Missouri S&T Magazine, Spring 1943

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MSM ALUMNUS Missouri School of Mines and M etallurgy ROLLA , MO.



Pres. Middlebush Addresses Assembly President Frederick A. Middlebush addressed the students and the faculty at the assembl y period on January 8. Introduced by Dean Wilson, and with the auditorium filled to capacity, talking on the subject of " Present W orld Crisis," Presiden t Middlebush made a plea for an orga niz.ation of some kind that would prevent uch catastrophies as are now engulfing the world. President Middlebush stated that with present conditions of transportation and close association it was impossible for the U nited States to keep out of any conflict. H e reviewed the history of the League of N ations, and while not advocating this as the sort of organiz;ation that should maintain peace, he did emphasiz.e that some organiz.ation of this kind must exist if the world is to avoid recurrent wars. His address was followed with keen interest by both faculty and the student body.

EASTERN ALUMNI MEET AT AIMME The Annual C ocktail Party of the Alumni of the School of Mines and M etallul'gy held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Institute of M ining and M etallurgical Engineers was held at the W aldorf A storia, N ew York City, on Feb. 15, 1943, on a call issued by James L. H ead, ' 16, V ice-President of the general Alumni A ssocia tion. Dean Curti~ L. Wilson of the School of Mines was present and addressed the asse mbl y, along with others. '0

ENROLLMENT REACHES NEW HIGH The total enrollment for the academic yea r of 1942- 43 has reached 955 registrants according to figures released by R egistrar N oel Hubbard. This is the largest enrollment in the history of the school. This includes a total of 32 1 freshmen, 175 sophomores, 2 12 juniors, 2 11 seniors, 12 grad uates, and 2') unclassified and special students. The enrollment for the academic yea r by departments include 122 in Mining Engineering, 111 in M etallurgical Engineering, 95 In CI vI! Engll1eenng, 188 in M echanical Engineering, 11 2 in Electn ca l Engll1eering, 146 in Chemical Engineering, 23 in C eramic Engineerin g, 124 freshmen whose special field has not yet been selected, 7 enrolled in the Science curriculum , 1 special student, and 27 unclassified students. Students actually on the campus for the second semester include 2 16 freshmen, 130 sophomores, 181 juniors, 84 seniors, 9 graduates, and 10 unclassified students for the total of 630. The abnorm al loss in enrollment at the beginning of the second semester was brought abou t by the graduation of 126 seniors on Jan. 19. T here was on the campus last year at this time a total of 77 4. .T he above figures do not include a total of 120 Signal C orps I tralIlee on the camp us, 30 Air Corps boys, and 48 students taking special work under the Engineering W ar Training Science Program.

ALUMNI AT NEW YORK MEETING The following attended the meeting of the N ew York Section, AIMME on Sept. 28 at which H on. H erbert H oover was the speaker: W.Rowland C ox, '96; George A. Easley, '09; John S. Stewart, ' 10; S. E. H ollister , ' 13; E. S. T ompkins, ' 16; James L. H ead, ' 16; Karl F. H asselmann, '25; Joseph H. R eice, '27; Boris N. Daniloff, '29. Mr. H ead, who is chairman of the Section p resided ' and introduced Mr. H oover.


WINTER COMMENCEMENT 126 Receive Degrees The first mid-yea r comm encement in the School's history, held as a result of the accelerated program, designed to p ut engineers mto II1dustry or mto the armed service at the earliest p ossible moment, was held on January 19, 194 3 with 126 men receiving degrees. . The C ommencement p rogram started on Sunday, Januar y 17 , WIth the Baccalaureate address delivered by Bishop John ¡C . Broomfield , of the M ethodist C hurch, St. Louis. On M onday, January 18, 8 : 30 p.m ., the an nual Fac ul ty Recep tion to Students, P arents, and Visitors was held. In the receiving line were Dean and Mrs. Wilson, President and M rs. Middl ebush, Mr. and Mrs. ]. H. W olpers, Mr. and Mrs. H arold]. M oore and Mr. and Mrs. James A . Potter , of the Board of Curators, Leslie C owa n, Secretary of the Board , and members of the degree-granting departments. The reception was followed by the an nual C ommencement Ball. . At the C ommencement Exetcises on Januar y 19, Dean Wilson mtroduced Dew A. S. Langsdorf, of the School of Engineeri11g of W ashll1gton UI1lVerslty, St. Louis, who spoke on the subject, " The R oad Ahead ." Dean Langsdorf asked the class to look ahead to the post-war condItIOns m our country and the world ou tside our borders. The .LJean stated that one hears and reads so many conflicting theories and proposa ls that it is easily possible to be not onl y impressed by the obVIOUS anXIety for the f uture, but also confused by the ease WIth whICh arguments for one particular p lan may be twisted to s upp ort a n o ther dive r gent, or even d ia me tri ca ll y opposite, proposal. H e said it is contended by some that the emergency of war is so compellIng that all our fac ulties should be concentrated on the achievement of complete milita ry victor y in the shortest possible tllne, leavlI1g the problem of the subsequen t adjustments to those who will frame the peace treaties. There are others who insist that if plans for the f uture are not to be left to hit-or -miss improvisatIOn whIl e paSSIOns and hates are still seething, general policies should be marked out by such cool thought as can be mustered in the midst of world conflagration. Dean Langsdorf stated that he subscribed to the latter view, and expressed the belief that you ng people lIke the graduatll1g class are too keenly interested in the future, and w hat it will mean to their personal careers, to be willll1g to shut theIr eyes and p lunge blindly into the thick of the present fight without thought of what is to come after . The danger that must be aVOIded at all cost IS the repetition of past blunders, espeCIall y some of those t hat were made in the years immediately following W orld W ar 1. . " T hose of you who have studied electrical machiner y know that If ~ manu fac turer w<i. nts to t est a large generator , he can, if he chooses, dn ve that generator by an engine and a boiler , and consume the generator outp ut in a rheostat," the Dean said . " T hat is a costl y procedu re for all the generated energy is thrown away, to say nothmg of the p rohibitive.i nvestment in boiler and enai ne Engineers know a better way. They run the generator with a n~otOI: supp lIed fr om a SUItable source, and the genera to!' output is fe d back to the sou rce that supplies the motor . By thus circulatin a power, the test is completed at an expenditure limited to the com~ paratlvely small lasses of the system. (Continued o n Page 2)


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N icholas Mu hovic, Aug. '42, a nd M a ry H olmes, da ughter of t he la te Oliver W . H olm es a nd Mrs. H olm es, were married Saturda y, Feb. 6, 1943, a t the home o f the bride. Peter Mushovi c, '44, cousin of the groom, was the best man. Nick is emp loyed by the C aterpillar Tractor Company, Peoria, Illinois.

Pa ul R othband , Aug. '43, and M ary Anderson , daughter of H. G. S. Ande rson , '09, were married at 8 ; 30 p .m. Saturday, Fel . 27 at the Episcopal Church in Rolla. H arry Ah l, '44, was the best man . P a ul is a member of the Lambd a Chi fraternity . M ary is emp loyed as secreta ry in the Civil Engineering department at the School of Mines. The coupl e wi ll make t heir home in Roll a until Pau l graduate .

WINTER COMMENCEMENT (Co nti nu ed fro m Page I )

" N ow conside r the industrial mac hi ne as a w hole. Under normal cond itions it shou ld r un because t he workers, by spending their W<lges a nd other income, feed back into circulation the fund s n eded to keep p rod uctio n goin g. But conside r wh at happened w he n the machine clogge I beginning in 1929 . At first, the Go vernment, th ro ugh RFC , p rovided huge sums to the manageme nt end of business, in the same way tha t our ge nerator was made to run by an exp ensive e ngine and boiler p la nt. Later, under the N ew D eal, huge sums were doled o ut to workers in lie u of wages, in the hope tha t the money wo uld find its way bac k to the management end and so prime the machine. Both schemes failed for the same reason that the a nalago us was teful test p rocedure h as been discarded. But suppose that by common consen t, reinfor ced by law, manufacturers co uld be made to keep up production with a normal pay roll , with the a surance that during the transient stuting- up p eriod a ny losses, beyond a reasonable limit, wo uld be indemnified by the government. Tha t wo uld constitute a perfect a nalogue of the circula tion test. The amo unt tha t the government wo uld have to under write wo uld be or:! y <l frac tion of the amo unt involved in either of the plans tha t hiled. M a nagement ought to be satisfied , because continuous opera ti n is assured ; labor ought to be satisfied because stead y emp loyment is ass ured. O f course the actual details of such ,1 p lan p rese nt difli culties, but I t hink t hey could be surmounted. They a re no greater tha n arc .i nvolved in ordin ar y insura nce enterprises." Following D ean La ngsdor f's address, President Middlebush conferred the deg rees on 126 eniors, a nd D ean Wilson gave the graduates a short farewell address. T he distribution of the gradu ates is shown under the C lass of '43 in the A lumnu personals.

MINERS AND THE WAR John H owa rd H ell , '33, is a prisoner of the Japa nese a nd interned at the Sa nto M anto C amp in the P hili ppines, according to word received by his wife a nd his parents. Pat has been working in the PhiLippines fo r the past fo ur years as a min e superintend ent for one of the la rge go ld m ines the re. H e was last i n the States in 1941 . W a rren R ober t D anson , '41 , W,lS decorilted for his part in the ba ttle of the Solomon Islan ds, acco rdin g to news released by the W il l' D epa rtm e nt. 'V\l arren g r,lduated here in M ay , 1941, and immediately ente red t he Arm y A ir Corps. A . W . C la rkso n, '3 9, who was at his home in N ormand y, Missouri rece ntly o n furl o ugh was t he assista nt engineer on t he D estroyer M cFarla nd , covered in the leading fea ture ar ticl e in the Saturday Evenin l( Post, M a rch J 3, 194 3, where the adventures of the " M <lc" are rcl c: ted i n detail i n a most interesting article, a nd in ,vhich C lar kson's name is mentioned . N o doubt C larkson's e ngineering ingenuity was utili zed in repairing the M cFarland in the ma ki ng of it stce rin g gea r by splicing together telephone poles take n from a ] alx lnese telephone line. George M unroe, '40, was awarded t he sil ver meda l of the Arm y A ir C rps [ r his outsta ndi ng actio n in t he Aust ralia n a rea. R ay mo nd Boggs, ex '-+ 0, was also <riven dec rations by the Arm y Ai r Corps for heroic a nd outsta nd ing work in t he Aust rali an Battle Zone.

EASTERN SECTION ELECTS OFFICERS The Eas tern Sectio n has selected its offi cers for the coming year, those chose n being ; Chairm a n, Joseph H . R eid, '27, Natiom l Lcad C o mpa ny, 6 1 Broadway, N ew York C ity ; Secretary, E. A. Crawford, '29, Sperry Prod ucts, Inc. , 1505 W i ll ow avenue, H oboken , N ew Jersey; Treas urer, G lenn]. Christner, '22, EaglePicher Sales C ompan y, 42 0 Lexington avenue, N ew York City. Those presen t were ; D ean Curtis L. Wilson . Prof. S. A. Trengove. Josiah Bridge (ex-faculty ) . A. D. T errell , '98. Prof. H. R. H anley, 'O l. George A. Easley, '09 . M ark S. M azany, '09 . John S. Stewart, '10. H. K. Sherry, ' 12. G . F. M etz , ' 14 a nd Mrs. M etz. R. S. D ean, '1 6 and Mrs. D ea n. James L. H ead , ' 16. E. S. T ompkins, ex ' 16. C. E. Muehlberg, ' 17. H an ley H. W eiser, ' 18. M. S. Badollet, '2 l. G lenn ]. Christner , '22 . W. E. R emm ers, '23 a nd Mrs. R emmers. C. B. Kentnor, '24. A. W. W alker , '2 4. C apt. D aniel Kenned y, C orps of Engineers, '26 . J H. R eid , '27 and Mrs. R eid. Lt. C omdr. E. C. Mi ller (U.S.N. R.) , '28 . E . A. C rawford, '29 and Mrs. Craw for I. Ch ar les J Potter, '29. F. P. M cC ar th y, ex '29 and M rs. M cC arthy. ]. K. Richa rdson , '32 . E. W. G ieseke, ' 33. W. W. Kay, ' 33 . G . H. Musson, ' 33 . R einhar It Schuhma nn , ] 1'. , '33 . Lt. E. . Mi ller , ] 1'. (U.S .N .R. ) , '39 . Midship ma n W . P . Young, '3 9 and G uest. W. E. C rockett, ' 4l. W . R . Ingalls, '23 (Honoris Causa ) . H . A. Buchler , '2 5 " " U. C. T ainto n, '30 Mrs. W . 11. W eigle (Wifco f W. M . W eigle, '00 ) . Mrs. B. H. M oore (Wife of B. H . M oore, ex '2 3) . F rancis B. Foley. The foll owing were at t he AIMME meeting but were unable to atte nd the pa rty ; C . A. Burdick, ' 10. H. A. N e ustaedter, ' 16. V an H. mith , ' 10. F. S. Elfred, J1'., ' 17. P . ]. Boyer, '28.






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MSM ALUMNUS Issued quarterl y, in the interest of the graduates and former students of the School of Mines and M etallurgy. Subscription price 5'0 cents, included in Alumni Dues. E ntered as second-class matter O ctober 7, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri, under the A ct of M arch 3, 1879.

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Officers of the Association C ARL G. STIFEL , '16 J AM ES L. H EAD, ' 16


, a¡ 'crary, ienue Eagle: City.


.. . .... . . .. .. . . .... .. . . President ....... . .......... . Vice-President G UNNA RD E. J OH NSON, ' 16 ... . .. . .. . . . . Vi ce-Presiden t H OWA RD M. K ATZ , ' 13 .. . .. . . .... . . Se cretary-'T reasurer

WASHINGTON ALUMNI HOLD MEETING Efforts to hold an annual fall reunion of the Eastern Alumni have no t always been too successful. A n exception, however , was a dinner held at the Roger Smith H otel in W ashington, D.C. on N ov. 5' last. The following group of forty-six represented a class span of fifty -one yea rs and gave ample evidence of the part being played in the nation's affairs by successive generations of MSM graduates. Alumni vice-president James L. H ead p resided.

Page 3

John C . Miller, ' 16; Mrs. Miller. F. S. Elfred, ' 17 and guest. K. V. B. Rossman, ' 17. John M. M orris, ' 19 ; Mrs. M orris. N eal H am, '2 3. C apt. N ed Kraft, '2 7. E. J. Crum, '29; Mrs. Crum. ]. R. M cCarron, '32 . A. H. H esse, ' 33; Mrs. H esse. C. H. M cDonald , ' 35' ; Mrs. M cDonald. C apt. K. O. H anson, '36; Mrs. Hanson. Capt. E. B. Lanier , '38; Mrs. Lanier. Cap t. Stuart Dods, '39 ; Mrs. Dods. M. ]. Block, '42. R . H. Brouk, '42 and guest. I. L. Cherrick, '42. Lt. T. A. Hughes, '42 and guest. Jay K. Johnston, '42 and guest. H arry B. Smith, '42.


Sec y .-'Treas.

Arthur]. Stewart, '9 1; Mrs. Stewa rt and Miss Stewart.

Alumni A ssociation Rolla, M o.

V. H. Gottschalk , '98 . H. A. Grine, '04.

Dear Howa rd : My new address is,_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _

C . A. Burdick, ' 10; Mrs. Burdick. S. E. Hollister, ' 13. James H opkins, '1 3, Mrs. H opkins and two guests. R . S. Dean, ' 16; M rs. Dean . James L. H ead, ' 16.

M y present occupation is (list the name of the company and position held) _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __

ALUMNI PERSONALS 1895 Edward P. Dwyer is living at 323 W . 15th, Joplin , Missouri.

1899 E. T. Perkin 's address is 419 M offit avenue, Joplin, Missouri . He is now employed by the U.S. Bureau of Mines and is working out of the offi ce of M r. M cMillen here at Rolla, M issouri.

1904 Lewis A . Delano is living at 576 Kearsage avenue, Elmhurst, Illinois.

1907 Paul R. Cook is working on the Delaware Aqueduct for the city of N ew York . His residence is R.F.D. N o. 2, H opewell Junction, N ew York.

1909 H. G. S. Anderson and Mrs. Anderson were in Rolla the latter part of February to attend the wedding of their daughter, who WaS married to Paul Rothband , a senior in MSM . Their son, ' George, who was a freshman in MSM , accompanied them home, as he had been called into the Army.

1911 ]. P . Walker is a senior metallurgist at the U. S. Bureau of Mines Station in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His home address is 10 12 M ifflin ave nue, Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania.

1912 John R . Kenney is consulting min ing engi neer , 2132 N orth H alsted street, Chi cago, Illinois.

1913 James H opkins is with the Aluminum and M agnesium Branch, W ar Production Board. H e lives at 1310 N orth C ourthouse road , Arlington, V a.

1914 Enoch Ray N eedles is now lieutenant colonel in the Corps of Engineers in the Army. A ccording to information received here, he is stationed in W ashington, D.C.

1915 R . S. Dean was recentl y appointed asst. director, U.S. Bureau of Mines. H e is living at 5'32 20th street, W ashington, D.C. John W. Shotwell has resigned as manager , G ypsum Division, Certainteed Products C orp. and has left for Jedda, H edja 4, Saudi Arabia to serve as assistant general manager of the Saudi Arabian Mining Syndicate, Ltd .

1916 James L. H ead, Vice-President of the A lumni Association, has been elected chairman of the N ew York Section of the American Institute of Mining and M etallurgical Engineers. His address is 25' Broadway, Room 17 50, N ew York City, N .Y. C. E. Peterson who is in W ashington with the Boa rd of Economic W ar fa re, is living at 285' 4 Connecticut avenue, N .W .

1918 Edgar C . M . Burkhart is living at 10 12 M ain street in M cCook, N ebraska . E. Ross H ousholder is a captain at N ansemond Ordnance Depot at Portsmouth, Virginia. H e sends greeti ngs to the class of 19 18.


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1920 John L. H owendobler is located at 3800 S. Vermont ave nue, Los Angeles, California.

1921 C. ]. Millar, Capt. Sn. C ., is now at Bushnell H o pital, Brigham City, Utah.

1922 Irwi n W . A lcorn i li ving at 253 1 Swift, H ouston, T exas. ]. N. M cGiri is living at 2 136 So. T erwi lleger boulevard in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

1923 Donald S. T edford is with Rep ubli c Mining f:j' M fg. Co., in Bauxite, Ark. George A . Zeller is a lieutenant colonel in the Ordna nce Depa rtment, H q. 92nd In f., Ft. M cC lell an, A labama . E. A. Keeler died of a heart attack wh ile working in the engi ¡ neering departm ent of the Sea ttle-T acoma Shipyard on Sep tember 30,1942, according to word received from his famil y.

1924 John L. Andrews is living at 2 11 2 Shepherd treet, N.E. , W ashington, D .C. R obert C. Zeva llos may be reached at Box 277 , M ontclair, ew Jersey. H a rry ]. Beagles, Supt. of Zinc R oasters fo r the Anaconda Copper Mining Company at Great Falls, M ontana, died March 25, 1942, according to an announ cement in Mining and Metallurg)l. Beagles had bee n with Anileo nda sin ce 1924. N . M. Rountree works for the State H ighway Dept. His addre is P.O. Box No. 2 1, Crane, Mi ouri .

1925 Lore n ~

A. Fisher i emp loyed by the Nationill Carbon Co., In c., at Box 6087, Cleveland , Ohio. His home address is 2 189 W oodward avenue, Lakewood, Ohio. Frank N . Strong is working for the Springfield Auto Works; 150 1 Boonville street, Springfield, Missouri . His address is R.R . No.7, Springfield, Missouri. A dolp h H. Kuechler is factor y manager for the Waltham Gri nding Wheel Co., and lives at 258 Bacon street, Wa ltham , M a ach usetts. Charles C . Irving is making application for commi sion in the Navy. At present he is employed by the James Stewart Corp., who are constructing a steel p lant in Chicago for Rep ublic Steel Co. H e give the address Box 164, Peotone, Ill inois. Thomas E. Eagan is chief metallurgist of the C ooper-Bessemer Corp. at Grove City, Pa. Leonard Oliver W illiams, Jr., i tate Sanitary Engineer for the tate of W yom ing. His addres i Dept. of Public H ealth , Capitol Building, Cheyenne, W yoming.

1926 R. G. O'M eara, senior metal lurCfist of the U. S. Bureau of M ines, who has been stationed for some time at the Experimen t tation at the niver ity of Alabama , has heen tran fcrred to R olI,l. Boh tarted !lis work with the .S. Bureau of Mi ne en the cam pu here. M ,lJ or Dryden Hodge, form erl y ith General Electric Co., Schenectady , .Y. , IS on active duty as Chief, peration Branch, I nternational Division, offi ce of the Quartermaster General,Washin gton, D . . H e i living at 5615 O akmont avenue, Bethe da. Md .

1927 H. H. Ka\¡eler was the principal pea ker at a dinner meeting of the Gulf Coast Section of the American In titute of M ining and M etallurgical Engineers held in H ouston on December 8. Dr. Kavc!er is associated with the Phillip Petroleum Company at Bartle ville, Oklahonu.

ed O. Kraft, on duty with Hdqrs. S.O.S., Res. Div. Rm . 211 6, T emporar y " R " Bldg., W ashington, D .C., has recently been promoted to M ajor, Corps of Engineers. Hi residence is at 11 28 12th stree t, N.W . L. A . Cutter, formerl y w ith the A. P. Green Co., i now a lieutena nt in the Engi neers Corps and stationed somewhere in England . Clyde F. Boismenue is loca ted at 11 0 outh Central avenue, C lay ton, Mi souri .

1928 R obert Grantham is living in Butler, Indiana.

1929 F. E. Tucker is a capta in in the Corps of Engineers at M emphis, T ennessee. Thomas W . Ru bottom is living in Bea um ont, T exas. His street address is 2455 H arrison street. Philip H all Delano, fo rmerl y associate chemica l en ineer U.S. Bureau of M ines, Tusca loosa, Alabama, is now teachin a in the Chemical En aineering of M issouri School of Mine. H e"'h a recently joined the AIMME.

1930 Edward T. R egenhardt is now li ving at 22 15 Deming street in T erre H aute, Indi ana . In appl ying for membership in AIMME, W arren Lincoln H owes list himself as consulting enginee r, San Diego, Californi a. Erwin C. H oeman is now with the U.S. Burea u of Mine at R oll a, Missouri. His home address is 1208 Pine street. V erne Al exa nder is a regional engineer, U.S. W ea thE; r Burea u, Room 301, U.S. Court H ouse, Kansas City, Missouri. His home address is Rt. 8, N orth Kansas City, Missouri . ]. K. Richardson, secretar y of Tri-State Lead and Zinc, poke before the students of AIMME at the Missouri School of Mine on M arch 10. His subject was, " Mine Safety and H ealth ."


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Ralph S. Pa rk is living at 305 E. State treet, Athens, hio. Elmer]. Sperling is located in the U.S. Engineers Offi ce in Jacksonvi lle. Fl orida. . Lieut. Thomas F. Donl on, C.E.C., U .. N .R ., is in the Puhlic W or ks Offi ce, N aval Training Station, Great Lakes, Illinois. Hi residence address is 2 16 N orthwest street, W aukega n, Illinois.


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1932 John]. Livingston is a lieutenan t colonel somewhere in N orth Africa. R ay H. Runder gives his addre . a U.S. Engineers, P.O. Bldg., Galveston, T exas. Arthur Samuel M ackc is serving Uncl e Sam as a cap t~ in in _M . Regt. in NorthE'rn Ireland . Otto M . Andres, applyi ng for appoi ntment in Naval Reserve, gave the add ress 0 1 Oakland aven ue, Mt. V ernon, Illinois. John A. Pollak is attendin g evening clas es in the School of T echnology at the College f the City of ew York, ew York City, eW York . Arthur Connell Kroll i living at 97 49 S. Ellis avenue, Roseland Station, Chicago, IIl in i . Arthur]. H oeman may be reached at 3425 Fai rm ont, Apt. 6, Ri erside, Cali fornia .



1933 E. R. M ertz ha re igned from the faculty of tan ford niverity and is now metallurgi t and chief in pecto r for the United States Spring and Lum ber Co., Lo Angeles, Ca lifornia. Capt. Rex. E. Pinkley gi e his address a 14 3rd Inf., A.P.O. 36, Camp Edward , M ass. M ajor V ernon A she r aets hi mail at A.P.O. o. 3.n2, c/o Postmaster, ew York, ew York.




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Charles W. H olderbaum is living at 11 44 W ebster, T opeka, Kansas. Alfred H. H esse is living at 271 5 Lake avenue, C heverly, Maryland . W ord received from C. G. Rose states that his brother, Kenneth, has just completed a three-year contract in Bolivia and is now on vacation in Chile, South America. L. A. Hibbitts is an instructor Army Air Forces, C hanute ield , R antoul , Illinois. C. P . Ferbrache is loca ted at 4111 Yz " T " avenue, Galveston , T exas. A. H . H esse, mctallurgist, N ava l Research Labor atory, Anacosta Station, W as hi ngton , D .C ., is now living at 27 15 Lake avenue, Cheverl y, H yattsvi ll e, P.O ., Maryland . T. W. Hunt who is in charge of reports and labor relations at the Syracuse Army Air Base for the US. Engineer Offi ce, lives at 7 16 Lancaster avenue, Syr acuse, N.Y. George H. M usson, formerly with T ennessee Copper Co., is pow with General Chemical, Edgewa ter, N. ]. H ome address : 14 3 W. Grove Street, Bocata, N .].


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L. P . Tuttle has moved from R.F .D. N o. 2, Blairstown, N.]., and may be reached at Route 6, Chattanooga, T ennessee. M ason B. Larwood is living at 7758 Emerson road , W. Lanham H ills, M aryland. H e is employed as materials engineer with the office of the Quartermaster General, Room 11 06, T emporar y 1\ Bldg., W ar Dept., Extension 3277 in W ashington, D.C. Jack Gaston is with the A rmstrong C ork Co., Cincin nati, O . Jack E. Gaston is living at 639 N. Pearl , Joplin , Missouri.

1935 H oward T. Gibbons is an inspection engineer in the Tulsa Sub Office at 1308 H unt Building in T ulsa, Oklahoma. Aubrey ]. Boles is liv ing at 6 53 Brighton in El Centro, Calif. Donald ]. Doan has resigned his position in the Research Laboratory of Eagle Pitcher Lead Co., at Cincinnati and is now 1st lieutenant Chemical W arfare Service, Edgewood Arsenal, M aryland. H is mail address is 160 1 Penn avenue, Joplin, M o. C. W . Snyder is with the H anlon-W aters Co. in Tulsa, Okla.



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]. Clay Turk, assistant mechanica l engineer, Engineering & M aintenance Dept., Eastman Kodak Co., may be addressed at 250 M agee ave nue, Rochester, N.Y. Frank Leslie H illmeyer is living at 222 Papin ave nue in W ebster Groves, Missouri. E. ]. Daily gives the address, c/ o H oward , N eedles, T ammen & Bergindoff, Architect-Engineers, Fort Riley, Kansas. Ensign Arne K. P. H ermann may be reached at Box 3133 , H onolulu , Oahn, T. H. Donald A . Eaggleston is living at Arrow at M aple, Fontana, California. Milton Lagemann is an instructor in the Army Air Forces, Chanute Field, R antoul , Illinois.

1937 S. S. Post is a lieutenan t at Fort Dix, N ew Jersey. Robert L. El gin is livi ng at 22:1 E. Cowan road, H ouston, T exas. Willi am A. Kopp is living at 38 14a M cCree in St. Louis, M o. John P. Balke has been commissioned in the U S. N aval R eserve and will work in the O rdnance Bureau.

1938 Wm . C . Rea is now an aviation cadet in meteorology at the University of Chicago. Lewis D. Blish, now employed by the Boeing A ircraft Co. , gives the address, 10 15 Union street, Sea ttle, W ashington. M ajor Belding H. M cCurdy, F .A. , is an instructor in the Field Artillery School at Fort Sil l, O klahoma. H is ho me address is 1709 M aple, Law ton, Okla.

Orvid ]. H oltman is living at M exico, Missouri, where he is county survcyor and ex-offi cio highway engineer. C adet]. G. Miller is located at San Antonio A viation Center , San Antonio, T exas. Shiou Chuan Sun is doing graduate work at MIT, his add ress being G radu ate H ouse, MIT, Cambridge, M assachusetts. ]. W . H owerton was in R olla on Jan. 20 on his honeymoon, having been married to Miss C larellen Mulligan of Cicero, Illinois on Jan. 16. Joe and his bride will make their home at 248 W ashington boulevard , C hicago, Illinois. H e is emp loyed by the W estern Electric Co. in the metallurgica l engineering department. James B. W eaver is living at 160 1 South 4th treet, A lhambra, C alifornia. Kenneth]. Stedelin can be reached by General Deliver y, Little Rock, Arkansas. H enry O . Steinmetz, is living at 926 Wilmington avenue, St. Louis, Missouri. Richard G. Prough is an ensign at the School of Phot. In ., N aval Air Station, A nacostia, D .C. Charles Lee Clayton is working for the Columbia Steel Co. in Los Angeles, C alifornia. F. A. W onn is living at 340 W . M aple, Jeffersonville, Indiana. J. Russell Bircher is senior chemical engineer, Plan ts Division, at the Edgewood, M d. Arsenal. His home address is 25 W ebster avenue, Bel A ir, M aryland.

1939 George ]. Decker is an aviation cadet with the U.S. Army Air Force, C adet Advanced T raining Center N o. 1 at Yale Univer sity, N ew H aven. ]. Wil bur Aittamais is metallurgist with the Wisconsi n Axle, Division of T imken Detroit A xle C o., Oshkosh, Wisconsin . M. A . Jeffers is now an aviation cadet in meteorology at the University of Chicago. V ernon A . Sander is Ji vi ng at 6159 Suburban avenue, St. Louis, M issouri. Wm . C. H arbour is traini ng with the 63 rd Bat. of the N avy Sea Bees ; he will apply for a comm ission as soon as he completes his training. R . P. H aviland, US.N .R. , is at the N aval T rai ning School (Radar) , Bowdoin College, Brunswick, M aine. His home address is 19 18 Blodgett, H ouston, T exas. Robert M. Stewart was p romoted to a captain on Dec. 25. H e is now stationed with the Army Air Corps at M iami, Florida. John H. Livingston is a major at C amp Polk, Louisiana, 5'6 Armored, Engineer Bn. Almon Erle (Dusty) Rhodes has enlisted in the Army Air Corps for M eteOlCology and is at N ew York U ni versity for his traini ng. H is address is N ew York University, University H eights, N ew York City, ew York. Mr. Lawrence A . R oe is plan ni ng to be a meteorologist in the armed forces. H e gave his address as Box 768, Trona, California. R aymond E. H offman , Jr., is production liaison engineer with Wright A eronautical Corp., in Patterson, N ew Jersey. William R . Brannock is employed by the St. L. S-W . Ry. Co. in T yler , T exas. John V . C ramer is livi ng at Keller Lane, T uscumbia, A la. Pernell J M oore is an obser ver , Seismograph Service Corp., 709 Kennedy Bldg., Tulsa, O kl ahoma. His home address is Box 63 1, Doniphan , Missouri. R . P. Dieffenbach who is with the A luminum Co. of A merica, lives at 13494 C lifton road, Lakewood, Ohio.

1940 T hurman M . Thomas is living at 809 V ine stree t in Poplar Bluff, Missouri. George Ll oyd Chedsey may be reached at Ohio State Univer sity, c/o Mr. C hedsey at Columbus, Ohio.


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V ernon K. Burrows is living in Clay City, Il linois. H erman B. Schmid is living at 2 12 Elmwood p lace, Austin, T exas. Sec. Lieut. Paul F. R oss is app lying for engineer offi cer training with the Arm y Air C orps. H e gives S.A.A.F. , Stuttgart, Arkansas, as his address . Ivan M. Niedling, who is app lying for naval commission, is in Law renceville, Illinois. John W. M etcalf was with W aters-C onley C o., 50 1 First avenue N. \ V ., R ochester , Minn. George Chedsey, R oy Anton Fleschner, Will iam H. Burgin, Alla n]. Ki esler , and G eorge Fort are aviation cadets with the U .S. Arm y Air Force, Cadet Ad va nced Training C enter N o.1 at Ya le University, N ew H aven. ]. C. Leslie is emp loyed by the Consumers Cooperative A ssociation as chief chemist in N orth Ka nsas City, Missouri. His home address is 18 17 Ha wthorn , Independence, Missouri . R obert W. M cD arla nd is now a n aviation cadet in meteorology at the University of Chicago . R alph E. Kelley, Jr. , is p lant engineer of the United States Gypsum Co. in Genoa, Ohio. R . A. Fleschner , formerl y with the C arnegie Illinois Steel Co., Youngstown , Ohio, has Join ed the Air Corps. Guy Brown can be reached at Box 2171 , Tu lsa, Ok lahoma. Huey Summ ers is living at 455 Livingston avenue in Livingston , N ew Jersey. Fra;;ier M cV ale (Mac ) Stewart is now an ensign in the Nav y and statio ned at Pearl H arbor, T erritor y of Hawaii. C olin G. Rose is now a 1st lieutenant, ADC, and is stationed with the 79th Division in T ennessee. John F. R eed , now with the M cD onnell Aircraft C orporation as a time stud y and methods engineer , lives at 3509a Watson road, St. Louis, Missouri. Lt. T. W. Kell y is no'vV in North Afri ca. Arthur W eber, Jr. , who is with the Bethlehem Supply Co. , Box 2 17 1, Tulsa, Oklahom a, is applying for a commission in the M arines. T. R ex Alford, who has been with the M ene Crande Oil C ompany at Barcelona, V enezuela, was on the campus on Jan. 24. R ex is on militar y leave and expects to be called to active duty as 2nd lieutenant with the army in the near future. In the meantim e, he is at his home at Buffalo, Missouri. H oward M. Kat;;, Jr. , is wor kin g for the T ennessee V a lley Authority. His address is Box P , Bayson City , North Carolina.

1941 Kermit F. Livingston who has been stationed at St. Joseph , Missouri , is now located at R oll a, Missouri with the US. Geological Survey. Clinton N ewman is living a t 17911 D orchester , C leveland , Ohio. Kene eth L. H ardine is back a t R oll a, emp loyed by the United States G eologica l Survey. R oy William G raves, Jr. , may be reached at Sa nta M aria Lonpec, Arm y Air Base, Sa nta M aria, Ca lifornia. G eorge M a ll otte Pace is living at 6607 -99 street, Forest Hil ls, N ew York . John H . Shankl and is living at 6308 7th avenue, Kenosha , Wisconsin . M . E . N evins is chief casting engineer for the Ampco M etal Corp , Mil waukee, Wisconsin . His address is Box 37, R .R . No . 4, Waukesha, Wisconsin . G eorge M. Pace is a civil engineer in the North Atl antic Divisio n Engineer O ffi ce, 270 Broadway, N ew York City, N ew York. H is home add ress is 66-07 99th street, Forest Hills, N ew York. Lt. Fred W. Finley is now in N orth Afri ca.

H. T. James, naval aviator, gives a temporary address, V 51D4, C ape M ay, N ew Jersey. W . E. Crockett, 68 P rospect street, Trenton , N.]., is ceramic engineer for United C lay Mines C orp. Jack Shankland and H arold Schroeder are now aviation cadets in meteorology at the University of Chicago. Alfred W. A llen was called to active service in Air Corps. C ap t. Virgil O. Becker is with the 374th Engr. Bn. at Camp H ood , T exas. Sec. Lieut. Leroy A llen is on the staff and faculty, Engineer School at Fort Belvoir, Virginia.




John Smith, Jr. is living at 329 N orth Pine avenue, Austin Station, Chicago, Illinois. John K. Olsen, AAFTTC CATC # 1, may be reached at Room 17 65, Si ll iman College, N ew Haven , C onnecticut. . W e lby M. Kin g is a lieutenant in the Army on overseas duty. Mi les W . Proctor is workin g for the US. Geological Survey, Post Office Building, Fort Smith, A r kansas. M erl yn Block is assistant engineer in the Fire Control Section of the U.S. N avy Department in Washington, D.C. H is home ad dress is 1337 T aylor street, N.W. , Washington , D.C. Bailey W. Hagar visited the campus on February 16. Bailey is now 2nd lieutenant with 374th Engr. Bn. at Camp Hood, T exas, where he is a personnel officer. R ex H opkins is working for the North America n Aviation Compa ny at Kansas City, Kansas. William Lee Poll ock is now a midshipman in the US. Naval R eserve. His address is US.S. Prairie State, 131 street and North River , N ew York City, Section 57. Gene Myron V eale is now a midshipman in the US. N aval R eserve. His address is US.S. Prairie State, 13 1st street and N orth River , N ew York City, Section 57. G eorge V. Bradshaw is mechanical engineer , Special Appara¡ tus Engineerin g Div., R.C.A. Mfg. C o, Camden , N ew Jersey. H e may be addressed at 305 Park ave nue, C oll ingswood, N. ]. M elvin C. Flint, makin g ap plic,ation for commission in Navy, gives the address 4 511 20th street N.E ., Sea ttle, Washington. Fred Olde is located in Room 2672 , Sterling Law, N ew Haven, C onnecti cu t. John W. R ayl visited the campus in early Februar y. Johnny is now 1st lieutenant with C o. B, 3 10th Engr. Bn. , Camp Shelby, Mississippi , A.P.O. # 85 F. Bloomberg, .J. Brinkman , W. Busch , G. Grayer , L. Grimm , .J. Mitchell and A. Stewart are taking a graduate trainin g course at the Allis- Chalmers Manufacturin g C o., Milwaukee, W isconsin. Jacques W il liam Z oller is stud ying at the US. Naval Acad emy at Annapolis, M aryland. His address is Brancroft Hall , Room 4239 . Gordon Engle, who is working for G enera l Motors at Detroit, has moved to 5' 510 W oodward , Detroit, Michigan. Thomas A. Jones is w ith the US. Burea u of M ines at Little R ock, Arkansas. His address is 110 1 W est 24th street. Lt. H. W. H aas is now in N orth Africa . First Lieut. Joseph C. Knittel visited the campus on Dec. 21, 1942. H e is now d.t Ft. Ri ley, Kansas. His add ress is C o. A, 9th Armored Engr. Bt., A.P.O. 25 9. Win son Berdette Kehr gives his address as 516 S. Linden avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa . Fritiof M . Bloomber g, graduate engineer, A llis-Cha lmers Mfg. Co., recently changed status in AIMME from student associate to junior member. ~ Evere tt J Birch, junior shift boss, Braden Copper Co., Ran cagua, Chi le is cha nging his A IMME sta tus from student associate to junior member. C larence (Ga bby) Stevens gives his address as 847 N ewton street, Lawrence Park, Erie, Penn sylvania. '


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Jack N evi n is worki!lg at the Sm all Arms Plant of the United Cartridge Co. in St. Louis, Missouri. Robert M . Dunham is working as a chemica l engineer at the Borger Refinery of the Phillips Petroleum Co. in Phillips, T exas. Box No. 1495. Nicholas Mushovic is now employed by the Caterpillar T ractor Company in Peoria, Illinois. Joseph B. Schmitt is chemical engineer, Butadiene Division of ~ e Koppers United Co., at Pittsburgh, Pa. . Joe Forinash has been at North American A via tion at Kansas City, Kansas, since June, 1942. E. A . R assinier is in Kansas City now working on a new plant for Phillips Petroleum . Hugh Clark, 98 Tu xedo aven ue, H aw thorne, N.]. H arry Blaine Smith is employed by the Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D .C., and is li ving at 1408 2 1st street. Ralph Brown is living at the sa me address. Virgil Allen Smith is in offi cers training in the M arine Corps. First Lieut. Roland S. Burberry has been in North Africa sin ce N ov. 18. Address : Co. F, 175th Engrs., A.P.O. 668, c/ o Postmaster, N ew York City, N ew York. First Lieut. Paul Kloeris is with the 310th Engr. Bn. at Camp Shelby, Mississippi. Russell Willi am H oll ander was commissioned an ensign in the US. Naval Reserves at the N ava l Air Training Center at Corpus Christi, T exas, January 29, 194 3. Wm. F. M cConnell writes that he is now an aviation cadet in M eteorology at the University of Chicago. W. ]. La'wler is in tlle extrusion division, Aluminum Co. of America, N ew Kensington, Pa., address Aluminum C lub. John M. O lsen, Fred W. Olde, Robert M . Brackbill , Gene Gottschalk , and Kenyan V. H arrington are aviation cadets with the US. Army Air Force, C adet Advanced Train ing Center # 1 at Yale University, N ew H ave n. Ra.lph L. N eubert has applied for a commission in the Navy.

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1943 M orris E. Allen is in the US. Naval Reserve. H e held a temporary job in St. Louis for two or three months after graduation. William R . Anderson is in the US. Army, Corps of Engrs., Ft. Belvoir, Virginia, Officers Candidate School. H omer Jerome Ballinger (Homer Jerome W eaver) is working for US. Bureau of Mines . Ewin H arvey Barnett is in the Engineers Corps of the US . Army at Ft. Belvoir, Virginia, Officers Candidate School. M aurice O. Bellis works for W estinghouse Electric in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Joseph Paul Berndt, Jr. , is in the Engineers Corps of the US. Army at Ft. Belvoir, V a., Offi cers C andidate School Earl Edward Biermann is in the N avy Air Corps. Richard C. Brackett is in the Army, stationed at Fort Leonard Wood. Elmer Ray Brown is with the North American Aviation Co. in Kansas City, Kansas. Edson S. Bumps is working for the Republic Steel Corp. in the South Chicago p lant in Chi cago, Illinois. Edmund Charles Burke is employed by the Alumi num Comnany of America in N ew Kensington, Pa. James Vincent C arroll works for the Aluminum Company of America in M assena, N ew York . Douglas N eldon Christensen is in the Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, at Ft. Belvoi r, Virginia , Offi cers Candidate School. Richard Kent Comann is working fo r Republic Aluminum Co. in Arkansas, P.O. Box 275. Donald James Coolidge is in the US. Army, Corps of Engineers, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, Offi cers Candidate School. Oscar Lee Davis, Jr. is empl oyed by the Aluminum Compan y in M asse na, N.Y. A lbert S. DeV alve is with the Arm y Air Force.

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W aldemar M artin Dressel is working for the US. Bureau of Mines in R olla, Missomi. Fred Edwin Dreste, Jr. is employed by General Electric in Schenectad y, N ew York. Ahmet Servet Duran has taken up graduate study at Stanford University in Stanford University, C alifornia. H oward William Durham is with the Corps of Engineers in the United States Army at Ft. Belvoir , V a., Offi cers Candidate School Clyde Antony Durph y is working for the York Ice M achine Corp ., York, Pa. His address is 730 Village road, York, Pa. Sterling H. Durst is emp loyed by Curtiss-Wright in Louisville, Kentucky. Robert Anthony Eck was hired by C onsolidated Aviation Corp. as stress analyst at Fort Worth , T exas. Joe William Eisman is emp loyed at Consolidated Aircraft, Ft. W orth, T exas, 512 Lamar street. Ralph Elsea works for the Genera l Chemica l Co. in East St. Louis, Illinois. Jack Edward Fleischli is now working as a stress engineer at Laister-Kauffmann Aircraft C orporation , St. Louis, ' M o., 5560 Oakland avenue, until he is called in the N aval R eserves, V -7. Fred George Fleschner is employed by the N orth American A viation Company in Grand Prairie, T exas. V ernon E. Flessa is working for the General Electric. H arold William Flood works for the Freeport Sulphur Co. in Freeport, T exas. Edward Steve Fris is with the Marines. H ome address : Box 586, Orient, Illinois. V ernon Adolph Gehrer is working for Curtiss-Wright, Patterson, N ew Jersey. Owen Albert Gensman was hired by the Consolid ated Cop permines C orp. in Kimberly, N evada. William H enr y Gimson, Jr. is employed by Curtiss-Wright in Patterson, N ew Jersey. William Singleton Gray, Jr. is with the US. N avy Air Corps. Thomas Earl G regory is employed by the Aluminum Company of America in Cleveland, Ohio. M ervin Dwight Gunselman works for the General Electric Company in Schenectad y, N.Y. T heodore Roosevelt H adley is sta ying at his home address now : 4347 Gi ll ham road, Kansas City, Missouri. H e is working at North American Aviation. H e is planning to enter an offi cers' school under the V -7 program. Robert Lansing H anna is with the General Electric Company in Erie, Pennsylvania. Robert Elmer H lrtleb is employed by Curtiss-Wright in Patterson, N.]. , as a service engineer . Otto Fred H einicke is planning to join the army. Erwin Elliott H enderson is with the A luminum Company of America, Division of Aluminum Research Labs., East St. Louis, Illinois. Sherald F. H eneghan is in the Corps of Engineers, US. Army, Ft. Belvoi r, V a., Officers Candidate School. Leo William H igley is working for the W estern Electri c Co. in Chicago, Illinois. H arold Rowland Hill works for the W estinghouse Electric in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Theophilus Joseph H oby is with the Republic Steel C o. at the South Chicago p lan t in Chicago, Illinois. John Charles H oey is employed by the General Electric in Erie, Pennsylvania. Wil liam George H offmann is employed by the North Ameri ca n Aviation Inc. in Kansas City, Kansas. James Corneliu s Johnson is with the M onsanto Central Research La. bs. in Dayton, Ohio. H arold N athan Johnston is employed by Rosiclare Lead and Fluor8par Mining Co., Rosiclare, Illinois.

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Philip R ay mond Judkin s~s now at Columbia University for midshipman training. His address i Furnold Hall , C olumbia University, N ew York City, N ew York. Roy L. Kackley is in the Corps of Engineers in the U.S. Army at Fort Belvoir, V a. , Officer C andidate School. W arren Albert Kadera works for W agner Electric, St. Louis, Missouri. H ome ad dress : 5333 Sunshine drive, St. Louis, Mo. H erbert Saul Kalish is with Carnegie-Ill. ¡Steel Corp., Gary W orks, Gary, Indiana. His address is 432 Jefferson street, G ary, Indiana. R ay mond Olive r Kasten is employed by Curtiss-Wright Co., Airplane Division, Jr. Engineer , St. Louis, Missouri. Home ad dress : 40 1 W esley a ven ue, Ferguson, Missouri . Edwa rd Charles Kell er works for the Republic Steel Co., South Chicago pl an t, Chicago, Illinois. Ed ward Thomas Kendall is in the U.S. Navy. Enos Lee Key is in the U.S. Arm y, C.E. at Ft. Belvoir, Va. , Offi cers C andida te School. Frederick C arter Kibler is employed by the N orth Americ<ln A viation, Kansas City, Kansas. Frederick M eredith Kiburz. is emp loyed by the N orth American A viation Inc., Kansas City, Kansas. William Edward Klund is with the Gener al Motors, A. C . Spark P lug Division, Flint, Michigan. Francis M arion Krill works for the Aluminum Co. of America in Cleveland , Ohio. Cl yde H enry Krummel is with the Bethlehem Steel Co. ill Beth lehem, Pennsylvania. H enry Kurusz. is employed by the M onsanto Chemical Co. in St. Louis, Missouri . Clarence Arthur Lambelet is in the Corps of Engineers in the U.S . Army at Ft. Belvoir, V a., Offi cers.Candidate School. Bruce Randolp h Landis is in the Corps of Engineers in the U.S . Army at Ft. Belvoir, V a., Officers C andidate School. Leonard N athanael Larson is with the H amilton Standard Propellers, E. H artford, Connecticut or in the Army Air C orps. John Grisham Leming is a test engineer in the General Electric, Erie, Pennsylvania. H oward B. Lil ey works for Bethlehem Steel, Lackawa nna plant, Lacka wanna, N ew York. Franklin Leroy M cCutchen's address is C o. E, 803 Sig. Tr. Rgt. , Fort M on mouth , Red Bank, N ew Jersey. Leonard R ay M cGowen is employed by the Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville, Okl ahoma .. Frederick Richard M cKnight is in the Corps of Engineers, U .S. Army, For t Belvoir, V a., Officers C andidate School. H orace Little M agee III is in the C orps of Engineers in the U.S. Arm y at Ft. Belvoir, V a., Offi cers Candidate School. M arion Kenn eth M ain works for the North American Aircraft as an engi neer trainee in Kansas City, Kansas. Gene Shap ley M artin is in the Signal C orps of the Army, For t M onmouth, R ed Bank, N ew Jersey. John Anthony M azz.o ni works for the C onsolidated Aircraft Inc., in Ft. W orth , T exas. Kenneth Elmer M eyer is in the Navy Air Corps. O rvill e Leslie M eyer is empl oyed by the N orth America n A viation Inc. , in Kansas City, Kansas. Gideon R ussc ll M eyers is with the North Am erica n A vi,ltion in Kansas City, Ka nsas. R ober t V erno n Milton works in the A luminum Resea rch Lab. in th ~ Aluminu m Company of Am eri ca in N ew Kensin gton, Pa. Kenneth H crz.og M ooney is in the Cor ps of Engineers, U.S . A rmy, For t Belvoir, Vi rginia, O ffi ccrs Candidate School. H arold O liver Ol sen is employed by the Bethlehem Steel Co, Corn wail, Pennsylvania. Joh n H enr y O lson works for the A meri can M ag nesium Co. Kemal Ali Ozka! is taking graduate work at Stanford U ni versity at Sta nfo rd University, California.

Ahmet Pekkan is taking graduate work at Stanford Univer¡ sity at Stanford University, C alifornia. Ira Lindley Perkins is in the U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Fort Belvoir, Va., Officers Candidate School. Arthur Lewis Petersen is in the U. S. Army with the U. S. A rmy Engineers at Fort Belvoir, Va., Officers Candidate SchooL James Higbie Polhemus is in the U.S . Coast Guard . H erman William Pracht is employed in the M et. Dept. , Fabri cating Division in the Aluminum Co. of America in Massem N ew York. Ambrose Ensley Pritchard is in the A rmy Air Force. Patrick Donovan Quinn is employed by U.S. C artridge Co. 111 St. Louis, Missouri. Frederick John R adavich is a metall urgical engineer in the M etailurgical Research Lab. of General Electri c in Schenectad y, N ew York. Keith White R adcliffe is a U .S.N.R. aviation cadet. Rene Krebs R asmussen. is in the 4th Platoon, C o. W2 8-2, 3rd Engr. School Rgt., Fort Belvoir, V a. Jack Allen Reed is in C o. K 28-2,3 rd Engr. School Rgt., Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Franklin C lare Rehfeld is in the Corps of Engineers in the U.S . Army at Ft. Belvoir, Va ., Officers C andidate School. Lewis Edward Rosser is working for the Repub lic Steel Co. in the South Chicago plan t in Chicago, Illinois. Emil Thomas Ruhle is in the U.S. Army Signal Corps, Fort M onmouth , Red Bank, N ew Jersey. John C arl Schilling is in the Corps of Engineers in the U. S. Army at Fort Belvoir, V ,'.. , Offi cers Candidate SchooL Joseph Schmitz. is in- the Plas tics Division of the M onsanto Chemical Co. in Springfield, M assachusetts. Leon Bangert Schwab is in the U.S. Navy. Otho Randolph Self is emp loyed by the W estinghouse Electric and M fg . Co. in Pittsb urgh, Pa. AJdress : 504 M ohaw k, N or wood , Pennsylvania. Clifton John Seymour is with the Shell Oil Corp . in W ood River , Illinois. Donald H enry Short is in the U.S. N avy. Gabriel George Skitek is an instructor in the Signal Corps at MSM. Address : 407 E. 11 th , Rolla, Missouri. Leo Gradon Spinner is in the U.S. Army, 6th Platoon Co. W 28-2, 3rd Engr. School Regt ., Fort Belvoir, Va . Donald Jay Studebaker is employed by the N orth America n Aviation in Kansas City, Kansas. Address : 500 E. 44th street, Kansas City, Missouri . Cornelius Stueck is with the U.S. Army Engineers in the U.S. Army at Ft. Belvoir, V a., Officers C andidate School. George Harding Thomas is in the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, Fort Belvoir, Va. , Offi ce rs Candidate School. George L. Tuer , Sr. is working in the Research Laboratories in the Aluminum Co. of America in N ew Kensington, Pennsylvania. R obert Norm an Underhill is in the N avy. Ed win O liver V andeven is employed by the General Electric in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Edward Paul V ol!herbst is cmp loyed by the W estinghouse El ectric and Mfg. Co. in the main offi ce of E. Pittsburgh, Pa. W arren Julius W agert is a Junior engineer in the Shell Oil Co. His address is 50 W . 50 th street, N ew York City, N ew YOl'F Carl Julius W eis is in the Army Air Corps. Willis Whitfi eld is working for Curtiss-Wright in St. Louis, Missouri . John Louis W iedey is in the Corps of Engineers, U.S. Arm y, Ft. Belvoir, V a., Officers C andidate School. Frederick Charles Wrobbe l is employed by the O live r Iron Mining Co. in Coleraine, Minn . His post offi ce box number is 151. Victor Hubert Zoll er is awai ting call under the V -7 program of the N avy. H e is now working for the A tl an tic Refining Co., Tulsa, Okl ahoma. H ome address : 26 J 9 S. Peori a <lvenue, Tulsa .

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