Missouri S&T Magazine, Spring 1942

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7, MSM ALUMNUS '1:.1.;

Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy ROLLA, MO .


SPRING, 1942


M. s. M. and the War Effort The Missouri School of - I, Mines is taking its place along with other technical institutions in the United States in providing speciali"ed training and carrying on research to assist in war effort, accord ing to Dean Curtis L. Wilson. The school is cooperating with the U.S. Office of Education in conducting certain intensive engineering courses in Engineering, Science, and M anagement Defense Program Training. These courses I are of college grade, but no credi't toward a degree is granted. So far, over 350 students have enrolled in this program at M .S.M . Practically all of the 350 who satisfactorily completed the trainE . w. Ca rlton, Professor of Structural En- ¡ h bId' . I g ineering at the School of Mines, has been Ing ave een p ace In vIta ele ct ed Vice-President of Dis trict Six of the defense industries or with Amen ca n Cong ress of Su rvey ing and Map- h . pi ng, being elec ted in J u n ~ at the apnual meet- t e government agenCIes enIng of the Cong ress h eld m Washmgton,D.C. gaged with the w ar effort. Professor E. W. C arlton is supervising this program here. Another popular war effort training program is the Civil Pilot Training Program under the direction of Dr. A. ]. Miles. Here 168 students have taken the elementary course, 40 have taken the secondary course, making a total of 208 students. Of these 180 have received their pilot's certificate. M any of these boys who have completed this training are now in the Armed Air Forces as combat pilots, transport pilots and instructors. (Con ti n u ed o n Page 4)

Chicago Section Meeting The Chicago Section of the Alumni A ssociation held a meeting at the M edical A r ts Building on the evening of June 16. About forty members of the Chicago Section were present. D. E. Howerton , Chairman of the Section, presided. The principal talk of the evening was made by Dean Curtis L. -, Wilson, who told of the progress at the School of Mines during , the past year, and also explained to the alumni something of the provisions of the will of the late Henry E. Sever, who left an amount of money for the establishment of the foundation to promote an Instl tute of T echnology in the State of Missouri .. R everend O . V. Jackson, of Rolla, Chairman of the Phelps C ounty Committee for the H enry E. Sever Estate, was also present and spoke briefly. Gunnard Johnson, Vice-President of the 'Alumni A ssociation was one of those present and is assisting Dean Wilson, Reverend Jackson and others in promoting interest in the School of Mines in connection with the Sever Estate.

Dr. Clinton H . Cra ne r eceiving his diploma from Dr. Frederi ck A. Middlebush with D ean Cur tis L, Wil son a t left

1942 Commencement The largest class in the history of the School of Mines received degrees on M ay 1, 1942, the C ommencement having been moved to that date from M ay 27 in order to let the graduates be available for work in the war industries. The urgent demand for men trained in engineering led the Faculty to make this change. The Baccalaureate address was given by Dr. Joseph C . Cleveland, Pastor of the Community Church in Kansas City, Missouri, his subject being, " C ourage Is N ot Enough. " These exercises were held on Sunday, April 26. On A pril 30 the Faculty gave its annual reception to students, parents and visitors, followed by the Commencement Ball. The C ommencement Exercises were held this year in the new Uptown Theater, which has seating accommodations for a larger group than could be provided for on the campus. Even at that, there was standing room only in the theater. The Commencement address was delivered' by Dr. Clinton H . Crane, President of the St. Joseph Lead Company of N ew York City, his subject being, " Life, Liber ty and the Pursuit of H appiness." Following Dr. Cra ne's address, Dean C urtis L. Wilson spoke briefly to the graduating class, thanking them for their cooperation during his first year as the head of the school. The various department chairmen then presented candidates for degrees to Dr. Frederick A. Middlebush, President of the U niversity, who conferred the degrees, Brigadier General U. S. Grant, III, Com(Continued on Page 4)

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Miners in Armed Forces An in creasingly large number of the Miners are giving an acco unt of themselves in the armed service of our country, according to Dean Curtis L. W ilson. Dean Wilson stated that approximately 25 % of those who graduated in 1942 went into the armed service either as Second Lieutenants in the Reserve Corps, Second Lieutenants in the Signal Corps, the various Air Corps or other branches of the ervice. In all of these branches the M iners are giving an excellent account of themselves. The heroic conduct of Lieut. George B. Munroe of the class of '40 recentl y attracted considerable attention. George was N avigator on a Flying Fortress which took part in a bombing r aid on a Japa nese transport. Just as it arrived over the target the p lane was attacked by five Japa nese aircraft , two of whi ch the Fortress shot dow n. The gas supply of the Fortress ran low and it was forced to land in a wamp. Lieut. Munroe and his seven companions hacked their way through the jungle so dense that they traveled only eight miles in four days. The group was finally rescued by a plane sent out from Australia. Lieut. Bob Silhavy '41, was in the Phi lippines at the time the Japs struck there. Lieut. Silhavy made a sprint of 100 yards under enemy fire to place the charge of dynamite under a bridge. Bob was separated from the main forces of the United States Army, and with a small group of men was for thirty days behind the lines of the Japa nese forces, walking nearl y 350 miles before they were fin ally able to re join the main force. Bob was with General W ainwright at the ti~e of the surrender at Bataan, and is now reported as missing, presumably a prisoner of wa r. George Allison Whiteman '39, was recentl y cited for courage in action. George was in the Air C orps at Pearl Harbor at the time of the Japanese attack, and was the first casualty from Missouri. H e was kill ed by machine gun fire while attempting to get his plane off of the field at Pear l H arbor. N o doubt, many other incidents exist of similar bravery in action. The alumni offici als would like very much to collect these incidents for the alumni records. Alumni knowing of such incidents are urged to write details to H oward Katz;, Secretary-Treasurer of the Alumni A ssociation at Rolla.

War Program Delaying Construction of Power Plant Difficulty with priority r atings may prevent the erection of the new power plant at the School of Mines and M etallurgy during the p resent year, according to Dean Curtis L. Wilson. Dean Wilson, in reviewing the history of the new building said that the Sixty-first General A ssembl y appropriated the sum of $225,000.00 for the construction of the heating and power plant at the school of Mines and M etallurgy to replace the old and obsolete plant now in operation there. This appropriation was not made avail able until July 30, 1941. Imm ediatel y thereafter the Curators of the University employed an engineer and architect to make a careful study of the design of the equip ment and building. Before the engineer and architect were able to complete the p lans and specifications and the Board to advertise for and receive bids for the construction of the heating and power plant, the Federal Government was forced, because of the defense program, to place restrictions on the type of materials needed in the heating and power p lant and required applications fo r use of such materials. The Board immediately made app lication to the Offi ce o f Prod uction M anage ment of the Federal Government for permission to proceed with the construction of the heating and power plant. These negotiations were begun in O ctober , 1941 and were completed Jan uary 8, 1942. During this time there wa continuous correspondence between the Uni versity and the Office of Production M anage ment. Several trips to W ashington , D .C. were made by representatives of the University in the endeavor to secure authority to proceed with the wor k. Authority was granted Janu ary 8, 1942. This authority at this

R. S. Dean '15, Made Assistant Director Bureau of Mines R . S. Dean ' 15, formerly head of the M etallurgical Division o f th e Unit e d States Bureau of Mines and stationed in Salt Lake City, Utah, has been made A ssistant Director of the Bureau of Mines. Dr. Dean graduated in 191 5 and received his M aster's Degree in 191 6 and M e tallurgical Engineer's D egree in 1922. Later , he received a D octor of Science Degree from the University of M aryland. Dr. Dean is the son of the late Professor George R . Dean, for many years head of the mathematics departmentat the School of Mines. R. S. Dean Dr. Dean will make his headquar ters at Washington, D.C.

time was considered sufficient by the W ar Production Board to permit the prompt erection of the plant and it was then anticipated that the plant would be in operation by the beginning of the heating season 1942 -4 3. Bids were opened in Rolla on Januar y 27, 1942 for boilers and a generator. The Babcock and W ilcox Company of N e.w York City submitted the lowest bid on the boilers which hid was accepted by the Board. A contract was entered into immediately with the Company, which started at once on the fabrication of the boilers. The companies bidding on the electrical generating unit were not able to guarantee delivery within the biennial period. The Board attempted to arrange with these companies and the Feder al Government for the purchase and delivery of materials in tim e to manufacture the generator wi thin the present biennial period . H owever, it was unsuccessful in securing a release of the necessary materials. Therefore, it was necessary to abandon the purchase of the generator during the present biennial period. The boiler company p roceeded promptly with the work of making the boilers, but in April , 1942 reported that because of the shortage of materials (boiler plates being used for the manufacture of tanks, etc.) it was not able to proceed with the fabri cation of the boilers unless a higher priority r ating was secured. Representatives of the University again made additional trips to W ashington to take this matter up in person with representatives of the War Production Board , but on April 10, 1942 the Chief of the Division of Governmental Requirements of the W ar Production Board advised as follows: ..... " The boiler plate which yo u refer to is under allocations and it is not possible to iss ue a priority rating sufficiently high for the purchase of this material. It can be secured onl y through allo,. ca tion and the allocation of thi material is now being granted to the direct war effort. In other words, steel p lates are all being made into ships and tanks so that we may complete the war effort as rapidly as possible." . .. . . " Perhaps at some future date, we Illay be able to render to you the necessary assistance for the purchase of this material, but for the present, we suggest that you defer it and bring it to our attention later on, after we have accomplished the task we are now confronted with ; that is, puttin g the Japs and Germans back in their hole." . .... Si¡n ce this decision has bee n received, addi tional trips have been made to W ashington by University Officials to confer with the



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MSM ALUMN US Issued quar terl y, in the interest of the graduates and former students of the School of Mines and M etallurgy. Subscription price 50 cents, included in Alumni Dues. Entered as second -class matter October 7, 1926, at Post Office at R olla, Missouri, under the Act of M arch 3, 1879.

Officers of the Association CARL G. STIFEL, , 16

.. . ........... .... . ... . President

J AMES L. H EAD, ' 16 ...... . . ... . .. . ... . Vice -President GUNNARD E. J OHNSON, ' 16 . .. . ...... . .. Vi ce- President H OWARD M. K ATZ , ' 13 .. . .... . . .... Se cretary-T reasurer

W ar Prod uction Board Officials. In each case, those officials, while considering the matter , advised the University, that at the present, they were unable to allocate materials to the University for the purpose needed. In the meantime, arrangements have been made with the boiler company to hold the contract with the hope that tre company may be able to fabricate the boilers the latter part of this year. It will not be possible now, however, to erect the building and install the boilers for the next heating season. Arrangements are now being made to recondition this summer the present boilers and electrical generating equipment in order that this old equipment may be put in the best possible condition for use during the next heating season and pending the completion of the new heating and power plant.

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Prof. V . B. H insch (Courte sy Pos t¡Dispatch)

ProfessorV. B. Hinsch, for the past twenty-seven years a member of the Faculty of M . S.M .,passed awayathis home here on the night of June 5, following along illness. Professor Hinsch graduated fromM.S.M.in 1909 and in 1915 joined the Faculty here. H e has served in, the M athematics D ep artm ent since that time. In 1931, on the retirement of Professor George R. Dean, Professor Hinsch became H ead of the M athema tics D epartm en t where he serv ed until his death. Professor Hinsch is survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. William Frasher of Normandy, Missouri. Funeral services wer.e Sunday afternoon, June 7, with burial in the Rolla Cemetery.


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Reunion in New York City AM. S. M . Alumni reunion was held at the 156th meeting of the American Institute of Mining and M etallurgical Engineers held February 9, in the W aldorf-A storia H otel, N ew York City. About 44 members attended the meeting with graduating classes from 1896 to 1941. Present at the meeting were : D ean C. L. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson ; former Director W. R. Chedsey and A.I.M .E. President; Eugene M cAuliffe '27 . M embers there were W. Rowland Cox, ex '96 ; William M . W eigel '00, and Mrs. W eigel; Prof. H erbert R. H anley '0 1; E. E. Squier '05 ; ]. H. Steinmesch '06 ; George A. Easley '09; M ark S. M aany '09; V an H. Smith ' 10 ; John S. Stewart ' 10 ; M . M. Albertson' 11 ; H omer K. Sherry' 12; Gilbert F. M etz. ' 14 ; O. D . N eal ' 14 ; Enoch R . N eedles ' 14, and Mrs. N eedles; Reginald S. Dean ' 15, and Mrs. Dean ; James L. H ead ' 16; C. E. Peterson ' 16; E. S. T ompkins, ex ' 16; H erman H. Vogel ' 16; C apt. H oward .T. T eas ' 17 ; James P. Gill ' 18, and Mrs. Gill; H anley H. W eiser ' 18 ; M. S. Badollet '21 ; Barney Nudelman '2 1; G . ]. Christner '22; W. R. Ingalls '23; B. H. M oore, ex '23; Frank C . Mulford '23, and Mrs. Mulford ; W alter E . R emmers '23; W . A. Schaeffer, Jr. '2 4 ; H . A. Buehler '25; Joseph H. Reid '27, and Mrs. R eid ; E. A. Crawford '2 9, and Mrs. Crawford ; Charles Potter '29; E. W. Gieseke '33 , and Mrs. Gieseke; Alfred H. H esse '33, and Mrs. H esse; Reinhardt Schuman, Jr. '33; T. T. Chapman '3 6 ; A lbert L. Kidwell '40 ; W. E. Crockett '41 ; Mrs. M arguerite (Cole) Cromwell ; and Mrs. C atherine Babini (daughter of ].S.Clark ' l1). Also attending the A .I.M.E. meeting were former director L. E. Young; Prof. Gilbert W . N oble; Prof. Eugene A. Stephenson; and Prof. S. A . Trengrove.

M.S.M. HIST O RY WIDELY CIRCULATED The M.S.M. History, published by the Phelps County Histor ical Society, is attracting considerable attention among alumni and others who have purchased the book. The book covers in detail the history of the School of Mines from its incep tion down to the beginning of Dr. Wilson 's administration . It contains many interesting anecdotes abo ut faculty members and the alumni who have gone through here in past years, in addition to historical data that has been collected over a long period of yea:rs. B. H. Rucker, Chairman of the History C ommittee, has volumes available for sale and 'one will be mailed to any alumnus sending Mr. Rucker his check for five dollars. For the convenience of the alumni, who have ,not already purchased their copy of the history, the attached form may be used in ordering one from Mr. Rucker. It will be sent promptly upon receipt of the attached coupon.

B. H. R UCKER, Chairman M.S.M . History Fund Rolla, Missouri. Dear Mr. Rucker : MR.

R. L. "Babe" H ead ' 16, on War Product ion Board James L. H ead, mining engineer with the Chile Copper Company, a subsidiary of the Anaconda C opper Mining C ompany, has been granted leave of absence to serve with the War Production Board in W ashington, D.C. as a dollar-a-year man . H e is A ssistant Chief of Production of the Aluminum. and M agnesium Branch which has the responsibility of providing facilities for the expansion of aluminum production to about ten times its former siz.e and of magnesium production to approximately one hundred times its pre-war proportions.

I am attaching hereto my check for five dollars for which please send me one copy of the M.S.M. H istory. N ame__________________ Clas."'s_ _ _ __ Street Address,_ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ State_ _ _ _ __


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M.S.M. and the War Effort (Co n t inued fr o m P age 1)

Another program of very great importance to the war effort on the campus is that being carried on by the United States Bureau of Mines O re Dressing Section in cooperation with the State Miw ing Experiment Station here. It involves research, testing and analytical work to arrive at methods, processes and plant prospectuses pertaining to the recovery of strategic war minerals essentially from low grade deposits and mineralized zones. M anganese minerals in particular are sought. This has made necessary many laboratory changes in the Bureau of Mines building, and the staff of the United States Bureau of Mines has been increased to appf()ximately 50 members working on the campus here, under the direction of S. M . Shelton , Supervising Engineer. The T opogr aphic and M apping Section of the United States Geological Survey under the direction of C. L. Sadler and the W ater Resource Branch under H enry C . Beckman here are also making substantial contributions towa rd the war effort. In addition to the above, Dean Wilson pointed out that ap p roximately 25% of the gradu ating seniors went into the Armed Services in various capacities, and the remainder into defense industries as engineers, all adding, the Dean stated, to the immediate task of our country in its defense progr am. .

1942 Commencement ( Conti nu ed from P age 1)

manding Officer of the Engineer Replacement Training Center at Fort Leonard W ood, Missouri, presented commissions to the R eserve Offi cers. Fifty year alumni pins were presented to the living members of the cl ass of 1892, these being D. C . Jackling, E. M . Johnson and F. L. T yrrell. Johnson and T yrrell were present. Mr. Jackling could not be here on account of other business. There was a total of 202 degrees granted, among them, the degree of Doctor of Engineering (Honoris Causa) which was cow ferred upon Dr. Crane, the Commencement speaker.

Fred Waring Broadcasts New M.S.M. Song An invitation to the Alumni in the M etropolitan Area to attend Fred W aring's Broadcast of his new School of Mines song on April 24, brought a group of fifteen to the V anderbilt Theatre on W est 48th Street, N ew York City. Present were : O. D. N eal ' 14, and Mrs. N eal ; James L. H ead ' 16; M ajor H oward]. T eas ' 17 , and Mrs. T eas; Walter E. Remmers '23, and Mrs. Remmers; C arlos G . Bowers '2 4, of La Paz, Bolivia; W . A. Schaeffer , Jr. '2 4, Mrs. Schaeffer and two children, W . A. III and C arolyn ; E. A. Crawford '29 and Mrs. Crawford ; Mrs. Josephine Ellis M cCarthy , wife of F. M. M cCarthy, ex ' 30. A special section of front row seats had been set aside for M.S .M . Alumni. It is to be regretted that a large number did not take advantage of the opportunity to be present, because the broadcast portion of the program, which lasted only fifteen minutes, was fo llowed by a three-quarter hour show, staged by the band, glee club and songsters, and Mr. W aring acting as Master of Ceremonies. " Dex" N eal '14 , whose chemical research since graduation has not enabled him to grow any more hair than when he was at Rolla, was a conspicuous figure in the bald -head row and found himself an unexpectant participant in the entertainment. The group was invited to remain after the performance and the accompanying photograph with Mr. W aring was taken. The party was continued through dinner at a nearby hotel.

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GILBERT SHOCKLEY '42, WINS CHEMICAL PRIZE Gilbert R alp h Shockley, 10478 Elizabeth, O verl and , Missouri, who grad uated from the School of Mines and M etallurgy on M ay 1st, receiving the Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering, has been announced as the winner of the second priz.e of the A merican Institute of Chemical Engineers student problem contest for the year 1942, the announcement being made by Professor M. C. M olstad , chairman of the student problem committee, at the N ational C onvention of the American Institute of Chemical E ngineers meeting in Boston, M ass ., on M ay 1l. Students from sixty-eight chap ters throughout the United States are eligible to compete in the contest. The prize is a cash award of $5 0.00.

BOB STOWELL '42, WINS ESSAY CONTEST R obert Stowell '42, has been notified by Dr. C arl Tolman, Secretary of the St. Louis Section of the A. 1. M. E. that he has been awarded second priz.e in the student chapter essay contest sponsored by the St. Louis Section and open to seniors in mining englI1een ng. Stowell's paper dealt w ith the subject, " A Miner Looks at the D ust C ontrol Problem."




At Fre d W arin g Broadcast Back Row: W . E . Remme rs '23 ; Mr s. Remmers ; '.Iv. A. Schaeffer, Jr. '24; W. A. S chaeffer, III; O. D. N eal '14; Mrs. N eal. Middle Row: M rs. T eas ; C. G. Bowe rs '24; E. A. Crawford '29 ; Mrs . Crawford ', M rs. F . P. M c Car th y; M rs. S ch aeffer; Ca rolyn S cha effer. Front Row : James L . H ead ' 16; Vice-Pr es ident M . S. M. Alumni A ssociation ; M ajor H . ]. T eas ' 17 ; Fred \V ar ing .

ALUMNI DUES N o statement of alum ni dues has been mailed out for several years. It is going to cost about a hundred dollars to mail you this issue of the A lumnus. \Von't all of you who receive this issue mail to H oward Katz, Secretary-Treasurer, MSM Alumni A ssociation , Roll a, M o., a check for $5 .00, which will put you in good standing for a year and relieve the treasury department.

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H orace A. H and died suddenly of a heart attack on July 29, 1941 at his home at 26 19 Etna Street, Berkeley, California.

1909 George A. Easley has moved his office to 120 Broadway, N ew York City. Lorin Thomas Putnam, ex '09, is Vice-President in charge of operations, Raleigh-Wyoming Mining Company, Beckley, West Virginia.

1910 Alumnus dues were received from Mrs. V. H. McNutt who gives her home address as Gallagher Ranch, San Antonio, T exas.

1911 Word has been received from Lima, Peru, that H ector Boza, former minister of public works and an expert mining engineer left there April 5 by airplane for W ashington, D.C. where he will be advisor to Minister of Finance, David Dasso's lease lend mission, M. Albertson is located in Houston, T exas, P. O, Box 2099. Ben Cody , Phe lphs Dodge Corp., Mill Superintendent, Morenci, Arizona.

1912 Elmer D. Martin, ex ' 12, visited in this office on May 21. H e is connected with the Bridge Division, 402 City H all, Chicago, Illinois. His home address is 11 35 Washington Blvd., Lombard, Ill. Thomas A. Stroup is Chief Engineer for the W est Virginia Coal and Coke Corporation at Omar, West Virginia.

1913 S. E.

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gives his address as Puente, California,



G . F. M etz gives his address as 605 Country Club Road, York, Pennsylvania. Word has been received here of the death of H oward G. Halsey after a brief illness, January 23, 1942.

1915 C. W, Bower, formerly with the Grasselle Chemical Co., in East Chicago, Indiana, is now Production M anager of the AmeFican Zinc Products Company, a subsidiary of E. I. D.u Pont de N emours &' Company, Greencastle, Indiana. His home address is 124 Northwood Blvd., Greencastle, Indiana. Jacob C , Stroup, ex '15, has left the Holy T error Mining Co., Keystone, South Dakota, for Fort Ord, California, where he is associate engineer in the utility office.

1916 E. S, T ompkins has moved the offices of the T ompkins Mining M achinery Corp., of which he is President, to 120 Broadway, N ew York City.


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George Kublin is Chief Engineer of the Fisher T ank Division of General Motors Corporation at Detroit, Michigan. Howard]. T eas, Secretary-Treasurer of the Eastern Alumni Section, was recently promoted from Captain to M ajor of Engineers, U.S. Army. H e is Executive Officer, Operations Branch, -N.Y. District Engineer Office, 120 W all Street, N ew York City. -' Harold T. Herivel, Phelphs Dodge Corp., Chief M etallurgist, Morenci, Arizona. F. S. Elfred announced the marriage of his daughter Jane Elfred to Sinclair Rodman on March 8, 1942.



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Donald p , Pray, ex ' 19,ls doing general contracting work with headquarters at M onett; Missouri . H e has the contract for the construction of the new sewage disposal plant in Rolla. James A. Smith is now working for the State Highway Department of Illinois. His home address is 1828 South State St. , Springfield, Illinois.

C. E. H einz, ex ' 19., consulting metallurgist, of Joplin, Mo., writes that he is spending most of his time as an independent miner of high-grade magnesJe at Llano, T exas. H e is also a producer of Pre-Cambrian dolomi';e.

1920 M ark L. T erry '20, division engineer for the T exas Company at Tulsa, has been transferred to M attoon, Illinois.

1923 B. H. Moore is M anagor for the M etropolitan Refractories Corp., 192 King St. , Brooklyn, N.Y.

1924 H arold Druout '2 4, is now City Engineer of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, C arlos G. Bowers, General Manager, Cie. Aramayo de Mines en Bolivie, is on a business trip to the States and attended the Fred W aring broadcast in N ew York City on April 29th. His permanent address is Casilla 674, La Paz, Bolivia.

1925 Cyrus W est M agalis is now with the Luling Oil &' Gas Company, San Antonio, T exas.

1928 H enry E. Gross has been appointed associate petroleum production analyst in the Chicago office of the Petroleum Coordinator for National Defense. Philip ]. Boyer is Engineer at the Scrub Oaks Mine of the Alan Wood Steel Co. at Dover, N.]. H erb Ahrens is in the Office of Engineers, Camp Atterbury, Columbus, Indiana.

1929 W. L. Drake is now employed by Natkin &' Company, Commercial EngiI1eers, 3920 Linc~ell Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri, H arlow G. Jones, formerly willi the Midwest Abrasive Company at O wosso, Michigan, is now First Lieutenant in U.S. Army stationed at Fort Leonard Wood. His home address is No.2 Green A cres, R olla, Missouri, E. A. Crawford, formerly Service M anager, Sperry Products, Inc., has been appointed Assistant to General M anager of the company. His address is 1505 Willow Ave" H oboken, N.].

1930 F. P. McCarthy is now at the Hoboken, N.]. Plant of the Sperry Products, Inc. H e is living at 602 0 Boulevard East, W est N ew York, N.]. Mrs. M cCarthy, the former Josephine Ellis of Rolla, attended the Fred W aring Broadcast in N ew York City on April 29.

1931 L. H. Sanderson gives his home address as 817 Sixth Street, Bismarck, N orth Dakota,

1932 ]. R. M cCarron has been appointed Philadelphia manager for Vanadium-Alloys Steel Company. Albert Pessin is with the Phelph's Dodge Corp., T est Engineer, Morenci, Arizona.

1933 Word has just been received from William Koopmann, Jr. , that he is Safety and Personnel 'Director with the Laclede Steel Company. H e gives his home address as 1114 Douglas St., Alton, Illinois. A. W. Beinlich is chief engineer at the Wilson Dam, in Alabama. V ernon A sher is now M ajor in the U.S, Army. H e is stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. E: R. Fogarty, ex '33, is a navigator in the 18th Recon. Squad ron and is at present in Australia.


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1934 John H. Zell is Assistant Professor in Engineering at Marshall College, Huntington, W est Virginia, and also Coordinator of the Civilian Pilot Training Program there. Lieut. David P. Hale, Jr., is with the 20th Engineers; he has been transferred from Fort Benning, Georgia, to Camp Blanding, Florida. Newton Coffman is with the Midwest Abrasive Co., Owosso, Michigan. His home address is 610 W. Washington Street.

1935 W. R. Burgoyne who has been with the US. Gypsum Co. at Sweetwater, T exas, has been transferred to Chicago as superintendent of mines and quarries for the above company. His address is US. Gypsum, 300 W. Adams St., Chicago, Illinois. Word has been received here that Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Patten, ex '35, of Sunbeam, Idaho, are the parents of twin boys. Donovan D. Dutton, ex ' 35, visited in this office in May. He is with the US. Engineers, Sub. Surveyman, St. Louis, Missouri. His home address is 3159 Michigan Avenue.

1936 Willard Baker is employed as an engineer in the industrial service departm.ent in Tulsa, Oklahoma. His address is c/o Public Service Co., of Oklahoma, 600 South Main, Tulsa, Okla. Fred W. Hurd is employed as Associate Engineer with the Safety Bureau of the Missouri State Highway Department in Jefferson City, Missouri. Several years ago Mr. Hurd took a oneyear post-graduate course in Highway Traffic and Safety under Miller M cClintock and Maxwell Halsey at Yale University. Students were selected from various State Highway and City Traffic Departments, a.nd some twenty-four men took this course along with Mr. Hurd. At the time of the completion of the course those in charge indicated that Mr. Hurd was the leading student of the group. His residence is 915 Moreau Drive, Jefferson City, Mo. A son was born, March 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Hillmeyer , 46 Douglas, N ew Haven, Conn. Eugene]. Daily who is with the firm of Ash-Howard-Needles &' Bergendoff, Consulting Engineers of Kansas City, Missouri, is Area Engineer at Fort Riley, Kansas, in connection with camp construction there.

1937 D. S. Bishop is with Aluminum Ore Company, East St. Louis, Illinois. His home address is 405 West Main, Belleville, Illinois. Captain T. W . Wommack, Engineers, US. Army, is with the North Atlan tic Division of the US. Engineers Dept., N ew York. Glenn A Harwell visited at M.S.M. H e is with the State Board of H ealth at Jefferson City. His home is 2303 W. Main.

1938 Waldemar P. Ruemmeler is with the research department, International Smelting and Refining Company, East Chicago, Indiana. Joe Murphy was a campus visitor on April 10. Joe, who is with A sh-Howard-Needles &' Tammen, Consulting Engineers, of Kansas City, Missouri, is engaged on the construction of a large bridge for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, between Dubuque and East Dubuque, Ill. H e expects to be there abou t a year. His address is 2010yz Rhombery, Dubuque, Iowa. Lieut. B. H. M cCurdy, 100a W est 12th St., have returned to Rolla from Ft. Sill, Okla., where Lieut. M cCurdy has been in offi cers' training school. Fredric W onn is employed by the E. I. Du Pont de N emours &' Co. at Louisville, Kentucky. His home address is 133 E. Chestnut, Jeffersonville, Indiana .

1939 I.]. Ulak is with the US. Engineers' Department, AP.O. No. 803-B, Port of Spain, Trinidad, B.W.I. Lieut. R . L. Gardner is in Co. "C" 32rid Engr. Training Bn., Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Peter P. Ribotto has been promoted to the post of chief engineer for the northern Michigan iron mines of the Inland Steel Company. His address is Ishpeming, Michigan. Word has been received from Herbert A Hoffman that he is f now the father of a boy, Charles Herbert, born September 22, 1941, in Lima, Peru. H erb is metallurgical engineer with the Northern Peru Mining and Smelting Company, located at Casillo 162, Trujillo, Peru. Phil Blaz.ovic was in Rolla the middle of February enroute home before joining the Army Air Corps. Word has been received here that a daughter, Mary Lee, has been born to Mr. and Mrs. William Brannock, of Tyler, Texas. John Post who visited the campus the latter part of April has enlisted in the Navy and reported for duty October 4th. Wade Waters is now living at 314 E. 12th St., Alton, Ill. C. E. Boulson visited at M.S.M . He is with the Missouri Electric Power Co. at Marshfield, Missouri. Kenneth T. Whilhite, ex '39, is a Lieutenant in the 99th Bom bardment Sq., Force "A" AP.O. No. 803-a Surimam, S.A

1940 Lynn]. Riege was married on April 11, 1942, to Miss Grace Ropke of Chicago. Lynn, who is a mechanical engineer, is with the Republic Steel Corp., Chicago, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A L. Giege of Rolla, Missouri. F. Hugh Wilson writes from West Los Angeles, California, that he is being sent to UC.L.A for training in Meteorology for the Army Air Corps. High states that he hopes to be a 2nd Lieu tenant in the Air Corps in the near future. Norman P. Tucker was in Rolla visiting his mothe,r February 1st to 3rd, and left for one of the air bases at Tampa, Florida, where he will be a Second Lieutenant in the Air Corps. Jennings B. Carver recently enlisted for flight training in theNavy Air Corps at Grosse lie, Michigan. Charles C. Ward, graduate of M. S. M . with a degree in M echanical Engineering in the class of '40 was recently promoted from the rank of second to first lieutenant. H e is now stationed at the Army FlY1l1g School at Enid, Oklahoma, where he is an in structor. William Hutman, former M.S.M. student of St. Louis, will receive his commission as aQ ensign in the U.S. Naval Reserve sometime this week. "Weeper," as he is known by his fellow officers, enlisted on March 4, 1941 and began his training as a flying cadet on May 29,1941. George L. Mitsch has resigned from the American Car and Foundry Company and is now employed as production assistant, Special Products Division, the Midvale Company, Philadelphia. H erb Kamper is now living at 314 E. 12th St., Alton, Ill. D. B. Timberman is now living at 314 E. 12th St., Alton, Ill. F. G. Machmer was a campus visitor on May 13 . Ferd is with the General Chemical Company of East St. Louis, Ill. His home address is 5227a Virginia Avenue. 1941 Robert L. Topper is with the US. Engineers' Office, Post Office Building, Savannah, Georgia. Brendon P. Carmody was a campus visitor on M ay 9. Jim Katz. has been at Chanute Field, Rantoul, Ill. H e has completed his engineer's training for the Air Corps and is now a Second Lieutenant stationed at Brooks Field, San Antonio, T exas. Jim was in Rolla on February 2 and 3 visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H oward Katz.. Fred F. Burgett is now an Army Aviation Cadet stationed at Minter Field, Bakersfield, California. His address is c/o AC.R.

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Te., Co. E. Fred writes that he met Floyd Watts on the streets of Los Angeles the other day. Floyd was enroute to the H awaiian Islands with an Engineering firm. Alden G. H acker who was formerl y with the M cQuay, N orris Mfg. Company at C onnersville, Indiana, has been called to active duty in the army and is now a 2nd Lieutenant with C ompany "E, " 1 10th Engineers, C amp San Luis Obispo, C alif. , APO 3)' . M erl yn Block is employed by the N avy Dept., Bureau of \ Ships, Electrical Fire Control Section, Washington, D.e. His home address is 527 Rittenhouse N.W. , W ashington, D.e. First Lieut. Virgil O . Becker is with Co. " A " 10th ETBn ERTC , Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Andreas Andrae was married M arch 14 to Miss Jean Ellen Garret, at Detroit, Michig3.l1. Donald Falkingham was on the campus February 14. He was en route to his home, and will leave to join the Air C orps at Kelly Field in the near future. H arold Bute, who finished the work for his degree in Ceramic Engineering in January, is employed in East Chicago, Indiana. David Boltz, graduate student here, is also employed with H arbison' W alker, at V andalia, Missouri. N orman N. Baker is a junior engineer for the Gulf Oil Corporation and currently may be addressed Star Route 1, Crane, T exas - Gulf C amp . James S. Dodge, Jr. is now with Anaconda Copper Mining Company at Butte, Montana. James Brent, ex '41 , was married on May 7, 1942, to Miss C atherine Scott of Arcadia, Missouri. W. E. Crockett's address is 68 Prospect Street, Trenton , N.J. Kenneth Dieter whose address is 13 0 Gray Street, Bosota, N.]. is at Philips Field , Aberdeen, Md .



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Adler, A. G. , Arthur Dormitory, G arfield , Utah (Utah Copper Co.) Allen, ]. C ... c/ o C erro De Pasco Copper Co., Lima, Peru, S.A. Altman, William, T ennessee Valley Authority, Fontana Dam, N.e. A xmacher, W. G . . .. . ...... . . 3647 Page Blvd., St. Louis, M o. Banes, O. H. .. .. . .. " 1712 N. 40th St., East St. Louis, Illinois. (American Zinc Co. of Illinois.) Balmat, R. E ... .. ... . . . . .. 62 East Market St., Bethlehem, Pa. Beard, M. W . ... .. .. .... 2nd Lieut., C.A.S.C., Officers' Club, 224 N . Howard St., Lansing, Mich. Billings, R. G . ... . .. . .... 704 S. M ain St., Fredericktown, M o. (Fredericktown Lead Co. ) Beveridge, T R. .. N orth American Aviation Corp ., Room 365, YM.e.A. , 404 E. 10th St., Kansas City, Mo. Black, C . S., Jr. . .. . . ... . . . .. . ... . . 121 0 S. 5th St. , Pekin, Ill. Block, M. ]. . .. . . . .. . .. . 575 5 Kingsbury Place, St. Louis, M o. (United States Government.) Bloomberg, F. M . . . . . . .. c/o Allis- Chalmers, Milwaukee, Wisc. Bolz, L. H. . . .. . . .. . ... . 209 W est M cPike St., Vandalia, M o. (Harbison W alker Refractories.) Brackbill, R . M . ...... c/ o Shell Oil C o., Box 476, Centralia, Ill. Bradshaw, G. V ..... . .... . 30 5 Park Ave., Collingswood, N.]. (RCA Mfg. Co. , Inc.) Brady, B. T .... . . c/ o General Chemical C o., East St. Louis, Ill. -Brill , N . K . . Kiel, Wisconsin (Humble Oil Co.-¥'ter Aug. 1st) Brinkmann, ]' E . .. . . ... . ... . .. c/ o Industrial Relations Dept., Allis-Chalmers M fg . C o., Milwaukee, Wisc. Brockman, G. e. ..... . .... . 3606 Chestnut, Kansas City, Mo. Brouk, R. H .. 547 M ellon St. , Anacostia Station, W ashington, D. C . Brueschke, H . P . ... . . .. .. 3641 Bamberger A ve., St. Louis, M o. (Aluminum Ore Co.) Burberry, R. S....... . ... 2nd Lieut. , Fort Leonard W ood, M o. Busch, W . D ... . .. . ...... 1629 S. 79th St., W est Allis, Wisc. (Allis,Chalmers Mfg. Co.) Bute, H. B. ...... . . . . ... 483 6 Baring Ave., East Chicago, Ind . (Harbison' W alker Co.)

Page 7

C ,mnack,R.H. , 65 4 Bergen A ve., Jersey City, N.]. (Koppers Co.) C astleman, ]. H. ........ 1809 Longfellow Blvd., St. Louis, M o. Chernoff, Edward .. ... . . . . .. 2 107 Linwood, Kansas City, M o. (General M otors.) Cherrick, 1. L. . N aval Research Laboratories, W ashington, D .e. Claassen, E. ]. . .. . 666 Lorena, W ood River, Ill. (Shell Oil Co. ) Clark, H. M . ... .. . . . ..... . .. .. 128 W ard St. , Paterson, N .]. (Wright A eronautical Corp .) C omoglio, R.]. . . . .. c/o General Chemical Co., C ollinsville, Ill. C onary, E. C . . .. c/ o American Steel Foundry, East Chicago, Ill. Crookston, James ..... ..... . . 41 3 W . Witherbee, Flint, Mich. (A. e. Spark Plug Div., G en. M otors Corp.) Cunningham, R.]. . .. c/ o Public H ealth Engineer, Sikeston, M o. Cutler, R. R . ........ .... . Riverview Place, W ashington, M o. (2nd Lieut., US. Army.) Dahlen, E. O .... . 156 1 Graymont A ve., W. , Birmingham, Ala. (Tenn . Coal, Iron, and R.R. C o.) Dahm, G . P . .. . .. . . . .. 2nd Lieut. , Corps of Engr. , US . Army, 12 1 W. 7th A ve., R oselle, N.]. Davis, Miss M arie ... . ... ... .... 511 7 A shland, St. Louis, M o. (Carter C arburetor C orp .) Dawson, L. G . . ..... .. .. 725 Paseo, Apt. 21, Kansas City, M o. (N orth American A viation Inc. of Kansas. ) Decker, P. E . ........ . . . ... P .O . Box 272, C aruthersville, M o. (Mo. State Board of H ealth.) DeForest, W . R .. .. . . . . . . .. . . Box 35 1, Aberdeen , M aryland. (Aberdeen Proving Ground.) Doelling, W. E . ... 2nd Lieut., C .E., US. Army, 3827 O akridge Blvd. , Normandy, Mo. Eisman, W. ]. .... . c/ o Carnegie-Illinois Steel Co., Chicago, Ill. Engle, G. A. . . .. .. . ... . . .... 255 E. Ferry St., Detroit, Mich. (Research Laboratories, Division of General M otors Corp. ) Ferris, R. M. , 62 15a Stillwell , St.Louis, M o. (US. C artridge Co.) Flint, M. C . . ... ... ....... 7439 H azel A ve., M aplewood, M o. (Aluminum Ore Co.) Fox, ]. H. , 2nd Lieut. , C.E. , US. Army, Fort Leonard W ood, M o. Fraser, W. C . . . . . . 2nd Lieut., Corps of Engineers, US. Army, E.R .TC., Fort Leonard W ood, M o. Gonski , A. F ... ... .. . 2nd Lieut. , C orps of Engrs., U.S . Army, Ft. Leonard W ood , M eS. Grayer, G. D .. .. ........ .. 85 1 S. 76th St., Milwaukee, Wisc. (Allis-Chalmers M fg. Co. ) Griesbaum, G . A. . c/ o Caterpillar Tractor Company, Peoria, Ill. G rimm, L.]. .. . ... Allis,Chalmers Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wisc. Guilfoy, R . F., 2nd Lieut., US. Army, 7434 Gravois, St. Louis, M o. H aas, A. G .. .. . . ..... .... .... W estinghouse, Pittsburgh, Pa. H aas, G. G ., 2nd Lieut., Corps of Engrs., FortLeonardWood,M o. Haas, H. W . . ..... . . .. 2nd Lieut., Corps of Engrs., E.R .TC., Ft. Leonard W ood, M o. H agar, B. W . ...... ... . 2nd Lieut. , Corps of Engrs., E.R.TC., Ft. Leonard W ood, M o. H ahn , A. ]. . . .. . . .. International Minerals &' Chemicals Corp ., C enterville, T enn. H armon, L. L. .. . .. .. .... 808 Centennial A ve., Sewickley, Pa. (Dravo Corp.) H arness, Hugh, J1'. . c/ o General Chemical C o., East St. Louis, Ill. H arrington, K. V. . . .. ... ..... . . Midwest Pipe &' Supply C o., 2146 South Grand, St. Louis, M o. H arris, ]. S., Jr. . . . . ... . 5138 W ashington A ve., St. Louis, M o. (Monsanto Chemical Co. ) Helton, E. L. . .. ... . . . . c/ o C aterpillar Tractor Co., Peoria, Ill. H endricks, P. 1. . . .. Route N o.3, Box N o. 307 , Springfield, M o. 2nd Lieut. , US . Army.) Heuer, C . A. ... ... .... . . .. 2629a Shenandoah, St. Louis, Mo. (War Department US. Engineers.) Hill , W. E. , J1'. . . . . .. . . 65 1 Cumberland , Pittsburg, California. (Columbia Steel Co. ) Hillery, C. M. c/ o W estVirginia Coal &, CokeCo., Omar, W . V a.




H oll ander, R. W . . .......... 4310a Grace Ave., St. Louis, Mo. (US. Naval Air Corps.) H omyk, Anthony ................. 300 Kentucky, Benld, Ill. (US . Geolog.ical Survey.) Hubbart, C. Q... c/o Industrial Colleries Corp., Johnstown, Pa. Hughes, T. A. .. . 2nd Lieut., US. Army, Camp W alters, T exas. James, W . R., c/o Lieut. Alder M. Jenkins, N o. 31, Radio School, RAF Clinton, Ontario, Canada. Johnk, C. T. A. . . . c/ o RCA M anufacturing Co., Camden, N.]. Johnson, F. E . . Box 1052, Room 403, Radford Ordnance Works, R adford, V a. (Hercules Powder Company) . Johnston , ]. K ... Box 22, Richburg, N .Y. (Glenn L. Martin Co.) Jones, T. A. .... . ..... ~30 1 R oosevelt Road, Little Rock, Ark. (US . Bureau of Mines. ) Kehr, W . B... ........ . .. 516 S. Linden Ave. , Pittsburgh, Pa. W estinghouse Electric M fg. Co. ) Kelly, R. A. ............. ... 6049 Maple Ave., St. Louis, M o. (Monsanto Chemical Co.) Kind , Daniel .. c/o Dravo Corp., N eville Island, Pittsburgh, Pa. King, W. M .. Box 325 , Rockport, M o. (2nd Lieut., US. Army). Kisslinger, Fred ... . University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. Kloeris, P. W. , Jr. . ... . 2nd Lieut., Corps of Engrs., US. Army, Washington, D.C. Knittel, ].C. .. .. ... .. . 2nd Lieut., US. Army, 30th Engr. Btn., Ft. Belvoir, V a. Knittel, V. E ....... ... 2nd Lieut., US . Army, 30th Engr. Bts., Ft. Belvoir, Va. Kromka, E. R .. ......... ... ... 126 Liberty St., Boonton, N.]. (US. Naval R eserve.) Kruegr, H. A. . . ... ..... ... St. Louis Smelting &' Refining Co., Baxter Springs, Kans. Kurtz, S. A. . ....... Caterpillar T ractor Co., 312 S. University, Peoria, Ill. Lawler, W.]. ... . . . . . ....... . . . 5119 Labadie, St. Louis, M o. Leisher, A. P .... .... 2nd Lieut., US. Army, 105 Seward Place, Schenectady, N.Y. Leland , G. R . .. . (Employed in South America.) H ome address: 172 4 V erona Road, Kansas City, M o. Letter, ]. E ...... . ... . c/o The T exas Co., Port Arthur, T exas, 244 Gilham Circle. Lewis, A. L. ..... Humble Oil &' Refinery Co., Baytown, T exas. Loesing, N. R . .. '.' . . ..... Pittsburgh Coal Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Loesing, V . T. . ... . . . . 2nd Lieut., Corps of Engrs., US. Army. Lyons, ]. H ., Jr. . . . . .. Caterpillar Tractor Company, Peoria, Ill. M cGain, G . M ... . .. Atlas Powder Co., Wilmington, Delaware. M cConnell , W . F .. . .. Gruman Aircraft Engr. Corp., Bethpage, Long Island, N. Y. M cGhee, V. T. ....... 2nd Lieut., Corps of Engrs., US. Army, Ft. Huachuca, Arizona. M aher, L. ]. . . 2nd Lieut., W ar Department, W ashington, D .C. M artin, K. W .... ... . ... 2nd Lieut., Engr. Corp., US. Army. M aune, H. F .. T ennessee V alley Authority, 878 Highland Park, Sheffield, Ala. M errell, C. L. ............ . ... . ..... US. N aval Air Corps. Mitchell , ]. L. ...... ... Allis-Chalmers Co., 66th &' Greenfield, W est Allis, W isc. M orris, C . T. . . ..... M onsanto Chemical Co., 1700 S. 2nd St., St. Louis, M o. Plant " A." Muskopf, O. M .. Shell Oi l Co. , 47 01 Penrose St., W oodriver, Ill . M yers, E. C ., Jr ..... US. N avy, Aviation Cadet, St. Louis, M o. Naert, G. A. .. . Midwest Pipe &' Supply C o., 3960 Wilmington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. N elson , P. C ............ 2nd Lieut. , Co. " A, " 32 nd E.T. Btn., Ft. Leo nard W ood, M o. N eubert, R . L. . ..... M onsanto Chemical Co., 25 Austin Place, Kirkwood, M o. N eyin, ]. R ... N orth American Aviation Co., Kansas City, M o. N evin, ]. W . .. N orth American Aviation Co., Kansas City, M o. Olde, F. W .. N ational Tube Co., 28th &' Pearl Sts., Lorain, Ohio.

Olsen, ]. K ...... ... ..... .. National Tube Co.; Lorain, Ohio. Orth,]. F., Bailey M eter Co., 1050 Ivanhoe Rd. , Cleveland, Ohio. Pagel, H . E .. T ennessee C oal, Iron &' R .R. Co., Birmingham, Ala. H ome address: 1561 Graymont Ave. W., Birmingham, Ala. Penrose, O . D ...... ..... . . . Humble Oil Co., Baytown, T exas. Pewitt, Bion .... '.' ... . . 2nd Lieut., Corps of Engrs. , E.R.T.C., Ft. Leonard Wood, M o. Pickett, V . T. . ... .... .. . . ...... .. ... ...... . .. US. Army. Pohl, R. A. ....... . . .. Monsanto Chemical Co., St. Louis, M o. Pollock, W . L. . . . .. .. . Missouri Highway Dept., Sikeston, Mo. Priestley, ]. W . . . . . . . . Carnegie-Illinois Steel Co., Chicago, Ill. Radcliff<:, R . S.. . .. . ......... 221 E. Jefferson, Kirkwood, M o. Rassinier, E. A. . . .... Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville, Okla. Rayl, ]. W .... ... . ........ ... ..... . 2nd Lieut., US. Army. Renwick, A. P .. ... Industri al Research Project, Kansas A &' M ., Manhattan, Kans. Rimel, S. F . . . .... R. Levin &' Sons, 3426 S. Kedzie, Chicago, Ill. Robertson, H . F ... T enn. Coal, Iron &' R .R . Co., Bessemer, A la. Roffmann, K. A. . . . . . ... York Ice M achinery Corp., York, Pa. Ruth, Earl .... N evada Consolidated Copper Co., Ray, Arizona. Royer, R. A. . ... . General Steel Castings Co., Granite City, Ill. Sandhaus, E. H. .... Phillips Petroleum Corp., Bartlesville, Okla. Schaeffer, C. A., Jr. ........... Shell Oil Co., Houston, T exas. Schneider, E. P ... . ... . M onsanto Chemical Co., Monsanto, Ill. Schowalter, K. A. ... 2nd Lieut., US. Army, Chemical W arfare Service, R .O.T.C. Section, Edgewood, Arsenal, Md. Schmitt, ]. B....... .... ..... .. .. Koppers Co. , Kearney, N .]. Schuman, A. E ..... ... 2nd Lieut., C.E., US. Army, E.R .T.C., Ft. Leonard Wood, M o. Schwaig, ]. A. . ... .... Atlas Powder Co., Weldon Spring, M o. Shaffer,]. W ., Republic Mining &' Mfg. Co., Box 9, Eufaul a, Ala. Sherman, K. 1. ...... . ... .. . . ...... 2nd Lieut., Signal Corps. Shockley, G. R . ...... . M onsanto Chemical Co., Monsanto, Ill. Smith, H. B. ... N aval Research Laboratories, Washington, D.C. Smith, John ....... .... . .. Allis-Chalmers, Milwaukee, Wisc. Smith, V. A . . North American Aviation Inc., Kansas City, Kans. Steinhoff, P. F ..... Koppers Co., Koppers Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Stevens, C. M . .... ... .. General Electric Co., Ft. W ayne, Ind . Stewart, A. L. ....... .. Allis-Chalmers Co., Milwaukee, Wise. Stowell , R. L. .... Republic Mining &' Mfg. Co., Bauxite, T exas. Strickel, W. R . .. . . .. .. . .. ... . . . . .. .. ... US. Signal Corps. Suessdorf, F. 0., Jr. ... Sinclair Refining Co., East Chicago, Ind . T aylor, O. H. . . ... T ennessee Valley Authority, Arnstein Bldg., Knoxville, T enn. Thayer, W. M . ... . .. . ... . . . .. 78 W est St., Greenfield , M ass. (2nd Lieut. , US. Army.) Thias, R . L. .. ... . . ........ . .... .... 2nd Lieut., US . Army. T rotter, C. R ... ... . ...... US. Geological Survey, Rolla, M o. Ullrich, M. C .... . . ....... . . .. 2nd Lieut., Engr., US. Army. Van N ostrand, R. G .. . ..... .. . 2nd Lieut., US. Signal Corps, W ashington, D .C. V eale, G. M .... . .... . ..... ... . ... .. . . ... .... US. N avy. V erdi, Columbus .. Fansteel Metallurgical Corp., 2200 Sheridan Rd. , Chicago, Ill. W ang, Kung-Ping ... Graduate Student, Columbia Univ., N.Y. W eidle, B. E .. .. .................. . 2nd Lieut., US. Army. W eiss, R . ]. . . . . M o. State Board of H ealth, Jefferson City, Mo. W ashburn, E. L. .. . . . ... . ... . ....... 2nd Lieut. , US. Army": Wilson, A. W . . .. . .. . General Electric C o., Schenectady, N.Y. W ink, ]. G . . ..... Phillips Petroleum C o., Kansas City, Kansas. Winkle, R . F .. N evada Consolidated Copper Co., R ay, Arizona. Witt, ]. A. ....... . . . . . 2nd Lieut., Corps of Engrs., E.R.T.C., Ft. Leonard W ood, M o. W olff, L. C .... Aluminum Co. of America, 22 10 Harvard Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. W oodworth, L. R .... . ..... W estinghouse Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Zagata, ]. L. .... T enn. Coal, Iron &' R.R. Co. , Birmingham, Ala. Zanzie, C. E . . W estinghouse Elect. &' Mfg. Co. , E. Pittsburgh, Pa. Zoller, ]. W . ...... Shell Oil C o., Inc., M ayo Bldg., Tulsa, Okla.

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