Missouri S&T Magazine, Fall 1942

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MSM ALUMNUS - Missouri School of Mines anc{ Metallurgy ROLLA, MO:




Bureau of Mines Establish Regional Headquarters at Rolla

Registration for Architects and Professional Engineers in Missouri By

The establishment of regional headquarters for the Central Region of the United States Bureau of Mines at R olla, recently announced in W ashington, will result in making R olla one of the outstanding centers of scientific industrial research in the United States, according to Dean Curtis L. Wilson, H ead of the School of Mines and M etallurgy. The reports from W ashington announced that R oll a had been selected as one of the three divisional headquarters for the war work of the United States Bureau of Mines; the other two being at College Park, M aryland and Salt Lake City, Utah. This wi ll greatl y enlarge and supplement the work that has been carried on for the past twenty- two years by the Mississippi Valley Experiment Station of the United States Bureau of Mines, established at R olla in 1920, working in cooperation with the Experiment Station of the School of Mines and M etallurgy. Th is station has made outstanding contributions to the mineral industries of the United States in general and the Mississippi Valley in particular, <.ccording to Dean Wilson. During the time it has been in operation, 16 1 scientific treatises have been written and released from this station, dealing with lead, zinc, fluorspar, steel metallurgy, recovery of minerals by flotation, refractories material and recentl y, the recovery of manganese from low grade ores. During the past year , with the stimulus given to this study by the war effort, a dozen scientific freatises have been released on the subject of manganese alone. Dean Wilson pointed out that one of these studies conducted in the Tri -S tate Lead and Zinc District was estimated by independent engi neers operating in the district to have resulted in savings amounting to as much as five million dollars a year. Another study in the lead district, resulted in savings amounting to as much as a half-million dollars a year in normal times. Similar savings were made in the fluorspar district of southern Illinois. In the manganese stud y, a mineral of strategic importance in the war effort, definite methods have been worked out for the recovery of this mi neral from low grade manganese ores. The scien tific work of the Burea u of Mines here will suppleme nt numerous other governmental agencies already operating in R olla. T wo years ago in a decentralization movement, the United States Geological Survey shifted the headquarters of the central division of the T opographic branch of that organization from W ashi ngton, D .C. to Rolla, where, under the direction of Captai n C . L. Sadler, the work of this division in sixteen states is sup ervised , with a total personnel of 11 8 trained engineers and draftsmen in addi tion to the ad ministrati ve and clerical force. In addition to the above, the United States Geological Survey also maintains in R olla regional headquarters for the W ater R e•sources branch of this organization. Under the direction of H enry C. Beckman, these headquarters supervise studies in the entire Mississippi Ri ver Basin including about forty per cent of the entire area of the United States, where twenty trained engineers are car rying on investigations. A great deal of the information collected by this branch of the government is for the use of the War Department in studies dealing with water power development, navigation and flood control. It is largely the work of Civil Engineers. Also, in R olla is the headquarters of the Missouri Geological Survey under the supervision of Dr. H. A. Buehler with his staff of trained research workers. The State Public H ealth Service and

Over a period of many years, architects and engineers have sought legisfation by the State of Missouri w hich would govern the practice of architecture and professional engineering in the State wi th provisions for registration and licensing, generally termed a Registration Law. M any other States have such laws, some of which have been in force for many years. Undismayed by the failure of favorable action by the 60th General A ssembly, The Missouri A ssociation of Architects and the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers, with renewed determination, began at once a program to have the matter presented to the 6 1st General A ssembly. Under the able leadership of the offi cers and members of these societies, enthusiastic cooperation was scured from architects and engineers throughout the State, and the Missouri registration act was passed. This legal regulation of architectural and engineering practice is a definite responsibility of the respective professions. If we want architecture and engineering to be respected by the public as a profession, we must see to it that it deserves such support. The two professions should continue to be active in the education and the administration of the law. The fund amental principle of legal registration is covered in an opinion by the United States Supreme Court as fo llows: "The power of the State to provide for the general welfare of its people authorize it to prescribe all such regulations as, in its judgment, will secure or tend to secure them against the consequence of ignorance and incapacity as well as deception and fr aud . A s one means to this end it has been the practice of different States, from time immemorial, to exact in many pursuits a certain degree of skill and learning upon w hich the community may confidently rely, their possession being generally ascertained upon an examination of parties by competent persons. The nature and extent of qualifications required must depend primarily upon the judgment of the State as to their necessity." The p urpose of the Missouri A ct is to safeguard life and property; to promote and protect the peace, health and safety of the people; and generally, to conserve the p ublic welfare. T o obtain a license to pratice the profession of Engineering in Missouri under this A ct , one must be at least twenty-one years of age and of good moral character, and come under anyone of the following classifications: (a) Graduate from an approved Engineering school or college plus a specific record of at least an additional four years of active expenence . (b) Specific record of eight yea rs of active experience and a written and oral exa mination in his particular field . (c) G randfather C lause : At any time wi thin five years after the A ct becomes effecti ve the applicant is qualified for registration if he can give a specific record of twelve years of lawful, active experience in the specific field in which he is applying for registration and has had responsible charge of important architectural or professional engineering work for at least five years. After this act shall have been in effect five years, certificate of registration shall be issued onl y to those who shall meet the requirements under (a) or (b) .

(Coatinued o n Pag"e 2)

(Continued on Page 2)

PROF. C. H. BLACK, Assistant Profe ssor of Eng ineering Draw ing at MSM, and President, Missou ri Associat ion of Architects


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The Alu mni A ssociation earnestl y requests that all men in military service keep the alumni offi ce in formed of changes in address. A card add ressed to the Secretary-Treasurer will take but a minute's time, and it will permit him to get in touch with anyone in the A rmed Service should he decide to do so. These men are changing around so much with the different assignments that it is difficult to do anything like keep up the alumni records without their cooperation. Following the last war the school authorities and the Alumni A ssociation, in cooperation, published a list of all the alumni of the school who participated in this war, giving a brief abstract of their services. T his bu lletin was of much interest at the time, and it is p lanned to publish a si milar bulletin following this conflict. A num ber of the M S M boys have already been in the thick of things. A letter from the mother of Lieut. Eugene P . Boy t advises us that Eugene is now a 1st Lieutenant but has been repor ted miss- ing in action at Bataa n. Simil ar word has been received from Mr. P. B. M cAnerney, fa ther of Lieut. Jack M cAnerney. Lieut. Bob Silhavy was also in the Philippines with General W ainwright, a nd his exploits have been written u p several times in the St. Louis paper. It has been reported unoffi cially that W illard " Yank" Far rar was also wi th General W ainwright and in the Philippines at the time of his surrender , as was also Joe Clifton Eas t who attended school. here du ring the years 1925 and 1926 and then grad uated fro m W est Point. Joe was a M ajor on Corregidor. The Alumni A ssociation desi res to keep informed of any un usual accomplishments of the alumni in the present conflict and will app reciate very much the cooperation of those in a position to know, if they will info rm the offi ce promp tly of any such achievements.

Perhaps for the first time in the history of the Missouri School of Mines a summer commencement exercise was held this year with twenty-nine '3 tudents receiving degrees. Dean Curtis L. Wilson delivered the commencement address, and Dr. Frederick A. M iddlebush, President of the University, conferred the degrees. A list of the gradu ates with their business connections will be carried in the next issue.

Bureau of Mines Establish Reg'l Headquarters at Rolla ( Cont inued fr om Page 1)

the United States Public H ealth Service maintain here a Tracoma H ospital for scientific studies dealing with this disease, largely an industrial disease connected with timber workers and other workers of the southern part of the United States. The U nited States Forest Service mai ntai ns a R anger H eadquarters here. M any of the scientifica ll y trained personnel at Fort Leon ard W ood have their residence in R olla. While defini te p lans for the new set-up of the U nited States Bureau of Mines have not been released, it is reported in R olla that it will mean a perso nnel of 150 to 200 scientifically trained wo rkers. The present staff of the Mississippi V all ey Experim ent Station consists of abo ut fift y engineers and others. Stephen M . Shelton, formerly in charge of the M ississippi V alley Experiment Station here, has been tra nsferred to C ollege Park, M aryland, where he will be in charge of the Eas tern Division of the Bureau. E. D . Gardner , formerly Supervising Engineer in cnarge of the Bureau's experiment station at Tucson, Ariz,ona, and of the Bureau of Mines explorations of strategic minerals in the M ountain R egion, is being transferred here to have charge of the Central R egion. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Dean Wilson Writes Book on Metallurgy Dean Curtis L. Wilson, H ead of the Missouri School of Mines and M etallurgy, is co-author with Joseph N ewton, Assistant Professo r of M etallurgy at the University of Idaho, of a new comprehensive treatise on copper from ore to metal entitled, "Metallurgy of C opper ." The book has been published by John Wiley and Sons, Inc., N ew York C ity. The book is a modern treatment of the methods currently in use for the extraction of copper from its ores and for refining the metal to commercial grade. Principles are stressed, and examples of present-day practice are given to illustrate the use of the principles involved. The book includes succinct treatments of the uses of copper , ore dressing, copper alloys and their fabrication, heat treatment, etc. Brief data are given on the sources of copper, the nature of copper ores, and the geograp hic distribution of these ores.

Registration for Architects and Prof. Engrs. in Missouri (Cont inued from Page 1)

The w ritten or oral examinations will be administered by members of the Board of R egistration with special reference to the app licant's ability in his particular field . C ertificates will be issued to those qualifying and the p ayment of a $25 .00 fee. The annual re newal fee is $5. 00. The following persons will be exempt from the provisions of this act: (a) N on-resident w hose practice in this State does not exceed thirty days in any calendar year. (b) A non-resident person fil ing for ap plication for registration with payment of fee; the exemption to be in effect only for such time as may be required for thi': consideration of application for registration ; p rovided the person is registered in the State where an offi ce is maintained . (c) An y employee of classificati on (a) or (b) not in respon sihl e charge of design or supervision. (d) O ffi cers and empl oyees of the Federal, State, C ounty or City. (e) Operating engineers. (f) Land surveyors. (g) Landscape Architects and Regional Planners. Infor mation regarding registration in M issouri under the new law may be obtained from the State Board of Registration for Architects and Professional Engineers, Box 184, Jefferson City, Missouri .



R egistration was held on Sep tember 7th , and the figures compared favorably with last year. There was a total of 729 enrolled on the first day this year compared with 752 for the first day of last year. This shows a decrease of 3 % compared with last year , but when the fac t of the summer school is taken into acco unt, the fig ures show a sligh t increase over last yea r. For instance, there were twen ty- nine seniors who graduated in A ugust under the accelerated program w ho woul d normall y have enroll ed in the fall and graduated in January. Late registrations have brought the total up to 806. O u tstandi ng feature of the registration fig ures was the freshman class enroll ment, showing a total of 256 freshmen this year compared with 195 last year, an increase of approximately 31 %.

James. L. H ead, ' 16, Vice- President of the Alumni A ssociation and Chairman oUhe N ew York Section, who is wo rking with the W ar P roduction Board in W ashington, writes tha t D.L.Forrester, ' 11 and James H opkins, ' 13 are employed with the W ar Production Board in W ashington ; the former in the Ore Production and R efi ning Section of the Copper Branch, T emporary R . Building; and H opkins as Senior Production Engineer, Raw M aterials Group, Alu minum and M agnesium Branch, Room 2 11 6, T emporary R Building. A frequent visitor to his W ashington offi ce has been N ed O. Kraft, '27, C ap tain , C orps of Engineers, Aluminum Specialist, with headquarters at Services of Supply. Kraft is also a member of the A r my and N avy Munitions Board . His address is 128 12th Street, N.W ., W ashington, D.C.




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Issued quarterl y, in the interest of the graduates and former students of the School of Mines and Metallurgy, Subscription price 50 cents, included in Alumni Dues, E ntered as second·class matter October 7, 1926, at Post Office at R olla, Missouri, under the A ct of March 3, 1879.

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St. Louis U . , ...... , . , . October 2 . , , .. , , , St. Louis (night) Maryville .. , . . .... . , .. October 16 ..... , Maryville (night) W arrensburg ..... , . , , . October 24 , . ...... , , .... . . , Rolla Springfield , ........ ,. , November 6, .. , ... , , ... Springfield Cape Girardeau. ' .... . November 14 . ' . . ... .. . , , .. .. Rolla W ashington U. ....... November 2 1 . ' .. . .. , , . . .. St. Louis

Officers of the Association G. STIFEL, ' 16 ........ , ........... , .. President J AMES L. HE AD, '16 . ' ........ ... .. .. .. Vice ,President GUN NARD E, J OHNSON, ' 16 ... . , , . . . .. . . Vi ce· President H OWARD M . KATZ, ' 13 . , .. . , , .... . . Se cre tary·'[ reasurer CARL



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WANTED - M echanical Engineer , Graduate or C ollege Trained with some experience, preferably Coal Mining, W ork en· tails Design and Drafting of our line of coal mine equipment. Prefer yo ung man not likely to be drafted, Permanent position with old, small concern in excellent financial condition, Salary in p roportion to applicant's ability and permanent nature of position. Applicants intere5ted onl y in war wages do not apply. An excel, lent opportunity for a yo ung engineer with mechanical ingenuity desiring life- time placement with opportunity to advance. Loca' tion northeastern Ohio, Must be filled by October. State full par· ticulars enclosing a snapshot with application, Address inquiries to Box 25 0, R olla" c/ o Missouri School of Mines,

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HOMECOMING, NOVEMBER 14 The H omecoming date has been designated as November 14, at which time the Miners will play the Cape G irardeau Indians on their home field here. President Stifel and Dean Wilson have appointed a local committee consisting of Professors Williams, W alsh, and Willson to look after detailed arrangements, Miners . are urged to keep this date open on their calendars if at all possible.

PARENTS' DAY Parents' D 2.y for this fall will be held on October 24, Parents' Day has been growing in importance in recent years, with a very large number of t.he parents visiting the school and their sons on this occasion, The program is being worked out for the day by a committee consisting of Professors Schrenk, Carlton, D ay, Dennie, Gill , M oreland , R an kin , and Mr. Katz.. In the afternoon there will be a fo otball game between the Miners and the W arrensburg Mules followed by the annual Parents Banquet to be held in the evening,



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Lewis A . Delano died at his home in Bonne T erre, Missouri, on July 1.

A. L. Ackers sends word that he is with the Stanolind Oil and Gas Co, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, His home address is 1714 South Evanston , Lawrence Collins is now Captain in the Army, located with the 363 Engineers' Regiment, E,O.C., Fort Clarborne, Louisiana, Abner D. Hahn visited our campus August 14. H e is now Assistant Professor of Mining at the New M exico School of Mines at Socorro, N ew M exico ,


]. ]. Brow n, Jr. is now located at 127 North Crestway, Wich, ita, Kansas. E, E, Squier is head of Estimating Division of Bell and Gostin, M ountain Grove, Illinois, His home address is now 640 Hinman, Evanston, Illinois, C, R, Wilfley is now with the US. Bureau of Mines, stationed at Denver, Colorado, His home address is 2070 Ivy Street, Denver.

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]. H, Steinmesch has moved from St, Louis to El Dorado, Illi' nois, where he is with the Minerva Oil Company, p, K. H orner is acti ve in the defense of London as a Captain in the first American Squadron of the British Home Guard, ac· cording to an article appearing in the St, Louis Post · Dispatch on Jul y 12, ]. Oscar W afer, ex '09, is assistant postmaster in Greenville, Illinois. H e was in Rolla on August 22, 1942 to make arrange' ments for enrolling his son Oliver as a freshman in the School of Mines,



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James Bunten is employed with The N ew Jersey Zinc C o, and his home address is 32 1 Lafayette A venue, Palmerton, Pa,

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There was a picture of A. B. Jewell in the August 6 issue of the Engineen'ng 'Ne ws- Record magaz;ine. H e is assistant superin· tendent of the Tulsa wa ter department. H arry S. Pence is a 1st Lieu tenant in the army and his address is 1200 W est M orton Street, Denison, T exas, US, Engm eers Office,


Jean p, Bryan now lives at 6·A Rolla Street, Fort Leonard W ood, Missouri. E, E, R obertson gives his address as Spring Hill, T ennessee, Route N o, 1. Peter F, Thompson is now employed by the Utah Power and Light C o" Salt Lake City, Utah. His address is T erminal Substa' tion R.F,D, N o, 6, Salt Lake City, Utah,



F, S, Elfred is looking after the Kalunite project for the Olin Corporation and recently traveled with]. L. H ead to Salt Lake City, Utah.

George D, Gai nes is emp loyed by the Fluor Corp., Ltd" 714 Fairfax Bldg" Kansas City, M issouri. H is home address is 5509 W oodland , C. L. M artin is employed at N ev, Cons, Copper Corp. H is address is Box 437, Ruth, N evada,


Mr. and Mrs, John M, M orris and son Junior of Salt Lake City, Utah, spent a few days last week visiting Mrs, M orris' par· ents, Mr. and Mrs. John W, Scott, They were on their way to W ashington, D,C. , where Mr. M orris will be located as Adminis' trative Assistant of the US, Bureau of Mines with offi ce in the new Department of Interior Building, Thomas R, Crawford is wi th Pando Constructors at Red Cliff, Colorado,

1926 R ay E, Kollar is wi th the British·American Oi l Producing Company at Lander, W yoming, H is address is P,O, Box 600. James p, M oore is a Captain in the US, Army with the Corps of Engineers, His address is Hdq, 6 E T Group , E R T C , Fort Leonard W ood, M issouri,




1927 W ord has been received from Truman H . Kennedy that he is employed by the N ational Tube Co. His address is 142 1 Carnegie A venue, M cKeesport, Pennsy lvani a. A letter has been received from R ay mond A . Johnson (John nie) dated August 19, 1942. His home address is 85 1 Glenn Drive, San Leandro, California . Edwa rd W. Parsons is now living at 29 1A 11 Avenue A , M oline, Illinois. H e is empl oyed at the Quad Cities T ank Arsenal. H erm an Blickensderfer is now located at 9 18 E. 6th Avenue, Apartment N o. 6, Gary, Indiana.

1928 H arold Kilpatri ck visited our campus Jul y 17, 1942. H e is with the Laclede Steel Co., 1317 Arcade, St. Louis, Missouri . His home address is 2 16 Elm, G lendale, Missouri. Edward C . Miller is now Lieutenant-Comm ander in the United States N aval Reserve. H e was formerl y on the faculty of Purdue University. B. Y. Slates is working with U.S. Engineer Dept. , and his ad dress is 106 Inman Circle, Atlanta, Georgia. Paul Berry gives his address as Elec. Mfr's. A gent, 818 Braniff Bldg., O klahoma City, Okl ahoma. His home address is 3128 N.W. 26th Street, O klahoma City, Oklahoma. T. D. Murphy is employed by the Industrial Silica Corp. , 612 Stambough Bldg., Youngstown, Ohio. His home address is 7231 Lafayette A ve nue. M. H. M cClellan gives his address as Ken and McClellan Oil Producers, Box 370, Shawnee, Oklahoma. 160 1 N . Kickapoo is his home address. E. G . M cLauchl an is with the C onsumers Powe r Co. and his home address is 44 0 3rd Street, Manistee, Michigan. W ord has been received here of the death of H arry H. Brittingham, who has been on the faculty of Ohio State University since 1928, as assistant Professor of Engineering Drawing. His death occurred on Jul y 25 following a prolonged illness. H e is survived by his wife, the form er Catherine Lenox of Rolla, and by one son and one daughter. John P. H armon visited our offi ce recentl y enroute to a job with the United States Bureau of Mines at Phoenix, Arizona.

1929 Ben Coil of the M iami Copper C ompany of Miami, Arizona announces the arrival of a baby boy . Charles G. Huter writes us that he is employed by the Federated M etals Division American Smelting and Refining Co. in Trenton, N.]. His street address is 292 Homecrest Avenue in Trenton. Russell Palmer is working for the American Steel and Bridge C o. and his home address is 44 24 Washington Street, Gary, Ind.

1930 H. O . Scheer is employed by the State of Ill. Div. of H wys., 126 East A sh, Springfield , Illinois, and his street address is 1722 So. 5th in Springfield. R . L. Wright sent word that he is now with the Ill. St. H wy. Dept. , Edgemont Sta., Box 2 17, East St. Louis, Ill. One can get in touch with him by send ing mai l c/o Miss . Lime Co., Alton, Illinois. T. ]. Dover, Jr. gives his address as Phelps Dodge C orp., M or enci, Ari zo na. His mail ing add ress is P.O. Box 909 in M orenci. Ralph L. Wright is now employed hy M ississip pi Lime Co., Alton, Illi nois. C. James G rimm is in En glan d wo rking fo r the Air Ministr y of the Bri tish Government. His address is N o. 414 , Civilian T echnical Corps, 7 Kn yveton R oad, Bournemouth , H ants, E ngland .

1931 E. K. Damotte is connected with Division of Highways of the State of Illinois. His home address is 902 Johnson Street, Ca rlin ville, Ill inois. Ben R . E lliott is Lieutenant in the Corps of C ivil Engineers in the N avy. His present address is the offi ce of O ffi cer in charge of

construction, 90 5 Mills Bldg., San Francisco. H e gave his home address as 1623 Lincoln Street, Berkeley, C alifornia . Lieut. Thomas R. M organ is in the U.S. Army. Home address is Box 33, Corning, Missouri.

1932 Herbert Tittel gave his address as M onsa nto Chemical Co., Anni ston, Alabama. His street address is 1011 E. Ninth, Annisto n, Alabama. Rex T. H orn is employed by the St. Joe Power Co. in Rushville, Missouri. Charles S. White wri tes that his address is Route No.1, Buras, Louisian a (temporary) and that he works for the U.S. Engineer Dept., N ew Orleans Dist., Dredging Section, Oper ations Division. M onty M olloy is Trainee Instructor at the Arm y Air Force Basic Flying School at Goodfell ow Field , T ex3.s. His address is c/ o Cadet Detachment. Albert W . H appy, Jr. writes that he has received a commission as Lieutenant (jg) , in the N aval Reserve of the United States N avy, with Orders to report to the Dartmouth College Training School at H anover , N ew Hampshire, for active duty on September 18,1 942. Arthur Schwarz is with the ]. N ooter Boiler W orks Co., 1400 S. 2nd Street, St. Louis, Missouri. His home address is 7438 Wil liams Avenue, Richmond H eights, Missouri.

1933 Clarence W. Lamers is working for the T euscher Pulley and Belting C o., 80 1 N. 2nd Street, St. Louis, Missouri. His home address is 731 Barnard Avenue, Lemay, Missouri. Charles E. A chuff gives his address as Laclede- Christy Clay Products Co., 17 11 Ambassador Bldg., St. Louis, Missouri. His home address is 3868 W est Pine Blvd. ]. W. Kenward is living in M elvin, Illinois. H omer W. Krattl y is employed by the Fraser Brace Engineering C o. in Weldon Springs, Missouri . His street address in Weldon Springs is 5617 Reber PI. Marcellus G. H andl y works for the Gardner Denver Co. and one can reach him by sending mail to 2 155 Atkins Avenue, Lakewood, Ohio. Bernard]. Gross was a campus visitor on July 11. Bernard is M anager of Sales, Key C o., Eas t St. Louis, Illinois. His home ad dress is 5120 Kingsbury Blvd. , St. Louis, Missouri . Gene L. H arris is living in M emphis, T ennessee and his street address is 258 4 Brow ning Avenue. Robert S. Green of the A. P . Green Firebrick Company in M exico, Missouri, has enlisted in the N aval Reserve and will report for acti ve duty on October 5.

1934 Wm. E. H edges visited the ca mpus in August. H e is with the G riffith Stove C o., 1824 N. W eller , Springfield, Missouri. His home address is 909 South Delawa re Street. A daughter, Harriet Lee, was born to Mr. and Mrs. H edges, June 7, 1942. Millard CP.I. ") Murray visited our campus August 18. H e is a M etallurgist with U.S . C artridge Co. in St. Louis, Missouri. P . 1. 's home address is 5163 Palm , St. Louis, Missouri . David]. Peery, ' 34, C. E. '38, is employed by the McDonald Aircraft Co. in St. Louis. His home address is 109 Thoroughman A venue. T. ]. Stewa rt is now employed hy the Geo . S. M epham Corp. , and his home <lddress is 303 7 N. P;lrk Dr. , Eas t St. Louis, Illinois. Fred W . Hurd is working fol' the W ay ne County Road Com mission at 3800 BarI um T ower, Detroit, Michigan . His home address is 5480 Burns A venue in Detroit. Edwa rd A. Huffm an is employed by the Skell y Oil Co. and his add ress is Box 260, Falls City, N ebraska. F. A . M acCon nell w ri tes th at he is wor king for the W orthington Pu mp and M achinery Corp. Refrigeration Engineering Div. , W or thingto n A venue, H arriso n, N ew Jersey. His home address is 365 Lake A venue, Lyndhurst, N ew JerEey.



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W e received word from O. L. Nuernberger that he is employed by the Shell Oil Company, Inc., and his home address is Box 488, Denver City, T exas. Thomas H. Reese, Jr. writes that at present he is in the Army as a Lieutenant, C. of E. , located on temporary duty in office, Chief of Engineers, R oom 211B, W ar Dept. Bldg., Washington, D.C.




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John W. M ashek is with the Monsanto Chemical Company in M onsanto, Illinois. His present address is 5120 N orthland Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri. James ]. Murph y visited at M SM. H e is now owner of the John C. Murphy Co., Plumbing and H eating C ontrac tors, 4376 Olive Street, St. Louis, Missouri. His home address is 6615 Kingsbury. Robert W. Johnson is employed by the State of Illinois in the Division of Highways at Paris, Illinois. His street address is 430 Prairie Street in Paris, Illinois. Robert H . Buck is Captain in the Corps of Engineers in our U.S. Army. H e is wi th the Military Division, W est Va. Univ., M organtown, W.Va. His home address is 312 Coburn Avenue, in Morgantown. M ax Fischer is now C ap tain in the Corps of Engineers. He is in the Hq. Second Arm y in M emphis, T ennessee. Dan W eissman is in the United States Army and his address is C o. H , 2nd ESR, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. L. W. H oltman is employed by the Shell Oil Co. and his ad· dress is R .R . No.1 , East Alton, Illinois.

1936 Elmer L. Smith is employed by Socony-Vacuum Oil Co. and his home address is 367 Morris Street , at Woodbury, N ew Jersey. Robert L. Fisher gives his address as Gardner·Denver Company, 11 0 1 Munsey Bldg., Washington, D.C. His home address is 640 1 31st St. , N.W., W ashington, D.C. R obert Leslie Barker has moved from Kansas City, Missouri to j 2 5. Selma, W ebster Groves, Missouri where he is a government eng1l1eer. W. E. Dennis is employed by the Bureau of Mines at Austin, T exas. His present address is 2302 Windsor Rd., Austin, Texas.

1937 M erito Panciera works for the U.S. Navy Dept. and his home address is Pequot A venue, Mystic, Connecticut. H arry C. Berger is employed by the Sage Oil &' Transport Co. in Aruba, N. W. 1. ]. W. O'Neal gives his address as General Electric Co. at Schenectady, N. Y. and his home street address is 1197 Glenwood Blvd. at Schenectady. T. L. Bax ter is now working for the Aluminum Company of America and stays at the Aluminum Club in N ew Kensington, Pennsylvania. Charles F. Benner is a Plant M etallurgist for the Peters Car· tridge Division R emington Arms Company, Kings Mills, Ohio. His home address is 3469 W oodford Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. M . K. Smart visited our offi ce August 12. Millard gave his add ress as 50 1 Settle Avenue, Ferguson, Missouri . t. R oss R. Can'olla was on the campus June 29. R oss is employed by the American Bridge Company, 39 N. H ermitage Avenue, Trenton, N ew Jersey.


H arry L. Gerwin is an Ensign in our N avy and his address is U.S.S. N evada, c/ o Postm aster , San Francisco, California. Kenneth V. Sibert is employed by the U. S. Engineer Office and his home address is 8 12 Sixth Street, Huntington, W.va. Chilton E. Prouty gives his address as the T ennessee Valley Authority, c/ o G eological Division, 10 1 Arnstein Blvd., Knox· ville, T ennessee. H omer Stokes is an Aviation C adet at Lambert Field, St. Louis (U.S. Naval R eserve).

Page 5

D. R . Jaenecke works for the Aluminum Ore Company of America. His home address is 56 17 Clemens A venue, Apt. 302 in St. Louis, Missouri. William N. Buck writes that he is emp loyed by the U.S. Geological Survey, Box 346, Sacramento, C alifornia. Charles Lee Clayton, a R esearch Engineer in M etallurgical Engineering is now employed by the Vultee Aircraft Corp., Downey, C alifornia. His home add ress is Apt. 302 Los Feliz Manor, 464 3 Los Feliz Blvd. , Los Angeles, California, Robert C. Seibel is in the Diesel Electric Department of the C aterpillar Tractor Company at Peoria, Illinois. His home address is 900 Seneca Place .


G . R. C arpenter works for the Phillips Petroleum Co. and his home address is 1200 N .E. 17th St., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Basil C. C ompton sends word that he is in the Reserve Midshipmen 's School at the United States N aval A cademy at Anna· polis, Maryland. R. L. Yungbluth is employed by the W estern Cartridge Co. in East Alton , Illinois. His home address is 5328a Gladstone, Normandy, Missouri. Jack R. Glatthaar gives his address as the M onsanto Chemical Co. and his home address is 1424 N o. 42nd Street in East St.Louis, Illinois. Jesse M. Logrbrinck is employed by the T V A and gives his home address as Box 2 12, Bryson City, N.C. T. L. Harsell, Jr. gives his address as Phelps Dodge C orp ., C. Q. Branch Smelter Division in Douglas, Arizona. His home street address is 1444 9th Street in Douglas. R. C. M cKissick writes us that he is at the Coleman Flying School, Ltd., in Coleman, T exas, and his street address in C oleman is 141 H ollywood Drive. Jack Flanary has just returned from a three years' stay in V enezuela wi th the Standard Oil Company. H e is now at his home in Tulsa, Oklahoma. His address is Box 1649, Loffland Brothers Co., Tulsa, Oklahoma. Jack is planning to enroll in some branch of the militarv ser vice for the duration. Phil Blawvic, Jr: is in business for himself at 124Yz N. 3rd Street , Albuquerque, N ew M exico. Edgar S. Miller , .II'. is with the N .R.D .C. Projects, Naval Air Station, Squantum, M assachusetts. M . L. Yeater is Physicist with Owens· Corning Fiberglass C orp ., and his address is 640 Mt. V ernon Road, N ewark, Ohio.

1940 Milton K. G ee writes from 357 E. 68 th Street, A partm ent lB, N ew York City. H e is employed as an ore dressing engineer by the National Reconditioning C ompany. Richard W. Burnett, 680 3 San Mateo Blvd., Dallas, T exas, w rites that he is employed by the Arm y Ordnance, stationed at the Guiberson Diesel Engine Co. and is attempting to obtain a commission in the N avy Reserve. Walter James Carr, Jr. is with the W estinghouse Electric &' Manufacturing C ompany, East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Clarence C. Palmer was a campus visitor recently. H e is with the T ennessee Valley Authority and his address is 2 106 North Broadway A ven ue, Knoxville, T ennessee. A. E. Straub visited in this office in July. Alvin is employed with the Cities Service Oil C o. , Seminole, Oklahoma and his P. O . address is Box N o. 79 1. H e married Shirley Hightower on O ctober 14, 1939 and a son, Richard Alvin, was born to them August 7, 1940 . V ernon N. C ox visited the camp us Jul y 6. His address is Box No. 472, R ay, Arizona. W. C. Dickn,ann visited at MSM . H e is employed with the Shell Pipe Line Corp. His address is Box 11 91, Colorado City, T exas. G eorge E. Fort paid this offi ce a visit on Jul y 27, 1942. H e gave us his add ress as Stanolind Oil and Gas Co. , Box 3092, Hous· ton, T exas.

Page 6



E. L. O lcott visited the ca mp us Jul y 27 . H e is employed with General Electric Co., Schenectady , N.Y. and his home address is 1348 Union Street. Ronald August (G us) Schaller , Jr. and Joyce Powell were married recentl y and have returned to M onett to make their home. H e is employed by the State Board of H ealth at M onett. Phil Leber is on a special job with M ajor Powers in London, England. Jack W elch was called to the Air Corps as an Engineering Officer and had to leave TVA. Arthur W eber , Jr. is with the Bethlehem Supply Company at Tulsa, Oklahom a. H ome address is 311 6 S. O wasso, Tulsa, Oklahoma. ]. E. R akaskas is a 1st Lieutenant in the Engineers in Alaska. Elmer H. Peters is employed by the US. Engineers, St. Louis District, N ew Federal Building. His home address in St. Louis is 2224 Atwater . H . C. H einicke works for the Midwest Piping &' Supply Co. and his home address is 14 )" 0 South Second Street in St. Louis, Missouri. C lay ton W . Bentley gives his address as the Republic Steel Corporation and his home address is 1566 Orchard Grove, Lakewood, Ohio. Wilmer E. Buck is Lieutenant in our U S. Army. One may reach him by addressing his mail to 8 10th Eng. Bn ., Task For ce 68 14, APO 502, c/ o Postmaster, San Francisco, California. R aymond S. Stewart is working for the W eirton Steel Company. His street address is 604 M cDowell Avenue in Steubenville, Ohio. 1941 John M cAnerney is in foreign service with the Army. Charles Clarkson is an Ensign in the US .N.R. His address is . US.S. M cFarl and , c/ o Fleet P.O., San Francisco, California. Charl es O. Koch works for the M onsanto Chemical Co. and lives at 5830 M ardel A ve nue, St. Louis, Missouri. Mrs. M argaret Boyt, mother of Eugene P . Boyt, has written that Eugene is reported missing in action at Bataan, Philippine Is. Mrs. Leo Elliott writes that Floyd , her son, enlisted in the N avy December 26, 194 1. Ensign Elliott received his commission on August 5, 1942 at the US. N aval Reserve Midshipman School in N ew York, N.Y. and has been assigned to active duty beginning August 14, 1942. G. Robert Couch is employed with the Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp. in Chicago, Illinois. His street address in Chicago is 7010 Cregier Avenue. H erm an n F. Bottcher sends wo rd that he is now employed by the Aluminum Company of America. His present home address is " Longwood" Park A venue., Plainfield, N ew Jersey. Lieut. Frank Kenneth Kyle may be reached by addressing mail to 576 En g. C o., A.P.O . 922 c/ o Postmaster, San Francisco, Cal. Jerome P . Greste gives his business add ress as American Telep hone and T elegraph Co. in St. Louis, Missouri. His street home add ress is 4209 Lindell Blvd. in St. Louis. Gust Sell may be reached at 2 17 N orth Kay Street, Tacoma, W ashington. Jack B. M cKee is First Lieutenan t in the Corps of Engineers, 35th Engineers Regiment, A.P.O. 9 18, c/o Postmaster , Seattle, Washington. D. D. W yatt is working fo r the General Electri c Co., Bldg. 16-2, Schenectady, N ew York. A. C. Pautler is employed by the Remington Arms Co., Inc., and his home address is 2 18 Eastlawn Street, Fairfield , Conn . Lieut. James W. Jensen will receive his mail by sending it to Base H eadquarters, A.P.O. 8 13, New York City, N.Y. Jim is in Ireland . Fred W . Finl ey is a Lieutenant and his address is H q. 6th E.T. Group, ERTC, Fort Leonard W ood, M issouri. Lieut. Albert BFarry's address is 27 Bomb Group, 91st Sq uadron, Key Field, M eridian, Mississippi.

Floyd P. Smith is a 1st Lieutenant and his address is H . &' S. Co., 813 th Engr. Bn (Avn) ,A.P.O. N o. 942, Seattle, Washington . Lt. Ed. R. Butch's address is 802nd Engr. Bn., Avn (Sep ), A.P.O. 948, Seattle,W ashington. R ay Dietiker is employed by the Carnegie- Illinois Steel Corp . in Gary, Indiana. His home street address is 656 V an Buren, Gary, Indiana. Andy Cochran works for the Phillips Petroleum Co. in Kansas City, Kansas. His home address is 10 1 N. 13th Street, Kansa City, Kansas. Karl E. Krill is an Ensign in the US .N .R . and is at the Fighter Director School, Naval Air Station, N orfolk, Virginia. Clyde K. H anyen gives his business address as Remington Arms Co., Inc. His street address is 288 1 M ai n Street, Bridgeport, Connecticut. C arl Kind sent word that he is employed by the Union Electric Co. of Illinois, and his home address is 1528 Locust Street in St. Louis, Missouri. W e r eceived a card from ]. ]. Springer saying that he is working for the Union Electric Co. cf Missouri. His home address is 4394 W est Pine Blvd. in St. Louis, Missouri. Louis A. Kueker writes that he is employed by the General Electric Co. and he lives at the Y.M.C.A. in Bridgeport, Conn. Bob Schweit4er is employed at the Remington Arms and lives at 35 Second Street, Brooklawn, Bridgeport, Connecticut. W. K. Karter , ex '41, is an Ensign and Instructor at the Naval Air Station at C orpus Christi, T exas. Mrs. Donald Edson Wiest of Fort Smith, Arkansas has announced the marriage of her daughter, Gail Ann, to Franklin R. R ogers, the ceremony taking place at Fort Smith, Arkansas, on August 2, 1942. Franklin and his bride will make their home at Alcoa, T ennessee, where Franklin is employed by the Aluminum Company of America. Their street address is 509 M aury Street. Kermit Livingston is located at 11 22 Powell Street, St. Joseph, Missouri. Ernest F. King was on the campus Jul y 7, 1942. H e is with General Electric Co. , Schenectady, N ew York. His address is 1301 Union Street. N elson Koerner visited this offi ce in Jul y. H e is now employed with Union Electric C ompany of Illinois, St. Louis, Missouri. His home address is 35 49 Victor Strtet. William F. McIndoo should have his mail sent to him as: Ens. Wm. F. McIndoo, 11 8 W. C ervantes, Pensacola, Florida. H e received his "wings" last January and has been instructing since the n. Bill was married last M arch. Ensign Robert K. Boyd will report for active duty at Norfolk, Virginia in the near future. Fred Davidson is on a special job with M ajor Powers in London, England . M. A. Scheriff left recentl y for Chile by Pan-American Grace Airways to work as a junior mining engineer for Chile Exploration Company at Chuquica mata. Russell Royce is chemist at the General Steel C asting Co., Granite City, Illinois. His home address is 7725 M ohawk Place, C layton, Missouri. Russell was in Rolla on August 26, looking for chemists for his organi4ation. John H olmes Dunn has completed his training as an A erona utica l Engineer Cadet and then was commissioned as a Secon~ Lieutenant and assigned as the Engineering Officer of a Troop Carrier Squadron in the Army Air Force. John's father asked that mai l addressed to John be sen t to him at their home at 48 N. 98th Street, Bell evill e, Illinois until further notice. C lifford M . Boutin is with the N ational Refining Co., Coffeyvill e, Kansas. His home address is 44 3 N. Frederick, Cape Girardeau , M issouri . Lieut. R. F. Davidson, H dqs. O.S.A.P.O. 87 1 c/ o Postmaster, N ew York City. Mr. John H . Dunn is a Lieutcnant in the Army Air Force, Transport Division, his address being, Lieut. John H . Dunn

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(0·854336) 62nd Transport Group AP.O. No. 3000 Postmaster, New York, N,y' Martin E, Bowman is working for the Harbison Walker Re· fractories in East Chicago, Indiana, James Vincent H eddell has been on duty with the Pacific Fleet, since October, 1941 after having received his commission in New York, September, 1941. H e is an Ensign and his address is US,S . Benham. . Jerome P. Dreste is a private in the US. Army located at Co. A , 2nd Platoon, 5th Btn" E.R.T.C. Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Wayne]. Bennetsen is with the Special Apparatus, Engineer· ing Department, R,C.A Mfg, Co., Inc" Camden, N.]. W, A Sherman is with the Linde Air Products Company, East Park Drive and Woodward Avenue, Tonowanda, N ew York , Virgil O. Becker is with the Engineer Corps Co, A, 10th Eng, Tr, Bn, Fort Belovar, Virginia, 1942 Nick Nicola is a Private in Co. A, 4th PI., 28th E.T. Bn" Fort Leonard W ood, Missouri, He has been accepted for the Air Corps and will begin his training period on August 21. Edward Kromka reported for Naval Aviation Flight Training at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. on July 8, 1942. Upon completion of his courses, he will be commissioned as an Ensign in the US. Naval Reserve, receive his designation as Naval Aviator, and be assigned to duty with the Fleet. Lieut, Mark W, Beard, C, E" has been transferred from Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri to Seattle, Washington, AP.0,No.941, 1 51st Engineers, c/ o Postmaster. Arthur T. Guernsey is employed by the Production Depart. ment of the Shell Oil Company, Inc., Houston, T exas. Kenneth A Schowalter is now at Camp Gruber, Oklahoma. Sidney Rimel is now employed with the Phillips Petroleum COinpany, Phillips, T exas. Bertram L. Ulrey is now with the US. Bureau of Reclama· tion, Federal Bldg" Yuma, Arizona. M erl yn]. Block is with the Navy Dept., Bureau of Ships, E.E. Fire & Control Section , His home address is 527 Rittenhouse N.W" Washington, D.C. Kenneth Ira Sherman is now with the Signal Corps and his address is Signal Section, GFE Depot, 22nd and Signal Streets, Outer Harbor, San Pedro, California, Lieut, Jack A Witt visited our campus August 18 while on furlough. His address is 48th Engr. Reg, (c), C.E. , Camp Gruber, Oklahoma, While on our campus, Jack gave a talk to some mili· tary cl asses,

Page 7

E. R. (Tex) Gordon is working for Phillips Petroleum Co. in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, His home address is 1005 Johnstone in Bartlesville. Leonard Stearns is employed by the H arbison Walker Refrac· tories Co. in East Chicago, Indiana. H e lives at Elk's Hotel in East Chicago, Indiana, John H . Castleman sends word that he is employed by the Koppers Coal Co" Koppers Bldg" Pittsburgh, Pa" and his home address is 1318 Singer PI. in Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania, Robert R, Cutler, Jr. is a 2nd Lieutenant in Co. D, 68 Bn, at Camp Robinson, Arkansas, John Smith, Jr. gives his business as Western Electric Co. in Chicago, Illinois, His home address in Chicago is 50 1 N, Central Avenue. Lieut, John W, Rayl is in Co, B, 310th Engr. Bn, in Camp Shelby, Mississippi , R. L. Thias is a Lieutenant in our US, Army, H e is in the US. Signal Corps and is located in Bldg, 2005·2 in Fort Mon· mouth, New Jersey. Gene M. Veale is employed by the US, Engineers at the foot of Arsenal Street in St. Louis, Missouri , His home address is 6358 Delmar Blvd. George p , Dahm is 2. Lieutenant in the US. Army, H e is tak· ing an Officer's Refresher Course at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. Alfred W, Allen writes that his business address is Harbison· Walker Ref, Co" and his home address is 5830 Ferree, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. First Lieutenant R, p, Guilfoy gives his address as AP,O. 885, c/o Postmaster, New York City, N.Y. Niles K. Brill is working for the Humble Oil R efinery in Bay· town, T exas and his street address is 206 Wisc. Ave. in Baytown. H erbert P. Brueschke is employed by the Aluminum Ore Co, and his home address is 364 1 Bam burger Avenue in St. Louis, Missouri, Walter E, Loelling is a Lieutenant in the Army. His address is Co, A, 310 Engr. Bn, AP,0.·85, Camp Shelby, Mississippi. Melvin C. Flint gives his business address as Aluminum Ore Company. His present home address is 7439 Hazel, Maplewood, Missouri. E, C. Myer is in the US. Navy Air Corps and is at Robertson, Missouri. A, L. Cook, vocational student, is now located at Box 83, Buena Vista, Virginia, where he is Assistant Highway Engineer with the Public Roads Administration, working on the Blue Ridge Parkway Project.



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LOST ALUMNI AND THEIR LAST KNOWN ADDRESS Anyone knowing the whereabouts of the following should notify the Secretary of the A ssociation , 1898 - Ralph Barker, Box 1606, Tacoma, Washington, Cecil T. Green, Standard Oil Co" Richmond, California. 1899 - H ermannO, Schulze (E.M.'02). R amon Rivera. Francis ]. Tayman, M gr., Picture Show, Lebanon, Missouri, John V. Stevens, 1900 - Santiago Chamberlain. 1907 - James C, Long, 746 So, Coronado Street, Station S, Los 190 1 - Albert Spengler. Angeles, California. 1902 - Carlos E, Martinez, Director, Coahuila State College, Sakuhei Sunada. Coahuila, M exico. Tsik Chan T seung, Yunnanfu, Yunan, China, Harry N. Rex, Coa.l Operator, Creston, Iowa . 1908 - R , R. Benedict (C.E. '16) , 431 North Kennon Street, 1903 - Lewis Logan , Arlington, Virginia. Frank R, Bell, 1684 No, 7th St., T erre Haute, Indiana, George H. Boyer (E.M.'1 6) , 42 0 E. Main Street, Green Bay, Frank W eidner , Gen, Supt" Tulsa Fuel &Mfg. Co" Collins· Wisconsin. ville, Okla, Elston E. Jones, Box 316, Chloride, Arizona. Eugene V. Schulze , Miles Sedivy, 3379 E. 59th Street, Cleveland, Ohio. 1905 - Lamar H. Hunt, Elsinore, California, Clyde R. W ood , 441 W est Burkitt St., Sheridan, Wyoming. Joseph M, T aylor, 132 North 1st Street, Phoenix, Arizona, H yman Zirulick. • 1906 - Robert H , Bedford (E , M. ' 11), Plumbago Mine, Aile. ghany, Sierra County, California, 1909 - Willia.m D. Clarke, 1920 M aple Ave., Bakersfield , Calif. William A Gardiner, c/o Julio C. Solorazano, Aneca E. de William McElroy, 1728 Lincoln Ave. , Alameda, California. Jalisco, Mexico, Aaron M. Shah.

Page 8



1910 - Sid ney R. Schmidt. John E. Schultz, Sull ivan M achinery C o., Dist. M gr. , 822 Santa Fe Bldg., Dall as, T exa . F. L. Fl ynt, US. Engrs., Rock Island District, 585 4 Hampton Avenue, St. Louis, M issouri. H arvey E. Smith (E.M .' 14) , U nion Fuel Co., Gen. Supt. , 907 So. 6th Street, Springfield , Illinois. 1911 - James K. Beach, Brenville H otel, N ew O rleans, Louisiana. R aymond A . Bi ngham, Roaster Plant, Evans-Wallower, Monsanto Station, E. St. Louis, Illinois. James E. M cGoughran. Roy E. Sprague, Prof. Engr. Drawing, C ity C ollege, 4841 Cass A venue, Detroit, Mi chiga n. Arthur G . P udewa, Kavuko Diamond Mines, c/o Companhia dos Diamantes de Angola, Kavuko, A ngola, A frica. Shiv R aj, T ata Iron fi' Steel C o., M gr. , Gorumahisana, C alcutta, India. John P. W alker, Jr ., 6945 Olcott A ve., H ammond, Indiana. 1912 - M ark S. Sheffer. George S. Thomas, R .R . N o.2, M erriam, Kansas. C lark W . Wright, V ia del Tritone 125, R ome, Italy. 1913 - Lyman H. Brooks, Jr., Cooke C ity, M ontana. Thaddeus C . Wi! on, M gr., C olora do Z inc Lead Co., Leadville, C olorado 19 14 - Thaddeus R. Goldsboro ugh. G ustaf A . H eUstra nd, Berchans Mining Company, Berchans, N ewfound land. Arthur F. Truex (E. M .' 14) , R.R. N o. 2, Tulsa, O klahoma. 1915- John W . Shotwe ll , M gr. , Company Huanchaca de Bolivia, Pu lacayo, Bolivia, S.A. 19 16 - W alter W eisshach, N evada Consolidated Copper Co., Ru th, N evada. 1917 - Ramsey C . Henschel, Project Engineer, W.P.A. , Springfi eld , Missouri. Floyd D . James, c/ o H otel T eglar, Bakersfield , C alifornia. Stanislaw W . Lesniak (name changed to Lesny in '41) , Colorado Scho I of Mines, Golden, C olorado. Frederick G . M oses (E.M .' 17) , Bulaways, N orthern Rhodesia, South A frica. Paul F. Pape, 7 Lotus Road, N ew R ochelle, N ew York . 19 18 - T e- Ch un Hoo, Hun Sa n, Hunan, C hina. 1919 - Louis B. Benton, c/ o H umble Oi l fi' Refin ing Co., A rdmore, Oklahoma. Josep h B. Duga, :\ 138 Griffi th Park Blvd ., Los Angeles, C alif. 1920 - W ill ia m]. Fin lay, S. B. Penick fi' Co. , P.O. Box N o.2, KI rk wood, M is ouri. Frederick V . Moore, Gard ner Denver Co., Church St., N ew York C ity, N ew York. Will iam L. Niece, R amsey T ower, O klahoma City, Okla. Joseph N ovak, Jr., Missouri Pacific R.R . Co., 2108a Geyer A venue, St. Louis, Missouri. 1921 - H yman I. Albert, 4a C alle de Ri vera, Or. N o. 44 , T ampico, T amps., M exico. W illi am H . Baxter, Baxter Co., Investments, 40 W all Street, N ew York City, N ew York . Kuang-Yun C hang, President, H onan U niversity, Kaiping, H onan, Chi na. Victor K. Fischer (M .S.'22 ) , 1302 South Gary Pl ace, Dall as, T exas. M eyer Gollub, 2500 Pea Street, N .W ., W ashington, D. C. H eng Yu ng M a, Box 153, C arnegie T ech., Pittsb urgh, Penna. 1922 - James M . Forgotson, c/o Middle Rio Grande Conservancy , A lbuquerque, N ew M exico. Paul H . Karges, Karges Hosier y Co. , 82 1 Locust Street, St. Louis, Missouri. Benjamin M. Lay ton, Co. Engineer, Labette County, Oswego, Kansas. 192.\ - Oscar L. Br:t ndenburger, 1528 Drexel A venue, Miami Beach, Florida.

Campbell R . Cameron, c/ o U.S. Engineers, Smithville, Okla. W ilbu r ]. Darby (M.S .) , N ew Jersey Zinc Co., 534 Lafayette A venue, Palmerton, Pennsylvania. George G . H arris, c/o John F. M artin, Alma, Michigan. Julian G. Huckins, Bureau of Public Roads, 25 4 Custom House, Denver, Colorado. Virgil L. Whi tworth, Continental Oil C o., 917 Lipscomb A venue, Fort W orth, T exas. John M. Reeves, M et., N ational Automatic T ool Co. , Richmond, Indiana. Robert E. Ri chards, 48 W altham Street, H ammond , Indiana. 192 4 - Leon S. Howald , 1905 So. Broadway, Pittsburg, Kansas. Phi lip L. Bl ake (Dept. of A gr., W ash. , D.C .), 5 W est Monroe A venue, Alexandri a, Virginia. 1925 - Paul E. Whitesell , Iowa Highway Dept., Shell Rock, Ia. W arin g Mikell , 960 Post Rd. , Scarsdale, N ew York . M artin F. Zogg, Illinois Division of Highways, 606 W . Cherry Street, Carbondale, Illinois. 1926 - Albert L. Bradt, Box 13, Altadena, C alifornia. Paul A. Smith, A ssistant County Engr. , Tulsa County, Sand Springs, O klahoma. William L. Mi ller, 133 Lowell St., R edwood City, California. Paul D . Scott, 305 N . W ashington A ve., Lebanon, Missouri. 1927 - Hugh Thomas, M agma Copper Co., Superior, Arizona. Murray J Paul , N atural Gas Company, 636 Arlington Place, C h.icago, Illinois. Paul W eber, Chemistry Department, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana. 192 8 - George C. Johnson, c/o Columbia Steel Co., Pittsburg, C aliforni a. H arold N ewcombe, 510 W ood Street, Caraopolis, Penna. . P.]. Boyer, 803 South 12th Street, Lebanon, Pennsylvania. 192 9 - Albert Mueller, Russel fi' A xon, Consulting Engineers, Roosevelt H otel, St. Louis, Missouri . Charles King, Box 579 ; Bella Vista, Bentonville, Arkansas. Thomas O. English, Aluminum O re Compa ny, E. St. Louis, Illinois. 1931 - Richard B. Draper, 65 15 San Bonita A venue, St. Louis, Missouri. C li fford F. Page, Fed. W ater Co., Dist. Engr. , 15 30 M St., Gering, N ebraska. Wilson H. Power, Fellowship, C arnegie T ech., Chem. Dept., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvani a. 1932 - John L. Baum ann , c/ o Gen. Engr. Co., Adelaide House, King Willi am Street, London, E. C . 4. Eusebia M . A goni as, 146 M arques de Comillas, Ermita, M anila, P. 1. Richard L. M cCreight, 1676 C able Street, San Diego, Calif. John A. Pollak, 4511 Rosa, St. Louis, Missouri. Richard R ydstrom, 7155 Amherst A ve., University City, Mo. 1933 - Kenenth H oevel, N ational Supply Co., Oklahoma City, O klahoma. H arold M . H all , Scientific Aide, U. S. Engr. Lab., Box 903, Fort Peck, M ontana. Curt H. Schmitz, 193 7 Orchard Avenue, Los Angeles, C alif. 193 4 - Kenneth H. Sievers, 936 N o. Simmons, Kirkwood, M o. 1935 - H achiro Ishiguro, California Institute of T echnology 1777 Euclid A venue, Berkeley, C alifornia. O tto E. Geldmacher. 193 6 - Edward A. R oy, Combustion Engr. Co., 53 19 Shreve Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri. Don U C larke, :\ 5 52 N orm and y A venue, Cleveland, Ohio. 193 7 - W alter T. Jones, US. Bureau Public Rds., 920 W est Tijeras, Al buquerque, N ew M exico. 19:\ 8 - Jesse C . Moore, C urtiss-Wright Airplane Co., Robertson, M issouri Howa rd R . R ogers, 41 30 Shenandoah A ve., St. Louis, Mo. 1941 - Russe ll E. DeWitt, 1010 Chestnut, T arkio, Missouri. A dolph A. Gebhardt, 508 T aylor, Crystal City, Missouri.

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