a th em a ti cs and electri ca l enginee ring a nd has publi shed p apers in th e A meri ca n M a th em ati ca l Monthl y, Ge neral E lectric R eview, Lond on E lec tri cia n, a nd Ph ys ica l R ev iew. In 1929 h e was engage d in inves ti ga ti ons of gyroscopic moti on. Fi shin g was one of Prof. D ea n's favo rite h obbi es. It was a v ery co mmon occ urrence for him , in th e old en days, to dri ve hi s horse " C a lculu s" to hi s favo ri te fi shin g spot a nd th ere whil e away m any pl easa nt hours. Ma ny of th e old grad u ates will neve r forge t t he Ha ll owe'e n when so me of th e stud ents deco rate d th e rib s of poo r " C alculu s" wit h g ree n p ain t . It too k a long tim e for t he a ppli ca ti on to wea r off. All of t he stud e nts hi ghl y res pec ted th e inimi ta bl e instru cto r a nd in hi s classroo m th ey developed profici ency in bo th m athem at ics a nd "e rase r dodging." Seve ra l of t he sc hool's yea rb oo ks we re de di cated to him . Professo r Dea n is dea d bu t he will li ve foreve r in t he hea r ts a nd min ds of MSlVI gra du ates. T o h ave kn ow n him person all y was ind eed a deli ghtful ex peri ence.
for OCTOBER , 1937
by RICHARD PROUGH With th e coming of fall, it is a n atural fee ling to have our thoughts turn back to school. For so me, the coming of September mea ns th a t a nother nin e months seige with Calculus, Physics, and the like is just beginning, but for a host of others, September brings only memories of the days when they too were stud ents. As th e season roll s on and th e wea ther ' beco mes crisper and cooler, th ey think more and more of the sc hool th at th ey once attendedits life, its fri ends, and its assoc iations. The smack of a footb all also revives th ose memories-moments of fl ee ting glory a re recap tured and on th e wings of reve ri e, they go bac k into the hi story th at was written while th ey we re stud ents. It is for th ese grads that a special occasion is planned eac h fall , a time whe n they may return to the ca mpus to renew old fri endship s and strik e up new ones. To thi s occasion we give th e name " H omecoming," and to it a re in v ited all men who at so me time called this, the Missouri School of Mines, their school. The 1937 H omeco min g is sc hed ul ed for Saturday, October 23rd, at whi ch time the Miner football team meets the powerful Kirk svill e eleven. Thi s ga me is t he hi ghli ght of th e celebration, but many ot her things will be included on the program to m ake th e day a n in teresting one. Registration for all alumni will be held in the Club R oom of the Metallurgy Building, starting at 10: 00 a. m. Following the registra ti on th ere will be a short bu siness meeting, also to be held in t he Club Room . Nothing definite is scheduled during the noon hour in ord er t hat th e va ri ous fraternities mi ght have an oppo rtu nity to hold alumni luncheo ns. The afte rn oo n is given over to the football ga me to be played on J ack ling Field, wi th the kick-off se t for 2:00 p. m. Sa turd ay eve nin g, at 6:00 p. m. , th e annu al dinner will be held in the base ment of th e H otel Edwin Long, and follo wing th e dinner, Jimmi e G ilmore's orchestra will provide the music for the H omecoming D a nce at the Gym. Interspersed between events on th e regu lar program will be stud ent eve nts whi ch will provide fun and merrim ent for a ll. To all alumni and friend s of MSM we extend thi s in vitation, come and be with us for the 193 7 H omecomin g.
ill l'
to be HOITlecoITling
HOMECOMING MEMORIES 1929 Homecoming in 1929 was observed October 19. A pep session was held F rid ay morning at Parker Hall. The alumni were present and se renaded by
the Missouri School of Mines band . Professor Thornberry m ade a short talk, and a lso Coach Grant. A parade and pep meeting were held that night to put the old sc hool spirit into one's blood. The result of the foo tball game was Miners 73, McKendree O. Frid ay night K ap pa Sigma fr aternity gave a dance for the alumni. 1930 On October 11 , 193 0 over 100 alumni a ttend ed a dinn er dance give n by the Kappa Alpha fraternity. Seni ors and memb ers of the facu lty were also present to enj oy thi s dance. A banquet was held Saturday ni ght by the Alumni Assoc iat ion and the cl ass of '23 was given a prize for hav ing the most attendance at the banqu et. After the ba nqu et the Pi Kappa A lph a fr aternity entertained th e alumni a t their new house. The M iners defea ted Drury 67-6.
SOCIAL CALENDAR School Year 1937-1938 Oct. Fri. Sat. Sat. Fri. Sat. Fri. Sat. Nov. Sat. Fri. Sat. Fri. Wed. Sat. Dec . Sat. Fri. Sat. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sat. Jan. Sat. Sat. Feb. Sat. Sat. Sat. Apr. Sat. Sat. Fri. Sat. Fri. Sat. May Fri. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat.
8 9 16 22 23 29 30 6 12 13 19 24 27 4 10
Theta Kappa Phi Kappa Sigma Sigma Nu Pi Kappa Alpha Al umni Association Triangle Sigma Pi Independents Theta Tau Junior Club St. Pats' Board Lambda Chi Alpha Alpha Lambda Tau
Officers Club Sigma Pi 11 Sigma Nu 16 Kappa Alpha 17 Pi Kappa Alpha 18 Triangle 18 Kappa Sigma 15 Interfraternity 29 St. Pats Board 5 Officers Club 13 Theta Kappa Phi 19 St. Pats Board 9 Theta Tau 16 St. Pats Board 22 Alpha Lambda Ta u 23 Pi Kappa Alpha 29 Sigma Nu 30 Kappa Sigma 6 Kappa Alpha 7 Triangle 14 Sigma Pi 21 Theta Kappa Phi 28 Lambda Chi Alpha
193 1 On Friday eve nin g, October 29, a bonfire pep meeting was held on t he footba ll field , a nd later eve ryo ne m a rched c;lowntown where cider was bought, whi ch resulted in the singing of many ve rses of th e "M ining Enginee r. " A cha ri ty ball was g iven by the Rolla Juni or Club. A parade was held Saturday afte rn oon , and then the M iners-Ce ntral College footba ll ga me was wi tnessed by alumni and sc hool. The Mi ners defeated Ce ntra l 27-0. The Sa int Pat's boa rd gave a da nce Sa turd ay night at J ack ling Gym , a nd m a ny Ce ntral Coll ege co-eds we re prese nt. vVere th e M i ners so rry? 1932 Mine rs defea ted Maryvill e 14-0, Saturd ay aftern oo n, ovember 5, and Sa int Pat's gave a dance th at night a t J ack ling Gym. The music was furni shed by D ewey J ackson, a we ll kn ow n red hot orchestra. The gym was deco rate d wit h corn stalks and leaves to give a fall appea rance. 1933 M iners defeated Ottawa U. 13 -0. An a lumni banquet was held at the Pierce Penn a nt, a nd later a dance at J ackling Gym . Th e crowning of th e H omecomin g Queen was the m ain eve nt, and thi s honor was given to M iss Susan E lli s. After th e crown ing of t he qu een was compl eted, a floor show was give n, a nd many humorous acts we re witnessed. 1934 1934 was m arked by the first Homecoming Footba ll Game defea t in six years, the M iners losing to McKendree, 6-20. T hi s was McKendree's first victo ry ove r Missouri School of Mines in eleven years. As usual the Alum ni Association An nu al Banq uet was given at Pierce Penn ant Tavern. Walter Wood furni shed t he rhy thm for t he H omeco ming D a nce in J ack ling Gym that eve. 1935 All fr ate rniti es held get-togethers or da nces F rid ay night, October 18, to ini t ia te one of the bes t H omecom ings in yea rs. T he Miners lost to Springfi eld 2-7 in a close ga me th e nex t day, casti ng a gloo my a tmosphere on the da y. B ut th e sun came out a nd eve rythin g clea red up before th e a lumni banqu et at t he Hotel Edwin Long. Sa int P at's Board sponso red th e Homeco min g Dance in J acklin g Gym, whi ch found 200 co upl es in a ttend a nce.
School Starts with the Class Fight. at
'ght ,and Early Season Football Practice
Foundrymen's Convention Here Oct. 8 by MA X BOLOT SKY Of pa rti cul a r in te rest to stud ents a nd a lumni of MSM thi s month, shou ld be th e St. Loui s Di strict A meri ca n F oundry me n's Associa ti on confere nce, whi ch will be held a t R oll a on Frid ay a nd Satu rday, Oct. 8 a nd 9. Six tec hni ca l sessio ns, a nyo ne of whic h will be of utm ost inte rest a nd benefi t to I; erso ns desi ri ng to k now t he newes t developme nt in foundry p ractice, ferro us and non-ferrous, will be held dur ing th e t wo-day peri od. A hi gh point of th e ex tensive prog ram will be a n a ddress by H y m a n Bo rn s tein , president of th e Ameri can Fo undry men's Assoc ia tion. T he conference will ope n at 9 a. m. Frid ay wi th registr a ti o n of t he delegates in t he C lu b R oo m of t he Meta llurgy Building. From 10 until 12 a. m. t wo tec hni ca l sessions will tak e pl ace simultaneo usly, one on "Sand" in t he C hemi stry Buildin g a nd th e o th er on "Refracto ri es" in th e M e t Bu il din g. C ha irm a n of th e session in th e C hem Bui lding will be T. C. Ham lin, U. S. R a di ato r Corp. , E d wa rd svill e, I II. Th e fo llowin g papers will be prese nted: "Sa nd Control Prog ra m in t he Foundry" by I-l a rry W. Di e tert, H a rry W . Di etert Co., D et roit, M ich.; "Sa nd R eclam a t ion, Sa nd Condition ing a nd Sand Con trol" by L. B. Kn igh t, Jr. , at iona l E nginee rin g Co., C hi cago; "Sources of Mo ldin g Sa nd for Foundri es in Misso uri " by Dr. H. A. Bu ehler, State Geo logist, Mi sso uri School of Min es, a nd " R elat ion Between Mo ldin g Sa nd s a nd Ca stin g D efec ts" by C. F. Bunting, Southern Ma llea ble Iron Co. , E as t St. L oui s, III . C hair m a n of th e Refractory session will be G eorge W. M itsch, Ame ri ca n Car a n d Fou nd ry Co. , St. Loui s. Pape rs to be prese nted a t t hi t ime a re: "Lining of R ese rvoirs a nd L a d les Suitab le fo r Sod a-A sh Trea tm ent" by J. J. Offutt, A. P. G reen Fire Bri ck Co., Mexico, M o.; "Bond s a nd G rou ts" by L. C. H ewitt, Lacled e-Christ y C lay Products Co., t. Loui s; " L ini ngs for Ann ea li ng O ve ns a nd Non-ferrou M et a l Furn aces," by Geo. D. obough, H a rbi so n W a lke r Refractori e Co., St. Loui s; a nd " Cupola Linings" by J a mes C rawford , W a lsh Refractori e Co., S t. L ou is. Tex t on th e sc hedu le is a 12:+5 lu nch eo n a t th e H otel Ed win Long. Here a n address of welc me will be given by Prof. W. R . hed ey, new Di rec tor of th e Mi sso u ri School of I[ines. Pres idin g a t th e lun cheo n will be G. . Hal ey , Century F oundr Co .. S t. Loui s, a nd cha irm a n of th e S t. Loui chai te r. . F . A.
T he confe rn ce will be resum ed later in th e a fte rn oo n, aga in in technical session. The session on M et a ll ogra ph y will be held in R oo m 123, M et Building, with Prof. C. Y. C layto n of MSM presiding. Th e Ton-Ferrous di v ision will mee t at th e sa me time in th e C hem Buildin g, with F. T O'H a re, Ce ntr al Bra ss a nd A luminum Co., St. L oui s, at th e hea d. H y man Born stein, president of th e na ti on-wid e organ iza tion, will be the principa l spea ker a t th e con ve nti on ba nqu e t t h at eve n ing a t th e Pi erce Penn a nt H o tel. Mr. Mitsc h will ac t as toastmaste r. Fo llowing th e speec hes enterta inment has bee n a rra nged for t he delegates by C. R . Cu lling, Ca ronde let Found ry Co. , St. Loui s. On Sa turd ay mo rnin g th e g roup will asse mbl e in tec hni ca l sessions for th e las t tim e. And once aga in t wo m ee tings will be held simu ltan eo usly. M r. Born stein will co ndu c t th e session on " Gra y Irons a nd A lloys" wh ile Lee Eve rett, K ey Compan y, East S t. Lou is, 11 1. , wi ll occ upy th e ch air at th e ot her mee ting, "Steel Fo undry."
A " points of interest" to ur h a bee n a rr a nge d fo r th e a ftern oo n. The A. P . Green Fire Bri ck Co., h as ex tend ed a n invitation for th e delegates to v isit t heir pl a nt a t Mexico, Mo. It ca n be rea dil y see n t ha t thi a ttendance and pa rti cip a ti on of th e foremost a uth oriti es in th e fi eld of foundry practice, m a kin g eac h sess ion a kin to a short course in th e subj ec t und er di scussion, provides a ra re opportunity for those interes ted to ga in new, comprehensive kn owledge of dec ided co mmercial val ue a t no more inco nve ni ence t ha n me re a ttendance a t t he conventi o n. T he confere nc e, a rra nged si mil a r to othe r regiona l meetings, was produ ced by th e fo ll owin g com mittee: Loui
D es pa rois, Pi cha rd
& Co., ch airm a n; Geo rge W . Mitsch , Ame ri ca n Car & Fo un d ry Co.; C. R . u ll ing, Ca ro nd elet Found ry Co. ; We bb Kam merer, M idva le Mining a nd Mfg. Co., a nd J oh n W . K elin, Federated Meta ls Co rp. , in coope ra ti on with C. Y. Clayton of M SM .
Missouri Engineers Organize b y E. W , CARL TON, Preside n t Missou ri Society of Profession a l E nginee rs News Le tter, Aug. 1937 : T he first a nnu a l mee ting of th e M issouri Socie ty of Profession al E nginee rs wa s held in J efferso n C ity, Sa turd ay, Jul y 10, 193 7. At thi s mee ting a new sp irit of cooperat ion a nd a co nsciou sness of t he need of o rga ni za ti on see med to p reva il throughout the g roup. It wa s indeed a n encouragin g circu ms ta nce when a la rge rep resenta tiv e g roup of M i ouri enginee rs me t and o rga ni zed as a fun c ti onin g unit to asce rt a in th e probl ems whi ch co nfron t our profession a nd lay pl a ns whi ch will perf ct me t hods for t heir solu t ion. 1ere orga ni zat io n, howeve r, shou ld no t be th e end in itself. Th e meri t and usefuln ess of our organi za tion will depend upon it ch a racter, objecti ves a nd activ it ies. "(he foll owin g, in broa d term s, i th e obj ective of t he Socie ty a se t forth in rt icle I , Sectio n 2, of our Co nstituti on: " The Object of th e Society sha ll be th e adv a ncement of t he Profes ion of engin ee ri ng in its seve ra l bra nche, th e profe siona l Im provemen t of its memb ers, th e promo ti o n of th e professio na l welfa re of its members, th e encourage ment of soci a l relat ions a mong ng inee rs of th e ta te
of M isso ur i, a nd th e sponsOrin g of a dequate legislation for th e protec ti o n of enginee rs a nd of t he pub lic aga inst irrespo nsibl e a nd un ethi ca l practices." Spec ific ob jectives to wh ic h we mi ght aspire hav e been a dmi rab ly et forth in a recent add ress by D ea n W. H. Bitchi er before th e H a rri sbu rg ( P enn sy lvan ia) C ha pter of Regis tered Professiona I E ngi nee rs. Th ey a re a f01 lows : 1. Th e requ irement of adequate educati on, t ra ining a nd cha racter for a dmi ssion to our I rofession. 2. T he d ri vin g of t he unsc ru pulou and unfit out of t he practice of our profe ion. 3. T he p rotection of th e pub li c aga in st the doing of engin eerin g wo r k by un auth ori zed or unt ra in ed per on . 4. Th e givi ng of advic e a nd help to y oung engin ee rs. 5. The pos t graduatio n edu cation of eng in e rs. 6. T he e tabli shm en t of stat wide randa I'd and e thi cs in ngill ee rin g practice. T od ay, th e vo ice th a t is heard, th e vi ew th a t ca rry we ight a nd th e opinIo ns th a t a re res pec ted a re th o e of 0 1'( Co ntinu ed on Page 17)
OCTOBER , 1937
" EST O MP "
ALLEN & GARCIA CO. Cons ulting
an d
Const r u ction
En g in eers
Des ig ni ng , Superint endence. Co nstru cti on
Filter A ids In s ul a ting Spec ia lti es Si llim a nit e Refr actori es Di at omaceo us Earth Pro duct s
E\' ery thin g for a coa l min e. lnclu di ng Structures. M ec han ical and E lec tri cal In s t all ation. Shaft Sinking, D evelopm ent. nnd Op eration
Exa mination s-R eports-Appra isa ls M cCorm ic k Bldg .• 332 S. Mic hi gan A ve .• 120 W all St .. N ew York
Ash-HowardNeedles & Tammen Co n sul.! ing Enginec1's
BRIDGE S olld. STRUCTURES New Yo r l,. N. Y. , 1 1 1 E ig h t h Av e. K a n sa s City, 1\10., 1012 B a ltimore Av e.
83 9
THE D I CALJTE CO. Arm st r ong Cor k Pr odu cts Co.
22 1 F u Jl ert on Bl dg. ST . LOU IS. MO .
Ch as. T ayl or So ns Co.
Ch es tnut 9000
S. D.
1585 Broa<lwa~' 1 lia,nsfl s C i ty . 1\10.
" Eve rything for Safety"
3804 Payne Av e. CLEVELAND, OHIO
75 sta t e Str eet ALBANY. N . Y . Phon e 3·2 011
Smith's Service Station Alfred T. Smith
Rolla, Mo .
" Research Pa ys Big Dividends"
7335 Arlington Drive St. Louis, Missouri
Research - Analytical - Consulting Ch emist and Ch emical Engineers.
L OU I S . M O.
NEAL HAM 27 0 1 O LI V E ST .
H";NN I BAL . MO .
Texa co Products
l\Intel' ial H a nd lin g and Powe r Tra n s miss ion Equ ip me n t. Ga tes V-Belts. B a ldwin -D u c k·w orth roll e r c hnin s an d sp r ockets
Excelsior Coal Corporation
Excelsior, Arkansas
Degen Boyd, Pres ident
We Guarantee Water or No Pay
P. S. JUDY, Owner HOME O FFI CE 23 1 Ra il way Exc h . B ldg. Ka nsas Ci t y. Mo.
Okl ahoma Office W ell s Rob er t s Hot el Okl ah om a City, Ok la.
Fill in, sig n and mail to ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOX 248
Pleas e insert my ca rd in this directory to occupy one inch for one y ear. Copy for this card is t o be as follo ws :
N am e Address ... ..... ....... ..
I understan d the ch arge
New Coaches Take Over Reins Prospects for Season Good by B. C . COMPTON
THE res ignat ion of Coac hes H a rold G ra n t a nd Juni or Brown in t he Sp rin g, t he a thl eti c co mmittee at lVISM started loo kin g a rou nd for men to fill th ese two positi ons, feelin g t hat lea dership of a thl etics at the School of M in es \\a s ve ry importa nt. After muc h selectio n an d elimin a ti on, Ga le Bu llm a n, ass ista nt coac h a t \~T as hin g to n U ni ve rsity in St. Loui s was appo in ted bea d coac h, a nd P ercy G ill . :1 lso a n ass ista nt from vVas hin gto n. was chose n as t he ass ist a nt. W IT H
Both men a re we ll q u a I ifi ed for th ei I' res pective jobs, Bullm a n hav in g bee n a sta r at Virgini a W esleya n durin g hi s coll ege days, a nd a depend abl e pla ye r whil e participating in professiona l footb a ll. B ullm an h ad bee n a t W as hin gton U. fo r seve ral yea rs a nd mu ch of t he success of t he St. Loui s tea m could be a ttributed to hi s coac hin g of t he line. G ill pl aye d a t Mi sso uri U. th en s taye d on after gra du a ti on as fres hm a n coac h. T wo yea rs ago he we nt to vVa shin gto n where he was va lu ed as a n .a ble ass ista n t. Foo tb all prac ti ce sta rted a wee k ea rli er thi s fall , Bu ll man spendin g th e -first wee k with th e fr es hm en, of whi ch t here are qu ite a few. As th e older m en dri fted in for fr a ternity ru shin g, e tc.. th ey reported for prac ti ce a nd as a result all t he men a re in goo d ph ys ical co nditi on. Seventee n le tterm en have return ed t o sc hool, thi s group inclu d in g all but t he four men who gradu ated in th e ·S pring. Fo rm er-capta in Fra nk App leya rd, W end ell (B ud ) Folso m, P e te Ma ttei a nd Ralph W ilk ey we re th e se nI ors. Pros pects for thi s seaso n a re good a lth ough Coac h Bullm an is not promisin g a ny thin g. Acco rdin g to Bu ll man , t he Miners will not fini sh on th e botto m of the M. 1. A. A. thi s seaso n as t hey did last. 1l1at th e te a m will be im proved is a .certa inty with 17 v et-
era ns bac k, whi ch includ es eve ry m a n of last yeJ r's back fi eld. T he M in ers rece ive d q uite a blow whe n Capt. Me lv in N ickel was ordered ofl t he g rid iron for t he seaso n by t he doctor. lick el was injured in t h e St. Loui s-M ine r gam e last fa ll , receivin g a ba dl y t wisted left k nee. During t he late part of th e ca mp aign he ret urn ed to th e lin eup , p lay in g excellent ba ll. T hi s summ er he wo rked in th e steel mill in C hi cago a nd th e kn ee held up we ll. H oweve r seve ral wee ks ago he aga in tw isted th e kn ee whil e throwin g a pa ss, a nd th e docto r's ord er was t he resul t. N ickel h as bee n a va lu ab le cog in t he M iner m ac hin e for th e p ast three yea rs, and th e Sil ve r a nd Gold will miss hi s pl ay t hi s fall. The Mi ners will ha ve the sm a ll es t backfield in th e co nference thi s yea r, or for that m atter, the li ttlest in th e stare. \Va lter K ozia tek, promI sIn g so phom ore, is b arely 5 foo t 3 inches in heigh t, whil e vetera n Jim Kiesler is ju st t wo inches t aller. Both hit close to th e 150 m ark in we ight. Ot her retu rnin g backs a re Oti s Ta ylor, so pho more fl as h who led th e M . 1. A. A. in sco rin g last yea r; H arl ey L a dd, hu sky fullb ack; J oe l L ove ridge, vete ran bl oc kin g back, a nd \Va lte r Bau ms ta rk , so phomore fu llb ac k. P resto n Ax th elm , a sub stitute fullbac k on last yea r's squ ad, has bee n moved to cen te r to help out J oe Spafford. L a:; t seaso n's St. Loui s ga me was a jinx for th e M in ers beca use Spa fIord \·vas a lso injured in th e ga me and as t he res u lt was out for quite a bit of t he t ime. A lac k of capable sub stitute ce nters forced Bu llm a n to move Axthelm to th e pi vot post. Joe M urph y, th e fi ghtin g Irish se nior, heads th e li st of three v etera n end s. Joe has pl ayed four years on t he Si lve r i1 nd Go ld eleve n a nd fi gures
on winding u p hi s play ing caree r with a successfu l seaso n. Th e other end s a re Carl Lintn er, a junior who played las t yea r afte r tra nsferrin g from the Mobe rl y, Mo. , Juni or Coll ege, and Jim Wi lson, who is also play ing hi seco nd seaso n afte r tran sferrin g here. On ly two tac kl es have return ed and t hi s positi on h<:s give n Bu llm an lots of wo rry. Ri cha rd Prough, hu sky 200pound er, is sla ted for one of th e positi ons whil e J ac k F la nary, also a vetera n, hea ds the race for th e oth er. H oweve r t wo tack les cannot pl ay th e whole 60 m inutes of a game, and Bullm a n lac ks rese rve powe r. Irva n C urti s a nd J ohn Kirwa n comp lete th e ji st of letterm en, both men sc hedul ed fo r t he gua rd positi ons a t t he openin g whi stl e. Both men ha ve playe d on th e M iner eleven one yea r after tr a nsfe rring here last yea r. H arold Vo lk ma r, a so phomore from J effe rso n C ity, is th e o ther gu a rd who h as lettered . No a ttempt will be m ade to give a ny of th e outsta nding fre shm en, as outst and ing fr es hm en so metimes fl op when th ey get in to a game. T he Nove mb er iss ue of the T echnog ram will li st th e men who have m ade good in t he inte rve ning ga mes. At thi s tim e the Miners have pl ayed th eir fir st games. By the tim e the first issue of the Technogram reaches you the Carbond ale a nd the St. Lou is g~ m e will h ave becom e memon es. The M . I. A. A. race seems to be a closed boo k a t this tim e. None of th e eleve ns h ave playe d as yet a nd so no co mp a ra ti ve sco res ca n be given. Howeve r mos t of th e schools are somewhat in th e sa me posit ion as the Miners. There a re m ore fres hm en enrolling in t he sc hoo ls whi ch mea ns more and better foo tb all tea ms. Apparently th e stars a re now going to college from the hi gh school tea ms, wherea s th ey used to go to wo rk. Vetera n coac hes in th e loop predi ct that W a rrensburg wi ll ta ke the fla g thi s yea r, a nd th a t the Bears wi ll not h ave mu ch troubl e in doing so. Cape G irard ea u is ra teel second , Kirk sville thi rd , Miners fourth, Maryv ille fifth and Springfi eld last. W hat is your guess ?
fo'r OCTOBER , 1937
SPORTS Because of del ay in publi ca ti on of the first iss ue we a re a ble to bring to you the results of th e first two fo otball games. The Miners ope ned their seaso n by defea ting the South ern Illinois Teachers from Carbonda le, 27 to 0, here at R oll a. Approximately 1000 fans saw th e Illinois tea m hold t he Miners eve n in the first qu a rter onl y to weake n as th e game a dva nced. T he Miners crossed th e Ca rb onda le goa l line in th e second quarter a nd then ca me back after th e half interm ission to sink the foe under a delu ge of line sm as hes, forward pa sses and end run s. H arl ey Ladd, hu sky halfback, we nt around end fr om t he nin e-ya rd stripe in the second qu a rter for th e first score, after a se ri es of line pl ays ha d put the ball in sco ring position. Ladd then ki cked th e extra poi n t. In the third qu a rter Ladd aga ll1 crossed th e goal line, thi s time on a la teral from Wa lter Koziatek, the M iners' 142-pou nd quarterback. He aga in ki cked th e ex tra point, m a king the score read , M iners 14, Carbondale O. A pass, Otis T aylor to Bob Nev ins, was res ponsible for the th ird touchdown in the last pe ri od. T he pass was good for 21 ya rd s and Nev ins' sprint for the pay-off st ripe was good for an additional nin e. With but two minutes left to play in th e ga me T ay lor aga in took to the air, tossing a long pass to Ca rl Lintner, end, who stepped to the threeya rd strip e before he was downed by a fast Carbondale second a ry. H a rt, a fres hman bac k, th en too k th e ova l ove r on a ce nter sma sh for the final counter. Bu zz T ay lor ki cked th e ex tra point. The M iners had ve ry little troub le with t he C a rbond a le offense a nd at no t ime wa s the Illinois eleve n in d anger of scoring, Severa l tim es the Carbonda le backs were brought down ten and twelve ya rd s back of the li ne by th e alert Mi ner line. Thi s, in addition to the poor bloc king held t he Carbondale team to 41 ya rd s ga ined to sc rim mage. T he Miners had 227 y ards on th e bl ack side of t he ledge r. The Miners had 13 first down to the Illinois 7, Incidentall y seve ra l of the Carbond ale first downs were th e resul t of penalties assessed to the M iners. The offici als penalized t he Silver a nd Gold team eight times for a tota l of 90 yards. The officials were Page Lewis, R ed Orr, and L. B. T hompso n. The Miners did not fare so we ll in the St. Lou is Univers ity ga me under
the fl oodli gh ts at W a lsh Memo ri al Stadium , showing very li ttle punch to lose, 32 -0. The Miners we re too little for th e hu sky Billi ken team , being ou tweighed a pproxi ma tely 18 pounds per m a n. H eld to a 6 to 0 sco re in th e fir st peri od by a to ugh Min er defense, th e Bi lls fin a ll y h ad th eir ow n way after th e ten-minu te in termi ssion at th e half. Returning to t he fi eld th e St. Lou isa ns ran wild , sco rin g four times to bring t heir adva ntage up to fi ve touchdowns, W ith but four minutes to play in t he las t peri od th e M iners fin all y crossed th e pay-off marker. From the start of th e ga me it was obvious t hat th ere was going to be plenty of scoring. The M iners mad e two first down s in succession a nd were on thei r way to a th ird when th ey we re penalized 15 ya rd s for cli pping.
U nable to m a ke up t he lost ground , the Miners had to kick . The Bill s took th e ba ll on th e 30-ya rd line and drove down th e fi eld to t he Miner five without a letd ow n. H a rri s fumbled a nd Jim W il so n, M iner end , recovered.
by Kozia tek three ya rd s from th e line. Bumps Wal ker, on t he fi rst play, snea ked through the middle of th e line for th e score. Tatsc h's ki ck for the point was good and th e sco re read 19 to O.
Oti s Taylor kicked out of da nge r, but the Bill s came back strong with another drive th a t netted them fi ve st raight first downs a nd a touchdow n. Short ga ins by Tatsch and Cochra ne preceded H arri s' di ve ove r the goal line. Wa lker's try for the ex tra point was bloc ked by Axthelm.
In t he las t period the M iners s ta rted a pa ssing attack th at was qu ell ed by the Bil ls when Bill Cochrane intercepted Di ck Cunningham's pass. Coc hran e broke through tackl e on the next pla y, reve rsed hi s fi eld and 25 ya rd s from the goa l line, tossed a lateral to O'Su lli va n, who sprinted the rem a inin g di stance.
With the exce p tio n of Tatsc h and Bill Cochrane, a n entire new B illiken team took th e fi eld a t t he sta rt of the secon d qu a rter. Coach Bullman then replaced hi s entire tea m with second Di ck Cunn ingham , fres hstringers. man M iner bac k, helped the M iners out of severa l dangerous spots wit h three long ki cks, all of which we re over 50 yards. Twice the B ill s were in th e M in er territory but th e Silver a nd Gold tea m repulsed th e inva ders wi th little difficulty. Once the Bill s fumbl ed and the M iners recove red, and the other t im e the Mi ner line held for downs. The startin g lineup s for both team s returned to t he fi eld after the half, and the B ill s lost lit t le ti me in scoring. T a kin g th e ball back to th e Miner 25 -ya rd st ri pe on the k ickoff, th e Bill s we nt a round end an d off tack les to finall y wind up with th e sco re. Denny Cochrane we nt over for th e touchdown. " Ta lker's k ick was aga 1l1 bl oc ked. Less t ha n two minutes la ter th e Bi ll s ga ined possession of t he pigsk in in th e m iddle of the fie ld. Two plunges moved it up 15 ya rd s, then Coch ran e passed to T atsch for 27 ya rd s who was ca ught
A noth er pa ssing atta ck was st a rted by the M iners but Buzz Taylor's pass was intercepted by Bill Foehr, who ga lloped 55 ya rds for th e las t Bill iken touc hd own. The ki ck was good and the Bi ll s led 32 to O. T hen th e M iners took the ki c koff, a nd und er th e lea ders hip of Jim (Stooge) Kiesler, drove 50 yards for a score, most of the di stance being ga ined through the air route. Oti s Ta y lor fin all y sco red on a n end run from the nine-yard stri pe. Jim W il so n, junior end , was hurt 111 th e first half of the ga me a nd as t he result wi ll be out of th e lineup for th e nex t four wee ks. D octo rs found t ha t he had a " j am" fracture in his left wrist. Acco rdin g to Prof. C. Y. C layto n th e Ok lahom a b ra nch of the Alumni Association will hold a meeting a nd ba nqu et a t the hotel B il tmo re in Oklahom a City on Oct. 5 at 6 p. m. T his is when th e Mi ners meet t he Oklahom a C ity tea m and Coach Ga le Bullman will say a few wo rd s. T he d a te has bee n cha nged from t he 6th to th e 5 tho
"DOC" A RMSBY MARRIED "Doc" Armsby, registrar a nd stude nt adviso r, was united in marri age to M iss Mary Ruth Bundy at Ottawa, Kan. , on Jun e 28. Dr. A. B. Martin, ass isted by R ev. O. V. J ac kso n of th e Ep isco pal Church a t R oll a, rea d the E pisco pa l se rvices. M rs. Armsby has bee n registr ar and Latin inst ru ctor a t Ottawa U ni ve rsity for the las t 11 yea rs. At one tim e she was president of th e Kansas Associat ion of R egistrars. Since Sept. 1 th e co upl e have bee n a t home at th ei r residence on 11 th s tree t in R oll a.
T hi eves took a pprox im a tely $45 0 from th e T heta Kappa Phi, Pi Kappa Alpha, Triangle a nd Kappa Sig houses on the ni ght of Sept. 13. The intruder o r intruders wa lked ri ght in a nd out :1ga ll1.
FEES REDUCED When the stud ents return ed to sc hool thi s fa ll they we re gree ted w ith th e pl easa nt surpri se of reduced fees. T he ten doll a r m atricul ation fee has been elimin a ted, the lab fee reduc ed f rom fift een doll a rs to ten, and th e co ntingen t deposit has bee n reduced from thir ty doll a rs to fiftee n dollars. The total fees for th e first se meste r have th erefore bee n red uced from $93 .50 to $63.50. Th e fees for th e seco nd se m es~e r h ave been se t at $48.50.
" BREUER ADVANCES Marvin (Floppy ) Breuer, MSM '35, w~s rece ntl y as ked to go South wi th the New York Yankee club next Sp ring. F loppy end ed the past seaso n wi th Ka nsas C ity in the Americ a n Assoc iation a nd h ad seve ra l we ll pitched ga mes t o hi s credit. H e sta rted hi s baseba ll career with a loca l club and hi s clim b 1I1 the M inor leagues il as bee n steady. TO ORGANIZE A QUARTET Professor Cul li so n of the Geo logy D epa rtm en t, who is directo r of th e G lee Club, is planning on organ izing a Ma le Quartet. At present no one has been found who can hit bass low enough for that positi on. Anyo ne interes ted ?
White gave a n interesting report on hi s ex peri ences as a n ope rator with Station WIvIBH at J oplin , Mo., during the su mm er.
TAU B ETA PI MEETS Tau Beta Pi held its fir st meeting of the school yea r on th e night of Sept. 14, at whi ch time di sc ussion of the pledges w~s in ord er. A pledging committee was appo inted to li st the seniors who meet th e requirements of the fr aternity.
M. M . M. A. ELECTS OFFICERS E lection of offic ers for the M issouri Mining a nd Metallurgica l Association, which is a ffiliated with th e American In stitute of Mining a nd Meta llurgical E ngin ee rs, was held on Se pt. 17. Prof. C. R. Forbes acted as cha irm a n. The offi ce rs are: President, Melv in N ickel; V ice-President, J oe Carroll; Secreta ry, Richard Prough ; Treasurer, Wade Waters; Advisor, Prof. W. R. Chedsey ; Counsellor, H. A. " Chi ef" Buehl er. Professiona l speake rs will be featured a t ce rt ain m ee tings of th e organIzation during the sc hool yea r.
Du es will be fi xe d at a se t amount a t th e next m ee ting. T wo freshm en, K oc h and Stevens, we re elec ted to th e Board of Control for one se mes ter at the last meeting. Th e Board of Contro l a lso co nsist s of so phomores, Dickman and Olcott; juni ors, Machens and E lli s; a nd th e four senior officersPresident, Bert L ani er; Vice-President, Joe M urph y; Sec ret a ry, H erbert Pra nge, and Treas urer, Homer Stokes.
ASME A DMIT SOPHOMORES Sophomores will be a llowed to join the MSM chapter of th e ASME as th e res ult of a vo te t aken at the first meeting of th e organi za tion on Sept. 14. The offi ce rs elec ted were : Honorary Chairman , Dr. A. J. Miles; Chairman, D onald R. J ae nec ke; Vice-Ch airman, J osep h C. E lli s; Sec retary, H a rry L. Gerwin; Treasurer, J. Carl Moore.
It was found that there were 107 Mechanicals on the campus, making the M. E. course the seco nd most popular. The Miners are 110 strong. A t th e nex t m ee ting Dr. M iles wi ll t alk on "Petroleum" a nd two students, C. L. Bauman and R . C. McKissick, will a lso spea k.
At a m eeting of the Independents th e foll owing proposed amendments to the co nstituti on we re m ade :
Remember the fre shman lectures that we re offered to you once a week whi le you we re yea rlings? W ell, it's sti ll the custom. Prof. Johnson of the Engli sh D epa rtm ent was only one of the spea kers who we nt before the fre shmen the pas t l1lonth.
Section 1. All stud ents who are not m emb ers of social fr ate rnities on the ]vISM ca mpu s are eligible for m embership, and will become active memb ers upon payment of their annual du es. Section 2. The du es will be determin ed so as to cove r the ex penses of the org ani za ti on, a nd mu st be a pprove d by a m ajority of th e Ind epend ents at a regular business meeting. All the J nd epe nd ents a re asked to sign th e fo ll owing pl edge : "We, th e und ersigned , hereby ag ree to supp ort th e Independ ents' organization and its ac ti v ities for the sc hool yea r 193 7-3 8 by pay ing du es and attend ing mee tin gs wheneve r possible."
Register of Graduates The R egiste r, co mpil ed by Prof.
C. Y. C layton a nd co nta ining all
The MSM R ad io Club held its fir st m ee ting on Sept. 15, a nd the foll owing offic ers we re elected: President, J esse LeGrand; Vice-President, Warren W hite; Secretary a nd Treasurer, Roy Matthews.
the kn own a ddresses of gradu ates a nd non-gradu a tes, is now off th e press a nd rea dy for di stribution. Those des iring a co py should address the ir request to th e Alumni Association, Box 248, R oll a, Mo.
McDONALD VISITS SCHOOL Phi llip McDonald, '34, addressed the Chemical D epa rtment on Thursday aftern oo n, Sept. 9, on hi s ex periences whil e wo rkin g for the National Analine Co., in Buffalo, N. Y. In prese nting hi s talk McDona ld confi ned himself to th e nitroben zene department of th at company, of wh ich he is forem an.
BR EAKS COURSE RECORD Floyd Watts, '40, broke th e MSM golf course reco rd th e other d ay, shooting a 31 for th e nin e holes. F aced with th e possibility of a 30, Watts mi ssed a n I 8-inch putt on H ole six.
LIGHTS ON PINE STREET Believe it or not, R oll a h as gone m odern. C ity fathers have decided to stop t he speedin g on Pine street and have in stall ed a stop-and-go sign at th e corner of Pine and 8th stree ts. In
for OCTOBER , 1937 case you ge ntl em e n have forgotten , t ha t is th e corner where Scotts Drug s to re is located.
ALL METS EMPLOYED A ll of this year's Senior Mets were e mpl oye d during th e pa st summ er, a somewh at unique reco rd. Two of them , Tom Finley a nd C. K. Tharp, found it more :tdvantageous to continue to wo rk than return to sc hoo l.
* ENROLLME NT BREAKS RECORD The la st we kn ow of pl aces th e enrollm e nt at l\1SM at 657, which is the la rges t in the hi sto ry of the sc hool. The pre v ious hi gh was in 193 1 when 650 m en reg iste red. Thi s yea r's freshman class, whi ch a lso brok e a ll reco rd s fo r yea rlin gs, h ad the so pho m ores !11 a swea t on Class D ay.
FRESHMEN WIN CLASS CONTESTS The freshm e n ha d little trou ble in defeatin g the Sophomores in a new kind of class d ay here at MSM. Twice the husk y yearlin gs trimmed the secon d-yea r m en in a tug-of-war. Then t he Sophs came back to win a bag co ntest, after whi ch the Freshi es were mudded a triA e a nd then forced to kiss a "38."
Missouri Eng ineers Organize (Continued from P age 12 ) gan ize d groups. Therefore, th e hi gher th e cha racter of our o rga ni za ti on's perso nn el, t he m ore vigorous and effici e nt will be its actions, a nd t he greate r will be its actions, a nd the greater w ill be the importance of the character of its obj ectives. It is quite evid e nt that our first a im shou ld be to e nli s t in to our ra nks th e best a nd mo st re prese nt a tiv e of the e ntire e ngin ee rin g profession in th e State of M isso uri. So let eve ry memb er do hi s sha re towa rd in creas ing the size a nd scope of our mem bershi p. Fina ll y, th e success o r failure of our o rga ni za tion de pe nd s up on th e active inte rest of eve ry member. Suggestions a nd c ritici sm s w ill a lwa ys be g ratefull y a ppreciate d b y your Board of Directo rs. Let u s a ll be boos te rs a nd work towa rd obtaining for th e Enginee rin g Profess ion s of the State of Missouri th e respect, di g nity a nd influ e nce commensurate with its id ea ls a nd acco mpli shm e nts. Officers
a nd
Comm i ttees
Th e following officers and Directo rsat-l a rge were elec t ed at the m ee ting on Jul y 10: E . W. Carlton, Pres ide nt; F. W. Green, First Vice Presid ent; C.
Brown, Second Vice Pres id ent; H. H a milton , Third Vice Presid ent, a nd W. H. McDi ll , SecretaryTreasurer. Direc to rs-a t-I arge : A. P . Green , H. E. Frec h, H. M. Brush, M. E . Count ry man , L. W. H elmre ich, and A. P. Learned.
Preside nt Ca rlto n appo inted a nd the Executive Board app rove d the followin g for the Sta ndin g Committees: Ethi cs a nd Practice : F. W. Green, C ha irm a n, E. W. Brown, J. F. Porte r, A. P. Green, M. S. Murray, L. H. D odd, Geo rge M. Frowle r. Legislative an d E nfo rce me nt: C. W. S. Sam m elm an, Chairman, E. C. Wagner, Moss M. Edwards, co mmittee to be comp lete d late r. Pub li c Relations: G. H. Hamilton, Chairman. Me mb ership: J oe B. Butler, Gen. Chairman, M . E. Countryman, Central Chairman; H. E. Frech, St. L oui s, Chairman; A. P. L ea rn e d , Kansas City, Chai rman. Chapter Activities : R. P. Cummins, Chairman. Rul es : R. E. Duffy, Chairman. Aims a nd Activit ies: L. A. Fettus, Chairman. Resolutions: J ames O. Lamb, Chairnl a n.
Sc hool officials were greeted by a numerou s numbe r of "41"s as they ca me to school on one of th e fir s t d ays afte r classes got under way. Vanda ls ( the freshmen bl ame d it on the sophs an d the sophs bl a m ed it on th e freshmen) h a d painted a "41" on the st eps in the front of Parker H a ll , on the d oo r of the Burea u of Mines building a nd a long th e campus wa lk s. Someone had also hoisted a white Aag up the fl ag pole a nd then cut the rop e. 1-
The Missouri School of M in es Chapter of Phi K a pp a Phi elected offic ers for the e nsuin g yea r at a m eet in g he ld September 22. Prof. C. M. D odd , the retiring pres id ent, presid e d.
]e to
Id at
in /uFKlIY TAPES and RULES Longer, steadier and more satisfactory service is "built into" them. They're not only Accurate and Well Designed, but they're Sturdy.
Phi Kapp a Phi is a National Scholastic Hon o r Society to w hich o nl y se ni o rs wh o h ave been outstand ing in their sc hola s tic achi eve m ents are elec ted. The new officers are : President, Prof. P. H. Howard. Vice-president, Dr. O. R. Grawe. Sec retary-Treas urer, Prof. W. J. Jensen. Corresponding Journal Secretary, Dr. C. V. Mann.
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THE /lIrvW DUL.E /'0. ~ fl· "41 .. SAGINAW. MICHIGAN. U. S. A.
c ••• " •• ,.".., WiNDSOR-ONT.
News of M S M Alumni from the Four Quarters of the World by PROF. C. Y . CLAYTON WALTER W. WISHON DIES Walter VI/. W ishon, mining a nd mctallurgical engin ce r , d ied .:vIay 22 at th e Ccda r of L cbanon Hospital, Los A ngeles, Ca li fo rn ia , of ca rdi ac asth m a. At the t ime of hi s death he was president o f th e VVishon Mining Com pan)' and was interest cd in the Lu cky Bird minc ill A ri zo na. H c was bom in Ro ll a, Mi ssouri, :'vI a rch the 26th, 1862, a nd was a g radu ate of th e Mi sso uri Schoo l of Mi nes, class of 188 1. H c had been a mem bcr of th e Ame ri ca n I nst itute of Mining and .:vI eta lhl rp'ica l Engineering for 55 yea r s, and il; 1932 he was advanced to th e Leg ion of H ono r in recogni tion of 50 yea r s' si'Tv icc as a membe r of th e Inst itute . H e spent 14 yea rs in Butte, Monta na, durin g whi ch tim e he se r ved as assista nt chem ist fo r th e P ar rot Copper a nd S meltin g Company; superinten dent of th e :-[ontana Ore Purchas ing a nd Smelt in g VVo r ks; and supe rintend ent of the R;;msdell P a rrot Compan y. Fo r fiv e yea r s he se r ved as ma nage r of lI ,e Specul ator min e wh ich later was turn ed ove r LO the North Butte in te r cs ts. H e r e!' igned from th e .Y[o ntan a Society of Engi nee rs. O n A ugu st 3, 1909, he J11a~f!ed Ma rga ret S torbeck 01 Butte. F r om 1906 to 1912 he hcaded th e A ustin Manhatta n o rga niz ation at A ustin, Nevada, a nd a lso was in charge of seve r a l min es near Searchl ig h t, N evada. He th cn m oved to A riz ona a nd orga ni zed hi s ow n co mp any. S ince 1924 he had been doing co nsulting eng incer in g wo rk .
H e was a charter mcmber of A lge ri a Shrin e at H elena , Montan a, a nd late r beco me a cha r ter member of Ba gdad S h rine at Butte. A t th e tim e of hi s death he was a member of A l Mal a ikah S hrin e in Los A nge les . H e leaves a sister, M rs. J ames H . Spencer, of 'Colorado Sp rin gs; a nephew, Fra nk VVisho n, o f th e Lankershim Hotel, Los A nge les ; a nd hi s widow, :-II a r ga ret S. W ishon. 1905 C. R. W ILF LEY'S new addr ess 1325 B ell a ir c St., DClwer, Colorado.
1910 JOH N D. H ARL.L\N, fo rm erly of No me, Alas ka . is now li vin g in Apartment 403, 1283 East So uth T emple, a lt Lake City, Utah . 1911 BEN H. CODY ha s bcen t ransfer rcd from A jo, to 1IIoren ci, }\ri zo na.
nies of the wor ld so meti mes, an d aga in I see them as heads of our la rgest in dustri es . It is a g reat sc hoo l and if I had a boy th at is where I w ould send hi m. The stud y of mining, m eta llur gy a nd geo logy is a lways interest in g but as th cy g ive it to yo u at MS:-,I it devel ops a stud ent into a rea l he- man. " -Fro lll Clarksdale Daily R egister aud Da ily News . 1914 L. L. LODVVI CK is empl oyed in the Constr ucti on D epartm ent of t hc Youn gstow n S hee t a nd Tub e Co mp:lI1Y, a nd li ves a t P o land , Ohio. 1915
R. S . DE AN, chi ef eng in ee r o f the ;,ifeta llur gica l Divi sion, U. S . Burea u of .Yrines, has been selected to act as scien, tific advi sor to th e tr ibun a l esta bli shed between the U ni ted Sta tes a nd Canada. pr ov idin g fo r the settl em ent by a r bi¡ trat ion of a n ex istin g controv ersy g rowing out o f a n em iss ion of fum es ac ross the bounda ry of Vlashin gt on State f ro111 the sm elte r at Trail, B . C. 1916 J. CH A RLES MILLER, of the Sta ff of the U nited States Geo logica l Survey, has p ubl ished an interes tin g a nd in structiv e a rticle "Ca rbon Dioxide Accumu Thi s lati ons in Geo logic Str uct nres." pape r appea r s as T echni ca l Pub lication N o. 84 1 of th e A l'MME and wa s publi shed in the Septemb er iss ue of M I NI N G TECH N OLOGY . H. A. NEUS T AEDTER, accompa ni ed by M rs. Ne ustaedte r, v isited th e ca mpu s, September 17. Th ey live in S t. L oui s, where Neustaedter does consul tin g wo rk. At present he is doing som e ex perim enta l work in th e D epa rtm ent of M etta lurgy a nd O re D ress ing. 1917 J O H N T. (CY) YOUNG, ex ' 17, \vas a ca mpu s vi sitor ea rl y in Se ptember. H e was returnin g fr om P o nti ac, Mich igan with a new ca r which he was dr ivin g to his home in Los Ange les . H e is employed in th e Engineer in g Depa rtment of th e County of L os A n ge les.
J. G. REILLY ha s been pr omoted to genera l sup eri ntend ent of mines for the Cia. de R ea l del Monte y P ach uca, I achuca, H go., Mexico. L. M . BARKER, ex ' 17, form erl y conccnt ra to r sup eri ntendent at Cla rksda le. Ar izona, has been tr ansfe rred by the Phelps Dodge Corpo rat ion to the sa me positi on at its Ncw Cornelia branch at :\j 0, Arizo na.
" A S I SEE IT" By CAPT. '1'01\1 GIBSO.\', ex ' 13 "In tod ay's ma il comes publication of the Alumni o[ the 1\Iissouri School of l\[in es where once the in structor s ga th ered in a huddlc to see what cou ld be don e toward s dC\'elopi ng some k in d of ray that would penetrate m y brain. 1 like to look it over. I t tel ls of where th e boys a r e. They loca ted thems Iv es in the most obscure nooks and cra n-
1919 JOHN l L MORRIS ha s accepted a position as 1\I anage r , Tndnstria l and O il Acti\'iti es D epa r tmcnt of the Chamber of Commerce, Tul sa Bldg., Tulsa . 1922 H. F. PATTERSO~ o f Battle reek. :-fi chi ga n, was one of th e experts who demonstrated culinary a rts in a spec ially const ructed kitchen at th e :-Iuni cipal Au-
ditori U11l , St. Loui s. on the occasion of the Natio nal H ome Show. B . E. CHARLES is Geologist ",ith the Prod ucc rs Mi nes, In c., Box 10, Ch loride, f\ri zona . 1923 PAUL H E8-VVER'S new ad dr ess is Room 3234 No r th I nterio r Building. Wash ington, D. C. 1925 LEO NARD O. VV ILLI AMS I S no\\' Acting S tate anita ry En g in ee r for the VVyoming State D epa r tm ent of H ealth at Cheyenn e. 1926 R AY E . KOLLA R , wh o spent seve ra l yea rs in 0 kl ahoma fi el d s with th e Ca rter O il Co. as petroleum en gi nee r a nd di vision superintend ent, and who has been in the Gulf Coast a rea w it h th e Salt D ome O il Co rp. for the past year, is now assoc iat ed w ith the Gray Tool Co. of H o uston. A mong oth e r thi ngs, the comp any is engaged in furth er developin g and app lying syst em s o f well contr ol incorp o ra tin g safety and fl ex ibi li ty and prov idin g a foundatio n for fut ur e ope rat ions that may be desirab le or nccessa ry d urin g th e long a nti cipated life of wells now bein g com pleted. 1927 A. A. PEUGNET is E ng ineer at thc Ruby Shaft, Cha tanik, A laska.
E R NEST MORAN, acco mpa ni ed by Mrs. M oran, r enewed ca mpus acquainta nces on September 15th. H e is em ployed by th e Co mm erce M inin g and S meltin g Com pa ny, and li ves in :-l iami. Oklahoma. 1930 EDWARD MEEK IS tim e study eng inee r for the Ce ntury E lect ri c Compan y. Hi s add ress is 2265 In dian a, h e., S t. Loui s, Mo. J O H N V. (SUNNY) SUN DSTR OM visited the camp us Septem ber 14th. H e is employed by th e Engine ring Department of the :-[onsa n to Chemi cal Co., St. Loui s, Mo. 193 1 CH A RLE S K. H AR RI NGTO~ IS now mak in g hi s head qua rters at Folsom City, Ca lifornia, where he went from New J ersey last :-Iarch. S inc going to Ca li forn ia he has been engaged in drilli ng a placer propc r ty a nd m o re recently has been doin g some sa mpl ing in connection with a ji O' insta ll at ion on ~atomas Company's new No.5 dredge. B. S. FOLLOW I LL, who ha s becn with Grasse lli , ha s recently accep ted a position with W es tern Electric at their H a ",thorne \l\lo rk 5, Chicago. 1932 W ILLIA:-I T. KAY has bee n t ran ferred from Mexico, 110., to Seattle, VVa shingt on, whe r e he is assoc iated with E. J. Ba rtclls Company. Hi s addr e"s there i 1212 6th Aven ue, South.
{or OCT OB E R , 1937 1933 ROBERT S. GREEN was marri ed on Jun e 17th to Miss Susa n Gillett Keay s of E lkha r t, I llinois. Th ey r eside in Mexico, :Mo. ROBER T F. HIPPLER is now engaged in exa min ation and prospec ting place r gold deposits fo r Colombia n Placers. His headqu arters remai n at Buenavent ura , tColombia. \I\IM . L E N Z, for m erl y with the Experiment Station of th e Un iversity of Ohio at Columbus, is now w ith Fansteel at No rth Chicago. S I DN E Y B. LEVY is now employed by the A keley Ca mer a Compan y, 175 Var ick S tr eet, New Yo rk City. H e r esides at 3998 44th Str eet, Long I sland City, N . Y .
L. H. DEWALD has res igned his posItI on with Fa nst eel M et allu rgical Co r poration to accept a position with Vascoloy -Ra met, No rth Chicago. 1934 RO BERT L. STONE was married on July 31 st to M iss Add ie May Go ldston of Ra leigh, No r th Ca r olina . They li ve in Ra leigh, wher e Stone is an inst ru ctor in the Ceramic Department of No r th Carolina State College.
1936 H . J . PFEI FER, J R. , has accepted a pos ition with th e E l ectr o -~i[ eta l lurgica l Sales Corp., and at present is working in the plant at Niaga ra Fa lls, N . Y . Hi s addres s is 5622 Buffa lo Ave., N iaga r a Fa lls, N . Y . 1937 C. H . H ARTUS is with Sw ift and Company, Hyde Pa r k, Illinois. SAM POST, who is empl oyed by Ge neral El ectr ic Co., li ves at 1054 Uni ve rsity Place, Schenect ady, N . Y. M . E. TYRRELL, formerly ce ramic eng ineer with the Ch icago V itr eolls Brick Co., Charles to n, West Va ., has accepted a positio n with th e E ri e E namelin g Co., Er ie, Pa . M. E. GREEN has left th e K okomo Sanitary Manllfacturi ng tCo., Kokomo, I nd iana, to accept an inst ructorship in the Ceramic D epartment, Iow a State Coll ege, Ames, I owa. KEN N ETH F. SHECKLER, after completing th e A. P. Green F ire Br ick Co. Sales School at Mexico, Mo., has been transfe rred to the M ilwaukee, \I\lis., terri tory. His new address is 1220 S. Layt on B lvd., Milwa ukee. H AROLD F . PIERCE-1304 S. Indianapol is, TlI lsa, Okla .
R. M. CARP ENTER has accepted a position with the Sa les Department of the Globe Steel T ubes Co., 915 Olive St., St. Lou is, Mo. WM. position of the Toledo,
R. S P R I NGER has accepted a wit h the Toledo Fu rn ace Pla nt I nterlake Iron Co r poration at Ohio.
1935 L. C. S PI ERS is wi th the CarnegieIl lin ois Stee l Co mpa ny, South \I\Ior ks, South Chi cago, Ill. R. C. SO LOMON, J R., has res igned his position with the Gran ite City Steel \l\lor ks to accept one w ith the Tenn essee Coal and Iron Compa ny at B irmingham, A la. GILL MO NTGOMERY is now employed by the I ndian Te r ritory Il luminating Oil Company at Ba rt lesvil le, Okla. WILLI AM W . K AY was ma rri ed at Ash land, Pa., on September 4th to M iss A li ce E . Spaide of Ashla nd. ED HEI N (,34 in M.E.) was the best m an. T he couple reside in H unti ngton, \l\lest Va., where Kay is employed as Technica l Representative fo r the D lI pont Powder Co.
AND R ES, O. :\1. Bell evi lle, Ill.
Bo rn ma n
St. ,
DHESBA CH , C. I-I. '28- (G ule R esea ecll an d De" elopillent Co., P . O. ])r:lll'e r 2038, Pitt siJUl' g h, Pn .)
FAIULDH. S. D. '23 (Voc.) - Topo g r:lph ic En g in ee r , V .S.C .S., Noel, :Jli sso uri.
FLY 1\'1', F. L. '10-------'>854 Hampton ,h e .. St. LOll is, :'Ifo. FOLSO:'l l. W. G. '37- 131 Al umni A'·e., HO'p k inSl-ill e, K entuc ky (Ba ss CO'.) FOLLO\',,- IL L , B. S. '31-( Hall't!l o rn e " r'orL.;:'s, '''estern E lect ric Co ., Ch icago, Ill. ) FOHT , E . ~V. '34-( Di s tr ict Exploratio n En"x., c/ o Sbell Pet. Co., S·b el! Bld g-. , HO ll ston, Texas) GOULD, E. P. '37-32 N. Zumis Ave., Tul sa, Okl :l. (Patter sou Steel Co., 'l'u IS:1 , Ok la.) GH I NE, II. A . 'O-!--230 K en t Ci r cle. Chestertowll ,
~lal'y l :1n (l
GR I SWOLD , E. I-I. , JR. '26-1610 W. College St., } li dl a nc1, ~' e xa s HADDOCK, H . B . '35-(Southwestern Bell Tele phon e Ca., St. L ou is, Mo. ) HARLAN, J . D . 'lO---AIJt. 403, 1283 Eas t So u th T e mp le, Sa l t La k e City (G e ll l. :'IIg r., U. S. ,Fuel Co ., Newbo use Bld g., Salt L ake Ci ty)
ASHD OWN , B . L. '16---408 Bir cber Blvd ., St. Lo ui s (Sa les E ng inee r, l\1echan ical Eq ui pm e ll t, D03 Synd icate Tru st Bld g., St. Loui s, :\10.) BENNER , C. E. '37- 20 Gr ove St., Pittsfiel d, Mass. (General El ectric Co .) BERGER. HARRY '37- Y. M . C. A. H otel, Mi d·d leto,,· n , Ohio BOCHEl\EK-221 3rd St., Barberton, Ob io BRAEUTIGA:\J, R . h, 3915a Lafayette Ave., St. Lou is, M o . B ROWN, II' ALTER H ., '33- (American Steel Fo nn ell- les , 4831 Hobmau St., Hammon d, I n cl inna) CL ANTON , J . R. '3G-Univ. Pi tils bu r g ll CODY, B. H. 'll- Phelp'S-Docl ge COl1)Orat iOll , :\l o re nci , Arizona CODDIN'GTON, 11',1. H . '35-Ge ner a l Elec tric Co ., Sc ben ec tady , l:\. Y. COFF:'I IAN , W:'II. H . '34-( Ster lin g Grindi ng Wtbeel '0. , 'l' i mn, Obi o) CARPEl\TER , R . M. '3'4c-401 Nelda Ave. , K irkwo od, 1:\1 0 . (G lobe Steel T ube Co., 1238 Syndicate T r us t Bldg. , St. Lo ui s, Mo.)
CH ARLES , B . E. '22-Box 10, Cbl oride, Arizona (Produ ce rs Mi nes, I nc.) CU:'IDII NGS, L. D enve l', Co lo.
'15- D51
K. '31-Fol so lll
HAHH I S, C. H. '3,7-( c/o Swift and CO lllpauy , H:VLle Park , Ill. ) EE G, VER ,
APP L EYARD , Jl' . C. '37-S weetwate r, T exas (U. S. Gypsum Co .)
DOUC:LAS , c. \T_ '30- E. L. , Box 13D:1 , (:,.:llIi te Cit.,- , III.
HAl-tH I NGTOl\, Ca lif. Bx. 63~ CH ANGES OF A DDRE SS
NEWTON COFFMAN, who has been with the Acme Brick Company at 1lIalvern, A rka nsas, has gone to work as assistant to Adolph K uechler, '24, Chief Ce rami st for the' Sterling Grinding W heel Co., T iffi n, O hio.
D ICKI :,\SO:'\. {; . \Y. ·37- (U. S. Co .. IJe:1 th . :llon t:1nn)
(USGS ) HEI Ti\IAN, A. L. '25-(c/o W.P.A. Offi ce, ,:'Ifob er!)" :\10.) HISTED , HOWARD, 1448 7Dt h Ave. , Oa kl and Ci ty, Cali f. JEWELL, .1. E . '22-(c/ o St. Jo e Lead Co ., 250 Park Ave ., New York City) KASSAY, A. W . '32- 204 East 12th Rolla
KITCHEN, 11':'11. A. e x '23-(407 Ka n's as City Pu blic Sen-ice Bldg. , Kan sas City, Mo. ) KOCH, G . .J. '32- 1229 Elm e rine Ave. , J efferso n Ci ty, :'1 10 . (Sta te H ighway Pa t eol ) KOLLAR , RAY E . '26-(c / o Gray '1'00 1 Co ., HO ll sto n, Texas) LEDOFRD, M. A. '26- (SaJt Dom e Oil Co. , Espe rso n B l clg ., HO ll ston, 'l'exa s) LEMON , J. 0., ex '27-(Ok laboma Hig ll way)
LEVY, S. B . '33-3D98 44th St., L O'll g- I sland City, N. Y. (Akeley Camera Co., 175 Yari'c[, St., l\ell' Yo r k City ) LODWICK, L . L . 'l4-Polan d, Ohio (Const r uct ion Dept. , Youn gsto wn Slleet and Tube Co.) McCAW , CHAS. W . '31~Box 40, P,llflCios, Texa s (Amer ada P etroleum Co .) McCRE I GHT, R . L . '32-(U. S. Al' my Engiu ers , Fort P ec k, i\l ol1tan:1)
DeWALD, L. I-I. '33- 37 N. Cllapel S·t., Wau kega n. Il l. (\-a scolo'y- R am et Corp., l\orth Chicago)
McDONALD, J . F. '33-Lindsay, Ok la h o ma :'I[A CHIN , W. B. '28- c/ a J. C. O'Connor nncl SOilS. I uc., 2104 :'I!'in o l' St. , Ft. , Vnyn e, Incl.
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M isso ur i Sc hoo l o f M ines bo~ ts of th c unu s u ~ 1 t h is yca r In m o re t h a n o nc rcs pcct. Fo r ri v ~ li ng i n r ~ re ness eve n th c p rese n t a ll hi g h e nro ll m e nt is t hc case of M r. W a tts, a j un Io r in t h e sc hoo l. A ub rey By ro n W a tts is iJ fu ll Ae dge d c iv il c ng inee r- rated a n assoc iate m cm be l' by t he Am e ri ca n Society of C iv il E ng in ee rs, lice n se d in t he tate of A r b n s ~s , a n d a fo rm e r e ng i nee I' e m p loyee o f t he h ig h way d e par t m e n ts of t h ree s tates, Mi sso u ri, I ll ino is and Arb nsas-bu t a n e ngi nee r w i th ou t a co ll ege d eg ree. T he refo re hi s prese nce now a t t he M isso u ri Sc hoo l o f M ines. M r. W atts is a n at ive so n o f M i sO UJ'J. Bo rn a n d reared il t F re de ri c kto wn , Mad iso n Co un ty, h e a tte nd ed t he h ig h sc h oo l t he re, g ra du at ing in Jun e, 1917. Summ er a nd fa ll o f 1918 fo und M r. Wat ts actin g ~s rod m a n fo r t he co ns tru ctio n ga ng th at was h ~s t il y e rec t ing a upp ly ba se fo r t h e a rm y a t No rfo lk, V irg in ia. In J an u ~ ry, 1919, h av ing d ec ide d up o n civ il e ng incc rin g as h is c hose n pro fess io n, W atts m a de hi s first en t ran ce in t he Sc hoo l of M ines. F ive se m este rs o f co ll ege foll owe d un t il ill n ess p reve nte d W at t s' res umpt io n o f co ll ege s tud ies a t t he o nset of hi s juni o r yea r. Acq ui s it io n of a jo b w it h th e M isso uri Hi gh w a y D e p a r tm e nt, fo r w ho m he h a d wo rk e d in t he prev io u s t wo summ e rs, post po ned still furth e r h is co ll egia te ca ree r. T he d enou cm e n t was t h ree yea rs of stea d y e mp loy m e n t w ith t he h ig h way de pa rtm e n t a s ass is t a n t proj ec t en ginee r.
'rh ere t hen foll o\.ved in sli ccession two yca rs in t he 'a p ac ity o f res id e nt e ng inee r fo r t he I ll in o is H ig hway D ep a rt m e n t, a n a nnum w it h a co ns tru ct io n ga ng dur in g t he F lo ri d a boo m , a nd four yea rs o f wo rk w it h t he A rbn s:ls l-l ig hw:1Y D e par t m e n t. D o rm a n t in M·r. Vhtts' m ind t he re ex is te d st ill th e d cs ire to co mp le te h is coll cgc co urse, bu t t hc nee d fo r a C. E. deg ree sec m c I less a nd less im p rat iv a s Wa tts, h av ing fu lfi ll e d a ll requ ire m c nts a nd pa ssc d hi s ex amin~ t io n, bCC;lm e lice nse d by t he Stat o f A rk :l nS;IS. Accc p ta nce in 193 1 by t he A. S. . E . a s a ssoc iatc m emb e r 0 11 c lu sive ly cs t ab li sh d h is s t~ tu s in c iv il c ng l ncc J'J ng . T hc n ca m e t hc d p ress io n, and t ho ug h he W,IS we ll qu a li fi e d by ex pc ric ncc, op po rtuni ty fo r hi m to c lim b t he c ng incc ri n O' i:J dd cr wa s limi te d w it hou t t hc k now le dge :lIld p restige t h " t a co ll co.c d egree P I' v ides. ix y ~rs o f s t,lg n:ln t govc rn m e n t se r v Ice f:lnn cd hi s sm ou Id c ri ng d cs i rc.
Bc kind to yo ur Sop h o m orcs, 0 Geo rge I ~eg i n a l d Dea n, T h ir bca n. a r c n w s luggis h a nd co ld; Thc works o f eac h di ff c r e n t ia tin g m ac hi n e A r c r u ty an d urc g row in g co ld. h, o ncc th cy co ul d do fo rty p rob lc m s w it h ea c, Bu t n w t h ey a r e s pavincd a n d lame ; Your qui zzcs alo nc g ivc them h ca rt d iscase, Eac h m o u r n s for th e lac k of a br a in. Yo u to ilc d a nd yo u s lav cd lik e a gov c rn me n t m u le, You gave evcry o n e a goo d cha n ce, Yo u spoo n -fcd th e m full a c co rdin g to ru lc, A n d rcj icc d ove r cac h s t ep's adva nce. T h e ca mp u s is m o i t w it h th e bill ow of swea t You c h ccrf ull y s h cd a yo u so ug ht, To br in g u p thcse boobs to t h e m ar k yo u h ad se t, L u t t h e mar k o n th eir pa pe rs IS " noug h t." Th ey ay t h ey do n' t k now a n d th cy lon't g ivc a dam n Fo r t h app le of kn ow ledge th at ha ng 'vV ith in easy reac h of t hc bonc- h ead ca II cd llIa n, B ut th c ir hopes w ill go up w it h a ba n g . o be kind to yo ur op h o m ores, f r ie nd eo rgc he O' in a ld Dcan, T h ey' ll b e so rr y t h ey la ug h ed w h en yo u ra iled, The Rus h on th eir chec ks w ill t ur n s ickl y g rcc n At th c c n d of t he t e r m whc n t hey've fa ilc d .
GLID E R CLUB ORGANIZED P rofe So l' M il es o n re turnin g to M issO UJ'J c hoo l o f M ines h as a ga in a ro u se d in te res t in a G li de r Cl u b, a nd o n Se pte mb e r 22 t h e c lu b was fo rm a ll y o rga ni ze d , w it h J ac k L o ng as pres id e n t, Les lie H a uc k :1S v ice pres ide n t, Bob McK iss ic k a s sec reta ry, a n d Ca rl Moo re as t reas u re r. T hose d es iring to beco m e m emb e rs re rcq u ired to s ig n a sta te m e nt reli ev ing t he c lub fro m a ny lia bi li t ies in case of acc ide n ts . W
T h e c lub p la ns to bu y a g lid e r to lea rn :l n d ex perim c n t o n , eac h m em be r c hi pp in g in :lb o u t t hir tee n do ll ar.
Hc ncc th e re turn of M r. \V,lttS, a fte r a p rolo nge d a bse nce of sixtee n yc a rs , to M isso ur i Sc hoo l of M in es fo r hi s C. E. d eg ree. H e we ll k nows it s va lue .
Don't Forget
HOMECOMING on Saturday, Oct. 23
see the
Miner - - Kirksville Game attend the
Alumni Banquet
and the