Message of Alumni President Garl 6. Stifel Unity and comp lete cooperation for the Missouri School of Mines are evidenced by the messages of President Middlebush and D ea n Wil son. Th e Board of Curators is just as anxio us as the ~ tud e nts and A lumni to make the School of Mines the outstanding techni ca l institute of America. My one request is that you keep the closest contact with your local Alumni section and support Dean Wilson and President Middl eb u sh with everything you have in the way of information regarding outstanding work of fe llow students and Alumni, volunteer to assist in placing men who graduate, providing they meet the neC' Carl G. Stifel essary qua li fications, and make yourself a part of a group determined to repay their Alma M ater (the closest relationship we have in this world next to our mother and fami ly). Come to the next H omecoming as your presence will make it worthwhile. 3600 N.orth Broadway St. LOllis, Missou.ri.
G. STiFEL, President MSM Alu.mni A ssociation
Message from Dr. C. LWilson, Dean of MSM It has been a pleasure to meet personally a number of the graduates of Missouri School of Mines and M etallurgy. Until that pleasure is extended , I trust that you wi ll accept this manner of sending you a few words of greeting. Since coming to Rolla I have been deeply impressed by the work of the School of Mines and especially by the possibility of continuing that work into the distant future. The School has many resources: A beautiful campus, some excellent laboratories, a capable facu lty, and a stu ~dent body made up of America's g rea tes t assets . Th er e ar e other sources of power which are not so easily recognized on the surface: A Board of Curators, all of whom are intensely interested in the program of the School of Mines and M etallurgy; the President of the University, Dr. Frederick A. Middlebush, Cu rUs L. Wilson w ho is so enthusiastic about th e School of Mines and M etallurgy that I al most feel he may be neg(Contin ued on Page 4)
Message from Dr. F. A. Middlebush I welcome and appreciate the opportunity given me by President Stifel, who is doing an excellent job, to send each and everyone of the graduates of the School of Mines and M etalluray a special word of greeti ngs in the alumni news letter. You are il~ter ested, as I am, in the progressive and sound development of the School of Mines and I wish to avail myself of this opportunity to tell you of some of these developments. In April, 1940 the Board of Curators at a two -day meeting held at the School of Mines, approved the legislative budget for all divisions of th e University, and included therein a request for an appropriation of $295,000.00, for the er ection of a new h ea ting and power plant at the School of Mines. The real need for this addition was fu ll y r ecog ni zed and it was placed first on the list of requests. In spite of the limi tations of Frederick A. M idd le bu sh public fund s for buildings, the sum of $225,000.00 was finall y appropriated by the (Cont inu ed on P age 4)
MSM Alumni Will Meet February 9 at AIME Convention in New York Plans for the annual meeting of alumni just prior to the AIME Smoker to be held at the Waldorf-A storia H otel in N ew York City on the evening of M onday, February 9, are under way, according to word received by James L. H ead, ' 16, Vice-President of the Chile Exploration Company, 25 Broadway, N ew York. This Missouri . School of Mines par ty is an affair of long standing at the annual Institute meeting, and all alumni planning to attend the AIME meetlI1g, or who are in the vicinity of N ew York, are urged to be present for the occasion. Dean Curtis L. Wilson, new head of the School of Mines, will be one of the principal speakers of the evel1lng, and prominent alumni from all over the country will be in attendance. " Babe" H ead urges that all those who are planning to come, or who can make arrangements to come, get in touch with him in advance of the occasion.
Page 2
Homecoming Program Features Game, Dance, and Banquet The highlights of this year 's homecoming proaram we re the homecoming pa rade, the Miner -M aryville football game, and the alumni banq uet at H otel Edwi n Long. M r. John Schum an, local merchant, orga ni zed the 25 th reunion of the cl ass of 19 16. Mr. James L. H ead , vice-president of the C hile C opper Company attended this reunion. T he pa rade was sponsored by the student council, and pri zes were give n for the best " rambli ng w reck" and the best fl oat . The floa t entered by Pi Kappa A lpha was given fi rst prize by the judges. T he Miners were victim of the M aryville eleven at the annual homecoming ga me, 10 ing by a score of 20-7. T his ga me was their only conference loss of the yea r, and the fin al standi ngs showed the M iners tying for first p lace with M aryvi lle. At the banq uet, election of the alumni offi cers was held .
W. J. Rucker Leaves MSM $20,000 W ith the death of the late William J . Rucker it was learned th at he left the sum of $2 0,000 to the M issouri School of Mi nes with no deductions to be made for ta xes or any other purpose. M r. Rucker , w ho was a native of Phelps C ounty and from the tow n of St. James, d ied December 19, in Charlotteville, Virginia. A lthough Mr. Rucker was never a student at the School of Mines he was a great fr iend of the school and generously supported its ac tivities . For some tim e he was a cadet at the United States N ava l A cademy at Ann apolis and later married the niece of C ol. Charles L. W ood of R olla. Be ides leaving the $20,000 to the M issouri School of M ines he left nu merable bequests to various institutions. The Episcop al C hurch of R oll a wa left $50,000, and altogether organizations in Missouri shared some $600,000 of his million doll ar will.
Alumni M ake C. G. Stifel President at Banquet The annu al meeting of the Missouri School of Mines A lumni A ssociati on was held O ctober 18 at the H otel Edwin Long in connection with the traditional H omecoming banquet . T he banquet honored the cl ass of 19 16, w ho were celebrating their reunion after twenty-fi ve yea rs. James L. H ead , a member of that class, served as toastmaster at the banquet. H e is fr om N ew York and the vicepresident of the C hil e Copper C ompa ny. E lection of offi cers for the association was held at the banq uet. Carl G. Sti fel, member of the class of ' 16 and prominent St. Louis husiness man, was elected president of the orga nization. Other offi cers elected were : Mr. H ead , first vice-president ; G. E. Johnson, ' 16, of the International Lead R efin ing Co., i n C hicago, second vice- president ; and H oward Katz, of R olla, purchasing age nt of the School of Mines, secretary- treasurer. L. H . Goldm an, MSM '20, was chai rman of the nomin ati n a comm ittee. O ffi cer were elected by accla mation. M r. H ead read a telegram from E. W . Engelmann, of M ag na, Utah, reti r i ng presiden t of the association, w ho told of a talk he had recentl y had with Dr. D. C . .T ackling, the most fa mous of the schoo l's alu mn i, say ing that D r. Jackli ng is sti ll in tensely intere ted in the School of Mi nes. Dr. Cu rtis L. W ilso n was the principa l speake r, outlining in his talk his plans and purposes for the operation and improvement f the school. Coaches G ale Bu ll man an Percy Gill made brief remarks. H arry H eimheraer , M SM ' 16, comp limented Pro f. C. Y. C layton and M . H. T hornberr y, M SM ' 12, on their efforts to keep the association <t li ve through the year. A ll t he member of the class of 19 16 we re recoa ni zed and honored by the as ociation .
About 550 Guests Attend Combined Parents'-Engineers' Day Program Curator Cowgill Blair, Principal Speaker In order to give a fuller program to attending guests, the annual Parents' Day program was combined with Engineers' Day this year. The experiment proved to be a great success, with over 500 people observing the engineeri ng exhibi ts and attending the parents' activities. A total of 402 guests registered, and it is estimated that betwee n 100 and 200 attended without registering. Perfect wea ther prevailed d uring the day , enabling the guests to sep. the camp us, the exhibi ts, and lhe football ga me under idea l circumstances . M ost of the guests spent the morning looking over the mall Y engineering exhi bits that we re prepared by the students. Every departm ent in school put on an interesti n a display, and the entire exhibit was judged to be the best the school has ever made. A squ <td of combat engineers was sent from Fort W ood to display and demonstrate the equipment of an engineer battalion. The highway patrol also responded to a request for special disp lays, and sent an offi cer to disp lay special crime detecting equip ment that is used by the state highway p atrol. Every lab on the ca mpus was in ope ration, and it required mo t of the morning for the guests to see all the exhi bits.
Placement is Reaching New High This Year This year's placement record is surmounting all previous ones at the School of M ines. D uri ng the first se mester seven compa nies interviewed students and made offers of jobs to about thirty-nine seniors. The visitin a companies we re W e tinghou e E lectric Co., Seagra ms, Inc., R adio C orporation of Am erica, P hill ips Petr leum C o., Allis- C halmers M fg. C o., Bailey M eter C o., and T he Koppe rs C omp.,an y. W estinghouse E lectric C o. offered jobs to eight electncals and seven mechanicals. Sched ul ed to in terview seni ors in the near future are E<tstm an Kodak C o., T he T exas C o., General Electric C o., Curtis- Wright Ai rcraft C orp., the N aval Air C orps, A luminum Company of A merica, Pratt and Whitney, C arnegie- Illi nois Steel Co., Bethl ehem Steel, Stanolind , and T ennessee C oa l, Iron and R <tilroad C o. C ompanies have been recruiting men ea rlier than ever before this year, and are taking a greater number of men. The School offi cials wou ld appreciate the help of any alumnus w ho has suggestions as to placi ng seniors, and will be glad to J 1'range interviews between students and recruiting personnel. Drop a note to Dean Curtis L. Wilson, if you have suagestions to offer.
Mrs. W. T. Schrenk Dies January 22
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M rs. W . T. Schrenk , wife of Dr. Schrenk , p rofessor of chemical engineeri ng and chemistry at the Missouri School of Mines, di ed i n St . M ar y's H os pit a l i n St. Lo u is a ft er a lo n g ill ne s January 22 . Funera l se rvices were held in the Presby terian C hurch in R olla, with the R ev. Frank L. R earick offi ciati ng. M rs. Schrenk wa for many years an acti ve spa n or of women students at the School of M ines, and was instrum ental in th founding of the co-ed orga nization and the P i Delta C hi sal' ritv at MSM. he has bee n hostess many times to the orority wit h p icnics and pa rties n her law n and in her home. M embers of the sorority attended the fun eral ervices in a group.
Officers of Eastern Section
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The new offi ce rs of the Eas tern Al umni Section are: C hai rman, l ame L. H ead, ' 16; w ho is al a V ice- Pre ident M M A lum ni A s eiation ; Secretary, H . ]. T ea, ' 17.
Day DVer
Issued quarterl y, in the interest of the graduates and former students of the School of Mines and M etallurgy, Subscription price 50 cents, included in Alumni Dues, E ntered as second -class matter O ctober 7, 1926, at Post Office at R olla, Missouri, under the A ct of March 3, 1879 ,
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Appreciation The offi cers of the Alumni A ssociation wish to express their app reciation to Charles Zanz,ie, '42, editor of the Missouri Miner , for help in prep aring cop y for this issue of the Alumnus,
Dr.WilsonMade Dean ofMSM New Dean Formerly Head of Metallurgy Depa:rtment at Montana School of Mines Dr, Curtis 1. Wilson, for the p as t twe nty yea rs connected with M ontana School of Mines at Butte, Montana, and for the last thirteen years Professor of M etallurgy and head of the M etallurgy Dep artment there, assumed his duties as Dean of the Missouri School of Mines and M etallurgy at R olla, Missouri, on August l. H e succeeds Dr. Wm. R. Chedsey who resigned, Dean Wilson was born and reared in Baltimore, M aryland, graduating from the Baltimore City College there in 191 6, after w hich he moved to M ontana and gr aduated from the M ontana School of Mines in 1920 , After working for a year with the Anaconda C opper C ompany, at Butte, in various capacities, Dr. Wilson joined the faculty of the M ontana School of Mines as instructor , and was later promoted to the head of the M etallurgy Department, In 19 36 Dr. Wilson and his w ife, the fonner Miss Ruth R ange, of Butte, spent twenty-seven months in Europe, during which time he received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Magna Cum Laude, from the University of G oettingen, in G ermany. In addition to his educational work, Dr. Wilson has been activ~ in civic affairs in Butte and throughout the state of M on tana, having served as President of the Butte Anti -Tuberculosis Society and First Vice-President of the M ontan a State Tuberculosis A ssociation, and as a member of the E xecutive Board of M ontana Tuber culosis H ospital. H e served as trustee of the Public Library at Butte, and for one year was President of the Butte R otary Club, and later was elected District Governor of the R otary Clubs of M ontana. Dr. Wilson is a member of the American Institute of Mining and M etallurgical Engineers, The American Chemical Society, and the Montana Society of Engineers, H e served for three years as trustee of the M ontana Society of Engineers, and one year as chairman of the M ontana section of the American Institute of Mining and M etallurgical Engineers, Dr. Wilson is the author of numerous articles in the technical p ress and now has in the hands of his publisher a book dealing with the metallurgy of copper , which should be off the press in the near f uture. th~
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Officers of the Association C ARL G. STIFEL, ' 16 __ , , _ .. , . , . , . . . . .. . .. . . President J AM ES 1. HEAD, ' 16 .. , , , __ , , , _. , .. . , . . Vl ce-President
Senior Mets and MSM Alumni Attend Banquet O n the evening of October 22, at the Benj amin Franklin H otel in Philadelphia, a special luncheon -smoker was given for MSM men attending the N ational M etals C ongress of the American Society for M etals. In addition to Professor C . Y. Clay ton and his nineteen metallurgy students, w ho were on their senior trip, thirty graduates of the School of Mines attended,
Page 3
Dr. C. L. Wilson and C. G. Stife! Meet with Tulsa Alumni Section The Tulsa Section of the MSM Al umni A ssociation entertained Dean Curtis 1. Wilson and Carl G , Stife l, ' 16, N ational President, on Januar y 10. Preliminary arrangements for the meet ing were made by 1. J Z oller, ' 18, during the Parents' D ay program at R olla. p , H. Bohart, ' 19, entertained Dean Wilson, C arl Stifel, Mr, Z oller and A. W . W alker , '2 4, at a noon-day luncheon at the Tulsa Club previous to the meeting. A. W . W alker acted as toastmaster at the meeting that everling, The following is the w rite-up covering the meeting as sent by the Tulsa group: " The Tulsa Chap ter of the Missouri School of Mines Alumni A ssociation held its first meeting of 1942 in the Alvin H otel January 10, C arl Stifel, ' 16, President of the N ational Alumni A ssociation, introduced the principal speaker , Dr. Curtis 1. Wilson, dean of the Missouri School of Mines. " Dr. Wilson proved himself to be a brilliant after-dinner sp eaker. H e indicated that our n ational defense p rogram may change the 1?resent school year from nine months to twelve months, H e referred to a three term school year , consisting of sixteen weeks in each semester, which would mean that, if such a p lan was adopted, an engineering student wo uld earn his bachelor's degree in two and two- thirds years instead of the usual four years, H e further indicated that the G overnment would need more techrllcal men in this wa r than was needed in the W orld W ar I, and the suggested twelve month school yea r would develop these men at an accelerated pace. " Other speakers on the program were A, D, T errill , '98, N ational Zinc C ompany, Bartlesville, Oklahoma; and V. H. Hughes, '0 9, C onsulting G eologist and Engineer , Tulsa, Oklahoma, " 'Vic' Hughes p ainted a word picture of the p art technical men from MSM played in the W orld W ar 1. H e brought out that the allies were in dire need of platinum and potash to carryon the war. A p latinum deposit was located in the Ural M ountains of Russia and a crew of MSM engineers developed an.d speeded up delivery of this precious metal to the allies, Theil the Russian (Cont il1ued Oll Page 5)
ALUMNI DUES N o statement of alumni dues has been mailed out for several years, It is going to cost about a hundred dollars to 'mail you this issue of the Alumnus, W on't all of you w ho receive this issue mail to H oward Katz" Secretary-Treasurer , MSM Alumni A ssociation, R olla, M o" a check for $5.00, which will put you in good standing for a year and relieve the treasury dep artment.
Send In Your Correct Address One of the greatest needs of the Alumni A ssociation is correct addresses for all of the graduates of MSM, W e are sending out this copy of the Alumnus in the hope that those who do receive it and who have an address different from that shown on the envelope in which this is mailed will fill out the form at the bottom of this article and return it at once to the alumni offi ce, If yo u know addresses of other alumni who have moved recentl y, attach a ,sheet of paper to this and give us those addresses, W e need them badly, and only through yo ur cooperation can we secure them. Secy.-'Treas , Alumni A ssociation R olla, M o. Dear H oward : M y new address is . M y p resent occupation is (list the name of the company and posi-
tion held ) ____________________
Page 4
Message from Dr. Middlebush ( Continued fro III Page 1)
General A ssembl y for the heating and power plant, and Governor D onnell approved the appropriation. Plans have been drawn and the University Administration has succeeded in securing a favorable priority rating on the equipment. Bids were opened January 27, and on Januar y 31 there will be held , in R olla, a meeting of the Board of Curators to consider letting this contract and to transact all other business that may come before it. D ean Wilson, a well -known metallurgist who was appointed after a careful and thorough canvass of the field, is rapid ly becom ing acquainted with Missouri and the School of Mines particularly. W e believe that genuine and sound progress will be made under his administration. The appointment of Dr. Stanley Trengove as C hairm an of the D epartment of Mining, should strengthen the work of that important department. W e cannot over -emphasiz.e the importance of securing outstanding men for faculty posts. The quality of our program wi ll rest primarily on the close cooperation and quality of our staff, both in teaching and research, the standards maintained and the ability of the student body to profit from instruction by inspiring leaders in their field. There ca n be no substitute for such a program of quality in the School of Mines or any other division of the State University. Your cooperation in achieving these ends is appreciated and always welcome. A. MIDDLEB US H , P resident University of Misso uri.
Message from Dean W ilson ( Cuntinued fr o m Page 1)
lecting the other divisions of the University ; the Secretary of the University, Mr. Leslie Cowan, who is guiding the business affairs in a most effective and effi cient way; and the loyal support of the ci tiz.ens of Missouri. The School enjoys other resources which are too numerous to mention. But, after all, the greatest prestige of the Missouri School of Mines and M etallurgy lies in the lives and in the achievements of the Alumni. Every accomplishment of yours sheds glory upon yo ur Alma M ater. W e are proud to claim you as Alumni and I pledge that every human effort shall be directed to the end that you, in turn, may continue to be proud of your Schoo!. Come to see us when yo u can. Write to us when you can. Your suggestions will be welcomed, your assistance will be needed. When we meet - here, there, or anywhere - at least we shall be able to say to each other , " W e have b~p t the faith. " CURT IS
D can.
Carlton N amed On Mapping Committee E. W . Carlton, professor of structural engineering at the School of Mines, has been named on the Committee on Education and Training for Defense M apping by Robert H. Randall , president of the N ational Congress on Surveying and Mapping. Professor C arlton is a director of the Congress. On December 17, 1941 , President Roosevelt signed a bill appropriating $5,000,000 to the C orps of Engineers of the U. S. Army for the compl etion of maps of inadequately mapped strategic areas. It has been estimated that between 1000 and 2000 men will be needed for surveying in the next yea r. Professor Carlton is the onl y Missourian named on the committee, which is composed of 14 men fami liar with courses vital to defense.
Son Born t o Prof. and Mrs. Rex Williams Prof. and Mrs. Rex Z. Willi ams announce the birth of a son, John Zadok, on Friday, September 19, at the St. Louis M aternity H osp ital. The baby weighed 8 Ibs., 2 ozs. Professor Williams is head of the M echanics department at the School of M ines.
Seven Replacements Made MSM Faculty Last Fall
T he fo llowing new members of the Faculty have assumed their duties on the campus of Missouri School of Mines and M etallurgy: DR. STANLEY A. TRENGOVE is taking the position of Professor of Mining Engineering, replacing Professor C.R.Forbes, now on leave of absence in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Trengov was formerly A ssistant Professor of Mining at the University of MlI1nesota. For the past four years he has been Superintendent of the Oliver Mining Company, at H ibbing, Minnesota. H e holds the degrees of E. M. and Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. MR. NICH OLAS COSTAKOS and MR. A. D. TOPPING are two new instructors in the Department of M echanics. Mr. Costakos has B.S. and M .S. degrees from the University of Minnesota. H e replaces Mr. D. F. Fisher, who died last winter. Mr. Topping has a B. S. degree in Civil Engineering from Purdue University. H e will replace Mr. Robert M. Mains. To assume the duties of Professor V. A . C. Gevecker, who has been called for military service as a First Lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, MR.WILLIAM C .ALSMEYER will again be with us. Mr. A lsmeyer grad uated from this institution last May, and will serve as Instructor in Civil Engineering until the return of Professor Gevecker. In the Department of Ceramic Engineering, MR. LEON ARD ST EARNS will take the place of M r. C . E. H enderson, who resigned recently to go into industry . Mr. Stearns has been serving as a Graduate A ssistant in C eramics during the past year. MR. ]. W. DUNN, form erly instructor in Petroleum Production Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh, will take the place of Mr. ]. R . Coleman as Instructor in Petroleum Engineer ing. Mr. Coleman is now in H ealdton, Oklahoma. Mr. Dunn has the degree of B.S. in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Oklahoma, and has done gradua te work at the Universi ty of Pittsburgh. H e has had considerable experience in industry. MR. WOODROW W. GANDY has been appointed Instructor in Mathematics. Mr. Gandy has the degrees of B.S. in E lectrical Engineering, and M.S . in Mathematics from T exas A. &' M . H e has done some graduate work toward his Ph.D. degree. H e will replace Mr. E. E. Johnson, who has accepted a position as Instructor in Civil Engineering at the South Dakota School of Mines. MR. M. D . LIVINGOOD comes to us as a new instructor in Chemical Engineering, replacing Mr. William E. Yates, who has joined a commer cial concern in W est Virginia. Mr. Livingood has a B.S. and an M .S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Oklahoma A. &' M. and has spent one year toward his doctorate at the Illinois Institute of T echnology.
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D ean W ilson Guest of MSM Alumni at St. Louis Meeting Dr. Curtis L. Wilson, dean of the School of Mines, was the honor guest at a dinner meeting of the St. Louis section of the MSM Alumni A ssociation, which was held at the American H otel in St. Louis on O ctober 10. Dr. Wilson was accompanied to thp meeting by H oward Katz, purchasing agent for the School o} ' Mines.
New York Alumni Meet There was a disappointing turnout at a dinner held in N ew York City on N ovember 29th for MSM men, resident in the metropolitan area. Those present represented classes covering a span of forty years. Those attending were : E. E. Squier, ex '02; M. S. M aza ny, '09; O. D. N eal, ' 14; James L. H ead, ' 16; Capt. H. ]. T eas, ' 17; W . A. Schaeffer , Jr. , '2 4 ; F. C. Schneiberger, '25; J H. Reid ,'27; Roy G umthes,'2 7 ; W . R . Rea,'39; and L.y. Lea,'40.
MSM Miner Football Captain Selected on Little All-America Team
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Ed Kromka, captain of Bullman 's 1941 grid squad , and tackle on the strong side of the Miner line for the p ast fo ur years, was given the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a small college football p layer, w hen he was named tackle on AP.'s Little All· America football team last N ovember. It is the fi rst time in history that a School of Mines gridman has made the number Ol1e small C ollege team selected by A ssociated Press,
Professor M. D. Orten Called to Service M aurice D, Orten, professor of Economics at the School of Mines, has been called to active duty with the United States Army, Professor Orten h as the rank of M ajor , which he held in the , O rganiz.ed Officers R eserve, H e h as been given a leave of absence for the duratlOn of the war by the Board of Curators, His position is being filled by Prof. S, H , Lloyd_,_ _ __ _ _ _ _ __
Miners Tie for First in MIAA Conference Race The Miner football squad upset the p redictions of all pre· season dopesters this year when they rolled up enough wins to tie for first p lace in the MIAA conference , The highly touted Sp ring· field eleven was the team favored to win the championship title, until the Miners rolled over them in the annual Parents' D ay game on N ovember 1. This game started a series of upsets that ended with the Miners sharing the championship with a strong M ary· ville team, The Miners' only loss was at the hands of M ar yville on H omecoming day , H ere are the results of the league : MIAA FINAL STAN DINGS W, 1. T. Pct , W, 1. T. Pet. Springfield , , _ 3 2 0 ,600 3 1 1 ,750 MSM Kirksville . , , . 1 3 1 ,250 M aryville '" 3 1 1 ,750 W arrensburg 2 1 2 ,667 C ape Girardeau 0 4 1 ,000
Don Farquharson Resigns Office of Business Manager Don Farquharson, business manager of the Missouri School of Mines, submitted his resignation of that position December 1, H oward Katz, w ho was formerly purchasing agent for the school, is now holding the position.
Dr. C. L. Wilson and C. G. Stifel Meet with Tulsa ( Co nt inu ed fro n; Page 3)
R evolution broke, completely cutting off the supp ly and the M SM engineers were left to escape the country as best they could, O ne of these resourceful R olla men escaped by disguising himself as a native and boarded a river barge with a few supplies, including a sack of flour. When he was safely out of the country, he ripped open the flour sack and delivered to the allies a supply of p latin um sufficient to cover their needs for the duration of the war. " Immediately preceding W orld W ar I, G ermany controlled the supply of potash as it was being mined in that country. There· fore, w hen war broke, it was necessary to develop a substitute or find a new deposit. A world wide search was made and a huge deposit was discovered in N ew M exico by the late V, H , M cNutt, 10, a graduate of MSM and a resident of T ulsa." Those attending the meeting were : Curtis 1. Wilson, Dean, MSM ; C arl G. Stifel , ' 16; Russell E dgar, '33; H . H. Kaveler , '27; A. D, T errell, '98; F. E. T ownsend, ' 11 ; A. B, Par khurst, '23; John T. C ole, ' 16; Jno, W , Scott, ex '87; St. C lair H omer , '2 1; A 1. A ckers, '2 1; Arnold G , Baker , '07; H. C . C ook, '33; H. W . Doennecke, ' 18; V. K, Fischer, '20; Eva Hirdler G reene, ' 11 ; M ayfield Huff, ex ' 17; Vic H, Hughes, '07; A B. Jewell , '23; A be Lew Kaplan, ' 15; p, F. Michael, '09; J K. Murphy, '23 ; W, T. Pearl , '39; O. E, Stoner , ' 18 ; A F, Truex, ' 14 ; A. W . W alker, '2 4 ; J A. Zoller , '27; 1. J Z oller, ' 18,
MSM Student Body
Almost Entire Coun~ry The student body at the School of M ines represents almost the entire n ation, as well as five foreign coun tries. Thirty,five states are represented, although Missouri furnishes 72 per cent of the enrollment, The total enrollment at MSM is now 843, only 7 per cen t under last year 's record high , which is considel'ed remarkable in view of existing conditions. There are 195 fresh men, 2 1£ sophp, mores, 180 juniors, 2 17 seniors, 10 grad uate students, and 23 un' classified , These figures include 19 women students, Missouri 's total of 550 students leads the list, with Illinois' 105 second, N ew York is third with 4 5 studentq, New Jersey fourth with 29, M assachusetts fifth wi th 16 and W isconsin sixth with 15, The remainder of the students are distrib uted as follows: Alabama 1, A riz.ona 1, Arka nsas 2, C alifornia 2, Colorado 1, C onnecticut 7, District of C olumbia 1, Florida 2, Indiana 4, Iowfl. 1, Kansas 6, Kentucky 2, M aryland 2, Michigan 1, Mi nnesota 2, M ontana 2, N ebraska 1, N evada 1, N ew M exico 2, North C aro· Iina 1, O hio 5, Oklahoma 8, Pennsylvania 3, South Carolina 1, South D akota 3, T ennessee 4, T exas 7, U tah 1, V ermont 1. T he geogr ap hi cal distri bu t ion is m ad e acco rdi ng t o hi gh sch oo ls attended. There are two students from C hina, one each from C uba, England and M exico, and three from Turkey. O f the 114 counties in Missouri , 60 are represented in the MSM enrollment, St. Louis (including St. Louis Cou nty) kacjs with 285, Phelps is second with 51, Jackson third with 24, Greene fo urth with 22, M an on fifth with 12, and Jasper sixth with 1 ~.
W. C. Zeuch, Alumnus and MSM Prof,
W alter C. Z euch, A ssociate Professor of Engineering Draw· ing and Descriptive Geometry at the Missouri School of M ines, died December 2. H e had been in ill hE;:alth and unable to instl'uct his classes for several weeks. Professor Zeuch had served on the faculty of the School of Mines for twe nty years, H e was graduated as Bachelor of §cience in Civil E ngineering in 1918, While an undergraduate, he was a member of T au Beta Pi , the R ollamo Board , and lettered in baseball. After his graduation from the School of Mines he entered construction work returning in 192 1 as Instr uctor in the Depart· ment of Drawing. H e became A ssistan t Professor in 1922 and A ssociate Professor in 193 1, Mr. Z euch h ad served as Commander of the local post of the A merican Legion and th~ V eterans of Foreign W ars. H e was a member of the Advisory Board of the M issouri Beta C hap ter of T au Beta Pi, H e is survived by his widow and son.
New School Song on Air Fred W aring has written a new school song for MSM, and it will be p layed on the C hesterfield program by his Pennsylva nians Band on A pril 24, Listen in,
Former Miner is First Missourian Killed in Jap War The fi rst Missourian repor ted killed in the war was a former Missouri School of Mines student. H e was 2nd Lieut. George A . Whiteman, a former resident of Sedalia, and was killed in action while on duty at Pearl H arbor , H awaii. Lieutenant Whiteman entered M SM as a freshman in 1936 and stayed for two years, At the end of his sophomore year he went to R an dolp h Field, T exas, to take Army flight training, H e continued this training at Kelly Field , T exas, and received his "wings" as an Arm y pilot on November 15, 1940 ,
page 6
Military Department is Gjving Special Lectures to Students In compliance with orders from the W ar Dep artment of the :United States, the military department at the School of Mines is giving a series of lectures to students designed to point out facts and influen ces w hich led up to the present world situation. Attend ance at the lectures is compulsory for all advanced ROTC students, and may be attended by anyone in school. They will be given by the members of the ROTC teaching staff, and outside speakers who are particularly qualified to talk on special subjects. Th<: object of the lectures is to provide a background for keeping ab reast of all new developments.
Women's Auxiliary of AIME Offers $200 Scholarship The St. Louis Section of the W omen's Auxiliary to the Ameri.can Institute of Mining and M etallurgical Engineers is offering a scholarship to members of the Junior and senior classes of mining, metallurgy, chemistry, and geology . The scholarship will consist of a $200 award- one-half an outright scholarship, and one-h alf a loan to be repaid wi thout inter.est as soon as possible following gr aduation.
History of MSM is Published November 6 On November 6, 1941 , 70 years after the day the first class met at the Missouri School of Mines, the Phelps C ounty Historical Society published a history of the school that took seven years to write and involved the collection of material from documents and peqp le scattered throughout ,the country. It is fortunate that the history was written before much more time elapsed , because each day the elements erase some knowledge of the history of the school. The materi al in the book is gathered from official documents, legislature proceedings, books, newspaper files, letters, and numerous other sources. It was gathered at a great cost of money and time, and incurred a considerable publi shing debt. Copies of the book may be obtained by sending $5.00 to R ev . O. V. Jackson, Post Office box 528, R oll a, M o.
A 12 Month School Year is Being Considered In view of the fact that the supply of engineers is not suffi cient to meet the demands of defense industries, the administration of the School of M ines is considering holding a summer school session for engineers in order that more technical men may be available for defense purposes. T welve month school years h ave been: adop ted by a number of engineering schools in the east, and others h ave taken steps to speed up their schedule. In order to determine whether or not the addition of a sum-, mer session is desirable, Dr. C. L. Wilson attached a questionnaire to registration cards at the beginning of the semester, asking how many students would be willing and financially able to carry out such a program. Of 582 students who filled out the questionnaire, 442 expressed a desire to attend summer school, and 120 said they would r ather not. About two-thirds of those who want to attend school said they would need financial assistance.
Knights T emplar Has Loaned $28,000 to MSM Students During the year 1922, the Grand Commander y of Missouri, in cooperation with the Grand Encampment of the United States of America, created the Knights T emplar Educational Foundation of Missouri. This Foundation has had far-reaching influence, 2, 45 5 student residents of Missouri using the $404,236.50 which h as been loaned to date. On the campus of the Missouri School of Mines, 226 studen ts have received loans totaling $28,022 .00 .
Class of '16 Hold Reunion at Homecoming
The James estate, found ed on the operation of the M aramec Iron W orks, awarded a total of $1,690 to MSM students at the beginning of this semester , the awards being made available by Ralph H ayes and William Greenough Trustees of the estate of the late Lucy W ortham James, great granddaughter of the founder of the M aramec Springs Iron W orks. Five scholarships of $200 cash each were given and $690 in priz;es was awarded to the winners of an essay contest. The essays were to be w ritten on the history of the M ar amec I ron W orks and the James family.
The cla.ss of 1916 celebrated their 25th anniversary at H omecoming O ctober 18, 1941 , at Pennan t T avern Luncheon. The fo llowing members were present : John M . Schum an, Rolla, Missouri ; L. N. H oppock, 1604 M cKen z;ie, Waco, T exas; H. A . N eusteadter, 563 5 Eichelberger, St. Louis, Missouri ; V. X . Smith, 719 Pine Street, R olla, Missouri ; H. T. H eimberger , 100 1 Oak Street , R olla, Missouri ; Louis Turnbull , 377 N. T aylor , St. Louis, Missouri ; Edw . V : Damotte, 2449 S. 7th, Springfield , Illinois; E. H. W oolrych, Wilson Dam, Alabama ; James L. H ead , 25 Broadway, N ew York ; E. G . Deutman , Cuba City, Wisconsin; Charles B. G old, St. Louis, Missouri ; Ed. Schuman, R oll a, Missouri ; John T. C ole, Okmulgee, Oklahoma ; C arl Stifel, 3600 N. Broadway, St. Louis, Missouri ; Jim Dowd , Lexington, Missouri ; Gunnard Johnson, 62 18 Forest Avenue, H ammond , Indiana. T elegr am from M cCartney, Winnemucca,Nevada and letters from Fred Grotts, M cKeesport, Pennsylvania, John J Doyle, Lake Charles, Louisiana, H enr y Klein , R ico, Colorado, Char les Miller , 37 15 Yuma Street, N .W. , Washington, D.C. , were read. In order to keep the class spirit alive it was decided to make this a permanent organiz;ation in which James L. H ead, Room 1750, 25 Broadway was elected permanent president and H. T. H eimberger, 100 1 Oak Street, R olla, Missouri was elected pennanent secretary. An y information or change of address would be greatl y appreciated. It will be interesting to note that Stifel, Johnson and H ead are now the heads of the triumvirate of the National A ssociation.
Armsby Submits Resignation of Registrar's Office Professor H. H. Armsby, who has been on the staff of the School of Mines and M etallurgy for twe nty-four years, the last twenty as R egistrar and Student A dviser , submitted his resignation November 1 to the university administration, to take effect at on ce. Professor Armsby is n ow with the United States Office of E ducation, ser vin g as Field Coordinator of the Engineering, Scien ce and Management Defense T raining program, which is being conducted under the auspices of the Office of Education in colleges and universities all over the United States. While his head quarters are in W ashington, D .c. , his duties incl ude a considerable amount of travel as the direct representative of the Director of the program, visiting the twenty-two regions into which the country is divided for the gener al supervision of the program.
Professor Ernest E. Decker Dies Professor Ernest E. Decker , long associated with Missouri School of Mines died during the Christmas holidays. Mr. Decker entered MSM in 191 5, and after two years of study took a job in industry. H e returned as a surveying assistant in the C.E. department in 1921, a position which he held until 1932. H e received a B.S. in Mining Engineering in 1929. In 1932 Mr. Decker was appointed to the MSM faculty as instructor in Civil Engineering, the position he held at the time of his death. H e was faculty adviser for Alpha Lambda T au Fraternity.
Awarded to MSM Students by James Estate
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1896 Francis N. Flynn has advised the Alumni office of his change of address which is : 415 South 3rd Avenue at Maywood, Illinois.
1902 E. E. Squier, ex '02, whose ~ ddress is 81 Bechman Rd. , Sum mit, N ew Jersey, is with the Bell & Gossett Company .
1904 Clarence Woods, president and manager of the Inca Mining and Development Co. , Tirapata, Peru , with Mrs. W oods is spending several months in C alifornia. They plan to return to Peru via San Francisco, Portland , Seattle, Idaho, Chicago, St. Louis, N ew York and Miami. Ralph A. Conrads is now living at 1532 East 59th Street, Chicago, Illinois. Judson W. Jones, ex '04 is District Supervisor, N ew Jersey Rehabilitation Commission at 158 E llison Street, Paterson, N.].
1909 ]. H. H arlan, '09, Vice-President, U.S. Smelting, Mining and Refining C o., has been moved from Boston to Salt Lake City where his address is R oom 10 19, N ewhouse Building.
1913 R . G. Knickerbocker has been made Supervising Engineer of the Boulder City Experiment Station, U.S. Burea u of Mines, Bou lder City, N evada. H e had been stationed in Salt Lake City.
1914 P. M . Fahrendorf, ex ' 14 is now President, " Department Store Economist" with offi ces at 100 E. 42nd St., N ew York City.
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1916 James L. H ead,' 16, at p resent serving his second term as ViceChairman, N ew York Section, American Institute of Mining and M etallurgical Engineers, has been nominated to take over as C hairman of the Section in M arch. Mr. H ead was previously Secretary of the Section for two years.
1917 H owa rd]. T eas, ' 17, has been called from his Civil Engineer ing practice to duty in the Army as a Captain, Corps of Engineers. H is home address is 73 Stevens Street, Freeport, Long Island , N ew York .
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Phillip H. Bohart, chairman of an oil industry committee to meet with the alloy steel division, iron and steel section, O.P.M. , is making an investigation of steel and alloys required for sucker rods for the period ending December 31, 1942 .
1920 Ronald B. Wills died on October 2 1, in Kansas City. At the tim e of his death he was Chief Designing Engineer in the Planning Department of the Kansas Highway Commission.
1922 D. F. Huffman has returned from Africa, and is working as N aval Ordnance Inspector wi th the C onsolidated Steel Company, Limited , in Los Angeles. 1923 The new business address for W. E. R emmers is as fo llows: 1712 Carbide and Carbon Building, 30 East 42nd Street, N ew York City. Mr. R emmers is employed by the Electro-M etallurgical Sales Corporation. Guy V. M artin of Albuqerque, N ew M exico, visited the campus, October 31. H e maintains his own laboratories, dealing with scientific instrum e nts, custom d es ign, d eve lop me nt a nd manufacture.
Lorenz Fisher with Mrs. Fisher and her son Don, spent Sep tember 19 on the MSM camp us. Lorenz is with the N ational
Carbon Company, Box 6089, Cleveland, Ohio, but is at presen t in charge of the construction of an electrode p lant in W eiland , Ontario, being emp loyed by the British Government. Leo Shire advises his new address as 20 Lakeside D ri ve, Eastborough, Wichita, Kansas. H e is in the Engineering Department of the Beech Aircraft Corporation .
1927 ]. H. R eid , who is with the National Lead Company, has transferred from Los Angeles, where he was production man ager of the Baroid Sales Division to the company offices in N ew York City, N ew York. Randall H. Wightman, Mine Superintendent, Ri verside C ement C ompany, Riverside, California , was a camp us visitor , Sep tember 30. " Sam" is a member of Kappa Alpha and Theta T au. A. A. Peugnet is in charge of drilling operations near Las V~gas, N evada. 1929 Basil N. O smi n's new address is as fo llows : 1900 Ri ttenhouse Square, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Basil is employed by the United Engineers and C onstructors, Inc., at 140 1 Arch Street, Philadelphia, which address is to be used fo r mail. R. L. Kidd , M eta llurgica l Engineer of Salt Lake City, h as been named A ssistant Professor of Mineral Dressing at the South Dakota School of Mines. Mr. and Mrs. E. ]. Crum announced the birth of James Allen Crum on June 29. Jeff is with the Bethlehem Steel Company at Sparrows Point, M aryland. 1930 Willard Farrar , Captain in the U.S. Arm y, has been transferred from Camp Blanding, Florida, to Camp Livingston, La. L. H. King, formerly with the Missouri State Highway Department, is now Engineer with H . B. Deal, In corporated Building Contractor - St. Louis, Missouri . . W arren H owes is Mill and Mine Superintendent of the M ammoth-St . Anthony OperCltions in Pinal County, Arizona. The operations of the company are described in the December, 1941 , issue of the Engi neering and Mining Journ al. The enterprise is essentially a low-grade gold mine with silver , lead, molybden um, and vanadi um in recoverable quantities.
1931 J ack Conl ey and Mi ss Fra n ces F ergu so n we re married December 2 1, 194 1 at Bern alillo, N ew M ex ico. At home, Mid land, T exas. Captain Loren A. Wilson, Springfield , M o. , was assigned September 2:' by the W ar Department as constructing quartermaster at Fort George G. M eade, Maryiand, where he has been assistan t construction qua rtermaster. Captai n W ilson is a member of Kappa Alpha and Theta T au. C lare nce W. H angosky, formerl y on the teaching staff of Michigan State College at East Lansing, Michigan, is now Chief M etallurgist of the Propeller and Aircraft Engine Division of the N ash-Kelvinator Corporation in Lansing, Michigan. E. G. W alter has advised the offi ce of his change of address to 1164 Duncan A venue, E lgin , Illinois.
1932 W . E. D arnell , sales manager for Rexair, of Detroit, Michigan, visited the ca mpus Thursday, January 8. D arnell was famous for his xylophone p laying in the MSM band. I. W. Friedm an was married to Ida Doroth y Boorky on September 1, 1940. They are living at 5135 Kenwood A ve nue, Chicago, IIIinpis. .. E . Darbey H ale gives his new residence as R oute N o. 2, W adsworth , Ohio. Darbey is with Babcock and Wilcox at Barberton, Ohio. Eari Hammack is R esident Engineer with U. S. Engineer C orps at Evansville, Indiana.
Page 8
1933 Lee D . D umm , 11 07 South Boulevard, G reenwood, Missis¡ippi, was on the campus Sep tember 19. Lee i As istant Drainage Engineer with the Drainage Division of the U.S. Dcr artment of A gricu lture. N ewton Everett i with the Soil Erosion Servi ce at Missouri V alley, Iowa. George W. Ecker t has left Columbia, Missouri, and is now located at G lenham, N ew York. C . P. Ferbrache may be reached at Di ablo H eights, C anal Zone, Box 107. 1934 H erbert A . H offm an i Mill Superintendent with the N orth ' rIl Peru Minin g and Smeltin g Company at Trujille, Peru . Gordon Gillis is now with the M cqu ay -N orris M anufaeturin ' Comp ,lny in their St. Louis offi ce.
1936 Lieut. Don M cCarron of the St. Louis District Ordnance O ffi ce, visited with Bob Simmons, ' 36, on a recent trip to W ashington , D .C. Karl Kave ler i with the Sm all Arms Pl ant in St. Louis. This is known as the United Sta.tes Cartridge Company , a subsidiary of the W estern Cartridge Co. Bob Simmons is in the Patent Department of General E lectric and is located at W ashington, D .C.
1937 R oss Carroll a is with the American Brid ge at Trenton, N ew Jersey . His re'idence is 39 N orth Hermitage. Sam Po t is First Lieutenant, 14th O rdn ance Company, )th O rd nance Battalion, 5th Arm y Corps at Ca mp Livingston, La.
1938 H . O . Steinm et4 is with the General Steel C asting Company ,It Granite City, Ill inois. H e lives at 5004 T ennessee Avenue, St. Luis, Missouri . 1939 John V. Cramer, who is now li ving at 2708 T enth Avenue, Sheffi eld, A labama, has announced the arriv,d of a son, M artin Stuart Cramer, on October 28, 1941. I. ]. U lak is employed by the America n Bridge Company at T rcnton, N ew Jer ey. Bob Dieffenback is with the A luminum Company of Am erica in the C level'lnd, Ohio, plant. John R. Post, Junior Engineer with the U.S. Gypsum Company, ha been transferred from Southard , O klahoma to N ew Braun fels, T exas. 1940 Carlos H. l lenge, who has been working with the U. S. Bure,w of Min es, at Tuscaloosa, A labam,l, since receiving his M .S. degree from the M on ta na School of Mines in June, recently returned to Peru . Paul Dow ling, formerl y metallurgical engineer with the G ranite C ity Steel Company, i now in St. Louis as inspector of ord nance material fo r the St. Louis Ordn ance District. Carl H. Cotteri ll and Miss O llie G lee were married C hristmas <.hlY at Dum as, T exas where Carl .is an engineer fo r the Am erican Z in c Compa ny. W arren Da nsen and A nd y And rae both received their "wings" recently fr m the fa r W est Coast Training Center of the United States Arm y Air Corp" at Luke Field, Ari zona. G uy Brown, Jr. , has completed his training course with Beth k hem Steel and is now with the Beth lehem Steel Intern ational Supp ly Company at Tu lsa. Ed B rgman, form erl y with Sheffield Steel, is now with the U.S. Bureau of M ines, and is located at the R oll a Station. Lawrence E. Lamhelet and Mis Betty Ann John on, of Kanas C ity were married A ugust 2, 1941. Their present addres is Box 44 8, H all iburto n il W ells C ementing Co. ; Salem, Illinois. A. ]. Kie ler i with R . Lavin Eif So n , 5700 N orth C lark A venue, C hicago, Illinois. H i home add ress is 6320 N orth C laremont, C hi cago.
H arley Ladd , now with the U.S . Air Corps, is taking additional work at Purdue University. M arvin C. Grisham is Plant E ngineer with the U.S. Gypsum Company at Southard, Oklahoma. Thomas W . Kelly is Junior Materials Inspector with the Ordnance Dep artment in the St. Louis district. His mail address is 513 8 W ashington Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri .
1941 Fred W . Finley, last year's editor of the Miner, was marrie,' January 27 to Miss Jimmie Perry of Lamar, Missouri. Fred and his bride will live in Ft. Smith, Arkansas, where they are both employed by Frank H orton and Co., consulting engineers. N orm an N . Baker is with the Production Division of the G ulf Oil C orporation, Star Route 1, C rane, T exa . George Pace has left the TV.A. and accepted an appointment as assistant engineer with the U.S. Engineers, and wi ll be stationed in Puerto Rico. Fred H oener and Jim R oux are in training with the W estern Cartridge Company. Virgil O. Becker, 2nd Lieutenant Engineer Corps, is with C ompany "A" of the 10th Engineer Training Battalion at Ft. Belvoir, Virginia. S. T Delpopolo, formerly with the R epublic Steel Company, is now in the metallu rgical laboratory of Bliss and Laughlin at Buffalo. H e is living at 85 9 Prospect Avenue. Paul Bourehier is now with the C olumbi a Steel Company at Pittsburg, California. His residence i 21 0 East 10th Street. N orman Blair is taking the Graduate Student Course of W estinghouse Electric Compan y. Franklm B. R ogers, who is with the A luminum Company of America, can be addressed at Box 131, M aryville, T ennessee. R obert F. Miller has been sent to Brooks Field, San Antonio, T .::xas, where he wi ll enter the final ten months of advanced flight training required to earn the wings of a flying offi cer in the United St<l.tes Army Air C orps. Chris Com eau is with the United States Gypsum Company, Southard, Oklahoma. Joe Strawhun is employed by Phillips Petroleum Company at Oil Center, N ew M exico. M ail address is Box 66. Bi ll Lies is in the Gary Sheet and Tin Mill of the C arnegieIllinois Steel Company at Gary, Indiana. His mail address is 900 E. 80th Street, Chicago, Illinois. C linton N ewman is employed in the Research Department of the Chase Bras and C opper Company, Inc., 115 5 Babbitt Road, C leveland, Ohio. W arren Loveridge is with Laclede Steel at A lton, Illinois. Karl Emil Krill volunteered in the N aval Reserve, and after his graduation reported to the Prairie State School in N ew York City, where he was commissioned a an Ensign. H e has been assigned to a position as instructor in the Fighter Director School of N aval Air Station at N orfolk, Virgini a. Columbus " Chick" V erdi, who is in the heat treating department at the Pieatinny Arsenal, plans to return to school in January to complete the requirements for a degree. James S. Dodge, Jr., in the employ of the Hirst-Chi cago of Mines at Kimshan Cove, A laska, plans on returning to the State in Februar y, prob'lbly to Butte, M ontana. William H . Bourne is employed by the N ewport N ews hl1 Building Corporation. His address is j05 Enterprise A venue, Ferguson Park, N ewport N ews, Virginia. N athan Jaffe, now 2nd Lieutenant, 805 E ng., En-Avn , is stationed at A lbrook Field , Canal Zone. H arold R . W ampler has been made technical a sistant for the Am erican Zinc Company of Illinois, East St. L ui , Illinoi . H oward T G ibbons, who visited the campus during the holi days, is now living at j040 South Adams, Fort W orth , T exas. M . E. N evins' new addres is 155 N orth 74th Street, M ilwaukee, W isconsin.