Missouri S&T Magazine, November 1937

Page 1


Proposed Hydraulics Laboratory $45,000 Mineral Collection Homecoming Celebration W9EEE Calling CQ




Hoover's finest version of the new idea in cleaning-The

tested and approved method of cleaning deep-piled carpets, Oriental rugs, upholstered furniture, silk lamp

H 01.'3e of Mrs. George R. Savage, Wilmette, Ill. }lIlrs. Savage, who has med Hooven ever since her 'l1arriage,12owhastheOneFifiyCleaningEmemble.

shades, draperies and a/l good furnishings is the Hoover One Fifty Cleaning Ensemble.

Here's why particular home-owners, after comparing all cleaners, are selecting this Hoover One Fifty Cleaning Ensemble_ • t.~ Unusual protection f or heayy-piled carpets . Rug manufacturers recommend its use, b cause they consider patented Positive Aeitation the sure way of removing embedded grit. B etter cleaning of fine upho lstery and draperies. Hoover's complete Cleaning Tools have brusbes, soft and stiff (\"S;;:::::::~ -for curtains, mattresses, VeneB$}~~;;a::~95~, ti a n b Ii n d s, t1 Pho it1~~~~ stery, bookshelves, stair risers, inside the ~~~~~~~ motor car. All together " in H andy Cleaning Kit. A fundamentally clean home. Moths dislodged . Buried dirt in furniture, and dog h airsinrugsremoved. H eayier cleaning of ;., .:.~ I , today's homes offset l,' by 'few Hooyer con- , , ~~~,~ ?'.em ellces. Mag ne- b~~ SlUlll, new wonder- :.r metal ~ lighter than aluminum, for amazing lightness. Two speeds for thick and thin rugs. Instant conversion from rug to furniture cleaning, without stopping motor_ Automatic rug adjuster. Time-to-empty bag signal. Dirt Finder. Home-owners careful in equipment selection recognize in H oover a name that has stood for the biJ;hest standards of manufacture for thi tty years. Fhone for a Hoover representative to show you the lightness and brightness is the spirit of {he new decor, an d th e Hoover makes One Fifty by appointment. Sold by lead ing clea nli ness possible in the light toned deal ers everywhere-for $1.50 a week, fabrics and carpets of the new mode. payable monthly. Three 30th Anniversary Hoovers, for every home and budget.

Ensemble is the new idea in this cleaner, interchangeable for rug and furniture cleani ng. Modern streamlined design by Henry D reyfuss.

r "

30:" A,l7livcrsary-The Hoover Company, the 01 cst and larges t maker of electric cleaners, 11:lS held its leadership through all th ese years, by its outstanding service ro 4,500,000 homes.

From rug c1eanerto furn ishing cleaning - instantly. Simply slip t ool connector in slot in side of cleaner. The greatest retail stores are proud to sponsor the cleaner guaranteed by its lIlakers toprolong the life of mgs. This guarantee is scamped on the bottom of every Hoover.



The MISSOURI MINES TECHNOGRAM (Formerly the Alumnus)

November, 1937 Volume 12

Number 2


B. C. COMPTON Editor

P age $45,000 Mineral Collection by M a-"C B olotsky ..


Alumni Dine at H omeco ming by Rt:chard Pro1l.gh ..... .. ..................... .


C. Y. CLAYTON Alumni News by Prof. C. Y. Clayton...... .


Homecoming F ea tures P ara de by H erbert Jolmson .................. .


The Directors P age ............... .


W9EEE Calling CQ by C. E. H aU


New Building Pl anned by E . L. Claridge .. .............. .


Successful Con ve nti on ...


Football by B. C. Compton .....


C ampus News Notes by George Waltlwr . ................................................ .


Alumni Editor

STAFF Max Bolotsky George Walther Richard Prough Herbert Johnson

we'll be ba.ck with technical a1"ticles, altlmni notes, jeatt.tre stor·ies. Watch jor the D ecember iss1l.e.



Elmond Claridge Jim Miller


Carl Schauble

• All alumni sho~lld read the timely letter from Director Chedsey



this issue. Thc

T echnogram

can only be

on page 6

continued in its


fonn if the Teade'rs


financial assistance.


tributions of general and scientific articles and personal items will help to ma.ke this






1\fi sso uri Mli nes T ec hn ogram i s i ss lI Pd lllon t hl y from Octobe r to Jun e in th e intc l' p.s t 01 nluUllli a nd fo rm e r stude Tl t~ of t he Sc h ool of ~Iines a nd i' r e tallul·~.' ·. S ub sc rip tio n pri ce $1.50. E nte ,'c d a ~ second-da ss n latter Oct. 7, lH 26 at· P o~t Office a t nulla. lUo .. und e r the Act of ~r nrc h 3, ] 8i9.



$45,000 Mineral Collection Vi sito rs asce ndin g to th e seco nd flo or of No rwood H all soo n rea li ze what depa rtm en t it is devo ted to. Before their eyes have rea d the in sc ription on a classroom door, th e he teroge nou s minerai a nd roc k di splay along th e m ain ha ll has exp lained that th ey a re entering into th e abo de of th e D epartm ent of Geology. And many a v isito r as we ll as students ha ve t rod these ste ps, for t he min eral mu se um th a t is loca ted on thi s floor is outsta ndin g a mong the points of interes t on th e M. S. M. campus. But th ough th e mu seum is showy, still it contains onl y one of th e geologic collec ti ons, totali ng a n es timated va lu e of $45,000, whi ch th e department has accumul a ted through th e yea rs to so g reat a n ex tent th a t now it is no longe r abl e to house th em adequ a tely. Concurrent with the founding of th e school in 1871 a rose the need for geologic specimens. At that time geology and its rela ted subj ec ts did not constitute a se pa rate department, but was taught, with th e aid of specimens gathered by the fac ulty, by Col. J. W. Abert, Prof. of Mathematics, Geo. D. Emerso n, Prof. of Civi l a nd Mine Engineering, and Direc tor C. P. William s, acting State Geologist, each of whom shared the burden equ all y . It was not until 1892 that the dep a rtment of geology was ass igned to one professor. Then, C. P. Conrad , Prof. of Chemistry a nd Meta llurgy, was given the res pon sibility for teac hing a ll th e necessa ry courses in geology and minera logy. In the foll ow ing year, as chemistry was se pa ra ted from mining and metallurgy, geologic slJ bj ec ts were integrated into the latter depa rtm ent, whi ch was hea ded by Prof. H. K . L andi s. With the co ntinu al growth of th e sc hool, geology fin a ll y gained its rightful positi on when in 189 7 th e first Professo r of Geology a nd Mining, George E. Ladd, ass um ed hi s duties of professo r and Directo r of th e school. In th e suc ceedin g t we nty-four years th e depa rtm ent was hea ded by L. S. Gri swold , 1907-1910, and G. H. Cox, 1910-1 920. It was under th ese two men , pa rti cul arl y during the ad mini str at ion of Prof. Cox, that a stable and effici ent depa rtm ent was erec ted. When in 1921 Dr. C. L. Dake bega n hi s a bl e m a nage ment of th e departm ent, unu sual grow th and ex pa nsion , characteri stic of th e depa rtm ent toda y, began.


G. A.


O. R.







MAX BOLOTSKY '39 Member of the faculty sin ce 1916 a nd hav ing ad va nced through seve ral grades to the full Professo rship in Economic Geology, Dr. G. A. Mui lenburg, up on th e dea th of Dr. D a ke in 1934, beca me the department chief. In two previous. yea rs, 1920 a nd 193 0, he had bee n ac ting hea d of the departm ent. Dr. Muilenburg's foundation in geology was sec ured in seve ra l sc hool s. Hi s undergraduate yea rs we re li ve d at th e State University of Iowa, by whi ch he was gradu ate d with a B.A. D eg ree in Geology in 1912. H e pursued furth er graduate wo rk at Iowa, the University of Missou ri , and Columbi a Un ive rsity, winning th e M.S. Degree at Iowa in 1913, th e E.M. Degree a t M. S. M . in 1925, a nd the Ph.D. Degree a t Columbi a University in 1925. Pri or to Dr. Muil enburg's entrance into M. S. M . in 1916 as Instructor in Geology and Minera logy, he had received teac hing expe rien ce in the capacity of Gradu ate Assist a nt in Geology at th e U ni ve rsity of Missouri from 1913 to 1914 a nd as Instru cto r in Geology, Colorado School of Mines, 19 141916. A m an of both prac tic al and teac hing abi lity, Dr. Muilenburg has spent a good portion of his time in the field. Agenci es with which he has been associa ted a re th e Colorado Geologic al Survey, th e Mi ssouri G eologica l Survey, the Na ti onal Explora tion Company, the Kansas E xplora tion Company, and the Mo nsa nto Chemica l Company. In additi on Dr. Muilenburg has had broad geologica l experi ence in th e capac ity of consulting geologist. H e has done consulting wo rk for th e Un ion E lec tric Light and Powe r Co., the Current Ri ve r Power Co. , th e R epublic Steel Corp ., the North America n Refr ac tori es Co., th e Underwriters H ea lth Conservancy Laboratori es, and th e P ittsburg Pl ate Gl ass Co. Thi s wo rk represe nts prac tic a ll y th e whole fi eld of geology and mining, including th e met als, non-m et als, va riou s industria l min erals, wa ter powe r, and petroleum a nd geologic probl ems relating to occ up a tion al di seases. Prolifi c with hi s pen, a cha racte ristic of th e whole departm ent perso nn el, Dr. Mu il enburg h as written seve ral tec hni ca l artic les, singly and coll abora tively, a nd has bee n co-auth or of one McGra\.v-Hfil publica ti on. In the process of preparation now is "The Barite D eposits of Missouri ," hi s la tes t (Contin ued on P age 16 )




A part of the min eral museum on the sec ond flo o',. of Norwood Hall. A ll of th e co llec tion is in th e g lass cases} and is w0 1·th $IO}OOO.




Mining Engine e1'} at a micros co p e in the G eo logy D ep artment.



M.S.M. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BANQUET The a nnu al ba nqu et of the M . S. M. Alumni Associ a tion was held Saturday eve ning, October 23 rd , a t th e H otel E dwin Long. The ba nqu et followed th e football ga me betwee n th e Miners and Kirk svill e, a nd in spite of th e so mew ha t di sa ppointing res ult of a t ie game, the alumni we re imbu ed with a spirit whi ch has not been see n on this cam pu s in m any a yea r. After a t yp ical Ed win Long repas t, the mee tin g was ca lled to ord er by the Toast maste r, R obe rt ( P at) Cummin gs, '05, aft er whi ch each m emb er present a rose a nd gave his class a nd present affili ations. Following this, at the sugges tion of th e to as tm as ter, a two minute peri od of silence was obse rve d in honor of th e memory of one of M. S. M.'s most emin ent faculty a nd a lumni , Prof. Geo rge R eginald D ea n, who, to quote th e wo rd s of th e to as tm aste r, "was a m a n much more th an an inst ru ctor, kee n witted , good hea rted, a nd broad mind ed, always willing to help th e stud ent in trouble." The speaker of the eve ning, our new Director, Mr. W. R. Chedsey, was prese nted to th e a lum ni by Mr. Cummings. Prof. Chedsey spoke on the pla nning of a definit e program for th e school which would be ba sed on th e principles th at, " first , th ere should be a poli cy ag reed to by all, second, th a t we shou ld m a ke ha ste slowly, a nd third , th at th e methods and ideas which prove impracti ca l should be sc ra pped . . . . The Administrator's job is not to prov ide th e motive powe r, but is to orga ni ze tho se groups who shall , through their whole-hea rted cooperation, move th e sc hool forwa rd with a more united front. An enginee r will agree that th e attack of a ny engin ee ring probl em is first , to obtain all the fac ts in volved, seco nd , to organize a nd evalu a te th em , a nd third, to build the structure up on definitely so und found a ti ons." Th e speaker closed by th a nking th e asse mbly for th eir coopera ti on, and pledgin g hi s co ntinu ed ac tion s to be such as to warrant th eir co ntinu ed fri end ship a nd supp ort.

a propos to cond itions at thi s school. In brief, he told of an alumnu s a t an eas tern sc hool who, on a ttending one of the big ga mes of th e seaso n, would a ri se after eac h successful pl ay and shout, " Hurray ! That's ju st th e pl ay I wou ld h ave ca lled were I th e quarterb ack," much to th e annoya nce of th e surroundin g spectato rs. After m a rchin g the length of th e fi eld , th e fell ow's tea m was held for downs on th e two-ya rd line. The exub erant a lumnu s rem ained sil ent, whereup on on e of the specta tors ca ll ed to him , "Where we re you on th a t pl ay!" T o w hi ch th e remote control qu a rterb ack countered, "H- -, I got th em dow n to the t wo-ya rd line, you' d think th eir quarterb ac k cou ld put them ove r." P erc summa ri zed hi s rem arks by saying th at he ha d neve r wo rked with a group of kee ner spirited men hav ing a grea ter desi re to win. "They'll scrap until th e whi stl e blows. I'm proud of th em." W. M. (B ill ) T aggart, '20, who was instrumental in bringing th e new coac hes down to M . S. M. next introduced Ga le Bullman, Coach of the Miner t ea m. Gale caught th e tempo of the crowd when he remarked that it was a ple as ure to work with some practical minded men after having been associat ed with psychologists and others of like training. He strongl y advocated a close r relationship between th e alumni and th e school in rega rd to a thletics, for it is onl y with strong alumni support and interes t th a t athletics can be m aintained on a high pl a ne at this school.

The nex t speaker was Mr. B. L. Ashdown, Presid ent of the St. Loui s Chapter of th e Alu mni Associa ti on, w ho pl edged hi s orga ni za tion a nd himself to do all in th eir powe r to be of se rv ice to th e sc hool a nd to Mr. Chedsey.

Benj amin G. (Ben) Nichol s, '1 9, introduced J. K. W alsh, '17, by saying that "some m en will work hard er for se ntiment th a n for money, others will trave l long ways for a n ideal. " For being a m a n who ha s followed both of these pa th s in furth erin g th e interes ts of th e School of Mines, it was hi s pri vil ege to prese nt to "J. K ." a life m emb ership in the M. S. M. A lumni Association. The text of th e awa rd was then rea d to the Association by th e Toas tm as ter, whereup on W alsh spoke to the asse mbl y, pl edgin g himse lf to th e continued th ought to forge t perso nal anim ositi es, and 1:0 a continued effort to reach a comm on goa l. With thi s pl edge, he accepted th e awa rd.

Fol lowing seve ral short speec hes by returnin g a lumni , th e toa stma ster introdu ced Mr. P ercy Gi ll , A ssista nt Coach of th e Min er footba ll squad. P erc's remarks we re co nfin ed to a few choice bits of hum or co nn ec ted wit h th e gridiron ga me, so me being ve ry

"Boots" Clayton conclud ed th e sc hedul ed prog ram by prese ntin g th e fin a ncial report of th e Associa ti on. The mee tin g was th en thrown open to di scussion from th e memb ers, aft er whi ch th ey adj ourn ed to th e da nce at the Gy m.

ALUMNI NEWS 1902 No t ice of the death o f A. H. F A Y rece ntl y reac hed th e camp us. 1907 J. H . BOWE N . ex '07, forme rl y in t he Mechan ical E ngi ne eJ!: ing Department a t MSM, is now w it h th e Hig lt Schoo l at In·dependence, Kansas. H is address is 208 \TV. Locust Street . 1909 E. J . "\I\TOLF is Re sident A dju ster U nder'wri<ters A dj ustin g Co m pany, 72 1 Illinoi s State Bank B ldg., Quin cy, I llin ois. I-Ie li ves at 224-1/2 No rth 18t h St reet, Qu in cy. 1911 D . L. FORRESTER is Co nsultin g iVle ta llurg ica l Engin eer for th e E liza ld e Compa ny, Manila, Philippin e I slan ds. R. B. MITCHELL is Dea n of the Ea ster n Okla homa College a t Wi lbu rto n, O k lahoma. 1912 O . C. WEMHANER, 324 A S,tJr ee t, M iam i, Oklahoma. FRA N K L. FLY N T LS w ith the U . S. Enginee rs in th e Rock I sland Dis,tr ict. 1916 J OHN T. CO L E, ex ' 16, Mining E ng in eer, 'h as offices in 419 McCullo ch B ldg., Okmul gee, Okla. 1917 A. L. TUCKER, ex '1 7, is General .Superintendent with Blae/e, Siya.lI s and Bryso·n, O klahoma City. 1919 "\VM. E . OYLER, Su perintendent o r Lev er Bros. Compan y of Hammon d, Indi a na, v is,it-ed th e campus o n October 20th . J. C. H I LL, ex ' 19, is· w ith th e Contin en ta l Suppl y Coo., Hobbs, New M exico. 1921 H. W . MUN DT is Chi ef Chemist, U . S. E ng in ee rs Laboratory at Fo rt Peck, Montana . CAPTAI N C. R. MIZE, Finance Offic er, U . S. Army Corp s, i.s now s'tati o ne·d at F t. Ogle thorp e, Geor g ia. T OM STEVENS, ex '2 1, and PAT lvl cDONA L D, ex '32, are wit h th e I T ]0 Co m pa ny, Box 4575, Capitol Hill Stat ion, O klahoma C ity . 1922 FRED P. 'W HIT E'S new ad dr ess io 310 Orc ha rd Lane, K irkwood, Mo·. L. M. TIDD, ex '22, is Cred it Manager with Black, Sivall s a nd Bryson , O klah oma City. 1923 "\V. C. LAY, Cia Minera 0 Janl(:Qs, Copio pa, Chil e. A . B. (SQUEAK) WILiKERSO]\: is 110W Superintend'e nt of the Bea umont Iron "\"Tor ks at Beau mont, T exas. E. A. KEELER is Dis tri ct Land ma n fo r Ph il lips Petro leum Corp o f "\l\T ichi ta F 'a ll s, Te xas . H~s ad dress is 400 "\"raggo ner Bu ildi ng. It is wit h regret tha t we a nn ounce th e d e~t h of PAUL J. HEGWER at Ca spe r, ",'yomi ng, o n Oc tob er 24t,h. Death ' was' ·d u e -{'O. doubl·e pn eumonia con tracted d'uri ng a huntin g trip in the mounta in s. T he party was s nowbound for three day s' and it wa,s im possible to obtai n med ica l a id. At the tim e of his deat h Mr. Begwer was se rving as dep l1ty s upe rvi.so r, o il and gas operations . U . S. Geo logica l Survey. ]. K. MURPHY. ex. '23, is Geo logist w ith th e H o me Sta ke Roya lty Co., Phi l towe r B ld g, Tu lsa, O kl a. His home add ress is 1543 S . D elaw ar e PI. H . R. PO "\"TE RS is wi th th e Bethlehem Suppl y Corpo ra tion at Tul-sa.





N OVE M BER, 1937

HOMECOMING PARADE U nd er th e sponso rship of Blu e K ey, nati onal honor fr ate rnity and se rv ice .orga ni za ti on, thi s yea r's H omeco min g P a rade was a distin ct success. No celebra ti on is compl ete without its parade of brilli a nt color, its brass ba nd , a nd the gay at mosp here crea ted by them. Eve ryo ne agrees th a t the 1937 Hom ecom ing was one of th e best in the hi story of th e School of M ines. The fl oa ts entered by the va ri ous fr ate rni t ies a nd stud ent orga ni za ti ons prese nted a ve ry colorful array to the a lu m ni , townspeople, and stud ents. Eac h en t ry showed ca reful pl annin g a nd effort on th e part of th e orga ni za ti on represe n ted and co n t ributed it s share to m a king th e whole aff air ve ry sy mb oli c of the new sc hool sp irit t hat h as enve loped th e School of M ines. Co ngrega ting at th e south end of "S t ate Street, the pa ra de traveled eas t .on Sixth Stree t to Pine Stree t, north on Pine Street to Fifteenth Stree t, a nd th en passe d in front of th e grandt a nd by t he foo tb all fi eld. The para de was st arted ea rl y enough to have it co mpl eted in time for th e sc hedul ed st a rting of th e ga me betwee n KirksT he judges' v ill e a nd th e M iners. st and was loca ted on th e steps of the P os t Offi ce. E ach orga ni za ti on's group of entri es was judged as a whole unit with special reference to th e fl oat. H ea ded by C raig E llis, presiden t of th e M. S. M. Cha pter of Blue K ey, in hi s ca r with other memb ers of th e fr aternity, th e seco nd in line was L um an L ong in hi s red tourin g ca r of ve ry a ncient v intage co ntaining Prof. W. R . Chedsey, new direc tor of the School of M ines; M r. J K. Wa lsh, formerl y on the Boa rd of Curato rs; M r. P a t C um min gs, M . S. M . grad uate of 1905; and M r. M . E. N ickel, M. S. M . football capta in. The Color Guard of th e R. O. T C. Ba ttali on was third in line fo llowe d by the R . O. T C. Ba nd u nd er th e direc ti on of Drum Ma jor E . W. Simpso n. Alpha L a mbd a T au was the fir st social fr aternity represe nted in th e line of th e para de. The new school fl ag, designed by Dr. C. V. Ma nn in co njuncti on with so me of hi s enginee ring drawing stud en ts and co ntaining seven strip es for the seve n m ajor branches of engi neering t aught a t th e School of M ines, was painted on a ba nn er mounted on a motor truck. Seven stu de nts we re also on th e t ruck , each doing wo rk appli ca ble to one of the following t y pes of engineering: chemi ca l, meta llurgica l, c iv il , minin g, elec tri ca l, ceramics, a nd mec hani ca L This was a ve ry inst ru cti ve sight and illu stra ted th e labora tory work whi ch pl ays such a n important part in an engineering educa tion. Next in line was the Independents' co ntribution in the form of a Miner

cl ass room on whels. A bl ac kb oa rd was moun ted a t th e fro nt of t he platform a nd one of the seve ra l stud ents on th e t ru ck acte d as the instru cto r, mim ic ing m a ny of th e professors on th e C<I mpu s. A ju g of unkn own co nte nts was p<Issed around th e clas. Foll owing th e Independ en ts ca me t he newly reo rga ni ze d fr ate rn ity on t he ca m pus-Ka pp <I Alph a. T he fr<Iterni ty crest W<IS moun ted on th e fron t of a P<Ick a rd seda n with stre<Ime rs runnin g back to th e C<I r. Behin d th e seda n was <I sm all red au to d r<Iw ing a hay r<Ic k on whi ch W<IS mounted <I bl ac k casket co nt<I ining Kir ksv ill e. Kappa Sigm a F ra terni ty th en drove by in a roa dster deco ra ted wit h ga il y colored ba nn ers. L amb da C hi A lpha Fra ternity followed with a burl esqu e on t he milita ry dep<I rtm ent. Their uni t consisted of a su ppl y ca r loade d with bee r ca rtons, so me wea ry troo ps, a nd a medica l and surgica l depa rtment. A ba nn ered coup e was also included in th e outfit. T he St. Jam es Hi gh School Ba nd was the next to pass th e reviewing st and. Following it we re th e M . S. M . Fres hm en with two ba nn ered collegiate " fli vve rs" and a m oto rcycle. The rem ainin g fres hm en joined ha nds in a snake da nce. P i K a pp a Alph a's fl oa t th en passe d. It ha d a very pleasing <I ppe<I r<I nce a nd consisted of gree n grass siding with red trimming. On t he top we re c<I rdb o<I rd cu tt ings of a M iner a nd a Bulldog. There we re also cu ttings of <I co upl e of old gr<Id u <I tes greeting one another. Sigm <I N u Frate rni ty's unit was next. The fl oat W<IS m ade of ora nge a nd whi te strea mers on <I sed<I n headed with a Sigma N u cres t. Behind th e fl oa t wa lked a stu de n t wea rin g a b<I rrel on whi ch was prin te d, " I bet on K irksv ill e." T hen followed a burlesqu e on the R. O. T C. B <I nd <I nd the R oll a Fire D epa rtm ent. Sigm <I P i was th en rep rese nted with a fl oa t in th e sh <I pe of a la rge white hoo p skir t trim me d in purpl e. It was wo rn by <I stud ent we<I rin g a bro<I d whi te hat. Thet a K ap pa Phi , forme rl y the Mercier F ra te rni ty, followed t he Sigm a Pi entry with a sil ve r a nd gold cove red fl oa t. O n t he top of it was a dog-house with Kirk sville locked in it. T heta K <I ppa Phi 's dog-house was foll owed by th e Tri angle unit. R ichard Burnett led th e group on a hi ghstepping so rrel sa ddl e horse and hel'd a large fl owing Tri angle bann er. Behind him was a Germ a n Ba nd in a ba nn ered collegia te F ord. Following the band C<I me the Tri angle fl oa t in th e form of a mini ature grass-cove red foo tb all fi eld. The twenty-two pl aye rs a nd two referees were sm a ll celluloid

doll s with suita ble cos tum es pain ted on t hem. The two tea ms we re in sc rim mage form ation on t he M iners' t we n ty-ya rd line with th e M ine r bac kfi eld pav ing th e way for a touc hdown. Th e Ro ll a L ions C lub t hen p rese n ted <I n attractive ora nge a nd purple floa t fo llowed by the Ro ll a H igh School Ba nd directed by its two cha rming feminine d ru m m ajors, M isses Ma ry Hub ba rd a nd Betty Bu ckey. T he mem bers of th e R oll a L ions Cl u b m a rched be hind t he ba neL L as t bu t no t least, ou r "fa mous" ph ys ics depa rt ment was we ll symbolIzed by a c<I rdb oa rd st ru cture moun ted on a t ru ck. T hi s entry provoked co nSide rab le laugh te r t hroughou t t he crowd. Shortl y afte r t he p<Irade ha d pa ssed th e g ra nd sta nd , th e O"<I me between Kirk sv ill e a nd th e Mine~s sta rted . A t the ha lf, an a nn oun ce ment was m a de th <It th e P i . Ka p ~a A lph a F rate rnity wo n first pn ze, Sigm a N u F ra ternity was awa rde d seco nd pi<Ice, <I nd Ka p pa A lp ha Fra terni ty wo n third aW<I rd. The g<I me end ed in a 6 to 6 ti e and th e a lumni wen ded t heir way towa rd th e Edwin Long H otel for t he Annu <I 1 A lumni Ba nq uet. Afte r a delec t a bie dinn er a nd the sub seq uen t speeches by va n ous memb ers, a reco rd crowd co ng rega ted at J ack lin Gym for the H om eco min g D a nce sponso red by th e St. P at's BO<Ird. T he music W<IS fu rni shed by Vince Genovese a nd hi s orches tra. Ma ny stu dents bO<Isted of h av ing a~ enJ oya ble . a week-end as they ex perienced dunn g t he St. P a t festivities. It is hoped tha t fu t ure Ho mecom ings will prove to be <IS successful as th e one ju st passed.

R R PAx!, E, '30, has returned fron: hi S p/os i,tlon with the Cia. Mine r a U ndlcada del Cerro d e Potosi in Boli\' Ia and IS 111 VVashingto n, H I. I SA AC W . FRIEDMAN. '32. fo rmer ly m eta llurg ist for the Iriternational Smeltlllg and Re fi ning Co. at East Chi cago, Ind., is employed by R. La vlIl and Sons, Inc., Chicago. E . J. H AUG has co mpleted three years on a fellowship of the U. S. Bureau of M ines at R o lla, Mo., and is now engaged in AotaJtion resea r ch for the St. Josep h Lead Co. at Bon ne Terre, Mo. T. O . SE IBERLI NG, '33, formerly of the No rthern Pe,ru Mlin ing a nd Smel tlll g Co., has accep ted a position In the engineer ing department of 1he LeadWOOd, Mo., divis ion of th e St. J"sep h L ea d Co. . E. M . LI N D ENEAU, '26, has r~ ­ Signed as ma nager of Mauric io H ochsC'h i/ld , S. A. M . I., hurge lead producers of At oc ha, Bol/ivia, and is r et urn inote;' . Phoenix, Ariz . Before going t~ ChIl e Ill/ 1929, Mr. Lindeneau was wit h the U ni.ted Verde Oopper Co. ROGER E. BARTHELEMY minin g eng in eer, w ho rece n tly return ed fr'Om France, as engaged i n consu lting work in L ima, Per u.






1)inwton',!). (Pag.E.

Mr. G. A. Easley, President Mr. D. 1. For reste r, Vi ce-President Professo r C. Y. C lay ton , Treas urer Professo r K. K. Kershn er, Secret a ry Professo r W. C. Zeuch, C hairm a n Executive Comm it tee M. S. M. A lumni Association Gentl emen: I a m writin g you as offic ers of th e A lumni Associ a tio n of th e Mi sso uri School of M ines a nd Meta llurgy to convey to you m y own apprec ia ti on of th e fir st numb er of the M issouri M ines T echn og ram publi shed in Octobe r, and th e ve ry favo rabl e comments that I h ave hea rd from so me of th e alumni co ncernin g it. Very n a turall y, I like to see a creditab le m agaz in e of thi s ge neral t ype carrying th e m essage of yo u a lumni to ea ch ot her, showin g th a t the alumni of thi s sc hool a re active, progressive and doing th eir part in creative thinkin g a nd writin g, a nd fin all y, but incid enta ll y, ca rry in g th e ve ry best adve rti se ment th a t th e school ca n ha ve so fa r as print is concerned ; that is, carrying the n ame of th e school. Thi s las t poi nt is lost entirely if th e m <lgazine is not a hi gh-cl ass m agaz in e conta inin g tec hni ca l articl es. Even though a sm a ll er ma gaz ine co nta ining perso n als migh t be of in terest to th e a lumni, such a m agazine does not get into librar ies a nd does not reac h at least man y oth ers outside of th e a lumni group , whil e a hi gh-class tec hni cal m agazine will in tim e have a co nsidera ble circul a ti on outside of th e alumni group. Many of th e alumni h ave wr itten me offerin g to do a ny thin g within th eir power and scope to help in th e work of t he sc hool, a nd here is a n oppo rtunity. I do not kno w h ow yo ur a lumn i orga ni za t ion is se t u p and, th erefore, ca nn ot make a pos iti ve sugges ti on a t t hi s tim e. It does see m to me within th e sco pe of th e p resid ent of th e Assoc ia ti on to a ppoint a pub li cations co mmittee with a suffi cie nt numb er of them men of aff airs, ye t close enough to R oll a so th at th ey can mee t occasion all y. T hey cou ld di scuss a nd plan such items as : fin a nces, ge nera l se t-up of th e magaz ine, sources fr om which income from ad ve rt isin g mi gh t be procu red and va ri ous ot her rela ted things. The editor, th e alumni editor a nd t he sta ff need such help if t he ma gaz ine is to beco me reall y credi ta ble. In t urn, I am wiII i ng to do wh a t I ca n in my ow n way to ass ist, bu t st a te fund s, of cou rse, ca nn ot be used in t hi s way. Fu rth erm ore, I have no desire to domin a te th e A lumni Association nor any of its activii tes; th erefore, thi s is simpl y a suggestion that it wo uld be helpfu l to t he sc hool as a whole if th e a lumni run a rea ll y cred ita ble magaz ine such as thi s fir st number, a nd to do th is nee ds more o rga ni za ti on, in m y estim ation, th a n is now pro vided for it. H oweve r, thi s letter is rea ll y one of congra tu la t ions on a ve ry goo d fir st number. Very tru ly yo urs,




N OVEM.BER , 1937

... W9EEE CALLING CO. • • Th a t's th e fa mili a r ca ll that stud ents of M . S. M. hea r quite frequ entl y when pa ssing by th e No rth east corne r of J ac kli ng Gymn as ium. And that phrase may be hea rd at a ny time in the af tern oo n, a t midni ght or in th e wee hours of the morning, beca use th a t select group of radi o bugs does not believe in keep ing regul a r hours. Then, too, most shortwave fans , known to th e profession as " hams" rea li ze th at man y foreign ha ms a re on th e air in th e ea rl y hours of th e morning. And for th e dye d-in-th e-wool ham th e ca ll letters CQ, CQ, CQ, w hi ch mea ns that any ham li stenin g III IS invited to a nswe r, has a strange fas cination. Previou s to th e yea r 1934 th e School of M ines had no radi o stati on of a permanent nature. There had been short wave station s on the campus but the equ ipment was ow ned by th e students and when th e stud ent left he took the equipment with him. Thus the lack of a sta tion owned by the sc hool where the stud ents in E lec trical Engineering could gain a little knowledge of the intricate workings of receiving sets and transmitters.

In th e spring of '34 th e E. E. depa rtm en t purchase d th e necessa ry equipm ent for th e in stallati on of a modern a ma teur short wave station. Thi s equ ipm ent was inst alled in th a t summ er by Dougla s M a rtin, Jr. , E.E. '33, a nd has bee n perform ing successfull y since that t ime. M a rtin obtained hi s M.S . in '35 and is wo rking in Tul sa, Okla . Since th e da te of in stall ation th e sta tion has bee n opera ted und er th e ca ll lette rs, W 9D UM, W 9PCT, a nd W 9EEE . T he sta tion has co ntacted st ation s in all co ntin ents of the "vorld, working (CW) code, a nd ha s contacted ~ Il th e co ntin ents in th e wo rld , except Asia, wo rking phone. Contacts have bee n m ade with eve ry st a te in the United St ates. The ca lls W 9DUM and W 9 PCT were iss ued to students, but thi s was und esirable as th e ca lls would change from year to year. With such a condition existin g it was impossible for the station and M . S. M. to establish a repu ta tion. Thi s fall the sta tion was li censed to the M. S. M . Rad io Club under th e letters W9EEE. The Radio C lu b is an organization of M . S. M . stud ents who are interested in the devel opment of rad io, both ama teur and commercial. The officers are : J. S. LeGrand , pres ident; W. D . White, v ice-president, and R. '0/. Matthews, sec retary-treasurer. The faculty adv iso r is Prof. G. O. R a nes.

Upp eT P hoto-JE SSE W9EEE's Mi/?e.



L owe·r P hoto-Ro y MATTHEWS and C. R. COR NU TT, E .E . Sen-ion

caLLing CQ .

The se rvices of th e station have bee n so mew hat va ri ed. Most of th e co nta cts th a t have bee n m ade have bee n of th e conv enti ona l amateur nature. T hey have been pure exc ha nge of ideas, in form ati on, and reports. H oweve r, m a ny pl easura ble hours of round tab le di sc ussion have bee n enj oyed. Along with th e co nve nt ional wo rk th e st a tion has been a benefit to man y stud ents in getti ng messages to t heir pa rents, rela tives or fri end s. Th e va lu e of th e st a ti on inti mes of emergenc y was see n last winter durin g th e Oh io Ri ve r flood. F lood messages were ha ndl ed a t th a t tim e. A few wee ks ago the st a ti on was utili zed to bring back to th e Min er fa ns the pl ay-by-pl ay desc ripti on of th e Miner-Warrensburg a nd t he MinerOk lahoma City foot ball ga mes. The transmitter is loca ted in th e powe r pl a nt a nd is controlled remotely by cab les underground. The tran smitter consists of a 47 crysta l osci ll ator; parallel 46's buffer ( or doubler ) ; 203A fin al amplifier, with a normal input of approximately 200 watts. The modulators consist of a pa ir of 83 0B's in class B. Antennas consist of a 20 meter single wire fed H ertz (smokest ack to Roll a Building) a nd a 160 ha lf-wave doublet (s mokestac k to Torward H a ll ), fed with concentric tr ansmi ssion lines. Crys t al fr equ enci es of 1953,3906, 1415 6, 142 11 and 14244 are avai lab le. The transmitter is a Collins 30FXB . The receiver is an RME 9D. The speech equipment consists of a cryst al microp hone, 57, 56, 56, into a 500 ohm line to th e transmitter. D oubl et receivi ng a ntenn as a re used. The receiving equipment is located 111 t he "shac k" in J ack ling Gym. W 9EEE work s 160, 80, 40 and 20 meters (with hopes of wo rkin g 10 meters soo n ) phone a nd Cwo Operato rs a re : W 9PCT (chief operator), W 9AAH, W 9KIJ, W 9KIV, W 9RVP , W 9VYI, a nd W 9YZD. W2GSW, W 9KOJ, W 9NJM, and W 9VNO will be given operating pri vil eges up on obtaining a Cl ass A li ce nse.

If you' re a ham and have nothin g to do so me ni ght give us a cal l. WALTER ] AMES TWEED W A LT E R ] AMIES TWEED died Octo ber 15th, 1937 a.t Houston, Misso u"i. He was g radua te d from the Mi sso uri Schoo l of Min es in 1904. Fo r many years pTior to hi s deat h he ,,"as Di s1rict Manage r of the Ozark . Ce ntral Telepho ne S)"stem. He was foumerly M inin g E ng in eer for the I adi so n Coa l Corporation of St. Lo uis. One so n survi ces .


NEW BUILDING After fift ee n yea rs we m ;!y at las t h ave a new building for la bora tory a nd class roo m purposes. The Boa rd of C ur ato rs h as a lrea dy a pprop ri a ted its sha re of th e cos t, a nd th e distri ct a nd s ta te vVPA auth o riti es have approved t he gove rnm ent's pa rt of t he projec t. All th a t rem ains is for t he \Vashin gto n WPA offic e to approve t he WPA il Ppropn atlon. W e sh all h ave th eir rep ly in a month. If n ot hin g goes wrong co nstru ction will st a rt nex t ye a r. As pla nn ed t he buildin g w ill a llow for p lenty of a dditi on. L oca ted as show n on our m ;! p of th e ca mpu s, it is pla nn ed to ex tend it at so me futu re tim e as show n by t he un shad ed outlin e t owa rd State St ree t to fo rm an Hsh aped building, wit h th e m ain entra nce on Sta te Stree t. Th e prese nt a ll ot ment of $40,000 wil l cove r th e co nstructi on of t he front t hree story sec tion a nd t he midd le one story section of th e building as show n in th e a ri st's sketc h on our fron t cove r. Th e comm ittee of th e E nginee rs' Cou nci I for Professiona I D evelopme n t on its recent v isit a nd th e Sta te Sur vey Commi ssion no ted as t he principa l deficienc y of th e C iv il E ngi nee ring D epartm ent its lac k of a hy drau li cs lab orato ry, whi ch th is new building is designed to supp ly. The b ase ment is to co nt a in t he wate r storage ta nk a nd flu es, whil e t he hydraulics la borato ry proper is to be on the fir st flo or. T he ba se men t w ill a lso contain a mate ri als test in g labo ratory whi ch is now in t he M et allurgy Buildin g. The seco nd fl oo r is fo r a classroo m a nd offi ces, whil e on th e t hird flo or will be a class roo m whi ch w ill so meday be con ve rted into a n ex perimen ta l la bora tory. The t hird sec ti on- th e bac k th ree story part as show n in th e cove r picture- is planned to co nta in a hi gh way testing la boratory in th e base ment, offi ces a nd surveyi ng i nstrum en t sto rage space on th e first fl oo r, lecture room s on th e secon d fl oo r, a nd a dr afting roo m on the t hird fl oo r. The pa rt to be bu ilt now is 40 fee t by 80 fee t, with whi te dolom ite ex teri o r, co ncrete fl oo rs a nd sta irs a nd steel fr a mewo rk. Thu s it will be co mpl etely fireproof. M os t of th e oth er buildings on t he ca mpu s a re less sa fe in t hi s p articul ar, noti cea bly No rwood and M echani ca l H a ll. If it is anyt hin g li ke th e art ist's drawing it shou ld be one of t he most a ttractive of our build ings. If thi s labo rato ry is co mpl eted as pl a nn ed it will be one of t he mos t mod ern hy drau li cs laboratori es in th e Midd le W es t. W e will be equ ipped to help in solv ing Mi ssouri and Mississippi rive r chan nel studi es w hich a t


prese nt mu st be refe rred to th e Vic ksbu rg gove rnm ent offic e. Prof. E. W . Ca rl ton has sup ervised th e p la nnin g a nd Prof. C. H . B lack d rew th e pl a ns a nd m a de th e sketc h on t he cove r. P rof. B lac k is a n excellen t a rchi tect a nd an a rt ist in hi s ow n ri gh t. H e is eve n now designin g a pe rm a nen t resid ence for Dr. Fu lton. Prof. Ca rl to n h as pu shed thi s p rojec t from th e beginnin g a nd t hat it will proba bly now beco me a reil li ty is la rgely du e to h is efforts. The bui ld in g is cos ting t he sc hool so li ttle in proportion to t he ac tu a l cost t ha t it IS a sha me t hat no move ment has bee n pu shed so fa r. The WPA has bee n willin g to mo re t ha n matc h state fund s, but th e lil tter have bee n un avil il a bl e. It is for t hi s reaso n th a t th e proposed Ce rami cs-Geo logy Bui ldin g was not bui lt. Sin ce t he constructi on of th e M ine



Experim ent Station Build ing in 1923 th ere has bee n no new bu il ding for labo ra to ry or class roo m purposes up to now. F o r long we h ave had ava ila bl e a ge neral pl a n of develop ment for t he M issouri Schoo l of Mi nes whi ch wou ld give it a ca mpu s seco nd to few uni ve rsities, but not hin g has bee n actua ll y done to furth er thi s prog ram , unt il t hi s proj pect becomes a lmos t a bsolutely necessa ry in ord e r to h andle th e ex pan sion of th e sc hool. Seve n hundred a nd fifty stud ents a re now at tendin g th e School of Mi nes, a nd eight hundred and fifty a re predi c ted for nex t yea r by th e registra r's office. Th at thi s influ x ca n be ha nd led with th e prese nt bui ld in gs a nd teachin g staff is doubtful. Th e School of Mines is now definitely on t he up g rad e, a nd thi s H yd raulics L a boril to ry is in kee ping with the tim es.


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fo r NOVEJI/BER, 1937

SUCCESSFUL CONVENTION T heir fir st region;d conFerence, but a success ! These wo rd s desc rib e th e regional co nve nti on of th e St. Loui s Dist rict Chap ter of th e America n F ound ry men's Association whi ch conve ned in R oll a on F rid ay a nd Sa turd ay, Octob er 8 and 9. A lthough ma rred by the sudd en departure on F rid ay of H y m an Born stein, president of th e A. F. A. , because of his m other's ill ness, a regist ra tion of 162 persons a nd smoot h runnin g techni ca l sessions throughou t m ade for a conference whi ch prove d sa ti sfacto ry to th e A. F. A. na ti ona l offi ce rs a nd most gra tifying to th e committee in cha rge, for since thi s was t he St. Louis A. F. A. C ha pter's fir st regio nal co nventi on, t he committee had bee n loo king forwa rd to th e fulfi ll ment of their pl annin g with quite so me t repid a ti on. T he chapter has bee n in existence fo r onl y two yea rs. Ten sta tes we re represe nted in the wee k-end gatherin g. They we re T exas, Oklahom a, K a nsas, Arka nsas . M issouri , Illinoi s, New Y ork , I owa , K entu ck y, a nd M ichi ga n. Six techni ca l sessions, wherein newes t developm ents in foun d ry prac t ice, ferrou s a nd non-ferrous, were prese nted, were th e nu cleus of th e conference. " Sa nds" ( C hemi stry Buildin g) a nd "Refractori es" (Metallurgy Building ) we re t he subj ect matter of th e F rid ay morning simultaneous sessions. C ha irmen pres iding we re T. C. H a mli n, U. S. Radiator Co rp., E dwa rd sv ill e, Il lino is, and Geo. W . M itsch, A meri can C a r and Foundry Co. , St. Loui s, respectively. T hat aft ern oo n " M et a llog ra ph y" (Met. Bid .) and "No n- F errous M et als" ( C hem. B id. ) we re top ics of di scussion und er cha irm en C has. Y. C lay ton of M . S. M ., and F. T. O'H a re, Centr al Brass and Alu minum F oundry Co., St. Loui s. H ea ding the Satu rday mornin g concludin g mee tings we re L ee E ve rett, K ey Co., Ea st St. Loui s, I ll. , a t th e "Steel Fo undry" ( Chem. B id.) g roup a nd M r. ' Ve bb K a mm erer, sub stitute for M r. Born stein a t th e " Gra y Irons and Alloys" ( M et. Bid. ) session . T wo M . S. M. a lumni , J. J. Offutt, '32, Sa les E nginee r, A. P. G ree n Bri ck Co. , M ex ico, M o., a nd J. J. Picco, '33, Foundry E ngi nee r, So rb o-Mat Process E ngin ee rs, St. Lou is, pa rti cipa ted directl y in th e techni ca l sessions. Others prese nt we re W. E. R emm ers, '23, Electrome tallu rgical Sa les Corp., Chi ca go, I ll. ; C. A. Free m an, '28, A. P. G ree n F ire B ri ck Co.; R. C. W eigel, '3 4, M exico Refractori es Co., M ex ico, M o.; M . E . Stewart, '33, G reen F oundry Co., St. L ouis; H. H . K essler, '24, Sorb oMa t Process Engin ee rs; Nea l H am , '23,

Ingersol-Ra nd D ril l Co. , St. Loui s; G. E. M ell ow, ' 18, L iberty F oundry Co., St. Lou is; a nd C. F . M a rt in, '25, Cl ima x M oly bdenum Co., Cl imax, Co lorado. P a pers prese nted by Mr. Offu t t a nd M r. P icco we re " L inin g of R ese rvo irs a nd Lad les Suitabl e for Soda -As h Trea tm en t" by th e Form er du ri ng th e Friday morn ing " R ef rac tory" session and "Meta ll og ra ph y of Cas t I ron" by t he la tter before the "Me t a Il og ra ph y" ga t herin g, whi ch co nve ned t ha t a ft ernoo n. Prof. Cla y ton, chairm a n of th e "Meta ll og ra phy" session, a nd Dr. S. R. B. Cooke of t he Me t a ll u rgy D epa rtm en t co mp rise d t he fac ul ty memb ers ta kin g ac tive pa rt in th e tec hni ca l sessio ns. Dr. Coo ke's ta lk, entit led the sa me as M r. P icco's was t he first give n befo re th e "Me ta llogra phy" group. In cid enta ll y, seve ra l photom icrog ra ph s whi ch M r. Pi cco used to ill ustr a te his pa per we re prepa red here on th e ca mpu s by him with the ass ista nce of Dr. Coo ke. All juni or a nd se ni or me ta llu rgy students, hav ing bee n exc used from Frid ay a ftern oo n a nd Saturd ay classes, we re ava ila ble throughout to be of se rvice to th e A. F . A. memb ers. So me rend ered a id in prepa rin g seating faciliti es whil e ot hers ac ted as guides. T heir sub sequ ent prese nce durin g th e t a Iks swell ed the ga t heri ngs to ca paci ty size, whi ch necessitate d in t rodu cing

SOCIAL CALENDAR School Year 1937-1938 Dec. Fri. 10 Sat. 11 Thur. 16 Fri. 17 Sat. 18 Sat. 18 J an. Sat. 15 Sat. 29 Feb. Sat. 5 Sat. 13 Sat. 19 Apr. Sat. 9 Sa t. 16 Fri. 22 Sat. 23 Fri . 29 Sat. 30 May Fri. 6 Sat. 7 Sat. 14 Sat. 21 Sat. 28

Sig ma Pi Sigma Nu Kappa Alph a Pi K appa Alph a Triangle K appa Sigma Interfra ternity St. P ats Board O fficers Club Theta Kappa Phi St. P a ts Board Theta Tau St. P a ts Board A lpha Lambda Tau Pi Kappa Alpha Sig ma Nu K appa Sigma Kappa Alpha Triangle Sigma Pi Theta K appa Phi Lambda Chi Alpha

m ore cha irs in ord er tha t eve ryo ne be F acul ty mem bers a lso we re sea ted. prese nt. l~eg i s t r a t i o n u nder the sup e rvision of J. \"1. K elin , memb er of t he co mmi ttee in cha rge, had t ake n p lace p rior to t he F ri d ay mornin g mee t in gs. Lun cheo n at th e H otel Edwin L ong occ upi ed t he F rid ay noo n in te rm iss ion pe riod. H ere D irec tor W. R. C hedsey's a ddress of we lcom e ex tend ed t he hosp itality of R olla a nd t he M issour i School of M i nes to t he mem bers of t he A. F. A. P residi ng a t the lun cheo n was G. S. H a ley, Ce nt u ry Fo undry Co., St. Lo ui s, a nd cha irm a n of t he St. L oui s chapte r, A. F . A. P ri nci pal speake r a t t he co nve n t ion ba nq uet th at eve nin g in the P ierce Pe nn a nt H otel was to have bee n Preside nt Born stein. Beca use of hi s abse nce, his speec h was rea d by D . M. Avey, sec reta ry- treas urer of th e nationa l orga ni za t ion. M r. M i tsc h, t he toas tm aste r, in t rod uced also Direc tor C hedsey a nd Prof. Clayton, who gave shor t t a lks. Th e enterta inment which followed the din er found m a ny M iners of all curri cula bes ides th e F oundry men v iewing in P a rk er H a ll two enterta in ing spor t reels. Th is ha d bee n a rra nged fo r the delega tes a nd others by C. R. C ullin g, Ca rond elet F oundry Co., St. Lo ui s. Origin all y a " points of inte res t" tour had bee n schedul ed for Sa turd ay aftern oo n. It was not held, howeve r. As a res ult of th e spl endid turn ou t at t he co nve nti on, th e A. F. A. of St. L oui s has bee n g rea tl y enco urage d, a nd it pl a ns to m ake th e regiona l co nfe rence an a nu a l a fb ir a t M . S. M. The co nference, pa ttern ed after o th er regiona I m ee ti ngs, was a rr a nged by th e fo llowing co mmittee : Lo ui s J. D espa[ois, Picha rd s Mo then a nd Co., chairm an; Geo rge W . M itsc h; C. R. Cu lli ng; W ebb K a mm erer, M id va le M ining a nd Mfg. Co., a nd John W . K eli n, F edera ted Me t als Co rp. In coo pera tion with C. Y. Clayton of M . S. M. LLOYD R. u\CY, '30, who ha s bee n with the Phill ips Petroleum Co. at Seminole, Okla ., is m ech anica l en¡ gi nr. er ill the productic)n department at D;\; 1 "' s\'ille, Okla . FRANK C. MULFORD, '23, of Kew York City, is min ing cons ultant in the re sea rch departmcnt of T I ME, IXC. J . WA R 1~EN FRAME, '37, gradu.ate of the Missouri School of Mines, is enrol led in gra d uwte 1V0rk at Lehigh U niversity, B ethle hem, Pen nsylvania.

L. L . ELLIS, JR., '30. junior engineer with the Cerro de Pas'co Copper Corp. , hal> been t¡ransfcrrecl from Morococha to Ca sa palca, Pcru.



MIN ER Si nce we re po rted to yo u last, th e lVliners have wo n two ga m es, los t two a nd t ied o ne. Thi s cove rs v icto ries ove r th e Sp rin gfi eld a nd Maryvi lle tea m s in th e M . I. A. A., whi ch enab led th e Silve r a nd Go ld t o climb into third pl ace in the loop standings. At t h is writing th e Min ers h ave o n ly on e ga m e left to play, th at with C a pe Gir a rd eau o n Thanksgiving da y . H oweve r th e M ine rs ca n w in or lose, as th ird place is as far as th ey ca n go in t he con ference. The Cape Indi a ns h ave alrea d y won th e fl ag a nd th e ga m e ca n on ly bol ste r t he Min ers' record if th ey win . In th e ot her two M. I. A. A. ga m es th e Min ers t ied th e Kirk svill e Bulldogs here a t Ro ll a befo re a la rge ho m ecoming crowd, a nd los t to vVa n'e nsburg on th e Mu le fi eld. The o th er Min er se tback was a 19-7 loss t o a strong Ok lahom a City U. eleven. The Warren sburg t ilt was th e th ird on th e sc hedu le, a nd found the M iners calling at the Mules' fi eld. Ba dl y outpl ay ing th e T eachers, th e Miners relaxe d a few minutes in th e second and third qu a rters a nd J ohnn y Brown , fl eet W a rrensburg b ac k, took m at ters into hi s ow n h ands t o d as h 80 ya rd s o ne tim e a nd 70 th e ot hers, a nd trim the Engineers, 20 to 6. P layin g before a crowd of 3000, the Min ers push ed the Mul e tea m a ll ove r th e fi eld exce pt a t cru cia l m om e nts, and as the res u lt th e Miners took th eir second trimming of th e seaso n. The lVlin er offe nse was a pon derous t h ing th a t ripp ed th e Mu le lin e to shreds tim e after tim e. The M u le offense was wrapp ed up in Brown and twice the Mu le came through with lo ng run s that ended up ove r t he goa l line. Th e Miners sco red in th e third qu a rter when Dick C unn ing ham faded b ack a nd to ssed a pa s t o end Ca rl Lintn er who th en fell ove r th e goa l lin e. Twice t he M iners kn oc ked at th e M ul e pa yofF counter. Th e fir st tim e C unnin gh am 's pa ss we nt into th e end zo ne. "Kozy" Koz ia tek, th e Mi ners' 139-pound quarterba ck, to uched th e b all onl y to h ave it go past him w here Jim Ta y lo r, Mi ner b ack, ca ugh t it. H oweve r t he ru les say th at a vVan'e nsburg m a n mu st touch the ball in betwee n or th e p ass is in co mp lete. T hu s th e Min ers were ca ll ed back a nd th e b a ll given to th e Mul es. Later in t he seco nd peri od t he Miners ha d t he b all on th e Mu le one-inch line a nd th e pi st ol end ed th e ha lf.

The Kirk svi lle battle was a ha rd fought affair a nd the M iners had much th e best of t h in gs unt il a fa ulty pa ss defense a ll owed th e Bu ll dogs to sco re. T he Miners had sco red in t he first quarter when J ohn Kinva n, Min er g u ard , broke through and blocked an atte mpted punt. The ball roll ed ove r th e Kirk sv ill e goa l lin e and Capt. Richa rd Prough bru shed it. T hen Presto n Ax th elm , pi vot m an, ca m e through a nd fell o n t he pi gs kin giv ing t he M iners a sco re. Ladd's try for th e point was wide. Then w ith but o ne m inute left of t he h alf, Mill er of Kirk sv ille p ase d to end Shee ney a nd the la tter stepped ove r th e goal lin e. Si rakas' try for the point wa s wide. T hi s blow stunned th e M iners a nd the rest of th e ga m e was played in the midd le of th e field. The m any alumni w ho retu rn ed for th e ga m were di sa ppointed with the ti e but a s t ie games do not count in the M . I. A. A. standings it did not h a rm th e Miners' cause as m uch as it mi g ht have. W'ith a week's rest the Miners traveled down to Ok lahoma C ity t o take o n th e Go ldbugs in a night ga m e. Many M . S. M. men we re in t he sta nd s but desp ite th a t, the Miners were bad ly outplayed. The fina l sco re was 19-7 and th e Miners we re up aga in st a heavier, st ro nger eleve n th at wa nted to win th eir ho m ecoming ga me b adl y . In additio n the moral s of the Bugs were not of t he hi ghest qua lity and m a ny of th e Min ers ca me home w ith bruises th a t we re infl icted w ith fi sts, etc, Aft er sco rin g in th e seco nd qu a rter th e Bugs came back in th e seco nd ha lf a nd crossed th e M iner line t wice to lead, 19-0. At th is point t he M iner t ea m bega n to cl ick an d started to loo k like a co llege eleve n aga in. Showin g a determ ined offense fo r th e fir st tim e they sta rted to town , and picked up 32 ya rd s on runn ing p lays. Th en whe n th ey hi t th e Bug 24-ya rd st rip e th e attac k fa iled a nd O. C. U. took t he bal i. A punt put th e ba ll o n th e M iners' 20-ya rd lin e a nd th en

I-Io17/. ecom ing in I9 38 7.vill be 011 Saturday, O ct, 29. Th e Min ers ¡w dl m.ee t Cape Gi1'a rdea u lIZ th e f ootball r;a me.





YOU '1

c. c c F

th ey m a rched down the fi eld to score. On th e Bug 11 Otis Ta y lor tossed a p ass to J oe Murphy who sli pped over th e li ne before th e Bu gs kne w j ust wh at was going on. J im Taylor came into th e ga m e to k ick th e ex tra point. Back on th e hom e fi eld the fo ll owin g week th e Miners humb led th e Springfi eld te a m in a n M . I. A. A. battle, 35 to 0, to climb into fourt h D ick pl ace in the conference race. Cunningham fres hm a n bac k , had a fi eld da y, sco ring o ne touchdown himself, a nd hav ing a h and in three others. The fir st quarter netted t he Miners two points when J oe Murphy t ack led a Bear behind hi s ow n goa l line aft er th e Sp rin gfie ld cen te r ha d cen te red th e ba ll w il d. In th e second period afte r th e Bears h ad repu lsed all th e M iners co uld show, Cunningham fina ll y led a drive down th e fi eld, with he, Jim T ay lor a nd Joel Love ri dge carry ing th e ba li. Cunnin O' ham th en cu lmin ated th e dri ve with a plunge from th e two-ya rd li ne fo r th e tou chd own. In the thi rd qu a rter the Min ers found th eir sco ring gun s and Cunningh am t ossed a latera l to D o n Hart, fres hm a n ful lback, who we nt th e rem ainin g ten ya rd s to score. Cunningh am ha d bee n trapp ed by a Bea r defensem3n. a nd hi s late ral to H a rt

for IVOVE M BER , 1937


SPORTS In th e las t pe ri od H a rl ey La dd ga lloped 20 ya rd s, t hen used the la teral aga in, a nd pase d to Alge r Po meroy w ho ran th e rem aining eigh t ya rds to t he goa l line. L add's try fo r th e poin t was wide.

t heir offense was stopped when La dd interce p ted a pass. T he po ny Miner bac kfi eld t hen took co mm and of the sit ua ti on a nd when t he fin al gun we nt ofT" th e Sil ve r and Go ld m ac hi ne was hea ded for a noth er to uchdown.

Th e Bea rs m ade their on ly se ri ous scoring threa t in t he third qu a rte r when t hey adva nced th e ball to t he Mi ners' 6-ya rd stri pe bu t th ere th e attac k f ail ed and th e M iners too k th e ba ll.

At thi s tim e t he Mi ners a re ready to pl ay Ca pe G ira rdea u on T ha n ksgiv ing day. A v ictory for the In dia ns wo ul d give th em undi spu te d cham pionshi p of th e M . I. A. A., whil e a win for the M iners wo uld not affect t heir third pl ace sta ndin g.

Ma ryv ille was th e nex t tea m on the M iner schedu le a nd the Bea rcats we re defeated 7 to 0 on the Mine rs fi eld. K ing Winter ca me in with a gust of cold wind on T hursd ay ni gh t befo re th e ga me and th e few fan s who brave d the elements a lmos t fro ze to deat h.

It snowed throughout th e ga me a nd a ltoge th er was a ha rd d ay to co nce ntra te on foot ball. H oweve r, neither tea m was both ered mu ch by t he extreme cold for th ere were onl y t wo fumbl es in th e ga me.

COVIPTON showed excell en t brain wo rk. Jim T aylor th en ki cked th e ex tra poi nt. L a ter in the peri od C u n ningham agai n broke th rough for a long ga in, was hemm ed in a nd a bout to be stopped. Turning a round he tossed a late ral t o I 8S -pound Ri cha rd Prough, th e M iners st a r tac kl e, who ra n the ova l ove r th e line. Jim T aylor aga in kicked the point. Then th e M iners completed th eir onl y pass of th e aftern oo n. C unnin gham faded bac k a nd threw to Ca rl L intner who we n t ove r the line for the M in ers' four th touchd ow n. Taylor automa ti ca ll y pl ace ki cked t he ex tr a point.



The ga m e sta rted off wit h the heavy Ma ryville line sto pping th e M iners' running a tt ack dea d. All durin g th e fir st half th e pl ay was confined mos tl y t o th e midfield . In th e seco nd peri od the M iners too k to th e air for one pl ay a nd we nt ove r for the onl y touc hd own in the ga m e. H a rl ey L add too k the ball from midfi eld to th e Bea rca t 20-y ard line on a long end run th at was featured by fin e interference. Then Oti s Taylor threw a I 9-ya rd pass to Jim W ilson, who t rotted ove r with th e ball. Jim Taylor was ru shed in to th e ga me to ki ck the ex tra point a nd th e M iners we re ahea d 7-0. There th e sco re rem ained a nd th e M iners h ad won two ga mes In a row.

T he Bea rca t s m ade a se ri ous threat in th e las t few minutes of play but

Let's t a ke a look at t he co nfere nce results thi s year. T he Bull dogs of Kir ksv ill e we re de throned from t he crow n thi s yea r for t he fir st tim e in fi ve seaso ns. W a rrensburg a nd Cape we re sla ted for th e loo p's titl e from th e sta rt of t he seaso n although few obse rve rs kn ew th at th e In dia ns we re as strong as th ey we re. Both vVa rrensburg and Ca pe co ntinu ed through t he seaso n und efea ted, and in ad diti on th e Indi a ns we re the onl y coll ege tea m in t he U nited States th at ha d bee n un scored on. On Nov. 19 th e two tea ms met at C ape for the cha mpi onship a nd the Indi a ns emerged on th e long end of th e sco re, 20-6. H ere a re t he M. I. A. A. Sta ndi ngs : T ea m W. Ca pe G ira rd ea u ...... 4 Wa rrensburg ...... ---- 4 MINE R S ---.--- .----.-- - 2 K irksv ille .. Ma ryv ille 1 0 Springfi eld ...

L. T. Pe t. 0 1. 000 0 .800 1 1 .667 2 2 .333 3 1 .250 5 0 .000 0

GAMES LEFT ov. 2S-Miners at Ca pe G ira rd ea u Springfi eld at Ta ll equa h, Okl a.



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J. J. P icco, M issouri School of M ines alumnu s, a nd found ry engin ee r of the Sorb o-Mat P rocess E ngin ee rs, St. Lo ui s, Mo .. was gues t spea ker a t it mee ti ng of the M. S. M. C ha pter of th e A meri ca n Society for Meta ls on October 6th. A lthough spea king on "Foundry Practice" as a ge nera l top ic, M r. Pi cco div ided the subj ec t in to t he foll owin g bra nches : " lVIak ing a Mo ld ," "The Art of Casting," and "Furn aces Used in t he Fo undry." M r. P icco a rri ve d seve ra l d ays before the regiona l conve nti on of th e St. L ouis Di s tri ct C ha pter of t he A meri ca n Fou ndry men's Assoc ia ti on, whi ch was held here on Octobe r 8t h a nd 9th , in o rd er to p repa re suppl ementary photom icrogra phs for a pa per he was to prese nt. H is op portun e ctr ri va l m ade possib le thi s ad dress before a la rge audi ence of Jun ior memb ers of th e

T hrough a n a rra nge ment m ade by Jack Lo ng '38, with M r. P ercy B roo ks of W' a rrensburg, a short wave broadcast of t he Wa rrensbu rg Mu les-Min ers footba ll ga me was receive d by M in er fan s in J ac k li ng Gy mna sium. Sent from th e playing fi eld by telephone a nd relaye d by station W 9D X D , t he pl ay by play account was picked up by W 9EEE wit h J. S. L eG ra nd e at th e con trois.

On Oct. 13, J. B. Pries t ley, intern at ionall y kn ow n Engli sh aut hor a nd playwri ght, a ppea red on th e seco nd of t he Ge nera l Lectures Program held in P a rk er H a ll. T he subjec t of hi s lec ture was "A \il/riter Looks at th e World."

A. S. M.




PI K . A. A P ledge da nce was give n by t he Pi Kappa A lph a fr ate rni ty on Oct. 22, t he mu sic being fu rni shed by Vin ce Ge novese a nd hi s orches tra. Prof. a nd Mrs. Dodd , Prof. a nd Mrs. Hanl ey, and Prof. a nd M rs. J ohn so n we re the chape rons. The a lu mn i who ha d retu rn ed for H omeco mi ng swell ed t he crowd to capacity.




TR I AN GLE On Oct. 29, t he Triang les da nc ed to the mu sic of Jimmi e G ilm ore and hi s orch estra in honor of t heir pledges a nd t he ghos ts a nd go b li ns of H allowee n. T he chapero ns we re Prof. a nd M rs. H. R . Hanl ey a nd Prof. a nd Mrs. J. S. Cu lli so n. *-



ARTI ST T he first lec ture in t he Ge neral L ecture P rog ra m was give n by T homas Hart Benton in P arker H all o n Oct. 14. Th e subj ect of hi s lec ture was "Socia l R es ponsibility and Art." Mr. Ben to n is one of th e foremost mur al painters in t he count ry. Some of hi s wo rk ca n be seen on the wa ll s of t he cap ito l at J efferso n Ci ty.




R ULERS T he new Stud en t Cou ncil held its fir st regul ar mont hl y mee t ing Oct. 6 in t he Club Room. If yo u remem ber the Council h ad been inac t ive th e las t fe w yea rs a nd its re turn is in step w it h t he new ca mpu s spiri t.




AI R T he newly for med G lid er C lub is laying pla ns to pu rchase a 2 passe nger seco nda ry ty pe gli der, equipp ed with du a l co n tro ls a nd latest sa fety fea tures.

Simil ar a rra nge ments were mad e fo r th e Okla homa C ity U. ga me. Th e ga me was broa dcast from t he press box to a more powe rful loca l transmitter a nd th en relaye d to W 9EEE.





G. D . Cobaugh of th e H a rbi son\il/a lker Refrac tori es Co m pa ny, St. Lou is, Mo., di splaye d fiv e ree ls of fi lm on th e "Mak ing of R efrac tori es," October 7th at the M isso uri School of M ines, before a gatherin g sponso red jo intl y by th e M . S. M. cha pters of Th et il Ta u a nd th e A meri ca n Society for Me tal s. T he fi lms we re quite ext ensive in scope and depi cted the m anu fac ture of fir e clay, sili ca , magnesite, a nd chrome refr ac t ory bri cks from the mining of the ra w m ate ri als to t he fin al firin g of t he mo lded bri cks. Loca les of t he fi lm we re so me of th e num erous min era l deposits and refractory pla nts possesse d by th e HarbisonWa lker Co mp a ny.




AND COSTS! A crim e wave has st ruck Ro ll a w ith th e res ult th a t several stud ents have resid ed in th e co ncrete pill box off t he t racks for v iolatin g t he loca l ordi nanc es. F irst ca se in th e doc ket was R oll a vs. th e culpri t who shut off our new traffic li ght, th e pride and joy of the town . T he seco nd WilS a G reyhound bu s dri ve r vs. the so ngster who annoying ly se rena ded seve ra l pretty travelers.




ATTENTION Th e Adva nced R ese rve Officers T ra ining Co rps U ni t of the M issouri School of M in es, heretofore known as t he Officers' Club, now exists as a Post of the Society of Ame ri ca n M ili tary Engi nee rs. T he i nst a II a ti on of thi s Post in t he School of M in es will undoubted ly enhan ce the pres ti ge of t he R. O. T. C. B atta li on.




T AU BETA PI On Nove mb er 4 nin e new members we re ini tiate d in to th e M issouri Bet a Ch a pter of T au Beta Pi a t the se mia nnua l banqu et held a t the Sin clair P enn a nt Tavern. F a ther J. B. MacelWil ne, S.J. , hea d of the G rad uate School of Ph ys ics at St. Lo ui s U nive rsity, was th e spea ker of th e eve ni ng.




COMI N G U P Mr. H . A. Neust ae dter, ' 16, consu lting minin g engineer, spoke before the A. I. M . E . on Nov. 5. M r. Neustaedter is the so n of an M. S. M. min in g engin ee r il lumn us a nd th e fa th er of a n M . S. M. stud ent to be ( nex t yea r ) . A nyo ne have iI great grandso n ?




HI STORY D r. Man n, hea d of the Drawing depa r tment, has spe nt m a ny of hi s spare hours dur ing th e last yea r collec tin g materi a l on th e hi sto ry of th e M. S. M ., a nd he is now editin g thi s m ate ri a l into a th esis with th e in tention of pub li shing a co mpl ete hi story at a late r d ate. The t hesis upon co mpl eti on will be p lace d on fil e in t he li brary access ible to eve ry on e.

Prof. C. V. Man n, hea d of th e dra wing department of the School of M ines, is collec tin g m ate ri al for bi og ra p hi es of th e la te professors, Geo rge D ea n an d C. 1. Dake, and will be interes ted in receiving lette rs from alu mn i of incid ents, hum orous or o th erwise, that occ urred to these beloved ge ntl em en whil e in classroo m or in th eir p ri vate li ves. Dr. Ma nn is especia ll y interes ted in receiving let ters of ap preciatio n from t heir form er stud ents. The m a teri al will be bound and place d in th e sc hool libra ry.


fo'r N OVEN1 BER , 1937

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Higher Recoveries · · · ... Lower Costs Acceptance! Tn th e la st t w elve mouth s Di-

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tab les have bee n f urn ished to, or ord e recl in qu antity by majo r op e r a tin g co mpanies a s fo l } G'iYs :



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Engineers are wisely returning to the practice of recovering mineral values at their coarsest point of liberation, Good concentrating t ables are therefore winning more favor and wider applica tion daily , DiagonalDeck Deister-Overstrom Tables offer you the finest concentrating equipment mechanically and metallurgically. The improvements in this , eqUIpment enable operators to keep a breast of economic conditions a nd chang es. On the basis of this traditional performance and mechanical excellence, and following deliberate investigations of the most modern concentration practice and equipment, Cia. Minera de Oruro, Bolivia, South America, ordered in 1936, at one stroke of the pen, 80 Diagonal-Deck Deister-Overstrom Concentrating Tables for the new Vinto MilL This important producer, like others in Bolivia successfully engaged in the exacting recovery of tin, has for 23 years depended on Diagonal-Deck Deister-Overs,t rom Tables for the most efficient and profitable concentrating service. Since the first Diagonal-Deck Deister-Overstrom Tables were applied on tin recovery in the early part of this century, Bolivian tin mines have purchased 524 Diagonal Deck Tables, manufactured by THE ORIGINAL DEISTER CONCENTRATOR COMPANY to insure those extra advantages which analytical operators seek on the exacting metallurgical proMems.


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6 A la,lJ l111Hl By-P rodu c t s PnlC o , AJ a.b a nl a.

COrl) .,

6 S im on I. P atino , Boli v i a .

84 S o uth e l'n P h os ph a t e Co ., B a.rto w , :Florida. 6 'Ves t L a nd Secu ri ty Co ., In c ., San A nt o nio , T e x a s. 4 L. A. 'l' o od , S w eetw ate r , T en ]l essee. 8 C ia . :iU in c.r a U nifi ca d a {leI Cerr o d e Poto s i, B olivia.

36 A l ll e l' ica n n ,u t ile Ja nd , V i r'g ini a.


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4 S i"l m ese Tin 1\(ines, ShUll . 16 I ltg-a

l)1inin g vill e, G e org ia.


C o .,

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T he latest type D iagonal-D eck D eiste1'-O verstro1n T ables cost l1wre than ordinary concentrating tables , T hey are w01·th 1nore as pl·0d1~ction and cost records pl'ove. T he geneml acceptance speaks for itself.


Heavy Duty "Vibrating Screen

The new Leahy NO-Blind Vibrating Screen offers maximum capta city at minillllUm cost when sizing table feed, or operating in closed circuit with secondary crushers. For efficiency on fine screening the Leahy has no equal, figuring results and costs on per ton basis of finished product. Note the improved design and new totally enclosed rugged vibrator with unbreakable bridge. Diagonal - Deck D eister - Overstrom Concentrating Tables - Leahy Heavy Duty Vibrating Screens - Concenco Classifiers-Concenco Spray Nozzles are PROFIT PRODUCERS with large and small operating companies. PUT THEM TO WORK FOR YOU! Write for bulletins now.

Concenco CRF Distributor The function of the Concenco Revolving Feed Distributor is to effect a splitting of the feed sluiced to its cone, into any desired number of equal portions from two to ten. Especially suitable for feeding a battery of concentrating tables-giving an equal distribution of feed to each table.

CONCENCO Spray Nozzles New and different. Jet is a fine-line spra y v e r y effective in washing and screening. Easily ass embled without t app,i ng. Readily aligned for sheet flow discharge from mUltiple installation.

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faT N OVEMBER , 1937


Execulive Training ~~~~~~~~~~\~~~~


HE next five years, even though they be years of prosperity, will prove a more severe test of personal and executive competence than any similar period in the past. Men who want to win financial independence must meet a new set of requirements. There will be none of the indiscriminate, get-rich-quick prosperity of the last boom. A higher order of business knowledge, executive training, and understanding of the new rules of industry will be the price of betterthan-average income.


OR twenty-seven years, the Alexander Hamilton Institute has been meeting each new business period with a plan of business and executive training geared to the needs of the day. Thousands of men have profited by this training, including many who are now heads of leading American corporations. NOW to meet fully the new conditions and new problems of TODAY, the Institute has formulated a NEW PLAN that will meet most effectively your personal requirements for growth and progress; that will equip you to command a higher place in American business life.

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HIS is a new edition of the famous book that has started so many thousands on the road to greater-than-average success. To you its value depends entirely on yourself, on what you want, and on how strong your determination is to get it. Most readers of this p age will not even bother to send for this book. Some will send for it and do nothing about it. A few will read it, will grasp the importance of its message, and will go ahead to win influence and income that will

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The TECHNOG R AM MI N ERAL CO LLE CTION (Continu ed from Page 2)

a rti cle. And it was hi s pen th a t reco rd ed in th e Ph i K appa Phi J ourn al t he pass in g in 1934 of hi s departm ent sup erior. Dr. D a ke. Promi nen tin th e honora ry societies of th e ca mpu s, Dr. Mu il enburg numbers memb ership in Sigm a X i, Tau Beta Pi , a nd Phi K a pp a Phi . Oth er soc ie ties that co u nt him memb er a re Sigma Ga mm a E psilon, t he A. 1. M. E. , a nd Sca bbard a nd B lade. W ith rich yea rs of sc hola rsh ip a t W as h ingto n U ni ve rsity a nd th e U ni versiti es of Colorado and Iowa, and Instructorsh ip in M in era logy a nd Geo logy a t th e Iacka y School of M ines , U nivers ity of Neva d a, <lS a bac kgrou nd, Dr. O. R. Grawe entered M. S. M. in Septembe r, 1928, as Assist a nt Professo r of Mineralogy. Seven yea rs late r in Se ptemb er, 1936, he was a d va nced to hi s prese n t statu s of Assoc iate Professo r of Mi nera logy. An ea rn est stud ent in h is und ergraduate period , Dr. Grawe was recipi ent of two fellow ship s during th e pursuit of hi s s tudies. A Gr adu a te fell ows hip in geo logy foll owed hi s A.B. D eg ree at W ashin gto n U. In ] 925 he was honored with a Ga rdn er Fel lowsh ip, co nferred upon him by t he Di vis ion of Geo logy a nd Geograph y of the Na ti ona l R esea rch Counc il. A t thi s tim e he was also a G ra du a te Assistant in Geology at I owa, where he rece ive d hi s P h.D. D egree in 1927. Hi s M.S. D eg ree h ad bee n gained whil e a G raduate F ell ow in Washin gto n U. At a ll tim es a stud ent in his fi eld , Dr. G rawe h as not been co ntent with tea ching a lone. Eve ry summ er during h is st ay in R oll a h as found him bu sy conductin g resea rch. La st summ er thi s in clud ed co nsulting wo rk for th e EaglePi cher L ea d Co. A nd when it was found a d visa bl e a few yea rs back to add X -ray a na lys is to the geo logy gra du a te co urses, Dr. G rawe, hav ing studied during th e prev ious two summ ers at P enn . St ate Coll ege in prepa rat ion, was qu a lifi ed to co ndu ct th e course. Quite a few geo logic pape rs h ave bee n au th ored by th e mineralogy prof. They ex tend from hi s gra duate life at Was hi ngton U. a nd cu lmin ate in h is "M inera l Thermometer" chart, wh ich was publi shed as one of the M. S. M. tec hni ca l se ri es bu ll et ins a t th e close of last sc hool yea r a nd will be republished by the D enver Fire C lay Co. A t prese nt Dr. Grawe h as two p ape rs in the process of preparat ion- "Iron Sulphide Depos~ts of Misso uri ," to be pub li shed by th e Missou ri Geo logica l Survey, and "Ta bl es for the Identifi cation of Commercia l M inera ls," to be publi shed in book form.

H onorary fr a terna l SOC ieties of t he ca mpu s know th e min era logy prof. we ll ; Ph i Beta K a ppa , Sigma X i, Ph i Kappa P h i, a nd Ga mma A lph a includ e h im on th eir roll. Attest ing to h is rela tion sh ip with th e ex tern al scientific wo rld a re memb e rship in the Am eri ca n C hemi ca l Societ y, th e Ame ri ca n Minera logica l Society, t he M isso uri Academ y of Sc ience, th e N a tiona I Geogra ph ic Socie ty, a nd th e Ame ri ca n Assoc ia t ion for t he Advan ce ment of Science, of whi ch he is a fell ow. T hrough successive ad va nceme nts ga in ed here a t M . S. M., J. S. C ulli so n has ri se n to hi s prese nt statu s of Assis t a nt P rofesso r. Prof. C ulli so n's a lm a mater was th e U nive rsit y of I ll inois, whi ch granted him th e B.A. D eg ree with honors in 1928 . Followin g a spring se meste r of g ra duate wo rk t here a nd emp loy ment th a t summ er with t he K entu cky Geologica l Survey, he m ade hi s initi al appea ra nce here as Graduate Assista nt in Mineralogy. In succession ca me hi s M.S. D eg ree, In structorship, a nd then Assistant Profe sso rshi p. Like hi s colleagues Prof. Cu lli so n has bee n adept in th e class roo m , in th e fi eld, a nd with th e pen. Each summ er he lays aside his teaching duti es a nd in turn res um es hi s wo rk with t he Tennessee Vall ey Author ity, for whom he is a co nsu lting geo logist. Keeping step with hi s resea rches und ertak en a t M. S. M. h ave bee n seve ral papers, th e latest of whi ch, "Origin a nd Structura l R elat ionships of Incompl ete Interna l Moulds," was pub li shed in a Geo logical Soc iety of A meri ca bu ll etin. Associated with a wide ra nge of orga niza tion, Prof. Cu lliso n is a member of Gam m a A lph a, Phi Kappa Phi , Sigm a X i, Pi Kappa Alpha , Ph i Mu Alph a, and th e P a leo nto logica l Society of America. P rese nt gra du a te ass istant in th e geo logy depa rtm ent is M r. C h ilton Eato n P routy. Mr. Prouty ca me to M. S. M. in 1936 afte r securing hi s B.S. D eg ree in Geo logy a t t he U n iversity of No rth Carolin a. H e is wo rkin g for hi s M aste r's D eg ree. Of a prac t ica l n ature, Mr. Prouty was assoc ia ted las t summ er w ith t he T. V. A. as Jun ior Geologist. The ma in fun ction of the geo logy department is to supp ly m a ny vital courses required in Curriculul11 I , wh ich in cludes mll1 ing engll1 ee n ng, I11ll11 ng geology, a nd petroleum enginee ring. I n a dd i tion the depa rtm ent sc hedul es courses that ex tend credi t toward a B.S.


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N OVEMBER , 1937

in Geology, In a ll other curricul a here, exce pting Mecha ni ca l E nginee ring and Elect ri cal Engineering, one or more geologic subj ects are inclu ded also. Seven pages of the current M, S, M, cata logue a re devoted to th e desc ri ption of the courses offe red by th e depa rtment. Open to graduates are seve ral adva nced subj ec ts. Principles of ore deposition an d adva nced map in terpret ation are useful for a minin g engineer alumnu s; paleontology, metamorphi sm, a nd sedim enta tion are ava il ab le for grad uates desirin g to ma ke geology their profession; while the X-ray analysis course, furni shin g t he latest mea ns of chemica l a nalys is, might be a key to ad va ncement for alumni who are in cera mics, chemistry, or metallurgy, At thi s tim e it might be well to bring to the atte ntion of you a lumni that th e Dep artment is eq uipp ed to und ertake mineral determin a tion utilizing the most mod ern methods. By coopera ti on with other departments X ray, spectroscopic, petrographic, and polished section ana lysis can be and is being carried on, As stated before, the entire second floor of Norwood H all , conta ining the D epa rtm ent personnel offices, fi ve combin ation lec ture and laboratory rooms, and the mineral museum, is given ove r to th e Geology D epa rtm ent. H oused in space-saving fas hi on are collections of minerals, rocks, ores, fossils, and of maps that, in the D epa rtment's opinion , ri va l the best in a'ny other technical school tod ay. For each course there is specific example m a terial. Tabulated sys tematically and contained in tier up on ti er of drawers lining the corres pondin g cl assrooms, the specimens are easil y ava il ab le when wanted, Such arra ngeme nt, however, necessaril y shuts th em off from the public gaze l The structura l geology cou rse employs a series of specimens carefull y chosen to illustra te th e effec ts of the various weathering agencies upon rock an d minera ls. This collec ti on has been built up throu gh the years by the D epartment and is consta ntl y being enla rged. Supplementing is a complete set of all the top ograp hi c m aps of the U. S. tha t have been issued to d a teo In a ll there are 20,000 maps, geologica l and topograp hi ca l. (Continued on nex t page)

AMERiCAN ACADEMY OF DH.AMATIC ARTS F ounded in 1884 by Franklin H. Sargcu t . Th e firs t and foremo 8t ins t itution fo r Dramati ~ Training, in Ac ting, D irec tin g, ,and T eac hin g.

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18 MINERAL COLLECTION (Co ntinu ed fr om P~ge 17 ) Teac h ing aid s for t he eco nomi c geo logy a nd ore deposits co u rses are 2,5003,000 indi vidu a l ore specim ens represe n tat ive of ma ny minin g di st ri cts of th e U. S., So uth Ameri ca, a nd E urope. Ma ny of th ese have bee n co ntributed by form er stud ents a nd a lumni. F urt her addi tions would be we lcome. Te n t housa nd roc ks, represe ntin g eve ry k now n rock ty pe a nd ga th ered from all pa rts of t he wo rld, co mpri se t he lithology coll ec t ion. It is di v ided in to two group s, th e la beled or refe rence roc ks, a nd th e un labe led or p ract ice m a te ri a l. Purchase d in Ge rm a ny in 1914, th e collec ti o n und erwe nt co mp lete rec lass ifi ca ti o n in ord er t hat it fi t in wit h th e sc heme of teac hin g here. M uch of t hi s te di ous wo rk of tr ansla tin g (f rom t he Ge rm an ), rela belin g, a nd a rra ngin g was do ne by Dr. M uil enburg alone. A rra nged to promote stud y of t he co mm on min erals a nd rocks in more de ta il t h a n is possibl e by ord in a ry meth ods a re 1500 t hin sec ti ons and co rres pondin g sa m ples, for petrog raphi c a n alys is. Although t he D epa rt ment possesses a m achin e for grindin g roc k to thin sec t ions, th e a moun t of t ime a nd la bor in volve d in p rodu cin g a th in section m ade a d visa bl e t heir purchase. To ill u str a te t he stra ti gra ph y co urse t he D epa rtm ent uses both ast ra t igraphy a nd pa leo n to logy, or foss il , collection. The latte r co mpri ses t wo se ts of fossils, one a rra nged in geo logic peri ods a nd th e o th er a rra nged in relati on to th e developm ent a nd evolu t ion of life. Am ong th ese most in te resting spec im ens a re fossils so tin y th at a hi gh powe r mi crosco pe is required for th eir inspec ti on. O th ers a re eve n 2 or 3 feet in di ameter. Notewo rth y is th e elabo rate eq uipment used by th e D epa rt men t in stu dyin g its geologic specim ens in de ta il. P a rt of th is equi pmen t in clud es eight petrog raphi c a nd six bin oc ul a r mi crosco pes, photo-mi crog rap hy as we ll as gross pho togra ph y appa rtu s, a nd a m achin e for polishin g roc k a nd min eral specimens prior to stud y und er th e m icrosco pe. Thi s mac hin e was co nstru cted on th e ca m p us by Prof. R. O. J ac kso n, hea d of t he Mec h a ni ca l E nginee rin g D ep artm ent, follow in g a design formu la ted by Dr. M uil enburg. U nd oubted ly th e $lO,OOO mineral collection co n ta in ed in th e mu se um dr aws more co mm ent th an all t he re m aining coll ec ti ons toge th er. Thi s is bu t n a tur al, sin ce th ese min erals, whose hi sto ry is a t ale of alumni remembr a nce a nd ge nerous ass ist a nce fr om oth er qu a rters, a re a ttr ac ti ve ly a nd effec ti ve ly a rra nged in 22 glass cases for pub lic inspec ti on. U ntou ched since 1905, th e mu se um , und er th e sup ervision of Dr. G rawe, und erwent co mpl e te reo rga ni zation during t he school yea r 1934. With stud ent

T he TECHNOGR A M help ma de possibl e by th e F . E . R . A., th e ent ire co ll ection was clea ned, relabe led, a nd rea rr a nged. R es u lt in g was a mu se um t h at is v isite d a nnu ally by a hos t of to uri sts, profess ional peo ple, a nd mem be rs of t he sc hoo ls; a mu se um th a t is sa id to be th e bes t in th e St a te. H oweve r, for la borato ry prac ti ce in min era l dete rmin a ti on, a se t of 3,500 pieces, 1,000 more th a n is co nta ined wit hin th e mu se um , is used. Th e musellin min erals in rega rd to th e min eralogy co urse a re on ly a reference set, but one th a t is ava ilab le for stu dy a t odd hours. Mo reover, sto red in th e base ment of No rwoo d I-Ja il a re seve ra l to ns of surplu s ma te ria l, mos t of whi ch has bee n class ifi ed! F orty-fi ve th ousa nd doll a rs does th e dep a rt men t es tim a te to be th e repl acement va lu e of its co mbin ed geo logic agg regations. To t hi s sum mu st be add ed a not her $20,000, th e a ppralsem en t wo rth fi xed up on a II specImen housin g fac ilit ies, equipm ent, a nd mi scella neous depa rtm en t possessions by th e Ll oyd T homas Co. seve ral yea rs ago for i nsu ra nce pu rp oses. AI toge th er a $65,000 asse t! Bu tin case of fi re, 100 per ce n t irrepa ra b le loss ! Mo ney ca nn ot replace min era ls ch a racte ri sti c of min es th a t no longe r ex ist; money ca nn ot print m a ps from pla tes t h at have bee n los t (a nd th ere a re hundreds of th ese); mon ey ca nn ot m a ke a foss il. F or t hese reaso ns-to ena ble it to empl oy all its ill ustrat ive teac hing m ate ri a l; to a ptl y di spl ay so rem ark abl e a n acc umul a ti on of geological specim ens; a nd to fr ee its wea lth from a n eve r prese nt fir e menace, at th e sam e t ime riddin g No rwoo d H a ll of a burden g rea ter th a n its a ncient beam s we re ment to bea r- th e Geology D epa rtm en t h as bee n as kin g for a new building. LA NGE-P O WELL The l1lIarr iage of Miss Sybil Powel l. and ROBEH.T LANGE, was solemn ¡¡ ized at t he Ep iscopa l C huJ'c h at 4 :30 Monday aftel'lloon, Octo ber 25t h. Th e n,uct ia l ceremlony was perfo r med bv t he Rev. O. V . Jackson, Recto r t he Chu rch, fo llowed by a reoep ti o n at -t he Powe ll home. The co uple we re at tended by M iss J oyce Powell , slis,ter of t he br ide elect, a nd Lewis Ma ri on Moore of Mex ico. 11'[ 0., a co usin of t he br id egroom. T he br ide wore B u rgundy Ve lvet wi th ma tchi ng accesso ri es. Ushers were : \ IV. E. Davis . Ro bert \IV'eigel, P . Silver, and C. Van DeVa n te l' . M iss Powelll is th e daughter of M r. an d Mrs. F ra nk B . Powell of Rolla, an.d is a me m ber of o ne o f Ro lla's o ldest and p rom in en t famil ies. S he is a grad ua te of Ho ll a H igh Schoo l, a g radu ate of t he U ni vers ity of :Misour i, s'h e is a .nlJemb er of t'he Kappa A lpha T h eta Soror ity. M r. La nge is t he so n of M r. Ca.rl L a nge of Mexico, Mo. He is a g rad ua te of Mex ico P U'b lic Sc hoOlls, a nd of th e M isso uri School! o f :Min es, class olf '37, a nd is a member of th e P i Kappa A lpha frater ni ty. He is, employed by t he Ph illi ps Petro leum Co., at Pampa. Texas .

SIGMA PI On Oc t. 30 a p ledge da nce was held a t t he cha pter house of Sigma Pi . The' a tm os phere was of H a ll owee n with costum es a nd deco ra t ions to suit th e hour. Th e sy nco pa ti on was furni shed by Jimmi e G ilmore a nd h is orches tra.






T he a nnu al Ind epend ents d a nce was held on Nov. 6 a t J ac klin G y m. The stag line ove rA owed unti l it beca me a bl ot. G ilmore a nd Orches tra mad e th e merry melodies.



C U RFEW Th e d a nces thi s ye ar a re bein g held from 9 :00 to 1 :00 instea d of 10:00 to 2 :00 as in form er yea rs. Thi s gi ves th e slow boya n ex tra hour to say goo d ni gh t.



L EA D BELT Messe rs. Coghill , Cun ca n, Emigh, a nd R a mp ace k of th e Burea u of Mines S ta ff, Dr. S. R. B . Cooke of th e D ep ar t ment of M et a ll urgy and Ore Dressing, a nd Director Wr. R. Chedse y v isited th e L ea d Belt on W edn esday a nd T hursday, Se ptemb er 29th a nd 30t h.




TR AVELE R S Direc to r C hedsey and Mr. Wm . H. Coghi ll of th e Burea u of Mines v isited t he Sou th eas t Mi sso uri Lea d Di strict on M onda y, October II t ho While th ere th ey a ttended a dinn er meeting of th e E nginee rs Club of So uth eas t Missou ri.





D ec.

7-Centra l W esleya n a t R oll a 9-Drury a t Sprin gfi eld


17-Ca pe Gira rd ea u at C a pe J a n.

8-Drury at R oll a ll - K irk svill e a t R oll a 14-Ma ryv ille at Roll a 28-W a rrensburg a t R oll a

F eb. I-S pringfi eld a t Springfi eld 5-W a rrensburg a t W a rrensburg 8-S t. Loui s a t S t. L oui s 12-Springfi eld a t Roll a 14-C a pe Gira rdeau at Roll a 21- Kirk svill e a t Kirk svill e 22-M aryv ill e a t M a ryv ill e 2+-S t. Loui s at R oll a


for N OVEMBE R , 1937

.... Greetings~ Old Grads and Former Students"" The merchants of

ROLLA ta ke pleasure in extending' to you one and a ll a 1110st h earty a nd cordi al invitation to visit Rolla .

We Are Proud of MSM! ---~--JOHN W . SCOTT






























Rolla - - The Friendly Cit y


A. A. P EUGNET, '27, E ngineer, R 1tby Shaft, Chatanik, A laska. MEET A g roup of M S M al'umni h eld a banquet at th e A mbass ador Hotel in A'tlanti c City on \ N edn esd a y , Oct . 20. Tho se pr ese nt we re: Elm er Gammete;', '26, Carneg ie-Illinois Stee l Co . ; \ N . E . R emm ers, '23 , E lec tro- M eta llurg ica: Sale s Corp.; A . F. Mohri , '23, Gran it e City S te e l ; Thonl1a s E. E agan , '25. Cooper- Bess emer Corp. ; Roge r A . Day, '25, Lind e A ir Products Corp . ; L e e H. De\N ald . ' 33, Fan s te el Meta llurg ical Co r p . ; H. H. \ Ne'ise r , ' 18, N a sSiaU Sme ltin g and Re fi ning Co .; M . L. Fr ey , '23 , Beth le h em S t ee l Corp., and Dav'e R. Howerton , '35, ' V es tern E lec tric Co. These men w ere attending the N ational M e tal Con g r ess . Oth er MSM men in a,tt en d an ce were : Dana \Y. Smith, ex '29, A lum in ulll Co. of A me;'ica ; ]. R. McCarron , ' 32 ; VanadiumA ll oy's S teel Co.; ]. P . G ill, ' 18, Vanadium- A lloy s Steel Co.; V . H . Gott scha l,k , '00, U . S. Bur eau o f Mine s : Regin'a ld Dean, ' 15, U .S. Bureau Ot Min es ; Warren Frame, '37, Lehigh U ni v ersity ; John Heckman , '28, Ge nera l A llo ys Co., a n d F. B . F o ley, M id· va le Stee l Co. DINE A g roup a-f loya l M S M root etrs gathe red a t t h e Hot e l B iHmor e in O klah oma C it y to ta l k o ver 01d tim es and to enjoy a ,d inn er, j'u s t b efo re t'h e foot bal l ga m e w ith O klah o ma C ity U n i.. ve rs ity on th e ni g ht of Frida y, Nov. 5. Those prese nt we re : M r. and M r s . M. L. A tk inson, '25 ; Mr. and Mr s. K. A . E ll is on , '25 ; Mr . a nd M rs . IN . B . C rut ch er , '24; Mr. a nd Mps . ]. K. Murphy, ex '23; M r. and Mr s . J. F . M cD o,na ld , '33 ; Mess'er s I-I erman Kavele r, '27, (S h eriff) L e e , '2 7, (Ne d) J o hn sbn, '92, John Re id , '93, Bill N iec e, '20, J ack C o nn e lly, ' 31 , R. H . Bruml ey , '25, and Paul T e rr y , ex '2 5. Prof. C. Y. Cla y ton , Coach Gal e Bu ll man and Ass' t. C oa ch P ercy Gill w er e al s o p rese nt.

W J LLI AM H . LE N Z , ' 33, has re s igne d a s r esearch e n g i n e ~ r with th e Oh io Stat e en g ill'ee ri ng <" xp e'r i men t otaiJ(r;] in ord er to bec on~e re search m e t a llnr gJist fl()rr t h e Fan steel M eta llUir g ical Corp. , N or~ h Chi ca go, Ill.

The TECHNOGRAM PROF. C. E . BARDSLEY ELECTED V. P. OF NATIONAL S. P . E. Dr. C. E . Bard s ley, '20, was elec,ted a v ice-pr es id ent o f th e N ationa l S ociet y of Profess ional E ng in ee r s at its t hi rd annu'al co nve nti o'n h e ld in New York , Oc t. 8-9. Th e main iss ue o f th e m ee tin g w as t h e union qu es ti o n , and thi,s prove d so imp'o rt a nt that it d o m ina,te d the di sc u ss ion , bOlth fo rmal and inf o rma l. A 'r eso l u tion was pa ss ed a't tih e close o f th e m ee t ing callin g fo r am e ndm e'nt o f th e Na,ti o nal Lab o r R elat ion s A cts to exe m p,t a l'l pro fess ionall m e n fr om a re qul:,re m e nt <tha't a n o n-pro fess io nal or ga n ization r ep r ese nt th em in co ll ecti ve b ar ga ini ng . M ean w hi le h e r e in uh e s ta'te t he Mi's s ouri Soc ie ty h e'].cl a n exec uti" e m ee tin g i n S't. L a-uis a't whi ch time plan s w e re mad e for a s;ta't e-wid e m eetin'g to' b e h eld in Sit. L o u is . The m emb er s hi p g ai,n w a s r e port ed to be eig h t in le ss than a mont h, w~lich brings th e tota l up itla 289. Pr o f. Ca r lton announc ed the add iti-o n of \ V,ill C. Cog hil l, D ir e ctor of th e. U . S . B urea u of M in es E x per iment Sit ation a.t Ro·J1Ja , ,to th e Committ ee of Eth ics ,"lTd Pr.act ice. A report of Dr. C . V . Ma,l1\n's att en dance aJt a meetin g of th e St. Lou is s'e ct io n of th e A . S. C. E. , wa s pres ented b y Prof. Ca rl ton . :A t that time :the de s ir abil it y of s uch a o-rganiza'tri on a:s the M iss ouri S oci ety o f Profes sional En g in e-er,s was advanced by E . VlT. Gr een, pr es id ent o f the St . LOou is sect ion of A . S . C. E . LETTERS FROM. THE ALUMNI Editor's Note-Severa'i week s ago a N ew York Sun w ri ter at lt e n1pted to learn the sro urce of ,t he pop,ular phras e, " Pitching Woo" t h alt ha s swept co-lle g e campu s·es from. coas t to coast. The p h ra s e is a ne·w one fo r "s parkin g," "nlu ggin g "



an d


wr ite !' , M a b el Gree n e, brad n"any ans w e r s fr om many camp u sres claiming thalt ,til e phrase or ig in ated at the,iI' s C'llOol s. M.s M c'a me in for their part w hen Hugh A . Crump~e r , a Ro lla bOoY who is now a student at th e U niversitv of A rka ns a s . w ro t e in the A rka nsas Tra ve ler, tile s tudent pub,licaJtioll' at t h e l ; . o f Arr kan sa s . }-) c sa id, "Pit ch a lit,tl e woo becam e a \'. id es pr ead term a.t the M is:s onr i Sc hoo l of M;in es alt Rolla, Mo. , abo ut tw Oo y ea r s ago, posrs ibl y longer, and from ~h e r e S'p r ea d to Mi ss our i U ni ver s ity, where it wa s in t u rn p icked up by olth er co,ll eges'. " Th e artic le wa s cl'ipp ed from th e S un and pa sse d on to u s by E noch R . N eedl es . Hi s I,ett er fo ll ow s : Gent l'e men : I ha s1·e ll' to expo- esrs b y s inc e r e appr eci a tion of y ou'r effo cts in b e har1f o f a m o nthlly pub lication f Oor t h e Mi s's ouri School Oof M in es . Th e T ec hn ogram is a fine pub li cati a-n in a ll re sp e c ts, and I am s ur e th alt al'l Rolla m e n wi ll approv e Jl eartri ly of y om work . On page 20, I note "A n Od e ~o Prof. Ge orge D ea n," r epr int ed frum th e 1914 Rollam o. It wa s quit e alppr'Opr iate to fleprint thi s po em in v ie w 01 Prof. D e an 's recent d elath . Th e poem app ear ed or ig inally w ilt h o,ut d es'ig nation of th e author. As I ~ e m enl'be r it, thi s a non y mity wa s alt th e express r e que st of th e a ueho r. N Oow that som e tw enty- th ree years have pasrs'e d, it a ppears

only prop er that the author be desig na:te d, arnd I th e refOore g ive you th e name of A . W . G lea son . Mr. G l'eas o n wa s not in sc hool in 1914, but he w a s d ee ply i nt er este d in t h e Rollamo , and con s'e quent ly p,r ep'a r erd an d s u'bmitt ed seve r a!l poem s and oth er data for s u ch u se a s th e Editor SlaW fit. As I r ememb er ~t , all of h i ~ data wa s .t hankfu'l ly receive d and ap p ear ed in th e Rollamo, eve n tl10ug h we c ou ld n o~ g ive M r. Glea son credit fOQ' s am e b eca:ulse of th e cond lition ~ impose d by him. I am g lad tha t you ha v e u s ed a gain the poem in que s,tion, and I am ptlea se d a lso to be ab le t o t ea l you som e thin g of Mr. G leason's parti cipation in th e 191 4 Rollamo. I e n.clo se h er ew,it h a cl ipp in g fro m thle N ew York Sun of O ctober 20th w hi ch I am qULt e s ure w ill inrtere st y OoU . I kn ow nolthin g a1bo'llt "Pit chin g \ V 00," b u,t th e r ef e'ren'ce to M 'SM is o f g r eat inter e~ t . \ N it11 a11 be!>t w ish es, E . R. N EEDLES, ' 14 Thank you for the interesting data concerning the "Ode to Prof. Dean." Dr. C . V. Mann is using the information advanced in his biograp.hy of Prof. Dean. Also thank you for the clipping concerning "Pitching Woo." A recent letter from Mr. Crumoler, who was a Sigma Nu ,while attending MSM last year, mentioned his remark. Genltlem en: COongrat u la t ion s o'f a fi n e new publicat io'n. I enj oy v'eTY mu ch r eceiv in g my copy of allumni nre'w s and following the a ctivities of th e s'chool. As a m a:t't e,r of record I am s till ( since 1929) I<.irt ch e n and Cooki ng A ppliance S p ec ial ist of t~le Interna,tional Gene.rra l E lect ri c Co., handling the export s of a,ll G . E . and Hotpoint kitchen c1e'V \ces . On A pril 30., 1937, Phyllli S' Ruth arnived at th e Hodge h ouse. Mrs. Hodge. was forma lly Mi ss Dorothy Dwyer of Tr'o y, N . Y. Y otIJrs v e~y tru'l y , DRYDE N HODGE, '26 Thang you Mr. Hodge for your letter and congratulations on the arrival of Miss Phyllis Ruth. SHEPPARD-LOUGHRIDGE M is s Maxine Lou g h rid g e, dau g ht er 00£ Mr. and lvIr s. O . V. LOoughr.idge of ROoll a b'eca m e th e bride o'f J OH N ]. SHEP PA RD . Saturday after noon, Octob er 23, 19.17. Th e maa-ri'age wa s solemni z e d b y Rev. E . P . Gabri el of the C h ri s t'i an Ch ur ch at hi s h om e, in -t h e pr ese nce o t a few inti mate friends of .the co ntra ctin g par ti es. Th e br ide l'o Ook v er y prett y in an afrt e r n oon dres s of br o n ze g re e n with b ecom:ing acc esso ri es . Mi ss Vir g inia H ell wa s maid of hon o r and Mr. F. C . A ppley ard of .s w ee tw ate r, Texa s, a clos e f ri end and cla ss-1l1lat e of th e groom , was b es t man. O ther a t tenda nts were Mi ss Fa y e Lou g h r id ge, y oun ges t s is t er of ,th e br ide a n d H :u g h Har cla y of S t. Loui s . Th e br idle is a g raduate 0; R o-lln H ig h Sch oo l and du e to- her p'lea sn ng and affab le manner is a favorite amon g h er man y fr iend s. T h e g ro o m is a gradu a te of Mi ssour i Sch oo l of Mi n es, r ece iving hi s deg ree in Mi nin g En g ine ering in th,e cla ss of '37, and is a m ember of A lpha Lambda Tau fraternity.




g New in h s a D o w T h it W Style Leaders ew N e th g in r e f f O Both AUTOMATIC SAFETY * TRANSMISSION

to for America sets the st yl e en t th e gr ea te st at th G N LI Y es ST la r ures th at re pr follow . .. feat no un ce d in cars of po pu e' s il an ob er roll call eV all in O ld sm for u ge t th em pr ice . .. yo x an d dynamic new E ig ht , Si ce an w da sh in g ne pe r- pe rf or m new you want su l 19 38 . A nd if Old sm ob il e 's se ns at io na l at it 's yo ur s with ty T ra ns mission, op tio na an d fe x Automatic Saall m od els of bo th th e Si for il e ob sm ld O extra cost in an ahead with ye ar ! Ei gh t*. St ep the sm ar te st bu y of the 's it . 19 38 ..




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S'oYI~e~Lp~dow.,~ HCe",~COb"ol S,~,; Ub;"~1 No D "h







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Copyright 1937, LIGGETT & l\<I¥ERS


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