MSM A LUMNUS Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy ROLLA, MO.
W INTER, 1942
The annual H omecoming was held on November 14, and canisted of a well-planned progr am beginning with registration and a visit about the campu by returned alumni, starting at ten o'clock in the morning. At 2: 15 the visiting alumni attended the football game between the Miners and the Cape Girardeau T eachers College, a game played by two well matched teams resulting in a score of 7 to 6 in favor of the T eachers College. At 6: 15, the annu al H omecoming banquet was held in the College Inn of H otel Edwin Long, with Dwight M oodie, '24, chairman of the St. Louis section, acting as toastmaster. Dwight called upon M . H . Thornberry, ' 12, who introduced Stillman Elfred, ' 17, President of the W estern Cartridge Com pany, Alton, Illinoi , who spoke in behalf of the Class of 1917 and their 25 th anniversar y reunion . "Stilly" complimented the class of ' 17 on the response to hi invitation , although only six of them were able to be present at the reunion. "Stilly" stated that he was appointing Thornberry as honorary secretary of the class. Toastmaster M oodie then presented Mr. A . D. T errell, '98, of the National Zinc Company, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, who spoke briefly about his 44 years of active association with the alumni. Howard M . Katz, ' 13 , Secretary-Treasurer of the A ssociation, made a brief report, stating that dues had been received from 132 alw11l1i in response to a letter recently sent out by President Stifel. H e further reported that the A ssociation is in a sound finallciai condition, and asked the cooperation of the alumni in keeping up addresses and in getting out the Alumni magaz,ine. Coach Gale Bullman was next introdu ced and spoke briefly on the athletic program at the school. Then T oastmaster Moodie presented Carl Stifel ' 16, national president. President Stifel spoke of the constructive program for the School of Mines and expressed the opinion that the University authorities are one hundred per cent behind a constructive program of doing something for the school here at Rolla. H e read the following telegram from President Middlebush: "Regret exceedingly my inability to be with you at Homecoming. W ould appreciate it if you wo uld convey to alumni and friends greetings and appreciation of their constructive aid. I am convinced we are making gen uine and steady progress." President Stifel then read the following letter from Mr. Tom K. Smith, chairman of the executive committee for the School of
The armed forces, in conjunction with various govern mental agencie , are placing a greater demand upon scientifica lly trained personnel than at any other time in our Nation's history. Young engineers are facing this N ation's enemies bravely and are provIng their mettle on each of our far flung battle fronts . Industry, too, is placing greater and greater demands upon their technical staffs. Industry is calling, crying and begging for more and more technica lly trained men. Ever y engineer is being constantly beset by attractive offers from industry. N ever in my life time has their existed such a market for trained men. Some of the older men present may have knowledge of other equally critical periods, but certainly in the 10 years since my leaving this school , I have never been faced with so many attractive opportunities. " Breathes there a man with soul so dead Who never to himself hath said , This is my own, my native land?" The problem that faces American youth is a common problem - a problem common to all of America. No individual solution or plan is worthwhile-everything is empty and meaningless- unless we win this WM! These are trying times ! I think I know, toda y, some of the thoughts which must have run through Lincoln's mind as he pell' ned his immortal " Gettysburg Address." I believe, however, that the crisis facing America today is greater than any which ever confronted this great land before. M y expressions, at this time, may be a " voice in the wilderness, crying to be heard, " - but I si11' cerely believe that I voice for American youth many of the thoughts which run through all of our minds. T hese expressions of mine are not entirely original. I have talked with literally hundreds of young engineers, doctors, l awy~rs, politicians and soldiers and there seems to be a unanimity of opinion in regard to the thoughts I shall try to express. W e feel that we must be guided by the experience and advice of our elders, but those same elders must realize, sooner or later, that our voice, in deciding our destinies, must be heard. I am convinced that youth will be heard when the peace is won. The voice will be loud and insistent, for you th wi ll hereafter , demand a place in the "council. " ~ ExcerQ.ts from addre ss g iv en by J ames K. Richard soll, Secretary of the Tri . ' tale Zill c & Lea d Ore Producer's A ssoc iat io n be for e the S t. Loui s Sectional .i\ieeti ug of the AIME at R olla, Missouri, Novembe r 7, 1942. ( Continued on Page 2)
(Conti llu~d
to Page 3)
The Missouri School of Mines will be featured on a half hour broadcast over St. Louis radio station KSD, 550 kilocycles, on Monday everling, Dec. 28, at 9: 30 o'clock, from the music hall in !the Municipal Auditorium in St. Louis. The program will be featured on the well known radio show " Tic T oc Time," which feature the nationally popular Don M cN eil, the NBC Breakfast Club emcee, the international singer , Kay Thompson, her six singer, the Kaydebs and the popular orchestra of Russ David. The entire program wil l be built especially around the Missouri School of M ines. T he program is a variety and Musical Quiz show. The quiz contestants will be taken from the audience consisting of students, alumni, dates and wives, and considerable amounts of war stamps are given to the contestants. Since the radio show will be during the Christmas vacation,
it is expected th at all students and dates and alumn.i living in the St. Louis vicin ity will be on hand to ass ure a success for the program and the sponsors. The " Ti c T oc Time" program is a regular fea ture over KSD every M onday evening at 9 :30 o'clock and is sponsored by the H yde Park Breweries. The music hall seats 700 persons. Over 500 tickets are being given to the school for distribution to the students, alumni, dates and wives, who will definitely attend MSM's radio show and broadcast. The tickets are complementary and no charge is made whatever, and may be obtained by mai ling requests either to the registrar, N oel Hubbard at MSM, or writing radio station KSD. It is hoped that all the alumni that can possibly attend will be on hand at the Muny Auditorium, December 28, and those that cannot attend will tune in KSD at 9 : 30 a 'clock that evenin~.
Page 2
Young America Looks at War
( Co nt in ued fr o m Pag e 1)
The St. Louis section of the American Institute of Mining and M etallurgical Engineers held its meeting on the School of Mines and M etallurgy C ampus on the afternoon and evening of N ovember 7. Professor H. R. H anley ser ved as chairman of the Local Committee on arrangements. The progr am consisted of registration and a tour of the Campus begin ning at 1 :4 5 p .m. and continuing until 2 : 30 p .Ul. At 2 : 30 p .m. the technical session started with an address of welcome by Dr. Curtis L. Wilson, Dean of the School of Mines, fo llowed by a talk on T. A. H endricks, of the United States Geological Survey . H e told of the exploration and development of low-gr ade manganese ores in Arkansas. Dr. Richard J Anderson, ac ting state geologist of Arkansas, spoke on the bauxite deposits in that state, after which E. D. Gardner, regional director of the U. S. Bureau of Mines with headqu arters in R olla, told of the Bureau's work in the development of strategic minerals for war purposes. James K. Richardson, MSM '32, secretary of the Tri-State ZincLead Producers A ssociation , &poke on the subject, " Young Amer .r" , ica Looks at W ar. " The banquet of the Section was held at 7 :00 p .lll. at the Pell' nant T avern with W. E. M cC ourt, A ssistant Chancellor of W ashington U niversity acting as T oastmas ter. Professor Isaac Lipin" cott of Washington University was the principal speaker. The ladies of the Section were entertained at a luncheon at the Colonial Village at noon, followed by a business meeting at the home of Mrs. G . A. Muilenburg in the afternoon. They joined the men for the banquet in the evening at the Pennant. Other members of the Local Committee consisted of R. Z . Williams and S. A. Trengove, registration ; G. A. Muilenburg and J B. Butler, program ; J W . Dunn, transportation ; and D. F. W alsh and O . R. Grawe, banquet.
T herc has been accep ted in behalf of the you th of America; a war ; an unprecented national debt ; mounting social obligations; consciousness; a violen t spirit of adversity between management and labor, and worst of all- a defeatist attitude. Thank God that those things aren't the onl y things we have. W e have a heritage of freedom and a heritage of native land . These offset all those insignificant mistakes of past generations. W e wer e born, each of us, a free people. People who can still t hink, speak and worship as we please withou t fear of a Gestapo. W e have inherited a land of industrial ,1l1d agricultural greatness - a land which has never before been p ut to the test, consequentl y no one knows its f ull poten tialities. A land, our native land , which is bigger , much bigger, than the persona l bickerings and hypocrisies of any individmL W e may still choose our leaders in a democratic way - and we may dispose of them in the same way if they are fo und wanting. W e l1<lve a land where labor can rightf ull y insist upon its share of the " fruits of their endeavor. " W e may yet come and go as we please without regimentation - depending entirely upon the voluntar y decision of the individuaL Those things are ours at p resent- I pray that we value them suffi cien tl y highly - and are thus willed to fight and die that our children may also have heritage of a free and good earth. I full well realiz.e the indecision which faces each young engineer in this schooL H e is torn between two desires-desire to serve himself and desire to serve his countr y. N o one can decide for you where you can best serve your nati ve land . Every young American must ask himself, " Will my effort contribute to winning the war ?" No tr ue A merican should enter pseudo-war work with the thought in mind that it will improve morale. Frankly, gentlemen, we either love our country above all else or we don't - if our fathers have failed to p ut into our souls a love of coun try by this time then we may reasonably expect to hear again the worn p hrase- " too little, too late." The decision is yours. R ealiz.e in arriving at this decision, however , that we must win this war on the production line as well as on the fighting front. D on't say to yourself that there is onl y one field- the arm y l Remember that the production line is eqmlly important ; that the soldier must have, lead, copper , manganese and that wide variety of strategic metals of which our armaments are constr ucted. When the average A merican thinks of "w,lr industry" he thinks of the manufa cturer producing planes, tanks, rifles, ,unm unition and other items in fabr icated form. Sight is lost of the fact that mining is the basic industry where the steel for tanks and rifles m ust originate; the origin point fo r alum.inum for our planes ; the copper for our shell casings and ignition systems; the molybdenum, t ungsten, nickel, vanadium and other rare metals for strengthening our steels. Not just from large mines, but from the thousands upon thousands of small mines, must this production come. Consequently, the young engineer must be realistic and act as a part of a team and see to it that those raw materials are available for the fabricator. You can serve your coun try on either fro nt- the production or the fighting line- and serve with honor and distinction. A s a prod uction man, yo u may never be other than an unknown hero, but the opportunity is there to be one of ,l team which wi ll make our land the H ero Nation. The term "arsenal of democracy" was not, I ,lm sure, ligh tl y pronounced by our President. I ,Ull sure that he full well reali z.ed the responsibilities th'lt such an undertaki ng presented. T oday, our most vital sources of ti n, rubber , manganese, tung oil , and hosts of others have been shut off, or the imports amoun t to onl y a " trickle." W e are fighting nations who have suddenly become rich with abunda nt raw materia ls, bu t always remember that those same nations improvised and did so effectively until now there is no need of substitution. W e can and must do the same thing. Nylon for sil k; plastics for steels ; syn thetics for gum r ubber ; old men for yo ung men of combat age - all Jl1USt be utiliz.ed. There is no time
for alibi3 or statements th'lt " it can't be done" or that it is ineffi cient¡or impossible. W e can and must do these things ! W e have depended on the other fellow to think things out- now, we must think fo r ourselves and develop new processes if we are to remain a free people. The Ameri can school system is on trial I Already American medica l schools have been rebuked by the Army for an ineffi cient training of doctors in tropical medicines. Perhaps engineering schools w ill next be criticiz.ed for not encouraging enough individual enterprise and freedom of thought - some institutions have foisted off an tique, second r ate ideas on yo ung, first rate engineers. These second rate ideas were the product of laz.y minds not abreast of the changing times. Students of engineering schools are prone to consider the stud y of E nglish and economics, fo r example, nonessentials. What engineering idea was ever good that couldn't be p ut down on paper so that the layman could understand it? What engineering idea ever developed whose economic aspects hadn 't been thoroughl y evo lved ? The major tragedy of this wa r is not the fac t that the " fl ower of American manhood " will be perhaps killed or maimed. That is one fact that we can all overlook as a temporary impediment to ollr civili zation. T he race will propagate itself I The real tragedy is the fact th at none of us will be able to present to our sons and daughters, the rich mineral resources and reserves which wer prese nt when we were born. W ar uses these reserves of metals rapidly and surely with vir tual complete elimin ation. Little of the material abandoned on the battle fields will benefit a peaceful man kind. Littl e of the material lost at sea will ever be recovered. N ature spent millions of years preparing that heritage for us and man is recklessly sqmnderi ng that which is irreplaceable along with human li fe. O ur reser ves of minerals, oi ls, gases and power are steadil y dwindling. The high grade deposits of metals will be virtu ally exhausted shou ld we remain at war through any considerable period. N o longer are there reserves of high grade hematite or ores, in any large quan tity, availabl e to the American
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Page 3
W. B. CRUTCHER '24 DIES MSM ALUMNUS Issued quarterl y, in the interest of the graduates and former students of the School of Mines and M etallurgy . Subscription price 50 cents, included in Alumni Dues. E ntered as second-class matter October 7, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri, under the Act of March 3, 1879 .
Officers of the Association CARL G. STIFEL, ' 16 ....... . . .......... J AMES L. HEAD, ' 16 ....... ..... .. . _ ...
.... President Vice ·President GUNN ARD E. JOH NSON , ' 16 . .. ...... .. . . VI:ce·President H OWARDM. K ATZ, ' 13 .. ... ........ Secretary·'TreasuTeT people. Beneficiation and mining problems of extremely low grade ores are being given constant study. No longer can we flush into the atmosphere, millions of cubic feet of natural gas. N o longer can we drill oil wells in an unrestricted and indiscriminate man· ner. Conservation- minute conservation- is finall y coming into its own, but our infinitesimal effort cannot offset the ravages of war. Will our late efforts to conserve cause history to write again - " too little, too late?" These conditions revea l to the engineer of imagination the vast fronti ers of this new world-this world after the wa r. The utilization of oil shales; development of new fuels; beneficiation and mining of low grade ores; substitution of plastics ; synthetic rub· bers and myriads of other possibilities are presented as problems w hich must -and shall be solved . C ertainly these are paths which have only lightl y been trodden upon by our fathers-what glorious possibilities of adventure presented the engineer with a creative mind. Let not America rest under the assumption that young Amer· ica on the fighting front is totally in the dark as to conditions which faced the soldier of World War I on his return to his home· land . America's returning fighting men will expect and demand work - mind you, I do not say "demand" lightly- everyone here realizes the implications. Already in our camps, and on our fight· ing fronts, post war problems are being discussed. Let no one mistake the fact that American women are in industry to stay. Woo men have proven themselves full capable of doing skilled work comparable to any performed by men. Women engineers have gone into distant lands and have proven their ability and worth. Following this war, we must exercise our creative genius to utilize this vast reservoir of industrial workers. This vast reservoir which has only been lightly drawn upon in the past. Creative and productive jobs must be ready for the maimed and handicappedthey are proving their worth as replacement man-power in indus· try today. Human ability, energy and initiative must be used and nourished, and not wasted as we have done in the past . I pray that never again wi ll our system of distributi0l1 be so poor that we shall allow this ability and resource of ours to stagnate with the dole until the characteristics of individuality and resourcefulness are gone.
Homecoming (Con t inued fr om Page 1)
_~ Mines on the Board of Curators : ) " Upon my return from two days quail hunting with friends at R olla I found some unexpected appointments which made it im· possible for me to return to R olla Saturday. I shall appreciate your extending to the Alumni of the School of Mines and M etallurgy my warmest greetings. W e are all interested in the welfare of the School of Mines and wish to see the School continue its fine record. I can assure you that the Board of Curators is doing everything in its power to promote the interest of the School of Mines and to make it as outstanding an institution as is humanly and finan cially possible. With best regards and best wishes, I am, Cordially yours." President Stifel stated that he was convinced that the school is now making consistent, steady progress and has the cooperation of
W . B. Crutcher, '24, prominent oil executive of Semi nole, Oklahoma, died in the Tulsa hospital on N ovember 29 at the age of forty·seven years. His body was returned to R olla for burial. Funeral services were held at the Episcopal Church in Rolla Dec. 2 with burial in Rolla cemetery. Crutcher came to the School of Mines and M etallurgy from M arshall, Missouri in 1916 and was graduated in civil engineering in 1924. After .exp erien ce in his profession in O ld M exico and in Florid a, he entered the oil industry and was advanced rapidl y to the position of division engineer with the Carter Oil Company, which position he held at the time of his death. Mr. Crutcher is survived by his wife, the former Hazel Dent of Roll a, Missouri , and one son, T ommy ; also, by one brother and two sisters.
Jobs Available at Battelle Memorial Institute A steel metallurgist with 6 to 8 years of experience in open hearth practice and ingot pouring experience. N o previous reo search work is necessary, but a desire now to enter the resear ch field . Sal ary range $300 to $350 a month. Young 'mechanical engineer or physicist who is interested in theoretical and applied mechanics for research work in the testing of materials. Sal~ry about $225 a month. A high·class chemical engineer with Ph.D. degree. Should have from 3 to 5 years of industrial experience. Salary to be negotiated. A young metallurgical engineer with some welding experience for research work. Salary $250 a month . An engineer with producer gas production experience. Prevo ious research work not necessary. Salary to be negotiated. A metallurgist in ferrous and non-ferrous with some fabrica · tion exp erience. H e should also have done some metallographic work. Salary about $300 per month. Applicant should have about five years' experience. Anyone interested apply directly to Edward V . O 'Rourke, personnel advisor, Room 2 18, Lord Hall, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. all of the al umni in advancing the interests of the School ; that this progress means so much to all the alumni of the school. " If there is one message I want yo u to carry back with you , it is that you can never do enough to repay what the School of Mines has done for you," President Stifel said. H e urged the cooperation of the alumni in spreading favorable publicity concerning the school, and also asked their cooperation in presenting to the incoming Legislators information that would be of value to them in better understanding the value of the school to the state and to tbe nation. President Stifel spoke of the great importance of technical education and the part it wo uld play in the post·war world. H e stated that the School of Mines and M etallurgy is as good an insti · tution today as it was w hen the various alumni were here and he urged them to cooperate with the University authorities in build· ing even a better institution. President Stifel then introduced Dean Curtis L. Wilson, w ho gave a report of progress duri ng the past year. Dean Wilson stated that the Board of Curators had requested ,l ten per cent increase in the appropriation for the coming year , and had also asked for reappropriation of funds for construction for the Power Plant and for finishing the Chemical Engineering building. Both of these were ap propriated for last year, but the appropriation for the Chemical Engineering building was vetoed by the Governor because of lac k o f funds; and the Power Plant could not be constructed on account of inability to secure boilers in these critical war times. Dean Wilson also spoke of the efforts being made by R olla citizens and alumni to interest the Administrators of the H enry Edwin Sever estate in the School of Mines and M etallurgy. The
Page 4
Scvcr cstate consists of a million and a quarter dollars, which was left by the will of H enry Edwin Sever for the establishment of a school of technology in Missouri. Dean Wilson paid a warm tribute to the citi;;ens of Rolla and to alumni, particularly the Chicago section of the alumni, under leadership of Gunnard Johnson, in promoting the intcrest of the School of Mines in connection with the Sever Estate. Dean Wilson also told of the establishment of the Regional Office of the Burea u of Mines here, and how the citi ~ens of Rolla have within a few days raised a total of $8,000.00 for the purchase of a site for the proposed new building to house the R egional Offi ces of the Bureau of Mines here. H c also spokc at somc length on a proposed camp us plan which is bcing worked up by a finn of architects in St. Louis. Dca n Wilson urged the A ssociation to keep up its organi;;ation and its work. H e stclted that he had visited the sections in St. Louis, Tulsa, Chicago, and in N ew York City, and was going to visit within the next few weeks the Joplin scction. H e stilted that these sections all have the best in terests of the School of Mines genuinely at heart. T oastmaster M oodie then read telegrams from ]. L. H ead, '16, Chile Exploration Company, N ew York City ; Gunnard Johnson,
' 16, Hammond, Indiana; James R. (Oley) N evin, ' 17, Wilmington, Illinois, expressing regret at their inability to be at the H omecoming and extending greetings with best wishes to the alumni. Chairman Moodie closed the meeting by urging all the alumni to work to promote the best interests of the schoo!. H e also expressed the hope that the younger alumni wo uld take more interest in the Alumni A ssociation and playa more active part in the org ani~ation in the years to come.
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PROF. ORTEN DIES M. D. Orton, Professor of Economics at the School of Mines and M etallurgy, died at Barnes H ospital in St. Louis, September 24 followin g a prolonged illness from sinus infection. Professor O rton was born at Marshfield, Missouri, April 20, 1896, and graduated from Drury College at Springfield in 1919, and received his A.M. degree from Kentucky W esleyan in 1922, and his M.A. degree from W ashington University in St. Louis in 192 3. H e joined the faculty of the School of Mines here in 1924, and was made professor of economics in 1935. H e is survived by his widow. Funeral services were held at his form er home at Marshfield , Missouri. Dean Curtis L. Wilson and a number of the facu lty attended.
ALUMNI PERSONALS 1942 Edward M. Kromka reported for naval aviation flight training at the U niversity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. on July 8. After three months traii1ing, he will be commissioned as an ensign in the US. N aval Reserve . Richard S. Radcliffe is now employed by the Emerson Electric Co. in St. Louis, Missouri. His home address is 22 1 E. Jefferson avenue in Kirkwood, Missouri. Lieut. Ben E. W eidle is in Co. A in the 29th E. T. Bn. at Fort Leonard Wood, Misso uri. V. T. Pickett is a Corporal in the 2nd W eather Squad in the Army Air Force at Sel fridge Field, Michigan. Kenneth A. Schowalter is a Lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers in the 48th Engr. Reg. (c) at C amp Gruber, Oklahoma. Lieut. Melvin C . Ullri ch is in the Corps of Engineers in the 318th Engr. Bn, 93rd Inf. Div. at Fort Huachuca, Ari ~o na. Joseph G. W ink wrote that he is working for the Phillips Petroleu m Co. and his home street address is 302 1 N . Hiawatha ave nue, Kansas City, Kansas. W. Craig Fraser is a Lieutenant in the Signal Corps at Fort M onmouth, N .]. F. Presely Paul is a Li eutenan t in Co. "C," 310th Engr. Bn. elt Camp Shelby, Mississipp i. Glenn C. Brockman is working for the T ennessce Valley Authority at J fferson City, T ennessee. Emil Pie t~ is employed by The T exas Compan y in Port Arthur, T exas. His home street address in Port Arthur is 2301 T en th street. William Thayer gives his business as Boston &' Maine R.R. in Greenfield , Massachusetts. His present home address is 78 W est street in Greenfield. Eugene 'Ruttle is employed by the Pittsburgh Coal Co. and lives in H ouston, Pennsylvani,l, James K. Johnston sends word that he is employed by the G len n L. M artin C o. His home address is 2907 Oakcrest avenue, H amilton Sec., Baltimore, Md. Ed . Chernoff is employed by the General M otors Corp., Experimental Engineering Laboratory, Detroit Diesel Engine Division. H e lives at the Fisher YM .C.A., Dexter at Grand Blvd. at Detroi t, Michigan. Charl es S. Black is a Lieutenant i Jl the Army and is in the 36th Engr. R egt. at Fort Bragg, N orth Carolina. V ernon T. M cGhee is a Lieutenant in the US. Army. His address is 318th Engineers' Bn. Fort Huachua, A ri~ona.
Lieut. M. W. Beard, 0442460, 15 1 St. Engrs. (Combat) A.P. 0.941 c/ o Postmaster, Seattle, W ashington. Earl L. Washburn writes that his address is Reporting Company, 559th Aircraft Warning Bn (SEP), A.P.O. 852, N ew York City. Arthur Taylor Guernsey is with the Shell Oil Company at Box 39, Freer, T exas. Ensign R. ]. Cunningham is now on active duty at Northwestern University. Otis Hily T aylor was married recently. H e is still with T ennessee V alley ~Authority, Arnstein Bldg., Knoxville, T ennessee. L. C. W olfl:' is now an Ensign in the United States Naval Reserve. His present address is D -V (P), US.N.R., Company No. 200 5, N aval Training School Indoctrination Naval T raining Station, N ewport, Rhode Island. Students at the University of Missouri School of Mines and M etallurgy, at Rolla, who were initiated into T au Beta Pi, national honorary society, are as follows: James D. Dowd of Deadwood ; Ahmet Pekkan, Anakara, Turkey; V ernon Pingel, Rolla ; Warren W. H alburg, St. Louis ; James R. Miller and Clarence]. Wright, St. Louis; Robert H. Kendall, W ebster Groves; Robert]. N ease, M alen, and Edwin C. Goettemann, W ebster Groves; and William A. Hubbard of Rolla. Roger Bu tler, deceased. R oger was working for the Carnegie Steel Co. , Gary, Indiana at the time of his death. Jack A urand Witt is Lt. in US. Army, 48th Engineer Regiment (C), C amp Gurber, Okla. His home is at Edina, Missouri. Kenneth A. Schowalter is 2nd Lt. Corps of Engineers, U S. Army, 48th Engr. Regt., C amp Gruber, Oklahoma. Send all mail to 50 14a Win ona , St. Louis, Missouri. Harry Blaine Smith is with the N aval Research Laboratory, 3222 Brothers' place, S.E., W ashington, D.C. H e attended H omecoming here this year. Bill Eisma.n is employed by the Carnegie Steel Co., Gary, Ind . H ome address is 432 Jefferson street, Gary, Indiana. W elby King, (Ireland) Co. " A, " 109th Engr. Bn (c) , APO #3 4, N ew York City. Russ H oll ander is a Cadet at the US.N. Air Station, Kingsvi lle, T exas. Earl Ruth lives in Ray, Arizona, Box 332 . Willi am H. Brown is in the Dive Bombers division of the U.S .N. A ir Station, Kingsville, T exas. Ch2.des M orris H illery, V-l est Virgini a Coal &' Coke Corp. , Omar, W. Virginia.
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Dick Cunningham, Ensign , U.S. Naval HTB, Solomons, Md. Kenneth Anderson is working for the Bureau of Mines at Little Rock, Ark. His home address is 1101 W . 24th street. Wilham Hill is married and lives at 435 Santa Fe, Pittsburg, California. Robert Stowell gives his address as Bauxite, Arkansas. Virgil Allen Smith is with the Process Engineering·North American Aviation Corps, Kansas City, Kans. His home address is 217 East 37th street, Kansas C ity, Missouri. Jack Claassen is at 705 Sparks avenue, Apt. B., Austin, T exas. Lt. George Paul Dahm is with the Corps of Engi neers, U.S. Army, 1l 0th Eng. Bn. (C) H &' S Co., APO #35, Los Angeles, Cedif. His home is at 121 W . 7th avenue, Roselle, N.]. Austin E. Schuman is on military leave from W estinghouse Electric &' Mfg. Co. H e is 1st Lt., Ordnance Unit Training C enter , Mississippi Ordnance Plant, Jackson, Miss. His home address is 10 1 W. 11 th, Rolla, Missouri. Alvin H aas who was previously with vVestinghouse Electric &' Mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh, Penn. (Home address: 204 Biddle avenue, Wilkinsburg, Pa.), has joined the N aval Reserves, C lass V ·7, according to word received from the Branch Office of the Naval Officer Procurement Board at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvani a. E. C. Conary, chief chemist of the American Steel Foundries, Cast Armor Plant, E. Chicago, Ind. George Bradshaw lives at 305 Park A ve. , Collingswood, N.]. Russell W . Hollander is in the U.S. Naval Air Station, Avia· tion Cadet Regiment, Corpus Christi, T exas. Home address is 5004a South Grand boulevard, St. Lou is, Missouri. Edward C. M yers, Jr. , is in the U.S.N. Air Corps, USNRS· Pensacola, Florida. His home is at Cuba, Missouri. William Busch lives at 1114 No. M arshall street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Edward Chernoff is working for General M otors, Detroit, Michigan . His home address is 2051 W. Grand boulevard. ]. H. Priestley is at 423 E. Main street, Lock H aven, Pa. Charles E. Zan~ie is with W estinghouse. H ome address is 419 H ampton avenue, Wilkinsburg, Pa. A. W. Wilson is with General Electric Co., 1 River Rd ., Schenectad y, N.Y. Mailing address is 2558 1st avenue, Carman, Schenectady, N.Y. Lt. Harold W. Haas gets his mail in care of APO # 30 14, N ew York City, NY. V. A. Smith gives his home address as 217 E. 37 th street, Kansas City, Missouri. Ensign Leonard C. Wolff visited here for H omecoming on Nov. 14. Write him clo USNR, N ew York Navy Yard, New York, NY Edwin Jack Claassen is now attending the University of T exas at Austin. He has a tutorship in Chemical Engineering. ]. H . Castleman is living at 131 8 Singer PI., Wilkinsburg, Pa. H e is taking graduate work at the Carnegie Institute of T echnol. Mr. Otis H . T aylor is with the T ennessee Valley Authority, in Knoxville, T ennessee. His home address is 2306 N. Broadway, Knoxville. Lloyd H armon wor ks for Dravo Corps, 330 Pitt street, Wil· kinsburg, Pa. H ome address is 619 C enter , Shawano, Wisconsin. _ Irvin Cherrick has been working in W ashington, D.C., since graduation. H is street address is 0457 Nichols S.W. Lt: V ernon T. Loesing attended homecoming this year. H e is 1st Lt. C.E., 310 Engr. Bn. Camp Shelby, Mississippi. Sam Kurt~ is working for Caterpillar Tractor. Home address is Bureau, Illinois. Gordon Engle is working for General Motors at Detroit, Mich· igan. His home address is 255 E. Ferry street, Detroit, Mich. William Hill is employed by the Columbia Steel Corp., at Pittsburg, California. G. R. Leland has been working since graduation for the Tabano Mining Co., Tugqerres, Narino, Colombia. His home address is 1724 V erona Rd ., Kansas City, Missouri.
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Edwin Jack C laassen, Jr. is attending T exas University at Austin, T exas. His home address is Apt. B705, Sparks avenue, Austin, T exas. H arold A. Krueger visited the campus on Parents Day, Oct. 17. Harold is working for the St. Louis Smelting &' Refining Co., at Baxter Springs, Kansas. His home address is 609 E. 11 th street, Baxter Springs, Kansas. V ernon Thomas McGhee is with the Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, 318th Engr. Bn., Fort Huachuca, Ari ~o n a . His home is in Thompsonville, Illinois, Route 2.
1941 Ensign H erbert R . Stockton, CEC BOQ #39, NCTC Camp Allen, NOB Norfolk, Virgi nia. Dan R. Stewart is now working for Missouri Geological Sur· vey, Rolla, Missouri . Kermit F. Livingston is living at 1122 Powell, St. Joseph, M o. Lt. (j. g. ) W. F. McIndoo is at 11 8 W . Cervantes, Pensacola, Florida. Ens. C. F. Clarkson, U.S.N.R., is a sai lor on U.S.S. McFar· land. Send mail in care of Postmaster, San Francisco, California. Robert C. Wright is employed by the Atlas Powder Co., Wel· don Spring, Missouri . His home address is 11 30 Evans street, St. Charles, Missouri. John H. Shankland gives his address as 6308 7th avenue, Ken· osha, W isconsin. H e is enlisting in the Army and is going to apply for officer's training. Ray E. Vaughn has accepted an appointment as ensign in the U.S . N aval Reserves. H e was called to instructional active duty Oct. 5, 1942 at the M assachusetts Institute of T echnology, where he is taking a 4·month course in aeronautical engineering. H is address is Room 5' 12A, Graduate House, M.LT. Campus, Cam· bridge, Mass. Vaughn was married Nov. 19, 1941 to Ruby Fern Nave of St. Louis. Lt. Robert F. Miller is reported " missing in action" by the W ar Department. Lt. Miller received his wings at Kelly Field, T exas and has been serving in foreign service. Robert E. Fields is 1st Lt. , Air Corps, Dorr Field , A rcadia, Florida. Fields is flying officer and his home address is 6067 Har· ney avenue, St. Louis, Missouri. Allan]. Summers is 1st Lt. , C.E., Co. " C " 33rd., E.T. Bn. Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. H ome address is T allapoosa, M o. R ed Elliott is a Cadet at the U.S.N. Air Station, Kingsville, T exas. Paul]. Bourchier is with the Columbia Steel Corp. , at Pitts· burg, California. H erbert A. Vol~ visited the campus Sept. 29,1942. H e is with the Atlas Powder Co. and his home address is 4800 Rhodes Ave., St. Louis. Don H. Falkingham is in the Army, Squadron G., Group Eight, Class 43 ·E., M axwell Field, Alabama. Robert H . M eyer is with the Aberdeen Proving Ground, Box 35 1, Aberdeen, Maryland. Gives his home address as 7732 Coun· try Club Ct., C layton, Missouri. K. 1. H ardine is working in Bismarck, North Dakota. Write him cI 0 Box 1151 , Bismarck, North Dakota. Edward C . Farrell is now with the National Lead Co. as miw ing engineer. H e is tationed at Potosi, Missouri or Osage, W y· oming. Send all mail to Mrs. M on tia Huff, Stotts City, M o. Lt. John H. Dunn (0·85 433 6) is in the army ; wri te him clo postmaster, 62nd Transport group, 7th Squadron, APO #3000, N ew York, N.Y. H e gives his home address as 48 North 98 th, Belleville, Illinois. Captain Leon Hershkowit~ is located "somewhere in New Guinea" with Company D , 43rd Engineers, APO 929, clo Post· master, San Francisco, California. vValter K. Dean is working for the Mallinckrod t Chemical W orks, 3600 N. 2nd street, St. Louis, Missouri. His home address is 833 4 H alls Ferry Rd. , St. Louis, Missouri.
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1.AC.- C. H. Brow n, Rl641 51, #4 1.TS. R CAF, Victoriavi lle, Quebec, C anada. Rolf Roley who has been working in South America has returned to the United States. S. T Delpopolo is 1st Pro. O. T C., Aberdeen Proving Gds., Aberdeen, Maryland . Ensign Robert K. Boyd visited the campus Feb. 19. H e is stationed at the N aval Air Station, Port Arthur, T exas (CEC) . R oy W. Graves is in the U.S. Army Air Corps, 12th Servi ce G roup, Kell y Field, T exas. H ome address is 11 5 Munf?rd street, H ouston, T exas. F. H . H oener is with the U .S. Cartridge Co., 1328f M cCutcheon, Richmond H eights, Missouri. Home address is 320 Park Rd ., W ebster Groves, Missouri. ]. R . Enochs is working for General Electric Co., 11 23 Colum bia avenue, Fort Wayne, Indian a. His home address is 8115 Lydia avenue, Kansas City, Missouri.
1940 1. B. Frye is 111 the U.S. Army, Air Forcc Barracks, 1809 S. Brand Bl vd. , G lendale, C alifornia. V ernon Unger is with the Davis Boring T ool Company, 6200 Maple street, St. Louis, Missouri . His home address is 5644 Milcntz, St. Louis, Missouri. The address of Lt. N. P. Tucker is 0 -388 433, 344th Bomb Sq., 98t.h Bomb Gp ., APO 122 7, c/ o Postmaster, N ew York, N.Y. John F. W elch is in the Air Corps at Gunter Field, A labama. His home address is 3236 Watson Rd. , St. Louis, Missouri. Jack Emery is in the U.S.N. Air Station, Kingsville, T exas and has received his "wings." V ernon C ox visited the campus on Nov . 14. H e is working for the Grape Vine Coal Co., M adisonville, Kentucky. A R . Herzog is Lt. (j .g.) U.S.S. Kilanea. Write him clo Postmaster, N ew York City, N.Y. His home is in Ste. Genevieve, Mis~ souri, M arket street. Lynn]. Riege is with the Republic Steel Corp., 11 8th & BurIcy avenue, Chicago, Ill. Send mail add ressed to 1935 East 7 1st street, Chicago, Ill. W oodrow 1. Burgess holds the position as junior geologist, U.S. Engineers Office, M ountain H ome, Arkansas. Roland W esley McFarl and lives at 422 N ew York, Peoria, Ill. Ruble E. Burns is assistant superintendent C arbon Plant Defense Plant Corp, H ot Springs, Arkansas. Home address is 808 W. Grand. W. O. H einicke is employed by the W orthington Pump & M achinery Corporation, H arrison, N. ]., as an application engineer. His home address is 55 07 Louisiana avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Thurman Thomes was married to Miss H arriet June Peck of M alden, Missouri in Februar y of 1941, according to word just received in Rolla. They are making their home at 82 1 Libery street, Chattanooga, T ennessee, where Thurman is employed by the T en 1939 nessee V alley Authorit y. M alcolm Jack Flanar y is an ensign in the N aval Air Corps. H e is leaving Tulsa, Okl ahoma (Box 1649) on Dec. 12 to enter the N aval Officers' Air Corps training school at the University of Arizona, Tuscon, Ariz;ona. H e is working toward the position of gunnery officer on an aircraft carrier. Charl es Wm. M orris lives at 451 5 M cPherson, St. Louis, M o. W . R. Rea i now located in the U.S. Arm y and located at Gadsden, Al aba ma. H is address is Co. K, 1st Pin. , 3rd CWS., Tng. Bn . CWS, RTC . M orris Boork y is employed by the M assachusetts Steel Trea ting Corporation, 11 8 H arding street, W orchester, M ass. H ome add ress is 57 Chatham street, W orcester , M ass. John D. Berwick, Jr. is with the W estern Cartridge Co. as a m tallurgical engineer at East Alton, Ill. H ome address is 130 1 Rodge rs avenue, Alton, Ill. John Magill is now hygiene engineer for the City of St. Louis. His home address is 605 Clara avenue.
1938 Don C. Bowman, Jr . was commissioned an Ensign in U.S.N .R . at Annapolis in May, 1941. H e served a year in the Atlantic and in M ay, 1942 was assigned to submarine service. His present address is: Lt. (ij) Dan C . Bowman U.S.N.R., U.S.S. Guardfish clo Postmaster of Fleet, San Francisco, California. M elvin E. Nickel was in Rolla Sept. 22, returning from his honeymoon. Mel was married Sept. 12 to M ary Louise Breuer of Roll a, M o. They are living at 7456 South Shore Drive, Chicago. H e is employed by the Wisconsin Steel W orks of the International Harvester Co. Fletcher T M cCrae is on forcign duty. Address is clo APO #948, 802nd Entr. Bn . Avn. (Sep. ) Seattle, Washington. Pvt. R. C. Reese is stationed at 43 57th TS .S. (Sp) HQ , Jefferson Barracks, Missouri . H ome address is 604 N. 33 rd St., East St. Louis, Illinois. ]. H . M cCutch;:n is asst. public cngineer, Jackson County Health Dept., Independence, Missouri. Frank N. Goodrich i located at Box 255, N ewhall , Ca lifornia. Edward W. Simpson, Jr. is now Lt. (0-3 48326 ) 1st Amphibian Brigade Co. D 59 1 Engr. Boat Regt., APO 813 Postmaster, N ew York, NY. Joseph F. Carroll is working for Columbia Steel Corp. at Pittsburg, California. H is home address is 651 Cumberland. ]. Craig Ellis works in the T win Cities, Sub office of the Chicago Ordnance District in Minneapolis, Minnesota. His home ad dress is 869 South Cleveland avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota.
1937 W alter R. Jarrett is in the U.S. Army Motion Picture Service, 3327a Locust street, St. Louis, Missouri. His home is at 1310 T emp le place, St. Louis, Missouri . Albert 1. Muller is district purchasing agent for the Alum inum Co. of America at Troutdale, Oregon. His home address is 34 35' N .E. 58th avenue, Portland, Oregon. H arold R. Bentley is Captain U.S. Army, 326th A / B Engineer Battalion, Fort Gragg, N .C. His home address is 580 Ridge awn ue, W ebster Groves, Missouri. Earl V. Porter is with Laclede Co. H ealth Dept. , Lebanon, Missouri. Arthur H. Barclay, Jr. is in the U.S. Army 1st Engr. School Regt., Fort Belvoi r , V a. Send mail to 16 North Cl ay avenuc, Ferguson, Missouri . 1936 George E. M ueller has been with Bell Laboratories, 46 3 W est street, N ew York City for two years. A B. Waltenspiel is associate engineer. His home is 7820Yz St. Charles avenue, N ew Orleans, Louisiana. James H. M enefee is with the War Dept., 8th Service Command, Post Engineer, C amp \Vallace, T exas. His hom e address is 2928 Broadway avenue, Galveston, T exas. George H. Breuning j s residing at 630 E. 7th street, Durango, Colorado. Donald F. R . Grimm is Lt. in U.S. Army and has been over seas for the past 9 months serving since Mar. 17, 1941 . He is now stationed in Pacific area on the island of N ew Calidonia. (221 st Field Arti ll ery.) 1935 C. C. Marxer gives his home address as 5803 Caballlle avenue St. Louis, Missouri. L C. Spiers is assistant to the president of the General M etals Corporation, 570 1 South Boyle avenue, Los Angeles, C alifornia. Rudolph]. Knoll is a captain in the U.S. Army and his present address : Co. E. 25 th Arm . Engr. Bn ., APO #256, Desert Maneu vers, clo Postma ster Los Angeles, C alifornia. H arry H. Komm is wi th the War Dept., Signal Corps, Airc-aft Radio Laboratory, Wright Field , Dayton , Ohio. Address all Ill ail to 847 W estgate, University City, Missouri. T W. Royer is Lt. U.S.N., Engineering Superintendent, A ssembly and Repair Dept., U.S . Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla. (Quarters TT-2, Naval Air Station .)
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William H. M cDill is now located at Route #10, Chaumiere Wood , North Kansas City, Missouri. James P. Sloss is connected with W. C. McBridc, Inc., Milam Bldg., San Antonio, T exas.
1934 W alter S. Schamel is a major in the U.S. Army and his address is 352 nd Engineers Regiment, APO #1271 c/o Postmaster, N ew York, N.Y. Walt became the father of t\-vins, born at Augusta, Georgia, Sept. 3, 1941. His home address is 1917 Pennsylvania -aven\,le, Augusta, Georgia. Ernst B. Stalle is employed by the Midwest Piping and Supply Company, Inc., 30 Church strect, N cw York, N.Y. His homc is 45 3 Golf avenue, Maywood, N .].
1933 M ax R. Wiley is working for the M erritt-Chapman & Scott Corp. , Box 382, Norfolk (Berkley Station) , Virginia. His home address is 77 5 W. 51st street, Norfolk, Va. V. O. Burkhalter is C aptain, C.E., Engineer School- Staff &' Faculty, Fort Belvoir, Va. His home address is 121 Williams St., Alexandria, Virginia. Claude S. Abshier is working for thl::: London Packing Co., 210 1 South Third, T erre Haute, Indiana. His mailing address is Box 68 1, Terr~ H aute, Ind. Ellen Francis W oodm2.n Doll is the wife of Capt. Doll, teacher at the Missouri School of Mines and M etallurgy. Their home is at 605 W. 14th, Rolla, Missouri. Charles C . Rodd who has been with the Gu lf Oil Co. at Chase, Kansas for a number of years, is now a lieutena nt in the army, assigned to the Office of the Chief of Ordnance in Washington, D.C. His address is 23 10 Ashmead place, N. W. Theodore W. Hunt lives at 716 Lancaster, Syracuse, N .Y. Frank G. Nazic has just completed his graduation from recruit training as honor man of his company at the U.S. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Ill. His home address is 13 Curtis street, Gloversville, New York. Earl Ray Jenkins lives at 5718 Kenwood, Kansas City, Mo.
1932 Arthur Samuel Macke is serving Uncle Sam as ,L captain in O.M. Regt. in N orthern Ireland. H e has been with the army about sixteen months. John Baumann is in Ketchum, Idaho. 1st Lt. Isaac W. Friedman, Ordnance Dept. , Ordnance Station Complement, Indiantown Gap, Military Reservation, Penn . ]. Russell M cCarron is with Vanadium-Alloys Steel Co. , 1454 Broad street, Station Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Home address is 515 W. Beechtree lane, Wayne, Pol. James ]. M cGrath : c/o U.S. Engineer Office, N ewport, Ark.
1931 Ben. R. Elliott is Lieutenant-Civil Engineers Corps, Navy Reserve, Offi ce of Officer in Charge of Construction, Berkeley, CaL His home is 1623 Lincoln street, Berkeley, California. Elmer]. Sperling is associate engineer (hydraulics) , U.S. EI1' gineer Office, 575 Riverside avenue, Jacksonville, Flordia. H e lives at 931 LaSalle street, Jacksonville, Florida. W. H . Power is living at 3a Eastway, Greenbelt, Maryland. V ernon A. C. Gevecker, form erly assistant professor in civil cngineering here, is now a major in the air corps with headquarters in Washington, D.C. His address is Apt. B., 4 Ashby street, Alexa ndria, Virginia. ]. N. Conley has moved from Midland, T exas to Hogal, N ew Mexico.
1930 Francis E. W enger is stationed at Malden, Missouri with Russell &' Axon, Inc., architect engineers, in connection with the construction of the Basic Flying School there . Lewis H. King is working for the H . B. Deal &' Co. , Inc., Oz.ark Ordnance Works, El Dorado, Arkansas.
1929 Charles W. Johnso n is owner of the Johnson Mfg. Co., 729 W . Washington boulevard, Chicago, Ill. H ome address is 342 School street, Villa Park, Ill. C . H. Dresbach is geologist-geophysicist, W estern Gulf Oil Co., 1260 Subway T erminal Bldg., Los Angeles, California. H arry C. Page is now an attorney-at-law with Laurence B. Dodds, 1775 Broadway, N ew York, N.Y. T. O. English is with the Aluminum Co., G ulf Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
1928 ]. R. Walther is city cngineer at Cape Girardeau, Missouri . Nick Koslinsky, deceasec.l. At the time of his death he was doing research work and teachlllg in the mining school, Potosi, Boli via. Robert W. Crouch visited the campus on Oct. 28. H e is with the resea rch division of the Missouri State Highway Department. His home address is 304 Hamlin, Jefferson City, Missouri. Oscar D. Niedermeyer is at Cia. Huanchaca de Bolivia, Pulacayo, Bolivia. W. K. Schwiekhardt who is working for the Walsh Refractories Corp., in St. Louis, gives his address as 411 Delshire PL, Kirkwood, Missouri. Irwin Sturgis is now instru ctor at W entworth Military A cademy, Lexington, Missouri. Thomas E. M cN erney gives his home address as 8025 Berry road , W ebster Groves, Missouri.
R. Lee is teaching at Hobart, Oklahoma. His home address is Box 712, Hobart, Oklahoma. Paul K. H oover visited the campus recently and gave his address as 4535 Lindell boulevard , St. Louis, Missouri. C. B. W eiss is working for the Buckeye Cotton Oil Company, M emphis, T ennessee. Paul W eber is assistant director of the Engineering Research Station at the Georgia School of T echnology at Atlanta, Georgia. Ronal Mabrey was in Rolla from Oct. 12 to 15, getting information from the U.S. Geological Survey for a stud y he is making on an investigation of the geology of the lower Mississippi valley. Ronald's address is with the Mississippi River Commission at Vicksburg, Mississippi. R. F. McCaw is with George A. Fuller Company, 4100 W . 75th St. , Chicago, IlL H e is chief electrical construction manager.
1925 1. A. Oberly is living ~{t 964 H street, M eadville, Pa. P. C . Schneeberger was in Rolla, Nov. 13, interviewing gradu,Lting seniors for W estinghouse Electric Co. Fred is X-Ray manager for W estinghouse in St. Louis. His address is 411 N. 7th St. H e was accompanied to Rolla by M. Maxwell, of the engineering department of W estinghouse, who also interviewed the seniors. Joseph N. Harris is connected with the Rockford Drop -Forge Co., 9th street and 20th avenue, Rockford, IlL Gives his home address as 2016 Cumberland street. W aring Mikell is now located at Staatsburg, N.Y
1924 Edward Rees Abbott is in the engineering department, M edusa Portland Cement Co., 1000 Midland Bldg., C leveland , Ohio. Home address is 2719 E. 116 street, Cleveland , Ohio. Charl es B. Kentnor, Jr. is with W.S. Rockwell Co., 50 Church street, N ew York, N .Y. Home address is 242 Somerset avenue, Fairfield , Connecticut. Harry H. Kessler is manager of foundry operations, Sorbo-M at Process Engineers, 1004 Market street, St. Louis, Missouri. H is home address is 7540 Wellington way, Clayton, Missouri. John R. Burke who attended MSM from the fall of '37 to the end of the spring semester, '40, instructor in the wire division of Midwestern Signal Corps school at Camp Crowder, Missouri, has
Page 8
just been promoted from staff ergeant to technical ergeant. Sgt. Burke' home address i 3011 Union street, St. Louis, Mi ouri . H e is in Instructor Company One of the 800th Signal Service R gt. I n civi l life Burke was a telephone installer. ]. Lew is Andrew is now working at the Naval Laboratory, N aval Ordnance Dept., W ashington, D .C . Hi s present addre is H otel Pl a4a, W as hington, D .C. His on]. Lewis, Jr. is in the M arine Air Corp and at the present time i stationed at Jack 'onvi lle, Fl a.
1923 Dodd G . Gibson is assistant manager Crystal Fluorspar Co., Elizabethtown, Illinoi . Everett ]. \V endeil is co unty superintendent of highways, Peoria, Illinois. His home address i 11 Oak Park Drive, Peoria. ]. L. Gregg is with the Beth lehem Steel Co., Bethlehem, Pa. Home address i 105 E. M arket street, Bethlehem, Pa. E. Rowland Tragitt is with the U.S . Dept. of Interior General Land Offi ce, 808 Sharon Bldg., San Francisco, C alifornia. H e expects to visit the chool at Christmas time. R. G . Kasel is now chief of the di vision of surface water with Lhe U.S . Geologica l Survey located in Washington, D .C.
1922 Bruno Rixleben is petroleum geologist, 30 1-02 Cummings Bldg., Ada , Oklahoma. Home address is 209 N. Builitt, H oldenville, Oklahoma. H arold F. Shore is with the Independent Exploration Co. , 901 Esperson Bldg., Houston, T exas. H ome address is 322 W. Cowan d rive, H ouston, T exas. Faculty members enter arm y : three members of the facu lty who held commissions in the Reserve Corps have been called to active duty in the U.S . Army; Dr. F. H . Conrad, Prof. Gordon R. Guinnup and W illiam H . W ebb. Dr. Conrad who holds the rank of Captain in the Coast Artil ler y has been associate professor of chemical engineering. Prof. Guinnup holds a commission as C aptain in the Field Artillery; has been serving as instructor, mechanical engineering. Lt. W ebb w ho was instructor in the department of chemical engineering is a 1st lieutenant in the Coast Artillery and was assigned to an anti -aircraft di vision. Lt. W ebb was inducted at Jefferson Barracks and from thf'x e was sent to Camp Wallace, T exas. M ajor Carl R . Jones, formall y with the staff of the M issouri School of Mines fac ulty, now holds the rank of Lieut. Colonel. H i present address i 316th Engr. Bn., Camp White, Oregon.
1921 Lloyd Earl Lumpkin is engineer with the M arquette Cement Mfg. Co., Union Pl anter Bank Bldg., M emphis, T enn . H ome address i 51 21 F treet, Littl e R ock, Arkansas. H. W . H ur t is working for the Hillside Fluorspar Mine, R osiclare, Illinois. C . ]. Millar, formerl y associate professor of biology at the School of Mines, has accepted a commission as cap tain in the Sanitar y Corps of thc Arm y and i temporari ly tationed at O'Reill y, General H osp ital, Sp rin crfield. William Reed Quilliam has heen commissioned as a ca ptain , Cotps of Engineers U . . Arm y, and assigned to Ca mp Polk, La. Hi wife: and son R eed, 13 yea r , will continue to live at 2209 C alder avenue, A p t. No.3 , Bea umont, T exas. C apt. Quilliam, un til recentl y, has heen engaged in thc oil business and in thc p racLicc of law in H ebbronvi ll c, T exas.
1920 Carl A. Gettler i . engineer with the R alston Puri na Co., 35 Eighth tree t, St. Louis, Mi ouri . H i home add re is 607 W e tborough place, W ebster Groves, Missouri. M . C . Lucky is connected with the Independent O il Co., 1912 Alhan R d ., H ouston, T exa . 1919 P . H . Bohart i wi th the Gulf Oil Corp., Box 661, Tulsa, kla. His home addre i 297 4 S. Columbia place, T ul a, kl ahoma.
John M.Morris i administrative offi cer, U.S. Burea u of Mi ncs, W ashington, D .C. Address, 463 3 N ew I nterior Bldg. W. E. O yler is with the Lever Bros. Co. , H ammond, Indiana. His home address is 10551 S. Seeley avenue, Chicago, 111.
1918 H. W . Doennecke i with the Ozark Chemical Co. , 402 C sden Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. His address is 31 3 N. Yukon, Tulsa. W . H . Reber is with the Hu mble Oil fi' Refining Co., Baytown, T exas. Write him at Box 97 9, Baytown , T exa . ]. P. Gill is with the V anadium Alloys Steel Co., 850 W eld It treet, Latrobe, Pennsylvania. George E. M ellow is with the Liberty Foundry Co., 7600 Vul can street, St. Louis, Mi souri . Hi home address is 69 Fair O ak, C layton, M issouri . H. Smith Cl ark is wi th the Sinclair Prairic Oil Co. , Box 1990, Fort W orth , T exas. H ome address is 2307 Warner road, Fort Worth , T exas. 1917 F. S. Elfred, Jr. is working for the W estern Cartridgc Co. , East Alton, Illinois. H ome address is Fairmount, Alton. C ol. T heodore Christian Gerber is field director in the Ammunition p lants Ordnance Dept., U.S. Army. He live at 3637 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri.
1916 Lewis N. H appock does construction work in Waco, T exas. Lives at 520 N. 33 rd street, \Vaco, T exa . Gunn ard E. Johmon i with International Smelting fi' Refining Co. , East Chicago, Indi ana. He is plant manager. Mr. O. Louis Lu maghi is with the Lumaghi Coa l Co., 408 O live, St. Louis, M issouri, and lives at 46 33 Pershing, St. Louis. Fred Grotts is president oE the Fort Pitt Steel Ca ting Co. , M cKeesport, Pennsy lvania. 1909 G eorge A. E,lsley gives his busine addre a 120 Broadwa y, N ew York, N.Y. H ome address, Loa ntaka road, M orristown, N.]. John W. Beard is mining engineer (private practice) ;tt EI Paso, T exas. Hi address is 4419 Cambridge street. Willi am D. Clarke is located at 26 C ity H all or 1515 17th street, Bakersfield, Califo rnia.
1908 ]. D. Fowler is with Ki ch fi' Fowl er Consulting Engrs. , GreaL N ational Life Bldg., Dall as, T exas.
Albert Bartlett is located at Wheatl and , W yoming.
1905 C. R. Willley has joined the U.S. Burea u of Mine in the drive for more metal . He is now a mining engineer with the Bureau a nd is taking charge of a special project. Addre i 2070 Iv y street, Denver, C olorado. M . V . Q uinn is teaching school at the School Di trict o. 17, G arden V alley, Id aho. 1904 H. H . Lohman i president of the United Zinc Smelting Corp., Mound ville, W . V a. , gives hi home addrc a 121 0 Alameda Padre Serra, Santa Barbara, C aliforni a.
1903 Fra nk W eidner i located at Wichita, Ka n a .
1901 Thomas Bole i in charge of the Carl had caverns 0 tb ational Park Service at White C ity, ew M exico. Recentl y an issue of the White Cit y Dail y ew wa devoted alm o t entirel y to a descri ption of Carlshad caverns and paid high tribute to Col. Boles' abil ity in developing this outstanding national attraction. 0 1.
1899 Fred Hough Perkins died at hi home at 918 N orth 2nd street, on N ovember 8. Mr. Per ki ns at the ti me of hi death wa field engineer for the departm ent of mineral re ource for the Sta te of A rizona. This info rmation was furnished by hi wife, Mrs. F. H. Perkins.